Sister Credit 150

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       Discussions are still ongoing in Yuan Jia, Xiuhe Academy.

       Zhou-Zhen stunned his thoughts and said, "... 7-brother once revealed to me that the emperor's dragon body may not be able to support the New Year. Therefore, they don’t have much time for the He family, and they will Do it before New Year. "

       Qilang had always mastered the Yuan's news channels. Only he could extract the most useful and effective information for the Yuan family from the messages gathered from various places, and then guide the Yuan family to make a response and layout.

       Therefore, the Yuan family did not doubt the authenticity of Zhou-Zhen's words about the state of the emperor's dragon body.

       "Next, the goal of the He family must be to frame Crown Prince. The most likely thing is to sow the father-son relationship between Crown Prince and the emperor. The strongest and most powerful blow is nothing more than to let the emperor see the filial side of Crown Prince, and then Outraged, thinking of abandoning Crown Prince. "Then Zhou-Zhen spoke out her and Yuan-Suming's speculation that day on the return journey to Wuxianshan.

       Brother Er Yuan said suddenly, "The emperor is ill. You said, is it possible for the He family to poison the emperor and then plant it to Crown Prince?"

       Everyone took a sigh of air-conditioning, this idea was very bold, but did the He family dare? If you are found murdering the emperor and framing Crown Prince, it is a great crime for the Nine Nine!

       Brother Er Yuan shook his lips and said, "Do you all look at me? Do you dare say that this is not possible? If the emperor knew that Crown Prince had poisoned him, he would not waste the Crown Prince. Even if he crashed, he would have to jump from the tomb. "

       Brother Wu also said, "There is another possibility, that Crown Prince was discovered by the emperor."

       Very good, everyone has a big brain.

       Brother Yuan Liu weakly said, "This is not as good as the former?"

       Brother Yuan asked, "7-Sao, if He Jiazhen really uses it like we guessed, how should we prevent it?"

       Zhou-Zhen replied, "There is no reason to guard against thieves for thousands of days, and we don't have a lot of staff in the palace, right?"

       "What can I do?"

       Everyone started to think down. Even though they guessed the He family's plan, they really couldn't guess when they would start.

       "The palace is no longer safe. What if we isolate the objects the He family wants to sow?" Zhou-Zhen gave her the answer.

       "What does this mean?" Yuan Yuan didn't quite understand, but Yuan LaoTai-Ye was thoughtful.

       "For example, let the emperor quietly come out of the palace." This is the most effective way for her to think about it recently.

       "This method is really bold and novel, but it is not easy to do it." Yuan LaoTai-Ye pointed out the difficulties.

       Zhou-Zhen nodded, "Yes, we have to convince Crown Prince first, and then let Crown Prince convince the emperor."

       Yuan LaoTai-Ye said, "Neither of them is convincing. First of all, Crown Prince may not be willing to take this risk. Because once the emperor leaves the palace, his safety completely falls on the Crown Prince, and the emperor's dragon body is like that. , Once there is a three-pronged, two-pronged, Crown Prince can't wash it. "

       Zhou-Zhen replied, “I wasn’t sure whether Crown Prince was willing to take this risk before, but 7-brother had gone to see Crown Prince before going to Youzhou. Now the situation in Youzhou is exactly the same as before 7-brother As expected, Crown Prince will definitely consider our proposal of the Yuan family. "

       Yuan LaoTai-Ye thought about it, it was related to Crown Prince vital interests, and there was an arrangement before Qiro, to convince him that he still had a 60% to 70% certainty. "What about the emperor? It is more difficult to persuade the emperor."

       "The emperor would be willing," Zhou-Zhen said resolutely.

       Ok? So determined?

       "As long as Crown Prince shows his wise and courageous judgement, and becomes the qualified next emperor Wang-candidate in his mind, even this time Crown Prince counts the emperor in. For Zhushi Jiangshan's stability, the emperor will cooperate with Crown Prince. Yes. "If Crown Prince accepted this suggestion from their Yuan family, it would be exactly what the emperor would want to see.

       "How to say?"

       "This involves how to get Crown Prince to persuade the emperor to agree to leave the palace." Zhou-Zhen's mouth quirked a strange smile.

       "These are our guesses, what if ... wrong?" Yuan Xuekun hesitated.

       The Yuan family brothers winked at each other. Their Father / Dabo was really professional.

       "If we guess correctly and take corresponding measures, the benefits are self-evident. But if we guess correctly and wait for something to happen, the consequences will most likely be Crown Prince abolition and His Royal Highness ascended the throne. In this way, it’s really easy for the He family in Youzhou to move hands and feet, and they have the ability to follow the dragon. The Four Highnesses will certainly open one eye and close the other. If we don’t guess right, we In the eyes of Crown Prince, the emperor's home is only an impression of being too cautious or timid. But the emperor reads Crown Prince filial piety.

       Yuan Xuekun was still worried, "Will this proposal be considered by the emperor as a divorce between their father and son? Also, what if the emperor had something to do during his palace leave? Will this suggestor of the Yuan family be pushed as the culprit? "

       "Our Yuan family has long been tied to Crown Prince on a boat, Crown Prince, Yuan Jiaan. And if we can convince the emperor, we will win more than half from the moment the emperor promises to leave the palace."

       "Sometimes proper adventure is necessary. There is no reason to prevent thieves. Active and passive must bear risks, but the degree is different. The two powers harm each other to the slightest." After finishing this sentence, Zhou Zhen said nothing.

       Brother Yuan gritted his teeth. "'Grandfather, this has to be done!"

       The consequences of inaction are so severe that they are in danger.

       "'Grandfather, let's do it!" Brother Er Yuan also echoed.

       Although the other Yuan family brothers did not speak, they looked eagerly at Yuan LaoTai-Ye, and their meanings need not be uttered.

       "Lao-Da, what do you mean?" Yuan LaoTai-Ye forced his eldest son to make a statement.

       Yuan Xuekun looked at everyone in the study. He knew that more than 80% of the people here agreed to take the initiative. He sighed and finally nodded. "I also agree that we should take the initiative."

       Yuan LaoTai-Ye finally clapped, "That line, let's unify our opinions, and everyone will work together towards this goal!"

       Imperial palace

       On this day, Crown Prince, in front of his Fu Huang, an imperial doctor attacked, spreading his contact with the outside world about the leak of the emperor's vein to Fu Huang.

       The incident was revealed, and the doctor did not justify, but only bowed his head to the emperor for mercy. Eventually he was carried with his mouth shut, and then all over the door was ordered to be hacked by him.

       After the royal doctor was dragged down, Crown Prince suddenly knelt down towards the emperor, "Fu Huang, Er-chen wants to move you out of the palace for a while."

       The emperor's expression was cloudy and uncertain, watching Crown Prince kneeling on the ground, Crown Prince wouldn't even wait for this time?

       "I know your filial piety, Zhang Tuo is just an exception. You can clean it inside and out." He didn't have to move for a few days.

       Crown Prince insisted, "Cleaning is necessary, but the palace is not safe, and Er-chen is not sure how many fish are missing. Er-chen dare not take any risk."

       The emperor leaned back, looking at Crown Prince, and said nothing.

       At this moment Crown Prince sweaty palms burst out.

       It took a long time for the emperor to ask, "Where do you want to escape from the palace?"

       "Fu Huang, Er-chen wants you to go to Brother Three Prince and avoid the limelight."

       Upon hearing that, the emperor was slightly surprised. When did Crown Prince and Lao-San feel so good?

       "If Fu Huang can't rest assured that Er-chen, Fu Huang can set up a decree and give it to a credible minister. If Er-chen has any dissatisfaction, you can take the fourth brother as his seat!" Crown Prince bit his teeth, this is When Yuan LaoTai-Ye came to meet him, those who came up with him would surely convince him that Fu Huang would go out with him.

       At this point, Crown Prince is the big filial son, without any selfishness at all.

       This time the emperor fully believed that Crown Prince had proposed to let him out of the palace out of consideration for his safety.

       But the emperor thought about some changes outside the palace, his eyes narrowed, "Crown Prince, do you know what you are doing?"

       In the view of the emperor, as far as the current situation is concerned, Crown Prince has a 90% certainty to succeed. The throne was like a watermelon he had held with one hand, with some instability.

       At this moment, Crown Prince decision was like throwing this watermelon back into his Fu Fu hand. If he, Fu Huang, returns the watermelon (throne) to him, he catches it with both hands and is completely secure.

