Han Yuxi 230-239

Han Yuxi 

            Chapter 230 Timing (1)  

            Out of the Lantern Festival, Taining Marchioness invited Zhou 1st Madam. I went out with the Han family and said that I was ready to ask the official matchmaker to come to the door.
            Large families are very rigorous, and they will get a definite answer before they come to the door. Otherwise, the matchmaker will refuse to give up and the face will not look good.
            This week, 1st Madam went to the Han family and went straight to the upper house to tell Han Old Madam about it. Zhou Jia 1st Madam Said:
            "Auntie, this affair is really hard to find with a lantern." Zhou Shi, the daughter of Zhou 1st Madam, has been married. If she has a daughter, she must be moved.
            Han Old Madam very nodded and agreed, not to use Zhou Jia 1st Madam. Not to mention that Chen Ran is very good in itself. As for the Chen family door, Yu-Xi is not lost when he marries.
            Zhou Jia 1st Madam thought that it would cost a lot of money, but did not expect Old Madam to be so refreshing:
            "Yu-Xi, this child is really blessed." Chen Ran did not know how many people were caught, but the last time this family member fell on the head of Yu-Xi, it is not a blessing.
            When Zhou Shi 1st Madam left, Han Old Madam told Luo Pozi:
            "You used to call Yu-Xi." If it was before, Old Madam must have let people know that Yu-Xi is finished. But now the situation is different, and she has agreed to Qiu-shi, so I still have to personally speak with Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi saw Luo Mama and heard that Old Madam told her that she had something to know and that it was not too small. Because it’s okay, Old Madam won’t call her, and she won’t let Luo Mama come in person.
            Not hesitating, Yu-Xi went to the upper house with Luo Mama. On the road, pretending to be very casual, ask:
            "Mama, the Grandmother, why are you looking for me?"
            Luo Mama smiled and said:
            "Miss went to the upper house and knew it. It was a good thing." If Shi Old Madam didn't look right, she didn't feel right. Now I will tell Yu-Xi about this happy event.
            Yu-Xi sighs in the heart, good things, what good things can she do now except for her family? Thinking of the marriage, Yu-Xi asked:
            "Luo Mama, is it a cousin?"
            Luo Mama smiled, nodded, and did not deny it. 4th Miss is not the same as before, and once again got such a good relationship, it is really a complete turn.
            Yu-Xi has a lot of heart.
            Old Madam saw Yu-Xi and did not play any mute mystery. He directly said the intention of Zhou Family 1st Madam:
            "I heard your mother said, you are not satisfied with Chen's family?"
            Yu-Xi has prepared, and the answer is naturally dripping:
            "The Grandmother, Taining Houfu power is bigger than our Duke House, Chen Ran is also a solution to the Yuan, whether it is Jiashi or Chen Ran, people can not pick a trace of bad. I heard that even Yu family 1st Madam wants to marry her daughter!"
            Old Madam doesn't look, asks:
            "If you have something to say, you don't need to turn around." This Yatou is very transparent, maybe it's really different.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "The Grandmother, just because this family is so good, I wonder. How can the people like the Grandmother, Taining Houfu look at me? It’s not that I am arrogant, I really can’t match Chen Ran in my condition. Say something else, just because I have such a bad reputation, it is impossible for Taining Marchioness to look at me.” After a pause, Yu-Xi said to Old Madam:
            "The Grandmother, if you change to you, you will give your son a hit with a fate Erxi?"
            Old Madam blinked and said:
            "Do you think Chen Jia wants you to have another picture? But what do they figure you? What do you have for them to calculate?"
            Old Madam can be said to be a hit. Not to mention that Yu-Xi did not let Chen’s family calculate it, even if Han’s family had nothing to make Chen’s plot.
            Yu-Xi has to say that Jiang is still old and hot, and she has nothing to say about her. Fortunately, she is also prepared to say:
            "The Grandmother, I don't know what they are, but I think Chen is not as good as the ones rumored outside. At least as far as I know, Chen has a crisis inside." The next heir, followed by a rebellious Prince, Can not be a crisis!
            The brilliance of Old Madam’s eyes flashed past:
            "What crisis?"
            Yu-Xi simply said something about 9th Prince possible treason, and then said:
            "Chen Jia Jiangbao is on the body of 9th Prince. Once the 9th Prince treason is exposed, the Chen family will not be destroyed, and it will be hit hard."
            Old Madam's hand holding the beads shook twice, but the action was hidden, and Yu-Xi did not see:
            "This is what your older brother told you?"
            Yu-Xi nods:
            "It was the big brother who told me. Before I asked my eldest brother to help me check out the things that Xinrong-Sister-Sister, I accidentally heard these words."
            Old Madam's sharp eyes seem to be able to see through people. Jianming is a person who is not cautious, no one knows better than her. Such an important thing, how could you accidentally let Yu-Xi hear it. Old Madam didn't have to ask, and knew that this was definitely Han Jianming who deliberately let Yu-Xi know. As for why Han Jianming did this, Old Madam didn't know that Han Jianming didn't say she didn't ask.
            Yu-Xi was stunned by Old Madam, but it was still stiff and did not reveal a trace of coziness.
            After a while, Old Madam re-turned the beads in his hand and said:
            "If you don't agree with Chen's marriage because of this incident, you don't have to. Even if the things done by Wangzizi are really revealed, Chen will not have anything to do."
            Yu-Xi is puzzled and asks:
            "Does Chen have such a big power?"
            If that incident broke out, Chen could escape, and that deeper foundation!
            Old Madam said slowly:
            "Tai Ning Hou Heir assisted the 9th Prince, is the meaning of the emperor, not to get the merits of the dragon. 9th Prince did this thing more than ten years ago, when Taining Hou Heir did not follow him, even this When the incident broke out, Chen could also get out. "But this happened, and Taining Hou Heir must be folded in."
            For Old Madam, this broke out better. Once the treason is out, 9th Prince will not be with the big one, and the Song family will certainly hold 10th Prince. 10th Prince is the upper, Yu-Chen will be the next queen. When Taining Hou Heir folds in, Chen Ran will become the son of Taining Houfu, and Yu-Xi will become the future hostess of Taining Houfu. At that time, the Han family will definitely take the opportunity to rise and return to the peak, without having to look at the face.
            Yu-Xi understood this:
            "The meaning of the Grandmother, can't this family member refuse?"
            Or, Old Madam will not allow her to refuse.
            Old Madam said:
            "I told you that even if you pass to the 1st House, you are also the Miss of the Han family." Miss, who spent a lot of money, manpower and resources, is used to marry and bring benefits to the family. Otherwise, she will not be so absorbed on the day.
            Yu-Xi understands the meaning of Old Madam.
            This family will bring benefits to the family, so even if she does not want or have no room for rejection:
            "I know." What Old Madam decided was not something she could change.
            Therefore, Yu-Xi will not waste this spirit. However, she can't say no, it doesn't mean that the big brother can't make it.
            Han Jianming actually didn't understand why Yu-Xi resisted this marriage:
            "Yu-Xi, if you can give me a reasonable reason, I can help you to convince the Grandmother."
            What can be the reason for Yu-Xi, she feels that something is wrong, but she can't say what is wrong:
            "Big brother, I think Chen is not good."
            Han Jianming laughed:
            "Then tell me about it, where is Chen's family not good?"
            Han Jianming is not the same as Old Madam. Chen is good, but it is not a non-Chen. Let Yu-Xi marry a young general with military power, and the family may benefit more. As for whether Yu-Xi marries such a person will not be bad, Han Jianming is not worried. With the intelligence of Yu-Xi, as long as she has the heart, it is impossible to live a bad life.
            Yu-Xi turned his mind and said:
            "Chen Ran is not as good as what I said outside. I think his brain may be a bit problematic?"
            Han Jianming laughed:
            "Yu-Xi, you don't have to look at Chen Ran's unwillingness to end this relationship, but you can't make it up!" The person who can solve the problem in the middle of the exam, you said that he has a problem in his mind, if he spreads out, he still doesn't know. How many people are attacked!
            Yu-Xi is not a mess, and she and Chen Ran met four times. Yu-Xi said:
            "If he really looks at me, he can't ignore me twice. In the third inexplicable conversation, the fourth time is even more outrageous. He even said that he would talk to me alone. Big brother, don't he know that men and women don't give up. ?"
            After listening to Yu-Xi, I said a bunch, Han Jianming finally understood:
            "Yu-Xi, in fact, Chen is not interested in you. You don't have confidence in yourself. You think Chen's portal is high, Chen Ran is too good, you don't deserve it." Because I feel that I don't deserve it, I feel Chen. When the family suddenly comes to the door, they will not have a picture.
            Han Jianming came to the conclusion that Yu-Xi disagreed with this marriage and was inferior:
            "Yu-Xi, although the influence of the Han family in the court is not Chen Family eldest, but the two are also the door to the door, Chen Ran is not the eldest son, you are also very good in all aspects with Chen Ran, why do you feel inferior?"
            Yu-Xi stunned and smiled bitterly:
            "Big brother, I don't." She is not inferior, nor does she think she is not worthy of Chen Ran. It is the shadow of Jiang's giving her too much. And Chen Ran and Jiang Hongjin are too similar in some aspects, they are all good in their own family, and the most important Chen Ran is also inexplicably looking at her, and then come to the door to raise relatives. In this case, how can she not be afraid of fear. She was afraid to escape from the wolf's nest of Jiang's family and entered the tiger's den of Chen.
            Han Jianming looked at Yu-Xi and fell into sorrow. I don’t know how, and my heart is not uncomfortable:
            "Yu-Xi, if you are Chen Jiaxuan, you really don't have a picture, big brother will definitely refuse. But in fact, this is not the case. Yu-Xi, big brother, you can't miss such a good because of the inferiority of the moment. Marriage."
            Yu-Xi was silent and asked:
            "Big Brother, are you really sure this is a good marriage, not a fire pit?"
            Han Jianming is funny and angry:
            "If it is a fire pit, can the big brother push you in? Or, in your mind, the big brother is a cold-blooded person."
            Yu-Xi hurriedly shook his head:
            "No, of course not." Although the older brother sometimes has a bit of a hot, but it is a very serious person.
            Han Jianming did not speak, and looked at Yu-Xi with a smile.
            At this point, Yu-Xi can only admit:
            "Big brother, I am afraid." She was afraid, afraid of falling into the last life, called the situation that every day is not ‘calling.
            Han Jianming said:
            "I feel that you are quite capable on most days, but you can drop the chain every time you go to a critical time. What are you afraid of? Chen is not a wolf, but they can still eat you?"
            Yu-Xi was trained not to look up.

            Chapter 231 Parenting (2)  

