Han Yuxi 1350

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1350   Dangerous (1)  

       The moon is flickering in the dark clouds, and the hearts of the people follow.
       Standing on the wall in the southeast, looking at the open space in the distance, he said:
       "According to the news, Feng Dajun has already merged with Yun-Qing . It is estimated that in two days, they will hit the capital."
       Gui Sanliang is happy:
       "High general, is there an enemy of 550 thousand horses?"
       They have only a total of 200 thousand horses, not to mention combat effectiveness, only half of the number of opponents. In this case, how can you keep it.
       Gao Nandong did not answer this question, but asked Tie-Kui:
       "General Iron, what do you think?"
       Tie-Kui Said:
       "Yun-Qing is a regular victory general, as long as he has a high morale. With a much larger number than us, we have no chance of winning this situation."
       This is the big truth, and there is no rebuttal in the high southeast. It just says:
       "The city is in the people, the city is dead." He is ready to swear to guard the capital.
       Gui Sanliang did not answer, he did not want to die at all. If it wasn't for the situation, he would never take the initiative to fight.
       Tie-Kui sees Gui Sanliang's reaction in his eyes. If you don't want to die, you have the opportunity to pull into the camp.
       Standing on the wall, confidential things will not be said. When the city wall was down, Gao Dongnan said to Tie-Kui and Gui Sanliang:
       "Go home and see, when the rebels come in, they can't go back." He decided to defend the city, and also asked Tie-Kui and Gui Sanliang to defend the city.
       Back to the house, Li Chun, a confidant in the southeast, said:
       "The general, what you have commanded is already done."
       Gao Southeast has nodded.
       Li Chun said with some hesitation:
       "General, do you really want to burn the palace?"
       It’s a pity that I don’t know how much manpower and material I built to build a palace.
       Gaodong is the loyalty of Yan Wu-shuang:
       "Since the emperor has commanded us, we naturally have to act in accordance with the purpose." As for the unfortunate, it is not within his consideration.
       Li Chun didn't talk anymore.
       Gao Southeast asked:
       "What is the difference between Guifu and Tiefu?"
       Yan Wu-shuang does not trust Tie-Kui, but also does not trust Gui Sanliang. Although Gui Sanliang's parents and his ‘Madam’ and children are both in Liaodong, Gui Sanliang should not be rebellious, but everything is in case, so it is better to be cautious.
       Li Chun shook his head:
       “There is nothing different.” Gui Sanliang smashed several rooms in the capital, Small Concubine, and gave birth to five shi-zis. On most days, there is a lot of competition in your house. The last time, the small Concubine of Gui Sanliang is now very well.
       High Southeast:
       "Do not pay close attention to the movements of Tiefu and Guifu, especially the Iron House. Anything different must be with me." This is Yan Wu-shuang's deliberate account.
       Li Chun nodded.
       Xiao-Shi body has been raised almost, just to escape from Liaodong to be sick. This matter, even the two daughters are jealous. The main thing is that it is too big. I am afraid that my daughter will not be able to hide my secrets.
       Tie-Kui had not entered the room and heard a cheerful laugh. When I entered the house, I saw two daughters sitting at the bed and talking to Xiao-shi. Three mothers and daughters, smiled and smiled on their faces. However, when the two sisters saw Tie-Kui, the smile on their faces was gone.
       Ruyi Ruyi stood up and gave Tie-Kui a courtesy:
       "Hey." For Xiao-Shi and Tie-Kui, there are two attitudes.
       Tie-Kui sighed and said to them:
       "You go back to your own house first, and I will talk to your mother." Because the situation is now turbulent, the 2nd Miss are also moved to the main court.
       "Yes." After the two men agreed to look at Xiao-Shi, see Xiao-Shi nodded and they went out.
       Xiao-Shi said with some apologies:
       "Old Master, the children don't know Misunderstanding Old Master, Old Master don't be angry." Because Tie-Kui loved Con Conbbine before, Xiao-Shi and Ruyi sisters suffered a lot of grievances. Even though Tie-Kui later changed his attitude, the two sisters were alienated from Tie-Kui.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said nothing:
       “These years have indeed wronged them.” The two Di Daughters often suffer from the martyrdom of Tie-Kui concubine, but they are not wronged.
       Xiao-Shi used to hate Tie-Kui before, but she was embarrassed and distressed after knowing the truth:
       "Old Master is also involuntarily." If it is not for identity reasons, Tie-Kui does not need to play for Yan Wu-shuang.
       "Without ten days, Ming Wang will lead the troops to the capital. When Wangye enters Capital City, I will be free." When I said this, Tie-Kui words were very brisk.
       Xiao-Shi is very worried, repeating the previous topic again:
       "Old Master, must you disclose your identity? If you are openly identifiable, Yan Wu-shuang will definitely poison you. The gun is easy to hide and the arrow is difficult to defend. Old Master, please also think twice." She only wants Tie-Kui Live alive and don't want Tie-Kui to fall into a more dangerous situation because of his exposure.
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "I haven't waited for more than 30 years." Even if he didn't announce his identity, Yan Wu-shuang couldn't spare him. If he was assassinated by Yan Wu-shuang, he did not announce his identity, and he was not very bad.
       Xiao-Shi can't tell Tie-Kui, tears come.
       Tie-Kui helped her wipe her tears and said:
       "Don't be sad, wait for Ming Wang to capture the capital. I will take you to Yucheng when I arrive. There is the world of Ming Wang and Wangfei, and Yan Wu-shuang's hand can't reach it any longer." As long as he is cautious, Yan Wu-shuang doesn't find a chance even if he wants to kill him.
       Xiao-Shi hesitated and said:
       "Old Master, can you not announce the identity of Zhan's first?" The husband did not listen to himself, but she did not want her son to be in danger.
       Tie-Kui, a voice:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is not dead, I will not announce the identity of Zhan Er. But when I arrive in Yucheng, I will let you see Zhan's." The most sorry person in his life, not two daughters, but Xiao- - Shi-shi, in order to guard against Yan Wu-shuang, deliberately pampered his ‘Madam’. For the sake of their son's safety, let their mother and child not get along with each other for a day. Think about it, Tie-Kui can't do it.
       Referring to the son, Xiao-Shi tears could not help but fall. I thought about it for eight years, and I am finally going to see my son.
       After talking for such a long time, Tie-Kui finally told Xiao-shi:
       "After two days, the capital will be more chaotic. At that time, I will send someone to send you to go with the children."
       Xiao-Shi asked:
       "Go? Go to the city?"
       Tie-Kui shakes his head:
       "Avoid other places. Only Wangye and Wangfei know my identity. Once the city breaks, I am worried that you will be affected by the time, so I found a place in advance and moved in." It was prepared to be injured by the Northwest Army. It is also a defense against Yan Wu-shuang. The place was arranged by the Falcon and it was very safe.
       Xiao-Shi nodded:
       "it is good."
       Also confessed, Tie-Kui left.
       Ruyi likes to enter the house, see Xiao-Shi eyelids red and swollen. If the temper is more violent, see the situation is not good:
       "Mother, what did you say?"
       Xiao-Shi said:
       "If you are lucky, you said that the situation outside is very chaotic recently, and I want to restrain people in the house from going out."
       Ruhui is obviously not convinced. If only to say this, why the mother will cry.
       Xiao-Shi sighed:
       "I told you before, you have a hard time." Don't wait for the inquiry, Xiao-Shi:
       "You will understand later."
       Ruyi speech is suddenly big:
       "Can you have any difficulties? If it is not his bias Lu-Shi, the younger sister will not die." Mei Mei death is the deepest pain in the heart.
       Looking at her daughter's hysterical look, Xiao-Shi couldn't help but say:
       "She is not..." When she didn't finish talking, she heard outside Servant saying that Zhong-Shan wanted to see.
       Xiao-Shi does not want to go on. These things will be explained to my daughter later. Don't say it at this time.
       On the night of the night, the Falcon got the news that Li Chun, the confidant of the southeast, took a lot of tung oil from the military camp. As for the usefulness, it is still unclear.
       The red eagle said with a dignified face:
       "When you take tung oil at this time, is there any ulterior motive?"
       Tung oil is essential when playing nightingale.
       The Falcon quickly saw this goal:
       "High Southeast is afraid to burn the palace."
       The Red Eagle said:
       "If this is the case, the boss, we must stop it." The palace burned down and wanted to rebuild it without knowing how much money it would cost. And such a large-scale construction, afraid that a five-year-old is not built.
       After that, the red eagle bitterly said:
       "How can I stop it?"
       Gao Southeast is now in power, and he will burn it if he orders it.
       The falcon's look did not speak, and it was able to stop only Tie-Kui in the southeast. Moreover, if Tie-Kui can get ahead of time, they can also reduce unnecessary casualties. Therefore, you must see Tie-Kui side.
       The next morning, Zhong-Shan received a letter, about Tie-Kui met at Zhao Yuelou. Looking at the imprint, Zhong-Shan has a slight change in appearance. This wind-tip falcon wants to see his own Old Master. I am afraid that there is a very urgent matter.
       Without a moment of hesitation, Zhong-Shan immediately entered the house with Xiao-Shi said this:
       "Madam, if you don't want to be suspicious, you can only grieve Madam." He wants Xiao-shi to be in a coma, so he sent a notice to Tie-Kui will not lead the high southeast and secretly monitor them. The suspicion of the person.
       Xiao-Shi is hesitant:
       "The bell housekeeper, you said that they will not want the Old Master to do dangerous things." It doesn't matter if you are in a coma, but she is afraid that the other person wants her husband to do something that is life-threatening.
       Zhong-Shan also has this concern, but he still speaks:
       "Do not do this, in the Old Master." They can't make decisions for Tie-Kui.
       Xiao-Shi nodded and agreed.
       Changdu County is more than four hundred miles away from the capital. It takes two to three days for the army to arrive.
       Standing on the wall, Gao Dongnan and Tie-Kui said:
       "At the latest tomorrow afternoon, Yun-Qing will arrive."
       Gui Sanliang and Tie-Kui have no buzz. For Yun-Qing , they have no chance of winning even one point.
       Silence, Tie-Kui said:
       "I don't know if the emperor is going to Shengjing now?"
       Yan Wu-shuang has been away from Capital City for a few days, and it’s almost time to get to Shengjing.
       Gao Nannan did not hesitate to say:
       "It must be."
       When Gui Sanliang just wanted to speak, he heard A Shao quickly approaching Tie-Kui:
       "Old Master, just sent a message from home to say that Madam was frightened and fainted, and hasn't woken up yet."
       Tie-Kui ‘Madam’ is not good, and the high southeast is also known. If not, Xiao-Shi will definitely be on the way to Shengjing.
       Tie-Kui asked with no expression:
       "It’s still good to go back to Madam yesterday. What's going to happen?”
       A Shao did not dare to look up at Tie-Kui:
       “Madam heard the people in the temple breaking their mouths, thinking that the anti-King led the troops to the outside of the capital. When they were scared, they passed out.”
       Tie-Kui said with a cold face:
       "Did you ask the doctor to treat Madam?"
       Xiao-Shi physical condition is the clearest, fearing that there is something critical.
       See Asha nod, Tie-Kui:
       "You go back and tell the bell housekeeper that I can't leave, and the things in the house make him more trouble."
       Thinking of his ‘Madam’ and children in Liaodong, Gui Sanliang was somewhat intolerant and said:
       "Iron brother, I want to come to respect Madam. The situation is very serious. You still have to go back!"
       Tie-Kui is hesitant, but still shaking his head:
       "Where is the situation, where can I walk away at will."
       Seeing this in high Southeast:
       "Go back and see it! When the rebels come in, you can't go back."
       "Thank you for the high general." After that, Tie-Kui hurried back.
       Looking at the rapid pace of Tie-Kui, Gui Sanliang smiled and said:
       "The rumor that the Iron General does not like the original match, it seems to be misunderstood." Gui Sanliang's ‘Madam’ is his cousin, the husband and ‘Madam’ relationship is very good. Although he likes beauty, he still respects his ‘Madam’.
       If Yan Wu-shuang is sure to doubt, it is too coincidental. But if you switch to high southeast, you don’t think so much:
       "In the end is the ‘Madam’ of the hair." Moreover, Xiao-shi also gave birth to two daughters for Tie-Kui. There is a danger to life now, and it’s too ruthless to miss it. Tie-Kui especially takes care of his brother's family, and he will be really ruthless about his ‘Madam’.
       Gui Sanliang couldn’t help but say:
       "I can still see my ‘Madam’ and children, I am afraid I will never see them again."
       The high southeast is also silent. His ‘Madam’ and children are also in Shengjing. In this life, I will never see you again.
       Back home, Tie-Kui asked Zhong-Shan with:
       "What must I have to come back?"
       After listening to Zhong-Shan, Tie-Kui sighed: I will meet at this time, presumably there is something very important. ”
       When I entered the house, I saw two daughters crying red and swollen. When I saw Tie-Kui, I couldn’t control it first, and cried and said:
       "Hey, the doctor said that she is...", she really can't say it.
       Ru Hui also cried so badly.
       Tie-Kui touched his forehead and said softly:
       "Don't be afraid, you will not have something for your mother."
       Zhang Imperial Doctor and the Imperial Doctor, all of them went to Shengjing. The doctor who came to see Xiao-Shi is Huichuntang’s doctor.
       The doctor said:
       "General Iron, * If you didn't wake up before tomorrow morning, you are afraid that you will wake up again." Xiao-Shi pulse is sometimes absent, his face pale and weak, and he looks like he is not alive.
       Tie-Kui squinted:
       "If the doctor can save me Madam, I will definitely thank you."
       The doctor shook his head:
       "Old Madam has tried his best." Can save him for sure, but Xiao-Shi is not within his ability.
       If the two sisters wished to hear this, they would cry out loud.
       Tie-Kui still has to go to Zhao Yuelou, and there is not much time left at home. Looking forward to the wish, Tie-Kui said:
       "Take care of your mother and Mei Mei."
       I was a little scared, I couldn’t help but -called:
       "Hey, can you not go?"
       Tie-Kui is at, she can still feel at ease. If Tie-Kui is gone, there is no accident in the house.
       Tie-Kui didn't hesitate to shake his head:
       "No, now I’m fighting outside, I can’t stay at home. If you have anything, just tell the bell housekeeper.”
       Ruyi red eyes nodded.

       Chapter 1351   Dangerous (2)  

