Houmen Dinu 200

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 Houmen Di Nu Yipin Furen

        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui did not stay much.
        Gu Ming-qing left Qiao-Yatou to take care of Chu Haoran. Seeing Chu Haoran's appearance is not a person who will obediently eat and drink medicine.
        After returning to the room, Tang Jinrui face was a little heavy. Gu Ming-qing was looking at the mirror to remove the jewelry from her head. She clearly saw Tang Jinrui heavy face from the bronze mirror.
        Time flies so fast, it's dark in the blink of an eye.
        Gu Ming-qing said as he took off his sister-zi, "Sangong, are you unhappy? Do you think I said too much to that Chu-gongzi?"
        Tang Jinrui said, "Niangzi, I don't blame you. What you say is not too much, but the truth. But Brother Chu is injured and his body is not good. What can we do slowly?"
        Gu Ming-qing's jewellery was removed, and he began to take the earrings. He heard Tang Jinrui words, and his watery eyes crossed a trace of irony, "Sangong, I did it on purpose. I don't want to slow down. "
        Tang Jinrui frowned, "Why is this?" He knew that Gu Ming-qing was a man who was not mean and difficult to get along with.
        Gu Ming-qing unloaded the jewellery and sits next to Tang Jinrui, his eyes staring directly at Tang Jinrui, his eyes flashed with faint light, "Why? Xianggong, General Chu old died, and his two sons also He died, and his two grandsons died. Now the Chu family really has only one man, Chu Haoran. "
        Tang Jinrui didn't know why, but he still said, "That's true. But Niangzi, does this have anything to do with you intentionally speaking to Brother Chu?"
        "Yes! Too much! Xianggong, the old General Chu is dead, and the army soul of Dajin is gone. Do you say that the army soul is important? Does Dajin need a new army soul?"
        As soon as Gu Ming-qing said, Tang Jinrui reacted, and he even faintly guessed, "Niangzi, don't you want to say that you want Brother Chu to become the new soul of the Dajin army."
        Gu Ming-qing admitted frankly, "Yeah, that's what I mean. Any questions?"
        Looking at Gu Ming-qing's natural expression, Tang Jinrui felt a little stunned, and it took him a while to get his voice back, "Niangzi, I don't have any prejudice against Chu, nor look down on Chu. .But I heard that Brother Chu is different from other members of the Chu family. He doesn't like joining the army. He likes freedom, playing around, and marching in justice. Can such a brother of Chu become the new-generation army soul of Dajin? "
        "No." Gu Ming-qing answered bluntly.
        Tang Jinrui frowned, "Then you-"
        "Xiangong, of course Chu Hao in your mouth can't do it. If General Chu is still alive, or his son is still alive, or his two grandchildren in the barracks, there are still people alive. Then the matter of the military soul, I I would never think of Chu Haoran. Because he is not suitable. But what is the situation now, Xianggong you should know that all Chu people, except Chu Haoran, are dead. So only Chu Haoran has to stand up and take on his responsibilities. Now. "
        Gu Ming-qing said, silently looking away, his eyes were uncertain, and he didn't know where to look. There was nothing.
        Tang Jinrui understood the meaning of Gu Ming-qing, but still said, "Niangzi, General Chu Chu is indeed the soul of Dajin, but this does not necessarily mean that the Chu family must be the soul of Dajin. I I'm afraid brother Yi Chuer is afraid that he can't bear this great responsibility. "
        "Chu Haoran can't afford it now. Xianggong, there is no one who is born to be the soul of Dajin, but Chu Haoran is my first. First of all, Chu Haoran is the Chu family. This is Chu Haoran's greatest advantage. Furthermore, Chu Hao suddenly changed a lot.
        Most people encounter this kind of situation, either slumped, or gnawed through their teeth and rebirth. It was just that we deliberately tore out the cruel, bloody truth in front of Chu Haoran while Chu Haoran was the most vulnerable. If Chu Haoran can survive this, he will replace the old general Chu as the soul of the Dajin army, I think it is very drama. If Chu Hao can't stand it, then I will say it in vain. "
        Tang Jinrui think about it, Gu Ming-qing really makes sense.
        In turn, Tang Jinrui looked suspiciously at Gu Ming-qing, "Niangzi, why are you so active that Brother Chu can become the new-generation military soul of the Jin Dynasty? Niangzi, most of the time, when you encounter things, Indifferent, indifferent. Only when you encounter something from our family, you will be proactive. "
        After having been with Gu Ming-qing for so many years, Tang Jinrui really knew Gu Ming-qing somewhat.
        Gu Ming-qing stared deeply at Tang Jinrui. The voice was very light, but it was enough for Tang Jinrui to hear clearly, "Xiangong, haven't you always wanted to climb up for the benefit of the people? This is a Good opportunity. Civil and military are not separated, if Chu Haoran can become the new generation of the soul of the Jin Dynasty, it will be very helpful for you to do. "
        Tang Jinrui heart was stunned. When he touched the unclear and unclear light in the bottom of Gu Ming-qing's eyes, it seemed as if there was something, something that had taken root in his heart, and it seemed to grow faster. .
        "Niangzi, I understand what you mean. It's just that I really didn't think about anything else when I rescued Brother Chu."
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "Xiangong, what kind of person are you? Am I still unclear? Of course, I know that when you rescued Chu Haoran, you never thought of anything else. Just people appear to you In front of you, you're saved again. By the way, think about what's going on in the future. It's not bad. We don't have any bad thoughts about using people. "
        After a pause, Gu Ming-qing said, "In addition, we are not using Chu Haoran, but at the most, it is mutually beneficial. If Chu Haoran wants revenge, according to what I said, he will become a new generation of military souls in Dajin. He is the most useful. "
        I have no power and I want revenge. Dream it!
        At the beginning, Chu Haoran seemed to have been hit, not eating or taking medicine.
        Qiao-Yatou was sent by Gu Ming-qing to take care of Chu Haoran, so she wouldn't let Chu Haoran go. When it was time to eat and drink medicine, Chu Haoran didn't eat, and she poured it directly.
        The next day, Chu Haoran obediently ate and took medicine.
        Three days later, Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui came to see Chu Haoran again.
        Chu Haoran, who eats and takes medicine on time, looks a lot better, or it may be that Chu Haoran is in good health and recovered after a while.
        Chu Haoran glanced at Ming-qing, and then quickly moved his eyes away, "What should I do?" Chu Haoran knew very well that if he wanted to talk about any conspiracy or conspiracy, he would be better than the woman in front of him. Even the woman's majesty is worse than her.
        Gu Ming-qing did not turn around and opened the door to see the mountain road, "wait."
        Chu Haoran frowned, and said, "Wait? Wait?
        "Naturally, the emperor will wait for the treatment. If the emperor chooses to give justice to the Chu family, he will abandon Huang-Tai-sun. Then you can go to the border gate freely and follow the capital if you want to go to Capital City. The world is big, there is nowhere You can't go. "
        Gu Ming-qing said this is naturally the best case.
        Chu Haoran also knew in his heart, but there was another worst possibility, "What if the emperor wanted to protect Huang-Tai-sun and give up Our Chu family?"
        "Then you can’t go to the capital, and you can’t go to the border. Once you show up, the impact is too great. Because you are the only male left in the Chu family, what you mean is that I don’t say it, and you know it well .
        You know what Huang-Tai-sun was doing at the border. Such a person, in order to keep his status and honor, killing you a small military attache with sesame mung bean is really no different from stepping on an ant. "
        Chu Haoran is not a civilian. Although Chu Haoran did not join the army, he also went to test Wu 1st-Imperial-Scholar. Emperor Xiao Kang saw Chu Haoran's official position in the Ministry of Defense for the sake of General Chu. However, it is a false title, because Chu Haoran does not like it by nature. What he likes is to play around and be unhappy.
        "It's not just Huang-Tai-sun. If the emperor also has the thought of cutting grass and roots, your life is really unsafe. Gu Ming-qing looked at Chu Haoran, and a flash of sympathy flashed, the whole family was almost It's dead, and there are obvious grievances. If you can't apply for them, you have to worry about your own life.
        There are so many unfair grievances in feudal society!
        Chu Haoran growled in a low voice, like a trapped beast, desperately desperate, "Then I can only remain incognito all my life and hide in the countryside all my life? Just to keep my life? I'm so! If I live like this, I would rather rush Capital City, all with Huang-Tai-sun! "
        Tang Jinrui rushed forward to appease Chu Haoran, "Brother Chu, don't be excited. There is no way to heaven! I believe that God has eyes! Sky is wrong, and forgiveness is forbidden; self-righteousness, cannot live!"
        "Self-injustice, you can't live? Haha—hahaha—this is all deceiving! Huang-Tai-sun How many lives are the eight grandsons of the Turtle King carrying? Longyin, the 100 thousand army in Jin Dynasty Buried there! Huang-Tai-sun The eight turtles of the Turtle King wouldn’t be dead ten thousand times! But what about Huang-Tai-sun? He doesn’t live a good life, just like him Huang-Tai-sun! "
        Chu Haoran has great strength. Tang Jinrui, a weak scholar, really can't control him for a while. If it is not for Chu Haoran's serious injuries, Tang Jinrui is afraid that Chu Haoran has been put down.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Chu Haoran, who was faintly excited, "the sky is not closed! You are closed!"
        Chu Haoran froze, and murmured, "How should I take it? That's Huang-Tai-sun, which is high above me, and what about me? I just went to the capital, maybe I can't even save my life! I take it? How can I take it? Close! "
        "Have you ever heard of the story of lying in bed? In the past, Yue Guo defeated Wu Guo. Gou practiced as a return to the state, but he had been a slave in Wu Guo for several years. He even tasted the manure of Wu Wangfu poor man. Suffering, I returned to Yue country again. Going back to Yue country, I hung a snake gall and licked it every day to encourage myself not to forget the humiliation I suffered in Wu country.
        In the end, Gou Jian finally defeated Wu Guo and later became a famous overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period. "
        Chu Haoran naturally knows the story of lying down, but he is not sure, can he do it?
