Han Yuxi 870-879

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 870 Earthmoving   

       Yu-Xi plan to recruit troops from other provinces went smoothly.
       The Ding Ding continued to pass the checkpoint and arrived at Yucheng.
       In just over two months, it recruited 34 thousand people. Of course, this is the number of people in the four provinces.
       Yun-Qing  went back to the military camp on this day and said to Yu-Xi:
       "The majority of these people are sent to the skinny and thin skinny. I have already let the medics check them out.
       The military doctors say that these people are not sick, but hungry. Just let them eat and drink, they will soon be able to raise Come back. "Their people are also qualified for the benefits of those officials, that is, the person who is sent out must be healthy and not sick. So the people who sent this time, the body is very good.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "How many people can eat a full stomach now?"
       The rigorous taxes and taxes are fiercer than the tigers, not to mention the fact that several surrounding provinces have been rebellious, and the lives of ordinary people are miserable. If you can survive, it will be a big life. Others can't ask for more.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "This time, I recruited 34 thousand strong men, plus 2,800 bandits who came to join the army, and they are still a little worse than 50 thousand."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Not bad for more than 10 thousand people. He Rui, I think it is not appropriate to recruit troops in the northwest now.
       The people just went to confinement after two days of stable days.
       They should be uneasy." For the common people, joining the army means sending death. . No one wants to send his son or husband to die. And they are not in a situation where there is no way, so Yu-Xi feels that there is no need to recruit troops in the northwest.
       Yun-Qing  thinks that Yu-Xi makes a lot of sense:
       "It’s good to collect some people from the surrounding area.
       The training will last for a year and a half, and when it is time to go to the battlefield, these people must be brave and invincible."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "We have moved too much and have already alarmed those people. Even if we pay double the price, we can't buy people." The buyers are all the following officials.
       The people above didn't know when they started. It’s just that they are facing four provinces, and the action is too big.
       These people are already aware of it.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "How much did you spend on the more than 30 thousand people who recruited?"
       Yu-Xi is good financial, so the finance is controlled by Yu-Xi. However, Yu-Xi will report income and expenses items to Yun-Qing  every month.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Including the money for the management, I spent a total of 970 thousand." Yu-Xi felt that the money was worth a lot. It is also now that they are loose at hand, or else they have to put this idea into action.
       This is also why Yan Wu-shuang envied Yu-Xi husband and ‘Madam’, and everything is easy to do with money.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "A little bit more." If you recruit directly in the northwest, the money will be saved. However, Yun-Qing  also knows that Yu-Xi is doing this for the long-term development of the Northwest.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       “On average, there are more than 30 Silver Taels per person, not too expensive.” Thirty Silver Taels bought a strong workforce, not a loss.
       After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "These people have suffered too much.
       They can eat and wear well when they arrive at the military camp.
       They should be very obedient." Others in the military do not say that eating and wearing can be guaranteed.
       These affirmed homes that can be sold are not good enough. When they have such a good life in the military camp, they will naturally cherish it. Of course, Yu-Xi is the majority of people.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "It's really obedient.
       This hot day allows them to train for four and a half hours a day. Without a snoring, all of them are practicing honestly.
       There is no one to pick up." That is, the bandits who came to the army for more than two thousand are also honest. Training, nothing to pick. It is also because of the performance of these people that Yun-Qing  feels that although the price is a bit large, it is still worth it.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ said a conversation and are preparing to sleep. Suddenly I heard a loud knock on the outside. Soon, licorice said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, Xu Daren said that there are eight hundred miles of urgent delivery." Usually it is a war, will send eight hundred miles of urgent.
       Both husband and ‘Madam’ are the same idea. Eight hundred miles of urgent items must have been attacked. Yu-Xi quickly got up and dressed, but the woman moved too slowly, Yu-Xi just put on a dress, Yun-Qing  had taken the autumn water sword on the table and went outside.
       Just wearing the Yu-Xi clothes, I saw that Yun-Qing  was folded back. See Yun-Qing , the face is very ugly, Yu-Xi asks:
       "Is it the people of the court?"
       It’s the day of July, it’s hot to die. It is certainly impossible for the Beibei people to carry out at this time, and the rest is the army of the court.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "Neither is it, there is a movement in Wucheng." The person who believes in the trust hears the movement and thinks it is the punishment of heaven. As usual, the emperor will pay homage to God.
       Yu-Xi was shocked and it was actually moving. However, this news is better than the imperial army's siege. Yu-Xi heard that more than 20 people had died, frowning:
       "It seems that this move is very serious."
       Yun-Qing  nodded and said:
       "I have asked Xu Wu to ask Tan Daren and Dadge to come over." Although Yun-Qing  likes to be personally involved, he also knows that this is not something he can solve, and must be solved together.
       Yu-Xi sighed; "Now what we have to do is to provide disaster relief. If it is late, those survivors will have a life-threatening risk." In addition to helping those x-ual beings, there is still a lot to do. Otherwise, an omission will cause a great disaster.
       Tan Tuo and Han Jianming and others got the news and immediately came over. Hearing the ground motion is very serious, Tan Tuo said:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, must be rescued as soon as possible. Not only that, but also to deal with the disaster scene. Otherwise, it is easy to cause plague." Now is the hottest season, if the animal's body is not handled well, it is easy to cause plague.
       The group discussed the dawn, and finally Yu-Xi ordered Han Jianming, so that he could go to Wucheng for disaster relief. Originally, Tan Tuo took the initiative to ask for it, but Tan Tuo was old, and he needed to cook in the city. Yu-Xi did not agree. As for An Zike, it is just that the two days are not very comfortable. So only Han Jianming is suitable.
       Although Han Jianming is the eldest brother of Yu-Xi, he has taken over the hard work in the past two years. However, Han Jianming never complained, because he knew that the Yu-Xi he had made was in his mind. Although bitter and tired, Han Jianming thinks it is worthwhile. However, Ye-shi obviously does not think so.
       Ye-shi heard that Han Jianming said that he would go to Wucheng to help the disaster, and he cried:
       "That place is too dangerous, Old Master, you can't go." No one can say anything about this move. If the Old Master had an accident in Wucheng, then they would go to the orphans.
       Han Jianming said with a cold face:
       "What do you cry at the end? I am just going to the disaster relief. What can be dangerous? Take care of the mother and the child at home. I will come back at most one month." Ye-shi used to know that he was going to do dangerous things, even though he was worried. But never stopped him. I don't know how I changed my attitude this time.
       Ye-shi is the master of Han Jianming, and this time Qiu-shi is just doing morning classes. She doesn't even have a help. Ye-shi can only endure the anxiety and worry in her heart and sent Han Jianming out of the house.
       Han Jianming was sent away, and Ye-shi did not return to his yard, but went to the upper house. Waiting for Qiu-shi, Ye-shi said this to Li Mama. After I finished speaking, I lost my tears:
       "Wangfei is so worried, what dangerous errands are done for Old Master, where to care about a little brother-sister."
       Li Mama persuaded:
       “Madam don't worry, the Old Master will definitely not be a problem. After a while, the Old Master will come back safely.” To Li Mama said that Ye-shi is concerned about chaos. If it is a life-threatening danger, Wangfei can send the Old Master to death.
       Ye-shi wiped the tears:
       "How long will it take for my mother?"
       After hearing a quarter of an hour, Ye-shi sat down and waited.
       After a quarter of an hour, Qiu-shi came out of the temple in a coat. Looking at Ye-shi red eyes, asked, "What happened?"
       It is certainly not a trivial matter to make Ye-shi cry.
       I heard that my son went to Wucheng to save the people, Qiu-shi Amitabha one channel:
       "Minger is going to do good things for good deeds. You should be happy, what are you crying?"
       Qiu-shi current thinking is already different.
       Ye-shi was coughed up.
       Qiu-shi waved his hand and said:
       "If you are not feeling well, you should rest in the yard, don't run around. Also, the body is heavy, and the things in the house can also be handed over to the manager Pozi." If she didn't help, she would like to follow. Han Jianming went to Wucheng together.
       Ye-shi got up and bowed to Qiu-shi:
       "Mother, then I will go back first." Fortunately, she knows Qiu-shi temperament, or she will definitely think that this is to seize power.
       Wu-Xi did not block the news. So the next day, everyone in Yucheng knew about it. Some people spread rumors in the back, saying that Yu-Xi broiler Sichen, so Wucheng will be moved, this is the warning to Yun-Qing .
       Yu-Xi heard this rumor and was not indifferent to the past. Immediately, he ordered all those who spread rumors to be severely punished. As for the people behind the scenes, they were directly squatting.
       Two days later, the fold of Wucheng was sent over. Yu-Xi took a sigh of relief and said to Tan Tuo:
       "This move is not in Wucheng, it is a small town outside the sixty miles of Wucheng. And the time of the ground motion is in the afternoon, so the casualties are not serious." If the number of people who died at night may be Doubled.
       Tan Tuo heard that the center of the earth was not in Wucheng, and he also took a breath:
       "God bless you." If the center of the ground is in Wucheng, the death and injury will definitely be very heavy. In the town, the town has a small population and the casualties are much reduced.
       Yu-Xi puts the fold down and says:
       "Fu Minglang performed very well this time." Fu Minglang got the news and summoned the man to the town. He never thought that he would have a life risk in going to the town. It was also because Fu Minglang arrived in time that the victims were properly placed, and those things that were not clean were quickly dealt with.
       Tan Tuo said:
       "Fu Daren is a personal talent." Unfortunately, Wangfei is not at ease with Fu Minglang, or else he has transferred to Yucheng and has another talent, and they can also relax.
       Yu-Xi is very satisfied with Fu Minglang and said:
       "It is indeed a personal talent." As for whether or not to transfer to Yucheng, Yu-Xi has not thought about it.

