Houmen Dinu 350

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 Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen


         Chapter 350 : Lu-Guipin's Hate  

        Lin-An Princess listened to Lu-Guipin kept talking about what was wrong with her, and she only felt annoyed in her heart. At the end, she didn't feel good, "You only know to blame me! I go into the palace, but I don't want to hear you curse Mine! You can't say something nice to comfort me! If I knew you would only scold me, I wouldn't go into the palace!
        Lin-An Princess is really in a bad mood, so she plans to leave when she gets up.
        It was Lang-Mama that stopped Linan Princess one step ahead. "Niang-Niang is also worried about Princess."
        Lin-An Princess came up with temperament, so she decided to leave, but she had come to Yin-Fae to ask for an idea. If she left like this, it would seem a bit stupid. So at Lang-Mama persuasion, he sits down half-push and half-place.
        After Lin-An Princess sits down, the look on her face was still very ugly. "What should I do now? I don't get along well with the Jiang family. Especially my Popo! Anyway, I can't talk to my Popo Look down, why not! I'm Princess!
        It is clear that my Popo deliberately made trouble for me. My Popo just wanted me to bow my head and listen to her in the future! I will never let her succeed! Absolutely not! "
        Lu-Guipin sighed heavily at Lin An Princess's deadly look. The only daughter has come to this point, Lu-Guipin's heart is not different. But no matter how distressed Lu-Guipin was, she couldn't get involved, would she call Fu-ren, a faithful uncle, intolerable?
        If it did, Lu-Guipin's reputation would be worse, even Emperor Xiao kang would be very disappointed with her.
        The look on Lin-An Princess suddenly became resentful, "If only I could have successfully married Tang Jinrui before. Both Father and Niang of Tang Jinrui are in the country. After I married, I don’t need to look at my in-laws. He looked pale.
        Tang Jinrui will not be the same as Jiang Mingyu, always faint, so that people cannot see the true thoughts in his heart. I'm with Jiang Mingyu, always— "
        Lu-Guipin asked, "What happened to Jiang Mingyu?"
        Lin-An Princess frowned, and finally whispered, "Jiang Mingyu looked at me with respect and goodness to me. But seriously, when I got along with Jiang Mingyu, I was really scared of Jiang Mingyu.
        After staying with Jiang Mingyu for a long time, I still have a feeling of panic. Especially Jiang Mingyu eyes looked nothing, but always gave me a chilling feeling. Anyway, in front of Jiang Mingyu, I didn't even dare to put Princess on the shelf. "
        Lu-Guipin said, "You and Jiang Mingyu are husbands and wives. What do you talk about so many racks and racks? Do you know if you are afraid, someone can manage you. I really didn't expect anyone to make it Stay with you. It seems that this marriage is true. "
        Lin-An Princess didn't feel good, "I don't think you can see me well! If I marry Tang Jinrui, it will be all right, my life must be much better than now. I-"
        Lu-Guipin smirked, "Dare you say this in front of Jiang Mingyu?"
        Lin-An Princess suddenly shrank her neck. Of course she didn't dare. She was afraid of Jiang Mingyu.
        "I—I just mumbled in front of you, which made me feel at ease. I am most dissatisfied that my life is so bad now. But Gu Ming-qing’s life is getting better. It's better. Why? I'm Princess.
        What is Gu Ming-qing? Not just a Houfu Di Daughter, but there is no trace of Houfu blood on her body. Gu Ming-qing is comparable to me? Gu Ming-qing Obviously there is no place like mine, but why does she get more than me? God, it's so unfair. "
        To say who the most jealous person in Lin-An Princess is, Gu Ming-qing! Because Gu Ming-qing married the man she wanted to marry, because Gu Ming-qing got everything she wanted!
        As for Gu Ming-qing's so-called good days, most of them came from Linan Princess himself. Lin-An Princess thinks that after marrying Gu Ming-qing, she must be better than here and there, so this does not prevent her from imagining there.
        When Lu-Guipin heard Lin-An Princess mentioning Gu Ming-qing, a gleam of cold light flashed under his eyes, which was frightening for no reason.
        Linan Princess complained to Lu-Guipin. Lu-Guipin can only let Linan Princess not conflict with people in Loyalty, especially Loyalty Fu-ren. If you really hate Faithful Bo-ren, just avoid it. After all, Lin-An is Princess in the end, with a distinguished status, far from being comparable to a Bo Fu-ren.
        When Lin-An Princess left, Lu-Guipin said quietly, "Gu Ming-qing? Oh-she is really terrific. At the beginning, not only did she not have an accident, but she also bit back to the palace and the Lu family. The palace and the Lu family had fallen moldy and lost their sacred heart.
        it is good! it is good! it is good! very good! "
        With four sounds, "Ok", Lang-Mama jumped in his heart, "Niang-Niang, we'd better do nothing right now. In case anything is done, the emperor notices, then you will-"
        Lu-Guipin gritted his teeth and opened his mouth. Because he was hit hard during this time, the well-maintained face suddenly became old. "This palace has endured so many years before it can prevent others from bullying. But that Gu Ming qing, however, made the palace hard for many years. You said, how can the palace endure it? The palace does not want to endure it at all. "
        Lang-Mama naturally distressed Lu-Guipin, but-
        "Niang-Niang, nubi still want to persuade you to think twice!"
        Lu-Guipin whispered, "This palace is enough to think twice before moving on. If Linan's marriage can be happy and happy. This palace will not be so rushed. But now? What is Linan's life in Zhongxinbo day?
        Son-zi is a terrific one, he can suppress Lin-An. Such a person is afraid of Lin-An and can't have much affection for men and women. Not only that, the son-zi has always been cold-faced, for fear that he is really a cold-hearted person. Marrying a man like this in Lin-An is truly incredible. That's the only daughter in this palace! "
        Lu-Guipin said, tears flooded into his eyes, but he held back hard, and did not let the tears fall, "Lin-An also failed to spread a good Popo. Faithful uncle Fu-ren can see that he is narrow-minded. Otherwise it would not be so To Lin-An. That faithful uncle Fu-ren wants to use Lin-An! In front of Lin-An, these words, this palace did not dare to tell her. For fear of her impulse, what should not be done. God knows, this palace How hard it is to endure. "
        Lang-Mama looked at the appearance of Lu-Guipin, but felt distressed. "The old slave knew that Niang-Niang was suffering."
        "But the emperor served him beside the emperor before he ascended the throne! It was so difficult to have such a daughter as Lin-An. She is the life of the palace. Now her daughter is abused by others. Scornful and ironic.
        On such a day, this palace is really fed up! Our palace can't take Tang Jinrui, our palace can't reach that long. Even the Lu family can no longer conflict with Tang Jinrui at this time, otherwise the future of the Lu family may be completely ruined. "
        Lu-Guipin always has a heart for the Lu family.
        Lu-Guipin's eyes turned cold, and the tears in his eyes seemed to be frozen and trembling with cold. "But this palace can't help it, and doesn't want to endure it anymore. Tang Jinrui, this palace cannot move. One Gu Ming-qing, this palace can't believe it! The palace has lived in the palace for decades. If even a yellow-haired Yatou can't deal with it, it will be alive! "
        Lang-Mama no longer persuaded, she knew that Lu-Guipin had made up her mind, and it would be useless to persuade her.
        "What are Niang-Niang going to do? Are you going to pass that Gu-Ceefei?"
        Lu-Guipin smirked, "She? She useless, too. She didn't do what she was asked to do in the palace. It's impossible to rely on her again. Not to mention, This palace also did not have the capital that made her tempted. Now this palace is just a Guipin that the emperor hated. "
        Lu-Guipin never thought Gu Ming-yue hurt her. Mainly, Lu-Guipin didn't even know that Gu Ming-yue hated her and gritted her teeth.
        Lu-Guipin's eyes continued to glow with dim light, and his tone was cold and infiltrating, "Gu Ming-qing? This palace is to see if you have such good luck this time and can hide away. If this No luck at one time, you just have to wait for death. "
        Gu Ming-qing didn't know that Lu-Guipin wanted to count her. Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui are entertaining a guest-Hu Tai-yi.
        After investigating, Hu Tai-yi knew Tang Jinrui mother's surname Zhou, and his mother also came from Tai-yi house.
        All the coincidences were added together, Hu Tai-yi was sure.
        Tang Jinrui is the child of his sister!
        Hu Tai-yi came to Tang Jinrui on his own initiative, indicating his identity.
        Tang Jinrui was suspicious, "I didn't expect you to be Brother Hu in my mother's mouth."
        Hu Tai-yi smiled, his eyes were full of memories, "I didn't expect your mother still remembered me. Think about it for decades. It's true and wrong. Even the sister's children are so Big. "
        Hu Tai-yi said looking at Tang Jinrui, his eyes were full of love, apparently he regarded Tang Jinrui as a junior.
        After a pause, Hu Tai-yi asked, "Is your mother okay?"
        Tang Jinrui thought about it and answered, "My mother is doing fine. It's just-"
        Hu Tai-yi noticed the hesitation in Tang Jinrui words, and immediately asked, "What is it? Is something wrong?"
        Tang Jinrui thought about telling Tai-yi Hu that he hadn't received a letter from his hometown for a long time.
        "I'm worried about what happened in my hometown. Niangzi and I have already asked someone to help inquire about the news. But Lingping County is too far away from the capital, so it's not that fast to make inquiries."
        Hu Tai-yi frowned. "It seems that things are not easy. When I go back, I also ask someone to help inquire. But I believe your parents will have good luck and nothing will happen. "
        Tang Jinrui twitched his lips and said nothing, and he certainly hoped so. Who would hope for something.
        Hu Tai-yi saw that this topic was a bit heavy, so I started to shift the topic, "In fact, I knew earlier that Lin-An Princess liked you. But at that time I was not sure if you were a sister's child, and I was also worried about rashly Come to the door, worried that you don't believe it. So the matter is just put on hold.
