RM Maid 220

 Novels      »  【 QW】 Red Mansion Maid    »   


        Wang Fu-ren rushed to the Xue's house angrily. Originally, she was going to come to the door to ask the crime, but she didn't even enter the door.

       Wang Fu-ren, who was turned away, was furious, but the door of Xue's house had been closed mercilessly. She stood at the door of Xue's house and was pointed and pointed, making her angry and embarrassed.

       Wang Fu-ren's face was blue with anger, she held Zhou Rui hand tightly, her nails had been pierced into Zhou Rui meat, Zhou Rui hand was already red, and the pain made Zhou Rui face pale Up.

       But seeing Wang Fu-ren in her anger, how dare she make a noise, she can only endure it.

       "go back."

       Wang Fu-ren turned on the sedan chair and returned to Rongguo Mansion with soaring anger. Wang Fu-ren's anger has not disappeared. As soon as he returned to his room, Wang Fu-ren turned around and raised his hand and slapped Zhou Rui family. Zhou Rui plop fell to the ground.

       "Madam. calm down. Madam calm down."

       Zhou Rui family kept kowtow, and the angry Wang Fu-ren kicked her again.

       "It's all your lowly servants who instigated me and caused me to be humiliated in Xue's house."

       "Madam. calm down, it's all Nubi fault, Madam calm down."

       "Nubi did not expect that Jiang-Shi would be so bold now that Madam. You are not in your eyes. She used to be the most timid when she was waiting next to Madam Xue. Nubi did not expect that she would dare to do so. Nubi fault, Madam, calm down your anger. If you want to scold or hit Nubi, don't be angry."

       After being kicked down, Zhou Rui family got up and knelt down to plead guilty. She deliberately raised Jiang Wanyin to try to divert Wang Fu-ren's anger. It really succeeded.


       Wang Fu-ren gritted his teeth and grinded two words.

       "Get up, I have something to tell you."

       The swollen-faced Guan of Zhou Rui house got up neatly.


       "The little beast of the Xue family will also participate in the test next year, you are like this..."

       Wang Fu-ren whispered a series of malicious plans.

       "Have you heard everything clearly?"

       "Nubi can hear you clearly, Madam, don't worry."

       "This thing can only succeed but not fail, otherwise I want you to look good."

       "Madam. Don't worry, Nubi will do it."

       "Well, now go and call someone, I will write to Wang Xiuyao."

       Zhou Rui got instructions to go out quickly.

       Wang Fu-ren doesn't have much literacy, and only understands the books. She writes letters by ghostwriters.

       Wang Fu-ren wrote to Wang Xiuyao to sue Wang Xiuyao, or to blame Wang Xiuyao.

       Wang Fu-ren is trying to find revenge for Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, and the humiliation suffered by Xuexue.

       But Jiang Wanyin didn't give her a chance at all.

       The three brothers Xue Hong rarely went to the home to study behind closed doors, and occasionally they went to the home with Jiang Wanyin to enjoy the flowers and snow in the Xue family's Zhuangzi outside the city.

       Even during the New Year, Jiang Wanyin was just arranging people to give gifts to Kang's Wangfu and several old relatives according to Xue Yan's request. gifts were prepared by Xue Yan, and Jiang Wanyin didn't care.

       Two days before the New Year, another major incident occurred in the Wang family.

       New Year's Eve, Wang-Ziteng Fu-ren asked people to open the warehouse to prepare for the New Year’s gift. But at the moment when people opened the public middle school's warehouse, they found that the valuables in the warehouse, and the unmarked things disappeared, and the huge warehouse was almost emptied.

       The masters of the Wang family were all frightened.

       Busy to check other warehouses in the mansion, Wang-Ziteng and others are ashamed. Just like the public treasury, the private treasury of Wang-Ziteng and Wang Matron lost the money and valuables that were not marked.

       Except for Wang-Ziteng Fu-ren's private warehouse intact, almost all of the Wang family's wealth was evacuated.

       Wang Matron ran to his warehouse to check in a panic and found that he had lost something. Wang Matron fainted.

       After waking up, he was terrified and fell ill immediately.

       My own storeroom was moved away unconsciously. Such a weird thing is not something ordinary people can do. Wang-Ziteng is afraid that he is busy telling people to cover things up and not to go up and down in the house. Discuss the matter and spread the matter out.

       The Chinese New Year is about to come, and when he discovers such a weird thing, Wang-Ziteng is worried that it will be used to attack him.

       More importantly, the Wang family has no way to explain this.

       Because of the theft of the warehouse, the Wang family has a very difficult year.

       Fortunately, the private house of Wang-Ziteng Fu-ren is still there, and Wang-Ziteng and Wang Matron also have a lot of cash in private. Relying on Wang-Ziteng Fu-ren's private house and Wang-Ziteng's private banknotes, the Wang family's New Year gifts will not lose face; but this also allowed the Wang family to have a year of hardship and anxiety.

       After the New Year, the saint opened the dynasty, the dynasty in early February.

       It was not dawn on this day, Wang-Ziteng went out of the house and sits in a sedan chair to the gate of the palace, waiting to open the gate and enter the palace. lanterns of the carriages, horses and sedan chairs outside the palace gate are swaying, dotted.

       Wang-Ziteng came out of the sedan chair and was immediately pointed by officials who also came to the court. If only one person is pointing and pointing, but most of the officials are pointing and pointing at him, and Wang-Ziteng can't help but panic. But he didn't know what happened.

       Concerned about what happened to the other administrators, I don't think the officials who have a good relationship on most days avoid him, and look like they are afraid to avoid him.

       In fact, Wang-Ziteng knew in his heart that he was afraid of being targeted at him, but he did not know who it was.

       After Wang-Ziteng arrived, other 1st-Grade Da Yuan Ji Lao and others arrived one after another. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the palace, the officials entered the palace in order of their official positions, waiting for the sage driver to come to the court.

       When Wang-Ziteng was impeached by Yushi, Wang-Ziteng didn't know what happened.

       It turned out that Wang-Ziteng’s mother Qinwang Matron’s debit voucher for printing money was stuck on the palace’s gate in the middle of the night, and boxes were piled up at the gate of the palace. officials and guards who had arrived early in the morning saw it. .

       Because of the higher official position, Wang-Ziteng came late. He had already taken away those borrowed vouchers by then, and other people had never told him, so he didn't know.

       Wang-Ziteng is an official in the court, and he has climbed too fast in recent years. Naturally, he has offended many people and blocked many people's way. In addition, he secretly supports Rong Qinwang, and other Prince people also saw him not pleasing for a long time; Therefore, in this upper court, almost half of the court officials impeached Wang-Ziteng.

       In fact, many female family members of the inner house in Capital City have printed money, especially those with declining family background. Most of the officials in Capital City knew about this, but it was not revealed, and most of them did not know. But now this matter has been dazzlingly hung on the palace wall. I don't know how many civilian officials already know this matter, so naturally they can no longer pretend not to know.

       That's why Wang-Ziteng was impeached by everyone.

       According to Dajing dynasty's laws and regulations, privately loaning and issuing imprint money is a crime of dismissal from office and ransom.

       The saint looked at a box of loan coupons with a headache. Wang-Ziteng is his important minister, he is unwilling to deal with Wang-Ziteng.

       Although Wang-Ziteng is the important court minister ordered by the saint himself, the coupons for placing the stamp money have now been carried over to the case of his dragon, and the impeachment of the hundred officials will not be justified unless they are dealt with.

       The saint waved his hand and asked the eunuch to carry the borrowed coupon to Wang-Ziteng for Wang-Ziteng to see,

       "This matter is well documented, what else do you have to explain in Wang Qing's family?"

