Ill-Fated Consort 135

            Chapter 135  :   Goodbye Peer    

            Coming out of Jingzhao Yin Mansion, Luzhu and Tianzhu were both one word and did not dare to ask more. Jiang Ruan was just waiting for Dong Ying Er, but he was so cold-hearted, as if all the love in the past did not exist. In the end, Dong Yinger's face was already very ugly, and I was afraid that it would also have become a barrier to Jiang Ruan ever since.
            Jiang Ruan did not take this matter to heart at all. To Dong Yinger, she had no obligation. Now she can only teach her to figure it out. Between Jiang Xinzhi and Dong Yinger, she wants to focus on Jiang Xinzhi.
            It is still too early to leave Jingzhao Yin House. I haven't visited the palace for a long time to see Empress Dowager. A few days ago, Aunt Yang next to Empress Dowager also sent a letter to teach her to walk in the palace. Seeing that it was still early, he made the carriage turn around and went directly to the palace.
            The palace is now busy choosing women, all the way through the past are all the names of the aunts on the roster. Jiang Dan's name is also on it, Jiang Ruan raised his lips and smiled, and walked towards Cining Palace.
            When I walked to the corner of a promenade, I saw a familiar figure standing in the flower bed beside the corridor, and it was Heyi County Owner.
            He Yi County Owner was followed by several little court ladies, leaning over to speak to another person. When I walked in, I heard He Yi County Owner couldn't help but say, "It's just a lowly girl under a lowly girl, do you really think you can't be a royal child? Well, it's still unknown if you can grow up safely. Ben County Owner hit him today, what? "
            The little man pointed at the scold by He Yi County Owner bowed his head silently, seemingly terrified, and shrank behind the palace girl. The palace girl was also timid, and nodded her head to Heyi County Owner to make amends.
            Jiang Ruan's eyes were slightly fixed, and when he saw the little figure, he couldn't help but trembled, almost rigidly in place.
            When she was rarely emotional, at this moment, she was seen by Tianzhu and Luzhu, wondering in her heart, and then looked at the little man.
            I saw that it was just a three or four-year-old boy, but he was very simple in clothes. Even if he was careful, he could see that although the material of the clothes was gorgeous, the workmanship was not very delicate. The children's skin was delicate and easy to be rough. Sewing abraded skin. The child was pale and looked like he was malnourished, but he was very delicate and cute. Just clinging tightly to the maid's robe, her expression was timid.
            Looking at the status should not be low, but the look is not like a serious aristocratic son, and if it is really the son of the minister, and Yi County Owner so insulting and insulting is too rude. The "Royal Children" of Fang Cai and Yi County Owner both fell into the ears of everyone. Luzhu wondered, which Prince? But Prince was treated this way, not even a royal decent slave.
            Jiang Ruan stared at the child without blinking, as if turning up the waves, the child was not someone else, it was Peer!
            She entered the palace shortly after the last life, and after closing the beauty, she accidentally saw Peier. At that time, the emperor was also present and she gave Peier her care. How lonely in the deep palace, this child has a poor life, but is very sensible. The mother and the child are dependent on each other, and they are having fun in pain. Today, it is the happiest period after entering the palace in the last life.
            What emerged in her mind was that she was put into a tub and put it in a tub in the last life. She saw Peier playing with Li Dongzhang, and Peier's ‘Calling cries seemed to be echoing in her ears. Jiang Ruan closed his eyes deeply, and when he opened them again, his eyes were clear. No, Li Dong has already died in this life, and Prime Minister's Mansion no longer exists. She didn't enter the palace, and Peer didn't have to accept such a tragic ending.
            She stepped forward slowly and smiled, "What is the County Owner doing?"
            He Yi County Owner was scolding Xuan Pei, but he did not notice Jiang Ruan. At this moment, when he looked at Jiang Ruan, he looked at it for a moment, and then there was a flash of resentment in his eyes. He Yi County Owner is wearing red clothes today. This red was originally the favorite of Jiang Ruan. He Yi County Owner was born with some exotic style, so it seemed to be a bit enthusiastic and bold. Jiang Ruan is because he is still observing filial piety, and he is not allowed to wear beautiful clothes. Today he wore a light blue plain robe. The more plain the clothes are, the more beautiful they are. The more beautiful they are, the more beautiful they are.
            When it comes to women, when you look at people who are outstanding, you always have to compare them, especially He Yi County Owner who is not right with Jiang Ruan. Seeing himself dressed up by Jiang Ruan, he was instantly angry. Says  :   "Jiang Ruan, can't you just want to be more nosy? It's not your turn to worry about it."
            The surrounding maids all bowed their heads. Everyone knows that He Yi County Owner and Hong An County Owner have always been mismatched, and the two County Owners are not the masters to provoke.
            Xuan Pei, who was hiding behind the maid, seemed to be startled by the sudden emergence of Jiang Ruan, hiding behind the maid, staring at Jiang Ruan without blinking.
            Jiang Ruan doesn't look at Xuan Pei, but just laughs  :   "I don't care about these things, I'm going to see Huang-Grandmother." She glanced at Heyi County Owner  :   "These things, Huang-Grandmother would run it. "
            "You-" He Yi County Owner exclaimed, "Dare you threaten me!" Jiang Ruan meant to tell Empress Dowager everything that happened here. If He Yi County Owner is loved by the emperor and lawless, Empress Dowager is an existence she has always been afraid of. Just because Ronald Empress Dowager has a strange temperament and is not close to people, Jiang Ruan's relationship with Ronald Empress Dowager is even closer than that of her granddaughter and Ronald Empress Dowager. Whenever I think of this, He Yi The County Owner was all upset. Empress Dowager is a ruler. If Empress Dowager knows she scolds Xuanpei, she will be punished severely.
            "This is not a threat." Jiang Ruan smiled. "But I don't think the County Owner is afraid, are they?"
            "You-" He Yi County Owner only wished to tear Jiang Ruan apart. If it was usual, according to her temper, she would make a fuss about it. But since Chen Guifei was beaten into the Cold Palace, except for Queen, the remaining 3-Fei has been struggling to start fighting for the emperor's favor again. In addition, a new group of beauties are about to enter the palace, and Shu Fei is going to pamper her in front of the emperor, always warning her not to cause trouble. Especially for Jiang Ruan, remember not to conflict with her.
            Today, she was in a bad mood. When passing by, she happened to meet the most unloved 13 in this palace—Prince Xuan Pei was brought out by the maid to bask in the sun. Xuan Pei was holding a handful of mud and accidentally fell on In front of her, the mud stained her skirt corner. He Yi County Owner hit Xuan Pei when he was angry, but when he was scolding, he didn't want to meet Jiang Ruan.
            Although Jiang Ruan was hated and poisoned, and He Yi County Owner learned a few lessons after a few times, but he did not dare to continue scolding in front of Jiang Ruan, and then he ‘Called  :   "Bad!" To Xuanpei, she said, "Hum, she can't keep you in the palace all the time!"
            After He Yi County Owner left, Jiang Ruan smiled and looked at the child behind that palace girl. Xuan Pei fair face had a red slap seal, and wanted to know who made it. Xuan Pei Xu was just scared by He Yi County Owner, and a tear was in his eyes, which made people distressed.
            Luzhu was a child-minded, and immediately crouched down in front of Xuan Pei and pulled out a handkerchief, wiped the dirt on his face, and said, "Little Prince, are you okay?" She didn't know how many Prince this was, but she only thought Xuan Pei Look at the poor cute, simply called Prince.
            "Thirteenth, 13-Prince," Jiang Ruan said.
            "Miss, how do you know?" Luzhu wondered.
            Xuan Pei was looking at Luzhu, and the court lady was pleased to say  :   "Slave looks at the thirteen Highness seems to like County Owner."
            Jiang Ruan glanced coldly at her, his tone turned cold  :   "Kneel down!"
            The palace maid was startled, and even looked at Jiang Ruan's eyes, and fell on her knees without saying anything.
            Luzhu face was scornful, and then they could see it clearly. This maid was clearly 13-Prince personal maid, but she didn't know the protector. Letting that domineering and arrogant He Yi Country Owner hit his own little master does not say, and has been nodding his head to please. I'm afraid that he has never put his master in his eyes, and it's a great sin to be a close-in bastard.
            Jiang Ruan said indifferently, "That's how you take care of Your 13 Highnesses?"
            The maiden shivered and slammed her head up  :   "Country Owner spares his life, nubi no longer dare, nubi know something wrong, County Owner spares his life."
            Luzhu eyes widened curiously, so afraid of Jiang Ruan, that Jiang Ruan was a terrible person.
            "I don't punish you." Jiang Ruan said lightly  :   "But from now on, if your thirteen thrones make another mistake, you don't have to live. There is a slap seal on him, and you must have a thousand on him. He With one injury, you have the same thousand. "
            Her tone was bland, but the maid did a shiver for no reason, only to feel that the sound heard from him seemed to come from hell. It took a while to understand, and he slammed his head at Jiang Ruan again  :   "Slave thanks County Owner for punishment."
            Jiang Ruan looked at the child who had been peeking at him, and Xuan Pei stared at her, smiling timidly at her. The black eyes of the water spirit almost made her heart soft, and wanted to step forward and hold him in his arms-as in the previous life. But in the end, she just pulled out a small blue porcelain bottle from her arms, which was the elixir sent by Xiao Shao when Jiang Quan hit her before. She stuffed the medicine bottle into Xuan Pei hand and instructed the maid on the other side to say, "Remember to apply to Your Highness Thirteen once a day." After a pause, she said, "Remember what I said."
            The palace lady nodded in a hurry, and was puzzled and thankful in her heart. I don’t know why Hongan County Owner was so sad to His Highness Thirteen, but if she was in the heart, she had never done anything special to Her Highness. Students.
            The same doubts existed in Tianzhu and Luzhu hearts, but Jiang Ruan didn't give them time to suspect, and said to the palace girl, "Take 13 Your Highness back."
            The maid took a salute to Jiang Ruan and left with Xuan Pei. Xuan Pei was far away by the maid, holding her hands, and couldn't help looking back at Jiang Ruan. The small figure looked extremely pitiful.
            "Why are you so cold to him if you help him?" A low male voice came after him.
            Jiang Ruan turned around, Liu Min was wearing a blue official robe, and I didn't know how long he had stood here, and then came out to talk about it.
