Back 60s 95

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       Chapter 95 | Back to Door 

       Zhou Qingbai came back after more than one o'clock in the afternoon, and brought back a car full of firewood by the way. This must be at least four or five.
       "It should be hungry, hurry in and eat, I will give you heat." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Taking advantage of these days, I will get more back." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       I brought so much back in one car, and it was almost the same for a few more trips, so Lin Qing-He didn’t say anything, so he warmed up the buns and the dishes.
       Lin Qing-He warmed his meals while he put together the firewood in the backyard, so Lin Qing-He didn't need to do it again.
       Zhou Qingbai was indeed hungry, and his appetite was already large, Lin Qing-He ate all the hot food.
       "Go for a break, there is nothing left at home." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       He still doesn't know that Erxi was hitting people. He still had to go out the next day to get firewood blocked by Zhou-2-brother. I heard Zhou-2-brother complaining to him.
       "I don't know yet about this matter. I can't give you any explanations. I'll talk about it when I come back." Zhou Qingbai finished cycling and went out.
       When I came back in the afternoon, I asked him Erxi when I was washing my face.
       "Why, still dare to come to you to complain? She first moved her mouth, she moved first, and dare to complain?" Lin Qing-He sneered.
       "She hit you?" Zhou Qingbai asked.
       Lin Qing-He saw that his focus was here, and he was immediately cured, laughing: "It's okay, she just shoved me a bit, and I fell off."
       Then added: "Father, Niang and 1st Sao 3-Sao were all there at that time. I have a lot of witnesses on this matter. Even if her old Chen family comes in, I can call back!"
       Zhou Qingbai nodded and said, "If you dare to find it, you don't need to do it."
       Lin Qing-He would notice it, smiled at him, Zhou Qingbai looked back at her softly, and said, "I will not be angry when I tell you this kind of thing in the future."
       "OK." Lin Qing-He nodded and said: "I didn't take this seriously either. She has endured me for a long time. I also saw her unhappy for a long time. The fight the day before yesterday was actually quite cool. "
       Zhou Qingbai: "..." This time, Erxi eyes were a bit helpless.
       Zhou Qingbai knew that Erxi could not blame him, so naturally he did not take Zhou-2-brother into consideration, but Zhou-2-brother just came here and complained. In fact, he wanted to express the meaning of Lao-Si. What do you teach bad, teach Is your wife fighting?
       However, this central idea was dismissed by Zhou Qingbai before it was finished, and it was exposed.
       Zhou Qingbai has been busy working for a few days, and has prepared all the firewood that his family needs for winter.
       He was just busy, and it snowed.
       And the ground is not small.
       At the end of November, Zhou Xiaomei got married, and the whole family gave her away, because it was too cold and the snow was still falling, everything was simple.
       Caili left a bicycle, and the others came back and flicked it back.
       The banquet is also held at the house of the mother-in-law. Zhou Qing Bai-brother passed, Lin Qing-He did not go with the children.
       Lin Qing-He sent a quilt, two pieces of soap, which was very much in Zhou Xiaomei mind, especially two pieces of soap, who knows how to use and how fragrant.
       Zhou 1st Sao sent a pair of enamel cups, and Zhou-3-Sao sent two towels. As for Zhou-2-Sao, it was really deductible, and I really didn't give anything.
       But no one said that she didn't want to be upset about that thing. After all, there was not much, and there was not much.
       Three days later, Zhou Xiaomei came back with Su Dalin.
       Brought back to the three families, Lin Qing-He here is a jar of malted milk and two packs of white rabbit toffee. First bring the things here, and then return to her family.
       Zhou 1st Sao Zhou-3-Sao also got a pack of big white rabbit toffee, as for Zhou-2-Sao, there was nothing.
       Zhou Xiaomei is not polite, who is the best among Sao and who doesn't take her seriously, she is very clear.
       For example, this 2-Sao, since she can’t even give up a little dowry, then she is not polite to her.
       In fact, Zhou Xiaomei also knows that her 4-Sao conditions are good, and she doesn’t have any requirements for other 3-Sao, but it means a lot.
       For example, 1st Sao enamel cups and 3-Sao towels are actually not worth much money, but does that mean?
       She didn’t give anything, so what did she do to prepare her return? Even if Su Dalin said to be better, she would not agree.
