Chongqie Courting Death Daily 220

  Novels   »   Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »   Chapter 220 : Demotion

     When Defei got the news, he didn't panic. After all, according to the style of the past, as long as it was promised, it would be done without any whispers. Now that he has promised, Kangxi has called her only to let this matter come to an end.
     Kangxi bottom line is Zizi, Defei has always been clear, which is why she can not accommodate Zhang Jiashi, but also watched Yu-Xiang, they were born, but Defei forgot to be Kangxi son, even because of Tong-Queen's relationship was quite eye-catching. It was only a few minutes before Defei was made by her, but she forgot that Kangxi connivance for her was not unlimited.
     Defei was called by Kangxi, and she did not wait for her to go to the Qing Palace. After Kangxi returned from the outside of the Sai, the palace was full of wind and tension, and the crown Prince was abandoned.
     The people in the palace were so eager to move that Defei was suddenly called, and everyone was easily alarmed. .
     Defei didn't know this. When she sat in the car and went to the Qing Palace, she went to the temple and saw Kangxi face sitting securely on the top, while he waited for the eyebrows to stand next to him. It’s a big mistake.
     The eyes that face my face are always expressionless, and the face is changed. Defei heart is called a comfortable! It may be that my heart is comfortable. Instead, she ignores the Yin-Tang and others who are next to me. She does not even notice how cold Kangxi looks at him.
     "Chen Yuhuang, please, Ann, Wanfu Jinan." Defei smirked at the corner of his mouth, gracefully rushing to Kangxi.
     Kangxi glared at Defei face-faced expression, and the originally relaxed expression became gloomy again, and the look of squinting was more obvious.
     Defei squatted, but because of a straight posture, the thin sweat appeared on the forehead, and the original graceful posture became somewhat stiff. Defei was puzzled in his heart, and when he looked up, he touched the chill of Kangxi eyes, and his heart became a little uncomfortable.

     "Defei, Sakamoto thought that after such a kind of thing, you should put awkward warnings in your heart. Now it seems that you have not only not intensified. You really think that you will hinder the fourth and old 14th-I will not dare to treat you. What?” Kangxi violently interrupted her words, and the kind of disgust that even her voice didn’t want to hear made people feel trembled.
     Kangxi voice just fell, and the expression on Defei face became a bit ugly. Obviously, Defei didn't think that Kangxi had called her over to settle the bill, not to mention the previous things.
     The legs were soft and Defei couldn't help but fall to the ground. Compared to before, it seems that there is no time left, but the scene of being sinned is similar.
     "The emperor, the body is just a virgin, and there is no intention, but also the emperor to see." Defei sees Kangxi so violently angry look, flustered, can not help but soften the tone, faintly asking for mercy.
      seems to be pleasing to the eye, in fact, the corner of his eyes, paying attention to Defei move, seeing her asking for mercy while Kangxi, unconsciously licking him a few eye knives, licking this heart It was colder, and the disappointing expression of the predecessor seemed to be more obvious.
     Kangxi sat on the top and took a cut into the eye. It was even more annoying to Defei actions. In front of his face, he dares to make it difficult again and again. In private, he is afraid that he will not stay in the half. Kangxi brain made up a lot of Defei harsh images, although they are not the same, but they are even worse.
     "The protector is heart-warming? Defei, you tell me, the fourth child is your son?" Kangxi looked at Defei face flashing a silk, and his face could not help but reveal a sneer, cold, and Calling. Continued: "The son who is Calling at you is dead, it is best to leave only the old 14th-you will have to pay what you want."
     "Chen Chen did not dare." Defei looked at the appearance of the deputy rain on Kangxi face. Although he thought so, his face was a sincere and fearful look.
     "Don't dare? You dare to be very embarrassed, and challenge the bottom line again and again, just right, this time you did all that didn't do, and you want to see what you can do." To the point, it’s on the spot to kill the fourth, or to kill your life on the spot!” Kangxi face was stunned with a smile of irony, his eyes narrowed to Defei, and even the murder of a savage person.
     Defei was originally prepared to show her mother's heart. By the way, I confirmed that the next thing was over. Who knows that this good show didn't start. She thought that the thing of the dome was not over, but the fire burned on her. .
     At the moment, I went up and down in the Qing Palace, from Your Highness to the nubi s, all eyes wide open and waiting to see Defei unlucky. After all, like her so tossing people, this harem is quite a lot, but not as much as she can toss and Can do it in the dead.
     "The emperor forgives sins, and the courtiers never thought about it.
     They also asked the emperor to learn." In the face of Kangxi indiscriminate bombing, Defei was also a shocked jump, which was completely different from what she expected.
     When I saw Kangxi anger, I vented it almost. I couldn’t help but step forward.
     The face was sincere and the tone was sincere: “Imperial Father, the mother-in-law is just too worried about 14th-brother, and please understand the Imperial Father.”
     "Ask for understanding?" Kangxi sneered aloud, looking at the gaze of his eyes slightly soft, but when he looked at Defei, it looked cold and abnormal. "The fourth child, you have asked Defei, she has forgiven you, understanding What?”
