Houmen Dinu 235

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 Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        After listening to everything, Tang Jinrui didn't know what to say. For a while, he was silent and stared at Su Jinsong with complex eyes.
        I saw Su Jinsong lower his head, his shoulders collapsed, and he looked up from time to time to look at Tang Jinrui, apparently very nervous, and a little afraid that Tang Jinrui would blame him for this, or even break him off.
        After a while, Su Jinsong spoke first. "Now I have told everything to Brother Tang, and I feel much more comfortable. To be honest with Brother Tang, since I have used Brother Tang's mind, every time I face Tang When I was brother, my heart was heavy, just like blocking a big rock. Now I feel more comfortable now. If Brother Tang wants to blame me, it should be.
        Brother Tang treats me with sincerity, but I don't treat brother Tang with sincerity. "
        Tang Jinrui said, "Brother Su, I'll tell you the truth too. After listening to everything you have said, if I'm really not angry at all, that's absolutely false. I'm not a saint. With deception, there is always awkwardness in my heart.
        But think about it, Brother Su, you did nothing wrong. Brother Su, you have had a bad living environment since you were young, and it can even be said to be difficult. In this case, Brother Su, if you can't count, then it can only be fish on other people chopping boards, and let them be slaughtered. Brother Su will not have today's achievements.
        Brother Su said he was trying to deceive me, but it was just a trivial matter and he never hurt me. If I broke up with Brother Su just because of this little thing, then who is my Tang Jinrui? Am I too careful. If it is not grand in the officialdom, I am afraid that the way forward is not to go far. "
        Su Jinsong's eyes flashed with tears faintly, his lips fluttered, and he said for a long time, "I can't reach Brother Tang's atmosphere and vast heart. I am really ashamed of myself compared to Brother Tang. Brother, I just want to ask, do you still treat me as a friend? "
        Tang Jinrui eyes were full of sincerity, "Yes."
        "Then I also treat Brother Tang as a friend, sincerely, an absolute friend!"
        Tang Jinrui and Su Jinsong smiled at each other, and a firm friendship between the two men was established.
        After speaking, Tang Jinrui couldn't help but say, "Brother Su, I'm a little curious. Su Ji Lao Ming can simply take back the property of your stepmother and occupy your biological mother, but why didn't Su Ji Lao do that? "
        "Maybe I couldn't get into Our Grandfather's eyes at the time, or in the eyes of Our Grandfather, these were just trivial matters. Our Grandfather disdain."
        Gu Ming-qing His eyes were so quiet, he suddenly said, "I guess not."
        Suddenly Su Jinsong asked, "I don't know what Sao Fu-ren thinks."
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "Where do I have any opinions. I just guess. Su gongzi, I take the liberty to ask if your father and uncle are not very successful."
        "Our Grandfather has only two sons, both of whom are stunned. My father and my uncle are indeed far worse than Our Grandfather. Even when I was a kid, I occasionally heard Grandfather sigh and said no one succeeded."
        "That's it. Su Ji uncomfortable worry is that no one succeeds. Su Ji is one day, Su family can still be a day, but it's awkward, wait for Su Ji to be gone? Su family can't What should happen to those who are upset at that time? Listen to Su gongzi, your father and your uncle obviously cannot support Su family. I think Su Ji always fancy you.
        Su Jinsong frowned when he heard that, "What does Sao Fu-ren mean? Our Grandfather fancy me? If Our Grandfather really fancy me, then he should not pave the way for me, why let me My stepmother did this to me. "
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "Su gongzi, do you know how the playboy brothers were developed?"
        Su Jinsong frowned, and answered a moment later, "The family is petting, so they don't learn anything, they just eat, drink and have fun."
        "Su Gongzi said it very well. So Su Gongzi knows how the talents of Mingwen Jingcheng were developed."
        Su Jinsong replied, "Of course, the elders taught strictly, and they were taught by famous teachers. In addition, he was gifted and diligent to study."
        "This is the answer. Su Ji always wanted Su gongzi to become a talent. Su Ji may have liked Su gongzi, but he was worried that your life would go too smoothly and your path would be too smooth, which is not conducive to your success. Therefore Su Ji Lao left your stepmother to let your stepmother bully you in private, and Su gongzi you were bullied by your stepmother. That's your motivation to work hard.
        Sue Gongzi, the flowers are beautiful and that needs to be carefully cultivated. Pampered flowers can't withstand the wind and rain. As soon as the storm came, those flowers were shot down. Only after experiencing the damage of wind and rain, such talents will be real talents.
        I think Su Ji is not only a grandson who can read books, but also a grandson who can afford the Su family and can withstand wind and rain. "
        Su Jinsong heard that the whole man was there and didn't say a word for a long time. As Gu Ming-qing said, Su Jinsong never thought about it. At first glance, Su Jinsong was really a bit stunned.
        It took a long time for Su Jinsong to get his voice back, and Nana asked, "What if I didn't succeed?"
        Tang Jinrui gradually came to understand. Hearing Su Jinsong's question, he thought of the answer, but he couldn't bear to tell Su Jinsong for a while.
        "It's Su gongzi, what you think. Su Ji will not want a fight that can't be helped." Once abandoned by Su Ji, it shows that Su Jinsong really can't succeed, so Su Jinsong wants to win him. Stepmother, that's almost impossible.
        After all, Su Jinsong experienced some things. After a short blow, he quickly recovered and thanked Gu Ming-qing, "Many Thanks Sao Fu-ren for pointing me out."
        "These are just my vulgar opinions. It's hard to be elegant. Su gongzi shouldn't laugh."
        Su Jinsong shook his head. "Sao Fu-ren is too humble. Brother Tang is so blessed that he can marry a hero like Sao Fu-ren, who doesn't let his eyebrows shame."
        Tang Jinrui glanced at Ming-qing and smiled softly, "It is indeed my blessing to marry Niangzi."
        Su Jinsong looked at Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui with envy, and their relationship was really good. Su Jinsong couldn't help but think about what his future Niangzi would look like.
        Tang Jinrui quickly withdrew the eyes of visiting Ming-qing and kept staring at Niangzi in front of an outsider, which was a little embarrassing.
        Su Jinsong also didn't want to be the disappointed person, but what to ask is still to ask, "Now Brother Tang knows everything, and I don't know if you still want to live in the yard left by my biological mother. Brother Tang doesn't need to worry about me, and just say That is. In fact, even if Brother Tang does not live, it should be. "
        Speaking of ten thousand words, Su Jinsong's calculation of Tang Jinrui was true at that time, whoever faced the yard would be a little awkward in his heart.
        Tang Jinrui didn't hesitate for a long time, and quickly answered, "Since I promised Brother Su, I naturally can't say nothing. Besides, because the prices in Capital City are high, Brother Su lends me a yard to live, and I should be happy."
        Tang Jinrui saved Su Jinsong in the end.
        After Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing returned to the room, Tang Jinrui couldn't help feeling, “There are so many people in the family.”
        Gu Ming-qing glanced at Tang Jinrui, "Isn't this normal? Sangong, did you react to Empress Dowager's hindsight?"
        "I used to know this, but I haven't seen it in person, so I don't have so many thoughts in my heart. But now there is an example of Brother Su, and after listening to his personal experience, I know how deep the water of the big family is. "
        "Sangong, do you like such a big family?"
        Tang Jinrui thoughtlessly and answered, "I don't like it. Although I haven’t lived in a rich environment, I’ve never had a wealthy man, but the conditions are definitely good in the village. When I was in an old house, Grandfather didn’t manage, Grandmother looked at the fierceness. A mouth always scolds, but the life of the family is still calm, there is no intrigue, at best, each has its own careful thinking.
        Having your own careful thinking is absolutely nothing. To put it bluntly, who doesn't have their own careful thinking? As long as it is harmless, it is nothing. Divided the home, almost no scolding in our home. At most it is 1st-Sao heart is not right. Father and mother will say 1st-Sao. Such days are even simpler.
        It's a simple and dull day. I really can't imagine how sad Brother Su was at home. Fortunately, Brother Su survived in the end. "
        "Sangong, Su gongzi, this lesson also gives you a lesson. That is a family, when there are more people, it is easy to get into trouble. Listen to Su gongzi, there are really not many people in the Su family. Only Su Ji Lao, His father, and his uncle. How many people can there be in total? But there is more to it. There are more people with this disagreement, and there must be something going on. "
        Tang Jinrui nodded. Indeed, with too many people, how could all be in one mind? Once this heart is not one, it is easy to get into trouble.
        "Xiangong, our family is not crowded now, and we will be our children in the future. But you won't want to add another person to the family. For example, add me a few good Mei-mei." Gu Ming-qing Eye movement, like He looked at Tang Jinrui with a smile.
        Tang Jinrui hesitated, and then reacted, "Niangzi, what do you think. I told you long ago that I wouldn't take concubine. We two, husband and wife, have a good life, this is not very good Are you happy with what I am doing now? What are you looking for for Mei-mei? "
        "The so-called appetite is also good! Men, it is easy to get worse when you have the right to money." In modern times, such men are really everywhere.
        "Niangzi, I don't agree with this. Father doesn't just focus on her mother. Father has a lot of money. To be honest, thinking of Take concubine as Father's net worth, that's really simple."
        Speaking of Tang Li-ren, Gu Ming-qing admired, "Father is a good man, a rare good man."
        Tang Jinrui took it seriously for Gu Ming-qing's words, and then praised him shamelessly, "Yes, Father is a good man. Brother and I are Father's sons, and Our is also a good man. Brother Well-not to mention anything else, Brother is really nice to 1st-Sao. "
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Yes."
