Chongqie Courting Death Daily 130

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »     Chapter 130 : Accident

     Yin-Tang led Hong-hui and Hong- Sheng in front of the Tanzhe Temple. He thought that Wan-xi would come out soon. Who knows that before they came out, they saw the incense in the temple.
     The people have come out from there.
     "Lin-Chujiu, find a question, what happened inside?" Yin-Tang looked at the hurrying crowd, and felt a little flustered.
     "Hey." Lin-Chujiu took the ceremony and turned to pull a middle-aged woman. When she asked about her ins and outs, she couldn’t help but panic: "Your Highness, according to the woman’s description, seems to be Side-Fujin and Little Prince were stopped."
     "Don't let go! I have been in this capital for so many years, and I have never seen anyone who dares to shoot the royal family in broad daylight." Yin-Tang heard the words and led a group of guards to walk in the direction of the main hall. .
     Because of the distance, the Yin-Tang took a little time, and when he arrived, he just saw the stick hit the Wan-xi.
     At that moment, Yin-Tang only felt a split heart, "Lin-Chujiu, still not working."
     "Hey." Lin-Chujiu, when I saw this scene, I knew that this was not good.
     Although the family is a foreigner of Kangxi, it is a 4th-Prince foster mother. For Yin-Tang, what is wrong with the family? Even if you look at Kangxi face, it does not mean that they can bully. Come to his head.
     Yin-Tang, in addition to making money, likes to invent, riding a kungfu is not weak, this time against Longkedo, not to mention the shot to occupy the peak, but because of the full anger, each down the dead hand, but let The fearful Longko multi-section defeated.
     When Longko saw Yin-Tang, he knew that it was broken. If he was just a kind of person, he could solve it secretly. Now he meets 9th-Prince, and he is afraid that he will not be able to get Ama. solve.
     With the guards brought by Yin-Tang, these filthy people brought by Longkedu in the government were quickly shocked. Ting-Bamboo and others were rescued and immediately surrounded by Wan-xi. Seeing the pain of Wan-xi face and white face, I couldn't help but exclaim. "Side-Fujin, you're fine!"
     "Ting-Bamboo..." Wan-xi is now hurting all over her body, especially on her back. It hurts her to take a cold breath.
     "Emperor." Hong-min holds Wan-xi hand, and his face is full of tears. He can see Longkedu, but their eyes are full of hate.
     Wan-xi licked several times, and finally the stick hit her on the back. She couldn’t concentrate on her pain.
     This made her ignore the emotion of Hong-min, but her belly The pain that came to her made her feel a little flustered. "Ting-Bamboo, my stomach hurts..."
     "What!" Ting-Bamboo bowed his head and saw the bloody color of Wan-xi light blue cheongsam. He couldn't help but Call. "Your Highness, Side-Fujin is born!"
     Yin-Tang heard the words, and the more he started, the more his feet fell to Longke, and Yin-Tang rushed to Wan-xi and picked her up and ran out.
     Lin-Chujiu saw that he had to tell the guards to pick up and take away all the people except Longkodo.
     This conflict was really over.
     In short, even if there was a remedy in the Tanzhe Temple on the same day, even if Longko had a heart to remedy, it would not stop the long-awaited mouth. Not to mention that day, before the Li-4th Today, this scene, just happened to be seen by 3rd Fu-Jin and others who came to Shangxiang, how can he suppress this matter.
     People who are jealous of their family may be able to shut up, but 3rd Fu-Jin and others are eager to slap their heads, just in time for this kind of thing, 3rd-Prince may not take the opportunity to attack.
     Some people know more about things, and things can't be stopped. Don't use Yin-Tang to do it. People in the whole city know that Longkota Small Concubine is looking for a fuss, and then he will pick up many revenge from Longko, causing 9th Side-Fujin was severely injured for protecting Hong-min Little Prince, resulting in a small production.
     Although the power of the family is quite large, there is a reputation of 'half-and-half-year Old', and you can meet the royal family and not pursue it. If you really pursue it, it is not an exaggeration to say that the egg touches the stone, plus Yin-Tang itself does not.
     The fault, so the public opinion is biased towards Yin-Tang.
     There are no good comments on the other side of Longke.
     The original Li-4th       The forces did not dare to Call. Now that Longkodo and Li-4th-played to the iron plate, these people are not obvious, and they are not all looking forward to their ability to plant a big head, to relieve the hatred of the heart.
     Pampering Small Concubine, also known as Madam, is how the real Madam in Capital City is how to behave.
     When Guo Guowei received the news, the whole popularity was frustrated, and the deputy seemed to be mad at the appearance of the suffocating squad, so that the squadron flew the dog and jumped, that is, doing things to the stalking neck, not admitting the mistake, this time also Some panic.
     "Ama, what should I do now?" Longkedo only thought that when Yin-Tang looked at him, the killing in his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little cold.
     "You are a rebellious person, you don't make a noise every day, you are too busy to panic." Yan Guowei is now full of brains, if he only has this son, he wants to directly kill him.
     9th-Prince Yin-Tang, but the goodwill that can be provoked, not to mention his famous silver earners, he said that his mother Yifei and Guolu Luo-shi behind it are not good. In addition, in recent years, the emperor has especially trusted him, and his attitude is very close to other Princes.
     This time because Li-4th-the son of the monk to find a scorpion, his son will be a small producer, even if he is a royal family, it will have to pay.
     I knew that Li-4th-will cause such a big scorpion. When she asked Longkedo to drive her ‘Madam out of the main court, he shouldn’t be soft. Now he hesitating, hesitating, and it’s so bad. .
     " Ama, what is the use of it now, things have been done, and four children " Longkodo voice did not fall, the tea thrown by the country was smashed.
     "Lao-ye, you..." Tong Madam looked at the blood on his son's face and wanted to make trouble. He could fill the eyes of the Shangyu country with ice and cold, and the rest would swallow it back.
     For many years, Tong Madam still knows about Guo Guowei. As long as he does not involve family interests and safety, he is just a blind eye. It is like the main room of Longkeduo Hershey shi, who marries into the family, is really filial to the two old people, but the result is, but Longkedu favors Li-4th-child, resulting in Li-4th When they abused their mother and son, the country’s peacekeeping and Tong Madam just opened their mouths, and Longke didn’t listen, they didn’t care.
     It’s no surprise that such a cool person will raise a son like Longkodo.
     "Mothers are more and more defeated, you are all vertical, all of this field is still thinking about Li-4th-the child of the monk, do not want to think, this time fill in Li-4th and your own life, Can you let the royal family be satisfied?" The swearing sly                     , ,
     Longke has to argue, and it can be seen that he can only shut up. Although he was confused in the affairs of men and women, he knew in his heart that Guo Weiruo had gone at this time, not to mention Li-4th-he was afraid that he could not escape.
