Ill-Fated Consort 80

            Chapter 80  :   Bones and Blood    

            The Zhao family's father and son were silent.
            The three generations of the Zhao family were all generals. Zhao-Fu-ren Su Shi gave birth to three children and one daughter, and Zhao Mei ranked third. For this only daughter, the Zhao family couldn't wait to hurt the apex. Although Zhao Guang was a general and acted rough, he was extremely patient with Zhao Mei. From the toothy babies, to the delicate little Miss, to the slim girl, Zhao Guangpin grew up in the palm of his hand. Zhao Mei likes to ride horses, so he sends people to spend a lot of money to find a group of good ponies. Zhao Mei wants to learn archery, and he teaches by hand. Zhao Yuanjia three sons were usually scolded by Zhao Guang's dog blood, except for Zhao Mei, who never said a serious word.
            Zhao family is just such a daughter, Zhao Guang already loves him so much. Su Shi and Zhao-Lao-Furen are even more loved. Zhao Yuanjia brothers also protect Zhao Mei on most days. No one dared to bully Zhao Mei.
            Zhao Mei possessed such unique conditions and naturally grew into an innocent temperer. She was enthusiastic and generous, and she was met by people like Jiang Quan.
            At that time, Jiang Quan was a nobleman in the court. He was young and beautiful. He came from a family of scholars. He had a kind of elegant scroll, which was really fatal to Zhao Mei, who was used to seeing the carefree. She was quite daring and changed her method to want to be close to him, which was revealed by Zhao Guang.
            Zhao Guang did not like Jiang Quan. Although he was a military commander, he was not just a brute force without a mind. After soaking in the officialdom for many years, one can see the ambition in the eyes of the new imperial court.
            If you have ambitions, since the Yellow Emperor was about to change the Crown Prince and was blocked by Xiao Shao, the country and Zhongming fought secretly, and many courtiers secretly occupied the team. At that time, the Zhao family belonged to the neutrals and insisted that they could not be involved in the muddy waters vying for reserves. At the time, Jiang Quan, acting vaguely revealed that he wanted to trust 8-Prince.
            Even if he really had to occupy the team one day, the Zhao family would never choose 8-Prince, and proclaiming that this person was unpredictable and dealing with him was tantamount to making a hide with the tiger. Zhao Guang did not like Jiang Quan.
            Although Su Shi distressed her daughter, her views on this matter were exactly the same as Zhao Guang's. Only because of being a woman, she could see that Jiang Quan saw Zhao Mei eyes without a trace of men and women. On the contrary, in the face of Xia-Yan, the first talented woman in the capital, she was browful. Su Shi is just a woman. If Jiang Quan really likes Zhao Mei, then he clearly doesn't like Zhao Mei and proposes to marry him.
            At that time, Zhao Mei wanted to marry Jiang Quan with all his heart, and could not hear anything.
            Rebellious girl, stubborn father.
            Zhao Guang and Zhao Mei quarreled for the first time and locked Zhao Mei in the room. Who knew that Zhao Mei escaped through the window and met Jiang Quan.
            Zhao Guang was furious and threatened to sever his relationship with Zhao Mei.
            Although Zhao Mei heart was sad, she also thought that she was a close relative. Zhao Guang was angry, and naturally she would say so, when she became married to Jiang Quan, Zhao Guang lost his breath, and went to the door to apologize, still a family. people. The Jiang family also thought so. After all, the Zhao family was a meritorious family and had a distinguished position. Jiang Lao-Furen didn't say anything, so they would do the family affairs in private.
            However, when he returned, the Zhao family did not recognize Zhao Mei. It was iron-hearted to make a clear relationship with Zhao Mei.
            Zhao Mei was naturally sad. After a long period of time, seeing that the Zhao family never wanted to reconcile with Zhao Mei, the Jiang family's attitude towards Zhao Mei gradually cooled down. Not long after, Jiang Quan accepted Xia-Yan and became even more indifferent to Zhao Mei.
            The husband was so indifferent and the Jiang family was so indifferent that Zhao Mei thought about many things alone. I consciously saw my parents and brothers at home, and did not want to involve the Zhao family in the muddy water of the Jiang family. When the Zhao family came to the door after hearing about Xia-Yan, they sent back in a very mean manner.
            One by one, gradually, Zhao and Jiang's families really became strangers.
            The atmosphere in the hall became very strange.
            Zhao Guang looked at Jiang Ruan with a complex look.
            Over the years, he has not sent anyone to Jiangfu. When Zhao Mei was there, his attitude was always very mean, as if he was facing his enemies. As soon as one or two went, Zhao Guang became very cold, but when he didn't have this daughter, he even turned a blind eye to the entire Jiang family, and no news of the Jiang family could reach the General House.
            Now, this granddaughter has suddenly come, not only that, but Mama who served Zhao Mei also brought such amazing news. The Zhao family is the best guardian. Hearing these words will inevitably make them angry.
            Zhao Yuanping, who had been silent, said  :   "So, you are my Shi-nu? Why did Shi porridge do it before?"
            Jiang Ruan raised his head and looked at him. This rumored that the most intelligent man in the Zhao family was as gentle as a gentleman, she smiled slightly  :   "8-Prince wanted to use this opportunity to disperse the Zhao family's wealth and cut With the momentum of the Zhao family, since 2-Mu-Uncle called me a Shi-nu, it's just a matter of raising a hand. "
            "How did you get the silver money?" Zhao Yuanping stared at her tightly, not letting off any expression on her face.
            Jiang Ruan's expression remained unchanged  :   "Now the food price has more than tenfold, but I bought it more than a month ago."
            Zhao Yuanping yelled  :   "Will you be a prophet?"
            "Just hit by accident." Jiang Ruan nodded.
            Zhao Yuanping saw a trace of fine light in his eyes. He was not dazzled by the affection like Zhao Guang, nor was he as loyal as Zhao Yuanjia, nor was he just as surprised as Zhao Yuanfeng. As the calmest person in the Zhao family, after a brief shock, he has been watching Jiang Ruan. Although Jiang Ruan looks very much like his dead three sisters, Jiang Ruan and Zhao Mei are very different people. For example, now, she doesn't have a flaw in her look, she looks at the excitement of Zhao family from beginning to end, and there is no trace of movement.
            It's more calm and self-sustaining than the enemies he has met, but she is just one-Shi-nu.
            "It's ridiculous! How do you know 8-Prince plan?" Zhao Guang asked sharply.
            Jiang Ruan's words surprised them, but a young girl shouldn't know what's going on in these courts anyway. She was so outspoken, it was even more weird. Teach people that this is just a conspiracy of Jiang Quan.
            "Wait," Zhao Yuanfeng was the most unsettled. He devoted all his attention to the Shi-nu, saying, "What the hell are you talking about, aren't you here to recognize the ancestors?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled and glanced at him. Zhao Mei, the best little Mu-Uncle in her mouth, had not changed her temperament for so many years. She said  :   "Recognition of the ancestors also depends on the meaning of the general and Fu-ren. Ruan Niang's identity is not important. I am here today, just to ask for a transaction."
            "What deal?" Zhao Guang's face cooled down. If it was related to Jiang Quan, the purpose of Jiang Ruan today is suspicious.
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "I saved most of the property for Zhao Fu, and saved the life of Lord Chengbei. Lord Chengbei was also a lifeblood of the Zhao family. This kind of affection Ruan Niang thought that it was enough. As for the transaction, I hope the general can save my elder brother's life. If it is calculated by bone blood, my elder brother also has half of the blood of the Zhao family. "
            "Your elder brother?" Zhao Guang frowned. "What happened to your elder brother? Also, what made you save Yier's life?"
            Jiang Ruan has not spoken yet, Zhao Yi said  :   "'Grandfather, the Miss I met on the way to Chongxinzhuang that day is the Xiaojie."
            Zhao Yuanjia said for a moment  :   "It is so."
            Jiang Ruan said  :   “That's it. As for my elder brother, he fine now, but the situation is critical. Xia-Yan and Jiang Quan want to kill him.”
            She didn't even call Father, yelling at Jiang Quan's name, and she could see how much she hated Jiang Quan.
            "Shi-zi, you have to make this clear. What exactly does the Jiang family want?" Zhao Yuanping smiled with a smile.
            "My mother died five years ago. I was sent to Zhuangzi and my elder brother joined the barracks. I was also returning to Capital City at a young age. I had a relationship with Gongzi, the chief soldier's mansion. My elder brother is now promoted to vice general and will return to Capital City every day. My Maid heard Jiang Quan and Xia-Yan's plans and was preparing to murder his temper. "
            "Did you hear me wrong?" Zhao Yuanjia was surprised. "Anyway, it's also Jiang Quan's own flesh and blood. How did you get a poisonous hand?"
            Jiang Ruan gave him a slight glance  :   "Jiang Quan loves a pair of children born to Xia-Yan. Without my elder brother, Jiang Chao from Xia-Yan can inherit the entire Jiang family. If the elder brother comes back, Jiang Chao status is in jeopardy, and now that his eldest brother has become a vice general, Jiang Chao, who is still white, is a great threat. Our brother and sister have already become the nails of Xia-Yan, and the thorns in the flesh. As for the flesh and blood affection ... ”Jiang Ruan Smiling  :   "Big-Mu-Uncle may have lived comfortably for too long. I don’t know our stepmothers are trying to make life difficult for people. Jiang Quan If you miss the flesh and blood relationship, then Xia-Yan bought the Taoist slanders and slandered me. The lonely star, put me on Zhuangzi, and repeated attempts to harm me would not have happened. If it were not for my life, I am afraid that my mother's grave was already a coffin. "
            "What Tiansha Lone Star?" Zhao Guang said coldly.
            "The general did not like Jiangfu affairs. Naturally I don't know. I think the story of Capital City Central China rumours about the emptiness of the mighty lords in the past few days will not be heard by Master Chengbei."
            Zhao Yi looked at Jiang Ruan in amazement. He walked outside all day. When drinking, his colleagues got together, and he also heard about the mayor of the Jiang family. He sighed for the innocent Chiang Big-Xiaojie at that time, but did not know that Jiang Big-Xiaojie was his aunt’s daughter and his uncle cousin.
            "Too much bullying!" Zhao Guang punched the table with a punch, his heart seemed to be bleeding. He was wrong. As Jiang Ruan said, her eyebrows were not good. Why didn't she ask for help at home? Why drove out the people he sent with harsh words? She is afraid of involving Zhao family! He was wrong. When Zhao Mei returned to the door, he should recognize her. What about the Jiang family’s desire to borrow from Zhao? At least Jiang Quan didn't dare to bully her eyebrows like this, and persecute her pair of children!