            Looking at Yu-Xi pitiful look, Han Jianming also had some unbearable feelings. Yu-Xi will be inferior, and it is also because of the previous environment.
            Thinking of this, Han Jianming’s look has also slowed down:
            "Yu-Xi, if you really think Chen is not good, then forget it."
            Yu-Xi thought for a while and said:
            "Big brother, I want to see Chen Ran. I want to ask him why he wants to marry me?"
            If she did not talk to Han Jianming, she would have agreed to hear this. But now Yu-Xi has changed her mind. If Chen Ran really likes her, instead of having a picture, she missed such a good relationship because of her life. It was her loss.
            Han Jianming’s face showed a smile:
            "That's right. If Chen Ran's answer is not satisfied, this brother-in-law will refuse to come forward. However, if Chen Ran said that he likes you and wants to marry you, you can't be arrogant."
            Yu-Xi face is red and he is cooked with the shrimp:
            "Big brother... Men and women don't kiss." I didn't find that Big Brother didn't adjust it!
            Han Jianming really didn't think there was any problem:
            "My home Yu-Xi is so good, it is normal to be liked." Chen Ran took a fancy to Yu-Xi, and did not use the means to entangle this kind of abuse, but let Taining Marchioness come to the door, At this point, it can be seen that Chen Ran is respectful to Yu-Xi and is also very serious.
            Yu-Xi doesn't think Chen Ran would like her, but she didn't dare to say this again, saying that the hat of inferiority must not be picked up.
            Han Jianming said:
            "You mean I will tell people about Chen Ran. If he has the heart, he will definitely come forward to meet. If it is unintentional, this marriage will not end." But Chen Ran even Taining Marchioness said that it will not fall this time. chain.
            Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief:
            "The news that I am waiting for my older brother."
            Han Jianming looked at the Yu-Xi and couldn't help but smile:
            "Big brother will not push you to the fire pit, don't think about it in the future." For the sake of the interests of the younger brother-sister can sacrifice, such people, as if people really follow. Even if he is desperate for him, he has to look at the value is not worth it.
            Yu-Xi is a little embarrassed.
            Back to Tao Ranju, Yu-Xi sat down in front of the dressing table and looked at himself in the mirror seriously. How to see why it was wrong.
            Zi-Su See Yu-Xi and watched the mirror for a long time. After reading it, the brow was deep and locked, and asked:
            "Miss, what's wrong with you?"
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Tai Ning Houfu came to pose marriage again, and my eldest brother said that Chen Ran was on me? I was thinking, Chen Ran, what did I look at?"
            Zi-Su was excited after the surprise:
            "Miss, this is a good thing for Tianda!" Chen Jia, that is the best person!
            Looking at one by one is so exciting, Yu-Xi is not a taste:
            "What do you say Chen Ran looks at me? I don't have the appearance of a country, nor the talents of others.
            The style of the outside is not good. How can she see me?"
            Yu-Xi always thought that she was not affected by Yu-Chen. In fact, she did not know how much Yu-Chen had influenced her. Yu-Chen in her life is the existence she needs to look up to, and the Yu-Xi in this life is still perfect.
            Therefore, in the mind of Yu-Xi, when a woman should be like Yu-Chen, she has a peerless appearance, a talented talent, and a good talent. Such a woman can be regarded as excellent and will be favored by men. With love. In the eyes of Yu-Xi, she also hopes to become a woman like Yu-Chen, but this is just a dream.
            Zi-Su stunned, after a while, Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, where are you worse? Whose Miss in the capital can embroider double-sided embroidery?"
            After saying this, I went on to say:
            "In addition, Miss will play chess and write well, cooking is also top-notch, and will also be a medicated diet, butler is also a good hand. Chen family 2nd Master see you that he has vision, how Miss Will you feel that he is not worthy of him?"
            It’s like Zi-Su saying that he is quite outstanding! Yu-Xi touched her face and said:
            "Is it so good?"
            Yu-Xi, as Han Jianming said, is very unconfident and does not seem to be big on most days. It is exposed at a critical moment.
            Zi-Su heard this and almost fainted.
            Yu-Xi is very entangled here. Taining Marchioness got the news of 1st Madam on the other side. Knowing that Old Madam has agreed to the marriage, he is ready to ask the official media to come to the Han family on the second day.
            Chen Ran came over this time and said to Taining Marchioness:
            "Mother, are you going to let the matchmaker go to the Han family to raise a family tomorrow?"
            Taining Marchioness thought that his son didn't want to get married, he said with no anger:
            "I told you that the Han family has already promised that you can no longer have a moth." Now the Han family agreed, and if their family repents, the two may have to enmage.
            Chen Ran said:
            "I want to ask this relative Han Yu-Xi a little bit promised?"
            Before Chen Ran guessed that Yu-Xi would disagree, and it didn't matter, people didn't hit him. But fortunately, I still stayed on the line and said that I would like to meet and talk.
            Taining Marchioness doesn't want to say:
            "Marriage, the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker.
            This marriage, Han Old Madam and Hanst 1st Madam agree." Whoever comes over. Moreover, Taining Marchioness does not feel that Yu-Xi will refuse this marriage. Her son is so good, how many Miss wants to marry! That is to say, her son's eyes are not good, and he is fascinated by Han Yu-Xi.
            Chen Ran said:
            "Mother, the last time I went to Zhuangzi to thank him, but the result was sent out by someone who was so ugly, Han Miss must have a flaw in my heart. I think I still see it, and I will make it clear in the face, and I will misunderstand it."
            Taining Marchioness felt that Chen Ran had tossed, and the Han family had already promised. Even if it was a misunderstanding, there would be an opportunity to explain it later.
            Chen Ran insisted on seeing Yu-Xi:
            "Mother, if you don't arrange it, I will find a way to see her."
            Taining Marchioness did not dare to let Chen Ran go to see Yu-Xi, she did not forget the words that Yu-Xi took on the day. If the son goes to see the Han Yu-Xi, the normal method is definitely useless. Don't think about it, she knows that when it happens, it will make a chicken jump, and now says:
            "Cheng, then I will give a message to Han Madam. I will find an opportunity these two days to let you meet. I will tell you that after you meet, you will give me peace of mind to study at home, and others will not "Of course." Although the Han Yu-Xi was not polite on the day, it can be seen from this incident that the other party is a self-respecting person, which is much more pleasing to the eye.
            Chen Ran said:
            "How do you feel that I am out of the moth? I can't say that Han's Miss will not be able to marry me. I don't want to marry this door!"
            Taining Marchioness Said:
            “Nonsense. Han Old Madam and Hanst 1st Madam agreed, how can she refuse? Then, she refused, where to find someone better than her son.”
            Chen Ran sees the purpose and does not care about Taining Marchioness Wang Po sells melons to sell and boast, said:
            "Then I am waiting for the news of the mother."
            Taining Marchioness is unambiguous, and I talked with Qiu-shi, and I didn't pick it. When the weather was good, the two were directly on the second day.
            Yu-Xi knows to go to Lingshan Temple to meet, some speechless:
            "Mother, how can I choose Lingshan Temple? This is disrespectful to the Buddha!" ​​Going to the temple in the cold weather, it is enough to ride the carriage.
            Qiu-shi poked Yu-Xi forehead and said:
            "It’s just to let you meet and say two words. What do you think is a mess? But if you meet, what are the problems you ask in person, saving you from thinking at home."
            Yu-Xi did not know what to say after listening to this.
            Qiu-shi touched the head of Yu-Xi and said softly:
            "Mother knows, in fact, you are afraid in your heart. In fact, women have to go through this. Chen family is good, Chen Madam is also generous, and you are Chen Ran’s own, married to Chen’s family.
            The days will definitely be good. Otherwise, the mother will not agree.” Qiu-shi refers to the fear that a woman’s panic about going to marry, and what Han Jianming said is not a meaning.
            Yu-Xi hesitated and asked:
            "Mother, is Chen Madam really as generous as a rumor?"
            Qiu-shi smiled:
            "Mom knows what you are worried about. Rest assured, I have dealt with Chen Madam several times. It is a generous one. Even if she doesn't like you because of the rumors of the fullness, it will not be difficult for you.
            The last time the capital was against you. Rumors are Chen Madam personally clarified.
            Then, on the same day, you saved Chen Ran’s life, that is, in your contribution to Chen Ran’s life-saving grace, she will not deliberately embarrass you.”
            Yu-Xi is a little embarrassed:
            "Mother, but borrowed a carriage, wherever it is worth the help of life." And as far as she knows, even without her carriage Chen Ran will not have anything. Chen Ran also lived well in her life.
            Qiu-shi doesn't think so:
            "If you didn't go to Hongzaozhuang, the people in Taining Houfu couldn't borrow a carriage." After saying this, Qiu-shi also felt boring and smiled:
            "Well, don't say this. I have to dress up at Lingshan Temple tomorrow. I can't be as casual as I have been in the past few days. Do you know?"
            Yu-Xi nodded a bit:
            "it is good."
            On the second day of departure, Qiu-shi saw Yu-Xi and said helplessly:
            "Isn't it for you to dress up? Why are you wearing it like this? Let Chen Madam look at it, how bad it is."
            Yu-Xi wore a snow-blue long plait with a white coat and a crescent moon with six small jade combs on the bun and a pair of pearl earrings on the ears. . Dressed to the extreme. If you just go to the scent, there is nothing to wear, but it is not appropriate to look at it.
            Yu-Xi knows why Qiu-shi is annoyed and says:
            "Mother, go to the temple to dress up, do not ask to know what to do." Yu-Xi has no say, if she has the right to speak, she certainly does not want to meet in the temple. How do you say it, it feels weird.
            Now it’s all time. If you let Yu-Xi change clothes, it will take a lot of time.
            The clothes are a bit lighter, and it is better than letting Taining Marchioness wait too long. Qiu-shi said helplessly:
            "The next time I really stare at you, you are. You are always disobedient.
            There is nothing at home. If you go to your husband's house, you can't do it."
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "That doesn't know what happened in the Year of the Monkey." After marrying this, it took more than two years, and she still had more than two years of free time.

            Chapter 232 Timing (3)  

