RM Maid 10

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        "I heard that it was for the dragon and phoenix fetus. Grandmother would like to see it too. In the past few years, there have been few children with the dragon and phoenix fetus in Capital City. It is fortunate for you to be a companion.

       "Not so. Grandson is also the blessing of that child." Because of this, she wants to keep the greenery by her side, and she can have an extra layer of protection with the greenery by her side.

       Zhang-Shi recounted what happened at Huaifang Academy before, and Matron suddenly remembered something and said solemnly:

       "In addition to the three of us and their mother and son, what about the child in Luyin, is there anyone else who knows Yato's skills?"

       "No. At that time, the grandsonzi sent all the subordinates out, but the grandsonzi, husband and Xia Luxiao mother and daughter knew about this, and now there is you."

       It was Jia She who helped Matron in. After Matron came in, Maid was sent out by Zhang-Shi.

       "Then Little Yato really has this ability?"

       "Perhaps it is because of the purity of the child's eyes." Big-Madam is also not sure.

       "If Yato really has this ability, that would be great. It's just a mystery. If you let others know, it will be coveted. I'm afraid that our Rongguo Mansion will not be able to keep her. You must not tell this matter, it is Lao-Ye Madam and You can’t do it with your in-laws. If Little Yato really has this ability, she will stay by your side to serve you, and it can also protect you two and your grand-daughterzi."

       In Matron's eyes, no one is as important as her son and grandchildren. Don't worry about her son, she believes that History-Shi will not harm her husband even if it is vicious. She was the only grandson who had grown up next to her that worries her.

       Jia She and his wife looked at each other. Although they felt that Matron had ordered not to tell their parents, they knew that Matron was for their good. Then I wondered if I was younger than Matron, so I agreed with Matron.

       "Grandmother listens to Grandmother."

       "That's right. Others are not as important as themselves and their children." Matron patted Zhang-Shi hands, satisfied with their obedience.

       "The grandsonzi asked the three of Lu Xiao and her son to come over."

       "Just let Suqin and Lu Mama go together, and let them stay in Huaifang Yard to help you clean up."

       Matron called Lu Mama and Big-Maid Suqin to follow Zhang-Shi Big-Yato scholarship to Huaifang Academy. Lu Mama is Matron’s dowry, Yato, who has served Matron for decades. If you say who Matron trusts most, it is Lu Mama.

       The three scholars had just left Rongqingtang to Huaifangyuan, and the Big-Maid mandarin duck next to Jia History arrived.

       After entering the room, the three people gave a gift before passing the words of Jia History.

       "Madam heard that Big-Master and Big-Madam invited Tai-yi, worried that Big-Master Big-Madam might be uncomfortable, and asked Nubi to ask. Madam asked Nubi to invite Big-Master Big-Madam to Rongxi Tang."

       "Since Madam wants to see you, go. Let Grandson Erxi stay here to talk to Pozi."

       Matron gave Jia She a look, and the grandparents and grandson were in a tacit understanding, Jia She immediately understood.

       "Then my grandson will go to see Madam first. Mingshu, please accompany Grandmother."

       "I see, husband."

       Zhang-Shi replied, just looking at Jia She's eyes very worried. After Jia She left, Matron patted Zhang-Shi hand.

       "Don't worry, She Er knows what to do."


       Rongxitang and Huaifangyuan are not far from Rongqingtang, but Rongxitang is closer. Before the three of Lu Xiao mother and son arrived at Rongqing Hall, Jia She had already arrived at Rongxi Hall.

       When Jia She entered the house, he saw Madam Jia History, who was dressed up and graceful. Jia History is forty years old, but it is very well maintained and looks like in his thirties. Having been in power and being proud of himself for many years, his whole body is extraordinary.

       Jia She came in with an unconcealable smile. Jia History, who was doing embroidery, immediately raised his head to look at him, with kind and loving eyes.


       "Xi Er is here, sit down."

       Jia She salutes, Jia History's very gentle voice carries the joy of seeing her son. Jia She looked up at Jia History before sitting down.

       Hearing Jia History’s joyous voice and loving eyes, if Jia She was in the past, Jia She would be excited, and she would like to dig her heart out for Jia History, but after today’s Huaifang Courtyard, Jia She will look at Jia History again and see the past. What he didn't find, he saw a flash of dislike and impatience in Jia History's eyes, and Jia She's hesitating heart became cold.

       Grandmother was right. It turned out that Madam really didn't like him. In the past, he was blinded by Madam's "maternal love".

       "I heard someone say that you invited Tai-yi, but are you uncomfortable, or are you Erxi?"

       Obviously seeing the smile on Jia She's face, Jia History didn't ask why Jia She was in a good mood, but instead asked about Tai-yi with a worried and concerned face.

       "Back to Madam, Ming Shu has been feeling unwell these few days. My son asked Wang Tai-yi to get his pulse. Wang Tai-yi also diagnosed something. My son was not at ease, so I asked him not to ask other Tai-yi, Tai-yi. It was diagnosed that Mingshu is already pregnant."

       "Gongxi Madam, you are going to be Grandmother."

       Jia She stood up excitedly, and said happily, his appearance was as if he was flabbergasted, and he looked silly and happy.

       Jia She has been staring at Jia History, so he didn't miss Jia History. He was taken aback for a moment, his expression instantly stiff. But in an instant Jia History was already full of surprise smiles.

       "Really? Erxi is pregnant!"

       "This is really a happy event. It's a happy event for our Rongguo Mansion."

       "By the way, what about your Erxi? Why didn't you get up with you?"

       "Madam, Mingshu is in Rongqing Hall, Grandmother is very happy to leave Mingshu talking."

       Jia She explained for Big-Madam.

       The motherzi summoned her but didn't come. This is not to cheer her up. Wouldn't it ruin Mingshu's reputation if it spread out.

       Jia She was protecting his wife and brought Matron out of it.

       Jia Sheyuan was just protecting his wife, but he didn't want to suddenly see the resentment flashing in Jia History's eyes when he arrived at Matron.

       Jia She felt a little bit in her heart, and then thought of what Matron had been talking to him. This would make Jia She suddenly understand that Madam is resenting Grandmother.

       "My ancestors must be extremely happy. Since your wedding, Grandmother and I have been looking forward to holding our great-grandchildren. Now we have done our wish."

       "You, Erxi, are a great hero of our Rongguo Mansion. I have to choose a good part and thank her."

       "Madam. things must be good, my son thanked Madam for Mingshu."

       "Okay, don't be stunned here, go back and accompany you Erxi. I have to choose a meeting gift for my grandson."

       "Yes, Madam."

       After being chased, Jia She left without staying and turning around.

       After a while, maybe it was because I felt that Jia She had gone far, Jia History couldn't help but grabbed the teacup on the coffee table and slammed it on the ground.

