Han Yuxi 1540

Han Yuxi  

Note:  The chapter numbering from now on is a bit messed up.

       Chapter 15__ 12 Gu Yu (1)

       In March, the vegetation has just sprouted, and the wind is no longer cold. It is a good season for the road.
       The guards found the water source, and the group stopped and prepared to spend the night here.
       Rui Ji Er made a good job of water, and then gave him a hard-wearing Gu Yu:
       "Auntie, tired, come drink."
       Gu Yu did not pick up, shaking his head and said:
       "I am not thirsty, drink it yourself!"
       Rui Ji Er is not reluctant to take a bag of beef jerky from his arms and hand it to Gu Yu, laughing and saying:
       "Hungry? Let's eat some padding." Rui Ji Er likes to eat beef jerky, but because there are not many, Rao is generous, he also left a part, occasionally playing a tooth festival.
       Gu Yu did not refuse this time, but picked it up with a smile:
       "They are doing things, you can help too!"
       "Good!" After finishing, Rui Ji Er was very obedient to help build the tent.
       I have to say that the improved version of the tent is still very easy to use. At least go far, not to be grounded by the heavens and the earth.
       When Rui Ji Er left, Gu Yu younger brother Gu Zhao said:
       "Sister, give me the beef jerky!" It wasn't his mouth, it was really this beef jerky. This taste is absolutely perfect. He has grown so big that he has never eaten such a good thing.
       Gu Zhao is not the biological son of Gu Li, but the adopted son, but the 2nd Brother and sisters have a good relationship.
       Gu Yu did not hesitate to hand a pack of beef jerky to Gu Zhao:
       "Get it to eat!"
       This scene falls in the eyes of Gu Li.
       After Gu Zhao was sent away, Gu Li said:
       "Hey, 2nd Prince don't care about your attitude, but the Empress will definitely not like it."
       Gu Yu paused, and this is what I care about:
       "I don't like it, I can't do it. I am this temper."
       "Can't you change your temper?"
       This -Miss was really spoiled by him. I can think of my mother since I was a child, and I am still eager to talk.
       "I am like this, can't change." She did not want to change the x- for the cloud Qi Rui!
       Gu Lizhen can't do it, but I didn't know how many times I said it was useless. This time, I advised, and it did not work.
       Some beautiful phoenix grass grows on the water's edge, and Rui Ji Er happily took a large bunch to Gu Yu.
       No one in this Miss family likes beautiful flowers. Holding flowers, Gu Yu is not happy. But thinking about his embarrassing words, Gu Yu mood was not good at all, and asked:
       "Cloud Qi Rui, what do you say if your mother doesn't like me?"
       The closer to the capital, the more you are. Gu Li and -Lu Yongnan said something to her before, so that she has been hanging.
       Rui Ji Er opened his mouth and smiled:
       "No, my mother is the best. She wrote back to me and said that she likes it."
       Gu Yu said unhappy:
       "I said, what if she doesn't like me?"
       Rui Ji Er said with a smile:
       "You are so flattering, my mother will not dislike you. Auntie, you have to have confidence in yourself."
       Gu Yu is not so optimistic, mainly because -Lu Yongnan has been interviewing Gu Lier for too many times, which makes her feel very scared. Therefore, Gu Yu could not help but ask:
       "I want your mother not to like me, I am not allowed to marry me, what do you do when you arrive?"
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "No. My sister-in-law has already promised, and after returning to Capital City this time, we will set our affair."
       Gu Yu is angry with himself, and then he does not turn around and asks:
       "I said, in case, if your mother doesn't like me, I won't let you yell at me. What do you do when you get there? Is it to listen to your mother's innocence, or do you want me to marry me regardless of your opinion?"
       Rui Ji Er is very embarrassed, I don't know how to answer it.
       Gu Yu was very angry when he saw it. He threw the flowers on the ground and turned away.
       Three days later, the group went to the capital. Gu Li did not have his own house in the capital. He used to live in Liufu. However, -Lu Yongnan thought that Gu Yu would soon have to stay with Prince and stay in Liufu, so he wrote a letter to let -Lu Madam buy a house for them.
        - -Lu Madam started to look for a house after receiving the letter. Now the population of Capital City has a sharp drop in the number of houses, and they bought a house with a garden.
       You Ji-Er heard that Rui Ji Er was back, and left the errands on hand and ran back to the palace.
       When Rui Ji Er saw You Ji-Er, he came to a big hug:
       "Little brother, the second brother wants to die."
       The painting style turned too fast, making You Ji-Er a goosebump. Busy to push Rui Ji Er away, You Ji-Er asked:
       "Second brother, how did you become so numb?"
       Rui Ji Er took the shoulder of You Ji-Er:
       "I don't miss you too much? A-You, you have grown a lot!"
       Comparing the height of the next two, You Ji-Er cut a sigh:
       "This is not nonsense. You grow, don't I grow up? Isn't that a short winter melon?"
       The triplets, the highest is Rui Ji Er, followed by You Ji-Er, the shortest is Xuan Ji Er.
       Rui Ji Er laughed:
       "Axuan? Are you still studying at the White Tan Academy?"
       You Ji-Er was a little surprised and said:
       "Don't you tell me that the third brother went to the ground?"
       "Have it?"
       After that, Rui Ji Er touched his head and smiled:
       "A lot of time ago, I forgot." In fact, at that time, he was quarreling with Gu Yu, and the letter was lost.
       You Ji-Er is somewhat suspicious:
       "Second brother, you were not such a forgetful person before." During this time, the communication between the 2nd Brother was less. However, You Ji-Er didn't think much, thinking he was too busy. Today, it seems that there is something wrong with it.
       Rui Ji Er said with a smile:
       "There have been a lot of things lately, and I have forgotten it. Right, Axuan has never been to a distant door. Can he get used to it?"
       "Cough, the third brother can suffer." After that, he said that Xuan Ji Er was deceived and Pang Jinglun fell ill.
       After listening to Rui Ji Er, he asked some questions:
       "Why did you want to marry Axuan to go to the ground?"
       Still not to entangle the disk, it is clear that I want to let Axuan suffer. Can let her mother make such affirmation, in all likelihood, Axuan did something wrong, and this matter is not small.
       Speaking of this, You Ji-Er is also very helpless:
       "Zhong Yuting does not like the third brother, it happens to find out the matter of Zhongjia rebellion, so her mother will retreat. As a result, the third brother told her mother that if she wants to retreat, he will not live. Master Pang is going to visit the Master, and the mother will let him follow Master Pang to the ground."
       Rui Ji Er was somewhat puzzled and asked:
       "How does Niang know that Zhong Yuting doesn't like Axuan?"
       "The third brother was stabbed by the assassin. This woman was indifferent. After three days, she handed the sign into the palace." If I change to Siling, I am afraid that I will get angry. This is the gap.
       Rui Ji Er glared at You Ji-Er and asked:
       "A Xuan was hurt by such an assassin, why didn't you tell me?"
       "Do you fear that you are worried?"
       This matter, everyone has a tacit understanding of not telling Rui Ji Er.
       Rui Ji Er is very dissatisfied with this.
       You Ji-Er laughed and shifted the topic:
       "When is the family Miss Miss entering the palace? I have to go when I get there."
       "It depends on the arrangement of the mother." Speaking of this matter, Rui Ji Er is somewhat worried:
       "Adi, what if the mother does not like the aunt?"
       "How come? Mother is not so unreasonable. As long as Miss has you in your heart, the mother does not like it or beat it." After that, You Ji-Er laughed:
       "In fact, Niang does not like Zhong Yuting. It is the third brother. He likes it. When he asks for her mother, she will agree to their marriage. If it is not Zhong Yuting's own death, even if the clock is out of trouble, she will not retreat."
       Rui Ji Er does not have a city government, I heard this and laughed:
       "I said that my mother is the best."
       When you hear this, You Ji-Er knows it is wrong. However, You Ji-Er is deeply thought out and will not ask directly. Instead, he nods and agrees:
       "Those who are speculative have ruined the mother's reputation, making people think that the mother is fierce and overbearing, and that the family Miss will worry and is normal."
       Because of his identity, Rui Ji Er is still prepared for outsiders. But You Ji-Er is a close relative brother, naturally what is said:
       "I have already told Auntie that the mother is amiable, but Auntie does not believe it. I always ask me, if the mother does not let me marry her, what should I do?"
       After that, Rui Ji Er laughed:
       "I was embarrassed at the time. But fortunately, my mother is the most sensible, and will not let me fall into these two difficult situations." If the ‘Madam’ does not want her mother, it is not filial. If she wants to be a daughter-in-law, he will not be reluctant. It’s hard to think about it, let alone face it.
       You Ji-Er listened to this face instantly. What does this woman mean? This means that if the mother is not allowed to swear by her second brother, let her brother not want to marry her. How big is her face, dare to think so.
       Before Rui Ji Er was in the letter, he always said all kinds of good words of Gu Yu, You Ji-Er had an excellent impression on Gu Yu. Otherwise, You Ji-Er will not call her a second in front of Yu-Xi. But now, You Ji-Er has abandoned Gu Kai.
       When Rui Ji Er saw the face of You Ji-Er, he knew that he had said the wrong thing:
       "A-You, the aunt is too concerned about some of my problems, so I will say this."
       You Ji-Er thought deeply, and immediately smiled and saw:
       "This is normal, and Siling has always worried that she doesn't like her!"
       Rui Ji Er is very surprised and asks:
       "No? Huang Miss is a mother!"
       "So, this woman thinks a lot. Si Ling is like this, Gu Miss will worry and is normal." Yu-Xi will give something to Tan Ao-shuang and Huang Siling. In this case, Huang Siling will worry that Yu-Xi does not like her. Deliberately saying this, but it is to appease Rui Ji Er.
       Rui Ji Er is finally relieved.
       Another south said in a foreign voice:
       "The second temple, the third temple, it is time to go to Kunning Palace for lunch."
       When I arrived at Kunning Palace, I found that in addition to Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing , Qi Hao was also there.
       Yu-Xi looked at Rui Ji Er and smiled:
       "High, strong, very good."
       "Mother, the second brother is still black. Black, and the older sister will be almost the same." Rui Ji Er, now the darkest one in the family.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Black is black, boy, the most important thing is to have the ability. There is nothing to hinder."
       Yun-Qing said:
       "When I have used lunch, I have to test the school to see if your martial arts have improved?"
       "it is good."

       Chapter 15__ 13 Gu Yu (2)

       After lunch, You Ji-Er wrapped around Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, I haven't been with you for a long time. Mother, let's go for a walk in the garden, and by the way, we can eliminate food."
       After that, I gave Yu-Xi a look.
       Yu-Xi doesn't know what medicine is sold in You Ji-Er Hulu, but still smiles and nods:
       "A Rui, if you are tired of driving for so many days, just go back and rest!"
       Rui Ji Er is also really tired, and immediately nodded.
       Just the weather is good and the sun is shining. Yun-Qing and Qi Hao were also prepared to go to the garden together. As a result, they just came out of Kunning Palace, and they heard that Spanian said that the Fujian governor had sent an expedited discount. Nothing, I have to deal with business matters first. Qi Hao, also followed.
       Walking on the road, Yu-Xi clicked on the forehead of You Ji-Er and said:
       "Getting such a mysterious secret, what can't you say in front of you and your big brother?"
       "It’s a matter of Gu Yu." After that, You Ji-Er will repeat the words of Rui Ji Er.
       Yu-Xi was a little uncomfortable in listening to her heart, but soon relieved:
       "This Miss family, who doesn't want the sweetheart to care the most is himself." The difference is that most of Miss is just thinking about it, but can't say it.
       You Ji-Er doesn't think so, says:
       "She clearly wants to let the second brother do not want you to marry her. Mother, never let the second brother marry him. This dare not think of this idea before entering the door, waiting for the door to enter, will definitely make the mother and son centrifuge brother lost with."
       Yu-Xi couldn’t help but smile and said:
       "You are worried about people, how can it be so serious?"
       "Why didn't you? This kind of thing, I heard much more in the criminal department." So, be sure to annihilate the source.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I sent people to explore, Gu family Miss temper is a bit big, but good character." Otherwise, she will not let go.
       "In case the news of the investigation is wrong? Mother, can not let the second brother repeat the mistakes of the third brother." At that time, it must be another toss. His mother is tired, and her second brother is tired.
       Yu-Xi is afraid of having a case, so I insisted on seeing myself and then deciding. If not, according to the idea of ​​Rui Ji Er, the marriage has already been fixed. However, she will not say to You Ji-Er:
       "The thing of your second brother, the mother has a number, you don't care."
       "If she is like a big brother, I don't have to worry about it. Mother, I think the second brother's ‘Madam’ is still picking it! The eyes of the second brother, I really have no confidence." Yu-Xi vision, You Ji -Er is very trusting. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s beautiful and temperamental, and people are generous. It’s hard to pick up the problem. It was Shi Ling who just started to feel boring, but he was exposed to it, but he was more and more fond of him.
       Yu-Xi has thoughts in mind, but there is no half-point on the surface:
       "I know, don't worry about it."
       Say, Yu-Xi smiles at the back of You Ji-Er:
       "Love with such care, be careful to become a bad old man."
       You Ji-Er sighed and said in an old-fashioned manner:
       "If you are a mother, you don't have to worry about it."
       Yu-Xi is not happy:
       "How can I not care, can you grow up so well?"
       After listening to this, You Ji-Er laughed:
       "Mother, I am sorry. It is also because the third brother's business has cast a shadow on me, which makes me anxious." If Gu Yu is really bad, her mother will certainly not agree to this marriage. Therefore, he is completely worried.
       "With your third brother's first thing, my mother won't be so sloppy to set up your second brother's family. Everything, wait for the mother to meet Gu Jia Miss." Then, Yu-Xi said:
       "In front of your second brother, don't talk too much." Rui Ji Er's marriage, she and Yun-Qing can be the master, but You Ji-Er can not intervene.
       "Know it." Concerns are chaotic, and the old saying is really correct. He has made such a mistake now.
       Thinking of this, You Ji-Er looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, it seems that I have to learn a lot." I want to cultivate to the realm of his mother who is in front of the mountain and does not change color. It is still far away!
       Rui Ji Er came back and looked forward to seeing Yu-Xi every day. As a result, there has been no movement in the past five days.
       Rui Ji Er waited for such a long time, can't wait any longer, asks:
       "Mother, when did you see Auntie?"
       When he set his family's affairs earlier, he was also practical.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "The Fujian Sailors accident, Jiangxi Yicheng has caused a lot of people to be injured and injured. I have been busy with you for scoring. I have to ask Miss to enter the palace after I have finished handling these things."
       Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi a bit strangely, but he would not take the Yu-Xi in front of his son.
       Since it is for business, Rui Ji Er naturally has no objection:
       "Mother, I want to go out of the palace."
       "You have grown up, it’s an Daren. If you go out later, don’t go back to me with you." After that, Yu-Xi added:
       "But bring a guard."
       Rui Ji Er laughed:
       "I will."
       When the husband and ‘Madam’ arrived at the Qing Palace, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Do you not like Gu?"
       Although the Fujian Sailors had some trouble, and Yichun in Jiangxi also had ground movements, he could handle them all.
       Yu-Xi was silent, and then said to Yun-Qing :
       "This Miss has always worried that I would not like her. I also asked if A Rui would disagree with her, what should A Rui prepare?"
       With Xuan Ji Er, Yun-Qing has a shadow. After listening to this, Yun-Qing asked with a calm face:
       "How did A Rui answer?"
       "Rui Ji Er is very embarrassed, no answer." Yu-Xi knows that this is not angry, just that this Miss is not smart. If it is a clever one, she should ask her about her preferences and know her jealousy, and then ask her the future mother-in-law's favor. Instead of using words to force Rui Ji again and again. Even if Rui Ji Er really said that she would die, what about her? If she and Yun-Qing really don't allow her to enter, then Rui Ji Er can't marry her.
       Yun-Qing Huo Da:
       "Don't see you. You have to set the marriage of Rui Ji Er."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Or see you first. If you are dissatisfied after seeing it, then refuse. If you don't see it, you will refuse. What do you want A Rui to think?"
       Yun-Qing has no objection, just said:
       "It's all you. If you choose directly on the day, don't you have this now?"
       It is not reliable to let the children choose themselves, or they have to make a decision.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "It is too early to say this, and I will see people later."
       After waiting for so many days, I did not see Yu-Xi calling. Gu Yu was also very angry. When he saw Rui Ji Er, he began to lose his temper:
       "Since your mother doesn't like me, why did you let me go back to Capital City from Changzhou? Is this playing me as a monkey?"
       Rui Ji Er explained:
       "My mother is too busy recently. After a few days, she will see you when she is busy with things on hand."
       "Who are you swearing? Can you not get out of it for a long time? But I want to hang out, let me know and retreat." After that, Gu whispered and said:
       "Forget it, if you don't see it, you won't see it. I will go back to Changzhou tomorrow."
       Rui Ji Er has lost all of it, and he hasn’t taken care of him for a long time. And this scene, all fall in the dark guards of the dark.
       After Gu Yu took the Rui Ji Er away, he went back to the house to pack his bags and went back to Changzhou.
       Gu Li was scared and could not discourage her.
       Gu Yu was so angry that tears came:
       "Hey, let's say that we will set up our affair when we enter Capital City. I don't want to see me now. If you don't agree to say it, I won't agree with Yun Rui." Agree with them. And this attitude is clearly not taking her seriously.
       Gu Likuan comforted:
       "There has been a lot of courts recently, and the Empress is busy with government affairs." National events are naturally more important than children's personal feelings.
       Gu Yu said:
       "There is nothing worse than this half-day. Besides, there is the emperor! Hey, she just doesn't want to see me, I feel that my identity is low and I can't afford to cloud Qi Rui to deliberately give me ugly."
       "You just like to think about it. If the Empress doesn't wait for you, you won't agree with this marriage." After that, Gu Li said with a self-blame:
       "If you want to blame, you will not be able to do anything, and you will not have a good background." He knows that Gu Yu does not like Qi Rui, but he feels that he is too low and somewhat inferior. Gu Ni self-esteem is particularly strong, so with Qi Rui, she will suffer.
       Gu Yu has some self-blame:
       "Oh, I don't. I think the Empress is different."
       Gu Li busy shook his head and said:
       "No. The Empress has always been a promise. If you promise, you will not regret it. You also relax your mind, don't think about it."
       "Oh, I am afraid." She was afraid that the Empress would go back and refused to agree with Yun Rui.
       Gu Li actually has no bottom in his heart, but he can't show it in front of Gu Yu:
       "Don't be afraid, everything is fine, now it's just a cut."
       In the evening, Yu-Xi smiled and asked Qi Rui in front of the 2nd Brother of Qihao:
       "A Rui, go to see Miss today, she is not angry with her mother?"
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "Nothing. Aunt knows that you are worried from morning to night, and that the body is the most important, let me advise you to rest more."
       Yu-Xi couldn't help but laugh when he heard this:
       "is it?"
       Unexpectedly, Rui Ji Er could even blink. When Gu Yu saw Rui Ji Er, he was complaining except for his temper. He once said such intimate words.
       Rui Ji Er had a moment of guilty conscience, but soon he straightened and said:
       "Yes! Mother, you must pay attention to your body, don't be tired."
       The presence of people is fine, how can you not see the wrong thing of Rui Ji Er. Qi Hao squinted, but seeing Yu-Xi did not reveal the color, he did not say anything.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "That tomorrow, I will declare her into the palace." Before said, please enter the palace, and now say Xuanjin Palace. The difference between words is that this attitude is a world apart.
       In fact, Yu-Xi is a bit curious. I want to see what is special about this Miss, so that Qi Rui will lie to her for her.
       Qi Hao and You Ji-Er heard the difference. However, Rui Ji Er has always been careless, did not hear the mystery inside.

