RM Maid 45

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        "Luyin, wait another year, when Hu Erxi enters the mansion, I will let you out."

       "Jiang Wanyin was dumbfounded when she heard what Zhang-Shi said. Three years have passed, and now Zhang-Shi hasn't let her go out of the house, Jiang Wanyin is really anxious."

       "Madam. Nubi are already twenty and twenty-one soon, Nubi..."

       "Luyin, Hu Er has become accustomed to you serving him, and you have been serving him since childhood. Knowing his temperament, if he suddenly changes his personality, he will be uncomfortable. You will wait another year..."

       "But Madam.."

       "Okay. That's it. I have something to do. You can go down first."

       "Zhang-Shi interrupted Jiang Wanyin's words directly, and didn't give her a chance to speak again. In the past three years, every time she mentioned Zhang-Shi, Jiang Wanyin understood that no matter how stupid she was, Zhang Mansion did not want to let her out. I want her to stay in Rongguo Mansion and be a Nubi."

       "Jiang Wanyin couldn't help feeling resentment, and the anger that had been suffocated for several years and endured for several years also burst out.

       "Madam, Madam, if you really hate Nubi, Nubi is willing to comb yourself and stay in the house to serve."

       After Jiang Wanyin finished speaking, she straightened and walked out. Zhang-Shi looked at Jiang Wanyin's back with dissatisfaction on her face.

       Waiting for her to leave the house after she is twenty, it will be difficult for her to marry a good family. big deal is that she won't marry, she had thought about it anyway.

       Jiang Wanyin was really angry.

       "After Jiang Wanyin went out, Jia Hu walked out of the back room."

       "Mother, since Luyin wants to leave the house, promise her to let her go."

       "Luyin has also served her son for more than ten years. If she wants to let her go out of the house, it will be considered as a complete friendship between me and her master and servant."

       Although Luyin is a subordinate of Nubi, the one who has been with him the most in the past ten years is Luyin. When he was a child, it was Luyin who protected him, and it was also Luyin who accompanied him to study hard. two had also suffered and sorrow; although they were masters and servants , But also a friend and confidant; since Luyin he does not want to embarrass Luyin.

       "No. Luyin will never leave the house."

       Before Jia Hu finished speaking, Zhang-Shi resolutely rejected it with a serious face.

       "Anyone can leave the mansion, only this greenery must stay in the Rongguo Mansion."


       Zhang-Shi stubbornness makes Jia Hu a headache.

       "Hu Er, Luyin Yato grew up watching my mother. My mother knows that she is soft-hearted. She has done her best to you over the years, and she is the most soft-hearted to you. If you talk to her, she will Willing to stay."

       "Hu Er!"

       "I know my mother, I will talk to Luyin."

       "Go ahead."

       Seeing Jia Hu leave, Zhang-Shi expression on her face didn't slow down, her eyebrows were condensed and she was thinking about something.

       "Shufang, go call Zhao Ping's house."

       Jiang Wanyin came from Rongxitang and returned to the front yard in despair.

       A few years have passed and she hasn't been able to leave the mansion. Could it be that she will be trapped in this Rongguo mansion for the rest of her life.

       She is over twenty years old and has not yet left the mansion. She has become a joke of the Rongguo Mansion, and those mean servants in the mansion privately called her Old Miss.

       Although Jiang Wanyin didn't think she was old, she still felt uncomfortable when called by others.

       Thinking of Zhang-Shi rejection of Zhang-Shi perfunctory, Jiang Wanyin hated her.

       Zhang-Shi, this ungrateful woman, she forgot that if it were not for her Jiang Wanyin, she could give birth to Jia Hu and stand firm in Rongguo Mansion, if not for her Jiang Wanyin Zhang-Shi, her family could survive the turmoil of the Crown Prince's rebellion, if it were not for her Jiang Wanyin. Zhang-Shi is dead a long time ago, how can he be the Master Fu-ren of the Ronghou Mansion like he is now?

       Three years ago, after Matron's three-year filial piety period, after Jia Min got married, Jia Daishan asked to give Jia Amnesty as Heir of the Rongguo Mansion, and asked Jia History to move out of Rongxi Hall and live in Rongqing Hall.

       Jia Daishan changed the name of the mansion, Jia Daishan is Laotai-Ye, Jia History is Matron; Jia She and his wife are Lao-Ye Madam, and Jia Hu brothers and sisters are Hu Big-Master Leng 2-Master Yuan Big-Miss He Cong 3-Master ; And 2nd House also changed its name to Jia Zheng’s family as 2-Lao-Ye 2-Madam and Zhu Big-Master and Rong Big-Miss.

       Two years ago, the Crown Prince conspired to rebel and the capital was full of blood. Jia Daishan Jia She-father and son and Jia Daihua also made a contribution to the rescue, making Rongguo Ning Guofu and Zhang-Shi escape the Crown Prince’s rebellion. Robbery.

       But because of the rescue, the brothers Jia Daishan and Jia Daihua suffered serious injuries, and Jia She also suffered minor injuries. After the conspiracy, Jia Daihua has survived for less than two years and has not survived. Jia Daishan is better than Jia Daihua because he retired early. Now he retires to the Lixiangyuan for the elderly, and can still live with his grandchildren.

       After the Crown Prince's conspiracy, Jia Daishan made a mistake and asked Jia She to attack the Lord. Jia She also had merit in saving his life. saint's gift allowed him to attack Jue-Huo, and Jia She became a Honorable Honor.

       But because Jia Daishan is still there, the plaque of Rongguo Mansion is still hanging.

       As early as that year after being out of the Jia History mourning hall, Jia History’s housekeeping power was forced by Jia Daishan to Zhang-Shi. After the stewardship right came to Zhang-Shi, Wang Shi never touched the stewardship right again.

       Now the whole Rongguo Mansion is Zhang-Shi in charge, Jia History is under the control of Jia Daishan, Zhang-Shi is now the righteous hostess of Rongguo Mansion.

       Jia She generally does not interfere with the housekeeper's affairs, which means that if Zhang-Shi disagrees, Jiang Wanyin cannot leave the house unless he escapes from the house.

       Maybe Jiang Wanyin didn't expect it at first, but then Jiang Wanyin still thought that Zhang-Shi didn't want her to leave the house because of her special ability to identify drugs.

       Jiang Wanyin sometimes regretted it, and regretted helping Zhang-Shi when she first returned to the mansion, even if she was for herself and the Zhao family.

       How exactly would she leave this Rongguo Mansion, Jiang Wanyin was thinking hard. She even wanted to escape by feigning death. But she taught herself the art of medicine over the years, and she was not strong enough to make fake death medicine.

       "Sister Luyin, Big-Master is calling you over."

       When the greenery couldn't think hard, the voice of Little Maid came from outside.

       When Jia Hu told her to go over, Jiang Wanyin got up and came out.

       She had told Jia Hu about the matter of going out of the house a long time ago, and Jia Hu had also interceded with Zhang-Shi for her, but Zhang-Shi just refused to let go. Jiang Wanyin didn't blame Jia Hu for the matter of going out.

       "Big-Master, it's me."

       Standing outside the study room, Jiang Wanyin reminded.

       "Come in."

       "Big-Master, what can you do with me?"