       After sitting in the old Zhou house, Zhou Xiaomei brought Su Dalin to her 4-brother 4-Sao house.
       Su Dalin talked to Zhou Qingbai in the hall, Lin Qing-He went into the room with Zhou Xiaomei.
       "It seems to be moisturized well, this complexion is white and red." Entering the door, Lin Qing-He opened a yellow tone.
       It's not ashamed to give Zhou Xiaomei, who was a woman at the beginning of the period, a woman.
       "To tell the truth, Dawa and his uncle are good to you?" Lin Qing-He asked in a low voice.
       "It's good to me." Zhou Xiaomei said blushing.
       "It's fine, and I can rest assured." Lin Qing-He said with satisfaction: "Now it's cold this day. You are burning coal there, but pay attention to the problem of ventilation."
       "Well, these Dalins understand." Zhou Xiaomei nodded.
       "Just looking at the two of you coming, there is a little dispute, why?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "It's 2-Sao. She was yin and yang when we came out. I didn't prepare anything for me when I got married. With my hands empty-handed, I didn't prepare for her. Dalin said it was not good. "Zhou Xiaomei said.
       Lin Qing-He smiled: "Dawa, his little uncle is kind."
       "He kind, I'm not kind. The last time you were beaten by 4-Sao, you deserved it, and your face was more mean than before." Zhou Xiaomei hummed.
       "Too lazy to take care of her, thought she couldn't turn the same day without it." Lin Qing-He said.
       "4-Sao, I feel very happy now." Zhou Xiaomei smiled again.
       Lin Qing-He laughed and said, "Both of you have jobs, and save time later. See if you can save a sum of money and keep a bigger house."
       "He has saved some." Zhou Xiaomei said shyly.
       "It's okay to save some, but he also spent a lot of money in order to let you marry him, and I will save some money in the future. I am also saving money now. If I can buy a house, I will buy it in the city. One. "Lin Qing-He said.
       "4-Sao, are you going to buy a house in the city?" Zhou Xiaomei looked at her.
       "Now this situation can't be bought, there is no work when I go, I save it for later use." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Will the situation be better in the future?" Zhou Xiaomei froze.
       "People need to learn to look better. If we don't have money in our hands, even if the situation is really good in the future, then we won't be able to save us. If we can save some in our hands, we will buy it when we can." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Well, I listen to 4-Sao and save money." Zhou Xiaomei nodded.
       "Now it's a cold day, don't touch the cold water on most days, and pay attention to your monthly affairs. I guess you should be pregnant soon," Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Xiaomei blushed again.
       Lunch is eaten at home.
       Lin Qing-He is also not stingy, she puts several hard dishes on it, and the table is calm.
       When Su Dalin rode the bike back to Zhou Xiaomei, he stuttered and said this: "Four ... 4-brother and ... 4-Sao are ... good."
       Zhou Xiaomei hugged his waist with a sweet face: "That's for sure, Dalin, 4-Sao told me, let us save a little, maybe we can buy Big-House in the future."
       Su Dalin nodded. Although he spent a lot of time in marrying Erxi, he still has more than a thousand dollars in his deposit. This family is definitely quite rich in this era.
       The husband and wife went back and Lin Qing-He was also talking about them.
       "Although it's a little stuttering, as long as I treat Xiaomei really well, basically there is no problem." Lin Qing-He said to Zhou Qingbai.
       "Well." Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       There is no prejudice against Su Dalin's brother-in-law, and she is indeed very good.
       "Sister Big-Aunt and Sister 2-Aunt haven't had time to return this time when they married Xiaomei. It's probably coming back on the second day of the second year," Lin Qing-He said.
       This time Zhou Xiaomei got married, and the former Big-Aunt Zhou Xiaojuan and 2-Aunt Zhou Xiaoju did not return.
       Zhou Xiaojuan had a cold for a while, but it was not light, but Big-Aunt was asked to send five yuan to get married.
       Zhou Xiaoju is because her mother has a bad cold, and Zhou Xiaoju family has only one husband in her husband, so she has no choice but to stay and take care, but she also called 2-Aunt and gave five dollars to express her heart.
       Sister Big-Aunt and Sister 2-Aunt are the two oldest sisters. They are older than Zhou Big-Brother. If men and women count together, Zhou Big-Brother ranks third.
