Embroidery Niang 60

  Novels      »     Embroidery Niang    »    Chapter 60 : Position

     As soon as this statement came out, Xiao -Jinse face became more sinking than black ink, and the look of Ye-Jing-hong became more fierce.
     "Fox," she said awkwardly, and the look of the scorpion did not hide it at all.
     She did not name names, Ye Jing-hong would not criticize her as their own.
     A punch hit the cotton, and Xiao -Jinse face became more difficult to look at.
     In her view, Ye Jing-hong The move is undoubtedly a provocation, it is looked down upon what she meant. "Ye Jing-hong, you a bitch, let me see you no sense of shame, if wrapped tightly in the Heir, I'll break your legs.."
     It was not the same as the name of the surname. This time Ye-Jing-hong couldn't be silenced anymore. She took a quick glance at Xiao -Jinse and asked faintly. "I don't know what Xiao Miss said?"
     "You are still loading?" Xiao -Jinse temper is not to fight one place. "Do you want to wear a man's clothes to contact the Heir? Do you want to go to the Pingwang Palace to step into the sky? I tell you, I have dismissed the idea of ​​that sly. As far as you are concerned, it is not enough to give the Heir a warm bed."
     When people around you hear Xiao -Jinse, the whispering argument is even louder.
     Some sympathize with her, while others are looking at the joke, the more pure is anxious Ye Jing-hong luck.
     Ye Jing-hong of his face cool down, " Xiao Miss cautious, you saw the baby, in the eyes of Ye- not necessarily a treasure not to mention giving a warm bed, that is, when the side Madam, Ye- Someone didn't have that mind."
     Ye-Jing-hong wants to express the meaning, the intention is that she did not look at the Qin-Liluo scorpion, but it fell into the ears of Xiao -Jinse but it tasted.
     "What, you look like this ugly, do you dare to remember the position of the Heir Madam?" Xiao -Jinse treble, so that people in the house could not help but cover their ears.
     Next, without waiting for Ye-Jing-hong to speak again, a series of ugly snoring popped out of her mouth.

     Only those languages ​​have a bitch, so that all people have to watch and shook his head sympathetically looked at Ye Jing-hong.
     Qin-Yumo face is awe-inspiring, and his eyes are getting colder and colder.
     Even if there is a good temper, being pointed at the nose over and over again, the temper will become violent. Ye Jing-hong at the moment is patience to the extreme, " Xiao Miss, I am very aware of their identity, so you do not need to specifically reminded and I though this is a businessman, it can also be regarded as a man of principle .the Heir noble status. of course I did not have such a person can climb on, which I have a little self-knowledge, not even Miss Xiao remind .Ye- also bear in mind certain, Ye- people do not have a small idea, so Miss Shaw you worry Rather than staring at Ye- a businessman, not as firmly grasp the Heir of heart. "
     The fact that Xiao -Jinse loves Qin-Liluo is not a secret in Capital City. But this is the first time it has been broken in public, and Xiao -Jinse mouth suddenly became unfavorable.
     "? What are you talking nonsense," she blushing looked Ye Jing-hong.
     “Don't Miss Miss and Ye-have absolutely no love for the Heir? If so, Ye-apologizes to Xiao Miss.” Ye-Jing-hong also really gave Xiao -Jinse bowed his hand.
     "You..." Xiao -Jinse was angry and shy, and she looked at Qin-Liluo with concern, for fear that he would misunderstand it.
     “Is Heir not good enough?” Qin-Liluo looked at the joke for a long time, then walked over to Ye-Jing-hong. “Do you give Concubine to Heir?
     Speaking of this, the smile on his face brought a little sternness.
     Although his reputation is not good, there is no one in the entire capital who dares to face the face of his Qin-Liluo. Her Ye-Jing-hong is the first one.
     "No." Ye-Jing-hong swings his hand.
     "You also said that you didn't have a glimpse of the position of the Heir Madam. You are a woman, and your mouth is wrong. This Miss has spent your face." Xiao -Jinse was in a hurry.
     "Shut up." Qin-Liluo licked Xiao -Jinse, who was full of sputum. "This Heir asks, but you can't take your fingertips."
     "The Heir." Xiao -Jinse was wronged and looked at him with pitiful eyes.
     Qin-Liluo gaze fell on Ye-Jing-hong, and his face was clearly thin and cool.
     Ye-Jing-hong's face has not changed, she expressed her attitude with a firm tone. "Not the Heir bad, but had sent a fleeting vows. This life just one pair for life, my husband must have only one person in mind, whether I'm poor or rich. Whether or not I am beautiful, or ugly, no matter how much I have shortcomings, in his mind, I have to be ranked in the first place, so cute and such a master like the Heir, Ye Jing-hong know, you're not What I want, or that is not suitable for me."
     As soon as her voice fell, the guests in the entire restaurant took a breath.
     God, she dare to say, where can I find the man she asked for? Ye-Jing-hong is not looking for a husband, it is clearly looking for a loyal slain.
     Even the most daring Xiao -Jinse was scared by her comments, and Ye-Jing-hong was crazy!
     "My husband does not ask how handsome he is, nor does he need to have a good family. Maybe he doesn't need much talent. As long as his heart can put my Ye-Jing-hong in his first position, I will Willing to marry, otherwise, Ye-Jing-hong would rather be lonely forever.” Ye-Jing-hong said coldly, then looked at Xiao -Jinse and Qin-Liluo, “So, Xiao Miss never has to worry, I will peek at the Heir. And the Heir, it is even more unnecessary to think that Jinghong is looking down on the Heir."
     "You can't find the man you've set, do you really want to be single?" Qin-Liluo, who was angered, listened to her words, and the sternness of her body disappeared, but she was full of interest in her.
     "Yes." Ye Jing-hong categorically answer.
     "Well, Ben Heir is waiting to see if there will be such a fool."
     He sneered and said, "Before this, you are still the person Covered by Heir, who wants to try you?"
     He said, he looked at Xiao -Jinse coldly. "This Heir can also tell you that this Heir has never been an object. You don't have to evade this Heir, and push this Heir to others for no reason. Which green onion are you?"
     Speaking of this, his face was a little colder.
     This is clearly a warning to Xiao -Jinse, people around them sneaked a glimpse of Xiao -Jinse.
      Xiao -Jinse is pale, she can be horizontal to many people, but some people can't get it, she knows how to avoid it. For example, the Royal Highness of the King here, such as the raging Qin-Liluo.
     Think of themselves in front of so many people off the face, because Ye Jing-hong sky. Xiao -Jinse vicious eyes suddenly fell on Ye-Jing-hong.
     "You look at her with such disgusting eyes. Believe it or not, Heir dug your eyes?" Qin-Liluo glanced at Xiao -Jinse coldly.
     "The Heir, you?" Xiao -Jinse was frightened and took a step back.
     "You forgot the words of Heir. Before she found the so-called stupid, she belonged to the person covered by Heir. If you drop her face, it would be the same as Heir's face." Qin-Liluo I saw everyone around me.
     All diners have also been the sight of his heart scared, after all invariably step back.
     "The dog and the man were dragged into the brothel and sold, and Heir looked at the pain." Suddenly, his words turned and he stared at the drunken couple standing aside.
     "The Heir is a life-threatening." The woman was shocked and immediately slammed down to the ground to force Ye-Jing-hong to ask for mercy.
     "Noble Heir, that the Miss are not sensible, you will raise your hands and spare the small ones." The drunken man was also awakened in an instant, crying and ‘Calling for Qin-Liluo.
     "She doesn't know things, you know what to do? Now wake up? You can dare to count the people of the Lord, big courage." Qin-Liluo smiled and looked at the couple on the floor casually, "Ye I don't ask who is telling you behind the scenes. If you want to call the master's face, and you dare to climb up the pole, you can go back and you are right."
     The people on the ground listened to him and the body softened.
     "Noble Heir, Humble One really does not know who Miss you really know the man who is to give a small one hundred timid, did not dare to calculating Lord's you.." The man cried and begged.
     "It’s late." Qin-Liluo suddenly became full of spring breeze. "Send it to the door, and he just used your wine for it."
     Speaking of this, Qin-Liluo turned to look at Ye-Jing-hong with a peach-like smile. "You said, Lord has disposed these two things for you. Are you going to give more money to the Lord?"
     "Ten altar, but to reduce the trouble that Noble Heir threatened me, the five altars." Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     “What?” Qin-Liluo ‘Called, “Just is just mad but can’t say two more words, and you’ve lost your heart.”
     "Peach wine is gone, but I can give you last year, the first batch brewed wine cellars lack of time, the Heir can continue at home cellar.." Ye Jing-hong ignored him and continued their own.
     Still hidden? East Laozi eyes light up, he secretly upset yourself just how it is not first made it.
     "Ye-Miss If you have alcohol in your hand, can you sell some to the king first?" 7th-Wangye smiled and asked.
     "Business Pingyun country is not particular about your situation I would?" Ye Jing-hong looked at him and asked.
     "That is of course." 7th-Wangye smile is very bright.
     "That doesn't sell." Ye-Jing-hong replied very simply. "The wine in the hands of Jinghong, the time of storage has not achieved the expected results, so can not sell. 7th-Wangye will not be angry?"
     "What do you care about when he is angry and not angry?" Qin-Liluo glanced at 7th-Wangye sneered and said, "Some people have got pinkeyes and can't see anyone else having something good. I see, Such a despicable person, you have to be careful, saying that you are not allowed to force you to contribute to the wine. However, you can rest assured that if you have something, you must chase him with a kitchen knife. Who told him to break the business of Heir?"
     7th-Wangye heard his words of mulberry, his face did not change, but his heart was discouraged. "Fences, how you talk just want to ask the king Ye . Miss has no wine to sell, how to you here, the king seems to have become a robber in general?"
     The jokes did not make Qin-Liluo attitude better. His squinting eyes did not change, and even the tone did not change. "It's best to change the temper, otherwise, 7th-Wangye can try this Heir's temper."
     "Well, don't try. Who doesn't know if you say 2nd-temper in the capital." Saying, 7th-Wangye retired to the Crown Prince.
     the Crown Prince smiled and looked at all of this, with the joke is also inserted the sentence, "the Palace had also wanted to Ye buy some wine Miss, it now appears, this house really can not open the mouth, otherwise You have to be annoyed again."
     "The Crown Prince gave him Heir." Qin-Liluo replied lazily. "The world is not the kingdom.
     The Crown Prince wants to drink at a small folk. It is not a matter of hand."
     Having said that, he turned his head and looked at Ye-Jing-hong and said with a smile. "Oh, the identity of the person is there. What should you do? Heir seems to be unable to protect you."
     The Crown Prince, 5th-Wangye and 7th-Wangye listened, and their faces changed. Qin-Liluo What do you mean? In the face of so many words that are not in tune, it is clear to tell everyone that the Crown Prince is taking power for personal gain and pressing people by identity. Moreover, in the future Ye Jing-hong in case if what happened, I am afraid that the presence of people first thought is that they do under.
     At that time, if not he do this the Crown Prince, can be a lengthy Testimonials, who can block is maintained it?
     Ye Jing-hong light smiled and replied, "the Heir mind, fleeting but no thanks .the Crown Prince His Royal Highness is a Master, but also the crown prince Pingyun country, categorically will not make things difficult for small so Humble One The move of things."
     "So, is this Heir wrong?" Qin-Liluo temper is coming up.
     "You know, really narrow-minded." The Crown Prince smiling at him open, "While Ye Miss good wine, this house can not be too fond of drink people can rest assured that this will not make the Palace. robbing move. you can still guarding the Heir her. "
     The tone of the tone suddenly made the atmosphere in the restaurant active.
     "The Crown Prince as loving son, the Heir sincere, ha ha, I Pingyun are a blessing it." At this time, it has been installed ‘mute East Lao ye began to make fun of it.
     "That is." Wu Anhou also smiled and echoed.
     So, more people started to slap.
     Qin-Liluo people have no eyesight, and they will drag the alcoholic couple who have been afraid to breathe.
     "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Help me Humble .. One no longer afraid to offend someone helped" earth woman suddenly broke free from the pull of the guards, rushed to the Crown Prince feet, holding his legs hold up.
     "The Crown Prince His Royal Highness the wrong way." Drunkard also followed howling.
     The restaurant has been restored to its original lively scene.
     Was clinging to the legs of the Crown Prince and my heart burst of anger, the woman turned out to be an abject holding his errands hold, simply prepared to die.
     "Let's let go." The Crown Prince didn't get angry.
     The 5th-Wangye around him couldn't help but anger. "Damn, you know who the person is, don't let go of your dirty hands."
     "Five Huangdi." The Crown Prince stopped him seriously, then bowed his head softly on the woman opening, "you first let go. Rest assured, the Heir and you just a joke, how he will put you Put it in such a dirty place?"
     The woman looked up gratefully and opened her hand in disguise after touching the gentle eyes of the Crown Prince.
     "Fence, scare them, let them leave." The Crown Prince got emptied, resisting the disgusting heart, and gently raised his head and licked Qin-Liluo.
     Qin-Liluo didn't buy it. "This Heir never makes a joke.
     The Crown Prince wants to suppress me by identity? The Crown Prince is a good man, but unfortunately, Heir's reputation is gone in the future. ‘Laughs’ . ”
     The latter two words, a little cold meaning.
     The Crown Prince glanced, then saw the look of Qin-Liluo, and ‘Called in his heart.
     He secretly complained that Qin-Liluo is a bully, and even his face of Fu Huang sometimes dared to fall, not to mention him. It appears today that this does not end the matter.
     "Ye Miss, they also did not intend to offend you, you think you could persuade the Heir so little a few little things, if really the kind of person to shabby place, I'm afraid of the Miss. . reputation is not good "the Crown Prince looked embarrassed Ye Jing-hong, will throw the hot potato to her.
     Ye Jing-hong and his face pale, reasonable manner replied, "Humble One of only a merchant who really can not afford to send them with what the Crown Prince is the future of the crown prince, to how to decide, not the sentence? thing."
     Listening to these words seem right, from her Ye Jing-hong mouth and say it as if meaning is not the same.
     5th-Wangye is cold and ready to attack her.
     Can the Crown Prince was the first to open, "Ye Miss right also are given some of the palace too impatient king you mean it..?"
     In a twinkling of an eye, the Crown Prince also saw the scapegoat.
     Qin-Yumo, who has never spoken on the side, is indifferent, and there seems to be little interest in the farce in front of him.
     In direct questioning hear the Crown Prince, he slowly raised his head and looked at the Crown Prince Lord look.
     the Crown Prince in his cold eyes, the whole body could not help but hit a flutter.
     He seems to have gotten into a difficult character.
     "Ding the king to save the life." The woman re-applied, and rushed toward Qin-Yumo, but before she got close to Qin-Yumo, she was kicked by Qin-Yumo.
     "Bold, even dare to strike given Royal Highness." Xiong Baba blast stare past.
     Qin-Yumo is surrounded by martial arts high-powered people.
     The woman accepted this foot is not light, she fell to the ground, a blood immediately squirted out.
     "Niangzi." Drunkard shocked, trot over and hugged her crying, "given the king bullying, broad daylight attack, there is no justice emperor at the foot of it?"
     Diners around a scared Mianrutuse, people on the ground are up resentment.
     These two damn things, isn’t it clear that the king of the king must rebel? They innocent people heard it, and did not know if His Royal Highness will be angry with them later?
     "Haha, I heard no, he said that you want to rebel." Others are uneasy, only Qin-Liluo, who is not afraid of this day, dare to say anything.
     "Bold, even the people who are in the royal family. Sure enough, people like you should be punished, I should have sent you to Dali Temple, but since the Heir has already thought of where you are going, do it according to the Heir. "Don't wait for Qin-Yumo to speak, the Crown Prince is preemptive."
