Han Yuxi 1670

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1670__ 

       Lu-Er was lying in bed and leisurely eating the osmanthus cake sent by Yu-Xi, as if I didn't see an anxious Xuan Ji Er.
       Xuan Ji Er stood up and looked out. No one came in and couldn’t help but complain:
       "Second sister, how come people have not returned yet?"
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "Which is so fast, you have been sitting for a long time, sit down and eat two cakes!" Still comfortable in the capital, not used to anything. It’s not like you’re in Yucheng.
       Xuan Ji Er, who has an appetite, sat down next to Lu-Er and asked with a sad look:
       "Second sister, do you say that Auntie will forgive me?"
       He heard that after Dai Yan’s illness fell, he was anxious, and if Ah 3rd stopped him, he went directly to Daifu to visit. Finally, there is no way, only the Lu-Er can be found.
       Lu-Er took a sip of orange juice and smiled:
       "Forgive you? How about not forgiving you?"
       Xuan Ji Er did not know how to answer this.
       Lu-Er finished the orange juice and could not help but touch the towering belly and said:
       "If your brother-in-law gave me this before marriage, guess what would I do?"
       Xuan Ji Er asked dryly:
       "What will the second sister do?"
       "First, he can't take care of himself, and then he will retreat." Before marriage, I dare to give her a job, so that the man who can't control the lower body can't rely on it.
       Xuan Ji Er shuddered.
       Newly said:
       "The princess, the pomegranate aunt is back." As the most powerful assistant around Lu-Er, everyone now calls the pomegranate aunt.
       Xuan Ji Er stood up and asked:
       "How? Aunt, can she be better?"
       "I can already get up."
       Upon hearing this, Xuan Ji Er asked nervously:
       "Then my letter she saw? How did she say?"
       Pomegranate shook his head and said:
       "Dear Miss, seeing me and taking out the letter, I shed tears until I left. I can see that what I did next time, Eldest Missi was heartbroken."
       Xuan Ji Er went back full of enthusiasm.
       Looking at his back, Lu-Er snorted:
       "I don't know what is in his mind? It's too naive to make such a thing that a letter can be forgiven. It's too naive. You can wait for the normal procedure after marriage!" This kind of thing happened before marriage, and there was no media match and shame.
       Pomegranate said:
       "Afraid of this matter, Dai will be separated from the Three Halls." Such a thing, no matter which woman meets, will be sad.
       "I finally grew up than before. I didn't say that I wanted to marry the woman as Ceefei, and I didn't say I would like to pick it up." She had never had any expectations for Xuan Ji Er, so she couldn't talk about disappointment. Of course, the most important thing is that the younger brother is not a husband. The wind is also so affectionate, it has nothing to do with her.
       After this incident, Xuan Ji Er went to the Liberation Department and felt that everyone was watching his eyes strange. It is clear that the two of them are whispering, but they can't talk after seeing him.
       Xuan Ji Er was suspicious that these people were arguing about themselves and called Ah 3rd to explore and see what these people were saying in private. Is not talking about his gossip.
       That night, Ah 3rd and Xuan Ji Er said:
       "His Highness, the officials of the Ministry of Rites did not disagree with you. They have been busy with the marriage of His Crown Prince." Kai Hao is the Crown Prince. He has a lot of things to do when he is married.
       Didn't wait for Xuan Ji Er to take a breath, Ah 3rd said:
       "But some people in private have argued that the three halls are not like the sons of the emperor and the queen. They said that the Crown Prince and the second Prince are not only smart and capable of worrying about the empress of the emperor but also clean themselves, only your grandmother..."
       "What's wrong with me?"
       Seeing that Ah 3rd was hesitant, Xuan Ji Er asked with a cold face:
       "It is said that the three halls are incompetent and incompetent, and they are lascivious." When he said this, Xuan Ji Er lowered his head.
       In fact, this is also known to well-informed people, the ordinary people news is so well-informed. These are just the intentions of Ah 3rd to scare Xuan Ji Er.
       Xuan Ji is so angry that he is going to die:
       "No virtue? Who said this to me?"
       It is said that he is incapable of forbearing, but it is unacceptable.
       A three shaking his head, said that he did not know:
       "His Highness, the man is full of love and affection. But this road Xiaoxiao is a good family girl, you and her non-media and outsiders naturally have to disagree with you."
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Isn't that an accident?"
       In fact, it is not an accident, Xuan Ji Er is pushing the boat.
       "His Royal Highness, we know that it is an accident that outsiders can't believe it!" After a pause, Ah 3rd said:
       "His Highness, you still don't want to see this road before the big wedding. Otherwise, it will not only make the Empress unhappy, but also make Miss Miss sad. The outsiders will also be reconsidered. Your Highness, you are determined to be a Academy student. Wan can't break the reputation."
       Xuan Ji Er said with a downcast look:
       "Listen to you!" The momentary indulgence turned into such a serious consequence, he also regretted it!
       In the following period of time, Xuan Ji Er went home when the time was over, and he couldn’t do it. Fortunately, he performed well, otherwise he would definitely be beaten by Yu-Xi who was in a bad mood.
       On November 16, the Ministry of Rites sent the gift to Tan. Open the first raised dowry, and everyone who saw it was exclaimed.
        - Tan Madam was surprised to see the three-foot-high red jade coral, but he was not happy.
       Tan Ao-shuang's personal Servant Book Ann told her after returning to the yard after reading the dowry:
       "Miss, the first lift is jade coral, and the second lift is sheep fat jade."
       "Red jade coral?"
       If she remembers correctly, when the big princess marries the second princess, there are jade corals in the dowry.
       In the eyes of Shuan, there is a flash of glory:
       "The red jade coral is three feet tall. Madam said that this coral is probably the one in the Kunning Palace."
       Tan Aoshuang was also very surprised and said:
       "As far as I know, the Empress really likes the Hong-shan coral." I don't like it, and it won't be placed in the house.
       Book Ann is not happy:
       "It is because of this that it shows the Empress's attention to Miss!"
       Tan Aoshuang smiled and said:
       "What is the other bride price?"
       The emperor and the empress advocated frugality and should not be particularly expensive. This Hong-shan is an accident, but it does not mean that other gifts will be worthless.
       As expected by Tan Ao Shuang, in addition to the value of the previous three dowry. Other dowry values ​​are not low, but they are not brilliant.
        - Dai Madam inquired that the gift to the Tan family was eighty-one lifts, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In general, how many women will be returned to the bride. To send the Royals a hundred and twenty-six, they have to return so much. Not that she is stingy, but she also has children. If you want to marry so much, you will be tight in the future. Now the Crown Prince dowry is only eighty-one, and the 3rd Prince must be less. In this way, you can save a lot of money.
       After thinking about it, Dai Madam called for Dai Yan to come over and told her that Tan had a dowry:
       "The ceremonies of His Crown Prince are eighty-one. Auntie, my mother also gives you a dowry according to this number. Can you look good?"
       Dai Yanzhen did not answer this, but said with gratitude:
       "Let the mother-in-law suffer." She is not a person who does not know how to be good, and she will be able to return her uncle in the future.
       He took care of Dai Yan’s forehead and Dai Madam said:
       "Auntie, don't learn your mother, some things are just eyes closed. It's too true, it will be hard." Dai Gangyi also has two shackles, and both of them have children. I can wear Madam without putting her in my heart, and my days are very comfortable.
       Dai Yanyi ordered the next line:
       "婶娘, I know." Before she was sick, but one of her strategies, the Communist Party has also seen the two sides of the three halls, which is worth her sadness.
       When you see it, wearing Madam will stop saying more. Dai Yanzhen is a clever child, and she is not worried about her.
       Dai Yanxi returned to the yard and sat in front of the dressing table for a while.
       Bookan walked in from the outside and said to Dai Yanzhen:
       "Miss, Uncle is coming back." This uncle is the husband of Dai Yan's ‘Madam’. Both husband and ‘Madam’ are loyal to Dai Yanzhen, so Dai Yanyi has given them a lot of important things to deal with.
       "Please come into the uncle to speak." Because this uncle is already in his fifties, this age is enough to be Dai Yanzhen's.
       This time, Cheng Shu was entrusted by Dai Yanzhen and will be shot in Jinan and his hometown of Grange and Shop.
       Put the gold ticket of Huitong Tianxia Bank, and Cheng Shu said:
       "Miss, there are 2nd Young Masters to help, and the shop and the field have sold for a good price."
       Dai Yanxi father is only her daughter, and the money of the 1st House is left to her. The old family who can wear the family clan said that she would marry later to be someone else, so the property of the 1st House should be confiscated. In the end, Dai Gangyi came forward and asked to divide the product into three. One for the clan, one for Dai Yan, and one for the scorpion.
       It stands to reason that Dai Gangyi has two sons, and he should follow one to the 1st House according to his blood relationship. Unfortunately, wearing Madam does not agree with the scorpion. On the other side of the scorpion, the clan can't pass. Of course, it is mainly the clan who sees such a large sum of money. Finally, the child of Dai Gangyi cousin was passed, but unfortunately, the child died unfortunately three years ago.
       After receiving the gold ticket, Dai Yanzhen looked at the numbers on the face and smiled. On the same day, after Dai property of the 1st House was divided, Dai Gangyi consulted Dai Yan’s meaning and then changed the money for the Tianshi shop. And Tian Qi and the deed he also handed it to Dai Yanzhen, and the annual income was also given to herself. I don’t panic when I have money, which is also an important reason why Dai Yanzhen can live comfortably in Daifu.
       Dai Yanzhen went to find Madam and gave her the gold ticket. Although wearing Madam is very moving, she hesitated and returned to Dai Yanzhen:
       "This money, you keep it for yourself. Later, when you arrive at the palace, there are many places to use the money." It is a good thing for the child to have this heart, but Old Master has already asked her to buy a dowry. How can I have this money?
       Seeing wearing Madam is determined not to accept, Dai Yanzhen said:
       "婶娘, you help me buy a shop in Capital City!" Even if her industries have appreciated, they can add up to more than 12 thousand Silver Taels. These silvers are only enough to buy a shop in a good location.
       Hesitating, wearing Madam nodded:
       "I let people ask. But a good shop is also something that can't be met." Unless it's not going to go on or encountering something difficult, it won't sell these shops that can lay golden eggs.

