Pen Pals 165

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Chapter 165 | Dog man  

       Xi Zheng continued to be busy, and Zhu Yuan also lost their skills.

       All shops are accustomed to doing well. Zhu Yuan only needs to check monthly and quarterly, and make plans for the next quarter, and can let go every day.

       In the past few months, Zhuangzi has successively sold paper and pens, and the paper mill will only supply Liaozhai and Zhuozhuo for paper needs.

       The printing factory has expanded its scale in recent years. It not only prints Dayan Monthly and Zhuozhuo, but also prints various books from Liao Zhai. It also accepts social lists. Whoever wants to publish a collection of poems and who wants to make manuscripts only needs to give Money, all printed, I love printing a few copies and printing a few copies-as long as the money is in place.

       Needless to say the two monthly magazines, because of the low printing cost, many North and South licensed merchants will take them to other places in wholesale. Not to mention "Zhuo Zhuo", the "Dayan Monthly" with imperial examination content has now exceeded one hundred thousand monthly prints-in view of the large volume, Zhu Yuan also took the lead and reduced the price of one issue to 15 articles.

       There is also advertising revenue. Adding up, you can earn hundreds of thousands of taels every month after eliminating costs.

       Don't underestimate a few hundred taels. You can buy a small house in the capital.

       Besides, Zhu Yuan has more than one business.

       Let’s talk about Liao Zhai, Xi Zheng has tossed up such a big stall. From bookboys to administrators, people in the dozens of years, each monthly salary bonus is several hundred taels. You really can’t make a lot of money by selling books. , I am afraid that even the dividends for Emperor Chengjia cannot be taken out.

       After Zhu Yuan took over, they let them start with cultural and creative products. They also placed rows of bright and clear glass showcases, small fans, small brushes, small abacus, and small books in the courtyards, halls and other places where Liao Zhai originally received the manuscripts.. From forbidden steps to pendants, from ornaments to bookmarks, from wood to jade carvings, there are all kinds, and even a few inscriptions and paintings written by Emperor Chengjia are embedded, making them beautiful and exquisite.

       Originally, Emperor Chengjia really didn't like the tens of liang of dividends from Liao Zhai. After the cultural and creative products came out, they were sold to the world, and the monthly income directly doubled several times. After Zhu Yuan took over, they gave him a quarterly dividend for the first time, which amounted to thousands of taels. It was so foolish that he thought that Yato had gone to robbery, and he was asked to check it before he knew about it..

       Because of this, someone later muttered in front of him that the Zhu Yuan tube shop was inappropriate, and he didn't respond to it-Yato managed it well and couldn't bury it.

       Then there are Liuli Factory and Jewelry Factory. Needless to say, these two shops have made a lot of money for Zhu Yuan over the past three years.

       Encouraged by high bonuses, the managers and craftsmen of these two factories produced various patterns one after another, and the products they produced were sold to the north and south.

       The glass factory has developed vigorously in the past two years. In more than three years, the glass showcases manufactured by the glass factory have been spread across all major shops in the capital, and various bookcases and lockers with glass have entered the homes of all large households.

       Every once in a while, Zhu Yuan will also pack several new products from the glass factory and Liuli factory and send them to the palace. Chengjiadi and Shu Fei must have them, and even Xi Yu has gotten cheaper, and the Prince courtyard is placed in the courtyard. Better.

       The New Year's Day will let the craftsman fill a few unique pieces into the palace.

       In addition to these, Zhu Yuan will prepare a few more and leave it to Shu Fei to do favors.

       Among other things, this makes Shu Fei a long face in the palace, and he is very kind to Zhu Yuan.

       There are also bicycles. Although riding bumps, the wheels can be replaced by a craftsman. They have been sold a lot over the years.

       There are also leisure small stacks and budding schools, although they don't earn much, they also have so many things.

       In addition, Zhu Yuan helped to formulate marketing strategies for restaurants, north-south grocery stores, and grain shops..

       Lin Lin always earns several thousand taels a month.

       When Xi Zheng came back, he received the bank account book from An Qing, and he stayed for a while before he left, there was no such amount.

       Because he is assured of Zhu Yuan, he hasn't asked about the operating status for three years, who knows...

       Fortunately, Zhu Yuan knew that most of his money would be spent in the dark, so the recovered money was not openly deposited in the bank and replaced with bank notes. Instead, it was piled up in the backyard of the Burning Book House. After Xi Zheng came back, he quietly transported it. go.

       However, no matter how low-key it is, it cannot hide the fact of making money.

       Not to mention anything else, just the dividends paid to Emperor Chengjia could not be hidden from others.

       This is just Liao Zhai.

       Everyone can guess how much money Xi Zheng has in his hands.

       Regardless of how Emperor Chengjia looked at them, Xi Chen and Xi Yu's eyes were red with blood.

       In the three years that Zhu Yuan has been tossing business, Xi Chen has not been idle.

       Digging people, buyers, taking advantage of recruiting people to mix into various factories and offices.. Do everything.

       An Qing, who is in charge of personnel affairs, always has a headache and reports to Zhu Yuan, but only gets a perfunctory remark of "whatever they want".

       Anqing can only intensify the investigation and try to find out the family background of the admitted personnel.. But there are omissions, and we must be precautionary. There will always be a few fish that slip through the net.

       Over the past three years, in addition to the few shops in Zhu Yuan's hands, many glazed shops and glass shops have sprung up like bamboo shoots in the capital and the surrounding cities.

       There are even a few more publications in the capital, such as "Dayan Zatan", "Looking at the World" and so on.

       The management shops underneath were aggrieved and worked hard to develop new products and improve technology.

       The nonchalant Zhu Yuan is happy to see the result.

       After Xi Zheng came back, he naturally discovered this situation and asked her angrily:

       Why didn’t you hear about it? What did Anqing do?

       He clearly left enough manpower for Anqing. No matter how bad it is, there are still a few hidden lines, enough to destroy the workshops of these people. Why is there no response to it and let it grow stronger?

       What did Anqing do? Zhu Yuan Has been aggrieved a lot in the past few years?

       Zhu Yuan was puzzled:

       There is competition to make progress. We make a lot of money, and we will not make less in the future. There is no need to stare at some guys who get nothing and don’t want to make progress. When our technology goes up, they want to share a piece of the pie, and they really can only share what we eat. There is no need to stare at them, brother Didi, take a long view

       Xi Zheng stared at the text for a moment, before sighing for a while, and said sincerely:

       Paige Professor has a good mind

       Always so different.

       Zhu Yuan laughed:

       Of course, young man, learn something-

       Xi Zheng: ..

       In these terms, it was last year's winter.

       After Zhu Yuan put the :Academy affairs on the agenda, countless pairs of eyes stared at her.

       After all, it is going to open a girls' :Academy in the suburbs, for fear of hurting the reputation of these children.

       Zhu Yuan thought about going, so they chose the small courtyard at the back of Zhuozhuo Bookstore-Yin Xi Zheng returned to Capital City, and Anqing and others who had originally lived in the backyard of Zhuozhuo Bookstore moved to Wangfu.

       If there are more than a dozen people, this yard is enough. But if it were to be a :Academy, the place would be a bit small.

       Now that cement has matured day by day, Zhuangzi steel technology has also risen..

