Back 60s 25

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       Lin 1st Sao took a look and thought it was a good deal. I felt that it was enough for her two-year-old son to make two warm clothes. Stay longer and come out, you can wear it next year.
       "Last time I called 3-Sao and gave me two pounds of brown sugar. That's a lot of brown sugar. Now I don't have much at home. This small bag of rock sugar 1st Sao took it back and gave Da-Nini 2-Nini sisters some sweet Sweet mouth. "Lin Qing-He wrapped a small package of crystal candy with oiled paper and said.
       "Leave it to Dawa and they will eat it." Zhou 1st Sao politely said.
       "There is still a little left at home, take it back." Lin Qing-He stuffed her.
       Zhou 1st Sao also accepted it, then took the cloth and went back to work.
       Lin Qing-He asked: "Mother, this time I met a new kitchen knife in the black market, the same one I used in my kitchen, I thought about the old one over the old Zhou house. So I bought it back. I don’t need a ticket for five yuan. Do you want it? You don’t earn a penny. "
       "Show me." Zhou-Mother hesitated and said.
       The kitchen knife at home was indeed a few bites. She gave Dawa their minced meat in the morning and used Lin Qing-He knife. That was really easy.
       Lin Qing-He showed it to her, and Zhou-Mother took out five dollars to give it to her. Lin Qing-He accepted it without any embarrassment and said, "This knife is also an acquaintance, otherwise five yuan. I can’t buy the money. I didn’t blow it. The county is very expensive, but it’s really good. For example, my pot and casserole. "
       Zhou-2-Sao Only noticed that there is a second pan in the kitchen, or a pair of pans, and the spatula cover is fully equipped.
       The casserole is also brand new.
       "How much money have you spent!" Zhou-Mother couldn't hold back.
       "When Minger divides the grain and buys the grain with the production team, the family will wait for the next Dawa and their Father to send money back." Lin Qing-He said Zhou-Mother and turned back angrily.
       Carrying a kitchen knife and looking as if to chop people.
       In Zhou-2-Sao heart, he secretly uttered something. What if the fourth uncle would make money again, wasn't he able to stop the Lao-Si family defeat?
       She doesn't think Lin Qing-He will lie, because it is not necessary at all, and they will not ask her to borrow money.
       And this is the coal stove and the coal, the new pot casserole, and the cloth. These are all visible, and can't you see her returned to the room?
       It all costs a lot of money.
       Zhou-2-Sao and her relationship are generally on the low side. Zhou-Mother went back. She didn't stay any longer and went back with a little pride.
       Lin Qing-He eyesight, don't you know what this 2-Sao thinks?
       But she went.
       In fact, this time she really didn’t spend much money. The big piece of coal stove is replaced with coal by using a pot. The binaural pot and casserole don’t cost money, just a piece of cloth. I didn’t add much.
       The rest is the food. The enamel of the footbath didn't cost much. Lin Qing-He even passed it on the way back, and it didn't cost more than twenty yuan.
       It's very worthwhile to buy so many things back with this money.
       "Go call you Big-Brother and come back to eat apples." Lin Qing-He said to Erwa.
       Erwa immediately went out to call people, this time Dawa did not run far, and soon came back with Erwa.
       Lin Qing-He cut them for apples, and one person ate a quarter.
       "Mother, is there still in the cupboard?" Erwa asked.
       "There are still others, pears, white rabbit toffee, Jiang Mi Tiao, malted milk, canned food, etc. If you are obedient, you will have to eat. If you run out every day and get your clothes dirty, then Don't even want to eat it. "Lin Qing-He gave Dawa a look and said.
       Dawa was dumbfounded, and Erwa was the same. It was worthy of being born by Father Mother. This expression was generally carved out of a template.
       Not only that, Lin Qing-He took them into the room and toured again.
       "Mother, you are so nice." Erwa has already hurriedly clinged to Lin Qing-He.
       Dawa blushed and said, "Then ... then I will play less."
       "Fine." Lin Qing-He nodded, and wrapped a piece of fat about half a catty in oil paper. The old Lin's family would like it: "I'll give you Ye-Ye.