     "The Crown Prince His Royal Highness mercy Yeah, Humble One mouth cheap, Humble One no longer afraid." The man cried and cried.
     The woman was so scared that she could not speak for a long time.
     "Since the mouth is licking, what else is the mouth?" Qin-Yumo said slowly. "He prayed that the Crown Prince, things still be handled by the Crown Prince is better still, Ye . Jing-hong is the king's cooperation partner, if someone dissatisfied, do not look for her trouble, or clash with The king is coming, today is just a lesson.
     "You want to manage?" Qin-Liluo is furious. "It is obviously a matter of Heir. What are you doing on your body? Is it good for you to do it alone?"
     For his ‘Calling, Qin-Yumo is unreasonable. "The clothes are wet, still stay here, 2nd-gongzi?"
     He saw that Ye Jing-hong.
     Ye Jing-hong smiled and nodded, hand over to thank him, "Thank you, fleeting given the king, the Heir, today two are willing to Humble One justice, Humble . One will always keep in mind"
     "I said that you are the person of Heir, who wants you to be polite." Qin-Liluo disliked, but his face was a smug smile.
     "Together." Qin-Yumo nodded and then faintly ordered.
     Ye Jing-hong nodded and turned to the East Laozi, Wuan Hou, who prodded ready and set the king left together.
     "2nd-gongzi, if there is another wine next time, let us know. We deliciously go to the door to pick up the goods." The shopkeeper said thoughtfully. Lian Dingwang did not change the name of Ye-Jing-hong. He cleverly chose to keep the original title.
     "Ye-2nd gongzi, we are neighbors, if there is good wine, I can not forget it." Wuan Hou identify the opportunity to play the family card.
     "You don't have to worry about it, 2nd-gongzi will not forget our old neighbors." Oriental Laozi is even more shameless, automatically divided him into the category of neighbors.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded, knowing that they deliberately told others to listen, so that others could measure their weight.
     This person, she has a heart.
     Qin-Yumo patiently waited for her to say hello to everyone, only to join her with the door of delicious fast.
     Two men dressed men, all dressed in white gown, she was also the head with a chic white jade hairpin, in the sun, their backs one high and one low, as indeed may look harmonious.
     The whole restaurant of people watching them leave, one by one eyes unblinking.
     "The Crown Prince His Royal Highness." The people are still on the ground crying.
     However, the mood of the Crown Prince is obviously not fast.
     "The Crown Prince Brother, what should I do?" 7th-Wangye asked with a sullen face, but the king left it simply, and the mess that can be left is what they want.
     Lu-Bingzhi is very embarrassed, and the king is really extremely difficult. In a word, the Crown Prince fell into awkward position. Today, no matter how things are handled, the Crown Prince will not be cheap.
     The key is that the Crown Prince is still not good enough to step down and open things like a king.
     "Oh, the Crown Prince of the family is also a heart-wrenching day." Qin-Liluo, after just getting into the Qin-Yumo, began to look for the Crown Prince.
     "You see." The Crown Prince looked at Qin-Liluo with a hateful iron, and then vented his breath, "follow the Heir and Ding Wang."
     "Stop." Qin-Liluo snorted. "It's your own intention. Don't think about pulling me. He not the bug in Heir's belly. How do you know the meaning of Heir?"
     He sneered and looked at the Crown Prince provocatively. "Ding Wang that stupid goods are not there, you said that he is him, and less on this Heir."
     "How do you say it? Do you still have a distinction of honor? Even if Wang-Uncle spoils you, you can't be so lawless." 5th-Wangye angered him.
     "This Heir has always said this, I don't care, I am a green onion?" Qin-Liluo also turned his face.
     "The old five, the age of the fence is small, the conversation has always been casual, what do you care about with him?" The Crown Prince blocked the 5th-Wangye with a headache.
     5th-Wangye still wants to say something, but was stopped by the old seven with his eyes.
     The old five are not convinced, there is no way, standing on the side of the neck and breathing straight.
     Qin-Liluo looked at the cold eyes and laughed as if no one was there.
     "What are you doing?" 7th-Wangye told him coldly.
     Soon after, there were guards who, despite the roar of the couple on the ground, towed away.
     "What?" Qin-Liluo went over and kicked a stool far away, and then did not return, and took the people around him to go.
     "Come on, take the wine that I bought from Lao-ye and bring it back." Oriental Lao-ye is a personal fine, and when things are finished, he also quickly finds an excuse to open.
     "Wait, I will follow along." Wu Anhou eyes turned, and the two men greeted the Crown Prince and then slid.
     Not only did the guests follow in the restaurant.
     When the shopkeeper saw the restaurant in the blink of an eye, he lost more than half of the guests. He could not help but smile and shook his head.
     5th-Wangye looked angry and the Crown Prince.
     They went to the private room.
     "The Crown Prince Brother, Qin-Liluo is too arrogant, and if he let him go this way, I am afraid that he will not put you in his heart." 5th-Wangye always talks.
     “Qin-Liluo temper has always been like this. Have you seen who he has been talking about?” The Crown Prince looked calmly.
     "Ping Wang complained that he did not live up to expectations. He knew that it was a day and night. But Ping Wang’s short support for him is also obvious to everyone. Not to mention the fact that Wang-Uncle has always recognized this playboy brother, Qin-Bofeng is the Shu-son. It didn't help at all." Lu-Bingzhi also followed the persuasion.
     5th-Wangye After listening to it, I finally calmed down.
     7th-Wangye glanced at it, sighing in her heart but not knowing what to say.
     He and 5th-Wangye are brothers of a mother compatriot.
     The mother-in-law is a four-in-one in the palace.
     The grades are not up to the top. Although they have two brothers, they are not favored. Of course, when you are young, you will not be born.
     But now when they grow up, the emperor is far from Wang Hao.
     The emperor also blames, where Prince was born, regardless of size, all sealed the king, completely subverted the practice of the original 16 years old to seal the king, who did not know what medicine he sold in the gourd.
     For the sake of future survival, they played under the guidance of Wang Hao, who stood on the side of the Crown Prince, but this road is equally difficult to go. Hey, who is the indescribable figure of Dingwang in the capital?
     The prestige of Ding Wang in the folks is completely better than the Royal Highness of the Crown Prince. But the emperor seems to have no intention of hitting. This is not a good sign.
     However, their brothers are also difficult to ride the tiger. It is absolutely impossible to stand on the wrong team. Otherwise, the future road still does not know how difficult it is to go.
     "Don't easily offend Qin-Liluo, let alone get in the way." The Crown Prince told the two men coldly, and the expression of anger on his face was very different from the elegant and elegant appearance.
     "Know, the Crown Prince Brother." 7th-Wangye answered with an arch.
     5th-Wangye also nodded heavily. His temper is anxious, but not stupid.
     Now that the reputation and strength of Dingwang is increasing day by day, and the attitude of the emperor is unknown, his Crown Prince is not a good day.
     Therefore, at this important juncture, he must be stabilized, and he must find ways to make a good relationship with the ministers in the country.
     Qin-Yumo and Ye-Jing-hong left the restaurant, and the two were on the same carriage.
     Along the way, Qin-Yumo didn't seem to have the desire to talk, and Ye-Jing-hong didn't even know what to say.
     The two men's trips were actually in a strange silence.
     "2nd-gongzi, went to the government." Chengde told the carriage to stop, and today he and the integrity of the mood are not good.
     In his view of honesty and integrity, the reason why Ye-Jing-hong was calculated was because of the fact that they were too big.
     "Wangye, please." People followed Ye-Fu, and Ye-Jing-hong did not intend to leave the king.
     Instead of letting the guests put them in, it's better to know each other and invite people to come in.
     Besides, the words of the king today will save her a lot of unnecessary trouble.
     "I will arrange a few dark guards for you. If there is anything you can call them, then." At this time, the silent Qin-Yumo suddenly spoke.
     Ye-Jing-hong was surprised and didn't know what he meant. Ok, what is the dark guard for her?
     Even if it is a cooperative attitude, it seems that it does not need to be so solemn?
     "Thank you for Wangye." I didn't understand it, and she thanked her indifferently.
     Although she and Qin-Yumo didn't spend much time together, private contact made Ye-Jing-hong understand that Ding Wang's personality is stubborn, and the decisions are often not to be changed.
     This kind of unique personality, to be honest, Ye-Jing-hong is not too fond of.
     However, looking at Qin-Yumo is not malicious to her, this kind of mind she led.
     After two people silently drove underground, it was a relatively silent speech.
     Ye-Jing-hong is a thin ice today. She doesn't want Ye-Yanning to worry about herself, but she doesn't want to have anything to look at him. With a complicated mood, the steps under her feet could not help but get up.
     Qin-Yumo followed her behind and ignored her concerns.
     "They can't hurt you." Without a word, Ye-Jing-hong's footsteps just stepped into the yard of Ye-Yanning.
     “Jinghong, Wangye.” Ye-Yanning was sitting under the promenade in the yard. He heard the movement. He looked up and saw Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Yumo standing at the door.
     The two people at the door were like being fixed, standing still.
     What happened? Ye-Yanning couldn't help but worry.
     “Brother.” Ye-Jing-hong Hearing the voice of his greeting, the whole person immediately became alive.
     As long as the relatives are around, no one can hurt him.
     Thinking of this, she no longer clings to Qin-Yumo and goes straight into the yard with a smile.
     “What happened?” I have to say that Ye-Yanning is a careful person. If you are not sure if you see Ye-Jing-hong at first glance, you can see Ye-Jing-hong. Behind the integrity and the expression of Chengde, he knew that his fears were not groundless.
     "There is nothing, but I was deliberately poured a drink on my body today. All people know that I am a woman." Ye-Jing-hong replied in the most indifferent tone.
     Ye-Jing-hong thought that Ye-Yanning would definitely show a surprised or sad expression after listening, but Ye-Yanning's performance was beyond her expectations.
     Yes, Ye-Yanning's performance is too quiet, the expression on his face has always been faint, and there is no difference in peace.
     It is this expression that makes Ye-Jing-hong even more worried. "I was a woman.
     The people outside would know one day. Others know it, and the province will have to think about the way to explain it to others."
     Ye-Yanning nodded lightly.
     Ye-Jing-hong's heart sank again. She wanted to enlighten Ye-Yanning, but it was because Qin-Yumo was around. Some words she didn't know how to open it.
     "You open the door to do business, what is the man or the woman? Is it because 2nd-gongzi is a woman, is there any business in your Ye family? Is Ye-gongzi thinking too much?" The standing Qin-Yumo suddenly faintly opened.
     Hearing the king also called Ye-Jing-hong for 2nd-gongzi, and Ye-Yanning's face finally had some expressions, which was a grateful expression. “Thank you for Wangye enlightenment, it’s Yanning’s rot.”
     "How is the next game?" Qin-Yumo nodded, then looked at Ye-Yanning.
     "Good." Ye-Yanning smiled.
     Ye-Jing-hong Seeing Ye-Yanning is a lot more cheerful, and my heart's worries are quietly dispersed.
     “How is Wangye staying for dinner?” Seeing that it was at noon, Ye-Jing-hong took the initiative to invite Qin-Yumo.
     Qin-Yumo nodded again. "I want to eat pickled fish, soy trotters, garlic ribs and pork."
     Ye-Jing-hong listened to the secret, and learned to order. It’s really a restaurant.
     However, looking at today's departure of his own Brother, Ye-Jing-hong decided not to care about such a small thing.
     Anyway, hospitality is to make more meals, order food and order.
     "Please Wangye wait." She replied politely.
     Qin-Yumo has already entered the living room, and she has not taken care of her.
     “Brother, what do you want to eat?” Ye-Jing-hong doesn't care about his attitude, she cares more about her Brother.
     “Just make sweet and sour pork.” Ye-Yanning smiled and replied.
     Ye-Jing-hong knows that he likes sweets, and he is thinking about adding a few dishes to him.
     By the time of the afternoon, Zhao Yiming returned with the pavilion and the pavilion.
     Ye-Jing-hong secretly told Zhao Yiming that his identity was being dismantled.
     "It looks like Liu Jia is shooting." Zhao Yiming meditated and replied, "What do you think?"
     “It doesn’t matter.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, “The technology that we can do now at Ye home is in my hands.
     There are many things that she wants to grab and can’t get.”
     Although Zhao Yiming is not good at embroidery and Danqing, calligraphy, etc., he will also watch. Indeed, many things that Ye-Jing-hong will do are not what others can't. If it weren't for her hands-on teaching, I am afraid that it is difficult for others to grasp the essentials.
     But Liu Jia, Ye home the 2nd House and Zhao family shameless, he has seen it. I am afraid that those few are now eyeing the Ye wine and the technique of making socks.
     "You don't take it lightly, those few are hazy people, I am afraid that they will not let go easily." Zhao Yiming answered with concern.
     "I want to leave Ye-Ye in the house, try not to go out." Ye-Jing-hong hesitated to speak.
     Zhao Yiming immediately thought that she was worried about her personal safety.
     So, he smiled and agreed. "Well, Ye-Ye listens to you. Actually, I want to go out and talk to other Langzhong. I can see if I can find a good recipe to solve the poison of Yanning. Since you Worried that they took me to the hand, then I will stay in the house."
     Ye-Jing-hong gratefully looked at him. "If Ye-Ye is bothered in the house, you can go to Zhuangzi to see it, but it is best to bring someone to go."
     "Reassured, I will stay in the house to study the recipe. If I am really annoyed, I will not be able to plant some herbs in the yard. I can play chess with Yanning in the spare time.
     The time is very good." "For Ye-Jing-hong from the fool to the present, Zhao Yiming was originally gratified, but now it is more to her heartache.
     A girl who should have enjoyed life in the house, but was forced to show up to support a family.
     "2nd-gongzi, this is the dish that Zhuangzi just sent.
     The old nubi still doesn't know how to do it." As he said, Zhang-Mama came in with a cauliflower, and all the heads were question marks.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw a new flower, and suddenly a surprise. When I got here, I had a lot more to eat. "I will do it."
     She smiled and stood up. "Ye-Ye, you have a good mouth today."
     "Ha ha ha, good, I am waiting." Zhao Yiming replied with a smile, then stood up and went to the living room to find Ye-Yanning and Qin-Yumo.
     In addition to the cauliflower, Zhuangzi brought some fresh lettuce, leeks and pheasants.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at the ingredients and made a dozen dishes.
     "Open the meal." After the check-out, Ye-Jing-hong and Zhang-Mama Zhang Luo put all the meals on the table.
     The Ye-Yanning and Qin-Yumo games are just over.
     Yatou used a basin to warm the water, and several people washed their hands before sitting down.
     Zhao Yiming and Ye-Yanning did not want to mention Ye-Jing-hong's exposure to women in front of the outsider Qin-Yumo, and Qin-Yumo seemed to have no desire to speak.
     A meal is quiet.
     Fortunately, Qin-Yumo is a busy man. After lunch, he left Ye-Fu with a blast and a thunder.
     "They came to the door, and they tried to go out as much as possible.
     The business still let Chengde go out and deliver it." Ye-Yanning whispered Ye-Jing-hong, and he once again had a sense of powerlessness.
     If it wasn’t for his physical disappointment, where did it take a girl to show her face?
     "I have already said it to the shopkeeper of the delicious fast, and they will come to pick up the goods later. Later, I will let Chengde go to Buzhuang to explain, after the business of socks, let them come to pick it up." Ye -Jing-hong knows what he thinks, so he deliberately follows what he meant.
     Sure enough, Ye-Yanning heard her promise, and the expression on her face was a lot easier.
     Zhao Yiming secretly nodded to Ye-Jing-hong, and then opened his mouth with care. "I am going to the pharmacy to quit my job in the afternoon, and concentrate on helping you look after the house. Also, in the government. Some herbs are also good."