     Everyone eyes were unconsciously cast on Defei body. When the expression on his face was necessary, it was obvious that Defei was not seen.
     "The emperor, even if the courtiers are bias, they never thought about the disadvantage of the emperor." The implication is that she admits her biasity, but does not admit that she has targeted Kangxi.
     Everyone has an unusual look, and there is a faint sorrow in his face. It is obviously so eloquent to do so. It is obviously the generation of the machine.
     Kangxi looked at Defei coldly. If he used to be a Master, he would stop it, but now he is no longer condoning Defei.
     The grievances of the fourth, the old 14th-the singer, each of them is related to Defei, he can not let the sons centrifuge, and can not let the old 14th-the ambition.
     The struggle between several sons has their own reasons, and there are also Kangxi pushes, but they are all just for balance, not for letting them achieve their own self-interest. At the moment, the Crown Prince is abolished, 1st-Prince is Calling, and the movements of the third and the old eight are not small, but they at least dare to stand up, not like the old 14th-that always hides Behind others, waiting for you to be cheap.
     "I never thought about it! Defei, I don't have the patience and the old feelings, but this is not the reason for your madness. I have warned you before, but you didn't take your words, even You and the old 14th-when doing something wrong, forcing the fourth to come out to sin, do you think you are blind?" Kangxi looked at her death and repentance, and the last silk in his heart hesitated.
     Kangxi tone was very high, and the whole hall was silent, so at this moment he questioned Defei words so that everyone could hear it clearly. Whether it is Defei himself or the rest of the temple, the heart beats because of Kangxi words.
     This is Kangxi shackles of treating the harem with such a tough attitude. In the past, in the aftermath of the palace, Kangxi conveyed his meaning through the Empress Dowager or Tong-Guifei, instead of being as straightforward as it is now. Express your thoughts.
     "Li Dequan, Chuanzhi will, Defei does not follow the Holy Spirit, and is deliberate, and is now reduced to Defei ." Kangxi glared at Defei, a word like a squeeze out of his teeth.
     "The Emperor-" Defei looked up and stared at Kangxi cold eyes. He couldn't help but soften his body.
     The whole person sat on the ground and couldn't believe that Kangxi would be like this to her.
     He and others are also a look of suspicious expression.
     They want to use this to break the shackles between Defei  and Defei. Who knows that Kangxi is straightforward, and they don’t wait for them to make things big, they just press it down. People don't know if it's a sorrow.
     "Li Dequan, immediately announced the purpose. Also send the palace rules to Yonghe Palace, let Defei  look good."
     "The nubi follow the rules."
      and Yin-Tang, their expressions are not very good-looking, Defei is down, it is not good for them, but in the current situation, it is an improvement, after all, if you really remember in Tong Under the name of Queen, that is the target of the nail. Even so, the rice has to eat a bite, the road has to walk step by step, first to rule Defei, no, it is Defei , the rest of the storm, and then make plans.
     "Imperial Father is angry, it is the filial piety of the children, so that the Imperial Father is worried." The first two steps, squatting in the middle, the whole person looks extremely embarrassed.
     Kangxi looked up and saw that he was full of embarrassed eyes. At this time, the purple light was full of sorrow, pain and unwillingness.
     The thick and complicated emotions made Kangxi know that this son is really embarrassed.
     Perhaps in the past, Kangxi heart still had some regrets, but at this moment, Kangxi regrets disappeared because of his worries, and even felt that he might stand up earlier.
     He has an old love for Defei . Is there no father or son for the fourth son?
     "De-yi remember what you said, don't worry about the son's idea, no matter who you care for, you have to remember, you are the son of you, you can fight, you can be jealous, but you can't allow you to be harsh. "Kangxi glared at Dessie for a long time and couldn't return to God. He sneered. "Let's go, let's go back! Don't let you see you again in a short time."
     Li Dequan squatted on the devil who was still sitting on the ground, immediately recruited two palace ladies, and dragged Defei out, so as to avoid the behavior of Defei  and the anger of Kangxi.
     When he saw Kangxi tired face, he looked at his eyes and then persuaded him: “Imperial Father, please take care of the dragon.”
     Kangxi looked at the worries of several sons, and his heart was a lot of anger, his face was also eased a lot. "Okay, he has his own size."
     Hey, they have the heart to dig the pits, but they never thought about making a joke on Kangxi body. It’s awkward. Several people saw Kangxi face easing, and they couldn’t help but let Kangxi shift his attention until Kangxi mood was slightly better.
     This is the only way for people to withdraw from the Qing government.

     After Defei was taken out of the Qing Palace by two palace ladies, she did not immediately return to Yonghe Palace. At this time, she was all embarrassed, and she did not seem to return to God from the blow of the downgrade.
     An Mama stood by, looked ugly, and my heart was vomiting. If it was honest, maybe the emperor would be too busy to forget things, but Defei, no, it was Defei  who took the initiative. Together, a deputy is afraid that the emperor will not forget her appearance. It is really not typical to die without dying.