       "I'll go here." Dawa took the big fat and gave them to Ye-Ye.
       Then I can't wait to go home and wait for food.
       Tonight the mother is going to make them stewed pork belly with pork belly, which is very fragrant, especially when the soup is poured with rice, he can eat two and a half bowls of rice!
       Sure enough, when he came back, his mother had soaked the rice.
       "Dawa, call your little sister Xi." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou-Dawa is doing what she told her to do. She was commanded to go around and there was no opinion at all, because his mother bought a few of them so delicious!
       Their mother is simply the best mother in the world, and the mother of the whole village is not as good as their mother!
       Zhou Xi also listened to her Big-Brother, Lin Qing-He gave her the rest of the cloth: "Make a pair of shoes for the trinity, and then make two pairs of socks, and the rest you make two pairs of big socks. , Three yards larger than your brother's. "
       Naturally, it was prepared for Zhou Qingbai.
       As far as she is not needed, the original master's socks are good, there are five pairs.
       Zhou Xidu gave the answer.
       "It's almost half past eight in the evening. You come with your brother to take the quilt back." Lin Qing-He said.
       Naturally it was late at night to quietly take the quilt back to a better point.
       That quilt weighs almost four pounds, which is also very good.
       "Aunt Many Thanks." Zhou Xi understood how important a quilt was this year, and he might not be able to get it with money.
       "No thank you. Your brother has worked hard today. These shoes and socks are not in a hurry. You don't need to spend kerosene at night." Lin Qing-He said.
       As for the next one, I didn’t give it any more. Although I was tired of Zhou Dong for one day today, I ate three white breads for him. For Zhou Dong who couldn’t eat a few times of white noodles and meat in a year, this also went back. .
       As for making shoes and socks, this is no longer a problem. After all, give such a large quilt, and then give it away. This is not the style of Lin Qing-He.
       In the evening, Lin Qing-He took three sons to eat the rice, the two big ones ate the rice, and the food was fragrant. Sanwa, the little one, was also full of oil.
       After eating, let their brother play in the yard, and Lin Qing-He eats by himself.
       At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Dong and Zhou Xi brothers and sisters came over. Lin Qing-He gave the changed quilt to them, and then they closed the door and went to bed.
       Now that day is really chilling out, it was better last night, she can really feel it tonight.
       The three children were called to her by Kang directly to sleep, because it was really cold tonight.
       There are two four-pound quilts at home, which were left at the time of marriage, plus a total of three articles for the brothers and sisters of Zhou Dong, the materials enjoyed by the original owner can be regarded as sufficient.
       As for the two seven-pound large quilts that Lin Qing-He put on the kang head, they still can't use such a large quilt.
       If they have four Mothers, it is enough to use only one large quilt.
       After all, the three boys are all stove heaters.
       The next day was the day when the brigade divided the grain.
       This kind of day had nothing to do with Lin Qing-He and her three sons, because her family was separated, but there was no labor, because there was no labor, and even the most basic food for the head was not scored.
       This is the rule of their commune. Unless they are old, weak, sick or disabled, they have to work in order to have a headline in addition to work points.
       The original owner is the best young man. If she does not go down, then there is nothing to say. Even Dawa, Erwa and Sanwa have no so-called head food.
       But it doesn’t matter, you can buy it if you don’t get it.
       However, this is no hurry. Anyway, buying food with the production team has to wait for the members of the society to finish the work.
       She knew that this year's production team was a bumper harvest, and naturally there would be surplus grain.
       So don't worry at all.
       It was less than nine in the morning of the old Zhou house, and I had picked a lot of food back and forth. Of course, this is what Dawa Erwa said.
       In a day like this today, the whole village is very happy, the children are running all over the street, and Lin Qing-He didn’t restrain their brothers.
       One person gave a big white rabbit toffee and sent it out.
       Not to mention that the little brothers were eating big white rabbit toffee in their mouths and got the envy and greedy of their little friends. The brothers and sisters of Zhou Dong and Zhou Xi also went to their family grain transport house at about ten thirty.
       Zhou Dong came over and said that after a while, it would be all over.
       That is to say, it can actually pass by now, and it is almost the same when walking over to the brigade.