       Chapter 16__ Untitled

       (Cat flutter Chinese) The evergreen tree in the courtyard of Kunning Palace is covered with a layer of frost, as if it gave birth to sparkling white leaves.
       Yu-Xi took a long time to sit and got a cold tea when she got up.
       Mei-Lan is busy bringing people to the charcoal fire and saying:
       "Imperial Consort, still burn the earth dragon!" Burning the dragon, the house is warm and harmonious.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "When it snows, burn it again!" It is not to save the charcoal fire, but the dragon is warm, but it is easy to get angry. And staying inside for a long time, people are also easy to be upset. Therefore, Yu-Xi does not like to burn the dragon. They are all able to push backwards and push them backwards.
       Mei-Lan was not persuaded to see it, but he had to add another pot of charcoal fire.
       The green chrysanthemum came in and said to Yu-Xi after a ritual:
       "The Empress, the Crown Prince, please see."
       This time comes, it must be something. Yu-Xi said, "Let him come in!" Yu-Xi was in the marriage of Qi Hao during this time, and the government affairs were handed over to Yun-Qing and Kaihao. There is nothing special about it now, and both father and son can solve it.
       Kai Hao came over to say something to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, the imperial history impeached Jinbao, saying that he accepted the bribe to cover the real murderous grass." After that, he handed the deduction to the Yu-Xi.
       Zhai Jinbao had a shortage of Zhiyang Zhizhou last year, and two months ago, the old father of Fuyang Zhifu passed away and went to filial piety. This position was vacated. The court did not assign any people in the past, so everything about Fuyang was temporarily replaced by Jinbao.
       Yu-Xi took over the fold and said after reading it:
       "Let you send someone to go down and check this thing, why bother to say it."
       Kai Hao said:
       "There is money like a family, mother, you said that he would really greedy this little money?"
       The family is divided, and his brother-in-law is assigned to nearly 100 thousand Silver Taels. Jin Jinbao is the eldest son and has more industries. Even if the murderer bribes, thousands of dollars will reach the top. Qi Hao feels that as long as Jin Baobao brain is not in the water, he should not be greedy for this three melons and two dates. However, there is no absolute thing in this world.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Yes and no, do you know if you don't check it?"
       Under normal circumstances, Jin Jinbao does not do such a thing. Can be a history, it is impossible to slap him.
       "Well, I have already sent people to check this matter." Han Jianming was also a member of the Criminal Department, and he did not move.
       Kai Hao specially came to tell this thing with Yu-Xi, but also his intention:
       "I thought about whether this matter should tell the big sister." If you want Jin Bao to have a problem, let him know in advance to let his older sister have a preparation.
       Yu-Xi nodded and turned to make Jao-Jao into the palace.
       Jao-Jao is pregnant, and it has been half a month now. But she can eat and sleep, her body is very good, not at all like pregnant. This makes Lu-Er, who is guilty of hand and foot sin, not envious.
       Seeing Yu-Xi sitting on the soft collapse, she immediately took off her shoes and climbed onto the couch, leaning against the Yu-Xi with no bones:
       "Mother, what are you looking for?"
       Her infertility spit is sleepiness. If it wasn't for Yu-Xi that she had something to look for, she would definitely be sleeping...
       I took the hand of Jao-Jao, and Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "What's the matter!" Sitting without sitting like a station did not stand like, there is a little royal princess.
       Jao-Jao said with a look of difficulty:
       "Mother, what do you say? After I finish, I am going to sleep."
       Yu-Xi is also a mother, knowing that this pregnant woman is really sleepy is not something she can control:
       "The imperial history impeached Jin Baocao life, you have to count this."
       When I heard this, Jao-Jao sleepiness did not happen, cold face asked:
       "Mother, is this sure?"
       "It's not clear. After the investigation, I only know the authenticity." The hole does not come, the Yushi and the Jinbao have no resentment, no need to marry him. However, Yu-Xi did not say anything, and everything relied on evidence.
       Jao-Jao frowned and said:
       "Don't say that they were divided into hundreds of thousands of Silver Taels. They are tea gardens, and they have tens of thousands of profits every year. Shouldn't they be greedy for the one hundred and eight hundred Silver Taels?"
       "There is no best. If you have any, you can't intervene." Corrupt officials must be severely punished, otherwise the rule will be corrupted and the world will not be unstable. In the former Family, it is not that the corrupt officials are filthy everywhere.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Mother, I don't know the person who is so important. If Jin Bao really did this, I wouldn't take it."
       Yu-Xi just reminded Jao-Jao that she was afraid that she would be soft-hearted when she was asked by Jin Jinyu.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that I am measured." If Jin Baobao is really looking for death, she will not only help, but will completely solve this problem.
       Yu-Xi nodded and skipped this topic and talked about Qihao marriage.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "It’s a coincidence that I am pregnant with Lu-Er, or I can help."
       "What can you do for you? It is not bad to add chaos." Until now, the aunt's house is full of Aunt Zhang and Hong-duo, and Jao-Jao is basically a shopkeeper. Fortunately, these two people are not dragged by their families and need to be completely attached to Jao-Jao. Otherwise, Jao-Jao could not know if he had selfish falsification.
       Jao-Jao said with a smile:
       "Mother said this, I ran and ran."
       Speaking of errands, Jao-Jao couldn't help but mention You Ji-Er:
       "Mother, A-You when are you coming back?"
       It’s almost a month, and it’s still outside.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It’s already on the way back. It’s estimated that I will be home after half a month. I will be busy with you later, and I will climb to Mount Tai.”
       Yun-Qing went to the Taishan Fengzen Festival in the year of the throne, but because of the time, the sacrifice was over. And Yu-Xi, did not go at all. If you want to travel now, unless it is a micro-service private visit, it will hurt the people.
       After talking for a long time, Jao-Jao was in a hurry. Yu-Xi smiled and let her rest, and she also worked on Qihao marriage.
       After dinner, Jao-Jao returned home.
       Jin Jinyu asked Jao-Jao when he was sleeping:
       "What happened to the mother who called you into the palace?"
       Jao-Jao is now pregnant, and if the Empresstemperament is not something, it will not be specifically declared to enter the palace.
       It’s not Jin Jinyu mention, Jao-Jao has forgotten this:
       "There is a royal history bombing your big brother to accept the bribe to cover the murderer's life, and the mother said to me in advance. It is true that this is true, I am not allowed to intervene."
       This is also to tell Jin Jinyu, if Jin Jinbao really did something illegal, she could not help.
       Don't look at Jao-Jao on the face, in fact, her heart is fine. Otherwise, it is only by the fist that can accept the group of men under the hand like a wolf.
       Jin Jinyu said:
       "Impossible, it must be that Yushi has fallen into my big brother." He is not good for Jin Jinbao feelings. He is also a brother of a mother compatriot. Naturally, he does not want the other party to be unlucky.
       Jao-Jao couldn’t keep his eyes open:
       "I also hope that this is just a false alarm. Otherwise, your mother must be noisy again. But I told you that my mother has said that I am not allowed to intervene. If something happens, you want me, you should not. "Accepted, can't do it."
       After saying this, Jao-Jao fell asleep. The disciples left the golden jade on the bed and rolled the opposite side for one night.

       Chapter 16__ Fortunately

       Snowflakes have fallen from the sky, and there is a white space between the heavens and the earth.
       Yu-Xi couldn't help but reach out and drop the falling snow, which fell into the palm of the hand and turned into water.
       Mei-Lan looks at the evergreens that bend the branches of snow in the yard and says:
       "This snow has been going on for two days, and I don't know when it will stop. To go down again, those poor people will be sinned again."
       Every year when the winter is coming, the government has to fight the disaster. This year is no exception. But the weather is so cold, in the end it is to let the poor people suffer.
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi said:
       "As long as you are not lazy, under normal circumstances, it is enough to store enough food and keep warm." Last year, the weather was smooth, prices did not rise, and food did not fall. As long as you are willing to work, food and clothing is still no problem.
       Mei-Lan nodded.
       After hearing a rush of footsteps, Yu-Xi turned his head and saw You Ji-Er wrapped in a brown bear with a head of snow.
       You Ji-Er saw Yu-Xi, revealing a white tooth:
       "Mom, I am back."
       Yu-Xi saw You Ji-Er's blue lips, and he pulled him into the house.
       In the house, the dragon has been burned. You Ji-Er shuddered as he walked in, rubbed his feet off the snow, and then took off the outer mink and handed it to the green chrysanthemum, and he quickly squatted beside the charcoal fire.
       Mei-Lan quickly handed him the small stove of the red gold carved orchids:
       "His Highness is warm and warm." It is a sin to hurry on such a cold day.
       After roasting the fire, You Ji-Er finally felt warmer and touched the empty stomach. You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, I am starving to death, what is the kitchen to eat, let them hurry up the whole point!"
       Mei-Lan hurried out without waiting for the Yu-Xi opening. After a while, I picked up two steamed beef and stewed chicken soup:
       "His Royal Highness is the first step, and Bai Mama is frying cabbage."
       You Ji-Er swayed his hand and said nothing, then he picked up the chopsticks and ate it.
       Because I ate too fast, my face was purple.
       Yu-Xi gave him a glass of water with a funny and sullen look, then gently patted him back:
       "How many days have you not eaten, hungry like this?"
       This is like eating, it looks like a starving ghost.
       “Hurrying to go home, I rushed the road with two sauerkraut buns in the morning.” While eating, You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, the food at home is the most fragrant." The food outside is much more eaten, but instead mourns the food at home.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I thought you were so happy that you didn't want to go home!" These days, Yu-Xi did not urge You Ji-Er to come back. Because she knows that urging is useless.
       After eating a six-point full You Ji-Er will not eat, he still has to keep a stomach to eat delicious!
       You can't take a shower right after eating, and you have to rest for about two quarters of an hour. After eating, wipe your mouth, You Ji-Er asks:
       "Mother, is the second sister born?"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Which is so fast, your second sister's expected date of birth is in February! Your memory has always been good, so big things can be forgotten. It seems that you are playing outside."
       You Ji-Er does not argue with Yu-Xi, smiles and shifts the topic:
       "Mother, I told you that the sunrise in Mount Tai is really beautiful. If you have the chance, you must go and see that you will see it forever."
       The sky and the clouds merge with the clouds on the horizon, like giant oil paintings falling from the sky...
       As long as you want to see the scenery on the same day, You Ji-Er is still unfinished:
       "Mom, you don't know that this sunrise is so beautiful, I can't bear to go down the mountain. Unfortunately, the mountain is too cold, we don't have enough things, we don't dare to stay one more night, we can only go down the mountain. Mother, you must go to Taishan in the future. With enough cold to keep things!" He climbed Mount Tai in early 10 months, when the guide asked them to bring cotton-padded trousers and charcoal fire. He was still wondering. When I got to the top of the mountain, I was glad to hear the guide. Otherwise, it is not frozen into a dog.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Only Mount Taishan looks good? Did the Confucius Temple go to worship?"
       "Of course." But it was just a circle in the Confucius Temple, and three shackles were made to the Confucius, and there was no formal worship.
       Because of the guilty conscience, You Ji-Er has transferred the topic:
       "Mother, I heard the third brother said that he did something wrong and made his mother angry?"
       What is specific, Xuan Ji Er did not tell him. Because I am coming back soon, You Ji-Er did not write to ask Yu-Xi and Lu-Er and others.
       Upon hearing this, the smile on Yu-Xi face faded a lot:
       "There is nothing so angry, but the left and right is that I can't teach a thing that makes me smothered." Before I let him go out and practice, the result was still given to him. Although he did not lose his temper, but Yu-Xi was in a heart of fire.
       When You Ji-Er heard it, I felt that this was a serious problem:
       "Mother, what is it?"
       If his mother said two sentences, it still looks bad.
       Yu-Xi does not say, saying that this affects the mood, and waved his hand and said:
       "You go back to rest, I have to cook your big brother's marriage."
       Back to Funing Palace, You Ji-Er immediately sent someone to inquire about something. After bathing, Zhao Qian told him the news he had explored.
       "The three halls of the wine destroyed the innocence of Qi Chengzhi ‘Madam’ and sister." This is not a secret, and everyone in the palace knows a little well-informed.
       Upon hearing this, You Ji-Er reluctantly sighed:
       "How can he not remember for a long time?"
       For the sake of Zhong Yuting's top hitting her mother, she was sent to the ground to eat her pants. Originally thought that the real change, I did not expect to be the appearance.
       Zhao Qian hesitated and said:
       "It's very strange. The Empress didn't even push it down. Not only in the palace, but also a lot of people who know this outside the palace."
       You Ji-Er touched his forehead and said:
       "Mother is very discouraged, so it doesn't matter." In the case of a marriage contract, the third brother also had no media match with other women. It is not good to say that this is a misconduct. With her mother temperament, I am afraid that I am disappointed with my third brother.
       Regeneration gas, Zhao Qian also feels that Yu-Xi is letting this matter, no matter what it should be:
       "Under the small hall, this is a royal face."
       You Ji-Er laughed:
       "When did my mother care about this? Again, I guess mother is deliberately making this happen. The third brother is a person who loves face. After being criticized, he will converge." Speaking, You Ji-Er Still very understanding of Xuan Ji Er.
       Anyway, this has already happened. It is useless to say that. Said two You Ji-Er could not help but went to bed.
       Sleeping until the evening, You Ji-Er was softly awakened. You Ji-Er, who saw sleepy eyes, said softly:
       "His Royal Highness, the Emperor and the Queen are waiting for you to eat!"
       Because of the heavy snow, Yu-Xi did not call Lu-Er and Jao-Jao two pregnant women into the palace. Snowy road slippery, it’s not beautiful to have something to do.
       Xuan Ji Er saw You Ji-Er, and some said with distress:
       "How did you become like this?"
       Not only black, but also thin. However, it has grown taller.
       You Ji-Er said carelessly:
       "What is this big man going to do?"
       Not a small white face, and he thinks it is so good now, very manly. I believe that Siling will see him and will like him more.
       I have to say that You Ji-Er is quite narcissistic.
       On this day's dinner, the dishes on the table are basically what You Ji-Er likes to eat. If you are not staring at Yu-Xi, You Ji-Er will be afraid to eat.
       After dinner, Yun-Qing said to You Ji-Er:
       "The family has been short of people for a while, and you will go to help tomorrow!" You Ji-Er was originally in the Ministry of Housing and went to work.
       Surprised You Ji-Er almost bite his tongue, but Yun-Qing ’s lack of consultation has made him afraid to bargain. I can't be upset, I know I will be back later. In this way, you will not be caught.
       Looking at the mourning You Ji-Er, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "First rest for two days and then go to the household office to do the difference!"
       See what Yun-Qing disapproves, Yu-Xi says:
       "Going out for so long, I have to let him go to see Jao-Jao and Lu-Er!" There are a lot of households, but they are just as busy as You Ji-Er.
       Yun-Qing is reluctant to agree to nod.
       At this time, Shan Lianggong said that Fujian governor Lu Biyuan sent a discount. Because it is not an expedited, Yun-Qing is too lazy to move, let Qi Hao to deal with it.
       Out of Kunning Palace, You Ji-Er went to Fuchang Palace with Xuan Ji Er. Waiting for the entrance to the palace to retire everyone, You Ji-Er asked:
       "3rd Brother, how are you so confused? What kind of temper are you? Don't you know? She hates us for making a mess. You are not guilty of her jealousy?"
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "I was drunk at the time and I was unconscious."
       This excuse can only lie to the three-year-old child, how can you deceive the savvy You Ji-Er. However, he did not dismantle it, just said:
       "3rd Brother, Lu-Shi, what are you going to do?"
       "I have promised her, and when I marry my ‘Madam’, I will take her as a servant." If a Master has a lot of money, he can't be a person who does not believe.
       You Ji-Er is angry and annoyed:
       "What the hell are you thinking about? This is so big, how do you even want to accept her?"
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Her innocence gave me, if I don't accept her, she won't live."
       "3rd Brother, are you stupid or stupid?"
       To be replaced by him, it must have forced Lu Chengzhi to marry Lu Shi-shi. As for the marriage, the good thing is the road-Shi thing. Even if it is not good, it is her own.
       Xuan Ji Er said with a look:
       "I know that my mother is angry, but I am wrong, I can't be responsible. Otherwise, I am a person."
       Yu-Xi didn't take care of Xuan Ji Er during this time, and he wouldn't want to talk to him anymore. It’s also awkward to fight, and throwing out the outside to suffer and suffer a year of sin. The result is still so confusing. Yu-Xi is really powerless and has no energy, and he will take care of him. Do not rely on him after the left and right, it is too lazy to spend this effort.
       You Ji-Er spit out a sigh of gas and said:
       "3rd Brother, you haven't figured out the problem yet. Mother reborn is also our mother. After a while, it will be fine. Can you wear Miss? Have you considered her feelings yet? Haven't you yet? If you are married, you will have such a thing. How can you let her dare to pay your heart?"
       Xuan Ji Er heard this, the look is very easy to say:
       "I told the aunt that this was a misunderstanding. She also sent me a letter to believe me."
       You-Ji is silent and said with a look:
       "3rd Brother, fortunately you are a man, not a woman." On this road, I walked to the black temperament. If a woman, I really want to kill them.

