Reborn Female General 40

Novels      »   Reborn Female General    »      Chapter 40 :  Pass   
       He-Yan guessed it well. Three days later, when running long-distance with a sandbag, Master Liang yelled in front :   "From tomorrow, we will run around the barracks for five laps. The rest of the time we will do weapons training! So today, give me a good run It’s not good to run, no food at noon! "
       Everyone heard it, immediately elated. Rather than running without a bag of sand on a hot summer day, weapon training sounds much easier and more like a recruit's job. Being able to end this purgatory and enter a new stage may indicate that they have gradually become a decent Dawei soldier.
       He-Yan, however, understood the meaning of Liang Jiao first words. Today is also the last "test."
       He-Yan bent over to carry the sandbag. At this time, someone passed behind her and suddenly hit her heavily. She stood straight and looked at it. She was the Scarface King who grabbed her flesh a few days ago. Bully. Wang Ba looked at him with a yin-yin smile. "Boy, as soon as you pass today, you will be the lead soldier, and your good days are over."
       He-Yan shrugged. "I don't understand."
       "Your two brothers won't follow you all the time, a gang of soldiers ..." He lowered his voice, a flash of tyranny flashed in his eyes, "I won't let anyone kill me!"
       "Then you try it." He-Yan threw the sandbag on his back and smiled at him. "By the way, I won't be a leader, absolutely." After that, I didn't care What expression of Wang Ba turned to take a long road.
       Mai Dao followed him and asked :   "Ahe, he didn't embarrass you just now?"
       "How can I?" He-Yan answered with a smile, "I just chatted a few words."
       "That's it." Wheat smiled again. "Ahe brother, you're so good. You can't pant after running with me now, you can run so fast!"
       Wheat and stones have grown up in the mountains since childhood. Hunter hunts all day long. Once they go out, it is all day long. They have good energy and run fast. And He-Yan's cowardice at the beginning barely made everyone look at her. Nowadays, she feels more and more relaxed every day, which makes people wonder if she has taken a panacea in private.
       "Really?" He-Yan nodded solemnly. "I have great potential."
       At the other end, the instructors gathered around the long path of the woods to observe the situation.
       The daily long-distance running for more than half a month, in addition to training the physical strength of the recruits, is also to determine the qualifications of the recruits. They will be recorded in the book every day, and it is the last one recorded today. After today, long-distance running will no longer be a means of judging qualifications, but will become an ordinary training. Being able to perform weapon training means that this person is already qualified to become a Dawei recruit, and will not die before the war because of physical reasons.
       The barracks are also divided into strong and weak, and the contrast between the strong and the weak is more vivid. Good qualifications can be dazzling at first, and poor qualifications can be very annoying at first. This is a very unfair thing, after all, no one is born to be able to change.
       However, there was an accident.
       "Lao Liang," someone patted Liang Jiao head and shoulders. "The kid in your team named He-Yan, is really personal."
       He-Yan is that accident.
       Her qualifications were very poor, and she was uniformly evaluated by the coaches from the beginning. Even if you are a leader, everyone is afraid that she will be affected by the fire, but she is lighter every day, but now she can keep up with the team steadily, even in the front of the team.
       This is a miracle.
       "The rope is broken, water drips through the stone." Liang Jiaotou was very proud. "I already said that I wouldn't look away at Liang Ping. This boy's ingenuity is rare and he will not do anything bad."
       "Don't talk big," said Du Mao, who poured cold water on him. He was also one of the coaches. He didn't take it for granted. "You also know that qualification is qualification. The reason why he can keep up with the team is based on what. It's hard work! "
       This is a fact. Everyone looks at the young man who is running in the team. He is just old, describes optimism, and looks very pleasing. He also runs very well when he runs. He rarely talks to people around him. He runs very hard. In short, it looks like he is doing this very seriously.
