Houmen Dinu 230

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 Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        On the second day, Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui took many gifts to see Zhu Imperial-Graduate and Ding Shi.
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate already knew the news of Tang Yuan-Jinrui examination, and he was too happy. Seeing Tang Jinrui came to see him in the county the next day, and he couldn't help being happier for a while.
        "You just came back from Ming An House, so hurry to see what I do."
        Ding Shi directly dismantled Zhu Imperial-Graduate, "You are obviously not happy in your heart, you have to say something here. You Lao-tou, the older you are, the more awkward people are."
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate, who was demolished by Ding Shi, didn't feel good. "You old Pozi, I think the older you are, the more you can't speak."
        Tang Jinrui said, "It was supposed to come to Shifu earlier. It was not until today that it was a disciple."
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate didn't confuse with Ding Shi either, and laughed, "You're fine, I can remember to come to see me, and I'm very happy. Jinrui, ah, you know Yuan in this exam, Shifu is happy. You are really the student surpasses the master."
        Tang Jinrui bowed his head and said modestly, "Shifu is too much. I actually have a lot to learn."
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate and Tang Jinrui talked for a while, Ding Shi kept talking and seemed to have something to say.
        After Zhu Imperial-Graduate and Tang Jinrui finished chatting, Ding Shi wanted to signal Tang Jinrui to leave first, Zhu Imperial-Graduate said, "It's true to say that you are arrogant, old Pozi. It's true. Ask Jinrui about the filial piety. You just ask, do you think I will stop you?
        Ding Shi glanced at Zhu Imperial-Graduate and asked, "Don't you stop?"
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate snorted. "I'm not so confused. Ask if you want. It's not about seeing anything uncommon, who to hide from."
        Gu Ming-qing said, I am afraid that Zhu Imperial-Graduate was thinking about Wan-Yibin in his heart, but he used to say so hard. Now how can I show my concern for the news of Wan-Yibin.
        Tang Jinrui didn't think about that much. Seeing Zhu Imperial-Graduate was no different, so he bluntly said, "Before I came back, Brother Wan met me. Shifu and Master can rest assured, Brother Wan is very good."
        Ding Shi heard a sigh of relief, and the child was so close to them that she was born a bit. She didn't know anything about the child. It must be said that this is also a kind of sorrow.
        "He met you? Jinrui, what did he tell you?"
        Tang Jinrui didn't hide Zhu Imperial-Graduate, and all Wan-Yibin told him all he told Zhu Imperial-Graduate.
        Ding Shi stared blankly at Zhu Imperial-Graduate, to know that what he hated most was the attitude of Wan-Yibin. At this moment, Zhu Imperial-Graduate will not be furious again.
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate is rare and not angry, but just looks at Tang Jinrui and asks, "Jinrui, tell me what you think of the insincere words. Frankly speaking, I will not blame you as a teacher."
        Tang Jinrui replied, "Shifu, Brother Wan actually made a lot of sense. But although there are reasons in some places, but I know that I can't do it. Some things can be compromised, but some things can't be compromised. "
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate didn't ask Tang Jinrui what he agreed or disagreed with, but he spit out a sigh of breath, "Jinrui, I have taught you for so many years. Today, there is actually nothing to teach you. But there are You have to keep this in mind and be a person without forgetting your original intention. As a teacher, I just hope that you can always remember your original intention.
        Soon it was to celebrate Tang Li-Yin's Imperial-Graduate banquet. Tang Li-zong and Li-shi were discussing what gifts to give to Tang Li-Yin.
        Tang Jingjing was suffocated and felt uncomfortable everywhere. After coming in, I heard the conversation between Tang Li-zong and Li-shi. It was even more fierce for a while. “What gift? What a good gift! Tang Li-Yin didn't even take you out of the blue, but only planted the big brother in the eyes. You are still far away to give him gifts, I think you are really free Panic! "
        Tang Jingjing rushed over, and he was surprised by Tang Li-zong and Li-shi.
        Tang Li-zong didn't feel good, "Where did you get the free time and get angry with me and your mother? Your fourth uncle is my brother, the same brother as my mother. Your fourth uncle is taking a test now "Imperial-Graduate, I'm happy for him as an elder brother. You don't have to say these words so as not to let outsiders listen to it, and it's not as good as my elder brother!"
        Tang Jingjing smirked, "Well! I think you are a real fool! You can't feel Tang Li-Yin look down on you at all? In the eyes of others, you are a cow! A hard work for him Big fool who earns money for him to read! Also big brother, you really put gold on your face! "
        Tang Li-zong was so angry that he couldn't get up, almost vomiting blood!
        Li-shi has always been a good temper, and it can be said that it is rarely irritable. After hearing these unpleasant words from Tang Jingjing, I can't help but get angry. It's you Father! They are all your elders, how can you say that! "
        "Why can't I speak like this. What did I say wrong? It's funny. You guys and you both like to deceive yourself. Stupid! So is Tang Li-Yin, not just the Imperial-Graduate exam. What’s so great, he Imperial-Graduate is still the penultimate, the tail test. "
        Tang Li-zong growled, "Imperial-Graduate in the exam is great! Imperial-Graduate Lao-ye entered the county, and the county Tai-Master spoke very kindly to him. Your fourth uncle passed the final exam, Then again? He still Imperial-Graduate! "
        "Huh! He not my uncle. I'm not from the Tang family now! I have been kicked out of the Tang family long ago. The first person in the exam has not planned to hold a wedding party, but the last one in the exam can do it Glad. Cut— "
        Tang Li-zong stretched his finger toward the doorway and yelled at Tang Jingjing, "Hurry up and get out of me! I don't want to see you!"
        "When I stay here with you rarely! I'll just leave!" Tang Jingjing said, turning away without looking back.
        Tang Jingjing is gone, Tang Li-zong is still angry with her.
        Li-shi hurriedly poured a cup of tea for Tang Li-zong and advised, "Don't be angry, you don't know who she is. You continue to be angry with her, and you won't be angry with yourself in the end."
        Tang Li-zong took the tea cup in Li-shi hand, and drank all of it, panting, "I just knew what she was like, and every time I listened to her, I gave my orders to myself Say, don't get angry, don't get angry. But listen to those jerk things she said, making people angry. "
        "Going for a drink after those days, let's not take her."
        Tang Li-zong immediately said, "I can’t take her. You listen to what she said, I really want to take her to a 4-Didi banquet, when I can’t celebrate the 4-Didi exam Imperial Graduate banquet. Father and mother are afraid that she will be stunned by her! "
        Li-shi was also in her heart. She didn't feel that Tang Li-zong's words were exaggerated, but she felt that it was very possible. Tang Jingjing is not such a person.
        Anyway, Tang Jingjing is not from Tang family anymore, it is normal not to take her.
        Tang Li-zong became angry for a while, and then continued to discuss with Li-shi what gifts to Tang Li-Yin should be given.
        In a blink of an eye, it was a banquet to celebrate the Imperial-Graduate in the Tang Li-Yin test. Qingshi Village could hardly get the Imperial-Graduate. This is a big happy event! People from Shili and Baxiang came over to have a wine banquet, and the large households in the county also gave gifts. Many people came to eat banquets. Even the Shexian Ling also gave gifts, but no one came.
        Tang Shuan and old Zhang-shi wore newly-made satin clothes, which made them happy!
        After decades of living, they are most open and happy today!
        See how busy the Tang family is today! Then I saw the young sons who were dressed in new clothes and looked handsome, Tang Shuan and old Zhang-shi had pride in their eyes, and they did not sacrifice their hard work for the young son.
        Today's banquet Tang Jade also attended. She sits on the main seat, on the left sits Tang Li-Yin's fiancee Shi Yanting, and on the right sits Zhou-shi. Both of them are familiar with Tang Jade, and they are sitting with Tang Jade left and right, and Tang Jade mood is still stable.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Tang Jade, who was sitting very quietly, and couldn't help sighing. Think of Tang Jade arrogance and coquettishness when she married into the Tang family, and then comparing it with today, it can't help but make people feel right.
        Looking at Tang Jiaojiao again, in the past two years, she has come out, and she has become more stable.
        Tang Jiaojiao also made an appointment.
        Tang Li-Xiao and Qian-shi no longer wanted to let Tang Jiaojiao marry a high-ranking family member to enjoy the blessings of Young Madam, so they found a family with a stronger family. Qian-shi and Tang Li-Xiao understand the situation of each other thoroughly. The elders in the family, as well as the juniors and juniors, do not say that everyone is good, everyone-there are always such shortcomings, but in general, the character of that family is good.
        Tang Li-zong and Li-shi came late.
        When old Zhang-shi saw Tang Li-zong and Li-shi, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, Tang Li-zong and Li-shi only brought Tang Pandi and Tang Laidi, but did not bring Tang Jingjing. Otherwise, the old Zhang-shi is afraid that one can't help but kick them all out!
        When Tang Shuan saw that the old Zhang-shi face was not good, he stretched out his hand to pull the old Zhang-shi sleeve, and motioned her not to put a face on this day of great joy, which made people look bad.
        The old Zhang-shi remembered that today is the day when Tang Li-Yin was overjoyed, so he smiled again.
        Tang Li-zong handed the gift to the old Zhang-shi and laughed, "Mother, today is a great day for 4-Didi. I am here to congratulate Father and mother."
        Old Zhang-shi snorted, "I think you have a heart."
        After Tang Li-zong and Li-shi gave a gift, they took their seats.
        In general, today's banquet was a success. Nothing happened. Everything went smoothly.
        In October, Emperor Xiao kang ordered Zhao Wang-Heir, Chu Wang-Heir, and Rui-Junwang Yan-jin to go to the capital.