       Chapter 16__ Exile (1)

       When the sun came out, the snow slowly melted and turned into drops of water.
       Melting snow is colder than when it snows. You Ji-Er, who has always been afraid of cold, dare not ride horses and go out and change to a carriage.
       When I arrived at the Grand Princess House, I saw a snowman with his height stacked in the yard.
       The snowman's eyebrows don't know how to draw a thick and thin one. The eyes are big and small, and the hat made of colorful satin is twisted and twisted. .
       You Ji-Er laughed:
       "Who is piled up, enough level!" He was the first to see such an ugly snowman.
       Jao-Jao heard the news and walked out of the house and said with a smile:
       "What are you doing outside?"
       You Ji-Er immediately changed his mind:
       "My parents are so good that they can pile up such a tall and mighty snowman." After that, he walked over and took the longevity to his shoulders.
       Changsheng most like You Ji-Er, even if I haven't seen it for so long, I haven't forgotten it:
       "Small, I want to die for you."
       Jao-Jao took a slap in his hand:
       "Small conscience, when you see your little sister, your mouth is so sweet. When you see your mother, you mutter your mouth and don't talk to me."
       You Ji-Er’s eyes fell on the stomach of Jao-Jao, and asked:
       "Sister, have you been in these months?"
       After hearing it for four months, You Ji-Er looked suspiciously:
       "Big sister, you yell at me, is it so big in less than four months?"
       He has not seen the appearance of Jao-Jao and Lu-Er when he was pregnant. When the two were pregnant for four months, their stomachs were not obvious.
       Jao-Jao took a nap and said with pride:
       "Imperial Doctor said that there are two in it!" She did not expect that there were two.
       Jin Jinyu sees a little worried, this is the child is not water can shoot this way, but in the face of You Ji-Er, he is not good to say Jao-Jao.
       You Ji-Er laughed:
       "Big sister, mother also gave birth to our brother three!" This means that you are not rare.
       "You know a fart! Mother can't eat and can't sleep, I can't walk in the late stage, I have been sinned. I can eat and sleep, and I don't suffer a little bit of sin." This, even the Imperial Doctor is secret. Surprising.
       Jao-Jao originally planned to give birth to this, but I didn't expect to have two. She now hopes that she will have a pair of twins, um, no twins. However, with the previous lessons, Jao-Jao did not dare to say this idea.
       You Ji-Er would like to say that this has only just begun, but he is afraid that he will be fulfilled and he will not dare to say that Jao-Jao has been guilty.
       Yan Jinyu said:
       "Let outside, enter the house!"
       There was no burning dragon in the house, only two pots of charcoal fire were burned. You Ji-Er asked me without a word:
       "Big sister, isn't it so embarrassing, even the dragons are reluctant to burn? You can be jealous, you can't live forever!"
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "I will save more, and I will not save the two charcoal fire money. I am pregnant with fear of heat, not afraid of cold, and I am not afraid of being cold and I like to sweat all over the place. So, I have not burned the dragon." If Jin Jinyu is afraid of cold, just roast it next to the charcoal fire. As for sleeping, Jao-Jao is like a stove, and he doesn't have to burn.
       The 2nd Brother and sisters said a good gossip, and when Jin Yu took a long life to go out to play, Jao-Jao asked:
       "Do you know the things of Xuan Ji Er?"
       I feel embarrassed when I say Xuan Ji Er’s face in the face of Jin Yuyu.
       You Ji-Er said:
       "Big sister, but a woman, do not need to be on the mind." Anyway, he still maintains Xuan Ji Er.
       "You look at him, don't make such a thing happen before you become a relative. Otherwise, I will kill him." When Xuan Ji Er made this happen, Jao-Jao happened to diagnose the pregnancy. Otherwise, she must definitely play Xuan Ji Er. Sleeping a woman is not a big deal, but sleeping in the capital knows that this is a shame.
       You Ji-Er is busy nodding.
       Jao-Jao is wondering:
       "You three, you are as good as a monkey, although A Rui is not very good, but listening to the mother, how can Axuan this virtue?"
       They are born out of a single birth, and the gap is so different.
       A-You are not willing to follow the criticism of Xuan Ji Er, deliberately sing the meaning of Jao-Jao, and -calling loudly and retorting:
       "What is like a monkey, I am obviously a beautiful man who is very popular with Yushu."
       Jao-Jao can't smile, and Xuan's topic is naturally gone.
       You Ji-Er is very good at doing things, going out to play and giving everyone a gift. Among them, Huang Siling is naturally indispensable.
       Holding the manuscript of the Analects of Confucius, which was sent by You Ji-Er, Huang Siling’s eyebrows are all bent.
        - Huang Madam Looking at her daughter's smirk is very worried, and it will not open for a long time. When the daughter and the 4th Prince were in love, it was not the same as giving her daughter cold water.
       Put the book to Servant, Huang Siling smiled:
       "Mother, I know what you are worried about. Niang, 4th Prince are not such people." Since 3rd Prince had a private relationship with her former ‘Madam’ and sister, her mother has been worried. She didn't speak before, but she hoped her mother could understand. But her mother, I have not been relieved until now.
       "Siling, how many people in this world are not guilty? 4th Prince is expensive for Prince, it is even harder to do." She hopes her daughter has a mental preparation, not to be unacceptable when it comes to the end. Suffering.
       Huang Siling laughed:
       "Mother, let's take care of the moment. As for the future, I really have a way to solve it." 4th Prince is not guilty, she will live with it. 4th Prince wants to be jealous, she will live her own. So, there is really nothing tangled. I have to worry about this worry, and I am too tired to live.
       Knowing that Huang Siling thought, Huang Madam nodded:
       "You have a sense of proportion in your heart." She was afraid that her daughter would pay a heartfelt heart, and she would not feel sad afterwards.
       Huang Shoushan loves Tie-Kui concubine, she has never complained. It’s not that she broken, she can’t make a heart, but she didn’t put Huang Shoushan on her apex. Just watching Huang Siling and You Ji-Er as good, she is not willing to say frustration. Because Huang Madam knows that You Ji-Er is very good, she is afraid to say that the impact of Huang Siling is perceived by You Ji-Er, so that You Ji-Er is not happy. This is the mother's, but also broken heart.
       On this day, Jin Yuyu was playing with the grown-up in the room, and he saw Fang-Shi face opening with a sharp look.
       Longevity is a daring one. Before being beaten, he was afraid to see Fang-Shi. It can be a long time, and these unpleasant things are forgotten. When I heard Jin Jinyu let him call the Grandmother, Changsheng also -called:
       "The Grandmother."
       If it is normal, Fang-Shi must be -calling at the end of his life. But this time, she is not in the mood:
       "Jin Yu, your eldest brother is being filthy and corrupt, accepting bribes and killing people. Jin Yu, you must help your older brother."
       The face of Jin Jinyu immediately sank.
       Ps: There are probably ten chapters to finish. -(>_<)-, I am a bit reluctant.

       Chapter 16__ Exile (2)