       "Are you okay now? If it's okay, push on the cart and go with your aunt." Lin Qing-He said.
       "It's all right now," Zhou Dong said.
       So Lin Qing-He asked him to take the trailer in the past, but she took the money, then hugged Sanwa and locked the door.
       Zhou Dong brought the trailer over and Lin Qing-He followed him on the team.
       If the young woman saw her coming, it would be a lip whisper. Who doesn’t know that this is to buy food? That is to say, now that the days are good, if it used to be like this, it would be waiting to starve to death!
       At that time, there was no such good life as it is now.
       However, due to the old Zhou family, Zhou-Father and Zhou-Mother had a very good reputation in the village, but they didn't say anything.
       The captain of the team had no prejudice against Lin Qing-He. Although she felt that she would not live a life, it was someone else business, and they also had money to buy. They didn’t want much on the team.
       This time Lin Qing-He was ready, because there are so many materials in the space, she is planning to do it.
       After all, Zhou Qingbai has no income in the future, and she can't really be so scrupulous.
       But in the eyes of the villagers, this time she was a waste of money, because she didn't buy much, she bought the most wheat!
       I have long heard Dawa come out and brag about their mother making food for them every day at home. Do you know if it looks like this?
       Lin Qing-He bought a hundred pounds of wheat. A pound of wheat costs more than three cents. A hundred pounds of wheat costs more than thirty yuan.
       Except that wheat is corn kernels, it is used to grind cornmeal. This is cheaper. She asked for 80 pounds.
       There are fifty kilograms of millet, and next to them are green beans, red beans, soybeans, peanuts, sesame seeds. These don’t require much. Mung beans, red beans, and yellow beans cost ten pounds each, and peanuts cost a little more. Jin, sesame seeds also cost a lot, 20 jin.
       The sweet potato also costs a sack of twenty pounds.
       As for the cheaper sweet potato, she didn't need a piece. This stuff can be ground into sweet potato noodles, but it is particularly unpalatable. This is something that the original owner remembers.
       But most people in the village are eating this right now.
       After asking for these things, Lin Qing-He next to them did not intend to ask for them.
       But these things still spent a fortune to go out, seeing her so that she spent the money without blinking, and some women in the village couldn't help but feel distressed for her!
       These things will cost about sixty dollars!
       Everyone else comes to the team to distribute food, and then waits for the team to divide the money. Even if there is not much, everyone can have a sum of money throughout the year. How can she be like this?
       If you don’t eat next to it, you will eat white noodles.
       And if she is willing to work, she not only has food for her, but also has three children, and she can also get credits for food, even if it is not enough to eat and buy, then you can buy it for a few more dollars. Spend so much money going out?
       Lin Qing-He is unfamiliar with everyone, and does not mean to talk to them, because the generation gap is too big, there is no need to force yourself, anyway, the original owner is such a personality, she just follow it.
       When Zhou Dong was asked to transport the food, she collected it herself.
       Zhou Dong said: "Aunt, I will get you firewood in the afternoon, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow the team is still busy planting winter wheat. It may not be free. After waiting for this, I will have nothing to do."
       "OK." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       Dawa and Erwa, their brothers came in and their eyes brightened and looked at the food in the house. If there is this food, they will not be short of food this winter!
       They don't have a concept now, so naturally they don't know that much. In fact, these foods are not enough to eat.
       Especially after waiting for Zhou Qingbai to come back, Lin Qing-He is ready. The 100-jin wheat and 80-jin corn will be polished after Zhou Qingbai comes back. Before that, how much can the space in her consume? Consume as much.
       "I'm going to prepare lunch, your brothers will take care of Sanwa." Lin Qing-He said.
       She finished the noodles after eating in the morning, and now she is ready, and she will make noodles at noon.
       Eating noodles with scallion oil, and then with bacon, the taste is particularly fragrant, even Lin Qing-He likes to eat.
       She has nothing to do now, so she wonders which day will she try to cook braised meat?
       But what matters now is to wait for the children’s sweaters to be woven. She will knit her own. There is one in the cabinet that is particularly new. It was newly woven last year.