        Ma-shi married Tang Dazhu like this for so many years without giving him a son and a daughter. Tang Dazhu didn't have any complaints. He listened to Ma-shi in everything and was very good with Ma-shi. You know, under the circumstances of ancient times, a childless woman like Ma-shi can be taken off!
        "You are good now, but you have to keep it. You have to be so good to me for a lifetime, don't change your mind halfway, otherwise-" Gu Ming-qing's voice immediately became a little overcast.
        "Why change your mind midway, Niangzi, you are really saying too much. Do I look like someone who will change my heart? Our old Tang family man, that is all about his wife."
        There are a lot of men in the old Tang family, but honestly, they are still monogamous, and none of them has an ambition. It may also be because the Tang family is poor and Take Concubine is not promoted in rural areas.
        Tang Li-Yin didn't take it wholeheartedly! Gu Ming-qing suddenly thought. However, Tang Li-Yin was not fancy. He wanted to climb up with a woman at the time. Now Tang Li-Yin is going to be married to Shi Minting. He is still very good about Shi Minting, and he is not careless. Emergence.
        After Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing talked, they fell asleep.
        When he arrived in the capital, Su Jinsong asked Tang Jinrui to go to Su House to visit Su Ji Lao.
        Su Jinsong is also interested, this is the introduction of Tang Jinrui to Su Ji Lao. Regardless of whether Su Ji Lao treats Tang Jinrui differently, but Tang Jinrui has been met by Su Ji Lao, that means different things to others.
        Tang Jinrui didn't refuse either, he was going to live in the courtyard left by Su Jinsong's biological mother. Of course, he had to go to Su house to visit his elders.
        It is no surprise that Su Gelong learned that Su Jinsong brought people to see him, and ordered his servants to bring them in.
        Su Jinsong and Tang Jinrui salute Su Ji.
        Master Su Ji asked Tang Jinrui a few questions. Seeing Tang Jinrui answered more decently, and he looked handsome, his eyes were clear, and he could not help but nodded secretly.
        Su Ji always has something to say to Su Jinsong. Of course, those words can't be spoken in front of Tang Jinrui, so he sends someone to Tang Jinrui to the already cleaned yard.
        After Tang Jinrui left, the veteran Su Ji said, "You are a good friend."
        Su Jinsong replied, "Well, Brother Tang is really good."
        "The property left by your mother, I have sent Li Fang to take it back from Ling Shi. Now it is locked in the warehouse. Later, I will let Li Fang give you everything. Later those things You keep it all. "
        Su Jinsong had only a faint smile on his face, and worshipped at Su Ji, "Thank you Grandfather."
        Su Ji always raised an eyebrow and said, "It's not surprising to see how you look."
        "I passed Grandfather's trial, and Grandfather will naturally help me."
        Su Ji was really surprised at the moment. Unexpected light flashed in those deep and deep eyes, "Oh? How did you see it?" If yes, then this grandson brought him The surprise was really big.
        Su Jinsong shook his head very honestly, "No. Grandchildren came to understand only after they mentioned something."
        "Someone mentioned you? Who is it? Tang Jinrui was the only one." Su Ji said, and he denied it first. "Then Tang Jinrui is good, but if there is no city, he should not see it. "
        "Not brother Tang, but brother Fu-ren."
        Su Ji brows frowned tightly, "A woman?"
        Su Jinsong said, "What about women, Grandfather? In history, there are many women who don't allow eyebrows. They have left a strong mark in history. Brother Tang's Fu-ren is no worse than a man. She has a clear mind It is extremely accurate to see people and things. Such women are really rare. Brother Tang Fu-ren is also a famous birthplace. "
        "Oh? Isn't Tang Jinrui more than just a farmer? How did he marry Miss, a birthplace?"
        Su Jinsong replied, "Fu-ren of Brother Tang is Di Daughter of Zongyong Hou."
        As Su Jinsong said, Su Ji knew who she was talking about. Although things have been going on for more than two years, but because things were so big at the beginning, people in Capital City also took a good look at the joke, so Su Ji has always remembered it.
        "Listening to you, she is not a fool, she looks pretty clever. How could she be so stupidly calculated at the beginning?"
        Su Jinsong hesitated, he didn't know how to answer Su Ji Lao.
        Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing did not hide Su Jinsong about Gu Ming-qing's identity. After Su Jinsong knew it, he was really surprised. He also knew the original thing. After knowing it, he had an idea for Gu Ming-qing, which was poor and stupid.
        Su Jinsong did not expect that one day, he could still see the poor and stupid woman he thought. The problem was that the other person really didn't look stupid at all. As for the pitiful-Su Jinsong didn't see it, Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui had a good relationship with each other, even his outsider could feel it.
        Su Ji didn't even bother about this, and squinted at Su Jinsong, then smirked, "It's not as good as a woman."
        Su Jinsong was not convinced, "I am a fan of the authorities! So it is not surprising that it is not clear for a while."
        "It's fair to make excuses for myself."
        Su Jinsong said, "I don't believe there can be a few clever women like Sao Fu-ren in the world."
        This is true. There are few women who can have such a vision in women. Su Ji has been alive for most of his life. Seriously, he has not seen one so far. Most women's horizons are too small, and they can only see the one-third of an acre in front of them. There are also ambitious women. The problem is that they have no ambition.

        Chapter 236 : Solving Trouble  

        Su Ji lost his thoughts for a moment, and then quickly recovered, glanced at Su Jinsong, and said lightly, "Now that you know what I mean, will I blame me for this Grandfather."
        Su Jinsong answered without thinking, "No."
        Su Ji always raised grey eyebrows and laughed, "Oh? No? You really have no complaints in your heart?"
        Su Jinsong looked sincerely at Master Su Ji, "When I first knew, there was no complaint in Suner's heart. That was naturally false. In fact, it was not only after he knew the truth that his grandmother's complaint was his grandson. When I was young.
        At that time, under the pressure of his stepmother, his grandmother was bright and bright, but his private life was extremely sad. Grandfather believes that Grandfather must know what his stepmother did to her grandson, and what life his grandfather is doing. But Grandfather, you don't care about grandchildren. "
        Hearing the slight resentment in Su Jinsong's tone, Su Gelao wasn't surprised, because this is just human nature.
        Su Jinsong paused for a moment and continued to say, "Grandson is really uncomfortable and very puzzled. Grandson thinks that since no one in the family can become a grandson's dependency, then the only person that Grandchild can rely on is himself. Now. "
        After hearing this, Master Su Ji finally nodded with satisfaction. "Can you figure this out, you are still not stupid. Have you ever heard a word? Yes, that's myself. You can understand this when you were young, and I'm satisfied. "
        Su Jinsong bowed his head, and there was a trace of irony under his eyes. It wasn't that he understood the truth, but that he couldn't help but understand who he could rely on besides himself.
        "Grandfather didn't want to say more about the past. But grandfather now understands Grandfather's good intentions. If there were no torture and hardships when he was a child, he would not become a playboy brother, and he would probably be among the others. "
        Su Ji always glanced at Su Jinsong. "In fact, I'm still too harsh on you. But the Su family was born because of me, and your father and your uncle are too heavy to use. If I insist on promoting them, I'm afraid it's only It would be counterproductive. If my son can't be trusted, I can only look at my grandson.
        Jinsong, you have been smart and clever since you were a kid. I see them all. But I'm worried that you are too smooth, and your aura will disappear because of your too smooth. So I looked coldly at Ling Shi to suppress you, and while you were fighting Ling Shi, you had to study hard and be motivated. You're doing pretty well. "
        "Grandfather's compliment is a grandson's honor. But grandchild wanted to ask Grandfather that the stepmother is always the stepmother, my elder. Now that Grandfather is there, I can suppress her. Say something unfilial, If any day Grandfather is gone, who will suppress the stepmother. "
        Su Ji old eyes narrowed Su Jinsong, "You won't even be able to suppress Ling Shi."
        Su Jinsong said frankly, "Yes, Ling Shi is no longer worthy of grandson's attention. But Ling Shi always occupies the position of her grandmother's stepmother. When she is going to make trouble, her grandson will always be tied, which is more troublesome. That's it. "
        "Ling Shi won't be a hindrance to you. How long can I live, how long can Ling Shi live. Before I die, I will send someone to solve Ling Shi. Jinsong, your mind should not be in the trivial matters of the backyard Go up. If you spend more time in the back house, you will not have enough energy in the chapel. "
        Su Jinsong lowered his head, and whispered, "Yes, Grandson understands."
        Su Jinsong wanted the answer, Su Ji Lao had given him.
        Su Jinsong will never forget how difficult his days were when he was a kid, how much he suffered in Lingshi hands! Su Jinsong wanted to avenge himself, but once his aunt's crimes broke out, his future was ruined.
        Su Jinsong is not willing to ruin his future for a Ling Shi, Ling Shi is not worthy! Even if Su Jinsong is sure not to show a trace of traces, but the geese leave traces, as long as they have done, they will definitely leave traces. Su Jinsong was unwilling.
        Su Jinsong was unwilling to take even a little risk.
        Su Ji shot differently.
        Su Jinsong knew that he passed the test of Su Ji Lao. Su Ji always looked at him. So as long as it didn't touch the bottom line, Su Ji Lao would promise him. Not to mention that everything was done for his future.
        "My husband has read the papers for your hometown exam. Yes, you can see that you haven't read them in vain for years."
        Su Jinsong said lightly, "Grandfather is ridiculous. There is still much to learn for grandchildren."