       This evidence was put on the case of Saint Long, how else can Wang-Ziteng explain, he can only kneel down and plead guilty. Although the crime is Wang Matron, Wang Matron is Wang-Ziteng's biological mother. Wang-Ziteng cannot put all the blame on Wang Matron, otherwise it would be filial piety.

       In Dajing Dynasty, filial piety ruled the country, but filial piety was a big crime. If convicted of unfilial piety, wouldn't Wang-Ziteng's career be completely ruined.

       Besides, Wang Matron still relied on Wang-Ziteng's power to dare to release the imprint money. In the final analysis, it was the crime of Wang-Ziteng.

       After Wang-Ziteng came out of the palace, his gloomy face was very scary. When the people of the Wang family outside the palace saw Wang-Ziteng, they were so frightened that they did not dare to speak, so he helped Wang-Ziteng to get on the sedan chair. House.

       Because the physical evidence is there and in front of the civil and military officials, the saints can't cover Wang-Ziteng. Although the official position of Wang-Ziteng was not obeyed, Wang-Ziteng was also given the rank of formation, from the positive 2-Grade to the positive 5-Grade, and the sixth level in a row. Also handed over the military power and errands in the hands of Wang-Ziteng, and ordered Wang-Ziteng to return home to wake up.

       This time being ranked, Wang-Ziteng can be said to have fallen to the bottom in his official career.

       Thinking of those borrowed coupons, Wang-Ziteng complained to Wang Matron in his heart; however, Wang-Ziteng was even more afraid of the person who hung the borrowed coupons on the wall behind the palace.

       Sitting in the sedan chair, Wang-Ziteng passed all his enemies in the officialdom in his heart. He felt suspicious about any of them, but he could not guess who was dealing with him.

       Even Ren Wang-Ziteng couldn't think of it. All this was because he insulted Jiang Wanyin's child and Jiang Wanyin avenged his son.

       After Jiang Wanyin sent someone to inquire about this result, he was completely relieved. Put aside the affairs of the Wang family temporarily, care about his son and prepare for his son's participation in the meeting.

       Wang-Ziteng was demoted and ordered to reflect behind closed doors. Wang family, which had always been arrogant and domineering, fell into depression.

       Wang Fu-ren dared to walk the country sideways, but is it because she has a high-powered elder brother? Now that Wang-Ziteng has been demoted, Wang Fu-ren dare not shy away.

       It’s just that this February was a misfortune for Wang Fu-ren, because just after Wang-Ziteng was demoted, the imperial decree was issued in the palace, which directly defeated the wishful thinking of Wang Fu-ren and Jia History.

       "Matron, what should we do if the saint canceled the draft?"

       Upon learning of the imperial edict, Wang Fu-ren rushed to the Rongqing Hall to find Jia History. Similarly, Jia History and Jia Yuanchun have also learned the news. Jia Yuanchun originally endured it. She couldn't help crying when Wang Fu-ren cried.

       "My poor sisterzi..."

       Wang Fu-ren held Jia Yuanchun and cried.

       "Wow, don't cry. What's the use of crying?"

       Jia History was annoyed by crying and berated Wang Fu-ren mother and daughter.

       Jia Yuanchun reached out to hug Jia History's arm.

       "Matron, what can grandson do in the future?"

       "Don't worry about this, I already have a solution. I will make a decision after I enter the palace and discuss with Guifei Niang-Niang."

       Jia History holds Jia Yuanchun's hand.

       "My sisterzi has great luck and must be able to enter the palace."

       The news of the saint’s order to cancel the draft was also known to Jiang Wanyin. She was not surprised because she knew that it was precisely because of the cancellation of the draft that Jia Yuanchun would enter the palace as a female history.

       These things have nothing to do with her, Jiang Wanyin put his heart on his son who is about to participate in Chunwei.

       At the beginning of March, the selection of female officials and maids in the palace began, and at the same time, the trials of this year were all started.

       Although it has been almost March, the weather in the north is still very cold.

       Jiang Wanyin spent two months twisting the collected wool into wool, knitting a thick sweater for Xue Hong to take to the test.

       On the day of the trial, before the morning of Yin, Xue Hong went out to Gongyuan. Because of the previous distress, Jiang Wanyin was uneasy and decided to send Xue Hong to the Gongyuan by himself.

        Spring breeze and drizzle, cold night rustling. It’s just two days of warmth in March, and it’s cold and cold last night. Now it’s cold and windy, with heavy rain and snow.

       Jiang Wanyin's mother and son got into the carriage, and the carriage started slowly. carriage has to pass through the alley to turn to the street towards Gongdao.

       Before the carriage went for a while, it suddenly shook unsteadily, and the horses Called in panic.

       "Lu An, what's the matter?"

       "Fu-ren, Nucai doesn't know. Wait a minute, Nucai will stop the horse first and then go and take a look."

       It took Lu An a lot of energy to restrain the horse and stop the carriage, and Jiang Wanyin and her son were almost stunned in the carriage.

       Parked the carriage, Lu An took the lantern hung on the carriage and got out of the carriage to look at it. When the light was lit by candlelight, there was a reflection on the ground. Lu An knelt down and touched it with his hand, it turned out to be frozen.

       "Why is it freezing here?"

       Lu An was puzzled.

       "Lu An, what's the matter?"

       Jiang Wanyin raised the curtain and asked when Lu An was squatting on it.

       "Fu-ren, the ground is freezing."

       Lu An came over with a lantern and said.

       "What? Freezing, did you read it wrong?"

       Although the temperature suddenly fell into the spring and the cold last night, and the rain and snow were heavy, it was not enough to make the road freeze.

       "Nucai is right, it's really frozen."

       Jiang Wanyin was puzzled as she got off the carriage. Xue Hong wanted to help her get out of the carriage and was stopped by Jiang Wanyin.

       "The exam is about to come, but you can't catch the cold. You just stay in the car, mother go down and have a look."

       Jiang Wanyin took the lantern in Lu An's hand and squatted down on the ground to take a closer look. There was really a layer of ice on the ground. This ice layer is not too thin. If a person steps on it, it will slip. No wonder the horse slips too.

       Jiang Wanyin took a closer look, and soon she found out.

       "That's it."

       "Fu-ren, do you know what's going on?"

       Lu An asked when he heard Jiang Wanyin's words.

       "This ice is formed by someone deliberately splashing water on the ground, and it has been repeatedly splashing water to form such a thick layer of ice. According to this situation, there must be people here soon after nightfall last night. Splashing water on the ground and adding the temperature last night will make the ground freeze."

       "Doing such a bad thing late at night, I'm afraid it is another conspiracy."

       The calculation is afraid that Hong Er is going to the Gongyuan to take an exam.

       "Who the hell is so vicious, doing such things."

       "Now is not the time to find out who did this. most important thing now is to remove the ice so that the carriage can pass, so as not to delay the time to go to the Gongyuan."

       Those people are splashing water here, I'm afraid the purpose is to prevent Hong Er from going to the test.

       Those who want to count the Xue family are nothing more than those people, and those who want to count Hong Er are nothing more than those people.

       "But Fu-ren, the ice is so thick that there is no way to get rid of it unless it is shoveled off a little bit. This alley is so long, it can't be removed without a day to remove the ice."

       Big-Master has to rush to participate in the test, but can't afford to delay.

       "One day. It's not necessary, I have a way."

       After Jiang Wanyin finished speaking, he was about to take out the soft sword around his waist, and at this moment, several masked men suddenly rushed out of the darkness on the other side.

