Chongqie Courting Death Daily 1


   Wan-xi couldn't understand how she would fall to such a degree. She knew that she was cautious and cautious in everything. She said that it was the best Small Concubine, but why did she end up in this group?
     "Jiji, it's time to take the medicine." Gao Mama stood at the edge of the bed with a medicine bowl and whispered.
     "What kind of medicine is still there, but it is the relationship between morning and evening." Wan-xi leaned on the head of the bed, pale and shaped, but it is not difficult to see the past.
     "Jiji, why bother?" Gao Mama had a red eye and a sobbing face.
     At this point, Fu-Jin still refused to let go "Jiji". At this time, the new emperor ascended the throne, 9th Prince was busy with the official business, and did not enter the backyard in the past two months, Fu-Jin looked at the swearing people and practiced himself "Jiji".
     It’s just a shame.
     "Mama, if I go, you and Ting-Bamboo will hold the money in the makeup, and go with the snow and leave the house!" Wan-xi looked out the door, eyes It’s confusing to say that it’s disheartening.
     In the past, she did not say that the small courtyard was a city, but it was also extremely lively. Nowadays, if the door is cold, even the Maid who is around her is not relying on someone else or being excused by others, and they are all dying to death.
     In this situation, the bottom of the situation is that those people hearts are too embarrassing or that she is too bullied.
     "Jiji, you will be fine. When you return to the backyard, you will definitely see you." Gao Mama was scared by Wan-xi straight words, his legs were soft, so straight.
     The cellar was on the bedside and whispered, hoping to give her hope of living.
     Wan-xi shook her head gently, and her own body knew clearly.
     They all say that the disease is like a mountain, and the disease goes like a silk. Her illness is nothing but ordinary cold. As long as she is able to raise it, it does not matter. Fu-Jin can't let her, and the woman in the backyard doesn't want her to live, so she will drag it to this field.
     Ting-Lan, who knows the medical treatment, was killed by a stick, and the listening to the snow was also found in the bed, and now he still can't get up, the rest of Gao Mama and Ting-Bamboo, two People are careful and cautious and can prevent it.
     "Mama, I know in my heart, these people are afraid that I won't let me live to see my grandfather." She drank it a few days ago.
     This medicine is different from the previous one. But what about her?
     I hate myself for knowing that Fu-Jin’s kindness is still respectful, or hate her for knowing that those in the backyard are unintentional and still bear.
     "Jiji, you can't say this kind of disappointment." Gao Mama wanted to persuade, but Fu-Jin Dong-shi and his "Jiji" Shiqie were strictly guarded, and they did not bother. When you can see Your Highness, you can only watch it like this "Jiji".
     "Mama, you listen, this reminds me that the person on the road is coming, huh, huh... cough..." After the heartbreaking cough, Wan-xi pale face is a little more faint, look It looks very beautiful, like a return to light.
     When her voice just fell, she heard a small and slightly messy footsteps from outside the Courtyard. Obviously, there were many people.
     The master and the servant couldn't help but look at each other. When Ting-Bamboo, who was outside the house, ran in in a panic, he knew that those people couldn't wait.
     The snoring of Yan ‘Yuyan accompanied by the sweet and greasy laughter was far and near, and the coldness and silence of this time was also broken. Gao Mama went outside and saw the beautiful people who came far away. I hurried back, "Jiji"..."
     Wan-xi reached out and rubbed his long hair at the ear, his mouth slightly raised, "Mama, Ting-Bamboo, dressing for me."
     "Jiji" ......" Gao Mama wants to persuade her to take care of her own body, to touch the decision in Wan-xi eyes, and she can't say anything.
     Gao Mama and Ting-Bamboo support Wan-xi, dressing and dressing, and the pink flag makeup lining her pale face, it seems to be morbid, but her appearance has always been out, no to It makes people feel ugly, but it is a bit more pitiful.
     When the snoring Yan ‘Yuyan appeared in the house, Wan-xi gently lifted a sweep, and the corner of his mouth showed a taunting smile.
     This time, there is a fear that all the women in the backyard are coming.
