Han Yuxi 840-849

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 840 Substitution (1)   

       Yu-xi belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the belly is bright. (No notice) - ≤ three ≤ Jiang ≤ Pavilion, but Yu-xi only has a big belly, but there is no change in other parts of the body. Not only that, but the skin is more matte than before, and the body is as slim as it was when pregnant.
       Jao-Jao touched Yu-xi round belly and asked:
       "Mother, can I see my brother in three months?"
       Jao-Jao touches the big belly of Yu-xi every day, which has become a must-have.
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "Well, she will be out in three months." Everyone thinks that she is a daughter in her stomach. Even Yu-xi thinks so, because of all the reactions, it shows that this is a daughter. But Jao-Jao is a bite to be a younger brother. At the beginning, Yu-xi will try to correct it, but Jao-Jao will not change his life. A few times down, Yu-xi went with her. Anyway, when the child was born, Jao-Jao naturally changed his mouth.
       Jao-Jao said to the belly of Yu-xi:
       "Brother, you have to hurry up and come. When the time sister sister takes you to eat delicious, hungry, play fun."
       Yu-xi smiled and touched the head of Jao-Jao and said:
       "Hurry to sleep, wake up and write big characters!" After returning from the women's martial arts hall, Jao-Jao no longer excluded learning.
       In the evening, Yu-xi and Yun-Qing  said:
       "Jao-Jao always wants to play with his younger brother. I am a little lonely when I look at her. When I am in the spring, I want to pick her several peers from the women's martial arts hall to give her a companion." When you are a certain year old, you will have two peers around you. In this way, it is not only to let the child have a partner, but also to train the child.
       Yun-Qing  did not deny the consent of Yu-xi, but he has the conditions:
       "People let Huo Shu pick it!" Huo Changqing's eyes are better than his Yu-xi. I wanted to be a group of people selected by Huo Changqing. Unless one betrayed him, others like Feng Jun and Yu Cong became his arms.
       Therefore, this errand is handed over to Huo Changqing, which is more appropriate.
       Yu-xi smiled and nodded:
       "Okay, let's talk to Huo Shu!" The pick-up candidate will follow the martial arts with Jao-Jao.
       This must be approved by Huo Changqing.
       For the benefit of Jao-Jao, Huo Changqing will naturally not refuse:
       "You can't just pick a woman, you should pick a few more kids." Jao-Jao identity is different and must be considered.
       Yun-Qing  smiled and said:
       "Huo Shu is the master."
       Near the noon on this day, Han Jianming got the news, knowing that Ye-shi was about to come, and he found an excuse to leave the city. It was not until dark that Han Jianming arrived at the village where Ye-shi was settled.
       Because of fear of being discovered, the village that Han Jianming sought was not only sparsely populated but also very remote. Ye-shi lived in the middle of the mountain, is a very luxurious brick-and-mortar house in the eyes of ordinary people.
       Han Jianming did not go through the small village, but from a remote path to the middle of the mountain. Far away, Han Jianming heard a miserable cry.
       By the middle of the night, Ye-shi had not yet given birth to the child. Lan Mama walked out of the delivery room and said:
       "Old Master--, Madam is difficult to produce." Ye-shi is not good at the body. He has no children when he is not cured, and he has made a mistake when he is pregnant.
       These are a big injury to Ye-shi body, so Han Jianming will also worry about Ye-shi dystocia.
       When Han Jianming heard Lan Mama words, he lowered his head and said:
       "Protect Madam." The child shouldn't have come to this world. He couldn't help but smother his hands to kill his bones. Now God is helping him make a decision.
       Lan Mama nodded:
       "it is good."
       Ye-shi knows that the child may not be able to hold it, holding the hand of Lan Mama and saying:
       "Mama, please be sure to keep my children."
       Lan Mama shook his head:
       "Madam, the child is stuck and can't live."
       Ye-shi is not willing to give up, crying for help:
       "Lan Mama, I know that you must have a solution. I beg you, save my child, beg you. I will give you a cow as a horse, and only ask you to save my child." At this time, Ye -shi is no longer the master of the Han family, but a poor mother who wants to survive.
       Lan Mama heart was soft, hesitated and said:
       "The only way to save the child is to cut the cervix. Although I will suture it well, I have a lot of troubles." The suture technique is good, it will affect the husband and ‘Madam’ life, and even Ye-shi will keep alive. .
       Ye-shi said:
       "Lan Mama, just ask you to save my child." She has to fight for her life, and what is worth living.
       Lan Mama whispered:
       "I hope that Madam will not regret it later." Seeing Ye-shi did not hesitate to say that he would not regret, Lan Mama did not hesitate any more.
       After half an hour, the child was taken out. However, because it was a long time, the child was all blue-green, and when he came out, he did not breathe. Wang Pozi was so white that he was so scared that he was born with a still life. After Madam woke up, he still didn't know how to deal with them.
       Lan Mama didn't panic, took the child's head down and took two shots on the child.
       The child made a slight ‘call. Although the sound is small, it is like the sound of nature to Wang Pozi.
       Ye-shi This is already exhausted, but she still insists on asking Lan Mama with a bloody child:
       "Is it male or female?"
       Whether it is Lan Mama or Wang Pozi, both of them told Han-shi that this is a Miss, but Ye-shi still hopes that this fetus is a son.
       Lan Mama said:
       "It's a Miss--. Madam rest assured, there is me, Miss will not have anything to do." After that, Lan Mama turned to help the child clean the blood.
       Ye-shi heard that it was a Miss, and it fainted.
       After cleaning the child, Lan Mama fed a little sugar water to the child. To do all this, Lan Mama put the child in the basket he had prepared and handed it over to Han Jianming:
       "Old Master, the child will fall asleep, it is estimated that he will wake up around two quarters of an hour."
       Han Jianming clicked on the said:
       "I know." As for the child is a man or a woman, Han Jianming did not ask, and he will know when he sees the car.
       On the carriage, Han Jianming saw the child whispered:
       "It’s not a good time for you to come!" If it is two years later, he will be very happy with the arrival of this child.
       Ye-shi woke up at noon the next day, and when I woke up, I felt my stomach flat. Ye-shi cried in panic:
       "My child, my child?"
       Lan Mama walked over and said:
       “Madam, Miss was taken away by the Old Master. Madam rest assured, Miss is very good, don't worry.”
       Ye-shi thought that the child who had been born with all his heart couldn’t take a look at it, and the tears couldn’t help but fall down:
       "Lan Mama, how old is the child? What is it like?"
       Lan Mama didn't bother, said:
       "The child has more than seven pounds, but because he stays in the stomach for a long time, when he comes out, he is a little blue-and I don't know what the child is like." The newborn child, crumpled, can know what is long. kind.
       See Ye-shi tears keep going, Lan Mama said:
       "Old Master is Miss's biological father, and will definitely settle in Miss. But Madam, you cry in the moon, and you will be guilty when you are old. For Miss, you have to sit down for a good month."
       Ye-shi knows how to be good, and Lan Mama advises her to be good for her. Ye-shi wiped the tears:
       “Thank you, Lan Mama.” These days, thanks to Lan Mama, she was not confused.
       Lan Mama said:
       "Madam doesn't have to thank the old servants.
       This is what the old servants should do. When Madam is full of moons, I should go back." Ye-shi Although not a martyr, she is still more Like in the Wang Fu. In the Wangfu, you can talk to Qu Mama and chat with Qu Mama on most days. It’s too stuffy here. In addition, she also missed Jao-Jao and Wen Jing's Lu-Er.
       Just talking, Han Jianming came over. Going into the house and looking at his own Ye-shi, Han Jianming said:
       "You can rest assured that I have settled down the children." No matter how much, Han Jianming did not say anything.
       Ye-shi tears are coming again:
       "Old Master, where have you settled your child? When I am out of the month, I want to see her."
       Han Jianming did not pick up the words of Ye-shi, but said:
       "You have to sit on the moon! I have been out for a day, I have to go back." He will not let Ye-shi go to see the children.
       Ye-shi is like a knife, but she knows that even if she will cry, Han Jianming will not tell her where her child is. But it doesn't matter, wait for her to go out and find it on her own. She believes that she can find her child.
       Back to Han, Han Jianming went to Qiu-shi and told Qiu-shi about the production of Ye-shi:
       "Mother, Ye-shi was born, and she gave birth to Miss."
       Qiu-shi Amitabha has a voice:
       “Where is the child placed?”
       Although it is Miss, she is also the granddaughter of her relatives. Unfortunately, I have no chance to see this child.
       Han Jianming said:
       "I placed her in a safe place, and she didn't have to worry about it." Just as her mother now 'temperament', when Ye-shi squatted on the ground, she knew that the child's whereabouts would definitely tell Ye-shi. .
       Qiu-shi sighed a little and said:
       "You don't want to tell me." But you must take care of this child, don't let her suffer outside." The child in the mansion, which is not a jade food, but this child, but to suffer outside.
       Han Jianming said:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that the child I will be secretly cared for, will not let her be bullied." Even if you can't surname Han can not recognize the ancestors, it is his bones, you can let other people bully.
       After talking to Qiu-shi, Han Jianming went to the study room. Sitting in a chair, Han Jianming's tired face, a moment of soft heart, in exchange for endless troubles. Ye-shi 'temperament' will definitely not keep the promise, and if Ye-shi is good, she will try her best to find the child.
       Han Jianming smiled bitterly:
       "I am getting more and more soft." If he can get down to his heart, let Ye-shi die directly and die. But the husband and ‘Madam’ who have been married for more than ten years, he really can't get this hand.

       Chapter 841 Substitution (2)   

