Han Yuxi 1660

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1660__ Xuan Ji Er's determination

       Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi are the most irritated officials, and the court’s sin against corrupt officials is also very serious. Wang Yingda and his party members were confiscated, and all the beheads were involved. The family was over ten years old and exiled to the border town.
       When this purpose was in the hands of You Ji-Er, he knew that the mission was completed.
       Called Zhao Qian to go to the largest restaurant in Zhangzhou to set a table, and then invited Zong Siyuan and others to eat with him.
       Cao Cao chicken, braised squid squid, hodgepodge, tribute goose, samovar prawn, sautéed sautéed pork, tiger fur tofu, soy sauce mushroom, and pigeon soup, served with local specialties.
       Seeing a dish full of tables, Zong Siyuan finally couldn’t help but say:
       "His Highness, this is too rich, completely contrary to the system of the court." There are regular rules in the court. Officials can not exceed the quota for meals. The quota is based on the grade. But the table is full of flavors and dishes, plus wine, definitely one hundred and two, I don't know how much the quota is over.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "When I am Prince, I must lead by example. I can't make my own exception. This time, I am asking for you. This time, everyone has worked hard to investigate the case. The table is specially designed to help you." He has thick pockets. Please be a guest.
       Zong Siyuan is not a person who does not know how to adapt. It is not only for You Ji-Er, but also for imperial impeachment:
       "That would thank you all." Wang Yingda is self-righteous, thinking that the small hall is really a playboy Prince. However, I do not know that the small hall is savvy, and both the criminal department and the household department have to be praised. I want to fool him and dream!
       This meal, everyone has a good time. After eating, You Ji-Er said:
       "This case is gone. When you cut off Wang Yingda head, you can go back to Capital City and return to life." Because these people are guilty of sin too much, they don't wait for the autumn decision, and they immediately cut the head and show them to the public.
       Zong Siyuan felt that it was wrong when he heard this. He asked:
       "His Royal Highness, are you not going back to Capital City with us?"
       "No, it's hard to get a trip. I want to taste the food from all over the country." If you go to Shandong, Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi know it, you don't have to tell Zong Siyuan. In the unlikely event that his mouth did not reveal the whereabouts of his goalkeeper, who knows what danger it would be. If you attract an assassin, then it is not beautiful.
       Zong Siyuan was busy asking:
       "His Royal Highness, did the Emperor agree with the Queen?"
       "If I don't agree with my mother, I can't go!" This time, my mother was generous, and she was allowed to go home until the year before. Now in early September, there are still four months to the Chinese New Year. It is enough for him to eat the specialty snacks along the way. Think about it, it feels pretty.
       After the emperor agreed, Zong Siyuan naturally had no objection.
       On the second day, You Ji-Er left Zong Siyuan with Zong Siyuan. After three days of peering, the two separated.
       Hearing You Ji-Er went to Shandong to worship Confucius, Xuan Ji Er was envious.
       Xuan Ji Er hesitated for a long time, and finally found Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi:
       "Hey, mother, I also want to worship the Confucius." You Ji-Er just used the Confucius as an excuse. If you don't like to study, you can really admire Confucius. It is Xuan Ji Er, but it is really worshipping the hole saint.
       Yun-Qing thinks that Xuan Ji Er wants one out:
       "Don't you have a bad job?"
       Many people cut their heads to get rid of errands, but for Xuan Ji Er, it’s really a good day in the rites. This time, Xuan Ji Er said with courage:
       "Hey, mother, I don't want to go to the rites."
       Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "How? I feel that the ritual is not good? Which one do you want to go to?"
       Xuan Ji Er is no better than You Ji-Er, let him go to the cadres and other important tips, and want to come to him can not do.
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "I don't want to be bad. Hey, mother, I don't like to do these things."
       "If so what do you like?"
       Xuan Ji Er saw that Yun-Qing was unhappy and somewhat comfortable, but he really did not feel very happy during this time:
       "I like to study. Oh, mother, I still want to go back to the White Sandal Academy to study." In the two years at the White Tan Academy, it was a happy time in his life. Therefore, he is eager to go back.
       Yun-Qing 's face suddenly turned black:
       "How old are you, still studying? If you have to marry your ‘Madam’ in two years, do you want me and your mother to give you a ‘Madam’?"
       Xuan Ji Er also thought about this:
       "I want to open a pawn shop first. When I earn money, I will open another shop and sell the four treasures and books of the study."
       Yun-Qing looks at Yu-Xi and is ready to listen to her opinion. Even if you open the calligraphy and painting shop, you know that Xuan Ji Er is afraid of thinking about things for a long time.
       Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       “Why do you want to open a pawn shop and a calligraphy shop?”
       "Opening a shop is not cumbersome, as long as you rely on the mountain to find the goods and have the eye for the shopkeeper. As for the shop, it is because I often use these things, I know more about these. And after the shop opened, can use this I have made more literati." These were all decided after he thought about it.
       Yu-Xi has no objection, just said:
       "Give you a year, if the two shops you opened are making money, I am like your wish. If not, you should not think about it any more, so it is bad in the Ministry of Rites." This is also given Xuan Ji Er pressure.
       "But I am afraid that there is not so much energy." I have to open the shop again when I am in a bad situation, he is afraid to cope.
       Yun-Qing said with dissatisfaction:
       "A-You is also on the sidelines while opening the shop. Now I have opened three shops and have not stopped the errands. He started from scratch, and your starting point is much higher than him." Xuan Ji Er started high because he Knowing that Xuan Ji Er wants to open the shop, he will definitely find You Ji-Er to help.
       "Okay!" There is a very capable younger brother. When my brother is under great pressure! However, as long as you do it, you can get rid of this boring life. Think about it, Xuan Ji Er is full of energy.
       After You Ji-Er left, Yun-Qing said unhappy:
       "How do you still let him go to school?"
       Others have been studying for the sake of fame. Xuan Ji Er’s study is of no use, and he feels that the more he studies, the more stupid he is.
       "He is not here, forcing him, waiting for a long time to get bored, leaving the ritual is also a mixed day." Yu-Xi said:
       "His ambition is to become a knowledgeable Academy student. It is also reluctant to let him be bad. He thinks so comprehensive, we will follow his wishes! Let him do what he likes, he can also It’s a good time.” They are so desperate, but they can give children more choices.
       Anyway, Xuan Ji Er is not the eldest son. It is not a bad thing to like to learn. Just Yun-Qing is a bit worried:
       "I am afraid that he will read too many books and read them as nerds."
       "Doing learning, you can't build a car behind closed doors. After he gets married, let him go to study." Seeing Yun-Qing is not very agreeable, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Actually, I think Master Pang is quite good. When Xuan Ji Er became a Academy student, he will be handed down to the world after the book is published. You and my face have light."
       "Don't be a nerd, I am satisfied." The book was handed down to the ages, and he did not dare to think about it now.
       Yu-Xi smiled and shifted the topic:
       "Lu-Er last letter said that he will return to Capital City in September, and count the time. Now it is time to leave!" The child has been away from Capital City for more than four months, and Yu-Xi is quite suspenseful.
       "Is it awkward to run long waves? Or let Lu-Er have a baby, come back!" Although the official road is relatively flat, it is still somewhat bumpy. In case something happens, regret is too late.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I don't want to be a mother, and Lu-Er is not a child. She will have her own considerations. We will not take care of them in the future." When the children are older, when the parents are too much, they also Will be annoying, Yu-Xi is not willing to do something unpleasant.
       Think of Feng Zhixi beside Lu-Er, Yun-Qing will not say this again. The left and right children are around, and there is nothing to worry about.
       "Auntie..." After three big sneezes, Lu-Er tears flowed out.
       Feng Zhixi was too nervous to gently slap Lu-Er and said:
       “Is it cold?”
       After that, I handed the parch to her.
       Lu-Er took a spit and wiped his mouth, then leaned on the thin quilt:
       "It's not cold, it should be someone who is chanting me. Just don't know if it's a mother, or a big sister."
       Feng Zhixi said with some helplessness:
       "In all likelihood, they are worried about you."
       His original meaning is to give birth to a child in Yucheng and go back, but Lu-Er just doesn't listen. Oh, but Lu-Er, I can only agree.
       Lu-Er said after eating a grape:
       "I don't want to stay in Yucheng." There aren't many people she knows here. They have been suffocating her for more than four months.
       "Furthermore, my mother is not around, I have no bottom in my heart." Although she has given birth to a child, but production is a ghost gate, she is still hanging.
       It has already come out, and it makes no sense to say this. Feng Zhixi transferred the topic and said a good news:
       "I heard that A-You broke the big case of corruption in Anhui." Although he is in Yucheng, his news is still very well-informed.
       The younger brother is capable, and there is light on the face of her sister. Lu-Er smiled and said:
       "You Ji-Er is the most refined. In the past few years, he has been practicing in the Ministry of Punishment. This errand is not difficult for him." The modesty is said, but there is a pride in the words.
       Feng Zhixi gave the demolition:
       "Who said that the most naughty thing is 4th Prince."
       "Smart kids have always been difficult. You Ji-Er was a gangster when he was a child, but now he is grown up, not only capable but also caring." When she was young, she and You Ji-Er were both disliked, but now they are getting along. It’s very harmonious. Her mother said something quite right, interrupting the bones and ribs!
       Feng Zhixi said with a bitter face:
       "I don't want my son to look like 4th Prince in the future." He didn't hear much about You Ji-Er's great achievements. There is such a son who is not tamed and has to live for ten years. Moreover, if you don't teach well, you are afraid that you will lose less than 20 years.