     In the palace, Yifei Ting-Wen 9th-Prince House asked the doctor, so that people inquired about it, and when they learned the reason, they could not help but fall into the tea pot in their hands.
     "It’s too much to deceive people. It’s just too much to deceive people.” In order not to be able to get on the table, not only hit her grandson, but also make Wan-xi a small production, which makes Yifei endure.
     I know that after I started playing Hui-Ru, Yifei rarely intervened in the Yin-Tang backyard. I only hope that Yin-Tang will have more children. Now it’s hard to get good news. It became bad news, which told her how she could swallow this breath.
     This man has two favored concubine. It’s really not a thing. It’s not that there nothing wrong with it. It’s really rare to know that the concubine is a well-known ‘Madam. Now, for a small Concubine to get to this point, it is clear that she does not put her Guolu Luo family in her eyes, it is tolerable, can not bear it, since he wants to make trouble at home, then her Guolu Luo is not What is soft persimmon.
     "Where is the emperor now?" How can there be a few ways in this pet?
     "Back to Niang-Niang, the emperor is now in the royal study to handle official duties." Qi Mama stepped forward and answered carefully.
     "Well, then go to the royal study."
     In the royal study, Kangxi just finished his official duties, made a cup of tea, took a break, and wondered if he was going to the harem. After all, Kangxi had some days because of the embarrassing things. Into the harem.
     The bigger the sons, the stronger the sense of crisis in Kangxi heart. In order to sit down firmly on this chair, Kangxi balance technique can be used not only in the court and the harem, but also among the Princes, such as the Crown Prince and 1st-Prince.
     This cut was originally done very well, but it was too early to make the cut too unbalanced. For this reason, Kangxi had to take advantage of the situation to prevent him from getting too strong.
     After all, no emperor likes his son or other people limelight.
     "The emperor, Yifei Niang-Niang is looking outside." Li Dequan looked at Kangxi, who was holding a tea pot and fell into deep thought, and whispered.
     "Yifei? declare her to come in." After Kangxi returned to God, his brows were slightly wrinkled. Although some Yifei had come to mind, Kangxi, who cares about the old feelings, would not dismiss Yifei face in this kind of thing.
     Yifei heard the call, and she didn't feel surprised at all. Defei was able to sit still in Defei position. Her Yifei was grievanced by Tianda, and she could come over and cry. Although looking for the Empress Dowager to cry can put pressure on Kangxi, but Yifei is smart enough to never give Kangxi pressure, otherwise she is at the age of how to compete with the flowers of the new palace.
     Women must have self-knowledge. If they have no ambition, they must first create their own qi. If they have the confidence, they will be bold and beg for others. Now Yifei has the ambition, courage, ability, favor and status. Why should she want to be so big? Degree grievances of his son.
     Oh, the generality of what is generous is only suitable for women who are not in the same way as Defei.
     "Please ask the emperor to be the courtier and Yin-Tang!" Yifei went straight to the subject, obviously not wanting to give the family a chance to get rid of the crime.
     For the old fox of the family, Yifei can still not understand, out of this kind of thing, the family can stand still, even dead the Queen and come to Guifei, they know each other's ambitions and means.
     The result of this matter is still unclear. He is at best only to fight Longkodo, and then dragged it to the emperor to pretend to be pitiful, sympathetic, and finally to make a big event, small things.
     There is such a cheap thing, her grandson was beaten, a grandson still does not know if he can't keep it, and Wan-xi, what if he hurts his body?
     In this way, Yifei will give him a chance.
     "What happened?" Kangxi saw the usual Yifei crying into a tearful person, and could not help but give birth to a little pity, and with Defei look, Kangxi could not help but feel a bad feeling.

     The disturbances of the outside world can't affect Yin-Tang at all. Now his whole heart is placed on Wan-xi. If he can, he can't hold the best of the world in front of her, just ask her. And the children are safe.
     " Ama, the mother will not have something right?" With tears in his eyes, Hong-min shivered slightly, for fear that Wan-xi would be a good one.
     Don't look at Hong-min is still young, but since childhood, Yin-Tang has also focused on training. He knows that he doesn't know, he knows a little, but he has never experienced a loss. Now he suddenly faces this situation. How to withstand it. Even so, Hong-min's performance is good compared to the average person, at least at this time he was not intimidated.
     Yin-Tang’s gaze stared at the door, and his heart was full of sorrow. If he personally led Hong-min to pick her up, wouldn’t it happen, especially in Listening to Ting-Rain said that her trip was only for the sake of the child, and Yin-Tang couldn’t help but feel the heart.
     Ask for help?
     It is a happy event, but because of his negligence, she is in danger.
     "Oh, my family is not with you."
     In the house, Wan-xi was on the bed.
     The whole person was slightly trembling due to the relationship between anxiety and pain.
     The whole person seemed to be fishing out of the water.
     Wan-xi is really scared now. She didn't think she would be pregnant at this time. It doesn't seem to be full months. Is it because she is going to lose this child?
     Gao Mama is with Wan-xi, and she calms the emotions of Wan-xi. When she happens, she is also very distressed. If it is not important to keep the small Your Highness in Side-Fujin's stomach, she is more important. Have to go find the culprit and desperately. Her poor Your Highness, it seems to be smooth, how many shots and arrows, how many difficult calculations, and finally have a stable day, this unknown person is looking for trouble, really...
     "Yu doctor, how is the child in my stomach?" Wan-xi saw the doctor stop, and the voice asked a little trembling.
     She never wants to lose again in this world. Whether it is family, love, or children, she doesn't want to lose. Really, she doesn't want to.
     "Back to Side-Fujin, the child has temporarily saved, but now the month is still small, and after this twist, you must rest assured that it will be safe, otherwise it will be reincarnation, fear is also difficult to keep." Royal doctor is also full of cold sweat, Yin Tang, the deputy wants to eat people expression, the doctor is also worried about what to do if he can't save it?
     Fortunately, it’s still too late to cut, but in the future, the Side-Fujin is afraid to stay on the bed for a long time.
     "Thank you...thank you..." When the news of the child's stay was heard, the tears in the eyes of Wan-xi fell.
     "I don't dare to be a minister." The royal doctor was afraid of his face, but he still felt very happy.
     Gao Mama got up and sent a thick red envelope when he was sent to the front door.
     Seeing that Yin-Tang came over, the royal doctor did not dare to delay, and immediately stated the situation. Before leaving, he specially reserved a few warm-up prescriptions.