        "Chu Haoran, are you still a man? Before you do it, you start to wonder if you can do it. If you are so unconfident, I only have one word to tell you, but also to give you advice. You still hurry, Ma Liu Let’s give up what you call revenge. A person like you who is not confident wants to get revenge is really ridiculous. "
        "Niangzi." Tang Jinrui reminded Gu Ming-qing whispered, knowing that you are radical, but this is too much.
        Gu Ming-qing stared at Tang Jinrui, to Chu Haoran, now he has to take a heavy medicine! No, no!
        "Think of your Grandfather's blood, think of your Dabo blood, think of your father's blood, think of the blood of your two uncle cousins! Chu Haoran, do you want all the blood of your loved ones to bleed?"
        Chu Haoran's eyes have surfaced one after another, a grandfather who loves him, a Dabo who treats him like himself, a father who always beards and stares at him, a cousin who has been tolerant and even beaten for him .... Two lines of tears shed in Chu Haoran's eyes, as if a thorny rattan was piercing his heart, with pain every words.
        Chu Haoran took a deep breath, clutching the sheets under him tightly with both hands, and with great strength almost scratched the sheets. "No matter how difficult I am, I will get revenge! I must get revenge! I will not let my loved ones For nothing, I won't! "
        Just have this determination! If you don’t even have a heart, then everything is for nothing.
        "Chu-gongzi, the most important thing right now is to take good care of yourself. This is serious. Moreover, things may not be bad, in case our emperor handles it impartially and gives the Chu family a fairness. There is no absolute thing in the world. Don't give up easily until the final decision is made. Now Chu-gongzi has to wait.
        Xianggong and I can't stay in Zhuangzi all the time, they will go back later. Chu-gongzi, please stay in this village and take care of your injuries. "
        Chu Haoran nodded and said to Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui, "Many Thanks two people wake me up. If it weren't for two people who gave me a head stick to drink, I'm afraid I don't know how long it will take to wake up."
        "Chu-gongzi is a smart person, even if I don't say it. You can think clearly. I and Xianggong are leaving, it is better to let Qiao-Yatou stay to take care of Chu-gongzi."
        Chu-gongzi shook his head, "No need. The men and women are uncomfortable. I worry about losing the reputation of Qiao-Yatou Miss. Moreover, my health is much better, I can get out of bed and walk around in two days. I can take care of myself Myself. The two asked the doctor to buy medicine for me, and the supplements I used these days, which are very valuable in the future. I don't have any long things now, but I will pay them back in the future. "
        Tang Jinrui said, "What is Chu-gongzi saying! General Chu Chu has been guarding the border. If it were not for General Chu Chu, where would our life be so peaceful and comfortable. Brother Chu is the Chu family. The only descendant, Our saved the brother Chu a little silver and silver, just a little care of Niangzi and me. Brother Chu is so out-of-the-ordinary, what do we think of Our couple as two! "
        Chu Haoran smiled sorry, "Yes, I can't speak. The two great deeds to me really can't be paid off with a little silver. Okay, I remember the graciousness of the two. Chu Haoran will pay today You two friends! "
        Gu Ming-qing informed Chu Haoran that now his name is Zhou Deng. When he was operating in Zhuangzi, don't call the wrong name. He is now my uncle uncle cousin.
        Chu Haoran nodded, understanding.
        Before leaving Zhuangzi, Gu Ming-qing gave Zhuangtou another piece of silver, so that when he prepared for Chu Haoran, he should prepare some more. Red dates, gelatin and black chicken soup, don't stop. The silver is gone, just ask her if you want.
        Zhuangtou said, "Where isn't enough, Fu-ren gives more."
        "If you have more, just accept it. You can send some money to the tenants in the fields, or add some oil and water to the meals. The people life is not easy." Especially after the war, it was all over.
        Zhuangtou eyes were hot, "Our really didn't know what blessings he had accumulated in his life to be able to share a good home like Fu-ren."
        Gu Ming-qing smiled, didn't speak, good guy? She wasn't really sure if she was a good person, but she saw it and she could help her if she could do it.
        Tong-Siwei also returned here to 1st-Duke-Fu.
        Just when Tong-Siwei just returned to 1st-Duke-Fu, but more than an hour later, someone came to the palace to preach and announce that Tong-Siwei will see you tomorrow.
        Originally, there were still a lot of words to ask Tong-Siwei 1st-Duke. After the eunuch left, the words to ask were immediately thrown away, and his mind was full of Emperor Xiao kang tomorrow to see Tong-Siwei.
        1st-Duke walked back and forth in the old 1st-Duke house, seeing people dizzy, "The emperor summoned the mind what to do at this time? I know, I must ask what matters."
        The old 1st-Duke also leaned on the big welcome pillow, staring helplessly at 1st-Duke, "Stop it for me! Sit down honestly! Always walk around and do anything!"
        1st-Duke sits helplessly in his chair and looked up at the silent Tong-Siwei, "Thinking, the Emperor will summon tomorrow, you can figure out how to answer the emperor."
        Tong-Siwei said lightly, "To be honest."
        1st-Duke almost didn't spit out old blood, but honestly? To be honest, Huang-Tai-sun is finished! 1st-Duke also tends to believe outside rumors about Huang-Tai-sun.
        "You're crazy!"
        Tong-Siwei replied faintly again, "No madness. Actually, I don't need to tell me the truth. The things passed out are quite complete and not exaggerated."
        Tong-Sigang raised an eyebrow in amazement, and then restored peace. Huang-Tai-sun did not disappoint him!
        The old 1st-Duke was ready in the heart, but he didn't fully accept the incompetence, but just asked, "Thinking, what happened at the border, why don't you come back?"
        Tong-Siwei finally had a look on his face, "Grandfather, haven't you received my letter? It seems that the letter I sent is in the middle of something wrong."
        No one is investigating any problems now. It is said that the pigeons are trained, but there is no guarantee that nothing will go wrong in the delivery process. Tong-Siwei letter went wrong in the middle, but it only shows that this luck is a bit too bad.

        Chapter 201 : Changes in Tong-Siwei  

        The old 1st-Duke asked Tong-Siwei, “Thinking, what did you do in the border?” Huang-Tai-sun did not need to ask what the border did, and Tong-Siwei gave the answer. Outside Those passed on are.
        Tong-Siwei replied lightly, with a bit of despondency in his tone, like an old man in the twilight, "What do I do? Except for persuading Huang-Tai-sun, what else can I do? Just Huang-Tai -sun can't listen to my advice at all. Each time, I say two more words, Huang-Tai-sun will show me a complexion, and I am a little displeased.
        The small chestnuts around Huang-Tai-sun have pinpointed the thoughts of Huang-Tai-sun, knowing that Huang-Tai-sun is displeased with the old general Chu, and keeps walking along Huang-The meaning of Tai-sun disparages and discredits the old general Chu. "
        In the end, Tong-Siwei tone still brings deep indignation. Some things cannot be forgotten with the passage of time. Tong-Siwei hate, really hate.
        1st-Duke questioned, "Why don't you persuade Huang-Tai-sun!"
        Jian-An was dissatisfied. "Brother, my family has such a great ability to persuade Huang-Tai-sun?"
        1st-Duke hesitated, and he knew he was in trouble.
        Tong-Sigang suddenly asked, “Brother, what else did you experience in the barracks?” Tong-Sigang felt that Tong-Siwei must have other things at the border.
        Tong-Siwei tone has become indifferent again, just like talking about other people affairs, "What else has gone through? I don't want Huang-Tai-sun to continue to oppose the old general Chu, I have a hunch, if this is the case again Going forward, Huang-Tai-sun is afraid that there will be something wrong that can't be made up. So I decided to give Huang-Tai-sun a drug. "
        1st-Duke eyes lit up, "Drugged? Did you succeed?"
        Tong-Siwei laughed at himself, "Dabo, did you say I succeeded?"
        1st-Duke was stabbed again, and later realized that he had said something stupid. If Tong-Siwei succeeded, there might not be so many things at the border.
        "I prescribed Huang-Tai-sun, and I didn't know what was wrong halfway. Huang-Tai-sun knew in advance that I was detained. Except for three meals a day, I was beaten by others. Faint. Later, Jiang Dazhuang and others rescued me when Daliang people entered the barracks.
        Grandfather, Jiang Dazhuang and others are my life-saving benefactors, but in the strict sense, they are deserters. In the future, if someone is holding on to this and making a fuss, they are afraid it will be bad. So please ask Grandfather for help. "
        Old 1st-Duke said, "It's nothing. Since they saved your temper, they also followed you to go to Ming-An to report, so that Wan-Yibin prepared early in Ming-An and was still in Lingping Hit the Da Liangren. These credits add up enough to erase the defect of the deserter. "
        The old 1st-Duke is open now, so there is absolutely no problem.
        1st-Duke doesn't worry about Jiang Dazhuang or Jiang Dazhuang, even if it is zhi-zi life-saving beneficiary, he will be able to send back some benefits in time. Now the key is that Tong-Siwei will enter the palace tomorrow to see Emperor Xiao Kang.
        "Thinking, how do you plan to talk to the emperor about Tai-sun tomorrow?"
        Tong-Siwei frowned. In the same way, 1st-Duke had already asked it, and Tong-Siwei also answered, and now listening again, he was really annoyed, "I told the truth!"
        1st-Duke spit with excitement, "You are crazy! Do you know what Huang-Tai-sun means to Our 1st-Duke-Fu? You know Huang-Tai-sun to Our 1st How important is -Duke-Fu? Do you know how indifferent the Emperor was to Huang-Tai-sun these days, outsiders are wondering if Tai-sun's position can't be maintained! "
        Tong-Siwei moved his steps without any trace, away from the splashing spittle of 1st-Duke, "Why didn't the Emperor directly abandon Huang-Tai-sun."
        Tong-Siwei tone is hard to hide, and he really feels sorry.
        1st-Duke eyes stared as big as a bull's eye immediately. He stretched out his fingers and pointed Tong-Siwei tremblingly. "His thinking! I used to think you were a sensible child! You didn't It's been a few years now, why are you still so ignorant! I told you how important Huang-Tai-sun is to 1st-Duke-Fu! Why don't you understand!
