Su Qin 130

 Novels      »   Su Qin Reborn in the Last Days     »   

          The speed abilities on both sides were the first to encounter them, and they met in an instant, and saw countless gusts of wind entangled together. For a time, only the sound of swords and swords continued to sound, but even the figures were illusory.

          Lin Qingyang led a group of supernaturalists to arrive. There were a few thick buckets during the run, and the thunder dragon with dazzling electric lights on his body roared and whizzed towards the opposite side!

          Faced with such a powerful attack, the man with gold-rimmed glasses changed his face slightly, and then suddenly closed his eyes, and his spirit power poured out from the sea of spirit! In an instant, an invisible spiritual barrier was erected in front of you! Thunder Dragon is also coming soon! Only heard a boom! Several Thunder Dragons all blasted above the mental barrier. mental barrier trembled violently, but it was still tenacious and not broken.

          The man with gold rim glasses just relaxed, his face suddenly changed! :

          “Not good! Rewind!" At the same time, the figure retreats!

          The originally invisible spiritual barrier shattered suddenly in the light of lightning! At the same time, a thunder dragon that was bigger than before came out instantly! Swinging the dragon tail, the crowd whizzed towards the retreating hunting and killing gods! Thunder Dragon is extremely fast! In a flash, he caught up with a few abilities who were not so fast! Thunder Dragon whizzed past, and the few Tier 4 abilities only had time to let out a terrifying scream, and they became a corpse entwined with lightning!

          Thunder Dragon swallowed a dozen people in a blink of an eye, and the rest is unabated!

          "Let me come!" small mountain-like Assen yelled and stopped, then stretched out his fist and sipped it towards the roaring Thunder Dragon with all his strength!

          "Give me to die!!!" Asen roared ferociously! fist thrown out was almost covered with a layer of white light! "Boom!" A huge collision sounded! Immediately! .. "Wow!" Thunder Dragon hissed in pain! Then he was smashed by Assen punch! It turned into a thunder light and disappeared in Asen fist wind.

          "Haha! Come again!" Ah Sen laughed, slammed his fist completely paralyzed by Thunder Dragon and rushed towards Lin Qingyang!

          Gu Xu faced more than a dozen people with supernatural powers around him, smirked, and only flicked his hands. In an instant, more than a dozen fiery snakes turned up from her skin, spitting out snake letters like short arrows. Shot out!

          "Your opponent is me!" Huo Yu Jiao shouted! Lifting both hands vigorously, in an instant, a huge fire snake climbed up her body from under her feet, then opened his blood basin and threw his mouth at Gu Xu!

          "You are defeated! Let you see how the real fire-type power is used!" Gu Xu smirked. As he stepped back, his lips moved quickly, and then he stopped abruptly, closed his eyes, and waited to open his eyes. At that time, two hot flames were already burning in his eyes! At the same time, I only heard a very clear phoenix cry! A huge fire phoenix turned out behind her! As Gu Xu hands spread out, the fire phoenix three-meter-long burning wings stretched out! It rose to mid-air in an instant! Then he screamed and fell to the extreme speed, approaching the giant fire snake that flees in horror, and at the same time stretched out the chicken claws entangled in flames! Only in a flash, he caught up with the fleeing fire snake and slammed its claws! Just grab the fire snake in its paws and fly! When flying into the air, the chicken claws used force at the same time, and the giant snake was caught in several pieces, turned into sparks, and fell into nothingness before it fell to the ground!

          "Go to hell!" Gu Xu shouted. fire phoenix in mid-air screamed again, and then swooped down at the fire feathers whose eyes widened from panic! "Boom!" Huoyu and Huofeng turned into powder in the flames!

          The Longcheng supernatural powers who had originally planned to come forward to rescue all stopped in time, and watched in shock as a Tier 6 fire superpower was burned to powder before their eyes!

          Looking at Gu Xu flame-burning eyes, the group of stunned people with supernatural powers almost instantly retreated in unison! However, it was too late. Countless little fire snakes caught up with them, burning their bodies wantonly! In just a moment, more than ten people died under Gu Xu fire snake.

          Gu Xu body shook undetectably. It was immediately discovered by the sharp-eyed ability person:

          “She ran out of abilities!"

          In an instant, more than a dozen supernaturalists rushed over here!

          As soon as Gu Xu gritted his teeth, he was about to raise the power again.

          But only saw a small figure rushing over, blocking her front, and in an instant, countless transparent water arrows shot towards the surrounding supernaturalists! Just hear the babble constantly! abilities who did not put this little water arrow in their eyes tasted the bitter fruit of despising their opponents. When they were avoided by them and shot into the distance, they turned their arrows to the direction without defense. Shoot them in the back!

          "Are you okay?" Huzi-Yu asked anxiously. "Why do you use such a big move when you come?!" He said, watching the supernaturalists warily. rising and surging water mist enveloped Gu Xu, and waves of water arrows condensed out and shot out radially toward the surroundings!

          "I'm okay.”

          Gu Xu took the opportunity to quickly pour a few sips of stone spring water, feeling the rapid rise of the power in her body, and she still had time to say:

          “Anyway, you are on the side, and there is time to replenish the power when you run out.”

          She is not so impulsive, but it is because Huzi-Yu is within ten meters of her to dare to use such powers to directly use big moves.

          Huzi-Yu rolled his eyes speechlessly.

          A Han, the first-stage ice-type supernatural ability person of the seventh stage, is like no one among the supernatural powers of the Dawn base. He is filled with ice, as long as he enters within two meters of his side, the ability lower than the fourth-order directly Frozen into ice sculptures! Those with the fifth-order ability will lose the ability to move, and those with the sixth-order ability will be delayed! As long as their movements slow down a little, they will be penetrated by ice thorns in the next second!

          In just a few minutes, the number of people with the dawning ability who died under Ahan has exceeded thirty! Someone with supernatural powers had seen this scene long ago and immediately shouted:

          “Don't get close to him!" However, there would still be superpowers who were chased by him and then directly pierced by ice!

          Just when Ahan grinned and raised an ice thorn to stab a Tier 5 supernatural power! Suddenly the pupils shrink slightly! Then quickly stepped aside, avoiding the attack of the three ice thorns. Then he straightened up and squinted at Shan Liang, who lifted the Tier 5 supernatural power with one hand, but stared at him closely. blood that was frozen in the body instantly resumed the moment Shan Liang hand touched his arm. Hastily stepped aside.

          "Tsk tsk, it turns out that there is also an ice supernatural power here!" His eyes narrowed slowly.

          Shan Liang slender eyes slowly narrowed, and then suddenly launched an attack, in an instant! Several Bing Lengs rose from Ahan feet!

          A Han quickly jumped out of the range of Bing Leng attack, stood still and smirked and said, "Hey! Is that enough?" Then his eyes were sharp! I saw countless ice thorns condensed out of thin air around him, and suddenly raised his hand! Instantly lasing towards Shan Liang!

          Shan Liang flipped over with one hand, and immediately turned into a huge ice shield in his hand, just listen to Dudu several times! ice thorns that Ahan stabbed quickly shot one after another on Shan Liang ice shield. When the ice shield was more than tenth, the ice shield suddenly heard a very subtle cracking sound. Shan Liang pupils suddenly tightened, his brain twisted sharply, and in the next second he swung the ice shield in the direction where the ice spike came from like a discus! At the same time quickly fell to the ground next to it! In the next second, I heard the sound of the ice shield shattering, followed by the dull sound of ice spikes hitting the ground!

          This area has become a land of icy edges. Shan Liang didn't look at the place when he fell. His right arm was inserted on the icy edge, and blood was flowing immediately.

          Regardless of looking at the wound, Shan Liang grabbed his arm and got up, then ran in the direction of the fat man. During the time when he and Su Qin were separated, the ability promotion was not smooth. Using the fifth-order peak ice-type ability to deal with the seventh-order ability was basically only abused! Only the fat man with the seventh-order ability at the same time can win together.

          "Want to run? I haven't played enough yet.”

          A Han saw Shan Liang premeditated plan, but with one hand raised, an ice wall rose up in front of Shan Liang! He blocked his way for life!

          Shan Liang scolded Shengniang, and had to turn around to face the seemingly abnormal ice-type supernatural power player. His eyes rolled slightly, and he stomped his feet with force, and A Han feet came out again. Ahan had to retreat from the rows of Bing Leng. It now! Shan Liang pursed his mouth and waved his left hand vigorously! In an instant, a huge ice edge condensed in mid-air! Falling down! place is exactly where Akan will retreat!