       If so, Zhu Yuan decided to build a two-story building-no matter how tall she was, she couldn't worry about it. Whether the current steel technology can support high-rise buildings is hard to say. Craftsmen have never built houses with cement.

       As soon as she had money in her hands, she unceremoniously bought a lot of cement from the Qin family, and then bought a lot of bricks-blue bricks are too expensive, and she wants to let people study red bricks later!

       First, let the craftsman explore and build a small building in Zhuangzi. In order not to make mistakes, she even went to Zhuangzi with Xi Zheng.

       Fortunately, the effort pays off, except that some corners are not flat, the bathroom drainage is not good, and the windows are a bit crooked... it is still quite good.

       That's it, it has already caused a sensation to everyone in Zhuangzi-if the house is so built, wouldn't it be afraid of fire?

       It was rejected by Xi Zheng.

       "No sense of beauty."

       Zhu Yuan is not angry: "I will talk about the sense of design later, isn't it necessary to be stable and strong and increase the space? With the original house, how can so many houses be packed." She squinted at him, "Or else, let us family donated half of the yard? That would be enough, and there is no need to renovate."

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Zhu Yuan gave up when he felt his nose and said nothing.

       With this experience, a lot of things will follow.

       Zhu Yuan directly let people build three small buildings in the small courtyard. three buildings are separated on three sides to form a concave shape. Together with the inverted house in the front yard, the concierge, and the small atrium, they enclose a private space.

       The three small buildings are not big, one dormitory building, one classroom, library and dining hall on the first floor, and the last one is a comprehensive building, dance studio, :Qin room, painting room, etc.

       There is also a playground behind the small building, where daily exercise activities are available.

       It took so much effort to squeeze a :Academy into a Sanjin courtyard.

       After tossing like this, Chengjia passed by in sixteen years.

       Stepping into the twelfth lunar month, the small buildings of the academy have begun to see scale.

       The unique and weird house naturally attracts many curious visits and inquiries.

       It was heard that Wang Fei was planning to open the Girls' :Academy, and everyone was in an uproar.

       The news quickly reached the ears of interested people.

       Before entering the New Year's Pass, rumors began to spread in Capital City.

       "Have you heard? Su Wangfei is planning to open a girls' :Academy."

       "Women's ignorance is virtue, and to open a women's :Academy is simply a risk to the world!"

       "Doesn't this Su Wangfei only like to make money? Why go to Daoteng Academy again?"

       "There are so many Wang fei, this one is the most interesting one. Is she running a :Academy to teach a bunch of clumsy girls?"

       "If you are young, just open an enlightenment school, and go to the tossing academy. Is she worthy?"


       Not only did rumors spread from the outside, Emperor Chengjia in the court also began to receive various complaints:

       Sued King Su regardless of his back house, fearing the inside;

       Suing Su Wang fei. He was full of stinks and unworthy of virtue, and he tried to open a women’s :Academy in vain to harm others;

       Suing Su Wang fei to bewitching and deceiving the Lord, so that Su Wang has no future in his talents and cleanliness;

       There was even a lawsuit against Wang Fei, who had been in the government for a year and had nowhere to go. He was jealous and monopolized Wangye..

       Emperor Chengjia couldn't bear the disturbance. After being said to by the supervisor again, he was so annoyed that he had to call Xi Zheng and his wife into the palace, intending to scold him.

       In the past few years, Zhu Yuan entered the palace more often, but it was the first time that Emperor Chengjia summoned him. So after she heard about it, she would definitely ask Xi Zheng what was going on.

       I heard that it might have something to do with the jump up and down of the supervisor recently. She laughed angrily and turned to An He who was waiting on the side: "Go, let someone go outside to fill up a few rumors, just say that Wang fei fox spirit reincarnated——"

       Xi Zheng frowned and held her down: "Don't talk nonsense." There are too many unusual things in Zhu Yuan. Outsiders only say that she is smart, but if she blows the wind to a certain place, who knows how others can use it? Since ancient times, the technique of victory has been repeatedly banned..

       Just in case, he would never let these rumors appear.

       Zhu Yuan squinted at him, pulled down his paw, and said angrily: "Otherwise? Just let these guys slander me indiscriminately?"

       "It can't be regarded as slander."

       Zhu Yuan stared at him.

       Xi Zheng gave a light cough, "Aren't they all facts?"

       Zhu Yuan grinned his teeth, and asked him gloomily, "Which one?"

       "Except for the first one." Xi Zheng had a smile in his eyes, "This king is just being charmed, so why can I say that?"

       The implication is that what seductively confuses the Lord, what copper is full of smell, what kind of jealousy prevails... are all facts?

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Dog man! !

Chapter 166 | Throne

       Xi Dog-Egg laughed at her, Zhu Yuan certainly didn't follow her, but she rushed over and scratched her.

       Xi Zheng had a smile in her eyes, so that she scratched and scratched for a while, then took her paw and changed the subject: "Well, we should go to the palace and be scolded."

       Zhu Yuan was grabbed by her hand, and angrily took his head and knocked twice on his chest: "Why should I go in and be scolded?" She did nothing wrong.

       Xi Zheng helplessly let go of her hand and turned to support her forehead: "I'm going to be stupid."

       "Ba!, I won't be stupid if you are stupid!"

       Xi Zheng touched her forehead: "Now that you are out of anger?"

       Zhu Yuan made a face at him and ran into the back room.

       Xi Zheng shook his head, and followed slowly—today he rested. Originally, the two of them planned to go to Zhuangzi and wander around. They all wore everyday clothes. If they wanted to enter the palace, they could not change into a decent dress.

       Half an hour later, the two knelt together in the imperial study room, waiting for Emperor Chengjia behind the imperial table to start training.

       Emperor Chengjia slowly approved the memorial without raising his head: "Do you know why I called you over?"

       Zhu Yuan lowered his head to look at Xi Zheng from the corner of his eyes. latter nodded at her comfortingly before answering Emperor Chengjia: "Go back to the father, Er-chen doesn't know."

       "I don't know?" Emperor Chengjia immediately threw the brush pen, "You kid! superintendent sees the sky impeaching the two of you in the court hall, it's okay for you to hide in the Ministry of Rites and pretend to be stupid?! I think you Wangye is too carefree ."

       Xi Zheng was slightly surprised: "How dare Er-chen pretend to be stupid? It's just that Er-chen is humble and light, and doesn't need to go to court. Naturally, I don't know how to impeach him." With Wangye's identity deducted, he is just a small official of the Ministry of Rites. Not qualified to go to court.

       Emperor Chengjia was choked so hard that he started to scold him when he stood on the steps: "You don't need to go up, you can toss it hard? You are Wangye at any rate, and you are impeached by the supervisor every day, is it fair?"

       Xi Zheng didn't take it seriously: "Say a few words that don't hurt or itchy, just take care of them."

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Zhu Yuan who was listening was secretly happy. It turned out that Xi Dog-Egg was unrelenting in violating his father.

       Emperor Chengjia on the ranks is still reprimanding Xi Yu: "It seems that if I teach you a lesson, it doesn't hurt or itchy?"

       "Er-chen dare not." Xi Zheng admitted his mistake.

