Chongqie Courting Death Daily 105

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily  »     Chapter 105 : Resentment

     Yifei has the heart to give 8th Fu-Jin another chance. Unfortunately, 8th Fu-Jin never thought about Yifei feelings. For her, the rebellion of Yin-Tang indicates that her relationship with Yifei mother and child is no longer possible. Back to the past, so she chose a quick knife and a slap in the face, directly broke Yifei piece of mind, and spent all her thoughts on the calculation of Yin-Tang.
     This time, Defei suddenly invited, and although 8th Fu-Jin was guilty of guilt, she knew that whether she refused or refused, she had to take a nap.
     At present, when the two meet, the two are in the same camp regardless of the inside. Although they are not as strong as they are, they do need support, and hey, even if it is not comparable to Yin-Tang them, but it is also an Daren Prince. Such 2nd Brother, according to the ceremony, have some connection with each other is normal. It is possible to remove the connection between the two people before and after the marriage between the two sides. No matter whether it is the mother-in-law or the female-in-law in the backyard, there is no contact between them. Now suddenly they are all together, let alone other people think, that is 8th Fu-Jin I also doubt the intention of Defei.
     Before Yifei was in the crowd against Defei, 8th Fu-Jin really wanted to see Defei because of his confession. It was only when Defei took Qiao, he wanted to give him the initiative, and he thought about regaining the palace, so that he Ignore 8th Fu-Jin. I didn't think of Defei. In just ten days, she turned from active to passive, even for cooperation, and personally invited 8th Fu-Jin to enter her Yonghe Palace.
     There is an old saying that is good, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi. Defei is a good day too long, so that she will lose her original vigilance. When she falls down, she wants to find someone to help. Isn’t it too late?
     It is said that it is easy to add icing on the cake, and it is difficult to send carbon in the snow. What's more, Defei has not given Yu-8th Fu-Jin. If there is not enough interest, it will be difficult to achieve what it wants.
     In fact, when 8th Fu-Jin went to the appointment, Defei discovered that this seemingly hot, unruly 8th Fu-Jin is not a good character to deal with. Simply chilling a few words, Defei seems to have the upper hand, actually there is no What is cheaper from 8th Fu-Jin here.
     "This palace invited 8th Fu-Jin to come over today. It is something to do business." Defei swept his eyes and saw 8th Fu-Jin's face sternly, and frowned. She wanted to cooperate, not enmity, 8th Fu-Jin, know Fortunately, I don’t know if she thought she would kill her!
      8th Fu-Jin was a stiff body. Obviously, she didn't think that Defei would be so direct. She thought that Defei would turn a corner and first have a relationship with her. If Defei came up, she would go straight to the subject, and this control would be enough to see Defei. How deep is the mentality. Before coming, 8th Fu-Jin had prepared a lot, and she thought she had paid enough attention to Defei. Now, she still looks down on Defei.
     Sure enough, no one is simple enough to sit on the top of the road.
     "What is Niang-Niang's words?" 8th Fu-Jin's brows were slightly picked, so she looked at her easily.
     "8th Fu-Jin doesn't have to feel nervous. Since this palace wants to cooperate, it is naturally prepared. In addition, this palace dares to open.
     This cooperation is definitely of interest to 8th Fu-Jin and is also beneficial to 8th Fu-Jin." Defei The hair in the ear, a smile on the face.
     "What is the meaning of the De-yi mother, my father and 14th-brother have a very good relationship, why are you so polite." 8th Fu-Jin laughed twice, apparently also perceived that his attitude was too blunt, changed the name To draw closer to the distance between the two.
     "Everyone understands people, what is the matter, or a little bit better." Defei ignored the embarrassment of 8th Fu-Jin, but talked about cooperation.
     Defei has a Zhang Qiao mouth, this mouth will say the most, will be embarrassed, she used to win Tong-Queen selected her among the many palace ladies, and later won Kangxi to love her, now, Under analysis, she naturally won the heart of 8th Fu-Jin.
     “How is this?” Defei looked at 8th Fu-Jin.
     Defei is quite confident about her own plan. After all, she has never been unsure. After deciding to invite 8th Fu-Jin, she conducted a comprehensive investigation and analysis of 8th Fu-Jin, even if she still hasn't. I understand the 8th Fu-Jin, but I also know a little.
     What I said today, every sentence of every word is directed at the heart of 8th Fu-Jin, she does not believe that she is not tempted.
      8th Fu-Jin was really tempted, and even at that moment she was directly tempted by Defei words. If she wasn't wary enough, it would be hard to come back. At the moment of returning to God, 8th Fu-Jin is somewhat annoyed by his own carelessness, but more is still a heartbeat.
      8th Fu-Jin's heart knot for Yin-Tang has reached a deep-rooted level, and it can't be easily solved. Even if she knows that Defei move is not good, she can't help but think, even thinking about Defei and pointing the knife to Wan xi and her child.
     Before Ning Mama proposal, 8th Fu-Jin thought about all kinds of possibilities. I knew that the role of Wan-xi was somewhat uncertain. Now Defei mentions that 8th Fu-Jin is like a cat. I think it is possible.
     Wan-xi is no better than Hui-Ru. She has the favor of Yin-Tang from the government, and she has two children. If she has an accident, or Hong-min, any personal accident can cause 9th-Prince House to go out of trouble. . It’s just that 9th-Prince House is no more than ever. If she can come and go in 9th-Prince House, then she is really rare to go to the door, and then rely on the conflicts between them, but where she has I am afraid that it will attract attention.
     “Niang-Niang is already planned?” 8th Fu-Jin's eyewaves flow through, and there is a slight incomprehensible calculation in his eyes.
     "That depends on what is going on with 8th Fu-Jin." Defei blinked and looked like a mountain.
      When 8th Fu-Jin saw it, he snorted and Called at the old fox.
     Then he smiled and said: "Since it comes, nature is based on Niang-Niang."
     Defei took the initiative, 8th Fu-Jin was not passive, but in the current situation, she is not suitable for the charge, and she has more people on hand, but not in 9th-Prince House. At this time, 8th Fu-Jin has already automatically included Hui-Ru in the abandoned, and even because of the fatigue, directly telling the truth of the matter by letter, it is really broken contact.
     "8th Fu-Jin is very polite." Defei naturally wants to dominate the cut, but she has to shoot, it must not let people grasp the handle. "Since everyone is the same mind, then cooperation, it is natural to work together. Yes."
     “Niang-Niang is right.” 8th Fu-Jin was unwilling, but he also knew that Defei could sit still and it was definitely not what she could do.
     For the case of Yin-Tang, Defei and 8th Fu-Jin have different starting points, but the results are the same, so the two are also a hit.
     The next 8th Fu-Jin and Defei discussed what they knew, but they only knew that 8th Fu-Jin's move showed that 8th-Prince and 14th-Prince belonged to each other and cooperated sincerely.
     Yifei sat in the inner hall, playing with Yin-Tang, some of the Gentiles that people sent, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of ice.
     She cares about her aunt's feelings and repeatedly keeps her hands. Now she seems to be affectionate.
     “Mama, 8th Fu-Jin can go out of the palace?” Yifei asked a word without lifting his head.