       Chapter 15__ 14 Gu Yu (3)

       Looking at the drizzle from the bottom, Rui Ji Er really thinks the sky is not beautiful. It’s too unlucky to rain on a good day.
       You Ji-Er saw a smile:
       "Second brother, what kind of brows do you wrinkle?"
       In front of You Ji-Er, Rui Ji Er never hides:
       "I don't know why, I always feel that it is not smooth today." In fact, Gu Yu lack of self-confidence has affected Rui Ji Er. The weather is not good, just to bring him out of this worry.
       You Ji-Er suddenly remembered an interesting story he saw in the book:
       "Second brother, if the mother and the family Miss are caught by the bad guys at the same time, who will you save first?"
       "How can I get caught by the bad guys?"
       There are a lot of guards around his mother, and people who are not absolutely trusting can't get close.
       You Ji-Er is full of black lines:
       "I mean if it is. If the mother and Gu are caught by the bad guys, who will you save first?"
       Rui Ji Er feels that this problem is somewhat difficult, and asks:
       "Who do you think you should save first?"
       "This is still used to ask? Of course, it is necessary to save the mother first." After that, You Ji-Er looked at the embarrassed Rui Ji Er, laughing:
       "You don't have to answer." Seeing Rui Ji Er knows that this Gu Yu is equally important to his mother in his heart.
       After breakfast, Yu-Xi saw that Rui Ji Er was unwilling to leave, looked at her with a sly look, and said with a smile:
       "You can rest assured that I will not care for Miss."
       Yun-Qing 's face is ugly, and she said that she had forgotten her mother. This Gu Yu has not passed the door, Rui Ji Er looks like this. Waiting for the door, Rui Ji Er has their husband and ‘Madam’ in the eyes!
       After glanced at Rui Ji, Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "You haven't been to see your big sister and second sister for a few days, are you decent?"
       These Tianrui Ji Er’s every day in the Imperial Palace, just went out yesterday to see Gu Yu, and I don’t remember to visit the two sisters, Jao-Jao and Lu-Er.
       Rui Ji Er didn't want to go, but he didn't dare to violate the meaning of Yun-Qing :
       "Well, I will wait until I will."
       You Ji-Er smiled:
       "Hey, I haven't seen Changsheng with Jao-Jao for a long time. Let me go with my second brother!"
       "You can't delay the errand." You Ji-Er performed very well in the penalty department and often praised Han Jianming. Although Yun-Qing will be modest when he hears these compliments, he is extremely satisfied.
       When Gu Yu entered the palace gate, he began to be nervous.
        - -Lu Madam Hao-Shi sees it, smiles and pulls her hand and says:
       "Don't be afraid, the Empress is very kind." Who can think of this, Miss has been so creative, to be Wangfei. After thinking of the draft, only Prince was not given a marriage, and they were still groaning.
       This did not make Gu Yu have the slightest relaxation. The closer she is to Kunning Palace, the more nervous she is. At the door of Kunning Palace, her palms were sweating.
       Mei-Lan came out in person and welcomed the two into the small living room.
       As soon as he entered the small living room, Gu Yu saw the Yu-Xi sitting on the top and immediately stopped.
       Yu-Xi is wearing a long lavender dress with a white brocade embroidered with phoenix. Black and black hair is on the back of the head, and a double happiness doubles in the hairpin. The appearance is outstanding, although there are light lines between the brows, but the skin color is white and tender, and the young girl who is not inferior to the 18th.
       Gu Yu and Rui Ji Er have been good for half a year, knowing that Yu-Xi has been thirty-nine this year. It’s not so much older than her age.
       At this time, Yu-Xi is also looking at Gu Ruran. The double eyebrows are curved, the skin color is black, and the bright teeth are also a beauty.
       Hao-Shi gave Yu-Xi a ritual, and then he looked at Yu-Xi with a stupid stance, and he was in a hurry.
       Pulled the hand of Gu Yu and whispered it:
       "Auntie, give the empress a gift."
       Gu Yu came back to God, and quickly took a blessing:
       "The Empress Wanfu Jinan."
       Yu-Xi Buddha started, smiled and said:
       "sit down!"
       Mei-Lan greeted the palace girl and went to tea and pastries. Because Yu-Xi knows that Gu Yu doesn't like to drink tea, she told me in advance that this will give her a cup of freshly squeezed grape juice. The pastries are all liked by Gu Yu. However, at this time, Gu Yu was very nervous and did not pay attention to these details.
       After the palace ladies went down, Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       “I don’t know how much Master Miss is?”
       Gu Yu lowered his head and whispered:
       In fact, all of these Yu-Xi know, just ask again:
       "Reading a book?"
       After hearing this question, Gu Yu clasped his hands in one piece, and after a long time, he said:
       "I haven't read it."
       Who doesn't know that the Empress likes to read the book's Miss. When the draft was drafted, one of the conditions must be the book. If you haven't read a book, you are not eligible to stand for election.
        - -Lu Madam heard this, busy:
       "The child didn't read the book seriously, but he recognized a lot of words."
       "Is the thousand-character literature finished?"
       Gu Yu hand is loose, then he is clenched. Repeatedly and repeatedly, finally gritted and said:
       "I will only write my name and my name."
       Not to mention Yu-Xi, -Lu Madam was surprised. The husband did not mention it to her.
       In fact, after -Lu Yongnan knew that Gu Yu and Qi Rui were good, he let the aides teach her to read and write. However, Gu Yu does not like to study, and feels very boring. And after learning the blink of an eye and forgetting, for half a month, she gave up.
       Yu-Xi didn't ask the female red needle thread. It doesn't matter if her daughter-in-law doesn't have a needlework female red. These are the cooks and embroidered mothers:
       "Then will you settle it?"
       "No." After all said it, Gu Yu did not have scruples:
       "I am not a husband of the account, do you learn this?"
        - -Lu Madam's smile on his face can no longer be maintained.
       Yu-Xi has a different look, and there is a gentle smile on his face:
       "What will you do?"
       Rui Ji Er said that Gu Yu had learned the "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Characters", and the words inside were all recognized. Otherwise, she would not agree at all on the same day.
       Gu Yu said:
       "I will martial arts. My martial arts is higher than Yun Rui, and I can protect him in the future."
        - -Lu Madam is speechless, this is not looking for a guard. It doesn't matter if the female red needle does not recognize the word. Can not even account, how to manage the house in the future?
       Yu-Xi listened to this, but I felt that Gu Yu heart was good. But this is a life, not a good heart.
       Standing up, Yu-Xi smiled and said to the two:
       "Come with me to go to the garden!"
       On the way to the garden, Yu-Xi did not talk to Gu Yu again, but chatted with -Lu Madam.
       Gu Yu did not feel that he was left out, but he refused to talk to -Lu Madam. In this way, I will not ask her.
       The breeze blew, and the crystal clear dewdrops slid down the leaves and jumped cheerfully. The green flowers and grasses are more delicate and green under the shower of rain and dew.
       Nowadays, it is the season of blooming flowers. Gu Yu looks at the garden and the flowers are bright and colorful. I feel that I have entered the fairyland and can’t help but admire:
       "What a nice view."
       Yu-Xi smiled and didn't speak.
        - -Lu Madam When you see it, you know that this marriage is a blow. However, she can understand that it is absolutely impossible for her son to marry such a ‘Madam’ who can't do anything.
       Yu-Xi talked with -Lu Madam very much. At this time, the lotus seed ran over in a hurry.
       Seeing Yu-Xi, the lotus seed cried and said:
       "The Empress, not good, 2nd Prince was seriously injured by the assassin."
       Yu-Xi The whole person shook a bit.
       Gu Yu said the lotus seeds and said:
       "Impossible, Cloud Qi Rui has his own martial arts, and there are so many martial arts guards around him, how could it be seriously injured by the assassin."
        - -Lu Madam hate to hold Gu Yu mouth.
       The lotus seed did not take care of it, but cried to Yu-Xi:
       "The Empress, 2nd Prince are now unconscious and look bad!"
       Yu-Xi This will have recovered and asked while walking outside:
       "where are you now?"
       "Kunning Palace"
       Gu Yu looked at the lotus seed with a suspicious look, and then followed up.
       At this time, You Ji-Er and Rui Ji Er are not far behind the Crescent Moon Gate.
       Seeing the performance of Yu-Xi and Gu Yu, You Ji-Er said:
       "Second brother, you saw it, my mother heard that you have a life-threatening risk and it is scary to stand up. Can you look at it? Nothing happens when you hear this."
       In fact, Gu Yu is also worried, just more rational, I feel that Rui Ji is not so good. Yu-Xi, but cares and chaos, lost the usual calm. Most importantly, Yu-Xi did not expect the 2nd Brother to make such jokes.
       When Yu-Xi passed the Crescent Moon Gate, he saw Rui Ji and You Ji-Er.
       You Ji-Er saw that Yu-Xi was anxious, and some guilty:
       Yu-Xi saw that the two were intact and the whole person slowed down. Just now, she really scared her. The last time Xuange was assassinated, so the people who went back and forth said that there was no danger. This time, you can directly say that you have a life worry.
       Gu Yu saw that Rui Ji was a good end, but he was too angry:
       "Cloud Qi Rui, are you sick? Good end said that you are dying, who do you want to scare?"
       Qi Rui face turned red in an instant. In the past, he yelled at him in private, but he was very embarrassed when he yelled at him and his younger brother.
       You Ji-Er looks at Gu Yu, if the eyes can kill people, Gu Yu is dead:
       "I can't scare you anyway."
       Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief and said to Mei-Lan:
       "Send -Lu Madam and follow Miss to go back."
       Mei-Lan blessed and said to -Lu Madam and Gu Yu:
       "-Lu Madam, Gu Miss, please."
       After -Lu Madam and Gu Yu left, You Ji-Er hung his head and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I am sorry, I am shocked."
       Rui Ji Er also quickly admits the mistake.
       Yu-Xi did not say a word, turned and left. The 2nd Brother wanted to keep up, but they were stopped by Mei-Lan.
       Mei-Lan is annoyed:
       "Two of Your Highness, the Four Highness, you are too noisy. Have you ever thought about what should happen if the Empress is in a hurry?"
       She was scared to death just now, let alone the Empress. The result is a prank of two people.
       You Ji-Er, I know that I am afraid. As for Rui Ji Er, I regret it too. He is blinded by lard, or if you just want to be rid of You Ji-Er!

       Chapter 15__ 15 Sticks (1)