        Su Ji laughed, "At your level, this spring chanting should be fine. If you are lucky, the ranking may be higher."
        "Grandfather must go all out. Grandfather, the examiner of this Spring Festival, the emperor does not know whether to decide?"
        Su Ji nodded oldly, "It's settled. It's just that he hasn't passed on yet. He is a Sun Yat-sen."
        Sun Jinsong's eyes flashed, "Sun Yat-Sen? If Sun Er is right, Sun Yat-Sen is a neutral sect. He has never approached anyone and is loyal to the Emperor. In the past few spring festivals, the examiner appointed by the emperor faintly followed Tai -sun has something to do. "
        Su Ji old eyes glared sharply. Under such eyes, Su Jinsong could not bear it, and slowly lowered his head.
        "Your courage is too bold to say such outrageous things. Don't you be afraid of your own life?"
        "Only in front of Grandfather, Grandson dared to say that."
        Su Ji Laoyouyou looked back, "You are not even a jinshi now, don't think about anything else. Take a good exam, win something, it is far away from you."
        "Yes." Su Jinsong answered, but said in his heart, could he really ignore it? Now that half of the pedals have been used, it can only be blended.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui lived here in the courtyard left by Su Jinsong's biological mother. This is a small two-in courtyard, but it is very quiet, the environment is quiet, and everything in the house is fully prepared. There is no need. Buying, enough Gu Ming-qing-4 people lived.
        Gu Ming-qing, Qiao-Yatou and Ji Zhong will simply clean up the salute brought.
        Gu Ming-qing wrote another post and sent Qiao-Yatou to 1st-Duke-Fu. She has all come to the capital. She must go to 1st-Duke-Fu to see Leng-Mengning.
        1st-Duke-Fu is a big player, Gu Ming-qing can't go straight to 1st-Duke-Fu, it's too rude.
        On the second day when Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui settled down, Su Jinsong visited.
        Before Su Jinsong came in, he found that there were several gangsters sneaking around in the courtyard, and at a glance they knew they were uneasy.
        Su Jinsong frowned, to see that those places where the gangsters were staring were not other than the yard left by his biological mother!
        Su Jinsong was furious!
        Now Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing live in the courtyard. These local hooligans are likely to come at them.
        Su Jinsong thought, Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing were both in Capital City for the first time, and how could they not have enemies with people in such a short time.
        Su Jinsong's eyes were cold, and I didn't know what he thought. His body was cold, even colder than the cold wind blowing by Capital City at this time.
        Su Jinsong instructed the manservant, "Go to the people in Shuntian Mansion, and say that they hit me, and the officials sent him to entertain them well."
        The manservant went to Suncheon Mansion, and Su Jinsong took the manservant's stuff and knocked on the door.
        The shutter was opened very soon, and Ji Zhong's thick face was at the entrance.
        Ji Zhong smiled to welcome Su Jinsong in.
        Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing were surprised when they saw Su Jinsong coming. They only moved here the next day, and Su Jinsong came to visit.
        Gu Ming-qing instructed Qiao-Yatou to make a few side dishes, while Gu Ming-qing went to make tea for them.
        Su Jinsong sits down and said, "It's really annoying Sao Fu-ren."
        Su Jinsong handed the book in his hand to Tang Jinrui.
        Tang Jinrui took the book handed down by Su Jinsong, most of them are some essays, but these essays are written by one person.
        Tang Jinrui puzzled, "This is-"
        Su Jinsong replied, "Brother Tang, this time the examiner has been identified, that is, Sun Academy scholars. These are all poems written by Sun Academy scholars. Before the exam, read more of what the examiner wrote, knowing the examiner This is very beneficial. "
        Tang Jinrui frowned, "Is the examiner already identified? But there is no news outside." It stands to reason that it is only one month before the beginning of Chunxi that the examiner is revealed. There is still time.
        Su Jinsong laughed, "Thanks I have a Grandfather who is a veteran of the cabinet. This is what Our Grandfather told me. The collection of poems in these articles, I am afraid that after the news that Sun Academy scholar is the examiner this time, it will immediately All candidates will buy it. I am worried that Brother Tang will not be able to buy it, so I will send it in advance. "
        Tang Jinrui appreciates Su Jinsong's hard work and can't help but thank him, "Brother Su is really kind to me. Let me say what is good."
        "This is just a trivial matter, you are very kind, Brother Tang."
        Between Tang Jinrui and Su Jinsong, Qiao-Yatou has prepared three side dishes.
        Tang Jinrui ate dishes with Su Jinsong and chatted occasionally.
        After Su Jinsong left, Tang Jinrui also said to Gu Ming-qing, "Niangzi, to be honest. In addition to deceiving me, brother Tang has really treated me honestly in other respects."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Well."
        As soon as Su Jinsong left the yard, his face pulled down immediately.
        Su Jinsong's manservant also returned from Suncheon Mansion as early as possible.
        Su Jinsong asked the manservant on the way back to Su House, "What's going on with those gangsters?"
        The manservant immediately responded, "gongzi, those local gangsters immediately caught everything in Shuntianfu. Those local gangsters said that it was Ling Sheng who gave them silver and let them find opportunities to teach Tang gongzi them well."
        "Ling Sheng? Who is he?" The surname Ling should be his stepmother's mother. Is it because Ling Shi hates him, so he deliberately makes Brother Tang fail?
        Manservant said, "gongzi, Ling Sheng is the person who originally lived in the courtyard. Ling Sheng is Fu-ren's maiden family."
        It turned out to be him. Su Jinsong immediately knew the identity of these people, and was even more angry.
        Su Jinsong can't imagine. If Tang Jinrui was harassed because of his reason, disturbed him to study, or even affected his spring cricket, his life would be disturbed by conscience and he could not forgive himself.
        Su Jinsong adhered to the principle that nothing can be wrong. After returning to Su, he went to Su Ji Lao and told what happened at Tang Jinrui house.
        After finishing speaking, Su Jinsong was still very angry. "Grandfather, if I didn't go to Brother Tang this time, I would just run into it. If those gangsters really did something to Tang Guoxiong, my grandson would be uneasy for life! And if Spread it out, our face in Sue is not good! "
        conscience? Su Ji elder laughed suddenly when he heard this word. He had been floating in Erhai Lake for so many years. To be honest, he had no idea what his conscience was.
        Su Ji always thought that he was still too young, and what conscience he talked about.
        However, this incident is really not very good-looking, and can even be said to be very shameful.
        "You doubt Ling Shi."
        Su Jinsong nodded. "Yes, Grandson just doubts her."
        Su Ji old shook his head.
        Su Jinsong anxiously, "Grandfather-"
        Su Ji Lao raised his hand and stopped Su Jinsong from continuing to say, "Your Grandfather, I'm not old. Ling Shi is really not a good one. But I'm afraid this thing has nothing to do with her. People who Ling Shi wants to hate It's you, she has a problem with her friend? What is she doing? It's hard to please, please just be happy?
        Even if Ling Shi isn't that stupid, find a few hooligan hooligans, and let them find the opportunity to attack your friends. In my opinion, this is more like what Ling Shi, the brother Tang, could do. He was afraid he wouldn't hesitate, so he didn't have a place to live. My heart is annoyed. Su family, he can't hate it, persimmon picks softly, he just stared at your friend. "
        Su Jinsong, who calmed down, thought about Su Ji words carefully. He thought that Su Ji words were very reasonable.
        "How should this be resolved? Grandfather, Brother Tang is sincere to me. The courtyard was the one I strongly invited him to live in. If something unexpected happens to Brother Tang because of my reasons, it will affect his spring grandmother, grandchildren. I will blame myself for a lifetime. "
        "Okay, this is a trivial matter. Grandfather is here to give you a guarantee that no one will interfere with your friend's participation in the Spring Festival."
        Su Jinsong said, "Grandfather, is this true?"
        Seeing Su Jinsong was as happy as a child, Su Ji old face could not help but smile. "Why, you still don't believe Grandfather? Would you like Grandfather to take a vow so you can believe it?"
        Su Jinsong smiled, "I naturally believe in Grandfather. Grandchildren are here Many Thanks Grandfather."
        Su Ji always smiled and waved his hand, "Well, there will be no trouble with your friends. In the next days, you should review it well. Don't forget, you will also participate in the Spring Festival."
        Su Jinsong focused his head and said that he would not fail the old expectations of Su Ji.
        Besides Gu Ming-qing Here, of course, she also found that a group of hooligans roamed around to probe their brains, and their target is likely to be them.
        That land rogue came here today.
        Gu Ming-qing After a little thought, I guessed the origins of these gangsters. If Su Jinsong's stepmother is stupid, then these gangsters must be inseparable from her. If Su Jinsong's stepmother still has a bit of brain, then these local gangsters should have been found by the last person living in this yard.
        Gu Ming-qing When I saw those abominable hooligan hooligans, I was not angry. I found a good inn by myself, but I just spent a little more money, and that money is not expensive. There will be no such trouble.
        Although knowing these things has nothing to do with Su Jinsong, Gu Ming-qing's heart was still a little uncomfortable in the yard. If it wasn't for the Tang Jinrui study review, Gu Ming-qing would almost like to move away and find a hotel.
        The hooligans are only a few places. As long as they dare to move, Gu Ming-qing can immediately send people to Shuntian House!
        Not to mention the strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake, a few ground hooligans really are not ground snakes. Gu Ming-qing can hold them even if they are not strong dragons.