          Unexpectedly, A Han abruptly leaned to the side, and Bing Ling instantly fell on his feet and turned into fragments! left arm was still rubbed by the sharp ice edge, and a long and deep blood hole was drawn. blood ran down the arm to the hand. Ahan gaze changed from the inattentive frivolousness to coldness in an instant! Staring at Shan Liang, who was backing away, showed a cold white tooth:

          “You damn...!"

          Seeing that Shan Liang had missed a blow, he was immediately chilled. At this time, he was less than 100 meters away from Fatty! With luck, he began to scream in his throat:

          “Fatty!!! Help!!!"

          The fat man heard Shan Liang voice and immediately jumped off Lao-Da! As soon as I turned around, I saw that Shan Liang right hand was full of blood, and his heart was even more numb. Seeing that the man following Shan Liang began to attack again, he gave up the sixth rank that had been beaten to death by him without thinking. earth-type supernatural person ran towards Shan Liang! "Skinny hold on!!!"

          Just after running a few steps, his ankle was suddenly entangled by a vine, and he quickly wrapped his entire right leg! A single stroke lifted him upside down!

          The fat man was hung upside down in the air. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the young man walking slowly towards him. He couldn't even say:

          “Tang, Tang Yu?!"

          "Fat, it been a long time.”

          Tang Yu walked over slowly.

          "Damn! It you! Put me down quickly! Being thin is in danger!" fat man shouted at Tang Yu while struggling. I was trying to pierce the vines directly with soil thorns, but I was shocked to find that my powers were not available anymore! At the same time, the vine was still growing, tying up his entire lower body in a circle, and then wrapping around his upper body.

          "What are you kid doing!" fat man suddenly woke up after roaring and looked at Tang Yu incredulously:

          “You and them are on the same side?!"

          Tang Yu didn't speak, but the vines that kept wrapping around the fat man upper body were the best answer.

          The fat man became surprisingly angry. blood of his whole body filled his face when he was hanging upside down. A fat face was flushed, and his anger was even more evident:

          “Tang Yu! You Damning help outsiders deal with Su Qin!"

          "Isn't Su Qin gone anymore?" Tang Yu looked at the fat man coldly and said, "I still remember what you told me back then. For you, Su Qin is your partner, and I am just Su Qin Didi. Now you are the same to me. Although Su Qin is my Elder-Sister, you are just a group of people I don’t know."

          "I really saved you in vain! If I knew that you were a white-eyed wolf, I should tell Su Qin not to go back and save you all the hard work! Let you rot to death in the smelly house! "The fat man cursed indiscriminately, his head felt dizzy because of hyperemia.

          Tang Yu always looked indifferent:

          “Don't worry, I won't kill any of you. However, there is no guarantee that others will not kill you."

          "I am the only relative of Elder-Sister in this world. Since it is her base, I should inherit it."

          "Damn your mother!!!" fat man yelled and struggled to get out of the vines, but the vines were tightening tighter and tighter, almost squeezing into his flesh, he wanted to eat his lunch. Lean out!

          And Tang Yu had already turned away indifferently.

          "Tang Yu you little son-of-a-bastard !!! Su will not let you!" Roared the fat man struggling behind Yu Tang.

          I would rather she not let me go... but you see, good people don't live long...

          Tang Yu mouth raised a very ironic smile, but the smile seemed bitter in every way.

          Shan Liang watched the fat man hang up, Tang Yu glanced indifferently, and then walked in the direction of the giant tiger in the distance. Shan Liang had a bad premonition in his heart almost instantly, but now he can no longer worry about other things, and his situation is now more dangerous than anyone else.

          "It seems that your rescuer can't even keep himself.”

          A Han, who was slowly approaching, smiled at the irresistible Shan Liangsenhan, then raised the sharp ice edge in his hand high, and smiled at Shan. Liang heart is inserted!

          Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu in the distance have also seen this scene. two of them rushed here, but it was too late!

          Just when the sharp ice edge was about to pierce Shan Liang skin!

          A vine stretched out very quickly! Bing Ling was quickly rolled up and the Bing Ling was thrown out with a strong shake!

          "What are you doing?!" A Han looked at the black masked woman not far away furious!

          "You kill him, I will kill you.”

          woman voice murmured in the mask, but it was still vaguely recognizable as a young voice.

          This woman is stronger than him, and she has never failed to say anything. He has no doubt that if he killed this superpower in the last second, he would die in her hands in the next second.

          He put away Bing Leng almost without hesitation, took a look at Shan Liang who had been completely stunned, and said viciously, "Fortune telling you.”

          Then he turned and left.

          The woman eyes behind the mask turned slightly, her gaze fell on Shan Liang injured arm, he hesitated, she took out a bottle of medicine from her large clothes and threw it at Shan Liang feet, then turned around. go.

          "Bingbing?!" Shan Liang shouted, his body almost trembling.

          The woman body suddenly stiffened, and there was a slight pause under her feet.

          Shan Liang eyes widened in disbelief, and he was about to run up to take a look. Suddenly, a vine pulled up! Threw him to the ground all at once.

          The woman didn't even turn around, but she said coldly with her back to him through the mask:

          “I'm not you Mei-mei, you Mei-mei she is dead. I just want to have a fight with her friend I saved your life, but it doesn't mean that I won't kill you.”

          She said coldly and left.

          Shan Liang lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word, he could only watch the woman who was wrapped in a loose black robe and wearing a mask went further and further.

          And that woman is obviously Shan Bing, who has been missing for a long time.

          Luo Qiao was concentrating all his mental energy to fight against the man with gold-rimmed glasses, the second character of the Hunting and Killing God team. He heard the roar of the fat man in the distance, and was instantly distracted.The man with gold-rimmed glasses on the opposite side instantly seized the opportunity. majestic mental power is pressing here at the same time!

          Luo Qiao only felt a sharp pain in his brain! Can't help but scream out in pain!

          "Qiao Qiao!" Yang Hao, who was dealing with more than a dozen mental abilities at the same time in the distance, exclaimed, and then suddenly closed his eyes! When I opened my eyes again, the mental power that had suppressed the over a dozen abilities on the opposite side was suddenly stronger! Only heard a few screams! All of the dozen or so supernatural beings fell to the ground with their heads in their hands.

          Yang Hao mental power has not been recovered, and he swept here directly! With a bang, I ran into the mental power that the man with gold rim glasses was about to withdraw! There was a strange stickiness in Yang Hao mental power, and he actually took the opportunity to swallow Rocho mental power and pulled out the man with gold-rimmed glasses! At the same time, the mental power of the man with gold rim glasses was also pulled out!

          The man with gold rim glasses was shocked! Can only carry all the mental energy to deal with it!

          On the other side, Yuan Lang was overwhelmingly crushing the two twin boys of the same wind system. Yuan Lang has always been invisible, even You Min, who is most familiar with him, just guessed that he has reached the seventh rank, but at this time, he is the only one in the audience who seems to be able to do well except for Lin Qingyang, although he and Su Qin and the others When he met, he was still a Tier 4 ability, but now he is already in the middle of Tier 8. In fact, when he met Su Qin at the time, his ability awakened only a month, but he had already climbed Tier 4, plus After Su Qin followed, Shi Quanshui assistance, the order that should have been more difficult to advance than the first, but went up to the eighth smoothly. At the same time, because of his "hobbies" he would go out hunting high-level zombies almost every day, so he has extremely rich combat experience. If these two Tier 7 imps weren't for the twins to have telepathy and cooperation, they would have been chopped by Yuan Lang wind blade.

          The two twin boys were also overwhelmed by the wind blade attack that Yuan Lang could follow almost without any gaps. Even the little boy who was smiling all the time was pressing his lips tightly and looking sad. At the same time, they dare not relax a bit. Once they have a little loophole, those ubiquitous wind blades will take advantage of the air and cut off their heads!

          You Min was not far away fighting with Mu Feng Zhao Yu. She stood in the middle of Mu Feng Zhao Yu, concentrating all her abilities, and covering her vines within a radius of hundreds of meters, once she found that it was not the dawn. People from the base stepped into it, and if they didn't notice, they would be entangled in her vines, and then Mu Feng Zhao Yu quickly stepped forward to assassinate them. They cooperate very tacitly and are the combination that kills the largest number of enemies. At this time, he took the time to take a look there, and saw Yuan Lang playing with two seventh-order wind system supernatural powers with ease, and he didn't realize that he looked at Yuan Lang, who was usually silly. You Min felt that the contrast was too great and she couldn't accept it.