     "Back to Niang-Niang, 8th Fu-Jin just left the palace." Qi Mama couldn't see the look of Yifei, and couldn't hear what she said, and she was somewhat uneasy in her heart.
     In the past, Niang-Niang waited for 8th Fu-Jin as a biological daughter. Even if 8th Fu-Jin's marriage, Niang-Niang could not bear the 8th Fu-Jin's pleading if she felt that it was wrong. Whoever thought of the last thing? Raise a white-eyed wolf.
     Yifei threw the glass mirror in his hand and threw it to the side. He only heard the sound of ' '.
     The original glass mirror of the city had a crack. Yifei glanced coldly and sneered. "This is also the case." Well, originally this palace still thought that she is the Zhi-nu of the palace after all, the care of the second is also appropriate, plus the Old 9 and the old eight mixed in, the palace does not matter with the snacks, now When she was thinking about pulling her distance, the palace would be as she wished. Mama, in the past, the people who took care of her outside the palace were taken back, and the life and life of 8th Fu-Jin and Ben The palace has nothing to do. In addition, let our people keep an eye on Yonghe Palace and ask them to find out what Defei and 8th Fu-Jin are colluding with.
     This palace always feels that this is not easy."
      Qi Mama beheaded and whispered: "The old nubi understands."
     Yifei withdrew from the original arrangement to 8th Fu-Jin, and Yin-Tang received news from Defei and 8th Fu-Jin. In the past, Yin-Tang really regarded 8th Fu-Jin as a cousin, and looked at his brother and sister. After being humbly let her go, 8th Fu-Jin repeatedly tried to get him out of his injustice, even in the case of Hui-Ru, and he also looked forward to the feelings of the past. Now it’s good, they are tolerant everywhere, but she doesn’t know how to be grateful, she has to be insatiable, so it’s no wonder that he heartbroken.
     "Lin-Chujiu, 8th-Prince House, what about the two pregnant Shiqie?" Yin-Tang suddenly thought of the two Shiqie that he had saved before, sneer.
     "Return to Your Highness, these two people have just been pregnant, after the previous one, the difference is less than a month, no one knows." Lin-Chujiu said.
     "Let our people protect them first, and send people to the streets to upload a message of 8th Fu-Jin in the backyard.
     The Lord does not believe that 8th Prince can't be loved by Imperial Father, and Imperial Father can watch him coldly." Yin Tang looked out at the window and was covered in snow, laughing and Calling.
     I didn't see it before. His cousin was so forced. He didn't hesitate to move his hands. He was more than a good 8th Prince.
     Also, it is said that things are gathered together, people are divided into groups, and this is a good 8th Prince. If it is not a cold heart, why is it because of the support of Yuele old department, not to be a child, to repeatedly give up, even to his life...
     This plan is really painstaking!
     "Oh." After Lin-Chujiu responded, he conveyed the meaning of Yin-Tang.
     Although Yin-Tang is not contentious, his control over the overall situation is not weak. Even after retreating to the outside, he has seen many things that he has not seen before.
     The current Defei is like a trapped beast. Contacting 8th Fu-Jin is just to get rid of the difficulties, and 8th Fu-Jin, regardless of his mother-in-law's feelings, went to Yonghe Palace, and the intentions are all related to him!
     Oh, he did not know that the past courtesy retreat actually raised her heart, let her take care of others' care as a matter of course.
     In this situation, is he lucky that his good 8th Prince has not succeeded in the upswing, his good 8th-Sao has not been able to lift the knife, give him a rabbit and a dead dog to cook the bow A good show of hiding.
     After Yin-Tang handled the study, Lin-Chujiu went to Qing yi-Courtyard. Who knows that just arrived at the door of Qing yi-Courtyard, he was hit by a snow group. Looking up, looking down at the head and pretending not to see him Wan-xi, a burst of funny, are already three children, actually still a mischief with a child.
     "Master, you are coming." Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang, knowing that he was too rash, and he couldn't help but smack him to the side, sighing and appreciating, thinking about fooling the past. "Master  is really a jade tree today, and it’s beautiful."
     “Really?” Yin-Tang was cold-faced, and the whole body was not reduced.
     The three little buns that had been naughty could not help but converge on their own actions.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang and looked at the three small buns arranged in a row.
     The hearts were soft and then nodded hard to make sure that what they said was true.
     Yin-Tang's face coughed with satisfaction and waved Hong-min to play by himself. He took Wan-xi to the house.
     Wan-xi twisted and went straight to Yin-Tang and sold it. Yin-Tang beauty is in the arms, it is a big gas, and now it has disappeared.
     "The agreement between 8th Fu-Jin and Defei in the palace is that I can't help but want to shoot, but I don't know if they are targeting you and the children or the lord." Yin-Tang came over to remind Wan-xi, good. Let her have a mental preparation.
     "What is the difference between the Lord and the child and the child? I don't understand it. What kind of grudges there are between the 8th Fu-Jin and the Lord, so I can't keep up with it." Wan-xi leans on Yin Tang's arms are pretty cold and seem to be quite dissatisfied with the actions of 8th Fu-Jin.
     At the beginning of Hui-Ru, Wan-xi realized that 8th Fu-Jin was not good. I thought that 8th Fu-Jin couldn’t pass the hurdle and wanted to add Yin-Tang. Now it’s like this 8th Fu-Jin. It’s not that the export gas is so simple, she wants to die!
     "She is a big heart, thinking that everyone owes her, but she is not used to her, who is responsible for who is responsible, no one is responsible, and fell, and that is what I should be looking for." Yin Tang sneered in his heart, it’s been a long time, and some people have forgotten their true identity.
     Wan-xi is attached to the Yin-Tang's chest. I wonder if this 8th Fu-Jin has forgotten his identity?
      8th Fu-Jin Guolu Luo-shi, and a large number of women with a clear name, An Qinwang Yuele granddaughter. Identity seems to be expensive, but in fact it is just an orphan girl.

     In the 8th-Prince House main courtyard, there was a burst of scalp and numbness, and the sound of porcelain cracking.
     The new Mama and the two big Maid Bixiang and Jasper contracted their necks at the same time. Standing outside the door, I dare not go forward, I am afraid that I am moving, let Your Highness in the wrath notice their existence.
     After all, when the gas pump is such a thing, no one wants it.
     It is said that this day was still a good day, but in recent days, I don’t know what happened.
     The rumors are all about the 8th-Prince problem, 8th Fu-Jin’s , every word is straight. Poke 8th Fu-Jin's heart.
     This kind of thing, the people in the house can't even mention that those who have children don't dare to let the children appear in front of 8th Fu-Jin. Who doesn't know that 8th Fu-Jin's children are eager to go crazy, but the method is exhausted. No effect, single-handedly on this situation, no one dared to poke her eyes, who did not know 8th Fu-Jin to say a good thing, said that the stick will never give a breath, so who would dare to start on the age of too old.
     But no one in the house dares to move, does not mean that the outside is not dare.
     Every purchase in the government has to go out. For the sake of the outside world, I know the temper of 8th Fu-Jin. He still doesn’t dare to Call, so that when 8th Fu-Jin finds a cut, this rumor has already spread.