        Gu Ming-qing has also sent Ji Zhong to stare at those people. Who knew that Su Jinsong would solve those people, and he asked the people in Suntianfu to take them away.
        Gu Ming-qing After getting the news, my feelings were very complicated.
        To say that these things really have something to do with Su Jinsong, Gu Ming-qing is not a saint. It is true that Su Jinsong is not to blame at all. But Su Jinsong was really sincere to Tang Jinrui, except that he used Tang Jinrui, and there was no other.
        As soon as Su Jinsong knew who the examiner was, he immediately bought the collection of articles and poems given by the examiner to Tang Jinrui.
        As soon as Su Jinsong found out that there were problems with the local hooligans, he sent someone to ask the officials of Suncheon Mansion to shut them up without a word.
        Gu Ming-qing wanted to be the same as Su Jinsong. The problem is that Su Jinsong is the oldest grandson of Su Ji, and Sun Tianfu Yin will sell Su Jinsong's face, but will never sell Gu Ming-qing, a small Imperial-Graduate Niangzi face, that is Gu Ming-qing. One identity, Zongyong Hou second daughter. Who cares how far Jiangnan is from the capital.
        People are like people, sometimes they just can't compare.
        Gu Ming-qing was deeply moved.
        Tang Jinrui found that Gu Ming-qing's look was a bit wrong, so he asked, "Niangzi, what's wrong with you?"
        Gu Ming-qing returned to God, "It's nothing. I just hurried for so long. This settled down at first, so I was a bit tired."

        Chapter 237 : Go To 1st-Duke-Fu  

        Gu Ming-qing didn't tell Tang Jinrui about those gangsters.
        Now the most important thing for Tang Jinrui is the spring exam, let him review it with peace of mind, and prepare for the exam. Moreover, nothing really happened this time. Now that the matter is resolved, there is no need to mention it.
        Gu Ming-qing sent Qiao-Yatou to the invitation from 1st-Duke-Fu, and the news was quickly returned.
        Tong Big-Madam, that is, Leng-Mengning, immediately sent the Mama around him after receiving the invitation, and asked Ming-qing to go to 1st-Duke-Fu the next day.
        Gu Ming-qing readily agreed.
        Tang Jinrui knew that Gu Ming-qing was going to 1st-Duke-Fu to see Leng-Mengning. He didn't say much. He knew that Gu Ming-qing and Leng-Mengning had a good relationship. When I was in Capital City, I was definitely going to see her.
        Gu Ming-qing thought that since going to 1st-Duke-Fu, there is a rich and wealthy town. If you are not dressed up, you may be looked down on. Some of 1st-Duke-Fu eyelids are shallow, fearing that she would be treated as a door-to-door for the autumn wind.
        Gu Ming-qing picked a pair of satin rosettes and bright satin quilted jackets. This is a new dress specially made in Capital City, handmade and materials. As for the jewelry, two elegant mules were selected on the head, a silver-plated gold pendant with a jade flower, and a jade-colored jasper with a cloisonne earring.
        Gu Ming-qing instructed Qiao-Yatou to drag Yang-shi (Leng-Mengning's mother) to her to bring something to Leng-Mengning, and then took the carriage to 1st-Duke-Fu .
        It's 1st-Duke-Fu.
        1st-Duke-Fu really is very elegant, covering a vast area, the two stone lions at the door are majestic.
        Leng-Mengning had long sent a Mama to wait at the door, and saw Gu Ming-qing coming, and immediately Mama came to meet Gu Ming-qing.
        Gu Ming-qing followed Mama all the way through the small garden, bypassed the corridor, and also crossed a rockery, passing through a shadow wall, and finally turned around to Leng-Mengning's residence.
        Gu Ming-qing hasn't seen Leng-Mengning in more than two years, and now I see it, I really can't recognize it.
        I saw Leng-Mengning I saw her combing with Hanyan hibiscus, with a gold-encrusted jewellery toad on the left side of her head, and a red jade drop-crowned crest on the lower right side. Wearing a pink ivory brocade silk satin skirt.
        What a wealthy and aggressive dress!
        This is the young Madam. It can really be said that the body is full of nobility. Gu Ming-qing It is really difficult to connect the person in front of him with Leng-Mengning, who was somewhat cold and arrogant when he was in Lingping County. If it weren't for the familiar face, Gu Ming-qing would really not recognize it.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Leng-Mengning in a daze here, why didn't Leng-Mengning stare at Gu Ming-qing in a daze.
        I haven't seen it for more than two years. Gu Ming-qing hasn't changed much, except that the five heads have opened and their looks have become more prosperous.
        After a while, Leng-Mengning laughed and said, "Come and sit down next to me. Ming-qing, I haven't seen you for years. Why are you standing there stupid? Can't you recognize me?"
        Gu Ming-qing went back to God, and sits next to Leng-Mengning with a smile, and then said, "I can't recognize you. To be honest, you have become a little too scared to recognize me."
        "Where is there such an exaggeration. Not just two years without seeing it. I can still recognize you. You are Ming-qing, Ming-qing, which I am most familiar with." Leng-Mengning said with emotion.
        Gu Ming-qing wanted to ask Leng-Mengning how he had lived since he married 1st-Duke-Fu, but Maid, a bunch of servant servants around him, couldn't ask in front of them.
        Leng-Mengning looked at the concerns of Gu Ming-qing and waved his hands to let the servants in the house step down.
        After the mermaid retreated, Leng-Mengning said, "What does Ming-qing want to say? It is straightforward. We haven't seen each other for years, but friendship can't be unfamiliar. Ask whatever you want, I must Will answer frankly. "
        Gu Ming-qing asked, "Meng Ning, how are you doing after marrying 1st-Duke-Fu? How is Tong Big-gongzi doing to you? And how about your Popo?"
        "How are you doing, I think Ming-qing, you should be able to see it. Look at the people I live in, the clothes I wear, and the servants around me, and you can see a lot."
        Gu Ming-qing took a sip of Leng-Mengning, "I don't have blind eyes, you can wear, live, and wait for the servant, I can see. Who asked you this. If only this, I'm stupid I asked you. "
        Leng-Mengning couldn't help but grin when she heard the words. This smile was like the rustiness that had disappeared from her and Gu Ming-qing for many years. Closeness when not married.
        "Well, I just said it on purpose, just to amuse you. To tell you the truth, you can see things outside of you. 1st-Duke-Fu is indeed a very rich land. I just married into 1st -Duke-Fu, I'm really not used to it. I always have a bunch of Maid servants around me, without any freedom.
        Look at the clothes I'm wearing, it's really one layer inside and one out, it's complicated. Hair buns must be meticulously combed, and jewelry must not be worn. I can't think of elegant dress like Ming-qing you. If I dare to dress like this, it must be said by Our Popo. "
        Gu Ming-qing, of course, knows the glory of the appearance, but it takes a lot of effort underneath, "So you are used to it now?"
        Leng-Mengning laughed, "Can I not get used to it? I've been married for more than two years, and then I'm not used to it, what can I do? Actually, it was annoying at first, I think I can't get used to it. But people, really Anything can be adapted. Anyway, for more than two years, I have adapted to the life of 1st-Duke.
        After adapting, these are actually nothing, just like eating and drinking. "
        "Rarely, you can adapt to these pomps as much as eating and drinking. You haven't told me how Tong Big-gongzi is to you, and your Popo? Actually, I want to ask your step-son how."
        Leng-Mengning's heart was warm, she knew that Gu Ming-qing, if it wasn't for her sincere concern, where should I ask so carefully.
        "So many questions at once, I don't know where to start."
        "Just say the same thing."
        Leng-Mengning smiled, "You said my husband. Before I got married, I had prepared in my heart. He respected me very much. Although he had a Junior Concubine, he didn't have a favored concubine to destroy his wife, or aggrieved, I was I haven’t. But my husband’s most important thing is his career. Not only has he left me alone, in fact, my husband has taken his backyard with him. ”
        Tong-Siwei is a workaholic? Gu Ming-qing frowned, thinking.
        "Furthermore, Our Popo. Our Popo is not bad, but to say that she is the same to my biological daughter, that is impossible."
        "Your Popo hasn't given you a husband, you haven't made you rules."
        Leng-Mengning looked right and said, "Everything you said, Our Popo did it. Our Popo turned Maid around her to serve my husband, and occasionally I have to make rules behind Popo."
        Gu Ming-qing eyes widened suddenly, this is not the standard configuration of evil Popo!
        Gu Ming-qing didn't want to hide her mind in front of Leng-Mengning, so her thoughts were clearly written on her face.
        When Leng-Mengning saw this, he couldn't help laughing, "Ming-qing, I said that your mind is too good to guess now. I can guess what you are thinking at a glance."
        Gu Ming-qing rolled his eyes angrily, "That's because I don't want to cover up my mind in front of you. Is it true or false? If it is true, your Popo is not bad for you? "
        Gu Ming-qing thinks it's really bad!
        "It's really not bad. I'll tell you the truth. When Popo puts Maid around him to his son, that's the normal way. Really, Our Popo is pretty good. She gave my husband two A Maid. One was given when my first one was still there. The second one was given not long after I got married. It’s really good to have so few jammers like Our Popo. ”
        Gu Ming-qing asked again, "What's the rule for you?"
        "Ming-qing, in Capital City, as long as it is a high-door or a slightly ruled person, when Erxi can not serve Popo. Our Popo is really good, usually eat, never ask me to serve. That is to come outside It was only for the guests that I stood and waited for dinner.
