Wangfu Chongqie 55

Wangfu Chongqie

     This carriage was obviously much faster than the one that Yao-Niang had been going home before. It was just dark, and the group went to the palace.
     By night, Yao-Niang returned to the  Little Jao Courtyard, and there was Xiao bao along with the same.
     The Little Jao Courtyard seems to have been arranged here. Xiao bao was sent to the house where Yu Xi lived and lived next to Yao-Niang. Before the car, Yao-Niang finally got the courage and Jin-Wang said that he wanted to keep his son around.
     There is no objection to Jin-Wang, but the only thing is that Xiao bao can't be with Yao-Niang. living together.
     What does Jin-Wang mean? Yao-Niang is the leader of the gods. No matter what, the son can finally stay with him. After that, he will have no worries, no need to do errands in the palace, and he still wants to stay at Yaojia. Xiao bao.
     The only thing that Xiao bao is eating is not easy to solve. Fortunately, Yu Xi is not someone else. At first, when Yu Xi came to the  Little Jao Courtyard, Yao-Niang thought that Yu Xi was waiting for the small County Owner. A Jin-Wang night explored the fragrant scent, and it was Yu Yu, Yao-Niang. Understand why Yu Xi is coming.
     Yao-Niang is going to be able to feed the son and feed more. It is not a big deal. In the future, she will drink more milk. If it is not empty at night, let Yu Xi help to feed some porridge rice soup. Anyway, Xiao bao is now also You can eat this kind of thing.
     In this way, Xiao bao settled down in the small courtyard as the son of Su-Milkmaid.
     This is unprecedented. I have never seen a milk niang, but I can bring my child with me. Su-Milkmaid is not someone else after all.
     The small County Owner was cured by her first night and she was deeply Mu Mama and Jin-Wang and even Jin-Wangfei trust, now looks like the head of a niang. This is clearly the existence of the milk of the small County Owner, Mama, in the future. Naturally, it is not limited to the simplest breastfeeding effect of milk niang.
     It is said that Mu-Mama has mercy on Su-Milkmaid, so she agreed to join her mother and son. Mu-Mama is unusual in the government, and this home is still a good one.
     Both received the above favors, it is reasonable to say that she wants to give thanks, so the next morning, Yao-Niang will hold Xiao bao and come to Mu-Mama residence to seek advice.
     Mu-Mama is now very little in charge, and she doesn't intervene in the small-street courtyard. She is handed over to Yucui and Yuyan, and she rarely shows up in front of people. Yao-Niang couldn't help but wonder what Mu-Mama was doing in the room every day. After this time, she learned that Mu-Mama spent most of her time in the room.
     When Yao-Niang arrived, Mu-Mama finished the Buddha, covered in sandalwood, holding a string of beads in his hand, and his clothes were plain.
     She walked out from behind the little Buddha, and then she sat down on the bed of Luohan.
     The green waist came to the basin to serve her and she drank tea. She looked up and looked at Yao-Niang.
     "Let Su-Milkmaid be a long time, this is the old habit of many years, and I will toss it every day." She is indicating that she does not despise Yao-Niang.
     Yao-Niang, holding Xiao bao, stunned and said: "Mu-Mama, don't say that, it's Yao-Niang. It's not too late, it disturbs you."
     “Su-Milkmaid sits.” He also ordered the green waist: “tea.”
     Yao-Niang sat down on the chair, Mu-Mama asked: "I don't know Su-Milkmaid."
     Yao-Niang is in the heart, and it is estimated that Mu-Mama must know about herself and Jin-Wang. She is so arrogant in order to save herself from being embarrassed, and when she goes along with the custom: "The slave is coming to thank you Mama, thank you-Mama, it's not easy for me to have a mother and son, and let Xiao bao stay with the nubi ."
     With Yao-Niang, Mu-Mama eyes moved to the face of Xiao Bao in her arms.
     This child has a good look, and it looks like a handsome Geer in the future. I don’t know how the parents are so talented to give birth to such a child.
     The appearance of Yao-Niang doesn't have to be mentioned.
     The child is not like her, but it is more like Father. It is a pity that life is too bitter. If you haven't given birth, Father will be gone.
     Mu-Mama looked at Xiao bao while Xiao bao was watching her.
     For Mu-Mama, Xiao bao impression is quite profound. Although she is an old-Mama, because of her extraordinary relationship with Fu Huang, her position in the palace is exceptional.
     When Xiao bao was in his life, Mu-Mama had been very kind to him. He had learned about his niang in his life. He still learned from her mouth. Unfortunately, even more detailed, Mu-Mama is not willing to tell him that he is not easy to work hard, to calm down and raise his spirits.
     She mentioned him niang once and said that he is a poor woman and her life is bitter.
      Xiao Bao still remembers Mu-Mama sigh and awkwardness, and later learned that his niang was pregnant with his brother. This is because he learned from Fu Huang that he would make a ritual at the beginning of March every year.
     There are two people in the practice, one is Su Yao-Niang and the other is two treasures.
     He spent 9th-Cattle two tigers, only to know the two names from the eunuch who is responsible for this.
     This is also the back of Xiao Bao, and suddenly I found that Yao-Niang is the reason for his niang.
     The one around him, one called Yao-Niang, can only be his niang.
     Thinking of this, Xiao bao eyes couldn’t help but darken it. Although it was still innocent and innocent, the thoughts had already drifted away.
     The opposite Mu-Mama is more and more obscure, because she suddenly realizes that Xiao bao is like a person.
     Mu-Mama was born to see Jin-Wang, and naturally remembers what he was like when he was still in the middle. She always felt that Xiao bao and Jin-Wang as a child were carved out like a mold.
     Especially the narrow and long scorpion, that is the unique image of the Zhao family, but I think that the baby in this time grows almost the same, all the chubby snow white and lovely, she is really konjac will feel Su Milkmaid's son and His Royal Highness look like a child.
     Su-Milkmaid is married, and the man who is said to have died is a seller.
     Mu-Mama smiled and shook his head. At the same time, he said: "This is not what it is. Poor parents in the world. You don't have a family to help.
     The children stay outside. You don't feel good when you wait for the master. After that, I will try my best to serve the master. It’s a waste of effort.”
     If this is for outsiders to listen to, I think that the master refers to the small County Owner, can rest in the ears of Yao-Niang, the master has changed the taste, is referring to Jin-Wang.
     Therefore, she felt a little worried, and nodded in a hurry. She said that she would serve the small County Owner well, and then she resigned with Mu-Mama.
      Xiao Baozhen was in the arms of niang, his little head kept turning.
     Small County Owner? Is it the daughter of Fu Huang? But he clearly remembers that Fu Huang had no children other than him in his life.
     What exactly is going on? Still something that he didn't know?
     After the doubts, Xiao Bao smiled. He knew too little and too little about his life and his life.
     There weren't a few left in the old man, and these things seemed to be the existence of his Fu Huang. No one dared to mention it. It seems that something is hidden under the water.
     Also, why did he become the son of a hawker in his life? In the end what happened?
     After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao bao didn’t think of it, so I didn’t think about it anymore.
     He knew too little about the outside world, which caused him to analyze nothing at all.
     Being stunned, Xiao bao suddenly felt that something had been stuffed with him, and it was a white snow.
      Xiao bao whole person stayed, and he reacted desperately to struggle, his eyes repeatedly dodging, and his small head twisted and twisted, that is, he did not want to eat, and he did not want to see it.
     He niang even fed him to breastfeed!
     In order to hide this matter yesterday, he deliberately ate more, but he did not expect that he would not give up today.
