Pen Pals 175

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       The commander Zhao's disdain, Gu Yu naturally saw it.

       She is a martial artist, with a firm mind. In the past few years, I have been with Zhu Yuan, and my temper has been affected by Zhu Yuan.

       Apart from other things, the eyes of others have always been something Zhu Yuan cares about. Otherwise, how can these things appear in Zhu Yuan?

       Therefore, Commander Zhao disdainfully turned to disdain, and Gu Yu didn't pay any attention to it, turning his head and going on busy.

       Commander Zhao saw that this group of ladies were only busy by the pool, and simply didn't pay attention to them—they didn't have time to pay attention.

       He now retreats to Zuo Riju, and his defense pressure is suddenly reduced.

       The original guards who defended Zuo Riju stayed in place. He had to split the personnel he had brought and arrange various defensive measures.

       Blocking the door, patrolling, hitting back yes, hitting back.

       He wants to guard Wangfu, naturally it is impossible to passively block the door. Destroying the opponent's power is also a way of guarding.

       He had prepared many bows and crossbows long ago, and hundreds of arrows were prepared, just waiting for this moment.

       After all, the wall of Juoriju’s courtyard is not Wangfu’s outer wall. height is limited. As soon as he arranged it, people started to climb the wall outside.

       Zhao Tongling smirked and Called: "Shoot!"

       The sound of cracking air.

       A dozen arrows with fire light flew towards the courtyard wall.

       The women who were busy by the pool heard the Calls before they could clearly see the figure on the courtyard wall.

       Then came a loud bang and anger.

       The outside was noisy and chaotic, but the yard suddenly quieted down-the women were a little scared when they faced this life-and-death confrontation for the first time.

       "What are you doing in a daze? Burn it quickly!" Gu Yu, who was busy moving the firewood, saw that they were motionless as soon as he looked up, and immediately scolded, "The enemy has hit the front, let's go faster."

       Everyone recovered: "Yes!"

       "Get out of the way!" Several eunuchs came over carrying a huge thing that looked like a large iron bucket, while the other eunuchs in the back carried thick and long pipes.

       "Gu Yu Miss, is it possible to put this thing here?"

       Gu Yu put down the firewood in his hand, clapped his hands, and said, "Try to lean against the courtyard wall as long as the pipe is long enough."


       As soon as the eunuchs were busy, they placed the iron bucket between the pool and the courtyard gate. A large funnel was connected to the top of the barrel, and a pipe was extended to the courtyard gate on one side.

       There is also a smaller tin bucket attached to the front of the big bucket.

       "Okay!" As soon as the things were connected, the eunuch hurriedly called Gu Yu.

       Gu Yu had brought some water and waited aside: "Try using pool water first, it won't be good if it leaks."

       "Let's do things, Miss, don't worry." eunuch patted his chest, "We have installed this thing several times, and we can't go wrong."

       "Try and be careful."


       As a result, Zhao Tongling, who had just stopped another strong attack, suddenly heard the sound of water splashing behind him.

       He turned his head back quickly, staring at the Little-girl who was holding the pipe to discharge the water, and said angrily: "What are you messing up with?" He has to fire his arrows, and Yato is still watering it? Didn't you trouble him?

       Gu Yu was watering the flowers and trees on both sides of the path, and was suddenly yelled, stunned, and went back: "What's the matter with you?" Turned his head and left, "Closed, check to see if there is any leakage. ."

       "Yes!" two eunuchs carefully glanced at the black-faced Zhao Tongling, and quickly retreated after Gu Yu.

       Zhao leads: ..

       "Commander, they are here again!"

       Commander Zhao retracted his gaze and looked at the courtyard wall in the dark with a calm face.

       The arrow with fire was shot again.

       The arrow also stabbed the wall and others accurately.

       But this time, these people only paused for a moment, and then one after another, braving the arrows of Mars, they dropped—these people actually used twigs and canes as a shield.

       "Kill!" Commander Zhao clenched the knife and Called in a deep voice, "No one is allowed to run away."

       "Yes!" the guards Called.

       Soon, the enemies who came over were beheaded to death by the guards.

       The situation calmed down again.

       "Commander, what should I do? Rockets have been deterred."

       Commander Zhao shook his head: "Nothing, the Rockets can stop for a while."

       "Then we have so many arrows left...?"

       Commander Zhao touched his chin and said, "Don't waste it. Next, we should fight back—"

       "Get out of the way!" A scolding came from behind the two.

       Then, I saw the Yato named Gu Yu, carrying a long, soft pipe passing in front of him, standing under the courtyard wall, and standing in front of the guards guarding the wall.

       Commander Zhao frowned and was about to speak——

       "Open the gate!" Gu Yu Called.

       The eunuch standing in front of the small iron bucket immediately began to press hard.

       Commander Zhao didn't pay attention, he only stared at Gu Yu, planning to see what she was going to do.

       This Yato seems to have something on his shoulders, and his hands are also wearing coarse cloth gloves. And the pipe on her shoulder, except for the part she is holding in her hand, the rest is still lying softly

       In the next instant, the tube suddenly became solid and straight.

       Water jets shining shattered light gushing out of the pipe, over the courtyard wall, and sprayed out.

       "what "

       "It's hot—ah—"

       There was a miserable howl outside the wall.

       Zhao Tongling was stunned, and turned his head to look at Gu Yu, then followed the tube on her shoulder, and looked at the big iron barrel not far away—

       Buckets of boiling hot water were carried to the top of the vat-a funnel was set up on the side of the vat, and the eunuchs and servants cooperated to pour the hot water from the funnel above the vat.