        Anyone with a good eye knows why Emperor Xiao kang called them to Capital City. Yan-jin and others have already reached the age of the family. But Emperor Xiao kang has been pressing them for various reasons.
        To this day, Emperor Xiao kang may be worried that these grandchildren are too old. It may also be because of other reasons, anyway, they are called to Capital City, intending to pick their daughter-zi.
        Gu Ming-qing laughed suddenly after hearing the news.
        Tang Jinrui looked at Gu Ming-qing a little bit, so he asked, "Niangzi, what's wrong with you? What's so funny?"
        Gu Ming-qing smiled sorely that his stomach hurt, glanced at Tang Jinrui, and smiled, "You count, is there a person missing?"
        Tang Jinrui froze, then quickly figured in his heart. This time Emperor Xiao kang summoned his grandchildren to Capital City, and all of them were born out. one short-
        Tang Jinrui quickly returned to God, "Han Wang-Heir."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Yeah, it's Yan Hong. Yan Hong came to Minglin government in the name of accompanying Han-Wangfei to his hometown to give his filial piety. The emperor was afraid of this reason, so he did not call Yan Hong Go to the capital.
        Chu Wang-Heir, Zhao Wang-Heir, and Rui-Junwang, their marriage really cannot be decided by themselves. But they are all in the capital. The emperor just wanted to point them to marriage, no matter how much they would ask them in advance if they would. Although formal, that's better than nothing.
        Unfortunately, Han Wang-Heir will not be treated like this, others are in Minglin. In the end, Emperor Xiao kang finished the election, and then he was notified at the end. "
        Gu Ming-qing said and wanted to laugh again, "Oh my god, think of Han Wang-Heir is also unlucky. Han Wang-Heir is now wanting to go to Capital City, that is impossible. Han Wang Heir, since he went to Minglin Mansion in the name of filial piety Han-Wangfei, he can't run to Capital City for his marriage. Otherwise, isn't Han Wang-Heir's filial piety laughed and generous? "
        Yan Hong was bound to herself this time.
        Gu Ming-qing The more I think about Cola, the more I don't know if Yan Hong will regret it.
        Tang Jinrui didn't expect it at first, but now after Gu Ming-qing said that, he also felt very funny.
        "More than that, if the person in the capital gave Han Wang-Heir a trip, and gave him a woman who looked good but actually failed, then he would be very unlucky."
        Tang Jinrui is a relatively generous person, but he is not sympathetic to Yan Hong's experience.
        Each is their own, of course, the worse the opponent is, the better.
        And just because Han-Wang wanted to form an alliance with Daliang, Tang Jinrui looked down on them.
        Gu Ming-qing had a sudden whimsy, and his brain was wide open. "Sangong, would you say that Yan Hong would propose that he wants to marry Tang Jingjing as Heirfei?"
        Tang Jinrui reached out, sticking his back to Gu Ming-qing's forehead, curiously, "Niangzi, you haven't got a fever. How can you be confused?"
        Gu Ming-qing beat Tang Jinrui hand in a bad temper, and he was unhappy, "Who has a fever. Tang Jingjing wants to be Han Wang-Heirfei, don't say you didn't see it."
        Tang Jinrui replied, “I can see it. But it's impossible. Han Wang-Heir can't be stupid like that again.” There is also a degree of obsession.
        "Maybe. Maybe Han Wang-Heir was really confused by Tang Jingjing?"
        What a charm to cross the farming heroine! Maybe Tang Jingjing really has this ability. I just don’t know if Tang Jingjing can get Yan Hong's promise, can Han-Wang, or even Emperor Xiao kang promise?
        Tang Jingjing happened to be in Minglin.
        Tang Jingjing Ever since he met Yan Hong, he has become concerned about national affairs. From Tang Jingjing's point of view, she will help Yan Hong to seize the throne and pull down the evil Huang-Tai-sun!
        This did not disappoint her through a field! That's right!
        Regarding self-interest, Tang Jingjing soon returned to God, Emperor Xiao kang planned to marry Yan Hong and others.
        Tang Jingjing is so big, she won't narcissistic enough to think that Emperor Xiao kang would point her to Yan Hong.
        What an international joke, Emperor Xiao kang is too busy to do national affairs every day, and there is no time to care about a little peasant girl.
        Who is Tang Jingjing? Is it worth paying attention to Emperor Xiao kang?
        So Tang Jingjing is very sure, if it is Emperor Xiao kang's finger marriage, then Han Wang-Heirfei position will definitely not fall on her head! This is not acceptable to Tang Jingjing!
        Tang Jingjing had an appointment with Yan Hong.
        When Yan Hong came, Tang Jingjing's face was full of tears, and those big eyes were full of sadness and despair.
        Touching such a look, Yan Hong only felt that one heart was almost broken, and he reached out to take Tang Jingjing in his arms, comforting her. Tang Jingjing avoided Yan Hong's hand.
        Yan Hong's hand stopped in midair like that.
        "What happened to Jingjing?"
        Tang Jingjing Lips fluttered, and two lines of tears fell again in Shui Lingling's big eyes, "You asked me what happened? I know everything, you really treat me as a fool, do you know anything? The emperor wants to give you Choose Fae. "
        Of course, Yan Hong knew this, and he only got news here shortly. Han-Wangfei immediately sent someone to call Yan Hong back.
        It's just that Tang Jingjing invited Yan Hong at the same time.
        Between Tang Jingjing and Han-Wangfei, Yan Hong chose Tang Jingjing.
        Yan Hong likes Tang Jingjing and has spent a lot of effort to understand Tang Jingjing. Yan Hong knew that Tang Jingjing was a particularly proud person. She looked down on the Junior Concubine side room, and wanted to be her main room.
        If conditions allow, Yan Hong also wants to marry Tang Jingjing as his main room, and he also wants to marry a woman he loves.
        The problem is that Tang Jingjing's identity is really too low! Tang Jingjing is just an ordinary peasant girl, she can't help herself.
        Yan Hong was so dizzy that he couldn't give Tang Jingjing a promise to marry her.
        Yan Hong sighed, "Jingjing, you have to understand me. I'm Han Wang-Heir, and I can't take charge of my marriage." Even if I can take charge, Yan Hong can't guarantee that he is willing to marry Tang Jingjing is his wife.
        Yan Hong determined that he loved Tang Jingjing, and even Tang Jingjing might be his favorite woman in his life. But Yan Hong couldn't help but consider what he was going to do and his status.
        Sometimes, Yan Hong can't help complaining about Tang Jingjing. Why don't he know how to be considerate? Couldn't she understand her suffering?

        Chapter 231 : Yan Hong Wants To Marry Tang Jingjing  

        Yan Hong also showed a little grudge in Tang Jingjing's eyes.
        Tang Jingjing noticed the resentment in Yan Hong's eyes, and felt heartache, holding Yan Hong's hands, and questioning sharply, "Don't you blame me? You're blame me, don't you? Yan Hong, how can you do this to me! Since you Like me, you should know what kind of person I am.
        I am so proud, I am so confident. But for my sake, I tried everything to please your Mufei. I've done almost everything I can, and in my life I haven't left my self-esteem like that in front of anyone. But I did it for you. Do you know how much I paid for you? "
        Tang Jingjing sobbing blood, tears in words, she was really sad and painful, how much she paid for Yan Hong! As a result, Yan Hong looked at her with such resentful eyes. Tang Jingjing just felt that his heart was going to break.
        Yan Hong originally had a little bit of blame Tang Jingjing, but now it's gone.
        Yan Hong hugged Tang Jingjing distressedly, softly, "Jingjing, I know it's my fault, it's my fault. I shouldn't blame you. All of this is my fault, please forgive me "
        Tang Jingjing nestled in the arms of Yan Hong, and no matter how strong a woman is, she will become weak and useless in emotional problems. Tang Jingjing is the case today.
        Tang Jingjing thinking of the grievances suffered at Han-Wangfei these days, and then thinking that Yan Hong is likely to have a positive Fae right away. She can't help but feel like a knife cut, she really has a dead heart! Who can understand the pain in her heart!
        Tang Jingjing sucked his nose, and when he was about to speak, Yan Hong's voice was heard above his head, "Jingjing, I know you are fine, you are the best Miss in the world, although you have no prominent family history , But you are more vivid and lively than those so-called Qian Jin-Young-Lady. I really love you very much. "
        No woman can resist such sweet talk. Tang Jingjing is also a woman. Naturally, she can't either. She leaned into Yan Hong's arms. She looked crimson because of a few words from Yan Hong, and she was shy for a while.
        Soon, Yan Hong's voice sounded again, "Jingjing, but you also need to be considerate and considerate of my difficulties. I love you, but my marriage is not my decision. My marriage must be decided by Huang-Grandfather. Why do you let me know that the media is marrying you as my Heirfei. Huang-Grandfather would not agree. "
        Tang Jingjing's originally sweet and joyful heart was instantly thrown into the ice pond, shivering coldly, and the cold air ran all the way up from the soles of the feet. It didn't take long for Tang Jingjing to tremble coldly.
        Yan Hong didn't notice the difference between Tang Jingjing, and he continued to bitterly say, "Jingjing, I know you love me, and you are considerate and considerate. I can assure you that even if you are only my Ceefei, you are my favorite Woman. Everything in the future will be our child. "
        Yan Hong's words completely denied his future wife and his future Di-son.
        Tang Jingjing suddenly struggling in the arms of Yan Hong, she did not know where the strength came from, and pushed Yan Hong fiercely. Unexpectedly, Yan Hong was pushed backwards by Tang Jingjing for several steps, but finally she stabilized her figure.
        Before Yan Hong had time to question Tang Jingjing, the angry voice of the latter sounded, "Yan Hong, you say love me! But why can't I feel your love for me? If you really love me, How could you be willing that I can only be a Qiesh!
