Pen Pals 30

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       After a few words were right, the dog leash was silent. Zhu Yuan is a little guilty:

       Dog-Egg? Uncle?

       Xi Zheng ignored him.

       Ah, writing poetry and fu is really not what I am good at. Besides, I'm still young, and it doesn't mean I'm really full of poems and books if I have tried it.

       Seeing this, Xi Zheng couldn't hold back, and he sarcastically said:

       Shicai, who says he reads books and learns five cars?

       Zhu Yuan is confident:

       Nothing wrong, I didn't say I can write poetry and fu

       Xi Zhenggui is Prince, how have you ever seen such a shameless and shameless person? Rao is that he is forbearing, and he is also furious.

       After all, after talking for so long, Zhu Yuan didn’t want to offend people severely, and immediately took another sentence:

       I’m still young, it’s pretty good to be able to take County-Graduate down, you can’t demand too much of me, you’re all older than me, it’s not bullying me-

       Xi Zheng took a deep breath and asked directly:

       Do you still have a brother Didi

       If it is not for Zhu Tingzhou, then it is someone who is close to Zhu Tingzhou.

       Zhu Yuan blinked:


       Last name and name He

       Zhu Yuan covered his mouth and laughed for a long time, then tremblingly raised his pen:


       Xi Zheng frowned immediately:

       Last name Qiao?

       Of course not, my brother Didi, naturally with my last name

       As for the last name.. She is not stupid.

       Xi Zheng endured:

       Why is it so weird? What does it mean

       It doesn’t mean anything, my dad is just wooing foreigners

       Zhu Yuan opened his eyes and talked nonsense. Just after he finished writing, he suddenly remembered the pain of being punished for copying the Book of Rites, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the door, and he was relieved to confirm that there was no Zhu Xiuqi.

       Chongyang fawning?

       Xi Zheng didn't understand.

       You mean the small barbarians outside Dayan? Or is it Gao Qiang?

       Zhu Yuan froze for a moment, and then realized.

       The Dayan Dynasty has a vast territory. Except for Gao Qiang in the north, the rest are small barbarians, and they are not enough. Furthermore, the transportation and navigation industry in this era is underdeveloped, and no one knows what is going on across the ocean.

       This is really hard to say.

       She hastily remedied:

       I’m talking nonsense, Gao Qiang is not worthy of my dad’s fawning.

       Okay, Xi Zheng understands. In other words, the name is nonsense.

       I said, why do you always inquire about my situation?

       Zhu Yuan complained,

       Just a good chat. Let's be okay and happy to brag, and discuss things carefully. Isn't it okay to be a good pen pal who sees the dragon without seeing the end?

       not good.

       No privacy at all

       Zhu Yuan is curious:

       Lao-Da, who is about to retire, do you still need privacy?

       Xi Zheng who fakes Lao-tou: ..

       I haven't returned in one day, and the things on hand will not be finished in one day. You peeping every day, how can I rest assured?

       That's it now. When he starts to plan big things in the future, how can his documents be seen by others?

       Zhu Yuan scratching his head:

       I don’t know who you are anyway. Even if you know, I can't get in. You really don't need to worry.. Just treat me as if I don't exist.

       She is a Miss family, what can she do in this age of feudal backwardness?

       Unfortunately, the opposite Xi Zheng didn’t know that she was Miss’s family, only that he was farting:

       I never put trust on strangers

       Zhu Yuan refused:

       We've been talking for months, how can we be considered strangers?

       For me, if there is no interest involved, it is a stranger

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       Before she could answer the conversation, the opposite came slowly:

        You know who can keep secrets best

       dead. Zhu Yuan answered in his heart, and then complained. Is this doggie the boss of the boss or has read too many scripts — well, is there any bullying script these years? What her brother brought back to her were all hard work for the imperial examination, nothing new..

       Just thinking about it, the opposite Xi Zheng wrote:

       Dead Man

       The vigorous ink writing is steady and fierce, and the murderous air is blowing.

       The simple two-character words fully embody the love of the dog egg Temper, vividly on the paper.

       Zhu Yuan shuddered, and somehow suddenly thought of the group of people who were sold out by her mother...

       A chill suddenly rose from her back.

       Is she thinking too simple? This is not a harmonious and beautiful modern society, this is a feudal society. boss here, every minute is the kind that can really kill people if they disagree.

       Moreover, communication on paper is not the Internet after all. All kinds of grievances can go to the :Damn if you pull out the network cable, but in this backward era, whatever they do has to be written on paper.. If they keep in this state, they are indeed a little bit private. nothing.

       However, people are not persuaded. Zhu Yuan gritted his teeth and wrote:

       Oh, you don’t know who I am anyway.

       Xi Zheng smirked:

       With my power, it’s just a matter of time. At that time... for me, letting a family disappear is easy.

       Zhu Yuan frightened. However, she received five stresses and four beautiful education since she was a child, and she is still skeptical of this brutal behavior:

       You are just a small official of the Ministry of Industry, you can kill if you want to kill? What a great official power! court regulations are not just to be seen.

       If you don’t believe me, I won’t force it, as long as you can keep your identity hidden.

       On the side of the couch, there is no room for others to snore. connection with Peppa is like spreading everything about him on paper, allowing others to visit. Before finding a way to break this connection, he would never allow the opposite person to be someone he could not control.

       Zhu Yuan was terribly scared, and worried that it was a dog trying to fool her out of a horse... She hesitated for a moment, and continued to speak hard:

       Why do I think you are scamming me? Are you trying to trick me into telling it? Besides, I don’t know who you are. I don’t panic. Why are you panicking? Or do you do too many bad things?

       Xi Zheng lightly. Since you are unwilling to confess, let's take another strong medicine.

       Wuxian Zhu Tingzhou, what is the relationship with you?

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       How did he know? ! ! !

       Did she miss her feet?

       Zhu Yuan scratched his head in a hurry, desperately recalling what he had written in the past.

       Except for Wuxian County Annals.. There seems to be no other problem? She didn't even release the name of the Defu Food Store she planned and operated.

       Seeing that she didn't reply for a long time, Xi Zheng added slowly:

       If you don’t obediently confess, I’ll take Zhu’s home first

       ! !

       Zhu Yuan persuaded:

       T_T Big-Brother don’t do this! ! We have something to discuss! ! I can’t fight and kill at every turn


       It seems that Zhu's family is Peppa's weakness.

       .. I'm really just an ordinary man, I can't do anything! !

       Xi Zheng said slightly and asked directly:


       I really can't say, you will kill my T_T if you say it

       Xi Zheng frowned:

       You don't know who I am, why should you worry

       Double standard dog!

       You don’t know who I am, why are you worried?

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Talking to this Peppa is more tired than talking to those old fritters in the court.

        Since you already know that I have a relationship with the Zhu family, you don’t need to know anything else.

       Xi Zheng squinted.

       Also, I already know the land, cement recipes, printing recipes, when will the payment be settled? Send it directly to Zhu's house and name it to Zhu Tingzhou.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Ah I have something to do, let’s go now Talk back

       Xi Zheng: ..

       It ran away.

       After going round and round, it was finally broken at Zhu's house.

       But it's okay, Zhu's house is there, and he will figure it out sooner or later.

       Zhu Yuan, who had escaped by the cause, was rushing to find Zhu Tingzhou.


       The voice was stern, resounding through the backyard.

       Zhu Ting Zhou who was reading a book bluffed and walked out hurriedly: "What's the matter?"

       Zhu Yuan rushed in front of him, dragged him into the room again, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, did you know any official outside?"

