Pen Pals 01

Novels      »   Ancient Pen Pal   »   

       Chapter 1 | Lingering

       Rain in the Qingming Festival.

       After many days of rain, Wushan County was damp everywhere, and mushrooms could be found in the corner of the wall if you were not paying attention.

       It finally cleared up today, and the people are rushing to wash and dry, even the county official house is no exception.

       A faint acacia fragrance blowing in the wind. In the study room with the door window wide open, awakened the quiet middle-aged man in the room flipping through the book.

       The man paused, then raised his head and asked the loyal servant Lao Zhou who was on the side: "Is the laundry behind?"

       "Hey. Isn't the sky clearing up? Fu-ren led everyone to the sun early in the morning."

       The man nodded: "No wonder you can smell honey locust here."

       "No." Lao Zhou sighed with a smile, "The weather in the south is very different from our north. Seeing the sky is wet, when the sun comes out, you have to wash and dry."

       "A landscape and a style."

       While talking, the sound of brisk footsteps came from outside. In the next instant, a small head poked into the open door: "Father? Are you busy?"

       Double Girl bun, grape eyes, small face puff, is a cute and playful Little Yato.

       The man loosened his frown and waved to her: "Come in."

       Little Yato immediately smiled and bent his eyes, lifted the skirt and ran in happily: "Father, Zhou Bo."

       The latter smiled and bowed.

       This Yato's surname is Zhu, the single name is Yuan, and it is eleven. man in the study is her own father, named Zhu Xiuqi, who is more than 30 years old this year, and is the parent official of Wushan County who just took office last year.

       Zhu Yuan leaped to the desk and said, "Father, I heard that you brought a lot of books back yesterday?" His dark black eyes glanced at the two stacks of old books on the table.

       Naturally, Zhu Xiuqi knew her careful thoughts, and didn't point it out. He only asked gently, "Why come here at this time? Have you practiced the :Qin?"

       Zhu Yuan grinned and said, "Father, are you stupid reading books? When are you—" Before the words fell, they suffered a brain collapse.

       "Father!" she protested, clutching her forehead.

       "Not big or small." Zhu Xiuqi reprimanded.

       Zhu Yuan made a grimacing face. Before he could attack, he immediately pointed to the two stacks of books on the table and asked expectantly: "Can these books be borrowed from me for a few days?"

       Zhu Xiuqi smiled, then relentlessly refused: "No."

       Zhu Yuan was disappointed.

       "You should focus on your homework now. It's okay to flip through the free and miscellaneous books occasionally. There are so many, you can't come over." Zhu Xiuqi explained patiently, and then started to ask about homework.

       “Daddy is busy these days, I didn't care about you. , Are you all playing wild? Has "Mencius" memorized?"

       Zhu Yuan pouted: "I'm not a brother, so I don't need to take the imperial examination."

       Zhu Xiuqi straightened his face: "Who said reading is for the examination of the imperial examination? purpose of literacy is to clarify facts, argue right and wrong, and to cultivate one's own body.."

       This is the rhythm to start nagging. Zhu Yuan became soft in one second and interrupted him quickly: "I just said casually-I do my homework every day."

       Zhu Xiuqi face slowly eased: "Old books never tire of reading hundreds of times, and you know you know it well. Reading is the most important thing to avoid once you read it. It is the beginning of memorizing memorization."

       Zhu Yuan put his arms around him and acted like a baby: "I know, if you don't believe me, you can test me." Given her father's recent busy schedule, I definitely don't have time to test her today.

       Sure enough, Zhu Xiuqi finally smiled after hearing this: "That's OK, wait until I finish this time to check and check."

       Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

       "Also," Zhu Xiuqi didn't plan to let her go, and then asked, "How about calligraphy? Have you been slack recently?"

       Zhu Yuan collapsed: "Father..."

       Zhu Xiuqi is clear: "It seems that calligraphy is exhausted."

       Zhu Yuan shrinks his neck guiltily. Brush writing is too difficult, she would rather pinch a charcoal strip than practice brush writing! !

       Zhu Xiuqi hummed, "No matter how hard your handwriting is to practice, in the future " He suddenly stopped, his eyes circled over the two stacks of books, and asked her, "Do you want to read these books?"

       Zhu Yuan was startled, then nodded hurriedly: "Yes!"

       Zhu Xiuqi smiled: "If you want to see it, take it."

       So refreshing? Zhu Yuan Surprise: "Really?"

       "But..." Zhu Xiuqi words changed.

       I knew there was something to come. Zhu Yuan concentrate.

       "These are the county annals of Wushan County. Regardless of the local customs or the human sentiments, they are all well written. Since you are free, just copy them, and look back at your brothers and sisters to increase your knowledge."

       Zhu Yuan: ".."

       "After all, it’s the county annals. It’s hard to keep it for too long. You can start copying it now." Zhu Xiuqi gave a final word and turned his head to tell Zhou Bo, "Let’s move these county annals to the back study."


       It's a foregone conclusion, it's useless to say more.

       Zhu Yuan muttered: "Just copy, not just a few books." Such a thin booklet can't be copied for a few days.

       Zhu Xiuqi laughed but said nothing.

       A quarter of an hour later, a box of county records was moved into a small study in the backyard.

       "Xia Zhi Miss, wait a moment," Zhou-Bo, who moved the book, smiled and discussed with Zhu Yuan's personal maid Xia Zhi, "There are two boxes behind, please help me clean up later." Blunder.

       "Eh." Xia Zhi readily responded, "Excuse me Zhou Bo."

       There are still two boxes? ! When she was in the study, she only saw two stacks.

       Zhu Yuan is not well: "Zhou Bo, did you make a mistake, why are there two boxes?" She did not dare to say anything.

       Zhou Bo laughed and said, "That's right, Nucai personally picked it up from the county office." After speaking, he bowed and retired.