            When Qiu-shi and Yu-Xi went to Lingshan Temple, Taining Houfu and Chen Ran had arrived, and the two had waited for nearly two quarters of an hour.
            Taining Marchioness met Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
            "The old saying goes that the women's big eighteen changes, this is really not a fake." Little Miss face is as jade, skin light as snow, when she smiles, her eyes bend like a crescent moon, look at it People like it.
            Taining Marchioness has seen Yu-Xi twice before. In the memory, this child has a decent smile on his face, and his eyes reveal a silence that does not belong to this age. At this time, Yu-Xi seems to have changed like a person, but Taining Marchioness likes this change.
            Yu-Xi doesn't know the change of mind, and makes the whole person's mental outlook look brand new. And her changes are very popular among many people.
            Qiu-shi is very happy to hear this:
            "Children don't boast."
            Yu-Xi stepped forward and gave Taining Marchioness a courtesy.
            The rules and manners, Yu-Xi is not bad at all, and no one can make a mistake.
            Tai-Han and other Yu-Xi finished the ceremony, laughing and unplugging the purple-crystal scorpion on the head and inserting it into the head of Yu-Xi:
            "Small Miss, can't be too weak." In this respect, there is a ratio with her son.
            The son is also very plain in wearing, never wearing a purse and jade, the clothes are not white or blue, anyway, they do not wear color.
            Yu-Xi See Taining Marchioness speaks moderately, and does not pretend to say anything to her, and my heart is a little safe. Perhaps, she is prejudiced, not everyone is like -Shi:
            “Thank you for the gift of Madam.”
            Taining Marchioness tapped her head slightly. Before she was dissatisfied with Yu-Xi, she could see people now, and her behavior was also made by everyone, not as bad as she thought. In fact, people are somewhat biased, and Taining's Marchioness has not been impressed with Yu-Xi.
            The evaluation of Yu-Xi is based on the information that was heard.
            The news that the next person has heard is inevitably biased.
            Therefore, there will be a sentence called, the ear is false, and the vision is true.
            Qiu-shi is almost the same, laughing and talking to Yu-Xi:
            "If you want to be bored, go out and walk around and wait for lunch."
            After Yu-Xi left, Taining Marchioness asked:
            "How do I lie on 4th Miss's hand with a thin scorpion?"
            Some words are not easy to ask in front of my face. But she is really strange, Miss of the big family, that hand is equal to the second face. Miss's little hand is not maintenance of white and tender like green onions, she is the first time I saw Miss's hand will have thin braids.
            This made Taining Marchioness think more, and this child is still working at home.
            Qiu-shi did not expect Taining Marchioness to look so good, said with a smile:
            “This child used to learn Song Governess. Song Governess is very strict and requires them to write two hundred characters a day.
            This child has developed a habit, even if Song Governess resigns, the child still insists on practicing words every day. For many years, it was still very fruitful.
            The word was written like a painting, especially beautiful."
            It is very surprising that Taining Marchioness has heard this:
            "You mean, 4th Miss insists on writing two hundred characters every day? Have you never broken these years?"
            Qiu-shi nodded:
            "Besides getting sick, I haven't broken it. But the child has practiced cursive scripts in addition to the plum blossoms taught by Song Governess. But the cursive book, like astronomy, I can't understand." Although she couldn't understand, she Still very proud.
            The daughter is excellent, but the year is ambiguous.
            Taining Marchioness is somewhat suspicious:
            “4th Miss actually learned the cursive?”
            Her son's favorite is Zhang Xu "Cursive Heart Sutra", which has been practiced for so many years. Everyone said that his son was well written, but the word was also like a ghost, and she could not understand it. But if she doesn't understand, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand. She knows that the cursive is the hardest to practice.
            Qiu-shi smiled and nodded, and said that the embroidery of Yu-Xi was particularly brilliant:
            "This child also has a talent. If someone else learns for a month or two to learn the needlework, she will learn it in three or five days. You see, how good this embroidery is, I can't bear to use it." Hand the handkerchief that was taken from Yu-Xi yesterday to the Marchioness of Taining.
            Taining Marchioness looked at the piece of pupa, and a rose flower was embroidered in the lower right corner of the scorpion.
            The needlework is fine and decent, the color is ingenious, and the embroidery is exactly like it.
            This embroiderer, the best embroidered mother in her house is better than nothing.
            Lin Pozi looked at the parch some surprises:
            "Madam, look at it."
            Taining Marchioness turned over and saw that the back is also a beautiful rose flower. Over and over again, the front and back are the same. Taining Marchioness shocked and said:
            “Is this really 4th Miss embroidered?”
            Although there have been rumors that Yu-Xi can embroider double-sided embroidery, many people can't take it for granted. Even if the talent is higher, there is no Shifu teaching, and it is impossible to embroider the double-sided embroidery. And Yu-Xi didn't have any work to spread out, so many people didn't believe it. But now, it is not believed by Taining Marchioness.
            The reason is very simple. If this affair is said to be done, Yu-Xi will marry Chen in the future, and no one will be stupid to use such lies to lie to the future husband.
            Qiu-shi saw the reaction of Taining Marchioness, and I was very proud of it.
            This smug Qiu-shi could not hide it:
            "Yeah! You said such a beautiful parch, I am willing to use it." After finishing this, he also focused on how Yu-Xi is filial, how good is the 2nd Brother. Qiu-shi said this, just to let Taining Marchioness know that Yu-Xi is a well-behaved and considerate child.
            Taining Marchioness listened to this and thought that she should re-evaluate the 4th Miss of the Han family. Before the news, I was afraid that there was a lot of water.
            Yu-Xi took the Zi-Su out of the yard and went in the direction of a clear spring. Before I had already made an appointment, I met here.
            Before he arrived, Yu-Xi heard a melodious flute.
            The flute sounds melodious, crisp and soft, and euphemism and clear coexist. It is like a scorpio, pleasant and spleen!
            The sound of the flute fell, Yu-Xi walked over, and my heart was awkward. So now the weather is cold, there are very few people coming to the incense, if someone is playing a flute here on most days to ensure that a group of people come over.
            Yu-Xi was surprised to see Chen Ran. Chen Ran today is different from the past. Wearing a brocade robes that had been raining azure, the robes were embroidered with dark clouds and moths, and the soft-soled boots of the same color were covered with a white large fox, which was covered with a look. Such a teenager, really handsome and eye-catching, Guanghua intrinsic. If Yu-Xi is really a thirteen-year Old Miss, seeing such a good young lang, and in such a poetic scene, he is 100% enamored, and he is not allowed to marry.
            Chen Ran saw Yu-Xi, but it was a smile:
            "You are coming." This look is like how familiar the two are.
            Yu-Xi asked with no expression:
            "Your mother is coming to our house to kiss, do you know this?"
            This guy is a brain circuit that is different from human beings, she will not be confused by the appearance of this guy!
            Chen Ran is not surprised at the straightforwardness of Yu-Xi:
            "I know, I asked my mother to go to the Han family to mention her." After finishing this sentence, added another sentence:
            "I told you about your entourage before, I will be responsible."
            Yu-Xi rolled his eyes and said:
            "It's just a rumor. Taining Houfu has also come out to clarify.
            This has no effect on me, so you don't have to say anything about your responsibility. And I don't need you to be responsible."
            Chen Ran said:
            "It’s just a matter of charge, even if there is no rumor, I will let my mother come to the door."
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Why do you want to marry me? What do you think of me?"
            This kind of thing is open and honest, and the effect will be better.
            Chen Ran’s mouth is smiling:
            "I feel so good, I want to marry you, why are there so many?"
            Other Miss heard that someone wants to marry himself, it must be a shame, but the Han Yu-Xi is an alternative, but the alternative is good, he is also an alternative, very good match.
            Yu-Xi snorted and said:
            "You deceived others, you can't lie to me. Let's talk, what do you want to swear at me? If you don't tell the truth, I will go back." Finished, a look of enthusiasm.
            Chen Ran asked:
            "Must be said? What if you don't say it?"
            Yu-Xi sneered:
            "Don't say, prove that you want to swear that I don't have a picture. I will convince my mother and my brother to refuse this marriage."
            Chen Ran’s mouth is rising.
            This is the person he wants to marry. He does not listen to the fate of his life. He does not reconcile it. Real, bold, and hey, the puppets that his mother has found for her can match. Chen Ran did not hang his appetite and said:
            "Remember the matter at Jiangjia?"
            Yu-Xi nods:
            "Remember, I saw you at the courtyard of Old Madam in Jiang. What happened? You told me that I have a relationship with Jiangjia?"
            Jiang Jia, that is the deepest shadow of Yu-Xi.
            Chen Ran said:
            "After you left, Jiang Old Madam said a lot of good things about you. It is a good Miss to say that you are sensible and sensible." Needless to say, this is good.
            Yu-Xi mouth twitching:
            "You wouldn't want to marry me because of Jiang Old Madam? It's a good idea to have a good Miss, and it's not bad for me."
            Jiang Old Madam just said that Chen Ran had a good impression of Yu-Xi. What really makes Chen Ran look at Yu-Xi is Yu-Xi who refused Jiang’s family:
            "I got the news from the Jiang family and knew that your father had already agreed to the family of Jiang, but then I couldn't help it. If I didn't guess wrong, should you disagree with yourself?"
            Yu-Xi mouth twitching, this guy is too brainy:
            "I am sorry to tell you that I didn't know when Jiang Jialai came to raise a family. It was my Grandmother who refused." After that, he added another sentence:
            "In addition to this reason, what else?"
            Chen Ran said very seriously:
            "The people outside say that your hits are declining. Even your father believes that this is because you are tired of sweeping you out of the door. But you have not arrogantly arrogantly because of this attack, but you have been very comfortable in your own Zhuangzi. I am very admired. You should have heard that my mother has seen me a lot of Miss, and those Miss’s family looks very good, but I can’t get it, not because they are not good, but because I know that these Miss is like a flower in a warm room. When I put it outside, I have to fade. Although I am the son of Taininghou, I can't be smooth in the future. So, I want my ‘Madam’ to be a good ‘Madam’. It can withstand the wind and rain, not in the greenhouse the delicate flowers that need to be carefully cared for." This is the real reason why Chen Ran wants Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi stared at Chen Ran and looked at Chen Ran's look very seriously. He knew that the words he said were from the heart, and there was a slight fluctuation in his heart.

            Chapter 233 Timing (4)  

            Yu-Xi is a very calm person. Although she feels that Chen Ran is serious and does not have another picture, she still said:
            "Chen 2nd Master, those Miss are not necessarily as weak as you said. You only see one side and conclude that they can't stand the frustration, it's too arbitrary."
            Chen Ran did not pick up the words of Yu-Xi, and it did not matter if he was arbitrary. Anyway, he did not know what to do. However, he did not compete with Yu-Xi for this topic, but asked Yu-Xi a question:
            "If you change to be you, know that you want to marry the barren land in the northwest, the future husband is still a killer, what will you do?"
            His big-sister is a delicate flower raised in a warm shed, and can't stand a little setback. Her family is still a general of the generals, her sister is so fragile, and he can count on the beautiful and pleasant Miss that he has seen can withstand the wind and rain. Of course, even if there is really a foreign soft inside Miss, then it can only be said that there is no fate.
            Yu-Xi, she did not think that Chen Ran would ask such a question. However, Yu-Xi did not evade, but said calmly:
            "I have heard about the rumors of Yun-Qing . In fact, I don't believe the rumors outside."
            Chen Ran, he did not expect Yu-Xi answer to be like this:
            "Why don't you believe this rumor?"
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Maybe Yun-Qing is killing a lot of people, but outside it is rumored that he is murderous and cold-blooded, and a disappointing person kills them. I don't believe it. A person who can't control his emotions, How to convince people around him and even give him his life?"
            Yun-Qing has a bad reputation, but one thing is unquestionable.
            That is, he is very good at fighting. He often wins the battle.
            The army he brought is known as the Iron Age. If Yun-Qing is really cruel and cold-blooded like a rumor, how can there be so many people following him.
            Chen Ran feels that the topic is awkward. He wants to know the way Yu-Xi responds, instead of discussing what kind of person Yun-Qing is. I don't want to hear Yu-Xi praise Yun-Qing . If there is no Yun-Qing , her big sister will not die. Chen Ran transferred the topic back:
            "If Yun-Qing is really a murderous person, what would you do?"
            Yu-Xi didn't know why Chen Ran was obsessed with such a question, and said calmly:
            "Since I don't believe this rumor, I naturally won't be afraid. However, if I go to the border town and find that he really can't control the emotions, when the madness is even killing people around me, I will definitely find a way to escape." It is also important but a small life!
            This is the topic that Chen Ran is interested in:
            "Escape, where can you escape?"
            Yu-Xi said:
            "There is no way to live. If you want to live, you can always find a way to live!"
            Chen Ran very much agrees with this sentence, but still said:
            "Even if you flee the northwest, you can't go back to Capital City. What life do you take?"
            Really encountered this situation, Yu-Xi is also determined to survive well outside. She has learned so much that it is not white. However, these words, Yu-Xi felt that there is no need to tell Chen Ran, just repeat the words just now:
            "As long as you want to live, you can always live."
            Chen Ran has another question:
            "You really escaped and lived well, then will you remarriage?"
            Yu-Xi felt that a group of crows flew over her head. She said that this guy brain circuit is different from others, and I can't say anything wrong. Where can someone ask questions about people who might become their wives:
            "Do you want to hear the truth or lie?"
            Chen Ran naturally wants to hear the truth.
            Yu-Xi doesn't have a good impression on Chen Ran, but he doesn't hate it. Although Chen Ran's brain circuit is different from others, he is much stronger than Jiang Hongjin's two-sided and three-knife people:
            "He has to kill me. Why should I still be widowed for him? I can escape and get in the right place, and I will marry naturally."
            Chen Ran throws another question:
            "Is there a child? Will you be married if you have children?"
            Fortunately, there is no one next to it, or else Chen Ran’s problem is estimated to scare the people around him.
            Yu-Xi really thinks that Chen Ran is a wonderful thing. If others let Chen Ran see such a weird side, it will definitely not be so popular. So, the rumors are wrong:
            "Chen 2nd Master, don't you think that these problems are difficult for you?"
            With the child, she certainly won't think about running away, but she wants to change her partner. Even if she can't change her, she won't leave her child. To escape, fly with your child. She grew up without her mother and her father was disliked.
            This kind of suffering outsider never knew, and she could not let her children suffer such suffering. However, this heart knows that it is not necessary to tell Chen Ran.
            Looking at the expression of Yu-Xi, he actually guessed the other person's answer. Laughed and said:
            "My question has already been asked. Do you have any questions?"
            Yu-Xi is naturally problematic and has a stomach problem:
            "Do you have someone you like?"
            She didn't want to marry another man she loved, and she suffered a bite and couldn't fall into the pit.
            Chen Ran is very surprised why Yu-Xi will ask such a question, and laughs:
            "This question is a bit stupid. If I have someone I like, how can I marry you?"
            If there is someone he likes, he will definitely marry someone he likes. Where else will you go to marry others?
            Yu-Xi is very satisfied with this answer and asked a very important question:
            "If your mother doesn't like me, I will always blame me, will you stand on my side?"
            If Taining Marchioness is harassing her, Chen Ran can stand on her side to protect her, she is not afraid of being killed.
            This question is very good, it is about personal interests. Chen Ran nodded:
            "If my mother is not for no reason, I am sure to stand on your side. But you can rest assured that my mother is a very regular person. As long as you don't follow the rules, she won't deliberately marry you if I don't like you."
            Yu-Xi is also very satisfied with this result, saying:
            "Yiyan drinking, and the old man. Qinse is in the royal, not quiet." This sentence is taken from the "Book of Songs? Guofeng? Zheng Feng" "Nvwa Chicken". Yu-Xi borrowed this sentence to express his expectations for marriage, and also asked Chen Ran what attitude he had after marriage. Anyway, Chen Ran is an eclectic person. She doesn't have to twist and pinch and ask what she wants to ask.
            Chen Ran burst into a smile and said with a smile:
            "The hand of the child, the old man with the son. Qinshen and Ming, the years are quiet."
            Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief and said:
            "I promise you." She promised the marriage. Regardless of the future, at least Chen Ran is really sincerely wanting to marry her. And Chen Ran’s attitude also gave her future marriage confidence.
            The smile on Chen Ran's face did not fall, asked:
            "Do you want to hear me blow?"
            I remember the last time Yu-Xi listened to her song and I was drunk.
            Yu-Xi nods:
            "Think." Chen Ran's flute is blowing very well. She only has a cult, she can't reach that height, and listen to it.
            The flute sounds through the long years, telling the infinite thoughts of the piper, so that the people who listen to the song can not help but fall into it.
            After listening to a song, Yu-Xi sincerely admired:
            "It’s so good to blow." This level, she can't reach her life. However, there are opportunities to listen later.
            Chen Ran looked at the eyes of Yu-Xi with a touch of brilliance:
            "If you want to learn, I will teach you later." It is not convenient now, and there is time to teach.
            Yu-Xi heard this, and the face was finally a little red:
            "I will talk about it later. I have been out for a long time, I have to go back." The two said that for a long time, the lunch was estimated to have passed.
            The lunch time is over, but Qiu-shi has been waiting for her. When I saw Yu-Xi, I asked:
            "How is it going?"
            Yu-Xi is a little embarrassed to say:
            "It’s all talked about." I didn’t think when I talked, but it’s incredible to think about it now. In that case, how did she say it at the time? That guy is a weirdo, and I don’t know if she will be close to the black in the future.
            Qiu-shi did not ask for specifics. I was satisfied with this sentence:
            "Hungry? Go, eat in the past." The matter was solved satisfactorily, and it was not too expensive to come to the temple in the winter.
            After lunch, Qiu-shi took Yu-Xi and worshipped the Bodhisattva of Lingshan Temple, and donated a thousand of sesame oil.
            On the other side, Taining Marchioness also asked Chen Ran:
            "How? Is it misunderstood?"
            After listening to Qiu-shi for a long time, Taining Marchioness has a lot of senses for Yu-Xi.
            Chen Ran nodded slightly:
            "The explanation is clear, and she agrees." Without explanation, it is true that Han Yu-Xi will really disturb the marriage.
            Qiu-shi said:
            "That's good."
            On the way back, Taining Marchioness and Lin Pozi said:
            "Do you think Qiu-shi words are somewhat credible?"
            Qiu-shi praised Han Yu-Xi as a flower. Although she knows that Qiu-shi is a straightforward person, it is a matter of concern for her own interests.
            Lin Pozi Said:
            "It should be mostly true. If Madam has doubts in his heart, ask the Outer Cousin Miss." The table here is Miss, referring to the leaf.
            Taining Marchioness Said:
            "Forget it, don't ask." Both have already said it, and the poor people come to the door. At this time, I will go and ask the other people in the Han family to know that it is not good.
            Lin Pozi knows why Taining Marchioness asks:
            "Madam, Han Jiasan Old Master has never liked Han 4th Miss, Wu-Shi is the stepmother, and Han 4th Miss is more thoughtful. Now he has passed to the 1st House, everything goes smoothly, people It’s refreshing to watch.” Relatives can’t stand it, and the stepmother is not a good one. In this case, it’s normal to have a few points. If there is no means to be anxious, I am afraid that I have to be swallowed up with bones and scum.
            Taining Marchioness nodded slightly:
            "This is also true." There is no means to say that there is no life. Although Taining Houfuli has been stable, but the means of the inner house, Taining Marchioness is still clear. So this time, the sense of Yu-Xi is two points better.
            Lin Pozi said a more incisive statement:
            "Madam, this kid, someone hurts and no one hurts, that is not the same."
            Taining Marchioness agrees with this:
            "A child who has a pain is a treasure, and a child who has no pain is a root grass. Now Han 4th Miss is the treasure of Han Madam's palm, so it will give people a feeling of reincarnation." For Qiu-shi, Yu- How good Xi was before her, Taining Marchioness is a bit of a believe. If Yu-Xi is not good for Qiu-shi, how would she pass her to the 1st House at that time?