       Lin Qing-He also knows how to knit sweaters. She used to learn from her milk in the country when she was a child. Although her hands were born, she still has the memory of the original owner. When the two are combined, she can still knit Dawa for them without borrowing others. Hand.
       After eating noodles in the afternoon, Lin Qing-He took the ball of yarn with Dawa Erwa, which was for knitting sweaters for the two of them, and the two of them were naturally happy.
       With the help of their brothers, the speed will naturally be very fast.
       At about one o'clock in the afternoon, she took three of their brothers to take a nap. When she took a nap, she stewed them with sugar candy and pear.
       She sent them at home to wrap yarn balls, and she was too worried to dig out the meat inside the pear for their brother to eat, and then poured cold water into the pear, put a little sugar and red dates into it Cover the flat and cut pears, then put them in the bowl and simmer them.
       If Zhou-Mother sees this, it must be about nagging waste wood, but now Zhou-Mother is not free, because the family has just divided the food, and naturally it needs to be sorted out.
       When Zhou-Mother heard that she spent more than sixty dollars to buy food, it was still in her heart.
       "This is a lot less than last year." Zhou-2-Sao said.
       This is not false. Last year the original owner bought about 80 yuan of food, which caused a huge disturbance in the village.
       Of course, wheat is also the most bought.
       "Don't buy a stove and coal, you have no money?" Zhou-2-Sao didn't need to answer her, and Gu Zi said.
       As soon as she said this, she felt that she was the truth. Last time, the Lao-Si family said that they had no money in their pocket, but they didn't expect to spend so much to buy food with the team.
       But this year it was so much less than last year. I am afraid that this time it is really running out of water!
       Zhou-Mother's face was very dark and heavy, with a sigh of relief in his heart, watching the Lao-Si family treat the three grandchildren a lot better, and the two of them are also more caring than before, taking big bones and fat before and after Come here, but it's still so unreliable when it comes to spending money.
       But his son didn't have any money. How much money is not enough for Lao-Si to lose!
       Seeing that Popo face is not pretty, Zhou-2-Sao didn't say anything, but he was somewhat proud.
       It would be useless for the fourth uncle to make money anymore, and there is no way to stop the family of Erxi who spends money like running water and does not take it as money.
       As for Zhou 1st Sao and Zhou-3-Sao, they don't have so much leisurely mood. Both of them are using sewing machines in turn, and they want to quickly make Dawa's clothes, so that they can do it for their own.
       The speed of Zhou-3-Sao is very fast. Erwa's warm cotton-padded trousers are also ready soon. Zhou-Mother was angry, but he took it through this gap.
       When she took it, she saw what three grandchildren were drinking, and it was full of satisfaction and comfort.
       "My mother is here, and Bingtang Pear Water has prepared three of their brothers." Lin Qing-He looked at her and said.
       Zhou-Mother asked: "What's this? Rock sugar pear water?"
       "Well, it's very dry now. Didn't you see the pears sold in the county seat yesterday? I bought them back and today I simmer them with sugar candy and pear water." Lin Qing-He said.
       "And jujube!" Erwa said.
       "Delicious!" Dawa said.
       "Mother, eat." Sanwa drank anxiously.
       Lin Qing-He gave it to her. There was only one box of pears in her space, but when she bought it, she asked the marketing manager to take out the excess packaging for her, so the capacity of one box was almost two boxes. .
       The same is true for two boxes of apples.
       The accumulation of these things is for eating, and her image of losing a family has long been popular among people. Going out and saying that she is a good frugal family, Erxi, no one believes.
       In the same way, Zhou-Mother didn't believe it, but she was given to her three grandchildren, and she didn't even have her own, and she didn't say anything.
       "This is what you 3-Sao did for Erwa, take a look." Zhou-Mother took out the cotton trousers in the basket.
       Lin Qing-He glanced at it and knew it was a good fit for Erwa. Even if he can wear it next winter, of course he has to make another set for his children next winter.
       But this set is enough to keep this winter.
       "Hard work 3-Sao, you can rest after Dawa's work is done. When it's time for her to have a baby, I will go to the slaughterhouse to see if there are trotters, and get her two to let her stew peanuts and milk." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou-Mother heard the words but moved her heart and said, "How can you make trotters so easy?"