       Fang-Shi sees Jinyu not talking, and now he is in a hurry, clutching his sleeve and red-eyed and said:
       "Jin Yu, he is your brother, you can't see death!"
       Jin Jinyu was busy letting the yam grow out and then asked Fang-shi:
       "What about the letter?"
       Before Jao-Jao wrote to Jin Jinbao, he asked him to raise a squat and a square-shi. This article from the first launch of Jin Bao is the eldest son and inherits most of the family business, how dare not say no. If you dare to say this, he should not want to be an official. Therefore, Fang-Shi stayed on the mountain for three months and returned to the government. Now that Ji Concubine is not there, the squad has also brought the Jinzhu and Sisters to Jiangnan, and Fang-Shi has returned to the government. Afraid of Fang-Shi alone, Jin Jinyu gave a trip to Lele, let him go home every day to accompany Fang-shi. As for Yu Chengli, it was forcibly sent to Jin Jinbao by Jin Jinyu.
       When Fang-Shi heard this, he quickly took out the letter from his sleeve and handed it to Jin Jinyu.
       After reading the letter, the look of Jin Jinyu eased a lot. In the letter, Jin Bao said that he was under the cover of the people, and did not accept the bribes and did not have a human life.
       "Mother, you don't have to worry about it. The big brother doesn't have a grasshopper, and the difference will be clear." As long as you don't do it, others can say it.
       Fang-Shi said:
       "Is it really okay?"
       Jin Jinyu said aloud:
       "As long as the big brother doesn't do it, there will be nothing."
       After the election, Jin Jinyu added a sentence:
       "The emperor and the queen hate the corrupt officials most. If he does these things, no one can save him." This is also a vaccination for Fang-shi.
       The heart that has just been put down is brought up again. Fang-Shi said:
       "I am afraid that the other party is too cunning, and the people who sent it can't find out the truth."
       "Mother, what do you say is that the emperor and the empress are incompetent? I am pregnant, your words are passed to the ear of the censor, even me and the princess have to eat and hang." This is definitely not alarmist. The royal history of Yushitai, regardless of whether you are Princess Prince, dare to question the empress of the emperor and the court officials, and you are not negotiating. In order to give an explanation to the courtiers, I must definitely apply for Jao-Jao.
       If Xuan Ji Er’s business is not released, he will wait for him to marry Lu-shi and enter the door. Yushi must also participate in him.
       Fang-Shi was upset and said:
       "Jin Yu, you still have to inquire, or else my heart is always hung." She is confident of her son, but Xiaofang-Shi is what she is, she can't be clear.
       Jin Jinyu did not want to go, and supported Fang-Shi:
       "The Qing Family is self-cleaning, and the big brother has not done what we are afraid of. Mother, don't think too much, this matter will soon pass."
       Regardless of how Fang-Shi said, Jin Jinyu does not let people inquire about this. Fang-Shi was so angry that he couldn't resist and put Jin Yu on a dog's head to bleed, and then he returned to the government with anger.
       When Jao-Jao entered the room, he watched Jin Yu black face sitting on the warming table. He did not say comfort, but just poured a glass of water to him.
       Although Jin Jinyu said that the nature of Fang-Shi was changed because of the medicated diet, Jao-Jao did not believe it. This is not, a bad and awkward. This time, I can't eat anything that is not clean.
       Jin Jinyu took the water, turned it and put it on the small short on the warm-up couch, looked up at Jao-Jao and asked:
       "Jao-Jao, my older brother said that he was shackled. Jao-Jao, my older brother is being shackled!"
       Some prisoners, even if the evidence is conclusive, can call himself a servant. Therefore, he wrote in Jinbaoxin, he did not dare to believe in all. But if Jao-Jao says he is jealous, then he believes.
       Jao-Jao pointed to his stomach:
       "I am raising a baby at home every day, I know what's going on outside." She didn't pay attention, but as long as she wanted to know it would be a word.
       Yu Jinyu said silently:
       "Jao-Jao, you send someone to the criminal department to find out what is going on."
       Jao-Jao chuckles:
       "Do you really believe that Yushi is jealous of him?"
       "I am afraid that my brother is being framed, and Sun Yushi is not aware of it." He would think that Jin Jinbao was framed because Jinbao is not short of money.
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "While Xiangyang is thousands of miles away from the capital, but the officials there are not blind, how can you not know that you are the big hummer of the Family. Do you think that any stupid person will frame him for the location of a Fuyang prefect? The qualifications and achievements of your older brother are not enough for this prefect. "Even if others don't know, the woman will tell others, let everyone know who their patrons are."
       If it is not by this relationship, it is impossible for Jin Jinbao to be the state.
       邬金玉 hears the meaning of the words:
       "You mean that this time is not a filth, but a fact?"
       Jao-Jao didn't say anything to death:
       "In the end, the criminals will naturally find out. If it is embarrassing, it will definitely give him an innocence. If this is done, it will be disposed of in accordance with the national law."
       "If this is true, what kind of punishment will he receive?"
       Looking at the golden jade, Jao-Jao said:
       "If he dares to embezzle and accept bribes, there is only one in the end." Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing are the two most hated corrupt officials, grab one and kill one. Jin Jinyu really did this, only one dead road.
       The face of Jin Jinyu is instantly white. I don’t want to see Jin Baobao opinion on him again, that is his brother’s brother:
       "Jao-Jao ......"
       Jao-Jao cuts off his words:
       "My mother had specifically asked me to go to the palace to say this, just to warn me, let me not intervene."
       Don't look at Jao-Jao on most days, but after years of experience she knows what can and can't be done. If it is a private matter with Yi Niang or Qi Hao, they will definitely agree. But this business is useless even if she goes to court. State-owned country legalists have family rules, even if she is a big princess can not pass.
       "Jao-Jao, it is a punishment to do something wrong. But if my brother is only greedy with thousands of Silver Taels, it is too heavy to ask him for his life." Couples have known for so many years. Jao-Jao eats soft and does not eat hard. Therefore, he can only pray in this euphemistic way. In any case, he hopes to save the life of Jinbao.
       Jao-Jao took a look at Jin Jinyu:
       "Do you mean that the crime committed is very serious and kills him without saying anything?"
       Jin Jinyu scalp was a hemp, but he nodded and said:
       "Yes. If my eldest brother only accepts a thousand or eight hundred Silver Taels, he will be killed. I think this punishment is serious."
       Jao-Jao smiled, but she did not argue with Jin Jinyu. Instead, he called Yin Zhaofeng and asked him to explore the matter.
       Yin Zhaofeng said with a bitter face:
       "Princess, the criminal department does not have our acquaintances!" If you go to the military department, it is much easier to inquire about the news. None of the people in the Criminal Department have ever been in contact.
       After the election, Yin Zhaofeng said:
       "If the princess really wants to know about this, it would be better to find the four halls."
       In the status of Jao-Jao, if you want to inquire about the work of Jinbao, you will also invite people to eat and drink. Yin Zhaofeng is very disliked with Jin Bao, the insatiable husband and ‘Madam’, so he does not want to contribute. I also don't want Jao-Jao to come out to ask for Jin Bao, so he wants to kick this ball to You Ji-Er.
       You Ji-Er is a master who never loses. This is handed over to him and he will definitely get a happy ending.
       You Ji-Er was too bad in the criminal department. This made him help, and the news of the inspection was real and detailed. Thinking about it, Jao-Jao nodded:
       "Then go to A-You."
       You Ji-Er didn’t go to the criminal department to inquire about the news, and he was inefficient. He asked Kai Hao directly:
       "Big Brother, is there a result in the case of Jin Jinbao?"
       If it wasn't for Jao-Jao, he wouldn't pay attention to it.
       Qi Hao glanced at You Ji-Er.
       "The big sister asked for help. Big brother, should there be results for such a long time?"
       This case is not a big case, and one month is enough to find out the result.
       See Qi Hao frowning, You Ji-Er smiled:
       "The big sister has a sense of proportion, she will not intervene in this matter, just want to understand the situation. In any case, Jin Jinbao is the brother-in-law of his brother-in-law."
       Well, Kai Hao said:
       “Zhu Jinbao received two pavements from the murderer, one of which was a silver building.”
       Kai Hao scared a big jump:
       "This kind of daring is really big enough." Now the court has grasped the strictness of the corrupt officials, and the conviction is also very serious. This Jinbao actually dared to commit crimes, but it was not daring.
       There is no expression on Kaihao face:
       "It has been ascertained that over the years he has corrupted more than 13,600 Silver Taels."
       Yan Jinbao has been in charge for seven or eight years, and his place of office is a rich place. There are not many Silver Taels in a year of greedy 2 thousand, and naturally it will not attract people attention. This time, not only is greed too much, but also his bad luck.
       This time the case was not complicated. It was a beautiful widow who suddenly died at home. On the second morning, she was found to have reported the case to the porter who sent her water to her house on the second day.
       The official found out that the widow had an affair with her cousin, Huang 1st Lang. Afterwards, the officially found the widow's gold plaque in the home of Huang 1st Lang, and determined that he was the murderer.
       Huang 1st Lang is still not married, only an old mother. The old man knows that he was sentenced to death, sorrowful and desperate to hang on the lion at the door of Tuen Mun. This incident has been too big to reach the ears of Sun Yushi.
       Sun Yushi sent the people under the inquiries. The result of the investigation was that Huang 1st Lang did have an affair with the widow who was killed, but the widow was killed this night. Huang 1st Lang and his hair were small and two friends were drinking, and several big men were drinking. It’s only after the East has fallen.
       Huang 1st Lang’s family and the widow’s family can have more than ten miles away. How can a drunken person kill a person? But the government can not accept the confession of Huang 1st Lang’s family and his children.
       Sun Yushi is preparing to turn the case for Huang 1st Lang, and the people under him have inquired that this widow has an affair with the only son of Luoyang official. On the night of the incident, someone saw this Luo Master Young Master into the widow's house. After the incident, Madam Luo, the ‘Madam’ of Luo Daguan, was close to Xiaofang-Shi. Even the most important silver building in Luojia was replaced by a small square-shi. At this meeting, Sun Yushi still has something to understand.
       You Ji-Er listened and asked You Ji-Er:
       "Big brother, should you beheaded by the law?"
       Kai Hao nodded.

       Chapter 16__ Exile (3)