        Our Popo says that, others will only say that it is good Popo. But Our Popo is pretty good. As far as I know, there are several well-known Erxi in Capital City, and Popi does not regard Erxi as a human. Compared to them, I am so lucky. "
        Gu Ming-qing thought to myself, I feel you are unfortunate here, but you feel that you are extremely lucky.
        Gu Ming-qing thought that the Tang family was a Zhuang family, and of course he would not pay attention to what Popo gave his son, and stood behind Popo and set the rules. So Gu Ming-qing was very sympathetic to Leng-Mengning's experience.
        Think of the Dream of the Red Mansions, mother Jia and they ate, Li Zhi and Wang Xifeng, two granddaughters, could only stand by and wait. It can be seen that this is common in large households, and it is strange to not do so.
        "What about your step-son?"
        "That's it. He wasn't my biological one, and when I married 1st-Duke-Fu, he was already five years old. It's a remembered age, and of course he won't get closer to me. But Fortunately, the child was very well-educated, very courteous, and still respected me.
        In fact, I am very satisfied. I'm just stepmother. Everyone said that the stepmother was bad. The child was not preconceived. It was good to treat me as a bad woman with a bad mind. "
        Gu Ming-qing is just about to say that your requirements are really low. But it's understandable when you think about it. There are really a lot of bad stepmothers. She just saw one. Su Jinsong's stepmother is a first-class dregs, and even dare to occupy the property left by the original match.
        "That being said, you think you're doing pretty well in 1st-Duke-Fu."
        Leng-Mengning nodded, "Better than I expected."
        Gu Ming-qing feels ashamed, your expectations are a bit low. But the expectations are too high, and in the end they are not achieved, which is indeed uncomfortable.
        "Ming-qing, it wasn't long before my husband and I became married, I went to the East Palace, and I also saw your elder sister, Gu Liangyu."
        Gu Ming-qing I haven't heard about Gu Ming-yue for a long time, and raised my eyebrows, "Oh? You've met my elder sister. Believe me, my elder sister is indeed a country in love, The beauty of the country and heaven. "
        Leng-Mengning nodded with deep conviction, "Beautiful, really beautiful. The beauty of your elder sister is so amazing, even a woman looks at me. Not to mention a man."
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "As you said, my older sister is so favored by Huang-Tai-sun?"
        Leng-Mengning shook his head. "Huang-Tai-sun and Tai-sunfei have a great relationship. I heard that half a month I spent a rest at Tai-sunfei. I was pregnant last year and born last year. Next County Owner. In addition to Tai-sunfei, there is a Shiqie in Donggong who gave birth to a boy, it seems that it is called Huangying. After giving birth to a son, she was promoted to Liangyuan. "
        This is the current situation in the backyard of the East Palace.
        Huang-Tai-sun and Tai-sunfei have a good relationship? Gu Ming-qing There was a flash of beautiful eyes, and the heart said, is it really just for Jiang Yanshan's person, or is it for Jiang Shangshan who is behind Jiang Yanshan?
        Gu Ming-qing was thinking, Leng-Mengning's voice rang again, "Ming-qing, since you are here in Capital City, you must be thinking that Xianggong has passed the Imperial-Graduate exam."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "This is natural. I understand Yuan in the public examination."
        Gu Ming-qing said, but also a proud expression.
        Leng-Mengning's eyes brightened, "It's amazing! Ming-qing You Xianggong actually got to know Yuan in the exam. Then this Spring Festival, he will definitely be on the list, and I will give you a generous gift by then."
        "Well, if the gift isn't thick, I won't accept it."
        Leng-Mengning laughed and pushed Gu Ming-qing.
        After joking, Gu Ming-qing only took out the gift Yang-shi brought to Leng-Mengning from Qiao-Yatou, and it was a bag.
        "This is what my aunt knew I was going to Capital City and asked me to bring it to you."
        "Why do you have to take it? Can you bring it to me at that time?"
        Gu Ming-qing said, "I'm afraid I'll bring you something when you don't take the Chinese New Year's Etiquette. Although I haven't opened it, I have jars in it, so I'm afraid of eating."
        Leng-Mengning suddenly, opened the bag, there really is a jar inside, and there are some clothes, all of them are small bellybands, small clothes, apparently worn by children.
        "Meng Ning, you won't-"
        As soon as he saw those small bellybands and clothes, Gu Ming-qing guessed whether Leng-Mengning was pregnant, and immediately looked at Leng-Mengning's belly.
        Leng-Mengning shook his head quickly. "I'm not pregnant. I know why my mother didn't give these to me when I was giving a boxing gift, because these things are not good for too many people to see."
        Leng-Mengning said that he opened the jar and it contained pickles. "This is my favorite pickle. It is unique to a small workshop. My mother knows that I love to eat and I also sent people to buy the workshop. Secret recipe. As a result, the pickles used for pickling are extremely common, and the amount is also clear.
        But I don't know why, it's because I didn't make it like that. After coming to Capital City, I really think about this appetite from time to time. The pickle thing won't be on the counter at 1st-Duke. If there is such a thing in the annual etiquette, I am afraid that it will be said again by the screwdriver of 1st-Duke-Fu. It was said that I was born in a small household and could not board the Daya Hall. "
        "You are the Big-Young Madam of 1st-Duke-Fu, those are the slaves! Where are the slaves who dare to blame the master! I said that you are just too good -, you should lose your temper and let those People know how good you are! See if those villains dare to chew their tongues! "
        Leng-Mengning sighed, "I wish it were that simple. Many of those subordinates were elderly people who had served Grandfather and Grandmother, those subordinates who served the elders, and our young masters would have to give a little face. It's pretty good now, and I still remember that I just got married and I lost a lot. "
        Gu Ming-qing heard it but got angry, watching "Dream of Red Mansions", she is most accustomed to the Jia family's nubi who are more masters than the masters, what kind of nubi are these people, obviously is God in the form of nubi child!
        Leng-Mengning met Gu Ming-qing and became angry and persuaded, "It's hard for us to meet. This is the time to be happy. What do you say you are angry about? I'm angry. I'm angry for those little people, That is not necessary. "
        Gu Ming-qing just put away the anger on his face.
        Leng-Mengning instead stroked the small bellyband and small clothes in the bag. "This is a custom of my mother, my hometown. It is said that she is a servant woman. Touch these small bellybands and small clothes, and soon Good news. I have been married to Duke-Fu for more than two years, but there is no good news so far. My mother is afraid they are in a hurry.
        Actually, it's not just my mother, even Our Popo complained about me. "
        "It's only been more than two years, why did they start to be anxious?" Hyundai, couples who have been married for several years have no children, then they are anxious to return.
        "It's not enough for more than two years. Actually, it's not just me, but even the two Shiqie in my husband's backyard. It's no wonder that, my husband is busy with business affairs, and rarely enters the backyard. If I can conceive That's good luck. I can't get pregnant, and I feel normal. "
        "Did you tell your Popo?"
        Leng-Mengning laughed, "Say what? Is it because my husband is not coming to the back house, so no one is pregnant. Our Popo is so surprised to hear such a thing. Moreover, Our Popo is not unaware of my husband She doesn’t come to the back house very much, she will definitely ask my husband in private, but in front of me, she will never reveal such a meaning, it will only make me care more about my husband and make him more relaxed. "

        Chapter 238 : Auntie Qi Cousin  

        Gu Ming-qing Wen Yan sighed deeply, this is how difficult it is for a wife.
        To say that Leng-Mengning's Popo really didn't know, neither Leng-Mengning nor his wife Qieshi could get pregnant. Is it because Tong-Siwei had fewer homes after entering? Leng-Mengning's Popo certainly knows. Obviously the problem lies in Tong-Siwei. Wanting Leng-Mengning and others to get pregnant, it is necessary that Tong-Siwei go to the back house.
        Leng-Mengning's Popo talked to Tong-Siwei and said, but they still blame Erxi more, because it feels that Erxi has no ability to grasp the son's heart, otherwise why won't Tong-Siwei enter the backyard.
        In the opinion of Leng-Mengning Popo, the most mistakes must be Leng-Mengning, and Tong-Siwei is not wrong!
        It is said that the daughter-zi is difficult to take, especially the daughter-zi in ancient times. Nowadays, this is not the case.
        Leng-Mengning had a bad look at Ming-qing, so he said, "I didn't think there was anything, how could you feel uncomfortable for me? In fact, our Popo is not a villain, so he did not scold me. , Punish me, just say a few words to me. I haven't stopped anyone for my husband. In fact, this is good. "
        Gu Ming-qing sighed, and for a while didn't know what to say about Leng-Mengning, and didn't know where to persuade if he wanted to persuade.
        "Meng Ning, do you want to have your own child?"
        Child—Leng-Mengning's eyes stunned for a while, and he couldn't help touching his flat belly. "I think, of course I think. But I haven't been pregnant, this is also nothing. Hey-count on me Nafu Jun, I think I can't count on some. "
        Gu Ming-qing suddenly wanted to laugh and didn't know the actual situation. When I heard Leng-Mengning's words, I was afraid that it would be impossible to become Tong-Siwei.
        "It's also my bad luck. If I'm lucky, in those few times, I might be pregnant."
        Gu Ming-qing drew a corner of his mouth and said, "Since you want children, you might as well talk to Tong Big-gongzi."
        Leng-Mengning blushed, "Say what? Do you want me to tell my husband, I want a child, husband, come and tell me-"
        Later, Leng-Mengning really couldn't say it, it was too shameful!
