Back 60s 15

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       Although the food has now been collected and the overall situation has stabilized, there is still some final work to be done.
       After having breakfast, Zhou-Mother took Erwa Sanwa and came to the team to peel corn.
       The corn is peeled and threshed, then dried, and then sent to complete the final grain.
       It is the day when the grain is handed over, which is what everyone expects.
       Especially after splitting the grain, the pigs will be killed.
       Of course, winter wheat will be planted before the pork is divided.
       But these have nothing to do with Lin Qing-He, so she has no burden at all.
       Walk along the road in the impression to the town's supply and marketing cooperatives.
       Although the supply and marketing cooperatives on the commune side of the town cannot compare with those on the county side, there are many things, such as rice oil, soy sauce and vinegar.
       But they all need bills, but the original owner bought them, and they still have bottles at home. They were washed by her a few days earlier, and they were taken out of the space and poured, so she didn't lack these spices.
       With a grocery ticket, she came to buy half a catty fungus, and the kelp also cost half a catty.
       After reading the things nearby, she didn't want them.
       In fact, the main reason for this trip is to come and walk around, otherwise how can I explain that I have materials in my hand?
       But these toothbrushes, washbasins and basins really need to be bought.
       First buy a toothbrush for Dawa Erwa, there is still some toothpaste at home, they use the rest, and she uses the stock in the space herself.
       This time she didn't plan to buy the washbasin and the basin. It was too hard for her to carry it back so far. She had other plans.
       After buying a toothbrush and toothpaste, she came to the memory of the commune slaughterhouse in the suburbs.
       The slaughterhouse on the outskirts of the commune is of a very small type, or the commune applied for it last year, otherwise the slaughterhouse is only available on the county side.
       However, in the suburban area, Lin Qing-He just wanted to come and try her luck. In fact, she also wanted to take a walk. After all this time, she didn’t think she could buy meat.
       It was also her luck that she arrived here in an hour, and a big sister came out carrying the meat from inside. Lin Qing-He immediately stepped forward and said: "Sister, come and buy meat?"
       "Yeah, so are you? But you didn't make a reservation. If you didn't make an appointment, it wouldn't be there." The elder sister gave her a glance and said a little arrogantly.
       As soon as Lin Qing-He looked at the blue tooling on her body, she knew that there was someone, and she laughed: "Sister, where is my countryman from you? You just don't know if Sister can make it convenient?" Then, after seeing it for four times, no one was stuck with a five-two food stamp.
       For those working in the commune who eat and supply food, food stamps are more important than money. Without food stamps, you cannot buy food if you have money.
       And this elder sister's age, which is already in her thirties, must have children at home, and at this age, the children are generally edible.
       As long as the food stamps delivered to the door are not in the wrong direction, they will not refuse, because it is only necessary to do things well.
       "Sister, just say something if you have something. The eldest sister can help you for sure, don't be polite." Even if it's just a five-two food ticket, the elder sister's tone also eased.
       "I know, but I’m from the country. I can’t buy food without this food ticket. I will divide the food within a few days. I just have to go to the production team to buy it. My man is a soldier, and he can’t finish it. It’s basically useless for me to send it back. ”Lin Qing-He explained two sentences.
       Then go directly to the theme: "The children at home are really greedy, but in fact the team divides the meat in a few days, but when the mother is willing to see her child greedy so greedy? Just want to come and take a chance."
       When the elder sister heard the words, she was relieved. When she was a mother, she really missed the child.
       "Sister, I can see at a glance that you are a good person who is helpful. You can see if there are acquaintances. I don’t need much. Just give me half a catty of scraps, but I don’t have a meat ticket, but my price can be more. One point, you see? "Lin Qing-He took the food stamp and said.
       "Big sister, you are also a child of pain, I will go in and see for you." The big sister calmly accepted the food stamp and nodded.
       "OK." Lin Qing-He nodded.
       The eldest sister went in for about five minutes before she came out, and then said: "You don’t have a ticket for a big sister, you need nine cents per catty. If you have a ticket, you can count as seven cents. How much do you want to buy?"
       "The elder sister, go in and ask me for half a catty. By the way, see if there are any big bones or something. It's also called Shifu Scale. Give it to me." Lin Qing-He said and stuffed the elder sister with two dollars.