       When Yu-Xi got up, he heard the sound of the rain, and the Yu-Xi was washed and the rain became bigger. (..starting)
       Quan Mama sees Yu-Xi ready to go out and says:
       "Wangfei, it’s raining outside, you don’t go out if you have a big belly. Anyway, there is Wangye in the front yard, and it won’t delay.”
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head and said:
       "The next little rain, no hindrance." These days are discussing the issue of the leeches, Yun-Qing  is not familiar with this matter.
       Quan Mama shook her head and said:
       "After waiting for nine months, everything on hand has to be put down." A big belly is still busy, and they are worried. Yu-Xi is very persuasive on most days, but in this matter it is particularly stubborn and no one is useful.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "At the end of the twelfth lunar month, I handed everything over to Wangye." The expected date of Yu-Xi is mid-timber. Yu-Xi This is going to struggle to the last moment.
       Quan Mama is funny and amiable, letting her rest like she wants her life:
       "As long as you can stick to it." In fact, Quan Mama knows that Yu-Xi is not a stubborn person, mainly because the child is too embarrassed. Even if it is now seven months, Yu-Xi is not very convenient except for the big belly. Other things are not the same. Even if Yu-Xi is a little uncomfortable, she has reason to not let Yu-Xi take care of it again. Unfortunately, it is not comfortable at all.
       Thinking of this, Quan Mama looked at the belly of Yu-Xi and said:
       "I hope this child will not be like you, and it will be uncomfortable if nothing is done."
       When I went out, the rain was small.
       There are two roads from the backyard to the front yard. One road is covered with blue bricks, and the other is paved with pebbles. Yu-Xi is walking on a cobblestone road.
       Yu-Xi looked at the autumn rain like a million silver waves in the air, laughing and saying:
       "How is this rain light blue? Is it my eyes?"
       Mei-Yun smiled and said:
       "Wangfei, it's not a gaze, this rain is really light blue." It is estimated that there is something mysterious!
       Yu-Xi is just a casual talk, not to ask questions.
       Yun-Qing  When I saw Yu-Xi, I was dissatisfied and said:
       "Not to say that you have a good rest today, how come over again?"
       Said, stepped forward and helped Yu-Xi into the house.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I will come over and see." In this case, it is estimated that Jao-Jao and Lu-Er will believe, anyway, Yun-Qing  is unbelievable.
       Tan Tuo and An Zike gave Yu-Xi a gift.
       The two are doing things back and forth to build a otter.
       Yu-Xi is a big project that requires the establishment of leeches in those particularly dry areas of the Northwest. But now the dam canal is being built, which has caused a serious shortage of manpower.
       Yun-Qing  toward Tan Tuo said:
       "Retell your words with Wangfei." Tan Tuo and Yun-Qing  said that the construction of the leeches can be slowed down. After all, dam canals are more important than building otters.
       Yu-Xi listened to Tan Tuo words and shook his head and said:
       "The leeches can't be delayed, and if necessary, the dam's progress can be slowed down."
       Tan Tuo is a bit strange, asks:
       “Wangfei, why is this?”
       Some of this requirement is not in line with the usual. However, Tan Tuo knows that Yu-Xi is cautious, so there must be a reason for this.
       Yu-Xi did not give an explanation and said:
       "According to what I said, it is." She is worried that there will be a major drought in the northwest.
       This person can still support for ten days and eight days without food. It is estimated that it will not last for three days.
       Tan Tuo looked at Yun-Qing  and hoped that Yun-Qing  could persuade Yu-Xi.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Since Wangfei said this, you should follow her to do it!" Yun-Qing  knows that Yu-Xi has been worried about the great drought in the northwest.
       The water channel will not delay too much time in the evening, but if there is a big drought, these water can save many people lives.
       Tan Tuo and An Zike looked at each other and both of them showed a deep helplessness. For Wangfei, Wangye is unconditionally attached, and it is rare. Tan Tuo nodded:
       "Good." Fortunately, the construction of water rafts is also a matter of benefiting the people.
       After the two Darens finished, Yun-Qing  joked:
       "It is estimated that in the eyes of Tan Daren and An Daren, I have become a ‘Madam’ and a stricter."
       Yu-Xi is also in a good mood, laughing and saying:
       "Nonsense, I am not a tigress." Since the huge sum of money, the husband and ‘Madam’ have always been very good.
       As I spoke, I heard that Han Jianming came.
       Yun-Qing  looked at the unbearable, Han Jianming, who was also bloodshot in his eyes, asked:
       "What happened to Big Brother?"
       Looking at Han Jianming's appearance, I know that it will not be a good thing.
       Han Jianming did not conceal Yun-Qing . In his face, he said the production of Ye-shi:
       "Ye-shi was born yesterday, and is a son."
       This is really worrying about what comes, I hope that Ye-shi has a daughter, but she has a son. She wants to have a son, but she is a daughter. Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       “What about children? Where is it?”
       Han Jianming said:
       "I found a newly born little girl and sent it to a farmer's house. If Ye-shi finds it later, he will only find the child. As for Xiaowu, I will be placed in a safe place." This child is Han. Jianming’s fifth child, so Han Jianming directly called Xiaowu.
       Yu-Xi didn't feel that there was anything safe:
       "This child can't always hide it? You have to get him a proper identity."
       Yun-Qing  suddenly interrupted and said:
       "Big Brother, if you like, I can let the Yu Cong couple adopt this child. Yu Cong and her  Erxi has been a child for many years, this child gave them, they will take good care of this child."
       Without waiting for Han Jianming to open, Yu-Xi refused:
       “The P5 situation is too special and it is not suitable for the adoption of Yu Cong.”
       Han Jianming said his intentions. He wants to prepare a status of a father without a mother or a child. Have a secure identity and are not afraid to be traced in the future.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The big brother has a good calculation in his heart." This thing, Yu-Xi really does not want to intervene. As soon as you get involved, you have nothing to do.
       After finishing the matter, Yu-Xi turned to Han Jianming:
       "Big brother, although you are still young, but you have to take care of your body. Don't go back, just in the room take a break!" Looking at Han Jianming's appearance, it is obvious that there is no rest.
       The couple left the couple, Yun-Qing  said:
       “Yu-Xi, why are you not willing to let Yu Cong adopt this child?”
       This child is destined to return to the Han family, so the special situation is just an excuse.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "From Lin--Shi was diagnosed as difficult to conceive. It has been more than five years now. If their husband and ‘Madam’ want to adopt a child, they have already gone to the Kindergarten to choose an orphan who has no father or mother. No need to wait until Now, you should also know that Lin--Shi has been seeking medical advice for a few years and never gave up.
       This shows that Lin--Shi wants to be born, not to support."
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "A few days ago, Yu Cong told me that he wanted to adopt a child. Lin--Shi also agreed, but he has not found a suitable one."
       Yu-Xi smiled:
       "There are more than three hundred children in the Kindergarten. So many children haven't been able to let Lin--Shi pick it. Do you really think that those children are not good?"
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Do you mean these children's problems, but Lin--Shi is not willing to raise other children's children? If so, she does not need to promise Yu Cong."
       Yu-Xi nods to:
       "Yu Cong and Lin--Shi has no children so far, the problem is in Lin--Shi is not in the jungle. Now Yu Cong wants to adopt a child, do you think Lin--Shi should object? Of course These are my guesses. Maybe it’s really that the children of the Kindergarten are not satisfied with them.” In fact, even if Lin-Shi really wants to adopt a child, Yu-Xi will not be small. Five to give them a couple. Because Lin--Shitemperament is very bad, there are a few Madams, such as Feng Dajun and Yuan Ying, who don’t talk about it. Even Lu-Er’s banquet is Lin-Shi.
       The disease has not come off.
       Yu-Xi didn't take it seriously that Lin--Shi didn't come and didn't give her face, but she thought it would be difficult to raise a good child with a temperament like Lin--Shi. Although it is impossible to surname Han after Xiaowu, but in the end is her pro-zhizi, Yu-Xi does not want to pit the child. Of course, these words must not be said to Yun-Qing .
       Having said that, Yu-Xi said something strange:
       "You haven't been ignoring the chores of your subordinates all the time? How do you think about giving the fifth to the rest of them?"
       As far as she knows, Yun-Qing  is the most incompetent chores of subordinates.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Looking at Yu Cong's troubles for the children, just because this child can't go back to Han, I think it is the best of both worlds to raise this child to Yu Cong." It will catch up, otherwise he will not open this mouth.
       Yu-Xi said that this is not only a method of the best of both worlds, but a lot of trouble:
       "It's really good to say that Yu Cong is really good. Lin--Shi can't be born. He can still guard Lin--Shi with one heart and one mind and has no other thoughts." Lin--Shi can't be born, Yu Cong did not think about taking care of a child, but adopting a child. Such a man is really rare in this world.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Lin--Shi used to be the neighbor of Yu Cong.
       The two grew up together. Later, the rest of the family was in trouble. Yu Cong followed me and Huo Shu. I was in a very dangerous situation. Yu Cong made me.
       The personal guards are at risk of life at any time.
       Therefore, the Lin family is not willing to marry this marriage. Lin--Shi has insisted on marrying Yu Cong despite his family’s opposition, and has broken his relationship with his family. Yu Cong has always been in mind.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "It's rare. Right, Lin--Shi is good with his family?"
       Yun-Qing 's situation was really precarious. People who are distressed by their daughters will not be willing to marry their daughters to the people around him.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "This is not clear."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If Lin--Shi is reconciled with his family, he can adopt her brother-sister-sister's child. I think so, Lin--Shi may promise." These children and Lin--shi -shi is blood-related, and may make Lin--Shi loose.
       Yun-Qing  thinks that this idea of ​​Yu-Xi is good:
       "When the next time Yu Cong talks to me about this, I will mention it to him." If Yu Cong does not take the initiative, he does not specifically say this.

       Chapter 842 Chen-shi death (1)   

       At night, a bright moon hangs in the air, and the moonlight shines on the earth.
       The breeze blew, and the leaves on the tree fell and fell to the ground.
       Chen-shi vomited a few more blood, and lay down on the bed. Looking at He Mama, Chen-shi said with difficulty:
       "You went to ask the uncle to come over and tell him that I have something to tell him."
       He Mama wiped her tears and said:
       "Well, Madam, I will go and ask the uncle to come over." The doctor said, Chen-shi is in these days.
       Fu Tianlei stayed in the room of Yang--Shi this night. He heard that Chen-shi wanted to see him and said impatiently:
       "I don't feel comfortable looking for a doctor. I am not a doctor, I can't cure her." Chen-shi actions in these years have exhausted all the patience of Fu Tianlei. Now he does not want to see Chen-shi again. When I saw Chen-shi, I remembered the vicious things she had done.
       Yang--Shi Servant Spring Silkworm said with apologetic apology:
       "Mama, Old Master- Say Madam is going to ask the doctor if he is not feeling well, he will not visit Madam."
       He Mama lowered his body and said:
       "Spring Silk, Miss, please tell the Old Master that the Madam limit is in these two days. One day couples, I would like to ask the Old Master to visit Madam!"
       Spring silkworm nodded and said:
       "Well, I will go to the Old Master." In fact, the spring silkworm couldn't help Chen-shi die early.
       This poisonous woman was the first to hurt her master. She heard that Chen-shi had not poisoned the pregnant Concubine at first, which caused the Old Master to have no children.
       This woman has fallen to the point where it is today.
       Into the house, spring silkworm and Fu Tianlei said:
       “Old Master, He Mama- said that Madam was very ill. Ask Old Master to see Madam in the relationship with Madam for more than a decade.”
       Fu Tianlei said:
       "Where there are so many nonsense, if you are sick, please ask the doctor." Seeing that she is not a nonsense of the murderer, he is tired of listening.
       He Mama has been in Fujia for so many years, and he knows the temperament of Fu Tianlei. She does not believe that Chen-shi is dying, and Fu Tianlei will be so worried that she will not see the last side of Madam. He Mama glanced at the spring silkworm, but did not say anything and turned back to the main courtyard.
       The spring silkworm snorted at the back of He Mama:
       "What? I thought I was a well-behaved butler Pozi?"
       When Chen-shi died, it was time for them Nai-Nai became the master. At that time, watching this Pozi dare not be so arrogant.
       Chen-shi heard that Fu Tianlei did not come, showing the color of grief. After a while, Chen-shi turned to He Mama:
       "You went to find Aunt-Nai-Nai."
       He Mama hesitated and said:
       "Madam, if the old servants go to the aunt-Nai-Nai, the aunt-Nai-Nai may not come. But if the old servants bring a Eldest Miss to the person, the aunt-Nai-Nai should I will leave this." Fu Qing luo, although turning his face with Madam, still loves a few ‘Miss s. Let a child go to court and the effect will be better.
       Chen-shi nodded:
       "You will arrange this for you."
       Yang--Shi has been married for half a year, but her housekeeper is only two or three months.
       There has been no change in the personnel in the mansion. So He Mama easily bypassed Yang--Shi and took Lily to Yang House to find Fu Qing luo.
       Fu Qing luo heard Chen-shi want to see her, not very willing to go. Even if He Mama said that Chen-shi is dying, she doesn't want to go. Intuition tells her that it is certainly not good to go this way.
       Lily squatted on the ground, crying and asking:
       "Aunt, I know that the mother hurt your heart. But the mother is dying now, she wants to see the last side of her aunt. Aunt, I beg you, beg you to promise it!"
       "Hey..." Fu Qing luo sighed and nodded.
       Fu Qing luo saw Chen-shi, looking at Chen-shi, who knew the remaining bones, and his heart was a bit sour. Even if Chen-shi has ulterior motives, but Gu-Sister-in-law has also been with each other for ten years.
       Thinking about the past, Fu Qing luo heart is soft:
       “Sister-in-law is determined to see me, is there anything?”
       Chen-shi This is a bit difficult to talk to:
       "Yang--Shi is a kind of anti-virus, I am afraid that after I die, she will abuse the lily-sister-sister three. Qing luo, I hope that when I am dead, you can follow the lily to them sisters."
       Fu Qing luo nodded and said:
       "Sister-in-law, you can rest assured. Even if you don't say it, I will take care of Lily."
       Chen-shi twitched and touched the hand next to the pillow, touched it for a long time, and found a small beech box. Chen-shi said:
       "Green radish, here is my dowry and private house -.
       The inside of the thing is divided into three points, is the dowry for the lily sister sister three. Qing lu, I know this makes you embarrassed, but I have nothing else. Trusted people, I can only entrust you to this matter."
       Fu Qing luo is a very emotional person, nodding his head:
       "You can rest assured that I will keep these things for them sister-sisters, and I will give them to them after they get married." Even if they haven't seen anything, they will promise, and only Fu Qing luo can do this.
       Chen-shi looked at Fu Qing luo and said:
       "Green Luo, I will ask you the last thing, I hope you can promise me."
       Fu Qing luo did not agree, just asked:
       "Sister-in-law, you have any wish to say. As long as I can do it, I will do it for you." If Yu-Xi is here, I will definitely sigh, if it is a calculation, Fu Qing luo 100% have to be planted.
       Chen-shi just wanted to speak and spit out a blood. Come over for a while, Chen-shi said:
       "I want to see Old Master before I die." I don't dare to resent her, she still wants to see Fu Tianlei.
       Fu Qing luo thought it was a big deal, but she just wanted to see her brother. Fu Qing luo said:
       "Sister-in-law, rest assured, I will help you to call your brother back." The ‘Madam’ is almost dying, and the busy military affairs should be put down.
       He Mama said with a sad face:
       "Old Master is in the house, staying in the yard of Yang--Shi tonight. I went to find the Old Master, but I was blocked by the Servant, and I didn't see the Old Master."
       Fu Qing luo face changed slightly and said to Chen-shi:
       "Sister-in-law, you wait, I will call my older brother." At this moment, Fu Qing luo impression of Yang--Shi could not be broken any more.
       When Yang--Shi lived in the courtyard, Pozi guarding the door stopped her. Fu Qing luo pushed Pozi to the inside and hugged the two thick Pozis in a few steps. If she didn't marry, who would dare to kick her before. Now married, and also became a mother, Fu Qing luo is not as impulsive as before. She just got the two Pozis on the ground and ‘called in the room:
       "Brother, you are coming out, sister-in-law is dying."
       Fu Tianlei is still not sleeping, and is talking to Yang--Shi! Yang--Shi is a very intelligent person, very much like Tianlei. I heard Fu Qing luo yelling at the outside and ‘calling out of the room and immediately walked out of the house. Seeing Fu Qing luo, Fu Tianlei said with a cold face:
       "What are you yelling here? They are all mothers, and there is no point at all."
       Fu Qing luo said with a red eye:
       "Brother, sister-in-law is dying. Sister-in-law said that she wanted to see you last before she died. Brother, no matter what sister-in-law did, she was really true to you. Brother, She is going to die, you go to see her last side!"
       At this time, Yang--Shi also came out of the house. When I heard Fu Qing luo, Yang--Shi said softly:
       "Old Master, sister-sister is so serious, let's go and have a look!"
       Fu Qing luo took a look at Yang--Shi and then turned his head. She promised that Yang Duo-ming would not mix her family's affairs, so she couldn't manage Yang--Shi.
       Fu Tianlei shook his head and said:
       "You still have pregnancy, your body is not good, don't go over, just wait for news here!"
       Yang--Shi shook his head and said:
       "Madam is so sick. If I don't look at it, I can't be safe in my life." She appeared in front of Chen-shi with the Old Master, and it would definitely make Chen-shi vomiting blood. Such a good opportunity is not needed, and when is it waiting?
       Because of the fact that he had almost lost his life, Yang--Shi hated Chen-shi, and he hoped that the poison woman would die soon. Otherwise, she and her child may be at risk at any time.
       Fu Tianlei sees Yang--Shi as long as he wants to follow, and no objection, said:
       "Let's go!" Finished, holding Yang--Shi went outside.
       Looking at the backs of the two people do not know why, Fu Qing luo remembered that she did not know where to hear a sentence only to smell new people laughing, not seeing old people crying. Her eldest brother will make Chen-shi a husband and ‘Madam’, and I don’t know that I have forgotten that corner.
       Chen-shi When she saw Fu Tianlei, her eyes lit up, and she saw that the light in the eyes of Yang--Shi was gradually receding:
       "Old Master, you are finally here." This is a listener, and I don't feel sad.
       Fu Tianlei looked at the Chen-shi, who was not Daren, and said faintly:
       "If you have anything to say, I am listening here." It seems that he does not know that Chen-shi is dying.
       Chen-shi was smirking, and it was a sharp cough. I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth with a scorpion, Chen-shi said:
       "Old Master, remember what we said to me when I got married?"
       Seeing that Fu Tianlei did not pick her up, Chen-shi continued:
       "When you get married, you told me that you want to be old with me, one for two. Old Master, I am afraid you have forgotten it!"
       Fu Tianlei looked at the grief of Chen-shi, I feel very ironic. When he first became a relative, he really wanted to live with Chen-shi for a lifetime. It was Chen-shi who failed his trust and ruined it all. Chen-shi died, did not feel that he was wrong, still question him here. In this case, he does not bother to argue with Chen-shi because it does not make any sense.
       Fu Tianlei said with no expression:
       "You called me to say these nonsense?"
       The husband and ‘Madam’’s kindness has long been worn away in the day-to-day smashing of Chen-shi. He will come over, but it is for the sake of the three daughters.
       Hearing the words of nonsense, Chen-shi spit two blood and passed out. Fu Tianlei did not move his eyes and told him:
       "Go and ask the doctor!"
       After saying this, Fu Tianlei said to Yang--Shi:
       "If you are not tired with your child, go back first!"
       Yang--Shi nodded and said softly:
       "Old Master, if there is anything, you must send someone to tell me." With the assurance of Fu Tianlei, Yang--Shi took the Servant out.
       Fu Qing luo looked, my heart was very sad for Chen-shi.