        Tong-Siwei fixedly stared at 1st-Duke, and suddenly smiled, "I know Bai-Bo. But Bo, do you know what I think in my heart? I went from Bianguan all the way to Ming-An House and looked all the way It was all about how Daliang people raised their machete to kill my people in Dajin.
        The blood was so red that it almost stained human eyes. Except for a red spot under the eyes, nothing seemed to be seen again. The blood flowing on the ground could almost merge into a small river. Bo, do you know how many people were dead to have so much blood?
        Even me, on the way to Ming-An, I almost lost my life many times. I can live now, and it’s really God’s blessing. "
        Tong-Jianan listened to his son's words, his eyes were red, and he was distressed, "Thinking you've suffered."
        1st-Duke is a bit unnatural, "Thinking, you have suffered a lot. Bo knows this. Even Bo can't help but admit it, Huang-Tai-sun is too much for you. You can rest assured, Bo You will definitely tell Huang-Tai-sun to let him make up for it, your suffering will never be in vain. If you don’t believe it, Bo can swear to heaven! "
        1st-Duke said holding up three fingers, swearing.
        Tong-Sigang smirked, "The suffering can be made up for. What about the dead soldiers? What about the people who were innocently slaughtered by Daliang people? Can their lives be returned?"
        1st-Duke winked at Tong-Sigang, no good air, "You don’t talk, no one treats you ‘mute! You shut up! Those who make things happen are informal! You are so kind-hearted, women, how can you —— "
        "Bo!" Tong-Siwei suddenly interrupted 1st-Duke with a loud voice, and his eyes were gleaming, "I know what's the big deal, it's informal! The question is what's the big thing now? The Daliang people trampled on me Land, killing my Dajin people! At this time, as long as a little bloody Dajin people should pick up everything that can be picked up in their hands to resist, desperately! Otherwise, they will only be killed. Subjugation! "
        Tong-Siwei said his eyes suddenly turned red, his voice choked, "If Huang-Tai-sun was to eradicate dissidents, or to maintain the status of Tai-sun, what he did cruelly, even hurt Innocent things. Although I don't agree with my heart, I can't say anything. Huang-Tai-sun is in a position where I can't tolerate a soft heart, a kind woman! "
        Tong-Siwei said to stop, seems to be in the mood of writhing in his heart, only a while before he continued to say, "But what is he for? It is for his pride and arrogance. How many people did he kill?" How many innocent people have died in Dajin! Such a person is not just a trivial matter, it is a matter of importance! On the occasion of confusion! It is stupid! Such a person, one day, if he ascended to the throne as an emperor, it will be a disaster for me. I'm afraid it's not far away! "
        Tong-Sigang has the feeling of Tong-Siwei in his heart, but he never saw the corpse of Chengshanchenghai in person, never saw the tragic scene of the Daliang people slaughtering the Dajin people, just listening to people, after all, it was not true. I imagine there is a gap.
        1st-Duke pursed her dry lips, and said eloquently, "Tai-sun will change, he already knows wrong. People can’t be sages, thinking, Tai-sun is you after all Cousin, don't be so harsh on him. "
        Tong-Sigang said coldly, "Some mistakes can be committed, and even repeated. But some mistakes cannot be committed in this life!"
        1st-Duke casts Tong-Sigang a look again, that is, "You don't talk, nobody treats you as ‘mute!"
        When 1st-Duke also wanted to persuade Tong-Siwei, the old 1st-Duke said, "Don't say it, you all go down. I told the thinking, thinking you should stay."
        Zhenguo said uneasily, "Father, you have to be persuaded, don't let him be confused!"
        "Go out."
        1st-Duke then twitched and followed Tong-Jianan out.
        "Think, tomorrow, see the emperor, and say whatever you want. Grandfather, don't stop you."
        Tong-Siwei eyes quickly filled with tears, his lips moved, and he knelt in front of Lao 1st-Duke, "Grandfather!"
        "Huang-Tai-sun did what Bianguan did, and how he did it to you. Just say what you want. But one thing you must remember is that you can’t ask the emperor to abandon Huang-Tai-sun. "
        Tong-Siwei puzzled, "Grandfather, why is this?"
        Tong-Sigang thoughtfully, his eyes were dazzling, "Does Grandfather see that the emperor has not dismissed Huang-Tai-sun's heart?"
        The old 1st-Duke nodded, "If you are old, you will miss the old one. Our emperor is no exception. Especially Huang-Tai-sun to the emperor, it is a different existence."
        Tong-Siwei heart sank. During this time, Emperor Xiao kang did nothing for a long time. He actually had a number in his heart, but only heard from the old 1st-Duke, his heart could not help getting heavier.
        Tong-Sigang suddenly said, "Brother, I heard you saw Chu-Wang 2-gongzi and Han Wang-Heir in Lingping County. I wonder how they are?"
        Tong-Siwei suddenly looked at Tong-Sigang. He didn't believe that Tong-Sigang would mention this suddenly, after all, the topic was too sensitive.
        "Chu-Wang 2-gongzi I worked with him for a while, and he is indeed a man of great courage."
        Old 1st-Duke old eyes flashed lightly, thoughtfully, "Your evaluation of Chu-Wang 2-gongzi is not low."
        The old 1st-Duke still knew Tong-Siwei. Don't look at Tong-Siwei usually has a good temper, but in fact, his mood is not small, so that he really does not see many people.
        "It's not that the grandchildren's evaluation is not low, but Chu-Wang 2-gongzi is really good."
        Old 1st-Duke sighed, "It's a pity. 2-gongzi is always 2-gongzi, and there is a Heir on it. Pity he was born a few years later."
        Tong-Sigang said, “I heard that Chu-Wang's Heir's body is not very good.”
        The old 1st-Duke waved his hand, "Chu Wang-Heir's body just said it was bad, but it was not bad enough to die. Chu Wang-Heir is weak and not as good as ordinary people in kung fu, and the others are normal."
        After a while, the old 1st-Duke didn't seem to want to care about the issues of Chu Wang-Heir and Chu-Wang 2-gongzi, and changed the topic, "What about Han Wang-Heir."
        Tong-Siwei expression immediately became weird.
        Old 1st-Duke frowned. "Is there anything wrong with Han Wang-Heir?"
        "After Han Wang-Heir came to Lingping County, Chu-Wang 2-gongzi and I stopped in Lingping County for a few more days. Our thought was that Han Wang-Heir came to Lingping County for .Our all thought wrong. Han Wang-Heir came to Lingping County specially, just for a Miss. "
        There was a momentary blankness in the old 1st-Duke face, apparently very unbelievable to Tong-Siwei words, "Miss ,? Which Miss ,? How beautiful and beautiful is the country?"
        The expression on Tong-Siwei face was more complicated, and at the same time, he looked at Tong-Sigang secretly.
        Tong-Sigang is somewhat baffled by Tong-Siwei, "Brother, what do you think I do? Isn't that Miss, is it? Can I have anything to do with that Miss?"
        Tong-Siwei nodded, "4-Didi, you really know Miss."
        Tong-Sigang was also surprised. Miss, whom he knew in Lingping County,?
        Tong-Sigang's missed impression is only 1st-Sao Leng-Mengning in the future, and there is a married-Gu Ming-qing. The odds of these two being considered by Han Wang-Heir are too low to be ignored.
        Wait, Tong-Sigang notices that he has missed someone.
        "Brother, Han Wang-Heir's Miss, wouldn't be Tang Jingjing."
        Tong-Siwei nodded in response to Tong-Sigang's words.
        The old 1st-Duke didn't know who Tang Jingjing was, so he asked, "Who are you talking about? Tang Jingjing?"
        Tong-Sigang briefly introduced Tang Jingjing to the old 1st-Duke. Old 1st-Duke frowned, "Han Wang-Heir's eyes are probably very problematic."
        Tong-Siwei and Tong-Sigang wanted to laugh and hold back desperately. The expressions on their faces were quite weird.
        Tong-Sigang said a fair word, "That Tang Miss, how to say, she is really very different from the ordinary Miss, she is enthusiastic, lively and full of right Worldly resistance. I don't deny that sometimes she looks very attractive to Tang Miss. Han Wang-Heir is not strange to see Tang Miss. "
        Old 1st-Duke smirked, "Then Han Wang-Heir is considered a waste, so don't worry about him in the future."
        Tong-Siwei wondered, "Grandfather, what do you mean."
        "That's what I mean. Although I haven't seen that Tang Jingjing, but from your narrative, I have a little impression in my heart. Don't talk about Tang Jingjing, let's say Han Wang-Heir, he is Han Wang-Heir! As Han Wang-Heir, he has to bear his responsibilities. To wear his crown, he must bear his weight!
        What freedom, unrestrained, and what do you want to resist the world? What can be done in this life for a person who can't even recognize his identity? "
        The old 1st-Duke talked about Han Wang-Heir's disdain both inside and out, and he really didn't look down on Han Wang-Heir Yan Hong.
        The old 1st-Duke heart also gradually leaned towards Chu-Wang. Despite Chu Wang-Heir's frailty, Chu-Wang 2-gongzi is domineering. Chu-Wang was afraid that he would not be calm, but it was better than Han-Wang's Heir was unclear.
        As for Zhao-Wang, the old 1st-Duke also took the lead to exclude him.
        Zhao-Wang is really not interested in the throne, not so-called pig-eating tiger.
        Old 1st-Duke eyes were unpredictable, and a heart was undulating, just like the restless situation now.
        "You all go back. Thinking is tired after returning all the way, let's go to rest. Thinking, if you Big-Bo is looking for you, you will be gone. Take a good rest today, and you will have enough energy tomorrow to see the emperor."
        Tong-Siwei nodded, then followed Tong-Sigang out.
        1st-Duke wanted to speak to Tong-Siwei again, and it turned out that no one could see it.
        When Huang-Tai-sun got the news, he also wanted to find a letter from Tong-Siwei to let him know what he could say and what he couldn't say. But Huang-Tai-sun didn't dare. Recently Emperor Xiao kang has been very dissatisfied with him. He is worried about what he can do under the eyes of Emperor Xiao kang. After being discovered by Emperor Xiao kang, his status is even more unstable.