     Ye-Yanning glanced, and when he saw Zhao Yiming's serious look, he nodded slightly.
     Liu Jia and Zhao Jia are heart-wrenching. When they can't start with them, they might be able to find Zhao Ye-Ye. If people stay in the government, they will be different.
     They will also worry less.
     The family said this, and Ye-Yanning also specifically called the gatekeeper Ye-Zhongyue and Chengde who ran outside to call them.
     Ye-Zhongyue and others are Ye-double-clothes specially selected people, and it is natural to listen to Ye brothers and sisters.
     Get Ye-Yanning's embarrassment, they will work harder.
     Jin-Haisheng has a sense of crisis. When I am free, I have more strict training for several children in the house.
     In this way, the days of peace and quiet continue to move forward, and there is no movement at all on the Liu family. It seems that the things in the restaurant last time have nothing to do with them.
     It is worth mentioning that when the news of Ye-Jing-hong was the girl's news, the few fat people who used to go to the door every day did not come for several days.
     In this regard, Ye-Yanning still has some regrets. After all, he also taught the children half a year, and also invested some feelings into it.
     The little fat guys left, let him have more people to go for the cool feeling of tea.
     But when his heart was uncomfortable, the family members came together.
     This time, not only the children came, but even the elders in the house were accompanied.
     "Oh, 2nd-gongzi, are neighbors. I haven’t come over for a few days to visit. It’s really impossible to say." Oriental Laozi has the thickest face, and he happily greeted him as soon as he entered the door.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled a little. "Where, it should be our initiative to come to the door. Laozi and everyone can come to the door, it is the blessing of the Ye family."
     The little fat man standing next to Laozi is looking at Ye-Jing-hong with a curious look, and seems to be very curious about Ye-Jing-hong.
     Cheng Ruibo is not convinced of her, so there are some complaints, just like Ye-Jing-hong did something sorry for him.
     Ye-Jing-hong did not care about him.
     The smallest Gao Zhaoqin shyly pointed at her and shook her eyes, seemingly afraid that Ye-Jing-hong found it.
     The performance of these children made Ye-Jing-hong laugh and laugh. Is her identity so curious?
     "2nd-gongzi The wine that was sent last time is really good. Today, we have a lot of people who are ready to rob." Cheng Nianxin laughed and teased.
     "Yes, we have brought all the ingredients. Just 2nd-gongzi can not hide, how to take out the delicious dishes in your house." Oriental Lao-ye smiled and laughed.
     "Excuse me." Wu Anhou smiled and echoed.
     "We also want to follow 2nd-gongzi to learn how to make small dishes.
     The taste of those small dishes is really good." Gao Madam smiled and spoke.
     "Where is the master in your house? The old man wants to make a difference with him." General Zhou was shocked to know that his grandson's martial arts and literary lessons were actually followed by the Ye brothers.
     Then I knew that Ye-Jing-hong turned out to be a girl, and even more shocked.
     After the heart tickles, he simply went to the Eastern Laozi to kill directly.
     Gao Yushi knew from his son's mouth that Wu Anhou had to visit the Ye family, and he could not sit still. He is really curious, what kind of person can he teach his son so well?
     With curiosity, he and his daughter-in-law came to the door with gifts.
     Fortunately, the Ye family is only the home of merchants, that is, the emperor knows that several of their ministers come here and will not blame them.
     After all, the neighbors are also one of the national winds that Pingyun advocates.
     Besides, they really haven’t been with their neighbors, and they have no intention of telling the emperor.
     I have to say that the people who make the censorship have more turns.
     "This yard is well packed, but the precious flowers are a little less. Osmanthus, you go back and let the pots of flowers in my yard come." After the princess looked at the circle, he directly told the side of the Gui Mama, even to Ye-Jing-hong, did not have the opportunity to refuse.
     "Thank you for the princess." Ye-Jing-hong is not the one who doesn't know how to lift it. When the other party comes up, she won't be stupid enough to push people out.
     "Please sit down, I am a little simple here, I hope you can forgive me." She smiled and greeted everyone.
     "2nd-gongzi, which one is a master?" General Zhou was unable to sit still.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled a little. "The master is not, just let the child be able to keep fit."
     "2nd-gongzi don't have to be humble, let people show it out." General Zhou was anxious to express his position.
     "Da-gongzi is not very good, Laozi, you must not hang around him." The little fat man squats seriously, then he lowers his voice and asks Ye-Jing-hong, "2nd-gongzi, you really Is it a woman?"
     “Women are against you?” Ye-Jing-hong faintly asked. "If that's the case, you can stay away from me."
     In the parents of the children, her words are really not at all polite.
     "No, you must not be angry." Little fat man quickly put his hand to deny, "I am just curious, just curious, nothing else."
     Cheng Nianxin saw his own naughty son, who was so well-behaved in front of Ye-Jing-hong, and his heart was slightly stunned, and Ye-Jing-hong was even more optimistic.
     "Please Da-gongzi come out." Ye-Jing-hong is not really embarrassing him, seeing what he strongly deny, laughing and telling Wang-uncle.
     Gao Yushi and Zhou-Lao-ye almost couldn't sit still, and Ye-Yanning, who didn't come out, was curious.
     Not long after, Ye-Yanning came out in a wheelchair, and Zhao Yiming, who got the news, came over.
     Is he now also the elder of Ye-Fu?
     "Is it you?" Seeing Ye-Yanning's thin body in a wheelchair, General Zhou was so shocked that he could barely speak.
     The length of the person is awkward, but people are too thin.
     After the Eastern Lao-ye sneaked into the impatient look of Ye-Jing-hong's face, she immediately understood that Ye-Yanning was the reverse scale of Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Oh, Princess, you have a good relationship with Zhou Yuyi in the palace. Can you ask him to come over and diagnose it with Ye-gongzi?" Oriental Lao-ye smiled and snored.
     "Yes, if you have the opportunity to rule, you must manage it quickly." Zhou Laozi also returned to God, embarrassed to echo.
     "Well, tomorrow, people will get a post in the past, let Zhou Yu doctor run a mile." The long princess also wants to get close to Ye-Jing-hong, so he agreed very happily.
     "Everyone sits, I go to the kitchen to arrange it." Ye-Jing-hong thanked them for their kindness and stood up and said.
     The attitude on the face has also become more enthusiastic.
     "Well, you are busy with your own, are acquaintances, we will not be bound." Oriental Lao-ye said with a smile.
     "Just." Ye-Jing-hong listened and hesitated to stand up.
     "2nd-gongzi has something to say." Cheng Nianxin is also a wise man. When she sees her hesitation, she guesses that something difficult makes her difficult to speak.
     "Since a few people are not outsiders, I will say it clearly." Ye-Jing-hong stood up straight. "Which you want to see, even though you look at it. Just out of this door, I hope that some people will forget about this, otherwise Ye, the door is small, I am afraid I will never have time to entertain you."
     What does it mean? The long princess listened a few times.
     It stands to reason that even if Ye brothers and sisters are a bit talented, they can't be so arrogant.
     Thinking of this, the princess's face is not awkward, people have a good personality, but it is not good to give a face to face.
     "That is natural. Rest assured, we are not a mouthful of people." Oriental Laozi is cheerful, not a little unhappy.
     "The few people please." Ye-Jing-hong nodded lightly and then went out.
     It is said that he came over to ask for cooking, but Gao Madam, Zhou Madam and Cheng Nianxin did not really follow her to the kitchen.
     "Can I go to the gongzi study to see?" Gao Yushi can no longer sit still.
     He heard from Gao Zhaoqin, Ye, the real master is actually the Ye-Miss.
     At this moment, she is so easy to let go, this opportunity he must not lose.
     "Right, the words of the few boys have improved a lot. We all think of how hard they work in the study." Wu Anhou is actually curious, and he follows the words of Gao Yushi.
     The princess also opened her mouth when she held it down. " Ah-Bo and Ah-甫 are incapable of temperament, thank you Da-gongzi for their progress."
     "It’s their own intentions, and we just let it go.” Ye-Yanning replied with a smile.
     The princess's unhappiness, he also looked in the eyes.
     So, under the insistence of the visitors, everyone went to the study room.
     Ye study is very big, and when he enters the study, Gao Yushi eyes are straight.
     "This word?"
     Several son-in-law saw a low-pitched exclamation.
     Gao Yushi is excited to know what to do.
     There were few decorations in the room, several desks scattered around, a few copybooks on the table, a few calligraphy on the wall, and a screen on the left hand, and then two more bookcases filled with books.
     The decoration is no different from the study in another family. If there is a difference, there are a few more desks.
     It can be seen that these desks are for the chubby people.
     What makes everyone surprised is actually the most common screen and calligraphy on the wall.
     "The breeze lays out, it turns out to be a breeze." Gao Yushi voice is full of vibrato.
     The long princess's gaze was firmly attracted to the screen. Last time, she inexplicably got an embroidered embroidery on both sides, which made her excited for a long time. I didn't expect her to find the real master today.
     If she doesn't understand the embroidered embroidery in her hand until now, it is the gift from the Ye family.
     The princess is too stupid.
     After Wu Anhou and Oriental Laozi looked at the copybook on the desk, they understood why their children had improved so much.
     The copybook on the table is actually a different copybook, but each copybook is undoubtedly the closest to the child's needs.
     After Gao Yushi picked up the copybook on the desk of the main seat, he was reluctant to let go.
     The flowers, the cursive script, the book, and the thin gold body are all things he has never seen before.
     Ye home? What kind of words does he use to describe it?
     "Breeze layman, Da-gongzi turned out to be a breeze, please accept me." Gao Yu-shi Ai Cai, he does not care what identity, he is going to give a gift.
     "History, you got it wrong, I am not a breeze." Ye-Yanning smiled and refused.
     "Da-gongzi doesn't have to be humble." Gao Yushi looked at him with fiery eyes. "The breeze layman was worshipped by me and received."
     “Ye-Ye, Da-gongzi is really not a breeze.” Gao Zhaoqin snorted and said, “Grandfather’s clothes whispered, “It’s 2nd-gongzi.”
     "2nd-gongzi?" Gao Yushi is dumbfounded.
     The rest of the people were also taken aback, the breeze is actually a woman?
     "It's all the same." Oriental Laozi first returned to God.
     "The place is too small. Can you move to the living room?" Ye-Yanning had a smile on his face, but his heart was already impatient.
     It is not that he is stingy, but that he really does not want to be exposed because of the status of the breeze, and then let Ye-Jing-hong fall into trouble.
     The long princess realized that Ye-Jing-hong’s self-confidence came from a moment.
     Even if it is a merchant, Ye-Jing-hong is really arrogant.
     Everyone reluctantly put down the copybook in their hands, and then thoughtfully followed Ye-Yanning and returned to the living room to sit down.
     "I heard that Da-gongzi chess is good. How about the next two sets?" The Eastern Laozi will come to the scene most, and when he returns to the living room, he will be familiar with it.
     "Ye-a certain piece of chess is just normal, not good." Ye-Yanning replied modestly.
     "Don't go with him, his chess is the most stinking, and the character is not good." Wu Anhou secretly told him.
     Ye-Yanning smiled a little.
     "You don't say bad things about me behind the scenes." Laozi smiled and drove Wu Anhou to the side.
     After the truth was over, Ye-Yanning finally understood that Wu-An’s warning was not an rumor.
     "This step is not counted." In a game of chess, the Eastern Laozi has repented countless times. In the end, even a good-tempered person like Ye-Yanning seems helpless.
     Wu Anhou and Zhou Laozi looked disgusted, and then sneered at the Eastern Laozi on the side, but unfortunately they were thick and they pretended not to hear anything.
     "Try this for the king." Suddenly, there was a voice in the room.
     Everyone looked up and couldn't help but sit up straight.
     "Is the aunt's mother good?" Qin-Yumo greeted the long princess with a sigh.
     The princess did not expect to meet the king here. This nephew is bias, and it is difficult to get close to people. How come to Ye house, but also a very familiar look?
     "It’s always good." The princess smiled and looked at him and replied, "It’s been a long time since I saw you."
     "Busy." Qin-Yumo only spit out a word in his mouth.
     Then he stood by Laozi.
     Eastern Laozi was a little worried about him, and the pieces in his hand finally fell faster.
     "Concession." Ye-Yanning only won him.
     The Eastern Laozi seems a bit stunned.
     But when he saw the chess of Qin-Yumo and Ye-Yanning, his face was dark.
     Ding Wang is a recognized talent, and it is difficult to find opponents in Capital City. And Ye-Yanning and him down, but it does not matter.
     "When people let you, you take it seriously." Wu An Hou white gave him a look and began to seriously play chess with Zhao Yiming.
     The Eastern Laozi face became awkward, but he didn't admit defeat in his mouth. "You don't look down on the old man's chess. Don't look at it in the third day, don't believe it, come over and try."
     "As far as your bad chess, I won't go down with you." Wu Anhou despised him.
     Laozi didn't let it go, and Zhou Laozi took a few children to find Jin-Haisheng to go out and make a plan.
     The son-in-law sat on the side and whispered about the changes in his child.
     "This is the snack that 2nd-gongzi just made, please use it slowly." For a while, Yatou sent some freshly made snacks.
     The princesses tasted them, and they all praised them.
     The new dim sum tastes really good.
     The long princess asked Gui Mama to call Cheng Ruibo and they also called back. Several children rushed over when they saw the snack.
     "Slow down, I don't know the net hand." Cheng Nianxin yelled at his fat son.
     "It’s all the fault of the Master.
     The baby hasn’t had time to come over for a few days.” The little fat man argued while eating.
     On this day, Ye lunch was a little late, so everyone was not hungry.
     "Some things are handed over to the next person. Where is the master of your family?" Qin-Yumo looked at the table full of food, and some glanced at Ye-Jing-hong.
     A faint blame with a deep concern, Ye-Jing-hong whispered.
     The Princess of the Long Princess sneaked into the two people Qin-Yumo and Ye-Jing-hong.
     Two parties, including Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming, have a faint expression on their faces. Like this, Qin-Yumo does not say much.
     The princess was slightly surprised.
     “Good wine.” Oriental Lao-ye took a drink from Ye family and was comfortable. Feelings, 2nd-gongzi will leave all the good wine to drink at home.
     And the son-in-law loves all kinds of fruit wine and wine, including fruit vinegar and juice. It’s not that the occasion is not right. Cheng Nianxin’s people really want to ask Ye-Jing-hong for some.
     The door is the guest, and Ye-Jing-hong has no secrets, and all the small dishes and good things in the house are put out.
     I thought that there were so many dishes that everyone couldn't finish. I didn't expect that the food on the big table would not be left at all.
     "2nd-gongzi, can you bring me some of these side dishes?" Oriental Laozi asked, "The children are hiding after they go back, and even I can't eat as an elder."
     I don't know how Ye small dish is made, the taste is very good, and there is something like the sauce. It's really a good dish.
     Think about it, Laozi can't wait to move everything back.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and agreed.
     Others have also taken some of the rules back.
     When the elders left, the children stayed, and several elders left their words when they left. Ye-Yanning and Ye-Jing-hong can make a strong abuse.
     The other party was on the road, and Ye-Jing-hong also gave face, smiling and politely.
     "Was a woman a woman, what kind of man is it?" After all Daren left, Cheng Ruibo strange fault was committed.
     "I like it." Ye-Jing-hong also gave him a blank look. "I can't understand it, you can't watch it."
     This is too difficult to say, Cheng Ruibo face is not good.
     Ye-Jing-hong thinks that the nobles have the problem of indefiniteness, Qin-Liluo, the Qin-Yumo, Xiao -Jinse, even the Cheng Ruibo little hair boy, but this Kind of personality must be changed, you have to change!
     In the principle of picking up from the doll, Cheng Ruibo did not suffer in her hands in the future.
