Han Yuxi 1520

Han Yuxi  

Note:  The chapter numbering from now on is a bit messed up.

       Chapter 15__ Exile

       The day was bright, and Xuan Ji Er, wearing a guardian’s clothes, took the time to change his post and left the palace.
       Xuan Ji Er saw Pang Jinglun and blessed a gift:
       "Sir, I will bother you later."
       Pang Jinglun said with a smile:
       "When I talk about trouble, I originally planned to go to see an old friend next year." For this reason, their goal this time is to smash.
       Because of his age, Pang Jinglun’s ‘Madam’ and children are not allowed to continue to go out. But this time it was the order of Yu-Xi, and his ‘Madam’ and children did not dare to stop.
       This house is not the home of Pang Jinglun, but the place where the agreement meets. After saying two words, Pang Jinglun said:
       "The hour is not gone, let's go on the road!"
       Xuan Ji Er carried his luggage and followed Pang Jinglun out of the back door.
       The back door is stopping a green tarpaulin carriage, which is a very ordinary man.
       Xuan Ji Er was also vigilant because of the assassination. Looking at this driver, Xuan Ji Er always felt a little weird and asked:
       "Master Pang, who is this person?"
       Pang Jinglun smiled and said:
       "This is the person that the Empress arranges to protect you. He claims to be Ah 3rd !" The name is really bad.
       A three looked at Xuan Ji Er and said:
       "Young Master, it is me." The last time Xuange was injured, he was also punished when he went back. However, the main responsibility is not in him, and the punishment is not heavy.
       Pang Jinglun put the parcel in the carriage and then headed to Xuan Ji Er:
       "If there is anything, go out of the city and say it." It is also to avoid people eyes and ears, so they are so low-key.
       Out of the city, Xuan Ji Er asked this:
       "Ah, how did you become like this?"
       Ah 3rd didn't last like this. If the sound didn't change, he wouldn't dare to recognize it.
       Ah 3rd smiled:
       "This is my original face." The way it was before, it was easy.
       Pang Jinglun smiled and said:
       "With Ah 3rd , I am also relieved." I heard that this person is martial arts high, Pang Jinglun is very happy. Going out, you will meet people of all kinds. If you follow this kind of person, you can feel at ease.
       Xuan Ji Er heard this and fell into silence. Since that day, let him follow Pang Jinglun out of Capital City, the mother did not see him again. It was the palace that went out today, and the mother did not come to him.
       Thinking of this, Xuan Ji Er’s heart is very uncomfortable. He just didn't want to ruin his relatives. He didn't think it was so big. The troubles were all driven out of the house.
       Pang Jinglun looked at Xuan's uncomfortable look and smiled and asked:
       "Is not going to be home when I first came out?"
       Xuan Ji Er smiled very reluctantly:
       Pang Jinglun is also a person of interest, and has shifted the topic:
       "Three Masters, you see if we go directly to the ground, or go around from other places." He wanted to go to the land from Jiangnan. After going out this time, I am afraid that I will not be able to travel far away.
       "Master is the master." He has never been to these places. Pang Jinglun has experience in the south and Xuan Ji Er feels that he should listen to Master Pang.
       Pang Jinglun said with a smile:
       "Three Masters, this thing requires you to take the idea. I went to see my old friends and went back to Capital City." When I arrived at the place, the road after that would have to go to Xuan Ji Er. Therefore, during this time he only made suggestions and would not make a decision.
       Xuan Ji Er was scared:
       "Where is the Master to be separated from me? Then what should I do?"
       Pang Jinglun smiled:
       "You don't have to be afraid. I will teach you all the time during this time." With his experience, I believe that 3rd Prince can take a lot of detours.
       Seeing Xuan Ji Er’s look did not relax, Pang Jinglun said:
       "Even if I am separated from you, there is still A 3rd followed you! A three martial arts high-powered, can certainly protect you." He had to have a martial-powered escort to follow, so he did not have to eat so much suffering, so many crimes, Not even a few times in danger.
       Xuan Ji Er bowed his head.
       Pang Jinglun transferred the topic:
       "Hungry? I bought some oil cakes."
       "I have food here." When you left, You Ji-Er stuffed a pack for him.
       Pang Jinglun looked at the bulging parcel and smiled and asked:
       "Three Master, don't know what you brought?"
       The less luggage you go, the better, just 3rd Prince, this baggage is a little less. You know, it’s winter right now, you have to bring cotton trousers. These things are quite a place.
       Xuan Ji Er took some food and two sets of clothes to change, and the rest was gone.
       Pang Jinglun stayed:
       "Three Master, you didn't bring money?"
       Because he thought he was going out with Xuan Ji Er, he only brought a hundred Silver Taels.
       Xuan Ji Er opened the curtain and asked Ah 3rd who was driving:
       "Ah, how much silver did my mother give?"
       Like You Ji-Er before going out, Yu-Xi will take care of it. This time he went out, no exception.
       "What are you talking about? My mother didn't give you money?"
       Xuan Ji Er stayed, then let Ah 3rd stop the carriage:
       "Go back to Capital City, return to Capital City to take money." Although he does not care about things, but also knows that there is no money outside the door is difficult to move.
       Pang Jinglun does not think that Yu-Xi is such a careless person. After listening to this, he shook his head and said:
       "Three Masters, the Empress is afraid to deliberately not give you money."
       "This should be the temper of the Empress to you. So even if you go back, you will not be able to get money." Depressed, he has to suffer from an old bone.
       "How can I go to the ground without money?"
       Eat and wear, no matter what kind of money. If you don't have money, it will become a problem when you eat and live. Cloud travel will not be empty talk.
       Pang Jinglun is very free and easy:
       "I brought a hundred Silver Taels. It saves some use and can go to the ground." After returning to Capital City, he believed that the Empress would definitely compensate him.
       "What can I do after I get to the ground?"
       His mother said that he was not allowed to return to Capital City until his older brother became a relative. How did he pass during that time?
       Pang Jinglun said with a smile:
       "I always figure out a way." How can people let the urine die?
       Xuan Ji Er is very heavy. This is where he is allowed to travel, which is clearly exile.
       On the evening of the same day, You Ji-Er said during the meal:
       "I don't know where the third brother is. Have you found the inn." He actually wanted to go to Capital City, but unfortunately, the mother would not let.
       Yun-Qing buckled the chopsticks on the table and said with a cold face:
       "Where do you learn the rules? Don't you know when you are eating?"
       You Ji-Er glanced at Yu-Xi and saw that she didn't hear Yun-Qing . She still ate something elegantly and immediately stopped her mouth.
       Out of Kunning Palace, A-You asked with a look:
       "When the third brother left, the mother did not send him. Big Brother, you said that the third brother did what he did so."
       On the same day, Qi Hao knew the stupid things that Xuan Ji Er did. Only he did not tell A-You:
       "Morning to see him for Zhong Yuting to die, to lie to him that the wine brought in was poisoned. As a result, he believed it."
       "Have his brain got into the water?"
       I also know that this is a lie, and his mother is reluctant to hit them even on most days.
       "It’s not that the brain is getting into the water. It’s not at all. If you forget it, don’t say him.” When he mentioned Xuan’s brother, Qi Hao was on fire. Fortunately, I left, or else he was really afraid that he couldn’t control it and he would learn from Xuan’s brother.
       In addition to sighing, he did not know what to say. No strange mother is so angry. After listening to this, he is about to blow up.
       After Xuan Ji Er left, the palace was restored to calm.
       After half a month, the news came from Yunnan, and Lou Heshan was killed. Huang Liyong took the troops and took off the old nest of Louheshan.
       Yun-Qing After reading the newspaper, I am overjoyed:
       "Yu-Xi, Yunnan has finally taken it down." The war in Yunnan, one in the heart of Yun-Qing . Today, this hidden danger has finally been solved.
       Louheshan was beaten down in Yunnan, and Yu-Xi was naturally happy. However, she is more concerned about another thing:
       "How is Jao-Jao? Not hurt?"
       Yun-Qing said cheerfully:
       "No injuries. This time Jao-Jao personally took down the head of Lou Hongye and made great achievements." Lou Hongye is the third son of Louheshan. This person is also very powerful, it is very cruel, like to kill. The number of people who died in his hands is countless.
       "So, Jao-Jao can be upgraded this time?"
       No one disagreed with the surge in military power.
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "Jao-Jao is upgraded to the first level, that is, from the general of the second product. Yu-Xi, should you give her a good title?"
       "This matter is handed over to the Ministry of Rites. Let them draft a few good meanings, and we will choose from it." She did not want to spend this brain.
       Yun-Qing nodded:
       "it is good."
       Such a big happy event, finally swept away the haze brought before. Yun-Qing finally no longer has a face, Mama Palace women are relieved. During this time, they were playing a 12-point mentality, and they were afraid that they would be angered by mistakes.
       You Ji-Er is very happy and said:
       "The big sister has moved further toward her dream." Such a large military merit must be promoted. From the female generals of the second product, there are not many in history.
       When Jin Jinyu got the news, he came over and asked Yu-Xi:
       "The Empress, can she be a princess?"
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You don't have to worry, I have already asked, Jao-Jao is not injured. After a while, she will come back."
       "Can the princess come back a year ago?"
       Although Jao-Jao said that he would come back for the New Year, but what can be said about the war? Even if I win now, I won’t be able to come back years ago.
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I can definitely get back to the New Year."
       On the face of Jin Jinyu, this smile appeared:
       "After the mother, I want to bring a longevity back to the Princess House. If Fu Huang wants to live for a long time with her mother, I will take him into the palace."
       "Okay." When Yusheng was sick, Yu-Xi took care of him for a few days. After that, she has been busy with government affairs and she has not been able to live forever. During this time, the longevity is brought by Jin Jinyu himself.
       Changsheng moved back, Yun-Qing was reluctant, and some complained about Yu-Xi:
       "How do you let him bring longevity back?"
       I live in the palace and I can see it when I want to see it. Going out, it is not easy to see one side.
       "Jinyu doesn't like the palace, why should he force him?"
       It took him a long time to say that it is already his limit. It is also seen that Jin Jinyu will take good care of the longevity, otherwise it will not be released.
       Yun-Qing was not happy, but did not say much. I like to live forever, and this child is also a surname. Jin Jinyu does not want to keep children in the palace, and it is not easy to force.