            Tian Zhu frowned slightly. She was a martial arts person. Liu Min's hidden skills were not very clever. She had already discovered Liu Min, but the other party had not come out late. She thought it was an eunuch palace woman overhearing. Min. The relationship between Liu Min and Jiang Ruan is delicate. Tian Zhu, who is toward his own owner, does not welcome Liu Min.
            Liu Min saw Jiang Ruan turn around a little, and he always saw Jiang Ruan in bright red clothes. Today, it was a world-famous dress in Tsing Yi. Liu Min himself loved blue, and Jiang Ruan wears the same color as him ...
            Liu Min didn't know what he was thinking until Jiang Ruan said, "It's just a matter of course, why not talk about affection."
            This means that she made a siege for 13-Prince Xuan Pei today, but she did something unintentionally and did not do it intentionally. Seeing Xuan Pei in the future, she has no special feelings. It's too cool to talk like this. Moreover, when Liu Minfang saw the scene, he had identified Hong-An County Owner as a kind person who was cold outside and hot inside, only thinking that Jiang Ruan was a shy word.
            He said  :   "Not everyone is willing to offend Heyi County Owner for the unloved Prince. Even if it is easy, Hongan County Owner is really righteous."
            Xuan Pei position in the palace Liu Min has already heard of it. 13-Prince was of low birth, and the biological mother was just a palace woman who the Emperor had no intention of visiting. And on the day of giving birth to 13-Prince, the dystocia died, and the palace was almost abandoned and grown up. It's natural to grow so timid. The men in the palace were not respectful to this 13-Prince, and even secretly insulted at will. I didn't expect that today Jiang Ruan would stand up for 13-Prince, who had never lived. Liu Min's bones carry the literati innocence, and he greatly appreciates Jiang Ruan's behavior. Jiang Ruan smiled a little  :   "Master Liu Fu looked at me too high, only 13-Prince is also my name brother, is a Shu-son in the government, and can't be scolded at will. Civilians still do, The Royal must be more disciplined. "
            13-Prince is regarded as Shu-son, and he was scolded in the palace. When Jiang Mei was still in Jiangfu, Jiang Chao and Jiang Susu were also Shu-son, but they were more nourished than her Di Daughter. People are so different. With this in mind, Jiang Ruan's eyes darkened.
            Liu Min felt a little surprised when he realized the flash of suffocation passing through Jiang Ruan. It reminds me of the previous events, that is, when Jiang Ruan was poisoned and murdered by Jiang Lao-Furen in jail, Jiang Quan, who was the biological father, never visited him once. At that time, he was anxious, so he went to the emperor once. At that time, the emperor remembered Liu Min's eyes. The emperor looked at him with half a joke, and said, "Liu Aiqing, so concerned about Hong-An County Owner, how can I promise her to you?"
            At the time, Liu Min refused without thinking, and then thought about it later, but couldn't help thinking about it. It seems that after knowing that the person was Jiang Ruan, Liu Min sometimes thought of this special woman. Crown Prince occasionally sees him and asks, "Tai Fu doesn't think about tea all day, but he has a sweetheart?"
            Now seeing Jiang Ruan standing in front of his eyes, Liu Min's heart surged with sourness, and it was unclear what it was like. He ‘called, "Wei Chen admires the County Owner."
            "Liu Taifu award." Jiang Ruan's attitude was still mild, but he also refused to be outdoors thousands of miles away. Liu Min's heart suddenly felt a little disappointed in himself. He was able to write gorgeous articles and come up with excellent national policies, but he didn't know how to talk to this woman who had previously become a good friend. It seems that no matter how much to say, Jiang Ruan's attitude is faint.
            Luzhu eyes rolled, and Liu Min struck a bit. He said that this man was still a fu, and he was born a nerd. Silly.
            Tian Zhu frowned. The young master didn't like Liu Min's approach to Jiang Ruan. She was very clear. Jinyiwei also counted on multiple Young Furen, how could he be snatched by a Taifu. Moreover, in the eyes of Maid, Jiang Ruan temper is definitely not a master who only knows the national policy articles. How could Madam. Liu, who had no chickens in his hands, protected Jiang Ruan. Tian Zhu whispered  :   "Miss, it's been a long time. Empress Dowager Niang-Niang's side ..."
            Jiang Ruan nodded and smiled at Liu Min  :   "Master Liu, I have to go to Cining Palace, so I will take a step."
            A flash of disappointment flashed in Liu Min's eyes, saying  :   "That's it, goodbye."
            Jiang Ruan turned and followed Tian Zhu and walked in the opposite direction. Liu Min stood behind for a moment, then patted his head with a little annoyance, and left unhappyly.
            After arriving at Cining Palace, Aunt Yang was relieved to see Jiang Ruan and looked inside, saying, "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang is a little bit upset today. The County Owner is more relieved."
            "I see." Jiang Ruan nodded. After entering the room, I really saw Empress Dowager leaning against the warm nine-piece continuous Fuzi soft couch. The long ruby armor had edges that scratched the soft couch. The edge of the soft couch was made of agarwood, and the armor made a slight squeaking noise. Empress Dowager frowned tightly, looking gloomy.
            Jiang Ruan walked with a smile, and his steps were extremely light. Empress Dowager turned back when he heard the sound. Seeing that Jiang Ruan was also a little stunned, it seemed to be a long memory in his eyes, unconsciously whispered softly.   :   "Yuan Rong ..."
            "Huang-Grandmother," Jiang Ruan said.
            It seemed to be awake by the words of Jiang Ruan, Empress Dowager suddenly looked back, and clapped his forehead helplessly  :   "It's really old and my eyes are spent."
            There is a painting spreading out in front of the little table in front of him. The scrolls are endless grasslands and deserts. A round of sunset slowly falls from the edge of the sky, and the bloody sun is shining on the whole picture. A group of camels passed in the distance, and it seemed that the camel's camel bells could still be heard.
            Jiang Ruan raised his eyebrows slightly, but the painting is actually southern Xinjiang?
            Empress Dowager noticed Jiang Ruan's eyes, sighed, seemed exhausted, and no longer had the strength to say extra words, just said  :   "Hong-An, sit with me for a while."
            Jiang Ruan responded gently  :   "Yes."

            Chapter 136  :   The Golden Chrysanthemum    

            At the end of the day, Empress Dowager still said nothing _-! (◎◎) Jiang Ruan sensitively felt that Empress Dowager must have a secret in his heart, just like the inexplicable southern Xinjiang landscape picture. However, the secret Empress Dowager did not seem to tell her. I haven’t heard of the secrets of Empress Dowager in the palace of the previous life for many years. I don’t even know Xuan Li to know.
            If there is anything special, I heard that during the battle between Tianjin Kingdom and the Dajin Dynasty, the Dajin Dynasty had become more and more brave. Seeing that Tianjin Kingdom was about to be defeated, I don’t know what went wrong. Tian Jinguo suddenly resurrected, but did not know where he came from, and resisted the last hit of Tian Jinguo. The war situation is deadlocked again.
            Jiang Susu was happy again, and when he met Jiang Ruan in the government, he often brought this up on purpose. Jiang Ruan himself is a crazy dog barking, Jiang Susu came to see Jiang Ruan indifferent a few times, so he was disappointed and simply stopped talking, and concentrated on preparing for the golden chrysanthemum feast that was later.
            The Jinju feast is a custom of the Dajin Dynasty. A lot of chrysanthemums bloomed in the early autumn period. It was hosted by Jun Shou Fu-ren and invited young girls from Jingzhong Fangling to gather together. Although on the surface it looks like a small gathering, it's just that each Fu-ren Madam looks at his daughter-zi for himself. The atmosphere of the Dajin Dynasty was fairly enlightened, and there were also young girls and girls who met at the Jin Ju feast. At last, a happy marriage was completed and it was passed as a story.
            Jiang Quan may finally realize that the two Di Daughters in his government have reached the age of initiation, leaving Jiang Ruan aside, Jiang Susu is the palm of Ming Jiang Quan. Find a good husband for her. This time, he also invited Xia-Houfu Big-Madam Shen Rou to bring Jiang Ruan together.
            Xia Jiaojiao portrait has also been sent to the palace, so there is no need to participate in such occasions. As Jiang Chao became more embarrassed in front of Xuan Li, Xia Cheng seemed to realize something. In addition, the matter of Xia-Yan was originally Xia-Houfu, and he gradually eased the relationship with Jiangfu, only in the absence of that Things are average.
            Jiang Susu went to Jinju Banquet, and if Jiang Ruan didn't go, they would inevitably attract words. In addition, the post of the county guard Fu-ren was also named Jiang Ruan, and went with Shen Rou.
            Xu is very important to see this golden chrysanthemum feast, but Jiang Susu stayed in the room all day, and Su Xinyuan occasionally heard gentle ‘Guqin sounds, which was considered elegant and beautiful. Ruan Curie Yatou did not take it for granted. Xia-Yan suffered in the Buddhist temple. She was a daughter and had the heart to go to these Roche banquets. At the beginning, Xia-Yan was thinking about Jiang Susu. He didn't want this daughter but was a white-eyed wolf.
            Jiang Ruan did not take this Jinju feast to heart, what should be done every day. Tian Zhu was so relieved to see her so, only the painstaking efforts of the young master had not been wasted. If the raised Chinese cabbage is letting other pigs go for nothing, it will be angry when the young master returns to Capital City. Hey, of course, Jiang Ruan isn't cabbage, and less is not ... What's up.
            The hot summer finally slowly passed through the last tail, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the beginning of the autumn. The sun had long gone from the earlier days and became a little milder. Occasionally, there could be a few cool winds. In the small flower bed outside Ruan Ju, the unknown small white daisies planted randomly were also opened—the golden chrysanthemum feast was coming.
            If it is the usual Jinju feast, Jiangfu will be very lively. There are Xia-Yan with up and down, and ordered Jiang Lao-Furen, which is the rule, to buy 2-Concubine of jewelry everywhere, and to wear the beautiful red lotus. The Jiang Yan has been flying like never before, Jiang Susu smiled again to make a fairy statue without fireworks. Jiang Dan timidly courtesy. There is no shortage of women in Jiangfu, and the red powder rouge in the house is endless.