       However, they are not mixed together here. Men count as men and women count as women.
       "Want to go to the county?" Zhou Qingbai knew what Erxi meant and looked at her.
       "Do not go on the second day of this year, and the same on the third day." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Xiaomei wants to come back as a guest and has to stay this year. As for Big-Aunt 2-Sister Aunt, that's nothing, because Lin Qing-He is not very familiar.
       Then Lin Qing-He went over the photos of last year.
       Dawa Erwa Sanwa came around and looked at each other, and they liked their photos.
       "Mother, go to town this year, can't you still take a picture?" Dawa's eyes brightened and looked at him.
       "Look, mother?" Erwa also hoped to look at his mother.
       "Take a picture!" Sanwa nodded.
       Lin Qing-He nodded: "Look at your performance this year, you can take another year."
       The three children cheered.
       In the evening Lin Qing-He was still looking at the photos, and after the smelly beauty finished his own, he admired Zhou Qingbai.
       Zhou Qingbai photography is also very serious. Although Lin Qing-He asked him to look softer, he still didn't smile, but he looked at that kind of man.
       "It just doesn't have a picture frame, otherwise I put them all in the picture frame." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai eyebrows were soft and said, "You can ask the carpenter to order something."
       Lin Qing-He changed his mind again: "Forget it, wait for it later, there will be a lot of photos once a year, don't take up space."
       Zhou Qingbai was left to her.
       It's snowing, basically there is no good activity, Zhou Qingbai went to hug two pigs and came back to the house to raise, Lin Qing-He is day by day, both are thinking about eating.
       What about pumpkin buns, corn buns, red bean buns, sticky bean buns, and eight-treasure porridge all made her do it.
       These are staple foods, as well as other side dishes, various kinds of stew to make soup.
       Isn't winter the time to make up for it? Tired for a year, and this is the time to rest.
       The children were satisfied, and so was Zhou Qingbai.
       Waking up in the morning and running in the morning can no longer vent his strength, Lin Qing-He will naturally bear it at night.
       "Do you sleep well for me tonight, don't you mess up and hear?" Lin Qing-He warned Zhou Qingbai that last night the movement was a bit big, Dawa almost woke up.
       In the winter, Dawa Erwa Sanwa came to sleep here.
       "You couldn't help shouting." Zhou Qingbai looked at her with a smile in her eyes.
       Lin Qing-He said you were so terrible, can I bear it!
       In the evening, Lin Qing-He tutored Dawa's homework. Dawa said: "Mother, I want to read the third grade next year. The second grade is too easy."
       "Okay, I'll ask you to take Father to take you by then. After the test given by the teacher, you can go to the third grade." Lin Qing-He is still very democratic.
       And under her tutoring every night, Dawa has half of her studies in the third grade, and the second grade is all in pediatrics. This year's reading is 100 points for each exam, indicating that the mastery of homework is still excellent.
       So it’s okay to go to the third grade. At this time, elementary schools are all five-year programs, but not six-year programs.
       "Father, you heard the mother say, I will go to the third grade next year." Dawa told him Father.
       Zhou Qingbai also had no comments.
       He rarely intervenes in the education of children. They will not teach them if they do something wrong.
       So Dawa's next year's third grade is determined.
       Let Dawa go to the third grade also has Lin Qing-He own considerations.
       Dawa will be seven years old next year, and it’s still too early to read third grade at the age of seven, but as long as he can read it, it’s pretty good.
       Because the college entrance examination was resumed in Qi-Qi years, it is now 70 years, and it will be 71 years after the new year.
       The first batch of college entrance exams will definitely not be able to catch up, but the second batch of the third batch can be tried when the time comes.
       At that time, Dawa was fourteen or five years old, and it would be fine if he was admitted to college.
       She believes that the children she teaches, even at the age of fourteen or five, have great self-care and independence abilities.
       "Mother, should I go to school?" Erwa asked.
       After the new year, he was five years old.
       "Let's talk about it when you are six years old. You learn at home first. When you are in the next year, you can go to school and get the skills to jump one level like your Big-Brother." Lin Qing-He said.
       Erwa nodded when she heard this.