     The streets and alleys.
      8th Fu-Jin doesn't know the thoughts of the next person. Her mood is very angry, very wrong, very depressed. It is like a bulging ball. It is going to cross the range of tolerance and is very eager to find a way to vent, so the eyes are on Wherever, all who can be embarrassed let her give it a sigh. "Who is it? Is it damn? This Fu-Jin has nothing to do with them, no one wants to deal with Prince, so I plan to break the reputation of this Fu-Jin. In order to suppress the momentum of the Lord."
      8th Fu-Jin is more likely to be more likely. She has been married to 8th-Prince for some years.
     The child is not mentioned by anyone. Whether it is good or malicious, 8th Fu-Jin has the idea to go back. No matter who face, the person who mentions this thing gradually becomes less, that is, her aunt Yifei is only a verbal suggestion in this matter, and it is not stated.
     But she doesn't want to, who can bear her?
     But 8th Fu-Jin is quite arrogant, and she knows in her heart how these things are just their own affairs in private. Once they are on the bright side, no matter what the final result is, the wrong person can only be her.
     "Damn, who is it? There was no seed in front of it. Now everyone knows the streets and alleys. It is definitely not going to end in the future." 8th Fu-Jin knows that she has not been able to provoke Kangxi eyes for many years. Dissatisfied, the reason why I didn’t say it was that the Eight Lords had been in front of Kangxi front, and that she was relieved of blame. Now, this matter has been well known and will inevitably attract countless attention and suspicion. If she does not come up with an attitude, she is afraid that this is hard to blame.
      8th Fu-Jin thought about Defei  and Wan-xi and his son, as long as Wan-xi, or one of her accidents, will inevitably lead to an uproar, when they not only hit the arrogance of Yin-Tang, You can also fish in troubled waters.
     Just a cut has not been smooth, she let the basin of cold water poured a cool heart.
     After a pass, 8th Fu-Jin gasped and sat on the side of theervant, his face turned red, his chest seemed to have a suffocating suffocation, he couldn’t get up, he couldn’t say it, she had to think about it.
     The solution is to solve this problem. Her husband, carrying a bad name, has no effect on the overall situation, but the Eight Lords are not the same. He has ambitious ambitions and cannot be affected by her.
     Even if you know that cutting is just a matter of expediency, as long as you think of the child of the Eight Lords is not from her stomach, she feels short and short of breath, very uncomfortable.
     hateful! hateful! If she is to let her know who the hands are, she must peel the skin and smash the body.
     The Eight Lords did not feel dissatisfied with her because of the child's affairs. However, those who were hiding behind them liked to be nosy, and forced her to express her attitude and had to retreat.
      8th Fu-Jin was full of unwillingness, and the whole person was in a state of rapid eruption. Who knows that there was a noisy voice outside the house, and it took her time to completely erupt. "Noisy? Are you dying?"
     Outside the door, he wrinkled his head and looked at the man who was Calling outside, and could not help but lift his foot and walk inside.
      8th Fu-Jin heard the footsteps, annoyed, a few steps forward, quickly opened the door, and the gentle and calm face of the captain, 8th Fu-Jin's original high arrogance was extinguished, "Master, how come you came ......"
     "This matter will be dealt with, you don't have to care about it, you don't have to care. As long as you are willing, no matter what you say outside, you don't have to pay attention." He took 8th Fu-Jin's hand and took her step by step to the house. go with.
     "Master, it doesn't really care what other people say, it just hates the injustice of the sky." In front of him, 8th Fu-Jin's tears of forbearing for a long time fell.
     Speaking of children, 8th Fu-Jin is actually more than anyone wants, asking God to worship Buddha, she is not doing less than others, this temple in the capital of the city has let her worship, and the sesame oil money is scattered.
     That's it, her stomach still has no movement, how can this make her sweethearted.
     His eyes are complicated, he has a pity in the eyes of 8th Fu-Jin, and there is a grievance that he does not even notice. When he is at this age, he does not say that the Brother in front of him are less than his Brother. It’s impossible to say that he has no idea. It’s impossible to think about his ambitions. He must tolerate it. It’s not because of the small loss. After all, in terms of the current situation, their relationship is the same.
     The most solid backing.
     "We are still young, and we will still have children in the future.
     There will always be children." At this time, I can only comfort her, or comfort myself.
     "But according to the current situation, if it is not handled properly, I am afraid that it will affect the Lord." 8th Fu-Jin looked worried and looked at him with concern.
     His eyes were deep and his face was thoughtfully patted by 8th Fu-Jin's hand: "These don't mention it for a while, and you have to make a decision after you find out."
     This is the end of the matter. If you are in a hurry, you will not be able to solve the problem. Only by finding out the cause of the incident and figuring out the intention of the other party can you win the battle and lift the crisis.
     In the recent period, too many things have happened and I have been tired of coping. For this reason, I have neglected a lot of things. When I reacted, I discovered that 8th Fu-Jin has already offended people and wants to save. It’s hard to go to heaven.
     He sighed and looked at the window.
     The white snow in the sun showed a kind of elegant beauty, but he did not appreciate it. "The work of Fu-Jin and Defei is still a matter of reconsideration." Defei defeat has been set, even if the toss is a joy, it is difficult to restore the glory of the past.
     Of course, the most important thing is not these.
     The most important thing is that Defei is no longer sacred.
     "Master  means..." 8th Fu-Jin is not a person hidden in the shack. In fact, in addition to presiding over housekeeping, 8th Fu-Jin will also give advice on important matters, and will also follow the situation. adoption.
     "Recently, the actions of Imperial Father are showing his dissatisfaction with Defei and 14th-brother.
     The original loose attitude has changed again and even become more taboo. From this point, it is not difficult to see that Defei Even if you don’t go out, it’s hard to restore the glory of the past.” He looked at 8th Fu-Jin with certainty. Compared with the past, he seemed quite serious at this time. “If Defei wants to use your hand to deal with it. 9th Prince, to divert attention, and then fish in troubled waters, and he advised Fu-Jin to push it!"
      8th Fu-Jin was silent, the whole room was quiet, and she didn't rush her, but she looked at her quietly and let her think. After all, if she didn't understand it, he said that no matter how much. .
     "Master, you are 9th-Prince, are they really not complaining?" Silence for a while, only to hear the calm inquiry of 8th Fu-Jin.
     "This matter really needs to be discussed.
     The first thing that is wrong is the Lord." Long sighed, and did not seem to think that his concealment was the main reason for this cut.
      8th Fu-Jin heard the news and was shocked. He looked up and looked at him. "Why?"
     "The trip to Jiangnan, the people who sent to deal with 4th Prince almost wanted 9th Prince's life. Although there were misunderstandings in this, they couldn't erase the responsibility of the Lord." I thought about the scene at the time, I still have some in my heart. Annoyed, how could he endure to heart for his 9th Prince brother, "9th Prince brother broke things with the Lord, it is not difficult to understand, but even so, the former forces and silver He didn't want to go back, so he was wrong, not in the 9th Prince."
     Although there are many calculations in my mind, there are some things that he still has, and he will not erase the contribution they have made to Yin-Tang and Yin-Er. At this point, he is jealous and jealous.