       Zhu Ting Zhou:? ?

       "Think about it!" Zhu Yuan stomped.

       Zhu Ting Zhou laughed nonchalantly: "Which official do I know? Isn't the biggest official I know Dabo?"

       Zhu Yuan didn't believe it. Since the dog boy can guess Zhu Tingzhou, she must have missed something.

       "Think about it, maybe you missed it."

       Zhu Ting Zhou was at a loss: "I have been studying behind closed doors, who will associate with me?" Then he asked her, "Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

       "Oh, don't worry about it." Zhu Yuan was so anxious that she stopped abruptly when she thought of something, "Could it be someone you met when you participated in the economic society in Luzhou?"

       "That's not clear, but there are mostly Imperial-Graduate County-Graduate over there. I have never heard of officials."

       Don't know the official? Zhu Yuan frowned, lowered his head and carefully recalled what Dog-Egg had written

       Zhu Ting Zhou in Wu County, Zhu Ting Zhou in Wu County..

       Wu County was leaked because she copied the county annals, so where did Zhu Tingzhou leak the flaws?

       Just a little bit, I dug on her.

       Zhu Ting Zhou continued to speak: "Besides, I just won the County-Graduate fame "

       County-Graduate fame?

       County-Graduate-Childhood Examination! !

       Zhu Yuan is suddenly enlightened! How old is Wuxian? Few people are admitted to County-Graduate, and there are even fewer people who have access to county histories, so you won’t be a hit!

       "When I go to school, I will communicate more with seniors——"

       "I see!" Zhu Yuan interrupted Zhu Tingzhou and patted his arm, "Thank you, brother, you continue to read, I'll roll " After saying this, he ran away.

       Zhu Ting Zhou stretched out his hand: "Round "

       As soon as he opened his mouth, Little Yato had run out of sight.

       Zhu Ting Zhou: ..

       So why did she come here?


       Zhu Yuan ran back to his house out of breath, the dog still slowly copying "Zhou Li".

       Zhu Yuan wanted to ask if he was from Wuxian or Luzhou, and where did he know Zhu Tingzhou.. After all the brushes were mentioned, they finally gave up.

       The enemy is dark, she is bright. Now the dog eggs are in a favorable position, she is looking for him now, it is simply to come to the door to give someone a head... Still don't act rashly.

       She calmed down, peeled off all the papers full of messy words, crumpled them into a ball and threw them into a basin, took a deep breath, and put her mind on her career.

       She decided to make cosmetics.

       If she does this, she doesn't need to find another place, she can start by finding a room at home, let alone worry about manpower.

       The most important thing is that beauty products are no better than the catering industry. If Zhu Xiuqi is transferred to another place after two years, she will clean things up, pick up the technology and change places to continue selling, and even she can also engage in brand operations and see products sold everywhere. Dayan...

       Enjoying a perfect future, Zhu Yuan's mood has finally improved a lot.

       Ignoring the vigorous ink words on the page, she is ready to write a planning book.

       First of all, you have to think of an amazing slogan.

       Zhu Yuan touched his chin, picked up a pen and started to list:

       love you


       The opposite Xi Zheng shook his hand, and the paper that had copied most of the page was immediately ruined.

       He looked at the words on the paper in shock.

       Before he could react, the next line appeared:

       Start with beautiful skin

       Xi Zheng: ..

       What the hell?

       Zhu Yuan, no matter how scared the other side was, he dipped in ink and planned to continue writing.

       Suddenly there was a small voice outside.

       She looked up, only saw the two figures, and asked by the way: "Who's here?" Because she often encounters dog eggs when writing, she would not let Xia Solstice come in and wait for it, and she would hold her needles and threads on most days. Sitting under the corridor, sewing and mending.

       The voice stopped, Xia Zhi came in with Zhang Jingshu's red sleeves. latter blessed her body: "Big-Miss Ann." Then he looked at her again and laughed, "Just now you were a bit loud, Fu-ren and Concubine Worried, I specifically asked Nubi to come over and take a look."

       "Huh?" Is it the time to go to Zhu Ting Zhou for help? Zhu Yuan laughed dryly, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just encountered a problem to ask my brother, there is nothing wrong, you quickly explain to them."

       "Hey, it's fine if you are fine, then Nubi will go back first."

       "Go ahead-"

       After waiting for others to go far, Zhu Yuan withdraws his gaze and intends to continue——

       and many more!

       She has a way!

       She was actually a bit broken just now.

       She was angry and scared when she heard the threats of dog eggs. Moreover, fear is mostly.

       Now that she calmed down, she began to seriously consider it.

       Although Dog-Egg kept saying that she was going to kill her family, she had been chatting with this guy for a few months, and she thought she still knew him a little bit.

       This silly talk is continuous, half-truth and half-truth, and occasionally the upper body of all kinds of bosses... But she feels that the words are like their own.

       The words "Dog-Egg", such as iron painted silver hooks, strong paper backs, and extraordinary aura, indicate that there are hills in the chest and a strategy in the abdomen. Over the past few months, no matter what happens to her, no matter how stubborn and nonsense she is, this guy's handwriting has never been messy or scribble, showing a calm personality.

       In this way, Temper didn't think she would kill innocent and brutal people.

       Apart from anything else, the first time this servant got the cement prescription, he did not go to build houses and roads as she suggested to make money, but used it to build dams, even risking his life and the possibility of failure. , Personally went to Luzhou to repair the dam..

       Something flashed by.

       Before Zhu Yuan could catch it, he saw the ink characters appear again on the paper in front of him.

       Are you afraid of me?

       Zhu Yuan curled his lips. Threatening her and asking her if she is afraid? shameless! !

       This dog egg is either a high-powered person, or is planning something big.. After changing her, she will also intimidate and lure, dig the ground three feet to find the opposite person, kill her mouth or bind her interests.

       She understands to understand.

       The problem is, she is Miss's family! ! Still a ten-year-old, undecided Little Yato! !

       This is the most terrifying place.

       If she is a man, everything is easy to say, there are many ways of binding interests, which is not good for money, power, and beauty?

       Change to Miss's house, that's a terrible thing. In this feudal age, if she is dug out by a dog's egg, she is arbitrarily inserted into her relatives, or she is trapped in someone's backyard, her life will be ruined.

       The most important thing is that Zhu Tingzhou has been uncovered, and she is going to make skin care products again... Dog-Egg is right, it's a long day, really can't hide any secrets, this sex will be revealed sooner or later.


       However, now she thought of a way.


       Zhu Yuan, who was relieved for the time being, ignored him and continued to consider his product brand——

       The ancients were very subtle, and they said "love" directly. Isn't that too straightforward? What if those sour scholars say something insults gentleman and breaks her sign?

       No, no, but write a few more spares.

        Beautiful, you deserve it

       Stop and enjoy the beauty

       Love yourself, start with a box of XX

       Your skin is getting more beautiful with you

       Xi Zheng saw his brain hurt, pulled a piece of paper, and asked:

       What are you doing

       Zhu Yuan pretended not to see it and started to list the brand names:

       Magnolia, Clarin, Vichy, Laneige, Ji Rui, Clinique, Avon...

       After listing the brands I've seen in the previous life, Zhu Yuan touched his chin and started picking.

       Not to mention, these brand names are really good. It must be gentle and elegant, poetic and poetic, and you can use any one of them.. With a stunning advertising copy, it is appropriate to go out of Wuxian and rush to the popular brand of Dayan-

       Not worried about Zhu's family?