        Yan Hong, do you know what is Qiesh? Standing girl Qieshi! I will lower my head all my life, and my child will lower my head! On what grounds! Where am I worse than other women, why should I bow my head! I'm not happy! "
        Yan Hong is also angry. He is the proud of the sky and has never whispered to others. He is good at saying that it can be said that he has exhausted his mind, but Tang Jingjing is still so unreasonable. Yan Hong was furious.
        Yan Hong said angrily, "Jingjing, why can't you be considerate—"
        Tang Jingjing interrupted Yan Hong’s words, "You just know that you are asking me to be considerate of you, then why can’t you be considerate of me! And you are always emphasizing your powerlessness, and I will ask you a word, you have worked hard to marry me After a little bit? Anyone? "
        Yan Hong was stunned, Tang Jingjing was right, he really never tried to get her as his wife, because it was obviously impossible. Not to mention that Huang-Grandfather could not agree, and neither Father Wang nor Mufei could agree. Since it's impossible to agree, what's the point of speaking?
        The expression on Yan Hong's face was really easy to understand.
        Tang Jingjing smirked, "I know what you want to say. Do you want to say that, no matter what you do, it is impossible to marry me as a wife, then there is any hard work. Yan Hong, you really let me disappointed."
        Immediately after, Tang Jingjing said quietly again, "Yan Hong, do you know, do you know how much I like you? Do you know how much I love you? Yan Hong, who I love, is a man in the sky, even if he knows the front There are thorns and obstacles, but in order to achieve his goal, he will overcome thorns and survive all difficulties.
        But what about you now? Yan Hong, are you still my Tang Jingjing man? Are you still the Yan Hong I know? "
        Yan Hong opened her mouth and finally sits in a chair with her head down, her head buried in her palms, and she said, "What do you want me to do?"
        Tang Jingjing immediately said, "Yan Hong, since you love me, why can't you marry me as my wife. I believe you, I know you can do it. Yan Hong, how can you know if you don't try it? Yan Hong Let me look at you, I know you can do it. You can do it! "
        I wonder if Tang Jingjing's words contained seductive magic. As each of Tang Jingjing's words got into Yan Hong's ears, those words ran into his heart one by one.
        Yan Hong asked himself in his heart, yeah, he didn't even work hard, how could he know that it would not work? Yan Hong wants to try it for herself, for her beloved woman.
        Yan Hong left Han-Wangfei and came to Tang Jingjing first.
        After Yan Hong came out of Tang Jingjing, she went to Han-Wangfei.
        Han-Wangfei waited with a blue complexion, and looked impatient. When Yan Hong came over, he split his head and scolded him, "You still know where you are! Where did you come from? I Mufei call you and have to wait For a long time! "
        Yan Hong moved his mouth, knowing that this matter was indeed ignored by him, so he lowered his head and let Han-Wangfei say.
        Fortunately, Han-Wangfei already sent out the people in the house. There were only Han-Wangfei and Yan Hong in the room. Yan Hong's face was saved.
        Han-Wangfei scolded Yan Hong, and the anger in his heart dissipated a little, and his tone of speech eased, "Honger, it's not Mufei who wants to say you. It's because what you've done recently is a bit out of place and doesn't fit. your Heir. "
        Han-Wangfei said that Yan Hong would go to Tang Jingjing from time to time, or just let Tang Jingjing come to Minglin House. Han-Wangfei didn't even look at it!
        Han-Wangfei couldn't figure it out, Tang Jingjing wasn't a big beauty, so how could she confuse her son! If it was a big beauty, Han-Wangfei wouldn't be so strange.
        Han-Wangfei saw Yan Hong bow her head and said nothing, after all, she was her own son, and she was also distressed.
        Han-Wangfei sighed, "Honger, you got the news too. Chu Wang-Heir, Zhao Wang-Heir, and Rui-Junwang have all gone to the capital now! The emperor is going to give you a few They are married! They are all born in Capital City, only you are in Minglin House! You shouldn’t have come to Minglin House!
        The things here can't be done by your father and king, and you, Heir, don't have to come at all. "
        Yan Hong explained, "My son is worried about his father, and Mufei, your legs are indeed-"
        Han-Wangfei coldly interrupted Yan Hong’s words, “Honger, Mufei is old, but not too old! You really can’t be a fool when Mufei? Yes, Mufei does not deny that you are telling the truth. But these Not all of them. Another reason is Tang Jingjing. Honger, Honger, what is good about Tang Jingjing, you just-"
        Han-Wangfei is on fire here, Yan Hong lost too much this time! In Capital City, although Yan Hong could not stop Emperor Xiao Kang from pointing to marriage, what could he do in it. Or use Han-Wang’s power in Capital City and look up the Jin-Young-Lady to be married.
        Or Yan Hong can create some opportunities in Capital City and marry a thousand Jin-Young-Lady who will help him.
        What a great opportunity!
        Nothing happened! Yan Hong couldn't go to the capital and could only stay in Minglin House!
        Han-Wangfei is so anxious here, but the partial birth Yanhong has no response, Han-Wangfei is blamed for being happy!
        In fact, Yan Hong was also unhappy, but just went to Tang Jingjing, because Tang Jingjing's matter had long ago left the idea behind.
        Yan Hong saw that the anger on Han-Wangfei face gradually dissipated, and when she thought about seeing Tang Jingjing, she said, she gritted her teeth and began to speak, "Mufei, Jingjing is actually very good. If she is a son, Zheng Fae, in fact, did not-"
        Angrily Han-Wangfei suddenly got up, raised his hand, and gave Yan Hong a slap.
        Yan Hong has not been beaten by Han-Wangfei since he was a child, but this time, Han-Wangfei really came to the fire, exhausted his whole body and gave Yan Hong a slap, which hit Yan Hong's head slightly To the side, bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.
        Han-Wangfei felt a pain when she saw the red and red slap print on Yan Hong's face, but when she thought of Yan Hong, her heart didn't hurt at all, and she was only angry.
        Han-Wangfei stretched out his finger painted with red danker and pointed at Yan Hong, his voice trembled because of anger, "You jerk! Do you know what you're talking about? I really have a good son Ah! My son, who has been raised for more than ten years, didn't expect such a fight!
        It is not until today that I know that I have raised an infatuation! My son really has the ability! It's so good! Zhao Wang-Heir Their positive Fae will be the capital of the capital. They are distinguished, their father and brother are powerful, and they can give them great help.
        My son, also Han Wang-Heir, is no worse than them. In the end my son was going to marry a farm girl as Fae! Yan Hong, do you think your face is not big enough, or do you think that my Mufei face is not big enough? You are really my good son! You are so wonderful! "
        After getting up too anxious, and because of anxiety and anger, Han-Wangfei fluttered after finishing scolding Yan Hong, and almost fell. Yan Hong quickly supported Han-Wangfei and helped her back to the beauty couch.
        Han-Wangfei sits down and shakes off Yan Hong's hand, "I don't want you to be a filial son! I have a son like you, I'm afraid it's only early death!"
        Han-Wangfei words were too heavy, Yan Hong knelt helplessly towards her, "Mufei, is this going to shame his son?"
        "Shy? Do you still know shame? I only knew that you were ashamed long ago! How groggy can you be to say that Tang Jingjing is Fae! When you say this, don’t you? Are you not ready to anger me as Mufei? "
        After seeing Han-Wangfei response, Yan Hong regretted it. In fact, Yan Hong also knows how stupid his words are, and in his capacity, it should not be said at all.
        In the past, Yan Hong faced everyone, and everything could be calm and indifferent, but as soon as he met Tang Jingjing, all his sanity disappeared without a trace, and he would always do things he could not understand.
        Yan Hong thought to himself that Tang Jingjing might be his robber. As soon as he met her, he would be defeated.
        "Tang Jingjing? Huh Ben Wangfei didn't really look at a Tang Jingjing in the past. But now it seems that Wang Fae is wrong. Tang Jingjing is really amazing, let you say If you marry her as Zheng Fae, Honger, Tang Jingjing insist on being your Zheng Fae. "
        In the end, Han-Wangfei tone is difficult to hide, obviously that murder is facing Tang Jingjing.
        Yan Hong was startled, and immediately scratched his head in front of Han-Wangfei. "Mufei Mingjian, Jingjing is a good Miss, she is the most kind and gentle. It is the son who hopes Jingjing has such a good appearance. When Fae, Jingjing has never mentioned this. if."
        Yan Hong knew very well that if Han-Wangfei knew that Tang Jingjing wanted to be her Fae, and even made herself ask, Han-Wangfei was afraid that she would really kill Tang Jingjing.
        Han-Wangfei didn’t believe Yan Yan’s words. She knew her son. If it wasn’t for Tang Jingjing, the abominable bastard was holding her back, and her son would be confused by Tang Jingjing again. Would do such a stupid thing!
        Tang Jingjing ——
        Han-Wangfei eyes flashed a cold light.
        In the past, Han-Wangfei only regarded Tang Jingjing as an insignificant little person, thinking about Yan Hong like it, and after a while, without any freshness, Tang Jingjing would be left behind. What is Tang Jingjing without Yan Hong's favorite? It wasn't even worth her a look.
        But now Han-Wangfei knows that she is wrong. Yan Hongyuan likes Tang Jingjing more than she thinks.
        The best way, of course, is to directly kill Tang Jingjing. Only when Tang Jingjing died was the scourge completely broken.
        Han-Wangfei eyes couldn't help looking at Yan Hong kneeling on the ground.
        Han-Wangfei was really worried that her son would be stunned by the death of Tang Jingjing, and ruined his son for a Tang Jingjing. Such a thing, Han-Wangfei is extremely unwilling.
        Moreover, if Yan Hong knew that it was her mother who killed Tang Jingjing, would he hate himself?