       Hearing the sound, Jiang Wanyin immediately turned around and saw the masked black man rushing over.

       It seems to be really prepared.

       First stop the carriage with ice, then rob or kill. It's a chain plan. In order to calculate Hong Er, these people really took great pains.

       The Xue family had already offended Rong Qinwang before entering Capital City. After entering Capital City, Jiang Wanyin offended Wang Fu-ren for his son, because he offended Wang Fu-ren and then offended the Wang family. Jiang Wanyin was worried that these people would start with his son, so he decided to give him off personally.

       After all, in the past few months, both the Rongguo Mansion and the Wang Family have never stopped. How could Wang Fu-ren and Wang-Ziteng let Hong Er participate in the test so important?

       Fortunately, she didn't worry about coming along today, otherwise she didn't know what would happen.

       Jiang Wanyin drew out the soft sword around his waist and greeted him directly. Lu An saw Jiang Wanyin's skill, and he picked up the lantern and ran back to the carriage carefully. It's better to stay away if you know you can't help. Xue Hong lifted the curtain and looked out, watching Jiang Wanyin confront the enemy, but he didn't mean to come forward to help, obviously he knew Jiang Wanyin's skill.

       Jiang Wanyin will never show mercy when he makes a move.

       Jiang Wanyin found that these masked men couldn't be compared to the killers in Jinling. These were just mobs who knew three-legged cat kung fu, they were killed by Jiang Wanyin within a few seconds. soft sword rested on the neck of the last masked man.

       "Say, who sent you here?"

       "If you are acquainted, tell me honestly, I'll give you a happy one, otherwise you will be better off than life."

       The sword light shook, and cut the masked man's hand.

       "I said I said, it was 2-Madam, 2-Madam sent us..."

       When the words came out, the sword moved and the sound stopped abruptly.

       2-Madam, that is Wang Xiulin Wang Fu-ren.

       Jiang Wanyin leaped up like a butterfly shadow, and she quickly swung a soft sword with her internal strength, and the ice layer on the road was split and shattered, splashing on both sides.

       Those masked people who had died were all picked up by Jiang Wanyin and thrown into an uninhabited courtyard. courtyard was originally owned by Jinwu Cangjiao, a certain official in Capital City, but now it is unoccupied.

       When the cleaning was finished, the rain suddenly became heavy, and Jiang Wanyin hurriedly got into the carriage.

       "Go. It's been so long, don't be too late."

       "Yes, Fu-ren."

       Lu An hurried to the road.

       "Mother, you wipe it."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin got wet, Xue Hong quickly took a dry cloth towel and wiped Jiang Wanyin. Handed the cloth towel and quickly poured hot tea to Jiang Wanyin to get rid of the cold.

       "Hong Er, these people are afraid that they are coming for you. Your mother can still protect you along the way, but she won't be able to help you after entering the Gongyuan. You should be more careful."

       "Mother, don't worry, my son knows. Besides, not everyone can enter the Gongyuan place, so nothing should happen."

       Who dares to do something in the Gongyuan is to fight the emperor and the saint, and no one has the courage to think about it.

       "In short, you have to be careful. Remember, you must be defensive. You can't easily believe in any outsider."

       "The son will."

       When we arrived at the Gongyuan, many people were already waiting outside the gate. At the end of the Yin period, the gate of the Gongyuan was opened, and the candidates entered the Gongyuan after being checked in turn. Jiang Wanyin watched his son enter the Gongyuan and waited for a while before leaving.

       During the Xue Honghui test, Jiang Wanyin, in addition to taking care of the two young sons and the son who took the test, also took advantage of this time to go to Rongguo Mansion to collect some interest.

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't help mocking when he saw the coupons borrowed from Wang Fu-ren's private library. This Wang Fu-ren really deserves to be the daughter of Wang-Zhenshi own birth, and it really is the true biography of Wang-Zhenshi. Insidious mind, doing all wicked things.

       It's just that it's not the time to deal with Wang Fu-ren, so I have to wait for Jia Yuanchun to enter the palace.

       However, seeing Li Wan in Rongguo Mansion reminded Jiang Wanyin of important things that she had always forgotten.

       Jia Zhu is only one year older than Xue Hong and is already married, and her son hasn't even booked a kiss.

       This ancient man pays attention to the order of his parents and the words of the matchmaker.

       Although she is 2nd House Fu-ren, she has no right to decide the relationship of her children. Only the child Di-Mother has this right.

       But Wang Xiuyao and her are enemies. If Wang Xiuyao hands her son's marriage to Wang Xiuyao, it is impossible to guarantee that Wang Xiuyao will not marry her son back with a crooked melon, which will harm her Honger.

       As for Xue Yan, Jiang Wanyin dare not count on Xue Yan who can choose Wang's daughter as his wife. If Xue Yan married her son another royal daughter or daughter of the so-called four major families in Jinling, then she would not cry to death.

       But because of her identity, she really couldn't come forward, and she didn't have any contacts.

       How can this be good?

       Jiang Wanyin was worried.

       After thinking about it, Jiang Wanyin decided to discuss the matter with his daughter Bao Ying. daughter is Kang Qinwang Shu Fei. Maybe she could not find out the news. In addition, Jiang Wanyin also plans to wait for his son to have a trial before going to the Iceman to find out about someone with a suitable identity in Capital City.

       In short, Xue Hong's marriage must be fixed before returning to Jinling, so as not to regenerate branches after returning to Jinling.

       Maybe Wang Xiuyao was busy at this time, but if her son returned to Jinling, based on her understanding of Wang Xiuyao, she would definitely take his son's idea.

       Before coming, Jiang Wanyin met Li-Concubine and deliberately provoked Li-Concubine to fight for power with Wang Xiuyao. As for the reason, it is naturally because both of them have sons. Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine said that her three sons will take the road of imperial examination in the future, and it is impossible to inherit the Xue family.

       However, Li-Concubine is different. Li-Concubine's son Xue Yu is not for studying. If he can't inherit Xue Yan, he can end up being separated and relying on the support of the other branches of the Xue family. With Wang Xiuyao's hatred for these Concubines, I'm afraid there won't be much for Xue Yu.

       But the Xue family also has the Di-son Xue Pan born to Wang Xiuyao. As Shu-son, it is impossible for Xue Jia to cross Xue Pan and inherit the Xue family. What's more, there are Wang and Jia families behind Xue Pan. Li-Concubine wants to follow It is impossible for Wang Xiuyao's mother and son to win the right of inheritance. Unless Li Concubine killed Xue Pan, but apparently Li Concubine didn't have this ability.

       Since it is impossible to fight for the right of inheritance, the only way to take advantage of Wang Xiuyao's illness is to fight for the right of stewardship with Wang Xiuyao, and take advantage of the opportunity to get some first. Of course, it would be great if Xue Pan could be killed while the housekeeper was in his hands.

       This woman can do anything for the sake of the child, and can think of any vicious and vicious methods.

       However, something Li-Concubine did not know, after Xue Pan was born, Xue Yan was worried that Jiang Wanyin and Li-Concubine would kill Xue Pan, and arranged for someone to secretly protect Xue Pan.

       It was precisely because he knew that someone was protecting Xue Pan, Jiang Wanyin instigated Li-Concubine against Wang Xiuyao's mother and son. Anyway, Li-Concubine could not kill Xue Pan, and she could also pester Wang Xiuyao to prevent Wang Xiuyao from having trouble. Not for it.

