Back 60s 35

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       Lin Qing-He looked at this man. She saw an uneasiness in his eyes, which made her stunned slightly. It turned out that he was not as fearless and omnipresent as he showed.
       He was actually worried, but he was not good at expressing emotions, so he didn't care at all.
       Zhou Qingbai also looked at her. He saw the confusion in her eyes, unbelievable, and a kind of undisguised loss, but only disappointment and despair.
       This made him stunned.
       What made him even more stunned was what Lin Qing-He said next.
       "Retreat and retreat, there must be a man in the house, otherwise I will not sleep peacefully at night." Lin Qing-He, as if admitting his fate, his shoulders collapsed, so he said.
       This sentence successfully drew Zhou Qingbai attention. He remembered that he came back to knock on the door last night and she slammed the door.
       "Someone dare to disturb at night?" Zhou Qingbai said in a deep voice.
       Lin Qing-He looked irresistible, and was powerless: "No, it's just that once I felt someone outside came in, but then I drank immediately before I slept, you know left and right She is all human, and the thief ran away, with no real losses. "
       Zhou Qingbai face was gloomy: "It's my fault."
       If something really happened, he would not dare to imagine the consequences.
       Lin Qing-He gave him a blank expression: "From this evening, you will go to my bed next door."
       She has to admire her intellect. She hits and bumps by mistake. Look, what good excuse did she find for herself?
       Zhou Qingbai looked at her strangely. He retreated so big, she didn't say anything else? Didn't scold him, and didn't let him go back?
       "Look what to see!" Lin Qing-He glared at him.
       Zhou Qingbai said it was right.
       "I can tell you well, even if you retire, I won't work. After marrying you, I have no plans to work in the field!" Lin Qing-He said.
       "I'll just work." Zhou Qingbai nodded. He hadn't thought of letting her work in the ground. That was too tired. Just have him there.
       "There is still work at home, you also scored!" Lin Qing-He said again.
       "Good." Zhou Qingbai should also get off.
       "How much has been returned to the money? I have to keep it!" Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai took out the package he brought back last night, opened the package and brought two clothes, in addition to a warm water stove.
       When Lin Qing-He eyes lit up when he saw this water heater, there was only one at home, not enough, but now there is one more.
       There is also a backpack, footwear and the like.
       The backpack was bulging, and Zhou Qingbai handed it over directly: "It's all here."
       Lin Qing-He was actually a little embarrassed, but she still took it, and she was stunned: "So much money? How much does it cost?"
       "Three thousand." Zhou Qingbai glanced at her.
       "How many are there?" Lin Qing-He was shocked.
       There are almost two hundred dollars left in her pocket, but this is also a huge sum of money, but did not expect Zhou Qingbai to bring back three thousand dollars this time. What is the concept?
       "I made a contribution and applied for it from the top." Zhou Qingbai said, which was regarded as compensation and comfort for him.
       "There are so many votes!" Lin Qing-He was surprised.
       Industrial tickets, food stamps and cloth tickets are all available, and they are still nationally accepted and will not expire!
       Zhou Qingbai saw that her attention was all on these things, and wondered if this level had passed?
       "The last thing scared me a lot, you are at home, but you should talk to you first. I don’t do the outside work. I’m exhausted. I hate farming the most, but at home I have three children for my meal, I will take care of you without worrying about it, but in the future, you will sleep for me in Dawa’s room, and there is enough firewood in the house. You don’t need to save money. You save a lot in the backyard. "" Lin Qing-He looked at him.
       Zhou Qingbai naturally knew that there was enough firewood in the house, and the wood shed and the corner of the courtyard were put on hold a lot. They asked Dawa and they knew that Zhou Dong was asked to bring them back for winter.
       It's just that the thing that put him on his heart like a big stone all the way back, has it passed?
       Listening to her, is it over?
       Zhou Qingbai couldn't help looking at Lin Qing-He.
       Lin Qing-He because the mood is very good, no matter what he thinks, put the entire backpack in his hand and then said: "Have you told your mother about this?"
       "Not yet." Zhou Qingbai looked at her.
