Su Qin 125

 Novels      »   Su Qin Reborn in the Last Days     »   

          Zhang Gu was holding the spectacles to observe the movement of the zombies in the distance, and the telescope slightly moved up and looked farther. His dignified expression suddenly changed. After looking intently for a while, he suddenly shouted at Zhang Jianjun not far away excitedly:

          “2-Shu! 2-Shu! Come and take a look! zombie tide seems to be retreating!"

          "What?!" Zhang Jianjun took a few steps with excitement and took the telescope passed by Zhang Gu and looked into the distance. After looking at it for a while, he exclaimed excitedly:

          “Really back!"

          I saw that the wave of zombies that had been rushing crazily in the distance suddenly turned his head and dispersed further.

          However, the nearby zombies were attracted by the fireballs and huge sounds that were still continuously attacking, so there was no sign of retreat. Therefore, apart from Zhang Gu and Zhang Jianjun, no one else on the wall noticed.

          "Stop attacking all!" Zhang Gu suddenly shouted.

          The nearby abilities and soldiers heard the conversation between Zhang Gu and Zhang Jianjun just now, so they stopped the attack for the first time, and by the way, shouted one after another to convey Zhang Gu order.

          "What the matter?" Ran Yan saw that many trebuchets had stopped their attacks, and quickly walked over here, not understanding why Zhang Gu suddenly issued such an order. He hadn't noticed the signs of zombies in the distance retreating.

          "The tide of zombies is retreating! Look!" Zhang Gu didn't care about his grievances with Ran Yan on most days, and handed the telescope over.

          "What?" Ran Yan took the binoculars handed over by Zhang Gu, but he was still a little confused.

          "If you don't see it, you will know!" Zhang Gu amusedly raised the telescope and motioned to Ran Yan to look at it for himself.

          Ran Yan took a deep breath before placing the telescope in front of his eyes.

          At this time, You Min and Yuan Lang also ran over, and after hearing Zhang Gu words, they looked nervously at Ran Yan.

          And Luo Qiao and Yang Hao can't wait to let go of their mental power to check for themselves.

          In the suffocating atmosphere, Ran slowly put down the telescope, and muttered in a voice that he could hardly believe:

          “Really retreat..."

          Yuan Lang also quickly grabbed the telescope, and when he looked at it, he yelled:

          “Retired! Really retired!"

          At this time, all the trebuchets on the city wall had stopped projecting, and the zombies under the city wall had slowly started to disperse.

          All the soldiers and supernaturalists who fell into silence on the city wall were stunned when they saw this scene, and then the shouts on the city wall became a continuous voice:

          “The zombies are back! zombies are back! We are on guard!!!" young faces on the city wall were all excited and excited at this time! fighters who didn't know each other excitedly embraced each other!

          The shouts from the city wall shook the sky, and vaguely passed into the base. long-awaited civilians were stunned by the sudden victory. They all rushed into the street from the tents in the house. Listening to the shouts of the soldiers from the city wall, I couldn't believe my ears.

          At this time, the speed supersquad team responsible for posting the base announcement spontaneously withdrew from the wall at this time, turning into a blast of wind, running around the base with its throat, spreading the news of victory. entire base:

          “The zombies are back! zombies are back! We are victorious!"

          As if in a dream, the civilians only now dare to believe that they are indeed in reality. excited Adult threw the children beside them into the air, and the children screamed and laughed. old man at the door of the house was supported by a strange young man. old face was full of tears because of joy and excitement. People who don't know each other hug each other who is closest to them, celebrating this rare victory!

          "I'll tell Su Qin the good news!" Zhang Gu face was full of lightness, and he couldn't wait to tell Su Qin the great news!

          "I'll go with you!" Ran Yan and Yuan Lang said at the same time.

          "Go and go! You all go together! Let her rest assured earlier!" Zhang Jianjun was also relieved at this time. He smiled and said to the juniors who didn't want to stay for a while.

          "Commander Dalian! Little company commander! Not good!" When Zhang Gu and others were getting approval from Zhang Jianjun and were excited to go down the city wall and return to the center of the base, Qian Xiaolin ran up from under the city wall with a sad face.

          Zhang Gu and Zhang Jianjun looked at Qian Xiaolin face and suddenly felt a thud in his heart.

          Sure enough, Qian Xiaolin stunned everyone who was still immersed in excitement and joy just now.

          "Su Qin fainted!"

          Zhang Gu felt dizzy and grabbed Qian Xiaolin:

          “Wait! I didn't hear clearly, what happened to Su Qin?"

          Qian Xiaolin was crying and made the matter clear:

          “A very powerful zombie burst out of the laboratory! Several of us were killed! Fat master and Su Qin were both injured. Fat master hit the door by himself. It nothing serious, but Su Qin seems to be infected by a zombie virus..."

          Before Qian Xiaolin finished speaking, Zhang Gu, who was pale, rushed down from him. Then Ran Yan, Youmin, Luo Qiao and others all rushed down the city wall with Zhang Gu, and rushed towards the center of the base!

          "Qian Xiaolin, you stay!" Zhang Jianjun drank Qian Xiaolin, who was about to run to the center of the base with the large group. His complexion was particularly solemn:

          “You have to block the news that Su Qin fainted. In this situation, the base can't stand the stimulation anymore."

          "It late!" Qian Xiaolin expression almost started to cry:

          “At that time, many people saw Su Qin fighting the zombie. It is estimated that the news has already spread!"

          Zhang Jianjun face suddenly became more ugly.

          And what Qian Xiaolin said is not wrong.

          The news that Su Qin fainted spread like wildfire on the base that was rejoicing for victory.

          The Dawning Base, where the city was originally celebrated, quietly cast an invisible shadow.

          Zhang Gu and the others rushed to the center of the base as quickly as possible, and they saw several mutant beasts and Yu Qingnian and Sun Yaoming lying on their stomachs at the door.

          Sun Yaoming was about to step forward to speak as soon as he pursed his lips. Who knew that Zhang Gu and his party rushed into the center of the base as if they hadn't seen him, stepped up three steps and went upstairs.

          He could only sigh and step aside, and said to Yu Qingnian, who was crying, "Lao Yu, we seem to have to be a funeral for Su Qin this time..."

          Yu Qingnian did not answer, but the expression on his face was unspeakable guilt and regret.

          At this time, the giant tiger of the initiator was lying lazily under the sun licking the yellow hair on its paws.

          "Where is Su Qin?" Zhang Gu squeezed the crowded crowd outside the door and squeezed into the room. I saw Su Qin lying on the bed silently. Afterwards, Ran Yan Youmin Yuan Lang Luoqiao and others were all dizzy and slowly gathered around the bed.

          Gu Xu was standing on the bedside and weeping quietly. Huzi-Yu looked at Su Qin on the bed with a sad expression, his mouth bowed, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

          The fat man was turning his back to wipe his tears. Shan Liang stood by the bed with a solemn expression on his face.

          Lin Qingyang stood by the bed without saying a word with her back to the door, and looked at Su Qin who was lying on the bed with an unnatural blue face with unblinking eyes, her face was gray, and her bright eyes full of vitality, this It was covered by long eyelashes, and there was darkness inside, as if a hidden storm was brewing.

          Zheng Qi, Jiangman and others all stood straight, their faces all blue.

          Zhang Gu gaze swept across the faces of everyone in the room, his hands and feet were almost frozen into ice before he knew it. Finally, he looked at Zheng Qi and asked in a soft voice, "When will Su Qin wake up?" .."

          Zheng Qi whole body was frozen. He opened his mouth, but found that his throat was completely choked, and he couldn't speak. Gu Xu originally sobbed quietly, then burst into tears almost like a collapse. tears in Huzi-Yu eyes flowed down.

          Even Shan Liang couldn't help turning his back.

          There was a faint sob from the crowd blocking the door.

          "Is there no one to tell what the hell is going on now? Why are you crying! Could it be that Su Qin is dead?!" Ran Yan couldn't help but roar.

          As soon as he said this, the room was suddenly deadly silent.

          Luo Qiao almost trembles uneasy, and walks to the silent Luo Ming side, tugging at his sleeve and asking quietly:

          “Elder-Brother, Su-Qin Elder-Sister, what happened to her... "

          Luo Ming couldn't bear to look at Little-Mei with a begging face, and opened his mouth with difficulty:

          “Qiaoqiao...Su Qin, she..."

          "She okay.”

          Lin Qingyang suddenly turned around.

          Zhang Gu turned his head abruptly and looked over, and he glanced into Lin Qingyang eyes. At this time, those eyes that were always bright as stars were like a pool of stagnant water, which made people palpitate.

          "Qing Yang...”

          fat man turned his face in shock, and the Maitreya Buddha-like face was now full of distorted tears.

          Gu Xu stopped crying and looked up at Lin Qingyang hopefully.

          "She will wake up.”

          Lin Qingyang didn't have any expression on her face, and her voice was still so clear without a trace:

          “We have gone through so many life and death junctures along the way. Which time is not to come to life? This time is the same. Will wake up."

          "Su Qin... there is no heartbeat anymore," Zheng Qi couldn't help saying.

          Zhang Guran, Yan Youmin, Yuan Lang, Luoqiao and others were dumbfounded, their eyes widened in disbelief.

          "We are no longer ordinary people. If we were seriously injured, we only need a little time to recover. Su Qin is not an ordinary person. Others may die if their heart stops, but Su Qin is different. I also believe that she will be able to survive.”

          Lin Qingyang said so.

          "Qingyang is right.”

          Shan Liang wiped away his tears and turned his face back:

          “Maybe some miracle will happen? Su Qin is not a miracle originally, isn't it?"

          Gu Xu stopped crying at this time, but her throat was hoarse after being soaked in tears, she said firmly, "Yes! Sister Su-Qin will wake up! She will not die! She also said to Build a school for me and Huzi Qiao Qiao so that we can go back to school!"

          Zheng Qi wanted to say something, so Jiang Man grabbed him, and shook his head at him with tears. Zheng Qi sighed and stopped talking.

          Zhang Gu had heard so much, and probably all knew what was going on now. But there is still a sense of trance that is extremely unreal.

          "Zhang Gu, please arrange for someone to spread the news. Su Qin is only temporarily unconscious after being injured, but it is not a major problem. First stabilize the base of the people. For other things, we will discuss carefully when this matter is finished. "Lin Qingyang showed unprecedented calmness at this time, as if Su Qin lying on the bed was really only slightly injured.