     Yin-Tang heard the words and couldn't help but breathe in. He walked into the room with Hong-min. After he had seen it, Yin-Tang led Gao Mama to Hong-min. Go out.
     Sitting on the bedside, looking at the white-faced Wan-xi, his eyes are faint red, the big palm caressing her delicate face, and gnashing his teeth: "Reassured, the Lord will not let you and your child suffer in vain."
     "Master, the whole body and the children are all good now.
     The act of the Lord must not be too impulsive. After all, it is the emperor's outsider." Wan-xi does not hate, but does not want Yin-Tang to make it for himself. Stupid thing.
     Imperial Father, Imperial Father, first emperor, then Ama, Wan-xi does not want Yin-Tang to challenge Kangxi bottom for her.
     "Reassured, my grandfather knows the size." Yin-Tang held her hand and placed it on her lips. She was careful to kiss her. "Good rest, wait for the Lord to come back."
     "Well." Wan-xi nodded, not blocking, but obediently closed his eyes.
     Yin-Tang kept her quietly until she fell asleep, and he came out of the house, and then he took Hong-min and prepared to enter the palace.
     If you use this old thing, you don’t mind if their father and son use it. When you look at this, Mu-Uncle looks at the pro, or this son. And grandson looked heavy.
      Hong-min is always difficult to let go of Wan-xi for his stick. Now listen to Yin-Tang and go to Kangxi and immediately follow up. Not to mention, the little guy is quite good, and knows to give his eyes a blush before leaving the car.
     In the royal study, Kangxi listened to Yifei crying, and his brow was so tight that he didn't think that Yifei would lie to him with this kind of thing.
     The only truth is that the cousin Longkedo, whom he valued, is simply not helpful.
     The mud of the wall.
     Don't look at Kangxi getting older, but his memory is very good. Before Longkota grabbed his father-in-law, Small Concubine, he made a lot of noise. He only pressed him down when he was young and frivolous. It is a pity that he did not reflect on it, but he also intensified his efforts. In order to discuss his enthusiasm, he even did not know the so-called Side-Fujin and Little Prince.
     The original name of the family was crowned with the name of ' ', which has already caused Kangxi dissatisfaction. No action is because of his feelings for the family, and second, because the family does not participate too much in the Di Otherwise, Kangxi would not be able to sit as big as his family.
     It’s just that the ambition and courage of the family have been raised, and the face of the royal family is so beautiful. Kangxi knows that he is still dealing with it today, and tomorrow is afraid that there will be a wave of turmoil.
     "The emperor, you have to be the vassal of the courtiers!" Yifei wiped his tears and looked at Kangxi look. He saw his eyebrows locked and his face was unpleasant. Yifei snorted, what feelings, and put it bluntly. As long as it involves the interests of the emperor, everyone will die.
     Of course, Yifei also knows that this is the only thing that strikes the family.
     The real revenge is that they have to come by themselves.
     "Love, you can get up first!" Kangxi long sighed, just preparing Li Dequan to enroll Longkodo into the palace, and he heard him come in and sue, saying that Yin-Tang and Hong-min were looking out, this moment Kangxi knows that something is difficult, "Xuan."
     "Hey." Li Dequan retreated to the side and yelled at the command of Kangxi, but his heart was scorned by Longkeduo.
     He is a rootless person, does not understand those so-called love and love, but also sees the struggles in the harem.
     That's it, he hasn't seen it like Lonkodo to use this as an excuse to make trouble.
     How deep is love, and others don’t owe them, and they can still let them fight back and not pay back.
     "The son (grandchild) gives Imperial Father (Imperial Law) peace, Imperial Father (Huang Mafa) auspicious." Yin-Tang took Hong-min into the royal study, and did not rush to complain, but Say hello.
     Kang Xi looked at Yin-Tang, who was angry but still calm and calm. He couldn’t help but nod his head. His son should be calm like this, and he would lose his sense of proportions. But when his eyes fell on the meaty buns around Yin-Tang, the little guy’s eyes were red, and the attitude was immediately different. “Hong-min, come, come Come over to Maomafa."
     Kangxi has more sons and more grandchildren.
     This son can't always let him in his heart, let alone his grandson. However, Hong-min is definitely able to rank in front of Kangxi, and this kid is sweet when he is young, and he can swear by opening his mouth.
     This harem rarely likes him.
     "Huang Ma Fa." Hong-min sees Kangxi beckoning to himself, immediately ran with a small short leg, and was not bound by Kangxi, a small hand, climbed directly to Kangxi knees and sat down, "Huang Ma Law, there are bad people who want to fight Hong-min, and the amount of mothers who are beaten for Hong-min is hurt." Then, tears flowed down in the eyes, seeing Kangxi, and letting others Yifei is distressed.
     "Well, Huang Mafa will definitely help you out." Kangxi was on this, but in his heart, Wan-xi, who had well protected Hong-min, had a bit of good feelings.
     "Thank you for the Royal Mafa." Hong-min shook hands and shook hands, his face was full of attachment and gratitude.
     Kangxi looked at the expression on Hong-min's face, and his heart sighed slightly. He said it well, but he had too many things to do. "Yin-Tang, I can't tell you what your mother-in-law is. You can say things again." Although Kangxi sent someone to check, he still wants to listen to Yin-Tang's statement.
     Yin-Tang can develop a powerful force in the palace without being discovered. Naturally, there is a means to avoid it. It can be used to avoid the eyes and ears of the palace. Yin-Tang naturally has a force for the palace. Fan knows that now Kangxi tempted, he is naturally quiet, and in this case, there is no need to add fuel. It’s just that his tone is calm and his words are concise. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about what he is today.
     In fact, before entering the palace, Yin-Tang sent someone to find Ting-Rain. After learning about the ins and outs of the incident, he hated him for gnashing his teeth and even slammed Ting-Rain. Let her remember, but whenever this kind of thing happens, no matter the size, he must first report to him. If there is a difference, let her ask.
     "Let's relax! A Small Concubine nicknamed Madam is nothing more than a dare to question the rules of the royal family." If Kangxi has feelings for his family, Li-4th-the child is such a dish, Kangxi does not care about her life and death, Even when Ting-Wenyin took the people away, even if they didn't ask a question, they directly acquiesced to these people to be disposed of by him. "Li Dequan, Xuanqi Guowei and his son entered the palace."
     Right now, Yifei and Yin-Tang are all suffering victims, and the father and son of the country who is the troublemaker are not moving at all.
     This will inevitably prevent Kangxi from thinking.