       "Then say it yourself, I will not say such a shameful thing." Lin Qing-He waved his hand and said.
       Zhou Qingbai glanced at her, ah, but she did not make trouble, she was really relieved.
       He didn't think about it anymore, and directly attributed her changes to the fact that she was scared by the thief.
       As for asking him to go to bed next door, it didn't feel much, because every time he came back before, she couldn't wait for him to leave quickly.
       Now that he had retreated, she would not let him come to stay in this room.
       But these are nothing, she doesn't make trouble with him retreating, this makes Zhou Qingbai heart fall on the ground, saying: "I go to Father, Niang."
       Go and tell him Father, Niang that he doesn’t have any burden, because Erxi is the big problem here, and now the biggest problem is solved, he can just say something from Father, Niang.
       "Go." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       Zhou Qingbai came to the old Zhou family.
       Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother hadn't had time to be happy when the old son returned, and was shocked by the news that the old son announced directly.
       "What, have you stepped back, and won't go anymore?" Zhou-Father froze.
       "This is what happened, why did you retreat so well?" Zhou-Mother was even more anxious.
       "At the age, I retired." Zhou Qingbai said concisely.
       The Zhou Big-Brother Zhou-2-brother on the side, and Zhou-3-brother are all ignorant.
       "How old you are, you are only twenty-seven, and the future is limitless!" Zhou-3-brother said the first.
       Zhou Big-Brother and Zhou-2-brother also asked him why.
       But Zhou Qingbai didn't say anything, there was no extra explanation.
       "Retreat and retreat." Zhou-Father said after a half-silence: "As long as such a big man works well, Dawa, they will soon grow up, and they will be able to work and not worry about eating and drinking. "
       The three Zhou brothers looked at each other.
       "Lao-Si, you come in with your mother." Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou Qingbai did not say anything, followed Zhou-Mother into the room with a sad heart.
       "Lao-Si, you tell the mother, what is going on? The mother doesn't believe you are old enough to retreat." Zhou-Mother looked at the old son.
       Zhou Qingbai knew that the usual claims could not be fooled, so she showed her the wound on her chest. Although she had healed, there was still a big scar.
       It was almost close to the heart. Zhou-Mother could see the heartbeat slowed by half a beat, and I didn't need to say anything else about my son.
       Matron's eyes were red, and he repeatedly said, "It's better to retreat or to retreat. Although the home is not as good as that, but eating is not a problem, and it is not so dangerous. Dawa they are still small."
       It’s really a blessing of the gods and buddies. If this happens, it is really unimaginable.
       Lao-Si family is definitely unreliable. If the old son has a case outside, then she must remarry with a parcel.
       What can we do with those three grandchildren?
       "By the way, Dawa, did he know that? She always wanted to be Guan Madam. If you step back now, can she stop with you?" Matron remembered, his face changed, he said quickly.
       Zhou-Mother knew the original owner’s ambitions, so when he was anxious, he began to worry about the old son’s house.
       "I told her that although she was a little disappointed, she knew that there was no room for turning around and there was no opinion." Zhou Qingbai said.
       "No opinion?" Zhou-Mother froze: "How is this possible?"
       The eyes of the Lao-Si family are higher than the top, but she always wanted to be Guan Madam, and they all thought of themselves as Guan Madam, and they couldn't look at the women in the village at all. None of the words.
       Of course, she was also disdainful and did not want to be with rural women at all.
       If this makes her Guan Madam's dream shattered, will it still be? The sky must not be punctured by her?
       "Lao-Si, you Erxi, this must be a big move. You must treat her well. If she divorces you, you must not be able to part with her. You must die, or Dawa. No mother, you won’t be able to lift it up then! ”Zhou-Mother repeatedly said.
       Zhou Qingbai looked helpless and wanted to tell his mother that it was not that serious. Erxi could see it.
       But Lin Qing-He can't believe that Zhou-Mother is unbelievable.
       Even if she behaves well after passing through, but the impression given by the original owner is deeply ingrained. This is not a calming person.
       From the moment she dared to enter the door shortly after she entered the door, she could see it.