        Fortunately, you are all blessed. Neither Lu-Guipin, Lin-An Princess, nor Lu family can count you. "
        Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing wanted to leave Hu Tai-yi for dinner, but Hu Tai-yi refused, "I just took a moment to get a chance to go out of the palace. I will not stay here for a long time "
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui sent Hu Tai-yi out.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at the figure of Hu Tai-yi leaving, and couldn't help feeling that he had one more elder in Capital City, which was originally a good thing. But there was always something about my hometown in my heart, which made people worry. It's just a little bit of joy, and it's gone now.
        Yonghe palace
         ‘Nu Cairen shivered in front of Lu-Guipin.
        Lu-Guipin didn't seem to see ‘Nu Cairen trembling, drinking tea with interest and talking to Lang-Mama from time to time.
         ‘Nu Cairen's heart is sinking more and more. She is really afraid of Lu-Guipin. The woman in front of her is not a bad stubble at all! Don't look at her smiling happily now, maybe the next moment she will open her mouth and swallow her enemies.
         ‘Nu Cairen really didn't expect Lu-Guipin to be so powerful, and she investigated everything she had, so that she had no room for resistance.
         ‘Nu Cairen used to be Lu-Guipin was a fool. For the stupid daughter of Linan Princess, he put himself in such an awkward and sad position. At that time, ‘Nu Cairen didn't know how long he had laughed at Lu-Guipin in private.
        But now ‘Nu Cai talents know that Lu-Guipin is smarter than anyone else except Lin An Princess.
        "Mei-mei, why have you been standing? You can bear dragons now, but the child in your stomach can't afford to hurt. Don't sit down quickly."
        Lu-Guipin's voice was very gentle, but ‘Nu Cairen was shaking but he seemed to hear something terrifying.
        Lu-Guipin didn't sit when she saw the cow. She didn't say much, but raised her eyebrows. "Why Mei-mei doesn't sit? Oh, we know, Mei-mei is not tired because he is not tired. Don’t sit down? Don’t sit down. They all say that Feipin of Huailong is precious, but if it’s not a dragon, but something cheap, it’s not expensive. It's fine to stand. "
        Listening to what Lu-Guipin meant, ‘Nu Cairen's eyes widened sharply, "What does Guipin Niang-Niang's words mean? Although Qieshi status is low, she has a real dragon in her belly. Kind! Qieshi is so stupid, and knows that confusing royal blood is a big sin! "
        Lu-Guipin stared at ‘Nu Cairen with a smile, "Is that right? ‘Nu Cairen really knows that it is a big crime to confuse royal bloodlines? ‘Nu Cairen still remembers one person, Chen Zhiqing."
         ‘Nu Cairen's eyes widened inch by inch, and the fear and panic revealed under his eyes seemed to turn into substance.
        Who Chen Zhiqing is, ‘Nu Cairen certainly knows!
        Today Lu-Guipin invited ‘Nu Cairen to come back from the crowd, and then he said a lot to ‘Nu Cairen. Those words seemed okay, but ‘Nu Cairen thought that Lu-Guipin's every sentence meant something, as if faintly poking her past.
         ‘Nu Cairen's heart was already upset. Now when Lu-Guipin said the word "Chen Zhiqing", ‘Nu Cairen was so panicked that he even stared at his eyes!
        Lu-Guipin really knows!
        Chen Zhiqing was once a guard in the palace. When ‘Nu Cairen was a maid of the palace, he had contact with Chen Zhiqing.
        In fact, it is nice to talk about the relationship. In fact, ‘Nu Cairen and Chen Zhiqing have such a vague and ambiguous relationship.
        At that time, ‘Nu Cairen was only a maid, she wanted to climb up, trying to seduce the emperor to be the master.
        The problem is that there are so few opportunities for ‘Nu Cairen to get ahead.
         ‘Nu Cairen is a more practical person. If he can seduce the emperor, it would be better. But if he really can't, ‘Nu Cairen also wants to leave a little escape for himself, Chen Zhiqing is undoubtedly the best escape.
         ‘Nu Cairen and Chen Zhiqing are really very secretive, almost no one knows.
        Later, ‘Nu Cairen was fortunate and was looked after by Emperor Xiao kang. She immediately cut off her contact with Chen Zhiqing.
         ‘Nu Cairen let go of this, and Chen Zhiqing naturally had to let go.
        Chen Zhiqing didn't love cattle so much that people couldn't extricate themselves. At best, the two had such a good feeling.
        It is a pity that it is broken, but it is not necessarily unbreakable.
         ‘Nu Cairen certainly knows that the women in the palace are all Prince, and even more so after Emperor Feipin.
         ‘Nu Cairen also worried that Emperor Xiao Kang would be dissatisfied with her after he knew about her and Chen Zhiqing.
        It's just that Lu-Guipin's words are actually slandering the child in her belly is Chen Zhiqing, not the dragon! This allows ‘Nu Cairen to accept!
        Confused royal blood, but that's a big sin for the Nine Nine!
         ‘Nu Cairen will not plead guilty even if he dies, not to mention, it was originally out of nothing and was wronging her!
         ‘Nu Cairen forced herself to calm down, she whispered, "Guipin Niang-Niang. Qieshi is sitting upright, Qieshi is more loyal to the emperor! The child in Qieshi belly is also the blood of the emperor! This There is no doubt about it! "

        Chapter 351 : Threatening Nu-Talent Compromise  

         ‘Nu Cairen may be too unwilling, so he said to Lu-Guipin, "According to Qishi, Guipin Niang-Niang is confused. Also, Guipin Niang-Niang was because of Linan Princess. The emperor disgusted, so Guipin Niang-Niang likes to think wildly, and there is nothing out of nothing, which is also extenuating. Only Guipin Niang-Niang must understand a truth, that is, some things can be thought, but some things can't be thought.
        Niang-Niang has been lowered from Fae to Guipin. I don’t know what will happen when it descends further? Qieshi, but I really hope Guipin Niang-Niang, you can always be good, but don't do anything else? "
         ‘Nu Cairen said more and more fluently, and he was very happy.
        Lang-Mama was furious, "You are so talented!"
         ‘Nu Cai realized what he had said after he knew it, and he couldn't help feeling a little upset for a while. But the thought of Yin-Fae wronged her, ‘Nu Cairen didn't think she was going too far. Just one another.
        Lu-Guipin's smiley face is completely gloomy, OK! The palace is really a place to worship high and low, even a little cow can dare to talk nonsense in front of her! This is really great!
        "This house is still confused. You can't turn the cows, you comment."
         ‘Nu Cairen snorted, "Qieshi is afraid to comment on Guipin Niang-Niang. If it is not Guipin Niang-Niang, your words are not correct, Qieshi will certainly not speak. Qieshi is to Guipin Niang-Niang, but Always respected. "
        respect? Humph! Lu-Guipin made no comment about ‘Nu Cairen.
        "Unfortunately, there seems to be ‘Nu Cairen in Chen Zhiqing's hands, which you gave him when you were a maid, such as a close-up purse, such as shoes and socks. If others knew ‘Nu Cairen, you did these things for Chen Zhiqing, and you don’t know others What do you think? This palace is really curious. "
         ‘Nu Cai jumped in his heart! Because ‘Nu Cairen remembered that she had indeed done purse, shoes and socks for Chen Zhiqing. At that time, ‘Nu Cairen was ambiguous with Chen Zhiqing, so he must send something to express his heart. But ‘Nu Cairen remembers very well. After she became the emperor of your Feipin, she specifically warned Chen Zhiqing to burn those things.
        Lu-Guipin Now that I know this, I want to come to those purses, shoes and socks are still there, maybe only one or two are left! But even if there is only one thing left, it is undoubtedly fatal to ‘Nu Cairen!
        At this moment, ‘Nu Cairen scolded Chen Zhiqing in his heart, and resent Chen Zhiqing actually involved her!
         ‘Nu Cairen insisted, "Guipin Niang-What exactly is Niang talking about? Why doesn't Qishi understand what he says."
        Lu-Guipin smiled. " ‘Nu Cairen is afraid that it is very clear what this palace is talking about. ‘Nu Cairen has always been a smart man, how can you not know. Oh, yes, ‘Nu Cairen likes to play silly, but ‘Nu Cairen's favorite thing to do.
        Since ‘Nu Cairen is unwilling to remember this, then this palace will remind you. ‘Nu Cairen, you have a private relationship with Chen Zhiqing, this palace suspects that the child in your belly is not a dragon, but Chen Zhiqing. "
        "You bullshit! The child in my belly is the emperor! Lu-Guipin, don't go too far!"
         ‘Nu Cai was so popular that he didn't even ‘call "Guipin Niang-Niang", he just ‘called "Lu-Guipin".
        Lu-Guipin said lightly, "Is ‘Nu Cairen doing a thief's guilty conscience? This palace looks very similar."
        Lang-Mama also said, "The old slave looked at ‘Nu Cairen, and it was like a guilty conscience."
        "You-you-you!" ‘Nu Cai was so angry that she pointed at Lu-Guipin. At this moment, her stomach was faintly aching, apparently she was moving her gas.
        Lu-Guipin glanced at Lang-Mama, who quickly picked up the pill on the table and brought the water to ‘Nu Cairen. " ‘Nu Cairen eat it."
         ‘Nu Cairen took a few steps back in horror, "You-you-what do you want? The dragon species is in my stomach! If you dare to kill the dragon species in my belly, the emperor will not let you go of!"
        Lu-Guipin laughed, "What do you think Lang-Mama is holding? It is too much fetal medicine? You think too much. Lang-Mama is not a fetal medicine, but an abortion. medicine."
         ‘Nu Cairen's eyes were full of doubts, "I don't believe it."