     In fact, it was not that Guo Guowei did not want to enter the palace to plead guilty, but that he was directly stunned by Longkedu, and he was still lying on the bed. When the decree was under, the singer-in-chief, who had just woke up, knew that his previous intentions were not enough. As for the way in which this matter would end, he had no bottom in his heart.
     Although he was not afraid of a 9th-Prince, they had to care about the idea of ​​the emperor.
     "Lao-ye, what can I do?" Tong Madam took advantage of this servant to know that Longkodo was a big disaster this time.
     "How else? The only thing left is that I hope that the emperor will see the life of Rao Longke in the past. Others don't think about it." Yan Guowei struggled to get up and talked about the side at the service of Tong Madam and Maid. Next, quickly change clothes, and then led Longke into the palace.
     Not long after, the country's peacekeeping and Longke Duo appeared in the royal study, the mental state of the father and son are not very good, the old face is pale, the small face is gray. Kangxi looked at them coldly, until Longke was unable to withstand the pressure and his body trembled slightly, and he said coldly: "Lonco, you are so bold, dare to shoot Hong-min, dare to The royal imperial Side-Fujin shot, relying on you to see this nubi is simply lawless."
     Longke couldn't help but feel a little tremble. He was also picked up by Li-4th-the child was forgotten. He was now reprimanded by Kangxi, and he could not help but swear by the swearing.
     The emperor was angry, and the nubi did not know that it was Side-Fujin.
     They would stun their heads and commit such mistakes.
     They also asked the emperor to forgive.
     Kangxi took advantage of Longkeduo completely ignorant appearance, and couldn’t help but sigh with anger. He slammed the royal case and yelled: “Dog nubi ! According to your words, not Side-Fujin, you can arbitrarily oppress It’s no wonder that everyone can’t kill it. I want to come to you and really regard yourself as the ruler of the court, and arbitrarily decide the fate of others.”

     "Dog nubi ! According to what you mean, not Side-Fujin, you can arbitrarily oppress and kill." No wonder everyone is 'half-turning', I want you to really regard yourself as the ruler of the court, arbitrarily decide other people The fate is coming."
     Kangxi had only been a frivolous person for many years. Now it seems that it is simply that the mud can't help the wall. If so, what qualifications will become the pillar of the country, and what qualifications will be used for him.
     Longkedu was trembled by Kangxi, and the other side of the country was when Kangxi said the words ' ', the heart could not help but sing, cold and cold. If Kangxi thunder anger is only directed at Longkeduo, Qi Guowei will not be as anxious as it is now, but now that he listens to Kangxi words, he knows that todays thing is not good, and thinking of it, you can’t help but Forced himself to calm down, and then he had an action for a while. He first rushed to Kangxi without hesitation, and then decisively asked for sin: "The emperor is forgiven, this is the fault of the nubi .
     The nubi did not teach their sons, and this led to such disasters.
     The emperor had to punish him, and Moin’s anger was broken.
     Yifei looked at the sect of Qi Guowei, and he secretly recited an old fox in his heart. He said that he was allowed to punish him. In fact, he was retreating, and the last sentence was the key.
     Also, Kangxi love for his family has not been exhausted. Even if Kangxi has beaten his family by this matter, he can still say that he still protects his family.
     Since the outsiders are more important, then protect them, just don't know how long this will allow the emperor to protect them for a long time?
     Kangxi sat quietly, his eyes sweeping over Yifei and others waiting for him. Seeing that the three did not say anything, his heart was even more embarrassing. Although this royal child has always died a lot, and it is more in the struggle of women, the inexplicable fear that is lost like this is the first one.
     Royal blood? Royal face? He has to take care of these.
     "  , you know that you will be mad at the body, you know that Longkeduo shot is almost the same as the life of two grandchildren. Kangxi had a stomach full of fire, but I saw the hair and the slightest hair of the country.
     The body that trembled, this heart will inevitably have a soft heart, but they have to trust the face of Yifei, and he has to harden his heart.
     "The nubi is damned!"
     "Of course you must die!" Kangxi did not punish severely, but he could not perfuse things. After all, the royal decent should take care of it. Yifei mother and child should also appease. If it is too sloppy, what is the majesty of the royal family.
     "Yes, please the emperor to sin." Yan Guowei knows very well about Kangxi, knowing that he is already soft, but Longkeduo move is entirely on the face of the royal family, but he has to be punished.
     Kangxi looked at the father and son of Ren Guowei who was in charge of the punishment, and then looked at the Yifei mother and son who were Calling and Calling. In the end, they only won the official position of Longkeduo and replayed fifty boards. As for Wan-xi, they only gave some reward.
     Yin-Tang has never been a big act of Kangxi, and he always wanted Longkedo life.
     What is the position of Longkeduo, can it be collected now, can't it be given in the future? As for the fifty boards, which one is the punishment of the door, the thunder and the rain are small, or is his son and two grandchildren more than the muddy Longkodo?
     Yin-Tang is full of anger, and if he still has a sense of reason, he may have to go to the front hand blade Longkeduo this dog nubi
     From the royal study room, Yin-Tang took Hong-min's hand, and looked facelessly with Yifei in the direction of Qiankun Palace. Just walking a few steps, I saw Yan Guowei welcoming with Longkodo. .
     "Yifei Niang-Niang, 9th-Prince, the nubi are here to plead guilty to the two." Yan Guowei also put down his body at this time. After all, today's family is not so much a "squatting half", in fact, the status of the family It is already in jeopardy.
     9th-Prince, the family is indeed not afraid, but 9th-Prince Guo Luo-shi family, as well as other Princes who intersect, if these people really hold a group to deal with the family, the family is afraid It is also difficult to escape.
     "Yes can not be done, Tong-Daren, good means, good intentions, but this person has no other ability, just have patience, so Tong-Daren, let's walk." Yin-Tang Laughingly sweeping Longko eyes, his eyes are cold and biting, and he is even more swaying.
     "9th-Prince, this is the end of the matter, but also 9th-Prince gave the nubi a face." This is also a sign that Prince is taking a step back. If he intends in the future, he will help the family.
     If this matter is changed to someone else, Yan Guowei abacus may be changed. Unfortunately, switching to Yin-Tang has no effect. After all, Yin-Tang never thought about the position, even if he wanted to, He will not take this support for his own woman and child.
     "Face? You are old!" Yin-Tang snorted and said in a cold voice: "What do you want, you still need your help,  , it seems that you are really confused."
     "9th-Prince, the servant respects you as Prince, and you are polite, but you don't want to bully too much." Yan Guowei looked cold, but did not expect him to be so whispered, Yin-Tang actually refused to give him a half face.