      Yin-Tang After they came out of the temple, they did not expect that the De-yi who had stepped out of them had not left yet.
     The whole person looked like a face, as if he had not returned. At this point, I saw them coming out. At first, the De-yi didn’t even give them a look.
     The ones directly ignored the people. When the people waited for the ceremony, she seemed to suddenly return to God. His eyes looked cold and Calling, and he Called and said: "There is nothing more than a failure!"
     Defei  returned to God. As long as she thought she was reduced from Defei to Defei , she felt that the whole person was not good. God knows how much she has paid for this road. Don't look at her as if she had climbed better than others, but in fact, she lost the life of the sixth, and she was able to squeeze into the four.
     On the surface, Kangxi loves him. In fact, Kangxi is better than anyone else. Otherwise, Tong-shi did not become the Queen until he died. It is not because Kangxi most important thing is that he only has himself. Otherwise, how can he watch the ill-healthy Tong-shi dragging the day. And she took the time to go to this step, and finally it was a trick, and was counted by several Huangkou children. Now that I have reached this step, it is equivalent to completely tearing my face.
     The last thing she wants to see at the moment is to marry them.
     "Hey! It’s not enough to make things happen. It’s also aimed at some people like the snakes and the sinful people." The jealousy              I immediately refute it.
     The De-yi who was blocked was suddenly speechless. Her heart is like a snake, she is hypocritical, but what about it? At the beginning, I promised that it is still not her fault or her fault. Defei ’s face stunned a few people eyes and turned away. She was afraid that she would wait for more moments, and she would rush to go and tear them away.
     Yin-Tang looked at Desheng, who had left in a hurry, and his mouth smirked with a slight disdain. "4th Prince, some things can be soft, but some things can't."
     He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. As soon as he decided to refuse the cut, he should think that Defei  would not give him any good looks. Also, even if he does not do this, he will not get any good looks. After all, he will never be a good son in Dexin’s heart.
     "9th Prince, rest assured, when I decided to reject this cut, I thought that there would be this scene today."
     "4th Prince can understand." Yin-Tang saw that he had no soft heart, which was a relief.
     The road went out, the 4th Brother were not talking, and they knew in their hearts that Kangxi decree would have no room for change.
     Sure enough, Yin-Tang did not leave the palace yet.
     The news that Defei was reduced to Defei  was spread all over the corner of the harem. All the people were shocked by the horror of the face. It seemed that they were caught off guard by Kangxi sudden move.
     If in the past, according to these women temper, catching such an opportunity, it will certainly not let go of Defei, which they see as the eye of the nail, no, it is Defei . But now, the Crown Prince, the De-yi or the De-yi have been abandoned, and everyone is really happy, but more is worried, all kinds of concerns about their situation.
     The Crown Prince and the former Defei are the proud people in front of Kangxi.
     They used to say a word more than others to talk about, but now both of them are unlucky. What does this mean? It shows that Kangxi anger is not over time, but on the contrary, it burns more and more, and does not know who will burn next.
     Yin-Tang, after they left the palace, they did not gather together again, but they split up directly at the gate of the palace, because they knew in their hearts that although the previous thing was successful, they could accidentally put the fire on the body. Lead to yourself.
     Qing yi-Courtyard, not waiting for Yin-Tang to return home, Wan-xi got the news that Defei was reduced to Defei , when Wan-xi really wanted to laugh three times.
     The world does not know that there is cause and effect, and who has caused it. Once upon a time, the high-ranking Defei  Niang-Niang, but arbitrarily dominated and determined the life and death of others, but now, when her own destiny is manipulated by others, she should not feel so good now!
     "What do you want? So invest?" Yin-Tang came in and watched Wan-xi sitting on the squat with one hand holding the lower jaw, and his face was thoughtful, and he couldn't help but take the first two steps and took the person. Asked in my arms.
     Wan-xi was frightened by Yin-Tang's move. When he returned to God's familiar eyes, he couldn't help but sigh: "Before you come back, you will hear the news and say that it is the emperor." Defei Niang-Niang's position is now Defei  Niang-Niang."
     Yin-Tang nodded and told the truth: "It is true."
     Wan-xi sat up straight and took the neck of Yin-Tang with both hands. I was very happy to say: "Is the plan of the Lord working?"
     "Yes. Defei  disregards the flesh and blood, wants 4th Prince to replace the old 14th-and her black pot, and it is natural to assume that 4th Prince loss of life is also his blessing, shameless. Of course, it is because of this, It made 4th Prince make up his mind." I laughed and said, Yin-Tang felt that this day was a cycle of retribution, not retribution, not just not reporting, but the time has not arrived, now is the time, Defei  mother and child will be unlucky.
     Wan-xi sighed a little, and said a word with helplessness: "Sometimes I suspect that this 4th-Prince is the son of Defei  Niang-Niang, how can he be so heartbroken."
     "Der is not a jealousy. She is just a slap in the face. She is self-righteous. In fact, she is self-reliant. 4th Prince, old 14th-in fact, it is only for her to Defei.