     Yao-Niang was so anxious that he was sweating, and while caressing Xiao Bao back, he touched his forehead and whispered: "What happened to your child, why not eat? Hey, eat fast, I will go to a bad time later, if you don’t eat, you will be hungry."
      Xiao bao twisted his head, that is, he did not want to give his face to Yao-Niang, but his heart was somewhat inexplicable.
     What did Fu Huang do, why did he niang become a milk niang, and the Crown Prince, who was so arrogant, had to condescend behind others and could only steal empty milk. This is not important. How can a person like him be able to eat milk? Even if he is niang, he can't.
     Just because he is niang, he can't, what is it!
     No one found that Xiao bao was too shameful and his face was red. Even if he found it, he was only struggling. Yao-Niang finally gave up and forced him to pull him up.
     "You don't eat, then only the porridge and the paste are eaten." Looking at Xiao bao, Yao-Niang groaned. Seeing that it was not too early, I was busy holding Xiao bao to the next door and handed it to Yu Xi.
     "The child doesn't know what to do, or he doesn't want to eat milk. If he is hungry, you can get some porridge to feed him."
     Yu Xi nodded, and Yao-Niang, who had been locked in Liumei, suddenly said: "But now, the weather is not as hot as before. I will squeeze it out and let him drink it if he is hungry. Where can the porridge raise people?" She said, and she hurriedly turned back to the room.
     In the middle, Yao-Niang came back and found that Xiao bao actually drank the milk that was squeezed out.
     She was relieved, no matter what, she could drink. In fact, this has caused a lot of things for Yao-Niang, that is, when he is not afraid that he has no time, Xiao bao does not have to eat, and the second is also too eye-catching. After all, she is the milky niang of the small County Owner.
     As for her entangled thoughts, Xiao bao does not know that he is also forced to compromise, after all, like his milk this month is mainly drinking milk. And Xiao bao can now be a baby's own small body. In this life, he must definitely not be a sick man again.
     In the afternoon, there was a person from the side of the school, but Jin-Wangfei heard that Yao-Niang was back, and brought his son into the government, specifically calling her to speak in the past.
     Yao-Niang went with Xiao Bao.
     When I arrived at Si-Anyuan, Jin-Wangfei was sitting on the bed of Luohan, and she cut a pot of sea otters.
     She has a sable scorpion in the autumn, her body is slender, and her temperament is elegant and graceful.
     Yao-Niang is inconvenient to carry, and can only stand with Xiao Bao, and then stand down with a low eyebrow.
     Jin-Wangfei is very dedicated, and the small flower cuts are just a few shuttles in the lush foliage, and the flowers are falling. And a pot of seaweed, which was originally unshaped, gradually became patchy with her movements.
     She carefully appreciated it twice and nodded with satisfaction. Putting down the flower scissors in the hand, let the purple smoke and others serve the net hand, while looking at Yao-Niang: "Ben Bao heard that you are back, I didn't expect it to be a poor person. Since the child came, just live well. In the house, you can't afford your mother and son."
     Since the attack of Yao-Niang under the threat of Hu  Ceefei, she did not choose to follow her intention to push Jin-Wangfei, and the attitude of Jin-Wangfei to Yao-Niang changed. After that, Yao-Niang had only seen Jin-Wangfei twice, once was the last time Jin-Wangfei rewarded her, and this time again, these two Jin-Wangfei are very cheerful.
     Yao-Niang did not dare to ignore it, because she had dealt too much with Jin-Wangfei in her life. She knew that the other person was a person who had a purpose for doing things.
     "Thank Wangfei Grace."
     Jin-Wangfei nodded and looked at Xiao bao in her arms and smiled and said: "This is your little child? It’s snowy and lovely." She glanced at the purple eyes, and the purple eyes immediately took a look from her arms.
     The gold collar came and came up and handed it to Yao-Niang: "This is Wangfei rewarded to the children."
     small theater:
      Xiao bao: (sad face) Father, what are you doing? Why did I become the son of the seller!
     Jin-Wang: (three feet in the wind) I became inexplicably a seller, and I am desperate...
     Yao-Niang didn't dare to pick up the circle. Some sincerely feared: "Wangfei, this is too expensive."
     Jin-Wangfei did not speak, and the purple smoke on the side smiled and said: "Su-Milkmaid is a valuable person, hardworking and sincere, and deserves this reward. Besides, it is not for you, but for children."
     This is again the matter before the mention, Yao-Niang can only be accepted: "That nubi thank the children of Wangfei."
     It seems that Yao-Niang took this reward, which means that he is his own person.
     Zi Yan asked Yao-Niang: "Su-Milkmaid, what is your child's name." With the answer from Yao-Niang, she smiled at Jin-Wangfei and said: "Niang-Niang, look at this.
     The child is much longer, and he is as famous as his name."
     The purple dream also nodded again and again: "No, Su-Milkmaid will be a good blessing in the future."
     Then with Xiao bao as the central point, I got the praise of these several Yatou. When I got down, I gave Yao-Niang an illusion that I was very close to them. From the beginning to the end, Jin-Wangfei has had very few words, but the face has always been laughing, and she seems to be a very indulgent person.
     Wangfei was a little lacking and retired Yao-Niang.
     Zi Yan volunteered and said that she would send Yao-Niang out.
     Yao-Niang first refused, and refused to do so, and went out with Zi Yan.
     "Su-Milkmaid is really a blessing. I am the first time I saw Wangfei. I have a different look at the next person." Zi Xiao’s smile is particularly meaningful. "But there is nothing wrong with it. People who follow Wangfei will never be treated badly." ,"
     Yao-Niang looked awkward and bowed: "Wangfei is a good person."
     Zi Yan smiled and waved his hand: "It is also Su-Milkmaid character is valuable, Wangfei pays attention, I have not seen others have this honor." She said as she reached out and caress Xiao bao head: "It's beautiful. Dolls, you will enjoy your blessings in the future, but you must strive to be more competitive, and strive for the early sunrise, and you will not be jealous of your hard work."
     Seeing Xiao bao seems to be a little uneasy. Yao-Niang patted him twice, slightly shy and smiled: "The child is still young, who knows what it is like in the future, I don't ask him to be able to make a difference, as long as health is disaster-free. Just grow up."
     Apparently, Zizi disapproved. "Su-Milkmaid is wrong.
     The child is a good boy. If you are good, you have to look at the cultivation of Darens. Just with a small sapling, you carefully watering and weeding it.
     The wind is blowing, you have to give him a righteousness, so that he can grow longer and taller.
     There may be words that may not be heard, is Su-Milkmaid a descendant of the waiter, and later let his son present People? It’s not that he can make a difference.”
     What a good statement, come out!
     What do you need to support? Obviously not Yao-Niang, a milk niang can do it, and Jin-Wangfei these people are first infinitely high, Xiao bao is good, all kinds of good, which when niang is not willing to listen to people say that their children are good, listen to the natural heart joy. After the good, naturally, it is better, so the good points and suggestions are also followed.
     No one wants his son to be a future person. If there is no such thing as a lifetime, if Yao-Niang is just a simple milk niang, maybe these people have already said that she has moved her.
     “Wangfei is very valued for Su-Milkmaid.”
     Yao-Niang's heart is cool, but on the surface is a little cramped, holding his head tightly. Zi Yan did not talk to her any more, but she was too late to send her out of the school.
     It was not until far away that Yao-Niang could not help but vomit and shook his head.
     Although she is not smart, she can also see that the cake is a bit far away.
     Wangfei This is what she wants to use for her, the purpose is obvious, and the reward is the future of Xiao bao.