       Zhu Yuan: ".."

       She was so naive!

       Zhu Xiuqi This is determined to break her calligraphy..

       She looked up to the sky and sighed, "Heaven is going to die and I will—"

       At the Xia Zhi, he gave a "pouch", and when he received a roll of eyes, he hurriedly smiled, and then persuaded: "Miss, don't sigh, so many books, hurry up." pen and ink are all ready.

       Zhu Yuan sighed again.

       Picking up the thinnest book in the box, she shuffled back to the desk.

       Sit down, roll your sleeves, flip the book, take the pen.

       Zhu Yuan with a sad face resignedly began to copy the great cause.




       The wooden stool tipped over and books fell to the ground.

       The tranquility of going to the study was instantly broken.

       Everyone, Prince and Xue Professor, all look back.

       Standing alone Xi Zheng was frowning and staring at the books on the ground.

       The on-duty Hanlin lecture hurriedly came over: "His Royal Highness, but what's wrong?" He is on duty to lecture. Now when Prince is practicing calligraphy, Xi Zheng sits behind himself and reads. If something happens, you still have to ask the last sentence.

       Xi Zheng paused, looked up, looked around, then slowly pointed to the books on the ground, and said casually: "There are bugs."

       Everyone: ".."

       Everyone's expressions were a little strange. younger Prince had not yet reached home in their cultivation, and several snorted and hurriedly covered their mouths.

       His mother, Didi Xi Yu, who had just turned eight years old, didn't need to worry about it and jumped out: "Brother, why are you still afraid of bugs?"

       Xi Zheng didn't change his face: "What's the problem?"

       No problem. Xi Yao made a grimace: "You have a stern face every day, I thought how capable you are." At this age, he was afraid of bugs. He could play with bugs when he was five years old.

       Xi Yu, who ranked Lao-Er, smirked: "Lao-San, you are too—"

       "Cough cough." Hanlin lecturer at the appropriate level cleared his throat hurriedly, "It's just a small accident, your Highness, please continue." Then he winked at the other Xue Professor.

       Others say that Xue Professor is not stupid, and busy distracting the rest of Prince's attention.

       The episode of Shicai is over.

       When the lecturer on duty picked up the booklet, flipped through it, and found no bug, he handed it back to Xi Zheng, and whispered: "Presumably the bug has already run away." Then he asked about his homework, "His Royal Highness is watching "Zuo Zhuan"? Questions?"

       Xi Zheng took the book back calmly, and went down the topic: "There are indeed some doubts, Professor Lao will help explain one or two." Turning the pages of the book, skipping some weird things, and pointing to something. Office, asked, "Can Professor elaborate on this sentence?"

       On duty, he glanced at the lecture, nodded, and said softly: "There is no sun in winter, no fuyin in summer, no miserable wind in spring, no bitter rain in autumn..."

       Xi Zheng's gaze stopped on the page, as if listening intently.

       But my heart is already stormy.

       The "Zuo Zhuan" in front of him was uniformly printed and distributed by Gong Li Siji. All Prince and the emperor's relatives got the same. Not only the cover content, font shape, font size, and even the ink dots on the pages of the book will be exactly the same.

       Dirty pages and overlapping inks will never occur.

       Even if Si Ji really made a mistake... how did they make the ink characters come alive?

       Yes, come alive.

       The "Zuo Zhuan" in front of Xi Zheng has a layer of crooked ink characters in addition to the original script, which appears out of thin air, and slowly disappears.

       ——It is precisely because of these sudden ink marks that he threw the booklet subconsciously.

       The son does not talk strangely and in a state of confusion.

       Although he has different experiences from ordinary people, he is still skeptical of these weird things.

       Look at the on-duty lectures around me who are explaining in a low voice, with a calm expression, no rush or slowness, clear logic, and analysis and nagging...nothing unusual.

       It seems that these ink characters that keep appearing are completely invisible.

       Xi Zheng suppressed his thoughts, stared at the pages of the book, and looked closely.

       The crooked and twisted ink characters slowly emerge, from top to bottom, from right to left, in sequence, as if someone was writing in an invisible place.

       These ink characters overlap with the upper and lower letters of "Zuo Zhuan", and the double shadow makes people dizzy.

       If it weren't for the crooked fonts that were much larger than those on the pages, and awkward, I was afraid that I would not be able to read the content clearly.

       ".. North fifteen miles of county, Xiaoxian Shanxi, two mountains stand on each other, always, the conflict between each other..." (Note)

       This is... Topography?

       "His Royal Highness, is there something unclear about the explanation of the minister?"

       Talking about Xue Professor interrupted Xi Zheng's thoughts.

       He nodded slightly: "Professor is here to explain." Those who said that Xue Professor are all selected by the Imperial Academy, there is no need to offend them even if they don't want to win over.

       Tell Xue Professor smiled, arched his hands, and left quietly.

       Xi Zheng retracted his gaze and continued to stare at the page.

       After a while, he closed "Zuo Zhuan" and opened another book on the table.

       The crooked ink characters slowly surfaced again.

       Xi Zheng: ".."

       The lingering spirits.

       Chapter 2 | Help

       "Zhou Bo," Zhu Yuan, who was holding a few books, probed his head toward the study, "what about my dad? Are you still busy?"

       Lao Zhou, who was waiting outside the study, bowed and said, "3-Miss." He was an old servant who followed from Zhu's house. name Zhu Yuan was based on the order of Zhu's generation.

       "Hey," Lao Zhou's smile narrowed a little, "3-Miss, Lao-Ye have stayed up late these days, and everyone has lost a lot of weight... You will persuade him later."

       Zhu Yuan frowned: "Stay up late? Didn't my mother persuade you?" She now goes to bed and gets up early every day, and she doesn't live in the same yard with her father and mother. She really doesn't know that her father stays up all night.