        Huang-Tai-sun now only hopes that Tong-Siwei knows what's going on, don't drag his hind legs in front of Emperor Kang!
        Huang-Tai-sun now also regrets why he didn't listen to Tong-Siwei, or he should be more tolerant of Tong-Siwei.
        After thinking about it, Huang-Tai-sun thought he was very good to Tong-Siwei. Tong-Siwei has dared to give him medicine, and he hasn't cured Tong-Siwei crime. Isn't that enough?
        The Crown Princess did not know the grievances that Huang-Tai-sun and Tong-Siwei had in the border, and smiled, “The child who thinks has always been sensible and obedient, and he will definitely speak for you in front of the emperor.”
        Huang-Tai-sun didn't tell Crown Princess about his relationship with Tong-Siwei, but he was still upset in his heart, which was terrible.
        After Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui returned to the Tang family, they immediately sought Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi and talked about Chu Haoran.
        Tang Li-ren did not oppose Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui rescued Chu Haoran, and he really respected the Chu family.
        Zhou-shi does not object to Gu Ming-qing saying that Chu Haoran is her Shi-zi, "It is not difficult, I will talk in the village, there is a Shi-zi coming to me. In fact, it is not uncommon today. Big After the Liangren came in, how many people were ruined, and I had no choice but to vote for relatives and friends. I have one more Shi-zi here, and no one will say anything more. "
        Gu Ming-qing was thinking of this, that's why he said so.
        Talk to Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi. Zhou-shi went out after lunch and told people that he had a zhi-zi to join him. However, he was seriously injured and is now recovering from Gu Ming-qing's Zhuangzi.
        I don’t think it’s a problem when you listen to it. Such things have happened a lot recently, and it’s nothing unusual.

        Chapter 202 : Emperor Xiao Kang's Decision  

        The next day, Tong-Siwei went to see Emperor Xiao kang.
        When Tong-Siwei entered the palace, he met Huang-Tai-sun in the veranda walkway.
        Tong-Siwei saluted Huang-Tai-sun. He knew clearly that Huang-Tai-sun had come to see him intentionally.
        Tong-Siwei suddenly wanted to laugh. He didn't expect Huang-Tai-sun to be scared. This is really incredible, isn't it?
        After Tong-Siwei ceremony, he looked up at Huang-Tai-sun.
        I saw Huang-Tai-sun wearing a bright yellow robe. Bright yellow, only two people in Dajin are eligible to wear such clothes, one is Emperor Xiao kang and the other is Huang-Tai-sun.
        Tong-Siwei, he really hasn't seen Huang-Tai-sun for a long time.
        See you again, Tong-Siwei really has a feeling of being alive.
        Huang-Tai-sun has changed a lot, which is very different from what Tong-Siwei thinks.
        The eyes are still the eyes, the nose is still the nose, the mouth is still the mouth ... the facial features have not changed, they have become temperament, and the pride of Huang-Tai-sun seems to have dispersed a lot, replaced by Thick anxiety and panic.
        Tong-Siwei was a little embarrassed. He still remembered that before he thought of Huang-Tai-sun, the first thing that came to his mind was not the appearance of Huang-Tai-sun, but the strong self-confidence emanating from him.
        Really don’t look forward to it for three days! Today Huang-Tai-sun has become too much, and now, it is also very different from the past. There is really a feeling of right and wrong.
        Tong-Siwei heart was filled with emotion, but these just flashed in his heart. Soon, he returned to normal, and the burst of light under his eyes was just like a light smoke, and it was blown away.
        Tong-Siwei thinks this is more like his relationship with Huang-Tai-sun. He used to really consider Huang-Tai-sun as his cousin, and he got closer from the heart, but now— —
        The idea in Tong-Siwei mind, Huang-Tai-sun is not clear. He only cares about one thing now, that is, Tong-Siwei is going to see Emperor Xiao kang right away, and he is worried that Tong-Siwei is talking indiscriminately.
        "Large cousin, it's been a long time."
        Tong-Siwei said lightly, "Yes, it's really been a long time."
        Tong-Siwei is very orderly, answering Huang-Tai-sun's question seriously.
        Huang-Tai-sun frowned, he could perceive something wrong in Tong-Siwei words, especially the faint alienation in his tone, which made Huang-Tai-sun very unhappy .
        In Huang-Tai-sun's view, although I did have a little bit of sorry for you at the border, but don't forget, he is a king! And Tong-Siwei is just a small courtier. If the king wants to die, the minister can only die! Tong-Siwei What is this attitude!
        Huang-Tai-sun was so angry, but thinking that Tong-Siwei was going to see Emperor Xiao kang soon, he just couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and a kind smile on his face, "Yeah, my cousin said It’s true. Our two cousins haven’t been seen for a long time. Gu has always been concerned about you. Big cousin, Our has grown up from a young age. Our relationship is no worse than that of our brothers.
        Big cousin, don't do anything that makes your loved ones feel guilty. Big cousin, do you understand loneliness? "
        Huang-Tai-sun naturally wants to make things clear. The problem is that not only he and Tong-Siwei, but also a little eunuch who leads the way, so some words Huang-Tai-Sun can only be vague.
        It’s just that smart people don’t need to be clear, as long as they nod so much, the other person will understand.
        Tong-Siwei is a smart person, and Huang-Tai-sun is a smart person.
        The eunuch who took the road thought he was too pathetic. He was ordered to take Tong-Siwei past, but Huang-Tai-sun stopped the road here, so he couldn’t take Tong-Siwei directly. This is really A headache.
        The little eunuch who led the way only hoped that Huang-Tai-sun would quickly finish what he had to say, and then he would take Tong-Siwei to see Emperor Xiao Kang.
        "Yo! It's Tai-sun and Tong Big-gongzi!"
        A faint male voice sounded, and the man was in a period of voice change.
        Huang-Tai-sun couldn't help frowning when she heard this voice, and there was a disgust in her eyes.
        I saw a teenager wearing a cyan brocade with a little eunuch coming towards Huang-Tai-sun.
        The teenager is thirteen years old and looks handsome, but there is an arrogance in his eyebrows, especially when looking at Huang-Tai-sun, the arrogance and dissatisfaction at the bottom of his eyes can't be masked.
        The teenager is 5-Prince Yan Chong, who is thirteen years old this year.
        Yan rushed forward and backward, saluting to Huang-Tai-sun, Huang-Tai-sun said, "The five uncles are more courteous. Where is our uncle and Shi-zi?
        Tong-Siwei also saluted Yan Chong.
        Yan Chong heard the words of Huang-Tai-sun, yanked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly approached Huang-Tai-sun, whispered, "His Royal Highness Tai-sun, the gift must not be abolished, where can I dare not give you this? Huang-Tai-sun salute. And I worry that I will not have the chance to salute you in the future. You are now Huang-Tai-sun, I have to salute you, if you are not? So I have to seize the opportunity No, you must seize the opportunity to enjoy. "
        Huang-Tai-sun sharply shot at Yan Chong, the latter was not willing to be outdone. Although the person is shorter than Huang-Tai-sun, his momentum is no less than that of Huang-Tai-sun. weak!
        Tong-Siwei faintly reminded, "His Royal Highness Qi, 5-Prince, Wei Chen will go to see the emperor."
        Yan Chong nodded suddenly, "Tong Big-gongzi is going to see Fu Huang! Seeing my memory, why did I forget such an important thing! Ben Prince didn't delay Tong Big-gongzi time. Tai sun, Your Highness, this is not what Prince wants to say to you. You know that Tong Big-gongzi was sent to Fu Huang by the order of Fu Huang. Why do you stop here and delay the time of Tong Big-gongzi?
        If Fu Huang is impatient and angry, then how should this account be counted? Don’t blame Tong Big-gongzi, isn’t it time to blame— "
        Yan Chong said to stop, looking at Huang-Tai-sun with a smile.
        Huang-Tai-sun can't wait to sew Yan Chong's mouth, every word Yan Chong said made him angry!
        "This is not bothering Wushu, you are worried. Guwa Tong Big-gongzi is your uncle cousin. Gulong hasn't seen Tong Big-gongzi for a long time, so let him say a few words, Huang-Grandfather knows, also I won't say much. Uncle Wu is really worried too much.
        Also, uncle Wu, you are very young, and it is not natural to think about things. Uncle Wu will wait a few more years and you will be able to grow up. "
        Grandma y stinky kid, dare to set up a show in front of him! what!
        Yan Chong's face turned black, and the thing he hated most was that others saw him as a child! What kind of child is he? He has grown up! Not only Huang-Tai-sun, but even Fu Huang has always regarded him as a child! Yan Chong really hates it!
        Huang-Tai-sun was so angry with Yan Chong that he smiled proudly and turned to Tong-Siwei, "Big cousin, Huang-Grandfather is still waiting to see you. You still hurry over. Big cousin , Don't forget that Our is my cousin's cousin. "
        In the face of Yan Chong, Huang-Tai-sun is even more unlikely to say anything, so he can only keep reminding Tong-Siwei that their relationship allows Tong-Siwei to know what to see when he sees Emperor Xiao kang Say, what shouldn't be said.
        Yan Chong couldn't wait to get angry, and said busyly, "Tong Big-gongzi, you should know what it is to deceive the monarch. The crime of deceiving the monarch must be linked to the nine races!"
        Huang-Tai-sun reminded coldly, “Five uncles, the nine families of 1st-Duke-Fu can include the royal family.”
        Tong-Siwei listening to Huang-Tai-sun and Yan Chong quarreled and scolded like a woman. For a time, they only felt that their heads were too big. Can these two people be more childish?
        In the end, Huang-Tai-sun and Yan Chong were worried that they would delay Tong-Siwei to see Emperor Xiao Kang, and let the eunuch who led the way lead Tong-Siwei first.
        As soon as Tong-Siwei left, Huang-Tai-sun and Yan Chong hummed each other and turned away.
        Emperor Xiao kang met Tong-Siwei in the Imperial Study Room.
        After Tong-Siwei salute, Emperor Xiao kang flattened him, then let him sit down.
        "Tell me about what happened to the border."