       Chapter 843 Chen-shi death (2)   

       Fu Qing luo looked at his brother and said, "Brother, sister-in-law and your husband and ‘Madam’ for more than ten years, are you too cold-blooded. Copy the URL to visit (read the latest chapter starting)" Fu Tianlei indifference, let Fu Qing luo Some chills.
       Fu Tianlei said, "Because she is dying now, can she smooth out the evils she has done? But in this world, where is such a cheap thing?"
       Chen-shi is dead, and he will not forgive.
       Fu Qing luo was stunned and said, "Brother, people die like lights, you have forgotten things in the past, don't worry about it again." When she knew that Chen-shi used her, she was very sad. But the days are always going to go on, always thinking about these things, not good for anyone.
       Fu Tianlei said, "I didn't care." It was only for Chen-shi, and there was no longer a couple.
       When He Da Fu came over and showed it to Chen-shi, he said to Fu Tianlei, "Old Master, prepare for the future!" Chen-shi is already full of oil, and the gods can't save it. However, it is necessary for He Da Fu to say that it is better to go away earlier than this, so that at least it can be less tormented.
       Fu Qing luo tears came down instantly.
       In the middle of the night, Chen-shi woke up again. When he was left, He Da Fu said, "This is a return to the light. If there is anything, hurry up." Without saying, there is no chance.
       Chen-shi eyes fell on the faceless expression of Fu Tianlei, asked "Old Master, are you particularly regretting me? Are you thinking about it, if you didn't swear at me, but you have married a family to Miss? Will you be married and filial, and live a happy and happy day?"
       Fu Tianlei said, “I was the third time I saw you in Xinpingcheng in one day. Is it coincidence, or do you deliberately do it?”
       When he went to Xinpingcheng to work, he saw Chen-shi three times in a day, so he really felt that it was a fate. Later, despite the opposition of Yan Jian, he insisted on Chen-shi. Of course, Chen-shi was also a Missin before the marriage. If it is a ugly one, encountering three times in a day, it is estimated that it is not a fate but a nightmare.
       Chen-shi stunned, and after a long while, he laughed again.
       The most beautiful memories, even Fu Tianlei questioned her calculations. It is her sorrow for the husband and ‘Madam’ to do this, and it is also the sorrow of Fu Tianlei. Chen-shi said lowly, "You say that when a man loves you, you are a treasure. If you don't love you, you are a grass.
       This is really true. It's a pity, I understand it too late." After saying this, Chen-shi didn't look at Fu Tianlei any more, but instead said to Lie three in front of her bed. "Remember the words of the mother, the man is the most unreliable thing, you must keep your heart in the future." Well, my heart, no matter how many women the other party has, it will not hurt, and it will not be like her, making people not like ghosts.
       Fu Tianlei heard this and his face was a bit ugly.
       Chen-shi looked at Fu Qing luo and said, "Green radish, the sister-in-law was really for you. It was only after being stunned, so I did something wrong. Qing luo, sorry." Also here Engraving Chen-shi is really let go. It’s a pity, it’s too late.
       Fu Qing luo heard Chen-shi apology, tears brushed "1st Sister-in-law, the original things have passed, I have forgotten." This means forgive Chen-shi.
       Chen-shi finally looked at Fu Tianlei and said, "Old Master, seeing that I gave you a lily for their share, please promise me the last thing, and when I am dead, you will bury me by your side." Wei is early, although buried in the grave, but the position is somewhat biased. Chen-shi said that she would be buried beside her son, meaning that she would not be buried with Fu Tianlei after a hundred years.
       In this era, it is said that the couple will be buried together after the death. It should also be the same as that of the same sentence. Only in special circumstances can couples not be buried together.
       Fu Tianlei face changed slightly. After a long time, he nodded. "Since this is your last wish, then I will fulfill you." Although he hated Chen-shi, he did not think that he would not be buried with Chen-shi. of.
       Chen-shi looked at the three daughters who were kneeling in front of the bed and whispered, "Lily, the mother is leaving. You are a big sister. You have to take care of the peony and Molan in the future, do you know?"
       Lily, this will already cry into tears, holding Chen-shi arm and saying, "Mother, don't die, mother, beg you not to die." Peony and Molan also cried together, crying out of breath Gas.
       Chen-shi smiled and said, "A fool, no one in this world can escape a death. But the mother will look at you in the sky." After saying this, Chen-shi looked at Lily and Peony 3rd sister again. Sister, that eye is full of mourning.
       He Da Fu reached out and explored under Chen-shi nose and found that he had no breathing. He Da Fu said, "Madam has gone." The patient is dead, and nothing happened to him.
       In front of Fu Tianlei, Lily said, "Hey, please let the mother-in-law's funeral!" Lily is not for the sake of anger. She began to learn from the age of seven, and she also learned Qi-Qi in these years. However, Lily will make this request because she does not trust Yang--Shi. If the funeral is handed over to her, then her mother's funeral will definitely be messed up. In order to let her mother go the last leg, Lily will open her mouth.
       In fact, Fu Tianlei did not think about giving the funeral to Yang--Shi, Yang--Shi was pregnant and not tired. Fu Tianlei nodded and said, "You have this filial piety and you are perfect. But you are still young and have a place where you don't understand. You ask He Mama, or ask me."
       Lily nodded, "Thank you." Fu Tianlei is also very fond of Lily-Sister-Sister, so although Fu Tianlei and Chen-shi are almost enemies, the relationship between Lily-Sister-Sister and Fu Tianlei is not bad. .
       After an hour, Yu-xi knew that Chen-shi was dead. Although the past with Chen-shi was not pleasant, but this person will die, and those past have vanished. Yu-xi called Han Ji, let him prepare a ritual, and then send it to Fufu. After that, why should he do it.
       Back to the backyard, Yu-xi looked at Lu-Er, playing alone with paper, and did not bother her, went directly back to the bedroom.
       Leaning on the bed, Yu-xi suddenly said to Quan Mama, “Mama, I got the news today, saying that Fu Tianlei ‘Madam’, Chen-shi, is gone.” Think of Chen-shi, who was first seen, and it’s pretty good. But I don't want to go for a few years.
       After that, Yu-xi said with some sighs, "I remember seeing Chen-shi for the first time. I was very good at it, but I didn't expect it to become so unreasonable later." Yu-xi has been getting it all the time. It is not clear whether Chen-shi pretended to be too good, or that Chen-shi changed too much.
       Quan Mama said, "That Chen-shi is in a bad mood."
       Yu-xi said for a while, "Missing? Mama, you mean that Chen-shi is too deep for Fu Tianlei, so it’s the meaning of this?"
       See Quan Mama nod, Yu-xi don't know what to say.
       Quan Mama said, “In this world, only love words are the most hurtful. Because you pay too much, you can’t get it back, you’ll get stuck in it. And Chen-shi is an example.”
       Yu-xi shook his head. "You can't say that. Chen-shi has come to this stage and has a relationship with her 'temperament'. If Chen-shi can see, there is no son, she takes her daughter. It’s also very good.” It’s Chen-shi, who can’t see it, and can’t get out of the dead end.
       Quan Mama laughed and said, “Where things are as simple as you can say. It’s hard to pay for it, and it’s hard to take it back.”
       Yu-xi knows it's hard, but it's hard to get rid of it. "Chen-shi is now free, but her three daughters have to suffer." Yang--Shi almost lost his life, Yu-xi is aware. Unless Yang--Shi is a philanthropist like her mother, in the face of the daughter who killed the enemy, she can be murdered by the poisonous hands and wants to take care of her, unless it is a saint.
       Quan Mama nodded. "You can think like this. In fact, men don't change their minds.
       The terrible thing is that women still use all kinds of means to save them. But they don't know that this man can't recover once he changes his mind.
       The more he toss, the more he is tossing. It’s going to be unbearable.” Quan Mama words are also banging Yu-xi. In the unlikely event that Yun-Qing  changes, with the painful precedent of Chen-shi, Yu-xi will not repeat the mistakes of Chen-shi.
       Yu-xi very much agrees with Quan Mama words, saying, "Jun is ruthless, I will take a break, and men will not be obsessed with it." If you can't live without it, you should have a good time, not toss.
       The more you toss, the more you lose.
       Quan Mama smiled and said, "If there is such a simple thing as you said, there are not so many sorrowful women in this world." Others can't do it if she doesn't do it. She only manages Yu-xi and does not let Yu. -xi There is a sunset into such a situation. Of course, she does not want to have that day.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing  talked with Yu-xi about Chen-shi. "When Chen-shi just married Tianlei, we all envy him and he can find such a beautiful Virtuous and capable  Erxi. Who can think of it, but after ten years of hard work, Chen-shi has become so unreasonable."
       Yu-xi said in silence, "When Fu Tianlei was swearing Chen-shi, he made a vow of a lifetime and a double. I believe how happy this vow is, how sad it is when betrayed. Chen-shi changed In the later appearance, Fu Tianlei has to bear more than half of the responsibility." So Fu Tianlei is not innocent, but unfortunately the price he paid is too light.
       The price that Chen-shi paid was that it was a rebellion and a life.
       Yun-Qing  said silently, "You are right. If Tianlei can be like Yu Cong, there will not be so many things." Fu Jia troubles like this are indeed the main responsibility.
       Yu-xi silently said that "the self-cultivation of the country Qijiaping world, even the family is not well managed, can still rely on him to do something big." Yu-xi said that Fu Tianlei may have this man's ability, but too much for his family. Pampering. Previously, I didn’t know how to constrain Fu Qing luo. As a result, Fu Qing luo reputation was stinking, and no good man dared to marry her. If it wasn’t for the wrong Du Yang-Meng, it was managed by Yang Duo-ming, and Fu Qing luo didn’t know what it was.
       Then there is Chen-shi, the other does not say, only that when Chen-shi came to Yucheng if Fu Tianlei refused to agree, Chen-shi would not die.
       Yun-Qing  also knows that Yu-xi is right, but he is not a person who talks about Brother and sisters. Yun-Qing  touched the hair of Yu-xi and said, "Sleep!"
       Yu-xi How can I not know Yun-Qing  'temperament', smiled and said, "Every family has a difficult experience, and we also have a difficult experience." She and Yun-Qing  no problem. However, the Hann family is a lot of problems.

