Separated Marriage 45

Novels    »  I Am Separated From This Marriage  »     Chapter 45 : Xiao Yun will not support cats,  


         But just let Yu Yan let it go, she couldn't bear it again.
         The aunt said, "Well, just ask the old lady, if the old lady allows her, the master will not force us to drive it away, right?"
         Yu Yan's eyes brightened, adding  :  "It doesn't matter. I'll raise here for two days. When I return to my parents' house, I will bring it back to my parents." After the Xiao family affairs subsided, she went out and lived with her. The cat picked it up and she would raise it by herself.
         The aunt nodded. "Okay."
         After discussions, Yu Yan asked the old lady for her opinion. The old lady had no special opinion on raising a kitten at home. She just laughed that when Xiao Yun was in trouble, she was right. Because I used to think of raising one or two domestic dogs at home, but Xiao Yun fiercely opposed it, leaving the matter behind.
         In this way, Yu Yan really worried that Xiao Yun would throw the little black cat directly. If it was him, nothing would be impossible ...
         Yu Yan said, "I'll keep the cat in the upstairs room first, so as not to lose it."
         Auntie said, "Hide it up?"
         After all, in other people’s homes, Yu Yan wanted to have a cat that the host didn’t like very much. Just two days later. "
         "Okay." Auntie took the kittens to the pet store to take care of them, and bought some food and toys needed by the kittens, all piled up in the guest room. The little black cat was still afraid of people. When he entered the room, he hid under the bed and couldn't come out. Yu Yan knelt on the carpet for a few moments and was called by the aunt to go downstairs.
         "The kittens are afraid of being born. It will be good if they live a few more days. When the time comes, they will be mischievous. They will go to the house and uncover the tiles if they are not careful."
         Yu Yan smiled.

         Xiao Yun came back very late at night. He did not go to see the gloom after the screen, and fell asleep after washing. After a while, he always felt that something was wrong, and if he really said what it was, there seemed to be nothing.
         He sat up and glanced at the screen.
         Xiao Yun waited for a while, and there was no movement over there. Such quietness actually made him a little uneasy. But when I went upstairs, my aunt said that Yu Yan had already stopped.
         He got up and looked around, bypassing the screen, the sofa was empty and empty, there was no gloomy shadow at all!
         Almost subconsciously, he called Yu Yan over.
         Yu Yan had fallen asleep. Suddenly she received a call from Xiao Yun, leaving her very confused. Then, Xiao Yun's voice came over immediately. He asked, "Where are you?"
         Yu Yan paused  :  "Guest room."
         Almost as soon as her voice fell, the door of the guest room clicked and was pushed open.
         Yu Yan sat half-armed up and looked up to the door. The tall figure of the man stood there. She could only see a vague outline. The warm light of the bedside lamp obstructed her eyes and made her invisible.
         Xiao Yun hung up the phone and asked impatiently, "How do you sleep here?"
         "Oh, I hugged the cat today."
         Xiao Yun had to admit that this is really a good excuse and almost made him unable to refute it.
         "That cat?"
         "I said that furry animals are not allowed in the home."
         "You didn't raise it?"
         Yu Yan pursed her lips and shook her head  :  "I'm going to sleep."
         Xiao Yun squinted his eyes, watching Yu Yan put the phone on the bedside table, and the soft black hair poured down, and the tail of the hair swept out a beautiful arc.
         Yu Yan has been lying down.
         He said nothing and pulled the door.
         In the next few days, Yu Yan slept in the guest room. In addition to Xiao Yun, Xiao Yan knew that Yu Yan secretly hid a cat. She did not return to the bedroom, but no one suspected that something had happened between her and Xiao Yun.
         Even Mother Xiao couldn't help saying, "A person is not as attractive as a cat."
         Yu Yan smiled.
         She wanted to take the cat home, but her parents went to the aunt's house and went to the door. It would be delayed for two days.
         Yu Yan still slept in the guest room that night. At eleven o'clock, she heard the sound of Xiao Yun's return in her sleep, and the sound of steady footsteps passed by her door.
         As she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard an open door ...
         Xiao Yun had entered the room and turned on the room light. Under the bright light, he saw at a glance the glare of the light, the frown and the gloomy eyes, and the little black cat sleeping by her pillow. Was awakened, looked up, squinted at him like his owner, and stretched lazily without any sense of crisis.
         Yu Yan  :  "..."
         Cat  :  "Meow ~~"
         Xiao Yun looked at her with her hands around her chest, and smiled coldly  :  "Yu Yan, you better give me a reasonable explanation."
         Yu Yan  :  "..."
         This matter is really hard to explain. Yu Yan glanced at the cat, and the cat rolled lazily, grunting and began to lick her hair. She didn't hold back her lower lip and looked at Xiao Yun and said, "Tomorrow? "
         Xiao Yun raised an eyebrow  :  "Tomorrow?"
         "Well, I'll take it away from Xiao's house tomorrow. It's too late today."
         Xiao Yun stared at her silently. However, the woman's face was always gentle and quiet, without panic or eager to justify the request, and calmly decided where the kitten went. Maybe she had expected him to know, so she had already figured out how to deal with him?
         He finally dropped a sentence  :  "I don't want to see it again tomorrow."
         Before leaving, he looked at the kitten in disgust.
         Yu Yan rubbed the cat's belly, it was so stupid that she didn't even know she was abandoned.
         The existence of the kitten is no secret. The next morning, it jumped up and down under Xiao Yun's eyelids.
         When they were eating at the table, it was humming at the foot of the table.
         Xiao Yun frowned.
         Yu Yan held the cat and its small bowl and went to the garden in the back. The kitten meowed dissatisfied, struggling to land, it was not full yet.
         The old lady didn't hold back a laugh  :  "You said how you held such a grudge, because you were caught by a cat when you were a kid, do you remember now? Black cat is good, black cat means auspicious, saying that it can drive away evil and avoid evil!
         Xiao Yun took a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, and said solemnly  :  "There is no reason to hate it."
         Besides, he didn't believe in those superstitious things, he got upstairs.
         The maid was also upstairs in the room, packing the black cat's luggage.