        Tong-Siwei replied, “In fact, we don’t need to say anything to the emperor. The rumors on the outside must have been known to the emperor. Most of the rumors on the outside-Huang-Tai-sun are true. "
        Emperor Xiao kang closed his eyes infinitely and sadly, and the whole person leaned on the back of the chair as if he was ten years old. Although he had known for a long time, he deliberately did not ask for proof, as if it would give him a little hope.
        But this last hope was broken by Tong-Siwei words.
        "How about you, Tai-sun is treating you at the border."
        Tong-Siwei didn't hide it, telling how he persuaded Huang-Tai-sun, and even planned to give Huang-Tai-sun medicine.
        I learned that Tong-Siwei was going to prescribe Huang-Tai-sun, and Emperor Xiao kang looked at Tong-Siwei in surprise, "Do you prescribe Huang-Tai-sun?"
        "Yes, Chen intends to prescribe Huang-Tai-sun. However, Chen did not have the ability and was noticed by Tai-sun in advance."
        Emperor Xiao kang stared at Tong-Siwei deeply, and sighed for a long time, "Your courage is not small."
        Tong-Siwei stood up to apologize, Emperor Xiao kang waved his hand, "No need to get up, sit down."
        Tong-Siwei sits down with half of his body.
        Emperor Xiao kang asked again, "What if the medicine fails?" Tong-Siwei The medicine must have failed. If it succeeds, Bian Guan is afraid that there will not be so much trouble.
        Tong-Siwei answered honestly, never hiding or exaggerating Huang-Tai-sun.
        "Do you hate Tai-sun?"
        Tong-Siwei replied, "Don't dare."
        "Dare not, but not not, this shows that you still have resentment in your heart. But it is no wonder that no matter who encounters such a thing, there will definitely be resentment."
        Tong-Siwei pursed his lips and stopped talking, at this time everything was wrong.
        "Where did Tai-sun get the news from? It’s like he knew Tai-sun. If he didn’t think it was true, he would never go so far as to go alone. The wall doesn't look back. "
        Tong-Siwei was surprised that the emperor was the emperor. So it took a short time to ask the most important place, or it was enough time for Emperor Xiao kang to think and understand everything.
        Tong-Siwei didn't plan to deceive Emperor Xiao kang, and he lied to the emperor today, and it depends on whether you have that ability. Of course, Tong-Siwei wouldn't say everything foolishly, that would be a silly hat.
        Tong-Siwei got up and knelt in the middle of the Imperial Study Room. “The guilty guilty. The news of the trapped Longling was actually sent by the person sent by 1st-Duke-Fu to Daliang to do business.”
        It's not uncommon for high-profile households in Capital City to do business in Daliang. Putting some rare things from Dajin into Daliang is even more valuable.
        "You don't believe it, Tai-sun believes it?"
        Tong-Siwei nodded.
        Emperor Xiao kang did not know whether he believed in Tong-Siwei, but just coldly instructed Tong-Siwei to get up, and then let him go back.
        At the moment when Tong-Siwei turned around, Emperor Xiao kang suddenly asked, “You said that you should abolish Huang-Tai-sun.”
        Tong-Siwei froze in his heart, and according to the truest thought in his heart, of course it was time to abolish Huang-Tai-sun! But thinking of the old 1st-Duke instructions, Tong-Siwei turned around in shock and knelt before Emperor Xiao Kang. Crown Princess is from 1st-Duke-Fu, and she dare not say much. "
        Emperor Xiao kang leaned on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, and occasionally pinched the bridge of his nose. He did not go to see Tong-Siwei kneeling on the ground.
        Just when Tong-Siwei was frightened, and almost a heart almost jumped out of the Moon-Hungarian cavity, Emperor Xiao kang's voice slowly sounded, without any emotion, "Get up. You are a sensible. What you did in Lingping County also It’s very good, you have merit in your heart, go back. "
        "Xi Xi."
        Time passed quickly, half a month passed in a blink of an eye, the cold winter has passed, warm spring has arrived, and blues have sprung up on the desolate land. It looks very comfortable and comfortable, but I have scars in my heart. When will it pass.
        Emperor Xiao kang's treatment of Huang-Tai-sun also counted. Well, that's because there is no disposal at all!
        Yes, Emperor Xiao Kang did not deal with Huang-Tai-sun. Huang-Tai-sun is still Huang-Tai-sun.
        Emperor Xiao kang eventually chose to keep Huang-Tai-sun. If Emperor Xiao kang did a little harder, he could push everything to General Chu.
        However, I don’t know if Emperor Xiao kang still has a little conscience, or he is ashamed. He didn’t order to know the world, but he was crazy that the old General Chu was loyal, and the champion Chu and Chu Guanyong The two grandsons who died the count and the old General Chu were also named 1st-General, and a grand funeral was held for them again in Bianguan.
        Because there was only one Chu Haoran in the Chu family, Emperor Xiao kang promoted Chu Haoran to a few ranks, and became a military attachor in the third grade, attacking the Marquis of Zhongwei, and rewarding him with a thousand gold. Great mansion. It can be said to be extremely honorable.
        Chu Jing, who was married in Capital City, was named Rou Kang County Owner, and her daughter was also named Junior County Owner.
        For a time, the Chu family was extremely good-looking, but this so-called good-looking one was made from the blood of the Chu family.
        After Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui got the news, they went to Zhuangzi Hot Springs again. They said they were looking at their cousin who was injured in Zhuangzi. In fact, it was to tell Chu Haoran that what happened in Capital City, after all, the news on Zhuangzi was relatively closed.
        After listening to Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui, Chu Haoran laughed with ridicule, "Zhongweihou? Guanzhisanpin? Golden Thousand and Two? Five-entry house? Really a great reward! Our Ye Ye, Dabo, father, two cousins, and so many Chu family soldiers who died. They changed these things when they died? Should I go to Capital City to thank the Lord Ron now? "
        Chu Haoran's heart is bleeding! Now he can only wait for a knife in his hand to rush to the capital and kill Huang-Tai-sun, even the dog emperor on the dragon chair, Chu Haoran wants to kill!
        The Chu family has been loyal for decades, and in the end it is this!
        Does Emperor Xiao kang still feel that his so-called emperor has a lot of righteousness, does he feel that he did not make a clear statement to the world, that he was defeated by the borders of the Chu family? Meaning?
        Pooh! Chu Haoran was sickly nauseated!
        Emperor Xiao kang was defiled the Chu family with those things that were chased away from him! His Ye-Ye will not stare under Jiuquan!
        This attitude of Emperor Xiao kang falls in the eyes of others, only when Emperor Xiao kang is thinking of the old General Chu, who has been guarding the border, and has made many contributions. Even if a moment of carelessness led to the defeat of Bianguan, but people died like lights out, those mistakes also disappeared with the death of General Chu. Emperor Xiao kang was also a generous king. He remembered nothing but merit.
        Chu Haoran only felt that there was a beast roaring in his heart, and his blood was boiling, he hated it! He really hates it!
        Tang Jinrui saw Chu Haoran's eyes became red with only dull pain in his heart. He didn't know how to persuade Chu Haoran.
        Does Tang Jinrui tell Chu Haoran that now you are Houye, and you are still a senior official in Sanpin, you have just got something that others don’t want in a lifetime.
        In these words, Tang Jinrui dare not speak out to comfort Chu Haoran. Because Tang Jinrui knows that these words are not comfort, but stimulation.
        Tang Jinrui couldn't help thinking, if he replaced himself, could he accept all this? The answer is naturally no, this is humiliation, unspeakable humiliation! More humiliation than death!
        Gu Ming-qing looked coldly at Chu Haoran, whose emotions were almost collapsed. After a long time, he quietly opened his mouth. "Chu-gongzi, the pain in your heart, although Xianggong and I can’t feel the same, Our can understand one or two. Hate, Pain, uncomfortableness cannot solve any problems. "
        Chu Haoran smirked, and there was a bitter bitterness in his smile. "What can I do? What can I do alone? By the title of Houye or by the rank of the top three in my body? These are shit! That dog The emperor made me loyal, and gave me three ranks. That was all false! In fact, I have nothing in my hand! "
        Gu Ming-qing said, fortunately, every time I came to see Chu Haoran, Gu Ming-qing let all the tenants be far away, and these words spread out a little, that would kill a lot of people.
        But Chu Haoran was right. His Houye position and the third-ranking position are not all false. To put it plainly, to listen well, in fact it is useless.

        Chapter 203 : Pointing Chu-Haoran  

        "Chu-gongzi intends to just give up like this? No revenge? Let the people brains fill the border, and count the deaths of the 100 thousand troops from the trapped Longling?"
        Chu Haoran retorted loudly, "Of course not! As long as I live, even if I only have a breath, I must avenge our Ye-Ye them!"
        Gu Ming-qing nodded, "Chu-gongzi is naturally the best with this heart. Does Chu-gongzi think about what to do in the future?"
        What to do in the future? Chu Haoran's eyes appeared confused, he didn't really think about it.
        As soon as they got the news of Grandfather's accident, Chu Haoran went to the border like crazy. Later, after listening to Gu Ming-qing's remarks, he decided to wait and wait for Emperor Xiao Kang to make a choice.
        In fact, Chu Haoran also had that faint hope in his heart. He only hoped that Emperor Xiao kang could choose the Chu family and abolished Huang-Tai-sun to give the Chu family a fairness.
        It was only that Chu Haoran was finally disappointed. Emperor Xiao kang chose his grandson with one hand instead of the Chu family who had been loyal and guarding the border.
        What should I do? What to do in the future? More precisely how to get revenge. For a while, Chu Haoran really couldn't think of any method. The whole person was stupid, as if he was in the middle of the fog.
        "What should I do?" Chu Haoran couldn't help but murmured.
        Neither Tang Jinrui nor Gu Ming-qing spoke, leaving Chu Haoran to think for himself.
        It took a long time for Chu Haoran's eyes to be clear. He stood up and worshiped Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing solemnly. "The two have great insights, and I hope that they can give me directions."