       Zhao Yuelou is not a famous restaurant in Capital City, but it is on the way to the main entrance of the capital.
       When I arrived at Zhao Yuelou Tie-Kui, I went to A Shao said:
       "This is also noon, and I will return to the military camp after dinner."
       A Shao nodded:
       "it is good."
       When entering the box, there were no other people in the room. But when the dishes are finished, the Falcons are coming out of the dark door.
       Tie-Kui saw A Shao took out his knife and said:
       "Own people." I didn't tell Asha before, not to trust him, but the less people know the better.
       In these years, Tie-Kui did not disclose his identity with Asha and his relationship with the Northwest. It can be used as a confidant of Tie-Kui, and it is impossible to find out that it is impossible. It’s just that his family’s life was saved by Tie-Kui, and he never asked if he had doubts.
       Upon hearing this, A Shao put the knife back in the blade and lowered the voice and said:
       "Old Master, I went outside to get the wind."
       "No." If you go out to the wind, it will lead to doubt. And since Tie-Kui can come out from the secret door, it shows that Zhao Yuelou is their site. That's all, there is no need to take the wind.
       Zhao Yuelou has been in the capital for more than 30 years. The owner of the restaurant was formerly the Huangshang dealer. The dealer later turned to Yan Wu-shuang and sent her daughter to the palace. I don't know, the dealer even turned to Ming Wang.
       Tie-Kui asked the Falcon sitting down and asked:
       "What is so urgent?"
       If it is not an urgent matter, he will not see him at this juncture.
       The falcon calmly said:
       "High Southeast is preparing to transport the tung oil into the palace, ready to burn all the palaces." If you only burn one or two palaces, you don't need so much tung oil.
       Tie-Kui is not surprising at all:
       "I would rather leave it to the enemy than to destroy it. This is the style of Yan Wu-shuang."
       "If the palace is burned, it is a pity." The construction of this palace does not know how much manpower, material and financial resources are spent. If rebuilt, a short time is impossible.
       Tie-Kui understood it as soon as he heard the words and asked:
       "Do you mean that I want to stop the high southeast?"
       Tie-Kui nodded.
       A Shao saw that Tie-Kui did not refuse, but fell into meditation and immediately rushed:
       "Old Master, this is too dangerous. Yan Wu-shuang has been not worried about you, and many people have secretly monitored. If the general has action, he will definitely be discovered by him." Once found, the Old Master will definitely be dead.
       The Falcon did not speak, just looking at Tie-Kui.
       After a while, Tie-Kui asked:
       "This is what you mean, or what does Wangye mean with Wangfei?"
       This is very important for Tie-Kui.
       The Falcon said:
       “Wangfei has a long-term order and cannot force Jiu Old Master to do things that he does not want to do.”
       Listening to the words Jiu Old Master, A Shao eyes widened. He seems to know something that is incredible.
       Tie-Kui has a lot of peace of mind, and Yu-Xi didn't want him to die because of a palace.
       “Where is Wangye now? When can I get there?”
       This is very important. Only Yun-Qing came with the army, he will start. Otherwise, he will be in danger. The palace is important again, and his life is not important.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "According to my calculations, the army will not arrive until noon tomorrow." After the election, Tie-Kui said:
       "I am afraid that the southeast night will ignite the palace."
       Tie-Kui shook his head:
       "You don't have to worry about it. It won't be ordered to burn the palace until the last moment." Fire in the palace, this will inevitably be recorded in history books. Unless there is no way, no one wants to leave a bad reputation in history books.
       Not afraid of 10 thousand, I am afraid of it. But looking at Tie-Kui look, the Falcon did not say this. Tie-Kui Different people, he does not dare to force:
       "Once the high southeast ordered the fire to burn the palace, we will start. Jiu Old Master, do you think so?"
       "Yes." It’s really the point to burn the palace, which shows that the capital is almost impossible to keep. Although everyone knows that the capital can't keep it, the high southeast has been determined to stay for some time.
       When I paused, Tie-Kui asked:
       "How is Azhan now?"
       He is most concerned about this son.
       Falcon has not received any news about Ning Chan recently:
       "You Young Master in Wangfu, Wangfei will definitely take care of him." Ning Zhan is Wangfei cousin, plus Tie-Kui is doing things for him, how can I take care of it.
       At this time, Yan Kai said outside:
       "General, General Gui sent someone to call you back."
       Tie-Kui asked in a deep voice:
       "Is the rebels coming?"
       If it were not for the rebels, the high southeast would not have such a rush to let him go back.
       Yan Kai walked into the house, and the Falcon was no longer there:
       "I don't know, the people didn't say it." Even if the rebels are not coming, they must be related to it.
       Looking at the food that didn't move on the table, Tie-Kui said to Asha:
       "Package is brought back." Zhao Yuelou meals, although not expensive, are not cheap.
       Seeing the high southeast, Tie-Kui asked eagerly:
       "The general, what happened? Is the rebels coming?"
       Gao Dongnan said with a dignified face:
       "The rebels have been fifty miles away." He did not expect the rebels to come so fast.
       Tie-Kui is in the dark, but the face is still deliberately revealing a look of horror:
       "So fast? Isn't it the first time I have to arrive at noon tomorrow?"
       "They were marching last night." It is equal to saying that the Northwest Army did not rest, and kept on the road day and night. I had been in Baoding for three days, and now I am on the road day and night. I can't figure out the number of Yun-Qing roads in the southeast.
       Gui Sanliang changed his face and said:
       "Is that not tonight?"
       According to the speed of the Northwest Army, it is enough to go outside the city at night.
       High southeast face ugly nod. The speed of the Northwest Army, where is fighting, is simply on the road.
       Thinking of this, the high southeast is seriously showing despair. He thought he could keep it for a month or two. But today's scene, I am afraid that it will not be able to keep it for half a month.
       In fact, many people have doubts about the behavior of Yun-Qing . Feng Zhiyu asked Feng Dajun:
       "Hey, Wangye had been resting in Baoding for many days before, and now he is on the road day and night, and it doesn't feel right." I always feel that there is something wrong here.
       Feng Dajun said with a smile:
       "Wangye lets you do it, you do it, what are so many problems?"
       "Hey, you didn't know it?"
       He thought that Feng Dajun knew it! I didn’t know it for a long time.
       "Wangye didn't tell me that it must be a small matter." After that, Feng Dajun looked at Feng Zhi Said:
       "In the future, you should listen more and more to the world, but you can't ask more." Naturally, you want to let you know that you can't ask more if you don't know. Asked more about being dismissed or trivial, I am afraid that you are too big.
       Feng Zhiyi nodded:
       "I know this."
       As I spoke, I saw Lu Bai and said:
       "General general, Wangye has please." The army is in front, they are behind. Mainly they ride horses, the speed is faster.
       At the end of the Hai Family, the striker camp went outside the capital. After a few hours of rest, the day began to attack the city, and the offensive was very fierce.
       Gui Sanliang got the news and couldn’t help but open the way:
       "Is this a bunch of madmen?"
       Keep on the road day and night, and then open up, no need to rest.
       Tie-Kui said with a slap in the face:
       "They have 550 thousand horses and can take turns to attack the city." Some people attacked the city and some of them rested. And they are few people, weapons and equipment are not as good as others, if not for the city wall is strong, it is estimated that they will lose their helmets for up to three days.
       Gao Nannan was waiting to speak, and he saw his close-fitting follower, and sighed in his ear.
       Gao Southeast frowned, but nodded, then went down the wall.
       After a quarter of an hour, the high southeastern followers went up to the tower and said to Tie-Kui: "General Iron, the general has something to look for."
       Tie-Kui sighed in the heart, but did not reveal a half point on the face, nodded:
       "it is good."
       Under the wall, Tie-Kui entered the camp.
       The high-south-eastern look is very complex in staring at Tie-Kui:
       "Why did you go to Zhao Yuelou on your way back from home yesterday?"
       Tie-Kui guessed it was for this:
       "General, this thing I told you yesterday." He said two words yesterday, saying that he wants to eat a good meal before the war. At that time, there was not much thought in the high southeast, but now I have to think more.
       Gao Dongnan gently licked the table and said:
       "Yes? Then why do you only follow your confidant when you eat?"
       Not waiting for Tie-Kui to open, the high southeast sneer:
       "Dining is fake, seeing people is true, right?"
       If it is the average person, it is estimated that the legs are already soft when you hear this, but the psychological quality of Tie-Kui is very strong. Not only did not panic, but instead showed a sardonic smile:
       "High general, why do you want to add sin?" If you want to kill me, you can do it directly. You don't need to have all these things."
       Gao Nandong did not argue with Tie-Kui:
       "I misunderstood you or you have long been distracted, and you will soon know." If Tie-Kui has already turned to Ming Wang, let alone the words, that is, the use of punishment may not allow him to tell the truth. Even the Emperor did not catch his handle, he was even more impossible. However, the follower may not have such psychological qualities.
       Tie-Kui coldly said:
       "These people are most eager to make a move, instead of waiting for their confession, not to punish me now."
       High Southeast Station stands up:
       "You come with me." Since Tie-Kui is not satisfied, let him be convinced.
       Was beaten without a piece of good meat, and A Shao did not spit out a word. But when I saw my ‘Madam’ and children, A Shao face changed:
       "What is going on for me, don't move them."
       The head of the special agent who stayed in charge of the Capital City intelligence station stood in front of Asha and said:
       "You have to say what you know, I not only spared them, but even you, I will let go."
       A Shao said with a bite:
       "What do you want me to say? I know everything." He gave Tie-Kui corruption and bribery. But these are not what the day wants.
       A piece of red-hot Tie-Kui was branded on Asha, and the white sneer sneered:
       "Don't you say?"
       A Shao daughter-in-law has seen such a posture, so I can't hang it. Finally stabilized God, she cried:
       "When you are home, they want to know what, you tell them." Keeping your family's life is important, as for Tie-Kui, you can't manage that much.
       A Shao still said that he knew it. I don't know, he doesn't want to make a mess.
       Bai Hao pointed the arrow at the chest of A Shao eldest son and said:
       "You don't say it anymore, I will kill him with one arrow."
       A Shao daughter-in-law was on the ground:
       "When you are home, you know what you know." Tie-Kui Although it is not thin for their family, how can this compare with his son?
       A Shao hates not to eat white, but for his son he can only compromise:
       "What do you want me to say, I will say."
       The words just fell, and the white sword pierced the child's chest. After the child fell to the ground, the white sword pointed to the chest of A Shao eldest daughter:
       "Don't you say?"
       A Shao ‘Madam’ wanted to rush to fight with the white, but he was kicked to the ground when he was not close. A Shao ‘Madam’ burst into tears:
       "When you are home, you are going to say, you are going to talk!"
       A Shao roared:
       "Let me say something? Nothing, let me say?"
       If there is no yesterday, he may confess under this pressure. But now I know that Tie-Kui is the servant of Yu-Xi. Where can he confess? Once confessed, Tie-Kui will die, and he will not want to live if he kills Tie-Kui. Not only his family can't live, but his parents and Brother and sisters can't live.
       When Tie-Kui came to the southeast, he happened to see this scene. Tie-Kui kicked the door and sneered:
       "There is the ability to come to me and force my subordinates to do something."
       The high southeastern face is so gloomy that it is about to drip out water, toward the white said:
       "Is this the evidence you said is conclusive?"
       If it is not rational, he will really want to cut the day. When the war broke out, he said that he was too busy or afraid that they would not be fast enough.
       Bai Hao did not expect A Shao mouth to be so hard, but did not expect Gao Dongnan to personally come over:
       "The general, Tie-Kui has long been in the northwest, this is an indisputable fact."
       "Oh..." A slap in the face, successfully shutting down the day.
       High southeast cold channel:
       "If it is not for the sake of the emperor, I will cut your head now." Then he turned and left.
       Tie-Kui let the follow-up escort put A Shao down from the iron frame and look at the day before leaving:
       "If I don't die in this battle, then you are dead." If you don't do anything, it's not like his acting style.
       In a twinkling of an eye, the criminal room will have white people.
       After a while, Bai Hao sneered:
       "I don't believe you can hide for a lifetime." One day, the fox's tail will be revealed.
       Tie-Kui took A Shao back to Tiefu, and then called Yan Kai into the house and said to him:
       "You go to tell the high southeast, saying that I have an old episode, I can't beat it." I took this opportunity to pick up the child, and I wouldn't doubt him in the southeast.
       Yan Kaiyi.
       Tie-Kui sighs:
       "What are you doing, don't go too fast." He knew that it was impossible to stay at home, but this gesture must be manifested. Otherwise, if you are wronged and not angry, you are not more suspicious.
       "Yes, general." After that, Yan Kai was busy going out.
       Zhong-Shan knows this, the sweat on his forehead is down:
       "Good insurance." If A Shao confessed, his old Master will definitely be killed by the high southeast.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "This is the last time." He will not be the fish on the chop board anymore.
       Zhong-Shan said with some concerns:
       "Old Master, can the high general let you rest at home?"
       "No." But before the high southeast forced him to go to the front line, he could do a lot of things.

       Chapter 1352   Rebel (1)  