         As he passed by, he glanced sideways, all small animals, besides the nest, there were various toy combs and toothbrushes. He sneered, and really took a cat as a baby.
         When he went downstairs, Yu Yan ate at the dining table. The cat didn't know where to run. The living room didn't have its shadow.
         Xiao Yun, as usual, went to see his father before going out.
         Who knew he had just opened the bedroom door and saw the little black cat standing at the head of the bed, sniffing at his father's cheek, smelling the ground, seeing him come in, not afraid, copying both calves, lying on the bed without moving Already.
         Xiao Yunton caught a cold, and stepped forward to catch the cat. At first sight, the cat twisted the furry buttocks, and jumped off the bedside and ran away.
         Hold back the anger and call Assistant Chen  :  "Come in, tie me that cat!"
         Assistant Chen  :  "...?"
         Such a secret, as Xiao Yun's personal assistant, no one would tell him.
         Yu Yan didn't know what happened, but she just saw the kitten ran out of Xiao's father's room and saw Xiao Yun go in, she felt unconscious subconsciously. It's not that the kittens are bad, but that the kittens went into Xiao Fu ward and were seen by Xiao Yun. This is not good. After all, before that, the old lady stayed in the ward several times with the kitten, and the kitten recognized and recognized the place. After several visits, it became familiar with itself. Without having to teach people to shout, it would run by itself. play……
         Yu Yan was a little worried, put down the tableware and followed into Xiao Fu ward.
         Xiao Yun was so angry that he pressed his forehead straight and saw Yu Yan come in. He said coldly, "What about that cat?"
         Yu Yan glanced out the door. "... Run away."
         "Oh, I know how to run."
         Yu Yan asked, "Is the cat in trouble?"
         Xiao Yun held her back  :  "What do you think?"
         Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and looked around on the ground without seeing anything broken, which reassured her half, as for the other half ...
         It happened that Assistant Chen came in, carrying a black cat in his hand, a black ball, flashing a pair of golden eyes, pulling his limbs and ears, and drumming his eyes around.
         Assistant Chen asked, "General Manager Xiao, is this cat?"
         Xiao Yun nodded and ordered  :  "Lock it up until you leave my house."
         Assistant Chen is unknown. Although he doesn’t know how the cat annoyed Xiao Yun, he knows Xiao Yun’s rejection of small animals like cats, dogs, and dogs. But this cat was domestic at first sight and appeared in Xiao’s house. He glanced at Yuyan, Yuyan's attention didn't seem to be on the cat ...
         Xiao Yun noticed Assistant Chen's gaze and frowned instantly, urging  :  "Not yet?"
         Assistant Chen turned back  :  "Okay, President Xiao."
         He didn't look any more, and quickly left the ward carrying the cat.
         Xiao Yun looked back at Yu Yan, "If I see you again with these kittens and puppies, I'll—"
         Yu Yan smiled, she waved to Xiao Yun, "Xiao Yun."
         Xiao Yun looked cold.
         Yu Yan  :  "Look, Dad is awake."
         Xiao Yunzhang for a moment, how is that possible? Obviously he didn't wake up when he just watched ...
         If not, clear the cache.

         Chapter 46 : Probably there were infinite expectations and hopes,  

         In the end, it all ended in disappointment, so when I heard Yu Yan said that his father woke up, his first reaction was that he couldn't believe it, and even some didn't dare to see his father, because he was afraid of an illusion and was disappointed ... ...
         But he saw Yu Yan laughing.
         Because of joy and excitement, when she smiled, she showed white and lovely teeth. She looked at him with beautiful eyes like black gems, and blinked, soaking more tears.
         "Xiao Yun, Dad really woke up ..."
         Yu Yan was crying with joy, and he was silent! Lian Yuyan is also unbelievable. She imagined countless scenes and times when Xiao Father woke up, maybe when she went out for a walk with her mother, maybe when she read the newspaper for him, or somewhere At this moment, he would suddenly open his eyes and tell them that he had slept too long and was so tired that he wanted to go out.
         She never thought that such a chicken flying dog would jump, such a sudden and unexpected, exciting and unexpected sudden and unexpected!
         Father Xiao really woke up—
         Yu Yan's choked voice and joy seemed to Tian Yun to Xiao Yun.
         ... Dad woke up?
         He finally understood the word, moved his eyes slowly and quickly, and finally saw his father and opened his eyes—
         The news that Mr Xiao woke up exploded in Xiao Zhai house. The medical staff quickly rushed to carry out an inspection. In the back garden, Mother Xiao, who took care of the flowers and plants, threw a watering can and ran away, thanks to her aunt supporting her. No accidents happened.
         Seeing her husband who opened his eyes, Xiao mother endured tears for a long time and finally fell. She did not mention it in the past two months, but she felt relieved and hovered in her breath, even the doctor said that it was very good. May be a vegetative, now seeing her husband open his eyes, her legs are soft and she almost fell to the ground!
         Yu Yan helped the old lady to sit down. "Don't be excited, mom, dad is awake, you need to take care of yourself."
         Mother Xiao nodded and muttered, "I know, I know ..."
         Yu Yan glanced at Xiao Yun. He stood by the wall, pressing his fingers on his lips, and stared at the hospital bed with anxiety.
         He wasn't at peace, and the wait before dawn was always the most grueling.
         The black cat meowed, and walked around Yu Yan's feet. Assistant Chen also followed the black cat. The black cat saw him and disappeared.
         At this moment, no one was in charge, and even Xiao Yun did not care where it went.
         Until half an hour later, the doctor gave them a firm message. Father Xiao woke up, just because of the illness and lethargy, there will be some sequelae. What needs to be done now is rehabilitation at a later stage.
         "What are the sequelae?"
         The doctor explained that although Mr Xiao was awake and had consciousness, there might be some problems in the movement of hands and feet. Hands are better than legs, because the hands can be lifted at least slightly, but the legs and feet have only some consciousness. With treatment, there is also the possibility of recovery.
         Such a conclusion makes Yu Yan's happy mood unavoidable. This means that Xiao Xiao's actions and life will not be able to take care of himself. What a blow to a successful and unshakable father, Xiao Xiao? Father Xiao, will he regret to wake up ...