       But Zhou Qingbai really didn’t think he would make trouble in Erxi. Before he came back, he was really upset. He was also worried that she wouldn’t give up. There was no peace at home, but he watched her reaction after learning about it It was indeed a loss, as if the spiritual pillar that had always supported her had collapsed.
       But this state only maintained until he took out three thousand dollars and the bundle of tickets, her displeasure disappeared.
       He can still see this.
       Therefore, there is no such thing as holding a big move.
       But to be so open, this should also be the change brought to her by the thief.
       Thinking of this, Zhou Qingbai eyebrows also condensed.
       Zhou-Mother looked at him like this and thought he had listened to his words, fearing that going back would aggravate family conflicts, and quickly said: "You Erxi, her temperament is also a temperament, you have something to talk to her slowly, this is the case Big, you have to comfort her and know if she doesn’t. Don’t say anything and let her guess. The time she spent with you is less than a month. She can’t guess. ”
       Zhou Qingbai got up and said: "Don't worry, mother, it's okay."
       His mother was right in saying something. Although he has been married for so many years, Dawa is five years old, and six years old after the new year. In fact, the time he spent with her adds up, it is really not enough for a month.
       So he still doesn't know her, and he can't look at people from the past. For example, this time when she came back, wouldn't she take good care of all three sons?
       Zhou Qingbai came out to say goodbye to Zhou-Father and the three older brothers and went back.
       Zhou Big-Brother talked to Zhou 1st Sao about it when he returned to the house. Zhou 1st Sao froze: "Don't go back? Will you stay in the village in the future?"
       "Well, it's even backed out." Zhou Big-Brother nodded.
       "Can the Lao-Si family agree?" Zhou 1st Sao couldn't help it.
       Zhou Big-Brother said: "Lao-Si is okay to stay, there is nothing to disallow, let's say that the wind and rain outside is also dangerous, and staying in the village is not good anymore, then I'm not afraid of having no food to eat. "
       "Don't you know what Lao-Si thinks?" Zhou 1st Sao said.
       "What do you think?" Zhou Big-Brother said.
       "Don't say it, you don't know." Zhou 1st Sao waved his hand.
       It is not only Zhou 1st Sao who knows Lin Qing-He ideas, Zhou-2-Sao Zhou-3-Sao all know.
       After listening to my man say this, it was shocked.
       The first reaction is the same as Zhou 1st Sao, ask the Lao-Si family can agree? Isn't it just as crazy as it is?
       Zhou-2-brotherZhou-3-brother understands.
       I don't know if I know it, but I was yelled into the room and said it well.
       Can't make trouble?
       Zhou-2-Sao didn't believe it.
       Call Zhou 1st Sao directly, and Zhou-2-Sao come to the house to knit a sweater and talk.
       Naturally, they also bought woolen yarn and came back to knit sweaters and trousers. Otherwise, how could they bear the cold of this day?
       "1st Sao 3-Sao, the news that the uncle has retired, do you know?" Zhou-2-Sao asked with a knitted sweater.
       "Got it." Zhou 1st Sao said.
       "Where can I hide this?" Zhou-3-Sao also said.
       After all, the fourth uncle will stay in the village in the future, where can I hide it.
       "4-Sao doesn't know what it's like to be arguing at home now. She also knows what you think. Her eyes are the same as they grow on top of her head. She thought that one day she would fly to a branch and become a phoenix, and now she fell into a grass chicken. Zhou-2-Sao said.
       There was naturally a little bit of gloating in the tone.
       Zhou 1st Sao just took the flannel from others and made a close-fitting for his son. He said: "Don't say that, it's all a family. It's not good for us to leave the fourth uncle, I was thinking that if the fourth uncle would go up again, he would be able to take care of the nephews of the old Zhou family in the future. "
       Zhou-2-Sao heard this, but couldn't help but sigh: "Who said no." Of course she thinks so. Although her son is only three years old this year, if his fourth uncle is good, then her son When you kiss nephew, can't you take care of it?