       This is a risky choice. He is already Chu Jun. He is willing to do so for his full confidence.

       There was a strange touch in the emperor's eyes.

       "Er-chen knows it. But for the safety of Fu Huang, Er-chen is willing!"

       The emperor beckons towards Crown Prince, "Crown Prince, come and tell me what you think."

       Crown Prince gritted his teeth and said, "Fu Huang's safety is first, and the second point is that Er-chen doesn't want to risk the father being wiped out." Yuan LaoTai-Ye said to him that he should face Fu At Huang, it's best to be honest.

       "Hahahaha-" the emperor laughed out loud.

       The emperor is so happy. Crown Prince move shows that he has grown into a qualified monarch Wang-.

       With filial piety, the strength of the pattern has been achieved. If you don't seek to expand the territory, you will be qualified to be a successful ruler.

       Even if the idea was probably from a think tank behind Crown Prince, what about it? Crown Prince knows how to use people, how to choose, and what kind of opinions can be adopted. He is a qualified superior!

       "I promised you."

       "Then Er-chen arrange it and pick you up tonight?"

       The emperor nodded slightly, and the whole man began to show exhaustion after such a big mood swing just now.

       Crown Prince said good-bye, but was stopped when he arrived at the door.

       "Who gave you the idea?" The emperor asked suddenly.

       Crown Prince paused and replied, "It's the Yuan family."

       "Yuan Qilang went to Youzhou?"


       After the emperor groaned for a long time, he said to Crown Prince, "After you ascended the throne, treat the Yuan family favorably." Then wait for Crown Prince to say nothing, and let him go.

       Emperor Kangjing sighed alone, and his superiors were weak ... but nothing more.

       The emperor's last words made Crown Prince heart pounding. He was now very aware that he had taken this step right, and he was one step closer to that. He believes that even if his four Prince and the He family make trouble, he Fu Huang will stand firm on his side.

       This is the idea from Zhou-Zhen. He Chan never expected that the emperor would promise to leave the palace at this time.

       And at this time, as Zhou-Zhen expected, He Can was waiting for the news, but the news he was waiting for was not the one he wanted.

       boom! He Can's fist hit the table fiercely.

       The situation in Youzhou was beyond his expectation. In his plan, as the Khitan army Chen suddenly went south to attack Youzhou, the news of Youzhou failure to return to Dagan, accompanied by Yuan Kaijiang's disappearance or He died and was informed about treason.

       1st-General of Yelufufeng Nekidan, whose biological father was a great cadre, but very few people knew about it. Moreover, because of Yelu Fufeng's mother Xiao , she has a strong body. From the appearance, only one pair of eyes looks like the Central Plains.

       In the last life, Yuan Kaijiang did not know where to learn the news, and in private he tried to persuade Yelufufeng to return. In order to convince him, he even pretended to go to the grassland many times. Moreover, in previous battles, Yuan Kaijiang did not bear his life on several occasions.

       Perhaps it was Yuan Kaijiang's appreciation that gradually moved Yelu Fufeng. In fact, Yelu Fufeng didn't have a good time in Khitan when he was a kid. Now among his children, there are those who look like the Central Plains and are secretly crowded out. So this time Khitan attacked the Dagan dynasty, Yelu Fufeng finally agreed to return.

       However, he wanted to give Yuan Kaijiang a vote for him, so he and Yuan Kaijiang had negotiated, and they came to a victory. First, let the Khitan army win a few games in a row, reduce their alertness, and then seduce the enemy to go deeper, and then have an anti-surround , Ready to destroy the vanguard of Khitan in one fell swoop.

       However, this plan was disrupted by the Vice Admiral of the Eastern Army in the last life.

       In this life, He Can knows this passage and is prepared to give them a ruthless record.

       They played against the set, and he took advantage of them to take advantage of the situation. When the state of Youzhou was defeated, Yuan Kaijiang was charged with selling the enemy!

       But now, the news from Youzhou is not the result he wants.

       "6-Shaoye, we have received the news, then Yuan-Suming is in Youzhou, and our plan was destroyed by him."

       "Yuan-Suming is in Youzhou ?!"

       He Can finally realized that I'm afraid the wind chill of Yuan-Suming is fake. Yuan-Suming is likely to set off from Youxian Mountain and set off for Youzhou. Doesn't that mean that he has realized what he has since then?

       For a time, He Can's face was ugly. Smart people really hate it!



       Youzhou, Lulonggou

       The soldiers are building fortifications.

       Yuan-Suming stands with his hands on his back and looks down at the ravine below.

       Mu-Uncle Dou Zhongda stood next to him. "Qilang, don't you really evacuate the people of Changyi in advance?" In case the Khitan army breaks through their line of defense, wouldn't it be better to go into a state of no one?

       Yuan-Suming's look remained unchanged. "Khitan Khan is not stupid. Only real and fake tactics can entice them to hook."

       Watching the soldiers sculpting the fortifications, Dou Zhongda was inevitably worried, "Kidan has already won six cities. Will they really come to attack Changyi?" The most important thing is that Chang Yi did not agree with Chief Yuan Yuan and Yelv Fufeng In the city that won the attack, there is no cheap to take, will Khitan sweat come to attack it?

       "Yes." Yuan-Suming said affirmatively, "Now that the Khitan Army has a winning streak, the morale is high. On the contrary, the morale of the Dagan Eastern Army is low. Both soldiers and the people are heartbroken. Tianshi The locals and them all occupied, Khitan Khan is a very proud and cautious person, and will definitely surprise him and sneak in a city. Compared to Longlan City, which is waiting in front of them, it is located southwest of them Changyi County is more in line with his goals. And with Changyi, they are extremely convenient whether they go west or south. "

       Lulonggou was the only place to attack Changyi, and it was also the place he buried for the Khitan vanguard.

       Imperial palace

       This afternoon, 3-Prince, as usual, went to the palace to see him Fu Huang.

       But he was really frightened, "His Royal Crown Prince, what did you say?" 3-Prince voice was shaking. He suspected that he had hallucinations. Fu Huang was going out of the palace at this time, and he wanted to live with him. go with?

       "Don't doubt, Gu just said it's true, and didn't mean to entertain you," Crown Prince said.

       Is this really true? And Fu Huang went to him, could he ... well, coax Fu Huang, and then he had a chance?

       Crown Prince glanced at him, "Don't think too much." Then he lowered his voice and showed him how he could persuade them to Fu Huang to leave the palace and tell him the brothers.

       3-Prince After listening, they all stayed. Crown Prince would be willing to do such an adventure? For a while, all kinds of thoughts and thoughts flew in his mind, and finally settled on Crown Prince calm, childish face.

       3-Prince sighed, no wonder Crown Prince would be Crown Prince.

       "Don't be dazed, Fu Huang has come to you, you need to take good care of him." Crown Prince solemnly confessed. After Fu Huang was out of the palace, it was time to draw a snake out of the hole.

       "Wait, Fu Huang is not in the palace, does it cause a commotion?" 3-Prince suddenly thought of this.

       Crown Prince clapped his hands, and the confidante beside the emperor helped him in.

       3-Prince turned his head and opened his eyes, his mouth widened unconsciously, Father ... Fu Huang?

       No, this is not their Fu Huang. 3-Prince finally found a difference.

       "This person ... this person ..." 3-Prince snorted.

       Crown Prince nodded, confirming his inner guess.

       "Fu Huang stayed in the Purple Temple for a while while he was out of the palace." Crown Prince said.

       3-Prince will replace himself. If he has the same opportunity as the four Prince, in the current situation, the next thing to do is to pick out the relationship between Fu Huang and Crown Prince. The most important thing is to destroy their father and son. Between trust.

       But Crown Prince arranged for him to leave Fu Huang, and Fu Huang agreed. Suddenly, 3-Prince suddenly understood the plans of Bai-Crown Prince and Yuan.

       Fu Huang is not in the palace. No matter how the four Prince are tossing, they all wink at the blind. The four emperor brothers did not move, they were afraid that they would not have good fruit. After thinking about it, he was sweating coldly.

       Fortunately, he had already lost his way to the summit, and for a while, 3-Prince was extremely fortunate.

       3-Prince frequently looked at that person, who was so similar to Fu Huang, and didn't know how long Crown Prince and Yuan's family had been preparing.