         Yu Yan looked at him and could not help crying again, Xiao Yun, and looked at Xiao Yun again.
         Xiao Yun's face was very heavy. He was glad that Father Xiao could wake up, but of course he felt more heartbroken. When Father Xiao woke up, he was not confronted with a complete recovery. From the pain of physical illness to the blow to the soul, this was a terrible suffering .
         Mother Xiao came from her sadness and said, "It doesn't matter. I don't care about these things. He can wake up, it is a great gift to me ..."
         Xiao Yun embraced the old lady shoulders and asked her to lean beside him.
         The situation today is much better than lying in a sleepy state, much better.
         Yu Yan took a tissue and wiped the old lady tears. The doctor and nurse had all withdrew. Yu Yan advised  :  "Mom, don't cry anymore, Dad is still waiting for you in there, see your eyes later It's swollen, maybe it's time to worry. "
         "Yes, I don't cry, I'll go and see the old man in my family ..." Mother Xiao wiped her tears and cheered up.
         Xiao Yun said, "That's right. The doctors said that there is a chance of recovery. You should relax your heart, and persuade my dad to relax and actively cooperate with the treatment. Don't hold back because of good looks."
         "I know, I know what to do, I won't hold you back!"
         The old lady packed herself, wiped away her tears, and went into the bedroom. Yu Yan took a few steps behind the old lady, but was suddenly stopped by Xiao Yun. She looked at him doubtfully and asked, "Is there anything I want to do?"
         Xiao Yun stretched his index finger and poked at Yu Yan's cheek. Yu Yan stepped back and stared at him in surprise. Xiao Yun retracted his hand, and the cold and wet touch of his fingertips made him very uncomfortable.
         "Wipe yourself, too ..."
         Yu Yan covered her cheeks with her palms, her face was cold and moist. She just couldn't hold back crying just now, and didn't feel anything after rubbing it in a random way. At the moment, Xiao Yun pointed it out, she nodded suddenly, You go ahead. "
         Xiao Yun frowned and said nothing, went in.
         Who knew that as soon as he went in, it was not good for a second-the black cat lay on his father's pillow with his front paws and stared at him with round eyes.
         What is Chen Zhu doing? It is not enough to describe his mood at the moment!
         But he put up, walked closer, and looked at his father who was awake but not very convenient. His mother was holding the palm of his father, smiling and smiling, and her eyes were red again.
         "Dad, you are awake."
         Father Xiao's eyes moved from his wife to his son and nodded slowly.
         Xiao Yun smiled. He knew what his father was worried about. "Dad, rest assured, I take good care of the company and the home. What you have to do now is to raise your body as soon as possible. You don’t know how worried my mother is. "
         Mother Xiao was in a better mood. She said strangely, "Can you be worried? Look at what Xiao Yan has. Are you worried or not? Well, I'm happy and confused, and I'll say some jerk, don't count, don't count of……"
         Xiao Yun froze for a moment, glanced at the melancholy approaching the ward.
         Yu Yan didn't hear what Mother Xiao said, and didn't ask, just to see Father Xiao wake up, the old lady was in a good mood, and she was fine. It was as if Shoude Yunkai saw Yueming, Liu Anhuaming and another village.
         She walked to the bed and called out dad.
         Father Xiao nodded his head because he was awake, and his energy and physical condition were very bad. At this time, he wanted to rest again.
         Yu Yan had already seen the black cat in trouble, and she peeked at Xiao Yun, knowing that he must be holding back now, and wanted to take the black cat away.
         Mother Xiao stopped her and said, "I said that the black cat was auspicious, and it only took a few days to come to our house. We old Xiao woke up, and we knew that coming here every day was really spiritual.
         Mother Xiao was also unbelieving. She said that the black cat meant auspiciousness, but she still heard it from the older generation, but only after listening to the science and science for so many years, she was just a superstition to listen to. When she really came home, she didn't take it too seriously, but when the husband really woke up, the black cat always ran like a psychic, and she believed most of it, so she didn't want to drive the black cat away.
         Yu Yan retracted her hand and saw Xiao Yun's eyebrows twisted.
         Xiao Father was awake for a long time and then rested. Mother Xiao was reluctant to leave, and was always by the bed. The black cat snorted on the bed and snored. Occasionally, she rubbed the cat's head, and the black cat opened her eyes vigilantly, and lay down to continue sleeping.
         Yu Yan and Xiao Yun went to the outside living room.
         Xiao Yun was still anxious about the black cat. He couldn't wait to see the gloom that led the black cat home and the assistant Chen who didn't expect the black cat to run around.
         Yu Yan touched her nose, and she couldn't help it. The black cat was left by the old lady. The excuses left by it were completely irrefutable. Even Xiao Yun could only linger.
         Instead of facing Xiao Yun's stinking face, Yu Yan turned to a diet list customized by diet experts and doctors for Xiao's father.
         On the other hand, Father Xiao's wake-up signaled that her departure was near.
         It doesn't matter how much it feels, only everything is finally relieved.
         I just don't know if the news of their divorce will be another blow to the two old men ...
         In the afternoon, Father Xiao woke up several times, drank a little soup, and listened to what Xiao Mu’s mumbling had said in the past two months. Xiao Yun, family, and company only omitted it. She had surgery.
         Yu Yan knew that Xiao's mother was afraid of her father's worry, so she woke up. It was difficult to give him too much pressure and excitement, and her emotions should not be excited, but she did not know that Xiao's father knew everything. As for Xiao's concealment, he knew nothing and didn't ask.
         Yu Yan had to take advantage of Xiao’s mother’s time to go to the bathroom. She probably told her father, “The operation has already been completed, and the operation was very successful. After that, you only need to check it regularly. Pay attention to your diet and rest. It’s all right.”
         When Father Xiao woke up in the morning, because Xiao's mother was around, Xiao Yun was not good at explaining it to him. He only did soothing. Now hearing the real situation, Father Xiao is more relieved. He sighed and said, "A man is old and can't stand any excitement."
         Yu Yan shook her head and said, "It's Dad. You care too much about your mother. You're too worried about it. What you have to do now is to raise your body. You don't know, how worried the mother has been in the past two months. There is Xiao Yun. After I knew you had an accident, the whole person was panicked. It was the first time I saw him ... "
         If not, clear the cache.

