Embroidery Niang 85

  Novels      »     Embroidery Niang    »      Chapter 85: 

     "Yes, the emperor." The eunuch rushed to reply.
     The Empress Dowager, the Queen sat up and waited.
     Soon, six cups of tea were placed in the two trays by the palace Lady.
     Qin-Yumo is bigger than 7th-Wangye, and it is natural to respect tea.
     The little palace girl stood on the edge of Ye-Jing-hong with three cups of tea, and Qin-Yumo stood next to a palace Lady.
     "Get started." The emperor spoke.
     Ye-Jing-hong is just about to reach out.
     "Change the position of the two of you." Suddenly, Qin-Yumo grabbed Ye-Jing-hong's hand to stop her, and then looked at the little palace girl coldly.
     The female hand of the palace standing next to Ye-Jing-hong shook, and the plate in her hand almost fell on the ground.
     “Don't hear it?” Qin-Yumo sounds like ice.
     "The six brothers, the tea is the same, why bother her." The Crown Prince smiled and became a good man.
     "Why, if the king changed them to a position, it would be difficult for them?" Qin-Yumo eyes shot at the Crown Prince.
     The Crown Prince has a stiff face. "No, I look at the same tea, Fu Huang.
     They wait."
     Speaking of the back, in the ironic eyes of Qin-Yumo, his voice was actually lowered.
     "Ding Wang, the Madam and the Madam respected the tea, did she grievance her?" The Queen added a hat.
     "Drinking the tea on the side of the king is not a daughter-in-law tea? Or does the Queen simply don't want to drink this cup of tea?" Qin-Yumo glanced at her ironically.
     he was blocking the Queen breathe nonuniform.
     "If you don't want to drink..."
     "Since they are all tea, change it." The emperor looked at the Queen with a meaningful look.
     The Queen's face is even more ugly.
     The Empress Dowager Look at the tea on both sides and finally have no openings.
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't see any difference between the two cups of tea. However, Qin-Yumo said that the tea on both sides must be different.
     The two palace ladies changed their position.
     “The Grandmother drinks tea.” Ye-Jing-hong picks up a cup of tea and raises his head.
     The Empress Dowager colded her up, then passed the cup in the light eyes of Qin-Yumo, and after a symbolic drink of tea, the palace Lady was handed over to Ye-Jing-hong a pair of jade.
     Ye-Jing-hong thanked.
     “It’s a bit hot, the Grandmother is careful.” When Qin-Yumo was in the tea, she finally understood why Qin-Yumo insisted on changing tea.
     I was waiting for her here.
     The Empress Dowager listened to Qin-Yumo kind reminder and also glanced at the Queen.
     The Queen's face became hard to look at.
     Today's thing is really not what she did, but the meaning of the emperor and the Empress Dowager seems to be counted on her head.
     "After getting married, it was Daren, and the Grandmother was happy." The Empress Dowager had a softer tone on Qin-Yumo.
     "Yeah." Qin-Yumo is not good for others, even for their loved ones. However, he looked at the Empress Dowager's eyes a lot softer.
     The Empress Dowager gave a pair of jade cabbage to him after drinking tea.
     Qin-Yumo also thanked.
     As for the rest of the Queen and the emperor, I also successfully finished the tea that Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Yumo handed over, and rewarded a lot of treasures.
     Qin-Yumo and Ye-Jing-hong both thanked.
     Qi Yaner saw Ye-Jing-hong from the beginning of the house, did not say a few words, Qin-Yumo is protecting Ye-Jing-hong everywhere.
     Her heart is embarrassing and proud.
     The Crown Prince took a sigh of relief and saw Ye-Jing-hong's hand-painting technique yesterday. He returned to Donggong and he could sleep almost overnight.
     It is very important that a man's side is good, Ye-Jing-hong is so capable, and Qin-Yumo is a strong team, and his position as the Crown Prince is even more precarious.
     But today's things, Ye-Jing-hong may be a bit of an achievement in painting, but it is the turn to be a person, in the end is a small family, it is simply not up to face.
     This is also good, Qin-Yumo has a decent helper around him, and his Crown Prince is also a relaxed one.
     "Fu Huang, the grand the grandmother, the mother, the courtier also brought a little gift over, do not know if everyone likes it?" After Qi Yaner got the reward, she waited for the emperor to hand-written the jade dish and sent it away, her The mood suddenly flew up.
     Starting today, she is also a person with a plate identity. See who can still take her down.
     As soon as she was happy, she began to spoil and sell, and also wanted to give Ye-Jing-hong a surprise attack.
     Being prepared and unprepared is two realms.
     What kind of embarrassment would she have to wait to see Ye-Jing-hong not to present a decent gift?
     "Oh, Qi Wangfei has a heart." The Queen smiled and praised.
     She is also waiting for Ye-Jing-hong to be ugly.
     The emperor also smile a little more, "Seven at home, it really determined."
     The happy emperor even came out with the nicknames of the people.
     Qi Yaner was more proud, and quickly told people around him to bring gifts in.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave a slight smile after scanning the gift of Qi Yaner.
     It seems that this Qi Wangfei is really preparing for today's gift.
     "The paintings of Changchun Zi master, good." After receiving the gift, the emperor seemed to be very satisfied.
     The Empress Dowager, the Queen and the Crown Princess also got some good rouge gouache.
     "These are the rouge gouache brought by the merchants in the Western Regions. It is also the chance that the courtiers will get it." Qi Yaner proudly appeared.
     “The taste is fragrant but not greasy.
     The Western Region produces spices and the blush powder is not the same as our Pingguo.” The Queen said.
     "It’s just that the mourners are old, I’m afraid I can’t use them.
     These things are left for your mother to use.” The Empress Dowager looked at the Queen and the Crown Princess.
     "The Grandmother is not old at all, it seems to be more than thirty." Qi Yaner smiled and flattered.
     "Yeah, go out with us and say that it is the Grandmother, there is no one to believe." The Crown Princess also laughed and teased.
     These words, whether they are lies or not, won the Empress Dowager or laughed into a flower.
     Ye-Jing-hong is a stuffy gourd.
     The emperor took a closer look at her and saw that her old god was there, and she did not speak. Her heart was anxious for her.
     Qin-Yumo has become ‘mute at this time, and the couple are sitting there like wood without moving.
     The emperor secretly sighed, ‘Laughs’ , it seems that he wants to open his cheeks first.
     "I don't know what Wangfei has prepared for the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, Fu Huang, and the mother?" Qi Yaner suddenly asked.
     She asked Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong seems to be scared, "I..."
     Qin-Yumo face is cold again.
     "You think everyone is like you, everything likes to take the lead." 7th-Wangye spoke, blaming Qi Yaner, but the look of his face is not covered.
     The proud Qi Yan’s mouth smashed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think...”
     "I prepared some small gifts, but it seems that I can't get a hand from Qi Wangfei." Ye-Jing-hong interrupted her with a smile.
     Originally, she did not want to be in the first place.
     Unfortunately, the situation is not for her.
     Even if she doesn't want to pay attention, she won't let her husband Qin-Yumo be inexplicably lost.
     "The gift is expensive, and where is the use." The Queen spoke up and seemed to comfort her.
     Ye-Jing-hong Goodwill winemaking, embroidery, can she still bring these things?
     “Qi Wangfei sent a picture, do you also send a picture?” When the emperor heard it, he knew that Ye-Jing-hong was not prepared to paint at all, but he had long coveted Ye-Jing-hong. Draw a picture.
     In order to get a portrait of Ye-Jing-hong's hand-painted painting, he had to present it with shame and shame.
     "But..." Ye-Jing-hong was a bit embarrassed. She really didn't bring her pictures. Besides, she wouldn't come with her own paintings when she entered the palace.
     "You will paint yourself and paint a picture on the spot." The emperor could not allow her to refuse, and she opened her will.
     Qin-Yumo glanced at the emperor with a gloomy gaze.
     The emperor pretended not to see, staring at Ye-Jing-hong.
     Under such eager eyes, Ye-Jing-hong had no choice but to agree. "The emperor can't afford it.
     The level of the daughter-in-law is definitely not as good as that of the painter in the palace. If the painting is not good, please don't blame the emperor."
     "That's just a wish. You just paint, that is, if you don't paint well, you won't blame you."
     "Then I am going to prepare." Ye-Jing-hong blurted out and used my name.
     The Empress Dowager and other people are not good at looking.
     But the emperor still did not blame her.
     Not a little while, the German father-in-law took a set of tools for painting.
     "Not this, use the tools you painted yesterday." The emperor waved his hand and said.
     "I didn't bring the tools for painting yesterday." Ye-Jing-hong tells the truth.
     " Xiao Dezi, quickly let people take the sly mouth to the Wangfu to get the tools of Wangfei painting." The emperor turned and ordered to go out.
     Ye-Jing-hong, the Empress Dowager Their faces are changing like a palette.
     How much is the Emperor’s desire for Ye-Jing-hong’s paintings?
     "Everyway, idle and idle, you use this set of tools to draw a picture first, just use it as a practice." The Emperor pointed to the pen and ink on the table and said to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Qin-Yumo just wanted to help Ye-Jing-hong refuse.
     Ye-Jing-hong pre-emptively agreed, "Since the emperor does not disregard, the daughter-in-law obeys the purpose."
     "Good." The emperor sat up happily.
     “You don’t have to be so nervous, the emperor is free.” Ye-Jing-hong said, “If the expression is too stiff, it will make the painting lose its vitality.”
     "Okay." The emperor smiled and answered, but he really relaxed his body and expression.
     Ye-Jing-hong picks up the brush, first conceived it in his mind, then picked up the pen and started to draw.
     The Empress Dowager and others sat on the top and couldn't see clearly.
     They all watched her quietly.
     The Queen was angry in the heart, and the little monk knew that it was flattering. It seemed that the limelight of today made her out.
     The Empress Dowager and Qi Yaner did not agree. A woman, how can she paint better and better, can she compare with Masters such as Lin Ji and Changchun?
     The meticulous workmanship is the foundation of the work. Ye-Jing-hong picks up the brush and directly forgets who the opposite person is.
     She devoted herself to the painting.
     Wang-uncle and others did not come in. Qin-Yumo replaced Wang-uncle in their position and quietly gave her a spotlight.
     It took more than one hour for Ye-Jing-hong to put down the pen.
     And the Empress Dowager, who sat together and talked about the excitement, seemed to have completely forgoned the person Ye-Jing-hong.
     "The emperor, okay," said Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Good, look at it." The emperor couldn't wait to stand up and walked over to the table.
     "Helping the mourners has also made a lot of fun." The Empress Dowager faintly told.
     "The Grandmother, let the courtier come." Qi Yaner quickly walked over and helped the Empress Dowager.
     The Crown Princess also supported her on the other side of the Empress Dowager.
     "...the number of romantic figures, still look at the present." The emperor softly read the poems on the painting, his face showing an excited look. As a generation of Ming Jun, he is conscientious in the position of the emperor to seek benefits for the people, even a slack. What for?
     It’s not that one day, his name will leave a strong stroke in the history of the Qing Family.
     This poem has brought out the expectations of his heart.
     The Empress Dowager saw the calligraphy and painting, and it was silly. This is the first time she saw the calligraphy of Ye-Jing-hong.
     The people outside are rumored to be more powerful than the reality of her own eyes.
     Ye-Jing-hong's paintings, whether painting or words, are rare.
     It is definitely not worse than the contemporary Confucian Changchun and Lin Ji.
     The key is that her painting skills have never been seen before, and it can be said that she is a self-contained family.
     Qi Yaner, the Crown Princess and others also looked around and glanced at them enough.
     On the paper, the white snow flutters, and the emperor is wearing a big squatting gaze and looking at the mountains in the distance. His eyes are so sharp, but with the arrogance that he must have.
     The Crown Prince eyes are tight, and Ye-Jing-hong is not only good at drawing and writing, but also good at understanding people psychology.
     This is not a good phenomenon!
     "Since I am satisfied with this painting, I don't have to do a second one." Qin-Yumo speaks lightly.
     My own wife is hurting herself, and she has been painting for more than an hour. What should I do if I am tired?
     "Since it has been painted, and the paintings have been specially taken, set Wangfei, you will work harder, and then draw a picture for you." The emperor's face is thick enough, Qin-Yumo objection is also invalid.
     He made up his mind today, and Ye-Jing-hong gave him another one.
     "Yes." Ye-Jing-hong had no choice but to agree.
     However, sketching contrasts meticulous paintings, of course, the sketch is faster.
     "Can this blackbird paint?" Qi Yaner saw the painting, and his heart was so ugly, so when he saw Ye-Jing-hong took out the charcoal, he immediately joked with a sarcasm.
     “It’s barely my painting.” Ye-Jing-hong replied, moving his hand.
     The speed of the sketch is really fast, and when a fragrant time, a painting comes out.
     This painting is the appearance of the emperor sitting on the dragon chair, and the majesty of the superior is full.
     "With copper as a mirror, you can wear a crown, and history as a mirror. You can know that it is a happy person. You can use the human mirror to understand the gains and losses." The emperor read it gently, his eyes drifting. Yes, it is not easy to be a good monarch.
     Pro-Xin Chen Yuan Humble-One, it is easy to say, but it is difficult to do.
     Ye-Jing-hong did not leave a seal on both paintings. She was deliberate.
     Make a claim in front of the emperor, unless her head is hard enough.
     “Why don’t the seal stay?” the emperor frowned.
     “Who is going out with a seal?” Qin-Yumo was very upset to answer that the emperor had too much time for his wife.
     "Tomorrow, you will send the seal to cover it." The emperor looked at Qin-Yumo.
     "Tomorrow leave." Qin-Yumo replied.
     "Hey let Xiao dezi take it in the past." The emperor stared at him.
     “Insert personal belongings, don’t give it to outsiders,” Qin-Yumo replied.
     This is also true, but the object is not right. Because the person who wants to seal the seal is the emperor.
     "Then you will paint a cartoon of yesterday." The emperor began to blame Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong is not stupid.
     The comics all express the characteristics of the characters in an exaggerated form. What if she expresses the emperor in the form of a cartoon and angers the emperor?
     "The holy place is Jinkou. Wangfei has already drawn one more. Shouldn't there be a reward?" Qin-Yumo refused unhappy.
     The emperor was not tempered by his embarrassment.
     "Reward, of course, there are rewards, come..." A lot of baby came out of his mouth again.
     "Don't paint Wangfei very well, which day..." The Crown Princess smiled and stepped forward to compliment her. By the way, I wanted to make a time and let Ye-Jing-hong also draw a picture for her.
     “Wangfei is not a painter.” Qin-Yumo gave her a faint look.
     The Crown Princess was stuck in the mouth.
     "Ding Wangfei, you give Fu Huang a gift, so Fu Huang can't put it down, then the gift to the Empress Dowager and the mother can not be thicker." Qi Yaner saw Ye-Jing-hong with two paintings, actually defeated The paintings of Changchunzi, which he had worked hard for, and the emperor also rewarded so many good things to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Her heart is as sour as a sour plum.
     Ye-Jing-hong took a small bottle from his sleeve and handed it to the person around the Empress Dowager.
