Chongfei 01

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Note:  Step = Queen, this will be fixed soon.

       "Sister Ruyi, I heard Empress Niang-Niang is going to give you Crown Prince Crown Prince, is it true? "
       "Ruyi, you went to the East Palace in the future, but you must not forget our sister!"
       "Ruyi ..."
       As soon as Ruyi walked to the kitchen, a lot of familiar Palace-Lady came to speak. She didn’t speak with a stiff face. It wasn’t her that she was holding, but by this time, she still hadn’t recovered. Come.
       Gradually, the Palace-Lady surrounded by did not hear the reply, and his face was a little unsightly. At this time, an old man wearing a navy blue palace dress walked out of the kitchen.
       Seeing the other Palace-Lady, quickly calmed down and bowed her head to say hello: "Aunt Wang."
       The palace man nodded, then his eyes fell on Ruyi, and said warmly: "Since Empress Niang-Niang is fancy to you, it is your blessing. You go back to pack things, rest well, and study with Aunt Lin tomorrow."
       Ruyi opened her mouth and said nothing. She bowed her head and responded gently, then slowly walked towards her room.
       When Ruyi returned to the room, her legs and feet remained soft.
       Eight years into the palace, she first saw the ancient "First Fu-ren", Empress Niang-Niang, the master of the harem!

       That’s right, Ruyi passed through. In her last life, her real name was Chen Ru. She was born in an authentic and well-off family. She was the only child in her family. She graduated from Academy and entered the civil service. Office workers have a rest, and then, on a blind date, they were involved in a series of car accidents and opened their eyes to live in this ancient life.
       To speak of feelings like grievances and missing her parents, she is also not an extraordinary person, and naturally cannot be avoided, but she still feels lucky to think about being able to take back her life. She has always been a Miss, and now she has crossed, and she will not regard herself as the role of the heroine of the novel she has seen before.
       So there is very little morality as a modern person. The name was changed to Miya in the palace. She still feels pretty good. At least it has the same word as the name of her predecessor. The most important thing is that The name "Chen 6-Girl" in front of the palace is much better!
       Only then did she go to see Empress Niang-Niang, and her legs were very weak, and the mistress Mary Su was totally absent from her. On the contrary, she was the most obscure little character, but she was weak and cowardly. The appearance of Empress Niang-Niang seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory.
       So she didn’t quite understand how those passing heroines could treat each other as an ordinary person when they saw Empress Empress, and they saw the head of state on TV every day when they were so modern. That’s totally two concepts. it is good! When she used to be a civil servant, she was nervous when she met the director in the elevator. Then, when I went to the county to accompany the leaders for a meeting, when I met the county governor and came to speak, I was scared and silly, okay!
       This is still the head of a county that has little to do with it. In ancient times, it could only be regarded as a 9-Grade sesame officer, which was much inferior to the emperor Empress who enjoyed the power of life and death!
       At least eight years into the palace, Ruyi only has a little bit of the random angle of modern people. After watching an incident of being blamed, it disappeared.
       This is a place without human rights.
       If before entering the palace, her biggest dream is just to be able to eat and not be sold, then after entering the palace, her biggest ideal is to stay out of the palace safely at the age of twenty-five, using the saved monthly money and Rewards out of the palace to open a snack shop.
       Ruyi is just the lowest Little-Palace-Lady in the kitchen of Empress Niang-Niang. At the age of six, he entered the palace. At the age of eight, he went to the palace and was assigned here. At the beginning, he only waited for the daily life of the elderly palace. Later, because the hands and feet were diligent and diligent, the people of the palace taught her a lot of skills. She also thought that she would spend the rest of the next 11 years like this. Who knows that today, her fate has been rewritten.
       Not to mention that the Palace-Lady outside was surprised, and even she was surprised. She couldn’t figure it out, how could Empress Niang-Niang take a fancy to her and give her to Crown Prince as Shiqie.