       Chapter 15__ The wind will start

       Zhong Yuting was placed under house arrest at Baihuayuan and was completely isolated from the outside world. Although the cost of eating and drinking is not harsh to her, but she is not ignorant of the night. Even if it is difficult to sleep, it is a nightmare. In just over half a month, Zhong Yuting was not astonishing.
       A Pozi opened the door and said to Zhong Xiaoting, who was thin and thin towards the look:
       "Clock Miss, come out!"
       Zhong Yuting was terrified in his heart. He knocked the skeined gold bracelet on his wrist to Pozi in the fastest speed.
       See Pozi collection of bracelets, Zhong Yuting's heart is slightly loose. Some time ago, she wanted to inquire about the news outside, and stuffed the bracelet to the next person who gave the meal, but these people were confiscated:
       "Mama, this is where to send me?"
       Many of the sinners are sent to the Courtyard. She is the fiancee of 3rd Prince, even if she is not married to 3rd Prince, she should not go to the Courtyard.
       Pozi put the bracelet into the sleeve and said:
       "It’s the people from the Duke House in Korea who pick you up.” It’s the people from the Duke House in Korea, and they won’t get guilty if they want to come. If not, she would not dare to accept this bracelet.
       It was the aunt who sent people to pick them up instead of sending them to prison. That said, the storm has passed.
       Out of Baihuayuan, Zhong Yuting went to the carriage stopped outside. As soon as I opened the curtain, I saw the lotus sitting inside.
       Holding the lotus hand, Zhong Yuting asked eagerly:
       "Loss sister, what happened?"
       There are tears in the lotus eyes.
       Zhong Yuting’s heart fell straight down:
       The lotus wiped the tears and said:
       "It is a crime to rebel against the crime." Rebellion, but the felony of the Jiuzu.
       Zhong Yuting felt that she broke into the abyss:
       Lotus tears rush down:
       "Big-Nai-Nai asked Your Grace, Your Grace said that we Lao Taiye has been doing things for the past." Her father and brother, also life and death. The lotus is also worried about these days.
       "Impossible, if'
       Lotus pharyngeal tract:
       "It's the Empress's message to Da-Nai-Nai, let's pick you up at Baihuayuan."
       Zhong Yuting fell on the carriage and could not tell a word. After the opposition, even if she did not want her life, her end will be miserable.
       Zhong Yuting saw Zhong Minxiu, who was lying in bed on a pale face, without tears.
       Zhong Minxiu clasped her hands and said:
       "Don't cry." Cry can't solve the problem.
       Zhong Yuting’s tears can’t stop:
       "Aunt, lotus said'
       "No, the evidence is conclusive. He is loyal to the Zhou Family and always wants to fight against the Ming Family." This is what Han Jianming told her personally, and there should be no leave.
       Zhong Yuting’s face is like a gray:
       "Aunt, isn't that the clock family going to fill the door?"
       This is a felony of the Nine.
       Zhong Minxiu shook his head and said:
       "The emperor and the empress of the emperor, the son-in-law of the family and the underage children exiled Lingnan." Fortunately, Ta Concubine has passed away. Otherwise, it will not be hospice. However, this is the case, Zhong Minxiu is still struggling with such a blow.
       Seeing that Zhong Yuting has been crying, Zhong Minxiu said sharply:
       "Now is not the time to cry. You must cheer up, or else you the Grandmother, they really didn't expect it."
       Zhong Yuting cried so well not to be sad:
       "Aunt, what can I do?"
       She is now difficult to protect herself.
       The lotus couldn't help but insert a sentence:
       "As long as Eldest Miss is married to 3rd Prince, Old Madam will save them."
       "Zhong's family has such a thing, 3rd Prince can't swear at me again." This is not an ordinary guilt, but a rebellion against the big sin. How could the Empress make 3rd Prince, after his own counter-commission.
       Zhong Minxiu was a bitter smile and said to Zhong Yuting:
       "The Empress has already made a fuss, let me choose a marriage for you." This shows that the marriage between Zhong Yuting and 3rd Prince is invalid.
       Zhong Yuting hung her head, which was what she expected. The Empress didn't like her, and now the clock will definitely destroy her relatives, completely in her expectation.
       Thinking of the scene in Kunning Palace, Zhong Yuting suddenly looked up:
       "Aunt, will the Empress not be like me, so I will frame the clock?"
       The more I think, the more I feel that my guess is not wrong:
       "It must be like this. It must be that the Empress hates me, so I will anger my family. My aunt, I am the victim of the clock, I am the victim of the clock."
       Zhong Minxiu raised his hand and gave a slap to Zhong Yuting. The face of Zhong Yuting’s white face clearly showed five fingers:
       "What are you talking about here?"
       Zhong Yuting does not feel that she is talking nonsense. When people are desperate, many ideas will be extreme:
       "Aunt, the Empress sees me not to the heart of Prince, very disliked with me. The last time I announced that I entered the palace, she was full of disgust when she looked at me."
       Still waiting to speak, Zhong Minxiu felt that his stomach was rolling. Pressing the fire, Zhong Minxiu said, touching the stomach:
       "If the Empress dislikes you, just find a reason to ruin the pro. Even if you scruple the reputation, it is easy for you to die silently. There is no need to smack the sin of the Zhong family. The crime of rebellion is not casual, it must be There is solid evidence. "If you don't look good, you will say that the other side is rebelling against the family. Other ministers know that it is not chilling. Such a stupid thing, how smart can be done like the Empress!
       After listening to this, Zhong Yuting stopped crying, and the six gods said:
       "Aunt, what do you do now?"
       "You first live in Duke House, and I will show you the family after I have finished the child." Not to mention that her aunt is very kind to her, only to say that the Empress told her not to neglect.
       Zhong Yuting cried and said:
       "Aunt, what about the Grandmother and my mother?"
       Zhong Minxiu leaned on the bed and said:
       "I have sent people to Jiangnan." As for whether or not they can catch up, it is not her decision.
       Zhong Minxiu looked at the same red lotus with a crying eyes:
       "In this time, you take care of the Eldest Miss." She is also sad when the clock is in trouble, but sadness does not help. The lotus is her big Servant, but she can't control her emotions. She is tearful when she mentions the clock. Usually it is, but now she is pregnant, always seeing the lotus crying is also difficult to protect. Therefore, she does not want to see the lotus now.
       Lotus did not think much, nodded:
       "it is good."
       Servant Sydney made a cover for Zhong Minxiu and said:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, the Imperial Doctor said that you should take a good rest and avoid hurting yourself. Otherwise it is not good for your child." Sydney is also a escort Servant, but it was second-class. Not long ago, it was pulled into a first class.
       Sydney is bought, not a family. Unlike the lotus, all relatives are in Zhongfu. Therefore, she was worried about the accident of Zhong's family, but she only worried about Zhong Minxiu. If Zhong Minxiu has three long and two short, they become duckweed, and at that time they may be randomly matched.
       Zhong Minxiu sighed:
       "I used to think that she was a clever one. I didn't expect it to be so stupid." After the imperial edict of the marriage came down, Zhong Minxiu feared that Zhong Yuting could not turn and bend, and she had a big belly. At that time, seeing Zhong Yuting's face was unwilling, she explained the reason.
       It seems now that Zhong Yuting did not listen to her persuasion. Otherwise, how can the Empress hate her? With the savvy of the Empress, I was afraid that I could see through her heart and not Sanzi. It’s just not looking for a kiss, it’s purely looking for death.
       Sydney comfortably:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, you must take care of yourself. Old Madam- with Madam, they also rely on you!" Among the Miss Zhong married, Zhong Minxiu is not the most married Ok, but the Han family's elders are definitely the most generous. When the Zhong family had an accident, Han Old Madam not only did not anger and hate his own family - Nai-Nai, but has always comforted her, and has to visit the next big-Nai-Nai every day. It was Your Grace, who knew that -Nai-Nai sent people to Jiangnan and also arranged for two guards to follow. These things are enough to see that the matter of Zhong Jia will not affect the status of Da-Nai-Nai in the Han family.
       Zhong Minxiu nodded.
       How does Zhong Yuting, Yu-Xi does not care. Let Zhong Minxiu pick her up, and she has already been merciless. According to the law, she is also going to exile Lingnan. However, the appearance of Zhong Yuting is really exiled to Lingnan. Although she did not become her daughter-in-law, but this Yu-Xi did not want her to be ruined, so let Zhong Minxiu take her back to marry.
       Looking at the information sent by Liaodong intelligence personnel, Yu-Xi was worried, and Yun-Qing said:
       "Dong Hu Wang killed Zuo Xianwang, and other opponents were also eradicated by him overnight." Dong Hu Zuo Xian Wang was born to the predecessor of Dong Hu, and is also the half-brother of Dong Hu. However, Donghu people are not as good as the Central Plains. They are the strong. When Zuo Xianwang was competing for the throne, he was slightly inferior. However, he did not give up, and always wanted to replace Donghu Wang.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Tongcheng, it will be a big battle." The soldiers and horses of Beibei are also fierce, but because the number of Beibei people is not much, he can destroy them. In Donghu, their population is five times that of Beibei. Yan Wu-shuang has been able to stop Donghu Jun outside Tongcheng in these years, and it has paid a huge price.
       Yu-Xi said with anxiety:
       "What I am worried about now is that Yan Wu-shuang will form an alliance with Donghu people." They only have more than 10 thousand cavalry. This number is not enough for the army of Shangdonghu.
       Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "No, Yan family has guarded Liaodong for generations, and Donghu people have blood and sea enmity. That is, Yan Wu-shuang's father also died in the hands of Donghu. The father's hatred is not shared, Yan Wu-shuang decided that it is impossible to form an alliance with Donghu people. If not, he will not be able to stand on the ground."
       Yu-Xi clicked.

