RM Maid 225

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        Jinling Xue Mansion

       However, after Wang Xiuyao and Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren agreed on Xue Hong's marriage, she ordered Ruyue to take Xue Hong's Geng Tie. Ruyue went looking for it and didn't find it. At this time, she knew that Xue Hong's Geng Tie was in Jiang Wanyin's hands. Not only Xue Hong's, but the Geng Tie of Jiang Wanyin's four children are in Jiang Wanyin's hands.

       Only then did I think about it. Wang Xiuyao, who knew about it, almost angered herself, and was even told by Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren.

       Where did Wang Xiuyao know that Jiang Wanyin had already guarded her. Jiang Wanyin is such a cautious person, how could such an important thing as his son and daughter Geng Tie be handed over to others. Jiang Wanyin had already kept such important things as children Geng Tie in her storage room. Not only Geng Tie but also other important things of her children.

       Without Geng Tie, you can't exchange Geng Tie to be engaged to Xue Hong. As for what Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren said, even if you exchange it, you can’t use it.

       Originally, Wang Xiuyao was unwilling to let Xue Hong take the Wang's daughter, but after knowing that Xue Hong's Geng Tie was in Jiang Wanyin's hands, Wang Xiuyao was upset, and decided that Xue Hong must marry Wang Shu-Daughter.

       Without Xue Hong's Geng Tie, Wang Xiuyao was grinding in Xue Yan's place, blowing the pillow wind, planning to let Xue Yan come forward and order the marriage of Xue Hong and Wang Shu-Daughter.

       How did she know that Xue Yan actually regretted marrying her illiterate Wang's daughter more than ten years ago. Now that Xue Hong has a reputation, how could Xue Yan agree to let Xue Hong take Shu-Daughter, the maidservant of the Wang Family's White Body Clan.

       What's more, Xue Hong’s compatriot Mei-Mei is Kang Qinwang Shu Fei. If Xue Hong and his maid’s white daughter are engaged in a marriage contract, they will anger her daughter.

       And Xue Yan also knew that Jiang Wanyin's mother and children had been at odds with Wang Xiuyao for a long time, so how could he marry Xue Hong to Wang Shi daughter.

       Xue Yan thought over and over again, and felt that for Xue Yan, he would never agree to Wang Xiuyao's marriage, and could not marry another illiterate Wang Shi. In the past, there was no confidence. Now his daughter is Shu Fei of Kang Qinwang, and in the future it may be Side-Consort. As long as Kang Qinwang doesn't fall, Jia Shi and Wang's three families dare not take his Xue family.

       Xue Yan was unwilling to let her son marry Wang's daughter again, but Wang Xiuyao was determined this time, so as long as Xue Yan returned to the house, she would go to grind Xue Yan.

       On this day, Xue Yan just returned from a trip to the study to deal with matters. Wang Xiuyao immediately went straight to the study when he learned that Xue Yan had returned.


       "Lao-Ye, how did you think about what I said to you? So many days have passed, and you said it's time to think about it."

       Wang Xiuyao didn't knock on the door, pushed the door in, and asked.

       This is not the first time that Wang Xiuyao has done this. Because Wang Xiuyao frequented the study, Xue Yan had already put away the important things in the study.

       Wang Xiuyao opened the door to enter. From time to time, Xue Yan was reading a letter, the letter he had just received from Capital City.

       "Didn't I tell you earlier? I disagree with that marriage."

       "Why disagree? 9-Shu's daughter Xianliang Shude is more than enough to match Xue Hongchuo.."

       Wang Xiuyao began to repeat the words countless times, but Xue Yan didn't have the patience to listen any more, and directly interrupted Wang Xiuyao's words.

       "You don't have to worry about Hong Er's marriage..."

       "Since ancient times, the marriage of children has been the order of the parents and the matchmaker. I am Xue Hong's Di-Mother, so I can't worry about it."

       Xue Yan was interrupted by Wang Xiuyao, who was agitated by hearing the words.

       Don’t you Xue Yan still admit that I am one of those cheap Di-Mothers, and that Xue Yan’s wife is not a wife.

       When Xue Yan heard what Wang Xiuyao said, she knew that she had misunderstood her meaning again, and Xue Yan couldn't help feeling a little bored. Of course, even so, he still patiently explained.

       "You think too much, I just want to tell Hong Er that the marriage has been set, so you don't have to worry about Hong Er's marriage anymore."

       Xue Yan said so, but she didn't expect Wang Xiuyao to be furious when she heard it, and said angrily at Xue Yan:

       "You have already booked Xue Hong, why didn't I know when? You didn't tell me about such a big thing. Is there still this concubine in your eyes? Is it only Jiang in your eyes? Shi that cheap maid? Xue Hong’s marriage was ordered by Jiang-Shi, did that cheap maid? You..."

       Hearing Wang Xiuyao's nonsense became more and more outrageous, Xue Yan was also angry and interrupted Wang Xiuyao.

       "You shut up. Stop talking. What nonsense are you talking about. What does this have to do with Jiang-Shi? Hong Er's marriage, Kang Qinwang's guarantee, has already booked Hong Er's marriage. Kang Qinwang guarantees the media. This is a great honour and an honour for my Xue family, so you can't speak nonsense."

       "Kang Qinwang protects Xue Hong as the media..."

       Wang Xiuyao's voice came to the fore, but she was interrupted by Xue Yan before she finished speaking.

       "You don't have to worry about Hong Er. If you don't care about it, it's better to put it on Pan Er, and see what Pan Er is used to?"

       Although Xue Pan is Xue Yan Di-son, Xue Yan also valued Di-son over Shu-son when he first had Di-son. But as time passed, Xue Pan grew up, unlike his brothers who were clever and curious, but rather stupid. If Xue Pan had only one son, perhaps Xue Yan would not be dissatisfied, but now that the comparison of several sons, Di-son Xue Pan disappointed Xue Yan.

       Wang Xiuyao originally heard that Xue Yan said that Kang Qinwang had booked a kiss for Xue Hong’s mediator. jealousy in her heart was instantly violent. When she was about to get angry, she heard Xue Yan talk about her son Xue Pan. Wang Xiuyao immediately transferred her thoughts to her son. Up.

       Xue Pan is a child Wang Xiuyao has been looking forward to for more than ten years, but he only obtained it after trading with Jiang Wanyin. deal with Jiang Wanyin has so far made Wang Xiuyao feel ashamed, but Wang Xiuyao can't tolerate others saying that Xue Pan is not good.

       Upon hearing Xue Yan's dislike of her son, Wang Xiuyao went crazy, her eyes glowing red like a demon:

       "What's the matter with my Pan Er? What's wrong with my Pan Er, making you dislike him so much as a father."

       "I know you only have those two wicked servants in your eyes. You look down on my Pan Er. I tell you, even if you like those wicked servants, they are just the lowly servant Shu-son. , No matter how much I don’t want you to like me, I’m also a wife’s main room, their Di-Mother, they have to kneel and kowtow to me..."

       She was also angry when she heard Wang Xiuyao cursing her son Xue Yan.

       "Hong Er and they are my Xue Yan's children, don't just open your mouth and shut your mouth to kill you..."

       "I'm going to say. betrayal of the low servant is not what kind of evil is.."

       "I remember asking Jiang-Shi to serve me, why did she betray her?"

       "I may not be able to give birth to her, but she has given birth to several children in a row. What does it mean to disobey the master instead of betraying the master?"

       Wang Xiuyao was crazy without a word.

       Xue Yan was shocked by what Wang Xiuyao said like a madman, and made him recognize Wang Xiuyao's mind again.