       Lin Qing-He naturally heard that Zhou-Mother wanted it. While feeding Sanwa Lishui, he said: "I know someone. She has acquaintances inside. If there is no ticket, the price will be higher. It’s not expensive. "
       As for giving food stamps privately, there is no need to say everything, she knows it.
       Zhou-Mother: "!"
       She knew that the Lao-Si family was not honest, and she was always able to get meat. She didn't expect to know anyone in the slaughterhouse!
       "Then you can see if you can get trotters?" Zhou-Mother said.
       They are all children of the old Zhou family. Although she loves Dawa and her brother more, but the other children are not treated badly, especially the Lao-San family got up when they gave birth to 5-Nini. They have been pregnant for so many years. Conditionally, of course, I want to raise my children.
       "Let's talk later when you are born." Lin Qing-He said.
       However, such a pig's trotters is not a rare thing. Going to the supply and marketing cooperative and telling Sister Mei in advance should be no problem.
       Zhou-Mother originally planned to come here to admonish a sentence or two, but now that he is interrupted by this matter, it is not good to say it again. Before leaving, he said: "If the family has insufficient food, talk to the family."
       Lin Qing-He knew she was distressed by her three grandchildren, but she was still grateful and refused, saying: "No, there are still many left in the family, but if you really don't have any food, you will definitely say." He didn't say anything to death.
       Zhou-Mother glanced at the three grandchildren who were being raised more and more, so they didn't say anything.
       After eating the rock sugar pear water for the three sons, they let them continue to wrap their wool. Dawa Erwa was instructed to have no opinion at all, just because the rock sugar pear water I drank today was so delicious!
       Almost in the evening, the yarn balls were wrapped around her. Lin Qing-He simmered the sesame ribs porridge in the casserole with the stove.
       The sesame was still bought today and is a bit difficult to wash, but she still washed it clean.
       The sesame ribs porridge was served with pickles and bacon. She was too lazy to heat up the bacon anymore, so she went directly into the porridge.
       But this way Dawa Erwa also happily eats, exaggerating sesame ribs porridge is really delicious!
       After eating, Lin Qing-He packed up the chopsticks and saw that the sky was still dark. She collected her clothes and asked Dawa Erwa to play with Sanwa at the door for a while, and she began to knit sweaters.
       It's only five o'clock now. At this time in the village, many people have just started cooking, and her family has finished eating.
       When the villagers watched Dawa Erwa Sanwa playing at the door, they smiled and asked if they had eaten white noodles.
       This is actually a kind of red eye disease. There is no way. The villagers have to work hard until the first year. How much wheat and how much flour does everyone divide?
       But Lin Qing-He didn't do anything, so he dared to buy a hundred pounds of wheat with the team in one breath, and 80 percent of the powder was almost 80 pounds of white flour!
       Where can people in the village not be envious of envy?
       "I didn't eat white noodles, I eat sesame ribs porridge." Dawa raised his eyebrows and told the man.
       The man was choked and walked away.
       "Haven't finished the rice at home?" Someone asked when they heard the ribs porridge.
       It is said that Lin Qing-He took Zhou Dong to transport a truckload of goods yesterday. Zhou Dong is a real-mouthed person who can’t ask for anything. You don’t know exactly what Lin Qing-He bought.
       But I heard two sentences from Zhou-2-Sao. I heard that there is a coal stove, coal, and a new pot!
       Last time Lin Qing-He went to buy rice, but it was only a few pounds, and it was very expensive. I need a lot of food stamps, but how long has it passed, and what is left?
       Needless to say, I must have bought a lot from the county seat yesterday.
       Even sesame seeds, but there are ribs, this is too greedy, their team has not divided meat yet!
       The last time I ate meat was when I finished the harvest last autumn!
       They divide the meat twice a year, once during this period, and again before the New Year.
       Then it will be next year.
       But look at Lin Qing-He like this, this is obviously rich and capricious!
       "There are still some at home, but not much." Zhou-Dawa said as soon as his eyes rolled.