       3-Prince surprise Crown Prince didn't miss it, not to mention his three emperor brothers, even when he saw this person at first sight, he was shocked. He never knew that he had such a similar substitute for Fu Huang, more than the one he brought.

       This man has almost the same symptoms as his Fu Huang, even with similar temperament. The most frightening thing is that I don't know how his substitute was cultivated by Fu Huang. This substitute even thought that Dagan Guo was his, and he was the emperor of Dagan. In many things, the substitute has exactly the same reaction as his Fu Huang. Is this empathy?

       Next, something happened in the palace, making the eunuchs of Gong'e all be at risk. Seeing 3-Prince was like a mouse and a cat.

       This is how the emperor took the medicine. 3-Prince wanted to show filial piety, but accidentally spilled the medicine, and was reprimanded by the emperor.

       3-Prince was in a bad mood. An Old Lady accidentally bumped into him and was used by 3-Prince as a venting bucket, beating people so that they couldn't even stand up, and they were detained.

       This matter was stopped by Crown Prince, did not dare to let the’Emperor’know, and waited for 3-Prince to go out of the palace, the’Emperor-Accidentally learned and cursed.

       This is just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

       When the 4-Prince report came up, he didn't care much.

       What he was concerned about was that, in the early morning, Crown Prince entered the palace by a sedan chair, and said that he felt the wind and cold, was weak, and could not see the wind.

       When Crown Prince was out of the palace, he let people see his sedan chair, and indeed there was only Crown Prince in it.

       After the Youzhou incident, He Can knew that the Yuan-Suming couple should not be underestimated, and they should not be too careful in taking precautions.


       He Chan did not sleep much, and the next day, he went directly to his’Grandfather-After washing.

       He Can revealed his decision after thinking about it all night.

       Congratulations LaoTai-Ye pondered, "Will it be too risky?"

       He Can told what he ordered to do in Youzhou.

       He had previously let the news of the conspiracy between Yuan Kaijiang and Yelu Fufeng go to Khitan Great Khan, which led Qidan Khan to swallow the three cities, and then captured Yelu Fufeng. Then Yuan Kaijiang's disappearance and the He family were inseparable from each other, but their people did not get a correspondence letter between the two. Otherwise, it's really done.

       In the strict sense, the role played by the He family has a common enemy component.

       If his plan goes well, everything can be passed on to Yuan's family, so that their He family can get clean from the incident.

       But now plans have changed, and the results are not as good as expected.

       But bowing without turning back, it's time to start the second plan. As long as they are fast enough to stabilize the situation on the Capital City side, it is enough to make up for the defeat on the Youzhou side.

       Otherwise, when Crown Prince ascends the throne and sits on the throne, who knows whether their hands and feet moved in the dark by the He family will be turned out and zoomed in infinitely?

       "The second plan has to start. The longer they drag on, the worse it will be for us."

       He Ye hands were shaking all the time, and of course he knew what this second plan was. Once this plan is implemented, they can’t really look back.

       "Where is 4-Prince?" He Ye was worried. After all, what the He family was about to do was an outrageous crime of the Nine Nine. What would happen if Yuzi kills the donkey after Prince ascension? This is a ready-made handle.

       "'Grandfather, rest assured, 4-Prince won't know. Besides, it's not our He family, but the Yuan family that hurt that one, what are you worried about?" He Can downplayed authentically.

       "How confident are you?"

       "Nine percent."

       "Then do it. Remember, don't leave any traces."

       He Yan asked again, "Are we enough?"

       After all, in addition to the people of the Crown Prince family, there is also the royalist Yan-Old Lady Fu Yi family. If they are involved, their manpower will be stretched.

       He Can evoked a smile of unknown meaning, "'Grandfather, you can rest assured, Yan-Old Lady Fu line is still a royalist!"

       He especially emphasized the latter three words. The emperor is the emperor who ascends the throne, and their royalists will protect him.

       He Yan looked at him and waited for his explanation.

       He Can attached, and He Xun knew at this time that Yanzhou grandson was involved in the affairs of Youzhou ...

       Royal Palace, Aster Palace

       At this time, just after the early dynasty, Crown Prince used to come and take a look at’The Emperor'. At this time, 4-Prince was also there, spending the morning with’The Emperor'.

       Crown Prince glanced at him without a trace, and seeing that he looked as normal as usual, and guessed that he didn't see the difference between their’Fu Huang'.

       Also, this person is so similar to their Fu Huang. And when they left Fu Huang, even Master Liang, who had been with him for the longest time, was left, as was the Royal Doctor, and another group of people was serving. If he didn't know it, he would never have guessed that the person in front of him would not be them Fu Huang.

       After the royal doctor asked the Emperor to finish the pulse of peace, he asked the eunuch on the side to wait for him to take medicine.

       Then the imperial doctor stepped out of the room and said to Crown Prince and 4-Prince, "His Royal Prince, Four His Royal Highness, the dragon's body is getting weaker and weaker."

       Hearing that, 4-Prince had a heavy face, and he looked at the doctor, "Is there any way for Dr. Luo, doctor? Can you think of any magic bullet that can help Fu Huang his old man?"

       Luo Yuyi shook his head, and the panacea that can bring death to life is only in the legend.

       Just then, a rush of footsteps came towards them.

       " ‘Official -Youzhou Emergency Military News  :   Marshal Yuan Kaijiang, General Marshal Yuan, the general has been verified, he requested the removal of Marshal Yuan Kaijiang's title and pleaded guilty, and asked the court to immediately send a new marshal to Youzhou to take charge of the Eastern Army!"

       Crown Prince eyes flashed, and he immediately said with excitement, "Impossible! How could Yuan Kaijiang pass through the enemy?"

       4-Prince Archery, "His Royal Crown Prince, you have a great deal. Please let the emperor decide this matter!"

       Crown Prince said angrily, "You don't know the body of Fu Huang, you don't know the truth of this matter yet. You bother him with such things?"

       "His Royal Prince, you can't cover Yuan Kaiyuan because he was from Yuan's family. Previously, Youzhou lost six cities, but his coach has disappeared, so it is hard to blame him! Let us say that the enemy is a big sin!" 4-Prince Don't budge.

       4-Prince voice was not small, the’Emperor’was shocked, and ordered the two to enter the inner room.

       "What are you two brothers arguing about?" The Emperor asked.

       Crown Prince stared at 4-Prince, warning him not to talk nonsense.

       "Don't speak? Just now I heard what you were saying about Yuan's family and the enemy." The emperor's eyes fell on the herald behind them, and he pointed his finger at him, "You!"

       The herald knelt down and shivered.


       The herald was unable to repeat the words just now.

       Upon hearing the Emperor, "What are you talking about, Yuan Kaijiang's enemies ?!" Asking this, he was out of breath, and when he rolled his eyes, he passed out.

       "The emperor is fainted, the doctor, come on!"

       Luo Yuyi immediately stepped forward and said after the pulse, "The emperor is a coma caused by the warm and evil poison invading the pericardium, and the phlegm and heat covering the heart."

       "What time is it, drop the book bag, simply!" Crown Prince was impatient.

       Luo Yuyi quickly said, "In short, the emperor was angry and fainted."

       "Then give the emperor medicine soon!"

       "This is the symptom of Bezoar Pill."

       "That's exciting!"

       "Here the medicine. His Royal Highness Crown Prince, please."

       "Hurry up, take one for the emperor." Luo Tai-yi holds ginseng soup in his hand and prepares to serve with Anomiya Bezoar Pill.

       Crown Prince doubted him, took one from the tray, peeled it off, and gave him’Fu Huang'.

       4-Prince looked a short distance away, his eyes flickered, and he closely watched the next development.



       After taking the medicine, the emperor should be able to wake up within a quarter of an hour.

       This is the conclusion reached by Luo Yuyi and all doctors.

       But they waited and waited. They didn't wait for the "Emperor" to wake up, but they waited for the news that the "Emperor" vomited blood in a coma.

       4-Prince flew up at once, "Fu Huang, what's wrong with you?"

       Crown Prince was stunned and responded quickly, "Fast, save Fu Huang!"

       Seeing this scene, an Old Lady who was waiting for the emperor watched and asked, "Too ... Crown Prince, what did you eat for the emperor?"

       As soon as the Old Lady watched this, everyone looked at Crown Prince, either in shock or in doubt or disbelief.

       Crown Prince was so anxious that he said, "You old shit, nonsense!"