       With Wang Xiuyao's paranoid appearance, Xue Yan knew that no matter what he said, Wang Xiuyao would not listen, and he had no intention of listening to Wang Xiuyao.

       "Whatever you think, I still have something to do. If you want to stay here, stay."

       "Xue Yan, you stand for me, you stand for me..."

       Xue Yan simply ignored Wang Xiuyao's call behind him and speeded up his pace to leave.

       This day was the day of the Palace Examination. Just after Yinshi, Jiang Wanyin got up, and she took her to make her own clothes to the Xue Hongyuan. Xue Hong was already dressed.

       "Mother, why are you here? Why are you getting up so early again. There are servants waiting for your son, so you don't have to get up like this."

       Xue Hong felt sorry for his mother when he saw Jiang Wanyin.

       "Mother, come and have a look, or she won't worry." Then she turned her head and asked Yuzhi to come over.

       "Yuzhi, come here with clothes."

       "This is something my mother made new for you. Today you will wear the clothes made by your mother and go to the palace for a test."

       Although Xue Hong's upper body clothes are also very good-looking, Jiang Wanyin still wants her son to wear them by herself. When the sons of previous lifetimes participated in the palace examinations, she personally made new clothes for her sons. In this lifetime, she could not treat the white sons differently.

       Naturally, Xue Hong did not refuse the love and affection of his birth mother. Although he thinks his mother is doing something more and is troublesome, he can't bear to refuse Mother's will.

       Xue Hong took off his robe and handed it to Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin took the clothes handed over by his son, and a faint scent pours into his nose. scent is also mixed with a very faint fishy smell. If it is not for a very sensitive person, it will not be smelled. come out.

       Jiang Wanyin's face changed instantly when she smelled it.

       Seeing that Yuzhi was waiting for Xue Hong to put on the new clothes made by Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin hurriedly stopped.

       "and many more."

       "Mother, what's the matter?"

       Xue Hong looked at Jiang Wanyin in a puzzled way. Jiang Wanyin sent out all his servants, leaving her mother and son and Yuzhi in the house.

       Xue Hong also became serious when he saw this, and saw Jiang Wanyin's face serious. She took the robe he had just taken off and looked through it. Suddenly Jiang Wanyin grabbed the placket and pulled it off.

       The broken robe was thrown aside, Jiang Wanyin opened the double-layered placket, only to see a small piece of yellowish brown coarse cloth in the placket.

       Jiang Wanyin was immediately furious when he saw this.

       "Mother, what is this?"

       Jiang Wanyin didn't answer him, but instead told Yuzhi first.

       "Yuzhi, you go to my room, take a pack of medicine from the wooden box on the second floor in the elevated closet, and let someone boil water to boil the medicine in the water, and bring the water over to bathe the Big-Master. Go ahead."

       "It's Fu-ren."

       Yuzhi was told to go out immediately.

       Yuzhi had served Jiang Wanyin for more than ten years and knew Jiang Wanyin's temper very well. Jiang Wanyin's seriousness must be serious.

       Xue Hong asked again after Yuzhi left.

       "Mother, what is going on, what is this?"

       "The thing on this coarse cloth is smallpox scab."

       Jiang Wanyin endured his anger and said, Xue Hong's face suddenly changed when he heard it.

       "This is, it was..."

       "There is no cure for the smallpox disease. If I bring this thing into the palace and be found out, it will be the crime of ransacking the family. It is someone who wants to harm me and the Xue family."

       "Who is it, who is it?"

       Xue Hong was angry and red eyes with hatred.

       "No matter who did it, when my mother finds out, she will never let him go."

       Although Kang Qinwang got the smallpox prevention method given by Jiang Wanyin, he has not dedicated it to the saint for some reason and has not announced it. Kang Qinwang's doing this is probably his own plan, and Jiang Wanyin can't ruin Kang Qinwang's affairs.

       But the matter was obviously that someone wanted to calculate Hong Er and wanted to harm the Xue family. Those who use smallpox scabs to plant Xue Hong do not know that she had vaccinated four of her four children when they were young, and all four of them had acne, even if Xue Hong took it. Smallpox scabs can no longer get smallpox.

       I am afraid that those people would not have thought that she had the habit of letting her son wear the new clothes she tailored to participate in the palace examination, and coincidentally discovered those conspiracies.

       But now it's time for investigation, the son's palace examination is the most important thing right now.

       "Now the most important thing is about your palace exam. I'll talk about it after the palace exam. Before the palace exam, you must never pass it out." Otherwise, it will be passed to the ears of the people, I'm afraid the matter will make a big deal.

       "Son knows." Xue Hong naturally knew the seriousness of such a terrible thing as smallpox.

       "Thanks to my mother that you want your son to change clothes this time, otherwise he will be afraid when he enters the palace for a body search..."

       "You and my mother and my son will be both prosperous and both prosperous. Those people's goals may not be you alone. After entering the palace, you must be more careful not to give others the opportunity to harm you."

       "My son remembered."

       After Xue Hong took a shower again, she put on Jiang Wanyin's newly made clothes to participate in the hall test.

       This recurring incident made Jiang Wanyin uneasy and insisted on sending her son to the gate of the palace in person. Perhaps it is those who think their conspiracy will succeed, so the journey to the palace is very peaceful. After watching her son line up at the gate of the palace, she went home. There are also her two sons in the family, and Jiang Wanyin is worried that those people are not only doing things on Xue Hong.

        After sending Xue Hong back to the palace for a trial, Jiang Wanyin immediately ordered.

       "Tell me, all the subordinates in Zhao Mansion will gather in front of the courtyard. I have something to say."

       After ordering to go down, Jiang Wanyin hurriedly went to the courtyard of the two younger sons. It was almost the end of the meeting, and according to the habits of the two children, it was time to wake up at this moment.

       The two sons lived in the adjacent courtyard. Jiang Wanyin went to the Xue Lao courtyard first, and Xue Lace just got up and was washing.

       Xue Jiao was surprised to see Jiang Wanyin.

       "Mother, why are you here? It's so early now."

       Xue Jiao also took a special look outside, the sky was dimly bright.

       "Mother, come and see you."

       Seeing that the clothes were already on the bed, Jiang Wanyin went straight to pick up the clothes and took a closer look. As expected, she smelled a stench masked by a faint fragrance.

       Saying and beckoning Yuzhi to bring the clothes over.

       "Today you wear these clothes. Your clothes are useful, mother will take them for you first."

       "Mother is going to Gu Er's place. Come to the front yard after you wash up."

       After that, he took Xue Lacey's clothes with Yuzhi who had put down the new clothes Jiang Wanyin made for Xue Lacey and left.

       Xue Jiao was confused by Jiang Wanyin's inexplicable behavior.

       "What's wrong with mother Jiner?"

       Suspiciously, Xue Jia hurriedly asked Maid to wait for him to wash, and hurried to the front yard after getting dressed.

       Jiang Wanyin came out of Xue Lace and went to Xue Fu's courtyard. When she entered the room, she saw Xue Chang's Maid was waiting for him to put on his robe. Jiang Wanyin immediately said.

       "Hu Er, my mother made new clothes for you. You will wear new clothes today."

       "Mother, why are you here? It's still so early."

       Xue Jia and Xue Jia are indeed twin brothers, and they even say the same thing.

       "The new clothes my mother made for you, put on them quickly."

       Jiang Wanyin took Xue Co's robe from Maid and urged Xue Co to wear the clothes she brought.

       "Mother, I just wear this one. This one is new and I like it."