     There are fundamental differences between the two.
      8th Fu-Jin is more and more timid, and she thinks that the abandonment now seems to be just a joke. "Why didn't you say it early?" When they got to this step, they really didn't have anything to ask for, especially after going through this series of calculations. after that.
     This ups and downs, 8th Fu-Jin is also inexplicable in my heart, just like knocking over the cruet, I can't tell what it is.
     "Master  only felt ashamed in his heart, but he didn't want to lead Fu-Jin to misunderstand.
     This is the end of the matter. Fu-Jin shouldn't think too much about it. It's good to cut things down." After a sigh of relief, the face was calm and seemed to have accepted This fact.
     "Master ! It's time to go with the flow." 8th Fu-Jin sighed and felt no emotion.
     Before that, she was also prepared to prepare for Side-Fujin and her son in addition to the 9th Prince, and now she wants to stop, but she wants to stop. After all, Yin-Tang’s power is not small, as far as she knows, only It’s just that Yifei has given him a lot of people. What's more, now who doesn't know Prince, the most talented person is Yin-Tang.
     This has silver, but also afraid that can not afford to build power, she should be fortunate that Yin-Tang did not have the idea of ​​vying for storage, fainting will be pressed step by step, making both losses.
     Unfortunately, she understands that it is too late, with Defei temper, afraid that it will not be so easy for her to quit!
     However, looking at the 8th-Prince eyes next to him, seeing his brows deep lock, 8th Fu-Jin did not dare to tell him the truth, but Defei, she still think of it!

     "Ha ha ha ... retribution, retribution, this is retribution! Guo Luo Luo-shi, you and I belong to a sect, you have counted on me repeatedly, even when I am down, step on two feet, now have to retribute 9th-Prince House Backyard, Hui-Ru sharp laughter came out of the yard, with hysterical madness in the laughter, so that the autumn moon and the milk Mama who were waiting in the house were far away.
     There was a trace of panic in his eyes.
     Since the receipt of the letter from 8th Fu-Jin by Hui-Ru, the whole person has become more and more weird. If you just said that you have a word before, now is crazy.
     In the inner room, Hui-Ru was sitting on the bed in a scattered manner, and there was no blood on the thin, pale cheeks.
     The eyes were deep and not like the people in the moon. Today, she can't find the shackles of the past.
     The whole person is like a flower that has lost water. It is awkward. Only the eyes are filled with crazy grievances. "Guo Luo-shi, you are a monk, you Isn't it high? Don't you like to decide the fate of others at random? Now, if you have the ability, you have a child! You are too much to be born, and you can't live." Then it was a crazy laugh.
     The sound, let the autumn moon next to it look terrified.
     "Miss, Miss, you don't do this, your body..." Qiuyue looked at some crazy Hui-Ru, but although she was happy, she was afraid that she would do something, and she didn't land.
     In this era of nubi such as pigs and dogs, she is not a good place for Maid who is not from the House of Representatives. If Hui-Ru really has something wrong, let alone live now, fearing that the future situation will be more than now. Not as good.
     When it comes to the autumn month, it is also a high-spirited one. When Hui-Ru entered Prince House, she still thought that her position was not bad. Maybe there would be some big things in the future. Who knows that Hui-Ru is not only tempered after entering the government.
     The worse she came, the less she had a chance to see Yin-Tang, that is, when she saw it, it would have been when Hui-Ru was tossing, and she had no chance of self-expression.
     This degree makes Qiuyue feel awkward. Fortunately, Hui-Ru is pregnant with her children. She is not in a hurry. Who knows that Hui-Ru is so weak, tossing for so long, she just gave birth to a "Jiji".
     This is good, first of all, not to mention her intentions, Hui-Ru now, if she really did something, she is afraid of nothing to think about.
     "Well? What kind of body do I care about? I am a joke from start to finish." Hui-Ru reached out and grabbed the arm of Qiuyue, bursting into tears, crying out of his ignorance, crying out of his dark future. .
     "Miss, Miss, you cheer up!" Qiuyue looked at Hui-Ru, who was not desperate, and comforted her in some incoherent ways: "Miss, are you not following 8th Fu-Jin's mind? When Yu-Miss, I wanted to use Miss's hand to frame Your Highness. Now I have missed Miss with no success. But Miss, you haven't lost yet, you still have a small "Jiji"!"
     "Small "Jiji"?" Hui-Ru looked out of the autumn moon with a gaze, and it seemed that some of them could not return.
     "Yes, as long as there is a small "Jiji", Miss has a chance. After all, there are children in the backyard with Miss and only three people!" Qiuyue said that the more vigorous, as long as he can keep Hui-Ru, she said Nothing matters.
     "Yes, yes, I... I have a little "Jiji"... Haha... Guolu Luo-shi That slut is nothing, she is a hen that is not a layman, this is her retribution. At this time, the Hui-Ru ‘Yuyan was incoherent, as if I finally found a reason to live.
     "Yes, Miss is right." Autumn can be said no matter what he can say, she only wants Hui-Ru to live.
     Hui-Ru seems to have really figured it out, or it has been diverted from the words of Qiuyue.
     The original bloodless face has a blush, and the whole person seems to have some popularity.
     The decadence and despair that I received when I received the letter from 8th Fu-Jin seemed to be alive. "Hey, I won't let her Guo Luo-shi proud, I want to live, live well, live to see her. What kind of retribution is there."
     The weather outside is getting colder and colder, and the sky is always filled with snowflakes. Together with the New Year, Hong-hui and Hong-sheng are also taken back to 4th-Baylor by 4th-Prince.
     Afterwards, 4th Fu-Jin and Li-shi sent people a gift, and Wan-xi looked at it at random. Compared with the fineness of Li-shi, 4th Fu-Jin was very valuable, Wan-xi However, there was no such thing as appreciation, and Gao Mama was directly accepted. At the time of the ceremony, Li-shi gift was personally seen, thickened into a single, to express my heart, to Yu-4th Fu-Jin's ceremony, according to the rules, she did not even ask questions.
     For Li-shi, Wan-xi has no opinion, and she is not too embarrassed. She can be careful about 4th Fu-Jin, not Wan-xi, but 4th Fu-Jin's actions are too embarrassing.
     Of course, according to Yin-Tang temper, it is definitely not just to talk about helping Hong-min, and 4th Fu-Jin gifts are definitely useful.
     “Can 4th Fu-Jin give gifts to Fu-jin?” Wan-xi asked thoughtfully.
     "When you return to Side-Fujin, Fu-Jin didn't receive the gift list." Ting-Bamboo heard the words and whispered back.
     "No? It seems that our 4th Fu-Jin's face is hurt by the Lord, otherwise how can they be willing to admit their mistakes." Wan-xi mouth smiled, but his eyes flashed a gloating.
     Ting-Bamboo See Wan-xi happy face, smiled and said: "No, nubi listen to Ting-Rain said that 4th Fu-Jin's two Sao are three to 4th-Baylor, for It is to ask for love."
     Wan-xi heard the words, his eyes were slightly bright, and his tone was excited. "What can be the result?"
     "4th-Baylor is naturally not in control, and 4th Fu-Jin is naturally impossible to admit mistakes. She can still cope with it twice. She will speak directly to two Wulana Madam.
