Han Yuxi 1580

Han Yuxi  

Note:  The chapter numbering from now on is a bit messed up.


       Chapter 15__ 60 Retreat

       Han Jianming was taken back to the royal study room.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You go back and tell Yun-Qing , I want to see him." He was too lazy to let Han Jianming run around and talk directly to Yun-Qing , saving effort and effort.
       Without hesitation, Han Jianming nodded and agreed:
       "Good." The emperor is the one who can make a decision. He is an errand. It’s better to meet each other.
       By this time, Han Jianming also raised the conditions:
       "I want to meet Qi Rui." In his capacity, calling Qi Rui name is not overstepping.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "I didn't catch the cloud Qi Rui, I only grabbed a person who claimed to be a cloud Qi Rui brother."
       "I just want to meet Qi Rui." Han Jianming is very suspicious of what Yan Wu-shuang is doing.
       Achi said:
       "Da, cloud Qi Rui is really not on our side. If it is, we must let him follow you back."
       If Qi Rui is in the hands of Yan Wu-shuang, he can't force Yun-Qing to retreat, and he will definitely take the opportunity to mention the conditions.
       Han Jianming felt that it was very difficult. Even if he believes that Qi Rui is not in Shengjing City, the emperor may not believe it.
       Yan Wu-shuang Sees Han Jianming’s embarrassment and smiles:
       "You can take it back and let him talk to Yun-Qing ." It is useless to stay with such a person.
       Achi personally sent Han Jianming out of the city.
       At the gate of the city, Han Jianming said to Achi:
       "I just forgot to tell you the mother, Jiancheng, he is fine." A poor pool will be dead, so Han Jianming just tightened his nerves. Speaking of it, Han Jianming is really lucky, and every time he gambles, he wins.
       "Where are the six princes now?"
       In the past two years, his aunt has often gone to the Six Miles to sweep the tomb! I don't know how happy I am to know this news!
       "In the capital. If this event can be smooth, their family can be reunited soon." Although the family is spoken, but in the end is a cousin, he also hopes that Jiancheng can be harmonious.
       Achi nodded:
       "Da, you take care." He will not know, Yan Wu-shuang wants Han Jianming to send them out of the island.
       Han Jianming walked forward, and the fold of the back foot Chou Dashan arrived. This time, it is not for the silver, but for the winter supplies and medicine.
       Putting down the fold, Yan Wu-shuang said to himself:
       "It’s good to hand over this mess earlier." It’s not asking for money or something, he is really bored. Not as good as hiding in the dark, but at least never had to worry about money. It’s been the time to break the emperor and make money for the money.
       Han Jianming is worried about how to talk about Qi Rui with Yun-Qing . I didn't expect to hear the good news of Qi Rui when I got out of the city.
       "It's good to come back, just come back." It is much easier to persuade the emperor to meet Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yun-Qing heard Yan Wu-shuang want to see him, silently nodded:
       "Well, just see it outside the city." He has been fighting Yan Wu-shuang for so many years and has never seen it.
       Kai Hao is more concerned about another problem:
       “What conditions did Yan Wu-shuang ask?”
       Han Jianming shook his head:
       "No, he only proposed to see the emperor." Maybe he wants to talk directly to the emperor about conditions. Unfortunately, the emperor did not speak as well as the Empress.
       "No matter what the conditions, I will not agree." As for why he wants to see Yan Wu-shuang, he has his own reasons.
       Kai Hao will not object to this, anyway, Yan Wu-shuang does not promise to surrender and attack the city. Qi Rui is back, and there is nothing to worry about.
       When I heard that I had to meet outside the city, Meng-nian first disagreed:
       "What if Yun-Qing took the opportunity to catch the emperor?"
       If Yun-Qing hears this, he must be scornful. These villain acts will only be done by Yan Wu-shuang.
       "Yun-Qing is not that stupid. If he catches me, He Feng and Chou Dashan will not return to him." After that, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Send someone to Yun-Qing , I will leave the city at the end of the morning."
       When I heard Yan Wu-shuang going to the city to see Yun-Qing , A-Bao strongly opposed it. The reason is the same as Meng-nian:
       "Fu Huang, this is too dangerous. What if they take the opportunity to poison their hands?"
       "If Shengjing is broken, we can't escape their poisonous hands." At that time, the whole family finished.
       A-Bao does not agree to live and die:
       "Fu Huang, I want to go out with you. To die, we will die." To live, live together with the family. To die, the whole family will die together.
       Yan Wu-shuang knows that A-Bao is stubborn and can only agree. However, when she left for the second day, she gave her a piece of caked cake and let her sleep.
       Achi smiled and said:
       "A-Bao will wake up after waking up." She Mei Mei, it is difficult to make a fire.
       "She is a temperament child, and going out will only add chaos." Now, Yan Wu-shuang has some regrets and is too fond of A-Bao. So that the child is raised, and it is daring.
       Achi, sent Yan Wu-shuang out of the city gate. Standing at the gate of the city, Achi said:
       "Fu Huang, the child is waiting for you here."
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "If it is true, you will immediately take your mother and A-Bao away. Achi, don't be willful, living is more important than anything else."
       Achi looked at the back of Yan Wu-shuang and suddenly regretted that he should not agree to surrender. If not, he Fu Huang does not need to be in danger.
       Yun-Qing is waiting for Yan Wu-shuang from a place ten miles away from Shengjing City. When I heard a hoof, Yun-Qing knew that Yan Wu-shuang was coming.
       Yan Wu-shuang Close to everyone, I saw the guards in black standing in a row with no expression. Seeing them, their eyes are not good.
       Si Bonian stopped Yan Wu-shuang's guard and then pointed to Yan Wu-shuang, a hundred meters away:
       "The emperor is waiting for you in front." He used to be very disliked with Yan Wu-shuang, and this time Yan Wu-shuang tried his best to keep Tongcheng, only to make him change a little.
       Zhao Xiong is not willing to let Yan Wu-shuang go alone and asks to follow.
       Speren’s eyelids were not lifted.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "You are waiting here!" If you want to kill him, it is useless to rely on Zhao Xiong.
       Yan Wu-shuang stood still about ten steps away from Yun-Qing . Did not call, just stood there watching.
       Yun-Qing turned slowly and looked at Yan Wu-shuang with a strong killing.
       Yun-Qing wore a silver-white armor with a pale yellow cloak embroidered with a yellow-clawed golden dragon. A face is as cold as a knife.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "You are different from what I think." The Yun-Qing in his imagination should be a tall, round-bodied, bearded, bearded, and looks like a bandit. This is not the deepest of the present.
       Yun-Qing looks at Yan Wu-shuang and looks disliked:
       "You are as sinister as I think."
       In fact, Yan Wu-shuang is very good, even if he is old, but because his skin is white and well-maintained, it looks like he is in his thirties.
       This way, I can't talk about it. Yan Wu-shuang still smiles on his face, but the smile is not at the bottom:
       "If you hate me so much, why should you see me?"
       Yun-Qing looks at Yan Wu-shuang, there is no trace of temperature in the eyes:
       "My self-intelligence, my grandfather often told me about the heroic deeds of Yan Marshal. I also told me that the Yan family's children are all man-made men. I want to ask you, do you think you are a Yan family? ”
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled, the smile with infinite sadness:
       "Yanjia Lang, who is in the top of the earth, is dead, leaving me alone and insidious and alive. Yun-Qing , do you think this is ironic?"
       Waiting for Yun-Qing to answer, Yan Wu-shuang looked into the sky and said slowly:
       "If it is ok, I would rather die with my brother. But everyone told me that I can't die. I am dead, Yan family is broken, and Yan family has no money to burn paper. In order to continue Yanjia The blood, even in the hell, I bite my teeth. But the Song family still let me go, they have been sending people to kill me, and I can only hide in the shadow like a mouse. This hiding It is ten years."
       Yun-Qing does not eat this set at all:
       "You kill the Zhou-shi royal family and the Song family, you can say that it is for revenge. You kill me and Yu-Xi can be said to hinder your way. But Dongluo County people? Just because you want to get rid of me The flooding of the entire Dongluo County has caused tens of thousands of people to die indiscriminately. How can someone like you be a Yan family?"
       Yan Wu-shuang has no lower limit on his actions, and this is why Yun-Qing hates him the most.
       Although many people say that Yun-Qing is killing God, he has never killed innocent people. However, Yan Wu-shuang is different. His hands don't know how much blood is innocent.
       Yan Wu-shuang paused and said:
       "It’s worthwhile to change your life with 20 thousand people. The only pity is that your life is too big, and you have escaped."
       Yun-Qing resisted the anger in his heart and said coldly:
       "Do you believe that I am hacking you with a sword now." If it is not afraid of causing more unnecessary casualties, he will really cut Yan Wu-shuang's head with a sword.
       "You dare not kill me." Yan Wu-shuang looked calm. If you really want to kill him, it will not be nonsense.
       Yun-Qing clenched the hilt and said:
       "Don't be so crap, why should you see me?"
       He did not believe that Yan Wu-shuang met him, but purely for chatting.
       "If you promise me two conditions, I will give you Liaodong." His self-esteem, can not tell the word surrender.
       Yun-Qing also has no nonsense:
        "You can only surrender unconditionally, otherwise, you will see the true chapter on the battlefield."
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckles:
       "You can win the Shengjing City, I don't deny it. But the Alpine Ridge? The Alpine Ridge is easy to defend. When Chou Dashan comes back, the soldiers will come back to guard, even if you are strong, you will also overcome the mountains."
       Not waiting for the Yun-Qing opening, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Even if you can lay down the mountain ridge, it will have to pay a heavy price. Now there is a chance to get the whole Liaodong without a single pawn. Do you really push it away?"
       Yun-Qing has a slap in the face:
       "Do you think there is no supply in the rear, how does Chou Dashan raise more than 200 thousand soldiers and horses?"
       After laying down Shengjing, if Chou Dashan does not surrender, he only needs to break the supply of Tongcheng, and then secretly send people to turn over some generals of Tongcheng. When the time comes, the army will cause metamorphosis, and he will get Liaodong with the same effort.
       Yan Wu-shuang finds it interesting:
       "Environment, it really makes a person change." These years, the power to make Yun-Qing grow a lot more than before, also know to use conspiracy.