       Chapter 844 The death of Zhou Jing   

       In the garden, the chrysanthemums fight for the flamboyant, the red is like the fire, the powder is like the glow, the white is like the snow, the beauty is unbeatable, and people look lingering.
       Yu-Chen looked at the beautiful scenery and said with a smile:
       "Unfortunately, I can't get tired now, or I have to draw this beautiful scenery."
       Gui Mama said:
       “Imperial Consort must take care of yourself!” The Imperial Doctor has diagnosed Yu-Chen, and this time he is still a twin. Gui Mama hopes to be born with a pair of twins. In this way, the position in Yan-Wang House is higher.
       Yu-Chen chuckles:
       "I know." Since three months, unless it rains, Yu-Chen will come out every day. After knowing that twins were pregnant, the time for daily walking changed from once to three times.
       It was at this time that the death knell of the palace rang. Yu-Chen didn’t wait to hear it, and changed his face:
       "Let's go back quickly." Without guessing, I know that Zhou Jing is going to die.
       Back in the house, Yu-Chen was replaced by mourning. After changing clothes, Yu-Chen said to himself:
       "I don't know what happened to you?"
       Zhou Jing is dead. As a royal emperor, his son must be enthroned as an emperor. After a round, the throne will eventually fall back to his son. It’s just that Yu-Chen is not happy, but worried. Zhou Jing had always been very good before coming to Capital City. After he became a emperor, he began to fall asleep inexplicably. What is even more shocking is that the Imperial Doctor could not even detect the cause. Although there is no evidence, Yu-Chen is pretty sure that this is awkward.
       Gui Mama said:
       "There are so many people around His Royal Highness, nothing will happen." Gui Mama can see clearly that after so many things, Zhou-Yan is no longer the previous Zhou-Yan. Just in the minds of his own master, Zhou-Yan is still a child.
       The original emperor died, as long as there is a commandment to go to cry. Yu-Chen is the Ceefei of Yan Wu-shuang, who was going to cry. However, because he was pregnant, he stayed in the palace and did not go to the palace. And she is now awkward, and going to the palace is not good for Zhou-Yan.
       Yu-Chen didn't go, but he was very concerned about the things in the hall. Since the Yu-Chen's tires have stabilized, she and Gui Mama have not been so restricted by the former. Now Gui Mama can also find some news.
       Gui Mama said:
       "The ministers all suggested that everything should be simplified, and Wangye and His Royal Highness agreed." Zhou-Yan is a child who is less than seven years old, but he is a royal ‘Madam’ and a legitimate heir. I asked Zhou-Yan's opinion.
       Yu-Chen said with some worries:
       "This funeral is tossing people, and I don't know if my children are not affected!"
       Gui Mama sees Yu-Chen is checking the fabric and is busy saying:
       "Imperial Consort, so many people around His Royal Highness will be able to take care of him.
       "Yu-Chen, this is a concern."
       Although Zhou Jing’s funeral was said to be simple, the specifications of the emperor’s burial were much more tiring. After observing the three heavens, Zhou-Yan couldn't stand fainting.
       The doctor gave Zhou Jing a look at the doctor:
       "Wangye, His Highness is overworked, and the body is empty, so it will faint."
       Yan Wu-shuang listened to the truth, and laughed. Every day, the Jinyi jade food is still empty. All the good things were fed into the dog's belly.
       Yan Wu-shuang told Meng-nian:
       "Change all the people around Zhou-Yan to serve." All must be replaced by their people.
       Meng-nian asked:
       "Wangye, do you suspect that Zhou Jing's death is what Zhou-Yan is doing?"
       It is not so much the suspicion of Yan Wu-shuang, but rather his doubts. Zhou Jing When I was in a coma, there was only Zhou-Yan in the house, no one else.
       Therefore, Meng-nian believes that Zhou Jing's inexplicable disease should be what Zhou-Yan did.
       There is no evidence, everything is speculation.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I don't care what he does. It's important that all the words and lines of Zhou-Yan must be known." Zhou Jing lives and lives, and Yan Wu-shuang doesn't care. However, if Zhou-Yan dared to make a ghost under his nose, he would never decide.
       Meng-nian nodded: "I know."
       Silenced, Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, the death of this Zhou Jing, the funeral has to spend hundreds of thousands of Silver Taels." This is still a simple cost, if it is grand, there are no millions can not do.
       Yan Wu-shuang thinks of the unexpected wealth of Yun-Qing  and asks:
       "Yun-Qing  and Han Yu-Xi got the money, what did it do?"
       Meng-nian said with some exclamation:
       “Require local renovation of the official road and construction of water rafts in places where drinking water is difficult.”
       Yan Wu-shuang looks a glimpse and says:
       "So there is a drought in the northwest next year, and it is still a big drought." He remembers that the Hann Yu-Xi is predictive.
       Meng-nian does not agree with Yan Wu-shuang:
       “Wangye, if Han-shi knows that there will be a big drought next year, it should be prepared soon, instead of waiting until there is money now.” Obviously, if there is no money, the project has to be delayed.
       Therefore, this construction of the water is not anxious.
       After a pause, Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, although many of Han-shi behaviors are indeed unreasonable, I don't believe she has any predictive ability. If she has the ability to predict, she will not be in danger three times."
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "People like them are not aware of their own affairs. Just like fortune teller, they never give themselves fortune. Not that they don't want to, they can't count their own numbers."
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       "The five years ago, the ‘servants almost made Yun-Qing  die. How can you say that you can't dream of natural disasters, but you can't dream of yourself and the plagues of close people?"
       Yan Wu-shuang heard the meaning of Meng-nian:
       "You don't believe that Han Yu-Xi has the ability to predict?"
       The two have not discussed this issue before.
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       "There is less rain in the northwest this year. In some places, people have difficulty drinking water. Before that, there was no construction of water rafts. In addition, the construction of otters or the construction of dams is because the northwest is a dry land. She wants to do this. Change the situation in the northwest today."
       When Yan Wu-shuang heard this, he said after a long sound:
       "Meng-nian, you appreciate her!"
       Meng-nian smiled and said:
       "Wangye, don't you admire her?"
       After Han Yu-Xi took power, everything he did was for the people in the northwest, and there was no selfishness. Aside from the hostile identity, Han Yu-Xi actions deserve his admiration.
       Yan Wu-shuang's eyes are a bit complicated, after a while, said:
       "It’s a pity that Yu-Xi is a woman." Han Yu-Xi is growing at an alarming rate, but Yun-Qing  is still in the same place. At that time, it will definitely show a situation of strong women and men. At that time, say no. Prospective couples will turn against each other. Of course, this is what he expects, and even hopes to happen soon.
       Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, you are wrong, we should be glad that Han-shi is a woman, otherwise the northwest will be better than now." Because of the identity of the Han-shi woman, those who have the right to self-deprecating disdain to go northwest. . If it is a man, everyone will not have this concern.
       "Acha..." Yu-Xi hit several sneezes in succession.
       Yun-Qing  saw some concerns that Yu-Xi was cold, and told the licorice to say:
       "Go and please come to the doctor to see Wangfei."
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I didn't get cold, I am in good health! It is estimated that someone is chanting me, I don't know if it is good or bad." After that, Yu-Xi touched his round belly again.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "You are almost eight months now, can't be sloppy." The more this time, the more attention you should pay.
       He Da Fu came over to diagnose Yu-Xi and found that there was no problem:
       “Wangye rest assured that Wangfei didn’t get cold. Darens and children are very good.” It’s amazing to say that He Da Fu is very magical. Wangfei has been suffering from a headache for more than half a month.
       Yu-Xi Jiao Jiao said:
       "If you say nothing, you will make a fuss." After that, let the licorice send the doctor out.
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "Be careful to get a boat forever."
       The licorice folds back and says:
       “Wangye, Wangfei, Xu Daren said that the emperor had died before the fourth day.” The news of this time is somewhat delayed.
       This news has not caused any waves to the husband and ‘Madam’. Yu-Xi said:
       "Zhou Jing is dead, that is, Zhou-Yan is in the upper position." Think of Yu-Chen's current identity, Jade could not help but shake his head.
       Yun-Qing  saw it and asked:
       "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with Zhou-Yan?"
       Zhou-Yan is only seven years old this year, even if he can't turn over Yan Wu-shuang's palm.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Zhou-Yan is nothing wrong, I just remembered the 3rd sister. Zhou-Yan became the emperor, her identity is even more embarrassing." If Yu-Chen did not remarriage to Yan Wu-shuang, she is about to become The Empr ess Dowager, but now she can only be the Shiqie of Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yun-Qing  did not care about this and said:
       "No one is forcing her to marry. If she doesn't want to get married, some are the way." To say it, or Han Yu-Chen is greedy and afraid of death.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "You are not fair. Yu-Chen is a mother. How can I leave my child and leave?" Yu-Chen is greedy and afraid of death. She doesn't know, but she knows that she will do her best to protect herself as a mother. Good for your own children.
       Yun-Qing  frowned:
       "The problem is that she is still pregnant now.
       The child born in the future, with Zhou-Yan is the enemy." Yan Wu-shuang is the enemy of Zhou-Yan, the son of Yan Wu-shuang is naturally his enemy. It is.
       Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
       "I don't know what 3rd sister thinks." If she is replaced by her, even if she wants to remarriage her husband to the enemy, she will never give birth to a child. Unfortunately pregnant, I have to get rid of it. In this way, it will end the troubles of Brother and disability.
       Yun-Qing , when he heard Yu-Xi, remembered the matter three years ago and said:
       "I remember when I led the soldiers to rebel. You said at the time that if I had a case, you would not live alone."
       Yu-Xi glanced at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "They are still old, and the memory is getting worse. I said at the time that if you have three long and two short, I will bring two children to the ground to reunite with you. Although this is very selfish, the child does not have to suffer at least. Like Zhou -Yan, even if he became an emperor, he was just a servant without dignity and freedom. At that time, she would hold this idea because she could not protect her children. If she is replaced now, she has the ability to protect her children, and she will not make such selfish decisions.
       Yun-Qing  knows clearly that if he died, Yu-Xi would do this. Yun-Qing  said that Yu-Xi said:
       "Fortunately, success." r1148 