         Chapter 47 : Yu Yan and Father Xiao said a lot,  

         What happened was almost what she thought of, and what she said. The old gentleman listened quietly and asked her occasionally, and she replied until the mother Xiao returned, and the topic was not stopped.
         Yu Yan didn't bother the two, and said hello before going outside.
         The black cat woke up, stretched a lazy waist, jumped out of bed with shaking fur, and meowed around Yu Yan's feet.
         Yu Yan went to take her snack and fed it, and when she was full, she disappeared again.
         The aunt said, "Look, it's a little white-eyed cat."
         Yu Yan smiled, thinking of the condition of Father Xiao, and smiled lightly.
         She called home and told him that Father Xiao had woke up. His father was very happy and said that he would have to play chess and fishing with the old gentleman next time he came.
         Yu Yan said nothing and could not bear to disturb his father Yaxing.
         As soon as she was silent, Yu father's interest had greatly diminished, because he remembered the current situation of Yu Yan and Xiao Yun, everything, but nothing but peace on the surface. One day this peace will be broken, and then there will be a new war.
         Father Yu sighed, "Old lady, they probably don't know about you and Xiao Yun yet?"
         Yu Yan nodded  :  "Well, I haven't talked about it for a while. Father Yun Xiao just woke up here, his mood should not be too undulating, he needs peace of mind and rest, and he needs to continue treatment and rehabilitation. When the situation is stable, find another suitable time to confess Right. "
         "What about Xiao Yun? What does he say?"
         "I haven't spoken to him yet, but he should mean the same. For him, the health of his parents is the most important thing, and the rest can be put on hold for the time being."
         Father Yu asked, "Have you ever thought about it, what if the old lady knows how to oppose it? I have been with my wife, and of course I know she likes you very much. OK ... Actually, the old lady is very dependent on you. Once you know that you and Xiao Yun are going to divorce, the reaction will never be small! Just like your mother. If they strongly oppose your divorce, will you divorce?
         Of course, Yu Yan thought about it, but what can be done about it? She smiled reluctantly and said, "The old lady is nice to me. I certainly know that I will not forget her. After divorce, I still You can come and visit her. "
         "How can this be the same? Well, you understand the truth better than I do. Think about it carefully. There is no notarization. It is too late to regret it ..."
         Yu Yan shook her head  :  "Dad, don't say anymore, I still have some things here, shall I talk again next time?"
         "I know you don't like to listen to these, just go and go. Then you and the old lady said a word, wait a few days, we will come to visit. First of all, take care of it, we will not disturb.
         "Okay, I know."
         Hanging up the phone, Father Yu told Xiao Yu sober news to Yu mother. Yu mother was very glad to hear it. After all, it was a miracle and luck to wake up. Just thinking about melancholy, her happy mood was greatly reduced.
         "Old man, you said, is it possible for Yu Yan and Xiao Yun to reconcile after going through this incident? Aren’t they all acting like that on TV, if something goes wrong at home, it will bring the whole family together. The relationship between people who are not in good relationship can also be better. How can this be regarded as a common sadness? Is it possible for Yu Yan and Xiao Yun ... ”Mother Yu guessed that she still does not want Yu Yan and Xiao Yun to this day. Divorce, if possible, she thinks the two of them can not divorce, and divorce and remarriage will do.
         Father Yu said, "Don't think about what you have all day long. If Yu Yan and Xiao Yun can stay together, you still need to worry about matching? If you really want to break up, you are so opposed to it before you see it, and Yu Yan is not Listen to you! So you, just stop! "
         Mother Yu hummed  :  "I want to say that Xiao Lao is awake here too, and the old lady is not so big. She should call Yu Yan and Xiao Yun home to ask, what is the divorce? Before, I kept on, thinking that there was something in the Xiao family that didn't bother me, but now there is nothing, how should I take it to the table and make it clear! "
         Father Yu waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can just toss ..."
         Yu Mu wondered, maybe this is really a feasible solution?
         However, she couldn't help paying attention to her, but she didn't want to talk to her husband. After thinking about it, she had to go to Yu Yan's aunt and aunt to discuss it, and she didn't know if she could discuss a flower.
         Yu Yu was tormented by her blindly. It was better to toss than to toss him.
         On the side of Yu Yan, she took the kitten and went upstairs, because the old lady had packed her luggage and put it back. As soon as the black cat entered the house, she ran to the drawer with its snacks. The front scratched and scratched, because they couldn't catch it, they were anxious to meow.
         Yu Yan ignored it, went to the bedroom next door and brought over the laundry that she would use at night.
         She is still preparing to sleep in the guest room.
         At six o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yun returned, and with him was Uncle Xiao. During this time, because of the Xiao family affairs, Uncle Xiao did not worry less. After having dinner together, they went to Xiao Father's bedroom. Not long after, Uncle Xiao came out and Yu Yan arranged for the driver to take him home.
         Yu Yan knew that Xiao Yun and Father Xiao must have a lot to say. She didn't bother, even Xiao's mother came out, leaving space for the father and son.
         Xiao's mother smiled, her complexion and spirit were much better than before. The aunt brought fruit and milk. The old lady ate a lot and it was rare to have a good appetite.
         "Lao Xiao is awake now, and there is Xiao Yun over there, Xiao Yan, you can hurry up and give me a little grandson to play. While I can walk, Lao Xiao is here again, we I can help you with your children. "
         Yu Yan pursed her lips, bit her apple, and said, "If I ..."
         "Well, what happened to you?"
         Yu Yan hesitated for a moment and shook her head  :  "... nothing."
         Mother Xiao  :  "Nothing? You tell me something, isn't Xiao Yun annoying you? Did you quarrel?"
         Yu Yan was not in a hurry to admit or deny. She swallowed the sweet flesh and asked, "Mom, have you been so good with your father, has it been so good?"