     Sure enough, these people are afraid that she will die late, and there is room for turning over!
     "Wanyan Mei-mei, Fu-Jin will not give you the last trip, but Fu-Jin has ordered, let us sisters get up to Mei-mei for the last trip, presumably Mei-mei should also be satisfied. "The leader does not need to look to know that it is not the same as the Wan-xi favored by the family Zhaojia-shi.
     "Don't come. It's enough to see you in a false sense. Many people are just more disgusting." Wan-xi sits on the main seat, holding a tea pot in his hand The tea at the entrance gave her cold body a moment of warmth.
     The voices fell, and the laughing and beautiful people in the room were quiet all the time, and they looked at Wan-xi.
     For the change of Wan-xi, everyone is a strange face.
     In the past, Wan-xi was too ruled too much, and a person who never ganged up and arrogant was suddenly changed to a personal one. It was quite unexpected. However, if you think about it, if you are too fond of her, you will be frightened and frightened, and they will have to unite and ask her to live. She should be the quietest presence in this backyard.
     "Wanyan Mei-mei, you are very sensitive, some words are too clear, but boring, in front of these three, Mei-mei has to choose anyway today." Zhaojia-shi said The Maid behind him put the tray on the main position.
     Wan-xi looked up and saw that the white, dagger, and poison were placed neatly on the tray, and he couldn’t help but smile. "You are ready to go."
     Zhaojia-shi looked at the unmoved Wan-xi, and said smugly: "Well, it is Wanyan Mei-mei.
     The last thing, things have to be done."
     Wan-xi heard the words, and could not help but silence. His eyes stared quietly at the tea pot in his hand. His tone was indifferent: "I want Wanyan Wan-xi, since I entered the government, I respected Fu-Jin and kept my duty. Never withstand people... but don’t want to do this, you can’t wait for me.”
     "No more nonsense, if Wanyan sister can't make up his mind, it's not as good as Mei-mei to help you!" Wan-xi voice just fell, Zhaojia-shi beauty next to him has stood up Come, this person is the Willow-shi who was quite favored some time ago.
     They all say that their peers are a family, and they are involved in petting.
     The women in the backyard are not only homes but also enemies.
     When the beautiful people saw it, they all got up, and they all appeared to be bright and radiant.
     They fell in the eyes of Wan-xi, but they were like demons. It was like eating people in the next moment.
     "Enough, you are just wanting my life." " ", Wan-xi heavily placed the tea in his hand on the shore.
     "Wanyan Mei-mei understands it." Zhaojia-shi charmingly smirked with a slap in the mouth, and his voice was cold and succinct: "Wanyan Mei-mei is still good at acting, and it is also free. It’s not decent to die.”
     "Is it? Zhaojia-shi, I don't know what role you play here, but I know that I am dead, you will not have any good end." Calling, Wan-xi reached for the tray The dagger in it.
     "Jiji" "Gao Mama and Ting-Bamboo looked at this scene, and their minds were splitting.
     They were so thick that Pozi suppressed the two people and cried, but they couldn’t get away from it.
     They could only watch it.
     This cut happens.
     Wan-xi took out the dagger, and the cold light reflected from the blade made the breathing of many people in the house cautious.
     Zhaojia-shi looked at the Wan-xi with the dagger, and the body subconsciously shrank back, but her eyes fixed on her and said: "Wanyan Mei-mei, since it has been selected, then Go on the road!"
     "Yes, if the sister refuses, someone will be willing to do it."
     Faced with these aggressive faces, Wan-xi silver teeth bite, cold eyes, "on the road, oh, is it just on the road? This world, I follow the amount of mother-teaching, be careful, respect Fu-Jin, never be enemies, really It can be said that it is tolerant everywhere, but I didn’t expect it to end up like this. If there is an afterlife, I will not know the rules as much as I can. I want you to watch these people stand out from the crowd. backyard."
     Wan-xi gritted his teeth and said these words, looking at the painful and painful Gao Mama and Ting-Bamboo, faintly laughing, hands and hands, thick blood. Spewing out, her slender neck was instantly covered by red blood.