       Chapter 16__ The wicked have their own wicked

       Lu-Er couldn't help but touch the slightly raised belly. Although it has been five months, the children who control diet are not very big:
       "There is an old saying that is good, and the shi-zi is like a servant. Maybe the child is like A-You!" This tummy is pointed, and many people say it is a son. Only the child was not born, she did not dare to guarantee that this must be a son. However, in front of Feng Zhixi, she did not have this scruples.
       Feng Zhixi immediately answered:
       "The outside looks like a scorpion, it must be like the Crown Prince of the Crown Prince!" Just don't be like the imperious four-south, he can't help but have such a son.
       She wants her son to have half of the talent and understanding of Qi Hao, she is satisfied. However, Lu-Er deliberately followed up with Feng Zhixi:
       "I think too. There is an old saying that is not to say, what to fear."
       Thinking of what Yu-Xi said, the smile on Lu-Er's face soon disappeared, and looked at Feng Zhixi with a sad look: "My mother said that her mother is smart, her children are smart. You are so stupid. What do you want your child to look like in the future?"
       Feng Zhixi: ...
       Speaking of children, Lu-Er remembers the big Qi-Qi of the month; "Right, I remember that the expected date of the birth of the big -servants is also these days." After her pregnancy, her memory became very bad, and she just turned around. Just forgot.
       "Well, the expected date of birth is mid-month." Feng Zhixi hopes that Qi-Qi is a son. If not, my mother and the big brother must be disappointed again. The pressure to have a son at that time fell on them.
       Lu-Er’s idea is the same as Feng Zhixi:
       "I hope that this fetus is a son, so my pressure will be small. If not, I will have a daughter with Da Yu, not to mention that Imperial Consort is an outsider who has to gossip." In the capital, the outside winds and winds Lu-Er I know it. Although these gossips did not spread widely, she still knew.
       Feng Zhixi asked strangely:
       "Gossip? What gossip?"
       He didn't hear any gossip.
       Lu-Er was shocked to say that he had made a mistake.
       "Say! What gossip?"
       Inexplicably, what happened to their daughters and daughters outside the home.
       Under the repeated questioning of Feng Zhixi, Lu-Er said:
       "There are rumors that the killing of the public is too heavy, so the family will always have a Miss." Just do not know the cousin, do not know this rumor.
       "Nonsense. On killing, who is better than..." Feng Zhixi originally wanted to say that Yun-Qing 's killing was the heaviest, and Lu-Er was busy changing his mouth:
       "I am killing people who are killing, and he has been fighting for the Northern War in the past few years. It is also a day for the people of the world to live and work in peace."
       Lu-Er and Feng Zhixi also worked for a couple of years, how can they not know what he wants to say. Although he said that he killed many people, her parents also benefit countless people:
       "It’s not that the killings made by public servants are too heavy. They refer to those women before the public..."
       Feng Dajun's style is fluent, and I don't know how many women have changed since I started. And he likes new and old, and after the fresh energy, he will send people away. Although it is said that a rich dowry will be married before being sent away, but this is not the innocence, can you marry them if they are too poor to look down on the ‘Madam’ if it is not otherwise. In addition, some women who served the army were pregnant. Can not seal the army is not willing to, these children are dead.
       "Whose is this rumor?"
       To be caught by him, let these guys not eat and walk.
       Lu-Er thinks that it has been too comfortable in recent times, so the mouth is so unfinished:
       "How can I know this! I am sleepy, I have to sleep." After that, I deliberately made a haha.
       After lying down, Lu-Er really fell asleep. Unexpectedly, this words gave Feng Zhixi a big impact. In the following period of time, he always wondered if Qi-Qi was born again because the sin was too heavy. I can think so, I feel very sorry for Feng Zhixi. For a time, Feng Zhixi was entangled.
       The Qi-Qi, which was criticized, was sitting on a soft collapse and eating bird's nest porridge.
       Shi Qin opened the curtain and came in and said softly:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, Madam, please go over."
       Put the bowl down, Qi-Qi said faintly:
       "If I say that I am not feeling well, I will not pass."
       Qi-Qi is a good ‘Madam’ and a special honor for Chang-shi. Today is so abnormal because Lian-Wu came to her door with her mother-in-law. At this time, the two were in the main courtyard of Chang-shi.
       Shi Qin said with some concerns:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, isn't that good?"
       After all, in addition to sealing Lian-Wu, this time, my mother!
       Qi-Qi said faintly:
       "Lian-Wu always thinks that I am provocative with Lu-Er, she will be married to Guan Jiasheng by the public. To meet me, she pretends to accidentally push me, what should I do?"
       Lu-Er was afraid of sealing Lian-Wu before he married and then made a moth, and placed someone next to her. As a result, I knew that Lian-Wu blamed them on them, * cursing her and Qi-Qi. Thinking of Qi-Qi good temperament, I was afraid that she would lose Lu-Er and told Qi-Qi about it.
       In fact, Lu-Er also thinks more. Although Qi-Qi is good, it is not the Virgin. Lian-Wu even cursed that she could not give birth to her son, how could she forgive her.
       "I would rather let them say that I don't know the general, there is no ritual, and I can't take risks." She will soon be born, and if there is any difference, it will be regrettable.
       Shi Qin said, he said:
       Where did the big aunt come back, this younger sister did not show up at home. Thinking about the suffering of these years, the fire in the heart of Lian-Wu will be rushing up:
       "What is uncomfortable, clearly is not to put me in the eyes. Niang, I have already said that she used to pretend. You see, now the original shape is revealed!"
       Off Old Lady is too uncomfortable. She first went to the door, and she was not aware of her. Although the status of the Han family and the family is not high, they are serious parents. The son of Madam is too rude.
       However, after listening to Lian-Wu, the Old Lady was too frowning. This is too ugly, but Chang-shi did not dare to slap Lian-Wu, but said with a smile:
       "Madam is not comfortable, so I have to ask a doctor to see."
       Although it is a guest, but Shi Qin is too much impression on the Old Lady. Blessed a thank you, Shi Qin smiled:
       “Thank you for your concern, my ‘Madam’ has already sent someone to the Imperial Doctor.”
       The Servant around is so privileged, and the affirmation of being a master is not going anywhere. Maybe, it is really uncomfortable. Off Old Lady said too:
       "This young person has to maintain his body, or else he will be guilty if he is old."
       I came back to ask for safety in the morning, but now I said that I was not feeling well. Chang-shi couldn’t know if she didn’t want to see Lian-Wu. However, in front of the parents, there is still a need to help cover up:
       "She has always been healthy, but she is nervous in the days leading up to the expected date of birth. She always feels uncomfortable."
       It turned out that I was about to have a baby, and the Old Lady was too uncomfortable to throw it into the clouds.
       However, she did not wait for her to open Lian-Wu and said with a pointed voice:
       "It’s not the first time to give birth, I have had three Yatou, and she has something to be nervous about." Anyway, I am pregnant, that is also the Yatou film, what is rare.
       Close Old Lady, this will finally come to understand, this world Madam is uncomfortable, afraid of not wanting to see this difficult big sister.
       I used lunch at the government, and the Old Lady was about to bring Lian-Wu back with her grandson. Lian-Wu is not willing to live in her family for a few days. As a result, not only is the Old Lady too opposed, but Chang-shi does not agree.
       Sealing Lian-Wu wants to sprinkle, but under the ruthlessness of the Old Lady, she followed her back.
       Out of the closed house on the tarpaulin car, off Old Lady too no scruples, cold a voice:
       "I have seen you stupid, I have never seen you so stupid."
       Sealed Lian-Wu is very afraid of the Old Lady too, the servant just dare to shrink head:
       "I am also thinking about Dongdong." Dongdong is the son of Lian-Wu.
       Just married to Guan Jiafeng Lian-Wu still want to take Qiao, the result was shut down Old Lady is too hungry in the house for three days and three nights. Hungry, her eyes are faint, and she can’t say anything.
       After that, if Lian-Wu is doing something wrong or not obedient, she will not give her a meal. Hungry a few times, sealed Lian-Wu will be honest. This situation continues until the Lian-Wu is pregnant.
       After the pregnancy, the seal Lian-Wu pick and choose four toss. The food cooked by the cook is not good, and I want to eat the food from the restaurant. At first, I saw that the Old Lady was too much to bear. Can seal Lian-Wu nose on the face, instructing the stepmother seedlings to serve her, this Miss did not agree to move his hand.
       Guan Miaomiao is the tip of the old Lady's heart, and the Lian-Wu is the horse cell. Close Old Lady too, holding a feather duster to smoke her, avoiding the belly and pumping her arms back and thighs. Sealing Lian-Wu is also smart, and immediately -calling at the stomach. It is a pity that the angry Old Lady is not eating this set at all, and she is playing all over the body. Still Guan Miaomiao stopped, did not make a good come.
       When the doctor came over, the doctor said that the children in the belly of Lian-Wu had nothing to do. After this incident, seal Lian-Wu as long as dare to be a demon, close Old Lady too, use a feather duster to smoke her. Being beaten by a feather duster, although it is a skin injury, it does not hurt the body, but it hurts badly. It is a pity that Lian-Wu remembers to eat and remember, and after a while, it relapses.
       Off Old Lady is too sneer:
       "For the sake of Dongdong? If you really want to think about Dongdong, you should have a good relationship with the Princess Madam and the princess. After growing up in the East, there are also foreigners who can rely on it."
       Sealed Lian-Wu said:
       "She can't give birth to her son, afraid what she does?"
       Who is the master of the family afterwards, but it is still unknown! There is absolutely no need to please Bae this hypocritical Han-shi.
       Even if someone really can't live with a son, it is also the queen's shi-nu. This relationship is what You Grace and Duke Madam dare not say. If not, why does this world Madam have three daughters in a row, and this Duke Madam still does not give the son of the world, because people have a powerful aunt. However, Guan Old Lady is too reluctant to pay any more, and to say more with this idiot, it is also playing on the cow:
       "In the future, I will not be allowed to come back without my consent."
       At this time, the child woke up and cried, and Lian-Wu was busy picking up and feeding.
       Off Old Lady looked at the child too much, and decided to wait until the child was weaned. In order for this stupid to be raised, the grandson must be ruined. In addition, Guan Old Lady is too worried to have her relationship with the government. If not, after the grandson, he really can't rely on his foreign family.
       Ps: The second is around 10:30.

       Chapter 16__ 77 

       In the early September, the sun shines on the ground, and the weather is dry and stuffy.
       Qi-Qi is a pregnant woman, especially afraid of heat. It is now the hottest season of the year, and she is sweating. Qi-Qi took a shower before lying on the bed, and didn't sleep after going to bed.
       Shi Qin walked in from the outside and said softly:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, Guanjia Old Lady is going back to Dagu-Nai-Nai."
       "I thought she would stay in the house and not go!" Feng Lian-Wu wants to stay in the house, she can't stop, but decided not to let this woman approach her half-step. But go, better, save you from making trouble on your face.
       Shi Qin smiled:
       "Dagu-Nai-Nai didn't want to go back, but she didn't dare to leave the Old Lady too. After I thought that the Old Lady was too special, it was definitely fierce. I didn't expect it. An old Lady who is so charitable. "It's amazing, but it's also measured."
       "You can only say that it is a smart person." But smart or stupid, Qi-Qi is not willing to deal with her more. Seal Lian-Wu that crazy Pozi, she is no longer willing to have a little bit of it. Not afraid, but annoying. Before I was so forbearing, I didn’t have a son, I was afraid that my status would not be guaranteed, and a few children would not be good.
       Everyone said that she was the queen's shi-nu and would be sheltered by the Queen. Qi-Qi is very clear, if not the peak family is too much, Yu-Xi is not going to break the house chores.
       Shi Qin hesitated and said the worry in his heart:
       "I am afraid that Madam is not happy."
       "She is not happy, she is not happy! To make her happy, I have never used this day." Before that, I was afraid that Chang-shi was unhappy and forbearance, and the result was so vomiting blood and she did not have a good sentence. . When she gave birth to her son, she would not endure it.
       Shi Qin said carefully:
       "I am afraid that Madam is not happy, and he gives the Wang Heir a nap." To make Tie-Kui concubine give birth to the eldest son, the status of his Madam can be threatened.
       Upon hearing this, Qi-Qi smiled:
       "This is not a worry for the time being, there is a public servant!" How can a person who is so shrewd in public, let a sergeant give birth to his grandson. If not, it will not force the world to drop the woman.
       Lu-Er is too small for Qi-Qi, and she can do nothing but her. Feng Zhiyi has long known about setting up Outside Mistress in Changzhou, but she has been forbearing. But that Outside Mistress was pregnant, she only knew it afterwards. But even if Rui Ji did not happen to find this, the child could not be born.
       Qi-Qi said to himself:
       "If I really didn't have a son's life, I would hire a good family girl for the world." When I gave birth to a child, I hugged her.
       Shi Qin said:
       "-Nai-Nai, no, you can definitely give birth to the young Young Master."
       Qi-Qi touched his stomach and said:
       "I hope he is a son." She is not willing to raise a donkey when she has no choice. Although it is said that life is not as good as it is, it is not the meat that falls from the body, how can it be really intimate.
       Shi Qin felt that this topic was too sad, said:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, I will help you walk around the corridor!" The sun outside the fireball can only be turned around in the corridor.
       "Good." After the baby is stable, when the weather is good, go five or six times a day in the garden, two quarters of an hour. If the weather is bad, it will circle around the hand-to-hand veranda.
       The two men circled around the hand-to-hand veranda, and it took less than a quarter of an hour to make a Qi-Qi -call.
       Shi Qin said with a smile:
       "Is the little master playing you again?"
       The child is particularly active, and he likes to move around in his stomach for six months.
       Qi-Qi gave birth to three children, and she is very familiar with this feeling:
       "Quickly let people call the stable woman, I am going to be born soon." There are still 12 days from the expected date of birth, and the production of Qi-Qi was always pushed back, so the stable woman did not come home in advance.
       Although it was ten days ahead of schedule, Shi Qin didn't panic. While holding Qi-Qi into the house, he called someone to ask for a stable doctor and an Imperial Doctor.
       The delivery room is already ready, just in the ‘Cefang’. After Qi-Qi lay down on the bed:
       "Go to the water to wipe my body." After giving birth, you can't take a bath for a month. It’s so hot to think about it.
       Shi Qin was busy telling Servant to do it.
       Chang-shi heard that Qi-Qi was born, and suddenly:
       "Is there still another twelve days? How come you are born?"
        Xin Mama smiled:
       "It’s no surprise that there are children born in advance and then pushed back. Madam, you have a look!"
       The daughter-in-law has children, and the mother-in-law must be going to sit down. Chang-shi didn't even change his clothes, and rushed over.
       Walking into the yard and seeing it quietly, only the Pozi people came and went. Chang-shi did not ask someone to ask, went directly to the delivery room.
       At this time, Qi-Qi is eating mushroom chicken noodle soup, and there are six eggs in the noodles. Giving birth to a child is a matter of strength, and when you are full, you have the strength to have children. So even if you don't want to eat, Qi-Qi still has a hard scalp and will even finish eating the soup with the egg.
       Chang-shi asked:
       "Can someone send someone to ask for a stable woman?"
       She knows that Qi-Qi is safe, but she is afraid of an urgent omission.
       Winter Mother said:
       "I have already sent someone to ask, and I also handed a sign to the Imperial Doctor."
       “Can you send a letter to Han?”
       Han Jia is the mother of her daughter-in-law, and she must be informed of her birth.
       Winter Niang shook her head. I was too busy to forget to inform the Han family.
       "I will let people know."
       Xu Yue learned that Qi-Qi was going to be born, and took the Du-Shi from the government to go to the house. This Du-Shi is the grandmother of Lan Mama. Because the daughter-in-law is too stupid, Lan Mama can't teach and teach, but she can only pass on her skills to her granddaughter.
       When the group went to Fengfu, Qi-Qi had already -called loudly, and Du-Shi was busy entering the house to help.
       Because it is not a first child, it has not suffered many crimes. After more than a minute, the child landed.
       Stewart, holding her child, said to Chang-shi:
       "Madam, is a little Young Master-Madam, is a young Young Master." Fengjia now has 4th Miss, and he is looking forward to his son. This time, I received a little Young Master, and I have a lot of money.
       Qi-Qi This round belly is full of experience. It is said that this tire is a Miss and a Miss. Therefore, Chang-shi did not expect, but prayed that Lu-Er is a son.
       Seeing that it is a grandson, Chang-shi is not happy:
       "Hurry up and wash her, don't cool down."
       Qi-Qi was in good spirits at this time. He reached out and wrapped the children into a group and kissed them several times. The eyes burst into glittering tears. Looking forward to the night, I finally hoped.
       Xu Yue reached out to pick up the child, but Qi-Qi was not willing to give her. Xu Yue said with a smile:
       "Big sister, it is not advisable to hold more children in the month, otherwise the hand will hurt. You will hand over the child to me and wait for the month to think about how to hold it." Even 3rd Miss, she knows the pressure of Qi-Qi Very big. Now that I finally got my son, it is so happy that I cried.
       Qi-Qi is not a person who does not know how to be awkward. When he hears this, he handed the child to Xu Yue, and then wiped his tears:
       "Thank you brother and sister."
       "What do you thank yourself? Big sister, you have a good rest!" Hua Ji Er is still very respectful to the big sister Qi-Qi, so Xu Yue is also interested in her affairs.
       Feng Dajun happened to be an old friend, because his family did not know his whereabouts and could not be notified. When I got home at night, he heard that Qi-Qi had a belt, and when he was happy, he couldn’t do it.
       Even if it was late, he ran to see his grandson. The first thing he saw when he saw the child was to untie it, and the child gave him a face.
       Feng Dajun touched the urine on his face and laughed. Although the military is not obvious, he wants his grandson's thoughts to be no less than Chang-shi. Now, I finally got what I wanted.
       Chang-shi also said with a smile:
       "Old Master, the child has not yet named, you give it a name!"
       This is a grandson who has been looking forward to for many years. Feng Dajun loves it very much:
       "The look of this tiger head is so cute, the nickname is called the tiger!" As for the big name, it is not too late to wait until the age of one. Not only the tiger brother, but also the fruit they are all over the age of one.
       A Shao looked at the child in the squat, crumpled like a little old man, and he really couldn’t see how cute it was.
       Yu-Xi got the news on the morning of the second day and heard that a son smiled:
       "It’s just a son." To regenerate a daughter, Qi-Qi is afraid that the burden is even heavier.
       Yun-Qing heard this and deliberately joked:
       "Do you often say that men and women are the same?"
       "I feel that both men and women are the same. People who can seal a family don't think so. If Feng Zhiyi doesn't want a son, he will make Outside Mistress pregnant." It hurts like Yu-Xi, or she In fact, it hurts two daughters more, but the son is not the same as a woman. If she did not have the 4th Brother of Qihao, she would only be guarding the northwest with Yun-Qing , instead of trying to find the world. The reason is very simple. This female emperor has only been one of Wu Zetian since ancient times. If she didn't have a son, even if she helped Yun-Qing to lay down the world, she would only marry others. It is not allowed to wait for her to be old, but also to look at the face of the blind man.
       Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "Not only Zhizhi wants his son, but the army has always wanted to hold his grandson." It was just that the Fengjun army was so suffocating, and Chang-shi and Feng Zhiyi were determined to have no good.
       "You have always wanted to hold your grandson?"
       After that, Yu-Xi remembered the old things and laughed:
       "Remember that you said that you didn't have a son and let Jao-Jao recruit. If you don't have A-Hoa, do you really let Yao-Jao recruit?"
       Because of their thoughts, it was impossible for Jao-Jao to raise a boy.
       "When did I fool you? If you didn't start their 4th Brother, then the longevity is our grandson." When talking about the longevity, Yun-Qing couldn't help but smile:
       "Longevity is too Amoy, or Jao-Jao is good, well-behaved and obedient."
       During this time, Yu-Xi brought Yun-Qing with Changsheng and Jao-Jao. As for government affairs and military affairs, she and Kai Hao deal with them.
       At the beginning, Yun-Qing was in a hurry and took three days to get started. Because of the busy taking care of the children, the nightmare was thrown into the clouds by Yun-Qing .
       "You don't look at who their mother is!" Longsheng Longfeng Shengfeng, the son of the mouse was born to make a hole. Jao-Jao can't get rid of it since childhood, and the tree ostrich went to the lake to catch the fish and did nothing. Lu-Er is a Lady since she was a child.

