Han Yuxi 250-259

Han Yuxi 

            Chapter 250 爵爵(2)

            Old Madam knew that Han Jingdong had let the prince hold the hand of the buddha, and then said to Luo Mama:
            "Let people call Jianming over."
            Soon, Luo Mama is back:
            "Old Madam, Noble Heir is not in the house. But I have already left, Noble Heir will come back to see Old Madam if he comes back."
            Old Madam snorted, then closed his eyes and began to chanting.
            Luo Mama sighed slightly. If Noble Heir hits the prince, I don't know if Ye-shi will come to a big cleaning. Ye-shi is not 1st Madam, 1st Madam is not a man of power, but Ye-shi is a man with wrists and ambitions. Once Ye-shi becomes the hostess of Duke House, it is definitely necessary to place his own power and control Duke House. Of course, when Old Madam was in, Ye-shi didn't dare to go too far. Once Old Madam is gone, they will definitely not be able to stay in the mansion again.
            After Yu-Chen got the news, he meditated and asked,
            "Gui Mama, do you think this has anything to do with Yu-Xi?"
            Gui Mama asked strangely:
            "How do you say this?"
            Yu-Chen can't say it, it's just an intuition:
            "Mama, the beauty of Concubine, you should know. With the Yu-Xi temperament, you will definitely not sit still. But for a long time, Yu-Xi is not heard, which does not match the Yu-Xi temperament. Yu-Chen suspected that Yu-Xi encouraged Han Jianming to win the title.
            This suspicion is also based on her understanding of Yu-Xi.
            Gui Mama shook his head:
            "Miss, there is no evidence, this can not be said indiscriminately. Again, this is Your Grace own fold to say that to let the lord, not Noble Heir want to win the title." Let and win, the word difference, the day The difference between the capsules.
            Yu-Chen thought about it and stood up:
            "Go to Taoranju." Although she knew that she couldn't get an answer to Taoranju, she still had to go.
            When it comes to Taoranju, Yu-Xi is embroidering the hijab.
            The earth was burned in the house, warm and comfortable, and the hands were flexible. Just now, just now, Yu-Xi bowed his head and embroidered the head.
            Zi-Su said something difficult:
            “3rd Miss, my family Miss is embroidering the hijab.
            This hijab has been embroidered and dissatisfied, which will not be easy to get in trouble.” Yu-Xi is very strict with the embroidery, can not let her own satisfaction, would rather not be destroyed.
            Yu-Chen said:
            "I am waiting for her." The dowry embroidered by Yu-Xi has not been shown to outsiders. Except for Qiu-shi, others have not seen it.
            This is the case, people in Duke House also said that the 4th Miss embroidered dowry is unparalleled. Where is the foundation of Yu-Xi? It is also embroidered for myself. It can be bad!
            This is half an hour.
            Yu-Xi has a dry eye, which puts down the needlework. I heard Yu-Chen coming over and complained:
            "Why don't you call me earlier? It hurts 3rd sister to wait so long."
            Yu-Chen said this with a smile:
            "It doesn't matter, it's not a bad time. Yu-Xi, how long will your hijab be embroidered? Give me a look after the embroidering. Speaking, I haven't seen your wedding dress yet!" Yu- Chen’s wedding dress house has not been sent over, and it is estimated that it will take another two days. However, Yu-Chen didn't have much expectation for his wedding dress. Anyway, the style was there, and I don't have to look at it. It is Yu-Xi wedding dress, Yu-Chen is very curious.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "When I embed the hijab, I will show it to my 3rd sister again." Yu-Xi is still confident in her own wedding dress, which makes people look amazing and spent more than half a year. Embroidered wedding dress, not surprising, I am sorry for that hard work.
            After talking about the wedding dress, Yu-Chen talked about the case of Han Jingdong’s appointment:
            "Yu-Xi, what do you think about the big uncle appointment?"
            Yu-Xi knows that Yu-Chen is nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall, laughing and saying:
            "For me, it is no different between Your Grace and Big Brother." For Yu-Xi, Han Jianming is more beneficial to the squad. Because everyone knows that Han Jianming hurts her. For Yu-Chen, the uncle is Your Grace and the cousin is Your Grace, but the meaning is different.
            Yu-Chen smiled and said:
            "This is true. But what is strange is that the uncle is still so young, how can he think about letting the lord?"
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said that he did not know:
            "Why, why would you let me know that I don't know. But anyway, I haven't been at home for a long time, and I don't care about it. It doesn't matter if this title is for him. But the big brother is a sergeant. It may be more convenient to act later." Said:
            "But even if the court agreed to let the big brother attack the lord, it will take a while." Yu-Chen was married in less than a month, and Han Jianming attacked the prince and could not affect her.
            Yu-Chen knew from the beginning that it was impossible to get the words from Yu-Xi, and I was not disappointed. Now I shifted the topic and talked about Chen Ran. In the spring of March, Chen Ran is ready to go:
            "Chen 2nd Master has always been very good at learning, and it is the last time to solve the problem, definitely on the list."
            Yu-Xi naturally knows that there is no problem. In the past, even if you have changed your life, you will not be able to go anywhere:
            "I also asked my older brother. Big Brother said that with Chen's 2nd Master's skills, dimethyl is definitely no problem, I hope he can play well when he takes the test, and he can't be allowed to enter the top!" More rarity.
            Yu-Chen heard this and couldn’t help but laugh and said:
            "If Chen 2nd Master can be admitted to a team, then you will have a face when you marry." One, even if it is a flower lang, is also a great thing for Yu-Xi. Although the power of Taining Houfu is heavy, Chen Ran is the second son after all, not the eldest son, and cannot inherit the title. Most of his future, he still has to rely on himself.
            The two said a little for a long time, and it was time to open the meal. Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "3rd sister, eat here at noon!"
            Yu-Chen smiled and refused:
            "Next time!" Recently, the food used was carefully prepared by Sand Mama. It is not good to eat here at Yu-Xi, afraid of what he has to hedge.
            After Yu-Chen left, Yu-Xi suddenly remembered that she hadn’t paid attention to Jiang’s affairs for a long time, and she didn’t know what Jiang’s family is now:
            "Zi-Su, is Jiang Qi Jiang Qi a relative?"
            Asking Jiang Qi is always better than asking Jiang Hongjin directly.
            Zi-Su is a bit strange:
            "How did Miss think of her coming?"
            It is really that Yu-Xi has very little dealing with Jiang Qi.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "I just didn't know how to think of her when I chatted with my 3rd sister. I remember that she still played chess with me!"
            Zi-Su didn't think much, said:
            "Jiang Miss did not decide his pro, that is, his brother Jiang Hongjin did not set a relative, but I heard that the Jiang family is very lively."
            Yu-Xi is very interested in this topic and asks:
            "How come a lively law?"
            Zi-Su said:
            “Jiang Madam is always in trouble with Jiang’s 1st Young-Nai-Nai. Just getting married is going to Jiang 1st Nai-Nai. But I didn’t expect Jiang 1st Nai-Nai to be too weak to bear this bitterness. When I was waiting for Jiang Madam, I fainted to the ground."
            Yu-Xi laughed:
            "What time? Why don't I know?"
            She has never heard of this.
            Zi-Su Said:
            "Miss didn't ask me at the time, I didn't say it. In the middle of last year, Jiang 1st Nai-Nai was pregnant, and Jiang Madam sent two Yatou to ‘Laozi Jiang. As a result, one of Servant got a sigh of relief. I almost lost the 1st Nai-Nai in the river. For this matter, the mother of Jiang 1st Nai-Nai and the sister-in-law went to the Jiang family for a good time." This incident was promoted, Jiang Ma The reputation of dam instantly sweeps the streets.
            Yu-Xi smiled very comfortably:
            "This river 1st Nai-Nai is a good means." If there is not enough means, it is impossible to make it so sloppy.
            Zi-Su is so happy to see Yu-Xi, and can't help but think that Jiang Jia Madam has offended his own Miss. Regardless of what she thinks, she can’t remember:
            "The reputation of Jiang Madam is broken, which directly affects the marriage between Jiangjia 2nd Master and Jiang Qi Miss." With such a mother, others will doubt the education of their children.
            Yu-Xi smiles more and more brilliantly:
            "Not necessarily. As long as Jiang Hong Jin Chun's performance is good, Miss's marriage is not good. However, Jiang Qi marriage is certainly not easy." Jiang Qi is a proud person, last life in-Shi She picked the eldest son of the military secretary, and she picked out all kinds of problems.
            The reputation of this life-Shi is broken, and Jiang Qi high marriage is impossible. Allowing Jiang Qi to marry is equal to her life. As for Jiang Hongjin, she has already decided to kiss her, and the scourge will not harm her.
            Han Jianming came back from the outside and did not need anyone to inform him. He went directly to the upper house to see Old Madam. Han Jianming is very clear that Old Madam will not believe that he will automatically give him the title.
            Sure enough, when Old Madam saw Han Jianming, he asked:
            "What is going on with the lord? Don't tell me, is it that you will give you the title when you think about it?"
            This kind of thing is that Qiu-shi, who lacks the roots, will not believe it, let alone her.
            Han Jianming thought about it early:
            "The Grandmother, the right minister of the Ministry of War is up to the age of the year, and he is going down in the middle of the year. I want to find the position, but my current identity is not enough." Han Jianming is an excuse. He wants this position and it is already working. As for whether or not I can get this position, there is not much to do with him. It’s just that Han Jianming knows very well about Old Madam, and only the interests involved are the most effective way.
            Old Madam listened to this and did not believe it:
            "The right wing of the Ministry of War is the official position of the three products? This is true, you have nothing to me?"
            Han Jianming has an official position, and he still has three jobs, but this official position is a false job and has no real power. From the virtual position to the real position of the three products, the difficulty is not that big.
            Han Jianming nodded and said:
            "The Grandmother, I am taking the path of the Yu family. If you can attack the prince, take a bigger position." Everyone has their own bottom line.
            The Song family treason villain, he disdain for it, so he took the Yu family.
            Old Madam is not a three-year Old child. I believe in two sentences:
            "Who told you that after the squad, can you get the title to be bigger?"
            Han Jianming was prepared and said:
            "This is the conclusion that I brought with the staff to discuss it. And if I got the title, I will sit in this position later, and there will be less criticism." Han Jianming can do it again, and this year is only 23 years old. If you take the normal route, it is absolutely impossible to get the position with his qualifications and age. However, in this world, people who follow the normal path can only live in the mountain ditch for a lifetime.
            Old Madam didn't speak, but the beads in his hands turned very fast.

            Chapter 251 爵爵(3)  

