Ill-Fated Consort 50

            Chapter 50  :   The Poor Taifu    

            Just after the New Year's Pass, the sun seems to bring a little spring, and for many days it is a sunny day. The middle of Capital City is very lively, and it is full of joy.
            The students of the Guozijian did not have the heart to feel the joy of the Chinese New Year, and they were all preparing for the scientific examinations in the future. The students in the room discussed Zheng Zheng, and the host Bo Zheng was talking with the offering wine.
            "This scientific examination, Xiaguan thought that several people were good." Song Zhuobo glanced inside.
            Chen Jiujiu is in the age of no doubt, but his hair has become gray, and it looks like a fairy-like bone. He strokes the beard that caresses his chin and says, "Speak and listen."
            "It's Mo Cong, Wang Lingping, Liu Min." Song Zhubo groaned  :   "The three sons, four books, five classics, laws, and books are all outstanding."
            After listening to this remark, Chen Jijiu didn't immediately answer it. For a while, Master Zhu gave him a careful look, and later asked  :   "Is there anything wrong with the adult? Please also state clearly."
            Chen Jijiu then shook his head and said, "Liu Min is good, but his theory is a bit biased. He doesn't know the timing of the North Han. It is too radical."
            "This ..." Song Bo also frowned. "The student Liu Min has a poor family and it is natural to know nothing about the country."
            "I think Jiang Chao is good," Chen Jijiu interrupted him. "I have read all the articles he has written, and they are all personal."
            Master Song shook his head  :   "It's too smooth. Knowing the empty truth is not necessarily a good thing."
            Chen Jijiu eyes moved slightly, and then he smiled slowly  :   "You and I haven't counted. In the end, it's the emperor's idea."
            Song Zhubo also smiled and said yes.
            After the early morning class, the students came out of the Guozijian in twos and threes, and Jiang Chao, who was at the forefront, was smiling at the moment, talking to two friends around him.
            "Brother Wang's strategy is becoming more and more proficient, and he teaches his brother to feel ashamed." Jiang Chao embarrassment appeared on his face.
            The Prince Ling arched his hand  :   "Brother Jiang, don't be arrogant, I'm not as good as you in the book."
            The green boy on the one side smiled grinningly, "The two brothers will continue to be so humble, and I can only go to the moat and jump down." This man is Mo Cong. At this moment, he seems to be in a very good mood, waving his hand  :   "Reading books these days can make my brain hurt, so why not go and have a good time. Today, I will be a Dong. Let's go to Dongfeng Tower for a small gathering, how about it?"
            As I was talking, the surrounding students heard the words, and they all gathered around with a smile  :   "Master Mo is the East, why not invite Our together, it's really stingy."
            Mo Cong laughed  :   "Say I'm stingy, okay, I'll be generous once again today, and I invite you all together to live up to the feelings of my classmates for a few years!"
            The group walked away smilingly, all of which were the spirit of the young man Lang, but behind the crowd, there was still one behind the gate of the Guozijian. This man is a long-skinned man, with a washed white bluish blue shirt, with a clean and bright eyebrow, but with loneliness. He looked at the back of the crowd from afar, with a scorn of disdain on his face.
            This is Liu Min in the mouth of Song Zhuobo and Chen Jijiu. Unlike other students in the Guozijian, Liu Min is not a child of the noble family. Liu Min has a poor family and only one widowed mother in the house. His mother had an old man who was a noblewoman in Capital City, and thought she would teach Liu Min to enter the Imperial Academy. Liu Min’s mother has a strong self-esteem throughout her life. For Liu Min’s enrollment, she first turned to her former friends for help. After entering school, Liu Min vowed to be a leader and to repay her mother’s care.
            Most of the aristocratic children in the Imperial Academy were idle, but they had no good names, and Liu Min looked down on them with a heart. Mo Cong, the only one who felt good, was a rich child and did not associate with such poor people. Liu Min simply became a weirdo of the Guozijian, always a solitary one.
            Liu Min returned to Guozijian’s schoolhouse. He was the only one in the schoolhouse. Although Guozijianhouse had the schoolhouse, it was quite different from the students’house. The students did not want to live in the schoolhouse. , One person lived in a large spacious room.