       So, the hot water sprayed out of the pipe is just boiling water?

       Listening to the miserable noise outside, Zhao Tongling was silent.

       After all, the hot water is active and visible, and people outside soon escaped from the hot water area.

       Gu Yu yelled: "Stop!!"

       The pressing eunuch immediately released, and the hot water also stopped.

       Gu Yu put down the tube with a grin, "It's burnt to death!"

       Commander Zhao walked over and took a closer look at the tube that had resumed its softness again. It's not fabric, it's a material that has never been seen before.

       If it weren’t for the tube body was still hot, he couldn’t believe that this soft tube could carry hot water, and its power was not small..

       He looked at Gu Yu in surprise: "What is this?"

       Gu Yu grinned: "This is the water delivery device placed in the bath pool!" She akimbo, "Well, it's much better than your rocket?"

       Rockets can be blocked with Girl cane, but boiling water can't stop them.

       Zhao Tongling was convinced: "Really."

       Gu Yu clapped his hands: "Okay, this hot water equipment is handed over to you, I am going to prepare for the next one."

       Zhao leads: ..

       Well, such a hot thing is really not suitable for Jiao Didi Miss's home.

       With this hot water spraying device, Zhao commander is even more powerful, and the rockets and hot water are fired in turn, beating the enemy outside for a long time and dare not move forward.

       He did not take it lightly and handed the courtyard gate to a competent captain. He personally led people to start patrolling along the wall roots. Together with the original patrol team, he swept away many enemies who tried to touch in from other courtyard walls.

       However, waves of attacks kept popping up everywhere, even if they trained all the year round, their tight nerves still made them exhausted.

       They felt that most of the night had already passed. In fact, it had only been more than an hour since the rebels attacked Su Wangfu. At this time, they were just entering the age.

       On the cold autumn night, the clothes on the back of Zhao Tongling's chest were soaked.

       Just after repelling another wave of attacks, he wiped off his sweat and said with a hoarse voice: "Go on. Hold on again, Wangye should have news soon."


       The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, Zhao Tongling's expression stunned, grasping the big knife in his hand, and quietly greeted him——

       "He!" Gu Yu, who carried the basket on his back out of the corridor, was shocked.

       “Are you silent when you walk?"

       Zhao leads: ..

       "Okay, okay, I'll see you. We are here to give you something to eat and drink." She untied the basket, opened the cotton cloth, took out the big steamed bun and handed it over, "Hurry up and take a break."

       Commander Zhao frowned: "How can we have time to eat and drink, we have to patrol——"

       "We are here, what are we afraid of!" Gu Yu waved his hand, "Do it."


       Under the surprised gazes of the guards, the servant wives dug out things from the back baskets and laid them carefully under the courtyard wall.

       This is the rear side of Juoriju. Except for the lanterns hanging on the corridor, the other light sources are gone. Standing on the courtyard wall is even more shadowy. If you don't approach, you can't see what they are laying.

       With the hot water device in front, Commander Zhao didn't dare to look down upon them now. He came over and looked at them carefully before he said, "This is needle felt?"

       Gu Yu chuckled and said in a low voice: "Yes."

       "Why do you get these needles?" These faintly shining needles are thick and long, and they are definitely not the usual embroidery needles.

       "This is a thick needle for shoes."

       Oh. Zhao commanded clearly: "There are other places too?"

       Gu Yubai gave him a glance: "Do you treat us as a needle shop in Juoriju? Where can so many shoe needles come from?"

       "That..." Zhao commander scratched his cheeks, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

       Gu Yu understood: "Don't worry, there are traps elsewhere. Our house is not only needles." There are also small embroidery needles, disassembled scissors, daggers, fruit knives, kitchen knives.. They even have flower racks over there. All the bamboo poles are cut off.

       Of course, she didn't elaborate, only a few words.

       After hearing this, Commander Zhao sighed lightly, and said sincerely, "Thanks!"

       ".." What to say, she is also a member of Su Wangfu! Gu Yu was speechless, and stuffed the steamed buns into his hands, "Eat yours, so much nonsense." After that, he started to send steamed buns to the guards behind him.

       After guarding the middle of the night, it was all manual labor, and these guards were indeed a little hungry. Commander Zhao nodded, and everyone stood there and started eating buns.

       Naturally, there is no water, but they are used to it when they are training outside, and there is no reluctance at all.

       Commander Zhao didn't dare to be distracted while eating the buns. He watched all directions and listened to all directions. At the same time, he asked her casually: "How dare you run around?"

       Gu Yu grinned, raised his hand, showed him the bamboo tube tied to his wrist, and said, "We have this."

       Zhao commander concentrated, and said in surprise: "Xiujian?"

       "Yes. Although it's just a bamboo arrow, it should be fine to hurt people."

       Commander Zhao is really convinced this time: "You are too good."

       Gu Yu lifted his chin: "Of course, Wang Fei said, women can hold up half the sky!"

       Zhao leads: ..


       The guards, women, and eunuchs all mobilized together to completely stop the Ning Wangjun who had encircled them from Juoriju.

       When entering Chou, the other party seemed to suddenly become anxious, concentrated on attacking the gate of Juoriju, and the more people climbed up the ladder.

       At this time, the arrows and firewood had already been consumed, and Zhao Commander had someone put up a bow and arrow, and personally led people to climb up to fight with the enemy.

       Women, children, and eunuchs took the injured guard aside, washed, applied medicine, and bandaged...