     The tool that climbed up.
     The reason why 4th Prince and the old 14th-will be treated differently, but because 4th Prince verified her humble first half of life, and the old 14th-verified all the glory after her seal, and then Plus 4th Prince and a foster mother who had been her Your Highness, who do you say she would be biased?” Yin-Tang held her soft boneless hand and played it fine, but the tone was full of disdain and disdain.
     He didn't want to evaluate whether Defei  actions should be inappropriate or inappropriate. He only knows that all of the cuts, the most innocent is 4th Prince, because whether he is leaving or staying, he is the one who has no choice. people. And from the growth to the present, he looked at the scenery on the surface, lost the foster mother in the middle and was abandoned by the mother. Such sadness is not a party, it is difficult to understand the sadness of it, and few people really care about it. If it wasn't for the last time they were drunk, and spit out the truth after drinking, Yin-Tang would never know that there seemed to be so many things in the heart of the seemingly cold heart.
     "I don't understand De Niang-Niang's considerations and plans. I only know that my child is hurting because you don't feel bad about him or her. I also hope that whoever is distressed is the meat that falls from me. "Wan-xi tone turned, and I couldn't help but reveal a bit of sad look."

     "I don't understand De Niang-Niang's considerations and plans. I only know that my child is hurting because you don't feel bad about him or her. I also hope that whoever is distressed is the meat that falls from me. "Wan-xi tone turned, and I couldn't help but reveal a bit of sad look."
     Yin-Tang was shocked.
     The hand holding Wan-xi was unconsciously tightened, and the look on his face slowly became stiff.
     The two looked at each other, and Yin-Tang had a sense of foresight and confrontation.
     "Jao-Jao, my grandfather suddenly understood. Why is 4th Prince always cold and not good at words?" Yin-Tang closes his lips, his eyes are annoyed and remorseful.
     Once he only saw how his good 8th Prince struggled to survive in the harem, for the mother to bear the low-key, for the Brother to go straight, to be affectionate, admirable, but forgot to really want to maintain the individual, it is worthwhile Not a few words on the verbal.
     Think about 4th Prince again, except that they always study hard and they are struggling because of the dog’s affairs. Actually, there is really nothing between them. It’s really a contradiction. It’s just because 4th Prince is standing at the Crown. Behind Prince, and he stood behind him, both of them were opposite, causing conflict. In fact, in addition to urging them to learn, 4th Prince has never done anything to hurt them.
     What kind of people will be born with indifference?
     No one will be born with indifference, only those who are forced to disguise themselves with indifference.
     "Ye. 4th-Prince is actually not easy.
     The rules of the royal family are not all that can be set aside, but the law is nothing more than human feelings. Whether the mother and the son are still willing or not willing to pay, the most important thing is What? But I know that if my child is taken away, it is not the fault of the child. It is strange to blame myself for being incompetent. And Defei, no, it is Deyang Niang-Niang but has pushed all the responsibilities to 4th Prince, in her opinion, 4th-Prince is not her son, but her humble past." Wan-xi never knows that when a woman reaches the extreme, she is not even as good as a beast, and her poison is not eating. Son!
     Wan-xi tried to control her emotions, thinking about 4th-Prince, she couldn't help but think of her own life, thorns everywhere, but had to go forward, even if it was deep scars, it could not fall into a Tears come. Although she is alive and happy in this world, she only thinks that after her death in the last life, her child may live more difficult than 4th-Prince. She feels that her nose is sore and her throat is blocked. Zhang mouth can't make a little sound, only whining.
     Yin-Tang saw her appearance and felt uncomfortable in her heart. Wan-xi has always been cheerful in front of him, comfortable, like the sun, people feel warm and enthusiastic. At the moment, she did not speak the tears first, and the facts are the same, because she only wants to think about the things of the last life, it is a difficult 4th-Prince incomparable sympathy.
     The feelings of fostering mothers, the grace of mothers, and the fathers who want to be harmonious but never willing to be his first, theervants caught in the middle not only have to endure themselves, but also have to let their wives and children follow. If it is just forbearance, the key is that the mother also wants him and his ‘Madam and children from time to time, which makes him good.
     "Jao-Jao, Mo cry." Yin-Tang held her tears, and the thumb gently wiped the tears on her cheeks.
     The words were soft and with a trace of doubt. "Jao-Jao, why is it so sad?"
     Although he will also confuse the 4th Prince, he even thought that he would solve the current troubles, but he did not understand why she was so communicative with 4th Prince.
     "Because 4th-Prince, I thought of myself, if I don't care about it, or if I am still a little Shiqie, then the child can be more than 4th-Prince. It's not as good as it is." Wan-xi didn't want to give Dong-shi eye drops at this time, but according to Dong-shi temper, she couldn't let go of her.
     "A fool! There is a grandfather who is letting her go." Yin-Tang thought about Dong-shi doing those things, and I was extremely disliked. A person who was slow to his daughter could still be good for other children. Where to go.
