Houmen Dinu 220

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 Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        Gu Ming-qing raised his eyebrows after receiving the letter from Lin-shi, and didn't say much or feel about Gu Ming-yue birth of a daughter.
        Gu Ming-qing handed Lin-shi letter to Tang Jinrui, who took a look and said, "Niangzi, your elder sister gave Huang-Tai-sun a daughter.
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "I know, my elder sister gave birth to a daughter. I think my elder sister is really capable, even in adversity, you can earn a way for yourself. Forget it Now, don't talk about her. I don't care what kind of life she will spend in the East Palace. Let her cook slowly in the East Palace.
        Gu Ming-qing Now that this is said, Tang Jinrui will not say more.
        Time flies, two years have passed, and now it is June.
        Tang Jinrui decided to participate in this year's township test, and is actively preparing for the battle.
        Gu Ming-qing was worried that Tang Jinrui was exhausted. She prescribed that Tang Jinrui had to go to bed early, and then got up early the next day, and prepared some supplements for Tang Jinrui every day Jinrui is tired.
        For daily diet, Gu Ming-qing is also carefully prepared.
        To say that in the past two years, Gu Ming-qing's biggest gain was to cultivate a good cooking skill, he can cook two dishes and cook soup.
        Tang Jinrui body was taken care of by Gu Ming-qing.
        Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi are very satisfied in their eyes.
        When Tang Jinrui was preparing for the exam, Han Wang-Heir Yan Hong and Han-Wangfei came to Minglin House next to Ming An House. I heard that it was Han-Wangfei hometown. This time Han-Wangfei body It’s a problem, so I want to go back to my hometown for recuperation.
        Han-Wangfei and Han Wang-Heir could not leave the fiefdom without authorization. Han-Wang made a special memorial, and with the permission of Emperor Xiao Kang, Yan Hong could accompany Han-Wangfei to come to Minglin to rest.
        Tang Jinrui raised her eyebrows when she heard of Yan Hong's news, and said nothing. Yan Hong is far away from Tang Jinrui, and he can't control what Yan Hong is doing here.
        Tang Jinrui doesn't believe that Yan Hong came this time just for Han-Wangfei body, and definitely has other purposes.
        —— Tang Jingjing should be one of the reasons. Yan Hong has been very fond of Tang Jingjing in the past two years, and gifts have been sent every New Year, which shows that Tang Jingjing's position in Yan Hong's heart.
        The purpose of Yan Hong, Tang Jinrui couldn't control it for the time being, and there was no way to intervene. It was difficult to know what Yan Hong had for any purpose. He had no power to find out.
        To say that Tang Jinrui hasn't been in vain in the past two years. He has been in touch with Jiang Dazhuang even, that is, he went to Chu Haoran, who was in the Chu-Wang fiefdom, and Tang Jinrui has occasional contacts.
        However, worried that Chu Haoran's news in Chu area was exposed, Chu Haoran's letters to Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing were sandwiched in Yan-jin's letters. Thanks to Chu Haoran's blessing, the name Tang Jinrui left a deep impression on Yan-jin.
        Even in these two years, Yan-jin has never forgotten Tang Jinrui, because there is a Chu Haoran to help remind him.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui thought of a place completely. Yan Hong came to Minglin. They couldn't manage it at all, so it was normal to do their work with peace of mind.
        Now for Tang Jinrui, the most important thing is to take the township test.
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate was very optimistic about Tang Jinrui participation in the township test this time. He said that Tang Jinrui time was enough, and that he would definitely be on the list if he participated in the township test. It only depends on Tang Jinrui ranking this time.
        Tang Jinrui hopes that he will be on the top of the list of township tests, so he has been working harder recently.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui had little sense of Yan Honglai news, but Tang Jingjing was very excited!
        Tang Jingjing hasn't seen Yan Hong for more than two years. Although they often communicate, they don't see each other. Tang Jingjing's heart is still unclear.
        Not long after Yan Hong came to Minglin this time, she personally came to Lingping County to find Tang Jingjing.
        Fortunately, although Tang Jingjing and Yanhong rarely meet each other, the communication between them has never been interrupted in the past two years, so they are not too unfamiliar.
        Yan Hong was wearing a black-colored python pattern robe, looking tall and tall, and Yushu was facing the wind. He turned over from a dark horse, and his action was extremely sharp.
        I haven't seen in more than two years, Yan Hong has gone better! The beauty is so beautiful.
        Yan Hong is also watching Tang Jingjing. I haven't seen it for more than two years. Tang Jingjing has been opened for a long time. It is more and more beautiful and sweet. The eyes of Yan Ling who are most appealing to Yan Hong are more alive. , As if talking about his deep affection for him.
        Yan Hong was very satisfied with the love in the eyes of Tang Jingjing. He didn't bother to think about Tang Jingjing for the past two years.
        Tang Li-zong and Li-shi still have some impressions of Yan Hong. They immediately bowed down to salute. Yan Hong, like two years ago, did not let them salute, and even lifted them up.
        Yan Hong greeted Tang Li-zong and Li-shi, and took Tang Jingjing out to speak.
        Tang Li-zong looked at the figures of Yan Hong and Tang Jingjing leaving, and murmured, "I did not expect Han Wang-Heir is still infatuated. After so many years, I still remember Tang Jingjing." Tang Li-zong was long since Han Wang-Heir left Tang Jingjing behind his head.
        Li-shi is also very emotional, "Yeah, Han Wang-Heir is really an infatuated person. Head, you say that Han Wang-Heir values Tang Jingjing so much, which is good for us. Will Jie still be able to touch Han Wang-Heir's light in the future? "
        "I don't know. Seeing the posture of Han Wang-Heir is quite interesting to Tang Jingjing. If Tang Jingjing is willing to do Qiesh for Han Wang-Heir, this will definitely work. The problem is Tang Jingjing's mood Er Gao, but she said, she is going to marry Han Wang-Heir to be Heirfei! "
        Tang Li-zong still remembers that after arguing with Tang Jingjing two years ago, what Tang Jingjing said was not because Tang Li-zong had a good memory, but Tang Jingjing's words were so shocking, so It's hard to forget for a long time.
        "What?" Li-shi heard this for the first time, so it was inevitable.
        Tang Li-zong won't say anymore, he doesn't understand Tang Jingjing this time, who knows how Tang Jingjing will look like in the future.
        Besides, Tang Jingjing and Yan Hong went out, took a walk on the field path, Yan Hong tentatively grabbed Tang Jingjing's hand, Tang Jingjing started to dodge, but after Yan Hong grabbed it a few times, she still handed in To Yan Hong.
        Tang Jingjing thinks she really likes Yan Hong. Even if she hasn't seen it for more than two years, Yan Hong has left a deep impression on her.
        Tang Jingjing said, she is not a girl with a love for the first time. She has loved a man for the first time! It's the man around him, that's Yan Hong!
        Just when Tang Jingjing was thinking wildly, Yan Hong's deep voice sounded in her ear, "Jingjing, I miss you so much in these two years."
        "You're talking pretty well. You say you miss me, why don't you come to see me." Tang Jingjing couldn't help feeling a little wronged.
        Yan Hong sighed and reluctantly explained, "Jingjing, I'm Han Wang-Heir, and I can't leave Fangdi. This time, I actively sought for my father, and only got this opportunity, except to accompany Mufei to come My hometown is ill, and I want to see you more. "Of course, there are other reasons, so it goes without saying, so as not to destroy the good atmosphere at this time.
        Tang Jingjing forgave Yan Hong, and heard that Yan Hong had done so much for her, and she couldn't help feeling sweet. It was worthy of having this man in his heart. It turned out that he kept thinking about himself.
        Tang Jingjing cared, "Are you Mufei okay?"
        Yan Hong replied, "My Mufei legs have been injured, so it hurts from time to time. Mufei said that he always missed Minglin's hometown. His father had a deep affection for Mufei, so he went to a memorial and asked Huang-Grandfather to return Mufei Minglin's hometown will live for a while. "
        Tang Jingjing can only comfort Yan Hong, saying that there are many well-known doctors, and he will be able to cure Han-Wangfei body.
        Yan Hong said, "Jingjing and Our have been separated for more than two years. These two years have been enough for Our to recognize his own heart. Jingjing, I have you in my heart, and I have you in your heart. You have also got married Age. Will you come back to Han-Wang Mansion this time with me? ”
        Tang Jingjing's fiery heart was a little bit cool and stern, "Will you go back to Han-Wang to be Qiesh? Yan Hong, I like you, and I can say I like you very much. But I have my own bottom line , I definitely can't accept being Qiesh! "Actually Tang Jingjing wants to add one more thing. She can only accept a lifetime, a couple, and her husband must not have a second woman by her side!
        However, Yan Hong has not been able to marry her, so Tang Jingjing dare not bet on whether Yan Hong can achieve one lifetime, one pair, and will not mention it for the time being.
        Yan Hong was uncomfortable. In his mind, he was willing to marry Tang Jingjing. It's just that Tang Jingjing's identity is really too low. His future wife must be a famous name in Capital City. How can it be a peasant girl like Tang Jingjing!
        The atmosphere that was still warm and tender was chilling down.
        Tang Jingjing wanted to say something to Yan Hong and told Yan Hong that if he couldn't marry her, she would give up Yan Hong.
        But the words came to his lips, Tang Jingjing didn't say anything after all. Because Tang Jingjing was not sure, she was not sure if Yan Hong would marry her or give up on her after she said it.
        Yan Hong also felt that the current atmosphere was not very good, and began to shift the topic. "Jingjing, three days later, I will take you to see me Mufei. I believe you are such a good Miss, Mufei will love you very much."
        Tang Jingjing moved in her heart. If she can get Han-Wangfei affection, is she more likely to marry Yan Hong?
        Tang Jingjing nodded gently, whispered, "Huh."
        Ma-shi disdainful expression when the Tang Li-ren family had lunch at noon.
        Zhou-shi saw this, raising an eyebrow, "What's wrong with you?"