       Emperor Chengjia snorted again, then gave up, and said in a slow tone: "You two have enough things to fiddle with. It's okay to take a good look at the account books and check the cash register? Isn't it good to mess around with what women's :Academy?" Yuan wants to set up an academy, where will so many impeachment complaints?

       Zhu Yuan was surprised. Is this to stop her from opening a :Academy?

       Xi Zheng said before that it was too early to open the academy... Could it be that this situation was foreseen?

       Before she could think clearly, she listened to Xi Zheng.

       "Father's words are not good. opening of the academy has been profitable in the present age. Why should it be stopped because of those rumors? If Er-chen is reduced to the look of others, then Er-chen, Wangye, is nothing wrong."

       Emperor Chengjia was slightly angry: "Are those rumors and rumors? What do you say from the outside, I can't control, what the supervisor said, don’t tell me you don’t know!"

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows: "I would like to hear the details."

       Emperor Chengjia glared at him: "You just pretend." He put his finger on him, "The academy's affairs, immediately stop me, you Erxi is not sensible, are you not sensible?"

       Zhu Yuan was anxious and wanted to talk. Xi Zheng, who was next to him, held her through his sleeve.

       "Father, dare to ask me what's wrong with opening a :Academy?"

       "It's very wrong." Emperor Chengjia didn't get angry.

       “Look at the :Academy outside, which is not a well-known scholar who is in charge? Yato is a few kilograms, so I dare to learn from others to open a :Academy? Open a girls' :Academy, I'm afraid it is not waiting for others to joke Your house is that, that—"

       He did not go on.

       But the two kneeling underneath both understood his unfinished words-all women's academy, how is it different from that brothel restaurant?

       Zhu Yuan didn't hold it back at the moment, and whispered: "The wise see wisdom, and the adulterous see fornication."

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Xi Zheng: ..

       The latter coughed lightly and added: "Father, Yuanyuan is just blunt."

       The implication is that there is nothing wrong with speaking too directly.

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       It's better not to say this!

       He glared at the back of the head of Zhu Yuan who was pretending to be a quail, and continued: "What mess, anyway, don't—"

       "Father, the academy is nearing completion. There is absolutely no reason to stop now."

       Emperor Chengjia was angry: "Who doesn't know that you two have a lot of money in your hands? You are not short of this yard!"

       Xi Zheng didn't change his face: "Be diligent in the country, and thrifty at home."

       Emperor Chengjia stared at him: "Don't be crooked"

       "Father," Xi Zheng interrupted him, "If the academy is headed by a famous scholar, can this academy be opened?"

       Emperor Chengjia was stunned and frowned: "Who do you want to hire as the head of the mountain? Who can you hire?"

       There are only a handful of famous Fu-ren, and there are very few famous and talented ones.

       People have to be willing to come out to be the mountain leader.

       Xi Zheng categorically said, "Yuanyuan deserves it."

       "...I really didn't say anything wrong from the outside." Emperor Chengjia gave him an angry look, "You are really afraid of the inside."

       "Puff—" Zhu Yuan in the shape of a quail hurriedly covered his mouth.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       He said helplessly: "I made my father laugh." Before Emperor Chengjia said it, he pulled the topic back.

       “Er-chen thinks that there are several reasons for Yuanyuan to be the head of the academy."

       Emperor Chengjia hummed: "Let's listen." See what flowers he can tell.

       "Yuanyuan is full of poetry and books, full of economics, and talented, how can he not be?" Xi Zheng has a natural expression, as if he is not praising Erxi.

       Zhu Yuan blushed at the side.

       Emperor Chengjia was also shocked: "I never knew you were so thick-skinned?"

       Xi Zheng gave a light cough, did not answer, and continued: "Yuanyuan is Peppa's Professor, under the tutelage of Jinyong's Professor. I wonder if this reputation is loud enough?"

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       In the past few years, Professor Jin Yong and Professor Peppa have accumulated a lot of book fans. At the beginning of the year, Liao Zhai also compiled the manuscripts of "Swordsman Jianghu" into a book, which was published and printed as a book, and sold to the north and south.

       There is also "The Story of a Farm Girl Cultivating Immortal" which is being serialized by Peppa Professor. Every issue of "Shining" is published. sound of the "jingle bells" sent across the city is enough to see that women and children in Capital City are most sought after by them. Even the fei Pin in the palace talks about it all day long.

       If Zhu Yuan is Peppa's Professor, and she is also under the tutelage of Jin Yong's Professor, then she can really sit down as the leader of the mountain!

       Emperor Chengjia was shocked and couldn't help but look at the back of Zhu Yuan——'s head.

       Xi Zheng went on to say: "My father still remembers that he asked Er-chen, who on earth proposed to start "Dayan Monthly"? It is Yuanyuan."

       Emperor Chengjia widened his eyes and blurted out: "Impossible, how old was this Yato back then?"

       Zhu Yuan immediately tightened his nerves.

       "Eleventh." Xi Zheng said calmly, "If Er-chen had not been fortunate enough to go to Luzhou, perhaps there would be no "Dayan Monthly" in the world."

       Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Xi Dog-Egg is good, no one will check what he said when he met with him that year. Even if it was checked, Zhu Tingzhou, the only witness, was on her side.

       It's just that.. She glanced at the eunuch and maid serving in the hall. It seems that her talents will not be concealed in the future!

       Xi Zheng next to him said again: "Father, in this way, Yuanyuan can be the head of the academy in this district?"

       Emperor Chengjia wiped his face in a daze for a long time, and sighed: "Let's do it, do it, you can toss it yourself!"

       Both Xi Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

       "Thanks Father," the two said in unison.

       Emperor Chengjia waved his hand and said, "Forget it, what else? You two have been married for almost a year, why haven't you heard anything?"

       Zhu Yuan was stunned. After thinking about the meaning of his words, his heart immediately raised it.

       Xi Zheng also paused and said, "Er-chen has Er-chen's own plans."

       "I plan to plan! I think you are still not counted!" Emperor Chengjia frowned, turned his back and glared at Zhu Yuan, "I remember, Shu-fei seems to have given a few more people a few years ago. Where did the beauty go to Lao-San?"

       Xi Zheng gave a light cough.

       "Shut up and let her speak!" Chengjia Dinu pointed to Zhu Yuan.

       "...Don't dare to deceive the emperor." Zhu Yuan lowered his body and said, "He painted four people. Now he is the Management of Zhuozhuo Bookstore and Leisure Inn."

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       He couldn't believe it: "Those given by the elders, you throw it into the shop as Management?"

       Zhu Yuan has a guilty conscience: "This, to take care of Wangye's shop, is also to share worries for Wangye...?"

       ".." Emperor Chengjia laughed angrily, and turned back to teach Xi Zheng, "You look at it, you look at it, no wonder you are talking about it outside, you Wangfei, it is really good "

       "Father." Xi Zheng interrupted him quickly, "Please be careful for the sake of Er-chen."

       Emperor Chengjia almost died out of anger: "I think you were taken away by these affections. You are twenty-two after the Chinese New Year, and there is nothing under your knees. Even if you have a son and a half in the future, you will still be thin... How will major things happen in the future?"

       "I am now close to knowing the fate, how many years do you want me to wait?!"

       Xi Zheng is Wangye, how will major things happen in the future? No matter how big it is, it means going one step further and inheriting the throne.