       Chapter 15__ 61 drop

       Yun-Qing didn't want to stay with Yan Wu-shuang for a second, because I was afraid that I couldn't help but kill this despicable villain:
       "Don't be so much nonsense, is it falling?"
       Yan Wu-shuang is still the same sentence:
       "If I don't want to give Liaodong to you, I won't stand here. However, you must promise me two conditions."
       Even if it is easier to say it, it is definitely a casualty to meet with the soldiers. Therefore, Yun-Qing also hopes to solve the problem of Liaodong peacefully. Fighting, not only will it be dead, but it will also cost a lot. Based on this consideration, he came out to see Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yun-Qing is silent, saying:
       "Which two conditions?"
       "First, let my ‘Madam’ and children leave the Central Plains safely. Second, let me be the Grand Marshal of Tongcheng." After that, Yan Wu-shuang looked in the direction of Tongcheng, and his eyes were very sharp:
       "I must report the killing of the father and the murder of the ancestors." He always wanted to destroy the Donghu people, be credible, and have insufficient strength.
       Speaking of it, the two conditions of Yan Wu-shuang are not too much. However, Yun-Qing did not fully agree:
       "If you take the Han Yu-Chen and they leave the Central Plains, then they will not be allowed to step into the Central Plains. You can kill the Donghu people, but only as a deputy, and you have to be Han Yu-Chen them. Take to Tongcheng. You can only choose one of the two." When he is stupid? I sent Han Yu-Chen and his shi-zis, and how to clamp down this shameless villain in the future.
       These two conditions are already very low. I didn't expect Yun-Qing to even agree. Yan Wu-shuang has an anger in his eyes:
       "You must agree all the two conditions."
       "You can only choose one. Yan Wu-shuang, you are not qualified to bargain." He can give back one step and does not want to cause unnecessary casualties. Otherwise, Yan Wu-shuang will be on the spot. In this world, Yan Wu-shuang is one of his most hated people, no one.
       Yan Wu-shuang still has a smile on his lips:
       "I don't bargain with you, both conditions must be met."
       Yun-Qing is not willing to talk to Yan Wu-shuang again:
       "You can think about it slowly. But it is best to give me a reply before the day warms up. Otherwise, I will attack the city when the weather is warm."
       Finished, turned and left.
       Yan Wu-shuang looked at the back of Yun-Qing , his face was cloudy and uncertain. I did not expect that he had a day threatened by Yun-Qing .
       Zhao Xiong came over and asked with concern:
       "The emperor, are you okay?"
       Yan Wu-shuang said poorly:
       "go back."
       Yun-Qing originally wanted Yan Wu-shuang to surrender unconditionally, but now he has given back one step, and the mood can be imagined.
       Span did not dare to ask.
       Kaihao did not have so much scruples and asked:
       “Hey, isn’t there any excessive demand from Yan Wu-shuang?”
       If not, his sly face will not be so ugly.
       "He proposed two conditions, one is to send his children to go overseas, the other is to be the Marshal of the Terracotta Warriors to kill the Donghu people." When this was said, Yun-Qing 's face was black as the bottom of the pot.
       Qi Hao face is hard to look at in an instant:
       "He still wants to be the Marshal of Marshal?"
       Once Yan Wu-shuang surrenders, he must not let him get into military power. According to Qi Hao, the Yan Wu-shuang family was raised. In the past, those old accounts were slowly calculated.
       "The whole family goes overseas, or go to Tongcheng to kill Donghu people. They can only choose one." Yan Wu-shuang has beaten their family three times, but now they have to give in. In making such a decision, Yun-Qing is also very wrong. However, as Yu-Xi said, sitting in this position has to endure that ordinary people can't bear it, doing what ordinary people can't do.
       Kai Hao did not want to say:
       "Oh, you can't let Yan Wu-shuang be the Marshal of the Terracotta Warriors. If not, it will definitely fall behind."
       Yun-Qing is not stupid, I can't even know this:
       "Let him be the hero and the hero, it is tantamount to let the soldiers go to death." Yan Wu-shuang simply does not know how to fight, how can take hundreds of thousands of people to joke. Let him be a deputy, they are all stubborn.
       When he heard this, Kai Hao was relieved.
       Looking up at the sky, Yun-Qing said:
       "I hope that Yan Wu-shuang will go overseas!" Let Yan Wu-shuang go to Liaodong, there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up. Just like Fujian, I accepted the autumn family's trust. Now, many problems in Fujian are not well handled.
       At this time, Speren inserted a sentence:
       "The emperor, you can rest assured that Yan Wu-shuang will definitely choose to go overseas."
       The father and son, Qi-Qi, look to Si Bo Nian.
       Spanian said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang now has a ‘Madam’ and a son, no more than 20 years ago." There is scruples in my heart, and I think more naturally.
       Just like him, it’s not to be beaten before you get married. I can have a child and I have a lot of thoughts. Because once he dies, his ‘Madam’ and children will lose their trust. Orphans and widows are alive and hard.
       From the people. When Yan Wu-shuang took the soldiers into the capital, he was naturally fearless. But now there are so many children, how can he really leave it alone.
       Achi saw Yan Wu-shuang returning safely, and a hanging heart finally fell. But looking at Yan Wu-shuang's ugly face, he didn't ask much.
       Returning to the palace, Yan Wu-shuang called Meng-nian and told Yun-Qing what he meant. Their original plans were lost.
       Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "The emperor, let's go overseas! If you go to Tongcheng, no one can live."
       "The big enemy can't report, I don't want to go anywhere." And just go overseas, it feels like a dog.
       Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, Yun-Qing will definitely destroy the Donghu people if they dominate the world. At that time, the great hatred has to be reported." Donghu people also killed Yun-Qing 's parents and two younger Brother. This is also the bloody sea enmity. .
       "The emperor, you have to be 3rd Prince princesses and 4th Prince, they think about it! To stay in Tongcheng, they will all be dead." If you go to Tongcheng, even if Donghu people can't come in, they will be followed by Yun-Qing . Han Yu-Xi one pot end.
       To be honest, Yun-Qing can promise to let them go overseas, and Meng-nian has been surprised.
       Yan Wu-shuang waved and said:
       "You go down, let me think about it again." At the beginning, I should not marry my ‘Madam’ and have children. If there are no children, he does not need to think about it now.
       Meng-nian withdrew.
       Yan Wu-shuang was too annoyed and thought about going down the wishful palace. At this time, Yu-Chen is talking to A-Bao.
       I was very happy to see Yan Wu-shuang, walking over and holding his arm:
       "Fu Huang, we haven't eaten together for a long time." A-Bao woke up and made a noise, and Yu-Chen slammed it. Otherwise, this will see Yan Wu-shuang must be complaining, not so intimate.
       Yan Wu-shuang touched the head of Yan Wu-shuang and said softly:
       "Change the day! A-Bao, I have something to discuss with your mother."
       A-Bao was very unhappy and muttered. Seeing Yu-Chen looking at her coldly, she couldn’t help but sigh, and then walked with her close-fitting Lady.
       Yan Wu-shuang leaned on the soft collapse, see Yu-Chen coming over to give him a massage, and waved his hand and said:
       "Play two songs for me."
       After that, Yan Wu-shuang added another sentence:
       "Be able to meditate." He would be very annoyed and need to calm down before he can make a decision.
       Yu-Chen did not ask much, but told the servant to take the ‘zither’. First played a song "Mountain Flowing Water", after seeing Yan Wu-shuang, the eyes did not open, and continued to play.
       After playing six songs in succession, Yan Wu-shuang still didn't react. Yu-Chen -called softly:
       See Yan Wu-shuang did not respond, Yu-Chen knew that he was asleep. Because Yan Wu-shuang was very alert, Yu-Chen did not dare to cover him with quilts, but burned two pots of charcoal fire before the soft collapse.
       Shengjing’s things are much more expensive than in Capital City. Just say this charcoal, and then the capital is silver charcoal. There are also here, but the price is more than twice as expensive as the capital.
       After Yan Wu-shuang woke up, it was already dark. When you wake up, you are hungry:
       "Going to dinner."
       The food was ready and it was hot in the pot. These dishes are all eaten by Yan Wu-shuang.
       After eating a bowl of rice, Yan Wu-shuang and Yu-Chen said:
       "I originally wanted to send you overseas, and then I returned to Tongcheng to kill Donghu, but Yun-Qing did not agree."
       "The emperor, what does Yun-Qing say?"
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Yun-Qing said that if a family wants to go overseas, or go to Tongcheng." To Tongcheng, he is fearless of life and death. However, Yu-Chen and Achi, they are afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat in the future. The descendants may still have a way to live, just as they would only die if they did not leave the Central Plains.
       Yu-Chen lowered his head and said after a long sound:
       "Emperor, let's go overseas!" The overseas conditions are tough, but you don't have to fight and kill, you can be down to earth.
       Sighing, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Then go overseas!" Well, a few years ago, he made preparations. There are settled over there, and there is nothing to worry about in the past.
       The surprise came too fast, and Yu-Chen asked reflexively:
       "Nature is true. Although the enemy can not report, but the children are the most important." Donghu people, will not be able to disappear for a while. Waiting for Yu-Chen to settle down with the children, then sneak back to Tongcheng.
       After making the decision, Yan Wu-shuang felt very relaxed:
       "You clean up, we are leaving these two days."
       After that, Yan Wu-shuang added another sentence:
       "You can't bring too much stuff, just pack up some important things."
       With Yun-Qing 's little strength, I am afraid that they will not let them take too much to leave. Moreover, things have a greater impact on speed. Fortunately, the things that were brought out before were enough for their family to eat.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not a drag-and-drop person. Since it is decided, the current people will tell Yun-Qing . Of course, he proposed that Han Jianming must be accompanied. Otherwise, don't worry.
       Yun-Qing disdains:
       "The heart of the villain." Since they promised to let them leave the Central Plains, they would not be able to do anything in the middle.
       Qi Hao has some hesitation:
       "Hey, are you saying that Yan Wu-shuang will be swindling?"
       He just felt that Yan Wu-shuang was too dry, and it was incredible not to bargain.
       "Not that he didn't want to bargain, I didn't give him this opportunity." If you don't drop, you will only die.
       Spanian said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is so easy to learn, and later history books will also remember him." No matter how many evil things Yan Wu-shuang did before, this history book must remember him a good one.
       Yun-Qing called Han Jianming and told him the meaning of Yan Wu-shuang. If Han Jianming does not want to, he is not reluctant.
       Han Jianming is a bite.

       Chapter 15__ 62 points worry

       While dealing with heavy government affairs, I was worried that my son’s safety would not sleep at night, and the iron body could not hold back.
       Yu-Xi has finished his government affairs and is preparing for lunch. As a result, when he got up, he was black and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, in the case of the imperial case, it will fall.
       Fortunately, there is no one other than Mei-Lan. Otherwise, you must be scared to death.
       Mei-Lan's face changed slightly and whispered:
       "The Empress, you still have to go back to Kunning Palace to rest!"
       Yu-Xi is not reluctant:
       "Well, go back."
       After returning to Kunning Palace, Yu-Xi couldn't hold it anymore and fell directly into the arms of Mei-Lan. Open your eyes again and you will see Lu-Er's eyes swollen like walnuts.
       Yu-Xi felt top-heavy, but still smiled and asked:
       "What's wrong? Is Zhixi bullying you?"
       Lu-Er wiped his tears and said:
       "Mother, you don't care too much about yourself. What if we have three long and two short, what can we do?"
       "I just slept, how could I scare it like this?"
       In fact, she knows that this time is much more serious than the cold.
       "Mother, you are coma day and night. Mother, you scared me." When he said this, Lu-Er's tears fell to the ground.
       Lu-Er was scared when he heard that Yu-Xi passed out. Although she is also a mother, but Yu-Xi is her main heart.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I am too tired, it will be fine after a break." In the end, it is old, and it has been no problem to keep busy for a few days. Now, when I am tired, I will fall ill.
       This will, Yu-Xi are considering whether to wait for Kai Hao to marry, then decentralize!
       "Mother, A-You has already told you that you have fainted and told you to follow Kaihao. Niang, wait for you to come back with Qihao and you have to rest well." Finished, Lu-Er holding Yu- Xi hand said:
       "Mother, you must be good. If you have a good time, what can we do with our six younger Brother?"
       "I am sick now. If you are not relieved, I will say nothing, and I am not afraid that I will get sick."
       Also said that the daughter is a small cotton jacket, Lu-Er this cotton jacket will not be intimate.
       "Mother, if you are gone, we can be a child without a mother. If you squat again, you will not be married at home. Mother, you are good for us, for this family." Lu- -Er knows Yu-Xi temperament, and it is useless to say good words. Only by letting her realize the seriousness will she pay attention to it and will cherish her body in the future.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The more you say, the more outrageous. You are not afraid of jealousy. I am just tired, and I am dead. Besides, even if there is a mother, you will not continue." If she really has In the unlikely event that Yun-Qing hurts, he may find a woman, but the decision will not be embarrassing. This is self-confident, Yu-Xi is still there.
       Of course, even if Yun-Qing is no longer afraid. Qi Hao has a good wing, plus Jao-Jao and You Ji-Er and others, no one can shake his position. Qihao status is stable, and others are naturally safe.
       However, seeing Lu-Er's eyes red and pale, Yu-Xi still has some self-blame. I have no idea, tired and let the children follow:
       "Mother is okay, it is fainted without a rest. You can rest assured that the mother will be able to live to seventy and eighty. At that time, you don't want to be a mother."
       At this time, You Ji-Er opened the curtain and walked in. Seeing Yu-Xi wake up, he is also very happy.
       Kneeling at the bed, You Ji-Er asked:
       "Mother, are you better? How do the doctors say?"
       You Ji-Er heard that the doctor said that Yu-Xi is a disease, as long as you rest well, nothing will happen. Therefore, he is more stable than Lu-Er.
       Seeing You Ji-Er, Yu-Xi remembered the business:
       "A-You, I didn't reveal it when I was in a coma?"
       The news that she wants her coma will spread out, fearing that it will cause trouble.
       You Ji-Er smiled:
       "Reassured, except for Tan Tuo and the five books, the outsiders are not clear."
       Purple Zi-Jin knew that Yu-Xi was unconscious and immediately sent a notice to You Ji-Er.
       You Ji-Er heard Yu-Xi coma and immediately sent someone to call Lu-Er into the palace to serve the disease. Then he ordered Xu Wu to martialize the capital, and told Tan Tuo and other officials in the middle and the middle.
       After negotiating with Tan Tuo and other heavy ministers, You Ji-Er said that Yu-Xi is uncomfortable and needs to rest for two days. For all matters in the country, the temporary extension of Tan Tuo and the five Shangshu were disposed.
       You Ji-Er said his arrangement and then laughed and said:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that the security of the country is stable, and the capital is also very flat."
       Yu-Xi is very pleased:
       "You Ji-Er grew up and can worry about the mother."
       You Ji-Er first ordered Xu Wu to martialize the capital, so even if the news of the Yu-Xi coma spreads out, it is not afraid of chaos. After that, let Tan Tuo and the five Shangshu administrations stabilize the political situation. It may seem easy to do these things, but not enough political literacy can't do it.
       "Mother, I have already sent a letter to you. I will not be able to use it for a long time, and my brother will come back." When Qi Hao came back, he could be handed over to him. As for Yun-Qing , things in Liaodong are not resolved, and I am afraid that I will not be able to return for a while.
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi couldn’t help but -called:
       "I don't know how Aru is?"
       I hope that Aru can come back safely.
       You Ji-Er is also worried, but in order not to increase the psychological burden of Yu-Xi, he said with a relaxed face:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that the second brother is definitely fine. Otherwise, I can definitely feel it."
       Lu-Er will also comfort Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that A Rui will definitely come back safely." Her mother is half tired and half worried.
       At this time, Mei-Lan stepped in:
       "The Empress, the emperor's eight hundred miles of urgently sent back the letter." In general, eight hundred miles of urgently sent are military newspapers. This letter is neither a military newspaper, it is definitely a very important thing.
       You Ji-Er took the letter and took it apart. After watching a few lines, he said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, the second brother is fine. Mother, you don't have to worry anymore, the second brother is back safely."
       Yu-Xi heard this and said:
       "Fast, please show me the letter."
       Seeing Qi Rui really returning safely, Yu-Xi felt that the stone stuck in his heart was gone.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Mother, I told you that my brother is okay, you don't believe it, and you worry about your illness." You Ji-Er decided that he would have to say something when he returned. If he is not acting recklessly, he will not be tired of fainting.
       "It's okay." Rui Ji Er came back safely, and they didn't have to be restrained by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Lu-Er is also a smile on his face:
       "Mother, I have to send someone to tell Aqiong this good news. These days, Arjun is also worried."
       Yu-Xi clicked.
       A-You said:
       "Mother, since the second brother came back, it is no longer necessary to recruit Yan Wu-shuang. Directly let the soldiers send out and arrest him." Then, Yan Wu-shuang lived.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Look at your embarrassing decision." If Yun-Qing agrees to surrender, Yan Wu-shuang is also willing to surrender, which is naturally good. If Yun-Qing does not agree, or Yan Wu-shuang is not willing, then play. Anyway, Qi Rui is back, and I don't have to worry about Yan Wu-shuang using Qi Rui to maintain them.
       A-You is very determined:
       "Mother, even if Yan Wu-shuang surrenders, I will also want his life. This person is a poisonous snake, and now he will still harm us after keeping him. Mother, we can't leave this trouble."
       Lu-Er also thought that it would kill Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Mother, the grass does not remove the roots, Chunfengchun has a life."
       Yu-Xi naturally wants to kill Yan Wu-shuang, but she must consider the whole picture:
       "If Yan Wu-shuang is willing to surrender, then there is no need to fight any more. A-You, Lu-Er, who fights every year, and experience the famine, most of them are old and weak, and they are left in the youth. There are still more than 300 thousand soldiers and horses in Liaodong. We will let them return to their hometowns, not only to restore local productivity as soon as possible, but also to increase the population. In addition, the huge sum saved can also be used to rescue the people in Liaodong. Why do you want to refuse good things?
       A-You is still the same sentence:
       "Mother, but Yan Wu-shuang is alive, it is always a hidden danger. Mother, you are not afraid that he will secretly poison us when he arrives?"
       Yan Wu-shuang That thing, the most will be the means of this next three abuses.
       This made the Yu-Xi face a stiff face. I have to say that A-You has poked the soft underbelly of Yu-Xi. She is not afraid of Yan Wu-shuang's intrigues against her husband and ‘Madam’, and she is afraid that Yan Wu-shuang will poison the six sons of Jao-Jao.
       Looking back, Yu-Xi hung and said:
       "It is still too early, maybe Yan Wu-shuang will not surrender." Yan Wu-shuang will not surrender, Yu-Xi is not sure.
       It should be said that A-You feels like saying:
       "Mother, even if Yan Wu-shuang really surrenders, I will not let him go." Resentment with Germany, it is a saint. He is not a saint, he is just a mortal with a revenge and enmity.
       "This will be said later." I don't know if Yan Wu-shuang surrendered. It doesn't make sense to talk about it now.
       Lin Yu doctor came over to give Yu-Xi a diagnosis. After the diagnosis, the look was a lot easier:
       “Imperial Consort is not a big problem, but I still pay more attention to rest, not too tired.”
       Then he and Yu Fang discussed for a long time, after determining the prescription of the diet, Lin Yu doctor returned to the Imperial Doctor Courtyard with a medicine box. Speaking of it, the Imperial Doctor at the Imperial Doctor is now very easy. Because Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi are very good, they rarely get sick.
       Yu-Xi said to Lu-Er:
       "I'm fine, go back! Jao-Jao is still small, but you can't leave you."
       "Mother, Jao-Jao is in Zhanghua Palace." She is still feeding, and there is no Milkmaid in the house. She can only come in with the palace. It’s just that Yu-Xi is sick, and I’m afraid that I will not bring it to Kunning Palace if I have passed the illness.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "Then take care of Jao-Jao. I have Mei-Lan and Yu Fang to take care of them. You don't have to worry."
       Lu-Er See Yu-Xi, the spirit is good, and there is no derogation. Anyway, Zhang Huagong is not far from Kunning Palace. What happened, she soon knew.
       A-You didn't need Yu-Xi to hurry and said with a smile:
       "Mother, I have to tell Tan Tuo and An Zike about the good news that you are awake, and save them from worrying."
       Mei-Lan has been serving Yu-Xi for more than a decade and has a good understanding of his temperament. When A-You left, she smiled and said:
       "The water is ready, the Empress can now bathe." Yu-Xi is now sick, weak and can't take a bath.
       After taking a hot bath and eating the carefully prepared medicinal herbs, Yu-Xi felt refreshed. Only when she proposed to go to the Imperial Study Room, she was strongly opposed by Mei-Lan:
       "The Empress, when you are gone, you will have a good rest today."
       Yu-Xi can't, just have to lie down. Originally just a little squat, I didn't expect to lie down on the bed for a while, then fell asleep.