            Chapter 234 Dating (1)  

            The matchmaker of Taining Houfu came to the door and Qiu-shi agreed very quickly.
            The two of them exchanged Geng Post.
            Then Qiu-shi sealed a big red envelope and smiled and sent the matchmaker out of the yard. Instead, I began to prepare for the issue.
            The matchmakers are all on the door, and this marriage is naturally unstoppable.
            The people in Duke house are most surprised by the leaves. Ye has got the news, and some don't believe it:
            "Is it wrong? Aunt asked someone to come to the second cousin to talk about the media?"
            How can her aunt's demanding person look at Yu-Xi!
            Hua Pozi said:
            "This news is absolutely true, there will be no mistakes." Hua Pozi is not very comfortable in his heart, such a big thing, Madam Gu as Miss's aunt and aunt, even a little news is not revealed.
            Ye-shi thinks a little deeper:
            "It is estimated that it is not Yu-Xi that my aunt is fancy. Otherwise, my aunt can't find me to ask about Yu-Xi."
            Hua Pozi is a bit stunned:
            "Not a Gu-Nai-Nai, who is it?"
            It’s strange that she got the news.
            The Lady eyes are so high, and the choice of children Erxi is really good, how can I pick 4th Miss? Of course, it's not 4th Miss, but 4th Miss's death from childhood is not in line with the Lady choice Erxi request.
            Ye-shi, holding her daughter, said with a smile:
            "Who else? It must be my second cousin to see it myself. But this is also good, Yu-Xi married to Chen, and there is no harm to me." Yu-Xi later married to Chen Home, what will happen in the future, Yu-Xi will also be biased towards her.
            Yu-Chen also got the news in the first time:
            "Tai Ning Hou Fu came over and asked the matchmaker to come to the relatives? Why didn't the wind sound before?"
            Yu-Chen doesn't think that Yu-Xi doesn't deserve Chen Ran, just a little surprised. Before she was surprised, she didn't even leak the wind.
            Gui Mama said:
            "The 3rd Madam didn't last long. Even if the two are interested, it's hard to say it." Yu-Xi passed to the 1st House, and if he is still in the 3rd House, he can't decide now. !
            Yu-Chen stood up and said:
            "This big happy event should also be happy for the 4th girl." When she was dear, Yu-Xi came to give her the first time.
            There is a time to go, this time it is her turn to go to the road.
            Gui Mama nodded:
            "Yes. Speaking of it, the Shifu must have looked away, or how to give such a comment. 4th Miss is obviously very blessed." First passed to the 1st House, now it is so good The affair is not what the blessing is.
            Yu-Chen said unchanged:
            "Without Shifu mistakes, 4th sisters will not be so good now." Without that, Yu-Xi could not save Chen Ran on Zhuangzi, and could not get such a good relationship. Yu-Xi, this is a blessing in disguise.
            Gui Mama agrees with this.
            When I arrived at Taoranju, Yu-Chen heard Yu-Xi in the study practicing the word. Zi-Su Said:
            "The door is not closed, 3rd Miss can go in."
            For more than eight years, Yu-Xi has been insisting on cantilever training. Today, her first-hand cursive writing is very good. Even Han Jianming praised it and laughed that Han Jianye was wrong. After all, the copybook of this cursive is Han Jianye to Yu-Xi.
            Yu-Xi put down the brush and said with a smile:
            "Sister 3rd, come see how my word is written?"
            Yu-Xi is written in the four characters of Heavenly Reward. Every time she feels that she has benefited, she will write these four characters and compare them with the previous ones. From this, it is obvious that progress is made.
            Yu-Chen took a serious look and then commented:
            "The thick strokes are strong and not bloated, the fine ones are delicate and not delicate, but the effort is not smooth enough, and they have to continue to work hard." Only when the words are written smoothly, are patchwork, twists and turns, wide and narrow, Dacheng.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "I will continue to work hard." From the hungry painting to the present, how much suffering in the middle, only Yu-Xi knows. But as for Yu-Chen, I heard that.
            The requirements that Yu-Chen said are the standards of the master of calligraphy, which is difficult to achieve.
            Bitter had a pot of water coming in. Yu-Xi walked past the net hand and said with a smile:
            "3rd sister came over, is there anything?"
            Yu-Chen sees the Yu-Xi cloud light and light, some are not sure if Yu-Xi knows that Chen Jialai mentions the kiss, asks:
            "Taining Marchioness asks the official media to come to the door and asks you to hire her the second son of Chen Ran. Do you know this?"
            Yu-Xi said nothing at all:
            "Knowing..." The words were not finished yet, and the two heard a bang. Looking around, it was the sound of the copper basin in the hands of Bitter.
            The water in the copper basin was all poured out, and it was all over the place.
            Seeing Yu-Xi cold eyes, the face is white. Kneeling on the ground, said:
            "Miss, servants damn it."
            Yu-Xi frowned and said:
            "I didn't say anything about you, what did you do with this look? I don't know what I thought was harsh!" After saying this, Yu-Xi turned and Yu-Chen said:
            "3rd sister, let's go to the small living room!"
            Going out of the study and talking to the colorful butterflies coming over:
            "Go to the study clean up." Yu-Xi originally wanted to wait for the right month to find a suitable reason for the decent departure of the bitter. But today business let her know that bitterness can't be left.
            Yu Fu-Chen did not ask, this is the thing in the Yu-Xi yard, how to deal with the Yu-Xi thing, should not intervene:
            "Taining Marchioness will come to the door to kiss, you already know?"
            Yu-Xi nodded, and nothing was necessary for Yu-Chen:
            "When I went to Lingshan Temple with my mother yesterday, I went to see Taining Marchioness and Chen Family 2nd Master."
            Yu-Chen said sincerely:
            "Congratulations to the 4th sister." Chen is indeed a very good family, Chen Ran is also very good, with Yu-Xi also worthy.
            Yu-Xi face is gratified, saying:
            "Thank you 3rd sister. I didn't think of it, but it was a little effort, but I would have such a blessing." The meaning of Yu-Xi is that Chen Jia can come to raise a relative because she accidentally saved Chen Ran on the same day.
            This reason is more convincing than Chen Ran’s fancy that she wants to marry her.
            Yu-Chen smiled:
            "This is also your blessing. When the marriage is settled, you have to start embroidering the dowry." Yu-Xi is too busy on most days, and there are very few embroideries. After the embroidery of Yu-Xi is embroidered, it will definitely catch people attention. .
            Yu-Xi is shy:
            "Even if the family is settled, there will be more than two years, no hurry. It is 3rd sister, because of the three things, the marriage has to be postponed!"
            Yu-Chen did not take Yu-Xi and said:
            "It’s good to go out at a later time. It’s the most comfortable at home.” After marrying, I want to please Popo Xiao gu housework, and I have to deal with her husband’s Ceefei, who is a good Miss at home.
            After talking about the conversation, Yu-Chen went back.
            Zi-Su came over and asked:
            "Miss, what happened to Kufu?"
            Kufu has been serving Yu-Xi for many years, and will knock over the copper basin in front of the 2nd Miss.
            This kind of big mistake is absolutely not a crime as a personal Servant.
            Yu-Xi said faintly:
            "She just heard Chen Jialai mentioning her relatives and, in surprise, knocked over the copper basin."
            Zi-Su is stunned. It’s no wonder that she just asked what is going on, and she didn’t say it. It turned out to be such a reason. It’s just that Chen’s family came to raise a relative. Why is this Yatou so big?
            Yu-Xi does not give Zi-Su a chance to think, says:
            "Come in with bitterness!" Since Kufu does not cherish the last chance, she does not need to be merciful.
            When Kufu looked at Yu-Xi expressionless face, he knew that he was in danger:
            "Miss, the servant is wrong, ask Miss to give the servant a chance!"
            Yu-Xi said faintly:
            "The opportunity has been given to you many times, and you will not cherish it. Seeing that you have been serving me for so many years, I will give you the last decent, and it will be the friendship of the master and the servant." Decent, it is to let her husband and her mother set a marriage to her, and let her go out on the grounds that she is going to marry, which is much better than going straight out.
            Bitter Fu listened to this sentence, and waited for Yu-Xi to finish, he squatted on the ground and gave Yu-Xi a hard-headed stance:
            "Miss, ask Miss not to sneak away, Miss, beg you not to rush to servants!" The servants who were driven away by the master, are not good at the end. And seeing Yu-Xi getting better and better, she was driven out, this gap is really a different thing.
            Yu-Xi is not a kind-hearted person. She has her own bottom line and guidelines. She said with a cold face:
            "I have left you the last decent. If you don't know enough, let me get out of the pot now."
            The bitterness of the body is dead, and there is still a daring to ask for help.
            Zi-Su walked over and helped her up and said:
            "When you go back to the house, you will clean up yourself. Otherwise, let outsiders see you like this and think that Miss has abused you.
            The bad reputation of Miss makes Madam know that no one is good." Miss's current status is not the same. Even if Miss is abused, Madam will hold back.
            Therefore, Zi-Su is not afraid at all.
            Kufu walked out with his head down.
            Zi-Su and Yu-Xi say:
            "It’s good to let the bitter leave, and since it’s back, it’s not quite right.” Without this, Zi-Su would also talk to Yu-Xi about the problem.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "She has lost her normal heart." Kuffer should also feel that she does not want to stay with her, and she is afraid of it, and she is careful. As everyone knows, it is easy to do wrong things when you are over-the-top.
            Zi-Su turned the topic:
            "Miss, Kuffer is gone, the name of the big Servant is vacant, is it going to find the peaches?"
            Yu-Xi shook his head:
            "The time to find the peach is too short, and I have to press it again. Yamato Yatou is good, bring her up!" Samuel is the second-class Servant of Yu-Xi, which has not been obvious before. After Yu-Xi went to the mountain village, the guest of Taoranju had a way to find a way to leave, and most of the roads were not full of complaints from day to night. Shanmei is not at all unpredictable. Before Yu-Xi didn't come back, she cleaned the bedroom three times a day with the study and it didn't fall for a long time in half a year.
            Zi-Su nodded:
            "Well, Samui is really good."
            Yu-Xi said:
            "This matter waits for the bitterness to leave, and then announce it." This is also the last line left for the bitter.
            Zi-Su thinks that Yu-Xi is really good:
            "I only hope that you can remember Miss's."
            Yu-Xi doesn't care, she only wants to be worthy of her own conscience.
            The bitter whale remembers her goodness and can't affect her.