     After this incident, and then the anxiety of Wan-xi, Yin-Tang knows that he can no longer continue to indulge in Dong-shi, otherwise no one can guarantee that she will not make any big trouble next time.
     Wan-xi lightly frowned, and because of the previous incident, she couldn't help but think of the weak '1st Jiji'. Regardless of how Dong-shi treats her, Dong-shi is her mother, if Yin-Tang disposes of Dong-shi, leaving her a life, if it is dead, '1st Jiji' can understand Still, if you can't, or if you find a chance to provoke, you are afraid of endless troubles.
     "Master, Fu-Jin is the '1st Jiji' in the end, the disposal is too scared to leave '1st Jiji' in my heart..." Wan-xi thought about it carefully, just let Yin-Tang give it to the opening Interrupted.
     "Golden, some things are not grandeur, but some people do not understand the score." Yin-Tang is not upset, obviously the tolerance for Dong-shi has already reached the limit, but she has not moved It is because the timing is wrong, and there is no so-called love for her.
     Originally seen in the face of '1st Jiji' and Dong family, Yin-Tang did not want to do anything, but unfortunately Dong-shi did not know how to be serious, and did not know how to advance and retreat, and challenged his limit arbitrarily. A lot of love, now she has been exhausted by her.
     "Since the grandmother has made a decision, I will stop talking about it. I know that I am uncomfortable, and the situation is getting more and more tense. If Fu-Jin is only aiming at the whole body, if it is used, I am afraid Unnecessary influence on the Lord." Wan-xi sighed a little, and the tone seemed helpless.
     Dong-shi is spoiled, self-willed, selfish, and thinking about himself. It is impossible to take into account the overall situation. Otherwise, I really understand people, and I will not meet with 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin at this time. It’s so sudden and high-profile. If you look at it, you will know that there is a problem. If you don’t say it, it’s just because the situation is too tight and you can’t take it.
     Yin-Tang has been handed over to Yu and Yu.
     The relationship between the three people makes people feel intriguing.
     The overall situation should be avoided. After all, Yin-Tang has left the Eighth Party and 4th The relationship between Prince is obviously not suitable for the political affairs. Now Dong-shi has no regards, obviously it is only for his own privacy.
     If Dong-shi is really willing to consider someone else, she will not be doing this in this head.
     "Do not worry! I know what I am doing?" Yin-Tang glared at her delicate body and thought about what Kangxi said in the political affairs.
     Although I know that it is a pit, but the entry is still to be entered, but the key is how to enter to not cause Kangxi doubts, and at the appropriate time to reduce the power of others.
     Wan-xi glared at the appearance of Yin-Tang, and he knew that he was definitely worried about the things in the court. She can't help her with this kind of thing. Even if she knows the result, she has to change.
     The premise is that she has such great ability to go to the political situation. Otherwise, even if she knows everything, she may not be able to change everything. Moreover, the heart of her person was originally very small, and she never thought about changing anything. All she wants is to let the last ones who owe her a return.
     The two just hugged each other so quietly, waiting for Yin-Tang to return to God, it was already half an hour later, and looked up at the moment of watching the sleepy Wan-xi, Yin-Tang Full of smiles.
     His charming is always so real, he is accompanied by her, she is holding a little bit of this little head, and will not interrupt his thoughts. Such a woman told him how he can not be favored, how can he not Love.

     In the courtyard, Dong-shi went to a flower banquet with 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin in a space with pearls and rouge. Don't look at the current tension, but because of the election of the new Crown Prince, 1st-Prince, 3rd-Prince and 8th-Prince are rushing to fight for more support.
     Of course, it’s not just the frontmen who are busy, but also the son-in-law of this backyard. Whether it’s the courtier who wants to seize the opportunity or the Prince who wants to support it, everyone will know what to expect.
     The man does not go forward, but the son-in-law of the backyard can pass the meaning of Lao-ye through the space of the banquet.
      4th Fu-Jin still doesn't know the true meaning of , is , not as long-sleeved as 8th Fu-Jin, but chats with Dong-shi as before, and then provokes Dong to deal with Wan at the appropriate time-xi.
     Don't look at Dong-shi heavier defense, but she can't talk about her heart. Ten of her are not 4th Fu-Jin's opponents, so after several meetings, under the deliberate guidance of 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin, trust in the two. More and more, and sometimes even when they speak, they are more effective than Yin-Tang. Pearls and rouge look at each other in the eyes, but they don’t dare to say more, but their hearts are full of uneasiness and embarrassment.
     Can be selected by Yi-Luoshi and become a big Maid, but it is a nameless generation, Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt, pearls and rouge, no matter what the mind is, and the heart is Dong-shi intends that this point is not difficult to see from the point where Dong-shi is not favored and can control the house. Unfortunately, Dong-shi is not a person who is comfortable with the status quo, but has ambition but no mind, plus impulsive selfish temper, it is hard not to go wrong.
     Now that Dong-shi has cooled the hearts of the people around him, he turned to his eyes and turned to 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin. He thought he was in control of the whole situation, but he was actually led by the two.
     Of course, 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin don't necessarily believe in each other.