       The wind on the winter is like a knife on the face, and you can't help but touch your own face. Music.
       Drilled into the carriage, You Ji-Er slammed his hand and said:
       "It’s really a crime to go out in this cold weather." He really wanted to nest in his own palace, and he didn’t go anywhere.
       Zhao Qian smiled:
       "Let you put on a big shack, you don't want to." Putting on a big -servant, it won't be so cold.
       You Ji-Er didn't wear it. He wore big wool clothes and brown bears, and it was ugly.
       It was not a pass to the Princess House, You Ji-Er, and went directly to the back house. Anyway, the entire princess house is also only a son-in-law of Jao-Jao, there is nothing to avoid.
       In the yard, I saw Jao-Jao wearing a thin cotton coat and punching in the yard.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Big sister, you are a little more pregnant, pregnant!" There is no more arrogant than his older sister. Pregnant also fights to fight the sword. However, it is estimated that because of this, the birth of a child is the same as the laying of a hen, without any effort.
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "I don't move for a day, my body's bones are itchy." When he said this, the sweat was still dripping down.
       You Ji-Er is glad that he is not wearing big clothes, or he must be teased by Jao-Jao.
       Yam handed a towel to Jao-Jao.
       After picking up the towel, Jao-Jao said:
       "Go to the flower room and tell the Hummer Master, saying that A-You is coming." Finished, wiped the sweat from his face.
       Into the house, looking left and right did not see longevity. You Ji-Er asks:
       "Big sister, longevity and brother-in-law went to the flower house?"
       Jao-Jao pointed to the inside and said with a smile:
       "Playing tired, sleeping?"
       After that, Jao-Jao said:
       "You do it first, then I change clothes." With so much sweat all over the body, she had to wipe her body and change her clothes.
       Jin Jinyu got the news and soon came over. Because of the hurry, the clothes are still stained with mud.
       Jao-Jao said with a black face:
       "Hurry and change the clothes." It’s rude to wear such a visitor.
       When Jin Jinyu changed his clothes, he asked You Ji-Er:
       "A-You, my brother is being shackled?"
       At this meeting, he is still lucky, and he hopes that Jinbao is being defamed.
       You Ji-Er shakes his head.
       The heart of Jin Jinyu instantly fell into the bottom of the valley. Not being embarrassed, it is really corruption and accepting bribes, then his brother is not going to die.
       Jao-Jao asked:
       “How much is corruption?”
       If it is a thousand and two hundred, let the mother-in-law pass through the death penalty.
       "You Ji-Er Said:
       "In addition to the more than 13 thousand Silver Taels who had been corrupted in previous years, this time he also got a murderer's workshop and a silver building. The dyeing workshop and the silver building have a profit of six or seven thousand Silver Taels per year. ”
       When Jin Jinyu was shocked, he couldn’t say anything.
       Jao-Jao knows that there is a problem at the first sight:
       "This murderous family is so big, what can be the reason?"
       You Ji-Er nodded and said:
       "The murderer is wealthy and he is only one of his family. Although this person has become a pro, there is only one daughter under the knee."
       This explains why the murderer’s family has had such a big price to bribe Jinbao.
       Jin Jinyu asked with a white face:
       "So my big brother will die?"
       Jao-Jao didn't say anything.
       You Ji-Er glanced at Jin Yuyu and said:
       "Zhu Jinbao and Xiaofang-Shi have been taken prisoner. There will be a New Year in half a month. It will not be a prisoner until the year before." So, the death of Jin Baobao also came to the first month.
       Jin Jinyu thinks that the dice are all mute:
       "I am awkward, she is involved?"
       Jao-Jao heard that Xiaofang-Shi was not surprised at all. This Jinbao is an official, and someone has sent money for gifts. That small square-Shi is insatiable, and will refuse money.
       You Ji-Er nodded:
       "I saw the file, this silver building and the dyeing cloth workshop is what Fang-Shi wants." In order to get this workshop and the silver building, Jin Jinbao made Huang 1st Lang the scapegoat.
       Jao-Jao looks at Jin Jinyu and says:
       "I have already said that your sister-in-law is insatiable, let her go with your brother, will definitely harm your brother." It turns out that her words on the day, a word.
       It is already late to say this now. Jin Jinyu looked to You Ji-Er and asked:
       "Four Highness, I know that you have always had an idea. How can I save my older brother?"
       Jao-Jao said coldly:
       "Zhu Jinbao and Xiaofang-Shi are committed to the national law, and no one can save it." It is really hateful for the money to dare to kill people. Such a person has a lingering death.
       You Ji-Er really has an idea:
       "I don't have a way to save Jinbao. Just look at your family and you are not willing to give up?"
       It is also for this, he only deliberately ran this.
       Jin Jinyu is like a life-saving straw:
       "Give me, as long as I can save my brother, money is not a problem." This money, where life is important.
       "I am willing to use the title and property of my family, maybe I can change my life to Jinbao. But this thing, your brother-in-law can not do the Lord, you have to agree with the lord." Jin Jinyu is not the owner of the family.
       Even if he doesn't agree, Jin Jinyu will force him to agree. Money and the title, where is his big brother's life is important.
       You Ji-Er still has to go to the Ministry of Housing to be a bad guy. He will leave when he says this.
       It is impossible for the Tuen Mun door to be paved with dragons. Only the charcoal fire was placed in the house. However, there are many people in the house, but it is also warm.
       When I saw You Ji-Er, I am talking about:
       "The four halls, Shang Shu Darens have been looking for you." You Ji-Er is often too late to leave early when he is not busy, he is very punctual when he is busy. Something happened today, and he also told people to talk to Shen Chunting in advance. Just because You Ji-Er is acting, Shen Chunting never said bad things in front of Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
       Of course, also because You Ji-Er is capable, this trend must be reused by the new emperor. Shen Chunting is not stupid. If he always complains, You Ji-Er will hate it. Afterwards, he will definitely be eaten and hanged. Not as good as hello, hello, hello everyone.
       You Ji-Er slammed his mouth and was arrested.
       When Jin Jinyu sent You Ji-Er, he returned to the government and told the party-Shi.
       When I heard that Jin Baobao was really corrupt, Fang-Shi did not believe it at all:
       "Impossible, you brother, he is not short of money, how can it be corrupt."
       Jin Jinyu smiled bitterly:
       "This is what Fourzizi said, there will be no mistakes. Mother, 4th Prince also said that most of the money is collected. This time it was also the shop for the murderer's parents two days ago."
       At this moment, Fang-Shi hated the death of Xiaofang-Shi: How did I give you a big broom star on the day? ”
       Xiaofang-Shi is not greedy for money, but Jinbao is not a good bird.
       Fang-Shi is holding the golden jade said:
       "Jin Yu, he is your brother, you can't see death! Jin Yu, you must save your brother."
       Yu Jinyu said silently:
       "Mother, with the title and all the property in the family, maybe I can change my life."
       Fang-Shi is stunned, and the cost is too great:
       "Is there any other way?"
       邬金玉 shaking his head:
       "Mother, even if we are willing to use the title and money to change, the emperor and the queen may not agree."
       In the eyes of a mother, it is natural to have no son to be rich and rich. Fang-Shi is busy saying:
       "I have to try it if I have no use. I am now handing a sign into the palace. I am going to ask the emperor to follow the Empress."
       "Mother, the knight's business must be agreed. He has to disagree, and it does not help." Just do not know that in his mind, it is important to be a knight or a son.
       Fang-Shi face is a stiff, and it is important for his son to have no title. Because Jin Jinbao is gone, he also has Jin Jinyu and Jin Jinshi. Even if you don't want this title, you can pass it to the gilt stone.
       "I went to the palace to ask the emperor and the queen. As long as the emperor nodded, he did not agree and agreed." This is going to be played first. As for knowing if she will take her off in the future, she can’t manage it.
       Jao-Jao woke up and saw that Jin Jinyu was very surprised:
       "I thought you were accompanying your mother?"
       At this time, Jin Jinyu stayed in the family to accompany Fang-shi, she can understand.
       "You are with the family at home, I can rest assured!" After finishing, You Ji-Er carefully said:
       "Jao-Jao, if there is nothing in the family, let the mothers live in the Princess House!"
       Jao-Jao listened and laughed:
       "If you want to let your mother live in, what do you do with Jin Jin, and let them live in? You are not afraid that after they come in, the poisoned hands will endure the life of Ji Concubine and Jin Jinshi with the children in my stomach?"
       Jin Yu shuddered, and then did not mention the words of the wide and the Fang-Shi live in the Princess House.
       Yu-Xi knows that Fang-Shi has handed a sign into the palace, and she does not need to know what she is doing, and she naturally does not see her.
       Before the dinner, Yu-Xi asked Qi Hao:
       "What about Jin Baobao, did you tell Jao-Jao?"
       This file was arrived only yesterday afternoon, and there were not many people who handled it. No one in the family is an official. In addition to Jao-Jao, other people in the family did not find the news so quickly.
       You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, I am the big brother I asked, and then told the older sister."
       This mouth is also fast enough.
       "Hey, mother, if the family is willing to use the family property and the title to change the life of Jinbao, will you spare the life of Jinbao?"
       According to You Ji-Er's speculation, his mother should agree.
       Yun-Qing didn’t want to say it:
       "No. He is breaking the national law and must be executed."
       You Ji-Er looks at Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi looks flat:
       "If the family is really willing to use all the property and the title to change, it is not impossible to spare the life of Jinbao."
       Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "Yu-Xi ......"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "But the death penalty is exempt, and the crime is not to escape. Even if he spared his life, he would have to exile Lingnan." This request is very demanding.
       You Ji-Er nodded:
       "If you don't change, you can see your family's own choice."
       Yun-Qing still disagreed, and asked Qi Hao who did not say anything:
       "A-Hoa, do you think this works?"
       Qi Hao nodded and said:
       "Oh, after all, the family has contributed to the court. If they are willing to use this credit for the life of Jinbao, we should open one side. Otherwise, it will be somewhat impersonal."
       "If everyone has something to learn in the future, isn't it a mess?"
       That law is equivalent to being false.
       Yu-Xi laughed:
       "The title is a big event for future generations. No one will take it for change."
       After that, Yu-Xi said to You Ji-Er:
       "This matter must be done in a personal way." Jin Jinyu and Fang-Shi said that it could not be done.
       You Ji-Er secretly feels that he is still awesome. This cut off the possibility that the brother-in-law and Fang-Shi want to take advantage of it.

       Chapter 16__ Exile (4)

       On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, the letter of the six-pointed 邬金玉 and Fang-Shi was seen.
       -Lu Ye is a family child, even if he is now a princess, he will see the maiden:
       “Old Master is well.”
       There is no uneasiness in the broad mind:
       "A thousand miles come here, but what happened to you?"
       The future of the family is all pinned on Jin Yu and Chang Sheng. If Jin Yu had an accident, his previous efforts would be wasted.
       When I heard this, I knew that I hadn’t gotten the news that Jin Jinyu had been taken prisoner.
       "Old Master, it’s okay, it’s a grandfather’s accident.”
       Asked hurriedly:
       "What happened to the uncle?"
       The feeling of the first child is naturally very different. In addition, he has to work hard to cultivate Jin Jinbao.
       -Lu Yi said:
       "The uncle received the bribe and the human life was found out, and now he has been imprisoned. "Master Ma said that it may be executed in the next year."
       Since Ji Concubine and Wu Jinbo have disappeared, the spirit of singularity has been much worse. In less than a year, the old man was ten years old. This time I heard the news of Jin Jinbao, and I couldn’t bear the blow. Spit a blood, and then fell straight down.
       Six out shocked a big jump, and quickly called the doctor.
       Jin Jinzhu got the news and hurriedly ran over, knowing that he was vomiting blood after six outs, yelling:
       "Come on, pull this servant out of the major 50 boards."
       Six out of his face, he was still alive. Six out to the two next close people, said coldly:
       "I am looking for the Old Master by the order of the horse." The dog has to look at the master. These people don't dare to do anything unless they don't have a brain.
       "You have suffocated me to vomit blood, and it is a bad thing. Drag him down and I will reward you with twenty Silver Taels. If Shi Old Master asks about this, I am carrying it." Why can't she lick Jin Yu, can't help? A dog servant.
       The two family members just had their eyes shining, and the twenty Silver Taels were enough for them to live for a good year. Man-made dead birds are eating and drinking, and they no longer have to worry about going up and trying to make a living.
       Six out of gas is going to die, but here is the site of the gold beads, if it is hard to suffer, it must be him. I don’t talk about anything at the moment, just run out. While running out, he -called:
       "Old, old, help!" Six out this time with two guards, this is also sure. After all, the six outs look weak, and one can rest assured when they go out.
       Old people often talk with Lao Jia, that are veterans who have withdrew from the battlefield. Although the two are almost fifty, it is not a problem to deal with a few family members.
       Waiting for the doctor to come, you will wake up when you are wide. I didn’t see the six outs in a circle, and I immediately asked.
       邬金珠 snorted and said:
       "Hey, this person is mad at you, do you still see him doing?"
       Since the death of Ji Concubine and Wu Jinbo, the temper of Jin Jinzhu has become particularly violent. Sometimes, it is also full of temper. I can't help but beat her. But now the matter is important, how can you stand in the golden jade:
       "Go and call out the six." He had to know the specific process.
       Six out of this time, I dare not come alone. Just if he was running fast, he would be killed. From the point of view of insurance, this time I called the old man to follow with the old Jia.
       "What the hell is going on? Make it clear."
       Looking out at Jin Jinzhu:
       "Old Master, please let Eldest Miss avoid it!" When he got a reply, he went back to Capital City and didn't want to stay here for a while.
       I said everything I knew, and six out of it came out with two letters:
       "This is Madam and Marshal let the little one bring to the Old Master, saying that the Old Master will reply after reading it."
       After receiving the letter, you will see the square-shi. Because he knows that Fang-Shi will definitely not have a good word. The result, as he expected. Fang-Shi threatens in the letter if he does not agree to use the title to change the life of Jinbao, then she will smash the life of Jinzhu and Jinshi.
       I was so mad that I almost fainted. The four sons are most dependent on Jin Jinbao, and the most loved one is Wu Jinbo. As a result, Wu Jinbo died, and now Jin Baobao can't keep it. And the ‘Madam’ is like him, just like the enemy.
       Jin Jinyu letter is very peaceful, but he wants to agree with this matter. He also said that the title and money are not important.
       The hand that pinched the letter was shaking, and he knew that Fang-shi was not scaring him. If he really does not care about the life and death of Jin Bao, Fang-Shi will really poison the golden beads and the gilt stone. There is a saying that is good, only a thousand days to be a thief does not have a thousand days to prevent thieves. This kind of thing can't be prevented.
       Although the heart was bleeding, but the singularity was still in the way of Fang-Shi and Jin Yu.
       On the same day, he left the government and went to the inn to stay. I would rather stay in a cold and clear inn than to stay in my home. Who knows if the crazy Pozi will poison their hands in the middle of the night. After a few days, he can't bear to die.
       I heard that when I was ready to return to Capital City after the year, I would like to:
       "No, I don't go back to Capital City. Hey, why are we here to go back to Capital City?" When she returned to Capital City, she couldn't be flattened by Fang-Shi crazy Pozi.
       He said with a wide face and a disappointment:
       "There is no title, and you can't stay here." They just surrendered the property under the name of Jinbao, and his private house was still there. Although Jinyu is a Hummer Master, the Emperor Tiangao is far away. If someone remembers the money in his hand, this old, weak, weak, small, small, can’t be counted, and when it’s time, it’s called innocence. .
       Jin Jinzhu panicked and asked:
       "There is no title? Hey, what is going on?"
       If the title is gone, she is just an ordinary rich family, and she has withdrew, how can she say good people in the future.
       I don’t want to say more:
       "You go to clean up the things. When we go out, we will go back to Capital City." He was not consulting the Jinzhu, but informed her.
       Originally, it was intended to find a wealthy family in Jincheng and other gold pearls. Now this idea has lost. Only wait for the return to the capital, and then slowly plan.
       Jin Jinzhu didn't want to, and he didn't dare to disobey the broad intentions and went back to clean up the ceremony.
       After the end of the year, each family went to relatives. In previous years, Lu-Er went to the Han family on the second day of the first day of the palace, and then went to the Princess House. I have a big belly this year and I have not gone anywhere.
       Pomegranate said happily:
       "The second princess, the big princess came to visit you."
       Lu-Er walked out of the house to welcome, and just arrived at the door and saw a big belly, Jao-Jao walked in.
       "Big sister, you go slower and go slower." Jao-Jao is not afraid, she is shocked.
       Jao-Jao walked over to Lu-Er and said with his belly that Lu-Er’s belly was laughing:
       "I walked like this." They walked so fast on most days, and even if they were pregnant, they could change this habit.
       "Big sister, you have twins!" This pregnant woman with twins, who is careful about the accident. She is a big sister, she is very fierce.
       Jao-Jao touched her stomach and smiled:
       "The two children are squatting, there will be nothing." In addition to lethargy, there is no discomfort.
       Lu-Er is not envious:
       "Big sister, you still have a blessing." Before Jao-Jao spit a mess, this time he spit out the bile. It’s too sinful to be pregnant.
       Into the house Jao-Jao untied the ancient cloak, revealing the red embroidered peony dress inside.
       Lu-Er is amazed by the new 6:
       "Big sister, are you wearing a skirt?"
       The last time I saw Jao-Jao wearing a skirt, or she will marry.
       Jao-Jao said with a bitter face:
       "Mother let me wear a red dress, or else this -Miss will be like me, I don't like red dress." Although Jao-Jao feels that she is so comfortable now, she does not want her future -Miss like her. . This road is too difficult to leave. She can go to today and pay countless blood and sweat.
       Lu-Er grinning:
       "Big sister, are you sure that this is a -Miss in your stomach? What if it is a kid?"
       "Hundred percent is a dragon and a baby." After that, Jao-Jao looked at Lu-Er with a fierce look:
       "I don't want to say unlucky words." The last time I was killed by Rui Ji Er, I said that I had nothing to think about. As a result, I really had a son.
       "Well, it must be a dragon and a baby." It was a man or a woman who had already settled down, and what they said could not be changed. However, Lu-Er knew that Jao-Jao had always wanted a soft and soft -Miss , and she also followed her intentions.
       Touching the belly of Lu-Er, Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "You have a sharp tip, it must be a son."
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "If it is a son, I will not be born."
       "Jao-Jao, have you discussed this with Zhixi? No such thing can you decide unilaterally." She is not ready to give birth to this baby, and three children are enough. More, she can't get it.
       "No. He thinks that there are too few two children and wants me to have three. He said it is easy, and the child is not tired and the child does not hurt?"
       Lu-Er felt that Feng Zhixi did not understand her distressed her, quarreled with Feng Zhixi, and then cried awkwardly. In the end, Feng Zhixi bought a gift and took care to make her laugh.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Then you are slowly discussing, and you are not in a hurry anyway." After all, this is not a trivial matter. If Lu-Er makes a decision on one side, it will affect the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’.
       There is a business between husband and ‘Madam’, and Jao-Jao is also learned from Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing .
       "Let's talk about it later!" It's too early to worry about this. Anyway, even if you have to live, you have to say it for two years. Now, there is no physical strength and energy.
       After talking about the child, Lu-Er is also doing things for Jin Bao:
       "Big sister, I am listening to Zhibao. I am worried. Big sister, brother-in-law must be very upset. You will accompany him at home and let him relax."
       Jao-Jao let the pomegranate go down and then said:
       "Mother's meaning allows us to use the title of the family to change the life of Jinbao." The less the number of people who have not yet reached the conclusion, the better. If you hear the wind in the censor, you will be caught in a round of storms. At that time, it is easy to give birth to a change.
       This thing, Lu-Er really does not know:
       "Do you agree?"
       As for her temperament temperament, she was unwilling.
       "When the mother decides, when did he refute it? I don't know if I am public, I don't want this title." She didn't know much about it, so she didn't dare to give an evaluation.
       Lu-Er laughed and said:
       "You are willing to be with your older brother, what is he reluctant?"
       When Jin Baobao had an accident, his son was not qualified to inherit this title. In the future, this title must have fallen to the 2nd House. Although the Viscount can not compare to the Duke of the Duke, it is also a knight.
       "If you don't have the skills, there are no titles that are mixed and eaten. If you have the ability, there are no titles that can be mixed up. So, the most important thing is to train the children to become talented." Like their six sisters, Becoming a talent.
       In this case, Lu-Er agrees.
       On this day, Yuan Zhen rushed back to Capital City. Seeing Jin Jinyu, six out of tears.
       Hexagon and the six-outer are from the side of Jin Jinyu, and he is very trusting. Upon seeing it, Jin Jinyu frowned and said:
       "what happened?"
        - "Master, I almost never see you again." Before Jin Jinyu asked, he would say that Jin Zhu wanted to kill her:
       "Master, Master, the little never sinned her, I don't know why she wants my life." The Eldest Miss is so poisonous, he is sorry for himself.
       Jin Jinyu is not stupid, how can I not know that Jin Jinyu hates him:
       "You have been for me." After that, he rewarded fifty Silver Taels and gave him another half-month holiday.
       It’s very time-consuming to go back and forth between Jiangnan and the time. Although he is young, he can't be overworked.
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "Do you still want to pick them up to live in the Princess House?"
       Yu Jinyu said silently:
       "Jao-Jao, don't you stay with Jin Jinzhu? I am afraid that she will be disadvantageous to them for a long time." Jin Jinzhu hated him so much, I was afraid that he would pass this hatred on to them. Longevity is his life, and he can't do it when he is touching it on most days, so he does not allow this kind of uncertainty.
       Jao-Jao was shocked, and in her impression, Jin Yuyu was very pity and weak. Unexpectedly, one day, he actually wanted to kill. However, Jinyu is also for children.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "You are also worried, just marry her far away." The more people who are so loud, the more fearless. Because their bad and evil are on the surface. Instead, it is like Wu Jinbo, a dog that is not called, to be careful.
       Jin Jinyu nodded.
       "Look at what the public 爹子 wrote?"
       There was a reply, indicating that Kuangkuo agreed to use the title to change the life of Jinbao. However, from the point of view of insurance, this fold must still be seen before it can be presented.
       After reading the book, Jao-Jao said:
       "I will put this fold up tomorrow." Today is the Lantern Festival, and it is not such a fold to add to the mother.
       On the day when Yun-Qing took the eclipse, he gave the imperial edict, exempting Jin Bao from the death penalty of Xiaofang-Shi. The husband and ‘Madam’ were exiled in Lingnan for 20 years.
       Fang-Shi got the news, said with Jin Jinyu:
       "Golden jade, you send people to the spot, don't let your older brother suffer too much sin." The prisoner went to exile, is to serve. There are many kinds of service in this service. It is lighter to do some books and so on in Tuen Mun. The heavy one is the hard work of the rock.
       "Mother, don't say anything about this in the future, I don't have this ability." He is not a fake horse, but he only grows flowers and grasses to bring children at home, and the people in the middle of the country do not know a few people. And Jao-Jao has long said that he will not take care of this matter, let her help and do not think about it. And he, no face to open this mouth.