       Chapter 15__ 63 medicines

       Looking at Gao Haiqiong's thick dark circles, Gao Madam is really like a knife.
       Gao Madam said:
       "I knew that I should have refused this marriage on the same day." After the news that Qi Rui was arrested by Yan Wu-shuang, the joy before Gao Madam was turned into remorse. These 2nd Prince must have three long and two short, and her shi-nu can be miserable.
       Gao Haiqiong said with dissatisfaction:
       "Mom, what are you talking about? I don't regret it at all. And, I believe that 2nd Prince must be a good person." She was worried about these days, but she never regretted agreeing to this marriage.
       Gao Madam said sadly:
       "Don't be afraid of 10 thousand, you are afraid of you! In case the emperor does not compromise to attack the city, when Yan Wu-shuang took 2nd Prince to sacrifice the flag, what can you do? If Prince is gone, then you want another Xu people did not become." Although not through the door, but since the Royal. How can this royal ‘Madam’ be allowed to give another person! Therefore, Gao Madam feels that if Qi Rui is gone, Gao Haiqiong has been lonely for a lifetime.
       Gao Haiqiong is the color said:
       "Mother, if the second Prince has a case, I would like to keep him for a lifetime." Anyway, she did not think about marrying. Second, Prince is really gone, but it is just a glimpse of the whole life, which is the same as the original plan.
       Gao Madam is so idling.
       At this point, Pozi said in a foreign voice:
       "Madam, Eldest Miss, Huang Miss is coming."
       Huang Siling accompanied Gao Haiqiong and said that he had gone back for a long time. After Qi Rui was arrested, the people who came to Gaojia had less pity. It was Huang Siling, who came back to visit Gao Haiqiong.
       After sending away Huang Siling, Gao Madam whispered:
       "It’s still Huang Miss. It’s good.” 4th Prince, I will stay in the capital, I will not go, An An is stable.
       "Mother, this is not allowed to say it. To spread it, what do you think the Empress would think?"
       When I was given a marriage, I was happy, and I regretted it as soon as I got something.
       Gao Madam is sad:
       "Who am I for? I am not here for you?"
       "Mother, I know that you are good for me. Just, you don't think so much. Niang, I believe, 2nd Prince will be safe and sound." Anyway, the worst plan is done, and the bad is nothing but The watchman is out.
       As soon as the words fell, Gao Madam’s confidant Pozi came in and said with a smile:
       "Madam, Eldest Miss, the palace has just said that 2nd Prince have returned safely."
       Make sure that Qi Rui is back, and Gao Madam is sobbing. She is really afraid that her daughter will watch the door for the rest of her life!
       Gao Haiqiong is also very happy, but the female officer who called the message asked:
       "Don't you say that Prince was arrested by Yan Wu-shuang? How did he come back?"
       Because Gai Haiqiong is a quasi-Wangfei, the female official does not dare to neglect, and she knows what she knows:
       "2nd Prince escaped from the Yan army and escaped into the mountains. Later, lost in the mountains, this did not come back in time."
       Gao Madam glimpsed and then asked:
       "Isn't it said that the second Prince was caught by the thief? Is it fake?"
       Gao Haiqiong did not want to say:
       "It must be the thief to lie to the emperor and the queen, fabricated lies." This thief is really shameful, such lies are dare to fabricate.
       No matter how 2nd Prince is fine, just fine. Gao Madam said with a smile:
       "The fortune teller said that you are rich and blessed. In the future, you will be full of children and grandchildren. The fortune teller is really accurate. Second, Prince is not a good one."
       Gai Haiqiong is full of black lines:
       "Mother, if you let the outsiders hear that the second Prince is okay, is it for my blessing? What should I think if I want the empress to hear it?"
       I think they will take it too hard.
       "I will talk to you before you." In front of the outsider, her mouth would have been so unfinished.
       These days, Gao Haiqiong really listened to Gao Madam's embarrassment:
       "Mother, I am sleepy, I have to rest." Now Prince is fine, and her ears can be cleaned.
       Gao Madam hurried out and did not delay the rest of the -Miss .
       Yu-Xi took a rest for a long time, and the next day she went to the Imperial Study Room with great energy.
       Tan Tuozhen is in the body:
       "The Empress, you can take care of your body!" Knowing that Yu-Xi fainted in Kunning Palace, Rao was calm and Tan Tuo was a little panicked at the time. Even if You Ji-Er said that Yu-Xi is just tired, he can't be assured. Can not go to Kunning Palace to visit, he will be anxious!
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "This time for Qi Rui things did not rest well, it will faint. But now it is great, and you don't have to worry about it."
       Tan Tuo can rest assured that it is strange. 1
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       “There was news yesterday that Qi Rui was lost in the mountains and is now safely back.”
       "2nd Prince has nothing to do." Tan Tuo is pulled up by Yu-Xi. If she has three long and two short, the emperor has ten * will abdicate. Once the new emperor is in the upper position, he will definitely abdicate to the victors.
       Although Tan Tuo is almost seventy, he feels that he can still work for a few more years, but he does not want to go back early.
       Purple Zi-Jin said in a voice:
       "The Empress, the emperor has a letter to serve."
       After reading the letter of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi face showed joy:
       "Yan Wu-shuang agreed to surrender." It is difficult for a clever woman to have no rice. Every time she takes a Yu-Xi, she has a lot of hair.
       Based on the calculation of Yu-Xi, next year, there is a big battle for Tongcheng. It’s not enough to use the Treasury’s money. .
       This is indeed good news, but Tan Tuo quickly asked:
       “What conditions can the Empress, Yan Wu-shuang propose?”
       Although they now have an advantage, Yan Wu-shuang still has hundreds of thousands of soldiers. With such a strong capital, it is definitely necessary to propose conditions. Tan Tuo only hopes that the conditions are not too harsh.
       Yu-Xi looks a bit complicated and says:
       "Yan Wu-shuang put forward two conditions, one is to let their wives and children go overseas, the other is to let him lead the soldiers to fight the Donghu people." In the previous condition, you did not hesitate to agree. The latter condition must not be agreed.
       Tan Tuo is also a smart person. He did not express his opinion but asked:
       "What did the emperor say?"
       "The emperor and Yan Wu-shuang said, if they want to go overseas, or go to Tongcheng." I have to say that Yun-Qing 's reply won the heart of Yu-Xi.
       "The Emperor Shengming." In the face of major events, the emperor is still unambiguous. However, Tan Tuo said with concern:
       "I am afraid that Yan Wu-shuang will not agree."
       Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "I don't want to fight it." Although she didn't want to fight, it was only that step.
       You Ji-Er knows that Yan Wu-shuang is willing to surrender, and he is very disdainful, and he is afraid of death.
       "Mother, even if he surrenders, he can't spare him." If he spares him, then his sins have not been sinned. Even if Yu-Xi compromised for the big picture, he would not agree.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If he goes abroad with his ‘Madam’ and children, the previous things will not be pursued." If Yan Wu-shuang took his ‘Madam’ and children to Tongcheng, even if he did not kill him, he would certainly not be allowed to step out of Tongcheng.
       You Ji-Er knows the Yu-Xi temperament child. Even so, it means that she wants to let Yan Wu-shuang go. Knowing that persuasion is useless, You Ji-Er will not say more.
       After leaving Kunning Palace, I thought of You Ji-Er and went out to Yufu to find a man.
       Because knowing that if the male is straightforward, You Ji-Er has not turned around and opened the door and said:
       "Is there a chronic poison that occurs after every three to five months?"
       Yan Wu-shuang surrendered and killed him directly. It would not be beautiful if he brought his old riots. Yan Wu-shuang wants to kill, but he doesn't want to make extra money. It is best to let Yan Wu-shuang eat chronic poison and then go overseas to attack again.
       If the man nods, he said:
       "Yes, but you have to take it. If you accumulate less, you will have it after half a year."
       You Ji-Er shakes his head:
       "No, Yan Wu-shuang The villain is particularly cautious. It is hard to say no poison at a time."
       If the man heard that he was going to poison Yan Wu-shuang, he frowned and said:
       "Why must it be so troublesome, just kill him poisonously. I have a lot of good poison here. Any kind of thing can make him die immediately." Treating the enemy naturally, you can't be soft-hearted.
       "Cough, he is ready to surrender. In order to appease the generals of Liaodong, he can't poison him. But he has to go abroad with a young man, I want to poison him when he goes out to sea." Yan Wu-shuang If you die overseas, you have nothing to do with them.
       Although I wanted to kill Yan Wu-shuang, You Ji-Er didn't want to add trouble to Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing . After all, parents are thinking about the big picture.
       "There is no such poison for the time being." See You Ji-Er's face disappointed, if the man said:
       "However, I have developed a medicine. It will be fine in a short time, but this medicine will cause great damage to the internal organs, and the body will slowly weaken. After eating for up to five years, it will be dead."
       "Not a poison, is it a medicine?"
       See if the man nods, You Ji-Er is overjoyed:
       "It is better medicine." If it is poisonous, how to let Yan Wu-shuang eat is a problem. After all, Yan Wu-shuang is very cautious, and it is not easy to poison him.
       You Ji-Er asked You Ji-Er for this medicine, but the man did not agree.
       If the man apologizes, he said:
       "I have to ask me about this before, I will give it to you if I agree."
       You Ji-Er said with a bitter face:
       "If you are a man, don't tell you what you are doing! My mother does not agree to kill Yan Wu-shuang, or she will not come to you by secret."
       If the man shakes his head:
       "I promised that I wouldn't have allowed him to make the medicine. Except for the Empress, no one else can give it." Among them, Yun-Qing .
       You Ji-Er knows that if a man is a very principled person. That being said, it is useless to scratch his mouth.
       "If you are a man, do you have this medicine in Yang Shifu? If he has, I am looking for him to go?"
       The medicine in Yang Shifu hand should not be so limited.
       If the man shakes his head:
       "My grandfather has not been a drug for a long time." Yang Shifu will help her only when she encounters problems occasionally. Of course, sometimes Yang Shifu can't solve it, so let the man slowly explore it.
       Looking for Yu Zhi, it is better to buy it at a higher price. You Ji-Er doesn't believe that he can't buy the poison of his heart. As it turns out, money is not omnipotent.