        Ma-shi immediately said, "Mother, Tang Jingjing is walking with a man, looking at someone who is talking and laughing. I just went to look at it. Hey-The smile on Tang Jingjing's face is really called No one sees it! It's called a ripple! "
        Gu Ming-qing raised her eyebrows. The man in Ma-shi mouth should be Yan Hong. Yan Hong was really enthusiastic about Tang Jingjing. It was only a few days after Minglin's arrival, and she couldn't wait to see Tang Jingjing.
        You have to ask Han-Wang to go to a memorial to ask Emperor Xiao kang to allow Yan Hong to accompany Han-Wangfei to Minglin, but not to Mingan. Isn't this bullying?
        Even the most boring people wouldn't hold on to this matter and say, Ming-An is not far from Minglin. As Han Wang-Heir, Yan Hong wants to walk around. Who can say more, as long as the range is not too outrageous, who will have nothing to do after having a full meal, just take care of this.
        After Yan Hong and Han-Wangfei arrived in Minglin, several prefectures in the surrounding cities, as well as local magistrates also visited Yan Hong, and most of the female relatives went to Han-Wangfei to pay homage.
        Not to mention Yan Hong's party and private business, and intentionally buying people hearts, this is a customary convention in the officialdom. If you don't do it, it's strange.
        Gu Ming-qing said lightly, "1st-Sao, the man you said should be Han Wang-Heir."
        Ma-shi was taken aback, Han Wang-Heir! How high is this status!
        and many more-
        Ma-shi suddenly responded, "Han Wang-Heir? Hear so familiar?"
        Ma-shi suddenly remembered, "That's right! It seems that shortly after Daliang people left, it was Han Wang-Heir that seemed to be Han Wang-Heir. Han Wang-Heir I heard that it was a little unclear with Tang Jingjing, and I heard about it occasionally when I went to the county. "
        Gu Ming-qing said, your memory is really good.
        Tang Li-ren said, "Things about Tang Jingjing, I won’t talk about them in the future. Han Wang-Heir is an expensive man, we are ordinary people, and we cannot afford to blend in with their affairs. Such words are not allowed in the future. said."
        In fact, Tang Li-ren also murmured in his heart. Isn't there a problem in Han Wang-Heir's eyes, who is not good, and Tang Jingjing?
        When Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui returned to the room at night, Tang Jinrui had no rare book. Under the candlelight, Tang Jinrui looked a bit grim.
        Gu Ming-qing raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong? What are you thinking about? It's not about Han Wang-Heir and Tang Jingjing."
        Tang Jinrui looked back and smiled and shook his head. "I want them to do something. I'm not so boring. I was wondering if Han Wang-Heir came to Minglin this time for the private salt thing. "
        Gu Ming-qing has almost forgotten this stubble, mainly in the past two years, Lingping County has been very quiet, never seen any private salt.
        The three large warehouses shared by the Yun family, the Chen family, and the Leng family are no longer hidden, but they are generously shown. It can be seen that the private salt business has stopped.
        Gu Ming-qing could not guess whether Huang-Tai-sun voluntarily stopped, or 1st-Duke-Fu didn't want to mix, so he stopped. Too far away, Gu Ming-qing couldn't figure out the thoughts of those people.
        However, Gu Ming-qing prefers the second one, because 1st-Duke-Fu doesn't want to blend in. Gu Ming-qing is not untargeted, just look at how Huang-Tai-sun treats Tong-Siwei, and Huang-Tai-sun makes a big disaster at the border, 1st-Duke can really Continue to assist Huang-Tai-sun without any clue?
        Gu Ming-qing felt panicked.
        "But things have been so long. What is the use of checking this now? The private salt business has stopped more than two years ago. It has now been more than two years, with the skills of 1st-Duke-Fu I’m afraid it’s been smoothed out a long time ago. I’m afraid that there will be no trace left. What is left is nothing, I am afraid that it will not involve 1st-Duke-Fu, or Huang-Tai-sun. On his head. "
        After a pause, Gu Ming-qing added, "Even if the private salt business is still going on, I don't see Huang-Tai-sun on the head. I really don't understand it. If Han Wang -Heir is for the private salt thing, what is he trying to do? "
        Tang Jinrui said quietly, "What is the picture? Of course, it is the map that pulls Huang-Tai-sun off the horse. At that time, Huang-Tai-sun made a big disaster at the border, and its status is not guaranteed. Although the emperor finally read the old feelings The status of Huang-Tai-sun was preserved, and later the emperor's great-grandson was born. Huang-Tai-sun's status was finally a little more stable.
        However, from time to time in the past two years, it has been said that the emperor was not very satisfied with Huang-Tai-sun, and even occasionally reprimanded him. There are also errands done by Huang-Tai-sun, I heard that they often make mistakes. This makes Huang-Tai-sun's position even more unstable.
        What's worse now is a big event, pulling Huang-Tai-sun down completely. If it is determined that Huang-Tai-sun has been selling a large amount of private salt into Daliang. What do you say about Huang-Tai-sun?
        I think that even if the emperor wanted to protect Huang-Tai-sun again, Manchu Wenwu would not agree. "
        This is indeed the theory, just-
        "Is it too late. Han Wang-Heir If I checked it two years ago, I think it's still possible. Bacheng can find something useful, even by border matters, maybe he can pull Huang down in one fell swoop Tai-sun.
        The problem is that it has now been more than two years, and the private salt business has been suspended for almost two years. What to check now? "
        Gu Ming-qing always felt that this logic was unreasonable. Normal people should not do this. But Yan Hong can see Tang Jingjing, he is not an ordinary person.
        Tang Jinrui thoughtfully, "Isn't it Han-Wang who has gotten a little clue until now, so-"
        Is that right?
        "I don't think it's right. I don't believe that 1st-Duke-Fu helped Huang-Tai-sun sell so much private salt for so long. Those Han-Wang really didn't get any news, even if it was hidden. Tighter, there will definitely be something coming out. At that time, when the matter at the border is out, what a good chance, shake the private matter out again. It will definitely pull Huang-Tai-sun down. This It’s been more than two years. Now I come to talk about private salt and not private salt. I think it’s really impossible.
        Xianggong, do you think it's your thinking? Han Wang-Heir is not here for personal salt at all. "
        Tang Jinrui was more speculative just now, he thought and thought, "Maybe I guessed wrong. Forget it, don't want to. See if 2-gongzi will send us a letter. If Han Wang -Heir really has a big purpose this time, I believe 2-gongzi, he will be alert. "
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, the two stopped talking and went out of bed to rest.

        Chapter 221 : Get Invitation  

        Yan Hong and Han-Wangfei live in the old house of Han-Wangfei hometown.
        Han-Wangfei maiden house is now an official in Fengjiang. There are not many people left in the hometown of Minglin House. Only the 4th House of Shu-born by Han-Wangfei house is still in the old house of Minglin House.
        With the news that Yan Hong and Han-Wangfei are coming, the people at Lu 4th House have already cleaned the old house house from the inside out, leaving the best main house to Han-Wangfei and Yan. Hong lives.
        Han-Wangfei I saw her combing with Hanyan hibiscus, a plum blossom glazed obliquely inserted on the left side of her head, and a bat-inlaid glass bead trembling golden step shook slightly lower on the right side, holding one in her hand The fan with a peony tulle handle is fanned all at once.
        Han-Wangfei is wearing a ivory white narrow collar flower cotton robe, wearing a pair of two-color satin peacock thread bead hibiscus soft-soled shoes, squinting his eyes, leaning lazily on the beauty couch.
        After Yan Hong came in, Han-Wangfei opened his eyes quickly.
        "Son please Mufei."
        Han-Wangfei laughed, "Get up. You call Shulan. Didn't she tell Ben Wangfei to stew the bird's nest. Ben Wangfei is just a bit hungry."
        Lu Shulan, the daughter of Lu 4th House.
        Soon, he was wearing a honey-colored satin embroidered butterfly dress with good looks and a good-looking Miss, holding a tray with a celadon stew pot and two celadon small bowls in.
        Lu Shulan quickly glanced at Yan Hong, then quickly looked back, "I've seen Wangfei, Heir."
        Han-Wangfei is very kind to Lu Shulan. He smiled and asked people to lift up Lu Shulan. "So many things to do, we are all relatives. Just call Ben Aunt Wangfei and you will be cousin Honger."
        Lu Shulan looked crimson, and whispered to Han-Wangfei, "Aunt."
        When ‘calling Yan Hong's "cousin", she was really tender and tender.
        Compared with Lu Shulan's affection, Yan Hong's attitude was much colder, but he ‘called, "Cousin."
        Lu Shulan's eyes flashed disappointment.
        Seeing this, Han-Wangfei didn't leave Lu Shulan any more, and quickly sent her down.
        After Lu Shulan left, Han-Wangfei just said, "After all, Laner is your cousin, Honger, you are too indifferent to Laner."
        "Mufei, if you just want your son to treat Laner as a cousin, that son will definitely treat her like a pro-Meimei. But Mufei you don't just want your son to be her cousin."
        Yan Hong wasn't a fool. Han-Wangfei did it so obviously that he couldn't see it.
        Yan Hong directly pointed out that Han-Wangfei had no guilty conscience and nodded and admitted, "Yes, it is not bad to kiss and kiss. Lu 4th House is Shu borned, and their daughter treats you as Fae, it must be Not good enough, but being a Concubine, and even better, being a Ceefe is nothing. "
        "The Lu family is Mufei maiden family. It's a great grievance to let the Lu family's daughter be Qiesh. It's too much for the mother to mention it."
        Han-Wangfei is not upset, looking at Yan Hong with a smile, "Miss of the Lu family Shu borned 4th House, it is aggrieved to be Qieshi for you, and that peasant girl is aggrieved or uplifted to be a Qieshi for you."
        Yan Hong was stunned.
        Han-Wangfei continued, "Honger, you are very concerned about a peasant girl, not only Mufei knows, but even your father Wang Yinyin has heard of it. You are Heir, you want Take concubine, Mufei does not Will stop you. A peasant girl just likes it. If you like it very much, it’s not a big deal to raise her identity.
        It's just that you obviously like each other, but you don't accept it. If you leave people behind, that's fine. But how did Mufei hear that in the past two years, you have given things to the other party during the festival. What's wrong with this is forgotten, and it's clearly too hearty. "
        Yan Hong's face was awkward, and for a while I didn't know how to explain to Han-Wangfei.