       Lao Zhou sighed, "Where can I persuade you." He squinted his face, "3-Miss, Lao-Ye loves you the most. Go and say, you can definitely—"

       "Lao Zhou, what are you muttering outside? Is Yuanyuan here?" Zhu Xiuqi in the room raised his voice and asked.

       Lao Zhou immediately fell silent.

       Zhu Yuan made a face and pushed the door in.

       "Father, I brought the transcript." Zhu Yuan put the booklet on the table, "It's rare to rest, why are you still busy in the office?"

       Zhu Xiuqi didn't answer. He glanced at the booklet she had brought, frowning slightly: "You copied so many books in half a month?"

       Zhu Yuan narrowed his neck: "I want to write better, so I write slowly."

       Zhu Xiuqi looked at her suspiciously, put aside the pen, picked up the top one, opened it, and in the next instant, he frowned.

       Zhu Yuan's heart shook. This is showing the horse-

       "The word you..."

       Zhu Yuan tightens his nerves.

       "Void, weak, crooked!" Zhu Xiuqi frowned, "I didn't care about you for only half a year, why didn't your handwriting make any progress?"

       Just not improving? Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the hard work during this period has not been in vain. She took out the reason she had thought of earlier: "I read "Huangzhou Hanshi Tie" a few days ago, and I think the running script is better, and I want to learn something "

       "Naughty!" Zhu Xiuqi rolled up the booklet and pointed towards her forehead.

       Zhu Yuan Called, and covered his forehead to protest: "Where is it? How nice is the running script——"

       "If you don't learn to walk, learn to run." Zhu Xiuqi reprimanded.

       Zhu Yuan refused to accept: "It will be better to practice more." Seeing his black face, he immediately changed his words, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I changed it back, and I changed it back to lower case today!" Anyway, she is not. I really want to learn how to run Script-how difficult it is to run Script, so she won't be so stupid.

       Zhu Xiuqi expression is slightly more relaxed: "You are unstable now, so you should practice the lower case first. If you still like it in the future, it is not too late to practice."

       Zhu Yuan nodded repeatedly.

       "Also," Zhu Xiuqi turned around and knocked on the desk, "I will show me the manuscripts copied every day."

       Zhu Yuan said: "Do you want it every day?"

       "Don't look at your handwriting.." Zhu Xiuqi hummed, "What are you going to be lazy when your brother is not here? If I don't stare at you, you won't be able to shake the sky."

       Zhu Yuan wrinkled his nose: "You are so busy, do you have the time to watch it?" After receiving the stare, he immediately opened the topic, "Isn't spring ploughing over? Why are you still so busy?"

       Zhu Xiuqi snapped her forehead: "Children's family, don't worry about so many."

       "I care about you You stay up all night every day, so how can your body stand it?" Zhu Yuan Spoiledly said, and then complained, "Besides, you are not the county magistrate on the first day. Why are you still so busy after being here for half a year? "

       Regardless of her handwriting, Zhu Xiuqi resumed his usual gentleness: "Everything is difficult at the beginning. Wushan County is thousands of miles away from Fuyang County. customs and customs are very different. How can we act and do it the same.. It is also necessary to be busy."

       Zhu Yuan blinked his eyes: "They are all in charge of people, what else can be different?"

       Zhu Xiuqi sighed: "Wushan County has not harvested the spring grains and the autumn grains are gradually exhausted. Some people can't make it, so there are those who commit crimes..." He glanced at his young and innocent daughter and swallowed it to his mouth. If I say, I changed my words and said, "As a county magistrate, how can I be spared"

       Zhu Yuan is not an ordinary child, and he understands it immediately. She frowned: "Wushan County is so poor? county official said that the products here are rich."

       Zhu Xiuqi sighed: "The land of the town rat, the folk customs are thin."

       Zhu Yuan was at a loss. What do you mean?

       Zhu Xiuqi smiled and explained it concisely. To the effect is nothing more than saying that the folk customs of Wushan County are not honest and honest, and the small nights are rampant.

       Zhu Yuan scratched his head: "Then what should I do? Is it possible to have to deal with these annoying things every day?"

       "Since I become the parent official, I will do my best." Zhu Xiuqi touched her head, "Come slowly."

       That won't work. If she is tired of her handsome Dad, who will pay her? Zhu Yuan bit his nails and fell into contemplation.

       Zhu Xiuqi ignored her, put down the manuscript, turned his attention back to business again, and said casually: "If there is nothing wrong, you will go back and continue—"

       "Father!" Zhu Yuan seemed to think of something, and leaned on the table excitedly, "Since the folkway is not honest, why not put up a list of punishments or something?"

       Zhu Xiuqi gesture of holding up the pen: "Punish the evil list?"

       "That's right." Zhu Yuan's eyes sparkled, "Put the names of those who committed the crime, and list all the crimes of their birthplaces, no matter where they are, they can be seen directly by the people coming and going at the market entrance. Every time the market, Find a literate Caller... As long as these people have a little shame, they will definitely be embarrassed to commit another crime."

       Zhu Xiuqi frowned and began to think seriously.

       Zhu Yuan became more excited as they thought about it: "Since there is punishment for evil, you can also get another person who promotes good people and promotes good deeds every day. Two-pronged approach, going hand in hand, accumulating day by day, it is certainly not difficult to change customs and customs!" Reading a book, the idiom is so happy to say!

       Zhu Xiuqi seemed to figure out something and nodded: "Good idea. I will discuss it with Wang Professor." Wang Professor is his staff.

       Zhu Yuan nodded repeatedly.

       Zhu Xiuqi face was stern: "Don't you hurry back to copy the book?"

       Zhu Yuan stuck out his tongue and ran away.

       After leaving the yard, she was sure that she could not see the study, so she was relieved.

       The calligraphy level is temporarily passed, and later...

       The little face still with baby fat flashed a little dazed.

