Separated Marriage 75

Novels    »  I Am Separated From This Marriage  »   Chapter 75 : Yu Yan remembered a conversation with Coco.  

         Coco said,
         Xiao Yun was unwilling to divorce, and even came to her several times, which shows that he is intentional, right?
         If not, why did he come to see her?
         This makes Yu Yan want to laugh.
         When one person appears in front of another as they please, that does not necessarily mean like or care, it also has another meaning, don't care.
         Thinking of you, come. If you don't remember, you won't come.
         Before he came, he wouldn't think. What would happen if I went? Will the other person be angry or happy, or leave him with hurtful words, will he be afraid of being hurt?
         If not, what will happen.
         I won't go because I can't escape the miss.
         Xiao Yun did whatever he wanted.
         Therefore, even if he came to protect her with a look of panic at the moment, she could only regard it as a regret "because of him."
         "Are you all right? Where did you hurt?"
         Yu Yan asked the man to come and help her hand. She propped up in front of the car. The crutch had already fallen to the ground because of the accident just now.
         Seeing the driver who wanted to come and go again, Xiao Yun came out of hiding.
         The woman's refusal made Xiao Yun's palm froze, and he frowned, "I just look to see if you were hurt?"
         "No," she said decisively, "I'm fine."
         "..." He rubbed his forehead a little irritably, bent over and picked up the crutch, handed it to Yu Yan, Yu Yan took it, "Thank you. If it's all right, I'll go first. Please, don't give me Cause unnecessary trouble. "
         Yu Yan held a cane and bypassed Xiao Yun to the bus platform. With a little movement of her feet, she frowned, as if the twisted one just hurt her ankle again. She didn't want to show weakness in front of Xiao Yun, and quickly left on a crutch.
         Xiao Yun looked back and saw the slender and tender back of Yu Yan, and a large black mark on the small arm under his elbow.

         After returning home, Yu Yan found an injury on her arm, and a large piece of blue. It hurt when she touched it, and she didn't even feel it when she touched it. She didn't know how it hurt, the only accident should be just now.
         This kind of Wuqing does not need medicine, and it is not easy to dissipate. Yuyan didn't care. I just hope that the ankle injury won't have a big impact, and it can get better soon.
         As for Xiao Yun, she was helpless in addition to her distress.
         She knew what Xiao Yun wanted to do, and who could stop it?
         But what was he thinking? Not divorced? ridiculous.
         Xiao Yun returned to Xiao Zhai, and his aunt said that Father Xiao and Mother Xiao went for a walk outside. He made a noise and went upstairs.
         Take off the bow tie and throw the shirt aside, revealing a strong and sexy back.
         He went directly into the bathroom and stood under the shower, the cold water dripped down, but in his mind, from time to time, he remembered the figure that Yu Yan was carrying when he left, and the injury on her arm ...
         He didn't want to hurt her, it was an accident that caught him by surprise.
         He threw a bath towel.
         He took the bathrobe naked, put it on, and poured a glass of red wine.
         Before the sunset had set, and the world was busy, he felt annoying and disturbing.
         When he went downstairs again, he had changed into all-black casual clothes, white slippers, and half-dry hair.
         He saw Ling Lin reading a magazine on the sofa in the front living room.
         The aunt brought coffee from the kitchen and saw Xiao Yun standing on the stairs, saying, "Master, Madam Guo is here again."
         Xiao Yun said nothing.
         Ling Lin heard the news, closed the magazine, looked at it, and smiled and said, "Xiao Yun."
         Xiao Yun walked over to sit down, and her aunt made another cup of coffee.
         He took a sip.
         Ling Lin said  :  "I heard that Aunt Xiao and Uncle Xiao went out for a walk. They have a good relationship. I haven't seen them fight for so long."
         Xiao Yun smiled, and lacked interest  :  "Um."
         "By the way, are you and Yu Yan okay? I heard that you haven't been very good lately, you really want to divorce? In fact, girls are very coquettish, so you coax, Yu Yan must be back.
         Xiao Yun had a meaning  :  "How to coax?"
         Ling Lin said aloud  :  "... how to coax? You see what Yu Yan likes, you buy what to give her, she is happy, naturally reconciled!"
         Xiao Yun thought that he gave his entire net worth to Yu Yan. He didn't want Yu Yan. He sent flowers to the trash can. His clothes and jewelry never moved. He went to her in person and got cold eyes. How can you coax this?
         He shook his head. "Forget it."
         Ling Lin hesitated and asked, "Are you really going to divorce? Why is it so sudden?"
         "Who said this?"
         "Oh, I was not careful, I heard people say. You haven't answered me yet, do you really want to divorce? But you have only been married for three years, did Uncle Xiao and Aunt Xiao agree?"
         Xiao Yun supported her jaw and did not answer immediately.
         Ling Lin sighed.
         Xiao Yun shook his head and smiled  :  "We are not divorced."
         "I am redeeming my marriage with Yu Yan."
         Ling Lin paused unexpectedly  :  "Redemption? You and Yu Yan, Yu Yan she ..."
         "Well, I don't want to divorce. Do you know what girls generally like?"
         Ling Lin smiled  :  "Where would I know? Everyone likes things differently, not to mention I'm not very familiar with Yu Yan, I don't know ..."
         Xiao Yun shrugged and didn't care.
         He did the same with Yu Yan. The driver didn’t withdraw, and he would pass by occasionally. Of course, he could only watch from a distance, or let the driver talk, at least let Yu Yan know that he had been there.
         Although all this did not make their contradictions more rigid, of course, they were not alleviated in the slightest.
         Until the day before the National Day holiday, everything was peaceful.