     This can make people sinful." Ting-Bamboo sees Wan-xi happy, and the words can't help but feel a bit of joy. "After Your Highness, I increased the pressure.
     This time I found the door. Fu-Jin's 2nd Brother are."
     "Oh, 4th Fu-Jin can no longer afford it. She can't do without the support of her brother. If the Ulanara family is really defeated, why is she 4th Fu-Jin?" Wan-xi took the tea from Ting-Qin Hey, take a sigh of relief: "No matter what 4th Fu-Jin is heading down today, the beams between us are all tied."
     "That's how, as long as Your Highness is there, no one can move Side-Fujin." Ting-Qin laughed and made fun.
     Wan-xi licked her lips and laughed. Others didn't know. Her heart knew that Wulana-shi would eventually be in the back position. At that time, she was afraid that it would be a bad debt.
     In the courtyard, Dong-shi listened to the rewards of the next person, and his heart was blocked, and he was sick in two days. Suddenly, the entire main courtyard was panicked. It was only at the end of the year.
     The palace banquet and the FuzHong-li ceremony were not arranged properly. At this time, Dong-shi was sick, even though there were four big shackles in the backyard. No one is the master on the surface, it doesn't help!
     Yin Mama whispered a few words, seeing Dong-shi still sullen in the heart, and could not help but sigh. During this time, it was not easy for Dong-shi to settle down and live in his own small days. Who knows that 4th Fu-Jin not only provoked Dong-shi, but also angered Dong-shi The next child fell ill, really...
     "Mama, this Fu-Jin is really uncomfortable in the heart. I thought that as long as I stepped back and raised a small Prince, I could safely keep my life in the safe place of Di Fu-Jin. Now it seems that this is not the present. Fu-Jin is narrow-minded, but others don't count this Fu-Jin." Dong-shi is lying on the bed, his voice is sorrowful and hoarse, and his face is sad and indignant. "You see, you see, this Fu-Jin has not retired.
     This outsider has already treated her Wanyan-shi as the hostess of 9th-Prince House-"The words are not finished, it is a huge cough.
     Yin Mama saw it and immediately waved her hand. Tong-Aunt next to him came up with a bowl of warm water, and gently and carefully picked up a spoonful of spoonfuls of spoon to feed warm water into her mouth.
     Tong-Aunt feeds, Yin Mama gently pats the back of Dong-shi to help her.
     After the cough, Dong-shi waved his hand, his face was a little bit intolerant, and the sorrow on his face not only did not spread, but the brow wrinkled even tighter.
     "It's all right with this Fu-Jin." Dong-shi complained, and said: "4th-Sao This is looking down on Fu-Jin, and her Wanyan-shi?"
     Tong-Aunt sighed incomprehensibly, and knew that Dong-shi had started to dig into the horns again. He couldn’t help but look at Yin Mama for a while, hoping she would solve the problem.
     Yin Mama looked at the self-complaining Dong-shi and whispered: "According to the old nubi , 4th Fu-Jin is doing this to apologize."
     "Apologize?" Dong-shi slightly stunned, and some seem to understand that there is any change between Wan-xi and 4th Fu-Jin.
     "Yes. It is said that before Hong-min Little Prince was in 4th-Baylor, 4th Fu-Jin seemed to have done something wronged by Hong-min Little, and then Your Highness punishes 4th Fu-Jin's family. 4th Fu-Jin is under pressure, and this is what happened today.” Yin Mama asked the matter so clearly to prevent Dong-shi from regenerating any strange thoughts.
     When Yin Mama words were finished, Dong-shi sat up fiercely, his eyes were gloomy and fierce, his hands were holding his fists, and he slammed the embroidered bed hard, causing a few muffled sounds on the embroidered bed. It seems very scary.
     Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt next to each other were scared by Dongshi, and she did not expect her to have such a big reaction.
     "Fud, what's wrong with you, you are even angry with your heart, you can't make fun of your body bones!" Yin Mama sees Dong-shi emotions so excited, stunned, back to life Go forward and reach out to help her caress her back.
     Dong-shi gasped heavily, and finally calmed down under the comfort of Yin Mama, but his face was still gloomy and ugly.
     "What happened to this Fu-Jin? This Fu-Jin is sighing the favor of Wanyan-shi. Mama, you see, you see, our Hong-min Little Prince is only a little wronged, the Lord can force 4th-Sao sent people to pay for the crime, if Wanyan-shi was a little wronged, the Lord could not force 4th-Sao to pay for the crime in person!" Dong-shi almost gnashed his teeth and said this again. Cough and stagnation, the pair seems to want to cough up the heart and lungs.
     Yin Mama sees her like this, and it is not good to persuade anything. Even if it is not good to mention Wan-xi, they are afraid to say something and stimulate the sensitive nerves of Dong-shi. She felt a sigh in her heart. 4th Fu-Jin was not a good thing to think deeply. As far as she seems, 4th Fu-Jin is afraid that the person who has Qing yi-Courtyard has a knot, and there will be no good things in the future. It’s a pity that Fu-Jin couldn’t figure it out and refused to listen. She didn’t know what to say.
     Dong-shi looked at Yin Mama suspicious appearance and knew what she was going to say, but she didn't want to listen. She turned over quickly and Dong-shi chose to face everyone. To show your attitude.
     When Yin Mama saw it, she knew that Dong-shi didn't want to say anything more, and she smashed her horns and obediently retreated to the side.
     Dong-shi lay in bed, a messy piece in her head. She stared at her big eyes and stared at the bed, her brows wrinkled, not knowing what to think.
     Dong-shi was ill and spread all over the backyard that afternoon.
     The eyes of Shiqie looked at Qing yi-Courtyard. I wanted to see Wan-xi reaction first.
     "Master, do you want to send a condolence ceremony to the condolences in the past?" Wan-xi lay on Yin-Tang, his hands playing with his big palm, and asked softly, as if asking for advice.
     "If you have a sweet heart, send someone to give a gift in the past." Yin-Tang smiled.
     Wan-xi heard that I still feel good about it. After all, the two sides have not tore their faces. If she has done too much, she is afraid of being overwhelmed.
     However, performance and bowing are two concepts, so... the eyeballs turn slightly, Wan-xi eyes can't help but look at the Yin-Tang next to him.
     The voice is soft and soft: "The man has to send a condolence ceremony." If it is delivered, the gift of the whole body will be sent to the past."
     The meaning of Wan-xi is very clear. She will not bow to Dong-shi. Even if she expresses her own feelings with the crowd, she has to point her own attitude.

     "The Lord may have to send a condolence ceremony to the past. If it is delivered, the whole ceremony will be sent to the past."
     The meaning of Wan-xi is very clear. She will not bow to Dong-shi. Even if she expresses her own feelings with the crowd, she has to point her own attitude.
     “When is the grandfather’s one sent to the past?” Yin-Tang heard her face and looked at her with a funny face.
     Dong-shi point of thought, Yin-Tang is very clear, but does not want to indulge her as before. Some words he said very clearly, he did not think that Wan-xi replaced her Fu-Jin position, and Wan-xi himself did not have any thoughts about the position of Yu Fu-Jin, as long as she kept her duty, she Dong shi can sit firmly in this Fu-Jin position for the rest of his life. On the contrary, without the Wan-xi opening, he can't spare her from the first.