            "My mother was killed by the Jiang family. Although I haven't found evidence yet, I will find it someday." Jiang Ruan said  :   "My mother never hated the Zhao family, when I was very young , She often told me about the Zhao family. "
            Jiang Ruan looked at Zhao Guang  :   "I have a bloody feud with the Jiang family to report, but for now, I just hope that the general can make this deal with me and save my elder brother."
            She wasn't sure how deep the Zhao family’s affection was with Zhao Mei. After saying so much, she just wanted to make Zhao Guang feel guilty. The transaction looked very cost-effective, but the Zhao family had always been stubborn. If Zhao Guang had remorse, she would promise her help. She glanced at the hall. The eyes of Zhao father and son were full of resentment, and she was obviously provoked by Jiang Quan. Except one ... Jiang Ruan smiled at Zhao Yuanfeng's inquiring eyes.
            Yes, that's it. The Zhao family loves Zhao Mei again. Zhao Mei has also been dead for many years. The person who has died for many years is still the one who disobeys his parents to break the relationship. Will the relationship be weak?
            Jiang Ruan don't know.
            She can only rely on what Zhao Mei once said in her mind about the Zhao family and try to win people hearts.
            Except for the slightly calmer Zhao Yuanping, the Zhao family's father and son are all red-eyed. They are all temperament people. Jiang Ruan said that the youngest daughter of the Zhao family since childhood was the most beloved. Look at what Jiang Ruan said, although she took it lightly, but how could it be easier for Zhuangzi to be framed by her stepmother? The Jiang Quan couple dare to kill Zhao Mei, even Jiang Xinzhi dare to kill, Jiang Ruan live to this day, I do not know how much danger they have experienced?
            Zhao Guang's eyes were split.
            Jiang Ruan watched him quietly  :   "General, do you want to do this deal or not?"
            "How about not doing it?" Zhao Guang asked.
            "I will stop applying porridge. Since the general has won His Majesty's praise, and he doesn't want to pay me anything, he can't ask for free. As for guarding the life of the Lord, saving one life is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter. It’s all so lucky. "
            Zhao Guang looked at him for a while, and suddenly laughed, "Okay!"
            At first he thought that this little Miss had a cold breath all over him, and his age was unpredictable, and he was very suspicious. Now that I know about Zhao Mei, my heart is regretful and hate. Suspicion about Jiang Ruan disappears only when she is her granddaughter. What do you think? Going forward and back, being generous, and being smart and intelligent, the daughters of their Zhao family should have such demeanor!
            "What general," Zhao Guang said coldly, "called Mu-Grandfather."
            Jiang Ruan raised an eyebrow and followed the good  :   "Mu-Grandfather."
            Zhao Guang made such a statement. Zhao Yuanfeng jumped up first and walked to Jiang Ruan, saying, "You are really my Shi-nu." After looking around, he shook his head and said, "Hey, he looks better than his eyebrows. He has a cute eyebrow. "
            Zhao Mei is gentle, she is not a gentle person.
            Zhao Yuanjia and Zhao Yi were naturally also happy. Only Zhao Yuanping sits still, and looked at Jiang Ruan again.
            While talking, several voices came from behind the hall.
            "Yulong, don't run away."
            "Even Father can't figure out who Noble is today. I will go and see, mother, Grandmother, don't follow me."
            "Second Brother, wait for me, I will go too."
            "You two stand still for me."
            Immediately, the curtains on one side were lifted and two teenagers came out.
            They all look like fourteen or five years old. They are slightly taller and more elegant, and they look a bit like Zhao Yuanping, and they are shorter and brighter. When they saw a beautiful girl standing in the hall, they both froze.
            "Yulong, Feizhou." Two more beautiful women came out of the hall, calling gently, seeing Jiang Ruan was also a little stunned, but finally came out of the gentle and virtuous Su Shi. She laughed  :   "The two boys can't stop it."
            Zhao Yi pulled Jiang Ruan to Su Shi  :   "Grandmother, who do you think this is?"
            Su Shi years are not confused, but her eyes are still so strange. When she saw Jiang Ruan from afar, she trembled. When Zhao Yi pulled Jiang Ruan over and walked in front of her, she could see more clearly, and she burst into tears. Next  :   "My eyebrows!"
            She grabbed Jiang Ruan.
            Jiang Ruan let her hold her tenderly. After Zhao Mei death, no one had carried her so tenderly. Su Shi arms also made her feel a little embarrassed.
            Zhao Yulong walked to the plane of Zhao Yuan and said, "Father, who is she?"
            Zhao Yuanping laughed  :   "She is your aunt's daughter, your cousin."
            Su Shi, who was holding Jiang Ruan, heard that he was shaking, slowly released Jiang Ruan, and looked at her with tears in his eyes. Fang Cai surprise gradually receded, and she thought that God rewarded her with a chance to meet her daughter under Huang Quan. Then, another joy filled her heart, she said, "Are you Ruan?" When Zhao Mei just gave birth to Jiang Ruan, she also asked for it.
            Jiang Ruan nodded.
            Su Shi looked at her, and for a moment she didn't know what to say, she just rubbed her hand  :   "It's so good, looks as beautiful as your mother, and is already a Big-Miss."
            Zhao Feizhou stood beside his mother, and curiously looked at Jiang Ruan.
            Su Shi said, "For so many years, I thought I would never see you again, Ruaner, do you come out like this, does your father know?"
            If the Zhao family did not like Jiangfu, Jiangfu would not wait to see Jiangjun. Su Shi was afraid that Jiang Ruan would suddenly come over and be punished by Jiang Quan.
            Jiang Ruan looked at this gentle woman, Mu-Grandmother? There wasn't even a bit of mustard. She laughed. "I'll take care of it myself."
            Seeing her calm temperament, raising her hands and being as good as an adult, Su Shi was both excited and comforted  :   "Your mother taught you very well, very well."
            Hearing this, Zhao Guang's father and son both looked dim.
            "Ruan, why did you come here suddenly? Did you forgive Mu-Grandmother's mistake? It was Mu-Grandmother's fault in the past. You shouldn't care about your mother and you, nor do you know if you have been wronged? "
            Su Shi looked like she was being taken care of by Zhao family, so she didn't know the danger outside. Jiang Ruan thought for a moment, and laughed  :   "What Mu-Grandmother said was because Ruan Niang didn't do her filial piety. I never visited Mu-Grandmother once in many years. I had a good time, Jiangfu didn't lack food, No one wronged me. "
            Wronged? She will slowly come back for revenge.
            Seeing Jiang Ruan's disappearing of Jiangfu things, Zhao Guang's father and son were fretting. Su Shi had been depressed for so many years since Zhao Mei died. If he knew the suffering of Jiang Ruan's brothers and sisters, he would be in pain. Jiang Ruan said nothing, in the end he took care of Su Shi mood.
            She smiled slightly  :   "I'm here this time, I just came to see the grandparents’family."

            Chapter 81  :   Conspiracy    

            Su Shi was so excited that she couldn't hold herself. She had mixed feelings in her heart and held Jiang Ruan. "My bitter eyebrow went early. Ruan Er grew so big. I don't know how much hardship it is. It's my old Pozi. Seeing that Su Shi was about to cry again, Zhao Guang busy stepped forward and patted Su Shi shoulder, comforted  :   "Fu-ren, Ruan Er, isn't this back, what do you think about being unhappy? thing."
            Zhao Yi also advised  :   "Grandmother, now it is time for my cousin to be happy."
            The two Madam of the Zhao family also followed the consolation. Su Shi wiped her tears and smiled  :   "Look at me, I have spent a good time in vain, and Ruan Ermo must not blame my old Pozi."
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly and didn't say anything.
            As soon as Su Shi came, Zhao Guang's father and son would not be able to ask about Jiang's family again. Only with Su Shi began to ask Jiang Ruan how he had been here for so many years. Jiang Ruan said one by one, hiding the Jiang family. What’s wrong with her is that despite this, the indifference in the words still caught Su Shi, Jiang Ruan didn’t want to say, she didn’t ask about it, she just looked at Jiang Ruan’s eyes more lovingly and Distressed.
            Before the father and son Zhao Guang had some understanding of Jiang Ruan, knowing her past days, seeing that she had written a good lie in order to reduce Su Shi guilt, and she loved Jiang Ruan even more. Zhao Yulong and Zhao Feizhou had not seen Jiang Ruan before, but only knew that a cousin had never heard in General’s Mansion, and they looked at Jiang Ruan with curiosity.
            Jiang Ruan talked with Su Shi, and Su Shi set out to cook in person to cook for Jiang Ruan. He called some Madam from the Jiang family and waited for the women to leave. Jiang Ruan looked at Zhao Guangdao  :   "I still have something to say."
            Zhao Guang waved his hand  :   "Come in the study." Turning his head to look at Zhao Yuanjia and several others  :   "Some of you also come here."
            Zhao Yi is also an adult. He naturally followed. Zhao Yulong and Zhao Feizhou also wanted to keep up, so Zhao Yuanfeng drank, and left unhappy.
            When he got to the study, Zhao Guang sits down on his chair and looked at Jiang Ruan. "How is Jiang Quan going to deal with your elder brother?"
            The first sentence he asked was not Shi porridge or Chongxinzhuang, but Jiang Xinzhi. Jiang Ruan smiled and said, "Mu-Grandfather, did you agree to help me?"
            Zhao Guang stared at him  :   "He is the grandson of my Zhao family. Can I stand idly by?"
            Jiang Ruan nodded slightly, but did not know the attitude of the Zhao family at first, so she pulled Jiang Quan and Xia-Yan in. In fact, Maid heard that Jiang Quan's plan was nothing but groundless. It’s just that Jiang Xinzhi in the last life was poisoned. Thinking about it, the most likely thing is this. Even if the Zhao family’s plan is emptied, she can’t take Jiang Xinzhi temper to risk this. risk. She said  :   "Brother probably has five days to go to Capital City. On the way back to Capital City, accidents are bound to happen." After a pause, she looked at Zhao Guang  :   "Although I don't know what method they use, they have enough The murder of my brother temper. "
            Zhao Guang clenched his fist  :   "It's arrogant!"
            "The Jiang family does not yet have such great power. Today, the Chiang family has empty accounts, and Jiang Quan's official career has been blocked one after another. The Jiang family is just an empty shelf. The Xia family really does this."
            "Xia Family?" Zhao Yuanping frowned. "Xia-Yan's family?"
            "Yes," Jiang Ruan said indifferently, "Xia and Jiang are in-laws, even if there is any contradiction, but as long as there is no big brother, Jiang Chao is the future family of Jiangfu, Jiang Chao is the family and Xia family. It is a constant relationship. If the eldest brother is in charge, the relationship between the Xia family and the Jiang family will not last long. It is reasonable, as long as the Jiang family asks the Xia family for help, the Xia family has no reason to refuse. "
            Zhao Yuanfeng said  :   "Isn't this aggressive to the death? The Jiang family is really nothing, Father, let me kill Jiang Quan, that dog thing!"