       Chapter 845 Zhou-Yan   

       On 10 months 26th, Zhou-Yan became the emperor and changed his name to orthodox.
       The little man was dressed in an emperor's robes, sitting on a dragon chair, looking down at the bottom, and there was no sadness on his face.
       Because the treasury is empty, Zhou-Yan is also a simple one. However, after a whole set of processes, Zhou-Yan is also tired and almost collapsed. If it wasn't for Zhou-Yan, it would have been long gone.
       Go back to the palace and look at strangers in the palace. Zhou-Yan asked:
       "Who are you? Li-gonggong?"
       Zhou-Yan's heart, flashed a bad foreboding.
       The eunuch headed by the head said:
       "Return to the emperor, the old servant surnamed Cai, is the House of Representatives transferred to serve the emperor. As for Li-gonggong, he is old and weak, Guo Daren let his old family grow up."
       Zhou-Yan's face flashed angrily, even if he was an emperor, he still had to live under Yan Wu-shuang. However, the experience of these two years has made Zhou-Yan no longer a simple child. Zhou-Yan said:
       "In this case, you will have to work hard in the future."
       Cai Gonggong bent ninety degrees and said:
       "The emperor's words are smashing the old servants. Serving the emperor is the duty of the old servants." Cai Gonggong can not only take care of Zhou-Yan, but also monitor him.
       Yu-Chen was somewhat lost on this day.
       The son was enthroned as an emperor, but she was not allowed to wait and see:
       "I don't know what is going on now? Will it be tired?" The process of enthroning is extremely cumbersome, and few Darens can stand it, not to mention a child.
       Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort doesn't have to worry, it will be fine." With Yu-Chen mourning the look of Zhou-Yan, Gui Mama hopes that the two children in the stomach will be born soon. In this way, most of Imperial Consort's attention can be divided, instead of always paying attention to His Royal Highness.
       As I spoke, I heard that Jiang Madam was coming. Yu-Chen stood up and walked to the door to welcome Zhao-shi into the house:
       “The righteous thoughts are holding sister-in-law. I didn’t expect sister-in-law to come.”
       Jiang The old Marquis is afraid of Yu-Chen because of Zhou-Yan's assault on the family, he was thinking at home, so he ordered Zhao-shi to come and talk to her. Looking at Yu-Chen, Zhao-shi is somewhat envious:
       "I heard that the bigger the back, the more uncomfortable the back, even the legs and feet will be swollen, but you have no reaction at all." Double-baked tires, and it is also likely to be a dragon and a fetus, this is how much blessing.
       This kind of blessing is generally unthinkable.
       Because of the experience of twins, Yu-Chen did not panic. According to the last experience, I have to walk a small quarter of an hour every morning, evening, and even if my leg hurts. In addition, let the doctor massage the hands and feet to prevent swelling of the legs and feet.
       Yu-Chen leaned back in the chair and said:
       "With two children, it is much harder than one." The stomach is big, and it is hard to sleep, and there is no need to say all kinds of hard work. But the only comfort is that it didn't affect the appearance and didn't get fat.
       This is a miracle for many people.
       Zhao-shi said with a smile:
       "If this fetus can give birth to a dragon and a baby, then it would be better." Longfeng tires are generally regarded as auspicious. If Yu-Chen gave birth to a dragon and a baby, he would really stand firm in Yan-Wang.
       The words of the dragon and the phoenix reminded Yu-Chen of the past, but Yu-Chen did not show it:
       "Through sister-in-law." In fact, Yu-Chen hopes that the two children in the stomach are Miss, which will save a lot of trouble in the future.
       Zhao-shi Every time I come, I am talking about the length of my family with Yu-Chen:
       "Yu-Chen, Jiang 2nd Nai-Nai returned to Capital City a few days ago. Do you know this?"
       If Yu-Rong handed in a post, Yu-Xi would know.
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "I don't know. But the people who picked up in February, why have they returned to Capital City now?"
       It’s hard to go this way, and it won’t take half a year.
       Zhao-shi said what I heard:
       "I heard that because the Henan general zhizi took a look at Jiang 2nd Nai-Nai, I wanted to be her." Zhao-shi didn't think there was anything to say about it, even if she couldn't say it, Yu later -Chen will know.
       Yu-Chen's face changed slightly because she remembered herself by Yu-Rong. However, Yu-Rong is very good at avoiding that fate:
       “How did Yu-Rong escape?”
       I don't have to think about it, it is definitely someone who helps. If not, Yu-Rong can't escape the disaster of Concubine. Unfortunately, when she was in trouble, no one pulled her.
       Zhao-shi said:
       "It is said that Pingxi Wangfei saved Jiang 2nd Nai-Nai, and it is said that she was saved by Jiang Family’s eldest. As for the truth, only Jiang 2nd Nai-Nai and Jiang family know."
       Yu-Chen said:
       "It should be Yu-Rong, saved by Jiang Family’s eldest. Yu-Xi, when she was young, she didn't agree with Yu-Rong. She wouldn't save Yu-Rong." Yu-Rong is The Jiang family also gave birth to a son for Jiang Jia. If Yu-Rong was taken away, it would be thrown away for the face of the Lijiang family.
       Zhao-shi shook his head:
       “Before Pingxi Wangfei also went to Houfu several times. Didn't think she had anything special at that time? Who could have thought that she was now a prestigious Pingxi Wangfei?”
       To be precise, Yu-Chen has become a foil to everyone else. In addition, Yu-Xi is a low-key person who is not a prominent person.
       There are very few people who can notice her.
       Yu-Chen said with a wry smile:
       "Don't say sister-in-law, you are the Grandmother and me. At the time, I didn't see the difference between Yu-Xi." Before going northwest, Yu-Xi was particularly diligent and fond of reading, other true Nothing special.
       Zhao-shi is just a sigh:
       "But this woman is stronger, she has no son, and she is also married to others."
       Yu-Chen doesn't want to talk about the problems of boys and Miss:
       "Yu-Rong is coming back with the kids, can the child be okay?"
       Zhao-shi said:
       "I didn't hear that the child has something wrong. I think it should be no problem." The reason why Yu-Rong is now in Capital City is that there is a reason for the fact that she has a child.
       Zhao-shi has been accompanying Yu-Chen until the afternoon.
       In the evening, Yan Wu-shuang returned from the palace to the palace. Back to the Wangfu, did not go directly to the backyard, but went to the private house of Wangfuli. Yan Wu-shuang went into the criminal house and looked at Li Gonggong, who was hanged and had no good meat, and asked with a blank expression:
       "How? Is there no trick yet?"
       Gaodong South East Said:
       "No, he said he didn't know anything."
       Li Gonggong saw Yan Wu-shuang and pleaded with enthusiasm:
       "Wangye, when we entered the house that day, the emperor and my family were unconscious.
       The old servant really didn't know what happened? Wangye, please give me a good time!" He is really nothing. know.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not believe in the words of Li Gonggong and said:
       "If you say it, I will let you die happily. If you still don't want to take it, then try the taste of suffocation!" He was sentenced to death, and few people were able to stand it.
       Li-gonggong is about to collapse:
       "Wangye, I really don't know anything. If I know, I will tell you all the words." He only wants to get a good time.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled:
       "Then you talk about who is suspicious of the people who are waiting for the emperor. If you can say it, I will give you a good time."
       Li-gonggong said:
       "To be suspicious, my aunt's aunt's aunt is the most suspicious. Because she takes care of her clothes, food and shelter, she often walks outside." As for whether or not to send a message, it is not known.
       Yan Wu-shuang said faintly:
       "anything else?"
       Li-gonggong said all the objects he suspected. In fact, most of the people inside are innocent. But Li-gonggong can get a happy death for himself, and he can't let him go.
       Zhou-Yan, all the people who took care of him, were arrested, and they did not alone arrest Li-gonggong. It’s just that Li-Gongong is the big eunuch who takes care of Zhou-Yan personally, so he will be the first to interrogate him.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Bring the baby girl over."
       It didn't take long for the high southeast to come back, and said to Yan Wu-shuang with a look of sorrow; "Wangye, the damselfly squandered.
       The broken aorta on the neck has not been saved."
       Except for the self-sufficient shi-nu, all others have been interrogated and got something, but the value is not great.
       The biggest suspect is this suckling, but unfortunately people are dead.
       Gao Nannan thought about it, and said to Yan Wu-shuang:
       “Maybe, Ceefei Imperial Consort knows something!” Han Ceefei, who used to be the favorite woman of Taichang Emperor, probably knows a lot.
       Yan Wu-shuang said with a touch of sarcasm on his face:
       "Zhou Jing will tell Zhou-Yan about these secrets, but he will never tell Han Yu-Chen." The son is his own, naturally can trust, but his ‘Madam’ is not necessarily.
       High southeast nodded:
       "Wangye is also saying." Changed to him, the secret will tell the son, but will not tell his ‘Madam’. One is that women can't keep secrets. Secondly, this ‘Madam’ has no son to rely on. When I think of it, Gao Dongnan also has a rest.
       Out of the torture room Yan Wu-shuang returned to his yard and went to the Yu-Chen's yard after using the meal.
       This would make Yu-Chen just let the doctor give her a massage.
       Yan Wu-shuang looked at Yu-Chen, who was still pregnant as beautiful as ever, and thought of the rumors of Yu-Xi in the northwest, saying that the female foster mother, the ugly mother, so everyone thinks that Han Yu-Xi is a Miss. Yan Wu-shuang has several sons and no daughters, so he hopes that Yu-Chen can have a daughter.
       Yu-Chen waved to the doctor and said:
       "You go on!" Every time Yan Wu-shuang came over, there was something to tell her, this time the estimate is no exception.
       Yan Wu-shuang sat in the chair and asked Yu-Chen:
       "How is it today? Is the child not guilty?"
       Yan Wu-shuang never thought about the thoughts of others. If he was very warm, he said that exports are also hard.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "The two children are very embarrassed." After that, Yu-Chen looked up at Yan Wu-shuang and looked at God with a heart, carefully said:
       "Wangye, the children are seven months old, you haven't talked to them yet! Or, you talk to them."
       Yan Wu-shuang did not have this interest, said:
       "What are you talking about? They can't hear them." They are not born, and they don't understand the doll. What do you have to say?
       Yu-Chen sees some disappointment, but seeing Yan Wu-shuang without temper, but it is a little sad:
       “Wangye, can you go to the throne today?”
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded and said:
       "It was very smooth.
       The performance of the emperor made me look at each other." There is another meaning in this sentence, 1148 