       Chapter 16__ Hard air

       When the morning sun slowly opened the curtain, it indicates that a new day has begun again.
       When the sun shone through the window into the house, Qi-Qi woke up. Open your eyes, Qi-Qi asks:
       "What about children?"
       This is the hope of looking forward to the night, looking forward to the son of many years.
       Winter Niang smiled:
       "The brother is sleeping. I am afraid that he will bother you, so I will not let you in."
       Did not see the child, Qi-Qi is not practical! "It must be hungry for a long time, hurry up and come to eat milk." When she was fruiting, she feedd herself, but the sweet sisters she asked the breastfeeding. Not a daughter, but want to get back to the body as soon as possible, and then have a baby.
       After picking up the child, Qi-Qi picked up the clothes and fed the children. Just born a child, there is very little milk. However, the children will not eat much, and they will be able to cope.
       Feed the child Qi-Qi and put the child around, then lie down. Looking at the child's little face, she couldn't tell the satisfaction.
       Near noon, Dong Niang walked in with a smile and said:
       "-Nai-Nai, the Empress rewarded things." In fact, when Qi-Qi gave them fruit, Yu-Xi got the news and rewarded things. It’s just that this reward is more than usual. After all, this child is the first grandson of Feng Dajun, and the future heir of Duke House. It is normal to reward the thicker.
       "What are you doing so excitedly? Fruits and sweets When they were born, aunts have a reward."
       Winter mother shook her head and said:
       "-Nai-Nai, the Empress's reward for the Brother is double that of several Miss." This shows that the Empress also values ​​its own brother.
       "Tiger brother is the heir to Duke, and the reward is naturally thick." Qi-Qi knows that this is for the public and the mother-in-law, not the Yu-Xi patriarch.
       In fact, Qi-Qi is really envious of Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. Because they get the father and mother love, no less than a few Brother. And her father, except for the power, only pays attention to Chang Ji Er, and her mother has always been eager to see the younger brother who has not met.
       Thanks to Lu Xiu, if it wasn't for her careful teaching, what would Qi-Qi look like would be hard to say.
       Winter Lady smiled.
       Shi Qin came in from the outside and handed her the muddy red paper in her hand:
       "-Nai-Nai, this is the list of three banquets. - Nai-Nai, you have a look." These lists are proposed by Shi Qin, Qi-Qi only need to confirm. Other things have their own operations, no need for Qi-Qi.
       Qi-Qi swept the list from top to bottom and said:
       "The house will be crossed out."
       Shi Qin said:
       "-Nai-Nai, this is not appropriate. No matter what the aunt-Nai-Nai did before, it is the daughter of Madam's relatives. Now the Brother don't ask for a house, not Ma- Dam will be angry, and guests coming will be dissatisfied."
       "There is no objection to criticism. I used to take care of my reputation and I will be bullied again and again." They also include Chang-shi.
       Her mother-in-law is particularly distressed by her, but she actually talks about it. But if there is a bit of pain in her, she won’t let Lian-Wu ruin her. It is also her mother's hard, and there is a mother who is willing to protect her. If you change to a slightly worse family, you have been sealed by Lian-Wu.
       Qi-Qi has been holding back for a few years, not that she is so generous. As long as there is a little temper, I can't help but seal Lian-Wu. She is just, lack of confidence. Even if the public promised to have aunt, she would not be guilty of her husband until she was 30 years old. Now that she has a brighter brother, she is not willing to endure anymore.
       Winter Niang nodded and said:
       "People are being bullied by people, and Nai-Nai is too good to talk before, and will be bullied by Lian-Wu. -Nai-Nai is right, so after Madam There will be some scruples in doing things."
       Seeing that the winter mother said this, Shi Qin did not refuse any more, but she reminded:
       "-Nai-Nai, this list is finally going to be Madam. When we get back, we should go back to Madam."
       Fengjia is now the home of Chang-shi. The list of guests is to be presented to Chang-shi.
       If you want to find a reason to oppose Lian-Wu to participate in the baptism of the Brother, it is a simple matter.
       Chang-shi looked at the list and looked really bad:
       "How come there is no home?"
       Winter Niang is a very careful person. Since she assisted Qi-Qi butler, she has never made a mistake. Chang-shi does not believe that it is a mistake.
       Winter Mai said respectfully:
       "My family - Nai-Nai said that Dagu-Nai-Nai determined that she could not give birth to her son, and she was afraid that she would come to the baptism ceremony and say that the buddy was in the presence of the guest or was born by Tie-Kui concubine. At that time, my brother, I have to carry a reputation with unknown status." Just seal Lian-Wu that crazy Pozi, it is really possible to do such a thing.
       Lian-Wu said more than once that Qi-Qi couldn't give birth to his son, and he also 怂恿Chang-shi gave Feng Zhi a woman. Now Qi-Qi uses this to counterattack, and Chang-shi is not angry at all, and it is not good to lose his temper:
       "You go on!" In fact, Chang-shi didn't want to give Feng Zhi a slap in the face, but just promised Yu-Xi before the army, she would like to think about playing like this.
       When Dong Niang was blessed, she withdrew.
       Chang-shi put the list of banquets on the table, and his face looked very uncomfortable:
       "She did this, how can Lian-Wu be based in the future?"
        - "Madam, Dagu-Nai-Nai did that too much in the past, - Nai-Nai was filled with grievances." She is, she can't stand it. Can be big - Nai-Nai, but one by one have endured.
       Chang-shi looks a little stiff and can quickly say:
       "I dare to do such a thing before I die. When I die, Lian-Wu is afraid that even the door of Duke can't enter."
        Xin Mama knows that Chang-shi is on the spur of the moment, fearing that the more persuasion is counterproductive:
       "Madam, don't be angry. Big-Nai-Nai is now doing the month, what's the words, wait for her to come out and say it again." If it's in the month with Big-Nai-Nai, be the Empress I know, I am afraid that Madam will have to eat.
       Chang-shi endured a lot and added a home on the list.
       It’s a coincidence that the Old Lady is too old to be uncomfortable because of the soil and water. No way, I can only let Lian-Wu come alone.
       Sealed Lian-Wu identified Qi-Qi as a son, and the first sentence to see Chang-shi is:
       "Mother, is the tiger brother really born by Han-shi? Isn't it from the outside?"
       An excuse for the winter Lady to find it, the result was fulfilled.
        Xin Mama hangs her head.
       Chang-shi almost turned upside down:
       "What are you talking about, that is your shi-zi's shi-zi. You have to be swearing again, and immediately roll me back to Guan."
        Xin Mama saw it and inserted:
       "Dagu-Nai-Nai, Madam and the old servants were present when the young Master Master landed." Fortunately, they were all in the delivery room. If she was so encouraged, Madam might doubt it.
       I heard that the child was Chang-shi looking at the landing, sealing Lian-Wu, then shut up.
       The malt said in a foreign voice:
       "Madam, Han Duke, Madam is coming."
       Xu Yue is a younger generation, and does not need Chang-shi to go to the pro. However, she warned the side of the Lian-Wu:
       "You have to dare to talk nonsense, and don't want to step into the door of Duke house in the future." The threat of Chang-shi, Lian-Wu is not afraid. However, it is not really stupid to seal Lian-Wu, she is just holding her Chang-shi pet to be unscrupulous in the government. For outsiders, she doesn't have that courage. In particular, Xu Yue embarrassment is notorious for being famous in Capital City.
       The brother's three-year ceremony only invited the Noble Lady family who had a good relationship with the family. Except for Cui family, many others have come.
       When everyone was talking, they saw a little squat and ran into it:
       "Madam, the Empress is coming."
       Chang-shi stood up with everyone and went out to meet people. Just out of the house, I saw the Yu-Xi wearing a casual dress.
       Jao-Jao saw Chang-shi, -calling at the mouth of only four teeth:
       "The Grandmother."
       Some time ago, Jao-Jao was placed next to Chang-shi. Although Chang-shi wants to have a grandson, it is not bad for Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi handed Jao-Jao to Chang-shi, sat down and said a few words to the Qi-Qi.
       Qi-Qi knows that Yu-Xi is specifically interested in her, and she is moved:
       "Aunt, thank you."
       Yu-Xi sat on the bed and patted her hand and said:
       "You kid, what a stupid thing."
       Mei-Lan handed a piece of red gold in his hand to Yu-Xi. This red gold 璎珞 long life lock color is not bright, it looks gray.
       Yu-Xi picked up the child and placed the golden lock in the child’s shackles and said:
       "This long life lock is made by the craftsman you specially invited by the Grandmother that year."
       Qi-Qi was very moved and said:
       "I hope that the tiger brother will have the aunt's blessing and will be able to enjoy his life as happy as his aunt."
       "Will do."
       Lying on the bed, Qi-Qi asked:
       "Aunt, Lu-Er, when can I come to Capital City?"
       Lu-Er is not there, not even a person who speaks, too lonely.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I am not sure about this. Anyway, I have the intention to follow, and I don't have to worry."
       Qi-Qi nodded. It is still a blessing to say that Lu-Er is always there. And she, in these years, the couples gathered less and more, only in the New Year can be with Feng Zhiyi to spend some time.
       After Yu-Xi put the child down, he whispered:
       "Now you have a tiger brother too. For the time being, don't ask for another child. Let's regenerate for two years!" Frequent birth of a child is very harmful to the body. In other words, Qi-Qi pays more attention to maintenance, and with such a great pressure, it can still maintain a one-year regeneration.
       Qi-Qi knows that Yu-Xi said that this is true for her, and immediately nodded:
       "Auntie, I am going to regenerate one in two years, and I will not be born again." She wants to regenerate her son. Only one son was too thin, and he didn’t even have a helper in the future. No, she doesn't want it anymore.
       "Well, the older you are, the more dangerous it is to have children. It’s enough to have one more." Anyway, if you already have a son, don't go to work harder. It is necessary to have three long and two short and cheaper other people, suffering a few children.
       See Qi-Qi nod, Yu-Xi again:
       "In the future, don't ask for more. As long as you are reasonable, I will support you with you." Yu-Xi did not say this before, she knows that Qi-Qi is because her son is not strong enough. Now that there is a tiger brother, this is also to make her courage.
       After hearing this, Qi-Qi couldn't help it anymore, and the tears fell.
       Yu-Xi gently patted her back and said softly:
       "You can't cry in the moon, or you can hurt your eyes later."
       Wiping his tears, Qi-Qi nodded:
       "My aunt is relieved, I will not let people bully again in the future."