            However, in the past, if the flowing water was fleeting, it seems that those charming shadows are just a dream of Nan Ke. Today Jiangfu only has a concubine with a big belly, but it seems that he has changed his temper and never talks about Fengyue anymore. He only cares about trivialities and no lightness in the past. And the rest died, crazy. A huge Jiangfu was actually empty and lonely, showing a bit of depression.
            The subordinates in the mansion are most sensitive to these changes, but it is only a few years that Jiangfu seems to have changed his appearance. These children who have lived in Jiangfu since their childhood have a faint idea. Jiangfu beautiful flowers for decades may not be long before they will fall into the dust with these Jiangfu women.
            Early in the morning, Jiang Ruan was groomed by Baizhi and Lian-Qiao, but today God is willing to admire his face. He slightly rose to the sun and sprinkled warmth on his body without the slightest heat. The breeze is cool and the best view of flowers.
            Before the period of filial piety, Baizhi chose lotus-blue clothes for Jiang Ruan. Lian-Qiao said, “It's a pity that Miss's color is the best to wear red, and no one can beat it. "
            "Miss, it's not to be beautiful." Baizhi said  :   "The lotus is pretty good and solemn."
            It was easy to clean up, Maid said that the carriage of Xia-Houfu was already waiting outside the gate of the house. Shenrou came early to pick up the person. As soon as Jiang Ruan went out, he saw Jiang Susu in a suit.
            Jiang Susu Because staying in the house these days, Xu is anxious every day, and her beauty has been reduced by three points. Today I want to come and also carefully dressed, a soft silver Qingluo lily skirt is cut and chic, and she set off the chic, long hair into a reference, obliquely inserted a glass Ruyi. It is both pure and clean, and seems to be refined. In addition, it seems that the charm of the original art has been further improved, and every move has faded the frivolity, showing a unique charm. It has always attracted people attention, only to think that she really looks like a fairy.
            Seeing Jiang Ruan coming out, Jiang Susu also looked at Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan had not wore a red dress for a long time, and today he picked a lotus blue plain-texture embroidered skirt. Lian Qing has always been picky, and she is more and more fair-skinned, and her eyes are deep. The solemn color has added a layer of royal nobility that others have not. Noble Tiancheng, as if born is the highest Princess.
            Jiang Susu looked at it, and a deep layer of hatred gradually came into his eyes.
            In fact, Jiang Ruan is not to blame. When Empress Dowager asked Si Yidian to make clothes, he often did some for Jiang Ruan. There is no need to mention the clothes that the palace distributed to the County Owner. Although Jiang Quan has many good things in his hands, they are not as good as the tribute in the palace. In addition, Jiang Ruan spent so many years in the palace, raising his hands and naturally contaminating the palace habits. This habit can not be learned in a short time, others do not know her past, just say that she is born with style.
            The curtain of the carriage was opened, and Shen Rou laughed, "Two Miss, can't you get on the carriage?"
            Jiang Ruan glanced and saw another person on the carriage. Slightly hesitated, after waiting in the carriage, he found that the person was not someone else, it was Xia family 2-Madam Yu Ya.
            At the time, Xia-Houfu and Jiangfu had an evil relationship because of Xia Jun. When the incident happened, Yu Ya hated Jiang Susu, but Xia family was not a fool. As long as she thought about it, she could know who was setting it up. Xia Jun was unable to enter the government because of her, and Yu Ya was very forbearable without killing her.
            Shen Rou looked at Jiang Ruan, and looked at Jiang Susu, covering her mouth and laughing  :   "Shang Shu Lao-ye is really blessed, both Miss, are like jade flowers."
            "Yeah," Yu Ya also said in a terrific voice. "The County Owner is looking at it now, and it's more beautiful than three years ago."
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, didn't answer, just looked at Yu Ya lightly. Xia-Houfu Madam, Big-Madam Shen Rou is a smiling tiger. He is gentle and gentle to everyone, and he is also beautiful. Just look at what Xia Jiaojiao looks like to know this Big-Madam privately What a temper. However, 2-Madam Yu Ya is mean and bitter. Xia 2-Lao-ye is well-known, if this 2-Madam had a son for him, I’m afraid Xia 2-Lao-ye She had been scrapped by a divorce.
            If this compliment is spit out from Shen Rou mouth, there is no problem, but it is spit out from the bitter and bitter Yu Ya mouth, and Yu Ya is also in the same position as her. It's too weird.
            Yu Ya was looked at by Jiang Ruan, don't open your eyes to Jiang Susu and said, "2-Miss, you will be shocked today."
            Jiang Susu smiled softly  :   "The second aunt has passed the prize."
            All the way to the county guard Fu-ren House, nothing happened, stayed in the carriage, and the nubi waiting outside came forward to greet. Leading them all the way, there really are a lot of Fu-ren Madam in the hall, and the young Xiaojie are enjoying the chrysanthemum in the courtyard. The county guard Fu-ren was a flower-loving man, and a lot of space was planted in the mansion to plant flowers. It is spacious enough, and enough for those young people to talk or discuss in the yard.
            It's just that the teenagers are in the West Garden, and the girls are in the East Yard. If they come to see each other secretly, they will not mention it. As long as they don’t do anything special, they will only do it if they see it. It’s always the young people who treat them today. Extraordinarily tolerant.
            Jun Shou Fu-ren stood up and greeted several people, his eyes fell on Jiang Ruan, and he couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and said, "Hongan County Owner's temperament is so natural, it makes people jealous of Lord Jiang."
            Jiang Susu was so ignored, and a sudden anger rose in his heart. However, it was found that most of the people in the hall fell on Jiang Ruan. For a while, they were suspicious and suspected that her charm was going backwards. Otherwise, why wouldn't everyone look at her and instead watch Jiang Ruan?
            She didn't know that the enchantment was effective for men, but everyone here was Guan-Fu-ren. Why would anyone care about it? Jiang Ruan is now Hong-An County Owner, with General's Mansion behind him. There is also a brother of God of War, who has a son on the seat, is wondering if he can marry Jiang Ruan back to be a daughter-zi. Jiang Ruan was born with nobleness, but was born with too much beauty, but the nobleness of acting was to suppress the charming color, showing an atmosphere that was not one or two points. Guan-Madam picks up women and children, their looks are all inferior, even if Jiang Ruan's appearance is salt-free, these Fu-ren eyes are also fragrant.
            Jun Shou Fu-ren also wanted to come to this idea. She has two sons. Now it is the age of weak crown. When it is time to marry a wife, now it looks like Jiang Ruan is getting more and more satisfied. After a few words, I heard a clear voice behind me  :   "Ruaner Mei-mei, I have been waiting for you for a long time."
            Jiang Ruan raised his eyes, but it was Zhao Jin who came up from the seat and blinked at her. Jiang Ruan bowed his head, Zhao Jin came to hold her hand and said to the county guard Fu-ren, "Fu-ren, I and Ruan Er Mei-mei went to the yard to look at the chrysanthemum, such a beautiful chrysanthemum, Ruan Er Mei-mei hasn't seen it yet. "
            Jun Shou Fu-ren stuck a word in his throat, Shen Rou smiled suddenly, and said, "I'm just thinking about talking to Fu-ren. The little girl's family will go to the yard and play by themselves. Susu , You follow along. "
            Yu Ya frowned, glanced at Jiang Ruan, and she followed Shen Rou in the end.
            Jiang Susu also smiled  :   "Okay."
            The three came out of the main hall together, and Jiang Susu said to Jiang Ruan  :   “The elder sister and Zhao-Xiaojie should have a lot to say, and Su Niang will leave on her own.” I don’t want to stay with Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan always compares the glory of her. How can I be willing? Besides, she also wanted to go to Xiyuan to see the teenagers. She didn't believe that, with her beauty, she couldn't have more ministers under her skirt?
            Looking at Jiang Susu back, Zhao Jin said a little strangely  :   "That's not the direction of Xiyuan, what does your second sister want to do?" "Don't worry about her," Jiang Ruan said.
            "Ah, you're not afraid of something wrong, and the person who said Jiangfu in the future wasn't?" Zhao Jin was even stranger. If she followed the brothers at home, her parents would inevitably kill a few brothers. What she said would represent the whole face of the government, and she would lose her face when she was not outside.
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly. Zhao Jin lived with sincerity. If Jiangfu really collapsed because of Jiang Susu, that would be a good thing. If she was crazy, she would take the initiative to clean up the mess for Jiang Susu and save Jiangfu face.
            After seeing Jiang Ruan saying nothing, Zhao Jin did not continue the topic, just looking at her and saying, "You have a wide heart, and Our hasn't seen you for a long time. I want to talk to you." She looked outside. And asked  :   "Do you want to see chrysanthemums?"
            Speaking of chrysanthemums, a trace of impatience flashed on Zhao Jin's face. She is the daughter of a military commander's family. She doesn't like flowers and flowers, and is not used by other girls in the court to be sad and sad. As for the women in the yard who were appreciating the flowers, they were really fighting for it. No matter how much she wanted her to come here, Zhao Jin would never want to come.
            Jiang Ruan knew what she was thinking by looking at her face, and couldn't help but smile a little  :   "I don't want to."
            "Just right, I don't want to." Zhao Jin was happy as soon as she heard  :   "I knew Ruan Mei-mei was with me. Let's go, let's find a quiet place and talk well." He said, pulling. Jiang Ruan, walk in the opposite direction of Ju Ju.
            As Zhao Jin walked, he said to Jiang Ruan, "I haven't seen Yinger for a long time. I met Jing Zhaoyin Fu-ren the other day. She said that Yinger was ill. I wonder if it's better now. "
            Jiang Ruan looked down, Dong-Fu-ren really concealed Dong Yinger's affairs, and now Dong Yinger's portrait was sent to the palace to hide from everyone. Zhao Jin also had some doubts about this matter  :   "How suddenly I got sick. I heard that Chang 3-gongzi marriage contract with Yinger was also released. At first, I thought it was Chang's family who abandoned Yinger. I asked Chang-An for an explanation, but I heard ... "Zhao Jin was temper, and suddenly he seemed to understand what he had said. He looked up at Jiang Ruan, saw Jiang Ruan smile, and asked tentatively, "You know what?"
            "I know. Dong-Fu-ren talked to me, hoping that I would persuade my sister Ying Ying that she should not put her mind on unrealistic things."
