Han Yuxi 1340

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1340   Defeated as a mountain (1)  

       In just fifteen days, Yun-Qing reached 300 thousand troops and hit the wall of Shicheng City. On this road, the soldiers and horses of the court are basically escaping from the wind. They are not like fighting in the fight.
       Jao-Jao complained a bit:
       "This is not a big hit." After a few trips, Jao-Jao has been promoted to the four divisions. The speed of this promotion is not comparable to that of a few people.
       Kai Hao listened to this and said:
       "Big sister, you can't beat it, it means a lot of people who die. When you hit Beibei, you died more than 200 thousand people."
       Jao-Jao didn't dare to speak.
       Yun-Qing is very happy, and Jao-Jao can get rid of him. Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Zhou is also a veteran of the sand field. It is estimated that this is difficult." Shicheng must be taken down, but it takes a long time.
       "I hope that the truth is as good as it is." This road calls, Jao-Jao really can't attend the court's military commanders. I still ran when I didn’t hit it. I grabbed it and asked for mercy. There was no military temperament.
       Qi Hao face is not very good-looking and said:
       "Big sister, if you hold this kind of mind again, don't go to the battlefield again." The biggest taboo is to underestimate the enemy, and Jao-Jao is now making such a mistake.
       Jao-Jao said busy:
       "I will also say a few words to you. I can't despise anyone on the battlefield." Even if it is an inconspicuous soldier, she is wary.
       Kai Hao said:
       "I believe you this time, but if you didn't do it, don't blame me for not telling you to go back to the city."
       "Reassured, you must do it." This guy must do what he says. Since she said this, if she does not perform well, she will really let her go back to the city.
       Although Qi Hao did not go to the battlefield and did not have a military position, but as long as he spoke, Yun-Qing would agree. This point makes Jao-Jao envious.
       In the morning, the bright and dewdrops on the buds of the buds were flashing, and a gust of wind blew, and the dewdrops slid down the leaves. Soon, the silence was broken by the sound of a mountain torrent.
       Highly rushed into the house at an arrow-like speed, and toward the nod of the week:
       "The generals, the enemy began to attack the city."
       Zhou slammed up and walked to the back of the room. After wearing the armor, he stood still and stood tall:
       "What to send, go!"
       "General, what are you doing?"
       When I said this, the voice was shaking.
       "Don't you say that Yun-Qing is coming? Since the enemy is coming, it is natural to go to the city wall." He knew that the wall was unstoppable, but he would not let Yun-Qing take the stone city easily. .
       The high heart has a bad feeling:
       "The general, you will command in the rear, you don't have to go to the city wall." He was afraid that the generals would go to the wall to kill the enemy.
       Zhou did not speak:
       "If you don't want to go, leave it!" Then he walked out.
       Zhou Ang knew to use it again and went out together.
       After five days, the news of Zhou death was passed back to Capital City. Meng-nian said with great pain:
       "The emperor, General Zhou has not fallen in the three arrows, still furious to kill the enemy." Rao is a well-dead leader, Shicheng also only kept for four days. This number can be amazing.
       Yan Wu-shuang pinched his fist.
       Meng-nian is in a hurry:
       "The emperor, Shimen is less than a thousand miles from the capital. The emperor, should we withdraw?" He did not expect that the momentum of Yun-Qing turned out to be so fierce.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "Not in a hurry. But our previous plans must be advanced." Hastily, I don't know if I can.
       Meng-nian knew Yan Wu-shuang's plan and immediately hesitated:
       "The emperor, this plan is still canceled!" Meng-nian, who has always listened to Yan Wu-shuang, rarely raised objections.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "How can we cancel this step? It has become a failure to hold the capital, but it is just a retreat to Liaodong."
       "The emperor, if this plan is successful, you will also bear the nickname of the ages. The emperor, this price is too big." It doesn't matter if you can't name it, but you can't forget the millennium!
       Yan Wu-shuang did not care to say:
       "I don't care what others say when I am alive. I am not afraid of death."
       Meng-nian tried hard to persuade and could not convince Yan Wu-shuang. In desperation, Meng-nian can only say:
       "The emperor, the success of the plan is still unknown, we still have to prepare for the retreat." He hopes that the plan will fail.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded.