        "Cut-whether the child in your belly is a dragon or a hybrid, but this palace does not know, but everyone else thinks that the belly is a dragon, and the emperor thinks so. At this time, if the child in your belly is not Now, what good can this palace do?
         ‘Nu Cairen, you still hurried to give birth control pills. The tires take a long time, which is not good for you. Do you really not want the baby in your stomach? "
         ‘Nu Cairen certainly wants it.
        With his face changing, ‘Nu Cairen finally took the birth control pills in Lang-Mama hand, took the tea bowl, drank it, and ate it.
        After taking the medicine, ‘Nu Cairen felt a faint stomach pain.
        At this point, ‘Nu Cai talents completely believed in Lu-Guipin's words, this medicine is really a birth control medicine, and it is an excellent birth control medicine.
         ‘Nu Cairen's eyes looked more and more skeptical of Lu-Guipin. What exactly did Lu-Guipin want to do? She said it would hurt her, but gave her another birth control pill. It's not harmful to her, but she slanders Chen Zhiqing's child!
        Heaven and earth conscience, the child in ‘Nu Cairen's belly is indeed Emperor Xiao kang, and he has nothing to do with Chen Zhiqing.
        "Mei-mei body is much more comfortable now."
         ‘Nu Cairen didn't speak.
        Lu-Guipin wasn't angry, she said slowly, "Mei-mei, in fact, this palace still believes in you very much. Although you have had such a period with Chen Zhiqing, this palace believes that you must have been with the empress since It's wholehearted.
        But I believe that is not enough! Someone else has to believe it is not. However, Mei-mei is fortunate to be pregnant with dragons. Privately, those who hate Mei-mei privately do not know how many. If this rumor goes out, Mei-mei, it will be difficult for you to prove it yourself. "
         ‘Nu Cairen was faintly dark in front of her eyes, her body trembling with anger, she could not hear it, Lu-Guipin was threatening her!
        "Guipin Niang-Niang, what exactly do you want to ask, please ask Guipin Niang-Niang to speak up. Guipin Niang-Niang You have been playing the mystery, Qieshi is stupid, but I really do not understand what Guipin Niang-Niang you mean."
        "Actually, there is only a small thing in this palace, and I want to ask Mei-mei for your help. It is really just a small thing. As long as Mei-mei helps, this palace can assure Mei-mei that no one will It’s with Chen Zhiqing. Mei-mei can really relax at that time. Mei-mei thinks this is okay? "
         ‘Nu Cairen didn't believe what Lu-Guipin said, a little thing? Ha-this is so funny, if it is really just a little thing, will Lu-Guipin go around and say a bunch? Hit a stick and give a sweet date. Lu-Guipin has made everyone a fool!
        Only at this point, ‘Nu Cairen has no room for refusal!
        "Guipin Niang-Niang tells me exactly what to order, and I also ask Guipin Niang-Niang to speak up. As long as he can do it, Qieshi will definitely do it."
        Lu-Guipin smiled with satisfaction, ‘Nu Cairen agreed.
        Emperor Xiao kang recently came to the harem, most of them went to see Ping Xuerong who was pregnant, or to go to the palaces of Defei and Ning Fae occasionally.
        Today, Emperor Xiao kang accompanied Ping Xuerong for her meal. She didn't eat much and didn't have much appetite for rich and delicious dishes.
        Emperor Xiao kang frowned, "It's these things that don't suit your appetite? You are pregnant and you can't eat so little. What you want to eat in the future, just tell the Yushanfang to do it."
        Ping Xuerong busy said, "It's too much trouble. Chenqie appetite is not good because she is pregnant."
        Mama, who was waiting beside Ping Xuerong, said, "Emperor, Niang-Niang has always had a bad appetite during this time, and he couldn't sleep comfortably at night. The old slave said more, Niang-Niang can't go on like this. Tai yi came to show Niang-Niang, persuaded Niang-Niang to relax, it is best to find someone to accompany, let Niang-Niang say a few more words.
        The old man ventured, and the best relationship with Niang-Niang was Fu-ren of Tang Tanhua-Imperial-Scholar. The last time Tang Fu-ren entered the palace, Niang-Niang was in a good mood for a long time. If Tang Fu-ren enters the palace again to visit Niang-Niang, I believe Niang-Niang-"
        Ping Xuerong interrupted the old Mama, with a warning in his tone, "Enough."
        Of course, Ping Xuerong wants to meet Gu Ming-qing. If there are people outside the palace who deserve to be remembered by Ping Xuerong, there is only one Gu Ming-qing. But Ping Xuerong is not a fool. How long has it taken for Lin-An Princess to like Tang Jinrui, and the emperor has become ill because of this.
        Even Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing did nothing wrong, even if they were both innocent and involved. But what about that? Will the royal people make sense to you?
        To say that the palace is really a good place to train people, Ping Xuerong has been in the palace for a long time, and she gradually understands the palace.
        "The emperor don't listen to the palace bullshit. Chenqie is fine in the palace, and no one needs to accompany him to speak. Chenqie has the courage to say that if the emperor can often accompany Chenqie, then Chenqie mood will be good. The children in China have been looking forward to getting closer to the emperor. "
        Emperor Xiao kang glanced at Ping Xuerong, "Do you want to see Tang Fu-ren?"
        Emperor Xiao kang raised his hand and stopped Ping Xuerong from continuing, "You want to see him, I am not a fool, but I can still see it. See you whenever you want. You are pregnant now."
        Emperor Xiao kang laughed, "You are really nice to Tang Fu-ren."
        Ping Xuerong was nervous, and for a while he could not understand the meaning in Emperor Xiao kang's words.
        Emperor Xiao kang reached out and patted Ping Xuerong's shoulder gently. "Don't be nervous. I don't mean anything else. You are sincere to Tang Fu-ren, but Tang Fu-ren is equally sincere to you. Su Bu It's just because you have a face that resembles her friend and helps you everywhere. This is indeed commendable.
        I know what you are thinking about, are you thinking about what happened in Lin-An some time ago, worried that I might anger Tang Jinrui and his Fu-ren? "
        Ping Xuerong was shocked. When she was told by the Emperor Xiao Kang, she immediately lowered her head and did not dare to look at Emperor Xiao Kang again.
        "It's fake to say that I'm not angry at all. It's normal to be angry-it's normal to be an emperor and like to be angry. But it's normal for a long time. Lin-An is now married to Zhongxin Bofu. Not so angry.
        If you want to see Tang Fu-ren, just see it. You are pregnant with a child, nothing is more important than the child in your stomach. Minger, I will tell you, let her into the palace to see you. "
        Ping Xuerong looked up at Emperor Xiao kang secretly, surprised and a little worried.
        "I have said that there is nothing more important to the child in your belly now. You don't have to be so careful. It's also difficult for you to see Tang Fu-ren. The last time I didn't appreciate a bunch of things for her to take away. This time, think about what you plan to reward her. "
        Seeing Emperor Xiao kang was really not angry, and there was no dissatisfaction, Ping Xuerong really laughed, and began to wonder, what should I give to Gu Ming-qing.
        Ping Xuerong thought, because she was pregnant, she received a lot of supplements here, and she couldn't finish it alone, so she could give Gu Ming-qing some. By the way, jewellery, and satin are no less important.
        If Emperor Xiao kang was still there, Ping Xuerong would like to have people bring her things up, pick them up and give them the best to Gu Ming-qing.
        Because she was so happy, Ping Xuerong's little face that was bleak due to pregnancy suddenly became bright and bright, as if emitting a light.
        Emperor Xiao Kang looked happy at Ping Xuerong like this.
        Maybe it's really old, Emperor Xiao kang likes to spend more time with Ping Xuerong.
        At first it was just because Ping Xuerong's voice sounded like the first Queen, listening to Ping Xuerong's singing every night, he could sleep well.
        Later, after Ping Xuerong became pregnant, she got along with Ping Xuerong. Emperor Xiao Kang preferred Ping Xuerong's simplicity and her youth. Staying with Ping Xuerong, as if all the tiredness had disappeared, and people seemed to be a few years younger.
        Emperor Xiao kang soon sent an eunuch to the Tang family to pass word of mouth.
        Gu Ming-qing A little bit embarrassed, I didn't expect she could still have the chance to enter the palace? The reason is the same as last time, and I still go to the palace to see Ping Xuerong.
        Qiao-Yatou met Gu Ming-qing, and he was a little dazzling, so he took the silver reward and passed on the eunuch.
        Gu Ming-qing Seeing this and glancing at Qiao-Yatou, this Yatou is really experienced. This is also a good thing.
        After the eunuch left, Qiao-Yatou said, "Young-Lady, what's wrong with you? Is it bad to see Ying Niang-Niang in the palace?"
        Gu Ming-qing shook his head, "No. In fact, I have always been thinking about Ying Ying Niang-Niang."
        This is not nonsense. Gu Ming-qing's heart is indeed always thinking of Ping Xuerong, worried about what will happen to her in the palace. After all, Ping Xuerong's face really couldn't help but miss Gu Ming-qing.
        But into the palace!
        Entering the palace is really not a good memory.
        Gu Ming-qing will not forget that she was troubled by Lin-An Princess when she first entered the palace.
        Well, this time into the palace, Gu Ming-qing is pretty sure that Lin-An Princess is not to bother her, Lin-An Princess has already married to Faithful Mansion, and has less chance to return to the palace. Even though Lin-An Princess is still in the palace, she is afraid to ask Gu Ming-qing for trouble.
        Just to enter the palace, Gu Ming-qing's heart was still a little bit shy.
        Gu Ming-qing shook his head. Since Emperor Xiao kang sent eunuchs to preach, she will definitely be in the palace tomorrow.
        Entering the palace is only a matter of tomorrow. Gu Ming-qing is more concerned that nothing really happens in Lingping County.