            Zhao Jin sighed  :   "I and Yinger grew up together. She has a simple mind and doesn't know anything, but Ruan Mei-mei knows who is that person in Yinger's heart?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled  :   "I don't know."
            Zhao Jin sighed  :   "I just hope she wants to understand it earlier. Also, her family has already chosen a relative in order to go through the door only after a year.
            Wen Yan is also of Wumen origin. For example, it is time to marry this year. Jiang Ruan asked, "How is Sister Lin?"
            "Zixiang," Zhao Jin smiled and said, "she is a shy person. She should have come today, but she quarreled with Master Lin in the house, and said that she must not learn the pedantic. Feng, if you are looking for a good person, she must be a good person. "
            This is indeed Lin Zixiang's shocking temperer, but I don't know that Master Lin will have a few more headaches. The two had already traveled to a quiet place, Jiang Ruan asked, "Have anyone ever thought of Zhao Zhao?"
            "I?" Zhao Jin shook her head  :   "I don't want to marry a husband like that Noble Misses woman, all day in the house is a trivial matter. I only wish to fight the enemy like my father and brother, to protect the Dajin Dynasty People. "
            This is not something a woman can say. Only Zhao Jin has always been toned by his father and brother, but has a bit of pride. Zhao Jin seemed to think of something, his face darkened, and shook his head, "It's just ..."
            Jiang Ruan looked up at her.
            Zhao Jin thought for a while and approached her  :   "Ruan Mei-mei, I have a relationship with you, and I will tell you a secret thing, you can't tell it."
            Jiang Ruan nodded.
            "Jin Guo seemed to be colluding with Nanjiang that day, and Nanjiang sent reinforcements. The war has been tight these days, and the emperor has issued a death order. After the emperor's secret order, the expedition will take place in a few days. The mountains and waters of the Tianjin Kingdom are long, and I am really afraid of something. "
            Jiang Ruan was a little surprised, Zhao Jin had let go of her, and looked a little sadly into the distance  :   "I have a martial art and can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but I can't share anything for my father. It is really ashamed Now. "
            Jiang Ruan was about to comfort her, and suddenly I heard a strange sound in the deep garden peach forest ahead. The voice was extremely low. If it was not for Zhao Jin's voice at the moment, the voice would be covered up.

            Chapter 137  :   Calculations in the Woods    

            Zhao Jin is a trainer, and her listening is better than Jiang Ruan. She also pays attention to the movements. She glanced at Jiang Ruan, made a gesture, and walked forward quietly. Jiang Ruan signaled Tian Zhu to follow Zhao Jin, so as to avoid any accidents, he followed up with himself.
            Several people tried their best to lighten their footsteps, only to reach the corner before approaching, they heard a coquettish female voice  :   "You! You are shameless!"
            Another voice sounded, but it was a male voice, which seemed to contain anger, and a few doubts, saying, "You are strange, what do you do to undress in front of me? I don't know shame!"
            Zhao Jin and Jiang Ruan glanced at each other, and randomly and carefully pulled away the dense foliage in front of them. Then they saw a man and a woman with their backs in the woods. The man should be the boy who came to Jinju Banquet today, and he looked at the house where the young Shaoye was. The woman was very strange, her clothes slanted to her shoulders, exposing her fair skin, she looked a little bit embarrassed.
            "It is Guo 5-Xiaojie Guo Meng, the Shu Daughter of Shu Lang's family." Zhao Jin whispered in the ear of Jiang Ruan  :   "I came with her sister today."
            "You ..." The Guo family's 5-Xiaojie seemed to be crying in her voice, terribly miserable  :   "You insult me and say so now, I, I have no face to face, it would be better to go "Dead!" He stood up and slammed into the tree.
            The young man was startled, and quickly reached out to pull her, almost falling down with her, hurriedly saying, "This is a misunderstanding. How could my Zhao family boy be the shameless one in your mouth? only!"
            He turned his head to reveal a familiar face, and several people hiding behind the woods could clearly see that it was the little 3-Shaoye of Zhao family and Zhao Feizhou.
            Zhao Feizhou is now just a teenager, now blushing, but there is no guilty conscience on his face, only anger. Zhao Jin saw clearly, and touched Jiang Ruan  :   "Ruan Mei-mei, I'm afraid this is something strange."
            Jiang Ruan raised his eyebrows, and he was strange. This Guo family's 5-Xiaojie said that Zhao Feizhou was insulting her, but she hasn't seen her from now on to organize her clothes well. Any good girl is really insulted, at least you have to pull on clothes. This woman is good, for fear that others will not see her skin. Besides, among Zhao three young Shaoye, Zhao Yi was calm and firm, Zhao Yulong followed Zhao Yuanping's temper and was resourceful. Only this Zhao Feizhou did not inherit Zhao Yuanfeng's slyness, but inherited his laziness fiercely. What's more, a bastard, if someone really wants to count Zhao family, it's no wonder they don't find Zhao Feizhou.
            Zhao Feizhou is now seventeen or eighteen years old, and it is the age to marry his wife. As for this Guo family 5-Xiaojie, who is a Shu Daughter, he cannot climb up to the General House. But if Zhao Feizhou insults Miss, he has to get married, and he has to get married. Wouldn't Guo Meng get what he wanted?
            just……. How does a Shu Daughter have such courage? A hard, rigid face emerged from Jiang Ruan's mind.
            "Zhao 3-Shaoye, you want to be irresponsible." Guo Meng-cries-weeping  :   "Today I was here with my sister to attend a golden chrysanthemum feast, how can I ..." He paused  :   "Zhao 3-Shaoye, if you refuse to take responsibility, Menger's life is ruined, what's the meaning of being alive, it's worse than living."
            Jiang Ruan glanced at this place, there is a small house not far away, so the small house built in the Fuzhong Garden is a place to relax and rest on most days. If a guest comes, you can feel tired of visiting. Sit down in the woods and have a cup of tea. Today I saw that there was no one outside the cottage in the forest, and even the gatekeeper Maid had never seen it, Jiang Ruan knew. The Guo family 5-Xiaojie is so weeping right now. It’s very difficult to be as hard-hearted as Zhao Feizhou. After a while, those who want to come to the terracotta warrior will lead people to pass by this place “unintentionally” and run into this It's a scandal.
            Then Zhao Feizhou is in front of countless Noble Madam Xiaojie in Capital City, and the face of the official youth will never disappear. The two Madam of the Zhao family are both good and gentle temperers. And in front of everyone, another person forced Zhao Feizhou to show his attitude to Guo Meng, and Guo Meng could enter the Zhao door smoothly in the future.
            As long as Guo Meng enters the door, the Zhao family will never want to live again. Guo Meng will do his best to provoke the Zhao family's relationship, and will even bring disaster to the Zhao family.
            But this Guo family 5-Xiaojie entered the Zhao door in front of the eyes, and when Zhao Feizhou did such a sorry Guo Meng, Guo Meng was like a crystal man No, no scolding or scolding, due to Zhao Guang's temperament, it is estimated that something will go wrong.
            Not only can Zhao Feizhou be destroyed, but it can also add a block to the Zhao family. It is difficult to act in such a way that it will not be doubted.
            Jiang Ruan's eyes narrowed and asked, "What's the origin of the Guo family 5-Xiaojie?"
            Zhao Jin stunned and whispered  :   "Servant Fu-ren is seriously ill, and it is probably not over this year. Guo Shilang favored concubine to wipe out his wife. Fu-ren only has Guo Big-Xiaojie, a Di Daughter. Guo 5-Xiaojie was born by Concubine, and there is a brother on it. The two siblings are overbearing in the government. Poor Guo Big-Xiaojie has to deal with them every day. Today, Guo Shilang asked Guo 5 Xiaojie followed, otherwise a Shu Daughter, where is eligible to come to Jinju Banquet? "
            Jiang Ruan looked down and turned out to be another favored concubine. This Guo 5-Xiaojie is really brave, but ... If you have the courage to do something, you have to have the courage to bear the consequences.
            She reached out to poke open the branches, Zhao Jin froze, and held her hand, "Ruan Mei-mei, what are you doing?"
            "Give Guo 5-Xiaojie a personal ID." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly.
            When Guo Meng and Zhao Feizhou heard the news, they turned around and saw Jiang Ruan as a stunner. Zhao Feizhou has never seen Jiang Ruan since three years ago. I recognized that this was the beautiful girl in red, my cousin. Guo 5-Xiaojie has never seen Jiang Ruan, only to see a charming and charming young girl suddenly appearing with noble elegance she did not have, and a layer of jealousy immediately appeared. And embarrassed.
            As Shu Daughter, the most important thing is that she is not on the stage. Guo Meng is just like Jiang Susu. People who can compare themselves will become hostile. The moment she saw Jiang Ruan, she was resentful and said, "Who are you?"
            "This County Owner just passed by here and just happened to see a good show." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly.
            "Country Owner?" Guo Meng said for a moment, the girl in front of her eyes was very imposing, even her sister-zi had to be three points short in front of her. She looked at Jiang Ruan, two lines of tears suddenly flowed down  :   "Begging County Owner to be the master of the little girl, Zhao 3-Shaoye took the innocence of the little girl ..."
            Jiang Ruan nodded  :   "OK."
            Zhao Jin and Zhao Feizhou stunned at the same time. The former didn't understand what Jiang Ruan wanted, the latter was angry. Jiang Ruan was also his cousin. Why did he believe a stranger?
            Luzhu and Tianzhu stood still side by side. The longer they followed Jiang Ruan, they knew that the more gentle Jiang Ruan was, it means that someone was going to be unlucky.
            Guo Meng seemed to be ashamed, and wept with his face in tears  :   "I just watched chrysanthemums with my sister in the yard, and when I saw the butterflies, I followed them, and I didn't want to see Zhao 3-Shaoye on the road, Shaoye spoke to me for a while, and then ... Then I kicked my feet, Zhao 3-Shaoye fainted me when she helped me up, and when I woke up ... " cries-Whimpering and crying.
            "It's definitely not!" Zhao Feizhou jumped angrily  :   "It was you who stomped my feet and I kindly helped you. You wiped the sweat with a papa, and somehow I fainted. When I woke up, I was there. Here, you say I have taken your innocence, but I haven't done anything! "Thinking of this, Zhao Feizhou was annoyed, thinking that there must be some drug on the paparazzi, he was at that time. .