       In private, Jiang Wanyin rarely claimed to be Nubi in front of Jia Hu.

       "Madam. just came to me..."

       Jia Hu hesitated and spoke. Jiang Wanyin knew Zhang-Shi purpose of looking for Jia Hu before he finished speaking. Jiang Wanyin interrupted Jia Hu.

       "Does Madam want you to persuade me?"

       Jia Hu's face suddenly looked embarrassed.

       "Luyin, if it doesn't work, if it doesn't work, you will stay in the house. We are still the same as before. I will always treat you well."

       "But Big-Master, I want to leave the house."

       Jia Hu treats her well, but she still wants to go out.

       "Big-Master, Luyin also told you a few years ago, I want to leave the house, I want to marry an ordinary person, and I want to live my own little life. Although Big-Master, you treat Greeny well, but Luyin still wants myself Your children will no longer have to be Nucai servants to serve others."

       "Luyin has been a Nubi for 20 years. I think I can live a free life in the future, Big-Master, do you understand my mind?"

       In recent years, although she and Jia Hu are masters and servants, they are like friends. Jia Hu should understand her thoughts.

       "Big-Master, let me go out of the house."

       Jiang Wanyin begged.

       "Luyin, I, your deed is with Madam. I really can't help it unless Madam agrees."

       Seeing Lu Yin begging, Jia Hu couldn't bear it, but he really couldn't help it.

       He also couldn't violate Madam's meaning.


       Zhang-Shi has become stronger over the years, and Jia Hu can't be the master, and she doesn't want to embarrass Jia Hu.

       At the beginning of this year, Jia Hu has already got married, and next year Jia Hu’s Erxi Chen Shi will enter the mansion, and then she will ask Zhang-Shi again. Zhang-Shi personally said that after Jia Hu Erxi enters the mansion, she will be released.

       I hope Zhang-Shi can keep the promise this time, otherwise she can only take a risk.

       She didn't believe that Zhang-Shi could still keep the dead. '

       Unable to leave the house for a while, Jiang Wanyin calmed down to accompany Jia Hu to study in preparation for the August rural examination.

       In the previous few years, because of his young age, Capital City was also calm, Jia Hu did not continue to participate in the rural examination. This year, Jia Hu signed up for the rural test, but this time he didn't have to go back to Jinling to take the test. Jia She took the road to let Jia Hu take the test in Capital City.

       In August, the flowers were fragrant. On the tenth day early in the morning when Jia Hu entered the Gongyuan, Jiang Wanyin, her brother and Zhang Youde waited outside the Gongyuan before dawn.

       However, unlike Jinling, there were a few more servants this year, and it was not Zhao Dad who drove the car. Zhao Dad was assigned to a shop in Capital City by Zhang-Shi two months ago.

       Even her brother and Zhang Youde are married. Her brother is married to Big-Maid next to Madam. He only married this year, but Sao is two months pregnant.

       Maid beside Madam is not easy to marry, which is a good thing for her family.

       Although this succession of good things came strangely, Jiang Wanyin was busy studying with Jia Hu and didn't think too much about it, just as Zhang-Shi promised to bribe her.

       When the morning sun broke, a heavy noise came from the gate of the Gongyuan, which meant that the rural examination was over.

       Zhao-Brother and Zhang Youde led servant Ding to the front immediately.

       After receiving Jia Hu, he squeezed out the crowd and returned home.

       After waiting for another half a month, it was finally released. After working hard for several years, Jia Hu is naturally on the list.

       Jia Hu was able to get the sixth place in the County-Graduate exam in Jinling. After several years of precipitation, Jia Hu got second place in the exam and became the Imperial-Graduate.

       Rongguo Mansion was full of joy, and Jia Daishan personally ordered Zhang-Shi to hold a banquet to celebrate.

       Jia Hu became an Imperial-Graduate, Jiang Wanyin was also happy for him, and of course Jiang Wanyin, who was close to Jia Hu, also had a generous appreciation.

       On the day of the banquet, Jia Hu went to entertain the guests. Jiang Wanyin and several other old Maid stayed in the courtyard; Zhang-Shi enjoyed the noodles, and Jiang Wanyin also chatted with the sisters over wine. Jiang Wanyin is quite good wine, because he was happy, he drank too much.

       Jiang Wanyin only remembered that she was helped back to the room by Little-Maid, and her mother herself brought her a hangover soup. She vaguely heard her mother's voice.

       "You damn Yato, didn't I tell you not to drink. You see you are drunk again, quickly drink the hangover soup..."

       She remembered that she drank the wine soup, and then she seemed to see Jia Hu's figure, and then she was confused and didn't know anything.

        Pain! Headache. pain was about to split.

       After waking up from a hangover, Jiang Wanyin's first feeling was a headache, an unbearable pain.

       "She remembered her mother was trying to quench her thirst, so why is she still having a headache."

       "Jiang Wanyin was struggling to sit up. Suddenly, she felt sore and weak and fell back on the bed. Her arm touched the warm thing next to her. Jiang Wanyin turned her head and saw who it was. Jiang Wanyin finally couldn't bear it and fainted. "

       "When Jiang Wanyin woke up again, she woke up in the voice of Zhao Niang. When she opened her eyes and saw her mother sitting on the bed, Jiang Wanyin closed her eyes and tears fell from the corners of her eyes."

       At this moment, Jiang Wanyin was in love with nothing, and his face was ashamed.

       No matter how she thought it would be such a result.

       "She thought Zhang-Shi just wanted to keep her in Rongguo Mansion, but she didn't expect that Zhang-Shi wanted her to be Jia Hu's Shiqie. After all, she is five years older than Jia Hu."

       "At this moment, she understands everything, Zhang-Shi retention, Zhang-Shi noodles, her mother's bowl of sober soup, and Jia Hu, who is drunk."

       All this is probably Zhang-Shi calculations.

       No wonder Zhang-Shi has been refusing to let her go out of the house. Zhang-Shi is afraid that she would pay attention to this long ago.

       In order to keep her Zhang-Shi is really exhausting.

       "Jiang Wanyin was sad and smirked, mocking her own stupidity."

       She couldn't see Zhang-Shi cruelty, couldn't see her mother's calculations to her.

       "All of this is because she is too stupid, she is too naive, thinking that she has worked hard over the years, it shouldn't be difficult to come out of the house. She thinks Zhang-Shi, her mother, and others too well. So she will be calculated and sold by her mother. This is what she deserves."

       Jiang Wanyin smirked and alarmed Zhao Niang.

       "Yin Er, you are awake."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't want to see her mother, she closed her eyes, she was afraid that she would want to kill her.


       This title sounds ironic to her.

       She became the daughter of her mother in her 20s. Her mother always called her Yato to die. Yato never called her Yin Er. Now hearing her mother call her like that, she only feels ironic.

       Zhao Niang saw Jiang Wanyin closing his eyes and not looking at her, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pat Jiang Wanyin and said:

       "You damn Yato, this great thing has made you catch up, what else is unsatisfactory about you."

       "Madam. told me, as long as you take care of Big-Master, after Big-Madam enters the house, she will take you as Concubine."

       "When you become Concubine, then you will be the master. Isn't it better to be the master than to be a Nucai subordinate and be called upon."