       She is only fourteen years old this year, and her age is not suitable. On most days, in addition to the small kitchen is her own room, the typical two points and one line, the biggest officials you can see are Zhao Gonggong and Aunt Wang in the kitchen, and this Empress intends to choose Palace-Lady from the palace for the news of Crown Prince. As soon as the news of Crown Prince comes out, as long as they are of fair age, they will be squeezed into the money to fight the relationship. .
       She was still sitting on the bed blankly, with a lot of fear and confusion in her heart. To be honest, other people think that it is a splendid thing, but in her opinion, it is a bit evasive. She did not have such great ambitions, and the eight years in this palace brought her more and more cautious Temper.
       At this time, she knows better than anyone else. A woman like her who has no power and no power will die one day, and she will not be restless or participate in the so-called palace fight because she has no energy at all. Mostly the cannon fodder that was affected by the battle between the gods above!
       This fact made her shudder.
       However, no longer willing in her heart, she would not show a little such meaning, that is the real self-defeating way.
       Anyway, no matter what to do, she is still alive if she can live.
       The palace people let her rest, but she didn't have a little sleepiness, and she packed her luggage in her hand for a while. She entered the palace for eight years. When she came in, she was alone, but now it is still a small savings.
       The palace gave her such a small palace person as three or two months of money per month, and two sets of clothes each season. She was lucky, and was assigned to the Empress palace, naturally there would be no deductions, and the boss of her boss was a kind person. She never accepts her filial piety, and when she is lucky, she can still get something from the palace. Of course, although the palace has food and clothing, but it is not a place where there is no money to spend, such as needlework, or she has a small illness and needs to take medicine, or ask for purchase of Little Gonggong to bring some novelty Gadgets go to the palace, these are all to spend money to manage, and it is not cheap. But the biggest head is still the boss of Xiaojing, even if the royal people never collect her money, but when they meet the royal people like Zhao Wang, who is in charge of them, Zhao Gonggong, they will have a birthday party. Yinzi held a birthday banquet for them, this is a matter of mind.
       Ruyi used to think about the days after leaving the palace, so she has always saved money and has now saved more than 400 Silver-Taels. In addition, there are some unremarkable small jewelry, plus two sets of new spring hair clothes, the original spring clothes were cleaned last year and can be worn, but Ruyi is now when the body is long, the sleeves of last year's clothes are already long A short cut. She sorted it out and packed up a package.
       Looking at the package lying on the bed, she couldn't help but sigh. She was about to say goodbye to the palace people, but heard the door of the room being pushed open, and the palace people came in.
       Ruyi blinked and was about to say hello, but the palace man smiled and helped her sit on the side of the bed: "Now your identity is different, don't need to say hello to me!"
       "Aunt ..." Ruyi mood fluctuated, but she didn't know what to say.
       She is very grateful to the palace people. If they have not been taken care of by the palace people in these years, she will certainly not live so peacefully. She has seen many palace people who treat the Little-Palace-Lady harshly. Money, heavy beatings, and the palace people are the best people she has come to this world.
       "In the future, I won't care about you anymore. You have to be careful and become a woman of Crown Prince. It is a blessing and a curse!"
       In the palace of prudent behavior, the palace people can say these words to Ruyi, which is considered intimate. Ruyi is not a person who doesn't know the good or bad, but she may have nothing to repay to the other party, so she just remembered and moved in her heart.
       "I know you are well-informed. Over the years, I also know that you are out of the palace when you think about age. However, some things are destined to be recognized by life!"
       "Aunt, I know that I will serve Crown Prince and Crown Princess well in the future!"
       This remark is extremely sincere, and it is also the truest idea in her heart. A person like her has no room for contention. The only way to live is according to what she says.
       "If you can understand this, your aunt can rest assured!" The palace man sighed as he looked at Ruyi dangling head.
       Ruyi came to her from the age of eight. She has no children. She also treats the child as her own daughter in her heart. She has no hope of leaving the palace, so I hope that the child can live out of the palace peacefully, but this In the palace, many things are not controlled by their humble palace.