       Chapter 871 Temptress   

       The breeze swayed, and the birds ‘calling and humming came home. Everything is silent, and the heavens and the earth are empty and vast. Only the moon hanging in the air is staring at the quiet night.
       Yan Wu-shuang took Meng-nian in the garden and walked into a gazebo and said with a smile:
       "It's still cool here." The breeze blew on his face, blowing away the arrogance of his heart, and his mind was loose.
       Meng-nian has a voice:
       "It's really cool here. I can't even build a yard on the side of the lake. Otherwise, it would be very comfortable to live on the lake on this hot day." There was no yard built by the lake, but I didn't want to destroy the overall scenery in the yard.
       There is a round table and stone bench in the pavilion, sitting on the stone bench and it is cool and cool, very comfortable. Yan Wu-shuang said after sitting down:
       "What do you think about the earth moving things in the northwest?"
       Meng-nian said:
       "Shrimp Sichen, this is God warning Yu-xi, if she insists on it, God will drop more severe punishment. I just worry that our behavior is not only useless to Han-shi. Instead, give it She became a sharpening stone. "Han-shi 'temperament' is extremely tough, and Meng-nian feels that this time is hard to hit her.
       Yan Wu-shuang heard this and smiled and said:
       "Yun-Qing  can't believe these rumors, but as long as the generals in the northwest believe with the officials, or the people below believe it, that's enough." Not everyone believes, As long as a small number of people believe in it.
       Meng-nian shook his head and said:
       "This is not so easy. As long as Yun-Qing  stands beside Han Yu-xi, no matter what kind of rumors, Han Yu-xi will not be hurt." Yun-Qing  supports Han Yu-xi The status of Han Yu-xi can't be shaken.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Come on slowly, this is not anxious!" I can't eat hot tofu. It was too anxious before, so it always failed. And to deal with Han Yu-xi, get the mushroom stewed chicken, slowly licking.
       Meng-nian nodded and talked about the recruitment of strong men from the northwest:
       “This time, the Northwest has recruited nearly 40 thousand young people from neighboring provinces. I don’t know what they are going to do to recruit soldiers.”
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       “What can you do to recruit a strong person? It’s natural to fight. Just don’t know where they are going to attack first?”
       Yun-Qing  recruited soldiers to fight the North Hanns, and knew very little.
       Meng-nian thought about it:
       "If this is the case, then the first thing they will attack is Henan." But Meng-nian estimates that it is only their first step to capture Henan, Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-xi are really afraid of the purpose. It is Jiangnan.
       If Jiangnan is occupied by them, it is equal to half of them. And this is what they absolutely don't want to see.
       Yan Wu-shuang has long been prepared, Han Yu-xi has great ambitions, and now the northwestern army is strong and strong, she can't stand it normal. Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "Isn't you still looking for a trace of sorrow?"
       This topic is too big, but Meng-nian has a good understanding with him, and he quickly picked up his words:
       "No, we haven't been looking for such a long time to find such a big effort.
       The only possibility is that she took the embers to hide in the mountains or in the remote villages."
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Even if I hide under the ground, I will kill them and kill them." He thought that the enemies were almost killed, and only some small fish and shrimps escaped. I didn't expect to run a big fish.
       Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "Wangye, let's put it first! It's too wasteful of manpower and financial resources to find it." Yu Xiyu really took Zhou Wei to hide in the deep forest, they are not even able to find more people!
       Yan Wu-shuang insisted on this matter and said:
       "First of all, where did the escaping go?"
       Have a direction, but also find someone.
       Meng-nian nodded.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "We don't have to do anything to move things in the northwest of Wucheng. We just need to spread the news. Naturally, people who don't understand Han Yu-xi will make a big fuss." Some things don't have to be Do it yourself.
       As Yan Wu-shuang expected, as soon as the northwestern move came out, people began to sue Yu-xi. It is believed that the ground motions are all recruited by Yu-xi, and even that Yu-xi will bring greater disaster to the northwest.
       The rumors spread more and more violently. In the northwest, Yu-xi can use bloody means to suppress, but unfortunately it is not in Capital City.
       Those who are high-powered in Capital City are too late to help, and they will stop it.
       Zhong-Shan said with some worry about Tie-Kui:
       "Quaizi, now people outside are saying that Pingxi Wangfei is a sorcerer, so it can't be done!" Carrying the name of this enchantress, but it can't be lost for a lifetime.
       Tie-Kui sneered:
       "I thought it would be ridiculous to force Yu-xi by such a despicable means." If Yu-xi is so fragile, how can he take power in the northwest.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "This will certainly not affect Pingxi Wangfei, but if there is a natural disaster in the northwest, these people will be planted on Wangfei. Once someone believes these words, it is very bad for Pingxi Wangfei."
       Tie-Kui naturally knows that this has a very bad influence, saying:
       "We are worried that this is useless, we can't help." Because of the death of Guo Zhong, Yan Wu-shuang stared at them. So, now he can't make a mistake.
       Zhong-Shan couldn’t help but swear:
       "You said that Yan-Wang is old against Pingxi Wangfei! A big man's old man can't go with a woman, and he can't lose face. If you have the ability, you can go directly to Pingxi Wang!"
       Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "Pingxi the reputation of the king, there is no good place to go." Yun-Qing  is a murderous person in the hearts of everyone. However, this life has the Yu-xi variable, and Yun-Qing  has not been said to be a murderous madman.
       Zhong-Shan fellow:
       "That's not the same." The man's reputation is so unbearable and not afraid. If the woman's reputation is broken, it is not a good thing.
       The information network in the northwest in Capital City has been well established.
       Therefore, the Yu-xi thing in the capital city is known in the shortest time. Yu-xi cold channel:
       "The demon woman? These people are really overestimating me." It is generally the name of the sinister or the sinister or the sinister.
       The last one to be rated as a sorcerer is Song Honorable Noble.
       Xu Wu said carefully:
       "Wangfei, not only in the capital, but also in Jiangnan, there are such rumors!" Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.
       Yu-xi said with a stiff face:
       "The handwriting is quite big." This is to use rumors to shake the hearts of the military and the people, so as to achieve the purpose of hitting her.
       The method is very vicious, but if she does not handle it well, the purpose of Yan Wu-shuang is reached.
       Xu Wu didn't expect things to be so serious, and asked:
       "Wangfei, what should we do with this?"
       Yu-xi said:
       "Let me think about it!" This must be handled well, or it will endlessly endure.
       Back to the inner court, Quan Mama looked at Yu-xi grimacing face and asked:
       "What's wrong with this? Is it ugly?"
       Yu-xi smiled and said what happened just now:
       "The demon woman? It’s really a loss for them to say." Since she was in power, she has been working hard for fear of making mistakes. Now I have got a name like a sorcerer, and my heart is not very good.
       Quan Mama said in silence:
       "Yu-xi, this is just the beginning.
       There will be more storms waiting for you in the future." Men are superior to women, and men naturally can't get used to Yu-xi. A woman is in power.
       Therefore, I will try my best to smear her and force her to go down. If the temper is weaker, it will not hold you.
       Yu-xi sneer:
       "The rumors of Capital City and Jiangnan, I can do nothing. But whoever dares to spread rumors in the northwest, I let them die without a place of burial." Really when she is muddy, no x-.
       Quan Mama frowned and said:
       "A woman can't be too strong and just too easy to fold. You'd better give it to Wangye." See Yu-xi looking at himself, Quan Mama said:
       "You are his ‘Madam’, you have been wronged. He is a husband who does not show his head and who will lead you out? Yu-xi, you can't solve everything yourself. Some things should be given to Yun-Qing ." ”
       Yu-xi was said to have lived. She was really ready to solve this problem. She did not think about letting Yun-Qing  help solve it.
       Quan Mama shook her head helplessly:
       "I also said that I am acting with a measure of proportion? Is this your measure?"
       Fortunately, she was watching by the side, Yu-xi could remind me when she wanted to. Otherwise, she is really worried.
       Sigh a sigh, Quan Mama said:
       "Yu-xi, this woman will solve the man himself and he will feel that you don't need him. If he doesn't have him, he will be different. After a long time, the husband and ‘Madam’ will definitely become more and more unfamiliar. If it is serious, even the relationship will be broken. And this gives other people a chance." In the past few years, even if Yu-xi is famous, there are still many Yan Yanyan who want to be close to Yun-Qing .
       Yu-xi sighed and said:
       “Thank you for Mama reminder.” She really didn’t think about letting Yun-Qing  solve it.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Don't make such mistakes again in the future." Yu-xi is doing things in her heart. She didn't remind me that she didn't feel the heat.
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "Not anymore."
       Yun-Qing  came back from the military camp in the evening, and after Yu-xi said this, Yun-Qing  was also on fire. Wives have been bullied like this, and they are all muddy. Yun-Qing  said disdain:
       "What can he do besides the means of making these things?"
       With such a mean way to deal with Yu-xi, Yan Wu-shuang is really shameless.
       Yu-xi is so angry that her face is red:
       "For Yan Wu-shuang, as long as the purpose is achieved, the means of despicableness has nothing to do with it. Just don't know why he has to target me again and again." Here, Yu-xi is red:
       "Assassination, framed, planted, filthy, what means have been used for me. I don't know what I thought he had with him."
       If you say that the most people who hate Yun-Qing  are now, then it is none other than Yan Wu-shuang. It turns out that they have nothing to do with, but Yan Wu-shuang is doing things that are disgusting. Yun-Qing  is annoyed, Yan Wu-shuang thinks that he is a good thing, 1148 

       Chapter 872 Large Poster   

       On this night, there is no moon, no stars, and the entire capital is shrouded in the night. -.. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the hutong.
       This figure put a piece of paper full of large characters on the wall, and quickly left after being attached.
       The same scene happened in many places in Capital City.
       The next day, many people went out and found the big poster on the wall.
       The literate person looked at it conditionedly, and some timid people quickly left after seeing a few lines. Not only did the daring people not go away, but after reading them, they told people who didn’t read the words in the big-character posters.
       Because the big-character poster was posted on the small streets and alleys, and the official government got the news, this matter has already spread.
       Yan Wu-shuang was using early breakfast and saw Meng-nian coming in with anxious eyes. Yan Wu-shuang put down the ivory chopsticks in his hand and wiped his mouth before asking:
       "What happened? It made you so hot."
       Meng-nian did not speak, but handed a large letter to Yan Wu-shuang and said:
       "Wangye, this thing was discovered in the morning, the streets and alleys are covered." As for who did it, I also knew it with my toes. Meng-nian thought that Yu-xi would use the assassination method to avenge their Wangye, but did not expect to use such a vicious method.
       This big-character poster is actually the various counts of Yan Wu-shuang. Yan Wu-shuang has done a lot of evil things, killing 2nd Prince, killing innocent children and not letting go, and the strong queen first queen, Yu-Chen, and the little emperor as the next son.
       The princes and so on.
       However, the first item on the list of crimes is not a monarch, nor is it indiscriminate killing, and it is not a matter of being a queen, but a statement by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yan Wu-shuang quickly changed her face and asked:
       "How did you know about the business of Duan Jiaxin?"
       When the Japanese census was prepared to help him publicize the crimes of Zhou Xuan and the Song family colluding with the East Hu people, the result was leaked and the news of Zhou Xuan and the Song family was brought back. He lost the evidence he had collected so hard because he was angry at Duan Yushi news.
       Therefore, although he saved Duan Xinrong, he was thrown into the brothel after he was saved. As for the later evidence, it was indeed Yan Wu-shuang who was looking for someone to imitate.
       The reason why Yu-xi puts the family's affairs at the forefront is to let everyone see the true face of Yan Wu-shuang. Duan Yushi helped Yan Wu-shuang to make a home-breaking death. As a result, Yan Wu-shuang was not only grateful, but sent the granddaughter of Duan Yushi into the Qing lou. Yan Wu-shuang treats his future generations with such ruthlessness, how such a person is worth selling for him.
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       "Duan Xinrong can't know about this. Otherwise, she won't stay in the brothel." There are very few people who know this. He doesn't understand where Han Yu-xi learned about it. But what is certain is that this is definitely not what Duan Xinrong told her.
       Yan Wu-shuang is not at all concerned with the accusations of indiscriminate killing. Did it, he never did. But now Han Yu-xi has come to this hand, but it is sinister. Once someone believes in this, it is impossible to kill him for life. Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "This must be covered as soon as possible."
       Meng-nian said with some concern:
       "Wangye, this word-post is full of streets and alleys. It has already spread. Covering it, it can't cover it." Meng-nian did not persuade Yan Wu-shuang. It was just the decision of Yan Wu-shuang to sit down, no one can change.
       Although Yu-xi is an enemy, but Meng-nian can't admit that Han Yu-xi counterattacks were both sinister and poisonous, and they all gave them a hard time.
       This kind of thing can't prove that this is why rumors stop at the wise, because the more you explain things, the more you will not calm down, the more trouble you will get, the better you can't be good. So this loss, they are fixed.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "Burn all these things. If you pass me again, all the things that are not discussed will be caught." This woman is really the nemesis of his numerology, and it is not worth the trouble with her.
       Although Meng-nian thinks this is not a good idea, it can only do so now. However, the negative impact is definitely great. If you want to eliminate it, you can't do it in a short time.
       This time, the big-character posters were posted on the streets and alleys. It’s hard to know if you don’t know.
       There are quite a few people who even have hidden this big-character poster!
       Lu 2nd Old Master read what he wrote on the big-character newspaper and listened to him. After reading it:
       "Hey, Pingxi Wangfei counterattack made Yan Wu-shuang famous." Jun Jun and Shi Xinjun are jealous, and these people do not know.
       The most interesting thing is the first one. If this is true, people who follow Yan Wu-shuang will definitely have reservations.
       Lu Lao Taiye asked:
       "The above is not necessarily true? It is such a secret thing, not to mention that Han Yu-xi and Yun-Qing  have no way to investigate, that is, Han Jianming is impossible to know." So Lu Lao Taiye believes that this It is Yu-xi, which is framed by Yan Wu-shuang.
       Lu 2nd Old Master shook his head:
       "Duan Yushi granddaughter is now in the northwest.
       This is something that she told Pingxi Wangfei." Lu 2nd Old Master thinks that Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi can't make such a thing, otherwise the style is too It is low.
       Lu Lao Taiye, um, one channel:
       "You also make sense, but we don't want to participate in it.
       The gods fight, and the victims are often surrounded by others." Yan Wu-shuang is not good, and Han Yu-xi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.
       They are just as good as bystanders.
       Lu 2nd Old Master said in silence:
       "Hey, Yan Wu-shuang, this person's temperament is just a matter of preference. Such a person can't go far." There are also two years of work under Yan Wu-shuang, and there is also a Yan Wu-shuang 'temperament' son. Understand. Such a person is a male, but definitely not a Master.
       Lu Lao Taiye, I don’t know what Lu 2nd Old Master thinks, saying:
       "Han Jianming was able to flee with the family on the same day, because the situation was too chaotic to allow their young and old to leave the capital. Now the situation is different, we will be noticed by the people of Yan Wu-shuang when we change a little, then a young and old city He was killed by death. "When the old man is old, he wants an old man to be safe."
       Lu 2nd Old Master knows this and says:
       "Hey, I want to leave a way out for our Lu family." There used to be a rebellion in the past, but there was Luboda, and the situation was still controllable. Since the death of Lu Boda, the deputy will fight for power, and Lu Gang is too young to suppress, and now forms a situation of double feet. Internal struggles have greatly affected their strength. Once Yun-Qing  took the troops to attack the land, it would definitely not be guaranteed.
       There is no future with Yan Wu-shuang. With Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-xi, there is no big future.
       Lu Lao Taiye did not agree:
       "If this thing leaks out, a young man will not be able to live his life." Lu 2nd Old Master's three sons are all in the middle, and his daughter is in the northwest. It is the people of the 1st House who want to keep filial piety, all of them are in Capital City.
       After saying this, Lu Lao Taiye murky eyes showed a touch of mans:
       "The second child, your big brother is not cold, you can't do things like these animals."
       Lu 2nd Old Master heard this and was very hurt:
       "Oh, I did this for the Lu family. If not, I will be annihilated when the future Yan Wu-shuang loses." He is selfish, but more for the future of the Lu family.
       Regardless of Lu 2nd Old Master, Lu Lao Taiye disagreed. Finally, Lu 2nd Old Master walked out of the yard with disappointment. Back in the backyard, Lu 2nd Old Master said with a bit of frustration with Lu 2nd Madam:
       "I didn't agree."
       Lu 2nd Madam said:
       "I said that Lao Taiye wouldn't agree, you don't believe it. Lao Taiye is old, just want the family to be safe. But now the situation is so peaceful and long!" Lu 2nd Madam, although he does not understand government affairs, But looking at what her daughter said in her grandson's letter, she knew that the situation in the northwest was getting better and better.
       Lu 2nd Madam is a mother. She has no lofty thoughts of loyalty to the country. She only wants to keep her son safe. Yun-Qing  is as powerful as Han Yu-xi, and if the son is against them, he will only die. So she wanted her son to go to Yun-Qing , not for the future, just to save his life.
       Lu 2nd Old Master shook his head and said:
       Lu 2nd Madam couldn't tell her husband, and asked her husband to ask Luo Shuigui to send her a letter to Lu Gang. Luo Shuigui did not agree at first, but Lu 2nd Madam was ‘calling and asking, and he eventually lost.
       Lu 2nd Old Master returned from Tuen Mun, Luo Shuigui has already left the capital. Lu 2nd Old Master is too angry:
       "How can you make a good idea about this? Do you know that this will kill everyone?"
       Lu 2nd Madam said:
       "I only know that if I don't send this letter, I will have to send a brunette to the white hair." She would rather die and not want her son to be in danger.
       People are gone, and noisy makes no sense. Lu 2nd Madam saw her husband snoring and said softly:
       "The first two days did not receive a letter from Shandong, saying that Agui  Erxi is ill. Old Master, if someone asks, you say that Agui returned to his hometown to visit relatives." Luo Shuigui home is in Shandong, only one hundred away from Suzhou. Miles.
       Three years ago, Luo Shuigui saw that the capital was not peaceful, so let him  Erxi took the child back to his hometown. In the past few days, Luo Shuigui son, Yu Xin, said that his mother was seriously ill and asked him to go back.
       Because things are not in a hurry, Lu 2nd Madam asked Luo Shuigui to go back to his hometown to visit  Erxi, then turn to the ground.
       This is not noticeable.
       Lu 2nd Old Master nodded and said:
       "Since you are all planning, then do this!" People have selfishness. If a few sons rely on Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-xi, they will not only save their lives, but also make a good future. As for him and his ‘Madam’, they are half buried in the soil. Yan Wu-shuang To kill, let him kill!
       Lu 2nd Madam was really relieved to hear this. If the husband is resolutely opposed, he will definitely send someone to chase Luo Shuigui back. Now this performance is also in line with her practice.
       In fact, Lu 2nd Madam will do this, not only because he wants to save his son, but also that the 1st House is really annoying her. In order to preserve this family, the husband has turned his back on Yan Wu-shuang. But the 1st House is not only not grateful, but always thinks that the husband is the light of the big son to have today's high. She did not say anything to her husband every other than three to five. She also chose to pick her up. If she didn’t know it, she would refer to the mulberry. I don’t know if their husband and ‘Madam’ owed the 1st House.
       The time is long, and the warm heart is cold. Of course, the cold is the heart of Lu 2nd Old Master, Lu 2nd Madam has always disliked the 1st House, 1148 