       After dark, Yan Wu-shuang went to Zhang Huagong. Because of the preparations, all the precious ornaments in the palace were packed and shipped away, and the rest would not be worth the money if they were worth the money.
       When I entered the palace, I felt a lot of empty space. Yan Wu-shuang asked Yu-Chen:
       "How much is there?"
       Yu-Chen nod:
       "There are six boxes." Her stuff, sixty boxes are not finished. Now it's time to streamline to six boxes, but it's hard to make Yu-Chen. As for those things that can't be taken, she is ready to hide.
       Yan Wu-shuang frowned:
       "Too much, lose half." Three boxes, he is too much. But thinking about the things in Yu-Chen's hand, I barely accepted it.
       Yu-Chen said without hesitation:
       "it is good."
       Seeing Yan Wu-shuang is not very good, Yu-Chen asked:
       "The emperor, is there any bad news ahead?"
       Every day, the news of the defeat was received, and Yu-Chen did not dare to listen again.
       "Weekly war dead, Shicheng lost. According to this speed, Yun-Qing will be under the city for a month." If the plan is successful, Yun-Qing will never reach the capital. If the plan fails, he will withdraw to Liaodong next month.
       Yu-Chen's face changes slightly:
       "The emperor, when will we withdraw to Shengjing?"
       Yan Wu-shuang did not give the exact time, just said:
       “Yun-Qing will definitely retreat before entering the capital.”
       Yu-Chen is a bit disappointed.
       "You have a good rest during this time. Once you leave Capital City, the road will be very hard." This can be said because Yu-Chen is willing to stay and willing to go forward with him.
       After Yan Wu-shuang left, Yu-Chen looked at the red phoenix on the table and wore a small lock on the peony square.
       Gui Mama whispered:
       “Imperial Consort ”
       Yu-Chen turned back to God and said:
       “Mama, Yun-Qing has taken over Shicheng and will soon be coming to Capital City. We have to be ready to go.”
       Gui Mama said:
       "Okay." Worried for so many years, this moment is finally coming.
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "The emperor said that there are too many six boxes, let me streamline three more."
       Six boxes, each of which is a good thing worth a thousand dollars. Not to mention streamlining the three boxes, even if you leave, Gui Mama feels distressed.
       "Imperial Consort, let's hide these things outside the palace! Maybe, in the future, the 1st Princess and the three canes can be used." These things can't be bought with money, she really can't bear to let Yu-Chen give away.
       Yu-Chen is also reluctant, these things are all her beloved things, which are willing to give people:
       "Mama, where do you think hiding?"
       Gui Mama has been thinking about this for a long time, and she feels that she can escort these East* to Yu-Chen. I also know that the outside of the capital is very chaotic, otherwise she would definitely recommend hiding in the dowry.
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "Mama, how do you see it in the cellar of Tingyun Pavilion?"
       The cellar of Tingyun Pavilion knows that there are not many people.
       The place is good, but Gui Mama is opposed:
       "When Yu-Xi takes up the capital, she will give Han Duke House back to the lobby brother, and these things will not be available."
       "Half of these things were originally Duke House. If you can't get it, you will return it to Duke House." Hiding in other places, once you can't get it, you will be cheaper than others.
       Gui Mama thought about the following:
       "Then half of it is placed on the dowry and the other half is placed in the secret of Tingyun Pavilion."
       Yu-Chen thought about it and nodded. Turned around and called an eunuch to come in and said to him:
       "You sent this dice to Yu-Rong."
       Half a day later, the eunuch surnamed Wan returned:
       "Imperial Consort, the second grandmother is not in the house, the concierge said that she went out to the city to go to relatives. As for the relatives who went to the house, the concierge did not know."
       Yu-Chen listened to his face:
       "Out of town? This is so dangerous outside the city, how come out of the city?"
       Gui Mama is busy:
       "Imperial Consort, don't worry, this should be the outsider's rhetoric. Jiangfu can have a Master Gao, he will not be so unconstrained." Calculating the city, it will certainly bring enough staff.
       "Well, I heard that the Northwest Army likes to rob the bureaucrats. If they want to come, they will hear the wind and avoid the civilian area." But the guess is very accurate.
       Before Yu-Rong sent food to hide in the Duke House, Yu-Chen sent precious objects such as gold and silver jewelry to the house. Both people were alarmed by the Falcons hidden in the Duke House.