     In comparison, the three children were a lot of clever, so that Ye-Jing-hong's cool heart was finally hot.
     In the afternoon, Ye-Jing-hong went to the weaving room to see.
     "This is not the place where you can come, hurry and leave." Without waiting for her to walk into the yard, I heard a low noise from the courtyard door.
     Ye-Jing-hong took a small step, and Chengde looked at her with some concern and followed.
     They are not far from the gate of the yard, so what happens at the door, they can see clearly. On the contrary, because they stood at the corner of the corridor, there were green trees and red flowers on the sides, and the people at the door did not see them.
     "Sao, I just kindly came over and gave you some food. How did you reprimand me?" Wang Huahua stood at the door, and his face was wronged.
     "2nd-gongzi specially confessed, not the person she appointed, absolutely not close to the yard, you forgot?" Tao-shi sternly replied, "2nd-gongzi If you know that you are coming, you may be angry. You just have to Just do your part, we don't need to send you a snack, not Miss?"
     "If Sao said this, I would just say it." Wang Huahua said angrily. "The two Sao only considered themselves. Have you ever thought about this Cousin girl?"
     "What's the matter with you?" Jiang-shi looked at her angrily. For this Cousin sister, to tell the truth, she and 1st-Sao have always disliked it, not because there is more mouth at home.
     They are the ones who don’t see the king flower.
     This Yatou, the long look is Zhou Zheng, but the heart is also wild.
     It turned out that there was no such thing as going to the main house, and Yatou had a set of behind-the-scenes in Popo. It’s good now, it’s not stable. If they were not afraid of the face of Popo, they would have already sent people out, and they still used such politeness.
     "You are talking about what happened to us? Let you be so wronged." Jiang-shi asked angrily.
     “The two Sao and Cousin sisters are working in the weaving room. What is the monthly silver price for a month, and what is my monthly silver? Sao If I taught me, 2nd-gongzi will definitely promise me to come here. Workers, my days can be better than some." Wang Huahua went out.
     "You are saying this to 2nd-gongzi. If the master promises, we will naturally teach you. If you don't have the courage, you still have to do things well." Suddenly, Wang Qiu also took the yard. Out of it, the tone of the exit was not given to Wang Huahua.
     "Cousin sister, how come you run against me like this?" Wang Huahua shed tears.
     "You are wronged, sad, or go back and do the things at hand. Otherwise, the mother will not leave you." Looking at the autumn, she looked at her with a cold smile, then turned to look at Tao Shi, Jiang Shi, "The two Sao don't take her words to heart. If she doesn't follow the rules, I will tell 2nd-gongzi directly."
     Wang Huahua listened to her unrelenting words, scared back a few steps.
     Don't look at it, 2nd-gongzi has always been a good-tempered appearance, but it is not easy to provoke.
     In the capital, she is a helpless person. If she is driven out of the government by 2nd-gongzi, she still doesn't know what to do?
     "Since Cousin and the two Sao are not willing to teach, I will not come again. You don't need to hang 2nd-gongzi all over the day to scare me." After that, Wang Hua left with a sigh of relief.
     "Oh." Tao-shi sighed. "Don't say anything to Popo. It's a difficult thing for her. Fortunately, Wang Cousin didn't dare to come again."
     Jiang-shi and Wang Qiu face each other and agree.
     "Master, do you want to dispose of people?" All the people were scattered, and Chengde asked softly.
     “No,” Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly. “Take a little more attention to Yatou.”
     The Ye family once had a Ye-Xinyi, and the white-eyed wolf could never appear second.
     Moreover, Ye-Jing-hong will not give anyone the opportunity to hurt his family and relatives. She would rather kill three thousand and not let a suspicious person.
     Wang Huahua is really abnormal!
     Ye-Jing-hong stood outside for a while and saw Jiang-shi Tao Shi. After they all entered the yard, she took Chengde into the yard.
     Jiang-shi Tao-shi saw her a few, and they all had some guilty conscience.
     They didn't look at Ye-Jing-hong.
     The two people faces still showed a blush.
     Wang Qiu looked at her with a sly look.
     Ye-Jing-hong pretends to look like nothing, and carefully looks at the weaving of socks in the workshop, as well as the number of recent production.
     The production of socks has entered the formal, Ye-Jing-hong thinks that the Liu family has arrived in the capital, and now it is even more aware of the identity of himself and Brother Ye-Yanning. It is not enough to rely on winemaking and socks to fight the world.
     Liu family will never let themselves grow, and they will not be indifferent to the development of the Ye family.
     Her brows wrinkled when she thought of it.
     Wang Qiu, Jiang-shi Tao-shi had a heartfelt feeling in his heart. When he saw the appearance of Ye-Jing-hong, his heart was even more ups and downs.
     “Hurry up production.” Ye-Jing-hong told everyone.
     She has a simple assessment and plan for the future development. Since the enemy has come to the door, it is not her style to sit still.
     If you can't back down, fight against it.
     After thinking about Ye-Jing-hong, I am ready to go to the study to find Ye-Yanning.
     “Sao.” Wang Qiu looked worriedly at the back of Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Nothing." Tao-shi patted her hand and whispered.
     "Yes, I will stare at Yatou in the future, and she will not let her come." Jiang-shi also said.
     There are people who are guarded at the entrance of the courtyard. Wang Huahua is bent on coming in. As long as they do not agree, there is no way for Yato to die.
     Looking at the autumn is also thinking, so nodded, temporarily put this troublesome thing behind, and continue to do things with heart.
     Ye-Jing-hong came out of the workshop and went straight to the study.
     Ye-Yanning is working on the word in the study room. When she sees her coming in a lot of things, she puts down the pen without hesitation.
     “Brother, Liu family has been looking for a door, I want to open a cloth.” Ye-Jing-hong sat down and said his intentions straight away.
     “Opening the cloth?” Ye-Yanning was shocked. “Ye has always been mainly embroidery, but there is no cloth.”
     If it wasn't for the Ye family to rely on Liu Jia purchase of cloth, it would not end up in the end. Thinking of the past, Yanning of Ye-Yanning felt the wetness in his eyes.
     Moreover, Kaibu Zhuang is rather cumbersome. If you rely on the fabrics of other homes, then your business will earn less, and it will be subject to people. If you use your own fabric, it is more troublesome.
     As a result, they did not have a good weaving cloth, and of course there was no hard weaving technique. If you rely on selling coarse cloth, then the cloth is not open, but it is not far away. Second, the woven fabric needs to be dyed, and dyeing is a technical activity. It can be said that all the big cloth dealers need to have a special dyeing master under the door.
     The Ye family now has two brothers and sisters left.
     They are not proficient in weaving or dyeing cloth. How do you open a cloth?
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled, "Brother, you don't have to worry about technical things, everything is me."
     Ye-Yanning looked at her confident look and opened her mouth in confusion. "Staining, Brother knows a little, but if you want to weave a good pattern, you must find a good master."
     “Brother forgot, I am the best master.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and said, “I have seen it.
     The fabric dyeing on the market is too poor. I have a way to dye more colors. Come. As for weaving, what do you think of socks weaving technology?"
     "The weaving of socks is good, but the weaving technique of weaving and socks is different." Although Ye-Yanning does not want to attack her enthusiasm, she does not want her to suffer setbacks and then suffer.
     So try to mention the difficulties encountered.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled slightly. Although she was a designer and an embroiderer in modern times, she was very familiar with the production process and dyeing process of various fabrics. After all, if a good designer wants to complete a good work, he must have a comprehensive understanding of the materials in his hands.
     And she is still a painter, and the sensitivity to color itself is more intense.
     She felt the worry of Ye-Yanning, so she briefly explained the weaving method and dyeing process that she knew.
     Ye-Yanning looked at her in surprise. "Can the spinning wheel be so wide? If you say it, the woven fabric will be wider. And you said that the satin weave has never been heard. ""
     At this time, he remembered that Ye-Jing-hong had already demonstrated the technique of dyeing, that is, the dyeing of the thread.
     Ye-Yanning is very happy to think that there will be his own cloth in the future.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded. "However, according to our current identity, it is definitely necessary to rely on the mountains. I don't want to eat alone."
     "You want to find a king to cooperate?" Ye-Yanning suddenly guessed the candidate she chose.
     "Yes. Ding Wang's identity is high, and now he has the heart to cooperate with us, I can test it, see if he is interested in Bu Zhuang and embroidered factory." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     “How much profit do you intend to give him?” Ye-Yanning asked after meditation.
     “10%.” Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     “Maybe it’s too little.” Ye-Yanning disagreed.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled a little, "My own painstaking factory, absolutely no one is allowed to destroy. I have to cooperate with Dingwang. I can't intervene in the production and sales of the factory. As long as you are responsible for security work."
     “Security?” Ye-Yanning heard the term for the first time.
     "Yes, security. That is to say, who wants to find us trouble, he is responsible for getting it." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     "You mean to use his reputation." Ye-Yanning looked at her.
     "That's what it means. But the eggs can't be placed in a pocket. Besides the king, I still want to find a collaborator." Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "Long princess?" asked Ye-Yanning.
     "No, it is Qin-Liluo." Ye-Jing-hong answered with a smile.
     "No." Ye-Yanning refused in one breath. "Qin-Liluo personality is particularly difficult to ponder, and when you turn your face, you turn your face. You are a girl. His reputation is so bad. Brother doesn't want you to be influenced by him in the future. Involved, which broke your reputation."
     Looking for Qin-Liluo to cooperate, Ye-Yanning is firmly opposed.
     "Qin-Liluo has a bad reputation, but some things must be done with someone like him. Ding Wang is too positive. For people like Zhao Liu, sometimes they need to use the same means as them. To deal with. Qin-Liluo identity is enough, the means needless to say. And there are many people who have to look at it, to see if this Noble Heir will find them trouble." Ye-Jing-hong Smile and persuade.
     When she opened the company in modern times, she was well aware of the cruelty of commercial competition.
     Sometimes, a true Humble-One like Qin-Liluo is easier to use.
     "You are not afraid that he will turn his face when he turns his face?" Ye-Yanning is still worried.
     "There is money for him, you said that he will push the money out? And Qin-Liluo, although the personality is a little worse, but it is a very intelligent person, he knows what is good for him." Ye- Jing-hong smiled and explained.
     "If you have the heart to make Ye home brilliant, Brother will not stop you. But Brother also wants to persuade you that the last wish of the mother-in-law is to let our brothers and sisters live well, and nothing else is required. If you want to If you feel that you can hold on, you can give up.
     There are wineries and socks, it is enough for us to stand." Ye-Yanning looked at her distressedly, feeling that she could not hold her, his legs could not go, a little busy Helping me with Mei-mei is simply a burden.
     "I know." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and nodded.
     This business is definitely not a burden for her. Weaving embroidery design is what she likes and is best at. Even without the potential danger of Zhao Liu Ye 3rd, she will return to her old life after her life has settled down.
     The two brothers and sisters talked about Bu Zhuang and Xiu Zhuang for a while, and finally decided the plan.
     At noon, Qin-Yumo came over on time.
     “Wangye, eat more.” In order to win over the king of the king, Ye-Jing-hong can be said to have made a whole solution. At noon, these dishes were made by her own chef.
     Qin-Yumo looked at her and gave her a face. She really ate a lot. Most of the food on the table went to his bowl.
     The blast was swept away, and the feeling of Ye-Jing-hong increased a bit.
     Their Wangye was busy all day, and he didn't pay much attention to eating, but he never had the same level of food as he is now.
     Since the master came to the Ye family to cook rice, the body has become much stronger.
     After dinner, Ye-Jing-hong made another tea and sent it over.
     Qin-Yumo quietly drinking tea does not seem to be aware of Ye-Jing-hong's excessive attention.
     Ye-Jing-hong Since he has decided to find him as a partner, of course, he will not drag it down in a vague way.
     "Ding Wangye, what do you think of my socks business?" Start with something familiar to the other party.
     "Not bad."
     “According to Wangye, what if I sold this sock to Quanpingyun?”
     "Big profit."
     Qin-Yumo words are very brief.
     "I don't want Wangye, I am interested in expanding my business, but I don't have that ability. Wangye also saw that there are too many people who are watching our socks weaving technology." Ye-Jing-hong straight and straight, not He plays virtual.
     Qin-Yumo looked up at her and looked at her. It seemed that she was waiting for her to continue.
     "So I want to work with Wangye, please Wangye. When I am backing up, I don't have to worry about Wangye production, principal, and trading. I give Wangye a profit, how?" Ye-Jing-hong speaks quietly, but there is no Can't wait to feel.
     Qin-Yumo did not speak and seemed to be considering.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and continued to increase the weight for himself. “In addition to the socks business, I also want to build a cloth and embroidered village, because weaving embroidery is what I am good at. Wangye would like to cooperate with me, I guarantee that Wangye will receive a considerable dividend at the end of the year."
     “Opening Buzhuang and Embroidery, you may need Wangye to provide some reliable Embroidery-Niang to me.” Qin-Yumo expression is as flat as it is, Ye-Jing-hong’s heart is somewhat up and down, because always Can't guess what he is thinking.
     She secretly thought that if Qin-Yumo did not agree to cooperate, then she would have to consider another reliable partner.
     "This business Ye-a certain and not only a partner of Wangye, another outsider has the Heir." Success or failure, anyway, Ye-Jing-hong wants to say everything.
     "You don't believe in this king?" Qin-Yumo glanced at her faintly, and her face finally showed an unpleasant look.
     What did you say? However, Ye-Jing-hong thought of it in a blink of an eye. Bacheng Qin-Yumo thinks that he still wants to find Qin-Liluo, which is considered to be the face of his king.
     “Wangye is more concerned. Wangye is very clear, but the business is not necessarily straightforward. Qin-Heir is mixed in the market. Some things are handed over to him. I think it’s better than you and me.
     The effect is better." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and explained.
     She determined that her own explanation was in accordance with the wisdom of Ding Wang.
     Sure enough, her voice fell, and the expression of Qin-Yumo became easier. "Half."
     “Ah?” Ye-Jing-hong was taken aback, what was it?
     "This king can give you a reliable man with a half profit, but you must also use the half-profit to persuade Qin-Liluo to join." Qin-Yumo slowly spoke and took a sip of tea.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at his leisurely look and was shocked for a long time without returning to God. She has done business with many people and has never met such a strange person like Qin-Yumo. If you don't put a good stock, you have to cut it in half.
     However, reducing stocks is a good thing for yourself.
     “Can I understand that Wangye is promised to buy shares?” She confirmed again.
     "There is nothing in the air, we still write the contract, how is it limited to ten years?" Ye-Jing-hong discussed with him.
     Therefore, the two sides happily signed the agreement without objection.
     "Ten will send you ten guards tomorrow, let them guard Zhuangzi, what is the matter, you let them tell the king." Qin-Yumo yelled at her when she left.
     “Thank you for Wangye.” Ye-Jing-hong thanked him.
     On the big backing of Dingwang, Ye-Jing-hong is more confident about what to do next.
     "2nd-gongzi, the person you are looking for is here." Qianlin took a person behind him.
     "I don't know what kind of room 2nd-gongzi want to cover this time?" Or the last foreman, he looked at Ye-Jing-hong with a look.
     "This time the project is relatively large, and I am still in a hurry." Ye-Jing-hong looked at him. "I don't know if you have enough people?"
     "2nd-gongzi Despite the reassurance, if we are in a hurry, we can add people." When the foreman heard that she was a big project, she immediately opened her face.
     "That's good, this is the drawing, come over and see." Ye-Jing-hong said.
     After the foreman took a look at the drawings, he looked at Ye-Jing-hong with a puzzled look.
     "2nd-gongzi, this room does not seem to be very suitable, and it seems to be a bit of space inside." The foreman hesitated to point out the doubts in his heart.