     "In the end, who is deceiving too much, you should know more than everyone. Today, Longke has played Side-Fujin and his son, and the Japanese will definitely find it back thousands of times. Tong-Daren, you can prevent it. Okay.” Yin-Tang took advantage of the country’s Wei Na pie, and swept his face directly. Kangxi had scruples, but he didn’t.
     Longke saw more than Guo Wei said so much that he did not mention Li-4th-a sentence, and then see Yin-Tang ready to go, and could not help but say: "9th-Prince, if you are not satisfied with the emperor The punishment, Longke Duo is your disposal, just four children..."
     "Longkodo, you are the opposite "
     "Oh!" Yin-Tang took Longkoto words, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his face could not help but reveal the sorrowful color. "Longkedo, you are really a passionate seed, all of them have come to such fields, still Do you think about women? You don't think that if you listen to the meaning of Imperial Father, let's put a horse for you. You should be able to get a shot!"
     Although the heroes of the beauty township are embarrassed, but the woman like Li-4th there is really nothing worthy of praise, can make Longko more so fascinating, can only say that these two people are like a scent, the top of the hill.
     "No, 9th-Prince, the nubi means that the nubi can use the things you want to change four."
     "Oh, if the Lord wants your life?"
     When he listened to what Longkodo said, he only felt that his throat was sweet. If he had to force it, he might have spurted blood on Longkedo. "Enough, since the emperor has ordered, you should not delay."
     "Oh." The guards and eunuchs behind him listened to the words of Guo Guowei, and they no longer delayed.
     They set up Longkodo and went to the other side.
     In this house, execution is also very particular, and depending on the identity, the location is different, and the sacred purpose has been down, who dares to take the big mistakes. I didn’t dare to speak, but I was afraid of the identity of Guo Wei and others. Now, when Guo Weiwei speaks, these people will definitely refuse to delay.
     Yifei looked at the scene and reached out and gestured to Qi Mama, who was next to him. Qi Mama turned his mind and turned to go to the other side.
     "Yin-Tang, there is not much speculation, Tong-Daren is the pillar of the country, and the father of Guifei, we can't afford it, can't we still avoid it?" Yifei looked at the pale-skinned Guo Guowei, though I am so happy, but I know what problems have been caused by Qi Guowei. It is uncertain that the 50 boards of Longkeduo will also change.
     "The mother-in-law said that this can't be provoked by the 'half-turning', and Prince can't afford the Young Master." Yin-Tang sneered and lifted his foot with Yifei and left.
     Yan Guowei looked at their backs, and for a long time, the blood of the mouth was directly sprayed out, and the eunuch who was leading the way was scared. "Tong-Daren, can you ask the nubi to call you a doctor?"
     "No, thank you father-in-law." Yan Guowei Qiang endured discomfort, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and continued to go out.
     If you said that Guo Guowei had a heart-thinking idea for Longkeduo, then now that he was stimulated, Guo Guowei was half-drinked, and his current physical condition, which was not fainted in the palace, was already strong. He is energetic to help the counter.
     After all, he was too favored by him before, and now let him suffer a bit.
     On the way back to Qiankun Palace, Yin-Tang took Hong-min and Yifei slowly walked.
     This scene came down, although the purpose of the mother and the child was achieved, but the result was extremely hurtful.
     The son's grandson can't compare with a Mu-Uncle, and the result is really speechless.
     "Yin-Tang, this matter will be fair to you." Yifei knew clearly before Kangshu that Kangxi could not give her justice. Now she thinks, but she still feels Some lost.
     The emperor is not the emperor, this heart has always been loaded with dead people do not pretend to live, so she Guolu Luo-shi will never compare to Hershey shi and Tongjia-shi.
     "No, the mother, this son will be fair to the family, and the family is not because they are swearing that they are outside the Imperial Father, then they have the ability to let the person sitting on it always Treat them as foreigners, otherwise, the son will destroy the family in the future." Yin-Tang said this, and his determination.
     When Yifei saw it, he just sighed a long sigh: "If this is the case, then the palace will charge you some interest first!"
     Longke has more urinating and urinating. Everyone has only moved to him. He has never moved to someone else. It may be because of this that he will encounter Li-4th, who is not playing cards. Be fascinated by it, regardless of cut.
     This time, he thought that he was so angry that he blew his blood, so that he lost some of the people who cut him.
     The people in the palace have always been holding high and stepping on the low, the right and left, and looking at the interests, it can be said that it is unprofitable. Now, Longkeduo was punished. Although these people are somewhat taboo in the power of the family, they are the emperor's will.
     They are lightly played.
     They are human and they are heavy. It is called the duty.
     Of course, this light and heavy need to be dredged.
     The Palace has the meaning of Your Highness. When it comes to punishment, it will be a bit more. No matter how many boards, it will only suffer from some flesh and blood, but not the RBI. According to the intention of your Highness, you can’t kill them. Most of them are not scary, but they are actually hurtful.
     Yifei stayed in the palace for so many years, how could she not know this, so she would tell Qi Mama to send someone to do it when Longkodo was taken away.
     This is not, the 50 major boards down, Longke Duo was beaten and Called, and snorted again and again.
     The guardian guarded by him looked at him like this. He thought it was too heavy, but he looked carefully, the board was light and fluttering, and he didn’t use much force at all. He was called a military commander. Degrading will not work.
     In fact, this board looks at the light, but it is actually the board to the meat, the force is very strong, if the non-Longke is the martial arts person, the body is not bad, for the individual, let alone fifty boards, is the top 30 When the board is hit, it is also non-death.

     The fact that Longkodo was punished did not stop the matter. On the contrary, his house Herscheli was punishable by Longkodo and took the eldest son to escape to her family for help, making things more complicated.
     Although the people of the Hershey family had heard the rumors before, but their family Madam never returned, they thought that they were the means of attacking the family. But now they are coming back from their homes, Madam, and the Hershey family will not do it. It is.
     Although the family is very big and the foreign country is always a neutral and neutral appearance, the Yu-Princes are not accepting or rejecting. It is true that no one can sin, that is, everyone has offended.
     This is the case with the family. Unfortunately, the family still does not know it. It still keeps watching and picking up.
     There are not enough people who are afraid of offending.
     This is not the case, Hershey shi experience has been passed down, and the main rooms of each of the households are awake. In order to ensure their status, they are not following the footsteps of Hershey, and the rooms have blown up.
     The pillow wind requires strict punishment of Longkeduo.
     The Small Concubine are also afraid of falling to this point. Naturally, they are also helping to help. For a time, whether it is the mortal or the backyard of the official, there is unprecedented unity.
