Chongqie Courting Death Daily 120

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »     Chapter 120 : Liquidation (2)

     "Don't dare?" smirked, Kangxi face Called: "I don't think you have anything to dare, dare to reach out to many Prince backyards, Defei, you said you still have anything to dare, ah!"
     Defei heard the news and was shocked. Her heart was always on the palace feast. After all, she was not only calculating Wan-xi and her children, she also counted the two families with the largest and deepest family. If this matter cannot be rounded up, not to mention herself, it is that the future of the future will be affected.
     Sometimes, people are a root rib, thinking about a sigh of relief, but forgetting that these things sometimes cause unnecessary trouble.
     For example, Yu Qinwang Fu-Jin and Jian-Qinwang the Heir, Defei will calculate them, and only because Yu Qinwang Fu-Jin never gives Defei a good face, and Jian-Qinwang the Heir Yarjiang Ah runs in public. Too much.
     These things don't seem to be big, but they let Defei mother and son remember what they are, and that's the scene on the day of the palace feast. If there is no such thing, Defei that savvy temper is absolutely impossible to offend Yu Qinwang and Jian-Qinwang.
     In fact, at the time of the incident, Defei had regretted his recklessness on the day. Don't look at her as a singer, and there are two Princes who have become a year, but even so, she can't take Yu Qinwang Fu-Jin. After all, people just disdain to talk to her, and did not do anything to her, that is, Kangxi can not say that people are doing wrong, as for the side, are young and frivolous, there will be conflict is normal, but unfortunately temper early I was raised by Defei, and with the people arranged by Yifei, I naturally refused to suffer from temper. So, I had the thing above the palace feast.
     It’s just that Defei and I didn’t think that 8th Fu-Jin, who was regarded as an alliance but they were defending, would temporarily rebel and disclose the news, so that their carefully arranged ones were destroyed in the moment and they were destroyed. In the calculation.
     Now, with Defei trembled, his heart is both happy and worried. He has a bad temper. He knows that Defei has no benefit to him, and if Defei is really seated, this is a great place for Prince.
     The name of the backyard shot, he is afraid that it is also difficult to escape.
     "Imperial Father, the mother-in-law is a person to understand, even if the mother-in-law misunderstands the 4th Prince, it is not the reason for the mother-in-law, and the other Brother have not offended the mother, how the mother-in-law will start with them." This is a straightforward statement. If you are familiar with a few points, you can still notice that his eyes are guilty.
     Defei started to work on other Prince backyards. I didn't know about it at first. I really knew that this cut was because Defei was banned by Kangxi. If it wasn't for his coincidence, and he happened to meet Defei temper, he was afraid that he would not know how ruthless his good mother was.
     Of course, he is not a good person. He is ambitious. He can't wait for the Brother in front to disappear. How can he stop Defei? So the first reaction he took to hear those words was to leave, not to disturb Defei who was losing his temper.
     Just because no one knows that he knows this, he will justify Defei in such a way.
     "Hey!" Coldly snoring, Kangxi did not feel the slightest comfort because of his performance, but felt extremely disappointed.
     Kangxi can find out what Defei had done before, and he can find out that he is involved in Defei plans. Although Kangxi does not think that he has participated in this matter, but he is so good, he looks like this, he does not I saw that these things were known in advance.
     "If you have any hands, you know it."
     When I heard the words, I suddenly felt terrified, and there was a feeling of being seen through. When I talked, it naturally became a bit stuttering. "Imper... Ama... these things..."
     "Enough, good guys dare to bear the burden." Kangxi saw this look, the more he looked more disappointed, his eyes swept away from Yin-Tang and Yan, who stood not far away, seeing the complex complexion. Preparing to look forward to pleading, I could not help but say: "The fourth, these things are not just your problem."
     "Imperial Father, my son knows that some things are not for the son to control, but Defei Niang-Niang is no longer satisfied with his son. She is also the son of her son, so regardless of the matter, please ask the Imperial Father to sneak away." Stepping forward, squatting in the middle of the main hall, ' ' smashed a few heads, and his attitude was sincere, so that Yu Qinwang and Jian-Qinwang, who looked at him, could not help but look at him.
     It is necessary to know that the reputation of the ancestors before the ancestors and officials is not good.
     There are few people who come and go with them. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are lonely.
     This is why Kangxi is so reassured. Now, taking advantage of his pure filial piety, in addition to Defei and Hey, in the entire hall, it can be said that the people present are not consciously giving a good impression on the twins.
     Yin-Tang stood by, and there was no snoring. He knew better than anyone else. It was not as purely filial as the surface. In fact, no one has been attacked for so many years, and the big filial piety has been polished. It’s a day, so now I’m thinking about retreating, and I just think Defei is going to live.
     "The fourth, even if you don't mention this, you 9th Prince, there are Yu Qinwang and Jian-Qinwang, you are planning to explain." Kangxi wants to stop, his eyes sweep to Defei, see her The face was indifferent, and the anger in my heart could not stop.
     Hey, the hall was suddenly silenced, Kangxi face became more and more gloomy, his muscles became stiffer and tighter, and his fists were placed on the dragon case, but his mind continued to emerge.
     The various records uploaded by the secrets were loosened by the pleading pleadings. When he saw Defei indifference and ignorance, the original loose heart suddenly became chilly.
     If the former Kangxi still hesitated to care about the old feelings, now that he is glimpsing the face of Defei, he has to start thinking more.
     For the same kind of child, it is not difficult to understand why Defei will deal with many Princes, and the addition of Di-increasingly clear, I hope that Kangxi will not think too much. Now that the Princes have obstructed her, she has to shoot them out. It’s going to be a day, he is obstructing her, is she still thinking about how to marry him?
     Kangxi greatest ability is not to make great efforts, but to make up the brain. He is confident and suspicious. Before Yin-Tang's move, he planted a suspected seed in his heart. Now with this kind of information, the seed of doubt is If you don't water and don't fertilize, you've grown up, and you're going to be a big tree.
     The more you think about it, the more you think about it. When Kangxi raises his head again, he looks at Defei gaze with a hint of murder.
     "Defei, I only ask you, what do you want to do?" Kangxi love for Defei has been ruined by this piece of things. He cares about the old feelings, cares about his son, and returns two times and three times. He can't stand it, but he doesn't mean that he will go straight.