       4-Prince stepped forward, "Crown Prince, you don't need to threaten him. We all saw that Fu Huang was fine before, and then he vomited blood after taking the medicine you gave him."

       Crown Prince asked coldly, "Brother Four, what do you mean?"

       4-Prince looked at him coldly, "Hm, Ben Wang-what do you mean? Ben Wang-want to ask what do you mean ?!"

       Crown Prince gasped and said, "Anyway, let the Physician rescue Fu Huang before talking!"

       He said that 4-Prince acquiesced.

       Luo Yuyi looked forward under 4-Prince tiger eyes, and he was horrified at the moment. When he touched the emperor's veins, his face was grayed out instantly. This is the pulse of death!

       The other doctors also came forward, but after touching the veins, all of them turned pale.

       "How about you, save me Fu Huang, you need to apply the needle, you should use the medicine!" Crown Prince urged.

       Doctor Luo Yu knelt down, "The minister is incompetent, the minister deserves death."

       At this time 4-Prince said, "No need for them! These people Crown Prince dare to use, Ben Wang-dare not!"

       At this time, another batch of Tai-yi from Tai-yi Courtyard arrived.

       These people stepped forward to give the Emperor the pulse at the gesture of 4-Prince.

       But these people, like Luo Yuyi, knelt down after finishing the pulse.

       At this moment, the emperor vomited two blood unconsciously, and then tilted his head and stopped.

       Master Liang, who was waiting for him for a long time, stepped forward and sniffed, his body suddenly froze, his eyes looking at Crown Prince were horrified, "Crown Prince, the emperor crashed!"

       Crown Prince heard a shock, his body shaking unconsciously, "Fu Huang ——"

       He wanted to step forward, but was stopped by 4-Prince, "Get away, you father wiper!"

       As soon as this remark was made, the whole house was horrified.

       "Brother Four Prince, don't talk nonsense! Fu Huang treats orphan as heavy as a mountain, how can lonely hurt him?" Crown Prince was annoyed.

       "Everyone can see clearly that Fu Huang's death cannot be related to your delivery of the medicine and the pill itself! Yes, there is also a soup for serving." After that, 4-Prince immediately made Tai-Yi went to check the cup of ginseng tea that Luo Yuyi had just handled.

       After a few Tai-yi inspections, he replied, "Crown Prince, 4-Prince, there is no problem with Shentang."

       Someone followed by, "Azonomiya Bezoar Pill is a tribute medicine, and there should be no problem."

       "Have you heard? You wipe your father and brother's hands! How many days can Fu Huang have, can't you even wait for this?" 4-Prince questioned him.

       "What nonsense, as you said, Gu is already Chujun, how can he wait for his father because he can't wait?" He wants to be a Mingjun, how can he be willing to have a relationship with his father?

       A minister whispered, "Is there any problem with Bezoar Pill, An Gong? That's not necessarily. The minister remembers that it was rumored to have died shortly after it just came out last year." The emperor had crashed, and Crown Prince couldn't contact his father It's related.

       Everyone looked over and found that they were speaking from the Crown Prince line.

       4-Prince eyes flashed dark, this person's brain turned extremely fast, and he knew how to help Crown Prince.

       "-Cries-Woo, Ai family, emperor, why did you go, how can you bear to let Ai family send white hair to black people ..." Empress Dowager received the news and led a person behind him. Here comes Feipin.

       There was a cry in and out of the Purple Temple.

       For a long time, after this cry came to an end, 4-Prince knelt forward and moved to Empress Dowager.

       "Huang-Grandmother, Fu Huang can't die like this!"

       Empress Dowager asked in tears, "What do you want?" She knew Crown Prince was involved in the emperor's death.

       "Identify the real murderer to comfort Fu Huang in the spirit of heaven." 4-Prince answered forcefully.

       Empress Dowager looked at Crown Prince, "Crown Prince, what do you mean?"

       Crown Prince took a deep breath, "Fu Huang can't die unclear, he must check."

       4-Prince said, "Huang-Grandmother, everyone can see very clearly that the death of Fu Huang and Crown Prince or Anzo Bezoar Pill can not be related. Grandchildren requested the Crown Prince to be closed to the clan, Yuan family. Then he was put into the prison. Then he asked the Zongrenfu to hold a trial with the three divisions to find out the cause of Fu Huang's death. "

       Empress Dowager was silent.

       4-Prince turned to Crown Prince and asked, "Crown Prince, wouldn't you object to that?"

       At this time, the old Wangye got the news and hurried in. He first went to Nading to meet the emperor. After coming out, he seconded the proposal of 4-Prince.

       Crown Prince knelt aside, bowed his head, confessed his fate, but had various thoughts in his heart.

       The method of the He family was scary. This bureau was set up. There were two suspects of his’Fu Huang’death. Either he had done something, or it was a problem with Anomiya Bezoar Pill.

       The issue of Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill involves Zhou-Zhen, and Zhou-Zhen involves Yuan.

       And the death of his’Fu Huang’must be held accountable.

       The next development, no doubt, must be abandoned car security. Even if he is unwilling to sacrifice Yuan's family, his Crown Prince lineage and other royalists will all blame him on Bezoar Pill in order to protect him.

       The Yuan family is not an unknown soldier. To convict him, he must go through the trial of three divisions.

       In order to save himself, the Yuan family must have made every effort to prove that his’Fu Huang’did not die because of Bezoar Pill.

       However, if the Yuan family can save themselves, his Crown Prince can only become his father's murderer, unless the Yuan family can find the real murderer, but it is difficult.

       At least for now, this is an endless cycle of either his death or Yuan Jia death. Now the person who wants to get rid of Yuan's family quickly is his subordinates.

       But what happened after the Yuan family was removed, Crown Prince couldn't predict it at all. But he had a hunch. Without the ministers such as Yuan-Suming to deal with the He family, even if he ascended the throne, the throne was still unsettled.

       It's really a poisonous scheme.

       Fortunately, Fu Huang was removed from the palace early and was well protected. Otherwise, this situation of doomedness is doomed.

       Now Fu Huang knows him, and his innocence can be guaranteed. Now let's see if Zhou-Zhen can let Angong Bezoar Pill elute the suspicion and find out the evidence that He family and his four Prince are doing it.

       He Jia

       He Chan is drinking tea and is waiting for news.

       He Ye also restlessly paced in the study.

       At this time the secret guard appeared.

       The two looked at the same time, "How?"

       "Finished, Bezoar Pill was fed to the emperor by Crown Prince, and the emperor died. Now Lao-Ann Wang-has invited Crown Prince to the clan's palace, and the Royal Forest Army has dispatched, I believe soon The Yuan family will be surrounded. "

       He Chan stood up and became, it turned out to be!

       This turned out to be really surprising! He wasn't sure that Crown Prince would give the medicine in person, and he couldn't think of the misfortunes. Crown Prince really fed the Emperor Bezoar Pill of Nangong! Hahaha, really help him too.

       "The Yuan family is finished."

       Yuan Jia

       At the same time, the Yuan family also received news that the emperor had crashed due to taking Crown Prince himself to give him Azonomiya Bezoar Pill, as well as news that the Royal Forest Army had already dispatched.

       Brother Er patted the table fiercely, "He family is despondent, and he really poisoned the emperor through Crown Prince hand!"

       But they did not expect that the He family would use this method, because Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill now not only implicates Crown Prince, but also 7-Sao.

       After hearing the whole news, Zhou-Zhen stunned and then laughed. To be honest, this move of the He family is really smart. If their Yuan family could not prove that the death of the emperor had nothing to do with Bezoar Pill of An Gong, and nothing to do with Crown Prince, they would really fall into a mortal situation.

       "If there were no previous arrangements, we would be afraid to escape this time."

       The males of the Yuan family were very fortunate at the moment that they had listened to Zhou-Zhen and talked about Crown Prince decision to let the emperor go out of the palace. They really did not expect that the He family shot so poisonous.

       Even Yuan Xuekun sweated his back at this moment, and his back was very scared.

       "The Royal Forest Army is coming. Can you elute the death of the" Emperor "because of suspicion of taking Azonomiya Bezoar Pill?" Yuan LaoTai-Ye asked with concern.

       In this game, their Yuan family was not so dangerous because of their previous layout, but he knew that the emperor must be waiting for them to give an account.