     “Jiji" "
     Wan-xi body fell from the seat, face up, blood spurts, and death is not eye-catching.

     Kangxi thirty-eight years, 9th Prince at the beginning of the month.
     Wan-xi lay on the warmth of the window, her long hair hanging on her chest, her eyes staring at the void, and the familiar plum blossoms in her nose made her feel incredible.
     She didn't know how long she had been lying. She only knew that this was not a dream.
     Although the environment in front of us is not familiar, the pattern inside the house accurately tells her that this is not her boudoir, but that she lived in the house during the draft.
     At this time, she is still under fifteen years old. She is favored by her parents because she is young. Her brother cares more. She is more simple than most Miss of the same age. She does not know people hearts and sin, and she does not know the troubles of the world. At this time, she only thought about her children's feelings. She never thought that some people had two faces. What they showed was not exactly what they thought.
     Wan-xi, who was immersed in his own mood, did not hear the movement outside the door. When she returned, God came to her.
     "Little master, what's wrong with you? But what is uncomfortable?" When she entered the door, she saw Wan-xi with tears in her face, thinking that she was very ill and could not help but panic.
     As a palace Lady, life is like a mustard.
     Su Shi is a coating that comes through a small selection. Because of his family, he can't reuse it. He always does rough work.
     This time he will wait for the showgirl, because she is honestly divided into the eyes of Wang Mama. Otherwise, her qualifications are definitely not catching up with such a good thing.
     The rules of the nubi in the palace are all prescribed, and the effect is upward. Unless the Your Highness is generous, it is basically a reward for the small masters.
     Don't look at the small family in front of the world, but it looks so good, looks good, and the shot is fairly generous, if not, she can't wait so hard.
     Wan-xi looked at the little palace girl in front of her eyes. She thought of her name for a long time. "I am fine, I am a little thirsty."
     "The nubi immediately gave the little master to the tea." Su that he saw it, he also breathed a sigh of relief.
     It’s okay.
     In this palace, no matter whether it is your Your Highness or the little masters, as long as it is Your Highness, this nubi can never escape. Fortunately, this is still a good wait.
     Wan-xi doesn't know what Susu thinks, but even if I know it, I won't be too surprised.
     This palace seems to be peaceful. In fact, there are many battles. If you are a little careless, you may lose your life. Just say that she is still lying on the shackles. Do you think it is ill?
     Of course not, Wan-xi looks exquisite, looks awkward, and even more so she has a good voice to listen to, so how to make people unscrupulous.
     This is not the case, she was inadvertently, and she was the girl of the same room, Suo-Chuo-luo.
     Fortunately, people only open the window in the middle of the night to let her catch cold. If it is hidden in medicine, it may not be lost or sent out of the palace.
     Also, there are many expensive people in the palace. If those things are so good, if they are so brought in so well, you can’t change your position on the top!
     "Little Lord, your tea." Su Shi carefully sent the tea to her.
     Wan-xi reached out and took a sigh of relief.
     The hot water at the entrance made her feel better. "Su, I will say hello to Mama, and I will say that my illness is good, I don't have to drink any more." Medicine."
     Su Shi looked at the indifference of Wan-xi, the shoulders subconsciously shrank, but my heart secretly annoyed that the Wanyan little master suddenly changed personally.
     Wan-xi wind and cold is not heavy, but there are too many expensive people in the palace, and everything must be careful. If it was the previous Wan-xi, if it happened, it might be suppressed and not self-aware, stupidly drinking the drugs that were passive, and now she is no longer her original.
     It’s good to be able to come back at this time. She remembers that 9th Prince has said that it’s the horror of the royal garden that made him feel good about her, even though Wan-xi was finally smashed, she Still as he wished to enter the 9th Prince's backyard, since then, the glory continues.
     It’s just that Xianshu Shude and Shou Shou duty are so bleak, so she is better to be a arrogant wicked person, no matter what the end, at least she is happy.
     Now that the second round of the palace has passed, the showgirl who got the sachet was led by the eunuch to the pre-arranged yard, and the showgirl who got the flowers could go straight to the martial arts to go home.
     Wan-xi was arranged in a palace in the north of Chuxiu Palace.