     The dignity of the emperor is inviolable, and Defei is provocative. He can tolerate it. "In the past, you didn't hesitate to do anything with your other sons.
     The old four don't care, don't put the royal majesty in the eye, can imagine, the son who can easily move in the past, and then to the ancestral room, come to Japan to block your way, I am afraid that you should think about it. Jun?"
     Defei heard the words, her face changed suddenly, she had to calculate Kangxi not fake, but she never thought about wanting to marry, especially when she raised her head and touched the killing of Kangxi eyes, she only felt that the mind was rolling, the depression was difficult. Hey, a face is completely unable to accept the appearance of this accusation, and Calls retorted: "The emperor, the courtier is a courage to dare to reach out to the emperor!"
     "Then you can start your brother, son and grandson!" Kangxi slammed the table, and the whole person was like a sword, full of cold and killing.
     "This..." Defei was asked a question, what is the calculation, she can say that Yu Qinwang Fu-Jin and Yar Jiang Ah are largely randomly selected?
     In fact, it is not only Yu Qinwang Fu-Jin and Jian-Qinwang the Heir that contradict Defei mother and child. It’s just that the two people identity is high enough to be valued. Once the incident is over, it will definitely cause a lot of repercussions. Wan-xi is dead, and there is still a bad breath. It can be said that it is a two-lift, how can she not.
     Let's talk about the fourth and Old 9, one is the nemesis she hit, I know that there will be today, how could she be willing to give birth to the fourth-eyed wolf; and the Old 9, not only the son of Yifei, acting Everywhere is directed at him, if not his support, she does not believe that the Wanyan Wan-xi family is so arrogant to do with her Uya family, such two people, she will think to get rid of Are they not normal?
     Of course, these words Defei can not think, after all, how the woman inside, outside or care about others to see her vision, especially Kangxi or Defei biggest backing, Defei heart arrogant and then can blame the horns, she still cares Kangxi view.
     "Say!" Kangxi slammed up and ‘called.
     "The emperor wanted to decide the sins of the courtiers.
     Then he asked the courtiers what to do.
     The ones that Chenchen made today were all forced by them." Defei was shocked by Kangxi anger and waited for a reaction. I looked at my eyes in disgust and pushed all my responsibilities to others.
     "Let's relax!" Angrily Called, and Kangxi picked up the tea at hand and went straight.
     Defei was in the middle of the royal case. At this time, it was just being smashed.
     The blood mixed with the tea flowed down from the forehead.
     The original exquisite makeup was in a mess, and it looked very uncomfortable. People can't bear the feeling of looking straight.
     "Defei, I have given you countless opportunities, you not only do not cherish, but also more than once, so provocative, you really care about the fourth and the old 14th-can not tell you how!" Kangxi looked Defei, who died unrepentant, her hope for her last silk disappeared.

     "Defei, I have given you countless opportunities, you not only do not cherish, but also more than once, so provocative, you really care about the fourth and the old 14th-can not tell you how!" Kangxi looked Defei, who died unrepentant, her hope for her last silk disappeared.
     Defei blood on her forehead continued to flow down her eyes, blood blurred her eyes, and her eyes were bright red.
     This feeling made her feel fearless, and even the long-lost panic and fear were floating.
     This feeling is like the lack of anxiety and anxiety when she first entered the deep palace.
     After decades of glooming, countless battles and hardships have hampered me. I thought I was in the throne, and even if I couldn’t do whatever I wanted, I could at least do whatever I wanted. Who knows that she wants to be beautiful, but the reality always uses ruthless facts to break all her beautiful illusions.
     pet? status? Zi Yan... All the harem women want, who is not trying to calculate it, according to Kangxi tone, as if she did nothing, he will give her all these?
     If you really get the honest score, you can get a cut. In the harem, how can there be so many fresh lives buried in time.
     At that time, if she was not smart and dare to fight, then Tongjia-shi little temper, what can she do?
     Is it waiting for the old man to be sent out of the palace? Was it abandoned by Tongjia-shi after using it? Or is it like the disappearing life, like a dust, disappearing clean?
     Ah! She just didn't want to make a fortune. She just wanted to get ahead. She just wanted someone who had looked down on her to kneel at her feet. So, what's wrong with her?
     The woman in this harem who has not counted people, who has succeeded in pursuing it, and who has not been successful, has been pulled out, but it is just like the glory she was deprived of now, isn’t it?
     Looking at the blood jade bracelet between the wrists, it was when she was born, Kangxi privately gave her, how happy she was at that time, but unfortunately this cut has become yesterday's yellow flowers, and then no longer the scenery of the past.
     "What do you have to say!" Kangxi stood on the top and looked at Defei wolf-decaded appearance.
     This woman has been with him for so many years, and now he is in the position of four monarchs. It is reasonable to ask what is there, but why is this rebellious thing repeated.
     "What can Chenchen say?" Defei looked up at the man she had served for a lifetime.
     The deadly face slowly softened, and the tears slid down from the corner of her eyes.
     The fourth child is the son of the courtier, but he has already been sent out. Tong-Queen said that even if the fourth child is not recorded in her name, it has nothing to do with the courtiers. Queen’s intention was done, but the emperor sent the old four back. As long as he looked at the fourth, he would think of the words that Tong-Queen said on that day. Not only that, but the fourth child also remembered the woman. Regardless of what the courtiers do, the fourth will only compare the courtiers with her. If this is the case, well, why did the courtiers not follow their minds, and the courtiers still have the old 14th-"
     "You are simply hopeless..."
     "Yes, it is hopeless." Defei whispered, his face groaned. "The emperor, the courtier has been with you for so many years, and the courtiers have kept their duty, but what is the final result?" Nothing, even my son was taken away and could not see the top. So, why can't I fight."
     Defei makeup mixed with tears and blood has already fainted, and the whole person looks particularly horrible. "How can the emperor know that Chen is forced by Tong-Queen to desperately, since she does not let me be better, why should I Let her son be better."
     Kangxi looked at Defei appearance like a madman, and his mood was complicated. At that time, he also knew that his cousin was too protective for the fourth, and did not care about Defei mood. Because of this, he would be so pity for her, let her give birth to the sixth, and give her a position, but isn't that enough?