        "And this time—" Han-Wangfei realized that there were a lot of people in the house, so he waved his hands to let all the people in the house back down. After the people all retreated, Han-Wangfei voice sounded again. "This time, the Daliang people came to your father and wanted to make an alliance with your father. But if there are people in Daliang who frequently go in and out of the land, it will inevitably cause others to doubt. Therefore, the messenger of Daliang suggested that you should send your father to trust People come to the border, so that they don't get offensive. "
        Han-Wangfei hometown is in Minglin, which is already the closest place to the border.
        Han-Wang originally wanted to use Han-Wangfei as an excuse to send his confidants to follow, and then everything could be done without any notice. However, after Yan Hong knew about this (Yan Hong as Han Wang-Heir, there are usually big things, Han-Wang won't hide it from him), he volunteered and asked Han-Wang to say many times, and finally got this An errand.
        Therefore, it was Yan Yan who accompanied Han-Wangfei to Minglin House.
        Han-Wangfei remembered what Yan Hong said to Han-Wang, and couldn't help smirking.
        He had a lot of sounding reasons to say that he was Heir. Only when he went out of his own hands could Daliang people see their sincerity. What he is Mufei biological son, when the son's mother accompanied the mother to take care of his hometown, this is even more worthy of belief ...
        The words are very nice, but Han-Wangfei thinks this is not the most important reason at all. The most important reason is that Yan Hong has always remembered the peasant girl.
        Originally Han-Wangfei couldn't believe it, how could her son who was carefully cultivated be so confused! Just for a woman, or a farm girl who can't get on the table!
        However, as soon as Yan Hong arrived at Minglin House, he had not even had time to clean up the salute, and he could not wait to see the peasant girl in Ming-An House. This made Han-Wangfei sure that her thoughts were right.
        "Mufei, my son is for business, so—" Yan Hong moved his mouth and explained to Han-Wangfei with difficulty.
        Unfortunately, Han-Wangfei didn't believe Yan Hong's words.
        "Mufei, actually Jingjing is a very cute and kind Miss. If you see her, you will also like her. Otherwise, in a few days, your son will come to see you with Jingjing?"
        That's enough! Han-Wangfei smirked in his heart.
        Han-Wangfei doesn't want to sweep his son's face too much, to deal with a peasant girl, but it's not worth hurting her and her son's mother-child relationship.
        "Okay, Mufei also wants to see how cute and kind Missjingjing is in your mouth." What kind of fox charmer can confuse his son!
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui also received a letter from Yan-jin, which suggested that Tang Jinrui should check Han Wang-Heir's purpose of coming to Minglin as far as possible.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui burned the letter immediately after reading it.
        In the past two years, as long as Yan-jin and Chu Haoran's letter came, after reading it, it will be the same. After reading it, it will burn without leaving any trace.
        It wasn't until the last bit of the stationery in the hand was burned to ash that Tang Jinrui let go of his hand, then poured a cup of tea and extinguished the last ignition star.
        After Tang Jinrui did all this, he said lightly, "2-gongzi This is the purpose of doubting Han Wang-Heir to come to Minglin."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, taking Tang Jinrui words seriously, and she thought so too.
        "But Ming-An is still some distance away from Minglin. How can I go to Minglin to find out the news? Han Wang-Heir's news is not so easy to find."
        Gu Ming-qing reached out and seemed to want to smooth Tang Jinrui frown, persuading, "2-gongzi might just say that. 2-gongzi must have explained that he was in Minglin. People near the government are staring at Han-Wang government. I'll tell you, I'm afraid it's just incidental. "
        Tang Jinrui Think about it, this is very likely.
        Gu Ming-qing talked about one thing, "I heard that ten days later, Han-Wangfei will invite Minglin and Ming-An Guan-Fu-ren. But this banquet is said to be specifically for Tang Jingjing. "
        Tang Jinrui really didn't know about it, "Oh? For Tang Jingjing? Is it for Tang Jingjing and Han Wang-Heir?"
        "pretty close."
        Tang Jinrui was curious again, "Niangzi, how did you know about this?"
        Gu Ming-qing replied, "Tang Jingjing said. I went to the cloth shop in the county, just as Tang Jingjing was also picking fabrics there, she mumbled while picking the fabrics. What did Han-Wangfei like Miss, dress more festively, or like Miss, and dress more maturely. She also said that when it was too urgent, she didn’t know if she could get it done in time.
        Tang Jinrui mouth twitched, Tang Jingjing didn't seem to be able to keep secrets.
        Gu Ming-qing also said, "If I can attend this banquet, go and see where Han-Wangfei and Han Wang-Heir live today, maybe I can get some clues." Although it is very unlikely, but go It's always good to have it.
        Tang Jinrui also feels that Gu Ming-qing may have unexpected benefits when he goes there.
        "Niangzi, it's best to be able to go. If you can't go, just forget it. Don't force yourself too much."
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, of course, this kind of thing should not be too reluctant.
        Two days later, Gu Ming-qing went to the county again, and she bumped into the cloth village again. Tang Jingjing finally bought a piece of cloth made of good fabric and was ruined!
        The man who ruined his clothes was Yun Zihan!
        Gu Ming-qing knew how, because Yun Zihan was arguing with Tang Jingjing in the cloth.
        Fortunately, Tang Jingjing has grown his head, knowing that the content of her quarrel with Yun Zihan cannot be heard by other people, so she ordered her subordinates to drive away people near Bouzhuang.
        Gu Ming-qing is far away, not within the bounds, and she doesn't need to be close to know what Yun Zihan is saying to Tang Jingjing.
        Gu Ming-qing understands lips.
        I saw Tang Jingjing's face was full of anger, and he asked Yun Zihan, "Yun Zihan, you are crazy! This is a good material that I could not easily find. I asked the best tailor to help me make clothes. You actually cut me with scissors! What do you want to do! "
        Yun Zihan was even more angry than Tang Jingjing. His eyes were wide, as if to kill someone. He grabbed Tang Jingjing's shoulder and asked, "Tang Jingjing, you have a heart and a heart! They are all telling you outside With Han Wang-Heir, where did you put me? Thanks to my heart for you, I was the only one in my heart! I was disappointed for you and even my father and lost the opportunity to inherit the Yun family! I I paid so much for you, but you turned out to be hooking up with Han Wang-Heir! Tang Jingjing You are almost shameless! Disgusting! "
        Tang Jingjing was furious to break away from Yun Zihan's imprisonment and retorted, "Yun Zihan, you are nonsense, I'm just friends with you! We are just innocent friends from beginning to end! I usually talk with When you get along, you have never stepped over Lei Chi! You have less talk outside and ruined my reputation! You are so disgusting to me! "
        What Tang Jingjing and Yun Zihan are arguing about next, Gu Ming-qing is too lazy to read again. Left and right are Yun Zihan questioning, Tang Jingjing insists that she and Yun Zihan are innocent.
        Yun Zihan was just the spare tire of Tang Jingjing from beginning to end.
        Tang Jingjing found a noble lord such as Yan Hong, where Yun Zihan can still be seen.
        But Yun Zihan was not pitiful, and he was not good.
        For a few words from Tang Jingjing, Yun Zihan forced Cheng Taohua mother and daughter to death, and Jiang Dazhuang was put in prison. Jiang Dazhuang's mother Bao Shi died.
        Gu Ming-qing thinks Tang Jingjing and Yun Zihan are actually quite good. What pot is with what cover!
        Just when Gu Ming-qing was feeling, Yun Zihan was finally angry and let go of Tang Jingjing, and strode away from the village. Tang Jingjing still stared angrily and uncomfortably at her new clothes cut by Yun Zihan.
        Gu Ming-qing With a turn of his eyes, he had an idea in his heart.
        Gu Ming-qing took Qiao-Yatou to cloth village. After approaching, because Yun Zihan left, Tang Jingjing's descendants did not stop anyone. Gu Ming-qing approached easily. Already.
        Gu Ming-qing said to Qiao-Yatou with a smile, "Qiao-Yatou, the streamer I gave to my cousin last time. The colors are bright. I told you to help me make a piece of clothes? Do it now Where is it? "
        Qiao-Yatou was puzzled, Gu Ming-qing knew where her clothes had been made. I didn’t just watch it yesterday, what about today-
        However, in recent years, Qiao-Yatou has been with Gu Ming-qing, but it was also taught by Gu Ming-qing. She immediately answered, "Young-Lady, the clothes nubi have already made more than half of them. "Young-Lady, if you're in a hurry, nubi will go back tonight to do it tomorrow, and it will be fine tomorrow."
        Gu Ming-qing said indifferently, "In fact, I didn't have any urgency. I just came to the cloth village and asked casually. No hurry, you don't need to be busy."
        Tang Jingjing is sad about the good stuff she managed to buy, and now it's all ruined. When hearing Ming-qing's "bright light", Tang Jingjing's eyes suddenly turned on.
        To say that Yan Hong is also careless, I don't know that her daughter's family needs to wear clothes and jewelry to attend the banquet.
        In the past two years, Yan Hong has sent Tang Jingjing a lot of materials and jewellery during the festival, and those are also good things.
        The problem is that after a while, the pattern on the material is not fresh and out of date. Tang Jingjing usually receives the material sent by Yan Hong, and will soon tell people to make clothing. Old clothes or something, how can I wear to see Han-Wangfei.
        Yan Hong felt that the clothes and jewellery for Tang Jingjing were absolutely sufficient, so she never had to remember to prepare for Tang Jingjing again.
        Tang Jingjing doesn't want to trouble Yan Hong with these things. After all, their relationship is not really determined, and what she wants to leave Yan Hong is a strong and independent image. Only in this way can she help Yan Hong.
        Trouble Yan Hong for small clothes, Tang Jingjing thinks she too useless, she insists not to!
        Tang Jingjing is worrying about where to get the fabrics in such a short period of time, even if I get it, I'm afraid I can't make clothes. I didn't expect to have one here.
        Tang Jingjing hurried to Gu Ming-qing, anxiously, "Ming-qing, do you say you have a streamer?"
        Liu Guangjin, Tang Jingjing still knows, but that's a good thing! Yan-jin never sent her! It is really too little, even if you have money, you can't get it. Han-Wang government does have it. The problem is that it has been divided up by Han-Wangfei, Han Wang-Ceefei, and County Owner in the government.