            He placed the textbook on the book case, but turned his head and froze, only to see when an envelope was placed on the book case. The schoolhouse will only come in when the children of the Guozijian are cleaned. I don't know who placed it. Liu Min hesitated. He walked over and opened the letter. As soon as he opened it, a white piece of paper fell out.
            It's just ordinary rice paper, which is very rare compared to the fine pear notes made by the aristocratic children of Guozijian. Liu Min bent over and picked it up. As soon as he opened it, a line of sharp and sharp handwriting came into view  :   Xi Wen The saints rule the country with courtesy, the country is prosperous, and after the saints go, the country declines. The principle is to govern the country with courtesy. Of course, another person said  :   Although the ceremony is good, it is difficult to restrain the people, but by the law, the world follows the path, when the peace is prosperous. I'm a idiot and can't understand why. It was Junxiang ears.
            This is where we come to ask for advice. The students of the Guozijian also often do so on most days. Whenever there is a problem that needs to be discussed, write a letter with your own question. It is a clearing tool for literati and it is also fun. Because of Liu Min's identity, no one has ever taken the initiative to discuss the issue with him. The letter was not written. I don’t know who wrote it. Liu Min thought about it in his head and still had no clue. Looking at this handwriting, it is chic and elegant. The legend sees the word like seeing a person. Fengmang, if you take a closer look at the pen, it's smooth, but it feels a little elusive. He was motivated by a moment of excitement. He found a piece of rice paper from the book case, looked for ink to grind, and brushed it with a pen.
            After writing, he lifted the rice paper off the table and blew it, but the owner didn't know who it was, and he didn't know who to write it to. After a while, Liu Min shook his head and laughed at himself. They put rice paper in the envelope and put it directly on the book case after thinking about it. The right is a joke.
            It wasn't just Liu Min who wrote the same thing. In Jiangfu, Jiang Ruan put down his pen. Baizhi lifted the rice paper on the table and blew it. Lian-Qiao said, “I want to send the boy again?”
            Jiang Ruan nodded  :   "Go back later, and live by today."
            "Miss, this is really wrong," Luzhu hesitated, "what if someone finds out, it's always a strange man, such a private letter ..."
            "I'm not afraid of anything," Jiang Ruan didn't care. "And people don't connect me with him, after all, Our has never seen it."
            Lian-Qiao asked, "It's strange to say, Miss, since you've never seen it before, what did you write about it?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly and did not answer. Liu Min should be looking at her first letter now. Jiang Ruan, the top three in the previous life, remembers Wang Ziling, Mo Cong and Jiang Chao. Liu Min only won the eighteenth place, but three years later, the news of the original examiner's bribery broke out, and the Holy Thunder was furious, he disposed of the examiner, and called Liu Min in the article of that year, so far Liu Minguan worshiped Sanpin, rising all the way, and finally became the prince of the Dynasty.

            Chapter 51  :   Mo Cong's Identity    

            In the memory of the previous life, although Wang Ziling took 1st-Imperial-Scholar, he was only pointed to a vacancy in the sixth grade cabinet by the emperor. After that, he did not know why he had no achievements in his official career. However, Jiang Ruan heard 8-Prince said that although this person was only outstanding, it was obvious that he was too short-sighted, and he acted like a climber, and the Wang family said in Capital City that he was a noble, but it was just an empty name. Now it is just an empty shell.
            It is not necessary for Jiang Chao to say that Mo Cong is a personal talent. Mo Cong is the youngest son of Zong Zhengqing, who is a young man who is a headache and temperament. He is quite new in political opinions. The emperor of Chen Gui answer is undoubtedly new. After the trial, the 2nd-Imperial-Scholar was awarded, and he was given an official position of the young master of the Sipin Temple, just two grades lower than his Father. Mo Cong is a good friend, and he meets each other in the chaos. Instead, such people can't see which faction they support. Seeing it seems neutral, 8-Prince had no headaches for this person.
            Of course, these two people are not as good as Liu Min, who was sitting in the palace. The ninety-five deity, instead of becoming more and more faint because of the older people, thinks that they are acting unpredictable and doubtful. Extremely heavy. If it is said that Mo Cong and Wang Lingshang still have a family to rely on, Liu Min is born in a poor family and is just right. Such a people congress can be used at ease. Liu Min is also a talented person. This newcomer to the court quickly became the most trusted courtier around the emperor. If he can catch the line of Liu Min in this life, it is equivalent to someone in the palace who can speak. .