          Zhang Gu gave Lin Qingyang a deep look, but didn't answer.

          "Leave this to me.”

          Chen Wen on one side nodded solemnly at Lin Qingyang and walked out.

          "Do what you should do, don't surround yourself.”

          Shan Liang also returned to normal at this time, and began to evacuate the supernatural beings who were still around the door, and added in a more serious tone:

          “Remember, Su Qin is just coma."

          Everyone knows the timing. Judu nodded and left with deep anxiety.

          "Next, continue to do whatever you are usually responsible for. We only need to wait until Su Qin wakes up.”

          Lin Qingyang even began to smile. But everyone knew what was hidden under that smile.

          Zhang Gu stared at Lin Qingyang deeply, and Lin Qingyang looked back at him without evasive. two stared at each other for a while, and it was Zhang Gu who spoke first:

          “Take care of her."

          "I will.”

          Lin Qingyang replied.

          "Let go. Although the zombies have retreated, there are still many things to be done.”

          Zhang Gu took a deep breath and said to the others.

          Ran Yan took a few deep breaths before he suppressed the aura of wanting to roar, took a deep look at Su Qin who was lying on the bed, and walked outside after Zhang Gu.

          You Min pursed her mouth and bowed to Su Qin on the bed, then turned and walked out.

          "I want to be here with Sister Su-Qin.”

          Luo Qiao said as he walked to the bed, standing next to Gu Xu, looking at Su Qin eagerly on the bed.

          "Then leave it to you, Qingyang.”

          Shan Liang patted Lin Qingyang on the shoulder, and then yelled to stay with Su Qin fat man and walked out.

          "Skinny... Do you think Su Qin will really wake up?" fat guy wiped away tears and asked Shan Liang.

          "Sigh... don't ask, let go.”

          Shan Liang sighed and took the fat man away.

          The crowded room suddenly disappeared, leaving only three children and Lin Qingyang.

          "Qingyang Elder-Brother, Elder-Sister will really wake up, right?" When everyone was gone, Gu Xu red eyes like a rabbit were full of prayers, and looked up at Lin Qingyang in a small voice. ask.

          "Yeah. It will.”

          Lin Qingyang touched Gu Xu little head and said with a smile.

          "Now can I be alone with you Su-Qin Elder-Sister for a while?" Lin Qingyang said softly.

          "Well, let come back later.”

          Rocho nodded with red eyes. Then he pulled the reluctant Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu out, and carefully closed the door.

          When the door was closed, Lin Qingyang upward corners of his mouth fell instantly, and he walked slowly to the bed and sits down, holding Su Qin greenish hands in his hands. cold touch made his heart freeze:

          “Su Qin .. What you can hear now, right? I don’t believe you are dead. You still have so many things left to do, and I haven’t even formally expressed your heart to you. You still have your parents’ grievances unrequited, you are last bloodline of the Long Family, you are the hope of so many people.. I haven’t even seen you smile happily.. How could you die? People all over the world die and you won’t die. Yes, Su Qin, hurry up and wake up...”

          With a warm kiss on the cold forehead, Lin Qingyang slowly stood up, and took a deep breath:

          “Before this, I have to help you look after the base. ."

          He opened the door, smiled at the three children waiting outside, and said, "Come in."

          Gu Xu hurriedly got in first.

          Lin Qingyang was about to close the door when she heard Gu Xu yelling in panic, "Sister Su-Qin is gone!"

          Lin Qingyang turned his head suddenly, and saw that Su Qin Simmons bed was empty, and even the thin quilt originally covering Su Qin didn't look like being lifted by someone.

          His heart jumped wildly!

          Zhang Guran, Yan Youmin, Yuan Lang and his party walked down from the stairs with heavy steps, and walked out of the hall. Not surprisingly, they saw Yu Qingnian and Sun Yaoming at the door. Zheng Qi did not give Yu Qingnian the red bead to Su Qin. When the episode came out, Zhang Gu saw that both Yu Qingnian and Sun Yaoming were ashamed. He just thought that he was also sad because of Su Qin affairs, and he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder like comfort.

          Fatty and Shan Liang then came downstairs, and Yu Qingnian expression became even more ugly.

          Shan Liang hesitated for a while or walked over, sighed and said, "You are not to blame for this matter, Zheng Qi said, it that the poison is too powerful."

          When Yu Qingnian saw him saying this, instead of feeling relieved, he felt even more uncomfortable.

          The fat man walked to the giant tiger with his eyes closed and wanted to touch it, but he didn't dare to touch it. He only sighed and said, "Rhubarb, you are going to be an orphan."

          When the giant tiger heard someone call its name, he lazily opened his eyes and looked at it lazily. Not knowing what the fat man was talking about, he lazily closed his eyes again.


          fat man looked at the giant tiger and sighed for a long time. I was about to greet Shan Liang to go. As soon as I turned my head, I saw Luo Qiao rushing down from above. There were tears in his big eyes. When they saw them, he immediately called out:

          “Uncle Fat! Uncle! Go up and have a look! Elder-Sister she gone!"

          Lin Qingyang carefully observed the surroundings, the windows were still tightly closed, and there were no secret passages around, and he was just turning around. It is impossible for a third party to snatch Su Qin away. He didn't know how to explain the things that Su Qin didn't see when he turned around, but his instinct told him that this was not a bad thing. He had to suppress his flustered mood and console Gu Xu:

          “Gu Xu, don't worry, Su-Qin Elder-Sister will be fine."

          Gu Xu was crying and didn't know the north, south, east and west anymore. Su Qin was completely a piece of sky in her heart, a spiritual pillar that would never collapse. Even if she was locked in a cabinet by Mama, listening to the horrible cry of zombies outside, or being kidnapped by mutant wolves that time, she thought that she was going to be eaten alive, and she was not as panicked or afraid as she is today.

          Huzi-Yu was also scared enough.

          Soon Rojo called Fatty and Shan Liang back.

          The fat man started shouting before he even entered the house:

          “Why is Su Qin missing?!" He walked in from the outside in a blink of an eye, followed by Shan Liang, who was also worried, and asked when they met, "Qingyang, how could Su Qin meet? Suddenly disappeared?"

          "I don't know, I just turned around and Su Qin is gone.”

          Lin Qingyang eyebrows were tightly twisted.

          The fat man said:

          “Could it be that the monkeys were caught?" He was talking about the zombie monkeys who moved very fast before the zombies besieged the city.

          "What monkey?" Lin Qingyang and Shan Liang asked in unison. They didn't know what the fat man meant by monkey.

          "Before the zombie siege, some fast-running monkeys came to the base to step on them. They were fast, so I wonder if those monkeys came back to take revenge and took Su Qin away?" fat man said worriedly.

          Lin Qingyang shook his head:

          “Impossible. I turned around and opened the door until Gu Xu entered the room. It took five or six seconds at most. There was no trace of the window being opened. Unless the monkeys can pierce through the wall, it is absolutely impossible to take Su Qin in such a short time. Transported out of the sealed room."

          "Then why is such a big person evaporating like this?" fat man said anxiously.

          Shan Liang also frowned, racking his brains to think about why Su Qin might disappear.

          Lin Qingyang looked at the empty room, suddenly a flash of inspiration in his mind, said:

          “You said, is it possible that Su Qin entered the space?"

          "Impossible. There are also several space-based supernaturalists in our base. They can only harvest things, not living things. Although Su Qin space is a variant space, it can grow things and harvest living things, but we never I haven't seen Su Qin go in. If the space can accept people, then Su Qin has been hiding in the space for so many critical moments?" Shan Liang said.

          "It not necessarily.”

          Lin Qingyang said:

          “Do you remember this morning? Several of us came back from the outside, but Su Qin was not in the room, and asked the guard outside the door that he didn't see Su Qin going out. At that time, Su Qin probably entered the space."

          "Even if it is Su Qin space that Su Qin can enter, but you see her in the current situation, it is impossible to enter on her own.”

          Shan Liang asked again.

          "If you put it on the other hand, it possible that Su Qin consciousness awakened and he entered the space!" Lin Qingyang said, eyes brightened.

          Both Fatty and Shan Liang were taken aback by Lin Qingyang words.

          Gu Xu also stopped tears, staring at Lin Qingyang with wide eyes.

          "It must be like this.”

          Lin Qingyang grabbed the last straw like a drowning man:

          “If it weren't for this, you wouldn't be able to understand Su Qin sudden disappearance."

          "Qingyang is right.”

          Shan Liang said:

          “Su Qin space is very evil, the same space as those of ordinary space supers. And I believe that the bead given by Rhubarb will not be useless. Su Qin just now His heart has stopped, maybe it just hasn’t had time to work."

          However, this kind of statement is still uncertain.

          But in the current situation, this kind of explanation is undoubtedly the most reasonable and the most acceptable explanation for them.

          Lin Qingyang seemed to have been injected with a booster, and said to Shan Liang and Fatty refreshed:

          “If this is the case, then we just have to wait for Su Qin to recover and come out of the space. Before that, we will build the base together, etc. Su Qin came out and handed it to her completely."

          Fat Shan Liang glanced at each other, and then with Lin Qingyang, nodding solemnly.

          And while they were drawing conclusions, Su Qin "corpse" was already lying quietly under the Shiquan in the space.

          In fact, just after Zheng Qi checked and confirmed that Su Qin heartbeat had stopped, he had already blended into Su Qin hand, and the jade card that had not been moving all the time suddenly shed light, and at the same time, a green energy gushing from the jade card and winding from the heart. Serpentine injected into her heart, wrapped the dark heart quickly, slowly dissipating the dark energy adhering to the heart. At the same time, a burst of red energy suddenly appeared in Su Qin limbs, which quickly swallowed the dark energy that was destroying Su Qin body, and at the same time repaired the destroyed physiological functions.

          And the moment Lin Qingyang finished speaking with Su Qin and turned around, Su Qin lying on the bed burst out with a burst of light, and then disappeared into the air out of thin air.

          At the same time, a figure appeared out of nowhere above the stone spring in the jade card space, and then fell into the stone spring that had been enlarged several times with a plop, and the whole person slowly sank to the bottom of the spring.


          On the same day, Zhang Gu and others also learned of Su Qin return to space, and they all felt energetic.