       There is also such a reason, so for many years, even Zhou-2-Sao, who is used to pinching and sharpening in front of the original owner, has converged a lot.
       As for Zhou-3-Sao, she also wondered if Lin Qing-He would be able to get the pig's legs during her confinement, and she also used the last piece of cotton cloth for Dawa and made a jacket for her girl. That's not warm enough, and the brown sugar left in the jar was also delivered from there.
       Therefore, although Zhou-3-Sao whispered in his heart, he never said so.
       However, Zhou-2-Sao couldn't help it. After talking to the two women, he came out.
       Zhou Qingbai retreated, and the news that he was going to work in the village was spread in the village. The village was small, and soon the captain of the team called his grandson to call Zhou Qingbai.
       It didn't take long for Zhou Qingbai to come back from the old Zhou house. After drinking the ginger soup cooked by Erxi, he could only sit in the captain's house.
       Lin Qing-He didn't care, after collecting the bowl, he washed it.
       Naturally, Jiang Tang also wants him to pour it again. Last night, the snow was so big. Drinking a bowl of ginger soup is enough.
       So while he was in the old Zhou house, he cooked some more.
       This time not only Zhou Qingbai, but also Dawa Erwa Sanwa, but she gave them a little brown sugar, otherwise the three boys would not drink.
       Lin Qing-He also drank.
       It's cold weather to drink some ginger soup to warm your body.
       Now that the coal stove is burning, it is convenient to cook everything. Bring Sanwa to Dawa Erwa and she takes the potatoes out and cuts them.
       At noon, I eat potato stewed pork belly, and a shrimp skin soup is over.
       Pork belly still went to Sister Mei to buy a little more yesterday, this time she can’buy’a lot.
       Three pounds of pork belly, and a few pounds of pork ribs, if you save some, you can also eat it.
       For example, this time she stewed pork belly with potatoes. The pork belly was thinly cut. Although it looks like a lot, it is only three or two meat at best, and no more.
       But if it is fried with lard, it will be delicious.
       Shrimp soup is much simpler.
       I have prepared all the materials. It is still early to see the time. Those who have a wall clock at home can check the time. The original owner saved a lot of industrial coupons and bought them. It took Zhou Qingbai three months’salary allowance.
       But now she is enjoying it, of course, it is also inevitable to take over the reputation of a prodigal mother-in-law.
       Lin Qing-He also went back to the room and took a look at her various materials. Fortunately, she had a hunch. Knowing that he must come back in a few days, so the rice noodles at home were full of dangdang, even the eggs. A full jar is enough to eat for a while.
       But what is most satisfactory to Lin Qing-He is the 3 thousand yuan that Zhou Qingbai brought back this time with the bundle of tickets.
       Next year, Zhou Qingbai will be working. At that time, there will be some food for the family. If Zhou Qingbai is as big as a man, he will certainly be able to get ten centimeters, so he doesn’t worry about spending any money.
       The furniture she should buy is almost the same, there is no need to go shopping in the county.
       So now with her remaining 200 yuan, all her family has 3,200 yuan. This money must be kept!
       Keep it open until later, to see if you can do a living.
       Otherwise, don’t be gold all over the time. If you want to do it without capital, then it’s really crying.
       When Lin Qing-He planned this, Zhou-Mother came over.
       Seeing Zhou-Mother, Lin Qing-He subconsciously immediately lifted his face!
       Yes, she can pass with Zhou Qingbai vaguely, but Zhou-Mother can't do it. How many days did the original owner spend with Zhou Qingbai?
       However, they lived in a village with Zhou-Mother, and Zhou-Mother knew exactly what the original owner was.
       "Lao-Si family, do you know what Lao-Si has withdrawn?" Zhou-Mother cautiously said.
       I really used her Erxi, Lin Qing-He, if any bystanders could not see it, let her take out the majesty of Popo.
       But now she is the authority, and directly said: "What does Matron want to say? Do you want to ridicule me, then you ridiculed, anyway, I don't want to pass this day, just ready to pack up the house!"