            Zhao Yuanfeng originally had the closest affection to Zhao Mei. At the time, he also had 100 thousand people who disagreed with Jiang Quan. Today, he learned from Jiang Ruan that Zhao Mei had been bullied by Jiang Quan so much, thinking of his own The days when the dear sister endured the burden of humiliation, she was already angry with Jiang Quan. After hearing about Jiang Quan, she tried to murder Jiang Xinzhi, and she could not wait to revenge Zhao Mei immediately.
            "You sit down for Lao Tzu!" Zhao Guangbao sang, "Isn't that enough trouble?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "Little Mu-Uncle, this matter must be related to the Xia family, but there is a family who may also be involved in this matter."
            "Who?" Zhao Yuanjia asked.
            "Prime Minister Li Dong's house."
            As soon as this word came out, several of them changed their faces. For a moment, Zhao Yi asked  :   "How did Li Dong get in touch with the Xia family and the Jiang family?"
            "Li Dong is from 8-Prince, and Xia family is also from 8-Prince. The Li family and Xia furniture are one. The Jiang family is in trouble, and the Li family will not stand idly by." Jiang Ruan laughed  :   " Moreover, Jiang Quan also wanted to marry me to Li 1st Shaoye, in exchange for stepping stones with the Li family. "
            "Shameless!" When Zhao Guang patted the table, the muscles on his cheeks shook with anger and his eyes turned red. Then who is Li Yang? No one in Capital City knows. The swingers of the sleeping flower and willow can't fit in the backyard of the beautiful Qishi. He prefers to play the game of playing with one another with Li Dong. Jiang Ruan entered the Li family. Unlike the sheep entering the tiger's mouth, Jiang Quan is the biological flesh of Jiang Ruan, and he also has the face to do it!
            Zhao Yi also couldn't agree  :   "Cousin, what are you talking about?"
            Jiang Ruan bowed his head. The Li family may calculate Jiang Xinzhi together with the Xia family, of course not for this reason. It is because Li-An has frequently run away with Jiangfu recently, and has a harmonious relationship with Jiang Susu Xia-Yan. Li-An is very intelligent and very human. I want to discover that Li Yang's things are not done by Jiang Susu. Li-An knew that she did it, and she thought she would get revenge. If Xia-Yan wanted to calculate Jiang Xinzhi, Li-An would be happy to add it.
            Zhao Yuanjia murmured  :   "Tiger poison is still not eating."
            "Every time a dog is killed by a warrior, the conscience is mostly a scholar. Jiang Quan and Jiang Susu have always been known for their talents, and they are naturally wolf-hearted dog lungs." Jiang Ruan said lightly.
            The light and gentle wind she said seemed to be talking about a very ordinary thing, but in that soft voice, there was an outrageous hatred, which caused an inexplicable cold war. After a pause, she said  :   "If you want to ambush people on the road, you should naturally bring a lot of soldiers and horses. I would like to ask Mu-Grandfather to send troops. By the way, I will send someone to monitor the movement of the Xia and Li families. Can save my elder brother a life. "
            "Need to send troops this way?" Zhao Yuanjia hesitated. "Since Xinzhi is a vice general, returning with the army, how dare they kill people in such a huge army?"
            "I don't know what method they use," Jiang Ruan said, "I only know that if you don’t send enough people, my elder brother is more fierce. They will only pick in front of Capital City. Once in Capital City, Tianzi At the foot, it’s difficult to do it again. So, they will definitely try to find a way to kill my elder brother, Big-Mu-Uncle, don’t doubt me. ”Her tone was cold, and Zhao Yuanjia froze, saying  :  “ I Not to doubt you. "
            "Mu-Grandfather, do you agree with me?" Jiang Ruan asked.
            Although Zhao Guang is a military general, he is not an impulsive person. Warring in wartime is guaranteed to be foolproof, but at the moment he didn't think about it, saying  :   "I promise you. He is my grandson, and Zhao family will naturally protect him. "
            Jiang Ruan said  :   "Many Thanks Mu-Grandfather."
            Zhao Guang looked at her. The Jiang Ruan in front of him looked calm and talked and acted just like an adult. They were Zhao Feizhou and Zhao Yulong, the 13 and 14-year-olds of the Zhao family, and they were occasionally childish and naive. But Jiang Ruan had no childishness on his face, but it looked tender and gentle on the surface, but there was a kind of indifference. Only those who have experienced the baptism of blood on the battlefield will have the suffocation, Jiang Ruan has already penetrated into the bone marrow. He sighed in his heart, Su Shi couldn't see clearly, but he knew a lot of people. After the initial shock, he saw that Jiang Ruan didn't have any excitement to recognize his relatives from beginning to end. Her heart is as firm as a rock, and I am afraid that every sentence that she said to the Zhao family today is a thoughtful answer, and each sentence has a special purpose.
            She was calculating the entire Zhao family, but the method she used was not a conspiracy or persecution. The moisturizer was so silent that she had to agree to her request. Even willing to be counted.
            Jiang Ruan is so early, she must have lived in the Jiang family for ten thousand times more than her own description. After all, it is the descendants of the Zhao family. How can he remain indifferent when thinking of the dead Zhao Mei. Thinking of this, he doesn't want to ask any more about Shi porridge and Chongxinzhuang. By the way  :   "Your Mu-Grandmother should have cooked meals, hey, let's go out together." He stood up and walked out slowly. But I don't know if it was the blow that Zhao Mei had dealt to him too much, and the tall and burly back looked aging.
            Zhao Yuanjia followed them out of the study. When Jiang Ruan was about to go out, a figure appeared in front of him. Zhao Yuanping stopped her and smiled, "what exactly do you want to do?" A pair of eyes looked intently at him.
            "2-Mu-Uncle said, Ruan Niang didn't understand."
            "Why did the Li family participate, not the reason you said, Jiang Xinzhi will definitely be ambushed. If you say so, there must be other reasons. Father doesn’t ask, doesn’t mean I won’t ask,” Zhao Yuanping's face gradually gradually Seriously  :   "Jiang Ruan, even if you are Meier's daughter, I have to ask, what exactly do you want to do?"
            Jiang Ruan looked at him quietly. Zhao three generations were all generals, but Zhao Yuanping was born with incomparable cleverness. Unfortunately, the Zhao family did not bother to follow the path of writing. Therefore, Zhao Yuanping couldn't even take a 1st-Imperial-Scholar to return to the glory of the Zhao family. He was familiar with the art of warfare. As a warrior with a magical skill, he had one thing that was very good, that is, mastering people hearts. On the battlefield, thinking about the enemy’s mind can help the army win a better battle. Zhao Yuanping is now alert to her. However, she never thought about hiding Zhao Yuanping.
            She said  :   "Why 2-Mu-Uncle is so nervous, I will not hurt Zhao family in the vertical. Otherwise, I will not apply porridge, nor will I save my cousin's temper, 2-Mu-Uncle So suspicious of me, what has I done so far is not good for the Jiang family? "Seeing Zhao Yuanping's look still, she smiled slightly  :  " Moreover, if I can save my elder brother, it is necessary to catch a batch The assassin, stalking the vine, and the people they caught biting out of the Li family are also beneficial to the general's house. The Li family and the Zhao family have always been at odds with each other. 2-Mu-Uncle is not unaware. Once the Li family has an accident, 8-Prince power is damaged, isn't it the scene that the General's most happy opinion? "
            Zhao Yuanping suppressed the consternation in his heart and frowned, and Jiang Ruan published these big lala under the broad daylight, and every sentence poked his mind. For a while, Zhao Yuanping had nothing to say.
            Jiang Ruan said  :   "2-Mu-Uncle rest assured that I will not harm the Zhao family. The Jiang family and I have the same hatred for the sake of the family. I just tried to help the Jiang family and I will try my best to help the Zhao family. After saying that, he gave Zhao Yuan a parallel gift, and left.
            Zhao Yuanping thought for a moment behind her, also smiled softly, restored her previous expression, and walked towards the hall.
            Zhao Fuju is a warm and joyful place, but in other places in central Capital City, storms and storms suddenly descend into the general gloom.
            In Jiangfu Yanhua Court, Xia-Yan seized Linlang and said, "Can you hear me clearly? Master Sun really said that?"
            Linlang nodded  :   "Yes, Fu-ren, 1st Shaoye really became a vice general, and he will be in Capital City in five days. What can I do now?"
            Xia-Yan's hand holding the tea cup tightened tightly, and threw the tea cup to the ground with a snap, the fine pastel depicting the beautiful golden butterfly porcelain cup was torn apart, Linlang stood aside and dare not come out. Some looked at Xia-Yan in a wink.
            Xia-Yan gritted her teeth  :   "The little beast had such an encounter, so why didn't he get shot on the battlefield!" At present, she has a headache all day about how to prevent Jiang Susu from going to his home temple, Jiang Quan is iron-hearted, partial-born Jiang Susu has been awake since Huijue left that day, and always said that someone knocked on the door at night, but found nothing when he opened it. Write a letter to Huijue, Huijue only said that the evil spirit is too heavy, it is best to send Jiang Susu to the temple as soon as possible, and the insane Xia-Yan can't wait to tear Huijue A mouth.
            When she was so anxious, she heard that Jiang Xinzhi gave birth to a vice general. The news that Chunfeng was proud to return to Capital City made her not angry. But with deep jealousy, there are concerns.
            Jiang Chao imperial examination had originally disappointed Jiang Quan. If Jiang Xinzhi returned in such a case, and he had made great achievements, it would be difficult to guarantee that Jiang Quan would not have any other thoughts. Even if Jiang Quan did not like Jiang Xinzhi, he would not shake Jiang Chao status, but Jiang Chao could not enter the court, so he could not contact the people in the officialdom. At this time, Jiang Xinzhi entered the chapel and met the official people. With friendship, Jiang Chao will also be a disadvantage in the future.
            People from the Dajin Dynasty mentioned Jiang's son, as long as they knew a Jiang Chao, Jiang Xinzhi was superfluous. Her super child must not leave any stains on her, and her status cannot be shaken by anyone. Xia-Yan clenched his fists, and his beautiful face looked extremely stunned, as if a cannibalistic ghost  :   "Jiang Chao cannot stay!"
            "What does Fu-ren mean?" Linlang has been following Xia-Yan for many years, and Xia-Yan's actions can more or less guess some thoughts.