          At the same time, after the official release of the news of Su Qin coma, although the people at the base were very worried about Su Qin body, because of the successful defense of the city this time, the Dawn Team words already had very strong credibility, so even if Su Qin coma made them very worried, However, the announcement issued by the Suguang base said it was not a major problem, and it did not cause large-scale panic.

          Fortunately, because of Su Qin foolproof character in doing things, he had already made plans for the base to function normally if something happened to him.

          Several large warehouses built on the base are filled with materials that can consume the base for three months. At the same time, a considerable amount of stone spring water and various vegetable and fruit seeds were prepared, and Chen Wen was responsible for planting crops with the stone spring water diluted countless times to see if it can speed up the growth of crops. A conclusion has now been reached. Pour ordinary 500ML of stone spring water into the amount of water that can irrigate one acre of farmland, which can increase the growth rate of ordinary crops several times! Vegetables that originally took three to four months to mature, after being watered with a small amount of stone spring water, from planting to harvesting, it only takes half a month! first batch of experimentally planted vegetables were ready to be picked by this time, and the ripening speed of vegetables did not slow down after the second planting on the land irrigated by stone spring water. In other words, as long as the land irrigated by the stone spring water has already been improved.

          Chen Wen, the research result, was submitted to the Suguang team at a meeting and passed the opinions. Tens of thousands of people were immediately recruited to prepare the soil for the cultivation of the base and the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Inexperienced people also followed to help spontaneously, learning how to do farm work by the way. For a time, the base set off an upsurge of all-agriculture.

          At the same time, although the tide of zombies outside is already retreating, the zombies closer to the city wall smelled the humanity in the base, and until the second day they still wandered outside the city wall and screamed and refused to leave. number was at least ten. Million. But they are all ordinary zombies and low-level evolution zombies.

          After the meeting of the dawn team, Lin Qingyang proposal was passed:

          The base official no longer participates in the killing of the remaining zombies, but is released through missions, and mercenaries will kill the remaining zombies. When the team kills zombies up to 1,000, the level will be upgraded from F to E. According to the head, each person can receive 5 catties of rice, as well as some other materials. Civilians who have the courage, regardless of male and female, can sign up for participation, and anyone who has killed more than three zombies can join the Civilian Guards without an examination afterwards. And the crystal nucleus hunted in the battle belongs to him.

          As soon as this announcement was announced, the central square of the base was immediately overcrowded. More than 500 mercenary squads across the base left dozens of them before the zombie siege, and more than 400 mercenary squads were all called during the zombie siege. On the front line of the city wall, they have all recovered their freedom at this time, but their hearts have been tightly tied to the entire base in the flames of war, and the benefits of the mission are still very impressive, so in addition to self-invitation In addition to the more than one hundred mercenary squads that joined the base ability guard team, there were also about three hundred mercenary squads that signed up for the next zombie killing mission at the first time. number of civilian registrations made the Dawn base staff responsible for recording sour their hands.

          The attraction of joining the civilian guard is great, and people have heard of how good the food is in the civilian guard. In addition, in order to protect them, ordinary people who have no abilities, Su Qin is still in a coma. She has paid so much for them, and they should pay back.

          As a woman, Su Qin surpassed countless men actions, and it also greatly inspired countless women who subconsciously thought that they were weak and should endure those insults and tortures. They looked up in the shocked eyes of men. Walked out of the tent with his chest tall. They don't want to give up a piece of biscuit, a piece of bread succumbed to the men, and let those men ravage!

          And all this is the reason why Suqin did not immediately order the ban on men jjj after building the base. After the end of the world, most women who are born to be physically weaker than men will subconsciously attach themselves to powerful men, and women with poor looks will become prostitutes. Su Qin had seen too much in his previous life, and this couldn't be more clear. If they don't save themselves, no one can save them. She thought, there shouldn't be only one Su Qin in this world. She gave them a chance to be self-reliant, depending on whether they wanted to grasp it.

          Fortunately, they did not let Su Qin down. hardships of the last days wiped out their original pride as women of the new era. Now, they decided to regain their self-esteem and pride, even if they sacrifice their lives!

          In the registered team, there are a large number of women mixed in, seriously discussing how to attack the zombies to the greatest extent of harm, giving people a very strange but unusually harmonious feeling.

          The men around, who are used to seeing women cowering and fearful, are very complicated when they see these women.

          And people unprecedented courage and enthusiasm makes the entire base full of vitality.

          On the same day, smoke arose in the base, and the people who signed up ate and drank, lined up and gathered in front of the base gate. Many people only have very simple weapons in their hands, but their faces are full of determination to win! Just come back from this door! No longer have to endure hunger and humiliation!

          And behind them, countless civilians stood behind them, hoping for their victory.

          Just as the city gate opened wide, the mercenary squad and the civilians roared and rushed out of the city gate and rushed to the zombies that were rushing towards them. On the ten-meter-high city wall, the speed of more than 300 people led by Mu Feng Zhao Yu ability team jumped down from the high city wall and mixed into the ranks of civilians. They were tasked with collecting the nuclei of the zombies that were killed in advance and rescuing the unstoppable civilians in time. At the same time, dozens of psychic abilities are on standby on the wall, their mental power is covered and ready to support at any time. other abilities teams are all on the wall, attacking further away.

          That day, the killing sound shook the sky outside the city wall of Dawn Base.

          After the war, the number of casualties was counted. Forty-three,218 people participated in the battle, forty-two,103 people returned, and 1,115 people who died in the battle. All the corpses that could be found were brought back and buried in the Martyrs Park of the base. Their names were engraved on the huge hero monument at the entrance of the base. Parents, wives and children are responsible for the base.

          This battle is the first time that mankind has withstood the siege of more than a million zombies, and the comparison between the number of casualties and the number of dead zombies is a miracle! At the same time, as the first large-scale battle between the supernaturalists and the civilians, it is of great significance. It will be called the battle of the dawn of mankind by later generations. Was written into the annals of the history of the last days of China.

          And the creator of history, the leader of the Shuguang base : Su Qin. At this time it was still sinking at the bottom of the spring, and there was no sign of awakening.


          At the same time, Yang Di embarrassed figure appeared in Longcheng hundreds of miles away.

          There were mountains of zombies piled up outside the base, and Gu Xu led a group of high-level fire type supernatural powers. A fireball passed by, and he had to burn that thing to extinguish it. continuous fire outside the city wall burned for three days and three nights before the layers of zombie corpses were burned, and even the land was burnt to black. It must not be used as farmland in a short time.

          Counting from the day Su Qin disappeared, half a month passed in a blink of an eye. dawn base has recovered its calm since the last zombie battle.

          Everything at the base is on track.

          Including the school that Su Qin planned to build after everything settled down, construction began.

          The earth-based ability team and the wood-based ability team headed by Fatty led the architects recruited by several bases to build civil engineering in the base. In just half a month, they built several buildings with several ability groups. squad, the mercenary squad, and the only more than a dozen space abilities in the base took a mission and went to the largest decoration market in Qiancheng, and brought back a lot of things needed for decoration. After working for more than half a month, the civilians who had lived in the tent area were finally moved into the building before winter came.

          Wang Jingzhi and others who came from the capital together with Lin Qingyang, as well as people who had publicized it at major bases along the way, also arrived one after another. Lin Qingyang made proper arrangements.

          It is worth mentioning that after Su Qin disappearance, the central figures of the Shuguang team gathered in the conference room for a meeting.

          The theme of the meeting was around who was responsible for the decision-making power of the base during the absence of Su Qin.

          If Lin Qingyang and Shan Liang had not come before, then naturally this power was undoubtedly between Zhang Jianjun and Zhang Gu Ranyan, and after Lin Qingyang and Shan Liang arrived, there was no doubt that the whole situation had changed greatly.

          Before this, Fatty was a person who didn't like Management. Gu Xu, Luo Qiao, Huzi-Yu, and Su Qin pointed out where to play. Lin Shuyu did not participate in these daily decisions, and all his spirit was used to manage the logistics of the base. Although Luo Ming is also the central figure, he is a bit short of having no powers. Besides, he and Jiang Man fought fiercely. He spent almost the same time in the medical team where Zheng Qi and Jiang Man belonged, and he had already deviated from the decision-making center.

          Zheng Qi, Jiangman, Chen Wen, Yang Hao, and those preliminaries have no personal opinions on Su Qinyan, and they are not in the decision-making center.

          And since Su Qin threw the base management power to Zhang Gu Ranyan, the fat Luo Qiao Gu Xu also obeyed what they said, and he was very active in doing everything he had to do, absolutely nothing. But in their opinion, they absolutely dare not treat them as their subordinates at will. In a sense, the fat man and the few children seem to completely obey the order, it is all because Su Qin let go of things. For their sake. If we really want to talk about it in practice, the status of the fat man and the three children is definitely above Zhang Guranyan. Moreover, the prestige and popularity in the base are also much higher.

          Needless to say, Fatty is the most capable person around Su Qin. Although Su Qin has never called Fatty Elder-Brother, he truly regards Fatty as his relatives. They didn't have the affection that Elder-Brother Mei-mei shouted on their faces, but from the eyes of the people next to them, they were all clear about their relationship.

          He has a bold personality, he likes to make friends with people of all walks of life, and he doesn't put on airs. Whether it is a low-status or a high-status, he can get anywhere. People in the center of the base are happy to associate with fat people. On most days, the mercenaries and civilians are very close to this fat man who laughs all the time but has a very high status. He yells every bit of a fat man.

          Not to mention Luo Qiao Gu Xu Huzi-Yu, all three children are very good-looking, Gu Xu is slightly older than the two younger ones, and treats enemies harshly, but he is lively and cheerful to friends, and his mouth is open. Sweet, everyone likes it, not to mention Huzi-Yu, the girl saw nothing that she didn't like. Rojo said that he was the youngest one, but he was calm and well-behaved. Although these three children are superb, the people in the base center treat them as Didi Mei-mei. Nor does it have the delicacy of ordinary Fu-Noble children. As they are in the Dawn base, they still visit the old people and children living alone in the civilian area of the base regularly.

          However, the three most central figures in the power of the Dawn Base have an extraordinary relationship with Lin Qingyang and Shan Liang.

          Speaking of the Dawn base, Lin Qingyang is the oldest member of the Dawn Squad. He has been with Su Qin from the beginning of the end of the world. There are many dangers along the way, but they all walked by supporting each other. You save me and I save you , Needless to say the friendship among them. If it weren't for the capital base and the Dawn team to part ways, where is the possibility of Zhang Gu and Ran Yan taking the lead?