       The two sides were smashing together, and a group of soldiers carrying torches suddenly poured into the outside—the guards!

       When they came in, they rushed towards King Ning Bing to kill.

       Upon seeing this, Zhao Commander immediately led his people to jump off the courtyard wall and join the battle.

       When King Ning saw the guards, he knew that the situation was not good. In addition to the huge disparity in military strength, the leader of the team surrendered immediately without saying a word.

       Commander Zhao went back again and found Gu Yu, who was waiting nervously, and said, "The Guards have arrived, keep Wangfu safe, and go quickly to ——"

       "It's great!" Gu Yu's tears welled up, "It's great—oooooooo—"

       Zhao leads: ..

       The other women and Miss also sobbed.

       That's it. Commander Zhao sighed secretly. These women, who have seen such a scene, can hold on to crying until now, it is already very good——

       "Give birth!" A Little-Maid rushed out from inside carrying a skirt, "Wang fei was born!!"


       In the temporary delivery room, Zhu Yuan has been cleaned up, lying on the bed refreshingly.

       I heard that the imperial guards had arrived and the outside was already safe. She didn't care about anything else, and asked the situation first: "Are there casualties?"

       Across the screen, the red-eyed Gu Yu said: "Commander Zhao said that four brothers Didi died, there were nine serious injuries, and twenty-eight minor injuries. There were no casualties on Nubi."

       Zhu Yuan was stunned for a while, and said: "I see, you have worked hard."

       Speaking gently and slowly, Gu Yu whimpered again.

       Zhu Yuan sighed: "Next, I will let Xia Solstice deal with it. You can go and rest as soon as possible. After tossing for so long, you must be exhausted.."

       "Thanks Wang fei for being sympathetic, this is what Nubi should do." Gu Yu kowtow.

       Zhu Yuan, after all, just finished giving birth, she waved her hand tiredly and asked Xu Mama to persuade people to go down.

       Turning her head, she stared at the baby monkey in the baby beside her.

       After a long while, she said again: "Come here, prepare paper and pen."


       The palace, the imperial study room side hall.

       This side hall is not big, except for Xi Zheng, who is still sitting in the middle with blood on his body, there are only a dozen tall eunuchs guarding the doors and windows.

       It seemed to be protecting him, and it seemed to be guarding him.

       Across the wall is the Imperial Study Room.

       Although it was midnight, the important ministers of the DPRK were already next door.

       Vaguely, some excited voices could be heard.

       Xi Zheng's eyelids are half-closed, as if closing his eyes and resting.

       Secretly, he kept staring at the copybook on the opposite wall—the mansion did not know what was going on.

       He just risked his death and begged his father to send troops to rescue him. He must be safe now?

       I don’t know if Yuanyuan will be frightened, what's the situation now——


       Ink words slowly appeared on the copybook.

       It's Yuanyuan! Xi Zheng is overjoyed. Now that I can write, is it safe to report?

       Familiar ink characters slowly emerge:

       Xi Gougou is a bit ugly

       Xi Zheng: ..

Chapter 176 | Go shopping  

       Although Zhu Yuan was disgusting, Xi Zheng understood that their child was born.

       He was overjoyed first, then furious. Zhu Yuan was frightened? His thoughts flew, and his big palm on the armrest instantly clenched into a fist.

       The eunuchs who were guarding everywhere were paying attention to him, and they suddenly tightened their nerves. A younger one even bent down to prepare for an attack.

       Xi Zheng regained consciousness, but it was not because of them, but Zhu Yuan writing again.

       Knowing him for many years, Zhu Yuan naturally knows what he will think, and slowly tells the situation tonight.

       I first reported the safety, and then explained that today’s birthday was just a coincidence. Finally, I briefly introduced the defense and casualties tonight.

       She has just given birth, and her body is still a little weak, and her writing is slow.

       Xi Zheng noticed it.

       He raised his hand, and under the tense gaze of the eunuchs, he lightly pressed on the placket of his shirt-there was a veil embroidered by Zhu Yuan himself.

       Zhu Yuan has never liked needlework, and occasionally embroiders a few stitches just to make something new.

       There are only a few pieces of veil, but she did it only after he asked for it around.

       According to her words, the veil is to be used. Too many embroidery patterns make the fabric less soft and comfortable. Naturally, the less the better.

       If so, the few veils she made were embroidered with only one or two bamboo leaves, one or two plum blossoms and so on in the corners. They were very plain.

       Xi Zheng disliked it on face, and still couldn't put it down in his heart. He had to take it every day when he went out. It was fine in summer. In winter and rain, he didn't wash it for a long time, forcing Zhu Yuan to embroider better.

       At this time, thinking of Zhu Yuan's hard work to give birth to his child, but also to support him to give him peace...he felt sore.

       Even the gloom that was suspected by Emperor Chengjia and the disgust of being guarded by a bunch of eunuchs disappeared without a trace.

       Zhu Yuan was too tired, so he briefly explained the matter a few words, and left him with the sentence "Hope to return", and then put up his pen.

       When the ink on the copybook slowly faded, Xi Zheng looked back.

       Knowing that Zhu Yuan is safe, he feels relieved.

       His eyes fell on the nearby eunuch.

       The eunuch was nervous.

       Xi Zheng knocked on the armrest: "Where is the tea?" Emperor Chengjia only asked him to wait here, but he didn't say that he was not allowed to drink tea.

       Eunuchs: ..

       Xi Zheng glanced coldly.

       The eunuch gave a joke and immediately went to make tea.