     There is a Wangfei in the back, and no matter what Xiao bao does, he will be helpless. But the premise is that Jin-Wangfei can keep his promise, provided that Yao-Niang can always use her at that time.
     But the problem is Xiao bao
     Yao-Niang looked down at her son, looking at her son with her big eyes, and licking his lovely little cute look, she couldn't help but kiss him on his forehead.
      Xiao bao is only a few months old now, and it will be in the next few years or decades. Wangfei is what it is, and it’s so rushing to go to Courtyard?
      Xiao bao was suddenly attacked by niang, and he subconsciously wanted to take his chubby hand to touch his own brain.
     It is a pity that the small arms are short and they are doing this kind of cuteness. Instead, Yao-Niang smiles and bends his eyes. She didn't even think about these messy things. She hugged her son up and kissed his forehead and teased: " Xiao bao would be shy."
     Is he shy? Is he shy? He is the crown of the Crown Prince...
     Ok, he is really shy!
      Xiao Bao suddenly had the illusion that he did not dare to see people. He held the face of Yao-Niang and buried his small face in her neck and neck.
     Really fragrant, this is the taste of niang.
     What he said to Yao-Niang when he suddenly sounded in his ear
     "...I don't ask him to make a difference, as long as health is good and disaster-free..."
     The face of Xu Duke family who was confined to death was really big, and he dared to take him as a shi-zi to make him niang!
     See Su-Milkmaid mother and child let the purple scorpion lead, purple smoke can not help but sigh: "I don't know if this Su-Milkmaid can understand what we mean?"
     If it is replaced by others, it is estimated that it has already come up, but this Su-Milkmaid is extremely stupid. No matter how Wangfei expresses it, she is ignorant and unclear. I don’t know if it is too stupid or too courageous.
     Jin-Wangfei smiled and looked down at her long, fingertips: "You really are stupid? She may not be smart, but it doesn't mean she is stupid. If she is stupid, she won't insist on that day. It is clear that even if I climb in, I can't keep myself. It's better not to rely on anyone, to be neutral, but to win a few honest impressions, and Benedict has to accept her."
     "But if she understands, how has she been stupid?" The purple dream is somewhat incomprehensible.
     "This is probably a stupid way for a stupid person to come up. I know that I have a few pounds and two weights, so I don't think it is too high. Unlike the surname Hu, it is as stupid as a pig, and it is higher than anyone else. If it is Usually, Benedict appreciates her interest and honesty, but unfortunately..."
     Unfortunately, this is not usual.
     Now Jin-Wangfei urgently needs a helper, and obviously Su-Milkmaid, who is hung in the eyes of Jin-Wang, is a small person, and looks good, Su-Milkmaid is the best candidate.
     "Niang-Niang, is that true?" Purple Butterfly is still somewhat unbelievable, and she dares not believe that her grandfather will do so.
     Jin-Wangfei face was dull and she didn't speak. She stood up and went inside.
     Zidie was busy with the past, and Zimen looked helplessly at Zidie: "It’s all like this, what is true and false."
     "Yes-" Can Wangfei but the granddaughter's daughter!
     Zi Meng does not need to guess to know what Zidie is thinking, said: "Is Madam's letter sent by people, is there any fake?! Well, you have to change your mouth, how can you not hold the door every time? Every time I provoke Wangfei to be unhappy."
     Purple Butterfly grievances and touches his mouth, and he does not say anything.
     In Xiao bao memory of his life, Fu Huang had the Queen in his life, but he never saw it.
     I only know that the Queen is the daughter of Xu Duke family, the former Jin-Wangfei.
     From the beginning of his notes, Xu the Queen has been confined to the Fengyi Palace, never appeared in front of people, and Xu Duke family has always been very low-key, deep in simple, not like a beautiful afterlife.
     In this regard, Xiao bao is unclear. This kind of incomprehension has not been solved until he died. He also thought about the death of his niang, but he always felt that it was more than that. This Xu the Queen has done something else, angered Fu Huang, or Xu Duke House did something, was counted in Xu the Queen, will cause such a situation.
      Xiao bao lay on the couch and turned over.
     He niang went to wash his clothes, and the two things that brought him back to make Xiao bao the most shameful thing is that he niang always wants to feed him, and then he can't control the urination.
     The stool is no problem, and he can make a strong effort before he can come, in order to get the attention of others. His niang and jade are careful people and can be found naturally.
     Can urinate
      Xiao bao has tried several times, and always feels out of urine.
     In this regard, Yao-Niang blamed it on that day Yan-Jie scared Xiao bao.
     Regarding this anger, Xiao Bao is in the heart, but he is willing to believe so. Otherwise, he has lived for so many years, how can he not even control the urine?
     However, he has been controlling his own urine for the past two days. He will be incontinent from every urination, and he will gradually be able to control it once or twice, and remind the Darens to give him urine.
     So Yao-Niang found that his son is becoming more and more sensible now, even when he knows how to pee, tell the grown-up.
     Yao-Niang came in from the outside and carried water vapor in his hand.
     At noon, everyone was using rice. She helped her son wash clothes by coming out with the space of rice.
     Yu Xi was not allowed to wash her, saying that she had not hurt her hand, but Yao-Niang was used to it, and Yu Xi had to look at Xiao bao. Wherever there is free, I can’t help people take care of themselves. I still have to wash my clothes. When I look at a child, it is already stretched.
     "Madam, let's eat rice." When no one was, Yu Xi was never called Su-Milkmaid, but Madam. Yao-Niang said that she told her not to call Madam several times, she did not listen. This is also Xiao bao claim that his niang is his father Shiqie, but I don't know why she niang is not properly arrogant Wangye Madam, but she is going to be a milk niang.
     When I first came, Xiao bao didn't understand it. But before I went to the Minsi brothel, he had some understanding. This is probably a means of stupid niang self-protection. How good is Madam, no one is in the eye, no one will deal with it.
     Just why did he become the son of the seller? When he came back from Xiao bao, the limited information he learned told him that his Father was not his Father, but a seller.
     This is a question he still does not understand.
     Yao-Niang's meal has been placed on the table, and the jade has just finished eating.
     She wiped her hand and sat down at the table. She ate and said to Yu Yu: "Are you eating well? Didn't eat well and use it with me."
     Yu Xi shook his head: "Eat well, Madam used it for himself. I put a diaper on Xiao bao Young Master." Xiao bao wet his pants before Yao, and after Yao-Niang gave him a wash, he let him dry his butt. Once it was aired, Yu Xi was afraid that Xiao bao would pee again and damp the bedding.
     "What is called Young Master, called Xiao bao will become." It was not a Young Master.
     Yu Xi came to the bed, and the little treasure on the couch was licking the small buttocks of the meat, and I didn’t know what to do. Before the jade was very puzzled, Yao-Niang told her that this month's milk baby is like this, he turned himself to play, flipped over and climbed, crawling and crawling, he can sit up himself, and then After that, it is natural to go, so let Yu Xi not care about him, just watch him not fall from the bed.
     Yu Yu took Xiao Bao waist and smashed him to himself. He said: “Little Young Master, nubi help you to put on diapers.”
      Xiao bao face was full of shameful red, and in order not to let people see it, he was there. Yu Xi stuffed the folded diaper into his waistband, then turned him over like a crust, and stuffed the other end of the diaper into the waistband in front of him.
     Yu Xi couldn’t help but laugh: “ Xiao bao Young Master is really easy to be shy, Madam, you see him squinting with his little hand.”
     Sitting at the table, Yao-Niang looked over and, sure enough, his son shrank into a shrimp-like rice, and took a pair of chubby hands and squinted. I don't know what this kid thinks in his head. She has never seen this month's milk baby, and she can understand this.