            "Zhao 3-Shaoye is so ridiculous. Could it be that I deliberately fainted you so that you could stain my innocence, and what good would it be for me to pass it on?" Guo Meng also sharpened her teeth, turning her head In front of Jiang Ruan, he cried, "The County Owner knows the righteousness and will definitely decide for the little girl."
            Jiang Ruan squatted down, her eyes were on the same level as Guo Meng, and she smiled and said, "Okay, I make the decision for you." She said softly, "So ... Is Guo Miss really innocent?"
            The question asked was strange, Guo Meng glanced at Jiang Ruan suspiciously, and Jiang Ruan looked at her with a smile. The look was like a clear spring, but like a black vortex. If the explorer got deeper, he just felt that there was a lurking giant in it that was about to break out and devour her. Under such eyes, Guo Meng couldn't help feeling a guilty conscience. She lowered her head and said sadly, "Why did the County Owner ask such a thing, and such a thing, I'm already dead."
            "I didn't—" Zhao Feizhou still had to talk, Zhao Jin shook his head at him. Jiang Ruan smiled slightly and stood up  :   "Then Guo Miss, don't cry, wait for a while to let Pozi come for Guo Miss, and then check the health, if it is really not innocent, let Zhao 3-Shaoye married you, okay? "
            "No, no, I didn't touch Ben!" Zhao Feizhou jumped up before Guo Meng talked.
            "Country Owner, is this to humiliate me?" Guo Meng flashed in astonishment, then changed into an insulting look, and asked his head in anger.
            "Not at all," Jiang Ruan said slowly  :   "I just feel a bit misunderstood. Guo 5-Xiaojie Since it is said to have been stained and innocent by Zhao 3-Shaoye, it must be the red Yes. But this County Owner looked at the square and never saw the red. Could it be that Zhao 3-Shaoye did not contaminate Guo 5-Xiaojie's innocence here, but then Zhao 3-Shaoye still holds Coming here with Guo 5-Xiaojie, wouldn't it be to add extra strength, or to show off the good physical strength of Zhao 3-Shaoye? "
            As soon as this word came out, the three people present were stunned, but while they were accustomed to Jiang Ruan's unexpected Luzhu and Tianzhu, they couldn't help but twitched.
            Zhao Jin and Zhao Feizhou have the same mind at the moment. Jiang Ruan talked about such a shame in front of several people. As a young girl who has not yet appeared in the cabinet, she has a bright and straightforward view, without any shyness. The meaning is frankly amazing. It almost subverts the image of the formerly gentle and indifferent Big-Xiaojie.
            Zhao Feizhou face turned red, and he was almost stunned by Jiang Ruan's shocking words. Since Grandmother and a few Aunts talked about Jiang Ruan on most days, they were all praised, but only said that they were courteous and ethical. It’s like starting from everyone. Who knows today, it really made him suspicious, this is really the cousin cousin in the mouth of his family.
            Guo Meng was dumbfounded by the words of Jiang Ruan. She didn't expect that Jiang Ruan would block her with such words. Who would have thought that a County Owner's mouth closed is "falling red", but falling red can't be faked. If she really finds a Pozi to check her body, she can't eat it. Guo Meng's face changed, and he suddenly said, "How is the County Owner dissatisfied with me? Why is the exit so insulting?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled mildly, not because she was full of fire, but said softly  :   "It is not an insult, it is for fairness. You cannot be biased towards Miss because of Miss, as a woman, Zhao 3-Shaoye also It can’t be ‘mute. It’s like buying in the market, you have to let people see if the goods are in good condition. ”
            She compared Guo Meng to goods. Suddenly Guo Meng's face turned pale and white, but Zhao Jin smiled with her mouth covered. She was the first time to see Jiang Ruan as aggressive and never knew Jiang Ruan was What can be said, Guo 5-Xiaojie, who only said a few words down, has no face to face.
            "Guo 5-Xiaojie did not fall in love but Zhao 3-Shaoye was responsible. It was too strange, or Guo 5-Xiaojie was still innocent. The only thing that happened was just a misunderstanding. Either ... "Jiang Ruan looked at her doubtfully  :  " Can it be Guo 5-Xiaojie is not a virgin? "
            "Hey-" Zhao Feizhou was happy, only that Jiang Ruan was no different from his own second uncle. The mildness of the words was actually cursing and turning people around. No matter how he answered, Guo Meng was not a person inside or outside.
            Guo Mengji smoke ring was a little red, and her heart was surprised. Although she was Shu Daughter, she also counted Zhao Feizhou with a sullen expression on her face, but she was still out of the cabinet. I didn't want to talk about the words of Jiang Ruan today, she was speechless, but she felt panicked. Now, if she admits that this is a misunderstanding, she will not be reconciled, but as Jiang Ruan said, if there is any rumor that is not innocent, she is in control and others see her. The vision is also different.
            Guo Meng couldn't hold his breath, and asked in panic  :   "Is the County Owner favoring because he is a relative of Zhao 3-Shaoye? This is too unfair. Can the royal people bully people at will?"
            Jiang Ruan laughed with a chuckle, and his eyes were astonishing, and he only said, “I never said that I was a relative with Zhao 3-Shaoye, why did Guo 5-Xiaojie come with an open mouth?”
            Zhao Feizhou expression narrowed, and Zhao Jin stopped laughing. Although Zhao Feizhou was straight-headed, he was not stupid. Hearing about Jiang Ruan, he immediately understood that he was being counted. He inherited Zhao Yuanfeng temper, and he was so hot that he thought it was just a misunderstanding. So he did not do anything to Guo 5-Xiaojie, but at this moment he was furious and stepped forward  :   "You dare to count me "
            "I don't know what Bai-County Owner is talking about?" Guo Meng knew she was silent, but bite to death. I was so annoyed that this Hong-An County Owner was more difficult than rumored. Today's things are about to be seen, but she is so confused, but it is no longer possible to succeed. Hate and angry for a moment.
            Jiang Ruan said indifferently  :   "Don't Guo 5-Xiaojie understand? This County Owner can explain for Guo 5-Xiaojie?"
            "Ruan Mei-mei, what do you want to explain?" Zhao Jin also cooperated very well.
            "Guo 5-Xiaojie, the man in General’s Mansion is the best. The Jin-Di Daughters in Capital City all want to marry Zhao family, but if everyone counts with such poor means, you’re afraid of the general. The government is already overcrowded. I really don’t understand, a Shu Daughter, where does the guts come to think of General’s Government? "
            Guo Meng jumped in his heart and looked up at Jiang Ruan. I just felt that the girl was surrounded by a lotus-colored blue skirt, which was clearly bright and flowery, but was coated with a black sun for no reason. Seems like ... the charm from the bones of hell, beautiful but scary.
            "Country Owner, this is just a misunderstanding." Guo Meng was a decisive decision. As Shu Daughter, he knew best to see the wind and make the rudder in his house. Seeing that things were no longer possible, Jiang Ruan was not a bad stubble. It will only be her who suffers from the entanglement. Even if the waitress loves her more than her sister-zi, she will not forgive her when she learns that she has guilty Hong-An County Owner.
            Guo Meng reluctantly laughed and said, "I seem to have some misunderstanding with Zhao 3-Shaoye. Now the misunderstanding is resolved, but it's okay. I blame Zhao 3-Shaoye. I told Zhao 3-Shaoye is not. "
            Zhao Feizhou was a bit annoyed. He was in the military commander's family. He usually didn't deal with women at all. His Aunt mothers were kind temperers, and their homes were peaceful. There had never been any women in other mansions fighting. I've never seen such a brazen person before, so I didn't know what to say.
            Zhao Jin also said  :   "Guo 5-Xiaojie, your apology is really not sincere."
            Jiang Ruan looked at Guo Meng and said, "You didn't blame him."
            Zhao Feizhou froze and looked at Jiang Ruan in a puzzled way. Guo Meng didn't understand what Jiang Ruan meant, and stared at her expression.
            Jiang Ruan smiled lightly  :   "Guo 5-Xiaojie, do something wrong and run away. Did anyone tell you it was dangerous?"
            Guo Meng was shocked. There was an unpredictable hunch in his instinct. Looking at Jiang Ruan's expression, he couldn't care about anything else, and yelled when he opened his mouth.
            "Tianzhu, stun her," Jiang Ruan began. As soon as the words fell, before Guo Meng called out, she saw that the mule who had been silent behind Jiang Ruan leaped up, Guo Meng only felt that his eyes were black and he could see nothing.
            Guo Meng's body fell softly on the grass, Zhao Jin frowned, Zhao Feizhou asked, "You ... What do you want to do?"
            Jiang Ruan looked at the people on the ground  :   "I don't have much patience to rescue you the next time you are stupid. If you do this again, the Zhao family will be killed by you sooner or later." She smirked  :   "Tianzhu, take Guo 5-Xiaojie goes to the show. "

            Chapter 138  :   A Disaster    

            Zhao Feizhou is now a fierce young man Lang. He didn't want to be underestimated by Jiang Ruan today. Jiang Ruan instructed Tian Zhu to throw Guo Meng to the rockery near the pond. Tian Zhu spared no effort, Guo Meng's head hit the rockery, and immediately a trace of blood shed.
            Although the people present were somewhat surprised, they did not stop. Zhao Jin usually hates such a stabbing man behind him. Zhao Feizhou need not say. Tian Zhu took a small porcelain bottle out of her arms and shook it under Guo Meng's nose. She stood up randomly and said, "Miss, she can't wake up in two hours."
            Zhao Feizhou stared at Guo Meng's every move, a little strange, and asked, "Why did you Maid also martial arts? Where did you find it?" Zhao Feizhou himself is also a martial arts practitioner. Naturally, he can see that Guo Meng's martial arts are not weak.
            Jiang Ruan glanced into the distance. On the other side, Luzhu hurriedly hurriedly came  :   "Miss, Xia two Madam and several Madam are coming here."
            If it was the Xia family, Jiang Ruan's eyes flashed, and he said, "Very well, Our, please go around and avoid."
            However, it was said that a group of people came in from outside the forest, headed by Jun Shou Fu-ren. Shen Rou talked to her, but Yu Ya eyes had been patrolling in the forest, and she seemed to be looking for something.