     "Can't you?" Wan-xi took his big hand and his eyes were round and round, so he was dissatisfied with Yin-Tang, and he was squashed. "When you get it, the face of the Lord has always been the biggest. Putting the rituals of the whole body into the past, I think that you can make Fu-Jin pay more attention to it."
     Yin-Tang glared at Wan-xi, stalking herself, and the big palm gently stroked her little face, laughing a few words, seeing her be angry, then nodded.
     “I’m happy now?” Yin-Tang glared at the Lin-Chujiu who left, laughing.
     "Well. Master  is the best, the most distressed." Wan-xi said his mind, to the game of not breaking the river, but to please gather in the Yin-Tang side, massage shoulders, not attentive.
     Yin-Tang turned to look at the Wan-xi on her back, and her eyes were clear and bright, thinking that she still didn't open her heart, and she couldn't help but darken her face.
     “Ye?” Wan-xi saw that he suddenly changed his face. He couldn’t help but react. When he thought about it, he didn’t find himself saying something wrong.
     "Jao-Jao, the Lord has something to ask you, I hope you can tell the truth." Yin-Tang thought about giving Wan-xi more time, but this moment, he suddenly wanted to know.
     The more she cares about her, the more he wants to walk into her heart, the feeling of wanting to occupy all her mind is too strong.
     Wan-xi looked at him with a serious look, could not help but swear, do not understand why he suddenly asked this question, but also a serious face.
     "What do you want to ask?" Wan-xi saw that he was so serious, and he couldn't help but put away the laughing thoughts and asked seriously.
     Yin-Tang See Wan-xi half is confused and half curious, can not help but chest tightness, shortness of breath, he is so obvious, can she still not see it?
     Except for Qing yi-Courtyard, he doesn't go anywhere, and even protects her everything. Isn't it so that she can trust him wholeheartedly?
     "What do you want? What are you afraid of? Or what are you worried about? I hope you can say it, not your own personal silence." Yin-Tang is sinking, tone is harsh, attitude is overbearing Don't give her any chance to refuse, pointing to the center.
     Wan-xi was shocked by his strong attitude. His look changed slightly. He didn't know how he saw it. She thought it was good to hide. Now it seems that she is not hiding well. He did not expose her on the spot.
     "What does this mean?" Wan-xi looked up at Yin-Tang and tried to ease the atmosphere, but he couldn't open his mouth. He could only ask such a sentence dryly.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi unprepared defenses. She only felt headaches. What he wanted was her heart. Her trust was not her defense. However, this little woman is always facing the problem, but he always has no meaning to tell the truth. Since she does not want to say it, he does not want to force her, but it is undeniable that Yin-Tang is very disappointed. Sighing heavily, Yin-Tang got up and walked out, and the words were not spoken.
     Wan-xi looked at the back of Yin-Tang, his eyes were red, and his outstretched hand was in the air. I don’t know how to stay, so I could only look at his back until it disappeared.
     Outside the door, the eyes of Yin-Tang suddenly left, Ting-Bamboo, they are also a servant. When they entered the house, they saw Wan-xi lying on the raft, quietly ecstatic, and could not help but feel anxious.
     "Side-Fujin ......"
     "Nothing, you all go out, I want to be quiet." Wan-xi tone is very calm, so it seems like nothing has happened.
     "Yes." Ting-Bamboo and Ting-Rain looked at each other.
     The two were anxious but had to quit.
     Wan-xi turned slightly and her eyes fell on the plum blossoms not far away. It was her spoiled and let Yin-Tang pick it up for her. It was just a time, but in the days that followed, she didn’t need to mention it. Yin-Tang will take her two picks every day.
     In fact, from the time when she became a Yin-Tang woman again, Wan-xi reminded herself again and again, which Prince Prince would not only have a woman, nor would she only be a woman? And she has a strong utilitarian heart from the beginning, and counts the steps she wants.
     Revenge or grace, step by step, she fought Dong-shi, killed Zhaojia-shi, and even succeeded everyone in Yin-Tang's preference.
     She thought that they would be so straight as they guarded each other's boundaries, until Yin-Tang looked at the other person's moment, but did not want her performance to be so rude, even if it was too late to be seen by him, still not Know yourself.
     Wan-xi didn't want to investigate when he saw his own. She only knows that she can't be honest with some things. Yin-Tang's move was to remind her that she was still warning her. Wan-xi would not know, but she could clearly feel his disappointment.
     In the study, Yin-Tang leaned on the back of the chair, and the whole person was covered in shadows. He held a copy of the book in his hand, and his eyes stayed on it for a long time.
     There was no action at half an hour.
     For a long time, he sighed and threw his hand on the desk. He suddenly remembered his original plan. He originally planned to come slowly. When she was willing to unload the atrium, she would know that today is an impulse. It is to make the atmosphere of the original harmony between them become very incomparable.
     It’s good now, but I didn’t ask it, but forced her too tightly. I don’t know how she is doing now? Make a gesture for the dark guard to check, Yin-Tang took the fold on the table and continued to look at it with confidence.
     In the main courtyard, Yin Mama is looking at the gifts from each Courtyard, and the eyes are on the things that were sent from Qing yi-Courtyard with Your Highness, and they immediately called the rouge to separate them. .
     Dong-shi can be irritated at the moment, especially with regard to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     Today's Wanyan Side-Fujin is not a small role in the past. Now she has already stood firm and can't move, otherwise it is no different from burning a fire.
     "Mama, just now Your Highness rushed out from Qing yi-Courtyard, with anger, thinking that there should be a conflict with Wanyan Side-Fujin." Pearl face rushed in, between words Still a little excited.
     Also, how can a nubi not want to be good with Your Highness, after all, only Your Highness is good, they can live better.
     Before Wan-xi was not in the government, Dong-shi was not favored, so he had the power to be in the hand. In the backyard, all the pets that were favored were pinched in her hand. At that time, don't say Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt.
     They are the roughs of the main courtyard and the errands.
     They are also looked at two points. Unlike the present, watching the scenery, there is actually only one empty shell. child.
     “What nonsense!” Yin Mama replied with a pearl sentence and looked at the inside of the room. Seeing that there was no movement, it took the pearl to whisper: “This matter is not clear before I know it. Don't show your face in front of Fu-Jin, just misunderstand and carefully look at your skin."
     The pearl reacted and spit out the tongue. Watching Yin Mama carefully: "Mama is assured that the nubi will be careful to find out."
     Yin Mama nodded and lowered her voice: "Check it, but be careful, don't overdo it, otherwise don't say that this old Pozi, Fu-Jin, will not be able to keep you."
     The focus of the pearl is the big Maid of Dong-shi.
     There is still a certain knowledge. After Wan-xi entered the government, no one is more clear than the change in the main courtyard.
     “Mama is assured that nubi will be careful.”
     In fact, not only pearls, but the women in the entire backyard know that Yin-Tang is angry with Qing yi-Courtyard, although they all know that Wan-xi will not fall out of favor because of this incident, but there is no broth. It is a point to be able to divide points.