     The Empress Dowager didn't understand what was inside, but when she saw the gloomy face of Qin-Yumo, she wouldn't give it to Ye-Jing-hong. "Go, take it and take it."
     Obviously, she is not so keen on what Ye-Jing-hong has sent.
     In fact, after the Empress Dowager saw Ye-Jing-hong painting the emperor, she also had the heart to let Ye-Jing-hong paint her.
     Unfortunately, Qin-Yumo blocked her mouth early. Besides, she didn't want to see Ye-Jing-hong, and her face was not as thick as the emperor, so she would not take the initiative.
     Originally, Ye-Jing-hong was expected to take the initiative to open her paintings, but Ye-Jing-hong turned out to be a dull person, and she did not know how to please her.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw the disdain of the palace Lady holding the bottle, but she was too lazy to explain.
     "The bottle is a pill given by God's Medical Valley. As long as people have a sigh of relief, they can be rescued.
     There are only five in the world." Qin-Yumo will not be misunderstood by her wife, and she is even more reluctant to let her look flat. .
     When everyone heard it, the eyes turned to the bottle in the hands of the palace Lady.
     "The Grandmother of the Emperor, if you don't like it, can be transferred to the emperor, or the king." Qin-Yumo deliberately said.
     Both the emperor and the Queen have become eager.
     Especially in the emperor, my heart repented. If I knew it, the second painting would not be painted, and I would like to take a medicinal medicine directly to Ye-Jing-hong. Yes, she is now a close disciple of the god doctor Valley, and she is the only female disciple.
     Stupid! The emperor almost gave his head a punch and was sober.
     "Where is yours, the gift of the new wife and filial piety is also sent out by the Grandmother." The Empress Dowager deliberately slammed Qin-Yumo and then looked at Ye-Jing-hong. Your child is also a heart."
     In turn, she ordered the palace Lady to give her the bottle.
     After getting the bottle, the Empress Dowager put the bottle in his arms. "The Grandmother himself is closed. Are you relieved?"
     "Whatever." Qin-Yumo looks good.
     The first two things are the best, and the Queen secretly confuses what he can get. She is really embarrassed and resentful about Ye-Jing-hong.
     Such a capable woman should leave it to the Crown Prince to be a nobleman.
     If Qin-Yumo knows what she is thinking about, she really doesn't know if she will kill her directly.
     “This is my own make-up, I hope the Queen Niang-Niang and the Crown Princess can like it.” Ye-Jing-hong beckoned, Wang-uncle brought two good-looking boxes from the outside.
     “Will Yongfei still make rouge gouache?” Qi Yaner seized the opportunity to start ridiculing Ye-Jing-hong.
     One after another, Ye-Jing-hong has always appeared in the limelight. Her husband, Qi Wang, stunned himself several times.
     No, I can't let Ye-Jing-hong get out of the limelight again. "I heard that rouge gouache and the like are not for everyone. If you can't do it well, it's easy to get a little red dragonfly and directly ruin it. appearance."
     Looks like unintentional words, but it is a strong run.
     The Queen and the Crown Princess have a stiff face and seem to have thought of this.
     "As long as it is something on the face, there will be such a problem, but Wang Fae Wangfei has been using this kind of cosmetics, and there is no problem.
     The Queen and the Crown Princess can be rewarded if they don't like it. Others." Qin-Yumo said coldly.
     The emperor listened to the frowning, ‘Laughs’ , this son is planted, and even the battle between women has been blended.
     "6th Brother is anxious, the king's Wangfei is also kindly reminded." Qi Wang also stood up to protect his wife. He aligns Yan's little feelings and fights for a sigh of relief.
     "What is the king's urgency? Your woman seems to be also rouge gouache.
     The Queen and the Crown Princess are afraid of poisoning.
     They can also be rewarded to others." Qin-Yumo sneered and replied.
     "How is this woman going? How to become so irritated when the temper is good, it is the kind of man who has no eyesight to ask you." The loser does not lose, Qin-Liluo is still very powerful.
     "You try again." Qin-Yumo gave him a cold look. "Like a rogue like you, there will be no one to give someone."
     "Apprentice, do you want to give you a gas for the teacher?" Yao Zhongbai looked at Qin-Liluo with joy and joy.
     Qin-Liluo immediately glanced at him with a glance, and the body involuntarily stepped back a few steps. "You dead women will not really ignore the feelings, let them harm the Lord?"
     “The Heir is so powerful, what else do I need to take care of?” Ye-Jing-hong said softly, he said nothing.
     "Yes, I am afraid of you." Qin-Liluo gritted his teeth, turned a sharp rope, and in a blink of an eye, people ran away.
     " ‘Laughs’ ." Seeing his younger brother running away, Qin Xin Yue is not only sympathetic, but smiles very happy. "Wangfei, you are really amazing, can you still make him?"
     "Where do I have that skill." Ye-Jing-hong did not respond with enthusiasm. If Qin-Liluo didn't bother her, she would thank Ah-Amitabha.
     After walking the second ancestor of Qin-Liluo, everyone interest was not affected. Everyone commented on the painting and the scene was very lively.
     Ye-Jing-hong feels that she can't help Qin-Yumo. Although it is a newly-married Yaner, but because the production in Zhuangzi is just on the right track, she does not have much time and Qin-Yumo to live your life.
     Qin-Yumo accepted her sorry eyes and passed back to the faint smile. Of course, Qin-Yumo also has his own business.
     He hoped to take more time to stay with Ye-Jing-hong, but when he saw the busy appearance of Ye-Jing-hong, he could only quietly go to the military camp and go to his own. Things have gone, this is also a busy excuse for Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Wangfei, the output of Zhuangzi came up, but the raw materials were insufficient." Qian Lin sat at one end of the long table and had a lack of strength.
     “What about the raw materials?” Ye-Jing-hong looked at him wondering.
     “I just got the news that all the raw materials in the Jiangnan area were purchased by Zhao Liu.
     They and the silkworm farmers set an agreement to buy high-priced cocoons in the second half and the next year at a high price, and paid a deposit in advance. A small part of it was ordered by Yipin Embroidery." Qian Lin reported.
     “Is it a good match for a cloud?” Jin-Haisheng looks bad.
     The rest of the people listened a little, and they were a little uneasy. If the two big shops joined forces, it would definitely be a Ye shop.
     “Are we not there any other suppliers?” Ye-Yanning’s heart was filled with a bad feeling.
     "The merchants provided by the shopkeepers gave us a batch of goods, but he was just a small businessman. We improved the machine in Zhuangzi, and the output went up, but the raw materials needed will be more. He can't supply such materials. Qian Lin explained very clearly.
     “How long does the remaining material support?” Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     "The two months should not be a problem. We have also acquired some silks sporadically. Together with the raw materials acquired by other states and purchased by He He, all of them should be able to last for three to five months. Qianlin replied.
     "I will go back to Jiangnan." Ye-Yanning heard, his brow was locked.
     Zhao Liu actions are clearly aimed at breaking their financial path from the source, targeting Ye-Fu.
     It is the Yizhuang Zhuang that follows the downfall, but the Ye family can't blame them.
     In business negotiations, the opponent is willing to buy raw materials at a large price.
     The Ye family knows that the other party is suppressing itself and cannot recover the source of supply from the other party.
     However, the Ye family was originally a Jiangnan family. Many merchants' homes have been helped by the Ye family in the early days, especially those silkworm farmers. When their parents were alive, they did not mention them. If they went to Jiangnan, they would take a trip. Perhaps they can look at the past, give themselves some thin noodles, and even out some silk for themselves.
     Ye-Yanning has some ideas, but there is not enough room to make sure that he can go to Jiangnan and can actually solve the problem.
     Because he knew very well that when he and Ye-Jing-hong were in the most difficult time, almost no one was willing to reach out to help them.
     The Ye family used to do endless good deeds. In the end, it was the end of a tea break. In fact, Ye-Yanning had no resentment in her selfishness.
     However, nowadays, Ye-Yanning really can't sit still when it comes to the development of Ye house and embroidery.
     "No." Ye-Jing-hong immediately opposed.
     There are many businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River, and the merchants are not as serious as they are. This can be seen from the encounters of their brothers and sisters in Jiangnan.
     Zhao and Liu are deeply rooted in Jiangnan, and their connections are much wider than their brothers and sisters.
     Ye-Yanning If he goes back and forth, Ye-Jing-hong is afraid that he will not solve the problem, and may even be secretly counted.
     Besides, Zhao and Liu have both fixed the gold for the silkworm farmers. If they go back at this time, even if those silkworm farmers look at the Ye family in the past and are willing to destroy them, then the compensation will definitely have Ye.
     The family pays, so the price of silkworm cocoons is higher than unimaginable, and Ye-Jing-hong does not think it is worthwhile.
     "The thing on the iron plate, Brother has not helped in the past." Ye-Jing-hong whispered persuasion.
     “If there is no raw material, the production in Zhuangzi must stop. What do we do?” Ye-Yanning frowned and asked, he was so good that he could get better, he could finally help, he was anxious to think for Ye-Jing-hong A worry-free sky.
     "No. As long as the materials are enough to support the use for the first half of this year, I will have various ways to break the dream of the Liu family in the coming year." Ye-Jing-hong became lighter.
     "Do you think of a solution?" Ye-Yanning asked with hope.
     “Yes, Brother went to Jinzhou to find someone to cooperate with the ducks according to the original plan. However, I changed the plan a little. Brother is not only looking for people to talk about ducks, but also to find ways to let these ducks The farmers signed an agreement with us, we can teach them to raise ducks and let them plant mulberry trees to raise fish and raise silkworms.” Ye-Jing-hong listed his plans.
     "How do you talk about planting trees to raise silkworms?" Ye-Yanning is puzzled.
     Ye-Jing-hong stood up, picked up the pen on the table, put a piece of paper on the erected board, and then used charcoal to draw a sketch of the Sangji fish pond for everyone to see, and explained it while painting. Its uses and benefits.
     “Jinzhou has many water sources. I think that as long as we provide technology and methods, there are certainly many farmers who are willing to cooperate with us. And Jinzhou is far from the south of the Yangtze River, and Liujia may not have such a long hand to reach there.” Ye-Jing Hong said.
     “Let Mei-mei go along with Da-gongzi.” Chengxin listened to her explanation and her eyes lit up. “We have been apprentices in Fangjia for many years, and we still have some feelings. Fangjia is a big family in Jinzhou, and they say they open. It’s a pharmacy, and it’s okay to be there. If you follow the current status of Wangfei, Fang will definitely be willing to make this effort.”
     "Jinzhou also has a lot of people who are mulberry sericulture. Da-gongzi, in the past, can't fix the supply of Jinzhou." Wang-uncle also softly said, "Fang Big Miss married is also a big family in Jinzhou, nubi and Big Miss have a good relationship. In the past, things can be done."
     "Okay, that's it." Ye-Jing-hong is happy, all the worries are dissipated. "As long as we have survived the second half of the year, people who raise silkworms will be able to provide us with a small amount of supply in the coming year.
     The most important thing is that in the winter, there will be less silk in our shop. Yes, Brother, go to Jinzhou. Along the way, you have to take a good look and pay attention to see where there are farmers who grow cotton."
     “Good.” Ye-Yanning knows that she has a wide range of knowledge and ideas.
     Ye-Jing-hong's cheerful, invisibly gave him a reassurance to eat.
     "Wang-uncle A girl who follows you, certainly can't do it." Ye-Jing-hong added, "Fuli and Zhuangzi can't do without Chengde and Jin-Haisheng, so let the letter follow the past. At the same time, I will pick a few more good people in the house to take them with me.
     There are also people looking after them along the way."
     "Yes, Wangfei." The letter promised respectfully.
     Chengde and Jin-Haisheng looked at each other and thought about the stability of the letter, and there was no opinion.
     After returning to the government in the evening, Qin-Yumo excitedly held her and she was warmed up twice before she let her go.
     "Wangye." Ye-Jing-hong Although tired of dying, she can think of business, she still tried to get up and talked to Qin-Yumo.
     “ Ah-Mo.” Qin-Yumo gently kissed her forehead and corrected her name for herself.
     "Yeah." Ye-Jing-hong didn't have much energy, and entangled him in the title.
     As soon as Qin-Yumo corrected, she immediately corrected it. “Ah-more, where are the injured people under your hand?”
     "After they got hurt and even lost their disabilities, they were naturally sent back to their hometown." Qin-Yumo thought of those brothers who had been born and died with their own eyes, and their eyes were dimmed.
     He clearly knows that after those people go back, due to physical reasons, life will definitely not be satisfactory. But he can't do anything about it.
     Even if his identity is the noble king of Pingyun!
     This inability makes him think of it, and he feels that he can barely breathe.
     “Are they all reliable?” Ye-Jing-hong asked again.
     "Well, they used to be born and died with me. Anyone who comes out of the Iron Horse, there is absolutely no doubt about loyalty." Qin-Yumo answered seriously.
     After hearing the words of Ye-Jing-hong, all the’servants in his mind disappeared at the moment, but there was a strong interest, because he knew that Ye-Jing-hong would never be for no reason. Concerned about useless things or characters.
     "Zhuangzi needs a lot of manpower to expand. I want to recall some of them who are reliable.
     Their families and children can go to work in my village if they are not a matter of character. I will provide them with work and At home, children can also enroll in free.” Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     "Good." Qin-Yumo tone was slightly excited.
     "I can't be selected, I want to improve their lives." Ye-Jing-hong went on.
     "How to improve?" This time, Qin-Yumo took the initiative to ask.
     "Liu Jia wants to break the materials of our cloth, I want to encourage the rest of the people to plant mulberry silkworms, and provide them with the technology of raising ducks or raising rabbits, and our Zhuangzi is responsible for high-priced recycling." Ye-Jing-hong Reply.
     “Does Zhuangzi need so many animals?” Qin-Yumo, though he was bent on doing something for the injured, but he did not want Ye-Jing-hong to work hard for this.
     "Of course." Ye-Jing-hong replied with a smile. " Ah-No need to worry that I can't eat those things. Just say duck, I plan to open a roast duck restaurant everywhere. I tell you, the meat of the duck is not What I mainly remember, in fact, what I want is the fluff of the duck's abdomen."
     "Fleece?" Qin-Yumo was taken aback.
     "Yes, fluff." Ye-Jing-hong nodded. "You will know it later. So even if there are more ducks, I can eat it.
     The hair of the long-haired rabbit is very important. Of course, the skin also has use."
     Seeing that Qin-Yumo was shocked and nervous, Ye-Jing-hong couldn't help but smile. In order to settle Qin-Yumo heart, she smiled and explained the pattern of the Sangji Fish Pond. "You can also raise chickens under the mulberry trees. I want the fruits of the knots."
     Qin-Yumo, after listening to it, couldn't help but pick up her aunt's kiss. "Thank you, Jinghong, you made me lose a heart."
     "In fact, it is not for you all. I didn't make a profit from it either?" Ye-Jing-hong answered with a smile.
     "That's not the same." Qin-Yumo replied her tightly. "Those people have been born and died with me. Some people have lost their lives. But they have no complaints, but I can't give them a good life. I have always been jealous of them in your heart. You have solved the problems in their lives for me, so I really appreciate you."