     The main hall here has not yet been accommodated, and there are many houses, so the apse is used to house the residences of the ladies.
     The beautiful women who passed through the temple, regardless of Man Menghan, lived here. As in previous years, the showgirls would live in the palace for between two months and two months in order to appreciate the etiquette in the palace.
     In the meantime, there will still be a showgirl who was sent out of the palace because of unqualified rules or mistakes. She was designed to be sick like Wan-xi and eventually had to be sent out of the palace. She is not the first one. It won't be the last one.
     Before the spirit, before the show Miss did not come, Wan-xi forced to get out of bed and walked a few laps, sweating, and waited for the same room Suo-Chuo-luo back to the house, her The spirit is much better.
     Wan-xi knows that as long as she can stick to the end, 'name' and 'name', she will have a real identity, even if she is given to Yin-Tang, she must at least be a "Jiji". Shiqie that can be disposed of without Fu-Jin.
     She didn't care about her status in her previous life. In this life, she was not willing to be in this position. She had to climb up until Fu-Jin was jealous but did not dare to move her.
     "Wan-xi, it's great that you can recover. I listened to the Mamas. If you are cold, then you can take Guanshi Mama and send you out of the palace." It is the same woman's showgirl Suo-Chuo-luo, and Wan-xi is also thanks to her.
     "Is it? It's a pity that I can't let the people who have the heart get what they want." Wan-xi hangs his head in the hands of the puppet, his mouth is light, and his words are fluent.
     Suo-Chuo-luo heard the words, slightly stunned, and then smashed the scorpion in his hand, so it was easy to say: "I don't know what Mei-mei said."
     Although it is a pity that Wu-xi could not be removed, Suo-Chuo-luo knew clearly that some things were too obvious, and the bad luck was only for themselves, so even if there is any intention, it is not now.
     Wan-xi laughed twice and didn't chase after it. After all, there is no evidence for this. Compared with the competition, it is better to wait for a chance to seize the opportunity to beat the other seven inches.
     Suo-Chuo-luo looked at the long-awaited Wan-xi, and his heart was inexplicably uneasy, and the hand holding the handkerchief was not consciously clenched.
     During the draft, it is common for the show Miss to cross each other.
     The only difference is the level of the means.
     Originally, Suo-Chuo-luo would start with Wan-xi, but it was because her appearance was too good, and her mind was simple. Now she is looking at her eyes.

     The next day, Wan-xi cheered up with the crowd to learn the rules. When getting along, Wan-xi obviously felt the jealousy and rejection of other Miss.
     Also, as one of the brightest Show girls in the draft, the presence of Wan-xi means that others have lost an opportunity.
     Stay in the palace or refer to Prince Zongshi. For the showgirl, this is the best choice. It’s just that the former Wan-xi did not understand the intentions, and this was the way. Now, she is determined to compete for high and low, then she will not be stupid to be counted and not knowing.
     The rules taught by Mama in the palace are almost all learned at home. Except for the showgirls who are born in the Han army flag, they are not suitable for the bottom of the flower pot.
     The showgirls with the two Highness  are obviously comfortable.
     Every day, every day, there are fewer and fewer Miss in the palace. Compared with the big ones in the draft, the rest are not carefully selected, but they are also the only ones who have come to this stage.
     I don't know if it is a fateful relationship. I have to eat three meals a day, and serve their maids.
     The attitude seems to be more respectful and careful. I think these people are also afraid that they will find their identity and then come back to the account.
     Recently, the show Miss were summoned by the palaces of Niang-Niang. Wan-xi was summoned by Defei Niang-Niang yesterday, and today Yifei Niang-Niang was called into the Qiankun Palace.
     Don't look at the fact that there is a party and a sigh of relief in the harem. In fact, there is a lot of competition.
     Tong-Guifei has the right to be innocent, and it seems that the power is in the grip, but in fact it is powerless; the four sorrows, the glory of the     De The age is quite the same, the status is quite the same, the sisters on the week are commensurate, but the situation is like a fire.
