Separated Marriage 60

Novels    »  I Am Separated From This Marriage  »    Chapter 60 : Yu Yan held the black cat full of dirt and fallen leaves into the sink for washing.  

         Although the black cat was very uncooperative and always wanted to run away, it was not as naughty as before, and its meowing milky protest made her silent heart warm up.
         Tonight's events shocked her greatly, and she was very tired physically and mentally, as if she had a nightmare, that nightmare came to reality, and it became true.
         In fact, she shouldn't have been so shocked and excited. The words and feelings she and Xiao Yun had already expressed in her heart, were sealed by her deliberately, and she has been reluctant to admit its existence. Now it is impossible to deceive yourself. Acting is like being forcibly split with an axe, letting her face the facts and admitting the facts. And all this hurts more than she imagined.
         She thought that she could be calm and calm in the face of these things, at least when Xiao Yun wasn't out of control, she didn't think about it but she couldn't hold back ...
         It's okay, because she doesn't have to be patient anymore, because these will be a thing of the past.
         She abandoned the past.
         On the next day, Yu Yan was asleep all night, and in the middle of the night, she got up and packed her luggage. She doesn't have a lot of things, and her summer clothes don't take up any space, so she can pack them all in one suitcase.
         The black cat was awakened by her whispering voice, jumped out of bed, slumped into a suitcase, snoring, and put the cat's head on the canopy.
         "Do you want to go with me?"
         "Meow ~~"
         "It's better than following me here. I want to go to work. I can only keep you at home and no one plays with you."
         The black cat squinted and became sleepy.
         Yu Yan smiled, this black cat is spiritual, so he never understands people.
         She watched it was almost time, and was going to go downstairs. She didn't hear anyone passing by the door.
         After going down, she did not see Xiao Yun.
         At the table, Mother Xiao asked why Xiao Yun could not come down for breakfast? Did she go to work? Don't be so early, it's not time yet.
         The aunt said, "The young man went out in the middle of the night yesterday, and he hasn't returned yet."
         Mother Xiao asked  :  "Why did you go out? What happened?" She looked at Yu Yan again, Yu Yan bowed her head to eat, as if she didn't notice what they were talking about.
         The aunt replied, "I don't know. I heard that the maid left after taking a call, and didn't say what was the matter."
         Mother Xiao wondered if something happened to Xiao Yun in the middle of the night? Did Lexus tell Xiao Yun to go out? She was a little upset. What if Xiao Yun had a hard time at home, was busy with the company, and was called out for fun? Listening to the things Lin Ling said, Mother Xiao knew that Ling Zhi had no ambition and loved to play around, and couldn't help it. If she hadn't watched Ling Zhi grow up, she would have been accused of him. When someone gets to the doorstep of the house, they don’t know how to fight back. They say that the good point is that they do not care about you, and the uncomfortable point is cowardice.
         Xiao's mother wanted Yu Yan to call Xiao Yun for an inquiry, but also worried that Xiao Yun would not return to Yu Yan's anger at night, and the two became more stiff. So she called by herself, but she hadn't asked anything yet, Xiao Yun said that he went directly to Xiao's, and didn't come back, so she was furious!
         Yu Yan didn't care where Xiao Yun went and what she did. The only thing she cares about now is when can she end this wrong marriage relationship.
         When the aunt went upstairs, she saw that almost all the items in the room were packed up. She wondered, and finally saw a suitcase full in the cloakroom.
         She sighed silently.
         This home is destined to be separated.
         Yu Yan's silence is the best proof of this.
         Perhaps it was because of her character. When Yu Yan was aggrieved, she didn't think about asking the old lady to take her charge. Now when Yu Yan is disappointed, she never thinks to make the old lady feel wronged for her.
         At noon, Yu Yan called the Yu family to go back. It was picked up by his father. He talked casually for a while. The father said that he was going to take his mother out for a trip, take a break, look at the world, and let his mother’s heart also follow. Zhentian was tossing around Xiaojia and Xiaozhuo, and he was not bothered. If he didn't see how old they were, could he live in peace for a few years?
         Although Yu Yan’s parents are not like Xiao’s father and Xiao’s mother, they have also gone through dozens of ups and downs, are noisy, and have deep feelings for each other.
         She smiled and ordered something like safety.
         "Mr Yu is traveling with his wife? The relationship is so good!" The aunt brought hot tea and said with a smile, but she couldn't say what she wanted to comfort.
         Yu Yan smiled and nodded  :  "Thank you."
         "No thanks," said the aunt, and went inside again.
         In the bedroom, the old lady was reading the newspaper of the day to the old gentleman, and the atmosphere was very warm. She went up to add hot water to the old lady. Thinking of the old lady still worrying about how to mix Yu Yan and Xiao Yun, she reluctantly shook her head.
         Before hearing the conversation between Yu Yan and Xiao Yun, she didn't quite understand why Yu Yan had to divorce. Something happened to the Xiao family. It was not peaceful. Isn't it even more chaotic at this time? After listening to Yu Yan's words, she could understand. Which woman can tolerate such neglect and indifference from her husband?
         After the old lady finished reading the newspaper, the old gentleman had a rest, and they went to the outside living room to talk.
         Mother Xiao saw Yu Yan standing in the back garden, her back was slender and soft, she was very quiet, and she had a dim twilight that she could not understand.
         She sat down with a sigh.
         Auntie said, "Ma'am, are you upset about the young master?"
         "I really hope that Xiao Yun and Yu Yan can grow old with their heads ..."
         Seeing that the old lady talked about how to mix Yu Yan and Xiao Yun, and did a meal and watch a movie, it seems that the effect is not too great. The time spent on the trip is not allowed by Xiao's side. Why not go to Disney? Any place that is fun and can promote people feelings.
         After hearing this, the aunt rarely followed along. She used to make suggestions with her before. She closed her mouth a little bit embarrassed at the moment. "I'm not good at talking about young people, it's hard to participate."
         Mother Xiao sighed  :  "I know, it's not easy for me to be a mother, but I don't want to do anything. I don't know if Xiao Yun and Xiao Yan can divorce. What's more, didn't they promise me, try again, it's really impossible to divorce again, and I'm sure I won't get involved in them! Xiaoyan is fine, I don't want my son to live up to her. "
         The aunt hesitated, "I heard that the divorce was brought up by the young lady, and the young lady did not seem to be a messy person. Maybe she has thought about it, thinking that divorce is the best choice for her and the young master?"