        Gu Ming-qing secretly hooked his lips, his heart said, the fish was hooked!
        Gu Ming-qing's smile receded a bit, she usually used this expression to face Tang Jingjing, "Tang Miss, is there something wrong?"
        Tang Jingjing hurriedly said, "Ming-qing, you say you have a streamer in your hand, and you have already made clothes?"
        Gu Ming-qing had a doubt on his face, but still nodded, "That's true."
        Tang Jingjing eagerly said, "Ming-qing, could you please transfer your streamer brocade clothes to me? I don't want you, I can spend money to buy it. You bid well, no matter how much you can! "
        "Tang Miss, it’s really not about money. I’m not short of money. It’s just Tang Miss, you should know that my cloth was sent by my cousin's trustee, Qian Li, it’s her A heart. How can I trample on the heart of my cousin. "
        "Ming-qing, of course I understand what you mean. It’s just that the clothes are so important to me. Ming-qing, I really need the streamer clothes in your hands now. That’s about the happiness of my life. ! "
        Gu Ming-qing hesitated, "This-"
        When Tang Jingjing saw a play, he said, "I know Ming-qing, you don't lack money, that's all right. I have a post on the banquet held by Han-Wangfei. I give you that post, Ming-qing Give me your clothes! "
        Gu Ming-qing felt a joy in his heart, but he became hesitant, "but-"
        Tang Jingjing continued to cry, "Ming-qing!"
        Gu Ming-qing sighed, "Well, since this is a matter of life for you, I can't belittle a piece of clothes."
        Gu Ming-qing agreed, Tang Jingjing was immediately happy, there was no way out of the heavy mountains and waters, Liu An Hua Ming You Yi Village!
        Tang Jingjing immediately followed Gu Ming-qing to go back to get the clothes, and then sent someone to her house to give Gu Ming-qing the post of the banquet held by Han-Wangfei.
        It wasn't until evening that Tang Jinrui knew about it, and couldn't help but sigh, "Niangzi, you are really amazing."
        Gu Ming-qing smiled with a fox and raised the big red gold invitation in Yang’s hand. "It is also a coincidence that I happened to hit Tang Jingjing and quarrel with Yun Zihan. This is really a good time and everything. It's seven days after this banquet, and I set off for Minglin House the day after tomorrow. "
        Tang Jinrui asked, "May I go with you?"
        Gu Ming-qing shook his head, "No. You still have to read the book. Besides, the fewer people, the better to do things. Han-Wangfei asks all female relatives, and you can't get in."
        Tang Jinrui heard the words and stopped talking.

        Chapter 222 : Difficult in Public  

        Tang Jingjing was pleased with the bright clothes of Gu Ming-qing. Most of the clothes have been made, and there is only one left. Tang Jingjing can order his Maid to do it. Even this dress was not made according to her figure, but it was nothing, Gu Ming-qing's figure was a little taller than her, and their waist circumference and everything were similar.
        Therefore, there are not many places to change this clothes, and all of them can be done in one night.
        Tang Li-zong and others knew that Tang Jingjing was going to a banquet hosted by Han-Wangfei, with different expressions.
        Tang Pandi smirked, she didn't believe that people like Tang Jingjing could really enter Han-Wang House! Even after entering the palace, he can only be the lowest status Qiesh! Do not look at her identity!
        For more than two years, Tang Pandi has stayed at Tang Jingjing's home, not to mention how hard it has been. Not to eat less and wear less, but to be proud of Tang Jingjing every day, as if everyone else is a bug, Tang Pandi is so disgusted that he is going to die!
        Fortunately, Xu Qinghuai has finished his filial piety for three years, and the Xu family's life is gradually on track. Tang Pandi also got a lot of benefits here in Tang Jingjing. After another year, she can remarry Xu Qinghuai and live her little life.
        Under the fence, to see the face of people, Tang Pandi is really enough!
        Tang Laidi looked enviously at the streamer clothes that Tang Jingjing wore. She couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it. Tang Jingjing was busy beating Tang Laidi outstretched hand, " Laidi, don't touch! The clothes are expensive! Be careful not to touch them! "
        Tang Pandi is even more disdainful, Tang Jingjing really is a noble person! nausea!
        Tang Li-zong and Li-shi pondered, Tang Jingjing attending the banquet hosted by Han-Wangfei this time, how much they can get.
        Tang Laidi was beaten by Tang Jingjing, and it was not uncomfortable, just saying, "Three sister, the banquet hosted by Wangfei! I have never attended it. Can you take me to a long experience."
        Tang Jingjing froze, then looked at Tang Laidi, only to see her face full of longing.
        Tang Jingjing hesitated, "Laidi, I don't want to take you-"
        "Then you take the four sisters with you! Tang Jingjing You didn't say it, you didn't want it, that's all right." Tang Pan's strange voice of yin and yang suddenly sounded.
        Tang Jingjing crossed his eyes Tang Pandi, "I'm talking to Laidi, but I'm not talking to you! You shut up for me!"
        Tang Pandi gave Tang Jingjing a stab, Nou mouth, and finally no more to say.
        Tang Jingjing also said to Tang Laidi, "Laidi, but this time Han-Wangfei asked for some Guan-Fu-ren. You have never learned etiquette before, that is, clothes and jewelry, and now buy it. It's too late to get up. When the third sister returns this time, I'll ask you for a Mama and teach you the rules.
        And Laidi, your name should be changed too. What Laidi, it's awful to die. Let's take a poetic picture and have a cultivated name. "
        Tang Laidi couldn't hear it, it wasn't disappointed in her heart, but Tang Jingjing said that she would ask Mama for her when she came back and teach her the rules, then she could go with her next time.
        Tang Laidi laughed into a flower and nodded again and again.
        Tang Pandi smirked and thought Tang Laidi was really coquettish. Tang Laidi didn't look at it. How long did her name last and how long was she called? Tang Jingjing hadn't thought of changing her name before, but it was only then. And also ask Mama to teach the rules.
        Tang Pandi has been at Tang Jingjing's home for many years, and it can be regarded as clear. Tang Jingjing actually doesn't have much so-called sincerity for Tang Laidi. But Tang Laidi listens to her best.
        But these words Tang Pandi would not tell Tang Laidi, she had found a chance to talk to Tang Laidi before, but Tang Laidi sold her in a flash. Tang Pandi can also be regarded as clearly recognized Tang Laidi Mei-mei is now just Tang Jingjing's Mei-mei, since then he died.
        Gu Ming-qing If you want to go to Minglin, you must tell your family.
        Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi didn't say anything, but Ma-shi was envious, "Well, Sao, you're going to a banquet hosted by Han-Wangfei. Well, I have lived for so many years I haven't seen Wangfei, what can I do with you? "
        Gu Ming-qing is definitely impossible to agree to take Ma-shi. She was serious and was about to say politely. Tang Li-ren spoke first. "Old 1st-Wife, you said You're going, you're going? That's to meet Wangfei, you know the rules? You know how to salute? If you lose face at that banquet and others see it, you shouldn't laugh at the big teeth.
        Ma-shi was stunned, and then began to lose. She is a big family who doesn’t understand the rules. If you go to a banquet hosted by Han-Wangfei, it will be shameful.
        The refusal was said by Tang Li-ren, while Gu Ming-qing only ate and stopped saying more.
        Gu Ming-qing prepared briefly and set off for Minglin House.
        Gu Ming-qing, when the banquet was held the next day, she found an inn close to the house where Han-Wangfei lived.
        On the second day, Gu Ming-qing got up early to attend this kind of banquet, not to mention how dazzlingly dressed, but he must not be rude. Gu Ming-qing wore the pink brocade lotus-patterned Shu brocade clothes made a long time ago, and a ladle of white sheep fat was inserted into the head.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at the blurred bronze mirror and saw that she was dressed without any problems, so she took Qiao-Yatou to the banquet.
        Today is the day of the Han-Wang House feast. There are many people coming and going in Lu House, and the carriages are endless.
        Gu Ming-qing took out the invitation, and after reading the manservant, he soon asked Gu Ming-qing to go in.
        As soon as Gu Ming-qing entered Lufu, Pozi led Gu Ming-qing into it.
        There is a lotus pond in Lüfu. The weather is not too hot now, and there are many shaded trees at the lotus pond, so it looks very cool. Han-Wangfei banquet is arranged here.
        Several tables are set up here, and there is no one in the main seat. Of course, the most honorable person will not appear until the latest.
        At a glance, Gu Ming-qing, who had already come, didn't know anyone. She could only sit quietly, her eyes occasionally turned to the lotus pond. It's only June now, the lotus in the lotus pond has not yet fully bloomed, but the lotus flower with flowers and flowers, and some lotus flowers that have not yet opened in the valley, look different.
        Gu Ming-qing wanted to come to find out the news, but he was not stupid enough to walk around at random, and asked Lu servants to ask him something. In this way, others can immediately find out what is wrong.
        Gradually, more people came, and Tang Jingjing, who was dressed in sky blue brocade clothes, also arrived, and she was sitting in the main seat.
        When all the people came, Han-Wangfei was led by a young Miss and slowly appeared in front of everyone.
        When Han-Wangfei appeared, everyone had to salute her, and Gu Ming-qing followed everyone to salute Han-Wangfei.
        Han-Wangfei raised his hand. "You are exempt from courtesy. It is not a formal banquet.
        Gu Ming-qing When he got up, there was a taunt of sarcasm in his eyes, and he shot back! After everyone was done saluting, they said something rather than salty. These superiors, sure enough, one by one wearing fake masks, can no longer take them down.
        Gu Ming-qing After sitting down, exquisite dishes were also served.
        Gu Ming-qing watched Han-Wangfei and Tang Jingjing while eating vegetables. Gu Ming-qing sits a little far away from Tang Jingjing and Han-Wangfei, but fortunately, it is not far away, and I can still hear the dialogue between Han-Wangfei and Tang Jingjing.
        Han-Wangfei didn't hurry to talk to Tang Jingjing either, but looked at Tang Jingjing at leisure.
