Separated Marriage 65

Novels    »  I Am Separated From This Marriage  »   Chapter 65 : Mother Xiao did not understand what her husband meant,  

         He asked Yu Yan not to contact Xiao Yun for a long time, originally to see if Xiao Yun would go to her without Yu Yan actively seeking him, but now the results have not come out, why? Suddenly changed?
         Father Xiao said with emotion  :  "I was really because of Xiao Yun, so I was cheeky and asked for this opportunity. Xiao Yun was not indifferent to Yu Yan, nor was divorce between Yu Yan and Xiao Yun. I think this In January, Yu Yan and Xiao Yun didn't meet. One of them may want to take the initiative to meet each other. I hope that person is Xiao Yun, but ... "
         Unfortunately, he had heard from Assistant Chen that Xiao Yun and Yu Yan had an accidental encounter. Although Xiao Yun wanted to see Yu Yan, he just asked Assistant Chen to call Yu Yan to meet him. Father Xiao knew that even if Xiao Yun was concerned about melancholy, he couldn't let go of his own frame and self-esteem. The model that had been formed for a long time was difficult to change. In the end, the more melancholy was still melancholy. If he entangled again, there would be nothing I mean.
         Mother Xiao was speechless and helpless, "If this is the case, you can't wait any longer? Then if ..."
         Father Xiao shook his head and said, "Who will always wait for him?"
         Mother Xiao rubbed her eyes and said, "I know, Xiao Yan is disappointed and heartbroken. She has to leave, how can I have a face to keep ... She can promise you to wait longer It must be worried that we will not be able to accept it in a short period of time, which will affect your condition and give time to buffer. If you change to someone else ... if the aunt doesn't tell us ... "
         Father Xiao patted Xiao mother's shoulder. "I want to get started, it's hard to tell the future."
         Mother Xiao couldn't think of it. Even after listening to her husband's advice, she still couldn't think of it.
         In fact, in the ward that day, Yu Yan took the initiative to ask them to confess that she would leave Xiao's house and live there. At that time, she asked Yu Yan why she wanted to leave suddenly and well? It was only at the time that Yu Yan only said that the time was almost up, and it didn't make much sense for her to stay. Other words were not mentioned. If it weren't for her husband to tell her, she wouldn't know ...
         Now she can only hope that Yu Yan can meet a better and more suitable person for her, and no longer need to be hurt.

         Yu Yan unexpectedly received a call from Xiao Yun, at this moment.
         She was silent for a while. She shouldn't ask you anything or ask her what to do for a while. She suddenly laughed and felt that the world was changing. She finally said, "Hello."
         It is the most polite and kind greeting.
         Xiao Yun laughed lightly, knocked down the ashes with his fingertips, "Go downstairs."
         downstairs? Yu Yan got up and walked to the window. Sure enough, she saw a black car parked downstairs. Assistant Chen stood on the front of the car and looked up. When she saw Yu Yan opened the curtains, she waved at her.
         Yu Yan thought of Father Xiao’s words. Although she couldn’t fully understand Father Xiao’s intentions, later she might be able to guess one or two. Father Xiao wanted her and him to think calmly before making a decision.
         Yu Yan asked, "Xiao Yun, come to me, are you going to give me a divorce agreement?"
         Xiao Yun  :  "This kind of thing is better to interview."
         Yu Yan hesitated for a moment  :  "... Okay."
         Hanging up, Yu Yan was going downstairs. When the black cat saw Yu Yan approaching the door, he immediately ran over, meowing around Yu Yan's feet, and Yu Yan rubbed his little head  :  "Good, I'll be right back."
         Yu Yan still opened the door and left, leaving a black cat to scratch the wall behind the door.
         She stepped out of the door of the residential building and saw the window of the black car half down, because her vision was too dim, and she could see the man's deep profile side.
         Assistant Chen pulled the door for her as she approached  :  "Please."
         "Thank you."
         Yu Yan didn't sit up, but bowed to the man in the car. A smoky smell drifted. She frowned unconsciously, and asked, as usual, "Did you sign the divorce agreement? We will go to a notary tomorrow. Just now my uncle and I were on the phone. He didn't object to our divorce, and my aunt didn't say anything ... it shouldn't affect them any more. "
         There is nothing left to postpone their divorce.
         Xiao Yun with a single-handed amount, said  :  "Yu Yan, I recently discovered a very interesting thing."
         "Actually, I found that I didn't want to divorce that much." The voice had doubts that he didn't even understand.
         "... What do you mean?"
         Xiao Yun laughed  :  "I won't divorce."
         Yu Yan frowned even more. She stood upright and looked at Assistant Chen on one side. The door was open. Xiao Yun's words passed into Assistant Chen's ear without gaps. He shook his head and said that he did not know Xiao Yun. Why is it so suddenly?
         Yu Yan also didn't understand, why did Xiao Yun suddenly not want to divorce? I already talked about it before ...
         Is it because she did not go to the appointment yesterday, hurting his self-esteem, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge? Embarrassing her? Embarrassing her? Looking at her jokes?
         Xiao Yunla came out of the car door. He was tall and stood across the body, still able to look at Yu Yan. He looked pale, his dark eyes were calm, and Yu Yan couldn't understand.
         "Very surprised?"
         Yu Yan tickled her lips and asked, "I thought we were clear. At first your divorce was postponed because of your parents. Now that they have agreed, why are you?"
         Xiao Yun  :  "As time goes by, people will change."
         Yu Yan fixedly looked at Xiao Yun, smiled wryly, and nodded  :  "Yes, people do change."
         Xiao Yun was very displeased when he looked at him with such sloppy and light eyes.
         Yu Yan asked with a mockery  :  "Why, are you still worried that you can't find a woman like me who can be your shield? How difficult is it to find another puppet under your conditions?"
         "That's too much trouble, you know I'm afraid of trouble."
         "Trouble? Where do you need to go out, assistants and secretaries can help you screen, yes, some of your gossip girlfriends will always be willing, as long as you think, where are there missing women?"
         Xiao Yun's face was hard to look, squinting at Yu Yan. In addition to her cheeks becoming slightly red, Yu Yan didn't even raise her voice at all, but the smirk at the corner of her mouth was too harsh, making Xiao Yun's face even more ugly.
         Xiao Yun has never seen such a gloomy face, and even that night, she never looked at him like that.
         Xiao Yun couldn't understand what his eyes were and what they contained. All he knew was that it made him very-unhappy.
         And the thing that Auntie and him mentioned last night ...