            Chapter 235 Dating (2)  

            Chen Ran is a piece of toon, many people are staring to see who this piece of fragrant flowers fall.
            Therefore, Chen Jiashang’s Han family raised this matter, and the people who paid attention soon knew it.
            Week 2nd Madam Something is not a taste. Before she got the news, it was not fixed at that time. Now that the matchmakers are on the door, this marriage is a must. Her favorite candidate, the result fell on the Ya-Xi Yatou. However, this kind of emotion, she will not be revealed in front of Zhou Shiya.
            Zhou Shiya was very pleased to hear that Chen Jia went to Hanjia to kiss her.
            "Mother, I want to go see Yu-Xi. I have to congratulate her on such a big happy event."
            Zhou 2nd Madam poked Zhou Shiya forehead and hated the iron.
            "When can you have a good eye? If you have half of the eyes of Han Yu-Xi, I will not worry about it."
            Zhou Shiya muttered and said:
            "Mother, what do you say? Yu-Xi, what is the heart, she is lucky. Not everyone has her luck, just saved the Chen 2nd Master."
            Week 2nd Madam sighed, this is said, not everyone has the luck of Yatou:
            "Go ahead, go back soon."
            Zhou Shiya happily returned to the house to clean up.
            Zhou 2nd Madam is very worried about Zhou Shiya lack of roots. He said:
            "Yu-Xi marriage is fixed, Shiya should also be tightened." Can not always drag until next year.
            é—½Pozi said:
            "Madam, Old Master said that the Young Master of the Hejia, don't touch it. Since it can be seen by the Old Master, it must be extraordinary."
            Week 2nd Madam frowned:
            "Hejiamen is too low." He Yan's father is only an official of the four products. Although He Yan is a person, but the time of the examination is only in the middle, not too far, it will be estimated to be enough.
            After saying this, Zhou 2nd Madam said:
            "I will ask Old Master again in the evening." She did not worry about the marriage of the two sons. For her daughter's marriage, she was really white.
            The marriage has no effect on Yu-Xi, and it is still the same every day. When Zhou Shiya arrived, Yu-Xi was studying reading a book.
            Zhou Shiya looked at the thick medical book and shook her head helplessly:
            "I really can't see you." She wanted to sleep when she saw it.
            Yu-Xi smiled a bit:
            "How did you come?"
            I should have told you before I came over, and this suddenly ran over and made Yu-Xi somewhat unexpected.
            Zhou Shiya took a look at Yu-Xi and said:
            "You have got such a good affair, I naturally have to come over and give you a happy road! Strange, why are you not happy at all!"
            Yu-Xi smiled a bit:
            "I am happy, how can I be upset?"
            Finally, I got rid of the shadow of my last life, how can I be upset?
            Zhou Shiya said with a contemptuous look:
            "How happy are you? How can I not feel?"
            Miss who wants to be a relative, or is shy and guilty, or is anxious, this woman is good, not even shy and not anxious, it is as if she is not her.
            Yu-Xi put the medical book on hand back to the shelf and said:
            "Would you like, a gift? If your gift can satisfy me, I will be more happy."
            Zhou Shiya is speechless:
            "I really served you. I will send you a pair of embroidered products when you marry later. You will have a gift now. If you marry later, I have to give you makeup. You can earn it!" Yu-Xi earned, She is losing money.
            Yu-Xi can't smile:
            "I won't let you lose money. When I add makeup, I will give you other good things besides embroidery."
            The chat said the conversation, Zhou Shiya talked about Jiang Xin:
            "Yu-Xi, I saw Jiang Xin a few days ago. You are not seen, she is a lot fatter. She also asked me to bring you a message, saying that she also wants to contact you before, just her Mother does not agree."
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "I didn't blame her. Don't say this, don't you say that you have to work hard to learn needlework? Today weather is good, don't let me teach you."
            Zhou Shiya did not want Yu-Xi to teach:
            "With this time, you might as well embroider a fan for me.
            The three watches the sister's fan is so beautiful, I have been stunned for a long time, but unfortunately I don't dare to ask her." The fan is really beautiful, if there is one, it can Take it out and show off.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "What do you like? After the spring, I will embroider you." When the marriage is settled, Yu-Xi will not be so tight, and there is also a mood to do embroidery.
            It’s a surprise, Zhou Shiya said:
            "Embroidered orchids, no, embroidered tigers, it's not good..." Said a lot, and in the end, Zhou Shiya also said mixed, I don't know what to do.
            Yu-Xi laughed:
            "Don't pick it up, what do you use for embroidering?" Let Zhou Shiya choose, it is estimated that the three days are not good.
            Zhou Shiya smiled:
            "Yes, you have the idea." Anyway, Yu-Xi knows what she likes, and the Yu-Xi she chooses is not necessarily good at it.
            It’s late in the evening. Zhou Shiya is very depressed and said:
            "Yu-Xi, why is time going so fast, I still have a lot of words to tell you?"
            Together, the time flies.
            If you have a conversation, time will naturally be faster. Yu-Xi smiled:
            "Wait a minute, you will come to me for two days. At that time, you will be allowed to say enough."
            Zhou Shiya pouted:
            "Forget it. My mother won't let me spend the night at someone else house." She said many times that her mother would not let her live in the Han family, and now it is even more impossible.
            The marriage was going very well and it was soon to the next day. It is usually how many bridesends are offered, and how much the woman’s family has to accompany.
            Therefore, both of them need ventilation before the decision is made. Qiu-shi said with abundance, let Taining Houfu set his own, is to send sixty-four to carry dowry, they can also give the same dowry.
            When Taining Marchioness heard this, the bride price was given forty-eight. Because the world of Madam is a hundred and twenty dowry, Yu-Xi is naturally less. It can't be small Erxi dowry is also over long.
            Qiu-shi also did not keep the bride price, directly let people carry things to Taoranju.
            The gift from Taining Marchioness is very thick.
            The Yu-Xi is a cow.
            There are twenty-four pairs of golden cows and sixty-four silks, and there are several clouds in it.
            There are six pairs of dragon and phoenix bracelets, six pairs of Dongzhu red gold, and various seafood and ginseng herbs.
            Yu-Xi smiled, Chen Jiazhen is rich and rich.
            These things have been calculated for three or four thousand Silver Taels, and the Han family has to accompany the three or four thousand Silver Taels. But these are all her dowry in the future, that is the more the better!
            Valuable things such as brocade are placed in the warehouse abalone and other seafood are sent to the kitchen and the medicine is placed in the pharmacy go.
            The melons and fruits are taken out and distributed to everyone.
            The placement of these bridesmaids will make the people of Taoranju tired and half dead. Yu-Xi and Qiu-shi said:
            "Mother, there are too few people in Taoran. I have to pick someone up again."
            Qiu-shi has also been thinking about picking up people for Yu-Xi, but he has been too busy recently and has been unable to find time:
            "After two days, I will let people come in and let me pick it up."
            The marriage of Yu-Xi was fixed, and for Qiu-shi, a heavy burden was removed:
            "When Yu-Xi goes out, I don't have to worry anymore, I am happy to be my old seal."
            Li Mama Said:
            "Madam is a good talk, can you really let go of the things in the house?"
            Old Madam is completely ignorant now, and now the real master is Qiu-shi.
            Say let go, where can really let go!
            On the second day of the appointment, Yu-Rong came over. Yu-Rong Since the Wu-Shi, in addition to the old Madam, please come out on most days. Yu-Xi came back to see her only when she was eating the feast.
            Wu-Shi departure is like letting Yu-Rong grow up overnight. At that time, Yu-Xi remembered very clearly that the dishes on the table, Yu-Rong, did not touch, and they all ate vegetarian dishes.
            Yu-Rong wore a light blue dress, and everything except the silver plaque on the head was worn, and nothing else was worn. It was simple and simple to change.
            Yu-Xi was surprised and said with a smile:
            "Come in, Zi-Su, a cup of black tea." The tea that Yu-Xi drinks changes with the seasons. It is winter, the temperature is low, the cold is heavy, and it is advisable to drink black tea.
            Yu-Rong said very sincerely:
            "4th sister, congratulations." Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi have had such a good relationship, and I don't know what she will do in the future.
            Yu-Xi didn't expect Yu-Rong to come here. I came to congratulate her specially:
            "Thank you."
            The two have not been able to deal with it, so there is nothing to talk about except a few words. Yu-Rong just came to congratulate and was not ready to chat with Yu-Xi. When the road is over, I am ready to go.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Don't think too much, take care of your body." It may be that Yu-Rong has always been a vegetarian, and it may be that his mood has been greatly affected. Yu-Rong is now too thin to look at, and it makes people worry.
            Yu-Rong nodded gently and said:
            "Thank you for the care of 4th sister."
            After the person left, Zi-Su said:
            "5th Miss is like a person." The previous 5th Miss is annoying, but it is sunny, but now it is dead.
            Yu-Xi listened to this and looked at the direction of Bi Tengyuan and said:
            "After going through such a thing, I always want to grow up." Yu-Rong has been taking care of Wu-Shi, and then he should be aware of the death of Wu-Shi. Even if Yu-Rong is not aware of it, Chen Pozi, who is waiting for Wu-Shi, may not know anything. Her mother died young, so it is the body that can't stand the death of her own. What Yu-Rong is facing is the matter of killing her mother, which is more cruel than what she faces.
            Yu-Xi actually thinks a lot, and Yu-Rong is very sad. Wu-shi is gone because of a small cold, but there is no doubt. Chen Pozi is aware of it, but how could she tell Yu-Rong to let Yu-Rong bear such a heavy burden for a lifetime.
            Therefore, Yu-Rong actually knows nothing now.
            Zi-Su thinks that it is Wu-Shi passing away:
            "It’s really sudden, 3rd Madam’s body has always been very good. I didn’t expect it to be killed because of a small cold.” Said Zi-Su, said:
            "Miss, I am sick later, but I can't take care of the doctor. I must see the doctor taking medicine, or else the disease will become a serious illness." Yu-Xi is infected with cold, as long as it is not particularly serious, it is generally a bowl of Jiang soup. More than a few times, the five-five dramas were sweating and were unwilling to take medicine.
            Yu-Xi looked at Zi-Su and said:
            "It is a three-point drug, can not take medicine or take less medicine." Wu-Shi true cause of death Yu-Xi did not say to Zi-Su, because there is no need. Such a thing, one less person knows as well. Plus Zi-Su originally because she felt that men are not very reliable, telling her that this is estimated to be really not married.

            Chapter 236 - Jia Concubine (1)  