        To be honest, Han-Wangfei also had doubts about Yan Hong's vision. Han-Wangfei, before seeing Tang Jingjing, had always been Tang Jingjing, a stunning and beautiful woman, or Yan Hong would not be so obsessed with it.
        It turned out that Han-Wangfei was really disappointed, not that Tang Jingjing was not beautiful. After Tang Jingjing was rich, she was still reluctant to spend money on her face, pearl powder, and various whitening and skincare methods. She all tossed her face, so Tang Jingjing's skin was fair and her eyes were bright. Really a little beauty. However, I can’t believe that I’m out of here! Just such a woman caught his son?
        Han-Wangfei really can't figure it out.
        When Han-Wangfei was about to speak to Tang Jingjing, someone reported that Yan Hong had come.
        Han-Wangfei frowned. This time all the female guests were entertained. Yan Hong should not show up as a man, but Yan Hong, who was born a little, came. What Yan Hong is for, Han-Wangfei knows it.
        Think of it this way, Han-Wangfei eyes looking at Tang Jingjing are hard to hide.
        Yan Hong came in quickly, and everyone wanted to salute him again. He only waved his hand. "The suddenness of Ben Heir's interruption of Yaxing, you don't need to be polite."
        Some of the Fu-ren who came here brought their daughter, and some brought Zhi-nu. Seeing Yan Hong's good looks, noble status, and approachability, they were satisfied with Yan Hong.
        It's a pity that the identity of the two parties is too different. If their daughter (Zhi-nu) really wants to engage Yan Hong, they can only be Qiesh, and they are not happy.
        "My son was worried about Mufei body and could not rest assured, so he came to accompany his mother."
        Yan Hong's words were so righteous that he didn't know how filial he was!
        Han-Wangfei smirked in his heart, holding the name of caring for her to make love for his sweetheart, this is really enough! It was too frustrating for her.
        Han-Wangfei was definitely not going to dismantle his son's platform outside, so he ordered the position on the main seat to move, and gave Yan Hong a seat beside Han-Wangfei, and Yan Hong sits down immediately.
        Gu Ming-qing saw all of this in his eyes and couldn't help feeling that Yan Hong was really interested in Tang Jingjing, so he was in a hurry to get on with Tang Jingjing.
        "Tang Miss, I heard that you like the business of Jia and you especially like doing business?" Han-Wangfei didn't speak, and Lu Shulan spoke at the suggestion of Han-Wangfei.
        Tang Jingjing has a strong hostility towards Lu Shulan. Lu Shulan's eyes look full of disdain and hostility. It's no wonder what Tang Jingjing can have a good impression on her!
        And Tang Jingjing thinks that Lu Shulan is the standard vicious female partner through the novel! Seeing the close relationship between Lu Shulan and Han-Wangfei, she wanted to have a high status, and when Lu Shulan appeared in Yan Hong, the shallow affection that flashed through his eyes, Tang Jingjing did not miss it at all.
        Faced with Lu Shulan's provocation, Tang Jingjing raised his chin slightly, and said crisply, "I don't like the business of Jia, but I was born poor, unlike Miss, you were born a thousand Jin-Young-Lady. If I don't work hard, I'm afraid I won't have enough to eat. "
        Tang Jingjing thought about it, her identity must be concealable, and she did not intend to hide it. Instead of being ridiculed and smirked, she would say it generously.
        Sure enough, among the people present, most of them did not like Tang Jingjing, but they also appreciated the frankness of Tang Jingjing.
        Yan Hong had a deep appreciation in Tang Jingjing's eyes, and his heart was indeed the Miss he liked.
        Gu Ming-qing After seeing this scene, I thought, Tang Jingjing is not really a big idiot, she still sees some things clearly.
        Tang Jingjing Don't expect her righteousness to be astonishing. Strong and confident words can move Han-Wangfei.
        Han-Wangfei As Wangfei, he has become accustomed to the high. Ordinary people are no different from ants in her eyes!
        "But how did I hear about Tang Miss, what you do is a business that's heartbreaking and killing."
        Tang Jingjing hasn't spoken yet, Yan Hong has lowered his face and said, "Cousin, what are you talking about?"
        The faces of Tang Jingjing and Lu Shulan suddenly changed.
        Lu Shulan saw Yan Hong's maintenance of Tang Jingjing, which made her very uncomfortable.
        Tang Jingjing knew Lu Shulan's identity.
        Cousin and cousin are born a pair!
        Tang Jingjing is more and more sure of Lu Shulan's identity, this is the vicious female partner on the road between her and Yan Hong!
        Lu Shulan bit her embarrassed lip, and Yan Hong's maintenance of Tang Jingjing further aroused Lu Shulan's unwillingness and said coldly, "Cousin, I'm telling the truth. Tang Miss, not the same It's called a preserved egg. That preserved egg is made from a large amount of yellow dan powder, and it’s very harmful to people. It’s not that a child is because of Tang—Miss, the preserved egg you made, and you get sick. Tang Miss, it was a tumultuous event at the time, and many people knew it. "
        Yan Hong was about to get angry, but Han-Wangfei said faintly, "Oh? Laner, are you telling the truth? Is this really the case?"
        Lu Shulan busily said, "Aunt, this matter is true and true, and many people know it. Tang Miss, do you mean it?"
        Tang Jingjing weighed in his heart and quickly nodded and admitted, "Yes, this is indeed the case. But I don't know that a large amount of Huang Dan powder is harmful to the human body. Because that egg I often eat myself. I am crazy And you won’t eat it if you know it’s poisonous. "
        Lu Shulan chuckled, "Who knows Tang Miss, what you said is true or false. There are unscrupulous businesswomen. Those unscrupulous businessmen, he can do everything to make money. Oops, Tang -Miss,, I'm not talking about you. Don't get me wrong. "
        There are no two hundred and twenty silver here!
        Tang Jingjing is going to be furious! This Lu Shulan really is a vicious female partner! She is so vicious!
        Yan Hong looked cold and displeased, "Cousin, Tang Miss, is a good Miss, she is kind and strong and independent. And I hate most those long tongue women who like clouds and clouds, hearsay! Cousin you are young No one is married yet. But don't be a long tongue woman. It's disgustingly tight. "
        Tang Jingjing was so happy that Yan Hong had made a clear choice between her and Lu Shulan.
        Tang Jingjing thought to himself, she deserves to be the man she likes!
        Compared to Tang Jingjing's happiness, Lu Shulan was uncomfortable. Anyone was beaten in the presence of his sweetheart in public, and then watched his tenderness and care for another woman, and ridiculed himself with ridicule. It’s not uncomfortable to go crazy!
        Lu Shulan's mouth was faster than her head, and she blurted out, "What's so good about Tang Jingjing, she not a lowly farm girl! And she also making a public appearance. She hooking up with gongzi in a county. It's not clear. This is what many people see. Not only that, Tang Jingjing is considered poor and loves the rich, so he has terminated his marriage with his poor fiance!
        Cousin, it’s just your Tang Jingjing's ‘maideny status, so Tang Jingjing just found you! "
        Lu Shulan couldn't yell like a vixen, but this did not prevent her from speaking out her dissatisfaction.
        Tang Jingjing and Yanhong's faces were ugly for a moment.
        Tang Jingjing said angrily, "Please don't spit out blood! Nonsense! Do you know how important fame is to a daughter's family? If you go up and down like this, do you know how much it will affect me? It’s not my decision, it’s the parents’order. I earn money on my own hands. What qualifications do you have to insult me!
        I am now meeting a man I really like, and I don’t have a marriage contract now, why can’t I pursue my own happiness! I am right! "
        Tang Jingjing When it comes to the man he likes, Shui Lingling's big eyes stare at Yan Hong. Anyone knows that Tang Jingjing's favorite man is definitely Yan Hong.
        Gu Ming-qing said, Tang Jingjing really dare to show his love in public! Before Lu Shulan felt uncomfortable, she cried, and Han-Wangfei was also frosty.
        Tang Jingjing's past, Yan Hong already knew, he likes Tang Jingjing, can he investigate? Can you ask Tang Jingjing directly? Tang Jingjing explained these things to Yan Hong long ago, and Yan Hong also accepted Tang Jingjing's explanation.
        Yan Hong's coldness and disgust were undisguised, and she looked coldly at Lu Shulan. "Cousin, it seems I'm wrong. You are indeed a long tongue woman who can only fiddle with her tongue and say what is right and wrong. People like you , So disappointing me. "
        Han-Wangfei reminded, "Honger!"
        Lu Shulan is the Lu family and is Zhi-nu of Han-Wangfei. Yan Hong still has to give Han-Wangfei a little face and stop talking.

        Chapter 223 : Routine  

        Yan Hong stopped talking, but Lu Shulan had a lot to say!
        All Lu Shulan's intellects were completely dismissed by Yan Hong's ruthless words, and when she watched Yan Hong's maintenance of Tang Jingjing, she disappeared completely. "Cousin, you are confused by Tang Jingjing! Tang Jingjing is clearly a shameless woman with a poppy flower who is not observant to the woman!
        Cousin, you should be more awake, Tang Jingjing is not good, she is disrespectful to her elders, her status is low, she— "
        "Lü Shulan, you shut up!" Yan Hong was furious, covering his eyes with a layer of frost, looking at Lü Shulan's eyes full of aversion and disgust, as if Lü Shulan was something dirty.
        Yan Hong's eyes deeply stabbed Lu Shulan, whose lips moved with tears.
        Tang Jingjing was touched by Yan Hong's maintenance of her and at the same time she hated Lu Shulan's teeth itchingly, how could there be such a nasty woman in the world!
        The women in the main seat are also a little embarrassed. They are close to each other, and they all look at it in their eyes. There is nothing they can do to persuade them. Their status is not enough.
        When Lu Shulan saw Tang Jingjing proudly squinting at her, and the scorn of her eyes, she couldn't bear it anymore, covered her face and left.
        Han-Wangfei is very dissatisfied with Lu Shulan's performance, he really can't get on the stage! In the end is the daughter of Shu borned 4th House, helpless, stupid! She so angry!
        Yan Hong can not put Lu Shulan in his eyes, but can't help but explain to Han-Wangfei, "Mufei, my son has said a little too much, and please forgive Mufei."