       "Then I will buy it for you." Said the elder sister.
       Then I went in and bought the meat, and soon I carried Lin Qing-He to carry the meat out. The meat was half a catty, still the kind of big fat meat, but there were ribs, big bones and tube bones. This year only big fat The meat is the most flattering, the other ones with bones are very cheap.
       There are many, but they are also given to Lin Qing-He.
       To give Lin Qing-He the remaining five points, Lin Qing-He simply didn't need it.
       "Sister, you are nephew niece at this age. They must all be growing. You buy more food for them. Don't be hungry." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Big sister, you are too polite." This big sister directly returned the five cents to her. She had already asked for her food stamps and did not ask for her money.
       Lin Qing-He moved his heart and smiled: "Sister, I am quite in touch with you. My name is Lin Qing-He. I belong to Zhou Jiatun. I am a man. I will know. "
       Seeing her self-reported home, Chen Mei also smiled and introduced herself. She also had a good impression of Lin Qing-He.
       "The three guys at home are really greedy, so you have a lot of people, otherwise I don't know if I can buy some back this time." Lin Qing-He said gratefully.
       "Sister, you are young, you have three children?" Sister Mei surprised.
       "I married at the age of seventeen and was born at the age of eighteen. The oldest one is now five years old, and it should be six years after the new year." Lin Qing-He said with a smile.
       "I really can't see it." Sister Mei said.
       "Sister Mei, you work in the Commune Supply and Marketing Cooperative. If I come again, can I find you?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Okay, if you need anything, you can go to me. If I can help, I will definitely help you, but this time, there is an old Shifu in the slaughterhouse who gave up his own share to you, otherwise not so much, Unless you book in advance, and you have to come early. "Sister Mei said to her.
       But this is not false. At this time, the meat is not easy to get, and there is a fixed quota.
       Lin Qing-He quickly got off.
       She didn't expect this trip to be so smooth, so she found herself a’long-term meat ticket There was Mei Mei, and the origin of the meat in her space would come later.
       Lin Qing-He calculated again, in fact, a lot of things are missing now.
       For example, she still needs a stove. In this era, there was a coal stove, which can be used to set a small pot. In her space, she bought two old-fashioned double-ear iron pots and two old casseroles.
       It can also be used in this era, that is, it was bought on the black market. Who can hold that much? Because they are all retro, they are very in line with the shape of this era, so I am not afraid to pursue them.
       Now there is only one stove in the house, and all the water and cooking are there. If there is another coal stove, it will be much more convenient.
       However, the coal stove is obviously not so easy to handle.
       And with a coal stove, you have to have coal balls. These are all talents in the city, but not in the countryside.
       If you want this, you have to go to the county seat.
       Except that the stove is some kind of tile basin, but take it slowly, she should be able to raise this living condition after Zhou Qingbai returns.
       Realizing that it was almost the same, she covered the basket with cloth. As for what she bought, no one would know.
       She just pulled out of the space.
       Almost when she arrived in the village, she took some pork out of the space. As for the fat, she did not take it, because it is too eye-catching to take out the oil, or wait until the village divides the meat.
       There are other ribs, meat, eggs, etc. In short, it is to make the basket look full of dangdang, but it is covered with cloth, and I don’t know what she bought.
       I went early in the morning. Although the road was not near, this one-time trip is now only about nine o'clock and about ten o'clock.
       She didn't pick up her three sons in the first place. Zhou-Mother was sure to take care of her. She filled her egg jar with eggs and filled the rice bowl noodle bowl with them. Then she started to process the meat.
       Two large pieces of pork belly were marinated with salt. As for lean meat or something, she planned to make porridge for three children.
       They liked the lean porridge she cooked, and she was satisfied with her food.
       She chopped the ribs by herself. As for the big bones, they should be sent to Zhou-Mother by then.
       After finishing these things at home, Lin Qing-He started to go past the vegetable garden in the backyard as soon as he saw the time. After sorting it out, he heard someone shouting.
       When I came to open the door, it was Zhou Dong who came with two bundles of dry firewood.
