Embroidery Niang 65

  Novels      »     Embroidery Niang    »      Chapter 65 : Noble noise

     "You are the owner, you are the master." Qin-Yumo answered gently.
     "It's a saying." Qin-Liluo sneered at his head and sneered.
     Everyone is secretly relieved, and someone will come out to solve the problem. However, the performance of the Heir and Ding Wang today fully demonstrates that the rumors of the disagreement between the two people are true.
     Everyone turned to think again, on the Qin-Liluo, the second ancestor, who can tell him in Capital City. I heard that the Crown Prince is with other Prince, and Noble Heir can still give face.
     The expensive Madam and Miss in the capital were secretly speculating and stepping through the shop carelessly.
     The shopkeeper in the store was standing in front of the counter and saw the guests coming in. He quickly came to meet with Little-Two.
     To be honest, there are not many people who come here to look forward to the fabrics here.
     After all, the most famous fabrics in Capital City have been the fabrics of Yizhuang and Jiangnan Liujia.
     Ye-Jing-hong If there are two strong ones, they should have been famous for a long time. Where are you still waiting today?
     In fact, after they entered the Ye cloth store, they were shocked one by one.
     The fabrics in Ye shop are not only colorful, but also have a variety of patterns. This is not the pattern that is embroidered, but it comes out directly at the weaving. This kind of gorgeous fabric, not to mention the entire Ping Yunguo has not seen, is to look around the country, have not heard of it.
     "The color is actually brought in." Someone finally couldn't help but exclaim.
     "There are many colors, and many colors have not been seen."
     "I like this one."
     "Niang, I saw this one."
     "Everybody, the best cloth in our shop is upstairs. If you are interested, you can go and see it." The shopkeeper was trained to be employed. When I saw this person, I was very busy and greeted everyone.
     Is there a better fabric? More people are starting to be surprised.
     “Really?” Qin Xinyue stood beside Ye-Jing-hong and Qin-Liluo, and she looked curiously at Ye-Jing-hong.

     "She said that there is nature." Qin-Liluo replied triumphantly.
     "In fact, you don't know if you are right?" Qin Xin Yue asked him a question.
     "We just said it, I am only responsible for the fight against the quail eggs, the rest are not under my control. I want to buy fabrics, it has to follow the rules. This is called no rules." Qin-Liluo I feel that I am doing something wrong.
     "Well, just asked, you have returned so many sentences, can you?" Qin Xin Yue impatiently returned, his brother is used to the town, she is clear.
     "There are very few upstairs cloths, but the price is slightly higher. If there is any Miss or Madam at the same time, the price is high." Ye-Jing-hong on the side suddenly made a surprising statement. "And if there are new products in the future, it will be the same. Our shop will be open for a period of time in a day, and the shop will post a notice to inform everyone the day before the opening."
     How can I do this business? All the people looked at her in surprise.
     "It sounds very fresh, mother, let's go and see." Cheng Nianxin looked at Ye-Jing-hong and smiled and said to the long princess around him.
     "Well, in the past, the curiosity of this palace also gave her a hang up." The long princess did not doubt Ye-Jing-hong's words at all. On the contrary, Ye-Jing-hong's words made her unable to wait. Impulse.
     Zhou Madam also knew the details of Ye-Jing-hong. Without saying anything, they followed the long princess and went upstairs.
     These are obviously willing to be entrusted.
     "The Heir, good things can't be less of me." Xiao -Jinse looked at Qin-Liluo.
     "If you look at it, you have to do things according to the rules." Qin-Liluo answered with a glance, quite a bit of a public attitude.
     However, Xiao -Jinse is very happy, as long as Qin-Liluo is willing to talk to her, her purpose has been achieved. As for what to buy fabrics, it is entirely to please Qin-Liluo favor.
     With the lead of the long princess, everyone went upstairs in twos and threes.
     There are really few cloths upstairs, only five pieces of cloth, lake blue, big red, light purple, tender yellow and light green, are all good silk, look smooth.
     The cloth was removed, and the rest of the open space was covered with long furniture like a chair, and of course there was a group stool.
     The material is good, but the price above is also very scary. Five Silver Taels is a foot.
     A cloth is about four feet, that is, about 13 meters, one meter and three feet, so that a cloth is about two thousand Silver Taels.
     "I don't know if these cloths are different, and the price is too high." A Miss whispered.
     "Little-Two, open the cloth." Ye-Jing-hong faced the doubts of the people and smiled and told him to go down.
     Little-Two heard the words, opened the blue cloth of the lake, and placed it in the sunlight coming in through the window, and suddenly there was a burst of exclamation.
     I saw that the lake blue turned into a lake that seemed to be flowing, and the lake was actually seeing silvery fish swimming.
     How did you do it? This is the amazement of everyone heart.
     Then, another Little-Two has opened the light green cloth in the sun, and the cloth has become vivid.
     The green color becomes softer with the sunshine, white butterflies and light The yellow butterfly is faintly presented in the middle.
     Everything seems to have life.
     Qin Ying Yue eyeballs were straight, and she suddenly understood what Ye-Jing-hong said on that day. It turned out that Ye-Jing-hong was waiting for her here.
     "I want to go to the lake."
     "Purple is mine."
     "I want to be yellow."
     Some of the scenes are out of control, and women’s love for clothing will never change.
     "Wait a minute." Ye-Jing-hong swings his hand, the owner speaks, everyone is quiet.
     "We also have some small yarns that can be discolored in this kind of cloth, which is extra money." Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, I want that big red." Xiao -Jinse is hesitant to Ye-Jing-hong.
     " Xiao Miss, that one I also fancy." Someone stood up and refused. Although the identity of Xiao -Jinse is a bit higher, but now it is doing business, many people are still not willing to be overwhelmed.
     “The whole fabric is worth two thousand Silver Taels.” Ye-Jing-hong is a weirdo, and the price of the whole sale is higher.
     That's it, many Madam and Miss are still crazy to buy.
     The sounds upstairs are too noisy, and the characters in the town house must come out.
     Downstairs Qin-Liluo stepped upstairs to the upstairs, "What?" He looked around in a haze, surrounded by silence.
     "The Heir, I saw the fabric, but they have to fight with me." Xiao -Jinse angered at several women complaining.
     "2nd-gongzi has said that the price is high.
     The business also has the Heir, we are willing to pay a high price, how can we not get it." The speaker is Miss Tai.
     In a few days, the flower banquet in the palace will begin, saying that it is a flower banquet. In fact, it is for a few age-old Prince. Miss of the government has already slammed into the position of Wangfei.
     Although everyone has already prepared the costumes for entering the palace, now I can see this magical fabric. All Madam and Miss have denied the original clothes for the first time.
     If others wear these fabrics to make clothes, needless to say, at the beginning, they have lost their opportunities.
     Who doesn't want to lose at the starting line?
     "Well, the shop also has the shares of Heir. Since 2nd-gongzi has said the rules, you can do it according to the rules." Qin-Liluo is not happy to say that a pair of good-looking peach eyes has brought a thin anger .
      Xiao -Jinse had to retreat to the side. "This big red, I have three thousand Silver Taels."
     One mouth adds a thousand, and Xiao Jia is really rich and rich.
     "Three thousand two hundred." Someone raised the price.
     "Three thousand five hundred."
     "Four thousand." Xiao -Jinse has a mouth directly added 500, she looked at each other with a provocative look.
     "Four thousand two." Several thresholds for raising prices are also high. For this one-time flower banquet, all of them are full of strength.
      Xiao -Jinse is ashamed and annoyed when he sees the other person's meaning.
     The final price is set at 5,600 Silver Taels.
     This price is somewhat outrageous, that is, Madam, who is used to the big scene, has a surprised look on his face.
     With this price at the beginning, the rest of the fabric is not cheap, and as the cloth is reduced, the price is even higher.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, don't you say to give me a discount?" Qin Yu Yue got a tender yellow, she let Yatou hold the cloth, directly killing and looking for Ye-Jing-hong to discount It is.
     “Jinghong said that, but was the County Owner not rejected at the time?” Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     "Hey?" Qin Yin Yue language plug, at the time she did not know that there would be such a rare material? Now she regrets that the cloth in her arms is full of six thousand Silver Taels.
     "Look at our acquaintance, my brother is your partner. Counting them, we are not outsiders. Is it right? Since it is a person, talk about silver and hurt feelings?" Qin Xinyue began to play family cards. .
     “The Heir, do you agree to pay for the County Owner? Is it for the cash or for your dividend account?” Ye-Jing-hong turned to ask the people around him.
     Just kidding, if this time I loosen my mouth, I don’t know how many people come to play the family card.
     "The brothers know the account. Who buys who pays for the money." Qin-Liluo is more crisp.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave him a thumbs up look, yes, this collaborator is still very good.
     "County Owner, please come here to checkout." Little-Two came over and said diligently.
     Profiteer! Qin Yue Yueyue, with Yatou went downstairs to pay the silver.
     "This Heir suddenly felt a little lost." Qin-Liluo looked at Ye-Jing-hong and said, "Semi-finished silver is really good."
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, "The Heir is rich and rich, how can you care about such a small profit?"
     In this case, so much money is still a small profit.
     Qin-Liluo felt that she was pitted by her.
     "2nd-gongzi, is there anything for me to wear?" Cheng Nianxin came forward and asked.
     "This kind of fabric is very troublesome to prepare.
     The next batch is estimated to take a long time. I try to give Madam a try." Ye-Jing-hong is still very careful.
     "Well, by the time, you can prepare for my mother." Cheng Nianxin said with a smile.
     "I try, not all colors can be made, the fabric downstairs is not bad, Madam can try." Ye-Jing-hong kindly persuaded.
     "Well, let me go and see." Cheng Nianxin replied with a smile.
     She secretly regrets that she was still looking for Ye-Jing-hong to cooperate in the sock business. It seems that there is a peace of the Heir, and business must not be done.
     Miss who got the fabric, has begun to pick the silk that will change color.
     Those who didn't buy the cloth also started to pick it up. It would be good to make embroidery to change color.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, my clothes will be handed over to you." Qin Xinyue is back.
     "Yes, the manual fee is a thousand Silver Taels." Ye-Jing-hong replied indifferently.
     "You kill, a piece of clothing will be a thousand two?" Qin heart was shocked.
     "If I do it myself, the price will be higher." Ye-Jing-hong honestly replied, "This is just the design cost. Yes, the Heir, this part of the design fee is not counted in the profit of the shop. ”
     Profiteer! When she said this, Qin Xinyue and Qin-Liluo are not in a good mood.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't think so. She is also a well-known fashion designer in the world. Many people are looking for her with money. She is not willing to do it.
     "A thousand is a thousand, the County Owner tells you, if you do it, you have to pay for it." Qin Yu Yue eyes a glimpse.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and took the self-made soft ruler and began to measure her size.
     Then, she took out a small book and a charcoal pen and began to sketch against Qin Yue Yue.
     Qin Heyue Yue wants to stick out and see.
     Unfortunately, she needs to remain elegant, and she can only wait if Ye-Jing-hong has no action.
     Fortunately, Ye-Jing-hong's movements were very fast. After a while, her hand stopped and she handed the book to Qin Xingyue. "Look at the County Owner, can you be satisfied?"
     Qin Xin Yue will take the letter and look at the book, and then his face will show a satisfied smile. "Okay, that's it."
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded, letting Little-Two take the cloth and the book and send it to the back.
     "Take clothes after ten days." Ye-Jing-hong confessed.
     "This County Owner is waiting." Qin Xin Yue nodded.
     The rest of Miss who bought the fabric wanted to come over and feared that Ye-Jing-hong was not fine, so they finally gave up.
     After Ye-Jing-hong went downstairs, he saw that several children standing at the door were glaring at her.
     "Speaking is not counted." Cheng Ruibo said coldly.
     "There are a lot of people in this shop, 2nd-gongzi is not free, isn't this just coming out?" The little fat man smiled and began to reveal his thoughtful side.
     These little guys also learned to sing red faces and white faces, and Ye-Jing-hong secretly laughed. "Reassured, you can't miss you. Just follow me."
     When she finished, she turned and walked to the shop on the side.
     The son-in-law who was squeezing in the cloth shop saw it, and some people followed her to the shop on the side.
     "Great, I want this." The little fat man saw the bag that Ye-Jing-hong had in his hand and immediately cheered.
     “Is this used to hold books?” Qin-Yumo was the first time to see these interesting things. He stood idly by Ye-Jing-hong.
     “Yes.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, “The shoulder bag can reduce the weight. Of course, if you are traveling or working, it is most affordable to pack things with these shoulders.”
     “Hmm?” Qin-Yumo smiled and looked at her.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave him a demonstration.
     She opened the silver zipper and then put some things in it.
     Then, put a cup made of bamboo into the cloth pocket on the side of the bag, and then backed behind the king. Simple and effortless and beautiful.
     The little fat man got a backpack with his favorite cartoon image, and he began to learn her back.
     The Miss and Madam who entered the door saw such a harmonious picture.
     "Oh." The long princess looked at the cute appearance of her grandson and grandson, and the eyes of her eyes became a seam.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, what are these bags?" Sure enough, women remove clothes and jewelry, and the immunity to the bag is not at all.
     After the arrival of Qin Heyue Yue was on the shelf with a row of bags, she walked to the side of the little fat man, reached out and squeezed the bag, then frowned and asked, "How is it so hard?"
     "Secret." Ye-Jing-hong answered with a smile.
     Without modern chemical fabrics, she can only try the soil method to make the fabric hard.
     The cassava, grass juice and rice soup and accessories are tough technical support.
     Of course, people here cannot know this secret.
     "Do you still do this?" Qin-Liluo came to see her in surprise.
     I only thought that Ye-Jing-hong was to make a small business to meet the enemy. I did not expect that she would make so many novel things.
     "Are you not making wine? How are you interested in this?" he asked curiously.
     The Heir is just reversed." Ye-Jing-hong retorted, "These are my professions, and winemaking is just a side event."
     Ok, Qin-Liluo has nothing to say. He finally understood why Ye-Jing-hong had fewer cocktails every year, and the emotional family had no intention of making wine.
     "These are made of leather?" Qin Heyue was pleasantly asked, she had a special Lady bag in her hand.
     “It can be used to hold women's make-up products, as well as combs, mirrors, etc., and can also put silver.” Ye-Jing-hong explained.
     "What about this?" Qin Xin Yue pointed to a wallet and asked.
     "Put the silver ticket." Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly, the role of the wallet in ancient times is not too big, after all, the placement of silver is not convenient, and the noble woman does not have the habit of carrying silver, they go out At the time, everything is placed on Yatou or Mama.
     The reason why I made a wallet is entirely Yi-Jing-hong's interest.
     "Can the copper plate be put in this way?" Qin Yin Yue has a great interest in the wallet.
     Qin-Yumo looked at it indifferently, but there was a big thought in his mind. Maybe, he can talk to Ye-Jing-hong later, and they can complete an important business in private.
     "What kind of play are these?" After reading the bag, her eyes were fixed on the puppet toys of various colors.
     "You are a rogue rabbit in your hand." Little fat man told her kindly.
     "What?" Qin The rabbit in the hands of Xinyue is not, not letting it. Why are rabbits still rogue? Has this world changed?
     "Not even a dog is long?" Qin-Liluo said with a dog tail.
     "This is Snoopy."
     "There is a dog walking over there."
     "The other one is the lightning dog."
     "Shapi." Several children rushed to say.
     “How do you know that?” Qin-Liluo gave them a blank look.
     Collective silence, a few children suddenly stupid.
     "2nd-gongzi, can you send us one?" The little fat man sells Meng.
     "You can choose one for both big and small." Ye-Jing-hong nodded and she was very generous to several children.
     "Good yeah." Several children cheered.
     "Little-Two is a limited edition, you have a look at it. Small can be hung on the bag." Ye-Jing-hong smiles a lot on his face.
     The long princess and Cheng Nianxin have a few smiles.
     Ye-Jing-hong really likes these children.
     They are afraid that Ye-Jing-hong is just for the sake of a few palaces. Now you can rest assured.