         Yu Yan's foot was mostly injured. Although walking is still a little problem, at least no crutches are needed.
         The day before the holiday, the students' state of class was not good. Because of the expectations and excitement of the holiday, their hearts flew long ago. Yu Yan set up holiday homework on the podium and explained the precautions for the holiday. School bags, ready to run out of the classroom at any time, to welcome the release.
         Yu Yan no longer said much, said after class, let them go to the playground to line up for school.
         Yu Yan walked to the back and checked whether the doors and windows were closed.
         Zhou Min came to her and said, "Sister Yu Yan, where do you want to go in a while, shall we take you back?"
         Yu Yan looked at Zhou Min unexpectedly, she smiled  :  "No, I'm very convenient to catch a car here, you don't need to send me specially. Besides, we are in two directions. If you come here once, you have to delay more than one Hour. What a hassle, really no need. "
         "What's that? Anyway, it's early in the morning today, I'll take you home again, my dinner isn't ready yet! I should go out for a walk, right?"
         Yu Yan couldn't understand Zhou Min's logic. "You can rest assured that your car will not be comfortable for a long time. Besides, you are still a pregnant woman. Don't worry about me. I won't be able to rent it out by myself."
         Zhou Min pouted his lips, "All right. Let's go out later?"
         Yu Yan smiled and answered well.
         Yu Yan still waited with Zhou Min after leaving the school.
         Zhou Min could probably guess some, curious and couldn't help but want to ask, Yu Yan smiled  :  "I know you are curious, not because I don't want to say, but think that it is no longer necessary."
         When she said that, her smile was a little fuzzy.
         Zhou Min nodded, "I know, I don't ask. I just can't help being a little curious ... a little." She smiled cutely, compared to a short section of fingernails.
         Yu Yan said, "Let's go, your husband is in a hurry."
         They walked towards the school gate.
         Yu Yan saw a bunch of people standing outside the school gate. However, the students have left, and it is impossible for them to be parents.
         Zhou Min said, "Sister Yu Yan, are you going to travel on National Day?"
         Yu Yan looked back and said, "No, my feet are not good, and it is not convenient to travel. I may go back to my parents' home for two days, or go shopping with friends."
         "It's good. I might go to my mother-in-law's house for a few days and say it was to give me a baby. I'm so annoying. It's not as comfortable as we live!"
         Yu Yanling thought of Xiao's mother for a while. She hadn't seen her for a while, and Xiao's father didn't know how their health was. It should be fine, after all, there is a doctor to take care of it.
         She was a little stunned, and smiled. "You try to get along, it's really impossible, just a few days."
         Zhou Min  :  "Yes, I can only think so, but hope not to quarrel or anything, you don't know me and my mother-in-law ..."
         As they walked out of the school, Yu Yan was attracted by Xiao Cao on the road. She glanced at it and wondered if Xiao Yun had said it. He would not wait for her to come back a few times in the past, and saved her instead. Some trouble.
         Zhou Min was still complaining in her ear.
         She persuaded softly, and suddenly heard a familiar voice saying "Yu Yan is here", she was at a loss for a moment and called her?
         At this moment, those people who turned their backs turned to God together, Yu Yan turned his head and saw the male security guard standing at a high place. He was greeting her and smiling at her.
         "Mr Yu! They are here to interview you!"
         The next instant, like fireworks exploded, the sound was like a roar, making peace disappear completely!
         Yu Yan only saw the reporters who rushed to her. There were men and women. Holding flashlights and cameras, the microphone was plugged into her face—
         "Are you Xiao Yun's wife Yu Yan? Is it true that you are divorcing?"
         "How much property do you want to divide ..."
         "Why are you divorcing? Is it because of the scandal between Xiao Dao and Xue Er?"
         "Yuyan ..."
         "Yuyan ..."
         "Yu Yan, are you pregnant? Do you have Xiao Dao's baby?"

         Chapter 76 : "Yu Yan,  

         Who is the child in your stomach? Do you want to divorce because the child is not Xiao Xiao? "
         "Yuyan ..."
         "Yuyan ..."
         Overwhelming questions are accompanied by slander.
         Have you seen a bad wolf eater?
         Yu Yan felt that at this moment he was the food he was staring at, he was robbed, and he was torn. The eyes of these people were green, and he wanted to grab the most delicious meal.
         The microphone was poked on her face, bumped her forehead, and the strong light flashed, making her invisible and inevitable.
         She stepped back, trying to escape, but these people surrounded her every minute, every moment.
         Divided property? A fortune?
         child? The child is not Xiao Xiao ... Who is the child? She has no children, derailed? !!
         Child——Yu Yan was sober and sober. She turned her head to look for Zhou Min, who was holding her arm tightly. She was scared to cry, her cheek was stretched, her hand was blocked in front, her mouth said no, no ... What is not They ignore it and just want to get their own answer.
         Want to hide, people in all directions are people, machines, relentless questioning!
         Yu Yan felt her heart tightened, and she turned to protect Zhou Min, which seemed to stimulate something again. The microphone was moved closer, the voice was louder, and all came forward in a crowded way.
         Yu Yan's voice became a flat boat in the lonely sea  :  
         "You get out first, and I will answer your questions."
         "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze anymore ..."
         "I'll answer, you get out of here!"
         "There are pregnant women here, there are pregnant women, she has nothing to do with Xiao Yun ... let her go ..."
         "Security! Security!"
         She screamed exhaustedly, and turned into an excited blessing. They did not retreat, but were more excited to crowd forward!
         Yu Yan has never experienced such a battle, all her words were ignored, buried, and drowned in waves of ups and downs.