            Most importantly, Liu Min had always adhered to the Crown Prince faction. He emphasized traditional etiquette and turned a blind eye to 8-Prince favor. It's just that Liu Min's opportunity is three years later. Too many things can happen in three years. What Jiang Ruan has to do is help the poor future of today and advance the opportunity.
            Luzhu saw Jiang Ruan Wu pondered in contemplation, pursed his lips, and suddenly remembered something  :   "Speaking of which is good news, Zhou-Mama has woke up today, looking at the spirit is much better."
            Since Zhou-Mama fainted last time, Jiang Ruan ordered Baizhi Lian-Qiao to take care of her, but I don’t know if the old illness recurred, Zhou-Mama did not wake up. Hearing this news, Jiang Ruan relaxed a little, and said, "This is a good thing. I'll see her."
            That night, the capital was full of lanterns that had not been closed during the year, reflecting the originally dark sky at night. Many flat-headed people also took to the streets, and there were temporary stage sets running by Jianghu people everywhere.
            Dongfeng Tower leans on the elegant seat inside, and the purple gold bead curtain hangs down heavily, covering the door strictly, leaving only a dazzling dazzling flash.
            A man leaned in front of the window, glanced down at the bustling crowd downstairs, and the lights shone on his handsome face like a jade carving, with long eyelashes hanging down, which taught people not to see the emotions in their eyes. He wore dark clothes like night, and his cold temperament could not conceal it, and he had a kind of boneless elegance that could not be concealed.
            The bead curtain was suddenly lifted, and she walked into a green gongzi from the outside. She was born straight and handsome, with a smile on her face, and said to Heyi-the young gongzi  :   "Well, I will not see you for many days, this time Why is there such a rush? "
            Heyi-gongzi saw him coming, he was still, and said, "I don't know."
            "In the whole world, only you dare to show such brazen resistance and disrespect," Lvyi gongzi sits down at the table in the middle of the house, poured himself a cup of tea and sighed, "You if Half an hour earlier, I didn't have to spend time with the group of people accompanying Guozijian. "This is Mo Cong.
            Heyi-The youth shook his head and asked, "How about the scientific examination?"
            "Sloppy, you should be able to mix the top three." Mo Cong didn't care, and suddenly thought of something, and regretted  :   "It's just a pity Liu Min, only to learn well, if it is not stubborn, I would like to associate with him .I see the meaning of Chen Jiujiu, I'm afraid it will be taken advantage of by Jiang Chao. "
            "Jiang Chao?" Heyi-the youth frowned slightly.
            Seeing him like this, Mo Cong said  :   "Jiang Quan, the son of the Ministry of War, the successor son, Jiang Quan, can really do it, this son is so refined, I can't do it everyday. I don't know Jiang Quan. How to teach it? Isn’t Jiangfu Di Daughter's affairs arguing all over Capital City a few days ago, Jiang Quan still has the intention to play tricks on his son, but it can be done. ”Mo Congsu said a lot, see No one responded, could not help but looked up at his friend and saw Heyi-the young man thoughtfully looks, and said, “I heard Ye-Feng said that you have been asking him to check a woman these days.” He urged narrowly  :   "Who is my daughter, do I know?"
            Heyi-The young man ignored his teasing, his eyebrows grew colder, Mo Cong touched his nose. Although his expression was stingy, his mouth couldn't help saying  :   "You don't have to be shy, what a shame. On You are better than me when it comes to other things. When it comes to men and women, you’re not as good as me. It’s better that I take you to eat some wine and wine. The new moon-like Miss in Cuiwei Building is really gentle ... ” Speaking, Mo Cong went to see his friend's face again, but saw that the other party seemed to have not heard him, and then sighed  :   "You temper, I really don't know who can enter your law, I look around, this Capital City Zhong Jiali and you are too unusual to have to be shocking. "
            Heyi-gongzi listened to him, but his expression was a little hesitant, and the night in the temple floated in his head, the girl was covered with cold, her eyebrows were surprisingly bright in the moonlight, and she looked at the ground with a smile The corpse looked like snow, ice and cold. When they meet again, hunting in red, if there is a mysterious fire, the secrets of Shenfu are in their hands.
            Ye-Feng found out the details, but this is the first time this woman entered Shenfu. It is impossible to know the secrets of Shenfu, but I don’t know why it is amazing. Jiang shi Di Daughter, who is rumored to be weak and submissive, seems completely different. Who is she?