       Yun-Qing was talking to a minister, and he saw Yu-Xi coming in.
       Although the look of Yu-Xi is no different from usual, Yun-Qing is keenly aware that she is very upset. However, there is a minister, he is not easy to ask.
       Yu-Xi stands next to Yun-Qing and says:
       "You continue." She is clear about the things in the middle of the country. This time, more than a dozen ministers gathered here to talk about the collusion of pirates among the Fujian sailors.
       Yuan Ying said:
       "The emperor, the Empress, must show Duan Qidong's first public, while withdrawing the post of the chief of the fall foliage, and then investigate his responsibility for oversight." Duan Qidong is the confidant of Qiu Jin, he was also found to have pirates Collusion.
       Tan Tuo did not agree, saying:
       "The emperor, the Empress, the autumn family entangled Fujian for many years, if this is because of the withdrawal of the general staff of the fall, the fear of Fujian will be chaotic." Fujian Sailors said that the court is the soldiers, in fact, the generals of the sailors only Listen to the orders of the autumn family. The order of the court is a piece of waste paper for them.
       Yu-Xi did not speak.
       Once the generals of Qiu Jin are withdrawn, they will definitely reverse. Now the court is not easy to rest for two years, the state treasury has a little balance, really can not fight again. Moreover, the situation of the Donghu people is still unclear, and it is necessary to preserve the strength.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Duan Qidong is the first to show the public. Anyone who has pirates and collusion is all executed. Qiu Jin, does not dismiss, but pursues his crime of oversight."
       Shen Chunting is relieved, and it is the most costly to fight. Now that the treasury is empty, it can't stand the toss.
       After talking about it, Yun-Qing let all the ministers go out and then asked Yu-Xi:
       "It’s so ugly to enter the door, what's wrong? Is it that you don't agree with the marriage, Rui Ji Er is having trouble with you?"
       It is also the thing of Xuan Ji Er, let him think like this.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No. It is You Ji-Er. This child just forced the lotus seed to tell me that Rui Ji was seriously injured and had a life risk. I was scared and half of my life was gone." Now think about it, still have a lingering fear!
       "This child is too inconspicuous. You can rest assured that I will pick them up later." However, before you clean up You Ji-Er, you still have to ask what is going on:
       "A-You why do you tell such a lie?"
       "It is estimated that I want to see Gu Yu know that Rui Ji Er has a life risk, what will be the reaction?"
       Although I didn't ask, I was guessed half by Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing asked:
       "What reaction does she have? Will it not be indifferent?"
       Rui Ji Er’s vision should not be as bad as Xuan’s.
       Thinking of Gu reaction at the time, Yu-Xi smiled:
       "This child is more calm than me. At that time, I suspected that the lotus seed was lying." As for Gu Yu reprimanding Qi Rui, she did not say.
       Yun-Qing ’s view is not like this:
       "If she really puts Rui Ji on the apex of the heart, it is impossible to calm down. If you change to the news that you heard my serious injury, can you calm down?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "It doesn't make any sense to argue. This Miss woman doesn't know how to cook, and doesn't know how to settle accounts. Nothing will happen." Only by these points, Yu-Xi will not promise this marriage. Not to mention, this Miss temper is still so big.
       “Rui Ji Er is not saying that Miss is literate? She also said that her account is very good.” After that, Yun-Qing understands:
       "In order to care for him, he dared to lie to us?"
       For such a woman, she even lie.
       "Don't talk about Gu business. Now I have to think about how to punish these two children. I even said that such a lie scares me." A few more times, I will definitely have to live for ten years.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "The two stinky boys are itchy, and I will give them loose bones."
       Yu-Xi still did not answer, I heard Lu Bai voice:
       "The emperor, the Empress, the second temple and the four temples to see."
       I feel that this sound is wrong, Yu-Xi is busy:
       "Let them come in."
       Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er are dressed in singles with a bundle of thorns on their backs. When I walked into the dry palace, I fell down. You Ji-Er said with a purple-green face:
       "Mother, I am sorry, I am sinful with my second brother."
       Yu-Xi is mad. Is this sin? This is clearly angering her. If the disease is a good one, let her worry.
       Yun-Qing is also not good-looking:
       "I don't have to wear clothes any more. Now I am young and hard to toss. When I get old, I feel sorry for it."
       Looking at the sinking Yu-Xi, You Ji-Er got up and asked the followers to bring the clothes in.
       Yun-Qing and other two people dressed, this asked:
       "Say? Why do you lied that Aru was seriously injured?"
       You Ji-Er first sneaked a glance at the Yu-Xi, and saw Yu-Xi sitting in the chair without moving, and said:
       "I asked my second brother, if Niang and Gu Yu were arrested by the bad guys, who will save the second brother? The second brother didn't say anything, I thought about such a bad idea." He just wanted to let Rui Ji see clearly. Only the mother in the world is the one who loves them the most.
       Yun-Qing heard this anger and -called at Rui Ji Er:
       "Get out, we don't have a son like you." They have a hard time raising their brethren, and now they want to put a Yu-Xi for a woman. Although it is only a test, it also makes him intolerable.
       This is very heavy.
       Rui Ji is so big, has not received such a heavy word. Immediately, the eyelids were a little red.
       You Ji-Er is surprised that this test is overdone:
       "Hey, mother, it's my fault, don't be angry."
       Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "Go out all!" I have to say that today's events not only angered Yun-Qing , but also touched the bottom line of Yu-Xi.
       The two will not move, Yun-Qing swears:
       "Get out. If you don't leave, I will let the guards drag you out."
       You Ji-Er is reluctant to pull Rui Ji out.
       Yun-Qing held the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Don't be upset, wait until I will pick them up."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "There is nothing to be sad about. I have said that my ‘Madam’ has forgotten her mother. This old saying is true. The son can’t stand it, so you must be good and stay with me."
       Looking at Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Is it not sad?"
       For so many years, Yu-Xi is not sad, he still can see it.
       "Don't be angry with you, Rui Ji is not thinking that Gu Yu is more important than me. He just thinks that this question is too difficult to answer." Waiting for Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi continues to say:
       "If I ask you, if I am in danger with my mother-in-law, you have to save someone first, how do you answer?"
       This is really bad to answer.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "But we gave birth to him to raise him, and Gu Yucai knows how long he has known him."
       "This can only show that Rui Ji Er really cares about this Miss. Just, this Miss is not suitable for Rui Ji."
       Yun-Qing felt that this was wrong and asked:
       "What do you mean, if this Miss is suitable for Rui Ji, you are not against it?"
       "If the two are suitable for what to do, I will be opposed to him when he is accompanying him. I don’t like it. If you don’t like it, let them move out after they become a relative. After dinner, they will eat in the palace and they will not see it. Net." It is not easy to find someone you like. Unfortunately, Gu Yu is not suitable for Rui Ji Er. Otherwise, she doesn't want to be a good fight.
       Yun-Qing laughed:
       "Mother-in-law like you is really a hundred years old." He was mad at half-hearted, and Yu-Xi was not angry at all.
       In fact, Yu-Xi is not not angry, but it is useless to know that it is mad. Which mother-in-law and grandmother are important, this was originally a difficult problem.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "This is a mother, naturally I hope my son and daughter-in-law can be beautiful and beautiful. They live well, we can feel at ease."
       Yun-Qing , who was originally angry, listened to these words, and the anger of his heart also dissipated.
       After finishing the matter at hand, the husband and ‘Madam’ returned to Kunning Palace. As soon as I entered the palace, I saw Rui Ji and You Ji-Er in the yard.
       Half-celery walked over and said:
       "The emperor, the Empress, the second temple and the four halls have been squatting for a long time, and we are not allowed to go back."
       The husband and ‘Madam’ entered the palace, and Yun-Qing turned to Yu-Xi:
       "Let them squat, this time don't feel soft." It is also a woman's sympathy, if you change to other mothers to hear this, I am afraid that the heart will be cold.
       This time, Yu-Xi didn't have a soft heart and kept the Brother squatting. When it was dark, they didn't let them go into the house.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Hey, mother, heavy dew at night. Although A Rui and Axuan are in good health, let them get up early tomorrow, surely get sick. It is still you who are distressed."
       Looking at the eldest son, Yun-Qing is depressed:
       "A-Hoa, you said that they can't be like you?"
       Six children, only Kaihao heart. From small to large, they did not let their husband and ‘Madam’ fuck their hearts.
       Qi Hao smiled:
       "I am the eldest son, definitely not the same as A Rui."
       In fact, there are many problems in Qi Hao, but most of the Yu-Xi efforts are on him. What shortcomings he found was quickly discovered and then corrected. For triplets, it is inevitable to ignore them.
       Forget it, triplets are not the eldest son, and some shortcomings are not a big deal. Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi and saw her nod, then she said:
       "Let them come in!"
       After a day, my legs were stiff. When I got up, my legs seemed to be hurt by thousands of needles.
       Into the room, I saw two leather cushions in front of Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi. Even if the leg hurts badly, he is honestly lying on the mat.
       You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, you have to be punished, just ask you not to be angry."
       "Do you know where you are wrong?"
       You Ji-Er hangs his head and says:
       "It shouldn't be a liar to say that the second brother was seriously injured and scared the mother. Mother, I am not thinking about it."
       "anything else?"
       You Ji-Er looked at Yu-Xi and said with a sigh:
       "And? What else?"
       Apart from this, he didn't feel that he was doing something wrong!
       Yu-Xi asked coldly:
       "Then I ask you, if Qi Hao and A Rui are both hijacked by the monks at the same time, and you can only save one, who will you save?"
       Qi Hao and Rui Ji Er looked at You Ji-Er. In an instant, You Ji-Er felt a lot of pressure.
       "The question you raised is simply not human. I know that you are good for A Rui, but this kind of behavior is very unacceptable." You Ji-Er has to hold this attitude, and the Brother will definitely have conflicts in the future. .
       "Mother, I am wrong." After that, You Ji-Er said to Rui Ji Er:
       "Second brother, I am sorry, I have made you smart."
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "I am also wrong, I should not be unclear, and it should not be fooled by you." It is also because I used to listen to You Ji-Er since I was a child. Although I am not willing, I have no objection to it.
       Seeing this situation, Yu-Xi is a little better.
       Ps: The fifth is around two and a half, and the sixth is at eight.

       Chapter 15__ 16 Sticks (2)

       Yun-Qing saw that both Brother were aware of their mistakes and secretly nodded.
       Kai Hao said:
       "What you are most sorry about is Niang." What method can't be used, but it is the most undesirable. He has always felt that You Ji-Er is smart, and now it seems to be a little clever.
       "I know, I will not make such a mistake in the future." This time, You Ji-Er really regretted it. Otherwise, he will not be honestly outside for a day.
       After the matter was finished, Yu-Xi let Kai Hao go out with You Ji-Er, leaving only Rui Ji Er.
       Rui Ji Er knows that this is to tell him about him.
       Yun-Qing is the first to open:
       "I won't let you care for you, you will die this heart!" In a word, the road was blocked.
       Today, this is the case, and Rui Ji heart has long had a hunch that this family member is afraid that it will not be completed. It is only when things are coming, he still can't accept it. After all, Gu Yu is his love Miss:
       "Hey, mother, I really like aunt."
       Yu-Xi Hold Yun-Qing 's hand and stop him from opening:
       "Mother knows that you really like Gu Yu, if you don't agree to let you marry her before. But A Rui, Yi Niang does not agree with you to marry her, not because she is low, but she is not suitable for you." Finally, there are many people in the high position. Just the master of Yun-Qing is just a farmer.
       Even if you die, Rui Ji Er will die and understand:
       "Mother, you just saw her, how can I be sure she is not suitable for me?"
       This is a bit too arbitrary.
       Well, it’s not like a Xuan Ji Er who wants to die for a woman, better than expected.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "You said that Gu Yu recognized the words in "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Characters". But in fact, she only writes her own name. If she really has the heart, even if she first starts not acknowledging the word, this is big. It is time to finish the words of these two books in half a year."
       Rui Ji Er explained:
       "Mother, Auntie doesn't like to study, she has a headache when she sees the book." In fact, he said that he also had some guilty conscience. Because, this is where he lies. In order to let Yu-Xi have a good impression on Gu Yu, he said a lot of lies.
       Yun-Qing frowned. However, he is not good at reasoning, so he did not interject.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Your older sister doesn't like to study. When she sees the book, she wants to sleep. But she also finished the four books and five classics. She doesn't understand what it means in the book, but at least she remembers the words in the book." Persistence, Jao-Jao words are also well written. At least in the military, that is absolutely enough to see.
       Rui Ji Er knows the Jao-Jao temperament child, she thinks that studying is the most bitter errand in the world. It is so good that I have been studying with Master for five years. The cultural level is no worse than him.
       Yu-Xi looks very peaceful and says:
       "In addition, she will not be ignorant of the number will not be accounted for. Female red cooking skills do not understand it does not matter, when you can ask the cooking skills with embroidered mother, countless are not knowledgeable will not be considered how to manage the house in the future? She doesn't know anything. In the future, do you have children who teach?"
       Yun-Qing said:
       "You don't point at us. I am so old with your mother, I don't have the energy to teach you the house." One by one pointed at them, this is to make them tired and die.
       I used to think that Yu-Xi said this, and it was not human. Now I have to admire Yu-Xi, it is far-sighted.
       Rui Ji Er also wants to fight for:
       "Mother, Auntie is not not learning, she also learned very carefully. But she learned to blink and forget, how can not remember."
       In fact, this is not to say better.
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "I can't finish the "Hundred Family Names" and thousands of characters in one year? I don't know how to study in a year?"
       This is not a difficult thing.
       Rui Ji Er hesitated and said:
       "Mother, this is very easy for you, but it is too difficult for the aunt." Although he only gave up after more than half a month, it is also true that Gu Yu does not go in.
       Yu-Xi suddenly plugs. Mainly Yu-Xi really did not think about this, she always thought that this Miss can not eat hard, not willing to change for Rui Ji Er.
       Yun-Qing couldn’t help but hear this, saying:
       "That can't be embarrassed. If you marry her, what should the child do like her in the future? Your brain will not turn fast enough, you have to be so stupid, and your children should not be stupid like pigs in the future?" If you swear, you will get what you want, but you will hurt your children." Xuan Ji Er was weak and ignorant, and he read a little while reading, but his mind was also turning fast. If not, learning will not be as good. Can Rui Ji children can not read, the reaction is also relatively slow, it is also a little talent for martial arts.
       Yu-Xi speaks euphemistically, but Yun-Qing is very straightforward, and no matter whether Rui Ji can bear it. In fact, Rui Ji Er's IQ is not bad, it is of a medium standard. It’s just that Kai Hao and A-You are learning things very quickly, and it seems that he is worse.
       Rui Ji Er really didn't think so far, and I didn't know how to answer it.
       Inside the house, the inspection was in a silence.
       For a long time, Yu-Xi asked:
       "A Rui, are you feeling with Miss, do you feel tired?"
       Rui Ji Er’s heart was shocked, looking up at Yu-Xi, and asked with difficulty:
       "Mother, how do you say this?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Gu Yu is a very self-respecting Miss. But your status is too big, so she doesn't feel confident. It will become very sensitive after a long time. When she hits something, she will think about it and then she will lose your temper. You yourself Counting, how many times have you been arguing during this time? Are you noisy for what?"
       Neither of them knew how many times they had been quarreling, and each time they were noisy for some small things. Every time, Rui Ji Er took the initiative to retreat to compromise.
       Yu-Xi said slowly:
       "Tan Miss is the daughter of the family, and the yellow Miss is also the Miss of the Scholar's House. After that, the ‘Madam’ of Xuan Ji Er is definitely a famous person. But the family Miss is nothing, and a few of them are all the same. Excellent, with her temperament, do you think she will live happily? If she doesn't live well, will she spread the air on you? Because if it is not married, she won't have to work so hard. And you endure it. For a moment, can you endure for a lifetime? After a long time, you must be a grievance."
       Rui Ji Er stunned. I remember when I first met Gu Yu, it was a wonderful and fun-loving Miss. Although he has a big temper, he really likes it. After the two were better, Gu Yu often inexplicably lost his temper for a little bit of a trifle, and the number of times was increasing, which made him feel a little tired.
       Seeing Rui Ji Er like this, Yu-Xi is not unexpected:
       "A Rui, Gu Miss is a good Miss, but she is not suitable for you. If you insist on marrying her, it will only harm her." Miss, who can't read the literacy, is everywhere, and many of them are also good. Ke Rui Ji is Prince, his ‘Madam’ can not be illiterate and inferior and still very slow. To Rui Ji Er insisted on ignoring, this Miss can not be integrated into their circle. Excluded by everyone, with this Miss temperament, I am afraid that I will drive myself crazy.
       Yun-Qing thinks that Yu-Xi is too soft, and immediately put aside:
       "If you insist on being jealous, I will not stop with your mother, but we will not manage it."
       Yu-Xi said with a tired face:
       "I have to rest, go back and think about it yourself!"
       Rui Ji Er went back in a heavy mood.
       You Ji-Er regrets and solemnly apologizes to Rui Ji Er:
       "Second brother, I am sorry, it is my fault, it hurts you."
       "It has nothing to do with you, it is my own problem." Perhaps he and the aunt were wrong at first.
       Qi Hao glanced at the two and then stared at You Ji-Er with a black face:
       "I finally said it again. You must tell me in advance if you want to do anything else. Otherwise, I want you to look good."
       "I know, there will be no next time." After receiving this lesson, I will dare to make up my mind in the future.
       Kai Hao sent You Ji-Er back to his palace and turned to ask Rui Ji Er:
       "Isn't you promised this marriage?"
       Rui Ji Er nodded.
       Qi Hao sat down and asked; "What do you think? Like Axuan, would you rather die?"
       Rui Ji Er lowered his head and shook his head sadly. Her mother has always seen the problem, he did not want to harm the aunt.
       "You can think so well. Your affair, or let the mother be the master. The people they choose are definitely good." Tan Ao-shuang, it is very appetizing for him. Therefore, he is now looking forward to the arrival of the big marriage.
       It may be good to choose a girl, but it will not be what he likes. Rui Ji Er does not like the so-called dignified and elegant everyone, and feels like a model carved out, very boring. It’s just that, he didn’t say it.
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "Big brother, I don't want to be a relative for the time being. I want to make a career first and then consider the matter of getting married."
       Qi Hao shook his head:
       "This matter, my mother will have considerations." According to Kai Hao thoughts, when Rui Ji Er is now loose, he will quickly set his affair. In this way, it also cut off the possibility of his follow-up.
       The idea of ​​Yun-Qing is the same as that of Qihao:
       "Hurry up and settle down Ari family."
       "Now I am rushing to set people down, not to harm someone Miss. Or wait until he figured it out." This kind of thing, slowly come, can't worry.
       Yun-Qing This time, I don’t listen to Yu-Xi:
       "Hurry up and fix his affair. If you don't find the right one, I will find one for him."
       Yu-Xi is a little anxious:
       "This is a child's life, you don't mess."
       "Marriage is a big event, the words of the parents are the mediators. Their marriage is originally that I have the final say." After that, Yun-Qing did not swear with Yu-Xi:
       "I will give you a month. If you want to choose a good person within one month, then listen to me."
       Yun-Qing 's eyes are no better than Rui Ji Er. The person he chose, Yu-Xi, how to rest assured.
       Yun-Qing Said:
       "Don't worry about the person I chose, then you will pick one out." Tan Ao-shuang and Huang Siling, Miss, he felt very good.
       See Yun-Qing , Zheng-Yi, there is no way, can only say:
       "I tried as much as possible."