          Asen abilities are power and gold, and his resistance to lightning is amazing! In other words, Lin Qingyang biggest advantage can only cause little harm to Asen. And if Lin Qingyang was hit by Assen power, it is estimated that he would suffer serious injuries. Therefore, Lin Qingyang could only use his agility to fight with Asen, sending out another thunder attack from time to time. Although it did not cause serious injuries, such continuous attacks were enough for Asen.

          Soon Ah Sen was completely angered, and roared at Lin Qingyang!

          It now! Lin Qingyang eyes moved, turned sideways, keenly turned behind Asen, and then slapped the back of Asen exposed neck fiercely!

          "Bang!" sound of heavy objects falling! Assen fell to the ground.

          At this time, the five giant beasts, including the giant tiger, have begun to clean up the mess. Except for the giant tiger, the other four mutant beasts have more or less bites and scratches on their bodies, but this injury is for them. It not a big deal. Give it some time and it will heal automatically.

          Lin Qingyang stood up straight, his eyes quickly swept across the surrounding battlefield, and suddenly his eyes swept across a very familiar figure. Suddenly the pupils shrank slightly... Tang Yu? !

          Seeing Tang Yu approaching several giant beasts quickly, Lin Qingyang had an extremely ominous premonition for no reason. He reacted at the first moment and ran towards Tang Yu.

          "It time to close the net.”

          Seeing that there were only dozens of the three hundred abilities that he had brought, and the only two seventh-order abilities were already injured, Wei Changfeng finally felt a little sinking. I'm out of breath.

          The black-clothed man glanced at him, and then said faintly:


          His gaze turned to Tang Yu, who was constantly approaching the mutant beasts on the battlefield, and then moved his gaze to the side. Ning, he saw Lin Qingyang who was rushing towards Tang Yu.

          "Shan Bing. Stop him.”

          black man said to the masked Shan Bing.

          Shan Bing did not respond, and jumped directly from the slope to Lin Qingyang. At the same time, a handprint was formed in his hand. Then several vines broke out of the ground, and rolled in the direction of Lin Qingyang!

          Lin Qingyang noticed the crisis for the first time, holding Su Qin knife in his right hand, and swiping it directly at the vines! There was a flash of thunder on the knife, and with a sound, several vines were cut off!

          But in the blink of an eye, it grew again, and continued to run towards the rolling past. Lin Qingyang had to stand still to deal with these vines that grew at the sight of the wind, seeing Tang Yu getting closer and closer to the giant beasts, and at the same time You can see his squirming lips, suddenly feeling anxious, and shouting at the Gu Xu Huzi-Yu who is not far away from Tang Yu, who is the closest distance to Tang Yu but has not noticed at all:

          “Gu Xu! Stop Tang Yu! "

          When Gu Xu heard Lin Qingyang call her name, he turned his head abruptly. Before remembering who Tang Yu was, he saw Tang Yu face and instantly remembered who it was. I saw that he was running towards those giant beasts. He knew that it was not good. He immediately raised his hand. A big fireball instantly hung over her palm, and then he waved the palm of her hand vigorously! fireball immediately dragged its long tail and whizzed to the other side!


          Only heard a bang! fireball hit on an ice wall! As the fireball shattered, the ice wall turned into slag and fell to the ground.

          After the ice wall, A Han showed a cold white tooth towards Gu Xu:

          “Little-Miss, your opponent is here."

          "Get away!" As Gu Xu screamed, countless small fireballs instantly condensed all over his body and flew towards Ahan overwhelmingly! At the same time, knowing that it won't be over for a while, so he shouted at Huzi-Yu who was not far away:

          “Ziyu! Come over quickly! Give this person to me!"

          "Then be careful!" Huzi-Yu rushed towards Tang Yu after speaking to Gu Xu.

          While running, while pouring a large sip of stone spring water, the water mist entwined all over the body suddenly rose! water arrows are constantly condensing out of the water mist as if they don't need any abilities, and blast towards those abilities who are trying to stop his footsteps!

          But after all, he is also short in human calves, and he is not a speed superpower who is known for his speed. Although he is now his fastest speed, he still can't catch up with Tang Yu who is running at extreme speed. After gritting his teeth, he stopped, took a deep breath, and then spit out suddenly:! A water dragon the size of a bucket turned out from the mist, roaring towards Tang Yu in the distance!

          Tang Yu only heard the sound of panting water behind him, and he got closer and closer, but at this time, if he mobilized his ability to block the attack, the ability he was preparing would be interrupted! water dragon was getting closer and closer to him, but the other people who hunted and killed the gods were dragged down, and he could make the choice at this time!

          Tang Yu gritted his teeth and was about to transport his superpower to resist. But I only heard the sound of a splash of water, and turned my head in amazement, only to see that the imposing water dragon had already turned into a pool of water.

          At the moment just now, the black-clothed man moved his body, but he was behind Huzi-Yu in an instant. Fortunately, the six senses of Huzi-Yu are extremely keen! While the cold hair on his back stood up, he bent down decisively and rolled on the spot to avoid the attack of the black man! However, there was still a deep wound on the right side of the neck. blood was flowing all over the neck suddenly, and he had to hiss constantly to relieve the dull pain in the neck. At the same time, he looked regretfully at the water dragons that had fallen short in the distance.

          At this time, Tang Yu preparations have been completed. He stood ten meters away from the five giant beasts. Once he closed his eyes, he opened his eyes, and the whites of his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes. And at the moment he opened his eyes, he was planning to clean the battlefield, and then rushed to support Lin Qingyang and the five giant beasts almost stiffened at the same time! beast pupil instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip! At the moment when their bodies were frozen, countless vines crazily broke out of the ground under their feet, quickly climbing up from their sturdy limbs, just instantly binding their huge bodies to death!

          Juhu body just recovered from stiffness in an instant! Seeing that I was actually tied up, I immediately began to struggle with anger! But the more you struggle, the tighter the vines will be! giant tiger is furious! Roar! Struggling harder! And the vine, which seemed to be unbreakable anyway, made a very faint click under the huge power of the giant tiger.

          Tang Yu was shocked immediately, and had to mention again that the few abilities in his body had been added to the vine again, and at the same time he shouted at the black man behind:

          “Hurry up! I can't hold on!"

          Lin Qingyang suddenly felt a great alarm! Toward the dawn, everyone shouted:

          “Quickly retreat! Back!" At the same time, they gave up the fight with Shan Bing and retreated quickly!

          At this time, the black-clothed man had slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were cold:

          “Ability deprivation!" As the voice landed, a circle of invisible ripples centered on him. Expanded in all directions! All within one mile of the radius was covered in an instant!

          Nothing happened...

          Just as the Shuguang everyone breathed a sigh of relief, an incredulous, trembling voice suddenly sounded:

          “I, my power is gone!"

          Immediately after that, there were screams of supernatural powers within this area!

          "My power!"

          "My ability is out of use!"

          "What the matter! I can't use my abilities anymore!"

          At that moment, all the abilities that had filled their bodies seemed to have been emptied at that moment! From a supernatural person to an ordinary person body in an instant, the huge contrast and discomfort surged almost instantly!

          The people in Dawn including Yuan Lang, You Min, Mufeng, Zhao Yu, Huzi-Yu, Gu Xu, Luo Qiao, and Yang Hao are all within this range, only the fat man who is still hung in the air and no one rescued, the injured Shan Liang, and Lin Qingyang, who is the farthest away. Not affected.

          The man in black walked up to Huzi-Yu, who had lost a lot of blood because of his loss of power and was injured. He stretched out his hand to lift Huzi-Yu who was unable to even struggle, and then looked towards. Lin Qingyang said slowly:

          “Go forward ten steps. Otherwise, I will kill him."

          "Ziyu!" Gu Xu was shocked when he saw this! She yelled and was about to rush over here, but her slender and fragile neck was firmly clamped by human arms. He pulled her back abruptly!

          Ahan leaned close to Gu Xu ear and said negatively, "Little-Miss, don't move, be careful to twist your neck."

          "Let go of me!" Gu Xu struggled vigorously, but she who had lost her abilities was nothing more than a Little-Miss under thirteen years old. How could she be stronger than Ahan who has been working out all year round. Suddenly felt desperate, and at the same time regretted it. If she had the intention to learn close combat with Su Qin, she would definitely not be so powerless now!

          Lin Qingyang face instantly became difficult to look. Now this situation is obvious, as long as he walks ten steps forward, he will enter the weird range that causes the ability to disappear. Then I was let go for the fish. But if you don't do what he says, Huzi-Yu will die.