     This time, Defei summoned three beautiful women, including Wan-xi. Today, Yifei has only added individuals and called them into Qiankun Palace.
     There are no social interactions between the four show Miss, and there is little communication on the road.
     This time outside the hall, it is just a call from Yifei Niang-Niang. But they are so smart, the four talents stand, and they come out from the hall 5th-Prince and 9th-Prince.
     "Nubi give five Baylors peace, give 9th-Prince please." The Miss showed their graceful gestures.
     "Get up." He snorted.
     A few of the women read the words, and they stood respectfully. Wan-xi stood awkwardly, squinting, and some of them were not coming back, and the bold show around her has begun. I secretly looked at the appearance of the two Princes.
     5th-Prince looks handsome, but broke the stage on the battlefield, the scar on his face made him a little less angry, a little more National; 9th-Prince Yin-Tang, looks handsome, male and female However, it does not make people feel feminine. At this time, his mouth is full of laughter, and a pair of peach eyes are even more irritating to the showgirls who are blushing.
     Wan-xi stood in a low-key manner, and the mind was messy, but the stunning stunned in the royal garden was still there, so Yin-Tang noticed her.
     "You are?" Yin-Tang stepped forward and stared at Wan-xi.
     "Nubi Wanyan-shi to 9th-Prince please." Wan-xi was numb with his gaze, but the attitude is still respectful, but the natural soft voice is hard to attract people attention.
     Yin-Tang listened to this soft and soft voice, and the eyes flashed deep, but he smiled and said: "Wanyan-shi, good."
     The other Miss have won 9th-Prince eyes for Wan-xi.
     They are envious and envious. Although the 9th-Prince is popular, the ‘Madam is beautiful, but the 9th-Prince House children are not. If you rush to give birth to a small Prince before Fu-Jin and others, even if it is not Side-Fujin, you can have a place.
     Wan-xi looked at the back of Yin-Tang, and condensed the light in his eyes, ignoring the sarcasm of other beautiful women, and honestly waiting for him, waiting for the call of Yifei Niang-Niang.
     Sitting in the temple, Yifei didn't mean that she didn't know anything about her.
     Her two sons, 5th-Prince, were raised to the Empress Dowager from an early age. Although the mother and the child were not close to each other, they also got along well, and 9th-Prince Yin-Tang was raised by her. She will inevitably pamper some. It’s just this son, the sage is smart, but everything has his own opinion. She is a mother, she can give advice, but she can’t control his thoughts.
     "Mama, you said that this Wanyan-shi has something special. Just seeing the face will make Yin-Tang feel good." Holding a tea pot, Yifei greeted Qi Mama at the side of his body.
     "Niang-Niang, this old nubi is not clear, but the young Muai, probably this Wanyan-shi is good, as for the other, the old nubi don't know. At the moment, this Wanyan-shi is outside the temple. Waiting, it is better to meet with Niang-Niang.” Qi Mama saw no dissatisfaction on his face, and he was very funny.
     Yifei thought about it, put down the tea pot in his hand and nodded: "Alright."
      Qi Mama got the letter, and he led the life out of the room and walked outside the hall.
     "Everyone, Yifei Niang-Niang summoned, please ask the little master." Qi Mama suddenly summed up the thought of Wan-xi emptying.
     "Qi Mama." Seeing the arrival, Wan-xi quickly converges and sees the other party rushing to them. She is busy with other people for half a courtesy.
     As the red man next to Yifei Niang-Niang, even if Wan-xi still has the name of a small master, he does not dare to take Qiao.
     Wan-xi opening, Qi Mama eyes flashed a trace of stunning. If Wan-xi appearance is excellent, other showgirls are not innocent, just this voice, so her old Lady is involuntarily moved, not to mention men.
     "The little masters don't have to be nervous. Niang-Niang is a good person, and the best is to talk." Qi Mama has a faint smile on her face, her eyes sweeping through several beautiful women, and she finally falls on Wan-xi.
     "I still hope that Mama will mention more points."
      Qi Mama looked at the humble Wan-xi, and looked at it a little. He found that even wearing the bottom of the flower pot, Wan-xi movements are not as clumsy as ordinary people. On the contrary, weak Lu Fufeng, through a stock saying Light and elegant.