       Chapter 15__ 64 words

       You Ji-Er jumped up and down to buy poison, how can you get Yu-Xi?
       This child is still too young and incomplete. Yu-Xi said:
       "A-You, this thing will be handled well. If you want to go on like this, you will definitely let Yan Wu-shuang know. He will definitely think it is my idea." It is actually scaring Achi, Yan Wu-shuang knows that she can't even suspect her. Because her number of paragraphs, it will not be so low.
       You Ji-Er does not argue, just said:
       "Mother, you really want to let go of Yan Wu-shuang? Mother, Yan Wu-shuang has killed you several times, and almost let you and the second sister are gone. This hatred, we can't fail to report?"
       Yu-Xi licked his temple and said:
       "You don't have to worry about this, I will handle it well."
       "Mother, you are not afraid that Yan Wu-shuang is coming to harm our 6th Brother and sisters? It really makes him stunned. It will be too late to regret it." Anyway, he does not believe that Yan Wu-shuang surrendered, then he will not They are poisoned.
       Yu-Xi said after a long silence:
       "If he is willing to stay overseas, I will not be like him." If Yan Wu-shuang turned his back on the promise and ran back, she would not be merciless.
       You Ji-Er is a smart person who understands the meaning of Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, you mean Yan Wu-shuang will come back? Mother, are you sure?"
       "60% of the grasp." Still, the person who knows you the most is often your enemy. Yu-Xi understanding of Yan Wu-shuang can be said to exceed Yu-Chen.
       You Ji-Er eagerly asked:
       "Mom, will you kill him then?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "That depends on the situation. A-You, killing is not the best way to solve the problem."
       "What is the best way?"
       In this regard, You Ji-Er is really curious.
       Yu-Xi sold a pass:
       "It is too early to say this. Wait for Yan Wu-shuang to come back and tell you later." Maybe Yan Wu-shuang will be held by Yu-Chen and they will not come back later.
       You Ji-Er said with excitement:
       "Mother, you must tell me when you arrive!"
       On the night of the day, Yun-Qing received a letter from You Ji-Er. When I saw the Yu-Xi fainting in the letter, he was anxious.
       "A-Hoa, your mother is ill, we will go back tomorrow morning." Yu-Xi fell ill, and he still has other thoughts.
       Qi Hao was busy picking up the letter and was worried after reading it, but he did not agree with Yun-Qing 's decision:
       "Hey, the army will enter the city tomorrow. At this time, you can't leave." He squats, even if Yan Wu-shuang makes no moths.
       "Nothing is important to you." If Yu-Xi has a case, it doesn't make sense to get this river.
       Qi Hao is more rational and says:
       "Hey, my mother must have fallen ill for Qi Rui. Hey, I am going back with Qi Rui, you stay!"
       See Yun-Qing disagree, Kai Hao said:
       "Hey, if there is a situation here, my mother can't be safe and sick when she arrives. Oh, you can rest assured that if something happens, I will send someone to inform you immediately. Hey, now is not the time for feelings." Also You Ji- Er said in the letter that Yu-Xi was overworked and was not in danger of life, or Kaihao could not stand.
       Yun-Qing hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed:
       "I will return to Capital City after I have handled the matter here." He really wants to fly back to Capital City.
       This night, Yun-Qing worried that he didn't close his eyes.
       When Tianmeng was bright, Qi Hao returned to Capital City with Qi Rui. Yun-Qing is ready to take over Shengjingcheng.
       When Feng Dajun came over, he did not see Qi Hao. Some strange:
       "The emperor, what is the Crown Prince?"
       After hearing that Qi Hao returned to Capital City, Feng Dajun’s face changed slightly:
       "The emperor, what happened in the capital?"
       Nothing, the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness, could not rush back to the capital.
       "The Queen is ill, and there are no people in the capital today." Kai Hao went back, and he could calm the hearts of the people. Secondly, he could help Yu-Xi.
       Feng Dajun was very worried to ask:
       “The empress is very ill?”
       Although he is a lot of jealousy about Yu-Xi, he also knows that these years of fighting can be so smooth, Yu-Xi has made great contributions. If the Empress has a case, it is likely to affect the battle.
       "The government is busy, and worried about Qi Rui, the body can not stand." I knew that I would not bring Kai Hao. With Qi Hao helping to handle government affairs, Yu-Xi will not be tired.
       Feng Dajun has deep feelings:
       "That's a good rest. Speaking, I also think that this body is now no more than a year in a year." It snowed a few days ago, and the sudden change in the weather caused his old wounds. Until now, it has not fully recovered.
       When I heard this, Yun-Qing said:
       "The army, and the situation in Liaodong has stabilized. I am going to let Tie-Kui defend the city."
       After that, Yun-Qing explained:
       "Tie-Kui has been in Tongcheng for more than ten years. He has also played with Donghu people many times. He has enough experience. Secondly, he is old with Chou Dashan and his relationship is very good." He is not ready to change Chou. Dashan, just preparing to reduce Chou Dashan to a vice president.
       Feng Dajun smiled:
       "It is said that Tongcheng is extremely cold. I am afraid that this body can't be eaten. But Zhizhi is still young, so he can be more honed and honed."
       Yun-Qing nodded and agreed.
       Tie-Kui took 100 thousand soldiers and horses into the city to receive Shengjingcheng, and the original 100 thousand soldiers and horses of Shengjing were all transferred back to the military camp. As for the generals such as He Feng, although they are wronged, things can only be accepted.
       When Yan Wu-shuang saw Tie-Kui, he smiled and asked:
       "It turned out to be you." He thought it was Feng Dajun or -Lu Yongnan and others, but he did not expect it to be Tie-Kui.
       Tie-Kui didn't talk, but his face was stinky.
       "How? Still hate me? Winner Wang Hou defeated the thief, you are the winner now." After that, Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "I want to know that you betrayed, I really want you to be ruthless. I didn't expect that one day I could talk to you calmly."
       Tie-Kui didn't lift the eyelids.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not angry, but asks strangely:
       "Your original name is not called Ninghai? Why don't you change your name back, still called Tie-Kui?"
       Tie-Kui didn't say anything.
       "How? I didn't even bother to tell me?"
       After that, Yan Wu-shuang sighed with a sigh:
       "Cough, do you think that I am not fighting and I am very unsuccessful? I lost the face of Yan family? In fact, I also feel quite faceless. But Han Jianming is right, Yan family has guarded this land for generations, I Can't make it full of sorrow."
       Tie-Kui pumped his mouth and said:
       "My life is given by the old man. I will not change my name in the rest of my life." He did not change his name, but he changed his name to Zhan.
       "Why is it so affectionate and righteous, why do you want to sell me? Tie-Kui, I ask you not thin?"
       Tie-Kui really didn't find Yan Wu-shuang's face so thick, and said with no expression:
       "Well, you are really not thin when you treat me." If it wasn't for him to be cautious, he would have become a pile of loess.
       Listening to the sarcasm in the speech, Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Dashan should have arrived in these two days. You should talk to him. Yes, I heard that you still have a shi-zi. It is the companion around the cloud Qi-You. Speaking, you are really embarrassing, the only one. When the blind man saw it, he was willing to send it to the northwest." In fact, Yan Wu-shuang felt that Tie-Kui was really capable, and he gave birth to a scorpion under his nose and then sent it to the northwest safely. And his people, even a little bit did not notice.
       After the election, Yan Wu-shuang added:
       "I used to wonder that the women in the Han family were stupid, and Han Jianming was not so smart. How to raise the Han Yu-Xi, such a very strange monster, came out. Now I know that she originally It’s like you!” To be exact, like the Ning family.
       See Tie-Kui, no sound, Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Why do you have a bitter and deep hatred? Sit down and talk to me."
       Tie-Kui does not care about Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yan Wu-shuang sighed and said:
       "The feng shui turns, now I have to look at your face."
       Tie-Kui listened to this and couldn't help but look up and down Yan Wu-shuang and then asked:
       "How old is the hatred general this year, do you know this?"
       "The external is forty-nine, the actual age is only forty-six." The reason why the false report was three years old, there is also a reason for this. For this reason, people close to you know. If it is fake, it should be unclear.
       After that, Yan Wu-shuang laughed:
       "Reassured, I haven't been dropped. It's been a long time no see, I want to talk to you." When the emperor was busy every day, and decided to surrender, Yan Wu-shuang was left behind. Therefore, he is now panicked and sees Tie-Kui want to talk to him.
       Tie-Kui doesn't want to chat with Yan Wu-shuang at all.
       In the evening, Tie-Kui went back to meet with Yun-Qing and said the unparalleled myth:
       "The emperor, I always think that Yan Wu-shuang is a bit weird."
       Before the surrender, the entanglement is not enough. I really decided to surrender, but Yan Wu-shuang felt relieved. In fact, he has been tired these years, but he has been supporting himself. Now let go of everything, the whole person is relaxed, and it is no longer so gloomy.
       "Is it a substitute?"
       Yan Wu-shuang's substitutes are too many. The few former Song family killed are all his substitutes.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "No. It’s just that he used to cherish the words like gold. Now it’s all incarnate. I’m talking all day long, and it’s so bad that my ears hurt.” He met Yan Wu-shuang quite a few times. More, is it a substitute or can be seen.
       Yun-Qing couldn't help but laugh, but as long as Yan Wu-shuang doesn't make the moths into words, it doesn't matter:
       "I want you to guard Tongcheng. What do you mean?"
       One knee on the ground, Tie-Kui said:
       "The end will be willing." Duo Lijun, the title can also rise. What good things will benefit the children and grandchildren?
       Yan Wu-shuang, who talked to Tie-Kui for a long time, couldn’t say anything about his sore throat.
       The Imperial Doctor came over and said that he was getting angry.
       Yan Wu-shuang felt very strange and didn't expect to get too angry if he said too much.
       Yu-Chen heard this, busy making a cup of lotus tea for him to drink. This thing is particularly under fire.
       After drinking tea, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I went overseas afterwards, but I didn't have this thing." The place he chose, the property was not rich. Like honey and lotus seeds, there is no production there.
       Yu-Chen looks very brisk and says:
       "As long as the family can be safe, healthy and healthy, it is good to eat chow."
       Yan Wu-shuang took a look at Yu-Chen and smiled:
       "Do not worry, you will not let you eat choking." Jin Yiyu food for a lifetime, let Yu-Chen eat choking dishes afraid of a day can not continue.