          Huzi-Yu At this time, the blood on his neck showed no sign of stopping, a small face had become pale due to excessive bleeding, but those black eyes were still fixedly looking at Lin Qingyang, and his lips kept constant. Zhang Zhanghehe, although he did not make a sound, Lin Qingyang could still see what he was talking about. He said:

          "do not come.."

          Lin Qingyang felt a great pain, the thunder light looming in the palm of his hand slowly disappeared, coldly looking at the man in black, and then slowly took a step forward.

          "Ziyu!" Tears came out of Gu Xu eyes, and after exhausting the energy of eating Milk, he used his nails to pick Ahan and hugged her arm.

          Only heard "click!"

          "Ah!" Gu Xu snorted bitterly, and her entire right arm sank softly. She bit her lip firmly, and no longer let her lips scream, her entire arm seemed to be abrupt pain was the same as the break, and the forehead was covered with cold sweat.

          Akan said in a cool tone, "Now it the severed hand, and the next one is your little head."

          Gu Xu wanted to return his mouth, but he was so painful that he couldn't speak. His face was so painful that he looked extremely weak and pitiful.

          "Son-of-a-bastard!" About to explode Yuen Long gas, regardless of whether there going to Gu Xu rushed.

          "Yuan Lang! Calm down!" Zhao Yu and Mu Feng held him firmly, not allowing him to rush over.

          At this time, there was also a moment of awe on the city wall.

          The situation on the battlefield took a turn for the worse, and they were taken aback. Although they didn't know the reason, they saw that even the giant tiger was trapped. All the people on their side suddenly gave up resistance, and there were two Huzi Yu Gu Xu, the two children fell into each other hands, and they both lifted their hearts immediately. They all looked at the battlefield with bated breath.

          "Company commander!" Qian Xiaolin cried anxiously.

          "I'll take people over and save them all!" Zhang Gu threw the binoculars, and green veins appeared on his forehead! With red eyes, we must summon the people to rescue!

          "Zhang Gu!" Ran Yan grabbed Zhang Gu:

          “This is not the time to be impulsive!"

          Zhang Jianjun also came over:

          “Zhang Gu, we must stay here. Even if they fail, we must stay here. We must not let those people in!"

          "2-Shu!" Zhang Gu eye socket almost burst!


          "I'll count three times. If you haven't walked over, I will kill him.”

          man in black looked at Lin Qingyang unhurriedly and said, "Look, his neck is so thin that it breaks when you twist it. One.."


          Gu Xu gritted his teeth and called Huzi-Yu name in a low voice, tears falling drop by drop, suddenly raised his head and cried and hissed in midair:

          “Su-Qin Elder Sister! Please show up and save Ziyu!"

          Luo Qiao cried bitterly, and was held tightly in his arms by Yang Hao, unable to move, only crying in pain.

          The others were holding back their anger and grief, and they could only watch Lin Qingyang step into the range of deprivation of abilities.

          However, at the moment he raised his leg and stepped into the range of disappearance of the ability!

          Only heard the sound of breaking the sky suddenly! A black long arrow galloped past Lin Qingyang ear! strong wind brought up Lin Qingyang clothes agitated, like a black dragon making a passionate dragon roar! He quickly shot towards the chest of the man in black! arrow is so fast! Just listen to the sound of breaking the sky! But no arrow!

          Facing a long arrow from a tornado bursting into the air! pupils of the black man suddenly tightened! Huzi-Yu who had passed out suddenly was lifted up! Blocked in front of him!

          Just when the arrow is about to hit Huzi-Yu eyebrows! Suddenly stopped!

          The black man eyes widened in disbelief!

          Above the black long arrow, is a slender white hand.

          "Why, how is it possible...”

          Ahan, who was not far away, was stunned.

          Also stunned were everyone including the Shuguang base on the city wall and on the battlefield.

          "Sister. Sister?" Tang Yu eyes widened in disbelief.

          "Su Qin?!" Shan Bing, who suppressed several giant beasts with Tang Yu, was also shocked and silent.

          "Su Qin...!" Yang Di looked at the man with eyes full of unbelievable and unabashed hatred.

          "Sister Su-Qin!" Gu Xu tears burst out at this moment.

          "Su Qin.”

          Lin Qingyang looked at the person who suddenly appeared excitedly.

          "It Su Qin! Su Qin!" Zhang Gu excitedly put down his binoculars on the wall, his eyes under the lenses were a mist. Zhang Jianjun also had tears in his eyes, and Ran Yan was also excited. guards on the wall, the soldiers are all excited!

          "Hahahahaha! Thin! It Su Qin! It Su Qin!" fat man hung upside down in the air and shouted crazy at Shan Liang who was untying the vines for him! Tears of joy kept dripping from his forehead and dripped onto Shan Liang face, making Shan Liang unclear whether the tears were his own or the fat man's.

          At this time, standing expressionlessly in front of the black-clothed man, the person who easily held the long arrow that almost shot through Huzi-Yu forehead was Su Qin who had been missing for twenty days!

          The entire battlefield seemed to have been pressed the stop button, and there was a strange silence for a while.

          Su Qin glanced at Huzi-Yu, who had been unconscious and pale, and only said three words softly:

          “You damn it.”

          Then he disappeared silently under the shocked eyes of the black man!

          "Teleport?!" man in black opened his eyes in shock! As soon as the voice fell, the hair on the neck suddenly exploded! Suddenly an extremely unknown premonition came to my heart! Immediately released Huzi-Yu, unreserved luck, and retreated in the other direction at all speed!

          Before Huzi-Yu fell to the ground, a thin arm wrapped around his waist, and then only appeared for a moment, then disappeared instantly, and then appeared next to You Min, who was a hundred meters away, and put Huzi-Yu In the arms of the shocked You Min, he disappeared again!

          You Min carefully placed Huzi-Yu on the ground, then poured a little stone spring water into Huzi-Yu and then took out the wound medicine he carried with him and started to give Huzi-Yu medicine. My hands were shaking constantly when I was applying the medicine, and tears still dripped on Huzi-Yu neck, and I had to wipe the tears with my sleeve to continue applying the medicine.

          "Ah!" Suddenly! A Han, who was grasping Gu Xu in shock, suddenly let out a scream, then slumped to loosen Gu Xu hand, and fell straight back. In the center of his forehead, a black long arrow was inserted impressively through his entire head.

          Gu Xu fell down, into a embrace that was not too wide or even cold, and Gu Xu tears instantly came down.

          Su Qin touched her head silently, then disappeared again in an instant.

          The sound of breaking through the sky is coming again!

          All the mental power of the man with gold rim glasses burst out instantly! Instantly condensed a mental defense that almost turned into substance! As long as there is this defense, he... "Ah!" moment the black long arrow touched the mental defense, the mental defense was like air, dissipating in the air. eyes of the man with gold rim glasses opened wide, as if he could not believe what was in front of him, and then his body slowly fell back.

          Immediately afterwards, the third, the fourth, the fifth...

          At this time, all the superpowers in the Longcheng base on the battlefield were frightened! No one knows who will be attacked next! In the face of such an opponent, no one will not have a heart of fear! Their crazy launcher ability attack, trying to be able to attack Su Qin! But they couldn't see Su Qin shadow at all! Until the heterogeneous energy is exhausted, then, be shot! Under such great mental pressure, some supernaturalists have given up resistance and started to flee!

          Just hear the continuous screams, and with each scream, there will be countless eyes that instantly follow the past! Then you will see a corpse with a long arrow stuck in its forehead. But the person who shoots the arrow will only transform into a phantom at the moment of shooting the arrow. Besides, he can only hear the sound of breaking through the sky and screams! And those who want to escape will become the next target! Even if the body moves, it will be shot through the head by a long arrow in the next instant.

          All the supernaturalists in Longcheng can only stiffen their bodies and slam their feet on the ground, for fear that if they accidentally move a bit, they will provoke the killing god!

          "Ah!" I only heard a painful cry from a female voice! Everyone eyes immediately followed the voice!

          Lin Qingyang gaze turned away, and his gaze suddenly condensed. Shan Liang, who was rushing over with the fat man, even paled in shock. I saw Shan Bing, who was wearing a mask, now that the mask had disappeared. A bloody hole with bones on his white right face kept bleeding out, and half of his face was dyed red.

          "Ah!" Another painful cry sounded.