       "Sure enough, it's the old and immortal son who was born to defeat me, and he didn't even care about me at all."

       Jia History cursed angrily, Maid in this room was trembling not to move.

       What Jia History didn't know was that Jia She did not leave immediately, just outside the door separated by a wall. In the past, Jia She would not listen to the corner, but today’s event hit him too much, so he turned around halfway out of the house and turned around again, not allowing Maid Pozi outside to speak out Jia History.

       Jia She listened to Jia History's curse on him and Matron, and Jia She's face was very ugly and chilling.

       In the past, he was really blind. He was stunned by his biological mother and almost harmed Ming Shu and the child.

       In the room, Jia History doesn't know yet, her mask for Jia She's mother has been removed.

       "Don't let Madam know about this. Take care of your lives."

       Jia She severely intimidated the servants outside the door, and Jia She left after they swore not to say.

       Those Maid Pozi are not stupid, how dare you tell Jia History what Jia She overheard. If Jia History knew that Jia She had eavesdropped, they did not report it. A penalty would be indispensable, and they might even be demoted to Zhuangzi.

       Maid Pozi didn't tell Jia History about this in order to protect herself and her own interests, so that Jia History didn't know that her motherly mask had been known to Jia She, and she would continue to play her mother in front of Jia She.

       "You wait outside, I'll go in and let me know."

       Jiang Wanyin and the three followed scholars to the Rongqing Hall. Scholars asked them to wait outside, but they came out to let them in.

       "Greetings to the ancestors, and to Big-Madam."

       Lu Xiao took the two children and ran to give the salute. Lu Xiao was trembling, always worried and afraid, thinking that Matron was looking for them because of what Jiang Wanyin said before to deal with them.

       After the mother and son were taken to the second room of the main room of Huaifangyuan, they have been asked to stay in the house. They don’t know anything outside the house. They don’t know what Jia She and Zhang-Shi really check in the house. I don’t know if Zhang-Shi is really pregnant.

       Lu Xiao always thought that Jiang Wanyin was talking nonsense, so she was afraid.

       On the contrary, the innocent Dabao and the confident Jiang Wanyin were not afraid at all. Matron was curious when seeing the fearless faces of the two children.

       "Get up."

       "Xi Ancestor."

       Lu Xiao tremblingly pulled the two children to their feet. Matron waved to the brothers and sisters: "Good boy, come to the ancestor, let the ancestor take a look."

       Jiang Wanyin walked over with Dabao's hand.

       "Old ancestors."

       "Good boy, he looks so good."

       Dabao and Jiang Wanyin are cute children with clean, white and fat appearances that old people like.

       Matron touched the faces of Jiang Wanyin and Dabao. Although Matron looks kind, Jiang Wanyin still feels Matron's superior look over their brothers and sisters. Of course Jiang Wanyin is not really a child, and she also understands the gap in status.

       Matron is the Old Lady of Rongguo Mansion, the figure on the spire of the Pagoda of Rongguo Mansion. Their family is just Nucai, Erxi companion house in Rongguo Mansion. If Matron wants to run them to death, they must be run to death like ants.

       "The ancestors boasted that it is their blessing that the two children didn't squint your eyes." Lu Xiao said tremblingly.

       "Look at you as a mother, how can you have such a cold child of your own, I just look at it."

       Matron took cakes to Jiang Wanyin and Dabao to eat, and after a few more words, he asked Lu Xiao to take Dabao to another room. Lu Xiao gave Jiang Wanyin a worried look when he left.

       After Lu Xiao left with Dabao, Matron sent the others out again, leaving Matron, Big-Madam and Jiang Wanyin in the house.

       Matron took two strings of beads from the other side and handed them to Jiang Wanyin.

       "Good boy, look at these two beads and smell which one is smelly?"

        Jiang Wanyin looked at the two strings of beads he handed in front of him, and looked at Matron with ignorant and clear eyes.

       She knew in her heart that Matron was testing her.

       Sure enough, ginger is still hot.

       "Don't be afraid, kid, tell your ancestors which smells."

       When Matron saw Jiang Wanyin looking at her, he thought it was Jiang Wanyin who was afraid, so she pacified Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang Wanyin looked at the two bracelets again and said, "It doesn't smell. Neither of them smells."

       As soon as Jiang Wanyin finished speaking, Matron and Zhang-Shi looked at each other, then Matron put two strings of beads on the table and handed the other two bracelets to Jiang Wanyin.

       "Which of these two is smelly?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked up at Matron again and looked down at the bracelet behind her eyes. She stretched out her hand with short, white fingers to point to the bracelet on Matron's right hand and said without hesitation: "This is smelly."

       After speaking, Jiang Wanyin looked up at Matron, just to see the surprise flashing in Matron's eyes.

       "Good boy, go find your mother for a snack."

       Matron didn't say anything to Jiang Wanyin, so he called Maid in and asked Maid to take Jiang Wanyin to find Lu Xiao and Dabao.

       After Jiang Wanyin went out, Matron said:

       "I don't want this kid to have this ability."

       "Yes, it's really amazing in the world."

       "Let this child stay with you in the future. Then you have to persuade Xir, this matter must be tight-lipped, and you must never let others know about it, otherwise even our Rongguo Mansion will not be able to keep her."

       Matron spoke and glanced towards the palace. Zhang-Shi is a Di-Eldest-daughter carefully cultivated by everyone, and he immediately understood Matron's concerns.

       "The grand-daughterzi understands, the grand-daughterzi will definitely persuade her husband."

       "And your companion room, you have to shut your mouth. Tell her that if you want to live, you have to shut up. If you can't keep it, then the family doesn't have to stay."

       Big-Madam hesitated, she looked up and saw Matron's eyes, she said: "Grandmother, don't worry, grandmother knows what to do."

       Jiang Wanyin, who had been brought to Lu Xiao, naturally did not know what Matron and Zhang-Shi said after she left.

       Of course Jiang Wanyin had never thought of these things herself, and she didn't even know that she had actually done a very dangerous thing that might even kill their family.

       This is also because Jiang Wanyin's own thoughts and ways of thinking are still in her previous life without turning over. She hasn't seen the cruelty of this ancient feudal society, and she has never thought about how dangerous her ability would be if it were exposed.

       Thanks to the selfishness of Jia Lu Shi grandparents and grandchildren, they saved her and their Temper lives.

       Of course, if Jiang Wanyin has not changed her thinking and way of thinking, she will always suffer.

       After a while, Jiang Wanyin and her mother Lu Xiao were also called over.

       Matron sent his confidant Mama to Huaifang Yard to clean up. movement was not small, and Rongxitang knew about it this time.

       "Madam, Chunya, please see you."

       "Chunya, this meeting is here, what's the use? Tell her to come in."