       In the eyes of the Ministers, there are two suspects of killing the emperor. In fact, the emperor and them all know that there is only one suspect, that is, Anzo Bezoar Pill. Whether it killed the "Emperor" or not, he needs to prove that his grandson, no one knows this medicine better than her.

       "'Grandfather don't worry, I already have a general idea in my heart." Zhou-Zhen gave everyone a peace of mind.

       Everyone was relieved to hear her say this. This is good, so that they also have the confidence to face the disaster of the next prison.

       When she was in Lujiang last year, she was also involved in a murder case because of Anzo Bezoar Pill. The deceased was named Mo Da.

       At that time, the Shen-shi clan had not yet been exiled. Shen Lu struggled to let her and Azunomiya Bezoar Pill wash away the suspicion of eating the dead, and ordered the huge body to be burned secretly.

       I don't want this step to be expected by Yuan gongzi, and let the person who burned the body come to personal loot and get it, and then hold the handle of Shen-shi, forcing Shen Lu to prove that Zhou-Zhen and Anomiya Bezoar Pill's innocence.

       For this reason, Zhou-Zhen also gave An Huang an instruction manual afterwards, each medicine had it, and the contraindications were written on it. More and more formalized.

       In fact, some hidden dangers were buried at that time.

       Zhou-Zhen had thought about it before, Yuan-Suming and her were two different ways of thinking. She is accustomed to the details and to deal with problems in a cowardly manner. On the other hand, he is focused on the overall situation and is familiar with human nature. He can see through the weaknesses and key points of the bureau at a glance, and handle the problems cleanly.

       Muda case, if solved in her way, may be a bit more troublesome, but it will never be the case today.

       It was only because of Yuan Gongzi aggressive intervention that she skipped that trap.

       He Chan's misfortune was not used at the time.

       At this time, the concierge came to Shendu Building with a letter.

       "7-Young Furen, someone sent a letter stating that it was for you."

       Zhou-Zhen took the letter and asked casually, "What about that person?"

       "Just letting go of the letter and leaving in a hurry.

       Wen Yan, Zhou-Zhen said nothing.

       Everyone was curious, who was the one who sent her a letter at this juncture?

       Zhou-Zhen took the letter and saw that the envelope said  :   Zhou 6-Miss, personally.

       Zhou 6-Miss,? This title was her name when she was Miss, and suddenly she had some guesses about the person who wrote the letter.

       The letter was indeed written by an old man in Lujiang as she guessed, and the person who wrote it was Shen Lu.

       In the letter, Shen Lu told her that when she got Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill, the Shen family got a capsule from Zhou-Chen. With this medicine, Shen Chunlin took the medicine of An Gong Bezoar Pill. The composition is analyzed.

       He Xian also knows these achievements.

       It was almost the same as she had guessed.

       Zhou-Zhen, after reading the letter, had to sigh, Shen Lu was as shrewd as ever, and could even be called one of the few smart people she had ever seen.

       He had anticipated that she would be in trouble for Bezoar Pill, An Gong, and was already waiting here.

       There was a line at the end of the letter  :   Zhou 6-Miss, let's clear it up.

       Zhou-Zhen knew that he was referring to the last time the Industrial Investment Group arrived in the southwest, and Shen Lu took the initiative to find their semicolon and wanted to get investment. However, due to the grudges of Shen-shi and Zhou-shi, Xingye Investment Group did not agree. Later, Shen Lu asked Xingye Investment Group to ask her for her opinion. She wrote back and Shen-shi successfully obtained financing.

       Her previous approach to the Shen family was correct. The hundred-footed worm is dead but not dead. It is better to be a friend than multiple enemies to a person like Shen Lu.

       3-Prince Province

       Hearing the news of his’Fu Huang’crash in the palace, 3-Prince hand holding the tea cup shook, and the water spilled out.

       Then he Fu Huang glanced lightly, "It's time to cry in the palace!"

       3-Prince Nana, "Fu Huang ..."

       "Go! Don't let anyone see the flaw."

       3-Prince departed, and when he was outside the door, he wiped his face fiercely. He didn't expect that Lao-Si was so fierce that he dare to wipe his father!

       3-Prince is sincerely willing to support Crown Prince at this time. At least Crown Prince is at the top. He doesn't have to worry about the head on his neck moving at any time.




       Khitan sweats effortlessly, and won the six cities of Youzhou, but he is not satisfied. As Yuan-Suming expected, the sound of the attack hit the west. On the one hand, they sent troops to call Longlan City, but on the other, they secretly ordered the Big-Wang-Zieruchi to lead the attack on Changyi County.

       Big-Wang-Ziqi took Qidan 80 thousand elite, and intended to surprise him, winning Changyi County in one fell swoop.

       The Khitan elite soldiers rushed the horse all the way, and the warrior Zat Yatou rushed forward, speeding forward, and the road was met with scum, and he ‘Called up.

       "Wait!" Khitan's Big-Wang-the counselor under the sub-Yaluzianzhan stopped,

       But the Khitan soldiers are killing themselves. Where can they listen?

       Coupled with this expedition, the victory was won, and six consecutive cities were captured, so that these soldiers gave birth to a strong soldier who felt like weak chickens, and felt that they could just kill them by smashing them.

       Watching the narrow Lulonggou mountain pass, which only allowed two carriages to pass, but had a length of twenty, the counselor's heart gave an unpredictable premonition for no reason, but he stopped. Only the Big-Wang-child next to him stopped.

       As the saying goes, the pride soldiers will lose, and the accident happened at this time. The pieces of wood burning with flames were dropped accurately, and a cross between Qidan elite soldiers and Dagan scouts took the lead to block their way, and they watched Dagan scouts quickly get away. In the other place, they smashed down towards Yeluchi and others, and were avoided by them.

       "There is an ambush!" The counselor ‘called.

       The burning wood was smashed in sections, and soon, the two sides of the mountain stream were piled with a burning wood fire, trapping the most elite and brave vanguard of the Khitan Ministry of Pioneer in this narrow mountain stream. Form a situation in which to catch a catastrophe.

       Immediately afterwards, something more thrilling happened.

       Because this mountain was long and narrow, their Khitan soldiers rushed all the way to chase the spurs. Now the vanguard stopped urgently. Due to the inertia, some of the latter reacted, and some of them crashed into it without responding.

       Yelu Chi was a witness who watched the trampling incident with chaos, becoming more and more chaotic. The first Khitan warrior who did not ride a horse was the first to suffer.

       He ‘called, "Control the riotous horses! Don't go back!"

       His order has just worked.

       The counselor also suggested that the fire in two places be quickly extinguished, and then rush out.

       But it was too late. As soon as their voices fell, on the narrow road, barrels of barrels of hot oil were poured, and the soldiers and horses in the splashes made wailing sounds or manic hissing.

       A more serious stampede happened, just at this moment.

       But it's not over yet, the people above are shooting rockets below!

       On the narrow lane of the mountain stream, the flames soared into the sky, the voices and horses ‘Called, and a ghost wailed.

       Some Khitan elite soldiers couldn't help turning over and dismounting, rolling to the ground to put out the fire on their bodies, but these people were undoubtedly dying under the rioting horseshoe.

       "Crush out! There is still a way out, rush!" Big-Wang-Zi couldn't help ‘calling.

       Are you sure there is a way out? The Khitan warriors rushed out of the original fire and ran out, but the fire on them was enough to burn them beyond recognition.

       Outside, there was an ambush of a large army waiting to harvest their tempers.

       Looking at the scene at the bottom of the cliff, Yuan-Suming's Mu-Uncle Dou Zhongda was stunned, the advance troops of Khitan were almost wiped out, and the fruit of the war was wonderful.

       Immediately afterwards, he felt the pain of thousands of barrels of oil. Although these thousands of barrels of oil were brought in by the Shi-zi, it was really a bargain!

       Yuan-Suming blankly estimated the timing, "Continue!"

       After the fire was over, the Khitan advance team ushered in a rolling rock, and countless people and horses were hit.

       "Big-Wang-son, be careful!"

       Yelu Chi was pushed away by the guard, and the guard was not so lucky. He was smashed into a brain by a boulder and died on the spot.

       It’s over, the 80 thousand Elite is over!

       "Big-Wang-son, someone on it!" Said the counselor as he dodged.

       Yelu Chi looked up hard, only to see a tall and thin man standing with his hand on his face, staring blankly at him.

       "Do you know who it is?"