       The high southeast returned to the camp and sent a temper. These people are not doing anything, they know that the mess, the problem is that he is still stupid enough to believe these people words.
       Followed by He Zi, said:
       "The general, the most important thing now is to appease the iron general. If not, after this time, I can't tell Tie-Kui will be a betrayal."
       This time has nothing to do with the generals of the family. It is all done by the emperor. If it weren’t for the general to guard against Tie-Kui before he left, there would be no such thing.
       Gao Dongnan said:
       "Tie-Kui people?"
       Just apologetically, I forgot to apologize to Tie-Kui.
       I know that Tie-Kui is going home, and I am prepared to pick up the child and do not do it. The qi and sorrows are not doing business, and the suspicion of Yan Wu-shuang is also tempting. Tie-Kui wants to pick up the child at this critical juncture.
       He Zigao advised:
       "General, you have to go and ask him to come back."
       Gao Southeast has a voice:
       "Go now." The rebels are about to hit the door, they are still engaged in civil strife, it is difficult to lose.
       Tie-Kui did not have any sentimentality. After Gao Nannan apologized to him, he followed the front line.
       The city walls were strong, and the southeastern country swears to defend the city. It took six days and six nights, and the army did not board the tower.
       Jao-Jao replaced the armor and went to the coaching camp. The result was stopped by Yi:
       “Wangye is sleeping, and the County Owner will wait for it!” Jao-Jao went in and made a sound, which will definitely wake up Wangye. Yun-Qing is not easy to fall asleep, or let him sleep more.
       Jao-Jao went to Qihaowu to find him.
       At this time, Qi Hao was watching the military book. He heard that footsteps and he knew that Jao-Jao had come.
       Looking at the "Sun Tzu Art of War" in Qi Hao hands, Jao-Jao said:
       "A-Hoa, are you still looking at the military books now?"
       In front of him, he was not nervous at all.
       Qi Hao put down the military book and asked:
       "Don't read a book, what do you think I should do? I just want to go to the battlefield, I won't promise." You can't go to war, you will fall asleep, and he naturally needs to find something to do.
       Jao-Jao looked at the calm Kai Hao and couldn’t help but say:
       "Qi Hao, has been playing for six days and six nights, there is no sign of the other side defeat."
       Kai Hao looked indifferent and said:
       "Big sister, this is too easy before, suddenly you will not be able to stand up when you encounter hard?"
       This psychological quality is too bad, and it still needs a lot of experience.
       If you let Jao-Jao know the idea of ​​Kaihao, I am afraid that it is depressed and wants to vomit blood.
       Jao-Jao looked at the look of Qi Hao and said with annoyance:
       "A-Hoa, we have lost more than 50 thousand people and seriously injured more than 40 thousand people. In addition to the heavy casualties when playing Beibei, I have never killed and injured so many people at other times."
       "When the attack on Yucheng was carried out, there were more casualties than now." However, when he beat the city, the eldest sister was only three years old and he was not born yet.
       The battle of Yucheng, Jao-Jao is the natural way:
       "In the past, more than 100 thousand casualties were attacked in Yucheng, but now we are almost 100 thousand." The most important thing is that the other side has no signs of defeat, which makes Jao-Jao somewhat anxious.
       Qi Hao looked at Jao-Jao and said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang has been in the capital for more than ten years. Do you think he will let us easily capture the capital?"
       Naturally, it is impossible.
       After saying these words, Kai Hao could not help but sigh and said:
       "Big sister, this is just the beginning. It will be more difficult to play Liaodong in the future." Jao-Jao This will be anxious for the current war, and Kaihao is worried about the future war, and this is the gap between the two.
       Jao-Jao didn't know what to say.
       Qi Hao stood up and said to Jao-Jao:
       "You don't have to worry, we are so wounded and the enemy's casualties are certainly not small. If you want to come, they can't support it for a long time."
       As Kaihao expected, there were more than 80 thousand casualties in the court. A total of 200 thousand people, and now injured 80 thousand, lost nearly half. The Northwestern Army is getting more and more fierce, just like the madman, not to mention the following singularity, that is, the high southeast is worried.
       Gui Sanliang down the city wall and said to the southeast:
       "General, this can only be kept for up to five days." If not half of the 200 thousand horses are Liaodong Army, I am afraid that I can't stand it now.
       When I heard this in Gaodong, it looked a bit ugly. He first thought about the abundant food and equipment, and the well-preserved position. It is no problem to keep the two months. Later, I knew that the number of opponents was more than twice that of them. I thought I should be able to keep it for a month. As a result, now, I can't keep it for half a month.
       "We must fight to the last moment." This is the answer given by Gao Nandong.
       Out of the main camp, Gui Sanliang with decadence. Although he was known as a defending general, he knew that he could not live. Can die to the end, he does not want to die.
       This scene was seen by Tie-Kui not far away. Only he was being watched, so he did not immediately go forward.
       Yan Kai sees Tie-Kui standing still and asks:
       "The general, simply reversed, this is too wrong." His family generals sold their lives for Yan Wu-shuang these years, and almost died several times. The result was not in the hands of Ming Wang, but he almost died in the hands of the dark people. Thinking about A Shao business, Yan Kai is not able to hate Tie-Kui now.
       For Tie-Kui to vote in the northwest, Yan Kai is unaware of it. Otherwise, I will not say this.
       Tie-Kui has no buzz.
       Yan Kai thought that Tie-Kui was struggling and said:
       "General, if you agree, I will go to the third night to let him help to convince General Gui." He is a good brother with the three or two. Mainly the current situation, as long as he does not want to die, he will try to persuade Gui Sanliang to rely on Ming Wang.
       Although no one has retreated so far, many generals in the military know that the capital is unstoppable. Unless it is a loyalty like the high southeast, no one else is willing to become cannon fodder if it is not a last resort.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "Is it wrong, if Gui Sanliang sells me? Bai Hao originally wanted to put me to death, and seized this thing will not let me go." Yan Kai followed Tie-Kui for 20 years, two Tie-Kui was also convinced that he had been born and died for so many years.
       Yan Kai shook his head and said:
       "As long as Gui Sanliang does not want to die, he will not betray the general."
       However, Yan Kai is worried about another thing:
       "General, I am afraid that we have the heart to vote, Ming Wang does not accept?"
       Tie-Kui did things, he knew it. Ming Wang is a very principled person. Those who know what the generals are doing may not accept them.
       At this point, Tie-Kui is no longer concealed:
       "You don't have to worry about this." See Yan Kai face, Tie-Kui said:
       "Ming Wangfei is my shi-nu."
       Yan Kai was so shocked that he could put an egg in it. After a while, Yan Kai only found his mind:
       "General, are you the singer of Wangfei? How is this possible?"
       The two can't hit a single eight-shot!
       "I have a natural character, and the mother of Mingfei is my sister." Tie-Kui felt a lot easier. This secret has been hidden for more than 30 years, and finally he can finally say it.
       The general is Ming Feifei jealousy, then he does not have to die. The ants are still stealing, not to mention people. Yan Kai returned to the world and was overjoyed:
       "I will go to the third day after waiting."
       Tie-Kui sighed and said:
       "You don't want to tell Gui Sanliang for the time being." It is not afraid of white scorpion. Bai Hao has not yet had the ability to kill him in the army. Just letting Bai Hao know this identity will confuse his plan.
       Yan Kai has a voice:
       "General, going to find the third is my personal behavior, and has nothing to do with the general." Knowing the identity of Tie-Kui, the strategy is naturally to change. Can only suggest that the third, can not directly say the export.
       Tie-Kui does not prevent Yan Kai behavior:
       "White has been staring at me, you are careful." With A Shao business in front, if the white darling dared to catch him, he directly killed the white pheasant, I believe there is nothing to say in the high east. .
       On the evening of the same day, Qi Hao and Yun-Qing said:
       "Hey, I haven't acted until now, I'm afraid that the situation is not good." If not, I am afraid that Tie-Kui has already moved.
       "You don't have to be a grandfather, you can get the capital in six days." At the end of the strong, it won't last long.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "I hope to reduce some casualties." In front of Jao-Jao, Qi Hao is like an Daren. In front of Yun-Qing , he is also a child.
       “Qi Hao, some casualties are inevitable.” He also hopes that Tie-Kui can act as soon as possible so that he can win the capital in the fastest time. But Tie-Kui has no action, it depends on themselves.
       Qi Hao nodded.
       "When we take down the capital, we will go back." Follow-up matters are left to Feng Dajun. It has been more than three months since I left home. He is homesick.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "Hey, go back later? Listen to a lot of people saying how the city is bustling, I want to see." Although he knows that this war, the capital can not restore the glory of the past in a short time, but still want to satisfy the curiosity.
       This request is not excessive, Yun-Qing nodded and promised:
       "Then we will stay for a month." For so long, enough Kaiqi to visit the entire capital.
       Speaking of visiting the capital, Qi Hao couldn’t help but think of Qi-You:
       "Hey, this time back to the city, can you let Axuan and A-You go home?"
       Xuan Ji Er and You Ji-Er don't like military camps, so it is a torment for them to stay in the military camp.
       This thing, Yun-Qing did not loosen:
       "Look at the performance of Xuan Ji Er." If he can't satisfy him, Xuan Ji Er will have to stay in the military camp. As for You Ji-Er, as he intended, the original You Ji-Er was also implicated.
       The Xuan Ji Er who was chanted is not as good as death! When the training was carried out, the result was broken.
       After finishing the medicine, Xuan Ji Er was lying in bed with tears and said to Qi-You:
       "A-You, I want to go home."
       You Ji-Er said helplessly:
       "I have already written to my mother, and I am sure that I will send someone to pick us up soon." This fracture was an accident, not a deliberate one.
       Xuan Ji Er’s tears came down:
       "I don't want to come to this ghost place anymore." I can't sleep well, but I also beat it every day. It can be a miracle for so long.
       You Ji-Er said:
       "He often said that men don't shed blood and don't cry. You should never shed tears in front of you. Otherwise, you will be ready to stay in the military camp for a lifetime."
       Xuan Ji Er was so scared that he quickly took tears.
       Yu-Xi has been very busy these days, and the letter of You Ji-Er was not seen until the evening.
       I saw the letter saying that Xuan Ji hand was broken, and the Yu-Xi eyebrows did not shake. Compared with the injury of Yun-Qing and Jao-Jao, this fracture is nothing.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Xi and Mei-Lan said:
       "You go to the front yard to tell the next year, let Xu Da Nu go to the Qianwei camp tomorrow to pick up Axuan and A-You back."
       Mei-Lan asked:
       “Wangfei, what happened to 3rd Young Master?”
       If there is no accident, Wangfei will not be able to pick up people in the middle of the night.
       Yu-Xi added:
       "Xuan Ji hand fractured, let him come back to recuperate. Right, let Xu Da Nu take the carriage to pick up." The injured bones for one hundred days, if not raised will also fall after suffering.
       Mei-Lan is busy nodding:
       "I will go here."
       Quan Mama took a bowl of Codonopsis sinensis pigeon soup. These days, Quan Mama has three soups a day, and Yu-Xi can't drink and drink hard on the scalp. The benefits are also obvious, many of the following ministers are not good, and the busiest and most tired Yu-Xi is very good.
       After drinking the soup, Quan Mama talked about Xuan Ji Er:
       "Don't let the 3rd Young Master go to the military camp again. It used to be a cold. This time it was a fracture. I don't know what will happen next time?"
       Jao-Jao and Rui Ji Er, they are all in the military camp, and Xuan Ji Er has three times and four incidents.
       "When I come back, I will tell him." Xuan Ji Er is happy, and now he has to force him to take advantage of it.
       After the event in Dongluo County, Yu-Xi now wants to be wider. As long as the child is safe and healthy, the other does not force.
       After a break of more than a minute, Yu-Xi went into the bathroom and took a bath. Now, take a medicated bath every three days.
       Quan Mama sat next to the tub and asked:
       "There have been no reports sent back in the past few days. Is it bad for the war ahead?"
       A few days ago, there was a good news every day.
       Yu-Xi leaned back on the tub with her eyes closed and said:
       "The walls of the capital city are solid. It took more than a month for the Zhou family to fight in Capital City. It is only a few days now, which is so fast." Yan Wu-shuang will easily give up the capital, so this will be a fierce battle. But thinking that Tie-Kui is a deputy, this may end sooner than their husband had expected.
       Quan Mama didn't know what to do, and didn't ask much:
       "When this is done, is it worth considering something?" See Yu-Xi looking at himself, Quan Mama said:
       "The capital has been won, should you consider the matter of the emperor?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This has to be done by Wangye." When she won Jiangnan, she had this idea, but Yun-Qing did not agree, and she did.
       Quan Mama is busy saying:
       "Wangfei, this thing can no longer be done by Wangye."
       Yu-Xi is a bit strange, asks:
       “Why is Mama so concerned about this?”
       Yun-Qing is said to be emperor or not, and has little to do with Quan Mama.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "I want to see you wearing a robes in your lifetime, then I will die without regrets." She taught Yu-Xi as a disciple, but did not expect to become the founding queen, think about it, Quan Mama felt that the fate is amazing.
       "Mama is assured that it will fulfill your wishes." Even if she does not persuade, the following ministers will not allow Yun-Qing to retreat. At this point, it is imperative to say that the emperor is inevitable.
       Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "That's good." When she was out of the palace, she never thought about going back. I did not expect that she would probably be living in the palace in the future.

       Chapter 1353   Rebellion (2)  

       The dark clouds of ink squeezed the sky, hiding the glory of the sky, and sinking like a sinking, as if the whole world was quiet.
       He Zigao heard that there was no sound outside. I don’t know why he was a little uneasy. He always felt that something happened. However, he couldn't bear to wake up the high and southeast of seven days and seven nights, and he walked out lightly.
       Going out of the camp and watching a group of people outside are flustered. He Zigao asked aloud:
       "what happened?"
       At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and after a while, a group of people came in. Headed by Tie-Kui wearing a helmet. To the surprise of He Zi, Tie-Kui held the sword in his hand, and the sword was covered with blood.
       He Zi Gao knows badly and -calls:
       "Tie-Kui, what do you do? Want to rebel?"
       Tie-Kui said with a blank expression:
       "You are right, I am rebelling. If you are interested, join us. If you don't know me, just go out with those who are defying the outside." The rebel people were all killed by him.
       Not waiting for He Zigao to answer, Gao Dongnan came out from the inside. Such a big movement outside, how can you not be awakened by the shallow southeast?
       Gao Dongnan walked to Tie-Kui and said:
       "General Iron, the emperor treats you not thin, why do you want to betray the emperor?"
       Tie-Kui does not give high-south nonsense at all, ask:
       "High general, I only ask you one sentence, is it not falling?"
       Gao Nannan did not want to take out the sword he wore and cut it toward Tie-Kui. At that time, Jinan was once rebellious, and Qing Qing yun fled. With the lessons of the past, the swords of the high southeast are not sleeping.
       Tie-Kui was prepared to avoid this sword. The two martial arts are comparable, and it is difficult to separate the winners if they are single-handedly fighting for a short time. Time is precious, Tie-Kui doesn't want to waste time, -calling:
       "Rebels, kill innocent people."
       As soon as this was dropped, a tall man next to Tie-Kui joined the battle between the two. No less than twenty strokes, the high southeast has fallen into the wind.
       The blood kept dripping on the ground, but in the high southeast, this thought would be on the tall man who suddenly popped up:
       "What is he?"
       There is such a person in the capital, he can not know.
       Tie-Kui did not answer this question:
       "You don't need to know this. I only ask you, is it falling?"
       Hearing this, Gao Nannan smiled a bit, it seems that the day is right, Tie-Kui has a heart.
       Tie-Kui is still the same sentence:
       "Is it falling?"
       If it is not high in the southeast, he will not be so nonsense.
       There is no more nonsense in the high east:
       "If you want to kill, you can follow it. But before I die, I want to know if you are relying on Ming Wang early, or is it because of the rebellion of the day?"
       Death must also let him die.
       Tie-Kui saw the people in the yard looking at him, Shen Sheng said:
       "My name is Ning, the word sea, is the relative of Mingfei." He has decided to announce his identity, so there will be nothing to hide.
       The Falcon is a bit strange. He thought that even if Ming Wang won the capital, Tie-Kui would not announce his identity. The situation today is far beyond his expectations.
       The high southeastern eye was the boss, and after a while, said:
       "I haven't found your identity in the emperor for so many years, iron, Ninghai, I am not losing money in your hands."
       "They are their masters, and they can't hold back the high generals." After that, the head of the high southeast was cut down.
       Out of the coaching camp, Tie-Kui immediately called Yan Kai, let him bring a team of people immediately to the palace to stop Li Chun fire palace.
       The Falcon said:
       "I will go too." The Falcons had killed several heavyweight generals and shocked everyone else. Otherwise, Tie-Kui will not be so easy to touch the coach camp. Now, he is no longer needed here.
       Tie-Kui did not stop.
       After playing for seven days, the capital has not been taken down. Feng Dajun said:
       "This is really a hard bone." He thought that the capital could be taken down very quickly. I didn't expect it to be so difficult.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Unexpectedly. But they have already been unable to stand up. For another three or four days, we will be able to take the capital."
       Feng Dajun nodded.
       It was at this time that it was easy to open the curtain and said with a smile:
       "Wangye, Tie-Kui opened the gate and took the head of the high southeast to vote." This is equivalent to saying that you don't have to fight again.
       Yun-Qing asked:
       "What about people?"
       When I heard Tie-Kui waiting outside, Yun-Qing walked out.
       Feng Dajun didn’t want to pull Yun-Qing ’s hand and said:
       "Wangye, be careful and cheat."
       See Yun-Qing looking back at him, Feng Dajun let go and said:
       "Tie-Kui is the running dog of Yan Wu-shuang. In the past few years, I don’t know how many innocent people have been contaminated. How can such a person dare to come to us? Wangye, there must be a problem, or I will see him. "Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi can't hold the sand in their eyes, and people like Tie-Kui may not accept it."
       Thanks to Yan Wu-shuang, the reputation of Tie-Kui is completely stinking. In the hearts of everyone, he is a cold-blooded person.
       Although Yu-Xi suggested that Tie-Kui should rely on them in the name of honesty and hide his true identity, this would avoid the murder of Yan Wu-shuang. But Tie-Kui thinks about it, but still feels that it is better to publish. If not, I am afraid that those people will do the same thing before him, and Yan Wu-shuang may not let him go. Not so much as to announce his identity, know that he is Ming Wangfei, other people do not dare to blame him, the days can be more comfortable.
       Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Will not."
       Can make Wangye so sure that Tie-Kui will not be against him, there is only one possibility, Tie-Kui is their person. Thinking of this, Feng Dajun suddenly relieved. It’s no wonder that Wangye behavior was a bit strange, and the roots are here.
       When I walked outside, I saw a burly man with a beard covered in blood and standing there, like a mountain.
       When I saw Yun-Qing , Tie-Kui said on the ground:
       "When you see Wangye, Wangye is a thousand years old and thousands of years old." Don't say that he is now a rebel. Even if he is the original identity, seeing Yun-Qing is a big gift.
       Yun-Qing walked over and helped Tie-Kui. In the sky, Lei Gong, the land is on the public, he can not let Tie-Kui kneel down.
       Feng Dajun saw this situation and couldn't help but look at Tie-Kui. Unfortunately, Tie-Kui has a beard and can't see anything when he looks carefully.
       When Qi Hao saw it, he knew that Yun-Qing didn't want to reveal the identity of Tie-Kui, and immediately inserted a sentence:
       "If there is anything, go in and say it!" Since you don't want to announce your identity, some words naturally avoid people.
       Tie-Kui looked at Qi Hao and asked:
       "Is it a child?"
       Seeing Kai Hao nod, Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "It’s so good." Not only is the appearance good, but the body's temperament is unparalleled.
       Feng Dajun heard this and looked at Tie-Kui in amazement. This tone, I don’t know, is thought to be an elder. The most strange thing is the attitude of Qi Hao, not only not annoyed, but a smile. To know that Qi Hao is kind to people, it is all superficial. In fact, he is very prepared for people, and he is not close to him. Not to mention a general who is betrayed, even if he is now speaking, he is not too casual.
       Into the camp, Qi Hao went to Tie-Kui for a junior ceremony:
       "I was rude, but I also want to forgive me." It is also afraid of revealing the identity of Tie-Kui.
       As for the performance of Yun-Qing and Qi Hao, he has already guessed that Tie-Kui identity is not normal, so he was not surprised when he heard the title.
       Tie-Kui knows Kaihao avoidance and smiles and says:
       "Shi Zi, people outside now know my identity."
       "Hey, why do you want to publish your identity? You will be very dangerous." Tie-Kui has not been easy in these years, and he does not want Tie-Kui to have an accident.
       Tie-Kui smiled and shook his head. He was not in danger any time of the year:
       "I want to let the people in the world know that I am a descendant of Ning's family in my lifetime. I don't want to die until I know my identity."
       Suddenly, Tie-Kui said:
       "Even if I really took Yan Wu-shuang's calculations, I also recognized it." He was too tired these years and thought about a few days of peace and comfort. Even if he lost his life, he would not regret it.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Yu Gong, Yan Wu-shuang is not that big enough, as long as you go in and out with a foot guard, you don't have to be afraid." Yan Wu-shuang still wants to kill their family, no success!
       Tie-Kui said with a smile:
       "This is just the worst situation." Yan Wu-shuang wants to kill him, not so easy.
       Feng Dajun inserted the words:
       "Let's talk later, we are advanced cities!" There must be a lot of remaining parties in the capital, they have to clear these people as soon as possible, and then restore the order of the capital. Of course, the most important thing is to snatch the spoils.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "You are right, we will go to Capital City now." Although there will be no more accidents, it is better to completely control the capital as soon as possible.
       Early in the morning, Yu Dong and Jiang Xian went out to inquire about the news. Although the outside is very chaotic, both of them will work hard, and most people will not provoke them.
       Two quarters later, the two returned. Jiang Xian said with excitement:
       "Madam Master Gao, Ming Wang came in. Now there are Northwest soldiers outside."
       Master Gao has some accidents:
       "So fast?"
       According to his prediction, it will take at least five or six days to get in.
       Jiang Xian shook his head and said:
       "There will be no mistakes, they wear different clothes."
       Yu Dong added next to it:
       "I heard that Tie-Kui has rebelled and killed Gao Dongnan and relied on Ming Wang."
       Master Gao is also very familiar with Tie-Kui, and he can't help but wrinkle. Who should vote for Ming Wang, it should not be Tie-Kui!
       Waiting for him to think more, Yu-Rong said:
       "Master Gao, since Ming Wang has already come in, can we go out?"
       She didn't want to stay here all day, and the mosquitoes were so many that they could carry people away, and there were rats. These days, she didn't sleep well at night.
       Master Gao said:
       "Now it will be messy outside, wait another two days!" After two days, the outside will return to normal order.
       Yu-Rong really can't stand it:
       "Isn't it said that the Northwest soldiers will not kill innocent people? We live in civilian areas, they should not be embarrassed by us." Although the day can make up, but the days of day and night upside down for her is a torment.
       Master Gao knows that Yu-Rong is not good these days:
       "Madam , the Northwest Army will not kill innocent people, but we can't guarantee that people with jealousy will plant us. If we go out for two days, it is too dangerous to go out now." On these two days, the Northwest Army must have searched everywhere.
       Yu-Rong, who is not convinced by politics, is somewhat distressed:
       "Sir, let's go out! I think even if someone is framed, they can't find money, there should be nothing." After that, add another sentence:
       "Furthermore, there are really things that will reveal our identity when they are, and they will not dare to do ours." Not to mention that Dagu is the Governor of Jiangnan, only that his uncle is a book of the Ministry of Industry, and those people should not be embarrassed by them.
       Master Gao daughter-in-law also said:
       "When the family, let's move out!" She has been pampered in these years, and she can't stand it anymore.
       More than half of the people wanted to move back. Master Gao hesitated and nodded.
       As a result, just after moving in less than an hour, a small team of officers and men was ushered in. These people did not say anything and began to rummaging. I can search it from the inside out, except for some food, I have not found a valuable thing.
       The man with a knife on his face stared ugly at the man who followed them:
       "You are not saying that they are rich people? What is going on now?"
       Yu Dong recognized the man, who also lived in this street, named Shen Six. It is not a wicked person, it is a little slippery.
       Yu Dong deliberately pretend to be annoyed and said:
       "You are too vicious, but it was a few previous quarrels. Why do you want to frame us?"
       Shen -Lu face was full of smiles and said:
       "Don't pretend, I have already explored your identity." The problem lies with Han Jiancheng. It is also coincidental that Shen Jian had seen Han Jiancheng before, and he also knew his identity, so it was easy to check it out.
       After that, pointing to Yu-Rong, he said to the knife man:
       "Army Master, this is the daughter-in-law of Shangshu Jiang's family."
       As soon as this was dropped, the face of Master Gao and Yu-Rong changed all.
       The book is still in the book, but it is the official who manages the money. The officials of the court were all greedy, and the old man of Jiang’s family must have saved enough money. Knife Man looks at Yu-Rong, as if he saw countless gold and silver treasures.
       Knife Man pointed the big knife in his hand to the neck of Yu-Rong and said:
       "We only need money, not life. But if you do not eat and drink fine wine, don't blame me for your mercy." There is a command in the army, not allowed to kill innocent. However, the son-in-law of the bureaucrats is not here.
       -called out of politics:
       "Do not hurt my mother." If you know that there is such a change, he should stop the mother from returning. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it.
       Seeing the knife gaze turned to politics, Master Gao -called badly. His duty is to protect the government and let him grow up safely.
       Although it is known that the Northwest Army is strict and will not kill innocent people. But the king said, the little devil is hard. I was really killed by these people, and I was not looking for it.
       Thinking of this, Master Gao immediately said:
       "This military master, my ‘Madam’ is indeed the daughter-in-law of the former head of the book."
       The knives are excited, and they must know that they can get 10% of the spoils they have won. Of course, these are all on the surface. It’s a fool to get the spoils and not to hide them. In view of the fact that everyone is desperate to fight, as long as they are not over the top, they are only blind.