       Chunya was arranged at Huaifang Courtyard by Jia History. purpose is to know about Huaifang Courtyard as soon as possible, but Chunya came to report this time. Jia History is asking Tai-yi to diagnose Big-Madam pregnancy for Jia She She finally found out about it and turned her anger into Chunya.

       "Nubi greets Madam."

       Jia History sits on the seat and looked down at Chun Ya, kneeling on the ground, without asking her to get up.

       "Chunya, do you remember what I did when I asked you to come to Huaifang Academy?"

       "Back to Madam, Nubi remembers that Madam asked Nubi to serve Big-Master and Big-Madam at Huaifang Academy. If there is anything for Big-Master and Big-Madam, he must report it to Madam as soon as possible..."


       Before Chunya talked, the cup in Jia History's hand had been smashed in front of her.

       "Huaifang Academy invited Tai-yi. Why didn't you report it to me for such a big thing? That's what you did? Huh?"

       "Madam. calm down, Madam calm down. It's not that Nubi deliberately didn't report it. It was Big-Madam who sent Nubi to buy fruit early in the morning, and Nubi just came back."

       "Madam, Nubi has something to report. As soon as Nubi returned to Huaifang Yard, I saw Lu Mama and Suqin's sister who were next to Matron moving in Huaifang Yard with many people. I don't know why."

       Chunya is clever, afraid that Jia History will punish her if she continues to tugging at the previous thing, so she quickly changed the subject. Sure enough, Jia History's attention was diverted.

       "You didn't ask them what they were going to do?"

       "Nubi asked. Nubi wanted to come in, but was stopped by Sister Shuyan. Nubi asked what was going on, and Sister Shuyan sent Nubi out without telling her."

       Although Chunya didn't ask anything or say anything, Jia History thought about it, and she couldn't help cursing.

       "Damn it, she is everywhere."

       "If you don't work well, three months will be fined. Go back."

       "Thanks Madam."

       Being fined Yueqian Chunya feels uncomfortable, but she feels lucky that she was not beaten.

       Chunya quickly got up and went out. After Chunya left, Jia History walked back and forth for a while and went out to Rongqing Hall.

       Rong Qingtang, Jiang Wanyin and Dabao waited for a long time before Lu Xiao came back. Her eyes were red and her face was pale and scary, but Jiang Wanyin was shocked.

       "Mother, what's the matter with you?" There was nothing wrong.

       Lu Xiao glanced at Jiang Wanyin, suddenly angry, and patted Jiang Wanyin with her hand.

       "You die Yato, I told you not to talk nonsense, you don't listen, you almost killed our family, do you know?"


       Jiang Wanyin was beaten up. This time, Lu Xiao didn't control her strength when shooting Jiang Wanyin. strength in shooting Jiang Wanyin was so great that Jiang Wanyin was very painful.

       Jiang Wanyin has not suffered anything in her two lifetimes. In her previous life, she was the treasure in the palm of her parents, and she had never suffered even grievances. Although she became a family member Nucai, her parents also preferred sons, but because she had always been clever and clever, and had never been beaten, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but jealous when she was suddenly big and beaten so hard. tears came down.

       "Mother? Don't call me, you die Yato, I told you not to listen.."

       Lu Xiao slapped Jiang Wanyin fiercely again, and Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but cried.

       "Quickly shut up."

       Jiang Wanyin's cry was not small, and Lu Xiao was afraid that Matron and Zhang-Shi would not let Jiang Wanyin cry. Dabao, who was blocked by Lu Xiao, started crying loudly after Jiang Wanyin cried, crying and calling Mei-Mei.

       "Sister Zhao, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

       Hearing the child's cry, Zhang-Shi sent Shufang to ask.

       "It's nothing. My two children have been together since they were young. If this doesn't happen, they will separate, and the two of them cried." Lu Xiao opened his eyes and said nonsense.

       "Hey, it's not that I won't see you in the future. When you ask for Big-Madam, you will often bring Dabao into the mansion in the future."

       "What Miss said is that Miss will take care of this naive Yato for me in the future."

       "Sister Zhao, don't worry, Big-Madam is the most merciful, and won't treat Luyin badly. Besides, don't you have the four of us to take care of? Don't worry."

       "Then I first thank Miss."

       "What else, you can say quickly, Big-Madam should call someone in a while."

       "Hey, I see, just say a few more words."

       After Shufang went out, Lu Xiao's smile when facing Shufang disappeared immediately.

       She looked at Jiang Wanyin with a serious face and displeasure.

       "Big girl, Big-Madam said to let you stay by her side and wait for you. You will stay in the house for a while and you don't need to go back with us."


       Jiang Wanyin was sobbing dumbfounded. This is for her to be on duty early.

       She thought that Zhang-Shi was a good servant, but she had to wait until she reached the six-year-old stipulated by the mansion before entering the mansion. She is only four years old now. A four-year-old baby basically doesn’t know anything about it. Zhang-Shi wants someone to serve but not to bring the baby. What do you keep her for?

       "Mother, I'm only four years old." Jiang Wanyin said aggrievedly while sobbing.

       She was only four years old, and her mother asked her to be a Maid waiter, her mother was so cruel.

       Jiang Wanyin felt aggrieved because of the beating, thinking it was because of her mother.

       "We are Nucai. Since the master wants us to serve, we can only serve the master, and the master doesn't care how old Nucai is."


       "It’s nothing but it’s not. Let me tell you, Big-Madam is the kindness of Big-Madam to keep you waiting for this grace. I have been by Big-Madam since I was a child, knowing that Big-Madam is a kind hearted person, you To stay by Big-Madam and serve you should do your best, watch more and think less about talking. Especially for things like today, if you encounter those unclean things in the future, you don’t know, don’t be with other people Speak in front of you."

       "Today is the kindness of the ancestors and Big-Madam, otherwise my father and I will not be able to keep you."

       "If you dare to talk nonsense anymore, it will cause your father and me to have a big treasure, we will not recognize you, you can understand."

       Lu Xiao was obviously angry with Jiang Wanyin because of what Jiang Wanyin did today. Originally, Lu Xiao was patriarchal, and he didn't like her daughter much. When Jiang Wanyin caused such a big event, Lu Xiao didn't like Jiang Wanyin's daughter even more in her heart.

       The tone and attitude of Jiang Wanyin's speech didn't seem to be to his young daughter at all, but he spoke like an enemy.

       Jiang Wanyin was stupid by Lu Xiao's words, she looked at Lu Xiao dumbly.

       She always thought that although her mother was patriarchal, it was her mother who loved her to some extent; but these words of her mother really chilled her, and felt wronged in her heart.

       At the same time Jiang Wanyin also realized that what she was afraid of today was really wrong.

       She began to reflect in her heart, and Lu Xiao was still chattering and telling her that the old couple would hurt her family.

       Until Shufang came again to ask Jiang Wanyin to pass.