       "It's so fast, I thought you had two days to go." Lin Qing-He let the door open for him to pick in and said.
       "Those who peel corn can let Mei-mei do it, they don't need me." Zhou Dong said.
       It is up to him to grow winter wheat by then, but it has not yet begun.
       The two bundles of firewood are not small. Two bundles of firewood cost three cents. Lin Qing-He took out three cents directly from his pocket and settled it. He also said: "There is still a lot to do at home."
       It's still a lot worse, because she is more firewood than the original owner, and at the end of October, Zhou Qingbai should also come back, he has injuries, she can't dare to force him to go out like the original owner to export evil Get firewood home.
       Yes, this is what the original owner did in the novel, and it is precisely because of this that the illness on the villain Father has left a root cause, and the cycle is endless, and the body will be even worse in the fifties.
       "Aunt, don't worry, I can go to the mountains to pick up firewood before the snowfall, and divide the food. Mei-mei can also go with me at that time. We will ship it back with a cart, and we can transport more." Zhou Dongwei She said.
       Others are not happy about Lin-Aunt, but their brothers and sisters actually have a very good impression of this aunt, because the original owner is willing to work for them.
       Working hard means eating food.
       If you want a cat to be unable to earn work points for a long time in winter, then you have to tighten your belt. It was not easy in the past, or because the original owner helped him, and the original owner gave money so that their brothers and sisters can only eat two or three points in winter. Otherwise, you will have enough to eat at most every day, and irrigate if you are hungry.
       "This is the egg cooked in the morning at home. You cooked a little bit more. You take two to eat." Lin Qing-He entered the house and took two eggs and handed him.
       "No need aunt, I went there in the morning." Zhou Dong quickly said: "Aunt, I will go back first. I can go again in the afternoon, and I will be able to bring it to the aunt in the evening."
       After that, he hurried away.
       Lin Qing-He froze for a moment, but didn't say anything. At this time, the eggs were indeed quite expensive. Originally, she just wanted to find an opportunity for Zhou Dong to go with her. She pushed the cricket to the county town. Any footbath and washbasin can be shipped back, so the eggs are given, but it’s very hard to accept Zhou Dong.
       Then wait for her to go to the county, and then give them some siblings.
       As for Zhou Dong said to go again in the afternoon, that is also feasible.
       From here, the distance to get firewood on the mountain is not close. The foot distance like Zhou Dong also needs to walk for at least about three hours. During this time, he can bring two bundles of firewood back. He must have gone out in the morning.
       However, she also knew that Zhou Dong was not alone, and went with several 17 or 18-year-olds in the village, so there was nothing to worry about.
       At this time, it was also when the big guy was going to prepare firewood for the winter. Zhou Dong’s firewood was picked up and sold to her. Other people in the village picked it up and sold it in the county, which is generally able to be sold, but Zhou Dongbi They can be a lot easier.
       So Zhou Dong can go back to eat now and go out again, and he can come back before dark.
       As for the rural people themselves, there is no shortage of firewood, and straw can be divided into a lot, but her family has not scored. As long as you prepare yourself, winter can pass.
       Lin Qing-He has all these things in mind, and obviously Zhou Dong also cherishes such opportunities, so he is also very hard.
       Rather than tightening his belt in the winter, Zhou Dong is more willing to find more firewood now.
       Lin Qing-He guilt for hiring child labor is less guilty, so it makes the call ... more and more sincere, and it is really the same as the original main road.
       Two bundles of firewood were carried in the fire shed in the backyard. This fire shed was built when Zhou Qingbai came back. It was used to accumulate firewood to save rain, snow and moisture.
       Then I continued to pour the vegetable garden, and after picking it up, picked the cucumbers and prepared them to eat meat at noon.
       Mother four people fried a plate of cucumbers and fried meat is enough, and there are a few eggs left in the white porridge in the morning, she still has a lot of porridge left in the morning, she deliberately cooked more, hot You can eat it.
       Take two white bread rolls out, it's almost the same.
       As for the evening, Lin Qing-He is now ready to eat dumplings at night, and she will make noodles after lunch!
       At 11 o'clock, Zhou-Dawa came back. He came back to see if his mother had come back. When she saw it, she came back.