       Therefore, when Emperor Chengjia finished his work, he remembered that this son was still in the side hall, and when he came to look for him, he saw that he was just enjoying tea in his spare time.

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Unfilial son! !

       Xi Zheng didn't feel nervous at all when he saw him, put down the tea cup and saluted him slowly.

       Emperor Chengjia came in with a black face and didn't Call, and cursed at the beginning: "You're so carefree, what's the mess outside, you still have the face to drink tea!?"

       Deshun and Deqing, who followed him in, waved to the eunuch in the room to retreat.

       On the other side, Xi Zheng saw Emperor Chengjia doing this, stood up and calmly said: "Er-chen is just a small official in the Ministry of Rites, and no matter how chaotic outside, Er-chen can't control it. In his position, Er-chen chen Why bother?"

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       "You can't control? Are you not bothering?" He was so angry that he kicked his feet.

       “That's you 2-Brother! Are you not bothering? You unscrupulous bastard!" He became angry and even scolded himself accidentally.

       Xi Zheng did not move: "Er-chen remembers 2-Brother, and 2-Brother may not remember Er-chen." At this moment, the person who went to sue Wangfu should have returned to report the letter, he did not believe in Emperor Chengjia. .

       Emperor Chengjia was speechless.

       "Father, since the next thing has nothing to do with Er-chen, can Er-chen return to the house?"

       ".. Who said it has nothing to do with you?" Emperor Chengjia's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, "If it weren't for you "

       If not Xi Zheng, what? He can't go on.

       This matter really has nothing to do with Xi Zheng.

       The sons are getting older and their ambitions are gradually revealed. In addition, Xi Zheng has acted quite well in his mind over the years. In order to prevent his sons from killing each other, he released the news a few months ago, meaning Xi Zheng.

       Lao-Da and Lao-Si have all died down one after another, but I did not expect Lao-Er to...

       To do such a big rebellion.

       Emperor Chengjia's face was gray, and he sits down on the chair: "It really has nothing to do with you..."

       Xi Zheng was silent.

       The room became quiet.

       A night breeze rushed into the open door of the temple, and the candlelight flickered.

       It was a good Mid-Autumn Festival Night Banquet. In the end, something like this happened, and Emperor Chengjia didn't know where to start.

       This autumn has a bumper harvest in Dayan's grain fields, people are prosperous, and business is prosperous.

       He had planned to take this Mid-Autumn Festival banquet to celebrate Zhu, and then announced that Xi Zheng would be the agent of the government next month, and he would personally tour the south..

       Before there was time to speak, something went wrong.

       Soldiers rushing in from nowhere surrounded the banquet place, and even the eunuch who was serving him took out a sharp knife and rushed straight at him.

       At the time of crisis, Xi Zheng came faster than his dark guards, making a few sharp moves, snatching the eunuch's sharp blade and beheading him on the spot.

       At the same time, many eunuchs and court ladies around Prince's emperor did not know where to take out their swords and stopped these soldiers outside and protected them.

       Then, the Janissaries came quickly.


       too fast.

       The rebels have been prepared for a long time, needless to say, why do those palace eunuchs have weapons in their hands? Why did the Janissaries come so quickly?

       Emperor Chengjia stared at Void in a daze, and asked softly: "When did you know the arrangement tonight?"

       Xi Zheng looked down: "Half a month ago." Naturally, he couldn't tell the truth.

       ".. Really?" Emperor Chengjia didn't ask why he didn't report to himself-so what? How dare to tell such things easily?

       He didn’t want to ask, but Xi Zheng explained directly: “Unless the father is in 2-Brother in the future, this chaos will happen sooner or later. Even if it’s not you, it’s the other brother Didi. It’s better to let him be yours. Walked in your hand." It could save his life anyhow.

       Which brother Didi changed, couldn't tolerate the powerful, ambitious, and constantly jumping man like Xi Yu.

       How can people sleep soundly on the side of the couch? Death is light.

       "..." Cheng Jiadi was silent.

       Thinking of Xi Yu's poisoned eyes, he closed them weakly.

       Suddenly, he seemed a lot older.

       Xi Zheng sighed secretly and said: "This matter, Er-chen should not be mixed, and the father needs to personally examine it."

       Emperor Chengjia did not move.

       Xi Zheng thought for a while, and handed over: "It's late at night, my father rests earlier, and Er-chen will leave first."

       Emperor Chengjia frowned without raising his eyes: "What is the hurry, speak with me."

       Xi Zheng euphemistically said: "It's late at night, and my father is getting older, so I should rest earlier."

       Emperor Chengjia snorted: "I'm not old enough!" How can he sleep peacefully after such a big event?

       Xi Zheng had no choice but to honestly say: "Yuanyuan will be born in the next few days. If something like this happened today, Er-chen has to go back and have a look." He naturally knows that Zhu Yuan has already given birth, so he can be Cheng Jiadi. I don't know if he knows, he can only say that.

       "..." Emperor Chengjia sits up crying, "I forgot, they just came to report, Yuan Yato seems to be born."

       Xi Zheng paused and bowed: "Er-chen leave." After speaking, he smeared the soles of his feet and slipped away.

       An excuse to give it to the door, when will you not go at this time? Besides, he was indeed anxious to go back.

       Emperor Chengjia, who was hit by his second son and abandoned by his third son: ..



       King Ning forced the palace and shocked the court and the opposition.