       Chapter 15__ Human suffering (1)

       The cold wind blew in the air, and the leaves on the tree were rolled up. (good looking marshmallow
       Xuan Ji Er was blown by the cold wind and made a chill, saying to Pang Jinglun:
       "Teacher, don't hurry on such a cold day, let's find a place to live!"
       Pang Jinglun smiled:
       "It's not cold now, find a place to settle down after it snows!"
       Seeing Xuan Ji Er’s disapproval, Pang Jinglun explained:
       "The road in the first month is very slippery, and I can't catch the road. When I set off, I have to wait until next February. If I count this, I will get five or six months." According to Xuan Ji Er, the winter is afraid of the cold and the summer is hot. I can't get to the ground.
       "It’s not a hurry anyway, it’s okay when it’s time to go to the land.” It’s very sinful to hurry on such a cold day.
       Pang Jinglun is helpless:
       "But we have only more than 70 Silver Taels in our body. This silver is afraid that it will not last for a long time." Because there are only one hundred Silver Taels, when the first time I stayed, Pang Jinglun suggested living in Datongpu, Datongpu. Individuals will have three or forty yuan in one night. Datong shop is not good, the room is very humid and can't take a bath. Xuan Ji Er can't live and die, insist on going to the superior room. The result was two high-class rooms, and a table of good dishes was ordered. A total of five Silver Taels were spent. Although the flowers were saved afterwards, Xuan Ji Er became accustomed to it, resulting in only seventy Silver Taels.
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "You don't have to worry about the money. When I have a fixed place to live, I will write to A-You and let him send me some money."
       Pang Jinglun is hesitant.
       "You can rest assured that A-You will get my letter and I will send someone to send money." This confidence, he still has.
       Pang Jinglun looked at A3 and asked:
       "what do you say?"
       This time, the Empress did not prepare for the 3rd Prince. Pang Jinglun does not think that after 4th Prince received the letter, he will send someone to send money.
       A 3rd said:
       "I listen to Young Master." From the capital to the present, regardless of Xuan Ji Er's decision, Ah 3rd is support.
       Suddenly looked at Ah 3rd , seeing him is still a sly look, Pang Jinglun had to say:
       "Okay! Then we will stay in the next county." I don't know what medicine the empress sells in the gourd.
       After five days of driving, the three went to a county called Shiyang. See Xuan Ji Er and want to live in the inn, Pang Jinglun is busy blocking. To live in an inn, I am afraid that the money on their bodies will be spent.
       Pang Jinglun said: "Your Highness, we don't live for a day or two, we have to live for more than two months. If you live in an inn, even if the ordinary room costs two months, the room rate will be thirty or forty Silver Taels."
       Xuan Ji Er is somewhat puzzled and asks:
       "Can't live in the inn, where do you live? Do you have to go to other people homes for a long time? But we live for so long, and then we have to spend the New Year, and it is not good to go to other people homes?"
       They can't find the inn every night, and sometimes they stay at the farmhouse.
       "If you don't borrow, we will rent a room. For more than two months, it's just two or three Silver Taels." Going out, everything is simple.
       Xuan Ji Er listened to this and said:
       "Teacher, we don't cook. Rent a house, who cooks?"
       As long as you stay at the inn, you will have ready-made meals and hot water.
       Pang Jinglun smiled:
       “You can ask Pozi to cook. It’s enough to give one or two yuan a month.”
       In the end, Xuan Ji Er still obeyed Pang Jinglun's words, rented a house and hired people to cook.
       When renting a house, Xuan Ji Er is not willing to rent a house. Three people live in a house, too crowded. Finally, the three rented a small yard. This yard, silver for two and a half months. The lease is for three months and the rent is paid in one lump sum.
       A small yard, three houses, and a kitchen in the wood house plus a kenhouse. However, the furniture required for this yard is available daily, and the kitchen utensils are also readily available. Just buy a quilt and something like rice noodles, you can.
       After reading the house, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Two and a half a month, not expensive." Before the inn of the state house, a room for a night will be a Silver Taels.
       Pang Jinglun almost vomited blood:
       "Ada, if you only rent a house, you only need two Silver Taels in three months." It only took nearly eight or two dollars to rent a house. There are only less than sixty Silver Taels in his hand.
       "Teacher, after A-You sent the money, I will return the money to you." Not to mention the bonus from You Ji-Er, only that he has thousands of Silver Taels in his hand. It’s just that he thought that Yu-Xi would be ready to get around and didn’t take the money.
       Pang Jinglun opened his mouth and could see A 3rd , standing next to Xuan's body, and swallowed it back to his mouth.
       The house was rented, and the three went to the market to buy quilts and towels. After that, the trio added a winter coat. Finally, I went to buy rice noodles and oil and salt.
       After returning home, Pang Jinglun and Xuan Ji Er said:
       "There are only twenty-eight Silver Taels in my hands, so I can save some flowers."
       Xuan Ji Er was a little surprised:
       “Have we spent thirty Silver Taels today?”
       "This money can't help but spend it. So, I plan not to ask the cook, we cook for ourselves." Ask a cook, in addition to giving money for three meals, it costs too much.
       Xuan Ji Er opposed, but this time Pang Jinglun did not listen to him, and resolutely did not ask the cook. Money is in the hands of Pang Jinglun, and naturally he has the final say.
       On the second day of the settlement, Xuan Ji Er said to Pang Jinglun:
       "Teacher, let's go outside and see!" Since it is a visit to the cloud, it is natural to understand the local folk customs. By the way, I would like to find out what is more famous here, as long as it is not far away, go see it in two days.
       Pang Jinglun will not want to move at all:
       "Let's go, I stay at home to see the house." After more than a month's journey, he was too tired, and he had to rest well in these days. It is also a year old. I want to go out in the clouds before. I have no money to go by car. I walked for more than two months. The foot, all the bleeding came.
       After eating the noodles, Pang Jinglun sunburned in the yard and the sun went back to sleep. When I woke up, I had two more people at home. These two men, a middle-aged man who is about a year old and has a leg, is a 13-year-old little Miss. The two cold men were still wearing singles and stood in the room and shivered.
       Pang Jinglun pointed his face with black face and asked:
       "Ada, who are they?"
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Teacher, their father and daughter are both hung on the road. I am pitiful, I brought them back."
       "and then?"
       Xuan Ji Er saw that Pang Jinglun was not happy and said:
       "Teacher, save one life and win the seven-level floating squad. If we don't help them, they will freeze to death."
       "We are not opening a charity hall. They have no food to eat, no clothes to wear, they should go to the government." After that, Pang Jinglun said to the father and daughter:
       "Let's go!" Now it is not the former Family. The tax imposed by the government is not high. Most of the servitude is also exempted. As long as you are willing to do things, you will not starve to death.
       The little Miss slammed into the ground and cried as he said:
       "Old Master, please don't let us go. Old Master, I don't want to eat white food with me. We can work, wash and cook, cook and cook, we will do it. Old Master, please leave us!"
       Pang Jinglun looked at the little Miss crying and the appearance of the rain, not moving:
       "Let's go, we have no money to invite people."
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Teacher, Linger’s house fell, her mother was killed, and her legs were cut off. Their father and daughter, they have nowhere to go. Teacher, let us leave them! Let them go They must not survive this cold day."
       Pang Jinglun said with a blank expression to Xuan Ji Er:
       "They can go to the dentist and ask them to do something about the introduction."
       The lame man said with a red eye:
       "They said that I am a disabled person and can't live, I just want to accept Linger. Let Linger go to another house alone, I can rest assured." When it comes to this, the man's tears are coming.
       Pang Jinglun heard such a miserable encounter, and did not move his heart, still want to drive away the father and the daughter.
       Xuan Ji Er simply does not believe what he saw:
       "Teacher, how can you be so cold-blooded?"
       When Pang Jinglun heard this, he almost didn't mention it.
       Ah 3rd , who has always been his background, saw the words:
       "Sir, as Young Master said, save lives and build a seven-level float. Sir, let them stay!"
       Pang Jinglun glanced at Ah 3rd and saw that he was still so sly, and that strange feeling came to his mind.
       After a while, Pang Jinglun sighed and said:
       "Forget it, since you want to stay, let them stay!"
       Linger is very happy, heading towards Pang Jinglun:
       “Thank you for the Old Master, thank you Old Master.”
       Pang Jinglun has a cold voice:
       "Don't you say that you will cook? Just that I am hungry, go to the kitchen to cook!"
       When the father and the daughter entered the kitchen, Xuan Ji returned to his room. Pang Jinglun said this to A 3rd :
       "follow me."
       After closing the door, Pang Jinglun lowered his voice and asked Ah 3rd :
       "These two people are obviously having problems. Why are you leaving them?"
       He can see what he is saying, and he does not believe that Ah 3rd can't see it.
       Although Ah 3rd has not shown anything different for more than a month. May be sent by the Queen to protect the 3rd Prince, certainly not the average person.
       Ah 3rd said softly:
       "Madam let the Young Master come out, that is, let him know that the human heart is sinister and experience the human suffering." This road came, although not as comfortable as the palace, but 3rd Prince did not suffer much.
       After listening to this, Pang Jinglun was busy asking:
       "Then you have brought money in the end? I am so old, I can't bear the danger of being hungry!" A small cup of Jiang soup was solved before, and now it takes ten days and a half to be good.
       A 3rd said:
       "The order of -Laozi Pang has already been released, and it is released as the county magistrate of Yongzhou County." Pang Jinglun's eldest son is a scholar. He has not been tested for ten years. Pang Jinglun found someone and gave him a job in Tai-shi. Now he is a tribute to the nine products. The county is from seven products, and it is a real shortage.
       Pang Jinglun immediately understood, said:
       "I know how to do it." It seems that this time I have to suffer with 3rd Prince once. Cough, for the sake of my son, I can only bite my teeth.