       Chapter 1354   Incense  

       Knife Man looked at Master Gao and said:
       "As long as you hand over the valuable things, I will speak and not let you lose a hair."
       Master Gao said calmly:
       "Unfortunately, this person only knows that our ‘Madam’ is a daughter-in-law of the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but she does not know that our ‘Madam’ is Miss of the Duke House in Korea."
       Yu-Xi is from the Duke House in Korea. This is known all over the world. The knives are stunned, but the faces are not obvious:
       "Don't tell me, she is Mei Mei of our Wangfei?"
       For the mother is strong, in order to avoid the son's accident, Yu-Rong forced himself to calm down:
       "Yes, Ming Wangfei is my fourth sister, my sister." Although the family, but the blood relationship can not be broken.
       Shen -Lu heard these words panic:
       "Army Master, they must be lying, don't believe them."
       Many wealthy people will be hiding in civilian areas or slums, and they cannot go to these places to hunt. Therefore, in one place, a notice will be posted. If someone can provide a wealthy household, it will be rewarded as long as it is true. Shen -Lu is a greedy reward, only to give Yu-Rong a boat.
       The knives and men did not show the color of fear. He just did things according to the rules and did not kill Yu-Rong them, so there was nothing to fear:
       "You said Mei Mei of Mingfei, can you have evidence?"
       In a few words, how can he let this fat fish out?
       Master Gao immediately said this after listening to this:
       "My ‘Madam’ looks very much like Wangfei." In fact, Yu-Rong is not like Yu-Xi. It is said that Master Gao is determined to be a knife. He has never seen Yu-Xi. Although Yu-Xi is in charge of government affairs, ordinary people can't see it.
       Knife Man took a serious look at Yu-Rong and turned to talk to his companion:
       "This woman is a bit like a child." Knife Man has never seen Yu-Xi, can be seen Kaiqi.
       Master Gao scared a cold sweat. It is rumored that the son of the world is very similar to Wangfei. She did not expect that this person would have met Kaihao, and she almost made it happen.
       Qi Hao often went to the military camp, and attacked Beibei and this time with the army, many people have seen him.
       Knife Man thinks this can't be too hasty, and asks:
       "Is there any other evidence besides this?"
       In a few words, there is still a report on the appearance, in case he is deceiving, he is not able to eat and walk.
       Master Gao is a little embarrassed.
       Yu-Rong did not hesitate to take a gold lock from his neck and said to the knife man:
       "After the birth of Miss Duke, the house will ask the craftsman to make a famous gold lock. My fourth sister also has one."
       Knife Man reached out and answered:
       "Working is very fine." There is no weight, it is two or three. But with this work, it can be worth a hundred Silver Taels.
       His companion glanced at the golden lock and said:
       "This matter is still reported to the General, and he will decide it!" The generals have a division of labor, responsible for law and order, and are responsible for checking the spoils. Guan Tai is responsible for checking the spoils.
       Knife nodded.
       Master Gao pointed to Shen -Lu and said to the knife man:
       "Before we lived here, a group of gangsters, I suspect that the bandits have a relationship with him."
       It’s not right for the knife to look at Shen -Lu eyes.
       Shen Six is ​​scared:
       "Jun Master, they are bloody, you can't believe them."
       The knife and the male face said with no expression:
       "Is it bloody, we will check it out."
       Soon, the knife man took Shen 6 away. Before leaving, he left a person watching Yu-Rong and guarding Yu-Rong and others to escape.
       A group of people entered the house and asked with a political opening:
       "Mother, is the gold lock real?"
       Yu-Rong smiled, and the smile was bitter:
       "Nature is true. At this time, the mother will dare to make a fake. Each of us will be engraved on the golden lock. The mother is the Rongzi, and you are the Xizi."
       I have no confidence in politics.
       "I am afraid that these people will be ghosts from them."
       Master Gao is not worried:
       "When Mingfei is famous, these people don't dare to be ghosts." It is not so much a prestige, but rather a fierce name.
       "That's good." After saying this, the government could not help but ask:
       "Mother, do you really look like the four scorpions? Why didn't you listen to them before?"
       Yu-Rong shook his head and said:
       "Not big."
       I was somewhat disappointed in politics. Although I have never seen Yu-Xi, I have been admired for listening to these years.
       The knife does not recognize the word, you can Guantai recognize the word! Looking at the tolerance of the golden lock in the middle of the lock, Guan Tai said:
       "In addition to this lock, can there be other evidence?"
       It’s a pity that such a big fat meat has been let go.
       Subordinate Bao Jian said:
       "The woman has three or four points with the world, and there should be nothing wrong with it."
       Guantai disdain said:
       "There are many people who look like them. In addition, Wangfei has long been a fan, and has nothing to do with the Han family." After that, remembering what Han Jingyan did, Guan Tai said:
       "If the old man is still alive, I want to kill him." The thing that falls into the stone is also a father.
       Gao Jian thought about it:
       "General, other people in the Han family can ignore it, but Han Yu-Rong and Wangfei grew up together, and this sentiment is different. If we rushed them, Wangfei couldn't afford to blame."
       See Guantai still frowning, Gao Jian said:
       "General, angering Wangfei for this matter is not worth it."
       Guan Tai thought about it and said:
       "Wangfei is clearly public and private, and will not be convicted of this for a woman who has no relationship." Because of this, he does not want to let Yu-Rong.
       Gao Jian said:
       "General, if the identity of the woman is true, then the Ministry of Industry is still her uncle. Once she has the opportunity to see Wangfei, telling you in front of Wangfei, Wangfei will punish you for the face. General We can get tens of thousands of Silver Taels from the woman's hands, and most of these silvers have to be turned in. It is not worth the risk for this silver to bear such a big risk. General, this matter is still handed over to Wangye and the world. Let's go!"
       Guan Tai said a word:
       "I will ask Wangye about this. But if I tell you, then anyone will say that Wangfei sisters are not reasonable. As long as they are not dead, this is not a big deal." If the following people did not report, he also Don't be embarrassed.
       Gao Jian nodded:
       "it is good."
       In the evening, Guan Tai went to see Yun-Qing . After finishing the business, Guan Tai said:
       “Wangye, I checked into a family today, the woman who said that she is the 5th Miss of the Han family, and is the pro-Mei Mei of Wangfei.”
       Yun-Qing frowned. Except for Han Jianming’s family, he has never seen anyone else in the Han family.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "Is the identity verified?"
       Guan Tai nodded and said:
       "Checked out, it is indeed the 5th Miss of the Han family." He has no pits in his mind, and this matter has not been verified, how dare to go back and forth!
       Kai Hao said:
       "What did you check?"
       The snoring loophole is too big and must be searched for by the official finances.
       Guantai shook his head and said:
       "Nothing has been checked. I sent people to check. They originally lived in Hulu Lane and moved into the civilian area more than a month ago."
       After that, Guan Tai explained:
       "The gourd lanes are all officials of the court. Our people searched for a lot of gold and silver jewels from there. If I didn't guess wrong, she should hide the money in the gourd lane." These gold and silver jewels are also Exploitation of the people has come.
       Yun-Qing also remembered one thing at this time. Yu-Rong’s husband Jiang Hongfu died from the hands of Yu-Xi.
       Thinking of this, Yun-Qing said:
       “In the end, it’s Mei Mei of Wangfei, let the people below don’t bother her.”
       There are two attitudes before and after, which makes Qi Hao somewhat strange. However, Kai Hao does not intend to ask more.
       Guan Tai did not think much. He only thought that Yun-Qing was for Yu-Xi:
       "it is good."
       After a while, Tie-Kui came in.
       Yun-Qing See Tie-Kui to salute, busy saying:
       "Hey, it's all family, don't have to be so much!" Tie-Kui That is Yu-Xi bloody elders, plus doing things for them for so many years, respecting it is also true.
       Tie-Kui does not have a self-serving status:
       "Wangye, the gift can not be abolished." After the Yun-Qing called the emperor, these gifts can not be less.
       When I sang a few words, I talked about business. Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "The people you sent arrived in time, and the palace was saved." Li Chunzhong was in the southeast, not Yan Wu-shuang. If the palace is burned down, it will definitely be named for the high southeast, and he will not be willing to burn the palace. It is because of Li Chun’s hesitation that Yan Kai can successfully stop him.
       Tie-Kui doesn't have any relaxed colors on his face:
       "There are still a lot of embers hidden in the capital. We must take them out, or they will definitely be chaotic." During the day, Tie-Kui took the Falcons around to search for the day. It is a pity that the white scorpion is very deep and did not find this person. However, taking advantage of this opportunity, I have captured a lot of remaining parties.
       Yun-Qing is not worried about this:
       "I am afraid that they will not come out." Just dare to take the initiative and come out and kill one.
       After finishing the business, Tie-Kui asked his son:
       "Zhaner can be okay in the palace during this time?"
       Yun-Qing nodded and smiled:
       "Qi Hao, telling you in detail about the situation of Azhan in the palace." Ning Zhan is a child, not much contact with him. However, Qi Hao has more contact with Ning Zhan.
       Qi Hao did not elaborate, but just told Tie-Kui something. After that, Kai Hao smiled and said:
       "When the grandfather went to the city, let A-Xin tell you slowly."
       Yun-Qing smiled and corrected:
       "You have to call the watch." Ning Zhan is not old, and his age is quite big.
       Kai Hao apologized to Tie-Kui:
       "Calling habits, I haven't changed it for a while, please don't mind me."
       Where does Tie-Kui mind, say:
       "Don't pay attention to these, how to do it in the past." Tie-Kui looked at Yun-Qing and asked:
       "Wangye, will you be in the future?"
       He also thought that Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi grew up in Capital City, and they will set the capital in Capital City!
       "No, I will set the capital in the future. But the treasury has no money now. It can't be moved to the city for a while. It takes only two years to get it." In fact, Yun-Qing is used to the environment in the northwest, but Yu-Xi wants to return to Capital City. With the meaning of Yu-Xi.
       When I heard this, Tie-Kui said:
       "I still have more than two million Silver Taels in my hand. It doesn't matter if I stay in my hands. I will turn it over to the state treasury!"
       Yun-Qing How can I get Tie-Kui money?
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "This is not my money, it is the money of the people." Seeing Kai Hao looking at him, Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "It’s not the search for the people fat, it’s the business that has been earned in these years. It’s been fighting all these years, and the prices are soaring, so you earn a lot.” It’s also because he has a caravan, or he can’t make so much money.
       Yun-Qing heard this and laughed:
       "We are short of money, we will not be polite with you, and we will return it to you after we have money."
       "It’s all the money of the people, as long as you use the money on their heads." It’s also because of his identity, otherwise he can’t keep it. Like the wealthy households in Capital City, such as large grain merchants, it is the focus of copying objects.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "Reassure, every piece of money in the national treasury is used by the people." Don't talk about the state treasury, and the money that Tian-Yang made to help his mother's business in the past years has all been put in.
       After talking for so long, Yun-Qing let Tie-Kui go home to see. If you don’t go home these days, you should be mourned at home.
       Before the incident last night, he sent someone to tell Zhong-Shan to let him take Xiao-shi and his two daughters to avoid a safe place. It’s all over the day, and I don’t know how they are. Thinking of this, Tie-Kui was busy nodding.
       Just as Tie-Kui was ready to go, Kai Hao suddenly said:
       "Oh, can you shave this beard?"
       It is also because Ning Zhan is like Yu-Xi, so he is curious about the appearance of Tie-Kui.
       Touching the beard, Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "Good." The reason why so many beards are kept is to cover up the appearance. Now, there is no need for this.
       Zhong-Shan also met Tie-Kui, and all the tears came out. Although he did not participate last night, he also knew that it was extremely dangerous. Fortunately, Old Master is safe and sound.
       Tie-Kui said with a smile:
       "It’s all gone, I don’t have to worry about it in the future.” It’s really hard to think about the days before, but I’m coming over.
       Zhong-Shan is also fortunate:
       "Yeah, I don't have to worry about it in the future." He was careful not to be able to touch the favorite wine on most days, and he was afraid to drink more and secretly said:
       "Old Master, wait for me to have a drink with you!" Now there is no scruples, and getting drunk is fine.
       I know that Zhong-Shan doesn't have much to drink, and Tie-Kui is one of them. In the past, there was no such condition in Liaodong. It was conditional in the capital city and it was necessary to keep secrets and not dare to touch the wine.
       "When I finish the matter in my hand, I will have a good time with you." He still has a lot to do, and he has to sleep well at night. Otherwise, the face will not look good.
       Into the main courtyard, inside is quiet. Xiao-Shi personal Servant Yu Mei said softly:
       “Old Master, Madam sleeps with Eldest Miss and 2nd Miss in the house.”
       Tie-Kui heard this and immediately stopped. Both daughters are big, and he has to avoid this suspicion. But he did not leave, go to the room to rest.
       When I opened my eyes, I saw the mother and the daughter looking at him with red eyes. Didn't wait for him to speak, like a tearful tear:
       "Oh, sorry, my daughter is blaming you." Xiao-Shi told the sisters of Tie-Kui true identity and Ning Zhan in the morning. After knowing the truth, I am very guilty. In the past few years, she has never given Tie-Kui a good face because of Mei Mei early death. As a result, all are misunderstandings.
       Tie-Kui stood up and reached for the wishful head:
       "It doesn't blame you for this. It's all forced by the situation." Xiao-Shi and her three children have been wronged all these years.
       Such as Hui is very concerned about Ning Zhan who has not seen the face:
       "Hey, when can we see Adi?"
       Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "When the matter of the capital is finished, I will take you to the city at that time." When you arrive at Yucheng, you will naturally see Ningzhan.