       Chapter 15__ 65 30 years Hedong

       When Chou Dashan returned to Shengjing, I felt that the atmosphere in the city was different. From entering the city, I found that there are officers and soldiers everywhere. From entering the city to arriving in Yanfu, he was inspected twelve times.
       Because of surrender, the place where Yan Wu-shuang lived can no longer be called the palace, but directly changed to Yanfu. By convention, Yan Wu-shuang can be crowned as king after surrender. Only Yan Wu-shuang is ready to stay overseas, so this link is saved. Of course, mainly Yun-Qing does not want to seal him as the king. When I saw Yan Wu-shuang, I wanted to kill him. I would like to seal him as a king.
       Before seeing Yan Wu-shuang, Chou Dashan was full of thoughts and prepared for a stomach. After seeing people, Chou Dashan couldn’t say a word. The king who is generally forced to surrender is full of grace or gloom, but Yan Wu-shuang's face is relaxed, and there is no ambiguity.
       "Emperor..." The word was not exported, and was interrupted by Yan Wu-shuang:
       "It is no longer appropriate to call the emperor, call the Old Master!" He actually likes others to call him a general, but unfortunately he has no soldiers in his hands, and he can't take the troops to fight.
       Chou Dashan called the Old Master from the ground and asked:
       "Old Master, do you really want to go abroad with 3rd Young Master and Eldest Miss? Old Master, I heard that overseas conditions are particularly difficult."
       "My identity is sensitive. Even if Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi don't kill us, you can stay in the Central Plains and you have to fight. Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you will think that it is overstepping. You may have landed." It’s better to die. Going overseas, although the conditions are harder, there are not so many constraints that can be free.” He was originally prepared to die with Yun-Qing , but he was still dragged by his children.
       Chou Dashan has no objections, just saying:
       "Where is the Old Master, where is the mountain?" When he handed over the affairs of Tongcheng, he followed Yan Wu-shuang.
       "Dashan, your heart is my opinion, but I can't take you away." Seeing Chou Dashan to speak, Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "I have no way to go before going overseas. And you are different, you will not be guilty of leaving Yun-Qing ."
       Chou Dashan does not want to stay:
       "Old Master, I swore that I will follow the Old Master in my life."
       "Tongcheng, can't live without you." This year's battle, Chou Dashan's reputation is even worse. Donghu people are also worried about him.
       Chou Dashan shook his head and said:
       "Old Master, Yun-Qing will be like a cloud under the hand, such as Feng Dajun, Xu Wei, Du Fu and others, are not inferior to me." No matter who Yun-Qing sent to guard Tongcheng, there is no problem.
       Yan Wu-shuang thinks that Chou Dashan is too arrogant, but he is not too entangled in this, just saying:
       "Dashan, this way is far away, no one knows what will happen. And the overseas conditions are hard, far less than the Central Plains. For your ‘Madam’ and children, you should not follow."
       Thinking of a young and old, Chou Dashan was hesitant to hesitate, but soon decided:
       "Old Master, no matter how hard it is, the mountains will follow you."
       For Wuhou Dashan's stubbornness, Yan Wu-shuang is not unexpected:
       "You can't go overseas with me, you have to stay in Tongcheng."
       "Old Master..."
       Yan Wu-shuang said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "Donghu people kill my parents and Brother, this is a crime that I can't report. You have to leave, I have no hope of revenge."
       Chou Dashan hesitated and said:
       "Old Master, I am afraid of them..." See Yan Wu-shuang shaking his head, and Chou Dashan will swallow it back to his mouth.
       "Dashan, when I settle down Achi, they will come back to you. So, you can't follow me, you have to stay in Tongcheng." Chou Dashan stayed in Tongcheng to facilitate his future actions.
       “Good.” Chou Dashan never refused Yan Wu-shuang’s request, and this time is no exception. Hearing this, one should be down.
       After talking about business, Chou Dashan chatted with Yan Wu-shuang about private matters:
       “3rd Young Master is not too young with snow, Old Master, let them marry before you leave!”
       Yan Wu-shuang did not agree:
       "You first ask your ‘Madam’ and snowman's opinion! The strong twisted melon is not sweet, if they don't want it, don't force it."
       "Don't ask. Snow is the person who is born 3rd Young Master, and the death is the ghost of 3rd Young Master." There is a reason for two women. In addition, the 3rd Young Master is a dragon and a phoenix, but his daughter is not worthy.
       "Marriage is a big thing, pay attention to your feelings and I wish. Otherwise, it is not good to get married. When it is time, it hurts two children." Yan Wu-shuang at this time is really a good father.
       Because of the insistence of Yan Wu-shuang, Chou Dashan had to nod his head:
       "Well, I will go back and ask them."
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded and said:
       "You go to Yun-Qing first, then go home!"
       Yun-Qing also entered the city yesterday and lived in a three-story house in the west of the city.
       When Chou Dashan met in the past, he thought he would be treated coldly. Unexpectedly, when the name was reported, soldiers would lead him in.
       Seeing not going in the direction of the main hall, Chou Dashan stood in the cold and asked:
       "Where are you going to take me?"
       Yun-Qing is no longer possible, and it is impossible to run in the partial office.
       The soldier gave him a strange look and said:
       "The emperor is talking to several generals. I am envious of the generals waiting in the partial hall." This person is too sensitive. If he wants to kill him, it needs to be so troublesome.
       Chou Dashan also feels that she has some grass and trees, and some unnaturally say:
       "I don't drink tea."
       The soldier was not happy, and returned a sentence:
       "We don't have tea here either." The basics of tea drinking are basically literati. Wushu rarely likes to drink tea, and Yun-Qing doesn't like it either. I don’t like it, and I’m not prepared.
       Chou Dashan looks a little reddish.
       The soldier gave a cup of boiled water and came back, leaving Chou Dashan alone in the hall.
       When the water was not finished, Chou Dashan heard a strong footstep. Busy put down the cup and stand up to meet people. As a result, Chou Dashan blurted out:
       "Tie-Kui ......"
       After making a sound, Chou Dashan said with a smile:
       "Called wrong, now it should be called General Ning." After knowing that Tie-Kui was rebellious, he was very angry. Later, after knowing the true identity of Tie-Kui, his anger was gone. Because Chou Dashan knew that Yan Wu-shuang had never trusted Tie-Kui from beginning to end, he always suspected that he had dissent, and he was always wary of him, and he had been sent to monitor him. In this case, it is difficult for Tie-Kui to vote for Han Yu-Xi, a shi-nu.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "I don't have a son, I have to give him an incense." The eldest son Fang Hui and his second son, Fang Jia, are still surnamed iron and have not changed their surnames. This is to let them inherit the incense of the iron family. There is Ning Zhan, and the incense that inherits Ning's family is enough.
       Chou Dashan asked the question that Yan Shaoqiu asked at the beginning:
       "When did you contact Han Yu-Xi?"
       "The second year of entering Capital City."
       "The emperor said that the mysterious cheetah is you, is it true?"
       See Tie-Kui nod, Chou Dashan smiled, the smile was full of bitterness:
       “Old Master says that you have a disagreement, I have always helped you to excuse me to say good things.”
       "I know that if the general did not help me to speak, I would be killed by Yan Wu-shuang when I returned to Jiangcheng from Jiangnan." It can be said that I can live in Yun-Qing and enter the capital. In addition to his cautious behavior, he also asked. The blessing of Chou Dashan.
       Chou Dashan smiled bitterly:
       "It’s too foreign to say this. If it weren't for you, I would have died." That was when Tie-Kui pulled the injured man out of the dead. The help of life, let him always follow Tie-Kui.
       At this time, Span has come over:
       "Anyang Bo, the emperor wants to see the enemy general." Chou Dashan's military achievements are enough to make them respect the enemy.
       Yun-Qing See Chou Dashan and ask him if he would like to continue to guard Tongcheng.
       With the words of Yan Wu-shuang, Chou Dashan said:
       "The end will be willing to stay in Tongcheng to kill Donghu people."
       Yun-Qing sighed and said his decision:
       "I want to be Tie-Kui, and you are a deputy. I don't know what the enemy is like?"
       It was also because of the aftermath of Fujian’s affairs that Yun-Qing did not dare to be the first to drop Chou Dashan. Otherwise, it will be a big trouble later.
       Chou Dashan said with a hanging head:
       "The end will not dare to go." The Lord will be reduced to a deputy, if not Yan Wu-shuang let him stay in Tongcheng, he must be picky.
       Tie-Kui sent Chou Dashan out of the house and said:
       "If the general is free, Tie-Kui wants the army to have a drink." Chou Dashan took care of him and later defended him in front of Yan Wu-shuang. He always remembered this kindness.
       "Next time! I have to go home first." To Tie-Kui, he did not feel bad. Before, just for each of them. Now, it has become a colleague.
       Tie-Kui nodded and talked to Chou Dashan about Yan Shaoqiu:
       "Yan Shaoqiu is not willing to surrender, and when the general is free to open him." Tie-Kui is also protecting, or Yan Shaoqiu was killed early.
       "it is good."
       Going to the gate, Chou Dashan turned his head and said to himself:
       "It’s really thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi." He really dreamed, and one day Tie-Kui turned out to be his immediate superior.
       Back home, Chou Dashan and his ‘Madam’ Zhang Shishi-shi said that they would marry Qiu Xue to Achi:
       "Don't pick the day, just tomorrow!"
       Zhang-Shi knows that Yun-Qing is still willing to reuse Chou Dashan and disagrees with this marriage:
       "Old Master, Han-shi and 3rd Young Master don't like snow, this is still a matter of love." Achi does not like and hate Qiu Xueman, and his attitude is flat. Han Yu-Chen doesn't like Xue Man, and Zhang-Shi is in his eyes. Only before Yan Wu-shuang was the emperor, his words were Jinkou Yuyan, and Zhang-Shi did not dare to resist. Now, there is an opportunity to repent and naturally do not want to marry her daughter.
       Chou Dashan looked dull, but he did not scold Zhang-Shi, but called Xue Man and asked her for advice.
       After Qiu Xueman himself saw Achi, a heart was tied to him, and naturally he was not willing to ruin his relatives.
       Seeing this situation, Chou Dashan immediately said:
       "Don't pick up the days, I will marry in the future." It is also Yan Wu-shuang who will leave in the next two days, and the probation will not be delayed.
       Zhang-Shi holding snow, crying and said:
       "You are a barrier, you are digging the heart of the mother." Marrying Yan Hengli, there will be a good life in the future. I hate this child, I don’t understand her heart as a mother.

       Chapter 15__ 66 30 years Hexi

       Qiu Xueman agreed to marry, and this marriage would have to be done quickly.
       Achi heard that he was going to be a dumbfounded groom officer and asked:
       "Father, father, are we not going to leave soon?"
       How do you make him marry his ‘Madam’ at this juncture? It feels a bit tricky. Moreover, it is not fair to the enemy Miss.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Because you have to go right away, you have to be a relative. Otherwise, what about Miss?"
       "Father, retreat, I don't want to even get tired of Miss." Since Yun-Qing is ready to reuse Chou Dashan, then Qiu Xueman is not worried about finding a good family. Once married to him, he has to follow him. Even, I have never seen a loved one in my life. What the future is like, he is not clear.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I told Chou Dashan to retreat, but Chou Dashan and the enemy 2nd Miss are not willing. The enemy's second sacred saying that if you are not jealous, she will twist her hair and go to the aunt." Qiu Xueman did not say this, they are Chou. Dashan is vinegared.
       Yu-Chen finally opened this time:
       "Achi, Qiuji II Miss is determined. If you don't worry, she may have a lifetime with the ancient Buddha." This is in the disguise of forcing Achi to agree to Qiu Xuexue.
       Although Yu-Chen didn't like Qiu Xueman before, now they have to stay overseas. That kind of ridiculous place, what is good Miss. She didn't want her son to be a barbaric woman, so she wanted Achi to quickly sneak into Qiu Xueman. In addition to Qiu Xueman's appearance is too enchanting, the other has no choice.
       Achi just thinks that it is harming her now:
       "Hey, is the enemy Miss really saying this?"
       Afraid of the misunderstanding of Yan Wu-shuang, Achi is busy saying:
       "Oh, I am worried that the enemy Miss is forced by the enemy."
       Yan Wu-shuang laughs:
       "Qiu Xueman is the biological daughter of Dashan. If she refuses to Chou Dashan, she will persecute. Moreover, although the marriage event says the words of the parents, but also pay attention to your feelings and wishes, if Qiu Xue is determined to refuse, he will force it. Did you both hurt you? Or do you think that doing things is not so reliable."
       "Oh, if the enemy Miss is voluntary, then I am sure." It was originally his fiancée. If these things did not happen, the two should be married next year.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded and said:
       "After three days, we set off for Qiongzhou. Your marriage will be done tomorrow." By then, they went overseas from the port of Qiongzhou.
       Achi whispered:
       "Oh, this is too much to confess to the enemy Miss."
       "I know that I have been wronged, and I will make up for it later." If you don't get married, people can't follow Miss.
       After Yan Wu-shuang finished, he went to arrange everything for the pro. The main reason is that he is now panicked, and he can divert attention if he has something to do.
       Yu-Chen thinks a lot, and pulls Achi hand and says:
       "Achi, get married tomorrow, don't round the room for the time being."
       A red face change:
       "Mother, how can I..."
       Yu-Chen intends to speak Achi, saying:
       "Snow is willing to marry, it is the child's love, but we can't be too bad for others. When we get overseas, we will have a lively wedding for you."
       Suddenly, Yu-Chen said:
       "Furthermore, the road is far and hard on the road. If you are pregnant, it is not good for Darens." They must leave at the prescribed time and cannot stay too much. In case of snow, the long-distance running of the body can not stand, the child does not protect the body of the Daren is also a huge injury.
       "Mother, I know."
       Yu-Chen took Achi hand and said:
       "Achi, you will tell these words to Xueman tomorrow, save her misunderstanding." In fact, you can also round the room and then take birth control pills afterwards. It’s just that Yu-Chen is afraid that Achi will not be able to hold it afterwards. It’s sin to make a child come and not be able to keep it.
       Since I want to be a relative, even if it is simple, I have to blow up and meet someone Miss to Yan. But the whole Shengjing City, no one dared to pick up the errand.
       Meng-nian said:
       "Old Master, or let the guards in the house act as a welcome team!" The ones that are left are trustworthy, and they are ready to take them overseas. There are not many people, and there are more than 80 people.
       "Where can they beat the drums?"
       Let them beat the drums and don't scare people away.
       After the election, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You sent someone to ask Tie-Kui to come over and say that I have something to find him."
       Meng-nian hesitated:
       "Old Master, Tie-Kui doesn't necessarily come!" Tie-Kui but hates his old Master, who will be willing to help!
       "You can rest assured that he will come." Yun-Qing is now against him, that is responsive. Of course, the advance is not excessive. So he is looking for Tie-Kui, this guy is definitely coming.
       Tie-Kui thought that Yan Wu-shuang had something important, and he got the news and came over. I know that Yan Wu-shuang asked him to find a welcome team, which is speechless.
       Yan Wu-shuang pretends to be a look of sadness:
       "The phoenix of the hair is not as good as the chicken. Now it is not until you invite a welcome team." I thought that he used to be a emperor and only one sentence. The following people will do a good job. Now, when he surrenders, others will treat him as a god, and he will not dare to contact his people. People who have had a relationship with him before also hate to be clean.
       At this time, Yan Wu-shuang was really fortunate to have prepared a retreat early. If you don't leave after surrender, stay in the Central Plains. Even if Yun-Qing doesn't kill them, the family can only close their heads and live their lives.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "What else is needed, list a list and hand it to Asha, he will set it up."
       After listening to this, Yan Wu-shuang exclaimed:
       "It’s really thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi."
       Tie-Kui didn't say anything.
       Upon seeing it, Yan Wu-shuang said with dissatisfaction:
       "My son wants to be a relative, you have no point?"
       Tie-Kui couldn't help but pumping. He really doubted that Yan Wu-shuang was dropped. Otherwise, how do you change someone?
       Suddenly, Tie-Kui said:
       "Welcome, I will bring it when I come to drink at noon tomorrow." I am going to the Qiufu to drink wine in the morning, so I will come at noon.
       When I heard this, Yan Wu-shuang was surprised:
       "You come to drink wine, don't you be afraid of being implicated?"
       I just said that I want to give a gift, but I just deliberately teased Tie-Kui.
       "It’s good to be innocent."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "What is innocent, you are yelling at Han Yu-Xi is your shi-nu is unscrupulous. You look at other descendants, not to come to the door."
       "You have to understand this, you can." He was able to get along with the military, and it really took advantage of his identity. Like other generals who have come over, even if they don’t want to close the generals and other generals, they are respectful. On the other hand, Feng Dajun and -Lu Yongnan and others met him and they were all polite.
       After sitting down, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Do you know why I have been watching you?"
       This, Tie-Kui is also very strange:
       Yan Wu-shuang is suspicious, and everyone knows this. But no one is as bad as he is, and he has been stared by Yan Wu-shuang for more than ten years.
       "Other generals, that's a bowel to the end, and you are so deep that I can't see through." Yan Wu-shuang doesn't like things that he can't control:
       "I always think that you have hidden a lot of secrets. It turns out that my intuition is right. It is really powerful to say that, it has been hidden for more than ten years, but it has not revealed any clues." It’s really awkward, it’s so hard to deal with. .
       Tie-Kui took a look at Yan Wu-shuang:
       "If I am not careful, I have already become a dead soul." Before I hated to gnash my teeth, but this time Yan Wu-shuang can surrender so cleanly, and he will let go.
       At this point, Yan Wu-shuang did not deny it. When he found out that Tie-Kui had betrayed him, he must have done it.
       After talking for so long, Tie-Kui asked:
       "Is there anything else? If nothing happens, I have to go back to rest." Tomorrow, he still has a lot of things to deal with!
       "I said that you are also a little leisurely, don't be too embarrassed to start. Don't take a trip, just cross the border with the bandits, nothing left." Yun-Qing did not move Yanfu. Other officials of Yan Chao are not so lucky. After the army entered the Shengjing City, the Ming army became a bandit and began to smuggle the officials of the Yan Family. It’s a rich family, and that’s not letting go.
       "I want to say that where you are the regular army is completely a bandit." I have never seen the regular army of the country and the bandits rushed to various households to steal money. This is no different from robbery.
       Do not copy these people, how to fill that huge hole. As long as the money does not kill, it is already very bottom line.
       Tie-Kui swept Yan Wu-shuang, and they got into the capital and grabbed more than they are now.
       Yan Wu-shuang understands the meaning of Tie-Kui and immediately rushes:
       "Let's go! Look at your coffin face and have no appetite."
       In fact, Tie-Kui is serious, and the coffin face is not up to the top.
       Out of Yanfu, Yan Kai couldn’t help but say:
       "General, I feel like he has changed personally?"
       It seems that it is not just him who has this feeling.
       Yun-Qing knows that Chou Dashan wants to marry a woman and let Tie-Kui bring a gift. This is also his attitude to everyone, indicating that he values ​​Chou Dashan.
       A Shao is a subordinate of Tie-Kui. He has to go out and do things, and it is natural to do things properly.
       A Chi rode a high horse and took the homage to the enemy.
       Zhang-Shi can no longer reluctantly, and she can only cover her with a tear in tears and send her out.
       Chou Dashan said gently to her:
       "Don't worry, 3rd Young Master will stay in the snow." In fact, Chou Dashan insisted that Qiu Xueman marry Achi, in addition to his loyalty, he also had his considerations. How can he not understand the appearance of his daughter? If he is ruined, he will find it hard to find a satisfactory husband. Instead of gambling an unknown, it is better to marry Achi.
       Achi spent six years in Tongcheng, and Chou Dashan knew him well. Now that her daughter will never give up on him, Achi will definitely treat her well.
       Tie-Kui went back to the army after drinking the wine in Yanfu and went to see Yun-Qing :
       “The emperor, Yan Wu-shuang said that he would go to Qiongzhou the next day.”
       "I hope he keeps his promise, don't make trouble halfway." If Yan Wu-shuang makes trouble halfway, he doesn't mind taking the opportunity to remove him.
       "It shouldn't be troublesome." See Yun-Qing looking at him, Tie-Kui said:
       "The emperor didn't see him. He changed his face completely. Before, he always had a cold face. Occasionally, he laughed like a smile. It made people look very nervous. Now, it has become very easy-going. Although this change is very strange, the current Yan Wu-shuang seems to be more popular. "Yan Wu-shuang used to be cold and cold, and when he saw it, he couldn't help but tighten his nerves.
       Yun-Qing was a glimpse, and then smiled and said:
       "It seems that he is letting go." After giving up hatred and giving up resentment, people will become more relaxed.