         Yu Yan said  :  "If you do not accept a peaceful divorce, then I can only sue. Since that is the case, we have nothing to talk about, goodbye."
         She didn't want to stay long, didn't look at Xiao Yun any more, and turned upstairs.
         Xiao Yun blew his cigarettes, disapproving of the threat of Yu Yan. He was unwilling and no one could change.
         Assistant Chen heard that Xiao Yun did not want to divorce again. He glanced at Xiao Yun very strangely, and did not understand why he suddenly changed his mind.
         When these two people wanted to divorce, the whole world opposed it. Now that the opposition is quiet and there is no resistance, why are they reluctant to leave? Of course, he was referring to Xiao Yun-the one who did not care about leaving or not from beginning to end. Is it ... he looked at Xiao Yun in suspicion, but was caught by Xiao Yun. He suddenly looked back and looked down.
         Xiao Yun smiled and asked, "Curious?"
         Assistant Chen hesitated, "... is that a little bit?"
         He touched his chin and saw that Yu Yan had disappeared, "I'm also curious, why."
         Xiao Yun himself didn't quite understand. When he thought of divorce, he felt uncomfortable. The divorce agreement was locked in a drawer like a felt. However, Xiao Yun found out from the question asked by her aunt last night that Yu Yan actually learned from her aunt that he had interacted with Ling Lin.
         Of course, these are not the key points. What made him feel helpless is that every sentence that Yu Yan said could not be refuted and could not be explained, because it was all a fact.
         He really never took Yu Yan seriously.
         After the showdown, he felt more relaxed.
         Xiao Yun finally glanced upstairs, got on the car, and commanded  :  "Back to the company."
         Yu Yan had never thought that Xiao Yun would turn around, that is, the rogue among the rogues!
         Coco called to ask her to go out, and she was completely disappointed. At last Coco brought two cups of coffee and asked, "What's the matter? So unhappy."
         Yu Yan smiled and shook her head  :  "It's nothing. That's ... Xiao Yun told me today that he won't divorce."
         Coco asked in surprise  :  "Why? Is it that Xiao Yun has seen you kind, lovely and beautiful in the past few months, can't bear to let you go?"
         Yu Yan helpless  :  "I'm not joking with you."
         "I'm not kidding! Why isn't it possible? You aren't bad at all, you are beautiful, you have good personality, and it's not difficult to like you. Right?" Coco said with a wink.
         Yu Yan shook her head  :  "No, it's not like this." Although Yu Yan didn't know why Xiao Yun was, it would never be because he liked it. How could someone like him understand? He could deliberately leave her alone for three years. How was she different in those three years and in three years later? No, so why would he change her opinion in just three months? To change.
         At least he was still bad to her.
         Coco watched Yan Yan frowning and thinking about something, she sighed, opened her arms and gave her a hug, not very strong, not very solid, but unusually warm.
         "But ... when it's uncomfortable, just cry. I watch you endure every time, so I'll be sick!" A few days ago, when she read the news, she heard that a girl was "broken" because her love was too painful. !!
         Yu Yan smiled, "It's nothing. Even if Xiao Yun doesn't agree, I will leave."
         "What if Xiao Yun insists?"
         "I also insist."
         Yu Yan thought of the phone number that Father Xiao gave her.

         Chapter 66 : Yu Yan doesn't know if Father Xiao has already expected that this will happen today,  

         Taking into account that he said he would help her, etc., he also gave her a phone number I did not know ...
         This can't help Yu Yan thinking, maybe Xiao's father understood the problems between her and Xiao Yun clearly, so there are those words, and gave her a phone number that is said to help her in difficult times.
         "Whose phone is this?" Asked questioningly.
         "I don't know." Yu Yan shook her head and said, "This is what Xiao Yun's father gave me. There should be no problem."
         Coco felt with his chin and thought, "You are kind to the Xiao family, and Mr Xiao is not like an unorthodox person. He shouldn't pit you, right? You call and see who the other person is?"
         Yu Yan wanted to call and stopped suddenly. "Wait." What difficulties does she have now? Because Xiao Yun's reluctance? of course not.
         She smiled helplessly, put away the paper, and said, "People always do something irreparable when they are emotional. I'm emotionally unstable now. When I calm down and think about what to do next." Coco  :  "Do you have a reliable lawyer?"
         Coco patted Yu Yan's shoulder  :  "If you want me to say it, you're just too calm. Sometimes I would rather you get angry with Xiao Yun, let out venting. Also, do you really want to file a divorce?"
         Yu Yan nodded  :  "Well, I know something and want to go to the court to apply for divorce. If Xiao Yun still does not agree, I can only ask for a lawyer. We have no property disputes and no children, so it should be easier for a divorce Right?"
         Coco is not very bullish  :  "... Why do I find it harder?"
         Yu Yan was puzzled  :  "How come?"
         Cocoa said  :  "Of course, because your divorce is not someone else, it is Xiao Yun! You see, couples who are usually in trouble to file for divorce, how many are not fighting for this or that? Because there is something to fight, as long as you can get it After that, the marriage naturally divorces. But you and Xiao Yun are different. You don’t want property, just divorce; Xiao Yun is willing to give you property. He doesn’t care about the property, but he is not willing to divorce; You said, can there be any impact on him without property and children? "
         "This ..." She had nothing to say, and had to admit that Coco's analysis made sense, let alone deny that in some respects Xiao Yun was not a reasonable person. Just like before, he came to tell her he didn't want to divorce. It's no wonder that she stopped seeing him yesterday, because Yu Yan knew that at that time, Xiao Yun or Assistant Chen had never carried a divorce agreement with them. It seems that even divorce has become difficult.
         Coco's words gave Yu Yan a deeper worry.
         "But don't worry about it, aren't the old Mrs Xiao and Mr Old standing on your side? I don't think he will go too far, right?"
         "Hope ..." There wasn't much hope.
         The next day, Monday, after the flag-raising ceremony, Yu Yan and Zhou Minxiang returned to the teaching building. Although Zhou Min was married and pregnant, she did not stop working.
         After marriage, Zhou Min looked happier. She said cheerfully  :  "Sister Yu Yan, how did you go so early yesterday? You don't know. Yesterday we saw Xiao Yun! It was just outside the banquet hall of my wedding! A lot of people have met, so handsome ... "
         Faint look  :  "Really."
         Zhou Min nodded  :  "Yes, unfortunately, his face looks so terrible, we dare not sign in the past, but a friend of mine secretly took two photos and showed you?" Then he would pull out his mobile phone. Come.