       "He can do this very hard. Others don't need to work hard, maybe one point can do it." Du Mao said :   "Now it's just a long-distance running with a sandbag. In the future, weapons training and array exercises will only increase The more complicated he is, the more effort he has to put into it than others. In this way, he will never stand out and can only be an ordinary soldier. "
       "I advise you to invest more energy in your team of qualified recruits, don't pay too much attention to that kid," Du Mao shook his head, "it doesn't make much sense."
       "I can't talk to you, but I'm too lazy to tell you." Liang Ping was not very happy with what he said, and left with a spear.
       But as he walked, he also murmured in the heart. These coaches took a lot of soldiers and finally survived on the battlefield, or built their careers, often those who performed amazingly from the beginning. People.
       The teenager only had to work hard ... but could it really work?
       He-Yan ran through today's portion in one breath, took the meal, finished, and waited until the afternoon, Liang Jiaoto suddenly came, ordered a dozen soldiers, and followed him away.
       "Hey, those seem to be the lead soldiers." Wheat said, "but the lead soldiers use so many people?"
       He-Yan smiled and shook his head. "It's just a name, not all cooking. There are others, so there is no need to fight directly with the frontline."
       "That's fine," Hong Shan stretched, "doesn't have to fight for life, isn't it good to live?"
       "But Ah He is very happy this time," Mai Xu narrowly said, "but you don't need to be a leader!"
       He-Yan doesn't want to be a leader. This is something everyone knows. She didn't refute it, she just smiled :   "Glorious."
       "Will I be able to give you a chance to perform right away?" Hong Shan squinted at her, and said, "The next weapon training, you can show your skills."
       "Well, neither." He-Yan thought about it before answering.
       She can do sword, arrow, and equestrian, and it is not difficult to shoot around with a spear. After running for so long, climbing and charging is not a problem. The only difficulty is probably the crossbow.
       The crossbow requires great hand strength, and those who are not physically strong can hardly pull it apart. With the current He-Big-Young-Lady physique, it may be a bit reluctant.
       However, when Xiao-Yue trains troops, he shouldn't come to crossbow, right? she thinks.
       She thought wrong.
       On the second day, as the head of Liang Jiao said, they had halved the distance of the lap and completed it very early, even before they ate meals.
       Then all the recruits were pulled to the Yanwu field.
       The performance martial arts field next to Liangzhou Weishou is huge, presumably because there is a large open field at the foot of the mountain, enough to accommodate everyone. He-Yan looked around, and said that this was indeed a good place to train soldiers. At this moment, at noon in the scorching sun, there was no trace of wind, and the flag on the high platform was clinging to the flagpole, like recruits who had been burned by the sun.
       "From today on, you will begin to practice weapons." President Shen gave his long rifle a heavy blow to the ground, and everyone was shocked to see him.
       "Have you seen that clearing?" Shen Han's spear pointed north.
       But beside the open space near the weapon rack, there were dozens of bows and crossbars in a row, staring menacingly at them, and the bows and crosses stood in front of the target hundreds of steps, neatly and neatly.
       "From today on, you will begin to learn to practice crossbow!" Commander Shen gave an order, and the next day was full of arrangements.
       They didn't know for a moment whether they should cry or laugh.
       "Wow! Archery is my favorite!" Perhaps the happiest is wheat. "Brother, it's our turn!"
       He-Yan asked the stone, "Isn't your hunting bow so heavy?"
       Stone looked at the crossbow for a while, and shook his head :   "No, it is lighter than this, nor is it made of horns. It is bamboo I cut myself."
       "It's almost the same," Wheat looked cheerful, suddenly thinking of something, and asked He-Yan, "Ahe brother, can I use this bow to go up the mountain to hunt rabbits?"
       He-Yan :   "... train well, don't dream."
       Still divided into teams and teams, each team led by the coach to practice crossbow. The instructor demonstrated it once, pulled the bow and put the arrow, and the arrow feather flew into the center of the arrow target, and it was very firm.
       The recruits cheered, and the coaches were very good.