       Chapter 16__ Father and Daughter (1)

       Yu-Xi didn't stay in the house for a long time, and left after giving the child a pot. I didn't go back to the palace and went to the Han family to visit Qiu-shi.
       Qiu-shi is walking in the garden, and Yu-Xi is surprised and happy:
       "Yu-Xi, how come you?"
       "I listened to my eldest brother yesterday afternoon and said that you are not comfortable." Going to Qi-Qi is the way to go, Yu-Xi is going to visit Qiu-shi. It is also Yun-Qing , and Kai Hao is now accepting some things, so she has recently relaxed a lot.
       Qiu-shi said with a smile:
       "It's just a little cough. If you eat a little Chuanbei, you don't cough up." The old man is a problem that doesn't pay attention to this problem.
       Yu-Xi returned to the palace after serving lunch at the family and serving Qiu-shi after a nap.
       Yun-Qing When I saw the look of Yu-Xi, I knew that Qiu-shi didn't matter, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy.
       Yu-Xi said with some emotion:
       "Mother is only a small problem, but her hair is all white."
       When this person gets old, his hair turns white and no one can change it. Yun-Qing did not want to talk about this sad topic, smiled and asked:
       “Does the child see it? Who looks like?”
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "Wrinkled like a monkey, how can you see who?"
       But this child is not like an aunt, just like a donkey or aunt.
       "I thought it was like you!"
       On the evening of the same day, Molan practiced in the yard. In less than a quarter of an hour, Molan was sweating.
       Ya disc took a towel and yelled at Molan: "Auntie, wipe the sweat first!"
       Molan stopped and smiled and took a towel to wipe the sweat.
       Yadis said with a look:
       "Auntie, you also teach me martial arts! Auntie, I want to be the same as the female general after growing up." Tongcheng Molan killed a lot of Donghu people. With military strength, Molan is now a five-person family.
       Molan shook his head and said with a smile:
       "Your mother does not agree, and the aunt can not teach you martial arts."
       At this step, Molan paid not only sweat, but also blood and tears. This road is not easy to go, so Lily does not allow her daughter to practice martial arts with her.
       Ya disc licked his face.
       At this time, someone outside called:
       "Is there a Lady?"
       "Come in!" After that, Molan continued to wipe the sweat with a towel. Seeing the saucer squatting, Molan said with a smile:
       "Go to boil water, I have to wash my hair." This sweaty body covered with sweat, you have to wash your hair after practicing. However, for the sake of convenience, Molan's hair is not long, just pick it up.
       Although the Asian dish is only nine years old, but the housework will be done.
       A woman in a crow-blue dress pushed the door open and walked in. Seeing that Molan was a glimpse, he turned to blessing:
       "Is this a three-year-old Lady?"
       Molan saw the old woman look amiable and bowed her head:
       "What is your chance to find my older sister?"
       The woman made a self-introduction:
       "My surname is Su, people call me Su Jingpo, and live in the front street. This time, I came to find the Fu Niangzi." She is the support of the people, the media. Although Lily is a little older and has two daughters, she can't stand her house with a shop, and there is a great Mei Mei. Therefore, many people want to marry her home.
       When Melan heard it, she understood that this was for her older sister:
       "Then you will enter the house to sit, my older sister will send things to the neighbors, and will come back later." She also hopes that Lily will be remarried, so that someone can protect her mother, and she can rest assured that she is not in Capital City.
       Walking through the streets and lanes to give people a medium, it must be dexterous. Upon hearing this, Su Jingpo knew that she did not object to her own work for Lily. Immediately, my mind was alive. This is the red man around the big princess. I haven't got married yet. If I can make this kind of media, the reward will definitely be a lot.
       In order to get a rich thank you media, Su matchmaker bravely smiled and said:
       "Frequent 3rd Miss is not married yet? Don't know..."
       Molan is very smart, and when she hears this, she knows what she wants to do. Melan glanced at her coldly and said:
       "I am the emperor and the empress, and I am going to call you a big Daren." If she wants to marry, she still needs the matchmaker.
       The people who exercised in the hurricane of the knives and mountains of the sea, even if they were just a look, took a murderous murder.
       Su Jingpo was just an ordinary person, and immediately slammed on the ground, stuttering and -calling:
       "Big, Darens..."
       Molan did not take care of Su Jingpo, put the sword in his hand back to the scabbard, and then entered the house.
       Lily walked in with an empty basket and saw the Sujing who was lying on the ground busy:
       "Su Mama, what's wrong with you? How uncomfortable?"
       Su Jingpo is not the first time, so Lily is familiar with her.
       Su Jingpo was really scared and wiped the sweat on her head:
       "Fu Niangzi, there is something in my family, come back next time." Climb up and quickly come out of Fujia.
       After knowing the reason, Lily couldn’t laugh.
       Ya dish holds the thigh of the lily and spoils:
       "Mother, my aunt is so powerful, I want to learn martial arts from my aunt. Mother, you promised it!"
       How can lily agree:
       "Go to the water, or it will be late for dinner."
       Ya disc reluctantly left.
       After dinner, Ya disc and Ya Meng returned to their house. There are two sisters left in the house, and Lily asks:
       "Big sister, do you still want to marry now?"
       Lily squatted and shook her head and said:
       "I am so old, I am still married, and I will take care of Yasuo and Yameng. I am still young. If you meet a good intention, don't squat again. As for me, I am with them. You don't have to worry. I have enough money to raise them up." The annual rent of the house and shop, together with nearly five hundred Silver Taels per year. In the future, I can make a rich dowry for the two sisters.
       When Molan listened to her words, she realized that Lily did not want to remarriage, but instead scolded the two sisters:
       "Big sister, those who are killed by the matchmaker can be said to be alive. If you want to say something, don't believe it. I have a good companion. If you really want to marry, consider considering him."
       Lily shook her head and said that she did not want to marry.
       Muran said seriously:
       "Big sister, I am serious, not to laugh. The guy is 30 years old and has a ‘Madam’ in front of him. Unfortunately, he didn't have a good time to run with someone."
       Lily is somewhat puzzled:
       Molan said that the other party is her peer, it could not be an ordinary soldier.
       Molan said with a look of disgust:
       "There is nothing to say. The 30-year-old talents have mixed up with the total of five products." She is only twenty-three of the five households this year. It is not arrogant to say that the other party has no interest.
       Lily hesitated after listening to it.
       Seeing this situation, I know that Lily is a married person. You must know that when you said that you were remarried, you wouldn’t want to be black. Molan said:
       "Big sister, although the guy looks like a cold, but the character is guaranteed, and he also likes children very much. Big sister, if you want to, I will arrange for you to meet. If you don't mean it, then forget it."
       Lily will be rehabilitated, and all are the merits of Su Jingpo. Su Jingpo and Lily said that they would marry the Ya disc, and she would be alone in the future. She also said that this woman had to have a cold and hot man to be interested in this day. I listened a lot, and the lily of the time was moving.
       “How cold is it?”
       Molan laughed:
       "I let him come over in the afternoon, and you will know what you know when you meet."
       After a pause, Molan simply said the other's family background:
       "Big sister, his mother died early and gave birth to five children, but he has long since broken his relationship with the family. If you marry him, there is no in-laws and aunts."
       Seeing Lily still hesitating, Molan said:
       "Big sister, this matchmaker's mouth is the most credible. Believe her, don't believe me. I am Mei Mei, you will not harm you."
       The last sentence touched Lily:
       "That will let me see you first!"
       Back to the Princess House, Molan looked for Wu Yihe to introduce to Lily.
       When I saw someone, Molan opened the door and asked:
       "I don't want a ‘Madam’?"
       His daughter-in-law just ran and didn't want to be married again. But now he is old, Wu Yihe also wants to find a ‘Madam’. Others don't say that at home, there is at least hot meals to eat. But the matchmaker introduced him, and none of them did. It’s not that the other party can’t keep up with him. It’s too rude to say that he too much. This is a daughter-in-law and not a daughter-in-law, and there are so many troubles in the insatiable Yue family.
       Wu Yihe heard this and asked casually:
       "What? You have the right person to introduce to me?"
       As for the whole day like Molan, mix them with them, and there are suitable candidates.
       "How about your sister?"
       Wu Yihe knew that Molan would not joke with her sister. When she heard this, her eyes were shining:
       "What are you talking about? Don't you find me happy?"
       He has seen lily, is beautiful and capable, and burns good food. If she can marry her, then she will really fall into the nest.
       Molan smiled:
       "I have this idea, but I can't afford to see my sister." It is also the end of World War I, and there will be no big battle within ten years. Otherwise, she will not introduce Wu Yihe to Lily.
       Wu Yihe was so excited that he wanted to see Lily.
       Molan stopped him, and he was very disliked:
       "You see my sister like this? You are not too cold?"
       The unshaven, the clothes are dirty, and the sweat smells all over the body. Her older sister looked at it and could not shun it.
       Rubbing it with his hand, Wu Yihe smiled:
       "You are right, I will pass early tomorrow."
       Wu Yihe hanged his beard that night, and ran out early the next morning to buy new clothes.
       Not long after the breakfast, Wu Yihe took the snacks and apples and other fruits to find the Molan. Of course, looking for Molan is a false seeing lily is true.
       Because of the Molan, Lily was somewhat ashamed, but she still looked at Wu Yihe.
       Wu Yihe is tall and tall, his face is rough and his skin is thick and black. It’s still awkward to go out like this.
       If you are a young Miss, you may not be happy to see this. Lily is married, she is more concerned about the man knows whether it hurts people, can not afford to start, and whether it will be good for her two daughters. However, there is a guarantee from Molan, and she is not worried about these.
       When Melan saw Lily let Wu Yihe accept the gift, she knew that she was watching.

       Chapter 16__ Father and Daughter (2)