       Chapter 846 The wicked have their own wicked   

       Yu-Rong stunned his son to sleep, and green tea came in and lowered his voice and said:
       "2nd Nai-Nai, Madam is coming. ()" Jiang Hongjin's death is given to - Shi-shi blow is fatal, if not still missed the unsuccessful grandson Yu-Shi said It’s not allowed to return.
       Yu-Rong is impatient with his face. From now on, now--Shi runs five or six miles into her yard every day. Yu--Shi certainly does not look at Yu-Rong, but looks at his grandson. Yu--Shi is a mother-in-law, she can't stop when she comes to see her grandson Yu-Rong.
       In--Shi walked into the house, watching the children on the bed squinting and falling asleep, some complained:
       "Why don't you give him a quilt when you are asleep? What if you are cold?"
       After that, I took a look at Yu-Rong with dissatisfaction.
       In fact, - Shi-shi is a complaint against Yu-Rong. After Yu-Rong came back, she wanted to take her child to the main house and take it back. Yu-Rong took it back. Made in - shi-shi now wants grandchildren, can only come and see.
       Yu-Rong heard this and his heart burst into flames.
       "Popo, I am the mother of my brother, I will not deliberately make my brother sick." The person who did not know heard this, and thought she was a mother, and could not tolerate the child's intention to harm the child.
       Yu--Shi face froze, and laughed:
       "What is this saying? I just remind you that the child is frozen." Yu-Rong gave birth to a child in Zhengzhou and then brought the child up. She is the hero of Jiang. So in the face of Yu-Rong, Yu--Shi also has to give back three points.
       Yu-Rong is bluntly going back:
       "The mother said this. My brother has been brought from birth to the present. Until now, there is nothing wrong with it."
       In the heart of - shi-shi, with a bad breath, said with a good voice to Yu-Rong:
       "Are you not feeling uncomfortable these days? If you don't bring the child to me, wait for your body to be good, then I will send the child back." There is a child, she also has a pinned.
       Yu-Rong is not a fool. If the child is allowed to leave the shi-shi, it will be strange to come back! Yu-Rong said:
       "I am just tired and not sick.
       The doctor said that there is nothing to hinder. It is good to rest for two days, so don't bother with Popo." Yu-Rong didn't think about remarriage, she was ready to guard the children.
       Yu-Rong is a slut, but her mind is not confused. She married and gave birth to a child, and she did not marry any good family. Moreover, the maiden family can't rely on it. If you marry after the marriage, you won't even have a support. While staying in the Jiang family, there are public servants who are not afraid of being counted in the wind. She has a dowry and she is not good at it.
       Yu--Shi came with expectations and left with disappointment.
       Yu-Rong touched his son's little face and said:
       "Hey brother, no one wants to separate our mother and son." Hey brother, but her future trust, no one gives.
       Yu--Shi whispered back to the yard, ‘calling at the heart. In fact, it is not a heartache, it is uncomfortable. She was a Popo, and now she has to look at it  Erxi face.
          - Yue Mama saw and advised:
       "Madam, don't screw it up with 2nd Nai-Nai." 2nd Nai-Nai is not a good temper. If you screw it with her, no one can stop it when you start.
       Yu--Shi said with a sad face:
       "What am I doing?"
       My son is gone, and now I want to see my grandson and I still see it  Erxi face.
          - Yue Mama sighed.
       The reason why --Shi is at a disadvantage is not that 2nd Master is gone, and Shi Old Master no longer respects her.
       In two days, Yu-shi was ill.
       Jiang Qi got the news, he was going to take the sorrowful brother to visit the doctor, and the result was stopped by ‘Lu Madam. She did not stop Jiang Qi from going back, but she did not allow Jiang Qi to take her grandson to the past, saying that she was afraid that - Shi-shi would pass her illness to her brother.
       Hearing this kind of inhuman taste, Jiang Qi heart was a fire. However, she also knows that it is not reasonable to make trouble. After all, ‘Lu Madam’s words make people pick no mistakes, and only one person has returned to Jiang’s home.
       Yu-Shi saw her daughter and asked, "What about my brother? Why didn't you bring your brother?" In the past six months, Jiang Qi came from time to time with his brother, but let it be - Shi-shi comforted a lot.
       Jiang Qi said:
       "Hey brother was taken out by him. Mother, what happened to you? 2nd Sister-in-law came back with the child, you have gone to the heart, how is it still sick?"
       This is more than half--Shi has been chanting this buddy.
       Speaking of this, Yu-Shi tears came. Today's - shi-shi, I really feel that this day is even more bitter than Huang Lian:
       "Qi Er, do you say that the mother has done anything in her life, has it been retribution in this life? Or why should she let her mother send white hair to her?"
       Married a husband who only knows how to be a good-natured, Jiang Qi is also a bitter bitterness. But she won't say it hard, because it doesn't work. Jiang Qi is relieved:
       "Mother, you have to relax your mind, don't think about those who have nothing. Otherwise, you can't get sick, you can't get sick, you can't see your brother."
       Speaking of this, Yu-shi is more sad:
       "It is a good illness, and I can't see my brother." Child  Erxi is so arrogant, but her husband is not standing on her side.
       When Jiang Qi heard this, his face was cold and Huo stood up. Said:
       "Mom, what do you mean by this? Isn't 2nd Sister-in-law not letting you see your brother?"
       She hates ‘Lu Madam, but ‘Lu Madam does not dare to stop her grandson. Otherwise she will be drowned by the spit.
       Thinking of this, Jiang Qi suddenly woke up and said:
       "Mother, 2nd Sister-in-law is quite arrogant, and there is no reason for you not to see your grandson." It must be something that her mother made.
       Yu--Shi wiped a tear and said:
       "I want to hold my brother and come over to raise Han-shi. I don't want to see you. I want to see my brother. I have to go to her yard." She did it on a Popo, and it was really awesome.
       Jiang Qi was silently silent, and then said:
       "Mother, the children are the heart of this mother, you have to hold the Brother to raise 2nd Sister-in-law naturally will not agree. However, wait for 2nd Sister-in-law to raise the body, you let her I took the child to the main house every day.” She said with a heart, she didn’t agree that Popo would take her sergeant to raise her. She was born with a son born in ten months. If she was given a Popo, then the child would not kiss her with Popo.
       Yu--Shi sees her daughter not standing on her side, more and more grief.
       Jiang Qi sighed and said:
       "Mother, Yu family is not as good as before, and it is not good for you. 2nd Sister-in-law is a very arrogant one. You must be with you at the tip of the needle." At this time, you can only show weakness. Show her weakness with her, and show weakness with Han Yu-Rong.
       Think of this, in--Shi regret it:
       "On that day, I didn't agree to let him yell at Yu-Rong, but your brother wouldn't be like a ghost. If you are a quiet and sane person, your brother will not die if you say no." The more --Shi feels that he makes sense. His son will die young, and all of them are Yu-Rong.
       Jiang Qi is almost losing patience:
       "Mother, what do you say? What is the relationship between the second brother and 2nd Sister-in-law? Do you have to be enemies, are you satisfied?"
       If Han Yu-Rong hears this, it is strange to not make trouble! Jiang Hongjin's business, although Jiang Qi is not very clear, but she certainly has no relationship with Yu-Rong.
       Yu--Shi sees her daughter not standing on her side, I really feel that there is no love:
       "Qi, how do you only talk to Han-shi? I am your mother?"
       Jiang Qi is also a little angry:
       "Because you are my mother, I told you this. Mother, I said that you are good for you. If you want to let your Brother go far behind you, even though you are having trouble with 2nd Sister-in-law, just I am afraid that you will regret it when you arrive."
       Persuaded for a little half a day - shi-shi did not listen to it, still crying, Jiang Qi is a bit discouraged.
       Atractylodes came in and made a few words in Jiang Qi ear. Jiang Qi face changed, and she said to Shi-shi:
       "Mother, my brother didn't see me and refused to eat. Mother, I will go back first, and I will see you tomorrow." Yu--Shi is not a real illness, but my heart is wronged and stagnation is in my heart.
       Yu--Shi is still very distressed by the grandson:
       "Then go back quickly, don't let your brother go hungry."
          - Yue Mama heard this and shook his head. Madam is concerned about chaos. Only Young Master does not eat, where is worthy of Gu-Nai-Nai changed his face. But she is not prepared to say that otherwise Madam is more and more restless.
       Jiang Qi walked out of the Jiang family and got on the carriage, only to ask the white words of the words:
       "What the hell is going on? Make it clear."
       Bai Lu said:
       “3rd Master brought back a woman and said that she would be her. I heard from the people in the yard of Madam that the woman had been pregnant for three months.” ‘Lu 3rd Master is still a lot of Yan Yanyan, but so far I only have a child. In addition to the reasons why Ji Yun Tongfang fights, there are also Jiang Qi means. Jiang Qi is not allowed to have Concubine to have children, but he must be a little older.
       Jiang Qi sneered and asked:
       “What attitude does Madam have?”
       Hearing the white and saying that ‘Lu Madam is very happy, Jiang Qi is not surprised. Speaking of it, Jiang Qi didn't know what ‘Lu Madam had in his mind.
       The son brought an unclear big belly to go home, and it was too late to hide it. She was still very happy.
       Thinking of this, Jiang Qi shook his head and said:
       "Looking at the bottom of this woman?"
       Can follow the ‘Lu 3rd Master, it is estimated that it is not a good thing.
       The daughter of a good family will never be in contact with people without coal.
       Back to the ‘Lu family, ‘Lu Madam happily told Jiang Qi about this. After that, ‘Lu Madam also said:
       "This is good, my brother has a younger brother, I don't have to worry about it in the future."
       When Jiang Qi heard this, he almost vomited blood. ‘Lu Madam even took the child in the woman’s belly and compared it with her son. Jiang Qi said with a cold face:
       "Mother, if it's okay, I will take my brother back first." She was impatient to see ‘Lu Madam's face.
          - ‘Lu Madam looked at Jiang Qi look, and he was very proud and said:
       "Mom knows that you are not feeling well, but Qiao--Shi is pregnant with the third child. After the meeting, let the third child bring Qiao--Shi to your yard to give you tea." Jiang Qi respected the tea even if it passed the Ming Road. After waiting for Qiao--Shi to give birth to the child, no one will say something unpleasant. ”
       This can't wait, 1148 

       Chapter 847 Jao-Jao injured   

       Jiang Qi is very disdainful of ‘Lu Madam, but she still has to say that.
       Jiang Qi bowed his head and tried to squint his eyes. When he looked up again, his eyes were already red. "Mother, the bottom of this shi-shi has not been checked yet? Check her details and let her give it to me." It is not too late to respect tea." Jiang Qi is actually not sad at all. She later bought a Servant in the room of ‘Lu Madam, knowing that ‘Lu Madam thought she didn't care about ‘Lu 3rd Master, so she only picked her eyes. In order to make the days better, Jiang Qi occasionally pretends to be a sad and grievance, in order to let ‘Lu Madam pick a few stabs.
          - ‘Lu Madam is very satisfied with Jiang Qi grievances. He said, “The third child has told me that Qiao--Shi is a good girl. Mother knows that you are not feeling well, but Qiao- -Shi pregnant, can not let the blood of the third child fall outside? Old 3rd  Erxi, this is the first person to be a man of greatness, you are the Miss of the Book of the House, Miss, I should understand more ""
       When Jiang Qi heard this, he almost didn't hold it. Regardless of ‘Lu 3rd Master, ‘Lu Madam thinks she doesn't care if her son is dissatisfied with her; she wants to say that she is not good.
       This old witch is really hard to serve.
       Jiang Qi lowered her head and brewed her emotions before she started. "I just worried that 3rd Master was cheated by Qiao--Shi. In case Qiao--Shi is not clean, When Master Master knew that he had to punish 3rd Master again."
       After ‘Lu 3rd Master went to the place of fireworks and was known by ‘Lu Old Master, ‘Lu 3rd Master was lying for three months.
       This matter, ‘Lu Madam is still worried about it. However, ‘Lu Madam finally chose to believe his son. "Do you think that the third child is confused, or do you think I am confused? Qiao--Shi is pregnant with the third child, this cup of tea you have to drink and drink. "This is forcing Jiang Qi to agree."
       Jiang Qi whispered, "Mother said this, child  Erxi obeys." Words, full of grievances.
       In fact, Qiao--Shi is a son, and this birth does not affect her brother. Moreover, whether this child can be born is an unknown number. She is not ready to shoot, but the few Concubine and the two Tongfang ten have * will not let Qiao shi-shi give birth to the child, or else, where their face is placed.
          - ‘Lu Madam heard this and his face changed slightly. He said, "When I let the third child take her to tea for you."
       Jiang Qi walked out like this with a red eye. He looked at his mother crying and asked, "What happened to you? Who is bullying you?"
       Finished, help Jiang Qi wipe his tears.
       Jiang Qi smiled with tears. "Mother is okay, it is blowing sand into her eyes, and her brother is blowing her nose."
       Two quarters later, ‘Lu 3rd Master really brought Qiao--Shi to Jiang Qijing tea. Jiang Qi glanced at Qiao--Shi, and he grew Jao-Jao softly, which is the type that ‘Lu 3rd Master likes.
       Qiao--Shi felt very pressured and shrank to ‘Lu 3rd Master, a very scared look. ‘Lu 3rd Master blocked in front of Qiao--Shi, looking at Jiang Qi and said, "Three grandmothers, I brought Qiao--Shi to give you tea." It will also look like it. After he could give birth to his brother, Jiang Qi was too lazy to install. ‘Lu 3rd Master did not know at the beginning, and it was noticed that Jiang Qi could not see him for a long time. It is precisely that he does not like Jiang Qi, who always carries the shelves of everyone, so the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’ is very weak.
       Jiang Qi was not angry. He smiled and said, "It is a beautiful woman with water. 3rd Master is very blessed." After that, let Servant bring tea to Qiao--Shi.
       Drinking Qiao--Shi tea, Jiang Qi also gave the gift to Qiao--Shi as a face-to-face ceremony.
       The performance was very good, and ‘Lu 3rd Master lost three points against Jiang Qi disgust.
       In the evening, Bai Luo came back from the outside and said to Jiang Qi, "Three grandmothers, that Qiao--Shi is a widow. Her husband did not have more than four months ago, and he did not know how to hook up the 3rd Master."
       When Jiang Qi saw Qiao--Shi, he knew that this woman was not serious. However, ‘Lu 3rd Master insisted on going home, she would only stop recruiting ‘Lu 3rd Master. She did not care about the attitude of ‘Lu 3rd Master, but she did not want to make the relationship between husband and ‘Madam’ too stiff, because it was not good for her brother.
       Jiang Qi feels funny, good family, but it is really a good girl. Jiang Qi asked, "Does Qiao-shi husband's family agree to her remarriage?"
       The average son is dead, all hope  Erxi is guarding. Some people who are kind, don't stop  Erxi remarried, but most will ask for it  Erxi is three years old.
       Bai Xiao whispered, "Madam, that Qiao--Shi is a broken family, Qiao--Shi ex-husband has not yet had Qi-Qi, and Qiao family took her back." According to the days, This Qiao--Shi returned to her family and didn't take long to hook up their 3rd Master.
       Jiang Qi asked "Does Qiao-shi have had children before?"
       Hearing the white and shaking his head and saying no, Jiang Qi was somewhat disappointed.
       ‘Lu Old Master went to Baoding for business and is not at home now. In order to prevent this from being involved in this matter, Jiang Qi pretended to be ill.
          - ‘Lu Madam thought that Jiang Qi was a real illness and dismissed it. "I really thought it was a great and good person. I didn't expect it to be a person who couldn't be accommodated." That is to say, but my heart is happy. I thought that a woman who is more proud and proud is just a good ‘Madam’.
       Two days later, ‘Lu Old Master came back, knowing that ‘Lu 3rd Master had come back from the outside and looked back. After the big butler informed the bottom of Qiao--Shi, ‘Lu Old Master was so angry that he directly told the big housekeeper to give Qiao-Shi medicine.
       Then he sent a person to drag the ‘Lu 3rd Master to the ancestral hall and executed the family law in the ancestral hall.
          - ‘Lu Madam When the news came, Qiao--Shi had been given medicine, and ‘Lu 3rd Master was taken away. ‘Lu Madam cried and went to find ‘Lu Old Master. As a result, she cried and went back to the yard, and then she was sick.
       Jiang Qi got the news and felt very strange. Only Nayong is just a few words, why is it so exciting. Jiang Qi feels that there is something she doesn't know. Jiang Qi told Bai Ludao to "get inquiries, is there something else?"
       Soon, Jiang Qi knew the reason. It turned out that this Qiao--Shi not only hooked up ‘Lu 3rd  Master, but also had a head and tail with a rich gongzi brother. It’s just that ‘Lu 3rd Master looks like a fool, so Qiao--Shi said that the child in his stomach is his, and ‘Lu 3rd Master has no doubt at all.
       Jiang Qi shook his head and said, "It’s hard to be stupid." Even if the child is not his own, he doesn’t know it, and he takes it home with joy. No wonder ‘Lu Madam wants to be sick, can't afford this face!
       ‘Lu Old Master is very heavy, and ‘Lu 3rd Master's ass is almost ruined. Not three or five months, it is not good.
       Jiang Qi thinks this is good news, which shows that the next three or five months can be stopped, no longer worry about ‘Lu 3rd Master who brought a widow or fireworks back.
       In the northwest, the weather is already a bit cold in late 10 months. Lu-Er is afraid of cold, so the 2nd House has burned the dragon. As for Jao-Jao, she doesn't need a dragon when it is coldest.
       Yu-xi has been around for more than eight months and can't stand for a long time, so she was sitting in the study room for most of the time.
       Yu-xi is talking to Tan Tuo in the study room Xu Wu walks in and says "Wangfei, Jao-Jao is hurt." Seeing Yu-xi changing face, Xu Wu is busy saying, "Welled his hand, he ran a little." Blood, nothing else hinders." Anyway, I will know it later, but if I don't tell Wangfei about it now, he will definitely have to train tomorrow, so Xu Wu will tell Yu-xi about it.
       Yu-xi held the table with both hands and slowly stood up and said, "How can I get hurt?"
       The stomach is too big and the action is not convenient.
       Xu Wu said, “Jao-Jao played the sword and accidentally cut his hand.” Jao-Jao She glared at Huo Changqing and went out to the house to take the sword out and play, and accidentally cut herself.
       Seeing Yu-xi, Jao-Jao took a step back with fear.
       The tree climb was beaten, and this time it was estimated to be awkward.
       Yu-xi looked at the ground and had blood. He said to Xu Wu, "Take her to me." This dead Yatou is really not going to fight for three days Jiewa.
       Jao-Jao didn't want to beat, and the feather duster was sore. Jao-Jao said with a pitiful look, "Mom, I want to see if this sword is really cutting iron. Mother, I know it is wrong, I will not dare anymore." Huo Changqing, but in front of her The face is cut with a sword and a knife is cut, where there is still a fake. Jao-Jao This is a hand itch, want to play with a sword. As a result, the sword was too sharp, and one did not pay attention to cutting himself.
       Yu-xi can't spare Jao-Jao for two sentences. "Now I know I am afraid? Why don't you know when you play the sword? I tell you, it doesn't matter what you say now."
       Jao-Jao saw that it was useless, and immediately ran away with his feet. Xu Wu didn't watch her run, and waited until Jao-Jao ran to the door of the Courtyard to react.
       Yu-xi didn't expect this Yatou to be more and more courageous, and even dared to run. Yu-xi whispered, "Catch her and send it to the main court."
       After saying this, Yu-xi touched his stomach and said to himself, "You can't be angry, you can't be angry..." You can't be angry, not angry.
       The gas is so bad that the children in her stomach are eight months old. If the mood is ups and downs, it will move the tires. Yu-xi chanted several times before he calmed down the anger.
       Quan Mama looked at the black-faced Yu-xi and said, "Is it Jao-Jao?"
       If it is official business, Yu-xi is not like this.
       Yu-xi said, "This dead Yatou actually stole the sword and played it.
       The result was a hurt hand. I was afraid that I would beat her.
       This Yatou is getting bigger and bigger, and it is really lawless to go on like this." There is a boy who is still scouring, Yu-xi really feels tired!
       Quan Mama heard this and said, "I will find the wound medicine and prepare it. When Jao-Jao comes back, I will change it for her." Quan Mama likes Lu-Er, but he also cares about Jao- Jao.
       Yu-xi said, "Be prepared! But just forgetting to look at her wounds just by anger."
       Quan Mama smiled and said, "Jao-Jao can run away, it must be a minor injury." If the injury is heavier, where can run.
       Yu-xi sat in the chair, bitterly said, "There is this dead Yatou, I must live less ten years." She rarely angers on most days, but Jao-Jao doesn't know how much gas is born. .
       Quan Mama smiled. "Jao-Jao is now a good age for everything. Wait a little bigger, you don't have to worry." The child is really naughty, but it is also because of the parents' love.
       Yu-xi said with a lack of energy, "Hope!"