       Xue Chang was the youngest and most ghostly spirit, Jiang Wanyin gave him a look at what he said.

       "If you let you wear it, just wear it. Or you don't like the clothes Mother made by yourself. If you dislike me, give it to Lacewing."

       "do not."

       When Xue Xiao heard that he wanted to give Xue Xiao a hand, he immediately grabbed the clothes.

       "This is the clothes you made for your son, mother, how can you give 2-Brother. Son will wear it."

       She put her clothes on her body as she said, and didn't forget to coax Jiang Wanyin.

       "It's best for my mother to have clothes, and it's comfortable to wear. My son likes the clothes made by mother the most."

       Jiang Wanyin's mood immediately improved after hearing his son's words, and he reached out and poked Xue Hu's head, feeling helpless.


       "When you pack it up, go to the front yard, mother has something to say."

       After confessing Xue Chang, Jiang Wanyin left with the clothes of his two sons.

       Back in the front yard, all the servants in the house are almost there, and there are only two Maid servants in the yard of his sons.

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin coming, the people who were whispering to each other were quiet.

       Jiang Wanyin asked someone to move a chair and sit on the steps, looking at the dozens of subordinates standing under the steps, she didn't speak, and waited for the two sons and the subordinates in their yard to come over. After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, the two sons and the servants in the yard came over.

       "Mother, what's the matter?"

       The brothers were very surprised to see Jiang Wanyin focusing on this.

       "You'll know later."

       The brothers looked at each other and then sits down beside Jiang Wanyin.

       "Well, now everyone is here. Yuzhi."


       "You take people to search now, no one's house can be left out, no corner can be let go."

       "Yes, Fu-ren."

       Although Jiang Wanyin brought only a dozen subordinates to Capital City this time, he bought a lot of subordinates after he entered Capital City. These subordinates were all obeyed and loyal to her.

       The couple named Yuzhi and Lu An led the subordinates by name, leaving behind the subordinates who had originally stayed in the capital, as well as the nails of Wang Xiuyao and Li-Concubine.

       When the remaining servant heard that Jiang Wanyin asked Yuzhi and his wife to search their room, some people would make a noise if they refused to accept it, but some of them had already changed their faces.

       "2-Fu-ren, I don’t know what is wrong with the Nucai, making 2-Fu-ren you so eager to find the house of the Nucai. Although the Nucai are only subordinates, they have also served in the Xue family for many years, staying in the capital for their masters. Taking care of the mansion, the Nucai did nothing but hard work. Please 2-Fu-ren to tell the Nucai."

       Xue Yi, the second housekeeper of the Xue family staying in the capital, was unconvinced and dared to look directly at Jiang Wanyin and speak. It's arrogant to say something about hard work. tone of the second steward made Jiang Wanyin think about the people of the Rongguo Mansion and the Wang Family, but that's not all.

       "Xue Yi, why are you talking to my mother."

       Jiang Wanyin was not angry, but Xue Chang became angry when he heard the second housekeeper's questioning, and got up to scold Xue Yi angrily.

       "3-Master, Nucai doesn't mean to offend 2-Fu-ren. It's just that Nucai serve their masters wholeheartedly and are loyal to them. 2-Fu-ren will not be afraid of chills by doing so?"


       Xue Chang was even more angry when he heard that, and he was about to reprimand Xue Yi for being stopped by Jiang Wanyin.

       After stopping Xue He, Jiang Wanyin looked at Xue Yi with a smirk.

       "Is it my master who chilled your Nucai heart, or you Nucai who chilled my master's heart? You will know when you find something."

       The Xue family mansion is not small, and it is not easy to thoroughly search the houses of dozens of subordinates, so Jiang Wanyin asked Yuzhi and his wife to spot check the subordinates she suspected. Of course, other subordinates Jiang Wanyin would not let go.

       In order to kill mistakes rather than let go, Jiang Wanyin will never be merciless to those who want to harm her son.

       Xue Yi became uneasy when he heard Jiang Wanyin's words, and began to constantly instigate other subordinates to disobey and make trouble, but Jiang Wanyin remained unmoved.

       Xue Yi and others wanted to leave, but Jiang Wanyin made people look at them. And they are just subordinates. Even if they didn't sell their deeds, Jiang Wanyin didn't need to sell their deeds at all. It was just a sentence.

       Therefore, most of the subordinates are still timid and afraid to make trouble.

       Soon Yuzhi came with things.

       "Fu-ren, found it."

       Seeing Yuzhi holding something, some people were already lying on the ground.

       "I found it everywhere, tell them."

       Jiang Wanyin glanced at and ordered Yuzhi. At this time Xue Yi face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

       "These letters and pamphlets were found in the second housekeeper's house. This purse and 200 Silver-Taels tickets were found in the second-class Maid Green Orchid house in the Big-Master Yard.."

       Yuzhi called his names one by one, and when they were called, they were all scared to death. Before Yuzhi finished ordering, Lu An came with something.

       The search results are really diverse.

       Er Xue Jiayi colluded with outsiders to calculate the correspondence between the master, a large amount of unidentified silver bills, drugs that are harmful to people, and those things that have been reported to be found in Nucai house, etc., but it is really called Jiang Wanyin Mother and son are eye-opening.

       After opening the letter and booklet, Jiang Wanyin realized that Xue Yi not only colluded with Wang's family but also Wang Fu-ren. ice on the road on the day of the test was made by him, and the person who intercepted Xue Hong was sent by Wang Fu-ren.

       Regardless of how many lives, Wang Fu-ren seems to like to send someone to intercept her son. She and Wang Fu-ren are enemies for generations.

       "Xue Yi, what else can you say now?"

       "Lao-Ye trusts you a lot and gives you the care of the Xue family mansion in Jingzhong. You are so generous. That's how you thanked Lao-Ye."

       This Xue Yi wife is the son of Wang’s family and Wang Xiulin’s dowry Nubi, but after marrying Xue Yi, she came to Xue’s family as Wang Xiuyao’s dowry Nubi.

       If it weren't for the fact that after Jing Jin, she secretly investigated the Xue family's stay in the capital because of Wang Xiuyao, she would not know that Xue Yi, the second housekeeper, was actually a family slave with three surnames.

       Jiang Wanyin threw the clothes of his three sons on the ground in front of the servants.

       "Do you recognize this dress? Do you remember what you did in this dress."

       Jiang Wanyin scolded mercilessly and made a merciless decision.

       "I hate you the most unfaithful and vicious Nucai Nucai. I cannot tolerate you."

       "My mother is right, we can't tolerate you Nucai who are behind you. Lu An, send someone to call the maid..."

       Brother Xue Jiao and Xue Hu also got up to support Jiang Wanyin.

       "Nonsense, you are nonsense!"

       The physical evidence was all there, but Xue Yi obviously didn't want to plead guilty. Upon hearing that Jiang Wanyin was about to sell them, Xue Yi violently resisted, pointing at Jiang Wanyin angrily and cursing.

       "It's Jiang-Shi, you want to exclude dissidents and deliberately frame me and wait. You are just Madam' Maid, you climb the bed by yourself..."

       Xue Yi yelled at him. Jiang Wanyin didn't say anything. Lu An had already brought people forward to hold Xue Yi and blocked his mouth.

       "The second housekeeper is appointed by Lao-Ye himself, Jiang-Shi, you can handle the second housekeeper..."

       Seeing Xue Yi being arrested, Xue Yi wife jumped out and accused Jiang Wanyin. Others also clamored: "We are the dowry of Madam. You can't deal with us..."

       "They are all tied up and gagged."

       The Xue Jiao brothers were furious, and commanded their subordinates to tie up and gagged both men and women.