       Chapter 16__ If a man marries

       (Cat flutter Chinese) The first month of the 18th, should be married. If a man’s good day is on this day.
       Although Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi first engaged in marriage, but the butler and the management of Mama assisted, although there was no mistake in the trouble.
       In the morning, Jao-Jao came over with a big belly. Purple Zi-Jin met and greeted her in the man's boudoir.
       Mama whispered:
       "Madam, the big princess is not suitable for going to Miss's room."
       Purple Zi-Jin asked inexplicably:
       "Happy events are not good for Miss." This is also a folk saying. I am afraid that the joy of the collision will damage the blessings of the newcomers.
       Purple Zi-Jin laughs:
       "I don't believe this." On the contrary, she thinks that Jao-Jao is a blessed person. If the man can bear the same door as Jao-Jao, and the husband and ‘Madam’ love and love, then she will have nothing to be embarrassed.
       If the man’s marriage is also letting Purple Zi-Jin break his heart. From the time she was 14 years old, she began to help her see each other, and looked at more than a dozen, but unfortunately, if the male did not fall. Seeing that they are all twenty years old, there is still no family, and Purple Zi-Jin is so eager to bubble. Fortunately, Bao Xiaoyu, who was introduced by the second princess, entered Ruo eyes and finally agreed to marry, otherwise she would have to marry her.
        - Flower Mama said:
       "It's better to avoid these things." This kind of thing would rather believe in it, not be credible.
       "There is nothing to avoid, there are not so many unfortunate women to be so spiritual." Many people say that she and Jao-Jao can't marry a good family, but now they are not very happy. Miss, who is both versatile, has not had a good time. Therefore, the key to success is yourself. Others are virtual.
       Seeing it, Mama will not say more.
       Jao-Jao went to the hi room and saw the man who was wearing makeup smiled:
       "How is it so slow?"
       This point is still on the makeup, but not slow.
       If the male look is very dull, say:
       "It doesn't matter if you don't miss the time, it's fine."
       Jao-Jao looked at her, and laughed:
       "When you are overjoyed today, why don't you even have a smile?" When she became a relative, she was very happy because she was willing to pay. But if the man looks like this, it seems that she is not married to her.
       If the man looks at himself in the bronze mirror, he asks:
       "What's wrong? I think it's good." What is good for marrying? Being restrained is not free. If she is not forced by Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi, she will not marry. However, Bao Xiaoyu promised herself not to interfere with her after marriage, and whatever she did.
       Jao-Jao is rarely smashed.
       Dingyuan Bo Heir Madam -Lu Juanjuan said to the man, while laughing, "When you marry someone, you know that you are married." -Lu Juanjuan is a full blessing person, to open a face to Ruo.
       The requirements of Quanfu people are that the parents of the maiden husbands are alive, and the ‘Madam’ and ‘Madam’ love their children. And -Lu Juanjuan, to meet these requirements.
       If the man does not agree, but did not refute.
       Jao-Jao knows that if the man is in the pharmaceutical industry, he is not interested in human relationships and marriage.
       If the man has a good makeup, -Lu Juanjuan will take the wedding dress. If the man wears a wedding dress, it shines brightly.
       Jao-Jao said:
       "Remember to see you for the first time. Just in the twinkling of an eye, you have to marry."
       -Lu Juanjuan smiled in the heart, listening to this tone did not know, I thought it was a male elder!
       If the man looks strangely:
       "The big princess, do you really remember seeing me for the first time?"
       Jao-Jao said proudly:
       "Of course. At that time, your little powder was so cute. I wanted to hold it at the time, but my mother refused. I said that I am afraid of falling."
       If the man is amazed:
       "The big princess, your memory is very good. You remember this when you were three years old."
       The words just mentioned are all from Jao-Jao. She still remembers things after the age of five. Nothing is remembered before the age of five.
       On the kitchen side, there was breakfast, fritters, egg and soy milk, and a few dishes. These are all men who like to eat.
       Jao-Jao saw that these foods were hungry and asked Pozi who sent the meal:
       “Is there a kitchen? If there is one, send another one.”
       -Lu Juanjuan looked at Jao-Jao, who was an outsider at all, and couldn't help but laugh.
       If the man asks a little strangely:
       "The big princess, did you come over without breakfast?"
       "Eat, isn't this hungry? Cough, since I was pregnant, these two children are always hungry. If you don't eat in time, you will have a hard time getting rid of your lungs." In the past few days, I entered the palace without a snack. As a result, she was hungry halfway, and she thought that she would endure. As a result, her eyes were dizzy, and when she arrived at the palace, she was not soft. She fell to the bottom of the cliff, and she didn't feel so uncomfortable when she didn't eat for a day. After this time, the house prepared a pastry, and every time I went out, I also had a snack.
       If the man reveals the first smile of Jao-Jao coming in:
       "The big princess, you should eat it first!"
       "It's not very hungry now, you should eat it first! You will have to apply lipstick, you can't delay." It doesn't matter if she is late.
       If the man is not polite, sit down and eat.
       Jao-Jao just ate a bowl of eggs and heard the little Servant running over and the groom officer arrived.
       If the man sees Jao-Jao put down the chopsticks and asks:
       "The big princess, you continue to eat."
       -Lu Juanjuan said busy:
       "If you are a man, you can't let the groom wait!"
       If the man does not panic and say; "What can't wait? Big princess, you eat slowly, we are not in a hurry."
       -Lu Juanjuan looked dull. Whose Miss is not nervous and excited when she marries? She has never seen a new bride like a man who is so calm.
       Jao-Jao put down the chopsticks and stood up and said:
       "I am not hungry." After that, Rang Pozi took things down. Although I am not afraid of talking to outsiders, today, if the man’s wedding day, how can it be so blind.
       Bao Xiaoyu came over to meet her with the Brother and sisters of Rui Ji. Everyone looked at You Ji-Er and Xuan Ji Er's two faces, and they felt very strange.
       Seeing a man wearing a wedding dress sitting on the bed, Bao Xiaotong couldn’t say anything excited.
       Rui Ji Er pushed down the sly Bao Xiaotong and said with a smile:
       "Hurry up!" This guy, the key time is actually falling off the chain.
       After the war in Tongcheng last year, Bao Xiaotong rushed to the capital to kiss each other.
       Because Bao Xiaoyu gave up his life to save Rui Ji Er, Lu-Er said good things in front of Ruo Nan. If the man sees him with a big eyebrow and a big face, he looks good and looks good. Therefore, the conditions were put forward, saying that the family should be placed next to Yufu.
       When Bao Xiaoyu saw Ruoqiang, his eyes could not be turned. The daughter-in-law who can see such a fairy is to let him go to the sea under the knife! Don't say that I just bought a house next door to my father-in-law's house. It is no problem to live in the father-in-law's house. Anyway, there is one left in his family. Therefore, if the man asked for this request, he agreed without thinking.
       Although if the man's face was covered by a hijab, Bao Xiaolan stood in front of her and was still red-faced, cautiously -calling:
       "If you are a man, I will pick you up."
       If the man snorted. Although the sound is small, Bao Xiaoyu still heard it.
       -Lu Juanjuan took the red silk and stuffed it into the hands of Ruo, and stuffed it into Bao Xiaotong’s hands.
       Jao-Jao looked at Bao Xiaotong and said:
       "Be good to Ruo, or I can't spare you."
       Bao Xiaotong is busy with his loyalty:
       "The big princess rest assured that if the man let me go east, I would never dare to go west." Bao Xiaoyu has asked Rui Ji Er to help him to find a job in the Capital City government. This will be able to go home, and the couple will not have to be separated.
       Because of the reason of being an orphan, Bao Xiaoyu was eager to have a complete family since he was a child. For him, his ‘Madam’ and children are more enthusiastic, and they are more attractive than making meritorious deeds.
       Jao-Jao looked at his smirk and was embarrassed to be embarrassed. This guy is definitely a ‘Madam’ and servant in the future. But the ‘Madam’ and servant are good, if the man will be smooth in the future.
       Bao Xiaoyu happily welcomed the bride to leave. Although if the man said that he would set up a house next to Yufu, others could say that the ancestral property did not sell. The last house to be set up is about a quarter of an hour away from Yufu.
       There is a saying that you can't go back. So this time I took the bride back and they went back from another road.
       Jao-Jao saw Purple Zi-Jin's eyes red and smiled and said:
       "Purple Zi-Jin aunt, if the man lives next to him, want to see her can see at any time." Riding is also a few minutes.
       Purple Zi-Jin didn't say that he was someone else after marrying, just smiled:
       "When you marry a -Miss , you can feel my present mood."
       Jao-Jao is in a good mood and smiles and says:
       "That's your aunt's words."
       Out of Yufu, Jao-Jao did not return to the Princess House, but went to the palace.
       Seeing Yu-Xi at Kunning Palace is looking at satin, Jao-Jao smiled and asked:
       "Mother, is it too late to make clothes now?"
       She thought that Yu-Xi was the clothes she wore when she was married.
       “Jiangnan Weaving just sent a batch of materials, I picked some preparations for you to make them clothes.” These tribute silks are the best. At this time, these satins should be divided into one point and then rewarded to the following meritorious ministers. Of course, naturally, Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are indispensable.
       Upon hearing this, Jao-Jao eyes lit up:
       "Mother, is there a Yunjin this time?"
       Before Yu-Xi gave her a skirt with Yunjin, the result was that Jao-Jao was too wasteful. This Yunjin dress has not seen Jao-Jao passing through now. So, Yu-Xi was surprised to hear this:
       "There are two, how, you want?"
       Jao-Jao snorted and touched his stomach and said:
       "I want to make two small skirts for the country and the country." Meimei is the nickname for Jao-Jao to the -Miss . Her shi-nu must be beautiful.
       "Children grow fast, they can't wear them in two or three months. It's too wasteful to use Xiaojin to make small clothes for children." Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "Your expected date is in June, when the weather is already hot. It is better to make small clothes with fine cotton cloth." This fine cotton cloth is not only breathable but also absorbs sweat.
       Jao-Jao thinks that Yu-Xi makes sense, but she still does not give up:
       "Then I will save first, wait for the beauty to be big, and then give her a skirt."
       This Yunjin has two horses a year. When Qi Hao is married to his ‘Madam’ and children, this Yunjin is not what you want to get.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "You are with Lu-Er."