            Back to his yard, Yu-Rong was sitting on the stool in a daze.
            Chen Pozi eyes are a bit sour, Madam has been away for more than half a year, and Miss has not come out of grief:
            "Miss, if Madam sees you like this, it will be very sad."
            Yu-Rong said that Wu-Shi tears fell:
            "When I was pregnant, I didn't filially filable her. Now that my mother is gone, I want to filialize her, and I have no chance." The greatest grief in life is that the child wants to raise and is not in love.
            Chen Pozi gently patted Yu-Rong's back and comforted:
            “Was seen, Madam looks at Miss in the sky! Only Miss is good, Madam can be assured.”
            After crying for a while, Yu-Rong wiped his tears and asked a question:
            "Mama, do you say that you will be jealous again? 3rd sister and 4th sister, their mother died less than a year later, and you said, will you want to continue?"
            If it is continued, then she also has a mother.
             - Chen Mama said:
            "Miss don't worry, even if the three Old Masters continue, it will have no effect on Miss and Young Master." Chen Mama felt that Old Madam was a big mountain, and her Madam could not breathe. But now Miss Young Master has to rely on Old Madam, because there is Old Madam town, even if the Old Master is not worried.
            Yu-Rong smiled a bit and didn't talk anymore.
            Han Jingyan’s ‘Madam’ died only for more than half a year, even if it is to continue to be so fast. Han Jianming's 2nd House was finally put on the agenda.
            Yu-Xi went to Qiu-shi, please, I know this.
            The Miss Miss that Han Jianming saw, there is no deep background, or what background can be said without background.
            That Miss surnamed Jia, is also the bureaucrat's Miss, his father used to be from the four products, but died four years ago. Originally, there was a younger brother. In the second year after her father’s death, there was no water.
            The tribes took away their family property on the grounds that there was no male inheritance in the family.
            They also wanted to give Jia Madam’s dowry to the greed.
            The Miss fell out with the tribe and took back her mother's dowry.
            The mother and the daughter couldn't help but returned to the capital and bought two houses in the civilian street with Jia Madam's dowry. Although Jia Madam's dowry is coming back, Jia Madam didn't have much dowry, and there is not much left to buy a house.
            Therefore, on most days, the mother and daughter are working on the embroidery.
            Yu-Xi is rare:
            "Auntie, where is the big brother looking for such a person?"
            Can resist the people, it can be seen that this woman is not a reluctance to accept. Can rely on doing embroidery to feed the mother and daughter, is a person who will put down the body to understand the flexibility, integrated, this Miss is very good.
            Qiu-shi is not very satisfied:
            "This temper is too strong." When the child Erxi is stronger, it doesn't matter, but this is when you swear, and you have such a strong and powerful scorpion, and you won't be able to make a dog jump in the future.
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "Big brother has chosen this Miss, it must be his reason. Mother also don't think too much, if you don't like it, then you don't want to see her."
            Li Mama walked in and said:
            "Madam, Miss, the toothpather brought people, and I have already waited in the yard."
            The tooth-’Madam’ brought in twenty small Miss and walked in. Because I know that Yu-Xi is going to choose someone, my toothpaste is also picked up and sent.
            Yu-Xi took a hard look. I don’t want to be more beautiful than her, I don’t want to look at the wood, and my eyes are too lively. Excluding the dissatisfaction, I asked the remaining nine people some questions. After the people answered, Yu-Xi left seven people.
            These seven people, the oldest is around ten years old, and the youngest is six or seven years old.
            In Yu-Xi yard, after cleaning, all of her sneak peeks and sneak out in the capital.
            Therefore, the gap in the employment is very large.
            My grandmother saw Yu-Xi and picked seven people. I couldn't see my eyes. Sure enough, it is the Duchess Miss, this hand is not really big. I took the right card and went out with someone who didn't pick it up. A few Miss who stayed, and also led out, have to learn the rules before they can be sent to the Yu-Xi yard.
            Yu-Xi and Li Mama said:
            "How is Tian Ju rules learned? If he learns well, he will be sent to Taoran." Tian Ju is only six years old this year. He can only do some errands in Taoranju. However, Yu-Xi feels that she is younger and more loyal to her.
            Li Mama said with a smile:
            "The child was a little scared when he first came. It is already a lot better. When these Servant learn the rules, they will be sent together." It is their blessing to show Miss.
            Next, the house was busy with Han Jianming's 2nd House.
            The 2nd House is a chaise, not the same as the general Tie-Kui concubine, so it is not carried in from the small door, but from the side door. For this happy event, the house has set up more than ten tables, invited some relatives and friends to come over to drink wine, knock and beat, and also brought people in.
            For such a thing, for whatever reason, Miss, like Yu-Xi, is not suitable for intervention. So on this day, Yu-Xi quietly read a book in his yard.
            In the afternoon, Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, I heard the following Servant, this Jia Concubine is average, not too beautiful." Everyone thought that Han Jianming could look at Jia Concubine, it must be this Concubine appearance, the result, unveiled When the hijab looked, everyone was disappointed.
            This looks, even the Servant around 1st Nai-Nai is stronger than her.
            Yu-Xi is not surprising to this:
            "As long as you are smart, you can do it." As long as the big brother thinks, how beautiful can you find? It's not that easy to find a smart, determined and well-educated Miss.
            Zi-Su point of view is different from Yu-Xi:
            "Miss, Noble Heir is a noble man, not a ‘Madam’, so smart to do.
            This is too smart, it is not a blessing."
            Yu-Xi swept Zi-Su and said:
            "If you have a face without a brain, the child who gave birth will follow his mother, and he will not cry when he arrives." The son of Jia Concubine, in the future, will inherit Duke. If it is stupid, even if the big brother revitalizes the door, he will lose in the future.
            Therefore, the heir is very important.
            Zi-Su snorted and smiled:
            "It's still Miss's cleverness." With the look of Jia Concubine, the one in the house is more beautiful than her. Everyone can't figure out why Noble Heir would marry such a 2nd House.
            Han Jianming 娶 the 2nd House, the most uncomfortable is Ye-shi. And this is different from the general Tie-Kui concubine.
            The most difficult thing is that Ye-shi is bleeding in the heart, and he still has to smile.
            Fortunately, with a daughter to accompany, looking at her daughter's tender and innocent face, there is finally some comfort. But after Qi-Qi fell asleep, Ye-shi was sitting in a chair in a daze, and at this time, someone opened the curtain and walked in.
            Ye-shi feels a bit, and when I turn around, it is Han Jianming. I don't know why, Ye-shi tears brushed down. Also moved, but also wronged.
            Han Jianming stunned. He had been with Ye-shi for more than four years. He had seen Ye-shi smart and capable side, and he never saw Ye-shi crying. I couldn't bear it. I walked over and gently patted his shoulder and said:
            "Don't be sad."
            Ye-shi listened to this and held him back, crying more and more sad. Dividing her husband into half of her life is tantamount to digging her heart.
            Han Jianming sighed slightly, and if Ye-shi couldn't be born, he wouldn't be the 2nd House. Han Jianming is not a slut. See Ye-shi crying and not saying anything that is happy, just gently pat her back.
            He cried out of psychological grievances and grief, and Ye-shi felt a lot better. After crying, Ye-shi squinted and looked at Han Jianming who was still sitting on the stool:
            "‘Fu Jun’, I am fine, you are past, Jia Mei Mei is still waiting!" Husband can come to this, and prove that she is most valued, and Ye-shi is somewhat comforted.
            Han Jianming said:
            "You can rest assured that you are my ‘Madam’, who wants to spend the rest of my life with me.
            The more you go, the more you will go. When Jia Concubine has a son, he will remember it in your name and give it to you." Han Jianming When I was young, I saw Qiu-shi being bullied by Rong Concubine, so I made up my mind that I would definitely treat my ‘Madam’ when I marry him. Even if Ye-shi bullied her and did something that annoyed him, but it was his ‘Madam’. He didn't want Ye-shi to be bullied by a Tie-Kui concubine like her mother. .
            Ye-shi tears just stopped falling and said:
            "With this sentence, I am dead and worth it."
            Han Jianming listened to Ye-shi words and frowned and said:
            "Don't say this in the future, it's unlucky." Han Jianming was taught to revitalize the threshold of Duke house since he was a child, so his mind is on the revitalization of the family, not to the heart of the female color.
            There are very few Tie-Kui concubine yards on most days. If Ye-shi can't be born, he certainly won't know what the 2nd House is.
            Ye-shi nodded:
            "Okay, don't say such unlucky things in the future."
            With a conversation with Ye-shi, Han Jianming got up and went to the Guihuayuan.
            Hua Pozi looked at Ye-shi and stood in the doorway, and her heart was sour, saying:
            "1st Nai-Nai, Noble Heir has your heart."
            Ye-shi wiped her tears and said:
            "I know, I know." With her husband's words, she was much more secure in her heart.
            Sometimes, a small thing, a person, can change the direction of many things.
            The reason why Ke Minjie was able to become Han Jianming's 2nd House was not through normal procedures, but by means of Ye-shi, which made Han Jianming feel very angry and the couple also had cracks. In this case, how could Han Jianming say such a warm heart? Later, Ye-shi and Qiu-shi were on, and the ‘Madam’ was important, but her own mother, and Qiu-shi was not the unreasonable person.
            The mistake was on Ye-shi.
            Therefore, Ye-shi and Qiu-shi are more fierce, Han Jianming is more disliked with her, Popo is dissatisfied with her husband's hate, which makes Ye-shi in the house is also difficult.
            This is also the real reason why Ke Minjie life can be mixed with the Duke in Han. In this life, Ye-shi has done something wrong, but it is also a cause of trouble.
            The most important thing is that he did not violate Han Jianming's bottom line.
            Hua Pozi said:
            "1st Nai-Nai, it's time to sleep! There are a lot of things to cook for tomorrow, and there is no spirit to sleep."
            Ye-shi nodded and went to bed. Looking at her daughter's quiet face, she kissed her and slept.
            Hua Pozi saw Ye-shi fell asleep, blew the light and walked out lightly.

            Chapter 237 - Jia Concubine (2)  

            At the beginning of February, the cold began to recede and the weather was still cold. Yu-Xi morning exercise still dare not practice in the yard, still in the house.
            After the morning exercise, Yu-Xi said:
            "I don't know how Purple Zi-Jin is now?"
            Last time she sent a letter to Purple Zi-Jin, but then Purple Zi-Jin just went out with Yang Shifu, and when Purple Zi-Jin came back, things on the Yu-Xi side were handled. So Yu-Xi didn't let Purple Zi-Jin come back.
            Zi-Su said with a smile:
            "If Miss Miss Purple Zi-Jin, let her come back when the Dragon Boat Festival is over. She has been to the mountains for so long, and it is time to come back to Miss." Zi-Su Just think of Purple Zi-Jin every year. Xi Fae, who has to pay six hundred and two, is distressed to die. But she advised Miss, but Miss said that money is a small matter, and Purple Zi-Jin learned that it is a big thing to protect her in the future. She is strange, as Miss, where someone will plot her.
            The night of the palace change is a special case, and it is impossible to have it later. Zi-Su can never understand the panic of Yu-Xi. For Yu-Xi, it is never a thing to be able to spend money to achieve the goal.
            Yu-Xi thought about it and said:
            "Alright. I haven't seen it for so long, I don't know what it will be like?"
            Purple Zi-Jin is loyal to her, Yu-Xi never doubts, but the feelings still need to be contacted. A few days after the Dragon Boat Festival, it does not affect anything.
            After the grooming, Zi-Su said:
            "Miss, the time is almost up, it's time to go to the Courtyard." Jia Concubine entered the door this day and will give everyone a courtesy this morning.
            The general Tie-Kui concubine, you only need to give the main mother a gift, Jia Concubine situation is a little special, so I saw the ceremony in the upper house.
            When she arrived at the upper house, Yu-Xi discovered that she was the latest one. As soon as I entered the house, I found a strange face in the room.
            If it is someone else, it may be embarrassing to be late, but Yu-Xi looks calm and walks up to Old Madam and Qiu-shi, and then stands by Qiu-shi.
            Luo Pozi looked at the two Servant beside him. A Servant took the mat and laid it on the floor, and a Servant took the teacup and handed it to Jia Concubine:
            "Please ask Concubine for tea."
            Yu-Xi took advantage of this space to look up Jia Concubine. Jia Concubine is wearing a red dress with a red dress in the waist, a phoenix-tail dress, a lily, a silky tassel with a tassel on the bun, and a servant-like beaded flower. Jia Concubine The appearance of the figure is not outstanding, but the dress is extremely outstanding, the three-point appearance is hard to dress up a seven-point beauty.
            Yu-Xi nodded secretly, this woman is definitely a smart one. Just hope that it is not a ambition, or Duke House is really lively.
             - Jia Concubine took the old Madam bowl of tea for her, and respectfully held the top of her head and said:
            "Please have Old Madam drink tea."
            Old Madam took the teacup, took a symbolic sip and put down the teacup.
            The Servant around her picked up a tray with a pair of durian open beaded beaded hairpins. Old Madam said with awkwardness:
            "As soon as the Han family opened branches."
             - Jia Concubine lowered his head and gently sighed, then gave Qiu-shi tea, still hands raised the cup over his head.
            I don't know why, looking at the action of Jia Concubine, Yu-Xi has some sour and unspeakable taste.
            Qiu-shi took the tea and gently took a sip and said with a smile:
            "Good tea." After that, in June, the tray will be sang, and the silver seal wrapped in red paper in the tray will have a scorpion.
            Yu-Xi heard this, and the conditioned reflexes generally looked at Ye-shi. Seeing Ye-shi face is not very beautiful. Yu-Xi sighed slightly, and it was really hard to avoid this war. I only hope that I will arrive later.
            Qiu-shi didn't feel that he had any problems with this. Instead, he said with kindness to Jia Concubine:
            "These silver is for your private house what you want to buy is.
            There are a few jewels in the scorpion, when it is a face-to-face ceremony. Now, I am only looking forward to..."
            Yu-Xi heard it and coughed up.
            Qiu-shi immediately shifted his mind and pulled Yu-Xi to his side. He touched the forehead of Yu-Xi and found that his body temperature was normal. However, Qiu-shi did not dare to take it lightly, saying:
            "I will let the white doctor come over and show it to you."
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "It’s still good when I get up in the morning. It may be that the wind is blowing, and it’s good to wait for me to go back and drink some of the lottery.”
            Qiu-shi doesn't know why Yu-Xi coughs, how old Madam might not know. Qiu-shi showed a different look at Jia Concubine in front of everyone, which puts the face of Ye-shi.
            Thinking of this, Old Madam said:
            "The ceremony is also finished, Minger Erxi, you take Jia-Shi back to your yard. Old 1st Erxi, you stay, everyone else goes back." Some things, still have to remind Qiu Shi, save Qiu-shi confused and swayed Jia-Shi, in the future, it will be awkward.
            Yu-Xi listened to this and breathed a sigh of relief. Old Madam is willing to intervene, this is not too bad.
            Out of the yard, Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi said:
            "Yu-Xi, sit at my Tingyun Pavilion?"
            The pro-Yu-Xi is still as busy as before.
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "I still have something, change it!" The weather is getting warmer, and Yu-Xi is ready to complete her commitment to Zhou Shiya and embroider a fan for her.
            Yu-Chen is a bit disappointed:
            "That's okay!" Yu-Xi is too diligent, not a good thing. At least she wants to talk to Yu-Xi to talk and have no time.
            On the way, Zi-Su asked:
            "Miss, why did you interrupt Madam just now?"
            Yu-Xi coughed at the time. In addition to Qiu-shi in the house, everyone else knew that she was loading. It’s just that Zi-Su doesn’t quite understand why Yu-Xi does this.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "The rules of the ‘Madam’ and the ‘Madam’ are chaotic, and the house will not be quiet." Jia Concubine is awkward, even if she will have a son in the future, she still can't go over Ye-shi. If the mother is inserted in a shot, it will only stir up the water and even repeat the things of the previous life.
            This is not what Yu-Xi would like to see.
            Zi-Su frowned and said:
            "Miss, 1st Nai-Nai and Jia Concubine, you can't get involved?"
            Yu-Xi said:
            "I won't intervene in the battle between them, but I will persuade my mother not to intervene." The battle between Ye-shi and Jia Concubine, Yu-Xi will not get involved, and I will not let Qiu -shi is involved.
            Zi-Su shook his head and said:
            "This is more difficult. Jia Concubine is not stupid, she will definitely want to please Madam. With Madam's love, she has a backing in the mansion."
            Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            "I will not let her be her backing." The so-called backing is actually a shield. Jia Concubine has the ability to fight with Ye-shi himself, and he will live in the yard safely without any skill. She will never let Jia Concubine use her as a shield, nor will she allow her to use Ye-shi.
            Ye-shi Although she is somewhat dissatisfied with the Qiu-shi temperament, she also knows the Qiu-shi temperament child, thinking about what to do and not thinking about how she will make her embarrassed. Fortunately, Yu-Xi stopped her in a timely manner, otherwise she was even more devoid of face.
            Back to the rosin home, it is also a tea ceremony in accordance with the rules. Ye-shi did not make it difficult for Concubine, after giving a meeting, said:
            "You have tossed up for a day yesterday, and I will not leave you. In the future, there will be nothing in your Courtyard. Although people are going back and forth to me, now they are a family and don't have to go outside."
            "Thank 1st Nai-Nai." Jia Concubine returned to the mat and slammed his head before leaving with Servant.
            The Servant is called Shuiping. It was brought in by Jia Concubine.
            The Servant who grew up with him was a diehard.
            Back to the Guihuayuan, Jia Concubine sat in a chair and got up from the early morning until just now, she has been nervous. Today, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.
            A small Servant came with a cup of tea, and Jia Concubine took it and drank it, then waved the little Servant down.
            Shuiping said this:
            "Miss, Old Madam-It’s not difficult to get along with Madam. It’s 1st Nai-Nai, and I can’t see the depth.”
             - Jia Concubine smiled a bit:
            "Old Madam is a high road and only looks up. 1st Nai-Nai is good at the face, but the inside is definitely very jealous of me. As for Madam, there is 4th Miss, Madam is also not referring to it. It’s up.” I can only rely on myself and Noble Heir.
            Shuiping thinks about the matter just now, and some people don’t understand:
            "Miss, it's strange to say that 4th Miss is the last one today, but Old Madam is not angry. Didn't it mean that Old Madam didn't like 4th Miss? Is it like today, is it not rumored?"
             - Jia Concubine Said:
            "Hearing is illusory, seeing is believing. Moreover, 4th Miss is only a little later than me, not late."
            Shui Ping is somewhat sullen:
            "Why did 4th Miss interrupt Madam? We didn't offend her."
             - Jia Concubine shook his head:
            "You don't remember? 4th Miss Xu is the Chen family of Taining Houfu, Chen Madam is the aunt of the 1st Nai-Nai. 4th Miss will stand on the 1st Nai-Nai side, it is normal." Ye - Shi Her family is gaining momentum, and Old Madam is valued.
            The position in the mansion is very strong. She is unable to shake the position of Ye-shi, cough, if she is not forced to go nowhere, how can she be this Concubine.
             - Jia Concubine is married to Han Jianming as the 2nd House, there is no way. She was seen by the 4th Young Master of the Emperor Shangjiang family, and the defeated son wanted to be her. In desperation, she turned to the Zhou Daren who had been relying on for help. Zhou Daren is not willing to go up with the Jiang family, but tells her that the Duke House wants to accept the 2nd House, and her condition is just in line with the requirements, asking her if she is willing or not. When I was the 2nd House of the Duke House, I didn’t know how many times I was able to know that there were several people in the home of Jiang’s family. She has no choice but to give it a try. Unexpectedly, Han Heir really fell in love with her, and promised to help her to return the property engulfed by the tribe, and got the promise, she agreed now. She can return her family wealth, and her mother will not be embarrassed for the rest of her life. As for her, she thought that only cautious should be able to live well in Duke. But after the morning, she did not have this confidence.
            Shuiping said very sadly:
            "Concubine, what should I do?"
             - Jia Concubine said:
            "Don't worry, take your time." When Noble Heir will return home from the family, she will have money on hand, and then slowly gather the people around her. I gathered the people around me, raised my body, and gave birth to a son. She also gained a foothold in Duke.