     Ye-Jing-hong was held tightly by him, but not very embarrassed. "fool."
     "Yes, I am really stupid, but do you know how happy I am?" Looking at the people in his arms, Qin-Yumo eyes are all gentle.
     “ Ah-No strangers have seen a black mineral? The mineral can burn.” Ye-Jing-hong hesitated, and asked what he wanted.
     To do down jackets requires high temperature disinfection and odor removal, and with simple firewood it is certainly not possible to reach the required temperature.
     If you can find coal, then all problems will be solved.
     “What's it?” Qin-Yumo is used to the fresh words that come out of Ye-Jing-hong from time to time.
     Since asked, Ye-Jing-hong has nothing to hide.
     She tried to explain the role and appearance of coal in a light tone.
     Qin-Yumo listened, and my heart suddenly set off a stormy wave. According to Ye-Jing-hong, if something called coal comes out, it will inevitably set off a huge wave.
     "If you find the mine, Wangye is better to accept it as a state-owned one." After all the explanations were finished, Ye-Jing-hong's eyelids were stuck together, and she couldn't help but be angry.
     "Good." Qin-Yumo whispered softly, saw her tired appearance, and carefully put her comfortably before closing her eyes.
     On the second day, the Ye family began a nervous selection of people.
     After all, this is the first time Ye-Yanning has gone out alone, and Ye-Jing-hong is still worried about his Brother.
     "Don't be so nervous, I don't have to go out in Jiangnan." Ye-Yanning smiled and comforted her.
     "That's not the same." Ye-Jing-hong glanced at him with a strange look. "Jinzhou is far away, what if you have an urgent thing on the road?"
     “Yatou is right.” Zhao Yiming also supports the caution of Ye-Jing-hong. He is mainly afraid that Zhao and his family will be disadvantageous to Ye-Yanning.
     The people in the two houses are insidious Humble-One, and they are not allowed to stare at Ye house all the time. If Ye-Yanning goes out alone, they will know that they will come up with some actions. Big hair.
     "Kid, look at you as my apprentice Brother, I will send you some good things." Yao Zhongbai took a few bottles from his arms and threw them to Ye-Yanning.
     After Ye-Yanning took a look, there was a way to use and explain the paper on the bottle.
     He couldn't help but laugh, and then respectfully gave Yao Zhongbai a courtesy, "Thank you for your predecessors."
     "Master, you have finally done a good thing." Ye-Jing-hong also looked at Yao Zhongbai cheerfully.
     "You Yatou, how to say something." Yao Zhongbai was proud of his heart, but his face did not show up. "Master, I did not do good things that time? People who think of my god doctor Valley have always treated the life-saving and wounding as..."
     "You can blow it." Bai Xianzi glanced at him, then smiled at Ye-Jing-hong. "You also ignore him. He is a good bragging."
     "I..." Yao Zhongbai just wanted to oppose.
     Bai Xianzi lost his eye knife and he immediately died down.
     "If I go out, I will send a few people to follow you." Qin-Yumo came back, just to see the talents in the government, and immediately came to explain their intentions.
     Ye-Jing-hong listened to a joy, she knows that Qin-Yumo sent people, the skills are definitely not comparable to the average person. Plus the identity of Qin-Yumo, Ye-Yanning going out with them, if you come to Jinzhou, the local people will also take a look at Ye-Yanning, and naturally will have to do more things. Smoother.
     "Thank you Ah- Mo." She smiled and looked at Qin-Yumo with a spoiled tone.
     The soft sweet voice falls in the ears of Qin-Yumo and Ye-Yanning, and the two men each react differently.
     Qin-Yumo saw her affection for her.
     The cold-hearted Wangye opened her mouth with pleasure, and Ye-Yanning looked at her expression, but her heart was a bit sour.
     It turned out that this dependence of Ye-Jing-hong was only directed at him, but now he was taken away by another man.
     Brother-controlled Brother is very uncomfortable.
     "You want to buy Zhuangzi over there, then I will buy one next to you, Ye-Yanning, you can do it." Although close to Ye, Qin-Yumo is still too reluctant to call Ye-Yanning is Brother.
     "Good." Ye-Yanning nodded and agreed.
     "What kind of people do you want, you can tell them that they will immediately go out and send people to choose." Qin-Yumo turned to look at Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that the blast was standing in front of him, and some of them were laughing and laughing.
     So serious and too formal.
     However, the blast and the thunder are obviously not the way to think.
     These two guys have always been Qin-Yumo personal bodyguards, and certainly must have followed the Qin-Yumo on the battlefield. It can be said that Qin-Yumo also has concerns about those injured and sent home soldiers.
     In the morning, when they heard that the king said that they were looking for someone to work in Zhuangzi, and that Ye-Jing-hong was willing to help the soldiers and their families, the brothers almost immediately ran to the Ye home to face Ye-Jing-hong. thank.
     "I need you to take a good look at the character of the person who wants to enter Zhuangzi." Ye-Jing-hong speaks seriously.
     "Wangfei Please rest assured that those brothers were born and died with Wangye.
     Their subordinates can guarantee that they are dead and will not betray Wangye and Wangfei." The thundering temper should be anxious. When he heard Ye-Jing-hong questioned the retirement The meaning of the soldiers was immediately anxious.
     "Listen to Wangfei." The blast saw Qin-Yumo face cold and immediately stopped the thunder.
     Under his reminder, the sunder also saw the inconspicuous face of Qin-Yumo. He immediately became a white face and was scared to speak again.
     "There should be no problem for people who have retired, but what about their family? This is the focus of my investigation. After Zhuangzi is a production area, I definitely do not allow people with unsatisfactory conduct to enter." Ye-Jing-hong Severely Say.
     "Yes." After hearing the requirements of her, Thunder immediately felt her own rash.
     "Wangfei please rest assured that the subordinates immediately sent people to investigate in private." The blast said loudly.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded and did not continue to entangle in this matter.
     Qin-Yumo saw that she was not unhappy, and her face finally turned fine.
     "Chengde, you send someone to ask Qin-Liluo, ask him if he wants to add a Zhuangzi in Jinzhou?" Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     If it weren’t for a sericulture base, she wouldn’t want to go to Qin-Liluo for eight lifetimes.
     However, the situation is compelling, and Ye-Jing-hong really hopes that Qin Rogue can also add a Zhuangzi in Jinzhou.
     Qin-Liluo After receiving a message from Chengde, people actually ran over.
     "What happened to your woman?" He looked at Ye-Jing-hong. "Silver, the Lord is not seen on a copper plate. You are counting the silver of the Lord."
     "What does He He say, how do I count you? If it is not for the cooperation, I will not give you such a way to make a fortune." Ye-Jing-hong is not yin and yang Answered him.
     "If you, this woman, don't tell the truth today, you want to have a copper plate." Qin-Liluo looks like a second ancestor.
     "With you." Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     "Hey, what's the matter with your woman." Qin-Liluo was stimulated by her indifferent appearance.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled a little, "The Heir doesn't believe me, what do I say, you will think that I am in the pit, are you not?"
     "Wang Sao, what kind of Zhuangzi?" Qin, who followed him, asked with a thick cheek.
     Ye-Jing-hong deliberately introduced her to the use of the Sangji Fish Pond and her own plans.
     Upon hearing the purchase of Zhuangzi, not only can planting fruit trees, but also breeding a variety of livestock and poultry, Qin-Liluo is finally completed. "Forget it, look at our partnership, you will promise you. You can buy one on the edge of Zhuangzi."
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't want to take care of him. This guy got cheap as if he owed him.
     "Silver is out of the dividend." Qin-Liluo is also smart, not stupid enough to come out of his own money.
     Ye-Jing-hong aims to achieve, no longer want to care about him.
     Of course, Qin-Liluo has no good feelings for the people of Qin-Yumo and Shenyuegu. After confessing to buying Zhuangzi, he immediately went to Ye-Fu.
     Ye-Jing-hong couldn't help him get out of the way, and he didn't keep him.
     After the people who went out to accompany Ye-Yanning were selected, Ye-Yanning couldn't wait to leave early.
     "Brother, don't be too anxious, it's not too late to get ready for the things to be prepared." Ye-Jing-hong is still not at ease.
     "Nothing, the focus is all here." Ye-Yanning smiled and took out the small book to answer, these days he was a bad guy to fill the knowledge of the Sangji fish pond.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at my heart and was sour and embarrassed. My silly Brother thought of the things in Zhuangzi. He didn't think of his own safety and the problems he had to go out.
     "Silver, what do you have to change your clothes?" Ye-Jing-hong looked at him.
     "Don't worry, the clothes are just a few. Just silver tickets are there." Ye-Yanning replied, he knew that Ye-Jing-hong was worried about him, so he smiled and stood in front of her. "Don't forget, this It’s not that Brother is going out for the first time.”
     Ye-Jing-hong almost cried when he had a nose. "In my eyes, Brother is the first time to go."
     "If you are sad again, I see, this kid doesn't have to go out." Yao Zhongbai jumped out to destroy the atmosphere.
     "Don't talk, no one will treat you as a ‘mute." Bai Xianzi ‘Called at him and yelled.
     "Right, Master, Master, Master, there are still things that need to be troubled for a few days." Ye-Jing-hong saw the appearance of Yao Zhongbai husband and wife, and suddenly thought of the business.
     "What?" Yao Zhongbai asked his neck.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at his concerned eyes and suddenly became embarrassed.
     Although Yao Zhongbai, Shifu, is forced to recognize himself, but to be honest, Yao Zhongbai is really good for her.
     On the other hand, she seems to have asked for too much and paid too little.
     "A few days ago, I have some disabled patients in Zhuangzi. Can you help them in the past?" Ye-Jing-hong said with a red face.
     She secretly vowed that they must be good to Yao Zhongbai in the future.
     "Yes, but..." Yao Zhongbai wants to mention the conditions.
     "Small things, the teacher looked at it in the past." Before he finished speaking, Bai Xianzi gave him a foot.
     Yao Zhongbai jumped up in pain, but did not dare to say a word again.
     With this pair of live treasures, the sadness of the separation was suddenly dissipated, and the atmosphere became warm.
     Qin-Yumo has been paying attention to the reaction of Ye-Jing-hong. She saw her becoming happy and her heart sighed with relief.
     "I will wake you up tomorrow morning." Back to the palace, Ye-Jing-hong lay on the bed and turned over and over, but could not sleep.
     "Don't start too early, he won't leave without a day, and the gate will not open." Qin-Yumo comforted her.
     "I want to get up early, give Brother some sweetness and take it on the road." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     Qin-Yumo listened a bit embarrassed, but he still can't show it. "Let the people in the kitchen do it."
     "No." Ye-Jing-hong refused very simply. "I have to go to bed early, and I won't be able to get up the next day."
     When she finished, she closed her eyes.
     Qin-Yumo sighed slyly, and it seems that the welfare of this evening is gone.
     He appointed Ye-Jing-hong to squat and then closed his eyes.
     “Is it time to go?” Just heard that the husband had beaten the three, Ye-Jing-hong got up.
     "It's still early, just three." Qin-Yumo had to go to the early morning, he had to get up, but he did not want Ye-Jing-hong to get up early.
     "No, I still have to make a snack," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     After that, she really got up.
     Qin-Yumo looked at her panicked look, thought about it, simply did not go up, and stayed in the house to accompany her.
     "I will give you Da-gongzi, you must take care of him." Last night, Wang-uncle followed her to the palace, Ye-Jing-hong is very much for Wang-uncle. Trusted, so I told her a lot.
     "Yes, Wangfei is assured.
     The slavish life guarantee will surely make Da-gongzi come back safely." Wang-uncle replied respectfully.
     "Hey." Because of the travels involving relatives, Ye-Jing-hong is also tempted to raise the topic of life and death. "What life? Wang-uncle You can give me a good listen, I want you to be good." Come back, you have to follow Da-gongzi, can't you understand?"
     "Yes, the nubi understand." Wang-uncle saw her eyes in a pair of good-looking eyes, and her heart was anxious. She was really stupid. She knew that Wangfei was worried about them and she mentioned life or something. Early in the morning, isn’t this self-seeking?
     Too much to say, Wang-uncle simply tried to help Ye-Jing-hong to fight, but did not dare to speak freely.
     “Da-gongzi likes to eat desserts, especially Wangfei. I look at the snacks on this road and I must read Wangfei.” Wang Yue and Wang Qiu felt the tension of Ye-Jing-hong, laughing. Make fun of it.
     Sure enough, Ye-Jing-hong heard a smile on his face. "The sweet dessert is not as sweet as the mouth of both of you."
     "The nubi is still with Wangfei, and the mouth is sweeter." Wang Yue said with a smile.
     "Poor mouth." Ye-Jing-hong blame, and a few Yatou laughed.
     When the weather was twilight, the snack was ready.
     Ye-Jing-hong quickly put the snacks into several baskets, then let a few Yatou carry them, and then found Qin-Yumo, and hurried to Ye-Fu.
     Ye-Jing-hong came early, but she did not expect that Ye-Fu did not see Ye-Yanning.
     “The Heir’s people sent a batch of cocoons, and the merchants who came here were willing to continue to do this business with us. So Da-gongzi went to Zhuangzi early in the morning.” Chengxin’s report, “Da-gongzi Let Humble-One tell Wangfei that it may not be possible today."
     Ye-Jing-hong listened not only without disappointment, but also relieved. Originally, she felt that Ye-Yanning was too hasty to go, and nothing had been prepared.
     If she doesn't go right today, she can use her day to prepare a bag for her brother.
     Qin-Yumo saw her face become relaxed and smiled.
     He walked over and glared at Ye-Jing-hong, whispering in her ear, "Is your mind? Wait a minute to sleep."
     "I am not sleepy." Ye-Jing-hong replied with a smile. "Brother is not going to leave, I just want to clean up."
     Qin-Yumo didn't want to blow her enthusiasm and smiled and nodded.
     "Apprentice, you are very good to Master. I sent so many snacks early in the morning." Yao Zhongbai saw a few baskets in Yatou hand and suddenly danced.
     For this beautiful misunderstanding, Ye-Jing-hong didn't want to break it. He smiled and rolled up the white fairy's arm. "Master, I didn't have time to have breakfast, let's go together."
     "Good." Bai Xianzi smiled and walked with her to the house. Two people who did not care for their passionate Yao Zhongbai.
     Yao Zhongbai did not care, watching the snacks come along with him.
     Everyone got together and had breakfast.
     After the meal, Ye-Jing-hong went to the room of Ye-Yanning and began to work hard for his travels.
     The clothes must be cleaned up. Ye-Jing-hong used the newly-made travel bag from Zhuangzi to pack up some necessary clothes for Ye-Yanning, and the things for washing were also prepared.
     "Well?" Qin-Yumo saw her like a busy bee, and her heart was sour.
     His Wangfei is busy with another man. Although the man is Wangfei Brother, Qin-Yumo is still very embarrassed and dissatisfied. David seems to occupy too much attention and energy in Wangfei.
     He felt that his position in Ye-Jing-hong's mind fell behind Ye-Yanning.
     "Okay." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     “Sleep after lunch.” Qin-Yumo whispered.
     "Yeah." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     The couple returned sweetly to the study, and the Qin-Yumo cold face became more beautiful.