       "Big-Master will attack the Jue in the future. From now on you will be the Concubine of Houfu Heir."

       "Heir's Concubine is something anyone can do. little hooves in this mansion are looking forward to it. You can make Madam look at it as your blessing."

       "When you become Concubine, you can't forget your mother and me. If I didn't plan for you, would you let Madam look at you and let you serve the Big-Master? I don't want to think about your age, who will pay I want you.. In the future, you must take care of Big-Master, and let Big-Master care about your good.. Don’t forget me and Dad if you get the benefit in the future. In the future, I will mention your brother more in front of Big-Master. If you can get a good job, you will have light in front of Big-Master.."

       Zhao Niang talked about how she planned to send her to Jia Hu’s bed, and let her help the Zhao family.. Jiang Wanyin, who had no affection for the Zhao family, felt cold and desperate. Angry, raging.

       Jiang Wanyin suddenly sits down and pushed Zhao Niang to the ground and yelled at her.

       "Get out, get out of here!"


       Zhao Niang was pushed to the ground by Jiang Wanyin and she was completely blindfolded. She sits on the ground and pointed her finger at Jiang Wanyin, returning to her senses of anger.

       "You damn Yato, why are you crazy? You fell to death."

       "You leave me, I don't have a mother like you, you leave me, leave me..."

       Jiang Wanyin roared hysterically.

       "you you.."

       Zhao Niang was also shocked by Jiang Wanyin's hysterical appearance.

       "From now on I will not have a mother. You are not my mother. You are the devil and your murderer. You killed your daughter. I am not your daughter, not your daughter. Get out of me, get out of me..."

       She does not have such a mother who counts her own daughter.

       Jiang Wanyin grabbed the thing on the bed like crazy and smashed it on Zhao Niang. Seeing the porcelain pillow Jiang Wanyin had smashed over, Zhao Niang Called and crawled out, standing outside the door cursing Jiang Wanyin.

       In the room, Jiang Wanyin cried loudly while holding the quilt.

       Crying for her ruined life. She was ruined in her life. Before Zhang-Shi refused to release her from the house, it is even more impossible now.

       If she has not experienced the memories of previous lives, if she is a girl born and raised in this era, if she is the ignorant girl, perhaps she will be grateful to her mother for her wealth and wealth, and will be willing to be Qie by following her mother’s arrangements. .

       But she is not, she does not want to. She doesn't want to be Qie. She just wanted to live a peaceful and ordinary life out of the house and wanted freedom; everything she could have was ruined by her mother and Zhang-Shi.

       Her biological mother willingly became Zhang-Shi knife, and her biological mother destroyed her hopes.

       Jiang Wanyin hates, she hates Zhang-Shi, she hates her mother, she should hate herself even more. She is too stupid and naive, she is too self-righteous.

       The sound of Zhao Niang cursing outside disappeared. Someone came in from outside, walked to the bed and stood condescendingly at Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin didn't look up. She didn't care about who it was. At this moment, she was totally devastated.

       Zhang-Shi came here, and she looked at Jiang Wanyin condescendingly, with annoyance, dissatisfaction and irony in her eyes.

       "Since you have been waiting for Hu Er, don't think about the ones that are missing from now on. Take care of your heart and take care of Hu Er to protect Hu Er. As long as Hu Er is good, I won't treat you badly."

       "When Hu Erxi enters the mansion, I will lift you up as Concubine. I have already told Hu Er that he will give you a child so that you can rely on in the future."

       "I have arranged errands for your parents and brothers. As long as you take care of Hu Er, your family will be well. But if you dare to play a moth, don't blame me as the master. Heartbroken."

       When Jiang Wanyin heard Zhang-Shi threatening words, she raised her head angrily and stared at Zhang-Shi with blood-red eyes.

       Zhang-Shi didn't care.

       "Huh! I just said that you can't read and read as a Nubi, but knowing a few words will nurture your Nucai heart."

       "Your parents are both Nucai from the Zhang family, now Nucai from Rongguo Mansion; and you are Nucai who was born to serve your master. You eat Rongguo Mansion, use Rongguo Mansion, and still live in Rongguo Mansion. You don’t know how to serve loyally. master is thinking about the outside all day long. It is my kind master who allows you to be presumptuous. If you were to be beaten to death in another mansion, you would have been beaten with a stick."

       "Remember, your life is in my hands. If you dare to have a double heart and see if I will not kill you."


       Zhang-Shi put aside his words and flicked his sleeves and left, Jiang Wanyin stared at Zhang-Shi back bitterly.

       She hates her, she hates that she was born as a servant of Nubi. If there is an afterlife, she will never let her destiny rest in the hands of others.

       After Zhang-Shi left, Jiang Wanyin immediately let go and collapsed on the bed. To Zhang-Shi, she cannot resist at all.

       She knew that what Zhang-Shi said was true, and she had heard Zhang-Shi order to kill someone more than once in these years, and even saw it with her own eyes. 17 or 18-year-old Maid was beaten into a mess of mud.

       The look of Zhang-Shi at that time made her shudder at the thought.

       The current Zhang-Shi is not like the weak Miss from the scholarly Aristocratic family. Over the years, she has changed from the weak Zhang Miss to Houfu Fu-ren who is determined to kill the fruit and is cruel.

       She wanted to kill Zhang-Shi, but she couldn't. Although she hates her mother, she can't ignore her honest Dad and brother.

       Death, she never thought about it. She was a person who died once, and finally got a second life, no matter how hard she is, she will not die. Only those who have died know the value of life.

       She has to live no matter what. Zhang-Shi dare to calculate her today and ruin her life. One day she will make Zhang-Shi regret it.

       Although he was shocked and even desperate, Jiang Wanyin was not so easy to give up and commit suicide.

       After a few days of decadence, Jiang Wanyin put her hand-embroidered red wedding gown into the storage room, and put the jewellery made by personal drawing into the storage room, and put away all the things that could only be used in the main room.

       She put on a new pink dress sent by Zhang-Shi, and personally put her long hair in a woman's bun, and slowly outlined a layer of flower powder on the delicate face that had never been put on powder. Bringing the jewelry from Zhang-Shi, a charming and beautiful young lady appeared in the bronze mirror.

       She walked out of the room, and Little-Maid outside the door saluted her.

       "Zhao Miss."

       From now on, she will be Zhao Miss, Jia Hu's Tongfang Maid Zhao Miss, and Jia Hu's Concubine Zhao Concubine. As for Big-Maid, she is dead.

       "What about Big-Master? But in the study?"

       "Back to Miss, Big-Master went out as a guest."

       "Yeah. Pay attention and tell me when Big-Master comes back."

       "Yes. Nubi wrote it down."

       "Now you go to the kitchen to get some snacks, I'm hungry."

       "It's Miss, Nubi will go here."

       This Little-Maid is Maid who serves her specially. She became Zhao Miss. From now on, she will live in a single room, and a special Little Maid will serve her.

       After dark that night, Jia Hu returned with a drunken body. Jiang Wanyin took the slightly drunk Jia Hu from her brother Zhao Zhong and personally waited for him to take a shower.

       Jia Hu was not really drunk, he just pretended to be drunk when he didn't know how to face Jiang Wanyin for a while.