       The counselor shook his head.

       When did Youzhou come to such a god? The vanguard of their Khitan Army was lost in one shot.

       "Surender, we surrender! Stop throwing things down!" He yelled.

       Ye Luchi looked at the ten Khitan soldiers, bleeding his heart.

       Yelu Chi was captured, he thought that he would soon see the elite general of Khitan who attacked them, and thought that the other party would soon hold them to negotiate with his father Khan, but no.

       The other party actually cleaned the battlefield, disguised as their Khitan reporter, and sent a good news to his father Khan, saying that his Big-Wang-son lived up to the expectations of sweating, and captured Changyi as he wished, please move Drive, visit Changyi.

       The news that Yeluchi captured Changyi made Khitan sweating, but the old guy was greedy and wanted to swallow Longlan City again. Not only did they not drive, they also let Yelu Chi be notified, and some troops were sent back for assistance.

       Khitan Khan was not fooled, and Yuan-Suming had to change his strategy.

       Coinciding with the news that the emperor's death had spread to Youzhou, Yuan-Suming was shocked at night. He immediately went to meet his uncle Yuan Kaijiang, who had been healing.

       "Uncle San, I will bring a soldier back to Capital City, and you will be given to Youzhou." He intended to help his third uncle stabilize the situation in Youzhou before returning to Capital City. But the news of the emperor's collapse came too suddenly. In addition, the He family actually involved Zhou-Zhen in the death of the emperor. The Yuan family did not know what the situation was in Capital City, which was really anxious.

       Yuan Kaijiang knew that he could not rest assured that the capital was the same, in fact he was the same.

       "Come back with confidence, this time I've burdened the Yuan family." Yuan Kaijiang said with a sigh.

       "Uncle San, I will leave you three strategies. You will act as you see fit." Yuan-Suming can't help but bitterly. "You don't want to appear in front of people for now, wait for Mu-Uncle to attack Lanyang and Jiangzhong. When you are in the three cities of Yixing, your appearance as a surprise soldier will surely deter Khitan, elute your suspicion of treason against the enemy, and then stabilize the army. Even if you cannot continue to recover the lost land, you can once again reject the Khitan tribe.

       When Dagan was suddenly violently attacked by the monarch, Crown Prince was unable to succeed in the throne, and there was chaos in the politics of the country. It was credit to be able to stabilize Youzhou and Khitan.

       Yuan Kaijiang nodded, and it was time to go. He couldn't bear the Shi-zi worries about Youzhou side when he was worried about the situation of Capital City's Yuan family. Moreover, Qilang's battle in Lulonggou destroyed nearly 60 thousand to 70 thousand soldiers of Khitan, and so far more than 10 thousand Khitan warriors have been captured. This battle does not completely reverse the situation, at least to reduce the gap between the original strength of the Dagan Eastern Army and the Khitan Army. The situation is much better than the time he disappeared, let's watch him next.


       In the Yuan family, Yuan Kaijiang was first introduced to the enemy and sold to the country by deputy general Ma, and later, the tribute medicine Bezoar Pill, developed by Yuan 7-Young Furen, was suspected to have killed the’previous emperor'. Therefore, the Royal Forest Army encircled Yuan Mansion, and banned all entry and exit, that is, the food expenses in the Fu Mansion, which were carried into the Mansion after strict inspection.

       This still depends on the merits of the generations of the Yuan family, plus the’Emperor’driving down, Crown Prince entering the clan, and no one is qualified to break Yuan Kaijiang's crime of neglecting the enemy, otherwise the two-phase crimes can be superimposed, and the whole government can be directly People into the prison.

       Today, Yuan Fu is under siege. He will only stay after the trial of the three divisions.

       The so-called three divisions are the three divisions composed of Tingwei, Yushi Zhongyi, and Si Li Xiao wei. Ting Wei is in charge of criminal law and prison and trial cases. Yushi Zhongxun, led the palace in the Lantai, in charge of the book cheats, by the public official played a role, correcting wrong. Captain Si Li is responsible for overseeing the Capital City Normal Division and the secret monitors in the surrounding areas.

       Now that the cause of the death of the "Emperor" is unknown, Crown Prince is involved. With the promotion of the 4-Prince system, the trial process of the three divisions is very fast. Only three days later, the three law divisions composed of Ting Wei, Yu Shi Zhongyi, and Si Li Xiao Wei, began interrogation.

       Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, Queen Niang-Niang, Crown Prince, 4-Prince, and Clan Mansion were also present.

       He Can also came, just behind 4-Prince.

       On the main stage, Ting Weizhong was in charge of the interrogation. Yu Shizhongyu and Si Li Xiao wei were at his left and right. Three Daren sits side by side to show the law.

       "Bring the suspect up!"

       When Zhou-Zhen was brought up, his face was quiet.

       Seeing this, Crown Prince is calm.

       "Yuan Zhou-shi, do you know the guilt ?!" Tingwei asked.

       "Dare to ask Daren, who is not guilty?"

       "Bold! The emperor ate Crown Prince and passed it to Miyazaki Bezoar Pill, and then vomited blood in a coma and died. You dare to say that the death of the emperor has nothing to do with you?"

       "It doesn't matter, it needs to be verified before we can make a conclusion." Zhou-Zhen wasn't scared by him, and she continued to say after the sentence, "Bezoar Pill as a tribute medicine, there must be no problem with the medicine itself. .But it does not rule out that someone who has been deliberately found a hole, can Daren inform the court wife of the number of the Bezoar Pill of Anomiya served by the emperor that day? "

       Ting Wei asked her, "What does this mean?"

       Zhou-Zhen said, “Everyone here is unaware that Bezoar Pill, Angong, was extremely popular as soon as it was launched. However, due to the scarcity of raw materials and the very low output, it is really in short supply. A capsule of Anzo Bezoar Pill is very precious. Therefore, our Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory is not limited to purchase and sales. They are numbered, and this group of numbers is under the manual. A group of numbers can be said to be an Angong Bezoar Pill With this set of numbers, if Bezoar Pill in your hand can't distinguish between true and false, you can take it to Sanqin Yaozhuang to identify true and false and then use it. "

       Because this method of authenticating the pill is unique to Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory, and it is also the first time. Everyone is unfamiliar, and never thought that there would be fake Bezoar Pill of Angong. There are very few people to identify, such a method of identification is almost shelved.

       In addition, Zhou-Zhen has been so busy that he hasn't put much emphasis on the initiative of buying medicine to identify authenticity.

       At this moment she brought it up, but let the people present listen to a fresh.

       The officials present, who bought or used Bezoar Pill, could not help but say a fair word  : 

       "What she said is true. The Bezoar Pill of Anomiya we bought originally did have such a set of numbers."

       "Yes, what she said is true."

       "My family also has it."

       Zhou-Zhen took a manual and motioned Yunsi to send one.

       She pointed to the number above and said, "As you can see, the number is made up of a special set of characters and numbers. And each batch of Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill has a different batch of special characters. "

       "Three Daren, I remember, since Bezoar Pill became a tribute, it has been tribute twice. The first time is the batch of tribute with the number’T3rd’plus numbers, and the second time is’S7th'. Add the numbers. "

       What ghost symbols are they? Everyone frowned and looked at the instructions in their hands, unable to find the law of her naming.

       Tingwei replied and asked her, "You said so much, you mean, is it possible that the tribute palace Bezoar Pill received by the Royal Palace is mixed with fake medicine?"

       "Yes!" Zhou-Zhen nodded, and then took out a few books from the box next to his feet. "These books record the serial numbers of all Anyang Bezoar Pills developed since the opening of Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory. Please look at Daren. You need to check if there are counterfeit medicines mixed in. "Because she initially set the rules for Bezoar Pill in Angong, everyone in the drug factory did the same, so she would register with the court and make a summary. Come to her.

       This is indeed a good way to prevent counterfeiting. Moreover, since there may be the possibility of mixing counterfeit drugs into the supply, the investigation must be conducted.

       Empress Dowager ordered, "Come here, get Bezoar Pill, the Azunomiya owned by the supply room!"

       It feels like someone is holding my nose away. The three Daren looked at each other and knew very well. Due to the pressure from all parties, the present situation is not to condemn Zhou-Zhen, but to find out the truth. See a’just’result.

       It didn't take long for Empress Dowager's confidante, Mama, to lead the eunuchs to move all the Azunomiya Bezoar Pills in the supply room.