     "What is this thing?" Qin Xin Yue felt that she had walked into an unusual world. Why, she doesn't know a lot of animal toys here, and why are there people emotions on these little animals?
     "This is a small wild crocodile." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and explained, "That one is the Gini turtle."
     Many toys are the protagonists in the animation, but unfortunately no one knows here.
     The sci-fi animals can't be named. Fortunately, every animal's clothes or soles have ready-made names.
     These toys have greatly stimulated the Miss who are present. Almost everyone has one or two hands in their hands, and Yatou is also in their arms.
     There are a lot of toys, but there is no one in the audience. Ye-Jing-hong knows that there are more taboos in ancient rules. She is afraid that everyone will misunderstand her to be a witch.
     In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she simply ignored all the humanoid toys.
     Lu Duchess looked around with the flow of people, the more I saw her heart more surprised.
     There is no doubt that the Ye family's shop is beyond her expectations.
     I am afraid that today, the business of Yizhuang Zhuang will be greatly affected.
     The pattern of the two embroidered villages and the hands of the cloud will be completely broken.
     Thinking of the future changes, Lu Duchess was anxious but there was no way.
     This is the case of the peace of the Heir, and I am afraid that the Crown Prince will not help.
     "What is it selling in the shop next door? Is it related to the cloth?" Cheng Nianxin asked curiously.
     "Yes. Madam is less curious than seeing it in person." Ye-Jing-hong answered with a smile.
     Right! Cheng Nianxin smiled and nodded. "I really want to go over and see."
     There are still a lot of people who have such an idea. Madam Miss, who bought a lot of toys and bags and cloth bags, went to the third shop.
     This time Ye-Jing-hong didn't follow the past.
     There was Little-Two in charge of hospitality. It was previously trained, and she couldn't worry about everything.
     "2nd-gongzi, you are really generous." Seeing fewer people, the little fat man began to sneak a horse.
     "Isn't it what I want to see?" Ye-Jing-hong deliberately pretend to be a little angry.
     "No." The little fat man waved his hand. "2nd-gongzi has already sent so many things. I am still very interested in what I want. Your things here are not from the wind."
     "Your boy finally said a word." Qin-Liluo said with a smile. "If you want to come over and play the swing, be careful to cut you."
     The little fat man just listened to the music, "2nd-gongzi, when can you open a restaurant?"
     He looked at Ye-Jing-hong with a longing look.
     "Yes, 2nd-gongzi If we open a restaurant at the entrance of our Academy, we are gone every day." Zhou Zhiyuan also smiled and echoed. If 2nd-gongzi opened a restaurant, they used to be on the one hand and could still be mad. Xiao -wei them.
     "No interest." Ye-Jing-hong answered his teeth, and the boys helped to eat.
     "How can I not be interested, my grandfather sees the line." This idea has aroused the interest of Qin-Liluo. After a while at Ye house, he was more admired for the cooking of the Ye family.
     Mainly, other people don't know what the spices are all about.
     Ye-Jing-hong Is it really an ordinary little girl? Thinking of this, Qin-Liluo stared at Ye-Jing-hong with a suspicious look, and his eyes were stunned.
     “Let's use this disgusting look at me.” Ye-Jing-hong sneaked forward. “I am not a monster, just something new to eat, and I am willing to do anything.”
     "It’s a goblin, and the Lord likes the goblin.” Qin-Liluo is not serious.
     "Go to the back to sit." Qin-Yumo whispered, interrupted Qin-Liluo play at the right time.
     "Okay." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and promised, "Wang-uncle brought a snack and put it behind."
     As soon as I heard that there was a snack, the little fat man immediately cheered and ran to the back yard, and did not need Ye-Jing-hong to greet them.
     Ye-Jing-hong also really condone them.
     They told me about Changchun, let the next person know the president princess, and said that a few children are here.
     Changchun got the order and went to the next door to find someone.
     "My father is too lazy to be with him, the dirty eyes of the province." Qin-Liluo unhappy to see Ye-Jing-hong, "You will eat and drink to the next door."
     “Not so much.” Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     "Only for the Lord, those people have not worked for you." Qin-Liluo was furious.
     Ye-Jing-hong think about it too, let him stand here waiting, and then put a snack and fruit vinegar on the tray and let Wang-uncle send it to him.
     There are yards behind the shop, usually let Little-Two and the shopkeeper live, there is a separate kitchen and the like.
     Ye-Jing-hong They are sitting in the wing at the moment.
     There is a lot of bamboo planted in the yard, and there is a small pool with cobblestones and a few small fish.
     The environment is very elegant and the scene is lively. It's all different.
     "The rest of the things, you can safely hand it over to the people below. Don't be too hurt when you save your heart." If the two men get along alone, of course, the children at the moment are completely ignored by him. Qin -Yumo is still very gentle.
     "I just came over and took a look at it. I won't spend all my time here." Ye-Jing-hong accepted his kindness.
     “Can you make this kind of backpack in large quantities?” Qin-Yumo suddenly asked.
     “How much is Wangye?” Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     "Call Ah-Mo." Qin-Yumo looked at her and corrected.
     “How much is Ah-mould prepared?” Ye-Jing-hong asked again.
     "Two thousand, if you don't need to embroider anything, it is usually used." Qin-Yumo replied.
     “Can you talk about the specific environment used?” Ye-Jing-hong had a guess in his heart.
     Qin-Yumo has helped her a lot. She is willing to pay some of her own labor to return without hurting the principle.
     “Northland, the surrounding area is relatively empty, and it is cold in winter.” Qin-Yumo is a bit stunned.
     Ye-Jing-hong heard it, and it might be good to make a modern military camouflage backpack. "I will try first, wait a decade or so and wait for the news."
     The words can't be said to be too full. This is another principle of Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Good." Qin-Yumo is not a multi-word person, ten days in ten days, no hurry.
     The two seem to have nothing to say, each holding a cup of tea.
     "2nd-gongzi, you can't make other people bags the same as I did." The little fat man saw it and quickly came over and begged.
     “Hmm?” Ye-Jing-hong watched him not talking.
     The little fat man looked particularly awkward under her eyes. "I have to suffocate Xiao -wei that little bastard."
     It turned out that the comparison was coming.
     However, he is a fat friend and their nominal friend. This is a busy job.
     "Good." Ye-Jing-hong agreed to his request.
     "It is said that 2nd-gongzi is the most loyal." The little fat man began to flatter again.
     Ye-Jing-hong just laughed. "With such a little bit of things, can you show up?"
     "Not only such a little thing, but also 2nd-gongzi gave me fruit vinegar, snacks, juice or something, all of them will envy them to die. Don't look at them on the surface pretending not to care, but my heart is envious of death." Small The fat man said the little friction in the Academy.
     Ye-Jing-hong just laughed. "Do you fight again?"
     "Hit, play in the back. We have a few places that we can't see, so they hurt and don't say anything. Da-gongzi last time taught us how to use it. I have to follow him well. Practice." Zhou Zhiyuan is most interested in what is fighting.
     "You also played?" Ye-Jing-hong looked at Gao Zhaoqin.
     Gao Zhaoqin nodded shyly. "I didn't call it directly. It was the past that helped me to hurt them."
     This bear child! Gao Zhaoqin is one of the darkest of several children.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave him a thumbs up.
     “Do you teach your child like this?” Qin-Yumo looked at her with a funny smile and couldn’t help but feel soft.
     "Yes, we can't let our children suffer." Ye-Jing-hong answered shortly, and when she finished, she remembered who she was talking to. So, she looked at Qin-Yumo eyes became awkward.
     Cheng Ruibo sneaked a glimpse of Qin-Yumo, for fear that he would reprimand Ye-Jing-hong, and he said to himself, "We are smart ourselves, who wants her to teach."
     "Yes, it is what we think of ourselves. Wangye don't blame 2nd-gongzi." Little fat man will take responsibility to himself.
     “Is it?” Qin-Yumo started to tease them. “I still thought that if I had a child in the future, I would give it to her. It’s not such a good way.”
     It is also like talking to himself.
     What does it mean?
     A few children are confused, look at me, I look at you, they are all stunned.
     Ye-Jing-hong feels more jealous, what does Qin-Yumo mean, why should his children be handed over to her? What is her?
     I can't say and can't ask this question. Who is calling someone to say that he is talking to himself.
     Qin-Yumo saw her embarrassment, and her mood was even brighter. He was also full of expectations for the future.
     The business outside the store is still lively, and this excitement lasted until the end of the afternoon.
     Ye first day of business was a good start, and at night, Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming saw the last number on the ledger, which was dumbfounded.
     “So much money is a day's business?” Ye-Yanning was a little excited.
     Ye-Jing-hong In the final net profit, the first day of business is good.
     Just a few rare materials, they sold nearly 50 thousand Silver Taels.
     The silver is unexpectedly much!
     Ye-Jing-hong is very calm. People who have had money since ancient times are a few people at the top.
     I want to be in modern times. Do some women have reached a million in one package?
     Therefore, the money of women and children is the best earned.
     The net profit is very high.
     The income of the three shops has reached 150 thousand a day. Of course, the things she sells will not be damaged in a short time, and the next business will be a lot worse.
     However, according to the strength of today's customers, the daily business should be maintained at around a thousand or so.
     This number is very good!
     The next step is to steadily expand production and make the business elsewhere.
     However, opening a shop outside is a lot of manpower and financial resources. This part is handed over to Qin-Yumo. Isn't she giving less money?
     Ye-Jing-hong secretly troubled her. If she gave Qin-Yumo Lee, she was afraid that Qin-Liluo would follow it.
     Two people are going to have to split the money, and the amount of money they have left is a little more. She is not willing.
     Wait for time to try Qin-Yumo tone.
     In fact, she still has a good method, that is, merchants looking for agents in various states. This sales model has been widely used in modern times, but it is still unknown whether it can be applied in the ancient times when such news is blocked.
     "The factory has been initially stabilized. I can sneak a bit later." The book was closed, and Ye-Jing-hong took a big lazy waist.
     "Liu business is bound to be affected by us, just don't know how they will shoot?" Ye-Yanning speculation.
     "Don't worry, the security issue is handed over to Qin-Liluo. Qin-Liluo has a bad reputation and a bad personality, but it is still a trustworthy person. His true Humble-One is easy to get along with, often Say one is one. Since he is willing to cooperate, it will naturally keep us safe.” Ye-Jing-hong comforted him, “Take a step back, that is, Qin-Liluo will not let go, Qin-Yumo will not let go, after all, we There are more opportunities to work with him."
     "The king is a Master." When it comes to Qin-Yumo, Ye-Yanning appreciates him a lot.
     "Ding Wang seems to be cold and ruthless, but very heavy and affectionate. Otherwise, he will not be followed by so many talented people, and there are so many soldiers willing to go through the fire for him." Zhao Yiming agrees with Ye-Yanning opinion.
     The people of the world are very respectful of this Wangye, and their reputation even exceeds that of the Crown Prince of today.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and listened, she also had more affection for Qin-Yumo. Thinking of what Qin-Yumo said to herself in the morning, she was slightly moved.
     In any case, since I have set up the line of the king, then Qin-Yumo will be ready to do things, so that this love will not be broken.
     The business in the shop was as smooth as Ye-Jing-hong said, and it stabilized the next day. However, because of the good start, and the 2nd Prince of the king and Qin-Liluo, the nobles in the capital are completely accepting the Ye shop.
     On the third day, I didn’t expect the business of the shop to get better.
     And it's all about getting the bed and the curtains.
     Ye new quilt cover, bed cover and pillow after two nights of trials, finally completely entered everyone eyes. Especially the pillow, it is more liked by more people.
     There is no reason for it.
     The ancient pillows are divided into several categories.
     The rich people use jade pillows for the family, the ordinary people use wood, and the poor people can find a thing and can sleep under the head.
     The soft pillows in Ye shop are very comfortable to pillow at once. After the people used it, even the dreams were more, so the pillows were favored by the users.
     When someone tried it out, I immediately turned around and prepared to add it to my family.
     So one pass ten, ten pass hundred, and the people who come to buy from large families will get more.
     After the news, the smart hand and the first product embroidered Zhuang also followed the launch of a series of pillows to sell, but unfortunately, people do not buy.
     There is no reason for him.
     The bed products sold by Ye shop are all set to sell. It is comfortable to look at the bed. If you buy a pillow, why not take it.
     In this way, a product embroidered and skillful for the cloud can do nothing. Because the Ye home is covered with a zipper.
     Liu Yongxi and Lu-Bingzhi In order to understand the mystery of the zipper, they also sent people to the Ye shop to buy a few sets of bed products and come back and study them. Unfortunately, they looked at them and they couldn't find them.
     The zippers couldn't be done, they could only watch the guests rushing to the Ye shop.
     "What to do, the business of Ye cloth store has affected our business." Ye-Xin Xin is somewhat unsettled.
     Although she did not see the magical color-changing fabrics in the mouth of everyone, she now has the fabric of Ye picking flowers. This pattern, the best weavers in their own Zhuangzi is difficult to weave.
     "Don't panic. Ye fabric is good, but the scale is much smaller. Our Liu family's business is spread all over the North and South, Ye-Jing-hong wants to turn over, where is the easy thing." Liu Yongxi sneered, "And, Those toys, we can also imitate it. As long as the Ye family launches new products today, we Liujia will imitate it overnight. Seeing that she is launching fast, we are still fast."
     "Good idea, Brother. Hey, seeing Ye-Jing-hong, I don't feel well in my heart. But we are doing this, will the Heir and His Royal Highness be unhappy?" Liu Siqing asked worriedly.
     "Not afraid, we can't change the details." Ye-Xin Yan gave her a reassurance.
     In this way, how can you turn over Ye-Jing-hong? The three people in the room looked at each other and laughed, and everything was silent.
     Liu family has such a plan, Lu Duchess naturally can not miss such a good thing.
     “How about copying? The shop selling toys is in the middle of cloth and home stores. Some young Miss or Madam in the house are in the toy store. If you look at the toy store, they will definitely go to the other two shops. Look. This long-term, our business in Buzhuang and Embroidery will be greatly affected." Lu Duchess said with a book.
     In half a month, the business in the shop has been reduced by 50%. If it is going on for a long time, it will not be a loss.
     "Imitation will destroy the reputation of our shop, and I am afraid that it will not pay for it." Lu-Bingzhi thinks farther and thinks deeper.
     "Fortunately, they only do business in the capital, it does not affect our overall situation." Lu-Bingzhi said, "I am afraid that there will be support for the mixed king and Qin-Liluo, Ye-Jing-hong Let the business go outside the capital."
     "It's just a fake, it's not exactly what she is doing. If we don't, we can make more money.
     There must be a brave man under the reward, as long as I get it first..." When it came to this, Lu Duchess stopped. .
     The mother and the child looked at each other and the rest, Lu-Bingzhi fully understood.
     The interests of Ye family deserve to be tried by everyone. In the face of profits, Lu-Bingzhi also chose to compromise.
     The plan can never change quickly. Just when the Duke House and the Liu family were ready for counterfeiting, Sheng Sheng actually issued a decree under the persuasion of Ding Wang.
     This decree is totally unfavorable to the plans of Lu and Liu.
     "What, patent law? Without the consent of others, imitate the fruits of other people labor, imprisonment for ten years, and work hard to do kiln work. All the property obtained by using the fruits of other people labor will be confiscated, half of the original owner, half of the goods As a national property.” On the street, after seeing this new regulation, everyone is talking.
     Some people are happy that some people are sad.
     The people who are happy are the ones with the skills. With the support of this law, they will make things in the future and no longer have to be faked.
     There are good things that can be taken out in a big way.
     "What are you talking about?" Liu Yongxi heard the next man's report and couldn't sit still. How do you feel that this decree is directed at him.
     It was really guessed by him.
     Ye-Jing-hong did not have the ability to let the emperor issue a special decree for himself.
     She just said "inadvertently" in front of Qin-Yumo and Qin-Liluo about the importance of intellectual property and invention patents, and apparently the two big backs behind her have listened to her words.