       I don't doubt that a five-year-old kid will tell lies. After all, such rice is not easy to buy. Many people eat it in the county, but the villagers don't eat it.
       Because it is too expensive, not worse than white noodles, where can I buy free money? And food stamps!
       They will issue some coupons at the end of the year, but these coupons do not include food stamps, only foreign oil stamps and cotton stamps.
       At about six o'clock, Zhou Dong returned with two bundles of firewood.
       Lin Qing-He wants to settle the firewood money, but Zhou Dong does not accept it.
       Last night their brothers and sisters touched the quilt they brought home. It was really a good quilt. It was warm and soft. It was not like the quilt of his family. Although chatting is better than nothing, it really doesn't keep warm.
       The quilt given by Lin Qing-He is obviously very new. At least there is such a quilt. Mei-mei does not need to be frozen this winter.
       As for him, it is okay, he is more resistant to freezing.
       With his aunt's quilt, why would he collect money again? In fact, he planned to go back to firewood and did not intend to collect any money.
       "If you don't accept it, I don't want this firewood." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Aunt ..."
       Zhou Qing was interrupted by Lin Qing-He before saying: "Gu quilt can't be used. If you can't use it, you can't give it, so you don't have to worry about it. I brought the grain back, and Xiaoxi is still helping Dawa to make their shoes and socks at home. Don’t pull those with me.
       Then stuffed him with three cents of money: "Remember, when winter wheat is planted, you have to get firewood back."
       "Aunt ..."
       "Hurry back to get some food, and see you are busy for a day." Lin Qing-He sent out, and then closed the door regardless of Zhou Dong.
       It wasn't too early at this time, it was cold at six o'clock, and the sky was gray.
       There is not much kerosene left at home, only a little more than half a catty a month, where is enough?
       The next time you go to Sister Mei to buy meat, you must ask her if she has any channels, and she must prepare more kerosene for her family.
       Lin Qing-He took advantage of the time and gave Dawa some of them boiled water.
       Although the bath is one for three days, this hand and foot are washed every day.
       After washing, all three of them caught up with Kang.
       She lit the faint kerosene lamp, and then continued to knit sweaters.
       Dawa said: "Mother, I just played at the door. Someone asked me if there is any rice in my house. I said there is not much left."
       "Smart." Lin Qing-He gave him an admiring look.
       "Hey." Dawa grinned.
       Lin Qing-He remembered it. Now that the grain has just been divided, although the trend is very good now, many people don’t even need to close the door, but Lin Qing-He still thinks that it is better just in case.
       So after waiting three days, Zhou Xi came over and she told her plans.
       Zhou Xi hurried to Dawa and their three brothers to make shoes and socks for the past three days, just want to go out with her Big-Brother to get firewood tomorrow.
       Lin Qing-He said: "Let you ask Big-Brother to find a villager to go together. The two will work in partnership. When the time comes, let Big-Brother give him some hard money, so you don't want to go and stay at home."
       There are also some people in the village who have dirty hands and feet. The brothers and sisters rely on the food all year round.
       Zhou Xi froze: "Aunt, shouldn't there be anything?"
       "Under normal circumstances, but this kind of thing is not afraid of 10 thousand. If you want Big-Brother to find someone else, someone can buy two bundles of firewood at most all day. Then you will be asked to split Big-Brother with him in half. You don't want to go. "Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Xi still listened to her very much, and nodded when she said so seriously.
       When I went back, I told her brother that Zhou Dong Wenyan also felt that it was better to leave a family at home, so he went out to find his partner.
       Zhou Dong is hardworking and diligent, and he has good partners in the village. In this kind of thing, he went to find his best partner. He found two and said that he evenly divided.
       When the two partners heard that they were sold to Lin Qing-He, they naturally had no opinions.
       They will also go to find firewood and sell it. They pick two bundles of firewood to sell in the county town. It is almost three cents. But how far away is the county town, they envy Zhou Dong.
       You can directly pick up the village and sell it to Zhou-4-Aunt. You don't have to go that far, and you don't have to go to the county to squat for half a day. Sometimes, if you have one or two picks, you may not be able to sell for three cents.