            A Maid next to Yu Ya walked in front and suddenly exclaimed  :   "There seems to be someone over there!"
            Several Fu-ren's faces were surprised, but Maid seemed to have encountered something difficult to tell. A flash of joy flashed in Yu Ya eyes, but she solemnly said  :   "What's the random name, are there any rules?"
            "Xia-Madam, don't rush to teach someone," Jun Shou Fu-ren patted her hand and asked the Maid  :   "What's wrong? See what people have to make a fuss about?"
            The Maid shuddered and kept his head down. When you saw her look, everyone in Fu-ren was confused and speculative. Today Jinju Banquet is for those Xiaojie gongzi brothers. If there is someone who is exceptional, privately ... Most people like to watch lively, especially women's home. Moreover, these Fu-ren are also worried that their daughters or sons will stir them up, and there will be some dilemmas for a while.
            Seeing this, Yu Ya said, "This Maid has become more and more stateless recently, so I went to see what caused her to be so astonished." Then she stepped forward.
            As Yu Ya moved forward, the other Fu-rens had no reason to stay, only to follow up. Shen Rou eyes thoughtfully swayed around Yu Ya body, and the corner of her mouth twitched, and she just showed a pleasant smile.
            But they said that everyone came forward, but was shocked by the sight in front of them. I saw a woman lying on the rock near the pond. The clothes and jewelry were intact, but there was a blood on his forehead. It was shocking and suspicious. .
            Concubine, the waiter’s family, immediately exclaimed  :   "Dream!"
            The waiter Fu-ren is seriously ill in bed now and can no longer go to the banquet. Instead, Concubine, who had given birth to Guo Gongzi and Xiaojie, brought a few to the Jinju banquet.
            The servant’s concubine was originally a small song sing in the drama team. He used to do that to please his men. When he came to the banquet today, he wore a bright and colorful one. The jewellery on his head just felt like shaking the crowd. I didn't know she thought she was looking at her husband-zi, not her daughter. Most of the Fu-rens present were in the front room, and there were very few side rooms. Concubine has been sitting on the cold bench from now until now, and is very dissatisfied. At this moment, a daughter has an accident, but she can't care about anything. She rushed forward and hugged Guo Meng in her arms. Arms.
            After seeing the scar on Guo Meng's head, Concubine ‘Called  :   "Which medicine is it that hurts my dreams! The good-looking ones will break the picture, and how will they get married in the future. Her voice was sharp and unpleasant, and everyone frowned slightly. Concubine didn't notice it, but ‘Called at the county guard Fu-ren  :   "My dream was at Fu-ren's house, Fu Ren must find the screwdriver and punish him severely, wait for me to find out, and see if I pull his skin! "
            In the end, it is someone who can't stand on his body, and speaks and acts with a vixen in the stock market well, and without saying this nasty words, it is impolite that even the county defender Fu-ren blame and don't know clearly. Although the county guards should also be responsible for this matter, but with the attitude of Concubine, it immediately made people three-point sympathy for Guo Mengqi disappear.
            "Fu-ren, don't worry," it was Zhao 2-Madam Yao Shi couldn't stand it, and said, "Look at Xian's injury, right?"
            This mother-zi only cares about her uncle, but she doesn't see how her daughter is hurt. When the Fu-ren heard this, they were even more scornful of Concubine. Concubine has a means in front of the waiter, but in front of these ladies, Madam, there is no brain, and she can't detect the changes in her eyes. Just hurried Guo Meng in his arms  :   "Menger, Menger?"
            Guo Meng's eyes were closed and he never moved, such as the eyebrow Concubine was anxious, he could not make any more splashes, panicked  :   "What to do? Menger does not wake up? What happened?"
            Yu Ya frowned tightly, and Maid, who had just been embarrassed, lowered her head in panic. It shouldn't be like this, how could it be like this? I have explained it before. When they come over, what they should see is Zhao Feizhou staying with Guo Meng, Guo Meng was bullied and crying, and Zhao Feizhou was irresponsible. Why is Zhao Feizhou shadow missing now, but Guo Meng has suffered such a serious injury?
            Yu Ya had already inquired about it. Although Zhao Feizhou followed Zhao Yuanfeng in his temperament, he was not a person who would shoot for no reason, and the Zhao family would not beat the woman casually. How can this be? Just listen to Jun Shou Fu-ren  :   "Come here, help Guo Miss, go to the house, take Lao-ye post and ask the doctor."
            When the Maids brought the unconscious Guo Mengfu to the back of the room, the doctor hadn't come over yet, Yu Ya rolled her eyes and said, "The man dared to hurt Guo Miss in the government, it must be the government. Li. There are so many people coming to Jinju Banquet today, and it is inevitable that people will have a lot of eyes. It’s better to ask someone to ask, Guo Miss, with whom?
            Jun Shou Fu-ren thought she was right, so she went to find someone to preach, just to say if anyone saw him, who was Guo Meng with today?
            The rumored Maid returned soon, saying that the young Maid from Sasao had met. Today Guo Meng and Zhao Feizhou walked to one place.
            As soon as this word came out, Yao Shi eyelids jumped. Today she came with Zhao Yulong and Zhao Feizhou. Zhao Yulong and Zhao Feizhou have now reached the age of pro, and the two children who are born as children are both stone. Generally, I don’t have an intimate idea with which Miss. After discussing with Zhou-shi, Yao shi brought his son and zhi-zi together. Who knows what happened.
            Yao Shi was born from Shuxiang Mendi. He had been paying attention to rules and etiquette since he was a child. He was annoyed when he heard the words  :   "I was watching the child, Feizhou, and he would never do such a next thing!"
            "I know people, I don't know my heart." Yu Ya said  :   "Besides, I didn't say anything, I just saw Zhao 3-Shaoye and Guo Miss. They were all in one place. What was Zhao-Madam worried about?"
            "You—" Yao Shi was furious. After seeing Yu Ya provocation, looking at Shen Rou on one side, she remembered something. At that time, the story of Jiang Ruan passed to Zhao family. It was this woman who was Xia Jun's mother. He was so deliberately provoked today, wasn't she just getting revenge?
            Concubine ‘called in fear that the world would not be chaotic  :   "It was you! I didn't expect Zhao 3-Shaoye to be such a shameless person, I don't care, Zhao 3-Shaoye hurt my dream, I just Look for someone to tell me Lao-ye, that is to go to the government, and you can't ask for benefits! "
            "As an eyebrow Concubine," Yao Shi was really angry, and said forcefully, word by word  :   "Dare to ask why my flying boat hurts your daughter? For no reason, there is always a reason."
            "Xu is your son's beautiful look at Menger, and he has such a pickled heart, Menger doesn't comply, and is hurt by your son's shame and anger!" Rucub Concubine said without a face and skin, The surrounding Fu-ren also laughed. It's as if Concubine is really a vixen, but I don't know what effect these words will have on her daughter. I am afraid that it will be difficult for Guo Meng to find a good family in the future as soon as things go out. Mother and daughter are so shameless, where can the daughter go?
            Concubine said as cheerful as the eyebrows, but I don't know that the Zhao family has always taken care of themselves, let alone a soft persimmon that anyone can handle. It was Yao Shi who had looked at the softness and had been married to the Zhao family for so many years, and had some bravery in the bones. He smirked at once  :   "As a concubine, I used to laugh and laugh. What kind of Miss is Feizhou? I have to find a Shu Daughter, but I think Concubine thinks that Guo Miss will sing a few songs, and Feizhou likes to be tight. I don't know how it compares to the little peach on the stage in Capital City East Street? "
            The surrounding Fu-ren also had a good relationship with Yao Shi, and knew that Yao Shi would not say such mean words with his usual temper. Today, I was forced to get so angry that I was really angry.
            After Yao Shi said this, even Jun Shou Fu-ren wanted to laugh. A good song sung by the little peach in the East Street stage, ushered in every day, I don't know how much Guan-Lao-ye is involved. Yao Shi words are not poisonous.
            Yu Ya heart did not expect Yao Shi, who was bullied, to be so sharp. Concubine in that room also heard the irony of Yao Shi in her words. She only hated some liver pain, but she was not as alert as Yao Shi, so she couldn't think of a reply.
            Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stagnant, they heard footsteps from outside, but it was the noble girls who were playing in the yard.
            Walking in front is the Guo family Big-Xiaojie Guo Xiang, Fang walked to the door, looked at her viciously and reprimanded  :   "Big-Xiaojie, how can you get out with Menger? Enjoying the game is what happened to Menger. How did your eldest sister behave? Didn’t Chengdu know that it would be Gu-Mei-mei? ”
            Guo Big-Xiaojie is only fifteen or sixteen years old this year. Because her mother is still seriously ill, she only wore a dark green gown, very plain, her brow and eyes were as light and quiet as the whole person. When I heard Concubine vicious complaint, I shook my head  :   "Concubine, I am not a flatworm in a charming belly. How can I follow her all the time. Besides, I also asked Wumei to join me, it was Wumei herself. Rejected. "
            As he frowned, he saw another Xiaojie next to Guo Xiang  :   "Yes, Sister Guo had to go with Guo 5-Xiaojie before, who knows Guo 5-Xiaojie Not only is he unwilling to be with Sister Guo, but he is also abusing Sister Guo. "
            The noble ladies around nodded, saying that they had seen it with their own eyes. The ladies did not despise Shu Daughter, not to mention Guo Meng temper is really not very pleasing, sympathizing with Guo Xiang, he would step on Guo Meng without leaving any room. Concubine spit blood in anger, but there are so many noble girls, and they must not be angered, so she has to anger her and glared at Guo Xiang.
            Guo Xiang was unmoved, but Yu Ya gaze flashed, and landed on Jiang Ruan who was next to Zhao Jin. As if he noticed the eyebrow-like eyes, Jiang Ruan raised his eyes and smiled slightly at her, and at the moment Yu Ya heart floated into an unknown feeling, only that something seemed to be missing.
            "Concubine, Wumei was killed like this." Guo Xiang said.
            "What?" Rumei asked immediately, "Do you know who it is?"
            "This ..." Guo Xiang was a little bit embarrassed, but Zhao Jin said  :   "Because Guo 5-Xiaojie broke someone else secret."
            "What secret?" Ru Mei asked closely, but Zhao Jin was a little embarrassed and refused to say any more.