            Mo Cong looked at him in amazement  :   "What did you think of? It was so amazing?"
            Heyi-gongzi slightly regained his mind, and said lightly  :   "Nothing. The eighth recently went very close to the Prime Minister Liang. There are many strange things about the scientific examination, so pay attention."
            "In recent days, it has become more and more tight," Mo Cong also put away a smile that just laughed, and looked serious  :   "Listen to my sister that Yang-Noble has been domineering in the palace recently. Is this the beginning? Ashao, why not You transfer some Jinyiwei to me. The Guozijian has been wrong recently. Jiang Chao, I'm not at ease. "
            Heyi-gongzi pursed his lips  :   "Okay." He paused and said, "Pay more attention to the Jiang family."

            Chapter 52  :   Lantern Festival     

            The weather in Kaichun is better every day, and people mood seems to be the same. Jiang Susu and Xia-Yan are very polite to Jiang Ruan. Jiang Yan has never seen him since he was imprisoned. Occasionally, except for occasional encounters of 2-Concubine cynicism, the rest of the day has been a plain life. As if it should have been so secure.
            Luzhu poured a cup of red date lotus seed tea for Jiang Ruan, and added the newly-supplied acacia nectar from the kitchen. Jiang Ruan supported his chin in one hand and casually flipped through the book in his hand.
            "Miss, just rest. I watched it for half a morning." Luzhu laughed. "I didn't know I thought Miss, I wanted to take 1st-Imperial-Scholar."
            Baizhi laughed and scolded  :   "Miss, you can also make fun of it, it is becoming more and more unruly."
            Luzhu looked at Jiang Ruan and just laughed  :   "It was originally, Miss, did the nubi say something wrong?"
            Jiang Ruan looked at the two upset Maids around him and was about to say a few words, and then saw Lian-Qiao came in with a cold face. Lian-Qiao smiles all day long, this expression must have encountered something. Sure enough, without waiting for Jiang Ruan to speak, Lian-Qiao declared  :   "Fang Nuyu passed through Yanhua Court and was stopped by Li-Mama next to Fu-ren. He said that seeing that our Ruanju had insufficient staff, Fu-ren picked it himself After a few Yatou, I'll send it to you later. Alas, she said that she had settled these days, and she was really uneasy. This is to put people in our yard. "
            "You whisper," Baizhi quickly said, "the wall has ears."
            Luzhu frowned, too. "This is too much."
            Jiang Ruan smiled, slowly raised the cup, and Piansheng used the banner that was good for her. She couldn't refuse. I can’t openly doubt the master-zi. Xia-Yan always does this. The impolite request has a bright appearance. Who knows how to think underneath.
            Ears seemed to recall Zhou-Mama words  :   "Big-Miss, the old slave had to say something to death. Fu-ren's death was not accidental, it must be related to the woman in Yanhua Garden The old slave wants to stay in the house to find evidence, and does not want to be as it is today. These words Big-Miss, maybe I don’t believe it, but the old slave has been with Fu-ren for many years, Fu-ren’s body is clear Very, Lao-ye didn't even ask about the sickness that came from the original ... Big-Miss, Fu-ren was killed! "
            Fingers unconsciously clenched the handle of the fine white porcelain cup, Jiang Ruan's eyes were cold, Zhao Mei death was related to Xia-Yan. She believed that this was true. If Jiang Quan knew the matter, she would appease. So far, Hugh will blame her for being ruthless in the future.
            Thinking about it this way, but I heard someone outside announce  :   "Miss, Sister Cuckoo of Guilanyuan is here."
            Dujuan walked in with a smile  :   "Lao-Furen asked the nubi to ask Big-Xiaojie to go there. There are some things to explain."
            Jiang Ruan stood up, Wen Wen asked, "I'm tired of Sister Azalea, and here we go. What does Sister Azalea know?"
            Du Juan smiled  :   "Don't call Big-Xiaojie like this, nubi can't afford to be nubi It's not clear what nubi are, but just look at this day, the lantern festival is coming."
            During the Lantern Festival, Jiang Ruan's pupils narrowed, his expression stiffened. His hands didn't seem straight, and the stone-like pestle was in place.
            Baizhi worried, "Miss, what's wrong?"