       Chapter 848 Jao-Jao was abused   

       Yu-Xi waited for a long time in the house and did not wait for Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi 嘀咕道:
       "This dead Yatou, won't you go out?"
       Quan Mama gave a cup of water to the Yu-Xi and said:
       "You worry, the concierge how could you let Jao-Jao run out!" This Ganoderma lucidum water, Yu-Xi now has two drinks a month.
       Yu-Xi took the water and drank a small cup and said:
       "I was afraid that he was holding the concierge didn't pay attention to running out.
       This is how big Yatou is, Mama is not ignorant." After that, Yu-Xi told Mei-Yun to look at the end of Jao-Jao. .
       After half a quarter of an hour, Midsummer came back:
       “Wangfei, Lao Taiye is back. After knowing what Eldest Miss did, he was fined Miss in the yard.”
       Huo Changqing has a seizure, and that means it is much more powerful than Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi touched her stomach and said:
       "I hope that this Yatou will be fined for two months." After being suffocated several times, Yu-Xi is worried that it will cause premature birth.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "I don't feel bad this time?"
       She thought that Yu-Xi got this news and ran over to see it!
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "I don't care about this Yatou, I hope that Huo Shu can manage this Yatou!" Jao-Jao is not afraid of Yu-Xi, except that she was beaten last time, she was troubled by Yu-Xi on most days.
       Thunder, little rain.
       Jao-Jao was originally a body that was afraid of heat. It was just at noon. It was in the yard with a big sun. After two quarters of an hour, the whole body was soaked, and all the faces were covered with sweat.
       After another half hour, Xu Wu came over and Huo Changqing said:
       "Yifu, this is almost noon, and let Jao-Jao squat in the middle of the yard will have heatstroke. If you want to marry, let her squat in the house!"
       Huo Changqing said in the face of Jao-Jao:
       "Heatstroke can't die." This day in late 10 months, how big is solar energy.
       This kind of weather can cause heatstroke. It can only be said that Jao-Jao is in poor health and needs exercise.
       Jao-Jao didn't dare to move on the ground, dare not ask for mercy, and dare not talk back. Huo Changqing is not the same as Yu-Xi. If you dare to ask for mercy or talk back, the punishment will increase.
       After half an hour, Jao-Jao looked around and found no one. He sat down on the floor and knocked his knees with his hand. () Compared with Huo Changqing, Yu-Xi blame is gentle.
       When he heard the footsteps, Jao-Jao quickly regained his good. Huo Changqing stood in front of Jao-Jao and said:
       "Sitting on the floor, is it very comfortable?"
       Jao-Jao jumped in his heart and didn't dare to bow his head.
       Huo Changqing said coldly:
       "Follow me into the house." After watching it, I didn't look at Jao-Jao and turned back to the house.
       When Jao-Jao got up, the man almost fell and fell to the ground. It took a long time and the legs were soft. When I entered the house, I watched Huo Changqing take a soft whip. Jao-Jao neck shrank back, but she didn't dare to run. Because once ran, the punishment will be doubled.
       Huo Changqing took six whipes and looked at the red-eyed eyes and said that she couldn’t cry, Jao-Jao said:
       "Do you know why you are fined?"
       Jao-Jao throat:
       "Know, you shouldn't have to get the grandfather's consent to enter the house and get the sword to play." I knew that I would be fined so badly that I wouldn't run at that time, and gave her mother a meal.
       The girl was beaten, and this matter is over.
       Huo Changqing coldly said:
       "anything else?"
       Jao-Jao This will be very honest, with a low head saying:
       "There is a sword that is very dangerous. I can't use it now." Before the water tank, Huo Changqing just took her for her adventure.
       Huo Changqing still asks with no expression:
       "anything else?"
       Jao-Jao heard this and looked up at Huo Changqing, and said with a blank face:
       "What else? I don't know."
       Huo Changqing sullenly said:
       "The next time you want to punish you, you dare to run again, it is not a six-whip." Jao-Jao ran for the face of Han Yu-Xi, which was very serious in the eyes of Huo Changqing. One of the acts of Jao-Jao is a disobedience and filial piety; secondly, Jao-Jao thinks that escape can escape punishment.
       This idea is not necessary.
       Huo Changqing said that Yu-Xi is a good hand to handle government affairs, but the education of the children is not good. Climbing a tree and making a fuss, this time Jao-Jao did something but passed two sentences. Fortunately, Jao-Jao is his teacher, let Han-shi teach, Jao-Jao still do not know how!
       Jao-Jao This will regret to hit the wall, and bowed his head:
       "Ye Master, I will not dare to run again in the future." This is really a big loss.
       Huo Changqing, this is called Qiuhe, let Qiuhe give Yao-Jao medicine. Jao-Jao did not want to, said:
       "Ye Master, I have to go back to the backyard." Back in the backyard, Mama and Lan Mama saw her hurt and she would make her delicious.
       Huo Changqing saw the idea of ​​Jao-Jao at a glance and said:
       "Take a good injury and go back to the backyard." He was surprised. Yun-Qing  and Han-shi are not the kind of delicious people. How does this Yatou like snacks so much.
       When Jao-Jao heard it, the face suddenly fell down. She would only hope that her mother had the news of her heavy punishment and came over to see her. When she cried for help, her mother would take her back to the backyard. It is also because Jao-Jao knows that Yu-Xi is hard-hearted, so he is not afraid of him on most days.
       Unfortunately, the disappointment of Jao-Jao was that until the sun set, I did not see the figure of Yu-Xi. Instead, when the meal was taken at night, the licorice sent a red jujube pigeon soup. Jao-Jao is bleeding and bleeding.
       This pigeon soup not only makes blood, but also good for wound healing.
       Jao-Jao hasn't eaten yet, Huo Changqing is here. Huo Changqing said to the licorice:
       "Go back! Tell Wangfei, don't send the soup again." He didn't know what Han-shi thought.
       This Yatou did something wrong for her to eat.
       This Yatou is even more fearless.
       Licorice looked at Huo Changqing's expressionless face, and she was still a little scared. When I heard Huo Changqing, the licorice was a blessing, and then went out with the food box.
       Huo Changqing rewards the pigeon soup to the follower who follows him. Adelian meat belt soup did not have to eat at all, and after eating it, it wiped his mouth:
       "Lao Taiye, this soup is so delicious, I have never had such a good soup." It is not good, this is the pigeon soup that Quan Mama made himself. In addition to red dates and pigeon meat, there are also longan and glutinous rice. On most days, it is difficult for Jao-Jao to drink the soup that Quan Mama made by himself.
       Jao-Jao heard Ade words, and his tears almost fell.
       After the licorice went back, he relayed the words Huo Changqing said to Yu-Xi. After that, Gancao said:
       "Wangfei, Eldest Miss is really too poor. Wangfei, go see Eldest Miss!"
       Yu-Xi can't bear it, but still shakes her head:
       "I won't go, or else the child thought that I was guarded, and I didn't care about it in the future." There is a person who is afraid of her, and she will be scrupulous in her future actions.
       Licorice did not dare to say more, just asked carefully:
       "Wangfei, what about the soup?"
       Licorice felt that Huo Changqing was a bit too much. Eldest Miss did the wrong thing, but he didn’t even let the children eat a good supplement.
       Although Yu-Xi is distressed, she still shakes her head:
       "Since Lao Taiye said that it is not allowed to send, then it will not be sent." Taking advantage of this incident, it is good to give this Yatou a profound lesson.
       Yun-Qing  came back to know about it in the evening, thinking about the inferior Yun-Qing  of Jao-Jao.
       "Jao-Jao business, we should not intervene." In fact, instead of Yun-Qing , you may not be able to get down to Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "I didn't intervene, it was a little distressed." Jao-Jao is stubborn again, that is also the meat that fell from her body. Hearing that she is suffering, she can not be uncomfortable.
       Yun-Qing  sighed and said:
       "I don't feel bad. You have to intervene. Huo Shu is not happy or a small thing. I am afraid that this Yatou will think that you will be more and more unscrupulous."
       How can this be so wrong? Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "Is there anything in the army?"
       Jao-Jao is often in trouble, this time is not a big deal, it is impossible for Yun-Qing  to send such feelings.
       Thinking of the news I got today, Yun-Qing  has some helplessness:
       "Xiang Wei Guo accepted Yan-shi again." When the news came in the afternoon, Yun-Qing  was really angry. Yan-shi made him like that, and he re-admitted the woman.
       Yu-Xi did not hear clearly at first, and asked:
       "what did you say?"
       After Yun-Qing  repeated it, Yu-Xi couldn't help but ask:
       "This Xiang Wei Guo is really a rare species. Who told you this?"
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "It was Cui Mo who wrote to tell me. You said that he was not kicked by his head!" In addition to this explanation, Yun-Qing  couldn't think of why Xiang Wei Guo would do such a thing.
       Yu-Xi blinked and said:
       "If I remember correctly, Xiang Wei Guo should have been stunned again?"
       Yun-Qing  is annoyed:
       "Yeah! In June, I was dear, and I was the ‘Madam’ and sister of Cui Mo." Xiang Wei Guo is not Cui Mo  Erxi --Shi pro Mei Mei, but the Courtyard-sister It is the daughter of --Shi.
       Xiang Wei Guo was recalled to the military camp by Cui Mo. When he was on the battlefield, he was very desperate. He was very brave and went from a small soldier to a hundred households in just one year.
       This man, as long as the right is powerful, you can't get it  Erxi.
       Cui Mo  Erxi --Shi happens to have a Courtyard-sister in the word, he thinks that Xiang Wei Guo has a future, so he wants to give his daughter to Xiang Wei Guo. In this way, the home can also get some light.
       --Shi did not express his position, but Cui Mo was a bite. Cui Mo feels that his ‘Madam’ and ‘Madam’, like him  Erxi is also average, but the proper handling of the family's affairs did not let him fuck half-drink, but did not delay. --Shi Courtyard-girl Fang is also very capable, not worse than --Shi, Xiang Wei Guo Fang Fang is definitely earned.
       Xiang Wei Guo was hesitant at the time, but under the persuasion of Cui Mo, he nodded and agreed to the marriage. In June, I married a small --Shi.
       Yu-Xi laughed when he heard this. Xiang Wei Guo Since he married his ‘Madam’, Yan-shi can only go back to Xiang Wei Guo. Yu-Xi said:
       "It’s no wonder that Cui Mo will tell you about this.
       Their husband and ‘Madam’ will not be inside or outside." Cui Mo and Xiang Wei Guo have been doing Brother for so many years, even if they want to be a medium, they should give him a handsome appearance. . Choose a general appearance, Yan-shi hook up, but you can't hook it together.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "You are right." Although it was the singularity of --Shi, but the media was done by their husband and ‘Madam’. Xiang Wei Guo is now also accepting Yan-shi as a sly, this is playing the face of Cui Mo husband and ‘Madam’, and also letting Cui Mo ‘Madam’ --Shi in her family is difficult to be a man.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "If they have difficulties, we can help, and we can't manage such things." She will not take care of this kind of filth.
       Yun-Qing  will not be in charge, but there is something that can't be said. Xiang Wei Guo used to be very good, but since I married this Yan-shi, my mind is not normal.