     This appearance, this sound plus this manner, it is no wonder that 9th-Prince eyes are fancy.
     After entering the Qiankun Palace, Qi Mama stood directly behind Yifei, and Wan-xi followed several Xiu Miss in Qi Mama, and looked down slightly, not looking around. .
     "Nubi to Yifei Niang-Niang please, Niang-Niang auspicious."
     "Get up!" Yifei sat in the main position, and the incense burners placed on the shores were bursting with blue smoke, which was like a dream, but it was unattainable.
     Wan-xi is quite familiar with this subfield. When the previous life was given to Yin-Tang, Yin-Tang has not yet opened. She followed her in the palace. Because of her favor, she did not see Yifei Niang Niang. Only Fu-Jin is Fu-Jin, Shiqie can only be Shiqie, and the two can't be compared at the same time, so that even if she appears, she can only wait carefully like a nubi
     "Wanyan little master, Niang-Niang is calling you!"

     "Wanyan little master, Niang-Niang is calling you!"
      Qi Mama gave Wan-xi a Call of anxious call, and then found out that he had lost God in front of Yifei, and when he returned to God, his legs were soft and he asked to sin subconsciously. "Niang Niang forgives sins, nubi ..."
     Yifei saw her look up and saw a face with a little bit of baby fat. It was clear and bright like a black grape, and it was accompanied by a charming look. She saw that she also gave birth to a few points.
     The heart is soft.
     "Well, this palace is as big as you are, the first time you enter the palace is also nervous."
     "Thank Niang-Niang." With one mistake, Wan-xi did not dare to distract himself, and secretly took up the spirit to deal with it seriously.
     The other ladies who were next to each other were disappointed with their faces, and they saw that Wan-xi made mistakes.
     They all hoped that she could be rejected by Yifei Niang-Niang. Who knows Yifei Niang-Niang is so generous, Really...
     Yifei saw the performance of several beautiful women in the eyes. Originally, she thought that the Old 9 would be the one who played the trick. Now she is squatting, her appearance is good, and she looks like it. Picking things up, this heart suddenly has a decision. To the other couples, Yifei had already looked at their eyes and took advantage of this faction. Naturally, he did not think about it. After all, this was just the beginning and he was able to choose more people.
     Yifei has acted decisively and generously, and she likes to talk about it once and for all. Even the articles in it are also helpful and clear, but this cut is limited to the people she is interested in.
     Feel free to talk a few words and reward something, Yifei and waved them away.
     From the Qiankun Palace, Wan-xi clearly felt the alienation of the other three beautiful women, but this situation is much better than the cynicism.
     Back to Chuxiu Palace, Ye Xue stood in the yard and looked ahead.
     The grass in the palace was very beautiful, reflecting the blue sky in the distance, which made people feel refreshed and happy. Unfortunately, she did not have the heart to appreciate these beautiful scenery, but the spirit is awkward, a little out of state.
     "Wan-xi, you are back, what's the result? What did Yifei Niang-Niang say?" The name of the person is Huifang, the horse is Jiashi, and the Noble Miss know each other. I have seen several faces, but only a relationship. In general, but compared to those who do not know, the palace draft meets again, the relationship between the two is naturally closer than others.
     "What is the result? Yifei Niang-Niang is estimated to be a regular show to see a girl, not just me." Although Yin-Tang treats her differently, but Yifei here, Wan-xi is a little bit of grasp No.
     In fact, recently, not only Yifei, Tong-Guifei, Huimin and others have summoned a lot of beautiful Miss. After all, the eight-flag nobles, most of them are intimately brought together, seeing one is seeing, seeing a group is also seeing, so As long as it is not particularly proud, it is not a blind man.
     "Wan-xi, don't worry, you are so beautiful, you will be happy with Your Highness." Hui Fang licked her red lips and took Wan-xi hand, her face envious.
     When she said these words, her eyes naturally looked at the look of Wan-xi face. In this draft, the beautiful girl is quite a lot, but the beauty of Wan-xi is recognized as beautiful, not to mention she has a good voice that no one can compare.