         Speaking of this, Mother Xiao showed a look of nostalgia, and said, "Although the marriage with your father was introduced at home, since the marriage has been so long, the relationship has been good, with occasional small frictions and contradictions. It's over; occasionally angry ... you know, your dad is a workaholic, even younger, sometimes he just sleeps in the company when time is too late, and we also quarreled a few times because of this problem I was still thinking about divorce! Later, I lost my pregnancy and hurt my body. Your father is much better. Time is fast, it’s not long ... "
         Yu Yan said, "Really, I thought you would never quarrel."
         "How is it possible that there are couples who don't quarrel? But your father doesn't quarrel with me. Then you and Xiao Yun are arguing, right?"
         Yu Yan shook his head hesitantly  :  "Never mind."
         Mother Xiao reluctantly  :  "Just like you, you must be too noisy! You have to suffer!"
         Yu Yan said, "No, in fact, I can still speak very well, am I not a teacher, and I can speak well?"
         "Why are you arguing? The real quarrel is the one with a roar and a thick red neck."
         Before Yu Yan thought about it, in those feelings, she was forbearing more often, so until the end, Xiao Yun couldn't understand her; in the real sense, there was no more quarrel, but she talked coldly to each other That's all, and then there the Cold War, which doesn't care about each other. No one wants to be close to each other, just indifferent, but also with the current ...
         She remembered that her father had said before that her father said that her temperament seemed good, but it wasn't. Sometimes she was too clingy, sometimes she was too sane, her temper was too gentle and soft, not decisive, and more often she was alone and forbearing silence. This is not good, he hopes she is a hot child ...
         Mother Xiao taught her  :  "If there is anything wrong with Xiao Yun, you can just say him, or just scold if you don't listen. Instead, you must rely on him, but you will hold your breath."
         Yu Yan didn’t know what to say. She listened to Xiao’s mother’s nagging for a long time, and finally talked about going elsewhere. The aunt took Xiao’s medicine and the menu the next day. Xiao’s mother took the medicine and went to herself. I checked my husband's food and felt relieved.
         Seeing that it was almost time, Yu Yan said goodbye to Mother Xiao, and went back upstairs.
         Xiao Yun and his father talked for a while, and told the company about the situation again, and then they left the bedroom and came to the living room.
         He poured a glass of boiling water on the dining table, and said to his mother, ready to go upstairs.
         "Xiao Yun." Mother Xiao stopped him.
         Xiao Yun said, "What's wrong?"
         "I said you quarreled with Xiao Yan? You didn't know to let some little girl?"
         Xiao Yun wants to say where is she young? Perfunctoryly nodded  :  "I see, I'm upstairs."
         "Wait, this, you transferred it to Xiaoyan for me. I forgot to give it to her just now." Xiao mother took out an mp4 from her pocket, Xiao Yun took it in wonder and asked, "What is this? Yuyan?" "
         Mother Xiao laughed with a sigh; "The thing that supported me to the present, but I don't need it now."
         Xiao Yun was even more curious. He held it in his hand for a moment and asked, "What's in it, song? Did you download it from Yu Yan?"
         "Is there anything you don't know?"
         Xiao mother no longer said anything, got up and went to Xiao Father's bedroom.
         Xiao Yun touched his nose and turned upstairs. He was really curious what was in this mp4? I can make my mother sigh like this, and give such a high evaluation.
         He opened the recent playlists by hand, which are several recently played videos.
         Click on-
         Xiao Yun never thought that he would be shocked by a video, and it was a video that was extremely simple and straightforward in terms of content and shooting methods.
         The protagonist of the video is his parents, located near the lake near the community.
         Under the shade of trees, sunset and dusk, picturesque, quiet environment. The two white-haired old men walked hand in hand in the woods with few words, and occasionally looked at each other and smiled ...
         Such a picture reminded him of the hands of the subordinates, and the old couple.
         Mother said  :  "Hey, what are you filming?"
         A soft-sounding female voice answered, "Nothing was filmed."
         "Fool me, when will you show us these pictures of you?"
         "No, this is a high-level secret and cannot be leaked."
         My father said, "What are you afraid of? It's a good shot. Dad will hold an exhibition for you."
         She laughed  :  "Okay, then I have to work harder, and I may have to wait a long time ..."
         After that, there were some small talk, no point, but what I thought about, my father and mother were healthy at the time, and they were not old and tired after being tortured by the disease like today, without major crimes. Smiles are worry-free and calm.
         Xiao Yun didn't remember how long he hadn't seen such a smile, but under such a sudden shock, he was shocked on the spot!
         Although the shooting method was very innocent and simple, and the composition was not perfect, the simplicity and innocence made him dumbfounded, and he forgot about the reaction for a while, and his taste was mixed.
         The third person at the scene never showed up, only a small conversation when occasionally raised.
         Xiao Yun knew with absolute certainty that it was her—Yu Yan.
         If not, clear the cache.

         Chapter 48 : After reading the first, second, third ... countless,  

         He couldn't even count himself.
         Although each video is very short, the longest is not more than ten minutes. When Xiao Yun finishes watching it, it is already three o'clock in the morning.
         If there is no fluctuation in his heart, it must be deceiving, at least he is grateful to her. These images can be said to be the world's first out-of-print, and it is a warm memory he has never seen before. It accompanies his mother through the most difficult moments, and at some point in the future, it will become a memory that accompanies him. .
         Xiao Yun thought that this might be one of the reasons why mothers like Yuyan so much. Because at this moment, he had to admit that Yu Yan was a lovely woman.
         The next day.
         Xiao Yun saw the gloom coming out of the bedroom door. She wore a light-colored long dress, her hair was braided and she dangled on her chest. She had a black cat lying on her shoulders. The black cat was lazy, like no bones. It seemed like she was pulling on a woman's soft shoulder.
         The animals are all sensitive. They seem to perceive the danger. Their lazy eyes glance round at Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun looks at it coldly. There is irresistible discomfort and irritability between the eyebrows. The black cat meows and rolls over. Jumping to the ground, he jumped down the stairs and ran away.
         This little white-eyed cat is just like an aunt! Yu Yan reluctantly stared at the black cat running away, paused, and said, "The old lady said to let the black cat stay, so ..."
         Xiao Yun tickled her lower lip and gave her a glance  :  "I heard it too."
         She  :  "Oh."