       Chapter 15__ Human suffering (2)

       It’s cold and cold, and it’s so cold. Scorpio is small. "2. Xuan Ji Er looked back from the bed and shrank back. It was so cold that he didn't dare to get up.
       When Xuan Ji Er was at home, the weather was cold and he burned the dragon. Your house was warm and spring-like. Going out, it is time to wear warm and light clothes. Unlike here, only thick and bulky cotton trousers keep warm.
       I was struggling to get out of bed, and I heard the sound of knocking on the door. Ah 3rd called out:
       "Young Master, not good, the family is thief."
       Xuan Ji Er heard this and couldn’t care about it. He quickly got up and dressed.
       Open the door, Xuan Ji Er looked at the anxious A 3rd asked:
       "What have you lost?"
       A 3rd said:
       "Master 's money is gone, our carriage is gone!" They were three people, one room for one person. As for the Linger father and daughter who were taken in, under the strong request of Pang Jinglun, let their father and daughter live in the stove.
       Xuan Ji Er was busy going to Pang Jinglun’s house and saw him lying in the bed:
       A three explained next:
       "The things in Master House have all been stolen." Except for the quilt, clothes and parcels are gone.
       Pang Jinglun's eyes are not eyes, the nose is not the nose, pointing to Xuan Ji Er:
       "I said that the father and the daughter are both unclear and can't stay. You have to be a good person. Now everything has been stolen, and you will eat the northwest wind later."
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "Teacher, I believe that Uncle Shu and Linger are not such people. It must be that other thieves have entered our house and stole our things."
       A 3rd said:
       "Young Master, you take care of your husband, I will go to Tuen Mun to report the case."
       Xuan Ji Er hesitated and said:
       "You still have to go to the next uncle and Linger, find them and report them again!"
       Pang Jinglun said:
       "Even my clothes are stolen, except for the father and daughter who are resentful to me?"
       Usually the thief will only steal valuable things, so even the old cotton trousers he wears are stolen.
       "Teacher, uncle is honest and honest, and Linger is so cute and cuddly, how can it be a thief who is not guilty. Teacher, I know that you don't like Uncle and Linger, but you can't filthy them." Anyway, No, he does not believe that Uncle Shu and Linger are thieves.
       Pang Jinglun almost vomited an old blood. He now finally understands why the Empress has to rush out of Xuan Ji Er. Keeping such a two-five son is around, you have to get sick.
       A three listened to Xuan Ji Er’s words and immediately said:
       "Young Master, I will go find it."
       After Asan’s departure, Pang Jinglun said to Xuan Ji Er:
       "Now the money has been stolen. I don't even wear the clothes. What should I do in the future?"
       Xuan Ji Er was the first to encounter such a thing:
       "When A3 comes back, we will discuss it again." The letter to A-You was sent out two days before, and the fastest time was a month. There is no silver now, and Xuan Ji Er is a bit embarrassed.
       Pang Jinglun said with a sigh of relief:
       "I am hungry, you go to the kitchen to get some food for me."
       I heard that Xuan Ji Er said that he would not cook, Pang Jinglun said with a black face:
       "If you don't want to do it, take off your clothes and give it to me. I will do it myself."
       "Teacher, I can't wear my clothes!" Although Xuan Ji Er is relatively high among his peers, he is only a fifteen-year-old child. He is still not fully educated, and he is a little shorter than Pang Jinglun.
       Pang Jinglun got angry and got out of bed:
       "I don't know if I can't wear it. I don't want to cook. Do you want to starve me? If it weren't for you, my silver and clothes would not be stolen."
       Xuan Ji Er was beaten by the dog's head and finally ran to the kitchen. As soon as I got to the kitchen, the whole person was dumbfounded.
       Pang Jinglun said with wide eyes:
       "What are you talking about? No rice noodles?"
       In order to save trouble, they bought a hundred pounds of white flour and a hundred pounds of polished rice, as well as two bags of brown rice. It is also because of their generous behavior that they have entered the eyes of a caring person.
       Xuan Ji Er said with a bitter face:
       "There are no more meats and cabbages to buy." The thief, the kitchen was evacuated.
       Pang Jinglun listened to this, looked at Xuan Ji Er, and then fainted.
       Seeing this scene, Xuan Ji Er was so scared that his face was white:
       "Teacher? Teacher?"
       Called for a long time to see Pang Jinglun did not move a little, Xuan brother quickly ran out and asked the neighbor to ask the doctor.
       When Ah 3rd came back, he saw a doctor carrying a medicine box out of the house.
       Xuan Ji Er took the prescription and was about to cry. Money has been stolen by thieves, where is the money to buy medicine:
       "Ah, what should I do now? Master 's condition can't be delayed, but we don't have a penny now?"
       Ah 3rd said silently:
       "Young Master, I am going to take the knife as a medicine for my husband?"
       Xuan Ji Er did not want to refuse it:
       "Without a knife, what should I do if I encounter a bad person in the future?"
       "But Master 's illness can't be stopped!"
       Remove the agarwood bracelet on the wrist, Xuan Ji Er handed it to A 3rd :
       "You take it for you!" This string was given to him by the Yu-Xi ten-year-old birthday, and there was a brightly-colored tourmaline in the middle. When you came out, all the accessories were removed, and only the agarwood bracelets were worn.
       A three took the bracelet and took the prescription and went out.
       Seeing that Xuan Ji Er is back, Pang Jinglun asked:
       "Reporting, what do the officials say?"
       Nowadays, the rule of the Qing Family is clear, and the officials are more dedicated. Reporter, no matter who is worried about the government.
       Xuan Ji Er squatted, just eager to let Ah 3rd go to the medicine and forget to ask the thief:
       "Wait for Ah 3rd to come back and say."
       Pang Jinglun is almost tempered:
       "I am so hungry, can you give me some porridge to drink?"
       It’s almost noon, he hasn’t eaten yet! I haven’t been hungry for many years. This time I will return to Capital City to let the Empress compensate him.
       Xuan Ji Er has some trouble:
       "Teacher, there is nothing in the kitchen. The two bags of brown rice were also stolen by the thief."
       If you read so many books, you don’t have a brain? Pang Jinglun suppressed the anger in his heart and pretended to be angry and weak:
       "No rice will not go to the next door to borrow?"
       Xuan Ji Er Zhang has a big mouth:
       "Break the rice?"
       "Don't borrow rice, don't you want to starve me? If you don't insist on taking in two people who are unclear, can we not even eat rice?"
       I used to think that Xuan Ji Er was smart and hard working. Apart from the weakness of the temper, all other aspects were quite good. But now he is only present, this child will not be able to do anything but study. It’s true that there is no such thing as a scholar. If you don't have a baby, you are afraid that eating will be a problem.
       Xuan Ji Er does not want to borrow rice, it is too shameful:
       "Teacher, I will let him go to buy rice after Ah 3rd comes back." I heard that I borrowed books and I have never heard of borrowing rice.
       "You hurry to give me out, I don't want to see you." Fearing to see Xuan Ji Er, he would not control his temper. At the age of fifteen, this is the case for ordinary people to support the door. Can Xuan brother, cough, he does not want to say.
       Xuan Ji Er walked out of the yard and stood at the door for a long time. After all, he couldn’t afford the courage to go to the neighbor’s house to borrow rice. Finally, fold back.
       At noon, Ah 3rd took the medicine back. At this point, Pang Jinglun was already hungry and his eyes were dizzy.
       Just picking up the two buns that A 3rd passed, I saw Xuan Ji Er coming in from the outside.
       Busy to hide the buns in the bed, Pang Jinglun looked at Xuan Ji Er's face and said:
       "A three to decoct, you go to help." Do not leave Xuan Ji Er, how to eat buns.
       Xuan Ji Er has a flaw, nodded:
       "it is good."
       After eating two cabbage buns, Pang Jinglun touched his stomach and finally felt uncomfortable. The taste of hungry is really uncomfortable!
       Into the kitchen, Xuan Ji Er asked:
       "Ah, how much is the bracelet?"
       Hearing that he was the twenty Silver Taels, Xuan Ji Er’s face changed:
       “This is a hundred years of agarwood, and each of the beads is engraved with beautiful patterns, and no one hundred Silver Taels can't buy them.”
       A three-side pours the medicine into the medicine, and says:
       "When the pawn shop offers a price of five or two, I told him for a long time to talk about the twenty Silver Taels."
       Xuan Ji Er's face is very dark:
       "I used to listen to A-You said that the shop was very dark, I didn't expect it to be black." There is no fold, but directly to 20%.
       After the fire was made, the medicine was put on, and then Ah 3rd took the bought brown rice to prepare for cooking:
       "Young Master, the medicine spent six Silver Taels. This silver has to save flowers, so I only bought brown rice." Brown rice is cheap, ordinary people eat brown rice on most days, only on the holidays will be * rice noodles.
       Xuan Ji Er does not like to eat brown rice, feels throat. But now there is no money, and I can’t pay attention to it:
       "Right, Ah 3rd , how do you go to the report officer?"
       Ah 3rd said silently:
       “The official said that there is no place in the west of the town called Xia Tiancun. Young Master, we were cheated.”
       Xuan Ji Er stayed:
       "How come? Uncle Shu looks so thick and straight, Linger is also very cute, how can they be liar?"
       A three comforts:
       "Young Master, you are too kind." In fact, these two people have a lot of flaws, but the three halls are too simple. Seeing that these two people are so pitiful, they are sympathetic. If they have not been identified, they will bring people to their homes, and they will not be afraid of these people lives.
       Xuan Ji Er lowered his head and did not speak.
       Considering that Xuan Ji Er has not eaten yet, the rice is cooked sparsely. A Sansheng gave a bowl of rice to Xuan Ji Er. See Xuan Ji Er does not pick up, Ah 3rd said:
       "Young Master, I can't stop eating."
       Xuan Ji Er still did not pick up, said:
       "You go to the teacher to eat, I am watching the fire here." He would have no appetite.
       The two buns are only enough to fill the stomach and fill the stomach. After receiving the meal, Pang Jinglun asked while eating:
       "What happened last night? You really let them rob our family."
       "Doing a full set of dramas." It is also the two people who know that Xuan Ji Er and Asan have no value in their hands, so they did not open the room of the two. If they dare to marry the door of Xuan Ji Er, Ah 3rd will definitely not let them go.
       Pang Jinglun asked:
       "Are they moving their hands and feet? Or else, I can't know at all about such a big move?"
       "Well, I blew my smoke into your house." The two people every move last night was under the surveillance of Ah 3rd .
       "You also let them enter the house without stopping, what if they want my life?"
       In the past few days, he has not lost the two men.
       A three look:
       "Reassure, if they dare to poison your hands, I will let them land first."
       Pang Jinglun was satisfied, but he quickly asked:
       "Don't you tell me that you have a real money in your hand? I can't stand the toss when I am old." If you play the show, you can't really starve.
       "Bringing fifty-two gold."
       Pang Jinglun heard this and finally felt relieved.
       Taking medicine is very expensive. I took two of the eight medicines and spent twelve Silver Taels. Remove the rice and oil and salt sauce vinegar and other things, the 20-silver Taels of the agarwood bracelet, there are only four or two of the money.
       Pang Jinglun was lying on the bed and looked at this silver bitter face and said:
       "It’s too expensive to take medicine, don’t eat it."
       "No, the doctor said that you must eat 20 medicines, or you will not be able to get sick." After the election, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "What about money, let me find a solution?"
       Pang Jinglun listened to this and asked:
       "You can't pick your hand and you can't pick it. What can you do?"
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "I can go to write letters for people, or go to the bookstore to help people copy books." Considering that it is now cold, he is more inclined to copy books.
       "Hey, do you still know how to make money by helping people copy books?"
       I also thought that Xuan Ji Er was a nerd who read the book of the sages. I didn't expect to know these things.
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "I have a classmate, my family is poor, and I rely on copying books to make a living. I will go to the bookstore and see if I can find a living."
       Pang Jinglun said with a busy hand:
       "Then you went to the bookstore and asked the shopkeeper. I asked Ah 3rd to buy medicine." The matter of buying medicine has always been responsible for Ah 3rd .
       Xuan Ji Er nodded and went out.
       Didn't hear the footsteps, Pang Jinglun only lowered his voice and asked Ah 3rd :
       "Do you want to continue drinking this medicine?"
       Xuan Ji Er invited a quack doctor, Pang Jinglun clearly did not get sick and opened the prescription.
       A 3rd said:
       "This is a medicine to make up the body. There is no harm in eating only the benefits." The prescription was changed, and the medicine that Pang Jinglun caught was tonifying blood.
       "Bitter died." This medicine is really good for the body. He ate the eight medicines and felt that his body was lighter than before. But this medicine is so bitter, he doesn't want to drink any more.
       A 3rd said:
       "When I will bring you back with only the pig's trotters." It is also considered that Pang Jinglun is older, so he will secretly bring good dishes to Pang Jinglun every day. As for himself, it is what Xuan Ji Er eats and what he eats.
       Pang Jinglun said:
       "I want to eat roast duck. I don't know if there is any county town?"
       "When I wait for the afternoon, I will go out and have a look. If you have one, I will buy it for you tomorrow." As long as Pang Jinglun's request is not excessive, he will be satisfied.
       Until the afternoon, Xuan Ji Er had not returned. Pang Jinglun said with some fears:
       "Hurry and go find it!" This is going to happen, he can't eat and walk!
       A little three did not worry, said:
       "Don't worry, Young Master has nothing to do." He had a letter if he had something to do.
       Pang Jinglun is not a simple person like Xuan Ji Er. After listening to this, he immediately understood:
       “Madam also sent someone to protect Young Master?”
       To be on the safe side, they all call Yu-Xi in Madam.
       A nod. A person must follow a certain place that is not prepared for prevention.
       Pang Jinglun shook his head:
       “Madam is also a painstaking effort. I only hope that this time, Young Master can grow up!”
       A 3rd said:
       "Then you are strict with Young Master!" Because of his identity, Pang Jinglun is very polite to Xuan Ji Er. He is not like a teacher at all, but he is a subordinate.
       "I know how to do it!" He will do his best to help the Empress correct the shortcomings of the three halls.
       At the end of the afternoon, Xuan Ji Er came back.
       Looking at Xuan Ji Er with a pen and paper and books back, Pang Jinglun asked:
       "How much does it cost to copy a book?"
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Copying a book for two hundred yuan, but the pen and ink are all out of them." He also knows that this amount is not much, but the store only gives this price. He refused to accept it, and even two hundred dollars were gone.
       Pang Jinglun listened to this and said:
       "This shop is not bad, more kind. When I am in good health, I will copy the book with you at that time."
       Xuan Ji Er is not very satisfied:
       "A Zhi gave a copy of a book, two copies of Silver Taels." He only had two hundred words, only one tenth of the earned.
       Pang Jinglun explained:
       "Your classmate is a student at the White Tan Academy. The price of the book he copied is naturally high. You are just a small nameless person. It is not bad to have a book for two hundred. It is also a good word for you, otherwise The Shopkeeper will not speak so well."
       Xuan Ji Er is bitter. I thought that at home, he had put two hundred dollars in his eyes.
       "Don't grind it, the captain came to copy the book." Burning is very firewood. In order to save money, Xuan Ji Er and A 3rd moved to Pang Jinglun's house to live. In the evening, three people also slept together.
       Copying books is a very tiring job. After only copying for a day, Xuan’s arm could not be lifted. It was also at this time that Xuan Ji Er knew that this money was really hard to earn.
       Although he has been burning, Pang Jinglun still feels that the house is a bit cold:
       "A three, you go buy some charcoal back." Burning a pot of carbon fire in the house, it would be much warmer.
       After an hour, Ah 3rd bought a charcoal of about 30 pounds.
       "How can I buy this only?"
       A pinch of charcoal can only be used for four or five days.
       A 3rd explained:
       "Now the price of cold charcoal has risen, and it costs three yuan." On most days, this charcoal only needs one penny. The colder the day, the more expensive the charcoal.
       Xuan Ji Er lowered his head.
       Burned charcoal, the house really warmed up a lot. But after a while, Xuan Ji Er’s eyes were so badly smoked.
       Rubbed his eyes and shed tears. Xuan Ji Er is very uncomfortable and said:
       "Ah, is this buying charcoal? How is it still smoking?"
       "This is just ordinary charcoal. It is normal to have smoke."
       Xuan Ji Er frowned and said:
       "At home, there are two or three pots of charcoal fire in the house."
       Pang Jinglun looks at the eyes of Xuan Ji Er, as if to say how you are so idiotic:
       "You are at home with silver charcoal, and naturally it won't smoke. The price of silver silk charcoal is ten times that of the charcoal we use now." Silver charcoal is only available to rich Noble Lady. At home, he was reluctant to use silver charcoal.
       Xuan Ji Er lowered his head.
       A book, spent Xu Tianer two days to copy. This efficiency is very high.
       The shopkeeper saw that the book written by Xuan Ji Er was neat and tidy, and the words were very beautiful and very satisfactory. Immediately, let Xuan Ji Er continue to help them copy books.
       Xuan Ji Er hesitated for a long time, and finally said with a red face:
       "The Shopkeeper, a book of two hundred texts is too little, can you add some."
       The Shopkeeper immediately said that a book can add fifty.
       Everything is difficult at the beginning, and the words that have already been opened will be smoother. Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "My teacher said that I have to add at least one hundred words, or else I will not let me copy it."
       The Shopkeeper said:
       "If you can help us copy twenty books a year ago, I can give you one or two books."
       A book, a Silver Taels, twenty books are twenty Silver Taels. With this money, not only does the husband's medicine not have to be broken, but the things used in the New Year have also fallen.
       The Shopkeeper added another sentence:
       “If gongzi promises, I can pay the money to you in advance.”
       Xuan Ji Er heard this and immediately agreed.
       After returning, Xuan Ji Er excitedly told Pang Jinglun and Ah 3rd about this good news.
       Pang Jinglun heard Xuan Ji Er and the bookstore owner set a contract, I really want to help:
       "There are only twenty years to go through the New Year. You just don't eat, drink, or sleep, and you can't copy a book every day."
       Xuan Ji Er stunned, thinking about making money, but forgetting that he could not do it at all:
       "I will go back now."
       "The contract is fixed, you have to pay the liquidated damages now." I also said that this store is kind, and now it seems that there is no business.
       "I don't retreat, I can't copy twenty books!"
       Pang Jinglun looked at Xuan Ji Er and said helplessly:
       "The Shopkeeper knows my existence and deliberately digs this pit. The purpose is to let me help copy the book. Otherwise, how can I give you so much money?"
       Xuan Ji Er did not understand, asked:
       "Teacher, why should he do this?"
       "Your little age words are written as good as you. As a teacher, you must have no problem. If you are a famous artist, you will make more money. This shopkeeper is calculating you and me." Pang Jinglun took a look at Ah 3rd . He suspects that this matter was designed by Ah 3rd .
       There was a thing about Lingling, and now I have come to the shopkeeper of a bookstore, and I have been counted twice to make Xuangeer very depressed:
       "Why are they all so bad?"
       "People don't kill themselves. Ada, you used to be protected by your family so well, but you don't know that people are sinister." Simple is almost stupid. Fortunately, when you find it in time, you can still get it right.
       Xuan Ji Er fell into silence again.
       A 3rd is not good at the atmosphere, asks:
       "Sir, what do you do now?"
       Pang Jinglun sighed and said:
       "Even if we repent, we can't get a breach of contract. In addition, if a Master pays a lot of money, he will have to do it."
       If you let Pang Jinglun copy the book, it is likely to make the condition worse. Xuan Ji Er does not want to say:
       "Teacher, even if I pay the compensation, I can't let you copy the book."
       After that, Xuan Ji Er went out with the book and the pen and ink. As for what to do, you don’t have to ask.
       A three see, quickly followed the past.
       Pang Jinglun secretly nodded. Although stupid, but the character is good.
       After half an hour, the master and the servant returned. Seeing A three walking and turning, and Xuan Ji Er's face is also red and swollen. Pang Jinglun hurriedly asked:
       "what happened?"
       "The Shopkeeper asked me to pay a penalty. I didn't have the money to give it. They beat me. Ah 3rd was injured by them to protect me." When he said this, Xuan Ji Er looked awkward.
       Pang Jinglun said:
       "I still want to do something, hurry to ask the doctor!"
       Xuan Ji Er’s return to this, and hurriedly went out to ask the doctor.
       Looking at the legs that are swollen like trotters, Pang Jinglun said:
       "Let Ada accept the lesson, don't have to fight like this." This leg is really hurt, but it is not like he is loaded.
       “The Young Master is hard to change without being forced into a desperate situation.”
       Pang Jinglun heard this and asked:
       "The bookstore is the ghost you are doing?"
       A three shakes his head and says:
       "No. The shopkeeper of the bookstore is a famous ‘Minister’ in Shuyang County."
       After the election, Ah 3rd said:
       "Young Master is so deceiving, you don't have to arrange a liar to find him."
       Pang Jinglun: ...