     The two of them talked about Xiao bao as a topic. Xiao bao old face was red, and he rolled to the foot of the bed and hid in it. Yu Xi suddenly thought of one thing: “-Mama told me to tell you that you can be in the small courtyard. Pick a small Yatou to serve."
     Yao-Niang stunned.
     Seeing this, what else does Yu Xi know? When she is next to Yao-Niang, she can see it. This master is a timid person who does not like to attract attention. His Highness and Mama are also about to be clear, and it is estimated that they are following a step-by-step idea.
     So she excused: "It is also a help for the nubi , and it will prevent you from being too busy in the day."
     Yao-Niang thought about it too. In the day, I looked at Xiao bao, I am afraid that it is also hard, and it is good to have a helper. I can hesitate when I pick someone. She is subconscious about vanilla, thinking about the relationship between vanilla and Zhou Sheng.
     "Then A-Xia." In this small courtyard, Yao-Niang has the best relationship with these two Yatou.
      Xiao bao listened to the Darens with his ears upside down, and his thoughts could not help but scatter.
     A-Xia moved into the room of Yu Xi on the same day.
     Afraid that A-Xia would not leave the kitchen, Yao-Niang also asked her privately, knowing that A-Xia is very willing to take care of Xiao bao. This is from playing Xiao bao to the  Little Jao Courtyard, A-Xia especially likes him, and come to see him every day, it is also quite suitable.
     A-Xia is very diligent. After the call, Yao-Niang and Yu Xi can share a lot of things. A-Xia is a little childish, and can play with Xiao bao in one place. People can play for an afternoon.
     The cloth ball is made by Yao-Niang, which is stitched into a sphere with brightly colored cloth, and stuffed with rags. Xiao bao can now sit up very well, playing this lost game, can train him to turn back and coordinate with the hand.
     See Xiao bao playing so happy, Yao-Niang feels that this ball is really right.
     In fact, this kind of small fun face is also sold, mostly wooden or rattan weaving, it is inconvenient to go out in the palace, so Yao-Niang will do it by himself.
     It’s really good to do it. Yao-Niang has done two, one for Xiao bao and one for the small County Owner.
      Xiao bao picked up the ball and raised his hand. He replied to remind each other and threw it out. In fact, he felt bored. He also didn't want to play this naive game, but he couldn't control the little body very well now. He could only learn to train the ordinary baby slowly.
      Xiao bao deliberately threw the place, A-Xia smiled and went over, made a face to him, and threw it back.
     Yao-Niang sat on the bed of the arhat under the window and was sewing clothes to Xiao Bao.
     In these few days, she was very busy. Hu  Ceefei didn't know what the wind would bring to the small courtyard every day. She would play with the little County Owner, feed the little County Owner, bathe her, and certainly not forget to breastfeed. So the errands of the milk niang were robbed. In addition, she remembered that Yao-Niang didn't give her face before, and she was always intimate on the face. In fact, she always looked for Yao-Niang.
     After two days of tossing, Yuyan secretly yelled at Yao-Niang. When Hu  Ceefei came, she avoided it.
     So Yao-Niang shunned out, and it was nothing to do.
     "This Hu  Ceefei is also really, that thing has nothing to do with Su-Sister, and it is always rushing for you." A-Xia played with Xiao bao.
     The reason why she said this is that Yao-Niang will hide back because Hu  Ceefei is looking for her again. I don't want to offend Mu-Mama, so Hu  Ceefei job is to pick up Yao-Niang. Waiting for the small Count Owner is not careful. I haven't done it here. I haven't done it well, not as good as her.
     In fact, let Yao-Niang see that this is Hu  Ceefei in order to show himself, choose to take her as a scorpion to step down. People are the pro-niang of the children, and people naturally say that everything is right. Yao-Niang also understands why Hu  Ceefei is like this. It is generally overwhelmed by Wangfei and wants to pull back the situation through the small County Owner.
     That is to show his mother's heart, and showed it to Jin-Wang.
     In fact, the last point is the most important, because for a long time, Yao-Niang did not listen to the  Little Jao Courtyard people saying that Jin-Wang stayed in the stay in the Spring Hall. Let's talk about Hu  Ceefei, all of which are derogatory words. Of course, it means to listen to Yao-Niang, and it is also the correct attitude of the current Wangfu people.
     After all, Wangfei is now big.
     For things between Wangfei and Hu  Ceefei, Yao-Niang has always been reluctant to sneak, and it is far from hiding, so Yuyan asked Hu  Ceefei to come and she will avoid it, to Yao-Niang. It’s a matter of righteousness.
     Only this thing Yao-Niang will definitely not say to A-Xia, only smiled and said: "Ceefei is a small County Owner pro niang, I feel that everyone else is doing bad, it is normal."
     Her words in exchange for the two different reactions, A-Xia is probably a bit of hate iron is not steel, so did not speak. Xiao bao threw the ball and fell there, turning over and rolling away, no matter how A-Xia teased him.
      Xiao bao thinks that Hu  Ceefei is really the best, and I don't know where Fu Huang came from.
     In order to know more about these information in a few days, Xiao bao will make trouble every day. Just A-Xia and the people in the small kitchen are familiar with it. When he is free, he will take him to the back room to play. Piecemeal, Xiao bao also knows a lot of information, knowing the most, naturally this Hu  Ceefei.
      Xiao bao feels that such a person can survive, and it must be a god blessing. As for this fairy who does not think of others, it must be his good Fu Huang.
     At the thought of this, Xiao bao naturally thought that Fu Huang had a small County Owner, and he was the son of the seller, and he was very upset.
     "what happened?"
      Xiao bao was annoyed, suddenly picked up by someone, looked up and saw the gentle face of niang white.
     “Is it uncomfortable?”
     Yao-Niang touched his son's forehead and went to touch his head. Xiao bao was very comfortable to touch, and he was not bothered.
     Even if Fu Huang has a daughter, he is the son of a francis, but he has niang! And Xiao bao always feels that it is not right. He is definitely not the son of the seller. Because he grew up like Fu Huang and he is definitely not there!
     Could it be said that Fu Huang had been a folklore for unknown reasons, and for a period of time, she had a singular love relationship with her niang? However, he Fu Huang did not doubt his birth, he was the son of the hawk, he would look at him so disgusting!
     What happened in the middle?
      Xiao bao really hates that she is too young now. She can't check her what happened to the man before her niang.
     That night.
     When he heard the movement, Xiao bao opened his eyes.
     Then there was a slight footstep and the lights lit up outside the screen.
     Very dark, you can borrow some light.
     The door was gently opened and the jade sneaked out quietly.
     In fact, Xiao bao has long woken up, the house is not soundproof, and the movement next door is always more or less able to pass a little. In the last life, Xiao bao lived twenty. Although he had never been married because of physical reasons, Fu Huang had tried to let him have a son and a half daughter, but unfortunately he could not make it, so Xiao bao is not a young child.
     He knew what the movement meant. When he heard it, he used his quilt to lick his ears. He was a son, and he could listen to the corner of Father Niang.
     He Fu Huang came over tonight, and learned the thief who stole the jade to drill his niang's bed.
     This is not the first time, so Xiao bao has become accustomed to it. Yu Xi will go through the middle of the night and return to it in a few moments.
      Xiao bao felt that he had moved around and looked at the darkness in the room. He looked over and it was A-Xia sitting up.
     Since playing A-Xia, he added a canopy bed in the corner, and Xiao bao sleeps with A-Xia on this bed. So A-Xia moves, Xiao bao knows.