       Chapter 15__ 67 Life and Death (1)

       The three-legged copper stove in the house is lit with lily spice, which smells a sense of drowsiness.
       Gui Mama opened her eyes and saw Yu-Chen sitting on the edge of the bed, the eyes were red.
       "Imperial Consort, the old servant is just a little cold, no problem, don't worry." Since last year, Gui Mama has always been ill and has been getting sick longer and longer. The next day when it snowed, it fell ill, and it is still not good.
       Yu-Chen tears the brush. She knows that Gui Mama is not a big deal this time. She is sad that she will leave Shengjing tomorrow, but Gui Mama can't follow her.
       Gui Mama laughed and joked:
       "Don't cry, crying your eyes will be swollen, but it's not beautiful."
       If you are fifteen or six years old, you will be very concerned about this. At this time, Yu-Chen is still beautiful. She is really sad, but Gui Mama is sick at this time, otherwise she must take Gui Mama.
       Gui Mama smiled and asked:
       "Imperial Consort, you don't have to worry about me, I will be fine."
       Yu-Chen wiped her tears and said:
       "Mama, I will send you back to Han Duke House. My older brother has already agreed. Mama, when you are sick, go back to Capital City!" Let Gui Mama stay in Shengjing alone, and there are no relatives here. When you are bullied, no one is in charge. And entrusted to others, she is not at ease. The aunt is a famous charity, and Mama is sure to get good care when she goes to the Han Duke House.
       "All listen to Imperial Consort's arrangement." When he said this, Gui Mama face was indifferent.
       Holding Gui Mama skinny hand, Yu-Chen said:
       "Mama, you must get better soon." I thought that this separation would be a farewell, and Yu-Chen's tears fell and fell.
       Gui Mama said with a smile:
       “Imperial Consort rest assured, I will get better soon, and I will send you away.”
       With Gui Mama talking for a long time, Yu-Chen turned back and went back. It is about to start tomorrow, and some things have to be reorganized.
       Yu-Chen has a lot of things, and these things are all very valuable. Look at the jade ornaments of this boy's play squid, touch the golden point of the red and white agate vine flower bonsai, Yu-Chen does not want to fall. However, Yan Wu-shuang said that she can only bring ten boxes. Therefore, she can only choose the guqin with her beloved and expensive jewellery as well as precious herbs. She only took the daily change of clothes.
       Fortunately, she had already handed over the valuable antique paintings to Yan Wu-shuang. Otherwise, if she couldn’t take it, she was afraid that she would have blood.
       After distressed the ornaments in the house, Yu-Chen let the scent pick up the two boxes.
       When Yan Wu-shuang came over, she pointed to the two boxes and said:
       "Old Master, I want to give these two boxes something to my eldest brother."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Don't waste this effort, Han Jianming will not accept it."
       These things must be collected as trophies for the treasury. Han Jianming, who is so savvy, will make a small profit for this mosquito.
       "These things were originally Han's, and now they are only the original owners." These items are the collections of the Han family, which was discovered by Yan Wu-shuang from the secret passage of the Duke House in Korea. These things, Yu-Chen know the origin, so I love it.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Where do you know if this is a Han family? Han Jianming accepts outsiders and only thinks that he is greedy for money. He wants to go further in his career, and he will drop such a handle. However, if you really want these things to return to the Han family, they will I gave it to Yu-Xi. If she had the heart, she would give these things back to the Han family." But the Han Yu-Xi is so sturdy that she will not give back to the Han family.
       Yu-Chen nodded.
       Yan Wu-shuang took Yu-Chen and sat down and said:
       "Don't be too busy, these things are handed over to Servant."
       Sit down and take a sip of tea, Yu-Chen said with a fleshy look:
       "The things in the house can't be taken away." The last time I withdrew from the capital to Liaodong, although I also discarded some things, it was not too expensive. This time it can be different, it is very difficult to take away valuable objects.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Yun-Qing can promise that we can bring four boxes of things to each person. It is already an extra bonus." Yu-Chen can bring ten boxes of things, which is the quota for A-Bao and Achi. After all, the twins are not old enough, and there is nothing particularly expensive.
       To Yan Wu-shuang said that Yun-Qing is more generous in terms of money. If you change to Han Yu-Xi, it is not bad to be able to bring two boxes per person.
       "I know, it's a little distressed." A-Bao hasn't married yet, thinking that her dowry for A-Bao is gone, and Yu-Chen is hurting again.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "As long as people are well-being, they will become good. Money is a foreign body. If you don't have it, you can earn it."
       Outsiders don't know that Yan Wu-shuang is most proficient in doing business. He used to hide in the dark and he did a lot of business. Jiangnan and his northwest and Qiongzhou have his footprints. Later, I became a regent, and these businesses were handed over to the people below, and the income was greatly reduced. Later, Jiangnan and other places were lost, and he also collected most of his business.
       After listening to this, Yu-Chen’s heart has been loosened a lot:
       “Old Master is right, as long as our family is fine.”
       Making a living, the father-in-law walked in and said:
       “Old Master, 4th Young Master See you.”
       "Let him come in!" Yan Wu-shuang has abandoned the mother and son since Yan Hengzhong listened to the words of Xiang Shuzhen and feared that he would not accept the Crown Prince. After that, he never went to the courtyard of Xiang Shuzhen.
       Yan Hengzhong entered the house and left:
       "Father, my Concubine, she is crying and not willing to go. Father, please persuade Concubine!" Yan Hengzhong is just timid, not stupid. So he knew that if he didn't go overseas with Yan Wu-shuang, he would definitely not be able to live. When Xiang Xiang-shi heard that he was going overseas, he would be alive and kicking. He said that overseas is a place where people are not eating and not wearing. She will leave tomorrow, and she is still unwilling to pack things.
       Yan Wu-shuang changed his attitude towards Yu-Chen, because Yu-Chen is willing to die with him. Can Xiang Shu Shuo only have his own heart, the army hit the city and Yan Wu-shuang said to take Yan Hengzhong out of the palace, but also famous to say that they want to leave incense for the Yan family.
       "She doesn't want to go, she is not reluctant. After Yanfu waits for us to leave, the officers and men will come to seal up. You better go out and find a place for him now." Not better, but also a little tired. .
       Yan Hengzhong fell into tears:
       "Father, one day, husband and ‘Madam’, 100 days. Father, please look at Concubine for many years, you should persuade her!"
       The entire palace, only Yan Wu-shuang can live in Xiang-Shi. Unfortunately, Yan Wu-shuang has not put the life and death of Xiang-Shi on his mind.
       Seeking Yan Wu-shuang is useless, Yan Hengzhong also asked for Yu-Chen. Unfortunately, Yu-Chen did not agree:
       "You are useless to persuade, I am more useless to persuade." Xiang-Shi has no good words when she sees her, she is not a masochist, and she will rush to go.
       After Yan Hengzhong left, Yu-Chen said:
       "Xiang-Shi does not leave, let A Zhong embarrassed." If you don't go, you will lose your life. If you want to leave, you have to leave the fragrance-shi, no matter, it is not filial. Xiang-Shi, forced his son to retreat.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "He won't stay." Yan Hengzhong is very filial incense-Shi, but he loves his temperament. This is far less than Achi and A-Bao. If you change to Yu-Chen, you will not leave, Achi and A-Bao will die rather than leave. This is why he is particularly fond of Achi and A-Bao. These two children are very affectionate.
       Yu-Chen sighed and then started busy again. Although these things can't be taken away, they are also afraid of being broken by the thick-handed soldiers, so she is all put together.
       In the evening, Yu-Chen was also a little sleepy. Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "I can't sleep, chat." There is no drowsiness to force myself to go to sleep, which is counterproductive.
       "Just talk about your childhood. I heard that when you were a child, you were especially favored." When he was a child, because he was an old man, he was especially favored by Marshal Yan.
       When I was young, Yu-Chen’s face showed a smile:
       "When I was a child, the Grandmother and the Maternal Grandmother both loved me very much. It was the best to eat and wear. That's why they are afraid of my grievances." It is no exaggeration to say that she is really in a honey pot. Bubble big.
       Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "You don't think they are so petting you, but also with a temperament?"
       Like Yu-Chen like Han Old Madam Zhou-shi, it is also because Yu-Chen looks like a fairy, and cultivated can bring great benefits to the family.
       Yu-Chen understands the meaning of this, and smiles and says:
       "The Grandmother really hurts me. As for the purpose you said, you can enjoy the wealth brought by the Han family. When the family needs it, you have to make sacrifices." Moreover, she is married to her ordinary appearance. It is impossible for others.
       "You think about it."
       Yu-Chen smiled and then shook his head and said:
       "It's not about being wide, but about reality."
       Yan Wu-shuang was waiting for the opening, and he heard the scent called out:
       "Imperial Consort, Imperial Consort-, Mama said to see you." The voice, with a cry.
       Yu-Chen was busy getting dressed and talking to Yan Wu-shuang who was lying on the bed:
       "Old Master, you don't have to wait for me, rest first!" She may have to keep Gui Mama and will not come back.
       "Go!" Gui Mama left the impression of Yan Wu-shuang, not bad. It’s just that Yu-Chen has been worried about her, and she is still worried about leaving.
       Looking at Gui Mama look, Yu-Chen groaned. However, she quickly suppressed the strangeness of her heart and sat down to the bed and said softly:
       "Mama, there is nothing to wait until tomorrow. Your body is not good, you have to rest well."
       Gui Mama shook her head and said:
       "My body is clear to me, I can't pass it tonight."
       Yu-Chen wanted to comfort Gui Mama again, but she couldn't stop falling without saying tears.
       Gui Mama slammed her hand and said:
       "Imperial Consort don't cry, this life can follow Imperial Consort, the oldest servant is the greatest luck." She did not have any relatives at home, and gave Yu-Chen the education of Mama was originally to find a trust, want to spend the rest of his life. And Yu-Chen has been very good for her in these years.

       Chapter 15__ 68 born to die (2)