       Wu Yihe put a pile of firewood in the yard and filled several water tanks.
       Near noon, Molan raised his chin and said to Wu Yihe:
       "There is nothing wrong with you here, go back!"
       Wu Yihe looked at Lily, and hoped she could leave her own lunch.
       Lily asked Molan to go out, and when the room left two people, she asked:
       "I have two daughters who have to be married to bring them." In the past few years, people have been giving her a match, but she did not agree. I don't want to be remarried. I am afraid that the man who is married again and his family will not be good for the two sisters.
       Wu Yihe was busy making a guarantee:
       "You can rest assured that I will treat them as my biological daughter."
       I can see that Wu Yihe is sincere, but Lili still asked:
       "Do you really dislike them?"
       Wu Yihe smiled and his eyes narrowed into a seam:
       "Abandoned? This is a white shi-nu, like a good thing in the sky, I can dream of laughing!" In the future, you can also put the spectrum of Laoyue Mountain!
       He had thought before that if he couldn't marry his ‘Madam’, he would go to the Kindergarten to take a child and recognize him as a child. He would give him a pension. Now that I have two shi-nus, I have to adopt my children.
       Lily, I turned to smile. Some people use their daughters as grassroots, such as the Li family. Some people may also be daughters, such as this person in front of them.
       Wu Yihe said carefully:
       "I will ask the matchmaker to come to the door when I am a child. Can you see it?"
       When people go home, he is practical. If not, there is always a fear of a change.
       Lily smiles:
       "Choose a eclipse and let the matchmaker come to the door!" She was relieved of the vision of Molan, let Wu Yihe go to the door to see what this person looks like. I am afraid that as the Molan said, it grows cold. As a result, it was entirely that Molan was burying people.
       When Wu Yihe went back, he was looking for someone to count the days. It was a coincidence that after two days, it was a martial arts day.
       The matchmaker came to the door and the lily agreed to the marriage. This matter swept the entire princess house.
       Jao-Jao, as a family member of the Princess House, can't avoid her ears. When I heard this, I smiled and asked Molan:
       "I heard that your sister and a river have been involved in this marriage, which was yours?"
       "Wu Yihe is a person who knows how to hurt people. After my sister married him, he will be able to spend a few days in his heart." After that, Molan was on the ground:
       "Princess, I want to ask you something."
       "Let's talk!" I don't have to ask, I know that this request is definitely related to Lily. To Jao-Jao said that Molan’s acting as Mei Mei fucking heart is awkward.
       "The princess can ask Wu Yihe for a job." She did not want Wu Yihe to go to war again, it was too dangerous. Like Tongcheng, the battle ended with nearly 300 thousand people, and the casualty rate reached 40%. If Wu Yihe has three long and two short, her older sister will definitely be very sad. She does not allow such things to happen.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Just give Wu Yihe a job, what about you? Don't want to make a job in Capital City?"
       Molan shook her head and she wanted to return to Tongcheng.
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "Tongcheng will not fight again for the time being. What are you going to do? If you are willing, I will arrange for you to enter the Yulin Army." The commander of the Royal Forest is Purple Zi-Jin, one of the people worshipped by Molan.
       Molan is hesitant.
       "Don't think about it. The advanced Yulin army stayed for a few years, and he took a qualification. After three years, you still want to go to Tongcheng, and then I will adjust you again." This permission is still there.
       Molan nodded and agreed.
       From Fu Li to the house next to the Princess House, Molan did not stay in the Princess House, they all went back to live.
       Molan took the scented sweet-scented osmanthus sugar cake and went home happily. Lily has a lifetime, and she is relieved.
       Just entering the hutong, I saw Chen Hao, the neighbor next door, saying:
       "Murland Miss, you are going back. You are going to find your stepmother with your stepmother to pick up your big sister and Ya disc." If you really have the heart, you should pick up the mother and go back to the house after the lily and the separation. At that time, I was not taken over by the mother and son of three orphans and widows. Now I am afraid that there is any intrigue.
       I put the pastry in my hand to Chen Hao, and Molan said:
       "Thank you for it." Finished, flew home.
       When I entered the yard, I heard the cry of the two sisters, and the ink was burned in Muran.
       Flying into the living room, I saw Fu Tianlei wearing a purple robes sitting on the top left, and Yang-Shi sitting on the right hand. Lily squatted on the ground, and a tearful face -called at the crying Yapan and Yameng sisters.
       Yadis saw Molan, climbed up and rushed into her arms and cried:
       "Auntie, he beats her mother."
       Molan looked at the man sitting at the top left and his face was cold and cold.
       "Dangdang..." Put the teacup in his hand on the table, Fu Tianlei said with a sullen look:
       "How? With a big princess support, even the relatives do not recognize it?"
       Molan squats on the saucer and swears:
       "Hey? Are we jealous?"
       In Fu Tianlei, when Lily died, she died as Fu Tianlei.
       Fu Tianlei stood up and beat Muran, but Moran never came back to accept the temperament.
       "You are a -Miss ." On the same day, she read Yang-Shi letter saying that Molan had beaten Han Han and died half-heartedly. The thought of Fu Tianlei death of Molan had it. Seeing that Molan did not put her in this eye, the suppressed anger could not be controlled.
       Seeing Fu Tianlei cough, Yang-Shi came over and gently patted Fu Tianlei, then said to Molan:
       "Merland, I am coming to pick you up with the Old Master to live."
       Ya disc called -calling:
       "The weasel gives the chicken a New Year, and we won't go back with you."
       Molan looked at Yang-Shi, with a cold chill in his eyes:
       "Yang-Shi, it seems that you didn't pay attention to me before."
       Yang-Shi squatted with Fu Tianlei and said with a look of grievance:
       "Merland, I am with the Old Master to really pick you up." This time Fu Tianlei really came to pick them up. The reason is very simple, and Molan is out.
       In March, Fu Tianlei caused a stroke due to excessive drinking. Fortunately, it was only slight. After taking the medicine for a few months, the situation has improved. But because of this, he can't stay in the army and go back to Capital City to support the elderly.
       Fu Han is young and young, he is now sick again, and there is no support for the portal at home. Therefore, he wanted to pick up Molan to go home. It is a pity that Molan returned to Capital City for a long time and did not return to Earl House to visit him. Fu Tianlei can't put down his body, but his anger is getting more and more popular.
       I heard Lily remarriage in the morning, and such a big thing didn't even inform him. It didn't put him in the eye. He couldn't help himself, he came over.
       Fu Tianlei said coldly:
       "She is your mother. You talked to her like this. Have you lived in the dog's belly for years?"
       Molan seems to hear the best laughter:
       "Is this venomous virgin as a mother?"
       Chen-shi is not good for her because she is not a son, but she is excellent for lilies and peony. She never complains about Chen-shi, only that she is a poor person.
       Yang-Shi said in a whisper:
       "Mulan, I know that you have misunderstood me deeply. But you are really good for you. When he hears Lily ready to remarriage, he wants to give her a dowry and then marry from Earl's House, so that the future grandfather does not. Dare to slow her down."
       If it weren't for her identity, Muran really wanted to smoke her mouth. However, her identity is limited and she cannot do this.
       Look at Fu Tianlei, Molan Said:
       "My eldest sister was abused by Li family that year, and there was no way to go with Li Cheng. You didn't even let her in at the time. It was said that the big sister was the Li family and the death was the ghost of Li. How? Forgot?"
       Yang-Shi is busy:
       "Merlan, are you not talking at the time? As the saying goes, father and daughter have an overnight vengeance."
       Muran was exhausted and pointed to Yang-Shi:
       "You say, believe it or not, I killed you with a sword."
       Fu Tianlei face is full of pig liver color:
       "You are a -Miss , I am going to the door to tell you that you are disobedient."
       Yang-Shi heard this and revealed a hidden smile. She just wants Fu Tianlei to destroy Fu Molan, so she no longer has to be afraid.
       Lily, who had been crying all the time, heard this and lost her blood on her face. Just want to ask Fu Tianlei not to do this, I saw a man wearing big red clothes coming in from the outside.
       "Hey, the count is very powerful, even went to my house to play the prestige." This area, all belong to Jao-Jao. So she did not say anything wrong.
       Fu Tianlei is not afraid of Jao-Jao:
       "The big princess, I am teaching me this filial piety, I hope you don't stop."
       Jao-Jao swears:
       "Is not a filial daughter? Is it because you are sold to Yuan Yu that playboy does not resist that is a filial daughter? If so, this filial daughter is not appropriate."
       Not waiting for Tian Lei to open, Jao-Jao looked at him and dismissed it:
       "When a daughter is abused, she doesn't care about it. If she wants to sell her daughter in the future, you should be a good person. If you don't want to be humiliated, just get out of it. If not, don't blame me for not leaving you. face."
       Fu Tianlei is angry again and is a cough:
       "Well, I am also your elder." He and Yun-Qing , but the Brother who have been worshipped, said that the elders of Jao-Jao are not too much.
       Jao-Jao doesn't want to eat this set, and I don't want to talk nonsense with Fu Tianlei:
       "Are you walking by yourself, or am I let the guards drag you out of the alley?"
       She really dragged Fu Tianlei out of the alley, and at most it was sung by Yun-Qing . Can be Tian Lei, but no face to see people.
       Fu Tianlei did not dare to confront Jao-Jao.
       Molan stopped in front of Fu Tianlei with a hate in his eyes:
       "If you really go to the door to tell me that I am not filthy, I am forced to live without alive. I will kill Fu Han and let the Fu family break the grandson." If Fu Tianlei told her that she was disobedient, then Molan could not do it. These years of hard work are in vain.
       Fu Tianlei and Yang-ShiQi-Qi heart suddenly.
       After the couple left, Molan said with apologetic apology:
       "Princess, it will bring you trouble."
       Jao-Jao swings his hand:
       "I don't have any trouble. What do you do? How can he be yours, and it is you who are hard to lose with him."
       Molan smiled and said:
       "So, I am afraid that I will not go to the Yulin Army." After Lili and Wu Yihe became relatives, she went back to Tongcheng. There, clean.

       Chapter 16__ 3 conditions (1)

       September is the season to eat pomegranate. Yun-Qing likes sweets and likes sweet fruits like pomegranate.
       Yu-Xi saw him soon after eating a piece of pomegranate peeled off, busy to remove the pomegranate:
       "Can't eat too much." If you don't stare at the moment, you will come by temper. Several children don't know how to eat, they all look like Yun-Qing .
       When the husband and ‘Madam’ were talking, they saw Mei-Lan returning and said that Jao-Jao was coming.
       Looking at the angry face of Jao-Jao, Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "What's wrong? Quarrel with Jinyu?"
       In addition to this, he could not think of the reason why Jao-Jao was angry.
       Jao-Jao glanced at Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, you can't look forward to my good!" Well, she cursed her and quarreled with Jin Yu.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Who is mad, who is messing with you?"
       Jin Yu child is honest, and there is nothing to glare at Jao-Jao, which will not make her angry.
       With this in mind, Jao-Jao is on a stomach fire:
       "It's a matter of Molan. Fu Tianlei doesn't know what crazy it is. Today, I actually ran to say that I had to pick up Lily and two children back to the Earl House. Lily didn't want to, he actually beat people."
       Yun-Qing 's face is not good:
       "If the child doesn't go back to him, just say, what does he do?"
       He also played Jao-Jao, but it was all when he was a child when he was not obedient. And start, it is also very light. After growing up, I never moved to Jao-Jao again. I have never seen and left my daughter not going home, but also playing.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Fu Tianlei wants to pick up not only Lily and her two children, he wants to go back to Molan." If Lily returns to the Earl's House, the Merlin temperament must also go back.
       "Mother, what is he thinking about? Willn't he sell Meran again?"
       The last time I wanted to sell Molan to Yuan’s family, I didn’t want to sell it.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Fu Tianlei was in a coma for a few days before the stroke. The doctor said that if he did not calm down and was afraid of life, the Fuhan would not be able to support him for ten years. Fu Tianlei is estimated to be afraid of people who have not been in charge after the death. I want to let Molan go back. In this way, he has three long and two short, and Molan will not be bullied in the orphans and widows."
       Jao-Jao is very angry:
       "His mother, I have never seen such shameless. Molan went to Yangfu at the age of five, and her aunt raised her Daren. Now that Molan is out, I want to let Molan return to the family to be a cow. ""
       Yu-Xi smiled and didn't speak.
       Yun-Qing didn't help Fu Tianlei. Because, he does not agree with Fu Tianlei approach.
       Jao-Jao said with a bitter face:
       "Mother, you don't know that Fu Tianlei actually threatened to sue Molan for filial piety." No matter which filial piety is respected, today's Daming Family is no exception.
       Yun-Qing can't believe it, ask:
       "Does he say this?"
       When Xuan Ji Er was going to live with them for a woman to live, he would be able to lie for three or five months. It can be said that because of Mo Lan's reluctance to move back to the Earl's House, he had to break the child's future. I don’t know if I think it’s an enemy, not a relative.
       Yu-Xi is like a locust in the belly of Yun-Qing .
       "The old saying goes, it’s not good, there is a hindrance after the mother. Before that, for a few Miss who didn’t leave the house at home, he forced the eldest daughter to leave and leave. And he was not allowed to enter the house. Now, for Fuhan, I want to It’s strange to let Merlin make a horse for the family."
       Yun-Qing couldn't help but sigh when he heard this. I thought that in the past, Fu Tianlei was a man who was so arrogant and arrogant. He didn't understand how to become this look.
       Jao-Jao this time for the Lan Laner:
       "Mother, it is really not easy for Muran to go to today. Niang, I am really afraid that Fu Tianlei has broken her future and let her efforts in the past two decades be lost." Not only is Molan, she is with Purple. Zi-Jin is not easy. If a woman wants to achieve something, she has to work harder than men. So if the results of years of blood and sweat exchange, if it is destroyed in Fu Tianlei, it would be too worthwhile.
       Yu-Xi laughed:
       "Not so serious. Fu Tianlei wants to sue Muran to rebel against filial piety, and the teacher is unknown." It is impossible for Molan to live in Fujia, that is, disobedience is not filial. This reason must be said to go out, not to let people laugh at the big teeth.
       Jao-Jao said with anxiety:
       "Mother, you don't know that Yang-Shi is hateful to Molan. I am worried that she has provoked Fu Tianlei to go to sue Lanlan."
       Yu-Xi leaned back in the chair and asked:
       "Do you have anything to say?"
       Molan just didn't want to move back to Fujia, and certainly wouldn't let Fu Tianlei move this kind of mind.
       Cough, nothing over her. Jao-Jao said:
       "Muran threatened Fu Tianlei, if she dares to tell her that she is disobedient, she will kill Fu Han."
       Yun-Qing frowned, and Yu-Xi did not speak and he did not comment on it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "In the end, young, too impulsive." Fu Han that is the only seedling of Fu Jia, Fu Tianlei can not go to the heart if he hears this.
       It is impossible to say that Yang-Shi knows that Fu Tianlei wants to return to the Earl's House, so he made this. The purpose is to make the gap between the father and the daughter deeper and make it impossible to clean up. In this way, it is impossible for Molan to control the family.
       Jao-Jao is here for help:
       "Mother, do you have any way to stop the trouble?"
       "Think of the future, unless you cut off the relationship between the father and the daughter."
       Jao-Jao frowned and said:
       "But this way, Molan still has to bear the name of filial piety." Filial piety is what it should be. I can meet a father like Fu Tianlei, how to be filial.
       "How about carrying a filial name?"
       Jao-Jao looked suspiciously at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, if Molan is judged to be unfilial, it will hinder her future."
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "Who told you that Fu Tianlei went to the government to sue, Molan would definitely carry a name of disobedience and filial piety?"
       Jao-Jao looked at Yu-Xi.
       "Father and filial piety, the father is not kind, no filial piety." If you obey your parents blindly, it is called filial piety. The filial piety, if you put yourself in, don’t count, you have to drag your ‘Madam’ and children.
       Molan asked with surprise and joy:
       "The princess, what does the Empress say?"
       Jao-Jao nodded, but still reminded:
       "You still have to say hello to Yang Madam. If you really want to go to the Courtyard, you have to ask her for help!" After all, Molan really means Fu Qing luo.
       Molan nodded.
       Although Yu-Xi was obtained, Muran still did not trust. After returning, she said to Lily:
       "Big sister, you still marry Wu Yihe as soon as possible, so that my heart is only practical." As long as Lily married Wu Yihe, it is the Wu family, Fu Tianlei does not dare to do so like this.
       Lily was very upset, but she was afraid of dragging Molan's hind legs, so she nodded and agreed:
       "Merlan, or you will quickly set the family down. After you become a relative, you can't manage your head."
       Molan smiled and shook his head:
       "Married people are not comfortable, I don't want to marry. Big sister, don't worry about me, I won't have anything." When Lily married, she would find a way to break the relationship with Fujia. After the province was saved, it was endless.
       Ps: So tired, this is even more today.