            "When that little animal comes back, where does my super child go? People in the world love to compare more, and only use Jiang Xinzhi success to compare super child's failure, how can I let that kind of thing happen!" Xia-Yan incisors. Since Jiang Chao was chopped a little finger by the people of Baihualou, his temperament has become very strange, and there is no longer the past. The whole person has a deep gloom, which makes people look a little scared.
            "Fu-ren is going to start after 1st Shaoye returns?" Linlang asked.
            "After returning to the house?" Xia-Yan smirked  :   "The little bastard is so cunning, she won't be worse if she wants to come. How can I give him a chance to enter the house, I want him, even the gate of Capital City No entry! "
            Linlang was surprised  :   "Does Fu-ren want to be on the road ... but 1st Shaoye is behind an entire army, Fu-ren is too risky to do so, and not to be successful."
            "What about an entire army? Just use your brain." Xia-Yan said impatiently  :   "Isn't Jiang Xinzhi most fond of this Mei-mei, take him Mei-mei as a bait, don't believe he won't be obedient. Set. "The reason why Jiang Xinzhi left Jiangfu to join the barracks was to say that it was only for Jiang Ruan, but he did not expect that he actually had such an opportunity.
            "Fu-ren, I want Lao-ye ...?" Linlang asked.
            "No, don't tell him." Xia-Yan's fingers tightened gradually, and a bit of hatred flashed in his eyes  :   "Don't let him know." If it was the same, Jiang Chaoquan was once again, Jiang Quan With Jiang Chao, Jiang Quan's eyes still have Jiang Xinzhi shadow. Even if Jiang Xinzhi had a vice general, for Jiang Chao, he would open and close one eye, even Help in secret. But nowadays, Jiang Chao has become the laughingstock of the entire Capital City city. His colleagues often laugh at Jiang Quan because of this incident. Jiang Quan's heart is afraid of Jiang Chao disgust. At present, Jiang Xinzhi returns to Capital City in such a beautiful way that it is inevitable Jiang Quan has other plans.
            If so, it would be bad. Xia-Yan clutched the skirt.
            "So ... Fu-ren, ask Houye for help? Will Houye help?" Linlang asked. A few days ago Jiang Susu caused Xia Cheng to make a big fire, and because of Xia Jun's affairs, Yu Ya couldn't wait to fight with her. Xia-Yan mother and daughter had been extremely unsatisfied at the Xia family, how could they help? .
            "2-Sao naturally will not help, but my father will help me." Xia-Yan said  :   "Even if it is for the Xia family, my father will spare no effort to help me." The Jiang family is a help, even if Xia Cheng No matter how dissatisfied with Jiang Susu, it is not because of this contradiction that he is willing to cause an outsider to seize the potential of the Jiang family. If Jiang Xinzhi really rises in Capital City, it will be a great threat to Jiang Chao. An uncontrolled Jiangfu is useless. In order to ensure that Jiangfu is standing on a boat with Xiafu anytime, anywhere, Xia Cheng will not stand idly by. He will even be more concerned about eliminating Jiang Xinzhi.
            "Go get your pen and paper. I want to write to my father," Xia-Yan said.
            She raised her lips slightly, and the Xia family would help. Besides, there was another one who left home, although I don’t know why the Li family 2-Shaoye Li-An showed her and Jiang Susu frequently today, but it can be Use it once.
            The Xia family and the Li family, together with Jiang Xinzhi nine lives, can not escape.

            Chapter 82  :   Dead in the Forest    

            The next spring rain lingered, but the spring day of the Dajin Dynasty did not bring vitality to the spring rain, but shrouded in a deep gloom. Fortunately, the application of porridge in the city has never stopped, and some kind and wealthy merchants have also joined the food donation team. The city's garrison has doubled in Capital City. It is no different than before the flood disaster.
            The common people do not eat and wear warm clothes, and they do not pay attention to major events in the court. But even so, the return of General Guan's division to the country has become the most talked topic in the streets of Capital City recently. Guan Lianghan, who is led by this brave and warlike army, will be able to go to Capital City tonight.
            At the moment, Guan Lianghan in the mouth of the people was holding the freshly brewed Guanshan Qingxue in Dongfeng Tower, while Mo Cong looked at him and said, "Second brother, everyone in the capital knows that you are returning to Capital City today, you really Don't look like that? "
            "It's fake," Guan Lianghan sniffed. "I've been back to Capital City for a long time. What do I look like, and at night, who will pay attention to this. The mediocre person disturbs himself."
            Mo Cong shrugged  :   "It's so heavy under the rain, I don't know where they are at this time, can they return to Capital City on time."
            "Rest assured." Guan Lianghan wiped his mouth. "The people under me are not soft persimmons, no matter how heavy the rain is, they should have arrived at Ulin Road at this moment."
            Wulin Road is not an official road. The official road was washed away by the rising water a few days ago, and the horse couldn't get through. Ulin Road is connected to a large ebony forest, which stretches for thousands of miles, with complex terrain, lush trees, and it is easy to get lost if you are not careful, and there are wild animals in the forest. But an entire army is here. Guan Lianghan raised his head and poured wine into his mouth, vaguely  :   "Wait in peace."
            In Jiangfu, Jiang Ruan was sitting in front of the window watching the rain fascinating. For some reason, he was uneasy in his heart early this morning. Although he kept pressing himself, he was still absent-minded.
            Lian-Qiao hurried in, and said, "Miss, the slave looked at a face of Pozi and entered Yanhuayuan. After coming out, it seemed to be very happy, and the people in Yanhuayuan were also very cheerful."
            Jiang Ruan's eyes fluttered  :   "Can you see clearly?"
            Lian-Qiao nodded. Jiang Ruan said  :   "I'm going out at once, Baizhi, Lian-Qiao go with me, Luzhu, you stay in the house, when you ask there, say that I went out with Wen Xiaojie to pick jewelry."
            Luzhu nodded and said, "Miss, be careful."
            Xia-Yan is busy with his own affairs these days, and has no time to take care of Jiang Ruan. Perhaps Jiang Ruan can't make any storms. When Jiang Xinzhi dies, Jiang Ruan is even more inadequate. So she was very lenient to her. Jiang Ruan and Dong Yinger's relationship also became closer, and occasionally going out with this excuse was also very cheap.
            Jiang Ruan went out, and Baizhi went to find a carriage outside, and the three went straight to General's Mansion. As soon as he arrived at the gate of General's Mansion, he saw Zhao Yi. Zhao Yuanfeng and his guards were about to go out. Jiang Ruan was built, and Zhao Yuanfeng was also a little hesitant, and then he said  :   "Father came back from Xia Jia-An's eyeliner, and the Xia family went to Ulin Road early in the morning." After a pause, he continued  :   "Li Home is also involved. "
            Jiang Ruan raised his eyebrows, and Zhao Yi also said, "'Grandfather is inconvenient to come out. I am with Uncle San. These people are all Zhao Jiajun, so they pretend to hide their eyes. Cousin, you are now in the government, etc. Our will surely Save the letter back. "
            Jiang Ruan shook his head  :   "I'll go with you."
            Before Zhao Yi spoke, Zhao Yuanfeng flatly refused  :   "No, it's too dangerous, you stay here."
            "3-Mu-Uncle, if I don’t go, I won’t rest assured in my life, things are rushed, 3-Mu-Uncle don’t waste time here. I can protect myself if things are really dangerous Even I can’t keep it, it’s even more difficult to come. It’s a blessing for me and my brother to die. ”Her tone was indifferent, and she had a kind of indifferent rejection of life and death. It looks like Zhao Guang commented on Jiang Ruan's words yesterday. He said, "Okay, but you have to be careful. The sword has no eyes. If you really have three long and two short, how can I confess to your’Mother who died."
            Jiang Ruan nodded slightly. Zhao Yi hesitated a bit. He couldn't help but took a horse from the back and asked, "Cousin, can you ride a horse?"
            Jiang Ruan didn't wait for him to finish, then stepped on the stables with a kick, a beautiful turn over, sitting on the horse end to end, and randomly picked the buckets on his head. The neat posture made the surrounding guards shine. In the last palace, a western beauty who could ride horses came. The horsemanship was surprisingly beautiful. There was a boom in horseback riding in the harem. Unfortunately, she had no one to teach equestrian since she was a child. Finally, the horsemanship taught by Xuan Li himself was not considered Particularly outstanding, but in order to make him stand out, Jiang Ruan's day and night practice has become one of the best. Resurrection I, I did not expect the first show immediately, but to save Jiang Xinzhi.
            Baizhi and Lian-Qiao don’t know how to ride horses. They can’t follow them. They can only stay at the General’s Mansion. They are worried and ask Jiang Ruan  :   “Miss, be careful all the way.”
            When time is urgent, you can’t stay longer. Zhao Yuanfeng is like a whip  :   "Let's go!"
            A group of people jumped their horses and ran towards the city. The horseshoe stirs the water all the way, and the crickets make a crisp sound.
            At first, Zhao Yi and Zhao Yuanfeng were a little worried about Jiang Ruan. After all, Miss, his family was fragile. I was afraid that such a quick bump would make him feel uncomfortable, but Jiang Ruan didn't show any discomfort on the way, so he felt relieved. The horse ran faster.
            Besides, Mo Cong and Guan Lianghan just came down from the Dongfeng Tower. When they saw Xiao Shao, they said hello, and when they were about to speak, they saw a group of people passing by on horseback. The splash of water splashed on Mo Cong, and Mo Cong took a step backwards, angrily, "Hey, Ben Shaoye clothes are dirty!"
            Guan Lianghan laughed loudly  :   "Well, man, what do you care about, hey, that's not Zhao Yuanfeng's kid?"
            Xiao Shao stunned slightly, followed Guan Lianghan's gaze, and at a glance he saw a slender figure in the team immediately, which was particularly eye-catching among the big men. Although wearing a bucket bucket, look at Zhao Yuanfeng and Zhao Yi who are riding around, and think about the Jiang Di Daughter who has recently entered the General's Mansion. It is not difficult to guess the identity of the horse.
            "What are they going to do?" Guan Lianghan groaned.
            "The person behind him is Zhao Jiajun." Xiao Shao reminded  :   "dressed as a guard."
            "Privately use soldiers? Oh, isn't the kid of the Zhao family afraid of death?" Guan Lianghan said cheerfully.
            Xiao Shao frowned, suddenly turned and left. Guan Lianghan saw this and quickly followed him and asked, "Lao-San, where are you going, I have something to tell you."
            Xiao Shao walked downstairs to the place where he tied the horse and untied the horse reins, and said, "Look back."
            Guan Lianghan looked at him  :   "Do you want to follow Zhao Yuanfeng?"