     In addition, Longke has made such a thing, saying that it is big and big, that it is small and small, and that it is the meaning of the emperor.
     Now, Kangxi meaning is very simple, and the big things are small.
     The Crown Prince and others are not willing to follow Kangxi mind. After all, the officials from Longke are very important. It can be said that he has come out, the Crown Prince, etc. People didn't want to let him sit back. And now things are getting out of the way.
     The more people you know, the harder it is to clean up. In addition, there are Hershey shi and Wan-xi, and the crime of Longkodo is not only a favored concubine, but also Despise the royal family.
     To participate in him, he must be instructed, so that he does not put people in his eyes, then he can't turn a deaf ear.
     Not to mention the Crown Prince and others, it is said that Hershey shi and Wanyan-shi can't be arrogant to their own family, Madam, and then Guofei Luo-shi and Yi-Tang after Yifei. It is impossible for people to give up, and even if they don’t all move out, they can only make a big splash.
     In this regard, the applicator is also very popular.
     Kangxi looked at the officials who had expressed their generosity, and they had a headache. On most days, they did not see their opinions so unconcerned.
     They met with Longfado favored concubine, and they slandered the royal family. It’s boiling, there no time to stop.
     Yin-Tang stood in the crowd, his face was expressionless, and the whole person seemed to be particularly silent. Everything was made by Kangxi, but Kangxi was even more embarrassed.
     In other words, Yin-Tang is the real bitter, not only Side-Fujin and his son were beaten, but also almost lost the children in the belly of Wan-xi, so counted, the officials and the fifty boards are counted. what?
     "The emperor, this matter must be severely punished, otherwise I love the prestige of the Xinjue Luo people?" Jian-Qinwang has always been wrong with people, and the favored concubine has killed his ‘Madam. He cares about the continuation of the royal family.
     Since the Qing Family entered the customs, although the world has been set, but this seemingly stable situation is choppy, in addition to appeasement, it is also a way to vigorously develop the royal blood. As the patriarch of Ai Xinjue veins, Jian-Qinwang wouldn't know if it knew about it. If you know it, you can't pretend it.
     Whoever let the family have a big stool will put people in the eye, it is difficult to fall, the nature that can step on a foot will not use a small force, so if you can use it, this time basically pull in.
     "This..." Kangxi sighed. He had already guessed that this matter could not be easily settled. He just did not expect even Jian-Qinwang to follow in with the blending, but also the rationality of the blending, let him ‘mute. Silent.
     "The emperor, if this matter is not severely punished, who will put the royal family in the eyes in the future, if anyone has the same kind of learning, how should this royal blood continue?" Jian-Qinwang, although not good, involves matters in the family.
     The direction is to be treated by the public, and there is no selfishness.
     It is because there is no selfishness that Kangxi will be more difficult to deal with. After all, Jian-Qinwang is still the overall situation.
     Yin-Tang does not say anything, but Yin and Yin can't help, even if the family is a mother-in-law, but in the past, she was close to her, but she didn't take him seriously. Do more of this, and the heart of the family’s enthusiasm will slowly fade.
     The chief official of the family, Guo Guowei, did not mention it for the time being. He said that the next lord of his family, Longkeduo, was like this, and that the family would not be able to become an atmosphere in the future. In this way, instead of wasting your energy, it is better to open the distance very early. After all, Imperial Father does not want to see him close to his family.
     Sure enough, there were more people standing out. Kangxi could not cool the hearts of the people even if he had the heart to maintain. In desperation, he had another purpose, and ordered Guo Guowei to teach Longkedu, and the father and son were banned for a long time.
     The penalty is two thousand two, which is effective.
     This time, regardless of whether he was mad at the bed and raised his illness, he was still ruined by the squadron, and he was completely ruined.
     Above the court, no matter whether it is a censor or an official, he is not satisfied with the handling of Kangxi. According to their meaning, the person who is corrupted like Lonkodo, the worst, should give a comment that will never be hired. . However, Kangxi mind has been decided, and the party Yin-Tang is not snoring, and everyone can only give up.
     However, this matter was solved in the court. In the harem, this matter has just begun. Yifei has a temperament in his heart and runs on Tong-Guifei everywhere. Even if Kangxi knows that he has no voice, he wants to come to him and he knows that this tone is not right now. Let Yifei out, fearing that it will make a bigger mess.
     Regardless of Kangxi, Yifei sneered in his heart, but he knows how to stop, but the people in the harem who do not know what to think about, is awkward, and Tong-Guifei, who is always on the top, is not suffocated in this matter.
     Wan-xi is not concerned about the outside world. Now she is quietly staying in her own Bookingyi-Courtyard. Besides Yin-Tang and a few children, she has also seen Lao Madam and her mother-shi, the rest of the name of the test is to find a real, Wan-xi have not seen. She never gave up her thanks to the emperor's reward, not to mention the women in the backyard.
     Reputation is more important and can be more important than her children.
     Longkedo and Li-4th-the damage that her children brought to her, she did not dare to forget every day, even remembering it, just to have a day to revenge and hate.
     In the last world, she listened to Yin-Tang, 4th-Prince can succeed in the upper position, can not be separated from two people, one is the young, one is Longkodo, it is not difficult to see that Longkodo accounted for How important is the location. But when this position of Longkodo was occupied by others? She does not believe that with the identity of a foster mother, Longke can still be as beautiful as before.
     When Wan-xi asked her to see her mother, Yin-Tang only thought she missed her family. In fact, Wan-xi reminded her mother that her thoughts would work. I don’t have to let my Brother sit in this position, but It must be the person they trust to sit in this position.
     In fact, Wan-xi knows clearly that the importance of this position can be seen clearly, and others can understand it. She wants to fight, but the fisherman.
     The Crown Prince and Prince Prince wings are getting fuller, and Kangxi has long been jealous of them.
     This naturally refuses to give Longkodo position to them. 3rd-Prince and others are no exception, so they have already waited.
     There is an opportunity for Qian Ning around Kangxi. Although it is not big, it can be done properly. It is not impossible.
     Kangxi is naturally more inclined to use his own people or develop new people than those who have stood up early.
     Although Qian Ning is a Wanyan family, but because of the relationship between Di branches, there are not many resources available, but because of the relationship between Wan-xi, Yin-Tang helps him. A lot, otherwise he could not sit in the current position because of his identity.
     Nowadays, Qian Ning is interested. Although Yin-Tang sees it, there is no action. It is Kangxi dark guard and eyeliner. It is the best policy to change things in order to change things. It is a good thing to have too many actions.