        Tang Jinrui helped Chu Haoran and whispered, "Brother Chu is serious, Niangzi and I may not be able to point you at anything. But brother Chu, I do have an idea in your heart, you can listen. If you don’t want to, Just as I never said, you never heard. "
        Chu Haoran stared straight at Tang Jinrui dark eyes and said firmly, "Tang Tang, please."
        "Now that the old General Chu and others have passed away, the Chu family has only one brother, Chu. Have you ever thought of taking over the old General Chu and becoming the new-generation army soul of the Jin Dynasty?"
        What Tang Jinrui said was really unexpectedly Chu Haoran's expectation. He had such a momentary stunned god, and it took him a while to get his voice back, "Become a new generation of military soul in Dajin? Can I?"
        Gu Ming-qing said, “If Chu-gongzi feels that he can’t do it, don’t talk about it. A person who doesn’t even have self-confidence must not have the courage to try. Then this thing only No problem. "
        "Brother Tang, Sao, I don't understand that I have become the army soul of Dajin, and it has nothing to do with my revenge."
        Gu Ming-qing said, "Chu-gongzi, have you forgotten the spirit of your Chu family? Have you forgotten the faith of the old General Chu?"
        The spirit of the Chu family, the spirit of the Chu family.
        Chu Haoran's eyes dazzled for a while. His Grandfather was thinking about Dajin, thinking about how to protect his people and his land. But what did Grandfather get? Even the emperor who had been loyal to Grandfather and loyal to him eventually turned his back on him.
        The hatred in Chu Haoran's eyes almost turned into substance, and it almost didn't gush out. "My Chu family has long lost any faith and spirit. They all betrayed Our Grandfather. Our Grandfather's life is really not worth it. In the end, I didn't even get a fair deal. How can I not hate it. "
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui looked at each other, and both of them flashed “as it really is”.
        Gu Ming-qing went on to say, "Shanggong and I can't interfere with Chu-gongzi your thoughts. Sangong and I hope that Chu-gongzi can become a new generation of Dajin army soul. The belief and spirit of the Chu family are still the same. In fact, there is a more important point. That is, it is useful to Chu-gongzi for your revenge. "
        Chu Haoran wondered, "Is this useful for my revenge? What's the use?"
        "Chu-gongzi, your enemies are Huang-Tai-sun, Daliang, maybe you still hate the emperor today. They are high mountains for you, and it is a mountain you can hardly climb In front of them, you are now a small ant. Chu-gongzi, you don’t grow yourself, what do you do against them.
        Especially Daliang people, do you have to kill Daliang people to get revenge, is there a better chance than war? "
        Chu Haoran followed Gu Ming-qing's words and thought, he couldn't help but admit that Gu Ming-qing's words were indeed justified, but—
        "I used to live in chaos. I only lived with my two cousins after the Chu family, so I can live freely. So in those years, I always wandered around and never practiced in military camps. ... Now I just go to the barracks and want to climb up slowly, it will take a lot of effort. Do I have that time?
        I'm not incapable of suffering, as long as I can get revenge, even if I suffer so much, I am willing. But don't talk about time, I don't even have a chance. The emperor today will not allow me to rise. "
        Gu Ming-qing raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect Chu Haoran to see quite clearly.
        Tang Jinrui actually thought of this, after Gu Ming-qing talked to him.
        Emperor Xiao kang could use the old General Chu without hesitation, because he dared to use it. Now Chu Haoran, can Emperor Xiao Kang dare to use it? Tang Jinrui felt that Emperor Xiao kang was afraid.
        After Huang-Tai-sun harmed the Chu family in this way, Emperor Xiao kang chose to hide and condone Huang-Tai-sun, and it was clear to Emperor Xiao kang that the Chu family could no longer be devoted to allegiance.
        The emperor was suspicious. Any emperor would dare to use a person who was dissatisfied with him and hated it.
        "During the current emperor's administration, of course, I want to be a military marriage in Dajin. Of course, I know that this is impossible. The emperor will not give Chu-gongzi your chance to rise. Today the emperor cannot do this, so naturally only An emperor. "
        Chu Haoran frowned immediately, "Huang-Tai-sun?"
        Gu Ming-qing chuckled, "Chu-gongzi, may I make you loyal to the enemy who killed the whole family? I'm not that stupid. And you say that someone like Huang-Tai-sun can be the next emperor If Huang-Tai-sun became the next emperor, it would be a disaster for Dajin! "
        Chu Haoran gradually understood the meaning of Gu Ming-qing, and suddenly took a sigh of relief, looking at Gu Ming-qing rather unbelievably, "Sao is really a female hero, you mean the next An emperor cannot be Huang-Tai-sun. So dare to ask Sao, who do you want to be the next emperor? "
        Gu Ming-qing kept her eyes closed, and said, of course, she hoped that the next emperor would be Chu-Wang, and then Chu-Wang would be Yan-jin. Who is called Tang Jinrui who is loyal to Yan-jin?
        In the best case, Yan-jin crosses Chu-Wang, but the possibility is too low, it can be said to be almost none.
        Gu Ming-qing will certainly not recommend Yan-jin directly in front of Chu Haoran, that is really the heart of Sima Zhao, and everyone knows it.
        "Chu-gongzi question really asked me a little girl. I'm just a woman, where can I learn about military affairs. How to go in the future depends on Chu-gongzi.
        Chu-gongzi Even if I have been playing outside for a few years, I should know a lot about what to know, and who should be loyal, Chu-gongzi will make the decision himself. "
        Chu Haoran smiled bitterly, "Is this useful if I want? Whoever I want to be loyal to, others may not want me."
        Tang Jinrui said, "Brother Chu, you are too arrogant. Your value is far greater than you think. You are the only remaining male in the Chu family. The old General Chu was in the Jin Army What kind of position is in your heart, you should also know. Those feelings are now on you.
        And I believe that since you have the blood of the Chu family on your body, you must have inherited the brave warfare and decision-making of the Chu family. Brother Chu, believe in yourself. You can do it. "
        Gu Ming-qing said, she really believes in Chu Haoran.
        After being encouraged by Tang Jinrui, Chu Haoran felt that his blood was boiling, as if the blood of the Chu family in his body was whistling. Can he really do it? Chu Haoran's heart burst into deep confidence.
        "Chu-gongzi, think about how to do it. Our couple will not say much. But if Chu-gongzi wants to do something, and plans to leave, can you tell our couple individually? After all, everyone Knowing one, and letting the Ours say goodbye to Brother Chu. "
        Chu Haoran focused his head, "Sao rest assured that if I leave, I will inform you and Brother Tang. I will never forget your great grace and life-saving grace. I will never forget it. I won't do such things. "
        With Chu-Haoran temper, since it is said, it will be done, Gu Ming-qing is not worried.
        After Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing returned to the room, as soon as they sits down, Tang Jinrui asked, “Niangzi, you let Brother Chu make his own choice. If he chooses Zhao-Wang or Han Wang, what should I do? "
        Gu Ming-qing thought or thought, "No."
        Tang Jinrui was surprised, "Are you so sure?"
        Gu Ming-qing's eyebrows were full of self-confidence, and he smiled suddenly, "This is natural. Zhao-Wang didn't say anymore, his reputation has spread all over the country. I believe Chu Haoran must have heard it, he is much more I will choose Zhao-Wang if I can't figure it out. As for Han-Wang-that's not necessarily true, but if Chu-Wang is there, then don't worry about it. "
        Tang Jinrui is more and more confused, "What does this mean? Why is Chu-Wang here, so don't worry about Chu brother choosing Han-Wang."
        "Did you forget that Chu-Wang 2-gongzi said that General Chu Chu had taught him? So to say, Chu-Wang 2-gongzi is also a half apprentice of General Chu Chu. There is such a good relationship in , Chu Haoran would not choose Chu-Wang, but choose Han-Wang, then he would not be saved. "
        Tang Jinrui really didn't think about it for a while, "Will Brother Chu not know this?"
        "No. It's not something that can't be seen, otherwise Chu-Wang 2-gongzi won't say it directly. Even outsiders know, I don't believe Chu Haoran will not know. Xianggong, you say wait until Chu Haoran I chose Chu-Wang 2-gongzi. Will we give Chu-Wang 2-gongzi such a great gift and they will not be very happy. "
        Tang Jinrui was a bit worried, "I'm a bit worried, in case they don't accept Brother Chu, what should I do."
        Gu Ming-qing patted Tang Jinrui on the shoulder, "Xiangong. Didn't you say it well when you persuaded Chu Haoran? Why are you worried now? No. Chu-Wang As long as he is not a fool, he will never let Chu Haoran such a piece of fat. With Chu Haoran, Chu-Wang is like a sharp weapon in his palm. "
        Wanjun went to the palace the next day after Emperor Xiao kang ordered to close the Chu family. Emperor Xiao kang met Wanjun.
        Wanjun sits in the chair, staring painfully at Emperor Xiao kang who was sitting on top.
        Emperor Xiao kang seems to be getting old a lot these days. His energy and energy seems to have disappeared a lot. The whole person is like an old man in the twilight.
        For a long time, Emperor Xiao kang said with a hoarse voice, "Did you think that He did wrong?"
        "Don't dare."
        Wanjun said no, but the meaning in his eyes was completely different from what he said.
        Wanjun's eyes were clear and plain, "The emperor, you are really wrong this time! The old minister can't stand it anymore!"
        Emperor Xiao kang didn't speak again, but picked up a written imperial edict on the table and gave it to the eunuch Chen Zhong next to him.
        Chen Zhong quickly took the imperial decree in the hands of Emperor Xiao kang and gave it to Wanjun.
        Wanjun took it in disbelief, opened it up, and was shocked to see what was written on the imperial edict.
        This imperial edict is not other, it is the imperial edict of Emperor Xiao kang Huang-Tai-sun! Especially the imperial edict is stamped with the seal of Emperor Xiao kang!
        Wanjun also discovered one thing, this imperial edict was written by Emperor Xiao Kang himself.
        No one is more familiar with Emperor Xiao kang's handwriting than Wanjun. Although the writing on this imperial edict seems different from what Emperor Xiao kang usually did. However, Wanjun can feel how painful the Emperor Xiao kang is before he writes such an imperial decrement of Huang-Tai-sun.