     However, Yin-Tang did not give these people a chance. Although lunch was not used in Qing yi-Courtyard, Yin-Tang stayed in the study room for official duties in the afternoon, but he was habitually used during dinner. Lin-Chujiu went to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, Gao Mama, who was anxious to turn around, saw Yin-Tang coming over, and they all greeted each other with surprise.
     “Side-Fujin?” Yin-Tang came over and squatted around the door with a bunch of people, and asked a sentence.
     "If you return to Your Highness, Side-Fujin will leave himself alone in the room after he has been playing Your Highness. No one will let it go." Gao Mama looked worried.
     “Noisy!” Yin-Tang whispered aloud, crossed Gao Mama and others, and pushed straight into the door, and saw Wan-xi lying on the raft and holding his legs and huddled together. Yin-Tang is both distressed and annoyed. If he is really angry, she will not come together to spoil. Was it not very smart in the past? How come to the crucial moment, do stupid. In the first two steps, the little woman who reached out to shrink into a group was hugged into her arms and yelled: "How do you know that you don't listen when you talk on most days, but this time you are obedient."
     "Ye?" Wan-xi heard the voice of Yin-Tang, his face looked up in amazement, with a heavy nasal sound in his voice, and he heard that he was crying.
     Yin-Tang looked at his eyes red and swollen, his red lips were broken, and even the lips with blood beads, angrily said: "You are angry with the Lord?"
     Wan-xi looked at his face and blamed his appearance, tears unconsciously fell again. "Isn't he gone? How come back?"
     "You..." Yin-Tang saw her pouting, just wanted to vent and blame, her eyes fell on her little face full of tears, and she stopped talking.
     "How is it all? Who can still have two secrets, can you guarantee that you have no secrets?" Wan-xi grinned, but his heart felt extremely guilty.
     There is only one secret in her heart that can never be said that is to repay the corpse, even if the body is still her own, but this kind of thing is too sultry Ting-Wen, it is difficult to insult the other party.
     Some things are not as good as a few things. As for others, she does not want to say, but really does not know what to say.
     Yin-Tang glared at her like this, but she didn't want to continue any more, but there was a knot in the heart. It didn't solve the problem every day, and he was not comfortable for a day.
     "Golden Jiao means to want to exchange secrets with the Lord?" Yin-Tang heard, some laugh and laugh.
     "This way everyone will not suffer." Wan-xi is simply trying to give himself a probation.
     Yin-Tang looked at her guilty face and knew that it was too tight to force her.
     Then she revealed the matter and thought about giving her some more time, waiting for her to figure it out.
     Gao Mama They saw Yin-Tang and Wan-xi reconciled, and they were relieved, especially in Qing yi-Courtyard. Today, this is really frightening them.
     But what everyone doesn't know is that the problem between Yin-Tang and Wan-xi has not been solved.
     The problem is only temporarily suppressed. If it is not solved, it will definitely cause more waves.
     The other people in the backyard saw Yin-Tang went to Qing yi-Courtyard when they arrived at dinner, and they could not help but smother the silk.
     Wan-xi didn't know this. After two days of recuperation, Wan-xi, who had a good spirit, still had some concerns, but Yin-Tang was always like herself. She felt that it was so straight. Anyway, it seems that it is a way to walk into the other's heart, but she is not sure whether this relationship will last forever.

     Near the year, the various rumors about Yu-8th Fu-Jin have become more and more fierce.
     They were originally aimed at the 8th-Prince House backyard. Now it has been fermented to various aspects.
      8th Fu-Jin is well known for being overbearing.
     There are also many people who have offended. Because of her identity as 8th Fu-Jin, even if she is dissatisfied, it is only privately transmitted.
     This time, the rumors about 8th Fu-Jin came out. At the beginning, there were still people who were scrupulous.
     There was no movement in the palace. Many people were courageous, and there were more followers.
     Things naturally became more and more troublesome.
     I spent a lot of effort to check these things, but the darker the face was, the more he looked down. He thought that he was not the kind of pedantic person. He was tolerant of Yu Fu-Jin, otherwise he would not allow 8th Fu-Jin to handle the house. At the same time, he also participated in his political affairs. Even though 8th Fu-Jin is not the most satisfied Di Fu-Jin candidate in his heart, it is undeniable that he is the best choice for his Di Fu-Jin.
     This time the event came too suddenly, and the development of the incident was somewhat unexpected. I thought that in the communication, 8th Fu-Jin can do a good job. Now it seems that it’s just superficial, but it’s offensive in private. people.
     These are not the most important, the most important thing is that behind this incident he also found the shadow of Yin-Tang.
     Every time I want to think of the inseparable Brother in the past, I have become a stranger, even an opponent, an enemy, and I feel inexplicable. I feel that I will feel sorry for the change of the line, but I have not regretted the decision he made. After all, this is the biggest obsession in his heart. He can't give up for Yin-Tang, and he can't give up for 8th Fu-Jin, so even if he Miss it, he will go straight.
     It’s just that this is a bit of a hassle. It’s going to the palace feast in a few days. It’s no problem that these ups and downs are only passed outside, but if you pass it into the palace, or pass it to Kangxi ear, It’s not the same.
     At present, in front of Kangxi, he is mixed up with a few faces. He does not want to lose money because of this kind of thing. He directly posted a message to Yin-Tang and asked him to come out and talk. Even if this move can't solve this problem in one fell swoop, as long as Yin-Tang stops and does not push the waves, he will not worry about it.
     Yin-Tang doesn't know this. He is busy with the things in the house at this time. Because Dong-shi is sick in bed, it is still close to the year. At this time, the backyard needs a person who presides over the big picture. Originally, Yin-Tang is considerate of Dong-shi. If she wants to take good care of her illness, she is ready to hand over everything from the backyard to the reluctant Wan-xi. Who knows that he hasn't opened his mouth yet, Dong-shi is called I am sick.
     Yin-Tang looks at the pale face of Dong-shi, the thin figure, and what I don't understand.
     If he said that he still had some pity for Dong-shi because of the relationship of '1st Jiji', now, looking at the disease, Dong-shi, Yin-Tang, who is still holding on to this power. In the heart, the only remaining pity for Dong-shi disappeared, replaced by a deep sense of disgust.
     Dong-shi took the opportunity to take over this big event, one is to prevent Wan-xi from stealing his position, and the other is to show Yin-Tang with strength, this backyard can really pick up This cut-off person only her Dong-shi, Wan-xi is not a suitable family.
     Unfortunately, Dong-shi thinks well, but the reality is often cruel. She thinks that what she is doing is to prove herself. I don’t know if her hard work has not only made Yin-Tang feel good about her.
     There is also a sense of disgust, and as a result, she does not know if she knows if she wants to vomit blood.
     Wan-xi did not have any opinion on this. She had previously said that the remaining little power of the backyard was not rare. Unfortunately, her re-statement did not have a gift from 4th Fu-Jin to prove her ambition. '.
     On this day, with this dinner, Wan-xi played a new game with Yin-Tang and played a game of chess. When I packed up the good things, I saw Yin-Tang holding a post and watching. Ask a question: "What is Lord looking at?"