     However, A-Xia sat for a while, and soon lay down with a light hand. After a short time, Xiao bao heard the sound of Yu Xi pushing the door.
     For this A-Xia, Xiao bao feels very fun. She sees her innocently on most days, but sometimes she can see some of her actions, not like people who will be such a character.
     The room was quiet again.
     After thinking for a while, Xiao bao stopped thinking about it. He felt that his problems in his last life had not changed. It was probably because his body was weak and he could not go anywhere, so he was particularly tempted to test the hearts of the people. In fact, think about it, a small Yatou can have a heart, even if there is any thought, a finger is enough to kill it.
     Next door, Yao-Niang long hair is scattered, half a volt in the arms of Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang's jade-carved face, with a hint of redness, is the aftertaste of bliss. Yao-Niang is also panting, until now it is still not smooth, and even the whole body is still shaking.
     Jin-Wang is going to be too powerful. Yao-Niang will be able to cope with it. Now it’s time for the whole person to go half a life.
     The following is not painful, it is the wood, the whole body can not restrain the trembling, the tremors in the bones are still reverberating, but after the extreme is again the extreme several times, the whole person is out of control.
     At the end of the day, Yao-Niang was even incontinent.
     Yao-Niang hasn't encountered this kind of situation before, and he is ashamed and embarrassed. With the body and mind can't bear it, he cried on the spot.
     Seeing her like this, Jin-Wang’s eyes are a bit annoyed.
     He also knew that he was too much. It seemed that when she touched her, the animal desire hidden in his heart could not be controlled. What kind of sinful tricks dare to make to her, what obscene words dare to say, Jin-Wang sometimes recalls, can't help but wonder if it is himself?
     But he also knows that some men are different in peace in this kind of thing, and he has not put it in his heart, but today...
     "Don't cry, Benwang is not like this in the future."
     Yao-Niang ignored him, buried his head and cried, crying and pumping.
     Jin-Wang glared at her and saw her a black hair scatter.
     The snowy skin under it was a little red, and even the faint blue and purple, the heart was suddenly hurt. She hugged her up, she still hung her head, and he stretched out his big palm to pick up the small face of the palm.
     I saw a tear on the surface of Furong, my eyes were sore and swollen, and the whole face was stained with a ray of color.
     The corners of the corners of the eyes and even the facial muscles are trembled uncontrollably, apparently being tossed by him.
     Can be biased Jin-Wang and feel a flame in the body, especially want to hurt her once again.
     Daddy, press her under the body, hurt her!
     He closed his eyes and covered the blood of it. When he opened it again, it was dark. He reached out and stroked her face, and held her in her arms, stroking her back with a big palm, helping her to calm the uncontrollable convulsions.
     Yao-Niang finally felt that the teeth did not tremble, and the trembling tightness disappeared, and it cried out. But he also cares that Xiao bao is next door, dare not cry loudly, only dare to cry in a small voice.
     "How can you do this!"
     Yao-Niang Just as soon as I think of Fang Caiyu to clean up the mess and see the traces of being shackled, there is a sense of shame that can't be breathed. In particular, he was too much, this is to take her to the screen and then clean up, but the jade came in, he came to the interest, actually came a little more, she could not control, called out on the spot.
     As long as I think of it all, Yao-Niang can't wait to die.
     "It's all Benwang's mistake. It won't be like this in the future!" This is probably the first time Jin-Wang has been so whispered in his life, even if he is facing his own Fu Huang, Jin-Wang has never been like this.
     Can marry her, so pitiful, he can not keep his heart, can not stand.
     In fact, during this time, Jin-Wang is also a small milk niang temper grid, is a dough-like person.
     The doughy person also has a temper, and she is willing to be willing to be with her, it is totally different.
     瞧瞧 瞧瞧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Not doing that, just watching her serve her in a small way, he feels happy in his heart.
     So why should he let her have complaints in her heart?
     Yes, exactly.
     Jin-Wang said this to himself in his heart.
     So, the complexion softened and the tone was soft: "Benwang promised you." This is already Jin-Wang can do the ultimate.
     Anyway, Yao-Niang is very surprised and believes.
     “Really?” she asked with a red and swollen eye.
     Yao-Niang finally settled down and fell back. Under the touch of Jin-Wang, the sleepyness came up and fell asleep.
     Make sure she is asleep, and Jin-Wang puts her down on the couch.
     Seeing that she didn't wake up, she slept very hard, and Jin-Wang quietly stayed, put on clothes, and opened the door to go out.
     It was only until the  Little Jao Courtyard that he was indifferent: "Go and find Liu Liang."
     There is a faint sound of branches and winds, Jin-Wang goes to Zhaohuitang.
     Under the dim light, Liu Liang’s white eyebrows are wrinkled, and he often caresses his beard.
     The room was quiet and scary, and Fu Cheng was standing on the sidelines, as if there was anything in the air.
     For a long while, Liu Liang was retracted as a hand of Jin-Wang.
     "His Royal Highness recently felt that the eyes could not be seen. If the light was too much, there would be an impulse to shed tears.
     The temperament is on the heart, and there are mournings all the time. And once the female color is touched, it is impossible to stop, and the roots are swollen and cannot be eliminated. ”
     Liu Liangyi three questions are linked to Jin-Wang, the most unspeakable thing, but the doctors can pay attention to the questions, but they can't tell the truth. And Liu Liang doctor is not the first time to treat Jin-Wang, but there is nothing to say.
     Jin-Wang nodded.
     Seeing, Liu Liang’s brow wrinkled more tightly. He sighed: “As it seems today, it’s the poison that is going to go deep into the bone marrow. If it’s been impossible to get an antidote, maybe it’s half a month in March, Will fall into a blind eye, slashing, until the sperm is dead!"
     Good poison!
     At first, Jin-Wang had this poison, and it was only an aphrodisiac. At most, it was more intense than ordinary aphrodisiac.
     But after all the signs of his body, it is unusual to show this poison. It is also this Liu Liang medical doctor is superb, involved in a very wide range, but it is recognized that this poison is the bliss that has long been lost.
     This bliss is made many years ago by a Jiangu obscenity in order to satisfy her lust, and it has a miraculous effect on both men and women. When a man is obeyed, the woman who will be handed over will have an irresistible impulse.
     And women are no different.
     At the beginning, relying on this bliss, countless women became the imprisonment of this person. This person was brave enough to even move the son-in-law of the imperial court official. Because of the high authority of the imperial court, he laid down the net and finally took down the obscenity. This person was delayed, and the name of this bliss was also passed down to the world.
     Even Liu Liang’s doctor did not expect that Jin-Wang would have this poison, but there was no sign of any symptoms. When he was in junior high school, he could not see things, and he wanted to burn his heart. After that, it will return to normal, and the lust will increase greatly. When it comes to the full moon night, it will not be able to control itself. In the later period, the episode was more frequent, until the inner side of the virtual yang was desperate.
     But this poison is not incomprehensible, because this medicine is developed to satisfy the lust of obscenity, and he naturally cannot harm himself.
     There is also a kind of medicine that complements it. After taking it, it can offset all the negative effects of this medicine. It has an unspeakable effect on men, but it can be sent to the night.
     After the poison in Jin-Wang, the people searched for information about the bliss, and spent 9th-Cattle efforts to find the handwritten note of the original court officer. According to the record of this person, more than 80 years old, the old and the strong, and in the 70th year, he also gave his 18th room, Small Concubine, a son.
     It is a pity that I only found this handwritten note, but I have not found anything else.
     The descendants of this person’s future generations have long been lost.
     After listening to Liu Liang’s words, Jin-Wang has always been inactive, but Fucheng lost his usual calm.