         Zhou Min was frightened. She was emotional and scared. She didn't understand what happened to these people. She said that she wasn't, that it had nothing to do with her, and that she didn't know, but they didn't listen.
         She hid in melancholy arms, protecting her belly.
         "Sister Yu Yan."
         "Sister Yu Yan ..."
         "Sister Yu Yan, I, my stomach hurts ..."
         "my tummy hurts!"
         stomachache? Yu Yan became even more panicked. "Don't be too excited. Calm down. They are not here for you. Don't be afraid. Calm down!"
         Zhou Min breathed a few breaths and said with a crying voice, "Ah! No, no, I still hurt, it hurts ..."
         She slipped to the ground.
         "Child, my baby, sister ..."
         Yu Yan couldn't hold her, supported her hard and couldn't sit on the ground. In this situation, she would definitely hurt more. She was so anxious to cry that she had never experienced such a battle and seemed to have encountered a group of unreasonable people. Barbara, she even feels that she is not human at this moment, it is just a secret thing, they have to pry open her, cut open her, and search every inch of valuable information.
         She had never been so helpless and helpless.
         Weak and small.
         Tears couldn't hold back, and the heart trembled.
         For the first time, she hated Xiao Yun.
         Xiao Yun was in the office, and Assistant Chen rushed in without knocking on the door. His eyebrows were impatiently disturbed. "What's the matter?"
         "Miss Yu is in trouble!"
         He handed his mobile phone to Xiao Yun, with the latest entertainment news—Xiao Yun's wife, Yu Yan, surfaced, blocked in front of the school, and had an accidental abortion.
         Xiao Yun's face froze. He stood up suddenly, his face terrified  :  "Where is she now?"
         He walked out quickly and ordered  :  "Notify the Ministry of Information to remove the news about Yu Yan; contact the hospital and send the best doctor there; the reporter who went today ..."
         Assistant Chen knew it  :  "I will write it all down and ask how they learned the news."
         "What news is there over Yu Yan?"
         "I don't know, it's very confusing. I called to find Xiao Cao, but unfortunately could not be reached for the time being."
         Entering the elevator, Xiao Yun was silent.
         Assistant Chen arranged the order in turn, glanced at Xiao Yun, the man's jaw was tight, his body was stiff, and he tried to restrain the stiffness.
         Nervous, at least when he saw the news of Yu Yan's miscarriage, he was also shy.
         The car galloped towards the hospital.
         Xiao Yun was lying with her eyes closed, her mind was disordered.
         abortion? It was a word he had never thought of, or a word related to Yu Yan.
         He thought a lot in his head, and it seemed like a blank, the only hope was that Yu Yan was good, and the child who did not know when he arrived.
         If the old lady knew it, she would be happy ...
         It seems that it is not bad to have a child born with depression.
         He did not imagine that exclusion, but jumped with joy and excitement that he had not even found.
         He asked, "Is there any news from the hospital?"
         Assistant Chen  :  "It is said to be inspecting, and the situation should not be at its worst."
         He rubbed his forehead. "Yuyan, she must be terrified ..."
         "Yes, I heard that dozens of reporters blocked the entrance to the school. Ms Yu has not experienced this and must have been frightened."
         Xiao Yun's face sank. Although he did not know who leaked the news, he would not stop there.
         In front of the hospital building, the outside was already full of reporters. Fortunately, Assistant Chen had already sent a security guard before this. The car slowly drove into the main building. Xiao Yun got out of the car, undressed his sleeves, and reached his elbows. Wheat-colored skin, he squinted at the reporter who was stopped far away.
         He quickly entered the main building and was led by a man in a black suit to the obstetrics and gynecology department.
         He moves very fast, wants to see Yu Yan soon, see her soon, and confirm that they are safe.
         Around the long corridor, a group of people came to the door of the ward.
         Lin Hangyi waited anxiously outside the door, his body was not so neat and tidy, and he was messy after being pulled. Suddenly seeing Xiao Yun, he stood up in surprise  :  Yu Yan is really Xiao Yun's wife?
         Xiao Cao was also there, and it didn't look much better than Lin Hangyi.
         Seeing Xiao Yun and Assistant Chen, he stepped forward with guilt and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not doing good ..."
         Xiao Yun didn't want to listen to this and asked directly  :  "Yuyan is in it? What's the situation?"
         Xiao Cao made a noise and looked into the ward  :  "Mrs Xiao is not inside, she, she ..." He looked around, "Mrs Xiao said just now to go to the bathroom, but she hasn't come back yet. I, my cell phone is helping people It's time ... "
         Xiao Yun  :  "..."
         Lin Hangyi asked, "Did you have any misunderstandings? It was my wife Zhou Min, not Mr Yu, who almost miscarried."
         Xiao Yun blinked and blinked. For a while, he didn't respond. He suddenly turned to look at Assistant Chen, and Assistant Chen lowered his head  :  "I'm not too clear about this ... sorry, this is a mistake in my work."
         Xiao Yun held Assistant Chen, "You stay and help."
         Xiao Yun went to Yu Yan.
         There was no one waiting in the bathroom, and the call was unanswered. I found nowhere, and I didn't know where to hide.
         No one was found, which made Xiao Yun furious.
         Rubbing his forehead, he suddenly remembered that before her father had surgery, she avoided crying.
         Glancing at the closed corridor door, he walked quickly.
         The woman's back was against him, her figure was slender and fragile, and her long white dress was stained with gray stains, and her buns were half scattered and messy.
         She bowed her head, shaking slightly.
         She didn't find anyone coming.
         In the quiet atmosphere, the woman's extremely depressive sobbing could be heard.