       Taking a step back, the dignified emperor, why wait for a son of Prince?

       What Chengjia said is no different from Li Huanghuang Crown Prince.

       The attendants Deshun and Deqing turned pale in fright, but Emperor Chengjia did not express his position, and they did not dare to drive the eunuchs out, so they trembled and began to listen to these masters continue to speak.

       Zhu Yuan is not stupid, she also understands.

       Xi Zheng is ambitious. Since I was a teenager, I have been working hard for the supreme throne..

       Now that Emperor Chengjia utters such words, Xi Zheng, I am afraid that I want to...

       She stared at the complicated patterns on the carpet, but the whole person seemed to be soaked in the ice and snow, cold and uncomfortable.

       On the other hand, Xi Zheng was also shocked by Emperor Chengjia's meaningful words.

       He had confidence in himself, but he did not expect to hear Emperor Chengjia's intention on such an occasion.

       The huge ecstasy drowned his mind.

       He clenched his fist, suppressed his excitement, kowtowed, and said: "Er-chen speaks with political achievements, and his children are just icing on the cake."

       "Fart!" Emperor Chengjia burst out a scolding on the spot, "I will say it straight now, I will see your offspring next year, one is at least one, two or three are fine, four or five is not too much. ! Otherwise, I am not a son of you!"

       All in all, Xi Zheng must be Marry Concubine and must have children, otherwise

       The throne changed hands.

       How would Xi Zheng choose?

       How would the ambitious Xi Zheng choose? Is there any suspense?

       Zhu Yuan smiled miserably-I didn't expect that the sweetness between her and Xi Zheng lasted less than a year..

       In this backward ruined place, even the earth dragon of the imperial study was not well done, and there was no heat at all, and she was still kneeling on the ground, making her shiver with cold.

       Still modern.

       As Zhu Yuan thought, the carpet pattern in front of her eyes slowly became blurred.

       Where no one can see, a touch of sparkling light fades into the thick and gorgeous carpet and disappears without a trace.

       The imperial study room remained silent for a long time.

       Emperor Chengjia asked Xi Zheng with a cold face, "Mute?"

       Zhu Yuan heard a kowtow next to him.

       "Father." Xi Zheng's voice is as low and steady as always, "If Er-chen needs to rely on his son and wife Qie to get your affirmation, then Er-chen must not be doing well enough."

       Sure enough, Xi Zheng is still for the throne — huh?

       Zhu Yuan was dumbfounded.

       Emperor Chengjia was also stupid: "You, what did you say?"

       Xi Zheng said quickly, "The father is strong and physically strong, and he can continue to contribute to Dayan’s prosperity. Why worry about heirs? And Yuanyuan is still small, why worry? If Er-chen is really nothing. Heirs blessings, Yao Er will give birth to a few more in the future, just pass two to Er-chen."

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Emperor Chengjia was furious, stepped down the steps, kicked over: "I think you have lost your mind!"

       Xi Zheng was kicked and shaken. Seeing Emperor Chengjia's face full of anger, he paused and fell to the ground sideways.

       Cheng Jiadi: ..

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Too fake! She couldn't bear to look at it.

       Emperor Chengjia was so angry that he almost went back and kicked up and kicked again: "Smelly boy, show off that you have practiced martial arts, how good is it? When I was practicing martial arts, you were still making trouble in your Mufei belly!"

       Xi Zheng got acquainted this time and lay on the ground without moving, letting him kick.

       Emperor Chengjia was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, and tremblingly pointed at him: "Smelly boy, stinky boy-get out! Get me away!"

       Xi Zheng got up and kowtowed: "Yes, Er-chen retires." Without waiting for Emperor Chengjia to speak, he pulled up Zhu Yuan who was kneeling there silently.

       Zhu Yuan hesitated, not daring to look up, and followed him to quickly exit the Imperial Study Room.

       As soon as I stepped out, I heard a heavy object falling from the room.

       Zhu Yuan shrank his neck.

       Xi Zheng calmly walked out slowly, patted her footprints with one hand, held her with the other hand.

       Zhu Yuan's emotions were uncomfortable, and followed in a daze.

       All the way out of the palace gate and on the carriage, she still did not recover.

       Xi Zheng shot her brain collapsed: "Stupid?"

       Zhu Yuan finally recovered, staring at him blankly: "You..."

       Xi Zheng frowned and stroked the corner of her eyes with some doubts: "Why does it seem a little red?"

       Zhu Yuan pulled down his hand and looked at him steadily: "Is what you just said is true?"

       Xi Zheng thought for a while and asked, "You said heirs?"

       Zhu Yuan nodded.

       Xi Zheng frowned and asked her: "You cry for this?"

       Zhu Yuan hesitated and nodded again.

       Xi Zheng looked helpless and said, "Didn't I promise you early?"

       Zhu Yuan was really surprised this time: "So, you are actually telling me the truth?" She thought it was just Xi Zheng who was fooling around in order to marry her.

       After all, with his unscrupulous way of doing things, he must do this kind of thing.

       Xi Zheng: "..." He was not angry, "I will do what I say, and if I can't make this promise, how can I manage the country in the future?"

       Zhu Yuan subconsciously said, "Didn't your father say that you have no children and don't pass it to you? Maybe you want the new emperor to be sent to the frontier in the future."

       With his current ascendant aura and power, other Prince absolutely can't bear it. It's good to distribute the frontier.

       Xi Zheng: "..." pinched her nose and jokingly said, "Wang fei would like to share the joys and sorrows with this king, and go to the bitter and cold frontier to live a life of hardship?"

       In other words, even if he can't get the throne, he doesn't care?

       Zhu Yuan opened his mouth: "You... are you sure to win that position?"

       Xi Zheng paused and said, "I was really obsessed with it..." deep black eyes reflected the charming people in front of him, "I have gone through many journeys in these years, including life and death, rich and poor, love and hatred. After watching too much, I actually feel that the throne... is not very important."

       He squeezed Zhu Yuan's tenderness, and said softly, "If I am lucky enough to become a throne, then I will work hard. If it is unfortunate, I can always protect the land and water. No matter how bad, I closed the door with you. Days are also good."

       Zhu Yuan looked at him startledly.

       "I have counted-these ten years have been exhausted. If I am free, I want to learn painting and take you to Lichuan to participate in a poetry contest. Your :Qin is so good, I also want to learn some flute or flute. You play the :Qin and I play the flute. Isn’t it beautiful—"

       Xinxiang Jiao body rushed at him full of arms.

       Xi Zheng was surprised: "How "

       Before he finished speaking, he was startled by the loud cry that burst out of his arms.

       Zhu Yuan cried so much that the whole person was pumped, as if to cry out all the grievances, anxiety, fear, jealousy, and doubts of the past few years.

       Xi Zheng was a little frightened, and was at a loss before calming down.

       He seemed to realize something, but he didn't know, so he could only hold her with one hand, caress her back with the other, and at the same time softly comforted: "Nothing, I am here.."

       Zhu Yuan couldn't hear it at all, and just cried loudly, crying until he hiccups, crying until he was tired and fell asleep.

       Xi Zheng fixedly looked at her sweaty forehead and red eyelids, sighed secretly, waved her back, pulled the cloak to cover her eyebrows, hugged it horizontally, and slowly walked out of the carriage..