       Chapter 16__ 3 conditions (2)

       Lily was not willing to do because she was married. She only invited Fu Qing luo and neighbors to have a drink.
       Sending the lily to the sedan chair, Fu Qing luo took Molan into the house and asked:
       "Your big sister is married, what do you think?"
       Fu Qing luo two sons are also married, and have long been - Nai-Nai. However, her temperament temperament has not changed.
       Facing Fu Qing luo, Molan told the truth:
       "Aunt, I haven't met a man who can make me feel so far. Aunt, I don't want to marry someone to marry." To be like a big princess, I met a man who could make her feel excited, she is sure Will marry. Unfortunately, she did not have this way.
       Fu Qing luo can understand that she liked Yang Duo-ming in the past and ran to him as a bandit Pozi for his abandonment of the daughter of Miss:
       "If you marry someone, you can do it yourself. What can you do with the family?"
       Melan hangs his head.
       Fu Qing luo sighed and said:
       "You are very poor, and now you are taking medicine. Molan, I am not forcing you to return to the home, but I will see him later and don't point to the mans." Although Fu Tianlei has done a lot of sad things, but that After all, it is a little brother who hurts her. Therefore, she does not want to see her father and daughter turn against her eyes.
       Molan is silent.
       I took the hand of Molan, Fu Qing luo said:
       "Melland, I am also thinking about you. Anyway, he is the one who gave birth to you, if you do this again, if he has a good deaf, you have to refer to it." She actually wants the father and daughter. The two reconciled.
       "Aunt, I know."
       On the second day of the lily's marriage, Molan returned to Changning Bofu. The last time I came back, it was so big that people in Changning Bo have seen her worry.
       Yang-Shi heard that Molan came back with instinct, but she did not dare to speak the bad words of Molan in front of Fu Tianlei. The last time I said that Molan was not good, I was angered by Fu Tianlei.
       Molan wore a bamboo-green round neck robes, a white belt around the waist, a long sword at the waist, and a blue silk picked up with mahogany. The face is dark and the eyes are sharp, and the uninformed person will think that this is a man.
       Fu Tianlei heart is not a taste. In his early twenties, he is a thousand households with five products, and few men can do it. If Molan is a son, he is now closing his eyes and not conceiving the future of his family.
       Yang-Shi greeted Servant and came up with tea, then asked with a look of concern:
       "Is Lily's wedding last night still smooth?"
       When I heard this, Fu Tianlei face was not good at all. The daughter was going to marry, and she did not even notice him. I will pick it up in person and I will not appreciate it.
       Fu Tianlei asked with a black face:
       "What are you doing? Not saying that you never go to the door?"
       Molan is like a pine, standing straight:
       "This time there is something to tell you."
       "what's up?"
       Sure enough, it is useless to have a daughter. He is in poor health, but these unfilial women do not know what they are, and they don’t even look at him.
       Fu Tianlei is not willing to reflect on how much he has done before. Moreover, no one told him about the illness he was sick with.
       Molan did not speak, but looked at Yang-Shi. Obviously, she did not want Yang-shi to stay on the scene.
       Fu Tianlei understood her meaning and said to Yang-Shi:
       "You go ahead!" He is getting worse and worse, and he doesn't know how long he will live. So he hopes that Molan can come back. Based on this idea, he is also willing to make appropriate concessions.
       Yang-Shi is reluctant, but still goes on.
       "What can be said now."
       Molan said:
       "This time, I hope you understand that I have never regarded this as my home." Before that, she still had feelings for Fu Tianlei. After all, she raised her. However, the day Lily and the separation of things, let her completely chill.
       Fu Tianlei clasped the handle of the chair:
       "What is your purpose this time?"
       "No matter how you have raised me, this kind of kindness always has to be returned." This means that this time is to report the benefits of birth. After the completion of the birth of the grace, she has nothing to do with the Fu family.
       Fu Tianlei sneered:
       "You are afraid that I will go to the door to tell you that you are not filial?"
       In fact, he was also angry on the first few days and would not really do so.
       Melan said calmly:
       "No, I know that you won't do this. Your body is so bad, and you don't have a good relative. If you ruin me again, you will definitely not be guaranteed after you die." This is also her coming to the door today. The reason for the negotiations.
       Fu Tianlei heart was tight and said:
       "You think too much about yourself. Even without you, your aunt and your uncle. Besides, Haner has grown up in a few years and can stand up."
       Molan laughed and said:
       "Xiwu is afraid of hard work and is afraid of being tired. It is so big that even thousands of characters have not finished learning. Such a waste snack can stand on the portal, which is really a joke." After the rise of Fuhan, 100% is a defeated family. However, this is a matter of the family and has nothing to do with her.
       Fu Tianlei is annoyed:
       "He is your younger brother, and he is still young enough to change." If Fu Han is not like this, he will not move his mind to let Molan come back.
       Molan is not interested in this matter:
       "Say, what do you want?"
       The conditions must be accepted by her, beyond her tolerance, she will not agree.
       "I want you to move back."
       Molan laughed, the smile was full:
       "Don't talk about these useless things, let's talk about reality!" She wants to move back, and she won't leave this.
       Fu Tianlei has some setbacks:
       "Do you really hate this home so much?"
       I hate to hate and can't escape.
       Molan did not speak, but the expression showed that Fu Tianlei said that nonsense.
       Fu Tianlei was blocked, but he knew that it was basically impossible to convince Molan to return to Fu.
       Silence for a long time, Fu Tianlei said:
       "As long as you promise me these three things, I will not care about your future."
       "First, you can help me teach Ahan to study martial arts. Second, I must go home on holidays. Third, if I am gone, you must follow the family in the future." Speaking, these three conditions are not counted. Excessive.
       Fu Tianlei came back for so long, how can I not know that Fuhan is afraid of being tired and tired and lazy. Every time he wants to learn the lesson, he can wait until the crying of the crying heart and the heart. Molan got a hand and Fu Han was afraid of her. It would be better if she taught her.
       Molan felt funny, let her teach Fu Han really loses Tian Lei to figure out. However, Fu Tianlei is willing to mention the conditions. I am afraid that he will live and return to the Fu family to live and die, but it is hard to say:
       "I will enter the palace on the day after tomorrow, and I will have a two-day holiday in a month. I don't have time to teach him. As for the holiday, I don't have to go back. I don't want to see Yang-Shi hypocritical work, believe her. I don't want to see me anymore."
       Fu Tianlei looks like a meal:
       "Would you like to enter the palace?"
       The errands in the ban are not good, let alone the Yulin Army. And Molan is not a white body, she has a grade, and the lining army is not an ordinary guard.
       "Well, the princess put me in the Yulin army. It is also a qualification to stay in it for three years." Stayed in the Royal Forest for three years, and later moved outside to improve.
       Speaking of it, Jao-Jao is also arrogant to promote Molan. There are so many female guards around her, and only Molan is the most promising. Mainly other women want to marry when they are old, and they are not on the career path.
       Fu Tianlei is not a taste in his heart, he always wanted to transfer back to Capital City, but unfortunately it ended in no end. And Molan, not only can return to the capital city but also enter the Yulin army.
       However, the more outstanding Mo Lan is, the more he can protect the Fu family. To figure this out, Fu Tianlei is a good talk:
       "There is no time, but Ah Han’s business is fine. But if you have time, you will come back to see me."
       Molan didn't want to come back, but Fu Tianlei made a retreat and she didn't say anything about death:
       "Try as much."
       Fu Tianlei looks a lot faster:
       "Leave it for lunch!"
       Molan shook his head and said:
       "The princess still has something to say to me, I have to hurry back."
       Fu Tianlei does not go deep into this question is not perfunctory, nodded and said:
       "That's the case, then go on!" Fu Tianlei last regret was that he had delayed his career in order to have a son. If not, with his friendship with Yun-Qing , even if you can't follow Feng Dajun and Cui Mobi, it will not be worse than Du Fu -Lu Yongnan. Unfortunately, it is useless to regret now.
       When Molan walked out of the house, he saw Yang-Shi standing at the door. She showed a big smile towards her and then walked out quickly.
       Yang-Shi was shocked and jumped into the house and asked with a smile:
       "Old Master, I just saw 3rd Miss happy, don't know what to say happy?"
       Fu Tianlei is also a person who wants to face. Naturally, he will not say that Molan is to sever his relationship with him:
       "It's okay, let her come back to see me later."
       “3rd Miss promised?”
       Seeing Fu Tianlei nod, Yang-Shi feels wrong. But she saw Fu Tianlei not wanting to say anything, and she would not dare to ask.
       Molan knew that Jao-Jao was concerned about her and went to the Princess House to inform her about it.
       Jao-Jao shook his eyebrows:
       "I thought you were going to break the family with Fu Tianlei!" I thought that if things were too big, she would come forward and give me a support. Unexpectedly, it was completely different from what she thought.
       Molan said:
       "It was originally intended to sever the relationship with him, but yesterday my aunt's words made me change my mind."
       "He suffered a stroke and died of sequelae. * I have to take medicine. I am afraid that there is not much life. I went to ask the doctor who gave him the treatment. The doctor said that he can still live for ten or eight years. He is not good, afraid of three. The year is not over." Suddenly, Molan Said:
       "If I insist on breaking off with him, if he loses his life, then I will be finished."
       How do you say that Molan is with her for years, and Jao-Jao can't know her temperament. I am afraid that losing my future is a fake, and it is true that my father and daughter are true:
       "Do you really want to follow the Buddha?"
       The mood of Molan said indifferently:
       "He is, there is nothing to do with the family. If he leaves, if I am in a good mood in Capital City, I will manage it!" She was only prepared to stay in the capital for three years, then went to Tongcheng. Not in the capital, it can't be taken care of.
       Jao-Jao laughed, and it turned out that this guy was going to yin. However, this is also good, and it will be relieved if you endure for three or five years.