       Chapter 15__ 17 Sticks (3)

       Rui Ji Er was lying in bed thinking about a mess of things in the evening, and he got up when he was bright.
       Yun-Qing just got up with Yu-Xi and heard Mei-Lan returning to the said:
       "The emperor, the Empress, the second temple to see."
       After a night of sleep, Yu-Xi will feel much better:
       "Let him come in!"
       I lost a day yesterday, and I didn’t sleep at night, and Rui eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes:
       "Hey, mother, I want to go to the aunt and tell her things clearly."
       Yun-Qing looks at Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi nodded lightly:
       "Well, it’s time to talk to Miss Miss." It’s a good time to be with someone. If you just leave a sentence that you didn’t have, there nothing to do. Gu Kai business, the fault is completely in Rui Ji Er.
       Seeing Yu-Xi is so sensible, Rui Ji is more and more embarrassed:
       "Mother, I am sorry. It is my fault. I should not lie at first."
       "If the lie is exchanged, how can it be a good ending? However, you can realize that your mistake is not too late." After that, Yu-Xi is in color:
       "It's good to make it clear to someone Miss, wrong with you, and apologize to her."
       Yun-Qing asked:
       "You want to marry..."
       Yu-Xi quickly interrupted his words and said to Rui Ji Er:
       "You go to the kitchen to eat something, then go to the family!" The child didn't eat anything yesterday.
       Bai Mama got up and nodded when it was not bright. When Rui Ji entered the kitchen, she was making dumplings.
       After hearing that Rui Ji Er had to eat something out of the palace, Bai Mama smiled:
       "The second is waiting for you, I will cook it for you, and it will be soon."
       “Is this a lamb dumpling?”
       Several children like Yang-Qing like lamb dumplings.
       Bai Mama nodded:
       "Well, the Empress told me to give it to you last night." No, she said nothing. Too much to say, it is over.
       Rui Ji Er listened, his nose was sour. When I was eating, my tears couldn’t help but fall. Mother always remembers him, and what is he doing?
       Bai Mama put four kinds of side dishes on the table and then retreated to the side without speaking.
       Although there is no appetite, Rui Ji Er still eats a large bowl of mutton dumplings. I wiped my mouth, washed my face, and went out.
       Gu Yu didn't sleep all night last night. At this time, the look was also very powerful, and people didn't have any spirit.
       Seeing Rui Ji Er, Gu Yu said:
       "Is the Empress going to go back and disagree with you?"
       What she worried most about eventually happened.
       "I am sorry."
       Gu Yu -called:
       "Is sorry for any use? How did you tell me that day? You said that your sister-in-law agreed with us and said that they would love me."
       Rui Ji Er said with a red eye:
       "I lied to my mother, I told them that you can write, it is also a kiss that is not the temper and the temperature. Miss I did not expect that I will lie to them, so I agreed to this marriage. Sorry, thousand wrong It’s my fault that everything is wrong. I have nothing to kill.”
       Gu Yu swears at Rui Ji:
       "You are not afraid of death, why don't you dare to reverse your mother's opinion?"
       What she was most afraid of on that day was that Yu-Xi didn't like her, she wasn't allowed to confuse her, and Rui Ji Er couldn't insist on giving up halfway, and, as a result, worried about what came.
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "You don't misunderstand my mother, my mother doesn't hate you, she also said that you are a good Miss."
       Gu Yu only wants to ‘Laughs’ :
       "So, why didn't she let you marry me?"
       This is simply contradictory.
       "My mother said that if I married you, it would hurt you." And he felt that Yu-Xi was right.
       Gu Yuyi, then asked:
       "What does this mean?"
       Rui Ji Er said in silence:
       "My older sister has the worst knowledge, but I can write it. My second sister is a master of ‘zither’ music. Chess and calligraphy are also well-versed; my older brother will not even say it, Wenwu and Wuquan; my brother is determined to become a Academy student. I am also working hard in the direction; my younger brother is smart and talented. And my future is a famous talented woman in Capital City. My younger brother’s fiancee is also a good person, and their housekeeper is a good hand. My older brother’s ‘Madam’, too. It must be the daughter of a famous woman."
       Gu Yu listened to this statement and became more and more angry:
       "Speaking of it, I still think that I am born low, I can't see me."
       Rui Ji Er looked at Gu Yu and asked:
       "My mother said, you can't integrate into our home."
       Gu annoyed:
       "Why should I integrate into them? I have my own, what will they do with me?"
       I have to say that Rui Ji Er thinks things simple, and Gu Yu is also very naive.
       "After the New Year's holiday, everyone has nothing to say to you, will you feel that you are being squeezed out? Will you be dissatisfied?"
       Gu biggest problem is not that she is illiterate, but that she is sensitive and inferior, and then does not want to change her own adaptation to the environment, but only wants to force Rui Ji Er to move her. This is the real reason why Yu-Xi doesn't want Rui Ji to marry her.
       "I asked you about this question. How did you answer me at the time? You said that you wouldn't live in the palace and move to the outside of the palace for a little day." She couldn't get along with -Lu Miss, and Tan Aoshuang Talented women are less likely to get together.
       Rui Ji Er smiled bitterly:
       "Can you stay in the house without going out?"
       Gu Yu is not a person who can endure loneliness. It is impossible for her to stay in the house without going out.
       "Then I can find someone who can get along with me." She can find a group of like-minded people to play with.
       After talking for a long time, Rui Ji Er did not say anything. He also knows his own mouth and has not circled again:
       "Auntie, sorry, you are not suitable for me, I don't want to hurt you."
       Gu Yu hates to die from Rui Ji, but she still has reason. If Rui Ji Er is dead, their family will not be able to escape, and will even be involved in her righteous father.
       "Speaking of it, but you haven't weaned yet, you have to listen to your mother. It's also my eyes, I would believe your ghosts before." So many men who pursued her, she chose this one. Used man.
       "I'm sorry." It was indeed his fault, and he was wrong.
       Gu Yu had a few slaps of Rui Ji Er, and he had a bit of redness on his face.
       "You roll! Don't let me see you again in the future."
       Rui Ji Er is facing the pig's head face:
       "I'm sorry. Auntie, if anything happens in the future, as long as I can do it, I will not deny it." This is what he owes.
       With strong tears, Gu Yu took the whip wrapped around his waist and held it in his hand:
       "Roll, don't roll me, kill you."
       Rui Ji Er suddenly left.
       Waiting to see the figure of Rui Ji Er, Gu Yu threw the whip on the ground and burst into tears.
       Gu Li looked at her daughter crying so sad, tears could not help but fall down:
       "Hey, don't cry."
       Gu Yu cried so sadly:
       "Oh, I hate him. It’s him who recruits me, otherwise I won’t be with him."
       "It is better to know his true face earlier than to marry him." As for this temper, his daughter will not be happy if he marries him.
       When Gu Cried and tired, Gu Li helped her up:
       "Auntie, let's go into the house!"
       Going back to the house, Gu Yu wiped his tears and said:
       "Hey, let's go back to Changzhou tomorrow!" In this broken place in Capital City, she didn't want to stay longer.
       Gu Li is very fond of, and everything goes along her, or else the temper of Gu Yu will not be as big. Generally, only children who are spoiled will have a stronger temper.
       Upon hearing this, Gu Li immediately nodded:
       "After tomorrow's resignation with Madam, we will return to Changzhou."
       When Rui Ji walked out of his home, he saw You Ji-Er waiting outside the door.
       "Second brother, who is this?"
       Even dare to beat his second brother, I really ate the bear heart and leopard.
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "I lied to her, this is what I deserve."
       Listening to this, You Ji-Er is glad that:
       "Second brother, this is fortunate that I don't have to marry her. Otherwise, I will do it for you after quarreling. You don't have to go out and see people." He didn't beat his face, thinking that her big sister was also a tigress. That lethality is only higher than Gu Yu. From small to big, the big sister didn't know how many times he hit him, but he never touched his face once.
       "Go back!" It is also that Rui Ji Er feels tired, and Yun-Qing puts such a swear word, so he will let go so quickly. To put it bluntly, it is still Rui Ji Er.
       You Ji-Er doesn't want to go back:
       "Second brother, Fuyun Restaurant has launched a lot of new dishes in the past year, I invite you to eat."
       Rui Ji Er at this time, where is this mood.
       "Fuyun Restaurant recently bought a batch of good wine, including 50 years of daughter red. Second brother, we did not drink together with good wine, this time, the 2nd Brother have a good drink." You Ji-Er's gouache The shop is so hot that it won't work, and the pockets are full. Therefore, he is now going to Fufu Restaurant to eat, all of which are his own accounts. At the end of the month, settle together.
       Rui Ji Er nodded and agreed.
       The Brother have been drinking until the second half of the morning. Both of them were drunk and unconscious. In the end, Qi Hao got the news and brought the two back to the palace.
       Yun-Qing wrinkled his brow after knowing this:
       "What is it like?"
       How big is it, even if it is poured out by wine, it is really too much.
       "I feel uncomfortable in my heart. It is a good thing to vent out. I am afraid that I will be bored in my heart. If I have been suffocating for a long time, I will be ill." But Rui Ji Er is a hidden thing, and he does not worry about being bored.
       Seeing Yun-Qing is still unhappy, Yu-Xi smiles and comforts:
       "You don't think too much, at least not like Axuan." Although uncomfortable, but not as boring as Xuan Ji Er.
       Everything is afraid of contrast, so the ratio is more and more lining up Xuan Ji Er is not the same.
       Yun-Qing asked:
       “A Xuan is not willing to write a letter back now?”
       This kid is a heartless one. I have been away for so long, and I have not written a letter back.
       "This child has complaints in his heart."
       Yun-Qing is annoyed:
       "What are they doing? If you don't know how to worry about us, you will add us every day." One by one, he really hates to kill.
       "So, the children are more affected by themselves." The three children are just right.
       Yun-Qing This will finally agree with Yu-Xi point of view, what many children and grandchildren are blessed, and the children are totally affected:
       "When they get married, let them all move out." The eyes are not seen.

       Chapter 15__ 18 Fright (1)

       Gu Yu went to -Lu Fu with Gu Li early in the morning and said goodbye to -Lu Madam. By the way, take the things that -Lu Madam prepared for -Lu Yongnan.
        - -Lu Madam saw the father and the daughter, led them into the house, pointing to a rectangular box on the table:
       "This is what the Empress sent last night, let me give it to you."
       Gu Yu said with a cold face:
       "No, please return the things to her by the mother-in-law!" It is ridiculous to think that sending something can be written off.
        - -Lu Madam looks at the face and pulls Gu Yu hand and says:
       "These were originally the meeting that the Empress had prepared for you. You should check it out, okay?"
       Not to mention the Empress, but the mother of a country, only ordinary people, and no one is willing to give her son a temperamental ‘Madam’. Fortunately, her husband received her as a righteous woman, she did not have this concern.
       Gu Li hesitated and said:
       "Hey, let's see!" The EmpressImperial Consort can pinch their fingers and kill them. He really doesn't want to make the relationship too stiff.
       Gu Yu nodded.
       Open the box and see that there are two machetees inside. The two scimitars are all black and look flat.
       Gu Yu looked at it, it’s really new hatred and old hate come together:
       "Is this kind of tattered to be a face-to-face ceremony for me? I can't stop with me. I don't want to talk to Yun Rui about the two of us on the same day." Such things are all taken up by the family.
        - -Lu Madam doesn't think that the Yu-Xi will send something bad. Go over and take a machete from it and look at it.
       "This hilt is carved out of the golden nanmu."
       "What is the golden nanmu?"
       She knows nothing about these things.
        - -Lu Madam smiled:
       “The golden nanmu is very rare and very expensive, only the royals can use it.”
       Gu Yu looked disdainful.
       After that, she handed the scimitar to Gu Li:
       "I don't understand. What is the material of this knife?"
       Gu Li looked down and shook his head:
       "This is not the material of fine iron." In his knowledge, only fine iron is the best.
       In fact, this dagger is mixed with Wujin. This thing is very rare, and it is much more expensive than fine iron.
       "It’s just a broken copper." After that, Gu Yu took a dagger from his sleeve and chopped it on the machete.
       "Oh...", Gu Yu dagger broke into two pieces. The scimitar didn't even have a mouth.
        - -Lu Madam is not unexpected:
       "The gift that the Empress has prepared for you is definitely a treasure." She brought Gu Yujin to the palace that day, and the Empress attitude was very kind. She can't stand it, but the Empress is not angry. I have to say that the cultivation of the Empress is really good.
       Gu Yu took the scimitar in his hand and looked at it, but he couldn't see why. But since it is a good thing, she will be admitted. It is mainly that the martial arts people are not willing to let go of the good weapons, and Gu Yu is no exception.
       Both father and daughter bid farewell to -Lu Madam and left with something.
       Out of the city gate, Gu Licai said:
       "Auntie, maybe you really misunderstood the Empress. She has carefully prepared gifts for you, and how can I not let 2nd Prince yell at you." He hopes to unlock the knot in the heart of the -Miss , don't hate the Empress at this time. 2nd Prince. In this way, it is not a good thing for Gu Yu.
       Gu Yu said in silence:
       "Maybe she didn't have this idea, but after all, because she was separated from Yun Qi Rui." So, she would not like this woman.
       After a pause, Gu Yu said softly:
       "But she has a saying that is right. If I marry Cloud Qi Rui, I will definitely have a bad time." It is very difficult to separate from Yun Rui, but at the same time there is a feeling of relief. She now feels more relaxed than ever.
       "You can think like this, you can rest assured." He did not agree with Gu Wei and Qi Rui at first. Without him, the status of the two is too great. It’s just that Gu Yu idea has always been big, he can’t stop it. After seeing her daughter so much, he is reluctant to object.
       Gu Yu said with a smile:
       "Hey, there is no cloud Qi Rui, and other excellent children are for me to choose. This time, I must polish my eyes and choose one that suits me."
       Gu Li is here, finally relieved:
       "This time, I will give it a good pass."
       "Drive..." Gu Yu clipped his legs and the horse flew up.
       A group of people, leaving the dust of the sky. In a blink of an eye, I lost sight of the figure.
       Rui Ji Er was at noon, only to know that Gu Yu came back to Changzhou. On the same day, Rui Ji Er told Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi that he did not want to go to Changzhou.
       In fact, Rui Ji Er did not want to change places, stayed in Changzhou for more than two years, and was familiar with the people and things over there. If you change the environment, you have to start again. I can think of going back to Changzhou to see Gu Yu, and he can't go through the hurdles in his heart.
       Yun-Qing is a bit ugly, saying:
       "A month later, I will go back to Changzhou." I don’t want to solve the problem, I always escape from what man.
       In the face of the violent Yun-Qing , Rui Ji Er dare not say no.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You haven't slept well these days, go back to rest!"
       Rui Ji Er does not want to be alone:
       "I have been back for a few days, so I should go see the next big sister and the second sister."
       Jao-Jao and Lu-Er got Yu-Xi and didn't enter the palace. Otherwise, it is that Rui Ji Er does not go to see them, and the two also come back to see him early.
       Yun-Qing looked at Rui Ji face that had not been swollen and said:
       "You are not afraid to scare two children when you go to this ghost. Hurry and go back to rest, wait for your face to swollen and go see your big sister and second sister."
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "it is good."
       The couple left the couple, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Do you have a suitable candidate? If you don't have it, you have to fix it. You must fix it within a month."
       Yu-Xi hesitated and said:
       "It's pretty good to have a Miss, I don't know if Rui Ji will be interested."
       Yun-Qing just wants to force Yu-Xi, let her go to the heart. I did not expect that there was such a quick choice:
       "Who is Miss?"
       As long as it is not bad, it will be fixed. How can it be better than Gu Qiang, this Miss is a madman, even dare to start with Rui Ji Er. In other words, Yu-Xi said that this is the fault of Rui Ji Er, and he endured not killing her.
       "It's a high-ranking -Miss , Gao Haiqiong. This Miss is bold and wide-minded, and his character is good and good. There is also a bit of effort. I also thought that if Ruo Rui was unintentional, she would be given to Rui Ji." Finished, Yu-Xi added another sentence:
       "This Miss has a good relationship with Siling and Ao Shuang."
       After listening to the evaluation of Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing quickly said:
       "That will give them a wedding tomorrow." Tan Ao-shuang and Huang Siling, two daughter-in-law, he is very satisfied.
       On the same day, Yun-Qing said that the marriage of Rui Ji Er was decided within one month, and Yu-Xi thought of Gao Haiqiong. It was just that she didn't know that Miss had a kiss, so she didn't say it. Now that I have got the exact news, this Miss has no family yet:
       "Don't worry, let them see one side first. Then, give them a marriage."
       "Listen to you."

       Chapter 15__ 19 Fright (2)