       Regarding Wang Xiuyao's affairs, Jiang Wanyin continued to ponder his son's relationship, thinking about it, and decided to send a letter to his daughter for her to inquire first. After making up his mind, Jiang Wanyin wrote a letter for Yuzhi to personally send it to Kang Qinwang, confessing that she would hand it over to Bao Ying.

        Jiang Wanyin in Capital City didn't know it. Just when she was worried about her son's relationship, Wang Xiuyao, who was far away in Jinling, reminded and remembered that Xue Hong, Shu-Eldest-son, had not yet been engaged.

       Before Jiang Wanyin entered Capital City, she ordered Wang Xiuyao to give Wang Xiuyao an antidote, so Wang Xiuyao, who had been sick for a long time, quickly recovered. After that, he fought to the death with Li-Concubine, who has taken charge of the housekeeping rights of the Xue family.

       Because Li-Concubine deliberately revealed the news, Wang Xiuyao learned that Li-Concubine's fight for power with her was instigated by Jiang Wanyin. Wang Xiuyao hated Jiang Wanyin and wanted to avenge Jiang Wanyin.

       But Jiang Wanyin's mother and son are already in Capital City, and Wang Xiuyao couldn't reach the capital even if she wanted revenge. However, she still wrote a letter to Wang's family and Wang Fu-ren in the capital, but the Wang family had accidents one after another, Wang Teng fell silent, and Wang Fu-ren shrank up. Although they all calculated secretly, they failed because Jiang Wanyin was cautious.

       For this reason, Wang Xiuyao was very angry and irritable. At this moment, Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren came to mention Xue Hong's marriage.

       Xue Hong backed by the imperial merchant Xue's family, he was very wealthy; and Xue Hong himself obtained fame and fame at a young age, and he was also young and promising; many merchants and small Officials in Jinling are all trying to get Xue Hong's idea, just because Wang Xiuyao said that she couldn't go out as a guest when she was sick, and the Xue family also thanked guests, so everyone has never had a chance.

       Because of the family's relationship in the capital, the Wang family knew that Xue Hong had entered the capital to participate in the test. Someone from the Wang Shi family came up with Xue Hong's idea and planned to kiss the Xue family.

       And because the Wang-Zisheng couple were in Jinling, the Wang Shi people asked Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren to help.

       Wang-Ziteng in the capital also agreed with this after they knew about it, so Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren came to visit Wang Xiuyao.

       "Big-Mei, what do you think of this marriage?"

       When Wang Xiuyao heard what Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren said, she knew that the Wang Shi people had fallen in love with Xue Hong, but she was unwilling in her heart.

       "We Wang Miss are all good Misses. Isn't it wrong to match the Shu-son of the cheap maidservant to our Wang Miss. Xue Hong is just the Shu-son produced by the cheap maid, and we are not even worthy of our Wang Shu-Daughter? , Let alone Di-Daughter. Doesn’t this ruin our Wang’s Miss.”

       Wang Xiuyao was very unwilling to this marriage.

       Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren saw her rejection but did not give up.

       "Oh, I said Big-Mu-Lady, how can you be so smart that you can't turn around when you are so smart."

       "What does Da-Sao mean?"

       Wang Xiuyao was not happy to hear this.

       "Big-Mei, listen to me. Your Shu-Eldest-son is not close to you, but you can’t help but admit that Xue Hong is a capable man. It’s not easy for such a young and promising young man to get married with our Wang family. No one else can."

       Wang Xiuyao wanted to interrupt when she heard the words and was held down by Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren.

       "Let's listen to me. When Xue Hong takes our Wang's daughter, let our Miss blow the pillow breeze in Xue Hong's place to separate Jiang-Shi mother and child. There is nothing in this world that can't be moved by the wind. Yes. When you are separated from Jiang-Shi mother and son, you can take the opportunity to control Xue Hong and let Xue Hong work for you. When you hold Xue Hong, it is not your pleasure to make it round and flat."

       "And waiting for you to hold Xue Hong, wouldn't it be better to let him do things for Pan Er?"

       Wang Xiuyao was moved by Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren, but...

       "It's just that I'm afraid that Lao-Ye won't agree to this marriage."

       "This marriage is about the orders of the parents, and the matchmaker's words; this Shu-son female marriage is mostly Di-Mother in charge. Big-Mei, you are Xue Hong's Di-Mother, as long as you agree to exchange this marriage with our royal family token and Geng Tie, that Xue Hong still dare not repent. He is a scholar. Di-Mother ordered him to repent if he dares to repent and betray his righteousness. If this spreads out, scholars all over the world will not drown him with one mouthful. If he dares to repent and betray his faith. , Then his career will be completely ruined."

       "If that time comes, Jiang-Shi mother and son will not have to rely on the Big-Mei you to grind."

       After listening to these words, Wang Xiuyao had already made a decision in her heart.

       She looked at Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren and said: "I can agree to this marriage, but Xue Hong is Shu-son, Shu-son can only match Shu-Daughter. Xue Hong can only match Shu-Daughter of the Wang family, Da Sao If I think it's feasible, I should accept this marriage."

       Wang Xiuyao hated Jiang Wanyin's mother and son to death.

       "This..." Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren hesitated, thinking that the Wang Shi clan who asked her to be a matchmaker also had Shu-Daughter.

       "Okay, I will answer this for 9-Shu."

       "Da-Sao happy."

       Wang Xiuyao smiled satisfied.

       "Then ask Big-Mei to fetch Xue Hong's Geng post."

       Wang-Zisheng Fu-ren can't wait to urge.

       Wang Xiuyao ordered Ru Yue.

       "Go, get Xue Hong's Geng Tie."

       Kang Qinwang saw Bao Ying frowning after entering the room, and she didn't know what she was thinking, and she was still pressing some letter paper on the table.

       The Xue family asked Bao Ying to send a letter to Kang Qinwang. He got the report early. It was precisely because he knew about this that he came to Bao Ying at this time. When he arrived at Bao Ying's yard, Kang Qinwang didn't let the next person report it, so he saw Bao Ying looking worried.

       Since Bao Ying became pregnant, Kang Qinwang has taken Bao Ying very seriously. In order to protect Bao Ying and the child in her womb, in addition to Yanhua and the two Big-Maids she brought into the house, the other servants in Bao Ying's courtyard They are all arranged by Kang Qinwang.

       "What are you thinking?"

       Kang Qinwang walked up to Bao Ying and asked, and then sits down with her, reaching out to wrap her waist which was no longer slender due to pregnancy.

       "Wangye, you are here."

       "The king heard that the Xue family sent you a letter, but what's the embarrassment?"

       Because Bao Ying is pregnant with a child, Kang Qinwang doesn't want her to bother about other things.

       "It's a letter from Niangrang."

       Bao Ying handed the letter to Kang Qinwang to read, without any intention of hiding it.

       "It's time for Big-Brother to get married. My mother is worried about Big-Brother's marriage and wants me to help."

       Bao Ying looked at Kang Qinwang and said: "Wangye, you also know about my family. My mother has been at odds with Di-Mother for a long time. My mother is worried that Di-Mother will do something about Big-Brother's marriage; and how does my father understand this? Matter; but the identity of the mother is not suitable; that's why the mother begged me."

       "But how do I know which Miss is good, then Miss is willing to marry Big-Brother... My mother has a big problem for me."

       Jiang Wanyin unceremoniously stated in the letter that he was worried about Wang Xiuyao's calculation of his son's marriage, did not believe Xue Yan's eyes, and because of his identity, etc., the reasons were clearly written; but Jiang Wanyin was afraid that he did not expect it. Bao Ying will show this letter directly to Kang Qinwang.