         Xiao Yun stepped forward, silently hugged her into her arms, and patted her on the not-so-wide back. "Okay, it's okay."
         He felt the body in his arms stiffen for a moment, then she looked up and looked down, and he looked down, seeing the tear-stained eyes, clear and bright, blocking the deeper emotions that he couldn't see through.
         There are obvious red marks on the corners of the mouth and forehead, which should be injured in the dispute.
         Xiao Yun  :  "Rest assured, I have let people deal with it, and this situation will never happen again."
         The next moment-Yu Yan shoved away!
         Xiao Yun stepped back two steps, stunned!
         Yu Yan stood steadily, rubbing his eyes with his fingers, his eyes were clean.
         The fragility just now has disappeared, and a fence that refuses people thousands of miles away has risen, as if Xiao Yun's illusion.
         She stared at Xiao Yun, with seriousness he had never seen before, and an emotion that he could not understand.
         Xiao Yun knew that she was angry. After going through such incidents, being angry was taken for granted.
         He smiled and didn't mind  :  "Yu Yan, I'm sorry, this time it was my negligence, I didn't expect this to happen."
         Yu Yan froze her lips coldly, thinking of the desperation that was enclosed, thinking of Zhou Min crying in her ears, crying for pain, crying for help, and the warm blood on her fingers, thinking of stigmatizing questions again and again, and thinking of being better It hurts.
         And all this is because of the person in front of him.
         She never hated a person like that, hated him, and wished she would never see him again!
         "Of course you can't think of it, because you never care! You have always been lonely. I have said many times to keep you from disturbing my life, but you don't listen! You promised me that I would divorce before, but you just change it temporarily! Just because you don't want to be reluctant? What about me? What do you think of me! Is it a tool for you Xiao Yun? "
         "Xiao Yun, I really regret it."
         "You get out, don't show up in front of me again!"
         "I don't want to see you again."
         "No, this life, the next life, I will never see you again and again!"
         "Please, leave!"

         Chapter 77 : The last day of September,  

         In the evening, the air was still hot and impetuous.
         The reporters around the hospital's entrance were all dispersed, and the reports and rumors on the Internet were also withdrawn. They heard that it was not Mrs Xiao who had the abortion but another female colleague who had a misunderstanding; The rumors are also false. At the same time, Xiao's lawyer's letter has been sent to more than a dozen newspapers involved in the campus interview.
         The sky was completely dark, and the sky was gray-blue, without the bright moon and stars, like a lonely and quiet mime.
         Assistant Chen glanced at the time, ten thirty in the evening.
         Usually at this time, Xiao Yun was either entertaining or already at home, but today he is in the office again-he has never been out since he returned from the hospital.
         He glanced at the door of the office, but there was no light in the crack.
         When can we get off work at this time? Assistant Chen supported his chin, thinking boringly.
         Ding Ding Ding——
         The captain of the security room called and asked, "What's the matter?"
         "The cameras and camcorders I collected from the reporter were taken back. What should I do?"
         Considering that it was not good for the photos and videos to flow out, they robbed all the machines at the time, which hindered Xiao's and rational loss, and they dared not anger.
         Assistant Chen came in spirit. "Just bring the memory card up."
         "it is good."
         The captain personally delivered things to the top-floor office building and packed them in a small black bag in turn. Assistant Chen took it and said, "Tomorrow will go to the finance department to receive the bonus, everyone has it."
         The captain laughed  :  "Okay! Chen Zhu rest assured, everything is here, I personally hold it, no one dares to peek."
         Assistant Chen nodded in satisfaction and let the other party go downstairs.
         He had no use holding these things. After thinking about it, he still gave it to Xiao Yun. He felt it necessary for Xiao Yun to see it himself.
         The office was dark and only a desk lamp was lit on the desk.
         Xiao Yun was sitting on a chair, leaning on the back of his chair, his eyes closed, and there was a blurry silhouette under the dim light, as if he was asleep?
         "General Xiao?"
         Xiao Yun moved his fingers, his voice was low  :  "What's the matter?"
         "Photos and videos of previous interviews are sent."
         Assistant Chen put things on the desk, Xiao Yun opened his eyes and glanced, raised his hand to signal that Assistant Chen could go, Assistant Chen stopped talking and left.
         Xiao Yun stared at the black plastic bag for a while, and finally reached for it, took one casually, inserted it into the computer.
         He heard the news that Yu Yan was blocked from other people. He saw the wound on Yu Yan in the hospital and saw her crying sadly, but these were less than one tenth of the reality.
         ... women's request and explanation, the microphone slammed into the face again and again, and even when they were forced to lie down on the ground, the questioning and the microphone did not leave half a minute! That slender figure, in the lens can only see the sporadic white figure blocked by the microphone ...
         ...... The security guard and Xiao Cao went to pull people. He saw the sad face guarded by others being trampled several times, saw her panic complexion, scared and flustered, and shouted a few words in his mouth  :  ambulance, ambulance ...
         ... Before leaving, she suddenly turned around. Eyes swept in sequence, despite the messy hair, the scars staggered, and the tears on her face were still dry. In those bright eyes, there was a fire that was enough to burn down-her eyes and the camera looked at each other. Xiao Yun felt she was looking at herself.
         He pressed the pause button.
         Yu Yan's face was fixed, not very beautiful, but unexpectedly lively.
         Even the hair flying up the cheeks has been given a vitality of life.
         It's beautiful.
         This graceful slenderness hides shocking aggression!
         The woman was reluctant to see his words like a curse, and appeared in his ears from time to time, making him restless.
         That decisive attitude is resolute like never before! He never seen it before.
         Make him scared.
         Not even the rejection and hatred in the other's eyes.