       "Giggle..." The man didn't enter the room, and a burst of laughter was introduced into the palace.
       Yu-Xi smiled and stood up and greeted the door.
       Jao-Jao saw Yu-Xi and teased:
       "I still have a long face, mother, you never greeted me at the door!"
       "The Maternal Grandmother, the Maternal Grandmother..." Then, with your hands out, you should hold Yu-Xi. This child is also strange. The favorite person is not Jao-Jao, not Yu Jinyu, but Yu-Xi.
       Today, the longevity is wearing a red dress embroidered with a tiger. The face is round and the body is round, it is a veritable chubby paper.
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "Do you want me to welcome you?"
       "No, no, I am laughing." Joking, let him believe that he believes that he can't eat and walk.
       "Well, oh..." Changsheng kissed Yu-Xi, and then -called:
       "The Maternal Grandmother, miss you."
       Yu-Xi felt that the heart had to be changed, and he kissed him for a few mouthfuls before he smiled and said:
       "Well, the Maternal Grandmother also wants to live forever!" After that, he took a small nail-sized biscuit on the table and put it in his long mouth. This is to make the pastry Shifu purposely for the longevity.
       Longevity while eating, excitedly jumping and jumping.
       Yu-Xi couldn’t stand it for a little while, and he put him on the bed and said with his arms:
       "This child is too heavy." It is not a general sink!
       "Give him a little bit of a cry and cough. Cough, how do you find a ‘Madam’ in the future?"
       For Jao-Jao of Yan Guan, I really don't want my son to be a fat paper.
       Yu-Xi smiled with a stomachache and said while holding her belly:
       "How long is a long life, do you worry about his lifelong events?"
       Jao-Jao said very emotionally:
       "It’s too much to worry about having a child. When I was in Yunnan, I kept thinking about it. I don’t know if he was fat, if he was sick, would you miss me?” So she waited for the war and she came back.
       "Now I know that it is not easy to be a mother?"
       Since returning, Jao-Jao has changed a lot. Going to the impetuous, a little more calm. This is a mother, it is not the same.
       Jao-Jao, holding Yu-Xi, said:
       "Mother, I have worked hard for you these years." Think about her, I have done so much to worry about. Now I only hope that the longevity will not look like her. Otherwise, think about it all.
       Yu-Xi touches the head of the longevity, the child's hair is black and slippery:
       "As long as you have a good life, my mother will be happy."
       Changsheng sees Yu-Xi and Jao-Jao, regardless of him, suddenly does not do it, and pulls two people by hand:
       "Mother, the Maternal Grandmother, hug, hug..." can only say short words, and can't say long sentences.
       Yu-Xi is unwilling to hug again. I am afraid that my arm hurts at night, I will point to the forehead of my longevity and say:
       "This will definitely be a grind later."
       "Cough, don't mention it. Now I like to run in the yard. Both of them look at the old fall. The house doesn't dare to put the ornaments, and when they touch it, they have to break." The naughty man is terribly dead.
       Yu-Xi ‘Laughs’ laughed straight:
       "It's exactly the same as when you were a kid." When I thought of Jao-Jao, she just dared to put some worthless and wooden ornaments.
       After playing for a while in the house, I will be tired of my long life, crying wow. Jao-Jao said:
       "He is going out to play outside!"
       Yu-Xi greeted Mei-Lan and half-celery, letting them bring their longevity to the yard.
       The house left two mothers and daughters, and Jao-Jao asked the Yu-Xi opening:
       "Mother, I heard that A Rui was beaten by a woman? Is it true?"
       Because she didn't see it with her own eyes, she still couldn't believe it until now.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Well, I was beaten by the family Miss."
       "I am impatient, I dare to fight Rui Ji." Jao-Jao furious:
       "Mother, have you packed her up?"
       As for her mother temperament, there are ten things that are gone.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "It is Rui Ji Er who first deceived others, and there is something wrong."
       "what happened?"
       She really doesn't know what Rui Ji and Gu Yu are doing.
       Yu-Xi simply said the two things:
       "This Miss has a strong temper, Rui Ji Er went to see her, I already guessed it would be done. Just did not expect, it would be slap in the face." Beating people do not face, this Miss really did not give Rui children a little face.
       Jao-Jao ideas are different:
       "How can this be a lie? You started with Ai, agreeing with them. To blame, blame herself, stupid like a pig, for half a year, I can't recognize a hundred names and thousands of characters. I will I have never seen such a stupid person. If she is a smart person, you and I will definitely not object to them." She does not like to study, but she really calms down and learns things very quickly.
       After stopping, Jao-Jao said:
       "This thing, Rui Ji Er is most sorry not Gu Yu, but you are with you."
       Yu-Xi shakes his head:
       "Even if she can write, I will not agree with this marriage."
       "That definitely disagrees. Such a crazy Pozi, how can you let Rui Brother swear, and you can't live without it." After that, Jao-Jao said:
       "But mother, you are too good to talk. She dares to start with Rui Ji, you are not pursued."
       Yu-Xi leaned on the soft pillow and asked:
       "What is it going to do? Take her off the prison on charges of offending Prince? Or, as you think, beat her up in bed for a few months?"
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Mother, you are too powerful. I know everything I think. However, if she dares to fight Rui Ji, she should be shut down to the prison."
       "I just thought that you are mature and idiotic, and stupid." See Jao-Jao looking at her, Yu-Xi said:
       "A Rui is not good at Gu Yu, now I am going to punish Gu Yu, what does A Rui know?"
       A few children except Jao-Jao, the other five did not play. Now Rui Ji Er is being smothered, his face is swollen, and Yu-Xi may not be angry.
       Jao-Jao snorted:
       "If he dares to rebel against you for his surname, I will kill him."
       "He won't disobey me, he will only be more guilty, and then he wants to compensate Gu Yu more. At that time, the two are entangled in the shackles." This situation is not what Yu-Xi would like to see.
       Jao-Jao said:
       "Mother, you just think too much. He has to dare to break up with his surname Gu, and he will discount his legs and see if he dares to dare."
       Yu-Xi listened and laughed:
       "I also sent a pair of scimitars with Ujin to Gu Yu."
       Upon hearing this, Jao-Jao almost jumped up:
       "That mad Pozi hit Rui Ji Er, you also sent such a valuable thing to her? Mother, what happened to you?"
       Jao-Jao is very skeptical that Yu-Xi has been down.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Gu Yu received the gift and knew that Rui Ji Er didn't lie to him. I agreed with them at first. I only felt that they were not suitable and then repented. In this way, her grievance would disappear."
       Jao-Jao couldn't help but remind me:
       "Mother, Gu Yu is not born to you, A Rui is."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Gu Yu grievances are gone, and people can recover quickly, so she will have the heart to look for Ruyi Lang."
       "and then?"
       "Rui Ji Er, this child, is good. Knowing that Gu Yu is doing well, he can really let go. Jao-Jao, the mouse is drilled into the jade bottle, you have to hit it, the jade bottle will be broken. So, you can only lick the mouse. It’s only a jade bottle.” For Xuan Ji Er, you can use *. But against Rui Ji Er, it is not good.
       After the announcement, Yu-Xi said to Jao-Jao:
       "In fact, I don't have to worry about Rui Ji being beaten. This Miss, no matter who marries, will not be good. Just think that Rui Ji Er doesn't need to marry her, and feels nothing."
       "Mother, are you sure that she is not doing well?"
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "This Miss wants people around me to listen to her, everything goes along her. You think, there are a few people who can stand it." No problem in a short time, but it can take a long time, no one can stand it.
       Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "If you want Jinyu no matter what you have to listen to, you have to follow you. Do you think that for a long time, Jinyu can endure it?"
       "I can't stand it anymore." Good temper does not mean that there is no temper. She is a female general who is talking outside. At home, she will discuss with Jin Jinyu instead of arbitrarily. Of course, there is a great credit for Yu-Xi.
       After that, Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Mother, this is especially true in your mouth."
       Yu-Xi smiled, and the smile was very light:
       "I have written to -Lu Yongnan, let him find a good candidate for Gu Yu as soon as possible, and then set the marriage."
       "I thought you were really indifferent to A Rui." It turned out that her mother's killings are behind!
       After that, Jao-Jao said:
       "Mother, Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er's eyes will not work. Their marriage, you have to be the master of your own!" Xuan Ji Er looked at the eyes of the long-term Zhong Yuting, Rui Ji Er saw a crazy Pozi I feel that both of them are embarrassed.
       Yu-Xi did not follow up, but asked:
       "I heard that Gao Haiqiong, a -Miss who is as tall as a mountain, wants to worship you as a teacher?"
       "Yes!" Speaking of Gao Haiqiong, Jao-Jao feels a little bit:
       "This Miss has always wanted to worship me as a teacher. In order to let me promise to accept her as a disciple, the practice is very hard. But her mother asked me in front of me, so let me not promise her." Gao Haiqiong is like Jao-Jao Do not love red makeup and love. But her mother, Gao Madam, didn't want him to shoot a knife. Also for her marriage, she got a white hair.
       Yu-Xi is very interesting:
       "What do you think?"
       "I told her that as long as her mother agreed, I would accept him as a disciple." Sudden, Jao-Jao said:
       "This Miss is very talented and savvy. If it wasn't for her mother, I would have accepted her as a disciple."
       "Fortunately, you forfeited her as a disciple." After a formal apprenticeship, you can have a generation more than Rui Ji. I am afraid that I will not be willing to live or die.
       Jao-Jao snorted:
       "Mother, how do you say this? Is she irritating you? Or what happened?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You won't think about it. I think this Miss is good, I want to give her to Rui Ji Er."
       Jao-Jao squatted and turned and laughed:
       "I like Haiqiong very much. If you can give me a younger brother and sister, that would be great." Gao Haiqiong is a smart and transparent Miss, and because his family is petty, it is also simple, with a bowel to the end of Rui Ji Er pretty good.
       "That's the case, then the two things will be handed over to you." Rui Ji Er this will be sad for Gu Yu, if you let him go directly to see the resent. Therefore, the two can't be too deliberate to meet.
       After taking a picture, Jao-Jao said:
       "This thing is on me."
       Ps has one more, it will be late.

       Chapter 15__ 20 Frightened (3)

       Rui Ji Er raised it for five days, and the redness on his face completely dissipated.
       When using breakfast, Yu-Xi said:
       "Since it is good, I will visit your big sister and the second sister." The last time Jao-Jao came over, Rui Geerwo did not come out in his own palace, and the 2nd Brother and sisters did not see it.
       You Ji-Er saw the words:
       "Mother, I haven't seen my eldest sister and my second sister for a long time."
       Yu-Xi does not agree:
       "When you are in a bad situation, don't use the net for two days to fish." You Ji-Er has a lot of eyes, and then he went to see if he could see through it. This child loves to worry about it, and it is not good if it is self-defeating.
       "Mother, the criminal department has nothing to do recently." Sometimes it is too busy, sometimes it hurts. But when he was free, he went to the store and didn't waste time.
       Yun-Qing put down the chopsticks and said:
       "If you think that the punishment department is too busy, then go to the Ministry of Housing." The Ministry of Housing is the busiest of the six departments, and the Ministry of Housing is not allowed to make more adjustments to Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi. And You Ji-Er, mathematics is very good.
       "I remembered the difference. Yesterday a Taiyuan sent two files of the case, I haven't seen it yet!" The general case, like the stealing of small cases, is handled by the local chief. If the circumstances are more serious, submit it to the higher level official for verification. In the case involving human life, the file should be sent to the Ministry of Punishment, and then submitted to the Emperor Queen after review by the Criminal Department. To be executed, the emperor or the queen must make a decision.
       Yu-Xi finished a cup of goat's milk, took a puff and wiped his mouth and smiled:
       "A-You, you will go to the Ministry of Housing next year!"
       "Don't go." The family is so busy. When there are too many things, there is no effort to drink saliva. He is not willing to go.
       Yun-Qing calmly said:
       "I told you about your mother, not asking for your opinion." You have to find something to make this stinky boy do, or else you can spend the day in the capital.
       If You Ji-Er knows what Yun-Qing thinks, he will definitely yell, he just went out after finishing his job.
       Also, You Ji-Er is a privilege of Prince, and there is nothing to sneak and no one says anything. If you switch to someone else, it will be opened soon.
       You Ji-Er regretted thinking about the table. What did he just say, he wants to go to the big sister with his second brother! Now, I will bury myself in the pit.
       Qi Hao looks at You Ji-Er like this, and there is a smile on his face. It happened to be seen by You Ji-Er.
       The 3rd Brother went out of Kunning Palace, You Ji-Er "Big Brother, you are too unscrupulous. When you were embarrassed by me, you not only did not help me, but also secretly laughed."
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "Is there? Why didn't I see it?"
       You Ji-Er sneered at the nose. In the past few days, his second brother has been swimming in the sky. It is strange to see that Big Brother is laughing.
       Kai Hao said:
       "A-You, you have been too busy recently, and you have to go to the household to experience and practice." In the middle of the matter, Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er are both unable to rely on it. In the future, You Ji-Er will help him.
       You Ji-Er suddenly squinted.
       The three said that they separated after a conversation.
       Rui Ji Er returned to his palace and took a gift, which went to the Grand Princess House.
       "Big sister." Rui Ji Er just wanted to ask where Jin Yuyu and Changsheng were, and he slammed his face without saying anything.
       Jao-Jao sneered:
       "Look at what I am doing? Don't you like being scratched by a photon? If you like it, I will let you taste this taste any more, you like it anyway."
       Rui Ji Er’s face suddenly rose red. Hit people do not face, revealing people do not reveal short. Jao-Jao, this is a knife to his heart! He was afraid of Jao-Jao since he was a child. He also felt embarrassed when he added this, so he did not dare to refute.
       "You are really a long-term skill. For a woman to lie and lie, I also let the shi-nu become a villain who is betrayed." Jao-Jao poked the head of Rui Ji Er and yelled:
       "If it weren't for the mother to stop, I wanted to kill you at the time. Save yourself from being a shame, and let my mother lose face."
       Rui Ji Er is not afraid to talk back:
       "I know it is wrong. In the future, I will not dare."
       After taking a pass, Jao-Jao was tired and sat down on the chair and asked:
       "I heard that you and Gu Yu promised that if she has something difficult to find you in the future, you will help solve it."
       Rui Ji Er did not ask how Jao-Jao knew this, just nodded and said:
       "Big sister, I lied to her at first, otherwise she would not be so sad."
       Jao-Jao leaned back in the chair and asked:
       "Then tell me, what did you lied to him?"
       "I lied to her mother to agree with me about her? After she knew it, I agreed to be with me." If he did not lie, Gu Yu would not be hurt.
       Jao-Jao feels very funny and asks:
       "Is that mother-in-law initially opposed?"
       "No. Yes, I lied to my mother and said that Auntie can write it." Rui Ji Er was prepared for the accident, only to say that Gu Yuen read "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Characters." He felt that such a long time, Gu Yu can definitely learn. As a result, he did not expect that Gu can even learn these two books.
       "Then you should be jealous of the mother. Mother, but she really wants to take her to the daughter-in-law, for this purpose, she also prepared a pair of knives to create her." Then, Jao-Jao said with a disdain. :
       "She is really greedy enough to be shameless, and the marriage has blown up and dare to ask for such a valuable thing in my family."
       Rui Ji Er felt that this was too ugly, and said with boldness:
       "Big sister, aunt is not such a person."
       Jao-Jao did not take the words of Rui Ji Er, but pointed to a pot of orchids placed on the side of the flower stand:
       “Do you know how many orchids are there?”
       Rui Ji Er shook his head. He is not interested in flowers, and naturally he will not pay attention to this.
       "I know." After that, Jao-Jao said to Rui Ji Er, "The orchid is divided into seven categories: Chunlan, Jianlan, Lanlan, Chunjian, Molan, Hanlan, and Lotus. Among them, Chunlan is also called grass. Orchid, mountain orchid, blossoming incense, flowering period from February to March, the time can last for about one month, the flower fragrance is rich and pure. Cymbidium, also known as Xia Lan, Jiuzilan, flowering period from April to May..."
       In one breath, Jao-Jao said all the characteristics of the seven types of orchids.
       Rui Ji Er was stunned.
       Jao-Jao asked:
       “Do you think it’s weird? How do I know so much?”
       Rui Ji Er nodded:
       "Big sister, I remember that you didn't like these flowers and plants before. How do you study flowers now?"
       "Because your brother-in-law likes flowers, so even if I don't like it, I have to understand. In order to remember these names and characteristics, I don't know how many methods are used, even the dreams are to recite their habits." Some exaggeration, but it did a bit of hard work.
       After that, Jao-Jao said:
       "If you really have you in Gu Xin’s heart, even if you remember ten words a day, you will have already recognized the words of the two books. She can’t remember what she said, but I don’t think it’s worth it.”
       Rui Ji Er Xiao refuted the following:
       "Auntie can't remember it."
       Jao-Jao does not argue with Rui Ji Er:
       "Do you know? Tan Aoshuang often makes small things for Qi Hao. Now the pockets of Kaihao waist are what she did. She also made two sets of small clothes for Changsheng and Jao-Jao; Huang Siling knew that A-You like to eat. Gourmet, from time to time to do some novelty cakes for You Ji-Er to eat with us. Do we lack this point to eat this? Do they do better than the embroidered mother and pastry master in the palace? But they like it all, why? Because it shows that they put A-Hoa and A-You in their hearts."
       After the meeting, Jao-Jao asked:
       "Then tell me that Gu Yu has been with you for almost a year, what did she do for you?"
       Silence for a long time, Rui Ji Er down the head:
       "No." Gu Yu, I really didn't do anything for him.
       "Is there nothing?"
       See Rui Ji Er nod, Jao-Jao Oh.
       Thinking about it, Jao-Jao asked:
       "Do you know what you like? If you like someone, you want to see him all the time. When you see him, your heart will jump. If you see him happy, you will feel better. He will be sad and will follow. Sad. Gu Yu, have you ever been like this?"
       Rui Ji Er’s heart went straight down, remembering that once he had a good relationship with his colleagues, it was a bit unpleasant for something. At that time, he was in a bad mood. He went to Gu Yu and wanted to talk to her. As a result, when Gu Yu saw him, he said that he would change his mount. He happened to be a new batch of horses in the army, so he accompanied him to pick a good horse. Seeing that he didn’t go, he ran to pick the horse, and he gave him a pass afterwards.
       Jao-Jao sees the fire almost, so I won’t say more:
       "I haven't seen it in a year. Let me see if your martial arts have grown in?"
       Seeing Rui Ji Er touching his face, Jao-Jao said:
       "Reassuring, no swelling, no slap in the palm. You think I am the crazy Pozi, and I don't care about your face."
       Rui Ji Er’s face is ashamed.
       Gao Haiqiong, who is waiting at the training ground, saw Jao-Jao and hurriedly greeted him:
       "Two princesses, you are coming." She hopes that Jao-Jao can accept her as a disciple. Unfortunately, because of her mother's reasons, the big princess will not let go.
       Before Gao Haiqiong saw that Jao-Jao was called Shifu, but Jao-Jao solemnly warned her yesterday that if she called Shifu again, she would not teach her martial arts. Therefore, Gao Haiqiong had to change his mouth.
       Rui Ji is a little surprised.
       Jao-Jao did not give an introduction to the two, and said to Gao Haiqiong:
       "You have two tricks with him first. Let me see how the swordsmanship taught you in the past few days is learning?"
       Although he did not agree to close Hai Qiong as a disciple, Jao-Jao did not hide his private, and always taught her martial arts.
       Arched his hand, Gao Haiqiong smiled and said:
       "Two of His Royal Highness, a lot of advice."
       Jao-Jao was a little surprised:
       "How do you know that he is my second brother?"
       As far as she knows, Gao Haiqiong has never seen Qi Rui!
       "2nd Prince looks a lot like the 4th Prince!" Although they are not exactly the same, they have a similarity of 50% or 60%. Plus, it was brought in by Jao-Jao personally, and this identity is ready to go.
       "You are smart." After that, Jao-Jao smiled:
       "I will do my best, or I will send you home."
       This threat is most effective for Gao Haiqiong, and when she and Rui Ji Er have made a move, it is really trying their best.
       After a quarter of an hour, Gao Haiqiong lost. At this time, her body was soaked, as if she had fished out of the water.
       "Yes, I insisted for a quarter of an hour." After the praise of Gao Haiqiong, Jao-Jao began to reunite:
       "Did you go to Changzhou to patronize those messy things without practicing? Or else how can martial arts go backwards so much?"
       Rui Ji Er feels very embarrassed:
       "I have practiced and haven't interrupted for a day." In this respect, Rui Ji Er is still very persevering.
       Pointing to Gao Haiqiong, Jao-Jao said:
       "She can only play with you for a quarter of an hour after martial arts. Isn't your martial arts retrogression, what is it?"
       Rui Ji Er can't help but look at Gao Haiqiong.
       Gao Haiqiong explained weakly:
       "I have been practicing with me since I was four years old." Gao Haiqiong’s martial arts advanced by leaps and bounds this year, and her solid basic skills have been outstanding.
       Rui Ji Er: ... began practicing at the age of four, now this time is relatively bad!