       Erwa was sent, and Sanwa also looked towards her. Lin Qing-He smiled and said: "Sanwa is still young. She spends more time with her maid at home and waits to grow up. I will send you to study later."
       "I want a schoolbag." Sanwa said.
       This kid coveted his Big-Brother's schoolbag for a long time.
       "Okay, wait for you to go to school, then the mother will make a schoolbag for you." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       Sanwa is satisfied.
       The brothers played for a while, and then went to sleep. The brothers were all about the same temperament, saying they were going to sleep, and all fell asleep in a while.
       "Three wicked boys with no conscience." Lin Qing-He whispered to cover them up.
       "Erxi, let's have another daughter." Zhou Qingbai took her in her arms and said dumbly.
       "Don't you, you are the life of a son." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai smiled and pressed her under him, Lin Qing-He said nervously: "Don't toss about it, toss every day, are you afraid of your kidney deficiency?"
       "Void, you don't know?" Zhou Qingbai smiled and closed her lips.
       After a while, Lin Qing-He was confused and dizzy. Now that he is getting older and older, she is not an opponent at all.
       Lin Qing-He just had time to leave a light tap, and then there was no time to speak.
       That evening Zhou Qingbai naturally ate another food.
       The next day when Lin Qing-He got up, it was more than eight o'clock. Lin Qing-He was very emotional about his present day.
       This is simply too extravagant.
       After having a simple breakfast, Lin Qing-He rode a bicycle to find Mei Mei.
       Now the place where she and Sister Mei took the goods was at Sister Mei house. She didn't have to go to the slaughterhouse anymore, because she thought it was too cold and she didn't want to do it.
       Sister Mei is willing to break this income. Now that she has retreated, she is relying on this way. She said she came over to get the goods, and then let her go over there.
       Lin Qing-He naturally agreed.
       In fact, there is not much meat coming here, when it is more, it is five or six pounds, when it is less, it is only two or three pounds, and you can’t make much.
       But even if it is only seven or eight yuan a month, this money is also very important for Sister Mei.
       "Don't say when to go back?" Lin Qing-He asked Sister Mei.
       "Not yet, I will wait until there is a place." Sister Mei nodded.
       Give Lin Qing-He the meat, and Lin Qing-He will hand over the money with her.
       Sister Mei borrowed money and said with a smile: "Do you want honey? My mother Big-Brother dug in the snow and dug into the mountain and sent me two jars. I didn't eat it. See if you like it. Take it back. "
       Lin Qing-He eyes brightened and said: "I have two jars of honey, but if you want to give money, if you don't take the money, Sister Mei, I won't accept it and go directly to the supply and marketing cooperative.
       Sister Mei went in and took two jars of honey and said, "You don't have to be polite with me, take it back."
       "You have to give it, Sister Mei, don't grab it with me." Lin Qing-He pushed out the car, took two jars of honey and threw it on a bicycle, the money was stuffed to Sister Mei.
       According to the supply and marketing cooperatives.
       Although it is not cheap, in Lin Qing-He view, it is really cost-effective to buy these two jars of wild honey with this amount of money.
       Some time ago she bought a can, but that one was half as small.
       Every evening, after finishing things with Zhou Qingbai, you should have a drink, coughing, and not doing things is also necessary, so it consumes faster.
       Bring two jars of honey and pork and go home.
       It is now mid-December, and the last meat split this year is on the 25th of December.
       However, for the whole year of this year, her family is not short of meat. For example, after the winter wheat was planted last time, she divided the meat, and her family divided a lot.
       Two cans of honey Lin Qing-He were placed inside the cabinet, Daren reached out with his hand, and the children could not see anything above.
       "I'm going out tomorrow to see if there is any lamb." Zhou Qingbai watched her come back and said.
       "Okay, if there any more lamb chops, I like to eat that." Lin Qing-He was busy when he heard that.
       Zhou Qingbai nodded.
       As for the fact that Erxi got meat, he really didn't have much control. It was a bit confusing, but when he heard that Erxi said that she had a servant, she just got out of the meat and changed hands, and the rest didn't do anything about her.
       So Zhou Qingbai understood why she came back so quickly.
       In fact, in the final analysis, it still comes from trust in Erxi.
       The next day Zhou Qingbai went to get the lamb and came back to eat it.