     The blast and the blast have witnessed the process of jealousy from Wangye, but they dare not laugh and are uncomfortable.
     Ye-Yanning is back from Zhuangzi. It is already dark.
     “How is the matter?” Ye-Jing-hong greeted him.
     “Good news.” Ye-Yanning smiled and replied, “The Heir is not reliable, and the work is still very serious.
     The merchants he introduced are willing to provide us with the source of supply, the quantity is not very large, but it can be solved.
     The urgency of Zhuangzi."
     Ye-Jing-hong I was very happy when I heard this good news.
     In the evening, everyone at the Ye family gathered for a warm dinner.
     What makes Qin-Yumo stunned and dissatisfied is that Ye-Jing-hong left the rice bowl and took Ye-Yanning away. He directly left his true husband, who was left behind.
     "Wangye, how are we going to the next round?" Zhao Yiming noticed his lost mood and invited him with a smile.
     Qin-Yumo nodded.
     The two men sat at the table like this, and Yao Zhongbai and Yao Zhonghe started to kill on the other side of the board.
     The whole room suddenly heard the sound of falling chess pieces.
     “Brother, don’t want to spend money on the road.” Ye-Jing-hong Although she packed up her luggage for Ye-Yanning, she changed her mind after a meal. Not to return to Ye-Yanning's room, she sewed a thick stack of silver tickets in his cloak, and brought a few pieces of clothing to him, and gave him some silver tickets and scattered.
     The silver is placed in the purse.
     "Wang-uncle, these are you with, in case you don't need it." Ye-Jing-hong handed Wang-uncle some silver tickets.
     "I can't use that much, a month's time, coming back very quickly." Ye-Yanning happily watched her busy under the lights.
     Become a relative, she is still her favorite Mei-mei.
     "It's easy to go out and find someone to do things. If things go well in Jinzhou, you will need more money. Don't you want to buy a Zhuangzi? If you have the right thing, buy it and buy more land. Also, this time to remove integrity and Wang-uncle, you still bring a few people around." Ye-Jing-hong Hey, nothing is assured, as if she is the big one at home.
     “Many people are inconvenient,” Ye-Yanning said with a smile.
     "No." Ye-Jing-hong bit the line with his teeth and said, "I am just in case, if I really bought Zhuangzi, I will leave them first to look over there.
     Then you will come back. I will give it away."
     Ye-Yanning thinks about it.
     The silk of Jiangnan may not be able to eat it in the next few years.
     So Jinzhou said that it has to win. I bought Zhuangzi there, and it is more suitable. At the very least, I will have my own cotton breeding base.
     With your own base, you can even deal with people and things over there.
     "On the official road, you must not take the path. If you are staying, you should also go to the big inn to live. You must not miss the accommodation because you are in a hurry or save money." Ye-Jing-hong and some go out detail.
     "Okay." Ye-Yanning didn't despise her. Ye-Jing-hong said what he said. He smiled and nodded.
     "You two have to take care of Da-gongzi. If he doesn't obey, he has to try his best to stop him." Ye-Jing-hong repeated Wang-uncle and Chengxin.
     “Wangfei rest assured that the nubi must keep Da-gongzi.” Wang-uncle once again promised.
     "Humble-One is to give up his temper life, and will protect Da-gongzi." Chengxin also made a serious commitment.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     "Hurry back, it’s all married. How can you still be in love?" Ye-Yanning looked at her softly and said, "Don’t let Wangye wait outside for a long time. I will leave early tomorrow morning. Don't rush to come over.
     The province sees me crying."
     "I will get up soon tomorrow," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "It's still the child's heart." Ye-Yanning looked at her helplessly.
     To start tomorrow, you need to get up early.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at Wang-uncle and gathered things up. She went out.
     “Put it up?” Qin-Yumo looked at her and asked.
     "Yeah." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     "Ye-Ye, Master's teacher, Uncle, we went back." She and her elders greeted each other.
     "Okay, come over tomorrow." Yao Zhongbai.
     "Be honest." Bai Xianzi took him and reprimanded him.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that their husband and wife were very spiritual and couldn't help but laugh.
     "Slow down." Ye-Yanning came out with a smile and sent a guest.
     Qin-Yumo saw him and nodded at him.
     Ye-Yanning also smiled a little, and everything was silent.
     When Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Yumo walked out of the door of Ye house, the sky was dark outside, and the temples on both sides hanged lanterns.
     Fortunately, the two houses are not far apart, and the two of them soon returned to the palace.
     Ye-Jing-hong tonight is very well-behaved. When I return to the palace, I quickly wash my sleep.
     Qin-Yumo smiled and dragged her into her arms to comfort her. "He is bigger than you, and he has experience when he goes out. Don't worry."
     "Yeah." Ye-Jing-hong closed his eyes and nodded.
     This night, because she was in a bad mood, Qin-Yumo was rare and didn't bother her.
     The next day, it was still not bright. Ye-Jing-hong got up early and started earlier than Qin-Yumo.
     After washing, she went to the kitchen to go busy. Naturally, snacks are still a must. On the other hand, she has not forgotten to take care of Qin-Yumo, and the people in the kitchen have picked up millet porridge and the like, and made a side dish.
     When she was busy, she returned to the flower hall and found that Qin-Yumo had returned to the bath and changed her clothes.
     The blast and the thunder stood on his side like two door gods.
     "See Wangfei under the genus." The blast and the blast saw her come in, and immediately greeted him with respect.
     “I have done a lot of snacks, and you can take some to go back and eat,” Ye-Jing-hong said.
     “Thank you for Wangfei.” The wind and the thunder are not welcome.
     Following Qin-Yumo, the two of them did not eat and drink.
     "Housekeeper, you bring some to go back to eat." Ye-Jing-hong said to the butler.
     The steward family name is a powerful person, and has always followed Qin-Yumo, Qin-Yumo trusts him very much.
     So even with Ye-Jing-hong, he is also very respectful to him. What is delicious, he will always be given to him.
     "Thank you for Wangfei, the old nubi has a good time today." The little housekeeper said with a smile.
     "I deliberately did more." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile, "Thousands of housekeepers, can you find someone, give me such a pot as soon as possible? I want one the day after tomorrow."
     Ye-Jing-hong Let Wang Qiu go to the room and take the drawings he has drawn.
     Wang Qiu quickly took the paper and handed it to the thousand housekeepers.
     “Wangfei rest assured that tomorrow will definitely make the pot to Wangfei.” The thousand butlers glanced at the drawings and answered them respectfully.
     “Do thirty first,” says Ye-Jing-hong.
     “There are also a variety of spoons on the side,” says Ye-Jing-hong. “It’s best to make it from bamboo.”
     " Eat more." Qin-Yumo took her to sit down and clipped some small dishes to her.
     Ye-Jing-hong should also hurry and sit down and eat.
     The couple quickly ran out of breakfast, and Zhang-Mama had already used three baskets to pack the snacks.
     Ye-Jing-hong and Wang Qiuwange took the basket and started to go to Ye-Fu, and Qin-Yumo certainly followed her.
     When I arrived at the Ye home, Ye-Yanning had not left yet, perhaps waiting for her arrival.
     "Brother." Seeing the neatly tidy Ye-Yanning, Ye-Jing-hong was a little anxious, but fortunately, it was catching up.
     "Isn't it not going to get you so early?" Ye-Yanning is happy and distressed.
     "I made some snacks for you to eat on the road." Ye-Jing-hong handed him two baskets.
     “Where can I eat so much?” Ye-Yanning said with a smile at the two baskets.
     "It can be supported for a few days, but it is not a bad one." The Ye-Jing-hong basket was given to Wang-uncle. "And they can eat too."
     A few letters of the letter were laughed. "Yes, Da-gongzi, let us solve it."
     Ye-Yanning smiled and promised, "Well, it won't miss you."
     "I am leaving." He looked at Ye-Jing-hong gently, "The house will be handed over to you and Ye-Ye."
     "Go, I am here." Zhao Yiming watched him finally cheer up, and his heart was finally relieved.
     "Go, go back, when you come back, we will go." Bai Xianzi also said.
     "Shi Niang, how do you want to go back?" Ye-Jing-hong asked in surprise.
     "Your master has been out for a long time, but don't worry, I will leave you two brothers. After half a year, someone in the valley will come over and change them." Bai Xianzi replied, "If it wasn't for you, Brother suddenly went. We are also going to propose to go back. Since he goes out to work, we will stay for another month, just to help you see the house and fulfill your promises."
     “Thank you for your mother.” Ye-Jing-hong said with gratitude.
     “Thank you for the white hero.” Ye-Yanning also gratefully said.
     He left, and some people in the house were sitting in the town, and he would settle in his heart. "It’s not early, I’m leaving.”
     “Be sure to take care all the way.” Ye-Jing-hong watched him get on the carriage and said loudly.
     I don't know why, after the ancient times, she began to become more sentimental.
     "Go back." Ye-Yanning waved hard.
     Ye-Jing-hong also waved, and after a while, the car could no longer see the shadow.
     She stood at the door of Ye house and was a little embarrassed.
     "Reassured, there will be nothing." Qin-Yumo grabbed her hand to comfort.
     “Yeah.” Ye-Jing-hong also nodded. “Ye-Ye, Master Shi, Uncle, Brother, I will bring you snacks.”
     "Sweet." Yao Zhongbai had already pinched one in his hand, and he would not be polite with his apprentice for his food.
     "After a while, someone will come over, I have to wait." Ye-Jing-hong said, "There may be noisy in the house. If you are too annoyed, Master can go to the yard of Ye-Ye."
     "Well, what are you calling us again?" Yao Zhongbai said with a smile. "We are going to play chess, Zhao Laotou."
     Ye-Jing-hong listened to his name for Zhao Yiming, and he couldn't help but look at him again. It was bigger than Zhao Ye-Ye, and he was still tender and not afraid of being thundered.
     “Wangye, when will people arrive?” Ye-Jing-hong asked Qin-Yumo.
     "It will be there in a minute. Someone has been to Zhuangzi last night." Qin-Yumo replied, "It’s all from nearby counties. It’s a bit longer and it may take longer."
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     Sure enough, people didn't let them wait too long. When they arrived, all the people gathered in the big yard of Ye house.
     Not many, but there are more than 200 people, men and women, young and complete!
     "The grass people see Wangye." Seeing the people they have been admiring is in front of them, and the original soldiers have burst into tears.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at them carefully.
     Many of these people seem to be unhappy, and some have disabilities.
     Broken finger, one eye, and the other leg, but fortunately, there is labor, but the body is broken.
     These people are grateful and have a cult of Qin-Yumo.
     Yes, Qin-Yumo is the hero of these people.
     "Get up." Qin-Yumo looked at the team that had been born and died with him, and he was filled with emotion.
     This group of people made great contributions to the country, and the life they went back was crowded out by many people just because they had a disability.
     Fair word, where is so easy to stand up.
     "To find you back today is the meaning of Wangfei. When you must come, you already know why." Qin-Yumo spoke to himself for the first time in a gentle tone.
     "Yes." When the soldiers are never the same, the voice is uniform.
     And their family members are somewhat restrained and still stand aside with fear, and their eyes are not afraid to sneak.
     “This is the original home of Wangfei. I will tell you what to do later,” Qin-Yumo said.
     "The grass people see Wangfei." Everyone listened, and Ye-Jing-hong also collapsed.
     "Get up, I am not too particular about this person. People always want to be loyal." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile, but the tone was harsh.
     “Wangfei rest assured that the grass people originally followed Wangye, and now they can do things for Wangye and Wangfei, that is, they lose their lives.” A black-faced man stood up and said.
     The rest of the people looked very steadily at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "There is a little bit to remember, you are doing things for me. So in your mind, my position is to be in front of Wangye. Can you do it?" Ye-Jing-hong asked again.
     This time, there is no answer below.
     Everyone looked at her with surprise.
     Ye-Jing-hong Silently, waiting for the answer quietly.
     Qin-Yumo also has no openings. He knows why Ye-Jing-hong has this. In the future, the factory will become bigger and bigger, and the personnel will become more and more complicated. If people are distracted, it is difficult to manage.
     It is better to let these people see the situation now.
     If you don't do well, it is his Wangye who can't save them.
     The grass people work in the shop of Wangfei, naturally listening to Wangfei. After all, grass people and others are no longer serving." The person who spoke is still a black-faced man. It can be seen that this person is talking among a group of people. Very convincing. "Brothers, right?"
     "Yes." The crowd replied loudly.
     Yes, Wangfei words don’t sound very good. In this society where the husband is the leader, if her words are spread out, they can be soaked in pig cages.
     But Wangye stood by and said nothing, these people will understand. Wangye actually supports Wangfei.
     What are you waiting for? Everyone immediately turned their minds.
     Ye-Jing-hong Look at everyone with satisfaction, and the rest will be much easier.
     Chengde and Jin-Haisheng were instructed to read the rules of the Ye family again, and let these people sign and sign the fingerprints.
     After a morning of tossing, the time is up to noon.
     "Because there are so many people, the lunch at noon is relatively simple. Your children will be admitted to Zhuangzi for free tomorrow, and in the afternoon, after you return, according to the specialties you have reported, the director of the gold factory will arrange which department you will go to." -Jing-hong said, "There is still physical discomfort. It is usually a dark disease. You must not say it.
     The people of God Valley are here to see you."
     There are such good things!
     Everyone is happy to hear it.
     It is indeed simple afternoon to eat.
     The staple food is rice porridge and white maiden. If you have vegetables, there are ten people and one table.
     But for the sake of the villagers, these are the best.
     Everyone eats, and I am grateful to Ye-Jing-hong, Wangfei.
     In the afternoon, Ye-Fu was even more lively.
     The people in the God Valley were sitting in the room with the table, and the people with darkness or physical discomfort were all in a row to prepare for the past.
     The people who can usually go to a god doctor valley are very great.
     If the outside person sees Ye-Jing-hong's handwriting so big, he will definitely envy hate.
     "Do you want to walk again?" Yao Zhong asked.
     "Nature think. God doctor, is there any way to make me get better?" A man who walked a little awkwardly asked.
     "Yes, but you have to interrupt your leg again." Yao Zhong replied lazily.
     Interrupt the leg? Everyone looked at it with surprise. That hurts a lot.
     "This?" The man hesitated, and he hesitated to look at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "If you are willing, if your legs are smashed, you should first raise them in Zhuangzi.
     There is no wages, but you will not be able to eat and drink." Ye-Jing-hong speaks.
     "Thank you for Wangfei, small willingness." He was excited.
     He is not afraid of pain. On the battlefield, what kind of suffering has been eaten, just a pain for a while, it is really nothing.
     After the leg is good, he will work as a cow to work for Wangfei.
     "God doctor, can my arm be okay?" A man saw Yao Zhongbai, who shook his head, and his heart was really bottomless, because in a short time, this one was doctored by a goddess around him.
     Can such a person do it?
     "Reassured, for my little apprentice, your arm will return to the original." Yao Zhongbai said with a smile, there is no awkward Sui and Tang.
     "Apprentice, Master is so hard, you have to compensate me." He ‘called loudly.
     "Well, everyone is optimistic, I will cook for you at night." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     "Pig." Bai Xianzi resentfully looked at him.