     From the study, Yin-Tang looked at the hour, it was already at the end of the afternoon. In the near future, Wan-xi was still in the house. In his spare time, he only played with a few children. Yin-Tang thought for a moment.
     Then he walked to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     Because Wan-xi needs to be in a state of rest, Qing yi-Courtyard has no excitement in the past, that is, Hong-min.
     They are all sensible and not in the courtyard. Every time they come, they are rushing to rush to want to give Wan Xi do something.
     When Yin-Tang came over, Lin-Chujiu was just about to make a sound, and it was stopped by Yin-Tang.
     Today is still Ting-Lan and Ting-Qin on duty, and the two of them see Yin-Tang and come to the ceremony.
     “Little Princes came to Side-Fujin today and they are all in the house at this time.” Ting-Lan whispered, and was afraid of Yin-Tang’s blame.
     Today's Wan-xi is really like a touch, it will be broken, people have to wait carefully, for fear of something wrong.
     Yin-Tang nodded and walked lightly into the house. Because Wan-xi didn't like the incense, there would always be more fresh fruit in the house. It took a long time, and she always had a house. Silky aroma.
     Smell the familiar scent, Yin-Tang slowly calmed down with some impetuous hearts, looked up at Hong-hui who was sitting in front of the bed for Wan-xi, and then watched with a pair of small Hong-min and Hong- Sheng, whose children play, are also soft in the heart of Yin-Tang.
     "Small 9th-Aunt, can you be better?" Since Hong-hui has raised his body here in Wan-xi, he is very close to Wan-xi, this time Wan-xi suffers losses, Hong-hui It is also very annoying, but it is just that others are small and can’t help.
     "Small 9th-Aunt is all right, just a small 9th-Aunt's belly is too lazy to have more rest, so the small 9th-Aunt will only be raised again." Wan-xi does not The children are involved in this kind of thing. After all, in the royal family, others will not be soft because of their young age, and this matter has already reached this level. In private, for the time being, we can all Give the emperor a face.
      Although Hong-hui is the oldest of these children, the child is very temperamental and clever. If he is well trained, the future is boundless, but Wan-xi is not willing to let him intervene in Daren prematurely.
     The battle is coming.
     "Does this? That Hong-hui is accompanied by the little 9th-Aunt baby in the belly, will he be diligent!"
     "Of course, as long as you are obedient, when he is born, he will be close to you." Wan-xi has not yet opened, Yin-Tang smiled and said a sentence.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang. I am in a good mood. I know that her brother’s affairs have a fixed eyebrow even if it has not yet been achieved, and if this is true, it is not just her Wanyan family, but Yin Tang also has a certain advantage.
     "Master, you are here." Wan-xi moved slightly, but did not get up.
     "9th Uncle." Hong-hui See Yin-Tang, and immediately greet.
     Yin-Tang reached out and patted Hong-hui with a slightly tender shoulder. He praised: "Well done, I will accompany you in the future 9th-Aunt."
     "Yes, 9th Uncle." With the compliment of Yin-Tang, Hong-hui was so happy that he smiled into a crescent.
      Hong-min and Hong-sheng couldn’t help but also rushed to the invitation.
     The two little buns don’t talk about the thighs. Even the Hong-zhao and Yali-qi, which are not good for walking, are also noisy, time. Yin-Tang became a child king who is dedicated to children.

     In Qing yi-Courtyard, Yin-Tang is the most solid reliance in Wan-xi eyes. It is the good Ama in Hong-min's eyes. It is also a good 9th in the eyes of Hong-hui and Hong- Sheng Uncle, for these people in the 9th-Prince House dungeon, 9th-Prince is the most terrible nightmare and devil.
     Yin-Tang temper has always been a must-have report. Before that, it was because of a little bit of childhood, and 4th-Prince had been so many years. Now, Li-4th  It is said that it is still full of scars. It is impossible to say that Yin-Tang has no gas in his heart.
     When they started to be caught, Li-4th      Li Tian, ​​who was whipped in a three-day slap, no longer dared to Call, and even hoped that Longke thoughts to save her would fade.
     This is coming to save and save, how can it be that there is still no movement at all.
     Longkedo really wants to save Li-4th-, but unfortunately 9th-Prince doesn't take care of him. In addition, Kangxi personally decreed that Longkodo will ban the foot. Longkodo is courageous. I don't dare to commit crimes at this time. Saving the 4th-the child's affairs can naturally be handed over to the next person.
     As the saying goes, what kind of nubi are there for Your Highness? Longkodo is a sly, and the nubi around him are not too much. I used to be used to it. In front of Yin-Tang, I dare to put it on the shelf. Yin-Tang naturally can’t easily let go, so I’ve packed it up. Only Lin-Chujiu was sent back directly to the government, and it was said that Qi Guowei was so angry that he spit out blood.
     "How? Why are you not guilty today? I’m busy with these days, but I’ve ignored your culprits, but now I’m still there, Lin-Chujiu, let people entertain and don’t play.” Yin-Tang sounds cold, and the whole person has a murderous murder, which makes people dare not approach easily.
     "The nubi obeyed." After Lin-Chujiu promised, it was naturally impossible for Li-4th to be merciful.
     Who knows in this house that Wanyan Side-Fujin is the top of Your Highness's heart, and he can't say anything about it in the most days. But this one is good, not only does it work, but also almost beat Side-Fujin, which makes Little Prince Sad, don't give a little bit of’servants. Really when Prince House is a soft persimmon, I want to pinch it!
     Out of the dungeon, Yin-Tang just got ready to go to the study, and then Wang An came out from the outside. After listening to him, Yin-Tang stepped forward and walked outside the house.
     In the meantime, after the occurrence of Longkeduo, Yin-Tang sighed and secretly moved a lot, but it was really neglecting , Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang Brother, this time, they Invited, Yin-Tang, even if the mood is not good, or leave for the feast, it can be seen that the feelings of these 4th Brother have long since become different.
     This time, Longkeduo affairs, Qilian’s sentiment was ignored, and Yin-Tang was helped on the court. Yin-Tang still remembered his feelings.
     "9th Prince, you are here." Yin-Er looked at the Yin-Tang standing at the door and couldn't help but greet him.
     Although Yin-Er is now in good relationship with Yu and Xiang, it is worth mentioning who has the highest status in his heart. It is really the first Yin-Tang.
     "9th Prince."
     “ 9th Prince.”
     Yan and Yu-Xiang still have some gloomy Yin-Tang, and there is some worry in their hearts. Is it not good for Wan-xi?
     This time, the incident came too far. When they received the news, Longkedu board had already been finished.