     They will choose to cooperate, but they just want to use the hands of Dongshi to get rid of Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi is an enviable existence for the women in the back of the four 9th Prince City. Whether it is Yin-Tang’s love for her or her own blessing, she can say what they want. She has all of them, and this is a sensation. But her little Side-Fujin still doesn't know the convergence, and she still has to swear a few words, but she still swears at the back of the land and blames them.
     This situation is very hateful, if not, The unhealthy trend of the stocks will be suppressed, and in the future, these Fujins will manage the home.
     In short, no matter what selfishness, 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin reached the cooperation intention almost without much negotiation, and Dong-shi sent it to the door by themselves.
     The two also had no psychological burden. Anyway, they are not jealous, she It will also be hands-on, isn't it?
     Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt can't help Dong-shi, and can't stop her action, they can only put their minds on '1st Jiji', they all understand that compared to Dong-shi, Your Highness obviously obviously valued '1st Jiji', and on several occasions, he looked at the face of '1st Jiji' and endured Dong-shi arrogance.
     They are not close to Dong-shi, and she is so tired that she is not as close to the '1st Jiji'. At the very least, they can still save their lives.
     Unfortunately, they thought well, but they ignored the body of '1st Jiji'. No, Dong-shi just went away, '1st Jiji' was upset, and the doctor came to diagnose it, saying that it was a wind evil, Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt work together to take care of "Jiji", one responsible for letting people inform Dong-shi and Your Highness, no matter what, they can not hide this kind of thing.
      The disease of '1st Jiji' is brought out in the womb. It is not good if the body is small. If it is not Yin-Tang, it will be collected from some places in recent years to make her a body. '1st Jiji' is afraid that it is difficult to raise it now. . Even if this is the case, although this serious illness is not, the minor illness is continuous, and every process is worrying, it is awkward, whether it is Yin Mama or Tong-Aunt, it is not afraid to hide the '1st Jiji' condition. Everyone has a wrong one, and immediately sue, never hesitate.
     Yin-Tang went to the country early, and has not returned yet. Yin Mama had to report the news of '1st Jiji' to Wan-xi. Wan-xi heard that the brow was slightly wrinkled. Although she didn't want to interfere with the main house, the '1st Jiji' was always Yin-Tang's child. It was a real thing. She didn't say it was difficult to blame. I am afraid that I can’t pass this hurdle. After all, in their struggle, the child is always innocent.
     "How is the body of '1st Jiji'? Fu-Jin? Why didn't you live in the house?" When Wan-xi came over, he looked at the chaotic courtyard, and his brows wrinkled more tightly, waiting for Yin Mama greeted him, and even asked questions.
     Yin Mama mouth is a little helpless smile, but it can face Wan-xi, but it is still very disciplined. I don't dare to be disrespectful. "When back to Side-Fujin, Fu-Jin went out to participate in the feast, and the old nubi has let People go to the notice, but there is no response for the time being. As for the '1st Jiji', the doctor has just seen it, saying that it is a wind evil, and needs to be well nursed."
     Wan-xi nodded, and the doctor Yin-Tang turned back to the '1st Jiji' to nurse the body.
     The situation of '1st Jiji' was very clear. He said that nothing is fine. It’s just this Dong-shi, what kind of flower banquet is more important than his daughter. Wan-xi is thinking about it. After a while, he said: “The '1st Jiji’ is completely responsible for Mama affairs. What direct opening is needed, this Side-Fujin will personally sit in front of Fu-Jin before returning."
     The voice of Wan-xi just fell, and there were some people who were lazy in the courtyard.
     The people who were lazy in the moment immediately got up, whether they were doing it or not, they were eager to perform, for fear that they would be lazy and be caught.
     Yin Mama looked at Wan-xi, who was sitting at the door, and sighed in her heart. If Fu-Jin could be so safe, let alone the main courtyard, that is, how the entire backyard was placed and was placed by Your Highness.
     The point of decentralization.
     “Thank Side-Fujin.” Yin Mama took a ceremony at Wan-xi and then began to direct the next person in the main house to do things.
     These days, because Dong-shi always ran out, regardless of the relationship, the people in the main courtyard were scattered, and many people moved their minds. Her Mama could manage things again, but Dongshi attitude was there. Many people have not listened to her command. If it is not Wan-xi today, Yin Mama is afraid that it is difficult to command these people, and many things have to be done by herself and Tong-Aunt.
      '1st Jiji' is a lonely child. Yin-Tang hurts her, but she doesn't have much time to accompany her. Together with Dong-shi actions, Yin-Tang comes to the main court less frequently. It is. And Dong-shi itself cares about '1st Jiji', but she doesn't have to worry about anything. She wants to deal with Wan-xi relationship. Her attention is all about how to make a son and contact. 4th Fu-Jin 8th Fu-Jin In dealing with Wan-xi, even if I live in the same yard, it is difficult to see her seeing '1st Jiji' several times.