     "This kind of room is useful to me, you can do it according to this framework structure." Ye-Jing-hong also did not want to explain more with him.
     Just talking, I saw that Qin-Yumo will come with a hip-hop.
     “Wangye.” Ye-Jing-hong greeted him.
     "There is no need for others to build a house. I have found a group of craftsmen for you.
     They are doing things faster." Qin-Yumo shows Wangye domineering in one mouth.
     When the foreman heard it, his heart suddenly regretted it.
     Looking at the drawings, I know that this is indeed a big project, but in a blink of an eye, such a good opportunity is lost.
     However, he did not dare to compete with Wangye for business.
     With regret, he handed over the drawings in his hand to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled. "The place where the factory and the workers live makes the people of Wangye cover it, right, and the school is also.
     There are some piecemeal jobs. I don't know if the foreman is willing to do it?"
     "What kind of life?" The foreman came to the spirit.
     “It’s like some chickens and ducks, and there are houses that guard the livestock workers,” says Ye-Jing-hong.
     The foreman asked in detail how much life was there.
     Ye-Jing-hong told them one by one.
     After measuring this, the foreman discovered that it was such a piecemeal work that he had been able to work with a large group of people for a long time.
     He did not say anything and promised to come down.
     Qin-Yumo looked at her and the foreman for a bargain, and she never interrupted.
     After waiting for the foreman to leave, he stood next to Ye-Jing-hong. "This king bought Zhuangzi near you. If something goes wrong, both sides can also take care of each other."
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded and said that he knew it, and took out the drawings and showed him. "Wangye, is there anything wrong?"
     Qin-Yumo took a look at her and looked at her for a while. Ye-Jing-hong was hairy in his heart.
     "What's wrong with it, Wangye said, I want to change it again." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     “There is not enough security.” Qin-Yumo said in a light way, “Is the winery coming over?”
     Ye-Jing-hong heard a shock, "Yes, Wangye, I have this plan."
     In fact, not only that, in the planning of Ye-Jing-hong, this Zhuangzi will continue to develop in the future.
     "Please Wangye talk inside." Ye-Jing-hong made a gesture of asking.
     As long as it is a reasonable suggestion, she will adopt it.
     Unexpectedly, when I entered the yard, the security measures proposed by Qin-Yumo made her as a modern person stunned.
     "This king is guaranteed by his own life.
     These measures are only for you and me. He knows that no one will leak it." Qin-Yumo solemnly said.
     Ye-Jing-hong glanced at him with hesitation, but did not immediately agree to him.
     "Thank you for Wangye, I did it according to Wangye proposal." Unexpectedly, Ye-Yanning promised it.
     Ye-Jing-hong can suspect Qin-Yumo, but she does not doubt that Brother has made the decision. Finally, she agreed to nod.
     "The heart is unpredictable. In the future, if this embroidered brocade is strong, it will be difficult to keep people in trouble. If you have these preparations, you will not be afraid of anything." After Qin-Yumo left, Ye-Yanning I am very grateful to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong knows that he is for himself, smiles and nods. "Brother, I understand."
     Ye-Yanning looked at Ye-Jing-hong, who trusted her whole body, and the heart began to get complicated again.
     He often irritates his own uselessness, can't help Ye-Jing-hong, but wants to watch Ye-Jing-hong grow up so happy.
     After a busy day at Zhuangzi, in the evening, the two brothers came back in a carriage.
     "2nd-gongzi, how come back?" When they came back, they found that a few chubby people had arrived.
     “There are some things going out, and there may be not much time in the house in these days,” Ye-Jing-hong said.
     Her meaning is obvious, these few days let a few little guys don't come over.
     When the little fat man heard it, the cook in the Academy and the cook in the house could not match the cooks here.
     His eyes turned and he answered cheerfully. "2nd-gongzi, although you are busy, we have to come over to study in the study, we must learn the words seriously, right, you can follow the Jin Shifu martial arts."
     "I am not in the house, Jin Shifu has to follow." Ye-Jing-hong gave him a glance, and he was careful in his stomach and wanted to hold himself.
     One snack food!
     "It doesn't matter, is there not someone else in the house? Anyway, just find one can make a comparison." The little fat man is still very happy.
     He is not picky eaters.
     "If you are willing to come, the completed work will be placed on your desk. I will correct it. But the things in the study..."
     "The things in the study can't be moved, we know." The little fat man rushed to finish the conversation.
     Gao Zhaoqin did not speak a few times, but looked at her with a grin and smiled, and she seemed to wait for her to speak.
     "Let them come over, it's not convenient for me to go out, and I have more time to stay in the house." Ye-Yanning smiled and talked for a few children.
     Ye-Jing-hong Look at his Brother, think about it, and there is no shortage of food at home now, so he nodded and promised a few little devils.
     Several children immediately jumped up happily after listening.
     Although there is Qianlin staring at Zhuangzi, people are also reliable candidates for Qin-Yumo, but Ye-Jing-hong is still not worried about his own factory. Finally, I saw that these people did work very hard, and this was less to run in Zhuangzi.
     With the factory, there is no raw material, but she does not know the material supplier in Capital City. She wants to come and find the Chen treasurer.
     "2nd-gongzi wants raw materials, not no, but the supplier I know, can not give a lot." Chen treasurer said it is difficult.
     "Whether Chen Shu asks, how much can he give, you come in, I want it all," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "Then I try to try it." Chen shopkeeper nodded.
     "I take the liberty to ask, 2nd-gongzi want the material, do you want to open the cloth?" Chen treasurer is embarrassed to ask.
     If he was not familiar with Ye-Jing-hong, he would never ask, after all, this is related to people business.
     "Yes. I have a cooperation with Ding Wang, I want to open a cloth." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     When Chen’s treasurer heard it, he no longer dared to continue to ask.
     However, he also knows that Ye-Jing-hong is very affectionate. If she helps her now, if Ye-Jing-hong is developed, she will definitely not forget herself.
     In this way, he immediately became more enthusiastic. "Reassured, I will ask in the past tomorrow, and give you specific news in a few days."
     "There is a laborer, Uncle." Ye-Jing-hong said politely.
     "You and I have been working together for so long, are you still so polite?" Chen treasurer laughed loudly.
     Ye-Jing-hong met and did not continue to be polite with him.
     As Chen’s treasurer thought, Ye-Jing-hong had already made up his mind. If Chen’s treasurer helped himself, he would definitely not forget his goodness in the future.
     Get the answer that I am satisfied with, Ye-Jing-hong returned to Ye-Fu from the cloth store.
     When she just got home, she saw Qin, Liluo, who had not seen for a few days, sitting at home in a big thorn.
     Ye-Yanning was sitting aside and was very embarrassed.
     "Hey, what's the matter with you, woman? Where did you die?" Upon seeing Ye-Jing-hong, the boring Qin-Liluo suddenly became like a chicken blood, and became alive from a half-dead state. .
     It’s just right, Ye-Jing-hong thought, Qin-Liluo will not come again, she will go to the second ancestor personally.
     Since it is here, it saves a lot of trouble.
     She replied in a logical way, "Go out and talk about a little business."
     "Running all day, it's a pity that your face. If you followed the Master, you can use it so hard." Qin-Liluo began to adjust again.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave him a blank look. "The Heir is surrounded by beautiful people, and I still don't have to join in the fun."
     "Cut." Qin-Liluo turned his eyes to the sky, and the dissatisfaction was written on his face.
     "Brother, have you been with him for a long time? Tired?" Ye-Jing-hong wanted to cool him, so he turned his head and said hello to Ye-Yanning.
     "Yeah didn't want a nephew to accompany him. It looked like an eyeache." Qin-Liluo took the disdain.
     "You can try another sentence." Ye-Jing-hong slammed a cup and fell to the ground, his face flushed.
     She ‘Called at Qin-Liluo, "Ye family is small, can't afford the Heir, this big Buddha, the Heir who sees who is going to look for it."
     "Oh, this is angry. What is the problem with your woman." Qin-Liluo is not happy, his face is pulled down.
     "Apologize, today you must apologize to my Brother." Ye-Jing-hong is terrible.
     Qin-Liluo No matter how to toss her, she can bear it, but as long as it involves Ye-Yanning, she will become very angry.
     "Forget it, Grand Daren has a lot, not entangled with your unreasonable woman. After the big deal, he will find him a doctor." Maybe the second ancestor is in a good mood today, and there is no Ye-Jing-hong care.
     "The Heir is also true temperament, and he is right, Mei-mei does not care." Ye-Yanning smiled and persuaded. "You are not looking for the Heir to have something to talk about?"
     He gave Qin-Liluo a step down.
     "You are a woman, what is the matter, and what is said directly, what is it? What is it?" Qin-Liluo listened to Ye-Jing-hong and found himself, and immediately got up.
     "There was nothing, now it is gone." Ye-Jing-hong said with no anger.
     "Hey, what's the matter with your woman. He said that he was looking for a royal doctor to come over and look at it. You still care about it. It really is a stingy." Qin-Liluo sounds high.
     Ye-Jing-hong was almost mad at him.
     Ye-Yanning smiled at her and gave her a wink. "It's no wonder that the Heir said that you are Big Miss and you have a childish temper."
     "Yes." Qin-Liluo is attached.
     Ye-Jing-hong lost a white eye.
     Qin-Liluo is not going to continue to bury it.
     "I originally wanted to ask the Heir, would you like to find some small money to spend?" Ye-Jing-hong looked at him, his tone was not happy to say. "But it seems that the Heir is not lacking silver flowers at all."
     "Yeah is not lacking in silver, but since you are looking for help, you will be very helpful to help you." Qin-Liluo is not stupid, a word out, direct hit points.
     "The Heir is wrong. I don't want you to help. After all, I have a co-author of this business." Ye-Jing-hong didn't want to encourage his evil spirits, and immediately gave him a head-on. hit.
     "Since you have found a collaborator, what are you looking for?" As soon as I heard about Qin-Yumo, Qin-Liluo voice and expression were all cold.
     At this moment, he was really angry, and he said that he turned his face when he turned his face.
     Ye-Jing-hong wouldn't let him turn his face, she smiled and said, "Because I think I have helped me a lot during the most difficult times. So, since I found a way to make a fortune, I thought Reward the Heir one or two."
     Qin-Liluo sneered at her statement, and Ye-Jing-hong said that the little tricks still want to cover him, and the door is not. If there is no bend in it, Ye-Jing-hong will never think of him for eight lifetimes.
     "Of course, because there will be people eyes after the business, I also need the Heir to escort me." Ye-Jing-hong said a true and false.
     This reason seems to sound like this.
     "Do you think that the Lord will lack silver? You don't want to use a little bit of money to want to send you a life." Qin-Liluo said with a gloomy face, "You don't even want to take advantage of the power of the Lord, you want to fox fox ""
     “Ping Wang’s house can also be used for the Heir money? However, the silver is not the one that the Heir earned himself? If the Heir personally made the money, would Wangye look at the Heir?” Ye- Jing-hong smiled and asked, and he didn't mind his resentment.
     "Yes, I don't mind." Qin-Liluo replied with a smile.
     Oil and salt are not in!
     Ye-Jing-hong can talk about it, self-speaking, "the Heir also saw Ye socks make money in the capital. Now I bought a factory outside the capital to cover the factory, except for the large-scale production of socks for sale. And there will be Bu Zhuang and Xiu Zhuang. I am confident that the business of Buzhuang and Embroidery will be as good as the socks business.
     The Heir will not command the Heir after the shareholding.
     The Heir just do a good job. Things can be done."
     "Speak and listen." Qin-Liluo squinted at her and said that the tone was moderated.
     There is a door! Ye-Jing-hong is dark.
     "The Heir can do the security work of the Zhuangzi shop. In other words, the Heir's reputation is there, and who dares to look for it in the past? The Heir, are you right?"
     Ye-Jing-hong said that his silver was almost white for him Qin-Liluo.
     Ye-Yanning has been smiling and watching Ye-Jing-hong, Qin-Liluo. He first discovered that Ye-Jing-hong had a set of flickers.
     “Would you like to give more money to the Lord?” Qin-Liluo suddenly asked.
     "Half-share, three years is the deadline." Ye-Jing-hong replied with a smile.
     "You are a fool, you only give half a profit, do you want to blend into your business?" Qin-Liluo eyes are cold again.
     "The Heir, set Wangye, I also give this number. And we have to say it, my business is only to give you shares, but you are not allowed to intervene." Ye-Jing-hong pretending not to see him The look of anger, continue, "the Heir rest assured that by the end of the year, you will get at least 10 thousand Silver Taels."
     Qin-Liluo Think about it, 10 thousand Silver Taels, he has almost no effort, it is more cost-effective. Besides, he is worse than the Qin-Yumo guy, and he does not believe it.
     "Yes, the Lord promised." Measured the past, and Qin-Liluo, who is secretly smug, decided to let go.
     Ye-Jing-hong was a cheaper, she was successful, and finally, Qin-Liluo signed the agreement.
     "The gongzi leg symptoms are not caused by external forces, but rather a strange poison. It is only Zhou who has learned a lot and has not solved the formula." For a long time, Zhou Yu doctor gave a conclusion, "And, the old man I found that there seemed to be a high person around you.
     The gongzi poison was suppressed by a drug and did not continue to spread."
     Ye-Jing-hong is in a state of chaos, and the mood from hope to disappointment is not good.
     Zhou Yu words made her feel like she was crying and laughing. Is this tall man not Zhao Ye-Ye?
     Ye-Yanning is a lot calmer. He smiles and thanked Zhou Yuji. "Thanks to Daren for coming to see me personally. My legs know that I don't have to blame myself."
     "Can there be a way to improve?" Zhao Yiming has a lot of heart, but his heart is also uncomfortable.
     He glanced at Ye-Yanning in the wheelchair and then made up his mind to ask Zhou Yu.
     "I don't want you, for the poison of Da-gongzi, Zhou is really powerless.
     The masters of your previous visits have already used the medicine to the extreme, and Zhou is not as good as it is." Let a chief doctor say this. It’s already a rare thing to say.
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't want Zhou Yu to be embarrassed after returning to God. She laughed and thanked Zhou Yuji. "Thank you for Zhou Yu. Anyway, you can come over. We are already grateful." Although Zhou Yu doctor is entrusted by the people, the rules cannot be abolished. I don’t know how to calculate this percussion fee today?”
     "The old man just ran his errands and didn't contribute.
     The medical expenses were all right." Zhou Yuji actually wanted to ask where the master of the Ye family was.
     But he turned to think about it, and he saw what people would say. As Ye-Jing-hong thinks, he has his own pride when he comes to his current position. Asking him to bow to a nameless peer, it seems that he can't do it.
     It’s better to stop here than to meet up.
     "Since Zhou Yuyin said this, this person, I, Ye-Jing-hong remembered. Chengde, gave Zhou Yuhua a return with two jars of wine." Ye-Jing-hong told him to go.
     Yeah, it is a business to give money, and to send things is human. In the capital, I don’t know if Ye family will need someone to use it. Who is the bottom of the family?
     Chengde promised to come out and bring out two jars of wine to the wine cellar.
     Although Zhou Yuji did not covet, she also knew the price of Ye wine. When she saw Ye-Jing-hong generously gave her two jars of wine, she was satisfied with her.
     "The old man said goodbye." The extra polite words he did not say, let Xiao Xiao take the wine and left.
     "I don't know where the legendary doctor is?" He took Zhou Yu, and Ye-Jing-hong sat in a chair and asked quietly.
     "No deterioration, it is good news." Zhao Yiming comforted their brothers and sisters.
     "I can count on Mei-mei to raise me. You can't dislike Brother. You just disliked it, and I want to rely on you." Ye-Yanning would like to open some and see Ye-Jing-hong not happy. He suppressed the uncomfortable feelings in his heart and laughed and teased her.