            Chapter 238 The affair of Zi-Su  

            The next day, it was very calm. In addition to going to the rosin yard to give Ye-shi a daily visit, Jia Concubine stayed in her yard at other times and did not come out easily. After Qiu-shi was reprimanded by Old Madam, his attitude towards Jia Concubine faded.
            Yu-Xi is very satisfied with this phenomenon. When Ke Minjie entered the door, Duke House was full of chickens and dogs, and there was restlessness.
            Zi-Su See Yu-Xi in the yard, she knows that she is tired of reading a book, and walked over and said:
            "Miss, the mother-in-law of Kufu looked at a later life, but then she was a good citizen." This means that if you want to set this marriage, you have to release the bitterness.
            Yu-Xi was silent for a while and said:
            "When I am married, I will let her eliminate her servantry." Now, the servantry of Kufu is not eliminated because Yu-Xi has concerns. Kufu is her personal Servant and knows a lot about her. Although the family of Kufu is in Duke, the probability that Beverly will betray her is small, but everything is not absolute. First pressure for two years, let the bitter Fu have some jealousy, always rest assured.
            Zi-Su nodded:
            "That's fine. But, Miss, when will you let the bitter go home?"
            During this time, Kufu was not in a bad position, and spent most of his time in his own house. In fact, everyone knows that Kuffer was disliked by Miss.
            This is why Kufufu is looking for a house outside of Fufu. If you don’t know the market outside the house, you won’t be a bit guilty.
            The people in the mansion, who dares to marry a Servant who is rejected by the master.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Let her clean up today, let her go out tomorrow!"
            The master servant, Yu-Xi did not do very well, the next day I saw the bitter, said:
            "You have been waiting for me for so many years, and now I have to go out to marry. I can't say anything about this as a master." Yu-Xi gave a pair of red hairs in addition to the silver at the bottom of the twenty-two press box. A pair of gold earrings, also sent two rulers, a big red, a autumn color. Although it can't be compared with the ink and the ink, it is also decent.
            Kufu has been prepared to leave alone, but did not expect Yu-Xi to even give her a dowry. I was lying on the ground and crying:
            "Miss, servants are sorry for you.
            The servants can't afford the reward of Miss." When she was on Zhuangzi, she said to help her find someone, and then she would find a chance to go back to the house. Just before she was looking for someone to work, Miss went back to the house and was taken to the 1st House. I also thought that I had to do something, and my heart was too guilty, and Yu-Xi attitude towards her was obviously cold, and she was living in anxiety every day.
            Yu-Xi did not say anything extra, just said:
            "In the future, I will do my best!" At that time, she had such a reputation, and she was driven out of the house by her relatives. She saw that there was no future, and following her was the same as ruining her future. In this case, it is understandable that Bitter wants to find another way out. Imagine if she did not turn over and did not pass to the 1st House, she could leave her, which is equivalent to jumping out of the fire pit.
            Therefore, Yu-Xi is not resentful, nor angry, and people do not destroy themselves. But she turned over, and naturally can't tolerate the Servant who can be rich and not able to suffer together.
            Kufu gave Yu-Xi three heads and said:
            "Miss's Ender, Bitter Fu only reported when he came." Miss gave the dowry, which shows that she is not rejected. In this way, she will not be tired of her family.
            After Yu-Xi and other sorrows finished three heads, they went out of the living room and returned to the study room. When I got to the study Yu-Xi couldn't read the book. Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect. Bitter has been with her for eight years, and there are also feelings for raising a kitten and a puppy, not to mention the people who get along with each other.
            When Zi-Su entered the house, I saw Yu-Xi standing in front of the window. Zi-Su walked over and said softly:
            "Miss, Kufu is gone."
            Yu-Xi gently clicked and asked:
            "Bitter Fu has already set people, what about you? The one who was raised by the mother two days ago, what do you think?"
            Qiu-shi recommended a candidate for Yu-Xi two days ago, and is also the son of Qiu-shi dowry, called Wanjiahua, in the rice shop.
            Listening to Qiu-shi said that this Wanjiahua is honest and loyal.
            This is the request of Zi-Su, she feels too clever to rely on, or to find a peace of mind. Yu-Xi has also been specially asked to inquire about these two days.
            This population monument is very good. With such an answer, Yu-Xi is quite satisfactory.
            Zi-Su nodded:
            "In the past two days, I have been looking for someone to inquire.
            This Wanjiahua style is good. Miss, I want to see you first." The ear is false, seeing is believing.
            Yu-Xi See Zi-Su Songkou, but also rest assured. She is afraid that Zi-Su will die, because she will not marry her second life.
            "This is nature. If you are not satisfied, I will help you find and find. Under your conditions, you can't find a good one. Even if you can't find it in the house, there is no problem outside."
            Zi-Su has a red face:
            "What did Miss say? This made it to outsiders, but I don't know how to laugh at me!"
            Here Zi-Su is a loose mouth, and there are two people to meet each other. After coming back, Zi-Su was a bit twisted. Asked by Yu-Xi, I can only say with a hard scalp:
            Yu-Xi also specially commented on this Wanjiahua in case of just in case. I saw that the place was thick and big, and it was Zhou Zheng. I was very cautious when I saw her, and I didn’t even dare to carry it.
            Yu-Xi asked a few questions about Wan Jiahua, all about the shop. Wan Jiahua replied with a slap in the face.
            This makes Yu-Xi less satisfied.
            Turning around, Yu-Xi and Zi-Su said:
            "This Wanjiahua is not awkward, not a success." It’s not good to be too active, but it’s not enough to be too thick.
            Zi-Su has its own considerations:
            "Miss, I don't want to find that too lively.
            This kind of person has a lot of minds, not a peace of mind. I think Wan Jiahua is quite good."
            Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
            "Let's take a look! There are so many men of the appropriate age in the mansion, you can always find the right one for you." As the age grows, and there are many things to do, the requirements for many things are different. In the past, Yu-Xi also felt that Servant was honest and honest, and she was relieved. However, after the work of Kufu and Maidong, she felt that being honest and honest would not be reassuring.
            The oily and slick of the ridge is not necessarily divorced and will betray.
            Zi-Su is not willing to look at it again:
            "Miss, I think Wanjiahua is quite good, just let him!" Picking it up, when it is time to say that even Wanjiahua can't pick it up. Furthermore, Zi-Su is worried that if she asks for more, she will make Madam unhappy.
            Yu-Xi said after a moment of silence:
            "I still feel more contact with him. I feel that he will be settled by the end of the year. If it is not suitable at the end of the year, there is still room for remorse. Marriage is a matter of a lifetime, or it must be cautious. You see this arrangement. ?"
            The large Servant is released from the family around the age of twenty. Zi-Su is now 19 years old and is engaged at the end of the year. It is not too late to be married at the end of the next year.
            Zi-Su naturally has no opinion:
            "I listened to Miss." In the first half of the year and the second half of the year, there is no difference.
            Qiu-shi thinks that Yu-Xi is tossing:
            "They feel good, then set the family and see what?"
            Mainly Qiu-shi feels that there is no need to be so spirited for a Servant.
            Yu-Xi said with a smile:
            "Mother, Zi-Su has been with me for so many years. I have had more of her in these years. I don't know how much I have saved. Now I want to be cautious about her lifelong events. After all, knowing people knows what to do." If he is really good, I am not afraid of our observation. If it is not good, it will not pit Zi-Su."
            Qiu-shi shook his head:
            "In any case, you are in the middle of it. Zi-Su is not a million-year Old. If you want to leave, you have to let her adjust the person before going. Yes, There are only three Servant around, can you cope with it?"
            For Purple Zi-Jin, who occupied a large Servant, people did not show up all year round, and Qiu-shi did not have any objection.
            This kind of Servant, as long as the key moments appear.
            Yu-Xi said:
            "Mother assured, I will handle it well." Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said that she wanted to give the color butterfly to Lianshan, the eldest son of Lianshan.
            Qiu-shi listened to the explanation of Yu-Xi and thought about it:
            "If I agree with the color butterfly girl, I have no opinion. However, if both of them agree, you must prepare in advance.
            The color butterfly is different from the situation of Zi-Su, and even the family cannot make the eldest son twenty years old. If you are a Zi-Su and a butterfly, you have to find someone who will take over."
            Yu-Xi smiled:
            "I am going to let Zi-Su come back as a manager. As for the replacement, it is good to find peaches and sapphire. It will be qualified for the big Servant for two years.
            The poor one will come up from the second-class Servant. One is."
            Qiu-shi still believes in the power of Yu-Xi and says:
            "Cheng, you have a good number of things in this matter. If there is any problem or difficulty, just tell me, don't want to tell me, you can talk to your older brother, don't be bored in your heart." This Yatou, also suffered aggrieved They will only drop their teeth and swallow their stomachs, which makes them very distressed.
            Yu-Xi smiles:
            "Mother, I am very good now, there is nothing wrong with it." Old Madam is very kind to her now, Han Jingyan can't control her. Now in Duke, she only has a bully, and some people dare to bully her.
            Qiu-shi nodded and turned to talk about Jia Concubine:
            "So long, there is no movement in your stomach. You 2nd Sister-in-law is just getting married." Han Jianming is in his early twenties. Some of his sons and older sons are already enlightened, and his son is still in the shadows.
            Therefore, Qiu-shi is particularly anxious.
            Yu-Xi is full of black lines, you also know that Jia Concubine has been in the door for more than a month! As for Lu Xiu entry, he was pregnant with this, and Yu-Xi did not hear:
            "Mother, the Imperial Doctor said that Jia Concubine is in good health. So, don't worry." Jia Concubine pressure is really big enough.
            Qiu-shi squats:
            "I am not in a hurry!"
            Yu-Xi is really a dumbfounded person. If you don’t come, you still say this, it’s not contradictory.