        If it was the former Yan Hong, Han-Wangfei is very confident.
        But now Yan Hong, Han-Wangfei didn't believe it at all. It was Yan Hong who disappointed her too much.
        For a Tang Jingjing, and a crack in the relationship between their mother and son, this is what Han-Wangfei didn't want to see at all.
        Han-Wangfei took a deep breath, "Get up."
        Yan Hong got up, and then heard Han-Wangfei said, "Honger, how hard you worked hard from childhood to age. Mufei is all about it. Mufei is also proud of having a son like you. You are now There are women you like, and Mufei is happy for you. "
        Yan Hong was moved by the generosity of Han-Wangfei, not even the slap that Han-Wangfei hit him before.
        "Honger, you should know in your heart that as Tang Miss, it is impossible for him to treat you as Fae. But it is impossible for Fae. A Ceefei is still possible. Although that Tang Miss, she doesn’t even qualify for Ceefei. But if you like, Mufei can grant her a status of Ceefei. "
        Yan Hong's face was full of embarrassment. Tang Jingjing just didn't want to be Ceefei, so he forced him to think.
        Han-Wangfei smirked, and she was really big-hearted. A little peasant girl dared to think of Han Wang-Heirfei position! She damn it!
        "Honger, what's wrong?"
        For a while, Yan Hong didn't know how to answer Han-Wangfei. Could she be frank with Han-Wangfei and say that Tang Jingjing would not be right Fae? Then Han-Wangfei must ask. Didn't you just say Tang Jingjing didn't insist on being Fae? The words are contradictory and inconsistent.
        Yan Hong said for a while, "If the son hasn't married Fae, if he accepts Ceefei, his son's Yue family will be dissatisfied."
        Han-Wangfei didn't pierce Yan Hong, but just nodded slightly, "Well, what you said is reasonable. Since Hong Er also knows that you haven't married a real wife, and you don't have a favored concubine. Then with Tang Miss, Keep a little distance. Otherwise, if you love a Miss so much, if it is passed on, others will only say that you are lustful. Your father and king will be dissatisfied with you. "
        Yan Hong couldn't find a reason to refute Han-Wangfei words, she was puzzled, and then she found an opportunity to explain to Tang Jingjing.
        Han-Wangfei saw Yan Hong's expression in her eyes, and even smirked, she really gave birth to a good son! Good son who loves you!

        Chapter 232 : Su Jinsong's Weirdness  

        Gu Ming-qing Of course I don’t know here, Tang Jingjing talked about Yan Hong marrying her as Fae.
        If Gu Ming-qing knew it, I would definitely say one thing, Tang Jingjing's ability is great, and one more thing is that Yan Hong is really infatuated with Tang Jingjing! Infatuatedly speechless.
        Gu Ming-qing Here has been busy packing things to go to Capital City.
        It was mid-October in an instant, and Gu Ming-qing's stuff was almost packed.
        That evening, Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui spoke.
        Tang Jinrui said, "Niangzi, do you want me to allow Brother Su to live in Soviet House?"
        Gu Ming-qing didn't look up, "It's simple, look at Xianggong how you think. If you want to live in Su, live in Su. If you don't want to, don't live."
        "I don't want to live in private. I just gave Brother Su a small favor. Brother Su is too enthusiastic, and I feel a bit deserved. Not only that, but Su House is an old mansion and a big family. Then there must be more.
        When I went to Capital City, I just wanted to prepare for the exam wholeheartedly, and didn't want to worry about other things. So I don't think it's good to live in Su House. "
        "Xiangong, you think very well, you have considered all aspects. Then let's go, don't go to Sue."
        "If you don't want to live in Su, there is still a reason to explain to Brother Su. But Brother Su also proposed to lend our mother a dowry dowry to Our. I still have no idea in my heart."
        Gu Ming-qing asked, "Sangong, what do you think in your heart. Are you thinking that Su gongzi is too enthusiastic?"
        Tang Jinrui nodded, "Well, Niangzi, you're right. I really think so. How expensive is the courtyard in Capital City, Brother Su just borrowed the courtyard of his biological mother as soon as he opened his mouth. I was uneasy. "
        Gu Ming-qing The eyes were faint and quiet, "Xiangong, in fact, you don't need to be disturbed. Su Gongzi is afraid that he has his own thoughts, and has what he wants to do."
        Tang Jinrui wondered, "Niangzi, what do you mean by that?"
        "What do you hear? Sangong, you don't know anything about house fighting."
        Tang Jinrui frowned, wondering, "Zhudou? What does this have to do with Zoudou?"
        Gu Ming-qing smiled and shook his head, saying that Tang Jinrui didn't know anything about house fighting, which was really not a matter of play, but a fact.
        But Tang Jinrui doesn't understand house fighting. This is normal. Tang Jinrui environment from childhood has been relatively simple.
        Don't look at the old Zhang-shi is terrible. In fact, except for a mouth that likes to chat there every day, there is nothing else. When it comes to means, the old Zhang-shi is nothing.
        It should be said that in the living environment of Tang Jinrui, it seems that there is no house fight.
        Gu Ming-qing thought, Tang Jinrui can't touch it before and now, so it won't be touched in the future. There is absolutely no Junior Concubine in their home.
        "When you get to the capital, you may know." After a pause, Gu Ming-qing said again, "Xiangong, I hope that when he arrives in the capital, that Su gongzi can tell you the truth."
        Tang Jinrui listened suddenly, "Niangzi, maybe you think too much? Brother Su may just be kind and have no other meaning."
        "I'm hoping that Su Gongzi doesn't mean anything else. If it doesn't, it's definitely better. But Xianggong, sometimes we have to do the worst preparation. I think I should be right. That's why I said wait until I see the capital.
        Xianggong, you don't have to be frightened here. It is true that you helped Su gongzi. It is also true that you have great gratitude to Su gongzi. As long as that Su gongzi is not really embarrassed and shameless, he is unlikely to hurt you. The Su gongzi should only use you slightly to achieve his purpose without prejudice to you. To be honest, this is not wrong.
        After all, the situation of that Su gongzi is a bit difficult. "
        Tang Jinrui always felt that he was not a stupid person, but Gu Ming-qing said at the moment, he really didn't understand a word, it was flying in the clouds and fog.
        Gu Ming-qing thought, Tang Jinrui expression at this moment should be full of mosquito coils in his eyes.
        Gu Ming-qing raised his hand and patted Tang Jinrui shoulder, and smiled, "Xiangong, don't think so much. Now the most important thing is your Spring Festival tomorrow. You should put your mind on the review work. That’s serious. Don’t think too much about Su Gongzi. "
        Tang Jinrui See Gu Ming-qing I really don't plan to say it anymore, so I grab my mind.
        Indeed, for Tang Jinrui, the most important thing at present is spring cricket.
        It's time to agree with Su Jinsong.
        Su Jinsong came to Tang's house on a white horse early in the morning. He was followed by a manservant, but it was not the person who had given him medicine before.
        Su Jinsong didn't bring much things. His home was in Jingcheng. After returning to Jingcheng, he didn't need to prepare anything. He just brought his clothes and prepared for washing and changing on the road. If you are really missing something, you can buy it again with silver.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui prepared more things. The capital city is expensive. Some things that can be prepared here, they are going to bring, so there is a lot of salute on the carriage.
        Gu Ming-qing thought that Tang Jinrui was not good enough to sit with her in the carriage all the time, so she bought another horse, and she taught Tang Jinrui to ride.
        To say that Tang Jinrui is still very talented at horseback riding. I learned it in a few days. Not to mention how good it is to ride, but to trot a few laps on a horse, there is no problem at all.
        Gu Ming-qing and Qiao-Yatou sits in the carriage, and Ji Zhong drove outside. Tang Jinrui and Su Jinsong ride together.
        Because of the abundant time, Tang Jinrui and others all went to official ways for the sake of safety and stayed at night. As long as it was not possible, they would choose to stay at the post.
        Su Jinsong is the oldest grandson of Su Ji. He is very valuable. The people at the station look at Su Jinsong and are very enthusiastic about them. The room is the best and the hot water and hot dishes are delivered.
        To know that there is no shortage of people watching dishes and dishes, just look at the status of Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui, they are not even qualified to live in the station, not to mention the hospitality.
        This is the cruel truth.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui can still have hot water for bathing and lie in bed at night. Gu Ming-qing can't help but sigh, "Going all the way with Su gongzi, our standard of living is really high. "
        The guesthouse, of course, can also have these. But there are chances that you will encounter black shops, and the station will definitely not have such troubles.
        After a day of driving, Tang Jinrui felt very comfortable.
        The tired Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing didn't say much. They lay in bed and soon fell asleep.
        Jiangnan Zongyong Houfu
        When Tang Jinrui passed the test, Gu Ming-qing immediately wrote a letter to notify Shen-Mao, and Tang Jinrui planned to participate in the Spring Festival, and also wrote on the letter.
        When Shen-Mao saw the news of Tang Jinrui exam, he couldn't help but smile. You must know that the gap between County-Graduate and Imperial-Graduate is more than a godsend! Tang Jinrui was able to pass the Imperial-Graduate test.
        After Shen-Mao got the letter, she immediately went to share with Yu-shi.
        Yu-shi learned that Gu Ming-qing's husband was promising, and his face became a chrysanthemum with a smile. "My niuniu is blessed. I just hope that her husband can pass the exam for Chunyu, and give her a life in the future. Fu-ren Dangdang. So Niuniu will not have to suffer. "
        I am afraid that it will be more difficult in the test. So many Imperial-Graduate are elites from all over the country, but only a few hundred people are admitted. It can be imagined how difficult it is.