       Chapter 873 Hidden dangers (plus more votes)   

       Xu Daniu  Erxi was born, gave birth to a daughter.
       -.. Although Xu Da Niu wants to be a son, when he looks at the soft and fat daughter, he immediately likes it.
       When he was awkward, Xu Daniu was happy to ask the Brother to drink. Unfortunately, the days he chose were not very good. Xu Wu was too late to work at night. Yuan Ying and others had something to do and could not come. In the end, only Yu Cong and Gao Song came to the other guards who were close to Xu Daniu.
       They are all Brother who have eaten a big pot, and they are happy to eat and drink. Just half the wine, Gao Song said:
       "Da Niu, Lao Yu, you know the rumors outside?"
       The rumor that Gao Song said is that Yu-xi is a rumor of the witch. Only Yu-xi was suppressed, so this matter was only spread in a small area. Ordinary people did not know about it, but these people around Yun-Qing  knew it.
       Xu Daniu was so happy to drink a lot, his mind was a little confused. When you hear Takamatsu, this will smile and say:
       "What rumors did you say?"
       Takamatsu put the wine glass on the table and said:
       "What kind of silly do you pretend? Now it's all over the place, saying that Wangfei chicken is not satisfied with the morning, so there is the ground motion of Wucheng.
       This is God's warning to Wangfei. If Wangfei still does not repent, God still Will lower the bigger disaster."
       When I heard this, the scene suddenly calmed down. Yu Cong took a shot on Takamatsu shoulder and said:
       "You don't drink any more, and you start to talk nonsense."
       The wine is strong and bold, and Gao Song’s arm is open:
       "Don't I say wrong, isn't she a broiler Sichen? A woman's family is not good at the back house, but she wants to take power.
       The result is that now, the Northwest people only know that there is a Pingxi Wangfei, I don't know.
       There is also Pingxi Wang." In the hearts of the people in the northwest, Yu-xi is louder than the reputation of Yun-Qing .
       This made Gao Song very uncomfortable for Yun-Qing , and was attacked by Wangye in the northwest. As a result, the people remembered Wangfei, and Wangye credits were all erased.
       The rumors outside this time provoked Gao Song’s sensitive nerves.
       The pillar said angrily:
       "Gao Daren, what do you mean by this? Wangfei is thinking of you, even said this?"
       The pillars are very respectful to Yu-xi, and it is impossible to say that Yusong is like Yu-xi.
       Takamatsu chills one channel:
       "I know that you are all afraid of offending Wangfei, but I am not afraid. In the past few years, the Brother followed Wangye sword and sword, and she was afraid of her a girl."
       Yu Cong sees Gao Songyue saying that the more decent, the more busy he said to others:
       "Gaosong is drunk before he can talk nonsense, don't worry about it."
       The column is very dissatisfied and says:
       "After drinking, I spoke the truth. He is complaining about Wangfei. He said it through the wine! It’s really heartless. Wangfei is so good to us. He actually said this." Yu-xi to Yun-Qing  People have always been very preferential. Many people are very grateful for this. Of course, some people don't buy it, such as Takamatsu.
       After listening to this, Yu Cong said with a cold face and looked at the pillar:
       "What Gao Song said just now is drunk. If you listen, don't talk outside. Otherwise, don't blame the Brother for not doing it." Wangye knew that Gao Song was scolded at most. But if Wangfei knew that Gao Song would definitely not be able to take it. Yu-xi was too strong, and the generals around Yun-Qing  began to be jealous.
       Although the pillar is not in the heart of Yu-xi, but I don't want to confront Yu Cong, and my heart is unwilling to nod.
       When others saw it, they all agreed not to say it. As for Xu Daniu, they are all stupid, and remember this. Yu Cong, will not specifically tell Xu Daniu about this. So this matter, Xu Daniu really did not know.
       Although the pillar promised Yu Cong not to speak to the outside, but the heart is very uncomfortable. In the end, I told Xu Wu about it.
       The pillar said:
       "Daren, Gao Song, he is too much, so it is so filthy Wangfei. He completely forgot what Wangfei did to us. Without Wangfei, how can we have our good days now?" In the eyes of the pillar, Takamatsu has become A ungrateful person.
       Xu Wu was a bit ugly to hear about it, but he also understood the concerns of Yu Cong.
       This is really not a big deal. Xu Wu said:
       "Pillar, this matter is told to me, don't talk to other people." If Wangfei knew this, Gao Song couldn't stay at Wangye again. At that time, it was Wangye.
       The pillar nodded:
       "I know that this is not good. But Gao Song is too much. You can't be nonsense by him any more." The pillar told Xu Wu that he hoped Xu Wu could come forward and say Gao Song, let him stop talking nonsense. It is.
       Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "I will deal with this matter." Gao Song's behavior is indeed excessive, and Wangfei is also he can casually criticize?
       The next day, Xu Wu found Gao Song and specifically told him about it:
       "Gao Song, why do you have such a big opinion on Wangfei?"
       This is the most incomprehensible place for Xu Wu. Wangfei is not thin to people around him. Why does Gao Song have such a big grievance?
       Takamatsu said a little embarrassed:
       "What do I have to say about Wangfei? It’s all nonsense after drinking." Under normal circumstances, Gao Song certainly would not say such a thing.
       The truth lies, Xu Wu is still divided. Xu Wu looked at Gao Song and said:
       "Gao Song, Wangye and Wangfei are one. If there is anything wrong with Wangfei, Wangye will be damaged. In the end, only the deceased will be fast." This is also Xu Wu words. Because he is very clear, without Wangfei, Wangye can't walk this step. Later, Wangye still wants to go further, and Wangfei support is inseparable.
       Therefore, there is no point in the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’.
       Gao Song nodded:
       "You can rest assured, I know. Yesterday is the gibberish of drinking, and what Wangfei did to us, I remember it in my heart!" Gao Song smiled and said:
       "If there is no Wangfei, I am a rough person who doesn't know big words. Where can I marry Miss Sun's ‘Madam’?"
       Xu Wu listened to Gao Song’s words and said with a smile:
       "You can think like this, it's better." Unfortunately, Xu Wu was too early. If he knew what Gao Song had done later, he would not hide it for Gao Song. It is a pity that it is difficult to buy a thousand dollars to know. For this matter, Xu Wu later regretted the intestines.
       Because it is concealed, Yu-xi doesn't know this little thing. Yu-xi This will focus on two things. One is the post-disaster resettlement in Wucheng; the other is the big-character newspaper on the other side of the capital.
       Xu Wu told Yu-xi about the news from the capital:
       “Wangfei, Yan Wu-shuang put all the things we posted and destroyed them. In addition, we also ordered the people to be banned from the matter. Once found, they immediately arrested them and put them into prison.”
       Yu-xi heard these words and smiled on his face. Forcing Yan Wu-shuang to use torture to suppress the incident, she is also a bitter.
       Xu Wu said:
       "Wangfei, Yan Wu-shuang is too deceiving, we can't let him go." If it wasn't for Yan Wu-shuang to spread the rumors, Takamatsu wouldn't have such a big emotion. Xu Wu knows very well that Takamatsu is just one of them.
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "Yan Wu-shuang If you are so good to kill, you don't have to wait until now. I can't let the people below go to death in order to breathe out." Ming knows that Yan Wu-shuang can't be killed, but also sends people to assassinate. It is not to take the life of the people below.
       These people are not easy to cultivate, and if not necessary, Yu-xi is not willing to fold.
       Xu Wu is awkward and says:
       “Wangfei is very generous.” Yu-xi has always been calm and sensible in business, and he does not act on his own preferences. Xu Wu is very admired. At this point, Xu Wu asks himself that he can't do it.
       Yu-xi smiled:
       "Do not flatter me. Now they follow me and Wangye, I will not let them to die in vain." Say the dead is impossible, do either when the task is inevitable. But what Yu-xi can guarantee is that she won't let these people die. Not only does she say that, she does the same.
       In the evening, Jao-Jao came back from the front yard. Yu-xi looked at Jao-Jao forehead, and asked:
       "What's going on here?"
       Jao-Jao said indifferently:
       "I accidentally rubbed my forehead when I fell, and gave it to the young." Jao-Jao began to learn the boxing method from this month. Huo Changqing thinks that martial arts is progressing faster in actual combat, so Jao-Jao and Ade will be played every five days.
       This time, Jao-Jao was in the hands of Ade, and he accidentally fell to his head.
       Yu-xi was busy calling licorice to take the medicine and applied it to Jao-Jao forehead and opened it to her. Jao-Jao began to hurt and grin, but soon, Jao-Jao smiled:
       "Mother, this medicine works really well, it doesn't hurt much."
       Yu-xi took the back of Jao-Jao and said:
       "I thought you didn't hurt!" Dad, there is no difference with a kid!
       Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "It hurts a bit, but the mother is so awkward, it doesn't hurt at all." How can it hurt? Just get used to it when it hurts. And Jao-Jao didn't like to complain in front of Yu-xi, she was afraid of a complaint and her mother was tearful. To say who is most afraid of Jao-Jao, it is not Huo Changqing. Similarly, Jao-Jao is also afraid of Yu-xi crying. It’s just that Yu-xi rarely cries, and this shortcoming has not been discovered.
       Yu-xi, holding Jao-Jao, said guilty:
       "It’s all strange mothers, it’s the mother who makes you suffer.” Regret is useless, only doubled to Jao-Jao in the future.
       At this time, Kai Hao crawling on the bed smashed. Yu-xi was busy releasing Jao-Jao and went to the bed to pick up Qi Hao. When Qi Hao arrived in Yu-xi, he would not cry. Yu-xi clicked on Qihao forehead and smiled:
       "It's really overbearing. Even you-sister-sister doesn't let you hug." When Qi Hao was more than two months, Yu-xi found that the kid was very overbearing. He was not allowed to hold other people in Yu-xi. Otherwise, Just cry.
       Jao-Jao is very atmospheric and smiles:
       "Nothing, I have grown up, no need to hold my mother." I have to say that Huo Changqing taught Jao-Jao very well in this regard. Never jealous with his brother Mei Mei, there is nothing good to miss Lu-Er and Qi Hao. Lu-Er is relatively inferior. It is a little awkward for Qi Hao not to let Yu-xi hold her, but it was released by Quan Mama and released.