         Let him ...
         He covered his chest, weird and uncomfortable.
         Xiao Yun went inside and asked Assistant Chen to come in and ask him if he was back home?
         "No." Assistant Chen said, "Ms Yu is in the hospital. Zhou Min has had a flatulence, and there are signs of miscarriage. The hospital recommends bed rest, and she is discharged after a period of observation. Ms Yu is not assured and stays. In fact, I feel depressed. The lady is apologetic to Zhou. Another thing is that she was frightened today and can't rest assured. Mr Xiao is assured that I have explained to the hospital. All of them are the best, with the best doctors and care. I hope Zhou Min will get better soon. "
         "How's the reporter doing? Where did you find the news?"
         "It hasn't been heard for the time being, but it is said that the news was heard from others. As for where, there is still to be verified." Anyway, there are only a few people, it is not difficult to find out, it just takes some time and gives you enough temptation.
         He leaned back to the chair tiredly, lit a cigarette, and when he was done with smoking, he suddenly got up and took out his coat and went out.
         Assistant Chen followed. "General Xiao, where are we going?"
         However, at the hospital, Xiao Yun did not immediately go to see Yu Yan.
         He sat in the car, looking across the window from the hospital door, and the whole man was hidden in the darkness.
         This sitting, it was early in the night.
         He never went in and didn't call Yu Yan.
         Assistant Chen found himself more and more unable to understand Xiao Yun. Such a silent look was definitely not Xiao Yun's style of work!
         He should, like the previous few times, call people directly whenever and wherever possible, let alone worry about what the other person is doing. As long as he wants and he wants, what does he need to care about?
         Not like this now ...
         In the early morning cold wind, Assistant Chen shivered.
         It's almost seven o'clock.
         Xiao Yun saw Yu Yan walk out of the hospital door. Her foot was injured twice, more serious than before. Holding a cane, Wu Qing on her face looked more terrible after one night. Her hair dropped and covered her cheek. Bruises.
         The eyes were red and swollen, and howling, and there was another strange firmness.
         His eyes were deep, as if to swallow a person's stomach.
         It's like being in a state of breath, and it's difficult to stagnate.
         Yu Yan walked to the side of the road and stopped a rental car.
         He ordered in a deep voice  :  "Follow me."

         Chapter 78 : "Xiao Yun and Yu Yan are going to divorce" and "Yu Yan was forced to abortion and hospitalized"  

         It's not small, at least before Xiao's hands down the news, there has been a big hit on the Internet! Even after the news was withdrawn, there should be no reduction in the amount of discussion.
         Ling Lin also saw the news online.
         The news that Yu Yan almost miscarried because she was overwhelmed was shocked. Yu Yan is pregnant? Pregnant before divorce? So is this why Xiao Yun does not want a divorce?
         She rubbed her forehead with a headache. If something happened to Yu Yan, Xiao Yun would definitely not agree to divorce because of guilt. But if you don’t bother, divorce will be easier.
         Guo Hang hurriedly came to Ling Lin, told the news he heard and Ling Lin said, "What's going on? Mrs Xiao and Mr Xiao are going to divorce? The reporter went to the place where Mrs Xiao took classes to block them out ... The hospital! "
         Ling Lin said  :  "What are you in a hurry? After entering the hospital, your own doctor will help. Don't worry, it's okay."
         "What's all right? Look at the news of this abortion!"
         "Isn't that going to the hospital yet? We can get medical treatment in a timely manner, and we outsiders are useless in anxiety."
         Guo Hang looked at Ling Lin with a bit of disappointment in his eyes. "How to say this Mrs Xiao is also very good. Something went wrong, and we should take care of it. Besides, this time, these media did not do it right, so they tried to persecute a handless chicken. The weak woman who was powerful also sent people to the hospital and affected innocent lives. It was too mean to do so! This is to be condemned! "
         Ling Lin looked weird. She pursed her lips and looked at Guo Hang. "Since you're so worried, let's find some time, let's go to the hospital?"
         Guo Hang was apprehensive and didn't pay much attention. "The hospital is going, but the old lady and Mr Xiao must not be stimulated by the news. Their health is already bad ..."
         Ling Lin said  :  "Rest assured, Aunt Xiao and Uncle Xiao don't like to use mobile phones. As long as no one says this, they won't know it. No one dares to go and chew the tongue in front of the elderly."
         "That's good, that's good."
         Guo Hang originally planned to go to the hospital a few days before something happened, and his mood and body needed rest. Who knew it was only a short while before they saw the news of rumors.
         Xiao’s official website personally rumored that the rumors about divorce were false, but the school gate incident was real. Some people did a bad incident because of over-access by some unscrupulous media. The party involved was another female colleague. , Now the hospital is conducting treatment. The media involved in the incident will take legal measures to hold them accountable.
         Such a turn surprised Guo Hang and said, "I said, I think Mrs Xiao and President Xiao were eating out together last time. They had a good relationship. Why did they suddenly get divorced? I don't know the woman who was hit. How are your colleagues? "
         He looked at Ling Lin and saw that she was watching the news with a serious look.
         Guo Hang  :  "Then ..."
         Ling Lin put down her cell phone and said, "Since it's okay, then you don't need to go to the hospital. If it's okay, you can go."
         Guo Hang made a noise and left the office.
         Somehow, he always felt that there was something inexplicable and weird.
         Guo Hang knew that Ling Lin and Xiao Yun had been together. This is not a secret in the circle, but their contact did not last long, and they ended up breaking up.
         Later, he married her. Even though she married her, she never seemed to get her.