            "What's the secret?" Seeing Zhao Jin like this, even more anxious in his eyebrows, he just reached out and pulled a hand of Zhao Jin's sleeve, Zhao-Fu-ren saw this, frowned slightly.
            The Xiaojie who just spoke for Guo Xiang said, "Hey, everyone heard it just now, it's no secret now."
            This Xiaojie is a young Xiaojie from the scholar's family. He has not yet reached the level this year, but at the age of eleven or twelve, he doesn't have so many scruples. The noble ladies present looked at each other and bowed their heads. It seems that this secret is extremely difficult to tell, and it cannot be mentioned.
            Yu Ya jumped in her heart and looked at Jiang Ruan. The smile on Jiang Ruan's lips seemed to deepen, and there was something weird about it. She stared at Jiang Ruan tightly, her brows gradually frowning.
            "What the hell is it?" Junshou Fu-ren said softly, "Speak out, not afraid."
            The young Xiaojie didn't care  :   “Just say it, the secret is to say that the Xia family Big-Xiaojie is a 2-Lao-ye child.”
            As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked!
            Shen Rou, who was originally watching the drama on the wall, did not expect that the front of the words would turn around her head, and she turned pale.
            "What the hell is this?" Yu Ya asked sharply, subconsciously looking at Shen Rou, and seeing that Shen Rou face was not as normal as before. After a pause in his heart, a heart sank slowly, suddenly Overwhelming hatred.
            She and Shen Rou have been fighting for so many years, and she understands what Shen Rou expression means, which means that what the Xiaojie just said ... is true.
            When she entered the gate of Xia house, she knew that Xia Jun was born with love, but she gave birth to Xia Jun, and since she was seated in the position of head mother, no matter how chaotic the summer was, she still had to take care of her thirds.
            It’s just that Yu Ya is a mean person, and she is jealous. The Xia family's big room was born in the summer, but he married a beautiful wife like Shen Rou. A woman's family always wants to compare herself. She doesn't like Shen Rou birth of a daughter and her husband's love, but she has no heart for her son Xia Xia. The thing that I hate most is that she only occasionally inadvertently lingered on Shen Rou in the summer, full of appreciation.
            Now thinking about it, it turns out that the two of them have already had their heads and tails. No wonder, it was only summer that they could not say their brother's affection was very kind, but they really loved Xia Jiaojiao, Zhi-nu. It turned out that Xia Jiaojiao was simply the cheap of the two of them!
            Uncle Sao has the head and tail, and Xia Yi is wearing a green hat and raising a daughter for someone else.
            "Let's do it," Jiang Ruan said lightly  :   "Our only here is here, a little Maid came, but it was frightened. Just said Guo 5-Xiaojie broke the Xia family Secret, the man killed Guo 5-Xiaojie and killed her. The little Maid was so scared, and after further questioning by Our, he told the secret. It was just like this now. "
            "Wow, it turned out that you harmed my dream!" Ru Meiben was a temper that made the rudder see the wind, and immediately turned around when he heard this, and sipped at Yu Ya and Shen Rou  :   "You I did an unsightly ugly thing, and I wanted to kill people. If there were any mistakes in my dream, I Lao-ye will not let you go! "
            Yu Ya took a deep breath, knowing that it wasn't the time to investigate the other, if Xia family really spread unfavorable rumors, it would not be a good thing for her. By the way  :   "Rubby Concubine just judged whether it was too arbitrary based on a little Maid who didn't know where to come out. My sister and I were right here from beginning to end. Where did you come from to kill Guo 5-Miss? "
            "It's ..." like a frown.
            Jiang Ruan smiled  :   "Why don't you see Maid next to Xia 2-Madam?"
            Generally speaking, Fu-ren will be accompanied by two Maids, but from the beginning to the present, there is only one Maid beside Yu Ya, and the other Maid has never appeared. That is to say, it took too long to get some other things, but it was too long.
            When Yu Ya face changed, she knew where Maid had gone. That Maid was hiding here and letting Zhao Feizhou meet Guo Meng, but now he hasn't returned. Naturally, she couldn't tell the truth, but Jiang Ruan didn't give her time to react at all. He walked up to Guo Meng who was lying on the couch, and twisted a trace of Juanpa gently, and said softly, "How is this papar like something strange ..."
            It happened that the doctor who had seen Guo Meng's injury had finished the prescription, and came over to take the papa in the hands of Jiang Ruan, and said, "The old husband just saw this Miss, but he was stunned by the drug. There is a smell of medicine on this parcel. "

            Chapter 139  :   Scandal Exposure    

            "Medicated?" Rucub Concubine exclaimed, "How did the injury on the forehead come from?"
            "This ..." The doctor groaned a bit  :   "It was about where I was after taking the drug, maybe it was hit by a deliberate hard object, but fortunately, I didn't have much strength, and it was okay to drink a few medicines for some days Now. "
            "When can my daughter wake up?" Ru Mei asked.
            "No problem," the doctor glanced at Guo Meng on the couch  :   "As long as the expensive medicine is over, the drug will wake up."
            Jun Shou Fu-ren nodded his thanks quickly, and let Yatou take the doctor to catch the medicine. The atmosphere was deadlocked for a while. Jiang Ruan chuckled  :   "This ... Zhao 3-Shaoye, a magnificent seven-foot man, will never take a piece of handkerchief to hurt someone. The flower is embroidered on this handkerchief. ... women's things. "
            When everyone heard this, they felt polite. Not to mention that Zhao Feizhou was a good young man, how could he bring a piece of papa on his body for no reason. Look at the flowers and grasses embroidered on the post, it is even less likely to be a man's thing.
            As sharp as her eyebrows, she could see the look of that papa at a glance, and she naturally knew that it was Guo Meng's papa. Although I don't know why Guo Meng put the medicine on the parcel, what happened now is to rely on others. Xia-Houfu can also be regarded as a noble home, and may be able to get something cheap from it, otherwise, Guo Meng will have to eat nothing. Therefore, Ru Mei immediately said  :   "Exactly, I didn't expect Xia-Madam to be so cruel and ruthless. This Pai must have fallen from your Maid. Hmm, your Maid has fainted Menger with Pai, and wants to kill people , Pour the dirty water on Zhao 3-Shaoye body! Really good plan. "
            Both Shen Rou and Yu Ya complexion changed, and Yu Ya was even more angry. After listening to Shen Rou affairs, she had not turned around, and did not want to be frowned. She looked at Jiang Ruan fiercely. If it is said that the matter of today has nothing to do with Jiang Ruan, she won't believe it! It must be her stalk, this little bastard!
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly and looked back at her gaze. If the end of her eyes rose up, a mocking provocation was uttered.
            Yu Ya just felt that the blood was rushing to her forehead, and her voice couldn't help sharpening  :   "Why would I send someone to kill your daughter, and it wasn't me who committed adultery? I didn't do anything unsightly!" She was furious In the end, I actually blurted out the words in my heart, and the resentment in the tone surprised the present Fu-ren and Xiaojie. Immediately looking at her and Shenrou expression is different.
            Shen Rou was shaky, and today's news spread, the reputation of the Xia family was ruined. What was waiting for her was unknown. It was only in the Dajin Dynasty that if the uncle Sao had a head and tail in the official family, men would not be able to lift their heads for a lifetime, and women would be immersed in pig cages. This was the case, and Xia Jiaojiao second half of life was ruined.
            Ru Mei was not a good talker, and she immediately laughed, and took out the spiky energy that was originally a pillar on the stage  :   "You have to protect yourself, you didn't do those things, but your husband is ugly If that ugly thing is passed on, your Fu-ren will be ruined. You want to hurt my dream and cover up the ugly thing in Xiafu. I want to say, let everyone know ‘Called like a brow and ‘called, "Come! Xia 2-Madam wants to cover up the scandal of Xiafu and destroy my Miss, Xia 2-Madam kills people, Xia Family Big-Young Lady was born by Xia Big-Madam and Xia 2-Master— "
            For example, the eyebrow was originally a singer, and she was very full of qi. In this breath, she could not breathe with one breath, her voice was loud, and she yelled hundreds of times.
            Everyone around them was foolish, and it was so eyebrow-like that they didn't put identity etiquette in their eyes and ‘called. Even though Yu Ya has been acting for many years, she has never seen such a woman who does not act according to common sense. For a time, she forgot to stop her.
            The crowd was both surprised and funny, and Zhao Jin almost fainted before laughing, biting her ear with Jiang Ruan and saying, "Well a desk, this throat is really amazing!"
            Shen Rou was called like this, her eyes were doubled, and the inner son and the outer son were all gone today. She simply passed out and fainted. Maid around her helped her up at first sight and said, "Fu-ren, I Madam is a little unwell, I'm afraid he going to faint. I would like to ask Fu-ren to let me put Madam in for a rest. "
            The county guard Fu-ren responded. Xia family was left with only Yu Ya. Yu Ya heart was very soft and cunning, and Zhao Mei had a faint pleasure in her heart. Shen Rou did such ugly things and was known by such an entire city called Lu Minger. Where can Shen Rou live cheaply? Now she saw Shen Rou avoiding the back room, and she wanted to do the same. That eyebrow is the tip of the eye, while yelling and staring closely at Yu Ya movements, seeing that she is about to faint and immediately stepped forward in three or two steps and grabbed Yu Ya shoulder and said, "Xia 2-Madam, you treat my family dream If you look like this, you can’t turn your face and don’t recognize you! It’s better to see the officials with me, you will be in the public hall, you will be ignorant!
            Yu Ya was swaying like an eyebrow, but she couldn't faint when she wanted to faint. She was so angry that Guo Meng had such a difficult mother-zi. It's not good to be tangled up like this, Yu Ya was about to get angry, so she heard another footsteps outside, a voice came out far away  :   "Mother, are you okay?"
            A group of gongzi brothers rushed in. I wanted to come and listened to the hurried movement here. The young man headed was in a white gown, with a crown like jade, and his expression was somewhat clever, with a folding fan around his waist. Looking at the wisdom and spirit, it is Zhao Family 2-Shaoye, Zhao Yulong.
            Zhao Feizhou closely followed Zhao Yulong, and when he entered the door, he looked at Jiang Ruan, saw Jiang Ruan look as usual, smiled on his lips, and then looked at the embarrassment of Yu Ya and Rucub Concubine. , Look relaxed.