       Chapter 16__   Er child (1)

       Yu-Xi treats Jao-Jao and Lu-Er equally. Not only does the amount of dowry cost the same, the two sisters each have two people after they marry, and never send one person.
       Looking at a box of brightly colored satin, Lu-Er smiled and pointed at the two rain silks of pink and sea bream:
       "Get the embroidered room, let the embroidered mother to Jao-Jao and Dan sister children to do two spring shirts." In addition to the rare material like Yunjin she reluctant, the other is no problem.
       I have a new point and said:
       "Princess, you can also make a dress!" From the back of the city, Lu-Er did not make any new clothes.
       Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "When you have finished your child, let's talk." After the birth of the child, the child broke his milk and leaned down to make clothes. Now, let’s wear it!
       In fact, Lu-Er cabinets are full of clothes, and one set is not heavy.
       In the evening, Lu-Er went to the main house for dinner. After returning from the self-styled army, he asked for a dinner to be used in the main Courtyard. He feels that this can deepen feelings. As for the morning and noon, it is not strong. Mainly in the morning and at noon, Feng Zhiyi and Feng Zhixi are not at home.
       Dandan met Lu-Er and thanked him for his new clothes:
       "Thank you for your aunt." Although Dandan also changed his name, but her name with the seal has not changed.
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "But a set of clothes is not worth anything." Although Dandan is still young, he knows to buy gifts for Qi-Qi and Lu-Er. Although these gifts are not before, some are still made by myself, but the child's mind is still very useful for Qi-Qi and Lu-Er.
       For a long time, not to mention Qi-Qi is more love for her, that is, Lu-Er also has a pity for her. In private, he also sighed with Feng Zhixi, saying that the child’s bad luck was not overwhelming. I hope that this child will be angry and will be better in the future. Otherwise, marriage is a bit difficult.
       Before the meal, Feng Dajun came with the 2nd Brother Feng Zhiyi. Because Feng Dajun’s face was a little bad, he was also black-faced when he was eating, which caused everyone to eat this meal. Among them, Lu-Er is also included.
       After using the dinner, Feng Daxi and Lu-Er returned to their yards, leaving Feng Zhiyi and Qi-Qi.
       Lu-Er whispered:
       "It’s so ugly, what is it for?"
       Feng Zhixi is somewhat difficult to talk about.
       Lu-Er’s heart, said:
       "It won't be Big Brother. He put Outside Mistress outside. Now he has to pick up the Outside Mistress?"
       Otherwise, why should you let your cousin stay?
       Feng Zhixi was originally in a heavy mood, but he laughed when he heard this:
       "Big brother is not the kind of person who is not measured. After he promised to wait until the age of 30, he would not dare to violate the meaning of his sorrow." His older brother dared to take it, but he lost his face. He groaned, he was able to spare, fearing that his older brother’s legs were discounted.
       The main reason is that Feng Zhiyi has a criminal record, so Lu-Er will think about it. She was not a concubine, she was very loose. I am also afraid that Qi-Qi is sad, otherwise she will manage this business:
       "What is that? It's so ugly."
       To avoid Lu-Er thinking again, Feng Zhixi quickly said the reason:
       "Ding Sanyang died half a month ago."
       "Death is dead, what is it so ugly to look like?"
       After that, Lu-Er has a heartbeat:
       "Is it necessary to pick up Dandan and his brother to go back?"
       "Ding Sanyang's ‘Madam’ only gave birth to two daughters, and there was no child under the knee." If Ding Sanyang had a son, they could refuse this request. But now Ding’s family is only a male, and they can’t refuse.
       Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "Zhi Xi, can't let your brother go back." Because of Lu-Er's reminder, Qi-Qi carefully asked his brother to find a Master. This Master only has a good name, but his character is high and clean.
       Before, my brother was not only timid, but also a bit filthy. This is why Lu-Er reminded Qi-Qi that he was neglected. Fortunately, my brother and I have been studying with Master for a year, and not only have the courage to become bigger, but also cheerful.
       Feng Zhixi smiled and said:
       "I know, there is no male Ding in the Ding family. If you don't go back, Ding will break the grandchildren. In the case of love, we can't stop the priests from confessing their ancestors." That Ding Old Lady It’s a hob meat. If they don’t let Ding Hao go back, she will definitely go to the door, and when they stop, they don’t want to be peaceful.
       "Nading Old Lady's mind is short and narrow, and nothing happens to stir up three waves. The slut's temper is originally a bit gloomy, and now he is getting better under the guidance of Master . If he returns to Dingjia to give the Old Lady, who is Know what it will become." Lu-Er This is euphemistic. If the elder brother returns to Ding, it is estimated that he will be withdrew.
       Feng Zhixi said:
       "Hey, there is also this worry, so I don't want to let my brother go back."
       Lu-Er thought about it:
       "Hey brother back to Dingjia, this is for sure. However, we can extend the time." When the older Brother are older, the temper has already been developed, and the returning home will not be affected by them.
       Lu-Er is not a nosy person, but he is just looking at his brother. I can't bear to be a child, and I was buried by my so-called relatives for a lifetime.
       "Look at how to say it!" Hey Brother encountered such relatives, but the road is not good.
       Feng Dajun means to keep his brother to ten years old, and then send him to the Academy to study. In this way, even if the brother-in-law returned to Ding’s family, the time spent in Ding’s family was not long. In this way, people who are not afraid of Ding Jia are not affected.
       Feng Zhiyi and Qi-Qi all expressed no opinion.
       Feng Dajun is very satisfied and said to Qi-Qi:
       "It is his blessing to be yours, and it is also the blessing of our family." Lian-Wu did such a thing too much, but her daughter-in-law could still bother to find a Master for her brother. This heart is hard to come by. As a woman, it is necessary to be generous.
       Qi-Qi has a red eye and a sore throat:
       "This is what daughter-in-law should do." To get this sentence, the hard work of these years is also worthwhile. However, Qi-Qi also knows that in the past few years, she has been able to live so well because of the closure of the army. Without his suppression, now I am afraid that the family already has the eldest son.
       After talking about this, the husband and ‘Madam’ went back. Out of the main courtyard, the mood of Qi-Qi was calmed down:
       "‘Fu Jun’, I remember Ding Sanyang's Tie-Kui concubine gave him a son!" Ding Sanyang, for the sake of this squatting with Outside Mistress, almost killed Lian-Wu. Now it is said that Ding Sanyang has no son, and the child is afraid that he has not raised it.
       Feng Zhisheng said:
       "The child died."
       Qi-Qi remembered that Mama sent back that day was not unexpected. The woman just used the child as a bargaining chip in Dingfu. She didn’t really love him. This child is the most vulnerable, the Darens are not taken care of, and one will not be able to pay attention.
       Qi-Qi has some exclamations:
       "I thought Ding Sanyang would help that one!" At that time, Ding Sanyang was the Tie-Kui concubine, and even the original and the children who did not care, she thought it was true love.
       Feng Zhixiao smiled one channel:
       "Ding's family still can't afford this face. The woman was sold by Ding Old Master." As for where to sell, he didn't pay attention. However, the child did not have a mother, Ding Old Lady was too worried about the results of Ding Sanyang, and a cold is the life of this child.
       At that time, Ding’s family did not care. He thought that Ding Sanyang’s health would be better, and he would not have a grandson in the future. Who knows that Ding Sanyang’s ‘Madam’ is not only pungent but also very versatile, and Ding Sanyang is dead. Not even a single, no. It is a pity that the daughter-in-law of this later gave birth to 2nd Miss, and did not give birth to a son.
       Qi-Qi asked:
       "How did Ding Sanyang die?"
       "There was a dispute with the people in the restaurant. One did not pay attention to falling from the upstairs and fell to death." This method of death is really enough.
       In view of the fact that Lian-Wu is not a good thing, Qi-Qi has no comment on the death of Ding Sanyang.
       Feng Zhiyi also thought of sealing Lian-Wu:
       "Oh, the meaning is that when the spring is over, the older sister will bring the child to the brother-in-law." Because of the closure of the army, the seal Lian-Wu only came back on the second day of the first month. In order to seal the army and not allow her to return to her family, she made another trouble. Unfortunately, Feng Dajun’s endurance to her has reached its limit. When she saw her madness, she drove her out without saying anything.
       Chang-shi can't cry, but it is Feng Fengjun who can be the master of the house. She is powerless.
       "This thing, you are the master." Before Qi-Qi made up his mind, she would not appear where Lian-Wu was. However, the decision of Feng Dajun can give her more things. At least, the contradiction between mother and daughter has been reduced.
       The couple are talking, and the winter Lady is yelling outside:
       "The Wang Heir, Da-Nai-Nai, the people around the second princess said that the second public was born. Big-Nai-Nai, you are going to have a look!"
       Qi-Qi heard this and said to Feng Zhiwei:
       "You take care of the tiger brother, let me see."
       Although he has already become awkward, he can hear Lu-Er’s birth to Feng Zhixi or his face. Fortunately, there is no panic in the pomegranate and the lotus. See Lu-Er saying that the stomachache is going to be born immediately, and then sent a person to inform Chang-shi and Qi-Qi.
       Qi-Qi and Chang-shi are the front and rear feet. When they entered the delivery room together, they saw Lu-Er lying on the bed and yelling.
       In view of the precedent of Qi-Qi early production, the completion of Yuan-Lu Lu-Er allowed Wen to live in the Princess House. In this way, once production is advanced, there is no need to worry.
       Qi-Qi walked over and held her hand and said:
       "First, don't -call, or you won't have the strength when you will be born." When she gave birth to a child, she couldn't help but hurt. What does the stable woman do, she will do it. Therefore, the students are born more smoothly, and the sins are less.
       "I can't help it." She also knows that it is not appropriate to yell at the moment, but it can't be controlled when the pain comes.
       After saying this, Lu-Er cried:
       "After giving birth to this child, I will not be born again." It hurts her, and this sin is no longer willing to suffer for the third time. Whether it is a man or a woman, she is determined not to be born anyway.
       Qi-Qi didn't pick up this, just said to wipe Lu-Er while sweating:
       "Forbearance and forbearance will pass." The second child's production time is not as long as the first child.
       The kitchen quickly sent brown sugar eggs, but unfortunately Lu-Er could not eat.