       Chapter 874 Promotion of Artichoke   

       The blue sky hangs a fireball-like sun, and the clouds seem to be burnt by the sun, disappearing without a trace. (no notice)
       In the study two bowls of ice were placed, and it was impossible to dissipate the heat in the room. No more ice, Yu-xi would not let it go, because there is Qi Hao in the house! It is also because Qi Hao is in good health that Yu-xi dares to put ice in the house. When Jao-Jao and Lu-Er were young, she would rather not use ice than to be afraid of the child being cold.
       Yu-xi and Tan Tuo said about planting artichokes:
       "In addition to the land where the artichokes were planted in previous years, other crops can be planted.
       The land that has not been planted with artichokes, all of which are made of artichokes." Yu-xi This time, instead of discussing with Tantuo, it is directly ordered.
       If this is what Yun-Qing  said, Tan Tuo will definitely refute it in person.
       The production of artichokes is high, but this kind of new crop, the northwestern people began to definitely not eat. If all are planted with artichokes, then rice noodles will be rarity next year, and the price of rice noodles may double or even more.
       This is not conducive to the steady development of the northwest. Just because it is Yu-xi, this is not the same, Yu-xi is now very skilled in handling government affairs. What he thought of, Yu-xi certainly knows. Knowing that there are such consequences, there are such orders, and there must be reasons why he does not know.
       Tan Tuo asked:
       “Wangfei, why is this?”
       Yu-xi has made full preparations and said to Tan Tuo:
       “The old farmer and Han Ji said that there may be a big drought in the northwest next year.
       The potato will be planted in 10 months this year and will be harvested in March. Even if there is a big drought next year, it will not affect the harvest of the artichoke.” This is just Yu- Xi An excuse to find. However, this excuse is always better than saying that Jiangnan will have a flood disaster next year. In the event of a flood in the south of the Yangtze River, food will be in short supply, and the artichokes that the Northwesters do not like to eat can save many lives. You must know that when this person is hungry, he even eats the bark roots, not to mention the artichokes that can satisfy the hunger. However, she will not say anything about the flood in Jiangnan. If she said this, there will be a flood in the next year. When Yan Wu-shuang can attack her, she is enchanting. She is already conspicuous enough, so there is no need to attract more attention.
       Tan Tuo scared a big jump and asked:
       "Wangfei, is this sure?"
       If there is a major drought, it is not only necessary to plant artichokes, but other things must be prepared in advance. For places where drinking water is difficult, water that is consumed by humans and animals must be reserved.
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "I can't be sure, but the old farmer said that this is based on his decades of accumulated experience. I think Ning believes that it is not credible." In fact, this old farmer is required to say so.
       There is Yu-xi to protect him, and there is no need to worry about the safety of life, and this is the benefit of those in power.
       Tan Tuo remembered that Yu-xi asked for the construction of the water:
       “Wangfei is afraid that there will be a big drought next year, so let those villages with difficult drinking water build water rafts?”
       But when you think about it, Tan Tuo doesn't think it's right. It is clear that Wangfei only recently learned that there may be a major drought in the northwest next year, and the order to build the otter was last year, and time is not right.
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "No. Last year, some local people had difficulty drinking water, and they thought about building water rafts for them.
       This also relieved the difficulty of drinking water to a certain extent." The size of the otters was built according to the number of villages, as long as it was in drought. Before the advent, the otter will be filled with water. If the water of the drought has been used properly, it should be able to be used by the villagers for two to three months.
       Tan Tuo also thinks it is:
       "Wangfei approach is very good, just like this, next year's rice noodles will grow wild." Things are rare, the whole northwest is planted with rice noodles, and the price is naturally high.
       Yu-xi said:
       "Don't worry, the rice noodles stored in our grain store have beans and other things, which can meet the normal needs of the people for half a year. In addition, at the beginning of the year, I sent people to Jiangnan to buy food." Yu-xi is taking out 100 When Wanshan buys food, the food of one million Silver Taels sounds a lot, but on average, it is not too much for a single person.
       Tan Tuo sees that Yu-xi has already figured it out, knowing that he has said nothing.
       “Is this done by Wangye?”
       It’s got the money of Ji Xuan, otherwise Wangfei can be rich and rich.
       Tan Tuo really wants to smash this thing. Even if he does not get the huge sum of Ji Xuanzang, Yu-xi will still take out the money to buy food. Since I know that there will be natural disasters next year, it would be stupid if I don’t buy more food.
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "I discussed this with Wangye, and Wangye agreed." Hungry people like to keep food. Yu-xi is like this, and Yun-Qing  is no exception. Hearing that there may be a natural disaster next year, Yu-xi said that he would take out a million Silver Taels to buy food, and Yun-Qing  still felt that it was less, and asked for another one million. But last year they had stored a large amount of food, and Yu-xi was not ready to buy so much. Everything can't be done too much, almost it will happen.
       Tan Tuo met Yun-Qing  and agreed that he still has objections:
       "It is already at the end of July, and there are only two months left until 10 months.
       This artichoke seed will be released as soon as possible." Most of the seeds of the artichokes are held in the hands of Yu-xi.
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "These kinds of food are loaned to them, and the harvest will be returned to the government after the harvest next year. In addition, when they are planted, they will be told that when the harvest is good next year, the government will bid for the purchase, so that they do not have to worry about the artichoke.
       The problem of sales." With the sales, these people are also strong, and will not sin.
       Tan Tuo thought about it:
       "Wangfei, such a large-scale planting, will not attract pests." Tan Tuo also has a deep understanding of the situation of artichokes.
       Yu-xi naturally thought of this and said:
       “The artichokes interplant with soybeans or radishes at the time, so the probability of pests is much smaller.” In the past two years, the experienced old farmers who are here are doing experiments in this area. It turned out that the effect was very good with the potato interplanting.
       Tan Tuo sees Yu-xi, and he smiles and says:
       "That's good." In the past two years, the government has promised everything to the people. So now in the northwest, the government is still very prestigious. Unlike the imperial court, the official documents issued did not say that the people did not believe that many officials did not take it seriously.
       Because it is to be interplanted with soybeans, in addition to the seeds of the artichoke, the seeds of soybeans must be prepared. However, the soybean seed people basically have their own species, so the soybean seeds are not worried enough.
       In order to plant the artichokes, Tan Tuo began to get busy with officials such as An Zike. Tan Tuo is a matter of knowing the importance. He has not revealed a word about the possible drought in next year. Tan Tuo statement to An Zike and others is that Yu-xi believes that the production of artichokes is high, so they will ask the people to grow artichokes.
       Because the production of artichokes is really high, Anzike wanted to promote it before, so I didn't think much. And because the government promised to buy artichokes next year, the people are not disliked with planting this crop.
       People in the northwest didn't feel anything unusual, but Yan Wu-shuang smelled a different taste. Yan Wu-shuang asked Meng-nian:
       "Isn't I found out why?"
       Han Yu-xi suddenly asked the whole northwest to grow artichokes, there must be a reason.
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       The news we found was just that Han-shi had to promote it because of the high output of artichokes."
       Yan Wu-shuang denied this statement if he didn't want to:
       "Impossible. Han Yu-xi is not the first day to govern. She can't help but know that there will be many drawbacks in planting artichokes throughout the northwest." Everyday, in addition to rice noodles, there are soy and other things, all of them are planted. Artichoke is not a good thing. Moreover, such large-scale planting, once the pests are raging, will not be able to get back at that time. Yan Wu-shuang also knows that the artichoke is prone to insects.
       After a pause, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       “And since last year, Han Yu-xi has started to deposit food.” Here, Yan Wu-shuang’s eyes flashed and said:
       "Han Yu-xi has the ability to predict, will she predict that there will be a natural disaster in the northwest next year. So let the people in the northwest plant the artichokes, she is storing food."
       Meng-nian is still the previous sentence:
       "Wangye, Han Yu-xi can't have the ability to predict." Because Yan Wu-shuang said that Yu-xi has the ability to predict, Meng-nian made an in-depth study of Yu-xi experience from small to large. Understand the analysis. As a result of the analysis, Han Yu-xi is a bad luck reminder. Mother died, does not hurt the Grandmother does not love, but also often bullied by other sister-sisters, if not Qiu-shi protection is estimated to have died. After growing up, it was a tumultuous thing, and marrying Yun-Qing  was still a matter of life and death. And those who have the ability to predict are the lucky ones who love the sky, and the Hann Yu-xi does not touch the luck.
       Yan Wu-shuang knows that Meng-nian has recognized Han Yu-xi without predictive ability, and he has no use what he said:
       "Even if she doesn't have the ability to predict, she should have gotten news from other places. Meng-nian, we should also save the grain. Even if my inference is wrong, it is not a bad thing to store more food."
       Although Meng-nian does not believe that Han Yu-xi has the ability to predict, but no one is too much food. Meng-nian said:
       "But the summer harvest has passed, and it is necessary to buy food in large quantities, and only wait for the autumn harvest." They also bought a batch of food in the summer harvest, but the amount is not much, only enough for the soldiers in the army to eat in 10 months, and to wait for the autumn harvest. Buy some.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded.
       Meng-nian said another thing:
       “Wangye, I found a message. When Yu Xi was in the temple, he used to talk to the nearby Servant in the northwest.” Yu Xiyu and Servant learned the northwest for so long, even if they were cautious, they also unintentionally missed the trace. A little nun who was shackled in the hall heard it inadvertently. Because the things have been going on for so long, the little nuns have forgotten. Coincidentally, the little nun recently met a northwestern woman who went to Lingshan Temple to scent, and listened to her talking to the servant about the northwest.
       Yan Wu-shuang cold face:
       "It turned out to be hiding in the northwest. It's no wonder that you can't find anyone." The northwest is the site of Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi. It happened that the two were not interested in the treasure, but let the woman escape.
       Meng-nian felt that this was a bit tricky and said:
       "Wangye, this matter has to be long-term." They and Han Yu-xi are like a fire, and the people who are sent to the northwest are all hidden except for those who are deeply hidden. Send people again, but also to die.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "If you want to talk about it from a long time, you can tell Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-xi directly. In the northwest, it is in the northwest. But Han-shi is different from people, we still have to be prepared." People are secretly looking for in the northwest. However, their people are looking for it. If you want to find someone, you can do it in three or five months.
       Meng-nian knows that this is Yan Wu-shuang's obsession and there is no objection.