     "Even so, isn't the fourth child not born?" Kangxi stared at her.
     "No, he is no longer my son. If he is my son, why is he doing it right with me everywhere?" Defei Called, his voice especially sharp.
     Kangxi looked at Defei, who was arrogant, knowing that she couldn’t hear anyone, and she looked directly at the beam 9th Prince Gong said:
      "Liang 9th Prince Gong, send Defei back to Yonghe Palace, no time to get Yonghe The palace step.” Although Kangxi did not deprive Defei of her position, she did not enter her into the cold palace, but the indefinite forbidden is different from the entry into the cold palace.
     "The emperor! This palace feast, is it only the courtiers who framed Wanyan-shi, involving Yu Qinwang Fu-Jin and others? Is it really an accident? Is he really in the palace feast, how Suddenly I went to the partial hall, and I was still agitated with a palace Lady. Was it drunk, and the palace Lady was drunk? This is obviously a trick for some people to swear. In the emperor, you can’t So bias, only dealing with the individual." Defei can't hear what Kangxi said, straightforward.
     "Defei, you are really stubborn. You have already thought about it, and you have to ask your good son." Kangxi said with a stern look at Defei, only to think that the woman who looked at her face was no longer The memory of his memory is fresh and elegant, and Wu Ya, who has no competition with the world, has too many glory to fascinate her eyes and to make her lose her heart.
     As the owner of the palace, Kangxi knows better than anyone else that the harem is not clean, and the women in the harem are not as harmless as the surface. But on this complex environment, Kangxi pays more attention to women who have self-protection ability than women who have no self-protection. But he can tolerate women's jealousy, and he can not tolerate the movement of women.
     In front of this woman, he was accompanied by him. Whether he was in the dark or in the dark, he had more maintenance for her. Unfortunately, this woman who was treated as a magnolia as a woman was finally dyed and could not score color.
     "The emperor, you can't do this!" Defei listened to Kangxi words, and his heart was also shaken. Is it really her misunderstanding?
     "Mother, my son really just wanted to wake up..." Seeing Defei looking at himself, he couldn't help but say it.
     In fact, even he can't tell whether he is a chaotic drink or a calculation.
     "Enough, Li Dequan, still doing what he is doing, still not dragging people down." Kangxi looked at the mother and son who blamed each other for their sins, and did not want to see their ugliness again.
                        , There is even a feeling of ridicule. He thought he couldn't love it just because he was not good at words and didn't ask for Defei. Now it seems that he is wrong and he is taken away when he is young.
     Oh, that's a ridiculous reason!
     At that time, he was just a babble who was not sensible. He didn’t know anything, and his fate was arrogant. He also caused so much resentment. Such a change made him feel cold and could not help but change his face.
     "4th Prince, don't be too sad, some things are barely, people who like you will like you, people who don't like you, no matter what you do, they won't like you, so don't be too tangled, just do You can do it yourself.” Yin-Tang looked at the painful face and reached for his shoulder.
     "Well." He didn't look up, just nodded heavily.
     At this time, I don't want people to see his tears, and as far as Defei is concerned, he can only say that he is self-sufficient, and can't blame Yin-Tang for their fairness.
     Compared with the mother and child who had been worn out before, Defei was like a big mountain, and he was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t breathe. Now, although there is no past scenery, at least it is still alive, even There is still a glimpse of luck in my heart. Fortunately, Defei will no longer add to his troubles as he used to.
     This is fine, so that's fine.
     Kangxi looked at Yin-Tang, who quietly comforted him. He nodded secretly, don’t look at his own self Confidence, but as his sons grew bigger, he only guarded them, and sometimes he made conflicts, but these things He did it, others could not do it, and even his sons could not easily live up to his expectations.
     Regardless of the secret, on the surface he always likes to see the scene of this brother and brother, especially the Yin-Tang is quite safe among many sons. With them in, Kangxi did save a lot of heart. In the past two years, the state treasury has been abundance, and they have not taken off with them. When they think of it, Kangxi can't help but sigh again, even in the crowd, except for the cousin. Yifei will teach his son most, whether it is the old five or the Old 9, they are quite filial.
     Kangxi sat up straight, his eyes swept to the side of the servant, and looked like a muddy’servant. He couldn’t help but rejoice that Defei refused the fourth child. Without his teaching, it might not only be destroyed. Old 14th-this son.
     "This is the end of the matter, I don't want to hear any more rumors." Kangxi was indulged for a long time, his face was exhausted, but he did not change his majesty.
     Jian-Qinwang and Yu Qinwang are eye-catching, and it is clear that Kangxi high-handed approach to picking up and laying down has long been used to it, not to mention that Kangxi still moved the real thing, and Defei punishment knows that this Niang-Niang, who used to be high in the past, has already withdrawn from the favored range, and compared to those of Prince, they are really not wrong,
     "I want to follow the Holy Spirit." The two men were also slick, and their eyes turned, and they immediately accepted the arrangement of Kangxi.
     When Kangxi saw it, he thought a little more in his heart. Although the biggest bitter owner is Yin-Tang, but in Kangxi opinion, Yin-Tang is his own son, no matter what contradiction, as long as he is the opening of Laozi. It must be able to solve it, so there is no need to face them like Yu Qinwang and Jian-Qinwang.
     Yin-Tang looked at Kangxi sect, and didn't even lift his eyelids, as if he had expected it to be the result.
     "Well, you are tired, you all retreat!" Kangxi held the hand of the imperial case, and waved his hand at the crowd.
     "The nubi retired." Jian-Qinwang and Yu Qinwang looked at each other with tacit agreement.
     "My son retire." Yin-Tang and Yan are looking at each other, and they know that this is the end of the matter.
     Kangxi looked at the figure of the people exiting the hall. His eyes were far away. He didn't know what he was thinking. Only Li Dequan, who was with him, found that Kangxi original straight spine had bent a lot in a moment.

     Defei forbidden thing was spread throughout the harem for a while, although the harem did not understand the reason, but was very happy to see such a change.