     There was no such thing as they spoke, but in the dark they did not have less power, otherwise He Heli shi How can she escape to her family in such a coincidence, and how can it be so easy to spread her encounters in the city.
     "9th Prince, but the little 9th-Sao is not good. If it is missing, don't be polite with 4th Prince." This person recognizes the individual, even if you don't feel guilty, you will really treat each other. .
     "Yes! 9th Prince, as long as the younger brother can help, you are welcome!" Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang listened to the words, immediately came together to make up their minds.
     Yin-Tang heard it, my heart was warm, and there was a silky nose, but he wouldn’t let people see him like a wolf. "Wan-xi is fine, don't worry, if there is a need, I will set it. It won't be polite with you."
     Seeing his calmness and knowing that he didn't tell lies, after all, Yin-Tang cares about Wan-xi, and several of them are also in the eyes. "Well, sit down and talk."
     The 4th Brother sat around the table and called some wines that they liked to eat on most days. Four people talked around the table and didn’t know how. Yin-Er had a quick mouth and threw things to Longkeduo. . Yin-Tang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this matter, so I didn't hide it now, so I said the situation at the time.
     "Globe, this is a game, in order to beat a small 9th-Sao and Hong-min, the damn thing, my old ten must make him Longko look better." Yin-Er most days The favorite is Hong-min, the most respectful of Wan-xi among the son-in-law, now listening to this matter, immediately angry and angry, if not Yu-Xiang pulled, he must get up and rush into the government to turn Longke More cuts.
     Yan and Yu-Xiang’s face is not good.
     They are not clear about the passing of the incident.
     There are many rumors outside, but who knows that it is true and false, now I listen to Yin-Tang’s words and yell at them.
     The goodwill of the government is a thousand.
     "I didn't expect this government to have fallen into such a field. No wonder..." Yan sighed and felt that he had already made a new decision on the matter of the government.
     "The family is acting too unsophistically, and the Hershey shi is said to be filial and filial, but for Longkedo, Tong-Daren Tong Madam is cold-eyed, watching their mother and son being practised by Li-4th-a nubi It’s really chilling.” Yu-Xiang is the most temperamental. I like to report the injustice on most days. Today, after listening to Yin-Tang’s words, I’ve never lost my respect for the family, and I’m full of disdain.
     Yin-Tang grinned, and his face disdained: "13th Brother, you said something wrong. If you are a kind-hearted person, you can't let a nubi get to your head. In the end, you can't go back to the old days.
     The glory, and Longkedo, can have today, nothing more than the consumption of Tong-Queen's reputation."
     Yin-Tang said this, although there is no provocation, but it is not to think too much, after all, in the heart of the awkward, the status of the foster mother Tong-Queen is irreplaceable.
     "9th Prince is right, the current government is not as good as it used to be."
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at the drunken’servants and Yin-Tang, and they were somewhat worried, but they also knew that there were too many things during this time, especially Yin Tang, not only lost the child, but also was hurt by Kangxi biasity. It is impossible to say that there is no influence at all.
     "13th Brother, what should I do?" Yan-Tang and Yan were all drunk, and Yin-Er did not dare to let go.
     "What else can I do? I used to let go of the 4th Prince and 9th Prince. Today, since 4th Prince and 9th Prince let go, it is natural that we both sent it." Yu-Xiang face Wry smile.
     Finally, a few Brother gathered together, this good wine and good food, but can not drink a happy, Yu-Xiang this heart is also like a cat caught, uncomfortable panic.
     It was already late in the evening when Yin-Tang was sent back. Wan-xi is not good now. Lin-Chujiu naturally dare not send the drunk Yin-Tang to Qing yi-Courtyard, so he The house went to the study.
     The unruly Shiqie in the government got the news, and they all heard the wind. Unfortunately, Lin-Chujiu had the courage to offend them, but did not dare to let anyone enter.
     Yin-Tang's commitment to Wan-xi Lin-Chujiu is not known, but after playing Hui-Ru, Yin-Tang specifically confessed Lin-Chujiu, if he is drunk, he can get close to him.
     The woman is only Wan-xi, and if other people dare to get close to him, he picks up Lin-Chujiu head.
     Having said that, Lin-Chujiu can't go against Yin-Tang's order. After all, he is still very satisfied with his own head.
     The Shiqie outside the study room was a little troubled. See Lin-Chujiu for not moving. I knew that today’s abacus is not playing. For a time, all the women’s hearts are secretly widowed by Wan-xi. Superb, they were beaten to bed and ill, and they also put Yin-Tang to death, not letting them drink soup.
     In the courtyard, Dong-shi heard the news and sneered. She had already expected that this road would not work, so even if she got the news, she did not act.
     However, Dong-shi is also disappointed. Disappointing to Yin-Tang's love for Wan-xi is unsurpassed.
     Thinking about Yin Mama, those words, Dong-shi is like a fire burning, it is better to die. She thought that in this life she would fight with the women who had been given to the house for a lifetime, but now she asked her to personally send a woman to Yin-Tang. Isn't this about licking her heart with a knife?
     But what can she do? Today, Yin-Tang specializes in Wanyan Wan-xi, and this Wanyan Wan-xi is a blessing.
     The first child has a son and the second child is born again.
     The dragon and the phoenix, this third child, if God is a long-eyed, how can she not let her flow, but let her keep it down, so, the Lord still does not regard her as an ancestor.
     " Fu-Jin, it's late at night, you should rest." Yin Mama went to see the little "Jiji" and came over. See Dong-shi standing in front of the window and could not help but persuade.
     Dong-shi tears in his face, the resentment of his face, but nowhere to vent, "Mama, you said that this Fu-Jin is really only the way to go."
     Yin Mama looked at the tears on Dong-shi face and couldn't help but Call. After hearing her words, she couldn't help but wake up like a dream. Her face was serious and said: "Everything looks at Fu-Jin's own choice.
     This is not allowed.
     The old nubi said."
     After seeing the coolness of Dong-shi, Yin Mama will occasionally be soft, but more of it is the duty, no longer as heartbroken as before.
     Dong-shi did not pay attention to it, so she did not know the change of Yin Mama, but she was immersed in her own sorrow. "Look at my own choice?"
     "Yes." Yin Mama said low, not much to say, after all, this is not her idea, it is Dong Madam Yi-Luoshi idea, and she dare not defy Dong Madam's order, Just for her family's old temper life.
     Dong-shi doesn't seem to expect Yin Mama to answer her. For a long time, she said: "Give me a letter, and say something I want to ask her to come and discuss."
     Yin Mama looked at Dong-shi who had already dried her tears, and she knew that she must have made up her mind. "The old nubi obeyed."


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