     "The Buddha jumped the wall."
     "it is good."
     Many people have listened to it. Wangfei is actually an apprentice of the god doctor.
     In this way, more people are more grateful to her.
     At dusk, this group of people took the medicine prescribed by the god doctor and then went back to Zhuangzi.
     Ye-Jing-hong did not lose sight of it, and prepared the ingredients for the Buddha jump wall that night.
     "You are optimistic about the heat." When she returned to the government, she deliberately married the people in the kitchen.
     "Yes, Wangfei.
     The nubi must be staring at them." The people in the kitchen are also trained by her, and their cooking is also a good one.
     Ye-Jing-hong After the confession was over, I remembered an important thing when I returned to the palace.
     "Wangye, can you find a professional person and do this for me." After that, she hurriedly found a few sheets of paper from the desk.
     The paintings on it were all kinds of porcelain bottles, but the mouths of these bottles were different.
     The top is covered with a spiral pattern.
     "Let you find someone tomorrow." Qin-Yumo replied.
     So, even those who burn porcelain?
     Ye-Jing-hong is overjoyed.
     "I really found a great husband." She looked at Qin-Yumo with a smile.
     In this era, the husband and wife will love each other again, and will not always hang such unsuspecting praises. Qin-Yumo is very comfortable.
     "The day after tomorrow, I went to Zhuangzi." I was in a good mood, and Ye-Jing-hong was happy to roll in bed.
     Qin-Yumo laughed, Madam was happy, his welfare at night was good, so Wangye was in a good mood.
     Early the next morning, the thousand housekeepers came over with a smile, and he still had a strange pot in his hand.
     “Wangfei, but this pot?” he asked respectfully.
     "Yes, this is the pot." Ye-Jing-hong looked at the pot and forgot his backache, and smiled at the hot pot. "When I have time, I invite you to eat hot pot."
     "Thank you for Wangfei, the old nubi remembered." The thousand housekeeper smiled and promised. For this true Wangfei, he is truly respectful.
     “It’s not like a pot, it’s like a pot.” Qin-Yumo changed his clothes and said.
     "Almost, Wangye, let's eat hot pot at noon." Ye-Jing-hong Just want to think of the spicy taste, the saliva will want to go down.
     "Good." Qin-Yumo said with a smile. "But, aren't you preparing for the Buddha to jump the wall?"
     "Give them food, I will eat hot pot." Ye-Jing-hong is unwavering.
     When the two went to Ye-Fu, they passed this strange pot.
     And after Ye-Fu, Ye-Jing-hong began to get busy.
     At noon, Qin-Liluo and Qin Heyue Yue also went to the door.
     When Ye-Jing-hong moved the Buddha wall to the table, everyone was attracted by the dish.
     Yao Zhongbai was happy to send it to his mouth, and Ye-Jing-hong commanded the letter to shorten a strange pot.
     The soup in the pot was tumbling, steaming, half red, and another. Half is white.
     Then I saw that the moon and other people came in with a variety of dishes, and there were all kinds of dishes.
     “How come there is still?” Qin-Liluo frowned and asked.
     "Hey, you eat yours, this is what I am going to use for the store." Ye-Jing-hong replied, but his men did not idle, and began to throw things into the hot pot.
     Qin-Yumo saw it, moving his stool to her side and sitting down.
     Because the table of the hot pot is also made to order, with a hole in the middle, just to put the pot.
     "It's delicious." When the things in the pot were cooked, Ye-Jing-hong began to pick up the sauce prepared by himself and sat down to eat the first bite.
     "I tasted it." Yao Zhongbai has a soft spot for eating. May be smashed in the god doctor valley!
     "It's delicious." He sighed and his eyes lit up.
     “A table with a pot of vegetables, or a mess?” Qin-Liluo is not interested in this hot pot.
     "Take a taste, you can rest assured, we are not sick." Ye-Jing-hong said, "It is still used public chopsticks."
     Qin-Liluo was stunned by her ridiculous eyes and came over with a bowl.
     Bai Xianzi and others are also curious.
     So, all the people on the table moved to this side.
     Not to mention, it’s good to drink fruit wine and eat hot pot. “Unfortunately, there is no beer.”
     Ye-Jing-hong Miss modern beer very much.
     It is only authentic to eat hot pot and drink beer.
     "What is beer?" Yao Zhongbai chopsticks didn't stop, but his eyes fixed on her.
     “A wine that is not very high in taste but very strange. Generally speaking, men are more like it.” Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     "Yatou, you will make wine yourself, why not brew?" Yao Zhongbai asked dissatisfied.
     “Because there is no hops,” Ye-Jing-hong replied, “Beer brewing must have hops.”
     "The hops, I have never heard of it." Yao Zhongbai shook his head and replied.
     "The hop is also called hop twist, and some places are called yeast flowers." Ye-Jing-hong explained.
     "I haven't heard of it." Yao Zhongbai was not interested in hearing it.
     "Maybe the name is different." Qin-Yumo thought about it.
     "Maybe." Ye-Jing-hong nodded and asked the moon to bring her a pen and paper, and then drew it. "It's this flower."
     "I haven't seen it." Qin-Liluo is very simple, Qin Xin Yue has no chance to see it.
     "I have seen it." Hua Xiezi suddenly said loudly.
     "I have seen it too."
     The people of God’s Valley have seen it, and they all laughed.
     “Where?” Ye-Jing-hong is overjoyed.
     "It’s just a hundred miles away from the Valley of the Gods, but this flower is called by the locals.
     The fresh flower people will be red, toxic, unintentional, and will suffer from abdominal pain and even death. Can you really make wine?” Bai Xianzi asked curiously.
     “The wine is used as a whole flower after drying, or it is made into a paste and stored in ice.” Ye-Jing-hong explains, “It is an irreplaceable thing to make beer.”
     Originally, I didn’t have much interest in beer. Now she is saying that all the interest is really coming up.
     “Especially suitable for drinking in the summer.” Ye-Jing-hong said with a feeling.
     "There is something difficult. After the teacher returns, people will bring you some." Bai Xianzi said.
     "Yes, I am so good." Ye-Jing-hong began to spoil.
     Qin-Liluo gave her a stunned look, and Yatou was too embarrassed.
     But the white fairy can eat her, and the face almost laughs into a flower.
     By trying it out, the hot pot was almost fixed.
     In the days that followed, Ye-Jing-hong was completely busy, and even the palace did not return, and lived in Zhuangzi.
     Qin-Yumo can't bear the Madam alone outside, he had to run back and forth on both sides.
     “It’s not a system.” The emperor knew that he was furious and had more opinions on Ye-Jing-hong. "A woman is showing her face all day, and now she does not return home at night.
     The face of the royal family has been thrown away."
     Degong’s words were not made, he knew that these were just the complaints of the emperor behind him, and they could not be true. I am afraid that the emperor cares that the king has not come to the royal study for a long time.
     " Xiao Dezi, you said, is it necessary to reconcile Wangfei with a meal, and then send someone to teach some rules?" asked the wrath of the emperor.
     "The emperor, His Royal Highness King favors Wangfei, and Wangfei stays in Zhuangzi. I heard that it is also for business.
     The business is also divided into the division of His Royal Highness and the Heir. His Royal Highness has lived there for business recently, so Wangfei is also not allowed to stay at night." De Gonggong replied with a smile.
     "Oh, is it not difficult for her to go out and earn money without a woman, and the king will not live her?" The emperor's fire did not disappear.
     “The nubi have heard that Wangfei is the shop of Bu Zhuang.
     The average income of a month is close to 10 thousand Silver Taels.” Degong said with a smile. “And Wangfei calligraphy and embroidery are worth a lot of money. Wangfei big marriage makes the nobles in the capital more respectable. As long as there are big married people in the capital, they will go to the shop to customize wedding dresses, beddings, etc., and even go to the back door to ask for a picture. Wangfei ink treasure, or screen like it."
     Degonggong did not say anything, and Wangfei was a god of wealth.
     Seeing the emperor's face look good, De Gonggong smiled and continued to say, "In addition, it is not the income of the winery.
     The king's house is missing the support of the hostess. Now with Wangfei, the emperor should be relieved."
     "I don't know what to drum up this time?" The emperor's face eased.
     “The nubi heard that Wangfei was going to sell a shop like rouge gouache. At the same time, he would open a roast duck roast shop and a shop called a hot pot.” Degong said with a smile, “The leaflet is already on the street. It is."
     "What leaflet?" asked the emperor curiously.
     Degong took a few pieces of colored paper from his arms and handed it to the emperor. "It’s all on it."
     After the emperor took it, he looked at it. Hey, the bells and whistles are pretty good.
     "What is this?" He pointed to the hot pot and asked the father.
     "It seems to be a hot pot." De Gonggong smiled and replied.
     "The red one, the other half is still white, what?" The emperor said to himself.
     De Gonggong saw that his mood had improved and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
     Ye-Jing-hong was busy for nearly a month and finally decided to open the business.
     The promotion of new products is very important, because Qin-Liluo has shares, and the kid's brain is also flexible. So although he was not happy, he let his two confidantes, as well as the Qing Yage, Ming Yue Lou Miss Xiao Yan, advertised him, and sent his dog legs to the street to distribute flyers.
     The Heir, Dingwang's shop opened, who dare not give face, suddenly, the opening day, as long as the face of the people in the capital all gathered in the street.
     "In order to pull the guests, it is a good way to set Wangfei. Even Miss in the green building is recruited." A Madam smiled lowly.
     "Even our face is lost." Another Madam's face became hard to look, and his eyes were still scornful.
     “The top five customers can enjoy a 20% discount, and they can also have a gift, and the store has a free makeup presentation for the waiter.”
     The shopkeeper of the cosmetics store is a person of Qin-Yumo, which is arrogant.
     "I heard that rouge gouache is not for anyone to use." Someone said lowly.
     "Wait a little tired, gather in the restaurant?" Someone suggested.
     Someone will immediately agree with God. After all, no one wants to take risks and try it in terms of their own looks.
     “Can you really get a discount?” Miss Smile in the flower building asked. “Wangfei opened the rouge gouache shop, it must be no worse.”
     "Really can be discounted." The shopkeeper smiled and said, and they did not look down on them.
     A few of the buildings in the building listened to Miss, and went in joyfully. However, after a while, they came out with a blue face.
     "What?" asked a companion.
     "It's too expensive, a bottle of milk, it's a hundred Silver Taels. And a lot of things inside are actually sold." The popular popularity is straightforward. "Why don't you go out and grab the money?"
     "Oh, whisper." Someone immediately caught the man with a big mouth.
     "You are going to die, don't drag us." Some people are anxious to jump.
     "This is a lively event." Taishi Madam said with a smile.
     "No, if no one has ever bought it, the face of Wangfei is afraid to be thrown away." Another Madam said with gloating.
     The treasurer’s whispering around, it’s inevitable that it’s anxious.
     Wangye valued her, she only stood out from the crowd. You can start your business on the first day, and you have to face Wangye and Wangfei.
     "Ding Wangfei, haven't you forgotten what you said last time?" When anxious, a few people came from the hot pot restaurant.
     Everyone sneak a look, isn't it just the two newly married Wangfei?
     “When is it time to make Wangfei and Qi Wangfei so good?” An official Madam asked the people around him.
     “Let's talk less.” Some people objected and chose to protect themselves.
     “What?” Ye-Jing-hong whispered and asked, she kept looking around in her eyes.
     "This Wangfei said that you must have forgotten. Also, Wangfei only remembers the Queen Niang-Niang and the Crown Princess, where can I remember the Humble-One thing like Benedict." Qi Yaner's tone is sour.
     "It turned out that time." Ye-Jing-hong showed a look of ignorance. “I don’t know if Qi Wangfei is the one that I’ve used for the Queen Niang-Niang, or the one used by the Crown Princess? Or is it another type?”
     "Think of it?" Qi Yaner was somewhat proud.
     "Well, as long as it is Qi Wangfei fancy, it is free to send today. If there were only two sets in the hand, then there would be less Qi Wangfei." Ye-Jing-hong said with a good temper.
     "I am also planning to send the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang set." Ye-Jing-hong deliberately hesitantly asked, "I don't know if the Empress Dowager would like it?"
     "I know why." Qi Yaner pretended to be very close to her. "I didn't see the Queen Niang-Niang and the Crown Princess. Ever since I used your cosmetics, my face has become more radiant? We don't have women, There are a few who don't love beauty."
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and echoed.
     "You said, what is better for me?" Qi Yaner did not notice the reaction of the people around him, but instead was immersed in his own thoughts.
     "Go in and see." Ye-Jing-hong invited. "Let's take Wangfei."
     Qi Yaner was happy to go in.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, no, Wangfei, you have to send me a set." Qin Xin Yue ran around and begged. "Look at the fact that I didn't get the shares, you have to take care of me."
     “On the Heir's head?” Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     "How are you so stingy?" Qin heartedly asked.
     “Wangfei, County Owner.” Xiao -Jinse ‘Called out of the crowd and greeted several people.
     " Xiao Miss." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and said hello to her.
     “I heard that Wangfei has opened a rouge gouache shop, but I am here to help.” Xiao -Jinse said proudly.
     Although she did not see Ye-Jing-hong, but Ye-Jing-hong had already married Ding Wang, Ye-Jing-hong could not be her rival. So Xiao -Jinse decided to rule out her hostility.
     “6th Sao.” A girl was naughty. “ Qi Wangfei.”
     “Ming Ming Princess?” Ye-Jing-hong recognized who was in front of him and smiled and greeted her.
     "I always wanted to go out to the 6th Sao for a cosmetic, but the mother said that Wangfei only had two copies, one for the Queen Niang-Niang and one for the Crown Princess, so she was detained, I am today. But I heard that you specially opened the shop, so I have to buy two copies, one for the mother and one for me." Princess Ming Zhao is a smart person, seeing many people around, but not going to the shop. Go, her heart will come out.
     "The last time I said that I would give a gift to the princess, and I didn't have time to go to the palace. So, today I am the master, the princess can pick one, it is a gift I gave you." Ye-Jing-hong The belly is clear to her.
     "And me, I only need one." Qin Heyue Yue ‘called, "You can't be more honest. You know that my brother is very stingy."
     In the latter sentence, purely whispering and whispering, perhaps it is afraid that Qin-Liluo will come out, Qin 
     "I am afraid of you, but there is not much supply in my shop, I can only send you a set." Ye-Jing-hong said. “Every time there are only 50 sets, and each of you is given a set, there really isn’t much left.”
     "I know, I want a set, and the rest I spend money to buy." Qin Xin Yue did not respond with a good spirit.
     "Hurry up, go in late, but it's gone." Qi Yaner is more anxious.
     “Please,” Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile. “Maybe Wangfei can also make a beauty make-up here.”
     "I want to." Qin heart is sorrowful.
     "Wangfei, I also reported a name." Suddenly, a beautiful woman came up with a smile and said, "Can it be the fifth customer?"
     Ye-Jing-hong Look at the past, don't know.
      Xiao -Jinse is blushing and flushed. "Hey, this place is not something you can go in."
     "How did she come." Qin heart is sorrowful, his face is not good-looking.