         Yu Yan was relieved and followed the black cat downstairs. She was worried that Xiao Yun's overbearingness would secretly send the black cat away, let alone her, and the old lady would have no problem with him.
         Xiao Yun  :  "..."
         He looked at Yu Yan's slender figure, stepped a few steps behind, and followed.
         Both Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were up, both in the back garden. Xiao's mother was feeding Xiao's breakfast.
         The light of morning dawn came from the distant sky.
         The calmness and tranquility of the two old people touched Yu Yansheng. Although such a company is sad, it should be happy to each other ...
         Xiao Yun walked over first and sat down next to Xiao's father  :  "Parents, good morning."
         Yu Yan also came over and sat beside Xiao Xiao.
         In fact, it was just a small round table. Even if Yu Yan was sitting beside Xiao's mother, she was next to Xiao Yun.
         Mother Xiao saw Xiao Yun and Yu Yan going downstairs and looked at Xiao Yun, but Xiao Yun's emotions were introverted and it was difficult for outsiders to detect what Xiao Yun could not see. Then she secretly observed Yu Yan and saw her face flushed and the corners of her mouth. With a smile, knowing that she was in a good mood, she followed her and asked, "Is there any arrangement for Xiaoyan today?"
         Yu Yan thought for a while  :  "Nothing to do, what's wrong?"
         "It's okay, just ask. Have breakfast."
         Yu Yan said suspiciously, lowered his head and drank the milk.
         Xiao Yun had to work, and went to Xiao after breakfast.
         Yu Yan had nothing to do. He accompanied the old lady and waited for the doctor to examine Xiao's father. Because the inspection and reconstruction were very complicated and complicated, it only ended at noon. The old man was sweating. It didn't take long for the doctor to fall asleep and didn't even eat lunch.
         Because of worry, the old lady lost her appetite.
         But the old lady did not forget one thing.
         "Xiao Yan, will you go to Xiao Yun for lunch today?"
         Yu Yan paused because of what Mother Xiao said, "... deliver food?"
         Xiao mother laughed  :  "Yeah, haven't you been to Xiao's yet? In the future ... Xiaoyan, you should see that even if your father's condition is fine, there is no way to return to the company to continue working. So You are now the hostess of Xiao's, and will also accompany Xiao Yun to participate in various activities in the future, just like I taught you before, there is nothing terrible. You should go and see. "
         Yu Yan wrung her fingers, distressed by Mother Xiao's precautions  :  "Can I not go? Besides, I don't want those ..."
         "I won't have to worry about it, I will teach you, I will give it all to you!" Xiao mother said, "but you don't have to worry about it now, go to Xiao Yun first, right?"
         Xiao Yun's lunch was sent from Xiao Zhai to the company, but before it was done by the aunt, the driver sent it again, which suddenly made Yu Yan send it, she ...
         Sitting in the back seat of the black car with a food container, he couldn't help rubbing his forehead.
         Although she understood that Xiao's mother was kind, but for her and Xiao Yun, who were embarrassed by each other, this meal delivery was really unnecessary, but she couldn't refuse the old lady.
         Twenty minutes later, the black car stopped in front of the Shaw building.
         Yu Yan has seen it in newspapers and reports, but this is the first time she has come here. She did not get off the bus at the first time, but the guard in front of the door had recognized the car as Xiao’s and wanted to step forward.
         Yu Yan said  :  "Can you drive to the parking lot? Fewer people."
         The driver hesitated for a moment  :  "Yes."
         The car started, and went to the underground parking lot with the doubtful eyes of outsiders.
         The driver explained, "Because I used to bring food containers to the downstairs front desk, and then waited for Assistant Chen to pick it up."
         Yu Yan smiled  :  "So they all know you, right?"
         "Yes, Madam Young comes a few times, and they will remember you."
         Yu Yan shook her head and said nothing.
         A few minutes later, Assistant Chen went to the underground parking lot and saw Yuyan standing with the food container. He was a little surprised and surprised. He took the food container and raised it, yelling, "Mrs Xiao."
         Yu Yan responded  :  "Assistant Chen, bother."
         Assistant Chen knew that Yu Yan was here for the first time and motioned for her to follow her.
         Yu Yan didn't postpone it. In the driver's eyes, she followed Assistant Chen to the elevator. There was a certain distance from the parking place. At least Yu Yan didn't go out intentionally, and the driver wouldn't find her.
         She stopped and looked at the watch in Assistant Chen's doubtful eyes. "Go up, I'll stay here for a few minutes."
         Assistant Chen reacted for a while to understand the meaning of Yu Yan. She said that she could not go up anymore. The reason why he and he came here was just to hide people eyes.
         "Mrs Xiao, don't worry so much, you can sit up with me for a while."
         "No, just say something to Xiao Yun and let him know that I've been there."
         Chen Zhu idealized for a moment, and said, "Mrs Xiao, don't blame me for being troublesome. Do you really want to let this opportunity go?"
         Yu Yan understood what Assistant Chen meant. Although Assistant Chen would tell her this by accident, he thanked him for his kind reminder. She shook her head and smiled softly, "Thank you, and thank you for taking care of me three years ago."
         "I didn't do anything, it was just my duty. IMHO, what you have wanted all these years, if you try again, he is likely to be yours. The opportunity is in front of you, before you take it out again With half patience and energy, the results this time are definitely different ... Many times, the relationship between the two parties is not only about fate, but also timing. "
         Recently, when Assistant Chen followed Xiao Yun, he could see Yu Yan's goodness, let alone Xiao Yun? Previously, because of the separation of time and place, the two were far apart and could not understand each other. This time, he can obviously feel Xiao Yun's change of Yu Yan's view. This is a good start, as long as Yu Yan is willing, Xiao Yun will fall in love with her sooner or later.
         Yu Yan said, "Go up, the food should be cold."
         Assistant Chen sighed and stopped persuading, because he saw the tranquility and safety in Yu Yan's eyes, and she did not yearn for the possibility that he said, that look could not be pretended. Perhaps Yu Yan still had feelings for Xiao Yun, but this feeling was not enough to shake her determination to divorce.
         Assistant Chen went upstairs and placed the food container on the large long table. By the way, he told Xiao Yun that lunch was sent by Miss Yu.