        Gu Ming-qing had been looking forward to receiving the letters from Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi. If a letter was sent, it means that nothing happened. But until now, no letter was sent, and Gu Ming-qing was worried.
        Gu Ming-qing really treats Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi as their biological parents.
        Since Gu Ming-qing married Tang Jinrui, Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi have been very good to her, treating her as their biological daughter, and sometimes even treating her better than Tang Jinrui .
        Feelings come out.
        Gu Ming-qing is cold and ruthless, and can't help but be moved.
        Gu Ming-qing now has some regrets, how can Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi disagree with coming to Capital City, she and Tang Jinrui give up and refuse to persuade. Even if you can't persuade you, you have to go back to your hometown in person and ask for people.
        There are not so many things under the eyelid.
        After Tang Jinrui sacrifice, he learned about the coming from the palace to visit Ming-qing tomorrow, and he asked, “Niangzi, be careful when you enter the palace tomorrow. Lu-Guipin is still in the palace after all. "
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Now that Lu-Guipin is out of power, she won't be stupid enough to target me when I enter the palace. But that's what I will worry about. There is nothing wrong with the palace. .Xiangong, rest assured that I will be careful. "
        Tang Jinrui knew that Gu Ming-qing was a decent person, so he stopped speaking.
        Like Gu-Qing, Tang Jinrui is more worried about what happened in his hometown.
        The letter from my hometown has not been delivered till now. Please ask Su Jinsong and Leng-Mengning for help, because they are far apart, and it will take some effort for the two to hear the news. But with such an uneasy heart, worrying every day, this kind of taste is really uncomfortable.
        Tang Jinrui hasn't forgotten the moment of his palpitations, what does that mean?
        Gu Ming-qing took a look at Tang Jinrui impatience, she said nothing, but just reached out and held Tang Jinrui hand, which seemed to give Tang Jinrui strength with this move.

        Chapter 352 : Hu Tai-yi finds something abnormal  

        Hu Tai-yi is considered to recognize the two juniors Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing. Although they cannot be acknowledged on the surface, in private Hu Tai-yi hopes to do more for them.
        Hu Tai-yi paid special attention to the news of Yonghe Palace in the palace.
        For many years in the palace, Hu Tai-yi still knows what Yin-Fae was, and what Lu-Guipin is today. Don't look at Lu-Guipin's reputation in the palace is not bad, but who can stand in the palace, who has little skill? Not to mention, Hu Tai-yi helped a lot of eunuchs in Yonghe Palace, and they knew from their mouth that Lu-Guipin was not a mess, and Lu-Guipin’s mentality was even better. deep.
        Hu Tai-yi did not believe that Lu-Guipin had suffered such a big loss on Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing. She could just endure it like this without thinking of revenge.
        Now Lu-Guipin is in the dark, Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing are in the Ming, and Hu Tai-yi feels that he has more responsibility to stare at Lu-Guipin.
        Hu Tai-yi kindness in the palace finally came into play.
        A court eunuch who received Hu Tai-yi Daen offered to help Hu Tai-yi stare at Lu-Guipin. Someone really got that news.
        Of course, the only thing Lu-Guipin trusted was Lang-Mama. When the maid was still waiting for Lang-Mama in private, he overheard Lang-Mama in his sleep.
        Hu Tai-yi frowned and listened to the maid, because she didn't get much news. Then Lang-Mama just kept saying, "Niang-Niang, why can't you help it? Niang-Niang, in case of something, you can just-"
        That's it.
        Hu Tai-yi thought a lot from it. What can Lu-Guipin not help?
        Lu-Guipin has always been smooth sailing, and it was not until they met Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing that they suffered a big loss.
        Hu Tai-yi pondered in his heart, is Lu-Guipin going to start with Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing? This is really very possible.
        Hu Tai-yi really wanted to get more news. But he knew this was impossible. The eunuchs who had asked him for the news really did their best, and he couldn't force them to do anything more.
        Hu Tai-yi wanted to spread the news to Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing, but recently he has always been on duty, and there is no chance of leaving the palace.
        In the palace, Hu Tai-yi began to think, how did Lu-Guipin plan to deal with Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing? Do you plan to do it from inside or outside the palace?
        For a while Hu Tai-yi thought a lot, but he had no clue.
        "I said, Brother Hu, why have you been frowning recently? Noble has no health, so you have to go to the clinic. Otherwise Noble will be angry when he sees you like this."
        Hu Tai-yi is musing in his ears, and a funny joke sounds in his ear.
        Hu Tai-yi frowned and looked at him. He came about the same age as him, but he looked a lot more cheerful than Hu Tai-yi, with a faint smile on his lips.
        This is Hu Tai-yi best friend in the Tai-yi courtyard, Sun-Tai-yi.
        Hu Tai-yi ‘called, "Nothing. Just thinking about something. Brother Sun, what's wrong? Why not go for it?"
        Sun-Tai-yi heard a word and rolled his eyes, "I'm fine there, so I came here to talk to you. I've seen enough of someone cold face recently, and the things that are responsible for me are with him Yes, I really have an idea that I can't hide. "
        Hu Tai-yi said, "What did you say Li-Tai-yi?"
        Li Tai-yi in the mouth of Hu Tai-yi, but the elderly in Tai-yi Courtyard. But everyone in Tai-yi Courtyard knows that Li-Tai-yi is Lu-Guipin. Before Lu-Guipin was Yin-Fae, he gained power in the harem, so Li-Tai-yi also had a high status in Tai-yi court.
        When Lu-Guipin was unlucky and his identity in the palace plummeted, Li-Tai-yi position in Tai-yi Courtyard was a little awkward.
        Many people who are not convinced by Li-Tai-yi have begun to take the liberty, and they are everywhere against the mean Li-Tai-yi.
        The palace is such a place. When you are good, everyone flatters. When you are not good, everyone comes down. This is also normal.
        Sun-Tai-yi froze, his face scornful, "Yeah, who else besides Li-Tai-yi."
        "Patience has passed. Although Lu-Guipin is now unwilling, but who knows if she will get up in the future. More than that, Li-Tai-yi qualifications in Tai-yi Courtyard are indeed old."
        Sun-Tai-yi disdain in his eyes grew stronger, "Rely on the old and sell the old!"
        When Hu Tai-yi was trying to persuade Sun-Tai-yi, Sun-Tai-yi lowered his voice, "Brother Hu, let me tell you something. Li-Tai-yi, but recently It's weird. He made a little musk first. It's just a little bit, that's not much. "
        "Do you use medicine?" Hu Tai-yi hesitated.
        Most people hear the word "musk" in the harem, and the first reaction is abortion.
        Yes, musk does have the effect of abortion, but musk is not what people think, as long as a little musk can cause abortion. And musk is often a good thing. Otherwise, this thing will not be in Tai-yi.
        Hu Tai-yi After hearing that musk is small, the first thought was to take medicine.
        Sun-Tai-yi is a bit strange, "It shouldn't be medicine. I haven't heard from the harem recently who is unwell. That's Li-Tai-yi needs a pill and needs musk. I have to write a prescription Come down, and then send someone to get the medicine. But I was watching there secretly, that Li-Tai-yi was really strange. His musk was obtained secretly, so that no one knew it at all.
        If I hadn't been staring at Li-Tai-yi, I wouldn't have noticed. "
        Hu Tai-yi didn't ask Sun-Tai-yi why he kept staring at Li-Tai-yi. This is not plain, Sun-Tai-yi and Li-Tai-yi do not deal with it.
        "It's strange other than musk. I found that Li-Tai-yi was still dispensing medicine secretly."
        Hu Tai-yi is not interested in this, and said lightly, "Medical medicine? What medicine?"
        Sun-Tai-yi looked around, and when no one noticed him and Hu Tai-yi here, he lowered his voice and whispered, "Poison."
        Hu Tai-yi fluttered his eyes wide and almost exclaimed, but fortunately he remembered where this was, so his voice was also very low, "You're crazy. Do you know what you're talking about?"
        Sun-Tai-yi didn't feel good, "Of course I know what I'm talking about. If it hadn't been for the good relationship with you, you had saved my life back then, and I'll tell you about it when I do. I'm right But it’s all true. It’s more gold than real money! Li-Tai-yi has been secretly dispensing medicines, and some medicines have been dispensed from outside the palace. There are only some scarce medicinal materials, which are only available in the Royal Pharmacy. Take things to the Royal Pharmacy.
        If not, I wouldn't have a chance to see it. It's also my sharp eyes, otherwise I'm afraid nobody will notice. "
        When it comes to the end, Sun-Tai-yi is a little proud, and the proud feelings can overflow!
        Then Sun-Tai-yi wondered, "What do you say that Li-Tai-yi that old thing made poison? In the harem, there was really no shortage of poison before. Counting up, then They are commonplace. But when our emperor is old and the minds of the nobles in the harem have ceased, who will fight poison for the sake of petting. Isn’t it enough to eat enough?
        I haven't seen poison in the harem for more than a decade. For whom did Li-Tai-yi get the poison? It should be Lu-Guipin. Who doesn't know that Li-Tai-yi is Lu-Guipin's confidant. But what does Lu-Guipin want poison? Who is she going to kill with poison? "
        Hu Tai-yi eyes suddenly flashed, right! The person with the biggest suspicion is not Lu-Guipin!
        First musk and poison, what does Lu-Guipin want to do?
        Later, Hu Tai-yi got the will of the emperor to call Gu Ming-qing to enter the palace to accompany Ying-Niang-Niang.
        It was so coincidental that it happened so coincidentally that there was no connection between them. Hu Tai-yi didn't believe it.
        Hu Tai-yi can't think of anything to do for the time being, just want to go out of the palace and tell Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing that the news can't be, he can't go out of the palace today! Just asking someone to bring news, Hu Tai-yi is also worried that the news will leak, and it will be even worse.
        Hu Tai-yi is really an ant on the hot pot at the moment, so anxious!