         At this point, Xiao Xiao didn't expect that she looked at the aunt in surprise and confusion, and asked, "Did you hear what Xiao Yan said? That's why?"
         "No, no," the aunt repeatedly denied. "Where does Madam She say this to me? This is all my own blind thinking."
         Mother Xiao nodded and asked, "Should I not stop Xiao Yun and Xiao Yan from divorcing?"
         "Actually, I don’t think the young master cares much about the young lady. Besides, he agreed to divorce. Doesn’t it mean that he doesn’t want to go through it too? Old lady, you don’t have to worry about it too much.
         Mother Xiao  :  "..."
         The old lady was worried, and after listening to the words of her aunt, she didn’t even think about planning another trip to the amusement park. In fact, even if she arranged, I ’m afraid she couldn’t make the trip, because in the afternoon, Assistant Chen called and said because For work, Xiao Yun is going on a business trip in another city.
         The news that Yu Yan heard was dictated to her by her aunt, which made her a little bit surprised  :  Xiao Yun is on a business trip? Why is it so sudden? Then the matter between them has not been resolved yet ...
         Assistant Chen said that Xiao Yun had obtained the divorce agreement, but he suddenly left?
         The aunt said, "Yes, the old lady is also very surprised there. It seems to be an urgent matter, and I haven't had time to talk to my family in advance."
         Yu Yan nodded and smiled.
         Xiao Yun is gone? Shouldn't she be walking?
         This business trip was indeed a temporary decision made by Xiao Yun.
         He stayed up all night, arrived at the company early in the morning, and handled business with great efficiency. Occasionally, when he was free, he could not help thinking about her face and her stubborn eyes-he took out the divorce agreement in the drawer.
         To sign ...
         After everything was broken, his relationship with Yu Yan was difficult to disguise, and divorce was the best option.
         It is strange that even at this step, he is still the same as the previous two times, it is difficult to write, hesitant, which makes him more irritable, his face cold, and got up to go to the window to light a cigarette.
         Assistant Chen came in holding the file and saw the divorce agreement on the table sharply. He said intimately, "Mr Xiao, do I need to transfer it to Miss Yu?"
         Xiao Yun  :  "Why, you seem to be looking forward to my divorce?"
         "Of course not, just before you ... I personally thought that this was not an important thing for you. It had no effect. Solve unnecessary trouble as soon as possible."
         Xiao Yun, of course, now also thinks that this incident is just a trivial matter to him. Of course, he suddenly became a little curious about the marriage of others. For example, Assistant Chen.
         He asked, "Are you married?"
         Assistant Chen had some unexpected Xiao Yun's questions, and responded very quickly  :  "No, but we have already negotiated almost. We will have a wedding at the end of the year."
         "Then what would you do if your wife offered you a divorce?"
         "... It's not good to say that?" He was cursed and divorced before he got married?
         Xiao Yun said impatiently  :  "Just one assumption."
         Assistant Chen thought for a moment and said, "Let's go!"
         Xiao Yun tilted her head and rubbed her ears, a little not sure what Assistant Chen said, "You say it again?"
         "..." Xiao Yun was speechless. "It looks like your wife is worried in the future."
         Assistant Chen shook his head  :  "How come, my wife proposed a divorce, it must be that I didn't do well, or she didn't love me anymore, everyone was suffering because of her reluctance, and she proposed that I should complete her divorce. In this way, both of us Better. "
         Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes  :  "... Chen Zhu, do you have something in it?"
         "Don't dare!"
         Xiao Yun sneered, impatient to wave his hand, "Go out and go—"
         Assistant Chen smiled, and squinted Xiao Yun's depressed expression secretly. After leaving the office, he did not hold back his lips and laughed.
         When I thought that my aunt was crying last night, when he called him, his girlfriend thought he was out, and almost came to a family battle, but the words that his aunt said couldn't help but be emotional.
         Now Yu Yan is desperate for Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun ... Xiao Yun is not as decisive as before.
         Assistant Chen saw Xiao Yun's hesitation, and he hesitated differently from the previous "Angry and Depressed Face Divorce, and he did not want to divorce, so he did not want to divorce".
         This hesitation has shown a lot. Not to mention other, at least Yu Yan is not indispensable to him. I don’t know if it’s a good time or a bad time.
         In any case, Assistant Chen is very happy, hesitation and hesitation should be more and more, it may be possible to see Xiao Yun jokes ...
         As for the schedule of the business trip, it was indeed Xiao Yun's sudden decision, because Assistant Chen did not know the news in advance, he was temporarily notified to follow Xiao Yun's business trip.
         Xiao Yun returned in the night of the fourth day, and the atmosphere was noisy and flashy.
         Both his parents had fallen asleep, and the aunt came out wearing a coat and took over the suitcase carried by Assistant Chen. Assistant Chen shouted auntie with a smile. The auntie said, "Tough work, you should go back to rest soon."
         "Not hard, it should be."
         Xiao Yun took off his coat and tossed it aside, and asked, "How are my parents these days, how are you doing?"
         Aunt  :  "Okay, it's all good."
         Xiao Yun nodded, wanting to ask Yu Yan, but couldn't open his mouth. The aunt who used to say Yu Yan's good words to the beans at the moment is like intentional, and never mentions Yu Yan.
         He didn't ask, there was nothing to ask, but left and right, she was angry, at best she just ignored him, not before. Just stay for a few days, naturally just fine.
         He went upstairs.
         As he passed the guest room, he saw the door was dark, quiet, and fell asleep. Or you are awake and don’t know it.
         He chuckled and went back to the room.
         In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Yun went downstairs and saw that the servant was setting the tableware. There were only three of them, so he stopped and prepared to leave.
         He wondered  :  "Why ... three?"
         The servant was more puzzled, and he started to index again  :  "Master, old lady, old gentleman ... isn't it three people?"
         Xiao Yun looked for a moment, turned to the upper floor, and pushed open the door of the guest room. The beds were neat, no one had slept, and the room was very neat and simple. There was no air of female life, and the wardrobe was empty.
         Yu Yan is gone?

         Chapter 61 : Yu Yan Will Say Goodbye  

         This was unexpected by Xiao Yun.
         Because this is a question he never thought about, Yu Yan is even less like a person who would leave without saying hello.
         Another reason is that Yu Yan left, and his mother and father didn't say anything? Not only did he not say anything, nor did he call him to scold him? Even when he came back last night, the aunt never told him ...