       The two were silent for a while. At this time, there was too much to say in their hearts, but they couldn’t say it. The palace man finally said, "Aunt Lin, who will come to pick you up tomorrow, is a sister who went into the palace with me. She takes good care of you, take a good rest tonight, don’t worry too much! "
       Ruyi heard the words and was a little puzzled. She looked at the palace and finally asked, "Aunt, I want to ask why Empress Niang-Niang chose me!"
       This problem has persisted since Ruyi knew that he was taken by Empress.
       In this palace, she has always chosen to hide behind others in a low-key manner. She never shows her face in front of the master, stays in the kitchen all day, and never even participates in such exposing things as delivering pastries to the master. She didn't think that it would be arranged by the royal people, but she immediately rejected this idea.
       Now that I heard that the people in the palace are familiar with the people in the palace who are in charge of it, she guessed that the people in the palace knew at least the inside story.
       The palace people did know the inside story. After hearing Ruyi doubts, they just said a name: "Chunlan!"

       Chapter 2 | Chunlan!

       Hear the name:
       At that time, Ruyi couldn't help but jump twice.
       At least, she would never have anything to do with Chunlan before the palace people reminded her. However, she believes that the palace people will never be vulgar, since she said that it has a relationship with Chunlan, it must be related to Chunlan.
       However, she didn't want to break her head and couldn't think of the connection between them. Chunlan was Little-Palace-Lady who entered the palace with her. The two were sent to the palace by the same county and took a carriage along the way to take care of each other. It is considered a profound friendship. Later, they were successively assigned to Jiaofang Palace. Although they did not meet often, they were also called good sisters.
       After the news came down, she knew that Chunlan wanted to be selected, and even asked her to borrow money to get through the relationship, but she accidentally fell into the pool and got a high fever. She also went to see her, and then persuaded her to relax.
       Whatever you think, Chunlan has nothing to do with this matter.
       Ruyi is not a person who can keep things in mind. After the palace people left, she decided to go to Chunlan and ask.
       Although Chunlan entered the palace in the same batch as Ruyi, it was ambitious. The mixed nature is also much better than Yi. The room is for two people. For example, the six people in Yiyi have many shops.
       When she went, Chunlan was lying on the bed embroidering patterns, and the other Palace-Lady in the same room as hers was not there.
       Chunlan saw Ruyi walk in and smiled on her face. She took the work and greeted her to sit down again and again.
       When Ruyi came, I thought a lot of things in my heart, but when I really saw Chunlan, I didn't know what to say in my heart.
       Chunlan was a lively one, squinting at her and smiling, "Thank you so much, thank you!"
       Ruyi didn't think that the other party mentioned this first, she swallowed a sip of water, and after a while squeezed out a sentence: "Why?"
       "What's the reason!" Chunlan blinked and smiled, "Ruyi, you and I entered the same batch of palaces, we two are good sisters, you see I wasn't allowed to run for the election because of the screwdriver, and Qian It’s a gift, but it can’t be cheaper. Of course, I ’m giving you the opportunity! "
       After all, when I thought of something, I hurriedly said, "I know you think about going out of the palace, but what good is out of the palace, and you really want to be rich in this palace!"
       Even though Ruyi was angry at this time, but I knew it was futile to say more, but it was hard to get it right: "Why didn't you ask me first!"
       Chunlan rolled her eyes at the words and didn't answer. At the end, instead, she took her hand and said sincerely: "Ruyi, you will thank me later!"
       Let's just say it again: "In the future, when you enter the Crown Prince palace, you can't be so clumsy. The woman who is Crown Prince can be different from the Palace-Lady. You have to fight!" Said, "Even if there are any bad things in the future, don't be depressed. You are a Crown Prince woman! I ... I will help you."
       If you don’t know what you want, you don’t feel like you have a common language with Chunlan, and nodded and said goodbye.