            Jiang Ruan just looked back and smiled, "Nothing." The nails in his sleeves were secretly embedded in the palm of his hand.
            Lantern Festival! Lantern Festival! The days when her previous life made her infamous should have been the Spring Festival that she had just returned to a few years later. On that day, the ridicule and ridicule in the eyes of everyone, the worry of mother and daughter Xia-Yan, the indifference of Jiang Quan, calendar In sight. In her next life, she returned to Jiangfu several years in advance. I don’t know if the day of despair and despair will follow. Whether it is or not, there is one thing that is different, that is, she will not A stupid pig is slaughtered by anyone, whoever killed her will give her thousands of times and will return!
            Du Juan looked at Jiang Ruan with a smile, but at the moment he couldn't help but make a sudden, only felt that Jiang Ruan's eyes seemed to be eating people, but he was in the eighteen layers of hell painted on the temple wall. There are no evil spirits in the world, with a sense of anger. The next second, I saw Jiang Ruan looked at her with a smile, her eyes clear like the flowing water of a mountain, and she said softly, "Our, go to Grandmother's yard."
            In Guilan Academy, Jiang Susu and Xia-Yan have already arrived. Seeing Jiang Ruan and Azalea coming in, Jiang Susu took the lead in jumping off the Jiang Lao-Furen couch. Unstoppable excitement  :   "Sister, the Lantern Festival will be three days later. Grandmother asked our sisters in the house to go to Linglongyu together. Sister hasn't been to it yet, it's fun."
            Xia-Yan said softly  :   "Ruan Niang has just returned to Capital City, and the Lantern Festival is very lively. It would be better to have a look at it together."
            Jiang Ruan frowned, smirking in her heart, and sure enough, no matter whether it was the last life or this life, the mother and daughter of Xia-Yan still wanted to pit her.
            The Lantern Festival is a very special festival in the Dajin Dynasty, especially for those in love. At the age of marriage, men and women will come out to play on this day, and many stories have been made at the Lantern Festival. On this day, the children of the nobles in the capital have their own ways of playing. There will be two very gorgeous big flower boats decorated with carved dragons and phoenixes. The young high-lady Xiaojie, the daughter of the noble, and Princess Noble Sitting at Linglongyu, the young high gates gongzi, Wangye, and Prince sits at Qingsongyu. The two flower boats toured the lake side by side, that is, they were close together without being guarded by men and women.
            The funeral festival of the Lantern Festival is actually a blind date among the nobles. Young women can show their talents in front of these gongzis. If they are really talented, they will attract many gongzis. It will be full of capital in Japan. So this day is to confirm their game again, the famous ladies and girls secretly contested, only willing to win a good future for themselves, Hao Langjun.
            Jiang Susu title in the middle of Capital City is not due to the limelight at the Lantern Festival each year. Poor Jiang Ruan in the last life, completely ignorant of the doorway, was tricked by Jiang Susu to make more than just foreign appearances on Linglong, and then something like that happened. On the second day, Jiang Susu was no longer the most talked about person after the Lantern Festival, because that person was replaced by Jiang Ruan. On that day, there were rumors in Capital City, and the reputation of Jiang Ruan plummeted and became Capital City's biggest laugh.
            If none of this is a thing, there is a scene in my memory that is deeply engraved in my mind. That day everyone was ridiculed and ridiculed. Only 8-Prince spoke gently for Jiang Ruan. It was only when she blinded her eyes that she would take care of the ridicule in those eyes.
            Good-bye in this life, good and bad, she knows the wolf's ambition under his gentleman's face, and what kind of gift should be given for the lantern festival three days later?

            Chapter 53  :   5 Concubine    

            This is how things are set. After three days, all the young Xiaojie in Jiangfu will go to Linglongya, what Jiang Lao-Furen played, everyone knows well, Jiang Susu looks as usual, and he can’t hide it There was a touch of excitement at the bottom of her eyes, and she wanted to come here again. Jiang Yan was opened by Jiang Quan to avoid her footing. When she met at Guilanyuan, she seemed to have converged a lot. 2-Concubine is happy to learn about this opportunity. Jiang Dan stood stubbornly, his face was full of timidity, and he didn't even know where to put his hands. Jiang Ruan couldn't help but look at her a few more times. In the last life, because of her inferiority, she had not even paid attention to Jiang Dan. Now, looking at Jiangfu, this coquettish girl is too timid.