         Xiao Yun repeated unexpectedly  :  "Yuyan?"
         Assistant Chen  :  "Yes."
         Xiao Yun only thought for a moment and knew that coming to deliver food would never mean Yu Yan. It might be a masterpiece of the old lady and asked, "Where is she?"
         Assistant Chen  :  "I'm afraid that the old lady is worried that I'm going downstairs and walking away."
         Xiao Yun frowned  :  "Go, call Yu Yan." He is not a beast of floods, so dodging him so?
         Assistant Chen went away and returned soon, but he was alone. In Xiao Yun's doubtful eyes, Assistant Chen explained  :  "Miss Yu has gone."
         He glanced at the time, less than ten minutes before and after he left.
         Xiao Yun waved his hand, and didn't ask any more questions, let Assistant Chen go out.
         Instead of returning directly to Xiao Zhai, Yu Yan went to the supermarket and bought something to return to Yu house.
         When my father went to work and was away from home, when Yu Yan went back, only the mother and the aunt and aunt were there. It seemed as if they were discussing something, what could they discuss? It must be about her.
         Yu Yan called someone in turn, carrying fruits to the kitchen for cleaning, peeling and cutting apples and pears, cutting and cutting, she put down her knife and rubbed her forehead.
         There was a muttering conversation in the living room, and her aunty and aunty eyes when looking at herself made her feel helpless.
         "Yuyan!" The aunt called her.
         Yu Yan answered, "Here it is."
         She went to the living room with a fruit plate, and looked at her mother who had once looked at her. "Mom, aunt, aunt, eat some fruit."
         The mother did not respond.
         The auntie and auntie squeezed an apple to eat in the round, and the auntie said, "I heard that Mr Xiao's wife is awake, and the old lady health is good, isn't it a big deal?"
         Yu Yan explained  :  "Although the old man woke up, his illness was not completely good and he continued to treat."
         "Oh, Xiao Yun then ..."
         "He works for Xiao."
         The aunt glanced at her mother and said, "If you have time, tell everyone to have a meal together at home?"
         Yu Yan said, "I don't know, I ask him?"
         "Okay!" Said the aunt happily. "When do you remember to call home and say it in advance."
         Yu Yan nodded  :  "Well, I see."
         She knew that even if she refused, she couldn't stop her mother from thinking about meeting with Xiao Yun, and she couldn't completely unlock her mother's knot.
         If not, clear the cache.

         Chapter 49 : Going back to Xiao Zhai at night  

         Mother Xiao and Father Xiao have fallen asleep.
         Yu Yan relaxed her movements and asked her aunt, "Is Xiao Yun back?"
         The aunt said, "No, I called back in the evening and said I would not go home for dinner. I have entertainment and will come back later."
         Yu Yan said, "What about the black cat?"
         When referring to the black cat, the aunt was emotional, and said, "I also think that the black cat is amazingly magical. During the day, he walks around the old gentleman. The old gentleman also sleeps. The old gentleman and old lady go out for a walk. It also Just play next to it. When it arrives at night, people will run upstairs without being shouted. "
         Yu Yan smiled and said, "Everyone said that the cat is very spiritual. This black cat also came with blessing."
         "Well, when this black cat comes, the old man wakes up, and the old lady likes it!"
         Yu Yan nodded, thanked the aunt for taking care of her, and went straight upstairs.
         The black cat slept next to the pillow in the guest room, narrowed her eyes when she heard the sound, and saw her, and fell asleep after turning her belly.
         Yu Yan went to the bathroom to wash.
         She couldn't help worrying about her mother's words.
         At 11 o'clock in the evening, Yu Yan heard the voice of Xiao Yun passing by the door. She got up and got out of bed, opened the door, and saw Xiao Yun about to enter the room.
         She called him  :  "Xiao Yun."
         Xiao Yun had been drinking, and his meticulous suit was a bit messy at the moment. I didn’t know where the jacket was thrown. There was a black tie at the feet, most of the black shirt buttons were unbuttoned, and the clothes lay outside his pants. He was handsome. Side face is full of sexy.
         Yu Yan froze for a moment, but was embarrassed for a moment, but she quickly responded and asked  :  "Should it be convenient to say a few words?" Because Xiao Yun came out early and returned late, Yu Yan didn't have time to talk to him in detail. Chance to say a few words.
         Xiao Yun looked at her lazily  :  "Well, what do you say?"
         Yu Yan looked at the entrance of the staircase. Even in the dead of night, a small voice would echo in the corridor. She was worried that someone would hear it and passed it to Xiao's mother, Xiao's father. "My mother wants to meet with you because we are in an unacceptable situation. You don't have to say anything or embarrassment. Just say that we have signed the agreement and wait for a period of notarization."
         "Oh?" Xiao Yun frowned. "So how did you tell your family?"
         Yu Yan nodded, "My dad has almost agreed, but my mother is somewhat unacceptable. I think she will accept it if she doesn't agree, right?"
         During that time, the parents of the Xiao family had troubles and disrupted her plan. She was not good at proposing a divorce to the two elders. Her parents would not agree. On the contrary, the opposition would only be stronger. She did not want to make matters worse. She could only selfishly choose to hide and lie, and let the matter come to an end.
         Xiao Yun didn't say much, just stared at Yu Yan with a complicated look. Later, he nodded. "I asked Assistant Chen to arrange the time, and others, talk tomorrow."
         "Okay." Yu Yan said, "That won't bother you, let's go to rest."
         Yu Yan turned and returned to the room. Xiao Yun stood for a while and went into the room.
         At noon the next day, Xiao's mother asked Yu Yan to send meals to Xiao Yun.
         Yu Yanxi realized that Xiao's mother might think she had a conflict with Xiao Yun, so she gave a step so that she and Xiao Yun could reconcile.
         Yu Yan didn't know what to say or how to explain to Xiao's mother.
         On the way to Xiao's, her thoughts were mixed and she thought a lot, as if she didn't think of anything. It's just that today situation seems more messy and troublesome than before.
         Still in Xiao's underground garage, Assistant Chen came down to get the food container.
         Yu Yan then took the opportunity to ask  :  "Have Xiao Yun got time recently?"