         I don’t know if he has too much heart. Recently, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. He knows that Ling Lin is very busy because of the appearance of Ling and Ling Yang. Of course, she also knows Ling Lin’s current purpose and ambition. She is tired and stressed. Big, heavy pressure on her, he was distressed and understood.
         But does this ... affect the relationship between husband and wife?
         Guo Hang knows that his marriage with Ling Lin has happened recently, so he considers her as much as possible, prepares surprise gifts, goes out for dinner and dinner, just to make her happy and happy, and of course, for better communication between the couple communicate with.
         But now ...
         He not sure.
         Yu Yan she walked out of the hospital.
         The sky outside was blue, and the golden light broke through the clouds and sprinkled the ground, as if it had washed away the haze of yesterday.
         She raised her hand to block the sun, and closed her eyes uncomfortably.
         After one night, she was much calmer than before.
         Zhou Min's condition is basically stable and her child is free.
         Yu Yan had no face to see her, but when she woke up she was asked to come to her. She told her that she was all right now. Don't be too blame and worry. After this situation, the child can still be strong in her belly, explaining him. Is a healthy and strong baby,
         This makes Yu Yan not sure what to do, let alone what to say.
         "But you are so bad, I like you so much and tell you everything, but you are the wife of Xiao Yun, why don’t you tell me? You have hidden me for three years! Three years, you big liar If it weren't for the shocking news, I wouldn't have been so excited! "
         Yu Yan shook her head helplessly. She was afraid later, and her nose was a little sour. She said, "Although a large part of what these reporters said was speculation and gossip, what happened to Xiao Yun and me was true. I don’t tell You, I don’t know how to explain. "
         Zhou Min opened her mouth in surprise, wondering and wondering  :  "... Ah, divorce?"
         "Yes. Don't think about it, raise your body first, take care of the children, others, etc. If you want to know afterwards, I will tell you, okay?"
         Zhou Min understood Yu Yan. She saw the injury on her face. She remembered that when she slid on the ground, her not-so-strong body had been standing in front of her, so she was almost aborted due to shock and stimulation. She was not injured much. Instead, it was melancholy. In addition to his face, there must be injuries on his body.
         Besides, the mood of sullen looks good, although she still smiled and comforted her.
         "Sister Yu Yan, I want to thank you, too, you protected us."
         Yu Yan smiled barely  :  "Stupid."
         The guilt and annoyance in her heart did not decrease at all. If it weren't for her, Zhou Min wouldn't have been so hurt; if it weren't for her, Zhou Min would not be uncomfortable in the hospital now, but at home happily thinking about the regret that she can't go out to play; if not for her, Zhou Min would not Accept this sin for no reason!
         She did not forgive herself, and couldn't forgive Xiao Yun. The accident was caused by them, and no one could get rid of the relationship.
         The only good thing is that things have not come to an irreparable step.
         on the way home.
         The driver suddenly looked in the rearview mirror several times, and his face gradually became strange.
         After a few times, he looked gloomy. The hurt and silence on his face made him wonder, a girl, leaving the hospital early in the morning ...
         "That, girl ..."
         Yu Yan was thinking wildly, she didn't hear it.
         "... Girl, girl!"
         Yu Yan looked back and looked at the driver in doubt, "What's wrong?"
         After the driver raised his chin to signal the car, he said, "You look like someone is following you, are you looking for you?"
         Yu Yan froze for a moment, without looking back, "... you said someone was following me?"
         "Yeah, I turned around a few times and the car has been following, is it your friend, or else, you go and see ...?"
         Yu Yan's first reaction was those reporters yesterday. They did not get the answers and results they wanted. It is not impossible to make a comeback. After yesterday, she was unhappy with the entertainment reporter.
         "Can you shake them off?"
         The driver nodded his chest and assured him, "Relax! My dream when I was young is to be a racer!"
         Assistant Chen was driving and followed behind Yu Yan.
         Followed, he felt wrong, the other side went around Tibet, intentionally avoiding him. He thought he had guessed wrong, and couldn't help but chase it twice more. The reaction from the other side was bigger than he thought, and his turn and speed had improved a lot. This time it is not an illusion.
         "General Xiao, they seem to find that we are following, and they want to avoid us. Do you still follow?"
         Xiao Yun closed her eyes, and her mind was a chaotic darkness. He smiled helplessly and said, "Let them go first, and then keep up quietly."
         Yu Yan clenched her hands nervously, and thought of the slander and questioning in her mind. She didn't understand why the simple thing had become another strange and terrible story through the mouth of others.
         Tightly pursed her lips, she stared out the window calmly.
         Yu Yan got out of the car at an intersection ahead of time. She watched from side to side, hurriedly walking forward with her head buried in her head.
         Xiao Yun smiled slightly with such caution.
         Assistant Chen said  :  "We should talk to Miss Yu, the reporters will not bother her again in the future, so that she can rest assured, so as not to be as worried as she is now."
         Xiao Yun looked at the gloomy back of the window, thought for a moment, and asked, "You have a good relationship with gloomy face?"
         "not good."
         "..." He smiled, "Don't be nervous, I'll just ask casually."
         "Mr Xiao misunderstood, it was really bad."
         Xiao Yun gave him a glance and smiled without saying a word.
         Assistant Chen smiled.
         The black car slowly moved along the road until Yu Yan entered the community, but no one was seen, and the car stopped by the road.
         Xiao Yun didn't get out of the car, sitting in the car with his eyes closed and meditating.
         Assistant Chen gave him a few glances, trying not to make a sound. He can see that Xiao Yun cares more about Yu Yan than before, and the emotional change is even more obvious. It is just that the two have troubled each other to this day.