         Xiao Zhai interior and exterior were as quiet as if Yu Yan hadn't left, no one showed any slight difference, performing his duties, being peaceful and peaceful, so he thought Yu Yan was still sleeping in the guest room!
         Xiao Yun was confused and turned downstairs.
         He was not good enough to ask his parents, so he went to find his aunt, who could speak almost in Xiao Zhai house, had a close relationship with the old lady, and was very good at Yu Yan.
         He asked, "What's going on with Yu Yan? Going back to her maiden house?"
         The aunt said  :  "I don't know, I'm not very clear, but I heard Mrs Young said that her parents were going on a trip, it should have been a few days, right? Yes, just two days ago, Mrs Young went to see the old lady herself And the old man, they talked in the room for a long time. After the young lady came out, she took the luggage and left. After that, the young lady never returned. The old lady still cried, and the old man comforted for a long time. As for the young lady Where did I go ... I don’t know. Madam did not tell me, nor did the old lady mention it. I dare not ask. "
         Xiao Yun didn't believe how much his mother valued and reluctantly divorced him and Yu Yan. He looked at them. How could Yu Yan be allowed to leave? Even if you really let Yu Yan go, how can you tell him? It's not like his mother's style.
         Auntie said just now that Yu Yan was looking for his mother and father. In other words, this is what his father meant? Because only his father could talk to his mother, and things would be clear.
         When he went to the restaurant again, he saw that his parents were having breakfast, and they were laughing and joking, the atmosphere was wonderful.
         Seeing Xiao Yun, Xiao mother laughed and said, "Wake up, come and have a meal, work hard outside. Auntie made the soup pot that you like to eat, it is delicious!"
         Xiao Yun  :  "..."
         He would rather face the storm than the gentle breeze.
         The atmosphere of the whole breakfast was excellent. How did Xiao care about him eating and living? Good health? Can it be difficult? Father Xiao occasionally asked about things at work, and at most he said, Mother Xiao would interrupt them, forbid Father Xiao to worry too much, and his body mattered.
         After having an unknowing breakfast, Xiao Yun put down the chopsticks and smiled, "Okay, don't pretend that you have anything else to say. Dad should know that, so I don't need to hide it anymore. , Yu Yan and I really want to divorce. "
         He asked, "Yu Yan is not at home, is she going back to her mother?"
         Xiao's father said  :  "You are deliberately so obvious. I don't know if it's difficult, but if you want to hide it, I don't know." He and his wife have known each other for decades. Yes, his wife worries these days are in his eyes, and he is attentive a little bit. How can he not know that his wife has something in mind?
         Mother Xiao glanced at her husband and said to Xiao Yun  :  "We originally wanted to wait and tell you later ... Xiaoyan really moved away, I agree."
         Xiao Yun hesitated for a moment and was a little surprised  :  "Do you mean, you agree with our divorce?"
         Mother Xiao sighed and nodded  :  "Agree, what if you don't agree? My wife is really hard to get involved with your young people. Since you are determined to leave, even if you compromise with me during this time, you should always leave. , I would not be able to delay you, the delay has been long, but I am afraid that you may have too much entanglement, and in the end you will fall apart and become hatred! "
         "... Mom, why did you suddenly figure it out?"
         Mother Xiao stared  :  "I didn't figure it out. This is your father's decision. Your father has decided to agree to Xiao Yan's request. What else can I say?"
         Xiao Yun  :  "..."
         He looked at his father. Father Xiao nodded and said, "Neither of you has any thoughts in this marriage. Divorce is not a good choice. You don't have to force yourself for your family. Since you are back, go and register your divorce as soon as possible."
         "... What did Yu Yan tell you?"
         "What else? Nothing."
         Xiao Yun walked out of the house in a dazed way and went to the company. I didn't understand how to go on a business trip. Everyone in the family changed a lot?
         He was very curious. What did Yu Yan tell his parents? Finally, we can get such a result!
         Xiao Yun wanted to ask Yu Yan to understand, he called Yu Yan over the phone, but turned off several times, so he was irritated. He threw his mobile phone and turned around the chair. After a while, he connected to the inside and said  :  Check where Yu Yan is now. "
         Assistant Chen wondered  :  "Ms Yu is not in Xiao's house?"
         "I still use you to check?"
         "... Yes, President Xiao."
         Xiao Yun added  :  "It's mainly to look at the homes of the Yu family and Yu Yan's friends, or the place where she moved out before, you take care. As soon as possible-"
         Assistant Chen  :  "Yes, President Xiao, just ..." He said in an embarrassment, "General Manager Xiao, I may bother you for a while, because I don't know who Yu Yan's good friends are, just to keep her away. A friend who thinks of you when you are happy and who is likely to run away? If you know the name of the other person, it should be faster! Mr Xiao, you see ...? "
         Xiao Yun was silent for a moment, all his mind was blank, friends? How did he know.
         He said indifferently, "Why don't you just direct me to help you?"
         Assistant Chen immediately said  :  "Yes, I leave to do it."
         Hanging up, Assistant Chen smiled.
         Yu Yan's departure was in his expectation. Anyone who finds out the truth only for himself will not accept it, not to mention the man he loves. The things that worried her were not accidents, nor accidental. It was deliberately caused by someone he loved, and he fed the dog affectionately. Without an outbreak on the spot, it was already a very good performance. He lost everything and thought that it was not a trivial matter.
         He shook his head, and he really didn't care. Otherwise, how could he go on a business trip without knowing how to cause such damage to the other party?
         Assistant Chen's efficiency is still very fast. In the afternoon, Yu Yan's whereabouts were found.
         ——After leaving Xiao's house, she returned directly to the previous rental house.
         The person sent to the investigation took two photos and came back. It was a scene of Yu Yan pushing a cart to go to the supermarket. The temperament was gentle and calm, but she was not tired. The demure and gentle figure was a beautiful scenery in the crowded and noisy supermarket. Not like a woman who has gone through a major upheaval. At least it doesn't look like it.
         "Mr Xiao, are you going to meet Miss Yu?"
         "No." Xiao Yun said decisively, laughing softly. He wouldn't go to see her, and she would come back to him naturally.
         Xiao Yun was wrong this time.
         He hadn't received any news about Yu Yan the other day, and no one in the family ever talked to him about his Yan status anymore. Even his mother stopped talking about things like don't divorce in his ears. .
         Assistant Chen was even quieter. It was said that he didn't even have a phone call and never asked. Such anomalies made him very strange. He became more curious about what they said in the room that day.