            Han Jianming is not in a hurry, just standing in the house, anyway, the wood has become a boat, the Grandmother wants to stop and can not stop.
            Old Madam's hand turning the beads stopped and asked:
            "Is this a matter of four Yatou?"
            Yu-Xi came back with Concubine at the boss last year and talked with Han Jianming once. Old Madam suspects that this is Yu-Xi. how to say? Han Jianming was growing up as she watched. She did not want to believe that Han Jianming would calculate her relatives for the benefit; and Yu-Xi would be different, and that Yatou was anti-bone.
            Han Jianming did not want to say:
            "The Grandmother, this thing has nothing to do with Yu-Xi.
            The Grandmother, I can't attack the Jue, and it doesn't help the Yu-Xi. She doesn't have to have such a thankless idea. ""
            Old Madam obviously didn't believe it, but she knew that she couldn't ask anything from her grandson:
            "How did you say that you are jealous?"
            Seeing Han Jianming’s hesitation, he said coldly:
            "to be frank?"
            When Han Jianming saw it, he could only tell the truth:
            "I let people tell Concubine, if she can't say that she wants to leave the house, not only let her die, but she has never let go of her family. But if she can let her automatically let the prince, I will keep her forever. Ronghua is rich and rich." Han Jianming also listened to Qiu-shi, so I want to try this method. Unexpectedly, the Concubine ability of the country is really not to be underestimated. It took only more than a month to say that it was moving. But this is also the case, let Han Jianming realize that women should not be underestimated.
            Old Madam held the beads in his hand and asked:
            "Just like this? What else?"
            Han Jianming shook his head and said:
            "Nothing." In fact, he still has follow-up, but he did not expect that things actually went so smoothly.
            Old Madam's face is instantly blue, and if Han Jingdong doesn't want to be this Your Grace, she wants to give the title to Jianming, she has nothing to say. After all, Jianming is the heir to the name of Duke, and it is no problem to give up the title. But this blind man gave up the title because of a woman's words, which made Old Madam feel unusually angry, and the title passed on such a big thing, he actually played such a play.
            Han Jianming didn't know what Old Madam thought, and he didn't rush.
            After a while, Old Madam asked:
            "What are you going to do with the monks?"
            Originally, Old Madam thought about the beauty of Concubine belly, but gave her the name. A woman who can be so restless, even dare to intervene in such a big thing as the inheritance of the title, such a person still does not know what to do to the Han family.
            Therefore, this woman must not stay.
            Old Madam doesn't want to think about it either. Although Han Jianming is a temptation, it is a big event for Concubine. She does not desperately convince Your Grace, is she still sitting and waiting to die?
            After listening to this, Han Jianming knew about the plans of Old Madam:
            "The Grandmother, Concubine is still not moving, at least I have to wait until I successfully inherit the title. Now if he repents, the Han family will have to talk about the capital." Han Jianming did not think about killing Concubine. . It wasn't that he was kind and soft, but he felt that Concubine was going crazy with him, and it was better to let the woman live well. As for the woman who may reveal that the matter of the lord is his mastermind, Han Jianming is not worried at all. As long as Concubine has weaknesses, she would not dare to say. And this weakness can be the child of her stomach or her family.
            Old Madam nodded her head and knew that she was like a mother. As for her shi-zi temperament, Concubine is now dead and it may be overwhelming.
            Therefore, this woman can't move for the time being:
            "Jianming, four Yatou have anti-bone, nature is cool, you have to pay attention to one or two on most days." Indifferent to the father, ruthless to raise the father, is not the nature of cool? As for the anti-bone, it is also the conclusion of this event.
            Han Jianming does not agree with Old Madam:
            "The Grandmother, 4th sister is very filial to my mother. When her mother is in a bad mood, she is always with her all day. On Xiao xin, my own son can't match." Yu-Xi is his mother. He is not as good at doing things. He not only does not think that Yu-Xi is a cool person, on the contrary, he feels that Yu-Xi is very important.
            Old Madam also stumbled:
            "That's because she knows that she can only get help if she pleases your mother." Old Madam doesn't think that Yu-Xi is really true to Qiu-shi. She thinks that Yu-Xi is good for Qiu-shi because she is so helpless in Duke and wants to make Qiu-shi her backing. It turns out that this Yatou method is very good and has been very successful. Qiu-shi does not regard her as a baby.
            Han Jianming smiled. Maybe Yu-Xi had a few utilitarian things for her mother, but after so many years, that Yatou is now really filial to his mother.
            "The Grandmother, Yu-Xi, Yatou has many shortcomings, but one thing is that the child is upright. So the Grandmother doesn't have to worry that she will walk. As for me, what can be done, what can't be done, I have a few in my heart. It will not be affected by others." In these years, how Yu-Xi is related to his mother and Jianye, he has a number in his heart, and the Grandmother is biased against Yu-Xi, and will always be wary of her.
            Old Madam knows nothing to say:
            "You have a good number in your heart. You are too big. I don't even say much.
            This family depends on you later."
            Han Jianming nodded and said:
            "The Grandmother, you can rest assured that I will revitalize the Han family." This is his goal for the rest of his life.
            Han Jianming was sent away, and Old Madam looked tired. Luo Mama is worried:
            "Old Madam, are you not feeling well?"
            Old Madam smiled bitterly:
            "No, just a little tired." The son is also his own. But just because a woman doesn't want a few words, it still makes Old Madam frustrated. How did she have such a barrier?
            Luo Mama is busy saying:
            "Old Madam, are you going to take a break?"
            Old Madam shook his head and said:
            "No need." She was tired, not tired, and could not sleep in bed.
            The two master servants were talking, and Servant said that the three Old Master had come.
            The reason for Han Jingyan’s coming is very simple. He wants to ask the story of Jean Jue:
            "Mother, how is the best brother to let the lord?"
            Han Jingyan had no other thoughts. After all, this title did not fall on him. It’s just that this is too sudden, so that he doesn’t feel weird.
            Old Madam said:
            "I don't know. Before I sent someone to call him back home, he didn't return. Just called Jianming over, Jianming is also a fog. Cough, your big brother, what to do, is a whim. It is estimated that this time is also a fever Got a buck!" Old Madam knows Han Jianming's calculations, but he can't say anything to anyone. Han Jia has to rely on her grandson to support her. She can't let her grandson's reputation be a little embarrassed.
            Han Jingyan agrees with this statement. It is really his big brother who has not adjusted since he was a child:
            "Mother, if Jianming is a sergeant, it should be separated."
            Parents are, not separated. Old Madam heard this and looked cold. He asked:
            “Are you hearing who is chewing the tongue?”
            Not only Qiu-shi has no complaints about the 3rd House, but Ye-shi is not satisfied. Under the connivance of two people, there are also people in the house.
            This wind is not Shi Old Madam wants to brake.
            Han Jingyan really didn't hear anyone talking gossip. It’s just that he is an official in the country, and he is very concerned about his reputation. He doesn’t want to hear people say that he eats zhizi. Han Jingyan shook his head:
            "No, I just think that if Jianming slams the prince, it is a bit ugly to say no to the family. Mother, you see it is so good, after the Jianming attacked the prince, the property will be divided, and the accounting will be reasonable. So, it will not Some people say that mouth." Han Jingyan said that in fact, the division is not separated.
            The so-called division of production does not separate the family, that is, the division of property is clear, but a family still lives together.
            That is to say, in the future, the expenses of the 3rd House will not go out of the public account, and they will all be out.
            Old Madam knows that Han Jingyan is right, but she also has her own concerns:
            "Yan, you don't have much money. What do you do when you get there?"
            There are not many sons, but to support such a large family. Once separated, the quality of life must be seriously reduced. Even if she has a patch, it is impossible to be as comfortable as it is now.
            Han Jingyan is not worried, saying:
            "Mother, you can rest assured that I have a sorrow. When I get married, I can get some property and eat it." Han Jingyan spent a lot of money in the years of his duties, and the money was replaced by industry. It’s just these words, not good to say to Old Madam. Before I was separated, it was not good to buy private property.
            These industries have very good annual interest rates.
            They have to be hidden before they are separated. After they are separated, they will not be embarrassed.
            Old Madam is not stupid, can you not know this, think about it after saying it:
            "It will be said after a few days!" It is a good idea to divide the family without separation. At least, there will be fewer contradictions in the future, and Qiu-shi and Ye-shi will not be bias. However, this matter, at least until Yu-Chen is married, Han Jianming can only put on the agenda after attacking the title.
            After finishing the separation, Han Jingyan talked about the marriage of Yu-Rong:
            "Mother, Jiang Daren said to me two days ago that I want to hire Yu-Rong to give him a younger son. How do you see?"
            Jiang Wenrui was promoted again, and now he is a three-product official. However, the amount of gold in the Ministry of Housing is much higher than that of his, and there is a Yu family who is on the back of the mountain. Jiang Wenrui has a good career.
            Old Madam did not refuse.
            The last time Jiang Jialai proposed to kiss Jiang Hongjin was just a show, but now it is a famous name. Old Madam feels pretty good:
            "How about the Jiang family?"
            Han Jingyan deliberately inquired:
            "That kid is very good at learning, and his teacher said that no accident can definitely enter dimethyl." When Teacher said nothing, he would not say too much.
            Old Madam thought for a moment:
            "Your thoughts?"
            Han Jingyan said:
            "The child I have seen, only to learn the character of the appearance is a first-class, the future is certainly good." This means that he is fancy.
            Old Madam thinks more:
            "The child will end in March, or wait until the exam is over!" Old Madam has a little concern, that is, Yu-Rong is three years younger than the other, and two years after Yu-Rong is married. In the future, who knows if there will be a change. If you have problems after the defense, let's put it down first, cold and cold.
            Han Jingyan said:
            "If it is a test of dimethyl, this marriage may not be able to turn Yu-Rong." There are two levels of people to follow the scholar. Now that it is uncertain, Han Jingyan is worried that it will change when he is born.
            Old Madam said:
            "I can't get on the wheel, my home Yu-Rong is not bad, I can't find it better than Jiang's 2nd Master." Yu-Rong looks out, all other aspects are not bad, to At the time, there was Yu-Chen, a pro-sister of Wangfei, who couldn’t find a good dear.
            When Han Jingyan sees the old Madam's intentions, he will not say more.

            Chapter 252 爵爵(4)  