       Emperor Chengjia immediately deprived him of the title of King Ning and assigned him to Luobei, and was banned for the rest of his life; Ning-Wang fei and his children were also banned; Xian-fei took the fei seat and entered the cold palace, and he would never get it.

       Participating in the rebellion, Xining Army Qiu 1st-Commander, and Commander Huang of the Wucheng Bingmafu ransacked his family. Officials from the same party as King Ning were dismissed, demoted or banished..

       At the same time, the imperial guards, eunuchs, and maids were purged.

       The forced palace incident disturbed the ups and downs of the capital. In order to thoroughly investigate the power of King Ning, and to show fairness, Emperor Chengjia directly ordered you to open the palace Prince without calling.

       This investigation lasted nearly three months.

       It is not known how other Wangfu is. Su Wangfu has enough food. Apart from the need to purchase meat, vegetables and firewood, the whole government really did not go out.

       But everyone is happy.

       Because on the night of the imperial palace, everyone had a good job in guarding the palace, and the rich woman Zhu Yuan waved a big hand and directly gave a large reward to the whole government.

       Before everyone was happy, Xi Zheng came back, kissed Zhu Yuan, and saw his dog son-ah, his chubby son, in a good mood, and immediately made up for another reward.

       Together, it is more than their half-year salary.

       Everyone rejoiced naturally.

       Not to mention, due to the cooperation that night, several young couples were formed, including Big-Miss Gu Yu beside Zhu Yuan.

       Speaking of it, it was Zhao Tongling who personally begged Xi Zheng for a kiss, and Zhu Yuan knew that this guy was not even married yet.

       However, his parents are no longer unattended, and since they have been serving in the palace a few years ago, it is indeed difficult to find someone..

       Although he was older, Zhu Yuan happily married Gu Yu after asking about Gu Yu.

       In addition to these, the two couples closed the door and enjoyed a leisurely time.

       Especially Xi Zheng.

       He can't even remember how many years he has not rested like this.

       At the beginning, he cautiously met with his staff to discuss.

       A month later, he began to go to the front yard study for half a day every day.

       Two months later, he simply let the staff have a holiday.

       And he is concentrating on staying with Zhu Yuan å doll in Juoriju.

       Their child, the big name Xi Hongye, is certainly not a dog, but a bun.

       Two or three-month-old children are still young, and besides eating and sleeping, they only babble when they wake up.

       According to Xi Zheng's idea, the child has Wet-nurse and Maid with him, so why bother.

       Zhu Yuan did not, except for rest at night, she would not leave her body at other times-if it were not for Xi Zheng's refusal, she would probably be by her side even at night.

       She even breastfeeds herself.

       When Xi Zheng found out, he was shocked. Zhu Yuan immediately grabbed him and began to popularize the way of parenting. He was dizzy.

       However, after years of meeting, he has long been accustomed to knowledge of Zhu Yuan that came from nowhere, and seeing her pledged, he just let it go.

       It's just that, every time he thinks that his nasty son would dare to touch Zhu Yuan.. At night, he can't help tossing Zhu Yuan a few times.

       After giving birth, and still sitting for more than one month of confinement, Zhu Yuan's body shape is a lot plump, and Xi Zheng always wants to stop.

       Within a few days of the slimy days, the matter of King Ning finally settled.

       The two of Xi Zheng just breathed a sigh of relief and planned to start dealing with the things accumulated in the past few months. Before they had time to act, guests came from the mansion——

       Emperor Chengjia teased the babbling little baby, let people hug it, squinted his eyes and thanked Zheng, and said, "It seems that you have had a good life this time, you are still fat."

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Father Huang Shuzun came to Su Wangfu, did he come to tease him?

       Zhu Yuan lowered his head and smiled.

       Emperor Chengjia gave a light cough and turned to the subject: "I heard that your Zhuangzi is quite lively. It just so happens that I am free today, and I will take me to go shopping."

       However, it was not seen in March, and the frost on the temples of Emperor Chengjia became heavier.

       The emperor, who was originally majestic and majestic, now has his eyebrows furrowed and his expression gloomy. Then he took off his dragon robe and changed into casual clothes, as if he was just looking for Chang Lao-tou.

       Xi Zheng sighed.

       It's just that Xi Yu's incident has just passed, and there may be remnants of it jumping outside. Emperor Chengjia is still too risky to travel at this time.

       Therefore, he frowned slightly: "Recently, the emperor should go back to the palace."

       Emperor Chengjia was angry: "What is the chaos? I am the emperor of Dayan. Who else can chaos on me?" After glaring at him, "Also, what I am going to is your Zhuangzi, and you are even a Zhuangzi. Is it not well managed?"

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Okay, Lao-tou is hard to serve even when he gets angry.

       He was helpless: "Okay, then Er-chen go and change clothes—"

       Emperor Chengjia was not angry: "I wear casual clothes, what do you change?"

       ".. All right." Xi Zheng sighed, turned around and told Zhu Yuan, "I'm going out, I don't need lunch—"

       "Yuan Yato will go together." Chengjia Emperor interrupted him, "I heard that many of your Zhuangzi things were made by Yuan Yato. If she doesn't go, who will explain to me?"

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Zhu Yuan was slightly surprised, looked at him, then at Emperor Chengjia, hesitated and said: "But, Hong Ye is still young, Erxi can't get away..."

       Emperor Chengjia frowned: "Why are you so inked when you go out? Just take Hong Ye out together."

       Xi Zheng&Zhu Yuan: ..

       Okay, he is Lao-Da and he has the final say.

       There is no need to pack up the luggage. People go to pack a few clothes and diapers swaddling Xi Hongye, and the group set off.