         On the day Yu Yan left Xiao's house, the sky was drizzle. In August, even if it rained, it was still sweltering, and the air was sticky and turbid as if it had been soaked in a burning mud.
         She only has a suitcase and a cat cage, so she can be dragged away without the need for a gift.
         The aunt came to see her, and her face was full of perseverance, and her eyes were red. She said, "Don't blame the old lady for not giving you away. She is reluctant and keeps crying ..."
         "I know, I'm not angry." Yu Yan nodded gently. "Auntie, please come back, the old lady and old gentleman will take care of you."
         "Well! I know, I know, you don't have to worry. Come back when you have time."
         Yu Yan declined to ask the driver to send her, and called for a taxi. The car Xiao Yun had given her before was not ready to drive away.
         The maid helped her to put her suitcase in the trunk. The cat cage Yuyan carried it in the back seat of the car. The black cat shrank into a ball, looking a little scared and scared. It was still too small, and she wandered outside. Xiao Zhai environment is familiar. Even if he is clever, he will still not adapt to strange environments.
         Immediately before leaving, Yu Yan looked back and looked at Xiao Zhai. The departure that would not be the same state of mind even after leaving left her a little bit sad. How lively, how happy, how much when she came three years ago I look forward to leaving a suitcase, a stray cat, and one person to leave after three years.
         She resolutely turned onto the car.
         "Let's go."
         Leaving here is not to suffer and to start a new life.
         She will not be bound by her own life in the past, of course, she will not regret this marriage, whether it is good or bad, happiness or suffering, are all her own choice. After all, she sincerely loved someone for this Love and tried and won, but now it is a failure. Seeing clearly, she will climb out of that nothingness!
         Love is not everything to her. She chose to divorce because she knew that the love and her family would not respond. Now she also chooses not to love because she knows that the love is not wrong.
         All of this is doomed. She has gone from being blind because of love, but also becoming blind because of love.
         She left, not to run away from him, but just to leave.

         Chapter 62 : Yu Yu and Yu Yu went out for about a week,  

         On the fifth day that Yu Yan moved out of Xiao's house, they returned. On the day they returned, Yu Yan also went home. When she went out, the black cat turned around her feet and wanted to go out to see the world. Yu Yan rushed a few times and it didn't listen, meowing. Very pitiful, Yu Yan couldn't bear it, so he took it home with him.
         Yu Yan went early. When she arrived, her father and mother were still on the road. She cleaned the room again. No one lived for a few days. The room was covered with ash. Then she went downstairs to buy some vegetables, meat and fruits. After dinner was done, they returned in a dusty manner.
         Yu Yu looked tired, but her mental head was much better than before. She collapsed on the sofa and said, "Pour me a glass of water. I am going to die of thirst."
         Yu Yan  :  "I boiled mung bean soup, I'll get it for you."
         Father Yu moved the luggage into the house and said, "We bought you a lot of presents, let's see if you like them? There are old ladies and them, and you take them with you when you go back! Although they are all small things."
         Yu Yansheng gave two bowls of mung bean soup, one bowl to her father and one bowl to her mother. When she heard her father's words, she only smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, take a rest, let's eat first."
         Father Yu didn't think much  :  "Oh! Good ~"
         After dinner, Yu Yu and Yu Yu were packing up the specialties of the things they bought. Yu Yan collected the dishes and washed them in the kitchen. The black cat who had been in hiding since her parents finally appeared quietly and ran into the kitchen to meow. Put its food in the kitchen door and let it eat.
         Yu mother was looking at the dress with ethnic characteristics bought back and met the cat. She was surprised and said, "This is auspicious? How did you bring this cat back? It wasn't in the Xiao family ...?"
         Yu Yanying  :  "When I left, I took it with me."
         Yu mother stared. Yu father rolled his luggage and looked at Yu Yan. He understood the meaning of Yu Yan's words, but he didn't say anything. Mother Yu happy expression was immediately closed, her interest was greatly diminished, she threw her skirt, and she was not very happy and said, "Okay, I can't control you. You have to go, and Xiao family agreed?"
         Yu Yan was silent for a moment  :  "Forget it, the old man agreed to let me live first."
         "They didn't say anything?"
         "No ... say nothing."
         "..." Mother Yu stared, and didn't know what to say or how to leave. She sighed. "It seems to be destined!"
         She said nothing and went back to the room to rest.
         Yu Yu was also a little tired. She gave Yu Yan the gifts she bought, and went to wash and rest.
         Yu Yan returned to the bedroom holding the gift, piled things up on the bed, and she sat down, dreaming.
         In fact, she lied. Xiao's father told her something. Although he didn't ask her too much why she wanted to divorce, he still asked her if she had any dissatisfaction with Xiao Yun, but he did not expressly agree to their divorce.
         Just made a bet with her.
         Bet after she left Xiao Zhai, would Xiao Yun go to her first, or she would go to Xiao Yun first.
         Xiao's father said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I'm targeting my family jerk. I heard your aunt tell you, I know Xiao Yun is sorry for you, and has done many things that are intolerable. Can you For us to stay and take good care of us, I really appreciate you. I know that you are a good boy, but our Xiao family has failed you. This is how I taught my son! "
         Yu Yan was very surprised. She didn't remember what she said to others, but her father's words were very clear. It seemed that she and Xiao Yun had all the inside information. What did Auntie and Father say? How did Auntie know?
         Father Xiao  :  "She said she accidentally heard your conversation with Xiao Yun. I asked a few more words and she told me."
         "What conversation?" Xiao mother interrupted him with a look of confusion and wonder. "Why haven't I heard of it? Why did the aunt tell you not to tell me?" After the last sentence, she looked a little bit angry.
         Yu Yan suddenly remembered what happened that night. She lowered her head and smiled, "I ..."
         "I'm sorry, I just want to divorce sooner," she said.
         That kind of bet is meaningless to her.
         They want to divorce, there will be no involvement after the divorce, two people in different circles, it is difficult to meet. After that, she will never see each other again, this is her best ending.
         She will start a new life.
         Xiao's father said  :  "Rest assured, I will arrange for you as you wish. If Xiao Yun embarrasses you or is unwilling to sign a divorce, I will ask you to sue him for a lawyer!"
         Yu Yan heard the smile, still shaking her head  :  "I'm sorry."
         Father Xiao  :  "You don't have to do anything, just don't contact Xiao Yun to register for a divorce."