       Alas, what's next, let's talk about it later. She is now a child, so she can copy books and study hard.

       In the study, Zhu Xiuqi shook his head and muttered to himself: "A serious illness, but a bit more lively."

       Lao Zhou, who came over to add tea to him, happened to hear him, so he smiled and said, "It's nice to be livelier. After all, it is your Eldest-daughter, and you will marry in the future to be the head of your house, so Temper is more suitable."

       "That's how it is said..." Zhu Xiuqi sighed, "She didn't like to calligraphy and reading. She practiced the calligraphy for a few years, and even wrote this virtue. How is this good?"

       Lao Zhou comforted him: "3-Miss is still young, and I have been lying down for almost half a year, not in a hurry."

       "It can only be so."


       Xi Zheng still maintained the habit of training martial arts in the morning.

       After getting a painful sweat, I took a shower and changed clothes, and my whole body was relaxed a lot.

       Walking into the study, Xi Zheng stopped at the desk.

       An Rui, who was waiting close, followed cautiously, and the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

       Xi Zheng only paused for a moment, then slowly opened the booklet on the table——

       White paper and black characters are clearly distinguished; correct lowercase letters, fine pens. It's a so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-general system.

       Is this finally quiet?

       Xi Zheng's tense nerves loosened slightly. He sighed lightly and said, "Make tea."

       An Rui whispered, and stepped back to prepare tea.

       Xi Zheng glanced at the desktop.

       Without his instructions, no one would dare to mess around with the objects in the study, and the old books on this table were piled up a little messy, all of which he had flipped through these days.

       Xi Zheng picked up the book casually, took a seat, and Shen Xin began to read it.

       When An Rui came in with tea, the boy behind the large desk was already immersed in the book.

       The sunlight in the late spring and early summer came in from the window, bright and translucent, full of warmth, and the youth with slightly cooler facial features were also set off as warm as jade.

       An Rui was startled.

       "Knock, knock." Xi Zheng said lightly, keeping his sight on the page, "cha."

       An Rui instantly regained consciousness: "Yes." He walked over quickly, put down the tea tray, poured the tea, and put it to his hand gently, "Your Highness, tea."

       Xi Zheng picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "How about Anfu?"

       An Rui shuddered and said nervously, "Nucai and Nucai haven't visited yet."

       Xi Zheng raised his head and glanced at him: "I have time to go and see. If he is not dead, ask him if he wants to live."

       What if you want to live? Don't want to live, so what? An Rui did not dare to ask.

       The host in front of him was only fourteen years old and hadn't changed his voice. His voice was a bit indefensible, but he didn't have any youthful vigor, even coldly scary.

       Fortunately, Xi Zheng didn't plan to play dumb riddles either. He turned a page slowly and said: "If you want to live, give him some medicine, and find a little eunuch to take care of him."

       Is this the meaning of the past? An Rui was overjoyed and knelt down with a thud: "Nucai thanked Your Highness for An Fu's great grace!"

       Xi Zheng waved his hand, indicating that the topic was over.

       "Huh!" An Rui Ma slipped up and stood on the side, with a little bit of joy on his face, and finally no longer the jealous and cautious look just now.

       Xi Zheng didn't care about him and continued to read the book calmly.

       The sound of turning pages gently, and the occasional sound of adding tea, made the study more quiet and peaceful.

       "Tear "

       Xi Zheng, who was twisting a page of paper, was about to turn it over. With a sudden force, the page was torn off immediately, breaking the tranquility of the study.

       "Your Royal Highness?" An Rui bluffed and hurried over.

       Xi Zheng, who was holding the paper, closed his eyes and opened them again, and his face was already calm. He stuffed the paper into the booklet and handed it to An Rui. He said, "Go and get Si Ji to change it."


       Xi Zheng waved his hand: "Go out and wait."

       An Rui hesitated, and said, "Yes." He bowed and hurried out.

       After waiting for someone to go out, Xi Zheng's gaze moved to the desktop.

       After a short pause, he picked up a copy again and opened it-the familiar, crooked writing brush really slowly appeared again, and then disappeared one by one.

       Just like the past half a month.

       Rao is his calm mind, and at this moment, he couldn't help but burst out a low curse.

       It's almost endless.

       Because of the strange appearance of this ink character, he has not acted rashly.

       Now, he couldn't bear it anymore.

       Xi Zheng took a deep breath, pulled a piece of clean rice paper, ignoring the ink characters that kept appearing on it, picked up the pen and dipped the ink, and steadily dropped the pen——

       "You Dan—"


       The word "Yes" was not finished yet, and the ink words that kept appearing stopped abruptly, and a thick ink mark was pulled out at the end of the brush stroke, crossing the entire page diagonally, interrupting his writing.

       Then, these weird ink characters and scratches gradually disappeared, leaving only one and a half characters on the rice paper that he had not finished.

       Xi Zheng squinted his eyes.

       Very good, it seems that there is something on the other side.

       He picked up the pen again, and finished his unfinished words.

       "Which evildoer are you?"

       Strong and vigorous, strong and strong on the back of the paper, it is a good word that has been soaked for many years.

       Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Wuxian County, Called and ran out: "Help—"

       "No." Xia Zhi turned the booklet on the desk upside down, and found no trace, "Miss, did you read it wrong?"

       Zhu Yuan followed step by step, hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, poked his head out carefully, and glanced over her at the table.

       In order to show that what he said was true, Xia Zhi picked up the half-transcripted book on the table and handed it to her: "Hey, it's very clean." She was not convinced, "Nubi cleans every day, how can there be bugs!" "

       Zhu Yuan fixed his eyes.

       .. It’s a demon or a ghost..

       Zhu Yuan shivered, and immediately retracted behind her back.

       Xia solstice was at a loss, and then carefully looked at the paper in his hand, there was nothing. She wondered: "Miss, what's the matter?" Why is it like seeing a ghost?