            Jiang Lao-Furen said something to watch out for, and he waved everyone away. Before leaving, Xia-Yan deliberately called Jiang Ruan  :   "Ruan Niang, the Yatou I picked for you, and I'll send it to your yard when you meet. These Yatou, please see if you use Shunbu By the way, if it doesn't work, let's change some more. "
            Jiang Ruan smiled and thanked, but didn't show any annoyance. Xia-Yan's smile grew deeper, and the two of them were kind again before leaving.
            After Xia-Yan and Jiang Susu had gone for a long time, Luzhu said, "Fu-ren, this is too urgent, and I will not humiliate myself."
            "Look at others, it's always good to be a daughter for me. Where can I talk about shame?" Jiang Ruan didn't mind.
            Luzhu stayed with Lian-Qiao for a long time, and did not hide his words. The bamboo tube poured beans  :   "Who is this to deceive? Even the nubi can see the doorway. Who is not here? Lao-Furen doesn't say anything, it's a good day in this house. "
            Jiang Ruan Yi laughed aloud, because Luzhu was a slave on Zhuangzi, and not a child at home, he was not as loyal to Jiangfu as Lian-Qiao and Baizhi. It's like talking to someone else house. Jiang Ruan smiled, then Luzhu reacted, and his face flushed  :   "Slave has passed, please Miss, punish him."
            "You're right," Jiang Ruan said. Luzhu is not biased towards Jiangfu, which is a good thing for her. After all, everything she wants to do is standing on the opposite side of Jiangfu. Lian-Qiao and Baizhi may be difficult to accept. Some of these things can be handed over. Luzhu does it.
            Is walking, a person came face to face, willow waist section, the line is weak Liu Fufeng, before the tip of the nose lingering a light fragrance, the person is a short pink green, autumn fragrance long dress, just like a swaying in the wind Orchid. It is the 5-Concubine Red Cormorant.
            When I saw Jiang Ruan, Hongyan narrowed her eyes and saluted her  :   "Big-Miss,"
            Jiang Ruan smiles  :   "5-Concubine is getting more beautiful."
            Hung Hyun blushed  :   "Big-Miss, I'm really joking. This is a shame."
            Jiang Ruan laughed more affectionately. Hung Hom was a humorous person, but he was smarter than he thought, at least he didn't understand how to reject her. She stretched out her hand and hung Hung Hom  :   "My words are true, 5-Concubine is so graceful, no wonder my father loves him." She lowered her voice  :   "Now I just returned to Jiangfu, and the affairs in Fuchu are strange. I just saw 5-Concubine and felt kind. I would like to ask 5-Concubine to take care of me in the future. If one day I do something to offend my father, I hope 5-Concubine can say a few more words for me. " After speaking, she stared at 5-Concubine without blinking.
            These words are really meaningful and seem to be suggesting something. Hung Hom was mistaken for a moment. He looked up and saw Jiang Ruan's smiling eyes. Hung Maiden only felt that his gaze was like a fog, and looking at the bottom clearly, he was vague. After thinking for a few moments, she had a panic expression on her face  :   "Big-Miss, where is the word? If you can help Big-Miss, please do your best."
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "Thank you first for 5-Concubine. I look at the only people in this government that can rely on, and only people like 5-Concubine. 5-Concubine appearance and style is really Just Fang-Fu-ren can't match it. "
            Hearing this in his ear, Hongyao could not help but make a sudden break, tentatively looked at Jiang Ruan, and laughed  :   "Big-Miss, don't make a joke like a slave, Fu-ren Jinzhiyuye, slavery is humble , Is the difference between clouds and mud. "
            "Fengshui turns, Hedong in the past 30 years, Hexi in the past 30 years, Concubine can hear this?" Jiang Ruan said  :   "Who can say what's going on in the future, and 5-Concubine don't take it too seriously. It's better to be kind, and being humble is not necessarily a good future. "
            He paused, and lowered his head and said softly, "Three days later, the Lantern Festival, Big-Miss, have you been to Lao-Furen?"
            She emphasized this, and Luzhu who followed her couldn't help but be a little surprised, and heard Jiang Ruan say, "Yes, a few sisters together."