         Yu Yan stopped her  :  "Be careful with your children, don't play with your phone on the road."
         Zhou Min looked at her belly and put her phone back. "Okay."
         The two returned to the upstairs office. Zhou Min had no class in the second quarter. He sat on a chair and drew his cell phone to find photos. Yu Yan packed up and taught the textbooks to go to the classroom. Zhou Min held her, "Look! Handsome ~"
         Yu Yan glanced at it, and only saw Xiao Yun's half-clear side face, but he was tall and slender, his suit was stiff, and even this unclear picture looked very good.
         Zhou Min said  :  "I remember you said that you like Xiao Yun very much, right? Would you like a photo, I will send it to you ..."
         Yu Yan said  :  "No, I don't like it."
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "Well, take your time and watch. I'll go to class first."
         Zhou Min pouted his lips  :  "... well."
         I ate in the cafeteria at noon, and Yu Yan heard Zhou Minnian stunned Xiao Yun at noon. Not only that, but several teachers who went to Zhou Min's wedding also seemed to see Xiao Yun. Male teachers can be reserved, and female teachers are very Excited and young, they talked around Xiao Yun.
         Yu Yan was eating in silence, she thought, for some people, it might be more exciting to see Xiao Yun than that wedding.
         Xiao Yun. In the early years, when she went to the blind date at the mother's word and found that the other party was Xiao Yun, she was also so excited and excited as Zhou Min. She didn't fall asleep all night after returning home that day, thinking about this, thinking about that, thinking about him. Will contact her ...
         It was ridiculous that she married for love, but she lost her love after marriage.
         After school in the afternoon, Yu Yan left after all the students left school.
         Assistant Chen has been waiting outside for a while, because the brand of the car is too high-profile, Assistant Chen is meticulous in a suit, and there are many people who are looking at him secretly and secretly outside the school, wondering who he is for?
         As soon as Yu Yan left the school, Assistant Chen greeted him  :  "Miss Yu."
         Yu Yan was surprised and surprised  :  "Assistant Chen? Why are you here?"
         "General Xiao asked me to pick you up for dinner."
         Yu Yan smiled slightly, frowning, undisguised disapproval and rejection  :  "Sorry."
         Assistant Chen did not force her and said, "I was ordered to come. As for whether to go, it's up to Miss Yu to see you."
         Yu Yan shook her head  :  "I don't understand, what does he mean now? Because he doesn't want to divorce?"
         Assistant Chen hesitated, "... I think President Xiao cares about you."
         Yu Yan smiled and asked, "Really?"
         "..." Well, he didn't believe it.
         Yu Yan said, "Assistant Chen, please tell Xiao Yun to let him not do this. Why? The subpoena of the court will arrive soon. Although I don't know what he wants to do, I think I should do it. I did everything. I didn't apologize to him, and I hope he won't embarrass me anymore. "
         "Yes, I will relay it."
         "Thank you."
         Watching Yu Yan leave, Assistant Chen went back to his life, and by the way conveyed Yu Yan's words.
         Xiao Yun was looking at the documents, he didn't even raise his head, and waved his hand  :  "Go out."
         "Yes." Assistant Chen squinted at Xiao Yun. After leaving the office, he couldn't help but grabbed his hair. He really couldn't understand Xiao Yun, didn't want to divorce, and didn't care. Why? Not willing to be dumped?
         He was inexplicably Yu Yanqingxing. Seeing Xiao Yun's attitude, he was really glad that Yu Yan did not agree to come.
         After Assistant Chen left, Xiao Yun threw his pen and leaned on the chair to make a circle. Yu Yan would refuse to be expected of him, thinking that her relationship with him was so rigid that she did not want to come to him without any surprise, so she didn't care too much.
         After work, Xiao Yun returned to Xiao Zhai, where Father Xiao and Mother Xiao waited for him to come back for dinner. It has always been a dining table for four people, and suddenly became three people, and it really feels a lot empty.
         In the end Xiao's mother was hurt, her appetite was greatly reduced; Xiao's father was still good, and she could feel a little deserted at home; only Xiao Yun's look remained unchanged, and he was not affected at all. His appearance made Xiao mother even more uncomfortable. She chanted Xiao Yun several times at the table. Xiao Yun listened with a good temper. No matter what Xiao mother said, he was right.
         After dinner, Father Xiao mentioned Yu Yan in particular, saying, "I have already told Yu Yan, what do you do without worrying about me and your mother again."
         Xiao Yun has heard about it from Yu Yan and is not surprised.
         Mother Xiao said, "I know you have no heart, you are cruel, but Yu Yan has been with our Xiao family for a few years, and you can’t see or know how good you and your dad are, but we know and we can see, so You must not treat her badly! Otherwise I will ... "
         Xiao Yun  :  "I know, don't worry about you."
         Mother Xiao snorted softly  :  "You know, you know, I don't say you, I'm too lazy to say you!"
         Xiao Yun was helpless, rubbing his forehead, knowing that his mother was angry again, he secretly said  :  Yu Yan can really buy people hearts, but he is standing by her side.
         Yu Yan didn't know Xiao Yun's belly. She was upset recently because of Xiao Yun's appearance, not only because Assistant Chen would appear on the gate of the school on time every afternoon, but also because of the various voices about her in the school.
         She has always been low-key. Although colleagues know that she is married and that her husband's family conditions are not bad, more are unaware. She rarely mentioned her family, her colleagues were not very curious, and few people asked her. Now suddenly a man driving a luxury car and wearing a suit politely and respectfully began to speculate that her family involved individuals-.
         Assistant Chen only appeared for the third time.
         Yu Yan knew that Assistant Chen could not be prevented from appearing, and he could only mention to him whether he could change the place to appear?
         She doesn't care how outsiders say her, but if it affects work, it's not good. She and Assistant Chen mentioned that Assistant Chen did not embarrass her and moved the place from the school entrance to the house entrance.
         After that, Assistant Chen appeared several times, which was out of Yu Yan's concern. I only met once a day, and I'm sorry, but there will be no less meat. She didn't care much.
         As for Xiao Yun's change and Assistant Chen's appearance, Yu Yan only felt four words  :  perfunctory, joking, casual.
         Xiao Yun is heartless, so what he does is heartless and heartless. Starting from his subjective ideas, he doesn't care what other people think.
         This routine of treating ordinary women is ridiculous.