     "It's okay, now I have Brother, and when my legs are ready, it's my turn to raise me." Ye-Jing-hong, where he can't understand, will be saddened and telling him.
     Zhao Yiming saw that their brothers and sisters loved each other, and the sadness in their hearts disappeared. As long as people are there, there is always hope.
     At night, I didn’t expect Zhou Yu doctor to send someone from the house to Ye house. “This is Lao-ye special instructions to send it to 2nd-gongzi.”
      Xiao Yan handed a box to Chengde.
     Chengde took over and handed it to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong took a look at suspiciously and suddenly took a surprise.
     Originally, the box was filled with a hundred-year old ginseng.
     This gift is a little expensive.
     Ye-Jing-hong indulged in, and then let Chengde reward the little sister, and brought him back a few jars of peach wine and fruit wine, and then gave a little side dish.
     This way, it seems more human.
     After thanking Xiao Xiao , I went back with something.
     "This family is very stingy." Zhou Lao Madam saw what Xiao Xiao brought back and shook his head.
     She did not look down on the small family of small households, but some ginseng sent out.
     That is a good wild ginseng.
     "What do you know." Zhou Yu doctor shook his head in disapproval.
     "Don't say that the princess and the Heir's feelings are here, just look at these wines, and it's enough to buy a ginseng that is sent out." Zhou Yuji said, "Don't underestimate the Ye family, though It is the home of the merchants, the king and the Heir frequently enter and leave the Ye family, and now they are getting along well with the surrounding Daren. It is always true that the intersection is good."
     Lao Madam asked in surprise, "How can Ding Wang have a relationship with her?"
     "I heard that Wangye had set up socks for her, and bought wine. I went there one after the other.
     The two went away. As for the Heir, it seems that I want to cover Ye-Jing-hong." These messages are all Zhou.
     The royal doctor just got people to inquire.
     "A Miss family, the appearance of a man dressed as a man is not good. It is still mixed with the man. I don’t think Ye Miss is a very traditional woman. For Ye-Jing Hong’s move is really invisible.
     "In this case, you say less, if you pass to the king, the Heir's ear, or the long princess, I am afraid that it will cause trouble." Zhou Yu doctor glanced at the old wife. "If you meet in the future, you Don't look at the blame."
     "Know, I am the one who is not so light?" Zhou Lao Madam looked at him grievously.
     Regardless of Zhou evaluation of the Ye family, both Ye-Jing-hong and Ye-Yanning deliberately ignored the leg disease, and the two were still busy.
     The yard in Zhuangzi is expanding, and the factory is built not far from the main house. One is for bleaching and the other is the courtyard for work and life of Embroidery-Niang.
     Ye-Jing-hong's life has become busy again, and Qin-Yumo has appeared from time to time, come over to see the room, and discuss the purchase with Ye-Jing-hong.
     "In the future, these two people will be under your control." One day, he brought a pair of men and women in their thirties.
     “Humble-One has seen 2nd-gongzi.”
     "The nubi have seen 2nd-gongzi."
     It is worthy of the people who have been trained by the king.
     The two people did not use Qin-Yumo to order, and they bowed respectfully.
     "This is their selling deed.
     They will be yours in the future.
     The king will send some people to protect and live outside, and Embroidery-Niang will be controlled by Baoyue." Qin-Yumo said faintly, I am not afraid that Ye-Jing-hong will doubt that he is more and more arrogant, or wants to put in a hand.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded, "Thank you for Wangye."
     "Things of supply, dry will help you do well, just tell him what you need." Qin-Yumo turned to tell her seriously.
     “Thank you for Wangye.” Ye-Jing-hong said seriously.
     "We are collaborators, you don't have to be too restrictive, I call you Jinghong, you will call me Ah-mol." Suddenly, the topic of Qin-Yumo changed to the name of both parties.
     "Is it just right?" Ye-Jing-hong answered strangely. It is a real horror. In ancient times, the ranks were relatively strict. She didn't want to let her little life be lost because of a name.
     “You don’t think it’s more appropriate to be a collaborator?” Qin-Yumo also looked at her seriously.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at his deep eyes and refused to say it.
     "Since Wangye doesn't mind, Jinghong is brave." She finally chose to compromise.
     "Good." Qin-Yumo mouth was bent.
     The thunder was heard at the back, and the eyes were rounded. What happened to Wangye? Even if it is a collaborator, Ye-Jing-hong's identity is not enough to call Wangye name, and it is also the name of a relative like a nickname.
     "Don't be silly, be careful that Wangye is angry." The wind blew him, reminding him.
     "I will provide ingredients for the dyeing of all the cloths. I don't allow others to watch them on the spot. Even Wangye people can't do it." Ye-Jing-hong thinks that he still has to say something in the light.
     “ Ah-Mo.” Qin-Yumo corrected her.
     "That's good, call me Ah-mr." Qin-Yumo face is cold, but his eyes are staring at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Okay, even Ah-the stranger can't do it." Ye-Jing-hong finished, his face was red, how it sounds weird.
     "I said, all things are yours, you are in trouble, you are looking for a rise." Qin-Yumo interrupted her words. "Everything is done by yourself. It is the sales of those Embroidery-Niang." I will also hand it over to you."
     The sudden good things made Ye-Jing-hong unable to speak for a long time.
     If you can put Embroidery-Niang's sales contract in your own hands, there will undoubtedly be a layer of protection.
     "Also, my people are in the inner court, and the inner court is not allowed to go in.
     The Ahroid-Niang, which Ah-the stranger can't find, can't go in." Ye-Jing-hong insisted.
     "Okay." Qin-Yumo nodded, and there was no sense of dissatisfaction. “As long as you like it, feel comfortable.”
     The king was too good to talk, and at the end, Ye-Jing-hong was embarrassed to speak.
     Qin-Yumo This collaborator speaks very well, and Ye-Jing-hong also considers another collaborator. In her opinion, Qin-Liluo is the most difficult person.
     "Zhuangzi and people are all ready, the Heir want to go over and see?" Ye-Jing-hong politely looked at the door to ask.
     "No, I believe you." Qin-Liluo replied with a straight leg.
     "Actually, Jinghong still wants to ask the Heir to help a little, can you?" Ye-Jing-hong asked with a smile.
     "Ye is your collaborator, take the kind of money, what do you have, you can of course help, but you can't be too troublesome. I don't have much time to spend with you." Qin-Liluo It is always his own.
     "It's like this. I need these tools. I don't know if the Heir can find someone to help me out?" Ye-Jing-hong smiled and took out a piece of paper with some patterns on it and numbers on the side.
     "What is this thing?" Qin-Liluo is a second ancestor who simply can't understand.
     "It's a little gadget, the Heir gives a quick speech, can you do it?" Ye-Jing-hong stared at him and asked, "Of course the Heir can find another collaborator if he feels trouble."
     "Let's provoke the Master, be careful to cut you." Qin-Liluo frowned when he heard it, and his face was covered with clouds.
     "I don't dare to irritate Noble Heir deliberately. I am really sincere. Wangye has helped me in the supply.
     The Heir is also a collaborator. Do you always find something to do for you? Of course, we have common interests. I really can't say who is the problem before and after." Ye-Jing-hong is cheeky and lying.
     In order not to let her machine leak more, she deliberately dismantled the parts, one-third handed it to Qin-Liluo, one-third to Qin-Yumo, and the rest was She is looking for someone to do it herself.
     Anyone who likes to compliment listens, and Ye-Jing-hong puts him in his heart. Qin-Liluo felt that he was still a very useful person, so Noble Heir's masculinity was unprecedentedly high, and the dissatisfaction with Ye-Jing-hong disappeared.
     "I will send it to you in two days, and don't worry about it."
     “Thank you for the Heir.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and thanked him.
     In this way, Qin-Liluo ran to Ye-Fu and worked harder.
     It is not necessarily a good thing to know that Noble Heir is running hard. When I was around half a month, someone came to the door specifically for this.
     "Open the door to the County Owner." Early in the morning, Ye-Fu door was knocked.
     The goalkeeper Ye-Zhongyue did not dare to care about it, and hurriedly took a small trip to see the situation.
     At the door stood a young and beautiful Miss, her upper body was wearing a pair of smoky robes, and the bottom skirt was a gold-lined skirt with a whip in her hand and a few yokes to command a few Yatou Pozi at the gate. called.
     "Excuse me, who is Miss?" Ye-Zhongyue Shili asked politely.
     “Less nonsense, is Ye-Jing-hong living here?” the woman asked coldly.
     "Excuse me, Miss is looking for my home 2nd-gongzi?" Ye-Zhongyue is still very polite.
     "What 2nd-gongzi, self-deception, it is a woman, but also with pride, what stuff." The woman spoke but you are welcome. "This County Owner is looking for her, you are going to go."
     Said, she lifted her foot and was ready to go inside.
     Ye-Zhongyue foot flashed, but it was in front of her. “Let’s wait for a while, wait for Humble-One to report 2nd-gongzi first.”
     "Bold, even the County Owner, you dare to stop, isn't it?" Little- Yatou rushed over and yelled at Ye-Zhongyue.
     "Sorry, County Owner, please wait a moment, let Humble-One Advanced House go to the newspaper." Ye-Zhongyue is not humble.
     "You..." Little- Yatou still wants to marry Ye-Zhongyue, but was stopped by Miss.
     "Well, this County Owner is not awkward for you to be a nubi You quickly roll into the house and tell Ye-Jing-hong, and say that Ping Wangfu Hearty Owner will meet her and let her hurry to give this County.
     The Owner rolled out." Qin Heyue sneered and said to his head.
     It seems that the County Owner was looking for a sly early in the morning, and Ye-Zhongyue was secretly vigilant. "Please wait for the County Owner, Humble-One, then go to the County Owner."
     In a hurry, Ye-Zhongyue immediately turned to go to the house.
     Ye-Jing-hong is sitting at the table with Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming at the table for breakfast, and Ye-Zhongyue has come in.
     “What?” Ye-Jing-hong asked the chopsticks.
     "How can I get lost? Is there anything that won't wait for the two gongzi and Zhao Laozi to finish breakfast?" Zhang-Mama glanced at her son unhappy and turned to Ye-Jing-hong started the meal.
     It’s rare that Miss is free in the house. This eyeless guy, Zhang-Mama decided to give his son a good meal later.
     "Ping Wang's County Owner is waiting outside the door. It seems that she is coming over to find out. If it wasn't for Humble-One, I was afraid that I had already entered it with a whip." Ye-Zhongyue replied respectfully.
     “Ping Wang’s County Owner?” Ye-Jing-hong stunned, as if she didn’t know the character at all. "What about people?"
     "Just outside the door." Ye-Zhongyue replied.
     “Qin-Liluo is really troublesome.” Ye-Jing-hong sighed, “There is no white lunch in the world.”
     Speaking of this, she couldn't help but laugh.
     "You bring it to the living room, I will pass for a while." She told me.
     Ye-Zhongyue promised to go out in a hurry.
     "I will accompany you with you." Zhao Yiming did not trust, Ye-Yanning also put down the chopsticks in his hand.
     “Nothing.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, “I can come over Hu. I said that I just finished eating, Ye-Ye and Brother are still eating seriously. In our Ye home, she can still take up It’s cheaper.”
     “Be careful.” Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming came up with the County Owner, and they are really not suitable for the past as a man.
     "Wang-uncle, Wang Qiu, you have been in the past to stay with Miss." Ye-Yanning whispered.
     "Yes." Wang-uncle and Wang Yue looked at each other and saw the vigilance in the other's eyes.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and waved his hand. "In your own home, where is the tension? Go, go over, I have to see how arrogant the County Owner is."
     “Country Owner, please, my family 2nd-gongzi is waiting in the living room.” Ye-Zhongyue is rushing out of the house.
     "Well, I heard that the County Owner is coming. She didn't go out to meet?" Qin Yatou around Xinyue ‘Called.
     "Do not talk nonsense, lead the way." But it is Qin heart Yue is relatively acquainted, she pushed Ye-Zhongyue, striding into Ye-Fu.
     Two Little-Yatou also foxes smashed Ye-Zhongyue, and followed Qin Xin Yue into the house.
     Ye-Zhongyue saw that they all entered the house, let Xiao xuan close the door, and he did not hesitate to follow Qin Xingyue.
     "Bastard, where is Ye-Jing-hong?" Qin Xin Yue originally wanted to make a sigh of relief to the Ye-Jing-hong, and then teach him a lesson.
     In her original mind, Ye-Fu is also a small merchant's house. How big can the house be?
     I didn't expect to see it in the house.
     The site of the Ye family is really small.
     One by one, along the corridor, seeing so many rooms, she did not know where she was standing.
     "Don't hurry to lead the County Owner." Little-Yatou yelled at Ye- Zhongyue.
     "The County Owner is too fast, Humble-One can't dare to sneak with the County Owner." Ye-Zhong Yue replied without hesitation.
     "Less nonsense, lead the way." Qin Heyue listened to his eyes and suddenly became fierce. "Don't think that you can escape from this County Owner."
     Ye-Zhongyue did not hear this malicious words, and she led her into the living room.
     "My family 2nd-gongzi is inside, County Owner please." Ye-Zhongyue saw his task completed, directly said, and went back. If you are polite, there is no more sentence.
     "County Owner, these dog nubi can't look down on you." Little- Yatou sigh of relief.
     "The nubi is the nubi what kind of nubi is what kind of nubi and the Ye family does not have a good thing." Qin the heart is ‘Calling at the interface.
     “The County Owner is right.” Ye-Jing-hong had been waiting in the living room, and what happened in the yard, she also saw it clearly.
     To be honest, the County Owner compares Qin-Liluo, that is, half a catty to the top eight, all belong to the kind of people who feel good about themselves.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't like people like this. "If you don't ask yourself, you still have to deal with the irresponsible nubi behind your master. If you do not, you can climb to the head of the master."
     Qin Heyue heard the sound coming from the room and immediately looked up.
     Ye-Jing-hong just stepped out of the door of the living room, and Wang-uncle looked at the left and right of her and stood on both sides of her. It was like two gods, so it was clearly protecting her.
     Qin Xinyue is the first time to see Ye-Jing-hong, the County Owner is now looking at her seriously.
     In the blue gown of the lake, only a simple jade is used on the head, and the appearance of the person is even better than his own brother.
     "Have you seduce the Heir with such a sleek look?" Suddenly, Qin Heyue smiled and looked at her.
     Wang-uncle and Wang Qiu heard her opening and wanted to break the name of Miss, and immediately prepared to get angry.
     Ye-Jing-hong raised his hand slightly, and the two Yatou were not willing to marry Qin Heyue Yue, and retreated to Ye-Jing-hong.
     "On the subject, you can't say that you have crossed the County Owner. If the horror is a fox, then the County Owner is much more charming than me." Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     Although the identity of the other party is much higher than that of himself, he can be at home, and this person will enter the door for no reason, so don't think she is afraid.
     "A good fangs." Qin heart anger, this is the first time she was stunned.
     "To each other." Ye-Jing-hong replied calmly.
     "Sure enough, it is a thoughtful fox." The anger reached the extreme, Qin
     “The County Owner is just going to the door to swear, the purpose has been reached, and now I can go.” Ye-Jing-hong is more stable than her.
     "Well, there are some advantages, the personality is still hearty." Qin heart sneer and walked directly into the living room.
     Ye-Jing-hong sees her posture and knows that she has something to say, and faintly follows her and enters the living room.
     Qin the two Yatou brought by Xinyue stunned Ye-Jing-hong, and the Wang-uncle and Wang Qiu around Ye-Jing-hong were not irritating, nor did they give The other person looks good.
     The two sides seem to have formed a confrontational scene.
     "Since you ask, I won't talk in a roundabout way." Qin Heyue was cold and found a chair to sit down, then sneered and opened his mouth.