     Defei public opinion in the harem is an insurmountable mountain. Except for Yifei, it is difficult for someone in the palace to compete with her. It can be said that the harem is three thousand, even the highest-ranking Tong-Guifei. Nothing is lost in Defei hands. If you only fight each other, you lose if you lose. Defei is a sneak peek.
     The former deputy Qing high-end Zhuang looks like a private vulgar, and is used to taking eye drops in front of Kangxi.
     The Hou Gong Zhu Yu did not say that she hated it, but it was also different.
     Now Defei is unlucky, even if Yifei is sitting in the conference and the many interests of the palace are damaged, it will not prevent the schadenfreude of those who have been defeated by Defei in the past.
     When Yifei got the news, she couldn't laugh at the sky, not mentioning the old grievances. She said that Defei insertion into the Yin-Tang backyard is enough for Yifei to hate. Who knows the palace feast, Defei is secretly facing Wan xi and Hong-min They shot, which is the bottom line of Yifei. I want to know that except Fae and Yin-Tang himself, Yifei is most concerned about his grandson. If you don't say , you can say Yin-Tang, then there are only two sons, and Defei is also stared. So how? Can make Yifei not hate.
     Now that Defei is being shut down, Yifei naturally knows that Kangxi is still merciless, but Kangxi has retained Defei life, but she will not easily let Defei be better.
     This harem is the norm, Defei is proud of not having to run against other people, now she is down, it is no wonder that others have started.
     The so-called karma, this harem has always been a newspaper report, and few people can really laugh at the end.
     "Qi Mama, this palace has never believed in retribution, but this time, this palace letter." Yifei white and delicate hands hold the tea pot, gently blow the mist on the water, smack a mouth, mouth with silk Smile, it seems to be particularly satisfied with this result.
     “Niang-Niang rest assured that this Defei is afraid that it will be hard to turn over.” Qi Mama thought about the loss that her own Highness had eaten in Defei, and she couldn’t help but blink.
     Yifei smirked out, but there was a disapproval look on the face. "Mama is going to have a big idea. If this Uya shi is so good, this palace will not suffer in her hands, even worse. I have to lose my son and grandson."
     Every time I think of Defei sinister poison, Yifei can't help but feel trembling. If you let Defei succeed at the time, don't say Yin-Tang, it is difficult for her to accept the facts.
     "Niang-Niang rest assured, Side-Fujin and Little Prince, they have you and 9th-Prince, and Fukuzawa is deep, and nothing will happen." Qi Mama persuaded her, but she thought about 8th Fu-Jin yesterday. Post a post to see things.
     According to the palace feast, Wan-xi and Hong-min, they can escape the robbery, 8th Fu-Jin contributed, but the previous 8th Fu-Jin's various actions made Yifei disappointed. As a person around Yifei, Qi Mama naturally knows Yifei heart, but if she doesn't say it, she is afraid that Yifei will forgive 8th Fu-Jin and pursue her responsibility.
     Yifei face still has a lingering sorrow.
     The more people like them who have been in the high position for a long time, the more they don't want to lose. Yifei has been fighting Defei for so many years, and it is quite straightforward.
     This time, he almost turned the ship in the gutter, if she was in her heart. Nothing, even she can't believe it.
     The eyes swept over Qi Mama words and eyes, and the eyebrows were slightly picked. He asked: "Qi Mama, but what do you want to say to this palace?"
     “Niang-Niang ......” Qi Mama was shocked. She didn’t expect to be lost when she was a moment. I asked Yifei to catch a head. In desperation, I could only tell the truth. “Niang-Niang , 8th Fu-Jin I sent a message and said that I wanted to come to see Niang-Niang."
     "See you?" Yifei heard the words and laughed. It was obviously disdainful to 8th Fu-Jin. "She will find the opportunity. Defei just fell, she couldn't help but find her. I want to ignore the palace." The face of the face goes to Yonghe Palace, only this point, her business has nothing to do with this palace."
     It is said that Yifei Yu-8th Fu-Jin is really disappointed. If this is not the case, she will not take back those who secretly sent to protect 8th Fu-Jin. Now, naturally, she will not know that the days of 8th Fu-Jin will no longer be the past.
     “What does Niang-Niang mean?”
     "Push it! Don't worry about the 8th Fu-Jin in the future." After saying this, Yifei couldn't help but sigh and wanted to mention Zhi-nu, who was protected by her under the wing. She still Some sad.
     "The old nubi obeyed." Qi Mama, like Yifei, knew that the 8th Fu-Jin's small abacus was afraid of being beaten again.
     In 9th-Prince House, Wan-xi listened to Yin-Tang and said that he was doing all the things in the Qing Palace. He was happy to hold Yin-Tang's face ' ' several times.
     Yin-Tang is very happy to express his gratitude to Wan-xi.
     The so-called most difficult to accept the beauty of grace, he never thought that he would plant on that woman in his life, but he was planted in front of this small The body of a woman.
     From the beginning of the fresh to the subsequent temptation to the present love, it can be said that although Yin-Tang is not an emperor but has the emperor's heart, his feelings are either immobile or rooted.
     "Is this satisfied?" Yin-Tang's big palm gently rubbed the gentle face of Wan-xi, and asked with a word.
     "If there is anything dissatisfied, this thing is Defei unilateral search from the beginning. As a matter of fact, the ones who are bullied are all straight into the body!" Take Yin-Tang The neck, Wan-xi face grievances.
     How can Yin-Tang not know what it means in her words, but this royal history has always had the most battles, even if he now withdraws from the Eighth Party and pretends to be a non-incorporated person, others are still staring at him and wooing him. I am afraid that he suddenly changed his decision.
     This time Defei calculations, most of the responsibility lies with him.
     "This is the fault of the Lord."
     "What's wrong with the Lord? Is it true that the Lord wants to see the body and Hong-min, are they hurt?" Wan-xi has always had a clear grievance. If she said that she gave her gas, she swallowed her stomach. Whoever dares to give her this temper, she dares to let anyone suffer for life.
     Resurrecting the world, Wan-xi never imagined that like the last life, there was no dignity, so that the original good hand was weakened by her weakness, and even she could not end. Now, she is fortunate enough to come back. As for the arrogance and self-sufficiency, she will not stay until tomorrow, but she will not be able to find the account immediately. She will also find it back because of this life. She doesn't want to be as alive and sad as she used to be.