            The title of the title is such a big thing. Under normal circumstances, it takes at least two months from the top of the sacred to the sacred.
            The efficiency of the Zongren government is just like that. It has been quite good for more than two months, and some have been four or five months or half a year. Do not put in place, simply drag it to you.
            Therefore, when Yu-Xi heard that the emperor had already agreed to Han Jianming’s attack on the priest, he would be particularly surprised:
            "This is only half a month, how can the imperial edict come down?"
            When she thought about the imperial edict of the prince, she had to marry Yu-Chen, but she did not expect that Yu-Chen had not married yet. When is the efficiency of the court's work so high?
            Zi-Su said with a smile:
            "Miss, for whatever reason, it's always a good thing." Noble Heir slammed the prince, and when Miss got married, it was said that the dowry would be more generous.
            Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "It is indeed a good thing." Big brother is so powerful, she will not be backed up afterwards.
            Yu-Xi said that it is Han Jianming's proper operation. In fact, Yu-Xi really missed it. Han Jianming had some surprises about the emperor’s sudden imperial edict. Although he has found a relationship, he has gone through normal procedures. It is impossible to have results in two months. Han Jianming’s ability to attack the prince so quickly is completely inseparable. Lu Lao Taiye is an in-law with the Han family and has a concern for the Han family. Knowing that Han Duke automatically let the prince, he said a few good words for Han Jianming in front of the emperor. At that time, Taining Hou was also present, and Yu-Xi and Han Jianming’s relationship was clear. Taining Hou thought that instead of letting Han Jingdong be the Duke, it would be better to let Han Jianming attack the prince. At that time, there was a great scorpion, which was also a great help for his son.
            There are Lu Lao Taiye and Taining Hou who have such a large amount of money to say good things, the emperor naturally gave face, and on the spot gave the imperial edict.
            Zi-Su See Yu-Xi and do not move, ask:
            "Miss, you should go to the main court to give 1st Madam Dao Xi!" The big thing about the squad, Miss has to show something.
            Yu-Xi said something that makes Zi-Su very speechless:
            "It is time to go to the road." In fact, Yu-Xi felt that this was nothing to be happy about. Anyway, Han Jianming was a family member of Duke House, but now it is more justified.
            When he went out, Yu-Xi suddenly laughed. Zi-Su wonders:
            "Miss, what are you laughing at?"
            Yu-Xi Said:
            "I am happy." In fact, she remembered the previous things. She had died in her life, and her eldest brother did not attack the prince. For the sake of her life, my brother is now a sergeant. Many things have changed so far, and they are getting better and better. Yu-Xi is sincerely happy.
            When I arrived at the main courtyard, I heard a voice in the room. As soon as I walked in, not only Ye-shi and Lu Xiu were there, but Jia Concubine was there!
            Qiu-shi met Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
            "Come, Yu-Xi, come to the mother." When Yu-Xi walked up to her, Qiu-shi took her in her arms.
            Ye-shi is also a happy face. I used to know that Your Grace had to go up and say that I wanted to let the lord, but it was not implemented. Now that the sacred decree is down, the position of the husband, Your Grace, is appropriate, and she is promoted to Duchess.
            Qiu-shi said to Ye-shi:
            "This big happy event, invite friends and family to celebrate and celebrate." The son of the prince is a big happy event, not to have a banquet can not be said.
            Ye-shi also wants to have a party and invites friends and family to attend. Only she has her own considerations:
            "Mother, the three-Miss will be married in more than ten days. Is this party waiting for the three-sisters to marry?"
            From the next post to the banquet, how can I get six or seven days before and after. If Yu-Chen is married to the average person, it will be fine. But Yu-Chen is married to the royal family.
            There are too many things to be prepared. If the banquet is held, the time will be so tight. If something goes wrong, it will not be proper. Moreover, after the banquet was held, a wedding banquet was held. She was afraid that her body could not stand.
            Yu-Xi See Qiu-shi hesitating and said with a smile:
            "Mother, friends and relatives know that 3rd sister will soon be married.
            The banquet is postponed until the end of the month, and everyone can understand. Otherwise it is too fast, the banquet is not done well, everyone is not enjoying the fun, but it is not fun. Oh no."
            Qiu-shi listened to the words of Yu-Xi and laughed at the moment:
            "Cheng, then it will be done at the end of the month. But relatives and friends still have to know." Actually, I don't need to know, such a big thing, we still don't know.
            Everyone was talking and laughing, just listening to Servant and saying that -Shi came over.
            The smile on Qiu-shi face is light. It is also strange to say that Qiu-shi and Han Jingyan's four wives are not in line. Yu-Chen thinks that Qiu-shi is too vulgar to be able to marry her; Yu-Xi mother-in-law and Qiu-shi are also not able to get along with each other; as for Wu-Shi, don't say anything. And the text-Shi woman, who eats her with her, actually always runs in front of Old Madam.
            Wen-Shi came in, everyone looked at her wearing a very subtle feeling. Wen-Shi is wearing a light green robes, embroidered with red pomegranate flowers, followed by a white dress with a white dress and pomegranate fruit embroidered on the skirt. Text-Shi This is also the age of flowers, so that the tender clothes worn on the body is particularly beautiful and seductive.
            The problem is that she is now 3rd Madam in Duke, not the writer's Miss. Dressed up like this, there is a little bit of elders. To put it bluntly, such a dress is seen by people who don't know her identity, and it must be thought to be the Concubine of Duke house.
            Wen-Shi sees everyone watching her, my heart is very proud, oh, this one is dressed up in the old-fashioned, and it is far worse than her:
            "I heard that the sacred decree has already been made.
            The emperor has allowed Noble Heir to attack the prince. Congratulations to 1st Sister-in-law." In fact, shi-shi thinks that Han Jingdong is a stupid hat, and that good Grace does not do it. To the son, what is not a stupid hat. Who is better than who they are!
            Qiu-shi nodded and said to Ye-shi and others:
            "I am tired, you are all scattered." This means she is tired to rest.
            Wen-the smile on shi-shi face can't be maintained. When she first entered the door, Qiu-shi said that she was tired and let everyone go back. It was clear that she was going to chase her away. She has never seen such a woman who has not measured it. She sees that she has got a good bit of Old Madam, and she stabs her from time to time.
            Ye-shi A few people are very interested. After listening to Qiu-shi, the ceremony will go on. Yu-Xi sees the text-Shi does not move, asks:
            "Is there anything else in Sancha?"
            If you are dealing with things, Qiu-shi is really not appropriate. But Qiu-shi has reached the age of this, and the son has also slammed the prince, and there is no need to be wronged. In Duke, he can do whatever he wants, and what he wants to do, without looking at the face.
            This is why Yu-Xi wants to let Han Jianming attack the title.
            Wen-Shi smiled and said:
            "It's okay." After that, he went back with the Servant.
            After Qiu-shi and others left, they said:
            "There is no thing on the table. I don't know what happened to your Grandmother? I still believe in such a thing?"
            In Qiu-shi eyes, the text-Shi behavior is like a Concubine, and there is a half-point master.
            Yu-Xi doesn't think Old Madam would like the text-Shi, saying:
            "The Grandmother is older, and there is a person who can talk about it, and I can feel better. In the eyes of the Grandmother, the text-Shi is no different from the funny bird. You can't bother to worry about these little things." Wen-Shi has a low eye, but does not prevent her from winning the old Madam.
            Qiu-shi smiled and said:
            "It turned out to be like this! Or my home Yu-Xi is smart." She wondered why Old Madam would look at the text-Shi. It turned out to be the case.
            Ye-shi came out with Jia Concubine. First, he took a good conversation with Jia Concubine, and then told the Servant to send Jia Concubine back to the yard.
             - Jia Concubine went back to his yard and touched his stomach for a long time. Noble Heir has now been promoted to Your Grace. If this is a son, it is the future Noble Heir.
            Thinking of this, Jia Concubine heart is inexplicable. Now the child is still not born, well in her stomach. But once it falls, this child is not hers.
            She has been working hard since she married Duke. In the past two years, she has tried hard to please 1st Madam in order to get the favor of 1st Madam; on the other hand, she used various means to get around Pozi. Pozi has been surrounded by her, but 1st Madam has not only cared about her belly, but nothing else, she gave it to Ye-shi.
            Ye-shi is very warm to her, and she is very well cared for. But how dare she trust this woman. Ye-shi is so good to her, she looks at the children in her stomach. Once the child falls, it is likely to kill her. And she can't wait. No one in the mansion is reliable, she has to rely on herself.
            The little Servant around me asked:
            “Concubine, what are you thinking about?”
             - Jia Concubine said with a smile:
            "I think that Duke House has been doing good things for a while." Noble Heir is going to attack the prince, but it is not a good thing.
            Ye-shi returned to the yard to see her daughter, the better the mood. It’s just that this good mood has not been maintained for too long. Because she had a very bad news, Ye 2nd Master was ruined. Ye-shi asked for a face:
            "what happened?"
            Hua Pozi went to Ye Jia news and heard that Ye Madam was sick. Pozi asked Pozi around Madam for the reason, and the result was that the 2nd Master was broken. Hua Pozi said:
            "2nd Master suffered a leg injury during the war.
            The place was short of medical care, and the 2nd Master's legs were delayed." The place in Yunnan is popular.
            The army of the court always crushed them, so there would always be riots there. Ye 2nd Master was injured when he went to chaos.
            The injury was very serious. If it was in Capital City, the doctor with high medical skills could still hold it. But in the place of Yunnan, where is the good doctor. As a result, the leg was scrapped.
            Ye-shi hated Kemin Jie. When she was not lucky, her Qi-Qi was gone. And Ye 2nd Master's various maintenance for Ke Minjie made her angry with this younger brother.
            This will be quite rude if you say it:
            "This is his own death. For a Ke Minjie, the shi-nu is not, the family is not, and the woman is full of eyes. If he did not retreat, he would fall to the point of today." Think about her Little uncle, since he married Lu Xiu, his career has been smooth and his son has. If you haven't retired, the little uncle everything is his, how can it fall to this point.
            Hua Pozi knows that Ye-shi always has hate in her heart, but she still has to say:
            "1st Nai-Nai, Madam is ill, do you think you have to look over these two days?"
            Ye-shi also complained about Ye Madam, but in the end she was a mother, and she said this:
            "Go to the Treasury pick the best medicine and return to tomorrow." Although there are two layers of Popo on it, Old Madam is the kind of person who speaks very well. Knowing that Ma Ma is sick, it is impossible to stop the child Erxi back to her family.

            Chapter 253 Yu-Chen Marry (1)  

            In a blink of an eye, it took a day or two before Yu-Chen became a relative. In the past two days, relatives of the Han family will come over and give Yu-Chen a makeup. Zhou Shiya also followed her mother. When she arrived at Duke, she went to find Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi had some surprises when she saw Zhou Shiya:
            "How come your mother will let you come over?"
            She and Zhou Shiya have not seen each other for half a year, and they have always been contacted by letter.
            Zhou Shiya said with a smile:
            "My mother came over to give three watches sisters, so I followed. I didn't know this time, but I broke it." Zhou Shiya also decided to kiss last year, and it is the second Young Master of Hejia. Yan. After the self-determination, Zhou 2nd Madam arrested Zhou Shiya at home to let her embroider the dowry, and she was not allowed to come out again.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Your wedding is also at the beginning of next year, but it will be married to the family home in a year. If you marry the husband's family later, you can't say such a thing." After marrying, there is no such freedom. .
            Zhou Shiya was stunned when she heard the wedding face:
            "You said that if you don't marry, how good it is!" Zhou Xia did not want to marry when he thought of the days after the couple-sister-sister married. It’s good to be Miss at home, how good. I am suffering and suffering at the husband's house.
            Yu-Xi felt that Zhou Shiya words were particularly childish and asked about Zhou Shiya wedding dress:
            "How is your wedding dress embroidered? Is it finished?"
            Zhou Shiya said with a bitter face:
            "Half of them are not embroidered, yes, I haven't seen your wedding dress yet, you can show it to me!" On the embroidery of Yu-Xi, the embroidered wedding dress must be very beautiful.
            Yu-Xi shook his head to:
            "Or wait until I get married, look at it again!" Yu-Xi worried that after Zhou Shiya saw her wedding dress, she would not want to embroider her wedding dress when she went back.
            Zhou Shiya did not think so much, said:
            "Don't wait, I have to watch now. Yu-Xi, I have specially come to see your wedding dress, you can't let me run a little."
            Under the insistence of Zhou Shiya, Yu-Xi also shook, laughing and saying:
            "I only hope that you will not regret it after you read it." After that, let Zi-Su take the wedding dress with the butterfly.
            Yu-Xi wedding dress embroidered with wind and peony.
            The wedding dress is mainly composed of gold silk and silver thread, supplemented by other embroidery threads of various colors.
            Through the overlapping, juxtaposition and interlacing of various colors, the effect of beautiful beauty is produced, and people can't turn their eyes.
            Zhou Shiya looked at the wedding dress of Yu-Xi, and he laughed twice:
            "Yu-Xi, after reading your wedding dress, I think my wedding dress can be thrown away." Really people are more popular than people, and the goods are thrown! Compared with the wedding dress of Yu-Xi, her wedding dress is unspeakable.
            Yu-Xi looks at Zhou Shiya look and can't smile:
            "I said let you not watch it! You don't listen." This wedding dress, but she spent a lot of effort to embroider. After all, this is the case once in a lifetime, she does not want to bring regrets.
            Zhou Shiya despised Yu-Xi and said:
            "You don't let me see it now. When you marry, I can see it." Although envious, Zhou Shiya didn't think much about it. Anyway, the embroidery of Yu-Xi was good. She knew it a long time ago.
            Yu-Xi let Zi-Su take the wedding dress. Zhou Shiya said with Yu-Xi:
            "Yu-Xi, I heard my mother said, Chen Ran can enter this one spring!"
            Yu-Xi Although there is a good heart, but this thing has not come out, still don't talk big:
            "Where can this be determined? But my older brother said that Chen Ran’s talents will definitely be on the list."
            Zhou Shiya said this to Yu-Xi, but it is not a discussion about whether she can test the champion. She said that there is a big gossip to say to Yu-Xi:
            "Yu-Xi, do you remember Jiang Qi?"
            Yu-Xi feels strange and asks:
            "What happened to Jiang Qi?"
            Jiang Qi, she knows it! Just listening to Zhou Shiya tone, it seems that I am not playing well.
            Zhou Shiya said with a low voice:
            "I told you that if the woman is close to you for the sake of excuses, you should not lie to her sweet words.
            The woman is uneasy."
            This is really inexplicable. Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
            "How do you say this? Do you know what the secret is?"
            Zhou Shiya said with a low voice:
            "I want to go and think about it, or I will tell you. Otherwise, you will not be wary of eating a big loss."
            Yu-Xi is more and more confused:
            "What the hell is it? Don't sell it."
            What Zhou Shiya said with Yu-Xi is very simple, that is, Jiang Qi likes Chen Ran. Of course, this is not Zhou Shiya fabrication, but Zhou Shiya listened to her watch-girl and her.
            Yu-Xi listened to this and stunned and asked:
            "How is it possible? Chen Ran has already set a kiss with me. How can Jiang Qi have that kind of mind?"
            In the heart of Yu-Xi, Jiang Qi has always been the kind of arrogant person. How could you like Chen Ran who has a fiancee! Yu-Xi The first reaction is not to believe.
            Zhou Shiya knew that Yu-Xi was this reaction and said:
            "This can be edited by me.
            This is what my watch-girl has inadvertently heard." Zhou Shiya watch-girl went to the Yu family as a guest, accidentally lost, and the result came to a more secret place, heard this. Amazing gossip.
            Yu-Xi asked in disbelief:
            "Which table are you girl?"
            Zhou Shiya watch-girl is too much. Who knows if it will be a rumor that is deliberately released by someone who has a hatred with Jiang Qi. Although Yu-Xi hates Jiang Qi, she is not willing to give people a target.
            Zhou Shiya took a look at Yu-Xi and said:
            "My watch-sister will know that you are like me-sister-sister, she told me secretly. You don't know what people are!" Who is it, Zhou Shiya did not say. It’s not that Zhou Shiya deliberately sold the Guan, but overheard such a secret topic.
            Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "Then you thanked her for helping me." Regardless of whether this is true or not, Yu-Xi is not in the heart. Even if Jiang Qi likes Chen Ran? Chen Ran has already set a kiss with her, and she will soon become a relative. Jiang Qi is really useless if she really likes Chen Ran.
            Zhou Shiya saw that Yu-Xi was not on the mind and said:
            "I didn't want to tell you, but when I came, my mother told me that Jiangjia might have to make a kiss with you. I think it would be better to remind you."
            "Kissing? What kind of pro?"
            Han Jiake did not have a Young Master with Jiang Qi.
            Thinking of this, Yu-Xi has a sudden heart, and hope is not what she thinks.
            Zhou Shiya said in a mosquito-like voice:
            "Jiangjia wants to hire Yu-Rong table-sister to Jiang 2nd Master, I heard that the Grandmother and the three uncles have not agreed. But my mother said that as long as the Jiang Master II Young Master is in the middle of the spring, this marriage will definitely be of."
            Yu-Xi listened to this, and my heart was shocked, then asked a strange look:
            "How did your mother get the news?"
            The news of 2nd Madam is not too well-informed.
            Zhou Shiya said with a smile:
            "You still don't know my mother? Before I saw Chen Ran and Jiang Hongjin, the two did not. So she wanted to see what Jiang family finally gave Jiang Hongjin?"
            Keep an eye on it, and naturally you will get the news soon.
            Yu-Xi is angry in the heart, but the face is not obvious.
            After Zhou Shiya finished speaking, she couldn’t help but laugh:
            "My 2nd Miss who are optimistic about my mother have finally become the son-in-law of the Han family. You don't know, my mother is depressed and dead." Zhou Shiya didn't feel anything about Chen Ran and Jiang Hongjin, so it would be easier to say this. .
            Yu-Xi, according to the singularity of the main character, has a chat with Zhou Shiya. It was not until Zhou Shiya went back that Yu-Xi sank her face.
            Zi-Su asked:
            "Miss, what's wrong with you?"
            Just so happy, how to turn around and change my face.
            Yu-Xi took a deep breath and said:
            "Nothing." After that, he entered the study room. She needs to be calm, or she is afraid that she can't control her emotions.
            In the study Yu-Xi sat in a chair and closed his eyes. Jiang Hongjin, the last generation, married her back. In this life, she decided to kiss her. Jiang Hongjin turned her target to Yu-Rong. Yu-Xi doesn't know if he should interfere. Without intervening, she will feel conscience. Whether it is the last life or the whole life, Yu-Rong is also a bit arrogant. He is not very polite on most days, and has not committed any sinful mistakes. Let her jump into the fire pit of Jiangjia, she really can't bear it. I have to intervene, she has no position, and there is no reason.
            I have always thought of the evening, Yu-Xi still has no clue.
            At this time, Zi-Su ‘called outside:
            "Miss, Qinqin-Sister-Sister is coming, I want to invite you to Tingyun Pavilion."
            Yu-Xi suppressed his emotions, went out from the study and asked the ‘zither’ to ask for help:
            "3rd sister called me in the past, what can I do?"
            Qinqin felt that Yu-Xi was getting harder and harder. I used to ask 4th Miss to go to Tingyun Pavilion. I went without saying anything. Where is it like now, a look of carelessness. In the heart of the ‘zither’, the face is not dare to reveal a half point, saying:
            “My family is upset and wants to ask Miss to talk to her in the past.”
            Yu-Xi silence for a moment or say:
            "Let's go!" Yu-Rong's marriage, she is not qualified to intervene, but Yu-Chen is qualified. If Yu-Chen comes forward, Han Jingyan and Old Madam will not be able to refuse this marriage. After all, Yu-Chen's weight is very heavy, and her words will not be ignored.
            Yu-Chen is a little annoyed. Before that, she was still looking forward to this wedding. But now, she can't tell the bitterness in her heart, she can't do it in her heart, she wants to find someone to talk to, and this candidate is not Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi heard Yu-Chen talking to her, and his face was unbelievable:
            "What? Song Linger is pregnant? How is this possible? Where did you get the news from?"
            Yu-Chen smiled bitterly:
            "Song Linger is indeed pregnant, the source is absolutely reliable." She had Jean-the Marquis put people in Jing Wang, so the news could not be wrong.
            Looking at Yu-Chen's repressed look, Yu-Xi has a sympathy in his heart:
            "I always thought that 10th Prince was really infatuated with the 3rd sister." Now I know how naive she is. If you are really crazy about Yu-Chen, how can you let Song Linger get pregnant?
            Yu-Chen listened to this, and his face was bitter:
            "I thought he was true to me." Although Gui Mama has always told her that in the royal family, the most unnecessary thing is love and love, so that she can hold her heart and not fall into it. Because once you fall into a woman in *, it is difficult to stay calm. However, she did not listen to Gui Mama words, but believed that 10th Prince was really sincere to her. Even if Song Linger was established as Ceefei, she still believed in 10th Prince. Unfortunately, the reality has beaten her slap.