         Assistant Chen also saw Yu Yan's attitude. He went back to Xiao Yun to report what Yu Yan said every day. Sorry, sorry, sorry ...
         Repeat every day, every day. Even he felt that it was not the way to go. What kind of routine was this? However, Xiao Yun didn't respond every time he heard it. As usual, the only redundant action was to wave him out.
         In this regard, Xiao Yun was not angry. After all, he had treated her that way, and it was normal for her to hold and refuse. It was only after many failures that he knew that such a progressless arrangement seemed to be a waste of time.
         He rubbed his chin, and she was more angry than he thought.

         Chapter 67 : Recently,  

         Zhou Min always felt that the man in a suit with a sullen face waiting at the school gate was a little familiar, but if she really knew her, met him somewhere, she had no impression and could not remember it.
         Having dinner in the cafeteria at noon on Friday, Zhou Min racked his brains and thought for a long time, and finally couldn't help but give Yu Yan a pout and said, where did she seem to have met the man? But I forgot to ask Yu Yan if I can write a hint?
         Yu Yan took a mouthful of vegetables and did not answer immediately. She thought that it was not unusual for Zhou Min to have seen Assistant Chen. Assistant Chen has been with Xiao Yun for many years. When Xiao Yun was photographed, he also occasionally showed his face. Besides, during the wedding reception, Assistant Chen followed Xiao Yun. Behind him, Zhou Min had an impression but couldn't figure out where it was. This is quite normal.
         She shook her head and said, "I don't know."
         "Well! I really think that person looks familiar, but I just can't remember it!" Zhou Min said angrily, "What's his name?"
         Yu Yan still shook her head  :  "I'm not familiar with him, just because of a little personal matter."
         Zhou Min reluctantly poked  :  "Okay, but I ..." She was a bit obsessive-compulsive, because she had a lot of hair torn off, and she couldn't help thinking of who the person was? If you can't remember it, you must remember it!
         "Eat soon, the dishes are cold."
         Yu Yan shifted the topic and talked about other things. Zhou Min's attention was quickly attracted to the past, and she no longer struggled with who the other party was. Yu Yan was relieved, and only hoped that Zhou Min could stop tangling the identity of a stranger.
         After school in the afternoon, Yu Yan didn't go home directly, first went to the mall to buy some daily necessities and the ingredients needed next week. She parked her car in the open-air parking lot and walked fifty meters into the mall. When he came out, he had already lifted two white pockets one by one.
         It's almost evening, and even in the hot summer, when the sun is hard to fall, the sky has turned yellow and yellow, and the number of people on the road is gradually increasing, or it is urgent or slow, and it is very lively.
         Yu Yan walked to the parking lot with two bags of things in mind. Thinking of going back at this time, Assistant Chen was probably still waiting downstairs, and she was annoyed by Xiao Yun's "dead fight". She really did not understand Xiao Yun.
         She was thinking about it, and didn't notice anything around her. Suddenly, a sudden and huge pulling force came from her side. With this pulling force, she suddenly and doubtfully found that her small bag was caught by two riders. Pulled by the man with the motorcycle?
         Yu Yan is shocked! I used the conditioned reflex to hold the handbag, but I didn’t expect to be pulled two steps forward with this force. The other party’s speed is fast and fast. How can she compare with it? Without holding on for a second, she was pulled into a messy foot, and her body was unstable. She was forced to let go and felt the pain from her ankle, and her body fell uncontrollably to the side—
         She had only time to shout these two words.
         However, the motorcycle has been flying all the way away, and only two men in helmets and black clothes disappeared from the street.
         Everything happened too quickly. It didn't take more than a few seconds until the end of the incident. Not to mention that Yu Yan could not react. Even the people around him were shocked for a while. When the reaction came to the police or help, the other party Already fled!
         The two bags had fallen to the ground long ago, and the purchases were scattered.
         Yu Yan was in shock, thinking of getting up, but did not stand up for the first time because of ankle pain.
         "Mrs Xiao, are you okay?" With the sound of the man's voice, and the smoothness and strength of his hand to help her, the temperature of the palm of the hand was transmitted to the skin through the sleeves. With this strength, she stood up, said thanks, and did not hear who it was.
         Looking back, Yu Yanmulu was surprised. The man was wearing a casual nature and replaced the calm suit. He was handsome, but looked younger and more intimate.
         She smiled helplessly  :  "Mr Ling, I'm fine. Just now ... Can you borrow your mobile phone, I want to call the police, my things have been robbed." Her things are in the bag, thankfully She is not used to carrying valuables with her. The most important things in it are a silver bank card, an identity card, and some cash.
         Lingyang stooped and picked up the things on the ground and said, "Mrs Xiao don't worry, someone has already called the police."
         He tilted his head to signal that Yu Yan realized that he was not just a man, beside him was a boy who looked like twenty-four, with a cute baby face, about one meter eighty-eight, was on the phone, dictated Pass and address. When the other party saw Yu Yan looking at him, he smiled at her with a smile. Compared with his palm, Yu Yan also smiled.
         Lingyang said  :  "His name is Zhao Xiaofeng, just call him Xiaofeng."
         Yu Yan said thanks.
         Lingyang asked, "I have a foot injury, can I still walk?"
         Yu Yan moved her foot slightly. "It's okay, just a sprain."
         "Then I'll help you sit there. Xiaofeng, go to the pharmacy over there to buy some medicine."
         Xiaofeng nodded.
         Yu Yan was embarrassed to bother them, but she did need help now, "then bother you."
         "Let's go, sit down, take care of your feet first, and go to the hospital later."
         The police came quickly. After asking about the situation, they called in the surrounding surveillance, but unfortunately the other party had premeditated and was very familiar with the ground conditions. They did not show their faces throughout the process, and they passed by in the surveillance, unless They showed up again, and it was not easy to find them.
         Yu Yan knew that a thief who was mobile or acted like this would be difficult to catch. Of course, she would not rule out a second crime in one place. She could only trouble the police to try her best. As for the contents of the bag, she no longer held her. There is too much hope. She has lost her phone call, and her identity can only be reissued.
         Later, I went to the nearby hospital to see the foot injury. Fortunately, it was just a simple sprain without hurting the bone. Just rest for a few days.
         When everything was over, it was completely dark, the time had passed nine o'clock, and the bustling lights were flooding the noisy city.
         Yu Yan was very grateful for the help from Ling Yang and Zhao Xiaofeng. Not only did she help her to run forward, but also paid her medical bills and had not eaten dinner. Lingyang and Zhao Xiaofeng were not clear. At least she felt it. hungry. It's just that she can't treat guests now, because she has no money and even her cell phone disappears at the corner.