       While Jiang Wanyin was waiting for him to take a bath, I saw Jiang Wanyin who was only wearing a white shirt. white shirt was soaked in hot water and printed on the enchanting red bellyband, and the towering snow peaks made Jia Hu remembered the thrill of the two being mingling with each other for the first time-the night.


       Pretending to be drunk, his hands covered the high snow peak.

       Jiang Wanyin leaned over, leaned to Jia Hu's ear, and called out in a charming voice: "Big-Master .."

       The bloody youthful love Guqian was instantly violent, and rudely took the person into his arms, and his fiery lips were impatiently printed.

       The candlelight was swaying, the curtain in the room was swaying, and there was a shy voice from the room, and the bright moon in the sky hid in the clouds.

       From then on, Jiang Wanyin stayed in Jia Hu’s house almost every night, until Jia Hu got married, and Jiang Wanyin was the only woman beside Jia Hu.

        "Rongxitang, Zhang-Shi is sitting on the Luohan couch, and Jia Hu's Erxi Little Zhang-Shi is sitting beside her wiping tears."

       "Auntie, Brother Hu, he went to Zhao-Concubine again, he hasn't entered my house for several days... Auntie, you have to be the master for Xi Er..."

       Zhang-Shi looks at Little Zhang-Shi, who keeps wiping tears and only wiping tears, has a headache.

       "Then Zhao-Shi is pregnant? Hu Er went to see her for the sake of heirs. She is just a Concubine from Nucai, and it is not worthy of you to put her in her eyes. I even gave you her bond Now, when she has a baby, it's not up to you to decide, you and a Nucai are more real."

       Zhang-Shi would be upset at this, and she didn't expect Zhao-Shi to be pregnant so soon.

       "But, but..."

       "If you have time to cry here, you might as well go back and think about how to hold Hu Er's heart, and give birth to a son earlier."

       "I want to have a baby too, but how can I give birth to a son if Brother Hu doesn't enter my house..."

       Little Zhang-Shi said with tears.

       "Jiang Wanyin became Tongfang's second year, 17-year-old Jia Hu married and married 16-year-old Zhang Xi. Zhang Xi is the daughter of Zhang-Shi Di-Kin's eldest brother, Zhang-Shi and Jia She personally contracted the marriage. "

       "Although Jiang Wanyin is older than Jiahu's Little-Zhang-Shi, Jiang Wanyin was not allowed to become pregnant by Zhang-Shi because of his identity before Little-Zhang-Shi gave birth."

       "Although Zhang-Shi and Little Zhang-Shi are now motherzi and daughterzi, Little Zhang-Shi and Zhang-Shi are still relatives and nephews, and they are the only daughters of the eldest brother Zhang-Shi, in Jiang Wanyin and Little Zhang Zhang-Shi between Shi naturally protects Little Zhang-Shi."

       However, Zhang-Shi also fulfilled their previous promise to promote Jiang Wanyin as Concubine, but not after Jia Hu got married, but after Little-Zhang-Shi gave birth to her first child.

       Because of Little-Zhang-Shi first-born daughter, Jiang Wanyin was still not allowed to give birth.

       Little Zhang-Shi has been in the mansion for five years and had two daughters in a row. Zhang-Shi stopped taking Jiang Wanyin's medicine until Little Zhang-Shi gave birth to her second daughter for more than a year and did not become pregnant again.

       "This avoid child soup has been drunk for several years. If the body of the average person is almost destroyed, if you want to become pregnant, you will have to nurse one or two years. Zhang-Shi also said that to Little Zhang-Shi at the beginning, waiting for Jiang Wanyin During the last year or two of recuperation, Little-Zhang-Shi may have been pregnant with a third child. Zhang-Shi also had three consecutive children after marriage."

       But Jiang Wanyin is not an ordinary person, not to mention that her body has been modified because of the stimulating ability, and avoiding the soup can not cause any harm to her body. Besides, Jiang Wanyin knows the art of medicine, but after hesitating to be calculated by Zhang-Shi, Jiang Wanyin is even more devoted to learning medicine. Jiang Wanyin has been secretly regulating her body. She didn't have a baby before but just didn't want to bother.

       She was pregnant without Zhang-Shi permission, although she could keep her baby with her ability and Jia Hu's love for her. But when he thought of conceiving a child to deal with the endless trouble caused by Zhang-Shi and Little Zhang-Shi, Jiang Wanyin could bear it.

       No, less than half a year after Zhang-Shi stopped her avoidance soup, Jiang Wanyin was already three months pregnant. She waited for the fetus to sit firmly before coming out.

       This hit Zhang-Shi and Little Zhang-Shi by surprise.

       Little Zhang-Shi originally had two children in succession because of her young age and lost her body, and because she didn’t have a son, she didn’t have the confidence and self-confidence, and now Zhang-Shi reminds Little every day. Zhang-Shi gave birth to a son, and the whole thing was panic and haggard.

       Fortunately, both daughters are now raised by Zhang-Shi, otherwise I am afraid that she cannot take care of the two daughters at all.

       This will Zhang-Shi look at Little Zhang-Shi and see her like this.

       "Look at your look like a human being and a ghost, not to mention Hu Er, even I hate it when I see it. If a man doesn't like women's good colors, then Zhao-Shi is six years older than you. You are here now He looks sixteen years older than Zhao-Shi; how do you let a man enter your room with your appearance..."


       Being disgusted by Zhang-Shi, Little Zhang-Shi is even more wronged.

       "Okay, don't cry."

       "I just got some bird's nest supplements. Take them back and replenish your body. Let Tai-yi prescribe some prescriptions for your body. When you have your body, I will persuade Hu Er, you hurry up Pregnant with Di-son is..."

       Zhang-Shi and Little Zhang-Shi, aunt, niece, and daughterzi, Jiang Wanyin naturally didn't know, but she didn't care if she knew it.

       At this moment after leaving Huaifang Courtyard, Jiang Wanyin was leaning against Jia Hu's arms in the room of Cuijing Courtyard. Jia Hu stroked Jiang Wanyin's already bulging belly, and the two spoke lightly.

       Rongguo Mansion occupies a vast area, and there are also many courtyards, pavilions and pavilions. Huaifangyuan was the place where the heirs of the Rongguo Mansion lived before the prince. There are several small courtyards to the east of Huaifangyuan.

       Most of these small courtyards are for young masters or Concubine, and Cuijingyuan is one of them.

       Cuijingyuan and Huaifangyuan are next to each other. It was the place where Jia Hu lived when he moved to the front yard. It is now Jiang Wanyin's residence, and Cuijingyuan is the courtyard specially selected by Jia Hu for Jiang Wanyin after Jiang Wanyin was carried to Concubine. Before Jiang Wanyin was Tongfang Maid, Jiang Wanyin had been living in the front yard.

       Because she lives in the front yard, she spends more time with Jia Hu than Jia Hu and Little-Zhang-Shi. Not to mention that the two have been together for more than ten years.

       Jiang Wanyin has no feelings for Little Zhang-Shi, and she will not feel guilty just because Little Zhang-Shi is the main room and she is Qie. She was forced for Qie, who was also Jia Hu's woman, why did she feel guilty? reality has taught her that people have to be more selfish if they want to live well. People are not for themselves, and the earth will die.