         Mother Xiao asked  :  "What kind of mystery are you playing?" Father Xiao patted the back of his wife hand, signaled her to be calm and calm, and Mother Xiao calmed down, still confused.
         Why did Xiao Father do this? Yu Yan couldn't understand, nor did he understand his intentions. He said that he would teach Xiao Yun, wouldn't she be Xiao Yun's lesson if he didn't find him? Yu Yan pondered over and over again, still not essential.
         But Xiao's father supported her, which made Yu Yan hesitate and nodded and agreed  :  "Okay."
         Afterwards, she left with her luggage. What Xiao Xiao and Father Xiao said in the room was unknown. Xiao's mother is not well. Father Xiao shouldn't tell her everything?
         Unlike Yu Yan's idea, what happened to Father Xiao, he rarely concealed his wife, let alone continue to conceal in such a situation, but only to make the old lady think more, become more irritable and affect the condition. Therefore, after Yu Yan's departure, his father and his wife repeatedly asked him about the things he heard from the aunt and his wife. They didn't say it too carefully, but it was enough to shock Xiao Xiao, and even more surprised. The anger was burning. She only knew that his son was often away from home because of work, but he did not know that he was deliberately slumped!
         After being angry, I was disappointed and reproached  :  "Although I was in a hurry to urge Xiao Yun to get married, I didn't expect him to deal with my marriage. He still treated Xiaoyan like this! No wonder that Xiaoyan was going to divorce! Thanks to me, I continued to match them and make up, Xiao Yun dealt with me going to date with Xiaoyan ... How sad should Xiaoyan be? "
         Xiao's mother said  :  "It's all my fault! This jerk, I will not interrupt his dog leg when he comes back!"
         Xiao's father said  :  "This is not the case. Let's treat nothing as if it were the same as before."
         Mother Xiao said puzzledly, "... Ah? What do you mean? Same as before? I thought you'd beat the stinky kid before me!"
         "People are rebellious. If you don’t let him do it, he will do it. We agree to let him do it. Instead, he hesitates and hesitates to do it. The tighter you are, the more he cares , Let's just let him go, whatever he wants. If he wants to divorce, let him go. "
         "..." Mother Xiao couldn't understand what her husband was thinking.
         In fact, Xiao Xiao did not do this for no reason. Since he heard how Xiao Yun treats Yu Yan from his aunt’s mouth, he asked Assistant Chen around Xiao Yun to talk to him and asked for more careful and secretive information.
         After a few times of embarrassment, Assistant Chen talked to Xiao Xiaofu like a bean, and nothing happened, so that he almost uncovered and turned over Xiao Yun ...
         Because of this, Father Xiao knew that when Xiao Yun and Yu Yan went out to dinner last time, they turned out to be two tables arranged in the same room. He also knew that the divorce agreement was locked in Xiao Yun's desk for a long time, and Yu Yan was not given; The most important thing is that Xiao Yun did not divorce behind her back!
         Not to mention anything else, but Xiao Xiao's personality is very well understood about Xiao Yun's character.
         Xiao Yun's personality has been overbearing since he was a child, he must get what he wants, and has strong self-esteem. In the same way, he will not wrong himself to pretend to be anything. So even if he really wanted to delay the divorce for his family, he used his personality to sneak away first, telling the family that it was not impossible to divorce; but he didn’t, and instead locked the divorce agreement in a drawer, indicating that he didn’t mean much. Wanting a divorce also shows that he is willing to eat that meal, otherwise he could lie and conceal. Couldn't such a simple thing be done?
         It’s just that Yu Yan is too understanding, too kind-hearted, and too conscientious. She knows that Xiao’s family has changed, and faces life and death. There are too many things that Xiao Yun has to worry about. Besides the family and the company, she volunteers to stay. Took part of the responsibility. Slowly, this actually fueled Xiao Yun's arrogance, relying on the kindness and tenderness of others, fearless!
         As for why Father Xiao agreed to Yu Yan's departure, he also said this bet.
         Half a month has passed since Yu Yan left Xiao's house. The end of August and the beginning of September, the school season has arrived.
         Yu Yan's newly bought car has already gone through the formalities, and it is much more convenient to travel. She met Coco before school began. This time Coco brought her child out. She was very cute, very sensible, and soft and soft. Called her aunt.
         When the child was a little introverted, when Yu Yan and Coco talked, he quietly ate desserts and fruits next to him, and did not make a noise, which made Yu Yan's heart soft.
         "Since it's going to be divorced, are you going to find another honest person, your family ..."
         Yu Yan shook her head  :  "I will not consider this issue in the short term."
         Coco nodded. If it was her, there would be no way to start a new love life so quickly, but if you are afraid of marriage because of this, isn't it trouble?
         Yu Yan said, "I'm not afraid, but I don't want to, and I'm not ready to do it again. There is nothing wrong with a person's life, don't worry about me, a woman doesn't have to marry someone."
         "Okay, if you're lonely, I'll come with you, haha!"
         Yu Yan smiled and smiled.
         Yu Yan's work was a little busy a few days before the start of school, and the days that followed were no different.
         Zhou Min brought her a gift back, with the gift, and a wedding invitation, the wedding place is in a famous hotel in city C, just next Saturday.
         "Why so hurry ...?"
         Zhou Min was holding his stomach, and laughed, "I'm sick of it too! I'm not ready for it!"
         Yu Yan looked at Zhou Min's belly and looked at Zhou Min again, showing a surprised and surprised expression, she smiled  :  "Congratulations!"
         "Thank you."

         Chapter 63 : 

         On the day of Zhou Min’s wedding,
         The weather is sunny, the sun is bright, the crowd is lively, and the mood is very good. It is a rare good day.
         She was sitting in the dressing room in a white wedding dress. Her makeup was beautiful and exquisite. The makeup artist put a white veil on her head, and her beautiful face was as beautiful as ever. Her groom greeted the guests outside. She was holding the bouquet and waiting for the wedding ceremony to begin, both nervous and looking forward.
         Yu Yan went to the dressing room to see her with several other teachers.
         "Sister Yu Yan, I'm so nervous!" Zhou Min said, "I'm nervous and tired. I got up at five this morning!"
         Yu Yan said  :  "You are a bride, so tired this day, hold on, and relax after the ceremony."
         "That is, are you the most beautiful bride today, are you very happy?"
         Zhou Min hummed  :  "Happiness is happiness, but it's not easy at all. I have a little overlord. It won't take me long to come out and toss me. I want to say that this is the beginning of a miserable day!"