        "That's what you want to say. Since you want a child, tell Tong Big-gongzi clearly. Meng Ning, this is good for you. You also said that Tong Big-gongzi is now almost all in the business. Now, how much energy do you say he can share in the backyard? Moreover, this backyard is not you alone, and other women, such a point, it is even less.
        But Meng Ning you are always different. Meng Ning, you are a wife, after all, it's just Qiesh. Tong Big-gongzi Although he doesn't have much love for you, at least he respects your wife. You want a child, this is not excessive. I believe as long as you say, Tong Big-gongzi will definitely agree. "
        Leng-Mengning was still a little hesitant, his face tangled, "This-this-is this-isn't it-isn't it-no-not so dignified-solemn."
        In a simple sentence of less than ten words, Leng-Mengning was stuttering and embarrassed, showing her hesitation and hesitation.
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "Why not solemn? Meng Ning, you listen well, solemnity is for outsiders, and husband and wife are the closest people, so you can be more casual between husband and wife. What do you want to say? , Tell your husband. What's this. Meng Ning, listen to me, there will be nothing wrong. "
        Leng-Mengning couldn't make up her mind, she just felt strange.
        It took a while for Leng-Mengning to say, "I-I-I think about it."
        "Okay, you're good to think about it. Meng Ning, I hope you can think about it clearly."
        Leng-Mengning nodded arbitrarily, and her heart was in a mess. Suddenly she looked at Gu Ming-qing, and said subconsciously, "Ming-qing, you got married earlier than me. Why haven't you heard?"
        For more than two years, although Leng-Mengning and Gu Ming-qing did not meet, the two still communicated. By sending the year-of-year etiquette to the Leng family, Leng-Mengning will put the letter to Gu Ming-qing in it and let Yang-shi forward it on his behalf.
        Gu Ming-qing did the same, put her letter to Leng-Mengning in the annual etiquette, and then sent it to 1st-Duke-Fu through the cold home.
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes twitched. Should I say that Leng-Mengning reacted fast enough? It's normal for her to have no children. She and Tang Jinrui haven't got a round house yet! It's strange to have children.
        Regarding the lack of a round house, Gu Ming-qing would not tell Leng-Mengning, not because he was not frank with Leng-Mengning, but that this matter could not be passed on. Maybe Leng-Mengning will still be there to make up Tang Jinrui.
        "I have been focusing on reading these years, so Our didn't have children. I'll talk about it in two years. I and I are not very young."
        "Ming-qing, I'm not urging you, a woman still has a child earlier, that's what matters."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Well, I heard what you said. But Meng Ning, since you will persuade me, you should understand this truth yourself. It is serious for a woman to have a child earlier."
        Leng-Mengning is two years older than Gu Ming-qing. He is now eighteen and has reached the age when he can have children.
        Leng-Mengning was about to speak, and the voice of a servant girl sounded outside, and soon a Maid in a pink mule came in.
        Leng-Mengning frowned, unhappy, "I'm not saying, don't come in and bother if there is nothing important."
        Maid-fu saluted, "Qi Big-Madam, it was Auntie Hiroshi cousin who led the two daughters. I wonder if Big-Madam should see? If not, nubi will return."
        Gu Ming-qing found that when Leng-Mengning's eyes flashed with deep disgust when Maid was talking about "aunt of the family".
        "Go invite people to the flower hall for hospitality. I'll be there later."
        "Yes, nubi go here."
        Soon Maid went on, Leng-Mengning's face was still ugly.
        Gu Ming-qing curious, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with that cousin of the family?"
        "Not right? Great wrong! Ming-qing You are not an outsider, so I won't hide it from you. That cousin of the family, said cousin, is actually a distant cousin of Our Popo. At Our Popo or boudoir When Young-Lady, the two met only a few times.
        Later, when they were married, Our Popo was married to 1st-Duke-Fu, and the cousin of the family seemed to be married far away. Only a few years ago returned to Capital City. After that, the cousin of the Hei family frequently visited the door of 1st-Duke-Fu. The cousin of the cousin of the Ping family is now a Qipin Sesame Officer in Capital City. "
        Qipin Sesame Officer, this door is indeed a bit low.
        "Ming-qing, I'm not the kind of dog-eye-looking person. I don't look down on them because the other person's status is low. But the attitude of the cousin of the family is really disgusting! 1st-Duke-Fu master Many, even more relatives with relatives and relatives. Not all relatives are wealthy and powerful, and there are relatives who are struggling to come to your door.
        Since it is a relative, it is okay to help one who can help. "
        Leng-Mengning didn't have such a bad attitude towards other relatives. Just treating the aunt of the family, it was obvious that the cousin of the family was not a proper one.
        Sure enough, Leng-Mengning then said, "Other relatives came to ask for help. There is still a degree. But the cousin of the family is going to visit every three minutes. My Popo was bothered by it, and then I entered. Door, Our Popo is not happy to entertain the cousin of the family, and always makes me entertain.
        I really do not want to see the cousin of the family, as long as they love. But my cousin is Our Popo, after all, my elder. If I don’t see this as a junior, others will surely have gossip, so every time I see it. Every time I saw the cousin of the family, I was breathless in my heart. "
        Gu Ming-qing curiously said, "What did the cousin Ping's do? Make you so angry."
        "What else can you do? That cousin Hira face is shameless, come to 1st-Duke Gu crying every time. What is Capital City Academy, not easy to live. Then lead two Miss, said that her family is poor No one can give two Misses, buy jewelry, no face to take them out to meet people.
        The two Miss Miss Ping's cousin brought, one was born to her and the other was Shu Daughter. The biological cousin was really carved out of a mold. It's not that the appearance is like, but that his temperament is full, and when he sees good jewellery, those eyes stare at it, anxious to go up and grab it, and insert it directly into his head. "
        Gu Ming-qing said weirdly, "It's not like you have encountered such a situation."
        Leng-Mengning's face was full of inexplicable expressions, "It's not like I've encountered such a situation. It's the first time I've received the cousin from the Hei family. The eyelids are shallow, and I open my mouth and say that I wear it on my head. The beautiful Jin Ye was so beautiful that she wanted to grab it. Fortunately, I kept it in the end. But as a result, the other party said that I was stingy, that I had so many jewellery, and what happened to my cousin.
        I also said that I didn't look down on their family, I think their family is coming to 1st-Duke-Fu to settle down in the autumn wind. The cousin Ping's cousin was even more powerful. He also said that he would ask Our Popo if he wanted me to treat Ping's family like that. At that time, I was so annoyed that I was suffocated. Later, I took a pair of ordinary gold owls and sent them away. Since then, I have seen the Ping family. They dare not wear any precious jewelry, but dare to wear the purest. "
        " ‘Laughs’ - ‘Laughs’ -" Gu Ming-qing couldn't help laughing.
        Leng-Mengning didn't feel good, "I'm complaining to you. You're better, but you're so happy to laugh. Are you lucky?"
        Gu Ming-qing waved his hand, "No, I just never saw the shameless mother and daughter of the Hei family. It's really interesting to hear you say that."
        "It sounds interesting to me, but I'm out of luck with them."
        "Isn't there another Shu Daughter? What about Shu Daughter?"
        Leng-Mengning replied, "Shu Daughter, that's a person who knows good manners and shame. It's not the same as his cousin Ai and her sister-zi. Those two are robbing themselves upright, not to mention how arrogant. But Shu Daughter always Looking down, I saw her blushing a few times, and obviously felt ashamed.
        I don't think Shu Daughter wants to come to someone else house to do such a disgraceful thing. She was pulled by her aunt and she couldn't stop coming. I also sent someone to inquire about Shu Daughter's life in his family. That Shu Daughter is the same age as her sister-zi, who is fourteen this year.
        The Shu Daughter decided to be a relative, a poor County-Graduate. I heard that her father saw that County-Graduate was talented, and she gave her a hug when she was happy. Alas, Shu Daughter is really bitter. "
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes flashed, "Listen to you, the Shu Daughter is nice. Why don't you call their names, say a Di Daughter, Shu Daughter ‘calls, you are not awkward."
        "Di Daughter is Ping Xuefu, and Shu Daughter is Ping Xuerong."
        "The name is pretty good."
        Leng-Mengning said, "It's not just a good name, but also a good person. So the cousin Ping's wholeheartedly wanted to let her daughter climb high branches. I told you, I'm really comfortable in my heart."
        "Okay, you're comfortable, please see it quickly. Lest the cousin Hira say something later, you treat her as a junior slowly, what 1st-Duke-Fu look down on poor relatives."
        "Or Ming-qing, you go with me."
        Gu Ming-qing eyes widened slightly, "I'm going with you?"
        "Yeah, aren't you curious about what the shameless shameless Ping family members look like. You can look at it."
        Gu Ming-qing also refused, "Okay, as the so-called is better known than to meet, I really want to see what the shameless Auntie Pingjia looks like in your mouth."
        Leng-Mengning and Gu Ming-qing got up and went to the flower hall.
        I saw three people sitting in the flower hall.
        The older woman need not say that it must be Gang-shi, the cousin of the family in Leng-Mengning's mouth. To say this Gang-shi looks really good. Although he is old, he has a sense of charm.
        Gang-shi was wearing a half-padded cotton jacket with a faded silver jacket on his head.
        Well, this looks good. Gang-shi Doesn't this tell everyone that she is poor, so she is forced to come to 1st-Duke-Fu to fight the autumn wind?
        Look at Gang-shi with her head up and a proud girl, this must be Ping Xuefu.