       Chapter 15__ 01 Human suffering (4)

       Have money, no money, have a good year. Scorpio novels. 2. Xuan Ji Er, who can't copy the book, hit the Spring Festival couplet.
       Pang Jinglun feels that this idea is excellent:
       "We still have a Silver Taels, you can buy some ink." This Spring Festival does not cost anything, he can write.
       After spending a day, the teachers and students wrote eight hundred Spring Festival couplets. Stupid Union wrote, Pang Jinglun said to Xuan Ji Er:
       "Tomorrow you took these Spring Festival couplets to sell!"
       Xuan Ji Er has some trouble:
       "I, I won't..." He hasn't sold anything since he was young.
       "There is nothing wrong with this. Go to the market and put things on the market. If you don't drink it, someone will buy it." Whoever spends the New Year in the New Year? Although these Spring Festival couplets are not written with great care, they are better than the store, so if you take it out, you will not be without the buyer.
       Xuan Ji Er still has some hesitation. He has not sold anything since he was young.
       Ah 3rd saw, busy said: "Young Master, I will not sell tomorrow!"
       Pang Jinglun knows that A3 is retreating:
       "Cheng, you don't go, then I will go with Ah 3rd tomorrow. All the money has bought ink, and if I have to sell the Spring Festival couplets to earn some money, I will not have a pot tomorrow."
       Pang Jinglun is not tired of physical weakness, and Ah 3rd ’s legs are still not well exposed. No matter how, Xuan Ji Er can't let them both sell Spring Festival couplets.
       Biting his teeth, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "I go."
       Because there are a lot of Spring Festival couplets, only Xuan Ji Er is going to sell. When someone was there, when the fish caught the fish and took the food, he did not give the money. Ah 3rd proposed to divide the Spring Festival into ten.
       If it was before, Xuan Ji Er would definitely think that A 3rd thought too much, and the Master's heart was the heart of the Master. There are some shadows on the calculations that can be passed twice, so there is no objection.
       I know that Xuan Ji Er will not bargain with people, so Pang Jinglun has set a price for these Spring Festival couplets. The couplet on the gate is ten, the four on the door, and the small two.
       This price is very expensive for the civilian population. So things have been put on for a long time, and a Spring Festival couplet has not been sold.
       However, people who know the goods still have it. The management of a wealthy family in the county feels that the words on this Spring Festival are very well written. I think that my old Master is fond of elegance, and I bought two Spring Festival couplets with a try.
       The master of this matter has a good eye. When I look at the word, my eyes are shining. I heard that the youngster who sold the Spring Festival couple immediately said:
       "Go, please bring this boy."
       Nothing to be diligent, no ‘Minister’ is stolen. Xuan Ji Er ate two losses, this time he did not want to go with the management. Who knows what to follow, what will happen to him.
       The helplessness of the management, in the end can only buy the Spring Festival couplet, and then sent a post to Xuan Ji Er:
       “My old Master said that I hope that Gongzi can come to Lifu with the honorable person.”
       Xuan Ji Er took the post and nodded. However, he did not intend to go to Li. If you are a corporal of Li Xian, you should come to your door instead of asking him to come to the door with the teacher.
       These Spring Festival couplets sold a total of more than five or two silver coins, and bought one or two pens and inks, earning more than four or two silver. These silvers are enough to support the years later.
       Seeing Pang Jinglun, Xuan Ji Er said with joy:
       "Teacher, the Spring Festival couplet sold it all and sold five or three hundred yuan."
       Pang Jinglun is not unexpected. There are still many people in the world who know the goods:
       "What about money?"
       Putting the silver on Xuan Ji Er, he is not at all worried.
       Xuan Ji Er touched the sleeves and found the result:
       "Silver, what about my money?"
       “Is it in the bag?”
       "No, I am in the sleeves, how can I not find it?"
       Looking for a long time of silver or not looking for, Xuan Ji Er is about to cry.
       A three-and-a-half ring asked:
       "Is it lost?"
       Pang Jinglun is shaking his head and saying:
       "I am afraid that I am not lost. I was stolen. Do you think that someone on the way back is near you?"
       "No." After that, Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Just outside the 100 meters away from home, I was hit."
       Pang Jinglun said across the face:
       "That must be a thief. Deliberately hit you, then take the opportunity to steal your money."
       A three worried and said:
       "Young Master, our rice is only enough to eat at noon."
       Looking at Xuan Ji Er, whose eyes are all red, Pang Jinglun said:
       "Don't be sad, you should go to cook first. After the meal, we will find another way."
       After Pang Jinglun and other Xuan Ji Er went out, he lowered his voice and asked:
       "Is this thief arranged by you?"
       "No. We are only responsible for protecting the safety of the Young Master. Others are not under our control." If these sufferings are specially arranged in the future, then there will be embarrassment in my heart. This kind of troublesome thing, they can't do it. Of course, the most important thing is that Yu-Xi did not tell them to do these things.
       Pang Jinglun is speechless:
       "This is too bad." What a bad thing can make Xuan Ji Er touch.
       Ah 3rd ’s idea is quite different:
       "It's not unfortunate, it's that he doesn't have a guardian's heart. He has so much money, he must be stared at by the thief." Although the law and order is good now, it can't stop the thief. Five Silver Taels are not in the eyes of Xuan Ji Er, but for ordinary people, this is a big sum of money.
       Pang Jinglun did not understand, said:
       "The Crown Prince and the four Highnesses are so shrewd, how can Ada be so naive?"
       You Ji-Er was deceived by thousands of Silver Taels to report the case immediately, and then chased back the money. On the other hand, Xuan Ji Er, when the money was stolen, he only knew that he was sad and sad. He didn’t even think about the past official report and the money was recovered.
       Ada knows what Pang Jinglun thinks, and is very pertinent:
       "He hasn't realized yet how important these five Silver Taels are to us."
       Pang Jinglun asked this when he heard this:
       "What to do next? Is it really hungry?"
       "Let Young Master think of a way. If we can't think of a way, we will be hungry together." When you are hungry, you will think of a solution.
       After lunch, Xuan Ji Er went out and wanted to find some work to earn some money. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
       A three whispered:
       "Young Master, there is not much firewood. Charcoal can only be used tonight." Without firewood, not only can't you cook, the pit can't burn. If there is no hot pit in this cold weather, I am afraid that it will freeze out.
       Xuan Ji Er was silent for a long time, only to say:
       "I will go out and see tomorrow, can you find something to do?"
       Pang Jinglun made a suggestion:
       "You don't have a post from Li. If you don't go to Li home tomorrow, ask them to help."
       "Don't go." Would rather hungry, he does not ask for help. Otherwise, he still has some face to go home to see her mother.
       In the evening, Xuan Ji Er was full of water beds. I can wake up soon after I can sleep. Think of drinking water, but the water is cold. When I was thinking about my home, no matter when I had hot water, Xuan’s eyes couldn’t help but be red. Then, squinting until dawn.
       On the early morning, Xuan Ji Er said to Pang Jinglun:
       "Teacher, that autumn clothes I can't wear anymore, I want to take it." He is still a long man, and his clothes can't be worn in the coming year. Instead of always carrying this dress, it is better to take it as an emergency.
       "Then go!" I can think of being a dress, it is an improvement.
       When the clothes were rolled, Xuan Ji Er went to the pawn shop. If he used to, he might still have one or two. But this will be hungry and -calling, and what is dignified is nothing.
       Into the pawn shop, Xuan Ji Er handed the clothes to Chao Feng.
       After picking up the clothes, I glanced at it and said:
       "Two hundred dollars."
       Xuan Ji Er’s face was blue, but now it’s not a matter of anger.
       "The material used in my clothes is a good brocade."
       Said impatiently:
       "Up to three hundred words, when it is not appropriate, take it away."
       Although Xuan Ji Er was single-minded to read the sage book, You Ji-Er worried that he would read a book as a nerd and recite the price outside him in front of him. So he also knows that a woven gold brocade has hundreds of silver. His robes are made of both the brocade gold brocade and the embroidered house of the Ministry of the Interior. How can the market have dozens of Silver Taels? Although he passed through the robes several times, he still looked like a new one. No matter how much, it is impossible to only worth three hundred words.
       Xuan Ji Er couldn't help but think of You Ji-Er, who said that the pawn shop was the darkest. Even if it was a good thing, they also used the price of the broken price. Unless things can't be sold elsewhere, don't take them to the pawnshop.
       Thinking of this, Xuan Ji Er’s voice:
       "I am not wrong."
       Say a hand to the hand and said:
       "Five hundred texts."
       Even if he was added to a Silver Taels, Xuan Ji Er was not a bad person. Holding the clothes out of the pawn shop, went to the largest ready-to-wear shop.
       The woven gold brocades are all satin, and there are very few folks. The shopkeeper took the clothes and looked at Xuan Ji Er with a suspicious look.
       Xuan Ji Er said calmly:
       "My family is in Capital City. This time, I went to visit my friends with my teacher. I didn't expect to meet the monks. We are not prepared to steal the car and the horse. We have already gone to the government to report the case. If you don't believe you can go to the government." inquire about."
       Although there is no identity, it is expensive to wear such a good clothes. In addition, look at Xuan Ji Er’s talk and talk, not the Young Master of ordinary people. The shopkeeper thought that he would be a good friend, so he did not press the price and bought the clothes with ten Silver Taels.
       With the experience of being stolen, Xuan Ji Er will be very cautious. Take out a Silver Taels to buy food and oil and other essentials, and the other silver is hidden.
       Passing through the meat stall, Xuan Ji Er couldn't help but swallow a slobber. He hadn't eaten meat for half a month. One did not hold back, Xuan Ji Er bought two pounds of pork belly.
       “When the pawn shop gave ten Silver Taels?”
       Which pawn shop will be so kind.
       Xuan Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "When the pawn shop only wants to give a Silver Taels, I don't have to go to the ready-to-wear store to sell the clothes."
       It seems that the losses of these several times have not been eaten, this does not, and finally grew up.
       See Xuan Ji Er handing the silver to himself, Pang Jinglun shook his head and said:
       "You hold it with silver! There is no charcoal and firewood. When you have eaten, you can buy some."
       Take a Silver Taels, and the others are handed to Pang Jinglun:
       "When I have no money, I will ask the Master again." I was afraid of being placed on my body and was stolen by the thief.
       Pang Jinglun did not have any feelings, and took the money and said:
       "Hurry and cook!" Although I ate two buns and one egg in the morning, I was very hungry!
       Xuan Ji Er can cook, he throws the dish into the pot and then puts in the water, and boils it.
       Boiled meat is oily, if you don’t say anything before, Xuan Ji Er will not look at it. But now, smelling the smell of meat, he swallowed several times.
       A piece of meat was placed in the mouth, chewed and chewed, and the tears rolled.