       Even if the mother did not shout, Zhou-Mother knew the seriousness of the matter, and quickly said: "Lao-Si family, don't be impulsive, now Dawa, they are so big, do you still want to leave them all, Lao-Si is back now, but with his son, can he still feed your Mother? I told him all, tell him to come back and tell you well, how did you live before, how will you live in the future , You don’t have to go to the ground, Lao-Si can do it! "
       Did not get angry with Zhou Qingbai, this is the draft she made before coming.
       "How did I live in the past? I have been married to him for so many years, what do I do, I think you all know it, but now he just came back empty-handed like this, this thing wants me to deal with him like this, There are no doors! "Lin Qing-He said sarcastically.
       It's a sin, but she didn't really want to spread the wild, but she didn't want to spread the wild.
       If she didn’t, she would definitely go to the ground, and it would be taken for granted that she should do it.
       Sometimes this is the case with this person. Lazy people are sometimes diligent, and everyone praises her, while diligent people are occasionally lazy, and everyone shakes their heads unexpectedly. She thought that she was such a person.
       This is a very real reality.
       She doesn't want to do the second kind, and she can't do the second kind.
       So now I have to take this opportunity to let Zhou-Father Zhou-Mother leave an impression that as long as she doesn’t make trouble, she can take care of Zhou Qingbai and her three sons and burn high fragrance. She didn't work and left everything to their son, but she should be thankful that she was still willing to stay.
       Of course, the most important thing is that this is in line with her personality.
       Zhou-Mother knew that she must be endless, and she repeatedly persuaded: "This family, how can such a claim be considered, Lao-Si is a good one, you really marry him ... … "
       "It's your old Zhou family who doesn't lose money. I gave you three grandchildren in your old Zhou family. They don't add up to more than three of me. I married at a young age. He Zhou Qingbai went home so many times In less than a month, what's the difference between me and Shouhuoli, who is not losing money in the end! "Lin Qing-He interrupted her and said.
       Zhou-Mother quickly said: "Mother doesn't mean that, now Lao-Si has retreated, but he will never call you wronged, Mother Dawa, don't do impulsive things!"
       "I will not be wronged. I am going to be wronged. I will not be wronged. He will retreat now. Where will I have a face in the village? The villagers must be laughing at me in the back, let alone the villagers, just Even my 2-Sao, she must have been gloating, and she didn’t know how to pay attention to me! ”Lin Qing-He said with a look of embarrassment.
       "No, you 2-Sao, although her temperament loves to pinch, but she dare not to you." Zhou-Mother said quickly.
       After all, this 4-Erxi is also very powerful, and it is not cheap at all.
       "Don't dare, she didn't dare just look at Dawa and his Father's face, thinking about whether her son can get some benefits in the future, so I dare not, now that everyone else has retreated, how can she be kind to me! "Lin Qing-He said, and then turned back the topic:" Matron, you don't need to persuade me, I will not easily count with him Zhou Qingbai! "
       "Lao-Si has a wound, please don't let him suffer from it, and leave any symptoms." Zhou-Mother hurriedly said.
       Lin Qing-He dropped the sentence directly on the wolf heart after hearing Wen Yan: "Turn me off!"

       Chapter 38 | Opening up 

       Zhou Qingbai, who had clearly heard an ear from the door and didn’t know when, said: "..."
       He didn't even know that he had Erxi and that right and wrong.
       He was obviously afraid that he would be cold and hungry. Last night, he didn’t know what was going to be prepared for him. It was just a showdown this morning. When he returned from Lao Zhou house, she gave him another bowl and three sons and her own. Copies.
       But this is to his mother, but this kind of ruthless look.
       There are two faces?
       He really didn't understand his Erxi.
       The Zhou-Mother inside was choking, and he said that this is your man. It’s not your business, but she knows that she in a hurry now, she can’t listen to other words, and she can’t just follow it. Come, otherwise Lao-Si will definitely not be able to live this day.
       "Father, hug me!" Sanwa's voice sounded outside the door at this time.
       The little guy wandered out to see his Father, and came directly to hug his leg and asked.
       Zhou Qingbai also picked up Sanwa, and Zhou-Mother came out of the room.