       "Mother, Xue Yi, Nucai, dare to collude with outsiders to murder the master. Let's send them all to the government."

       Xue Jiao proposed.

       Jiang Wanyin smiled when she heard the words. She knew Xue Jiao's mind. This child is not as clever as his brother, and is too righteous, so Jiang Wanyin is really worried about him.

       "The ugliness of the family cannot be exaggerated. Our Xue family's foundation in the capital is too small, and Hong Er is still in the palace test. It is not suitable to go out this time. Besides, the four big families of Jia Shi Wang Xue Jinling are not yet broken, although the Jia family Wang family has fallen, But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and it is not wise to face off against the two. Xue family can't touch it by hitting the pebble against the rock."

       Jiang Wanyin broke the matter apart and told her two sons.

       Finally Jiang Wanyin made a decision to dispose of.

       "Those who dare to murder their master Nucai, regardless of whether they are male or female, have poured medicine, and let the servants sell them to the northwest for mining."

       When the people who were tied up heard Jiang Wanyin's words, they all had their faces full of fear, and they continued to struggle and squeak, but the mother and the three did not feel relieved. More than a dozen subordinates were dragged down, all faces were ashamed.

       When there were only three mothers left, Xue Ye finally couldn't help but ask: "Mother, Jia-2-Madam and Wang-Ziteng want to harm us, so let's just let them go?"

        Xue Hong, who had already been in the palace waiting in line for a body search, was very disturbed because it was discovered that there was a smallpox scab hidden. Although he didn't look left and right, but he kept his distance from other people vigilantly, not allowing others to come close and touch.

       When it was finally the eunuch's turn to search for him, Xue Hong still did not relax, still maintaining extremely high vigilance.

       It was precisely because he had been vigilant that he realized that the eunuch who had searched him had repeatedly stroked his shirt. Moreover, the time for searching him was obviously longer than searching for other people. This made Xue Hong immediately understand that the eunuch who searched him was not right, and it was very likely that he was the same group who had hidden smallpox scabs in his clothes.

       This speculation made Xue Hong very angry and frightened.

       It must be no ordinary person to be able to reach into the palace, or even someone from the palace.

       The Xue family was the eunuch of the Imperial Chamber of Internal Affairs. Could it be that their Xue family offended someone in the palace?

       Thinking of this, Xue Hong couldn't help but think of Bao Ying. Xue Yan was provoked by Wang Xiuyao to send Bao Ying to Rong Qinwang as Qie. Xue Hong also knew about it. But Bao Ying entered Kang Qin Wangfu and became Kang Qinwang's Shu Fei. Is it because of this that Rong Qinwang wanted to avenge the Xue family.

       But in an instant, Xue Hong's thoughts had turned a thousand times, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that the eunuch was still stroking his shirt. Xue Hong didn't change his face, and asked calmly.

       "Gonggong, but what's wrong with the lower body?"

       The eunuch paused, took a step back, and said with a serious expression on his face:

       "It's not that there is something wrong with you. You will wait for Gongsheng to enter the palace for a while and be sure to face the saint. It is related to the safety of the saint. Naturally, our family must be careful."

       The eunuch looked up at Xue Yan.

       "Okay, Xue Gongsheng will go in."

       Xue Hong passed the eunuch and entered the hall without changing his face, as if he hadn't noticed the eunuch's abnormality.

       Today's palace examination is the first seven of Jia Zhu in Rongguo Mansion.

       Although Jia Zhu is a junior, but because he is Eldest-son of Jia History's most beloved son, and because Rong Guo Mansion is the steward of Wang Fu-ren, Jia Zhu's funeral is very grand. Although the Rongguo Mansion has fallen, because the super-quality Duchess of Jia History is still there, they still have contact with the old relatives of the Four Kings and Ba Gongs, so these people have sent people to pay homage to them, as well as the subordinate officials of the Wang family historian and Jia Daishan when they were there. .

       Of course, those military officers in the army can't get into the eyes of Rong Guo Mansion.

       Rong Xitang, Wang Fu-ren is dressed in plain clothes, with a sad expression on his face. Zhou Rui family said that there was news reported, and Wang Fu-ren brought Zhou Rui family back to Rongxi Hall.

       "But is there news?"

       "Returning to Madam, Chunjiao sent someone to deliver the letter. matter is already done. Xue family has already entered the palace, and Jiang-Shi personally sent her son into the palace. This time it will definitely be possible." Zhou Rui eyes were bright. .

       "That's good." Wang Fu-ren's eyes burst into strong hatred, and then they become sad again.

       "Pearl, wait, mother will avenge you. Mother let Xue Hong's little bastard go down and make amends for you."

       "Send someone to guard at the palace, and report back as soon as you have news."

       "It's Madam."

       "Wait, if there is news, send someone to Xue's house to inform. Jiang-Shi personally sent her son to death, so she has to let her know if it is not."

       "What Madam said."

       Chunjiao of the two populations is Xue Yi wife.

       It turned out that after Jiang Wanyin sent Xue Hong to the palace exam, Chunjiao immediately sent a letter to Wang Fu-ren.

       Chunjiao belonged to Wang Fu-ren. After learning that Wang-Ziteng let the nail buried in Xue's house attack Xue Hong to prevent Xue Hong from participating in the palace exam, Chunjiao immediately passed the news to Wang Fu-ren. After Wang Fu-ren learned of Wang-Ziteng's approach, he felt that Wang-Ziteng's approach was too light. Wang Fu-ren hated Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, especially Xue Hong, who she thought killed Jia Zhu, so Wang Fu-ren thought of a poisonous trick and made Chunjiao sewed smallpox scabs into the clothes of the three brothers Xue Hong.

       Wang Fu-ren thinks that it was Xue Hong who killed Jia Zhu in the exam, so she wanted to avenge Jia Zhu. She not only wanted to kill Jiang Wanyin and her son, but also wanted the Xue family to destroy the family.

       It can be said that Wang Fu-ren's poisonous scheme is extremely vicious.

       Wang Fu-ren does not care that her sister is the mistress of the Xue family.

       But also, if Wang Fu-ren regards Wang Xiuyao as her sister, he will not give Wang Xiuyao-drug Wang Xiuyao has done nothing for more than ten years.

       Of course, Wang Fu-ren did not know that she killed Wang Xiuyao, but Wang Xiuyao avenged her by her own means.

       Wang Fu-ren is waiting to see the fate of Xue Hong and the Xue family, but she doesn't know that her conspiracy and poisonous scheme have long been resolved by Jiang Wanyin.

       After Jiang Wanyin dealt with her servants, because she was worried about Xue Hong in the palace, Jiang Wanyin also had no intention of doing other things. Even the two brothers Xue Yu and Xue Yu were shocked by what happened today. This will also worry about her brother and can't calm down. Come to study.

       The brothers accompanied Jiang Wanyin and waited for Xue Hong to return.

       Also worrying about taking part in the palace examination in the palace is Bao Ying of Kang Qin Wangfu.

       Bao Ying's pregnancy month is already old, because worrying about Xue Hong makes her anxious and difficult to calm down, and she makes the servants who are waiting are frightened by her.

       Afterwards, Kang Qinwang came back, and seeing her worried and anxious, people quietly took Anshen Soup for her to drink. Anshen Soup was effective, and Bao Ying would fall into sleepy sleep.

       Because of the palace examination, the entire palace was under martial law, especially the palace in front of the palace examination.

       There was no news from the palace.

       Although he did not know the news of Gong Shi, at noon Wang-Ziteng already knew that Xue Hong had successfully entered the palace for a trial without accident.