       Chapter 15__ 02 Human suffering (5)

       In the morning, Xuan Ji Er got dressed and went out. (Wet, candy novels) Open the door and see the sky with heavy snow, and the yard has been covered with a thick layer of snow.
       The cold wind came in through the door seam, and Pang Jinglun made a sigh:
       "Hurry up and close the door." This cold wind blows twice on the body, which will really make him catch a cold.
       Xuan Ji Er is busy closing the door:
       "Teacher, the ten-fired firewood bought yesterday is definitely not enough. I will go and see if there is any firewood." How much firewood can't be cooked, but it's very warm.
       Pang Jinglun nodded and said:
       "In addition to firewood and charcoal, chicken, duck, fish and rice noodles are also bought back. Today is twenty-seven, and you can't buy it without buying it." Whoever wants to celebrate New Year, after two days, there is no one in the market. .
       Xuan Ji Er is somewhat hesitant:
       "That's a lot of money!" The taste of hungry is really uncomfortable. He really doesn't want to experience it again. Therefore, he does not want to buy chicken, duck and fish, these things are very expensive.
       Pang Jinglun made a meal and said:
       "No problem, I have a similar illness. After the year, we will find ways to make money together."
       A three inserted a sentence:
       "I can heal this leg for another half a month. By then, I can also make a living to earn money."
       Xuan Ji Er hesitated and nodded.
       The cold wind is on the cheeks, and it hurts and hurts. The sly air has been desperately pouring into the clothes. Xuan Ji Er could not help but wrap his clothes tightly.
       When I got to the place where I bought firewood yesterday, I was disappointed that I didn’t see one person. However, it is normal to think about it. This cold day, unless you can't open the pot in the house, who will come out to sell firewood.
       Turned away and ended up being stopped by a few steps. Turn around and see, see a man of about twenty. The man is holding a firewood on his shoulder.
       The man approached Xuan Ji Er and asked:
       "This little brother, are you going to buy firewood?"
       Xuan Ji Er nodded and said:
       "I want to buy firewood, and the more the better, don't know if there is firewood in your home?"
       The man is busy nodding:
       "Some of them, don't know how much the little brother wants?"
       Xuan Ji Er counted the number of firewood to be used every day, and then said:
       "One hundred, is there?"
       "Yes, yes." After that, the man slammed his hand and said:
       "Little brother, do you see this price?"
       "When you have five books, can you look good?"
       The firewood he bought yesterday was a penny. This firewood only takes two to three articles on a most day, and it is now cold and so much. However, the amount he buys is relatively large, and normally it should be cheaper. However, looking at the man's face and ears are frostbitten, his hands are cracked, he can not bear, and there is no price.
       The man is pleasantly surprised:
       "Good, good, good. I don't know if my little brother lives there. I will recognize the door first, and I will send the firewood when I will."
       Xuan Ji Er brought people back home.
       The man put down the firewood and hurried away without even having money.
       Pang Jinglun heard five pennies and paid for firewood and said:
       "Why don't you talk about bargaining?"
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "It’s very difficult to sell firewood in such a cold day. It’s a very difficult reason.” This is why he didn’t press the price.
       A three sighed:
       "It's not easy!"
       After sweeping the eyes of A Sanyi, Pang Jinglun took out five money and money:
       "When the people come, you give it to others."
       Xuan Ji Er hesitated and said:
       "When the meeting comes, let's give him a hundred words, and all the other firewoods are delivered. Let's give it again!" They lived here and couldn't run. On the contrary, if the man took the money and did not send firewood, he did not know where to look.
       It’s good to take a long and wise mind and learn from it. I want to come to the emperor and the empress to protect him so well that he does not know the sinister heart, it will be so simple.
       A 3rd said:
       "Young Master, I am with my husband at home, you can buy other things!"
       After buying the New Year’s things, Xuan Ji Er found that the money had been removed by half:
       "This money is really not forbidden."
       Pang Jinglun smiled:
       "Not at home, I don't know if the rice and oil are expensive, now I know that life is not easy?"
       Ah 3rd listened to this and deliberately said:
       "Young Master, it's all useless to make you suffer. If the Empress knows, it will definitely hurt."
       When I heard this, Xuan Ji Er’s eyes were red. When I was at home, I was prepared to be properly prepared, and I never had to worry about it. Unlike now, I have to run for a living.
       Pang Jinglun transferred the topic:
       "Just a three years ago, the two bones that you brought back yesterday, smashed the soup, you go to drink a bowl of warm body." Ah 3rd 's injury is actually not heavy, you can get out of bed early. Just to let Xuan Ji Er know that life is not easy, let him not do bad people in the future, so he did not move in bed. Now that Xuan Ji Er has grown up, he will share some housework.
       At this time, a voice was raised outside:
       "Little brother, the little brother opened the door, I am sending you firewood."
       Opening the door, Xuan Ji Er saw three men standing outside, and each of them was carrying two heavy firewood.
       The man who first bought firewood was named Dahe, and he turned to Xuan Ji Er:
       "This is my 2nd Brother, Erhe and Sanhe."
       Xuan Ji Er asked the three people to put firewood in the wood house and watched the sweat of the forehead of the three people, thinking about it:
       "You come with me."
       Bringing the three people into the kitchen, Xuan Ji Er gave the three people a bowl of bone soup:
       "It’s not easy to hurry in the cold weather. Drink some hot soup and warm up."
       The three men gratefully drank the soup and went home after a thousand gratitude. Go home early, you can also send a firewood.
       Pang Jinglun thought about the meal made by Xuan Ji Er, and he had no appetite:
       "Asa, you can do it at noon!" The food that Xuan Ji Er made was not really unpalatable. Boiled is no problem, salt is not put more or less. A few days ago, there was no way, only forced to swallow. Now that Ah 3rd can get off the ground, it is better to let him cook.
       Xuan Ji Er busy refused:
       "Or I am going to cook! Ah 3rd 's legs are still not well-received. It is not suitable for a long time."
       A three smiles:
       "Young Master, you cut the dishes, I will fry." This way, you don't have to stand for a long time.
       Because of the tightness of the hand, the three meals are also relatively provincial. At noon, there is also a dish and a soup, which are cabbage fried meat and radish bone soup.
       Not to mention Pang Jinglun, it is Xuan Ji Er who also eats two bowls of rice before putting down the chopsticks.
       It was getting dark, and after the 3rd Brother put down the firewood, Sanhe said:
       "Little brother, the rest of the firewood we will send again tomorrow, can you see that this is feasible?"
       "Yes." After that, Xuan Ji Er gave the firewood money to Sanhe:
       "This is a hundred dollars. The rest, wait until you have finished sending the firewood and give it back."
       Dahe took the money and said with gratitude:
       "Thank you brother."
       The Three Rivers said happily on the side:
       "Niang always wants to eat dumplings. We will buy some white noodles and meat back to make dumplings tomorrow." Their family is poor, not to mention dumplings, and they have not eaten enough on most days. Otherwise, it will not come out to sell firewood in such a cold day.
       Pang Jinglun saw Xuan Ji Er go out for a trip, the mood fell down, and some strangely asked:
       "what happened?"
       Xuan Ji Er said with a red eye:
       "I miss my mother." When he was driven out of Capital City, he had complaints in his heart. But now, he is incomparably missing Yu-Xi, missing the day at home.
       "How? Don't you blame your mother for breaking up with you and the clock family Miss?"
       When he left Capital City, Pang Jinglun knew that something was wrong, but he did not know what it was. A few days ago, Ah 3rd told him the reason.
       Xuan Ji Er froze the whole person.
       Pang Jinglun said:
       "Why don't you think about it, why did your mother insist on letting you retire with Zhong Jia Miss?"
       Xuan Ji Er lowered his head:
       "Because the clock family has committed something."
       "It’s just that Zhong’s family has committed something. Does the Empress retreat?”
       See Xuan Ji Er looking at himself, Pang Jinglun said:
       "Reversely, even if it is only for this reason, the Empress is not wrong."
       Xuan Ji Er smiled bitterly:
       "But once the family is withdrew, the clock family Miss has no way to live."
       Pang Jinglun said:
       "Because you pity the clock, Miss, you have to put yourself into your life. When you made this decision, did you consider the feelings of the emperor and the Empress? They gave birth to you, and you will live for a woman to die. What a sad disappointment they should be."
       "I..." A rebuttal, a word can not be said. Because at the time, he was really forced to die.
       Pang Jinglun said:
       "I don't want to say more, you should think about it! But you have to remember that the person who hurts you the most in the world will always be the parent who raised you. No matter what they do, it is for you."
       "I am driving me out of the capital, is it for me?"
       Pang Jinglun asked one sentence:
       "If there is no me and Ah 3rd , do you think that you can live alone?"
       With regard to these two hundred and five temperament sons, the bone slag must be swallowed up.
       See Xuan Ji Er’s silence, Pang Jinglun said:
       "The three men just sold the firewood and got the money. They just thought about buying meat and going home to give her a dumpling to eat. Then think about it, you have grown so big, what did you do for Old Master Madam?"
       Xuan Ji Er bowed his head in shame. He did not do anything for Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
       Pang Jinglun still wants to say it again, but he saw Ah 3rd shaking his head toward him. It’s too late, and the three sires have to slow down.
       Also this evening, You Ji-Er and Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother, I have been dreaming for a few days, dreaming that my third brother can't eat enough, not being warm, and being bullied."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "How can Master Pang let Axuan people go hungry? As for being bullied, it is even more impossible. Ah 3rd is not a display."
       "But I still dreamed that my third brother was hiding in the bed and crying, crying can be sad. He also said that he wants to go home." It is also the dream of making one after another, so that You Ji-Er has a lingering fear.
       Kai Hao said:
       "There is some thinking about the night, you are too worried about Axuan."
       You Ji-Er thinks about it too:
       "Mother, when did the third brother come back? He didn't know anything about this person, let him go home soon!" Outside, how can the family be good?
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I don't know when I come back. However, he will definitely come back before Qi Hao marriage."