       Lin Qing-He stewed the mutton soup, only put wolfberry and red dates, and the stewed mutton soup was especially fragrant.
       Of course, such a good thing is indispensable to Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother. It is almost a bowl for a person with some small pieces of lamb, which is also very good.
       The mutton was originally succulent, but Lin Qing-He would do it. The mutton soup made had no stale taste, so the two of them also liked to eat it.
       The old Zhou family has now separated.
       After Zhou Xiaomei returned to the door, Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother presided over the split, the family split a hundred dollars, other furniture, and food were also divided, the house was divided into everything.
       However, cooking is still done in the kitchen, and one cooks the other.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother The two of them also do it themselves.
       The matter of old-age care is how much food to give each quarter, which one should be given in turn, and it must be clear on the first day.
       This was discussed by Zhou Qing Bai-brother.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother drinking lamb soup and eating lamb, Zhou-2-Sao son Zhou-Xia was so greedy that when he came back, he asked his mother: "Mother, when will our family eat meat?"
       "The meat will be divided in ten days, so why don't you make dumplings for you?" Zhou-2-Sao said.
       Zhou-2-brother was also very greedy and said, "Would you like to buy meat first?"
       "You have a meat ticket?" Zhou-2-Sao didn't have a good air.
       The rural people do not have meat stamps and food stamps, and only those in the city have them.
       "Lao-Si should be there." Zhou-2-brother said.
       Lao-Si over there for three days to eat meat, there must be a ticket.
       "Even if there is, Lin Qing-He can give you that temperament?" Zhou-2-Sao snorted.
       "Do you still want to take Lao-Si for nothing?" Zhou-2-brother looked at her with surprise.
       Zhou-2-brother didn't think about the past, but wanted to exchange it with money in the past, and it wasn't necessarily willing to change it. Erxi, he meant to think about the past?
       "What is called Bina, and after the uncle retired, I didn't believe he didn't bring some tickets back!" Zhou-2-Sao annoyed.
       "Even if I get it back, I will definitely use it a lot now. How big is the left hand of Ms. Dawa? If you want it, I can ask in the past, but it must be exchanged for money." Zhou-2-brother said.
       Zhou-2-Sao Seeing her son staring at herself, and now that she has split up, she has money in her own hands, can't she buy some meat?
       Zhou-2-Sao just said: "Then you used to ask, but you can't give more!"
       "I asked in the past." Zhou-2-brother took the money with her and said.
       Zhou Qingbai heard that he was here to change the meat ticket, so he looked at him Erxi, Erxi is the master of such things.
       Lin Qing-He smiled and looked at Zhou-2-brother, saying: "2-brother came by coincidence, and by the way, finished the mutton soup?"
       I don’t have a good impression of Zhou-2-Sao, but I don’t have much to say about Zhou-2-brother.
       Zhou-2-brother smiled and shook his head: "No more, no more, mainly because the boy Xia Xia watched him Ye-Ye eat, and went back to mess with his mother."
       Lin Qing-He just said: "Today Qingbai brought some meat back. 2-brother If you want it, we will pass from our point. My meat ticket is almost used, there is not much left, and even if it is given at this time 2-Brother, you go to the meat ticket again and again, this time period may not be available. "
       "That's so embarrassing." Listening to Lin Qing-He saying this, Zhou-2-brother couldn't help saying.
       There is indeed no meat at this time, so if you want to check it out tomorrow morning.
       "Nothing." Lin Qing-He saw that he wanted meat, so he got up and came to the kitchen. The meat that Zhou Qingbai brought back was still good, orthodox pork belly.
       There are two or three catties. Lin Qing-He gave them a catty out of the catty. She went to the black market in the city for so long, and she could feel the meat a little bit.
       After sharing Zhou-2-brother with a pound of pork belly, the money was naturally collected according to the price on the black market, but Zhou-2-brother was also happy to go back.
       Exchange money for meat tickets, and then buy meat in the past, the price can be a little more expensive than buying meat on the black market, so it is actually quite cost-effective to directly exchange meat for the black market price.
       And no one dares to go there on the black market.
       Seeing that he took the meat back, Zhou-2-Sao froze.
       "Miss Dawa cut it." Zhou-2-brother gave her the rest.