       Chapter 875 Gap   

       In the evening, Yan Wu-shuang went to the backyard to visit her daughter.
        (Read the latest chapter starting) As soon as I entered the room, I saw Yu-Chen eyes red. Yan Wu-shuang frowned and asked, "What is this?"
       Yu-Chen smiled and shook his head and said, "I just went to the garden for a walk, the sand blows into my eyes, and my eyes are a little red." This is an excuse, but Yu-Chen knows that Yan Wu-shuang knows that this is The excuse will not ask deeply.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not continue to ask, but took her daughter from the hands of the mother. Yan Wu-shuang looked at A-Bao and smiled. "Our A-Bao is getting better and better." A-Bao is so delicate that it looks like a painting.
       There is no sputum, the skin is white and delicate, and it is matched. A pair of Danfeng eyes, when they grow up, must be fascinated by all beings. For such a daughter, Yan Wu-shuang is still very content.
       Yu-Chen smiled and said, "Children can't boast more, and boasting will make her proud and complacent." A-Bao and Achi, the pair of dragons and babies, Yan Wu-shuang is different. Yan Wu-shuang’s name for A-Bao is as painful as Zhu treasure, but it’s faint for Achi, and he doesn’t hold Achi every time. Yu-Chen also tried to change the idea of ​​Yan Wu-shuang, but now he has given up.
       Yan Wu-shuang laughed and said, "My daughter, how is it arrogant?"
       Pride and arrogance are two concepts. However, in Yan Wu-shuang, my daughter is all right.
       Yu-Chen can't help but smile. "Wangye can't be so used to it, or else A-Bao temper will get bigger and bigger." Children should be spoiled, but they can't be pampered in principle.
       This is harmful to children, not love.
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't take this to heart. He said, "Miss's temper is also a good thing. If it is too weak, you can't be bullied in the future."
       Yu-Chen feels that this can't be done, the daughter is to be pampered, but it is not a law like Yan Wu-shuang. Otherwise, when you grow up, you will regret it, just like Yu Xi.
       After A-Bao fell asleep, Yan Wu-shuang returned to the front yard. Yu-Chen is used to it and doesn't care.
       After the son was asleep, Yu-Chen sat in the chair, thinking about what happened in the evening, and his heart was still sour. Eyes, unconsciously red.
       Gui Mama reassured that "Imperial Consort doesn't have to be sad, Yu-shi sister-sisters are just 嫉妒Imperial Consort, so I said that."
       In the evening, Yu-Chen walked in the garden to eat and eat, and met Yu-shi, the pair-sister-girl flower.
       There are battles in some places, not to mention the three women who are also Yan Wu-shuang. In addition, Da Yu-shi believes that her son is the eldest son of Yan Wu-shuang, and the title should be inherited by her son. But it is not possible to think that Yu-Chen's son has been established as a child, which makes her reconciled. Every time I saw Yu-Chen, it was a yin and yang, and it was a sang, and this time there was a big-character newspaper. How could she let Yu-Chen go?
       In the evening, Da Yu-shi saw Yu-Chen in the garden, ridiculed that Yu-Chen was a second-hand goods, and Wangye also bears an nickname for her second-hand goods. Yu-Chen Chess Painting and Calligraphy is proficient in these things, but the monks really don't. Or Gui Mama, without the dirty, turned the big Yu-shi almost blindfolded. Even so, the big Yu-shi still deeply hurts the heart of Yu-Chen.
       Yu-Chen lowered his head and said after a while, "Mama, Da Yu-shi is telling the truth, I am married." Although she is forced, the fact that she is married cannot be changed. .
       Gui Mama was very upset and couldn't help but blame "but she cares a little about her sister-sister relationship, and it shouldn't be like Imperial Consort." It's no secret that the big word is from the hands of Yu-xi, Gui Mama Nature know. Yu-xi To deal with Yan Wu-shuang, Gui Mama has nothing to say, but he is involved in his own master.
       Yu-Chen said faintly, "It has become a hatred, talk about what-sister-sister love. I am saddened by my shi-zi, and my shi-zi has blamed me..." Yu-Chen entered the palace to see Zhou two days ago. -Yan, Zhou-Yan Excuses the hard work and did not come out to see Yu-Chen. Yu-Chen, this is a loss, my son is blaming her. Knowing this truth, Yu-Chen's heart is about to break.
       On these two days, Yu-Chen didn’t want to think about tea. Today, she was sorrowful by the big Yu-shi pointing her nose to her watery poppies, and her children were ashamed of having her mother.
       Gui Mama is also very upset, saying, "Imperial Consort is not sad, if you are not for the emperor, you will not suffer such humiliation.
       The emperor is now young and can't understand what you have done for him, and I understand it."
       Yu-Chen wiped her tears and shook her head and said, "I don't blame you. I am greedy and afraid of death. If I was able to kill myself when I was arrested, there would be no such thing." inability.
       Gui Mama said in silence, “Imperial Consort, the emperor is your child, 1st County Owner is also your child like Noble Heir. Imperial Consort, think about 1st County Owner and Noble Heir!” Zhou-Yan resentment Yu-Chen, this has not changed. In this case, there is no need to put too many feelings in Zhou-Yan.
       Yu-Chen smiled and said, "I don't know if Achi and A-Bao will grow up and feel shame for a mother like me." It is now, Yu-Chen knows that she is Yan. Wu-shuang paid what kind of price for a child. Not only is there no reputation, but even the children will blame her.
       Gui Mama said, “Noble Heir and the 1st County Owner will definitely be very filial in the future. Don't think about it.” Zhou-Yan's cold attitude made Yu-Chen suffer a lot. And Yu-Chen, can not be released in a short time.
       The two children looking at the bed, Yu-Chen said, "The bitter fruit I planted, I will swallow it myself." She can no longer have children, and she only took care of Achi and A-Bao.
       The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and Jao-Jao is still a little bit hot when practicing in the afternoon. After that, Jao-Jao only practiced in the afternoon and stayed in the backyard in the afternoon.
       Jao-Jao shook Yu-xi arm and said, "Mother, let me go to Zhuangzi! Zhuangzi is very cool, not as hot as here." Jao-Jao is too hot, so I am afraid that the heat is not cold. Today, the weather, not to practice, she only sweats as she walks around. So Jao-Jao feels that staying in the mansion is really a year! Last year, she went to Zhuangzi, where it was cool and the night ice didn't have to fall asleep.
       Yu-xi touched the head of Jao-Jao and said, "I will discuss it with you later. If you agree, my mother has no opinion." Actually, Wangfu also has a cool yard, but Jao-Jao is not willing to move.
       Thinking about going to Zhuangzi.
       There are big trees next to Zhuangzi house, which is naturally cool.
       Later, Yu-xi talked to Yun-Qing  about this. "Let this Yatou go! It's too hot, Jao-Jao has eaten less in the past few days." Jao-Jao can eat very much on most days. Don't look at a child who is only six years old, can eat a bowl of half a meal, but also drink soup to eat goat milk and so on. Of course, eating too much is also fast. Jao-Jao Lu-Er is only one year old, but Lu-Er is a bit taller.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Yu-xi and smiled. "Now the new military camp is on track, or we have to go to Zhuangzi for three or five days." See Yu-xi in hesitation, Yun-Qing  Holding Yu-xi hand, said, "We have been busy since we became friends.
       This time we put down the matter at hand and went to Zhuangzi for a rest for two days!"
       Yu-xi smiled and nodded and agreed, "We will go to Zhuangzi for five days." The higher the status, the heavier the burden, and the time for the husband and ‘Madam’ to get along alone is getting less and less. Unusual Yun-Qing  speaks, how can she refuse? Moreover, things are no worse than these three or five days.
       The next day Yu-xi told Jao-Jao and Lu-Er that the family was going to Zhuangzi. Lu-Er heard this, his eyes flashed, "Mom, really want to go to Zhuangzi horse?"
       See Yu-xi nod, Lu-Er grabs Jao-Jao arm road "-Sister-Sister, you have to take me to Zhuangzi to Zhuangzi." This is what Jao-Jao promised before.
       Yu-xi heard Lu-Er's words frowning, what is called to take her to grab, as if Jao-Jao did her work for me.
       Jao-Jao is a boy 'temperament'. He is not as sharp as Yu-xi. Hearing Lu-Er’s words, he laughed. “Reminder, when I arrive at Zhuangzi, I will not only take you to catch butterflies, but also take you there. Grab the fish in the river. Grab the fish and let Bai Mama give us a stew of fish soup." When this fell, Jao-Jao sneaked a look at Yu-xi. It is dangerous to go down the river, and the mother knows that she will be punished again. So I can't be too excited, and I am so excited that I am wrong.
       Yu-xi was not angry, just asked, "When the river catches the fish, can someone follow?"
       I heard that two guards were next to Jao-Jao, and Yu-xi did not say anything. After conceiving himself, Yu-xi is no longer a leader of Jao-Jao. As long as Jao-Jao pays attention to safety, the other Yu-xi are only blindfolded.
       Jao-Jao snorted and asked, "Mother, when we all went to Zhuangzi, what should the younger brother do?"
       I left my brother alone at home, and she was somewhat unbearable.
       Yu-xi smirked, "The younger brother will naturally take it." Qi Hao is still breastfeeding, and he can get away from the body of Yu-xi.
       The eight-month Old Qi Hao body is generally too strong, except for the cold weather in May, which has never been sick. It was cold and didn't take medicine. Quan Mama used a recipe and Kai Hao was good.
       The child is in good health and does not know how much heart has saved Yu-xi.
       Jao-Jao said with some regrets, "It’s a pity that my brother is too young, or else I can take him to the mountain to pick the wild fruit." Don’t look at Jao-Jao, it’s so big, she can do things for the children in the country. It is.
       Lu-Er was busy saying "-Sister-sister, I have to pick wild fruits." Riding the horse, she saw the big horse afraid. But picking wild fruits is definitely fun.
       Jao-Jao looked at Lu-Er and said, "The road to the mountain is rugged, you can't go." Lu-Er is not willing to walk at home, how could he climb the mountain.
       Lu-Er said, "I can't go, let the pomegranate and the lotus-sister-sister hold it!" Lu-Er would not be willing to walk, and she would be used to it.
       Yu-xi heard this, the brow wrinkled deeper. The sister-sister is one year apart, but the gap is too big. Yu-xi began to reflect, although it is said that Miss should be fostered, but it is good to teach Lu-Er!
       Pso(n_n)o-, the second is sent.

       Chapter 876 1 home of Hele (1)   