     "Nengsang has seen Wangfei Princess County Owner." The people said broadly.
     "Fox, I painted your stinky face and see how you want to seduce the Heir." Xiao -Jinse pulled out the whip around his waist.
     Ye-Jing-hong has a headache. " Xiao Miss, please anger, today the shop opens, the visitors are all guests, can you give me a face?"
     "Wangfei, I don't want to give you face, but how can your shop let this kind of person go in?" Xiao -Jinse doesn't let her go, she doesn't even look at Ye-Jing-hong, she is born in the green building. Sang, she will not even look in the eyes.
     "Yeah, you try?" Qin-Liluo, this piece of goods did not know where it came from, he stared at Xiao -Jinse with a stern look. "I want to roll back and send it, let me see my eyes here."
     "The Heir." Losing face in front of so many people, Xiao -Jinse is embarrassing.
     Nisang just smiled and looked at it, but did not speak, but the expression was slightly interesting.
     "The Heir, this store opens. You can stop some of it. Xiao Miss is a shopper, you can't drive customers out." Ye-Jing-hong had a headache and pulled.
     "Yes, I am here to buy things." After that, Xiao -Jinse rushed in first.
     "Nisang, set Wangfei this shop, but the god doctor Valley and her Madam gongs out, the beauty effect is absolutely unparalleled in the world. Ye likes your skin tender and tender look, buy more to go back, I promise you when Earn more." Treating Nissan, Qin-Liluo is like a person, with a smile on his face.
     "Nissang is getting ready to go in." Nisang looked at Qin-Liluo with a look of embarrassment.
     "Don't be afraid, there are also shares in the store. I am still responsible for the safety of the store. Who dares not to have eyes here to make trouble, and he has cut her head." Qin-Liluo looks like a sang like a sang Speaking loudly, it is a warning to someone at the place.
     "Wangfei, I am going in now, can I get a discount?" A fat Madam squeezed in and asked.
     “This?” Ye-Jing-hong was a little bit more difficult.
     Then I looked at Ming Zhao and Qi Yaner and smiled and answered her. “Are you removing the set I sent, and are you planning to buy more?”
     "Buy, of course, buy." Qin Heyue replied loudly, "I still want to send a set to the mother."
     "I also want to buy more."
     "I also buy." Qi Yaner actually wants to wait for Ye-Jing-hong to send her several sets. I didn't expect Ye-Jing-hong to seal it early.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, this shop is not yours alone, you can't give away in vain." Qin-Liluo said with a sigh of relief.
     "The Heir, the shop is accurate, the shop is mine, and your half-profit is absolutely indispensable." Ye-Jing-hong gave him a blank look. "The rest said yes, you can't ask anything."
     Qin-Liluo gave her a look and no eyesight. Didn't you see someone coming over to play the swing? If everyone comes to play the swing, what money does the shop earn? Is this dead woman not very savvy? Why are you jealous today?
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't want to take care of her. She turned her head and smiled and explained to the fat woman. "Sorry Madam, the top five of the shop have already been set. You are the sixth and can't be discounted."
     "Nothing, I just ask." The woman who came over was not the official Madam.
     The reason why she came over was to take the opportunity to tie up with Wang-Ying-hong.
     When Qi Yaner arrived, she realized that she had done something stupid. She was inadvertently propaganda to Ye-Jing-hong, and she was famous for her.
     Why didn’t she just observe and open again? Stupid!
     However, the world did not sell regret drugs, she had to pretend that she did not know what to look for, continue to say good things for Ye-Jing-hong, but also for their own more benefits.
     "Ding Wangfei, these people are really stupid, even the Queen Niang-Niang and the Crown Princess used to say good things, they didn't even want it. If several doctors in the God Valley of the Gods saw it, they must regret it. I have done so many good things," she said cheerfully.
     “Qi Wangfei, I have done a lot of handmade soap and fragrant soap here. I will send you some to take it back later.” Ye-Jing-hong has taken her human feelings. “Artificial soap washes clothes and does not fade.
     The decontamination ability is strong. After use, the clothes will be dried and smelly."
     "So good, then I have to have more." Qi Yaner replied with a strong smile.
     Her heart is annoyed, and Ye-Jing-hong is really a profiteer, which does not take advantage of her.
     “Is there still a sweet soap sold here?” Princess Ming Zhao asked curiously. "There are only some of the tributes from the Western Regions in the palace. I just got a piece of it."
     "The smell of the fragrant soap in the shop is very varied, and there are many shapes. If the princess likes it, I will send you some." Ye-Jing-hong said generously.
     "Ye-Jing-hong." Qin-Liluo stood by, and when she heard the blink of an eye, she mentioned that she had to give away two things. He was annoyed on the spot. "Are you going to open the door to send something to someone else, or are you going to sell something?"
     After that, his eyes looked at Qi Yaner and Princess Ming Zhao.
     "The Heir don't be angry, we mean to say it.
     The first day of the new store opening, we will not let Wangfei lose it. This is the case, except for the set that Wangfei promised to send me, the rest, I will pay Silver." Qi Yaner said cheerfully.
     It’s not that she is very generous, but the name of Qin-Liluo in Capital City is too big.
     This little bully, if he suffers a loss, he will definitely double the crusade.
     Now that he has stared at himself, he is not good at it. If she does not know the practice, she is afraid that the loss is still behind.
     Besides, Qi Wang always yelled at her. In the capital, I met the Qin-Liluo kid and must walk around.
     In the spirit of hoping to eat a small loss and can not eat big losses, Qi Yaner made a correct choice this time.
     Qin-Liluo listened to Qi Yaner's words, his face finally looked good.
     He made up his mind, and later he had to supervise Ye-Jing-hong's big-handed woman, and the provincial people were happy to play the swing.
     Thinking of this, he smiled and glanced at Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong secretly sneered at him.
     Qin-Liluo face is dark again.
     The feeling that this dead woman wants her to make a good name for her good deeds, and the bad things are all on his head.
     When he figured it out, he suddenly became angry.
     Ye-Jing-hong secretly put three fingers on him.
     Then, the anger of Qin-Liluo went down.
     Forget it, good men don't fight with women, and in the case of silver, his old man does not fight with the little woman.
     The official Madam Miss, who stood outside waiting to see jokes, had long since regretted listening to the words of Qi Wangfei and Princess Ming Zhao. But no one can erase the face and be the first person.
     It is not surprising that Miss Taitai, who is not rich, has no scruples to enter.
     "If you don't go in and see, you don't have to look at it anyway." The Crown Prince Shao Fu Madam tried to greet Madam around.
     "Also, anyway, go in and see, and you won't lose your money." Someone smiled and echoed.
     As a result, a group of women all poured into the store.
     The Miss in the shop are trained and they are also skilled in makeup. Just outside the hesitant Madam who decided to enter the door, they had already painted the makeup of Princess Ming Zhao, Qin Xin Yue, Qi Yaner, Xiao -Jinse, and Nisang.
     Every beauty makeup comes from a few of their own characteristics.
      Xiao -Jinse saw that Nisang, who had painted a heavy makeup, was more open-minded, and she really wanted to catch her face.
     “The things in Wangfei shop are so good.” Nisang didn’t think that after she had painted a makeup, she would become more beautiful. She looked at the glass mirror in front of her and couldn’t keep her eyes on it.
     These mirrors are also Ye-Jing-hong, which makes Qin-Yumo hard to find. She deliberately put it in the store, so that everyone who passes through can see her face.
      Xiao -Jinse also has a mirror in front of her. She is also very beautiful in the mirror.
     The beauty is very wild, but there is no such thing.
     She nodded with satisfaction.
     Ye-Jing-hong did not lie to her, the things in the store, there is no match outside.
     The key is that the Heir can pay dividends from it. Think of it here, Xiao -Jinse sees Ye-Jing-hong's eyes are softer.
     Because she thought that if she became the Heir Madam in the future, then she also had a share of the things in this shop.
     Since it is profitable and a partner, she certainly has to be polite to Ye-Jing-hong.
     "6th Sao, am I getting more beautiful?" Princess Ming Zhao asked Ye-Jing-hong with a smile, but her eyes were reluctant to move away from the mirror.
     "The princess has always been beautiful." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     The biggest feature of a girl is she is beautiful.
     The Princess Ming Zhao painted a light makeup, but she is more youthful and energetic.
     Qi Yaner is also satisfied, she looks at herself in the mirror, so beautiful, will certainly seize the heart of Qi Wang, which woman can not match her.
     On the contrary, Qin Xinyue was trying to make up in Ye-Fu, so she was not surprised by the effect that came out today.
     “Wang Sao, you will introduce me some good things.” She turned around with Ye-Jing-hong.
     “This set of things is made of nails.
     There are many varieties. You can let the waiter give you a try.
     The set is a product for shampooing and bathing. It is rich in foam and pleasant in aroma. You can choose the variety you like, of course, at home. People can also choose other types, and the provinces are mixed.
     The rest of the estimates are not of interest to you, such as kitchen decontamination products," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     The people who came in, after seeing Princess Ming Zhao, have been dumbfounded one by one.
     "This one is for this Madam look."
     "This Miss wants to see this one."
     After seeing the actual results, all the people have forgotten the alliance outside, only the alliance that can't be bought.
     "You Madam Miss, because today is a trial operation, so all the goods are on the shelves, sold out, there is no more." The shopkeeper saw people all coming in, like a chicken blood excited.
     "Don't grab it, this is what I am looking for."
     "If you don't pay the money, you can't be yours. I want to pack this Madam. I want it. It's all dead, and I have to pay the money." The room sounded a quarrel.
     "What are you doing stupidly doing? If all of this Miss is in your hand, you will pay the money quickly."
     "Ding Wangfei, the business in the shop is getting envious of the day." Qi Yaner held back his heart and smiled.
     Ye-Jing-hong replied with a smile, "Business is good, it is the customer's care."
     "Wang Sao, it’s good for you here, others will rush to ask." Princess Ming Zhao said with a smile.
      Xiao -Jinse Looking at the robbed guests, she was very happy. Grab it, the more you grab her, the more happy it is.
     “Will Yongfei let the Heir get a bonus every month, or do it count every day?” Excited, she blurted out her doubts.
     Qin Xin Yue didn't like her. When she heard her faceless and skinless, she immediately sneered. "Why, Xiao Miss still has to manage the Heir's private money?"
      Xiao -Jinse was stunned by her and immediately woke up.
     She explained with a red face. "I am also curious, where is the private money in the Heir."
     "Qin-Liluo." Qin Xinyue is also savage enough. When she is angry, she does not call her brother. She directly yells the name of the rogue younger brother outside.
     "What?" Qin-Liluo came in with impatience.
     "Hey, Nisang, it is really more people than flowers, and the Lord loves this." After that, they didn't look at Ye-Jing-hong, and they directly picked up Nisang's chin and teased.
     "Nie Sang also wants to thank me for introducing such a good thing to me." Nisang also looked at Qin-Liluo with affection.
     Everyone saw this scene, and the ignorance of Nisang was deeper. Sure enough, the woman who came out of the brothel was very prosperous.
     "Fox." Xiao -Jinse can't see such a scene at most. She didn't dare to make Qin-Liluo angry, standing on one side and doing her work on her feet.
     "Qin-Liluo, you come over to me." Qin Xin Yue is also angry, she can not afford to lose this person.
     "What is it?" Qin-Liluo loosened Nissan's chin and walked up to her. "There is nothing to say, but let me pay you for it, or I will save it."
     "Know that you have silver money for the red powder beauty left for you, rest assured that I have silver, you do not need your silver." Qin heart Yue sarcasm, he must be mad at him.
     The money that this guy spends every year is several times that of her, and she throws it all into the flower building.
     The father is still ‘Calling at him, what is it.
     "Nothing, what are you looking for?" Qin-Liluo glanced at her unhappy, and picked a peach blossom in the distance.
     "I am not looking for you, this Xiao Miss wants to ask the store how much money to give you? Is it a day, or a monthly calculation? Wang Sao certainly can't tell her, but you can." Qin Xinyue Sneering and finished.
      Xiao -Jinse on the side is too shy to want to go down to the ground.
     "Qin Xingyue, what do you mean? I just ask casually, it is not like you said, you are less chilling." Xiao -Jinse is also a bad lord, she is in front of Qin-Liluo You can whisper, it doesn't mean you need to please other people.
     "Whatever you ask?" Qin-Liluo face is as black as the overturned ink. "Why do you want to ask this Heir's private affairs, who are you Heir? You look like this, you can't look at your eyes."
     "Qin-Liluo, I like you, but I won't let you humiliate.
     The kind of slut, you like? Your eyes?" Xiao -Jinse pointed to the anger of Nisang not far away. "And your conscience is eaten by dogs?"
     "Conscience?" Qin-Liluo looked at her happily. "Yeah never had that stuff. Yes, Ye likes her kind, wants to be coquettish, has style, and is more like a master." It’s just fine.”
      Xiao -Jinse face is completely white.
     "The Heir." Ye-Jing-hong wants to be old.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, less come." Qin-Liluo chose the fire on his body in a blink of an eye. "I want to be a good person? Your father is only your partner, and only three years of partners, you Why do you want to control the Lord?"
     "Oh, the Heir, I don't have the ability to take care of you. But today is a good day for my store to open, trouble the Heir who wants to quarrel outside to go noisy, don't delay my business." Ye-Jing-hong It is said that the sound is great.
     Qin Xinyue saw that even Ye-Jing-hong was involved, and she had some guilty concealment.
     "The County Owner is recruited by you, and you will be asked to go out again, thank you." After that, Ye-Jing-hong will not go out. "I am looking at the pain, I am sorry, Qi Wangfei, open today.
     There are so many people, I can't care for you, please."
     Qi Yaner saw that their own people were bargaining, and they were secretly happy.
     When she heard Ye-Jing-hong, she pretended to be very considerate and replied with a smile. "You are busy with yourself, let me see."
     "Feng Niang, you will be responsible for the show later." After the instructions, she did not return to the store door, walked through Qin-Liluo, completely squinting.
     What to show? Everyone is curious to guess.
     Feng Niang bowed her head and agreed, and she waited for Ye-Jing-hong to go far, and she looked up.
     Her attitude is undoubtedly a signal that Wangfei is not a fool.
     Liu Siqing took Zhao Youlan to see Ye-Jing-hong go out, and the two of them were ready to mix in the crowd.
     "What are you doing here? Is it difficult for us to give her a shop?" Zhao Youlan has his own pride.
     But Liu Siqing had a ghost in her heart. She was anxious and smiled and persuaded Zhao Youlan. "Where are we coming to give her a favor, she is not worthy, it is a fool. But, knowing ourselves and knowing each other, we go in and see how her business is." Seeing the actual situation, go back to Brother and say, there is a way to deal with Ye-Jing-hong."
     The sound is low and can't be lower.
     Zhao Youlan thought about it carefully and thought that she made sense. So she nodded. Two people went into the shop and went into the shop.
     There are a lot of people in the shop, but there are few shops on the shelves.
     On the front table, there are several Miss who are making up each other and showing them to everyone.
     "Everyone, Madam, Miss, please note.
     These brushes are used for different purposes depending on the size." On the stand, a girl with a brush of various colors is brushed on the face of another companion, for a while.