       Chunlan sits on the bed, watching Ruyi thin figure slowly leaving, thinking with pride and pity in your heart: You will have to thank me in the future! I saved your life.
       Chunlan's mind was full of thoughts: just two years later, a group of people died in the small kitchen of Jiaofang Palace because of the "poisonous snack" incident, such as the humble Little-Palace-Lady like Ruyi, it must be the first to bear the brunt. Now, although you took me to the "Unfortunate Crown Prince", even if you fall from the rich and rich in the future, but anyway, I saved my life, and I will still care about you when I read today's love. .
       After thinking about this, Chunlan couldn't help but wonder. She couldn't remember a person like Ruyi in her previous life. Maybe she did, but she was never as good as her. Or maybe she lived too long in her last life and forgot too many things, but Ruyi is really a fool. She looks so beautiful, but she wants to hide it. palace.
       What good is out of the palace! She grumbled and thought playfully: When they were out of the palace at the age of twenty-five, no one would want to marry them! Yes, there is also Yi-Niang who marries the old widower as a successor. Even if they are lucky to marry rich people to become Junior Concubine, most of them will watch the Palace-Lady name marry. How can they still be competing for age!
       Doing Junior Concubine is the same, it is better to take advantage of the present age, and strive to get ahead, and marry is not an ordinary person!
       Ruyi naturally didn't know Chunlan's thoughts at the moment. When she returned to her room, the other Palace-Lady in the same room came back. They were sitting on the shop floor noisily, lying and tidying up. .
       Ruyi didn't take it seriously, just went back to her own cover and just sits down. There were two Palace-Lady who had been with her on most days and asked carefully: "Ruyi, will you stay here tomorrow?"
       Ruyi nodded.
       "Will you come back after that?"
       "Bah!" As soon as the words fell, a Palace-Lady interrupted again and again, "You are a crow's mouth, Ruyi, this is the wealth to go, you wish her to come back!"
       The man knew what he was saying, and smiled apologetically: "Ruyi, I don't miss you, I don't want you!"
       Ruyi looked up and smiled, then nodded.
       Early next morning, Ruyi was picked up by someone from the Lin Gong people.
       In fact, the possibility that Little-Palace-Lady said yesterday was indeed there. It was given to the woman of Crown Prince, and later it was Shiqie who served in close proximity. If you don’t study well, it’s not impossible to be returned, but the probability is relatively small.
       After all, the people who have been selected have already been carefully selected, at least the external form has passed. Secondly, Palace-Lady who can get this one in the palace, even if the personalities are very different, but the rules are very good.
       And it's just a short-term training class, even if you want to install it, you can install it in the past.
       When Ruyi arrived at the place, they found that the other three also arrived one after another, and the four stood in front of the Lin Gongren with their breath holding their heads, all of them bowed their heads to be honest. The Lin Gongren looked at them, and then said a few words of equal grace. Then, when they saw that they were more honest, they nodded in satisfaction, and then let them take them to the rooms they arranged to freshen up.
       Ruyi was still a cowardly look at this time. When she arrived in that room, she didn’t even see the beautiful clothes and ornaments in the room. She was just at the mercy of an old man, washing her body and head Dress up again.
       "Miss, she looks really good and she looks good!"
       The old man dressed up and couldn't help but sigh.
       Ruyi just looked at the person in the glasses vaguely, and didn't care too much, so she stood up and led back to the room when she came.
       This time it came as wishful thinking came first. The Lin Gong people sits in the room and waited. When they saw Ruyi walking in, there was a little surprise in their eyes. of.
       Originally thinking about the trust between the palace people and her, she had no face left and right, and took care of her. Now she has a little love and love, and teaches her a little, maybe she is a little rich.
       All in all, when the four people sent to see Empress at the beginning, Empress had a little bit of words about Ruyi, feeling that his posture and temperament were not outstanding. Finally, he still looked at the good part of the body development, and now he came in after sculpting. At that time, I felt like changing to another person, even the timid temperament turned into a pitiful gesture of Xiaojia Biyu.