        If it weren't for so many people, Han-Wangfei really didn't want to give Yan Hong face, and would like to directly ask Yan Hong, you also know that your behavior is not to give her this face as a mother!
        Han-Wangfei was lucky, and finally managed to suppress the anger in his heart, and did not question Yan Hong on the spot.
        Tang Jingjing rounded the field and said, "Heir, Wangfei is a kind and reasonable person. She will definitely know who is right and who is wrong, and she will never cover her Zhi-nu."
        Han-Wangfei almost did not spit out old blood. What she wanted most at the moment was to give Tang Jingjing a slap directly! What abominable stuff is nonsense! According to the meaning of Tang Jingjing, if she defends Lu Shulan's Zhi-nu, is she not in harmony with goodness? what!
        Han-Wangfei Although she was not happy that Lu Shulan couldn't hold her breath, a few words were said to run away in tears. But Han-Wangfei least favorite is Tang Jingjing, this abominable thing, what the hell.
        Is Lu Shulan's statement wrong? Han-Wangfei knew everything Lu Shulan said, even just speaking out from Lu Shulan's mouth.
        The more Han-Wangfei sees Tang Jingjing, the more she hates it. It is such a shameless, disgusting woman who takes away her proud son! She so angry!
        Han-Wangfei took a deep breath. She admits that raising her energy is not bad, but she can hardly bear it today.
        Han-Wangfei whispered, "Everyone, Ben Wangfei feels unwell, so he will go back to the house first."
        After Han-Wangfei said, she immediately left with the hand of a maid. She didn't want to stay at all anymore, and faced Tang Jingjing's face, she didn't know what she would do wrong!
        Yan Hong is not good at staying at all these women's banquets. Not long after Han-Wangfei left, he also left.
        Today, I saw a good show, Gu Ming-qing said in her heart, but her gaze turned to Lu Shulan's direction if she could.
        Gu Ming-qing sits for a while and saw that some people were leaving the seat because of boredom. Then she got up and wanted to go outside to ventilate. It was not awkward and awkward to leave her like this.
        Gu Ming-qing heard a depressed cry while passing by a rockery.
        Gu Ming-qing raised her eyebrows, should she say that she would come wherever she wanted?
        Gu Ming-qing walked towards the crying place, and saw that the person wiping tears at the rockery was not Lu Shulan.
        Gu Ming-qing was close, and he deliberately regained his footsteps. Lu Shulan suddenly realized, "Who!"
        Lu Shulan looked back, she didn't know Gu Ming-qing, but Gu Ming-qing wore Shu Jin material, and she recognized it at a glance. Lu Shulan thought, Gu Ming-qing's identity should not be low.
        "Lu Miss, I was walking around because of boredom. Who knew that I heard a cry here and was curious before I came over. If I disturb Lu Miss, I'm really sorry."
        Lu Shulan was crying like a cat, with red eyes, red nose, and tears hanging on her cheeks.
        Lu Shulan bit his lips in embarrassment and laughed at herself, "You have come to the banquet hosted by your aunt, and then you can see how embarrassed I was! I was shameful by a farm girl from Tang Jingjing. Even more for Tang Jingjing, he didn't even care that I was his cousin, he said me like that. Wow-"
        When Lu Shulan thought of Yan Hong's relentlessness, tears burst into tears, and Yan Hong’s merciless and heartless words, which had grown up in Noble Misses, was a very hard blow.
        Gu Ming-qing took out the parcel and gave it to Lu Shulan, "Lu Miss, you don't cry."
        Lu Shulan took the puppet in Gu Ming-qing's hand, and wiped his face fiercely. He was out of breath, "You're not me, how can I understand the pain in my heart! You told me not to cry now, but to stand It doesn't hurt to speak. "
        "Lu Miss, I am also a woman. And you and I are innocent and innocent. I deliberately made a joke about what you did?"
        Lu Shulan looked up and looked at Gu Ming-qing at the first glance. You could see the bottom of the water, and there was no laughter in it, and she felt a little comfortable.
        "If you dare to read my joke, I will never let you go! I'm Lu Young-Lady! Han-Wangfei is my pro-aunt!"
        Really raised in Noble Misses, spoiled little Miss, ah!
        Gu Ming-qing said in his heart.
        Gu Ming-qing Since he came to the banquet, he has also investigated. Han-Wangfei maiden name Lu, who stayed in his hometown Minglin House was Lu 4th House, which was born by Shu, who stayed in his hometown to take care of the family business.
        "Yes, Lu Miss, it's true. Lu Miss, but Qian Jin-Young-Lady, who was born and raised from a young age, gathered thousands of pets to grow up, you are naturally not comparable to the average young lady-Young-Lady. "
        Lu Shulan was flattered by Gu Ming-qing's flattery. She sucked her nose and was proud of her face.
        Soon, Lu Shulan's pride disappeared. She bit her lip unwillingly and complained, "What about that? My cousin doesn't like me. He likes Tang Jingjing. He doesn't even look at me. You said, am I really worse than Tang Jingjing? Am I uglier than Tang Jingjing? "
        Gu Ming-qing said sincerely, "You are more beautiful than Tang Jingjing."
        Gu Ming-qing is not flattering to Lu Shulan. To say that she is definitely better than Tang Jingjing. Moreover, Lu Shulan has been carefully cultivated since he was a child, and he has really learned good manners.
        However, Tang Jingjing has a kind of free and easy freedom that is different from other ladies, that is the characteristic of modern girls, which is really incomparable to most ancient boudoir women.
        No wonder Yan Hong would like Tang Jingjing.
        Of course, Gu Ming-qing would not tell Lu Shulan in front of him.
        When Lu Shulan listened to Tang Jingjing, she pouted and laughed. She also felt that she was better than Tang Jingjing everywhere! But my cousin was blind and couldn't see her well.
        "But why doesn't my cousin like me, but Tang Jingjing? What do you say about me, so my cousin can like me?"
        Lu Shulan is also in a desperate illness and is seeking medical treatment. She can’t find anyone who can help. She doesn’t know Gu Ming-qing, even Gu Ming-qing’s name is unknown. It’s like a drowning person desperately grabbing a Lifesaving driftwood.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Lu Shulan and sighed, "Lu Miss, since Han Wang-Heir didn't mean to you, why should you pursue it hard? Lu Miss, you are also famous and you are not low in status. You If you give up Han Wang-Heir, I believe you will find a good marriage that belongs to you. "
        Lu Shulan muttered his mouth, "What do you know. Although I was stunned, my father is Shu born! Our room is not valued in Lu Jiaben. My father has only one County-Graduate name. I am even Lu Jia Daughter, what good family can I marry in the future?
        My cousin is different. He is Han Wang-Heir, and later Han-Wang. I know it's impossible to be my cousin’s person in my capacity, but as a Concubine, I will have a son-zi and be promoted to Ceefei. This is always possible. Besides, with my aunt and aunt, I will definitely not be upset with my cousin. "
        Gu Ming-qing raised her eyebrows. She really underestimated Lu Shulan. She thought it was just a spoiled Jin-Young-Lady. Who knows that the city is not a small city, and she plans to spend all her life. All right.
        But still stupid, Lu Shulan didn't know herself, so she told her true situation, there was no defense at all.
        Gu Ming-qing thought that it was Lu Shulan who had been stimulated and suffered too much. She gave her a little care when she collapsed and felt happy, and she just took heart and lungs for herself.
        After Lu Sulan complained, she looked eagerly to Gu Ming-qing, "You said, what can I do, can my cousin like me?"
        Gu Ming-qing sighed, "You just want to marry Han Wang-Heir?" Only a wife can say marry, Concubine Ceefei can't use anything, but Gu Ming-qing doesn't want to stimulate Lu Shulan at this moment, Just married.
        Lu Shulan rolled his eyes in a bad temper, "You're not talking nonsense!"
        "Lu Miss, although we met for the first time, but I think I am very close to you. I give you a piece of advice, even if you want to marry Han Wang-Heir, don’t move to Han Wang-Heir Prescription, thinking about cooking mature rice with raw rice. "
        Lu Shulan's face was red, and she couldn't help feeling a little guilty. Sometimes when her cousin was so cold to her, she really thought about it. Especially when I saw my cousin being very considerate to Tang Jingjing.
        Lu Shulan twisted the pang in his hands, and muttered, "Why not?"
        "Lu Miss, you are Miss Lu of the Lu family, and Zhi-nu of Han-Wangfei. I do not deny that if you give Han Wang-Heir a medicine, because you are Lu Miss, you are looking after Han Wangfei face, Han Wang-Heir will certainly accept you.
        But do you want to live in the future? Miss Lu, do you think about it, it's you, do you like people to give you medicine and then cook the rice with ripe rice? How disgusting you are, Han Wang-Heir is also disgusting. You can't be spoiled, can you say that you will be better in the future?
        Originally, Han-Wangfei would care about you because you were her mother Zhi-nu. But if you prescribe Han Wang-Heir, I can tell you very clearly that Han-Wangfei pity for you may be over.
        There is neither the favor of Han Wang-Heir nor the shelter of Han-Wangfei. Do you think how to live in the future? "
        Lu Shulan suddenly fell into the ice cellar, and a cold air poured from the soles of her feet, so cold that she shivered. She couldn't even think of it in such a day.
        Lu Shulan was embarrassed, "I-I-I listen to you, I will never give cousin medicine! Absolutely not!"
        Gu Ming-qing also really reminded Lu Shulan to stop a Miss and do stupid things, which is also easy to do, and there is nothing.
        Lu Shulan was confused again. "So how can I make my cousin like me?"
        Gu Ming-qing raised his eyebrows, "Lu Miss, you can do whatever you want."
        Lu Shulan wondered, "Do what you like?"
        "For example, ask what Han Wang-Heir likes to eat and what clothes you like. You can make some food for Han Wang-Heir yourself and make clothes for Han Wang-Heir yourself."
        Lu Shulan asked, "Does it work?"