         The three went to pick up the car first.
         Zhao Xiaofeng is still a big boy. He also wears a more casual self-dress. He has white t-ear studs in ripped jeans, black heavy headphones on his neck, and a hint of breath. He doesn't hide himself, and when he gets in the car He looked at Ling Yang with a slump and said, "I am hungry, so hungry!"
         Ling Yang looked at Yu Yan through the rear-view mirror, the woman frowned slightly, and found two small breads from the white cloth pocket and handed them over  :  "Have some food if you are hungry? It is too much trouble for you today."
         Zhao Xiaofeng accepted it politely, eating with a big mouth, and Yu Yan handed him a box of yogurt.
         Lingyang took the bread aside and didn't eat it immediately. He asked  :  "Then we go to eat first? After eating, I will take you back?"
         Yu Yan said  :  "Okay, eat first."
         The car starts.
         In the quiet, only Xiaofeng sucked yogurt.
         Lingyang asked, "Is there anything that Mrs Xiao has to avoid?"
         Yu Yan shook her head and said nothing, now that this situation, where is she okay to be picky? Instead, ask Zhao Xiaofeng, what does he want to eat? Zhao Xiaofeng thought about it very seriously, and said with a smile that he wanted to eat barbecue, grilled various kebabs in the barbecue, but also paired with beer ... was stunned by Ling Yang's eyes.
         Yu Yan had no opinion, but Ling Yang said he didn't care about him, and asked Yu Yan's opinion. Although Yu Yan was hungry, she had no appetite, so she finally listened to Zhao Xiaofeng's words and ate barbecue.
         Yu Yan never thought that she would sit with Lingyang and eat together.
         Although I heard something about him from Ling Lin and Ling Zhi, Ling Yang did not make her feel annoyed or unhappy when she got along, whether talking or manners, and his help to her today, she Thanks even to him.
         Yu Yan  :  "Mr Ling, can you give me your phone number? Today matter is very troublesome for you, as well as medical expenses. I will transfer it to you after I return."
         Ling Yang smiled, and when he said nothing, he asked the owner of the barbecue stall to ask for paper and pen, write down the number and hand it to Yu Yan, and said, "Don't worry, thank you Xiao last time. My wife doesn't hold you up and hurts you. This time, I apologize for the last thing. "
         Zhao Xiaofeng ordered the food and heard it, and asked, "What kind of courtesy and apology do you accompany? Sister, what did he do to sorry for you?"
         Ling Yang is waiting to speak, so Zhao Xiaofeng pays attention to his address and words.
         Yu Yan didn't mind. Compared to Mrs Xiao, Xiao Feng's name was better. She said, "I had a minor accident with Mr Ling. When I was on the road, I accidentally rear-ended. He cannot be regarded as Mr Ling's responsibility, and I was not careful enough that day. "
         Zhao Xiaofeng suddenly realized, "Really? I have never heard of it before!"
         "I'm afraid you're worried ..."
         "Worried? I think it's too small to be worth mentioning!"
         For the first time, Assistant Chen waited so late.
         Yu Yan has never returned. He didn't care about it before. For various reasons, he didn't call to urge and ask. On Friday, he guessed that Yu Yan might have gone back to Yu house, and had a rest after a meal. How can it be past ten.
         Who knows ten o'clock, Yu Yan still has not returned, he frequently looks at his watch and wants to call to ask.
         "No need to."
         Xiao Yun sat in the back seat with his legs crossed, an open computer on his lap, and his fingers kept beating. His handsome profile appeared blurred in the dark and light.
         The window shook halfway down. Assistant Chen stood outside the car and felt the cold air coming from the car, stabbing him with a tremor.

         Chapter 68 : Summer Nights Are Not Cool,  

         There were some hot flashes in the breeze, which made people boring.
         22  :  31.
         Assistant Chen looked at the watch again.
         It's late.
         Assistant Chen speculated  :  "General Manager Xiao, maybe Miss Yu is going to live in Yu house. Will she not be back tonight?"
         Xiao Yun frowned, pressed the computer, the only light in the car window went out, and the man's deep-looking face looked more blurred. He didn't say no or no, Assistant Chen couldn't figure out what Xiao Yun meant. Now that you haven't spoken, just wait.
         22  :  40.
         A black cross-country came into view of Assistant Chen. He glanced around, estimated the value, praised it, and didn't pay much attention to the others.
         The car stopped not far in front of Assistant Chen. Zhao Xiaofeng first stepped out of the co-pilot with Lingyang and opened the rear seat door, helping Yu Yan out. Yu Yan stood with a cane, Xiaofeng rushed into the car and pulled out two pockets.
         When Lingyang got out of the car, his eyes swept around, the door was closed with a light force, and his posture was indescribably chic.
         Body cover, Assistant Chen did not see Yu Yan the first time, but recognized Lingyang, he was very surprised, I do not know why Lingyang appeared here? So coincident?
         "General Xiao, I see Lingyang."
         Xiao Yun  :  "Lingyang?"
         "It's him, he ..." Assistant Chen originally wanted to say that he would actually appear here, but suddenly saw the woman who came out after the car was very familiar. When he looked closely, it turned out to be gloomy? !! This is even more surprising than when he saw Lingyang! He dulled his tongue and muttered the words "Yuyan" in confusion, rubbing his eyes in shock, thinking that he had read it wrong.
         The sky is dark, and the street lights are dim and dim. Assistant Chen pushed the glasses and leaned forward slightly to look at it. The steps involuntarily came forward-it was really gloomy!
         Yu Yan and Ling Yang?
         The two ... why did they meet again?
         Yu Yan didn't notice Assistant Chen looking at her, because she was holding the crutch with one hand to support her body, and it was very inconvenient to carry two heavy pockets. Ling Yang said that they would take her to the door without delay. It was late, and they were anxious to go back.
         Yu Yan was very grateful, saying that she would wait for her foot injury before thanking her.
         Lingyang laughed  :  "Mrs Xiao doesn't have to be polite, but it's a hand."
         "Yes, Xiaofeng will be together at that time." Yu Yan glanced at Xiaofeng walking on her right hand side. Xiaofeng bit the toffee and responded well, not at all.
         Lingyang reluctantly  :  "Smile."
         Yu Yan shook her head.