       Chapter 1355   Bandit  

       In the early morning, the sky is blue and blue. When he walked out of the house with politics and opened his sleepy eyes, he saw a leaf falling on him. There is morning dew on the leaves, and the water is bright.
       After playing the boxing in winter, he smiled and asked:
       "Big Master, did you sleep well last night?"
       On the most days, just after the political day, it will rise. However, these days in Duke House is also difficult day and night, it was not easy to sleep well last night.
       With a smile, diǎn head:
       "Sleeping well." After that, he swept the yard and did not see the soldiers who stayed at his house last night:
       "What about the military lord?"
       If the officers and men of the court are staying at home, they will definitely drink and drink for them. The soldier who stayed at his house last night, except for drinking the water from their home, did not touch anything else. According to this person's statement, there is a rule in the military that it is not cheap for the people. That is, last night, the soldier also slept in the yard.
       Yu Dong said:
       "Go out and buy food." Although the behavior of the knife man was frightened yesterday, the behavior of the soldier made him very good.
       At this time, Master Gao also came out of the house.
       Master Gao asked the government:
       "Grandfather Master, I think the Northwest Army is very strange." While searching for their money, and saying that they are not allowed to disturb the people, it is completely contradictory.
       Master Gao shook his head and said:
       "There is no contradiction. They search for officials and wealthy households, and will not rob the ordinary people money." After all, Master Gao continued:
       "The Northwest Army is strict and disciplined. They only search for money and don't want to kill people. Even if it is a sinful crime, it will be arrested first, and the evidence will be dealt with according to the law."
       Yu Dong frowned and said:
       "Before there were rumors that the Northwest Army did not go to one place, it would kill the light and burn it out." The rumor was really not credible.
       "That is the court to blind you." As long as everyone with a brain knows, it is a fake. Killing the light and robbing the light, who will come to farm to support them in the future.
       Yu Dong touched his head and smiled embarrassedly.
       At this time, there was a strong footstep outside. Don't ask, you know who is coming.
       Seeing that he was coming in, he was a little bit nervous, and he couldn’t help but blurt out:
       "What are you doing?"
       Knife Man is not afraid because Yu-Rong is Mei-Xi Mei Mei. He is acting according to the rules, even if Wangfei knows that he will not punish him. The knife man said calmly:
       "I am coming back for something." After that, he handed the golden lock in his hand to politics.
       The government did not have any feelings and reached out to accept the golden lock.
       The knife man took out a black lacquered wooden sign from his sleeve and said:
       "This is our general to give to your ‘Madam’. After you go home, hang this wooden sign in front of the gate, and our people will not bother to see it."
       Master Gao took over the wooden sign and said with gratitude:
       "Thank you." With this thing, they can go back to the original house.
       The knife and the male face said with no expression:
       "Just ordered to act." Lost such a large sum of money, he was very distressed, and there will be a good face.
       After saying these words, the knife man took the person away. He is very busy, and if he does not open the door to the general, he will not run this trick.
       Yu-Rong looked at this wooden sign and asked some questions:
       "With it, can other people really not come to the door?"
       I was asked by the government to diǎn the child:
       "Who is the general who said the man just said?"
       Master Gao is still very clear about the generals under Yun-Qing :
       "If there is no guess, it should be General Guan Taiguan. This person has won the trust of Ming Wang. Since he gave it, there will be no problem."
       Yu-Rong is not stupid. I heard this and quickly understood:
       "Master Gao means that this token is actually given by Ming Wang?"
       Although she hopes to get the shelter of Yu-Xi, it is just a thought. Her relationship with Yu-Xi is so bad, how could Yu-Xi shelter her.
       "Ten have *." Without Wangye approval, how could Guantai give this wooden card. Don't underestimate this wooden sign, it's a big use! Not to mention the officers and men, even after the government did not dare to embarrass them.
       Yu-Rong This is a very complicated mood. After a long time, I said lowly:
       "I didn't expect..." I didn't expect Yu-Xi to mourn the blood of this diǎn.
       I did not think so much in politics, and said to Yu-Rong:
       "Mother, let's pack things back!" Although it is better than in Duke, it is not comfortable at home.
       Ten people are on the road and it is difficult to attract attention. Many times along the way were stopped by officers and men, but these people saw the wooden sign given by Guan Tai and let them go, they did not check.
       At this time, there was no carriage to hire, and the group was walking back. After nearly an hour, Yu-Rong’s legs were almost broken.
       Looking at the open door, Yu-Rong is not intuitive. Crossing the gate, watching the scene inside was dumbfounded. The cabinets, boxes, tubs, etc. in the hallway were thrown into the yard.
       Master Gao whispered:
       "Go into the house to clean up!" I also know that this is definitely the masterpiece of the Northwest Army.
       The front yard was thrown in a mess, and the backyard was directly evacuated. Yu-Rong The things in the house, except for the bulky move, the others are gone.
       "How? What do you want?"
       She thought that as long as the Northwest Army had gold and silver jewelry, she did not expect that even the ordinary objects in her house and the copper basin would not be missed.
       In fact, the Northwest Army is not everything. The ones that were searched and scraped are the clothes made by the superior materials. A piece of clothes, you can also be a Silver Taels when you get a pawn shop!
       I also felt that I was refreshed by the government:
       "What is the difference between this and the bandits?"
       He would not have followed the bandits and was robbed of the light.
       Master Gao looks normal:
       "It’s useless to say this now, hurry up and pack it! What's missing, buy it when you're outside."
       Master Gao ‘Madam’ walked in from the outside and said:
       "The food and dried vegetables in the secret are still there. I am going to cook with his mother."
       See Yu-Rong is still in a daze, Master Gao said:
       "‘Madam’, people are fine, nothing can be done." As long as people are there, money can be earned back if they lose money.
       "Well, you are right, as long as people are good." How many people lost their lives during this time, and a group of people can live in peace now, it is already fortunate.
       What Yu-Rong doesn't know is that if the Falcons didn't get rid of them, they would have seen them. I have to say that the Yu-Rong is not bad.
       Like Yu-Rong, it’s just a small head. The real heads are the wealthy households in Capital City and the dignitaries and high officials.
       These people were all personally inspected by Guan Tai. In just two days, they found out the property of one thousand tens of thousands of Silver Taels. This is only a part of it, and it’s estimated that it’s over 100 million.
       Guan Tai was so excited that he did not stretch when he saw Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, this time we sent it."
       The Northwest Army was too embarrassed, and the wealthy households followed Yan Wu-shuang and fled to Liaodong. Yun-Qing thought that they would take away all the belongings, but I didn’t expect to have copied so much money.
       "It is very good to fill this loophole." However, according to the current situation, it should be no problem to fill the loophole.
       Guan Tai said with a smile:
       "There is no problem." Those who bring troops can not know how to fight for money.
       When Guantai went out, Qi Hao said:
       "Hey, I want to go to the palace tomorrow." I heard that his house is not one-tenth of the palace, so he would like to visit it.
       Yun-Qing diǎn promised:
       "I will take you there tomorrow." In other places, Qi Hao went out to take the staff. In the capital, I don’t know how many secrets are hidden in the dark. He is not worried about Kai Hao going out alone.
       Kai Hao said with a smile:
       “Hey, I heard that the palace is magnificent, and the Golden Temple is also used for the brick floor.”
       At this time, Yun-Qing felt that Kaihao was a child:
       "I haven’t entered the Golden Temple. I don’t know if the rumors are true. But even if the rumors are true, the golden bricks of the Golden Temple must have been taken away.” Yan Wu-shuang wants to burn the palace, how can it still be gold? Give them bricks.
       Qi Hao smiled:
       "Hey, this time we got so many spoils, I know that I will be very happy." The finances are not nervous, and I am not sure that I will move to the capital next year. For Dingdu Jingcheng or Yucheng, Kaihao has no opinion. However, he knew that Yu-Xi always wanted to return to Capital City, so he hoped that the Yu-Xi wish could be realized soon.
       When the father and son said a little bit of a day, they went to sleep. When they just went to bed, they heard Yi Yi said:
       "Wangye, Heir, General Iron was assassinated by the assassin." Tie-Kui is also a special person, otherwise he will not look back now.
       Yun-Qing did not wear clothes. When I got out of bed, I went out and asked:
       “Is there any injury?”
       If Tie-Kui has three long and two short, Yu-Xi will be very sad.
       Yi Yidiǎn said:
       "A knife was cut, but it didn't hurt." If Tie-Kui is not injured, the following people will not report it.
       Qi Hao said while wearing clothes:
       "Hey, let's go see the public!" By the way, I also learned how to get hurt. Gong Gongneng has been safe and sound for many years under Yan Wu-shuang's eyelids, and he must be very cautious. This will be a dark hand, which shows that this is not easy.
       Tie-Kui heard Yun-Qing coming over with Qi Hao and was busy bringing his ‘Madam’ and two daughters to the door.
       When I saw Tie-Kui, Qi Hao was stunned and ignored Tie-Kui hanging his arms. The bearded Tie-Kui looks rough and bold. The Tie-Kui special Sven, who can remove the beard, does not look like a general. It is like a writer who takes a pen.
       Today's Tie-Kui, even if it looks like Svens, but there is a compelling momentum on the soldiers. When I first entered the military camp, because this appearance was not looked down upon.
       Seeing Kai Hao staring at himself, Tie-Kui touched his face with his left hand and smiled and said:
       "I feel very strange in my own mirror!"
       Xiao-Shi and Tie-Kui have been together for so many years, and they are the first to see Tie-Kui true feelings. If she didn't see Tie-Kui shaving her beard, she wouldn't believe it.
       As for Huihui and Ruyi, the two were just shocked and accepted soon. The reason is very simple. Both sisters look like Tie-Kui.
       Looking at Tie-Kui, it is estimated that there is not much problem. However, Yun-Qing still asked with concern:
       "Hey, is this injury not a problem?"
       Xiao-Shi heard this and was busy with two daughters kneeling on the ground, and it was a big gift.
       Yun-Qing is also not good to help, after all, men and women are different:
       "Auntie, the ground is cool, get up!"
       After seeing the ceremony, Xiao-Shi took two daughters to leave. Even if Tie-Kui is in the same place, in order to avoid them, it is not easy to follow Yun-Qing .
       Into the study, Yun-Qing asked:
       "Hey, how did you get hurt?"
       Tie-Kui has a good skill, and he is wary of the heart. The assassin should not hurt him.
       Tie-Kui smiled bitterly:
       "It’s my ‘Madam’, I didn’t expect her to be Yan Wu-shuang.” The outsiders are well guarded, but the people around them are hard to prevent.
       Fortunately, Xiao-Shi mouth is strict, or else missed a star and a half diǎn their family is dead.
       "Is it cleaned up?"
       The outsiders are well guarded, and the people in the house are invincible.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       “A-Tong is reviewing, hoping to find other people hidden in the government.”
       Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Would you like to go to the city with your aunt? It’s not safe to stay in the capital." Although Yancheng also has Yan Wu-shuang people, those people have been cleaned up by them in recent years.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "I won't go, let Xiao-Shi go with them like you!" He is familiar with the capital, staying here has an advantage, went to the city, but did not have his position.
       Yun-Qing does not force:
       "Well, I will arrange it when I go back. Let my aunt pick up things and go on these two days."
       Tie-Kui diǎn should be:
       "Wangye, Heir, the sky is too late, you go back to rest!" It is very decent to be able to come to see him.
       On the way back, Kai Hao said with anxiety:
       "Hey, Yan Wu-shuang doesn't leave, I don't sleep well." I didn't mention it before. Only Dongluo County has been worried about it until now.
       Yun-Qing also wants to get rid of Yan Wu-shuang and can't find opportunities:
       "You can rest assured that you will not let you have something." These years, including him, all died and died in the hands of Yan Wu-shuang. This hatred, he wants to report more than anyone else.
       Qi Hao also knows the difficulty of Yun-Qing and did not continue to say it.
       The next day, Tian Yiliang went to the palace with Yun-Qing . Standing at the gate of the palace, Qi Hao looked up at the majestic red wall. The wall is more than ten meters high and the walls are also engraved with beautiful patterns.
       Qi Hao said with a smile:
       "Hey, our Wangfu is completely incomparable with this place." No wonder his mother said that she would set the capital in Capital City, but this wall is much stronger than the palace.
       Yun-Qing can't help but laugh:
       "Are you not talking about stupid things?"
       Their palace was originally the Governor's Office, and this can be compared with the place where the emperor lived.
       Passing through the bulky red lacquered gate and stepping into the palace, the father and son first went to the Taihe Hall where the king discussed the matter.
       Looking at the steps of the dragon-like pattern carved in life, Kai Hao couldn’t help but say:
       "Hey, even a step is so stressful, no loss is where the emperor lives."
       Yun-Qing has no feeling:
       "I think the palace is very good, it is too big." Their family is also eight people, and living in such a palace will certainly look very empty.
       Qi Hao knows what Yun-Qing thinks and doesn't know how to answer it. But when he walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, he immediately realized the feeling of Yun-Qing . The Hall of Supreme Harmony is large, but it is empty and empty.