       Emperor Chengjia went out this time in a light car micro suit, and even the guards wore low-key casual clothes. If it weren't for people familiar with the situation in the palace, ordinary people didn't even know that this was a guard dress, let alone that the horse-drawn carriage surrounded by it was Emperor Dayan.

       The group left the city gate low-key and went straight to Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Capital City.

       The capital is the center of Dayan, not to mention the inside of the capital, even the land in the suburbs of Capital City is very expensive. Back then, Xi Zheng didn't have much money in his hands, so he tried his best and only bought a small village in the outer suburbs.

       That's it, I took Prince's identity from a rich gentleman. Otherwise, those who can buy a dealer in the outskirts of Capital City will not have the money to sell the dealer.

       In any case, Xi Zheng's Zhuangzi, in Prince, and even in other Fu-Noble houses, has a small area.

       No matter how small it is, it is calculated from one hundred and eighty acres of land.

       This one hundred and eighty acres of land, except for the other courtyard and forest in the middle, are covered with houses.

       It's like a small town.

       Hearing Deshun's exclamation, Emperor Chengjia, who was closing the curtain, opened the curtain.

       Rows of houses are all painted white and bright, and some of them are even two-story buildings. They are not wooden buildings, and they look strong.

       Between the houses, there is a clean and tidy concrete avenue. There is a wooden box at intervals on both sides of the road, and occasionally you can see the old man cleaning the street with a big broom.

       There are many shops and vendors along the street, and pedestrians come and go.

       Business yells, old people chat, young children playful..

       It's not as lively as Zhuangzi, but it's not as clean and beautiful as a town.

       Astonishment flashed across Chengjiadi eyes.

       He frowned slightly: "This is Lao-San's Zhuangzi?" Did he go to the wrong place?

       Deshun nodded: "It can't be wrong. Su Wangye will follow. If he goes wrong, Wangye will definitely say it."

       Emperor Chengjia thought of this, and said slightly: "Look at my brain, it's getting old..."

       Deshun shivered, then knelt down immediately: "The emperor, Nucai didn't mean that.."

       Emperor Chengjia waved his hand: "But just say it casually." After that, he stopped talking, and then watched the situation outside.

       Xi Zheng, who was riding on the side, saw the curtains of the car lifted up, thought for a moment, hit the horse and approached, and asked: "Father, go to Zhuangzi to rest first, and wait for Er-chen to arrange someone to take you around." Now It was almost noon, and Emperor Chengjia arrived at Su Wangfu early in the morning. He must be hungry right now.

       Emperor Chengjia gave him a blank look: "I remember that Zhuangzi you are very small, where do you need someone to bring it?"

       Xi Zheng said blankly and unceremoniously: "Go by yourself, I'm afraid that you won't understand." Otherwise, what did he do to bring Zhu Yuan?

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Shaking off the curtain, he said angrily: "This kid is really not cute."

       Deshun smiled: "Wangye, this is true temperament."

       Compared to King Ning who forced the palace, it was better, I don't know how many times.

       Cheng Jiadi complexion was slightly dark.

       Soon, they came to the other courtyard in the center of Zhuangzi.

       Zhu Yuan and Xi Zheng often come here to stay. yard is clean every day, but there is no need to clean it.

       Before Zhu Yuan came, they expected to have a meal here, so they sent someone to swiftly. ingredients that were not on the Zhuangzi were bought and brought together.

       They walked slowly all the way, come here now, lunch is almost done.

       Emperor Chengjia entered the other courtyard without rushing to drink tea and dinner, and wandered around with his hands behind his back.

       Also pick thorns.

       After a while, they said they didn’t know how to enjoy, and there was not even a pavilion in the garden;

       For a while, they said that their furniture was oddly shaped and not solemn at all;

       For a while, they said that they have no taste, so many strange things in the yard are unsightly;

       Say it later...

       Zhu Yuan Quan, when he is Lao-tou nagging, is not affected at all. Xi Zheng's concentration was higher, the left ear went in and the right ear went out all the way, without lifting his eyelids.

       Emperor Chengjia's breath was suffocated in his chest, and he couldn't send it out.

       Returning to the house with anger, he began to stare at the dishes and tableware again.

       Xi Zheng knows now. Is Emperor Chengjia here to take his husband and wife out?

       Everything else. These dishes were arranged in a hurry before Zhu Yuan rushed out. When they got here, they couldn’t even take a sip of water, and they kept letting people go after them. Arrange things..

       Thinking of this, Xi Zheng couldn't hold back, but said a few words.

       Emperor Chengjia was so angry that he lifted his foot and gave him two feet, Girl.

       Xi Zheng didn't feel any pain, and even asked him, "Is your father hungry? Today's strength seems to be inferior to the past." He also gave him a steamed chicken that he disliked with chopsticks.

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Zhu Yuan shuddered with smile and trembling.

       Emperor Chengjia swept away angrily, she immediately put down her hand and coughed slightly: "Eat the meat of the whole winter, it is better to eat lighter ones."

       Although the emperor’s pulse case is confidential, there will always be some big and small problems when you get older. In addition to the fact that Emperor Chengjia has gained a lot in the past two years, Zhu Yuan estimates that there may be some problems such as the three highs.

       If so, she prepared this table of light meals in accordance with the standards of the three highs-don't look at the vegetarian dishes, but the materials are not cheap at all.

       Only then did Emperor Chengjia give up, turned the subject, and began to ask about the strange things in the yard.