        Now the most important thing is to figure out exactly what Li-Tai-yi wants to do.
        Hu Tai-yi said to Sun-Tai-yi, "Brother Sun, I ask you to do me a favor. It depends on our love for so many years."
        Sun-Tai-yi was taken aback by Hu Tai-yi serious tone, and he said, "Hu brother, what do you need? I need help. To be honest. I can help if I can help. Yes. I will never quit. "
        "Brother Sun helped me keep an eye on Li-Tai-yi to see what he wanted to do. And who did Li-Tai-yi have contacted. This matter is very important to me, just Please, grandson. "
        Sun-Tai-yi Although wondering what Tai-yi Hu is curious about what Li-Tai-yi does, because Tai-yi Hu is really not a gossip and a curious person. Hu Tai-yi rarely asked him to help, Sun-Tai-yi agreed after thinking about it. Anyway, Sun-Tai-yi has always been staring at Li-Tai-yi, by the way.
        On the second day, Gu Ming-qing put on his life clothes and followed the eunuch to the palace.
        Just like last time, it was still a long wait, tedious etiquette.
        When he finally saw Ping Xuerong, Gu Ming-qing had a feeling as if he had passed a century.
        Ping Xuerong was very happy to see Gu Ming-qing. Before she saluted, she let Gu Ming-qing sit beside her.
        Gu Ming-qing found that Ping Xuerong's face was not very good-looking, very thin, and his face was a bit waxy, because there was no grease powder on his face, Gu Ming-qing took Ping Xuerong's face clearly Eyes.
        "Niang-Niang's face looked a little bad, didn't he get too troubled by the dragon in his belly?"
        Ping Xuerong nodded, "The child in the belly is always noisy. It makes me have no appetite, and I don't sleep well at night. But all in all, everything is fine. I didn't expect that the emperor would agree with you The palace came to see me. "
        Ping Xuerong also didn't want to speak to "Ming Palace" one by one with Gu Ming-qing. It was boring to say so. Maybe it's been a long time since pregnancy. Ping Xuerong has a little desire to serve her pets.
        "Niang-Niang still has to be good to take care of himself." Gu Ming-qing advised a few words, and suddenly said, "Niang-Niang said that the emperor agreed with the court woman to see you. This means, The emperor offered to ask her to go into the palace? "
        Ping Xuerong shook her head, "No."
        Ping Xuerong looked around, and lowered her voice, saying, "It wasn't Chuan Lin Princess who liked you for a while, and the matter was so big that even the emperor fell ill. So I thought, better not to be in The emperor's presence presupposes that you are your father and you.
        But an emperor came to accompany me for lunch yesterday, and I had no appetite. The emperor asked me what was going on. I originally said it was fine. But one of Qian—Mama, who took care of me, said a lot, and also said that it would be good for me to let you go into the palace to speak with me.
        Although I quit, the emperor insisted on proclaiming you into the palace. In fact, this is also good, I really want to see you in my own heart. "
        Ping Xuerong didn't feel anything wrong, but Gu Ming-qing noticed something wrong, "Qian-Mama? Niang-Niang, your Mama who is waiting for you is really big and dare to pass You, speak in front of the emperor. "
        Although Ping Xuerong has lived in the palace for several months, her mind has grown a lot, but to say that it has grown a lot, it really isn't.
        Ping Xuerong looked puzzled. "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with Qian-Mama?"
        wrong! Of course it's too wrong!
        Entering the palace, there really is nothing good.
        The first time, and the second time.
        Gu Ming-qing can't help but sigh in her heart, why she has no luck!
        "Niang-Niang still check the Qian-Mama. Unsurprisingly, she should have a problem."
        Ping Xuerong heard the words, opened her eyes sharply and couldn't agree, "You said that Qian-Mama has a problem? It doesn't matter. Qian-Mama has been taking good care of me, it doesn't seem to be-"
        "Caution is not a big mistake. Niang-Niang cannot be overstated in the current situation. Qian-Mama is afraid of me. Otherwise, he will not ask me to go to the palace to accompany Niang-Niang. "
        Ping Xuerong thought about it, and gradually, she also found something wrong. She was anxious, "Isn't Qian-Mama trying to harm me?"
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes flashed with dignity, "I think the person Qian-Mama wants to kill is me."
        After a pause, Gu Ming-qing said, "What about Qian-Mama?"
        Ping Xuerong looked around, "She not in the hall now."
        Gu Ming-qing heard the words, frowned slightly.
        How did Ping Xuerong care about Qian-Mama? She didn't really care about her. She wanted to show Gu Ming-qing's supplements, jewellery, and silk satin to Gu Ming-qing. .
        It was just that Ping Xuerong's words had not been exported, and a maid came to report, and ‘Nu Cairen sought to see him.
        Ping Xuerong wondered, "What do ‘Nu Cairen come to this palace?"
        Gu Ming-qing asked, "Is Niang-Niang has nothing to do with ‘Nu Cairen?"
        Ping Xuerong shook her head, "No. I haven't had much contact with ‘Nu Cairen since I entered the palace. I have seen ‘Nu Cairen once or twice at most, and I haven't even talked much. ‘Nu Cairen has never been here before I've been here. How come here today? "
        Ping Xuerong said it was strange.
        Gu Ming-qing Touched his chin and felt that there must be something wrong with it.
        First, Qian-Mama was very suspicious, and now there is another cattle talent who suddenly came to the door. How could it be like an appointment and have a little relationship with her?
        Qian-Mama was the one who asked Gu-Ming-qing to come to the palace. ‘Nu Cairen had never ascended the door of Xuerong, and when Gu Ming-qing entered the palace, she came.
        "Niang-Are Niang planning to meet?"
        Ping Xuerong thought about it, and finally shook his head slowly, "Don't see me anymore. I'm seeing you now. Where can I tell you about ‘Nu Cairen? And ‘Nu Cairen is pregnant with a big belly. If something goes wrong with me, I won't know if I have ten mouths. "
        Gu Ming-qing heard the words, and immediately looked at Ping Xuerong with relief. In the end, she has grown a lot, and she can see this from her words.
        Ping Xuerong sent the maid to preach, saying that she had no time here, and asked ‘Nu Cairen to go back.
        The palace maid went out less than half a moment, and soon turned back, her face glowing, "Niang-Niang, ‘Nu Cairen said she must see you today. If you don't see her, she will always wait outside, Until you want to see her. "
        Gu Ming-qing Raised his eyebrows, Laolai behavior! However, ‘Nu Cairen's trick is still very useful, because ‘Nu Cairen is pregnant and his stomach is not small! ‘Nu Cairen is nothing, but the dragon breed in ‘Nu Cairen's stomach is very important! If this has been waiting outside Ping Xuerong's palace, what should happen if something happens accidentally?
        Ping Xuerong's reaction was slow for a while, but she also wanted to understand quickly. The look on her face suddenly looked bad. "It's too much! I have never seen such a shameless person! I haven't seen her yet, I see her How can it be? The emperor has also gone down. You have to tell the emperor what ‘Nu Cairen has to see in this palace.
        Say that the palace was so popular with ‘Nu Cai that his stomach hurt! "
        Isn't that just talking about something in the belly? It's not just a cow who has children in his stomach, Ping Xuerong also has children in his stomach! Ping Xuerong has a higher rank than ‘Nu Cairen, and the holy pet is stronger than ‘Nu Cairen!
        Gu Ming-qing glanced at Ping Xuerong, and said with relief, "It seems that the emperor is very good to Niang-Niang, and Niang-Niang is really different from before."

        Chapter 353 : An Abortion Of A Cattle  

        Ping Xuerong was suddenly proud of herself. She also felt that she had been a lot smarter since entering the palace.
        It's a pity that Ping Xuerong's words did not fall long before an old Mama led a woman with a protruding belly in.
        Ping Xuerong's face suddenly pulled down, Shen said, "Qian-Mama, what are you doing?"
        Is this Qian-Mama? Gu Ming-qing immediately looked at Qian-Mama, and saw that she was wearing a brown make-up satin rafter, with a stern face, and looked very serious.
        Qian-Mama salutes to Ping Xuerong, respectfully, "Qi Niang-Niang, the old slave waited for ‘Nu Cairen to stay outside, so he led ‘Nu Cairen in. Niang-Niang, ‘Nu Cairen's stomach is no longer small, she has been waiting outside with a big belly, what if something happens to ‘Nu Cairen's dragon, then the emperor blame it, what should be done? Niang-Niang afraid It is also responsible for this.
        The old slave did all this for the sake of Niang-Niang. Please forgive Niang-Niang. "
        Gu Ming-qing The smile on his face suddenly faded, and the look in Qian-Mama eyes was displeased. The thing she hated most was people saying "I'm thinking of you, everything I do is for "Hello" banner, this behavior is simply disgusting!
        Why do you say that your behavior is good for others, that's just what you think is good! Also have to see if the other party needs it! This kind of person really hates it! Gu Ming-qing hates such people very much.
        In addition, Qian-Mama crossed Ping Xuerong, and said in front of Emperor Xiao Kang that she was to be admitted to the palace. All kinds of things add up. Gu-Qing's impression of Qian-Mama was extremely poor.
        Ping Xuerong is also not happy, her temper is good, her temper is soft, but she is the master! Qian-Mama is just a subordinate. Why does she go over her master to do things, and under the banner of thinking about her master, if she says anything, wouldn't she be an unfaithful subordinate?
        Ping Xuerong smirked, "Should the palace thank you, Qian-Mama. If the palace punishes you, it is still the fault of the palace? I want the palace to say that the temple here is really It's too small. I can't stand Qian-Mama you! Qian-Mama You still have to look for another job, find a master who can stand your Qian-Mama hello! Anyway, this palace feels that he can't stand it of."