          Ran Yan may know a little about Lin Qingyang, but Zhang Gu couldn't be more clear. Although he knew Su Qin for no shorter time than Lin Qingyang, but in Su Qin heart, Lin Qingyang was his own from the beginning, but she was the one who had nowhere to go before he left behind. Although it was only more than a month apart, for the end times, every day is thrilling. In other words, I never experienced as much with Su Qin as I did with Lin Qingyang.

          Originally, he had a lot of words from Gu Xu Huzi-Yu who was playing side by side, knowing Lin Qingyang identity and why Lin Qingyang and Shuguang team parted ways. He was not unhappy in his heart. Compared with Ran Yan later, Lin Qingyang was much more threatening. Threat? For him, he cares more about Su Qin ranking than his position in the Dawn Team. He had already felt that he had been unaware of his journey with Su Qin, turning his admiration for Su Qin into an exclusive love.

          Therefore, for him, this meeting is just hope that after Su Qin comes back, he will be happy because he manages the base so well.

          Obviously, Ran Yan didn't think that way. Compared to the young Zhang Gu, Ran Yan was obviously more mature. Before the end of the world, he was already the underworld Big-Brother. Although after the end of the world, he was subjugated to Su Qin. It was also because of Su Qin. His strength had to make him lower his head. In his thoughts, Su Qin wanted to get it, and he wanted it too.

          To Lin Qingyang, he did not have the complicated emotion of being an enemy or a friend of Zhang Gu. To him, Lin Qingyang was just an enemy. An enemy who tried to steal a woman from him to grab a base.

          In his eyes, Shan Liang, who seemed cunning and conspiracy, was less threatening than Lin Qingyang, who seemed to be innocent.

          And as he thought, Shan Liang had no desire to seize power at all. Subconsciously, he still feels guilty towards Su Qin. Such shadows and worries will make him unable to manage a huge base wholeheartedly.

          At this time, Shan Liang couldn't help looking at Lin Qingyang, who was sitting in the last seat. He was talking to the fat man who was sitting lazily next to him. It was clear that before the last time he was separated, he seemed to be just a young boy who had not grown up. Want to be completely on the surface, so that people can see through at a glance. But now, the smiling face didn't show the slightest distraction.

          In this cruel apocalypse, even people like Lin Qingyang have been transformed into what they are now.

          But at this time, such a change is a good thing for others and for himself.

          Unknowingly, the Dawn Squad had divided into several camps.

          The first is Zhang Gu and Zhang Jianjun, and the ability to join the third company and the subsequent conscription. civilian guards are all controlled by Zhang Jianjun. Without Su Qin, he can barely be regarded as Zhang Jianjun.

          The second is Ran Yan, as well as the group of brothers he brought with him, plus some of the mercenaries he deliberately made during this time.

          The third is the return of Lin Qingyang and Shan Liang, plus the fat guy Gu Xu Huzi-Yu Luo Qiaolin, Shuyu Luo Ming and others.

          The qualifiers such as Zheng Qi, Chen Wen, Jiang Man and Yang Hao, who are closer to Fatty and others, naturally chose the same choice as Fatty and others.

          Because You Min led the troops with Zhang Jianjun, Zhang Jianjun took good care of him, so he subconsciously turned to Zhang Jianjun faction.

          Because Sun Yaoming and Yu Qingnian had a fierce fight with Fatty, they had to lean slightly towards Lin Qingyang.

          For the entire Dawn Team, only Yuan Lang and Mu Feng Zhao Yu, who joined afterwards, were not particularly close to anyone, so they were not partial.

          The people present were as clear as Ming Jing, and they all knew that if power were to be divided this time, Lin Qingyang would be the biggest winner.

          Thinking of this, Ran Yan face couldn't help but look ugly. current situation is the most unfavorable for him, and Su Qin disappearance is too short. Even if he has the intention to do anything, he still has more than enough energy.

          The fat man glanced at the crowded conference room, even Gu Xu Luo Qiao Huzi-Yu sits upright in the chair, so he coughed twice and stood up.

          "Ahem, Su Qin is not here, and I have the oldest qualifications, so I'll just rely on the old and sell the old to say something."

          The fat man didn't blush very much.

          Lin Qingyang smiled and took the lead in applauding, and the others followed and clapped a few times.

          "I think everyone knows what we are calling you over today. Su Qin is not there, and there must always be someone who can call the shots at our base. So let everyone come today, mainly to talk about this matter.”

          fat man paused slightly when he said this. .

          Among those sitting indoors, except for the three children Lin Qingyang, Shan Liang and Lin Shuyu Luo Ming, whose faces did not change, the faces of the others were more or less discolored, and Ran Yan tightened his body, his eyes burning. Looked at the fat man.

          "Skinny Qingyang, Lin Big-Sister Luo Ming, and Gu Xu Luo Qiao Huzi-Yu are all old people in the team. I don’t want to say those lie, we have discussed it and we have already made the decision. Okay.”

          fat man said and glanced at the people who were eager to sit still, and then he tapped, "I will say first, if there is any problem, you will wait until I finish talking.”

          This One sentence nailed those who could not sit still in place.

          "These things were actually explained by Su Qin."

          As soon as the fat man said this, a dissatisfied voice whispered in a low voice:

          “The head of the base is not there now, so I can say anything."

          Although this voice is very small, most of the people present are supernaturalists, and the hearing sense has also been evolved, and this voice clearly reaches everyone ears. And this voice came from behind Ran Yan.

          Ran Yan still looked motionless, and didn't mean to stop drinking.

          The fat man glanced at Ran Yan calmly, then glanced sharply at the man who made the noise, and said with a smirk:

          “Fat man, I am standing here today, even if I say these things in my own name, you can't. There are two things. It will not be written under the guise of Su Qin."

          Fatty words were very heavy, and Ran Yan eyebrows immediately frowned, and he shouted at the man behind who said loudly:

          “What your identity? What Fatty's? Don't hurry up and apologize to Fatty!"

          Ran Yan words faintly meant something.

          As soon as the man heard Ran Yan words, he immediately knew the meaning of his Lao-Da words, so he hung his throat and shouted:

          “I'm sorry, Fatty, I'm lowly, I shouldn't talk too much!"

          At the moment the man voice fell.

          "Bang!" A clap on the table!

          Gu Xu suddenly slapped the table hard. sound was so loud that everyone in the meeting room was shocked.

          Gu Xu didn’t even look at the man who was taken aback, nor at Ran Yan. He just said coolly, “I remember this is an internal meeting of the Dawn Team. How can some irrelevant people come in and talk nonsense. Now? fat uncle has a good temper, but I am a hot character. If I hurt someone later, it will be bad if I hurt someone."

          Although Ran Yan entered the Dawn Squad with these people, he was only the one who joined the Dawn Squad. Gu Xu words clearly vented the fat man.

          And what she meant in her words was full of feelings of "I just use my identity to suppress people, how about? Come and bite me!" She didn't give Ran Yan any face.

          In addition, the tone of her speech has been subconsciously imitating Su Qin for a long time. Now even if she speaks normally, she is somewhat similar to Su Qin, which makes people feel cold, and for a time, it makes the people present to stay for a while, as if sitting. one there is like Su Qin.

          The blue veins on Ran Yan forehead jumped, and then pressed his anger, and shouted in a low voice:

          “Are you not going out yet?"

          Zhang Jianjun also coughed a few words at this time, and then stood up and said, "Cough cough, then I will go out first.”

          Su Qin said at the beginning that people with relatives cannot join the Suguang team, so Zhang Jianjun has not officially joined the Suguang team. Squad, Gu Xu words can be regarded as hurting him by mistake.

          Who knows that Gu Xu was not embarrassed at all. He immediately changed his smile and said to Zhang Jianjun with a smile:

          “Zhang 2-Shu, you are our elders, anyone can not participate, you must be there!"

          Zhang Jianjun was immediately confused by Gu Xu, and sits down again.

          Qian Xiaolin, who was standing behind him, was very witty, and after a salute, he took a few soldiers from the third company out.

          As soon as I went out, I just heard the voice of more than a dozen Ran Yan subordinates who had come out earlier:

          “A little girl, the shelf is not small.”

          As he said it, I saw a few Qian Xiaolin also come out.

          So he said:

          “Are you also bombed out?"

          Qian Xiaolin glanced at him, not wanting to talk to him, so they stood guard at the door consciously.

          Gu Xu usually has a sweet mouth, screaming Elder-Brother to the soldiers, and he was very dedicated to helping take care of the wounded along the way. Zhang Jianjun even treated Gu Xu as a Pro-niece, and they naturally got close to Gu Xu. On the contrary, I have long been uncomfortable with the few underlings under Ran Yan hands. Naturally, I don't want to get involved with them.

          Ran Yan still had a calm subordinate under his hand. Seeing this, he pressed his eyes on the people who wanted to make trouble in the past. Then he nodded to Qian Xiaolin and walked to the other side.

          "Xiao Lin, you said, will our company commander be the base commander?" a soldier asked in a low voice.

          "I guess it hanging. Fat Master and Xiao Gu Zi can tell at a glance that they are on Lin Qingyang side. They are all able to call the shots.”

          Before Qian Xiaolin spoke, the other soldier answered.

          "What nonsense? What base commander? base commander is Su Qin! Now only one person is selected for temporary management. Just like our little company commander, when the company commander comes back, the little company commander still has to listen to the company commander?" Qian Xiaolin Since the end of the world, I have lost a lot of comrades in arms. All the way to this day, the one that Zhang Jianjun said was the most naughty and uncertain is now the most stable one in the team.

          "Then I also hope that our company commander will be the temporary base commander, and we will be more prestigious than others when we go out!" said the soldier who started the questioning.

          "Hey, me, as long as it not the one who is stern. I heard that they used to be thug s, and many of the people under his hands have dirty hands and feet. If they were before the end of the world, I would...”

          another soldier said Before finishing talking, the glass door of the conference room was opened, and it was Ran Yan who opened the door.

          The soldier choked with fright, and immediately stood up straight and closed his mouth, watching his nose and heart not daring to look at Ran Yan.

          Ran Yan glanced at the fossil and snorted coldly, and then walked towards the men who were approaching here.

          "Lao-Da, how it going?" the man who started to make a noise asked urgently.