       Of course, she will not be jealous because Little Zhang-Shi is just Qie, because their family background determines their status in the Rongguo Mansion; Jia Hu’s wife is not Little Zhang-Shi will have others, too. In short, it will never be her.

       As long as Little Zhang-Shi is not too much, Jiang Wanyin, who has been low-key, will not bother herself.

       As for feelings, they are all Jia Hu women.

       Jia Hu now has one wife and one Qie and two Tongfang Maid.

       Two Tongfang Maid, one from Zhang-Shi, and one from Little Zhang-Shi dowry Maid.

       Little Zhang-Shi lives in the main room of Huaifangyuan, and the two Tongfang Maids now live in the penthouse of Huaifangyuan.

       Jiang Wanyin lives alone in Cuijingyuan, which shows that Jiang Wanyin is more favored.

       "Moved, he moved, Yiner, he moved again."

       Feeling the fetal movement in his lower abdomen, Jia Hu exclaimed in surprise.

       "The fetus will move after four months. Now this little guy is seven months old."

       Jiang Wanyin stroked the child in her belly, her eyes full of maternal love and happiness.

       This is the first child of her two lives. Although she hasn't been born yet, Jiang Wanyin already feels that she doesn't love him enough.

       She is now twenty-seven. She is already very old in this dynasty. Maybe she only has this child in her generation. How could she not love him.

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's whole body exuding the glory of motherhood, Jia Hu also felt her happiness.

       At this moment, the child suddenly kicked Jiang Wanyin in his abdomen. Jiang Wanyin yelled out because of the pain, and Jia Hu panicked.

       "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

       "It's okay. kid kicked me mischievously."

       Jiang Wanyin leaned back in Jia Hu's arms to calm Jia Hu.

       "Yin Er, thank you very much."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's pain and sweat coming out of her forehead, Jia Hu wiped her off.

       "I am willing to do for the child. Not to mention that the child is yours."

       The relationship between husband and wife must also be consolidated. Sure enough, Jia Hu was very moved by what Jiang Wanyin said.

       "This kid is naughty, he must be a kid."

       Feeling the baby's fetal movement in his belly, Jia Hu's tone was hopeful.

       In this era, male male means family inheritance; no son means no :Step .

       Jia Hu has been married for more than five years, and now there are only two Di-Daughters. It is no wonder that Jia Hu is anxious, hoping to be a son. After all, Jia She already had Jia Lian when he was his age, and even Jia Lian who got married later than Jia Hu had a son.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't care, whether it was a son or a daughter, it was her child. Whether it is Shu-son or Shu-Daughter in this era, life will not be too good, but based on the relationship between her and Jia Hu, her children will live well.

       Although Jiang Wanyin didn't care, he still had to give Jia Hu a precaution to avoid disappointment when he was born with a daughter called Jia Hu.

       "This child hasn't been born yet. How can I know if it is a boy or a girl. If it is a daughter, wouldn't it be sad to hear you?"

       "Mu Yuan, don't you dislike her just because this child is a daughter?"

       Mu Yuan is Jia Hu's character, privately Jia Hu Xu Jiang Wanyin called him. Jiang Wanyin pushed Jia Hu and said.

       "How come, whether it's a son or a daughter, it's my child; why would I not like it. Don't think about it."

       Jia Hu took Jiang Wanyin who pushed him away and took it back into his arms.

       "I just think that if this child is a son, he can take good care of him in the future. Mei-Mei."

       "This child hasn't been born yet, you are thinking about the next one."

       Jia Hu gave Jia Hu angrily.

       "We think there will be more children. I am not only thinking about the next one, but also about the next one."

       Jia Hu pinched Jiang Wanyin's nose and said, if Jiang Wanyin doesn't hold back him.

       Although Jiang Wanyin was five years older than Jia Hu, Jiang Wanyin was well maintained, and because of the blessing of his supernatural powers, it was impossible to tell that Jiang Wanyin was older than Jia Hu by looking at his appearance.

       As Zhang-Shi said, Jiang Wanyin looks younger, and looks younger than Little Zhang-Shi who is younger than her.

       The two were tired for a while, and Jiang Wanyin thought about another important thing.

       "This child is about to be born, have you done what you promised me?"

       She has been busy with this matter since she was born, and has been thinking about it for more than 20 years. From becoming Jia Hu's Tongfang Maid until now, she has endured it for almost six years, and finally moved Jia Hu.

       Anxious, Jiang Wanyin saw that Jia Hu didn't speak and pinched the soft flesh behind his waist.

       "I'm not doing this for myself. I have figured it out over the years. I've been a Nubi for decades. This life is almost halfway through, and I don't care much.

       I thought I would just forget it for a lifetime. But now it's different, now we have our children. I can't change my own birth. Letting this child be Shu born is already a wronged child of my mother. But if the child is asked to carry the name of a maid and be looked down upon by others, it would be better for me to let him go, lest he come to this world to suffer. "

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but wiped his tears as he spoke, and Jia Hu was anxious now.

        "Oh, don't cry first. Listen to me first."

       "I don't listen."

       Jiang Wanyin turned his head to ignore Jia Hu. Jia Hu directly kicked her over.

       "you listen to me.."

       Jiang Wanyin was annoyed to interrupt Jia Hu.

       "Listen to what you said? You fool me again. You have promised me this matter for a long time.."

       "This is not because the bond has been in the hands of Madam. Madam has never given it. I can't help it."

       "At the beginning, they were brought together by Madam. Madam was determined not to let the greenery go out of the house. Later, he had asked for a greenery contract with Madam many times, but Madam never gave it. I was afraid to come to Madam. With a soft heart, he gave his body to Luyin."

       "Before, Luyin wanted to leave Rongguo Mansion and wanted to get rid of his slave status. He was indeed worried in his heart, worried that she would leave without a word."

       He has also been hesitant and worried.

       "For more than 20 years of feelings, he has gotten used to her by his side."

       "She also knows that her bond is in Zhang-Shi hands. After all, their family is Zhang-Shi companion house. It is not surprising that the bond is in Zhang-Shi hands."

       "Although she knows that her physical deed is in Zhang-Shi hands, it is a pity that she has never had a chance to obtain her physical deed."

       "Furthermore, with the power of the Rongguo Mansion, even if she obtains the deed, she may not be able to go to the yamen to eliminate her slave status. Maybe she will be guilty of fugitive slavery."

       "As for Jia Hu, Jia Hu is very filial to Zhang-Shi, and she is even less likely to force Jia Hu to help her steal the bond and eliminate her status. Jia Hu has treated her very well these years, and she still has concerns about Jia Hu. ."

       "Before you couldn't help it, what about now?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Jia Hu expectantly.

       "Mu Yuan, you can ask Madam again,"

       She is now pregnant and almost giving birth, Zhang-Shi should feel relieved now.

       After all, no mother can cruelly abandon her child, and she is even more cruel.

       "Now..." Jia Hu was hesitant, suddenly took out a piece of paper and handed it to Jiang Wanyin: "Look, what is this?"

       "Seeing Jia Hu handing Zhang-Shi to her, Jiang Wanyin immediately thought about it, because she thought that this might be her bond."