       The Red Eagle said:
       "There are not many boxes, and I want to come in these boxes with some valuable things." After that, the Red Eagle couldn't help but say:
       “How do you like to hide things in this dilapidated Duke House?”
       Han Duke House was ruined by Yan Wu-shuang, and most of the place was abandoned. There are often people staying in the periphery, and there are no people in the inner courtyard.
       The Falcon said:
       “It’s estimated that it’s safe here.” They dug a tunnel in Duke house, and the entrance was in the room where Yu-Xi first came out of the ceiling, and there were two exits.
       The Red Eagle is very interested to say:
       "I went to see at night, what baby is in this box."
       The Falcon shook his head:
       "When Wangye takes up the capital and digs it, it is not too late. Now, if you reveal your whereabouts, Yan Wu-shuang knows that we are all in danger."
       The red eagle heard this and said with some excitement:
       "Up to a month, Wangye can get in." By then, they can show up.
       Knowing what the Red Eagle thought, the Falcon immediately poured a cold water on him:
       "We can't be in the sun." What they do is some secret things. If it is exposed to the public, it will be inconvenient to act later.
       How can the Red Eagle not understand this truth, and immediately said with a smile:
       "At least go to the streets in the future, no longer have to worry about being arrested." To catch, they also catch others.
       The Falcon snorted and then looked ugly:
       "Wangfei let us inquire about the news, and now there is no eyebrows."
       The red eagle heard this:
       "Will it be Wangfei? The situation is now, Yan Wu-shuang has been unable to return to heaven, what else can he do?"
       "Wangfei is keen, since she asked us to check for sure what is wrong." The more I can't find out, the more the Falcon is worried. It’s so tight that it’s not easy.
       Shicheng’s good news passed to Yucheng, and Yu-Xi called Yu Zhijin after reading:
       "The phoenix has not heard the news in these two days?"
       Yu-Xi has no feelings, but she is very concerned about her.
       Yu Zhi shook his head:
       "No. Wangfei doesn't have to worry. Wangye and the child are very vigilant. Even if they are high-spirited, they are not afraid."
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Ming knife and gun are not afraid of nature, but Yan Wu-shuang is the best at intrigue. I don't know what conspiracy he is brewing." With the most malicious speculation Yan Wu-shuang, there is nothing wrong with it.
       Yu Zhi heard this and frowned:
       "There is no news on the falcon."
       Yu-Xi thought about it and asked Yu Zhi:
       "What do you say if Yan Wu-shuang wants to take advantage of Wangye?"
       Needless to guess Yu-Xi can also be sure, Yan Wu-shuang really brewing what conspiracy is definitely directed at Yun-Qing .
       Suddenly, Yu-Xi added one sentence:
       "It is definitely not an ordinary way of assassination."
       Yu Zhi thought for a long time and said that he could not think of it.
       Yu-Xi received a message that night and said that he was -calling at Yun-Qing .
       Yu Zhi said:
       "Highly, there was a hidden weapon, and the concealer was sterilized. If it was touched, it would kill. Fortunately, Wangye acted cautiously and avoided it." Yu Zhi felt that the high purpose had been exposed, so don't worry.
       Yu-Xi did not speak.
       Yu Zhi said:
       "Wangfei, Yan Wu-shuang should be the idea."
       "I hope that I am more concerned." This time, she is thinking about it. But if you want to come and think about it, you can’t think of it.
       The war ahead was smooth, but the Yu-Xi was not easy. The treasury is empty, and she is not only thinking about how to save money, but she has to rack her brains to make money.
       Lying in the tub, Yu-Xi leaned against the barrel and said:
       “It’s still the most comfortable in the years at Duke.” I didn’t know what to expect in the future, but she tried to learn all kinds of knowledge, and the others didn’t need her to worry. Now, things inside and out of the house have to worry about her, feeling very tired.
       Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "It will be fine after waiting for this time." Waiting for Yun-Qing to become the emperor, Yu-Xi is the most noble woman in the world. For this, it is worth it.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Mama, you said it wrong, but it is only just beginning. I can only relax when Kaihao grows up and gives him the burden."
       "You don't have to wait for so long. When the world is married, you can give some things to him." Heir is 13 this year, and he can be married in three or four years.