     I noticed that Yin-Tang became a bit gloomy. Wan-xi couldn’t help but pull Yin-Tang’s shi-zi and see him to himself. Wan-xi said again: “Ye and the whole body. Regardless of you and me, you will do anything with you, and you will be with you all the time. Even if you will endure different dangers, you will be willing to be alone."
     For Wan-xi, as long as Yin-Tang is no longer on the old road of life, he supports everything. He knows that in the royal family, even if he is guilty of anything, it is better to strengthen his strength than to kill him. Let's not dare to take a nap. After all, this group of Princes from the emperor is not vegetarian.
     "Jao-Jao, I will protect you and the children in the future." Yin-Tang holds her slender and delicate body, and her voice is firm and sincere.
     "It’s good to ask for you to be safe and secure."
     "Stupid Yatou." Yin-Tang put people in his arms, and although he didn't say anything, his heart was very touched.
     In the next few days, Wan-xi life was restored to the past. Hong-min was originally a bit dull and temper also restored the liveliness of the past because of the Wan-xi relationship.
     Defei is in a difficult situation, Wan-xi is really happy, but she knows that she wants to ridicule the roots but it is not simple.
     The identity of Defei makes her unable to take the initiative; the second is that she is the mother of 4th-Prince, as for the third Well, if Defei is honest, Wan-xi does not want to talk about life and ideals with a long-lost Xu Niang.
     Just letting Wan-xi not think that Defei things have been rumored, and 8th-Prince House has made a new move. One of the two pregnant Shiqies that had been pregnant has a small birth.
     The news came out, and the rumors of the city were suddenly rumored, and the spearhead pointed to the 8th Fu-Jin still in recuperation. It is said that it is concealed by its intentions, but in private it has sent people to harm 8th-Prince two Shiqie.
     Wan-xi listened to the 8th Fu-Jin and felt that it was worthless.
     The discerning person could see that the two Shiqie things, 8th Fu-Jin, did not intervene. Even if there is a problem, you should not ask. She came up with the slightest thing that should happen, and it turned out that someone wanted to cover up Defei ban.
     Defei is disliked by Kangxi and can't be said to be a sign of falling out of favor. If there is no major event, Defei should be difficult to appear in front of people and such people will help to sweep the tail. It is difficult to prevent Wan-xi from thinking.
     When Ting-Rain reported the news, he danced, obviously whether it was Defei or 8th Fu-Jin, she was very happy to see it.
     Qing yi-Courtyard, but anyone who can be trusted by Wan-xi can be regarded as the confidant of Wan-xi. From this point of view, Wan-xi is not only more than the past, but more than the mind and means. Also know what is the way to swear.
     "Side-Fujin, this matter may be related to this 8th-Prince." Ting-Rain has always been clear about Yin and Yin, and can know about it without looking at it, but she has always been well informed and can say such a sentence. Come, there must be a basis.
     "There is this possibility, even if 14th-Prince was rejected by the emperor because of the palace feast, but only he is the emperor's son every day, he will not be given up by the emperor one day, and then rely on Defei temper, even this time.
     The loss field is heavy, and she still has a hole in her hand. If 8th-Prince discovered this, it would not be impossible to use 14th-Prince to gain these forces." Wan-xi eyes turn slightly, thinking about The 14th-Prince of the last world became the king of the generals. In the heart, the fear of Defei was put down, and this moment was re-raised.
     Abnormal developments, it is difficult to make people doubt. To know that Defei news to the Prince backyard was revealed, each 1st-Prince, including the Crown Prince, had a lot of attention in the backyard, one time Prince. In the backyard, people are heart-wrenching, and Defei is dead and still tired of others.
     Under such a situation, it is too late for Defei to fall into the grave. How could it help her to clean up the crime? No, not to sue the crime, but to divert attention.
     Wan-xi stunned Ting-Rain, and smiled and smiled: "No matter what the situation, I will send people to stare at them, and what are these people?"
     "Yes." Ting-Rain sang, and turned and went out to arrange.

     These days, the rumors of 8th Fu-Jin's arrogance are really pressing down the rumors that Defei is forbidden. Wan-xi can learn from the Ting-Rain even if they don't go out. .
     Defei forbidden sign indicates that what happened at the palace banquet is really over at this moment. As for the truth of what happened at the palace banquet, except for the parties and the people involved, the Prince sect is known to the truth. Some people talked about it.
     Don't look at the love of Xinjue Luo family.
     They are all careful, they must report, and they don't like to temper, but they still care about family interests and reputation, so even if they have complaints about Defei, they seem to be silent.
     The deputy things have all ended with Kangxi ruling.
     Regardless of private, on the bright side, the face of Ai Xinjue Luojia still has to be taken care of, but anyone who thinks that at this juncture, 8th Fu-Jin will become a scapegoat and maintain Defei reputation in his own body. Looking at the rumors outside, I am afraid that it will be a bit better than last year.
     After the rise and fall, whether it is favored, as long as it is not related to the rise and fall of the family, there will be no one to question the decision of the emperor, and the origin of Defei is not obvious, the Uya family also became a group of scattered sand because of the crime. Now she is punished. No one really dares to ask her for justice. And as far as her actions are concerned, Kangxi only banned her. In fact, everyone has to boast Kangxi old feelings.
     Not mentioning Defei himself, he said that 14th-Prince was banned after experiencing Defei. After he was angered by Kangxi, his actions were quite convergent. Compared with the previous publicity, the current shackles seemed to be quite stable. In this aspect of work, there is a certain growth than before. If this is not the case, then his current situation, I am afraid that he has already given up his mind, how can he help Defei to protect his reputation, and secretly give him support. .
     On the surface, seems to have gone a bit of a game of chess, but in fact, he did not pay any difference from the snow in the snow, but he was very touched. He felt that he was the one who really regarded him as a brother. On the contrary, he was grateful for his rushing, and he was succumbed to it.
     Although he did not act arbitrarily, his ideas were very positive, and there were few changes. He used to trade with 8th Fu-Jin before, but he didn’t know 8th Fu-Jin in this move. When 8th Fu-Jin got the news, he was sad and angry. Open mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, then fainted.