       "How much did it cost?" Zhou-2-Sao saw his little money left and gritted his teeth.
       Zhou-2-brother inexplicably said: "Why did you spend so much, this money was originally only a pound of meat, and now it is left."
       "She gave you the price according to the black market?" Zhou-2-Sao complained.
       "It was bought by Qingbai, and it is not easy to buy, that is, I heard Xia Xia greedy meat, this is what Dawa gave me, and I bought it for our family. , Can you buy it or say two, and then say that this meat was bought by Lao-Si at the black market price, we naturally have to go to this price, do you still want to call Lao-Si to pay you cheap? "Zhou-2-Brother glanced at her and said.
       Zhou-2-Sao scratched him.
       "Okay, don't talk about it, hurry and make dumplings. This is very good pork belly. Lao-Si wouldn't agree to me if it wasn't a brother." Zhou-2-brother didn't want to argue with her, said.
       All the money was spent, Zhou-2-Sao didn't say anything, so I made dumplings.
       A family of five was also contented. After eating this dumpling, even Zhou-2-Sao shut up and said nothing.
       Although the meat was divided last time, there was no separation at that time. How many mouthfuls can a person take?
       This time she put half a catty of dumplings in the dumplings, it was delicious, but half a catty remained, and she kept eating slowly.
       The Lao-Er family eats meat, and the meat is still changed to Lao-Si by Lao-Er.
       Zhou 1st Sao was ridiculed in the face, Zhou-3-Sao also sneered, and whispered to Zhou-3-brother in private: "I just had a fight last time, and she was embarrassed to change meat in the past Eat, your face is so big. "
       "Does our family also change some points?" Zhou-3-brother is not paying attention, he wants to eat meat too.
       Zhou-3-Sao didn't have a good airway: "What do you eat, and the meat will be divided in a while, then when you eat it, how can you eat it?"
       "Aren't you pregnant, you should eat some meat." Zhou-3-brother smiled.
       Yes, Zhou-3-Sao was born after Zhou Dongdong, and it was only about a year after she was born, and she became pregnant again.
       Zhou-5-Nini was born after a few years of birth, but Zhou Dongdong got it again after several years, but I didn't expect to get pregnant again now, and it's been a month.
       Because the moon hasn't come, you can be sure of it, but you don't have to go to the health center. You will know when you look at the next month.
       But basically it is certain.
       Lin Qing-He didn't know yet. It was when she came to Zhou-3-Sao on the 25th and came to split the meat and heard her.
       Shock is not enough to describe Lin Qing-He expression: "You are too fast, how long is this?"
       She felt Dongdong had just finished her life, and she was pregnant again.
       Zhou-3-Sao smiled: "It's nothing, are you going too fast?"
       Lin Qing-He looked horrified, and said, "I'm so fast. I have no plans to regenerate. I have three sons."
       For the villagers, there are indeed three sons who can no longer be regenerated, and the confidence is absolutely sufficient.
       Zhou-3-Sao said nothing more.
       This time Lin Qing-He and Zhou Qingbai also divided a lot, but in the end it wasn't the pigs she raised. The oil water really didn't have the pig feet of her family.
       After splitting the meat, Lin Qing-He went with Zhou Qingbai and took Dawa's house.
       "3-Sao is pregnant again?" Zhou Qingbai asked when he came home. He had just heard this. Because it was a woman, he didn't listen to it and walked a little further, so he didn't hear Lin. Qing-He said nothing.
       Lin Qing-He nodded and said, "I was also taken aback. This was not Dongdong who was born last year, and I was pregnant again this year."
       However, this is not an exception. It seems that many people in Zhoujiatun are like this. They are pregnant with their children.
       Especially since Maodong, there seems to be good news from many people before and after, such as Erxi who was born in the next Huang-Big-Aunt family last year and bought her two pounds of brown sugar. Now ...
       "This kind of good thing will startle." Zhou Qingbai glanced at her.
       Lin Qing-He met his eyes and understood what he meant. He coughed and changed the subject: "How do you eat these pork?"
       "You just do it." Zhou Qingbai said.
       But the birth of a child is obviously not something Lin Qing-He can avoid. After waiting for the children to sleep at night, Zhou Qingbai had an in-depth exchange with her before saying: "A few more, our family can afford it."