       "You can understand what the mother said. From now on, you will follow Sister Shufang and take care of Big-Madam." Seeing that Shufang changed to a gentle expression in Luxiao and told Jiang Wanyin, she entrusted Shufang again: "Shufang Miss , Luyin will leave it to you."

       "Sister Zhao, don't worry. Big-Madam is so impressive, I'll take Luyin over. It's getting late, you also take Dabao back."

       Jiang Wanyin let Shufang take her out in a daze, but Shufang did not take her to see Zhang-Shi immediately, but took her to another room.

       After Shufang took Jiang Wanyin to leave, Lu Xiao also took Dabao and went home.

       Jiang Wanyin had been sitting in the room in a daze. She was thinking back and reflecting on today's affairs until Shufang called her again.

        "Matron, Erxi I heard that you sent someone to Huaifangyuan to clean up, but what's wrong with Huaifangyuan?"

       "If there is something wrong, you send someone to say Erxi and ask someone to clean it up, so why bother you."

       You must know that the plants and trees in Huaifang Yard were arranged by her personally before Lao-Da moved in. If there is something wrong in Huaifang Yard and Matron is so tortured and replaced, wouldn’t it be a blow to her? This is Madam's face.

       Jia History looked at Jia He and his wife who were sitting aside.

       "Or Lao-Da, you and Erxi don't like the layout of Huaifang Courtyard?"

       "If you don't like it, just come and tell me that, I will not stop you from cleaning up, why bother Matron. Matron is getting older, so why bother to make Matron worry about such small things."

       Jia History said something earnestly. At first, he was worried about Matron, but after thinking about it carefully, Jia He and his wife changed their expressions.

       Jia History accuses them of being unfilial. It is not filial to dislike what the mother gives; it is also filial to let Grandmother worry about oneself.

       Madam, this is changing the law and saying that they are not filial

       When Matron heard Jia History say that her grandson was not filial, Matron was unhappy.

       "It's not about pardoning children, old Pozi wants to clean up for them."


       Matron said that, Jia History was uncomfortable.

       "This Huaifang Courtyard was originally arranged by the subordinates. If it was the same as before, now She-Erxi is pregnant, but the original arrangement is not appropriate. Thinking of you, you have to take care of Zheng Er and the housekeeper has no time to spare. Heart, old Pozi, I also cleaned up for Xi Er in idle time."

       "The matter of Huaifangyuan, just leave it to Pozi, you don't need to worry about it."

       Matron really has nothing to do with it, and it must hit a hit.

       The words not only say that Jia History is Bias to the youngest son, but also mean that Jia History has the power to ignore Eldest-son, and a few words prevent Jia History from intervening in Huaifangyuan.

       Jia History was so angry that she was about to break her chest when she heard this, but she told her to endure it, but her face became slightly stiff and unnatural.

       "Matron, you care for Xi Er, and Erxi is at ease with you looking after Xi Er."

       "Whether it's not old Pozi, I will personally take care of it. You have nothing to worry about."

       Matron said and glanced at Jia History, and was dissatisfied with Erxi-Wife Jia History's preference for raising young children by herself but not the elder Sun Matron raised by her motherzi.

       Jia History Matron almost couldn't help turning her face with these words, she said with a stiff face:

       "Yes, what Matron said is that Erxi is relieved."

       Listening to Matron's words made Jia History resent Matron and cursed in her heart.

       Back then, I wanted to worry about She Er, but it was you, the undead who stopped her from letting She Er get close to my biological mother. If it weren't for you, the undead, how could our mother and son get to this point.

       She Er only landed that year, and my biological mother was taken away by you, immortal, before she even had time to look at it.

       Lao-Da is your biological mother, who is old and undead, how can you compare with the Zheng Er who I raised myself. Zhenger is pure filial piety, clever and easy to learn, how can Lao-Da, who has been raised by you, immortal, compare with my Zhenger.

       My Zhenger is smart and easy to learn, but 1st-Scholar talent, Lao-Da is just a waste of mixed food and drink, and it is also worthy of being on the same level as Zhenger.

       Thinking of this, Jia History saw Jia She's eyes with resentment.

       Jia History at this time has completely forgotten. Back then, she married Matron at Rongguo Mansion and let her be a steward. But she was not pregnant for a few years after marrying at Rongguo Mansion. She also killed several pregnant women with the help of stewardship. Concubine and Shu-son, it is precisely because of this that Matron seized her stewardship.

       Later, in the sixth year of marrying at the Rongguo Mansion, Jia History finally got pregnant. In order to get the right of housekeeping, she exchanged the child in her womb with Matron. After the son was born, he was raised by Matron, and she was given the right of housekeeping.

       Her own son was regarded as a bargaining chip by her, and now she pushed everything to Matron, not only resenting the motherzi, but also the son. This person is really selfish. In her opinion, she is always right and everyone else is wrong.

       It's just that Jia History has done a good job on the surface, and no one can see through her thoughts.

       Seeing Jia History, I would rest my mind, Matron stopped talking about this matter and brought up another matter.

       "You came just right. I have something to tell you. She-Erxi is pregnant, and she should give birth after the New Year. I asked two Little Yato to put it in She-Erxi first. Teach her and wait for She-Erxi to give birth to her brother and then transfer to her to serve."

       "Go and call the two Little Yato to meet Madam." Matron told Shufang. Soon after Shufang went out, he brought two Little Yato in. One of the two Little Yato was Jiang Wanyin. At this time, Jiang Wanyin was quietly looking at another strange girl.

       "Greetings to the ancestors. Greetings to Madam. Greetings to Big-Madam."

       Although the two were young, it was obvious that the family had taught the rules and bowed down to salute respectfully.

       "Get up."

       Thanks to Jiang Wanyin, the two talents stood up.

       "Matron, who are these two kids?"

       Jia History glanced at the two Jiang Wanyin, and felt that they were strange.

       "These two Little-Yato, the younger one is the daughter of She-Erxi companion room, named Luyin; the other is Lu Mama's granddaughter."

       Matron looked at Lu Mama's great-granddaughter and said, "Mayfair, you will be called Lufei from now on, just a pair of greenery."

       "Nubi Green Fei thanked her ancestors for giving her name." Green Fei is seven years old and sensible.

       "You two will serve by Big-Madam first."


       When Jia History heard of the two Maids selected by Matron, one was the daughter of Zhang-Shi companionship, and the other was Matron's granddaughter who married Maid, Jia History's face almost disappeared.

       Since knowing that Zhang-Shi was pregnant, she also wanted to arrange a few Maids at Huaifang Courtyard, but she didn't expect this old immortal to be the first.

       She was annoyed that Matron called her again.

       "These two Little-Maids will receive the second-class Maid's copy first, Shan Erxi, when you go back, send someone to send the two Maid's copy to Huaifang Courtyard."