       What Chengjia Emperor said in the Imperial Study Room spread throughout the capital within half a day.

       Not to mention how the harem and courtiers were shocked, Xi Chen and Xi Yu panicked first.

       Although Xi Cheng's line had been silent for a few years due to the salt entanglement, it is now slowly recovering, and his Mufei An Pin has also been brought back to the Fei position.

       He has now taken office in the Criminal Ministry, and he has also done a lot of deeds.

       Di-son in Nakamiya, as a Royal-Eldest-son, he acts well, and Mufei status is not low. If Xi Zheng has not been in the limelight in recent years, and he has happened to be caused by salt, he is first heir to do my part.

       After the two years eased, he still attracted many followers, and he made a lot of calls in the center.

       And Xi Yu, who came in second, was even more valuable. His mother Xian fei was one of the 4-Consorts who assisted in the management of the palace. His maternal ancestor was the 1st-General Hussar garrisoned to the north, and his Wangfei was the daughter of the left servant of the official department.

       We need real power and real power, and we need status and status.

       Even Xi Cheng, who is Eldest-son, dare not take advantage of it.

       4-Prince Xi Yu, is less long than Xi Chen, and less expensive than Xi Yu. He has just opened a mansion, and his power has not yet spread, and he is not in the eyes of several brothers.

       However, after the news of the Imperial Study Room came out, it was like a drop of water falling into boiling oil, exploding the dark tide in Capital City——

       Are these words of Emperor Chengjia true or false?

       If Xi Zhengsheng were to go, where would this throne go? What if you can't give birth?

       And Xi Zheng’s Wang Fei, can he give birth?

       Is Xi Zheng pretending to turn around Marry Concubine, or is he really infatuated with Wang Fei?


       The hundred officials of the imperial court and Prince Royal fei are secretive and dare not discuss it at all.

       When I returned home and closed the door, the lights were brightly lit until midnight.

       People from all walks of life are running. There seems to be a sudden increase in the number of people leaving and entering Capital City, and there seems to be little change.

       Zhu Yuan was still immersed in joy, and when he turned his head, he was banned by Xi Zheng and was not allowed to go out.

       She protested to Xi Zheng, who was at home, Xiu Mu: "Why? How can I check the store's condition if I don't go out?"

       The latter looked serious: "Many spies have been found in several shops recently.. Those places are mixed, obedient, don't go."

       Zhu Yuan tilted his head for a moment and asked, "Is it because of what the emperor said?"


       Zhu Yuan sighed, and compromised: "Then I will take a stroll in front of the carriage and leave after seeing the situation? Also, can I go to the office?"

       "No." Xi Zheng directly declined, "Wait until An Qing has checked all the people inside, you can go over."

       "Ah..." Zhu Yuan murmured, "Scorching people have passed Anqing's hands. Let him check again to find out what."

       Xi Zheng tapped on the desk, pondered for a moment, and asked her: "Are you out of breath?"

       "Huh?" Zhu Yuan was at a loss.

       "An Rui and An Fu are better at digging people and investigating intelligence." Xi Zheng looked at her, "If you get mad, I will call these two people back." Continue to use.

       Zhu Yuan's eyes widened: " put them aside?! I remember I asked you a few months ago."

       "Yeah. You said at the time, just follow me." Xi Zheng said with a thoughtful look, "I knew you still have a pimple in your heart."

       Zhu Yuan "Ba!," he said, "You blamed me for putting people on me for a whole year. When you look back, these two masters can't hate me?! You are obviously asking me for revenge!"

       Xi Zheng didn't take it seriously: "If one year is not enough for them to see clearly, even if the ability is high, it will be useless to me."

       Zhu Yuan glanced at him obliquely, "Didn't you say that these two people are very good, do you want to use them?"

       "Ability is the second, loyalty is the first. A disobedient dog will always bite one day."

       "I can't tell you, you can figure it out by yourself." Zhu Yuan muttered, "Anyway, even if the attendant is all wood, it can't stop a man from trying to steal incense."

       Xi Zheng shot her brain collapsed: "Thinking wildly."

       Zhu Yuan covered his forehead, and drove him away like a fly with the other hand: "Hurry up and leave, I have a lot of things here." I can't go out, and things won't be less!

       Xi Zheng: .. His Wangye status seems a bit low?

       That afternoon, Xi Zheng really called An Rui and An Fu who were still in the backyard.

       Of these two people, one is whiter and the other thinner.

       The first thing that came out was to come to Shensitang-oh no, now I changed my name to Ju Riju, to thank Zhu Yuan.

       ".. In the past, Nucai ate the guts of the bear heart and the leopard, so he dared to intervene in the master's affairs indiscriminately. crime deserves death. Wang fei does not care about Nucai past disrespect, but is willing to keep Nucai out, Nucai, Nucai..." An Fu With a nasal mucus and tears, "It will be Wang Fei in the future. He will do his best and he will die!"

       An Rui also kept wiping her tears: "If it weren't for Wang Fei to ignore the prejudice, the two Nucai are afraid that they will die in that corner.."

       Both of them are scared.

       One year.

       Xi Zheng left them out for a full year.

       At their age, how many years can they spend.

       For the past year, they have not had the little eunuch who was waiting for them, and they have no food and drink that they can take and use. They have to look at the glances of others even when they are fed and clothed.. How can they bear the praise of others?

       No matter how bad they are, if they are rootless people, if they cannot be loved by their masters, they will be unattended when they are old, and if they accidentally become ill, they may be wrapped in a roll of straw mats and thrown into the burial ground..

       In this way, they naturally did not dare to disrespect Zhu Yuan anymore.

       As Xi Zheng's left and right hands were all struck down, Zhu Yuan had indeed gone sideways in Wangfu this year..

       Look at Zhu Yuan again.

       At that time, Xu Mama had just brought her a bowl of beef tofu soup, and she was about to eat it when Anfu and Anfu came in.

       Then the above scene happened.

       Zhu Yuan sits blankly for a moment before realizing it-co-authoring with Xi Zheng, is this giving credit to her?

       The two of them were still wiping their tears and noses to express their affection. She glanced, and some slimy, indecent liquid broke into her eyes.

       She was suddenly nauseous.

       Want to drink something, press it down, and look down, the slimy beef tofu soup comes into view——

       "vomit "

       With a crash, I vomited all over lunch.

       Anfu & Anrui:..

       They took care of it specially, is there such a pickle?

Chapter 168 | Give way

       The room was shocked immediately.

       Fortunately, Xu Mama was stable, and immediately asked the doctor in the mansion, and at the same time instructed Bailu, Autumn Equinox and others to clean up the house quickly.

       Zhu Yuan was even supported on the couch by the Xia Zhi and Gu Yu. After cleansing his mouth, he rested on a soft pillow.

       Seeing Gu Yu and others worrying, Zhu Yuan waved his hands: "It is estimated that I just went out for a stroll and blew the wind, and I felt nauseated at once, and just vomited."

       Gu Yu hurriedly comforted her softly, persuading her to rest at ease, and talk about it when the doctor came.

       Xu Mama seemed to be a little surprised, carefully examining Zhu Yuan's expression.

       Then I don't know when An Fu, who came with me, raised his hand and bumped her: "You always look at it, does it look like?"