       Those were all made up by Zhu Yuan. Some were fitness equipment, and some were experimental products in Zhuangzi. She got a set and played with it.

       Emperor Chengjia asked, if Xi Zheng knew, he would answer, if he didn't know, let Zhu Yuan explain himself.

       All kinds of novelties, and even some unheard of theories, the Emperor Chengjia was stunned for a while, and even started to urge them: "Hurry up and take a look after eating."

       Xi Zheng: ..

       When did his father become so studious?

       However, it is good not to pick them up.

       If so, after having lunch in a hurry, Emperor Chengjia didn't take a lunch break, and took them back to the yard again, catching some of the experimental products just mentioned.

       Naturally, Xi Zheng couldn't understand it. He simply brought in a skilled craftsman, tried it out for Emperor Chengjia himself, and explained his future use and application scenarios.

       Upon seeing this, Zhu Yuan hurriedly sneaked out to nurse the child.

       When she came back, Emperor Chengjia had already taken people to visit the factory.

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       All right, there is a craftsman, it is much more convenient than her explanation.

       If so, she stayed at ease in the yard to take care of the children, and even took the time to meet several managers in the factory and asked about the progress of the project.

       And Chengjiadi and his party spent the whole afternoon in the factory.

       At the end of the Shen period, Emperor Chengjia reluctantly left the factory area, packed up, and hurried back to the capital.

       Zhu Yuan knows what projects are in Zhuangzi. Cheng Jiadi looked at what she thought, but she didn't know.

       Even Xi Zheng didn't know.

       The couple only assumed that it was Emperor Chengjia who forced the palace because of Xi Yu, and was in a bad mood. He went out of the palace just to relax.

       Therefore, after that day, what should the two of them do? Xi Zheng continued to return to his courtesy department and Zhu Yuan continued to toss her career——

       No, it's not just her career.

       Xi Zheng had a lot of free time in the Rites Department, and it was not easy to work on his own affairs in places like the Rites Department, so he simply picked up the affairs of Zhuangzi and the shop to toss with her.

       Anyway, it is very convenient for the two to communicate, and it is easy to negotiate.

       No, during the six months since Zhu Yuan was pregnant and gave birth to a baby, Xi Zheng also helped recruit the teachers from her women's :Academy and signed the contract according to the contract she gave.

       Even the students find it similar—because Zhu Yuan wants to do more subjects, the first batch of students, she plans to be hired back as teachers in the future, so naturally, she can’t take it lightly.

       She must carefully consider her character, family background, standing in line, and even the possibility of marrying in the future.

       Xi Zheng considered the problem more comprehensively than her, and was more familiar with the culture and rules of this era.

       Furthermore, with his identity and vision, where he can tolerate what women can do is also something she needs to consider.

       Therefore, in the process of recruiting people and making lesson plans, the two exchanged every day, and they would quarrel every other day, as if they were back when they were young.

       If Zhu Yuan wins, Xi Zheng will come back in the evening to toss her in a different way. If Xi Zheng wins, Zhu Yuan can... Well, I don’t know if Xi Zheng did it on purpose. In short, the two of them quarreled, and Zhu Yuan won.


       In short, under the collaboration of the two people, the shops are thriving. With rich money bags and more rewards, Zhuangzi research and development speed has also accelerated.

       At the same time, Zhu Xiuqi is also making rapid progress in agricultural research and development projects.

       Xi Zheng from the Ministry of Rites gave him some Fanbang vegetable seedlings and seeds every three to five. With the help and financial support of his own daughters and sonszi, he made many greenhouses to cultivate seeds all year round.

       Nowadays, several kinds of grains worthy of vigorous promotion and cultivation have been tested.

       Naturally these things cannot be concealed from Emperor Chengjia. But he only knows that there is progress, and the details are still unknown.

       As a result, during the Chinese New Year, Zhu Xiuqi issued a list, requesting the court to choose a region and conduct a large-scale trial planting, and even listed the general scope of each crop.

       Emperor Chengjia sighed after reading all the content.

       Deshun was waiting for his pen and ink. Hearing the movement, he thought for a while and hesitated: "The emperor seems to be a little annoyed these few days. If he is not busy, why not go for a walk in the garden?"

       Emperor Chengjia shook his head: "My mood... those flowers and plants can't be changed."

       Deshun was a little puzzled: "If the weather is going well today, Guotai and the people are safe, which one doesn't think about you, and when can I worry about it?"

       Emperor Chengjia sighed again: "You don't understand."

       Deshun wanted to ask again. Emperor Chengjia made a stubborn face and immediately turned the subject, "Where is Lao-San? Let him roll over!"

       During this period, he frequently called Xi Zheng, who was nestling in the Ministry of Rites, to scold him. Deshun was used to it a long time ago. Hearing this order, it was not surprising that he immediately put down his things and ran out to summon.

       After a while, Xi Zheng stepped forward quickly. After saluting, he calmly asked: "What is the important thing for the emperor to ask Er-chen?" I was called over and scolded two or three times.

       "I can't find you if I'm okay?" Emperor Chengjia was annoyed when he saw him, grabbed Zhu Xiuqi memo and smashed it on him, "Look, look!"

       Xi Zheng picked up the memorial, scanned it in a glance, and nodded: "The content is reasonable, and Er-chen agrees." After that, "Er-chen is a small official of the Ministry of Rites, and these matters have nothing to do with Er-chen." "

       "You also know it's irrelevant? If it's irrelevant, would you still give them the seeds of Fanbang every day?" Chengjia was furious.