          This time, Lin Qingyang, the fat man Shan Liang, and the people who knew this person all changed their complexions, and saw a black long arrow pierced through Tang Yu right arm fiercely, and the long arrow nailed him to the ground.

          Tang Yu was so painful that he gritted his teeth and refused to cry.

          Su Qin appeared out of thin air not far from him, holding an ink-colored longbow in his hand, gave him a very cold look, and then walked past him blankly.

          Tang Yu, who suppressed several giant beasts, was injured in Shan Bing. giant tiger was the first to crack the vines wrapped around his body, and let out an angry roar! Then he opened his blood basin and rushed towards Tang Yu!

          "Rhubarb!" Lin Qingyang stood between Tang Yu and Rhubarb, looked at Rhubarb and said, "This person cannot be killed."

          "Roar!" Rhubarb roared at Lin Qingyang angrily, but gave up Tang Yu and turned to stare at Shan Bing.

          Shan Liang stood silently in front of Shan Bing.

          Rhubarb is furious! Roared several times! In the end, he gave up and rushed to chase Su Qin.

          While running, Su Qin jumped into the air and jumped onto the back of the giant tiger, and then chased the man in black who was still running away!

          You Min, Yuan Lang and others all regained their abilities, and they all surrounded the injured Gu Xu Huzi-Yu. After the abilities were restored, Huzi-Yu severely injured neck began to heal slowly, and Gu Xu severed his hand. It was tied up by the fat man with You Min branches to fix it.

          Tang Yu face was lying lonely on the cold ground. He didn't even feel the sharp pain on his shoulders. He just kept playing back in his mind the indifferent eyes that Su Qin had just seen him... Suddenly he felt the cold air on the ground invaded. In his bones, he couldn't help shaking his teeth when it was cold.

          However, Shan Bing silently picked up the damaged mask not far away from the ground by a long arrow, ignoring the smeared blood, and pressed it directly on his face.

          Shan Liang followed her silently, saying nothing.

          Within a few minutes, Su Qin came back riding rhubarb with a corpse in black clothes in his mouth. With a flick of his head, he threw the corpse over, facing upwards, and it was the man in black that was incredible.

          "There is another Wei Changfeng. He suddenly disappeared as soon as you appeared.”

          Lin Qingyang said.

          Su Qin didn't speak, just stretched out his hand in one direction blankly, and then suddenly clenched!

          Suddenly, there was a cracking sound from the void over there, and then a figure fell out of the air. After rolling on the ground a few times in embarrassment, he stopped, looked at Su Qin in shock, and couldn't say a word.

          Su Qin shook the void, then slowly spread out his palms, and a green jade medal was lying quietly in the palm of her white palm.

          Su Qin coldly looked at Wei Changfeng, who was so embarrassed that he could no longer bear the Big-gongzi manner of the guardian family, and asked word by word:

          “Where is Wei Ningyuan?"

          At this time, the green jade card in Su Qin hand really had its origins. Long Family heirloom jade card originally had two pieces. They are master and jade cards respectively. Long Matron passed all the two jade medals to her after Long Yin was twenty years old.

          Su Qin didn't know it originally, but he heard Matron say when he was in the Long family to accompany Long Matron to worship Buddha.

          Long Yin was handed over to Grandpa Tang custody, and finally handed over to Su Qin before his death. one that had been merged was the main card, and the second card that was just taken from Wei Changfeng hand.

          It was given to Wei Ningyuan by Long Yin as a token of love, and Wei Ningyuan kept it close to his body. Su Qin had seen it in Wei Ningyuan.

          During the period when Su Qin was in a coma, she had completely integrated with the jade card hidden in the palm of her hand, so after she came out of the space after waking up, she immediately sensed where the second card was.

          Lin Qingyang eyes narrowed when Su Qin suddenly asked Wei Ningyuan.

          Wei Changfeng face changed slightly, and then he stood up from the ground without hurriedly, and restored the appearance of the tall Wei Jia Big-gongzi. He looked at Su Qin and said, "Wei Ningyuan is naturally in Wei Jia. No. Do you know that Su Xiaojie has something to do with him? When I return to the capital, I can tell it on my behalf."

          "Why is this in your hand?" Su Qin asked word by word while holding the jade plate in his right hand.

          "This is the heirloom of my Wei family, Su Xiaojie have any questions?" Wei Changfeng expression remained unchanged.

          "You are looking for death.”

          Su Qin took only one step, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Wei Changfeng face. sharp knife was compared to Wei Jia Big-gongzi Jingui neck. Su Qin voice was as cold as the blade:

          “Wei Ning is far from the end. What wrong? Say!"

          Lin Qingyang stepped forward and grabbed Su Qin hand:

          “Su Qin, Wei Uncle, he is no longer there."

          Fatty, they were all stunned.

          Su Qin didn't seem to hear Lin Qingyang words at all. knife in his hand plunged into Wei Changfeng neck, and blood leaked out instantly. She just persistently asked:

          “Where is Wei Ningyuan?"

          "Those who try to betray their own family deserve to die.”

          Wei Changfeng raised his chin slightly and looked at Su Qin mockingly:

          “How can you say, you are also a side branch of my Wei family, and you have to call me Big-Brother. If you Willing to return to Wei house, I can guarantee that your position in the clan is only under mine."

          The knife sank into the meat again. blood stained the knife in Su Qin hand, and it filled Wei Changfeng neck.

          Wei Changfeng pupils shrank slightly, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up all the time, his tone finally changed:

          “Su Qin, if you kill me, everyone in your Long Family will be buried with me."

          Su Qin stared at Wei Changfeng eyes and moved the knife away from his neck bit by bit. His voice was extremely cold. In those deep eyes, there was a bitter hatred at this moment:

          “Wei Changfeng, Don't worry, I won't kill you. I will let you live and watch.. Watch how I destroy your entire guardian house."

          Wei Changfeng pupils shrank suddenly.

          Su Qin watched Lin Qingyang carefully take out the black round can from the backpack and put it on the table. expression on his face was always so calm, as if it were just an ordinary can.

          "Before he left, he didn't say anything else, just said I'm sorry. This is his retribution, so you never return to Wei house anyway. Don't try to take revenge on them.”

          Lin Qingyang glanced at Su Qin and said "Finally, he said, if possible, I hope you will take him to Qingyuan to be buried with Aunt Long."

          Su Qin did not answer, but stared at the ashes with a calm expression.

          Lin Qingyang sighed in his heart, said nothing, and walked out quietly.

          Only Su Qin and Wei Ningyuan, who had turned into ashes, remained in the room. There was no sound, and it was terribly quiet.

          Lin Qingyang waved back the guard at the gate, and then just leaned his back against the wall to guard. After a long, long time, I heard Su Qin low, depressed, weeping cry from inside.

          Lin Qingyang lowered her head, her heart was suddenly sore, and her eyes were red in an instant.

          About half an hour passed, the door inside was suddenly opened, Su Qin appeared calmly at the door, without even crying.

          Lin Qingyang stunned for a moment, then stood up straight and looked at her in silence.

          "Isn't there a celebration party?" Su Qin said calmly, "Let go."

          "Su Qin.”

          Lin Qingyang stretched out his hand to stop in front of her, and looked at her deeply:

          “It doesn't matter if you don't go."

          "Why not?" Su Qin also looked at Lin Qingyang deeply. She had already experienced this level of pain when she was six years old. Now she has no time to be sad, and she is not so easily knocked down.

          Lin Qingyang was speechless for a while, but her eyes were clearly filled with unspeakable sadness.

          Su Qin pushed away his arm in front of her, and then walked away firmly.

          Lin Qingyang sighed a long breath, and then quickly followed Su Qin.

          The celebration banquet was in the square in front of the center of the base, and long tables filled the square like a long dragon. soldiers and mercenaries who participated in this battle have all been seated. square was also surrounded by civilians. After hearing that Su Qin had awakened and participated in the battle to turn the tide, almost the entire base had gathered here, waiting for her to appear in anticipation.

          When Su Qin appeared on the high platform, her figure appeared on the huge LED display in the square at the same time. There was deafening applause in the square, and people excitement were mixed with loud shouts. It didn't stop until the palms of the hands were red.

          Su Qin on the high platform bent down deeply and bowed deeply to everyone under the high platform.

          After the shock, people began to clap vigorously again.

          The applause didn't gradually stop until Su Qin straightened his body again.

          Su Qin stared deeply at the people under the high platform who looked up at her, and moved his mouth slightly closer to the microphone, with a smile on his lips:

          “I am Su Qin."

          Applause sounded again.