     After the order in the main house returned to normal, Wan-xi spoke to those who had a sloppy attitude and then entered the house to visit the '1st Jiji'. At this time, the '1st Jiji' had a small face, obviously only a younger than Hong-min, but his body was thin and small, like a little old, Wan-xi sighed a bit.
     Then, I reached out and took the '1st Jiji' into my arms.
     Then I took the medicine from Tong-Aunt and said, "Oh, this medicine is fed by me."
     Tong-Aunt and Yin Mama looked at each other and looked at Wan-xi, who was softly singing '1st Jiji'. My heart was inexplicably sad, and my mother was not careful, but the enemy Side-Fujin had everything in mind.
     This scene makes them feel like these people.
     Wan-xi whispered, looking at the hair was yellow, and the slim '1st Jiji' smiled at her with her big eyes. Her heart’s resentment against Dong-shi was a bit deeper, and she was so indifferent to her daughter. People will have kindness.
      '1st Jiji' The child's heart, Wan-xi took her to keep her body and let her play with Brother Brother and Mei-mei. Little Yatou used to drink medicine without crying or making people. I feel very distressed.
     "Moya-qi took a good rest, waited for the body to be raised, Wanyan Auntie let you Ama and you and Hong-min Brother.
     They went to Zhuangzi to play, okay?"
     “Really?” Moya-qi eyes sparkled, apparently not thinking that she still had time to go out.
     From birth to the present, in addition to participating in two palace banquets, Moya-qi activities range from the main courtyard, and even the gardens in the palace have been visited less. Now I heard that I have to go out, the whole person's spirit is much better.
     The little face is full of expectations.
     "Of course, Wanyan is a straightforward speaker, so you have to listen to Mama, take medicine, eat more, walk in the yard when the weather is good, so that you have raised your body and went to Zhuangzi. On, you can play with Hong-min Brother everywhere.” Wan-xi can't interfere with Dong-shi method of raising his daughter, only to remind Mama of their attention.
     Yin Mama behind him heard the news, knowing that this was Wan-xi pounding them, and they could not help but step forward and whispered: "Side-Fujin Please rest assured that the old nubi will be more attentive."
     "I know how to use my heart. Although I don't come to the main house, I can't be a daughter of the '1st Jiji." After all, I am a daughter of the Lord. I like it very much, so '1st Jiji' is good, you are fine, '1st Jiji' is not good, you also I have to be buried." Wan-xi whispered a few words, and turned back to look at the '1st Jiji' with a smile, waiting for '1st Jiji' to fall asleep, Wan-xi was about to leave, I heard Dong shi is coming.
     Coldly Calling, Wan-xi greeted him, and when he was a mother, his daughter was sick, and he could take a few hours to return home.
     This efficiency is really...
     Dong-shi heard that Moya-qi was sick and didn't feel anxious. It was a habit of coming back three times, and everyone had to get used to it, plus 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin finally agreed to help deal with Wan-xi, she Nature can't come back so soon.
     The three people sat in a discussion for a long time, but the manpower is a good arrangement.
     The key is timing.
     If Wan-xi stays in 9th-Prince House, they will have a chance even if they think better. After all, the four 9th Prince City is at the foot of the emperor, and the situation is so nervous now. If they dare to play assassination, Don't say that Wan-xi doesn't make a fuss. If they do these things, they will be able to put themselves and the family behind them. How can they do this kind of thing?
     I can't do it. I didn't have a good time to discuss the countermeasures. Dong-shi didn't want to stay any longer. I came back with the illness of '1st Jiji', but I didn't want to see Wan-xi coming out from the door. "How are you here? Who will let you come!"

     "How are you here? Who will let you come!"
     " '1st Jiji' is sick, Fu-Jin is not in the house, Fu-Jin said why I am here?" Faced with the question of Dong-shi, Wan-xi did not think it was embarrassing, but the tone was ironic.
     Dong-shi heard the words, anxious, looking at Wan-xi eyes with a hint of resentment, "How to take care of this Fu-Jin's daughter Fu-Jin, what to do with you!"
     "Yes? Then Fu-jin will wait for the Lord to come back and explain it to him!" Wan-xi waved his hand, obviously not wanting to do more with her, leading the people he brought, going straight out.
     "Wanyan-shi, are you guilty? Hey, if there is anything wrong with the daughter of this Fu-Jin, it is the fault of your Wanyan-shi." Dong-shi squatting with the Wan-xi The appearance of it, I feel that there is a fire in my heart, it is awkward, obviously Wan-xi did not do anything, she will slam all the possible problems on her head.
     Wan-xi listened to her, and her face was black. She said that she would not want to smash this mess.
     This Dong-shi is a stinky shit, and it can't be smashed. If the '1st Jiji' is the daughter of Yin-Tang, can she use it?
     "Fuyon, this means that you haven't seen '1st Jiji' yet, I am looking forward to the '1st Jiji' accident? Also, the people who sent the letter went for several hours, and Fu-Jin slowly returned. Jian, where does Fu-Jin put '1st Jiji'?" What position? Not much care about the location, otherwise you can wait until now.