       The matter was settled by Matron. From then on, Jiang Wanyin and Lufei were the second-class Little Maid of Huaifang Courtyard, and she was officially certified.

       When the matter was settled, Jiang Wanyin and Lufei were sent out. At this time, Jia History said again:

       "Erxi also has something to discuss with you Matron."

       Jia History suddenly curled his lips with a smile, but Zhang-Shi felt bad.

       "What's the matter? Come and listen."

       "Matron, the most important thing is that She-Erxi has a pregnancy and a baby now, but She-Erxi is pregnant and may not be able to wait for Xi Er. previous two Tongfang Maids were also released before Xi Er's wedding. Now she is next to Xi Er. I don’t have a caring person to wait on him. Do you think you can pick a Maid with a flat head and a more straight face from the mansion and put it in the childbirth home to wait for She Er."

       "Or does She-Erxi already have arrangements?"

       "Speaking of the several Maids around She-Erxi are also outstanding, even in the Rongguo Mansion, they are also top-notch, and it is enough to wait for Amnesty. She-Erxi, what do you say?"

       Jia History stared at Zhang-Shi while talking.

       Jia History is worthy of being the winner of the back house of Rongguo Mansion. He hit Zhang-Shi key with a single word, and Zhang-Shi paled immediately when he heard that.

       Jia History's remarks not only wanted to send someone to the Huaifang Academy to arrange Tongfang Shiqie for Jia She, but also to provoke Zhang-Shi relationship with her several Big-Maids.

       If several Maid from Zhang-Shi really have this mind, if you know what Jia History said, I'm afraid there will be some thoughts that shouldn't be born. It may even do something bolder, with irreversible consequences.

       Jia History's thoughts are not cruel to Zhang-Shi. No wonder Zhang-Shi face is so ugly.

       Zhang-Shi looked at Jia History, his lips moved, but he couldn't utter a word.

       Moreover, Jia History’s proposal to be a daughterzi Zhang-Shi couldn’t refuse, otherwise she would not be filial, so Zhang-Shi face would be so ugly.

       No woman would like her husband to have other women, especially when she is pregnant.

       Jia History does not like Zhang-Shi, not only because Zhang-Shi is the wife of her eldest son, but also because Zhang-Shi was selected by Matron for Jia She himself. You know, Jia History has a grudge against Matron.

       Jia History's proposal, if there were no such things before, Matron would not deny it. It was just that when those things happened, and thinking about Jia She said that Zhang-Shi fetal image was unstable, Jia History denied Matron's suggestion.

       "This issue.."

       "No need."

       Matron just found an excuse to reject Jia History's arrangement for Zhang-Shi, and Jia She, who was sitting next to Zhang-Shi, held Zhang-Shi hand and refused.

       "My son thanks Madam for his concern, but the Maid who is waiting is unnecessary. There are also a lot of Maids in Huaifang Courtyard. It does not mean that the Maids of the Grandmother and Taichung are good. Yes. It is enough for them to serve their son and Mingshu. If there are more, wouldn't the Huaifang courtyard be crowded."

       Jia She deliberately misinterpreted the meaning of Jia History. Jia History clearly stated that Tongfang Maid Shiqie was arranged for him, but he deliberately described it as a normal Maid.

       Hearing Jia's refusal, Jia History immediately felt that he had been beaten, and his face became ugly.

       Jia She is very clever. Seeing Jia History's face is ugly, he said:

       "The son knows that Madam loves his son, and the person whom Madam can admire must be good. son is looking for Madam to help. child in Ming Shu's womb should be born next April. Madam is also asked to pick a few clever Maids. At that time, put it next to your grandson."

       Rejecting Jia History and picking Tongfang Maid for him, Jia She asked Jia History to help him pick Maid for his child, which is also considered a step down to Jia History.

       Although she didn't achieve her goal, Jia She gave her a step down, and Jia History's face improved a lot. She was scrupulous about Matron after all.

       Seeing Jia History's face eased, Jia She turned his mind and said:

       "Madam, just now my son met 2-Didi in Rongxitang. By the way, 2-Didi is also fifteen years old. My son is already waiting in the house at 2-Didi age. My son also asks Madam for 2-Didi. A grace, if you are in a good match, your son will ask you for one for 2-Didi. 2-Didi is also big, there should be someone waiting in the house."

       After jumping into the siege made by Jia History with the so-called maternal love, Jia She really saw it more thoroughly, but Jia History didn't know it yet.

        Jia She turned the topic to Jia History's beloved son Jia Zheng, Jia History's attention was really diverted.

       Although Jia She's rejection of her arrangement made her unhappy, Jia History was reminded by Jia History that she finally remembered that her beloved second son is now fifteen, and there is not even a caring person around him. Jia History couldn't sit still anymore, and after a few words, he proposed to leave.

       Jia History didn't know, after she went out, Jia She looked at her background face with a bitter and sad expression.

       Zhang-Shi shook Jia She's hand at this time. Jia She looked back at her and saw her worried expression. Jia She smiled suddenly and felt relieved.

       He still has Ming Shu and Grandmother caring about him, that's enough, he can't worry both of her.

       Matron saw the expressions of the couple in his eyes and was satisfied in his heart. After thinking about it for a long time, he let the young couple go to rest.

       Jia She and his wife are temporarily living in Rongqingtang, or in the small courtyard where Jia She lived before.

       The young couple came out of Matron's house, Jia She carefully supported the pregnant Zhang-Shi.

       "I'm fine, Enhou, you don't need to be so nervous."

       Privately, the young couple named Zhang-Shi as Jia She's. Seeing Jia She's nervous look made her feel nervous.

       "I know."

       Jia She said, even though he tried hard to make himself less nervous, his slightly trembling hand revealed it.

       "You take a break first, I'll go back to Huaifang Courtyard to take a look."

       Jia Shecai said after sending Zhang-Shi into the room and sitting down.

       "Alright. Let Chen Mama go with you."


       Jia She took Chen Mama to leave, Zhang-Shi sent Shufang to ask Jiang Wanyin and Lufei to talk over, Zhang-Shi told them not to be afraid, and then asked Shufang to take Lufei down first, leaving Jiang Wanyin behind. .

       "Good boy, you helped me a lot today, I want to reward you, what do you want?"

       Zhang-Shi just asked, Jiang Wanyin hasn't answered yet. Ai-Miao is already messing up in her mind.

       "I want candy, I want candy... Fat girl, I helped you three times today, if you don't give candy, then I won't help you."

       Ai-Miao threatened proudly.

       Jiang Wanyin thought about it for a while, she will have to ask Ai-Miao for help in the future, and she should agree to Ai-Miao's request. I also thought that I am a four-year-old child now, and all children love to eat, so it should be such a request.

       "Sugar. I want sugar to eat."

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Big-Madam with longing eyes in his big watery eyes.

       "Want to eat sweets? Okay, then I will give you sweets."