        As soon as Qian-Mama face changed, she wanted to speak immediately, but Ping Xuerong didn't want to listen to Qian-Mama at all, and now she saw Qian-Mama, she felt welcome!
        Seeing ‘Nu Cairen's big belly, Ping Xuerong even responded! Fortunately, people did not come in. Ping Xuerong wanted to drive people out. Who can say one more word? But now that people are coming in, it would be too much for Ping Xuerong to drive them out again.
        Ping Xuerong only felt that she was deserved, as if there was a mass of soil in her throat, and she was about to choke her!
         ‘Nu Cairen immediately kneeled down at Ping Xuerong, shocked Ping Xuerong.
        Gu Ming-qing is also shocked. Anyone who sees a pregnant woman kneels down at you without warning. It's strange that you don't take the next jump!
         ‘Nu Cairen's belly is so big, who dares to make her a gift? Not even Emperor Xiao kang! Don’t you want a child in ‘Nu Cairen’s stomach?
        Ping Xuerong hurriedly said, "What are you still trying to do? Don't hurry up to help ‘Nu Cairen!"
        The servant is busy going to pull up ‘Nu Cairen, but ‘Nu Cairen does not let the subordinates touch her. Those people are worried about ‘Nu Cairen's belly. The most precious thing for ‘Nu Cairen is the dragon in her belly. Time dared not give up.
         ‘Nu Cairen had tears in her eyes, and she opened her mouth to Ping Xuerong's beautiful eyes. "Ying Niang-Niang, Qieshi, please let Qieshi aunt and cousin pass."
        Ping Xuerong's mouth twitched. She really didn't care about Wu Ronghua and Lei Shi. She even didn't even care about those in Ping's family.
        " ‘Nu Cairen, you get up first and be careful of the children in your stomach. Our palace doesn't care about your aunt and cousin, this palace is just a deep palace woman."
         ‘Nu Cairen shook his head in a panic, "No! Qieshi knew that his cousin originally had a marriage agreement with Niang-Niang, but then-Qieshi admitted that Niang-Niang and his cousin's marriage was gone. Brother and aunt breaking contract is one aspect, but the most important thing is that the Ping family is too shameless!
        Niang-Niang doesn’t know. Your sister Ping Xuefu is really too shameless! She had found her cousin in private, saying that she admired her cousin. The cousin was that person, and he was seduced by Ping Xuefu for a while, which was also true. But the most weird of all this is the Ping family! Niang-Niang, you must be aware of it, you— "
        "Slap!" Ping Xuerong took a hard shot at the table, she had never been so angry!
        "Shut up for this palace! ‘Nu Cairen, who gave you the courage, said nonsense in front of this palace, saying that some of them are not! This palace tells you that this palace is now the emperor's Feipin, is the emperor Closed Ying Ying! The dragon is pregnant in the stomach! ‘Nu Cairen's cousin, your aunt, this palace has long forgotten it!
        Have you heard what the palace said? Hurry out now to this palace! This palace doesn't want to see you! "
        The clay figurine is still three points away! Ping Xuerong was really disgusted by ‘Nu Cairen.
        It’s people who don’t like the disgusting thing of being dismissed in front of others!
        Gu Ming-qing Seeing that Ping Xuerong's face was not good, he took a parcel and wiped Ping Xuerong's forehead. At this time, Ping Xuerong was sweating on his forehead. "I don't hurry to Niang-Niang, please Tai -yi! "
         ‘Nu Cairen approached Gu Ming-qing madly suddenly, “Gu-Fu-ren, I beg you, help me persuade Ying Niang-Niang and let her let go of my aunt and cousin I have only two such loved ones! If there weren't even two of them, what can I look forward to! "
         ‘Nu Cairen just held Gu Ming-qing's feet like this. Gu Ming-qing really has an impulse to kick ‘Nu Cairen to fly. Of course, it can only be an impulse, and it cannot become a reality.
         ‘Nu Cairen is pregnant! If the breed of dragon in ‘Nu Cairen's stomach is because of something wrong with Gu Ming-qing, Gu Ming-qing will not be able to chop a hundred heads.
        Gu Ming-qing feels that she is really offensive with the palace!
        The first time there was a Lin-An Princess, and the second time there was another ‘Nu Cairen.
         ‘Nu Cairen is a hundred times more troublesome than Linan Princess! Who called ‘Nu Cairen with a dragon in her belly?
        Ping Xuerong was a little bit more comfortable here. She saw Gu Ming-qing's face flickering, and she yelled at ‘Nu Cairen, "Hurry up and let go of Ming-qing! ‘Nu Cairen, don't go too far Now! My palace is watching you pregnant with you, so I keep you. But my palace looks at you as shameless, kick your nose on your face!
         ‘Nu Cairen, you listen well, you now let go of Ming-qing honestly, and then leave. Honmiya assumes that nothing happened today. This palace will not care about you. But if you are a cow talent, you have to toast, not eat and punish, then this palace is not afraid of you, a little talent! "
        There was a momentary shake in ‘Nu Cairen’s eyes, but soon she didn’t know what to think, and her hand holding Gu Ming-qing’s thigh was even harder, and she cried desperately, “Tang Fu-ren, I beg Please, I know you have a good relationship with Ying Niang-Niang, so please help me to ask Ying Niang-Niang! Please Ying Niang-Niang Let go of my aunt and cousin. Tang -Fu-ren, you can help me, as long as you are willing to help me, my next life is to be a cow and a horse for you! "
        Gu Ming-qing really did not expect that ‘Nu Cairen was so strong as a pregnant woman that she would not hold her thighs apart. Gu Ming-qing was also concerned about ‘Nu Cairen's tall stomach.
        Gu Ming-qing also wanted to raise his hand to stun ‘Nu Cairen, but thinking of the identity of ‘Nu Cairen, after all, she was a palace prince, with a dragon in her stomach, and Gu Ming-qing was only the wife of a courtier. She cannot commit the following!
        Gu Ming-qing is really suffocated. When encountering ‘Nu Cairen, who has a problem in his head, she has a special identity and is still a woman with a dragon!
        Ping Xuerong said, "You are all idiots! Don't hurry to pull ‘Nu Cairen away!"
        As soon as Ping Xuerong ordered, several palace people went to pull the cattle, but they didn't dare to work hard because they cared about the belly of the cattle, so a few people and the cattle were deadlocked.
        Ping Xuerong couldn't bear it, "Okay! Okay! Okay, this palace is afraid of you, you quickly let go of Ming-qing. This palace swears to you that this palace will not do anything to your aunt and cousin. , You can let go of Ming-qing now. "
         ‘Nu Cairen still held Gu Ming-qing's thigh tightly and did not let go. He looked suspiciously at Ping Xuerong, "Qieshi doesn't believe what Yingying Niang-Niang said. Yingying Niang-Niang must be cheating Qieshi body. As long as Qieshi releases Tang Fu-ren, Niang-Niang will attack Qieshi cousin and aunt. No, Qieshi cannot listen to Ying 不能 Niang-Niang. "
        This is the only thought in Gu Ming-qing's mind.
        Gu Ming-qing really didn't know what the significance of ‘Nu Cairen was.
        Gu Ming-qing is not a fool. Seeing things get into trouble this time, he also believes that ‘Nu Cairen made trouble for Wu Ronghua and Lei Shi. This is absolutely impossible.
        What is the purpose of ‘Nu Cairen? Gu Ming-qing does not know, but she knows ‘Nu Cairen is really responsive! Very tempting to vomit blood!
        If ‘Nu Cairen's purpose is only to respond to people, Gu Ming-qing thinks she has achieved the goal.
        Ping Xuerong was so angry that she saw Gu Ming-qing like a sculpture, and didn't dare to move. She was stiff and even more angry. If it weren't for her, Gu Ming-qing wouldn't go into the palace.
        Seeing that the maids did not dare to pull the cows with gravity, Ping Xuerong knew that it was impossible to count on these maids.
        Ping Xuerong smirked, "Okay! Good! Good! ‘Nu Cairen, you came here today to meet this palace, right? OK, you succeeded! This palace was successfully held by you. But Will you be afraid of you when you are in this house? Then you really think wrong.
        The palace people dare not pull you because you have a dragon in your stomach, and they are afraid to take responsibility. Okay, they dare not pull you, then this palace will pull you! This palace is also pregnant with dragon tires. If you dare to resist and hurt the children in this palace belly, then even if you are pregnant with dragon tires, you have to go to the cold palace to raise a baby! "
        Ping Xuerong said, he must get up and pull a cow.
         ‘Nu Cairen was startled. I didn't expect things to develop like this. What happened?
        Gu Ming-qing is also stupid, busy pressing Ping Xuerong, "Niang-Niang, you have to calm down! Nothing is more important than the child in your stomach."
        Ping Xuerong touched Gu Ming-qing's caring eyes, warmed her heart, and then apologized and smiled, "It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have entered the palace. Not to be disgusted by ‘Nu Cairen. Where It will happen. "
        Gu Ming-qing When he was about to speak, ‘Nu Cairen suddenly ‘called, "Ah-"
        Gu Ming-qing Heping Xuerong looked at ‘Nu Cairen together, only to see her hands clinging to Gu Ming-qing's thighs finally fell, holding her big belly instead, and there was a blood stain under her, She looked pale, and Douda sweat continued to fall from her forehead. "I-me-me-my child, my child!"
         ‘Nu Cairen is like this, everyone knows she is going to have an abortion!
        Ping Xuerong was shocked, "Where is Tai-yi! Where is Tai-yi ?! How can you not come now!"
        Gu Ming-qing is also stupid. Not long ago, ‘Nu Cairen was still full of fighting power. He had a big belly, Ying Ping Xuerong and Gu Ming-qing. But in such a blink of an eye, ‘Nu Cairen aborted. Is it?