       Zhu Yuan was just pretending to be blind, not really blind, and immediately gritted his teeth when he saw this.

       Back then, he shouldn't have been renamed Dog-Egg, he should be called Dogecoin! He took her cement prescription to add an official to enter the jue, and turned around to threaten her!

       Humph! See how she fools this dog currency!

       Big-Shu, you are going to copy my old man and destroy my whole family, what else can I say?

       Xi Zheng felt instantly:

       Are you from the Zhu family?

       Nonsense! You have caught Zhu Tingzhou, can I hide it?

       who is it?

       Finally got acquainted. Xi Zheng thought so.

       Oh... I thought I could keep it a bit longer. If my identity is revealed, you will definitely not be willing to talk to me in the future. T_T

       Xi Zheng had already begun to pull the few people in Zhu's family..

       Actually, I am actually...

       Xi Zheng held his breath.

       Zhu Yuan smiled, shaking his pen:

       Actually I am Concubine of Zhu 2nd House, Zhu Tingzhou grew up by me.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Zhu Yuan saw that he hadn't reacted for a long time, and was immediately overjoyed.

       That's right, she gave herself the identity, Concubine, Concubine.

       Originally, she wanted to impersonate Zhang Jingshu, but Zhang Jingshu had to go out to meet guests and have correspondence, which couldn't be concealed. Even after returning to the capital, there are many contacts.

       It's too easy to expose.

       She doesn't know when this connection with Dog-Egg will last, so she must find an insurance status.

       Just now Hong Xiu came over, and she suddenly thought of someone-Yinhuan Concubine.

       As Concubine, Yinhuan rarely sees customers and does not need letters. He was born in Nubi again, and it's okay to just practice calligraphy. Besides, she has a good relationship with Zhang Jingchu, and it's normal for her to help her family make business..

       The most important thing is that you don’t have to worry about getting into someone’s back home by the doggie tricks.

       It's perfect.

       It's perfect. Look at the dog egg on the opposite side so that there is no sound for a long time.

       Imagine the confusion, embarrassment, and helplessness that the opposite Dogecoin might have. Zhu Yuan laughed wildly at the table.

       "Miss?" Hearing movement at the Xia Zhi outside the door, the probe came in and asked.

       Zhu Yuan hurriedly stood up straight, coughed lightly, and waved his hands calmly: "It's nothing. I was a little excited when I saw a joke. You are busy, don't pay attention to me."

       Xia Solstice blinked: "Oh." He looked at her eyes again without worry, and then retreated.

       Zhu Yuan covered his mouth and laughed for a long time, and finally couldn't help holding up a pen:

       嘤嘤嘤, do you dislike my humble status? Are you reluctant to talk to me?

       After writing, she threw the brush and covered her mouth again, laughing with tears if it weren't for remembering that the Xia Zhi was outside, the roof would definitely be lifted by her laughter.

       The opposite Xi Zheng was indeed shocked.

       He never thought that he would have contact with a back house woman.

       Concubine from someone else's house..

       Looking at the "嘤嘤嘤" that appeared on the paper... he couldn't help but shudder, and took two steps back.

       He swept his eyes and saw the wolf in his hand. He instantly felt that his hand was extremely burning. He threw the pen with a "pop", lifted his foot and walked out.

       "Anfu, prepare arrows."

       He has to practice, he has to calm down.

       He never thought he was a good person, but... this felt really disgusting.

       He always feels as if he is having an affair with someone else's Concubine..


       The dog egg was silent, Zhu Yuan was in a good mood.

       Going on to toss her beauty program happily.

       Product positioning: high-end

       Target group: wealthy women aged 16-56

       Product category: water cream, lipstick, perfume...all can be made.

       Zhu Yuan stopped and tilted his head for a moment.

       Forget it, just start, take a moment, start with lipstick!

       Zhu Yuan opened a new page and started to list the implementation plan according to the goal of the lipstick.

       They are all familiar things that I used to do in my previous life. In less than half an hour, a simple draft came out.

       Before the ink was dry, Zhu Yuan squeezed the paper and ran to find her mother to apply for funding.

       Zhang Jingshu looked at it and hesitated: "Isn't this just lip fat? No one in our family can do this."

       Zhu Yuan patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I have read some materials in the capital, and I remember several ancient recipes."

       Zhang Jingshu's eyes were distressed immediately, and she reached out her hand and touched her head: "It's hard for you." At a young age, when she was studying and writing characters, she went to memorize recipes and learn business..

       Zhu Yuan is inexplicable. It’s just a few recipes, what’s so difficult

       Zhang Jingshu sighed and changed the subject: "According to you..." he glanced at the title at the top of the paper, "Plan, do you need fifty Silver-Taels?" This is not a small number. But I took fifteen taels.

       Zhu Yuan nodded: "Well, in fact, it doesn't cost much elsewhere. focus is on purchasing and packaging."

       The most basic base material beeswax is not cheap, let alone those pigments. There is also packaging.

       These days, she used lip gloss, and she wanted to make a modern strip of lipstick, which could come out with a single spin. shape and function are not difficult, but the difficulty is to unify the style and be exquisite and generous.

       Fifty taels is not a small amount of money, it is enough for the whole government to spend more than a month. So Zhang Jingshu hesitated.

       Zhu Yuan has often followed her to check the accounts recently and naturally understands her concerns.

       She thought for a while, and said: "If you don't worry, you can give half of it first. After I make a color number, you can use it to see if it is reliable, and then give me the remaining half, how about?" Make a color number, it should be cheaper.

       Only twenty-five taels, which is a dozen taels more than last time. Zhang Jingshu thought for a while and nodded.

       Zhu Yuan got half of the project money smoothly, and immediately went to the carpenter at home, let him start thinking about making one, and then went out to buy materials without stopping.


       When I got busy, time passed by, several days have passed since the two spoke last time.

       It happened that Zhu Xiuqi was taking a break today. Zhu Yuan ran too high the previous two days. They were all messy when copying books and practicing handwriting. Zhu Xiuqi checked her and immediately slammed her eyebrows and criticized her severely.

       Yes, it seems that I don’t want to go out today.

       Zhu Yuan, who had been scolded, strayed back to his house, reluctantly took up his brush and prepared to practice calligraphy.

       As soon as the paper was laid, I saw the familiar vigorous ink characters slowly emerging.

       Zhu Yuan's eyes lit up, immediately picked up a pen and dipped the ink, and began to molest him.


       The opposite stopped.

       Dougan, you haven't shown up for a few days, do you want to ignore me?

       There was still no movement on the other side.

       Hey, I know... I know that as soon as my identity is revealed, you will never talk to me again.

       Xi Zheng, who was far in the capital, stared at the ink writing in front of him, like a throat.

       Pity my deepest is lonely, no one talks about it.. Even the only close friend dislikes me from being humble.. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Otherwise, find someone to destroy Zhu's house.

       Chapter 32 | Very grumpy  

       Did Xi Zheng really believe Peppa's nonsense?

       He was just accepted.

       He connected all the clues together and came to a conclusion-Page, should indeed be a girl.

       But it is definitely not the 2nd House Concubine in his words. Zhu Ting Zhou has no measure, and will not hold a Concubine manuscript in his hand.

       It's just that Peppa's words are too... so that he always feels that he is talking to someone shameless Concubine, and they respond very well.

       In the past few days, he took the opportunity of going out of the palace to ask An Fu to quietly inquire about Zhu 2nd House.