       Of course, this thought only passed through the hearts of the Lin Gong people, but his face was not revealed.
       When all four came, they began to learn.
       This kind of learning actually happened once when I first entered the palace to do Little Palace-Lady, but the learning content was very different from that time. After studying for a few days, Ruyi also made a summary at the beginning. When learning to be a Palace-Lady, she learned a part of the rules and regulations. Whether it is dress and makeup, or words and deeds, you have to be part of the part, and never be sharp. When learning Shiqie, this rule is also the most important, but there are a few more differences, such as makeup and dress, in addition to some aspects of the regulations are not allowed to exceed, how are beautiful how to dress. The manner of behavior is to teach gracefulness.
       After a few days of study, Ruyi opened her eyes. She didn’t shy away. She taught everything. She even invited someone to take a fire evacuation chart to teach him how to serve. She was bold and open, and turned the four people's faces red.
       However, Ruyi has also found a few clues. The postures taught by those people are easy to conceive. Reminiscent of the East Palace interpersonal relationship taught by the Lin Gong people at the beginning, it seems that Crown Prince has no heirs so far. She also understands the reason why Empress chose them. It is estimated that it is for the so-called open branches and leaves.
       However, Crown Prince is already in his twenties. From the age of thirteen, he taught people, and now more than ten years have passed. With so many women around Crown Prince, there will be no heirs. Speculation in my heart: Would it not be okay!
       Of course, this idea just turns around in Ruyi belly, and it will be gone! She knew that in ancient times, if a man had no heirs, it was all the responsibility of a woman, especially in the royal family. Even if everyone agreed that it was a man's problem, no one would say it without fear of death.
       And what can be done, like Empress, desperately gives the woman.

       After that, the four Ruyi passed the assessment of the Lin Gong people, and then they showed Empress a round of satisfaction and nodded.
       Before waiting for them to relax, they were told to pack up again, and then they saw the hostess Crown Princess Niang-Niang of the East Palace.
       After Crown Princess led the four of them with Empress and thanked them, they took them back to the East Palace.
       When entering the gate of the East Palace, Ruyi suddenly lost the tension, and some were just a kind of helplessness at the mercy. She couldn't help turning her head to look at the other three people secretly, her expressions were different, excited, confused, nervous ...
       After entering the East Palace, Ruyi originally just walked with the team with her head down. Who knows, when halfway through, the team stopped suddenly. She only had time to catch a glimpse of the apricot-yellow clothes, her body kneeled down with instinct respectfully.
       "Free courtesy."
       A gentle male voice sounded, and then everyone stood up silently.
       Ruyi bowed her head respectfully, only listening to the conversation of the second distinguished couple in front.
       "Has Crown Princess just returned from her mother?"
       "Yes, Your Highness. The Step Mother rewarded four Palace-Lady over, I wonder if you want to see you!"
       "Who are these people?"
       Ruyi felt a glance at them, her body could not help being stiff, and she could only bow her head more respectfully.
       "Crown Princess arranges it! The lonely one will disappear!"
       "it is good!"
       Along with the soft voice of Crown Princess, wishing to see Crown Princess walk out of a Palace-Lady behind him, signaling them to keep up.
       Ruyi quickly kept up. But there was still a voice coming from behind.
       "Your Highness, Chenqie instructed the kitchenette to prepare snacks ..."
       "Chen Fu-ren, this is your room."
       Palace-Lady beside Crown Princess walked into a courtyard with Ruyi, and then walked to the room on the west side and said.
       Ruyi Wenyan smiled and thanked her again and again. Of course she understood that the title of "Fu-ren" was just polite. As Shiqie, they didn't even have a grade. They said it was better than Palace-Lady, but it said Not good, but even Maid, who is favored by the master, is not as good. At least the Palace-Lady next to the Crown Princess is not afraid of offending her.