            Xiao Shao didn't say anything, he just focused on his own actions, which was the default. Guan Lianghan laughed suddenly  :   "Interesting, I also want to see what the kid in the Zhao family is doing, Lao Qi, and take my horse. "I said, patted Xiao Shao shoulder  :  " I'll go with you. "
            Mo Cong reluctantly brought Guan Lianghan's horse over and asked  :   "Second Brother, Third Brother, can you take me with me?"
            Mo Congtian is not afraid of fear, but he is most afraid of riding a horse. When he was young, he was once dropped off his horse by a horse and raised in bed for three months, so he would no longer ride alone.
            Xiao Shao said  :   "No."
            Mo Cong touched his nose and listened to Guan Lianghan also said, "You just stay here." He said that he would stop looking at Mo Cong and never look at Mo Cong again. With a whip, the horse ran away and Mo Cong was angry. The face of Tieqing is helpless.
            Two horses ran one after the other, Guan Lianghan caught up with Xiao Shao horse, his face changed, and he asked with a serious expression  :   "Lao-San, do you know anything?" Xiao Shao There is no friendship with the generals. They cannot always catch up with the old ones. Something must have happened. As a military attache, Guan Lianghan is not in Capital City all year round. He also wants to know if the Zhao family has any secrets.
            Xiao Shao heard the words, and gave him a surprised look, his pretty eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "They are going out of the city."
            "Yes, what happened then?" Guan Lianghan asked. At present, there are only refugees who have entered Capital City and people who have not left the city. Compared with outside, the capital is much better. And uncle Zhao Yuanfeng took Zhao Jiajun as a guard, there must be other reasons, what is the reason? Although Guan Lianghan is far away from the border, he is also an official in the same dynasty, but he can also understand some of his colleagues temper. Zhao Yuanfeng, the 3-Shaoye of the Zhao family, is usually a reckless impulse, but he is not a picky person, and his family is rigorous and his military style is also Similarly, it is impossible to take soldiers at random to do other things.
            "Where is your army now?" Xiao Shao asked.
            "The official road was ruined. It should be Ulin Road. I came back from Ulin Road. After calculating the trip, I should pass Ulin Road immediately." Guan Lianghan said immediately, and looked at Xiao Shao in surprise  :   "Lao San, wouldn't you say that the Zhao family was heading for my army? The Zhao family and my Guan family have nothing to do with each other. Now only you and Lao Qi know about my return to Capital City. It will be to meet me, it must not be directed at me. "
            Xiao Shao shook his head  :   "No, it has nothing to do with you."
            "Then what do you mean?" Guan Lianghan was even more confused by what he said.
            Xiao Shao clamped the horse belly, and the horse rushed forward like an arrow. He lowered his long eyelashes and said, "I can't tell."
            The rain in the past few days will make the road along the road muddy and unbearable, and the landslides add a lot of difficulty to the journey. The three-day journey must be five days later. Guan Jiajun has been on his way in recent days, and the soldiers have also become slightly tired. In front is Wulin Road. The rain washed out the official road, and the dense forest in Ulin Road made it easy to get lost and it was endless. The army stayed in front of Wulin Road to rest.
            Guan Lianghan was absent, and the entire army obeyed the command of Jiang Xinzhi. Some soldiers enthusiastically greeted Jiang Xinzhi  :   "Vice General, sit down and eat something."
            Jiang Xinzhi smiled and shook his head  :   "No."
            The soldier stopped talking. From a small cook to a vice general with a world on the battlefield, Jiang Xinzhi spent a full five years. The Jiang family attached great importance to literature and light military skills. He grew up reading four books and five classics since he was a child. He never learned martial arts. However, he couldn't understand that uselessness was a scholar's truth until even Mei-mei could not protect him. Even when he arrived at the barracks, he suffered a lot of cold eyes at first. The sword on the battlefield has no eyes. With his qualifications, he can save his life. However, Jiang Xinzhi finally came to where he is today.
            He touched the horse head, but he felt a little timid. The decision to join the army at the time was also under the spirit of a young man. Later, after he entered the battlefield, he could not help but actually did not return to Capital City for five years. Now that I want to come, it is not a good idea to place Jiang Ruan under the cannibalism of the Jiang family. Over the years, he has also changed his name to let people secretly send a letter to Jiang Ruan, but he never heard back. The closer you are to Capital City, the more worried Jiang Xinzhi is. For so many years, will Jiang Ruan have a bad life, or will he encounter an accident? After Zhao Mei death, Xia-Yan was a sweetheart, Jiang Quan had always disliked their brothers and sisters, and Jiang Ruan was lonely and would not be bullied by Jiangfu brothers and sisters. The more he thought about it, Jiang Xinzhi felt a strange feeling in his heart, and an inexplicable irritability was gradually rising.
            He thought about it, the horse around him bowed his head and arched his body with his mouth, and the forefoot was scratching the ground, Jiang Xinzhi laughed  :   "Know, Heifeng, this will take you to Drink water. "
            There was no water source along the way. The water on the ground was mixed with too many dead animals and mud, lest I drink and get sick. The water was left to the weak soldiers and horses. There was a stream in the forest of Wulin Dao, Jiang Xinzhi ordered a soldier around him  :   "I will bring the wind to get some water to come back, you let the brothers rest here first, I will come back quickly."
            The soldiers ordered to leave, Jiang Xinzhi turned over and leaped on the horse, and patted Heifeng's neck affectionately  :   "Go."
            Heifeng snorted from his nose, and then spread his legs and ran forward. Although it is easy to get lost in Wulin Road, the old horse knows the way and Jiang Xinzhi is not worried.
            Heifeng did not run a few steps, watching a winding stream appearing in front of him, because in the ebony forest, the dense branches blocked most of the rainwater, and the stream was seen from a distance, and it was completely clear. The soil was dirty, Jiang Xinzhi was happy, but the black wind stopped at this moment.
            Jiang Xinzhi just said that the horse was tired, and he patted it on the head  :   "It will be here soon, black wind, and then go forward."
            Heifeng blew a few breaths, raised his forefoot again, and fell, but he refused to take a step forward. Jiang Xinzhi was wondering, Heifeng had already started anxiously.
            Black Wind is a war horse who has been on the battlefield. In the end, there is a bit of spirituality. Jiang Xinzhi was suspicious. He calmly touched the mane on the neck of Black Wind. Black Wind felt the comfort of Jiang Xinzhi and gradually calmed down. Come down. Jiang Xinzhi froze his eyebrows and listened only to the sound of “å—–, and the sound of breaking air came from the forest. Jiang Xinzhi reached out his hand sharply, catching it with a sigh, it was an arrow, and it was above Tie a red cloth bag. Jiang Xinzhi suspiciously took down the red cloth bag and opened it, and saw half a piece of amber inside. He stunned and raised his fists at random.
            When Zhao Mei was alive, there were two half-moon-shaped ambers. The two ambers were completely intact, and they could be pieced together into one piece. The butterfly condensed in amber is exactly the mid-half butterfly wing. It is natural and lifelike. Zhao Mei made amber necklaces, one for Jiang Xinzhi and one for Jiang Ruan. The piece of amber in front of me is clearly the piece on Jiang Ruan!
            Someone took Jiang Ruan's stuff. Although the purpose is unknown, it is related to Jiang Ruan.
            Jiang Xinzhi put his hands on the amber around his neck, his eyes narrowed, and a kind of radon was given off immediately.
            The place where soldiers and horses rest is very close here, but if you go deeper, there may be unknown danger.
            The sound of gurgling came from the forest, and then there was a corner of the clothing flashing fast in the middle of the jungle, and went towards the middle of the dense forest.
            Jiang Xinzhi patted the horse belly fiercely  :   "Drive!"
            Whether it was a conspiracy or not, the other party threatened him with Jiang Ruan, and he could not remain indifferent or even send a letter to Bing Ma. At this moment, Jiang Xinzhi heart was as if he had walked in the flames, full of impatience.
            Heifeng felt his anger, and even if he did not want to go forward, he still hissed and rushed into the dense forest.
            The ebony forest is complicated in nature, and Jiang Xinzhi was the first one to go here. The man in front of him was very good in kung fu, and he chose to walk along the rugged narrow path. The black wind followed, and the deeper the ebony, the taller the ebony was, and almost the entire sky was covered. There was no light to see, it was dark, the shadow of the person in front flashed, and he suddenly lost track.
            The black wind stopped abruptly, Jiang Xinzhi sits on the horse, motionless, and the forest was surprisingly silent. From leaving the stream to this place, it is no longer known how far away the soldiers and horses are.
            The disappearance of the person in front can only prove that this is a trap.
            Who set the trap and what is it for?
            Jiang Xinzhi looked calm. After the anxiety dissipated, the worries in his heart dissipated.
            Since it turned out to be a trap, Jiang Ruan might be safe.
            He slowly withdrew his sword from the waist, his blade came out of the sheath, and his three-footed Qing Feng reflected his shadow. The young Lieutenant General Mei Yuma had his own murderous spirit, who in the end had seen bloody spirits in the battlefield.
            With a bang, Jiang Xinzhi blade moved forward, and at the same time, his body dropped sharply, avoiding the sneak attack of the people behind him. He turned his horse head in an instant and looked at the stranger dressed as a guard.
            A total of five strangers.
            He took a few steps back in the black wind  :   "Who sent you?"
            "Jiang gongzi, if you are acquainted with the truth, leave yourself a temper, so that the five of us can go back and make a difference." One of them said.
            Jiang Xinzhi smirked  :   "I don't know if I live or die!" After finishing speaking, he suddenly jumped from his feet, and pointed at a stranger in front of him.
            The stranger was too late to escape. Although he tried to dodge, he was still injured by Jiang Xinzhi blade. Several people did not expect that Jiang Xinzhi was so refined. Take a look at each other, say no more, swarm up and join the battle.

            Chapter 83  :   Brother and Sister    

            Jiang Xinzhi used one enemy and five, and did not fall in the slightest. Several people called with Jiang Xinzhi for a while, and when they saw each other, they were surprised. I originally watched Jiang Xinzhi, who was on the battlefield, and the legendary Chinese family 1st Shaoye, who was weak in Chinese, judged that if two people, some of the guards were a bit hard for a while, and they spent a lot of energy, one of them He winked at the other person. The two instantly became fierce and pressed harder and harder. The other man went around Jiang Xinzhi and slashed the horse leg with a black hiss, his front leg was scratched by a knife. With a heavy knife, his knees fell down. Jiang Xinzhi turned over and dismounted, and the other two took the opportunity to attack. Jiang Xinzhi was on one side of his body and had just touched the ground under his feet, but felt that his body was suddenly sinking. He was startled, and looked down. In the mud, as he struggled, it got deeper and deeper.
            Several guards put their hands down, Jiang Xinzhi looked down at him, but for a moment, the muddy water was shocked to his waist.