          With an unclear expression on Ran Yan face, he only said lightly:

          “Go back and talk about it.”

          Then he turned and went downstairs.

          Qian Xiaolin glared at the talkative soldier, then bowed to Zhang Jianjun Zhang Gujing who was leaving the house:

          “Company commander!" Then he gave a questioning expression on his face.

          "Go back and talk about it.”

          Zhang Jianjun said, and then patted Zhang Gu back with emotion. Zhang Gu had a complicated expression on his face.

          A few soldiers, look at me, I see you don’t know what the result is, you can only salute the fat man and the others and then leave with two company commanders.

          "I really don't know why Su-Qin Elder-Sister made this arrangement.”

          When everyone was gone, only Lin Qingyang, Fatty, Shan Liang, Lin Shuyu, Luo Ming and Luo Qiao Huzi-Yu were left. Gu Xu said angrily. This is why she couldn't help but lose her temper to Ran Yan just now.

          "This is the best arrangement.”

          Shan Liang sighed and said, "Su Qin must have been thinking about Qingyang first arrival. It is difficult to get started with the affairs of the base within a short period of time, but Ran Yan and Zhang Gu did perform well during this period, so they Continue to be managed by them."

          "Let Zhang Gu Elder-Brother take charge of the base. I have no objection. But look at that Ran Yan, his subordinates I saw at the base several times that they have no respect for those old Yeye and Grandmom. They run rampant, and they don’t know how to apologize.

          He also molested a beautiful Elder-Sister. It just smeared our faces! Now let him control the base, aren't the scumbags under his hands even more arrogant?!" Gu Xu is still distressed.

          "Next time you see something like that, you will directly tie that person and send it to the cell. Presumably you won't be Yan Yan or say anything.”

          Shan Liang said.

          "Huh, I'm too lazy to bother! Next time I hit me, I'll just let the wolf eat it!" Gu Xu said, raising his head and said, "I'm going to feed them Rhubarb and Dahui! Qiao! Qiao Huzi, let go together!"

          "Then we're going.”

          Rojo said to Adult obediently.


          Luo Ming smiled and touched her little head and said, Mei-mei is very sophisticated, that is, he looks like a real child when he is with Gu Xu.

          The three children smiled and ran down the stairs.

          "I'm still at ease with Zhang Gu, it Ran Yan... I'm a little confused.”

          Shan Liang also said with some worry, turning to Lin Qingyang and said:

          “If you are in charge, I won't be so worried."

          Lin Qingyang smiled pretentiously and said to Shan Liang, "Many Thanks Shan trust in me. Little-Didi can't afford it.”

          It seemed that he didn't take the division of power to heart.

          "You don't need to worry too thin, you don't have to worry too much. You know I have the privileges given by Su Qin here. If there is anything, my fat master can't block it!" fat man said swearingly, patting his chest.

          "Yes. sky at the base is falling and you are obstructing you, fat man.”

          Shan Liang stretched his brows slightly when he heard the fat man say this. Then he smiled and said, "Let go, let go and have a few drinks. Isn’t the old sun drunkard making wine? Is it almost done? Let try it too. I haven’t had a drink for months. ."

          "Haha, let go, anyway, we are also a few idlers. Lin Big-Sister, we don't have to leave dinner for us at night, we will eat at Lao Yu place.”

          fat man said and greeted Luo Ming again:

          “Luo Ming , are you going?"

          "I won't go.”

          Luo Ming smiled bitterly and shook his hand.

          "Don't call him.”

          Lin Qingyang smiled and said to the fat man:

          “Jiang Man hates drinking most. Yesterday he still said that he would go and lift the old grandson house."

          "Ahem. I'm a step ahead with Lin Big-Sister.”

          Luo Ming face turned red when he was teased, and he quickly took Lin Shuyu hand and went downstairs. people in Jiang Man promise to be his girl base center know that they will make fun of them if there is nothing to do.

          "I said Qingyang, look at the cleverness of Jiang Man, look at Luo Ming, you should be more active when Su Qin comes out!" fat man gave Lin Qingyang a elbow and said.

          "Haha! Why did it involve me again?" Lin Qingyang smiled and climbed his shoulders and said, "You should pay attention to your own personal problems first!"

          The three of them teased each other all the way downstairs and headed towards the residence of Sun Yaoming and Yu Qingnian.

          In fact, what Lin Qingyang thought was.

          As long as Su Qin appears, let him do anything.

          When the fat man in the conference room read out Su Qin decision, Ran Yan was stunned, unable to react for a while. However, Zhang Gu smiled and didn't say anything. He just took a deeper look at Lin Qingyang. He probably guessed the result when the fat man said it was Su Qin arrangement.

          Except for Lin Qingyang, Fatty Shan Liang, Gu Xu and others, everyone else was more or less surprised.

          "So Big-Brother, now the base is the principal of you and that surnamed Zhang?" Ran Yan asked a man in surprise.

          "Isn't that the same as before?" the other one said disappointedly.

          "Can it be the same now as before? There used to be Su Qin on it. kid with the surname Zhang has such a bad ability, so why not let Lao-Da have the final say?! Hey, this time we are out of our heads. !" previous man who choked with the fat man smiled triumphantly.

          Ran Yan glanced at him coldly, and said, "Lao-Wu, be honest with me, don't make trouble for me everywhere!"

          "Lao-Da, we were awe-inspiring when Su Qin was there at the beginning, now you are in charge, Su Qin still doesn't know if he can come back! I...”

          He was given sharp eyes by Ran Yan before he finished. I was so scared.

          "Lao-Wu, how do you talk!" the very calm man stopped. Then he said to Ran Yan:

          “Lao-Da, Lao-Wu unintentional words, don't take it to heart."

          Ran Yan glanced at the chilling Lao-Wu, an inexplicable anger surged, and said impatiently:

          “Get out."

          The calm man slapped Lao-Wu, and Lao-Wu quickly took the other people out.

          "Lao-Si, now Lao-Er Lao-San are gone, they will all be handed over to you. You can show them to me.”

          Ran Yan confessed to the calm man:

          “Now this dawn base is still If it not your own home, you might hit the gunpoint of any other home."

          "Don't worry, Big-Brother, I will look after Lao-Wu and the others.”

          Lao-Si said with a bend and retreated.

          When only Ran Yan was left in the room, he stood up, walked slowly to the window, looked at the crowd below, and whispered in a slightly confused voice:

          “Su Qin, Su Qin, I really watched your game. I do not understand."

          "It seems that Su Qin still trusts you very much. You see, Lin Qingyang seems to be close to Su Qin, but in the end he has nothing to do with him.”

          Zhang Jianjun said to Zhang Gu. He didn't mean anything else, but he was so relieved to see that Zhang Gu had been silent and unhappy all the way.

          Unexpectedly, his comfort had a counterproductive effect. Zhang Gu smiled bitterly and said, "I hope to change positions with Lin Qingyang."

          "How do you say this?" Zhang Jianjun was surprised.

          The bitterness on Zhang Gu face is even more intense:

          “Su Qin arrangement is for me and Ran Yan to check and balance each other. Although Ran Yan and I are in charge, the biggest decision-making power is equal to Lin Qingyang hands."

          Zhang Jianjun became more and more confused as he listened:

          “I really don't understand what you said."


          Zhang Gu looked at the ceiling and sighed long, but he refused to say anything. He waved his hand to Zhang Jianjun and said, "2-Shu, I want to stay alone for a while, so I don't need to have dinner at night. Please ask me for a leave from the base center.”

          After speaking, he entered the room and locked the door.

          "What wrong with this all of a sudden?" Zhang Jianjun was puzzled, and could only slam into Qian Xiaolin next to him and asked:

          “Xiao Lin, your brain is more flexible, do you understand what your little company commander said?"

          Qian Xiaolin also shook his head confusedly and said, "Company commander, I don't know."

          "Why are everyone so stupid?!" Zhang Jianjun said, hating iron and steel, and flung his sleeves away.

          "Company commander, are you talking about yourself?" Qian Xiaolin whispered, and then hurriedly followed Zhang Jianjun.

          And just three days after that day, outside the office of the hunting and killing team in the center of Longcheng base hundreds of miles away, someone hurriedly knocked on the door.

          "In other words, Su Qin is really missing? Maybe even dead?" man with gold rim glasses looked at the man standing with his head down and asked.

          "Yes. person I sent to the Dawn Base has returned. Although I am not sure whether Su Qin is dead or not, the disappearance is certain.”

          man replied respectfully. Of course, what he didn't say was that of the ten supernatural beings he sent, only one returned.

          "This is the best time to occupy the Dawn base.”

          Although it is still early autumn, it is much colder than this time in previous years, but the ice-type supernatural power Akan is still wearing his upper body. At this time, there was an eager killing intent in his eyes.

          "We have been waiting for nearly a month, and there are several groups of people sent out to spy. It is basically certain that Su Qin is really missing, and it is most likely that he is dead.”

          man with gold-rimmed glasses pushed on the bridge of his nose. Glasses, looked at the man sitting on the desk and said, "It time to attack."

          Hearing this, the man in black turned his face to look at the man with extraordinary tolerance sitting on the other side of the sofa, and said, "What about Wei Big-gongzi opinion?"

          Wei Changfeng smiled:

          “My Long Family three hundred supernaturalists are ready."

          "Very good!" black-clothed man laughed and walked around the table to Wei Changfeng. Wei Changfeng stood up and held the hand extended by the black-clothed man. two looked at each other and laughed at each other. You can see opponent eyes are full of blazing ambition.

          Wait until Wei Changfeng is gone.

          The man with gold-rimmed glasses said:

          “Team leader, Wei Changfeng is cunning like a fox, I'm afraid we can't please cooperate with him."

          "Why should you be afraid of him?" black-clothed man smirked, "This is not in the capital where he calls the wind and the rain. Besides, his Wei family is not as good as before. I heard that the Long Family has risen rapidly this time, and Su Qin credit is indispensable. No, I actually ran to Longcheng, thousands of miles away, and saw the Dawn base. If I got the Dawn base, a small Wei Changfeng, if I honestly took his share and went back, then forget it, if not , I want him to go and not return."

          The man with gold rim glasses also smiled.

          The black-clothed man turned and said:

          “Go ahead and let Tang Yu suspend missions and all of them come back to stand by. At 4 this afternoon, we will set off to the Shuguang base on time. All of you will go down and show me how you are preparing. ."