       After the Palace-Lady brought Ruyi into the room, Ruyi quickly took out a purse from the package, and said Judo Wen: "This sister doesn't know what to call?"
       After all, I handed over the purse in my hand to the Palace-Lady: "This is the purse I made in my free time, and I hope my sister will not dislike it!"
       The Palace-Lady received the purse in his hand, but he did not refuse to say it, but smiled and said: "The slave-servant is just a Little Palace-Lady. When Fu-ren is not called, Fu-ren can call me Lan. Jian. "
       After all, he once greeted a Little Palace-Lady who was waiting outside, and laughed: "She will be with Fu-ren to serve!"
       Ruyi didn't pay attention to the Little Palace-Lady, and just quickly expressed her thanks to Crown Princess's care, and the arrangement of the Palace-Lady. It was not until the Palace-Lady was sent out that it was loose. A breath.
       Ruyi had just walked back to the house and saw that Little-Palace-Lady quickly and carefully nodded to say hello to her.
       Ruyi was taken aback, but after waiting for the other party to salute, Fang let the other party stand up and politely said: "I am also from Palace-Lady, so I don't have to do such a big ceremony in the future."
       For so many years in the palace, she would not be as ignorant as in the novel, and called her sister and sister to the person who served her, but her own humble origins, which is also a fact that cannot be concealed, naturally it is impossible to raise herself up and do The appearance of a master.
       "Fu-ren, do you want to freshen up?"
       Although Ruyi said so, the little Palace-Lady still has a respectful look on his face, so it seems that he is indeed a person in the East Palace.
       "No!" Ruyi sits down at the table and asked, "I was negligent, what's your name!"
       "Slaughter Paeonia. Fu-ren If you feel that the call is not smooth, you can give the slave a name!"
       "No, this name is pretty good!"
       Ruyi really feels very good, and knows that this name is estimated to have been changed after entering the palace. The people in the palace felt that Chen 6-Girl's name was too vulgar, and they also changed it as usual.
       The peony still didn't move on Wenyan's face. She stepped forward and poured a cup of hot tea to Ruyi, and then looked at the package that Ruyi brought and smiled and asked: "Fu-ren, the slave girl will help you to keep your luggage in order!"
       Ruyi took a sip of water, nodded, and thought for a while, then said: "Peony, how long have you been in Donggong?"
       "The slave-maid was originally responsible for the sprinkling of Xiangzhiyuan, and has been staying for two years."
       Ruyi was originally afraid that the peony was like her, and she was transferred from the outside. She could not think that the peony was an aboriginal in the East Palace. She was a little more happy.
       "Paeonia, I just came to the Donggong. I don’t know the Donggong. I ’m afraid I will run into the master above. Tell me about the situation here."
       "Yes, Fu-ren!"
       Ruyi brought few things, and the peony quickly cleared up his hands and feet, and also obediently stood next to Ruyi and began to talk.
       The situation in Donggong is complicated or not. Paeonia also made a clear statement in three words. Ruyi secretly recorded it, and then gave five Silver-Taels, and she was asked to lead her to greet Li Baolin, the owner of Xiangzhiyuan, and others. Three Shiqie who are more advanced than her in the East Palace.
       When Ruyi brought peony to Li Baolin, she accidentally discovered that the other several Shiqie were also sitting in the hall. When she was just led by Palace-Lady beside Li Baolin, all four eyes in the hall fell on her.
       She quickly approached Li Baolin and respectfully saluted.
       "Chen Mei-mei, let's get up, I don't have such big rules here, we can only live comfortably in harmony!"
       Li Baolin looks soft and gentle, and the tone of speech is also gentle. Of course, it is impossible for Ruyi to take the other party's politeness seriously and still stand respectfully.
       Seeing Ruyi behave like this, the smile on Li Baolin's face also became more sincere, and said softly: "You are rewarded by Empress Niang-Niang. The identity is naturally higher than the three Mei-mei, but after all, you It was later, so I decided to let them be your sister! "
       "Mei-mei background is low, this is what should be." Ruyi replied honestly.