       Xu Mama didn't hear clearly, but was taken aback by his actions. She murmured, and smiled on her face: "Gonggong what did you say?"

       An Fu rubbed his hands and said in a low voice, "Mama, don't pretend to be stupid with me, this way... it's not rare in the palace before."

       Xu Mama muttered in his heart, and didn't dare to take this sentence: "Who knows, I will know when the doctor comes."

       An Rui, standing beside his sleeves, listened with ears erect.

       An Fu winked at him, and then said: "Hey, I guess it's not going to leave ten, it hurts!" He patted his thigh, "Isn't it time to let people go and inform Wangye?!"

       Xu Mama slapped his forehead and said, "Look at my brain!" He rushed out and ordered.

       The two muttered, Zhu Yuan, who was talking to Gu Yu, did not pay attention.

       But in a blink of an eye, I heard the sound of salute coming from outside.

       She was a little surprised, frowned and looked at Xu Mama: "How can I bother with such a small matter—"

       "Yuanyuan." tall figure came in like a gust of wind, glanced around, and quickly walked to the side of the couch, "Where are you sick?"

       The person who came was Xi Zheng.

       Without waiting for Zhu Yuan to speak, he immediately raised his head and stared indifferently, "How do you take care of the master? How well "

       "I'm okay." Zhu Yuan hurriedly pulled his sleeves, and once again said his guess.

       Xi Zhengmeifeng frowned: "You are healthy on most days, it must be because this group of Nucai didn't take care of you!"

       Zhu Yuan helplessly: "Who can control these headaches?"

       Xi Zheng was still waiting to speak. It happened that the doctor in the house arrived, so he changed the conversation and immediately urged the doctor: "Quickly give you Wang Fei to get his pulse, as if he had a cold, he vomited anxiously and fiercely just now." As if he had seen it with his own eyes. general.

       The doctor naturally did not dare to neglect, saluted, placed the medicine box, turned out the pulse pillow and handed it to Xia Zhi.

       Gu Yu Kuaishou placed a circle stool beside the couch.

       The doctor nodded in thanks, then apologized to Xi Zheng and his wife, and took a seat.

       The pulse pillow has been placed on the edge of the couch, Zhu Yuan's hands are carefully placed on the pulse pillow, and a piece of tulle is covered on the top.

       The doctor stretched his fingers to take the pulse and asked, "Wang fei, can you talk about the specific symptoms?"

       Zhu Yuan replied obediently: "I feel nauseous and a little tight in the chest." After thinking about it, he said, "I'm still a little tired."

       The doctor nodded, apologized, and looked up at her carefully.

       Xu Mama and Xia Zhi looked at each other, An Fu An Rui underneath was also nervous.

       Xi Zheng didn't pay attention. After hearing Zhu Yuan's words, his eyebrows frowned tighter, and stared at the doctor: "What's the situation? But I have a cold? If yes, quickly prescribe the medicine!"

       The doctor took the pulse for a while, ignored Xi Zheng, and asked again: "Dare to ask Wang fei, when will the last month's affairs end?"

       Zhu Yuan's heart shook.

       "It ended on the fourth of last month." Xu Mama replied quickly.

       It was already the 16th, and she had been talking about Xia Zhi for several days, but she didn't dare to mention it in front of Zhu Yuan.

       However, Zhu Yuan cried badly when he came out of the palace that day, and he was unsure of his emotions..

       Zhu Yuan was slightly surprised. Has it been postponed?

       She was served here every day, and some people helped her remember the monthly affairs, she was lazy long ago. For so many days, I never thought of the postponement of menstrual affairs.

       Does the doctor ask that now, is it...

       However, Xi Zheng was furious: "You are so brave, how dare you—" Ask Wang fei about monthly affairs?

       Zhu Yuan hold him down: "Listen to what the doctor said first."

       Although the doctor was a little nervous, he still said slowly: "If you guessed correctly, Wang Fei may have been pregnant for more than a month, but the month is too young to touch carefully. It will be confirmed after another half a month."

       She has it? Zhu Yuan couldn't help but raise his hand, and gently dropped it on his abdomen, with a dazed expression.

       After the Chinese New Year, she should be nineteen years old and have been married for a year.. It seems normal to have children?

       Not only her, but Xu Mama and others couldn't hide their joy. They repeatedly thanked her, and An Rui and An Fu, who were lying outside the screen, were so happy that they began to wipe their tears.

       Zhu Yuan returned to his senses and shook his head: "Don't say anything. I haven't been diagnosed yet. If I make a mistake, I will make people laugh." Then he turned back and asked Xi Zheng, "Right?"

       Xi Zheng stared at the void in a daze.

       "Wangye?" Zhu Yuan touched him.

       Xi Zheng regained his senses, held her hand, and hurriedly asked the doctor: "Is Wang fei? Is Wang fei?"

       The doctor hesitated and said: "I'm not sure yet, I have to check again next month."

       "Good! Good! Good!" Xi Zheng said three times in succession, "Come on, reward Doctor Liu! Great reward!"

       Zhu Yuan quickly reminded: "Be low-key, don't say anything!" She hasn't been diagnosed yet.

       "Eh!" Xu Mama replied loudly, and led the doctor out happily.

       Zhu Yuan turned back after the reminder, and faced Xi Zheng's black eyes-she seemed to see a little sparkle?

       Before she could see clearly, he was carefully embraced by the man.

       "...I thought there would be no heirs in this life." He sighed.

       Zhu Yuan chuckled softly, leaning in his arms and muttered: "The doctor said that I am in good health. Is it only a matter of time before pregnancy?" She joked, "Maybe it was also a misdiagnosis this time."

       She no longer thinks about it anymore, and she talked about the issue of offspring with him.

       "Definitely." Xi Zheng snorted, "Old Liu, if he is not sure about it, he never speaks arrogantly."

       Zhu Yuan: .. No wonder this guy is so happy.

       "Haha, this kid, it's good to come, good to come!" As long as there are children, many imperial officials and royal family members who were on the wait-and-see status will surely have a large piece of it on his side!

       Zhu Yuan rolled his eyes and pushed him: "Get up, I'm going to suffocate."

       Xi Zheng immediately let go of her, and hurriedly supported her shoulders: "Is there anything uncomfortable? Wait, Old Liu hasn't prescribed the medicine yet—"

       "No. medicine is three-point poison. If you are really pregnant, you can't take medicine randomly."

       "Is there any other saying? I looked back through the medical classics."

       Zhu Yuan was speechless and changed the subject: "What if the first child is a daughter?"

       Xi Zheng waved his hand: "Continue to give birth." Since it is possible to give birth, of course it must continue to give birth!

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       It is said that there is no heir, not Marry Concubine.. This dog man, sure enough, still value his position of power more? !

       Then Xi Zheng was kicked out of the house.

       Xi Zheng: ..? ?


       In the twelfth lunar month, Doctor Liu really diagnosed.

       Because of the small month, Zhu Yuan did not dare to make any announcements, and entered the twelfth lunar month. Zhu Yuan began to prepare for the New Year. Even during the New Year, she had to enter the palace to participate in various banquets such as family banquets and family banquets in the palace. .

       Not to mention that everyone in Capital City is staring at Zhu Yuan and his belly, but she can't stand the tossing.