       Chapter 849 奇葩   

       Yu-Xi looks at Yun-Qing 's irritability, smiles and picks up his hand on his stomach and says:
       "If you are bored, talk to her, the mood will be much better.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "Forget it, the child will probably fall asleep. Talk to her, don't bother her to sleep. Let's sleep too, there are still many things to do tomorrow!"
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "He Rui, my stomach is a bit cumbersome, and it is not convenient to go to the front yard. I think that those who have moved here to review, you will handle the next thing. How do you see it?"
       Yun-Qing  breathed a sigh of relief and said:
       "As long as you are willing to let go of the things at hand, I am fine." The couple discussed this issue in the past few days, but Yu-Xi did not agree.
       Yu-Xi touched her stomach and said:
       "Tan Tuo, they always talked to me carefully, and I was embarrassed." No matter what the Yu-Xi is in the belly, it is a man or a woman. Looking at Yu-Xi is still a big belly still dealing with government affairs, Tan Tuo And An Zike and others are also scared.
       Jao-Jao was shut down by Huo Changqing for half a month and finally returned to the backyard. When I saw Yu-Xi, Jao-Jao cried; "Mother, mother, I miss you!"
       Yu-Xi scraped the nose of Jao-Jao and smiled:
       "Don't cry, I asked Bai Mama to make a horseshoe Hong-duo candied cake and a flower goose cake." When the words fell, Pinelli had two dishes of pastries.
       Jao-Jao didn't cry immediately, and when he reached out, he was ready to eat the cake. Was slapped by Yu-Xi and said:
       "Go wash your hands first, wash your hands and eat again." This Yatou, I don't pay attention to it.
       After eating the pastry, Jao-Jao began to complain with Yu-Xi. It is said that these days, Huo Changqing is locked up and can't sleep well. Standing on the side of the licorice, I heard tears, and felt that her big family Miss had a hard time.
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Jao-Jao and loved to pity:
       "Jao-Jao, wait for the bride to take you to the Master, tell him that you will not go to martial arts, and stay in the backyard to read and read."
       Jao-Jao was a little scared when he heard this, and he shook his head and said:
       "Mother, don't go, you have to say, ‘Laozi must definitely shut me up again.
       "It’s not terrible to beat anything. It’s terrible to be locked up in the yard and not let her out. Just what Jao-Jao said is true, and these days are really not good to sleep.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "If you don't want to, don't talk about complaining later." Although she knows that Jao-Jao is unconsciously complaining about two sentences, it can be troublesome to develop such a habit.
       Jao-Jao said after a sigh:
       "Mother, I want to eat braised pork, potato stewed beef, but also to eat roast lamb." This small half-month, Jao-Jao is still more than meat in the women's martial arts. Although there was no meat in the women's martial arts, everyone was eating the same, and it was forbearing. But during this time Huo Changqing, in order to punish Jao-Jao, deliberately took Ade chicken, duck and fish every day, and gave Jao-Jao a plate of vegetables and a bowl of goat's milk eggs every day. Made Jao-Jao every time he ate, he was sentenced to punishment.
       During the time when Jao-Jao had been in the front yard, Yu-Xi also knew it. Yu-Xi touched the head of Jao-Jao and said:
       "At noon, eat braised pork with potatoes and beef stew, and eat lamb at night." Roasted lamb is too angry, Yu-Xi did not dare to let Jao-Jao eat.
       The brushed lamb is very good. Drinking a bowl of mutton soup in the cold weather, the whole person is warm.
       Jao-Jao grinned and said:
       "it is good."
       Because the first thing is handed over to Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi only reviews the book, so Yun-Qing  is now in the house for most of the time. He ate lamb at night and he appeared on time.
       Yu-Xi ate with Jao-Jao and said, "No more food, or else it will be supported. Jao-Jao, you have to learn with Lu-Er." Yu -Xi is not angry, children can't fill their stomachs when they come across. At this time, the Darens must be supervised.
       Lu-Er put down the spoon in his hand and said with a milky voice:
       "-Sister-sister, Mama said that eating seven points is enough."
       Jao-Jao, although somewhat reluctant, put the bowl down.
       Then twisted and pinched Lu-Er's little face and said; "Know it."
       Lu-Er took the hand of Jao-Jao very disgustingly and said with a sigh:
       "Dirty." Finished, toward the pomegranate road standing next to her:
       "Washing your face." Unlike Jao-Jao, who is like a kid, Lu-Er is extremely particular. If she does not wash her face, she will not eat again.
       Pomegranate saw Yu-Xi nod and was busy holding Lu-Er to wash his face.
       Yun-Qing  laughed and said:
       "This Yatou is also a little man." But Lu-Er is not the same as Jao-Jao, and this Yatou is also very good.
       After dinner, the family of four went to the garden to go for a walk. Jao-Jao spoke in front of Lu-Er, and Yun-Qing  walked slowly behind Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi said while walking:
       "This day, Xu Wu told me that Xiaoshi--Shi wants to stay away from Xiang Wei Guo. Is this what Cui Mo told you?"
       A few days ago, Yun-Qing  told her about this, Yu-Xi was on the mind, and Xu Wu took care of the matter the next day.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head:
       "Xu Wu didn't tell me." Xu Wu, as a former personal guard of Yun-Qing , couldn't know if he wouldn't take care of his family's chores. So Yun-Qing  didn't ask, and he wouldn't specifically say this to Yun-Qing .
       Yu-Xi also had no smile on his face and said:
       "Small --Shi was pregnant and was defeated by Yan-shi. Xiang Wei Guo also defended Yan-shi, saying that he was not careful, Xiaoxi--Shi was gray Under the cold, it was proposed and separated." Such a husband can not stand anyone. Now and away, you can marry a young man. Otherwise, it will be destroyed in Xiang Wei Guo for a lifetime.
       Yun-Qing  turned black and said:
       "For a woman who abandoned her, she even harmed her child. Xiang Wei Guo is really good." If anyone harms his child, he will make the other person die.
       Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing  will be angry because he still has expectations for Xiang Wei Guo. However, Yu-Xi is determined not to reuse such people. Yu-Xi said:
       "Ghosts are fascinated, no one can do anything. I hope he will not make a bad Miss in the future." Fu-Cheng City is a lot of men and women, even if the small family Miss is very precious. If Otaru--Shi is really away from her, and I want to find a good one in Fu-Cheng City with the reputation of Xiang Wei Guo, then don't think about it.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Don't say him." Their family is very happy, but they don't want to hear about these disappointments.
       Xiao Yan--Shi was asked to follow Xiang Wei Guo after leaving Xiaoyuezi. Xiang Wei Guo disagreed, Xiao Yan--Shi was also sad, but this is an accident and no one wants to. Seeing nowhere Xiao--Shi, Xiang Wei Guo found a little --Shi aunt. Xiao Yan--Shi mother-in-law got the guarantee of Xiang Wei Guo, and also advised Xiaoyu--Shi to live with Xiang Wei Guo.
       It is a pity that Xiao Yan--Shi has eaten the scales and irons, and must be separated. Even if she is threatening to sever her relationship with her, she is determined to stay away from it.
       Because of the decision to be separated, Yan Fang has already moved out of the house. Because she couldn't get back to her family, she would rent a room outside.
       --Shi found Yu Fang, asked:
       "A Fang, are you really determined to leave?"
       When she said this door, she didn't agree with her, but she took a look at Xiang Wei Guo future. Plus, Fang Fang is willing to do it herself, and she has no objection. Until now, --Shi is really regretting, knowing that it will be done like this, even if she is offended by the little uncle, she will have to cope with this marriage.
       Yan Fang said firmly:
       "Yan-shi has harmed my child. I just played Yan-shi. Xiang Wei Guo is going to start with the woman. Big-sister, but I won't want to go anywhere. And away. Big-sister, I really can't live this day."
       --Shi did not persuade, said:
       "Since you have made up your mind and left it, you can't find it! Three-legged ‘servants are not easy to find, and men with two legs are there.
       The only trouble is uncle."
       Yan Fang is also an idea, saying:
       "Big-sister, I will not have a clean day in Fu-Cheng City after I left with Xiang Wei Guo. After I left, I will leave here." Her mother-in-law gave the one given by Xiang Wei Guo.
       The advantage is that if she stays with Xiang Wei Guo and stays in Fu-Cheng City, she will not have a good time.
       --Shi is clear to her little uncle temperament, so she said that she had no objection to leave Tongcheng. --Shi thought about it:
       "Where do you want to go?"
       Yan Fang said:
       "Where to go anywhere, as long as it is not in Fu-Cheng City and Xinping City." Now the world is good, as long as you are willing to go anywhere can not be hungry.
       --Shi said silently:
       "It’s so easy for a woman to go out alone to discuss life. It’s not anxious, wait until you leave the month and say it." --Shi is very guilty for failing to stop this marriage, so she is guilty, so she I want to find a good place for --Shi, so I can make up for it.
       Yan Fang naturally heard the meaning of --Shi:
       "Big-sister, thank you." The family objected to her and Xiang Wei Guo, and only --Shi not only did not object, but also supported her.
       After going back, --Shi and Cui Mo mentioned this:
       "Afang wants to leave Fu-Cheng City and I want to find a good place for her."
       Cui Mo also thinks that Xiang Wei Guo is confused, but he does not want Cui Mo and Xiao Wei--Shi and away from:
       "Is there really no room for change? Wei Guo, he doesn't want to leave." Although Xiaoxi--Shi looks ordinary, but the housekeeper is a good hand. After becoming a relative, Xiao Wei--Shi took care of Xiang Wei Guo food, clothing and accommodation. And Xiao Yan--Shi is still a --Shi Courtyard-sister, if it is separated, then --Shi certainly does not want to see him.
       This woman will blow the pillow wind in Cui Mo ear in the future, which will also affect their brotherhood.
       --Shi whispered and said:
       "As long as Xiang Wei Guo is now married to Yan-shi, I will immediately advise Afang to let her not leave."
       Cui Mo said:
       "So, there is no room for change."
       --Shi whistling:
       "No, you told him that since I couldn't bear the poisonous woman, I would agree and let go, or don't blame me for not giving him a face." After that, --Shi said with Cui Mo:
       "I warn you, don't talk to him less in the future, and you are not allowed to come home. Otherwise, don't blame me."
       See you in Cui Mo  Erxi is worried, nodded:
       "I asked him to say this later. Since the Courtyard-girl didn't want to go with him, it was solved earlier!" After the matter was solved, Xiang Wei Guo business would not be managed anymore. Fishing, but also provoked a servant.

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