            Chapter 254 Yu-Chen Marry (2)  

            Yu-Xi has always thought that Yu-Chen is the happiest woman in the world. With the looks and extraordinary talents of the country, you have to be the true heart of the ninety-five sages, and both children and children.
            This kind of life can be said to be perfect. Now Yu-Xi knows that those beautiful things are what she dreamed of.
            It’s wonderful to imagine, and the reality is too cruel.
            After half a ring, Yu-Xi lowered the voice and said:
            "Since someone is ‘calling at this news, you should not know." Yu-Xi is very concealed, meaning to be disposed of after the door.
            The so-called disposal is to get rid of Song Linger. Saying that it is good or bad, it is cold-blooded. Anyway, for Yu-Xi herself, unless she can't live, she absolutely allows the existence of the eldest son.
            Yu-Chen heard this and gently nodded and said:
            "Now I can only do not know about this." Song Linger is pregnant with the flesh and blood of the royal family. Even if you want to get rid of it, you must have a complete method, and you can't touch your own hands. Otherwise, 10th Prince loves her again and can't help him. After all, poisoning Prince is a big sin.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "3rd sister, Song Linger I have never seen, is a person who has no idea.
            This time, 80% is calculated by someone who wants to fish." Otherwise, it is impossible to know the news two days before Yu-Chen married. .
            Yu-Chen also knows that someone is calculating:
            "I have a number in my heart, you don't have to worry." It is a boredom in my heart, I want to find someone to talk.
            Yu-Xi looks at Yu-Chen, there is no perfect person in this world. Everyone has their own troubles and depression:
            "It’s really bad to marry, all kinds of troubles are coming. It’s still good at home, unrestrained, and wants to do anything.” Married to Chen Jiade to take care of her husband, wait for her in-laws, and have a good relationship with her, cough, think about it. Tired.
            Yu-Chen said:
            "Chen family, the family style is very positive, you don't have to worry." Chen family never spoiled his ‘Madam’, and no son was born in front of the blind man.
            Life after marriage is really not a pleasant topic. Yu-Xi has moved the topic:
            "3rd sister, morning poetry table sister told me that Jiang Jia wants to tell Yu-Rong to their second Young Master. Is this true?"
            Yu-Chen's news is much better than her.
            Yu-Chen does know this:
            "what happened?"
            To Yu-Chen said that the Jiang family conditions are also very good, Jiang Hongjin with Yu-Rong is more than enough.
            Yu-Xi deliberately showed a hesitant look, and then said as if he was determined:
            “3rd Sister, I remember once we met Jiang Jia Er Young Master. At that time, Jiang Jia Er Young Master looked at your eyes. I think this person is not very good.” Yu-Xi said that Jiang Hongjin is a color.
            The embryo is gone.
            Yu-Chen heard this and raised his brow:
            "4th sister, on the one hand, you can judge Jiangjia II Young Master's character is not good, too arbitrary." Yu-Chen thinks Jiang family is really good, Jiang Daren is a real person, and he has married this door to them.
            The 3rd House is a big boost.
            Yu-Xi also knows that she is a little far-fetched, but she also wants to make the final effort:
            "3rd sister, Jiang family, really is not a good family. Jiang Madam and Jiang 1st Nai-Nai are like a fire, Yu-Rong marrying, the days are definitely not good."
            Yu-Chen does not agree with the words Yu-Xi:
            "Who doesn't have one or two bad things, where can everything go well; for two years, just wait for the son to gain a foothold."
            Yu-Xi I don’t know where to start when I have a stomach. If there is anything to say about being able to give birth to a son, Jiang Hongjin is simply a thing that has no heart. He yelled at Han’s Miss to go back. It’s just that, Yu-Xi can’t say it.
            Yu-Chen sees Yu-Xi, frowning, said:
            "4th sister, marriage, the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker. Yu-Rong's marriage affair with the Grandmother will be the master, you don't have to worry about it." She knows why Yu-Xi said these things to her, but For a few reasons, it is impossible to dispel the idea of ​​the Grandmother, even if she is, she can't.
            Yu-Xi is somewhat frustrating.
            Yu-Chen said:
            "Don't think about these, there are no more, you have to marry for more than three months.
            This time let Quan Mama give you a good conditioning." After all, no married, the next sentence can be pregnant, Yu -Chen is still embarrassed to say it.
            The two are chatting about the sky, and Qin Qin walked in and said:
            "Miss, the doctor just gave 3rd Madam a visit and said that 3rd Madam has been pregnant for more than a month." Yu-Chen's wedding, Qiu-shi and Ye-shi are cooking, text -Shi just hits the hand, that is, let her hit her hand, and she made several mistakes. To this end, people in Duke House are extremely contemptuous of her.
            In fact, this can not blame the text - shi-shi. Although he is eunuch to four products, the text-Shi is the Shu Daughter, and it is not particularly popular with the Shu Daughter. Just before she got married, her 1st Sister-in-law took her housekeeper and made her familiar with the process. After she got married, she barely made the 3rd House work clear. As for the wedding of Yu-Chen, she caught it.
            Yu-Xi listened to this and stood up and said:
            "3rd sister, then I went back." Wen-Shi is pregnant, she has no relationship with her. If she wants to go, she can do it. No one can say no.
            Yu-Chen sent the Yu-Xi out of the door and turned back to the house.
            Qinqin sees Yu-Chen, there is no sign of going to Bitianyuan. Going out and telling Gui Mama about this:
            "Is it not good that Miss will not go to Bi Teng?"
            Gui Mama has no feelings about the text-Shi pregnancy:
            "What's wrong? Miss is going to marry tomorrow, there are a lot of things to be prepared, and it's not too late to go to see tomorrow." Gui Mama is 10 thousand and not above-Shi.
            That is to say, the face grows better, the chest is bigger, and the others are nothing.
            For the text-Shi pregnancy, everyone did not respond. Don't say that Qiu-shi and Ye-shi don't feel anything, just listen to Shi Old Madam, and just tell people to pick up some nourishing herbs from the storeroom, and no more, no more.
            Text-Shi diagnosed the pregnancy from the doctor, told the news to Old Madam. She thought that someone would come to the door soon, and the result waited for a long time. Except for Luo Mama who sent the medicinal materials, others did not say that they were personally present, that is, Pozi who came to greet them.
            Text-Shi is so angry. But she did not want to, Han Jingyan did not lack her son, not to mention she was still the fourth, pregnant with her own rare, other women in the house who would care. However, Han Jingyan knows the text-Shi is pregnant, very happy. A few sons under the knee can't satisfy him. He needs a child who inherits the clothes.
            Yu-Xi is full of thoughts, not only Zi-Su and the colorful butterfly, but Quan Mama is also in the eye. Before Yu-Xi fell asleep, Quan Mama entered the room and asked:
            "Miss, do you have any troubles?"
            Quan Mama has already said it to Yu-Xi. After Yu-Xi is married, she goes back. Chen is a Houfu, and there are many rules. Quan Mama wants to live freely for the rest of her life, so even if Yu-Xi stays, she is not willing to follow Chen.
            Yu-Xi pondered for a moment and told Yu M-Rong about Quan-Rong.
            Quan Mama looked at Yu-Xi and said:
            "Miss, I know that you have a good heart, but you can't intervene in this matter. Otherwise, the three Old Master and Old Madam will think that you can't see the 5th Miss, deliberately ruining such a good family. "Yu-Xi and Wu-Shi have never dealt with." Yu-Xi intervenes in this matter, it is easy to feel that she is malicious.
            Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
            "Mama, I can be sure that Jiang Hongjin is obsessed with my 3rd sister. He wants to marry Yu-Rong now, it is simply not good." Reason tells Yu-Xi not to intervene in this matter, but emotionally, always can't get through.
            Quan Mama knows that Yu-Xi has a lot of secrets, so she believes Yu-Xi:
            "Miss, you have passed to the 1st House now, you shouldn't take care of the 3rd House. If you don't listen well, you will only let the three Old Master think that you don't have a heart, even 5th Miss. I will not be grateful to you." Three Old Master Although he was the biological father of Miss, he never liked Miss. Miss rushed to intervene in the marriage of the 5th Miss, only to let the three Old Master feel that her mind is vicious, see Yu-Rong good.
            Yu-Xi smiles bitterly:
            "I know. It's just that some of my heart is not comfortable." She knew she shouldn't take care of it, but she was very uncomfortable.
            Quan Mama doesn't quite understand why Yu-Xi is uncomfortable, and now says:
            "Miss, even if you say that the Jiang Master II Young Master is obsessed with 3rd Miss is true, but what about it? If he is married to 5th Miss, would you dare to treat her? Han is not a small door, not They can bully. In addition, the 5th Miss is not the one who is obedient, and marrying Jiang, she can't afford to lose."
            This makes Yu-Xi suddenly clear:
            "Mama, I entered the dead end." Yu-Rong is not her life, if Jiang Hongjin dare not enter the bridal chamber on the wedding night the Yu-Rong temperament is estimated to be full of storms. At that time, it is not the separation, that is, Jiang Hongjin bowed his head.
            Quan Mama looked at the look of Yu-Xi and knew that she really figured it out:
            "Miss can figure it out. If you don't listen well, Miss, the soft heart is also looking at the object. 5th Miss is hostile to you. Don't say she is just married to Jiang, even if she is pushed into the fire pit, you can't tube."
            Yu-Xi doesn't think that he is a soft-hearted person, but this thing is not clear in a few words. He simply avoided this topic. Deliberately curious to ask:
            "Mama, listen to you, have you experienced such a thing before?"
            Quan Mama shook her head and said:
            "I haven't experienced it, but I have had such a thing around me. When I entered the palace, I had a fellow countryman. Because I saved a person who always matched her, I ended up with my own life." It also reminds Quan Mama that not everyone can help.
            Yu-Xi didn't expect Quan Mama to tell her this.
            Quan Mama said:
            "Miss, don't believe those words that are bad and good, good and good. My kind-hearted people in my hometown are dead at a young age; and the one who killed my fellow countrymen is still alive."
            Yu-Xi asked reflexively:
            "Is this person still in the palace?"
            Quan Mama nodded and said:
            "In the palace, now in the Liuli Palace, it is one of Song Honorable Noble most beloved Mama. Miss, good people don't live long, the bad guys live for a thousand years." After a pause, he said:
            "Miss, I don't want to say that Miss is going to be a wicked person, just want Miss to not be a good person without principles."
            Yu-Xi knows that this is indeed something she is not considering. Yu-Xi sincerely thank you:
            “Thank you Mama for reminding me that I will not be doing such stupid things in the future.”