     I don't know why, I think that according to 8th Fu-Jin's concern for him, I will definitely understand his behavior, but I don't know if this 8th Fu-Jin has already vomited blood and coma because of his decision.
     In the main courtyard, 8th Fu-Jin vomited blood and coma, can support a cut, there are several big Maid, like Mama, Bixiang, and Jasper. If there is no such thing, then it is afraid that the 8th Fu-Jin will be grilled on the fire. To know that 8th Fu-Jin's backyard is rampant, except for her identity, the biggest reason is the laissez-faire. Otherwise, how can the woman in the backyard be willing to be squandered, knowing that Zizi is the foundation, and what is favored is the passing of smoke. Can not stand the test of time.
     Now, without waiting for others to do so, I will personally push 8th Fu-Jin to the brink of desperation.
     Those who have been dealt or offended by 8th Fu-Jin do not want to step on their feet.
     The reason why they did not take the shots was just to wait and see. Once they confirmed their attitude, it was not just these rumors that hurt 8th Fu-Jin, but also the calculations that followed.
     Those who can enter the backyard of Prince, regardless of their status, will have a fixed hand when they can survive.
     These women's skills are not big, the background is not deep, but it is really a matter of stirring up the wind and rain, it is not a point of influence, to know that 8th Fu-Jin's rumors will be so wonderful, they can't get rid of them.
     Two days later, when 8th Fu-Jin woke up from a coma and learned that he had never come over, his heart was sad and sad.
     The old kind of love was like a joke, which made people feel ridiculous.
     "Funar, the old nubi of Your Highness has sent the news, I believe that Your Highness will soon come to visit Fu-Jin." Bixiang was with 8th Fu-Jin from an early age, how can she not understand her 8th Prince feelings, at this time see her look sad and desolate, can not help but comfort.
     "Bixiang, this Fu-Jin you know more about the temper, he can sacrifice a child and the Fu-Jin for Defei and  , it proves that he has long been planning." 8th Fu-Jin said this, a sneer.
     If you really want to see her, why do you have to wait for Bixiang to send someone to send it to the consumer, what does this thing about the government is something he doesn't know.
     The world is full of fear and fear, but I don’t know that this is an illusion that I want to give the outside world.
     The fact is that although she has participated in a lot of things, the person who actually is the master of the house is still jealous, not her. Like the scenery, there is not much real power Di Fu-Jin.
     If the previous two Shiqie things only made her feel a little disappointed, then now, what she is doing is to make her feel chilling.
     In the past, when she shot Yin-Tang, she should think that feelings are not a big deal for her. She always feels that she is special to him. Now it seems that as long as it involves the throne of the high, don’t say yes. Putting her out as a shield, she wants her temper life, he is afraid that he will not hesitate to do it!
     This time, Defei was banned from the Yonghe Palace. It was not enough to fear the palace. It was not enough to be afraid of it. And even if it was not so clear at the palace banquet, even if it was not clear, it knew that this throne would never be He came to inherit. Presumably, for this reason, you can let this kind of care for him!
     If you know this, why don't you leave Yin-Tang and Yin-Er, no matter how powerful or behind you are, they are not so strong, but now they have no support, but instead they are a waste. It’s ridiculous to be more attentive.
     The more I think about 8th Fu-Jin, the more I feel that I am worthless, and I have paid so much, I really can’t get a real heart...
      8th Fu-Jin stared blankly at the account on his head. After a long time, he turned to look at the happy Mama next to him. "Can there be a reply from the aunt?"
     " Fu-Jin ......" Hi Mama looked a bit condensed, hesitated for a moment, only swallowed and said: "The posts we sent were returned."
     "What!" 8th Fu-Jin slammed up and she couldn't believe her ears. She thought that as long as she really admits her mistakes, Yifei will forgive herself more or less. Who knows what she thinks is too much for her sake. "It looks like this, this Fu-jin is self-satisfied, it is so today. On the ground."
     Tears slipped from the corner of 8th Fu-Jin, and at this time she could no longer ask for a cut as she used to, but she couldn't be as stubborn as she was before.
     When her parents died young, she wanted to find someone who could make her feel comfortable. Especially after Yuele death, this idea became stronger. What she didn’t think was that she had a lot of hard work.
     The husband did not put her in her heart.
     Was she the only one who had listened to Yifei advice and chose someone else? Can she be truly happy today?
     "Fu-Jin, this is not your fault. Although I was close to Defei, I did the face of Yifei Niang-Niang, but in the end Fu-Jin didn't choose 9th-Prince at the most critical time?" Hi Mama to 8th The time around Fu-Jin is not long. Some things are not clear. I know only the recent things, so it’s only Yifei heart, and I don’t think there is any big problem.
     "Really? If that's the case, then it's fine." 8th Fu-Jin licked the quilt in his arms, and his voice was faint.
     She really did Yin-Tang at the most critical time, but before that, she also did a lot of wrong things because of her concealment. It’s really just two, no, no, no.
     The sum is as good as ever.
     "Mama, you said that this Fu-Jin is doing something wrong..." The almost whispering words are all pre-emptive and remorseful in the mind of 8th Fu-Jin.
     She did everything for her, whether it was the Mu-Grandfather leaving the remnant or the cut she had, she used it unreservedly on him, but her contribution was not exchanged for the same treat. Before him, he protected the loss of two Shiqie, and later he used his chilling heart. If the former can understand her, then the latter is unacceptable in any case.
     For many years, the feelings of husband and ‘Madam are not as good as this. I don’t know if I can promise and support.
     It’s really sad and ridiculous.
     " Fu-Jin ......"
     "It's not necessary to say that this cut is all for this Fu-Jin." 8th Fu-Jin closed his eyes with sad eyes, his heart full of anger and regret.
     This world is not without conditions. In the past, she arbitrarily squandered the love of her relatives. She never cares whether they will be sad, and they are forced to stay away from each other to know that they regret it. She is also self Confident.
     "What's wrong with this?" A warm and elegant voice Called abruptly, letting the people in the house look at him unconsciously.
     The back to the sun is still the look of the gentle and jade. I don’t think that he is the kind of person who can’t take it, but 8th Fu-Jin can feel the heart that he once beat him crazy. .
     He obviously didn't notice this. He strode to the embroidered couch and reached for the tears on the face of 8th Fu-Jin.