       "Xue Hong entered the palace?"

       "Yes, Lao-Ye. Then Xue Yi didn't get it done."

       The things Wang-Ziteng had ordered were not done well, and the housekeeper looked uneasy.

       Wang-Ziteng is naturally unhappy to know this. But he thinks more and guesses more.

       "Go to Xue Yi and ask what's going on? Ask if the Xue family has any interests."

       The failure of several hands-on attempts made Wang-Ziteng wonder if there was something extraordinary in the Xue family.

       The butler received the order and hurried out of the house, to make up for it.

       Xue Yan in Jinling finally decided to enter Capital City after receiving several letters from Jiang Wanyin.

       Xue Yan's move to Capital City was naturally not small. Upon learning the news, Wang Xiuyao immediately decided to bring her children into Capital City with Xue Yan.

       No matter how Xue Yan persuaded and stopped it, Wang Xiuyao didn't dispel Wang Xiuyao's intention to enter Capital City. Wang Xiuyao even threatened Xue Yan. If Xue Yan did not bring their mother and children to Capital City together, she would bring her two children into Capital City.

       After tearing her face with Xue Yan, Wang Xiuyao didn't maintain any dignity in front of Xue Yan.

       In Wang Xiuyao's opinion, the Wang Family and Rongguo Mansion were present, and Xue Yan did not dare to take her.

       Of course, it is true.

       Now the couple are like resentment.

       For the safety of the two children, Xue Yan finally brought the three of Wang Xiuyao's mother and children into Capital City.

       Wang Xiuyao is about to enter Capital City, and Li-Concubine is the happiest one, because Wang Xiuyao is not there, she can finally take charge of Xue's housekeeping power.

       Now that his son is already old, Li-Concubine rested early in the morning, and focused on his son, wishing to take the entire Xue family's wealth to his son. Now that there is a great opportunity to make money, how could Li-Concubine let it go.

       Li Concubine didn't know, this was also because Xue Yan deliberately did it after learning about Wang Xiuyao's mind.

       In the capital, the butler of the Wang family went to find Xue Yi himself, and then sent a signal to contact him according to the previous signal, but I didn't see Xue Yilai for a long time. Xue Yi, who felt something was not right, left immediately, leaving Lu An rushing over.

       After Wang’s housekeeper left, he immediately inquired about the Xue family, and only then did they know that Xue Yi and others had been sold by the Xue family.

       As soon as he got the news, the housekeeper Wang knew that the matter had been exposed, and he immediately reported to Wang-Ziteng in the mansion.

       "Lao-Ye, now the Xue family is afraid that they already know what Xue Yi did, how can this be good?"

       The Wang family and the Xue family are related by marriage, and the Wang family's murder of the Xue family's heirs was not kind.

       "Send someone to find out where Xue Yi and others have been sold, so that they can be finished and made cleaner."

       Wang-Ziteng killed his password indifferently.

       This kind of thing must not be spread, if the murder of in-laws spreads, who else would dare to marry the Wang family in the future.

       Wang-Ziteng has no son yet, but he does have a daughter, Di-Daughter. I don't know if I have done too much with my heart, even if there is a Concubine full of the backyard, no one has given birth to Wang-Ziteng's son and a half.

       "What about the Xue family? Jiang-Shi dealt with Xue Yi and others. I'm afraid they got some evidence and handles. Those things would be detrimental to our Wang family."

       "The Xue family is not in a hurry, wait until you find out about the Xue family. Another person is sent to stare at the Xue family. If there is a letter from the Xue family, you must stop the letter."

       "Yes, Lao-Ye."

       In Rongguo Mansion, Wang Fu-ren has been waiting for the return of the subordinates who were sent to the palace to wait for the news. She is waiting for the news that Xue Hong was found to be accused and the saint ordered the Xue family to be ransacked.

       Seeing that it was getting dark outside, Wang Fu-ren was urging and urging, showing how anxious she was to know the good news of Xue Hong and Xue family.

       Until Hua Deng Ru Zhou returned the talent she sent.

       "How? saint has made an order?"

       Wang Fu-ren almost rushed to the servant Ding to ask.

       "Back, back to Madam. No. Xue family has already left the palace and returned, and there is nothing wrong."

       "How is it possible? How is it possible that nothing happened?"

       Wang Fu-ren hasn't responded yet, Zhou Rui family has already yelled.

       She had planned for so long to provoke Madam to start the Xue family. How could that kid Xue Hong be okay? Zhou Rui eyes widened, unwilling to believe it.

       When she finished Calling, Wang Fu-ren came back and raised his hand and slapped her.

       "That's what you say is infallible."

       "You useless thing, nothing can be done to explain to you. What use is it for you!"

       "Madam. calm down. It's Nubi incompetence. Madam, calm down."

       I dare to believe that the angry Zhou Rui family was slapped back to God by Wang Fu-ren. Seeing Wang Fu-ren's hideous face, Zhou Rui family threw himself to the ground and kowtowed apologizing.

       "You useless thing, what else can you do besides calming down your anger? What is the use of this Fu-ren to raise your useless thing."

       Wang Fu-ren raised his foot in anger and kicked Zhou Rui family fiercely. He kept beating and scolding Zhou Rui family, sending the anger to Zhou Rui family.

       Jiang Wanyin naturally didn't know the affairs of Rongguo Mansion. Seeing that the sky was dark, Jiang Wanyin was very worried that his son had not returned yet. Suddenly hearing movement, Jiang Wanyin immediately walked to the door and saw Xue Hong's figure appear in his sight.

       "Mother, my son is back."

        Seeing his biological mother looking at the door, Xue Hong couldn't help but was moved and called to Jiang Wanyin.

       "Mother, I'm back."

       Seeing his son, Jiang Wanyin immediately smiled, but seeing his son looked tired and distressed.

       "Just come back, tired."

       Jiang Wanyin asked concerned.

       "Mother, I'm hungry."

       The examination time in the palace was too tight, and the spirit was tense. Although the palace had meals, Xue Hong did not dare to eat more. This whole day was exhausting mentally and physically, and only after he was out of the palace did he feel tired and hungry. hunger made him exhausted.

       "I'm hungry. Then let's eat. Mother, let me prepare something you like. Mother, let me serve food."

       When Jiang Wanyin heard that his son said that he was hungry, he cared about other things, and was full of fear that his son would be busy ordering food to be served.

       At this time, Xue Jiao and Xue Hu got close to Xue Hong.

       "Finally it's time to eat. My stomach is so hungry. My mother insists on waiting for Big-Brother to come back. Let me carry it."

       Xue He rubbed his stomach and said with a little grievance, as if he had completely forgotten that he had just eaten two small snacks and some fruits.

       "Big-Brother came back late, tired and hungry."

       "It's fine if you know, I'm just waiting for Big-Brother you."

       Unknowing Xue Hong stretched out his hand and touched the younger brother's head, but the knowing Xue Jiao glanced at Didi belly, but did not expose him.

       Xue Jiao wanted to know but something else.

       "Big-Brother, what does the palace look like? It's not that it's golden and magnificent everywhere."

       "Yeah, Big-Brother, tell me what the palace is like?"

       Xue He was also aroused curiosity.

       "This palace, that's... this, you will know when you enter the palace for a trial."

       Xue Hong smiled and played two Didi.

       "Big-Brother, you trick us..."

       Xue He yelled in dissatisfaction, and was interrupted by Jiang Wanyin before he finished speaking.

       "What is it called, it's time to have a meal, go to clean your hands and eat."