       Yu-Xi laughed, she is also planning. But soon remembered the triplets in the military camp:
       "Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er, I don't worry, only Xuan Ji Er"
       Speaking of Xuan Ji Er, Yu-Xi only has a sigh. When I went to the military camp, I had two illnesses in less than half a year. The first time I was sick, the second time I was actually sick. Jao-Jao and Rui Ji Er, they went back to the military camp to practice back, the body bones became stronger and stronger, but the Xuan Brother seemed to be worse.

       Chapter 1341   Defeated as a mountain (2)  

       The Fengjun army rate of 250 thousand troops attacked Jinan and played for ten days before winning Jinan City.
       Speaking of the war in Shandong is also very smooth, but it is worse than Hebei. However, it is normal. It is very good to seal the army, but whether it is prestige or influence, it is not comparable to Yun-Qing .
       At this time, Feng Dajun received the news of the great victory of Shicheng. Feng Zhi said:
       "Hey, Wangye broke Stone City in just four days. We took the city of Jinan for ten days." With Wangye, it is almost impossible.
       Feng Dajun said:
       "Wangye is a god of war. As long as the news of his lead is passed out, it can scare a large number of people." After that, Feng Dajun said with a serious face:
       "Zhi, don't take with Wangye in the future."
       Feng Zhiyu was shocked.
       Feng Dajun Said:
       "Son, Wangye later became the emperor, and when he was the king, we were ministers." The courtiers could not be compared with the emperor. If not, it will be taboo. Of course, he believes that Yun-Qing should not care at the beginning. It can be a long time, no one can predict. Therefore, some precautions are better.
       When Feng Zhiyi heard this change, he couldn’t help but say a word:
       "The birds are well bowed, and the rabbits are dead and the dogs are cooking."
       Upon hearing this, Feng Dajun smiled instead:
       "Wangye is not such a person, that is, Wangfei is not a narrow-minded person. As long as he does not commit jealousy and does not die by himself, Wangye and Wangfei will not poison the people who follow us to fight the world." Feng Dajun is actually very jealous. Yu-Xi, worried that she would unload and kill in the future, but she did not show it in front of her son. If the son listened too much and showed signs in front of the daughter-in-law, it would not be beautiful at that time.
       Feng Zhiyi heard this and looked a little loose:
       "You are right. If Wangfei is really wary of our home, I will not give the 2nd County Owner to Zhixi."
       When Feng Zhixi was mentioned, Feng Dajun remembered the last thing:
       "Achi is very hard recently, this is the credit of your brother."
       Feng Zhiyi lasted through the process to find Cui Weiqi, and he did not mention Niu-Shi, thinking that this matter has passed.
       Hearing that Feng Zhixi advised Cui Weiqi to leave the Cui family to fight hard, Feng Zhixiao smiled and said:
       "This kid, for the 2nd County Owner, actually moved his mind."
       Who is Feng Dajun, can't see the idea of ​​Feng Zhixi. Persuading Cui Weiqi to leave Cui family is nothing more than trying to make Cui Weiqi suffer. It is necessary to know that Cui Weiqi can do half of the six households at a young age, and his identity accounts for half of the reasons. Without the shelter of the elders, Cui Weiqi wants to make meritorious deeds and will pay several times more efforts than now. They can go to today to follow the master, and secondly, they can live to this day.
       "Although his purpose is not simple, Zhixi said it makes sense, and Archie also received his feelings." The IQ of the younger son is completely inherited from him!
       I heard this sorrow and couldn’t help but laugh and said:
       "The good relationship of this kid is not out of thin air." Think of others, the popularity of people can be worse!
       After that, Feng Zhi said:
       "Hey, has the cow-Shi solved it?"
       Feng Dajun shook his head:
       "I wrote a letter to your mother, and I can't solve it in a short time. But it will take some time to return to the city and have enough time for them to be reconciled."
       "Hey, what did Cui Shushu say?"
       If Cui Mo is good to them, Feng Zhi is too lazy to take care of Cui Weiqi. Hundreds of good filial piety is the first, for a woman, even the shi-nu is not, he is not in the heart of Cui Weiqi.
       Feng Dajun said:
       "You have no way to Cui Shushu, and ask me to teach him well." The 4th Brother who lived have the best relationship with Cui Mo, and naturally they can't bear to watch Cui Weiqi way to Weinan.