        "Useful! Definitely useful! Miss Lu, you want Han Wang-Heir to like you, and you have to fight for Han Wang-Heir's friends to like you. As long as Han Wang-Heir's friends like you, they will definitely be there Han Wang-Heir said good things in front of you. Han Wang-Heir heard more of these words, and would not be well impressed with you, and will gradually like you. ”
        Lu Shulan listened and nodded thoughtfully, "But my cousin grew up in the fiefdom, and most of his friends are also in the fiefdom. It's so far from Han-Wang fiefdom, how can I please my cousin's friend. Yes That's right, recently someone has been looking for a cousin. "
        Gu Ming-qing As soon as his eyes lighted up, his tone didn't change, "Nu Miss, there is a place to start."
        Lu Shulan's eyes were happy, and he quickly said, "This doesn't seem to be of much use. That person should not be a Dajin person, I think his features are much deeper than that of the Dajin people. Once I heard him occasionally talk It doesn't seem to be talking about Dajin, but it's a bit of a nonsense. But my cousin and the man stopped talking as soon as they saw me. "
        Da Liangren-Gu Ming-qing's eyes shone brightly, as if there was a line that connected all the recent events together.
        "Look at my mind. Rather than please Han Han-Heir's friends, please directly please Han-Wangfei! Lu Miss, think about it, Han-Wangfei is your aunt, you have a relationship, as long as you are sincere Filial piety pleases Han-Wangfei, she will definitely like you more.
        Lu Miss, I also vote with you, otherwise I would never say such a disrespectful thing. Han Wang-Heir is noble, but can he not listen to Han-Wangfei? Filial piety is greater than heaven! "
        Lu Shulan immediately left behind the person who might have thought of Da Liang, and now she is full of how to please Han-Wangfei and make Han-Wangfei like her more so that she can be a cousin's woman.
        Lu Shulan grabbed Gu Ming-qing's hand with excitement and rejoiced, "I really appreciate you! You are right, what I should do is to be filial and please my aunt. You can rest assured that if I can really get it in the future I will thank you for giving me what I wish. By the way, this gold coin is for you. "
        Lu Shulan said that he pulled off the golden eagle on his head. The golden eagle was full at first glance, and was inlaid with blue field jade.
        "This is what my mother gave me. It's a good thing in the bottom of the box in my mother's dowry. Today I vote with you, and this Jinyi will give it to you."
        Gu Ming-qing accepted Jin Yan from the world like good, "So Many Thanks Lu Miss,. Lu Miss, my surname Gu, Gu Ming-qing, has been married to a woman, and her husband's family name is Tang."
        Where did Lu Shulan hear Gu Ming-qing's voice at the moment, his mind was thinking about how to please Han-Wangfei, and other things could not be taken care of at all.
        When Pozi and Maid were waiting for Lu Shulan, Gu Ming-qing left.
        Lu Shulan's milk Mama asked, "Young-Lady, where the Lantian Jade Gold Crest on your head? That's Fu-ren-"
        Lu Shulan waved his hand impatiently. "I gave it to a friend I just met. She is such a good person. She told me to please my aunt so that I could have a chance to be a cousin."
        Lu Shulan was anxious to share the joy in her heart and told Gu Ming-qing to persuade her not to give Yan Hong medicine and to please Han-Wangfei. As for the cool guy mentioned by Lu Shulan, Lu Shulan just left it behind him. What was that? What does it have to do with her, so is it trivial to tell?
        Milk Mama was surprised at Lu Shulan's words. Her Young-Lady had the heart to give Han Wang-Heir the medicine, but fortunately she was dispelled.
        Gu Ming-qing The words that persuade Lu Shulan, milk Mama feels very reasonable. If you really want to be a woman of Han Wang-Heir, you might as well put more effort on Han-Wangfei. Some of these words were also persuaded by Lu Shulan, but Lu Shulan could not listen at all.
        Milk Mama thought, then Gu Ming-qing could persuade Lu Shulan, but it was worth it for Lantian Yujin.
        Later, Lu Shulan really focused on filial piety of Han-Wangfei. He really devoted himself to filial piety of Han-Wangfei as his biological mother.
        Han-Wangfei also felt bored and sent someone to inquire. It was learned that Lu Shulan was advised. Lu Shulan also gave the other person the most precious Lantian jade and gold jewel in her jewelry.
        Han-Wangfei laughed, "It's a capable person who can persuade Laner. The Lantian jade and golden urn is worth it. The jewellery box of this Wangfei is not equipped with a set of sapphire jewelry. Earrings, and necklaces, take them all to Laner. "
        The people below knew that it was Lu Shulan's filial piety that made Han-Wangfei love her more, otherwise there would never be such a generous reward.

        Chapter 224 : Notice to Yan-jin  

        After Han-Wangfei left the banquet, he sent someone to inquire about Yan Hong.
        As a result, Yan Hong came to Tang Jingjing and the two were talking together. The people below did not dare to approach, lest they be noticed. I can only watch from a distance, Yan Hong and Tang Jingjing get along really well. Tang Jingjing still patted Yan Hong's shoulder from time to time.
        Han-Wangfei was so angry, "I haven't seen such a shameless woman in this Wangfei! In the broad daylight, he actually slaps a man's shoulder? At first glance, it is a barbarous woman who has not read books and is not educated by etiquette! Honger It’s crazy, otherwise why would you like a woman like Tang Jingjing! "
        Han-Wangfei got angry, and no one dared to say anything when Han-Wangfei was angry, fearing that Han-Wangfei would be outraged if he was not careful.
        Han-Wangfei took a deep breath, "Let the guests leave, and call Honger to Ben Wangfei!"
        Faintly can hear the sound of Han-Wangfei gritting his teeth, which shows that Han-Wangfei is really angry.
        Han-Wangfei personal Mama said to those who came to the banquet that Han-Wangfei was unwell and could not come out to greet you, please leave yourself.
        Gu Ming-qing had already got what she wanted and had no interest in staying. Others are similar to Gu Ming-qing. Except Tang Jingjing, they usually go back to their own homes.
        Gu Ming-qing got into his carriage and immediately ordered Qiao-Yatou to go back to the inn to pack things and go home.
        Gu Ming-qing came home, it was already dark.
        Tang Li-ren and others are having dinner.
        Gu Ming-qing Sit down and eat together.
        Ma-shi wondered, "What is the banquet organized by Ming-qing, Wangfei? Is it lively? Does Wangfei look like the fairy tale and look like a fairy?" The meals made in Wangfei house are It’s not what it’s called—it’s a jelly or something. Is that delicious? Is it a good thing that will last a year with a bite? ”
        Gu Ming-qing had something in her mind, Ma-shi was still aside, her mouth didn't stop, Gu Ming-qing's head was a little faint.
        Gu Ming-qing pressed the impatience in his heart, "Wangfei looks are naturally outstanding. The meals that Wangfei entertains Our are actually more refined and the ingredients are more expensive. There is no 1st-Sao you think. "
        "Really? Ming-qing, you tell me more about these uncles, I have never seen them before, I am curious, I-"
        "Okay." Tang Li-ren interrupted Ma-shi, "Ming-qing just came back from Ming-An. She is too tired to do it yourself. You just ask the West. Let Ming qing Take a good rest. "
        Ma-shi just closed his mouth, but he was muttering in his heart. I was tired. People went to Minglin to eat and play, and they went to see Noble! What a wonderful thing is clearly to enjoy the blessing! This Gonggong is partial!
        After Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui returned to the room, Tang Jinrui asked, “Niangzi, did you find anything in Minglin? I don’t think your face looks very good, and it looks like it’s still there. thing."
        Gu Ming-qing immediately said what he heard from Lu Shulan.
        Tang Jinrui frowned fiercely when he heard of Daliang, "Lü Miss, are you sure? Will-"
        "Lu Miss, I'm not sure, I don't know either, because I don't dare to ask, and I don't dare to ask her deeply, so as not to make her notice. But I personally believe it. We have guessed that Yan Hong came to know for no reason. What is the purpose of Linfu.
        Xianggong, you guessed it was for private salt. But this speculation was overturned, Yan Hong would not be so stupid and do things that ordinary people can't figure out. As for Yan Hong, she simply accompanied Han-Wangfei to Linfu for filial piety. This is even more impossible.
        Now from Lu Miss, we have got a more reliable answer. Great cool man. Han-Wang should not take the initiative to contact Daliang people. The biggest possibility is that Daliang people should take the initiative to contact Han-Wang, and Han-Wang is still tempted.
        This is how Yan Hong accompanied Han-Wangfei to Minglin. "
        Gu Ming-qing said a deep breath and slowly said her conjecture.
        Tang Jinrui said angrily, "Why is Han-Wang so confused! Conspiring with the Daliang people, this is undoubtedly conspiring with the tiger!"
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "Xiangong, Han-Wang must be thinking that he is only using Daliang people, and he will never give Daliang people the chance to calculate him. However, it is hard to know who will use whom in the end, who will be more unlucky. "
        Gu Ming-qing From this we can see that Han-Wang is really not a smart person, or a self-made smart person.
        Tang Jinrui really wants to stop Yan Hong, or break it out.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui have been husband and wife for several years, and they can understand Tang Jinrui better. Tang Jinrui just moved a bit here, Gu Ming-qing found out.
        "Xiangong, our power is limited. Don't think about stopping it by yourself. It's impossible. And Han-Wang has to cooperate with Daliang people. This thing must be very secret. Once there is a little possibility of leakage , Yan Hong will kill all the people involved. Rather kill 10 thousand and not miss one. "
        "Niangzi, I know what it means. I broke it all by myself, and I don't have that much ability. But we can't just look at it."
        "We don't have much to do, we can first tell 2-gongzi about our news."
        Tang Jinrui can't think of any way at present, so he can only send a letter to notify Yan-jin.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui were still frowning in the following days, and advised him to study hard, and he was about to go to the countryside to test. If the Imperial-Graduate can't be achieved, all Tang Jinrui wants to do is the mirage. Looking at the beauty, in fact, he can't do anything.
        Tang Jinrui also understood this principle, set aside distracting thoughts, and began to study diligently, striving for a good result in the township test.
        Besides, Yan-jin got a message from Tang Jinrui here, raising an eyebrow.
        Yan-jin suddenly thought his luck was really good. When he met Tang Jinrui in Lingping County, he was just a small County-Graduate. He just saw him pleasing to the eye, so he gave him jade and wanted to see him. See where he can go in the future.
        I never thought that Tang Jinrui really didn't let him down! Tang Jinrui always surprises him from time to time.