       The population of Zhu 2nd House is simple: Zhu Xiuqi, Fu-ren Zhang-Shi, Concubine Zheng Shi, Di-son Zhu Ting Zhou, Zhu Tingfang, Di-Daughter Zhu Yuan, Shu-Daughter Zhu Ying.

       There are only a few people, but there are only four women, and after deducting the Shu-Daughter who is only seven or eight years old and still knows nothing, only three are left: Zhang-Shi, Concubine Zheng Shi, Di-Daughter Zhu Yuan.

       He has already got a copy of Zhang-Shi manuscript. handwriting is dignified and beautiful. It is a world with Peppa and can be excluded directly.

       Concubine Zheng Shi ..

       Ah. Can I charge Concubine with a series of poems?

       Xi Zheng's fingers skipped Zheng Shi name directly and landed on "Zhu Yuan".

       He remembered this Little Miss, they met once in Luzhou.

       Xi Zheng's eyebrows wrinkled subconsciously at the thought of Little-Miss's big thorn paralyzed on the back of the chair.

       Unruly, too detached, and returning the two faces behind the predecessors-exactly the same as Peppa's crazy Temper.

       Xi Zheng concentrated, knuckles tapped the tabletop. Zhu’s Little Yato.. Is it Peppa?

       My father just saw my curse words and punished me to copy the "Book of Rites" ten times. In the final analysis, it was you who caused me..

       What Peppa had said unexpectedly came to mind.

       Xi Zheng's eyes condensed, and he hurriedly turned to the Zhu Yuan page. There were only a few words on it: daughter of Zhu Xiuqi, the magistrate of Wuxian County, was born in ninth year and was born in Chengjia, frail and sickly.

       Chengjia is nine years old, and this year is only ten years old.

       Xi Zheng twisted his eyebrows and thought.

       The font is awkwardly like a beginner, and Dad will be punished by Dad to copy books. His brother Zhu Tingzhou took the exam and passed the County-Graduate..

       If the brothers and sisters have very good feelings, Mei-Mei will write the scriptures with his brother. scripture articles he saw and the pen and ink in Zhu Tingzhou's hand are all explained.

       If Zhu Yato is Peppa...

       Is there such an insight at this age?

       Xi Zheng couldn't do it. As Prince, he received education and guidance that no one in the world can match.

       But this Yato...

       Zhu Yuan on the opposite side didn't know that she had been sold by her brother, and completely forgot what she had written before. When she saw the dog, she didn't speak and played even more happily.

       .. Not to mention, I and you are like the difference between the clouds and mud, you are above the top, for the country and the people, I live in Noble Misses, and I can talk about it——

       Xi Zheng recovered, smirked, and followed her words:

       Master Zhu treats you badly?

       Zhu Yuan got stuck. It's miserable, but it can't hurt the rumors from Mother. She quickly remedied:

       The mistress treats me very well.

       Then why do you complain

       Zhu Yuan dumb mouth. After thinking about it, she said:

       I have known you for many months, and you were so cold to me suddenly, I thought you were going to think that I had a humble background.. Woo, I am a woman and I am just a Concubine, it is rare to find someone to chat with.. Don't get tired of me, dog eggs woo woo woo

       Xi Zheng recalled the grape-eyed female doll of the fate of one side, and then looked at the messy words in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched-why is he wasting time here?

       No matter how transparent and intelligent this Yato is, he can only be trapped in the back house.. In the future, there will be ways to rectify it, and there is no need to care too much.

       Xi Zheng thought about it this way, and then took down the pen.


       The opposite Peppa turned his head.

       Although men and women are not getting married, but you are all too old, shouldn't you care about these details? Aside from anything else, did you take a cement prescription from me to claim credit? Throw it away when you use it, it’s not a gentleman's way

       Xi Zheng: ..

       He held his forehead. Being led away by this guy, I almost forgot about it.

       He has always been rewarded and punished, and he can't ignore the matter just because the opposite is the name Little Yato.

       Cement recipes and movable type printing were all passed to him by her hand, and the credit should be given or given.

       Hmm.. In the future, find a good family far away from officialdom for her, and live a safe life.

       Thinking of the millions of people who survived because of cement... Xi Zheng sighed slightly.

       Come on, take care of her father and brother.

       He put up a pen:

       Got it

       Zhu Yuan was still beeping, suddenly saw these three cold words, dumbfounded, and subconsciously asked:

       What do you know?

       Xi Zheng had already put down his pen and left.

       Zhu Yuan didn't wait for the news for a long time, scratched his head, and mumbled: "God is talking..."

       Just disappear, she can copy the book quietly.

       By the way, has this guy already believed that he is Concubine's lie?

       Zhu Yuan stroked his chin. I always feel that this dog is not so easy to be fooled.. It's so quiet, don't you be making trouble?

       Forget it, no matter what he is, let's concentrate on her skin care products!

       Zhu Yuan uncovered the paper——


       Zhu Yuan was shocked, quickly crumpled the paper into a ball, and threw it into the basin.


       "Eh-" Zhu Yuan hurriedly got up and gave a blessing, "Father, why are you here?"

       The person here is Zhu Xiuqi.

       He walked in, scanned the paper on the table first, saw the ink character above, nodded: "This character is more decent today."

       Zhu Yuan stuck out his tongue. It was too perfunctory the first two days.

       Zhu Xiuqi glanced a few more times, frowned, lifted the paper, and took it in front of him to take a closer look.

       Zhu Yuan's heart jumped. What, what? Is the content of her chat with Dog-Egg——

       "Your word..." Zhu Xiuqi finally raised his head and asked her, "Which copybook did you learn?"

       "Huh?" Zhu Yuan was blank, "Just, just the one you gave."

       "What I gave you is hairpin lowercase, soft and beautiful, it is most suitable for boudoir girls to learn Chinese characters." Zhu Xiuqi frowned, "and your words..."

       The words are still those, but they have not been crooked and different in thickness from the previous few months, and they have been corrected a lot.

       Zhu Yuan scratched his head: "Did you not practice well? Then I will continue to practice..."

       "It's not the problem." Zhu Xiuqi shook his head and placed the paper on the table.

       “Look at your character. Not only is it not half soft, but it is also becoming more vigorous and vigorous.. Are you going to learn your brother's calligraphy?"

       Zhu Yuan: ..

       She knows what's going on! !

       It's because she watched Dog-Egg's writing all the time.. Dog-Egg is not shallow! ! !

       Facing Zhu Xiuqi questioning eyes, Zhu Yuan shook his head quickly: "No, I might as well read the county chronicles as my brother's stickers."

       Zhu Xiuqi suddenly said: "County annals, I even forgot the county annals." county annals are accumulated from generation to generation, and the fonts are diverse and uneven. Zhu Yuan copied it for a few months, and it is certain that it will be affected. He shook his head, "That's all, don't copy the county annals. I'll find some nice posts for you later."

       Zhu Yuan hesitated: "Actually, it doesn't matter? No one stipulates that Miss's characters should be beautiful and soft. Isn't it good for a little thicker and magnificent?" most important thing is that she reads it almost every day. It is estimated that it will be difficult to break back the word "Dog-Egg".

       Besides, Dog-Egg's characters are really good-looking, and you won't lose money after learning.

       Zhu Xiuqi was taken aback, then laughed: "I am stubborn.." Touching Zhu Yuan's head, "Since you like it, then go on practicing."


       Zhu Xiuqi stroked his short beard and said, "Do you remember the Jeongseon Pavilion and Shenming Pavilion you suggested a few months ago?"