       Since Kang Qinwang accepted Bao Ying as Qie, he naturally asked people to check about the Xue family. He also knew something about the grievances between Jiang Wanyin and Wang Xiuyao, and Kang Qinwang knew about Xue Hong's abilities. Knowing that Xue Hong was going to Capital City to participate in the test, Kang Qinwang had plans in mind.

       Bao Ying is his Shu Fei, and Bao Ying's siblings are naturally his people. Since they are his people, he will naturally take care of the arrangements.

       "You are heavy, don't worry about this, this king will handle it for you."

       Bao Ying was surprised to see Kang Qinwang when she heard the words, she was surprised, could it be that Wangye also wants to protect the media.

       Seeing Bao Ying's thoughts from Bao Ying's surprised look and eyes, Kang Qinwang raised his hand and tapped on Bao Ying's forehead.

       "What the king said, do you hear clearly?"

       After being knocked, Bao Ying immediately recovered.

       "Yes, yes, I heard clearly, then I will trouble you with this matter."

       It would be great if Wangye pulled the fiber for Big-Brother as a mediator.

       Kang Qinwang accompany Bao Ying for a meal before leaving. After Kang Qinwang left, Bao Ying wrote a letter to someone to send it to Jiang Wanyin, and Kang Qinwang left Bao Ying's courtyard.

       "Wangye, your presence really enriches the humble house."

       "Okay, don't shoot this king's flattery. How can your Jiang Shangyun's mansion be a humble house."

       Kang Qinwang gave Jiang Shangyun a white look.

       The two were friends and friends, Jiang Shangyun was not polite with Kang Qinwang, and directly sits opposite Kang Qinwang and asked.

       "Wangye, what's your reason for coming to the humble house?"

       "It's for your nephew."

       Kang Qinwang drank his tea without beginning or ending, and he dangled Jiang Shangyun without any further details.

       Jiang Shangyun immediately became serious when he heard this, and asked anxiously and worriedly.

       "What's the matter? Is it Hong Er or Lacewing and Hu Er?"

       Seeing Kang Qinwang still drinking tea leisurely, Jiang Shangyun begged: "Please also Wangye to inform his subordinates."

       "It's not a big deal, don't worry so nervously."

       Kang Qinwang is happy to see Jiang Shangyun's discoloration.

       The two are too familiar, and they know each other's Temper too much. Only in front of Jiang Shangyun, Kang Qinwang is like this.


       Seeing Kang Qinwang still joking, Jiang Shangyun raised his face. Outsiders don’t know that Kang Qinwang and Jiang Shangyun are in the same class. As long as there is no business involved, the two brothers are still very close.

       "Okay, it's no joke."

       "Your eldest sister is :Damning for your nephew's relatives. Because of her identity, she is worried that Xue Wang Shi will be involved in your nephew's marriage, so she begged to come to Ying Er. Ying Er only came to Capital City and she was pregnant with Liujia. It's really not appropriate to worry about this. This king thinks that you are Xue Hong's pro Mu-Uncle, and you have enough status and status. It is more suitable for you to worry about this matter. What do you think?"

       "Since it is my eldest sister's business, I should share my worries for the eldest sister. Many Thanks Wangye told me."

       Jiang Shangyun was already thinking about his nephew's marriage. Kang Qinwang said when he saw him thinking.

       "You don't want to play Xue Hong's idea, you Eldest-daughter can match Xue Hong."

       Kang Qinwang clearly saw through Jiang Shangyun's mind.

       After Kang Qinwang saw through his mind, Jiang Shangyun didn't feel embarrassed. He just didn't want to listen to Kang Qinwang's words.

       "Why not? I intentionally kissed the eldest sister."

       For the time being, he can't recognize the eldest sister, but he can get married and have in-laws, and he will be able to support Hong Er in the future.

       "Your eldest sister's request for Erxi is best that the Di-Daughter of the 5th and 6th-Grade officials, and the relatives of the woman's relatives should not be Tai Chi."

       "By the way, you still don't know the meaning of this superb. meaning of this superb is that it is unpleasant, too extreme, and too self-righteous..."

       Kang Qinwang kindly explained the meaning of Tai Chi Pin to Jiang Shangyun. He learned the meaning of this Tai Chi product from Bao Ying.

       "You are the daughter of a member of Grade 2-Grade, which is not in your eldest sister’s consideration. Besides, when a member of Grade 2-Grade marries Di-Daughter to Shu-son from a merchant, you are afraid of being criticized and suspected. What's more, you Fu-ren are afraid that you will not agree to this marriage. Don't let Fu-ren hate your eldest sister."

       "You promised Xue Hong Eldest-daughter not to help, but to harm him. If you are willing to help your eldest sister, it is better to find a good wife for your nephew from the fifth and 6th grade officials as soon as possible. Jiang Shi hopes to settle the marriage before returning to Jinling."

       In Waikang Qinwang is a cold-faced king, cold-faced and reticent; but only those who are familiar with him know that he is a nag, this nagging is not something ordinary people can bear.

       However, Kang Qinwang really helped Jiang Shangyun to help Jiang Wanyin this time, so he analyzed for Jiang Shangyun.

       Of course he has other thoughts.

       Jiang Shangyun listened to Kang Qinwang's analysis, and after thinking about it, he asked Kang Qinwang.

       "I wonder if someone can choose Wangye?"

        Kang Qinwang looked up at Jiang Shangyun when he heard the words, put down his teacup and said:

       "The second daughter of Wu Anzhou, a member of the Ministry of Rites, was just in time next year. Wu Shi is a gentle and virtuous woman, but she is a good match with Xue Jinshi."

       Jiang Shangyun looked up at Kang Qinwang in surprise when he heard the words, and then contemplated again.

       Xue Jinshi!

       Kang Qinwang looked at Xue Hong in this way and believed that Hong Er was a jinshi.

       If Hong Er can be a scholar, it would be a good match for Wu's daughter.

       Although Wu Anzhou is only a member of the ceremonial department from the 5-Grade official position, it is not important. important thing is that Wu Anzhou is the nephew of Dee-Consort Niang-Niang, Di-Eldest-son of Dee-Consort Niang-Niang eldest brother, Kang Qinwang's cousin.

       Dee-Consort Niang-Niang was born as a court lady, her family was not obvious. It was only after Dee-Consort Niang-Niang gave birth to Kang Qinwang. If only the family background is not as good as the Xue family of the Aristocratic family.

       Wu Anzhou is the first person in the Wu family to enter an official position, and is currently the only person in the Wu family.

       Jiang Shangyun thought about it and realized that Kang Qinwang was optimistic about Xue Hong, and he deliberately promoted Xue Hong, and it was also Kang Qinwang who deliberately promoted his mother's family. As far as Xue Hong is concerned, being able to marry Kang Qinwang's mother's family is also a harmless thing.

       Ying Er is already Kang Qinwang Shu Fei, and the Xue family is tied to the same boat with Kang Qinwang. Now, the only way to strengthen this relationship is to benefit Xue family and Xue Hong.

       If Hong Er fails in this department, the marriage made by Kang Qinwang for Hong Er is also beneficial to Hong Er. Such a good marriage.

       Kang Qinwang personally ordered the marriage, I think it will not go back.

       "Shang Yun thanked Wangye for Hong Er."

       "Since you agree with it, this is the case. This king will send someone to the Wu family to pass on the message. As for the Xue family, you will let Fu-ren go there in person."

       "The minister knows."

       Xue Hong's marriage was decided even when Xue Hong and Jiang Wanyin were away.

       So a few days later, the Jiang family sent a post to the Xue family, and Jiang Shangyun’s Fu-ren Jiang Yun Shi personally visited the Xue family.