        What happened to Chu Haoran, and now.
        Yan-jin touched his chin, Tang Jinrui is indeed a personal talent, and a talent loyal to him. Such talents can be used effectively.
        This thought flashed through Yan-jin's mind, and he began to think about the letter from Tang Jinrui.
        Tang Jinrui letter didn't say anything else, it was just a simple single sentence. Yan Hong had met the Daliang people in Minglin government. Tang Jinrui didn't even add a sentence of his own, because he knew that light-Yan-jin could understand it. Sometimes being the master, you don't need people to have too many opinions and be smart.
        Yan-jin also didn't believe that Yan Hong was only careful to accompany Han-Wangfei to return to his hometown in Linfu.
        Damn it!
        Daliang, Han-Wang Is this going to work with Daliang?
        Yan-jin's eyes flashed a bit of cold light, like a sharp sword out of the sheath, sharp and pressing!
        Yan-jin often listens to Chu-Wang saying that Han-Wang is not a smart person. He didn't have much feeling before. After all, he can only interact with Han-Wang a little while in Capital City. However, at that time, Han-Wang didn't feel very good about Yan-jin, and she was very small, and liked to use the means of women who couldn't get on the table.
        Now Han-Wang has made a decision to form an alliance with Daliang, which makes Yan-jin even clearer that Han-Wang is really a fool.
        Yan-jin felt a bit of Han-Wang's stupidity in her heart, and then went to tell Chu-Wang the news.
        Chu-Wang frowned when he knew, "Is the source credible?"
        Yan-jin replied, “It is absolutely credible that Yan Hong has met the Daliang people in Minglin.” As for the rest, it depends on what Chu-Wang himself thinks.
        Chu-Wang also tends to Han-Wang who intends to ally with the Daliang.
        "Han-Wang is such a fool! From a young age, he always thought of how smart he was, and he didn't know that his means and thoughts seemed to others, that was a big joke!"
        Chu-Wang, as an elder brother, can confess to Han-Wang, and Yan-jin, as a junior, cannot say much.
        "Unfortunately I just know it and I can't do anything about it."
        Yan-jin is not surprised at all by Chu-Wang, it really can't do anything. What can I do? Is it going to pierce Han-Wang?
        What about the evidence? Based on Yan Hong, I have seen a big cool man. Just kidding. Yan Hong saw what happened to the people in Daliang. Don't watch Dajin fight from time to time, but occasionally open border trade. Just don't open border trade, because the things in Dajin can get a good price when they go to Daliang. And Daliang's leather and other things came to Dajin, which is also a good thing.
        Are both Dajin and Daliang secretly doing business? Everyone knows these things well. What's the use of just arguing?
        Without evidence, ‘call loudly, others will only treat you as sick! Especially the one sitting on the dragon chair.
        "It's always good to get the news in advance."
        Yan-jin took the words of Chu-Wang seriously, knowing that Han-Wang and Daliang people are linked together, at least they can do some preparation here.
        "The son retired first."
        Chu-Wang stayed, "Wait."
        Yan-jin looked up and looked at Chu-Wang in puzzlement.
        Chu-Wang said, “You Huang-Grandfather intends to choose your wife for your elder brother, you, Zhao Wang-Heir and Han Wang-Heir.”
        Yan-jin raised his eyebrows. These are all the sons of Han-Wang. To say that their age is long before they can get married.
        But Emperor Xiao kang has been pressing it. Did he finally want to open a marriage to them this year?
        "The news came from the North, you Huang-Grandfather will announce you Jin-jing. But Yan Hong is afraid not to go."
        Yan-jin wondered, "Why is this?"
        Chu-Wang said, “Yan Hong didn’t accompany Han-Wangfei to return to his hometown in Minglin. Han-Wangfei didn’t mean to take care of himself in Minglin. Yan Hong is a filial son. Where can he do it for his marriage? I went back to Capital City specifically. You Huang-Grandfather also thought about this, so you decided not to declare Yanhong to return to Capital City. "
        Yan-jin suddenly wanted to laugh, and Yan Hong could be considered to be shooting himself in the foot.
        Yan-jin knew in their hearts that their marriage really did not have much power of their choice. But they are a bit stronger than Yan Hong, since they have gone to Capital City. No matter how, Emperor Xiao kang will also ask them before they point to marriage, whether they like it or not, and they can understand their future wife.
        Well, when it comes to Yan Hong's bad luck, others are not in Capital City, and Emperor Xiao kang naturally pointed him to marriage and made him a candidate.
        Yan-jin thinks this way, and I really sympathize with Yan Hong.
        Chu-Wang saw Yan-jin's face full of gloating expressions, and he did not blame Yan-jin, because to be honest, he also wanted to laugh.
        "You Huang-Grandfather will definitely not wrong you."
        This is also the truth. Emperor Xiao kang will never pick grandchildren for crooked dates, and can be Yan-jin's legitimate wife. At least they are born with the best names and virtues. No matter how bad they are.
        "Will the father also go to Capital City when he arrives?"
        Chu-Wang shook his head. "You Huang-Grandfather will only call you to the capital."
        Yan-jin nodded, understanding.
        Chu-Wang said with some emotion, looked up to Yan-jin, time passed so quickly, his son reached the age when he could get married.
        Obviously in Chu-Wang's memory, Yan-jin seemed to be a baby in the womb yesterday, and he grew so big when he woke up.
        Yan-jin is excellent, Chu-Wang is proud to have such a son! The only pity is that Yan-jin is only a second son, not Di-Eldest-son.
        Chu-Wang's heart felt again, why Yan-jin is not Di-Eldest-son! Now Heir is the second son.
        Chu-Wang moved his mouth and sighed deeply, "Jin Er, do you blame the father and Mufei for these years?"
        Yan-jin answered directly, "No." When I was young, I still had complaints. When I grew up, I really didn't care. As if those things were not a big deal, he had higher pursuit goals.
        "I am indeed not a good father. Yes to you, and also to your elder brother. I often treat you wrongly because of your elder brother. These fathers are very clear in their hearts. As for your elder brother, you may have really favored your elder brother Broken. At that time when your elder brother was weak, I hurt your elder brother a bit more, who knows your elder brother— "
        In recent years, Chu-Wang has become more and more aware of what his Di-Eldest-son is, and where is Di-Eldest-son, it should be Di-Eldest-daughter.
        That arrogant, Chu-Wang sometimes feels headache! Regardless of temper, let's talk about ability. Chu Wang-Heir is not even half of Yan-jin!
        Chu Wang-Heir has a narrow heart, and Hu-Wang feels disdain!
        The most obvious is that after Chu Hao-ran came to Chu-Wang to seal the land, Chu-Wang read that Chu Hao-ran and Yan-jin were regarded as brothers, and their friendship was deeper. Therefore, Chu Haoran was assigned to Yan-jin's men.
        As a result, Chu Wang-Heir became ill again.
        Chu Wang-Heir has been sick from time to time since he was a child. From the first concern to the last indifference, Chu-Wang didn't know how he gradually died down.
        It may be that Chu Wang-Heir's body has no problem at all. It is Chu Wang-Heir who pretends to be sick! Deliberately win his pity!
        Shouldn't pretend to be sick and fight for favor be a means for women in the backyard to play? Chu-Wang once used this trick when she loved Qieshi. It was a great honour. After using Qieshi trick to pretend to be sick, she fell out of favor.
        Chu-Wang has a son who likes to pretend to be sick, and he has enough. He really does not want to have another Junior Concubine who likes to pretend to be sick! He was really going to die!
        Far away, that time Chu Wang-Heir pretended that Chu Haoran was sick, and asked Chu Haoran to do his work.
        How could Chu-Wang agree with Chu Wang-Heir's unreasonable request! Chu Haoran's identity is too special, he will be useful in the future.
        Not to mention that Chu Wang-Heir is hostile to Chu Haoran. If Chu Haoran really reaches Chu Wang-Heir's men, let alone be important, not to be tossed to death, it is Chu Haoran's life!
        It can be seen that Chu-Wang also understands the virtue of his Di-Eldest-son.
        Who knew that Chu Wang-Heir was rejected by Chu-Wang, and afterwards he actually wrote to go to the capital to leak the news of Chu Haoran’s closure in Chu-Wang.
        The letter was of course not passed on, and was stopped by Yan-jin.
        Yan-jin said nothing, but gave Chu-Wang the letter written by Chu Wang-Heir.
        Chu-Wang was really angry at Chu Wang-Heir at that time, regardless of the overall situation, he used his spirits! Is this his future heir?
        Chu-Wang sits in Huang-Tai-sun after sitting on a lot of stupid things, and still feels there, Crown Prince followed by no one, why are there only stupid heirs like Huang-Tai-sun.
        It was his turn, and Chu-Wang only knew where his heirs were no better than Huang-Tai-sun!
        At that time, Chu-Wang hit Chu Wang-Heir with his own hands and let Chu-Wangfei cry while crying, and Chu-Wang didn't relent.
        It was also that time that Chu-Wang really realized that Chu Wang-Heir, as heir, was really unqualified.
        As long as Chu Wang-Heir is given the opportunity, Chu-Wang is convinced that Chu Wang-Heir will not make fewer mistakes than Huang-Tai-sun made in the border.
        If Chu-Wang is always Chu-Wang, then Chu Wang-Heir is always the same. But Chu-Wang has a good intention. When he really sits on the throne of the Nine Five Years, Chu Wang-Heir is the crown prince, the future king.
        As for Chu Wang-Heir's virtue, can he really be saved?
        Chu-Wang was really skeptical.
        Thinking of these bad things, Chu-Wang spit out the sullen mood in the moon.
        Chu-Wang can now understand the suffering of Emperor Xiao kang. When Emperor Xiao Kang knew that Huang-Tai-sun had made a big mistake in Bianguan, Emperor Xiao Kang chose to keep Huang-Tai-sun. At that time, Chu-Wang also scolded Emperor Xiao kang as an old man and was a fool.
        But it was his turn, and Chu-Wang couldn't resolutely abolish Chu Wang-Heir, and set Yan-jin as Heir.
        difficult! difficult! It's really hard!
        Yan-jin watched Chu-Wang's face change, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with you, Father?"



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