       Although the names are different, the meanings are similar. Zhu Yuan naturally remembers.

       "The past few months have seen results. There have been more squires and wealthy businessmen who donated money and materials, and even the crime of committing crimes has been much less. Please feel relieved for the county government."

       No wonder Ximu doesn't have to work overtime. Zhu Yuan is happy: "Good thing-"

       "You take credit for this matter... Dad is going to give you a reward, what do you want?"

       Zhu Yuan hurriedly waved his hands: "I will just say a few words casually, where is the credit?" Her father got up and down every day in order to manage Wuxian, and there is nowhere to say credit

       Zhu Xiuqi was surprised: "Really not?" After thinking about it, "Don't you like to read books? You can go to the study to pick a few books."

       Zhu Yuan hesitated, and shook his head: "No, the county annals have not been finished yet." Books in this era are very expensive, and she has enough calligraphy to waste paper, so let's forget about buying books and things, and wait for the family to be rich. Say it again.

       “Never mind the reward. You are my father, can you still lose me?"

       Zhu Xiuqi thought about it, so he stopped mentioning it.

       Zhu Yuan rolled her eyes and patted her chest: "If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me, I will give you an idea!" She stood on the shoulders of giants, and she might really help her father solve some problems. Her father's career went well, and she also benefited.

       Zhu Xiuqi was happy: "Look at what you can."

       Zhu Yuan is not happy anymore: "Mother, please consult me about everything now." Of course, it's just an exaggeration. Now she and Zhu Ying have to study the housekeeper with Zhang Jingshu every day, and the latter asks their opinions when they encounter things.

       Zhu Xiuqi was slightly surprised, thinking of the food store Zhang Jingshu gave him, stroked his long beard, and said: "I heard that the reward and punishment system of your Blessed Food Store is good. You can list it for me later, and I will use it for reference. ."

       "no problem!"

       After sending Zhu Xiuqi away, Zhu Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly closed the door, trot over to the edge of the basin and burned the paper balls.

       Finished grinding the ink on the plain paper, and started writing the reward and punishment system.

       In the last life, the beauty company she worked with was a listed company, and the reward and punishment system was very complete. She only needed to modify it one or two according to the current county government's organization and responsibilities, and then apply it.

       But she didn't plan to do only this county government's reward and punishment system.

       She does things and likes to look forward a few steps.

       She wants to create a system of encouraging people's livelihood.

       It has been almost a year since she came into this world. She had been ill for the first few months, and then she was able to walk and jump, and she slowly began to touch everything in this world.

       Needless to say, Nubi , even ordinary people's life... the consolidation of class she cannot change. But poor, it can be changed.

       It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. Only by digging out the enthusiasm of the masses can everything be changed.

       She doesn't have anything else. It's okay to bring over the incentives for getting rid of poverty and becoming rich and technological reforms in her previous life.

       After all, it was an unfamiliar realm. She flipped through her memory and wrote slowly, each one was concise and concise, and she had to stop thinking about it after writing one.

       After looking for An Fu to order something, Xi Zheng turned back to the study again, and saw these fragments of words, his brows immediately frowned, and he couldn't help but look carefully.

       Tax reduction for agricultural mulberry, tax reduction for animal husbandry, technical subsidies, support for characteristic industries-special agricultural products..

       After watching for a long time, it is all about spending money.

       After knowing the identity of Yato, he originally intended to reduce contact with him. Writing and privacy are unavoidable. He can always think of ways to improve, such as ghostwriting.

       However, just as she made up her determination on the front foot, she saw some empty and useless actions on the back foot.

       Thinking of the sorrowful words that Geying had made for several days, Xi Zheng endured and endured, and finally couldn't help but sarcastically:

       Impractical, daydreaming

       Zhu Yuan was stunned, then rolled his eyes:

       Where is it not practical?

       Where does the money come from

       Zhu Yuan takes it for granted:


       Tax cuts for farming, mulberry and animal husbandry, where does the money come from?

       Point your face. If it weren’t for farmers to grow food and raise livestock, everyone would starve to death.. Dayan Dynasty is so big, but they are exploiting it, are you sorry?

       Xi Zheng's forehead jumped:

       I have Zhuangzi subordinates, so I don’t need to rely on them for food

       Oh, let me put it another way. field tax is only worth a few moneys, Quan Dayan collects it, maybe it is not enough for the emperor to eat for a year, what is it, it is better to leave it to the people, let them have money to Hua

       You don’t know enough

       I care if he is enough, I'll make an analogy.

       Zhu Yuan became impatient. She's doing business, can this guy stop talking?

       Besides, I didn’t write this thing for you. Take care of your water conservancy and craftsmen. It’s okay. Don’t disturb my sister. I’ll work.

       More than half of the vest burst, and she simply broke the can.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Little Yato is not only courageous, but also has a big temper.

       Who is Xi Zheng? That was the horrifying cold Wangye years later.

       Even if he has not yet reached the power of the year, as Prince, except for his father Royal Mufei, who would dare to shame him?

       Now that Xi Zheng has been reprimanded and rejected, Xi Zheng feels very complicated.

       But the opposite is a little Little-girl..

       Don't worry about Little Yato. Xi Zheng comforted himself like this.

       But the Little Yato on the other side is not stopping:

       It’s not that I said, these are things that you should consider. Now I am a woman who is here worrying about the country and the people, and you are still talking jokes around, haha.

       The sarcasm came to the surface, especially the last two characters.

       Xi Zheng's forehead jumped:

       Tian Shui is the foundation of the country, and it takes the whole body when you move it. How can you replace these trifling tricks?

       Little Yato is really courageous, and dare to give pointers to the imperial decree...

       Taking the land tax as the foundation of the country, then is this a bit too fragile? If it changes to a certain degree, it will lead to a famine, and then it will not be able to collect the tax. If it is not good, it is to change the regime...

       Zhu Yuan suddenly remembered that the other side was still an unknown official, and slammed the brakes.

       Xi Zheng, who hadn't missed a word, was already cold:

       Nonsense, who taught you these fallacies?

       If his father Zhu Xiuqi taught, then the county magistrate’s talents would not be impressive.

       Zhu Yuan satire:

       Have you not studied history? History tells me-

       Which dynasty change was not caused by natural disasters and man-made disasters. main cause of natural disasters is less than 30%.

       Not to mention the history she learned before, the history in this strange world is almost the same.

       Xi Zheng's forehead jumped:

       Since ancient times, Tianliang has been the foundation of the country——

       Look, you also know that farmland is the foundation of the country, not a farm tax. common people have to pay heavy taxes for a year of hard work, and they can't live anymore. Who will pay back the seed to the court in the next year? This tax burden is not reduced-

       Put it lightly. Xi Zheng smiled:

       The land tax is reduced, where does the official's salary come from, and the soldier's salary comes from, how does the court run? Without the imperial court, how can the people be stable?

       The land tax is not enough to collect from other places, the scholars, farmers, industry, and commerce, how can it be the farmers toss?

       Zhu Yuan is angry,

       It’s no good, but those rich and gentry landlords occupy so much land for nothing, don’t have to pay taxes?

       Xi Zheng was about to refute, a word that slowly disappeared suddenly came into view. He frowned and asked:

       What's the answer to the stall?

       .. Oh, I accidentally pulled out the Yongzheng boss's policy. Zhu Yuan scratched his head. This is Dayan, should there be a figure of Yongzheng tycoon? Isn't it okay to take it out?

       Regardless, if this dog egg can really be done, it can be regarded as a benefit to the people.