          Su Qin patiently waited until the applause passed, and then continued, "Thank you all for not stopping the construction of the base during my absence. Thank you for protecting us with your lives when I am away. Home.”

          A glass of wine appeared out of thin air in her hand:

          “This glass of wine, I want to honor all the warriors who participated in this war. You are the pride of me and the Dawn base. Your names will always be engraved on it. On the hero monument of the Dawn Base!" After Su Qin finished speaking, he raised his glass to the people under the platform.

          The soldiers with supernatural powers who were sitting in the square all picked up the wine glasses filled in front of them and stood up. Facing Su Qin on the high platform, he raised his glass. Then, together with Su Qin, they drank in one go.

          "I've got all the wine for the past half month.”

          Sun Yaoming said, clutching his chest with great pain.

          Yu Qingnian was very happy on the side, and couldn't feel Sun Yaoming heartache at all.

          The center of the base became a sea of joy that night. People you know and don't know cross their shoulders, speak freely, celebrate the hard-won victory, and party all night.

          At this time, the central personnel of the Dawn Team had gathered in the large conference room on the sixth floor.

          The atmosphere is a bit stagnant.

          They were all notified to the conference room for a meeting, but the position of the first Su Qin was still vacant.

          Su Qin didn't let them wait for too long. After ten minutes, he opened the glass door and walked in.

          The long hair that had been over the shoulders was cut by Su Qin again to be the same as the short hair at the beginning of the last days. whole person looked energetic and vigorous.

          "I have decided, and I will set off for the capital the day after tomorrow.”

          Su Qin suddenly dropped a bomb in the conference room:

          “I will go this time, not for anything else, but for complete destruction. This is a personal vengeance. Let you all come over.

          I just want to ask, who of you would like to go with me.”

          flames of hatred against Wei Jia burned in her heart almost every moment, and Wei Ningyuan death was not only in her heart. With the sword, the scar of Long Yin death suppressed in Su Qin heart was also violently opened, dripping with blood. She almost wished she could rush to the capital and uproot the entire Wei family!

          Before other people could express their opinions, Ran Yan spoke first:

          “The current situation of our base has not stabilized, and there have been several wars. human heart is initially uneasy. If we leave the base at this time, I am afraid that it will be against the base. impact is too great.”

          He paused:

          “In this extraordinary period, if there is any private enmity, I have to postpone it before reporting it."

          "I'll go with you.”

          Lin Qingyang said to Su Qin as if he hadn't heard Ran Yan words.

          "I don't worry about you going there, and I have to follow along.”

          fat man said as if he was afraid of being left behind.

          "I don't need me here, so count me.”

          Shan Liang said. There was still a trace of depression in his expression.

          "I am also an idler at the base, of course I have to follow.”

          Yuan Lang immediately followed, destroying the Weijia, it sounds very emotional, of course he cannot be missing.

          "Sister Su-Qin, you can't leave me behind, I must go! My injury will heal soon, and I will be completely healed the day after tomorrow.”

          Gu Xu said quickly, and then grabbed Huzi Yu:

          “Ziyu will follow."

          Su Qin frowned and looked at Gu Xu, who was hanging his hands, and Huzi-Yu, who was very pitiful with a thick layer of gauze wrapped around his neck, and then said, "You two stay at the base to recover from your injuries. You are not allowed to go anywhere."

          Gu Xu narrowed her mouth. Although she was reluctant in her heart, she still couldn't say a word that violated Su Qin. She could only squeeze her mouth silently, but everyone could see her reluctance. Huzi-Yu obediently nodded and said, "I will wait for you back at the base with Gu Xu."


          Su Qin nodded.

          "After the end of the world, the two of us haven't been anywhere, so we just took this opportunity to look outside.”

          Mu Feng and Zhao Yu also expressed their opinions.

          Zhang Gu knew that even if he wanted to follow Su Qin, he would not agree, so he didn't mention it at all.

          So what is left is Zhang Gu Ranyan, Zhang Jianjun You Min, who is in charge of training, Lin Shuyu, who is in charge of logistics, and Jiang Man, who is in a sweet period with Jiang Man, and the qualifiers with their own tasks. Sun Yaoming must be reluctant to guard his small wine shop. Yu Qingnian stayed at the base to train the mutant beasts that remained undead this time.

          After the personnel were finalized, Su Qin said to Ran Yan, who was not very pretty, and Zhang Gu, who was calm, "Then the base will be handed over to you."

          Zhang Gu didn't say anything, but Ran Yan couldn't help but said, "Su Qin, I have an opinion."

          Su Qin looked over.

          The original words have already reached the lips, but at this time, watching Su Qin eyes seem to see everything, Ran Yan was a little guilty for no reason, but in the end he still said:

          “What I want to say is that we have gone all the way. It all to listen to your arrangements, and all objections cannot be mentioned. On the road back then, this was indeed the best management method. But we are now managing a large base with nearly 400,000 people, and I think there are some imperfections. It should be changed a bit."

          "Oh?" Su Qin looked at him with a faint smile, "What do you mean by imperfection?"

          Ran Yan met Su Qin gaze without evasiveness, and said:

          “I think all affairs of the base should be free from arbitrary authority."

          Fatty Lin Qingyang and the others looked at Ran Yan eyes suddenly became weird. Zhang Gu disapproval was even more obvious.

          Although Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu Luo Qiao look like Little-Adult, they still can’t understand what arbitrary authority is, nor can they hear what Ran Yan words mean, so they look at the atmosphere in confusion. Several Adult suddenly got wrong.

          Ran Yan knew the mistake, and immediately added an attempt to remedy it:

          “I have no other meaning, but this is more conducive to the development of the base."

          Su Qin only gave him a deep look, but walked out without saying anything.

          Lin Qingyang followed Su Qin out, and when he walked to Ran Yan side, he suddenly stopped, and asked suspiciously:

          “Ran Yan, I don't know if you have ever heard that you are not greedy enough to swallow an elephant?" He lifted his feet again and walked out quickly.

          Ran Yan face suddenly changed.

          People like Fat Shan Liang walked out without even looking at Ran Yan.

          "Don't do unnecessary things.”

          Zhang Gu stood up from his seat and said to Ran Yan seriously:

          “No matter what, the owner of the base can only be Su Qin.”

          After Zhang Gu said this sentence, he walked with Zhang Jianjun. Up.

          In the huge conference room, all of a sudden, only Ran Yan whose face was constantly changing was left, as if she had been discarded by everyone.

          "By the way, Su Qin, how do you deal with Tang Yu, Shan Bing, and Yang Di?" Several people walked out of the conference room and the fat man suddenly asked.

          Lin Qingyang immediately slandered in his heart, it was really not a pot to open which pot.

          Everyone footsteps suddenly coincided with one another. Then they all looked at Su Qin.

          Shan Liang face turned pale, and the fat man looked at him worriedly, but he dared not make a sound.

          Lin Qingyang looked at Su Qin worriedly.. What would she do with Tang Yu? Little-Didi who she had rushed back to save him regardless of her own life and death, but was betrayed time and time again.

          Su Qin was silent for a moment, and then said, "Bring Yang Di here first."

          Shan Liang was obviously relieved.

          In fact, it is only a matter of time to arrive later and earlier, but he is now in ostrich psychology, and he wants to come as late as possible as long as the dust storm can come later.

          At this time, Su Qin, in the subconscious, is not such a mentality?

          After a while, Yang Di, with his hands tied behind, was brought in by four guards.

          At Su Qin request, she was the only one in the room.

          After the four guards retreated, only Su Qin and Yang Di were left in the house.

          Faced with Su Qin at this time, Yang Di had completely torn off all the disguise, staring at Su Qin fiercely with hateful eyes, wishing to pounce on Su Qin to bite him.

          Su Qin stood by the window with his back to him, watching the constant flow of people in the square below the center of the base. Feeling the hatred gaze from Yang Di behind her that seemed to pierce her back, she smiled slightly, then turned around, looked at Yang Di, and slowly uttered two words:

          “Di Yang."

          Yang Di was stunned almost instantly. Then he looked at Su Qin with completely disbelieving eyes.

          "Why do I know your real name?" Su Qin smiled:

          “That right, your past life is different from mine."

          The blood in Yang Di body was completely solidified, and his pupils kept shrinking... in his previous life.. He almost lost his voice:

          “You. You too.."

          Before he finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly. originally tightened eyes spread out uncontrollably, and his body fell straight on his back, with a bloodstain running through his neck. There was a "drinking" sound from my throat, and my body trembled uncontrollably.