       Chapter 15__ 21 Fright (4)

       Let Rui Ji Er give Gao Haiqiong a trick, just let him warm up, and then it is the show.
       Gao Haiqiong looked at Jao-Jao and Rui Ji Er with great enthusiasm and kept these tactics in mind.
       Rui Ji Er is not the opponent of Jao-Jao. When Jao-Jao used the killing trick, it didn't take long to stand up.
       "Oh..." Rui Ji Er fell heavily on the ground.
       Looking at the big man fell to the ground, Gao Haiqiong felt a good pain. 2nd Prince, but the younger brother of the big princess, this is also a little bit ruthless. However, this is fun.
       Jao-Jao stood in the same place and said coldly:
       "Get up, continue..."
       The wind blew and the sleeves of Jao-Jao were blown up. This scene fell in the eyes of Gao Haiqiong, feeling handsome.
       The 2nd Brother and sisters played nearly half an hour. Jao-Jao put the gun in his hand back and said:
       "The martial arts did not regress, but did not improve."
       At this time, Molan said:
       "Princess, Young Master is crying so badly, we can't help you, you can go see it!"
       Gao Haiqiong was very surprised to hear this. She remembered that Servant in the Princess House said that when the Young Master cried, only the big horse could survive. This is not surprising, after all, Jao-Jao left so long.
       "What about Ma Ma?"
       Molan said:
       "Yu Maye went to the flower house." Because there is no need to follow the army, Jin Jinyu has raised some flowers.
       Jao-Jao listened to this and was busy going back. Molan did not look at the two, but also followed.
       Gao Haiqiong also wants to go, but looking at the wolf is not hurt with the Rui Ji Er, some can not bear.
       Thinking about it, Gao Haiqiong still stepped forward and said:
       "2nd Prince, I have a wound medicine here, do you want to wipe it off."
       Rui Ji Er did not object, and nodded.
       Because Gao Haiqiong often suffered from bruises and bruises, he prepared a medicine box. This medicine box has swelling and hemostasis, and the variety is prepared. It is also very convenient to use.
       Taking the medicine box, Gao Haiqiong carefully asked:
       "Do you want me to rub the medicine for you?"
       The wound on my face is invisible to me.
       Rui Ji Er nodded:
       "sorry to bother you."
       Gao Haiqiong first wiped the wound with the cotton that had been sterilized. Seeing Rui Ji pain, he frowned and did not say anything. Wash the wound and apply the swelling medicine. Gao Haiqiong said:
       "2nd Prince, your hand seems to have been scratched, do you want to take some medicine too."
       Rui Ji Er nodded and took the ointment and rubbed it himself.
       Gao Haiqiong said with a smile:
       "His Royal Highness is so powerful. I used to be beaten and wounded before, and my mother was crying when she changed the medicine."
       If Gao Rushan is here, I must swear a filial piety, and even tell the old history of the old man.
       Rui Ji Er asked casually:
       "Who are you?"
       Gao Haiqiong did not say that after wiping out the hands of Rui Ji Er, he said:
       "I am very ordinary, I don't know you." So, I am too lazy to say.
       Rui Ji Er packed up himself and went to the backyard. Just entering the gate of the yard, I heard the wow of the wow.
       After entering the house, Rui Ji Er saw the longevity and arrested people and lame:
       "what happened?"
       Jao-Jao Airway:
       "I was beaten by me. This stinky boy is too bad in temper. If he doesn't like it, he will cry. If he doesn't reach his goal, he won't give up." Jao-Jao was annoyed and started.
       "This, big sister, long life is still not sensible. You beat him like this, not afraid to break him." Big sister's temper is as bad as ever, feeling long life is pitiful.
       Jao-Jao is also distressed after playing, but she will not show up in front of Rui Ji Er:
       "Nothing, I hit my ass. I didn't use any force, I just took two shots."
       Molan muttered:
       "It was also shot twice, and it was all red." The real princess had to go.
       Going over, Rui Ji Er took over the longevity from the ink of the ink:
       "Longevity does not cry, let's find the Maternal Grandmother." Also listening to You Ji-Er said that Changsheng most like Yu-Xi, so I will say this.
       It is a pity that this is not useful for longevity, and it is still crying and -calling. After holding it for a few minutes, Rui Ji Er couldn’t help it.
       Jao-Jao will hold back the longevity and then say:
       "You go to see Lu-Er and Jao-Jao first, and then bring Lu-Er and Jao-Jao to come over." It is also good weather today, or else she will open her mouth, Lu-Er will not Bring the child out.
       "Okay." When he finished, he went out.
       Going to the door, I just saw the golden jade coming back from the outside:
       "Big brother."
       Jin Jinyu was anxious, but she stopped and said to Rui Ji Er:
       "Second brother, I will go to kneel down for a long life, and I will talk to you again, is it good?"
       "Good." His big brother-in-law is really good. Well, it seems strange to think like this.
       Jao-Jao was irritated by the brain, and when he saw Jin Jinyu as Meng Da, he quickly handed him the longevity.
       Taking advantage of the neck of my relatives, I was crying for a long time:
       "Hey, mother is bad, fight; oh, mother is bad, fight."
       Jao-Jao -Lu Mei erected:
       "In the opposite day, I have to fight the mother, I will bloom your ass."
       Jin Jinyu is so angry and funny:
       "What do you know when you are born so long? What is your truth with him?"
       It is like a mother, just like a child.
       "That can't be done. If you don't teach him anything from a young age, you can't help it." So many people are exhausted, and they don't know what to do when they grow up.
       "You still do your thing! Longevity here, there is me!"
       Upon hearing this, Jao-Jao went to the school training ground to find Gao Haiqiong, and he looked at the Miss in the distance.
       Waking a beckoning, Jao-Jao said:
       "Come here, I have something to tell you." See you again, and it is time to pick things up.
       Gao Haiqiong came over with pleasure, and she thought that Jao-Jao would teach her new martial arts again!
       After sitting down, Jao-Jao pointed to the chair next to him and said:
       "I have known this for so long, it seems that I haven’t talked about it yet!"
       Gao Haiqiong is uneasy and always feels something bad:
       "The big princess, willn't it be my mother who is looking for you?"
       How many times she said to her mother, she wants martial arts to not marry, but her mother does not listen to her words.
       Jao-Jao shook his head and said:
       "Your mother didn't find it. But I think your mother's worry is also right. This Miss family is old enough to marry. You always avoid, you can't avoid this!"
       "The big princess, I don't want to marry." After that, Gao Haiqiong said:
       "What's good about marrying? It's so comfortable at home, it's not a good day to marry someone."
       Jao-Jao smiled and asked:
       "What do you say in this case? Are you afraid that the mother-in-law will be difficult to wrap up in the future?"
       Gao Haiqiong shook his head and said:
       "No. I just think that if you marry someone, you can no longer practice martial arts, and it is even more impossible to follow you." Gao Haiqiong's ambition is to become a female general like Jao-Jao. If you marry someone, your dreams will never be realized.
       Jao-Jao laughs:
       "I married someone and gave birth to a child. I can make a difference."
       "How can I compare with the princess!" The princess had the support of the emperor and the Empress, and Ma Ma also respected her decision. Change to her, don't think about it.
       Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "Do you think that you will agree with your thoughts? Besides, the law can stipulate that a woman must marry before she is twenty years old. If you want to marry, then the government will have to punish you."
       The former ruling stipulated that the woman had to marry before she was 18 years old. Now the new Family has pushed the age back for two years.
       Gao Haiqiong looked at Jao-Jao with a look:
       "The big princess, will you help me?"
       Jao-Jao shook his head. Don't say that Gao Haiqiong is being looked at by Yu-Xi and wants her to be a brother-in-law. Even if she doesn't have such an anecdote, she can't help.
       "Cough..." Gao Haiqiong sighed heavily.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "It is impossible to not marry. However, you can marry a in-laws and a husband who are very open-minded. In this way, your dreams can be realized."
       Gao Haiqiong is frustrated:
       "Where is there such a family?"
       "Yes!" See Gao Haiqiong looking at himself, Jao-Jao said:
       "My family! My mother is a very open person. If you marry to our home, it is easy to realize your dreams."
       "Ah..." After the surprise, Gao Haiqiong said:
       "The big princess can't make such a joke."
       Jao-Jao slammed the shoulder of Gao Haiqiong and said:
       "I didn't make a joke with you. You just met my second brother and I also played with him. What do you think of him?"
       Gao Haiqiong is helpless:
       "The big princess, please don't make such a joke. To spread it out, my reputation will be damaged by then." She doesn't care if she loses her face, but she may be involved in her parents. It’s not easy for her to raise her, but she can’t let them worry about it.
       Jao-Jao is the color said:
       "I really didn't make a joke with you. If you can see her, I will marry him immediately." After Gu Yu, Jao-Jao was a dead brother.
       Gao Haiqiong squatted and turned to smile:
       "The big princess, you are really more and more outrageous. Even if you like me, the second Prince marriage must be decided by the emperor and the empress." Marriage is the life of the parents. The big princess is just a sister, and she is not qualified to intervene in the marriage of Prince.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "You also know that my second brother's marriage has to be my mother. If I don't agree with my mother, how can I tell you this? I don't want you, my mother is watching you, so let me explore." Exploring what you mean."
       Gao Haiqiong scared the whole person to be stupid. After a long time, she said to her chest:
       "The big princess, I am courageous, don't scare me." It will scare the dead, she just scared half life.
       "Cut, if you only have this courage to fight on the battlefield." After that, Jao-Jao said:
       "My second brother is good at martial arts, and the person is also Zhou Zheng, and he is not insulted with him. As for my mother, I can guarantee that if you marry to our house, she will definitely take you as a relative and a woman. Huang Siling has a very good relationship with you. If you marry, you don't have to worry about getting along with you. I can't help you with Lu-Er..."
       After waiting for Yao-Jao, Gao Haiqiong said with a sigh of relief:
       "The big princess, my head hurts a bit, I want to go home."
       Jao-Jao knows that this is too sudden for Gao Haiqiong:
       "Aqiong, if you have passed this village, you will not have this store. Go back and think about it, and give me a reply after three days."
       After Gao Haiqiong was scared to get home, his brain was still awkward.

       Chapter 15__ 22 Fright (5)

       When Gao Haiqiong returned home, he had to talk to Gao Madam. This will change the past faction, and it will not be quiet.
       Gao Madam was very happy the day before, and she thought her daughter finally had a Miss. After two days, she couldn’t eat and sleep, and she began to worry.
       Gao Madam asked Gao Haiqiong:
       "Aru, what's wrong? Is it true that the girl was bullied at the Grand Princess House? You said who is bullying you, and the mother is giving you out."
       Gao Haiqiong bitterly said:
       "Nobody bullies me."
       Gao Madam can only believe that "you should not lie to me, who is bullying you, telling the mother. Mother is fighting for life, but also for you to seek justice."
       Gao Haiqiong shook his head and said:
       "Mother, no one really bullies me. The big princess is very good to me. Molan and Mo Xiang several sisters also take care of me like a sister."
       "What about the rest?"
       After stopping, Gao Madam said:
       "For example, the guards in the house?"
       Gao Haiqiong’s face is inexplicable:
       "How is it possible? I have never contacted them. Besides, if they dare to bully me, the big princess will peel off their skin."
       Gao Madam still does not believe, asks:
       "I haven't bullied you, why can't you sleep in these days, and still have a face all day?"
       Gao Haiqiong’s entanglement is not good.
       "I do not know how to say it."
       "What can't be said with the mother. You can rest assured that there will be a mother who will give you a look at the sky." Gao Rushan is a farmer's son, Fu-Cheng City, who went to military service in the same year. Just in time with Xia Shishi father, Xia Laojiao, in a military camp, seeing him calm and steady, Xia Laojiao gave him the only daughter. The husband and ‘Madam’ have very good feelings, and they have two sons and one daughter after marriage. Gao Haiqiong is the youngest, and the older brother has become a biological child. Xia Shishi-shi is not a jealous person, but a daughter-in-law is waiting to be around. Therefore, the two daughter-in-law are now accompanying the army.
       Gao Haiqiong shook his head and said:
       "No..." She didn't know what to say about Rui Ji Er.
       Xia Shishi-shi is anxious:
       "What the hell is going on, what do you want to worry about?"
       After hesitating for a long time, Gao Haiqiong said:
       "The big princess told me that the Empress looked at me. I wanted to give me 2nd Prince and asked me to disagree?"
       "What do you say..." The voice was sharp and almost pierced Gao Haiqiong's eardrum.
       Gao Haiqiong said with her ear:
       "Mother, don't you be excited, can't I promise?"
       Xia Shishi-shi was so happy that he almost flew up, and he almost fainted when he heard this. Then, while slamming Gao Haiqiong’s head with his hand, he -called:
       "How did I have such an idiot for you? You have refused to lose the pie in the sky."
       Gao Haiqiong holds a squirrel:
       "Mother, how do you know that it is a pie? It is not a piece of discus, I will be picked up and will be smashed."
       Gao Haiqiong is very good, and Xia Shishi-shi is her opponent. After chasing a small quarter of an hour, she sat exhausted in the chair and gasped.
       Gao Haiqiong went to Xia Shishi-shi and said:
       "Mother, I have been pondering this for the past two days. The more I think about it, the worse I am."
       Xia Shishi-shi is also a relatively open-minded mother, or else Gao Haiqiong can no longer live in the Princess House.
       After hearing this, Xia Shi-shi asked:
       "What's wrong?"
       Although she really thinks this is a good deed, but if there is a flaw, it can not harm her shi-nu.
       Gao Haiqiong is a very clever Miss, otherwise it will not be seen by Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, after the draft, the Crown Prince and the 3rd Prince were all married, and the second Prince did not get married. Mother, don't you think this is very strange?"
       Waiting for the summer-Shi opening, Gao Haiqiong said:
       "Before I heard from Siling, 2nd Prince seemed to have a sweetheart. Mother, since the second Prince is a sweetheart, you said that I am going to make fun of it."
       Xia Shishi-shi white Gao Haiqiong said:
       "I know that this thing, Prince is better at Changzhou and -Lu Yongnan's close-knit shi-nu. At first the empress did not object to the two people. As a result, the woman was too uncultivated, and the Empress disagreed with the affair. ""
       Gao Haiqiong said two dissatisfaction:
       "Mother, 2nd Prince, since I have a sweetheart, I am marrying him, isn't that jumping into the fire pit?"
       "The two are noisy."
       Gao Haiqiong is curious:
       "Mother, how did you know?"
       Her mother’s news, when is this well-informed.
       Xia Shishi-shi took a look at Gao Haiqiong, which means rare and strange:
       “A few days ago, the Empress summoned -Lu Yongnan’s daughter-in-law to enter the palace. At that time, -Lu Madam brought a Miss Fifteen Miss into the palace, which naturally caught the attention of everyone. Later I heard that Miss was coming back from Changzhou. And still go back to Capital City with Prince." Not a fool, naturally understand the meaning of this.
       Before the second Prince did not get married, many Madams with a family-age Miss-thinkingly had a chance. It’s Xia Shihi, who also had this idea. Gao Haiqiong is in the final round of election, and the natural opportunity is even bigger. Therefore, the appearance of Gu Yu, let the young Madam-Nai-Nai not stop, including Xia-Shi. I did not expect that a few days later I came to a peak.
       Gao Haiqiong said:
       "Since the 2nd Prince and the Miss have a good relationship, the Empress disagrees with this marriage, isn't it a good fight."
       Xia Shishi-shi shook his head and said:
       "The Empress is not that unreasonable person, it is Miss that is too uncultivated."
       "Is this too harsh?"
       It is not appropriate to say a Miss.
       Xia Shishi-shi said:
       "The Miss big word doesn't know one, the female red cooking is not, the housekeeper is also ignorant. When I see the queen in the palace, I still speak out. This is the one who will be the mother, and will give her son a daughter-in-law." Gao Haiqiong female chef Art is not good, but it can be written, but the governor is no problem. These are in line with the requirements of the Yu-Xi daughter-in-law.
       Gao Haiqiong asked some unbelief:
       "No? The Empress likes to read and read literacy to be a housekeeper's Miss, which is known all over the world!"
       "I don't know exactly what the situation is. But Prince went to Gufu on the next day, and the result was beaten by the family Miss." It was natural to see the Rui Ji Er who became the head of the pig. Gu Ligang lived in the house and did not gather the people in the house. So these people mouths are not tight. In a few days, everyone who pays attention to this matter knows what Rui Ji Er was being beaten.
       Gao Haiqiong can't believe what he heard:
       "Is this man crazy? Can you dare to play Prince?"
       This requires the emperor to pursue the emperor, not only will she be killed, but her loved ones will be implicated.
       "So I said that there is no education!" Miss of ordinary people family, not so savage and rude.
       Gao Haiqiong listened for such a long time, finally understood:
       "Mother, do you want to promise this marriage?"
       "The brain will refuse to enter the water." Cough, his own -Miss is the brain into the water. Otherwise, how can you refuse such a good thing? However, Gao Madam is reluctant to give up on this:
       "I will wait for the sign to enter the palace and see if I can save it."
       "Mother, you haven't heard that the palace is like the sea. The second highness is Prince. After marrying him, you will be wronged. You can't give me the title!" These days, Gao Haiqiong actually thought a lot. Both advantages and disadvantages, she analyzed, and concluded that she could not marry.
       Gao Madam hates to open Gao Haiqiong’s head and see if it is filled with tofu:
       "Which one enters the palace is like the sea, you are married to Prince, and you are not a scorpion. In addition, the Empress's enlightened person will definitely not be a daughter-in-law. You see her on Tan family Miss and yellow. The attitude of Miss is just that." The -Miss is married to ordinary people, saying that her mother-in-law will not be used to it. The Empress can allow the big princess to take the troops to fight, certainly not mind that Arjun has the idea of ​​making a success.
       "Now, if you don't pass the door, of course, you will do well. This is not necessarily the case!" This mother-in-law, most of them are like before marriage, just like after marriage.
       Xia Shishi-shi said with a face:
       "The Empress is definitely not like this."
       Gao Haiqiong was curious and asked:
       "Mother, why are you so sure?"
       "The Empress is a person who is in charge of the national affairs. The mind must be very wide, and it will be a matter of ruining the daughter-in-law." After all, Xia Shi-shi said:
       "People energy and time are limited. The Empress's mind is on government affairs. There is still time and energy to manage your affairs."
       This makes sense. However, Gao Haiqiong still does not want to marry Rui Ji Er:
       "2nd Prince is the sweetheart of the family, he wants to forget the family Miss forever, then I am not afraid of marrying him?"
       The husband has other women in his heart, and he can’t stand it if he thinks about it.
       Gao Madam points to Gao Haiqiong’s forehead:
       "What can't be forgotten in a lifetime, that Gu Yu is not a fairy, and his temper is bad and uncultivated. Moreover, if Prince can't let go of this family, Miss, he has already returned to Changzhou. But he did not, still stay in Capital City. This shows that he also realized that Miss Gu did not match him."
       Thinking of seeing the scene of Rui Ji Er at the school training ground, Gao Haiqiong frowned and said:
       "It’s a good time with Miss, and it’s okay to turn around and turn around. It’s such a thin man, how can you marry?”
       "Have you seen 2nd Prince?"
       If you haven't seen it, you can't say it.
       Gao Haiqiong nodded:
       "Well, I met at the Grand Princess House three days ago. I saw him at the time and didn't feel that he had a half-hearted sadness." As for the fight with Rui Ji Er, she did not say anything.
       After hearing this, Xia Shi-shi finally hesitated, and immediately laughed:
       "It’s not a bad thing, or I have to think about it."
       Gao Haiqiong didn't understand, and touched the back of his head and asked:
       "Mother doesn't think he is in love?"
       "Gu Yu Xian is not arrogant about the Empress, and then the second Prince is not Daren. Don't worry that this kind of Miss should be lucky, it will be sad." 2nd Prince still reluctant to miss this, always remember, it shows Brain problem. Such a person, even if it is Prince, can't marry.
       Gao Haiqiong said:
       "It seems like there is such a lost truth."