        Shen-Mao had some doubts in his heart whether Tang Jinrui would be able to pass the test of this spring festival, but at this time Yu-shi was happy, and of course he would not pour Yu-shi cold water, and he followed Yu shi said, "Well. Ming-qing's sage is a capable person. This time, I will be able to win the title."
        Yu-shi laughed even more happily.
        Suddenly, there was a smile on Yu-shi face, and she spoke anxiously, "This time Ming-qing will follow her to the capital, where will they live after they go to Capital City? They all say that Capital City is at the foot of Heaven. I’m afraid I’m going to spend a lot of money there. It’s not much to spend money. I’m worried about this guesthouse. At that time, there will be many people at the inn, will it affect Ming-qing, she reading.
        Yu-shi concerns were not justified. Listening to Yu-shi words, Shen-Mao was also a little worried.
        "Mother, don't worry."
        "Can't I worry? You have been in Jiangnan for more than ten years. When have you been to Jingcheng? Do you know anyone in Jingcheng? Can you help Ming-qing?"
        Not really.
        Jiangnan is also quite far from the capital city. The relationship between Shen-Mao and the established forces are all in Jiangnan. Nor does it mean that Capital City has nothing to do with it. The problem is that he wrote too far to ask for help. What should he do if he is perfunctory. Just not perfunctory-
        After all, there are such problems, or they are too far away.
        Shen-Mao has no particularly good ideas here, but it should be fine for Gu-Qin.
        The old Zongyong Hou had a wide range of friends at the beginning, and there were many life and death robes on the battlefield. Nowadays, there are not many people who have been living in Capital City.
        Shen-Mao thought, you can ask Gu-Qin for help.
        Shen-Mao did it when she thought, and immediately went to Gu-Qin.
        Gu-Qin is worried about Gu Ming-yue.
        Huang-Tai-sun's status is preserved, but Gu Ming-yue has only one daughter under his knee, which is always not secure enough. So Gu-Qin was elusive, Gu Ming-yue still had to have a son.
        Gu-Qin In order to have Gu Ming-yue give birth to a son, in the past two years, I don’t know how many remedies have been collected and sent to the capital. From time to time, I go to famous temples in Jiangnan to burn incense and worship Buddha. I just look forward to Gu Ming-yue Can have a son.
        Unfortunately, Gu Ming-yue hasn't heard from her since she gave birth to a daughter. Gu-Qin is not disappointed.
        Hope that Gu Ming-yue has a son, which has almost become Gu-Qin's obsession.
        When Shen-Mao arrived, I heard that Gu-Qin was talking to Mama around him, hoping that Gu Ming-yue could have a son soon, so it was considered to be dependent.
        Shen-Mao For more than two years, I heard Gu-Qin say these things, I can hear cocoons in my ears.
        Shen-Mao didn't say a word, and looked at Gu-Qin quietly, he wondered when Gu-Qin would find him.
        The result certainly did not disappoint Shen-Mao, Gu-Qin seemed to have not seen Shen-Mao, and kept mumbling with Mama there.
        It was Gu-Qin's Mama who discovered Shen-Mao.
        After Mama saluted Shen-Mao, Gu-Qin saw Shen-Mao, "Houye, why don't you say anything?"
        Shen-Mao twitched his lips, meaning unknown, "I'm just curious how long you have to say, and how long can you see me."
        Gu-Qin was guilty and somewhat unnatural, "Houye, please sit down."
        After Shen-Mao sits down, Gu-Qin immediately instructed people to have tea.
        Shen-Mao couldn't help but said to Gu-Qin, "The birth of a child is a destiny. When the fate comes, the moon will come naturally. You don't have to be too focused."
        Gu-Qin said, "Houye, that's not the way to say. Although it is destined to have children and daughters, it depends on fate, but as long as Our sincerely asks God to worship the Buddha, I believe that the Buddha Buddha can see Our sincerity, By then the moon will be able to have a boy. "
        Shen-Mao would like to say something to Gu-Qin. You have begged God to worship the Buddha for more than two years, and you have not met Gu-yue to have a son. Explain that it's all you think too much.
        In this case, Shen-Mao would not say anything.
        Shen-Mao began to talk about Tang Jinrui entrance exam, and now he plans to go to Capital City to participate in the Spring Festival next year. Shen-Mao hopes that Gu-Qin will help find a good place to live in Tang Jinrui so that he can prepare for the exam with peace of mind.
        As a result, Shen-Mao had spoken, and Gu-Qin seemed to have not heard it, and she was thinking about Gu-yue birth of a son with full eyes.
        Shen-Mao didn't know what he was feeling for a while, weird, sour, and there was another feeling that really did.
        Shen-Mao smiled bitterly, "Well, when I didn't say it."
        After Shen-Mao got up, Gu-Qin only returned to God, and later learned, “Houye, what did you say? I—I—I was thinking about the matter of Mingyue—”
        Shen-Mao raised his hand to stop Gu-Qin from continuing, "I understand what you mean. You are thinking about Mingyue. Because you are Mingyue in-laws, of course you must be your mother-zi for your daughter. Think about it. This is human nature.
        Ming-qing wasn't born to you, so you don't care about her. I can understand these things lightly. "
        Gu-Qin was surprised because of Gu Ming-qing.
        Gu Ming-qing is a bomb that cannot be touched between Gu-Qin and Shen-Mao! One can explode! Let the relationship between their husband and wife break instantly.
        Gu-Qin desperately thought about what Shen-Mao had told her, but she was thinking about looking at Ming-yue, and she really didn't listen.
        It was still Gu-Qin's Mama attached to Gu-Qin's ear and repeated Shen-Mao words.
        After listening to Gu-Qin, he said busyly, "Ming-qing's husband is really capable, and he passed the Imperial-Graduate at a young age. Houye, just rest assured, I will give-"
        Shen-Mao waved his hand, "No need."
        "Houye, we are just-"
        Shen-Mao looked at Gu-Qin helplessly and disappointed, and sighed, "Not just, but always. I said, because Mingyue is your daughter, so you wholeheartedly for her. And Ming-qing You were not born, so you have never been sincere to her. In fact, this is also normal, and people hearts are biased. Don’t say anything about writing a letter, it seems that I still think wrong, and I really can’t ask you to arrange for help .Because you never really sincerely care about Ming-qing. I'm really worried about your involvement, so don't get Ming-qing's husband Chunyi to do something wrong. "
        Gu-Qin was startled, "What does Houye mean by this !? Don't you think I would be indifferent when Ming-qing's husband participated in the Spring Festival? Houye words are too sad!"
        "I didn't mean it. I just said that you never really took heart to Ming-qing. Similarly, you didn't really take heart to Ming-qing's husband. I thought I was bad, so why would I ask you for help? Just as I didn't say it. You continue to think about Mingyue son. I will not disturb you. "
        Shen-Mao didn't wait for Gu-Qin to react after finishing talking, and turned and left, Gu-Qin couldn't stop trying to stop.
        Gu-Qin suddenly lay on his back and cried, "What did I do wrong !? Isn't it just that God is thinking about Mingyue for a while, isn't this my sin? He said that I was born to Mingyue , I am dedicated to her; and Ming-qing was not born to me, I am not dedicated to her. Then why not ask himself, why is he not! "
        Gu Ming-hang came to Gu-Qin and heard Gu-Qin's cry as soon as he entered.
        Gu Ming-hang thought about just before colliding with Shen-Mao at the door. Shen-Mao face was indeed not very good, and there was a suspicion in his heart, afraid that his parents were noisy again.
        Or rather not noisy, because Shen-Mao and Gu-Qin rarely quarrel loudly, they will only be faint, faint tone, flat voice, faint eyes, but the content of the words is more intense than anything else.
        Gu Ming-hang is also now ten years old, wearing a sky blue auspicious cloud pattern brocade, exquisite small face, but he loves to be stern, showing a majesty at a young age.
        Gu Ming-hang often wanted to persuade his parents. The relationship between his parents is always so salty, and it is full of a strange atmosphere, which is too strange.
        But Gu Ming-hang didn't know where to persuade, he knew that the biggest problem between Shen-Mao and Gu-Qin was Gu Ming-qing.
        In order to preserve Gu Ming-yue good reputation, Gu-Qin calculated Gu Ming-qing and forced Gu Ming-qing to marry a farmer thousands of miles away.
        The thorn in Shen-Mao heart was really too deep. Shen-Mao cannot forget this life.
        Gu Ming-hang couldn't persuade Shen-Mao to forget that it was him, to be honest, Gu Ming-hang couldn't get through this hurdle in his heart, it was too-
        Gu Ming-hang thought, the little Daren sighed, and then asked someone to ask about the situation, and then he knew what happened.
        For a while, Gu Ming-hang didn't know what to say.

        Chapter 233 : Tang Jinrui Doubt  

        Gu Ming-hang saw Gu-Qin still crying out of breath when he saw there, but he reluctantly advised, "Mother, don't cry, be careful of yourself."
        Gu-Qin didn't listen to Gu-hang at all. At this time, she was totally immersed in her pain. "I didn't want to be worse than two years ago. I'm sorry Ming-qing. At that time, where else could I be sorry for her! It's been more than two years, what kind of days have I spent in the past two years! Isn't this enough? Is he really satisfied if I really lose my life! "
        "Mother don't say such jealous words again. What happened back then was right and wrong. Mother knew in her heart, why-"
        Gu-Qin couldn't help crying anymore, turned his head and glared at Gu Ming-hang, "What do you mean by your filial son! Are you saying that your mother did something wrong? Whose son are you? You just stand On your father's side, I don't care about my mother at all! "
        Gu Ming-hang said with a stern face, and said angrily, "Mothers should not be unreasonable here. Sons should help and not kiss relatives. If the son is blind to the mother, then the son will read for so many years in vain. The holy book! Sons will look down on themselves!