        Ping Xuefu inherited the beauty of Gang-shi. Although she was only fourteen years old, she could already see that she was a beauty embryo. Like Gang-shi, Ping Xuefu wore a half-padded jacket and no jewellery on her head, so she inserted a velvet flower.
        Ping Xuefu was next to a girl about her size, but she lowered her head and could not see her face. Her dress was better than Gang-shi and Heping Xuefu. Holes, stale cotton exposed inside.
        When Gang-shi saw Leng-Mengning, he suddenly started crying and ‘Calling, "My Shi-zi, it's really impossible for me to be a cousin, otherwise I'm sure I won't disturb the door. Look Seeing that the sky is getting colder and colder, your uncle is poor, he is a sesame and mung bean sashimi, and Lu Lu doesn’t even have enough food to eat. Our family has no money to buy charcoal fire for winter!
        As soon as Gu Ming-qing and Leng-Mengning sits down, they heard Gang-shi crying.
        Gu Ming-qing's mouth twitched, Gang-shi cry was light thunder and no rain, loud sound, small raindrops, no, not even raindrops.
        Gang-shi cried, and Ping Xuefu followed, "Sao, see how well you have lived in 1st-Duke-Fu. You wear gold and silver, and a bunch of servants Maid are waiting. Poor Our The family is going to starve to death! Sao, I know you are the most kind, and you certainly won't have the heart to suffer from the death of our family.
        Before Gu Ming-qing and Leng-Mengning came, they took off all the jewelry on their bodies.
        Gu Ming-qing was thinking that if the mother and daughter of the Ping family really asked her for jewelry later, she would never give it, and then they would have to talk to them again, wouldn't it be troublesome? So just don't wear it.
        Gu Ming-qing watched Gang-shi Heping Xuefu cry, his body trembled, and her heart said, if these two are put into modern times, they are definitely the material for soprano singing. Listening to the sharp voice, you must give them ears Called deaf.
        Even in this ancient time, Gu Ming-qing felt that these two were also talents, talents in opera.
        Leng-Mengning had already seen the scene in front of him for a long time. It's been more than two years. If it's strange, then hell.
        Gang-shi saw her and peaceful Xuefu cry for so long, Leng-Mengning didn't respond yet, and suddenly scolded Leng-Mengning in a dog's blood shower, apparently so rich, give them something wrong! Must be so stingy!
        Gang-shi once again pulled the silent Ping Xuefu and cried while holding the ragged cotton padded jacket on her body. "Nie Shi-nu, look at the cotton padded jacket on Xue Rong. My family is poor! Look at my two flowers Like Miss, but because they have no money at home, they can’t make clothes for them. Shi-zi-zi, if you don’t help us anymore, our family will go to the street for dinner! By then, we must freeze to death! Ah! "
        Ping Xuerong who was pulled by Gang-shi finally raised her head. She blushed and wanted to pull back the arm held by Gang-shi, but where could she pull that Gang-shi.
        Gu Ming-qing When he saw the appearance of Ping Xuerong, his eyes widened sharply, and he slightly left the position. Leng-Mengning noticed something wrong with Gu Ming-qing, and couldn't help feeling strange.
        Fortunately, Gu Ming-qing soon returned to normal, and sits back again, as if it wasn't her who just lost her mind.
        However, Leng-Mengning determined that she had read it right. Fang-Gu Ming-qing had just lost her mind.
        Leng-Mengning felt strange. When Gu Ming-qing was watching Gang-shi and Heping Xuefu cried, he was only thinking of watching the theater, and only when he saw the appearance of Ping Xuerong, he lost his temper. Is there anything wrong with Ping Xuerong's appearance?
        Leng-Mengning couldn't figure it out for a while, and the sharp cries of Gang-shi and Heping Xuefu rang in her ears. She just felt upset and just wanted to quickly kill these people.

        Chapter 239 : Gu Ming-qing's Past Life  

        "My sister-zi, my cousin is miserable! Look at how good my former boudoirs and close friends were. Now they have reached the age when they can enjoy each other. That is my poor worm, my son married Erxi, which isn’t working, her daughter hasn’t been able to find a good family until now. Shi-zi-zi, I really can’t live! If there is a little trick, I won’t come to you! Really the whole family is hungry Frozen! I can't work! "
        Leng-Mengning stunned God for a while, Gang-shi cried again in her ears, and her eyebrows frowned even more. She really wanted to tell people to pull Gang-shi out.
        Don't listen to Gang-shi being so pathetic, in fact, the life of the Heian family is really not so sad. It must be said that Gang-shi husband is really just a Qipin Sesame Officer, a little bit, and there is not much wealth in the family. But Gang-shi is a business, she had a lot of dowry when she got married!
        Now Gang-shi still has shops in Capital City! Not to mention Gang-shi married Erxi to his son, Erxi, or a business woman, nothing better, just a little bit, rich!
        Gang-shi son, who is no longer good, is also a child of the official family, how could he be happy to marry a merchant girl. Gang-shi fancy that business women are rich and can subsidize households.
        Gang-shi only wears torn clothes every time he goes to the autumn wind in other places. At other times, Gang-shi clothes are still normal.
        For example, when Leng-Mengning attended a banquet, he saw Gang-shi and Heping Xuefu dress up beautifully.
        Leng-Mengning thought smirk, but Gang-shi was poor. They were busy drilling camp. Gang-shi hoped that Ping Xuefu could be seen by Noble, and since then, his family has made peace. Those banquets are not qualified to go as Gang-shi, it is not Gang-shi who spent a lot of money to get invitations.
        Leng-Mengning was more and more disgusting, and too lazy to listen to Gang-shi crying, so he said, "Where is my aunt cousin? I didn’t know what I heard from my aunt cowardly, but I became a cousin What kind of servant you are, all you know is reaching out for money. "
        Ping Xuefu face is not as thick as Gang-shi, and he can’t help but feel a little bit ashamed. Gang-shi still just cries, “Others are other people, but I know my Shi-zi you are not like this. You must not Bear with me as a cousin, the last family will starve to death. "
        It's so strange to starve to death! Leng-Mengning scolded Gang-shi in his heart with a bloody dog.
        The smile on Leng-Mengning's face almost couldn't stop, every time I faced Gang-shi this shameless, she really did not know how to laugh, "The last Popo just gave me twenty Silver Taels, I was going to make new clothes for me, and it was good to take me out for a walk around the New Year. Now, the situation in your house is so bad that I will starve to death.
        My Shi-zi can’t just watch the elders freeze to death and starve to death, and what new clothes are they going to do? I don’t do anything new, and I can wear old clothes as well. So these twenty Silver Taels will be given to Cousin. My cousin has to save a little bit of use, but I saved Twenty Silver Taels from my teeth. "
        Leng-Mengning told Maid to get the money after he said it, Gang-shi got the money, and it was a bunch of good words that don’t need money. "Shi-nu, my cousin, the first time I saw you, you knew you were a good person, Kind-hearted. You Pop is still blessed and can have a good Erxi like you. "
        It took Twenty Silver Taels to listen to these good words from Gang-shi. Leng-Mengning believes that some good words from Gang-shi are really valuable.
        Gang-shi got silver, and then left contentedly with Ping Xuefu and Xuerong Rong.
        Before leaving, Ping Xuerong looked up at Leng-Mengning and apologized and smiled. When she saw Gu Ming-qing, she seemed to be a little timid and afraid, but she also showed a touch of smile.
        Gu Ming-qing Seeing this, her heart sank, not her. If it was her, she would definitely recognize her face when she saw her face, because her face was exactly the same as that of her previous life, and she could not recognize it.
        Then there is only one possibility. They are not the same person, they just look like them.
        Gu Ming-qing feels lost and uncomfortable in her heart, and thought she was here too.
        Leng-Mengning sent out the people who were waiting around, and then asked, "Ming-qing, what happened to you just now? I find that you look a little bit wrong."
        Gu Ming-qing also realized that her behavior just now would be suspicious, and Leng-Mengning would notice it, which is not surprising.
        "That Ping Xuerong looks a lot like an old man I know. I suddenly felt surprised when I saw her face."
        Leng-Mengning frowned. "Old man? Wouldn't it be some old man in Lingping County." She had never met anyone in Lingping County who looked like Ping Xuerong. Is it Qingshi Village?
        Gu Ming-qing shook his head, "No. It's been a long time ago."
        "Is it the old man you met in Jiangnan?"
        Naturally not.
        "Before I lived in Houfu."
        Gu Ming-qing Before living in Zongyong Houfu, Jiangnan, she was a peasant girl in Yishan Village. Regarding his own life, Gu Ming-qing never concealed Leng-Mengning.
        Leng-Mengning nodded and understood, "Does Ping Xuerong look like your friend?"
        Gu Ming-qing nodded wistfully, "like, very like." Her appearance almost made her think she was alone. But they are not alone.
        "Ming-qing, what about your friends?"
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes flashed a sadness, "It's gone, I will never see it again." They are now in different time and space, how could they meet again.
        Gu Ming-qing thought, very sad.
        Leng-Mengning thought that Gu Ming-qing meant that her friend had died, and silently reached out and patted Gu Ming-qing's hand as a comfort.
        Gu Ming-qing quickly recovered from the inexplicable emotions and begged to look at Leng-Mengning, "Meng Ning, can you do me a favor?"
        Leng-Mengning faintly guessed what Gu Ming-qing would ask her to help, "Ming-qing, what is your relationship with me, and what do you want me to help, to be honest, I will help if I can. "
        "Meng Ning, you also know that Ping Xuerong looks too much like my friend. Although I know that they are not the same person, after seeing that face, I still have a touch in my heart. Anyway, I hope Ping Xuerong's life can be a little better.