     "The old slave sent a letter to the dark and asked if he found the medicine."
     Jin-Wang Dagger, Fucheng hurried down.
     After Fu Cheng left, Jin-Wang asked: "Can there be an extension method?"
     Liu Liangyi indulged in a moment and hesitated: "If it is a feast with the first woman, it can be extended for a while, but the symptoms are not cured."
     The reason why he hesitated is also clear about Jin-Wang's criticism. If Jin-Wang is familiar with the insiders, how can he say that this poison is very poisonous, and the reason is to give a poison to a man who is disgusted with women. It is undoubtedly extremely damaging.
     "Okay, go on."
     Liu Liang nodded and went on.
     Jin-Wang was sitting there with his slender fingers and pointing at the armrests of the chair.
     Half-sounding, only said: "Give the words to the capital, smother! Benwang does not believe that he does not care about things, there is the same destruction, with the most important, change the medicine!"
     Between the evenings, the backyard of the palace has changed.
     His Royal Highness went to the Spring Pavilion to enjoy things, and stayed at the Spring Hall that night.
     Suddenly, people in the back house talked a lot.
     For some people with a clear eye, this does not seem to be unexpected, after all, the small County Owner is still there, especially recently Hu  Ceefei has made all the stops by the small County Owner. But where His Royal Highness still cares about his only daughter, he will not let Hu  Ceefei leave it, no, this is not.
     The next person in the Spring Pavilion finally straightened his waist and changed his mind to be a man.
     Therefore, if there is a face in this person, it is necessary to see whether the master has any potential, and that is a glory and loss.
     I helped Wangfei to stay in the Spring Hall earlier.
     The kitchen has not been ready for the Spring Palace on time.
     The dreams are reminded, and there is an excuse on the kitchen.
     There is always something here.
     It’s just a day away, and there a 180-degree change.
     The people in the big kitchen looked at the dreams, and the dog’s face didn’t smile.
     The good words went out and went to her. Ries fruit dessert.
     Dreams raised the food box, and went out of the big kitchen. Before leaving the distance, he took a sip and said: "The dog eyes are low!"
     When I returned to the stay in the Spring Hall, my dreams filled my face with a spring breeze. When I was facing Hu  Ceefei, I described how the people in the big kitchen had married her.
     "These things are owed to the lesson. If Niang-Niang hits their faces, they will know that Wangye has three eyes. Don't look at it, just because of our small County Owner, Niang-Niang can't be affected. His Royal Highness!"
     Hu  Ceefei smiled and smiled, and the gorgeous face was full of pride.
     Inadvertently, there was a glimpse of it, and she did not know what she thought of.
     Jao Courtyard, behind the hood, several sitting in front of the small kitchen, Yatou Pozi is talking.
     Most of them are a few older Pozis.
     They say that the little Yatou people are not as good as they are, and they talk less.
     Regarding Hu  Ceefei pet, the  Little Jao Courtyard also received news. When I mentioned this, Pozi spoke again and again: "Pozi, I said, it's impossible to go down there, how can I still be there?"
     "No, that person is a seedling seedling. If one day, one person can give birth, or take it with him, maybe you can completely suppress that side."
     These Pozi talks seem to be playing a riddle, but in fact everyone who is here knows what it means. However, it is not easy for the next person to talk directly about the masters, the use of the name.
     A few small Yatou listened with gusto, including A-Xia and Xiao bao sitting on the side.
     Zhao-Pozi, who talked about it, saw Xiao bao face thoughtful, and smiled at him and said to others: “Hey, this little thing, he seems to understand it.”
     Everyone followed the aim and laughed.
     As the only baby in the Little Jao Courtyard  yard, Xiao bao is very popular among the Yato Pozi. Small County Owner Because it is the master, Hu  Ceefei looks good, Mu-Mama looks heavy, naturally can not go deep into the lower layers.
     On the contrary, Xiao bao is the son of a milk niang. Because the identity fits the people, everyone has to be much more comfortable. It is common practice to twist a small face and touch a chubby hand.
     There are also some unpopular Pozis who even seldom kiss a fat face.
     Who told the child to hurt people!
     In this regard, Xiao bao was deeply disturbed and bothered to die. It is a pity that he can't say it, and he dare not make any shocking moves. He can only suffer with sorrow.
     That bitter bitterness is really impossible.
     A Pozi came up and hugged Xiao bao. He smiled and smiled and dialed the chicken outside his broken pants: "瞧瞧咱小宝, this chicken is much better, with the handle !"
      Xiao Bao was directly stunned, and his small eyes were sluggish.
     A few Pozi laughed, and one of them said: "Let me say, there should be a trick to take the trick, maybe you can recruit."
     Someone immediately took over: "The light can be used with fart, no seeds, and the field can't grow seedlings!"
     This group of Pozi is open to the eye, which is really unbearable. A few small Yatou can understand and understand, some understand, the face is red, some do not understand, or a confused.
      Xiao bao naturally understood, felt ashamed, and immediately forgot that he was being squashed. But this also let him know a message, Fu Huang does not like Xu-shi.
     However, Fu Huang didn't like Xu-shi, which is not surprising. What really surprised Xiao bao was that Fu Huang, who was staying at the Spring Pavilion last night, actually came to find him niang.
     Don't ask Xiao Bao how to know, the average person he does not tell him.
     What is Fu Huang doing?
      Xiao bao screwed up his little brow.
     Jin-Wang stayed in the Liuchun Pavilion for five days, and could not surprise the people of Wangfu.
     Because they know that there is no sixth day, there will be another second day of the first day.
     Jin-Wangfei was not surprised by this. When she came up with the Yatou newspaper, she sneered or sneered. I can't help but think about how the man can't get it.
     The two guys can fight, and she sits on the mountain.
     Since then, Jin-Wangfei has finally changed its previous thinking.
     She is like this, and what is unacceptable, as long as she gives in to that person, she will not let herself lose Wangfei position.
     I want to think so, in the end it is difficult.
     It was at this time that the reward of the imperial court finally arrived, and there were several beautiful people coming along with this reward.
     Regarding Jin-Wang, there has been no such thing.
     These years have been the heart disease of Emperor Hongjing. It is necessary to have a seizure from time to time. After all, Jin-Wang is his son, and his son is more outstanding. He is a Qinwang. No sons, like what.
     However, Jin-Wang has been unsatisfied with this matter. He is occasionally called back to Capital City. He is also able to push and recommend him to Hongjing Emperor.
     This is not the case. Recently, there has been a rumor in Capital City.
     The reason why Jin-Wang has not been for many years is because of his own male style and not close to female color.
     There is no such thing as a good male wind. Many of the princes and aristocrats in Capital City have not raised a small’servant. But the good male style is so good that they have no sons. It is a big problem.
     The Emperor Hongjing was so determined that it would not be possible to do so. This did not tossed two of the elites from Capital City, and several other beautiful people also enjoyed Jin-Wang.
     The two noble ladies were given in the name of Ceefei, one is the Di Daughter of the Houyang Hou family, and the other is the Shu Daughter Xu Yueru of the Xu Duke family.
     Ceefei is the serious wife of Shangyu, especially the Hongjing Emperor. It is reasonable to say that the Jin-Wang House has to celebrate the celebrations, so the evening after the two arrived, Jin-Wang House hangs.
     The red, the upper and lower parts of the house are full of joy, and the people are rewarded with the wine to show the same joy.
     It was night, Lingbo Xuan and Haoyueju were brightly lit, and two Ceefei people who were personally serving were looking forward to it.