       “Let you work in the ceremonial department. Don't do business every day. Give me trouble every day!"

       Xi Zheng didn't change his face: "Er-chen is in the Ministry of Rites. It is Er-chen's responsibility to contact and obtain resource information from foreign personnel in Panbang, and provide it to the corresponding department."

       "Then what good things can there be for a small country in Fanbang?"

       "My father's words are bad. person who came to my Dayan may be a small country in Fanbang, but the food may be only their harvest on the journey. Furthermore, there is no distinction between high and low food, so why should we consider its origin? If the output is so true It's huge, and it's not difficult to plant. Will my Dayan be full in the future?"

       Chengjiadi is speechless.

       "Er-chen thinks that Zhu Daren's move is promising, please be cautious about it."

       Emperor Chengjia naturally knew.

       he is the one..

       He took a deep breath: "I know."

       Xi Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

       "I'll leave it to you to take care of this."

       Xi Zheng frowned immediately: "Father, Er-chen is the Ministry of Rites——"

       "Okay." Emperor Chengjia waved his hand, "Come here, prepare paper and ink."

       Xi Zheng:?

       Deshun paved the paper for Emperor Chengjia.

       Emperor Chengjia picked up the pen and quickly dropped the ink.

       Deshun's eyes widened and he was silly.

       Xi Zheng squinted suspiciously. During this period of time, Emperor Chengjia’s eyes were not for his eyes and his nose was not for his nose. Could it be possible that he came up with something to fix him today?


       The imperial decree, whose pen and ink had not yet dried, was thrown on him.

       Emperor Chengjia snorted: "Don't talk to me about the identity of your little official in the ceremonial department. Starting tomorrow, you will go to the court to discuss politics with your courtiers."

       Xi Zheng's heart moved, raised his head and looked at him twice, picked up the memorial, and opened it—

       Fengtian carried the emperor, and the edict said:

       Since ancient times, the emperor will continue to establish the pole and Fuyuhuan area, and he must establish the Yuan Chu and Maolong country as the foundation of the Mianzong Society. I shook Hongxu and Su Ye Jingjing. Yang Wei ancestor Mo Lie Zhaochui. Trust the most. Cheng Zi Yanqing was born in Yuanliang.

       The third son of the emperor Xi Zheng, Japanese watch Yingqi, talented and beautiful. Settlement ceremony. Overbearing public opinion. I would like to tell the world, the ancestral temple, and the village

       On February 13th of the 19th year of Chengjia, Xi Zheng was awarded the title of Royal-Crown Prince. On February 1st of the 20th year of Chengjia, he belonged to Yilun Xu and entered Fengzong Zong. (Note)

       Xi Zheng: ..

       He thought it was just a promotion, but he didn't expect...

       "Father "

       Emperor Chengjia was impatient: "Go on, I'll be annoyed to see you as a brat."

       Xi Zheng: ..

       No wonder Emperor Chengjia saw him not pleasing to his eyes these days.. Maybe it was Lao-Er that stimulated him? However, he made such a decision, I am afraid that he also struggled for a long time.

       It's him instead, I guess he really can't do it.

       However, Emperor Chengjia abdicated early, he really did not expect...

       Looking at Deshun who was also sluggish, Xi Zheng silently retreated out of the imperial edict.

       Back to Wangfu, Zhu Yuan greeted him in surprise: "Why is it so early today?"

       Xi Zheng handed over the imperial decree: "Promoted."

       Zhu Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Oh? You are finally promoted? Have you paid for it—" I swept my eyes and almost fell.

       Xi Zheng held her: "Be careful."

       Zhu Yuan trembled and started: "Just, just like that?"

       Xi Zheng nodded: "That's it."

       Zhu Yuan took another look at the edict: "Ascend the throne next year? Then, what about the father?"

       Xi Zheng touched his chin: "Probably, I want to be the Supreme Emperor, right?"

       Zhu Yuan opened his mouth wide.

       Xi Zheng closed it: "The saliva is flowing down."

       Zhu Yuan subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth, and then gave him a glance: "You are still in the mood to make a joke.." She swallowed, "Well, there is no ceremonial department, no temple, no public notice?"

       Xi Zheng thought for a while, and said, "Probably, isn't it?"

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Isn't this too casual?

       Also, Xi Dog-Egg will only be twenty-four next year, so why is he going to become the emperor? It is too early?

       Besides, where did all the tricks, intrigues, intrigues, and intrigues in the history books go?

       Why did they seem to have not experienced anything yet, so Emperor Chengjia took the initiative to give way to Xi Zheng?

       Is this too simple?

       Fortunately, those staff members of Xi Zheng didn't hear her voice, otherwise, they would risk beheading and slap her face-dare to believe what they have done these years, they have done nothing...


       In the first month of the 20th year of Chengjia, Emperor Chengjia issued an edict to abdicate and held a grand abdication ceremony.

       On the first day of the following month, Xi Zheng's enthronement ceremony was held as scheduled.

       Two days later, it is the hall of the :Step of Zhu Yuan.

       If Zhu Yuan still had a lot of anxiety and panic before Xi Zheng ascended the throne, after her post-closing ceremony passed, she would have nothing to worry about.

       Without him, just because the newly appointed Emperor Jingming gave Zhu Yuan a decree on the first day after he was granted the title-to allow her to go in and out of the harem freely throughout her life, without being restricted by palace rules.

       From then on, the sea is broad and the fish leap, and the sky allows the birds to fly.

       Dayan prosperous world, thus opened.

       End of text.


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