       Ting Wei ordered, "Go and find out if the numbers of these Bezoar Pills are in this booklet."

       "Wait, I have a quicker way." Zhou-Zhen's mouth twitched a mysterious smile.

       "any solution?"

       "I have a special hobby. I don't like four-five-seven, so in the number part, there will be no four-five-seven. Daren will find it when he flips through the booklet." Zhou-Zhen sighed in his heart, this It can also be regarded as a means of anti-counterfeiting. I never thought it would be used today. The person responsible for this process is not someone else, it is Yunsi elder brother Song Fu. He had been working for her since she and ‘Nu Qingquan healed a pair of legs for him. She was also assured to give him the secret of the last process, and he has always done well.

       The three Daren took each one of them to open the booklet, and their eyes continued to glance over those numbers. They were surprised to find that no four-five-three numbers appeared on it.

       He Can had always been the old god. When Zhou-Zhen finally said that, his face was hard to look.

       An Gong's Bezoar Pill number was decrypted. Did it actually mean that? He Can closed her eyes, and the fake shipment of them used the number 4257, which is really a big hole, but fortunately ...

       "Choose the number in the number with the tail of the number containing four, five or seven, see if there is any?"


       The people below have picked out Bezoar Pill, An Gong, whose number is 457.

       As a result, a third of them were fake medicines.

       Empress Dowager's face was ugly, "What are the officials in Shaofu eating? So many fake medicines are mixed in. Check, you must check it!"

       Zhou-Zhen came up with a pile of information again, "This is the relevant information about the forces that make fake medicines that I have collected for a long time. It is really fierce, maybe it is among them. Ting Wei Daren, please trouble you."

       He Can clenched her fist aside, she had already noticed that someone had copied the medicine from her Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory, but she had been holding on to her!

       "So, come back to the case itself. What was the number of the Bezoar Pill, An Gong served by the emperor?"



       "So, come back to the case itself. What was the number of the Bezoar Pill, An Gong served by the emperor?"

       Ting Wei checked the relevant information and was very surprised. "Its number is S7th2689."

       When they heard the answer, everyone was surprised, they thought ...

       4-Prince chuckled in his heart, "There are no four or five in the number part, Yuan 7-Young Furen, how do you say?"

       Someone followed, "Yuan 7-Young Furen, you can no longer deny that the Emperor Bezoar Pill served by the Emperor is from your Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory?"

       The members of the Yuan family were standing under the stage, looking at her anxiously.

       Zhou-Zhen ignored them, walking through the rows of pills alone.

       From time to time, she picked up an Angong Bezoar Pill, put it under her nose, and smelled it.

       She sniffed carefully, trying to identify some information from the scent of the medicine. Niuhuang and plum slices have similarities in -ual flavor, Nu-yellow qi fragrance, bitter and sweet, with a cooling sensation  :   plum slices are also fragrant and fragrant. But the slight difference between the two was obvious to her. So she was pretty sure there was no plum in the pill in her hand. This is interesting. In the correct numbered pill box, the medicine should contain no plum ingredients? Ha ha.

       Zhou-Zhen clapped his hands, "Gao, Gaoming, not only did the other party mix high-imitation medicines in the confession of An Gong Bezoar Pill, but even more cleverly, the gods have unknowingly replaced the real medicines with high-imitation medicines."

       Then, everyone found that some of the medicines Zhou-Zhen had touched would be set aside by her.

       Such behaviors as Zhou-Zhen made He Can's heart suddenly burst out, always feeling that there was something uncontrollable to happen.

       After two laps, Zhou Yanqin closed his hand.

       Ting Wei asked, "What you said just now means that the serial number is real, but the medicine is the high imitation medicine in your mouth, that is, fake medicine?"

       "Yes!" She meant it.

       "How can you prove?"

       Zhou-Zhen doesn't say anything, seems to be thinking about something.

       Tai-yi in Tai-yi Courtyard communicated in a low voice. They had two pills in front of them. These two pills were identified by Zhou-Zhen. One was really Bezoar Pill of An Gong. Granules are high imitations.

       Ting Wei asked them, "Can't you tell?"

       Tai-yi, headed by the High Court, all shook their heads.

       I heard that Anzo Bezoar Pill is a compound consisting of more than a dozen medicinal materials. The high-similar medicine in Zhou-Zhen’s mouth is very close to the real medicine, at least very close to the smell. Otherwise, they would not have been unaware of the confession. The medicine was mixed with fake medicine.

       They still can't tell the difference.

       This fake medicine can really be faked. They feel that unless there is a genius who has five emotions in the medicine path, it is really difficult to distinguish.

       Tingwei asked again, "Can you tell from the medicinal effect?"

       Zhou-Zhen said, "For ordinary people who are unconscious for the first stroke, the effect will not be much different. They can wake people up."

       She looked at He Can, and she took a preliminary look. The ingredients of this high generic medicine are really close to the real medicine, that is, there is still a gap between the distribution ratio of the ingredients and the real medicine.

       "This ..." The High Court judged for a moment, so how do you tell the truth?

       "This palace wanted to say just now, who knows whether these special-numbered Bezoar Pill of Angong are marked by them but they didn’t think it was offensive. She said that she doesn’t like to use the number 457, who knows if she Mark inferior products with 45.7? Then these inferior products were accidentally mixed into the supplies when they were offered? Anyway, the number is from Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory. How can she know that she knows and how others know about it? "

       This guess is really wide open.

       Everyone found that it was Zhen Ning-Elder Princess who talked with each other. They were all inexplicable. Why did she come to Zhou-Zhen?

       However, Zhou-Zhen knew it well, and understood why Zhen-Elder Princess had troubled her at this time.

       When she was in jail last year, Yuan-Suming set up a bureau in order to seek a decree, citing 3-Prince to poke the scandal of Zhen-Ning-Elder Princess, so angry that Empress Dowager passed out  :   Prince favored concubine miscarriage, transferred Tai-yi to her for treatment, so that the royal paddock was empty, and there was no Tai-yi sitting in town, allowing his aunt’s Bezoar Pill to have a chance to perform. Then he obtained the decree as he wished.

       Among them, Ning-Elder Princess is the bitter master in that game.

       Presumably, He Chan had to analyze the matter for her kindly in order to win over Ning-Elder Princess.

       Zhen Ning-Elder Princess suffered such a big loss that time.

       Zhou-Zhen, as the wife of Yuan-Suming, and her husband and wife, have become the object of resentment against Ning-Elder Princess.

       Knowing the inside knows, but Zhou-Zhen won't let her discredit her for this unsuspecting guess.

       "I don't have to smash my own signboard, Bezoar Pill of Angong. Once there are unqualified pills, they are all destroyed, and there is no situation where unqualified drugs are mixed into qualified drugs."

       "Who knows if it is true or false?" Zhen Ning-Elder Princess hummed.

       Zhou-Zhen said earnestly, "It is not easy to run a good reputation for a medicine or even a pharmaceutical factory, especially since Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill has become a tributary medicine. Why should I smash my own signboard?"

       Zhen Ning-Elder Princess rolled her eyes, "For the sake of money, who knows if you cut corners? Yes, if you cut corners, you can make more money. Who wouldn't think too much money?"

       Zhou-Zhen looked at Zhen Ning-Elder Princess in surprise, "I don’t have that, isn't it? Anyang Gong Bezoar Pill has a price but a market, isn't the cornerstone cut to save costs and increase profits? If so, directly Isn’t the price increase enough? Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill is well known, and I think it’s okay to add two or three Silver Taels to each Gong An Bezoar Pill. "

       Her words were recognized by everyone present, but it was not obvious to everyone, but the truth was obvious.

       "Zhenning, you shut up!" Empress Dowager said unbearably.

       She can tolerate her communism, but she can't tolerate her stupidity and the royal face in the public hall!

       Ting Wei took the words and pulled them back to the case itself. "Yuan 7-Young Furen, you have to know, where is the fake medicine you said? If you can't prove that what you said is true, then you say No more is useless. "

       Zhou-Zhen nodded, indeed.

       The members of the Yuan family in the hall were also frowning, almost thinking hard, trying to figure out a way to help.

       When almost everyone thought she was at a loss, Zhou-Zhen smiled, stepped forward, and took a pill.

       In the puzzled eyes of everyone, Zhou-Zhen peeled it off roughly and threw it directly into his mouth.