     The words were soft and gentle: "Is Fu-Jin not complaining over these days?"
      8th Fu-Jin keeps asking himself in his heart.
     Yes, she is resentful and hateful.
     "What did you do with this?" The Lord still wants to smile and thank him." 8th Fu-Jin looked at her face and suddenly felt that the man in front of him was really strange.
     No, it’s not just a stranger, it’s more like she never looked through him.
     I’m pretty embarrassed, obviously knowing that this time he has done it, but for the great cause, he can only choose this way. After all, no matter whether it is power or influence, he has no way to join the Crown Prince and 1st Prince and others compare, even if there are many people who support him, the bottom line is actually a lot worse.
     "Fu-Jin, this is the fault of the Lord, but you should understand that the Lord has no retreat." He held the hand of 8th Fu-Jin and explained it bitterly.
     "Is there a way out or I don't want to go back." 8th Fu-Jin took back her hand and she found the big palm that made her feel warm in the past, but she could no longer give her warmth. "Master, you want to be a child, you are incompetent, Can only let go, but Master, what is this now? The Lord is telling the whole body, is the last role of the whole body to be a shield for Defei?" The 8th Fu-Jin at this time is more sorrowful and angry, and the voice does not change consciously. I have to be sharp.
     Looking at the different 8th Fu-Jin, I didn’t think she would have such a big reaction. He remembered that she was so excited when she rumored last year. How about this time...
     I don’t want to think about it.
     The last time and this incident seem to be caused by rumors.
     The starting point is others, not his husband, who is in the most important position in the heart of 8th Fu-Jin.
     " Fu-Jin, you..."
     "But, Lord, don't say anything, let's let it go!" 8th Fu-Jin closed his eyes, but his heart was full of helplessness.

     "4th Prince, what do you think of this?" Yin-Tang looked at the question sitting next to him.
     Defei was banned, whether it was Yin-Tang or not, I think this is the best result. Who knows that they are willing to take a step, others do not appreciate it, but they still want to find a post after turning over, so Yin-Tang is definitely not willing.
     "9th Prince, Defei Niang-Niang is afraid that we hate it all.
     The event of the palace feast has become the last straw of Defei and the old 14th. If you change into a person, you are afraid. It’s hard to turn over, but Defei has a way to let the savvy Eighty-sister sacrifice 8th-Sao for her reputation.
     This is not easy.” It’s a cold face, and it’s no longer like Defei mother and child.
     There is a slight fluctuation.
     "9th Prince, later involved Defei Niang-Niang and 14th-brother, don't have to take care of me any more." The face is calm and the tone is gentle. "The karma, non-I can change."
     “ 4th Prince Is this determined not to intervene?”
     "Well. Since Defei Niang-Niang doesn't recognize this son, then the man is just the son of the maiden."
     He is more affectionate than anyone else, especially the mother-in-law. For this reason, he has paid a lot, but he did not want to pay so much for the final result.
     This is the result. Now there is a kind of grief than a heart-to-heart. feel.
     Yin-Tang heard the words, his eyes bright, "Is this true?"
     "9th Prince brother can't think that it is a brother who is not laughing at you." He shook his head with a grin and a smile, and he could lie to him. Defei is not a fake mother, but the relationship between the mother and the child is not even half a point. If you pay so much, you still can't get a half-point response. It's hard to be a little disheartened. In addition, in the dry palace, Defei personally refused to recognize his son, so this is really the idea of ​​maintaining the mother and child.
     I believe in Buddha, believe in karma, and believe in fate.
     There are so many things in this world that he can't ask for. He is no longer a child who longs for the mother.
     Yin-Tang listened to her words and smiled and said: "4th Prince, no matter how you decide, my brother is still an old saying, leaving Defei mother and son."
     Yin-Tang is to be seen, Defei mother and child are not the other, it is the right is the reputation.
     This person is dead, a hundred, and there is nothing wrong with it, but if you are alive, you will also see that the things you care about are lost in the same way, and the taste should be good!
     "9th Prince, 4th Prince bears your feelings." In the blink of an eye, I was grateful, and then I got up and bowed to Yin-Tang.
     I don’t have a big heart. If he is not the son of Defei, he must be more embarrassed than Yin-Tang, and Yin-Tang looks at his face, and then he will continue to show his feelings again and again.
     There is no feeling in my heart, it is a lie.
     "4th Prince, what are you doing, you can't look like my Old 9." Supporting, Yin-Tang face is not happy.
     "9th Prince, 4th Prince really feels that I can't help you."
     "Nothing is right for you. 4th Prince, it has nothing to do with you. You don't have to take anything to yourself." Yin-Tang, since he decided to support him, he would not let him Leave any embarrassment.
     I don’t think there is any competition now. Naturally, I don’t think that Yin-Tang’s current cuts are related to the future. I’m grateful to him, and I’m closer to him, and I’m close to it.
     The Yu-Xiang behind him is not too much.
     "Well, I won't mention 4th Prince in the future." Seeing Yin-Tang's unhappy face, he couldn't help but change the subject back. "9th Prince, you said the 8th Brother Shi Is Concubine really a small production?"
     Yin-Tang heard the words, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.
     Then he nodded and said: "Since it is not certain, it will be well checked. If it is really the best, if it is fake, we can not let 8th-Sao With a white back, this black pot!"
     Yin-Tang didn't care about 8th Fu-Jin's unsuccessful feelings. When he was counted by him at 8th Fu-Jin, he knew that his cousin was completely centrifuged with him. Even if she had to choose to help him, even the palace feast, He didn't want to be involved with her anymore.
     The so-called different ways of doing things, he chose to leave from the side, he did not think about going back.
     "If 9th Prince brother has an idea, then do it!" He has no patience with Defei mother and child.
     The only bottom line is that they can live honestly. Others have long since avoided it.
      8th Fu-Jin didn't know Yin-Tang.
     Their plans, since the vomiting of blood, her originally improved condition has become more serious, the whole person is sick, and there is still the heroic glory of the past, the whole is a sick Xi Shi.
     "Fus, why are you suffering?" Hi Mama looked at her face and looked at the 8th Fu-Jin in the rain curtain quietly, her eyes reddish.