        Gu Ming-qing dare to guarantee that she has never touched ‘Nu Cairen at all. ‘Nu Cairen's miscarriage had nothing to do with her, but ‘Nu Cairen kept holding her thigh and suddenly had a miscarriage. Will others believe that it has nothing to do with her?
        At this moment, Gu Ming-qing thought again that “she and the palace really matched each other”.
         ‘Nu Cairen is making a noise here in Ping Xuerong.
        Emperor Xiao kang was very displeased that ‘Nu Cairen went to Ping Xuerong's palace for trouble.
        Between Ping Xuerong and ‘Nu Cairen, Emperor Xiao kang favored and valued Ping Xuerong.
        Emperor Xiao kang never imagined that when he came in, Tai-yi was rescuing the child in ‘Nu Cairen's belly, and the blood on the ground had not been cleaned up. He told Emperor Xiao kang clearly that The child is dangerous.
        Emperor Xiao kang didn't have much affection for ‘Nu Cairen, but he still had a lot of affection for the children in ‘Nu Cairen's womb.
        Ping Xuerong's eyes were red, and her eyes were in tears, as if she was scared of a courageous rabbit. "The emperor-emperor-emperor, Chenqie and Ming-qing really did nothing to ‘Nu Cairen. After ‘Nu Cairen came in, he kneeled towards Chenqie somehow, asking Chenqie to spare her cousin and cousin.
        Chenqie just felt inexplicable, so he wanted ‘Nu Cairen to leave. But—but—but ‘Nu Cairen suddenly embraced Ming-qing's legs and asked Ming-qing to ask Chenqie for her. Chenqie saw it for real. After Ming-qing was hugged by ‘Nu Cairen, it was like wood. He didn't dare to move even if he was afraid of hurting the dragon tire in ‘Nu Cairen's belly.
        Chenqie was so distressed by ‘Nu Cairen that she felt dizzy and bloated, and even lost her temper. Chenqie ——Chenqie just wanted to promise her nothing. After entering the palace, Chenqie only thought about how to serve the emperor. Everything outside the palace, Chenqie didn't plan to ignore it anymore.
        But Chenqie agreed, ‘Nu Cairen still resigned, and said nothing to believe. Then-then-then ‘Nu Cairen suddenly had a miscarriage. Chenqie and Ming-qing really don't know what happened. "
        Ping Xuerong said, tears were flowing faster and faster, and she really felt wronged. Obviously nothing was done, and ‘Nu Cairen was just as troublesome as the lunatic.
        In fact, Ping Xuerong didn't worry about herself. No matter how long she was pregnant with a dragon, Emperor Xiao kang would not treat her.
        The only thing Ping Xuerong is worried about is that Emperor Xiao kang will take action with Gu Ming-qing, so what should I do!
        Thinking of this, Ping Xuerong scolded ‘Nu Cairen in his heart and gave him a bloody dog. Why don't you die early!
        Gu Ming-qing At this moment, she calmed down and everything happened. What can she do in a panic? What can it redeem? It's better to calm down and think about how to break the crisis.
        Emperor Xiao kang cast his cold eyes on Gu Ming-qing with an unknown tone, "You said," Should I treat you? "
        Gu Ming-qing calmly replied, "The emperor is a prince, and the court lady believes that the emperor will not injustice a good person or let a bad person go. The court woman dares to treat herself, even her husband's husband, and her husband's family. People, and even the owner of the family, tempted to swear that the court woman had never hurt ‘Nu Cairen, and she didn't even have that heart. "
        The ancients still believed in the vows and valued Emperor Xiao kang's coldness.
        Seeing this, Ping Xuerong finally felt relieved.
        At this time, Lu-Guipin hurriedly rushed, "Chenqie asked the emperor. Chenqie heard that the child in ‘Nu Cairen's womb was in danger, so he hurried in. Emperor Chenqie and ‘Nu Cairen are sisters, but now they are worried The situation of ‘Nu Cairen. Chenqie begged the emperor to allow Chenqie to go in and accompany ‘Nu Cairen.
        Chenqie believes that if Chenqie can go in to accompany ‘Nu Cairen, she must be able to feel relieved and keep the dragon in her belly. "
        Emperor Xiao kang nodded, "You go in."
        After Lu-Guipin Shane, he quickly entered the room.

        Chapter 354 : Lu-Guipin's Framing  

        Emperor Xiao kang stared at ‘Nu Cairen's room slightly, even his hands clenched into fists in the bright yellow embroidered robes. It can be seen that his mood at this time can be said to be very bad.
        Ping Xuerong was also frightened by the side. She was really worried that Emperor Xiao kang would move to Gu-qing because of the abortion of ‘Nu Cairen.
        Ping Xuerong felt that there was no one who was more wronged than Gu Ming-qing. She obviously did nothing but was dragged here!
        At this moment, Ping Xuerong hoped that time could go backwards. If she knew this would happen, she would not let Gu Ming-qing enter the palace.
        Gu Ming-qing's mentality is the best one. ‘Nu Cairen's dragon tires are not guaranteed. This may be counted on her head. Considering Ming-qing should be the most stressful one.
        But it was partial, Gu Ming-qing was not nervous at all.
        Things are like this, no matter how nervous it is, Gu Ming-qing began to think about the current situation.
        Gu Ming-qing thought about it from the beginning, from when she entered the palace, until ‘Nu Cai became popular.
        Gu Ming-qing found a line faintly, as if she continued to think along that line, she could find the answer. While Gu Ming-qing found a clue, or even the source, then Lu-Guipin and Li-Tai-yi came out in a hurry, and at the same time issued a terrifying cry.
        "The emperor, ‘Nu Cairen has gone, and the dragon breed in her stomach has not been saved!"
        Gu Ming-qing opened her eyes sharply, and the dragon breed of ‘Nu Cairen was gone. She had already expected it. As far as ‘Nu Cairen was bleeding at the time, I could guess that the child in her stomach would not be able to keep it.
        But Gu Ming-qing never expected that ‘Nu Cairen would even die! This is really unexpected by Gu Ming-qing.
        After a brief surprise, Gu Ming-qing was the first person to look at Lu-Guipin. Because Lu-Guipin came by too coincident, how could she break in just like this, and after she entered ‘Nu Cairen's room, the dragon species in ‘Nu Cairen's belly was gone. Not only that, ‘Nu Cairen couldn't even save his life!
        Gu Ming-qing found out that this was a round for her, and it was really good.
        And who is doing this? Gu Ming-qing's eyes could not help but turn to Lu-Guipin, who was sad.
        Lu-Guipin hated her, Gu Ming-qing was not surprised at all.
        Lu-Guipin wanted to get revenge on her, Gu Ming-qing believed it too.
        So, is all this done by Lu-Guipin?
        Gu Ming-qing felt a chill for no reason.
        Lu-Guipin didn't know that Gu Ming-qing had already suspected her, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.
        Lu-Guipin For today, or for this moment, she doesn't know how much she paid, everything, every step, she took into account, she can't kill Gu if she doesn't believe it!
        Today, Gu Ming-qing is destined to be planted in this palace!
        With this in mind, Lu-Guipin was happy to ‘Call.
        But Lu-Guipin's face was sad, for the death of ‘Nu Cairen, "The emperor, ‘Nu Cairen has always lived in Yonghe Palace, and it is no different from Chenqie Mei-mei. I just did not expect ‘Nu Cairen to come After a trip to Yingying, she had no children, even herself—Chenqie is really —-cries— ”
        Lu-Guipin said, and couldn't help crying again, obviously sad and desperate.
        Li Tai-Master also said at this time, "Emperor Qi Kai, ‘Nu Cairen aborted because he has been in contact with blood, which can cause abortion."
        As soon as Li-Tai-yi words fell, Qian-Mama voice rang, "Ah! There is a purse here!"
        Qian-Mama squatted down, picked up the purse on the ground, and then opened it, and her face suddenly changed, "Oh my God! The contents of this purse turned out to be musk! Emperor, here is Tang Fu-ren just sitting What a place! No one but Tang Fu-ren-"
        "Stop for this palace!" Ping Xuerong was outraged, "You bastard, do you want to talk nonsense? Do you want to say that the musk in your hand was brought into the palace by Tang Fu-ren Are you here? Tang Fu-ren did musk enter the palace? She came here to see the palace. Does Tang Fu-ren harm the children in the palace? ”
        Gu Ming-qing saw Ping Xuerong's emotions, so she said softly, "Niang-Niang, don't be excited, you have to be careful of the children in your belly."
        Ping Xuerong held Gu Ming-qing's hand tightly, tears drew from her eyes, her lips moved, "Yes-Yes-I'm sorry for you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have entered the palace, and Not so many things will happen. It's all my fault! "
        Gu Ming-qing was uncomfortable with this trip to the palace, but not to blame Ping Xuerong.
        Ping Xuerong then said to Emperor Xiao kang, "Emperor Chenqie dare to guarantee his temper, Tang Fu-ren will not harm me."
        Lu-Guipin whispered, "Tang Fu-ren's fear is not Ying Ying, but the dead ‘Nu Cairen."
        Emperor Xiao kang finally managed to ease his face a bit cold again.
        Ping Xuerong gritted her teeth and said, "How can Tang Fu-ren harm ‘Nu Cairen! Tang Fu-ren doesn't know ‘Nu Cairen at all, and they can be said to have nothing to do with each other. Murdering a dragon tire What's the crime, I don’t need to say more! Tang Fu-ren Is it a fool or a faint mind? I have to kill the cattle! "
        Ping Xuerong said more and more angry, "Although cows are dead, they are dead. Chenqie should not say any more bad things to cattle after they die. But there are some words that Chenqie really does not vomit!"
        Emperor Xiao kang exhaled a heavy breath, "Say whatever you want to say."