         Xiao Yun suddenly said, "If Yu Yan is pregnant ..."
         Assistant Chen wondered  :  "...?"
         "It seems good too."
         He couldn't ignore the disappointment and loss rising from the bottom of his heart when he heard that Yu Yan was not pregnant. Of course, it is even more impossible to ignore the shock and panic when Yu Yan was forced to abortion.
         His affection for her exceeded expectations.
         Just like now, he dare not see her.
         Dare, Xiao Yun also had a day that he didn't dare. He was afraid of a woman, a woman who was so weak that he could lay it down with just one hand.
         Because he didn't dare, he could only sneak up behind him and take a quiet look.
         He laughed at himself.
         A little while ago, Yu Yan appeared again in front of the community.
         She had changed her outfit, pure black, with a carefully painted makeup on her face, hiding the cuts on her forehead lips under the heavy makeup. Hair rolled up, revealing a long, white neck.
         Compared with the gentleness when wearing a dress, she is more intellectual and firm at this moment.
         Holding a cane, she beckoned a rental car.
         Xiao Yun frowned strangely. She didn't sleep all night and didn't rest at home. Where was she going? Back to the hospital?
         He followed all the way until he saw Yu Yanjin at a law firm.
         He looked pale.
         No need to guess he could think that she was going to tear her face completely with him.

         Chapter 79 : Yu Yan has called to make an appointment before coming,  

         She was led into an office and poured a cup of hot tea and asked her later.
         She understands that when she called, the other party seemed to be busy and promised to come immediately. She was very grateful.
         Ten minutes later, the suit appeared calmly in front of her.
         Yu Yan has seen him several times. During the time when Yu Yu was ill, he was among those who came to visit him. But they just nodded and didn't say a few words to each other. Xiao's phone contact to her turned out to be him, which surprised Yu Yan, and when she called, she was not surprised, obviously she was well prepared.
         Did Xiao Father have expected that she and Xiao Yun would come to this stage today?
         He was polite  :  "Miss Yu."
         Yu Yan got up and nodded  :  "Mr Shen."
         "Sit down, you don't have to be polite." Shenran said, "Mr Xiao has called and asked me to help you as best I could, but he didn't say what it was. You came to me, what did you want me to do for you?"
         His calm eyes were sharp and extremely inconsistent with his gentle appearance. His eyes fell on the corners of his lips, which were covered with gloom, and yesterday news and rumors in the circle, he could already guess some.
         "Yes, I am going to divorce."
         "What do you want to do?"
         "Everything is fine, as long as you can divorce."
         He gave her the money, and she would accept it; he was not willing to give anything, and she did not force it; as long as she could get rid of the relationship with Xiao Yun, she agreed. She thought about it. What she once cared about and minded was insignificant in the face of those gossips. Who cares what the truth is?
         "Can you help me?"
         She smiled calmly  :  "Of course."
         Two hours later, Yu Yan was held out by a woman with a mild smile on her face. It seemed like a happy conversation?
         Xiao Yun's face became more ugly.
         Assistant Chen didn't hold back a secret laugh.
         The woman called Yu Yan to rent, Yu Yan got on the car and left.
         Upstairs, the man's forefinger pointed out the curtains and saw the car go.
         "She ... wants to divorce?"
         She looked pale, took a sip of tea, and hummed.
         "Mr Ling, this can involve individuals-forgive me."
         Ling Yang smiled helplessly and rubbed his chin. "If you need help, just mention it."
         "You? Help Miss Yu divorce?"
         "I'm helping you."
         Xiao Yun got out of the car and stood downstairs-Shen Ran Law Firm.
         He has heard that the fame of this private law firm has newly emerged in recent years, and it can certainly occupy a side in city C. There must be a lot behind it. As for what, he didn't know it carefully. But he knew his father had a lot to do with the lawyer's affairs. Many of his father's filings were handled by the firm's founder.
         How did Yu Yan find this place? He wondered.
         Assistant Chen said  :  "If it is a general case, Shen Ran should not take it."
         Xiao Yun gave him a glance, what does it mean?
         "If it is an ordinary divorce case, Shen Ran would not take it."
         In other words, this is not a divorce case for ordinary people, so take it calmly? What the shit is this? Thinking of Yu Yan, her rejection against him was already extremely strong, and she could not wait to die with him! His aversion to remorse shocked him.
         He ordered  :  "Go and meet me calmly."
         Assistant Chen should be.
         Xiao Yun eagerly wanted to know what Yu Yan and Shen Ran had said. Although he could guess something, he still disturbed his heart and wanted to know more authentic content.
         Assistant Chen soon got the news. The other party promised to meet him in the afternoon. The address was at Shen Ran Office.
         Xiao Yun dissatisfied  :  "Afternoon? Not immediately?"
         Assistant Chen  :  "... I'm going to have a trial in the morning without time."
         "A trial? No time? Then he saw Yu Yan?" Xiao Yun's face was even worse, "Oh!"
         Assistant Chen bowed his head and said nothing.
         It is said that women are terrible when they are unreasonable, and this man is no exception!
         Back to the company, all morning, Xiao Yun focused his energies on work. The consequence of this was that several departments followed suit, trembled, and turned their backs.
         Assistant Chen went to ask Uncle Xiao what is the relationship between Shen Ran and Mr Xiao Lao? Isn't it general business dealings?
         "Chen Ran is one of the orphans funded by the old man. The old man liked him very much. He had the idea of adoption, but then he left it alone. He also respected the old man very much and was a man who dare to fight with his life It's not easy to achieve what we have now. Why do you suddenly mention calm? "
         "You may deal with it in the future. Find out in advance. Are you prepared for a joke?"