         Just as Zhou Min's mother came in, she heard a sigh of relief  :  "What a bullshit to say on this happy day!"
         Zhou Min spit out his tongue.
         Yu Yan called Auntie, Ms Zhou and Yu Yan were not very familiar, but the visitors were all guests, and they were also very happy.
         Mother Zhou asked  :  "There a reminder over there. It's almost time. When you walk later, slow yourself down, don't wrestle!"
         Zhou Min  :  "Know, know."
         At twelve o'clock, Yu Yan helped Zhou Min to the entrance of the entrance. Her long skirt was mopping the floor, because wearing flat shoes was not too worrying. The host had already spoken at the front desk. The bridesmaids and groomsmen entered first. The bride was preparing. Yu Yan stepped aside and was ready to return to her seat. Suddenly, Zhou Min shouted, "What about the ring?"
         Yu Yan said, "Isn't it for the bridesmaids?"
         Zhou Min panicked and said, "I seem to have forgotten, and I'm still on the dressing table in the dressing room!"
         The girl who followed Zhou Min on her side said, "I still have time, I'll get it!"
         Yu Yan looked in front of the eye stage and said, "Don't worry, I'll get it. You go and talk to the host, let him not make the process too fast, I got it, and went directly to the bridesmaid in front."
         The man said, "Okay, you go."
         Zhou said sensitively  :  "Sister Yu Yan, trouble you ~" She really is pregnant, so does her memory worse?
         Yu Yan hurried back quickly. There was a short distance between the dressing room and the wedding banquet hall. Yu Yan ran over, and she saw the ring box on the dressing table in the dressing room. She opened it and looked at the ring inside. This relieved her, turned and quickly ran to the wedding venue ...
         The icy elevator door cracked and opened.
         The hotel manager personally reached out to block the elevator door, and Xiao Yun, who was in a black suit, stepped out. His indifferent and handsome face had no expression on his face. He squinted his eyes and glanced around casually.
         Assistant Chen followed him, and the manager bowed and instructed Xiao Yun to go to the left, "Please."
         The dozens of people behind them stepped out one after another, both male and female, all wearing regular black suits, looking respectful.
         The manager eloquently and Xiao Yun talked about how good the hotel's development and operation was. Xiao Yun listened lazily, but didn't seem to hear, and didn't care.
         The manager couldn't understand what Xiao Yun meant? Are you satisfied or dissatisfied ... It's always right to say more!
         Assistant Chen understood that Xiao Yun had heard it, but he was not overly concerned. A group of people took a few steps, and suddenly heard a fast running sound, high heels on the marble floor, —— —— ——
         Almost at the same time, Xiao Yun saw the woman running around the corner—a light gray knee-length skirt, long sleeves, loose buns, loosely makeup, and beautiful face.
         Those ink-filled eyes glanced past him, there was no surprise and avoidance in his eyes, no accidents and surprises, as if they had never had any relationship.
         It's melancholy.
         Women haven't changed at all.
         Xiao Yun froze, and did not expect to see her so suddenly. For the first time, he saw that she wore such a short skirt, and her uniform white legs were exposed under her skirt. She was graceful and shaky. He involuntarily slowed his pace, but Yu Yan's speed was extremely fast, as if he hadn't seen him, didn't know him, crossed him and passed by him.
         The footsteps went further and further until they disappeared.
         Appeared suddenly and disappeared completely.
         Xiao Yun's footsteps stopped, and the manager unknowingly closed his voice and asked, "... Mr Xiao?"
         A dozen people behind each other looked at each other, wondering why Xiao Yun stopped suddenly, what happened? Or is there any dissatisfaction?
         Xiao Yun hooked her lower lip and looked inexplicably  :  "Oh!"
         "..." The manager was startled and asked for an explanation. He was quietly held by Assistant Chen, shook his head secretly, and signaled that he was calm and not to say more. The manager shut up, of course, wondering why Xiao Yun was so angry suddenly because a woman suddenly came? Are you going to send away ...
         Xiao Yun chuckled and walked away. The people behind him kept up. This time, the manager was not stingy, and no one dared to say more. He followed Xiao Yun quietly, as if performing a mime.
         Yu Yan gave the ring to the bridesmaid in the fastest time. She gasped while covering her chest. She moved her feet because she was uncomfortable wearing high heels.
         The wedding was perfect.
         She wept with joy when she saw Zhou Min and her husband wearing rings each other, and kissed sweetly.
         Thunderous applause and laughter sounded.
         At such a happy moment, Yu Yan remembered her wedding, the previous wedding, when she was as happy as Zhou Min at the time, like eating a pot of honey, sweet and sweet.
         The smile can't fall, both now and in the future are happy expectations.
         Everything at that time was very far away from her, and when people recalled it, that memory became blurred.
         Think of it just now.
         Xiao Yan did not see Xiao Yun for a long time, and no one said in her ear. The rare leisure time of this half month made her finally no longer immersed in the mood of drowning in despair and pain. Things and past, only live their own little days.
         So I just saw Xiao Yun suddenly. At that moment, for a long moment, she thought Xiao Yun was a stranger, just a stranger ...
         It was only when the memories returned that she knew it was her past.
         At the end of the luncheon, the guest went to the upstairs tea room to play, and she was unconscious and stayed for a long time. She was worried that the black cat at home was hungry, so she wanted to leave home with Zhou Min. Who knew that she suddenly received a call from Assistant Chen and asked her to go As for what happened, he didn't say.
         Yu Yan hasn't contacted Assistant Chen for a while. Since she promised her father not to go to Xiao Yun for a divorce agreement, she has never cared about Xiao Yun's schedule, where he is or what he has done. Assistant Chen never spoke to her again.
         Yu Yan felt that her mood was a little different from before. She used to chase Xiao Yun from time to time to sign a divorce. He may never have been in the heart, so he is very perfunctory in this matter. Now she calmed down, but she was much calmer, at least not as impetuous as before.
         She waited quietly, despite the wishes of the elderly, she did not urge, because she had to, the result of this matter would not come out too late.
         Now that she received a call from Assistant Chen, she was not blind and asked, "Who means?"
         Assistant Chen glanced at Xiao Yun and said, "Mr Xiao's meaning."
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "Oh. I see."
         hang up the phone.
         Assistant Chen put away his cell phone without reporting. Xiao Yun had listened to everything. He stroked a match to light a cigarette and took a deep breath. There was no special emotion. The eyes were still hard to distinguish.