        I heard you talk about Ping Xuerong. I know that Ping Xuerong's life in Pingjia was very difficult. This was Shu Daughter. The aunt and sister she met were so out of touch. As for the father—if you really love Ping Xuerong, She wouldn't give her to a poor County-Graduate at will. "
        Gu Ming-qing said, her brows were getting more and more frowning, and it took a while before she continued to say, "Meng Ning, I would like to help Ping Xuerong. The problem is, I have no family and no reason for Ping, I can’t Come rashly to visit. "
        "You wish I could help Ping Xuerong."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Well, but don't help on the bright side. Maybe that cousin Ping's cousin sees you treating Ping Xuerong differently. She either keeps asking you from Ping Xuerong The benefit. Either she will hate Ping Xuerong. As an aunt, there are too many places where she can pinch Ping Xuerong. "
        "You want me to secretly help."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded again, "Well. Secretly help in private, don't let anyone know that everything comes out of me."
        Gu Ming-qing said that he was going to take silver, Leng-Mengning was busy stopping it, and he wasn’t so angry. "If you do this again, I won't help. It's not a big deal, and you and I have to be so clear. In fact, I really like that Ping Xuerong, if it doesn't hinder the cousin of the Ping family, I would be happy to help her.
        Now that you have spoken, let me help Ping Xuerong, and that's nothing. Rest assured, this is not difficult. That aunt cousin always told me that I wanted to ask a Mama to teach Ping Xuefu the rules. In this case, I always left ear in and right ear out, anyway, it should not be accepted. "
        Gu Ming-qing was surprised, "For someone like Ping's cousin, do you know how to teach her daughter rules?"
        Hearing the surprise in Gu Ming-qing's tone, Leng-Mengning laughed, "Of course people know the rules. Miss, want to marry a good family, in addition to family appearance, the most important thing is the rules. Pingjiamen is the lowest, Although Ping Xuefu had a good face, she didn't understand the rules, and the main mothers of those big families didn't look down on them.
        Then I will be cheap Ping Xuefu, send a Mama over, and help Ping Xuerong in private. By the way, you can also let Ping Xuerong follow the rules. Just like Aunt Ping's cousin, Ping Xuefu and Heping Xuerong are really— "
        Leng-Mengning apparently despise Ping Xuefu and Heping Xuerong, and he doesn't pay attention to Ping Xuefu anywhere, especially virtue. To Ping Xuerong, she has passed the morals, but her behavior is too small. Fortunately, Ping Xuerong did not want to marry a high-ranking family, but just married a poor County-Graduate, etiquette, etc., is really not necessary.
        Ping Xuerong's matter was resolved, Gu Ming-qing deliberately said, "I really don't need to pay for it? Did you just give your Popo twenty-two new clothes to your cousin Ping. You are not now I don’t even have the money to make new clothes, so I can help. ”
        Leng-Mengning twisted Gu Ming-qing's face in an angry manner, of course, with no effort, and his face was not red, "It's too nasty to make you narrow. You won't see that I deliberately shivered on the cousin of Ping's cousin. A person with a little face would be ashamed and blushed after hearing what I said, but the cousin of the Hei family had a thick skin and hoped that she would be ashamed.
        Gu Ming-qing smiled immediately.
        After another talk, Gu Ming-qing left.
        Back on the carriage, Gu Ming-qing leaned on the wall of the carriage, narrowed his eyes slowly, and the scenes of the previous life appeared again in front of her.
        Some things, even after a long time, will not be forgotten, I thought I forgot, but just deliberately do not think about it.
        Gu Ming-qing Before the age of six, she lived happily and happily. Although her family was not very rich, she was not poor, and she was more than enough. It was an ordinary family.
        Gu Ming-qing has father and mother, they all love themselves. Gu Ming-qing always felt that she was the little Princess of her parents, and she would live happily ever after, even for a lifetime.
        Gu Ming-qing at that time was really too naive. When she was more than five years old, her mother was pregnant again, she conceived in October, and gave birth to a boy.
        After her brother was born, Gu Ming-qing's parents loved her much less. Gu Ming-qing can feel that parents prefer her younger brother rather than her.
        It is impossible to say without losing, Gu Ming-qing is very sad and sad.
        But sadness is more than that.
        Not long after my brother was born, he found that he was seriously ill and needed a lot of money to treat him. Parents took out all their savings for the younger brother to heal them, and even sold a house for the younger brother.
        But the money is still not enough.
        Just when the whole family was at a loss, someone came to see Gu Ming-qing.
        Fancy Gu Ming-qing what? Fancy Gu Ming-qing's rare blood type. To put it plainly, I want to buy Gu Ming-qing and give another thousand Jin-Young-Lady as a mobile blood bank.
        Gu Ming-qing, who is only six years old, didn't understand so much. She only knew that she didn't want to leave her parents. She cried and begged her parents not to abandon her.
        However, parents eventually sold Gu Ming-qing for his younger brother.
        Gu Ming-qing was sold, her parents got a lot of money, her brother's medical expenses were fine, and the house at home could be bought back again. Only Gu Ming-qing was taken away.
        After Gu Ming-qing was taken away, she didn't really feel any grievance. Her role was to wait until Zina Jin-Young-Lady had an accident before she could be used.
        In order to ensure the use of Gu Ming-qing, those people are not bad for Gu Ming-qing, to support her deliciously and deliciously, and even to keep Gu Ming-qing happy, she can go out and relax from time to time .
        However, Gu Ming-qing cannot read books and play with her peers. She will be monitored for everything she does.
        Those people will never allow Gu Ming-qing to leave her sight.
        Gu Ming-qing, who had left his parents, cried and made troubles, despairing until he stayed in the corner of the bed and didn't speak.
        But there is no pain that cannot be cured by time. Gradually, Gu Ming-qing came out.
        Gu Ming-qing, who is only six years old, deeply understands the truth that no one in the world can be trusted, only himself can be trusted. Even your parents will abandon you. Who else can you expect?
        Fortunately, Gu Ming-qing has been in the first grade for a while. She deeply remembers the words that the teacher said, that knowledge changes destiny. Only by studying hard can she change her destiny.
        Those people could not agree with Gu Ming-qing to study, but Gu Ming-qing required a laptop and an Internet connection.
        Those people still didn't agree, and finally Gu Ming-qing went on a hunger strike, and those people were worried that Gu Ming-qing would die, so they configured Gu Ming-qing with a laptop.
        However, Gu Ming-qing's computer is constantly monitored by others. Gu Ming-qing can only learn a little bit from Onuo. The book she bought did not recognize the words, so she had to use a dictionary, and then slowly learn to use the computer ...
        The days at that time were really bitter. Gu Ming-qing didn't know how she survived it. She survived that way, struggling every day, believing that she could change her destiny.
        Gu Ming-qing had good luck. She was regarded as a mobile blood bank, but the body of the thousand Jin-Young-Lady was fine.
        Four years later, Gu Ming-qing was ten years old that year.
        Gu Ming-qing hates the bustling and noisy streets. She prefers to walk in the country lanes. Although she knows someone is watching her, those people won't let Gu Ming-qing find out. Gu Ming-qing Just when they don't exist.
        Also that time, Gu Ming-qing met Xiao Xiao and Song Xiao Xiao .
        Song Xiao Xiao is two years younger than Gu Ming-qing. When Gu Ming-qing met her, a group of people chased her behind her.
        When seeing Xiao Xiao fall in front of her, Gu Ming-qing jumped in his heart, and those eyes said "Save me, please save me."
        She was abandoned by her parents. For many years, only her own Ming-qing, felt that her heart had long been cold, and even died.
        Gu Ming-qing felt that her heart died when she was six years old, and she died very cleanly and thoroughly.
        But in the eyes of Xiao Xiao , Gu Ming-qing seemed to see his six-year-old despair and pain.
        Gu Ming-qing shot, moved the smile to the grass, and waited for someone to chase after her and see if she saw a little Miss. Gu Ming-qing pointed someone in the wrong direction.
        As soon as someone left, Gu Ming-qing left with a smile and took her to the place where she lived temporarily.
        Those people certainly did not agree with Gu Ming-qing to bring a stranger, but Gu Ming-qing insisted. Maybe they also stared at Gu Ming-qing for several years, knowing that Gu Ming-qing temper is the most persuasive, the other is okay, as long as it is what she believes, it must be done even if she is dead.
        Xiao Xiao was hungry. Gu Ming-qing fed her a meal, and those people found a doctor to treat Xiao Xiao again, and she woke up quickly.
        Gu Ming-qing also knew his life. To laugh is also unlucky. She was born in a patriarchal family. The eldest brother in the family has reached the age of marrying a daughter-zi, but has no money to marry a daughter-zi. Therefore, the parents of Xiao Xiao should sell Xiao Xiao to the rich households in the village to raise children as children and exchange gifts.
        Gu Ming-qing After listening, I suddenly wanted to laugh. Is it because the boy is more expensive than the girl Jin Jin, why her parents, as well as the smiling parents, love boys more.
        For the sake of the son, he can abandon his daughter without hesitation.
        Gu Ming-qing, who is ten years old, also understands deeply what mobile blood bank is.
        After Xiao Xiao was good, Gu Ming-qing could not leave Xiao Xiao at home any more, and those people would not agree. Gu Ming-qing asked Xiao Xiao , and then sent Xiao Xiao to the orphanage.
        Maybe for Xiao Xiao , being an orphan is better than being sold by the heartless parents.



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