     The girl is like a change.
     "The use of mascara is also very particular, and there is a line drawing pen..." In the eyes of the left and right people, the girl with small eyes and single eyelids turned into a long eye with long eyelashes and a double eyelid.
     "How do you do it?" Someone exclaimed.
     “I said Wangfei, there are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women. I believe that the beautiful Madam Miss will become more radiant after using our cosmetics.”
     "The treasurer, can Yatou in your store go back to the house to teach me for a few days?" Someone hurriedly asked, the question was Taishi Madam.
     "Right, we have one in the house." Someone followed.
     “How is the goods in the store so little? When will the next time be there?” Some brought a cry.
     Qin-Liluo leaned on the pillars lazily, smiling at the hot scene of the business, huh, huh, although the shop is not his, but he still has a sense of accomplishment today.
     "Sorry, these Yatou are not ordinary Yatou, they are all trained by Wangfei. Even I can't direct them at will. And there are rules in the shop. Anyone in the shop is not allowed to go out privately." Feng Niang smiled Politely declined.
     "But we bought something, it wouldn't be very useful." Miss said eagerly to see her.
     "Our store has after-sales service. If you are not familiar with Madam Miss, you can go to our store to do beauty. Just bring your own cosmetics and sorrel. We have these people who do the facial treatment for Miss. , hand and neck care, including exfoliation, wrinkle whitening, etc., a five Silver Taels, tipping another." Feng Niang hung a professional smile.
     Five Silver Taels are not expensive for the people present. Everyone has a lot of arguments. After deciding to bring Yatou to do beauty, I will learn to do it at home.
     "Please look forward to Madam, and of course you are welcome to host the mid-feeding Miss, because the next step is to show the daily time of soap washing liquid..."
     "The Heir, when will the goods appear in the store?" Liu Siqing finally saw Qin-Liluo, she left Zhao Youlan and squeezed into Qin-Liluo, and then asked as a question.
     Today, in order to see Qin-Liluo, Liu Siqing took a lot of time to dress up, and even the clothes were made by Yun Xin.
     She bent her knees and exposed her slender neck.
     The veil on her face was taken off by her. She was looking at Qin-Liluo with a pair of beautiful eyes.
     Qin-Liluo is looking at the stage, relished, suddenly interrupted, and my heart is not happy. However, the other party came to inquire about the business. As a shareholder in the store, he thought that he still had the obligation to do a good job of propaganda.
     Moreover, in the case of offending Ye-Jing-hong, the dead woman, he felt that he needed to do something to make Ye-Jing-hong look at him differently.
     "As far as you are ugly, you have to dress up and dress up. If you don't come out and frighten people, it's not good." Liu Siqing, who was almost angry, turned his back.
     "After three or five days in the shop, there will be goods, and there will be goods. You will come over and buy it. Didn't hear the shopkeeper just said, only lazy women have no ugly women?" Didn't wait for Liu Siqing to respond, Qin-Liluo Said a pass.
     Liu Siqing was not reconciled. She held back her anger and stood up and said, "Thank you for the Heir advice, the little girl will definitely dress herself." Hey, dressed up to seduce you!
     Zhao Youlan was angry with her heart. In a blink of an eye, Liu Siqing actually left her and ran away.
     Her heart burst into anger, but it was not good to get angry with Yatou. After all, most of the people present today are Madam Miss, who is famous in Capital City. She has money and is only a merchant, so she is looking forward to the temper.
     Finally, not far away, she saw a charming face Liu Siqing was talking to a young gongzi.
     That's it! Zhao Youlan At this time, if she doesn't understand again, she is a fool.
     Ok, seduce the man to come here, and use her.
     Zhao Youlan sneered and walked to Liu Siqing, "Cousin sister, who is this gongzi?"
     Laughter Ying Ying, she smiled and looked at Qin-Liluo.
     As soon as she approached, she discovered that the little white face that Liu Siqing had watched was really good. At the very least, it was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. For a time, Zhao Youlan’s eyes were also straight.
     "You look a bit ugly, but it doesn't matter if you use the goods in our shop, you will get better. Now, the two will cover the veil, and the provincial master will go to sleep night after night." Qin-Liluo When it came out of the mouth, Zhao Youlan instantly forgot his appearance, and the whole face became smashed.
     Dare to marry her, find death!
     Because Zhao is a big family in Jiangnan, Zhao Youlan is also raised in the palm of his hand. Where has it been so angry today?
     "Yu Lan, the Noble Heir of the Ping Wang House." Liu Siqing almost could not laugh. However, she did not dare to offend Qin-Liluo, so she had to suffer.
     When she saw Zhao Youlan's black face with a dark face, she knew that it was going to be a bad thing.
     "Do you dare to be a grandfather?" Qin-Liluo came up with a sigh of relief.
     Zhao Youlan has not returned to God, he feels a pain in his stomach, and people have fallen to the ground.
     The movement here is a bit big, and everyone eyes turned to look at Zhao Youlan on the ground.
     Who is Qin-Liluo? He is a famous tyrannical rogue in the capital, and almost everyone sees him to hide. This one-time man can usually say three-point rituals, and the woman on the ground is stupid, and he dares to glare at him.
     Some people are gloating, and some people are waiting to see jokes. No one is going to help Zhao Youlan.
     When Zhao Youlan on the ground heard the word Heir, his brain suddenly smashed.
     Although she did not have a long time in Capital City, she also heard the name Qin-Liluo.
     There are actually several Heirs in the capital, but Qin-Liluo is the most famous. Anyone who refers to the Heir is generally referred to as him.
     Coupled with the style of Qin-Liluo arrogance, Zhao Youlan is very remorse at this moment, why she was so impulsive, why did she get into the big trouble of Qin-Liluo.
     "Where is the little girl who dares to blame Noble Heir, the little girl just sneaked a peek at seeing Noble Heir." Zhao Youlan knows who she can provoke, who is not what she can provoke, in Qin-Liluo Under the gaze, she immediately showed weakness.
     "Yes, Noble Heir, she won't marry you, just peek at it because he admires you." Liu Siqing quickly went forward to talk.
     Zhao Youlan was brought to her by Fudge. If she had a loss in the hands of Qin-Liluo, I was afraid that after returning, Zhao Jialiu would not give her a good fruit.
     "That said, Grandpa still have to thank you?" Qin-Liluo yin and yang asked strangely.
     "Don't face." Xiao -Jinse ate a loss at Qin-Liluo and didn't leave. She heard Zhao Youlan and Liu Siqing, and she immediately became annoyed. "It’s not a serious daughter at first glance. If you see a man who grows well, you can’t move. You look like the mad Pozi, and you want to get close to the Heir?, dream, come and throw it out.”
     Qin-Liluo heard her start again, and looked at Xiao -Jinse casually.
      Xiao -Jinse felt that he was in a bad mood and stopped talking at once. He only looked at him with pity and sad eyes.
     Liu Siqing knew who she was, and saw her appearance as a small daughter-in-law. She secretly gave her a slap in the face and said that she was shameless. It seems that she is counting Xiao -Jinse in the whole capital.
     Which city in Capital City does not know that she Xiao -Jinse is very good at Qin-Yumo. But she also knows that she can't say this. Otherwise, she can be killed here today.
     "Okay, my shop opened today, I feel good, I don't want to care about you." Qin-Liluo opened his mouth coldly, then walked in front of Zhao Youlan casually, looking at her sneer and said, "Ye eyes are gone, If you want to get close to the Lord in the future, it is best to pack up a little bit of it. Otherwise, if you see your ugly look, you will interrupt your dogleg."
     A girl, and a Miss who has been held in the palm of her hand, Zhao Youlan has never been as humiliating as it is today, but when people are under the roof, she does not dare not bow.
     Most importantly, she did not want to attract Ye-Jing-hong.
     "The little girl remembers Noble Heir's instructions." She stood up with pain and gave Qin-Liluo a gift.
     Liu Siqing also followed the past with a ritual.
     Qin-Liluo didn't lift his head and continued to look at the stage.
     Feng Niang is actually going to come and see, she does not want the things here to be big.
     However, I saw that there was no big scorpion, and Qin-Liluo was troubled. She did not have a past.
     Zhao Youlan and Liu Siqing left in the smirk of everyone.
     "I'm sorry, Cousin sister." On the carriage, Liu Siqing apologized to Zhao Youlan with a look of embarrassment.
     "Enough." Zhao Youlan was full of anger at the moment, Liu Siqing sent to the door, just became her punching bag, "Don't, this Cousin sister, I can not afford it. Otherwise, one day was pitted It’s just that you’re being beaten to death and you can’t tell.”
     Zhao Youlan’s Yatou listened, and yin and yang whined, “Cousin Miss, I am Miss today because you were sinned.”
     That look with a very obvious disdain.
     A Yatou dared to despise her, and Liu Siqing was about to get angry.
     However, in the twinkling of an eye, she thought that the matter of today is indeed because of her, and after returning, she absolutely cannot say to her family. What to do, I can only bear it for the time being.
     "I don't know what will happen," she said wrongly.
     "You are not looking at Qin-Liluo, is that scorpion look very fascinating? When I used to, it seems that you are very happy." Zhao Youlan said sarcastically, "Maybe, after a while, I have to call you. You are the Heir Madam."
     In the words, the gun is with a stick, obviously she is not mad.
     "What the Heir Madam, Cousin sister thought I was deliberately approaching the Heir?" Liu Siqing heard her words, her heart was awkward, not good, Zhao Youlan was doubting her.
     That Heir Madam, although ironic, Liu Siqing sounds very comfortable, but Zhao Youlan must be comforted. "Cousin sister, you are jealous of me."
     "Hey, you are telling me why I have to leave me in the shop?" Zhao Youlan looked at her sarcastically, did she think she was a fool?
     "I was thinking about what I was selling in the shop. It happened to meet the Heir." Liu Siqing began to rack her brains to make a story. "Actually, the Heir was originally seen, I have seen it once."
     "I also said that you did not mean it?" Zhao Youlan immediately grasped the handle in her words.
     "Cousin sister listened to me." Liu Siqing planned her, with a flattering look, "You think, all the people in Capital City are rumored that Qin-Liluo is a partner of Ye-Jing-hong. Since it is a partnership People, he knows more secrets. Qin-Liluo, although the bastard, I heard that it is still very gentle for women, so I deliberately wanted to ask when the goods will be there again, so I have a good face. By the way, inquire about the situation, who knows when I am pleased with him, you actually came out?"
     Speaking of this, Liu Siqing’s face showed a grievance.
     "You also heard the Heir's rumors, and the Xiao -Jinse and his relationship, you said, such a person, I dare to provoke?"
     Zhao Youlan listened to this half-truth, and some of her words were doubtful.
     Yes, although she did not hear what Liu Siqing was saying in the past, Liu Siqing’s face was indeed with a charming look.
     "My Liu Siqing swears that if I am deliberate today, I will be thundered." Seeing Zhao Youlan hesitating, Liu Siqing decided to add another fire.
     "Okay, I can't believe it. But, Cousin, I warn you, that Qin-Liluo is a metamorphosis. Besides his family and personality, it is not your good person. Later, you must see him. It’s far away.” Zhao Youlan’s face looks a little better.
     "I know. But I won't get into the tiger's hole. Big Brother. In order to completely break the back path of Ye-Jing-hong, this time it was a great effort.
     The cocoon of the Jiangnan generation was bought by several of us. I can't help a small woman, but I can help if I am busy." Liu Siqing said in a big way.
     Zhao Youlan completely believed her words. "Cousin's sister's mind is good. However, Qin-Liluo personality is too bad. You should be careful not to provoke him not to provoke him."
     "I know that you are good for me, but, Cousin sister, you don't need to be physically, let's go to the medical center to see later." Liu Siqing sneaked, pretending to look like Zhao Lanlan's hand.
     "Nothing, just a little bit of pain. It would be good to look for a lang." Zhao Youlan replied with pain, and his doubts about Liu Siqing had vanished.
     Two people took Yatou to the medical center to see, Zhao Youlan really did not matter.
     In order to insure, Lang Zhong grabbed two stickers and took it back.
     When two people returned to the Liujiayuan, Liu Siqing had a little guilty conscience. "What is today..."
     "Cousin sister rest assured that I will not talk to anyone today." Zhao Youlan did not want to be known to be beaten. It is very shameful to say that after all. Moreover, there are people in the house who care about her.
     Liu Siqing heard her answer and the heart was lifted down.
     No one knows it.
     So two people entered the house tacitly, of course, their Yatou was also warned that today's things are not allowed to be rumored.
     "People, you touch, our children are moving in the stomach. He definitely likes Xianggong very much." When the two men just entered the yard, they heard a woman's voice from the flower hall.
     "I don't want to face, I started to jump out and did not know what Brother thought." Liu Siqing wanted to vomit when she heard the sound of Wang Huahua. "The women are all coming in."
     That woman is also a good way to know that Brother is ready to remove the piece of meat from her stomach, but the low-lying woman does not know what means to use.
     After Liu Yongxi arrived in her yard twice, she couldn’t get down, and even Ye-Xin’s fire did not change his mind.
     Now he is in a cold war with Ye-Xin, and then he will continue to do so.
     "Brother, what a good life child has." Liu Siqing squatted after entering the door, his eyes squinting at the arrogant king flower.
     I don't know what this woman has, so she let her brother die for her.
     "Liu Yongxi, how do you forget to promise me Brother?" Ye-Xin Yanmei asked Liu Yongxi with tears.
     Referring to Zhao Shaoqian, Liu Yongxi face showed guilty conscience. “The bones in her stomach are my flesh and blood. After giving birth, I can’t take it to your name.”
     Thinking of the child's lively tumbling in the belly, Liu Yongxi slipped through the warm feeling.
     The first child, how can he be willing? Usually looking at Ye-Xin Yan is more succinct and understanding, but in this case, she can so toss, knowing that he is embarrassed, and constantly threatening him, really.
     Ye-Xinyi heard his shameless words and almost went crazy.
     Holding her name, who is willing to have a parent, will there be a more child under the name?
     He said that he was exporting.
     Thinking of Liu Yongxi sweet words to her, and the relatives in front of the flower, Ye-Xin Xin felt that he was about to drive himself crazy.
     Let the remaining children of a monk take up the name of Di-eldest son, and think of beauty.
     "You said to me about Brother." She sneered and looked at Liu Yongxi.
     "Sister, you are not right to say this." Wang Huahua said with a smile, she was smug. Oh, there is a piece of meat in her stomach, and what is the use of Ye-Xin Xin’s ability to be beautiful again? Besides, men, the natural favorite is a woman who is gentle and careless. Which one likes to ride the tigress on their head every day?
     Even if it is a beautiful tigress, it won't work.
     "Shut up, here is not the time to talk to you." Ye-Xin Yan's face is black, and Wang Huahua is a fox fox in her mind, which is very shameless.
     "Sister, although I am jealous, but also a close person with the public. How to say that Xianggong is also a master of the family who can afford to act and act decisively. Whatever he should do, he naturally has counts. But it is sister. From time to time, taking Lao-ye to suppress the public, I don’t want to think about the discomfort and embarrassment of the public. "I am so angry, angry and angry, to bring out that she is a solution flower, in order to let Liu Yongxi notice her good.