       However, Zhou-4-Aunt doesn't want anyone else family. I'm afraid that it is said that he is a slave servant of the capital. As long as Zhou Dong's, it is also to allow their brothers and sisters to have an extra meal. No one can say that.
       "The aunt asked me to get it, but I couldn't get it by myself, so I only found you. Don't talk nonsense, otherwise I won't ask you for such good things in the future."
       "That must be!" His two partners immediately said.
       It’s silly to chew on the root of the tongue, and although Zhou-4-Aunt does spend a lot of money, it’s not a villager, and he doesn’t go out very much.
       Before the next day, they dragged the trailer of Zhou Dong's house out.
       When I came back at more than three o'clock in the afternoon, I got a whole car of firewood back, and bundled them in bundles. There were thirteen bundles of firewood!
       The entire small pallet truck is a tall one, and it will be transported to the door.
       It was Zhou Dong who shipped it alone, but the two partners did not come, because this is Zhou Dong's difference, they just took advantage of it.
       Lin Qing-He was a bit surprised. She thought she would get more bundles, but she didn't expect to get so many back.
       Thirteen bundles of firewood asked Zhou Dong to go to the fire shed in the backyard. She came in and drank Zhou Dong a cup of brown sugar water for him to drink. Zhou Dong was embarrassed. Lin Qing-He asked him to drink it before he settled it. money.
       Thirteen bundles of firewood settled Zhou Dong for two dollars.
       The shot is not stingy, but this is her family source of firewood for Maodong this year.
       Zhou Dong knew her temper and embarrassedly split up with his two partners.
       Both partners said that only six cents would be enough, and the remaining eight cents would be given to Zhou Dong. After all, if they were not for him, they would not be able to do the same thing.
       This time I got six cents, which is really a lot. You know that Daren is only about four cents a day. This is most of it, and very few have six or seven cents.
       Their half-size children are at most two cents.
       Now the winter wheat has been rushed to plant, and it is about to enter the day of eating a meal. At this time, many hardworking people choose to find firewood to sell in the county.
       How much can you earn money to subsidize your family, without having to sit down and eat all the time?
       Especially when they are half-sized, when the meal is the largest.
       But after a busy day, they can't make any money, but today, they made six cents, which is really a lot!
       Then ask if you want it tomorrow?
       Zhou Dong also asked whether his aunt said he wanted it, or that sentence, how much he wanted.
       Zhou Dong also returned to two partners. Both of them heard their words bright, and agreed to start at the same time tomorrow, and then go to fight more tomorrow!
       Every family heard about the money their son made today, and they were all very happy, but they did not say anything about unification.
       What if Lin Qing-He is dissatisfied?
       Looking at the whole village, the only one who can be generous with her like that is really not. At the moment, although the food has just been divided, the cat will soon winter. Once the winter is over, it is time for the green and yellow. A little, after all, there are not many such days.
       A lot of firewood can be transported back every day, and the wood shed built by Zhou Qingbai for the house is not enough. Lin Qing-He asked Zhou Dong to put it in an empty place in the backyard, and then covered it with bundles of straw. Going on, now it’s dew-exposure, and to prevent rain, of course it must be covered.
       Speaking of rain, when Zhou Dong returned the fifth car with firewood, it began to rain in autumn.
       Everyone in the village said that this rain came well, because the wheat was planted, and naturally the rain needed to moisturize.
       After the autumn rain came, the day was completely cold.
       Lin Qing-He estimated that it was only seven or eight degrees, so he gave Dawa Erwa Sanwa all of them fully armed without hesitation.
       Zhou 1st Sao Zhou-3-Sao The ready-made cotton trousers and shoes and socks are all ready for them.
       She has already knitted Dawa's sweater, so she puts on Dawa first. Dawa is particularly satisfied with this new body. She must go out and chat.
       The autumn rain stopped for five consecutive days, and Lin Qing-He didn't care about him. As for the firewood at home, these days Zhou Dong had 13 or 4 bundles of firewood when they were more than one day, and 11 or 12 bundles when they were little. Both young and old are energetic, and because of the rare opportunity, they have to work hard to make money.
       For so many days in a row, the firewood accumulated at home is enough.