         Assistant Chen couldn't see him through, but knew that no one had ever had "Yu Yan" before him in the past half month. As soon as he met, even he had some shocks. Xiao Yun ... should he? He was not sure,
         There were no people in the private room. All those who had accompanied him before were sent away. Assistant Chen said, "General Manager Xiao, I'll wait at the door."
         Xiao Yun nodded dismissively.
         Assistant Chen backed out and glanced at the time, 1  :  15.
         Who knows that this is half an hour, Xiao Yun is very impatient, and the suffocating suffocation will overturn Assistant Chen. Assistant Chen can only take out his mobile phone and call Yu Yan and ask  :  Where are you now? "
         Just now, Assistant Chen heard a meow coming from the microphone, "..."
         Xiao Yun frowned! Very surprised  :  meowing? That black cat?
         Just listen to Yu Yan and say, "Well, I'm at home, what's wrong?"
         Assistant Chen couldn't say why you didn't come. Someone is waiting here! He said gently  :  "... Is something wrong at home?"
         Yu Yan  :  "Well, the kitten hasn't eaten yet, I'm worried it's hungry."
         The corner of Assistant Chen's mouth was drawn, and a low pressure suddenly felt. This was really terrible. Assistant Chen did not expect that Yu Yan would make an appointment directly, or for a cat, he did not hold back. Don't you see this month, it should grow up a lot? "
         Yu Yanhan said with a smile  :  "Yeah, when I grow up, I eat more and more."
         Xiao Yun was holding Assistant Chen, stood up, his face was unconcealed and impatient. Assistant Chen purged and paused, "I wonder if Miss Yu can ..."
         Xiao Yun directly interrupted Assistant Chen's words and said, "Back to the company."
         The meaning is very clear, Assistant Chen continued to say to Yu Yan, "Well, I won't bother you, Miss Yu, you are busy."
         Yu Yan said her goodbye gently, without mentioning Xiao Yun.

         Chapter 64 : Yu Yan didn't meet Xiao Yun,  

         She didn't know what would be there, except that the impatient word "back to company" was still transmitted to Yu Yan's ears through the microphone. The voice will not be ignored.
         She heard it. There was no special feeling. For better or worse, it had become nothingness.
         Xiao Yun returned to the company. It is no different from before. He is still focused on handling business affairs. He only thinks about the gloom when he is free occasionally. .
         He didn't care about hooking his lips. He secretly said that he had been away for a long time, and his temper had become wild.
         At the end of the day, Xiao Yun returned to Xiao Zhai to have dinner with his family.
         Ling Lin also came, and brought a gift to visit Xiao’s father, Xiao’s mother. When Xiao Yun arrived home, she heard her aunt mention that she went for a walk along the lake. “Master, do you go there? Definitely happy! "
         "No." Xiao Yun frowned and went to the study upstairs. Half an hour later, he saw his parents and Ling Lin returning from the window of the study.
         After Ling Lin said she wanted to compete with Lingyang, she put it into action. It did cause a lot of resistance to Lingyang from all aspects. Only two days ago, she and Lingyang competed to win a billion-dollar investment. The cooperation case is when the scenery is proud. The name of Ling Lin has been changed from "Ms Ling" to "Mr Ling". The Ling Group was divided into two forces, one supporting Ling Yang and one supporting Ling Lin. The two factions were in full swing. On the other hand, they should have inherited Ling's Lexus, walking around in various wind and moon places, eating and drinking Come, the entertainment newspaper sees every day, and it doesn't stop.
         Ling Chengxing's decision to change his will has not yet been decided, but he heard him mention it when he met with Ling Chengxing a few days ago, and it seems that it was only two days ago.
         I'm afraid there will be another unseen bloody rain!
         叩叩 ——
         "Xiao Yun! Why do you run to the study as soon as you come back? Come out and eat!" Ling Lin shouted at the door of the study.
         As soon as she and the old lady came back from the outside, she heard that Xiao Yun was back, and ran up and called Xiao Yun the first time. In addition, she had something to ask him.
         Xiao Yun pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray, opened the door and pulled it out.
         Because Xiao Yun came out, Ling Lin gave two steps and glanced inside. "God is mysterious, what's hidden inside?"
         Xiao Yun said  :  "Let's go, hungry."
         "Well! Who is rare?"
         The two went downstairs together. Ling Lin walked in front of Xiao Yun. She suddenly stopped and turned around, "I'll ask you something."
         "My dad met you a few days ago. Did he ever say anything to you?"
         Xiao Yun raised an eyebrow  :  "Do you know this?"
         "Want to know that my dad has met with you, what's so difficult?" Ling Lin shrugged and looked relaxed, "You should ask, how many people now don't know if you have met with my dad? Did he meet with you? You said your will. I know my dad trusts you very much. What did he say that he really wanted to give Ling's to Lingyang? What about Lexus? What about me? "
         Xiao Yun smiled and asked Ling Lin  :  "Your dad knows that I have a good relationship with you and Lexus, how could you tell me such a secret thing? Besides, you didn't hit Lingyang very successfully and pulled back your father. Concern and trust? Worrying about it now, so unconfident? "
         Ling Lin frowned  :  "I just can't rest assured. Ling Yang looks honest and gentle, but his means ..." Very fierce. At least she had snatched a case from Lingyang this time, which made her feel happy, but at the same time, she was a little bit relieved.
         She said, "Who knows if he lied to my dad? Was my dad really old ..."
         Ling Lin rubbed her forehead and said helplessly, "Well, since you don't know, just forget it. Let's go and have dinner, Aunt Xiao and Xiao await."
         Xiao Yun and Ling Lin went downstairs, dinner was set on the table, Xiao's father and Xiao mother were already waiting, and when Xiao Yun and Ling Lin came down, they urged that they could eat.
         When eating, Ling Lin suddenly mentioned  :  "Yes, why didn't you see Yu Yan? The school should be out of school, right?"
         She glanced at Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun looked at her meal as usual, and said nothing. She has come to Xiao Zhai two times in the past two years. She has not seen Yu Yan, nor do she know where to go. She also inadvertently asked Auntie and Xiao Zhai servants, but the auntie said to her that she didn't know, wasn't clear, and even the servants flickered, but looking at it, it doesn't seem to be a good thing?