            Chapter 255 Yu-Chen Marry (3)  

            The night before the marriage, it should be said by the mother-in-law that some private rooms words, but unfortunately Yu-Chen relatives have long gone. Originally this task fell on Qiu-shi, but Qiu-shi did not like Yu-Chen, and was not willing to come over, so he threw the errand to Ye-shi.
            Ye-shi is helpless. Popo values ​​himself, but she doesn't have to tell her anything! Even such a thing let her do it, really... but Popo instructions, she is unwilling and can only bite the scalp.
            Yu-Chen looked at Ye-shi embarrassed look and said with a smile:
            "1st Sister-in-law, Gui Mama has told me about things to be aware of tomorrow night." It means you don't have to say.
            Ye-shi is relieved and said:
            "That's good." Let her be a Courtyard Sister-in-law said how to build a house really hard to love. Now Yu-Chen volunteered not to talk, she was too happy to say.
            Yu-Chen said:
            "1st Sister-in-law, I want to let Yu-Xi come over and talk to me at night. What do you think is good?"
            There is a person who speaks, and she is not so nervous.
            Ye-shi listened to the words of Yu-Chen and smiled:
            "It's hard to say this, just say it to the 4th girl. I believe the 4th girl won't refuse."
            Yu-Xi knows this, and there is really no objection. He only said:
            "When I have dinner, I will pass." Now, Yu-Chen has no time to talk to her. Moreover, she also has her own business.
            Zi-Su looked at the Yu-Xi who had finished reading and looked down at the book. Some helplessness:
            "Miss, you are almost a bookworm." At this juncture, I still don't forget to read her book, not what a bookworm is.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "Bookworm? This word is very appropriate."
            As of the night, Yu-Xi commanded:
            "Prepare water, I want to bathe." Although Ting Yunge has everything, it is better to be in his own yard. Otherwise, why do you say that Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as your own grass nest? On someone else site, it’s always uncomfortable.
            This night's Duke House is full of lights, and red lanterns are everywhere in the mansion. From Taoranju to Tingyun Pavilion, there is no need to raise the lights, because the light of Duke House is bright and white.
            When Yu-Xi went to Tingyun Pavilion, it was already over halfway. At this time, Yu-Chen was just finished bathing and ready to sleep.
            Yu-Xi is actually very good, the skin is tender and tender, and the eggs are peeled off. It is also envied to go out. But she looked at the exposed arm of Yu-Chen and couldn’t help but say:
            "I heard Quan Mama say that 3rd sister's skin is as tender as tofu, and it will leave a trace when I touch it. Let me give it a try." Finished, poked Yu-Chen's arm. As soon as the hand left Yu-Chen's receipt, he saw a red-printed print.
            Yu-Chen is laughing:
            "Everyone wants to marry soon, but also like a child." She has also suffered a lot from the delicate skin.
            Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "I just don't marry a talented person. After marrying, I can't be so casual." To be exact, it is very casual at home, and there are too many things to pay attention to at home.
            The two were lying in bed and talking for a long time. Until Gui Mama walked in and said:
            "Miss, it's time to sleep, or else you shouldn't be mentally tomorrow." One day tomorrow, there is still toss.
            The two did not speak again.
            Yu-Chen squinted, but she didn't fall asleep for a long time. When she turned and wanted to talk to Yu-Xi, she found that Yu-Xi had slept sweetly. Yu-Chen whispered to Yu-Xi:
            "The one I admire is me!" She admired Yu-Xi, and envied Yu-Xi to get Qiu-shi and the lobby Brother their love. Although she has the true love of the Grandmother and the Maternal Grandmother, no matter whether it is her own sister-sister-sister or the other-sister-sister-sister, no one is better with her. Another is to marry, although she said that she is married to the royal family, it is better to marry than Yu-Xi, but there are many careers to face in the future. But Yu-Xi is different, Chen Jiajia is good, Chen Ran really likes Yu-Xi, Taining Marchioness is also a generous person, Yu-Xi married to Chen, the days will be very comfortable.
            Thinking of this, Yu-Chen couldn't help but think of her past with 10th Prince. In the past, she really believed that 10th Prince was really sincere to her. Now think about what she thinks is stupid. Just like Gui Mama said, the true heart of the royals is a weapon to kill people without blood.
            When I was tired, I fell asleep.
            Yu-Xi slept soundly and was awakened by a loud noise. Looking at the strange house, she quickly reacted.
            This is Ting Yunge, not in her own yard.
            Thinking of this, Yu-Xi quickly got up from the bed and dressed, looking for Gui Mama:
            “Mama, what can I do for you?”
            Gui Mama said:
            "4th Miss will be with my family Miss." Let Yu-Xi do other things, she is afraid of adding chaos.
            Although the marriage of the last life is a tragedy, the process of getting married is still very clear. Yu-Xi did not see Yu-Chen and asked:
            "Is the 3rd sister bathed?"
            Gui Mama said:
            "Well, it will come out soon. 4th Miss wait a minute!"
            The bride is actually no different from a puppet on this day. What others let you do, you do it, you don't need your opinion. So I saw that Yu-Chen was tossed and tossed, and there was no special feeling.
            Waiting for Yu-Chen to put on the wedding dress and put on the phoenix crown, everyone is watching. Yu-Xi said to himself:
            "It's really unique." The appearance of such a beautiful city is really hard to ask in the world!
            The well-dressed Yu-Chen sat on the bed, waiting for the arrival of the groom. Yu-Xi walked over and sat next to Yu-Chen and asked:
            "3rd sister, have you ever eaten?"
            Yu-Chen said with a smile:
            "I just ate it, but now I am hungry." When she got up, she ate a bowl of noodles, but only had no noodles. I can toss a morning, and the thing I eat in my stomach has long been consumed.
            Yu-Xi listened to this:
            "Then wait, I will ask Gui Mama." Yu-Xi can't be arrogant, she still has to ask Gui Mama first. Otherwise, it is not praise, but a batch of good intentions.
            Gui Mama was prepared to hear that Yu-Chen was hungry and immediately let Servant bring a plate of morning cake to Yu-Chen. Yu-Xi looked at these pastry-sized cakes, and it was really ready. I thought she was married on an empty stomach, and she only had a bowl of chicken noodle soup until the evening.
            Then she sat on the bed and waited until dawn, and did not wait for the groom officer. Forget it, the unbearable past, don't think about it, save the mood.
            Yu-Xi watched Yu-Chen grab the wedding dress and put it down, put it down and grab it again. I can’t help but laugh at the moment:
            "3rd sister, are you nervous?"
            She thought that Yu-Chen was as calm as she had shown, and she didn't expect it to be pretending.
            Gui Mama listened to the words Yu-Xi and said with dissatisfaction:
            "It's going to leave her family and marry someone else house. It will be very nervous and normal." I don't know what 4th Miss is laughing at? Brides will be nervous when they marry, and they are normal.
            Yu-Xi immediately shuts up.
            I don't know how long it took, so the Yu-Xi was a little impatient, and I heard the sound of firecrackers outside. 10th Prince came in, and the original busy house suddenly calmed down.
            10th Prince appearance is also very outstanding, the face is like a jade, the eyebrows are like ink stains, and a pair of black eyes seem to drip out water, and the pliers are perfect and handsome as a knife-like face. If Yu-Chen is not covered by the cover, standing with 10th Prince is definitely a pair of monks.
            10th Prince identity, no one dared to star in the martyrdom. Xi Niang guided 10th Prince to finish all the procedures, and let 10th Prince pick up the bride.
            Normal people, the bridegroom official to the bride house to marry the bride, when going out, they have to bow to the bride elders. However, the bridegroom is 10th Prince, and no one but the emperor can stand his worship.
            Therefore, in this session, 10th Prince just bowed and bowed, but Yu-Chen kneeled on the ground and gave Han Jingyan three heads:
            "Hey, you have to take more care in the future." When she got out of the house today, she was no longer Miss of Han.
            When Han Jingyan saw it, his eyes were red. As for the text-Shi, I am not qualified to sit on the elders. So Yu-Chen just smashed three heads in a vacant position.
            Miss married, and the Brother carried the sedan chair. Jianming is Your Grace, Jiancheng is still young, and the task of carrying the bride is on Han Jianye.
            Yu-Xi returned to his yard after Yu-Chen was welcomed by Tingyun Pavilion. Yu-Chen from the Tingyun Pavilion to the upper sedan chair, she is listening to Tao.
            After listening to the Yu-Chen, which is said to be peach, the Yu-Xi reaction is very dull, saying:
            "Know it, go on!" How about the wedding and grandfather? When you enter the door, you have to face a Shiqie with a strong backing and a pregnant one. If you think about it, you should be flustered. Fortunately, she doesn't have to face such a thing, or she may not want to be a pro.
            Quan Mama saw Yu-Xi in a listless manner, waved everyone down, and then asked:
            "Miss, is there anything?"
            3rd Miss is married, Miss is very dull in the past two days, she is not very happy, she feels very strange.
            Yu-Xi didn't take advantage of Quan Mama, and said Song Linger had a happy event. Anyway, this matter will come out in a few days:
            “Sister 3rd said that the news is very reliable.”
            Quan Mama is not at all unexpected. Song Honorable Noble is the aunt of Song Linger, and then the Song family is the backing. 10th Prince can't really ignore him:
            "Marrying into the royal family, it is also a superficial scenery.
            The cruelty and bitterness of the inside, you can never understand without being in it." She spent most of her life in the palace, and saw countless dirty things.
            Yu-Xi self-deprecating:
            "I always thought that the 3rd sister was born with love. Now think about it, it is really naive enough."
            Quan Mama said:
            "10th Prince is really sincere to 3rd Miss.
            This is enough to make 3rd Miss stand firm in Jing Wang." In addition to the 10th Prince really love, there are Han family and Jiang home, and 3rd Miss Not really white and innocent. Compared with other women, the advantage of 3rd Miss is not too much.
            Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "Really, how long can this kind of sincerity and trueness last?"
            Quan Mama felt that the idea of ​​Yu-Xi was a bit pessimistic and said:
            "Miss, how much you have to pay, how much you have to pay. Again, 3rd Miss is carefully educated by Gui Mama, you don't have to worry about her. Even if Tenzizi really changes his mind in the future, 3rd Miss can get very good."
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "I am not worried about my 3rd sister. She has nothing to worry about. I just think that a man is alive for the family, and what is a woman? For a lifetime, I only work for a child."
            The more you read, the more you think about it.
            "Oh..." The topic is too esoteric, and Quan Mama can't answer it. After thinking about it for a while, Quan Mama said:
            "Besides the male lord, the female lord, has it been since ancient times?"
            Yu-Xi listened to this and bowed his head. It is this rule that will allow women to live only with men.