       Chapter 1356   Angry Yan Wu shuang   

       The splendid roof of the Taihe Hall is supported by two stout pillars, and the two pillars are engraved with two golden dragons.
       Qi Hao eyes fell on the dragon chair on the first hall of the Taihe Temple. The dragon chair was made of huanghuali, and the dragon was carved on the chair handle. The original dragon chair was inlaid with gems and gold, but it would be gone.
       Seeing his son staring at the dragon chair, Yun-Qing asked:
       "What can be wrong with this chair?"
       "No. Hey, I want to go up and sit down." Dragon chair, how many people want to sit. Now that there is a chance, he naturally has to sit up and experience it.
       Yun-Qing naturally won't object, just ask Yi Yi before this:
       "Is it checked?"
       He knows that the palace has a secret passage. In case the secret passage exit is here, it is dangerous for the assassin to hide in the dark. Therefore, if he has not checked him, he will not let Qi Hao sit. What is wrong, crying is too late.
       Yi Yi nodded:
       "It has been checked, no problem." If you haven't checked it carefully, you can't let Yun-Qing and Kaihao enter the palace.
       This is the case, but Yun-Qing is still not at ease, with Kai Hao has been gone.
       Qi Hao stood in front of the dragon chair and said to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, sit down first!" This dragon chair, he wants to sit is also the first to sit. When he retreats, he is qualified to sit!
       Yun-Qing didn't think about it in that way:
       "I am not tired, sit down!" After that, he swept around. Still empty, nothing.
       Qi Hao was speechless, but he thought that he was not interested in the dragon chair and showed that he was very weak in power. But the same is true, his mother can take power.
       Sitting on the dragon chair, Qi Hao held the handle of the chair with both hands and looked at the bottom. That looks like it looks very powerful.
       Lu Bai could not help but admire:
       "Heir, you are sitting on a dragon chair and it is very powerful." It is not a compliment, it is from the heart.
       Yi Yan’s face changed and he was busy looking at Yun-Qing . Seeing Yun-Qing did not put Lu Bai words on the letter, so I was relieved.
       Out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, they went to see the palaces of Zhonghe Temple and Baohe Temple. After visiting the palace of the former Family, it is already near noon.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Go back!" There are still a lot of things to deal with, and it has been a long time since I stayed here for a long time.
       Qi Hao nodded:
       "it is good."
       On the way back, Kai Hao said:
       "Fortunately, Li Chun was stopped. It would be a pity to have this palace burned." These palaces, not to mention the cost of money, will take several years to build.
       Yun-Qing said a word:
       "But it is too big. After we have entered in the future, it will take some time from the front to the backyard." Now it takes a little more than half a minute from the study in the front yard to the backyard. He is too far away. The palace moved from the front to the harem, fearing that it was not a quarter of an hour.
       Kai Hao listened to smile and smiled:
       "You live with your mother in the Yang Xin Dian, you don't have to leave." The palace is so big, and their family is eight people, certainly not separated. Otherwise, I have to eat a meal half a day in advance.
       "Yeah." Yu-Xi has to deal with government affairs, and the minister cannot go to the harem to discuss matters.
       Taking the capital, it doesn't mean it's easy, there are a lot of things to deal with. Some simple things, Kai Hao will help deal with, saving a lot of things for Yun-Qing . Otherwise, neither the father nor the son could have time to visit the palace.
       On the sixth day of the entry of the Northwest Army into the capital, the shops under the name of Dasheng Commercial Bank opened the door to start a business. And the grain, once dropped to 30 cents a pound.
       Even 1st Lang got the news and immediately ran home to tell Lianshan about this:
       "Hey, now the food is 30 yuan a pound outside, you are going to buy food with your mother-in-law!" I am afraid of robbing, so I need to register for food. The government has posted an announcement that one person can only buy five pounds of food.
       Lianshan has not spoken yet, Fang Mama said:
       “How can I only buy five pounds per person? These five pounds of food can eat for a few days.”
       Why is it so stipulated that even 1st Lang does not know.
       Even 2nd Lang listened to this but frowned:
       "Why is it still 30 yuan a pound now? I heard that the grain in the northwest is only six cents a pound." This grain refers to coarse grains, and fine grains are naturally not the price.
       There are many things in the Lian Shan Jing, I heard this:
       "It may be that the grain has not been shipped yet, so the price will be higher. When the grain is shipped, the price of the grain will naturally fall."
       The food is 30 yuan a pound, this price is Tie-Kui. Before the civil strife did not begin, the capital of the capital had more than 30 texts, and the people of this price could still afford it. Yun-Qing didn't object, just because food is tight now. If the price is set low, there is no limit to purchase, and they do not sell as much food.
       Of course, this is only a short period of time. After the summer harvest, Jiangnan's grain will arrive in Capital City, and the price of grain will be similar to other places.
       Fang Mama said:
       "Thirty texts are not expensive." There is also a previous comparison, and Fang Mama will say so. You know, before the Northwest Army entered Capital City, the grain sold for two pounds of Silver Taels. This is not going to be bought early. Compared with the previous ones, 30 cents a pound is a good price.
       The attention of the butterfly is not on the price of food:
       "Mom, do you say that Miss will return to Capital City?"
       If Miss can return to Capital City, they may still have the chance to meet Miss.
       Because Yu-Xi is an anti-thief to the court, before the colorful butterfly never mentioned Yu-Xi in front of everyone, what is said in private is with Fang Mama. But now, there is no such consideration.
       Lian Shan said with a face:
       "You can't call Miss again in the future. You have to change your name to Wangfei." It is very likely that they will not be able to change their mouths.
       Even 1st Lang has some intentions:
       "Hey, do you say that Wangye and Wangfei will return to Capital City?"
       Wangfei is big with his mother, if Wangfei returns to Capital City. When they get to the relationship with Wangfei, their family is developed.
       Lian Shanbai even took a look at 1st Lang and said:
       "You ask me, who am I going to?"
       After that, I glanced at Lian 2nd Lang:
       "It's all you don't live up to. If you are honestly staying in the northwest, now the future is going to be great." He let Lian 2nd Lang go to the northwest to earn a future, and he expected that the stinky boy would be back in less than two years. I don’t live up to expectations.
       Lian 2nd Lang threw a peanut into his mouth with a smile and said with a smile:
       "Oh, this is not allowed. Maybe the future is not earned, but the life is lost."
       Even 1st Lang also helped Lian 2nd Lang to speak:
       "Hey, 2nd Lang said this very much. Not to mention this time, he attacked Beibei in the previous two years. I heard that more than 200 thousand people died." The casualty was shocking.
       Lianshan did not reprimand Lian 2nd Lang for this.
       Even 1st Lang thinks of one thing:
       "Mother, I heard a brother say that Tie-Kui is a relative of Wangfei. Niang, do you know this?"
       Fang Mama immediately denied:
       "Nothing, Madam's maiden name is Ning, not surnamed iron." She originally went out from Ning's family and accompanied Madam to the Han family.
       Having said that, Fang Mama -called:
       "This person is not afraid of being thundered, and even pretending to be a Ning family. Ning's family was exiled from the house and was gone."
       Even 1st Lang is not clear about the roots of Yu-Xi. Hearing this is busy:
       "Mother, according to this Tie-Kui, he said that he is natural, single word sea."
       Fang Mama.
       Even the mountain sees it, asks
       "Is this Tie-Kui really what Wangfei is?"
       Otherwise the ‘Madam’ will not be this look.
       Up to now, Lianshan has been fortunate to be married to Fang Mama. Fang Mama is not only good to him, but also to his two sons. The two daughter-in-law who gave the pick are also good. Family and peace, outsiders don't know how to envy!
       Fang Mama is hesitant and says:
       "Madam has a younger brother named Ninghai, but I heard that he is also on the way to Liaodong! Is this person a fake?"
       Even 1st Lang said:
       "Wangye and Wangfei are not so fooled. If he is really fake, he will definitely find out."
       The butterfly nods and should:
       “Wangfei is the smartest, and it’s not that easy to fool her.”
       When the price of food fell, the prices of other things, such as salt and cloth, all fell. The price of this writing is similar to that of the northwest.
       The price has fallen, and the hearts of the people have settled. The situation has also stabilized very quickly.
       "Oh..." Yulin's paper was heavily dropped on the ground and fell into pieces. Yan Wu-shuang got the blue ribs on his forehead, and he hadn’t been so angry for many years.
       Meng-nian said with a hanging head:
       "The emperor is the fault of the minister." Yan Wu-shuang has always suspected Tie-Kui, and he still thinks he is too suspicious. The facts gave him a loud slap.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It's that he hides too deep, it doesn't matter to you." So many people were sent, and even a beauty watch was sent, and no clues were found. So, no one can blame anyone, only to blame Tie-Kui too pretending.
       Thinking of this, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Before I was wondering how the Han feng shui can come out of people like Han Yu-Xi. Now it is understood, Han Yu-Xi is clearly like a Ning family." See Tie-Kui know What kind of people are this Ning family?
       Meng-nian also flashed murderous eyes:
       "The cheetah we have been tracking is definitely no exception for him. The emperor must kill him." No matter what means, he must kill Tie-Kui. Otherwise, once this matter is spread, it will definitely have a very bad impact.
       "It’s hard to kill him now." There used to be a chance to kill, but he was shunned by him. Now Tie-Kui is sure to be a guardian like a cloud, and everyone who is next to him is clear. Want to kill him, four words, it is difficult to go to heaven.
       Meng-nian hates Tie-Kui:
       "The emperor, it is hard to kill him." Think of the two elixir given him, Meng-nian is even more distressed.
       Well, Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "Take his two shi-zis, maybe there is still a chance."
       Referring to the son of Tie-Kui, Meng-nian suddenly remembered a message he had received before, and his mind flashed:
       "The emperor, last year Han Yu-Xi found an unknown birth record for Yun Qi-You. It is said that the child looks like Han Yu-Xi. Emperor, you said that the child will be Tie-Kui The illegitimate child?"
       In addition to the appearance of foreigners, there is also a saying that -Miss s are more like aunt.
       Yan Wu-shuang angered and laughed:
       "It turns out that. I am afraid that he has been guarding it for a long time! Lu-Shi also betrayed me for him. If you know that you still don't know what it is like."
       Thinking of this, Yan Wu-shuang changed his mind:
       "Don't kill Iron Fanghui and Iron Fangjia. Not only do not kill them, but also let them go back to Capital City."
       "If Fang Hui and Fang Jia know the existence of this illegitimate child, I am afraid that even Tie-Kui will hate it." Tie-Kui let the Fanghui Brother be the cannon fodder and place the illegitimate child in the Ming Wangfu. After the 2nd Brother knew it, they feared that they would hate Tie-Kui, and they would kill the illegitimate child.
       Yan Wu-shuang, sighed. Not to mention that Tie-Kui had leaked so much news before, only that he killed the high southeast, he would not let go.
       Thinking about it, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Don't let them return to Capital City so easily." After that, Yan Wu-shuang added another sentence:
       "Lu-Shi, don't stay." Lu-Shi is dead, and the 2nd Brother will hate Tie-Kui and the illegitimate child.
       The son killed himself and let Tie-Kui fall into endless pain and remorse, which is better than killing Tie-Kui directly.
       I have to say that Yan Wu-shuang is an expert in tormenting people. Fortunately, Ning Zhan is a scorpion is not an illegitimate child, the scorpion inherits the family business, and it is natural. However, Yan Wu-shuang's strategy still played a role, Fang Hui and Fang Jia let Ning Chan brought a lot of trouble. If it weren't for Qi-You, Zhan Ji Er died in Fang Hui hands, and Yan Wu-shuang's plan was equivalent to success. Of course, these are all words.
       At this time, the father-in-law said outside:
       "The emperor, the enemy generals seek to see." This year, Donghu people did not send troops to attack Tongcheng. It is not a conspiracy, but the Donghu people are now fighting for the position of the King of Khan. Because of this, Chou Dashan can come to Shengjing.
       Yan Wu-shuang immediately stood up and said:
       "Let him come in." These years, thanks to Chou Dashan, saved him a lot of things.
       As soon as he entered the house, Chou Dashan gave a big gift to Yan Wu-shuang:
       "The emperor is a thousand years old and thousands of years old." After receiving the imperial edict, he quickly rushed back. As for the request to come back together A-Bao and Achi, still behind.
       Yan Wu-shuang personally helped Chou Dashan and said:
       "Dashan, get up. These years, I have worked hard." In these years, Chou Dashan often led his own troops. It is also his life, not dead in the hands of the East Lake. However, the injury on the body does not know how much is added.
       Chou Dashan did not dare to take the merits and said:
       "Wei Chen just did his part."
       After returning to Yan Wu with Yan Wu-shuang, Chou Dashan asked:
       "Imperial, what about the war in Capital City?"
       I have to say that God is also taking care of Yun-Qing . If he is three months in the evening, he will be able to transfer half of the troops to protect the capital.
       When referring to the war in Capital City, Yan Wu-shuang’s face is not good:
       "The capital fell, and the southeast was killed by Tie-Kui." When he left, he also confessed to the high southeast, and he was wary of Tie-Kui. I didn't expect Gao Nandong to put his words in his heart, or else he would not die in the hands of Tie-Kui.
       Chou Dashan asked incredibly:
       "The emperor, this is impossible. How can Tie-Kui do such a thing? The emperor, is the news wrong?"
       In the mind of Chou Dashan, Tie-Kui is loyal to Yan Wu-shuang, how can he betray it!
       "I hope that the news is wrong." At least, it will not make him feel that the people below are too incompetent. After monitoring Tie-Kui for so long, I didn't even find that he had already gotten on the line with Yun-Qing . What made him even worse, in order to let Tie-Kui take the troops early, he also gave two elixir to Tie-Kui to eat. For so many years, no one has let him eat such a big loss, Tie-Kui is the first.

       Chapter 1357   Yu  Chen fell ill  

       Yan Wu-shuang said that Tie-Kui was rebellious, and Chou Dashan would never believe it and know that this is a fact.
       "Emperor, Tie-Kui, why did he defect?"
       When Chou Dashan said this, his voice was a bit low. Tie-Kui can climb to his current position and he takes half the credit. Now that Tie-Kui has lost his capital, he has to bear half of his responsibilities.
       Yan Wu-shuang didn't speak because he was now in a fire. Fighting the geese all day long, I didn’t expect that I was blinded by the geese.
       Meng-nian said:
       "Tie-Kui real name is Ning Hai, who was the 4th Young Master of the Hanlin Academy.
       Chou Dashan was in a hurry and asked:
       “Even so, what does this have to do with the Tie-Kui rebellion?”
       "The mother of Han Yu-Xi is the sister of Tie-Kui." It is awkward, and the mind is deep.
       Chou Dashan was shocked:
       "That-Tai-Kui isn't Han Yu-Xi? How is this possible?"
       If this is the case, then Tie-Kui is too scary. After so many years, I didn’t even disclose it.
       "This is what he said, and there will be fakes." This kind of thing can't be faked. Because of this, Yan Wu-shuang will be so annoyed.
       After a while, I waited for God to come to Chou Dashan and sin on the ground:
       "It’s all the Weichen’s unfavorable supervision, and he is guaranteed, and the emperor is downgraded.” If he knows the identity of Tie-Kui, he will not bring him to Capital City.
       Although Yan Wu-shuang is suspicious, he does not doubt Chou Dashan:
       "This matter has nothing to do with you. Who knows that Tie-Kui turned out to be the Yu-Xi of Han. I used to send people to check it. The people who sent it didn't check it. I wanted to come and he would have all the hidden dangers. They have all been removed." If Tie-Kui was found to be the adopted son of Tiejia, he will definitely continue to trace it. If he didn't find the problem, he naturally didn't think much.
       Chou Dashan heard this and said with a smile:
       “Tie-Kui once told me that although he was not enough to eat when he was a child, his parents loved him very much. Knowing that he missed books, he risked his life to hunt, and finally he was lucky enough to hunt a tiger. He has money to send him to private school." Tie-Kui can be reused by Chou Dashan, except that Tie-Kui saved his life because he had read books. We must know that 99% of the military is illiterate. The literary hyphenation is rare in the military, and Tie-Kui can write articles. The martial arts have good and literary words, which are rare in the military.
       Yan Wu-shuang sneer:
       "If he doesn't say this, how can you win your sympathy."
       This is the prejudice of Yan Wu-shuang. Tie-Kui said that these are all true, the only difference is that he read the book before going to private school. Into the private school, I quickly won the Master's like, think that he is very talented to cultivate him. It’s just that Tie-Kui has suffered so many crimes and feels that reading can't protect himself, so he firmly joined the army.
       Chou Dashan holds the fist and says:
       "The emperor, if it is really necessary to kill him." For those who betray them, they must not let go.
       "It would be too cheap for him to kill him. I want him to die." For so many years, no one who betrayed him can fall to the end. Tie-Kui is no exception.
       Chou Dashan's idea is different:
       “The emperor, Tie-Kui is very familiar with the terrain of our army and Liaodong.” After the meeting, Chou Dashan added:
       "Not only that, he also has a lot of relationships with many generals, such as Shen Honghua, -Lu Xiajiang, Lin Fengyuan, etc. If you don't remove him now, you will endless troubles." Tie-Kui can use these advantages to win over their generals. Although Liaodong has been operating for many years, now Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi have an advantage. Once Tie-Kui draws these people, no one can guarantee that they will not be moved.
       Yan Wu-shuang just forgot about it, but forgot about these things. Thinking about it, Yan Wu-shuang said to Meng-nian:
       "At any cost, Tie-Kui will be killed." Tie-Kui is not a miser, although he is greedy. In addition to these generals, he still has many people who support him in the army.
       Meng-nian nodded.
       On this day, Yan Wu-shuang was busy for another day. The situation in front of the war has failed, and their situation is getting worse.
       The body is tired or small, the key is the heart. Yan Wu-shuang asked Meng-nian:
       “Where is Honorable Noble?”
       Yan Wu-shuang was on the fast track and night, and arrived in Shengjing three days ago. Yu-Chen is in the carriage, still halfway.
       Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "The emperor, Honorable Noble is ill and is taking care of the station." Chang Chengyi felt that Gui Mama was cumbersome, but did not expect Gui Mama to be ill, but Yu-Chen was ill.
       "What happened? How could Honorable Noble get sick?"
       At the beginning of the year, he gave Yu-Chen three medicines. It is not Yan Wu-shuang stingy, but this medicine is not much, and Yu-Chen has no big illness and three medicines.
       "Honorable Noble is weak, and so fast, it may be that the body can't stand it." It is also Honorable Noble body is too bad, or else it will not fall ill.
       "What about Gui Mama? Is she sick?"
       Seeing Meng-nian shaking his head, Yan Wu-shuang knew that he was afraid that the elixir Yu-Chen he had given himself did not eat and gave Gui Mama a meal.
       Although some are annoyed, this will not be the time to pursue this. Thinking about the change, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       “Strictly serious?”
       This Meng-nian is also not sure:
       "It is a fever." If it is a fever, it is good to raise one. If you have a fever, it will be very troublesome.
       "Send someone to send some herbs and supplements in the past, let Honorable Noble take care of the disease." Just a fever, not serious. If not, he sent the Imperial Doctor.
       Meng-nian nodded:
       "I will tell you later." Yu-Chen was willing to stay and go forward with Yan Wu-shuang, which made Meng-nian feel more like.
       At this time, in Yu-Chen, it has actually fallen back. It’s just that the whole body is soft and there is no strength.
       Quan Mama came over with a basin of water, wringed the towel and gave Yu-Chen a face wash and said:
       "The porridge is being cooked in the kitchen. Let me go and see." Then he went out with the tub.
       Lying in bed, Yu-Chen is very boring. But I can't get up on my body, and I am bored to look at the layout of the house. There are beds in the room, cabinets and dressing tables. If it is normal, it would be too simple for her. But now, if it is not Chang Chengyi, Yu-Chen lives in such a room.
       After a little quarter of an hour, Gui Mama brought in a bowl of rice porridge, and the porridge still had a burst of heat.
       Yu-Chen has no appetite, but she still finished eating the porridge. Everyone is fleeing, it is not easy to eat rice porridge.
       After eating, Yu-Chen felt that there was some strength in his body. Let Gui Mama call Chang Chengyi to come in.
       Seeing Chang Chengyi, Yu-Chen said with a look:
       "Ordinary Darens, I blame my body for not competing, delaying everyone journey." If it is not Chang Chengyi, she can not live now.
       Gui Mama stood by and did not speak. In fact, we must blame her. If Imperial Consort didn't give the medicine to her but ate it herself, she would not fall ill. But if that is the case, it should be her. It was her who was lying in bed, and Chang Chengyi might not want to stay here.
       Chang Chengyi hangs down and does not look at Yu-Chen:
       "Imperial Consort, this is what the minister should do." Yu-Chen fell ill, soft and no strength. When I got off the bus, the weak and unrecognizable look made most of the guard eyes look straight. He always knew that Yu-Chen was beautiful, but he didn't know that Yu-Chen could be hooked after he fell ill. Worried about the accident, he made people stand outside the door for 12 hours in these days. Without his consent, except for Gui Mama, no one else can enter
       Yu-Chen called Chang Chengyi to come in, not to apologize for the "everyday, what is the battle ahead? Can the capital be held?"
       Although it is known that the hope that the capital can hold is small, it is always good to have hope.
       "Tie-Kui rebelled, killing the high general, and then relying on the anti-king." Seeing Yu-Chen's shocked look, Chang Chengyi thought about her identity and added another sentence:
       "Tie-Kui is a relative of Han Yu-Xi, he should have been rebellious."
       Yu-Chen was shocked and said after a long time:
       "I haven't found out for so many years, and this person is too deep." Such deep thoughts are terrible.
       Chang Chengyi smiled bitterly:
       "Who said no?"
       I think that he has been drinking Tie-Kui many times in the years in Capital City! Before the emperor sent someone to monitor Tie-Kui, he also said good things for him. As it turns out, the suspicion of the emperor is correct, and Tie-Kui is really problematic.
       Yu-Chen is silent.
       Chang Chengyi did not want to stay in the house and said with a low head:
       "Imperial Consort, you have to call me again." For a minute, he felt uncomfortable.
       Gui Mama saw Yu-Chen, and went to the bed to pinch the quilt to Yu-Chen and said:
       "Imperial Consort, don't think too much, and the third temple is still waiting for us with the 1st Princess in Shengjing!"
       Yu-Chen smiled, the smile was full of bitterness:
       "Now Yu-Xi is sitting in the world, but I fled to Liaodong like a funeral dog. In the 30 years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, the old saying is not wrong." In the past, she was a proud woman, Yu- Xi needs to look up the object. Now, it is reversed, and Yu-Xi is the existence she needs to look up to.
       Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, this is not true, we are not the dog of the family." But it is a temporary loss.
       Yu-Chen is not confident. Most of the world is Yu-Xi. How can Liaodong be able to keep it, at most, it will last for a few years:
       "If Liaodong falls, I will be a prisoner with Achi and A-Bao."
       After that, Yu-Chen grabbed Gui Mama hand and said:
       "Mama, I should have listened to you at the beginning." If there is no poison to Yun Qihao, perhaps the Yu-Xi in the past may not want A-Bao and Achi. But all this was ruined by her, Yu-Chen, this would ruin the intestines.
       When a person is sick, he will think about it. Gui Mama held the hand of Yu-Chen and said:
       "Imperial Consort, the emperor is not saying, he will protect you with 3rd Prince and the 1st Princess. Imperial Consort, you have confidence in the emperor, the old servant is to believe that the emperor will be able to hold Liaodong."
       Yu-Chen smiled bitterly:
       "Hope!" I was afraid that when Yan Wu-shuang was in charge, she would still be able to take care of them.
       Looking up at the roof, Yu-Chen said to himself:
       "Yu-Xi is definitely very happy now." The capital has won, the overall situation has been set, how can not be happy.
       Also in the middle of the night, Span received a good report from the capital. Holding the good news, Span was hesitant.
       Xu Danniu asked:
       "Old, what happened?"
       The title of the boss can only be Xu Wu.
       Spanian said:
       "When this is in the middle of the night, Wangfei must have slept." In the middle of the night, Wangfei fell asleep. Busy on most days, he didn't want to bother Yu-Xi to rest.
       Xu Da Nu laughed:
       "How big is this. This is not an urgent military service. Wait until dawn to tell Wangfei about this good news." It is impossible to deal with urgent matters. This newsletter told Wangfei later that it was not a delay.
       Seeing Sibo hesitant color, Xu Da Nu patted his shoulder and said:
       "In the past, when I encountered such a thing, Xu Laoda reported it the next day, and Wangfei never blamed it."
       "Okay." If Wangfei is dissatisfied, then the next time he has something, he will be wanted for the first time.
       Yu-Xi got up the next day, and Mei-Lan told her the good news when she was washing.
       Putting the water down, Mei-Lan said "" Wangfei, the emperor hit the capital down." I heard that the capital is the most prosperous place in the world, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to see it.
       Yu-Xi smiled with a towel:
       “When did the news arrive?”
       She only slept at the end of the week, and I wanted to come to the newsletter later.
       "The ugly end." Mei-Lan is also the news just received.
       When using breakfast, Yu-Xi told Lu-Er and Xuan Ji Er three sisters.
       Xuan Ji Er and You Ji-Er are very calm, because this is already in their expectation. He is so powerful, it is only a matter of time to win the capital.
       "Mother, when will he come back?"
       This is the concern of Xuan Ji Er. If Yun-Qing comes back, he may have to return to the military camp.
       Yu-Xi, I don’t know what Xuan Ji Er thinks:
       "Relieve and rehabilitate." Before Xuan's hands were not raised, Yun-Qing would not let him return to the military camp even if he came back.
       Xuan Ji Er said with a low head:
       "Mother, I don't want to go back to the military camp." This is more than half a year. Going back to the barracks, he really can't stand it.
       Yu-Xi did not say anything to death:
       "Let's talk about it later." If Yun-Qing 's attitude is not determined, she will help her. On the contrary, she can do nothing.
       Although I didn't reach the goal, I was so relieved that I didn't say I must send him back to the military camp. This result, Xuan Ji Er is still quite satisfied.
       You Ji-Er also asked a question:
       "Mother, what is the grade of the older sister?"
       Yu-Xi laughs:
       "When do you care about this?"
       You Ji-Er has been eating and eating since this time. If he didn't spend most of his time practicing, he would have become a fat man.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Mother, this is what my second brother asked me to ask. He said that he will definitely surpass the big sister in the future." With this idea, I will pay special attention to the movement of Jao-Jao.
       Yu-Xi couldn’t help but smile and said:
       "Your elder sister is now a thousand households with five products."
       Xuan Ji Er stunned and said:
       "Mother, how is it possible? When the big sister is going, she is a thousand households with five products. How can I still have five products?"
       You Ji-Er rolled his eyes and said:
       "Does this still ask? It must be that the big sister made a big mistake and was downgraded." It is not a big mistake, nor is it the official of the five products.
       Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Your elder sister has made a vanguard against the meaning of your embarrassment. Kai Hao knows that he is furious and let you drop the Jao-Jao level. But this is the capital, your sister, she should be able to rise to the next level."
       Xuan Ji Er couldn’t help but say:
       "Big brother is too embarrassed."
       You Ji-Er is very speechless and looks at Xuan Ji Er:
       "In the military, where the resistance is changed directly to the end. The older sister is only down to the third level. Is it a light punishment?"
       Big Brother is still merciful to the big sister. If he is replaced, he will let the older sister go to be a big soldier.
       Lu-Er was in a relaxed mood, didn't worry, said with a smile:
       "If you let the big sister know, you will definitely say that you are a pit-sister!" As long as people are fine, downgrading is not a problem. Later, the older sister will make a meritorious deed, and the grade will still be able to rise quickly.
       You Ji-Er does not agree, saying:
       "The big sister has no rules to do things. She always wants her mother to wipe her ass. If the big brother doesn't want to cure her now, it will continue to be troublesome."
       Yu-Xi glanced at You Ji-Er:
       "Where did you learn the crude words?"
       You Ji-Er is not snoring. Staying in the military for a long time will inevitably be affected.