       "You maid, are they still peeling corn over the production team?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Well." Zhou-Dawa nodded, then looked at the stove: "Mother, what good thing did you buy today come back? Is there a big white bread?"
       "Yes, you take your younger brother and they come back, but don't talk outside, or don't want to eat anything else." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Can't you talk about the meat you eat?" Zhou-Dawa couldn't help it.
       But he had been chattering with his friends, who envied him a lot.
       "It's okay to say it before. Don't say it later. Do you have to keep a low profile?" Lin Qing-He said.
       "What is low-key?" Zhou-Dawa said.
       "... If you like to blow, just blow it away, and quickly bring your brother back to prepare for lunch!" Lin Qing-He sent out.
       "I will go now!" Zhou-Dawa said immediately.
       Zhou-2-Nini, Zhou 1st Sao second daughter, brought Zhou-Sanwa back, and Zhou-Erwa Zhou-Dawa were also there.
       "You take the big bone to your house and add a dish to Ye-Ye." Lin Qing-He doesn't care what Lao Zhou family would think of her, and gave Zhou-2-Nini a big bone.
       "It was just like a cat in the morning." Lin Qing-He drank Erwa Sanwa with water.
       After washing Dawa, Dawa said, "Mum, how many big white bread do you buy?"
       "You still want a few." Lin Qing-He said.
       "Of course it's one per person." Dawa said.
       "You want to be pretty." Lin Qing-He hummed: "But if you buy two, you can get half of each."
       Half a person is also excellent.
       After cleaning up the three of them, Lin Qing-He started to heat up the porridge. Sure enough, there was no gas.
       Lin Qing-He, who is used to modern life, is trying to adapt himself. In fact, he has already adapted well, but he is still a bit lazy.
       At noon eating white porridge, with cucumber fried meat, and boiled eggs, the most important thing is two large white bread.
       There is not much porridge, one bowl per person, but with these dishes and two large white bread rolls, Mother is satisfied with all four.
       Especially for Dawa and Erwa, the love for white bread is absolutely tireless.
       "Mother, what did you buy back?" Zhou-Erwa asked.
       "Nothing." Lin Qing-He replied while packing up the chopsticks.
       Speaking of this, the supply and marketing cooperatives in the town are indeed scarce. According to the memory of the original owner, the county supply and marketing cooperatives are full of varieties.
       This time she wanted to order some red date shrimp skin or something, but there was nothing, but in the county supply and marketing cooperatives, these are all there.
       But every time the original owner used to look at the good-looking fabric, she was not interested in it.
       But she is not interested, but Lin Qing-He does. Now Dawa and his age are just when they grow their bodies, especially shrimp skin, which is very calcium supplemented.
       She also wants to buy some red dates, which can be put down when stewing chicken.
       There are other mushrooms, like fungus and kelp. This time she brought half a catty back, but if Zhou Qingbai came back, then the big man must not be enough to eat, so she had to go to the county to see it.
       After thinking about catching Minger, he brought Zhou Dong back to the county to transport supplies, and then took three sons to prepare for a nap.
       No way, there is nothing more than sleeping.
       But thinking that nowadays it is getting colder every day, Lin Qing-He and three other skinny guys went to sleep, but they still turned their space.
       She actually prepared two seven-pound large quilts, especially warm ones, but even if the color is low-key, it is full of modern elements, which is not in line with this era.
       So she was missing a big sheet, and she had to go to the county seat to buy a big sheet. When the time came, she opened the sheet and put the quilt in. Zhou Qingbai couldn't say anything about her.
       It can be said that she got it by her own ability!
       In addition to the quilt and the mattress, this mattress can be taken out. The retro mattress is not spent at all. The key is warmth.
       She was ready, the quilt and the mattress were used by herself. When it was winter, the three sons took Kang to sleep. As for the villain Father, then go to sleep in the room of the sons next door, anyway. The old quilt won't freeze him.
       Zhou Qingbai: "..."
       Lin Qing-He, who looked at the space supplies, took his three sons into a dream.
       After the family of the old Zhou family came back, they learned that Lin Qing-He had given a big bone. Although there was no meat, this year, the oily water was good. How can it be rejected.