       Thinking about it this way, Zhu Yuan has no scruples, splashing ink and setting out the specific measures and the possible consequences of this spread.

       Xi Zheng: .. This is also taught by Zhu Xiuqi? This this..

       You see, this policy is to offend the rich and powerful landlords. Can you do it? emperor may not be able to do it... eh,

       Zhu Yuan woke up,

       How do I cut taxes? Got it, it's a waste of work!

       Xi Zheng: ..

       Sigh.. It seems that we can only start with a small amount of money to encourage business and invention, and then we can engage in agriculture when taxes come up.

       Xi Zheng: ..

       This Yato is not short-sighted.

       Then again, is this really something that 10-year-old Little Yato could come up with?

       Recalling what Peppa Shicai wrote again, Xi Zheng began to doubt his inference.

       Zhu Yuan didn't pay attention to him anymore, and worked hard to write a book. In half an afternoon, he wrote a stack of rewards and punishment systems and county development plans, and then happily took it to Zhu Xiuqi.

       The reward and punishment system is nothing more than Zhu Xiuqi has heard about it. county development plan behind it really surprised him.

       Naturally, Zhu Yuan are all kinds of fools. What kind of books are read in the old house? What is heard from the guests in the capital? I don't know what Zhu Xiuqi thinks. Anyway, I just got confused.

       Whether and how to do it next is not her concern.

       She will continue to toss her lipstick business.

       The carpenters in the mansion have already dumped the red pipes and molds. I don’t know what these craftsmen did. polished wooden pipes and wooden molds are smooth and clear. Modernity is a noble and elegant minimalist.

       After Zhu Yuan confirmed that there was nothing wrong, they handed him a logo design draft and asked to engrave it to the bottom of the tube. This design draft was drawn by Zhang Jingshu, who is good at painting.

       After discussing with Zhang Jingshu, Zhu Yuan finally chose "Magnolia" as the brand name. As for the slogan... the two elders felt that the original Zhu Yuan was too explicit, and she had to give it all. Think about it.

       Everything is ready, the next step is to make lipstick.

       The ingredients are ready, almond oil, beeswax, safflower.

       Zhu Yuan led a few Maid to pour, pound the safflower juice to boil the color, melt the beeswax over water, add almond oil and safflower juice, stir and pour it into the oiled mold, and then carefully put on the lipstick after it has condensed Entrance red tube.

       This simple version of lipstick is ready.

       Zhang Jingshu felt too rough at first, and when Zhu Yuan pulled off the wooden cover and unscrewed the bright red lipstick, she was surprised.

       Red sleeves brought the bronze mirror wittily.

       Zhang Jingshu paused, and took the lipstick that Zhu Yuan handed over. Under the curious eyes of a few people, facing the bronze mirror, he carefully wiped it on his lips.

       Xu is a woman's talent for beauty products, and Zhang Jingshu puts on her lip makeup in twos or twos.

       Yin Huan stared at her applying makeup, and hurriedly asked: "How? How do you feel?"

       Zhang Jingshu pursed her lips, looked into the bronze mirror, turned her head, and smiled: "It's very moist and the color is good."

       Yin Huan stared at her lips and nodded repeatedly: "It looks good, it looks gentle and gentle."

       Zhang Jingshu made no out of her mouth and motioned to her: "Try it too."


       Zhu Yuan handed over a tube of lipstick and explained: "Because they are made in batches, the color numbers are the same. I specially adjusted this color. It is a bit of bean paste, and basically does not pick the skin. No one can make a mistake. ."

       The silver ring is also put on makeup, and after that I can't put it down to play with the lipstick: "This is really light and convenient, and there is no need to bring many tools."

       Zhu Yuan smiled: "When I look back, I will ask someone to make some small bronze mirrors, buy lipsticks and get small bronze mirrors. You can put on makeup wherever you go. They will look beautiful anytime."

       Zhang Jingshu nodded: "Yes." He raised the lipstick tube and examined it carefully, and then asked, "How much do you plan to sell for this tube? Where is the store? Did you miss this item in your plan?"

       Zhu Yuan scratched his head: "I have no plans to open a shop, I want to do high-end customization."

       Zhang Jingshu frowned: "What do you mean?"

       Zhu Yuan explained the high-end customization model of modern studios.

       Zhang Jingshu listened, pondered for a moment, and shook her head: "It's not good." Before Zhu Yuan could speak, she reminded, "We are the magistrate's family. What kind of private order are you tossing about? It's hard for me to collect money. It has become a gift."

       "Huh?" Zhu Yuan was dumbfounded.

       "You still have to have a store. It doesn't matter if the store is smaller or the store is not.. Those Guan Madam Fu Madam who came back from there, who don't have many rich relatives, open a store, and then put this..." Zhang Jingshu raised the lipstick tube in her hand, "Do it beautifully, isn't it easy to make money?"

       Zhu Yuan suddenly. Yes. She forgot that this is a personal love society, always thinking about saving shop rents, but she didn't expect her mother's face and affection...

       "I see, I'll go to the shop." I need to adjust a few more colors, and then find a carpenter to beautify the lipstick tube-


       Zhu Yuan is busy here, and Xi Zheng is not free.

       He was thinking about the difference between the income tax and the current resident tax. But there are still some doubts.

       But at that time, Zhu Yuan was already busy hitting the back of the head and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He kept guarding for a few days, but he could only get perfunctory words such as "Uh, oh, come back to talk" from the opposite side, and he was full of depression.

       I don’t know if I am depressed for my two lives, and I still need to find a Little Yato for advice, or depressed that Little Yato doesn't even put him in the eye, and loves to ignore him...

       Holding his breath, he simply found Emperor Chengjia directly, and the two father and son closed the door and chatted all morning. When they came out, he had a 9-Grade household inspection post.

       Although the title is low, the people in the household are still facing the enemy.

       Xi Zheng also asked for the old year's tax books on the first day as they thought.

       Several younger people broke out in cold sweats on the spot.

       Seeing that Hubu Shangshu was about to stand up and speak, Xi Zheng glanced at him and said lightly: "I just do some homework and give me the tax books for the first year of Chengjia. No need for recent years."

       The implication is not to check their background.

       They were all old fried dough sticks, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when these words came out.

       Although he didn't know what Prince was doing, he didn't come to check them, the Household Department Shangshu naturally opened the door to convenience, and he thoughtfully assigned him an unsuccessful assistant who was good at math to assist him in accounting.

       If so, Xi Zheng started running in the bookstore, suburbs, and Hubu.

       The two are busy, so the chance of meeting is naturally greatly reduced.

       The days passed like flowing water.

       Zhu Yuan's lipstick shop hasn't been ready yet, and Qin He's first batch of cement is out.

       The capital has not yet reacted, the first concrete road of the Dayan Dynasty has begun construction.

       According to reports, this cement road is to open up the capital and Zhangkou Town, and this is only the first section, and it will be paved all the way to Suzhou and Hangzhou in the future.

       What is even more strange is that this cement road is not directly paved on the original dirt road, but a new one is opened along the side of the dirt road.

       The two parallels are inexplicable.

       And this cement road is also weird. First use the huge rolling stone to smooth the road, then mix the cement powder into sand, gravel and water, mix and mix, spread it to the ground and level it, after a day or two, it was originally wet and soft. Huhu's ground becomes hard as stone.

       It is said that the dyke for flood control in Luzhou is also built with this material.