     Therefore, no matter where you are, strong backers are especially important.
     "It is true, Brother, the street has posted notices everywhere, I heard that from tomorrow, all patent holders can go to the house to register the license." Liu Siqing replied with a mouth.
     "Rh. Brother, this decree is too clever?" Ye-Xin Yan looked at Liu Yongxi with surprise.
     "It is intentional or coincidentally, we can't make a conclusion now. No matter what kind of result, we must wait and see." After all, none of us will draw the strange pattern of the Ye family." Liu Yongxi was a little angry.
     He had just planned, and had not had time to take measures. He did not expect that the decree would come out.
     Regardless of whether or not, he must temporarily put the plan aground. Perhaps he wants to help the nobles.
     "The decree was issued very well. In this way, our Ye socks, weaving techniques, double-sided embroidery and winemaking techniques can be declared. Liujia, even if they want to mess around, they have to do it." Ye-Yanning Some excitement.
     After experiencing the experience of breaking the family, he has always had deep concerns about all the things that the Ye family now has.
     Well now, a decree will all be dispelled.
     "In the afternoon, we will declare the things at home." Ye-Yanning urged her.
     "Okay, go in the afternoon." Ye-Jing-hong can understand his worries and smile and nod his head.
     In the afternoon, Ye-Jing-hong prepared the socks, weaving, embroidery and winemaking techniques, and she also declared the kimchi technology.
     The official of Tuen Mun’s mind is still sufficient. After seeing the name declared above, he will know the identity of Ye-Jing-hong.
     Due to the reputation of Qin-Yumo and Qin-Liluo, the process of declaration by Ye-Jing-hong is very profitable.
     "Ye-2nd-gongzi, please take your brand." The main smile gave the sign to her. "With this brand, no one dares to lick your things. If 2nd-gongzi can pull out in the future It’s better to brew some wines in time.”
     Ye-Jing-hong listened to a smile and knew that he was licking his family's wine.
     However, she has come prepared, "Chengde, will bring the wine."
     Chengde got the order, and soon moved two wines from the outside.
     "This is my sake brewed, and the other jar is fruit wine, the quantity is not much, and it will be used when several Daren are fine." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "How interesting is that?" The main thin eye has some eyes, but he can be responsible for it, and he is afraid of being known by others, leaving a message to others.
     Ye-Jing-hong can guess what they are worried about and explain with a smile. "Several Daren don't have to worry about what others will say. I have passed the review first, and then this wine is also taken for identification. It's just two jars of wine, not worth returning, and giving it to several Daren. Bribery. Hey, this is a pair of socks, cloth, and I have no plans to bring it back, so I will leave it to several big brothers."
     The servants who stood on the side listened and had their own gifts.
     Everyone sees Ye-Jing-hong's eyes are more gentle, the Ye-2nd-gongzi really is a man.
     Listening to her explanation, the Lord thinned their hearts and settled down, and also accepted Ye-Jing-hong.
     People don't show the name of the king or the Heir, nor do they have no one because of the big backing.
     "What's going on in the future, 2nd-gongzi knows, we must arrive." This is the servant responsible for street patrols.
     "Sure, Jinghong would like to thank Daren for taking care of me. Yes, these kimchi are not sold in the shop, but the taste is good. If you don't give up, I will leave them to everyone at noon. Add a meal.” Ye-Jing-hong said a row of small cans.
     "Do not dislike, do not disregard." All people are overjoyed.
     I heard that these kimchi pickles, even the Heir, Dingwang, and Chang Princess, they like it, and they can't buy it outside. Ye-Jing-hong deliberately left so much, it seems that I have already given good ideas to them.
     Ye-Jing-hong This friend, they have settled.
     Respect is mutual, and Ye-Jing-hong is a small and kind move, but she has won the favor of everyone in the house.
     She took the sign and she left in the ardent farewell of everyone in the mansion.
     "Is it done?" Just entered the second house, and met Zhao Yiming on the face.
     “It’s done.” Ye-Jing-hong replied heartily.
     "Good." Zhao Yiming touched the beard and smiled at her.
     "2nd-gongzi, this is not afraid of someone stealing their things." Pavilion afternoon excitedly.
     "Yes, Humble-One like Liu family, unless they are not afraid of losing their heads, they will never dare to steal our technology in the future." Tingyi also said.
     "2nd-gongzi, Zhao Lao-ye." Wanghuahua, who came out with an empty plate, met them and quickly bowed their knees.
     Ye-Jing-hong Brows slightly wrinkled and gently agreed.
     In her thoughtful eyes, Wang Huahua left with some guilty conscience.
     "This Yatou heart is a bit wild." Zhao Yiming looked at Wang Huahua rushed back.
     He is old and looks very accurate.
     This Wang Huahua looked at people eyes and turned around, making people look uncomfortable.
     "The heart is big, then it depends on what kind of master." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and replied.
     When Zhao Yiming heard it, she knew that she had an idea in her heart, so she did not say it.
     Several people accompanied him into the study, and Ye-Yanning was sitting here reading a book.
     When I saw Ye-Jing-hong coming back, his face showed a happy look.
     Sure enough, Ye-Jing-hong reported good news, and she left behind what she deliberately brought.
     “It’s good.” Ye-Yanning looked at her with approval. “There is a lot of people feelings. When we deal with Tuen Mun, we have more time. Our shop is under the care of others, although there are Wangye and the Heir. But when the tigers also have wars, they still have to pull their hearts and do things well."
     When he was in Jiangnan, he also helped the family to manage the business, and he knew the rules of the officialdom and the shopping mall. Although it is said that it is not possible to go out and help Ye-Jing-hong to deal with things now, it is helpful to teach some of the experience and help her.
     "Your Brother is right." Zhao Yiming also agreed with Ye-Yanning's statement, "I have a good relationship with the government. If something happens, they will not be able to ventilate us."
     "I think so too." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming saw that she listened carefully to their opinions and felt very pleased.
     "The flowers and vegetables in Zhuangzi are all mature, and the first batch of peppers is also part of it. I want to sell it to delicious food." Ye-Jing-hong went on to say, "We don't have plans to open a restaurant, so we can't stay that way. More cauliflower."
     "The peppers are still left out," said Zhao Yiming.
     "Yes, the red peppers are sold in powder, the green seeds inside, they just want to plant. I also intend to keep the seeds. In the autumn, kimchi also needs a lot of peppers. I just want to try and see. Everyone reaction." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     "The idea is to take it yourself." Ye-Yanning looked at her gently.
     On the second day, Ye-Jing-hong let Jin-Haisheng convey his meaning to Zhuangzi.
     After a few days, Qianlin arranged for the people in Zhuangzi to send a car of cauliflower, peppers and greens, and Ye-Jing-hong immediately took the dishes to the delicious fast.
     The shopkeeper of the delicious Zhai saw her come and immediately greeted her into the back yard of the restaurant.
     "2nd-gongzi is coming today, is there something? Is there a new wine?"
     “No.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, “I planted some new dishes in my village. I pulled some of them and wanted to ask the shopkeeper if I want to collect them?”
     "New dishes? Is it a small green dish, or a bean?" The shopkeeper asked with a smile. Although the delicious fast has its own channels of purchase, Ye-Jing-hong always brings them novelty from time to time, so the shopkeeper did not directly reject Ye-Jing-hong.
     "It's cauliflower and pepper. I can make some dishes for the guests to try. If the response is good, the shopkeeper will talk to me about the price?" Ye-Jing-hong gave a novel proposal.
     Everyone is not an outsider.
     The shopkeeper listened to her proposal, but it was very refreshing.
     "Well, the kitchen is for you, the ingredients are what, there are ready-made, you can do it yourself."
     He also sent a Little-Two to lead her, Ye-Jing-hong took Wang-uncle, and the moon came to the back kitchen.
     Many of the cooks in the back are also aware of her, but I have not seen it very well. I only know the good wine made by Ye-2nd-gongzi, and many of the guests in the restaurant are now coming to the Ye family.
     And every jar of Ye home wine is also sold at a high price.
     Why can 2nd-gongzi, which can make wine, appear in the delicious kitchen? All the cooks are at a loss.
     Ye-Jing-hong chose to use a small kitchen, then rolled up his sleeves, looked at the ingredients, and thought about what to do.
     The first is the fried cauliflower, followed by the fried cauliflower dipping sauce, which is also made by the Ye family.
     The taste is naturally different.
     The use of peppers is even more. Ye-Jing-hong made pickled fish with his own sauerkraut, and made hot and sour potatoes, boiled pork, spicy pot and Mapo tofu.
     The kitchen is full of thick peppers.
     “ Ah-.” The shopkeeper was not sneezing into the kitchen before.
     "The treasurer, here is a small copy, you can try it." Ye-Jing-hong pointed to the dishes in the small bowls on the table, this is what she specially made for each dish.
     The shopkeeper saw the red and blue pieces in each bowl, smothered it hard, smelled the scent, and then he took the chopsticks handed over by Little-Two and tried it.
     "Delicious." He only ate a pickled fish, and he nodded hard, affirming the fruits of Ye-Jing-hong's work.
     After picking up the rest of the dishes, he was even more surprised. "Ye-2nd-gongzi, I have all these dishes. You see, this kind of chili cyan twenty-one pounds, red paprika fifty pounds a pound, cauliflower, then how is the twenty-one pound? ”
     This price is about the same as the price of meat on the market.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled, "The treasurer, we still send these dishes to the front, let the guests try to talk about the price."
     When the treasurer heard it, she knew that she was not satisfied with the price.
     However, Ye-Jing-hong's proposal is also good, he is trying to see the reaction of the guests. "Okay, just follow 2nd-gongzi."
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and lifted himself up. With Wang-uncle and Mochizuki, he followed the shopkeeper to the front hall.
     At the time of the meal, there were a lot of guests in the hall, and it was almost packed.
     Delicious Zhai is the first restaurant in Capital City. Even if the price of the food here is amazing, there will never be a shortage of guests.
     "Hey, Ye-Jing-hong, you come over to eat, do you want to go to the private room with the grandfather to eat?" Just arrived in the front hall, Ye-Jing-hong had not had time and the treasurer to report the new dishes, but first Encountered the Qin-Liluo rogue.
     He was still standing next to a thin but long man who was more beautiful than a woman. This person is looking at Ye-Jing-hong with a curious look.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't know this person. After amazement, he can't take care of that person.
     "No, the Heir. I came over to sell vegetables today." She smiled and refused Qin-Liluo.
     "Isn't it selling wine? How did it change the selling?" Qin-Liluo asked her with a dissatisfied look.
     For Qin-Liluo, Ye-Jing-hong is not willing to make more good wines. It is really a performance.
     "I have a village in the suburbs, and some vegetables have just matured, so I will come and try it." Ye-Jing-hong explained the good temper.
     “What dish?” Qin-Liluo asked casually.
     “Chili and cauliflower.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     "Is the last time you made those dishes?" I didn't expect Qin-Liluo to come to the spirit after listening to the name of the dish.
     "All kinds of dishes made by pepper are delicious, and the cauliflower is also good. We have not sold it in Pingyun.
     The last time I had eaten at the Ye family, but the number is small, and I have not enjoyed it. Now there is I sold it, I asked her to make a few dishes for us." Qin-Liluo explained the beauty of the beautiful man around him.
     Ye-Jing-hong was shocked, who is the beautiful man. Don't look at Qin-Liluo, there is no seriousness all day, but there are not many people who can enter his eyes. But the Crown Prince and several Wangye in the capital are not in the eye, but they are in front of him. Men are so respected?
     Thinking of this, Ye-Jing-hong looked at the gentle man opposite him with a curious look.
     "The Heir likes it, the snow is listening to the Heir." The man's voice is as beautiful as the clear spring in the mountains.
     Ye-Jing-hong listened and was slightly surprised, but his face did not reveal any look. "The Heir, I just made a few dishes in the kitchen, the Heir can order a few."
     This beautiful man turned out to be the first card in the legendary breeze hall! Qin-Liluo is just ridiculous to bring people out for dinner.
     "The king has a few more." Qin-Yumo voice suddenly inserted.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked up and saw Qin-Yumo coming in with his guards. He was followed by a few expensive gongzi.
     "Where is it for you?" Qin-Liluo asked with a squint.
     “Would you like to come over and eat together?” Qin-Yumo is watching Ye-Jing-hong.
     "No, I have to go back to sell the dishes." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied. She can't afford to be offended on both sides, she can only play with a smile. "Noble Heir, don't be angry. I have done several copies of every dish in the kitchen. I am still waiting to see the reaction of the guests. You don't want to.
     The package was rounded and broke my financial path."
     For the joke of Ye-Jing-hong, the Qin-Liluo yin and yang face finally became better. "Yeah, it doesn't matter if you look at your face. Otherwise, I bought all the dishes, but it is the thing that the Lord is willing to do?"
     "Yes, I know that Noble Heir was kind enough to give face." Ye-Jing-hong can only follow him.
     "Your things are good, those people are blinded and can't say good." Qin-Liluo is satisfied with her performance.
     Some guests heard that He He and Ding Wang had ordered the vegetables that Ye-Jing-hong had promoted, and they were all curious. Because everyone knows the relationship between Ye-Jing-hong and these two people, even the dishes of the proud Noble Heir and Dingwang are definitely good things.
     So many of the guests also followed the special Ye-Jing-hong to do the dishes.
     When the shopkeeper looked at the posture in front of him, he lamented in his heart. It seems that the price of vegetables brought by Ye-Jing-hong has to be turned up again.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, wait for the king to let the little ones in the house go to your house to buy some braised pork, especially the beef, and give more to the Lord." Qin-Liluo is not serious about Ye- Jing-hong said, "I want to eat snow today, and I am always satisfied with it."
     "Noble Heir, the beef that is sent to you, the meat can't ask for your silver. If you go, I will write a note for you now." Ye-Jing-hong said sincerely.
     Don't look at Qin-Liluo, you can be a pretty good person. At least it is good for the people he cares about. Since he has nothing to go to the Ye family to go to the meal, he sent people a lot after three to five.
     The good things were given to the Ye family in the form of human feelings.
     Ye-Jing-hong is not a person who doesn't go to the road. She really remembers this person.
     "Yeah is not white for you." Qin-Liluo lamented and smiled and urged her to move faster.
     Ye-Jing-hong took the pen and wrote one and handed it to him. He looked up at Qin-Yumo, and she wrote another one and handed it to His Royal Highness.
     "Wangye, you also like braised pork. It's better to send someone to come and get some."
     "Yeah." Qin-Yumo gave a faint sigh, but smiled in his eyes.
     The faces of several gongzi who followed him suddenly showed amazed look.
     Unfortunately, Qin-Yumo obviously did not want to continue to introduce the meaning, with people ready to go upstairs to the room.
     "No, he obviously didn't want it. How would you give it to him?" Qin-Liluo is not happy to ask.
     "Oh, Wangye is also an acquaintance. Anyway, there is a lot of braised meat prepared in the house. Noble Heir should not care about it." Ye-Jing-hong looked at him with a pitiful look.
     Qin-Liluo pair of peach eyes are on her wet eyes, and she has no temper at once. "Forget it, cheaper."
     Then he took the light snow hand without hesitation and went to the second floor.
     Ye-Jing-hong Watched the diners in the restaurant secretly envious and hateful eyes, and when they looked at the hands of the two people intertwined, she was also drunk. Doesn't this Qin-Liluo know how to avoid it?
     Obviously Noble Heir really didn't care how people looked at him, so he stung to the corner of the second floor.
     After this episode, the shopkeeper quickly let Little-Two take the dishes out of the kitchen to the second floor, and the rest are sold to other diners.
     Not too long, the diners in the restaurant ‘Called and urged the shopkeeper to hurry and do more.
     Needless to say, the dish of Ye-Jing-hong is really hot.
     "The treasurer, let's talk about the price now?" Ye-Jing-hong asked with a professional smile on his face.
     "Excuse me, is Ye wine made by you?" A smiling old man standing in front of Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong A glimpse, with the hot sale of wine and the opening of the shop, it can be said that most people in Capital City have some face-to-face people who know each other. Where did this old man come out?