       "A lot of sugar."

       "Okay. Just give you a lot of sugar."

       Jiang Wanyin took a small bag of candy awarded by Zhang-Shi with Shufang and led her to the house where she was temporarily staying. In the room, Lu Fei is already making the bed, and it seems that she will live with Lu Fei in the future.

       Shufang told the two to get along well and left before Jiang Wanyin smiled at Lu Fei.

       "Sister Lufei."

       "Are you Mei-Mei?"

       "Yeah. Sister Lufei ate candy, from Big-Madam."

       Jiang Wanyin generously opened the cloth bag and let Lu Fei take candy to eat, hoping that the candy could bring the two closer together. After all, Lufei is older than her, and she is also the great-granddaughter of Matron's confidant Mama Lu Mama, she can't afford to offend her.

       The two may live together for a long time, and Jiang Wanyin hopes that they can get along well.

       "Thank you Luyin Mei-Mei."

       Lufei took the candy and Jiang Wanyin also took one. two sisters Xiaojie looked at each other and laughed.

       In fact, only a half of the sugar in this bag was left, and the other half was given to Ai-Miao who couldn't wait by Jiang Wanyin while on the road.

       Perhaps it was because Luyin was too young, and Lufei had a good temperament and was taught by Lu Mama, but the two got along well.

       Jia She and his wife lived in Rongqing Hall for half a month, and Jia Daishan directly asked Anshi to mention it again and again, and Jia She and his wife moved back to Huaifang Courtyard. Jiang Wanyin and Lufei also moved to Huaifangyuan with Jia She and his wife.

       As for why Jia Daishan suddenly cared about this, Jia History’s pillow style is indispensable.

       However, after Jia She and his wife moved back to Huaifang Courtyard, in order to protect their little great-grandson, Matron also asked a doctor and a whole doctor to worship in the house.

       The doctor is a famous doctor in the capital, and the doctor woman is a middle-aged woman in her forties.

       Of course, there is also Jiang Wanyin's reason.

       Since knowing that Jiang Wanyin has special abilities, Jia She and his wife seem to plan to let Jiang Wanyin check everything that Zhang-Shi will come into contact with.

       After being beaten up by Lu Xiao and blaming her, Jiang Wanyin has been introspecting and gradually realizing how dangerous her actions are and may cause irreparable consequences for her. In fact, Jiang Wanyin was already regretting in her heart, so she was more cautious.

       Since Zhang-Shi asked Jiang Wanyin to check the food when Zhang-Shi was eating that day, Jiang Wanyin realized that this could not be done. If the daily inspections requested by the Jia She and his wife, she would not be exhausted.

       So when Zhang-Shi asked her to check the food, she still asked Ai-Miao to scan it again and found that the food was not poisonous but some ingredients were counterproductive. Jiang Wanyin regarded it as not knowing, and just said that it was not smelly.

       Lu Mama talked about the ingredients that were counterproductive and that pregnant women could not eat. Zhang-Shi asked Jiang Wanyin to check again, and Jiang Wanyin still said it was not smelly. After several days of trial and error, it was determined that Jiang Wanyin could only find poisonous things. Zhang-Shi was a little disappointed when he could not find edible but incompatible ingredients.

       Zhang-Shi didn't ask Jiang Wanyin to check every meal every day, especially after Matron hired a co-sponsored doctor, the food check was handed over to the doctor.

       Jiang Wanyin was only allowed to check when someone else sent something. Of course, Jiang Wanyin was not disappointed in checking for poisonous things. But she can only say whether it smells or not, and she won't say what it is.

       She wants to stay by Zhang-Shi and stay in Huaifangyuan, she must always show that she has usable value, otherwise she believes that if she is useless, Zhang-Shi will definitely anger her to leave the house.

       Nucai, a family student who was driven out of the house by his master, undoubtedly broke his life, and it would also affect his family.

       Her family in this life, she also knows that if she is really thrown out of the house, I am afraid that her parents will not tolerate her in this life, so she must stay in Rongguo Mansion and stay by Zhang-Shi; so she must use it the value of.

       But she also understands that she can't understand everything or too much, as long as it is needed is enough.

       Although Jiang Wanyin has little experience, she is smart. After being around Zhang-Shi for half a month, she has gradually realized that her previous way of thinking was wrong, and she knew that she was wrong in the beginning.

       She also understood Lu Xiao's anger when she was afraid of being implicated by her. She gave up the habit of thinking in her previous life, and gradually began to figure out how people thought about their faces, and learned to learn from other things and think twice.

       Because even doctors and doctors who work together cannot know all the poisonous things, her ability is still useful, so Zhang-Shi kept her by her side, and she also found a shelter in Huaifang Courtyard.

       Because they are still too young, they don't have to do anything to serve others, and they are second-class Maid, so they usually accompany Zhang-Shi to amuse them and say some innocent things to make Zhang-Shi happy.

       Especially Jiang Wanyin, who is clever and sweet, often makes Zhang-Shi happy. Zhang-Shi slowly let go of the grievances that Jiang Wanyin did not distinguish between Xiangke ingredients, and quite like Jiang Wanyin who is smart and sweet.

       Because Zhang-Shi was so happy, Jia She and Zhang-Shi naturally rewarded her and Lufei.

       In addition to coaxing Zhang-Shi to be happy, the other time is to learn the rules and how to serve people with Mama.

       Because of a lot of free time, Jiang Wanyin also learns to embroider clothes with a few Big-Maid Shufang, and secretly reads.

       Although she was literate in her previous life, all she could learn was simplified; now that the characters are all traditional, she has to learn from scratch; and she still learns to guess.

       After Zhang-Shi likes Zhang-Shi, it is good to be a errand at Huaifang Academy. Zhang-Shi knows that she likes to eat sweets and often rewards her with sweets. Of course, most of these sweets fall into Ai-Miao's mouth.

       Although the monthly money of the second-class Maid is half a buck, which is five hundred moneys. As soon as she received the monthly money, her mother came to ask Jiang Wanyin to give the monthly money to her mother. Jiang Wanyin stole two hundred moneys and only gave her three hundred moneys. Although it was indispensable to be beaten by her mother several times, Jiang Wanyin gritted her teeth.

       She was working as a errand by Big-Madam, and Lu Xiao didn't dare to go too far. Once called Lufei, Lu Xiao was beaten by Big-Madam. Later, although he still took three hundred moneys a month, he never hit Luyin.

       It's just that Luxiao doesn't want to see the greenery even more. When the greenery has a vacation, Luxiao does not take the greenery home. Luyin didn't even know that since she was a errand, Lu Xiao hadn't mentioned her at home. After a long time, the young Dabao gradually forgot that he still had a Mei-Mei.

       However, Jiang Wanyin's and Lulan's lack of love between mother and daughter was polished after being beaten several times.