            "Big-Miss, well-intentioned, just pay attention to some things, Fu-ren and 2-Miss, it's a bit strange in recent days, Big-Miss,… be careful." Hung Hom finished this sentence After that, he stopped no more and hurried away without looking at Jiang Ruan's face. Behind Luzhu thoughtfully  :   "Miss, 5-Concubine seems to have other meanings."
            "She a smart person," Jiang Ruan said, "how nice it would be to mention me like that in the last life."
            The latter sentence was extremely low, and Luzhu didn't hear it clearly, and he murmured, "What?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled  :   "Nothing, come back."
            After returning to Ruan Ju, as Xia-Yan said, the newly delivered Maid had already arrived in the house and saw Jiang Ruan return, standing in a row.
            Baizhi and Lian-Qiao are first-class Maids who are close to you, and Luzhu second-class Maids. Each Xiaojie in Jiangfu has two first-class Maids, four second-class Maids, and six third-class Maids. Yanhuayuan sent four and said that there would be a few days left for Jiang Ruan to pick it.
            The four Maids were in a row, all of them beautiful girls in cardamom years. Jiang Ruan came in but didn't look at them, and turned over the book on the soft couch that went to one side.
            Lian-Qiao and Baizhi didn't say a word, stood quietly behind Jiang Ruan, and handed her hot tea from time to time, really treating the girls in the house as transparent people.
            After more than half an hour like this, someone finally couldn't bear it. One Maid took the lead and whispered, "The nubi have seen Big-Miss."
            Jiang Ruan then slowly raised his head, seemingly exhausted, and glanced at the Maids, but the bright eyes that were rising were sharp and finally fell on the face of Maid who came forward.
            Maid's face with flowers and moon, and a few scrolls, doubled her appearance, and bowed her head lowly, full of humility.
            "What's your name?" Jiang Ruan smiled slightly.
            "Slavery calls Shu Xiang," Maid replied softly.
            Shuxiang, Jiang Ruan took a sip of tea slowly. Yatou, who accompanied her to the palace in the previous life, looked humble and obedient, kind and kind, and she kept her by the sight of her literacy. The last impression on her was that day before she became a stunner, Jiang Susu came to see her in the jail, and the next to her was Maid.
            Now, she was sent back to her.

            Chapter 54  :   Conspiracy    

            The 14th day of the first month is the annual Lantern Festival of the Dajin Dynasty. It is a grand festival for young people. A few days ago, the clothes and jewelry stores that were slightly famous in Central Capital City were lively and extraordinary. On that day, young County-Graduate people gathered in the tavern long ago to discuss who is the best in this year's exquisite timepiece.
            Early in the morning, Jiang Ruan was summoned by Baizhi and Lian-Qiao. The two were busy choosing what clothes she should wear today and what kind of jewelry she should wear. Luzhu regretted that he couldn't follow, and ‘called  :   "Miss, tonight must be outstanding, but unfortunately, the nubi have no eyesight. I don't know how many people are going to faint."
            Lian-Qiao heard the sourness in her words, and scolded with a smile  :   "What do you want to say, if you want to give me this lack, I can keep it in the house."
            "How is that?" Luzhu pursed his lips. "I'm not working for Miss, either. Besides, the new ones in the courtyard are not easy to associate with each other. Today you are not here, just let me kill them. "
            "Luzhu Xiaojie needs to be at ease," Baizhi also joked rarely  :   "Don't scare these little Miss,"
            "Left and right are not subordinates, what are you talking about?" Luzhu eyes showed a bit of scorn. "It's all black-hearted. Today I looked at the book scent several times in the back room, and went with her. You Knowing what I found, the book scent stole Miss’s side. ”
            "What!" Lian-Qiao, who was combing his hair with Jiang Ruan, shook his hand, exclaimed in surprise, and stopped immediately  :   "Why don't you stop?"
            Jiang Ruan looked for a moment, and looked at Luzhu, but she looked anxious without Lian-Qiao, but she was calm and calm.
            Luzhu said  :   "Miss, I told the nubi that they should take good care of those Yatou, especially Shuxiang, and take action when necessary, as long as they know that Yatou and Yanhua Garden are on the side. Slave followed the traffickers and went to Jianghu. I've seen it a lot. If the book fragrance is just dirty hands and feet, the most feared thing is that she has the worries of that screwdriver. This piece of paper is not a small thing, and if it is left in the hands of others, it may destroy Miss, The innocence and innocence of life were missed. Miss, was asleep at the time. If nubi returned to Miss, it would be too late, so nubi would make their own claims. "
            Jiang Ruan looked at her  :   "What did you do?"