       Jiang Wanyin personally received Jiang Yun Shi.

       It was learned from Jiang Yunshi that Kang Qinwang Shu Fei, who Bao Ying entrusted Jiang Yunshi to show Xue Hongxiang a suitable wife, Jiang Yunshi fell in love with the daughter of the ceremonial member Wailang. Jiang Yun Shi said that she had reported to Bao Ying, and Bao Ying had agreed, so she went to protect the media.

       I learned that the marriage was approved by my daughter, and that the other party was still from the Di-Daughter of 5-Grade officials, and it was also the matchmaker of 2-Grade instructing Fu-ren to protect. Jiang Wanyin didn't want it.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't care that the other party was just a foreigner who was a member of the ceremonial department. important thing was that Bao Ying agreed to the marriage. Bao Ying and Xue Hong are elder brothers, and Bao Ying will never harm Xue Hong. Since Bao Ying agrees, it means that it must be good for Gang Miss.

       Of course, Jiang Wanyin didn't know that Kang Qinwang was in charge of this marriage, not Bao Ying.

       Jiang Wanyin was not a reckless person. Although he was satisfied with the marriage in his heart, he did not immediately agree.

       "I bother Fu-ren about the children's affairs. It's just that Xiaoer has been an idea since he was a child. This matter will be reported to Fu-ren after Qie personally discusses it with Xiaoer."

       "It should be. Then I will wait for Fu-ren good news."

       Jiang Fu-ren doesn't know why her husband asked her to come to discuss this matter with Concubine in person, but Jiang Fu-ren is still very polite to Jiang Wanyin because Jiang-Shi is Kang Qinwang Shu Fei biological mother. Meaning.

       After sending Jiang Fu-ren away, Jiang Wanyin immediately sent someone to inquire about Wu Yuanwailang's family in the Ministry of Rites.

       Because he was willing to spend money, Jiang Wanyin quickly learned about the Wu family. Wu Miss is really a very good Miss. important thing is that Wu's family is actually Dee-Consort Niang-Niang's natal family, which makes Jiang Wanyin more satisfied.

       After Xue Hong came back after the exam, Jiang Wanyin told Xue Hong about the matter and solicited Xue Hong's opinion.

       After all, it is Xue Hong married, a woman who wants to live with Xue Hong for a lifetime, or Xue Hong is satisfied and likes it. Jiang Wanyin respects his son's wishes very much.

       Xue Hong is already Daren and has his own judgment. After listening to Jiang Wanyin's words and analysis, Xue Hong immediately agreed.

       "Hong Er, if you think about it, after all, it's a lifelong event."

       The son agreed too quickly, and Jiang Wanyin hesitated.

       "The son believes in the mother, since it is the Miss that both the mother and Mei-Mei are optimistic about, it must be good. Mother, you can make a reservation for your son."

       "Since you agreed, the mother will send someone to Jiang Mansion to reply, and then write to your father."

       "Mother, your arrangement is just whether the proposal of marriage can be arranged after the test will be released."

       Now it is too reluctant to marry the daughter of a 5-Grade official based on his status as an Imperial-Graduate and as a businessman Shu-son. After he has become a tribute, he will be a stubborn scholar.

       "Okay, why not. I'll talk about this after it's released."

       There are thousands of people in the test, and this examination takes a lot of effort, so the list is usually released within half a month after the test.

       After Xue Hong finished the exam, Jiang Wanyin counted the days and waited for the test to be released.

       At the same time, Wang Fu-ren's Eldest-son Jia Zhu, who is also with Xue Hong, is in a bad situation.

       Jia Zhu came out of the tribute courtyard vertically.

       When the servants of Rongguo Mansion carried Jia Zhu back to Rongguo Mansion, Jia Zhu had only one breath left. Fortunately, Rongguo Mansion had long invited Tai-yi to wait in the mansion. Tai-yi tried his best to save Jia Zhu back.

       "Tai-yi, how is my son?"

       As soon as Tai-yi came out, Wang Fu-ren almost grabbed the Old Lady doctor's hand and asked. At this time, she was no longer like Fu-ren. Now she is just a mother worried about her son.

       "Your residence gongzi was originally weak, but this time he caught the cold again, and the cold breathed into the body to get the wind chill, and then the mind was exhausted. It is really a big evil, and his life is hanging by a thread; now it is the blessing of the Bodhisattva to save a life. This is already affecting the life expectancy. If you want to heal, you need to rest and recuperate slowly. Don't be overjoyed, angry, sad, emotional, and don't waste your mind, so you can save your life and prolong your life."

       Tai-yi remarks have already made Jia Zhu's condition extremely serious.

       But Jia Zhengting Tai-yi, who has always placed high hopes for his son, hoping that his son can be ashamed of him in high school, immediately pulled off his face. As soon as Tai-yi finished speaking, he immediately asked Tai-yi.

       "The hall exam will be half a month later. Will Hunzi participate in the hall exam?"

       Tai-yi looked up at Jia Zheng after hearing this, his eyes were almost astonished.

       This father doesn't care about his son's body, but only cares about whether his son can participate in the palace exam.

       Although she thought so, Tai-yi answered Jia Zheng truthfully.

       "It takes a lot of energy to participate in the palace exam. Your palace gongzi is too weak to bear."

       "According to the old man's opinion, I can keep the green hills, and I am not afraid that there is no firewood. Youdao is a fifty-year-old jinshi, and your gongzi is only in the weakest year. This imperial examination can be done slowly."

       Out of the benevolence of doctors, Tai-yi can persuade each other.

       I don't think Jia Zheng shook his face immediately. Thinking of his colleagues knowing that his son was participating in the monk, he even flattered him that Jia Zhu would definitely go to high school. Now that Zengzhu can't even participate in the palace exam, Jia Zheng can't bear the ridicule of his colleagues. He uttered bad words in anger.

       "According to you, that Nizi is now a waste, and he can't even participate in the palace exam."

       "Trash, I just lost my face as Jia Cunzhou. Humph!"

       Jia Zheng said angrily and snorted and flung his sleeves away.

       At the same time, Li Wan's exclamation came from the other side of the screen.


       "Tai-yi, Tai-yi .."

       It turns out that Jia Zhu was already awake when Tai-yi said that he could no longer participate in the palace exam. He was originally hurt because his body was unable to participate in the palace exam. How could he think that Jia Zheng said such words of disgusting and unfeeling, the originally thoughtful Jia Zhu couldn't help but squirted out a mouthful of blood, making Li Wan Call.

       Wang Fu-ren rushed in with a cry, and saw Jia Zhu straight down on the bed.


       Wang Fu-ren Called, Jia History urged Tai-yi to save Jia Zhu.

       Tai-yi tried his best to save Jia Zhu Temper's life, but this time when Wang Fu-ren and Jia History asked how Jia Zhu was, Tai-yi just shook his head, left the prescription and left with the medicine box. Up.

       Although Jia Zhu Temper's life was temporarily saved, everyone in the Rongguo Mansion knew that Jia Zhu was not good, and was just dying.

       Both Li Wan and Wang Fu-ren were blinded by crying, Wang Fu-ren blames Tai-yi, blames Li Wan, is used to Jia Zheng, and Rongguo Mansion has been resented by her all over. Li Wan also hated Jia Zheng very much. However, Jia History suppressed the matter. trivial matters have always been passed on by the descendants of Rongguo Mansion. No one in the Rongguo Mansion said that Jia Zhu's life was at stake. It was because of Jia Zheng.

       Jiang Wanyin, who had been paying attention to the Rongguo Mansion and the Wang Family, naturally also knew about Jia Zhu, but it wasn't about her, she didn't care at all.