       Xi Zheng made a decisive decision, reported Zhu Yuan to Zhu Yuan, and squeezed him to rest in the mansion, not even letting him take care of the shop.

       Zhu Yuan is angry and funny, wants to protest, watching him every day is extremely nervous.

       If he was working in the foreign library, he would send an eunuch every half an hour to ask "Did Wang fei vomit?", and then another eunuch would come and ask "Did Wang fei have a snack?", after a while. ..

       If he is living in Juori, he will not leave every step of the way, no matter if he eats, sleeps, or walks, he will always ask her if she wants water, snacks, rest, or sleep again...

       Besides that, I always like to touch her belly, touch it every other time, and then touch it again.

       It's all during the day, not even the night-as if he doesn't need to sleep at all.

       Fortunately, the eunuch said that Bailu would deal with them, Zhu Yuan did not care, but the latter was really annoying.

       She and Xi Zheng did not bow to their knees in the usual way. Now they are in a higher position. She simply cursed the person and blasted him out of the main room. At any rate, she slept peacefully and steadily-oh, after midnight. I touched it back and climbed into bed.


       Like this, Zhu Yuan was raising fetuses in the mansion, but outside was turbulent.

       The security situation on the side of Su Wangfu was cleaned up soon after Anfu and An Rui returned from Jianghu.

       The original leaders of Anhe, Anping, and the guards were not bad at abilities, and they had been checked a few times earlier, plus the two old fried dough sticks, An Rui and An Fu. Su Wangfu It's not leaking.

       The news of Zhu Yuan's pregnancy was concealed until the beginning of the new year.

       It is a pity that there are no impervious walls in the world.

       Because of the sudden pregnancy, Zhu Yuan was unprepared. In addition, during the Chinese New Year, many shops and vendors were closed, so she hurriedly sent people to buy soybeans, eggs, walnuts and other things.

       Originally, she bought these things, and no one else could notice. Xu Mama couldn't hold back Xu Mama and felt that she was weak, so she bought a lot of supplements. What's worse, even Xi Zheng supported her.

       This purchase missed the bottom.

       Xi Yu looked at the list in his hand gloomily: "Have you seen it with the doctor?"

       "I've seen it, it's really something for a woman to raise a baby." subordinate said respectfully.

       Xi Yu patted the table: "Okay, very good!" He gritted his teeth, "No wonder I dare to challenge my father, I'm waiting here together!!"

Chapter 169 | Poisoned?

       Zhu Yuan vomited every day since the day of the fight. Most of them are concentrated in the morning, and if the meal is not appetizing, they will vomit.

       On the contrary, the spirit is fair, not drowsy, nor weak.

       If you don't have to vomit a few times a day, you won't be pregnant at all.

       But Xi Zheng and others are still nervous.

       Xi Zheng even prevented Zhu Yuan from entering the palace to attend the New Year’s Eve palace banquet and the New Year’s banquet.

       As a result, Zhu Yuan’s palace banquet in the first year after their marriage was saved. There was no need for big makeup, no need to wake up in the dark and go to the palace to eat cold food, and eat and read at home everyday.

       Furthermore, even though she could not go out, Zhang Jingshu took Didi Mei-Mei over to take Wangfu several times, so don't live too coolly.

       Therefore, although she vomits several times a day, she has gained a few kilos just after the year.

       She is leisurely and leisurely, but the noise outside is up.

       Xi Zheng claimed that she was in ill health, but Shu-fei and Zhu's family was not at all worried.

       Not to mention the Zhu family, the relationship between Shu-fei and Zhu Yuan in the past few years is a well-known harmony. If the latter really hugged her body, how could she smile


       Combining with the words Xi Zheng put in the Imperial Study Room a year ago, everyone suddenly had a score.

       But Ning Wangfu changed many utensils.

       On the second day of the new year, when it was supposed to be back to her family, Xi Zheng still did not allow Zhu Yuan to go out-the fetus is not yet secure, and he still has to go out in a carriage, in case the horse hits people along the way, or some other accident, then But how is it good?

       Fortunately, although he didn't let Zhu Yuan go out, he turned around and took Zhang Jingshu and others over, so Zhu Yuan didn't care about this dog man.

       Huanhuanxixi and Zhang Jingshu and the others had a good time together for a long time, and the year was over.

       After the New Year, Xi Zheng, who was working as an errand at the Ministry of Ritual and prepared various rituals with the people of the Ministry of Ritual, only idled and stayed at home during the rest period.

       As a result, he came back after finishing his study in the study, and saw that Zhu Yuan was actually busy with the shop and Zhuangzi?

       It's not three months since Yato!

       He flew into a rage, caught Xu Mama and others and began to reprimand.

       Zhu Yuan immediately took his arm and took him aside: "I'm in good health. It doesn't take much effort to look at these things and it can relieve boredom. How great Besides, what I want to do, can they stop them? What do you blame them for."

       Xi Zheng was instantly dumb.

       He frowned: "We are not short of money, why should we be so nervous? If you leave it for a few months, those shops won't fall."

       Not to mention the way he has, Zhu Yuan has made a lot in the past few years, enough for them to use it without scruples for several years.

       "It has nothing to do with money," Zhu Yuan soothed him, "I can't be idle, I can't do anything to worry about it."

       Xi Zhengmeifeng is still not loose: "If you are idle, you can go to the garden to stroll around. Before you got married, you would practice writing and practicing :Qin every day. Why can't you be idle now?"

       Zhu Yuan groaned: "You couldn't do these things before... I like to do these things, so let me do it! It doesn't take much effort "

       Her girls' school has entered the renovation stage and should be able to settle in in a few months. She should prepare the admissions regulations.

       These are not necessary to elaborate with Xi Zheng.

       She wants to go to Zhuangzi more now.

       "You will rest tomorrow, let's go to Zhuangzi for some shopping?" Zhu Yuan blinked to look at Xi Zheng.

       The latter resolutely refused: "No, Lao Liu said, it should not be bumpy for three months."

       "It's not too bad for a few days Besides, going to Zhuangzi is a cement road, where can it be bumped?" Zhu Yuan took his arm and acted like a baby.

       “Zhuangzi said that plastic tires were tossed out. I want to see it. ! There is also the textile machine that I made a year ago, I didn't even look at it! You accompany me on a trip "

       Last year, she made a special trip to find a group of skilled women from the families of craftsmen and workers. After training, they all can weave and then join the research and development of textile machines.

       In less than a year, the spinning machine, which claims to have more than five times the spinning speed, came out.

       This is the beginning of the second industrial revolution, of course she can't wait to see it.

       Xi Zheng was unmoved: "Let someone send it over." He glared at her when it was over, "You can't understand it if you show it to you, why bother?"

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       She reached into his sleeve cage and pinched a piece of flesh inside, "Why don't I understand? If it wasn't for me, could they toss out these things?"

       Xi Zheng had no choice but to coax her: "Wang Fei is far-sighted and far-sighted. I admire it. It's just that at the moment, these crazy skills are not the point."

       Zhu Yuan waved a big hand: "I know I know My father is tossing in the Ministry of Engineering By the way, how is the potato my father tried?"