            Chapter 239 The Death of Yuling  

            One day before the Dragon Boat Festival, Purple Zi-Jin is back.
            Yu-Xi saw the first look of Purple Zi-Jin and asked:
            "How did it get so dark?"
            Previously followed by Deng Niangzi, Purple Zi-Jin was only a little black.
            The skin of Purple Zi-Jin is now black and dark, and it doesn't look like a Miss, like a kid.
            Purple Zi-Jin didn't care much about this. She studied martial arts to protect Yu-Xi, and her appearance almost didn't matter:
            "The black spots are black, nothing."
            After the butterfly came to the peach, the tea fruit snack came in and went out again. Although Purple Zi-Jin does not serve Yu-Xi in Taoranju, the status of Purple Zi-Jin is absolutely unshakable.
            Purple Zi-Jin looked at the cloud cake in the dish and said with a smile:
            "On the mountain, the most memorable thing is the cake made by Guo Auntie."
            After eating two pieces of pastry, Yu-Xi and other Purple Zi-Jin asked:
            “Purple Zi-Jin, Yang Shifu said when can you go down the mountain?”
            Purple Zi-Jin is the same age as her and is 14 years old this year. Yu-Xi didn't want Purple Zi-Jin to stay in the mountains all the time.
            Purple Zi-Jin said:
            “Yang Shifu didn’t say it, but I wanted to study for three years. I spent a month studying at Yang Shifu, more than I learned in the year of Deng Niangzi.” Even after three years, I couldn’t learn much. Yang Shifu The housekeeping skills are not touched.
            Yu-Xi nods:
            "As long as you think about it, I naturally have no problem here. But in the future, the New Year will come back, don't be in the mountains." The mountains are cold and clear, and there are no good foods. It’s too shabby to spend the New Year’s holiday in the mountains.
            Purple Zi-Jin shook his head and said:
            "Miss, if I go down the mountain, Yang Shifu will have no food to eat." Purple Zi-Jin is on the mountain, in addition to practicing martial arts, he has to wash and cook to clean. Purple Zi-Jin This time downhill, Yang Shifu was not willing to let her down. Because Purple Zi-Jin left, no one cooked. As for the food that the little apprentices have made, it is not good at all.
            Yu-Xi knows that Purple Zi-Jin has never reported good news in front of her, and when Purple Zi-Jin went back to the house to change clothes, she said to Zi-Su:
            "You are taking advantage of these days to ask how Purple Zi-Jin has been on the mountain." Yu-Xi on the mountain asked Han Jianye, Han Jianye was not willing to say more.
            Unfortunately, until Purple Zi-Jin wants to go back to the mountain, Zi-Su did not say a word from Purple Zi-Jin. Yu-Xi gave this year's tuition to Purple Zi-Jin, and also prepared a lot of things to eat.
            Yu-Xi See Purple Zi-Jin. Postponed, smiled and said:
            "Although there is no name for mentoring, there are also the realities of mentoring. After a festival, it is time to honor the elderly."
            Purple Zi-Jin sees it but can only take it away.
            I sent away Purple Zi-Jin, Zi-Su and Yu-Xi:
            "Miss, I asked the Purple Zi-Jin a good opportunity, but Purple Zi-Jin didn't tell me a word."
            This is actually in the expectation of Yu-Xi. After listening to this, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
            “Purple Zi-Jin’s mouth is as strict as ever.”
            Zi-Su asked strangely:
            "Miss, if you want to know, just ask Purple Zi-Jin. Purple Zi-Jin will not miss Miss."
            Yu-Xi smiled and did not answer this sentence.
            Not long after the Dragon Boat Festival, the Song family came to a bad news, Yu Yu was born prematurely.
            Qiu-shi got the news, there was no fluctuation, just let Ye-shi look at what happened in the past, she did not go.
            Yu-Xi listened to this news and looked a bit heavy, saying:
            "This is definitely not that simple." Yu Xi has been pregnant for seven months. During this time, she did not hear that there was anything wrong with her body. Now she suddenly started. If there is no greasy killing here, Yu-Xi Do not believe.
            Zi-Su Said:
            "Miss, you still don't care about this!" Yu Xi has completely disliked Old Madam and 1st Madam, and is unwilling to take care of it. My own Miss, why bother with this kind of thing.
            Yu-Xi doesn't think so:
            "If it is Yu Xi himself, it will be considered if he is not careful. But if it is harmed, the Han family is not ignorant, and it is not for the Song family to think that we are afraid of them." This is actually a pretext. Yu-Xi would say that she remembered her life. In the past life, she was murdered by Jiang Hongjin's son, but none of the Han family came forward to help her preside over justice.
            The Jiang family sent her to the country village. Although Yu-Xi has always disliked Yu Xi, but thinking about the previous experience, Yu-Xi has some unbearable feelings.
            Zi-Su can't help but say:
            "Miss, this thing has to come out, and you can't come out." Even if you want to come out, it is also 1st Madam.
            Yu-Xi said helplessly:
            "I am in your mind, is there no such measure?"
            Where does this kind of thing take her to the unsold Miss? Just a sulking sigh in my heart, how can I not get rid of it.
            The next day, Ye-shi came back, and when I returned to the Han family, I brought back a very bad news.
            The jade was difficult to produce.
            Yu-Xi is now stunned:
            "How come? Isn't it a premature birth?"
            Premature birth may be accompanied by dystocia, but the most difficult to produce is the child can not keep, how can Darens be not allowed!
            Zi-Su has already asked Servant around Ye-shi, and Yu-Xi said:
            "At the time, Miss's situation was very dangerous.
            The doctor said that Darens and children can only protect one. Song 4th Madam said to protect the children." Ye-shi was trying to protect the Darens, but it was the site of the Song family, the doctor followed. Wen Po only listened to Song 4th Madam. As a result, the child saved, and the jade was gone.
            Yu-Xi feels chilly. If the child is gone, it can be regenerated, but the jade is gone, and the child will live without her mother.
            Zi-Su relays the heard message to Yu-Xi.
            "The reason why the second Miss is premature is that Song 4th Madam gave the Songfang Servant to the Song 7th Young Master."
            The Song family 4th Madam has always hated the jade, and since she passed the door, she has been squeezing all kinds of jealousy. Unfortunately, Yu Xi combat ability is very light, and it is easy to deal with Song 4th Madam. In the end, Song 4th Madam not only did not suppress the jade, but the son became more and more separated from her, and the relationship between mother and child became more and more tense. Song 4th Madam was such a son, and it was natural to see it. At this time, Yu Xi was pregnant. Song 4th Madam opened his face to the two Servant and gave it to the Song 7 warm bed. Since then, the mother-in-law has struggled even more.
            Yu-Xi sneered:
            "I am afraid that it is not the Tongfang Servant, but the song of Song 4th Madam. She wants to put the jade to death!"
            Zi-Su was shocked and said:
            "Miss means that the two Mississ premature births and dystocia are all tossed by Song 4th Madam?"
            Yu-Xi sighed a little and said:
            "Yu Yuben is using this means to obtain this marriage. After marrying, he will let Song 7 and Song 4th Madam centrifuge. Song 4th Madam can only be such a son, how can he endure?"
            The most important thing is that Song 4th Madam knows that Yu Xi is not liked by her family. Even if she kills the jade, she will not be hurt.
            Zi-Su listened to the analysis of Yu-Xi, and some of them are ashamed:
            "This is too embarrassing."
            Yu-Xi looked up and looked at the blue sky with blue sky.
            The thoughts didn't know where it was. For a long time, I said faintly:
            "This is her own choice of road, no one can blame." With Qiu-shi temperament, will not push the jade into the fire pit, she will marry her at most. But Yu-Xi said that low marriage is good for jade. Low marriage means that you will not be restrained at your husband's house, and you can live as you like. Unfortunately, the goal of Yu Xi has always been to marry into the giants, and how to be willing to marry into low-end households.
            Therefore, today ending was already doomed when she designed Song Qi.
            Zi-Su thinks about its day, and knows that Yu-Xi is right:
            "Miss, what about the child?"
            The child is so pitiful. I didn’t have a mother when I was born, and Song 4th Madam hated 2nd Miss, how could it be good for that child in the future!
            Yu-Xi didn't think about it until this time, forgetting to ask the child temperament:
            "Is this child a boy or a girl?"
            Zi-Su said:
            "It's a Miss."
            Yu-Xi gently clicked and said:
            "It's a good thing to be a Miss. Song family, Miss Miss." Song Jia in Song Huaiqi generation Song Honorable Noble a Miss, to Song Qi this generation only 2nd Miss, and the next generation of a Miss. Miss is small, it means very expensive.
            The jade is dead, and the old man at home is sent to the temple on the day of his death. He is not parked in the Song family.
            The funeral of Yu Xi, Qiu-shi did not go, just let Ye-shi come forward. For this matter, Yu-Xi also specifically persuaded two sentences. However, she saw Qiu-shi disgusting look of swallowing her flies, and she stopped talking more. She is not the biological daughter of Qiu-shi, even if the relationship between the two is very close, but some things still need to be scrupulous.
            Therefore, the Han family only Ye-shi and Lu Xiu went to the Song family home temple, and no one else went. Yu-Xi wanted to go, but was stopped by Qiu-shi.
            The reason for Qiu-shi is very simple. It is unlucky to attend such a funeral.
            The funeral of Yu Xi, the Song family is still decent.
            However, even if it is decent, Yu-Xi is as uncomfortable as a stone.
            Zi-Su looked at the look of Yu-Xi and asked:
            “Miss is still not comfortable with the second Miss?”
            Zi-Su is actually a bit strange. My master and the second Miss are the opposite. It is reasonable to say that Miss is not happy with his own master. It’s not good to miss Miss from the second Miss.
            Yu-Xi said something that is irrelevant:
            "People heart, sometimes more poisonous than snakes." Song family only came out to the Tongfang Servant out of condemnation, Song 4th Madam half thing.
            This should have been expected in the 4th Madam of Song, or she would not dare to harm the jade.
            Zi-Su thought that Yu-Xi said that Song 4th Madam was poisonous and said:
            "Miss, such a person is a minority after all. Chen Madam is very good, the temper is generous and reasonable, and no one in the capital does not boast." This means that Yu-Xi does not have to worry about the relationship between mother and daughter.
            Yu-Xi can't smile:
            "Well, you only know when you really get along. What others say is not credible." Is Taining Marchioness really so good in rumors, only to know when she arrives at Chen. However, even if Taining Marchioness is not easy to get along with, Yu-Xi is not afraid. She has a dowry herself, and two older Brother support her, and Taining Marchioness doesn't dare to overdo it.
            Zi-Su didn't know why Yu-Xi suddenly came out like this, but the discussion was not fruitful. At the moment, advise:
            "Miss, this matter has already been conclusive, you don't think about it." The Tongfang Servant, who had the second Miss, was also beaten to death.
            The Song family also gave an explanation. And 1st Madam is obviously not willing to pursue, so this thing can only be lost.
            Yu-Xi did not answer Zi-Su, but just stood in the yard and stood in the room for a long time before returning to the house to read.

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