       He-Yan couldn't help but praise it in his heart, Liang Ping was not a fake, he really had the ability. Such a person is also a good hand in the battlefield.
       The soldiers in the barracks were very excited, eager to try, and came up to try their bows. Some are born with huge power, pulling their bows full, although they can't shoot, but they shoot far. Some have touched bows and arrows before, so they need to be more proficient. More recruits didn't have the strength to hit their heads, they shot crooked and twisted, and the arrows fell in the air before they hit the target and fell to the ground.
       In the end was a bow and archery.
       Hong Shan also went up and tried. He was strong and healthy, and he pulled the bow well, but he couldn't do it. When he reached the edge of the arrow target, he fell down. He didn't feel anything, he felt satisfied, and nodded, "Yes, yes."
       Stone and Wheat Brothers are also close behind. The stone had a firmer hand and greater strength. The feather arrow flew out of his hand and smashed into the target, although it was not in the middle, but it was also in the middle.
       Liang Jiaotou gave him an unexpected glance and asked, "What's your name? Have you ever touched a bow and arrow before?"
       "My name is Zhong Shishi, and I was a hunter before," said the stone Shen.
       "No wonder." Liang Ping nodded with satisfaction. There was a good seed in the team, and he was naturally happy.
       Wheat went up :   "My name is Zhong Mai, I am his brother, and I am also an Hunter!"
       "Oh?" Teacher Liang looked a little bit and said, "You try?"
       Wheat also learned to pull the bow like a stone, but this time, he didn't have the eye-catching ability of his elder brother. The feathered arrow shot too, not even the target.
       Liang Ping :   "..."
       Wheat touched his nose and blew back.
       He-Yan was a little funny, and just as she thought about whether she should try it out, someone stepped ahead of her and came out.
       "Well," Hong Shan whispered beside He-Yan, "it's him."
       It was actually Wang Ba, who did not pay attention to running on most days. Wang Ba was actually a soldier under the leadership of Liang Jiao. He stepped forward, drew his sleeve between his elbows, spit in his palms, and picked up the bow.
       He-Yan Look, his arm collapses very tightly, looming strong honey-colored skin, he is a very strong person. And Wang Ba was not as eager to shoot the arrows as other recruits, he took a deep breath and aimed at the bull's eye.
       This look ... He-Yan was thinking in his heart, he should not be the first time to pull the bow, like the stone, is a good hand who often touches the bow and arrow.
       Finally, the taut string made a howling sound, and the feather arrow went straight to the bull's eye. The crowd only saw the white light flashing in front of them. Then, the grass target standing in front of them was fluttered by the strength of that arrow. "Bang" to the ground.
       The arrows were not in the bull's eye, only a few arrow feathers were exposed. They not only shot the grass target through, but also brought the target down.
       He-Yan also had to sigh in his heart. This is a quite amazing arrow. Wang Ba has great strength and stability, good forehead, calm and hard to come by. Liang Jiaotou gaze towards Wang Ba has changed. In this batch of recruits, a bell stone, a king tyrant, the crossbow is really good.
       Wang Ba closed his bow and did not walk away immediately, but walked to He-Yan in two steps. The shame-looking man with a scaly face held his chest in his hands and looked at He-Yan, with a gloat of good-looking drama, saying, "It's your turn."
       He didn't say it was okay. At first, many people around him looked at He-Yan. Facing Wang Ba provocative gaze, He-Yan stepped forward.
       The bow is a good horn bow. It feels very smooth to the touch, and it has been used countless times before, with traces. He-Yan touched it little by little, and the time in the past had appeared in front of him. The last time she used a crossbow, she was still "General Feihong".
       In a flash of years, so it passed.
       Liang Ping looked at He-Yan with a strange look.
       He knows that crossbow is different from other things and requires great hand strength. Judging by He-Yan's physique and previous performance, he will not play well. But ... this is another hard-working recruit. People have expectations of what may happen, and Liang Ping himself is also very contradictory.
       "What are you doing here, don't delay other people time," Wang Ba smirked, "don't show me your superb shooting skills yet?"