        "Emperor, Chenqie really didn't want ‘Nu Cairen to come in today. It's Qian-Mama-"
        Ping Xuerong said, and finally found that something was wrong, and her skeptical eyes cast on Qian-Mama, "It's your old slave who claims to bring Qian-Mama in. By the way, why do you find that the musk is on the ground? The purse? "
        Qian-Mama immediately knelt down and ‘called injustice, "The emperor knows! The old slave was thinking that ‘Nu Cairen's belly was big, and she was worried about what's wrong with the dragon in her belly. This brought ‘Nu Cairen into the temple. Old Slavery is kind. "
        "You are so nonsense! Good intentions? I think you are in a state of horror! If you don't kill this palace and don't kill Tang Fu-ren, you won't be willing."
        Gu Ming-qing also said at this time, "Emperor Qi Qi, Qian-Mama purse containing musk is definitely not a courtier. It is true that only courtiers and cows are in that position, not courtiers. Maybe ‘Nu Cairen. "
        Lu-Guipin smirked, "Tang Fu-ren's words are a bit funny. Which mother would hurt her child? This palace doesn't believe ‘Nu Cairen would be so stupid. So Tang Fu-ren's words, this palace does not believe. "
        "Is it true that this purse containing musk was brought in by cows, people don’t know. If ‘Nu was still alive, it would be possible to find out. But people are dead, so it is useless to say.
        However, in addition to the court wife and cattle, there is actually another person who has great suspicions. That's Qian-Mama. Is it possible that Qian-Mama deliberately put a purse containing musk on the ground while everyone is not paying attention to Rong, that is not necessarily the case. But I think this is very unlikely. "
        Emperor Xiao kang whispered, "Oh? What do you think is more likely?" Emperor Xiao kang also did not believe that Gu Ming-qing had hurt ‘Nu Cairen, but he could not help but say a word about Gu Ming-qing's suspicion It's the biggest.
        If Gu Ming-qing can't clean up the suspicions on her body, then she-
        Emperor Xiao kang thought, the coldness in his eyes grew stronger.
        Gu Ming-qing did not humble or exaggerate, "The emperor can first assume that if the purse containing musk is on the servant's body. The servant will stay longer with Ying Niang-Niang. Even if the amount of musk is insufficient, In order to make Ying Niang-Niang go wrong, but Ying Niang-Niang will always be uncomfortable. "
        Ping Xuerong hesitated and busy, "I'm not uncomfortable anywhere."
        Needless to say Ping Xuerong, people with long eyes can see that there is nothing wrong with Ping Xuerong, that is, because of worry for Ming-qing, so the emotion is too excited.
        "Tai-yi, since ‘Nu Cairen aborted because of exposure to the drugs that can cause abortion, then ‘Nu Cairen must have been exposed. So I am more inclined to—"
        Later, Gu Ming-qing didn't say anything, but everyone who was present understood it.
        Lu-Guipin dropped his head sharply, covering the raging hatred under his eyes.
        Lu-Guipin really hates it! She set everything up, and waited to put Gu Ming-qing to death, why Gu Ming-qing is so lucky that she can find the flaws!
        It wasn't until this moment that Lu-Guipin was sure of one thing, something she didn't want to believe, but couldn't help but believe. Gu Ming-qing is indeed a very powerful person, and she is even more careful than her!
        Lu-Guipin asked himself that in this case, I was afraid that he would not be able to do Gu Qing.
        Lu-Guipin thought to spit out a sulky air, so much so, Gu Ming-qing's suspicion was still not cleared.
        Lu-Guipin raised his head, his face still sad. "Emperor, Chenqie is also a mother. Where in the world is there a vicious mother who doesn't care about her child and hurts her child?"
        Gu Ming-qing smirked, it can be said that there are a lot of malicious mothers who hurt children in the world. Just Gu Ming-qing also felt strange. Then ‘Nu Cairen was crazy. Is it really just to deal with her, even the children in the stomach are gone? A normal person would not do such a thing.
        First of all, Gu Ming-qing and ‘Nu Cairen have no injustice and revenge. The two can almost be said to have little intersection. ‘Nu Cairen can't afford to care for Ming-qing, even the dragon species in his belly, but that is her biggest hope in the second half of her life, relying on Ronghua and riches!
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes glanced faintly at Lu-Guipin, if it was Lu-Guipin-it was still very likely. But the question came again. Why did ‘Nu Cairen listen to Lu-Guipin so much?
        Gu Ming-qing guessed that it was ‘Nu Cairen who had any handle in Lu-Guipin's hand, so she couldn't help but listen to Lu-Guipin.
        But the only thing ‘Nu Cairen didn't expect was that she would lose her life for this, which is really-
        Gu Ming-qing would like to speak, pointing out Lu-Guipin. What's the use of just speaking? Who would believe it?
        Lu-Guipin can only say that Gu Ming-qing is a malicious frame, and even that Gu Ming-qing remembers what happened to the Lu family before, so that's why.
        In the end, Lu-Guipin is Gong Fae. Gu Ming-qing cannot be randomly assigned without evidence.
        Gu Ming-qing suddenly looked at Qian-Mama kneeling on the ground. She must have played a more important role in it. This person should be Lu-Guipin buried next to Ping Xuerong.
        To say that Lu-Guipin does have the ability, just look at her means and know that it is a master of palace fighting! It’s awesome. If it weren’t for Lin An Princess, an unclear daughter, Lu-Guipin would be very proud in the harem.
        Gu Ming-qing thought about raising her eyebrows and raising her eyebrows, her eyes were calm, now she is not suitable to speak, everything has to wait for Emperor Xiao Kang's decision.
        Ping Xuerong insisted, "Tang Fu-ren cannot harm cattle talents. In this regard, Chenqie also dares to guarantee with his own temper. Emperor Chenqie ventured to say that Qian-Mama was very disturbed. In fact, ‘Nu Cai aborted and even died. She was afraid of doing a lot of it. The Emperor asked Qian-Mama to be severely reviewed. "
        Qian-Mama immediately called for injustice.
        Emperor Xiao kang was a little impatient. "Take people down and interrogate them."
        Lu-Guipin's eyes darkened. Fortunately, Qian-Mama didn't know much, and Qian-Mama would never sell her. Lu-Guipin was very relieved.
        Lu-Guipin has done so much for today, she will never stop there!
        If you miss the opportunity today, it will be difficult to think about it again! This is Lu-Guipin's unwillingness.
        "The emperor, ‘Nu Cai death was wronged, and the dragon in her womb was not wronged. After all, it is two lives, and someone must pay for it."
        Lu-Guipin said, his eyes glanced towards Gu Ming-qing.
        Gu Ming-qing His eyes were cold, Lu-Guipin. Did he pull her down? If she could, Lu-Guipin was afraid she would be dying.
        Ping Xuerong busyly said, "The emperor is Mingjun, as Tang Fu-ren said. The emperor will not injustice a good person, nor will he let any bad person go."
        Lu-Guipin meant, "Did ‘Nu Cairen and Long Fae die like this? This palace knows that Ying Ye and Tang Fu-ren have a good relationship. But Ying Ye has already entered the palace long ago. It's Emperor Feipin, and I still think about Emperor. "
        Ping Xuerong smirked, "This palace is for the emperor's sake, that's why he said it! It's a pity that ‘Nu Cairen and the dragon in her belly died. But if the emperor kills innocent people, wouldn't it be ‘Nu Cairen and The dragon's tires can't be peaceful in the ground either? This is a sin of fabrication!
        "Say a thousand, say ten thousand. Ying Ye is still talking for Tang Fu-ren."
        Ping Xuerong was angry, and she stayed in the palace for a few months. She didn't treat her in vain. "Lu-Guipin bite Tang Fu-ren like this, and she must have hated Tang Fu ren. Also, Lu-Guipin suffered a big loss because of Tang Fu-ren! Even Lin-An Princess-Chenqie made a mistake and asked the emperor to forgive him. "
        It seemed that he realized that he was wrong, and Ping Xuerong simply acknowledged the emperor Xiao kang's salute.
        Emperor Xiao kang looked at Lu-Guipin and Heping Xuerong in front of him, and only felt his head hurt. His harem had not been so lively for many years.
        If there is a Queen in the palace, these things can naturally be left to the Queen. The problem is that Queen has passed for decades, and there is no one in the palace who can handle it now.
        Although Emperor Xiao kang was sad that the child in ‘Nu Cairen's stomach was gone, of course, he was no longer in ‘Nu Cairen's heart. Emperor Xiao kang's heart was also sad, but not too big.
        This is the emperor. In their hearts, women are always less important than children.
        Emperor Xiao kang's eyes turned to Gu Ming-qing. He couldn't help but admit that the woman in front of her was indeed different from ordinary women. She didn't wear any gorgeous clothes and no jewelry on her head. She stood there quietly, without being humble or overbearing, and even being splashed with crimes of murdering a dragon, she could handle it calmly.
        When someone encounters such a situation, I am afraid that it has been a long time ago, but Gu Ming-qing did not. She can still find evidence in her emergency and benefit from her in such an emergency. It is indeed rare .
        Emperor Xiao kang rarely looks at a woman differently.
        To the first Queen, to Ningkang Elder Princess, to ... Only these people have been treated differently by Emperor Xiao kang, and now one more, Gu Ming-qing in front of them.
        Emperor Xiao kang suddenly started to scare and frighten Gu Ming-qing, "You are calm, don't you worry about treating your sin in anger?"
        Gu Ming-qing's face still didn't panic, "The court lady believes that the emperor is a prince. Righteousness is right, the emperor knows it already. Chenqie need not say more."
        Actually, Gu Ming-qing said that Emperor Xiao Kang was really soft except Huang-Tai-sun, but he was really good at other times.
        Otherwise, if you change to an emperor, it is very likely that in this case Gu Ming-qing will be killed directly. Regardless of whether you are innocent or innocent, you will not even have the opportunity to speak to you, let alone you have the opportunity to prove your innocence. Already.


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