     "Best." Ye-Jing-hong nodded, and she didn't have that spare time to accompany this savage County Owner.
     "As for your identity, if you want to enter the king's palace, it is impossible. You don't expect the Heir to spoil you, just want to eat the swan meat and step into the sky." Qin Xiang Yue looked at it with disdain She said slowly, the nostrils are all in the sky.
     Ye-Jing-hong is angry and laughs.
     The County Owner seems to have paranoia. Why is it so sure that she wants to enter the palace?
     "I warn you, leave the Heir right away, otherwise, huh, huh, the end is not what you can expect." Qin heart Yue said.
     “The County Owner didn’t seem to be inquiring about it?” Ye-Jing-hong asked one word at a time.
     Qin Hey, I don’t know what she meant.
     "Who do you want to say that I want to enter the Ping Wang House? Don't say that you are not allowed. If you say something that is not good, it is the Heir who invited me to hire me." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and answered, one by one. With family and identity, I want to step on the soles of my feet for no reason. This kind of person is the most hateful.
     "Why are you not happy, do you still lose your face when you enter the Ping Wangfu?" Qin Heyue suddenly blew his hair.
     "Miss, anger." Yatou around her quickly laughed and reminded her, "Don't be fooled by her."
     "You also don't want to say good things. You don't want to go to Ping Wang. What are you doing with the Heir all day? Haven't you heard that men and women don't give up, don't you be afraid of breaking your own festival?" , Qin Xin Yue does not believe what Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "If the County Owner is because of this, you can rest assured. Since you are the long sister of the Heir, then I don't have to hide it from you." Ye-Jing-hong was annoyed and wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible.
     "I am working with the Heir and Dingwang to do business. I have been working hard, just for the early stage of business, when the business is stable, I think there will be a lot less contact with Wang Heir." Ye- Jing-hong is negotiating with her.
     "Doing business?" Qin Xinyue was shocked. "Is there a king?"
     When it comes to Ding Wang, her voice is obviously sharper and the incredible taste is exposed.
     "Yes, doing business, the collaborators are the three of us. Isn't the Heir talking to the County Owner?" Ye-Jing-hong pretended to ask questions without knowing anything.
     Oh, you are not saying that your sister's relationship is good. How does Qin-Liluo not even tell you about such important things?
     At this moment, Qin Xin Yue also thought of this, her face showed a shy and angry expression. “Who knows what you said is true and false? Are you planning to work with them to make a wine business?”
     Speaking of the back, Qin the heart is full of joy, and the relationship between the fence and the king has never been good. How can he agree to cooperate with Dingwang to do business?
     Oh, it must be that Ye-Jing-hong is cheating on her, she will not be fooled.
     “We cooperated with Kaibu and Embroidery. I came out with technology, Dingwang provided raw materials, and the Heir was responsible for security.” Ye-Jing-hong kindly explained, “If the County Owner still suspects that I can speak, you can go back and look for it.
     The Heir wants a contract to take a look."
     "Security? What is security?" Qin Xin Yue curiously asked, originally looking for Fox Meizi to settle accounts, did not expect to hear such a big news early in the morning.
     Wait, isn't her brother who knows how to eat, drink, and play, really want to turn back to the shore?
     "Security is actually responsible for security," Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     In this way, Qin Xin Yue understands it. Although the younger brother who is not a device is a playboy, but the flat head of the Pingwang House is still quite useful.
     But even then, she did not dispel her doubts. "Will there be a king, how come you will find the Heir?"
     "I don't want to blame the County Owner for this because I need Noble Heir's decisiveness and the personality that I must report," Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     Qin Xin Yue listened to my heart for a while, although my brother’s reputation in the capital was a little worse. As a sibling, she still hates someone who is so clear about Qin-Liluo.
     "Hey, how do you say that?"
     "I have a difficult confrontation in the capital, those people are looking for me trouble, so I intend to accompany them to have fun." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and replied, this moment she put herself The same inferiority as Qin-Liluo.
     Things are gathered together! This is the first feeling of Qin Yin Yue.
     "Speaking for a long time, are you just planning for yourself?" Qin Xin Yue looked at her with resentful eyes.
     “Not all.” Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly. “I can guarantee that the Heir has at least 5 thousand yuan of money in the year.”
     "But you are using the Heir, the name of the Heir is only worth 5 thousand yuan in your eyes?" The money of five thousand two is a high price in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Ping Wang, it is not at all.
     The value is mentioned.
     “Using or not, the Heir has its own conclusion. Isn’t the Heir really so incompetent in the eyes of the County Owner? Can’t I use the Humble-One thing without any background like me?” Approaching the other side to the dead end It is not Qin Heyue is a person, her Ye-Jing-hong is more skilled.
     Qin Heyue Yue is a glimpse. After a little thought for a while, she asked seriously, "Do you really have no plans to enter the palace?"
     “No.” Ye-Jing-hong replied categorically, “If I can, I would rather not know the Heir.”
     Speaking of this, her face was filled with a smile.
     "Hey, the Heir is so unbearable in your eyes? In this case, what are you doing with him?" For the fact that Ye-Jing-hong can't see his brother, Qin dissatisfied.
     People are always like this, and they are habitually maintained.
     "I mean, the County Owner may understand it wrong.
     The Heir is a shortcoming in this person. I think the County Owner must know more than me. Although it is unobjectionable to say that men love color, but this person likes a dull life, in the deep house courtyard.
     The life of a group of women is really not what I am pursuing. At this point, my thoughts are definitely not going to go with the Heir, so we can only be the relationship of the partners, and we will always maintain this relationship." Ye-Jing-hong explained.
     "Speaking well, are you looking down on the Heir?" Qin Heyue is very unhappy.
     "No, the Heir has a lot of advantages. As a friend, at least it is very good." Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     "Pros and cons? You are talking to the County Owner." Qin I don’t believe it, her brother’s virtue, she knows the best, she can’t really come out.
     "The Heir is a little cold, but if he can look for someone to be a friend, he will definitely put a knife for his friends." Ye-Jing-hong comes out with one mouth.
     She doesn't know the two ribs, but the Qin-Liluo guard is really true.
     "Secondly, the Heir has principles and goals, and it is very important as a business partner. Otherwise, if the companion is fooled by a few words, the most unfortunate thing is the collaborator. Because the most harmed is probably Collaborators.” Ye-Jing-hong lists the second article.
     These two points Qin Xin Yue believe.
     "The third point is that the cooperative business is the hardest to do. And the Heir has always been suspicious, and the suspects don't need it. In business, he and I have given me the highest trust, even if they are two, and they are not. But it didn't make it difficult for me to be a third party." Ye-Jing-hong didn't want to list the third one.
     Qin Xin Yue is the first time I heard an outsider have such a high evaluation of his younger brother, and his heart suddenly fluttered, and he took a pleasing look at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Account for your understanding." Qin heart Yue is somewhat proud.
     Yatou around her saw her in a blink of an eye and was convinced by Ye-Jing-hong, and I was surprised to see Ye-Jing-hong. This woman is really not simple.
     "I didn't expect this Heir to have so many advantages in your mind?" The people outside the door were more proud.
     Qin Xin Yue listened and immediately turned to look at the door.
     Qin-Liluo just stepped into the living room. "Since Heir is so good, why don't you want to give this Heir a warm bed?"
     Yes, this is also Qin heart-hearted and curious. When Ye-Jing-hong took out the contract and heard her say something, Qin Xingyue knew that Ye-Jing-hong was not playing tricks.
     Qin-Liluo asked her questions, so at this moment she also looked at Ye-Jing-hong and waited for her to give a reasonable explanation.
     “The Heir, have you forgotten what I said? My husband’s choice is a lifetime of one person.” Ye-Jing-hong is secretly black, since he has forgotten, Miss will remind you once again.
     "What? The original legend is true?" Qin Xin Yue asked with surprise. "Others said, I thought that everyone deliberately pasted you. It turned out to be true."
     Speaking of this, she looked at Ye-Jing-hong's eyes were not right.
     Why, that is, she has the status of County Owner, and she dare not say such a shocking and loud story. Ye-Jing-hong What is a businessman who dares to say?
     crazy! This is the evaluation of Ye-Jing-hong by Qin Xin Yue.
     "If there is no such fool, you have to give this Heir a warm bed." Qin-Liluo said unhappy.
     "I think you just want to give him a warm bed, only to deliberately say such a condition, right?" Qin Xin Yue saw her expression.
     "Reassured, if I can't find it, I will be alone." Ye-Jing-hong did not respond with a good sigh, this pair of brothers is a pair of neuropathy, "I will never give you trouble."
     "It's still your understanding." Qin Xin Yue was relieved, and at the same time, he was not convinced. Why, by what, Ye-Jing-hong would dare to say such a big word, she still has no confidence and confidence.
     "No trouble." Qin-Liluo smiled and looked at her. "Don't be afraid of her, there is a man, she doesn't dare to move you."
     This she refers to Qin Xin Yue.
     Qin Xin Yue is very dissatisfied with his behavior of turning his elbows out, but he really does not have Qin-Liluo.
     "This County Owner doesn't know why you think of doing business in Buzhuang. However, this business is not good." Qin Xinyue Zhengyue said, "Don't say Yipin Embroidery is the business of the Crown Princess. That is the skill of the cloud, on the surface is the business of Jiangnan Liujia, in fact, there is a great background behind it.
     The Heir is simple, you want to support you by the force of the Heir, then you have to do things. This County Owner warning You, don't bother the Heir."
     Liu family has a backing in the capital, and Ye-Jing-hong and Ye-Yanning have long guessed it. However, she is not aware of who this mountain is. Obviously, Liu Jia Big Miss is a’servant in the palace, but it will definitely not be the back of the Liu family. After all, the 婕妤 grade in the palace is not high, and there is no ability to reach out to the palace. Besides, Liu Yushan has no children in the palace to be able to get involved, nor is it very kind, so she does not have much confidence in speaking in front of the emperor.
     Silly? Seeing that Ye-Jing-hong didn't answer for a long time, Qin Xing Yue glanced at her unhappy.
     "She is looking for this Heir business, isn't it just waiting for trouble, so that Heir can solve it for you? You don't let her give this Heir trouble, can she be stupid enough to give Heir a half-profit." Qin -Liluo retorted the past with a big thorn.
     Qin Heyue listened to his words and his head was big. This younger brother knows to sing against Taijiese drama when he is young, and he is always good at him. He still does not appreciate it.
     "In short, if you encounter something, you have to do it." Qin Xin Yue looked at Ye-Jing-hong coldly.
     “Does the County Owner have any interest in being the first customer in our business? I can give some discount to the County Owner.” Ye-Jing-hong ignored her warning and even set it up with her.
     "This County Owner..." Qin Xin Yue wants to refuse, she wants to say that her fabric is usually from the palace, and the other half is the best fabric bought from the cloud.
     But before she finished speaking, she heard Qin-Liluo unhappy opening. “She will of course take care of our business. She not taking care of her brother’s Bu Zhuang, but she still wants to help others to grab them. Business?"
     What is said? Qin Xinyue listened to some anger, in the end, Ye-Jing-hong gave Qin-Liluo what medicine, in a short period of time, Ye-Jing-hong can eat Qin-Liluo What about death?
     Foxes! This thought came out of her mind again.
     "Well, as the Heir said, this County Owner doesn't take care of his brother's business. Is it necessary to help others and their younger brothers to do the right thing? Seeing that you are a new store, the County Owner does not want you to discount. How much is better." Qin Xin Yue did not respond with a good spirit.
     “Thank you for the County Owner.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and thanked him. Oh, no discount is best.
     I hope that Qin will not regret it.
     "This Heir just came from the Qing Accord. I haven't had time to have breakfast yet. You can find some of the pads on this Heir." Qin-Liluo looked at Ye-Jing-hong and said it was very natural.
     During this time, I ate more meals at the Ye home, and his mouth was raised.
     Ye food tastes really good, and one chef is really a Ye-Jing-hong tutor.
     "Why don't you care about your own reputation?" Qin Hey, I’m so angry that I can’t speak.
     Qing Yage, the name is elegant and nice. But who can't know where the whole city is actually a small shack, think of the rumors that Qin-Liluo and the head card there are light snow, Qin the heart wants to cry.
     Although Qin-Liluo is expensive for Di-, it also inherited the title of Heir early. It is not only a man in Ping Wangfu, but also a Ceefei who also has children. Doesn’t his brother have not watched it? Going to people position on his position?
     If his unrestrainedness makes his mother-in-law fall into a predicament, QinHowever, this younger brother is still doing his own thing under the tears of his mother, under the persuasion of his own bitterness.
     The parties do not cherish what they have, what else can they do with him?
     Qin Xin Yue sometimes has some despair for this younger brother. But the father, the emperor, and even the Empress Dowager are still indulging in him.
     I want to learn Qin-Liluo again. Qin Heyue Yue has no way to talk about it. If you say it, I am afraid that this younger brother will have to leave his heart sooner or later.
     "There is still in the kitchen, the Heir can be eaten in the flower hall if it is not abandoned," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "It's good to eat." Qin-Liluo replied with a smile.
     "The County Owner should also eat some in the past." Ye-Jing-hong looked at Qin again Heyue asked.
     "Hey, this County Owner is not hungry." Qin Xinyue simply can't see Ye-Jing-hong. To tell the truth, in her opinion, Ye-Jing-hong and his brother are on the side, I am afraid it is not a good bird.
     Only this can't be said in front of Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Liluo.
     "Remember what you said, if the County Owner finds that you are a little fake, you must be good-looking." When she left, she also warned Ye-Jing-hong.
     "She was born to be good, you are embarrassed." Qin-Liluo does not help the pro, this naturally makes Qin Yin Yue has a tendency to run away.
     Ye-Jing-hong also doesn't care about Qin heart, others don't look at themselves, she doesn't need to cheeky to get rid of others.
     In this unfriendly atmosphere, Qin the heart anger rushed in, and it was angry and rushing away.
     Qin-Liluo was really heartless, and after he left his sister, he was happy to have breakfast at the flower hall.
     In the days that followed, Ye-Jing-hong's time was getting tighter. It’s the little fat guys who come over and see her very rarely.
     "2nd-gongzi, what the hell are you doing?" On this day, a few children finally came over with the meal and met her.
     The little fat man complained.
     "I am busy opening the store." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and explained, "The time is tight."
     "A copper smell." Cheng Ruibo dismissed a sentence.
     "Hah, if you dislike that I have a copper smell, you can not watch it." Ye-Jing-hong is not happy. Cheng Ruibo, this bear child is really annoying, but the small person has a stinking appearance, and people are upset when they look at it.
     Well, still the little fat guys, the three of them looked pleasing to the eye.
     "Wang Wang." The black tiger ran over and saw Ye-Jing-hong suddenly swaying his head, the tongue in his mouth stretched out, and a charming look.
     “Hey.” Ye-Jing-hong reached out and touched the big dog's head, causing the black tiger to jump straight to her body.
     "When you are busy with these days, you must take you to Zhuangzi to run." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     The little fat man has a few eyes bright, and they also seem to go to Zhuangzi to play.
     "2nd-gongzi, how long have you been busy?" asked the little fat man.
     "About about a month or so." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     "2nd-gongzi intend to open a winery?" Zhou Zhiyuan looked at her and asked. Laozi and his father at home like to drink Ye wine, but the number of Ye wine is too small. He is embarrassed to buy it every time.
     "No." Ye-Jing-hong shook his head and replied.
     “I plan to sell cloth and various colors and cloth related business.” Ye-Jing-hong explained, “You can help me in the Academy.”
     What to use, Ye-Jing-hong has always come to hand.
     "Hey, do you think everyone is like you?" Cheng Ruibo whispered.