       Chapter 16__   Er child (2)

       After dinner, Yun-Qing accompanied Yu-Xi for a walk in the garden. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest update has nothing to do in the recent period, and there are Kaihao to help with government affairs, and Yun-Qing is not so busy.
       Yun-Qing took the hand of Yu-Xi and said softly:
       "Tan Xiang said that he wants to be a official, I did not agree." Tan Tuo home is on the outskirts of Capital City, one day away from the capital. Therefore, there is nothing to say that the old man is returning home.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Tan Tuo is also a year old, and he is also a good honor." Since ancient times, it has been difficult to do so. Many of them have been dead. It’s not that these slaughter assistants are all reluctant to let go, but they are afraid to let go of the whole family’s life or even the whole family’s life. However, Tan Tuo did not have this worry, because he did not admit that he did not even engage in party smuggling, and these years were all practising. Of course, he has this idea and he has no chance.
       "Qi Hao smashed Tan's Miss, Tan Tuo made a letter, and outsiders thought that we were jealous of foreigners!" There are many things like squatting and arrogating, but Tan is definitely impossible. How could his son, even a ‘Madam’, be confused?
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Some things, take precautions well. If it is not too late, it will be a disaster. Tan Tuo will be on the fold, but it will be three, and the third time you will resign, you will agree!" Tan family can't make power, but he can't say it.
       Yun-Qing nodded and agreed, then talked about Fujian:
       "Qiu Shui
       Yu-Xi sneered and said:
       "Expanding the water army? Is it expanding their autumn army?"
       Every year, I want to pay for military expenses, and the number of people I want is getting bigger and bigger. It’s true that they don’t dare to do it.
       "Yu-Xi, Fujian's affairs should also be solved." Donghu people were seriously injured last year, and this year they were unable to invade again. Therefore, Yun-Qing feels that the time to solve Fujian has arrived.
       Yu-Xi said after a moment of indulging:
       "Fujian's business, hand it to Kaihao!" This is also a test for him.
       See Yun-Qing with hesitation, Yu-Xi said:
       "If you can't handle this, you can manage this world in the future." This is not easy to solve, but it is because she is difficult to hand over to Kaihao. The harder it is, the better it is to temper him.
       Yun-Qing clicked on the head:
       "it is good."
       Lotus seeds rushed over and said to Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi:
       "The emperor, the Empress, the second public is born."
       Yu-Xi heard this and was busy out of the palace. As soon as I arrived at the courtyard of Lu-Er, I heard Lu-Er’s miserable cry.
       Yu-Xi didn't rush into the delivery room, but faded the coat and then soaked it with hot water, and then went in.
       It hurts for more than half an hour, Lu-Er's face is already a little pale. When I saw Yu-Xi, Lu-Er cried and said:
       "Mother, mother, you are coming..." Yu-Xi is coming, Lu-Er feels that he has the backbone.
       Qi-Qi took two steps back and gave the position to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi holds the hand of Lu-Er and smiles and says:
       "Don't be afraid, it will be very soon."
       "Mother, it hurts..." The words didn't finish, and a burst of pain hit again.
       Yu-Xi calms the said:
       "Don't be afraid, there will be nothing. You are the second child, the fetal position is positive, and the child will soon be born." The child's fetal position was originally a little wrong, and later it was slowly corrected by the stable woman.
       The pain is getting more and more frequent, Lu-Er is sore and -calling:
       "Mother, mother, I don't want to be born again. Mother, I don't want to be born again." It hurts her, and every time she has a child, she is tortured. After this time, she will not be born again.
       At a special time, Yu-Xi naturally followed her intentions:
       "Okay, we will not be born again. But now you have to work hard and give birth to your child."
       Lu-Er tears brushed down:
       "Mother, it hurts. Mother, it hurts." Even for the second time, she couldn't stand it.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Well, my mother knows that you are very painful. Hey, you have to listen to the words of the stable woman, so that the child can be born very quickly. Come, listen to the words of the stable woman."
       Under the repeated appeasement of Yu-Xi, Lu-Er finally calmed down. Then take a deep breath and follow the words of the stable woman.
       "Wow..." The cry of the baby gave everyone a sigh of relief in the delivery room.
       When the child was born, Lu-Er fainted.
       Looking at the sweaty Yu-Xi, Qi-Qi said:
       "Aunt, you wipe the sweat, there is me here."
       Yu-Xi confirmed that Lu-Er had nothing to do, and took a towel and wiped the sweat. Put down the towel, Yu-Xi, then I remembered that she forgot to ask the child temperament:
       "Is it male or female?"
       Chang-shi smiled and his eyes became a seam:
       "It's a take." The eldest son has a son, and she is relieved.
       After that, I will hand the newly wrapped child to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi did not reach out:
       "I am so slim now, I don't want to hold him." Lu-Er gave birth to a child, and she also sweated. Unfortunately, no clothes were brought out, and Yu-Xi did not like to wear other people clothes.
       Now that the mother and the child are safe, Yu-Xi will stay again, and after Qi-Qi will return to the palace.
       Seeing the calmness of Yu-Xi, you don't have to ask to know that Lu-Er is safe with the children. Yun-Qing asked:
       "How come back so soon?"
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Lu-Er is asleep, the child is also very good, and it doesn't matter if I stay." Mainly the body is slimy, she has to come back and bathe and change clothes.
       "Is it a boy or a girl?"
       Although men and women are good for them, it is obvious that the army is more likely to be a grandson. Look at him so baby tiger brother will know. To know the four granddaughters, no one has ever embraced the army.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "It's a son." Lu-Er is good, there are children. Yu-Xi now hopes that Jao-Jao can get what he wants.
       After taking a shower, Yu-Xi went back to the palace. Drilled into the warmth of the bed, Yu-Xi asked in the arms of Yun-Qing :
       "What are you thinking about? Do you want to have a grandson?"
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "Qi Hao and Rui Ji Er, they have to be married, and they still have no grandsons. I just thought about whether I would wait to retreat to learn the army, including the grandson."
       "To bring your child, don't take me." With the big Jao-Jao brother and 6th Brother, Yu-Xi is no longer wanting to bring children.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "I don't have anything to do when I step back. I can't always go out to play." It's almost like playing for three or five years. If you are tired of playing, you still have to go home. When you are free, it’s boring to do nothing.
       Yu-Xi has long thought of this problem:
       "When I step back, I will focus on the women's school." Yu-Xi wants to grow the women's school so that many people can study.
       Yun-Qing did not object, just said with a smile:
       "You run your school, I bring my children." In this way, they all have their own things.
       Yu-Xi laughed:
       "I don't object if you want to bring a child, but I won't help you." Milk children are not good, but if they are three or five years old, there is no problem.
       Lu-Er was shocked by the cry of a baby. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Feng Zhixi staring at the child.
       Feng Zhixi saw Lu-Er wake up and was full of joy:
       "Lu-Er, you are awake."
       Lu-Er hurts, but my eyes still fall on the child:
       "Come and show me." Yesterday -called too much, and the throat was a little painful.
       Looking at the child, Lu-Er wants to reach out. Unfortunately, Feng Zhixi does not give:
       "You don't want to hold a child in your month." Feng Zhixi, a husband, is still very qualified.
       Lu-Er blamed him for a look and said:
       "The child is so crying, it must be hungry."
       Feng Zhixi hesitated and said:
       "Then you feed him and feed him!" Lu-Er didn't eat anything when it was produced yesterday. It will definitely be very hungry.
       Pomegranate end up using millet brown sugar porridge, see Lu-Er look disliked, she said with a smile:
       "Princess, it’s better to eat it." Xiaomi porridge can not only recover people as soon as possible, but also very milk.
       Lu-Er reluctantly finished eating, and then hugged the child to feed him.
       After half a day, the child only got milk. After eating, I fell asleep.
       Putting the child around, Lu-Er asked:
       "The child's nickname, did you take it?"
       Originally, Lu-Er wanted to give his child a nickname, but Feng Dajun had already said that if he was a buddy, he would have to take it for both the big name and the small name. Although Lu-Er is a princess, he does not dare to violate the public command of the army.
       "Take it, it is called Leopard." The original Feng Jun was called the child as a wolf brother, Feng Zhixi did not agree, and finally changed to call Leopard.
       Lu-Er Futing:
       "There are tigers and leopards. Is it public that he is a deep forest?"
       This is no matter who is named.
       Feng Zhixi laughed:
       "Take it." This means that if you don't like it, you can't change it and accept the reality.
       At this time, I said loudly outside the new:
       "Princess, Hummer Master, Grand Princess is coming."
       Lu-Er was born last night, because it was late, and it was only in the morning to report to the relatives. Jao-Jao was using the morning meal when he got the news, grabbed two buns and rushed over.
       Feng Zhixi stood up and went out with a greeting from Jao-Jao. Leave the house to the sisters.
       Jao-Jao saw the child fall asleep and lowered his voice and asked:
       "No sin?"
       When he was born in Jao-Jao, Lu-Er was born for a day and was sinned.
       Although from the onset to the birth, since one and a half hours, Lu-Er still said:
       "It hurts. Big sister, I am not ready to regenerate."
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "In any case, now the children are both full, and if they don't want to be born, they will not be born. However, this matter has to be discussed with the brother-in-law. It is because of this, it is a contradiction."
       "Know it." He also had a couple of years with Feng Zhixi, and Lu-Er knew him better. Feng Zhixi definitely disagreed and wanted her to be born.
       Lu-Er looked at Jao-Jao big belly:
       "Big sister, when the twins are produced, it is more dangerous. You pay more attention to it." Giving birth to a child is a ghost gate, not to mention a twin. I was envious before, but now Lu-Er is worried.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "You don't have to worry about me. When they were born, they were all safe and sound, and I had no problem. When they were born, they must be the same as the growth students. When the mother had not arrived, she would come out." Actually, it is not painless to have children, just Jao-Jao has been numb since he was a small injury, and he can bear it. When she was alive, she endured pain and snoring, and then she said how she did it, and the fetal position was positive, so it was exceptionally smooth.
       Lu-Er laughed:
       This book is from


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Han Yuxi
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