     "The wine you said is brewed under it." Ye-Jing-hong replied refreshingly, perhaps the old man with a foreign accent is only interested in himself.
     Wang-uncle and Mochizuki are standing in front of Ye-Jing-hong, staring at the old man with their eyes open.
     "I heard that you have better wine in your hand? Can you sell it to me?" The old man looked at her eyes hot, and the young man who was in love looked at his sweetheart.
     Ye-Jing-hong was scared by his overly eager eyes and took a step back.
     "That can't be done, Laozhang." When the treasurer heard that he dared to face the corner, he was not happy at once.
     "How do you want to sell it to me? As long as you come up, I will do it for you." The old man did not look at the shopkeeper, but continued to stare at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Sorry, I have an agreement with the restaurant here, and I don't want to trade with other guests in private." Ye-Jing-hong politely refused.
     "Or, can I use this bottle of medicine and you can't change it?" The old man turned a bottle of medicine from his arms.
     He voluntarily unscrewed the bottle lid and handed it to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Suddenly, a good smell immediately emanate, causing many guests to look over.
     When the old man looked at it, he immediately put it away.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw his performance in his heart.
     "I am not sick and devastated, what do you want to do with medicine?" She deliberately performed faintly. Although she said that she is not good at the technique of sputum, but the bottle in front of the old man is a good thing, she can still distinguish it.
     Everything is because of the old man's move, and the smell of the bottle of medicine.
     "Not only medicine, but also whitening and freckle on the face and body, making the skin more hydrated. If others, I am not willing to exchange." The old man looked at her with a look that he earned.
     "No." Ye-Jing-hong also shook his head. "In fact, I will also do something simple and white, and the skin will become supple. Don't change."
     More than a simple rejection.
     Yao Zhongbai is dumbfounded. What is in his hand is what many people can't ask for, and how can Yatou die?
     "But my medicine is better," he stressed.
     “Do you think my skin is not good enough?” Ye-Jing-hong asked.
     Yao Zhongbai looked at her tender and tender skin and finally got a little discouraged.
     "How about changing a bottle? I will give you a bottle of medicine that can cure internal injuries, and heavy internal injuries can also make you not die."
     "No change." Ye-Jing-hong shook his head. "I don't know how to do martial arts. If I really blame someone else way, it is estimated that I will be finished. People are not angry, what do you want your medicine to do?"
     Yao Zhongbai was blocked by her and could not speak.
     Little- Yatou didn't lie, breathing didn't have the ease of being a man, he could hear it.
     "Then I will change another bottle." Yao Zhongbai was hit by her for some period of Ai Ai, and her confidence fell a few points. "If you change a bottle, you can treat all kinds of poisons. You won't refuse it again?"
     "Do not change." Ye-Jing-hong really shakes his head. "Ordinary poison, someone around me can solve it. It is heavy again. It is estimated that I have no life when I take out the medicine. Besides, I am a small businessman, who poisons me. You think, if someone can I put such a powerful poison on me, and the other person is a very powerful person. Anyway, I escaped for a while and could not escape for a lifetime. I don’t want this medicine."
     What is the reason? Yao Zhongbai was tempted by her strong words. Death Yatou brain is different from others, and he has never met such a difficult person.
     "If you don't change it, don't change it. Do I still want your wine?" Yao Zhongbai was angry.
     "I didn't say it, didn't you have been entangled in the exchange?" Ye-Jing-hong's good-tempered rhetoric, "Selling, of course, is what you want, since the old man is not willing to change, Please let me go, I have to talk to the shopkeeper."
     The tone is better, but the attitude is a bit impatient.
     As a refined medical doctor, Yao Zhongbai is not sought after? Unexpectedly, in front of Ye-Jing-hong, there was a share that she was dismissed.
     Yao Zhongbai felt that there was a fire burning in his heart, but he could not find an excuse to vent.
     "The treasurer, I am not satisfied with the price you originally said." Ye-Jing-hong seems to have forgotten him, and went directly to the shopkeeper to discuss the price of vegetables.
     "That way, 40 Chinese cauliflower, 50 words of green pepper, dried chili, how about 100?" The shopkeeper saw the business in the hall, and knew the price he gave, Ye-Jing-hong would definitely Not satisfied.
     "The price of cauliflower and green pepper is okay, but dry pepper is not good. A pound of dried chili does not seem to be much. You can just start three to five if you start cooking. If this is the case, I will lose. "Ye-Jing-hong is not allowed."
     One hundred words are still too small? The shopkeeper looked at Ye-Jing-hong's eyes and looked sad.
     Ye-Jing-hong can talk about business in the most days. In the market, only one of hers has a pepper to sell. If it does not occupy the convenience of the early stage, the price of the late pepper will definitely fall.
     “How much do you want?” The treasurer threw the problem to her.
     "150 words." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     so tall? The shopkeeper frowned.
     "Of course, if there are more peppers on the market in the future, this price can be adjusted with the market price." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "Well, just buy the price according to what you said. However, you have to teach the cooks, how do these dishes are done?" The shopkeeper asked, "I don't take advantage of you, a dish gives you fifty Silver Taels. ”
     Fifty Silver Taels seem to be a lot, but it is not too much in the place where the wealthy and wealthy people are gathered.
     "The deal." Ye-Jing-hong nodded.
     So, two people wrote the agreement before the counter, and both sides signed the name on it.
     Yao Zhongbai was alone at the side, and my heart was really not a taste.
     "2nd-gongzi." Take the blast of food back, see Ye-Jing-hong, and say hello to her with respect.
     “Wine?” Ye-Jing-hong saw the jar in his hand and asked strangely.
     "It was sent by Da-gongzi. I heard that Wangye wants to entertain guests, so I specially sent two jars of good wine." The wind has a question and answer.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at the jar in his hand, some meat hurts.
     Wine is the best, and the wine in the other jar is a good thing. It is the water that makes wine, that is, she deliberately finds people from the mountains, and she is also the secret that was discovered unintentionally. It is only a short half-month in the year.
     When Yao Zhongbai saw her eyes, she knew that the wine in the jar must be different.
     His eyes lit up at once.
     "Can you let me taste it too? If you have a cup, this bottle of medicine will be given to you." He said, he pushed the bottle of healing medicine in his hand to Ye-Jing-hong. .
     Ye-Jing-hong looked up at him. "You can change it. I want the bottle to be detoxified."
     Yao Zhongbai looked at her suspiciously. "You just didn't change it?"
     Ye-Jing-hong saw the vigilant eyes in his eyes, and then sneered as if nothing had happened. "Then I refused to change, can I always?"
     "You talk about why you want to change your mind?" Yao Zhongbai stared at her.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't talk and ignores him.
     The blast stood on the side and waited quietly for Ye-Jing-hong's instructions.
     "You go up, Wangye is still waiting." Ye-Jing-hong looked at the wind and waved his hand.
     The blast will be lifted.
     "Wait. I don't ask." Yao Zhongbai sighed, first compromised.
     The footsteps of the blast have already reached the first step of the stairs.
     Yao Zhongbai looked at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Give me a cup." Ye-Jing-hong said to the blast.
     It stands to reason that for Wangye wine, where a certain king has not opened, where is a businessman qualified to drink first?
     There was no sign of a blast but a little angry. He heard the instructions of Ye-Jing-hong and immediately turned back. "Yes."
     After that, he opened the jar with his own hands, then took a cup and poured a cup.
     "The beef is also left a little." Ye-Jing-hong then ordered.
     The blast still had no objection, and took a bag from the basket and handed it over.
     "Thank you, go up." Ye-Jing-hong nodded at him.
     "Changed." Concisely reached out and took the bottle on the table, and then handed the glass and paper bag. "I made it myself, and this wine is not bad."
     Yao Zhongbai had already picked up the glass when her voice fell.
     He put the glass on his lips and took a sip and closed his eyes to taste it.
     "Good wine." For a long while, he slammed his eyes open and said excitedly.
     "Then please use it slowly, I will take a step first." Ye-Jing-hong nodded to him, smiled and took the bottle and the silver that was delivered from the shopkeeper.
     "2nd-gongzi, why don't you let him go to the house to see Da-gongzi?" On the carriage, Wang-uncle asked softly.
     After some overstepping, she couldn't help but ask.
     "Where are you coming and coming to the door, which one do you think is more attentive?" Ye-Jing-hong asked faintly.
     "2nd-gongzi sure he will come to the door?" Wang Yue asked in surprise.
     Ye-Jing-hong but laughed.
     Back to the Ye family, Ye-Jing-hong first came to Zhao Yiming's yard.
     "2nd-gongzi." Tingyi and Tingwu were busy drying the herbs. When she saw her coming, she immediately came to the ceremony.
     “This is a snack.” Ye-Jing-hong threw a packet of snacks in the past.
     The pavilion caught it all at once. "The snacks outside are no better, and there is no 2nd-gongzi craft."
     The pavilion smiled and flattered, compared to the others in other people homes, they are special existence.
     Ye-Jing-hong is grateful that they lend a helping hand when their brothers and sisters are bothered, so they respect them like Brother.
     The pavilion is also regarded as her own relatives.
     “Good taste, good taste.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     "Come back?" Zhao Yiming took the group out and asked him.
     "Today I went out to meet someone. He sent me a bottle of medicine. I want to ask Ye-Ye to help." Ye-Jing-hong explained the intention.
     "Well? Give it to me." Zhao Yiming put down his group and said.
     "Give." Ye-Jing-hong handed him a bottle from his arms and handed it to him.
     Zhao Yiming opened the lid of the bottle and smelled it. "What about the person who sent the medicine? Hurry and find it."
     There was an anxious look on his face.
     "Don't worry, people should come back in a few days." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     "He is a god doctor. How do you just let people go?" Zhao Yiming asked annoyedly.
     "I may not be willing to ask him to heal, but if he takes the initiative to send it to the door, it will be different." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     "What's the matter?" Zhao Yiming calmed down and asked curiously.
     Ye-Jing-hong said that he had met Yao Zhongbai in the delicious Zhai Qiao.
     "You have no friendship with him, will he really come to the door?" Zhao Yiming is not stable.
     It is said that this god doctor is only willing to heal several people in a year, and that he has to look at his mood.
     Ye-Jing-hong took the liberty of rejecting him, and did he know if he would be upset?
     "Ye-Ye, do you see what we can do to impress him? Since there is no, it is better to gamble." Ye-Jing-hong bit his lip and said. "And, it's not just a simple matter to heal Brother.
     These three detoxifications should work."
     This is also true!
     Ye-Jing-hong has his own plans.
     Zhao Yiming saw that her idea had been fixed and she could only shake her head and agree.
     For Yao Zhongbai, he has heard many legends.
     It is said that it is useless to put a knife on his neck for a person who is unruly and unsightly. However, it is estimated that few people have dared to put a knife on his neck.
     Because, he himself is extremely high in martial arts, and at the same time he is a doctor and a doctor, who dares to provoke? Coupled with the vast number of masters in the doctor's valley, no one dares to provoke him.
     Will such people take the initiative to come to Ye-Fu? Fortunately, Ye-Jing-hong has brought Jiedu Dan back. "It can be used, but it can only be alleviated. This detoxification solution is a common poison."
     That being said, she was juggled by Yao Zhongbai god stick. Ye-Jing-hong secretly recorded Yao Zhongbai stroke.
     "I will go back first. At noon, I will cook." Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "The weather is getting hot, let's take a break." Zhao Yiming asked with concern.
     “Nothing.” Ye-Jing-hong stood up. “I haven’t cooked Ye-Ye and Brother for a long time, and I have some homemade dishes today.”
     Zhao Yiming hesitated and said, "The matter of the god doctor is not to tell your Brother for the time being."
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled. "No, I am going to tell him first."
     She knows that Zhao Yiming is afraid that Yao Zhongbai will not come, so that this matter affects the relationship between their brothers and sisters.
     However, Ye-Jing-hong has long vowed that she will not hide Ye-Yanning in her life.
     Zhao Yiming saw a confident smile on her face, and sighed slightly, and followed her.
     The relationship between the brothers and sisters is good, he has been looking forward to.
     Ye-Jing-hong came back with a happy mood, and Ye-Yanning felt it when she entered the door.
     “Would you like to go to the ingot?” Ye-Yanning assured the book in his hand and smiled and joked with her.
     "What's going on here, for me, I am more happy than the golden ingot." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     “Yeah?” Ye-Yanning curiously waited for her explanation.
     "The sales of peppers are excellent, yes, I also met a strange old man and listened to Ye-Ye saying that he is a doctor." Ye-Jing-hong said softly.
     Ye-Yanning's face has not changed, but her eyes are smiling.
     Ye-Jing-hong has been looking for a doctor for him, and it must be her reason to say so.
     "This is Detoxification Dan. He said that he can solve a lot of poisons, but I have seen it for Zhao Ye-Ye. He said that he can only solve ordinary poison." Ye-Jing-hong said it was bitter.
     Ye-Yanning understood, that is to say, the pills in her bottle did not really remove the poison from him.
     "It's a thing in the sky. You don't have to blame yourself." He smiled and comforted Ye-Jing-hong. "I have heard rumors about him. It is said that this person is very difficult."
     "The people who say bad things in the back are the worst." Suddenly, a voice of unpleasantness sounded on the roof.
     Ye-Yanning and Ye-Jing-hong both looked up.
     I saw a white-bearded old man sitting on the beam on the beam.
     Ye-Jing-hong knows him, but Ye-Yanning doesn't know him.
     "I don't know who the predecessors are, please come down and talk." Although the old man in front of his face is not good, he is not the kind of evil person. Ye-Yanning is still very accurate, so he smiled and invited the people above.
     "Little- Yatou, let's meet again." Yao Zhongbai snorted and looked at Ye-Jing-hong. Obviously, I need the bottle of detoxification, and I have wrapped around a big bend, Yatou!
     Ye-Jing-hong hasn't changed his face to his accused eyes. "Who wants to meet you."
     The tone is equally bad.
     "I am gone, isn't his legs?" Yao Zhongbai said bluntly, his head raised high. Now he is a good side, so the high profile still has to be placed.
     "You love not seeing, I have not asked you." Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     "You don't even care about your own Brother?" Yao Zhongbai really can't understand this Little-Yatou.
     “Nonsense, Brother is the person I care the most about.” Ye-Jing-hong glanced at him. “You are less provocative about the relationship between our brothers and sisters.”
     "As far as your attitude is concerned, it is also good, less." Yao Zhongbai glanced at her contemptuously.
     "Brother, I will drive this person out of the house, don't you mind?" Ye-Jing-hong suddenly asked Ye-Yanning.
     "Don't mind, as long as you are happy." Ye-Yanning answered without hesitation.
     "You please please. Just casually broke into the house, and hid in the beam, it is a petty thief." Ye-Jing-hong also glanced at Yao Zhongbai, then stood up To Ye-Yanning, "Brother, I cook today, you have a good fortune."
     "The weather is hot, you still have to rest, let Zhang-Mama they do it." Ye-Yanning looked at her with distress.
     “I don’t get in the way, I am doing new things.” Ye-Jing-hong smiled and smiled.
     "Hey, what's the matter with you, how are you still standing here?" She blinked and saw Yao Zhongbai, and she stunned him with a sigh of relief.
     "Cheat the old man, still want the old man to go, the door is not." Yao Zhongbai is even nostrils.
     "With you." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and said, "Brother, go to the study and let Anping add some ice to you."
     After that, Ye-Jing-hong ignored Yao Zhongbai.
     Not a little while, Anping also came in.
     “Da-gongzi, 2nd-gongzi let Humble-One send you to the study.”
     "Okay." Ye-Yanning smiled and nodded, nor did he take care of Yao Zhongbai.
     I want to squat! Yao Zhongbai was angry.
     He would like to see when this family can be hard-pressed.
     Ye-Jing-hong went to the kitchen to see the ingredients and made some dishes.
     Yao Zhongbai sat alone in the living room, and no one came to take care of him.