     "8th Prince sent people a post, I thought I found something." Yin-Tang sneered, not at all in mind.
     Depending on his current strength, he would not be able to do it, but he left a clue to him.
     He just wants to let him know that he loves Xinjue Luo? Yin-Tang is not a good bully. Sitting and waiting for it is not his way of acting. Since he is courageous, he has the courage to bear his revenge.
     "What does that 8th-Prince mean?" Wan-xi eyes turned slightly, and his face asked curiously.
     "What can it mean? It is not just an excuse to take the excuses of the past, let the Lord take over." Yin-Tang and Dang, who have been Brother for so many years, still can't understand his thoughts.
     It is understandable to say that you want to pay for the emperor, and that you will eventually get a cut. Now, the embarrassing request is that he wants Yin-Tang to pay a cut for his emperor, even if their husband and ‘Madam are looking for someone to vent their anger, they can't wait for him to bear it. What is this?
     I really don’t know how long I am, and I take myself seriously.
     "What is the idea of ​​that man?" Wan-xi does not want Yin-Tang to be involved with 8th-Prince, but knowing the result does not mean understanding the current situation, so I finally see Yin-Tang myself.
     "This banquet is definitely going to go. As for the failure to accept the hand, you have to look at the mood of the Lord." Yin-Tang smiled, but his eyes were full of ice cold.
     Wan-xi mouth smiled, but my heart did not consciously breathe, she was not afraid of Yin-Tang and 8th-Prince they turned their eyes, fearing that they would rehabilitate old.
     Two days later, in the restaurant box under the name of Yin-Tang, Yin-Tang, who was pleased to go to the appointment, was once again in the same room and sitting at the same table. Both of them had a plausible illusion.
     "9th Prince, don't come innocent." Seeing Yin-Tang came over and couldn't help but get up.
     "8th Prince, it's the innocent." Yin-Tang has something in his words, his expression is slightly awkward, completely ignoring the gentle and harmless smile.
     The face of theervant was slightly stiff, and it seemed that I didn’t think that Yin-Tang, who was the leader of the past, was so good that he didn’t want to give it to him today.
     "9th Prince, it was 8th Prince, it was wrong, 8th Prince admitted, but the 8th Prince was not against you..."
     "Stop." Yin-Tang sees the old story again and can't help but interrupt his explanation: "8th Prince, if you ask your brother to come to say this, let's just say this, if it's something else, you have to Look at her situation and plan again."
     Yin-Tang's attitude is very clear. He doesn't want to talk to his parents, and he doesn't want to discuss with him what his past feelings are. What he wants now is his attitude whether he wants to be safe or want to be tit-for-tat.
     Seeing that Yin-Tang’s attitude is so tough, I know that this knot is already inextricable. I sighed a long time. After sitting down with Yin-Tang, he said: “Okay, 9th Prince Since the younger brother doesn't want to do something in advance, then let's talk about the present!"
     Yin-Tang heard the words, extended his right hand, made a 'please' gesture, waiting for him to speak.
     "9th Prince, you 8th-Sao is an impulsive person. I will do those things before, all because I didn't make it clear, she will misunderstand you and the 10th Brother, and continue to cause this situation. He said, looking at Yin-Tang's eyes, his voice concealed: "Now I have made clear things to her, and I want to take the opportunity to solve this misunderstanding with the 9th Prince."
     "Oh, is this?" Yin-Tang does not admit or deny it, and his attitude is slightly embarrassing, but the meaning contained in it is very clear. "That 8th Prince knows that Guo Luo is doing in the palace." What happened, or who did she work with Defei to calculate?"
     "This..."        ,
     Although I am so timid, I dare not trust him. If Yin-Tang and Yin-Er are still there, why bother to do so is a mistake.
     Yin-Tang, despite the annoyance of Yu-8th Fu-Jin, did not want to come to life.
     The situation is getting more and more tense at the moment, and he does not want to be confronted with this at this time, otherwise he will not go to this appointment.
     "Well, since the 8th Prince is open, how can the younger brother not give you this face, but if there is any change, 8th Prince will not blame the younger brother for doing things without feelings." Yin-Tang flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.
     The whole person is ready to go and looks dangerous.
     I feel inexplicable, but I can only nod my head. After all, as far as he is in control, he must guard against 1st-Prince, the Crown Prince, etc., and add a Yin-Tang, he does not think I still have a chance to win.
     From the restaurant, I looked at the back of Yin-Tang, and my heart was filled with emotion. Today, Yin-Tang has been re-used by Kangxi, and there is real power in the household. It is said that the parties can’t be overwhelmed.
     This is really a good offense.
     Yin-Tang doesn't care about the thoughts in his heart. If he is interested, he will not push for it at most. As for finishing things, if you can't do it, don't blame him. After all, you can't lose. It’s someone else!
     Every day, every day, the end of the year, at the end of the year, a little preparation, Yin-Tang took Dong-shi and Wan-xi and a dry child into the palace to participate in the palace feast.
     Compared with the enthusiasm of Dong-shi, Wan-xi seems to have some lack of interest. When attending the palace feast, Wan-xi looked at the ice-cold food on the table and was no longer interested. But on this occasion, she is not sure about this Side-Fujin, but Hong-min they have to arrive, even for the son, Wan-xi has to follow.
     At the palace feast, each 1st-Prince, the patriarchal emperor, the favored minister, will appear here, from the greetings and conversations between each other, not only to see the relationship and faction between each other.
      1st-Prince and the Crown Prince did not deal with it, the Crown Prince and others did not deal with it, but the face had to pretend to be a deputy and awkward look, the scene looked at peace, but in fact, the sword, the lightning, the thunder, watching The most harmonious is probably the relationship between the neutral ministers!
     Wan-xi sat on the side and thought that according to Yin-Tang, regardless of the temper, no one had a good hand, but the result was beyond her expectation, except the Crown Prince, 1st-Prince, 3rd-Prince, 4th-Prince and 8th-Prince, and the ancestral royal family and ministers who greet Yin-Tang are really sincere.
     It seems that neutrality is more popular at some point than the safety of a clear faction.
      8th Fu-Jin looks at Yin-Tang, who is long-sleeved and is very complex. She now has the heart to draw on the relationship between them. Unfortunately, Yifei or Yin-Tang is all because of her various actions. She is dead.
     "Table-Brother, can we talk about it? I really don't know how many misunderstandings there are." 8th Fu-Jin still blocked the Yin-Tang road and asked softly.
     "8th Fu-Jin, Yeh, don't think there is a need for us to talk about it." Yin-Tang's face looks like a slap in the face, obviously does not intend to have any relationship with 8th Fu-Jin.
      8th Fu-Jin looked at the faint coldness in Yin-Tang's eyes, and felt inexplicably that something important disappeared completely at this moment.
     "I know what you say and you don't want to hear, but this news is what I want you to be." 8th Fu-Jin thought about what he said before, biting his teeth and said.
     Yin-Tang raised her eyebrows, her eyes on her face, saw her face stubborn, and then thought about Defei private actions, Shen Shen said for a moment: "Let's talk!"
     "Defei set the goal, Wanyan-shi and Hong-min. One of them." With a slap in the face, 8th Fu-Jin still said the news.


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