     This time, I entered the door together, but two Ceefei, although there is no eight-lifting sedan chair, there is nothing to worship the heavens and the earth, can you see if you can go to Wangfei, please face your wife and sister in front of your grandmother, you can all look at Jin- Where is Wang resting here today?
     If you change to Capital City, there will never be two Ceefei admissions, but this is not the capital, but Jinju. In order to be afraid of the changes in it, the seals made the front of the sacred order, and the two feet were stuffed into the palace.
     The two Ceefei are extremely embarrassed. If they are not the ones who are dowry and there are many things, I don’t know if they are the few Shiqie who have no name.
     So can you earn this face, but look at where Jin-Wang is resting tonight.
     After all, it’s a holy decree. Jin-Wang is a bit different even if he doesn’t want to, and the two have also inquired before coming to Jinju. Jin-Wang is not close to women, just because he is busy with war all the year round. Will be negligent.
     This Jin-Wang House has a legitimate Cevefei, and a small County Owner, Jin-Wang is not close to the female color, it is a rumor!
     There is a happy event in the house, and the people are also given a drink.
      Little Jao Courtyards are also indispensable.
     St. Shang suddenly gave the temple to so many women to enter the door, or refused to be the kind, the Wangfu people piled up in the heap but fried the pot, and they talked about the situation in this house from now on.
     There were three tables in the yard in front of the back hood, and the next few people who came to the yard were coming.
     Yao-Niang is also there.
     Everyone else is drinking, she can't drink, just sit there and eat. Xiao bao is very obedient and honestly sits on the knees of niang.
      Xiao bao is very obedient today, and I have been obedient before, but I have never been quiet. Condensed with a small face, it seems to be very heavy, and it makes people want to laugh.
     He couldn't help but peek at Yao-Niang, for fear of seeing sadness on Niang's face. Even though Yao-Niang is calm and occasionally talking to people, he feels that niang is likely to be sad.
     After all, it will be sad, Fu Huang has a lot of Concubine at once, and probably will rarely come to find niang in the future.
     In fact, Xiao bao would like to say to Yao-Niang, don't be afraid. When he is a little older, he must find a way to find out the truth. Even if he is really the son of the vendor, it will not matter. He will be very promising, let niang be killed and enjoy his life.
     As night falls, the string moon hangs high in the air.
     The seats have been withdrawn, everyone has to pick up the mess, and Yao-Niang has returned to the house with Xiao bao.
     The jade inertia wanted to take over Xiao bao, but Yao-Niang shook his head: "I took him to sleep today, so that you can sleep well."
     " Xiao Bao is actually very obedient, and noisy at night." Yu Yu looked at her with hesitation.
     A-Xia stood beside Yu Xi and echoed: "Yes, Su-Sister, or I am sleeping with Xiao bao."
      Xiao bao seems to be afraid that niang gave himself to the jade, and he stretched out his chubby arms and grabbed the neck of Yao-Niang.
     Seeing this, Yao-Niang smiled and said: "You are jealous of him. I still sleep with me tonight." She seemed to have something to say, but she never said it.
     So Xiao bao successfully returned to Yao-Niang.
     A-Xia helped bring in hot water, Yao-Niang went to the screen and washed it, and A-Xia helped Xiao bao wash. Waiting for the wash to help him change clothes and diapers, Yao-Niang also packed up.
     Only a light was lit up in the room, resting on the small bed at the bed, and the bed was illuminated.
      Xiao bao lay there, watching Wufa feel free to pull behind his head, only a few squats next to it, how to look good, how to see how gentle niang, a soft warmth in my heart.
     Although I came back from being heavy, I became a little baby who couldn’t talk and couldn’t walk. I couldn’t help but feel wrong. But Xiao bao is grateful to God, because he gave him such a good niang.
     So niang, you really don't want to be afraid, there is Xiao bao.
     See Yao-Niang sitting on the couch, Xiao bao buttocks twisted to her side, Yao-Niang looked at him strangely: " Xiao bao is really amazing, will climb."
      Xiao bao little buttocks worked hard, turned over, and the belly gasped in the air, thinking: This is what is called climbing, obviously ‘calling. Yao-Niang was already very happy. He picked up his son, kissed his head, and pinched the chubby hand until he was so funny that Xiao bao was so blushing that he only took her hand and pushed her.
     Yao-Niang played the game of throwing the ball with him. Xiao bao knew what he was waiting for, and he was very happy to play with Yao-Niang.
     The laughter of the two people could be heard in the next door.
     Hearing the laughter from the side, Yu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.
     Su-Milkmaid is a good temper. Although she was arranged to serve her by His Royal Highness, she was on the side of Su-Milkmaid if she chose to remove all external factors.
     A-Xia is a flash of gaze, hangs his head, and does not know what he is thinking.
     The mother and son played for a long time, until Xiao bao couldn't help but yawned several times, and Yao-Niang only reacted early.
     "Hurry up, don't be hungry? Do you want to eat milk?"
      Xiao bao immediately scared a roll and rolled into the bed, and ignored her with a small butt. Yao-Niang thought about feeding a small bowl of porridge and drinking half a bowl of milk before eating. It should be not hungry, and then gave up the idea of ​​feeding his son.
     Yao-Niang went to the light and went to the couch to lie down, but there was no drowsiness.
     Feeling that a little man had rolled over, she immediately reached out and could see her son's sweet little face by the moonlight. Yao-Niang couldn't help but smile and throw away all the cranky thoughts.
     In fact, she has any qualifications to think about this, she is not his, he is not her, he fortunately the two new door Ceefei has something to do with her! Or because I knew that since I had her, I have never touched other people, so I can’t help but have greed?
     Su Yao-Niang, you should not think about this!
     Caressing his son's soft, soft body, Yao-Niang gradually fell asleep.
     Zhao Huitang, Fu Cheng has always taken his eyes to Jin-Wang.
     Just rushed to ask, Your Highness, are you going tonight to go to Lingbo Xuan and Yue Yueju?
     The reason why Fucheng produced this kind of uncertainty was because the two Ceefei were rewarded by the bridegroom. When there was a house in the night, the groom’s official did not appear.
     It is a pity that Jin-Wang has always been watching the file on the file, and even picking up the pen from time to time to review what is on it, not at all anxious.
     Really Wangye is not in a hurry, anxious eunuch!
     When I arrived at the Hai, Jin-Wang finally stood up, but did not mean to go out, but went to the back room.
     Dressing, bathing, and getting through, Fu Cheng thought: Well, Your Highness is not going to go anywhere. I know that Jin-Wang has put on clothes, and Fu Cheng suddenly feels like a chicken blood, so I can't wait to open a woman's bed and send my own highness.
     Jin-Wang went out of the room, Fucheng had to follow, but was stopped by Jin-Wang: "Don't keep up."
     Needless to say, Fu achievements know Jin-Wang. This is where I plan to go. This is another time to find Su-Milkmaid. I don't know how the two Ceefei sleeps tonight, and it's almost empty all night.
     But whoever asks Su-Milkmaid to be favored, His Royal Highness is not willing to vacate for one night, even if it is occasionally empty for one night, it can always be remembered, and the next day, I can’t wait for it to be dark.
     Yao-Niang slept in a sleep and was suddenly awakened by people.
     The incoming person does not change his past nature, while sucking her lip, while holding her hand.
     The squatting squatted and smashed the shackles and sneaked inside.
     Yao-Niang sleeps a little confused, subconsciously ringing the other's neck and even giving a response.
     The two men's lips and teeth entangled, breathing more and more heavy, the other's thin lips gradually moved down, biting on her jade neck.
     "His Royal Highness..." Yao-Niang made an unconscious call, and the body was happy to bubble.