            Chapter 256 Yu-Chen Back  

            In the early morning, a few birds ‘called crisply outside the window.
            Yu-Xi finished the morning exercise, walked out of the house and looked at the place where the birds sang, saying:
            "There are birds in the morning, and there are happy events today." Thinking of the day when Yu-Chen came back, Yu-Xi couldn't help but laugh.
            Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, it's time to wash it, or else it's late." Yu-Xi is an old fritter, and every party is almost the last one. Zi-Su thinks that the Yu-Xi habit is really bad.
            After the grooming, Yu-Xi went to the upper house. Fortunately, this past is not the last one.
            The last one to come is the text-Shi.
            Text-Shi is supported by a Servant into the house. Yu-Xi didn't know why, but I remembered that Concubine was also such a posture.
            Qiu-shi is the most incomprehensible text-Shi, coldly said:
            "If the 3rd sister-in-law is uncomfortable, don't come over.
            The outsiders don't know, and think how much we are treating you!" It is a low embarrassment for such people to reduce her style.
            Wen-Shi said a little wrong:
            "1st Sister-in-law, today is the day of 3rd Miss's return. How can I not be a mother? Don't say that I am in good health, even if it is not good." Yu-Chen is married this day. Old Master is not allowed to show her face, how can I not show up when I return to the door!
            Yu-Xi said before Qiu-shi opening:
            "Three words are not right. If you are not feeling well, please ask the doctor to look at it. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about the child in your stomach. If the child has something wrong, then it is not good. My 3rd sister is not."
            Wen-Shi said with a smile:
            "I am in good health and I am not uncomfortable." Qiu-shi is not very good at bickering.
            This 4th Miss mouth is like a knife. If it is said that it must be drowned.
            Servant walked in and said:
            "Old Madam-, Madam, the meal is ready, can be used." Although Han Jianming inherited the title, but the name has not changed.
            The group went to the dining hall. Old Madam sits in the main position, Qiu-shi sits on the left side of Old Madam, and Yu-Xi Ze is sitting next to Qiu-shi.
            Many things in pregnant women need to be taboo, and many things on the table can't be eaten. Old Madam asked the cook to prepare a special meal for her.
            Wen-Shi ate a bird's nest porridge, when the color below is not very good to say:
            "Mother, it's still delicious in your bird's nest.
            The bird's nest I eat on most days has no taste."
            Qiu-shi listened to this, the anger of a stomach. Text-Shi since pregnancy, one will say to eat bird's nest, one will say to eat old hen soup, these days will the kitchen people over there toss enough. Wen-Shi used to eat, but she is. If you eat it, you will be able to pick it up and pick it up here:
            "It's not good for anyone to force you to eat. You don't have to call the kitchen later do, want to eat, and pay for it yourself." When her silver is falling from the sky.
            Text-Shi face is not good to see, said:
            "1st Sister-in-law, I just ate a little while pregnant, and I also made up for the children. Why bother me?"
            Qiu-shi snorted:
            "When you have no children, do we let you eat green vegetables and radish all day? I will wait until I will take the accounts and see if you are married to Duke until now. what?"
            Old Madam looked very unsightly, and swept the text coldly-Shi also said:
            "Is it finished? After I finished, I rushed to eat? I didn't want to eat it and went back." Before looking at this article-Shi was still knowledgeable and interested, she did not expect to expose her nature when she was pregnant.
            Because of the bad atmosphere, Pozi, who is on the service, is more careful. Yu-Xi was not affected by this atmosphere, drank a bowl of glutinous rice porridge, and then told Servant to hold another bowl.
            Wen-Shi said like a smile:
            "4th Miss has a good appetite. I have to admire it when I look at it." Who can eat so much, and telling people to go out has to be a joke.
            Yu-Xi is not the master of swallowing. After listening to the words, the chopsticks in his hand slammed on the table and said coldly:
            "We Hanjia is no better than the Wenjia, and even the rice is not enough. But fortunately, you are poor, so that you can't eat enough, walking is not stable, or else you have the opportunity to sit here?"
            The information content of this statement is not small.
            After listening to this, the text-Shi face is white. Her reaction to this made the people in the room more curious, and I don't know what it means to be 4th Miss.
            Old Madam’s face was completely dark, looking at the text-Shi said:
            "Go back." Her tolerance is limited.
            Text-Shi listened to this, his face turned into pig liver color. She would like to faint, but she is very clear, if she dares to faint, Old Madam will definitely let people drag her away.
            Text-Shi left. Old Madam looked at Yu-Xi and said:
            "It doesn't matter if you have a big temper at home, but it is you who have such a big temper at the husband's family. It is you who suffer."
            Yu-Xi said unchanged:
            "The Grandmother rest assured, I have a sense of proportion." She will soon be married, or else she will not be scolded.
            After using the breakfast, everyone was waiting for Yu-Chen in the yard.
            Yu-Xi is very speechless about Old Madam. At the moment of the moment, Yu-Chen will have to arrive at least one hour later. It takes so long for everyone to wait in the house, and there is no fear of complaints. Cough, I have to admit one thing, Old Madam is old, and it has not been done before.
            The group waited for nearly one and a half hours, Yu-Chen and 10th Prince. Yu-Chen is dressed in a red palace dress with delicate pomegranate petals embroidered on the skirt. A red gold-plated emerald pomegranate pomegranate was placed obliquely on the head, and the face was thinly powdered. Standing with 10th Prince wearing a robes, it’s really a pair of monks.
            Yu-Xi looks at the two people standing side by side, this scene is exactly the same as when I was a lifetime. I remember that at that time, she did not know how much envious Yu-Chen! Now, nothing feels like it.
            Zi-Su See Yu-Xi in a daze, licking her, let Yu-Xi return from the sorrow. At this time, Yu-Chen is presenting the Old Madam with 10th Prince.
            Yu-Chen brought a lot of gifts back, everyone has it. Yu-Xi received a top-level study room Sibao.
            Yu-Xi took the gift with both hands and said with a smile:
            "Thank you 3rd sister." I still remember that she received a pair of red gold in her life. Compared with the gift I received now, it is really a day.
            After seeing the ceremony, 10th Prince went out. Entertaining 10th Prince, naturally it is non-Han Jingyan.
            Old Madam took Yu-Chen's hand and let her sit next to her and asked:
            “What about Jing Wang’s Highness to treat you?”
            Although Yu-Chen's face is ruddy, the color is also very good, and it is very good. But she still doesn't trust, she has to get the answer from Yu-Chen.
            Yu-Chen said with a smile:
            “Wangye treats me very well.”
            After talking about a conversation, it was time for lunch. Yu-Chen back to the door, lunch is naturally used by a family.
            After lunch, Yu-Chen smiled and said to Old Madam:
            "The Grandmother, I want to go back to Tingyunge." There have always been different feelings in places where I have lived for more than ten years.
             - Madam gently patted Yu-Chen's hand and said:
            "Well, let Yu-Xi go with you to see it!" She couldn't move her old arms and legs, or she would definitely go with Yu-Chen.
            Out of the main courtyard, looking at the front and back more than a dozen people, but also added a strange face of Mama.
            That Mama is next to Yu-Chen, a dedication. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the two to whisper.
            Until the gate of Tingyunge, Yu-Chen said to Mama:
            "Gui Mama, you go to Tian Mama for a cup of tea. I went in with 4th sister."
            The Tian Mama did not refute, but went to the opposite room with Gui Mama with great interest drinking tea.
            After Yu-Chen and others left, this explained with Yu-Xi:
            “This Mama is given by Honorable Noble, saying that it can take care of my daily diet.” The plain faint sentence implies how many mysteries are inside.
            Yu-Xi has a heart, care is fake, and surveillance is true. It’s really bad to have such a Popo.
            Therefore, those Honorable Noble who loved to hear Yu-Chen, just lie to outsiders, and asked:
            "Song Ceefei is not a noisy moth?"
            Yu-Chen’s face was a touch of disdain and said:
            "I was married late, Song Ceefei made people say that she had a tire force. I watched with Wangye in the past, and I went back to the happy room until the next half." This is not a secret, even if she does not say, in the house People will soon know.
            Yu-Xi laughed:
            "She wants to respond to you? Although the method does not flow, but if you are annoyed, it is like her intention. Song Ceefei Although not a smart person, but the people around her are not stupid, there are Song Honorable Noble and Song It’s really tricky to be a family back!"
            Yu-Chen heard this, and a smile appeared on his face:
            "This is only what you dare to say." This is for the time being, and one day, she will let Song Ceefei come back with confidence. .
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Don't say these happy things. If you don't want to listen to the music, I will blow a new song to you."
            Yu-Chen clicked on the head:
            "Yes, just let you see if you have made progress." At home, I can relax myself.
            After listening to the song, Yu-Chen looked at Yu-Xi and asked:
            "This song has never been heard before. Where did you learn it?"
            See Yu-Xi saying that this song is called "Happy Spring", and then seeing Yu-Xi face is a little red, now understand:
            "This track is for Chen 2nd Master to give you?"
            Yu-Xi is not the one who twists and twists, says:
            "Yeah! He knows that I like to listen to happy songs, especially to me." 3rd sister, I will tell you about this, you can't say it. If you let the people of Taining wait and know, you will think I don't care about Chen Ran's future?"
            Others are scrambling to read books and prepare for reliability. Chen Ran is wasting time for her composing, and can not let Chen’s people have opinions!
            Yu-Chen flashed a hint of envy, saying:
            "Reassure, I won't say it. Speaking of it, we are sister-sisters, and Yu-Xi, you are the most blessed."
            Yu-Xi put down the bamboo flute in his hand and smiled and said:
            "We are all blessed people." There are more family things, and only if you can support yourself, you can live well.
            When you are happy, time always goes very fast. In a blink of an eye, it’s time to go back to the palace. Yu-Chen took the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
            "4th sister, after you marry, more to the king's house to move."
            Yu-Xi doesn't want to think about it:
            "Okay!" Good relationship with Yu-Chen, for her, it is beneficial.
            Ps: The third is sent.
            In the spring of March, all things are reviving, the willow green flowers, the Yangge dance, the earth is a vibrant scene.
            Yu-Xi looked at the bird that ‘called cheerfully on the tree and said:
            "If you are on Zhuangzi, you can go to fly a kite now."
            Zi-Su, this will not sigh, said:
            "Miss, my grandfather is still going to die in three days. What do you have to say?"
            The so-called expression is to go to the mountains to worship the Bodhisattva or to read the scriptures at home. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is also concerned about the performance of the fiancé.
            Yu-Xi corrects the error of Zi-Su:
            "I haven't been married yet, it's too early to call my grandfather." Although the marriage is scheduled to be in May, there will be more than two months left, but it is not married.
            The Servant around me is called Chen Ran Gu Master, and it feels weird.
            Zi-Su said:
            "I will say this privately. Miss, don't you really want to fly a kite?"
            Yu-Xi looked at Zi-Su, and she no longer teased her, laughing and saying:
            "Mother said, she took me to the mountain to worship Manjushri the next day." In fact, Yu-Xi is not worried at all, even if she does not go to worship Buddha, she will definitely be able to take the test. However, as Zi-Su said, it still has to be done. Otherwise, the Chen family thought she would not take Chen Ran seriously!
            At this time, the peaches rushed from the outside and said:
            "Miss, not good, kitchen is it over there?"
            Yu-Xi thinks this is very rare, saying:
            "What happened? Who is fighting with who?"
            Qiu-shi This person is not too strict, but the Ye-shi housekeeper is more severe.
            The fight is still the first time. But according to the rules, it is necessary to be severely punished.
            Looking for peaches said:
            "Miss, is the 3rd Madam's personal Servant Chunlan, who is playing with the kitchen chef. It seems to be a duck. No matter how many, the servants don't know."
            This is even rarer for a duck to fight. Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Go to the main house to see what is going on?"
            I’m bored recently, I can’t miss the excitement, I have to go onlookers.
            When I arrived at the main Courtyard, Yu-Xi knew what was going on. Original text-Shi always wanted to eat Cordyceps Duck Soup, the result of the kitchen there has been said no. As a result, Chunlan went to the study today I saw the melon duck soup stewed on the small stove.
            Chunlan was indignant and opened the door to the cook.
            The cook is not a good one.
            The two quarreled and quarreled and finally got out of control and started to fight.
            The cook was kneeling on the floor and said with a red face:
            "Madam, the servant said that the duck soup was made for Jia Concubine, but this Yatou was going to drink for 3rd Madam. I stopped, and she ‘called and dumped the duck soup on the stove.
            The servant was too angry to fight with her."
            Yu-Xi heard this and frowned. It was so easy to admit mistakes.
            This is not like the style of the cook. It should be said that it is not the style of Duke people. Usually encountered, these people will desperately push the mistakes to others.
            Chunlan not only became a pig's head, but also overflowed with blood in his mouth. He said with anger at the moment:
            "My family Madam said more than ten days ago that I want to drink Cordyceps Duck Soup, your kitchen I have been unable to find it. Where did the ducks come from now? The servants also ‘called for my Madam. I was quarreling with her.
            The soup was not overthrown by me. It was the kitchen chef who accidentally knocked it down."
            Yu-Xi leaned back in the chair and smiled when he heard this.
            The child of Conconbine stomach, if it is a boy, is the heir to Duke in the future. Text-Shi would face up to think that the child in her belly is more valuable than the child of Jia Concubine?
            Qiu-shi listened to this and threw the teacup on the table to the ground, and said coldly:
            "I don't know, the text - Shi-shi belly is even more expensive than my grandson?"