         Xiaofeng shrugged and said, "I'm annoyed that you are so kind and polite, you can play together if you can get together, and let go if you don't, so what do you want to do? I think my sister and I are quite good. Eat, I'll definitely come! "
         Yu Yan froze and laughed that there were no young people to do anything at all ...
         But some things, where can we describe it as well? If it can be done so simply, then there will be no troubles in the world.
         The three men walked forward.
         Yu Yan leaned on a cane and walked slowly without the help of others. Ling Yang was very gentle to cooperate with her steps. Zhao Xiaofeng took a big step forward, stopped and waited.
         Yu Yan glanced forward, and Mu Di jumped.
         Under the broken street lamp in front, stood a tall, familiar and strange figure, too dark at night, too light, she could not see the opposite, but at a glance recognized who the other party was, Xiao Yun.
         She paused, and Ling Yang was sensitive, "Mrs Xiao?"
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "It's all right."
         What can happen, is she still panicked because of the appearance of a man, or is she full of emotions?
         Xiao Yun put his hands in his pockets, his eyes swept over Yu Yan, and landed on her feet wearing slippers.
         Under the long skirt, the place where the gauze was applied came out as he walked, and the small insteps contrasted with the white gauze.
         He frowned.
         Looked at Ling Yang with Yu Yan's side.
         Ling Yang also noticed him. The sight of a man is a blatant look, it is difficult to make people ignore it. He looked around quickly, and when he saw the license plate of a car parked on the side of the bypass, he knew instantly  :  Mrs Xiao was here, and it was not surprising that Xiao Yun would appear.
         When approached, the two sides inevitably met.
         Lingyang looked as usual  :  "Mr Xiao."
         Xiao Yun smiled back and said, "Mr Ling."
         Ling Yang gives people a completely different feeling from Xiao Yun. Ling Yang sees people with a three-pointer and a three-pointer. Xiao Yun, no matter who he faces, has almost no disguise in his eyes, and he is ruthless and arrogant. cover up.
         The two men shook hands with each other, seemingly gentle, as if hidden and surging.
         Yu Yan lowered her eyes and saw Assistant Chen standing not far behind Xiao Yun. Assistant Chen did not expect to encounter this situation, he hid quietly behind, pretending he was an invisible person. In this case, he still did not participate well.
         She turned her head and said to Zhao Xiaofeng, "Give me something, thank you."
         Zhao Xiaofeng looked at Ling Yang, and looked at Xiao Yun again. He could feel the powerful aura of the man, no difference from his brother. The two seemed to know each other. He scratched his head, and he passed the thing. To Yu Yan. Yu Yan took it, although it was heavy, it was firmly held in her hands.
         Instead of watching Xiao Yun, she said to Lingyang  :  "Thank you and Xiaofeng today, you go back early, drive carefully on the road. Goodbye."
         Lingyang said  :  "Okay. Don't forget to change your medicine on time."
         Yu Yan nodded with a smile  :  "Well, I know."
         Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and the smiles on the eyes and corners of the women were from the heart, clean and transparent.
         "Mr Xiao," Ling Yang said, "then we'll leave first."
         Xiao Yun raised an eyebrow lightly, smiled, and said, "Thank you for sending my wife back. I will thank you in the next day."
         "Mr Xiao is welcome."
         Lingyang once again said that she had no need to care, and then left with Zhao Xiaofeng. The car fell backwards, and the gloom in Lingyang's eyes became more blurred and slender until she disappeared.
         Zhao Xiaofeng said strangely, "Brother, I think Sister Yu Yan seems to have quarreled with what Mr Xiao, right? They had a strange atmosphere and didn't speak."
         Lingyang asked casually, "Is it?"
         Zhao Xiaofeng poked his lips and couldn't believe that Lingyang couldn't see anything. "Of course it is. I haven't seen her call her husband before the accident. Isn't it all right?"
         Lingyang didn't care  :  "Oh."
         "Oh!" I knew pretending to be stupid.
         Of course, Yang Yang saw it, but what he can say can only be done without knowing anything. The Xiao family affairs are not something he can talk about, or something between other couples, just ...
         He thought of the woman's slender arms and sweet fragrance, a panic-stricken expression, nervousness after forced calm, and whispering while speaking.
         Yu Yan never thought that Xiao Yun would come in person, but whether he would come or not, it was no different from before, which would not bring any change to their relationship.
         After Ling Yang and Zhao Xiaofeng left, her smile closed. She let Xiao Yun sideways and walked upstairs with a cane.
         Xiao Yun's eyebrows were deep, with a low laugh. He quickly turned to keep up with Yan Yan, took her arm to his body, Yu Yan was forced to pull into his arms, the crutches and pockets fell to the ground-her cheeks instantly turned red It's mad.
         The man's chest was cold and hard, and when he hit it, she felt only pain.
         The disparity of women's and men's power is manifested at this moment. She struggled a few times before trying to break away, and said coldly, "Let go!"
         Xiao Yun frowned and hugged Yu Yan with a little force. The man's arms were strong and strong, and she couldn't tolerate the slightest resistance. She was extremely familiar with the overbearing and powerful!
         He shouted, "Assistant Chen."
         The invisible assistant Chen emerged, picked up the pockets on the ground, and opened the door of the community building. The appearance of skillfully entering the password made Yu Yan startled.
         "You, you ..."
         Assistant Chen opened the glass door, Xiao Yun stepped on, and headed for the elevator.
         Yu Guang, in the corner of Yu Yan's eyes, saw the man's beautiful jaw and tight lips. She knew that he would not listen to what she said, and she was silent. When she reached the elevator, she sneered, saying, "Xiao Yun, think about it Before, looking at how you look and what you do makes me feel ridiculous. "
         That obvious satire.
         Assistant Chen behind him could not help but take a step back, feeling that the woman seemed watery when she was gentle, but like a sharp knife when she became fierce. Yu Yan is very clever. She knows what you let go, you don’t, and I won’t be similar to love. Words will not have any effect on Xiao Yun, so she chose the most direct and most likely to hurt Xiao Yun—his Self-esteem and pride.
         Yu Yan felt the man's momentarily low air pressure and the palm of her arm held hard. She felt pain, but clenched her lips and didn't speak. She couldn't show weakness.
         It seemed like a long time ago, but it was just an instant. Xiao Yun let go and Yu Yan jumped off the ground. She got two feet because of a foot injury. She stood on the wall and looked up, only to see Xiao Yun had walked away. In the back, tall and handsome, his footwork is steady.
         That's it.
         She didn't feel anything special, looking back and pressing the elevator button. There were few people at night, so she almost didn't have to wait. She stepped on it and pressed the floor.