       Because the cement is light, the truck can pull the donkey, and it can pull hundreds of kilograms a day, and the sand and gravel are cheap, and they can be transported by digging anywhere. mixing and laying are simple and convenient, and the drying speed is also fast, but within a few days, a long cement road has been added outside the city.

       Gray and tidy, it won't be dusty when you walk on it, and the road will be rustling, which is the same as the dirt road on most days.

       It was so miraculous, and naturally attracted many people to look around. Even Chengjia Emperor couldn't help but ran out, ran on a horse for a while, and then came back and said straightforwardly.

       This series of movements calmed down, and everyone felt that the Qin family was about to get up. Thinking that the cement recipe was vacated by 3-Prince Xi Zheng, the gaze looking at him became a little complicated.

       Every family who was waiting to marry a girl began to move around.

       Before everyone started to act, the section from the capital to Zhangkou was completely completed.

       Then, everyone watched the Qin family plant thorns on both sides of the road, set up a sentry box at the entrance, and hung a big wooden sign after the sentry box.

       Letter: toll station

       The bright red is huge and eye-catching.

       There is also a table attached below, detailing the charging standards for various frames and loads.

       The crowd was in an uproar.

       Is there a fee for the pedestrian boulevard? How is this different from blocking a road?

       Well, the eyes of all these people looking at the Qin family and Xi Zheng have changed, especially Xi Zheng—the Qin family is closely related to him, and he made the cement recipe. There must be his shadow in this looting measure.

       3-Prince, where is the appearance of the emperor, it is clear that the bandits entered the phoenix den!

       Those who were waiting to marry girls suddenly shrank. That's all, let's look at it again.

       Xi Zheng didn't know how people in the capital saw him.

       The construction of the cement road made him extremely happy, and he happened to meet Peppa on the line again, thinking that this cement recipe had her share of credit, he thanked him:

       A section of the cement road has been repaired, ready to start listing fees, and you will get half a profit afterwards

       Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Wuxian, blinked and accepted:

       Count you have a conscience

       As for how to give her this "Concubine", she doesn't need to worry about it. If this guy is sincere, he can naturally think of a way.

       Xi Zheng raised his eyebrows and asked jokingly:

       You have a lot of ingenuity, can you have any brilliant slogans?

       He still remembers being surprised by this Yato slogan.

       Zhu Yuan rolled his eyes and asked:

       Have thorns planted on both sides?

       This is what they discussed earlier.


       Zhu Yuan laughed:

       This road is driven by me, and this tree is planted by me. I have to pass by and leave to buy road money

       Xi Zheng: ..

       He only found this slogan for Yato after thinking about it.

       Chapter 34 | Can't see

       In fact, the section of cement road built by the Qin family does not charge for everyone. No, to be correct, people do not charge.

       This section of the road only charges for the frame and goods, and there are different charging standards according to different specifications.

       For example, if you ride a bicycle, that is, a frame pulled by a beast, whether it is full of goods or pulling people, or even an empty car, you have to pay, it is not expensive, and only ten cents are charged for the whole journey. If it is two rides and pull carts, fifteen articles are received, three rides and 20 articles, and so on.

       If you don’t pull a cart, you just ride a beast, you have to collect eight articles.

       For ordinary pedestrians, there is no charge.

       As soon as the toll sign was hung up, everyone was waiting to see the jokes between Qin Family and Xi Zheng.

       Among other things, there is a spacious road next to the concrete road-who still has a good free road and has to spend money to take the road? Is it possible to make Tu Na Road clean and tidy? After ten days and a half months, is it still dusty, who is rare.

       Maybe everyone was waiting and watching. After the cement road was listed, no one went up all day. Even the pedestrians who don't need toll dare to look around the dirt road.

       Qin He, who undertook the construction of the cement road, was not in a hurry, and leisurely went to eat and drink tea with major shops.

       Two more days later, when everyone saw him riding out of the city, someone couldn't help but stop him, and asked where he was going, intending to greet him before entering the topic.

       But Qin He smiled and replied: "I'm going to Zhangkou for dinner. I have an appointment with the shopkeeper of the Ping An Store for lunch." After he looked at the sky, he waved goodbye, "I have to hurry, or I'll be late. Let's talk back! "

       Ping An is a major dealer in Zhangkou, and many shops in the capital are looking for goods from them. questioner also knew a little about this.

       However, it's the end of the hour now, so if you go to Zhangkou, it will take two or three hours soon, how can you catch up with the past for lunch?

       The interrogator looked dumbfounded, turned his head and asked the person next to him: "Did the master say something wrong?"

       Everyone's ears were erected, so naturally they were right.

       Everyone looked at each other, feeling that Qin He was bragging and wanted to build momentum for his cement road.

       But if you lie, this kind of thing can't stand the truth at all, and Qin He doesn't need to lie.

       Furthermore, the newly completed concrete road is right in front of you...

       Only a few copper plates, there is no shortage of rich people at the feet of the emperor. This Qin He put it in a similar way, there are rich idlers who call friends and accompany them, or ride horses or drive cars, lively out of the capital and embark on the cement road to Zhangkou.

       The people in the city are also looking forward to it, waiting for these people to come back the next day or a few days to complain.

       Who knows that in the evening, these people who went to join in the fun went back to Capital City one after another, and brought back many things from Zhangkou, such as the smoked duck unique to Zhangkou.

       In less than a day, everyone in the capital knew that Zhangkou in the capital had to go back and forth. Because of the cement road, the time was cut by half! !

       The crowd was in an uproar.

       What is the concept of this half?

       It is the poultry meat that has just been slaughtered in Zhangkou, which can be transported to Capital City for sale on the same day; it is a special cake in Zhangkou that can be sent to Noble's house in Capital City with the remaining warmth..

       There is no need for others to say more, within a few days, that section of the concrete road became heated.

       This is the capital city, and Zhangkou is also one of the important sources of goods in the capital city. Almost all source goods merchants from the south gather, such as silk embroidery from Su Mansion and tea from Hangzhou Mansion.

       Now that the two places have smoother and faster road sections, how can there be fewer carriages and horses coming and going?

       Cars that pull goods, Noble's cars that visit relatives and friends, come and go in an endless stream every day. A car of ten texts, a car of fifteen texts... Every evening, a team of escorts drove to the toll booth and took away a few large bags of copper plates.

       Even toll booths have been added with guards, from morning to night, until curfew.

       The money that was visible to the naked eye rolled into Qin's pocket, making everyone jealous.

       Everyone's eyes on Xi Zheng and Qin He became complicated again.

       There were also many visitors from the Qin family.

       On this day, Guozijian Jijiu Fu-ren came to Qin Lao Fu-ren for tea and chat.

       Guozijian Jijiu Fu-ren's husband's surname is Cui, and Qin Lao Fu-ren is a handkerchief. She has not been in contact for many years, and she is not abrupt this time.

       Qin Lao Fu-ren didn't think too much. As usual, she had a chat with her. Shunzui complained: "Fortunately, you let someone send a post and say you want to come over, otherwise I have to go to accompany guests today."

       Cui Lao Fu-ren was surprised: "You are all Madam's person, why let you go to accompany guests?"

       "Recently, the Three Highnesses tossed the cement out, and then gave it to my young son to go upside down. There was a lot of noise, so many people came to ask. It disturbed me for many days."

       Cui Lao Fu-ren thoughtfully: "What are you asking? Want to get involved in the cement business?"

       "Almost." After all, it's the men's business. Qin Lao Fu-ren didn't say much, but just said, "We didn't understand it at all. You said that you came over and asked if you could ask what happened? "

       Cui Lao Fu-ren smiled: "You didn't understand it yourself?"