       Of the two hundred moneys left every month, one and a half of them were bought for Ai-Miao's sugar, because Ai-Miao, the sweet-eater, has a reputation for sugar-eating but everyone in Huaifang Courtyard knows.

       In a blink of an eye, a year has passed. I heard that her mother was pregnant again. Jiang Wanyin gave her mother all the rewards she had received during the Chinese New Year. She thought it was the grace of rebirth.

       Several months have passed since April. Zhang-Shi suddenly started in the middle of the night. Shufang also dug out Jiang Wanyin from the bed, and Shufang took her to the delivery room.

       "Quickly, bring this Yato in."

       Jiang Wanyin, who had just woke up and was carried over in a daze, was ordered by Jia She to be carried into the delivery room again by Shu Fang.

       I don't know if Shufang and others were too loyal and didn't doubt that Jia She let her a little baby into the delivery room, but no one opposed it. In this way, Jiang Wanyin, a five-year-old baby, was taken to the delivery room for Zhang-Shi.

       When Jiang Wanyin heard Jia She's voice again, she immediately became sober. When she was taken into the delivery room and saw Zhang-Shi Zhang-Shi who was lying on the delivery bed with pale and sweaty face, Jiang Wanyin was shocked.

       She had only lived to be eighteen in her previous life and had never seen a woman give birth to a child. In this world, she has only lived to be five years old. Is it really good to let her a five-year-old baby go into the delivery room?

       Without waiting for her to think about it, the whole person was taken in front of Zhang-Shi. Zhang-Shi endured the pain, holding Jiang Wanyin's hand and said.

       "Good boy, my brother and I will leave it to you."

        "Hand in, leave it to me?"

       Jiang Wanyin was shocked.

       She is only five years old, and she can't deliver babies either. Why leave it to her.

       The pain from the hand made Jiang Wanyin unable to stop thinking about it, but Zhang-Shi, who was weak in the usual days, would have such great strength, and her grip must be lost.

       "You just stay here. If you find something dirty, tell Mama Chen."

       Chen Mama is Zhang-Shi milk Mama and Zhang-Shi confidant.

       After hearing that Jiang Wanyin understood what Zhang-Shi meant, Zhang-Shi wanted her to guard against those black hands.

       "Big-Madam don't worry, Nubi understands."

       Jiang Wanyin was arranged to stand at the door, staring at everyone who came in. Such an image reminded Jiang Wanyin of the security check for the funeral, and she was the security checker.

       In fact, Jiang Wanyin was also wondering that the only granddaughterzi of the Rongguo Mansion was Zhang-Shi. Zhang-Shi does not have any conflicts of interest now, and Jia She does not have Tongfang Shiqie now. Who on earth is Zhang-Shi? Shi is playing black hands.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't expect it to be Jia History. After all, she knew that Jia She was Jia History's own flesh and blood. No matter how Jia History could not act on her grandchildren.

       Jiang Wanyin thought of Jia Lian in the original book, so she never doubted Jia History. After all, Jia Lian is the son of Jia She and Zhang-Shi, and according to those red scholars, Jia Lian also has a motherzi; therefore, Jiang Wanyin has no reason to doubt Jia History.

       Of course, this is a family ugly to Jia She and his wife, and it is impossible for them to let the people know, especially Jiang Wanyin is still a child.

       Although Jiang Wanyin was skeptical and puzzled, she still stared at everyone who entered the delivery room with all her energy, and unexpectedly asked her to grab it.

       The two midwives were brought in by scholars, and Jiang Wanyin immediately smelled the smell of medicine. Ai-Miao didn’t need to help at all, because Jiang Wanyin found that her sense of smell was much better than normal after entering the Huaifang Courtyard.

       So even though the smell of medicine on the birth of the two midwives was concealed, even if the smell of blood in the delivery room was heavy, Jiang Wanyin still smelled it.

       "Chen Mama.."

       As soon as she smelled the medicine, Jiang Wanyin hurried to Chen Mama's side. Fortunately, there were so many people in the property, and she was small and she hid directly behind Chen Mama. Neither delivery Mama found her. She told Chen Mama what she had discovered, and Chen Mama was immediately furious.

       "Come on, drag them both out."

       Chen Mama pointed at the two midwives angrily.

       For the day of Zhang-Shi birth, Jia She and Huaifang Yard have prepared several drills. Chen Mama gave an order, and Maids outside immediately came in and dragged out the two midwives.

       "Oh, what are you going to do?"

       "Let go of me, you let me go..."

       "We are here to deliver Madam. What are you dragging us out for? You don't want us to deliver Madam. You are trying to harm Madam and Little gongzi..."

       "Help, kill, someone is going to kill Madam and Little Princess..."

       The two midwives Called in panic, but the Maid holding them remained unmoved and dragged them out.

       "Tie these two old stuff to me and gagged."

       Hearing the movement in the delivery room, Jia She had called the small servant male servant over long ago. When he saw someone being framed out of the delivery room, Jia She ordered the person to be tied up and gagged without a word.

       The doctors and doctors who shared the pension also rushed over, and the doctor really found something unfavorable for the mother in the two midwives. There is nothing poisonous or special, but it is a cause for the parturient, because the two people have fetal protective drugs hidden in their arms.

       This parturient is about to give birth, so she will bring the fetus medicine into the delivery room. This is not a real life. If they are really allowed to bring this fetal medicine into the delivery room, I am afraid that Zhang-Shi will end up with two lives.

       After waiting for a while, two new midwives arrived. Jiang Wanyin also checked that they were okay. With a midwife and a doctor woman looking after her, Jiang Wanyin doesn't need to worry about other things.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't know anything outside the delivery room in the delivery room, and was worried that Zhang-Shi would not have time to pay attention to things outside the delivery room.

       After learning that Zhang-Shi was launched in the middle of the night, Matron couldn't lie down anymore and asked someone to use a sedan chair to carry her to Huaifang Courtyard.

       "Xi Er, how is your Erxi?"

       "Grandmother, why are you here?"

       Jia She didn't expect Matron to come in person, and quickly got up and helped Matron to sit down.

       "Grandmother, don't worry, the doctor has given Mingshu to Mingshu. Mingshu is in good health and should be able to give birth smoothly."

       "That's good, that's good."

       After hearing that Matron was finally relieved. Immediately Matron discovered that Jia History was not asking Jia She again.

       "Where is your Madam, Madam hasn't come yet?"

       "Ming Shu launched in the middle of the night. Grandmother was afraid to disturb you and Lao-Ye Madam. So he didn't let you go to report. Unexpectedly, he still disturbed Grandmother."

       That means that Jia History has not come yet.

       It is true that Jia She didn't let people go to Rongqingtang and Rongxitang to report, but both Rongqingtang and Rongxitang had arrangements for people in Huaifangyuan, so naturally people would report the letter.