       "True / 7-Young Furen, don't!" The Yuan family yelled, and they all knew that this fake Angong Bezoar Pill killed the emperor, Zhou-Zhen took one directly, and they were worried that something would happen.

       He Can stared at her intently.

       What is she doing? This is the doubt of everyone.

       Zhou-Zhen After chewing for a while, closed her eyes to distinguish the ingredients inside. Sure enough, as she had just guessed when she smelled the scent of the medicine, the high generic medicine of the He family did not use plum tablets. To achieve the same cool taste as the real medicine, bezoar was used more.

       The scent of musk masks the scent of turmeric, and the bitterness of Coptis chinensis conceals the scutellaria baicalensis. Therefore, the high generic medicine of the He family was based on the original Shen family cracking’Bezoar, Rhino Horn, Coptis, Vermilion, Musk, Realgar-After cracking the real pearl and the mountain mast, only the turmeric and the yellow urn are left.

       Zhou-Zhen took the papa and spit out all the medicine in his mouth. "Master Daren, please help me record what I say next."

       The manager looked at the three Daren on the subject.

       Ting Wei, Yu Shi Zhongzheng, Si Li Xiao Wei looked at each other, then nodded thinly toward the master.

       After agreeing, Zhou-Zhen rinsed his mouth and took a high-dose generic medicine. After a while of tasting, she said, "This medicine weighs one dollar per pill. Minutes ... "She automatically converted into ancient units of measure.

       The crowd was stunned first, all surprised when they realized what she was doing.

       Even those Tai-yi on the field couldn't help but stand up, surprised by the data she reported.

       "It's a taste of medicine." There was Tai-yi couldn't help it.

       "It's true. If she really did not develop this batch of medicine as she said, she would know the ingredients and the amount of it, and it would be too genius."

       "so amazing."

       This dramatic scene shocked and perplexed everyone.

       Tai-yi eyes glowed, and they didn't care what the impact of Zhou-Zhen's move would be on the case, they only knew that if the data she reported was true, the scene in front of her would be a century-old rare, poor They won't run into them all their lives.

       "... Musk 0.5."

       Zhou-Zhen worked out the weight of the pill one by one. When she finished one, all the ingredients of the pill were reported. And this set of data has been recorded by the master book.

       After reporting the data, Zhou-Zhen took the silver needle pinned on the sleeve of his sleeve, pierced himself with a few needles, and signaled someone to get her a cup, and then pressed it in his throat. The medicine he had just taken up spit out .

       Zhou-Zhen this skill, she has never been exposed. But in her later life, she didn’t have two brushes.

       This is also when she inspected the Sanqin Pharmaceutical Factory's branch in Luanyang County. Because there is a fake product of Huoxiangzhengqi in the outside. Pin denied the reason for his guess. Her olfactory taste is very sensitive and sensitive to medicine. The smell of a pill is very layered when she smells and eats.

       Of course, her skills are not so amazing, but all of this is because she is too familiar with the medicine of Bezoar Pill, Anomiya. The high copy made by the He family was tasted by her.

       From the moment Zhou-Zhen reported the data, He Can was stunned. He knew that the data she reported was correct, not only that the type of Chinese medicine contained was correct, but the error of the composition was not large.

       Everyone didn't speak, Zhou-Zhen Lu hand was really shocking.

       4-Prince heart tightened, and he winked at the two on the field.

       Soon, someone jumped out and questioned, "Wait, who knows if the data you just provided is true?"

       Everyone thought, yes, no one can prove that the data provided by Zhou-Zhen just now is true.

       At this time, an old man who had been sitting in the corner spoke.

       "Junior, come, there is a medicine here for my husband. If you can tell the ingredients and the amount of medicinal materials contained in it, you can prove that you are right."

       Everyone looked at them in the voice, and found that they were talking about Lao-tou, who didn't know who he was.

       "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, is that all right?" The old man asked.

       "Yes!" Empress Dowager Niang-Niang agreed.

       The old man asked Zhou-Zhen, "Do you dare?"

       "I can."

       Zhou-Zhen took it and smelled it under the nose. Is this Baizi Yangxin Pill? She was quite surprised. When she smelled the smell, she knew that the pill had enough weather, and it was very close to the full version.

       She took the medicine and asked the old man, "This pill is mainly used for insomnia such as deficiency of yin and blood, deficiency of heart, and kidney disorders. Can it nourish the kidney, nourish yin, nourish the heart, and soothe the nerves?"

       The old man nodded, and she was surprised to learn the ingredients. He had some faith in the medicine she just showed.

       When he saw that Tai-yi was eager to try, he took out another medicine for them. After several people got the medicine, they smelled and smelled it, and found that they couldn't do the same as Zhou-Zhen. , You can smell the medicinal ingredients.

       After tossing for a while, they found that Zhou-Zhen was not capable, so they looked forward to her next performance.

       As Zhou-Zhen threw the medicine into her mouth, everyone held her breath and waited for her response.

       Zhou-Zhen had just finished eating, and there was a sputum cup next to her, and she hurriedly approached her. This medicine is serious medicine, and she can take it anyway. Coincidentally, she has been exhausted and painstaking work.

       Zhou-Zhen said to the old man, "Well, let me write to you the medicine and its ingredients. After all, this pill prescription is very precious, and it is inappropriate for me to publish it."

       The old man nodded.

       When Zhou-Zhen waved, there was no idleness on his mouth. "This is a big honey pill, which is actually made into a small honey pill. Then it is made of cinnabar and served with bamboo leaf decoction or longan decoction. "

       The old man listened and nodded slightly.

       After a while, Zhou-Zhen wrote it, and the paper was delivered to the old man very quickly.

       The old man said at a glance, "The medicinal materials used in this pill are listed above, which is right. As for the ingredients ..." He silently estimated the composition of each medicine in each pill.

       And everyone is waiting for his answer.

       "The ingredients of each medicine are also right." The old man took a deep breath and asked, "Zhou 6-Miss, have you seen this medicine before?"

       It should not be possible. It took him several years of hard work to develop this medicine, and even the name was taken. How could she have been exposed to it?

       Zhou-Zhen shook his head.

       Zhen Ning-Elder Princess widened her eyes and refused to accept the result. "Impossible, who knows if they are a group?"

       "Zhenning must not be unreasonable!" Empress Dowager drank softly. "This medicine Wang, Gu Guzhu Ling Xuzi old predecessor, also came to help investigate the cause of your emperor's death."

       Zhou-Zhen a moment, medicine Wang-gu? Or the owner?

       She had previously dealt with Yao Wang-Gu people. When Wang-Gu, a elder named Han, also appeared when she confronted Bo with the Shen-shi. That man was still Shifu of Shen Chunlin, and he was stunned by a pharmacopoeia he didn't need to deal with her. At that time, he was quite polite to the surname Han.

       Ling Xuzi also said, "Zing Ning-Elder Princess laughed, I took Wang-Gusu for one and one, and it was not related to the rich and powerful. If you said the source, I took Wang-Gu and Zhou 6-Miss, A little bit stingy. So if it wasn't for the fact, how could old age favor her? "

       Zhen Ning-Head-gongzi is not convinced, but forced by Empress Dowager's gaze, she dare not make a second attempt.

       Wei Ting always remembers his responsibilities, "Ling Lao, Zhou-Zhen did she really say the medicinal materials and ingredients used in your medicine?"

       Ling Xuzi replied, "Yes, it's not bad at all. My medicine is newly developed and has never been shown to others. So Zhou 6-Miss, should not have been exposed to this medicine. From this we can see that she did With the ability to taste medicine, you can identify the medicinal materials and the amount of their ingredients. "

       There is an endorsement of the medicine Wang-Gu Gu Ling Lingzi. Now everyone believes what Zhou-Zhen said. The high-drug generic medicine is really mixed in the tributary medicine Bezoar Pill. Not only that, even those who made fake medicines were frustrated to replace the original medicines with high imitation medicines.

       Without this, without Zhou-Zhen inspection, no one would find it.

       Empress Dowager shuddered at the thought that so many high generic drugs were mixed into the tributary medicine, and she and the old Feipin in the palace might use this high generic drug when they needed it. This is intended to murder the royal family!

       "The emperor's death was caused by high imitation drugs?"

       Queen Niang-Niang is totally unacceptable to the Emperor being killed by somebody, the fake Angonom Bezoar Pill.



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