       "Mother, go back, your home is fine." Zhou Qingbai said, holding Sanwa.
       Zhou-Mother was worried, and looked at the old son whose wife was about to run, and said: "Lao-Si, you go to Mom's house."
       Zhou Qingbai held Sanwa and walked out of the door with her, Zhou-Mother whispered, "Lao-Si, you just heard it outside the door, you have to tell Erxi if you know? If you can't convince her to stay Next, you really want to take Dawa with them. "
       Although her son would like to find another one if he divorced like this, it would never be a problem, but the key is that it is not working now. With three sons, how can he get married again? Did you marry her three grandchildren?
       Although the Lao-Si family is just like that, but Mother is not as ridiculous as ever, it will not be worse than the stepmother!
       Without waiting for her son to speak, Zhou-Mother continued: "You go back and talk to Erxi and tell her that you don't need her to work in the ground. She used to live as she used to, and she can take care of your family for you. Okay, next year Dawa will be able to fight hogweed to earn work points. The labor force and her family food are available at home, so she can live without going to the ground! "
       Zhou Qingbai nodded seriously: "I listen to my mother, I will tell her well." He seemed to understand why Erxi told his mother so much.
       Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid to say it, and he knew everything about earning work points, and would not make life at home difficult.
       Zhou-Mother saw that he should get off, and then went back, but he was still worried.
       Lin Qing-He at home is like no one else. As soon as it was less than ten o'clock, he said to Zhou Qingbai: "I heard my mother said you still have injuries. Come in and see."
       Speaking and took Sanwa.
       Zhou Qingbai glanced at her and said, "It's no big deal."
       Lin Qing-He just looked at him. From the last night, she was almost able to face it calmly. Her adaptability is extremely strong, especially when she came out of the door with Zhou-Mother. After listening to it, she felt that she could also get rid of it.
       This man, as long as he is open, it is really omnipotent.
       Zhou Qingbai saw that she could not hold her beak, so she could only come in and took off her clothes to show her, Lin Qing-He was a little embarrassed, but when he saw the scar on his wound, he couldn't help but meat. It hurts.
       "Hurry up and put your clothes on, and rush to lie on the Kang for me." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai put on the clothes, and it was still quite cold that day, saying: "Is there still work to be done at home?"
       "Yes." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       Zhou Qingbai looked at her, obviously waiting for her instructions.
       "Now lie down on the Kang for me, and give me your wounds to be completely cured." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Qingbai looked at her and said, "The injuries on his body are no longer harmful."
       "It's just fine, it doesn't mean it's all done. I want to do the work next year. You have to do it, and you have to do it. Now I'm going to lie down. I have a bad temper. You don't want to give me fire." Lin Qing-He frowned.
       Nothing matters, the wound hurts when she looks at it!
       Zhou Qingbai saw that she was really angry, but also quite helpless, how easy it is to get angry, but also turned back to the children's Kang.
       Lin Qing-He put Sanwa here and let him take it, and then went to burn the Kang.
       At this time, Dawa Erwa came back from the outside, but these two brothers went out and flaunted the fact that Father came back, which made them more babble than they had new clothes to wear.
       "You Father came back from the heavy snow last night and it's not very comfortable for you. You go to Kang and talk with him." Lin Qing-He said.
       Dawa Erwa is looking forward to and awe at Zhou Qingbai Father, but after hearing what his mother said, she came.
       Zhou Qingbai watched the two elder sons coming in, and gestured for them to come over with his eyes.
       Dawa Erwa came over and looked at him.
       Dawa said: "The mother also said Father you are sick, then Father you need more rest."
       "Well, last time Sanwa was sick, and the mother took care of him one night," Erwa nodded.
       Sanwa had a cold just a few days ago. Lin Qing-He had been taking good care of her since she came, but she still had a cold. That night she really didn’t sleep for the whole night and took care of it. Dawa Erwa they only knew the next day.
       Zhou Qingbai also knew that it was not easy for Erxi to take care of three sons by herself, but she didn't expect the child to be sick, so she had to stay there for one night.
       "Don't Father leave?" Dawa's eyes brightened.