       Jiang Wanyin shook her hand and took the paper and opened it to find out that this was not her physical deed at all, but a Take concubine document. Jiang Wanyin saw the words on the document clearly, and tears quickly gathered in her eyes. She raised her head and looked at Jia Hu moved.

       "Thank you, Mu Yuan. Thank you."

       "Why bother between you and me."

       Jiang Wanyin lay in Jia Hu's arms and let her tears fall, and she cried silently.

       With this essay, she is no longer Nucai. She is no longer the Nucai of Zhang-Shi.

       Although Zhang-Shi said that she should be a Concubine, it was only called in the Rongguo Mansion. After leaving the Rongguo Mansion, she was still the Nucai who had signed the contract of sale.

       In this ancient time, not all women can be Qie, only a woman from a good family can be Qie. Other women who are Nubi or lowly nationals are called Qie, but they are not Qie.

       Naliang girls need to have take concubine documents for Qie, while Naru or cheap girls do not need documents for Qie, because they are not real Qie and they are still Nucai subordinates. Moreover, women with naval or low-level nationality cannot do paperwork for Qie.

       The Take concubine document in her hand shows that she is now a good citizen, Jia Hu has helped her eliminate her slavery, and she will be a good citizen in the future. Jia Hu gave her a take concubine essay, and she also had an upright identity, a good Qie with honesty.

       When she gives birth to a son, the son of Liang Qie Zhao-Shi will also be remembered in Jia-Shi genealogy. Her child will be Liang Qie's child instead of the child of a maid who is looked down upon.

       Although both the sons of Liang Qie and the maidservants were Shu-son, their identities were quite different.

       People in the world don't necessarily despise Shu-son, but they definitely despise maidservants.

       It's better now. In the earlier Sui and Tang Dynasties, the maidservant was Nucai, not even Shu born.

       Jia Hu did a lot for her, gave her a good home, gave her an upright identity, and also gave her children a better birth. Jiang Wanyin was very touched by this feeling.

       "Okay. Don't cry, I'll hurt my eyes if I cry."

       Jia Hu took Jiang Wanyin's face and wiped her eyes. Jiang Wanyin's face was not stained with any powder and she was still white and flawless, because she looked pale after crying, Jia Hu looked distressed, wiped her eyes and kissed her on the forehead.

       "Your complexion is not good, lie down and rest for a while."

       "You stay with me."

       Jiang Wanyin took Jia Hu's hand.

       "You go to bed first, and I will wait until you fall asleep before leaving."

       Jiang Wanyin knew that he had to go to work, so he didn't say much to let Jia Hu stay by her.

       Last year, Jia Hu participated in the Chunwei Hall Examination and became the Second Grade Jinshi. Later, he took the Shuji Shi and entered the Hanlin Academy. Now he is still a editor of Zhengqi.

       Maybe she was tired of crying. After lying down for a while, Jiang Wanyin became a little confused, suddenly she remembered something and opened her eyes.

       "Mu Yuan, did Madam give you my identity?"

       She has forgotten one thing, she is now Jia Hu's Concubine, and she has a strong relationship with Jia Hu; but Jia Hu's main room is Zhang-Shi niece, and it will be Zhang-Shi who will give Jia Hu the bond.

       "Yeah." Jia Hu replied and stretched out his hand to tuck the quilt for Jiang Wanyin: "Go to sleep, stop thinking about it."

       Jia Hu didn't say much, Jiang Wanyin was dubious, but he fell asleep soon after he was too sleepy.

       Jia Hu didn't tell the truth, and he felt that it was better not to tell Jiang Wanyin about this.

       Thinking of the physical bond that he got from Little Zhang-Shi, Jia Hu felt a little guilty in his heart, so he turned and went to Huaifang Courtyard.

       Jia Hu and Little Zhang-Shi are cousins. two had a short childhood, but later, Little Zhang-Shi took office with their parents outside the city, and the gap was nearly ten. Didn't meet in years. Jia Hu didn't expect it to be after the two got married.

       Jia Hu went to accompany Little-Zhang-Shi for a cup of tea and then left Huaifangyuan to find Jia She in the front yard.

       A few years later, Jia Daishan has passed away from illness. Jia She is now the chief official of the Rongguo Mansion and he is still the minister of the Ministry of War. Jia Zheng is now a foreigner from the five-member engineering department. It is the grace that Jia Daishan asked for on behalf of Jia Zheng. .

       After Jia Daishan's death, Jia History once wanted to move back to Rongxitang, and also wanted Jia Zheng's first room to move into Rongxitang. However, Zhang-Shi secretly took care of it and became seriously ill and still lives in Rongqingtang.

       Although Jia Daishan had separated Big-House 2nd House before his death, because Jia History insisted on not letting 2nd House move out, 2nd House still lives in Rongguo Mansion. Jia Zheng and his wife moved to Chunxi Yuan, which is closer to Rongqing Hall.

       In recent years, Rongguo Mansion has also added a lot of population, but most of them are from 2nd House.

       Five years ago, Liu Concubine of Jia Zheng gave birth to the second daughter of 2nd House to welcome the Spring Festival; four years ago, Wang Shi gave birth to Jia Baoyu, who was born with the heart and liver of Jia History, and Zhao Concubine of 2nd House gave birth to the third daughter of 2nd House. Tan Chun; Zhao-Concubine gave birth to 2nd House Shu-son Jia Huan in the second year. Jia Zhu has married Li Wan and Jia Yuanchun has entered the palace.

       Yingchun became the daughter of 2nd House and was shocked by Jiang Wanyin. I don't know if Jia Yingchun, who became the daughter of 2nd House, will be a second wood.

       On Big-House, Jia She didn’t have any more children. Jia Hu got two Di-Daughters. Jia Lian Li Li, who was married in the same year as Jia Zhu, was the daughter of a military general. Lian 2-Madam has given birth to Jia Lian’s Di. Eldest-son. Jia Yao, who was older than Jia Yuanchun and who was the same year as Jia Zhu, also married and had a son. Today, Jia Cong, who is only a teenager in Big-House, is still dangling.

       Jia Hu passed the garden and heard the children's crisp laughter. After a while, Jia Baoyu, who was like a Guanyin boy, came over surrounded by a group of Maid with Fresh in his hands.

       Although Big-House 2nd House had grievances, Zhang-Shi and Wang Shi had even death feuds, but Big-House and 2nd House’s children are good children, and Jia Hu is a kind and gentle person. Enraged and angered several children in 2nd House.

       Jia Baoyu is much younger than him and looks cute. Jia Hu also likes this Little-Cousin-Didi very much.

       Seeing Jia Baoyu and Jia Hu, he stopped.


       "Huh. It's Big-Elder-Brother."

       Xiao Baoyu ran towards Jia Hu holding the flowers, scared a group of Maid hurriedly followed and yelled to be careful.

       As written in the book, Jia Baoyu caught Zhou and caught rouge; but it was released by Jia Daishan, but both Wang Shi and Jia History thought it was released by Zhang-Shi, and they hated Zhang-Shi to death.

       Jia Baoyu also likes flowers like the beautiful young Maid, and also likes the young men who look good at Yushu. They are gentle and gentle. gentle gentleman Jia Hu and the exquisite appearance follow the Zhang-Shi Jia Cong. Baoyu likes it.