       Zhu Yuan was stunned and probed again—the line of ink words was disappearing word by word.

       She swallowed and looked towards the Xia Zhi.

       The latter looked dumbfounded.

       She can't see.

       Zhu Yuan opened his mouth, swallowed it, hesitated for a moment, walked out, and smiled forcefully: "It's okay, maybe I read it wrong." Look around, point to the ink stain on the table, and say, "No Be careful to soil the table, go and wipe the kerchief."

       The topic changed abruptly. Xia Zhi was stunned and nodded: "Okay." Put down the paper and went out to get the cleaning tools.

       Zhu Yuan ignored her and stared at the rice paper with ink marks in fear. vigorous ink characters that appeared strangely and disappeared literally just now were completely gone.

       .. Maybe, is she dazzled?

       "Miss?" Xia Zhi, who came back with a rag, saw her still standing still, suspicious, "What's wrong with you today?"

       "Ah? It's okay." Zhu Yuan returned to his senses and waved his hand, "Hurry up, I have to copy it and send it to Dad for inspection."

       Xia Zhi looked at her a few times and saw that she had moved the papers and books on the table, so she had to suppress her doubts and start to clean up.

       Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

       "Miss, you spilled ink on these two sheets, do you want to copy it again?"

       Zhu Yuan saw it, but it was not, they were all smeared by Mo Tuanzi. She was depressed: "I can't see what I wrote, I must copy it again." All blamed the strange ink characters.

       Xia Zhi thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Or, tell Lao-Ye?"

       "Forget it." Zhu Yuan shook his head, "Just two or three pages, just copy it again. Go ahead."

       "Yes." Xia Zhi put everything on the table back and took the rag and walked out.

       Zhu Yuan was left alone in the room again.

       It was the end of the time, the sun that had just rained was bright and warm, and the sun shone in through the open windows, making the room bright.

       In this broad day.. Those dirty things shouldn't dare to make a fuss, right?

       Surely not. Zhu Yuan took a deep breath and tried to convince herself.

       After she finished her mental development, she returned to the table carefully, took out a clean piece of rice paper and spread it out, then turned out the county annals to be copied again, and began to copy.

       ".. Every time Jianghu floods or enters the Haizikou, or enters the Sancha River, and the Niutun River is too low, you can't let it go "

       People from Wu County, Suizhou

       Vigorous fonts resurfaced again.

       Zhu Yuan was shocked.

       How does it know? !

       Is it monitoring itself?

       Turning her eyes, she fell on the content she had just copied, Zhu Yuan had an epiphany—yes, because she had been copying county chronicles.

       This thing, you can see what she copied!

       That said, it...

       Zhu Yuan stared at the piece of paper. Is it trapped inside?

       She thought for a while, moved the other books away, pinched the porcelain cup with only half a cup left, and poured it down carefully.

       The paper instantly dampened, and the ink and scratches she wrote slowly faded away.

       With boldness, Zhu Yuan quickly lifted the paper, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the wastebasket.

       There was no change in the whole process.

       She breathed a sigh of relief.

       Just in case, she kicked the waste paper basket outside: "Xia Zhi, the paper basket is full. Take it to the kitchen and burn it."


       Watching the Xia Zhi go far, Zhu Yuan turned back to the house refreshed, sits on the seat, and pulled out new rice paper——


       Zhu Yuan: ".."

       Where does the dirty stuff come from, it's endless, right? !

       Zhu Yuan was angry and frightened, biting his nails, his mind turned sharply, frantically thinking of a way.

       She glanced across the bookshelf, her eyes lit up.


       " Cough cough cough!" Xi Zheng, who had just sipped a sip of tea, almost choked to death.

       "His Royal Highness!" An Rui hurriedly stepped forward, stroking his back and receiving a cup.

       After a long while, Xi Zheng finally came over and said: "Nothing." He waved his hand to let him back down and looked at the rice paper on the table.

       It's still the crooked ink character, but the content is different. It's changed from the county annals to——

       The Lotus Sutra.

       Xi Zheng was dumb.

       The thing on the other side was so courageous—all the scriptures were turned over and copied, so it was so scared.

       It doesn't seem to be a dirty thing.

       Xi Zheng tapped the desktop lightly, concentrating on it.

       Since they are all humans, why do they communicate with him?

       Is it because of him

       "His Royal Highness." An Rui, who changed his tea cup again, stepped forward again and interrupted his thoughts.

       Xi Zheng looked up.

       An Rui pointed out and whispered: "Yu Rong is here, maybe there is something going on over Niang-Niang."

       An Ping, who was guarding the door, was blocking a Miss dressed up as a palace attendant-it must be Yu Rong.

       Because he had only made a fire a few days ago, Anping must not dare to let people in at will now. Yato seemed to have a bad temper, and when he caught Anping, he scolded him loudly, even he could hear him a little bit here.

       Xi Zheng frowned: "Go and ask what's the matter."


       Xi Zheng bowed his head again.

       The Lotus Sutra is still slowly emerging word by word.

       The strength is unstable, the font is unstable, and it is crooked.. It looks like a person who has just learned the calligraphy, presumably not very old.

       Can get in touch with county chronicles again...

       Xi Zheng pondered for a moment, and wrote:

       The Lotus Sutra is useless to me

       The ink on the paper stopped.

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows.

       Without waiting for him to write anything, the ink word "swish" popped out——

       Stop bluffing! Lotus Sutra is useless, I still have the Hua Yan Sutra, Shurangama Sutra, and Great Prajna Sutra... If you dare to do anything, I will copy the sutras one by one a hundred or eighty times! ! ! There is always a cure for you! ! !

       Exclamation marks crazily piled up, the ink words scribbled unattainably, clearly showed Zhu Yuan's excitement.