     Just sitting for a while, he couldn't sit still.
     He simply stood up and went to find someone, today's business, he said he had to ask.
     “Where is the study?” When he went out, he saw Chengde and Jin-Haisheng.
     “Who are you?” Jin-Haisheng and Chengde were taken aback.
     There is more than one person in the house, they don’t even know?
     At the same time, two people put out a defensive posture.
     The people in this house are all neurotic! Yao Zhongbai is really angry.
     Where did he go, where he was not to be a bodhisattva, the people in this house were good, and they all guarded him as a thief.
     "Go and go. Where is your Da-gongzi? When you come to the door, you are this attitude? No rude!" It is justified. "And the little-Yatou, let her come over and look for me."
     Know 2nd-gongzi is a woman? Jin-Haisheng and Chengde are unsettled.
     Perhaps the guest was really brought back by 2nd-gongzi.
     "You are?" Zhao Yiming just took the pavilion at noon, and he saw Yao Zhongbai at a glance.
     "Laozi, is he?" Chengde asked questioningly.
     "Let's go on." Even if he hadn't seen Yao Zhongbai, Zhao Yiming still guessed his identity.
     Yao Zhongbai is an idol of the medical profession, and Zhao Yiming has long admired him. I can see it today, and he naturally does not want to let such a good opportunity.
     "Yao predecessor, under Zhao Yiming." He bowed his hand.
     "I want to go to the study." For Zhao Yiming who came out, Yao Zhongbai obviously did not look at it.
     He urged impatiently.
     "Please." Zhao Yiming is not a stalker. He is not angry with his impatience. He smiles and leads the way.
     Jin-Haisheng and Chengde saw Zhao Yiming know the old man, and the two men retired.
     "This is it." Zhao Yiming was bent on asking Yao Zhongbai to give Ye-Yanning a good look, but thinking of Ye-Jing-hong's previous words, he did not make it too obvious.
     Yao Zhongbai pushed the door of the study with a big thorn.
     Ye-Yanning is sitting on the front of the case with a writing brush and carefully copying the copybook.
     "Good word! Good picture." Yao Zhongbai was still full of anger, but after entering the study, his anger disappeared without a trace.
     Eyes staring at the pictures and words on the wall. "Who is the breeze?"
     "It's the Yatou in your mouth." When Zhao Yiming looked at his posture, he knew that another person was fascinated by the calligraphy of Ye-Jing-hong.
     "That Yatou?" Yao Zhongbai was obviously taken aback.
     “These paintings are really made by Mei-mei.” Ye-Yanning also responded faintly.
     Although Yao Zhongbai is also evil, but the character is still quite right, I believe he will not be rumbling to spread the news that the Qing feng layman is Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Good words, good pictures, good poetry." At this moment, Yao Zhongbai has put all his attention on the calligraphy and painting.
     Zhao Yiming and Ye-Yanning didn't bother him, he just walked around and looked around.
     "Eating, Ye-Ye, Brother." Ye-Jing-hong made a good meal and went to find someone to eat. Seeing that Yao Zhongbai is still there, she frowned slightly and asked, "How are you still?"
     This is quite rude.
     Yao Zhong’s white gas glanced at her again.
     "How can I not be there?" he asked.
     "We don't welcome you, you can go out." Ye-Jing-hong said, "You think that we are thinking about you."
     "Don't you remember?" Yao Zhongbai kept on chasing.
     "There was an idea, but you will not see it when you see it." Ye-Jing-hong "Really" answered.
     “Why don’t you have it now?” Yao Zhongbai was furious, and Ye-Jing-hong apparently looked down on other people products.
     "I am afraid of being entangled by you." Ye-Jing-hong said disdainfully, "And I am the most afraid of trouble, and I hate people who count me."
     "You are calculating me." Yao Zhongbai corrected her rhetoric.
     "Jokes, is that I first find you?" Ye-Jing-hong sneered at him. "I still ask you to come to my house?"
     The two counter-questions succeeded in making Yao Zhongbai ‘mute, seemingly somewhat reasonable.
     "Can't you say anything?" Ye-Jing-hong saw the other party's momentum weakened and sneered and said again, "So if you worry about me calculating you, you can go now."
     Yao Zhongbai is arrogant and wants to go. But looking at the calligraphy on the wall, his feet were taken back. "You want to irritate me, I will not leave today."
     “Don’t go down.” Ye-Jing-hong sneered at him. “Where you love to stay where you are, anyway, Ye-Fu will not give you a place to eat and drink.”
     After that, she pushed Ye-Yanning out, regardless of the three seven twenty-one. "Ye-Ye, hurry. I am so hard to make a big table of food. If I don't eat it, it will be cold."
     Zhao Yiming wanted to pull Yao Zhongbai, but he saw the look of Ye-Jing-hong, and immediately looked at Yao Zhongbai with a sorry look, then went out with Ye-Jing-hong.
     Yao Zhongbai was left here by this, and his arrogant sitting in the chair did not move.
     He likes the calligraphy and painting here, but he is still eating goods in his bones.
     I was waiting for someone to come and ask him, but after waiting for a while, the house was still quiet, and Yao Zhongbai could not sit still.
     Zhao Yiming, who walked in the corridor, quietly gave Ye-Jing-hong a thumbs up.
     The legendary Yao Zhongbai is a refined person, of course, this refers to the normal situation. He loves poetry and calligraphy, and is crazy about medical research. Amateurs also particularly like to eat and wine, collectively known as food.
     And just as Ye-Jing-hong is different in poetry, calligraphy and painting, Zhao Yiming can be sure that Yao Zhongbai will finally yield.
     Ye-Yanning and Ye-Jing-hong and Zhao Yiming originally thought that Yao Zhongbai was a god doctor, and he would have the ambition to compete with them. Unexpectedly, when they had just sat down to the flower hall, Yao Zhongbai came in with a gust of wind.
     "We are eating, what are you doing?" Ye-Jing-hong holding chopsticks and a lion head on the chopsticks.
     "You are not afraid that I will steal all the calligraphy and painting inside?" Yao Zhongbai answered.
     “Not afraid.” Ye-Jing-hong put the lion's head in the bowl of Zhao Yiming, and then placed one in the Ye-Yanning bowl. In the end, of course, I don’t forget that she also came one.
     Yao Zhongbai had asked a lot of noise. When he saw the food on the table, his eyes suddenly went straight.
     He is also a god doctor and has an unusual hobby for food, but this table is full of art dishes, and he has never seen it.
     "Wait." Hearing Ye-Jing-hong's chopsticks would poke into a steaming "dragon boat" and he ‘Called.
     "We are eating, what is your ghost?" Ye-Jing-hong is impatient.
     Zhao Yiming and Ye-Yanning do not speak.
     "You haven't answered me yet? You are not afraid that I will leave all the calligraphy and paintings?" Yao Zhongbai spoke in his mouth, and his eyes were on the table.
     "Not afraid, if you leave, anyway, I can still paint better. You regret it." Ye-Jing-hong sneered and replied.
     Yao Zhongbai was blocked by her and she couldn’t speak.
     It is difficult for people who paint to say so confidently that their next work will be better than they are now. But this little-Yatou is too confident.
     Yao Zhongbai really can't gamble!
     If he would take the good things here, in the unlikely event that Little-Yatou draws a better one, then he is not dead.
     Yao Zhongbai thinks about the picture of his regret, the whole person is not calm.
     “Brother, eat more.” Ye-Jing-hong took a spoonful of crystal clear pearl balls to Ye-Yanning.
     "Stop." Seeing the "flowing water" under the "small bridge" will be taken away, and Yao Zhongbai heart is hurting.
     "What are you doing again?" Ye-Jing-hong asked impatiently.
     "What is this dish called?" Yao Zhong asked slyly.
     "Break the bridge meets." Ye-Jing-hong replied faintly.
     “Break the bridge?” Yao Zhongbai asked wonderingly.
     "You don't know this allusion?" Ye-Jing-hong deliberately asked.
     Breaking the bridge meets is a story that everyone knows in modern times. However, there is no such legend in Pingyun.
     "And there is an allusion?" Yao Zhongbai looked at him with interest.
     Ye-Jing-hong never talks again.
     "2nd-gongzi, you actually sneak a good meal when we are not there." The accusation suddenly came out of the door.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked up and enjoyed it. "How come a few of you are free?"
     "Oh, if we don't come, we don't know that you secretly made so many delicious things." Little fat man is very dissatisfied with her behavior of neglecting friendship.
     "There is a high school grade competition in the afternoon, and we have been on vacation for a long time." Gao Zhaoqin replied with a good temper, "2nd-gongzi, we came over after school."
     This is to eat!
     "Give them a chair." Ye-Jing-hong told him to go down.
     An Qi promise was heard outside.
     After a while, there were a few chairs and a few bowls at the table.
     Yao Zhongbai suddenly panicked and anxious. With so many children, if he doesn't want to, he won't want to eat later.
     "I will cure him." He pointed to Ye-Yanning.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't talk, and Ye-Yanning doesn't talk.
     A few of the little fat guys are very happy. "Can you cure the legs for Da-gongzi? Well, as long as the cure is done, how much money is counted as me."
     The little fat man is very generous at the moment.
     When Yao Zhongbai listened, he turned a blind eye. "What do you count?"
     "Bold." Cheng Ruibo was furious.
     "You honestly eat." Ye-Jing-hong is also annoyed. "He is crazy about himself. What do your children care about?"
     Cheng Ruibo and the little fat man listened, and his temper immediately went down.
     "But you will have to give me two hundred jars of wine every year, plus ten calligraphy and paintings." Yao Zhongbai put forward the conditions, and the disrespect for Ye-Jing-hong was neglected.
     "Hello, you have a big tone." Zhou Zhiyuan looked at the past with disdain. "Do you know that 2nd-gongzi sells a lot of money in a calligraphy and painting? Is there a good wine in a jar?"
     "Give them a few juices and fruit vinegars." Ye-Jing-hong heard the words and smiled and told Angie. "This is a reward for you."
     "Great." The little fat man was happy and happy.
     Yao Zhongbai was neglected, and immediately bite his teeth for a counter-offer. "A hundred wine jars, five paintings, can you always?"
     "Don't say so much, that's one, I don't want to." Ye-Jing-hong said faintly, "I don't like to be threatened by anyone."
     This point, in fact, Yao Zhongbai is also. But he is now looking at other people things, and Little-Yatou is obviously a person who can't get into the oil. He is a bit tricky to deal with.
     "You are too stingy," he said sullenly. "What do you want?"
     The children on the table also worked surprisingly, and no one moved the chopsticks. Perhaps it was a long time with Ye-Jing-hong, and several children saw that Ye-Jing-hong was deliberately irritating the white-bearded old man.
     "If you are willing, you are optimistic about my Brother's legs, I will give you the best wine of the ten jars, plus a calligraphy and painting." Ye-Jing-hong The temper at this moment is surprisingly good.
     "This is too little." Yao Zhongbai white jump.
     "I don't want to pull it down." Ye-Jing-hong waved his hand, "Ready to eat. You don't stand here to get in the way."
     Yao Zhongbai can't stand her coldness, but she can't walk at the foot.
     "Okay, deal. In addition, I will give you one of the best apprentices, sell you for three years, you are responsible for giving me a calligraphy and painting every year, and fifty wines."
     "First talk about the legs, the rest wait for me to feel good," Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     So angry! If Yao Zhongbai is not looking at her talents, she will be poisoned directly.
     "The old man is starving to death, he has to eat first." The business was settled, and Yao Zhongbai suddenly became strong and strong, and the whole person became cocky.
     "Looking at the seat." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and told him to go down, and the next man immediately sent a stool and a set of cutlery.
     Yao Zhongbai sat down with his ass and picked up the chopsticks and grabbed a lion's head and put it on a small plate.
     Because the number of lion heads on the plate is too small!
     Taking a bite, Yao Zhongbai raised his eyes, the weight is moderate, the entrance is instant but not greasy, delicious!
     He feels the value he paid today.
     When the little fat man looks at it, he knows that this snack food has encountered a big food today.
     If you don't say anything, eat it quickly. If you don't eat again, it is estimated that there will be no place for your own chopsticks.
     And Cheng Ruibo several obviously thought of it.
     The next scene was simply unbearable, and I saw an old and four small, chopsticks flying on the table.
     Eating a meal is the same as fighting.
     Ye-Jing-hong is not in a hurry, the chopsticks will give Brother a little bit, and I will give Zhao Yiming a little bit.
     After a while, the plate on the table was light.
     Ye-Jing-hong and Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming have already put down their chopsticks and have started drinking tea.
     The little fat man decided to hate the old man with white beard in the future. This person is simply his strongest opponent.
     Yao Zhongbai eyes on the little fat man are not right.
     This little fat man is so fat, he even robbed himself to eat, fat death he forget.
     "2nd-gongzi." When everyone was resting on their stomachs, the guardian blast around Qin-Yumo suddenly appeared in Ye-Fu.
     “What happened to Wangye?” Ye-Jing-hong asked subconsciously.
     "No. Wangye just enjoyed the 2nd-gongzi with the guests and was very satisfied with the wine." The blast answered with respect.
     In fact, this is a bit empty.
     Ye-Jing-hong certainly knows that his wine is good.
     “It’s a coincidence that Wangye got a batch of ingredients, so I specially told the subordinates to give some 2nd-gongzi tasting.” The blast described the intention.
     "Oh." Ye-Jing-hong is happy.
     Qin-Yumo This person is still very generous, and what he sent is necessarily a good thing.
     "I used to look at it." She stood up and said to Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming.
     "Ding Wang must be a rare item, and I have seen it in the past." Zhao Yiming said with a smile. He did not pay attention to eating, but he followed Ye-Jing-hong, but he also had a certain hobby for food.
     "We have also passed." Little fat man, good things don't be taken away by the old man.
     So several children stood up and prepared to follow her to watch the fun.
     “Good thing?” Yao Zhong Bai tasted a few words and stood up.
     There are more people coming out.
     The king of Ding had already put things in the corridor, Ye-Jing-hong and the wind came out, and all the guards gave him the reason.
     Ye-Jing-hong nodded with a smile, then Wang-uncle prepared some juice and homemade herbal tea to quench their thirst.
     Everyone who follows the king knows that it is a bad thing to come to the Ye family.
     Because the Ye family is delicious and delicious, Ye-2nd-gongzi is definitely a generous person, and they are not harsh on them.
     The blast first showed the subordinates to open the things for her to see.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw the good things inside.
     "This is the fish of Lingshan, just shipped from a thousand miles away, still alive." The hurricane said respectfully.
     Ye-Jing-hong was surprised.
     In order to eat a bite of fish, it is too extravagant to come from a thousand miles away.
     “These are sea cargo?” Ye-Jing-hong looked at the big lobster wrapped in ice, and it was not calm.
     In addition, there are quite a lot of sea cargo.
     "It's all stinking, what's delicious?" Yao Zhongbai looked at the sea goods in disapproval and was not interested at all.
     At the beginning, he also went to the beach, but unfortunately, the things produced in the sea are full of scent, and he wants to vomit.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at the sea cargo and was very grateful to Qin-Yumo.
     Just inadvertently mentioned in front of him, saying that he wants to eat seafood, I did not expect Qin-Yumo to be on the mind.
     And those beef is also! The cattle here are all treasures of the farmhouse. Every cow is recorded in the government. It is illegal to kill cattle.
     The catch is subject to serious criminal law.
     Just because she wants to eat, Qin-Yumo has found so much for her, this meticulous mind, she really appreciates.
     "This thing is a good thing." Yao Zhongbai smiled and commented.
     The ingredients are very full, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the river, there are.
     "You Wangye has a heart," Ye-Jing-hong said softly.
     The blast hangs a smile on the face, yes, as Ye-Jing-hong said. Wangye is not just a matter of thought.
     It’s just the fish of these Lingshan, and it’s enough to kill a few good horses. Because these fish can't leave the lake at the foot of Lingshan, they need to be transported to Capital City as soon as possible.
     And these are just because of Ye-Jing-hong's inadvertent sentence.