       Especially this was brought back by Lin Qing-He called Zhou-2-Nini.
       This big bone was chopped and then used to stew pickles. It tasted fragrant for the old Zhou family who had not eaten oiled water for a long time.
       After eating, they dispersed.
       When Zhou-Mother came back to the house, he asked Zhou-Father: "Lao-tou, what did you say about the Lao-Si family?"
       "What's the matter." Zhou-Father didn't understand it, but he didn't like to think about it.
       "What's the matter? I used to wish that I was far away from our old Zhou house. I'm afraid we might get the same. We can still send Erwa Sanwa in the town and have this big bone." Zhou-Mother said.
       Zhou-Father doesn't have that deep thought. In his opinion, it will be better if he can get better, so much.
       What's more important now is to quickly hand over the rations, and then divide the grains to prepare for the cultivation of winter wheat. This is a big deal.
       In fact, Zhou-Mother is not the only one who is puzzled. Isn't it true that the other three women are not.
       Zhou-2-Sao whispered to Zhou Qinglin: "What does Lao-Si mean? She wouldn't want to share our meat!"
       Zhou Qinglin didn't care: "She all divided, how can our family meat be divided." There are so many people in the family.
       "She split up, but Dawa they are the grandsons of Father, Niang." Zhou-2-Sao felt that he had seen Lin Qing-He calculations.
       "I want to do so much, she is proud, and there are Lao-Si so many allowances are sent back every month. She wants to eat meat and she can buy it with the production team, it is not worth our family, and it is estimated that she still has If you get the meat, you can't bear to give your family a big bone. "Zhou Qinglin said.
       Zhou-2-Sao could hardly conceal his sour tone: "Did you see that, Dawa and his brother have grown a lot this time, especially Sanwa, whose face is full of grumble."
       The two above her are girls, and her son is only three years old this year, but it is also dry.
       Originally the same age as Erwa, although he was younger than Erwa, but he was not thinner than Erwa, but it didn't take long for Erwa to be strong.
       "Don't think about it anymore, I guess the money in her pocket may be less than ours." Zhou Qinglin said.
       This sentence scratched the itch of Zhou-2-Sao.
       Zhou-2-Sao thinks that he is very family-owned, even if there is no income at home, but she is abruptly saved by more than ten dollars.
       This is definitely a huge sum of money!
       But in contrast to the Lao-Si family, don’t look at the four uncles who send back the allowance every month, but then what happens, if you meet the Lao-Si family who can’t keep the house, no matter how much the allowance is, it will be a disaster.
       For example, now the Lao-San family is helping her make Dawa's winter clothes, saying that the three brothers are all new, and the cotton and cloth are all good, which is really a failure.
       She bet that the money in Lin Qing-He pocket might not be as much as hers!
       "I don't know how much pocket money my mother will give us this year." Zhou-2-Sao said after comforting herself, she was in a good mood.
       Zhou-Mother, who is a Popo, is actually one of the best in the village. Except for the eccentric Zhou Qingbai, the old son, Lin Qing-He does not count out, but it is fair to the three of them.
       And it's not that shabby. For example, when we split the money at the end of the year, we will give them three pockets of pocket money.
       Either save it yourself or take the relatives away from your family on New Year's Day, and take it with them.
       Erxi of the same age in the village, that is not the treatment of their old Zhou Erxi, Popo is all in one hand, how can there be a private small vault.
       In contrast, my life is still very good.
       Zhou 1st Sao next door also said that Lin Qing-He sent the big bone today.
       Although I didn't think so much about Zhou-2-Sao, he still had an unclear face. Therefore, Zhou Qingmu said that this is a sensible thing for the Lao-Si family.
       Zhou 1st Sao gave him a blank look. When the Lao-Si family was troubled before, his man also said that she was young and ignorant, but after that, they were all mothers of three children and still watching her When you are sensible?
       Now sensible? Who will believe it?
       "It's too bad for money, I heard the peach princess say she saw her carrying a basket of things back." Zhou 1st Sao said.
       I just don’t know what it is, covered with cloth, but if I am willing to take out a big bone, then I must have bought a lot.