        Before I came to see Emperor Xiao kang today, Wanjun had thousands of words in his heart to ask Emperor Xiao kang.
        Wanjun wants to ask Emperor Xiao kang why Huang-Tai-sun made such a big mistake, and you still have to protect him.
        Wanjun wants to ask Emperor Xiao Kang, do you think such Huang-Tai-sun deserves to be the king of a country?
        Wanjun wants to ask Emperor Xiao kang, do you really not care about the Jiangshan club in Dajin? Are you really going to ruin these thousands of miles?
        Wanjun really had too much to ask when he came, but after seeing this imperial edict, Wanjun really couldn't ask a word, and he even felt a little distressed to Emperor Kang.
        Seeing Emperor Xiao kang's silver hair, and looking at the old age on Emperor Xiao kang's face, Wanjun really couldn't ask.
        "You know what you want to ask. I know everything in my heart."
        Wanjun seemed to have lost all his strength and sighed, "The old minister understands that the emperor knows everything. Those words are that the old minister does not say, and the emperor knows something. But the old minister also wants to ask, since the emperor has written this disuse The purpose of Tai-sun, but in the end, he still chose to keep Huang-Tai-sun. "
        "As an emperor, it's really time to abolish Tai-sun. But as a grandfather, I really can't do it in the face of a child born with my own hands."
        Emperor Xiao kang was not a supreme emperor at this time. He was more like a helpless and poor old man who wanted to protect his grandchildren.
        Wanjun's heart trembled. He knew that he didn't think wrong. Emperor Xiao kang was really old. Between Jiang Shan and his feelings, his choice was obviously his feelings.
        "It's not just Tai-sun. There also Jun. I haven't yet gotten to the throne. How much hardship and suffering did Chunyang follow after You. After you got to the throne, Chunyang didn’t have the blessing to follow you. Ashamed yes Pure shit. "
        Wanjun was not surprised by Emperor Xiao kang's words, just that a Huang-Tai-sun would not make Emperor Xiao kang abandon the river and mountains, and there would be a pure queen, by the way, so was Crown Prince.
        Sure enough, Emperor Xiao kang next mentioned Crown Prince, "and Crown Prince. Pure went, leaving only Crown Prince for . Crown Prince is Di-Eldest-son. He is like that. Clever and capable, I thought that after a hundred years, Jiang Shan passed to Crown Prince, and I could rest assured. But God is so cruel, first he took away the pure cricket, and even Crown Prince. Tai-sun is left. "
        Wanjun said indifferently, "In the emperor's heart, Tai-sun is not just Tai-sun, but it also represents pure queen Queen and first Crown Prince. For pure queen Queen and first Crown Prince, old officials dare not say much. Old officials only have In a word, I want to ask the emperor, if Huang-Tai-sun is obsessed with obsessiveness, has it always been so? Then the emperor intends to protect Huang-Tai-sun, and even pass all the mountains and mountains to Huang-Tai-sun? , You are the monarch of a country, then the husband of Pure Queen, the father of Crown Prince, the Grandfather of Huang-Tai-sun. "
        After a pause, Wanjun laughed bitterly and said, "In fact, the old minister has passed. But the old minister really can't bear to see the mountains and mountains overturning, and seeing Dajin—"
        Later, Wanjun didn't say, but Emperor Xiao kang also understood.
        It seemed that countless arrows stabbed Emperor Xiao kang's heart, and his pain almost made him lose his consciousness, and even he seemed to have no soul emotion with him. He numbly said, " will only give Huang-Tai sun this time. Pure , Crown Prince and Huang-Tai-sun together, they are enough to give them this chance.
        Only this time! There will never be a second! "
        Emperor Xiao kang seemed to explain to Wanjun, and seemed to speak to himself.
        Emperor Xiao kang's words were very pleasant at this time, but if a person can have emotional feelings once, it is likely to have a second and third time. Can Emperor Xiao kang really say that?
        Wanjun can no longer question, even if the relationship with Emperor Xiao kang is no longer ordinary. In some words, he is qualified to ask once, but he is not qualified to ask the second and third times.
        Wan Jun held up his imperial edict and asked, "What the emperor intends to do with this imperial edict."
        "Stay. If Huang-Tai-sun does anything next-that's when this decree comes to heaven."

        Chapter 204 : Leng-Mengning Ready to Get Married  

        Huang-Tai-sun's status was preserved, and the people in Donggong were naturally delighted.
        Jiang Yanshan and Gu Ming-yue, who are pregnant with Rokko, are also relieved. During these days, they have been nervous and even affected the children in the belly. Because of worry, Jiang Yanshan and Gu Ming-yue were in a bad spirit, and their faces were yellow and yellow.
        Now Huang-Tai-sun's status has been maintained, and Jiang Yanshan and Gu Ming-yue heart has finally let go.
        Huang-Tai-sun is both happy and worried. Of course, he is happy now that he has maintained his position, but he is worried about the future.
        After Emperor Xiao Kang made his decision, he finally met Huang-Tai-sun.
        Emperor Xiao Kang told Huang-Tai-sun very clearly that things at the border had never been blamed. He would not ask or check again, but he would only give this opportunity!
        Huang-Tai-sun can't forget Emperor Xiao kang's eyes so far, that look is so disappointed, that disappointment is like a dense net, which instantly caught Huang-Tai-sun, leaving him nowhere to be Escape, and panic was created in my heart.
        Huang-Tai-sun had a hunch. If he did something wrong in the future, Emperor Xiao kang would never forgive him, and what was waiting for him would be abolished! Beyond that, there is no second way!
        Huang-Tai-sun couldn't help asking himself, could he only tremble in the future, like walking on thin ice? The days of such fear and anxiety had to wait until Emperor Xiao kang's death and he became the new emperor before he could end it completely.
        As soon as this idea took root in my mind, it grew rapidly. In a short time, it grew into a towering tree and became the magic barrier in Huang-Tai-sun's heart.
        Crown Princess is also happy. During this period, she was sad but never slept. Now it's raining and sunny, "Things have finally passed. OK, you can never make any mistakes in the future. Otherwise you Huang-Grandfather is afraid— "
        This time it really scared Crown Princess.
        Huang-Tai-sun nodded to the Crown Princess, and did not know whether she had taken Crown Princess's words to heart.
        Crown Princess also said, "This time your grandfather also worked hard. By the way, and your big cousin. That time, you Huang-Grandfather called your big cousin to meet you, your big cousin must not say What shouldn't be said. OK, 1st-Duke-Fu is with you, you will treat them more favorably in the future. "
        Crown Princess is still very affectionate to her maid.
        Mentioning Tong-Siwei, Huang-Tai-sun came with a little interest, and he also tended to say that Tong-Siwei shouldn’t say anything in front of Emperor Xiao Kang, otherwise Emperor Xiao Kang was afraid that it would have long since passed away He gone.
        Huang-Tai-sun is still very satisfied with Tong-Siwei acquaintance, “Well, Mufei, rest assured, my son knows how to do it.”
        The East Palace is very happy here, and those who are related to the East Palace interests are also full of joy, but some people are gritted.
        This is especially true for those who are desperate to see the throne and wish to pull down Huang-Tai-sun as soon as possible.
        1st-Duke is pleased, dazzling in front of the old 1st-Duke bed, with the words "I am very happy" written on the face, "Father, Tai-sun's place has been saved! My heart! , Finally let go! Tonight, I can finally sleep well! "
        The old 1st-Duke looked pale and leaned on the pillow. "Um." He was embarrassed to hit 1st-Duke, and temporarily maintained his position, which did not mean he could always keep it.
        1st-Duke Seeing his father’s reaction is cold, and then looking at his own son, his face is even colder than his father, and he shares the joyful mood with Tong-Siwei, “Thinking, you are better than your uncontested 4 -Didi is really much better. You also know what it means to be glorious and lose all! That's great. "
        1st-Duke is obviously also when Tong-Siwei went to see Emperor Xiao Kang, did not say the bad words of Huang-Tai-sun.
        Tong-Siwei heart was very uncomfortable, after all, Emperor Xiao kang chose Huang-Tai-sun. To 1st-Duke compliment, Tong-Siwei is completely left ear in and right ear out, just don't hear it.
        Tong-Siwei attitude was cold, and 1st-Duke was not annoyed, but he said to the old 1st-Duke, "Father, thinking is not about cold Miss. I decided to have a relationship. I think we have some bad luck in our house recently. Head, let's let the thinking get married, let us 1st-Duke-Fu also be happy. "
        Tong-Siwei frowned, now married? Tong-Siwei was not very happy.
        The old 1st-Duke heart moved, but he was a little tempted.
        "Yeah, it's okay to do this marriage a year or two in advance. Miss, Leng's family is also here. Notify Leng's family, let them send Miss, come to Capital City. You can also choose a good day and let them do the marriage By the way, let the Leng family stop rushing to send Miss to the capital, and then hurry to avoid Miss, the family is sick on the road. "
        1st-Duke responded happily, "Father, you can rest assured. For such a trivial matter, your son will surely do the trick for you and guarantee that there will be no mistakes."
        The old 1st-Duke waved his hand, and the 1st-Duke immediately knew, and turned and left.
        As soon as 1st-Duke left, Tong-Siwei said, "Grandfather, my wedding is not in a hurry, I-"
        The old 1st-Duke raised his hand to interrupt Tong-Siwei, "No rush, no rush. Although you are a continuation string, there is nothing to get married now. You get married as soon as possible, and give me a big fat grandson, this is serious. .Thinking, you don't want to get married now, wouldn't you be dissatisfied with that cold Miss. Is it that cold Miss, what's wrong? "
        Tong-Siwei saw the old 1st-Duke misunderstood and busy explained, “No! Grandfather, cold Miss, is a good Miss, but I don’t feel like getting married now. General Chu Chu them—”
        "Thinking! You have nothing to do with the Chu family! Without the Chu family's death, you have to abide by the principle of filial piety. Your Big-Bo now wants you to marry.
        Tong-Siwei heard the words and stopped talking.
        The old 1st-Duke looked at Tong-Sigang again, "Your age is here too, and marriage can be seen."