       Zhu Xiuqi is now leading a group of people to open an experimental field in the suburbs of Capital City. According to the advice given by Zhu Yuan, he specializes in researching hybrid rice, while at the same time tossing some fruit and vegetable varieties.

       Because Xi Zheng was in the Ministry of Rites and occasionally received envoys and businessmen from other countries, Zhu Yuan greeted him early and asked him to pay attention to the grains, potted plants and so on brought by these people.

       She talked about it several times, and Xi Zheng naturally remembered that every time he saw envoys and businessmen from other countries, he would ask people to expressly imply that after one year, he really saved young varieties.

       Zhu Xiuqi is also bold, as long as he hears that it is non-toxic, he will let people taste and plant them.

       There are large greenhouses that cost a lot of money to build, and they can continue to plant and experiment in autumn and winter. During the Chinese New Year, Wangfu also sent them potatoes and tomatoes grown in the experimental field.

       Especially for potatoes, Zhu Xiuqi also reminded her that potatoes should be eaten quickly and not for long.

       Potatoes are produced in large quantities, and the stems and leaves are poisonous, especially the sprouting potatoes.

       When Zhu Yuan received it a year ago, he enthusiastically cooked the vinegar potato shreds, braised potato cubes, and pork ribs stewed potatoes.

       Xi Zheng nodded repeatedly.

       Then she added inadvertently: "This potato flour is glutinous, maybe sun-dried and ground into flour, made into rice flour, can it be stored without fear of deterioration?"

       Xi Zheng thoughtfully.

       He has a lot of contact with Zhu Xiuqi, and he naturally knows that this potato has a large production volume and does not choose a place. After tasting it personally, he also knows that this potato can be used as a staple food, if it can be stored...

       When Zhu Yuan saw him start to ponder, her heart was secretly happy-she was just doing some paperwork, this guy had a dark face, and his eyes were not eyes, and his nose was not a nose. She didn't have to argue with him, so she just threw a question out. .

       Of course, if it can promote the promotion of potatoes, it is also a good thing.

       When Xi Zheng returned to his senses, he saw her cover her mouth and snickered, she understood after another thought, and squeezed her nose helplessly, and said, "What about changing the subject? Don't worry, your father is better than me in farming popularization. I, With the father behind, it should be implemented next year."

       Last year, the food and planting requirements of potatoes have been studied. This year, the main focus is on breeding, and it is only a matter of time before they are promoted.

       Zhu Yuan felt more at ease with his packing ticket.

       "That's right." Xi Zheng thought of something, glanced at her, and said, "A few years ago, Fan Guo sent a few pots of flaming fruits. I heard that they are non-toxic and edible, but your father tried it, and it was very choking. , I can’t eat it at all, but it looks really nice. Would you like to get two pots for you to put in the house?”

       Flaming fruit? Choking?

       Zhu Yuan immediately beamed his eyes: "You want it! If I didn't guess wrong, this is a good thing!!"

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Did you guess what it is?"

       "Laughs, I won't tell you yet!" Zhu Yuan immediately began to push him, "Aren't you all right today? Get it back quickly!"

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Pushing and pushing people away, Zhu Yuan was secretly refreshed-yeah, let him not go out!

       If the flaming red is really as she thought, then, she will thank the dog when she looks back, Laughs

       In the afternoon, two pots of flaming red fruits were sent to Su Wangfu.

       How excited Zhu Yuan is is not necessary to elaborate.

       Two hours later, as soon as Xi Zheng, who was rushing home, stepped into the Juoriju, Zhu Yuan hurriedly greeted him.

       Xi Zheng was a little surprised: "How come out?"

       Zhu Yuan was very enthusiastic: "Just wait for you to come back for dinner!"

       "Hungry?" Xi Zheng frowned slightly, "Don't you need some snacks in the afternoon?"

       "It's used," Zhu Yuan said perfunctorily, pulling him into the house, "I will still be hungry when the meal arrives."

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows: "This is, something?"

       "...What can you do?" Zhu Yuan slapped with a guilty conscience, "Go on, hurry up."

       That's something. Xi Zheng followed her into the house thoughtfully.

       Zhu Yuan told Bai Lu before entering the door: "Hurry up, pass the meal!"

       Bai Lu seemed to be a little nervous, and Xi Zheng should go out after seeing Xi Zheng.

       Xi Zheng is even more curious.

       Zhu Yuan didn't reveal a word, happily let people bring tea, whispered and asked him warmly, and even poured tea for him himself.

       Xi Zheng squinted at her: "If you have nothing to do, you will be courteous, and you will steal if you do it."

       Zhu Yuan paused, and said with a smile: "Be gentle and considerate to you, are you not used to it?"

       Xi Zheng took the tea cup and took a sip, curled his lips to look at her: "My Wangfei is really not gentle and considerate Temper."

       Zhu Yuan sipped him: "I think you are masochistic."

       Hear the meaning of words. Xi Hao looked at her in his spare time: "If I really have, would I be a match for you?"

       The implication is that he is masochistic, so what is she? Sadism?

       "Ba! baah baah!" Zhu Yuan babbled him several times immediately.

       Fortunately, dinner has been delivered.

       Zhu Yuan immediately beamed his eyes, and was busy taking Xi Zheng to wash his hands and clean the noodles, and then took a seat at the dining table.

       Bailu, Gu Yu and others have arranged the dishes one by one, even the rice is already served.

       As soon as Xi Zheng was sitting firmly, Zhu Yuan had already picked up his chopsticks and gave him a piece of chopsticks, and said with a smile, "This is the twice-cooked pork I made. You can try it."

       Xi Zheng was strange, and looked at the piece of meat carefully.

       Thin slices of meat, fat and lean with more fat, slightly browned on the edges, and shiny, it should look good.

       Looking at the plate she took out, except for thin slices of meat, there were only a few green onions and garlic cloves, nothing else.

       When Zhu Yuan saw him not eating, he urged: "Try it, don't you believe in my craft?"

       Too diligent.

       Xi Zheng was even more suspicious: "I never saw you feed it like this in the past-you cook by yourself? Didn't you vomit?"

       Zhu Yuan smiled and said, "This dish is very fragrant. I have a great appetite after smelling it. How can I vomit?" After that, I pretended to be frustrated, "You don't love me anymore, don't you even want to eat the dishes I cook?"

       Ai...Xi Zheng was a little embarrassed, and worried that she was really sad, and hurriedly grabbed her hand: "Okay, I'll eat." Put the sliced meat on the chopsticks into his mouth.

       In the next instant, his face turned black, and the pieces of meat were quickly spit out.

       "Ah! Why did you throw up?!" Zhu Yuan protested.

       Xi Zheng's face was solemn, he held her hand, glanced around, and said coldly: "Come here, immediately lock all those who handle the dinner!"

       Zhu Yuan was shocked, and hurriedly held him down: "What are you doing? How can you lock people up?"

       Xi Zheng touched her head: "Are you hungry? Be patient and let someone get some food later." He glanced at the dishes on the table, "These are feared of being poisoned."

       Zhu Yuan: ..? ?

       Xi Zheng explained: "Although I spit out the meat slices in time, my tongue is still numb at the moment, and I am afraid of drugs." He said fortunately, "Fortunately, I will eat first..."

       "...Puff hahahahaha!" Zhu Yuan snorted.

       Xi Zheng: ..? ?


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