       Reading has no talent for martial arts, but Jia Lian, who became a military commander with Jia She, is despised.

       When I met Jia Hu, Jia Baoyu didn't just ran over, and reached out for Jia Hu to hug him.

       "Hu Big-Elder-Brother hold me."

       Jia Hu smiled and hugged Jia Baoyu, who was like a little golden boy.

       "Why come out to pick flowers again?"

       Jia Hu squeezed Jia Baoyu's nose.

       "There will be small bugs in this garden. Don't always drill into the garden if you are young. If you want to pick flowers, let the Maids pick them for you."

       "Oh, Baoyu got it."

       "Baoyu is so good!"

       Although Jia Baoyu is young, it must be said that he is a very smart, pure and lovely child. This is one of the reasons why Jia Hu likes him.

       Looking at Jia Baoyu's cute chubby face with an innocent smile, Jia Hu regretted him.

       Such a smart child was ruined by 2-Shumu's selfishness.

       With the origin of being born with jade, Baoyu will never be able to obtain fame or martial arts as a general in this life, and if he wants to survive, he can only live a life of safety by mixing food and drinking.

       Whether it is Zhang-Shi, Jia She or Jia Hu, it is Wang Shi calculation to use Jia Baoyu as the title of jade. They don't believe that Jia Baoyu's small mouth can hold jade the size of a bird egg.

       Of course, this is also related to Jiang Wanyin. After learning that Wang Shi was pregnant again, Jiang Wanyin secretly planned to let Zhang-Shi know what Wang Shi seemed to be planning; so after Jia Baoyu was born with the title of jade, Zhang-Shi was sure that this was Wang Shi plan.

       Jiang Wanyin was like this because she was already trapped in Rongguo Mansion and couldn't get out. If she wanted to live a stable life, she would have to Rongguo Mansion not to fall.

       Although Big-House believes that Jia Baoyu's jewels were made by Wang Shi, Wang Shi and Jia History fans believe that Jia Baoyu was born from jade with great fortune.

       Thanks to Zhang-Shi, Jia She and Jia Daishan’s quick response, they turned the matter into a calculation by an ignorant woman who fights in the house, and Jia Daishan went to the palace overnight to plead.

       Fortunately, Jia Daishan is still sober, worried that 2nd House will affect Big-House and Rongguo Mansion, and finally let the brothers Jia She and Jia Zheng separate their families before the winter.

       "Big-Elder-Brother, where are you going?"

       Jia Baoyu patted Jia Hu's face with his fleshy chubby hands.

       "I'll take you to Matron first. It's going to rain soon. Don't come out today to avoid the cold."

       Jia Hu hugged Jia Baoyu to the Rongqing Hall. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw Wang Shi hurriedly.


       When Wang Shi saw Jia Hu embrace Jia Baoyu, he hurriedly scolded:

       "Baoyu, how did you let Big-Brother hug you? I'm about to get down and come to my mother."

       "It turns out that Wang Shi took Jia Baoyu to the garden to play, but Jia Baoyu came around here somehow. Wang Shi got the message from Maid, so he hurried over."

       "Wang Shi believes that Jia Baoyu has great luck, and he always feels that Big-House will harm Jia Baoyu, and he is tightly guarded against Big-House."

       "Because she was not in power, she was always worried that Big-House would harm Jia Baoyu sometime, so she never let Jia Baoyu come out alone."


       Jia Baoyu was frightened by Wang Shi severe appearance.


       "Seeing Wang Shi defensive face, Jia Hudun was bored and put Jia Baoyu down."

       "Baoyu, go to Madam."

       "Hu Big-Elder-Brother."

       "Jia Baoyu looked back and looked at Jia Hu a little bit dissatisfied. He liked Big-Elder-Brother, but it was rare to see Big-Elder-Brother, and Madam wouldn't let him go to Big-Elder-Brother to play."

       "Little Baoyu seemed to be afraid that Jia Hu would not like him, so he looked up at Jia Hu's eyes timidly."

       "Go ahead."

       "Jia Hu smiled and touched Jia Baoyu's head to tell Jia Baoyu that he was not angry. Baoyu is so cute and cute, how could he be angry with a child."

       Jia Baoyu walked towards Wang Shi with his calf, Wang Shi quickly picked Jia Baoyu up, and carefully checked that Jia Baoyu was fine before releasing it.

       "Hu Er, Matron is looking for Baoyu, I'll take him there first. You can go to work if you have anything."

       "2-Shumu walk slowly."

       Wang Shi hugged Jia Baoyu and left in a hurry.

       The irony flashed in Jia Hu's eyes when he saw Wang Shi actions.

       2-Shumu This is when everyone is like her, cruel.

       However, 2nd House still has to let them settle down.

       "Thinking of ambitious 2-Shu 2-Shumu, thinking of Jia Yuanchun, who was a female historian in the post-harem palace, thinking of the recent news, Jia Hu went directly to the front yard to find Jia She."

       The father and son discussed in the room book for a long time, but it is rare that Mu Xiu and his son spent most of the day without his wife and children.

       "That's all set. Let's get ready first and let's talk about the timing."

       "Lao-Ye, you have to breathe in with Madam. After all, the amount is not small, Madam is in charge of this mansion."

       "I know." Jia She glared at Jia Hu: "You have already prepared for this, and you will wait until you remind."

       "And Lao-Ye thinks well, my son is not as good as Lao-Ye."

       Jia Hu flattered Jia She, listening to his son's good words Jia She was comfortable.

       It didn't take long for Jia Hu to mention something that caused him a headache again.

       "Sister Rong's matter, Lao-Ye is yours."

       Able people should do more work.

       The comfortable expression on Jia She's face was not yet confiscated and suddenly changed to anger. Jia Husuo rushed out of the study and heard Jia She's voice behind him.

       "You brat, you are back for me."

       Jia Hu laughed, with a pleasant laugh. Hearing Jia Hu's laughter, Jia She shook his head and smiled.

       "Smelly boy."

       Jia Hu came out of the study and went to Rongxitang to see his two daughters.

       Jia Hu is a gentle person and treats others kindly, especially to relatives. At least Jiang Wanyin knows that he has such a side.

       Even though Jia Hu and Jiang Wanyin had a better relationship, they never treated Little-Zhang-Shi and their two daughters badly. Perhaps in Little-Zhang-Shi, Jia Hu is not like Jia She, Zhang-Shi, he is not an excellent husband for her, but Jia Hu is a rare good husband in Capital City.

       Jia Hu has only one wife, one Qie, and two Tongfang Maids, which is very rare among the peers in Capital City; even Jia Lian also has two concubines and several Tongfang Maids who have passed the bright face.

       Not to mention Jia Zhu, there are only three Concubine after the face, and a room of Tongfang Maid. Jia History and Wang Shi are vying to give people. All the outstanding Thai people in this mansion have gone to Jiazhu Courtyard.

       Although the Concubines carried by Rongguo Mansion are all family-born Nubi or purchased Nubi, it is not a Concubine to outsiders.

       Speaking of the Concubine that the Jiahu brothers accepted, now only Jiang Wanyin is the good Jiliang Qie who has escaped slavery.

       Jia Hu respects his wife. Although he prefers Jiang Wanyin, he does not have Pet Qie to destroy his wife. He treats his two daughters with love and responsibility.