       Chapter 15__ 03 Telepathy

       After dinner, Qi Hao and You Ji-Er went back to his palace.
       On the way back, You Ji-Er said:
       "Big brother, although my mother said that the third brother is safe, but my heart is not practical?"
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "What is not practical? Is it not possible to protect Qi-Xuan?"
       "I don't believe in Ah 3rd , but my heart during this time is always blocked."
       Qi Hao smiled:
       "You just think too much."
       "Maybe I really want more." You Ji-Er decided to wait until the end of the year to send someone to find Xuan Ji Er. Only when he was sure that Xuan Ji was really okay, he was relieved.
       Yun-Qing frowned and asked Yu-Xi:
       "What happened to Xuan Ji Er?"
       Because he was too angry, Xuan Ji Er left this time, he did not take the initiative to ask.
       "not good."
       "How is it bad?"
       I am annoyed again, that is his bones.
       Xuan Ji Er’s brief experience during this time, after the completion of Yu-Xi:
       "This child, really, is not a bit of a defense." The men and women are also lucky, and there are Ah 3rd and the dark guards, not afraid of an accident. If you want to change to other normal people, you will take the unclear person to the house.
       When you hear this, Yun-Qing is strange:
       "Why are all four children teaching the same, is he so naive?"
       Said that the pet is too much, he and Yu-Xi are not spoiled children. It is said that protection is too much for triplets. You Ji-Er will not say, Rui Ji Er is relatively simple, but at least the anti-human heart. Otherwise, it will not be mixed in the army.
       This matter, Yu-Xi also said that she did not understand.
       Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Do you say that your heart is long A-You are on the body, or else Xuan Ji Er is so heartless." Rui Ji Er has no eyes, but no Xuan Ji Er is so naive, it is not bad. You Ji-Er, there are many thieves. I had just been cheated for a while, and no one could fool him later.
       Yu-Xi did not answer this, but said:
       "You said that A-You dreams are amazing?"
       Xuan Ji Er was bullied, and he was very bad, and he really wanted to go home. These all echoed the dreams of You Ji-Er.
       Yun-Qing paused and said:
       "They are a baby, maybe it's a sense!"
       "Isn't that Rui Ji Er also dreaming like this?"
       If it is true, it is amazing.
       Yun-Qing is more concerned about the current situation of Xuan Ji Er:
       "He was cheated, did he accept the lesson?"
       If you still don't accept the lesson, then there is no medicine to save.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "It is still unclear for the time being, but in the past two days, Ah 3rd should have a letter."
       "If you don't accept the lesson, wait until you return to Capital City and let him not go to the palace. After you marry him, let him move out." After moving out, he will live with his ‘Madam’ and children. When it’s worse, don’t even think about it. He doesn't want to wipe his butt for three days.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It shouldn't be." Obviously, Yu-Xi has no confidence in Xuan Ji Er.
       In a blink of an eye, it is twenty-nine in the twelfth lunar month At noon this day, Yu-Xi received a letter from Ah 3rd .
       After reading the letter, Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I know that introspection has also changed.
       Yun-Qing After reading the letter, his face was black:
       "Who is the store that opened? Is it so arrogant?"
       Xuan’s son was so big that he had not touched a finger, but now he was beaten by his face.
       "The owner of this shop, the son-in-law of Shiyang County, the county." There is such a rampant female son, this Shiyang County is not a good commodity. Therefore, after Xuan Ji Er left Shiyang County, she must quit the county of Shiyang County.
       Yun-Qing was angered by Xuan Ji Er before. I know that Xuan Ji Er’s winter is not only about washing and cooking, but also trying to make money. The most important thing is that he still can’t eat enough. Thinking of this, Yun-Qing is somewhat unbearable:
       "If he learned the lesson, let him come back!"
       "What is this lesson? Now let him come back, I am sure that I will lose it, and I will not be able to change it in the future." But she was born in 10 months, and Yu-Xi can not feel bad. If Xuangeer’s temperament is not changed, not only will their husband and ‘Madam’ suffer afterwards, but Xuan’s brother will not be happy in the future.
       "I didn't let him come back now, let him learn the lesson and come back."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "It's not enough. There is a saying that Jiangshan is difficult to change his nature. These two things just make him tortured and not forgotten."
       When I heard these four words, Yun-Qing asked:
       "I don't want to tell me, are you going to use the beauty of Xuan Ji Er?"
       As for Xuan Ji Er, with the beauty, it is decided.
       Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing and said:
       "what are you thinking?"
       Her brain has not entered the water, how can she use the beauty of her son?
       "Don't be too embarrassed, let's take a look."
       Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing and said:
       "If you don't have a heavy medicine, how can you correct it?" Yu-Xi didn't expect Xuan Ji Er to become like You Ji-Er. He only hoped that he would not be able to live in the future. She is satisfied.
       Yun-Qing smiled:
       "I am not afraid that if Wanyixuan is too hard to be hit, what should I do?"
       The tolerance of Xuan Ji Er is really bad.
       Yu-Xi laughed when he heard this and said:
       "This child is not as bad as you think. Besides, those are outsiders, even if they are cheated, the damage is limited." The biggest damage is often from family and trusted people.
       Yun-Qing thought about it and thought that Yu-Xi made sense:
       "Xuan Ji Er's daughter-in-law, it should look like it!"
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "I am looking for it." It is not easy to find a talent and a good personality.
       "Rui Ji Er is also true. Before I promised to go home for the New Year, I didn't expect to say anything again and come back in March. Ask him why, but don't say it." This made Yun-Qing very dissatisfied.
       Yu-Xi laughed:
       "He doesn't say, won't people check it?"
       Xuan's marriage, let her plant a head. Rui Ji Er here, no longer allowed to make mistakes.
       When the couple were chatting, they heard Mei-Lan say:
       "The emperor, the Empress, Handa-Nai-Nai was born half an hour ago and gave birth to a buddy."
       "With Qu Mama, the gift is 30%." Although the Zhong family is a counter-committee, it is not sinful to marry a woman. Her gift of 30% is to let everyone know that she did not hate Zhong Minxiu and the newborn child because of Zhongjia.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Han Jiachang now has a son, and you should give him a gift to the world."
       "This is a matter for the Han family." Whether Han Jianming asked Han Jiachang to be the son of the family, that is the family affairs of the Han family.
       Zhong Minxiu woke up, the first sentence is:
       "Is it male or female?"
       If she is a daughter, her days at the Han family are not good.
       Sydney said with a smile:
       "Big-Nai-Nai, is a buddy, six pounds and six weights!"
       "How is the child?"
       When she was pregnant with this child, she moved her tires twice, and she was very worried that the child would be bad.
       Sydney smiled and said:
       "Big-Nai-Nai rest assured that the crying of the Brother was born when they were born, and Old Madam didn't like it. At that time, holding the Brother, they were reluctant to let go."
       When I heard that my child was healthy, Zhong Minxiu was finally relieved.
       Master Zhao got the news and asked Han Jianming to ask:
       "Old Master, before said that the big-Nai-Nai gave birth to his son and asked the grandfather to be the son of the world. Now, really want to ask the grandfather to be the world?"
       "When I waited for the Lantern Festival, I will seal him as a child." If you say it, the water that is poured out cannot be recovered.
       Master Zhao said:
       "Old Master, you still think carefully about this matter!" Han Jiachang knows the wind and snow, not to mention the things in the hall, that is, things at home do not understand. Set him up as a child, and after Han Jianming's 100 years, Han Duke House will definitely lose.
       Han Jianming said:
       "There are also Quebec children. As long as Angol can support the portal, it will do." Qiu-shi likes the child to grow up and be strong and strong, so he took a nickname called Kui Ji Er. As for the big name, you have to wait until the age of one.
       Master Zhao is hesitant.
       In fact, I don’t need Master Zhao to say that Han Jianming knows what he means. Han Jiachang is an Adou who can't afford it, and her daughter-in-law's family has become a counter-committee. No matter what aspect, Lichang's brother is not appropriate for the world. The problem is that the national law pays attention to the establishment of the chief, Chang Ji Er is the eldest son, how can he cross his Lihua brother as the child. What's more, Hua Ji Er does not want to be a child.
       Master Zhao said:
       "Old Master, my brother is still young. After that, the tiger is a bug. I don't know what to expect. I hope that he can't afford it." Han Jianming can shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the family, not representing Angol. can also.
       The most important thing is that there is an incompetent outsider who is dragging his legs. Master Zhao does not think that Angol can hold the glory and glory of Duke House.
       Han Jianming sighed and said:
       "This matter, I will talk about it later." If he dared to cross the Han Jiachang Lihua brother as a child, he was afraid that it would be drowned by the imperial concubine.
       "Your Grace, it's not easy for you to support the Han family. You can't be bound by the rules." The law is respected and established, but there is also an advance. That is, if the eldest son is ruined or his intelligence is not perfect, he is not qualified to inherit the title.
       Han Jianming's face changed.
       Master Zhao said:
       "Your Grace, if the uncle is the son of the world, then the inheritance of the Han Duke House will be broken in his hands." Duke House can be attacked for ten generations, but if it is excluded from the Duke House, it is also Its name.
       "Sir, you have passed." Han Jiachang is his son, and he is incompetent, and he can't get down.
       "The break is constantly, and it is countered by chaos." After that, Master Zhao shook hands toward Han Jianming:
       "The old age is already high, it is really powerless. Your Grace, I want to go back to my hometown after the spring." The body is getting worse and worse, and the brain is turning slower and slower. He is an aide, and he wants to solve problems for the home. If you don't have this ability now, it's better to give up early.
       Han Jianming was reluctant to leave Master Zhao and tried to retain him. It was Master Zhao who followed him from a deceased Duke House to the present-day Your Grace.
       Master Zhao shook his head and said:
       "Old, I want to fall back to the roots." Master Zhao has a son and a daughter, and his son is now a rich family in his hometown; his daughter is now a mother-in-law, and there is nothing to worry about.
       Han Jianming’s mood is getting worse.


Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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