       He-Yan picked up the bow and put his fingers on the arrows.
       After a while, she lowered her bow and arrow.
       "What does ‘Laughs’ mean?" Wheat asked, puzzled. I haven’t started to pull the bow yet, why did I put it down? Is there anything wrong?
       "Why not move?" Wang Ba was dissatisfied. "Don't move!"
       "No need," He-Yan said with a calm expression. "I can't pull this bow."

       Chapter 42 :  The Weakest Army   

       "I can't pull this bow."
       The recruits around looked blankly at He-Yan, Liang Jiao head looked up incredulously, almost thinking that he had heard the wrong ear.
       What does it mean, "I can't pull this bow"? It's justified, right? He has carried so many soldiers, this is the worst one he has ever taken!
       Really mad at him!
       "What nonsense are you talking about?" Wang Ba didn't expect He-Yan to be so frank, he thought that He-Yan would be arrogant on that day, and he was naturally a bit skillful. The result was simply unacceptable. .
       "I don't have enough strength in my hand now. I can't pull the bow. Why delay the time and give the crossbow to the brothers who need to practice. In a few days, I have enough strength to pull the bow. "
       "He-Yan, the Institute is not a place for you to play." Liang Zhitou also sank his face. He thought that the young man was hard-working and willing to endure hardship. Take it for granted.
       "I didn't use it as a place to play." The teenager's eyes were clear, he thought about it, and made a concession. "Then another day, I can pull this bow tomorrow, how?"
       Liang Jiao nose was crooked, "He-Yan!"
       He even bargained for him! It’s the market for the health center. He-Yan was very satisfied with the weight-bearing run before. He improved day by day, but the crossbow is not a simple matter. The strength of his hand can not be achieved overnight. The confidence where he comes from will be tomorrow. Pulled away?
       At this time, Liang Jiaorou began to regret that he did not listen to Du Mao at the beginning, so he should not bet too much attention on He-Yan, and he was taken to be a lead soldier early, so he was angry at himself. What can he do if he is angry at this age?
       I really don't want to see He-Yan's innocent face, Liang Jiao head waved to He-Yan, "Don't pull it, go, run on the sandbag, five laps!"
       He-Yan said slowly, "Oh", walked aside obediently, picked up the sandbag, and went on the long track.
       He was obedient, but the feeling of this punch on cotton made Liang Jiao head even more stingy. He tilted his head and decided not to look at the boy who made him angry.
       He-Yan ran slowly, and there was no one around him.
       "Boy, you are so weak, dare you come to the barracks?" Wang Ba laughed madly, "You can’t even pull the bow, dare you say it?"
       "This dude," He-Yan said as he ran, "You stare at me all day long. Are you really afraid of me?"
       "Afraid of you?" Wang Ba stunned.
       "If you weren't afraid of me, you wouldn't have to follow me all day, for fear that I might take you away."
       "Who afraid of you?" Wang Ba almost wanted to yell. Who is this guy?
       "You know, private fighting is forbidden in the army," He-Yan made a "shhh" gesture to him, "being caught by the club and disposed of, there are supervisors everywhere in the mountain, even if you want to find I'm in trouble, and it's not a good time. "
       This is true.
       Wang Ba stared at her, and Pi Xiao rou didn't smile :   "I'm asking you trouble, why bother in private, you can't even pull your bow ... on the stage of performance, I can let you kneel down for mercy."
       "Oh." He-Yan responded casually. "Okay, then we'll see you on the stage, and see you there." After that, she seemed to be in a hurry, carrying a sandbag to speed up her pace and bring Wang Ba left behind and ran away.
       Wang Ba looked at her brisk back, but felt extremely glaring, cursed a swear word, and turned away.
       This day's crossbow training finally came to an end after sunset.
       The recruits flew over to find food to eat, eager to fill their stomachs, and the coaches gathered together, eating dinner alone, and talking about anecdotes in their respective teams today. If you have good recruits, show off.