          "Yes, I will arrange it.”

          man with golden glasses opened the door and walked out.

          "It really troublesome!" A Han rolled his eyes and followed the man with gold glasses impatiently.

          "It boring to fight again.”

          boy who was always cold-faced of the two boy twins said, holding a piece of wood on the table that hadn't been marked and returned to the room.

          "I think it very interesting, every day I feel bored and something goes wrong!" other boy said with joy.

          "Finally I can avenge my haircut!" Huo Yu said angrily and walked out.

          In the end, only the man in black was left in the room. His gaze turned to the white arrow feather on the wall that remained on the wall, his gaze was cold:

          “Su Qin, I originally wanted to send you on the road personally, but now it seems that there is no chance. But I can take your painstaking construction dawn base that I got up can also vent my hatred that day.."

          On this day, Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu rode a tall wolf on a regular patrol in the base. Since the zombies outside were solved, some of their team members have been idle. zombies outside the base are not enough. Those who are fully motivated to kill the zombies want to join the guard and the mercenaries who want to upgrade to get more benefits. They killed it. If you want to kill zombies, you can only go farther away, except for the daily exchanges between teammates and constant mastery of mastery abilities, there is basically no chance of hands-on.

          For Gu Xu, a rioter who is eager for a real fight, such days are really boring, especially when Lin Qingyang said that the school under construction at the base next month will be ready for all aspects.

          In fact, she was not a good student before the end of the world. She often performed small moves under the desk in class, and her grades were always poor. At the beginning of the end of the world, she often thought that she would rather be locked up in school every day to endorse, but when there is such a chance for her to return to school, she would rather kill the zombies every day. At a young age, she has the seventh-order peak ability and has super control over the ability. She is already a strong enough to rank among the world top abilities. To those outside zombies who were originally nightmares in her heart

          It was Rocho, who was already very happy when he heard that he could return to school.

          Huzi-Yu felt the same way as Gu Xu. two visited the 11th area of the base, and they were talking about the school and the school teachers' misfortunes. They heard a quarrel from the tent on the left that had not been demolished.

          Gu Xu and Huzi-Yu looked at each other, and they both tacitly patted the giant wolves under them, and the two giant wolves shifted and paced toward the left.

          I only heard a man unbridled loud voice:

          “Now the base is in charge of Ran Lao-Da! I don’t care about other districts, but I am Lao-Da in district 11! You don’t want to live in a tent., you want to live in a building, Then you have to turn the crystal nucleus! Otherwise, even if it snows and freezes to death in winter, you can only hide in this broken tent!"

          Then I heard a woman pleading:

          “5-Master, there is no man in my family, only one daughter is only thirteen years old, everyone kindly took care of us to give something to eat before starving to death, where can I get it for you? Where is the crystal nucleus?"

          Gu Xu Huzi-Yu only stopped these two sentences and knew why.

          The buildings built on the base are not all free to move in. As long as there are men over the age of 18 and under 45 in the home, they must turn in a certain amount of crystal cores to move in, but if the home is full of old and weak women and children, After registering at the base office in each district, you can move in for free.

          Most of the people at the base have already demolished their tents and moved into buildings, but only a small part of them have not moved.

          However, the people below reported that there were males in their homes who refused to hand in the crystal nucleus in an attempt to get through, so some people have not moved.

          It now appears that someone is trying to deceive the top and the bottom to earn illegitimate benefits.

          Gu Xu had a good memory, and he immediately heard that the man voice was the voice of Ran Yan bastard Lao-Wu.

          With a cold snort, he speeded up and rushed over there.

          "5-Master! Without a house, how can we spend this winter?! Please do your best to give us a way to survive 5-Master!" female voice has been begging, her daughter hiding in the tent Perhaps it was because of fear that it did not come out.

          The onlookers were a little bit unbearable. They also took good care of the two mothers and daughters on most days. Now the agricultural planting of the base has been done, and they have also seen those vegetables grow fast, and soon they will not lack They have eaten it, so they don’t skimp on that bit of food when they can, but the crystal nucleus... after all, it in exchange for life. In addition, they had already handed over all the crystal nuclei that they survived in order to move into the house. Now they can only sympathize with the woman who is still begging, but no one can say anything.

          Although they have long known that people in several districts pay less crystal nuclei than they do, and they do not need to pay the crystal nucleus if they meet the conditions set by the base, but in their area, it doesn’t work, and it doesn’t wait for you to go to the center of the base to file a complaint He has been caught back.

          "I'll give you a way to survive, so I won't have a good time this winter myself!" Lao-Wu said, and suddenly smiled maliciously:

          “Hey, don't you have a beautiful 13-year-old daughter Maybe you can sell it for a good price. I think you look good, and you will sell it together with your mother and daughter. Not only will you have a house, but you can also eat and drink! Haha!"

          When he said this, all the people who followed him burst into laughter.

          The woman seemed to be stunned by what Lao-Wu said. After a moment of silence, she suddenly seemed unbearable to bear such insults. She gritted her teeth and cursed:

          “Bastard! You beast!"

          "Damn! Shame on your face!" Lao-Wu raised his hand and drew it toward the woman face as he said!

          Suddenly there was a spark of light at the end of his eyes, and he was shocked, he flashed a step quickly, and awkwardly avoided the fireball attack.

          I was about to see which of the eleventh districts might dare to take care of his nostalgia. As soon as I looked at it with a stern look, his complexion suddenly changed, and he couldn't help blurting out, "Gu Xu!"

          I was shocked at the same time, why did this Little-Great-Aunt come here? !

          At this time, the onlookers realized that Gu Xu was riding on the back of the giant wolf and standing outside the crowd. Several civilians who were standing two steps in front of the giant wolf saw the huge giant wolf as soon as they turned their heads. He collapsed to the ground as soon as his feet were soft.

          "You're so majestic!" Gu Xu looked down with a smile and looked nervous and was racking his brains, thinking about how to hide this, and said with a smirk:

          “5-Master? smirk. ."

          The word "chi" is really rich in meaning, and it makes people think about it.

          The onlookers all recognized Gu Xu now, not knowing Gu Xu. Although Gu Xu often wandered around the base, the distance between District 11 and the center of the base was the farthest, so it was the first time for Gu Xu. Coming here, the people in District 11 knew her and heard of her, the youngest Tier 7 fire-type superpower who rode a mutant wolf. relationship with Su Qin is very close, it is said that it is Su Qin Biao-Mei Tang-Mei.

          Most importantly, they keenly felt that Gu Xu seemed very dissatisfied with Lao-Wu. Their hopes are revived, and they are looking forward to the bigger the quarrel between the two, the better. It is best to go to the center of the base, when Lao-Wu behavior in District 11 will be passed on! They looked at Gu Xu above the giant wolf with hope.

          The expressions on Lao-Wu faces intersect with blue and white, and finally pressed down the breath, and said with a smile:

          “Gu Miss, why are you so free to come to District 11? It too messy here, it better to go. Let play in our office!"

          Gu Xu smirked with no face and said:

          “Put away your disgusting face.”

          Then he glanced at everyone with a cold face:

          “Who do you guys tell me what happened here?"

          The crowd who was still talking quietly disappeared suddenly.

          Lao-Wu originally hung heart suddenly returned to its original position, and the villain confronted Gu Xu yin and yang strangely:

          “Little Gu Mei-mei, nothing happened here, but some people just thought they didn’t exchange the crystal nucleus. Live in the building. Dealing with these is part of the district mayor business, so I won’t bother you."

          "Don't you have anything to say?" Gu Xu looked at the woman who stood blankly and looked at her.

          The woman glanced at Lao-Wu cautiously. Lao-Wu glanced at her. Her body shook. She only looked at Gu Xu and shook her head, but the eyes were clearly pleading for Gu Xu.

          Gu Xu only finds it ridiculous. He doesn't even have the courage to speak out his own sufferings, but does he still pray for others to stand for him?

          She glanced at the woman with incomparably indifferent eyes, and then said in a cold voice:

          “If you don't even have this courage, you deserve to be oppressed. Ziyu, let go."

          After Gu Xu finished speaking, he rode the giant wolf and turned around. Huzi-Yu glanced at the group of people who seemed to be touching but still wanting to talk, sighed slightly, and then prepared to follow Gu Xu.

          "and many more!"

          I only heard a voice that was still a little childish.

          Huzi-Yu looked back in surprise, and Gu Xu also turned around.

          Everyone on the scene looked at the slightly thin but fascinating girl who emerged from the tent, still trembling in fear, but standing firmly in front of everyone.

          "What are you doing out! Go home!" woman rushed over and tried to push the girl back into the tent.

          "Mom!" girl shouted vigorously, with an unbearable scream:

          “Are we going to continue to be oppressed by them?!" girl slowly and forcefully pushed her mother who was startled, her voice slowly sinking:

          “ We have endured it long enough.”

          girl eyes stared straight at Gu Xu above the giant wolf, but her fingers pointed at the terrified Lao-Wu:

          “This is the person! He violated the base center release. According to the regulations, we extorted crystal nuclei from families who are not capable of killing zombies! Even for families that need to pay, he charges twice as much as other districts! He indulges his bastards in district 11 to behave! free materials received by the elderly and children are sold in other districts! He is a devil! No humanity! Brute!" girl seemed to vomit out all the resentment she had accumulated in her heart since the end of the world, with an originally dark yellow face. All turned red because of the fierce scream.

          The people around had been startled by the girl hysteria, and the woman standing next to the girl was completely stunned. I can't believe this is her timid and shy daughter.

          "Very good.”

          Gu Xu looked at the girl approvingly, and suddenly asked something that surprised everyone:

          “Are you willing to join the guard?"

          "Wh, what?" girl was stunned.

          "I like your courage, so you are authorized to join the civilian guard.”

          Gu Xu words stunned everyone, and Huzi-Yu looked helplessly distressed.

          "But now, I need you to go with me to the base center to be a witness.”

          Gu Xu continued. :

          “Would you like to come with me?"

          "I, I do!" girl flushed with excitement.

          Gu Xu gaze fell on Lao-Wu face, which was extremely ugly at this time, and still had that smile but a non-smiling expression:

          “Please also "5-Master" you go with you."


          Lao-Wu wanted to say more. Gu Xu was stunned by the extremely cold eyes.