            It was a large swamp, covered with camouflaged branches, and it had never been discovered before that the opponents wanted to trap him here. The more the marshland struggles, the deeper and deeper it will be. Thinking about this, Jiang Xinzhi no longer struggles, but looks coldly at the people in front of him  :   "Who sent you?"
            One of the guards smiled  :   "Jiang Big-gongzi, just blame you for blocking someone else way. Go ask, Huang Quanye ask Yan Wangye on the road!" When he waved, he saw Lin Zhongxuan There was a loud noise, and countless human heads popped out, all with a bow and arrow in his hand, and shooting an arrow with a bow, worthy of shooting him.
            Jiang Xinzhi suddenly realized that the real last move was here. These people wanted to trap him in the swamp, and then smashed through his heart and died. It's heartbreaking! But who has such deep hatred with him?
            However, no one answered his confusion, only to see someone waving his hand, the brushed arrows pointed at him, and the sound of smashing air came, and rainy arrows dived towards him!
            Jiang Xinzhi still has a knife in his hand. Naturally, he can’t sit and wait for death. He swiftly waved his sword to block a round of arrows. The bow and arrow were blocked by the sword and fell into the mud. Jiang Xinzhi frowned tightly. Once Swinging the knife hard, the body sinks so badly. If you continue to do this, even if you are not shot to death by the arrow, you will be flooded by the swamp and disappear from the world.
            Left and right can't escape a dead letter.
            As soon as the guard waved his hand, a new round of arrows came in, and they were more dense. Jiang Xinzhi slowly raised the knife, but before he waved the sword, the arrows in the air seemed to be hit by something evil. It fell down in mid-air, and there was a sound of "banging" swords colliding in the distance. The horseshoes were anxious. He looked intently, and came from a group of people from the depths of the ebony jungle. , Is to cut those who bow and arrow to the ground.
            This unexpected pair of people and Malays was not only surprised by Jiang Xinzhi heart, but the guards were also surprised, and they turned around to deal with the people immediately. Too far apart, Jiang Xinzhi couldn't see clearly. The two men headed by were unfamiliar, but there was a horse in the middle. They rode a little slower. They wore a red jacket and couldn't see clearly in a bucket hat. Jiang Xinzhi feels something strange.
            On horseback, Jiang Ruan clenched his fists tightly. After the painful torture of the last life, he thought he had exercised the toughness and indifference of the mind. Seeing the situation in front of him, he still gave birth to an unstoppable heart. Anger.
            It turned out that this is the truth of Jiang Xinzhi death!
            The Jiang family 1st Shaoye, who thought he could return to his hometown in the spring breeze, was trapped in the swampland like a trapped beast in this gloomy ebony forest. Not far from the capital, quietly disappeared into this world!
            Xia family, Jiang family, Li family, this debt will not be collected, she Jiang Ruan vows no one!
            The archer ambushing in the depths of the dense forest saw that the situation was not right, and he and Zhao Yuanfeng brought in people to fight one after another, but there were too many archers, and for a while they could not tell the difference. Seeing Jiang Xinzhi body was sinking slowly in the swamp, Jiang Ruan's heart sank, and he didn't think about it any more, and drove straight towards Jiang Xinzhi.
            The guards thought that things had come to pass. It was naturally angry that which would suddenly kill a team of men and women on the way. Some of them were fighting with Zhao Yuanfeng and Zhao Yi. One of them noticed Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan is a bit special in this pair of horses, and it is difficult for the petite body to make her unnoticed. The guard jumped up and stabbed at Jiang Ruan on the horse. Zhao Yi was far away from Jiang Ruan. At the moment, he was busy fighting with other people and had no time to take care of her. Jiang Ruan's eyes Yi Ning, saw that the blade was slashing, and his body was suddenly short, and the whole person was flat on the horse back, and he was able to avoid it.
            The man failed, and the knife in his hand turned, and he slashed again at Jiang Ruan. The horse was shocked by the blade wind brought by the blade, and stopped suddenly. Jiang Ruan had no choice but to retreat. Raise your hand to block the sword. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.
            However, the sword wasn't cut down. Jiang Ruan only heard a “ding” and a man's muffled sound. When he opened his eyes again, the man in front covered his wrist with his left hand, and his right hand trembled a little, shaking him to the knife in the unstable hand. Blood spilled from his fingertips.
            Jiang Ruan bowed his head and saw a distorted bronze medal. When the guard in front of him wanted to raise the sword again, it suddenly seemed like a gust of wind was blowing, and a figure jumped over and handed him the moment.
            Jiang Ruan froze slightly, but for a moment, the guard scratched his neck with a knife and lay on the ground with his neck rolled.
            It was Jiang Xinzhi who had been fighting with a few people for a long time, and this one settled one of them. The others saw the situation, and rounded up.
            Jiang Ruan was still on the horse. This man glanced over her side, but it was Xiao Shao. His handsome face turned and said lightly, "Go behind me." His eyes stared coldly. The two guards who surrounded him did not seem to look at them in the slightest.
            The guards over there all came to resolve Xiao Shao. Zhao Yi got a free ride and drove up, worrying, "Cousin, are you all right?"
            Jiang Ruan shook his head, and Zhao Yi saw Xiao Shao again, but hesitated again  :   "Xiao Wangye?"
            Jiang Ruan told Zhao Yi  :   "It's not too late, save my elder brother."
            There was an endless stream of killings in the ebony forest. Zhao Yi rushed to Jiang Xinzhi without saying a word, but the archers buried in the jungle were more difficult than they thought. On the one hand, there are a large number of people, which is more than double the number of Zhao Jiajun. On the other hand, these people are not like idle people, but like people in an organized and disciplined army. The rest of the guards aimed at Xiao Shao and Zhao Yuanfeng. Fortunately, they were not weak in kung fu and did not fall.
            It took Zhao Yi great effort to pull Jiang Xinzhi out of the swamp. At this moment, he heard a loud ‘call  :   "Xinzhi, how can you fucking look like this?"
            It was Guan Lianghan who followed. After speaking for a long time in the place, he finally realized that something was wrong, and Guan Jiajun, who came out looking for someone, hurried over. When Guan Lianghan saw this, he simply gave the order  :   "Ji Laozi, where is the hairy kid, counted to Ye-Ye. Go and destroy those archers for me!"
            Guan Jiajun brought many more people than Zhao Yuanfeng. It was even more important to subdue these archers. With the help of Guan Lianghan, the archers were quickly subdued to the ground. The remaining guards were also picked by Xiao Shao and Zhao Yuanfeng under the sword. Several of them were frightened, and they were sure of what was happening at the moment.
            Guan Lianghan stepped forward and kicked the jaw of a guard headed by Kick  :   "Hey, make it clear to Lao Tzu, who sent you?"
            The guard glared at them, and his throat moved. Jiang Ruan saw this and immediately said, "No, they have to kill themselves." These people turned out to be dead men, the mission failed, they couldn’t make it back, and they naturally fell in the hands of the enemy. Take drugs and commit suicide. But Xiao Shao is so horrible. When he received Jin Yiwei from the age of ten, he knew this kind of doorway. This move was like an axe in front of him. It was just a few moments when he removed the jaws of a few people and hid poison under his tongue. Unable to swallow, several people rolled on the ground in pain.
            Xiao Shao sudden shot saved a lot of things. The crowd was relieved, Jiang Xinzhi Fang escaped and arched  :   "Many Thanks today, but I have a question for the next question ..." Before he finished, he heard a soft voice Sounded  :   "Brother."
            Jiang Xinzhi stunned, Jiang Ruan had thrown the doudou on the opening and tossed aside, revealing the face under the doudou, seeing Jiang Xinzhi dull appearance, she smiled again and said  :   "Big brother." Hidden little water.
            Jiang Xinzhi stared motionlessly at the girl in front of him. Since leaving Capital City five years ago, he has never heard of Jiang Ruan. The girl in front of her was strange and familiar, but she had a familiar feeling in her eyebrows. Who was that, the memory was immature and cute, and the little girl who was pulling his clothes timidly called Big Brother was gone. Childish, like a blooming flower, already has a green style.
            His Mei-mei, when he grew up, Jiang Xinzhi eyes were hot, and he cried, "Aruan!"
            When Jiang Xinzhi looked at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan also looked at him quietly. The Jiang family has never emphasized gentleness on the military, and the descendants of the Jiang family have not been allowed to enter the martial arts. They have to follow the gentlemanship. Jiang Xinzhi has always been a graceful Shaoye. These, instead, are a kind of iron blood after the baptism of the battlefield. Fortitude of soldiers. This is completely different from Jiang Xinzhi in her memory. When she met again, she had already passed her lifetime.
            She stepped forward slowly, Jiang Xinzhi looked down at her, Jiang Ruan opened his arms slightly, and hugged Jiang Xinzhi regardless of everyone eyes. "Welcome back, brother," she said.
            The brothers and sisters finally met, Zhao Yuanfeng rubbed his astringent eyes, and said to Xiao —Shao and Guan Lianghan who stood on the side  :   “Xiao Wangye, General Guan, why are you here?”
            Xiao Shao hasn't answered yet, Guan Lianghan said  :   "Someone has started to stand by my vice-president, I can stand by? I'd like to see, who has the courage to dare to murder me?"
            Guan Lianghan and Xiao Shao suddenly shot, Zhao Yuanfeng frowned, Zhao Yi was a little overwhelmed, and Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "Then Many Thanks Wangye and the general, these people have prepared so many archers, look It’s not something ordinary people can do, maybe it’s a conspiracy in another country, or maybe an army wanting to rebel. This is not a trivial matter, it is related to the security situation of the Dajin Dynasty. Chu. "
            She opened her mouth and pushed the matter up to the rebellious conspiracy. In fact, she exaggerated that several people on the ground had glared at Jiang Ruan, but Zhao Yuanfeng and Zhao Yi both laughed and laughed. Xiao Shao looked at her meaningfully. Guan Lianghan frowned, Jiang Xinzhi touched Jiang Ruan's head  :   "Aruan, what do you mean?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled at him  :   "I think my elder brother just came to Capital City for the first time, how could he suddenly besiege, maybe there is another conspiracy in it."
            "These people are dead men, and their mouths are very strict. How can they be so easy?" Guan Lianghan smirked.