       The opposite Xi Zheng saw that the opposite was constantly drawing dotted lines, and he couldn't guess a few points, and immediately curled his lips.

       Wait and see

       ! ! !

       Xi Zheng happily wrote down, just as An Rui came in, he asked casually: "How?"

       "Your Highness, Niang-Niang will let you go over."

       The corners of Xi Zheng's lips were instantly evened.


       ".. I heard that you punished someone a few days ago?" glamorous woman who was sitting on her head frowned slightly.

       “You are not young too, why do you act so impulsively?"

       It's been almost half a month, and it's only now. Which Fei has lost face because of this? Xi Zheng said: "I Tang-Tang-Prince, how can I teach people impulsively?"

       That's right, the beautiful woman in front of him is his biological mother and one of the Harem 4-Consort, Shu Fei.

       After hearing what he said, Shu Fei expression on his face became more and more unhappy: "I didn't say that you can't punish, how to punish is also a matter of learning. Did you shoot people with a stick when you came up? Look at people Lao-Da, Lao-Er, they are all punishing people, how come they have a reputation for being kind, generous and compassionate? They also killed them! You, are you trying to piss me off?"

       Xi Zheng didn't care: "Isn't Er-chen still giving Anfu medicine?"

       Speaking of this, Shu Fei was angry: "If you don't beat people to death, you don't even need to send medicine! You are so hostile, how do others think of you and me? Especially your Doing so is self-destructing the Great Wall, you know?"

       If Xi Zheng heard nothing, he picked up the tea cup and scratched it, taking a sip of the tea.

       Shu Fei scolded: "Talking to you, have you listened?"

       Xi Zheng put down the tea cup and looked at her: "You called me here just for this?"

       Shu Fei face is ugly: "What does'just' mean, isn't it a big deal?"

       Xi Zheng nodded: "It's really big." Standing up, "Er-chen, go back and reflect on it."

       Shu Fei was shocked.

       "That's right," Xi Zheng seemed to think of something, glanced at the red silk next to Shu-fei, and said, "Mufei, you are generous and righteous. You are used to Yato who dare to go to Prince's residence and yelling and arrogantly "

       "Nubi dare not!" red silk face changed greatly, and he knelt down with a "puff", "Nubi knows wrong, please forgive me, Niang-Niang!"

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows and sits down again: "It seems that Mufei is about to discipline his servants, and it just so happens that Er-chen can observe."

       Shu Fei face was pale.

       The result is naturally unachievable.

       Xi Zheng was humiliated and turned into anger by Shu-fei, who was driven out of Zhaochun Palace and was fined to copy the Book of Rites ten times.

       Xi Zheng didn't feel pain or itching, and led the worried An Rui slowly back to Prince's residence.

       There are many people outside, and An Rui doesn't dare to talk too much. Now when he enters his study, he babbles: "His Royal Highness, why are you arguing with Niang-Niang? After all, that is your Mufei——"

       "Because it is Mufei, there is no need to be too restrained."

       An Rui stopped talking.

       Xi Zheng strolled to the desk.

       The weird ink characters still gradually emerged. It's just that the content has been changed and replaced with another scripture.

       Xi Zheng was dumb. It's really persevering.

       "His Royal Highness, no matter what, it's always good "

       "Nothing." Xi Zheng waved his hand, "Go out and wait."

       Seeing his indifferent expression, An Rui had to swallow the words of persuasion and walked out silently.

       Xi Zheng's mood was actually pretty good. Before he even sits down, he grabbed the sheep's hair and dropped the ink on a blank rice paper——

       It seems you are quite free

       ! ! ! !

       Zhu Yuan, who had diligently copied nearly two classics, almost didn't break the brush.

       Poke the brush into the inkstone and turn it around twice. After dipping enough ink, she pressed it against the paper, and brushed it with the momentum of painting the wall——

       You are busy, busy reincarnation!

       I don't know where the lonely ghosts come from, it's not a big deal to scare her, but even laugh at her? !

       Speaking so viciously, but there is no parental elders to teach

       You have no father, no mother, no elders! You go quickly! Roll away

       Do you know who you are talking to again

       Hehe, I care about you


       There was a cruel hit on the head, and Zhu Yuan exhaled in pain. She quickly raised her head to meet Zhu Xiuqi displeased expression.

       The latter knocked on the rice paper on the table: "Let you copy the county annals, what do you write?"

       Zhu Yuan was startled and looked down subconsciously.

       Most of the vigorous ink writing written by the boy on the opposite side has faded, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Excluding the unfinished half-line of Buddhist scriptures on the paper, the rest are all huge curse words.

       It's ugly.

       Zhu Yuan: "..." It's miserable.

       Sure enough, Zhu Xiuqi said angrily: "It seems that the county chronicles are not suitable for you. First copy the "Book of Rites" ten times, and learn what is meant by'Don't speak up against evil'!"

       Zhu Yuan: ".."

       She is wronged, she is more wronged than Dou E! ! !

       Lao-Da was reprimanded and fined for copying books. Zhu Yuan was extremely depressed.

       After finally sending Zhu Xiuqi away, Zhu Yuan suffocated his breath and turned back, and said to Xia Zhi: "Sister Xia Zhi, go to the kitchen and get a stove."

       The Xia Zhi was stunned: "Miss, what do you want the stove to do?" Although it has just entered April, the sky is already very warm.

       Zhu Yuan bitterly: "I used to burn paper." Not for heating.

       Burning, burning paper? Xia Zhi was shocked: "It's not a year or a festival—"

       "Stop it." Zhu Yuan waved his hand.

       “It's not the kind of burning paper, or the kind that writes waste paper on most days and asks you to burn it in the kitchen."

       "that "

       Zhu Yuan was not angry: "Didn't you hear that I was just being trained by my father? Get it quickly!"

       Xia solstice laughed and ran away in a hurry.