       Zhou Aomu also agrees on this point. Where can I live in such a disaster, and Dawa and his three brothers are five years old in a blink of an eye, and six years old after the new year. How can children grow up without money?
       Speaking of Zhou Qingmu is also a little envious, because he is just a son, three maidens in front, so the pressure is relatively small, but he would rather be more stressful.
       "I don't know if this is a son." Zhou Qingmu touched Zhou 1st Sao slightly swollen belly and said.
       Zhou 1st Sao attention was attracted, saying: "Dawa calls his brother every time he sees the belly of Lao-San's family, and he doesn't know if this is the son or not."
       She doesn’t really worry, because there is one no matter how you go. Of course, it’s better to be the son, otherwise it doesn’t matter.
       Zhou-3-Sao is now making clothes for Dawa Erwa. Now that the farm is busy, she doesn’t need to do her work at home, so she can make clothes all day long, and the speed will naturally be faster. For Erwa, this is half done.
       In a few days, Dawa will be able to do well, then she will be able to make a jacket for her daughter.
       Although the old Zhou family had their own thoughts, the days were still very harmonious. When Zhou-3-Sao yawned to rest, Lin Qing-He had already awakened.
       Tonight I decided to eat dumplings, and I started making noodles.
       She chopped up all the ribs and put them in the space. It’s not cold that day, except for the pork belly sprinkled with salt, the fresh meat and ribs are not durable. At this time, there is a space comparable to the refrigerator. But no.
       When Lin Qing-He was busy in the kitchen, the Dawa brothers also got up and down, learning that they were not happy to eat dumplings for dinner.
       Zhou-Dawa went directly to show off, Zhou-Erwa also went out to play, and Sanwa followed Lin Qing-He at home.
       For the first two, as long as they are not excessive, Lin Qing-He is not tied to them, they are all boys, they are not restrained, and the most important thing is that it will soon enter the winter. Play, she plans to stop reading Zhou-Dawa when the time comes.
       Wait until next year to send him to elementary school.
       Elementary school is a five-year system, and junior high school and high school are two-year systems.
       Six years old is not too small, it is not bad to go to school, it is better than walking cats and dogs at home.
       Zhou-Dawa, who didn’t know that he didn’t have many smart days, was having fun outside, while Zhou-Erwa was running behind his buttocks.
       I don’t know what I’m playing outside. In short, I’m dirty when I come back.
       Lin Qing-He was almost ready to see each other. After seeing these two brothers, they sent them to wash their hands and face.
       There is a well in the house, which is still costly. There are no more than five people who can have a well in their own yard in the village, but she has it.
       Of course, it is covered on most days to prevent several disturbances of Dawa and their brothers.
       It took a lot of money to dig this well, but the original owner relied on Zhou Qingbai to have live money back every month.
       However, Zhou-2-Sao is complacent, thinking that the original owner's net worth doesn't necessarily have more than her. This is too underestimating Zhou Qingbai ability.
       In the early years, Zhou Qingbai did only send back more than 20 yuan per month, usually 23 or 4 yuan. When it was more than 25 or 6 yuan, it was basically sent back a lot.
       He didn't need to spend any money over there. As for the land where he didn't spend any money, he sent as much as he could, and there were some coupons.
       However, the money sent back by Zhou Qingbai in the past two or more years can reach more than 30 yuan a month, and thirty-five-six is common.
       Even if the original owner spends money even more, but in this era, there is no way to have money to go around the world, and although Dawa they are kids, but now the amount of food is not enough to eat the poor old man, especially when the original owner gives Dawa How much can I spend in the hungry stage?
       The main expense at home is still on her own. New cream dresses, new cotton coats, scarves, scarves, socks and shoes are all on her own.
       Because he gave himself a flower, the original owner still saved a little.
       Although she lost a lot to her, Lin Qing-He checked the net worth a few days ago, and there were almost two hundred dollars and nearly three hundred dollars in deposit.
       In the age when the money is spent one cent at a time, three hundred dollars is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.
       It's just that the image of the original owner's prodigal family is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so everyone agrees that she doesn't have much deposit at all.
       Of course, it was also related to Matron in the village telling her to save her some flowers.
       At that time, the original owner casually said: "This is not enough for me to spend, how can I save?"