       Before going to Zhuangzi, Yu-Xi explained Tan Tuo.
       These days have been put in advance, if it is an urgent matter, people will send the fold to Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi is away from the king's house for a long time, and it takes more than two hours to get there.
       Tan Tuo naturally has no objection.
       The next day, the day was bright, and the family of five went off. Jao-Jao is impatient to ride a horse, she rides her little black horse. Lu-Er can't ride a horse, only open the curtain and look out at the window. As for Qi Hao, I haven’t opened my eyes when I left the city, and I slept so sweetly!
       Lu-Er yelled at the outside with a smile:
       "Mother, look at it, there are so many people outside." Lu-Er is the first time to go out and see what is strange.
       Jao-Jao said to Yun-Qing  with a large group of people:
       "Hey, I should take Mei Mei out and walk in the future." Otherwise, I will see such a fuss when I see the cows and sheep. When I arrive at Zhuangzi, I will be jokes by my friends.
       Yun-Qing  laughs:
       "You Mei Mei is different from you, you can't come out often." On the Lu-Er temperament, I feel that everything is fresh now. When this is fresh, I will be impatient and take a look at these cattle and sheep.
       Jao-Jao doesn't understand, the roots are:
       “How is Mei Mei different from me? Isn’t it all born?”
       This is really crude, and it is frustrating to be heard by Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "Ask your mother to go." Anyway, Jao-Jao has a lot of questions, often asking why. Yun-Qing  can't help but throw these questions to Yu-Xi. For Jao-Jao, Yu-Xi is very good.
       Jao-Jao grin, every time I don't want to answer her question, I use this trick. Jao-Jao pointed to people working in the field and asked:
       "Hey, are they planting wheat?"
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "They are growing acacia and soybeans." It is already in early September, and it will be planted in more than twenty days. If there is a drought tomorrow, then the artichokes that are planted this time can be the life-saving food for everyone.
       Jao-Jao has a voice:
       "Acacia? Is the artichoke stewed with beef? The thing is delicious, and everyone can eat it afterwards."
       Lu-Er squatted in front of the window, watching Yun-Qing  and Jao-Jao riding a leisurely look, Lu-Er also tickle. Lu-Er yelled at Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, I want to ride a horse."
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Lu-Er and said:
       "You can ride horses, but you won't cry when you are uncomfortable." Yun-Qing  intends to let Lu-Er learn to ride horses, but Lu-Er is not willing to learn.
       Lu-Er muttered and said:
       "Hey, take me on horseback, how can I cry? My mother is too young to marry me." Lu-Er was the most favored family at home, but her status has plummeted since Qi Hao was born. In this regard, Lu-Er was very dissatisfied, and also sent several small tempers. Originally, this little child had some temper, but Jao-Jao was very atmospheric, and Lu-Er was lined up with some small family.
       Therefore, Lu-Er has such a sister-sister-Jao-Jao, which is also very sad.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Well, this is what you said. If you are crying, I can ignore it."
       The carriage stopped and Lu-Er went to the Yun-Qing  horse. Sitting on the horse, Lu-Er is particularly excited:
       "Hey, this horse is really good to ride." Not as terrible as she imagined.
       Yun-Qing  touched the head of Lu-Er and smiled:
       "You want to learn. When I get home, I send a little pony. You follow Shifu." Yun-Qing  treats all three children equally. No one is particularly favored, at least on the plain.
       Lu-Er said happily:
       "Okay, okay!" This time, Lu-Er also rarely showed a lively side.
       In the carriage, Yu-Xi and Quan Mama said:
       "Lu-Er is a child who is worse than Jao-Jao, whether it is temper or nature."
       Quan Mama has long seen the difference between the two sisters and sisters, laughing and saying:
       "Jao-Jao is treated like a boy, and he is very angry. Lu-Er has been raised and raised in the inner courtyard of the deep house, so it is inevitable that there is some little temper. However, this is also a small problem, no Obstructed."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "It's still necessary to pay attention." Yu-Xi does not want Lu-Er to become a narrow-minded person. Fortunately at home, you can eat a lot of painful temperament after marrying.
       Quan Mama said in a moment:
       "If you want your child to relax, you have to let her see more and think more, and more people should be in contact." The knowledge is broad and the mind is naturally broadened.
       This is also why Huo Changqing often takes Jao-Jao out.
       Let Lu-Er go out often, that is, she didn't think it was this condition! She is very busy with Yun-Qing , Huo Changqing is not willing to take Lu-Er out, and other people Yu-Xi are not at ease. Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Reading can make a good decision, let her read more books later!"
       Quan Mama nodded:
       "I will guide Lu-Er in the future, you don't have to worry." Lu-Er is not the same as Jao-Jao. It is really not realistic to let Lu-Er go out often.
       Riding was too bumpy, and it made her uncomfortable. Lu-Er only took a small half of the time and the horse could not stand back to the carriage. Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "I still don't learn to ride a horse?"
       Lu-Er shakes his head:
       "Don't learn, riding is too tired." Not comfortable to make a carriage, sitting on the carriage and relying on lying to lie down.
       Yu-Xi said with a face:
       "You just said that you have to learn. If you go out, you have to do it. When the summer is over, I will let you teach you to ride a horse."
       Lu-Er, who is willing to learn to ride a horse, can face the serious look of Yu-Xi, she can't refute. Afraid of refutation, there will be a reprimand. She often sees Yu-Xi reprimanding Jao-Jao, which looks very scary.
       After a long while, Lu-Er was reluctant to say it; "Good." After saying this, the whole person was embarrassed, and there was no strength at all.
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Lu-Er and said with a smile:
       At the end of the day, a group of talents went to Zhuangzi. A little wagon, a burst of hot heat.
       Lu-Er muttered:
       "-Sister-sister deceives people, what kind of Zhuangzi is cooler than the house, which is obviously hotter than home!" The yard where Jao-Jao lived was close to the garden, and her house used ice again, and did not feel hot. .
       This time I came to Zhuangzi, mainly because Jao-Jao said that Zhuangzi was fun, she was so excited.
       Jao-Jao said Yang Sheng:
       “Mei Mei, I didn’t lie to you. It’s really cooler than at home, and you will know when you enter Zhuangzi.”
       Lu-Er is dubious.
       Guo Xuan came over to give Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi a gift and said:
       "The child, her mother is preparing to eat, so she didn't come."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Don't pick this up. Right, big expensive?"
       Dagui is the playmate of Jao-Jao. Every time Jao-Jao goes back from Zhuangzi, he has to mention the big expensive with Yu-Xi.
       Guo Xun smiled:
       "This kid is naughty. Yesterday, I climbed the tree and the ostrich egg fell from the tree and rubbed my leg. Now I can't go anywhere, staying at home!" It's just that there is no sequelae in the lame, just need to raise a few days.
       Therefore, Guo Xuan is not worried. For Guo Xuan, it is normal for boys to beat.
       Jao-Jao was anxious and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, let me go to see Big Brother." After that, she didn't wait for Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi to open, she went to Zhuangzi.
       Yu-Xi didn't care, but they got used to it anyway. Yu-Xi looked at this Zhuangzi, and got two mountain villages from Ji Xuan’s hands.
       The other mountain village was a test of artichokes. Yu-Xi has been to several times.
       This mountain village is dedicated to cultivating secret talents, and Yu-Xi is the first time.
       Looking up at the tall trees, the trees are lush and lush, and they are all in the first year. Yu-Xi said:
       "So many trees, they grow up, it's really rare." There are also big trees in Wangfuli, but not many, plus more than 20 strains. ”
       Yun-Qing  See Yu-Xi looking at the tall trees and laughing:
       "There are more than 600 trees in the entire mountain, and each has more than 20 years of age."
       Yu-Xi was very surprised and asked:
       “How come so many trees?”
       With so many trees, it is impossible to grow other crops on the site.
       Yun-Qing , holding Qi Hao, explained while walking:
       “Because of the frequent drought in the northwest, the survival rate of the trees planted is not high, so there are many kinds of trees when planting trees. As a result, after these trees have been planted, there have been three years of rapid rain and no drought in early summer.
       These trees have basically survived. Down.
       These trees are hard to survive, so they are not willing to cut, and have been kept." Also because the trees are many, and they grow tall, so the village is particularly cool.
       On the Zhuangzi, Yu-Xi saw Zi-Su. Although I lived on Zhuangzi, the appearance of Zi-Su did not change.
       After Zi-Su gave a gift to Yu-Xi, he looked at Qi Hao and said:
       "Noble Heir is really good." After that, put a long-lived golden lock in the shackles of Kaihao.
       Yu-Xi pushed things back and smiled:
       "Qi Hao washes the three and the full moon, you have given the gift, can not let you spend the money." Guo Xun and Zi-Su food and clothing, but with the big army they can not compare. However, Guo Xun’s mentality is good, and he has not complained about it. Instead, he has helped them to train talents.
       Yu-Xi was picked up after the extrapolation. Yu-Xi smiled to:
       "There will be no more expenses in the future."
       Lunch is very rich, stir-fried shrimp, braised pork, pot roast chicken, steamed fish, sauce duck, fish-flavored eggplant, Mapo tofu, green vegetables, and sauerkraut pork ribs.
       Zi-Su smiled and said:
       "Although it is simple, but these ingredients are self-produced on Zhuangzi, very fresh." Shrimp is picked up from the river early in the morning, tofu is also done in the morning, chickens and ducks are also killed.
       Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  are simple in life, and everyone around you knows that Guo Xuan and Zi-Su may be more prosperous.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The chicken, duck and fish are all there, and it's still pretty simple." At home, they don't have eight dishes and one soup at a time.
       At noon, even the Lu-Er who picked the mouth said it was delicious:
       "Mother, I have to eat tofu and eggplant at night."
       Zi-Su was very happy to hear this and smiled:
       “The 2nd County Owner likes it, I will do it again at night.”
       After using lunch, Yun-Qing  went to talk with Guo Xun. Lu-Er and Kai Hao fell asleep, as Jao-Jao ran out to find a small partner to play. Jao-Jao, who is not willing to go more than half a step at home, can't see the figure when he arrives at Zhuangzi.
       Yu-Xi shot a mosquito and said to Quan Mama:
       “The coolness of this piece is cool, it is more mosquitoes.” Before coming, Zi-Su had already made people use the aromatherapy. But there are trees next to it, and there are so many mosquitoes.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "There are mosquitoes in the countryside. It's normal. After a long time, you are tired, go to sleep! Lu-Er and Kaihao have me watching."
       Yu-Xi didn't lie down for a long time, feeling that someone opened his eyes as soon as he approached. Looking at Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi asked:
       "After talking about it so soon?"
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "There is nothing, just talk about it casually." The person in charge of the villa is Huo Changqing, and he will ask two sentences.
       Yu-Xi is a channel:
       "This way, anyway, it's okay, then you can sleep too!" As he said, he moved in and moved.
       Yun-Qing  Looking at Yu-Xi skin like jade, the eyes are reluctant to move, and there is still a little drowsiness. In the government, because too many things, Yun-Qing  will suppress himself, this will make him unwilling. Put Yu-Xi in his arms, Yun-Qing  lowered his voice and said:
       "You are right, anyway, there is nothing in the afternoon, let's do something that loves to do." He has been with Yu-Xi for many years and has not done it during the day!
       Yu-Xi has not spoken yet, and the mouth is blocked.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ have been married for more than seven years, and they have always been loving and loving. Yun-Qing  is clear about the sensitive points of the Yu-Xi body. Under the action of Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi quickly became as soft as a pool of water, and was played by Yun-Qing .
       Quan Mama heard the sound coming from the room and smiled on her face. Quan Mama felt that Yu-Xi should be encouraged, and the couple should come out and relax every year. Of course, it is best to choose spring or autumn, but you can't choose this summer season.
       The weather was too hot, and Jao-Jao came back outside for half an hour. I feel particularly quiet as soon as I enter the yard. Jao-Jao saw Quan Mama coming out of the house and asked:
       “Mama, 爹娘 and Mei Mei, what about them?”
       Quan Mama said:
       "I have all slept. You are sweating all over the body. Take a shower and go to sleep first." Such a big sun, Jao-Jao can play outside for so long, how can the skin not be black. So Jao-Jao has a dark skin, but Quan Mama never thought about whitening her.
       Jao-Jao snorted and was about to take a bath with Quan Mama and suddenly walked towards the main house. Quan Mama responded quickly and grabbed the hand of Jao-Jao and asked:
       "what happened?"
       Jao-Jao said with some anxiety:
       "Mama, I seem to hear that my mother is crying." The martial arts people ears are very sensitive. Although the sound of Yu-Xi is not big, it was captured by Jao-Jao.
       Quan Mama face froze, and the child's ears are so good that they can be heard. However, Quan Mama responded quickly and deliberately said:
       "How can you cry when your mother is asleep? You must have listened. You are slimy, and you have to take a shower and change clothes."
       Jao-Jao no longer heard the sound with his ears on his side, and he nodded:
       "Maybe I really listened." After saying this, I followed Quan Mama to take a shower.
       Yu-Xi heard Quan Mama words in the room and bit his lip to keep himself from making a sound. And Yu-Xi wants to call and does not dare to call the appearance of Yun-Qing , and the action is more and more fierce. Yu-Xi quickly indulged in the impact of this round, and could not care about the other.

       Chapter 877 1 home of Hele (2)   