     "You go back and ask Wangye, but there is time to come tomorrow?" Ye-Jing-hong said to the blast.
     "2nd-gongzi, but is there something I need to explain?" The wind asked very carefully.
     "If he has time, I will give him a Buddha jump wall tomorrow." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied, "You better tell me before this evening because there are too many things to prepare."
     "What is the Buddha jumping wall?" The little fat man extended his head and asked seriously.
     "Buddha jumping wall is a big dish, the altar is fragrant and fragrant, and the Buddha smells abandoning the zen wall.
     The original ‘Liang was inadvertently eaten and praised. With the loss of time, the dish is now much improved.
     The taste has become more unique.” Ye-Jing-hong thinks that the taste of the Buddha jumps on the wall, and it seems that his saliva is flowing out.
     "This way." The little fat man turned his eyes. "I will come over tomorrow?"
     "You don't have to go to the Academy?" asked Ye-Jing-hong.
     "We take time off at noon, and go back in the afternoon." It was a snack food. In order to eat, he was fighting.
     "That's it." Zhou Zhiyuan also followed.
     "Well, since I have decided, I will prepare more. I promise you enough to eat." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     Ye has hail, so even though Qin-Yumo has sent a lot of things, it is not afraid of bad.
     Ye-Jing-hong lets people send something to the hail.
     When I came back and thought about it, I invited Qin-Yumo and did not let Qin-Liluo know it. I was afraid that the second ancestor had some trouble.
     Thinking of this, she simply let Chengde go to Pingwang to inform Qin-Liluo.
     Anyway, come and not come tomorrow, it is Qin-Liluo own business.
     Unexpectedly, Qin-Liluo is really in the Ping Wang House, I heard that Ye-Jing-hong has to eat well, and Qin-Yumo has sent a lot of ingredients in the past.
     The second ancestor was not happy.
     By the time of the evening, Ye family received a large amount of various ingredients from Pingwang’s house, and the scale was no worse than that sent by Wang’s government.
     Ye-Jing-hong For Qin-Liluo, everything is better than trying temper.
     But in general, it is her who is cheap.
     Therefore, with the law of the unrelenting coming, she put the ingredients sent by Ping Wang House into the hail.
     “How is Brother’s leg?” Ye-Jing-hong looked at Yao Zhongbai.
     Yao Zhongbai took his hand back from Ye-Yanning's hand. He first washed it in the basin and then washed it several times.
     Then he took the bottle and picked some white cream on his hand. Finally, Only then did she answer her question.
     "Acupuncture on the 5th, plus three days of soup, he will be fine." Yao Zhongbai replied with a disappointment, "I don't want to use this method to die, it hurts the internal organs."
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't mind his attitude, he can cure it.
     "Thank you, I am going to eat now." She stood up and said.
     This is to say good to Yao Zhongbai. During the treatment, all food must be prepared by Ye-Jing-hong.
     When I arrived at the kitchen, Ye-Jing-hong began to get busy. It is best to use the jar of old wine for the Buddha jump wall. Although the Ye family is not too long to make wine, it can't stand the wine, so the jar of wine is not easy to find.
     And since I did it, it’s not bad to do more.
     Ye-Jing-hong started to get busy with two big jars.
     If you want to do a good job, the broth is especially important. It only takes a long time to cook with simmer, and the dishes are more delicious.
     Zhang-Mama took a few teenagers and wanted to help, but she couldn't start. Everyone stared at her movements, hoping to follow her, and I couldn't do it later.
     Busy in the middle of the night, Ye-Jing-hong returned to his room and fell asleep.
     The next day, Ye-Jing-hong saw that Ou Yao Zhong Bai in the courtyard of Zhao Yiming did not come out for a long time, she was relieved.
     Yao Zhongbai is not very good at this person, and doing things is quite reliable.
     So, she is more attentive to doing things in the kitchen.
     At noon, the Ye family was busy.
     Little fat man, Cheng Ruibo, several children are coming in, especially the little fat man and Cheng Ruibo, and they are still following the two Daren of Oriental Laozi and Wu Anhou.
     "Oh, the children are not at ease after school, we will pick them up, and later they will send them back to the Academy. It will be more inconvenient to go back here. It is bothering. 2nd-gongzi." Oriental Laozi is thick enough. Although the reasons for finding out are full of flaws, others can say that they are justified.
     "Yeah came to eat and sent the ingredients. You just came to the light and said it was good." Qin-Liluo sat in the flower hall with his legs crossed. When he heard the words of Oriental Laozi, he sarcastically sneered.
     "The Heir is also there." People in the whole city know that Qin-Liluo is a mixed person. If he is not polite, Oriental Laozi will not care about him.
     And mixed with people, let people spread out, even with him to be jokes?
     "I have already thought about Ye-Ye. After waiting a few days for the lotus to bloom, we took it and sent it to 2nd-gongzi to make a clear wine." Little fat man said with a smile. "There are new rice and ‘Liang down, we will also send it."
     "Hey, I sent the ingredients. You are not waiting for her to send you the wine, but I will plan. But your words remind me of this gongzi, Qing he wine, it sounds good." Qin-Liluo looked up Self-taste, "Hey, scorpion, Ye-Jing-hong, is it really necessary to use lotus wine?"
     Anping heard him call Ye-Yanning a scorpion, and his face was red.
     Ye-Yanning doesn't care, "I don't understand the winemaking thing, she is in control."
     Four or two dials, directly pushing the problem away.
     "Go out to study and eat, what else do you want?" Qin-Liluo gave him a look.
     "Da-gongzi will have more things, and the chess and paintings are all proficient." Gao Zhaoqin refutes refutation.
     "Cut, no one is a scholar, not that I look down on you, so you squat your legs, that is, dragging Ye-Jing-hong, ‘Laughs’ ." Sure enough, the tongue is almost Ye-Yanning, he What do you say?
     Fortunately, Ye-Jing-hong is not here, otherwise, I have to find him desperately.
     Maybe before Yao Zhongbai didn't come, Ye-Yanning still minded Qin-Liluo, but after knowing that he could walk for a few days, his heart would be completely peaceful.
     Therefore, Qin-Liluo thought of him, it was a waste of time.
     "Who is the old man?" Qin-Liluo squatted in the chair and asked the fingertips to ask Yao Zhongbai, who had never spoken.
     "He is 2nd-gongzi invited Langzhong, Da-gongzi ruled the leg." The little fat man showed up, he spoke a little smug, seems to find a reason to block Qin-Liluo to Ye- Yanning's contempt.
     “Lang Zhong?” Qin-Liluo sneered at Yao Zhongbai. “It’s estimated that it’s a guy who is cheating and cheating.”
     Yao Zhongbai always pays attention to his image. Now he is being looked down upon by a junior, and his heart is not happy.
     However, this person seems to be elegant, but he does not follow the usual rules.
     Not angry, he smiled and sat there without saying anything.
     "Ding Your Royal Highness." This is a lively event, and I saw Qin-Yumo stepping in.
     Oriental Laozi and Wu Anhou immediately stood up and gave him a reason.
     A few children have also done it honestly. Somehow, Qin-Liluo, which doesn't talk, always gives people a sense of fear.
     "It’s all excused. It’s a private house, it’s not so polite.” Qin-Yumo said faintly.
     Immediately after he swept the crowd with the light, and did not find the figure of Ye-Jing-hong, he sat directly next to Ye-Yanning.
     Another boring gourd!
     Qin-Liluo turned a blank eye at him, and it was a fake!
     "Oh, how is the body of the Lord so itchy?" Suddenly, he felt like he was suffering from thousands of small ants, and then it was overwhelming.
     "Hurry and give the man a good grasp." He fired, and he tempered at the guards around him.
     Both guards were also close-fitting, knowing his temper, and quickly came over and scratched him.
     But this is the case, Qin-Liluo still does not quench his thirst, and finally he himself reached out and began to grab it.
     "It's still the Heir, and it's too much to pay attention to. This dress is much less washed for a few days." Yao Zhongbai looked at him with a smile, his eyes were narrow.
     Qin-Liluo is not stupid, and guessed the reason at once. "Is it your hand?"
     The image of killing the enemy's enemies suddenly shot.
     Yao Zhongbai shook his head and smiled and replied, "I saw you too busy, so I found something to do to the Heir."
     This is revenge without hesitation! Qin-Liluo face is completely cold. "kill him."
     As soon as the order came out, the two guards around him immediately began to work.
     Yao Zhongbai sneered a sneer. "On both of them, it’s not enough for me to sew."
     Speaking at the same time stretched out two palms directly to the two guards, the two guards still do not know what happened, they were shocked to fly out of the door.
     "I am going to eat, don't get dirty with the tables and chairs here." Self-talking, Yao Zhongbai happily swayed his head.
     The expression on Qin-Liluo face immediately became cautious.
     He is naturally very clear about his personal skills.
     Although it is said that the two guards did not use all their strength, quite careless, but they were not killed in one stroke.
     What does this mean? Explain that the internal strength of the other party is unfathomable.
     Ye-Fu When is there such a person, it is worth pondering.
     Qin-Yumo and Oriental Laozi, they saw the scene just now, and they were slightly surprised.
     I didn't expect Bairen Lang to be quite powerful. Why did such people appear in Ye-Fu?
     "Little-Yatou movements are really slow." Yao Zhongbai, who was in trouble, was very leisurely. He stretched his neck and looked straight out of the door, waiting for Ye-Jing-hong to come back.
     "Antidote." Qin-Liluo sullenly swears.
     Yao Zhongbai was indifferent and continued to stare at the door.
     Qin-Liluo shot himself, but after standing up, his legs trembled and he was unstable.
     "You are poisonous, really shameless." Qin-Liluo, who is helpless, ‘Calls.
     Qin-Yumo looked cold and didn't mean anything to help.
     "That, the god doctor Daren, you still give the antidote to the Heir, after all, the door is the guest." Zhao Yiming said.
     "Oh, don't give it." Yao Zhongbai is quite proud.
     God doctor? Only Jiang Zhongbai, who was able to become a god doctor on Jianghu, and Oriental Laozi and others looked at Yao Zhongbai eyes with respect.
     Qin-Liluo The newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger. He doesn't care about any doctors. "Bastard, hurry up and give the antidote to the Lord, otherwise you will get your skin."
     "You are so awkward." He said, he moved his hands and the room was completely quiet.
     The Qin-Liluo on the ground soft-shrimp is sweating, because it is itchy, but he can't scratch it. Now he is even more open-minded but can't speak, the scene is a bit funny.
     "Please ask the doctor Daren not to compare with the Heir. I am waiting for you to pay for the crime." The two guards who were photographed were injured but not too eye-catching.
     The two looked at each other and immediately met Junjie to apologize.
     Yao Zhongbai still ignores them.
     "Sure enough, a lot of cleanliness." Qin-Yumo said faintly.
     Things that fall into the rock! Qin-Liluo took a sigh of relief and looked at him with angry eyes.
     "What? How do you sit on the ground?" Ye-Jing-hong took Wang-uncle and they came in with food. At a glance, Qin-Liluo on the ground was struggling with pain.
     Qin-Liluo looked at her but couldn't speak.
     "To the Heir antidote." Ye-Jing-hong fired.
     Do not give! Yao Zhongbai does not speak, his head is high, and the meaning is obvious.
     "Don't eat that meal." Ye-Jing-hong is also on fire.
     Qin-Yumo smiled and looked at her.
     "Do not eat if you don't eat." Yao Zhongbai is quite motivated.
     Qin-Liluo saw that she had smashed Yao Zhongbai for her own eyes, and her eyes finally brought a little pride.
     “Don't you eat?” Ye-Jing-hong sneered. “Go, lift it out.”
     She told the people outside.
     What dishes should be lifted out? Everyone looked curiously outside.
     Then Chengde and Chengxin carried a large wine jar and appeared in front of everyone.
     Wang-uncle smiled and untied the lid on the jar, and suddenly an unspeakable fragrance filled the room.
     Yao nose couldn’t help but sniff, and people couldn’t stand up.
     When the little fat man saw it, the old man had to grab it with himself.
     He immediately smiled and stood up and rushed to Ye-Jing-hong. "2nd-gongzi, he didn't want to eat, I was hungry."
     "Who doesn't want to eat?" Yao Zhongbai was on fire.
     "You don't listen to 2nd-gongzi." The little fat man glanced at him with a scornful look, then he looked at the big man's jar of wine, and the saliva in his mouth would flow out.
     The rest of the people are not much better.
     Yao Zhongbai, the chief culprit, immediately gathered a few figures.
     "Forget it, cheaper kid, if it is no big or small, the next time is not so lucky." Yao Zhongbai waved impatiently.
     "Dead old man, you are looking for death." Qin-Liluo voice rang, and people bounced off the ground.
     "Buddha jumped the wall, I spent a day and night to make it, don't eat it, the next time there is no more." Ye-Jing-hong stopped him, "the Heir, and only hot when it is delicious. Look at me." On the face, today is all right, can't you?"
     Qin-Yumo can't understand Ye-Jing-hong, and Qin-Liluo is ‘Calling. "If you don't want to eat, let him roll."
     "Oh, I love to hear this." Yao old man smiled and picked up the chopsticks.
     The first one went to the table and began to eat.
     The little fat guys saw it, it got it, and soon they joined.
     "Pseudo-gentleman." Qin-Liluo glanced at Qin-Yumo with a gloomy face.
     Qin-Yumo has a colder look.
     Ye-Jing-hong doesn't want to see two people with big eyes and small eyes. "Get it, hurry to eat it. If you don't eat it, some good things will be robbed."
     Qin-Liluo and Qin-Yumo listened and turned to look at the past.
     Sure enough, people who eat are mad, and it’s self-defeating.
     Qin-Yumo walked to the table silently and picked up his chopsticks and added it to the food.
     Ye-Jing-hong shrugged at the gloomy Qin-Liluo, a helpless look.
     Qin-Liluo snorted and took a big step to pick up the chopsticks at the table.
     The Buddha jump wall is the world's first delicious food. Unfortunately, the beauty of the world is that the wine jar is too deep, and the small guys are a little bit miserable.
     They are simply not enough.
     Ye-Yanning is also inconvenient to sit.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled, picked up the chopsticks, and stood intently to give Ye-Yanning cloth dishes.
     "I eat it myself." Qin-Yumo smells stinky, and put a prawns in the Ye-Jing-hong bowl.
     Ye-Jing-hong, a little glimpse, the Eastern Laozi, they also glimpse, the most unaffected person on the table is Yao Zhongbai, he almost opened the bow, the mouth is not idle.
     Qin-Liluo saw the action of Qin-Yumo after he stunned. He sneered and opened his mouth. "A few days later, the flower banquet in the palace began. I don't know that His Royal Highness is watching Lin Taifu. Is Miss at home, or is it Miss in the general's house? Or is it to enjoy the happiness of the people?"
     When this statement comes out, the provocation is full.
     The whole table was once again surprised.
     "The Heir tone is so related to the marriage of the king, it is better to care about his own affairs. After all, Xiao Miss is deeply impressed by the Heir, and everyone in the capital knows it." Qin-Yumo did not lift his eyes. Continue to eat your own slowly.
     Yao Zhongbai listened to his ears and listened to gossip, while not forgetting to stuff things into his mouth.
     After a brief bun, Oriental Laozi and others also had a model of learning, listening to the ear while eating.
     "There is a shrew in the face of the Lord." Qin-Liluo ‘Called ‘Callingly.
     “Brother, Ye-Ye, eat more.” Ye-Jing-hong is busy feeding the two closest relatives, not at all concerned about the tit-for-tat between Qin-Yumo and Qin-Liluo.
     Oriental Laozi and Wu Anhou are more aware of the authenticity of the flower banquet in the near future.
     The so-called flower banquet is to reward the women of the Crown Prince and the age-appropriate Wangye.
     This year's King of Ding seems to be stuck, and Qin-Liluo, although not well-known, can also be among the royal men of the appropriate age.
     Unexpectedly, Ding Wang and Qin-Liluo seem to resist the flower banquet. This is a new big gossip.