            Luzhu eyes flashed with pride  :   "I took her out and hid her under the pillow, Miss, and replaced it with 2-Miss."
            Baizhi was startled  :   "How do you do this?"
            Luzhu held her head up  :   "If she wants to hurt Miss, we don't have to worry about it. They really act. The victim is 2-Miss, which is called retribution."
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "You did a good job." I had a new understanding of Luzhu. At first, I saw this Maid dared to come out to testify on Zhuangzi, and saved a gratefulness. Later, she saw that she had learned a lot from north to south, and she could help a lot. Today, day by day, Luzhu ability to inquire in the government is also very good. Today, this matter is handled with agility and decisiveness.
            Lian-Qiao breathed a sigh of relief  :   "The people in Yanhuayuan don't have a kind heart, Luzhu, ours is usually ours to look down on you. It's so revengeful and really teaches people happiness."
            "But how did you get 2-Miss, Pazi?" Baizhi asked.
            "I passed by the garden a few days ago to Miss, and I went to see Miss 2-Miss. I accidentally left it, but I thought I would return it when I had time, but who knows it will come in handy today. This is called Cangtian Rao. "
            Lian-Qiao laughed out loud, Baizhi smiled, and Luzhu saw the two laughed and followed. Jiang Ruan had a smile on her face, but she already had her own thoughts in her heart. Xia-Yan really wanted her to lose her reputation, and her methods were exactly the same as the previous one. The lantern festival was advanced three years earlier in this life. Want to ruin her reputation? I really don't know in the end, it was Jiang Susu who found that his name was broken. What kind of expression did he have?
            In Yanhua Court, Jiang Susu was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of lotus and red date tea carefully. She was dignified and elegant, with a pure and innocent smile on her face, as exquisite as a fairy.
            Xia-Yan looked at her own daughter with satisfaction  :   "Seeing that you are also a Big-Miss, you are getting better and better. I don’t know how great a man is to be blessed to marry Our family."
            Jiang Susu yelled, "Mother, what do you say. I'm only ten years old now. I didn't go to watch Linglong tonight. My lyre has been trained for a month, and it's time to pay back tonight."
            "You play so well, if I change to it, I don't have your ‘Guqin skills," Xia-Yan proudly said, "I will chant the poems I teach you at that time. Big-Xiaojie on board will definitely be better than But you go. "
            Jiang Susu smiled  :   "That would be the best," and frowned suddenly  :   "The appearance of the oldest sister, the first time she returned to Capital City, it must be noticeable on the exquisite hairpin." Although she tried to conceal it, she revealed it in the end. A hint of jealousy. Xia-Yan looked in his eyes, and said positively, "You don't need to care about her, but it's just an ominous girl. Your father treats her like that. How can she get you here in Jiangfu? And say, tonight you are big Don't worry about her stealing your limelight, I have already arranged it. "
            "Arranged?" Jiang Susu snapped, then laughed out loud  :   "I knew my mother hurt me."
            Xia-Yan nodded her forehead  :   "In this house, if it can't be your help, there will be no reason to leave it blank, otherwise there will be something wrong in the future. Jiang Ruan looks too prosperous, these days I Observation, if it is not stupid, it is too deep-headed, and it is not a fool to see her dealing with the Chen Zhao family. I don’t know why, she always makes me feel uneasy. Keeping it is a scourge, so it’s better to solve it early. ”
            "Mother wants her life?" Jiang Susu asked.
            "What do you want her to do? When she just returned to Capital City, she couldn't do it too obviously, but after tonight, she would like to set off any storm in Capital City, it is impossible." Xia-Yan said, if anyone Passing by, it will surely be calmed by the ruthlessness of this gentle and affable woman.
            "Mother, tell me about your plan." Jiang Susu straightened up. "I always hope she will be ugly." The fairy-like girl's eyes were full of jealousy.
            Xia-Yan gave her daughter a disapproval glance  :   "It's okay to talk to you, but you must remember that after today, she is an ominous person ‘called by everyone in Capital City. You can't commit it Everything matters to her, that's a matter of self-denial. "
            Jiang Susu responded coquettishly, and Xia-Yan sent the surrounding Maid out, leaving only a few henchmen, and talking with Jiang Susu.


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