            Yao Shi saw both his son and zhi-zi came over, and there was nothing wrong with seeing both of them. He also relieved himself and said, "What are you doing here?" Shaoye saw these pickled things. The thought of these people just wanted to pour the dirty water on Zhao Feizhou body.
            Zhao Feizhou and Zhao Yulong noticed Yao Shi anger. Zhao Yulong said, "I heard the movement here, and hurried over in a moment of anxiety. Please forgive Fu-ren for forgiveness."
            He was polite and talented, and the Fu-ren Xiaojie presents were so happy when they met, and they wanted to go out and blame him. Seeing Zhao Yulong doing this, Yu Ya could not help thinking of Xia Jun, and she felt a pain in her heart, and looking at Zhao Yulong was not vicious.
            Then behind a group of gongzi brothers, there was a petite figure, fluttering in white, who was not Jiang Susu?
            Just now Xiaojie are all here, everyone only cares about Guo Meng, but they never noticed Jiang Susu absence. At this moment, I saw Jiang Susu walking in with the male relatives, knowing, looking at Jiang Susu. His eyes were full of contempt. Looking at the Jiang Family 2-Xiaojie's clean and dust-free appearance, everyone knows that it is restless. Secretly seeing the teenagers is fine. This actually appeared face to face.
            Jiang Susu doesn't care about those eyes. To say that she is not unharmed today. Several gongzi brothers have already put her heart on her. Jiang Susu has been satisfied from it. It's just that although these people have noble children, they are still far from the place she expected. Thinking of 8-Prince announcement, Jiang Susu felt a little worried, but he hadn't seen him for a long time.
            It was just that the Xia family had a connection with her, Jiang Susu still frowned and asked softly, "Second aunt, what happened?"
            Concubine glanced at Jiang Susu, and was disdainful in her heart. This Jiang Susu is so beautiful, but she compares her Guo Meng, and her tone is not very good  :   "It is a good thing that you, the second aunt, have done today. Killed by this vicious woman! "
            Zhao Feizhou eyes jumped, he looked at Jiang Ruan involuntarily. Before Jiang Ruan made Tian Zhu faint Guo Meng and let him go back quickly, Zhao Feizhou didn't want to, but Jiang Ruan's cold appearance really made him uncomfortable, and he should also respond. Jiang Ruan told him to tell Zhao Yulong the original thing after returning. After listening to Zhao Feizhou words, Zhao Yulong thought for a moment, and then asked Zhao Feizhou not to speak up. After waiting for a while to hear the news from Xiyuan, Zhao Yulong just seemed to inadvertently ask all the brothers to take a look.
            Zhao Yulong's eyes bent slightly, looking at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan noticed his gaze, and returned a small smile. Zhao Yulong is the son of Zhao Yuanping and inherited Zhao Yuanping's cunningness. He is very satisfied with this cousin's behavior. After exchanging an expression that they didn't know each other, the two looked away.
            There was Xiaojie who was full of admiration for Zhao Yulong, and spoke to Zhao Yulong carefully what happened. After listening, Zhao Yulong frowned, and asked, "So, can Maid and Xia 2-Fu-ren next to Maid be found now?"
            "I've been looking for it," Jun Mori Fu-ren said. "It's just that both people are missing."
            One of the members of the gongzi brother group sighed broadly  :   "What can be guessed, it must have been the murderous Maid who killed the whistleblower Maid, knowing that the matter was revealed, and he fled, so he could not find it!"
            As soon as this remark came out, everyone was silent again. This remark was very likely and very natural. Looking at Yu Ya was a little different. Yu Ya was so anxious that finding the two Maids could prove her innocence, at least it was not that she was letting people murder Guo 5-Miss. But the two of them suddenly disappeared and could not be found. She couldn't help looking at Jiang Ruan. Could it be the ghost of Jiang Ruan?
            The smile on Jiang Ruan's lips did not fall from the beginning. The whistle-blowing Maid could not be found throughout the county guard house, because it was not a Maid. Although Jinsan is a killer, he also disguised himself in disguise. It is that these Xiaojie have never been suspicious. As for Yatou next to Yu Ya, it will never be possible to return.
            At present, Yu Ya is really difficult to ride a tiger, such as the eyebrows are pressing, Guo Sheng Meng is in a drug and does not know when she can wake up. Today is really a steal without chicken. Anxious and angry, she could only stiffly repeat, "I didn't order someone to harm Guo Meng." Unfortunately, no one believed her words.
            In the stalemate, someone hurried to report. It only said that Xia-Houye asked Yu Ya and Shen Rou to return home immediately, and Xia-Houye must have heard the news before such a rumor. When thinking of Shen Rou end, Yu Ya heart rose with pleasurance, but Xia Cheng's anger was always terrible, and she was also worried about her own suffering.
            Although the eyebrows are like shrews, they are also savvy. Knowing that the Xia family is still the master of Xia Cheng, annoyed that Xia Cheng is not good for Lao-ye. In the presence of all the Fu-rens today, Yu Ya has almost no room for refusal. Xiafu will not run, and the monk can’t run the temple. Sooner or later, the Xia family will give her a statement. Now that Xia Cheng knows it, he is not in a hurry, Xia-Houye is for the sake of his own government and not criticized by outsiders, and he will try to make up for it.
            Therefore, Concubine made a sad attitude  :   "Well, I want Xia-Houye to know Xia-Madam before going back to discuss it. I am not the unreasonable person. Now Menger is not awake, Wait for Menger to wake up, let's talk about this matter slowly. At that time, I hope Xia-Houfu can give Menger a clear statement. "
            Yu Ya was angry again in her heart and responded fiercely, teaching Maid to enter the inner room to call Shenrou. After a while, she saw that she was following Maid with a pale face, and the two of them hurried to leave with the county guard Fu-ren, and fled with Maid in the desert. This embarrassing look, where the spirit of the time when he came before, even forgot Jiang Susu and Jiang Ruan.
            However, Jiang Susu and Jiang Ruan are not suitable for Xiafu.
            Such a thing happened, but it was still early, and the county guard Fu-ren was unwilling to have a good party and was confused by this inexplicable thing. Please do not take this accident to heart, please continue to enjoy the flowers.
            It’s not good for everyone to take care of Fu-ren’s interest, but it has just happened. How can it be like the previous state of mind? When we start again, the topic of discussion is not flowers, not even Fancy "she" or "he". It's this secret of Xia-Houfu, which I think is a wonderful talk.
            Guo Meng hasn't awoken yet, Jun Shou Fu-ren keeps her servants guarding her. For example, Concubine seems to have been wronged by Tianda, and has been crying with the county guard Fu-ren, and the county guard Fu-ren is somewhat annoyed, until it is guaranteed that the county guard will also give the Guo family 5-Xiaojie Just make up for it, Rumei just put away the crying face.
            As time passed, I watched as the sky was getting dark, and when it was time to leave, Zhao Jin and Jiang Ruan talked about this and shook their heads  :   "That Concubine is really a must-have. The countertop, even Qiesh, has done too much. Seeing what she said to the county guard Fu-ren, it looks like a poor relative who came to fight against the autumn wind. I want to take whatever I see. It's unheard of. "
            Jiang Ruan smiled and shook his head, just happened to meet the brothers Zhao Yulong and Zhao Feizhou, and met Jiang Ruan. Zhao Feizhou said, "Cousin, Damu said that you will wait in a carriage with Our, Send you back to Jiangfu. "
            Yu Ya and Shen Rou fled, but she and Jiang Susu were still returning home. Jiang Ruan nodded. Zhao Yulong looked at her with interest, and did not evade suspicion  :   "The cousin is really smart and smart, and today's measures are amazing."
            "Cousin knows the icing on the cake." Jiang Ruan replied lightly.
            The two of them fell into Zhao Feizhou ears in ‘mute words, but they felt confused and scratched their heads  :   "What do you two say?
            Zhao Yulong took a deep look at Jiang Ruan  :   "Anyway, I would like to thank you for the Zhao family." Although Zhao Yulong is about the same age as Zhao Feizhou, he is more mature than Zhao Feizhou. I have always felt that Jiang Ruan's mind is too cold, and he has more use of the general's mansion. If he talks about love, he really can't see it. Today it is to help, if it is not Jiang Ruan, I am afraid that it was Zhao Feizhou who was the victim of the Jin Ju feast at the end. If Guo Meng really entered the Zhao door, he might have another storm. Jiang Ruan's willingness to help each other shows that there is still some affection for the Zhao family.
            "No need to thank, Xia Jiaben came to me." Jiang Ruan answered. Why does Yu Ya good people calculate the general's mansion, hasn't she wanted to get revenge on Zhao family for her anger? Now that Jiang Xinzhi Tian Gao Emperor can't do anything at all, her identity of County Owner makes Yu Ya a little bit frightened. However, Zhao Feizhou was a big bully, and he came up with such a shameful method.
            What Zhao Yulong was about to say, he heard another sharp female voice  :   "Jiang Ruan! Zhao Feizhou!"
            Who was Guo Meng who was aggressive with a questioning attitude? Guo Meng was suffering, and he was inexplicably out of phase, but when he woke up, he could hear something else. Now Liang Zi and Yu Ya had settled, and it was too late to say anything. When I came out and saw Jiang Ruan, why not be so angry?
            Jiang Ruan raised her eyebrows. After two hours, Guo Meng was awake, but she just put on such a gesture. It should be said that the Guo family 5-Xiaojie is not as much as her mother. clever.
            Guo Meng rushed to Jiang Ruan and said angrily, "You should count me, you ..."
            "Shut up," but another female voice came, with a harsh tone. Looking back, it was the Guo family Big-Xiaojie Guo Xiang.
            "It's you! Did you count them with me?" Guo Meng met Guo Xiang, but was even more arrogant. He asked with a loud voice, but it was similar to Jiang Fu Jiang Yan.
            With a slam, Guo Xiang gave Guo Meng a slap crisply, which made several people slap. Guo Xiang's face was cold and his tone was slightly cold  :   "This slap is to teach you what to say , What shouldn't be said. "
            She looked at Jiang Ruan again. The Guo family Big-Xiaojie acted decently and decisively, and she quietly gave a salute to Jiang Ruan. Look out for the magnanimity of County Owner. "
            "No problem." Jiang Ruan smiled softly.


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