       The sun was setting, and Yu-Xi woke up.
       Quan Mama heard the sound and walked in:
       "Woke up?"
       That look naturally seems to not know what happened in the afternoon.
       Yu-Xi is a little embarrassed, but the face is not half-pointed:
       "Mama, what time is it now?"
       When I heard it, Yu-Xi face was a little red. I didn’t expect it to be ridiculous today, but I still slept so late, and my face was lost.
       Quan Mama grew up watching Yu-Xi, and she looked at Yu-Xi to know what she was thinking:
       "Don't think too much, today's outsiders don't know. Zi-Su is looking for you. I told them that you were too tired recently, and it's hard to relax, so I slept very hard." After a pause, Quan Mama Said:
       "But I have slept so much in the afternoon and may not be able to sleep at night."
       Yu-Xi didn't actually sleep for a long time. Yun-Qing  pulled her ridiculously for three times, which made her last sane not clear.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Xi was busy asking:
       "How about Kaihao? Didn't eat milk in one afternoon, is it hungry?"
       Quan Mama smiled:
       "I gave him some meat and licked it. Now let the licorice come over and feed you."
       Although the meat is also eaten by Qi Hao, he still loves to eat milk. Unfortunately, Yu-Xi will not have much milk, and did not let Qi Hao eat. Qi Hao grabbed Yu-Xi and yelled, as if asking why he didn't eat. Yu-Xi is full of milk, and Qi Hao used to eat it every time.
       Yu-Xi said with a stiff face and Quan Mama:
       "Mama, you can cook rice paste for Qihao!" In the heart, Yun-Qing  was half-dead, and even his son's ration was eaten, and he was not face-to-face.
       Quan Mama said in a serious way:
       "Already let Bai Mama do it, I will eat it later." Quan Mama didn't know that Yu-Xi had no milk, and she made Bai Mama a rice paste.
       Yun-Qing  came in from the outside and looked at Yu-Xi, a smile on his face:
       "Wake up." Since Qi Hao was born, because Qi Hao is going to eat milk every other half hour, if he doesn't eat, he will burst into tears, so the husband and ‘Madam’ will always be interrupted when they are in love. Kaihao is better than Jao -Jao also ‘called Yun-Qing . He listened to his brain and hurts. It took a long time to make Yun-Qing  feel that this son is coming to collect debts.
       Yu-Xi took a look at Yun-Qing  and asked without hesitation:
       "Have you eaten?"
       This will be Yu-Xi are hungry. No way, the consumption in the afternoon is too great.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "No, wait for you to eat together!" In the past, Yu-Qi and other Yun-Qing  came back to eat, and this time, Yun-Qing  waited for a while.
       The dishes in the evening are also light, and Yu-Xi eats a bowl of half a rice. Jao-Jao couldn't help but watch Yu-Xi two times when he was eating.
       The food is not spoken, Jao-Jao, although the rules are almost, but this is still followed. However, when the family was walking outside the house, Jao-Jao couldn’t help but ask:
       "Mother, I heard you crying in the yard in the afternoon? Mother, have you had a nightmare?"
       Jao-Jao later carefully thought about it and felt that he could not be mistaken. Since she is right, it is her mother who really cried. Her mother can't cry, the only possibility is to make a nightmare to scare and cry.
       Yu-Xi looks stiff, and then some unnaturally said:
       "Well, I had a terrible dream." I told my children that I was scared and cryed by a dream, too shameful. It can be better to scare and cry than other excuses.
       Jao-Jao asked:
       "Mother, what a terrible dream, even scared you?"
       Her mother is so powerful, she will be scared and crying, it must be terrible.
       It’s a headache to meet a curious daughter, but I can’t help but answer. Yu-Xi lowered the voice and said:
       "Mother dreams of being burnt, the fire is burning on the body, and the mother can't stand it and cry."
       Lu-Er is scared to face:
       "Mother actually did such a terrible dream." She was so painful that she was hit by the table and her legs were not hurting.
       Jao-Jao idea is different from Lu-Er. When she heard Yu-Xi, she said angrily:
       "Mother, who eats the ambition of the leopard, and dares to burn her mother? I have not pumped his skin and licked his ribs, and he smashed him."
       Lu-Er This will make her-sister-sister more terrible.
       Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing , and his eyes revealed doubts. What did Hao-Jao teach Huo Changqing? How can Jao-Jao even say that the cramps and skins are so numerous?
       Yun-Qing  felt that this topic should be terminated, and coughed and said:
       "It's just a dream, where can be taken seriously. And the dreams are the opposite. Your mother dreams of being burned by fire.
       This fire is golden, and it is impossible to let the baby fall down in the sky."
       As soon as the words fell, a bird flew over Yun-Qing 's head, and then a small black spot fell on Yun-Qing 's head.
       Lu-Er yelled:
       "Hey, the bird, the bird fell on your head." It was too dirty.
       Waiting for the bird to fall on the Yun-Qing  head, Yu-Xi can't smile:
       "You said that there is a baby in this day, but it is really a baby." Feeling Yun-Qing  is the crow's mouth.
       Yun-Qing  looked at the way Yu-Xi mother and daughter laughed haha, saying:
       "Isn't that a ‘servant? Is it so happy to laugh? Well, I am going to wash my hair now, go outside and go!"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said to Jao-Jao:
       "You go out to play with Mei Mei, I will go back with you." Although Yun-Qing  and her have become Wangye Wangfei, Yu-Xi did not let the children call the father-mother. Yu-Xi feels that it is still more gracious. What is the father-mother, what is the distance.
       Yun-Qing  After washing his head, Yu-Xi took a dry towel and wiped him. After changing four towels, the hair was almost the same. Yun-Qing  put his hair behind him and said:
       "It hasn't been so comfortable for a long time." This is comfortable, but it is not just Yu-Xi who wipes his hair.
       Without waiting for the Yu-Xi opening, Yun-Qing  said:
       "When Kaihao is three years old, we want children again!" Yu-Xi, when pregnant, can't live a normal husband and ‘Madam’ life.
       Yu-Xi thought about it and nodded:
       "Cheng." Next year, floods in the south of the Yangtze River, the victims will be in groups, and the northwest will definitely be affected.
       There are a lot of things at the time, and Yun-Qing  is estimated to be a vegetarian, but not pregnant.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "There are already three children now, and adding a younger brother to Qi Hao is no longer necessary."
       Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "In case it is a daughter again? Is it not born?"
       As Quan Mama said, only Kaihao has too few sons. Later, Qi Hao did not even support each other. Although Jao-Jao is very capable, Jao-Jao will definitely marry later. Besides, there are not too many people who support them.
       Therefore, Yu-Xi is thinking that if he regenerates a son, he will not be born. It takes too much time and energy to have a child.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "My son is naturally good. Later, Kai Hao has a companion. But my daughter can support Qi Hao in the future!"
       Yu-Xi returned a word from Yun-Qing :
       "If you mean to regenerate your daughter, do you want her to practice martial arts as much as Jao-Jao?"
       One Jao-Jao is enough for her, and one more, Yu-Xi feels that she can't hold back.
       Yun-Qing  smiled:
       "As long as she has this talent, I definitely support it." If you have this talent, don't waste it.
       Yu-Xi 嘀咕道:
       "Then I will still have a son!" She no longer wants to have a daughter. Whether it is like Jao-Jao or like Lu-Er, Yu-Xi can't take it anymore. If you are a son, then let Huo Changqing teach, save trouble and peace of mind.
       This will be Yu-Xi already want to be the Shopkeeper.
       As he spoke, Quan Mama said outside:
       "Wangfei, the medicinal bath is good, you can soak."
       Yu-Xi was a little surprised to hear this. I went out and asked Quan Mama:
       “Mama, what kind of medicated bath?”
       Hearing the medicinal bath for contraception, Yu-Xi hesitated and said:
       "I still don't want it. I am still feeding. If the medicine seeps into the body, isn't it fed to Qihao?"
       Quan Mama said:
       "What should I do if I am pregnant? I didn't care about it before, it doesn't mean I won't be pregnant this time." Although Yun-Qing  is taking medicine for contraception, the husband and ‘Madam’ are doing things by nature.
       There were three or four times of Yun-Qing , and there was no medicine in advance. After the couple was intimate, Yu-Xi did not drink the contraceptive medicine bath.
       Yu-Xi laughed and said:
       "Which is so smart, I will be pregnant this time." See Quan Mama and would like to persuade, Yu-Xi:
       "If you are so happy, you will be born. Anyway, Qi Hao is nine months old."
       When it comes to this, Quan Mama is not good to say anything more:
       "Since you think so, it will follow you."
       In the evening, Yu-Xi chatted with Yun-Qing  on the bed and said a small half-day private room words, talking, Yu-Xi fell asleep.
       Yun-Qing  touched the face of Yu-Xi, kissed him, and then fell asleep with a smile.
       The next day, Yi-Xi opened his eyes and did not see Yun-Qing . Yu-Xi dressed and walked out of the house and saw Yun-Qing  practicing the sword in the house.
       The look of the sword is full of momentum. Seeing that Yu-Xi is inconspicuous, Jao-Jao stands in the hallway and his eyes are shining. As for Lu-Er, this will not get up yet.
       Yu-Xi folded back into the house with a smile and also punched a box. Just finished, Yun-Qing  walked in with Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. Yun-Qing  said to Yu-Xi:
       "I promised Jao-Jao, take her to the river to catch fish today, do you want to go together."
       Since it comes out to relax, Yu-Xi will naturally not disappoint:
       "You are in the river with Jao-Jao, I am fishing with Lu-Er on the shore." It’s boring to watch the father and the daughter catching fish on the shore. It’s fun to fish.
       Lu-Er said happily:
       "Well, I am fishing with my mother." Lu-Er just heard Jao-Jao words still hesitating whether or not to go down the river to catch fish. In fact, Lu-Er really thinks about it, even if she wants to catch the fish, Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi will not agree.
       When I went out, I looked at Yu-Xi and held Qi Hao Lu-Er:
       "Mother, the sun is so big outside, it will basking my brother."
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Lu-Er and smiled and praised:
       "We Lu-Er is really good sister-sister, don't worry about concentrating on worrying about my brother. But you can rest assured that A-Hoa will not be basking, so that Mama will hold your brother under the tree. ”
       Lu-Er was very pleased to praise, and he said:
       "Then I will not go fishing with my brother."
       This was again praised by Yu-Xi and Quan Mama. Upon hearing these praises, Lu-Er smiled and browed.
       The small river is very close to Zhuangzi. It takes only a small quarter of an hour to get out of Zhuangzi. Looking at the crystal clear water, Yu-Xi smiled and asked Guo Xuan:
       "Is this water supposed to drink?"
       Such a clean water should be able to drink directly.
       Guo Xun nodded:
       "The water used by people on Zhuangzi is from the river." But the water used by Yu-Xi and others is all from the well.
       Yu-Xi clicked.

       Chapter 878 Suction Dragon   

       The family stayed on Zhuangzi for five days, and Yu-Xi and Lu-Er were a lot darker.
       The only thing that has not been affected is Kaiqi.
       Yu-Xi gently scraped the nose of Kaihao by hand and smiled and said:
       "This child's skin, if it is replaced with Jao-Jao." The boy does not care about the black spots, the girl is too dark, it will be difficult to say that the husband's family.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "It is estimated that Wangye has to worry about it." Fortunately, Qi Hao is just a good skin, his face is like Yu-Xi, very kind, not the kind of look that looks particularly good. Quan Mama thinks that boys are growing too well, but it is not a good thing.
       Yu-Xi is laughing:
       “Wangye has always suspected that A-Hoa skin is too white and tender. If I know that Kaihao is not black, my face will be black.” The son's skin is really good, but it is a fact, and the hair can't change the status quo.
       Quan Mama said the same thing as Yun-Qing :
       "The next time you are pregnant, you can no longer drink Ganoderma lucidum water." Nutrition is not good, it is not a good thing.
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded.
       After a five-day break, I returned to the mansion and had a pile of books.
       The Yu-Xi had some headaches. Turning Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing  said:
       "These* can't go to the military camp. It's all for me for ten days."
       Yun-Qing  smiled:
       "I will go to the military camp for a circle tomorrow and come back to work with you to take care of the government." The New Army's business, Yun-Qing , was handed over to Yu Congquan before he went to Zhuangzi.
       In the afternoon, Yu-Xi did not meet the ministers below, but buried the first batch of readings. Yu-Xi is still very efficient, and it handles one-third in one afternoon and night.
       On the second day, Tan Tuo came over and told Yu-Xi about the progress of planting artichokes:
       "It has been counted, there are 2.9 million mu of interplanting of artichokes and soybeans. Wangfei, and other people will receive the artichokes sold to the government in the next year, and there are not so many places where the government has money to buy?"
       In the past, there was no food, and there was no place for food to be released next year.
       Yu-Xi answer is simple:
       "There are still half a year from March next year. It should be able to build several warehouses for such a long time."
       Tan Tuo is busy:
       “Wangfei, where are the granaries stacked so much food?”
       Because it is an interplanting, soybeans also occupy a certain area. However, according to the one-acre land, I can receive nearly 30 million pounds of artichokes next year.
       Yu-Xi mouth was pumped and said:
       “How can I not build three or five warehouses in each county?”
       The original warehouse was not full, and it was enough to build three to five warehouses. Counties with less land do not use so much. Of course, this is based on local conditions.
       After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "This is a look at God's face. In case of pests or other disasters, the light weight reduction will not be recovered." Yu-Xi does not want to have problems, but this situation exists, they It must be considered.
       Tan Tuo was also thinking about it for a while, and nodded after listening to Yu-Xi:
       "Well, Wangfei said. Other people are not all interplanted soybeans, and some have radishes." Because they are not forced, some people choose radishes to grow with artichokes.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "This is their own intention.
       The taxation of all places should be counted, you can tell me briefly." The following situation, roughly Yu-Xi has a number of hearts. Now I just want to know the specific situation.
       After the discussion, it was near noon. Going back to the backyard and seeing Yun-Qing , I haven’t come back yet, but I can’t help but shake my head.
       Qi Hao saw the Yu-Xi ‘calling, and when he picked up Yu-Xi, he went to the Yu-Xi. Qi Hao has been more than nine months old, and Yu-Xi is ready to wean him, so now Qi Hao eats complementary food without breastfeeding.
       After eating enough, Kai Hao slammed his mouth and soon fell asleep. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Sleeping when you are full, it’s a piglet."
       Quan Mama said:
       "This is the sewing room the clothes for you, will be sent over, will you try to fit? If they don't fit, let them change." Yu-Xi is frugal, but six sets of clothes are not available every season. less than.
       The clothes of Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are twelve sets each season.
       The children grow fast, and they can't wear them again in the next season, so they can do more.
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded:
       "I have to try it. I feel a lot of fat on these days in Zhuangzi." Nothing to do on Zhuangzi, eating well and relaxing, it is easy to gain weight.
       Before the meal was served, Yun-Qing  walked in and walked in. Yu-Xi watched him look wrong, and he knew that the situation was in the army.
       Yun-Qing  said with a black face:
       "There was a soldier in the army who had a fight because of his tongue." This happened three days ago. Yu Cong knew that Yun-Qing  took the family to go to Zhuangzi to play, so he did not tell him about it. .
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "Is it something that people are making?"
       The strong men are honest people, and it is impossible to fight the group. Only those thieves who have killed people will have such courage.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "These people entered the military camp and ganged up. Fortunately, they didn't get them out with those strong men, or they didn't know what it was." So he didn't particularly like these bandits, because it was very difficult to manage.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Is the person who led the trouble to dispose of it?"
       Hearing that Yun-Qing  said that he had already led the murder of the murder, there were rules in the army, and such people had to be executed according to the rules.
       This will shock the people below.
       After listening, Yu-Xi nodded:
       "Send them to the various military camps separately! Distracted, there will be no such thing." No way, they are really lacking, or how to recruit bandits thieves!
       Yun-Qing  shook his head and said:
       "I am going to send them all to Fu-Cheng City. I went to Fu-Cheng City and dispatched them to various camps." The Beibei people are ferocious, and these people are so courageous. Beibei barbarians hit.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "This is a good way."
       When using lunch, Yun-Qing  strangely asked:
       "Lu-Er? Why didn't Yatou come out to eat?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Lu-Er got a cold quilt last night and was a little uncomfortable. Quan Mama gave her a medicated diet, which is still asleep! After lunch, we used to see her." Quan Mama did The medicinal herbs put the herbs of the gods, and Lu-Er fell asleep after eating. Because Quan Mama said it is not serious, Yu-Xi is not worried. I have to say that there is Quan Mama, and Yu-Xi doesn't know how much it saves.
       Yun-Qing  frowned and said:
       "How did you eat the Ganoderma lucidum water?"
       Jao-Jao is rarely sick once in a year, and Lu-Er is sick every other day.
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "Lu-Er This is congenital deficiency, it has to be slowly adjusted, and it is urgent." Since eating the tonic with meat Ganoderma lucidum, Lu-Er body is much better than before. Yu-Xi believes that the continued Lu-Er body will get better and better.
       Yun-Qing  Every time he hears that Lu-Er is uncomfortable, he follows the heart:
       "It's still better to adjust the body of Lu-Er early!" Fortunately, Jao-Jao and Kaihao are in good health, so don't worry. If they are all like Lu-Er, Yun-Qing  feels that they will live short.
       Yu-Xi swept Yun-Qing  and said:
       “Quan Mama said, if you want Lu-Er to let her exercise as soon as possible, exercise can enhance physical fitness, you are more clear than me. I thought about it, Lu-Er is not willing to practice martial arts and I can’t force it. But let her walk around the garden. Every morning and evening, if she insists, she will definitely be the same as her peers." Before Yu-Xi wanted Lu-Er to learn to exercise, Lu -Er is not willing to learn, standing in the same place crying for a long time. As a result, Yun-Qing  didn't stop, and Lu-Er and Yu-Xi said that they didn't have to learn.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "This can be." It is not a martial arts punch, just walking, there should be no problem.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Wait for Lu-Er crying, can you hold back?"
       Everyone is a strict father and a mother. Her family is just the opposite. It is a strict mother. Of course, this is limited to Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, and Yun-Qing  is not so good at Kaihao. In the eyes of Yun-Qing , the daughter is used for pets, and the son is strict.
       The garden has a four-mile road.
       Thinking of the Lu-Er link is not willing to go more, let her go eight miles a day, the difficulty is not ordinary. Yun-Qing  hesitated and said carefully:
       "Can you go halfway?"
       Yu-Xi asked a question:
       "What do you say?"
       She is strange, she is hardworking with Yun-Qing , how can she give Lu-Er such a lazy person!
       Yun-Qing  is awkward.
       After lunch, the couple went to see Lu-Er. When the two arrived at the yard, Lu-Er was still asleep.
       Looking at the pale-faced daughter, Yun-Qing  said to Yu-Xi:
       "Just let her walk around the garden every morning and evening!" After growing up, I have to marry my life, and I can stand this bone. For the future of the child, I can only worry about it.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "When you say it, you can't get involved again." Yun-Qing  has to go halfway. At that time, what she said was not prestigious for Lu-Er.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "Reassured, guaranteed not to intervene."
       In the afternoon, the husband and ‘Madam’ received a discount from Jiang Hongfu. Yun-Qing  said after reading the fold, followed by Yu-Xi:
       "Yu-Xi, the cousin developed the water-absorbent dragon."
       Yu-Xi was busy taking over the look and seeing the look of the face.
       This water-absorbing dragon can send the low water to a high place, and it is not a good thing to develop it now. Yu-Xi said happily:
       "If your cousin said, once it hits a drought, this thing can come in handy."
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "It doesn't cost us money." Before that, he felt that his cousin's thoughts were a fantasy, and he didn't expect it to be made for him.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The cost of this thing is a bit higher, but as long as it is developed, it can help solve many problems." The research of the water-absorbing dragon adds up to nearly 100 thousand Silver Taels. But now that things have been developed, the money that is invested is worth it. And if there is a drought next year, this thing can solve some people drinking problems.