        Mother and son don't ask you anything else, just ask you. What if your father ruined the elder sister's reputation for the second elder sister and forced the elder sister to marry a farmer thousands of miles away? "
        Gu-Qin froze, she said, of course she hated Shen-Mao.
        Gu Ming-hang saw Gu-Qin's thoughts at a glance, and continued, "If what happened in the son's mouth really happened, the mother would hate the father. But what the son said just now is the mother. You did to the second sister! The second sister was not born to your mother, but just the father's biological daughter.
        What should your father think of you? I know that according to my mother's mind, I must be thinking that things have passed for so many years, and my father still stabs you from time to time, hurting you, it is my father who is too careful. But to ask his son to be fair, the son felt that his father had done nothing wrong. The father was very forgiving to his mother. At that time, the father was almost forced to abandon the second sister.
        My mother just said that for more than two years, my father has been faint to you, stabbing you from time to time. But the mother thought about it, Grandmother also missed the second sister day and night, how many times had his father been stabbed in front of Grandmother. Do you know these mothers? "
        Gu Ming-hang just scolded without pointing at Gu-Qin's face, mother-zi, you are too wrong, don't keep saying that Shen-Mao is not good for you.
        Gu-Qin was spoken by Gu Ming-hang, and his face was red and white, with tears on his face, and it looked ridiculous.
        Gu-Qin's heart was filled with slowly despair and pain, and I just felt so anxious that I couldn't wait to die immediately. "As you mean, I'm taking care of myself, and everything I'm suffering now is what I deserve! And such suffering, Will I have to live forever? "
        Gu Ming-hang's tone eased a bit, persuading, "Don't be too arrogant, as long as the mother knows the truth and you and your father have been married for many years. I believe the father will one day forgive you. Mother, not when My son is going to blame you, but some of your things are indeed too much. You have ruined the reputation of the second sister that year, so let’s not mention it.
        Besides, the Daliang people came in, and the second sister was in danger, but Huang-Tai-sun was not stable at the time. You still only thought of the second sister. You didn’t ask the second sister, nor did you mention it. This time, the second sister’s husband is going to Capital City to participate in the Spring Festival. You are full of eyes that only the older sister has a son. If a son is a father, he may be chilled if he is afraid. Even if the second sister is not your own, your approach is too-"
        Later, Gu Ming-hang didn't know what to say, too much, fearing that Gu-Qin would be hurt.
        "Gu Ming-hang What are you talking about! What did my mother do wrong? Gu Ming-qing is not a mother. Houfu has eaten and fed her for so many years, she should be grateful to Dade! Gu Ming-qing This is a peasant girl, and marrying a peasant son, isn't it justified? Would a peasant girl want to marry a high-ranking family member? It’s not worthy to see if she is worthy! I’m so laughed!
        Gu Ming-xin led Maid into Gu-Qin's room.
        I saw Gu Ming-xin wearing a goose-yellow embroidered lotus-shaped gardenia, combed two lovely hair bags, and wrapped them with a bead chain. Gu Ming-yue-5, a ten-year-old official, can be seen as a beauty embryo, although it is not as good as Gu Ming-yue glorious country and natural beauty, but his appearance may not be good when he grows up. Where would it go.
        As soon as Gu Ming-xin came in, what I heard was Gu Ming-hang accusing Gu-Qin, and it was for Gu Ming-qing, it was strange that she was comfortable in her heart!
        "You shut up! Gu Ming-xin, I think the older you get, the less clear your mind is! Your temperament is getting more and more arrogant! Listen to what you are saying! The second sister is Our sister, Even if she is not from her mother, she is also the father's biological daughter! The name of the second sister is recorded in the family tree of Zongyong Houfu. She is the daughter of Houfu! It is our sister! "
        Gu Ming-xin smirked, "Just you fool will admire Ming-qing, and I won't recognize her. Gu Ming-qing is worth something,"
        "Gu Ming-xin!" Gu Ming-hang growled.
        Gu-Qin Listening to Gu Ming-hang and Gu Ming-xin arguing, the head hurts even more, and he waved his hand, "Okay, you don't have to quarrel anymore, it makes me headache."
        Gu Ming-hang and Gu Ming-xin stopped fighting.
        Gu Ming-hang still insisted on saying to Gu-Qin, "Mother, what you did was wrong, don't blame your father's cold attitude towards you now. No one can not pay for his mistake. "
        Gu-Qin was too lazy to quarrel with Gu Ming-hang, "I want to make up for it before it's too late?"
        Gu Ming-hang twitched at the corner of his mouth. In fact, he really wanted to say how long the second sister had been married, and I haven't seen you care about the second sister. If you want to compensate, just stay on the mouth? Or when do you think of it and then perform? With such an attitude, Shen-Mao was surprised to see it.
        Gu Ming-xin mumbled, "Is there anything I can make up for? Gu Ming-qing, is she worth it?"
        Gu Ming-hang stared, Shen said, "Gu Ming-xin, if you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I tell you all these things to my father. When the father wants to punish you, I won't Got it."
        Gu Ming-xin also got angry, "Gu Ming-hang, I think you're turning your elbows out! I'm Mei-mei, your father and mother, how did you treat me like this? Gu Ming-What kind of drug did qing give you, you— "
        "Shut up! I don't help or kiss! If the mother thinks the same way as you, then the relationship between mother and father will be completely over! Don't think I'm kidding me any more, I'm telling the truth!"
        "Your father just came to me, just to tell me that your second sister's husband was going to Capital City to participate in the Spring Festival, and wanted me to help me find a good place to stay. But I was thinking about the bright moon at that time, so I didn't Hearing your father's words. Then your father got angry and didn't let me control. Is he worried about what I will do? "Gu-Qin muttered.
        Gu Ming-xin didn't feel good, "It doesn't matter what it is! Lest something really happens, then it's not the mother who is blamed! The father is really confused."
        Gu Ming-xin said more and more angry.
        Gu Ming-hang also said, "Since the matter has come to this point, as far as I am concerned, the mother should not be involved. For the time being. Mother, listen to the son's advice, don't put all your thoughts on the elder sister. Father It’s your husband. You have asked yourself these years. Have you ever focused on your father?
        And the second sister-you really can't hold back the second sister, but you haven't done anything to the second sister. And sincerely, I think the older she is, the worse her personality is. Mingxin will suffer from this temper in the future. "
        Gu Ming-xin was furious, "Gu Ming-hang, what did you say?"
        "Truthfully!" Gu Ming-hang said faintly, and then said to Gu-Qin, "Mother, son, please think about it carefully, the son will leave first."
        Gu Ming-qing didn't know, because of a letter from her, there was a lot of turmoil in Jiangnan, and even if she knew it, she wouldn't care. Gu-Qin had to count her things back then, but she kept them in mind. It’s just too far away to get revenge, and now it makes them uncomfortable, Gu Ming-qing thinks it should be!
        After two months of hurrying, Gu Ming-qing and his party were getting closer and closer to the capital, and they were about seven days away from the capital.
        Along the way, Su Jinsong kept inviting Tang Jinrui to live in Su House.
        Tang Jinrui has more than once rejected Su Jinsong once, and Su Jinsong mentioned it again tonight, Tang Jinrui still refused, "I’m really kind to the kindness of Brother Su. I and Niangzi are just strangers to Soviet government People, if Our rushed to live in Su, it would not be appropriate at all. So Brother Su should not mention the matter of living in Su. "
        Su Jinsong heard that he finally stopped insisting, but instead insisted on letting Tang Jinrui live in his mother's other house. "Since Brother Tang doesn't want to live in Su, it's better to go to my mother's other house. There It’s quiet and the environment is good. The yard is not very big, and it is suitable for Tang's family to live there. Brother Tang can also study well. "
        "That courtyard was left to you by Brother Su mother and mother. Is it inappropriate for me to live here?"
        Su Jinsong busyly said, "What's wrong with this? But it's a courtyard. Brother Tang really thinks too much. Brother Tang's gratitude to me, I'm afraid I can't pay back in this life, I just want brother Tang to be able to Give me a chance to repay, Brother Tang— "
        Su Jinsong talked about this child, if Tang Jinrui quits, it is really too shameless.
        "Brother Su is willing to punch. If I refuse again, then I won’t know what to do. Niangzi and I went to live in Brother Su yard, but our application is the responsibility of our own. Da Lan, then I really feel ashamed. "
        Su Jinsong went to the yard to live because of Tang Jinrui. When he was happy, he heard Tang Jinrui words and laughed twice. "I said Brother Tang is very polite. Then you have to pay more attention to the cost It’s nothing, it’s not a big deal. Brother Tang insists that I won’t say much anymore. ”
        When Su Jinsong was leaving, Tang Jinrui voice suddenly sounded, "Brother Su, you have invited me to go to Sufu and live in the courtyard left by your biological mother. Is there something-"
        Su Jinsong's complexion was unnatural for a moment, but that unnatural touch was seen by Tang Jinrui, and Tang Jinrui heart sank suddenly.
        Su Jinsong pursed his lips, his face looked a little cold against the bright moonlight, "Brother Tang, I don't deny that I do have some careful thinking of myself. But I can swear to God, I will never do it Nothing endangers Brother Tang!
        Tang Jinrui didn't say much, just turned back to the room.
        Gu Ming-qing was removing the jewelry from his head. When Tang Jinrui came back, he looked back and saw that Tang Jinrui face was not very good, so he asked, "What's wrong with you? Didn't you go with Su Is gongzi chatting? What a glum look.
        Tang Jinrui sits on the bed, and his whole body lay back, sulking. "We only talked to Brother Su. I think Brother Su enthusiasm is really weird, so I asked."
        Gu Ming-qing took a moment to unload the jewelry, and then continued to unload the jewelry. Of course she knew what Tang Jinrui was asking.