     Wan-xi looked at Dong-shi with a cold eye, and there was no tribute in his eyes, and there was even a scorn.
     The person who is the mother of the mother does not take her child's temper life seriously, and does not let her be born is the greatest kindness of God.
     "What position does not require you to worry about, if you have a leisurely business, it is better to manage yourself, don't think about seduce men every day." Dong-shi raised his chin and looked disdainful.
     For the exclusive favor of Wan-xi, it is not just other people who admire. If Yin-Tang and Wan-xi are the means to hold most of the people, then Dong-shi is not being shackled, but instead Forcing other people to think.
     Ting-Bamboo and Ting-Rain stood behind Wan-xi, and they didn't look good.
     The eyes that were hanging down were full of fierce light. If Wan-xi stood in front, they were afraid to rush to bite. Dong-shi has a mouth.
     "Yes? It turns out that Fu-Jin only wants to seduce men every day, so it doesn't matter, so will you set the '1st Jiji'?" Wan-xi laughed, and the cynicism of Dong-shi did not shrink. On the contrary, it is very straightforward to go back.
     "Don't let you go! You don't think that Side-Fujin can't help you with your lord!" Black face, and Dong-shi flashed a misunderstanding in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect Wan-xi to come up directly.
     On the other side, Yin-Tang, who got the message, said nothing, riding a horse and going back. He is still very distressed by this older daughter, otherwise it will not cost so much to help her seek medical advice. In the past two years, although the body of '1st Jiji' is still not good, it is much better than before. It can be said that it is not a serious illness, and it is a small illness.
     He was so hard to put it down. Who knows that today, when he came out of the restaurant, he heard that '1st Jiji' was ill, saying that Fu-Jin was not in Fufu. He couldn’t wait to ask, and he rushed back. Who knows he rushed? Going back to see it is such a scene.
     "Ye-Tang is glaring at the people who are really arrogant!" From the conversation just now, it is not difficult to hear Dongshi sloppy attitude towards '1st Jiji'.
     Dong-shi, who had just been smoked by Wan-xi, was on Yin-Tang, and it was simply unilaterally being shackled.
     "Master, how come you?" Dong-shi saw the look of Yin-Tang's face, his guilty conscience, and he couldn't keep up with Wan-xi.
     "Dong-shi, you should be quite clear when you come over. You will ask you? Why are you just now?" Yin-Tang was cold and cold, staring at her coldly.
     "I went to the flower banquet today, I don't know that Moya-qi will get sick, but this Wanyan Mei-mei is very rare. In the past, I rarely entered the main courtyard. Now I don't know." What's the unspeakable thought?" Dong-shi sees Yin-Tang's face in the end, and he can't help but have a bad feeling, and his right eye jumps badly.
     The speech also seems to be incoherent, obviously should not be said, the convergence, she not only did not converge, but the whole party said it.
     Yin-Tang listened to her words like blame, the anger on her face was a bit better, and she did not expect that his anger would not only make her converge, but more arrogant.
     "Dong-shi, my grandfather is not because she has any unspeakable thoughts, but what is your unspeakable idea!" Yin-Tang looked at her like this, his eyes full of disgust.
     During this period of time, because of the relationship between 1st-Prince and others, Kangxi surveillance of them became more closely. In order not to cause Kangxi suspicion, he recently had less contact with 4th Prince, and occasionally passed a The letter is just a matter of intercommunication, so as not to encounter anything in the real situation.
     But at this time, his Di Fu-Jin was pulling his hind legs, 4th Fu-Jin, 8th Fu-Jin, huh, huh, what are the plans of these two women, who do not know what to do, and toss.
     Hey, now they can't handle these women, but after the limelight, no matter who they are, this account should be well calculated.
     Dong-shi listened to Yin-Tang's words, his face was a bit confusing, and his eyes flashed a guilty conscience, but she was as hard as her mouth, and she did not bow her head. I don't agree, it's just normal communication, and my relationship with 4th-Prince is good. Isn't it the same as 4th-Sao?"
     Yin-Tang glared at Dong-shi ironic expression, and suddenly reached out and grabbed her neck.
     The blue veins on her hand showed his mood at the moment.
     Dong-shi was shocked by Yin-Tang's move, her eyes slammed and her body became stiff, and the feeling of being tied around her neck made her breathing more and more difficult.
     The fear of dying at the next moment slowly erodes her senses.
     “ —” Yin-Tang’s snoring echoed in his ear, but the palm of his neck was getting tighter and tighter. Dong-shi subconsciously extended his hands to block her movements, but did not expect Her hand was stretched out by Yin-Tang's other hand before she could reach it.
     He really wants to kill her!
     Dong-shi thinks that no matter what he does, at least Yin-Tang will not want her life, but now she suddenly finds that she is overestimating her strength.
     Dong-shi looked up a little hard, and looked at Yin-Tang Sen's cold eyes and indifferent face, she found that the one she was relying on was actually in front of him.
     "Master, are you really going to kill yourself?" Dong-shi voice was awkward, like a squeeze out of his throat, with a few cautious temptations.



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