       Erwa couldn't help but look forward to looking at him.
       What their little friends said just now, and listening to Daren, they will not leave the Father in the future and will stay in the village.
       "Don't go." Zhou Qingbai said.
       "That's great!" Dawa Erwa said excitedly.
       Naturally, children can’t think of so many, and their ideas are very simple. They want their Father to stay at home, but they don’t know that if their Father stays at home, there will be no source of income for their family.
       Lin Qing-He outside was thinking of making a soup to make up for Zhou Qingbai. He heard laughter from the room.
       Although the relationship of Father will be worse in the future, so far, the three little men in the family have a natural worship of their Father.
       After all, it’s so tall, so big, it looks very strong, and it’s better than the Father of the other children in the village, and they will naturally recognize him.
       Lin Qing-He cooked stewed kelp ribs soup in a casserole. After all, she’knows’that he still has a wound on him, so I must say something.
       Then, stewed pork belly with potatoes, shrimp skin soup, pork rib soup is specially made for the villain Father, she and the children eat shrimp skin soup.
       She started eating at 11 o'clock at noon.
       Just give Zhou Qingbai the injury soup and let him drink it alone. Dawa Erwa didn't mean what he wanted, saying that he just drank the shrimp skin soup.
       Zhou Qingbai glanced at Lin Qing-He.
       Lin Qing-He said: "Their Father is unwell and needs to be replenished. Our two brothers are filial and will not fight with their Father."

       Chapter 39 | Do Your Home 

       In a word, Dawa was very straight, and her breasts were so small that Erwa was not greedy, and her eyes were shiny.
       However, Zhou Qingbai still gave their mother ribs, and he drank the soup.
       Dawa Erwa moved his face.
       Father is reluctant to give them food!
       Lin Qing-He: ... you really hurt people.
       The meat of this soup is very good!
       However, she took it and gave him a look. Zhou Qingbai also looked at her.
       "Quickly eat it, go to raise it on the kang, it's very cold this day." Lin Qing-He pretended not to look away, said.
       After the family ate, Zhou Qingbai was about to clean up the tableware, but Lin Qing-He gave Sanwa to him, and she cleaned up herself.
       Again, there are so many days to work in the future, don't rush to meet at this time.
       However, Zhou Qingbai was obviously unable to sit down. He couldn't stand him if he was to lie all day. After taking a nap, he went to the backyard.
       Seeing that he really didn't want to lie down, Lin Qing-He didn't stop either.
       In the afternoon, Zhou-Mother came again, Lin Qing-He had all the attacks, and naturally, they could not always be ignored, just saying: "It is okay if I want to stay, but if I ask you to hear me later Just pay attention to me, then I will pack up and leave immediately! "
       Zhou-Mother is in a bad mood today, and Zhou-Father is in a low mood at home. Of course, Zhou-Father doesn’t think Lin Qing-He will go. He is a low son, so he retired, but his wife said After the son was injured, he couldn't take care of it anymore, and he quickly asked Zhou-Mother to bring some money over.
       Zhou-Mother I haven’t even taken out the money yet, and when I heard her, I quickly said: "You can rest assured that you are now separated, and the separation is the two people. How do you live here? The old Zhou house can't be managed, no one will say you are not! "
       "I see Dawa, if the wound on his Father's body is not properly maintained, it will probably leave the root of the disease. I don't want to keep him alive and widowed when I was young. I still have to give him medicine to wait for it. Look at some people around to sell chicken No, if you buy me two. ”Lin Qing-He said, and then a face of a complainant:“ I don’t know what was wrong in my last life. I’ve followed such a man in my life. I first served his son. Now I have to wait for him again, I am born to work hard! "
       Although listening to her complaint, the stone hanging in Zhou-Mother's heart was put down.
       Let her complain if she complains, in the end it is still willing to catch up with her son to make up for it, is this good?
       "But I don't want the old Zhou family. Now that 3-Sao is about to be born, don't say that the confinement period will not even eat a chicken and be eaten by my family." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou-Mother originally wanted to catch two from the family. The old Zhou family had eight Big-Mother chickens laying eggs. At this time, the chickens were raised according to the head, and two chickens per head.