       It's just that Jiang Wanyin never thought of it at this time, because Wang Fu-ren hated her mother and son because of Jia Zhu's affairs.

       On the second day after the trial ended, the palace inspection was over, and Jia Yuanchun was elected as a female officer and stayed in the palace as he wished. However, Jia Yuanchun was not stayed in Weiyang Palace by Zhen Guifei, but was secretly arranged into Kunyi Palace by Zhen Guifei.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't think of it until a long time later.

       "Mama, you let you go and see again, why hasn't it been so long for the next person who went to see the list?"

       Today is the day when the Apricot List will be released, and Bao Ying sent someone to watch the list early in the morning. Seeing that half an hour has passed since the time for the rankings, and the people who went to watch the rankings have not returned yet, Bao Ying is worried, she is restless.

       "Master, don't worry, you sit down first." Watching Bao Ying tucked her belly around the house, but Maid Mama in the house was so scared that she trembled with her steps. Huayan hurriedly stepped forward to help her sit down and comforted her:

       "There must be a lot of people watching the list today. It is not easy to squeeze in to watch the list. It will take some time. Let's wait, we should be back soon."

       "Furthermore, Big-Master is very knowledgeable and will definitely pass the exam. You have to have confidence in Big-Master."

       Hua Yan is not as anxious as Bao Ying, Hua is extremely confident in Xue Hong.

       I was talking outside and informed that Wangye was coming, and then I saw Kang Qinwang raising the curtain and coming in.


       Bao Ying was heavy, and Kang Qinwang let her sit down before she got up.

       "You don't have to get up for weight."

       "Wangye, why are you here now, aren't you busy today?"

       It was still the morning, and Kang Qinwang, who had always been busy, came over at this time, and Bao Ying asked with a little surprise. I was also busy asking Maid to serve Kang Qinwang tea.

       "Today I will try to release the rankings. This king has just returned from the palace, thinking that you must be anxious to know the results and I will tell you specially, so that you don't worry."

       Kang Qinwang said while sitting beside Bao Ying.

       Upon hearing this, Bao Ying immediately grabbed Kang Qinwang's hand and asked:

       "Wangye, you already know the result. Did I win Big-Brother? What is his number?"

        Xue family, Jiang Wanyin and their three sons sit in the main hall looking forward to it. But just because Jiang Wanyin could sit still, the three sons were already in a hurry. It's a matter of fate and future, Xue Hong can't sit still no matter how stable he is.

       Suddenly hearing the running footsteps, Jiang Wanyin also stood up. Xue Lace and Xue Fu rushed to the door, but Xue Hong was standing there still.

       "Fu-ren, Fu-ren .."

       Lu An rushed over, and Xue Jiao and Xue Jia at the door reached out to grab Lu An and asked.

       "How? Big-Brother hit it?"

       "What is the number one in Big-Brother?"

       The brothers asked in unison, Jiang Wanyin and Xue Hong also stared at Lu An nervously.

       "2-Master, 3-Master, Big-Master is in. Big-Master is in.."

       In the Rongqing Hall of Rongguo Mansion, Wang Fu-ren saw Lai Da and Zhou Rui coming in and stood up and couldn't wait to ask.

       "How? Is Pearl hit? What place did Pearl hit?"

       Wang Fu-ren, Jia History, and Miss Maid in one room stared at them.

       Lai Da pushed Zhou Rui to ask him to reply, and Zhou Rui almost fell to the ground before being staggered by Lai Da's push.

       Seeing the two of them like this, Wang Fu-ren's face has changed, and she has a bad premonition in her heart, but she refuses to believe it. Wang Fu-ren glared at the two and scolded them:

       "What am I asking you, why don't you say it?"

       "Back, back to Madam, Zhu Big-Master, Zhu Big-Master he missed."

       Zhou Rui curled his neck and finished speaking, not daring to look at Wang Fu-ren.

       Wang Fu-ren suddenly went crazy when he heard it.

       "How could I miss? How could my Pearl miss!"

       "It must be your two dogs Nucai who didn't look carefully."

       Wang Fu-ren got angry out of control, Zhou Rui and Lai Da fell to their knees in fright. After listening to Wang Fu-ren's anger, Lai Da and Zhou Rui were too wronged.

       "Madam, Nucai and Butler Lai have watched it three times, and watched it three times from start to finish. I really didn't find the name of Big-Master."

       "Exactly. Nucai and Zhou Rui repeatedly searched for the word Big-Master but failed to find Zhu Big-Master. Nucai saw that Xue's Big-Master high school ranked third. "

       Lai Da didn't know what his psychology was, so he deliberately said at this time that Xue Hong had passed the exam.

       When Wang Fu-ren heard the words, his eyes were as wide as a copper bell, and at the same time, an exclamation came from outside the door.


       It turned out that Jia Zhufei, who had been on the list today and recovered a bit after a few days of recuperation, forced Li Wan to help him to the Rongqing Hall. As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Zhou Rui and Lai Da say that Jia Zhu was hit immediately. On the door curtain, then the whole person fell straight down.

       Wang Fu-ren heard Li Wan's exclamation and rushed to the door just in time to see Jia Zhu fall.


       In an instant, Rongqingtang became a mess.

       On the Xue family's side, Jiang Wanyin was delighted to know that his son had passed the exam, and that he had won third place. Xue Hong was also silly with joy, sitting there and laughing. two little ones are also very happy.

       "Fu-ren, Big-Master passed the exam, should we send someone to Announce the Goodbye to Shu Fei Niang-Niang. government should come to Announce the Goodbye in a while, and should all the firecrackers and copper coins be carried out?"

       Seeing that the four mothers and sons were so happy, Yuzhi quickly reminded them.

       "Yes, right, right, Lu An, you take people out to carry firecrackers and copper coins, and you will give them to Dafeng when the good news comes, and then make the neighbors happy. And Yuzhi, you will go to Kangqin Wangfu for a trip. Yinger Announces Good News."

       "Mother, Kang Qin Wangfu, then you don't have to. Mei-Mei must have sent someone to watch the list long ago. If you want to come here, Mei-Mei must have known it a long time ago, so why bother."

       Xue Hong will slow down.

       "This is not a superfluous act. You Mei-Mei send someone to look at the list. It's you Mei-Mei cares about you. We send someone to give you Mei-Mei news to let you Mei-Mei know that we are thinking about her and want her and us Happy together."

       Jiang Wanyin glared at Xue Hong before turning his head to tell Yuzhi.

       Yuzhi led the order to take the things Jiang Wanyin had prepared for Bao Ying to go to Kangqin Wangfu to announce the good news.

       Nearly an hour passed from the Xue family's side before the government officials confessed the good news before they came with gongs and drums. Because this Annunciation starts from the last place, Xue Hong is in third place, which is already at the end.

       Rewarding money, setting off firecrackers, and throwing copper coins, the front door of Xue's house is so lively.

       The Xue family's residence in Capital City is relatively close to the residences of many officials in the central Capital City. After all, this mansion was bought by the ancestor of the Xue family when he was named the Ziwei Sheren.

       The Xue family was happy and lively, and Wang-Ziteng, who was still reflecting on the Wang family, was not so happy when he heard the housekeeper report Xue Hong about the exam.

       "That kid from the Xue family really hit it? Did you hear that right?"

       Listening to the housekeeper report that Wang-Ziteng was unwilling to believe it.

       "Lao-Ye, Xue Hong was indeed hit, and he still won third place."

       "Third place."

       Wang-Ziteng's originally displeased expression twisted his eyebrows when he heard this.