            "Ordinary criminal law is of no use. They are not afraid of pain, and they are not afraid of death. It is more difficult to pry open their mouths than heaven." Jiang Ruan said lightly  :   "But I have heard one method Uncover the cranium of a person, and then slowly pour hot oil into it. Even if the person is not dead, you can feel the taste of being burnt a little bit. Can't live. "
            The crowd stared at her in horror, and they were trembling when they heard Jiang Ruan's method. The guard on the ground heard this, and his body shivered slightly. Zhao Yi swallowed  :   "Cousin, where do you hear this?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "It’s listened to by people from outside. This method is not used to deal with people, it is used to deal with monkeys. People in their place like to eat a dish, which is to eat raw monkey brain , Fixed the monkey on the table, peeled the cranium and filled it with hot oil, and ate it while eating, so that the food was fresh. Ruan Niang thought this was too cruel, and the monkeys squeaked and kept talking. People are empty. "She looked at a few people on the ground, her tone was as soft as ever  :  " I don't know what it is like these people eat their brains, think about it is cruel. "
            Zhao Yuanfeng followed with a smile  :   "It is really cruel, but this is all for the people. For the safety of the Da Jin Dynasty, who makes these people uncomfortable. Hey, General Guan, you must interrogate well."
            The uncle and the Shi-zi sang a little, and only taught the people on the ground that they were almost fainted. Jiang Xinzhi was slightly surprised, Jiang Ruan in his memory was kind and simple, and an ant could not help but step on it. At the moment, if he can't hear the hint, he has lived for so many years. Just seeing Jiang Ruan's cruelty today, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, just deeply distressed, let a little girl who is not world-famous become what it is today, Jiang Ruan must have suffered a lot.
            Guan Lianghan listened to Jiang Ruan, but thoughtfully looked at Jiang Xinzhi, and looked at Xiao Shao, and said, "You are ..." The poisonous woman said by Mo Cong He swallowed a word in his mouth, and Guan Lianghan coughed softly  :   "Mei-mei of Xinzhi?"
            Jiang Ruan bowed his head.
            Zhao Yi patted Jiang Xinzhi on the shoulder  :   "Cousin Yi, I am your cousin." He pointed to Zhao Yuanfeng  :   "He is my third uncle, your Mu-Uncle."
            Although Jiang Xinzhi was surprised, seeing these people just saved his life, and seeing that it was not malicious to get along with Jiang Ruan, he laughed  :   "Cousin, 3-Mu-Uncle. "
            Zhao Yuanfeng said  :   "A Ruan, now that the letter comes back, your brothers and sisters live in the General's Mansion."
            Jiang Ruan shook his head and said, "No need, brother, come back to Jiangfu with me." Jiang Xinzhi came back so proudly, how can I not add a little block to the mother and daughter of Xiao Yan. I'm afraid that he will vomit blood when he sees Jiang Xinzhi intact. If you return to General's Mansion like this, how can you sing the next play.
            Jiang Xinzhi responded to Jiang Ruan by all means, naturally. Zhao Yuanfeng frowned, then relieved  :   "Also, with your elder brother, you will never be bullied. There is really nothing wrong, General House will always be your rely."
            General Junfu and Jiangfu had lost contact many years ago. At this moment, the relationship with the brothers and sisters of the Jiang family is very good. It looks different in the eyes of Xiao Shao and Guan Lianghan. Jiang Ruan walked in front of Xiao Shao, Xiao Shao looked down at her, Jiang Ruan smiled and said, “These people should have been handed over to my cousin and 3-Mu-Uncle to investigate them thoroughly. Yes, but since General Guan and Xiao Wangye stepped in, Our will also be a good friend, and hand them over to the two. If you can really find out what it is, it must be a great job. Your Majesty rewarded General and Wangye. Don't forget that there is also a credit for the Zhao family. "
            Xiao Shao raised an eyebrow, her pretty eyes staring at her motionlessly. Today, they just helped Zhao family by accident, but now Jiang Ruan talks like this, but they still have to thank Zhao family in turn? She didn't want to eat at all, but she also had to take advantage of the lip service. But ... Xiao Shao looked at the people on the ground, and Jiang Ruan did not use them at all. For example, these people are very useful.
            Zhao Yuanfeng and Zhao Yi were a little bit sloppy. Jiang Ruan didn't forget to speak for the Zhao family until then. Instead, as she said, she would not harm the Zhao family. At least the Zhao family might still suffer from this Less benefits.
            Jiang Xinzhi looked at Jiang Ruan mildly, and now Jiang Ruan behaves decently, and has his own opinions. Everywhere he moves, there is a small Miss, and his heart is both sad and gratified. The price behind the rapid growth is What, the teenager left home knows better than anyone. Jiang Xinzhi secretly made up his mind. Now when he returns to Capital City, he will protect Jiang Ruan from being bullied by anyone in the Jiang family. His Mei-mei will naturally be held in his palm like other Big-Xiaojie is generally petted.
            Jiang Ruan seemed to know what he was thinking, and gently patted Jiang Xinzhi hand  :   "Brother, I've had a good life these years, it's even better to see you. Now you go back to Capital City, again After making military achievements, if you don’t ride the streets on horseback, you will live up to the battlefield results. I want everyone in the capital of the Dajin Dynasty to see your heroic status, and you will be the youngest hero in Capital City. "
            Let those who look down on them and step on them in the dust are clear. Even if it was before, now they meet, their brother and sister are on top, and those of them who are looking at jokes are down!

            Chapter 84  :   Home    

            The floods made the people in Capital City tired all day long, and the spring rain leaped non-stop. However, these days 8-Prince and Prime Minister's House 2-gongzi have achieved preliminary results in successive days of water treatment. In addition, more and more people have joined the porridge. Team, the situation is much more stable. The order in the capital was gradually restored.
            For example, the Guan Family Army triumphant from the frontier returned to Capital City early this afternoon. The neat and serious army almost covered the entire street. The head of the army was full of spirits and was strong and powerful. It was Guan Lianghan. A young man who went with him was handsome and handsome. Although he was a warrior, he didn't look rude, but had the elegance of a nobleman from the middle of Capital City. The young man was unfamiliar, and there was a carriage behind the line, but he didn't know who was in the carriage.
            Uncle Zhao Yuanfeng and Xiao Shao have left. Jiang Xinzhi According to Jiang Ruan, he rode around the streets of Capital City. He didn't think much about it, only Jiang Ruan. Mind, just want to show off. Jiang Ruan was sitting in the carriage, and Lian-Qiao secretly lifted the corner of the carriage curtain and peeped out, exclaiming  :   "1st Shaoye is really prestigious. Everyone looks at it."
            Baizhi also laughed  :   "1st Shaoye is back this time, Miss, but I have a good life."
            Lian-Qiao rolled his eyes, a hint of slyness flashed in his eyes  :   "The one in Yanhuayuan is going to be sky-high."
            Jiang Ruan smiled a little and didn't mind, Xia-Yan met Jiang Xinzhi and came back intact, but not just angry. This matter is not so simple and ends. If you want to calculate Jiang Xinzhi, don't try to get out of this game. Xuan Li, Li-An, and there was a big gift for the two of them.
            Jiang Xinzhi is now young and promising. Look at him and Guan Lianghan's attitude. It is not difficult for everyone to guess that he is the vice general who has military skills, but he was not expected to be so young. Many Big-Miss on the street watching, the little sister-zi face blushed, throwing silk flowers at once. Jiang Xinzhi chuckled his lips. After so many years of training, his mood was also very good. At first glance, the Confucian general is generally chic.
            There was also Fu-ren Xiaojie, who was born in Capital City, and when he saw this situation, he began to inquire about the identity of the lieutenant general. At this moment, the crowd suddenly ‘called, "This is not Jiang Shangshu Big-gongzi at the government? I heard that I joined the army five years ago, but I did not expect to return to Capital City with military achievements! "
            One stone provoked a thousand layers of waves, and as soon as this word came out, everyone began to talk.
            "I said how the students were so familiar. It turned out to be the Big-gongzi of the Jiang family. Hey, I haven't even heard of it for so many years. Now it can be regarded as exultation."
            "It turns out that the Jiang family also has a Big-gongzi, and it seems that they have never heard from Jiangfu."
            "Hey? I don’t understand anything. The Jiang family is now the stepmother. After all, they are not biological. The Big family-the young family-hasn’t heard of it for more than five years. Want to come to Jiang 1st Shaoye when he left home I’m afraid it’s not voluntary. "
            "It's all good now, Jiang 1st Shaoye has made military achievements, then Jiang Big-Xiaojie is also a jade-like person. Compared to Jiang 1st Shaoye, he is better than Jiang 2-Shaoye. I don’t know Jiang Shangshu What do you think, it’s so painful to have such an excellent Big-gongzi, but it’s 2-Shaoye. ”
            "You don't understand, man. What's to say about the favored concubine annihilation? When the original homemaker was still there, the current Jiang Fu-ren is just a Qiesh."
            People in the crowd talked a lot and said everything. Most of them praised the brothers-Jiang Xinzhi and downplayed the Xia-Yan family. Jiang Ruan leaned on the carriage and smiled. Today, Jiang Xinzhi is a young man with little promise. He has a promising career and naturally has countless praises. The more outstanding he is, the more incompetent Jiang Chao will be.
            In Yanhua Court, Xia-Yan is leaning on a soft couch to drink tea slowly. Today, just arrange everything, Xia and Li Jiading help each other, do not believe that Jiang Xinzhi can escape the calamity. She took a sip of tea. As a result, Jiang Xinzhi died, Jiang Ruan wasn't enough, and some had time to pack up. But somehow, she got upset early in the morning today, and she didn't consciously show a trace of anxiety.
            Seeing this, Jade comforted  :   "Fu-ren doesn't have to worry, it's foolproof, just wait for the good news."
            Xia-Yan didn't say anything, and saw the curtains in the room being raised. Linlang hurried in, looking a little panic  :   "Not good, Fu-ren, 1st Shaoye is back!"
            "What did you say?" Xia-Yan stood up suddenly, her beautiful face full of scum, and grabbed Linlang's shoulders  :   "Jiang Xinzhi is back? How could it be that you read it wrong?"
            "Fu-ren, this is a real thing." Linlang said, "General Guan and 1st Shaoye led the army on the upper street of Jingcheng Street. Everyone saw it and the people were talking. It was indeed 1st Shaoye. "
            Xia-Yan fluttered, fell into the soft couch, and murmured, "How could it be, Jiang Xinzhi could not have been blessed by gods, and would never do it!"
            As he was talking, a manservant hurried in from outside and opened his mouth and said, "Fu-ren, 1st Shaoye has arrived at the gate of the house, and the army and General Guan are also there. Fu-ren still rushed to welcome him, but he did not have to Population tongue. "
            "I welcome him?" Xia-Yan ‘Called uncontrollably, and God knew that she now wished to bite Jiang Xinzhi, but she still wanted to greet him with a smiling face pretending to be a loving mother! If she didn't greet her, she would be on the cusp of the wind now, and really fell into the eyes of the people. I don't know what evil words to put on her stepmother!