       Zhu Yuan went back to the desk and stared at the troublesome paper——


       She leaned over, staring at the font that appeared above.

       .. Seeing the father’s attachment, it’s not advancing, not dare to enter..

       This content is familiar.

       Zhu Yuan stroked his chin.

       In order to confirm the guess in her heart, she pulled out a book from the shelf and checked the ink on the paper one by one.

       It really is the "Book of Rites"!

       Dad had just punished her to copy the "Book of Rites", and the servant wrote it out immediately, really laughing at her, right? !

       Zhu Yuan is angry!

       Ignoring the fear, she picked up the brush and started booming——

       Shameless! ! Eavesdropping!

       The vigorous ink character stopped.

       What on earth do you want to do? ! I'm just a common man, what use is it for you to stare at me?

       Ink words slowly emerge again:

       how you said that

       Still loading? Reinstall? You can pretend so, why don’t you put God in your pocket?

       The opposite is silent.

       After a while, the vigorous ink writing seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to her, and then copied down the place where it was right.. or dictated.

       Zhu Yuan is depressed.

       Are you going? I'm going to copy Buddhist scriptures if I don't leave!

       The other side ignored her and persistently continued to copy the "Book of Rites".

       You are not afraid that I will find a monk and Taoist priest to collect you?

       The other side still ignored her.

       Zhu Yuan grinds his teeth, first serve softly.

       Big-Brother, I have no grudges against you in the future, and today, can you just let me go?

       I'm just a low-minded common man, you go to those high-ranking officials and rich gentlemen, who can make some fireworks money anyway, what's the use of staring at me?

       If you have any unfulfilled wishes, say it, as long as I can help, I will help you complete it.

       He scribbled a lot, but he didn’t react at all, and it didn’t even affect his writing speed.

       Zhu Yuan looked at the content of "Book of Rites" that appeared on the page and cried:

       Big-Brother, what are you doing? I can’t write or read like you T_T

       Perhaps the tearful expression was too vivid, and the opposite finally reacted. vigorous ink words slowly finished the sentence, and then stopped——Zhu Yuan guessed that he changed a piece of paper——

       Sure enough, vigorous ink words answered her:

       I feel the same way

       Zhu Yuan frowned:

       What do you mean?

       I have seen you copy the county records for more than half a month

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       If it were true, this guy was worse than her-she copied from morning to night every day, and the words were still ugly.. I changed herself, probably because of a heart attack. Thinking of this, she was a little vacant:

       You can ignore it.

       I also need to write and read

       Zhu Yuan was dumbfounded:

       Are you not a ghost? Why read and write?

       The other side paused for a moment and replied:


       Then, demon? fine? strange?


       Zhu Yuan is irritable:

       Then how can you read the words I wrote, hear the conversation between me and Dad?

       There was a moment of silence on the other side:

       Can only see, not listen

       Zhu Yuan didn’t believe it:

       Then why did you write "Book of Rites"?

       After reading it for half a month, I didn't write, and I wrote the "Book of Rites" as soon as I picked up a pen. Did you deceive people not to draft?

       No comment

       Zhu Yuan eats flat.

       The opposite seemed to react:

       You have to copy "Book of Rites"


       The opposite stopped again.

       Zhu Yuan bit his nails and think. If the guy on the opposite side didn't lie, then he is really human?

       The question is, why does this happen between two ordinary people?

       Could it be that she has gone through it once, and has more gold fingers?

       No, this is a golden finger, it's too tasteless, and it delays things..

       The immediate task is to solve the difficulty of writing and reading

       Zhu Yuan nodded again and again, and then realized that the other party could not see it, so he hurriedly picked up a pen and wrote:

       Yes, otherwise I can't practice calligraphy.

       Vigorous ink words are not fast or slow:

       From the beginning of the hour to noon, from the beginning of the hour to the end of the application hour, I will use this time slot, you can arrange other time slots

       This guy simply told her not to write. Zhu Yuan decisively refused:

       No, I also write in these hours!

       Stopped opposite, after a moment:

       Give you after Shen Shizheng

       It's so generous, an hour ahead of schedule. Zhu Yuan laughed angrily:

       In turn, I want the time you mentioned, and leave the rest to you. Then I will be fine.

       The opposite is silent.

       Huh, know how unreasonable your schedule is?

       Zhu Yuan writes well,

       My father just saw my curse words and punished me to copy the "Book of Rites" ten times. In the final analysis, it was you who caused me to blame. You have to let me in these two days! How to arrange in the future can be discussed.

       The opposite is still silent.

       Zhu Yuan secret joy:

       If you don't speak, I will when you agree.

       Ink words appear again.

       When Zhu Yuan saw it, he almost died out of anger—the servant went on copying the Book of Rites.

       Talk, don't play dead!

       The vigorous ink words did not move, maintaining a steady speed and swooping out one by one.

       Zhu Yuan @#$@%@^@#$@!%

       It's really unpleasant!

       Big-Brother, you can stop writing for half a month, can't you keep it?

       Suddenly the opposite side has not seen.

       Okay, isn't it just writing? Just write with your eyes closed. See who can't hold it first!

       Zhu Yuan uncovered the chat paper, kneaded it into a ball, threw it aside for the time being, opened the "Book of Rites" and started copying.

       After only a few lines, Zhu Yuan found the pattern—the ink characters on the opposite side only appeared in the middle of the page.

       As long as she can't see it, she can write a few strokes.

       It's just.. vigorous ink characters that emerge are not fast and slow, and they are natural. ink is crooked, uneven in thickness.

       The contrast is particularly obvious.

       Zhu Yuan more I look, the more awkward, the more I write, the more guilty I am.

       It just so happened that Xia Zhi came back with a small brazier, she hurriedly threw down the pen, grabbed the paper ball on the table and ran over, destroying the corpses of the chat records just now-repeating the "Book of Rites" ten more times, it's good to say that if someone is caught as crazy Get up, then she is really miserable.