     When Liu Yongxi heard Wang Huahua, his heart became very uncomfortable.
     Yes, in Jiangnan, he was always pressed by Ye-Yanning, the first Jiangnan talent.
     As long as there is a place for Ye-Yanning, no one will see his Liu Yongxi outstanding. So when he hits small, he hates Ye-Yanning.
     After removing Ye-Yanning, I didn't expect to have another Zhao Shaoqian.
     When thinking about the expression and attitude of Zhao Shaoqian to his training, Liu Yongxi face changed slightly.
     Yes, he is the head of the family of the Liu family. Why should he listen to the Zhao family?
     After Liu Siqing listened to Wang Huahua words, she saw Liu Yongxi face again, and she closed her mouth cleverly.
     Ye-Xin Yan also saw Liu Yongxi slightly changed face, and he guessed what he thought in his heart.
     She had some regrets in her heart, and there was a trace of annoyance. How did she first look at such a man who did not take care of it?
     "Brother." Zhao Youlan is not in the door, nor is it standing.
     She has always had a good impression on Liu Yongxi, and she is also good at Ye-Xin's up and down.
     Today, I saw what Liu Yongxi had done. She suddenly fortunately for herself. Fortunately, she was not faced with such awkward scenes. Seeing Liu Yongxi slightly changed face, she didn’t know what to do.
     Seems to help which side, she will not fall.
     At this time, she saw that there was a sudden more person around me, and then took a closer look, it turned out to be his own Brother Zhao Shaoqian.
     Oh, it’s definitely a support for Ye-Xin Yan.
     Zhao Youlan looked at Ye-in the room with disdain.
     Zhao Shaoqian is familiar with Liu family, and he does not need to report at all.
     He heard the quarrels from the yard all the time, and the snoring of Wang Huahua fear.
     He approached silently to see if Liu Yongxi really listened to what the woman said.
     However, when he really saw it, he regretted it.
     Obviously, what Wang Huahua said, this is the mind of Liu Yongxi.
     If it weren't for Zhao Ye-, Liu Sanjia is a grasshopper on a rope, he really wants to pull up Ye-Xinyi and leave Liujia.
     The Zhao family is not lower than the Liu family. Why should it be insulted by the Liu family? However, now, he is simply unable to do anything.
     Ye-Yanning's legs are good, Ye-Jing-hong embroidered, and married Wangye, and the private relationship with the Heir Princess is quite good.
     There are so many advantages of Ye-Jing-hong brothers and sisters, and they will definitely not let them go.
     And the people behind them can't let them back.
     It can be said that today they are riding a tiger.
     How to do? I can only bear it.
     "Cousin Brother." Liu Yongxi heard Zhao Youlan's exclamation, his face was a stiff, then turned to see Zhao Shaoqian outside the door.
     Zhao Shaoqian’s face is flawless and does not seem to have heard what Wang Huahua just said.
     "Hey, Xiang Gong, he kicked me again." Wang Huahua cried in exaggeration with her belly.
     "Well, you are going to rest in the room first. Don't come out when you are fine." Liu Yongxi glared at her and said impatiently.
     "Yes, what Xianggong said, nubi are sure to be obedient." Wang Huahua threw a wink at Liu Yongxi, then twisted and exaggeratedly let Yatou walk away with a stomach.
     "Brother, such a woman, you can see it? My sister is a hundred times stronger than her." Liu Siqing saw Wang Huahua appearance as a masterpiece, and he wanted to vomit blood.
     "You are a girl, do not mix things in my room." Liu Yongxi unhappyly reprimanded her.
     Ye-Xin Yan heard my heart suddenly cool.
     Zhao Shaoqian’s face is also not good-looking, and this is obviously to say to them.
     Ye-Xinhua tears are almost coming out, but she is stubborn and she doesn’t want to see her weakness for her family.
     Zhao Youlan saw it, and her heart was slightly distressed to her.
     Zhao Shaoqian was both distressed and helpless, and he secretly gave Ye-a look of a little sorrowful look.
     "Let's talk to the study." He glanced coldly at Liu Yongxi.
     Want to talk to him? Liu Yongxi eyes were also cold.
     However, fortunately, he did not lose his temper.
     He silently followed Zhao Shaoqian into the study.
     "Sister, don't worry. Brother is fascinated by the fox for a while. After this time, he will personally dispose of the monk." Liu Siqing used to comfort Ye-Xin.
     "I'm fine, you play by yourself, I also go to the study to see." Ye-Xin Xinqiang made a laugh and stood up, then went to the study.
     Zhao Youlan saw it, and she was so pity that she had just surged, and she disappeared.
     As for wisdom, she also has Zhao Youlan, but Brother Zhao Shaoqian has never only been a child, she has never let her participate in any family business.
     But she Ye-Xin Yan can!
     Ye-Xin Xin went to the study and found that Zhao Shaoqian and Liu Yongxi were discussing an important thing.
     “Ye-Yanning went to Jinzhou to buy silkworm cocoons, and he and the local silkworm farmers also set a contract. At the same time, he also bought two Zhuangzi in Jiangnan, it seems that he is preparing to plant mulberry trees to raise silkworms.” Zhao Shao Qian brings an important message.
     "Jinzhou is not Jiangnan, there is the name of Dingwang and Qin-Liluo, the local people will not buy our account at all. However, sericulture is not a day or two. Jinzhou mulberry sericulture farmers are not Too many, so the cocoon that can be collected will not go anywhere. Her Ye-Jing-hong wants to use a little silk to suppress us, it is ridiculous." Liu Yongxi said with a smile.
     "Don't underestimate Ye-Jing-hong, the ants can still shake the big trees. With the support of Jinzhou silk, if the king and Qin-Liluo reach out and collect silk from all over the country, then the silk in our hands There will be a lot of accumulation, and it will continue for a long time, let alone we can't stand it, that is, the one in the palace will not be able to stand it." Zhao Shaoqian analysis.
     “Brother is right, silk preservation is difficult. Ye-Jing-hong’s embroidery Zhuangzi is only developing well in Capital City, and it has not had much impact on our business. But if there is a chance to let her grow up, I’m afraid We can't stand it." Ye-Xin Xin said bitterly.
     She used to secretly buy Ye fabrics and embroidery to study, but found that Ye products are not comparable to the weaving patterns, embroidery, or printing.
     Because of this, the dignitaries in the capital are all admired for the cloth and embroidery of the Ye family. In particular, the Ye family now also undertakes wedding dresses and bed products.
     In this way, the skill of the cloud and the product of a product embroidered Zhuang lost a few grades invisibly.
     Often in the past, it is not good for them.
     In the future, if everyone mentions cloth and embroidery, the first thing that comes to mind is the Ye family, then they want to turn over again, and it’s hard not to think about it again.
     "Ye-Jing-hong is the most concerned person is her Brother, Ye-Yanning is also a business person, if the two brothers and sisters join hands, our future road will be more difficult to go." Liu Yongxi said .
     "If this is the case, it is better..." When he said this, he smiled and looked at Zhao Shaoqian.
     "That one is the same, I just came to this thing." Zhao Shaoqian replied faintly, "The road to Jinzhou to Capital City is not close, and the road is not peaceful. It is also reasonable. And, I still do Complete preparation."
     "What are you going to do?" Liu Yongxi asked doubtfully.
     "Ye-Yanning is simple if it is dead on the road, but if it comes back, the Ye family will become very lively, and it will definitely be us, and you will wait." Zhao Shaoqian sold a pass.
     Ye-Xin Xin is not very happy. She is now thinking about how to remove the’servants in the belly of Wang Huahua.
     However, the means of removal must be sinister, otherwise...
     Thinking of this, she intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the hazy Liu Yongxi.
     Liu Yongxi, who is full of sullen eyes, looks very cumbersome. Ye-Xinyi first discovered that this man is not so obsessed with himself. At the very least, there is never a Ye-Yanning temperament in his body.
     Why do you want to think of Ye-Yanning? Ye-Xin Yan smiled slightly.
     Now they are enemies, or the kind of deadly enemy that can never be reconciled. After that, the two sides can only see each other.
     There is no longer a way to go back.
     “Is there a way to find a way to crack the pattern on the Ye home fabric?” Zhao Shaoqian asked Ye-Xin Yan.
     However, Ye-Xinyi was completely immersed in her personal thoughts, and she did not hear that she was calling herself.
     “Xin Yan.” Zhao Shaoqian saw her gossip and couldn’t help but whisper her.
     "Hey." Liu Yongxi also ‘Called with disappointment.
     "Well, what?" Ye, who had returned to God, saw that the two men in the room were looking at themselves and had to fight.
     "What are you thinking? I asked if you have any way to crack the pattern on the Ye cloth, and the reason for the discoloration." Zhao Shaoqian looked at her with some pity.
     This Mei-mei is undercover, and she is thrown at the door of Ye house. Although Ye-double clothes are also very good for her, after all, it is not a child of her own. Zhao has always felt that she owes her.
     So people recognize it, and he is doing something better for her.
     As for Liu Yongxi? Zhao Shaoqian quietly looked at the people around him. If Liu Yongxi failed the Mei-mei, he would not mind using some means to make him regret.
     "The pattern of the Ye cloth is complex and diverse. It must be quite cumbersome in the weaving process. I can't see the secrets in it, but it will change color. It is a skill. I can't do anything about it." Ye-Xin Xin's listless answer.
     “The face is ugly, is it too much for staying up late?” Zhao Shaoqian asked with concern. “The body is tight, don’t spend all day on embroidery, and rest more.” Zhao Shaoqian persuaded.
     "Yes, it is a lot thinner." Liu Yongxi was very satisfied with Zhao brother and sister who had not made a fuss with him in the study.
     A woman, only cute and cute.
     In the near future, there is no suppression of the Ye family, and there is more Zhao jealousy. This fiancee has become much stronger than the original. In particular, on the printing and dyeing of Liujiabu, he repeatedly pointed his fingertips and complained to him without moving, so he would think that Wanghuahua is more lovely.
     If Ye-Xinyi can do everything as he used to, and treat him as a hero, he will still love her. After all, there are still many years of love between them.
     "Nothing, I still want to know how to crack the secret of Ye cloth in the embroidered room." Ye-Xin Xin has already had an idea in her heart, so she quietly attributed her fatigue to fatigue.
     "Don't care about this, listen to me, go back to sleep.
     These Yatou don't know how to serve, and they don't even look at them." Liu Yongxi gently glared at her.
     It is a pity that after seeing that he has done so many things, Ye-Xinyi no longer believes in this man.
     However, in order not to worry Zhao Shaoqian, and do not want to be too ugly, she nodded in the words of Liu Yongxi.
     Ye-Jing-hong is a big winner today.
     Not at noon, the items in the cosmetics store were sold out. At the end of the day, it was almost robbed.
     At this time, I went to the meal.
     Not far from the shop, there is a strong smell of rice, so that the population water will almost flow out.
     "Too Ye-Ye, how about, I said that there is something delicious here." The little fat man took the Eastern Laozi and squeezed in the crowd.
     He saw Ye-Jing-hong and immediately said hello, "Wangfei, is there a discount today?"
     "Yes, as long as you consume one hundred Silver Taels, you will get a 10% discount." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "So, this palace is also catching up." Suddenly, there was a playful voice on her right side.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked over and said, "I have seen the Crown Prince."
     She gave a slight ceremony.
     "Wangfei is very polite. This palace is for the brethren for a few days.
     There is something delicious in the store, and later I want to introduce Little-Two to us." The Crown Prince said with a smile.
     "Yeah, see so many people in the store, open the door, business is booming." 5th-Wangye also smiled and congratulated.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that the smile in his eyes did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and he smiled secretly.
     No matter what, as long as it is not to find fault.
     "There seems to be a lot of private rooms, the Crown Prince is going up early." She said politely, with a slight solitude in the enthusiasm.
     "Whoever dares to eat white food, he unscrews his head and kicks." Qin-Liluo sneered and said.
     “The Heir business is booming.” The Crown Prince bowed his hand.
     “The Crown Prince is noble, don’t just order three or five small dishes?” Qin-Liluo asked with a slouchy head.
     "Reassure, this palace is full of money before coming to the body." The Crown Prince answered heartily.
     "Best. What are you doing outside? If you haven't entered the restaurant, you will not give up. You won't be looking for a sigh of relief." Qin-Liluo suddenly pointed to the officials who strolled not far away.
     Several officials look bad, but no one can offend the little ancestor.
     "Where, the lower official is wondering which restaurant to enter. It is better." An official replied haha.
     "Yeah is going to look at which house in today's house wants to go to the Lord." Qin-Liluo squatted on a tree and smiled at the door.
     Madam Miss, who bought something and wanted to go back to dinner, listened, and the pace of going back stopped immediately.
     Hey, it seems that today is to have a hard time to eat.
     It is the poison sold in the restaurant, they have to stay, otherwise, they will not want to be stable in the future.
     This Heir, the Heir, can do anything, and his father is particularly short-sighted.
     The people who were shackled by the ducks were dissatisfied, but everyone face was full of smiles.
     Under the pressure of Qin-Liluo, the two new shops opened by Ye-Jing-hong are simply overcrowded.
     Even if Madam Miss is particularly disgusted with dining in the hall, there is no way. Instead of standing and starving, it is better to find a place to sit and rest.
     Hurry, I spent a lot of money to leave, and I won’t be able to eat it after I go back.
     There are not many people who hold such an idea.
     They find someone who sits down and take a menu and order some dishes. It is a waste of money.
     Especially the person who sat down at the hot pot restaurant, and then saw the pot on the Little-Two end is not a pot, like a pot is not a pot of things, one by one is simply annoyed to death.
     Then, I saw that Little-Two had a plate of raw dishes on the side of the table, and they all frowned.
     "Yeah has made great efforts today." Qin-Liluo shook his fan and walked to Ye-Jing-hong to invite him.
     "Remember you, you will give you one thousand Silver Taels as a bonus today." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "It’s cheaper for you. It’s easier for this thousand Silver Taels to come.” Qin Xin Yue just came over and heard it, and my heart was envious.
     "Wang Sao, I will show you the scene too. Don't give me more than five hundred a day." Princess Ming Zhao almost rolled up her sleeves.
     When is the silver so profitable?
     "Go." Qin-Liluo is not happy to catch people.
     "Do not look at the value of the Lord, is there any silver?"
     "More, of course, more. Brother, you go out and ask, the person who works is only 20 days a day, you are worth more, Wang Sao gives you enough money, this is just a bonus." Qin- Xin Yue really wants to open his head and see how he is stubborn.
     "Looking at people seems to be a lot." The Crown Prince and others sat down in the private room, 5th-Wangye looked down from the window with disdain.
     Just seeing Ye-Jing-hong standing in the shade of the tree and talking to Qin Xingyue and others.
     "But just approaching Qin-Liluo attitude, I can't think of two days, the two restaurants will no longer have business." 7th-Wangye said with a smile.
     "All said that Ye-Jing-hong is smart and good at doing business. According to this king, she is not smart enough to go anywhere."
     "Yes, who is opening two restaurants together at the same time?" 5th-Wangye said with a big laugh.


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