       Liang Ping wanted to boast about the king and the stone, but when he thought of He-Yan, he felt heart-broken again, afraid that he would be lifted, and he would simply bow his head and eat in silence. Unexpectedly, the more I was afraid, the more and more, Du Mao asked with concern :   "Lao Liang, the He-Yan in your team, how is it today?"
       Liang Ping had nothing to say.
       A coach next to him laughed :   "Hey! Haha, I gave up before pulling the bow today, and said,’This bow, I can't pull it'," he learned He-Yan's calm tone, just with His expression was ironic, "At that time, the old Liang was sullen and his face was blue."
       "Don't even pull the bow away?" Du Mao was surprised, too. "This is too outrageous."
       "The kid looked nothing like someone who could stay in the barracks. You don't know, at that time, he said he was given a day, and it could be pulled out tomorrow. I said where Lao Liang picked it up so "My baby, I really doubt him," the talking head nodded with his hand, "there is something wrong here."
       As I was saying, someone came in, the coaches looked back, Xiao-Yue and Cheng-Lisu came in, and everyone immediately put down the tableware in their hands and stood up to salute :   "Chief-Commander, Cheng gongzi."
       "I heard you talking lively all the way inside, what are you laughing at?" Cheng-Lisu asked with a smile.
       This young man often used to be happy, and in Liangzhou Wei these days, he was eating and drinking and having fun. Although I don’t know the little gongzi in Jinyiyushi in Capital City is not good to stay at home to enjoy the blessing, what to come to Liangzhou Wei, but as Xiao-Yue brings, they must give a little noodles, and dare not neglect.
       It was the beginning of the run by Liang Ping's coach who said, "I'm talking about the training of recruits today. There is a recruit under Laoliang who can't even pull his bow, but it also shows that he can pull it apart. Cheng gongzi, you said it was funny Not funny? "
       "Well, you can't even pull the bow, isn't it better than me?" Cheng-Lisu was startled. He is already the weakest man in the world of Gongzi, but he can still pull the crossbow. I didn't expect to be able to catch a person weaker than him, and he immediately became interested. He turned to Xiao-Yue :   "Mu-Uncle, you hear nothing, at least in Liangzhou Wei, I'm not the worst."
       Xiao-Yue glanced at him, seemingly not bothering him. Cheng-Lisu had a cold face, and wasn't upset, but turned to several coaches with interest, and asked, "Who is the strong man's last name, who shares his passion with me, I must meet him for a while, Worship as a brother. "
       Liang Ping :   "..."
       "Hey, Laoliang, what's the new recruit's name?" The talking coach recalled vigorously, "He ... what's coming?"
       What did he do wrong, why did God treat him like this? The shame was thrown in front of Chief-Commander, Liang Ping wanted to cry a little, and in front of the eyes, he had to bite the bullet and say, "He-Yan."
       The young man who had been cold-hearted suddenly looked up when he heard this.

       Chapter 43 :  Night Training   

       He-Yan is sitting with Stone Wheat.
       Hong Shan's sad face was almost dripping with water, watching He-Yan said, "Ahe, you can't even pull the bow now, what will you do in the future? Or I'll talk to Liang Jiaoto, you still do it The lead soldiers forget it. Although it sounds not so glorious, it is a big deal, isn't it wheat? "He touched the wheat with his elbow and motioned to say something.
       Wheat's babbling replied, "Yeah Ahe, even if you become a soldier, I will always come to see you."
       He-Yan smiled and didn't speak.
       Hong Shan was really anxious in his eyes. These days he got along with He-Yan, and he had an unusual spleen with this boy. He-Yan is far more sensible than his brother, who sometimes gets headaches. This is how his ideal brother should be. Unconsciously, he treats He-Yan as his brother.
       It’s just that He-Yan can’t even pull his bow, and he goes to the battlefield in the future, that is to kill his life, how can he watch his brother jump into the fire pit?