       Chapter 1358   Worry  

       The sky is getting darker and grayer, but this is a good mood that does not affect Yu-Xi.
       Going halfway, it started to rain and pattered. The rain fell on the face with the wind, and the ice was cool.
       Mei-Lan opened the navy blue tarpaulin in his hand, see Yu-Xi pushed away and refused to use it, busy saying:
       “Wangfei, it will be cold when it rains.”
       "It’s just a few drops of rain that will be cold." It’s not Yu-Xi, but the rain is really not big. She is not papery, which is so easy to get sick.
       Mei-Lan knows the Yu-Xi temperament child, but still advises:
       "Wangfei, this rain will get bigger and bigger. Wangfei, or an umbrella!" When Yu-Xi is not willing to listen to her advice, Mei-Lan especially hopes that Quan Mama can be present. In this way, Wangfei will not shirk it.
       "There are only a few steps left, and the rain is not afraid." But the mouth said so, the pace was not accelerated.
       When I went to the study in the front yard, it was still light rain. When Yu-Xi entered the study, Mei-Lan glanced at the oil umbrella in his hand and shook his head helplessly.
       Si Bonian handed the news to Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
       "Because it is too late, I am afraid to disturb Wangfei, you have no time to look back."
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded. There is still a letter in the newsletter. After reading the letter Yu-Xi, the face is not good.
       Si Bo Nian thought about the sadness of Dongluo County and asked him:
       "Wangfei, is it something that Wangye has?"
       Yu-Xi looked up at Span, saw his face anxiety, and shook his head and said:
       As long as it wasn't for Wangye, Span was relieved.
       Yu-Xi thought about it and said:
       "Tie-Kui is my sister. He announced his identity. I am worried that Yan Wu-shuang will poison him."
       Sibo was stunned and asked after a while.
       "How is Tie-Kui a singer of Wangfei, haven't heard of it before?"
       That Tie-Kui, not only good fortune but also kill innocent.
       After saying this, Spanian knew that he was stupid. Such a secret thing, how can people know.
       "I recognized it more than ten years ago, just because he did not dare to open it in the capital." Under the eyes of Yan Wu-shuang, he fought for so many years, and he had no peace of mind. Now that he is openly identifiable, Yan Wu-shuang will definitely kill him.
       Spanian said:
       "Wangfei If you are not at ease, you can deploy some guards to the Iron General."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "The sword is not afraid of the gun. I am arrogant and arrogant in my own martial arts. I am afraid that Yan Wu-shuang will use the means of seeing no light, then it will be impossible to prevent." After that, Yu-Xi added:
       "My real name is Ning Hai."
       Spanian nodded:
       "If Wangfei is worried, he will transfer the iron general to Yucheng." In Yucheng, it is much safer than in the capital.
       Yu-Xi thinks this is a good idea, but this must be agreed with him first.
       At this time, Xu Da Nu said outside:
       "Wangfei, Tang Daren asked to see." Chang Yu-Xi is the morning meeting, in the afternoon to review the fold. However, now it’s a special period, and it’s a special period in front of the palace.
       Tang Chengye will present a list of prisoners who need to be executed.
       Yu-Xi looked at the number of people and said:
       "Well, one-fifth less than the last time, it’s good." The crimes are getting thinner and thinner, and the number of prisoners who need to be killed has dropped so much, not only indicating that the law and order is good, but also that the people are living well.
       After that, I looked down and looked at it carefully. Seeing one place, Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       "What happened to this child's case of killing the father? Have you learned more about it?"
       The child kills the father, and once he is discovered, he will not only pay for his life, but will also be reviled by the world. The cost is too great, unless this person is a fool, it will not do such a stupid thing.
       In this case, Tang Chengye also paid special attention to:
       "This Zhang Liguo intended to murder his father, and the result was discovered. His father angered him to the door." The son of the father should be sentenced to death, even if the attempted murder.
       "Send the file to the file." Tang Chengye list was only briefly written, the process is not detailed, you must look at the file to know the beginning and end of the case.
       Tang Chengye nodded and said nodly:
       "Chen this is taken." Wangfei point of view is different from people, maybe the case is going to be sent back for retrial.
       After half an hour, Tang Chengye handed the file to Yu-Xi. This file has been seen before. However, if Yu-Xi wants to see it, he will not elaborate.
       In fact, the case is not complicated, and Zhang Liguo mother died. Zhang Liguo suspected that he was the mother of Zhang’s murder and had a big fight with Zhang’s father. Zhang father was in a hurry and said that he would drive Zhang Liguo out of the house. Three days later, Zhang was poisoned, but because he was drinking less, he did not die. After checking, the poison is Zhang Liguo.
       After reading the file, Yu-Xi asked:
       "What do you think of this case?"
       I don't have to ask if I know that Tang Chengye has seen the file of this case.
       Tang Chengye said:
       "Wangfei, the evidence in this case is conclusive." The person card is Zhang Liguo little sister, and the physical evidence is the arsenic that Zhang Liguo went to the drug shop.
       If the evidence is not conclusive, it will not be sentenced to death. However, the focus of Yu-Xi is not on this:
       "Then did you notice that the file said that Zhang Liguo is the only son of Zhang's father. If you change to be a Tang Daren, will you put your only son in the dead?"
       If Zhang’s father dies, Yu-Xi has no doubts. But because he didn't die, Yu-Xi was strange. It was so coincidental that he didn't finish the chicken soup. Coincidence is there, but there are so many coincidences in this world.
       Tang Chengye hesitated and nodded:
       "If you change to me, I will send him to the government, or not, then I will endless."
       "Zhang Liguo is famous for his talents. According to the file on the file, he should be very filial to his mother." Suddenly, Yu-Xi laughed, and the smile was full of sarcasm:
       "How can a child who is filial to her mother poison her father?"
       This case is obviously flawed.
       Tang Chengye did not argue with Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, this case has a witness and a physical certificate." He also felt that the case had some doubts, and he could not be held accountable because of the evidence.
       Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
       "The evidence can also be faked." After that, Yu-Xi put down the file in his hand and said:
       "This case is sent back for retrial, so it is necessary to thoroughly check it out."
       Tang Chengye was hesitant and asked:
       "Wangfei, what if the result is the same?"
       "That is also an attempt to kill, should not be sentenced to death." According to Zhang Liguo behavior, he was also sentenced to exile.
       "Wangfei, this is not appropriate." The son killed the sin, the sin is very evil, how can only be sentenced to exile. When the case came out, the next time it must be blown up.
       Yu-Xi glanced at Tang Chengye and said:
       "When the monk of the Emperor's Temple in the same year said that my hit was a bad one, Han Jingyan would let me go to the country to take up my life and let me die. If I didn't resist at the time, now is a cup of loess."
       These things, Tang Chengye has never heard of it. However, he still said:
       "Wangfei, Zhang Liguo situation is different from yours." Wangfei behavior can only be said to be disobedient, but Zhang Liguo is to kill the father.
       "The essence is the same. Father filial piety, father is not kind to filial piety?"
       Han Jingyan is also bias, and wants to put her to death several times. Therefore, she is very indifferent to that kind of filial piety. It is the filial piety that parents give their lives. You can face unfriendly or even vicious parents and resist. Otherwise, it is the growth of this hurricane.
       Tang Chengye is worried that this will affect the social atmosphere. After all, Baishan filial piety is the first, even if the parents are too much, the children can not be unfilial.
       Thinking about it, Tang Chengye said:
       "Jun wants to die, the minister has to die, to be loyal. The father wants to die, the son has to die, to be filial."
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi dismissed it; "It is because of these ignorant thoughts that ancestors have created generations of tyrants, creating so many women's miserable life."
       Speaking of Yu-Xi last life is a tragedy, the mother died young and cold-blooded, her husband and wolf heart, mother-in-law, bitter and mean. What was bad was met by her.
       Tang Chengye did not dare to -call again. This is the real reason why men don't want women to take power, because women's power will touch them too much.
       Yu-Xi doesn't want to say more. After all, this phenomenon has existed for thousands of years. It is not a matter of time to change.
       Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said to Tang Chengye:
       "Do you think it's good to send someone to review the case?"
       If Zhang Liguo is framed, he can use this as a model to promote.
       Tang Chengye suddenly said:
       "Wangfei, is it too much to send the case to the case?"
       He dare not say that Yu-Xi has some big problems.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Just send Yuan Bilin!"
       When Tang Chengye heard this, he knew that Yu-Xi was determined to reverse the case for Zhang Liguo:
       "If Zhang Liguo is really embarrassed, Yuan Daren will be able to return his innocence." Yuan Bilin is the master of the case and should be able to find out the truth.
       Tan Tuolai anecdote found that Yu-Xi was in a bad mood, and Wangye had a big happy event when he laid down the capital. How Wangfei still had a face.
       Thinking of this, Tan Tuo asked:
       “Wangfei, how many casualties are there in Capital City?”
       He actually suspects that Yun-Qing is injured, otherwise the Yu-Xi face will not be so ugly.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "There were more than 60 thousand people killed in the war, and more than 50 thousand injuries." How many injuries were slightly injured, and did not say in the battle report.
       After that, Yu-Xi cleaned up the emotions and said:
       "The high southeast is burning the palace and it was stopped by me." The palace was burned down and there was no way to move the capital within ten years.
       Tan Tuo said:
       "When the General Xiang Ning General made a great contribution." Tie-Kui is the servant of Yu-Xi, which means that Wangfei has another arm, which is a good thing for them.
       Although Yu-Xi has a good relationship with Yun-Qing , there are a lot of anti-going goals for both husband and ‘Madam’. Therefore, the more chips in the hands of Yu-Xi, the more stable the position, and the more secure he is. However, this is only what he thought in his heart, and did not show it.
       It took half a month and the capital was completely stabilized. When the shops opened, small traders also went to the streets to do business, and the market gradually began to get busy.
       Qi Hao took Hua Ji Er to the market and turned around. When he returned to his place of residence, he saw 2nd Brother, Feng Zhiyi.
       Feng Zhiyi 2nd Brother were busy seeing the ceremony:
       "Shi Zi."
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "What do you do with so many gifts for a family?" Then, looking at the white cloth wrapped around Feng Zhixi:
       "How? Wounded?"
       It is inevitable that the injury will be inflicted, but Feng Zhixi identity is special, and Qi Hao is naturally concerned.
       Feng Zhixi said inadvertently:
       "Small injury, nothing to hinder." After a pause, Feng Zhixi added another sentence:
       "The Wang Heir, can't you tell the 2nd County Owner!"
       Feng Zhiyi shook his head helplessly.
       Qi Hao laughed:
       "I don't know how important it is?"
       Two brother-in-law, one is more stupid than one.
       Feng Zhixi embarrassedly touched the back of the head and asked:
       "Heir, I said that you and Wangye will return to the city in these two days?"
       Kai Hao has a voice:
       "I can't worry about my family, I want to go back earlier." After so long, he also wanted to be at home.
       Feng Zhixi said with a smile:
       "I also want to go back, but unfortunately I want me to follow the 1st County Owner." Hey, you can fight to gain experience, and you can make a contribution.
       After chatting for a while, Qi Hao asked:
       "Which? Why didn't you come over during this time?"
       Feng Dajun brought Feng Zhiyi 2nd Brother back four or five times, and Cui Mo never brought Cui Weiqi over.
       "He has a knife in his thigh and he is seriously injured. He is lying in bed and recovering from injury." Cui Weiqi, like Feng Zhixi, was injured in the party that had arrested the court. The difference is that Cui Weiqi is a light enemy, Feng Zhixi is too powerful to meet opponents.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "I won't fall into the sequelae?"
       "Injury to the bones, but the doctor said that it will not fall into the sequelae." After a hundred days of injury, he had to lie in bed for three or five months.
       As he spoke, Feng Dajun and Cui Mo came out from inside. Feng Dajun looks as usual, Cui Mo still has a face. Since the outing of Niu-Shi, Cui Mo has not smiled. This time, Cui Weiqi was injured and he did not mention it to anyone.
       Entering the house, see Yun-Qing is packing things, Kai Hao asked:
       "Hey, when are we going?"
       "Starting after five days! During this time, you just bought gifts for them." As for Yun-Qing himself, there are too many things, he can't walk.
       Kai Hao has a voice:
       "Hey, I want to go to the Duke House in Korea tomorrow."
       Yun-Qing knows that Qihao wants to see where Yu-Xi grows:
       "Not telling you, Duke House has become a ruin. You have gone, and you can't see anything." Han people want to live in Duke House and have to overhaul.
       Qi Hao naturally knows this:
       "It’s just that the ground is pitted and the house has not fallen."
       See Qi Hao insist, Yun-Qing has no objection:
       "You want to go, then go!" He knew that Han Duke House was a falcon's lair and didn't worry about security.
       After talking about this, Kai Hao talked about Cui Weiqi business:
       "Hey, I heard Shi Zhi said that Wei Qige was injured."
       Yun-Qing clicked on the head:
       "Fortunately, it is not on the battlefield, otherwise he will die."
       Qi Hao focuses on Cui Mo:
       "Hey, I see Uncle Cui face sullen these days." Cui Mo temper is not careful, but he will prepare a gift for him every year when he is born. Although he does not lack that thing, he remembers it.
       Yun-Qing also knows the crux:
       "The thing of Niu-Shi is not solved, and Cui Mo mood is not good." After that, Yun-Qing stared at Qi Hao:
       "I told you that the marriage of the parents and the words of the media, you can never learn Weiqi." Although Kaihao is very smart, but also afraid of a case. In addition, Cui Weiqi was also good in the past, and finally planted in the hands of a woman.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "Hey, don't worry, I won't." In fact, Qi Hao said that the most failure of Cui Weiqi is not to be private with people, but to look too bad. I think that his eldest sister is also a private life, but the big sister is very good. And Cui Weiqi forehead of the woman, for the sake of greed and wealth, but others say so much that he does not believe.