     8th-Prince came over, they were all happy, but Fu-Jin was bitter, and his temper was awkward. He didn't have a good face against 8th-Prince. 8th-Prince insisted for two days, seeing 8th Fu-Jin still a cold face. I can't help but get away with it. I have been staying at other Shiqie for the past few days.
     "Master , why bother?" 8th Fu-Jin listened to the rain outside the window, and he was bored in his heart, but he did not regret his decision.
     When she came to her yard, she emphasized her own difficulties. What she did not understand was nothing more than thinking that she had swallowed this bitter fruit.
     Why did she swallow this bitter fruit?
     Is it because she loves him, she has to let go of her dignity and the bottom line?
      8th Fu-Jin came to be a dare to love and hate temper. She decided that he would unconditionally pay for him. She determined that Yin-Tang was betrayed, and she tried to retaliate against him; now she is very chilling. Naturally, he will not let himself pay for him.
     "Funce, this woman has struggled with men. Since Your Highness has come over, you should stop yelling with Your Highness, so as not to cheapen the group of goblins in the backyard." Hi Mama even knows Shi in the backyard Concubine has been given a soup, but I don't want someone to share the favor of my own Highness.
     "Cheap others? Oh, my father has really been as I wish, anyway, I can't live, and why bother to carry a maiden name." 8th Fu-Jin clasped his hands, his face stunned.
     If it is replaced by the past, but for the sake of embarrassment, let alone the daughter-in-law, she is not the name of the evil woman. It is a pity that the cut has changed now. Since her sacrifice can't be changed, then she will not do anything. Let it develop and control what he is!
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, Yin-Tang glared at Wan-xi and played with her.
     "Master , I heard that you want to go to the temple to get incense?" Yin-Tang put the pieces in his hand on the board, his lips lie in her ear and asked softly.
     "Can't you go?" Wan-xi turned back slightly with doubt. What is this scent that is not allowed by him? Is it a remorse now?
     It is said that Yin-Tang did not bring Wan-xi out, whether it was Lantern Festival lanterns or occasionally went to Zhuangzi, Yin-Tang was accompanied. It can be said that all Wan-xi openings, he is satisfied, only This is the only incense, Yin-Tang has not been with him. In his words, people who often run monasteries in addition to such uninteresting people, men should not go.
     "I still have an interest in Shangxiang suddenly, and I want to stay with me."
     Yin-Tang Feng Wei slightly squats, carrying his arms around his neck Wan-xi, the big palm caress her white and delicate face, fingertips lingering in her pink lips, "How? I want to go with you?"
     Wan-xi heard a little, she didn't have this idea, but Yin-Tang didn't mind if she was willing to accompany her.
     "If you are willing, you don't mind." Wan-xi buried himself in his arms, and he was very eloquent.
     Yin-Tang suddenly wanted to kiss her, and he did, and the kiss was overbearing and invested until she was about to breathe, and he let go of her.
     "I have something to do in the past few days? I will not accompany you. I will accompany you next time." Yin-Tang has her lips and rubs it with her teeth.
     Wan-xi sees him saying that there is no trouble, 8th Fu-Jin's things are getting more and more fierce. For a few days, there is no stop, as if someone deliberately indulges, if there is no change in the middle, 8th Fu-Jin is afraid of Back set. But now I am listening to the meaning of Yin-Tang. It seems to have the meaning of the hand. No matter what the intention is, the Wan-xi is not a big deal.
     Tanzhe Temple is the most magnificent temple in Capital City. Since the 25th year of Emperor Kangxi, after the rehearsal of Kangxi treasury, the Tanzhe Temple has become the largest royal temple in the capital, and the son-in-law of the royal family is going to be Xiang, most choose here, Wan-xi is no exception.
     It is harder than the previous world to get a picture of the door. Now, Wan-xi is not going to participate in the flower festivals and tea parties held by the women in the backyard. It can go outside, and she should go.
     At this time, Wan-xi looked solemnly on the futon, and she was solemn and pious. She lived a life, no matter what the reason, she was awe, and even silently prayed for God to keep her stable, Yin-Tang, the child and her family can be safe.
     "Side... Your Highness, or else, check out!" Ting-Rain is a quick mouth, and he is wrong when he is a little bit worse.
     Most of the son-in-law who can go to the Tanzhe Temple to come to Shangxiang has a royal family. Although the identity of Wan-xi is not low, it is not high. In order not to cause trouble, Wan-xi will signal Ting Bamboo they called her Your Highness directly outside.
     "Alright." Wan-xi responded with a sound, and took the Ting-Bamboo signature hand sideways and shook hands.
     The sign was pulled out of the sign, and Ting-Rain stood immediately. Hey, "Your Highness, seeing this sign will know that it is a good sign."
     Ting-Rain’s words have not been finished yet, and I heard a Calling sneer from the side. “Where is the bun, even if you don’t see the sign, you dare to claim to be a good sign. If you sign something, you can solve it yourself. It’s ridiculous!"
     Wan-xi turned his head and found that the stranger was a strange young woman. Standing in the distance, she pointed at her face ironically and made a big laugh.
     "Don't let my family! Your Highness  is something you can't make on the table." Ting-Rain has a lot of impressions on the son-in-law in Capital City, but she can't be tempted by her, but the girl in front of her eyes is wearing Although the dress looks good, the jewellery makeup is also the most popular style in Capital City, but the manners are very vulgar, even with a hint of dust, squatting like a pheasant landing is filled with feathers and phoenix.
     Wan-xi eyebrows are slightly picky, and the face is inexplicable.
     The young woman in front of her doesn't know, and she doesn't bother to talk to this kind of no-eyes. She can come to the royal temple to scent, and let the temple alone vacate the place. Can be an ordinary person, and the young woman in front of the woman has not figured out what is not inferior, on the character, if the background is not high, sooner or later.
     "Okay, let's go!" Wan-xi stood up under the help of Ting-Bamboo, reached for the sign in Ting-Rain's hand, turned and went straight to the side, and ignored the man.
     It is said that Wan-xi is completely concession, but what kind of master has what kind of Maid, Wan-xi takes two steps, and this Maid directly slams at them. "You are so bold. We, Madam, talk to you, what are you going, no education!"


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