          Lao-Wu was horrified, the look he had seen in Su Qin eyes before, it was a look that made people cold. He never expected that this Little-Miss, who was less than thirteen years old, would have the same cold eyes as Su Qin.

          When he recovered from his terror, Gu Xu had already turned the wolf head and took the mother and daughter toward the center of the base.

          One attendant was very scared:

          “Five, 5-Master, what can we do now?"

          "What the panic! Big-Brother will definitely protect me!" Lao-Wu glared at him fiercely, and then shouted fiercely:

          “Get the car! I'm going to the base center now!"

          "That what happened.”

          As soon as Gu Xu arrived at the base center, he went straight to the main office of the base center. Zhang Gu Ranyan, Lin Qingyang and others were also there, and he finished talking about what happened in District 11. Then he pushed the girl to the front:

          “I have witnesses too! Tell me how to deal with it.”

          Gu Xu words have a lot of meaning for what you said.

          Ran Yan face remained the same, looking at the worried Lao-Wu standing by the door, she knew in her heart. Looking at Zhang Gu, who didn't seem to want to express his opinion, he was interrupted by the fat man when he was about to speak, "What to do? Just drive out of the base, you can never step into the base again in this life."

          Ran Yan expression solidified for a moment, frowned, and he was about to speak.

          The fat man cut off his words again:

          “How Su Qin did it before, I think you should know Ran Yan, this person is your subordinate, how you discipline me has no opinion. But if he harms my sister Xin hard-working base, my fat guy is the first to not agree!"

          "Wrong! I did this because I wanted to contribute to the base! It definitely not for myself! I am also kind!" Lao-Wu couldn't help but scream.

          Ran Yan frowned tighter. Although Lao-Wu is a troublemaker, he is loyal to him. He has followed him from before the end of the world, and he has been blocked from zombies after the end of the world. If Lao-Wu comes down, then the 11th district will be immediately taken over by Zhang Gu people.

          This is really not what he wants to see. Besides, if he can't even keep his confidant, it will chill the hearts of other brothers under his hands.

          Thinking like this, he already had a plan in his mind, today he must save Lao-Wu anyway.

          So he said:

          “Lao-Wu, for the sake of your first offense, give you a chance. Double the things you got and return it back, those civilians, you have to apologize to them one by one, until you Until I get their forgiveness!"

          As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xu stood up abruptly, looked at Ran Yan coldly, and said, "Are you trying to cover him?"

          Ran Yan was very tired of Gu Xu stalking attitude, and couldn't help but cool down:

          “Gu Xu, when this is inside the base center, don't talk too much."

          Gu Xu couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't believe that Ran Yan would actually say such words to herself, and her face became cold:

          “What do you mean?"

          "Gu Xu.”

          Lin Qingyang looked at Gu Xu and said, "You go out first and leave it to me here."

          Gu Xu didn't seem to hear Lin Qingyang words, and only stared at Ran Yan with extremely cold eyes. Suddenly he waved his hand directly in the eyes of everyone astonishment, and the imprint of the fire snake wrapped around his arm immediately came alive and moved towards the door. unsuspecting Lao-Wu rushed past like lightning!

          "Ahhh!!!" Lao-Wu almost burst into flames as soon as the fire snake rushed to him, uttering a terrible scream!

          "Lao-Wu!" Ran Yan was about to go to the rescue when he moved, but was nailed to the spot by Gu Xu words:

          “You used to burn with you."

          Huzi-Yu realized the precipitation in hindsight, and only heard a bang. fire on Lao-Wu went out, but the whole body was burnt into coke.

          Ran Yan looked at the unrecognizable Lao-Wu who had been burned, and turned his face to look at Gu Xu in disbelief like being bitten by thunder.

          Gu Xu gaze did not evade to meet him, and in an extremely cold tone, he said word by word:

          "This is the base Su-Qin Elder-Sister desperately built, and it is also my home. I will never allow anyone to destroy it!"

          "You!" Ran Yan forehead bounced with blue veins.

          Lin Qingyang looked still, but there was a faint flash of thunder in the palm of his hand. As long as Ran Yan showed any signs of attack, the Thunder Dragon in his hand would blast towards him for the first time.

          Fatty and Shan Liang calmly mobilized the abilities in their bodies, watching Ran Yan who might attack at any time vigilantly.

          The young girl brought by Gu Xu was so scared that she couldn't breathe for a long time. She could only stare at the burnt black corpse on the ground with wide eyes.

          At this moment, the door of the office was knocked, and then Chen Wen walked in quickly. After walking a few steps, he realized that the atmosphere was not right. He glanced at the scorched corpses on the ground, and then at the fierce swords in the office. Without wanting to know what the situation is, he said blankly:

          “The surveillance machine monitored that a large group of people were coming here ten miles away. They were hunting and killing the gods. It should be directed at us. And surveillance machine has been discovered and destroyed by them."

          "What?!" Ran Yan was shocked.

          Chen Wen ignored the shocked Ran Yan and the astonished people in the room, and nodded at Lin Qingyang before retiring.

          Zhang Gu naturally took this scene into his eyes and asked directly:

          “Qingyang, what the matter?"

          Lin Qingyang frowned slightly and said what she had discovered yesterday.

          Yesterday, he accidentally heard two guards at the gate chatting. He talked about someone walking from the base a few days ago. It was not a strange thing for large base personnel to enter and exit, but it was a bit strange to be placed at the Shuguang base. In terms of the current conditions of the Suguang base, there will never be anyone who can give up after coming in. All kinds of welfare, as long as you work hard to get enough, it is simply a paradise in the last days!

          And this person went out alone. guards didn't take it to heart, but they were talking about something strange, but they happened to be heard by Lin Qingyang who was passing by.

          Lin Qingyang couldn't tell how she felt at the time, but in short, she felt something was wrong.

          So I went to Chen Wen, who was in charge of the laboratory, in private. It happened that Chen Wen first batch of monitoring machines had been set up, so he put them out for monitoring within ten miles of the other party. Lin Qingyang would rather be his own illusion, but obviously the facts are not as good as he wants.

          "Are the rhubarb and the mutant beasts still in the base?" Lin Qingyang asked.

          "Yes, I am sleeping now when I am full," the fat man said quickly.

          "That good.”

          Lin Qingyang felt a little at ease. "Tell Lao Sun, Lao Yu, that you must take rhubarb and them tightly. This is our biggest support!"

          "I'll go now!" fat man knew it was important, and immediately volunteered to leave.

          "Gather all the superpowers in the base, and all the guard soldiers, mercenaries, and civilians who went on the mission were called back. Zhang Gu Ranyan, I'll leave it to you here. Brother Liang, let go to the laboratory.”

          Lin Qingyang said After that, Shan Liang hurried away.

          Zhang Gu and Ran Yan watched Lin Qingyang leave with complicated faces. Both of them felt uncomfortable with Lin Qingyang reaction just now, but it was obviously not the time to mind this. Although there are contradictions within them, there is one that when facing the enemy, all contradictions can be immediately thrown aside and cooperate sincerely!

          Zhang Gu and Ran Yan looked at each other, and both saw the solemnity in each other eyes.

          "How is it possible?!..”

          Looking at the picture displayed on the screen, he took a breath of air, and at a glance, there were at least thousands of people in the team. Of course, this is not what makes Shan Liang feel terrified. What makes him terrible is that almost everyone rides on these thousands of people:

          "They are all riding mutant beasts..."

          The team of thousands of people on the frozen screen on the screen, under each person, is riding a large mutant beast. Although the body is far from enough to compare with the few mutant beasts of Rhubarb, it is counted. Thousands of mutant beasts gathered together... Lin Qingyang felt a tingling scalp.

          The total number of power users in the base now includes mercenaries, which is almost 3,000. During this period, many power users from other places have been added, which can be as many as 4,000. However, there are only more than 1,000 people with abilities above level 5, and the others are abilities below level 5. And this team, even through the electronic screen, can feel the aura radiating from them all over.


          Shan Liang was sweating on his forehead.

          "Brother Liang.”

          Lin Qingyang looked at Shan Liang solemnly, but he couldn't find the slightest fear in his eyes. He even smiled:

          “This time we are really going to work hard."

          "It seems to have been discovered.”

          Wei Changfeng said with a smile playing with the small monitor in his hand, and then he pushed the card slot below with force, and a trace of surprise passed in his eyes:

          “It not easy. Use the crystal nucleus to start this monitoring machine."

          "The more difficult it is, the greater the harvest of our trip.”

          man in black smiled while sitting on the mutant wolf and said. Looking at the dawn base that has already emerged in the distance, there is an undisguised fiery look in his eyes.

          "That good.”

          Wei Changfeng responded with a smile.

          Between the two of them, it was as if the Dawn Base was already in their pocket.

          If you can, I really want you to see the destruction of this dawn base with your own eyes, my Pro... Mei-mei.

          Wei Changfeng looked at the Dawn Base in the distance, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

          And Yang Di, who was just behind them, had cold eyes flashing.

          Su Qin, what a pity, I can't kill you personally to avenge them.

          Only by cutting off your flesh piece by piece can I relieve the pain of losing my Pro friend and love in both lives!

          Su Qin, wait for me, wait for me to turn your life-guarded base into a purgatory on earth!

          The war happened without warning.

          A big fireball dragged its long tail and flew directly into the base from outside the city wall with a loud bang! It hit the ground and exploded with a boom!

          Passers-by who had not been able to dodge in the past encountered this unwarranted disaster, and two middle-aged men walking side by side were directly hit by a fireball and burned to charcoal on the spot. More than a dozen people have burns of varying degrees!

          Then countless fireballs flew in from outside!

          Pedestrians screamed and fled to the direction of buildings.

          "Damn you Big-Uncle!" fat man rushed out from the center of the base, and in an instant, several earth walls rose from the ground with his hands! It was bent into an arched bridge to cover the panicked pedestrians inside, and the fireball still flew to this side desperately, hitting the earth cover and "banging"! people inside were suddenly frightened, for fear that the earth cover could not support the fireball and would come in. Fortunately, the soil cover is much stronger than they thought. They are temporarily safe.

          The fat man put up an earth shield on his head and rushed towards the wall. Halfway through, I ran into Shan Liang who was also rushing towards the city wall.

          "Fatty! What the matter?"

          "Where do I know! group of bastards started to fight without saying a word!" Fatty said angrily, and grabbed a speed ability person who was about to pass him quickly and shouted:

          “Hurry up and go to the center of the base. Notify the medical team to come here to save people!"