       Matron also knows that although Jia She explained, Matron is still upset that Jia History has not come.

       This Erxi is already giving birth, and the motherzi has not come yet. It is really unkind.

       However, apart from being unhappy, Matron also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Matron was guarding Jia History in his heart.

       Matron's face darkened when he saw the two tied up midwives.

       However, considering Zhang-Shi who was still giving birth in the delivery room, the midwife was not dealt with immediately.

       Jia History arrived just before dawn. And as soon as Jia History arrived, she took the initiative, blaming Jia She for not sending someone to notify her. Jia She could only say again what he didn't want to disturb.

       Although Matron was not happy that Jia History was late, he did not blame Jia History in public for the sake of Jia She's face.

       Zhang-Shi birth went smoothly, the sun rose, and when the sun hit the roof, the baby cried loudly in the delivery room.

       Jiang Wanyin was originally a little man, and was already dozing off most of the night due to lack of energy. Suddenly, he was startled by the baby's crying, and he immediately became sober.

       Hearing the baby's cry and listening to the doctor's pulse diagnosis that the baby is healthy, Jiang Wanyin was completely relieved.

       At the same time, outside the delivery room, Matron, who had suffered from the same lack of energy because of his old age, heard the baby's cry, and immediately became full of energy and got up from his seat with excitement.

       "Born, born!"

       Matron Called excitedly, but Jia She was taken aback and quickly got up to help Matron.

       Just then Lu Mama came out of the delivery room.

       "Gongxi Matron, Gongxi Madam, Gongxi Big-Master, Big-Madam gave birth to a brother, mother and child are safe."

       "Good, good." Matron said three in a row.

       The baby was born, and nothing happened to Jiang Wanyin next, so she took it back. Jiang Wanyin was too sleepy and tired, so he fell into bed and fell asleep.

       I even missed breakfast at noon. When Jiang Wanyin woke up again, she was awakened by Shufang again.

       "Greenery, quickly clean up, Big-Madam wants to see you."

       It turned out that Zhang-Shi had already woke up and wanted to see Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin woke up to find that she had actually slept until the afternoon, but it was because she was young and very useful, Zhang-Shi showed compassion to let her sleep well. Of course, it is also for better contribution.

       Now that Zhang-Shi woke up, to see her, naturally, no matter whether she was asleep or not, they would send someone to dig her out of the bed.

       Jiang Wanyin sighed again that there is really no human right to be a Nucai.

       Since entering Rongguo Mansion as a errand, she hasn't been asleep until she wakes up naturally.

       Sometimes she can't help but fantasize, hoping that she is the master and she doesn't need to be controlled by others.

       Hey, that's just thinking about it.

       Recognizing his fate, Jiang Wanyin got up and washed quickly, and then followed Shufang to see Zhang-Shi.

       Because Jiang Wanyin hadn't eaten for a whole day, Jiang Wanyin just saw Zhang-Shi bowing, and her stomach groaned with no respect. Jiang Wanyin was so small that he was pretending to be an adult, and immediately blushed when he was ugly.

       "Ha ha.."

       Zhang-Shi and Shufang laughed unkindly when they heard Jiang Wanyin's stomach ringing. Jiang Wanyin's face suddenly became redder, and they wished to retract their heads into their necks.

       "Okay, don't laugh anymore. When you laugh, the child will have his head retracted into his neck. Shufang, let someone go to the kitchen to pick up some pastries for the greenery to eat."

       "Thanks Big-Madam."

       When Jiang Wanyin heard something to eat, he immediately became happy. She made a mistake for breakfast and lunch. It would be almost an hour before dinner, so starving is uncomfortable.

       Zhang-Shi waved to Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin walked to the bed, Zhang-Shi reached out and touched Jiang Wanyin's head.

       "Good boy, thanks to you last night."

       "Big-Madam, Nubi did nothing, it's all the credit of Mama and sisters."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't dare to take credit, and the things other people did were equally important. Zhang-Shi had other contributions to the smooth production.

       "I know that your child is a good boy. I will remember all of them. I will also remember the merits of you. I and Big-Master will not treat you badly."

       This is a reward, Jiang Wanyin was delighted.

       Zhang-Shi gave birth to the eldest grandson of Rongguo Mansion, and the master of this mansion was very happy. Jia She rewarded the subordinates of Huaifang Courtyard for three months of monthly money, Matron rewarded Nucai for one month of monthly money, Jia Daishan and Jia History also rewarded one month of monthly money.

       In this way, she has been rewarded for half a year's monthly money. This has already made Jiang Wanyin very happy. Unexpectedly, there are foreign rewards now, Jiang Wanyin is even more happy.

       She immediately thanked her with joy.

       "Thanks Big-Madam."

       "I asked you to come here because I have something to tell you."

       When Jiang Wanyin heard the words, the joy in his heart was over. Sure enough, there was no free lunch, and the master's reward was not easy to take.

       "Big-Madam please give orders."

       Jiang Wanyin cleaned up and said respectfully.

       "According to Matron's arrangement before, you and Lufei prepared Maid for Big-Geer. Previously, they were just next to me to tune-teach. Now Big-Geer is also born. From now on, you and Lufei will be next to Big-Geer. Big-Maid. You won’t have to come to serve me again in the future. From now on, you and Lufei will come to serve Big-Geer."

       "Luyin, I know your kid is clever and sensible, you know what I mean. I'll leave Big-Geer to you today. You must take good care of Big-Geer for me."

       Zhang-Shi stared at her while holding Jiang Wanyin's hand and said.

       "Big-Madam, Nubi is still young, Nubi can't even take care of herself..." Is it really okay to let her a five-year-old child take care of a newborn baby?

       Zhang-Shi did not listen to her and interrupted her.

       "Others have their own Mama to take care of. You just need to protect them from getting those dirty things close to your brother. You understand."

       Jiang Wanyin was stunned for a moment, knowing that Zhang-Shi would not give her a chance to refuse.

       She originally wanted to be like her mother and waited by Zhang-Shi until she was eighteen years old, and then begged for grace to let her marry into the homes of ordinary people and become ordinary people.

       Only now did she understand that when she said that Zhang-Shi was pregnant and exposed the poison of Zhang-Shi bracelet, she had ruined her original plan. At this moment, she realized that it would be even more difficult for her to leave Rongguo Mansion in the future because of her'special ability

       Thinking of Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but feel depressed.

       It's just that she didn't dare to show it. After working in Huaifang Academy for nearly a year, she already knew Zhang-Shi and Jia She more or less. If she insisted on leaving Rongguo Mansion, she would only have a dead end.

       If you can't refuse, you can only accept it.

       Forget it, take one step and count one step. Plan things slowly for the future.

       "Yes. Nubi listens to Big-Madam you arrange."

       "That's fine. From now on you will be Maid next to Big-Geer."


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