       "Brother, don't worry about me, I can open the bow tomorrow." She appeased.
       "When you are a spiritual teacher, it will become true when you talk." Hong Shan was desperate. "Why doesn't this child know anything?"
       It was a rock that hadn't spoken for a while, and asked, "What's your trick?"
       "The trick is not there," He-Yan thought for a while, "I, my qualifications have not always been very good. There are many things I can't do, and I can only try a few times. Later, I discovered that as long as I have You can do it a few times. "After that, He-Yan sighed.
       It is said that General Feng Yun is a natural star and a natural wizard. In fact, there is no such thing as magic. Even if she is a woman, her physical strength is weaker than that of a man. In other words, her qualifications are not good. It took her many years to turn He-Yan into an invincible general on the battlefield, but she was born again and gave her such a weak body.
       Does this mean that "the sky will fall to the utmost for the people, and they must work hard and hungry first"? She also does not expect how good she will be, and when she is born, she will become a strong man like Wang Ba.
       It will be much easier to do things now!
       Until night fell, He-Yan was thinking about it.
       The recruits were tired for a day during the day, and they naturally slept sweetly at night, and the snoring sounded one after another. He-Yan estimated the time, and the night was quiet, and he climbed up from the collapse again.
       Wheat rolled over, muttering something in his mouth, He-Yan paused for a while, and didn't wake him up, and then went out lightly.
       Out of the room, went straight to Yanwu Stadium. The performance field in the night was empty, and there were many night winds in the mountains in summer. The night wind blew the flags and hunted. Under the moonlight, the green waves in the forest undulated and stretched out a moonlight.
       The border is mostly a place of bitter cold, and Liangzhou Wei is already very good. This kind of scenery, she had never seen when she was stationed in the past, mostly a desolate scenery. For a while, the pace slowed down, as if I could not bear to break the quiet night.
       Some of the bows and crossbows in the day have been retracted, leaving only one or two that are not very active and put in place. The grass targets were crooked and crooked, and before they had time to lift up, after the morning run was finished, their own recruits would clean up here. He-Yan walked to the row of grass targets, and after searching for a long time, he fumbled for an arrow that fell beside him. She walked back to the crossbow with her arrow.
       Someone can easily do what she can do, and it will take more time for her to complete. You can’t help but do it. If you don’t do it, you can only do it for a lifetime.
       She tried to pull the bow. The bow was heavy, and she could only pull it a little, and it was not obvious when she looked at it with her eyes.
       He-Yan lowered his bow and rubbed his wrist.
       After a while, she tried to pull the bow again, just like a little bit, just a little.
       She tried it like this five or six times, and finally got better. This time, she pulled the bow better than she did, at least you can see that it was pulled.
       He-Yan relieved.
       In fact, what she said to Teacher Liang during the day was actually not sure of herself. It was because He-Big-Young-Lady had never mentioned any heavy things in the past ten years. When she first arrived in Hejia, , Just chopped a piece of wood and frayed his hand. For He-Big-Young-Lady, pulling the bow is really a bit laborious. But the situation was compelled, so that's all I can say. If you can’t open the bow tomorrow, that’s another matter. It’s a big deal with the coach, and you have more chances.
       The things in the world are more fruitful than those without effort. She has no talent, and the only thing she has is this effort. But there is something in this world that is not available through all your life efforts, that is, the human heart.
       She sacrificed and dedicated for Hejia, and gave her all her love for Xu Zhiheng.
       He-Yan's eyes dangled, and her fingers arched an arrow. This arrow seemed to vent all her sufferings, making a sound of wind in the dark, and heading towards the dark grass target.
       The arrow did not fall on the grass target, and she fell weakly in the middle. Her strength was still too small, she could barely pull the bow, and she could shoot the arrow, but that was only the case.
       Not every pain can be fully vented.
       He-Yan smiled, got up to pick up the arrows, she walked to the arrows, suddenly realized something, raised her head, a dozen steps away from her, there were a pair of brocade boots with gold embroidered on the boots The dark streaks flashed magnificent colors in the night.