       After burning the paper ball under the worried eyes of the Xia Zhi, it was almost time to eat.

       Zhu Yuan simply washed his hands and walked back to the main courtyard leading the Xia Zhi. Before entering the door, he heard her dad complaining to her mother.

       ".. If you learn something wrong, you will be swearing, please take care of it."

       "Perhaps she learned from reading some books? She loves to read books. It is normal to occasionally see some vulgar words in miscellaneous books." Her mother Zhang Jingshu said.

       "That doesn't work either, reading—"

       Zhu Yuan got in quickly and saluted one by one: "Father, mother, Concubine," and then waved to the two children sitting beside him, "Mei-Mei, Didi."

       The population of their family is simple, Zhu Xiuqi and his wife don't say that Concubine is Zhang Jingshu's dowry, called Yinhuan, by nature, it is quiet and does not cause trouble. His daughter is called Zhu Ying, who is only nine years old this year.

       Zhang Jingshu has three sons and daughters, Lao-Da Zhu Ting Zhou, who is twelve years old this year. He went to the new :Academy here and came back twice a month. Lao-Er is Zhu Yuan himself. Lao-San is Zhu Tingfang and he is only four years old this year.

       In addition, Zhu Xiuqi has been dispatched as a magistrate in the past few years. Without the huge staff of Zhu's main house, their family's life is fairly peaceful.

       Anyway, Zhu Yuan is very satisfied with his current life.

       Closer to home.

       Seeing her coming in, Zhu Ying, who was thin, and Zhu Tingfang, who was so thin, called her sister in unison, and Yinhuan Concubine also smiled and nodded at her.

       The plump and feminine Zhang Jingshu smiled even more, and waved to her: "Have you come back? Sit down and wait for you."

       Zhu Yuan ran over and heard Zhu Xiuqi ask: "How many copies of the "Book of Rites" have you copied?"

       She shrank her neck: "I just didn't finish copying it again "

       "Don't train your children when you have dinner." Zhang Jingshu hurriedly pushed Zhu Xiuqi and groaned, "Later, the children are scared, and they won't grow up."

       Zhu Xiuqi just gave up.

       Zhu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

       "Sister," the thin Zhu Ying seemed to be a little excited, "Mother, please take us out."

       Four-year-old Zhu Tingfang also yelled, "Get out! Get out!"

       "Huh?" Zhu Yuan hurriedly went to see Zhang Jingshu, "Mother, are you going to go out tomorrow?" She hasn't been out after being here for so long.

       Zhang Jingshu was instructing his servants to serve food, and smiled upon hearing the words: "Yes, we will go out tomorrow morning to buy new clothes."

       Zhu Yuan hasn't spoken yet, Zhu Xiuqi frowns first: "Why are you buying new clothes again?"

       "Who would have thought that this place in Wuxian would be hot like this before May." Zhang Jingshu frowned.

       “Daren also changed the summer shirt from last year. children change every year. Those who are last year can't wear it. Ming Er hurriedly bought two for them to exchange, and then slowly cut the rest."

       Zhu Xiuqi looked at the summer shirt on her body and was silent, and then asked her, "Is the silver still enough?"

       Zhang Jingshu hurriedly pushed him, and whispered: "Don't say this in front of the children."

       It happened that someone brought food, and Zhu Xiuqi said nothing.

       Zhu Yuan is not a real child after all. From these words, one can tell the situation at home-is there a lack of money at home?

       Isn't her father a parent official? How can you still be short of money?

       Zhu. Little common people. He was thinking about things while eating, and occasionally pricked his ears to listen to Zhang Jingshu talking about the main house and family trivial matters.

       Soon the meal ran out.

       Zhu Yuan was still carrying the penalty after all. After the meal was over, Zhang Jingshu did not protect her. Under Zhu Xiuqi anger, she had to step on heavy steps to leave the small hall and return to the study.

       The guy on the opposite side is still writing the Book of Rites!

       Don’t you need to eat lunch or take a nap?

       It’s easy to get sleepy after drinking and eating. Zhu Yuan simply pulled a piece of rice paper and chatted with Big-Brotheror Big-sister on the opposite side.


       The other party stopped.

       Since you are not a ghost, then there shouldn't be any problems with us, right?

       what for

       It's harmful to life, contaminated with foulness or something.

       They are all humans, so how can they be said to be filthy and life-saving

       Too. Zhu Yuan think about it, then ask:

       Then aren’t you afraid?

       The other party ignored her at all.

       Don’t do this, you’ve been copying it for a long time, let’s rest and chat. People must know how to combine work and rest, otherwise it is easy to overwork and die.

       The other party finally stopped and replied:

       How to make it?

       "Do you know", read this sentence faster

       For He

       Niannian, read it a few times and you'll know it.


       Zhu Yuan looked at the ball of ink on the paper, and laughed.

       Xia Zhi, who was wiping the bookshelf, turned back after hearing this: "Miss?"

       Zhu Yuan waved his hands hurriedly: "It's all right, you continue."

       In other words, meeting is destiny. From the current situation, we have to get along for a long time in the future.. Be a self-introduction?

       Zhu Yuan tilted his head for a while and continued to pick up the pen.

       I'm coming first, my name is Peppa.

       Are you Little Elder-Brother or sister Xiaojie? What is the name?

       The other party ignored her again.

       Zhu Yuan smiled secretly and continued to write:

       I can’t call you "Hello" all the time, right? Since you don't speak, then I will pick one for you.

       The ink is not fast or slow, still copying the book.

       Since I don’t know if you are a man or woman, then I will give you a more neutral one.. Just call it a dog egg!

       Swish, there is a thick and long line on the paper.

       Zhu Yuan laughed wildly at the table.

       Sample, pretending to be cold, can't cure you anymore?


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