       This saying is still being spread in the village until now. Seeing that she is a cream and a new dress in small shoes, all of them are high-end products that the villagers dare not dare to buy or even ask the price. The authenticity of her words.
       "Mother, what kind of stuffing is the dumpling?" Zhou-Dawa said while washing.
       Lin Qing-He replied: "Pork dumplings."
       "I like dumplings, I like to eat any stuffing." Zhou-Erwa said.
       Erwa used to be pleased, Lin Qing-He gave his face very well, and gave him a smile, Erwa grinned.
       "Mother, do you want me to help you?" Zhou-Dawa said, and she wanted to get started with bright eyes.
       I will definitely ask you to do it in the future. I don’t intend to get used to the 1st Shaoye where you don’t touch the spring water with your fingers.
       But now it’s okay. They are all the same as they came out of the mud. The nail joints are all dirt. Although she has washed them, she can be beaten back to the original one day.
       "Don't intervene, just stay and go." Lin Qing-He clapped his hands away.
       Zhou-Dawa said: "Miss you despise me!"
       "I don't think you're in a day or two anymore. Why didn't I see you before? By the way, your family is going to raise chickens. Do you have any ideas?" Lin Qing-He asked.
       "Do you have chickens?" Erwa's eyes brightened.
       "Huh." Lin Qing-He nodded: "Zhou-Dawa, take your brother's hand away, and don't tell him to feed her mouth." She gave a little flour and called Sanwa to play there.
       Zhou-Dawa took his brother's hand and said, "Mother, there is no chick now."
       "Isn't it?" Erwa lost his way.
       "I know that there are no chickens now, and I plan to raise them in spring next year. I will definitely have them by then. Just buy them from the villagers. If you want to raise chickens in the future, then the chickens will eat." Lin Qing-He said .
       The home is very empty, especially the vegetable gardens in the backyard are mostly stalks, it is a pity not to raise chickens.
       However, the original owner loves cleanliness than her. She just doesn’t keep it and doesn’t like the taste. But if you clean it up, the taste is not so exaggerated, and the backyard is still some distance away from the house.
       When Zhou Qingbai came back, he was asked to build a chicken coop.
       "If there are chickens at home, will there be chickens to eat in the future?" Zhou-Dawa's eyes brightened.
       "Chickens want to lay eggs!" Zhou-Erwa said immediately.
       How can I lay eggs after eating the chicken?
       "Chicken is particularly delicious!" Zhou-Dawa said.
       Zhou-Erwa was said by his brother, he suddenly drooled, and he looked at his mother.
       Although the kid didn't speak, Lin Qing-He could still see the meaning in his eyes: Niang, I haven't eaten chicken yet.
       "Wait a day to see if there are any chickens." Lin Qing-He can only say.
       "Mum, you're so nice." Erwa said immediately as she came to hug her leg tube.
       Although he will become the villain of the three brothers in the future, he is still a small bun.
       After being so spoiled by Lin Qing-He for a few days, he left behind the coldness of the former owner and was very close to her. Who called it last night? Zhou-Erwa even proposed that she wanted to sleep with her and Sanwa the meaning of.
       I used to dare not mention the original owner.
       The children are very discerning, good for him and bad for him.
       Knowing that Lin Qing-He is good to their brother, so he dared to ask, but Lin Qing-He did not agree, let the two of them continue to sleep on their own, after a while it was really cold.
       "Next year, when you raise chickens, you have to be responsible for feeding." Lin Qing-He said.
       "I went to the garden to catch bugs and feed the chicks!" Erwa said immediately.
       "Then I go out to dig the earthworms and come back to feed!" Zhou-Dawa also said.
       "Eat, eat chicken." Sanwa looked at Big-Brother and then 2-brother, and it popped out of this.
       Erwa used to educate him that the chicks are about to lay eggs and cannot eat them.
       The family had dinner before five o'clock, and the pork dumplings were very fragrant, but the three brothers were still too young to eat much and left a bowl.
       It happened that Zhou Dong picked up today second load of firewood, and Lin Qing-He took it out to him and said, "Xiaodong, you take the bowl of dumplings back to eat. Aunt has something to discuss with you."