        Tong-Sigang didn't expect that the fire would burn to his head well. He immediately said, "Grandfather! I'm still young! Our temper is not stable yet, what does it mean to get married or not? I-"
        "What am I! One or two, let you get married, just drag and drop! It doesn't mean that you will be married now, nor is it just a personal match for you. I will give your mother your marriage. Your mother will have a good life Let me look at you. If you don’t believe others, don’t you believe your mother? I also think about it. When I close my eyes, there will be someone who is cold and hot around you. ”
        Old 1st-Duke said, his face was lonely.
        Tong-Sigang comforted comfortably, "Grandfather, you must be strong and strong, and you have to watch my son marry a wife and have children! But don't say anything that will die."
        Old 1st-Duke smiled, "How old am I? Can you still see when you see it? It also depends on your son marrying a wife and having a son, so don't hurry to marry one back."
        Tong-Sigang didn't want to talk about this topic, and instead talked about another thing, "Grandfather, are the salt sold in Daliang going to stop?"
        The faint smile on Old 1st-Duke face disappeared without a trace, his voice condensed, "Stop it and don't do it in the future."
        Tong-Siwei frowned, "Grandfather, Tai-sun, I'm afraid I won't agree. I think Tai-sun won't agree at this time. Tai-sun may worry that his status is not guaranteed, So desperately wanted to save money to win over the minister. "
        After learning about Huang-Tai-sun temper in depth, Tong-Siwei can really guess what Huang-Tai-sun will do next.
        The old 1st-Duke smirked, "I said stop and stop! The reason this business can be done is through our 1st-Duke-Fu connections! Huang-Tai-sun if he wants to do it, let him himself Do it alone! If he can toss it up, he will toss it! I won't stop it! Huang-Tai-sun If you want to say anything to you, just tell me, I'll tell him! "
        Pause, old 1st-Duke remembered his irritable son again, and his anger was deeper. "And thinking about his father, if he dares to move, you also tell me. I am old, but Take the crutch and draw his strength! "
        Tong-Siwei and Tong-Sigang urged the old 1st-Duke not to regenerate.
        Tong-Sigang thought for a while, "Grandfather, don't do it at all, this is a little bad. After all, the big gatekeepers in Capital City will do a little private salt business in private. We also do a little, so mixing in it is not conspicuous. "
        Old 1st-Duke thought about it and nodded, "Just do what you say."
        The Leng family soon got the news from 1st-Duke, and they were going to welcome Leng-Mengning to Capital City and marry Tong-Siwei.
        The person who came first was the person who reported the letter, and there was a team to meet the relatives behind.
        1st-Duke is very satisfied with Tong-Siwei this time, so he has the intention to give Tong-Siwei face and prepare for Tong-Siwei wedding.
        Leng-Mengning was still a bit surprised, I didn't expect to marry someone so soon.
        Gu Ming-qing also got the news, so he went to Leng's house to see Leng-Mengning.
        Gu Ming-qing By then, Leng-Mengning was embroidering the dowry.
        Gu Ming-qing was standing in front of Leng-Mengning, and he was surprised, "Hey-come and see our cold Big-Young-Lady, it's really good and saucy, so beautiful and brilliant! See what this needlework is doing. good looking."
        In fact, Gu Ming-qing never saw what Leng-Mengning embroidered.
        Leng-Mengning throws something embroidered in his hand, and Mei Mei stares, "I said you would make fun of me. I know how well my embroidery works. I can see it at most. Well, that's not true. "
        Gu Ming-qing smiled and sits next to Leng-Mengning. Leng-Mengning moved and moved to leave a place for Gu Ming-qing.
        Gu Ming-qing picked up what Leng-Mengning had just embroidered. It was a big red puppet play water hijab. I saw that the embroidery on the hijab was really embroidered vividly, just like it really is.
        Gu Ming-qing exclaimed, "This is not good embroidery? So in your eyes, what is good embroidery?"
        Leng-Mengning laughed, "I said Ming-qing, do you really not know, or do you not know?"
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes are blank, what does this mean?
        Leng-Mengning saw this, and blinked, it seemed that he really didn't know.
        Leng-Mengning explained, "Where did I embroider the pattern on the red hijab. This is all embroidered by the embroidered woman. I just embroidered two needles on it, which means the meaning. Family affairs, said that the daughter to be married embroidered the dowry, in fact, just moved two needles, meaning nothing more.
        Ming-qing, you should know! You are not Houfu— "
        Speaking of half, Leng-Mengning knew he was awkward, and looked at Gu Ming-qing with embarrassment. Leng-Mengning really couldn't wait to hit her mouth twice, which pot she didn't open and which pot, this was not a deliberate poking at Ming-qing's sadness.
        Leng-Mengning explained in a hurry, "That Ming-qing, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean that you got married under the Tang family, so you don't need to prepare so much. Hey! I don't mean you got married, got married Not good. I think your relationship is good to you, he is also a very gentle person, you— "
        Gu Ming-qing watched Leng-Mengning anxious to explain, but did not know how to explain, she couldn't help but feel funny, she waved at will, "OK, OK, the more you explain the more chaotic, I think Tired of you. What are you anxious, is it when I misunderstand? Rest assured, I did not misunderstand. "
        Gu Ming-qing was in a hurry to get married, and the dowry had no time to prepare well. Shen-Mao, they could only give her the most practical silver money. Wedding dresses, hijab, etc. were to be embroidered, and then Gu Ming-qing was allowed to move two stitches at will, but time was running out.
        The original owner was a small and transparent one at Zongyong Houfu, and he had no good friends or girlfriends. The best relationship is Iron Tonger. The problem is that Iron Tonger is younger than the original owner. Can she know this? Lin-shi is afraid that she feels that the original owner is still young, and it is not suitable to tell her too early.
        So Gu Ming-qing really didn't know that a woman married a so-called embroidered dowry, that is, she moved two stitches randomly on the embroidered thing, meaning. This is true for large households, but the embroidered dowry of small households is really embroidered by hand. Where does the small family have so much money to ask for embroidery, they can only do it for themselves.
        Leng-Mengning has also been cautious about Gu Ming-qing, worried that she has a feeling in her heart.
        Gu Ming-qing took a funny shot of Leng-Mengning, "I said what do you look at. Really when I am a ceramic doll, it breaks when I touch it. I'm really nothing. I'm just sad, you talk about how you I'm going to get married soon. I thought you would be one or two years sooner. "
        Speaking of this, Leng-Mengning was also a little puzzled, "I also wonder how this marriage suddenly came ahead. The original agreement between Our Leng's family and 1st-Duke-Fu was also one or two years later. Who knows 1st Duke-Fu suddenly sent someone and said they would pick me Jin-jing to get married.
        Originally, Father and Niang also said that these things can be prepared slowly, but now I'm in a hurry and can only ask someone to do it for a large price. What is the big dowry? My mother helped me to prepare for it. Is the wedding dress and red hijab something urgent. "
        Gu Ming-qing smiled suddenly and narrowly, and her water eyes were even more subtle. She whispered into Leng-Mengning's ear, "It would not be Tong Big-gongzi who took the initiative to talk to his elders. If so, then you are blessed in the future, which means that Tong Big-gongzi has you in his heart. People can't wait to marry you. "
        Leng-Mengning was ashamed on her face, such as the peach blossom in March, so beautiful and incomprehensible. Where is the appearance of the former ice beauty, she pushed out Gu Ming-qing in a bad manner. Procrastination! You will bully me most. "
        Gu Ming-qing and Leng-Mengning shoved, and for a while, both of the neatly combed buns were spread out, and their cheeks were flushed.
        After the joke, Gu Ming-qing was right and said, "I'm serious, if Tong Big-gongzi offered to marry you as soon as possible. That means Tong Big-gongzi puts you in your heart. Now. You will not be sad at the 1st-Duke house in the future. ”When the husband takes his wife to his heart, he will take care of it everywhere.
        Leng-Mengning reached out and sorted out some scattered hair and shook his head. "I hope, as you said, that he offered to marry in advance. But Ming-qing, this is really impossible, he is not Such a person. And I think he may have experienced border issues, so the person becomes more silent, and seems to have a heavy heart in his heart. This way, he is even less likely to propose an early marriage. "
        Gu Ming-qing knew in his heart that this was impossible, but there was always such hope in his heart. Hope is better than hopelessness. But after Leng-Mengning said that, that last hope was suddenly gone.
        Gu Ming-qing no longer continued this topic, and instead said, "Meng Ning, although I don't have much intersection with Tong Big-gongzi, I also know a little about him. Needless to say the character with Big-gongzi , That's absolutely positive. "
        Leng-Mengning nodded, agreeing with Gu Ming-qing's words, Tong-Siwei character is indeed unspoken.
        "This kind of person is good and bad for you. The good thing is, if you marry him, I believe he will respect your wife well and give you everything your decent wife should have. But the bad thing is that such a man does not It's easy to fall in love with which woman. "
        With Gu Ming-qing's words, Leng-Mengning began to remember what happened when he was with Tong-Siwei, as if Gu Ming-qing had said, there was more respect, lack of kindness, and a little bit Not like an unmarried couple.
        Leng-Mengning thought and sighed heavily.
        "And Meng Ning, you just said, after experiencing things in the border, Tong Big-gongzi became more silent, with a heavy heart hidden in his heart. This shows that he will not let people easily enter his heart now. , His defense of people will be very heavy. I think that this also includes you who are about to marry him. "
        Leng-Mengning's eyebrows are drooping, and the long eyelashes are trembling, casting a dim shadow on the bottom of the eye.
        Gu Ming-qing also knew that what she said was cruel, but she couldn't help saying it. She hoped that the friend Leng-Mengning would be happy after marrying to Capital City.
        "Meng Ning, my opinion is that you will be more patient when you get along with Tong Big-gongzi in the future. You have to believe a word, as long as kung fu deep iron pestle grinds a needle. Tong Big-gongzi is not a true iron stone As long as your heart is full, you will be impressed by the accumulation of time. But it may take a long time. But you must not give up in Meng Ning. Believe that persistence is victory. The dawn of victory is in front of you. "



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