         Until the elevator door was closed, Yu Yan exhaled softly and held down the disorder.
         Holding the wall to the door of the house, Yu Yan suddenly realized that her door key seemed to be stolen along with her handbag.
         Helpless, she leaned against the door, this should be her most unlucky day.
         Assistant Chen is driving. Since Xiao Yun left from Yu Yan, such low pressure has been around Xiao Yun. Of course, he is hard to say anything. The boss is not a friend. He mostly obeys and obeys.
         The car drove in the direction of Xiao Zhai.
         The phone rang suddenly, the first time, Xiao Yun said to press, the second time, and then to press until the third time was about to end, Assistant Chen said, "It is Lexus."
         Xiao Yun  :  "What is it?"
         Assistant Chen answered the phone and handed it to Xiao Yun.
         Lexus shouted on the phone  :  "Young Master Xiao, come out to play! We are all here, we will send you!"
         Xiao Yun said quietly  :  "Where is it?"
         "old place!"
         The car turned a corner halfway and headed for the suburbs.
         c There is a very curved and steep highway in the suburbs of the city. When they are racing, Lexus plans to stimulate, instead of going to a professional drying track, they like to play in such dangerous places outside.
         When Xiao Yun arrived, more than a dozen sports cars had been parked on the top of the mountain. Men and women gathered to smoke and play. When he appeared, he immediately caught everyone attention and greeted him in the past. Men want to stutter, women are discharging.
         Lexus handed Xiao Yun a cigarette and helped light the fire  :  "Young Master Xiao, it's not easy for you to come out and meet now."
         Xiao Yun calmed his face and smoked.
         Lexus found that Xiao Yun was in a bad mood and went straight to the topic, saying, "How about, come to a game?"
         Lexus is not good at company affairs, but it is absolutely good at playing. His drag racing technology is the best among them. No one can surpass him. Only when facing Xiao Yun can he feel a little nervous. And exciting!
         Xiao Yun did not drive by himself. He randomly picked one of the dozen or so luxury cars in the same industry and got in the car.
         Lexus was excited and happy. After getting on the car, he rolled down the window and said loudly out of the window, "Let me show you my true strength today!"
         Xiao Yun listened and sneered.
         Soon, two red and one black sports cars sped out like arrows from Xuan!
         Xiao Yun felt the trembling and excitement that made him familiar, the sound of flapping wind, the trees and rocks quickly regressed ...
         A bloody surge of blood in the blood vessels!
         All this familiarity made him feel happy and almost forgot about Yu Yan's thorny words.
         The anger and anger he took for granted, in these straight emotions, hidden a loss that he had not even found and understood.
         Perhaps it is the most beautiful and beautiful flower that I have ever seen. It will hurt the heart even more when I first see the sharp spikes hidden under that flower.

         Chapter 69 : The next day,  

         The cool mist in the morning wafted in the morning light, and Yu Yan opened the curtains and saw the red sky in the sky.
         a new day.
         Last night she tossed for a long time and finally invited the lock to open the door. She wanted to go back to her parents' home directly. But she could not leave because of the black cat waiting for her at home. After sleeping, my ankle is not as painful as yesterday, but walking is still inconvenient. Because of this, she didn't go for a morning run for breakfast that day and slept at home.
         "Meow ~!" The black cat sat at Yu Yan's feet, meowing and calling it hungry.
         Yu Yan went to the kitchen and cooked it with a piece of chicken breast, boiled in water, and then tore it into a small piece. Black cats especially like it. When they eat, they always make a grunting threat, threatening and forbidding others to approach, especially Nursing food.
         Yu Yan rubbed her cat's head and went to the room to clean up their clothes. She was going to return to her parents' house this weekend. The black cat must be with her. It has few things, and it only needs to be carried in a cat cage.
         Because of the inconvenience of her legs and feet, she was also inconvenient to drive, so she booked a rental car.
         At ten o'clock in the morning, Yu Yan brought the black cat back to Yu house. Father Yu played chess with others. Only when mother Yu was at home, she returned from the market and bought some fresh vegetables and fruits. When she saw Yu Yan holding a cane, she was surprised and said, "What happened to your feet?"
         Yu Yan released the black cat out of the cage, and the black cat rushed to the kitchen without knowing anything delicious.
         She said helplessly  :  "Sprained."
         "How sprained? Why are you so careless?"
         "I met a thief when I went home yesterday. I was scared and accidentally twisted my ankle. But I have already seen it and took the medicine. The doctor said it was not serious and it will be fine soon."
         Mother Yu scolded  :  "These people really have to have hands and feet to steal! One day they have to get caught and go to jail! Forget it, you sit."
         She took the key and went out. Yu Yan wondered if her mother had just returned. Yu mother said, "I'll buy a big bone!"
         Yu Yan said  :  "No need ..."
         Yu mother interrupted her; "No need to do anything? I'm too lazy to tell you." Taking the money bag and mobile phone.
         The black cat ran out of the kitchen, meowing excitedly at Yu Yan's feet, urging her to go to the kitchen, and Yu mother hummed, "This cat has a better nose than a dog!"
         "Did you buy fish at home?"
         "Well, I bought two catfish and came back to make soup. I'll go first. You can stay at home and don't run away." Then he opened the door and went out.
         Yu mother went out, met a few acquaintances and greeted her with a smile on the way, with a special enthusiasm and excitement. Although the relationship with the neighbors is usually good, but such a joy and hidden some gossip attitude, let Yu mother What good things do you think they encountered?
         Going to the market with doubts, as she passed the kiosk, she glanced at what she saw, took a few steps back, and picked up the entertainment newspaper clipped on the shelf—
         Yu Yan peeled garlic on the dining table. The black cat was holding the dried fish at her feet. The mother slammed the door open. The black cat shuddered and ran and hid the small fish.
         Yu mother put things on the cabinet, making a lot of noise.
         Yu Yan probe  :  "Mom?"
         Yu mother threw the newspaper to Yu Yan, "Look, this, this ... I'm so annoyed! I said that who looked at me just now was very weird, it turned out to be this!"
         Because the neighbourhood often moves around, and occasionally hits Mahjong, many people have heard that Yu son-in-law is Xiao Yun. In addition, Xiao Yun has come, and it has become the object of everyone gossip.
         Yu Yan wondered when she opened the newspaper. At first glance, it turned out to be a report about Xiao Yun—Miss Xiao, who disappeared in March, finally appeared, and the luxury car beauty accompanied her all the time—it was last night.