       The third place in the test is a solid scholar. If there is no accident, it will definitely be in the top, and how can it be in the top one.

       He didn't expect that the Xue family boy still had this ability, he really missed his eyes.

       "Lao-Ye, Xue Jiana..."

       Wang-Ziteng knows what the housekeeper has not said.

       Among the four major families in Jinling, the Xue family is a merchant, so it has always been the bottom of the four major families. If Xue Hong wins Imperial-Graduate, the Xue family has already changed their portals. If Xue Hong wins another scholarship, the Xue family will completely get rid of the merchant and become an official family.

       If Xue Hong is in the first class, then Xue Hong's official position is at least 7-Grade, which is only four levels behind his current 5-Grade.

       He has been demoted and suppressed by the Central Government. I don’t know when he will be able to resurrect. However, Xue Hong’s boy is supported by Kang Qinwang. I am afraid that if he can’t come back, it will not take him two years. Xue Hong’s boy will climb on his head Up.

       In the more than ten years since Jia Daishan left, Wang-Ziteng has replaced Jia Daishan as the spokesperson of the four families. Wang Shi, Jia and Xue, all four families followed him, and now the Xue family, who is at the bottom of the list, has come from behind and passed Jia Shi. Wang is at home, Wang-Ziteng cannot accept it.

       "Butler, can we have someone in Xue's house?"

       "Yes, Lao-Ye. Big-Mu-Lady brought a lot of companion rooms when they got married, and many of them stayed in the Xue family's old house in Capital City as errands."

       "The Xue family is a little younger after all, so he should work hard for two or three years. You can arrange it."

       "Yes, Lao-Ye."

       When the housekeeper came out of the study, he saw Zhou Rui rushing over here crying. Seeing Zhou Rui crying but the butler looked disgusted and felt bad, and his tone was not good. Zhou Rui married Wang Fu-ren's Big-Maid. couple are Wang Fu-ren's confidantes, so naturally they often move around with the Wang family.

       "Zhou Rui, what are you doing? Why are you crying? What happened?"

       Today, I will try to release the list. It's not that Biao-Shaoye of Rongguo Mansion missed it.

       "Butler, where's Mu-Uncle Lao-Ye?"

       Wang-Ziteng in the study just opened the door and came out.

       "What happened?"

       Seeing Zhou Rui still crying, Wang-Ziteng asked with a grimace. Zhou Rui looked at Wang-Ziteng and immediately knelt to Wang-Ziteng.

       "Mu-Uncle Lao-Ye, we went to the Big-Master!"

       "Say what!"

       Wang-Ziteng listened to this, and asked Zhou Rui directly with both hands.

       "Mu-Uncle Lao-Ye, he went to Zhu Big-Master, he went to Zhu Big-Master..."

       "You tell me exactly what's going on? What's the matter with Pearl?"

       The sibling relationship between Wang-Ziteng and Wang Fu-ren is very good. It can be said that in the past ten years, Wang-Ziteng has been able to climb so fast. In addition to Wang-Ziteng's own ability, half of them should be regarded as Wang Fu-ren. Credit. Because Wang Fu-ren married into the Rongguo Mansion, because after Jia Daishan died, Wang Fu-ren led Wang-Ziteng to take over the force of the Jia family in the army, so Wang-Ziteng could climb to the previous high position. .

       It is precisely because of this that Wang-Ziteng is willing to take care of the mess for Wang Fu-ren for so many years. It is also because of this brother and sister that Wang-Ziteng loves Wang Fu-ren’s three children very much, so even if Wang-Ziteng After being demoted, he still managed Wang Fu-ren and sent Jia Yuanchun into the palace.

       But now he was told that his nephew was gone, and Wang-Ziteng were both hit.

       Wang-Ziteng stared at Zhou Rui with red eyes, almost not scaring Zhou Rui to death. Zhou Rui panicked and said to himself:

       "I heard that the boy from the Xue family passed the exam, Zhu Big-Master, Zhu Big-Master vomited blood, Zhu Big-Master failed the exam, Lao-Ye Wei Zhu Big-Master, there will be no one in a while, Tai yi hasn't arrived yet..."

       Although what Zhou Rui said was upside down, Wang-Ziteng clearly heard that Jia Zhu vomited blood because the Xue family boy passed the exam.. Wang-Ziteng immediately angered and took Jia Zhu Xue Hong’s death was blamed on Xue Hong.

       At this time, Wang Fu-ren in Rongguo Mansion was crying with Jia Zhu's corpse. Zhou Rui family stood beside Wang Fu-ren, wiping tears, and she said while wiping tears:

       "...I blame Xue Hong, if it weren't for Zhu Big-Master to hear those words, Zhu Big-Master would not be sad and vomit blood, and people wouldn't be just like that.. Zhu Big-Master..."

       The Zhou Rui family cried and looked at Wang Fu-ren's face, and saw Wang Fu-ren's hatred at what she said, Zhou Rui family knew it was done.

       Mei-Mei, wait, sister will avenge you.

       Zhou Rui family swears secretly in his heart.

       As Zhou Rui family said, Zhou Rui crap Xue Hong, Wang Fu-ren really hated Xue Hong.

       Wang Fu-ren and Wang-Ziteng deserve to be brothers and sisters. No wonder they have a good relationship. Both of them like to anger others, blame the innocent people for their faults, and resent the innocent others.

       Because of Jia Zhu's affairs, and because Xue Hong had become a tribute in the exam, Wang-Ziteng brothers and sisters hated Xue Hong's mother and son.

       Naturally, Jiang Wanyin and her son didn't know these things.

       At this time, Xue Hong was busy preparing for the palace exam, and Jiang Wanyin was busy preparing the betrothal gift to go to Wu's family to raise the appointment for his son.

       Because Xue Hong had to take the test, and because Xue's family was in Capital City, the only friends and relatives of the family were Jia Shiwang's three families and Kang Qinwang. Therefore, Xue Hong won the test of Gongshi Jiang Wanyin and did not celebrate, but only rewarded the servants in the mansion.

       Regarding Xue Hong's relatives, Jiang Wanyin had already sent a letter to Xue Yan half a month ago, so I am afraid I haven't arrived in Jinling yet.

       It's just that Jiang Wanyin just informed Xue Yan about Xue Hong's marriage. After all, Jiang Wanyin said it was Kang Qinwang's matchmaker. Xue Yan didn't dare to say anything even if he had some opinions.

       The Xue family didn't have any good things in the capital, and the family business and wealth were all in Jinling.

       But the preparation of the betrothal gift is not troublesome for Jiang Wanyin, because she is rich.

       Not to mention the silver she has stored in the storage room for several generations, it is this time that Xue Yan quietly gave her fifty thousand Silver-Taels votes when she entered the capital. Just these fifty thousand taels are more than enough to prepare the offer. However, Jiang Wanyin did not spend her own flowers nor did Xue Yan give them. She spent silver taels moved from Wang's warehouse and Wang Fu-ren's private house.

       After all, what the Xue family lacked the most was the silver of the royal merchants. A generous betrothal gift would give Kang Qinwang face, and it was obvious that Wu Shi family was valued.

       Therefore, he spent 20 thousand taels to prepare a generous betrothal gift, and also prepared a gift of 36 thousand. Xue Hong personally went to Wu's house to hire him with the gift.

Chapter 195
Chapter 200
Chapter 205
Chapter 210
Chapter 215
Chapter 220
Chapter 225
Chapter 230
Chapter 235
Chapter 240
Chapter 245  |    Volume 5 : Wangjia [5] 
Chapter 250

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