       Then, under the introduction of Li Baolin, I saw them one by one.
       Ruyi came to hear the peony introduction of these three people, but now they just match their faces with their names. Although they are not fully familiar with and remember for a while, but the three beauties with different styles also make Ruyi think impression.
       The first woman with beautiful facial features sitting on the left hand side of Li Baolin is bright, and the arrogant woman is 4-Grade Zhifu Di Daughter Feng-shiqie; the first person on the right hand looks nice, and the big eye is Zheng 2-Grade official assistant Shu-Daughter blue Shiqie And another beautiful and gentle Li-shiqie, she is Li Baolin's bridesmaid. Of these three people, Li-shiqie is naturally the most gracious attitude. After all, the two people have similar identities and are born of Nubi .
       For example, after thanking Li Baolin after the comments, he still sits down in the second place on the right hand of Li Baolin with respect, and then bowed his head, just listening quietly.
       Regardless of whether the relationship between the four women present is good, just like sitting here, it feels like a harmonious atmosphere, just like meeting with a girl in the past life, of course, Ruyi also knows that this scene can only be seen, not allowed true. After all, these four women are fighting for a man.
       About a cup of tea passed, this "girls" meeting would finally end, Ruyi didn't know how she behaved, but Li Baolin's expression was mostly satisfactory to her, although she smiled and complained: "You are also a Silent, just don’t be so restrained here. "
       But the smile revealed in Li Baolin's eyes was untrue.
       After a whole morning of tossing, when wishing to return to his house, after a short while, the peony came back with a basket and began to set lunch on the table. As Crown Prince Shiqie, you can enjoy three dishes, one soup and rice, as well as dim sum.
       Three dishes, two meat and one vegetarian: assorted chicken shreds, wild duck meatballs, stir-fried cabbage and a lamb soup, and the dessert is white sugar cake.
       Although the dishes were taken from the large kitchen in the East Palace, they were still warm and delicious. However, Ruyi ate only half a bowl of rice, and she lost her appetite. Paeonia lactiflora leaves sugar sugar cake, waiting for Ruyi to sleep, and then walked out of the house.
       Watching the peony walk out of the house, Ruyi sits up from the bed and started to look at the room she was assigned to. Like Ruyi, she came in newly. There is no back force, and there is no Crown Prince's favored Shiqie. Ruyi thought it was already very good.
       A room of less than 100 square meters is divided into two rooms, one inside is a dormitory, one outside is used for meeting guests, and the furniture is fully furnished. Of course, this should not be the lowest grade in Shiqie.
       Although Ruyi was only born in Little Palace-Lady, it still bears the name given by Empress. Of course, Ruyi also knows that he is worse than the next, but it is much worse than that.
       In the Crown Prince palace, there are currently famous women. In addition to Crown Princess Niang-Niang, there are two Liangdi and four Baolin. They are the daughters of ministers, and Crown Princess is even more prominent, but the granddaughter of the prime minister. , The daughter of the official Shangshu. The others were at least the daughters of the 2/3-Grade officials, just like Li Baolin looked at the gentle and pleasant, but actually 2-Grade commanded his daughter-in-law. Of course, if you can enter the Crown Prince palace to get the title, the natural identity will not be too low, especially in the case of having no children. After all, Crown Prince is the crown prince. If he will be crowned in the future, these have the title, as long as they don’t In the event of an accident, they can all become masters of the first house.
       And there are still no titles, like Shiqie like Ruyi, and there are nearly two dozen scattered. There are Palace-Lady given by elders like Ruyi, and there are also the bridesmaids of Crown Princess or Liangdi Baolin. , But more Shu-Daughter sent by some ministers.

       Want to survive in this gap, make up your mind to follow the low-key rules when doing Palace-Lady, try to stay in the house on most days, do not go out without going out.


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