       Jiang Wanyin patted her younger son on the head from behind, urging to eat.

       "Mother, I'm not your biological son anymore, you are so successful."

       Xue He rubbed his head and complained quietly.

       "No. I picked you up from under the bed."

       Jiang Wanyin gave her little son a glance.

       "Haha, you picked it up under the bed."

       Xue Jia laughed when he heard Jiang Wanyin's words, and pointed at Xue Hu and laughed at him. Xue Hong was also amused.


       Xue Chang became angry from embarrassment.

       But Jiang Wanyin ignored him.

       She was just a pat, this hypocritical little guy used to pretend to be wronged.

       "Okay, okay, don't call me a mother, eat."

       After the family had a meal, Jiang Wanyin sent Xue Hong back to the house to rest without asking Xue Hong how he was doing. He also told the two younger sons not to pester the eldest son, and if you have anything to say tomorrow.

       Xue Hong was indeed tired, so he obediently returned.

       When I returned to the yard, I found that the laymen in the yard had changed strangers. I asked Maid to find out that Jiang Wanyin dealt with and sold some laymen in the morning.

       Xue Hong knew what was going on.

       The next day, after the mother and son had breakfast together, they sent two Didi to study, and Xue Hong asked about handling the next person.

       "This matter was done by Wang-Ziteng and Jia-2-Madam Jia-Wang Shi. Many of our servants came from the house when Madam married into Xue's house. Later, after Lao-Ye Madam returned to Jinling, These subordinates were arranged to stay in the middle of Capital City to take care of Xue’s house. It’s just that these people have colluded with the Wang and Jia’s families in the past few years.. In this matter, Wang-Ziteng just wanted to prevent you from the palace test, but Jia-Wang Shi wanted to It wants your life, and she wants our Xue family to be ransacked and destroyed. That day, Jia-Wang Shi did it."

       "Jia-Wang Shi? Why did she do this? son has no grudges against her, and never offended her. Why is she so vicious and repeatedly calculating to harm her son?"

       Xue Hong was really puzzled, why a stranger who had never seen him used such a vicious conspiracy to harm him.

       "You naturally have enemies with her."

       Jiang Wanyin said, but Xue Hong was even more puzzled.

       "Could it be because of Madam?"

       Xue Hong could only think of Wang Xiuyao.

       Wang Xiuyao is his Di-Mother, but Di-Mother is at odds with his biological mother. He who is a son naturally can only stand on the side of the biological mother who loves him and protects him everywhere for his sake. Then he must It's offended Di-Mother.

       Di-Mother and that Jia-Wang Shi are relatives, even if his mother said that Di-Mother and Jia-Wang Shi are enemies, but Jia-Wang Shi cannot prevent Jia-Wang Shi from murdering him. After all, Jia-Wang Shi is a person who harmed his sister.

       "That's not the case. You should say that. It should be that Jia-Wang Shi has an enemy with you. She treats you as an enemy. In other words, we treat our mother and son as enemies."

       Knowing the character of Wang Fu-ren, plus the confessions of those who had previously subordinates and inquiring about the news, Jiang Wanyin was already quite sure of Wang Fu-ren's thoughts.

       "But my son has never offended Jia-Wang Shi."

       He has no intersection with Jia-Wang Shi, so why does Jia-Wang Shi treat him as an enemy?

       "That you don't know."

       "Under the royal family's education of'no talent is virtue', the thinking of this royal family is different from that of ordinary people. In their hearts, they are the biggest in the world except for the emperor's family and the royal family. In their hearts, they will never make any mistakes. They are all others. Bad things are caused by others, and if they do something wrong, they are also caused by others."

       "You don't know, you would try Jia-Wang Shi Eldest-son on the day of high school. Jia Zhu would fail the test. When he heard about your high school, he vomited blood and died. Jia-Wang Shi thinks Jia Zhu is because I heard that you only vomited blood and died in high school, so I believe that you killed Jia Zhu."

       "Before you went to participate in the test, the day you met Binglu was also what Jia-Wang Shi did. purpose was not to let you participate in the test. Maybe it was because she was rejected by her mother that day. For this reason."

       "Jia-Wang Shi tried to murder you twice and again, more because she didn't want you to be an official, and wanted to suppress the Xue family. Later, she decided that Jia Zhu killed you, so she wanted to kill you and destroy Xue. Home.."

       Hearing Jiang Wanyin's words, Xue Hong was really shocked and stunned.

       "How can this person think so, hate innocent people so much, it is unreasonable. Besides, there is a mother, how do you know this?"

       "Yesterday, my mother tried Xue Yi and his Erxi Chunjiao. Chunjiao was once a Big-Maid next to Jia-Wang Shi, and she often contacted Zhou Rui family next to Jia-Wang Shi. smallpox incident this time was to unite with Madam. people in the room did it. These things were also interrogated and spoken out of her mouth."

       Of course, some were not what Chun Jiao said, but now Jiang Wanyin can only refer the matter to Chun Jiao. Anyway, Chun Jiao has already let her sell it, and no one else knows if Chun Jiao said it.

       "Then Jia-Wang Shi has not succeeded in several attempts. I am afraid she will not give up. So you have to be careful these days in Capital City. Don’t let Jia-Wang Shi find the opportunity to calculate the harm you."

       Jiang Wanyin warned uneasy.

       Wang Fu-ren has always done everything, and he won't give up unless he achieves his goal.

       "If the son knows, he will be careful."

       "Mother, should we also remind Mei-Mei and Wu's family? My son is worried that Jia-Wang Shi will be angry to Mei-Mei and Wu's side if his son does not succeed."

       "That's possible. Bao Ying and Wu's family won't be wary if they don't know it. It's okay for Bao Ying to have Kang Qinwang protection in Kangqin Wangfu, but Yushu is even more worrying. In this way, I will write an envelope to let people give it back. Bao Ying and Yushu sent them to make them beware of Rongguo Mansion."

       Wang Fu-ren can cause Jia Min to have nothing to do for more than ten years because of Jia Min’s relationship with her before marrying, because he was jealous that Wang Xiuyao was once in the Rongguo Mansion and gave Wang Xiuyao medicine, which caused Wang Xiuyao to have no health for more than ten years. ; Wang Fu-ren is entirely possible to kill Wu Yushu because he resents Xue Hong.

       Wu Yushu is the secondzi of Wu Anzhou, a member of the ceremonial department whom Xue Hong has booked.

       "Mother, one more thing."

       Xue Hong suddenly remembered the unusual thing about the eunuch who searched him before the palace exam, and told Jiang Wanyin about it.

       Jiang Wanyin frowned upon hearing this.

       "Mother, do you think it will be Rong Qinwang's person."

       "It's hard to tell." Jiang Wanyin was not sure that it was Rong Qinwang.

       "It may also be from the Rongguo Mansion or the Wang Family."

       "The Four Kings and Eight Princes are the confidants of the founding emperor. Although the four kings and eight lords have fallen, but Rong Duke and Jia Daishan used to be today's confidants. Rongguo Mansion has always planned to send her daughter to the palace. It is hard to guarantee that the eunuch is not a Rong. Arranged by the government."

       "Wang-Ziteng is considered to be the most skilled in the four big families of Jia Shi, Wang and Xue, and it is the confidant of today. Jia Yuanchun, the daughter of Jia-Wang Shi, enters the palace secretly. This eunuch may also be Wang-Ziteng Arranged."

       Regardless of how many lives, Jia Yuanchun's entry into the palace Wang-Ziteng played a big role.