          Su Qin retracted the dry ink sword, then walked slowly over, looking at Yang Di who fell on the ground and stared at her with resentful eyes, and said coldly:

          “No matter how many times you are born again, I will kill you. "

          The blood pouring from Yang Di throat flowed all over the place, and his body twitched twice before opening his eyes and completely motionless.

          After the four guards were called in, they were all taken aback, and then silently dragged Yang Di body out, and then mopped the floor clean.

          She had a very long dream when she sank under the stone spring. She said it was a dream, but she was actually showing a movie from her previous life.

          Remember a lot of things that have been blurred. She saw that she was besieged by zombies when she was caught and used as cannon fodder. Yang Di pointed at her and said to Xiao Rong, "Throw her out."

          After a long time, Su Qin said, "Bring Tang Yu here."

          Su Qin waited for a long time, but didn't see Tang Yu. Just about to send someone to ask, Lin Qingyang opened the door and walked in, and said to her anxiously, "Su Qin, you can go to the cell for a look."

          When Su Qin arrived, he found that the door of the cell where Tang Yu and Shan Bing were being held was already full of people. Fatty Zhang Guran and Yan Gu Xu were all there.

          Seeing Su Qinlai, he silently stepped aside.

          Su Qin saw Tang Yu sitting on the ground leaning against the wall in a messy cell with his head half lowered. There was a wooden stick stuck in his chest, which almost penetrated his entire chest, with blood on his chest. On the other side of the cell, there was Shan Liang holding Shan Bing corpse and crying. Shan Bing mask fell to one side, the blood on his face remained, and a wooden stick stuck in the heart of his chest.

          He seemed to perceive that Su Qin had arrived. Tang Yu raised his head laboriously. When he saw Su Qin, his dim eyes lit up, and then weakly said, "Elder-Sister, you are here..."

          Su Qin turned around for a while and almost couldn't stand. Lin Qingyang helped Su Qin behind her, and she stood still, then staggered and ran over:

          “What the matter with you? Who did this? Who did it!" Lin Qingyang, Fatty and others had never seen Su Qin appearance before, and they all felt panicked.


          Tang Yu coughed up blood from his mouth. Raising his arm with difficulty, Su Qin held Su Qin hand in his cold hand due to excessive blood loss. Just call her:

          “Elder-Sister .. Elder-Sister .."

          "Where is Zheng Qi! Where is Zheng Qi! Call Zheng Qi over!" Su Qin yelled in panic.

          "I have sent someone to call.”

          Lin Qingyang quickly calmed down.

          "Cough cough, no need... Elder-Sister, I can't live anymore.”

          Tang Yu grinned reluctantly:

          “This is my retribution. I killed Shan Bing. She hates you, so she will definitely look for opportunities. Kill you, I won't give her this chance...”

          He was ready to die long ago. If Su Qin is really gone, then it doesn't matter. If Su Qin is still alive, then he is willing to die in her hands. But unexpectedly, such a wish is still difficult to realize.

          Su Qin didn’t seem to hear the words behind him, but was firm, but incoherently said:

          “No, you won’t die. I won’t let you die, I will save you. I’m great, you know, I can save you."


          Tang Yu didn't want to cry, but tears came in his eyes:

          “I know everything.. It turns out that the dream is not a dream.. I was wrong. It was a big mistake.. But I I’m going to forgive me, okay? I know you love me the most, even if I make a mistake, you will forgive me... right?"

          Su Qin only knows that he said repeatedly:

          “You will not die, I will save you, I will save you, you will not die.”

          She took out the stone spring water from the space and handed it. Tang Yu mouth:

          “Be good, drink it, you will be fine with it."

          Tang Yu stared at Su Qin without blinking, and obediently opened his mouth to drink the water.

          "If there is an afterlife, I will be your Elder-Brother. OK? Let me protect you, OK.."

          Su Qin throat was choking and could not speak, only to nod indiscriminately.

          "I regret it...”

          Tang Yu said with a soft smile, "If I have been with you, it would be great..."

          If you didn’t choose Tang Shuangshuang at the beginning, but stayed with Su Qin, then he should be the carefree boy who started out... he thought about it, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he went to Su Qin side.

          Then contentedly, he slowly closed his very beautiful eyes.

          Zheng Qi just arrived at this time, and without breathing well, he quickly put Tang Yu other wrist in his hand and began to pulse.

          After a while, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and then slowly shook his head at Lin Qingyang.

          Lin Qingyang looked at Su Qin, whose eyes were already full of tears at this time, but forced to keep the tears from falling, and his heart suddenly became cold.

          Zheng Qi said with difficulty:

          “Su Qin...he is dead."

          .. Deathly silence.

          Except for Shan Liang same painful cry on the other side, the whole cell fell into silence. fat man looked at Shan Liang and Su Qin, feeling uncomfortable as if he was going to be blocked, and finally couldn't help turning his back to wipe his tears. Gu Xu eyes were already in tears, and he stood on the cell door and looked at Su Qin with worry. others also looked sad, with mixed feelings and didn't know what to say.

          "Su Qin...”

          Lin Qingyang whispered her name in a worried voice, and then saw the tears in Su Qin eyes streaming down.

          For Su Qin, Tang Yu was her only hope for family affection for a long time. Even if he did something wrong, she was very angry, especially when she saw him on the battlefield, she even wanted to kill him immediately. But really watching him die in front of her like that, it was for her.. He clearly knew that even if she was angry with him, she would not really kill him. His death was like being born and taken in Su Qin heart, dripping with blood.

          For Shan Liang, who lost his only relative in this world, the pain is the same.

          On this day, the base rained its first rain since the last days.

          For the dead base abilities, they didn't even hold a funeral for Tang Yu and Shan Bing. They burned to ashes and were kept by Su Qin and Shan Liang.

          Su Qin held Tang Yu ashes and said all night that they were all things that happened with Tang Yu as a child.

          "Qingyang, do you think you have to push back the matter of going to the capital the day after tomorrow?" When Su Qin Danliang went back to the room.

          Two fat guys, Lin Qingyang, were blowing cold wind on the top floor of the center of the base. There was a small table in between. A pot of wine was placed on the table, and a wine glass was placed in front of one of them.

          Lin Qingyang poured a whole glass of wine in one sip, as if his throat and entire chest were burning. He said, "You don't need to push. Take this opportunity to let Su Qin and Shan Liang both vent."

          The fat man nodded dullly, sighed heavily, and then drank a whole glass of wine, and then he smiled and said:

          “This wine is too strong, and my tears are coming out of the spicy..."

          Lin Qingyang didn't speak, but just pouring her head down. wind is quite winter now, and there is a bitter chill on her face. Lin Qingyang rubbed her face violently, then stood up and said to the fat man:" Go down.”

          He now only hopes that no one will die after arriving in the capital.

          The rain, which had been stopped for a long time, came crashing again in the afternoon.

          Shan Liang stepped on the rain to say goodbye to Su Qin.

          In just one day, he seemed to be more than ten years old, looking haggard:

          “I plan to take her back and be buried with my parents."

          "That not anxious at this moment, right?" fat man was a little anxious.

          Lin Qingyang frowned and said:

          “It not safe outside now. We can't rest assured that you are on the road alone. It better to wait for the capital to go to Qingyuan together."

          Shan Liang shook his head bitterly, and said, "I still want to take her back soon.”

          Then he said to Su Qin, "I'm sorry, I can't accompany you to the capital."

          Su Qin shook his head and said, "I will send a few people to accompany you back. You will come back when everything over there is handled."

          Shan Liangzheng wanted to refuse, so he was interrupted by Su Qin:

          “This is already my minimum requirement. If you still have to set off by yourself, then I won't open the order to you."

          "Okay, then.”

          Shan Liang had no reason to refuse. So he went away again in the rain.

          When Shan Liang left, Su Qin said to the fat man again:

          “Fatty, you can take some people back with Shan Liang. Be careful along the way, and be sure to come back safely together."

          The fat man hesitated for a moment, and nodded:

          “Well, don't worry.”

          He was really worried about placing Shan Liang. He wanted to take the initiative, but he had promised to accompany Su Qin to the capital and level Wei home. Liang is already absent, he can't leave anymore. Su Qin suggested that although he was a bit embarrassed, he was still worried about Shan Liang, so he agreed without hesitation.

          The Dawn Squad, which finally returned to the team, had to part ways again.