     "If you don't want to, don't open your mouth, you don't want to open your mouth." Ye-Jing-hong waved his hand impatiently.
     "You..." Every time Cheng Ruibo would be said to be speechless, but the little bully was angry and angry, but never sprinkled in Ye-Fu.
     "Well, 2nd-gongzi, he doesn't want me to be willing." Little fat man said with a smile.
     "Right, we are willing." Zhou Zhiyuan also completely turned his back.
     "I can do too." Gao Zhaoqin nodded in a shy position.
     Feelings are a bad person for him! Cheng Ruibo looked at several good partners and almost fired.
     "If you can give me a good publicity and pull the customers, I will do the same for you. Right, after a while, you will choose a rare cartoon pattern, which is followed by you every day." Ye-Jing-hong sells off.
     "Is it a dress?" Little fat man asked happily.
     He likes to show up in the academy, and he is mad at Xiao -wei.
     "Okay, I will choose right away." Little fat man came to the spirit.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and watched them run away, and even Cheng Ruibo went to the study room with great pride.
     "2nd-gongzi, you want to find the cassava and grass juice." Cheng Dejin said.
     "Okay, we will go to Zhuangzi tomorrow." Ye-Jing-hong eyes lit up. As long as she finds what she wants, she can make something different from this era.
     The next day, the day was still not bright, and Ye-Jing-hong sat in the carriage with Chengde and they went to Zhuangzi.
     Unexpectedly, Qin-Yumo was still there.
     "How do you come here personally?" Ye-Jing-hong was embarrassed to ask.
     "As long as you say things, it won't be a small thing." Qin-Yumo replied faintly.
     What does this mean? Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Are you all planning?" Qin-Yumo asked again.
     "Well, think about it." Ye-Jing-hong nodded. "Of course, not all the villagers will use it. I will not use any kind of villagers who are not good or lazy."
     "You just have to choose a good person, and the rest will be handed over to me." Qin-Yumo replied.
     “Thank you.” Ye-Jing-hong answered with sincerity. No matter what, during this time, Qin-Yumo really helped her.
     It was the wooden sweet potato in her hand that he sent to find.
     After the two people discussed it, Lizheng and ‘Nu also arrived.
     “Humble-One has seen Wangye, 2nd-gongzi.” The two came and respectfully gave Qin-Yumo a gift.
     "Get up, it's 2nd-gongzi to ask you." Qin-Yumo pointed to Ye-Jing-hong.
     "I want to ask the two." Ye-Jing-hong asked with a smile.
     "You said." The answer was respectfully.
     “I want to ask the people in the village who are honest and honest. My factory lacks people,” says Ye-Jing-hong. “Working money will definitely not be less than everyone.”
     "2nd-gongzi is really going to recruit people in our village?" Li was pleased to ask.
     Under the support of the Ye-gongzi, the ‘Nu Er family has undergone earth-shaking changes in their lives, and the villagers have long looked hot. It is a pity that everyone has no good luck with ‘Nu Er, and the owner of Ye is simply unable to talk.
     "Women qualified, one month and a half of silver, and male workers according to different positions, that is, doing different jobs, giving different wages." Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "What? One and a half silver?" I was stupid when I heard it.
     The people in the village are eating and eating in the soil, and they don’t earn so much money in the end of the year.
     "Yes, this is still the basic monthly silver. As long as everyone is doing well, there will be bonuses every month, and bonuses will be obtained at the end of the year. In the annual festivals, we will also give red envelopes in Zhuangzi. "Ye-Jing-hong explained.
     "This, this is very good. I will go back and talk to the villagers." Li is unable to sit still. He is not only the Lizheng of Niujia Village, but also the head of the village and the patriarch.
     The prestige in the village is very high.
     "Wait, please listen to me and finish the conversation." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, "Besides, I will run a school in the village to make the children in the workers' books have a book to read, but only I am also qualified."
     I was listening to it, and then calmed down. Yes, how can such a good thing not be conditional?
     "Please 2nd-gongzi to listen."
     "Workers, if you leave this door, you can't say things out of the factory, that is, your family can't. If you break the contract, the rest should be handled by Wangye." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile It’s over.
     "Where the traitor is, kill innocent people." Qin-Yumo is even more embarrassed, "the descendants will be nubi for generations."
     So what? I was scared and almost fell to the ground.
     "Of course, as long as they can keep their promises, I can guarantee that they will be safe." Since Qin-Yumo chooses to be a black face, the red face can only be sung by her. "After entering the factory, it may be troublesome to get along with relatives. After all, every family will have relatives and friends like the seven aunts and eight aunts. If they are out of trouble, it is still their own."
     "I must bring the words of 2nd-gongzi and Wangye." At this moment, the inside is completely calm down. "Yeah, there won't be a pie in the sky."
     "If there are reliable people in relatives, you can come and report, but the people in the outer village must live in the village.
     They are usually not allowed to go out, and they must also have people in the village to guarantee."
     In order not to leak, Ye-Jing-hong thought of all the accidents, and also made some precautions against possible problems.
     "The king wants to know the news in the afternoon." Qin-Yumo added another sentence when he left.
     "Yes, Humble-One, let's go." It's not stupid, and the recruitment is too big. He can't do it alone.
     "Cow 2nd Brother, you are left." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     The cow nodded twice and did not follow the inside.
     "2nd-gongzi, you said." Because there is Qin-Yumo, ‘Nu Er seems to be somewhat restrained.
     "How about the human nature of the villagers in the village, I don't know. So, when I am recruiting, I hope that the cow 2nd Brother can help me with Wangye and Wangye." Ye-Jing-hong smiles more sincerely. .
     "What kind of nature in the village, I know clearly. 2nd-gongzi, Wangye rest assured, I will help you to check well." The two -es are more straight, and when you listen to Ye-Jing-hong, your heart will secretly Cheer up. 2nd-gongzi This is to value him, and he will delegate such an important thing to him.
     After ‘Nu Er hurried away, Qin-Yumo looked at her gently, "The second batch of cotton and silk are all shipped, and I am not far from my own, there is something, there will be people there. Come over and help."
     “Thank you.” Ye-Jing-hong subconsciously answered, but after receiving the dissatisfaction of Qin-Yumo, she moved the topic awkwardly. “I want the craftsman, don’t know that Wangye has found a reliable candidate? ”
     "People have already given up to the dry, this is their selling deeds." Said, the blast over there has been very impressive to hand over a stack of paper.
     Ye-Jing-hong took a look after taking it, and he was happy again.
     Qin-Yumo This collaborator is really reliable.
     “Wangye did it first. Since people are here, I am going to be busy. I can’t delay the opening after a month.” Ye-Jing-hong is also an acute one. Although Bu Zhuang and Xiu Zhuang are prepared to fight, in fact, these are her hobbies and interests.
     She can use modern technology and return to her old business. She feels happy more than ever.
     Qin-Yumo naturally sees her happiness in her eyes, and she has a care in her heart.
     "If you can't catch up, then delay some later, don't have to sell your life to do it." He replied slowly.
     “Not tired.” Ye-Jing-hong was full of confidence, and she rushed out. “As long as there are people, it’s still very fast, but the output may be lower.”
     “No problem.” Qin-Yumo said with a smile.
     Ye-Jing-hong gratefully looked at him, "Wangye is free."
     Qin-Yumo nodded.
     The atmosphere of the two people is getting more and more tacit, more unfamiliar and polite than the original, now Ye-Jing-hong has also relaxed a lot of vigilance against him. At this point, Qin-Yumo is very happy.
     Ye-Jing-hong The first thing to do is to go to the embroidered village and the cloth village to see, the people of Embroidery-Niang and weaving have already started working, and the dyeing room not far away is also busy.
     Not Ye-Jing-hong Careful eyes, she has already let Qianlin buy a large number of young Darens back in her hands, and they are all people who are dragging their families. After half a year of training, these people are naturally very loyal to her.
     It’s better to use one own people than someone else, so if anything involves core technology, she will give it to someone she trusts. For example, to dye the fabric, Ye-Jing-hong is equipped with several kinds of fuels, and then they do it. As for the dirty work, the Qin-Yumo people did it.
     Embroidery is the same, suture, simple embroidery is done for Embroidery-Niang, although she will not be the past guidance, but it will not teach too much, exquisite embroidery, she is to Tao-shi Done.
     There are many people in Zhuangzi, so Tao-shi and others have also escaped from the work of preparing socks, so they are dedicated to helping Ye-Jing-hong to manage the work of Embroidery.
     “These cassava should be repeatedly smashed and squeezed, then add the grass juice and rice soup, and finally add the cloth to soak the brush, at least five times.” Ye-Jing-hong confess to his own people, ingredients and dyes In cooperation, she chose five people from her own. Each person mastered the proportion of ingredients, while the process of brushing and beating and drying was assigned to ordinary workers.
     In this way, the confidentiality of the technology is guaranteed to a large extent.
     Lizheng’s movements were also very fast. At noon, he had already returned the opinions of the villagers. As Ye-Jing-hong asks, the people who can come are all the most loyal and most loyal people in the village.
     “In order to facilitate management, you must live in our staff area and be close to the factory,” says Ye-Jing-hong.
     Can live in the building? The villagers who came over were happy.
     "If you agree, you signed the agreement." Ye-Jing-hong asked Qian Lin to read the agreement.
     "If we work honestly, isn't it worth selling?" Some villagers asked cautiously. It’s good to be able to make money, but they are not willing to sell themselves as nubi for the sake of money.
     "That is of course." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     "If you divulge the news here, the king will never be light. Even if you get a windfall, you have to think about whether you have the life to spend. Of course, if anyone threatens you behind, you can naturally tell the housekeeper, Ben. Wang will be the master of you." It is rare that Qin-Yumo, who usually does not like to talk, takes the initiative to open his mouth.
     The villagers saw the shackles of the king, and they were scared.
     "Don't be afraid, as long as you are doing something safe, you will have nothing to do. And you will also live a life different from usual." Ye-Jing-hong began to sing a red face.
     The villagers heard it, but it was not. Everyone was relieved and returned to the state of mind.
     With the addition of fresh blood, Ye-Jing-hong will soon be able to live out.
     The production of multi-spinning spinning cars in the factory has accelerated the knitting process of the cloth.
     After more than a month of preparation, Ye-Jing-hong created amazing products that no one outside knew.
     The opening day finally arrived. In the middle of the downtown area, there were three shops opened at the same time.
     The store opened quite high-profile. I heard that even the king who did not ask the world came out because he was one of the shareholders of the shop.
     And another shareholder is surprisingly able to drop his eyes, he is the famous rogue the Heir Qin-Liluo.
     "Congratulations, congratulations." Whether it is the king or the Heir, these two people are all not irritating.
     At the back of the store, there are two of them who are doing the backing.
     The family members of the large and small officials in the capital have all come to cheer.
     The gift is not acceptable, but the human condition is still coming. In particular, some people need to settle the king or Ping Wang.
     They are all cutting their heads to join in the fun.
     Under such a large propaganda, even the owner of the embroidered village, Lu Duke, Madam, came with the Miss in the house.
     "Congratulations." There are also Qin-Liluo usual friends and friends to come and join in the fun.
     Qin-Liluo was even better at the door after the ribbon-cutting. Anyway, this is the first personal achievement of Noble Heir. He is very valued.
     Everyone saw it, and even surrounded him and praised him for a while, his tail was tilted up.
     Compared with Qin-Liluo high-profile, Qin-Yumo performance is very low-key. He stands quietly on the side of the shop, and his cold eyes make everyone dare not pass.
     “Congratulations to Heir for opening a new store.” Xiao -Jinse came with a slap in the face with Yatou.
     "How to say it, this shop Heir is only a shareholder, the real owner is there." Qin-Liluo sent a white eye. I also pointed to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Hey, fox! Xiao -Jinse doesn't like Ye-Jing-hong, but she doesn't dare to offend Qin-Liluo, and she doesn't dare to provoke Qin-Yumo, so she rarely has to look for Ye-Jing-hong's embarrassment. "Since it is a shareholder, it is also one of the owners."
     The words Qin-Liluo love to listen, he smiled and did not object.
     "How come you still don't open the door?" Qin Ying-Ying-Ying-Jing-hong, she was still open when she opened. Nothing else, this shop has the blood of the younger brother. If she does not come as a sister, I am afraid I can’t say it.
     "This Heir sees your performance, buys more, this Heir can make more money, a single mouth is good to say, on the bright face to make this Heir difficult to be a man." Sure enough, the threat of hooligans Out.
     On the side of Qin the heart was eager to pretend not to hear, but she could not leave, and a person with Yatou stood there and only looked sulking.
     "Of course."
     “Summer is coming, the summer is about to add summer clothes, and the fabric is definitely indispensable.”
     Everyone knows that Qin-Liluo is a mixed person, so when they hear what he said, they all rushed to express their loyalty.
     Such a scene, Qin-Liluo looked very satisfied with nature.
     "2nd-gongzi, what do you say to us?" Ye-Jing-hong is also surrounded by several children.
     Don't look at Cheng Ruibo mouth and dismiss Ye-Jing-hong, but he opened the day and he pulled all his mother and long princess out.
     The rest of the little fat guys also brought out the son-in-law.
     In short, today's shop door gathers most of the honorable son-in-law in the capital.
     Lu Duchess saw the lively scene and felt a little anxious.
     The business of Embroidery and Bu Zhuang is very profitable. Most of the expenses in her house are counting on these two shops. But now, the opponent of Ye-Jing-hong is coming out, what can I do?
     If the owner is only Ye-Jing-hong, Lu Duchess will not be so anxious, the key is that Ye-Jing-hong's collaborators are too strong. One is the King of Ding, which is respected by the people, and the other is the Heir, the official of the people who talks about it, and which one she can't provoke.
     I only hope that the quality of the fabrics and embroidery of Ye-Jing-hong will be poor. In that case, the business of Yizhuang Zhuang will not be affected.
     "Congratulations to the king, the Heir." A Miss came over and saluted Qin-Liluo and Qin-Yumo.
     "Go, don't put Heir in with him." Qin-Liluo said with dissatisfaction, if he didn't look at the opening today, he wouldn't turn his face.
     "As it happens, the king does not like to be with the rogue." Qin-Yumo is also floating in the air.
     "Who are you talking about?" Qin-Liluo was furious and almost rolled up his sleeve and rushed to Qin-Yumo.
     "Whoever responds is who." Qin-Yumo replied lazily, but he didn't even give him one.
     "Don't think that you are a Prince, this Heir will have no way to take you." Qin-Liluo has never bought anyone account, let alone retreating in front of someone who looks at the most disrespectful.
     Miss, who made a big mistake, said that he had been scared to hide aside.
     "The Heir, Wangye, today is the day of opening, can't see blood." Ye-Jing-hong quickly brought a few little guys to come.
     "Hey." Qin-Liluo was stopped by her, but she didn't continue to make trouble. Maybe she wanted to get a jackpot.
     Ye-Jing-hong is a little relieved.
     "Please Wangye the Heir open the door to meet the wealthy people." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and continued to stare at him.
     "You have more things." Qin-Liluo, showing his dissatisfaction.
     Qin-Yumo opened the door of the shop with carelessness. Qin-Liluo saw that he was falling behind and quickly rushed to open the other door.
     "All come here." Qin-Liluo swears at the people outside.
     Everyone listened at a glance at Qin-Yumo.
     Qin-Yumo looks like a smile, and everyone looks at it. Everyone footsteps are involuntarily standing still, and they have to go to the shop. It seems that whoever chooses will offend one person.
     Ye-Jing-hong also opened a shop door and saw the embarrassment of everyone. She had to stand up.
     "Oh, the Heir is joking, so let me come here with me. Here is mainly selling fabrics. I don't know if there are things that Madam Miss likes. Wangye Don't you mind? "Ye-Jing-hong has a headache and is old."


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