       Lin Qing-He said that I didn't give birth, but she was also a little puzzled. She and Zhou Qingbai had never worn raincoats. Why hasn't she been pregnant for so long?
       She can also clearly feel his ability, so that a brave and powerful man can easily make a woman pregnant.
       Why is she not pregnant yet?
       If she is pregnant, is she about to have a baby?
       This idea is terrible, she should never give birth.
       She planned to go to the hospital in the city next time to get him a cover, otherwise if she was pregnant, what could she do?
       But did she forget anything? Why haven't you been pregnant for so long?
       "Huh?" Zhou Qingbai didn't wait for a long time before he responded, so he moved.
       Lin Qing-He blushed and said, "The fate hasn't arrived yet?"
       Zhou Qingbai accepted this explanation, and pulled him Erxi back and forth, until Lin Qing-He was exhausted, and then let her go.
       Lin Qing-He thought before going to bed that she would go to the city to buy a condom tomorrow, absolutely not pregnant!
       It's a pity that she had planned this way, and it snowed heavily and couldn't go.
       Because the weather is too cold, Lin Qing-He will not leave Kang anymore, and endorsing and reading books directly on Kang will also pass the time.
       There is nothing to do this day. Basically, they don't go out. What else do they go out under the snow?
       However, on the evening of La 29, Lin-3-Brother came carrying a hare. When he came, his face was frozen, which was obviously caught by him, and he was sent here.
       "You are in such heavy snow, you still go out to catch rabbits?" Lin Qing-He glared at him.
       "It's okay." Lin-3-Brother smiled and gave her the rabbit: "Sister, for you, I'll go back first."
       "Hey, take it back and eat it yourself." Lin Qing-He quickly took it to him and said.
       "That's what I got for you. I'm congratulating Erxi on confinement this year. Thanks to the meat you took," Lin-3-Brother said.
       "Xi Xi Xi." Lin Qing-He said, and then said: "Advanced."
       Zhou Qingbai took Brother Dawa to Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother. She was with Feiying when she was not at home.
       Flying Eagle glanced at Lin-3-Brother, because it was brought in by Lin Qing-He, it was not hostile.
       "Hurry down." Lin Qing-He poured a large cup of ginger and jujube tea and said.
       This is cooked and drunk at home every three to five, the effect is quite good, Lin-3-Brother will drink it, and the body will warm up in a moment.
       "This cold day, why don't you wear more?" Lin Qing-He turned over in the house and turned out Zhou Qingbai old sweater. This was bought by him. It is indeed old now. He didn't wear much, because Lin Qing-He knitted him a brand new last year, and he is now wearing that vest.
       "This was changed by your brother-in-law, and I don't wear it anymore. It should be a little bigger for you, but you can also wear it. Hurry up." Lin Qing-He gave this sweater to Lin-3-Brother and said .
       "Sister, no, this is my brother-in-law's clothes." Lin-3-Brother said quickly.
       He came here to send the rabbit, not to ask for something.
       "Just put it on for you. If the condition at home is not really put on, I will not give it to you." Lin Qing-He said.
       Lin-3-Brother still shook his head: "Don't do it, don't give me your brother-in-law's clothes, my brother-in-law should quarrel with you when he comes back."
       "Your sister is the master at home, and I listen to your sister too." At this time, Zhou Qingbai took Brother Dawa back and said.
       "Brother-in-law." Lin-3-Brother shouted quickly when he saw him.
       Zhou Qingbai nodded, Dawa Erwa Sanwa shouted Mu-Uncle, Lin-3-Brother smiled, and should be off.
       "You haven't seen you in this sweater since last year. If you keep it, keep it. Give it to my brother?" Lin Qing-He asked him.
       Zhou Qingbai asked: "Is it a bit old?"
       "Then it depends on whether my brother is too disgusted." Lin Qing-He looked at Lin-3-Brother.
       Lin-3-Brother shook his head: "How can such a good sweater look too old."
       "Hurry up and change it," Lin Qing-He said to Dawa: "Dawa, take you 3-Mu-Uncle into your house to change."
       "Mu-Uncle, come with me." Dawa said.
       "Listen to your sister." Zhou Qingbai also looked at Lin-3-Brother's dress, which was really thin, and said.