       "Of course it may also be Rong Qinwang. In the early years, the Four Kings and Eight Lords supported King Yizhong. After King Yizhong was defeated, because of Zhenfei and Wang Matron, both the Rong Guofu and the Wang family secretly supported Rong Qinwang. It is possible that Jia-Wang Shi and Wang-Ziteng and Rong Qinwang will work together to calculate you. As for why Rong Qinwang wants to calculate you, I want you to know why."

       Analysis of Jiang Wanyin's affairs and listening to Xue Hong.

       "The son knows it because of Mei-Mei."

       "But, mother, we can't be sure who the eunuch is, can we just forget it?" Xue Hong was not reconciled.

       "Of course not. We can't find out who the eunuch is, but someone can find out."

       Not only will this matter not be forgotten, but Wang Fu-ren and Wang-Ziteng want to murder her son and kill the Xue family.

       It's just that since Hong Er's high school exam, it seems that someone has been spying on their mothers and children in secret. She didn't act rashly until she knew who the people in the dark were.

       "Mother, what you said was Kang Qinwang."

       Xue Hongcong knows that Jiang Wanyin's mind is right.

       "Exactly. Bao Ying is Shu Fei from Kang Qinwang. Our Xue family and Kang Qin Wangfu are already on the same boat. We can't do this kind of thing. There is nothing wrong with asking Kang Qinwang for help."

       If you want to come to Kang Qinwang, you must also want to know who the eunuch is. He said that Kang Qinwang could not find a breakthrough from the eunuch, and it became a major event.

       "In this way, my mother will not send someone to deliver the letter. You go to Kang Qin Wangfu to see Kang Qinwang and report the matter to Kang Qinwang. In addition, you will tell Bao Ying about Jia-Wang Shi. Then you go to Wu's house again, Send Yushu some small gifts in the past. Girls like these. I think that Yushu will be happy to receive the gifts."

       Xue Hong heard Jiang Wanyin's arrangement and went to see Kang Qinwang in person on the same day.

        Xue Hong told Kang Qinwang about the abnormal eunuch. Kang Qinwang knocked on the book case and thought for a while:

       "I know this matter, I will take care of it."

       "Then trouble Wangye."

       Xue Hong did not ask what Kang Qinwang would do. This is not what he should ask, nor is he able to ask.

       "What else do you have?"

       "My mother also has a letter to hand to Shu Fei Niang-Niang, and Wangye to hand it to Shu Fei Niang-Niang."

       Xue Hong thought for a while and did not ask to see Mei-Mei Bao Ying, but handed over Jiang Wanyin's letter to Kang Qinwang.

       Originally, Jiang Wanyin wanted Xue Hong to see Bao Ying and tell Bao Ying himself. Later, Xue Hong reminded the men and women about the defense, but Jiang Wanyin finally listened to Xue Hong's opinion and wrote a letter to Bao Ying.

       "This king will pass it on."

       Kang Qinwang took the envelope. He immediately found that the envelope was not sealed, and immediately understood what Jiang Wanyin and her mother meant. Obviously he didn't guard against knowing what the letter wrote.

       After handing the letter to Kang Qinwang, Xue Hong said goodbye, and Kang Qinwang instructed Gao Yan to send Xue Hong out of the house.

       When Xue Hong left the study, two people walked out from behind the study screen.

       One is Jiang Shangyun, and the other is Kang Qinwang's adviser Ming Yu. two came out and sits down opposite Kang Qinwang. Kang Qinwang was reading the letter Xue Hongrang forwarded to Bao Ying. Seeing the content of the letter, Kang Qinwang's cold face became even more chilly.

       "What do you think about this?"

       "According to Chen's opinion, it is more likely to be Rong Qinwang." Jiang Shangyun said first: "I'm afraid it's not just for Xue Hong, but also for Shu Fei Niang-Niang."

       "Jiang-Daren's statement makes sense. Shu Fei Niang-Niang has been pregnant for more than eight months and is about to give birth. If he learns that his brother and Xue's family have been hit by an accident at this time, they will be born prematurely, and they are likely to die. "Ming Yu continued:

       "Wangye, you have few heirs, and now there is only one male heir at 2-gongzi, which is very detrimental to you. If something happens to the Little-gongzi in the abdomen of Shu Fei Niang-Niang, it will be a blow to you. I am afraid they are thinking about it. Three eagles with arrows."

       Naturally, the three arrows shot by Xue Jia, Bao Ying and Kang Qinwang.

       Kang Qinwang pressed the letter on the book case, looked at the two and said:

       "This king feels like three people are working together."

       "Wang-Ziteng’s biological mother Wang-Zhenshi is Zhen Fei cousin, Wang Teng and Jia-Wang Shi are related to Zhen Fei cousin. After the incident of loyalty to the king, the Wang family and Rong Guofu secretly supported Lao-Qi. So vicious. I am afraid that the smallpox poisoning scheme is not something that Jia-Wang Shi can think of and can be accomplished. It must be a tripartite cooperation."

       "What did Rong Qinwang found?" Ming Yu guessed.

       "It's hard to tell."

       Kang Qinwang himself is not sure.

       "But no matter what, since it's aimed at this king, it's time to clean up."

       Ming Yu: "Wangye, you don't have to take care of these things yourself, lest you get your hands dirty."

       Jiang Shangyun; "Exactly. Nowadays, Qinwang and Rong Qinwang are fighting openly and secretly, but Rong Qinwang has been staring at Rong Qinwang. We only need to disclose this information to Rong Qinwang, and those people have their own Rong Qinwang to handle Wangye for you."

       "You can disclose it to Qinwang, and you must not let him discover that it is the wind that the king has leaked. king will arrange this." Kang Qinwang has an idea in mind.

       Kang Qinwang didn't give the letter to Bao Ying in the end. After reading the letter, Kang Qinwang understood that the letter was written for him, not for Bao Ying.

       After all, Bao Ying is pregnant with Liujia and she is about to give birth. This kind of thing that makes her worry and worry is not conducive to her fertility. Jiang-Shi, who has given birth to four daughters, cannot be ignorant; so this Jiang-Shi is simply It was written to him to remind him to protect Bao Ying.

       After Xue Hong left Kangqin Wangfu, he went to Wu's house again. As Jiang Wanyin said, Xue Hong also bought a lot of small things as gifts for Wu Yushu. Although the two have been engaged, the two men and women only said something through the screen. Xue Hong simply told Wu Yushu that the Xue family and Jia-Wang Shi were feuding, and asked her to beware of the Rongguo Mansion. And Wang's house.

       The third day after the palace test was the day when the palace test was passed on, that is, the day when the list was released.

       Jiang Wanyin still got up early and sent Xue Hong out early to enter the palace.

       Just after Xue Hong entered the palace, when the sky was dimly lit, the Xue family boat from Jinling drew ashore, and Xue Yan abandoned the boat and landed. Because Xue Yan decided to enter Capital City temporarily, there was no letter informing Jiang Wanyin's mother and son; therefore Jiang Wanyin did not arrange for someone to pick up Xue Yan and others at the dock, so Xue Yan had to send someone to hire a car.

       After boarding the bus, Xue Yan and his wife took their daughter straight to Capital City.

       In ancient times, traffic was inconvenient, news transmission was slow, and the official announcement of the good news was not yet in Jinling. So at this time, Xue Yan and his wife did not know what happened to the Xue family, nor did they know that Xue Hong had already passed the hall exam in high school, let alone Wang. Fu-ren's Eldest-son Jia Zhu is dead.

       So when Xue Yan and his wife rushed to the Xue family’s residence in Capital City with their children, the roadway leading to the Xue family’s residence was blocked by Renjun, and the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers continued to be heard from the front.