            Chunlan looks white.
            Yu-Xi See Qiu-shi stand up, a pair of quarrels, and quickly stopped:
            "Mother, have something to say, don't be angry." Turned to Li Mama and said:
            "The fight in the mansion is bad, and the two people deduct one month's worth of money."
            The monthly money of one year is gone, which means that the meat of two people is being cut. Fang Chuan is okay, although her heartache, but she also knows the position of 4th Miss in the mansion, I did not dare to disagree with this. Chunlan did not have so many concerns. She heard that she had to deduct her for a year's worth of money. She immediately yelled that she was the text-Shi Servant, and Yu-Xi had no right to dispose of her.
            Yu-Xi sneered:
            "When you arrive at the Han family, you are the servant of the Han family. As a servant, you dare to attack the master and drag it to your palm."
            When the words fell, Li Mama went up to grab Chunlan's mouth and dragged her out. Chunlan struggled, and ‘Lu Yin was unable to help him.
            Fang cooks scared her head down to the ground. Fortunately, she did not refute it just now, or else her end is definitely not much better than Chunlan.
            Qiu-shi waved:
            "Go all down." When everyone left, Qiu-shi said:
            "What do you do with this? No one says you are poisonous."
            Yu-Xi poured a cup of tea to Qiu-shi and said with a smile:
            "No one will talk nonsense. Mothers don't need to be angry, but it's a little thing."
            Qiu-shi took the tea, drank half a cup, and put down the cup and said:
            "Today, I want to eat ginseng abalone. I want to eat shark's fin bird's nest tomorrow. I will eat Cordyceps old duck and old hen the next day. Who is pregnant with her so much?"
            When she was pregnant, she did not toss it.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Niang is not ignorant of the text-Shi is a shallow eye, why bother with her." See Qiu-shi look annoying, said:
            "If she is impatient, it is also very good."
            Qiu-shi is right in the body and says:
            "You said, what is the way?"
            The method of Yu-Xi is very simple:
            "Dividing. Now Duke is the big brother who is the master of the house, and there are enough reasons for the mother to propose a separation." Yu-Xi prefers the method of once and for all, or not to ‘call, or to solve the problem fundamentally.
            Qiu-shi jumped and shook his head and said:
            "You the Grandmother will not agree." Separation can really solve the problem, and divide the family text-Shi even if she wants to eat dragon liver and phoenix, it does not matter to her. However, it is impossible for Old Madam to agree to separate.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Mother, the Grandmother does not agree with the separation of the family, as long as the three uncles want to separate the family." The person who takes the career is most concerned about the reputation, as long as the people in the mansion say a few words of Han Jingyan to eat zhizi, Han Jingyan Hearing the probation of taking the initiative to separate the family.
            Qiu-shi has some doubts about this method:
            "Is it really useful?"
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "This time Chunlan’s fight with Fang’s cook can be a primer. As for whether it is useful or not, I will know it after I have tried it.”
            Qiu-shi touched the head of Yu-Xi and said:
            "Yu-Xi, you are very happy and helpful to help the mother to solve the problem. But when it comes to Chen, everything can't be made, do you know?"
            It’s okay to have her care in the Han family, and what Yu-Xi does. But in Chen's family is not the same, Yu-Xi married in the past is the second son Erxi, second son Erxi, the most important thing is to keep this duty. Too strong, Popo will not like it. Between the hustle and bustle, it will not be harmonious.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Mother doesn't have to worry about me." When he arrived at Chen, he managed to make his own one-acre three-point land. When Chen Ran stayed in the Hanlin Academy for three years, he and Chen Ran went to work outside the home, and they didn't have to stay in the house all the year round.
            Qiu-shi nodded and said:
            "You have always been measured, and I won't say much." If she can, she really wants to leave Yu-Xi with her. However, Miss is always married when he is old. Although it is reluctant, there must always be such a day.
            After the departure of Chunlan, Li Mama let people send her back to the Bi Teng. Wen-Shi saw Chunlan, who was not an Daren, and fainted on the spot.
            Wen-Pozi Shi Old Madam around shi-shi sent the past, I felt bad when I saw it, and I quickly told the small Servant:
            "Get people to ask the doctor."
            The doctor came over and gave the text-Shi to the end of the vein:
            “3rd Madam was amazed by the tires. Fortunately, it’s not serious.
            Old Madam knows that he is upset and said:
            "What the hell is going on? How do you move your tires?"
            Wen-Shi is very good, but I did not expect the horizontal section.
            Luo Mama has already inquired about the cause and effect, and told Old Madam when the next word is missing:
            “I didn’t expect 3rd Madam to move the tires?”
            Old Madam looks ugly and said:
            "Four Yatou courage is getting bigger and bigger? The Servant around her is dare to fight? What else is she afraid to do? When I want to marry, I don't dare to move her?"
            Luo Mama said:
            "Old Madam, the original 4th Miss was penalized for their one-year monthly money. It was Chunlan who said she was 3rd Madam's Servant, and 4th Miss was not qualified to dispose of her.
            This annoyed 4th Miss." Luo Mama This is The eye drops are gone. One to say shi-shi has not yet regarded himself as a Han family, and secondly, Chunlan is looking for a fight. A Servant dared to pick up with the master, not looking for what to fight.
            Old Madam also knows that Luo Mama is right, but the behavior of Yu-Xi makes her very uncomfortable:
            "You go to Taoranju personally, tell Yatou, let her copy fifty times of "Heart Sutra."" Yu-Xi is about to marry, house arrest and snoring are not good, can only use this method.
            Luo Mama nodded and asked:
            "Old Madam, three Old Masters come back to know about it in the evening, and it is estimated that they have a storm." Three Old Master is looking forward to this child in the text-Shi, if it is 4th Miss, 3rd Madam moved his tires, fearing that he could not be good.
            Old Madam also felt a headache. Yu-Xi and his younger son were the last generations of their families, or else the father and the daughter could come to this point.
            Luo Mama is very worried and said:
            "Old Madam, 3rd Madam will definitely complain to Old Master. When the Old Master is angry and beats 4th Miss, what should I do?"
            Different times in the past, if the three Old Master dare to move a finger of 4th Miss, 1st Madam is not the same as the three Old Master.
            Old Madam said:
            "Yan will not be so unconstrained." There will be anger, but if you want to play Yu-Xi, it will not.
            Luo Mama didn't dare to say more when he saw it. Some words can be said, but it can be stopped. If it is over, it will be rejected by Old Madam.
            Yu-Xi returned to Taoranju on the front foot, and heard the text on the back foot-Shi moved the tire. Yu-Xi was very surprised to hear this news:
            “How can I move my tires?”
            Zi-Su said:
            "3rd Madam saw Chunlan, who was not Daren, and was terrified. I heard that the lower body was still bleeding, and now people have been invited to the doctor." Zi-Su does not think that Yu-Xi handles Chunlan. It's wrong, but it's a tricky thing.
            Yu-Xi sneered aloud:
            "Besides that face is really useless, even a few people are not good." The people who waited around were a bit worried, and would not let Wen-Shi see Chunlan. After all, people with a little common sense know that pregnant people are not irritated.
            Zi-Su is a bit worried:
            "Miss, after the three Old Master came back, if you know that this is caused by you, will you be scolding you again?"
            Yu-Xi does not care to say:
            "No." Han Jingyan is the most important person, so everything likes to behave. She is now the person of the 1st House. Han Jingyan temperament is not going to blame her. She will say a few words to her older brother and let her brother manage her. As for why it is not Qiu-shi, I don't have to think about it. If Han Jingyan dares to say this with Qiu-shi, the security will be smashed by the dog's head.
            Therefore, a child with a mother is a treasure, and a child without a mother is a grass. She dares to do this now, because she knows that unless she is a big mistake, she will be standing on her side.
            There is a mother to support, in addition to Old Madam in the house, the scruples of others.
            As I spoke, I heard that Luo Mama came over. Looking at the scriptures in the hands of Luo Mama, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            “The Grandmother want me to copy the book?”
            Old Madam is left with the means of punishing people.
            Luo Mama nodded and said:
            “3rd Madam moved the tires and made Old Madam very angry. I persuaded the old Madam to deflate for a little while. But Old Madam felt that Miss was upset, so let the old servants send After the book came over, let Miss copy the scriptures and calm down. "Luo Mama said that it is a testament. Although she is now eager to use Shi Old Madam, she still has to be old in Duke. Selling Yu-Xi one person, let 1st Madam mourn her three points, and wait for Old Madam to go, she is not worried about being excluded in the mansion.
            Yu-Xi takes this person:
            "Mama has a heart." This is reality. You are strong, these people not only dare not step on you, but also make a good fight to tie you up.
            After getting this book, Yu-Xi turned and went to the study and began to copy. Fifty times, anyway, I didn’t say when I turned in, I just wanted to practice.
            In the evening, Han Jingyan came back from Tuen Mun and hadn't asked Old Madam for security. He heard the little Servant at the gate saying that the shi-shi had moved.
            Han Jingyan heard this and hurried to the Bi Teng. At this time, the text - shi-shi, has long woke up, seeing Han Jingyan, crying with pears and rain, so sorry.
            Han Jingyan asked coldly:
            "What happened? How could it move the tires?"
            The brightest eldest son died, and the three sons who survived were not smart, so Han Jingyan was full of hope for the child who was shi-shi. Now I heard the movement of the tires, how to be angry.
            Text-Shi evas the weight and said:
            "The first two * want to drink the old duck soup, but the kitchen there has been perfunctory and said no. Today Chunlan went to the kitchen take things to see the old duck soup on the small stove, the moment it smashed two sentences, the result is that the cook is arrogant Said that the old duck soup was done for Jia Concubine..." Speaking of this, Wen-Shi has again tears.
            Han Jingyan asked coldly:
            "and then?"
            Wen-Shi wiped her tears and said:
            "Chunlan gas just said two words, the words do not fight with the two.
            This thing was known by 4th Miss, 4th Miss does not punish the cook, only to kill Chunlan. Old Master, Chunlan is Growing up with the whole body, the pro-sister-sister. Seeing that Chunlan was beaten as badly, it was as uncomfortable as a knife."
            Han Jingyan said coldly:
            "You have a good rest!" Then he went out.
            Text-Shi is dumbfounded, Old Master's reaction is not in line with her imagination! According to the text-Shi imagination, Han Jingyan should be very angry when she heard her, and then she would be fair to her.
            After Han Jingyan went out, he called Old Madam to wait for the text-Heir of Po-shi, and asked:
            “How did 3rd Madam move the tires?”
            He doesn't like Yu-Xi, but it doesn't mean he will be fooled by a woman.
            There are a lot of shortcomings in Yu-Xi, but she Shi Old Madam raises her, and she will never be so unruly.
            Pozi made this clear from beginning to end. No oil and vinegar, just a fair statement of things. Wen-Shi sect, many of Duke people are not pleasing to the eye, including this Pozi who is waiting for her. Not pregnant, I don’t know if she thought she was pregnant! However, this Pozi is somewhat awkward to Han Jingyan, so she does not dare to talk nonsense.
            After listening to Pozi, Han Jingyan silenced and turned and went to the upper house. He is looking for Old Madam, not for Chunlan, a Servant is still not in his eyes. Han Jingyan looking for Old Madam is an old saying, he wants to separate:
            "Mother, it’s just a duck.
            The cook is pushing three resistances and four. It must be instructed. Mother, still separate! Let’s drag on, I’m afraid there will be more embarrassing things.” Han Jingyan thinks this is Qiu- Shi deliberately makes bad, in order to achieve the purpose of separation. Just right, he also wants to separate, just like the will of Qiu-shi.
            Knowing Mo Ruomu, after listening to this, Old Madam knows what Han Jingyan thinks, and now says:
            "You 1st Sister-in-law is somewhat dissatisfied in some things, but she will not do such a thing." If Qiu-shi wants to separate, he will directly say that it will not make such a means of incompetence. At this point, Old Madam is still confident.
            Han Jingyan said:
            "Whether it is instructed by 1st Sister-in-law, mother, this matter should not be dragged down. If you drag it down, it will definitely cause more things. If you get a home early, you can clear it earlier." There are also many industries, and they are separated and the days are just as good. To be exact, it is more comfortable.
            There is no separation now, and his industries are hidden and cannot be known. When you are separated, you can take it out with great brilliance.
            Old Madam See Han Jingyan's attitude is determined, the taste can not be said:
            "Do you want to separate?"
            Old Madam is not willing to separate. Separated, although still living in one place, it is actually two families.
            Han Jingyan said:
            "Mother, even if I am separated, I still live in the mansion. But it is to divide the industry, and then separate the accounts and less disputes."
            When the son is older, he has his own idea. It is boring to stop her. Old Madam said:
            "Since you want to split up, go talk to Jianming! I am old, and I can't manage you."
            Han Jingyan has some flaws:
            "Mother, my son is not filial."
            Old Madam is in a bad mood and does not want to talk to Han Jingyan again:
            "I am a little tired, you are going to find Jianming!" Jianming is the owner of the house, and he still has his idea.
            After Han Jingyan left, Old Madam turned and asked Luo Mama:
            "Today kitchen what did you find out?"
            Luo Mama shook his head and said nothing:
            “3rd Madam has been picking and picking up all the time from pregnancy to the present. On several occasions, she has called the cook to give her a day and night.
            This is not the case, but she never rewards them.
            The cook had a sigh of gas. Before 3rd Madam said that he wanted to eat the old duck soup, the kitchen there was no intention to find it."
            Old Madam asks:
            "Who is the old duck soup who ordered the stew?"
            It’s impossible to be so smart, the text-Shi said that there is no food, and Jia Concubine wants to eat it.
            Luo Mama thought for a moment and said:
            "It seems that 1st Nai-Nai sees that Jack Concubine has no appetite, so he told the cook to be an old duck soup." Ye-shi is the head of the family Nai-Nai, she told me that these cooks naturally did not dare Push and try to find it.
            Therefore, Chunlan saw the stew of the old duck soup on the small stove.
            Old Madam's face is not very good:
            "I didn't expect that Ye-shi thought so big?"
            She did not expect that the mastermind behind the scene turned out to be Ye-shi.
            Thinking of this, Old Madam is powerless. Qiu-shi was not full of plain and clear written on her face, but she did not expect her face Ye-shi to be dissatisfied with the 3rd House. Ye-shi is not Qiu-shi, Qiu-shi is a rectum, and Ye-shi is a means to have a chance, which is why she is interested in Ye-shi. I just didn't expect that Ye-shi would use the means to the family one day.
            Luo Mama said:
            "3rd Madam What to eat for the cook to do is. But she picks and chooses, noisy. Whether it is 1st Madam or 1st Nai-Nai, my heart is not comfortable." the 3rd House was originally used for public use, and the text-Shi also picks and chooses four, and eats it every day. Does this make the housekeeper's Ye-shi feel comfortable? It is normal to make a small plan to punish.
            Old Madam sighed slightly. My son is four married, and there are many children under the knees. It is easy to find Miss who wants to find a good family. Of course, it is not to say that you can't find it. If you don't pay attention to the door, you can still find it. Only the son she found was not up to. In the end, I picked up such a shallow eye:
            "Forget it, if you are separated, you can also be clean for two days." The tree is too big to branch, and she can't stop it.
            Ol d Madam agreed to separate, mainly after sharing the family, and they still lived together, she wants to see her son can also see. Otherwise, she will not agree with her fight.
            Han Jianming heard that Han Jingyan said that he wanted to split up and disagreed.
            The reason why Han Jianming disagreed is very simple.
            There are not many children in the Han family, and Han Jingyan is definitely one of them. Although the uncle is not intimate, but always a family, in the future can have a variety of care. Although it is still a family, it is always separated by a layer.
            Han Jingyan’s attitude is very determined and must be separated.
            The reason is the same as what she said to Old Madam.
            Han Jianming couldn't tell, he could only lift Old Madam out:
            "Three uncles, the Grandmother will not agree to separate." Parents are, not separated.
            Han Jingyan said:
            "I have already told you about the Grandmother, and my mother agreed. Although it is said that the family is divided, the industry is divided and eaten in various ways. Later, I live in the mansion. Waiting for the Grandmother, a hundred years later, I will move out."
            Well, these long-term things are all thought out. It is obvious that they have to be separated. Han Jianming knows that it is useless again:
            "Since my uncle has decided, then I will go back tomorrow." He is the owner, but he is still a younger generation. Although he said that he was not tempted, he had to be present in such a big event. Of course, I have to ask a few ethnic groups to come and witness with my in-laws.
            Han Jingyan feels that his older brother is no different, but he always has nothing to do. It’s just that this is not the case in the face of Han Jianming:
            "it is good."
            This matter is basically fixed.
            It is impossible to take advantage of other people in the family to divide such a big thing. After Han Jianming and Han Jingyan discussed it, he told Qiu-shi and Ye-shi about it.
            Qiu-shi Ba is not a scorer:
            "It's a good point. If you divide the 3rd House, you will lose a lot of money." These years, I don't know how much money to supplement the 3rd House.
            Han Jianming listened to Qiu-shi and couldn’t help but sigh. It’s no wonder that the three uncles are going to be separated. It’s the reason for the mother’s side:
            "Mother, money is a small matter, the most important thing is a peace and harmony." Men look at problems different from women. Han Jianming pays more attention to the benefits that are obtained outside, not the three melons and two dates at home.
            Qiu-shi said:
            "It’s not a stingy, but the cost of the 3rd House is too great. Jianming, you may not know that the 3rd House has more expenses a year than our 1st House.
            The money is saved and you will be in the future. With Jianye."
            Han Jianming asked with little confidence:
            “How can the spending of the 3rd House be more than our 1st House?”
            How can Qiu-shi lie to his son:
            "Our the 1st House is more expensive than the one you use. Others use the money to save. But the 3rd House funeral events, and the cost of Jiancheng, are a big sum." The women's shi-zis of the 1st House used small kitchens while the kitchenettes all used private houses did not take public accounts.
            The 3rd House is eaten in public, plus the cost of Han Jingyan, the funeral of Wu-Shi, and the marriage of Yu-Chen is also a big expense.
            There are a few more children in the 3rd House, and they have to marry each other, which will be a big expense. If Han Jingyan used to take money to the public when he was an official, then Qiu-shi would not say anything more. For so many years, except for that point, there is nothing in the three, and Qiu-shi is not even willing to continue to be a big man.
            Han Jianming listened to the account of Qiu-shi, and said nothing.
            The main thing is that the separation of the family has basically been fixed, and it makes no sense to say anything:
            "Mother, the kitchen the people over there are not quite like words, and the mother is well rectified. If these three days want to eat anything, let the kitchen let her do it there! After the separation, what will happen again, It’s not very good.”
            Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
            "This is the kitchen the people over there are not right, but the main problem is the text-Shi." After that, Qiu-shi said something about the text-Shi:
            "On such a cold day, you have to eat late at night and you can talk to the kitchen first. Let them do it on the stove. Kevin-Shi does not say during the day, always like the chef in the middle of the night. Call it up and do it.
            This is also the case. People have said that people are not doing well, and they are picking and picking up.
            The next person is also a person. It must be resentful several times." You have to let people do things, at least I have to give two rewards! Don't give money, but also said that it is not good to eat, the clay figurine is also three-pointed! Not to mention people.
            Han Jianming is speechless, and he really doesn't know about it. Recently busy with a gyro, where will time to pay attention to the trivialities of the inner court:
            "Mother, it will take a long time to separate, and this time is still to restrain the people in the mansion! Don't make trouble again." Now that you want to split up, then you will divide your home with enthusiasm.
            Qiu-shi nodded:
            "You can rest assured that this will not happen again." They have to be separated, and then they will be tossed for a few more days. She will certainly not make people moths.
            Yu-Xi also quickly knew the news of the separation. Han family is not separated, and it has no effect on Yu-Xi. However, Han Jingyan took the initiative to propose a separation, which is considered a good thing, and her previous plans do not need to be used.
            Zi-Su heard the separation and said:
            "Divided, save 3rd Madam all day long." Two Young Madam and Jia Concubine are pregnant with children, the two add up no text shi-shi so toss.
            Because the agreement has been reached, the separation of the family has not been deliberately embarrassed, and the people in the house will soon know.
            This time, the minds of the next generation are somewhat floating. In particular, there are many people in the 3rd House who are looking for a relationship. I don't want to go to the 3rd House when I am separated.
            The next generation also has eyes, not to mention how many industries the 3rd House can be divided into, it is said that when faced with such a trick, Madam, the days of the people are not good.
            Wen-Shi raised a few days and felt that her body was not serious, she was impatient and then lying on the bed. Feeling flustered in the room, I wanted Servant to help her move around. Old Madam sent Pozi to wait, and said bitterly for a long time, the text-Shi did not listen to:
            "I just went out and walked two steps, what can be done." In order to clean the ears, she did not follow Rang Pozi.
            The result is an accident.
            Wen-Shi heard two Pozis on the way to the walk and said that they were separated.
            Text-Shi changed his face and strode forward to ask the two Pozis who are talking:
            "What are you talking about? What is the separation?"
            When two Pozis see it, they know that they are not right. When they want to tell the truth, one of them refers to the other:
            "I am talking about the separation of their maiden Brother."
            Text-Shi Although the eyelids are shallow, but the ears are still good. She had just heard the words of the three Old Master, and the brother of the old Pozi family could call the three Old Master. Wen-Shi said with a cold face:
            "What the hell is going on? Tell me clearly?"
            Two Pozis are also the old servants in the mansion, slippery! Seeing more and more, I know that it is wrong, I don’t tell the truth. Who knows what will happen when the truth is said? Everything in the text-Shi has moved the tires, they certainly have no good fruit to eat. It was the 3rd Madam that had moved the tires, but it was sold by the three Old Masters.
            Wen-Shi is not good, she is most tired of this kind of servant who does not take her seriously. But she can't help but these people, because the sale is not in her hands. However, these two Pozi don't say that it doesn't mean she can't find out what is going on.
            Back to the Bi Teng, Wen-Shi will call over Pozi who is waiting for her and ask:
            "It’s all about dividing the house outside. What the hell is going on? You tell me clearly?"
            Pozi knows the text-Shi goes out, there is no good thing, Servant in the Bitten Court, she is married, but the outside person can't manage it:
            "Madam, this is a long story. Madam still asks Old Master at night!" Wen-Shi tires are not safe enough, she is afraid of text-Shi knows because she is troubled When you are separated, you have to be stimulated. In case the child can't keep it, she has to follow it and eat it.
            Wen-Shi is too angry, put a porcelain bottle on the ground, and ‘called:
            "Do you say that you don't say it? Just let me go out without saying it." One does not take her seriously, her 3rd Madam is a display.
            Pozi has no choice but to avoid it and say:
            “Three Old Master thinks that ‘Laozi has become a family member. If you don’t divide your family, you will be told to eat zhizi, so the three Old Masters proposed a separation.
            This is not only the grandfather’s consent, but Shi Old Madam also agrees. It is."
            Text-Shi has changed greatly, saying:
            "Impossible, how can Old Master think about separation? Is it Qiu-shi forced?"
            Suddenly remembered the scene before Chunlan, the face was getting worse, asked:
            "Is it the last time Laoya Tang, the 1st House is going to be separated?"
            Pozi sees instinct is not good:
            "Madam, this matter has nothing to do with Chunlan's troubles.
            Three Old Master wanted to be separated after the grandfather hit the prince, but at that time 3rd Miss had not married yet, so he never said it." Say, Pozi knows clearly that 1st Madam has long wanted to separate the 3rd House, and Chunlan and Fanggui are just the fuse. I know that I know, but I can’t tell the text-Shi.
            Text-Shi where to believe:
            "Do you tell me the truth? Is it the case that the cook had made trouble, so Qiu-shi took the opportunity to split up?"
            Pozi was so anxious that his forehead was sweating:
            "Madam, do you have children in your stomach? The doctor said that you are not angry, you..." Pozi words have not been finished yet, and the text-Shi has fallen.
            Pozi looked at the text-Shi blood flowing between the legs, scalp numb. Last text-Shi fainted outside the rumor that bleeding, in fact, there is no bleeding, but this time, it is really bleeding. Pozi is almost useless:
            "Come on, please go to the doctor, go on, and do what you want!" Now, she must have eaten and hanged. Cough, I should have been sick from the errand.
            Text-Shi had not been able to move the tires before, and this will be stimulated again. After the doctor finished the pulse, his face looked ugly and said:
            "The child can't keep it." The child couldn't keep it, and the Daren also hurt.
            Waiting for the text-Shi Pozi legs are soft, almost sitting on the ground:
            "Doctor, this child is the lifeblood of my family Madam! Please be sure to think of ways to save this child. Doctor, beg you."
            The doctor shook his head and said:
            "3rd Madam is physically weak.
            This fetus was not stable enough. It was stimulated one after another, that is, Hua Tuo could not keep it in the world."
            Wen Pozi really sat down on the ground.
            The doctor is still quite diligent, and gave the text-Shi a prescription for the nursed back, and then prepared to go back with the medicine box.
            Pozi hurriedly stopped the doctor and said:
            "Please also go with me to see Old Madam." The main reason is to let the doctor tell the story of the old-Shi Old Madam. What the doctor said is more convincing than she said.
            Pozi is also selfish in doing this.
            The text-Shi responsibility for losing a baby is not on her. Old Madam is not too heavy if she is angry with her. Old Madam is blamed, and the three Old Master will naturally not be pursued. Pozi is not willing to fall into the hands of the three Old Master, she does not want to follow the footsteps of Chunlan. She is so old and sold out that it is a dead end.
            Text-Shi moved the tires, Old Madam listened to Luo Mama before the doctor came. She was wondering what happened in the mansion, and how the text-Shi would move the tires. I have not been investigated for the reason that I got the text-Shi lost the news. Old Madam cold face asked the doctor:
            "What happened? How did you get lost?"
            The doctor repeated what he had said before with Pozi and then said:
            "In fact, 3rd Madam was originally physically weak. At that time, it should be better to nurse for a while and then have better children. Now that the child has fallen, the body is even more loss Making. At least two years of conditioning can take care of the child." , Wen-Shi in order to keep his own wind blowing down the body of the graceful body, eating very little on most days leads to physical weakness.
            This time, the birth is stimulated for half of the reasons, and half of the reason is that her body is too bad.
            Old Madam told Luo Mama:
            "Additional to the doctor, fifty Silver Taels." The fifty Silver Taels have the meaning of letting the doctor not talk outside.
            The doctor is not stupid, let alone a person like Duke House, that is, ordinary people will not say this private thing, this is the doctor's most medical ethics.
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