       Chapter 16__   Er returning to Capital City

       After a month of driving, I finally arrived in Capital City. When I opened the curtain and saw the gate of the capital, Lu-Er suddenly felt tired and tired.
       Feng Zhixi glared at her shoulder and said with a smile:
       "What's the look of the city gate?"
       This time they were very lucky and didn't encounter particularly bad weather. Even the rain is all night.
       "It’s been half a year since I left Capital City, and I finally got home.” From small to large, I have never been separated from Yu-Xi for so long.
       Feng Zhixi knows that Lu-Er said this home is a royal palace, not a home. Can look at her belly, Feng Zhixi still said:
       "Lu-Er, go back and have a good rest, and go to the palace tomorrow!"
       Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "Tomorrow is the full moon feast of the tiger brother, it is not good to enter the palace. Or go into the palace now, and then return to Duke House later!" It is also coincidental, just in time for the tiger brother to come to Capital City on the day before the full moon feast.
       Feng Zhixi saw Lu-Er set his mind and he did not speak out. As far as the Lu-Er temperament is concerned, opposition is useless.
       Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing finished the incident and heard that Shan Lianggong returned and said Lu-Er came back, both of them were very happy.
       Lu-Er cried as soon as she saw Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi was shocked and asked to help her sit down on the soft collapse:
       "What's the matter? Is Zhixi bullying you?"
       "Mother, Jao-Jao doesn't know me, and I don't touch it." Baby girl doesn't know herself, and her heart hurts. In the past, Jao-Jao stuck her, but now she cried at the touch. Lu-Er thought, tears could not help but fall.
       Yu-Xi can't smile:
       "The child's small memory is not good. Is it strange that you can know this half a year?"
       Jao-Jao is very convinced, courageous and small, will not let strangers touch.
       "But I am her mother and she is my big hand, how can I not know me." Lu-Er feels that he is special to Jao-Jao, no matter how long he has not seen, he will not forget her. . As a result, reality gave her a heavy blow.
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "Children are the same. When you were young, you didn't know me when you saw me. But you don't have to worry, just wait two days to get used to it."
       Lu-Er tearfully:
       "Hey, mother, I will take Jiao-Jao home."
       Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi will naturally not object.
       Not long after using lunch, Lu-Er took Jao-Jao and went home with Feng Zhixi.
       Yun-Qing is somewhat puzzled:
       "When did Lu-Er become so crying?"
       It’s a little thing to shed tears, not like the Lu-Er temperament.
       “Pregnant is easy to be sentimental, and when someone hurts, it becomes very delicate.” After that, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Unlike me, I have to be pregnant outside my home."
       Yun-Qing has a look:
       "Sorry, these years have made you suffer."
       "It will be fine to compensate me later." In fact, it was a good thing to be busy with her situation at the time, so that she would not always worry about Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "When I am married, I will abdicate. When you want to go, I will take you there."
       Yu-Xi did not agree:
       "Qi Hao is still too young, and the accident is not comprehensive enough. He has to teach him a few more years." To perform well, you can pass it to him for up to two years. To behave badly, I am afraid I have to wait for three or five years.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "In the winter, let Qi Hao oversee the country. Let's go to the hot springs in Zhuangzi and then go to Meilin to enjoy the plum. After so many years of hard work, it is time to rest."
       "Okay." She didn't want to take a break, but she was always worried.
       In the end, the mother and daughter are connected, and Jao-Jao is also initially rejecting Lu-Er. However, Lu-Er gave her a little song to play with her, and Jao-Jao soon got close to her.
       Not at Duke, Jao-Jao was close to Lu-Er. On Lu-Er, Jao-Jao touched her belly and opened her mouth and smiled. "Mother, younger brother, brother playing with me." In the palace Jao-Jao likes to play with the longevity, longevity her Don't give up, you have to follow the long ass.
       Lu-Er touched her head and said:
       "Not necessarily a younger brother, maybe Mei Mei." But she also hopes that this fetus is a son, so there is no pressure. Although she is going to have three births, if she has three daughters in the same way as Qi-Qi, she will have to have four more.
       Pomegranate is happy to say:
       "Princess, this fetus is definitely a buddy."
       Not to mention Lu-Er, Feng Zhixi also looked at her.
       Pomegranate explains:
       "There is a saying that if a child who does not know the situation sees that the pregnant woman says that she is a younger brother, it must be a buddy. If it is Mei Mei, then it is a Miss in all likelihood. So, the princess is definitely a tire. It’s a buddy.”
       Feng Zhixi also hopes that Lu-Er is a son, so that he will not have to worry about it. But in my heart, I said, I said:
       "I like both men and women."
       Lu-Er still couldn't know his mind, but he didn't disassemble it. He lowered his head and continued to talk with Jao-Jao.
       The family returned to Duke House and went to the main courtyard to meet Chang-shi. For the full moon ceremony of Tiger Brother, Chang-shi was also busy in this period.
       Lu-Er looked at Chang-shi with a smile on her eyebrows, and she knew that she had taken Kim Sun’s thoughts and let her go.
       After a few words, Chang-shi let Lu-Er go to rest. This is pregnant, but it can't be sloppy.
       Chang-shi leaned back in the chair and said to Xin Mama:
       "These days are fearful, but fortunately nothing." Knowing that Lu-Er was back to Capital City with a big belly, she was always hanging. This pregnancy is not a small thing, a little poor children will not be guaranteed. Unfortunately, her opposition is useless, Lu-Er does not listen to her.
       With the Imperial Doctor followed, the tires are stable, and there will be problems. Madam, this is totally worrying.
        Xin Mama said with a smile:
       "The second princess is not a reckless person. She decided to come back and she was completely prepared. You see, this is not safe and sound."
       People have come back, and it doesn't make sense to say that. Chang-shi smiled and said:
       "I hope that the second princess is also a son, so it will be complete."
       Taking advantage of the tip of the second princess, this child is a son. But in this case, Xin Mama will think about it. Before the child is born, no one can guarantee that it must be a son.
       Qi-Qi This fetus is not ugly, and the belly is round, basically everyone says it is another -Miss . For this reason, Chang-shi does not value this child. Who would have thought, the result was a buddy!
        Xin Mama smiled:
       "Madam, this daughter is a mother, you don't have to worry about it." The Empress gave birth to four sons, and the second princess is sure to have a son.
       "If the second princess can follow the Empress, then I can wake up with a dream." If you don't ask for a child, you will be happy. It is a pity that the second princess's belly is not a twin.
       Lu-Er returned to the yard and rested. When Jao-Jao fell asleep, she took a new visit to Qi-Qi.
       Qi-Qi is doing this for two months, so this will still not get up in bed.
       Looking at the sleek face of Qi-Qi, Lu-Er exclaimed:
       "Cousin, how come fat like this?"
       The face was fat and I almost couldn't recognize it.
       "There is no milk, I have eaten a lot of things to milk, and I will lose weight after weaning." During the feeding period, she did not consider this matter.
       Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "Cousin, don't wait for weaning to lose weight, it's hard to get down. Start tomorrow, you can control it!"
       See Qi-Qi hesitate, Lu-Er said:
       "Cousin, the child is important, but your body is also very important. Tomorrow, let the cook give you a milky and non-greasy food. If you go out for a month, you should be able to lose weight quickly." After controlling for weaning, even if you can lose weight, it is impossible to reduce it to pre-pregnancy.
       Children are important to Lu-Er, but their appearance is as important as their body.
       Only people who are very close can say this. Qi-Qi took the lead and nodded and smiled:
       "Well, I am listening to you."
       After sweeping the house, Lu-Er asked:
       "I haven’t seen the tiger brother for such a long time!"
       Qi-Qi smiled:
       "When you have finished feeding your baby, you will be taken to the shackles." Feng Dajun don't mention more than a rare tiger brother, hate not to be alone. Unfortunately, the tiger brother is still eating Qi-Qi. And it is not good for him to be a father-in-law. Therefore, he sent a confidant to bring the child over. Of course, only pick the weather when it is good. If it rains and rains, he just thinks that his grandson will not let people hug the children.
       "Cousin, you have to rest with the tiger brother, don't have any more children in the past two years." Although Qi-Qi gave birth to children, they did not suffer much, and they gave birth to their children. However, because the two years have not passed smoothly, Qi-Qi is not only old, but the body is obviously not as good as before.
       Qi-Qi was very moved and said:
       "When the tiger brother washes three ceremonies, my aunt came over and said this to me. You can rest assured that I know how important it is to be good."
       "That's good." After finishing this, Lu-Er asked:
       "I heard that Lian-Wu returned to Capital City last month. Cousin, did she make no more moths when she came back?"
       Lu-Er heard this and sneered:
       "I didn't want her to come to the tiger brother's three-day ritual, the result is still coming. Guess what? She even told her mother-in-law that I couldn't give birth to my son, and the tiger brother was me from the outside."
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "She probably wants to let her brother inherit the title and want to be crazy." Even if Qi-Qi has no son, he has always had a daughter, and there is a Han family who is a patron with her mother. No one can move Qi-Qi. But if you hug the child from the outside, it is a confusion of the blood of the family. Once this incident broke out, Qi-Qi was unable to say anything about the Han family and her mother. Qi-Qi is not stupid, how can I do such a thing.
       Qi-Qi smiled and said:
       "I let people tell the public about this. After the public knows, she is not allowed to come to the full moon feast of the tiger brother."
       The grandmother of Fengjia Jingui was actually sealed by Lian-Wu, who was a wild child whose road was unknown. When Feng Dajun knew this, he almost vomited blood, and then he -called Chang-shi, and he won Chang- -shi all cried all night.
       Lu-Er had some surprises, but soon I wanted to understand the shift of Qi-Qi. Whatever the reason, as long as Qi-Qi is no longer able to swallow the big things, then she is relieved:
       "I hope she will never come back again." Otherwise, she will not stay in Duke.

       Chapter 16__ Jiangshan Yichang

       The blossoming yellow osmanthus exudes a strong scent that fills every corner of the garden with aroma.
       See Yu-Xi and reach for the sweet-scented osmanthus. Mei-Lan stopped her and said:
       "Imperial Consort, I will get it, or let me come!"
       Yu-Xi shook his head with a smile, then folded three osmanthus branches to the lotus seeds:
       "This flower is inserted into a white jade embossed vase and sent to the royal study."
       The lotus seed went away.
       Looking at the osmanthus full of trees, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Wait, people will pick some sweet-scented osmanthus flowers to make sweet-scented osmanthus cakes." She doesn't like to eat sweet things, but Yun-Qing likes two -Miss s. Of course, the favorite cake is You Ji-Er, but unfortunately not at home. This kid is now in Shandong, it is fun to play.
       In the garden, I turned a small circle back to Kunning Palace. Yu-Xi took a list from a mahogany scorpion with a rose flower and looked at it seriously.
       When Yun-Qing came back, I just saw what Yu-Xi wrote.
       Looking down and seeing the antique calligraphy and painting, Yun-Qing asked inexplicably; "What are you doing?"
       Yu-Xi put down the jade brush and said:
       "In preparation for the bride dowry." Refer to the dowry of the Crown Prince ‘Madam’, and make changes on it.
       This Yu-Xi did not tell Yun-Qing in advance, he really didn't know:
       “How many dowry are you going to prepare?”
       "One hundred and eight lifts, what do you think?"
       Formerly the ‘Madam’ of the Crown Prince, giving a hundred and twenty-six to raise the dowry. Yu-Xi is not willing to compare with the former, and has set this number.
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Too much. Plus Tan's preparation, there should be no more than two hundred dowry in the end. So many dowry, when the following officials have the same kind of learning, and the thrift we advocate can run counter to it."
       "That's eighty-one!"
       Yun-Qing still doesn't agree. He thinks it is enough to give sixty-four lifts.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "The sixty-four lifts are too small. After that, Rui Ji Er’s amount of their dowry will be reduced by one. That's a little bad." Kai Hao is the crown Prince of the Crown Prince, the future emperor. Rui Ji Er's 3rd Brother' dowry for several years must not be the same as Kaihao.
       Yun-Qing thinks that Yu-Xi makes sense, and points to the next:
       "That's eighty-one." He just didn't want to rate this number too much, not stingy. Their future things are also four sons.
       Yu-Xi looked at the three-foot-high red coral placed in the room and said with a smile:
       "I am going to use this jade coral as the first dowry. What do you think?"
       Yun-Qing is very incomprehensible and asks:
       "Do you really like this jade coral? How do you still send Kaihao a gift to Tan?"
       When the dowry is sent out, it will be the daughter-in-law of the future.
       "I just sent it because I like it, so everyone knows that I attach great importance to this marriage." There are many valuable treasures in the warehouse, but there is no deep meaning in this jade coral.
       Yun-Qing smiled and asked:
       "Qi Hao dowry, you send jade coral. That Rui Ji Er their wedding, the first to raise the dowry, what are you going to send?"
       Yu-Xi has been particularly tempted since she was a child, but the triplets never felt she was bias. Because they know that Qi Hao is the responsibility of the eldest son, Yu-Xi will be biased.
       "Three people, all of them sent jade wishful." In the future, the bridebirth prepared for the triplets, she is too lazy to bother, all give the same. This way, a bowl of water is flat and easy.
       Yun-Qing looks at Yu-Xi and says:
       "There are so many complicated things in this marriage. You still have to find two people to help you!" After the dowry is ready, you have to start the work of Qi Hao, which is not a light matter.
       "Unfortunately, Lu-Er is pregnant, or else she will be able to help me." After thinking, Yu-Xi decided to ask Lu Xiu to come and help Xu Yue.
       Looking at the Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing said:
       "Or, Rui Ji Er, the wedding of the three of them is still separate!" Qi Hao marriage is so tired, to triple the baby, it is not more tired.
       "Do not separate. To be separated, I have to be tired again." I would rather solve the problem once and don't delay it for another two or three years.
       As he spoke, Mei-Lan came over with a hot steamed osmanthus cake:
       "The emperor, the queen, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is done."
       This sweet-scented osmanthus cake is white in color and has a strong osmanthus fragrance. Yun-Qing prefers to eat sweet things, and takes a piece of food when smelling the fragrance.
       Seeing the blink of an eye, Yun-Qing ate three pieces, and Yu-Xi took a piece of food with a smile. Yu-Xi eats and eats slowly, not as yawning as Yun-Qing .
       After eating, Yu-Xi smiled and nodded. The palate is soft and the aroma in the mouth is not scattered after eating:
       "Unfortunately, You Ji-Er is not there, otherwise he can eat a dish."
       After eating the cake, the green chrysanthemum gave the water to the two hands. Yun-Qing wiped his hands and was preparing to talk about Yu-Xi in Fujian.
       Without waiting for him to speak, he heard that Shan Lianggong was looking back and said that Xuan Ji Er wanted to see him.
       "Let him come in!" This time, when you are not in the palace, you will definitely have something to do.
       When Xuan Ji Er entered Kunning Palace, he collapsed in front of Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing looked at Xuan Ji Er's face ugly and frowned and said:
       "What happened?"
       Xuan Ji Er has a hard-to-open look.
       Yu-Xi didn't speak, just looked at him fixedly. Looking at the look, Yu-Xi roughly guessed what was going on.
       Yun-Qing has always been not very patient, especially Xuan Ji Er still has such a look:
       "If you have anything to say, it’s like a girl?"
       Xuan Ji Er lowered his head and said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "Hey, mother, I, I was drinking at the classmate house yesterday. I didn't expect to lose the innocence of my ‘Madam’ and sister Miss Road."
       The Yu-Xi dark road was as she expected, but she still sat in the chair without snoring.
       Yun-Qing feels that this is awkward:
       "After drinking and ruining people, Miss is innocent? Are you sure you are not calculated?"
       "No, Road Miss is a good Miss." When he happened this night, he was awake.
       Yun-Qing paused and turned to look at Yu-Xi. This kind of thing, he thinks it is better to hand it over to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi is a smile, asks:
       "What are your plans?"
       He has to ruin the person who is innocent, and he must be responsible. Therefore, Xuan Ji Er prepares Nalu Xiaoxiao as a servant. But he knows that Yu-Xi hates Tie-Kui concubine most, especially if he doesn't have a ‘Madam’. So just now, he was difficult to speak.
       Yu-Xi looked at Xuan Ji Er and asked:
       "Are you dying in the land, have you forgotten so soon?"
       Xuan Ji Er is busy:
       "Mother, Road Miss is not Cao Yiqiu, she is clear and white. Mother, this is really just an accident."
       "Let her drink the medicine?"
       See Xuan Ji Er's face stunned, Yu-Xi called Qu Mama, let her send a veteran Mama with a drug to Lu Xiaoxiao.
       After Qu Mama went out, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Is it useful to drink medicine for such a long time?"
       As far as he knows, it seems that the drug has failed.
       Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "It doesn't work. I am pregnant with her."
       Yun-Qing wants to hug her grandson, but she wants to hold her grandson. Therefore, there was no objection to this decision of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "You want to be responsible, I don't stop. But our Yun family has no rules to marry their unmarried ‘Madam’, and let her enter the door after you marry him!"
       Xuan Ji Er opened his mouth and could see the look of Yu-Xi but he did not dare to speak again.
       Yu-Xi didn't want to see Xuan Ji Er again, and said with a look of disgust:
       "Go out!"
       Xuan Ji Er got up and hurryed out.
       Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "I still send someone to check the bottom of this woman!" If this Miss is not in the right direction, then Xuan Ji will be harmed.
       Yu-Xi said with a black face:
       "If you don't feel at ease, send someone to check it out!"
       I feel that the attitude of Yu-Xi is wrong. Yun-Qing asks:
       "What's the matter? It's just that after losing alcohol, why is it so angry?"
       "What has lost the intellect and ruined the innocence of Miss, but it is an excuse. The woman must grow to the face of the flower, and he touched the mind more. If there is a three-in-one follower, which will make the woman close." "When finished, Yu-Xi sighed:
       "The old saying is true, Jiangshan is easy to change the nature." This is a favorite problem, it is not cured.
       Yun-Qing looked up and said:
       "As long as he is not led by a woman, he will do it." Anyway, he never had high hopes for Xuan Ji Er.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "He still wants to love Dai, and he is a pair of fairy monks. He can't do it alone, and he wants to ask others to be single-minded. Is he dreaming?"
       In this virtue, which woman will treat him wholeheartedly.
       Yun-Qing silently asked:
       "These are just your guesses, maybe it's just an accident!"
       "Calling Ah 3rd to ask, I know what is going on." Ah 3rd is very delicate, and he is clear about what is going on.
       Ah 3rd can't dare to Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi, said:
       "This road Xiaoxiao looks beautiful, the literary talent is also good, and it is very talked with the Highness. Under private circumstances, His Royal Highness appreciates this road Xiaoxiao several times, saying that she is very aura." That Yuyan, full of words I appreciate it! It’s just that, he didn’t say it.
       "Why didn't you stop it?"
       If Ah 3rd wants to stop yesterday, it will not happen.
       A three hangs down and says:
       "His Royal Highness is awake at the time." If Xuan Ji Er was comatose or took medicine, he would definitely stop it. Can Xuan Ji Er's own intention, the woman is an innocent body, he is not good to stop. After all, he is just a personal guard.
       Withdrew Ah 3rd , Yu-Xi said:
       "When they get married, let them move out." This road-Shi is just the beginning, Xuan Ji Er will certainly be in the future. It is hard to be peaceful if there is more than one.
       Yun-Qing does not agree with it, saying:
       "Let Aru, the three of them move out, and Kaihao stays! Otherwise the whole palace will be two of us, too cold." Yun-Qing is now the most popular, most afraid of deserted. This is the aftereffect of the dream.
       "Okay!" Yu-Xi is not afraid of desertion, but thinks that Yun-Qing will abdicate for up to five years. At that time, Qi Hao still has to move into the palace to live. Therefore, there is no need to let Kaihao move to the toss.