       Yu-Chen is saddened by heart, holding Gui Mama crying and saying:
       "Mama, you will definitely live a hundred years old."
       Gui Mama smiled:
       "I don't have to live a long life, I just need Imperial Consort. You have been good, I am content."
       Yu-Chen is crying.
       Gui Mama wants to raise her hand, but she has no strength at this time:
       "Imperial Consort, the old servant is leaving, can't serve you anymore. Imperial Consort, you must take care of yourself. This way, I am also at ease."
       "I will be fine. Mama, I will bring my grandson to see you in the future." In fact, Yu-Chen knows that this is basically impossible, but just saying that Gui Mama is happy.
       Achi and A-Bao got the news and hurryed over. Together with Qiu Xueman, I also followed.
       Yu-Chen's tears in his face, hemp:
       "Achi, A-Bao, you come to Mama alone!"
       Gui Mama looked at Achi and A-Bao and said:
       "3rd Young Master, Eldest Miss, Imperial Consort is not easy in this life. You must be filial to Imperial Consort in the future." Yu-Chen's bitterness, only she knows best. When His Royal Highness passed away, if not A-Bao and Achi, Nang Niang would follow.
       The Brother and sisters quickly said:
       “Mama rest assured, we will definitely be filial.”
       Gui Mama was very pleased to take a look and then said with regret:
       "Unfortunately, I can't see the birth of the 3rd Young Master's child, nor can you see the Eldest Miss you are married."
       After saying this, Gui Mama eyes slowly closed and his hands fell.
       Yu-Chen crying:
       "Mama-, Mama..."
       After hearing the death of Gui Mama, Yan Wu-shuang called Zhao Xiong after a moment of indulging:
       "After dawn, you go to Tie-Kui and let him say to Yun-Qing . We have to postpone the day and start again." Go directly to Yun-Qing , afraid to see anyone.
       Zhao Xiong is hesitant:
       "Old Master, I am afraid that Yun-Qing will not agree." In fact, he is afraid that Yun-Qing thinks more, which is not good for them. For a Gui Mama, it's not worth it.
       "According to the facts, I think, Yun-Qing should not be so impersonal." Just push the day, not to leave.
       Zhao Xiong should go down and go out.
       Tie-Kui got the news and promised to help. Instead, the guard A Shao couldn’t help but vomit:
       "General, is he taking you as an errand?"
       I don't know how to call Yan Wu-shuang, just replace it with him.
       "Forget it, don't worry about him. Besides, there is really no better candidate than me." Although the emperor prefers Chou Dashan, it is a drop, or a shun. And he does not need to avoid.
       Sometimes Tie-Kui feels lucky. Although it was difficult before, but since his identity was revealed to the world, his life has been extremely smooth. And these are all thanks to his identity. There is a shi-nu with a hand and a heavy weight.
       "Who is dead?"
       Hearing is a year-long Mama next to Yu-Chen, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Is that Mama a surname?"
       Tie-Kui was a little surprised, but still nodded and said:
       "Yes, the Mama is the surname of Gui, and has been with Han-shi for more than 30 years." I don't know why the emperor would know the name of a Mama who is next to Han-Chen.
       Yun-Qing said in silence:
       "One day, it was too hasty, and Yan Wu-shuang said that it could be extended for three days!" Three days was enough to send Gui Pozi.
       Tie-Kui didn't expect Yun-Qing to speak so well.
       Yun-Qing thought that Gui Mama had taught Yu-Xi several years of etiquette and said:
       "You also send me a sheet of gold for Yu-Xi." It is also a heart for Yu-Xi.
       Although Gui Mama had a bad attitude towards Yu-Xi in South Korea, Yu-Xi did not say her bad things in front of Yun-Qing , only that Gui Mama did not like her. If not, Yun-Qing will definitely not let people lose money.
       Tie-Kui is not jealous this time, ask directly to export:
       "The emperor, do you know this Gui Mama with the Empress?"
       "Well, she is the teacher of Yu-Xi and Han Yu-Chen. But she only cares about Yu-Chen and does not like Yu-Xi." If it is good for Yu-Xi, he will definitely Let the scenery be buried. It’s all about friendship now.
       Tie-Kui listened to this, and then let Asha go to Yanfu to help, so Gui Mama funeral was not shabby.
       Looking at the heart of Yu-Chen, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yu-Chen, Gui Mama is a happy mourning, don't be sad anymore." In this age of sixty, the death of more than seventy years is a joy to everyone.
       "I know that Mama is afraid of me, so I will be so anxious." There is death in my heart, and people can't wait for a long time.
       Yan Wu-shuang looked stunned and said:
       "I am incompetent, did not save Liaodong, only to let you go home with the children to go to the ridiculous land overseas." Even if he is confident that will not let Yu-Chen suffer with children, but it is indeed a barren land.
       Yu-Chen is in a hurry, busy:
       "Old Master, don't say that. I am satisfied with our family."
       "That's it, then don't be sad. You will leave for Qiongzhou tomorrow morning. You have to be so sad again. What if you are sick? We will have to leave tomorrow morning." Yun-Qing gave them three. It’s been a matter of time to do the funeral of the day. If you want to go back, you will definitely think that they don’t want to go.
       Yu-Chen wiped her tears and said:
       "Old Master doesn't have to worry about me, I have no problem with my body." At the beginning of the year, Yan Wu-shuang let Yu-Chen even eat a pill made of blood ganoderma lucidum for half a month. I have to say that this is indeed a cure. She is physically now, a lot better. To change, the crying has already fallen ill.
       "Let's sleep! The road is far away, you have to take care of your body." As for the incense-Shi, he is too lazy to manage. Willing to go and leave, not willing to go where to go.
       The next day, the day was bright, and Xiang-Shi came over and said to Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Old Master, Gao Mama is gone, I want to mourn her. Old Master, let's go back a few days!"
       Yan Wu-shuang heard this and laughed a little.
       Yu-Chen frowned and said:
       “How did Gao Mama not?”
       Gao Mama is not old enough, and is now in his 60s. Among the impressions of Yu-Xi, Gao Mama is physically tough. It’s impossible to be short, and it’s gone overnight.
       Yan Wu-shuang doesn't care how Gao Mama didn't:
       "You know why Gui Mama is gone, Yun-Qing will give us three days to arrange a funeral?"
       Xiang-Shi does not want to say:
       "Nature is Yunhuang's heart, knowing that Gui Mama is an old man who has been with Han's sister for 30 years. Gao Mama is also an old man who has followed me for ten years. She is gone, and I am very uncomfortable."
       "Idiot. Yun-Qing will give us three days to let us do the funeral, because Gui Mama is also the mother of Yu-Xi, Mama." After that, Yan Wu-shuang is too lazy to talk to Xiang-shi:
       "If you want to go, you will go with you. If you don't want to go, you will stay." I don't know how lard was blinded. How could I love such an idiot and have a son with her.
       Xiang-Shi looks pale.
       In fact, Xiang-Shi is not so stupid, she is just too scared, afraid to go to the place where the ridiculous rice is not eaten. This led to such a coma.
       Yan Wu-shuang was too lazy to take care of Xiang-shi, and asked people to move out Yu-Chen's ten boxes.
       After the things were moved, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "After half an hour, we set off. If you haven't thought about it, you will stay in Shengjing."
       Xiang-Shi lower lip is biting bleeding.
       After Yan Wu-shuang left, Yan Hengzhong said on the ground:
       "Concubine, if you want to stay in Shengjing, you can't be filial by your side."
       This time, Xiang-Shi can't go without it. If the son also left, leaving her alone and how to live.
       After half an hour, Yan Wu-shuang set off and Tie-Kui and Chou Dashan all sent it.
       Out of the gate, Yan Wu-shuang dismissed three heads in the direction of Tongcheng. His three sons and two daughters also followed the maiden.
       After the horse, Yan Wu-shuang said to Tie-Kui:
       "You two shi-zis hate you for being unfair, and beware of the situation of Brother and disability." During this time he asked Tie-Kui to help, Tie-Kui did not deny. In this regard, he also reminded him.
       Tie-Kui squinted and then looked at Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Is this all your handwriting?"
       Yan Wu-shuang did not deny, said calmly:
       "Who will make you betray me on the same day." Can't kill Tie-Kui, and only find other ways to retaliate back.
       Although Tie-Kui hates teeth, he still said two words:
       “Thank you.” I have to say that Yan Wu-shuang has indeed changed a lot. Before changing to it, I would definitely like to see some of his sons killing each other.
       On the other side of the son-in-law, Zhang-Shi is not willing to let go.
       Snow diffused Zhang-shi, and said with tears:
       "Mother, I should go. Mother, you must take care of yourself."
       She really has a lot of words to blame, but in the end it is impossible to say a word.
       Zhang-Shi tears brushed down:
       "In the future, if you don't know what you can't, ask your mother-in-law."
       Standing at the gate, watching the team drift away. Chou Dashan walked to Zhang-Shi and said:
       "The child has gone far, let's go back!"
       Zhang-Shi is -calling at Chou Dashan:
       "It's all you, it's all you, I won't see my daughter again if it's not you."
       Chou Dashan looks at her eyes:
       “You can rest assured that Old Master Madam and 3rd Young Master will be nice to her.”
       "To the place where the life is unfamiliar, there is no relative around him. In the future, he was wronged, and there was not even a person who confided." The more you think about it, the more you feel sad, the more you want to hate it, Zhang-Shi really hates it. Chou Dashan was killed.
       Tie-Kui saw it and said:
       "Chou general, yesterday the emperor let you pass today, let you tell him about the deployment of military defense in Tongcheng"
       Zhang Shishi-shi is heartbroken, but fortunately, he has not lost his mind. Regenerative gas did not dare to delay the business of Chou Dashan.
       Chou Dashan was busy sending the guards to Zhang-Shi to go home.
       After waiting for someone to leave, Chou Dashan said with gratitude toward Tie-Kui:
       "I just thank you." Qiu Xueman is leaving, he is reluctant. It’s just that he can’t be a betrayal, and his daughter is willing. Just in my heart, Chou Dashan is embarrassed about Zhang-Shi.
       Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "I just want to understand the layout of Tongcheng, and the general will go with me!"
       Chou Dashan:
       "Is the emperor really calling me?"
       Tie-Kui, said,
       "Why can I pretend to be sacred?" Yun-Qing can't worry about Yu-Xi, and he is not ready to go to Tongcheng when he prepares to cook here. Therefore, everything in Tongcheng must be handled by Tie-Kui.
       Chou Dashan smiled and said:
       "I am reckless. You are always cautious when you act. How can you make such a joke?"

       Chapter 15__ 69 passionate gongzi (1)

       The streets of Jingcheng in the daytime are full of enthusiasm, and the sound is very lively. Once in the night, the capital immediately returned to calm.
       Qi Hao took Qi Rui and the group of people came under the wall, called the goalkeeper's generals to open the door and rushed to the palace.
       At this time, Qi-You is talking with Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, the older brother and the second brother said that they want to come back a few days ago, and the calculation time is almost fast."
       Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "What? Think about them?"
       You Ji-Er nodded and said:
       "Not only want to be big brother and second brother, but also think of the third brother. For the mother, how is the third brother in the depression? Can it be okay?"
       I haven’t received a letter from Xuan Ji Er for two months, which made him worry.
       "Your third brother, this will be happy!" Speaking of this, Yu-Xi is a fire.
       You Ji-Er strangely asked:
       "I don't think about it? Mother, what good things did the third brother encounter there?"
       Yu-Xi laughed, but the smile didn't reach the bottom:
       "He is now in love with the Shu Daughter Cao of the Mianzhou prefecture Cao Fengqi, who is trying to win the favor of the beautiful woman, and there is still time to take care of you."
       You Ji-Er has wide eyes and said after a half-tone:
       "Mother, what does Miss look like?"
       "Listen to Ah 3rd , that Cao Yiqiu looks beautiful and beautiful, but unfortunately it is always a pitiful kind. Ah 3rd said that her sister-in-law did not say anything to her, she was tearful, and made outsiders criticize her. Sister is flying and -calling at the sister." A 3rd 's description is more pertinent, no added fuel.
       After that, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "This kind of woman is 100% raised by Small Concubine." The number of such no-tops can only be taught by Tie-Kui concubine.
       When you heard this, You Ji-Er's face was dark.
       See Yu-Xi, who doesn't care, You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, you are not afraid that she knows the identity of the third brother, and then make some tricks for the third brother to marry her?"
       "If she makes some of the next tricks, let your 3rd Brother get her." It is impossible for Xuan Ji Er to want him to be unconcerned.
       You Ji-Er was shocked:
       "Mother, are you not the most hated? Why do you want to let the third brother?"
       Influenced by Yu-Xi, he also hates Tie-Kui concubine. I think Tie-Kui concubine is the root of chaos. Therefore, he is never thinking about it.
       "I hate Tie-Kui concubine, but I can't manage things in your room." She won't give a woman to her son, but if her son wants to be jealous, she won't interfere.
       You Ji-Er turned back to the topic:
       "Mother, this woman is misbehaving, can't let her be a slap in the third brother." He was afraid that the woman had broken Xuan Ji Er.
       Yu-Xi poked the forehead of You Ji-Er and said:
       "There are countless things in your third brother's heart. You don't have to worry about it." After the son, he wouldn't take care of it. The premise is that you must first marry your ‘Madam’, and there is no reason for your unmarried ‘Madam’ to be guilty.
       "Mother, I can't let her harm the third brother!"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It is time for him to fall over. If he sees a beautiful woman, he will be heartbroken. Later, his house is not all a woman." There are more women and more, and it is likely to harm their children. This point is not tolerated by Yu-Xi. Therefore, the daughter-in-law of Xuan Ji Er must be a powerful means.
       You Ji-Er sighed and didn't talk anymore. It’s true that you like beauty, and he likes to watch beautiful Miss. If you see one of his 3rd Brother, you can't do it.
       Mei-Lan said in a foreign voice:
       "The Empress, the Crown Prince, is back with 2nd Prince." Mei-Lan was very happy to see the two, and the voice was full of joy.
       You Ji-Er stood up happily.
       Yu-Xi didn't get up, and his face didn't have the slightest joy. On the contrary, she will look quite ugly.
       When Qi Hao went in and saw Yu-Xi looking ruddy, he knew that there was nothing wrong with it.
       Rui Ji Er was very conscious. When he entered the house, he walked over to Yu-Xi and collapsed:
       "Mother, right?"
       The word has not been said yet, and the face has a heavy slap. With his burning cheeks, Rui Ji looked shocked at Yu-Xi. From small to large, he was the first to play Yu-Xi.
       Qi Hao and You Ji-Er also stunned, but the two quickly understood, fearing that this time Rui Ji work made her angry.
       Yu-Xi stood up and looked at Rui Ji Er’s cold voice:
       "Do you know what will happen if you really want to be caught by Yan Wu-shuang this time?"
       Rui Ji Er said with a hanging head:
       "Know, Yan Wu-shuang will use my force to retreat."
       Yu-Xi sounds suddenly louder:
       "You won't retreat, and I won't let you retire. We can't ignore the big picture for you."
       The voice is sharp enough to pierce the human ear.
       Yu-Xi This will be full of anger:
       "In order to the overall situation, we must give up on you. But if you die, even if you have the whole of Liaodong, I have to live with you for the rest of my life." If Rui Ji Er takes the guard with him, then Out of an accident, she has nothing to say. But he is a hero, and feels that he should not be treated with others. As a result, they both worried that they would be afraid.
       The hair was white, and the mother worried that she was ill, and these are his faults. Rui Ji Er remorse:
       "Mother, I am sorry, it is my fault. You can rest assured that I will let the guards stay in the future."
       "What do the sons do? I have a few of you who are going to collect debts and come to the rescue." Although I mentioned Xuan Ji Er just now, I was relaxed. In fact, when you first saw the letter, Yu-Xi was so angry that he couldn’t kill Xuan Ji Er. That Cao Yiqiu is obviously not on the Xuan Ji Er is Bai Ding and no family, but also deliberately hung him, but this goods did not even see it, but also stupidly stuck.
       Yu-Xi didn't understand, she and Yun-Qing were both clean and self-satisfied, and some people were smart. How did they give birth to Xuan Ji Er, a colorless, boring but idiot.
       The flash in the eyes of Qi Hao was over, and he wondered why Yu-Xi suddenly made such a big fire.
       Rui Ji Er listened to this more and more embarrassed, looked up and said:
       "Mother, if you don't want to get rid of it, then I will slap me again. Don't be angry, hurt yourself."
       You Ji-Er is not right, busy making fun:
       "Second brother. You are not afraid of slap in the skin, and the mother can shave your ears again. You can't have a hand! Mother, or else, I will take the whip. You use a whip to slap him and let him lay three or five." month."
       Yu-Xi took a look at You Ji-Er:
       "He has been lying in bed for three or five months. I have to ask you for medical advice, and then I have to wait for him like a servant?"
       The words are not good, but the tone is not as harsh as it was. Obviously, the words of the 2nd Brother played a role, making Yu-Xi a lot less.
       Qi Hao smiled:
       "Mother, A Rui already knows the wrong, he also vowed to change. Niang, you should not be angry, and then mad at the body can be bad."
       Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "You will help him talk."
       "Mother, I really know it is wrong, don't be angry. I promise not to have another time." This lesson is enough, but I don't dare to have it next time.
       Yu-Xi will not spare the Rui Ji, so coldly said:
       "Go back and copy a hundred times of the Diamond Sutra. After you have not copied it, you are not allowed to go out half a step."
       "Yes." Rui Ji Er’s mouth was bitter, and he had to copy a hundred times of the Diamond Sutra. He would rather be swayed by Yu-Xi and then lay in bed for three or five months.
       Yu-Xi said to Kaihao:
       "Go down and wash, wait until I let people send the dinner to your house. The things over Shengjing will tell me tomorrow." There is Yun-Qing sitting there, Yu-Xi is not worried. .
       After the 3rd Brother went out, Yu-Xi sat back in the chair and couldn't help but lick the temple.
       Mei-Lan saw the situation and went to Yu-Xi to massage the head. In order to facilitate the service of Yu-Xi, she specialized in massage with Yan Fang.
       "It's not being mad, it's being scared. What do you say about your son?"
       Jao-Jao didn't make a lot of trouble, but she never let her be scared. Rui Ji Er is really scaring Yu-Xi this time.
       Mei-Lan chuckles:
       "Imperial Consort, 2nd Prince, although somewhat reckless, he has been very filial to you and listened to you. You disagree with him. He said clearly to Gu Yu without any words. This time he realized that he was wrong. I will change, I believe he will change."
       "Rui Ji Er is okay, can Xuan brother..." Yu-Xi did not know how to continue.
       "Imperial Consort, 3rd Prince is greedy and fresh. When he marries his ‘Madam’ and children, it will be good. You see the big princess, you didn't love to play and play before. Since you were a mother, you don't have to worry about it." It is really not clear. Take care of this, and that is the moth.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "He is not the same as Jao-Jao. Forget it. It is useless to worry about this now. Give him a powerful ‘Madam’, and he will be in charge of it." She didn't have that spirit, and she didn't have the mood* to manage her son's room. Things in it.
       When Qi Hao came out of Kunning Palace, he asked You Ji-Er:
       "Isn't A Xuan making trouble again?"
       What he said just now is obviously intended. You Ji-Er has always been a good person, and it is only Xuan Ji Er.
       You Ji-Er said a bitter face:
       "The third brother likes the Shu Daughter of the Mianzhou prefecture, Cao Yiqiu. That Cao Yiqiu is a long-lasting flower, but he can be misbehaving, and there is a small Concubine that can't be used on the countertop."
       Just listening to these things described by Yu-Xi, You Ji-Er knows that Cao Yiqiu is a bit of a heart. For such a woman, he did not look at it. Unfortunately, his third brother only looked at his face and could not see the inside.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "If this is the case, the mother should not make such a big fire."
       "He didn't write a letter back in two months. Don't say mother, I have a fire!" The typical woman wants a woman who doesn't want to marry her brother.
       Rui Ji Er frowned and said:
       "A Xuan is too much too much." Missing a misbehaving Miss is just a problem with his eyes, and his eyes are not good. Can not return home letter for two months, that is not filial.
       Qi Hao is too lazy to pay for it:
       "A Rui, A-You, you all go back to rest!"