       Chapter 879 Heart Chest (1)   

       Tan Tuo knows the thing of the water-absorbing dragon, and he is very happy. "Wangfei, if the great man said that it is true, it is a good thing for the people. {Fiction}" What is the most lacking in the northwest, the most lacking is water. If you have this water-absorbent dragon, you can use the Yellow River water.
       Yu-xi gave Jiang Hongfu a copy of Tan Tuo and said, "Although the name suggests that it needs further improvement, it is generally no problem." There are still some flaws, Jiang Hongfu wants to be perfect.
       After Tan Tuo finished reading, his face showed a smile. "According to Jiang Daren, you can use this water-absorbing dragon in the spring of next year." There is a drought in the next year. With this thing, it can alleviate some of the drought.
       Yu-xi nodded.
       Tan Tuo suddenly sounded "Wangfei, we must protect the water-absorbing dragon. If this thing is known to other people, it will definitely steal everything." Not only is the northwest lack of water, but many other places are also short of water, and some places are still serious in the northwest.
       Yu-xi never thought about this problem, and now Tan Tiao reminded him that he was lost in thought. After thinking about it, Yu-xi said, “This thing is a good thing for the people. If it can be promoted, it is also a matter of good deeds. It’s just that the cost of this thing is too high. If someone gets the drawings, it may not be made.”
       Tan Tuoyi stunned and turned to Yu-xi and said, "Wangfei is righteous." He only thought that this thing should be kept secret. I didn't expect Wangfei to want to promote this thing. I have to say Wangfei. He is broader.
       Yu-xi didn't expect Tan Tuo to give him a jealousy. He couldn't avoid "it's just an object. Which one is worth it?"
       Such as the artichoke, Yu-xi knew that Yan Wu-shuang and Yu Chunxi paid attention to this matter. However, she did not hide the method of planting the acacia and the precautions, but it was very public. Without him, these things can benefit more people after they are made public. In addition, this thing will not last long, and it will be open.
       Tan Tuo smiled and said, "This kind of thing says that the baby is not an exaggeration. Whoever has it is not hidden, and only Wangfei is so righteous for the world."
       Yu-xi felt that Tan Tuo hat for her was getting higher and higher, and she couldn’t help it. Yu-xi is busy transferring topics and talking about the canals. Yu-xi means that the construction of the canal is still suspended, and will be said after the next year. If there is a big drought next year, the construction of this canal will not be of much use.
       Tan Tuo has no objections.
       Also on this afternoon, Han Jianming, who went to Wucheng for disaster relief, returned. Seeing Han Jianming, Yu-xi scared a big jump "Brother, how do you become so thin?"
       This is only two months, Han Jianming actually lost a big circle.
       The government is wearing it, and it looks so big.
       Han Jianming smiled and said, "Complement one is back." Before the eyes of outsiders, Han Jianming was the brother of Pingxi Wangfei, and the label has not been taken.
       This time, the establishment of Han has done its utmost to help the disaster, so that the officials of Wucheng know that he not only has the real talent but also is practical and capable. During the trip to Wucheng, Han Jianming got a lot of people sincerity, so he got a lot of money from the disaster.
       Yu-xi disapproves of this. "Brother, errand is important, but the body is more important. Once you are hurt, you can't make up for it. Brother, if you are jealous, the Hann family is also stunned." Yu -xi I know that Han Jianming has always wanted to prove that he is capable of his current position, rather than letting people think that it is only by her that she has a high position. Yu-xi is also willing to give Han Jianming such an opportunity, but only if he can't change his body. And if Han Jia did not have Han Jianming, it would be hard to get up.
       Han Jianming knows that if Yu-xi is not really for him, he will not say such a thing. Han Jianming said with a smile, "Only this time, there will be no next time."
       Yu-xi um, "If there is another time, you don't blame me for being public or private." This means that if there is another time, the expatriate errand will not give Han Jianming.
       Han Jianming laughed, and then talked to Yu-xi about the disaster in Wucheng.
       There was no problem with the disaster relief, but the small problems continued. For example, the food eaten by the victims was mixed with some of the rice grains that gave birth to the rice worms, and the clothes that were sent to the victims were ruined, and the places where they were placed were too simple to make leaks. Once these things are discovered, Han Jianming will handle the person in charge as soon as possible, and then try to solve these problems as much as possible.
       Yu-xi listened very seriously, and asked two sentences from time to time.
       This said that the sun was setting.
       Han Jianming said, “When I came back, the victims were resettled.
       They all started to prepare the artichokes and soybeans.” The artichokes and soybean seeds that the victims received from the government were provided free of charge by the government, and they did not need to pay the principal and interest.
       Yu-xi smiled and said, "It’s too late now, brother, go back to dinner after dinner!” There was no experience in dealing with the disaster.
       This time, Yu-xi also learned a lot.
       Han Jianming shook his head and said, "I have been away from home for two months, or go home first!" The main thing is to be close. If it is far away, he must have used dinner at the palace.
       After dinner, Yu-xi and Lu-Er said that she would walk around the garden every morning and evening. "Lu-Er, you are too bad, as long as you walk around the body every day, it will be good. After I am in good health, I will not always get sick."
       This is like a blue sky for Lu-Er. Lu-Er came back and said, "Mom, I am in good health.
       This time I am not careful to get sick. Mother, don't let me go. Circle." Walking is still tired, she can't move.
       Yu-xi This time, I made up my mind. "You-Sister-Sister is only drinking a bowl of Jiang soup. You are cold and take medicine for five or six days. Lu-Er, you don't want to be pregnant." Learning to beat a boxing girl doesn't force you, but it's not too tired to walk around the garden every day.
       This time, my mother won't let you escape." Lu-Er was sick before taking Ganoderma lucidum, taking care of Lan Mama and Quan Mama. It will take more than half a month.
       Also because Lu-Er is too bad, in the past few years, Yu-xi has inevitably loved and indulged Lu-Er. Yu-xi, who was born after Qi Hao was born, found that their love and connivance for Lu-Er harmed the child. Fortunately, it is timely to find out, as long as you can correct it.
       Lu-Er tears out. "Mother, I don't want to circle, mother, I can't walk." While crying, I looked at Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing  couldn't stand Lu-Er, but he promised that Yu-xi didn't intervene. Immediately stood up and turned to Yu-xi and said, "I am going to find Xu Wu to talk about something." After saying that he walked out of the big step, he was afraid to surrender again later.
       Yu-xi is funny and amiable, and Yun-Qing  is really skilled. Yu-xi said with a face toward Lu-Er, "From tomorrow, I will start early at the end of the morning, and I will leave after a quarter of an hour after dinner. When you are in good health, you are not always sick. You don't have to go." I have been accustomed to walking for two or three years, and I will go without it.
       "Wow...", Lu-Er couldn't help but burst into tears. Lu-Er, crying, scared Kai Hao to cry. Qi Hao cried loudly, and soon pressed Lu-Er's crying down, making Yu-xi a cry.
       Jao-Jao is already sensible, knowing that Yu-xi is doing this for Lu-Er. Jao-Jao walked to Lu-Er and took Lu-Er's hand and said, "Mei Mei, every time I see you drinking the hard medicine, I look at it. Mei Mei, if you are willing From tomorrow, I will accompany you along. "I can't practice early, I will make up for it that night, and I won't blame her for coming to ‘Laozi."
       Lu-Er saw that he couldn't change it, and he cried even more sadly.
       Five days later, the court received an official letter from the northwest. Yan Wu-shuang After reading this official letter, the look is very complicated.
       Because this is too special, so many ministers in high positions are waiting around. I want to know what this official letter says.
       Taining Hou took the lead to open "Wangye, what did this official letter say?"
       The northwest is hostile to the court, and the official letter sent by Pingxi-King will certainly not be a good thing.
       Yan Wu-shuang put down the official letter and said; "The official letter said a total of three things.
       The first thing is that the northwest has craftsmen invented something called a water-absorbing dragon that can bring the low water to a height. As long as We have 100 thousand Silver Taels and they give us the drawings of this thing."
       When the words fell, the sergeant left the singer said, "Wangye, this is not credible. If there is such a thing, how can Pingxi-Wang sell it to us?"
       These are all kinds of inertial thinking of people, and good things are hidden. Others want, wait slowly!
       Yan Wu-shuang looked at Jiang Rui and said, "The official letter said that this water-absorbent dragon was invented by the craftsmen of Jiangda Gongzi. I don't know if Jiang Daren knew this?"
       Jiang Rui nodded. "I know. For this reason, he also invited several skilled craftsmen from Jiangnan to go to the northwest to study this thing. But I don't think he can achieve this idea, so he didn't pay attention."
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said, "Since Pingxi Wang can say this in a letter, it shows that this thing is true." If it is a private letter, it can be falsified.
       This official letter has passed so many people hands. I can’t deny it if I want to deny it
       Sakamoto said, "If you really have this thing, it would be cost-effective to buy 100 thousand Silver Taels."
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't pick up the words, but continued to say "The second thing, a few old farmers said that there may be drought in the northwest next year. Pingxi Wang Xin has a few old farmers, this year, all the people are planting high yields. Artichokes."
       Lu 2nd Old Master frowned and said, "With a few old farmers, let the whole northwest grow the artichokes. Is this too playful?"
       All the northwestern species are planted with artichokes.
       This is a big event. I thought it was because the artichokes were high-yielding, so I planted them, but I didn't expect it to be such a ridiculous reason.
       Taining Hou was the most calm and asked, "Wangye, what is the third thing to say?"
       Yan Wu-shuang's face showed a touch of mang, saying: "If the potato is planted in large areas, it is easy to produce pests, but if it is planted with soybeans or radishes, the probability of pests is much smaller. In addition, the seeds are cultivated and the artichokes are planted. method."
       Taining Hou asked: "Is there a fraud?"
       The assistant minister said with certainty that "it must be a conspiracy." I think it is impossible to think about it. Pingxi Wang is not stupid, how can he tell the court about the secret of the northwest.
       The Ministry of Housing has thought about it, "We can use their methods to test it. If it is useful according to what they say, it is true. If it is useless, it is fake."
       Yan Wu-shuang said with a blank expression, "This is all true." He folded several talents to hear about the cultivation method of the artichokes. As a result, Han Yu-xi publicized this method, which made Yan Wu-shuang feels awkward.
       When the words fell, the Chamber of Directors was so quiet that even the trees singing gently outside could hear.
       Ps wants to punch the list in June, (n_n)o-, today four more.

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