          Except for the guards who did not die on the battlefield, all of them were executed within the first time, the rest of the superpowers of Longcheng base were all imprisoned in the base cell. Reactivate after preparing to brainwash. After all, the evolution of the supernatural being is also very hard-won. In addition, these people are different from the guards, who have deep-rooted family thoughts. They are a group of scattered soldiers. After the chaos, they are organized into various teams, which can also play a significant role.

          In the evening, soldiers came to report. Said that Asen was noisy in the cell, he must see Su Qin when he was arguing. Several people couldn't help him, so they could only send someone to find Su Qin.

          It turned out that when I was clearing the battlefield that day, I discovered that Asen was not dead, but was beaten by Lin Qingyang to faint. When I woke up in a daze, I realized that I was the only one left in my group, and I heard that Su Qin was not dead.

          I just rushed into the base to find Su Qin. people who cleaned the battlefield were all low-level abilities and even civilian guards, and there was nothing to do with Asen.

          In the end, Lin Qingyang was alarmed. Together with the fat man You Min, he captured Asen and was also put in a cell. Because of the constant noisiness, I could only stun directly. Yesterday, Lin Qingyang hadn't had time to report this incident to Su Qin. Who would have thought that he had been fainted for a long time, and now he woke up again and made the cell a huge turnaround.

          When Su Qin arrived, You Min was using layers of vines to bind Mount Asen-like body into a mummy, leaving only a furry big head outside. Seeing Su Qin coming, he immediately stared a pair of eyes like copper bells, and shouted:

          “Are you really not dead? I thought they were bluffing me!"

          Su Qin was in a bad mood at the moment, and just asked him:

          “What are you looking for me for?" If it weren't for the inexplicable affection for Asen, Su Qin would have let him kill him.

          "I'm going to follow you!" Assen said something staggering. Without knowing the impact of what I said, I continued:

          “I wanted to go with you last time. I didn't expect you to leave secretly without saying hello to me. Then they said you were dead, I don't believe it.

          Then I came to have a look with them. I didn’t expect to be confused and started fighting. That young and light Little-Brother was so powerful, I couldn’t beat him, but he was knocked out. Who knew I woke up and heard others say You are not dead. I really saw you now, and it seems that you are really not dead."

          His call dazzled all the people present. But the central idea still wants to follow Su Qin.

          Su Qin stared into his eyes, and Asen was not shocked, just let Su Qin look at it with his eyes open, with an open air.

          "Why are you following me?" Su Qin asked. This is so strange that she can't find a reason for Assen to follow her.

          Asen said almost without thinking, "I want to find you to be my wife!" When the words fell silent, his jaw dropped suddenly. Even Su Qin suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

          After carefully looking at Assen, whose entire head was full of hairs, he couldn't even see his appearance. After a while, he said:

          “Are you sick?"

          Assen apparently misunderstood Su Qin meaning, and vowed to say:

          “Don't worry, my health is very good."

          Su Qin brain hurts.

          Lin Qingyang felt like a smile, even if she wanted to be jealous, she couldn't eat it anymore.

          The several abilities in charge of the cell guard couldn't help laughing.

          "Don't worry, I was knocked out by the Little-Brother before I could kill any of your people...”

          Assen said, he gave Lin Qingyang a hard look, and said in surprise:

          “Huh?! You are not. It the Little-Brother who stunned me! You are amazing, as amazing as Su Qin, and I admire you too.”

          His excited voice suddenly stopped, and then asked:

          “Right, where is Tang Yu?" He looked at Su Qin said, "He also said he didn't believe you were dead, so he made an appointment to come to you with me. Have you seen him?"

          Su Qin face changed almost instantly.

          Then he said to You Min:

          “Let him go.”

          He turned and walked away.

          You Min glared at Asen, who knew nothing about his mistakes, and then took all the vines back.

          Lin Qingyang and Fatty looked at each other, and then both walked out.

          The name Tang Yu, from now on, is destined to become a forbidden word for them to tell each other.

          Lin Qingyang, Yuan Lang, Mu Feng, Zhao Yu, Su Qin and the newly-joined Asen, and each of the ability teams drawn 100 ability players, a total of more than 700 people went to the capital. Of course, before that, Su Qin gathered these commanded supernaturalists together for a meeting, and made it clear that it was her Su Qin personal vengeance. If she didn't want to, she could continue to stay on duty at the base. No one chose to quit, not because they were afraid of Su Qin power, but because they were willing.

          On the morning of the third day, a group of people had breakfast and prepared the supplies on the road, and then planned to get on the bus and set off. Fatty and Shan Liang were late to arrive. original arrangement was to set off together. After arriving in Longcheng, they parted ways. After waiting for a long time, they saw Fatty rushing over and facing the leader riding on the giant tiger back. Su Qin said, "It not good, Su Qin, the thin man is gone. I heard the guard at the gate said that he left alone early in the morning."

          Obviously, he wanted to let the fat man go to the capital with Su Qin and then sneak away early in the morning.

          Su Qin sighed in his heart, then solemnly said:

          “Let go."

          Speaking and patted the giant tiger below, the giant tiger rushed out of the open door with a roar. giant lion, giant leopard and two giant beasts followed closely, just in case, Su Qin left both mutant wolves behind. base. After that, it was a bus that Fatty had not driven for a long time after numerous modifications, but Fatty was more willing to sit on a mutant beast, so he gave the bus to Zhao Yukai, and he and Lin Qingyang sits on the giant lion. Body. At the end there are more than 20 military cards, full of the ability players of this time. There are dozens of abilities on the military card in the middle, which are highly monitoring a Wei Changfeng.

          Facing the morning sun, the fleet of elongated dawn bases headed for the northern capital.

          On the wall, the people who were arranged to stay watched Su Qin and the others go far away, hoping in their hearts that they would come back safely.

          The fleet of Dawn Base was hung up with the logo representing Dawn Base when Fatty was bored. A closed black umbrella and a black long sword intersected. When Su Qin saw it by accident, it was directly used as the symbol of the Shuguang base. Together with the five-star red flag, it stands tall on the top floor of the center of the base.

          According to their speed, they could reach Longcheng before dark.

          However, the road was unexpectedly severely blocked, especially those people who rushed from various bases to the Suguang base after hearing the news, almost all of the road was occupied. Some powerful off-road vehicles drove directly off the road and galloped in the fields. And on the road where all the crews of the convoy were heading towards the Shuguang Base, Su Qin convoy heading in the opposite direction was particularly noticeable. Although those people saw that Su Qin team was crowded and powerful, and at a glance, they knew that it was not an ordinary team, and when they saw the unique signs of Suguang Base on the car, they all moved in and gave way to the team. Come, but there are too many vehicles on the road, and the speed can't go up.

          It has been nearly four hours since I came out of the Dawn Base, but I have only walked less than one-tenth of the distance. Su Qin patience can't help but feel a little impetuous at this time.

          Seeing that it was noon, the superpowers who had only drank porridge in the morning were almost starting to be hungry at this time, so they simply drove off the road to the side of the field, and all got out of the car to have lunch and let the wind blow.

          Hundreds of people gathered together, and each car had only one or two material bags, full of materials, just in case. As for the other things in Su Qin space, including Lin Shuyu, taking advantage of yesterday vacancy, the hundreds of logistics staff in the entire canteen were all busy all day, and cooked meals for these 700 people for ten days. They were all packed into Su Qin space. It still steaming when taken out now.

          Everyone takes a lunch box full of rice and eats in the open field while chatting leisurely. Because of the lack of meat, everyone can only get one to two small pieces of chicken or duck, most of them are It all kinds of vegetables. From time to time, someone can hear someone yelling proudly:

          “Haha! I beat three pieces of meat today!" But in the last days, those who can have this kind of food will be the base of dawn. If this kind of food is spread, Enough to attract people from all over the world to the dawn. Hundreds of people gathered together, standing, sitting or squatting, eating the white rice leisurely.

          Seeing this scene, the passing team all dropped their jaws, and even thought they were hungry and fainted. They really hardly imagined that someone would be able to eat only half of the bread all day long. Eat white rice!

          From the end of the world to the present, most of the supplies have been gathered by the base leadership. Such food is only available to the base leadership in the early days of the apocalypse. What more, most of the vegetables growing in the soil now seem to happen. With the variation, the taste becomes unbearable. It can be said that it is more difficult to eat green vegetables last time than meat. It has now been confirmed that some mutant beasts can be eaten. Although the meat is tough, it is also meat, so high-level abilities in other places can occasionally taste a little meat.


Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135 
Chapter 140 【Finale 2-11】

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