       Jia Hu's Eldest-daughter Jia Wei was born in the second year after Little-Zhang-Shi got married, and Jia Baoyu is still the same age.

       In Rongxitang, Zhang-Shi was playing with two children, and when Jia Hu came in, Jia Wei immediately called him in surprise when he saw him.



       Another childish voice sounded, it was Jia Hu's second daughter, Jia Hu, who was one year younger than Jia Wei.

       Jia Wei jumped directly off the Luohan couch and ran over and hugged Jia Hu's leg.

       "Dad hug."

       "Okay, Dad hug." Jia Hu hugged Jia Wei.

       Here, Jia He, who is younger than her sister, has less calf and feet flexibility than her sister, wants to stay in Zhang-Shi, and hugs her in his arms for fear that she will fall. When Jia He sees Jia Hu hugs Jia Wei, he keeps reaching out to Jia Hu in a hurry. Called Dad.

       Jia Hu walked over, reached out and picked her up from Zhang-Shi arms, holding a daughter in one hand, and Jia Hu sits next to Zhang-Shi. two sisters of Xiaojie both sits in the arms of their parents, and they were finally in peace.

       "These two little white-eyed wolves, I take them the most on most days, and they are the closest to your relatives."

       Seeing his son Zhang-Shi was happy, he nodded the little noses of his two little granddaughters and joked. After all, Jia Wei was more clever, climbed into Zhang-Shi arms and said that she liked Madam the most, making Zhang-Shi smile.

       Jia Hu is also pleased to see that his mother and daughter are happy.

       "These two children, Madam. These years have worked hard."

       "You are my son. I shouldn't take care of my granddaughter. I'm fine. It's just Ku Xi Er. Xi Er gave birth to Sister He and hurt her body, and she was delayed because she was a vegetarian during her filial piety. Although after taking care of the filial piety, my body is not as good as before. I haven't recovered for a long time. I feel distressed when I look at the whole thinning. If your fatherzi sees it, I don't feel distressed."

       "Weiniang also knows that Zhao-Shi is more in your heart, but Xi Er is not only your first wife, but also your Mu-Uncle's only daughter, Biaomei of your Di-Kin; Xi Er gave birth to you again If you have two daughters, you love her a little bit more and stay with her more."

       "Zhao-Shi is pregnant. You should spend more time with her these days, but if she is just Concubine Shiqie, you should stop at it."

       Jia Hu was in a good mood after listening to Zhang-Shi words, but he nodded and said:

       "What Madam teaches is that his son will take the two children back to dine with Xi Er. He will not send the two children over tonight. Let Xi Er bring them to you tomorrow morning."

       Seeing Jia Hu take the two granddaughters away, Zhang-Shi sighed, why couldn't she see Jia Hu's reaction.

       On that day, Jia Hu did indeed agree to Zhang-Shi. He took his two daughters to accompany Little Zhang-Shi for dinner, and after coaxing the two daughters to sleep, Jia Huxie stayed in the Little Zhang-Shi room. , Did not go to see Jiang Wanyin again.

       In the evening of the next day, Jia Hu went to Cuijingyuan to dine with Jiang Wanyin, talked with Jiang Wanyin, and read to the child in his belly for a while as usual.

       "Your feet will cramp at night, and later you will let Xiaochan accompany you-sleep."

       Jia Hu was still holding a book in his hand, as if to say casually, Jiang Wanyin looked up at him, Jiang Wanyin's thoughts quickly turned around, already thinking of it in his heart.

       She smiled at Jia Hu.

       "I see. I'm not a kid, so don't worry, I will let Xiaochan accompany me." Xiaochan is Jiang Wanyin's Maid.

       "It's getting late, it's worth it tomorrow morning, so go to rest earlier."

       After Jiang Wanyin reached out and tried to extract the book in Jia Hu's hand, Jia Hu stopped him.

       "Sit down and I will come."

       Jia Hu got up and put the book back on the table.

       "If you have any problems or discomfort, send someone over to tell me, don't bear it."

       Jia Hu couldn't rest assured to tell him again and again.

       "I see. Go ahead."


       Jia Hu responded, and paused again when he walked to the door.

       "I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you often in the next few days or nights, or ask Zhao Mama to come to the house to accompany you. She is your mother and has experience in taking care of children..."

       When Jia Hu mentioned that she was asked to take care of her in the house, Jiang Wanyin interrupted Jia Hu immediately.

       "No need. Xiaochan is enough."

       Although Jiang Wanyin had blamed her mother before, and even said that she didn't recognize her mother, the family relationship was never broken. It's just that after that day, the relationship between her and her mother was also awkward, and the mother and daughter who were not close at first became even more strange. And if her mother's temperament is called to take care of her, I don't know if anything will happen.

       If it weren't for precautions, how could she let Jia Hu send her mother home to Rongyang and no longer need to be a errand in the house.

       "Go, I'm going to bed too."

       "Resume earlier."

       Jia Hu glanced back at her, eyes full of anxiety, but finally turned and left. Jia Hu stepped in Maid Xiaochan, Jiang Wanyin asked Xiao to wait for her to sleep, and soon the lights in the room went out. Jia Hu, who was still in Cuijingyuan, saw that the lights in Jiang Wanyin's room had gone out, and Jia Hu turned around and entered Huaifangyuan.

       For the next two months, Jia Hu stayed at Little-Zhang-Shi, but unfortunately, he did not get pregnant until Jiang Wanyin produced Little-Zhang-Shi.

       Jiang Wanyin started this day, but Jia Hu was not in the house. Not only was Jia Hu not there, but Jia History Zhang-Shi Little Zhang-Shi were not there. Because of the new emperor's enthronement ceremony, Jia She, father and son, and three generations of motherzi and daughterzi went into the palace to drive.

       Jia She is Rong Enhou, Jia Hu is Houfu Heir; Jia History is Duchess, Zhang-Shi is Marquis Fu-ren, Little Zhang-Shi is Heir Fu-ren, so they all enter the palace.

       As for the Erxi of Wang Shi and Jia Yan Jiazhu, because of the lack of enlightenment grade or no enlightenment, naturally they are not qualified to enter the palace.

       Two days earlier, Jiang Wanyin had a hunch that he was about to give birth. On this day, there was a faint pain, and it was getting worse. Jiang Wanyin immediately made arrangements.

       Ask Maid to send her mother and her Sao into the mansion. Although she is at odds with her mother, she still believes her mother at this time. With her mother's temperament, she will never let her grandson get into trouble.

       Let Maid go and ask Lian2-Madam to come and help.

       Zhao Niang heard that Jiang Wanyin was about to give birth, and immediately led Erxi into Rongguo Mansion and went straight to Cuijingyuan.

       Although Jiang Wanyin was her first child, she raised her fetus well, and because of her good health, delivery went smoothly.

       When Jia Hu got the news from the palace and rushed back, he heard exclamations and crying from the child in the delivery room as soon as he entered Cuijingyuan.

       Jia Hu dashed to the door of the delivery room and heard a voice from the delivery room:

       "Gongxi Concubine, is a brother."

       Hearing it was a son, joy exploded in Jia Huli heart.

       "It's a son. I have a son."


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