       Chapter 16__ 

       Qi Chengzhi and his ‘Madam’ bought a two-story house in Xiagu Street. The location of this house is somewhat biased, but winning in quiet reading will not be disturbed. Of course, it is also cheap, too expensive, they can't afford it.
       Lu-Shi was counting the expenses of the time in the room. He heard Xiao Serant say that Lu Xiaoxiao woke up and looked over.
       Lu Xiaoxiao was sore, and she saw a red glow on her face:
       "Big sister..." Although the matter of last night was voluntary, she was somewhat ashamed of the lack of media.
       Lu-Shi laughed:
       "Before you go down the temple, you will be responsible for your brother-in-law. Xiaoxiao, as long as you give birth to your eldest son to the temple, that is, you must let the three points after the surname is worn." Mei Mei is favored, and there must be another child. After that, the road family and theirs can also follow the light.
       Pozi came to Xiaomi jujube porridge. Lu-Shi took a smile and said:
       "Second sister, first eat a porridge pad. I let people kill a chicken and are still stewing on the stove, waiting for you to eat." Last night was tired, definitely have to make up.
       Just after eating the jujube porridge, I saw the concierge rushing into it and said:
       "-Nai-Nai, the palace is coming."
       Lu-Shi and Lu Xiaoxiao looked at each other and then smiled in unison. The result was completely out of Lu Xiaoxiao surprise. These people did not come to pick her up in the palace, but to give her medicine.
       Lu Xiaoxiao did not want to take medicine, and closed his mouth and did not open. Lu-Shi is a white face:
       "Do you do this, don't you fear that the Three Halls will fall sin against you?"
       Mama headed for a sneer:
       "We are in the life of the Empress." 3rd Prince, how dare to disobey the Empress command.
       After that, this Mama said to the struggling Lu Xiaoxiao:
       "I advise you to still know each other and drink this medicine slyly. The Empress says, even if you don't drink your baby, you have to give it to you."
       Lu Xiaoxiao was so scared that the whole body was weak, and Pozi took the opportunity to open her mouth and pour in the medicine.
       After filling the medicine Pozi did not go, afraid to leave Lu Xiaoxiao to induce vomiting and spit out the medicine. Although the Queen sent a message and fell asleep, it is true that they are not doing things well.
       The pedestrian kept Lu Xiaoxiao for an hour before returning to the palace. The palace man walked forward, and Xuan Ji back came.
       Seeing that Xiao Xiaoxiao was crying with a look of grief, Xuan Ji said:
       "Let you be wronged." He didn't feel embarrassed about drinking this medicine. How can he have a scorpion? It’s just that her mother’s simple and rude means make Lu Xiaoxiao face embarrassing.
       Lu Xiaoxiao said while crying:
       "His Royal Highness, I am afraid that the Empress hates me and will not let me follow His Highness." She has already lost her body to Xuan Ji Er. If she can't enter the palace and become a woman of Xuan Ji Er, she will die.
       Xuan Ji Er said busy:
       "No. My mother has already agreed that I am sorry for you."
       Lu Xiaoxiao was told that Xuan Ji Er was dear, and the name was still famous. In her capacity, she couldn't be right, so she went to Ceefei from the beginning.
       Upon hearing this, Lu Xiaoxiao asked some unbelief:
       "His Royal Highness, what are you talking about? Does the Empress really agree to let you marry me?"
       The ‘Cefang’ is also broken into the door.
       Xuan Ji Er hesitated and said:
       "My mother said that there is no rule in our family that I have to marry my ‘Madam’. I have to wait for my family to get in."
       This is like a blue sky, and it’s a bit awake to blow up Lu Xiaoxiao mind:
       "After getting married?"
       Holding the hand of Lu Xiaoxiao, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "You can rest assured that I will be responsible for you. You only need to wait for me for two years. After two years, I will promise you the promise." Although he also feels that this request is excessive, Lu Xiaoxiao has already lost to him. . However, he did not dare to resist Yu-Xi. Therefore, only Xiao Xiaoxiao can be wronged.
       Yu-Xi sent the Mama to the house in the palace, and she did not mean to hide the Xuan Ji Er. Therefore, this matter was quickly known to the well-informed people.
       Tan Ao Shuang is watching the new report of the Family, and he heard that Tan Tuo asked her to go to the study.
       Tan Tuo study is very simple. In addition to the paintings hanging on the walls and the books on the two shelves, there are only tables and chairs made of ordinary materials, and nothing else.
       When you meet something that you don't understand, Tan Tie will ask at Tan Ai Shuang at home. So this study, she is very familiar.
       Tan Tuo greeted Tan Ao Shuang to the side and said:
       "There was a news today, 3rd Prince had a private relationship with a woman outside." As long as the Crown Prince did not have a private morality, the other 3rd Prince did not matter.
       Tan Ao-Ling squatted and asked:
       "With the Empresstemperament, I am afraid that this woman has nothing to eat.
       "The Empress agrees that 3rd Prince will be the woman, but after 3rd Prince ‘Madam’." Because it was not intentionally concealed, it was not difficult to find out.
       Tan Ao-shuang is not unexpected. Although the Empress is not allowed to be the Emperor, but a few Prince, she certainly won't:
       "You can think like this, then I can rest assured." "Don't stop, Tan Tuo said:
       "Ao Frost, after you get married next year,'
       Tan Aoshuang was shocked:
       "The first assistant has a great responsibility. I can't afford this task now." He didn't want to die. The son can be medium, if he falls down, he is afraid that he can't give any help to Tan Ao Shuang. Therefore, he wants to live a few more years.
       Thinking of this, Tan Tuo said:
       "It is my guess that up to five years, the emperor and the queen will abdicate. In these five years, you must stand firm in the palace."
       Tan Aoshuang hesitated and asked:
       "After five years, the emperor was only fifty-five years old, and they were so willing to let go of the power of this heaven!"
       Tan Tuo has a voice:
       "The emperor is not a mourner of power, and the Empress is the crown of the Crown Prince. So in the next five years, you must let the Crown Prince have you in your heart." The son wants to live, the Crown Prince heart will also catch. In this way, it is considered to be a firm foothold in the palace.
       "Okay." With the concern of the Crown Prince for her two years, she still has confidence in this matter.
       Good things don’t go out and bad things pass thousands of miles. Although Dai friends in Capital City don’t know what’s going on, they don’t prevent those who have good deeds from telling them about it.
        - Wearing Madam hesitated for a long time, or told this to Dai Yanzhen. After that, Dai Madam advised:
       "Auntie, don't be sad, 3rd Prince young people will not do anything to do this confused thing. When you marry the past, it will be good." With the look of a -Miss , this is the woman of the road family.
       Dai Yanyi said with a hanging head:
       "Hey, don't worry, I'm fine. 3rd Prince is a day old, and there are people who can't serve in the future." She was ready to serve the other women. What she didn't expect was that the Empress didn't give 3rd Prince a reward, but instead he was looking for a woman outside.
        - Wearing Madam heard this, and was pleased and sad. Reassuring Dai Yan's sensible, hearty 3rd Prince did not know how to cherish her. The -Miss has not passed the door, so she has made such a terrible thing.
       In two days, the news that Dai Yanzhen fell ill. Yu-Xi sent the Imperial Doctor in the past, and the Imperial Doctor said that it was a worries that led to the evil winds entering the body.
       Yu-Xi sighed and let Mei-Lan bring some nourishing herbs to visit Dai Yanzhen.
       After Mei-Lan came back, he said to Yu-Xi:
       "Miss Miss's eyes are red and swollen, and people are too embarrassed. When I saw me, I not only complained half a word, but always blamed herself for letting the Empress worry." Such a good Miss, 3rd Prince did not know how to cherish, it is true.
       I knew that Xuan Ji death was not changed. It’s better to give her a daughter-in-law directly. Even if so many people have been killed for so many years, Yu-Xi never feels wrong. But this time Yu-Xi, but I feel a little lost. I have been reluctant to change my husband’s affairs, or if I am unlucky, I am still wearing Yan Yan.
       In order to compensate, Yu-Xi sent a lot of silk satin and jewellery to Dai Yanzhen.
       Seeing these rewards, Dai Yanzhen looked a lot easier. Even a flash of smile in the eyes.
       Hawthorn saw her look more and more sad:
       "Miss, don't be sad!"
       "I am not sad, on the contrary, I am very happy." Seeing the appearance of the mountain, Dai Yanzhen said:
       "Hawthorn, for me, the mother-in-law is more important than the husband's so-called affection." This man is infatuated with you today, and may be like the other women in the future. Therefore, she feels that a good mother-in-law is more important than an infatuated husband.
       Like this time, she doesn't need her work, and the Empress will be solved. Of course, Dai Yanzhen understands that this can only be done before marriage. After the marriage, the Empress will not take care of these things. But at least the Empress shows an attitude, that is, she only looks at the serious children and the grandchildren. And these are enough to make her stand in the palace.
       As I spoke, I heard that the fruit was outside:
       "Miss, the second princess sent people to visit Miss." Lu-Er pregnant, naturally can not be visited. Therefore, she sent a pomegranate with some nourishing herbs such as bird's nest.
       Pomegranate this time, not only to visit Dai Yanzhen, she also brought a personal letter from Xuan Ji Er.
       Dai Yanzhen saw that the letter was red in an instant, but soon she realized that she was in a wrong state and lowered her head to avoid the pomegranate gaze.
       Hawthorn sent the pomegranate away and then folded it back. I saw that the seal of the letter placed on the bedside table was still intact. I asked:
       "Miss, why don't you look at it?"
       "There is nothing to watch, take it and burn it!" I don't see her, she knows what is written in this letter.
       Hawthorn feels that this is not appropriate:
       "Miss, let's open it! If you let people know that you don't read the letters of Prince, you think you are resentful." In the end, it was Prince, not that they could resent it.
       "Then let's see it! If you misunderstand this kind of apology, you don't have to say it."
       After reading this letter, Hawthorn didn’t say anything. As Dai Yanzhen expected, it is really an apology to ask for forgiveness.


Continue ....

Han Yuxi
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