       Even if you are going to burn the kang, there is also waste wood for cooking at home, but that's not to worry about not enough.
       Because even if she can burn again, a bundle of firewood can be used for two days, and there are half a bag of unused coal. The accumulated firewood is enough.
       There is food and firewood in the house. This winter is definitely a great time.
       Lin Qing-He let Dawa go out to play on the first day of Qiu Yu stop, but the next day they were required to stay at home and said that if food was stolen, they would not have to eat it. Don't blame her for not cooking.
       Dawa Erwa naturally expressed his willingness to stay at home.
       Dawa is six years old after the Chinese New Year, and these days have been implied by Lin Qing-He, Gu family has been a lot. It’s not the time that I didn’t care about anything.
       Now I know that I need food.
       So as soon as they heard that their mother had gone to the supply and marketing cooperative to see if there was any meat to buy, the two of them immediately said they would stay.
       Because they haven't eaten meat for several days, and the eggs are almost finished!
       Lin Qing-He would not naturally eat meat every day, even if they had divided the meat in the village as early as the autumn rain came down, but she did not go to buy it, if there was meat, it would be unreasonable.
       So today she was going to go around, and naturally Zhou-Mother shouted over to the house.
       But her own door was locked, so Zhou-Mother looked at Dawa at home.
       Zhou-Mother heard that she was going to buy meat, but she didn't stop her. She thought she had no money and didn't expect to buy meat on her own. Why didn't the team divide the meat and buy it in the past?
       Zhou-Mother naturally didn’t know that it was Lin Qing-He who disliked the meat in the team. They were all leftovers, and they were still left by the members. Only the original owner wouldn’t have the path of Sister Mei, she would not want it. of.
       Leaving Zhou-Mother looking at the three sons at home, Lin Qing-He came over to the supply and marketing cooperative to find Sister Mei.
       Sister Mei happened to be working today, and she has also inquired. Lin Qing-He said that the identity is not false, but I also heard that Lin Qing-He is not well-known for loving money and is a prodigal greedy mistress.
       However, this has nothing to do with Sister Mei. She does not interfere so much. As long as her identity is not false, the military food stamps that were available to her all over the country last time are just right.
       Next to it are all needed.
       Seeing Chen Mei, Lin Qing-He is naturally happy.
       "Sister Qing-He, what do you want to buy when you come here today? A new batch of shrimp skins and red dates came yesterday. Do you want to buy some back to make up?" Sister Mei greeted.
       "Naturally it is necessary." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Amei, is this your relative?" The salesperson next to her asked Mei.
       "Yes, my sister." Sister Mei said with a smile.
       Lin Qing-He heard the salesperson tell her: "No grocery ticket? If not, it might be more expensive."
       Under normal circumstances, you can't buy a grocery ticket, but if the salesperson is willing, you can also buy a half a catty, because there is an internal share, this part is not a ticket, but this must have a skilled talent.
       Lin Qing-He, which is a good calcium supplement such as shrimp skin, is naturally necessary. Although it is available at home, it is not too much. Spreading it when boiling soup and porridge is fresh and nourishing.
       Therefore, red dates and shrimp skin Lin Qing-He are both needed, and only after paying the money came to speak with Sister Mei outside.
       "Sister Mei, please leave me some meat tomorrow." Lin Qing-He said.
       "What meat? How much?" Sister Mei whispered.
       "If you want me a pound of lean meat, ribs and big bones, get me some." Lin Qing-He stuffed two dollars and passed a one-jin food stamp and said.
       "Don't get fat?" Sister Mei accepted without trace.
       It is now recognized that good meat is fat.
       "Will it be difficult?" Lin Qing-He said hesitantly.
       This is what I want, but I don't want to make her difficult.
       Sister Mei smiled and said, "I can get you half a catty."
       "Then Many Thanks," Lin Qing-He said immediately.
       "Thanks, it's still because of you that the kids at home can eat two more." Sister Mei said.
       This time Lin Qing-He gave it, or it was all food stamps. It was easy to use. If you want to exchange it for something you need, you can add two or two more.
       Lin Qing-He said a few words politely, and then talked about Zhou-3-Sao when he gave birth to a baby.


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