          The person with the speed ability caught by the fat man was taken aback. After seeing that he was the fat man, he straightened up quickly and responded loudly:

          “Yes!" Then he picked up the speed and went to the center of the base.

          "Go, let go up and have a look.”

          fat man greeted Shan Liang on the city wall.

          "How is the situation now?!" Fatty and Shan Liang went straight to Zhang Guran and Yan Lin Qingyang who were discussing something with serious expressions.

          Lin Qingyang cast his gaze into the distance, and his voice was cold:

          “It the people who hunted and killed the gods and the Wei family."

          The trebuchet was operated by the earth-type supernatural powers and threw away the group of people who were constantly adjusting the direction to the Longcheng base.

          However, for abilities above Tier 4, the role of the trebuchet is not very big anymore, it can only do a blocking role, but cannot cause damage.

          But they still directly pressed back the fireballs sent by some of their fire-type supernaturalists.

          From a distance, you can see the man in black riding a mutant wolf and Wei Changfeng at the front. following supernaturalists are riding mutant beasts lined up, facing this side far away.

          It was one o'clock in the afternoon at this time. two teams represented the strongest teams in the world and looked at each other from a distance. majestic aura from both sides met halfway through, and there was a silent fight.

          I only heard a high voice from over there:

          “The hunting and killing team is visiting! Please open the door to the Shuguang base!" This person voice came from such a far place, but it was still very clear. As if talking face to face.

          The voice fell over there, and there was a sound of national curse on the city wall. Seeing their posture, they were here to fight! What are you talking about? Still let go? Put wolves in and eat people? !

          "You can't let them approach the base gate.”

          Zhang Gu said solemnly.

          Lin Qingyang nodded. For those with high-level abilities, the door is just a virtual thing. A seventh-order abilities player can smash the seemingly indestructible door without three moves.

          "It seems we can only go out of the city to meet."

          At this moment, Qian Xiaolin ran up from under the city wall in three steps, and said in a loud voice to Zhang Gujing:

          “Report company commander! All the teams have been assembled! Please instruct!"

          Lin Qingyang said, facing Zhang Gu and Ran Yan:

          “You are responsible for the defense, and the attack is left to us."

          Zhang Gu frowned as he was about to speak, and Ran Yan words came in:

          “Be careful about everything."

          Zhang Gu frowned.

          Lin Qingyang stepped forward and patted Zhang Gu shoulder forcefully. He smiled and said, "Brother, waiting for the news of our victory."

          Zhang Gu was slightly taken aback when he was called by the "senior brother", watching the figure of Lin Qingyang, the fat man Shan Liang, who was resolutely striding away, unconsciously aphasia. For so long, he has forgotten that he originally came out of the same school with Lin Qingyang..


          Standing on the high platform where Su Qin once stood, Lin Qingyang looked at the thousands of supernatural beings neatly lined up on the square, and suddenly felt infinite emotion in his heart, but this was not a good time for emotion.

          "My name is Lin Qingyang! eighth-tier peak thunder system! In the next battle, I will be your commander! What we have to do now is to use the power that God has given us to survive in the last days! group outside riding wild beasts trying to rush into our home! Kill our friends! Family! Get rid of all the guys!"

          His voice is not passionate, but inexplicably there is an exciting power.

          He raised his fist high, and the thunder light made a faint sound.

          "Please! Come with me, and Su Qin who is still awake to defend this base! Defend the last light of the last days! Fight for the base! Fight for our beautiful home! Fight for yourself! For mankind Fight for the dawn!"




          All the supernaturalists in the square raised their fists high as their voices fell to the ground! This represents their commitment to give their lives to protect the land they are stepping on!

          Not only the supernaturalists in the square, but the surrounding civilians also raised their fists and shouted with all their strength.

          The civilians who have newly entered the base a few days ago looked at the crazy people around them in amazement. They couldn't understand why they were so excited. change of the leader and power of a base is a normal thing since the end of the world. Who is it anyway? Don't you live the same under your hands? They have become accustomed to being oppressed. For them, the base is just a temporary hotel where they can sleep peacefully after paying for the expensive crystal nuclei, without fear of being dragged out of the car by the zombies to eat. They can't understand the concept of base=home at all.

          However, everyone who has experienced the zombie siege at the base last time, their hearts have been closely integrated with the base. Seeing that the base is flourishing and the rice in the field is soaring like wind, they no longer have to go hungry, and there is even a surplus of food at home! They believe that one day they can live the same life as before the end of the world! They firmly believe that there will never be a better place in this world! And all of this stems from the leader of the base, Su Qin, who is still asleep in order to defend their homeland!

          And now, they will use the courage she gave them! Defend their homeland!

          Kill all the bandits who want to destroy all of this!

          The roar of hundreds of thousands of people almost resounded through the world!

          It spread far away into a place far outside the base.

          "This, this is...”

          coyote lost his voice in shock.

          "It just the grievances of a group of bugs without abilities before they die.”

          Wei Changfeng said lightly. There was a hint of surprise in those dark eyes that hadn't had time to suppress.

          Tang Yu was riding an unusually mighty mutant wolf, looking at the Dawn base in the distance.His face had faded from the old greenness, his entire face showed obvious edges and corners, and even the original smooth chin appeared. cyan stubble. His eyes were no longer bright, but habitually pressed slightly, letting the eyelashes cast a shadow in the eyes.

          Is this the base you built? .. Elder-Sister.

          And beside her, a woman with a black mask on her face and only a pair of eyes outside looked at the Shuguang base in the distance, without saying a word from beginning to end.

          Within the city walls

          Lin Qingyang jumped down from the high platform, and jumped directly from the high platform to the back of the giant lion.

          The giant lion snorted from its nose, moved its body uncomfortably, but still resisted the urge to throw the human on its back off, and let out a loud roar! Then, Lin Qingyang rushed towards the giant tiger that had already rushed to the opened door!

          Followed by Gu Xu Huzi-Yu Luo Qiao Yang Hao riding a wolf together.

          Parallel to it are Fatty and Shan Liang who are riding on top of another male wolf.

          After that, You Min Yuan Lang riding on the giant leopard. You Min feels very disgusted that he wants to ride with Yuan Lang, but Yuan Lang is stalking and even though he owes a little bit, he still takes care of You Min. So You Min had no choice but to recognize it.

          The few people riding on the giant beast all lowered their bodies and rushed out!

          Immediately after the mutant is Mu Feng Zhao Yu, both of whom are high-level speed abilities, but even at full speed, they are still left behind by a few giant beasts.

          Following Mu Feng Zhao Yu are hundreds of speed abilities, followed by Thunder, Ice, Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal, and Power. Except for Luo Qiao Yang Hao two seventh-tier psychic players, all the others stayed on the wall of the base, covering the air in front of the base with a layer of mental power defense cover to prevent further attacks. Infiltrate the base.

          At this time, a civilian sniper team with dozens of people on the wall of the gate armed with modified crystal-core sniper rifles had aimed their guns at the battlefield.

          There is no extra sentence.

          The unbearable giant tiger took the lead and rushed towards the mutant beast army rushing here! At a distance of ten meters from them, he slammed his feet, and then violently screamed at the mutant beasts!

          Thousands of mutant beasts running wild! Unexpectedly, the tiger who was suddenly burst out by the giant tiger stopped the forward pace! Take a few steps back! I dare not rush forward for a while!

          They dare not move the giant tiger, but the giant tiger refuses to be polite to them! With a roar, the huge body ran across it directly! In an instant, more than a dozen mutant beasts were swept away by the huge body of the giant tiger!

          The giant lion who rushed to join the battle excitedly! Follow the footsteps of the giant tiger and rampage in the mutant animal herd, directly crushing it!

          And Tang Yu, who stood in the distance, was chanting something quickly, and then only the mutant beasts who had been scared to move by the giant tiger coercion were frightened in their eyes! All immediately broke free from the coercion of the giant tiger and restored their ability to act! He frantically screamed at two giant beasts that were more than three times larger than them!

          The giant tiger was successfully angered by these "little beasts" who dared to provoke the king of the forest! An angry roar started to kill mode!

          Giant Lion is even more excited! A single mouth bit off the body of a mutant Tibetan mastiff! scarlet blood is splattered everywhere! Instead, it aroused the animality of those mutant beasts! Pounced toward the lioness even more crazily! Although the power gap between these mutant beasts and the giant lion is worlds apart, there are too many lice and they bite! Not to mention these ferocious mutant beasts! Unconsciously, the giant lion was bitten on its hind legs by a mutant wolf! giant lion is furious! But it couldn't get rid of the mutant wolf that bit its hind leg! Can only make an angry roar!

          At this moment, the two giant wolves and giant leopard have also arrived! male wolf rushed over with a cry! With a mouth, the mutant wolf caught the mutant wolf and flung it out! It smashed directly on a boulder thrown by a trebuchet, and suddenly his brain burst, his body twitched for a few times and he was completely motionless, and the boulder was also smashed into an obvious crack. mutant wolf teeth had deeply bitten into the giant lion flesh, so when it was thrown away, it took a large piece of meat from the giant lion hind legs! Suddenly blood dripped.

          In fact, the giant lion has evolved not long ago, but it is so powerful with its innate genes, but its flesh is far inferior to the giant tiger. Even if the giant lion bites a bite, it will only hurt but it will not appear. thing that was bitten off.

          The first time the giant lion was injured, it was still seen by the "little beasts" it seemed to be very weak! Simply furious! With a loud roar, the runaway mode was turned on! With a huge body, sprint wildly among the mutant beasts! There are countless mutant beasts trampled to death! They swiftly avoided the sprint of the giant lion, but due to the large number, there will always be a few that will be caught under its feet and be trampled into meatloaf!

          The giant tiger is even more like a realm of no beasts. When the giant lion wrestled with the mutant beasts, it had already played back and forth among the zombies several times! But it still seems to be the tiger might that fears the giant tiger. Wherever the giant tiger goes, the mutant beast will immediately dodge to the side, and dare not enter within five meters of the giant tiger! Therefore, the giant tiger is like being drawn out of an isolation circle, watching the "playing" of the other giant giant tigers feel very dissatisfied!

          At this time, the battlefield of human supernaturalists has also been full of smoke!


Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135 
Chapter 140 【Finale 2-11】

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