        "Niangzi, Brother Su told me that he is careful, but he can guarantee that what he does will not be harmful to me."
        Gu Ming-qing said, "I believe."
        Tang Jinrui raised an eyebrow. "Niangzi, you believe in Brother Su."
        "It should be said that I believe more in my own eyes. That Su gongzi is not a big girl who has done a lot of evil. And we can be considered to have been together for so long. I think that all the way together, that Su gongzi is indeed to you. It’s full of gratitude. So I believe that Su Gongzi will not hurt you. "
        "Niangzi, what exactly does Brother Su want to do? I really can't think of what Brother Su can use me to do."
        Gu Ming-qing The jewelry has been unloaded here, and there is a dim light under his eyes, "I guess it is the stepmother of Su gongzi."
        Tang Jinrui was stunned, but Gu Ming-qing said nothing more.
        Tang Jinrui here promised Su Jinsong to live in the yard left by his mother, and Su Jinsong released a messenger pigeon that night.
        This carrier pigeon is flying very fast and can reach the capital in one day. This is a carrier pigeon that Su Ji gave to Su Jinsong.
        The life of this carrier pigeon is very good, better than that of Tong-Siwei, and it has been sent so many times without being killed.
        Su Ji is 50 or 60 years old. He has gray hair, gray goatee beard, and a Chinese character face, which looks very square, and his face is covered with wrinkles. The wrinkles like gullies are the sediment of years, showing the vicissitudes of the elderly.
        As soon as Su Jinsong's letter arrived, someone sent it to Su Ji Lao.
        Master Su Ji took the letter, unfolded it, and hurriedly scanned it, a smile appeared on the founder's face, "Nice."
        "Li Fang, call Big-Lao-ye, Big-Fu-ren, 2-Lao-ye, and 2-Fu-ren."
        Li Fang is the chief steward of the Soviet House. He has been with Su Ji for the rest of his life and is his most trusted person. There are two bedrooms in Sue House. Su Jinsong is from 1st-House. Both bedrooms are bursting out.
        Li Fang soon invited Su Big-Lao-ye, Su Big-Fu-ren Ling Shi, Su 2-Lao-ye and Su 2-Fu-ren Hua-shi.
        The four were in the presence of Su Ji Lao, who did not even dare to breathe.
        "Jin Song returned to Ming-An to take the township test this time and is now an Imperial-Graduate."
        The news of Imperial-Graduate in Su Jinsong's examination was always obtained by Su Ji, but it was not spread in the government.
        Ling shi stared, almost blurted out, how could Su Jinsong pass the Imperial-Graduate! You know that she bought Su Jinsong's close-fit manservant to give him medicine, he couldn't possibly participate in the township test!
        Fortunately, Ling Shi still has one last point of reason, and swallowed the words again.
        Hua-shi raised a brow, and said in front of Lingshi, "Ouch! Congratulations to the elder brother 1st-Sao. Jinsong passed the Imperial-Graduate test at a young age. The future is unlimited!"
        Hua-shi also has a son, but she had two daughters before, and then a son. Now her son is only eight years old, and it is still early to say anything. Hua-shi and Ling shi have always been unwilling to deal with each other. Hua-shi didn't mind stepping on Ling Shi face at all.
        In other words, Su Big-Lao-ye that stupid person who has always been Ling Shi is a good stepmother. It is not good for Su Jinsong left by 1st-Sao. As long as people in the government have eyes, where can I see that Ling Shi has been stepping on Su Jinsong secretly?
        Ling Shi can't wait to spit directly at Hua-shi, but in the face of Su Ji Lao and Su Big-Lao-ye, she didn't dare, she had to have a sincere smile on her face, "Yeah, Jinsong's child has always been good. This time he was able to pass the Imperial-Graduate, and I'm so happy for him. "
        God knows how much blood she shed when she said these words!
        Except for Su Big-Lao-ye, who looked at Ling Shi with admiration, none of the others in the room believed what Ling Shi said.
        Su Ji old mouth twitched and looked at Lingshi slightly.
        Ling Shi was scalp and numb by Su Ji Lao. Although she did not have Popo, Su Ji Lao Gonggong usually did not manage. But Ling Shi is afraid of Su Ji Lao. She thinks all her small actions, Su Ji Lao Quan knows, but she doesn’t know why she never cares about her.
        "Jin Song wrote, saying that he had to be rescued in Ming-An to successfully participate in the township test. This time they went to Capital City together. Jin Song invited his benefactor to live in the courtyard left by his biological mother."
        Ling Shi was startled suddenly.

        Chapter 234 : Su Jinsong's Confession  

        Except for Su Big-Lao-ye, who knew that the courtyard left by Su Jinsong's biological mother was used by Ling Shi to live with a cousin.
        Is a relay room eligible to move the property left behind? The answer is naturally no!
        However, there are countless dirty things in the high gates, and the invasion of the original property by the second house is actually not uncommon.
        Ling shi was anxious, "Father, is this a bit inappropriate? The courtyard has been unoccupied for a long time, and people have to live in it at this time, for fear it will be a bit inappropriate. Instead, please invite Jinsong's friends to live in the government. That child would be taught by his father, and that would be good for him. "
        Su Big-Lao-ye helped, "Father, what Fu-ren said makes sense. Rather than letting Jinsong's friends live outside, let people live in the house."
        Su Ji always didn't hear the words of Su Big-Lao-ye and Ling Shi, and only asked Li Fang, “Li Fang, can you clean out the courtyard to live tomorrow?”
        Li Fang immediately responded, "Tai-Master, rest assured, the small guarantee will clean the yard tomorrow, and everything will be ready. But Big-Fu-ren must first ask her cousin to move out. Only. "
        Su Big-Lao-ye was startled, unconvinced, "What are you talking about? What Big-Fu-ren's cousin's family? Wait, is Jinsong's mother-zi family?"
        Hua-shi smiled, "Brother, you can really think about it. How could it be 1st-Sao maiden first? First 1st-Sao maiden are not in Capital City now. What Li said is now This 1st-Sao maid!
        I said 1st-Sao, your face is really big. Take the courtyard left by 1st-Sao to live with your cousin, do you talk about your face? Where is your face? There is a saying that is very good. At least five of the ten are bad. I thought 1st-Sao you were a good one, but I didn't expect that I thought too much. 1st-Sao You are also a bad. "
        "What are you talking about! I can’t live! God, I really can’t live! I treat Jinsong like my own son, and I’m heartbroken to him, but now others are pointing at my spine and saying I'm bad, I might as well kill myself! "
        Ling Shi crying and grabbing the ground immediately made Su Big-Lao-ye distressed. If it wasn't for the old face of Su Ji, he would step forward and meet Ling Shi to comfort her.
        Hua-shi ditched his lips, cried two, made three hangs, and Ling Shi was the most skilled.
        Su Ji looked coldly at Ling Shi, and suddenly said, "Is it going to be killed? No one is allowed to stop now. Anyone who stops is not my Su family from now on!"
        Ling Shi had forgotten even crying, and looked at Su Ji Lao stunned.
        "Aren't you going to be killed by one head? Hurry up now. Let's hit it."
        Hua-shi poured fuel on the fire, "1st-Sao, didn't you cry and ‘Call to be killed? Now your father has spoken too, let you kill yourself, what are you waiting for? Don't hurry up yet Hit it. "
        Ling Shi wished to cover Hua-shi mouth with stinky socks.
        Su Big-Lao-ye said, "Father, you-"
        Su Ji old eyes crossed Su Big-Lao-ye, the latter narrowed his neck and was afraid to speak.
        "Why don't you move, don't you say you're going to be killed with one head. How can you ‘call in front of me so nicely, but dare not do it?"
        Ling Shi, of course, was reluctant to die, and murmured, "Father, Erxi has a pair of children, they are still young, and they cannot leave their mother, Erxi-"
        "To put it plainly is to be reluctant to die. The next time you dare to cry, you will be killed. I don't need you to die. I will send you a foot of white cricket and you will break it for me."
        Ling Shi realized that Su Ji was always serious, his face was pale, and he never dared to say anything.
        "All the property left by Jinsong's mother is Jinsong. Lao-Da is not qualified to move. Ling Shi, you are not qualified as a successor! Ling Shi, what you have done over the years, I will look at them one by one. Here. Before, I was just too lazy to care about you. But from now on, the old man has to live with you! "
        Ling Shi stunned and looked at Su Big-Lao-ye tremblingly.
        Su Big-Lao-ye was weak and wanted to plead for Ling Shi, but after touching the cold eyes of Su Ji Lao, he didn't dare to say a word. In the Su family, no one would dare to offend Su Ji authority.
        Ling Shi scolded Su Big-Lao-ye in his heart, useless!
        "Ling Shi, I'll give you a little face. After going out of me, I'll tell your cousins and let them move out of the yard. If you dare to delay or make a noise, I will send someone to send them to Suncheon House. The accusation is ready-made, taking over the property left by Jinsong's mother-zi. As for your stepmother's indulgence cousin taking over the property left over from the original match, what will your reputation be in the future, don't remind me.
        Ling shi suddenly fell like an ice cellar.
        "It's not only the yard left by Jinsong's mother, but also other things. Lingshi, you know how many things Jinsong's mother has moved over the years. No less.
        I will let Li Fang’s dowry list of Jinsong’s mother-zi do the same, don’t tell me what’s broken, as long as it’s something you can’t get, you will be compensated twice as much. "
        Su Big-Lao-ye heard it at this moment, it was quite understandable, Ling Shi moved the dowry of Su Jinsong's mother, how could this be!
        "Father, are you mistaken? Fu-ren is a kind person who is kind and virtuous, how could she—" Su Big-Lao-ye said what she wanted to say in Su Ji : "You are a fool" Finally, I can’t say anymore.