         Assistant Chen rolled his eyes and said, "General Manager Xiao has been very busy recently, but if there is a specific schedule, I still have to check it out. If Mrs Xiao is not in a hurry, you can follow me and wait until I have read the schedule. Answer to you? If it's a less urgent schedule, you can adjust it. "
         Yu Yan thought for a moment, nodded, and went to the top office building with Assistant Chen.
         She did not follow Assistant Chen directly to find Xiao Yun and waited in the meeting room. Although Assistant Chen stated that Xiao Yun was not so busy at noon time, she could leave her work temporarily while eating.
         Yu Yan shook her head  :  "Tell me first, please, I'll come again. Thank you."
         Assistant Chen saw that it was polite for Yu Yan to raise her hands, but such courtesy was to treat her husband, which undoubtedly made Chen very emotional.
         The news that Assistant Chen personally led a beautiful lady back in the high-level secretary office exploded, speculating about who this woman was? However, few people who have seen Yu Yan and know her are just guessing and can't guess the idea.
         Not long after Yu Yan went to the meeting room, Uncle Xiao came over after hearing the news.
         Yu Yan got up and smiled, "Uncle Xiao."
         Uncle Xiao said, "Why are you sitting here? President Xiao is now in the office. Go in and look for him."
         In the company, Uncle Xiao always called Xiao Yun as President Xiao, and his attitude was also respectful to Mr Xiao Lao, and built his prestige.
         Yu Yan said  :  "I know, I'm here to ask Assistant Chen to ask something. Xiao Yun should be eating now, I'll go back later. Has Uncle Xiao used lunch?"
         "Early use, Mr Xiao is always busy with his work. If you have three meals, you can talk about him when you come. The work is important and the body is also important!"
         Yu Yan nodded and said, "Okay. Uncle Xiao, go to your lunch break. I'll just wait for a while."
         "Well, you can go directly to Assistant Chen then."
         "Got it."
         A female secretary brought in the tea, and she was sitting at the table, looking curiously at Yu Yan. When Yu Yan looked, she bowed her head and left quickly.
         Yu Yan bowed her head and sipped tea.
         Assistant Chen took the food box to find Xiao Yun, and told him about the arrival of Yu Yan. Xiao Yun was not surprised by this. He rubbed his forehead and smiled, but shook his head helplessly, "Yu Yan is all right now. Temple of the Three Treasures. Go on, ask her to come in. "
         "Who's coming in?" Ling Lin pushed in the door and entered the room. Her sudden appearance made Assistant Chen sip into her throat. Xiao Yun also looked at Ling Lin in confusion, and asked, "Why are you here? Again Your property? "
         Ling Lin laughed  :  "Rest assured, I just happened to pass by. I thought I'd come up and see you, why not welcome me?"
         Xiao Yun leaned back on the sofa and glanced at Assistant Chen, "Go."
         Assistant Chen went out.
         Ling Lin asked  :  "Which important guest do you want to meet? It seems that I am not here at the right time and will not bother you?"
         Xiao Yun got up, walked to the long table, and turned over the food box. They are a few dishes he likes, but he has no appetite, and replied casually  :  "There are no special guests. If you are fine, go first."
         "If you can come, you'll have someone?" Ling Lin followed and looked at the food box and said, "Is this what the aunt did? I said, why is it so fragrant! I haven't had lunch yet?" Anyway, you can’t finish eating so much, share me a little bit? ”
         Xiao Yun also found that Yu Yan had delivered more meals and dishes than in the past few days. It was more than enough for two people to eat, so you don’t need to know what the intention is.
         Seeing Xiao Yun's thoughtful appearance, Ling Lin didn't answer her, but could not help but wonder.
         Just then Assistant Chen knocked in the door and said, "General Xiao, Madam is here."
         Xiao Yun nodded and motioned for people to come in.
         Ling Lin glanced at Xiao Yun doubtfully, and then looked at the door. Sure enough, she saw the glamorous face standing behind Assistant Chen—a long white dress with slightly larger swarms and layers, swaying gently as she moved It is even more perfect for her slim waist.
         The appearance of Yu Yan was unexpected by Ling Lin.
         However, Yu Yan showed no surprises or surprises about Ling Lin's existence. She greeted Xiao Yun first and then called Miss Ling Ling.
         Ling Lin responded and smiled  :  "I thought Xiao Yun had any important guests coming. It turned out to be Yan."
         Yu Yan smiled and said, "I'm coming to Xiao Yun to talk about something."
         Ling Lin  :  "Well then, I have something to pass by. When I think about it, come up and see. I have nothing to do, then I will go first. You talk."
         Xiao Yun said nothing and asked Assistant Chen to drop off.
         Assistant Chen immediately stepped forward and said politely, "Mrs Guo, please."
         Ling Lin ignored the careful thoughts of Assistant Chen. She looked goodbye to Xiao Yun and Yu Yan in an orderly manner and left Xiao Yun's office gracefully.
         Yu Yan was momentarily hesitant. She thought about what she had just seen and heard  :  Ling Lin, who was standing tall and up, came all the way, everyone would call Miss Ling warmly and politely, and then let her enter the office of Xiao Yun unimpeded. This kind of familiarity let Yu Yan know that Ling Lin is not the first time to come, and she is already very familiar with it.
         In this way, Yu Yan also realized more clearly the gap between himself and Xiao Yun, an insurmountable gap.
         She didn't have any special feelings, only knowing that at that moment, she felt very suddenly suddenly, and she didn't understand what she felt. Perhaps it's the decision you made, or the peace in your heart at the moment?
         Ling Lin left, Assistant Chen closed the door thoughtfully.
         Yu Yan stood and glanced at the unmoved food.
         "Sit." Xiao Yun opened a wooden chair in front of the long table and said to Yu Yan.
         "Thank you." She sat down.
         Xiao Yun sat on the other side, "If you don't mind, you can wait until I finish my meal?"
         When a man eats, there is no sound, his movements are elegant and casual, his face is down, and he can feel the charm of the man if he does not seem to exude.
         Xiao Yun looked at the quiet face, "If you are bored, there is a book over there."
         Yu Yan said softly, "Don't bother me, you can eat."
         Then there was silence and silence.


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