       Anyone here? She was so eager to practice arrows that she didn't notice it. He-Yan stood up and walked a few steps, so that the person standing in the night could be fully displayed.
       Turned out to be Xiao-Yue.
       The Yanwu Stadium was so large that it was only illuminated by the moon. He stood behind the grass target and wore a black deep suit, and then disappeared into the night. He-Yan was used as the target next to him.
       The handsome and handsome young man looked at her lightly and did not have the meaning to explain. He-Yan felt a little embarrassed for no reason. She settled down, cleared her throat, and decided to pre-emptively, and said, "You, what are you doing here?"
       "Watch you practice arrows."
       Obviously indifferent, He-Yan clearly heard a slight taunt.
       "What's wrong with my arrow practice? After you watch it, what do you think?" He-Yan asked.
       The beautiful youth narrowed his eyebrows, and the long eyelashes were under the moonlight, like butterfly wings, gentle and trembling, but the tone was cold, with a little mockery.
       "I was surprised that someone worked so hard and was so vulnerable."
       He-Yan froze.
       For a time, time and space overlap, the wind slowly goes away, the stars spread out in the sky at night, the young man's figure gradually blurred, and turned into a teenager's back.
       Whose voice fell to his ears, with a mockery of acquaintance.
       "I didn't expect anyone to work so hard, but he was a weak chicken."

       Chapter 44 :  The Bright Moon   

       Before going to Xianchang Pavilion, He-Yan always felt that he was very good.
       After entering Xianchang Hall, every day of He-Yan, he took a step further in doubting his own path.
       All enrolled in Xianchang Pavilion are children of Xungui family. Not only rich and powerful, but also rich family heritage, such a family, upstarts, or people who depend on Cheng Jie to live is impossible to compare. If it wasn't for He Yuanliang's personal relationship with Shi Bao at the beginning, he couldn't walk through the back goalkeeper He-Yan and plug it down.
       On the one hand, He-Yan is very happy that she can enter the Xianchang Pavilion. On the other hand, she is also full of pain for her every day in the Xianchang Pavilion.
       The reason is without him, it is because compared with the children here, her performance is really awful.
       Hejia taught her to use men's etiquette and behavior outside, but she didn't learn much about what was inside. When I first arrived at Xianchang Hall, I asked a few questions and often made jokes. Teacher was helpless.
       If the liberal arts is better, she reads it a few times, recites it a few times, and listens carefully when she lectures. But in Wuke, it was a complete defeat.
       He-Yan sneaked into the back mountain to help the monk pick up water to practice her skills since she was a child. She thought she was like a decent figure now. Wonders.
       "Bow, knife, stone" is not the same. Chima fell from the horse immediately and missed his arrows. Even Teacher shook his head and sighed. The teenagers around him laughed at her and someone said, "He Rufei Wouldn't you be a woman? What could you do? Are you usually studying embroidery at home? "
       He-Yan stood up from the ground in a panic, patted the dust on his body, and thought to himself, no, if he goes on like this, he will be identified. He-Big-Fu-ren will be taken back before the identity is found , You have to hang around at home. I still study hard, so that I can stay safely in Xianchang Pavilion.
       So He-Yan embarked on the road of "study hard".
       There is no light to cut the wall, no snow to Ying Ying, there are dancing chickens, there are also hanging beams and spines. He-Yan often practiced while scolding in his heart, practicing words, riding horses, archery, and also knives.
       She tried hard and could only struggle at the edge of her tail, so those arrogant princes who could easily get ahead without having to work hard seemed particularly dazzling.
       Xiao-Yue is one of them, or the one that I hate the most.
       This boy was born like a fruit-throwing panlang, like a pondering like a grind, and his family is so superior that he has thousands of pets, which is all he needs. He goes to school every day and often arrives late, sometimes early. Leaving, he did not see him attentively on most days, and often the liberal arts and martial arts were first, and thunder could not move.