     Have a good show to see Luo!
     The minds of Wu Anhou and Oriental Laozi turned around in a blink of an eye.
     "2nd-gongzi is delicious." Little fat man has a sweet mouth and smiles at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Speak well." Oriental Laozi falsely replied to his grandson.
     Qin-Yumo also faintly shot the little fat man, and the little fat man was in a cleverness. He seemed to say something wrong.
     "Oh, I mean, these dishes are really good. If you can match them with fruit vinegar, it would be better." The little fat man is full of sweat and still does not forget the goodness of Ye-Jing-hong. thing.
     Listening to him, the chopsticks of the hot-smelling men also slowed down, staring at her one by one.
     Ye-Jing-hong is not a stingy person. She turned her head and whispered to Wang-uncle.
     Wang-uncle left, not too long, came in with Yatou holding the jar and bamboo tube.
     The wine is good wine, and the drinks in several bamboo tubes are better.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at the table and ate it. He stood up to the kitchen and made a few seafood dishes.
     "How did you get rid of the smell?" Yao Zhongbai ate and inquired, it was praised. “Is it against these peppers?”
     "Part of it." Ye-Jing-hong replied lowly.
     She is telling the truth, pepper is part of the credit, and the cooking time of the chef is also part of it.
     The sea cucumbers, squid, shellfish, shrimps and sea fish on the table may not be able to make her taste if they are replaced by one person.
     After a meal, all the people never want to move again.
     Ye-Yanning is weak and has a habit of taking a nap every day.
     There are many people in the family. He can't drop the guests and leave.
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't care about this. When he saw him with a strong spirit and sat there, he began to catch people directly.
     "The rice is also eaten, should you go now?"
     "2nd-gongzi, you are too direct." Wu Anhou could not help but joke.
     "Oh, sorry. My personality has always been like this." Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     The Eastern Laozi is interesting. "Yes, it’s time to send the children to the academy."
     The little fat man had eaten the food, and he held a few bamboo juices and herbal teas in his hand. His heart was so beautiful that he didn’t wait for Ye-Fu to take a break and he was dragged away.
     "Hey, just don't rush, this Heir doesn't want to stay here. Looking at some people, my eyes hurt, it's better to be comfortable in the snow." After that, he stunned Yao Zhongbai with a sullen look. Qin-Yumo has a look.
     Yao Zhongbai smiled at his teeth.
     Qin-Liluo was shocked and forced to leave with the guards.
     "No, I have to go to eliminate food." Yao Zhongbai said with his stomach.
     "I am also walking," Zhao Yiming also eaten a little more.
     In the end, only Qin-Yumo, Ye-Jing-hong and Ye-Yanning were left in the house.
     “Take Da-gongzi to the house to rest.” Ye-Jing-hong ‘called loudly.
     Peace quickly came in from the outside, ready to push Ye-Yanning away.
     “This?” Ye-Yanning took a hard look at Qin-Yumo.
     "This king is not an outsider." Qin-Yumo said faintly.
     Ye-Yanning, Yi-Jing-hong greeted him and he pushed him out.
     "The shops in several nearby states are ready, and I have arranged the manpower. After a few days, you can let Qianlin hand over to them and replenish the goods as soon as possible." Qin-Yumo opened his mouth.
     So fast? Ye-Jing-hong was taken aback.
     But soon she calmed down, a Wangye, and someone in her hand was also reasonable.
     "Well, I will go to Zhuangzi to see it in a few days." Ye-Jing-hong smiled and replied.
     After the two people had finished talking about the business, they could not find anything to say about the topic, so they all sat quietly for tea.
     Tea is a tribute tea from Qin-Yumo, very fragrant.
     Ye-Jing-hong In order to break the deadlock, he smiled and praised the tea Ye-, "Ah-the tea sent by strangers, very fragrant."
     Qin-Liluo nodded with a smile. What he didn't say was that if Ye-Jing-hong liked it, he would send her the idea.
     Without picking up her topic, the room was once again in silence.
     "You can rest assured that the flower banquet is handed over to me." After a cup of tea was finally finished, Qin-Yumo said that he had no brains before he left.
     rest assured? Is she worried? Ye-Jing-hong doesn't really understand Qin-Yumo.
     I can't figure it out, she just didn't want to.
     In the evening, Yao Zhongbai began to give Ye-Yanning the first time.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at the silver needles that Ye-Yanning was full of, and couldn't bear to look straight.
     At the moment, Ye-Yanning is like a hedgehog, and even the head is covered with silver needles.
     Yao Zhongbai needle was quick, and Zhao Yiming’s eyes were stunned, and his eyes were still showing respect for Yao Zhongbai.
     "Wow." When Yao Zhongbai pulled the silver needle out, Ye-Yanning spit out a few black blood.
     “Brother.” Ye-Jing-hong was shocked and hurried to help.
     "Nothing." Ye-Yanning, though uncomfortable, was afraid that she was worried. After spitting a few black blood, he looked up and smiled weakly at Ye-Jing-hong.
     "It would be nice to spit a few more times." Yao Zhongbai shook his head and yelled at Ye-Jing-hong, "a big fuss."
     “Thank you for Yao doctor.” Ye-Jing-hong thanked him.
     "Going, not to say something useless, it is better to give me some good wine." Yao Zhongbai does not appreciate.
     "That's good." Seeing the effect of Ye-Jing-hong is quite generous at the moment.
     "This is what you said, but you can't go back." Yao old man heard her loose, and he was happy.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and nodded. "No regrets."
     “Brother, how do you feel.” After seeing Wang-uncle wait for Ye-Yanning to sip, Ye-Jing-hong touched the water with a handkerchief and asked him to wash his face.
     “It’s much more comfortable.” Ye-Yanning smiled and replied.
     Don't say that the effect is really good. At the very least, Ye-Jing-hong saw a normal flush on the face of Ye-Yanning. Not the original weak white.
     "I will give you some blood-contained pig liver porridge now, yes, medical doctor, can you eat?" Ye-Jing-hong is excited and speaks incoherently.
     "Of course I can eat, I can eat at least two bowls at the very least." After seeing the good cooking skills of Ye-Jing-hong, Yao Laotou looked at Ye-Jing-hong to do everything delicious.
     "I asked Brother if he could eat?" Ye-Jing-hong heard it, and the fire came out. When he was eating, he thought of himself.
     "I can eat. Remember to do more, I want to." Yao Zhongbai waved his hand and answered impatiently.
     Zhao Yiming smiled and began to ask Yao Zhongbai for advice. Yao Zhongbai was impatient, but he also had questions and answers.
     Ye-Jing-hong looked at the harmonious side of the room and smiled and went out to the kitchen.
     After three days, the blood color of Ye-Yanning became much red.
     Ye-Jing-hong was distressed by him, and he tried every means to make food for him to supplement his blood. He even took Yao Laotou and Zhao Yiming to enjoy it.
     A few of the little fat guys came to know each other very much.
     They all went to the study room to read and write their own words, or they followed Jin-Haisheng to practice martial arts.
     Qin-Liluo has been seen from Ye-Fu since that day, and Ye-Jing-hong has never seen him again. It may be that the second ancestor left a shadow in Yao Zhongbai and deliberately avoided Yao.
     The old man is gone.
     Ye-Jing-hong can't help the ancestors to add chaos, so they pretend that they don't know anything, and they don't send people to look for him.
     And Qin-Yumo, as usual, no matter how busy, at night, must go to Ye home to eat rice.
     Anyway, the Wangfu is only a street away from here, and Ye-Jing-hong is also used to preparing a pair of chopsticks for him.
     "Ming Japan King will not come at night." Qin-Yumo put down the chopsticks and said.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and looked at him. "There is something you are busy with."
     That means that there is nothing in Qin-Yumo to explain to her.
     Qin-Yumo was silent after listening.
     So, Ye-Jing-hong knew that he had offended him.
     Next, she simply stupidly stupid around the business, and discussed with Qin-Yumo for a while.
     The business in the capital has stabilized, and the daily business performance of cloth stores, home stores and toy stores is very good.
     Ye-Jing-hong was very satisfied with seeing the daily books.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, you show me, you don't need to change." Early the next morning, Qin Xin Yue went to Ye-Fu to block Ye-Jing-hong.
     Because Qin Xinyue bought the fabrics of the best products in the Ye shop, and also customized the clothing in the store, it was intentionally or unintentionally added to the Qi-Liluo business. However, the person who cut the clothes for her is not Ye-Jing-hong himself, Qin Xinyue is actually satisfied with the clothes.
     However, she is suspicious of her life. When she thought of what Ye-Jing-hong said that day, if she wanted to do Ye-Jing-hong, the money would still have to rise. Thinking of this, she is not sure if the clothes are defective.
     In the case of an idea in her heart, she simply took her two Yatou clothes and killed her directly to Ye-Fu.
     “The County Owner is not satisfied with the service in our store?” Ye-Jing-hong asked, very dissatisfied with Qin Xing Yue unsolicited behavior.
     "No." Seeing the tough attitude of Ye-Jing-hong, think again that this is the site of the Ye family. Qin Xin Yue obviously feels that he has insufficient confidence.
     She replied with a smile and said, "Look at the friendship of your younger brother partner. You can help me after seeing it."
     Ye-Jing-hong didn't feel good about her, but Qin Xin Yue was right. Looking at the face of Ping Wangfu and Qin-Liluo, Qin Xingyue came to the door, and she was not good enough to drive people out.
     "Come in." Ye-Jing-hong said with no anger.
     Qin Xin Yue did not care about her bad temper, followed her to a room.
     "Change it to me." Ye-Jing-hong pointed to the screen and said to her.
     Qin Yatou around Xinyue saw the attitude of Ye-Jing-hong and was a little angry. Her master is the County Owner of Ping Wang, where she has received such a bird. "Hey, you should pay attention. Our family is the County Owner."
     Little- Yatou has a high head and some tastes.
     "I have this temper, whoever comes." Ye-Jing-hong On his home site, his temper is also a lever.
     "Shut up." Qin Xin Yue glanced at his own Yatou, and then told him, "Don't go in with you?"
     Little- Yatou didn't dare to speak again, and she went in with her grievances.
     Ye-Jing-hong sat quietly in the chair.
     Not a little while, Qin Xin Yue wearing a tender yellow mopping flower skirt, really is more beautiful than flowers.
     The skirts on the Ye shop are mostly designed by Ye-Jing-hong.
     As a modern person, she designed the skirt and the clothes of He Yunguo are quite different.
     Although the costumes retain the existing popular elements of Pingyun, they also blend the modern or the popular style of the ancient Chinese.
     But looking at the butterfly on the ground and the eager to try, it is enough to make people look envious. What's more, Ye-Jing-hong also according to the characteristics of the woman's body, the waist part is more ingenious design, showing the slimness of the girl's waist.
     "How?" To tell the truth, Qin Xinyue was very satisfied when she saw the first sight of the skirt. However, she was still unwilling to pursue a more perfect part.
     No reason, she thinks Ye-Jing-hong will give her better advice.
     Ye-Jing-hong After reading the actual effect of Qin Xin Yue wearing, I already had some opinions in my heart.
     "If you don't mind, the belt at the waist can be replaced with a piece, just a little bit worse on the material than the one on your waist. And I suggest that the golden steps on your head can be replaced. Yu Xi, you can also add a little bit of green," Ye-Jing-hong said.
     "What do you know." QinJoke?"
     Qin Xinyue did not stop Little-Yatou this time. She waited for Ye-Jing-hong to give an explanation.
     "The highlight of the gold plate suppresses the aura of the person, but it is not beautiful. Of course, this is only my personal opinion, and the County Owner loves to listen." Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     Just kidding, it’s not that she insisted on Qin
     "This County Owner is waiting, you will drive me out immediately." Qin Xin Yue is not happy, but does not directly deny the statement of Ye-Jing-hong.
     Between talking, she also thinks about what kind of chic he wants to use.
     "Tomorrow is a flower banquet. Can you get out?" Qin Xin Yue asked her.
     "Hurry is a bit of a hurry, but as long as the silver is over, the problem should not be great." Ye-Jing-hong replied slowly.
     "It’s silver again. You are really not interesting. Can you not do it in the city?" Qin Yu Yue stunned her and reprimanded her.
     "County Owner usually eats jade food, naturally I don't care about yellow and white things. But I am different, plainly, I am a laity. If I don't want to make money all day, all the people in the house have to drink with me.
     The northwest wind, after all, they have to rely on me to raise." Ye-Jing-hong replied with a smile, not a little shy.
     Indeed, in the heart of Ye-Jing-hong, the two words of shyness are not at all. If she is ashamed of a woman in this era, then she doesn't want to continue to mix.
     Big and big, eat the most. To eat, you must earn money.
     "You, oh, there is nothing at all. Anyway, I am staying in your house today. At night, I will go back. And you must have the belt ready for me before sunset." Qin heart murderously said.
     "The belt and the food cost, a total of five hundred Silver Taels." Ye-Jing-hong slowly swallowed the offer.
     "What? Just a belt, a meal, you want to charge such a high price?" Qin Heyue surprised and widened his eyes and asked.
     "If the County Owner is not satisfied, he can leave. Anyway, there is no quality flaw in this dress. Besides, I will continue to grind it. Before sunset, I can't get out. I will declare that at night, give No matter how much money, I don't do it either." Ye-Jing-hong is very leisurely, not asking for himself.
     "Clothes, clothes are made in your shop. Now the County Owner is not satisfied, shouldn't you be responsible for the improvement?" Qin Xinyue took the momentum, "It’s not good for you to lose, you are less Oh."
     “The County Owner is completely arrogant. I was very clear at the beginning, I want to get it, the price is different from the ordinary Embroidery-Niang.
     There is nothing wrong with this dress.
     The money I am collecting now is the County Owner. Look for me to ask for a perfect fee. If the County Owner is reluctant to make money, the clothes will not be modified at all." Ye-Jing-hong is not afraid of her repayment.
     "You?" Qin the heart is very happy, if it is not for Ye-Jing-hong, who is a partner of his younger brother, she has to be Ye-Jing-hong.
     "Please decide if the County Owner decides whether to modify it or not. If you play again, I can't finish it." Ye-Jing-hong doesn't care.
     "Huang Wei, give her money." Qin Yin-Jing-hong glanced at the eye and then agreed to bite his teeth. "Ye-Jing-hong, did not give the County Owner a place to rest. ”
     “Wang-uncle, arrange the place for the County Owner and inform them of the contraindications of Ye-Fu.” Ye-Jing-hong commanded.
     "Yes, 2nd-gongzi." Wang-uncle smiled and promised.
     "Hey!" Qin Xinyue heard Wang-uncle name for Ye-Jing-hong, and gave her a scornful look. Obviously a woman, but we have to call her 2nd-gongzi, isn't it a disease?
     The master and the son are all superior, and Yatou attitude is not to mention.
     "Hey." The two Yatou heads are also high, followed by Qin
     Ye-Jing-hong will not be defeated by their little tricks, still smiling and watching the three masters and servants.
     Seeing that Ye-Jing-hong was not mad at them, Qin
     All the people were gone, and Ye-Jing-hong smiled and found himself in his own independent design room.
     "2nd-gongzi." Wangyue came in to give her a gift, and then waited for Ye-Jing-hong to order.
     Ye-Jing-hong told her the fabric and needlework she needed, and let the moon look forward to it.
     All the things in the house were handed over to Tao Shi. I hoped that Ye-Jing-hong’s instructions would not be neglected, and I went out to find Tao Shi.
     Tao-shi listened to the fabric of Wang-uncle and quickly prepared for her to stop.
     Mochizuki sent the things to Ye-Jing-hong in time.
     The fabric that was sent, strictly speaking, is not really a good material, because it is too small. If Qin Xinyue sees Ye-Jing-hong, she uses this cloth to make her a belt, and the non-violent jump is like a ray to Ye-Jing-hong.
     Because this piece of cloth can only be regarded as scrap, in the eyes of experts, it can only be regarded as waste.
     The color of the cloth is also yellow, but it is a bit deeper than the color of the clothes that Qin-Yu Yue took.