     Jin-Wang snorted, holding one hand at her back neck and groping down with one hand.
     He was so excited that he couldn't suppress himself. He tried to cover it with his belt, but suddenly he felt something wrong.
     There was something next to him.
     In the darkness, the red-faced Xiao bao slammed two times and the two of them suddenly froze.
     Yao-Niang just wanted to ‘Call, but he slammed his voice into the eyes of the blind man.
     "Small, small treasure..."
     Jin-Wang stayed in bed and lit the lights. Sure enough, I saw Yao-Niang lying next to him.
     Looking at the innocent face, even because of the sudden bright eyes squinting, Jin-Wang glared at Yao-Niang: "How is he here!"
     Yao-Niang is inexplicably guilty, 'I' has whispered a few times: "I am going to sleep with Xiao bao tonight."
     "He is not in the usual room next door!" Jin-Wang frowned, his face was not happy.
     Yao-Niang still felt uneasy, and he suddenly came up with such a resentment: "What happened to me when I took my little treasure." It was a very imposing sentence, but she did not feel a sense of deterrence.
     Jin-Wang snorted and grabbed the collar of Xiao bao and walked outside.
     "what are you doing!"
     Yao-Niang was shocked and jumped out of the shoes without wearing it. He almost didn't fall. After waiting to go out, I found that the door had been opened, and stood outside the door.
     Jin-Wang threw Xiao bao to Yu Xi and closed the door.
     Looking back at Yao-Niang, Yao-Niang is inexplicably guilty. She can talk to Jin-Wang without using such a fierce tone. She wants to turn her head and wear shoes. She also wants to avoid Jin-Wang. Forcing, I just turned around and was hugged.
      ‘Calling in the mouth, Jin-Wang pressed her to the table and just got in.
     Yao-Niang didn't guard, almost didn't ‘Call, covered his mouth with his fist, and then he hit her with a moment.
     "I won't let him sleep in this bed again!"
     Other Yao-Niang let it go, but she couldn't make it. She gasped with a small breath and said, "I don't think you will come today, so let Xiao bao follow me." The resistance of Zhongyi remarks, after knowing what to say, is still consistently soft, but with some grievances.
     Taking advantage of her little face, Jin-Wang came to the interest: "Where do you think Benwang should go?"
     Yao-Niang Where can I concentrate now? After listening to this, I will subconsciously say: "You should not go to the two Ceefei..."
     When she said something, she realized what she said.
     "The slave is not." She did not look directly at Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang ‘Called twice, his eyebrows rose upwards, but his movements were both hectic and heavy: "Since you don't want Benwang to find someone else, then you can wait for Benwang, wait for you, and Benwang will give you!"
     Yao-Niang has long been hit by the two of them, except for that sentence, and no one else left.
     In the main hall of the school, Jin-Wangfei is high above it.
     The first place is Hu  Ceefei. As for Li-Madam and Tao-Madam, there are no chairs to sit on, and they can only stand by.
     There are two people standing below, but Liu Ceefei and Xu Ceefei who have just entered the door.
     Yesterday, the temple stayed at Zhaohui Hall all night, and did not go out at all. In the early morning, everyone was informed of the news. So needless to say, these two are squatting all night long.
     Jin-Wangfei took advantage of the dignified smile and looked down on the two people below.
     The correct one should say that she saw Xu Ceefei.
     Xu Ceefei looks like a mother, and looks beautiful. From the point of view, this kind of length corresponds to the chest without a city, but Jin-Wangfei knows that this is a fake. On the city and the masterpiece, very few people can win the mother and daughter.
     Jin-Wangfei is the one who hates this kind of appearance. It is a kind of physiological aversion that will make her want to nausea.
     But now she doesn't think so, she feels that she used to think about it. Hey, this is not very good now. She looks down and smiles at her. She looks at her very embarrassed. As long as she is still Jin-Wangfei, she will have to succumb to her.
     And in this house, there are many people who fight with her.
     "Since I entered the door, I was the one who served the Highness, and I loved the same sister-helping each other.
     The more Benedict would not say it.
     The two Ceefei came in only yesterday. I am afraid there are still many things. Go on."
     After Jin-Wangfei figure was not in the bead curtain, this group of glamorous women were scattered.
     Li-Madam and Tao-Madam quickly left, obviously not wanting to get into it. Hu  Ceefei smirked and looked up and down Xu Ceefei and Liu Ceefei: "Two Mei-mei walked slowly, sister, I took the first step." Then he smiled and left.
     Whether it was her words or her actions, all showed signs of degeneration, which made Xu Ceefei and Liu Ceefei look bad.
     Can still stand opposite the opposite side, and how can show weakness in front of the other side, and immediately the two returned to normal. Liu Ceefei used to be a high-level arrogant temper, naturally disdain all this, carrying his chin and nodded to Xu Ceefei, and left. I left Xu Ceefei alone, and I didn’t know what I was thinking.
     In fact, before playing Jinju, Xu Yueru knew that this was a difficult road.
     Jin-Wangfei is her Di-sister, or Di-sister who hates her and her Concubine for many years, how to treat her undoubtedly. Xu Yueru used to be higher than the top. She was raised as the Di Daughter since she was a child. This made her forget that even Xu Duke hurt her again. Her Concubine had the favor of Xu Duke.
     In particular, Xu Duke had already let the people in Capital City have been laughing at the kind of things that Xu Yueru had made for Concubine. Who might really put Xu Yueru in the eye.
     At the age of the marriage, Di-mother is not on the heart, Xu Duke has a few for her, she does not have one to see. She is a high-profile singer, and there is a Concubine that is famous for the people of Capital City.
     The low-ranking person can't swallow this breath.
     No reason Di-Sister is Wangfei, she married a scholar who was born in the cold.
     I have been to sixteen, and the marriage is still not settled. Not only is Xu Yueru anxious, but her Concubine is also anxious. In a small way, he asked for Xu Duke. Xu Duke thought about it and thought about it before he planned to send another daughter to serve Jin-Wang.
     Jin-Wang is not in Capital City, but whoever does not know this king, Jin-Wang and Yong Wang are the most powerful, holding hundreds of thousands of troops in their hands, that is, the court has to give him a few faces.
     Regardless of why Xu Duke is eager to win over Jin-Wang, in general, a Ceefei of the King of the Prince is afraid of being a high climber.
     Especially Jin-Wangfei is Xu Yanru.
     Xu Yueru and her Concubine thought about it in the past, still feel that this is feasible. Jin-Wangfei has never been able to give birth to a child, and it must have been born. If Xu Yueru marries in the past, he will be able to win the man, even if Jin-Wangfei has to stand by.
     In the future, the huge Jin-Wang House is the world of Xu Yueru, just like Xu Duchess, because he couldn't give birth to his son, let Xu Yueru Concubine take the lead, and he would have to bow his head for a lifetime.
     Of course, there are indispensable ways to do this. Compared with Ronghua wealth, these are nothing.
     They don't have a natural golden life.
     They can only pour their skins and don't want to rush to grab.
     Xu Yueru hit her small Concubine to raise her, and her Concubine had a great influence on her. It is clear that a Guniang of Duke House, even if it is a slap, can be a real wife, but it is a must for the right wife.
     Therefore, Xu Yueru came, holding the heart that is bound to gain, but the reality has poured a cold water on her.
     Jin-Wang even dismissed her, not only her, but also the woman of Liu Yuer. A man does not appear in the bridal chamber, not disdain and what?
     For a time, Xu Yueru thoughts and thoughts, but also aroused her heart.
     There is no man who can't overcome it, but it is the means.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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