       He-Yan is confused. God has given him beauty and honor. Why should he give him more wisdom? Can't you give yourself a little bit?
       Heaven didn't answer He-Yan, she could only make up her tears with tears.
       Gradually, He-Yan's "knives, horses, and bows" began to bear fruit. Although he was not as good as those young people who had been in contact with his father and brother since he was a child at home, he wasn't the worst last time. Sometimes he tried to win , But also fight for the bottom third.
       He-Yan is consciously satisfied, and works hard, but still gains.
       At the back of the Xianchang Pavilion, Wu Keli will share a point in the weapon. He-Yan chose the sword among the swords, not for anything else, but felt that the sword was lighter than the sword, and it was not so laborious to swing.
       However, her swordsmanship was a mess.
       Hejia did not invite Wu Teacher to teach in the house for her alone. He-Yan did not have any foundation at all, and even the steps of the horse were crooked. Xianchang Pavilion's swordsmanship Teacher did not give her much hope, as long as she looked like a vice, can you defend the enemy, let alone say. Which gongzi goes out without a few attendants, it is really dangerous, and the attendants are all right.
       He-Yan didn't think so.
       Now that she has chosen, she should practice her sword. The students can go home only two days in January, and the rest of the time they live in Xianchang Hall. She sneaked out in the dark at night and ran to the courtyard to practice the sword.
       The school building is clean and elegant. When the moon is bright, the wind rustles the bamboo forest, a green winding, bamboo and cypresses in the moon, red carp swinging in the pond, like a heaven on earth, painting a fairyland. Experts practice swords here, only waiting for the world to change, every chaos will come out.
       He-Yan is very happy to practice, if she ignores her lame swordsmanship.
       I accidentally cut off a corner of my clothes, accidentally hit my head with a scabbard, accidentally stumbled, accidentally ...
       She heard a chuckle.
       In the night, this inexplicable laughter, He-Yan got up nervously, could it be hell?
       When she saw the stone bench in the courtyard, she didn't know when she was sitting alone. She had white robes and boots, and her eyes were bright. It was the arrogant Xiao-Yue who was favored by God.
       Xiao-Yue looked down at her. She put her hands behind her back, rubbed the stain on her clothes, and calmed her face, "What are you doing here?"
       "Look at you practicing swords," the boy replied lazily.
       "Yes, what's so nice about it?" She replied with courage. She has never loved talking with the young people in the Xianchang Pavilion. They don't like her and always bully her.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her for a while, then stood up suddenly, she was caught off guard, and the teenager was here. She is a girl, and she is never as tall as a boy, so she can only reach the chest of a teenager. She looked up and could see the clear chin line of the other side, and those beautiful, gentle and cool eyes like Qiushui.
       "I was just surprised ..." The boy slightly tickled his lips, and he was born with a beautiful and beautiful smile. He smiled and compared the cool night of the courtyard with the moonlight. However, the words he spit out were mocking. "Someone worked so hard, but he was a weak chicken."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She gave Xiao-Yue a hand, picked up the sword and ran away, and her heart was angry. God is fair. He gave the young man beautiful talents and family background, but he did not give him a good heart.
       This person hates it!
       After that, He-Yan still sneaked into the yard every night to practice the sword. She thought it was simple, the diligence could make up for it, and the effort was better than no effort.
       But what made her angry was that Xiao-Yue had followed him every night since that day. She practiced swords, he was sitting on a stone bench, reading a book and drinking tea with a candlelight. She had a blue nose and a swollen face, and several pieces of clothes were damaged. He had a clear moon and elegant posture, and looked at her ugly.
       She still worked hard to maintain the sprint from the last to the third. He was effortless and top-notch.
       Efforts are still hard, and ease is still easy. Spring is coming, autumn is coming, winter is coming, summer is young, young girls have changed their faces. Baiyun Canggou, the vicissitudes of the sea, the same, only the night in Xianchang Pavilion, and the three meniscus of the bamboo backyard.


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