       Chapter 15__ 70 incompetent fathers

       Rui Ji Er could not go out of the palace, he wrote a letter and asked Lu-Er to hand it over to Gao Haiqiong. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest update
       Lu-Er received the letter and said with a smile:
       "A Rui is very careful." People Miss worried about his fear, now can not go out of the house is to write a letter with others to make it clear.
       You Ji-Er smiled:
       "The second brother really accepted the lesson this time. This will stay in the palace to copy the scriptures, and even half of the words complained!" To be replaced before, it must be bitter.
       However, if Rui Ji Er is not accepting the lesson this time, Yu-Xi will definitely not let him go to war.
       "This time the mother is scared, he still dares to complain, I don't teach him a meal." His mother has always been good, this time if not too worried not to fall ill.
       You Ji-Er sighed and said:
       "More than that! Listen to the older brother, because this thing has been white for most of the hair." Before You Ji-Er still did not understand why Yu-Xi would be too worried. However, after listening to Yu-Xi yesterday, he realized what kind of psychological burden Yuu-Xi had.
       Lu-Er frowned and said:
       "You can't be like Rui Ji in the future, let the girl be worried."
       You Ji-Er patted his chest and said:
       "Reassure, I am an Daren, how can I let my mother worry about it! Second sister, my mother said that the most intimate is me."
       Lu-Er laughed and said:
       "Also intimate, when you were a child, you didn't have to worry about your mother." You Ji-Er as a child, the inferiority is a headache.
       You Ji-Er remembered the childhood, counted the old account and said:
       "If you didn't tell me what to do, I wouldn't always beat or even whip. I know? I hated you at the time, and vowed to ignore you forever. Even if you married a husband, I was bullied. I don't care." The thoughts of a child were also very naive, and I couldn't care if I interrupted my brother and sister who had bones. .
       "If it wasn't for you when you were a naughty, I didn't want to sue it!" She was a bit awkward when she was a child. Seeing You Ji-Er is not pleasing to the eye, and I feel that You Ji-Er is shameful. However, You Ji-Er is indeed a thorn!
       After that, both of them laughed.
       The pomegranate said in a foreign voice:
       "The second princess, who came home, said that he would pick up his brother."
       "Who sent it?"
       "It was sent by Madam." When you mention your family, you can't even pomegranate.
       Lu-Er snorted:
       "Tell her, unless the big brother-in-law comes by himself, no one wants to take her from me."
       Fang-Shi is Ji Concubine because of his illness. In this case, Lu-Er can rest assured that he will live forever. In the unlikely event that Ji Concubine or a few shi-zis, the Shu Daughter, can't stand the slightest toss, it's too late to regret it. Although this probability is relatively small, it is not afraid of 10 thousand.
       The pomegranate got a reply and went on.
       You Ji-Er is also very dissatisfied and said:
       "It's all messy." I don't know if it's too old-fashioned. I even handed the family to a Concubine tube, and I saw several scorpions look more important than his brother-in-law.
       "Who said no?"
       Although Fengjia had a wonderful Lian-Wu, her in-laws were very reasonable. Sealed Lian-Wu to get her, can also shoot back directly. Can be wide and square-Shi is an elder, these two people toss out some bad things can only endure.
       After that, Lu-Er and You Ji-Er said:
       "It’s not a way to go on like this. You said, wait for the big sister to settle in Tongcheng, how about letting the brother-in-law and Changsheng live?"
       You Ji-Er shook his head and said:
       "There is no time for Shengjing. The snow in Shengjing is not big, but there is heavy snow in Tongcheng and the outside of the Sai. The food is basically not harvested, and the livestock freezes a lot. I guess there is still a bad war next year." He guessed that Yan Wu-shuang is also estimated. It is expected that this situation will simply surrender. This goods, I do not know more than two years. The disaster in Liaodong has increased their burdens.
       Lu-Er frowned and said:
       "When the situation in Tongcheng stabilizes, let the brother-in-law and Changsheng go to Tongcheng. Or, go to other places, don't let your brother-in-law stay in the capital again."
       The bias Small Concubine and the shi-nu, the 邬金宝 and the small Fang-Shi will throw two children to Fang-Shi. And Fang-Shi has something to do, all of which are looking for Jin Yuyu. I was sick, and all of them were going to wait for the disease, as if she had only had a son like Jin Jinyu. This is also true, as a child is also filial to the parents, but Fang-Shi is forced to force the two scorpions. The small one is awkward, and the tube is counted. The big one is not so bad, and you have to force the gold and jade tube. Regardless, Fang-Shi has been crying hard, and then he is too sad and sick.
       You Ji-Er smiled:
       "Second sister, don't worry about this matter. If you want to be a dutiful son, you can let him do it. Anyway, he asks you in front of you, don't take care of him any more."
       "It depends on the face of the big sister." Yan Chengli has already transferred four schools, the reputation is broken, and other schools do not accept, even if Jin Jinyu does not come out.
       Yu Chengli made a lot of troubles, and Jin Jinyu always went to help him wipe his butt times and became bored. But in the end, they all lost in the tears of Fang-Shi.
       Suddenly, Lu-Er said:
       "I told the big brother-in-law, only this time. I will not help this later. The big brother-in-law is a face-to-face person. I don't think he will open it anymore."
       You Ji-Er is very dissatisfied and said:
       "I don't know what the big sister thinks, I found such a family." If the mother chooses, she will definitely not choose such a bad family.
       "The big brother-in-law is still good." Moreover, his eldest sister is not a person who is flattering. Although his family was bad, he did not dare to get rid of his big sister.
       "Forget it, don't say this. But the second sister, you must not let the longevity go to your home. You have to take care of it, then send it to the palace, I will take care of it." How is the family with Jin Yuyu, he is fundamentally Don't care. What he cares about is only longevity.
       Lu-Er laughed:
       "I can take care of it." Although the family is bad, the big brother-in-law is still very principled. Every time I went to the government to serve the disease, I put the longevity on her side.
       Fang-Shi did not see the grandson, very angry, no face to eat lunch.
       Jin Jinyu advised her:
       "Mother, how can I not eat this disease? Mother, how much to eat."
       Fang-Shi whispered and said:
       "What to eat? My own grandson is not allowed to see, it is better to die early." After that, he was lying on the bed.
       Jin Jinyu placed the bird's nest porridge on the mud gold table at the bedside, and then sat down without a buzz.
       "When will you bring me a long life to show me?"
       Her heart is really wrong, this mother-in-law like her, I want to see my grandson can not see.
       Jin Jinyu is still the same sentence:
       "When you move to the Princess House, when you want to see the longevity." But the government, you can't.
       "As long as you promised to let Cheng Li also move over, I naturally lived." Wu Chengli is not studying at the boarding school, but studying, sending it to the morning every morning.
       邬金玉脸 looks a little bad:
       "Mother, I will not let Yu Chengli live in the Princess House."
       "He is your shi-zi, how can you care?"
       Jin Jinyu is also angry:
       "He doesn't care what he wants, what do I care? Niang, what do you want me to do when you are satisfied? I have a good music, and now I have to take care of it. Is there anything in Jinbao that I will manage? ”
       He did not care about the ceremony, but also asked for the second princess, but the problem is that the teacher does not change. I wrote to Jin Jinbao to say this, let him pick up the ceremony and teach it well. In the letter that Jin Baobao returned, he said a lot of good words, but he did not mention the words that would be passed on.
       This relatives and mothers do not care, he is full of support and then go to the ceremony.
       Fang-Shi cried and said:
       "Jin Yu, I know that Niang makes you embarrassed. If you want to leave it, you will be ruined."
       Every time you cry, you will be promised no matter what you ask for. But now, he is a little tired:
       "Mother, I will not be ruthless. In addition, I will not manage anything after I have a big brother. If you like, you will live in the Princess House. If you are reluctant to marry, then you will stay in the government to look after him!" "The school on Lele is a boarding house, and rest for ten days." However, it is the day of rest, and Lele is also the Princess House. Even if Huang Lin went to the Princess House with Jao-Jao, he still refused to return home.
       Seeing Jin Jinyu turned and went out, Fang-Shi was anxious:
       "Golden jade, where are you going?"
       "I am going home." He has not seen his longevity for three days. He has to go to the second princess to pick up his son and go home.
       Fang-Shi cried and called Jin Jinyu, but unfortunately Jin Jinyu did not stop.
       Out of the government, the hexagons licking the golden jade face is not good-looking, carefully asked:
       "Hummer Master, is it Madam and you want to manage 1st Young Master?"
       Hex busy way:
       "Hummer Master, you should never take it any more. You control him, not only do not remember your good, but also secretly curse you, and also ruin your name javascript: sound." This 1st Young Master is completely unknown. Graceful white-eyed wolf.
       "I won't take it anymore." With this time and energy, it is better to spend more time with him.
       When Changsheng saw Jin Jinyu, he twisted his head and did not look at him. Obviously, this is mad. Jin Jinyu hugged him and was stunned by Changsheng. Don't look at the longevity of two years old, but he is very strong and will be very painful when he beats hard.
       Lu-Er touched the head of the longevity and said softly:
       "Longevity, my aunt has something to say to you, can you go to Jao-Jao to play first?"
       The longevity of the hand holding the golden jade does not let go, as if afraid to let go and see no one.
       Lu-Er's nose is slightly sour, but the face is still a smile:
       "Longevity, my aunt will say a few words to you, and it will be very soon."
       After hesitating, Changsheng said:
       "it is good."
       Longevity was taken down, Lu-Er said:
       "Big brother, I really need you for a long time. You don't know, these are * looking for you when you open your eyes, you can't find you crying."
       Jin Jinyu is also very embarrassed, said:
       "I know. If my mother is sick again, I will take her to the Princess House for care."
       "If she doesn't want her aunt?"
       If Fang-Shi is willing, he can move to the Princess House.
       In fact, Fang-Shi is not bias, she just thinks that Jin Jinyu is now well, and it is time to take care of the two shi-zis. When parents, they all hope that their children and grandchildren will have a good time.
       "I don't want to be able to do it. The longevity is still so small, he needs my care." His mother is important, but his son is equally important.
       With this in mind, Lu-Er is relieved.
       This book is from

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Han Yuxi

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