        Su Ji leaned helplessly on the back of his chair, closed his eyes, and sighed, "Everyone said that the tiger father had no dogs. But I couldn't have a good son. Two sons, one really has never been more than one. Lao-Da, you are worse than Lao-Er. Lao-Er is blind without you. "
        The exaggerated Su 2-Lao-ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
        Su Big-Lao-ye can’t be beaten by Su Ji words. Although Su Ji has always looked at him with disappointed eyes, he hasn't belittled him so much!
        Su Big-Lao-ye sadly, "Father, is your son so useless in your heart?"
        Su Ji old opened his eyes and looked at Su Big-Lao-ye eyes more and more helpless. "You only know now?"
        This resembled a knife into the heart of Su Big-Lao-ye.
        "Lingshi, you listen well, Jinsong his mother's things, I want you to return all of them in five days. I only give you five days, if you want to drag, or think of Lao-Da Soft and useless things, I will directly give you a paper divorce, since then you are no longer the Su family. After you are suspended, you will be sent to Shuntian Mansion to sue you for embezzlement of the property left behind.
        What to do, you choose. "
        Su Ji is too old and she has no choice for Ling Shi. Ling Shi has no choice but to take out all the things she has taken.
        Ling Shi didn't even have time to cry and explain to Su Big-Lao-ye. You should know that she has taken a lot of things these years. Is there enough time?
        Su Ji old way of doing things is so resolutely popular, in a short time, everything was resolved.
        Su Ji Lao quickly asked Su Big-Lao-ye and others to leave, and then wrote to Su Jinsong with a pen.
        After receiving the letter, Su Jinsong flashed with ecstasy on his face. After waiting for so many years, he finally waited until the early days!
        Su Jinsong finished happy, sinking his heart, and looking faintly in one direction.
        At this time, it was time for dinner.
        Su Jinsong stepped up to find Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing.
        Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing are eating here.
        Gu Ming-qing saw Su Jinsong come over, so he said, "Did Su gongzi have dinner? If not, it is better to sit down and eat together."
        Su Jinsong nodded, and then sits down.
        Qiao-Yatou soon served Su Jinsong a meal.
        Su Jinsong had only a few mouthfuls and had no appetite.
        Gu Ming-qing asked, "Su gongzi, are these meals not suitable for your appetite? What do you want to eat, I will let Qiao-Yatou do it for you."
        Today, Gu Ming-qing and others are not complaining about the inn, but an inn.
        Su Jinsong shook his head. "It's not that the food is not good, it's just that I have no appetite."
        Su Jinsong said, looking to Tang Jinrui, "Brother Tang, you never asked me why I insisted on asking you to live in Sue. After you refused, I insisted on asking you to live in the courtyard left by my mother. "
        Gu Ming-qing was a little surprised. She used to think that Su Jinsong would take a long time to talk to her, but she didn't expect to say so soon.
        Tang Jinrui was also a bit surprised, but he quickly returned to God and said, "Brother Su, if you have any unspeakable concealment, don't say it. I believe you won't hurt me."
        Looking at Tang Jinrui clear eyes, Su Jinsong felt thick guilt in his heart.
        Su Jinsong thought about his small calculations and mind, and looked so shameless in front of Tang Jinrui.
        Su Jinsong is still too young and tender. If he has been mixed in the officialdom, he will not feel guilty for this little thing.
        Today Su Jinsong still has a little heart in his heart.
        "I will not harm Brother Tang. I can guarantee this, but it is also true that I use Brother Tang. Now I can tell you the truth with Brother Tang. What I want to do is done. I want to talk to Brother Tang frank."
        Tang Jinrui face was not surprised, because Gu Ming-qing had mentioned it to him long ago, and he also had a little guess in his mind these days.
        Tang Jinrui didn't speak, Su Jinsong continued to say, "Brother Tang, I told you about me. Although I am the grandson of the old man, my biological mother died early, and my father married his stepwife and soon gave birth again. My son. My father is confused again, easily affected by the wind of the pillow. So I grew up, and my life at home was really hard. "
        Su Jinsong said, a bit of bitterness appeared on his face.
        Gu Ming-qing asked, "Su gongzi, please forgive me. You are the oldest grandson of the old man. I believe that the old man’s person and daughter-zi should be famous, and their status is not low. What about your mother? "
        Su Jinsong smiled bitterly. "My mother's home is not in Capital City. The two are far away. I never eat less and wear less in Su family, just—" I was oppressed and bullied everywhere.
        Gu Ming-qing thought, don't you really know? Maybe.
        Su Jinsong continued, "I only told Brother Tang that I had a hard time at Su house. But I never told Brother Tang how bad my life was. Don’t say anything else, I am the most uncomfortable, the most The pain is that the dowry left by my biological mother was actually used by most of my stepmother. "
        Tang Jinrui eyes widened, Gu Ming-qing was not surprised at all. Although such things are rare, they still exist.
        "Brother Su, you said that your stepmother moved the dowry left by your biological mother? How can your stepmother do such a thing !? The Da Jin Law stipulates that the original dowry dies and only the children left by the original dowry Eligible for inheritance. Even her husband or mother’s family is not eligible to move. If the original match has no children, the dowry is taken back by the maiden. There is no reason why the dowry can move the dowry! ”
        The Jin Dynasty did have such a law. This law largely protects the interests of the original couple and the children born to them.
        But the law is the law, and in the end, if it can be exercised, then really a big question mark is needed.
        It is said that there are policies above and countermeasures below. It's not uncommon for people below to change their names, move flowers, and get the original dowry.
        Su Jinsong clenched his hands into fists, and his eyes flashed resentment. "Why didn't she dare? When I was ten years old, I saw my stepmother wearing the very precious Jin Ye from my mother's dowry. And my stepmother was Mei-mei, she also has a lot of good things in my dowry in her jewelry box. "
        "Shameless! Damn!" Tang Jinrui exasperated.
        Gu Ming-qing was not angry at all, she said lightly, "Su gongzi found out that your stepmother moved the dowry left by your biological mother, didn't you do anything?"
        Su Jinsong's clenched fists suddenly released, and his shoulders fell down. "I also want to do something. When I first discovered that my stepmother moved the property left by my biological mother, I went angrily to Our Ye -Ye and my father filed a complaint. Our Ye-Ye just glanced at me but said nothing. My father was bewildered by my stepmother and beat me hard, saying that I had framed the stepmother unjustly. "
        Tang Jinrui mouth twitched, "Why did Lingzun hit you indiscriminately? There is also the property left by Jishou Moyuan's original match. What a scandal, why does Su Ji Lao ignore it?"
        "My father is a fool. If I really expected him, I would haven't known how many times he had died."
        Tang Jinrui reminded, "Brother Su cautioned."
        The Jin Dynasty governed the country with filial piety, but filial piety was highly valued by scholars.
        If Su Jinsong's words spread, his reputation would be ruined.
        Su Jinsong knew his words and smiled. "That is, in front of Brother Tang, I dare to say a few words of truth. In front of outsiders, I can never say a word."
        Gu Ming-qing said, Su Jinsong. This is a sign of trust in Tang Jinrui?
        Then I heard Su Jinsong say, "As for why Our Grandfather doesn't care, I really don't understand. At Su family, there is nothing to hide Our Grandfather. Just look at Our Grandfather. Would you like to leave it alone? Nothing happens in my complaint Later, I knew that I had to rely on myself to get my mother's things back. So I started to study hard, and gradually, Grandfather began to look at me squarely, and even taught me my studies.
        This time I went back to Ming-An to take the township test. If I were to lift, Our Grandfather would definitely appreciate me even more. I had crushed the son of my stepmother to death. If I had the appreciation of Our Grandfather, the son of my stepmother would be always under me.
        That's why my stepmother bought me medicine from people around me. The manservant who gave me medicine has been with me for more than ten years, and has been with me since I was a child. I never expected that he would be bought by my stepmother and give me medicine. "
        In the end, there was a sadness on Su Jinsong's face.
        Su Jinsong quickly gathered his mind and continued to say, "That time, it really has to be Many Thanks Brother Tang. If it were not Brother Tang, I would have to wait three years to participate in the township test. The three years is too long, everyone I don't know what will happen in those three years. Whoever wins or loses between me and my stepmother is even more uncertain. "
        Gu Ming-qing said, "Then it seems that you are the winner between Su gongzi and your stepmother."
        Su Jinsong replied, "I do have the upper hand now."
        Su Jinsong said, sorry to look at Tang Jinrui, "Isn't Brother Tang curious about how I used you? In fact, I don't want to invite Brother Tang to live in Soviet House. I know it is impossible to live with Brother Tang temper Sue. My purpose is for Brother Tang to live in the courtyard left by my mother. "
        Tang Jinrui still didn't understand, "Brother Su, I don't understand what's good for you?"
        Gu Ming-qing knew it very well. Originally, there was only a little speculation in his heart, but like the flower in the mist, it was hazy and invisible. But now, Gu Ming-qing is very sure.
        Su Jin loosened his mouth, and it seemed to be a bit difficult to talk about, but in the end it seemed like he had made up his mind and explained, "I just said that my stepmother moved the property left by my mother. In the courtyard in Capital City, my stepmother Moved too. My stepmother lent the courtyard to a cousin to live with.
        I promised to lend the yard to Brother Tang to live and wrote to Grandfather. Now that I have lent the courtyard to Brother Tang, it is necessary for me to take it back to the courtyard, otherwise the matter will be so big that my stepmother moved my biological mother to leave the property and it will be revealed. By then, Sue face would be shameless.
        I just caught our Grandfather's heart that he didn't want to make things humiliating, so deliberately-things went more smoothly than I thought. It wasn't just the yard, Grandfather recklessly asked my stepmother to return the dowry of my biological mother. "



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