       Chapter 1359   Bitter Meat Meter  

       Qi Hao thought about it, and said with Yun-Qing :
       "Oh, I think that Wei Qige injury is an opportunity to let him see the opportunity of the cow-Shi."
       Since Cui Weiqi withdrew, Kai Hao attitude toward Cui Weiqi was cold. At this point, Yun-Qing has found out. So when I heard this from Kai Hao, Yun-Qing had some accidents:
       "You want to help Cui Weiqi?"
       Kai Hao said:
       "Uncle Cui is so good to me, I want to help him." If he didn't look at Cui Mo face, he wouldn't take care of Cui Weiqi.
       Yun-Qing heard a smile on his face:
       "You have any idea, let's listen." Kai Hao is so smart, the idea must not be wrong. But what makes him happy is that Qi Hao has a human touch than before.
       "Using bitter meat." In fact, it is very simple, that is, let Niu-Shi know that Cui Weiqi is a waste. Since it is a waste person, it is naturally impossible to inherit the family business and there is no future.
       Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "In this way, the Tang family will retreat." He did not think this was a good idea.
       "If the Tang family knows Weiqige, he will not retreat." See Yun-Qing looking at him, Qi Hao explained:
       "Tang Chengye is a very famous person and will not make things happen." Yu-Xi will analyze the number of temperament sons and advantages and disadvantages with Qi Hao.
       Yun-Qing frowned. The Tang family’s retreat is normal, and there is some cold-bloodedness. Because he is replaced by him, he is unwilling to marry his daughter to a disabled person. However, this is, after all, a matter of the Tang family, and it is not something he can set:
       "If it is a cow-Shi, don't you believe that you are not busy?"
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "That's up to Cui Madam." He just made up his mind, and if he can succeed, he is not in his consideration.
       After the election, Kai Hao said with a smile:
       "If Niu-Shi believes that Cui Weiqi is still disabled, he still can't give up on him. I think it can be done for them, and it will save the disaster of Tang Jiaji." If Niu-Shi and Cui Weiqi can't break, let him and Cui Weiqi retreat. Pro is also a good thing.
       Yun-Qing is also a kind person:
       "If so, let your mother tell the door of the Tang family II Miss." It is also a compensation for the Tang family II Miss.
       Kai Hao laughed and said:
       "Mother is so busy, I am still looking for something for her, I will definitely be complained." Tang Jiaji Miss's wind evaluation is good, if you really withdrew, I want to come to Niang to help this.
       Being teased by his son, Yun-Qing is not happy but angry. In the past two years, Qi Hao has become more and more cheerful, and he is no longer like a little old man.
       Cui Mo went back to where he lived and called the manager to ask Cui Weiqi.
       Talking about things:
       "The uncle mental condition is not bad, the general does not have to worry."
       Cui Weiqi heard the sound inside the house, but after waiting for a long time, he did not wait until Cui Mo entered the house. He knew that Cui Mo still didn't want to see him.
       Lying in bed, Cui Weiqi whispered:
       "A Chao, do you say that I really did something wrong?"
       He would rather be beaten by Cui Mo and not to be ignored. This feeling is too bad.
       After a silent silence, A Chao said:
       "The big Master, in fact, I have always been very strange. The law and order of the city has always been very good, and the mantle is a rare sight. The cow Miss is entangled in these cellars, and then it happened to be hit by the uncle. "If Cui Weiqi is not good, he will be unlucky with his body and mind." It’s just that he knows Cui Weiqi temperament son, and he said that the cow’s uneasy heart will be counterproductive. I began to persuade two times. Seeing that Cui Weiqi did not believe it, he would not say it anymore. Now Cui Weiqi volunteered to ask, he will miss the opportunity.
       Cui Weiqi stared at A Chao and asked very ugly face:
       "Do you mean that this is all designed by Alan?"
       A Chao shook his head and said:
       "No, I think it's too clever. In this world, there are so many clever things." Others say that more, their own masters will not believe. Only he can check it himself, he will believe it.
       Cui Weiqi looked at his hanged legs and fell into meditation.
       After an hour, Qi Hao came over. Knowing that Cui Mo went out to work, he went to see Cui Weiqi.
       Cui Weiqi saw that Qi Hao wanted to get up, and the result was a wound, and the pain almost -called.
       Forbearance, Cui Weiqi said:
       "Heir, I am going out, maybe I will come back at night." He doesn't think he has such a big face, he can work and open his life to visit him. As his mother said, since the rejection of the 2nd County Owner, Qi Hao was obviously unfamiliar with him.
       Qi Hao looked at Cui Weiqi who was not very good, and his mind turned and felt that the previous method should be adjusted.
       Sitting at the bed, Qi Hao said:
       "I am coming to see you." Finished, put the gift box in his hand on the table next to it, revealing a dish of snow-white pastries.
       "This is the cowpea roll that I bought for you. This cake is especially delicious. You have a taste." Cui Weiqi is not lacking here. It is most suitable to have some snacks.
       Cui Weiqi is not good at appetite, but he does not like to eat when he buys it, or he does not give face.
       After eating a piece, Cui Weiqi sincerely praised:
       “Good.” Soft and delicate, sweet and refreshing.
       After eating a plate of cakes, Kai Hao asked with concern:
       "Listen to me that you are a cow-Shi thing with Cui Shu and Cui Wei is very fierce?"
       Sighed, Cui Weiqi said:
       "Alan really likes me, but my mother bites that Alan is climbing for me to be rich and wealthy. No matter how I explain it, they just don't listen. For this matter, I don't want to talk to me." At this point, Cui Weiqi head is low.
       "I heard what I said. In fact, this does not blame Cui Shu and Cui Wei. They are also worried that you have been deceived." Kai Hao tone is similar to that of Feng Zhixi.
       "I know, but now Alan has my child, how can I ignore her?"
       Alan is already pregnant with his child. If he is left behind, he is still a man!
       Qi Hao said with a smile:
       “Actually, I think you have complicated a very simple matter.”
       Cui Weiqi eagerly asked:
       "The Wang Heir, do you have a way to get my parents to eliminate prejudice?"
       Kai Hao said:
       "Since Cui Shu Cui Wei thinks that Niu-Shi is not really good for you, then you will prove it to them. This time you are injured is a chance."
       After talking about Cui Weiqi legs, Kai Hao said with a smile:
       "It's very simple, let Niu-Shi think that you can't stand up again in the future. If she is willing to stay with you, it means that she is true to you. If not, it is false."
       Cui Weiqi squatted.
       Qi Hao mouth is upturned, but the look has not changed:
       "What's wrong? No confidence?"
       Cui Weiqi shook his head and said:
       "No. I am afraid that even if Auntie knows that Alan is true to me, they will not agree with me."
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "If she doesn't mind if you are willing to marry you, then there will be a woman who is affectionate and righteous, Cui Shu Cui, who will stop you." He won't make a big bag to let Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi Come out to help. His mother is so busy, he will not find something for her mother.
       Cui Weiqi did not immediately agree:
       "Shi Zi, this is something I will consider again."
       "Well. I still have something to do, let's go first." Finished, no more nostalgia, got up and went out.
       Out of the house, Kai Hao face crossed a sly smile. Cui Weiqi actually hesitated, which shows that he actually did not have enough confidence in Niu-Shi, which is really interesting.
       "Go to the mother and the second sister, they buy gifts." Do you want to test the cow-Shi, it is Cui Weiqi.
       Halfway through the shopping, the sky suddenly darkened. Soon, the dark clouds cover the sky. The vendors in the market saw things and packed up and went home. The bustling market was quickly deserted.
       After a while, there was a downpour.
       Kai Hao said:
       "I hope that the northwest can also have such a heavy rain." If there is such a heavy rain in the northwest, then you can use the wheat harvest.
       With many years of Qi Hao, there is still a tacit understanding. Hua Ji Er said with a smile:
       "The world is assured that this year will definitely be a bumper year." The food will be harvested, the trouble will be less, and the aunt will not be so tired.
       On the way back, the group suddenly heard someone in the distance -calling murder and killing. Soon, I saw a few men in rags running towards them.
       Yi Yi did not need Kai Hao to tell, immediately ordered the following guards:
       "Block them." Although these people are wearing civilian clothes, these few people are as fast as they are, and they are not ordinary people.
       Qi Hao immediately took Hua Ji Er and Lu Bai and others to the place where the accident occurred.
       Along the way, I saw a lot of bodies. When I saw Tie-Kui, I didn't have to ask Kai Hao to know that Yan Wu-shuang sent a killer to assassinate Tie-Kui.
       Qi Hao went to Tie-Kui and asked:
       "Hey, are you okay?"
       Damn Yan Wu-shuang, just like the ghost, from time to time came out of disgusting people.
       Tie-Kui inserted the bloody sword into the tip of the sword and said with a smile:
       "Yan Wu-shuang wants me to die, I have to live well." It is not so easy to let him die.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Yu Gong will be able to live for a long time." Six sisters, the most non-Qi-You who say sweet words are none other than. However, Qi-You will only yoke Yu-Xi, and others will not take care of it.
       "Is this going back to the world?"
       Just Tie-Kui is going to find Yun-Qing . Seeing Kaihao nodded and followed Kaihao.
       I heard that Tie-Kui was assassinated, and Yun-Qing frowned and said:
       "There are still many remaining parties hidden in the city." It is necessary to increase the intensity of the search.
       Tie-Kui said:
       "I am clear about the terrain of Liaodong and the situation in the military. Yan Wu-shuang is so eager to get rid of me, I am sure that I will lead the troops to fight."
       "Hey, if you stay in the capital, it will be even more dangerous. Otherwise, you will join us in the city!" Xiao-Shi and Ruyi Ruyi, already on the way to Yucheng.
       Tie-Kui said quietly:
       "Wangye, I am very familiar with Qincheng. I will take the soldiers to attack Qincheng and get twice the result with half the effort." Before they couldn't worry about their wives and daughters, now they have left the city, and there is nothing to worry about.
       Yun-Qing is hesitant.
       Kai Hao said with a smile:
       "Hey, we can't be passively beaten, and the grandfather said it. He is familiar with the terrain in that area. It will be twice the result with half the effort. Hey, you agree with the request of the public!"
       "Really decided?"
       It is not that I don't believe in Tie-Kui, but that he wants Tie-Kui to take a good rest for a while. However, if Tie-Kui insists, he will not stop.
       Tie-Kui said something:
       "Decision. What Yan Wu-shuang did to me in these years, I want to give it back to him." He didn't have to endure it anymore, and it was time for Yan Wu-shuang to feel pain.
       Yun-Qing sees that his idea has been fixed, and he will not stop:
       "Well, after a few days, you will bring troops to join -Lu Yongnan." Tie-Kui terracotta warriors are the people who followed him. Unless otherwise thought, others will be happy to join Yun-Qing with Tie-Kui. After all, Yun-Qing will be bright in the future, and Yan Wu-shuang will be a thin day.
       Tie-Kui has to go first with Yun-Qing and Qi Hao, and the father and son go to see him personally.
       Tie-Kui, who has a beard, wears an armor and can’t tell the handsome.
       Qi Hao took a serious look and said:
       "Yu Gong, A-Xin looks too much like you!" Ning Zhan and Tie-Kui, in fact, also six or seven. Unlike Jao-Jao, with Yun-Qing , it is printed with a mold.
       Tie-Kui is also in a good mood, he said happily:
       "He is my son, not like who I am."
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Hey, don't you disclose the identity of A-Xin?"
       Yan Wu-shuang If you know the true identity of A-Xin, you will definitely kill him.
       Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "Only by putting him at risk can he grow faster. And I don't want him to continue to be wronged." Although Zhan did not mind carrying the name of an illegitimate child, he was reluctant. In addition, the son is next to the 4th Young Master, and it is not dangerous to be careful.
       Yun-Qing I think that A-Xin is not in danger at the Wangfu, and I will not say anything anymore.
       Sent away Tie-Kui, Yun-Qing said:
       "We have to pack up and get ready to go home." After leaving home for more than four months, I should go back.
       When the father and son returned to their place of residence, they heard the guards returning and said that Cui Mo was waiting for them in the house.
       Cui Mo came here specially to thank Qi Hao:
       "That scorpion has already agreed with the advice of the child. Heir, thank you for saying that the scorpion."
       Qi Hao shook his head:
       "Uncle Cui, if the cow-Shi really doesn't mind Weiqige, would you stay with him?"
       No matter what, there is a case.
       Cui Mo did not want to say:
       "If this is the case, I will go to the Tang family to plead guilty and let her do the 2nd House of Weiqi." When a ‘Madam’ is impossible, how can a woman who cannot have a child let him occupy the position of the eldest son?
       Qi Hao was a little surprised and asked:
       "Do you say this to Weiqige?"
       "That said, he also agreed." Although Cui Mo is a big man, he is decisive and speaks. Otherwise, how can you bring a good cavalry.
       Kai Hao has a voice:
       "That's good."
       As I spoke, I heard Guan Tai ask for it. In these few days, Guan Tai has been dealing with spoils.
       Looking at Guan Tai holding a stack of thick books, Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "Qi Hao, you are busy again." These trivial things are now handled by Qi Hao.
       There is something to do, Kai Hao is very happy:
       "Hey, with so many books, it takes three to five days to finish reading!"
       Yun-Qing is in a good mood:
       "Then stay for another five days." In addition to these valuable objects, only the gold and silver that were copied were more than 18 million. Capital City, no loss is the most affluent place under the sun. These gold and silver, together with other spoils collected, fill the gaps and balances. This is also one of the reasons why Yun-Qing is in a good mood these days. At least for a short time, their husband and ‘Madam’ no longer have to worry about money.
       Qi Hao shook his head and said:
       "Three days, three days is enough!" The weather is getting hotter, or it is better to go back earlier. He doesn't want to hurry with the big sun.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi
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