       "Of course, this cement is a new thing, and I cross the river by feeling the stones."

       "I think Qin and that kid are very calm, not like them."

       Qin Lao Fu-ren is not angry: "It's pretending, I have to discuss with his father and brother until midnight when I come back every day."

       Cui Lao Fu-ren was so amused: "That still pretends to look alike."

       "Yes." Qin Lao Fu-ren sighed, "So, so many people come to ask, it's difficult for us."

       Cui Lao Fu-ren smiled: "Then I will ask something else."


       Cui Lao Fu-ren lowered his voice: "I want to ask your grandson, have you found someone?"

       Qin Lao Fu-ren was stunned, then surprised: "Why are you asking this question too?"

       Cui Lao Fu-ren was also stunned: "Anyone asked?"

       "Several companies came to ask. But I said, I remember your little granddaughter is less than five years old, why did you come to join in the fun?"

       Cui Lao Fu-ren Helpless: "Isn't this entrusted by others."

       After this, Qin Lao Fu-ren became curious: "Who is Miss? It took such a long time to find you."

       "It's my unbelievable niece nephew, his daughter is thirteen this year."

       Qin Lao Fu-ren recalled the situation of her maiden nephew, and immediately frowned: "No matter how the royal family is not particular about it, it won't..." glared at her, "Why should you do such a job?"

       "No answer, no answer." Cui Lao Fu-ren waved his hands again and again, "I'm not a face-saving love, I'll come over and say it brazenly. Anyway, I've got it, I don't care about anything else."

       Qin Lao Fu-ren smiled and cursed: "You are throwing the pot on my head."

       "My nephew can't find you anyway." Cui Lao Fu-ren smiled, and then lowered his voice, "His Royal Highness really wants to start seeing each other? Isn't he just fourteen?"

       Qin Lao Fu-ren didn't take it seriously: "It's all people outside who are very hot. Your Highness is right now. His mother...maybe you can't settle down after two years of tossing."

       Cui Lao Fu-ren naturally knew a little bit of inside information, and couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible to stop marrying?"

       "That's not enough. I guess, it might overwhelm the woman's family status." Qin Lao Fu-ren couldn't help sighing again, "I don't know what you said about it. Which villain’s slander felt that his son was overwhelmed "

       "Hush!" Cui Lao Fu-ren hurriedly hushed, and rebuked, "You can't talk nonsense about these things."

       Qin Lao Fu-ren waved her hand: "Don't say it, don't say it." After a pause, she smiled, "But we really found a few good ones."

       "Oh, that's not bad." Cui Lao Fu-ren was very witty, and he didn't ask who they were. He just smiled and said, "Then I'm waiting for a wedding drink?"

       "Go go, it's still early."


       Xi Zheng has been busy hitting the back of his head recently.

       Exercise, calligraphy, homework, bookstore construction, operation content and direction planning, paper research and development, taxation situation in the past year... If not many articles are well-read and easy to do his homework, he is afraid that he will even take a break All have to be reduced.

       Other things are still tossing about. old taxes and various taxes related to the fields have been sorted out first-after all, he doesn't want to check the accounts, he just wants the total.

       With the data, he found someone to start the calculation.

       In the past few months, he has already had a lot of manpower, and it is cheap to do anything. Especially afterwards.

       Now he has to build a bookstore and dump paper. He has to spend money every day. How can he not find a few accountants.

       Professional things are done by professional people. Xi Zheng threw the data to those who are good at math, and asked them to calculate a result according to the direction he gave. After finishing the result, he went to the imperial library to find Emperor Chengjia.

       Dayan, and even the dynasties before Dayan, always used Rendingshui. To pay for acres is to change the direction of calculation and to collect land tax.

       The current population tax is extremely heavy for ordinary people. If it is a young and middle-aged family with a few acres of land, life will be naturally beautiful.

       But which one does not have old people and children? If there are many children who have not yet grown into a labor force, or the elderly are frail and sickly unable to work.. Once this tax is collected, the skin can be peeled off.

       If taxes are collected according to the land, the burden will be reduced if there are many elderly and children in the family. This is a real reduction in tax burden for the people, and it can even encourage the people to have more children.

       There are too many people, what can't you do well?

       Emperor Chengjia could naturally see this. If it can really advance, the praise of benevolence and love for the people will be indispensable. Which emperor doesn't want celebrities to be eternal?

       What he worries about is the tax situation.

       Xi Zheng was confident and presented Quan Dayan's field data: "This is the number of fields registered by each state and government, and I have asked them to calculate the annual tax revenue based on the taxation of the field."

       When Emperor Chengjia saw it, he was surprised: "So many?"

       Xi Zheng nodded and pointed to a certain number on the paper: "The fields of officials, gentry and aristocrats account for more than half of the state capital. If all taxes are collected, the total amount will be calculated, and it will not be different from the personal tax."

       In fact, there will be more. After all, some officials, gentry and nobles are subordinates, and opening up wasteland and land is a trivial matter. They don't need to go through business and government. In this way, the calculated fields are naturally small.

       Emperor Chengjia naturally thought of this.

       Xi Zheng once again increased the fire: "Moreover, for the officials, gentry and nobles, paying these farm taxes is at most painful for a few days. If it is replaced by ordinary people, it is a question of whether they can eat and wear warmth."

       In such a comparison, it is natural to know which is better.

       Emperor Chengjia sighed, "I know." problem is too much involved. If this tax reform is implemented, the money bags of the nobles and wealthy gentry will be moved, and the resistance it will encounter can be imagined.

       "Father, this is to benefit the country and the people "

       Emperor Chengjia waved his hand: "I know that I need to consider this matter again, so don't get involved anymore."

       Xi Zheng was stunned, then overjoyed, and nodded: "Yes." If this tax reform is implemented, I don't know how many complaints will be incurred. Emperor Chengjia told him not to interfere, naturally to protect him, but it also shows that he is really excited. Now, it’s just a big deal, he needs to be prepared.

       This is the end of the matter, and then it has nothing to do with Xi Zheng. Seeing that Emperor Chengjia frowned and looked at the numbers, Xi Zheng bowed and walked out quietly.

       Back to Prince courtyard, An Fu greeted him.

       "Master, things have arrived." Since going to Luzhou, Anfu and several people are accustomed to calling his master in private.

       Xi Zheng opened his hands and asked casually: "What is it?"

       An Fu gently helped him untie his robe, and said, "The movable type mold."

       Xi Zheng's eyes narrowed: "Where?"

       "It's in the study, just waiting for you to come back and have a look."

       "Good!" Xi Zheng immediately turned around and strode to the study.

       In the spacious study room, a large typeface table stood quietly under the wall, and 3 thousand equally-sized typefaces were neatly laid out on the table according to the radicals, which looked quite a bit imposing.

       Xi Zheng pulled out a piece and examined it. mold is made of specially crafted pottery clay, with a frosted surface that is easy to ink. font was specially described by someone, horizontal and vertical, quite satisfactory, without any style at all.

       There are also a few small wooden frames next to it, all the size of a book page, and the required typefaces are lined in, and the printed page is a neat font.

       Xi Zheng nodded: "Prepare paper and ink." He came to rub a copy himself.

       Picking, sorting, brushing, rubbing, a page of ink is quickly placed in front of you.

       He lifted the paper, glanced at the featureless text, and then looked at the county chronicles that still appeared on the opposite side...

       Xi Zheng hooked her lips.

       Very well, Little Yato on the opposite side can't see these contents.


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