       Chapter 15__ 23 Fright (6)

       Xia Shishi-shi said that for a long time, see Gao Haiqiong still hesitating, and immediately reluctant to talk nonsense with her:
       "I am now handing people into the palace and telling the Empress that you are very happy with this marriage."
       "Mother, I don't want to marry 2nd Prince." Even if there is no way to marry, she wants to marry what she likes.
       Xia Shishi-shi is no longer willing to follow Gao Haiqiong this time, fearing that she is noisy moth, immediately released the killing trick:
       "You have to dare to ruin the door, I am hanging in front of you."
       Gao Haiqiong not only was not scared, but laughed:
       "Mother, don't you?"
       "You don't have to wait for you to ruin your relatives. I will hang up now, and save your family's concerns." After that, Xia Shi-shi let the Servant around him take the day.
       Although I know that it is a play, I think that her mother has always been worried about her affairs. Since I like this marriage, I promised it. It’s always her mother, she won’t hurt her.
       Thinking of this, Gao Haiqiong said helplessly:
       "Mother, I promised, I promised it would not be done!"
       Xia Shishi-shi stared at her and said:
       "If you promise, you will not be allowed to go back. Otherwise, I am really hanged in front of you."
       "Don't die, die, it's not auspicious." It is also because Gao Rushan and Xia-Shi are petting, or Gao Haiqiong has developed such goodness.
       Xia-Shi was busy telling the confidant Pozi to hand the sign into the palace.
       Gao Haiqiong stopped and saw it, saying:
       "Without the signing into the palace, the big princess gave me three days to consider. I am going to the princess house now, telling the big princess that I agree with this marriage."
       Xia Shishi-shi is not happy at the moment, and quickly prepares the horse, urging Gao Haiqiong to go to the Grand Princess House.
       Seeing that my mother is so happy, Gao Haiqiong is in a good mood, jokingly:
       "Mother, this is the first time I urged me to go to the Grand Princess." Every time she went to the Princess House, her mother looked at the expression of others owing her a lot of debt.
       "Hurry and go quickly. I will be relieved when I set things down earlier." Although Gao Haiqiong entered the final round of the draft, she then ran to the Princess House. Jao-Jao is the female general who holds the military power. It is very arrogant and naturally attracts criticism. It’s just that her identity is her biggest reliance. Even if everyone can’t get used to it, then I’m thinking about it privately, and I’m afraid to put it on the bright side. Now that Gao Haiqiong is close to Jao-Jao, only this one is enough for the Madam who is at home to be discouraged.
       So now I heard Yu-Xi look at Gao Haiqiong and want to set her shi-nu to Rui Ji Er, she will be so excited. I want to know that Rui Ji Er is a toon, I don’t know how many people stare at it! Before Gao Madam thought about it, but because of the woman's temper, she didn't dare to show it outside. So, even now her heart is still hanging! Only when the marriage is given, this matter is settled.
       Gao Haiqiong helpless:
       After Gao Haiqiong left, Xia Shishi was happy to talk to Pozi:
       "Fortunately, when I heard the embarrassment, I sent Haiqiong to the school to read and read. Otherwise, how can I be seen by the Empress!" At the beginning, Xia Shishi was not willing to let Haiqiong go to the charity hall to study. She thinks that studying is useless. At that time, the old Lady was still alive, knowing that this was a smack of Xia Shishi-shi, saying that she was blind. Xia Shishi-shi was stunned, and then Gao Haiqiong went to the charity school to study.
       "Miss has such a make-up, and Madam teaches it well." There is a Wangfei in the family, and that is a great event. Moreover, it is also good for Old Master and -Laozi career.
       Xia Shishi-shi worriedly said:
       "I hope that there will be no changes." Otherwise, she can't stand it.
       Officer Pozi laughed:
       "The Empress Jinkou Yuyan, a promise of gold, there will be no change."
       "Then I have to be ready to go." Hey, wait for the sacred decree to see the faces of those Madam who dislike her shi-nu.
       Jao-Jao met Gao Haiqiong and did not ask, just smiled at her.
       Gao Haiqiong is a bit shy, but he still has to ask:
       "The big princess, my mother said that 2nd Prince have a sweetheart."
       "That is all the things of the past." Gu Yu did not cover her, so many people know.
       It is also because Rui Ji Er is a son, and this matter is known to anyone, so Yu-Xi is too lazy to cover up. If it is a -Miss , then it is another matter.
       Gao Haiqiong bravely asked:
       "The big princess, 2nd Prince still have Gu family Miss? He wants to miss the family Miss, I don't dare to deal with this marriage."
       Jao-Jao likes people who have something to say, the most annoying thing is to have something to hide, and then bend around:
       "Reassuring, it’s not my mother who is fighting, it’s Aru. He understands that he is not suitable for Gu Yu, and then breaks the relationship between the two." Some people are shocked, but Jao-Jao has a rule of nothing, Didn't think there was anything.
       Gao Haiqiong blurted out:
       "That Miss is still not sad to die!" These 2nd Prince are too irresponsible.
       "She doesn't really like my second brother, but it is to see that my second brother is Prince. I want to marry him to be rich and rich, and to be good with him. She is good with my second brother and has a lot of good things." This is not the case of Jao-Jao, but the fact. However, these things are all sent by Rui Ji Er, not what Gu Yu wants.
       "Ah..." She thought that Gu Yu really liked 2nd Prince, and then the Empress was awesome. As a result, it took a long time to be completely different.
       Jao-Jao couldn't help but spit:
       "When she was separated from my 2nd Brother, my mother had some disappointment in her heart, or she was going to prepare for the ceremony, and two machetees made of Wujin were given to her. This is what I received, even if it was taken." The confiscation, these two machete can be hers. Think about it, Jao-Jao has a bad pain.
       Gao Haiqiong feels that he has long experience:
       "She has nothing to do with Prince, how do I still receive the gift from the Empress?"
       This is too shameless. If you want to change to her, not only will you not receive this gift, but the things you have collected before will also go back.
       "Who said it is not! Fortunately, the two did not succeed, I have to have such a brother-in-law, I have to vomit." After that, Jao-Jao took Gao Haiqiong’s hand and said:
       "You can rest assured that I will not push you into the fire pit. My second brother is a bit embarrassed. People are actually very good. You have to marry him, and the days will be very happy."
       Gao Haiqiong’s face turned red instantly:
       "My mother said that if I did not agree to this marriage, she would hang in front of me."
       After listening to this, Jao-Jao laughed loudly:
       “Gao Madam is so interesting.” It’s a woman’s trick to deal with men. Unexpectedly, Gao Madam actually used it for his shi-nu.
       After laughing, Jao-Jao asked me:
       "What do you mean by yourself?"
       Gao Haiqiong nodded:
       "I agree." Since her mother said that it was a good thing in the sky, she would not refuse.
       Jao-Jao is very happy:
       "Well, I will tell my mother about this good news when I enter the palace. You will go back and let your mother prepare for it. The holy gift of marriage should be down tomorrow."
       Gao Haiqiong asked his most worried questions:
       "The big princess, have you taught me martial arts since then?"
       "Of course, I will teach you the knife method that my Yun family doesn't pass." Gao Haiqiong will marry Rui Ji Er later, that is, the Yun family, and it is not a violation of the group training.
       Gao Haiqiong heard this and felt that she would not come to marry Rui Ji:
       "Then I will come back in a few days."
       "welcome any time."
       Yu-Xi sees Gao family agree, not surprising. Unless Gao Haiqiong is a good person, Gao Madam will never refuse this marriage.
       Jao-Jao smiled:
       "A Qiong's character is good and generous. It is very appetizing to me. Before, I regret that she could not be my brother-in-law. I didn't expect it to turn."
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I will tell you later, the sacred gift of marriage will come down tomorrow."
       Jao-Jao is busy:
       "Mother, before the decree was issued, I made it clear to Rui Ji Er. I can make a guarantee with Arjun, saying that A Rui and Gu Yu have been cleaned up. He wants to follow Gu Yu, then I can see no face. Arjun."
       Yu-Xi is both angry and funny:
       "Don't break the silk. I used to let you study hard and didn't listen. See how you teach longevity in the future. You Jinyu doesn't like to study, and there is not much ink in his stomach. This couple will teach children afterwards.
       Jao-Jao had an idea:
       "Let's find a good Master, teach your longevity carefully, and don't let him be like me."
       "I hope." As far as this trend is concerned, it is estimated that after the birth, it is also a naughty master. However, Yu-Xi is too lazy to say.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The next time you enter the palace and Lu-Er, I haven't seen Jao-Jao for most of the month." The granddaughter, Yu-Xi, is just as painful.
       Jao-Jao hesitated and said:
       "Jao-Jao was frightened in the family a few days ago. He was crying for several nights. It was only a few days. If you are worried, you will not say anything."
       "what happened?"
       Yu-Xi did not intend to intervene in the chores of her children, so she did not arrange for people to be in the Princess House. She was not willing to waste manpower and resources to let Yu Zhi investigate. So Jao-Jao was shocked by this, and Yu-Xi didn't know it at all.
       Speaking of this, Jao-Jao is annoyed:
       "Not yet Lian-Wu that crazy Pozi. I don't know where to hear the rumor that Lu-Er forced Feng Madam to marry her a year ago and -called in front of Lu-Er. Jao -Jao, who got this, scared and cried."
       Yu-Xi suddenly didn't know what to say.
       Jao-Jao is angry and laughs:
       "She thought she was a green onion, and it was worth Lu-Er to pay for her."
       Yu-Xi asked:
       “What does this matter about Feng Madam?”
       Jao-Jao sneered:
       "She took Lian-Wu to the Princess House and Lu-Er apologizes, but Lu-Er is not allowed to seal Lian-Wu into the door. And put aside, seal Lian-Wu in Duke House, she will No more Jao-Jao will be taken to Duke House. As for Feng Madam, she will follow her." I used to think that the family was quite good, not as many as the family. Looking at it now, it’s almost the same.
       Yu-Xi shook his head, and Lian-Wu became like this. Feng Madam was responsible for more than half of it. However, Lu-Er is not a soft bully, and Yu-Xi is not prepared to handle this:
       "Wait for Jao-Jao, let Lu-Er bring it to the palace."
       "it is good."

       Chapter 15__ 24 Fright (7)

       Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing got angry, and Mei-Lan went to call Rui Ji Er.
       Rui Ji Er's mood is still somewhat low, but much better than the beginning.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Your mother has given you a high-pitched -Miss , and tomorrow I will give you a marriage."
       "Hey, mother, can you propose marriage after two years." Just separated from Gu Yu, he was not in the mood to talk about marriage.
       Yun-Qing listened to this and his look eased. Stronger than Xuan Ji Er, know to discuss with them:
       "I have already been accustomed to the people of Gaojia, and I will give you the sacred gift of marriage tomorrow."
       When Rui Ji mouth went to the mouth, he swallowed it all back. Before that, she had already become a villain who had been rumored to be a betrayal, and could not let her mother lose her trust in Gao.
       Thinking of this, Rui Ji Er said with a head down:
       "All listen to my mother."
       Yu-Xi heard this and laughed:
       "My mother will not harm you, Gao family Miss you have seen, it is suitable for you." She knows that Rui Ji Er does not like Jao-Jao weak and weak in the deep woman, but likes the x- and free and eclectic Miss.
       Rui Ji Er looked up at Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled on his face:
       "In the past few days, at the Jao-Jao House, you still have a fight with the high Miss! Why, don't you remember?"
       "Ah? Isn't she a female guard of her eldest sister?"
       This Miss also said that he is an ordinary person who is not known. Although Gao Rushan is not as famous as Feng Junjun Xu Wei, but also the general of Sanpin, and is the old man who came out of Fu-Cheng City with Yun-Qing . As for the name of Gao Yunshan, he did not know.
       "This Miss is going to your big sister, that is to learn martial arts. She also wants to worship your older sister as a teacher, but your older sister did not agree." Even if you don't say it now, Rui Ji Er will know it at the time.
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "Miss Miss martial arts is very poor, talent is not good." Gao Haiqiong can play a quarter of an hour with Rui Ji Er, not her martial arts, but Rui Ji Er deliberately gave her a trick.
       "How do you say this?"
       Rui Ji Er said:
       "She said that she was following the high general martial arts at the age of four. After more than ten years, I couldn't make twenty strokes in my hands. With this talent and understanding, how can his big sister see it."
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "But your big sister said that Gao Haiqiong is very talented and has a high degree of understanding. Unfortunately, no one has been taught in the past years, and it has been abandoned. Otherwise, there will be a female general." Jao-Jao Big. Wu Gonggao is not necessarily a female general.
       Rui Ji Er is amazed, it turned out to be the same thing.
       Yun-Qing took a look at Rui Ji Er and said:
       "Give me the sacred decree, you have to make another moth, I discount your legs." Xuan Ji Er's business made him very hot, and he did not play Xuan Ji Er. However, Rui Ji Er must dare to make trouble, he is absolutely unable to endure.
       "Hey, mother, I am listening to you." It was sprayed by Jao-Jao and he was figured out. This marriage event is still more reliable to parents. Look at Big Brother and A-You future ‘Madam’, that's all good. Give him a choice, certainly not bad.
       It was also before Gao Haiqiong gave him an excellent impression. I have to know that he was injured when he was in Changzhou. Gu Yu saw that he did not see it. At that time, Rui Ji Er felt that men and women did not kiss, and did not think much. Now that there is a contrast, I feel the perfunctory and scorn of Gu Yu. He is not sure now, whether Gu Yu really likes him. Even if she likes it, she will put herself first.
       Rui Ji Er accepted this kind of marriage very calmly, but made Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi somewhat surprised.
       "I thought he would strongly oppose it." Yun-Qing has already thought about it. If Rui Ji Er dares to oppose it, he*.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I was afraid that I was awakened by the slap of Jao-Jao." The words of Jao-Jao Rui Rui Ji Er, Yu-Xi have heard.
       "I knew this method was useful. I should give him a slap on the same day." Both Yu-Xi said that the child had a big hand and would hurt the child's face, so he didn't move now.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "The key is not that slap, but what Jao-Jao said." Whether it is Yun-Qing or her, there is no such thing as Jao-Jao said.
       Yun-Qing also did not ask what Jao-Jao said:
       "Rui Ji Er's marriage has been solved, and now only Xuan Ji is left."
       "A Xuan's marriage is not anxious. After he returns to Capital City, let's talk about it!" Slowly find, the world is so big, always find someone who would satisfy her and Axuan.
       The next morning, the sacred gift of marriage was at the high house. After receiving the imperial edict, Gao Madam’s heart fell back to the real place, and immediately said with a smile:
       "Reward, you can enjoy a month's work."
       Gao Madam always hit the wall when he gave the propose marriage to Gao Haiqiong. Now he has finally raised his eyebrows. Hey, go out to socialize later, see who dares to say that her daughter is a man.
       Looking at Xia Shishi-shi, the mouth of the day was not happy, Gao Haiqiong laughed:
       "Mother, I don't know if you think you have married Jin Yuanbao."
       "You stupid shi-nu, what is a gold ingot in the district, we are smashing a golden turtle." In the eyes of Xia Shishi-shi, Rui Ji is all good.
       Gao Haiqiong was so rare to see Gao Madam, and did not give her a lift:
       "Mother, I said to the big princess, I went to learn mathematics with her in two days."
       This time, Gao Madam didn't stop again:
       "Go and go! Be careful, don't get hurt." Before Gao Haiqiong martial arts, she was afraid that her future family would be disliked. Now the Queen and the second Prince don't mind Gao Haiqiong martial arts, she will stop again.
       Huang Siling was very surprised to hear this news:
       "Is there any warning in advance?"
       She is a good friend with Gao Haiqiong, and the two of them will become natural and happy. Just, it was really unexpected.
        - Huang Madam said with a smile:
       "We don't know that the Empress will give you 4th Prince on that day! 4th Prince is a caring person, and you are reassured if you marry the past."
        - Feng Concubine was very arrogant before, even if Huang Siling was chosen as four Wangfei, her attitude has not changed. Later, when Xuan Ji Er knew this inadvertently, Feng Concubine took the loan shark to the prison. Because Feng Concubine elder brother was Huang Shoushan's potential, Huang Shoushan was impeached by the imperial history. After that, Feng Concubine was placed under house arrest and closed for half a year. After coming out, Feng Concubine was very old. Not honest, I have to be afraid that her maiden brother will be dead.
       You Ji-Er did this very well, and Huang Madam liked it. She is happy with Xuan's thoughts on Si Ling. If it is not for Si Ling, then it will take care of this kind of idle business.
       Huang Siling’s face showed a shy smile. At first, she was very embarrassed about this marriage. But now, it is very much looking forward to.
        - Huang Madam smiled:
       "You should go to Gaojiahexi." Last time Siling gave birth, Gao Haiqiong came to congratulate him for the first time.
       "Well, I will pick a good gift and go."
       When Huang Siling went to Gaojia, he saw Yin Jiajia chatting with Gao Haiqiong.
       Gao Haiqiong smiled:
       "Si Ling, just talking about you, you are coming. Come on, come and sit."
       After Si Ling sat down, Yin Jiajia smiled:
       "It’s good, you will be married in the future.” Yin Jiajia is still not dear, but she is only fourteen years old this year, and she is not in a hurry.
       The three people talked for a while and other guests came. There are fewer charcoal in the snow, and there are more icing on the cake. Gao Haiqiong is now a second-hand Wangfei, and there is always nothing wrong with not getting the relationship. As Gao Haiqiong is the master, it is natural to entertain.
       Yin Jiajia and Huang Siling both had lunch at high homes. Seeing Gao Haiqiong still busy greeting the guests, they went home.
       On the carriage, Yin Jiajia said with some frustration:
       “Why does the Empress choose Gao Haiqiong?”
       After the draft, the Yin Yinjia propose marriage did not know much, but they did not make Yin Madam and Yin Jiajia satisfied. On the contrary, Gao Haiqiong, the draft came back and nobody cares. Who knows that Feng Shui turns, Gao Haiqiong was chosen as the second Wangfei.
       Servant said:
       "The idea of ​​the Empress is really elusive! But Miss, don't be discouraged. 3rd Prince affair has not yet been settled." Once you've settled down, you can also retire! Therefore, there is still a chance for his own Miss.
       Yin Jiajia shook his head and said:
       "3rd Prince likes Miss and looks like Miss. I don't look down on me." She is not arrogant, but she has self-knowledge. Her appearance is not bad, but she can only go through it, and she has no talent. How can 3rd Prince win her. At that time, in the Royal Garden, I didn't even give her a look.
       Servant said:
       "Miss, this is not true. Marriage events, the words of the parents' media. As long as the Empress is in the middle of you, how can 3rd Prince refuse?"
       Yin Jiajia shook his head:
       "Don't say this later." 3rd Prince couldn't marry her, and she would hardly marry him, and she would not be comfortable in the days to come. She is not no one wants, why bother to suffer that kind of sin!
       Although I want to understand, but it is not as good as her Gao Haiqiong, Yin Jiajia is still very lost.
       Gao Jia hosted a lot of guests this day, and both mother and daughter have been busy at night.
       Gao Rushan and his father are not at home, only two mothers and daughters at home. Gao Haiqiong is sleeping with Gao Madam at home. From here, it can be seen that Gao Haiqiong is actually very filial.
       Lying on the bed against Gao Madam, Gao Haiqiong laughed:
       "When the draft, I thought with Shi Ling that Jia Jia would be selected by the Empress." The result was that she and Si Ling became Wangfei, and Jia Jia was defeated.
       After listening to this, Gao Madam frowned and said:
       "In the future, I will have a good time with Yin Jiajia. Don't make deep friends with her."
       "Mother, you don't have to worry, I am stunned by my heart." Yin Jiajia and Huang Siling are really tempered by her, so the draft will be like a sister. After the optional show was over, Yin Jiajia and Huang Siling were close, and she was alienated.
       Gao Haiqiong is a smart Miss. She knows that the reason why Yin Jiajia is far away from her is that she is not good at her reputation, and she is afraid that being close to her will be affected. On the contrary, Huang Siling, who is not in the face of the accident, has always kept her.
       Knowing that Gao Haiqiong has a number of hearts, Gao Madam will not say more:
       "You know that this news will definitely be very happy." Gao Rushan is willing to follow the high seas of Gao Haiqiong. There are so many excellent young generals in the army, and one of them will be chosen, and even the -Miss will not marry.
       Gao Haiqiong gave a cry:
       "Mother, I am tired today, sleep!"
       Gao Madam is too excited to sleep, never happy as it is today!

       Chapter 15__ 25 fit

       After the sacred sacredness of the marriage, let alone the original relationship, even if it is okay, come to the door to come and say hi.
       Gao Haiqiong was annoyed after two days of hospitality. After a greeting with her aging mother, she went to the Princess House.
       Pozi said with some concerns:
       "Madam, I’m going to kiss, isn’t it bad for Miss to go to the Grand Princess?”
       After all, the big princess is the big aunt of his own future.
       Gao Madam smiled:
       "It doesn't matter, the Empress won't mind these little things." If you mind, you won't be given a sacred gift. There is no opinion on her husband's family. Of course, her mother-in-law will not stop it.
       When you see it, Pozi will not say anything more.
       Jao-Jao was surprised when he saw Gao Haiqiong:
       "How come you are here?"
       The sacred sacred gift of the day before yesterday came over today, and this martial arts is more important than lifelong events!
       "Cough, the house is too noisy to be clean. Or come to the big princess, you are here, you can practice well." Those people took her, all kinds of praises don't want to smack her. Hearing Gao Haiqiong feels that they are not boasting about themselves, but another person.
       Jao-Jao understands what this means:
       "Also called a big princess, I have to change my name to be a big sister."
       Gao Haiqiong’s face is red like a cooked shrimp:
       "The big princess, this is not appropriate." I haven't got married yet, which big sister is called!
       Jao-Jao smiled and waved:
       "If there is anything wrong, I will call my older sister in the future."
       Gao Haiqiong is not willing to call:
       "Ao Shuang sister and Siling did not change this way, the big princess, you can't bully me alone."
       Jao-Jao laughs, the smart Yatou is flattering. I believe that A Rui and Gao Haiqiong will get along with each other and will definitely like her.
       Thinking of this, Jao-Jao said:
       "You go to the school first, I will come back later." The reason is not to find, anyway, there is a long life there.
       After Gao Haiqiong left, Jao-Jao and Molan said:
       "You entered the palace and told A Rui that I was looking for him."
       Molan hesitated and said:
       "Although I was given a marriage, I still haven't got married. It's not good to let them be in this way." There will be gossip in the spread. At that time, it is definitely Gao Haiqiong who is suffering. Molan likes Gao Haiqiong very much, so she doesn't want her to be criticized.
       "Cut, they let them say when they love to say. They are all a group of rotten old antiques, too lazy to take care of them." Everything is not going to be known every day, it is the most annoying.
       Molan said:
       "Or first consult the Empress. If the Empress doesn't object, call 2nd Prince again." She is also afraid that Yu-Xi is disliked with the matter. The attitude of others is not important, the Empress is the key.
       Jao-Jao laughs:
       "My mother is not so old-fashioned, or else she will not be in the middle of Arjun. But your concerns are correct, and everything is cautious."
       Yu-Xi, who will oppose, Rui Ji Er and Gao Haiqiong get along with each other so that they can feel their feelings. If you go to Changzhou, you don't have to worry that he will entangle with Gu Yu again.
       Rui Ji Er saw some accidents when he saw Gao Haiqiong on the school training ground. He didn't immediately talk to him, but stood next to him and looked at Gao Haiqiong seriously.
       I saw Gao Haiqiong wearing a green-green spring shirt with the same colored culottes. The skin is fair and tender, and a hibiscus face is beautiful.
       Rui Ji Er’s requirements for appearance are not too high, as long as they are too long to go. Unlike Xuan Ji Er, I want to find a beautiful woman who is in the country.
       Gao Haiqiong was watched by people who could not notice it. Seeing Rui Ji Er, he put down the sword in his hand and went to a ceremony.
       Rui Ji Er smiled and asked::
       "Why don't you stay at home and go to the Princess House?"
       "There are too many guests at home, annoying, and come to the Princess House to hide quietly." After that, Gao Haiqiong carefully looked at the next Rui Ji Er, and then said with a smile:
       "2nd Prince, you are much more handsome than the 2nd Prince 3rd Prince." The Crown Prince Highness is no match, and the momentum of that body is no match.
       "Cough, cough, cough..." Rui Ji was frightened and coughed fiercely.
       Jao-Jao, who was not far away, heard this and couldn’t smile. This Arjun is too fun.
       "On the last time, Arjun did not look at the second hall. It was also a relative, she only looked so careful." People look, it is also to see their fiancé. I can be my own master. When I saw the horse, I couldn’t move my legs. If you want to talk about boldness, who is better than your own master.
       It is better to be praised than You Ji-Er and Xuan Ji Er. This is absolutely the first time. Rui Ji Er put his hand on his mouth and coughed and said two things:
       "They all said that I am black and strong, no Axuan and A-You grow well!"
       Gao Haiqiong’s words just came out without a brain:
       "Be tall and burly, you have a masculine taste!"
       After saying this, Gao Haiqiong really wants to take a mouthful. What are you talking about? Cough is a disaster that is caused by her poor mouth on most days.
       However, Gao Haiqiong is also telling the truth. What she likes is Rui Ji Er, a man who is full of masculine and masculine, rather than a weak chicken like Xuan Ji Er who can't pick his shoulders.
       "That, that, I mean that the tall and burly has the strength, in the future can protect his ‘Madam’ and children from bullying." After saying this, Gao Haiqiong really wants to cry. She was pumping her brain today and said that this is all stupid!
       Rui Ji Er looked at Gao Haiqiong’s look that he was about to collapse, and he was in a good mood. However, he is a kind person, and he has been busy transferring the topic so that Gao Haiqiong no longer swears:
       "The swordsman you just practiced, I am a little familiar."
       Gao Haiqiong is not allowed to transfer the topic:
       "It was the big princess who taught me. Your Highness, how do you feel about me?"
       "Alright." Practiced like a model, but only shape and no god. Rui Ji Er laughed:
       "Call your highness, more strange. I will call Ah Rui later." Since it is a fiancee, you have to get along well.
       After Gao Haiqiong hesitated, he followed the meaning of Rui Ji Er:
       "A Rui, I will show you again, can you help me to point out the mistakes and deficiencies?"
       "Okay." Rui Ji Er likes the sloppy Miss, don't twist for a long time, can't say a word, look tired. Not to mention, I have to live with it for a lifetime.
       Rui Ji Er not only pointed to Gao Haiqiong martial arts, but also gave her a trick. At the time of the move, Gao Haiqiong rushed to avoid the sword of Rui Ji Er, and fell to the ground without standing.
       Waiting for Rui Ji Er to help, Gao Haiqiong climbed up and then held the sword and said:
       "Come on, continue."
       Although Rui Ji Er knew that the fall was not heavy, he appreciated Gao Haiqiong’s attitude:
       "it is good."
       When it was time for lunch, Jao-Jao came to ask them to eat. The result saw Gao Haiqiong, exclaimed:
       "Arjun, how did you become a cat?"
       Jao-Jao laughs:
       "Go to the mirror yourself." The gray east of his face is a piece of west, like a cat.
       Seeing himself in the mirror, Gao Haiqiong licked his face. She even spoke to the second Prince with this face, thinking about the hole.
       Molan smiled and said:
       "2nd Prince is an informal person. Besides, it was just at the school training ground. It is not unexpected to have anything to do." It is also very embarrassing to fall on the ground. It can be used as a martial arts person. These are the norms.
       Gao Haiqiong thinks about it too.
       In a blink of an eye, it’s the second half. Rui Ji Er said:
       "I have to go back to the palace." He had to go home for dinner.
       Gao Haiqiong was reluctant to ask, and Ai Ai asked during the period:
       "A Rui, are you still coming tomorrow?"
       The big princess taught her martial arts, and that was all she had to ponder after her drills. Unlike Rui Ji Er, in addition to teaching martial arts will also give her a trick. Then I will answer her many questions carefully.
       Rui Ji Er shakes his head:
       "I have something to do tomorrow." He will follow Kaihao to a few military camps in the suburbs tomorrow.
       Seeing Gao Haiqiong’s disappointment, Rui Ji Er laughed:
       "I am free the day after."
       Gao Haiqiong almost jumped up:
       "Thank you for your second visit."
       Rui Ji Er laughed and went back to the palace.
       Jao-Jao asked Gao Haiqiong with a smile:
       "After getting along for a day, how do you feel about my second brother? Is it very intimate, very gentle?"
       Molan really felt that Jao-Jao was unobstructed.
       Gao Haiqiong shyly bowed his head:
       "It's very good." Very careful and considerate, and not a little shelf. Although it only lasted for a day, it felt very good. This will, Gao Haiqiong wants to thank her old Lady. If it wasn't for her aging mother, she might have missed such a good person.
       Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "My second brother has been guiding you for a day. Should you have something to say?"
       Gao Haiqiong is not stupid, how can I not understand the meaning of Jao-Jao in this sentence:
       "Let me think about it."
       You Ji-Er saw Rui Ji Er and smiled:
       "Second brother, so happy, what good things have you met?"
       "Today taught the high school Miss martial arts, indeed, as the big sister said that she is very talented in martial arts." Unfortunately, there was no good teaching before, and the learning was very complicated, otherwise the martial arts must be very high.
       You Ji-Er knows that Rui Ji Er is not very hot on this affair, but now he looks at him and knows that the situation has changed:
       "Second brother, how is this high family Miss? I don't like it."
       "It's a good Miss." He still can't talk about Gao Haiqiong, and he feels that he is not awkward with her, very comfortable.
       You Ji-Er smiled:
       "You are not nonsense. If it is not good, can the mother see it? Second brother, the mother gave you the choice , it is definitely for you."
       After hearing this, Rui Ji stayed. Whether it is temper or temper, it is really good for his appetite.
       After a while, Rui Ji said:
       "I knew that I had to listen to my mother's arrangements on that day." It wouldn't have happened to Gu Kai. It hurts him so long, and finally he is not a person inside or outside.
       On the same day, he was beaten by Jao-Jao. After he came back, he seriously thought about his past with Gu Yu. The more I think, the less my heart is. The more I think, the more I feel that I am a bald, shaved, hot fool.
       After taking a picture of Rui Ji Er’s shoulder, You Ji-Er smiled:
       "Second brother, don't think about the past. Think about what's going on now, and squat in the capital to get along with the high Miss."
       Rui Ji Er nodded:
       "I will."
       You-Ji lowered the voice and said:
       "Second brother, I told you that this Miss must be embarrassed. They are happy, and this heart is on you." He is very experienced in this regard.
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "Or let it go!" Also said that the shadows that came with Gu Yu, how many things he sent at that time! As a result, cough, still do not want to.


Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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