     Ye-Jing-hong hangs Qin Yinyue clothes on his own model, then looks at it and finally marks it where he needs to embroider.
     Later, she began to sit down and embroider on the fabric.
     The silk thread for embroidery is also the kind that can be discolored, and the pure white silk thread is very thin and can hardly be seen clearly.
     Embroidery with such threads is very troublesome and time consuming.
     Yes, Ye-Jing-hong is not in a hurry. A person sits quietly in the embroidered room and the flying needles are busy.
     "2nd-gongzi, it's time to go to the kitchen." I don't know when, Wang-uncle stood outside the door and whispered.
     "I will arrive." Ye-Jing-hong took a lazy waist, put the needle down, and stood up to sort out the clothes to answer.
     Yao Zhongbai is very difficult to serve, and Ye-Jing-hong also cares for him, so three meals a day will definitely not be sloppy.
     When she arrived at the kitchen, she saw the ingredients and thought about it, then the sound of the squeaking sound in the kitchen, and then the smell of the smoke came out.
     "Do you still have time to cook?" Just when the food was getting better, Qin, who was bored in the room, was unable to hold back, so he took the yellow scorpion and went out to distract.
     Ye has a lot of foul rules, and Qin Xinyue has come all the way. It’s really awkward.
     Fortunately, the kitchen is not taboo, and the aroma that is emitted here is particularly attractive, so Qin Ying Yue came over.
     Unexpectedly, in the kitchen, she actually saw the chef, which turned out to be Ye-Jing-hong in the embroidered room.
     This time, the proud Qin the heart of the heart of the fire suddenly came up.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, what are you doing?"
     A roar slammed from the ground.
     “Can't you see the County Owner? In the kitchen, of course I am cooking.” Ye-Jing-hong didn't even return, put the sweet and sour pork ribs on the plate and put it on.
     "Of course I see it very clearly. You have collected my money. Shouldn't you prepare a belt for me in the embroidery room? Why do you cook in the kitchen?" Qin Xin Yue really can't understand her, "Look at you Ye There are also a lot of nubi in the family.
     They don’t cook, do you want your master to raise them?”
     Ye-Jing-hong can ignore her sarcasm and ridicule. "Why not? I am willing to raise them."
     As she spoke, she poured the beaten eggs into the oil pan. Suddenly, the sound of the sizzling sound came from the pot. Of course, the smell of oil smoke also rose.
     "Ye-Jing-hong, your brain is broken?" Qin Ying Yue yelled.
     "County Owner, I will give you the belt on time in the evening. At this time, please come back. After all, the smell of smoke in the kitchen is relatively large, and the delicate skin of the County Owner is carefully injured." Ye- Jing-hong also has a small sarcasm.
     Qin Xin Yue wants to be angry, but does not know what to say.
     "Well, if you can't deliver anything in the evening, the County Owner will never be able to spare you." Qin
     Ye-Jing-hong shrugged and continued to be busy with himself.
     When I got to dinner, two Yatou gas stopped Ye-Jing-hong, "2nd-gongzi, you won't let my County Owner eat with the outsider like this? 2nd-gongzi don't care, but my County Owner It is a body of a thousand gold, and you can't dine with such people."
     Huang Wei said, while looking at Yao Zhongbai, who was already sitting at the table with a scornful look, Zhao Yiming, who was waiting, and Ye-Yanning, who was sitting in a wheelchair not far away.
     Ye-Yanning and Zhao Yiming are a bit embarrassed. After all, they are all men can not pay attention to it, but Qin Xinyue is the County Owner of Pingwangfu. If they dine with them, it is not very good.
     Yao Zhongbai is a bohemian figure, he heard the disdain in Huang Qi tone.
     He is not a good bully, and he will not be arrogant.
     Qin Yue Yue provocation, he heard that nature would not be regarded as not heard. "If you want to swear again, Little- Yatou, you will give them a bowl of rice and go to the yard to eat."
     "Why?" Huang Hao was anxious. "It is also you who want to go out. Our master is the County Owner of Pingwang."
     "But here is Ye-Fu." Yao Zhongbai replied with a cold smile.
     Ye-Jing-hong agrees with what Yao Zhongbai said, but because of Qin-Liluo face, she is not good at Qin-Liluo sister. At this moment, seeing Yao Zhongbai and Qin "Oh, I just ate a meal. I am also, they are not outsiders, and the County Owner is not so much about it. After eating it, I have to work."
     The implication is that it will not delay her time, but it is not her fault Ye-Jing-hong.
     Qin Yinyue silver teeth are going to be broken, and Ye-Fu is really rushing with her. She swears that after today, after that, Ye-Jing-hong asks her to come over, and she is not willing to come again.
     "Eating, there are so many nonsense." She glanced at her Yatou.
     When the combative jaundice is heard, the eyes are red.
     The County Owner has never said anything to her. A few days, all of them were caused by Ye-Jing-hong.
     Thinking of this, Huang Hao took a look at Ye-Jing-hong.
     Ye-Jing-hong saw that he did not pretend to see it. He was glanced at it and how he would not lose a piece of meat.
     When I really eat it, Qin Xin Yue completely forgets the unhappiness. Is the original Ye-Jing-hong cooking so good? It is no wonder that my younger brother and Ding Wang are tired of being in Ye-Fu, and directed at Ye-Jing-hong, she is willing to run a few more.
     "County Owner, here is fruit vinegar and rice wine, very suitable for women to drink, do you want to come a little?" After all, Qin.
     This is not, at this moment, she began to please Qin heart.
     Qin Xin Yue heard the words and gave her a squint. Seeing that Ye-Jing-hong had no jokes and disdain in her eyes, her face finally looked good. "Let's have a drink."
     She only tasted the fruit wine once, and the taste did not forget.
     I didn't think that Ye-Jing-hong, who was stingy, would have a generous moment. Qin Xingyue had a slightly better view of her.
     The next thing is more logical. "Ye-Jing-hong, don't be stingy. Hurry, what good fruit wine vinegar or something, all come out."
     A jar of peach wine was finished, and Qin Heyue began to pat the table and ‘Called.
     "No," Ye-Jing-hong said faintly.
     "How is your woman so stingy?" Qin Xin Yue glanced at her and glanced at Ye-Yanning. "You don't care about her?"
     “The wine is made by Mei-mei, so all the natural wines have to be arranged by her.” Ye-Yanning replied with a smile.
     "It's useless." Qin Heyue Yue gave him a glance, and he yelled at Yao Zhongbai to ask Ye-Jing-hong. "Why is your good wine consumed by him?"
     "Because I am good," Yao Zhongbai replied as he was drinking.
     Old is not serious! Qin Xin Yue resentfully glared at him.
     Yao Zhongbai was not willing to show his weakness.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled and explained, "Because Yao Laotou is a guest in our house for a while, and it is still a very important guest. And the County Owner, can you buy a few cans of fruit wine and fruit vinegar for the food?"
     Ye fruit wine is a good thing, but there is no sale outside. This Qin Xin Yue also knows.
     Ye-Jing-hong's counter-memory suddenly blocked her mouth. "Forget it, just a few jars of wine, this County Owner is not rare."
     She concealed her embarrassment in an impatient tone.
     No longer noisy, Ye-Jing-hong did not continue to attack her.
     Yao Zhongbai saw Qin heart yelling, the old man seems very happy. As he drank the wine, he counted Qin Hey, "If you don't like the things of Ye, do you still ask for something to do? Oh, Ye-Jing-hong, give me some jars too. What fruit vinegar."
     Qin Xinyue was red and red by his fallen face. She sneered and said, "How long can you be here? If you are optimistic about his illness, you have to go out and go out by Ye-Jing-hong. ""
     Qin Xinyue also saw that the doorway came. Ye-Jing-hong was not a person who could suffer for no reason. Now it is whispering to a stinky old man.
     There must be a greasy inside.
     Reminiscent of Ye-Yanning's legs, she suddenly guessed why.
     Not to mention, this time it was really beaten up by her.
     This time it was Yao Zhongbai face that was difficult to look at.
     "The old man has a chance to be a guest at the Ye family. What about you? Besides, Little- Yatou is my new closing disciple. In the future, she dares to disrespect me?" The old man suddenly got up again.
     Ye-Jing-hong gave him a glance, the old man who was lying, and the disciple.
     She doesn't even know what Banlangen is! The old man wants to accept her as a disciple. Is she wanting her to go out and harm others?
     Zhao Yiming and Ye-Yanning listened to it but it was a glimpse.
     "Hey, apprentice, you give Master a few more altars to come over." Yao Zhongbai proudly looked at Qin Heyue.
     "Drink so much today, in the afternoon of the province, you will delay treatment for Brother because of drinking." Ye-Jing-hong refused, "Wang-uncle, go get him some fruit vinegar."
     "You are a disobedience." Yao Zhongbai, very dissatisfied.
     “That’s it.” Ye-Jing-hong said with a slap in the face, “When you are at night, you want to drink as much as you want.”
     This is still a human voice, and Yao Zhongbai, who is angry, finally stopped.
     Qin Xin Yue did not drink, and concentrate on eating and eating.
     Yao Zhongbai heart made her feel bad, and fought hard. Almost Qin When the heart-shaped chopsticks arrived, he would start with a strong one, but he would prefer Qin the heart of the hand is not as fast as him.
     The last Qin Qin Xin Yue throws the chopsticks, "Ye-Jing-hong, this is your hospitality, I paid the silver."
     "Is this table dish not enough for your food expenses? Who do you want to eat strange?" For Qin Xingyue Sanping twice to find , Ye-Jing-hong temper also came up.
     "You..." Looking at the table full of meals, Qin Yin Yue suddenly stunned.
     This meal, except for the suffocation she had eaten, the rest of the people were uplifted. It’s Little- Yatou, I’m eating it.
     Qin Xin Yue returned to the place where he rested with a half full stomach.
     Ye-Jing-hong put down his rice bowl and returned to his embroidered room.
     In the evening, when Qin Xinyue saw that Ye-Jing-hong gave her a good belt, what dissatisfaction disappeared. “Ye-Jing-hong, you have finally done something that will satisfy the County Owner.”
     Looking in the mirror, she looked left and right, her eyes were reluctant to leave the people in the mirror.
     "Unfortunately there are still many shortcomings." Ye-Jing-hong shook his head and sighed.
     "What is not enough, why don't you say it earlier?" Qin the heart is anxious.
     “It’s no use to say it early,” Ye-Jing-hong replied. “It’s best to have clothes and jewelry hairstyles and shoes. Who told you to be cheap at the beginning, and now regret it too late.”
     "The shoes of this County Owner are from the Shangyi Bureau in the palace. Why isn't it good?" Qin Xuyue dissatisfiedly glanced at her.
     "The County Owner is not short, but the legs are not long enough. If I use the shoes I designed, I can make sure that you look taller and look more diverse when you walk." Ye- Jing-hong said with a smile.
     She said that it is a modern high-heeled shoe, so it is only in front of Qin Xingyue that it is to attract the attention and victory of this Yatou.
     "Forget it, since it can't catch up.
     The County Owner is not reluctant, waiting for the next good fabric, I will let you do it again, do a full set. At that time, see what you can make." Qin- Xin Yue rushed back.
     “The County Owner can look at the costumes of the Cheng Junior County Owner.” Ye-Jing-hong said with a smile.
     "You won't have done it for her first?" Qin Xin Yue asked her, and she looked very sad.
     "Sorry, as you might guess, Cheng Junior County Owner doesn't deny my craft. All the clothes are designed by me, even earrings and headwear." Ye-Jing-hong replied.
     "Do you still make jewelry?" This is beyond the Qin pleasant surprise.
     "I won't do it, but design something, or understand a little bit." Ye-Jing-hong explained.
     In modern times, her company has cooperated with many film and television companies, and clothing, jewelry and the like are also in the business scope of her company. Ye-Jing-hong As the company's chief designer, she is certainly not stranger to these things.
     "Then you don't say it early." Qin Yin Yue was angry.
     Ye-Jing-hong smiled. This is also good, there is the propaganda of the little fat mother, plus Qin heart Yue this model, her purpose has been reached.
     In fact, the effect is even more exciting than the Ye-Jing-hong conjecture.
     "See the Empress Dowager, the Queen Niang-Niang." In the harem, whether it is a young Miss or an older woman, one is wearing a dress, the most dazzling jewelry hanging on the body, the face of the face The makeup is even more delicate and not awkward.
     The flowers are arguing and fighting, and the scene is the scene.
     "Get up." The Empress Dowager was surrounded by a group of’servants with a smile on his face. "The lotus flowers in the palace are all open, and they are better than in previous years.
     The mourners are happy to watch, but now I will see the Miss of the capitals, and the mourners understand that the flowers are beautiful and beautiful. Yeah."
     Everyone listened and it was a grateful gratitude.
     "Since it is a flower-watching, there is no need to pay attention to it.
     The young people are very restrained and boring. Before the banquet, you can walk around in the back garden." The Empress Dowager is very easygoing.
     “It’s still thoughtful after the mother.” The Queen is wearing a gorgeous palace dress, the phoenix on the wings is flying, and the accessories on the head are dazzling.
     The whole person seems so graceful and luxurious.
     "The Empress Dowager is kind, everything is considered for others. After the courtiers, they must follow the Empress Dowager to learn." Deyi smiled and flattered.
     "Hey, you have a sweet mouth like a honey." The Empress Dowager said with a smile, "Okay, don't be too poor, let these Yatou go out and relax."
     So, in exchange for the more grateful voice of the Miss.
     Then, the Empress Dowager, the Queen, and others sat in the pavilion and didn't go out. Other Miss and Madam could be scattered around the pond to see the flowers.
     The purpose of everyone coming today is very clear, so the Miss present, although seemingly laid-back, are not willing to leave the Empress Dowager.
     They are all around the place where the Empress Dowager and the Queen can see their eyes.
     The weather is still given to the face, the sun is not so strong, there are many pavilions, corridors, and trees, so there are quite a lot of places to escape the heat.
     Breeze, the Empress Dowager is very happy to see that people are more beautiful than Miss.
     "I have seen my mother."
     "I have seen the Empress Dowager, the Mu-Grandmother." Cheng Nianxin also came to the ceremony.
     "Xin Yue has seen the Grandmother of the Emperor." Qin Xin Yue also followed.
     In the palace, she finally saw the difference in the costumes of Cheng Nianxin, the kind of shoes that are fascinating, and she also saw enough.
     The good Ye-Jing-hong is definitely deliberately hiding her baby shoes. When she goes back, she must find Ye-Jing-hong to calculate the account.
     "Get up." The Empress Dowager smiled at his daughter, granddaughter and granddaughter.
     "Hey, come over, you are different from what you wear today." The Empress Dowager The eyes were poisonous and suddenly saw the difference between the two people.
     "Well, how can the fabric on your body change color?" The Queen asked in surprise.
     Such fabrics are not the same in the palace.
     "The pattern above is also very special.
     The flowers embroidered on the belt are more like real. Matching the butterfly on the material is a perfect complement to each other." Deyi loves beauty most, and now sees Qin Heyue Yue wears I can’t wait to touch it myself.
     But because of the identity, there are the Empress Dowager and the Queen, she had to sit up and watch.
     "This is produced in the shop opened by Ding Wang and his younger brother." Qin Xin Yue has the heart to give his younger brother a name, and all the people in the provincial capital of the province are secretly ridiculing him and will only cause trouble.
     “Qin-Yumo and the fence have actually opened a shop?” Not to mention the Queen’s surprise, that is, the Empress Dowager was surprised to close his mouth.
     "Yes." Qin Heyue smiled and replied, "The thing that happened not long ago, the shop is very hot now."
     "Isn't it." At this time, the Crown Princess came from the left side and just heard Qin Yin Yue words. She smiled and joked. "Listen to the mother, this shop is a business that will embroider and be a cloud." They all robbed, and they all complained that they have no way to live."
     The joke of the joke, the look of jokes, the Crown Princess seems to be joking, but Qin Xin Yue does not think so.


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