       "What's the matter? Why are these people stuck here?"

       The road to Capital City was really a day and night, and Wang Xiuyao was also exhausted and very bad at heart. Seeing that the road was blocked, he asked with a bad tone and angrily.

       Although Xue Yan was anxious, he was not like Wang Xiuyao. He had a guess in his heart.

       "Go down and ask, what happened before?"

       Xue Yan sent someone to get out of the car to ask, and he returned soon after getting off the car, with a cheerful expression on his face.

       "Lao-Ye, big happy event, big happy event. Our Big-Master High School 1st-Scholar. They said it was our Big-Master High School 1st-Scholar. People from the government came to announce the good news. 2-Fu-ren let us throw coins, These people are here to grab the copper plate."

       "My son was 1st-Scholar!"

       Xue Yan was overjoyed when he heard the good news. He forgot that he was still in the car and suddenly stood up and hit the roof of the car, knocking himself dizzy; but even this still couldn't stop his excitement.

       Xue Yan just wanted to go back to the house immediately to accept other celebrations, but when he saw that the roadway was blocked, Xue Yan didn't care about other people at all. He got out of the car and squeezed into the crowd.

       However, Wang Fu-ren, who was taking his children in another carriage, heard that Xue Hong had hit 1st-Scholar, and Deng Shi face was blue.

       "Madam, what is 1st-Scholar? Why is Lao-Ye so happy?"

       The overlord Xue Pan, who is less than ten years old, asked ignorantly.

       Xue Pan didn't understand, but Xue Baochai, who was a few years younger than him, knew it, but seeing Wang Xiuyao's blue and red face, she was very witty and said nothing. Xue Baochai quietly pulled down Xue Pan's sleeves and shook his head to tell him not to speak.

       Although Xue Pan was domineering, but he loved Mei-Mei Xue Baochai very much. Xue Baochai told him not to speak, but he really didn't say any more.

       It is said that Wang Xiuyao’s mother and daughter and other servants were blocked in the alley by the crowd. Xue Yan struggled to squeeze to his door and saw the second and third sons who were directing the servants to spread copper plates. Xue Yan was about to call his son but he did not expect to be suddenly squeezed from behind. people who came over almost jumped on the stone steps in front of their own door.

       But this also made Xue Jiao and Xue Jia finally see their father who had been squeezed into a panic. brothers quickly came down and helped Xue Yan up.

       "Father, when did you come to Capital City?"

       Before Xue Yan and his son could say anything, Xue Jiao was pulled over by the people who had just squeezed Xue Yan.

       Xue Jiao saw the person.

       "Lin Shu, why are you here?" Lin Fu, Huayan's husband.

       "Is it sister..."

       Xue He also leaned over to ask, but he was interrupted by Lin Fu who was already anxious.

       "Shu Fei Niang-Niang is about to give birth, and I want to see Fu-ren, hurry, go and ask Fu-ren to come out."

       "What? Shu Fei Niang-Niang is about to give birth?"

       Xue Yan was shocked when he heard the words, and he was busy rushing into the mansion, and then remembered the servants who turned around and ordered to squeeze with him.

       "Hurry up and let all these people get out of the way and call the carriage over."

       After speaking, he rushed into the house immediately.

       Xue Jiao, who rushed back to the house before him, had told Jiang Wanyin that Bao Ying was going to give birth and wanted to see her. Jiang Wanyin was shocked and hurried out, just in time to see her running. Xue Yan.

       "Lao-Ye, why are you here?"

       After patronizing telling Jiang Wanyin about Bao Ying's birth, the brothers forgot to tell Jiang Wanyin about Xue Yan's entry into Capital City.

       "When are you still asking this? Hurry up, I'll take you to Wangfu."

       Xue Yan grabbed Jiang Wanyin and went out, and the Xue Jiao brothers followed suit. Fortunately, Jiang Wanyin remembered that his son turned around and ordered them.

       "Don't follow, go to the teahouse to see your Big-Brother horse parade."

       When the words were over, Xue Yan had already been dragged out of the door by Xue Yan.

       The road had been driven out, and the two hurriedly got on the carriage and headed for Kangqin Wangfu. As soon as the carriage stopped and was about to dismount, the three of Wang Xiuyao saw the carriage hurried away.

       Before Wang Xiuyao could ask what was going on, Xue Fei and Xue Fei rushed out and left in the carriage. As for the three of Wang Xiuyao's mother and children, they were simply ignored.

       Wang Xiuyao, who was already very angry, was about to explode at this time, and her entire popularity was shaking.

       "The cheap maid, the evil kind, dare to ignore me."

       Wang Xiuyao was so frightened that Xue Pan and Xue Baochai dared not approach her, let alone the people watching the excitement.

       Seeing Lu'an at the gate, Wang Xiuyao said angrily: "Where's Xue Yi, let Xue Yi come to see me."

       Kang Qin Wangfu, knowing that today's hall test will be released, just like during the test, Bao Ying sent someone to wait for the news. When someone reported that Xue Hong was appointed 1st-Scholar by the saint, Bao Ying was immediately overjoyed and excited.

       She didn't think she had a fetal gas with this excitement, and she was about to give birth.

       Bao Ying was her first child. She was terrified for the first time and she called to find Jiang Wanyin in panic and fear.

       Kang Qinwang hurried over when he heard about Bao Ying’s production. Kang Qinwang fei was a good man and persuaded Kang Qinwang to agree to pick up Bao Ying’s biological mother. This was how Lin Fu went to Xue’s family to find Jiang Wanyin to come to Kang’s Wangfu.

       It was said that Xue Yan dragged Jiang Wanyin into the carriage, and both of them were anxious, not afraid to urge the coachman to hurry up.

       When it came to Kangqin Wangfu, Jiang Wanyin hurriedly got out of the carriage and ran into Kangqin Wangfu. As for Xue Yan, she had forgotten all about it. Fortunately, Kangqin Wangfu's subordinates invited Xue Yan into the mansion.

       Maid led Jiang Wanyin straight to Bao Ying courtyard. In the courtyard, Kang Qinwang and Kang Qinwang fei and Side-Consort Shu Fei are all there. Although he is worried about his daughter, Jiang Wanyin will not forget the etiquette.

       "Qie has seen Wangye, Wang fei Niang-Niang, and everyone Niang-Niang."

       "Fu-ren, please."

       Wang fei told Jiang Wanyin to get up, but Kang Qinwang fei was shocked when he saw Jiang Wanyin's face. It was not just Kang Qinwang Fei who was shocked, but also other people in the yard.

       They all knew what Bao Ying looked like after having been in the mansion for so long.

       Because of Bao Ying's beauty, they occasionally guessed how beautiful Bao Ying's biological mother was. Now that they saw a real person, they were even more shocked.

       Because Jiang Wanyin was in a hurry and worried about her daughter in her heart, she didn't expect anything else, or even her own face. That's why she worried about her daughter in her heart, and didn't want to care about other people's thoughts.

       "Niang-Niang, I wonder if Qie can go in and see Xue Shu Fei?"

       Jiang Wanyin endured anxious mood and asked Kang Qinwang fei. Awakened by Jiang Wanyin’s voice, Kang Qinwang fei came back to his senses and hurriedly told Maid:

       "Yes, yes, take Jiang Fu-ren to the delivery room."

Chapter 195
Chapter 200
Chapter 205
Chapter 210
Chapter 215
Chapter 220
Chapter 225
Chapter 230
Chapter 235
Chapter 240
Chapter 245  |    Volume 5 : Wangjia [5] 
Chapter 250

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