         Out of curiosity, she personally asked a maid who had been here a while ago, "Is Yu Yan and Xiao Yun arguing? I don't know how to ask them. You tell me, maybe I can help?"
         The man hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, it's the young lady and the young master who want to divorce ... the young lady has moved out!"
         Ling Lin snorted. She was somewhat surprised by this answer. Although she knew that Xiao Yun and Yu Yan's relationship was not too good, she didn't know that she had reached such a point and was at such a sensitive moment. But she likes to look down.
         After asking questions, Ling Lin looked at Xiao Yun and looked at Xiao's mother and father.
         Mother Xiao laughed and said, "Xiao Yan is not at home. Ling Lin, next time you remember, you must call Guo Hang for a meal. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't know how he has been doing recently? Yes, you also I ’ve been married for several years. When are you going to have children? "
         Ling Lin said  :  "I said to Guo Hang, but he is very busy at work and can't walk away." At the same time, he was surprised that Mother Xiao would conceal it intentionally.
         "How is this? It's all weekend. Don't just care about work, but also pay attention to rest! Look at my old Xiao, isn't it because of busy work ?!"
         Father Xiao was named and smiled with a temper.
         Ling Lin  :  "Yes Aunt Xiao, I will tell him."
         "Okay, you must come with Guo Hang next time!"
         Ling Lin responded with a smile. No one knows what she thinks in her heart. After all, she promised several times, and she still came by herself.
         Shortly after dinner, Ling Lin left and left. She didn't hold back and asked Xiao Yun before leaving, saying, "Should it be you and Yu Yan who are arguing, let's run away the popularity?"
         Xiao Yun grinned and went to the wine cabinet and poured a glass of red wine.
         Ling Lin tilted her head and looked at the man's upright back, and smiled, "If you don't want to say it, then I'll go first, bye."
         Men don't need to answer  :  "Well."
         Ling Lin took a final look and turned to leave.
         After Ling Lin left, Xiao Yun went upstairs with a goblet, and unexpectedly saw the aunt who had shrunk her head back, panic, he raised his eyebrows, walked over and asked, "Is there something wrong?"
         The aunt stepped out and wrung her fingers in distress. "No ..."
         The next day, Yu Yan saw a report on Ling Chengxing in a newspaper, and he made another will, saying that 80% of the property in his name would be inherited by the newly recognized dry son Ling Yang. As for his biological children, It accounts for a small part and cannot be compared with Lingyang at all.
         As soon as the news came out, it became the focus of everyone discussions. One after another guessed who was Lingyang? Or is it a son or an illegitimate child?
         Yu Yan could almost imagine how angry and sad Ling Lin and Ling Zhi should be. She sighed, as if the tall man who had stood for decades for his dead wife changed at this moment. However, Ling Chengxing in Yu Yan's memory is different from the self-assertive Ling Zhi and the confident and proud Ling Lin. He is elegant and gentle, and of course has the decisiveness of ordinary people.
         She couldn't understand the mischief in those shopping malls and homes, and after seeing it, she passed by. These are not the issues she can worry about.
         As the parties, Ling Zhi and Ling Lin were really angry. Apart from being angry, and more sad and sad, they did not understand that a Ling Yang could have such a big charm that Ling Cheng Xing could do so! Of course, I also understand that anger and anger have long been of no avail. If it is useful, does Ling Zhi get into that kind of situation before? Doesn't Ling Chengxing take a step back?
         But compared with Ling Lin, Ling Zhi is much more silent, thinking of arrogance  :  Anyway, those things are not his, and his father will give to whomever he wants, he is not rare!
         Ling Lin said coldly, "I will never let Ling Yang succeed!"
         Until the end, she will not give up.
         "You don't worry that Lexus and Ling Lin really hate you?"
         In a hidden teahouse box, Xiao Yun and Ling Chengxing sat opposite each other. There was no third person at the scene except him.
         Ling Chengxing shook his head helplessly  :  "Perhaps you are right, I was wrong from the beginning, but how can I retreat at this step?"
         "Lexus is still the same."
         "I know, but Ling Lin ..." Ling Chengxing said hesitantly, "Ling Lin is much stronger and more decisive than her brother. It may be that the mother went early and I was busy with work. She had to take care of her brother and was busy with others, so Personality is relatively independent. Lexus has become accustomed to relying on people, and everyone will do everything. He has not suffered any setbacks since he was a child.
         Ling Chengxing said  :  "I regret it. I didn't teach it well in their hours. Now they are old and want to teach it too late."
         Ling Chengxing revealed a long time ago to let Lexus go to work in the company, and was prepared to deliver Ling to him, but Lexus was unwilling to evade it under various excuses. He and Ling Lin tried various methods and still failed. Yang, thinking that this kind of stimulus will give Lexus a fighting spirit. He will fight and fight, but he did not expect it to be like this in the end. He has nothing to do. Lexus, Lingyun and Aspirations, really lived up to the name he gave him.
         Xiao Yun said  :  "Sometimes, hate and anger may not necessarily stimulate people fighting spirit, but also make people more decadent. Of course, if you love ... it may be different." Just like he and his father.
         He asked, "Ling Ling, what are you going to do next?"
         Ling Chengxing shook his head and said, "Let's do it."
         Xiao Yun nodded silently, and it was Ling Chengxing who made the decision. He had no right to interfere too much.
         Ten minutes later, Xiao Yun first Ling Chengxing didn't leave the teahouse, and not long after he left, Ling Yang appeared.
         As for what they talked about, no one knew.
         At the same time, Yu Yan accidentally received a call from Father Xiao. Father Xiao said that she promised him nothing to count. Yu Yan was somewhat surprised, but since Father Xiao said so, she should respond.
         Father Xiao said, "Yu Yan, do you know what your biggest weakness is?"
         Yu Yan shook her head in confusion, saying that she didn't understand, "Maybe I'm too indecisive ..."
         "No, it's you too simple."
         "You are too simple and too transparent. For some people, they can see you through at a glance. If a person has no secrets, it is too dangerous, whether for others or for himself."
         Yu Yan froze, seemingly understand.
         Father Xiao finally said, "I'll give you a phone number. If you are in trouble, you can go to him."
         As for what the previous month was waiting for, Yu Yan didn't ask, and Father Xiao didn't talk to her, but nothing happened. Perhaps the final result did not meet his expectations. Father Xiao no longer forced her. Already.
         Being puzzled, her telephone rang again  :  Xiao Yun 1.
         She picked up  :  "Assistant Chen?"
         "it's me."


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