       The old Zhou family plus grandchildren has a total of 17 heads, so they can raise eight chickens.
       Don’t look like there are a lot of eight chickens, but in fact, they are not enough to eat, and the eggs should be kept for some money to buy salt and the like.
       Therefore, in the elder Zhou family living finely, eggs are also rare.
       I wanted to catch two old Mother chickens, but when Lin Qing-He said this, Zhou-Mother could only dispel the idea.
       However, Zhou-Mother is very popular in the village. It’s not a big deal to buy two Mother chickens. Soon, she went back and bundled two old Mother chickens.
       Lin Qing-He did not give Zhou-Mother a penny in order not to fall apart, but Zhou-Mother did not even say a word.
       Because she knew that these two chickens were just used to make up for the body of her old son, and her three grandchildren could eat it too. As for Lin Qing-He, there was only one of them.
       In private, she took two hundred dollars out of her pocket again, all reunited for ten dollars.
       "What are you doing?" Lin Qing-He froze for a moment.
       "This is what Lao-Si sent back to us to save. After the other two houses were built for Lao-Da Lao-Er, there are so many left. You can keep it. Dawa and they will grow up. There are many places to spend money. "Although Zhou-Mother was reluctant, he still took out the absolutely huge two hundred dollars.
       At that time, the Lao-Si family branch, in order to block the mouths of the other three, they used Zhou Qingbai remaining money to build a single room for each of them.
       At that time, the bricks and tiles were much cheaper than the current one. At that time, the starting price of one square was only four or five yuan, plus it was not large. Lin Qing-He two single rooms plus a hall were only 50 square meters. It’s Zhou-Father who calls people to come to help with the Zhou family brothers, so it doesn’t cost much.
       But now it is almost ten dollars per square meter, which is more than doubled. There is no more than 12 thousand in the spacious brick building.
       At that time, Zhou Qingbai money was also used, so I asked the other three to share a single room.
       This is what is left now.
       However, the two of them still have their own coffin book, that will not be taken out.
       Other cheap Lin Qing-He accounted for it, but for the two hundred dollars, Lin Qing-He still thinks it's ok.
       "Take your second old money, Dawa and Father know that they have to quarrel with me." Lin Qing-He said so.
       "It was originally earned by Lao-Si. I was just keeping it for him. Now that he is back, the money is naturally returned to him. No one can say anything. These two chickens are also bought with this money. ". Zhou-Mother said.
       Lin Qing-He didn't want it, but Zhou-Mother really wanted to give it to her, so he hesitated a little and then took it over, saying, "I won't take it back to my mother's house, I will keep my life."
       Zhou-Mother was still satisfied with her statement. She wanted to say a few other things to tell her to live a finer life, not to be so clumsy, but it was estimated that she would not listen, so she didn't say it.
       When Zhou-Mother went back, he told other Erxi that the Lao-Si family who caught the chicken had given money.
       She couldn't hide the fact that she helped catch the chicken. It would be better to say it brighter.
       Zhou 1st Sao Zhou-3-Sao didn't speak, but the two of them were a little relieved, especially Zhou-3-Sao. It is estimated that they will be born next month, if the family can make up for her There is only one chicken, and if it is delivered to the fourth uncle family, then she will at most eat some eggs.
       Zhou 1st Sao too. Now in March next year is due date, and I want to keep the chickens to make up the body.
       Zhou-2-Sao just whispered and said, "I don't know how much Matron subsidized the Lao-Si family!"
       However, it is in my heart that I dare not say it. I can tolerate the Matron that can be made by the Lao-Si family, but for them, Matron is awesome.
       Lin Qing-He came to the backyard for the first time to confess with Zhou Qingbai.
       "I didn't want to collect Matron's money originally, but if she didn't accept it, she didn't know what she would think. I thought that the days would be long, so I collected the money." Lin Qing-He said .
       Zhou Qingbai was setting up a chicken shed and heard her saying, "You're in charge of the family."


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