       Zhou Dong shook his head and said, "Aunt, if you have something to say, I will do it for you, but you can leave the dumplings to Dawa and they will eat it."
       "Brother Zhou Dong, we have all eaten it." Zhou-Dawa noble.
       But Zhou-Erwa obviously didn’t want his mother to give such delicious dumplings, but he didn’t say anything.
       "You hear, they have eaten a few of them. If you don't pick up this bowl of dumplings, your aunt won't be able to speak." Lin Qing-He said.
       Zhou Dong hesitated when she heard this, and then took it over and said, "Auntie, please."
       "This is the case. Aunt intends to go to the county town. There are a lot of things to buy this time. When the aunt can't bring it back by yourself, will you go with the aunt the day after tomorrow?" Lin Qing-He said.
       There is a trailer in Zhou Dong's house, which can transport what she wants. This time she may go to the county town for the last time this year, but there is no way, because it is too far.
       Three or four minutes, one day back and forth, the key is the exhausting rhythm!
       "Okay, I will come the day after tomorrow, what time is it?" Zhou Dong heard the words and nodded.
       There is nothing to do the day after tomorrow, because the day after tomorrow is going to pay for the grain, then he does not need to go. The day after the day is the day when the grain is distributed, it can't delay things.
       "Five o'clock." Lin Qing-He said.
       Departing at five o'clock to the county seat, had to open at nine o'clock.
       Zhou Dong nodded, looked at the dumplings in the bowl and wanted to return, Lin Qing-He said: "Take it back to eat, otherwise I dare not call you."
       He also settled the two cents of the firewood in the evening to Zhou Dong, which made him go back.
       It didn't take long for Zhou Dong to go back, Zhou Xi returned the cleaned dishes, and asked Lin Qing-He whether she would use her to take pictures of Gu Dawa the day after tomorrow.
       The original owner used to call her, Miss Miss, who was quite reliable, but Lin Qing-He didn't plan to say, "No, I'll call them and take care of them."
       Zhou Xi went back.
       As for Lin Qing-He, calling Zhou Dong to go to the county town and delay him to find firewood to make money, this is nothing, because Lin Qing-He bowl of white noodle pork dumplings, if you go to the county or the restaurant in the town, then You also have to pay for fifty cents, and you have to have food stamps, otherwise you won’t be able to buy it.
       This bowl of white noodle dumplings does not make them suffer.
       Zhou Dong took a bowl of white noodle dumplings from here, and the villagers also saw it and asked.
       There nothing to hide from this, it is said that Lin-Aunt has something to help and give.
       As for what happened, he was asked to go to the county town the day after tomorrow.
       Lin Qing-He took Zhou Dong to the county to do something. The people in that village didn't need to ask. They must know that this is to buy a lot of things.
       But this bowl of white noodle pork dumplings is also worth it, they smelled the smell.
       But Zhou Dong was not stupid. He went directly to the house, and after eating with his sister, he washed the dishes and sent them back.
       Although there is only one bowl of white noodle dumplings, the brothers and sisters did not plan to cook any more tonight. It is white noodles and pork. Tonight is enough.
       The food will be distributed soon. People who are short of food can still pay in advance at this time and wait for the food to be deducted, so every family will not be short of food for the time being. Can't eat at will.
       In particular, family members such as Zhou Dong and Zhou Xi brothers and sisters, who had not tightened their belts to live their lives, had to break all year long.
       However, Lin Qing-He needs more firewood this year than last year, which is also a very good income for them. For example, today, the four big bundles of firewood have earned six cents.
       The village is so big, Lin Qing-He shouted that Zhou Dong was going to go to the county town, and the news soon spread to Zhou-Mother's ears.
       I was so angry that Zhou-Mother almost didn't cover her chest: "I thought she really wanted to get better, or this is it!"
       I just went to town today and brought back a basket of supplies. I will go to the county town the day after tomorrow. It was only a few days since she last went to the county town. Is there such a bad practice of money!
       Zhou 1st Sao Zhou-2-Sao Zhou-3-Sao is strange.
       The people in the village also have different opinions, but the caliber is still relatively uniform. They are all attacking Lin Qing-He who will not live a life.


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