     The thoughts of Your Highness are what we can guess. If Your Highness has nothing to do, it is good to go home safely and securely." Wan-xi whispered back.
     When they arrived, they either stayed in the palace or were given to the Prince sect. As long as they were not young enough to stay in the next world, they would become an official woman. Not to mention the front, it is said to become an official woman, the results seem to be good, can not be transported, and accidentally become abandon.
     Wan-xi and Hui Fang are quite old, and their family is not obvious. If they do not have any special arrangements or favored by nobles, they will be lucky enough to give them to the Prince sect. If they are not lucky, no one will be lucky. Know what kind of future you will face.
     "That's right." Hui Fang heard the words, smiled and nodded, but my heart was not a taste.
     The showgirl who can go to this step does not want to have a good result, but unfortunately she is not as good as Wan-xi, her identity is just plain, even if she can stay in the palace, this share is not good. Instead of this, it is better to give the Prince clan, even if the status is low, at least there is a struggle.
     It’s just that she can’t say anything about it.
     Wan-xi didn't know the thoughts of Huifang's heart, accompanied by a few words of laughter. Just when Wan-xi thought about asking her to go back to the house to sit down, she suddenly pointed to Suo-Chuo, who lives in the same room. Luo faces a gloomy face to come here.
     The two tacitly looked at each other, and now they don’t care what they are, they greet each other and they scatter themselves.
     Suo-Chuo-luo identity is slightly better than that of Wan-xi. It looks like a beautiful woman. It is a beautiful and beautiful woman. She often bullies her low-profile girl but is still stepping on it.
     The bottom line, this time and a half will really not know if she is smart or stupid.
     Wan-xi walked into the house, just gave himself a glass of water, and saw Suo-Chuo-luo came in from the outside with a black face.
     "Hey, isn't this Wanyan Mei-mei? In the end, it's got people who are favored by Prince. It's not the same!" Thinking about what happened to other Miss in Qiankun Palace, Suo-Chuo-luo can't help but black face.
     Her Suo-Chuo-luo is nothing compared to Wanyan-shi, except for the sleek face, what else she has.
     "Suo-Chuo-luo sister has won the prize, this person has a picture of the eye, like it is like, if you don't like it, it will not be liked." Wan-xi looks demurely at Suo Chuo-luo, but in a word, he said something hurts.
     "You-" Suo-Chuo-luo has a stalk on his neck, his chin is rising, and he is cold and cold: "I hope that you will be as proud as you are now." With this sentence, Suo-Chuo-luo turned and went out. Go.
     Wan-xi looked at the back of her departure, her mouth was slightly raised, she didn't care, but she got up and came to the desk and copied the Buddhist scriptures.
     In the past, she did not believe in ghosts and gods. But when she experienced her own rebirth, she discovered that everything in the world was spiritual. No matter how she had reached her wish, she only knew that if she owed her, she would have to do everything. Get back.
     In the next few days, Wan-xi was no longer summoned by any embarrassment.
     The Suo-Chuo-luo who lived in the same house was frequently summoned by the palaces. For this reason, Suo-Chuo-luo can be reduced. Wan-xi.
     On the surface, Mama has no control. In private, the palace should know about it, and there are many, and all the characters are not bad.
     "You mean that she was bullied by the showgirl in the same room?" Yin-Tang looked gloomy and asked coldly.
     Lin-Chujiu heard the words and immediately replied with a sigh: "There is this thing. I heard the ‘Madam of Wanyan, the little Lady who said that the former Wanyan little subject was also related to Suo-Chuo. “
     "Hey!!" Yin-Tang snorted, and the knuckles of the fingers were knocked down on the table.
     Lin-Chujiu saw the situation, and the body was lowered by two points. "Master, do you want to..."
     Yin-Tang didn't say a word, and his eyebrows were wrinkled. After a long time, he said, "When you go far, you will encounter ghosts. If you don't have long eyes, you shouldn't stay for a long time."
     "The nubi will do this." Lin-Chujiu listened, immediately hit a thousand, and withdrew from the study, and quickly left.


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