       Lin-3-Brother followed Dawa in and put on this sweater, feeling that the whole person was relaxed.
       "Eat here tonight?" Lin Qing-He asked Lin-3-Brother.
       Lin-3-Brother shook his head quickly: "I can't stop it, my family will eat it."
       "If you want to go home and eat, go home and eat. You can take these buns and go back to heat to eat." Lin Qing-He took Lin-3-Brother with three white noodles.
       This was done the day before yesterday with Zhou Qingbai and Brother Dawa.
       When you want to eat it, steam it up, and then make another soup. There are also a lot of buns, all of which are prepared. This weather is not afraid.
       "No." Lin-3-Brother shook his head.
       "I told you to hold it." Lin Qing-He wrapped it in oil paper and stuffed it with him.
       "Sister, will you go back this New Year?" Lin-3-Brother asked her.
       "Don't go back. Having said that, I broke off with those white-eyed wolves." Lin Qing-He waved his hand.
       Lin-3-Brother was helpless, but he didn't say anything, just said: "Then I came with Erxi this year?"
       "The first day or the second day is free." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Then we will be here for the first time." Lin-3-Brother just said.
       "OK." Lin Qing-He gave him the answer.
       Lin-3-Brother came back with three buns.
       Lin-3-Brother-asked him at home: "What are you doing today? This is a cold day."
       "I caught the rabbit." Lin-3-Brother laughed.
       "Did you catch it?" Lin-3-Brother-asked.
       "I got it and sent it to my sister." Lin-3-Brother said.
       Lin-3-Brother-'s family was stunned and didn't say anything immediately.
       This year she gave birth to a child and confine her life. She feels that she has to remember it all her life.
       If it weren’t for her sister 3-Aunt, who didn’t return, her second daughter really couldn’t even eat an egg!
       So this year her family will be separated.
       Lao-Da family did not share Lao-Er family, so her 3rd House was separated, and life was naturally difficult, because there was not much at all, but even if there was not, Lin-3-Brother-The points are divided!
       She was really fed up, she was the master, she loves to eat butler, who dares to talk nonsense?
       "You see what this is." Lin-3-Brother pulled out three large white breads from his arms and smiled.
       "Where did you come from?" Lin-3-Brother-'s eyes lighted up and asked.
       "Three sisters gave it." Lin-3-Brother said with a smile.
       This answer is not unexpected, Lin-3-Brother-family sighed: "I didn't expect that 3-Aunt's sister wouldn't even need her family, and would recognize you as your younger brother."
       Last time she was confinement, the 3-Aunt sister only took eggs and pork ribs on her brother's face.
       This is something she has in mind, or else it is her own words, then don't think that 3-Aunt will take her into consideration, because she didn't help 3-Aunt with a word before.
       "The third sister has always been kind to me." Lin-3-Brother told the truth, then lifted up her clothes and said, "Look, this sweater was given by the brother-in-law."
       "What did 3-Aunt give?" Lin-3-Brother-couldn't help but touched it. The sweater was very warm.
       Although this sweater was replaced by Zhou Qingbai, there is nothing bad, because Lin Qing-He made a new one for him, so he didn't wear it again.
       "When my third sister gave it to me, my brother-in-law also saw it, and my brother-in-law asked me to wear it." Lin-3-Brother said, and talked about being a guest on New Year's Day.
       "I don't plan to come back this year?" Lin-3-Brother-froze.
       "Three sisters haven't gotten mad yet," Lin-3-Brother said.
       Lin-3-Brother-'s heart said that it has been a year since I haven't gotten rid of it. I really don't want to interact with my natal family, but Lin-3-Brother /’family doesn't care too, saying: "This year we will bring Yuer Follow Xianger to give her aunt a new year! "
       She also saw that the old Lin family had only 3-Aunt. This one still cared about her little family, even if it was all for her man's sake, but the relationship could not be broken.
       Lin-3-Brother nodded.
       In the evening, the couple took the two big girls and divided the three big white breads.
       The little girl was still young, soaked in soup for her and was half full.
       The big girl worked alone.
       The rest of Lin-3-Brother and Lin-3-Brother-'s food is naturally not enough, but it is almost enough. Cats don't have to do anything in the winter, they all tighten their belts to live.
       In particular, his family has just separated, and there is not much food at all.


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