         Uncle Xiao nodded and gave the final evaluation  :  "Chen Ran, a man who will not be afraid."
         Not being afraid means nothing can threaten him.
         This is not easy.
         In addition, he and Mr Xiao are familiar. With this layer of relationship, Xiao Yun will have some concerns when doing things.
         Xiao Yun listened to Assistant Chen's recounting and was shocked to come up with an answer  :  Yu Yan would go to Shen Ran, which was probably the result of his father's prior arrangement.
         ... Is there such a dear son?
         "Why do everyone seem to be expecting me to divorce?"
         Apparently not long ago, they were persuading peace and persuasion, but now they are all gone.
         At four o'clock that afternoon, Xiao Yun was sitting in Shen Ran's office, where Yu Yan had sat.
         Xiao Yun didn't have the time to go around with Shen Ran. He opened the door and said directly, "I came for one thing. I want to know, what did my wife tell you?"
         With a smile, she said, "This is the secret of my client. As a husband of Miss Yu, if you have any questions, you should ask her yourself."
         Why would he sit here if he could ask?
         Shen Ran said  :  "I know that there are many unpleasantness between Mr Xiao and Miss Yu, but it is really not a good thing for Miss Yu to come to the court. Others I can't tell, this involves my client after all. I I can only tell you how Miss Yu is towards you and your marriage. "
         Xiao Yun is not surprised. Yu Yan is going to divorce. Where can this attitude go? But insist on divorce.
         "Miss Yu said  :  As long as she can divorce you, she doesn't care about anything, she doesn't mind anything, she is willing to cooperate with anything." Shen Ran can still remember the firmness and unshakableness between the words when Yu Yan said this.
         "Mr Xiao, if you really feel ashamed of your wife, I think you should meet her last request. The court should soon be preparing for the first trial, and Miss Yu said she would not accept any mediation. Xiao What do you think, sir? "
         Xiao Yun lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.
         She really hated him.
         Yu Yan returned home from the office, and accidentally saw Chen Coco waiting downstairs. Yu Yan could be seen. She immediately stepped forward and said, "Yu Yan, are you all right? Where have you been? I didn't call you Go! "
         Coco also looked for Yu Yan yesterday, but Yu Yan returned a message that nothing was wrong, Coco did not bother too much. She came here today because, "... uncle and aunt found me and asked me to bring them to you. Sorry, they look worried, I don't know how to reject them."
         Yu Yan froze. "You say my parents are here?"
         "Come here, waiting for you at your doorstep." Coco said, "Listening to the aunt said that they went to the hospital to find you early in the morning, but when they didn't find it, they came to your house, and it turned out ... it seemed to be someone I said the news about you and Xiao Yun, so I came to you. "
         Yu Yan looked at the phone and found that there were a few missed calls, because she had muted the phone before in Shen Ran, and then forgot to tune it back, causing her to hear no sound.
         Coco  :  "Your feet ..."
         "It's okay." Yu Yan smiled reluctantly. "Let's go up first."
         Yu Yan and Coco went upstairs together with the elevator. Sure enough, they saw Yu Yu and Yu Yu in front of the door. They looked very worried. When they saw Yu Yan, they looked up and down. Yu Yu got angry first  :  "So what happened You don’t even tell us about big things! If I didn’t listen to the grandson upstairs, I wouldn’t know you were in the hospital again! ”
         Father Yu said, "What's the rush? Is it uncomfortable without seeing Yu Yan? Let's go ahead and talk."
         Yu Yan went to open the door, tired and unconscious to deal with the situation in front of her.
         After entering the room, Coco went to help pour over the tea. Yu Yu and Yu Yu came for the first time. After a curious look, Yu Yu said, "We have seen the colleague from your hospital. This is our sorry for her. , Our family is willing to bear the medical expenses and also apologize to her ... "
         Mother Yu said  :  "Isn't all these Xiao Yun dealt with? You come up with something to say."
         "What Xiao Yun did is what he should do. What we have to do now is what we should do. Can this be the same? Besides Yu Yan and Xiao Yun ..." Father Yu glanced at the silent Yan face, "Forget it Don't you just talk! "
         Yu mother reluctantly shut up, what did she say, as for getting angry?
         Yu Yan said  :  "I know these, if you are all right, go back first."
         Father Yu sighed silently  :  "Your feet are okay?"
         "It's okay, the doctor said just a few days off."
         "I don't think it's convenient for you to live here by yourself. Just take a long vacation, just come back with us, right? Your mother can take care of you."
         Yu Yan smiled and shook her head gently  :  "No, I want to be alone for a while."
         Mother Yu busyly said, "Are you alone? No! You immediately go home with us. We will come to you today to pick you up, so that those unscrupulous reporters will come again!"
         "No, they don't know I live here."
         "That's not OK……"
         Yu Yan said decisively  :  "Dad, take your mother back."
         Father Yu glanced at his wife and looked at his tired daughter. He nodded helplessly  :  "Okay, if you want to come back, just come back. Dad will always support you."
         Yu Yu disapproved and said, "Yu Yan hurts her feet, and it is inconvenient to buy food and cook. If you accidentally fall and everyone in the family, what should you do?"
         "Rest assured, nothing will happen." Yu Yan insisted, Ren Yumu said again and again, she never nodded. Father Yu considers his daughter and said, "That's it. You rest first, and we'll come to see you another day."
         Yu Mu  :  "I ..."
         "Let's go!"
         Yu Yu stopped talking and told him something and pulled his wife away.
         Yu mother was unwilling, and her heart was depressed. After leaving the community, she called and told Yu Yan's situation, and said, "She doesn't want to go home, I can't tell her."


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