            "Okay, I'm welcome!" Xia-Yan gritted his teeth. "I'm going to meet my good son now!"
            Linlang and Jade are on the side, and they are afraid of coming out.
            As soon as Xia-Yan brought Maid Pozi to the door, he heard Guan Lianghan laughing loudly  :   "Xinzhi, since you are going back to the house, I will not be staying for a long time, so I will leave. Looking back to the emperor, this general must be for you A few words of good words, let your Majesty seal your officer and go. "
            When Xia-Yan came to the door, Guan Lianghan turned over and just stared at Xia-Yan coldly. Xia-Yan was stared at his eyes, and he could not help but fight a cold war. Before he spoke, Guan Lianghan drew. The whip, "driving", took the lead to leave, and the army behind them hurried to keep up.
            Jiangfu was surrounded by people watching the bustle at the door. Xia-Yan walked quickly to Jiang Xinzhi, who was weaker than her taller, and now has a tall and powerful heroine. When looking at her, the blood in her eyes Fearful. Xia-Yan strongly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, looked at Jiang Xinzhi, and smiled softly  :   "Xinzhi, I can wait for you. For so many years, how can you not even send a letter to your family, you My father misses you so much. If there is any trouble between the father and the son, why run away from home, it is only five years since he left. He is your father. "
            Her words were gentle and kind, and her eyes were very kind, but every sentence said that Jiang Xinzhi was not filial, and left her home with anger and cold heart. The Dajin Dynasty's filial piety is bigger than the sky. Even if the sky is big, it can't do filial things.
            Jiang Xinzhi didn't even look at Xia-Yan. He walked to the side of the carriage, opened the curtain gently, and laughed, "Aruan."
            When the people in the carriage were held down, they could clearly see that it was Jiang Ruan.
            Xia-Yan froze and smiled  :   "Ruan Niang, why are you here, haven't you picked jewelry with Wen Xiaojie?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled apologetically  :   "It was supposed to be the case, but when I saw the elder brother leading the army halfway, I was excited and returned with the elder brother." She went to Xia-Yan and smiled  :   "Mother asked Then, I have already asked the elder brother before. My father always knew that the elder brother was not the material for the essay, so he taught the elder brother carefully. Jiangfu knew from top to bottom,’Father taught the elder brother to read and write when Mother was still a child. The eldest brother couldn't do anything, but he didn't want to stop fighting. At the time of’Mother's death, he was so reckless, thinking about going out and running for the future, but he didn't expect to come back with a vice general. Don't blame him, because he is blessed by disaster, let's talk about it. The bitter cold in the frontier, the brother did not want to worry his family, so he would not write back. The father did not think so, so he never wrote to ask the brother's situation. what!"
            Xia-Yan's words are horrifying inside and out, and Jiang Ruan's words are also right. Look, when the original Fu-ren was still alive, Jiang Quan carefully taught Jiang Chao and left his Di-Eldest-son out. The Di-Eldest-son in the government will inherit the family business no matter how bad it is. What is the need for a Di-Eldest-son? If you want to go to the barracks, you have to fight for a future. The meaning in the words of Jiang Ruan is really thought-provoking. Wanting to come to Jiang Quan does not really miss my Di-Eldest-son, otherwise, how can I inquire about Jiang Xinzhi place for a long period of five years, and how can I not even send a home letter. Everyone looked at Jiang Xinzhi, and talked again. What about Jiang Quan's careful teaching? In the end, it is still the first place. On the contrary, it is not as good as 1st Shaoye who depends on himself for everything.
            Xia-Yan naturally noticed the change in everyone eyes and almost exploded his lungs. But at this moment, he heard a low voice of Mo  :   "believe it."
            Jiang Ruan looked up, and it turned out to be Jiang Quan, followed by Jiang Chao siblings, Jiang Yan Jiang Dan and several Concubine, except for Jiang Lao-Furen, who was not in good shape, but actually the Jiang family It's all here.
            Jiang Xinzhi confronted Jiang Quan, but nodded extremely politely and sparsely  :   "Father."
            Seeing him like this, Jiang Quan's heart rose with sorrow. This son is so outstanding today, but also more out of control. He watched Jiang Ruan standing next to Jiang Xinzhi. These children are very good-looking and temperamental, but they just came out of Zhao Mei belly!
            Jiang Susu couldn't see anything, but Jiang Chao, with a tight face, stared at Jiang Xinzhi, looking like a serpent. Jiang Ruan noticed his eyes and looked at himself, smiling slightly at Jiang Chao.
            This smile fell into Jiang Chao eyes, which was the naked provocation. He slowly tightened his fists, and the broken little finger curled up, only to think that everyone around him was a joke.
            Jiang Ruan Smile remains the same. Compared, when two people with the same identity appear in a house, the thing people love most is to compare. In the last life, people compared her with Jiang Susu. The more outstanding Jiang Susu, the more uncomfortable she was. This comparison can completely destroy a person. The subject changed to Jiang Chao, who was always held by Jiang Quan, and Jiang Chao, who was arrogant and proud, let him taste the taste of being relatively inferior. Will he do something impulsively? ?
            He was locked in the room and couldn't get started. What if he took the initiative?
            Jiang Yan and 2-Concubine stared at Jiang Xinzhi resentfully, with jealousy and hate in their hearts. When Jiang Xinzhi returned, at least no one in the government dared to bully Jiang Ruan. Why Jiang Ruan is so fateful, to such an extent that there is such a well-known brother to rely on her.
            Hung Hom breathed a sigh of relief secretly. Fortunately, he did not enemies against Jiang Ruan. When Jiang Xinzhi returned, he still came back with the rank of Lieutenant General. At least Xia-Yan's days in the government would not be so relaxed. I don't know if Jiang Ruan will fulfill his promise and really put her in the position of head mother? Hung Hom secretly excited.
            Standing at the gate of the house and the Jiang family, the family members were indifferent to each other, Jiang Xinzhi showed a trace of tiredness  :   "I'm tired, I want to go back and talk to Aruan first, what will happen at night "
            The two siblings reunited. When there was a lot to say, they were not good at blocking it. Just when Jiang Xinzhi was about to enter the door, Xia-Yan finally couldn't help but ask  :   "Xinzhi, on your way back ... Have you encountered anything?"
            "What does my mother think I should meet?" Jiang Xinzhi asked back. The tone was as gentle as ever, and mixed with a touch of killing. Xia-Yan stiffened and laughed, "I just ask whatever I want."
            Jiang Ruan laughed  :   "Mother really said yes, the elder brother met a group of rebels on the way back."
            "Rebellion?" Xia-Yan cried out in an out of voice. "How could it be rebellion?" Those people were just ambushing Jiang Xinzhi, how could they become rebellion? The end.
            Jiang Ruan said gently  :   "Why not, there are a lot of archers in ambush, but it happened that General Guan and Xiao Wangye arrived and arrested all of them. It is estimated that they need to be carefully interrogated, and they can be found out if they want to. The man behind her. "She smiled slightly at the uneasy Xia-Yan  :  " The man behind him will be caught and will be taken down by five horses. "He stopped talking about Xia-Yan and held Jiang Xinzhi walked towards the door.
            Jiang Xinzhi came back in a hurry. Before the yard was vacated, he went to Jiang Ruan's yard first. Luzhu and Zhou-Mama were waiting for their hearts, and when they saw some of them returning unharmed, they were overjoyed and got busy making tea for them.
            Jiang Xinzhi and Jiang Ruan were sitting by the window. Jiang Xinzhi looked at Jiang Ruan and said, “Aran, do you suspect that it was done by Xi-Yan?” He was not 13 or 4-year-old ignorant. Young boy, Jiang Ruan just thought of Xia-Yan's attitude, but how did Jiang Ruan know these things? And ... "Xia-Yan can't mobilize so many archers, those people are clearly trained soldiers."
            "Xia-Yan can't do it, it doesn't mean that the Jiang family can't do it. Besides, there is another Li family, maybe 8-Prince." Jiang Ruan looked at him and said, "Brother, you are on the battlefield. Those who kill the enemy. Let me deal with these private housewife private schemes. "
            "You were just a few years old when you dealt with these things?" Jiang Xinzhi frowned at her, both distressed and angry  :   "Aruan, I don't want you to participate in these things, give them to me. If you don't like Jiangfu , Our moved out. "
            "You are Jiangfu son. What do you think of others when you move out? There are so many people in Jingzhong Yushi, once you have a place that can make people sick, they will not hesitate to join you. What's your official career in the future? Do? "Jiang Ruan said," I won't move out of Jiangfu. "
            "I don't care about being an official," Jiang Xinzhi said, "A Ruan, as long as you are safe and happy, your brother will be satisfied."
            Happy and safe? It's just four words, and a few people can really do it. She lived for revenge in her life, and she was safe and happy.
            "You have to be an official, brother," Jiang Ruan said, "Only in this way can we step them all under their feet, let them respect you, fear you, and dare not bully you, so you won't bully me. Brother, Don't worry about me. I've been here for so many years. I can protect myself and I can protect you. "
            Jiang Xinzhi looked at her  :   "Aruan, do you have anything to hide from me? Why do you have to live in Jiangfu?" Why did his Mei-mei temperament change, and why it has something to do with North Han, Jiang Xinzhi has just returned to Capital City now, and his mind is totally messed up, only knowing that something must have happened.
            Jiang Ruan said indifferently  :   "Nothing." Zhao Mei was not able to tell Jiang Xinzhi about the murder, Jiang Xinzhi was impulsive, and it would inevitably break something. Moreover, in this life, there is only one wicked rotten man. Jiang Xinzhi has to live clean, and these dirty deals and conspiracies have not broken his heart.
            "I don't want to force you," Jiang Xinzhi said, and Jiang Ruan didn't say, he could find it. He patted Jiang Ruan's head  :   "But since you are not willing to move out of Jiangfu, I will not move out and stay in the house, no one dares to bully you."
            Jiang Ruan nodded slightly.
            Baizhi, Lian-Qiao, and Luzhu saw the warm reunion between the siblings, and they couldn't help crying. Jiang Ruan had been in the best position for so many years.
            And everyone is happy here, but in some places it’s almost upside down.
            "What did you say? Jiang Xinzhi has returned to his home?" Xia Cheng turned his back and looked at the person unbelievably  :   "Nonsense, he can't escape even nine lives! This thing is foolproof, unless there is help from gods and ghosts ! "
            "Not only that," Lai came cautiously. "All the people sent were captured and are being interrogated in jail."
            "Isn't it the deceased, why are they still alive?" Xia Cheng snorted smirkly. "The deceased are all trained, and they won't say anything. Check where the person is being held Tonight, you went to a few people to deal with it. I don't need to say more about what to do. "
            "But ... The person questioning is Xiao Wangye."


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