         The pictures in the newspaper were very blurry, and Xiao Yun's figure was highlighted and pointed out with a red circle. The shooting locations were in the suburbs, bars, and gambling venues. Coupled with the reporter's vivid descriptions, it seems to be a drunken night of money and money.
         Yu Yan closed the newspaper without any special emotions. Even though she and him had an unhappy night last night.
         Yu mother was so angry that she drank a glass of cold water to lower the fire.
         Yu Yan said  :  "Don't be mad, what's so mad about this."
         "I'm mad, I'm mad! Those of them just can't see others better than them. They say this and that when they have a little bit, their mouths are very big, and they don't bother!" Yu mother gasped and said, thinking of the moment Those people must have taken it everywhere, and she was not happy! Asking Yu Yan  :  "You and Xiao Yun ..."
         "I have nothing to do with Xiao Yun," Yu Yan said calmly. "Mom, our family has nothing to do with Xiao Yun in the future."
         Mother Yu sighed and sat down on the sofa with a sigh of relief. She said this for a while, and then for a while, and she was in a bad mood.
         Yu Yan peeled the garlic in silence and persuaded her to cut off her speech several times. After all, Yu Yu was too angry and stayed at home uncomfortably. She said she was going downstairs to find Yu Yan's father and left.
         Throwing the garlic, Yu Yan rubbed her forehead with a headache, because she found that even if she tried hard to divide the relationship and entanglement with Xiao Yun, her family would still be easily affected, just because of a news, a report, and even Is a sentence.
         It was almost noon that Father Yu returned. Apparently, he listened to Mother Yu for a long time. His eyebrows were full of impatience. "I said, don't say that, don't you want to boil big bones? Don't go!"
         "I know boil, use you to say?"
         Yu mother went into the kitchen.
         Father Yu smiled helplessly at Yu Yan, not mentioning Xiao Yun, and said, "Your mother is not good at this point, so much talk! Your feet are all right?"
         Yu Yan shook her head  :  "Minor injuries."
         "Why did you meet the thief and have you lost something?"
         "There is nothing particularly valuable, just the ID card and a card, as well as the mobile phone."
         "In the future, you need to be careful. When you are alone, you must prepare something to protect yourself. Don’t feel unnecessary or listen to what others say. Girls, it’s very necessary to do whatever you want to protect yourself. ! "
         After yesterday, Yu Yan had no confidence in her physical fitness. She might be able to go to a class to learn some simple self-protection.
         Yu Yan nodded  :  "I know, Dad."
         On the other side, Xiao Zhai.
         At three strokes in the sun, Xiao Yun came down from the third floor.
         It was early in the morning when he returned, and he drank a lot of alcohol. He woke up with a headache.
         The aunt warmed up the breakfast and brought it up. He had no appetite and drank only half a glass of honey water.
         Seeing Xiao Yun's appearance, Xiao mother thought about the newspaper sent to her. She was a little angry and didn't want to say anything. She threw the newspaper directly to Xiao Yun and said, "Look at it yourself, what are you writing! You are now the head of the Xiao family, not Xiao Tao. Every move you make will have an impact on the company! What other beauty, you and Yu Yan are about to divorce, and now the news comes out, you Who is worth it? "
         Xiao Yun frowned and threw  :  "It's all messy."
         Mother Xiao hummed, "I know what you do!"
         "I just drove the car, drank some wine, and gambled. I didn't do anything else."
         "Then you can't go without it? You just follow Lexus blindly, you don't know to go home!"
         "..." Xiao Yun also had a temporary intention. He was in a bad mood. He always felt what was pressing in his heart. He was very boring. He always wanted to vent. But when he vented as before, at least now, his mood is not good. Half points, but more irritable.
         Mother Xiao asked  :  "How are you and Xiaoyan's affairs handled? When you divorce, you still have to explain to Xiaoyan's parents. I just have time to come with you and apologize."
         Xiao Yun frowned, "Mom, you ..."
         "Don't say it, you are sorry for your daughter. What you have done and how you have done in the past three years, you know in your heart! Now I want you to apologize, does it cost you your life?" Xiao Motherhood.
         Xiao Yun chuckled helplessly, "I didn't say I can't go anymore. Before I ... Well, when would you like to go?"
         Mother Xiao thought for a while and clapped, "Then this afternoon, lest you change your mind again!"
         "it is good."
         Mother Xiao got up and went to prepare for the ceremony.
         Xiao Yun thought of Yu Yan, of last night, of the rejection and sarcasm in the eyes of women when he looked at him, of the indifference to him under the cold words.
         ——That is not to cover up and to reveal false emotions,
         The appearance of Xiao Yun and Mother Xiao surprised Yu Yan, and even Yu Yu and Mother Yu were very surprised. Didn't expect them to come? Why come?
         Xiao Mu brought a lot of things, all of which were suitable for the elderly to supplement her body. After speaking kindly, Xiao Mu noticed that Yu Yan's foot was injured. She said, "Sit down and sit, just don't get up. Why was it hurt? Did you go to the hospital? "
         Xiao Yun's eyes swept over Yu Yan's ankles, and her aqua blue skirt was placed above her ankles, and she could clearly see her graceful insteps, round and lovely toes, and white gauze applied on the ankles. He actually felt hooked.
         Since he entered the house, she hasn't even looked at him as if she were nobody. And she smiled and spoke freely, without being affected in the slightest.
         He tickled his lips, disapproving.
         A group of people sat down on the sofa.
         Mother Yu brought the tea out, and she was a little angry about what was reported, but of course it was not easy to get angry with the old lady.
         Father Yu asked, "What are you doing here today?"
         "Some things," said Mother Xiao, "I can’t hold you back because of my stinky kid. I ’m here to give you an apology and let Xiao Yan be wronged! Don’t blame her, if It's me, I must have killed him! "
         Mother Xiao slaps Xiao Yun on the shoulder, Xiao Yun suffers with a good temper.
         Yu father and his mother looked at each other, wondering what happened to Xiao's mother, Yu Yan pursed her lips, and said, "Anyway, Xiao Yun and I have also divorced. Aunt Xiao, don't care, pay attention to your body."
         Such a title almost made Xiao's mother cry and choked with speechless words, "Even if you are not my daughter-in-law, I will treat you as my daughter ..."
         Yu Yan opened her mouth and became silent.
         Xiao Yun squinted his eyes and laughed, "I also know I'm sorry for the shame, so I'm not going to divorce."


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