       Feng Zhiwei is a bit strange:
       "Who is this cow-Shi? Weiqi used to be normal. How did he become personal when he met him?"
       Feng Dajun said with a cold voice:
       "He was blinded with lard and couldn't see the true face of this cow-Shi. Fortunately, he didn't make a date with the 2nd County Owner, otherwise your credit for Cui Shushu birth and death in the past few years was all in vain."
       Feng Zhiwei feels that this is not a big deal:
       "If he is a 2nd County Owner, Archie doesn't have the courage. Archie has been in the palace for so many years, how can he not know the Wangfei temperament. If he dares to do such a thing, Wangfei will definitely strip him."
       Feng Dajun snorted:
       "It will be profitable and avoiding harm."
       "I hope he can understand it earlier, otherwise the future is not good." Although Cui Weiqi is very hard to fight, but it is a bit confused in the female color. The 2nd County Owner's business has already made the world's children feel awkward. If you entangle with the cow-Shi, it will definitely lead to the world's disgust. Don't be valued by the world, and you can't reach the high level after fighting.
       Feng Dajun strongly agrees with this.
       Feng Zhixi came in from the outside and asked:
       "Hey, big brother, what are you talking about?"
       Feng Zhi said with a smile:
       "It’s hard to say that Aki is fighting, you have to cheer."
       Feng Zhixi, a clever person, immediately said with a smile:
       "I am younger than him. It is not very bad to compare with him." He also wants a good future, but he will not fight like Cui Weiqi.
       Feng Zhi said with a smile:
       "Look at your point." This time, Feng Zhixi also made a great contribution. It is no problem to upgrade to the next level.
       Ten days later, the news that Jinan City was captured was transmitted to Capital City. Looking at the battle report, Yan Wu-shuang is expressionless.
       Meng-nian said with a black face:
       "I didn't expect that I once rebelled. The emperor sent someone to kill him." Vice-president Pan Xingchen rebelled and was discovered by their people in time. Unexpectedly, another deputy, Zeng Yizhen, even turned to the enemy.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "The defeat of the army is like a mountain. It was not the first enemy, nor the last one." But so far, Zeng Yizhen is the biggest general among the enemy.
       Meng-nian is silent.
       On the second day of the morning, Yan Wu-shuang sat in the top and looked at the following martial arts ministers:
       "Shimen lost, Jinan also lost, the rebels will soon hit the capital. The Ai Qing can have a good strategy against the enemy."
       There were more than 30 people in the Wenwu Minister, and there was no buzz. The defeat of the army is like a mountain. At this time, good strategies are useless.
       The military department Shangshu stood up and said with a hard scalp:
       "The emperor, the enemy has already hit the capital outside, we should move to Shengjing." This matter has been mentioned before.
       Yan Wu-shuang swept the crowd and saw that there were people who dared to look at him. Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Well, I moved to Shengjing after half a month."
       When everyone heard this, the face suddenly condensed. After half a month, Ming Wang said that he had not been beaten outside the city. Only no one dared to stand up and question Yan Wu-shuang's decision.
       The news of Jinan was transmitted to Yucheng, which happened to be in the evening. At this time, Yu-Xi is using dinner with Lu-Er.
       Lu-Er was a little nervous, but she was not asked by an outsider.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "What? Worried about Zhixi?"
       See Lu-Er with no snoring, Yu-Xi:
       "Don't worry, Zhixi didn't get hurt, but he also made a contribution."
       Lu-Er is relieved:
       "Mother, when will this war end?"
       After the beating is over, she won't have to worry about it.
       "According to the current process, it should be able to end within three months." June is too hot, and this is not good. I hope that before this, the war will end.
       After that, Yu-Xi said:
       "You and A-Hoa, they will not come back until 10 months. As for Zhixi, it is estimated that they will not come back until the end of the year."
       As long as people are safe, it will be fine if they come back later.
       After dinner, Lu-Er asked Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I beat the capital, will we move to the capital?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "Which is so easy. To move to the capital, the preparatory work should be done well in the early stage."
       Oh, Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, the big day is the first day, I want to go to Daxing Temple." At the beginning of the fifteenth, the incense of the temple was particularly strong.
       She also believed in Buddha in her life, but she has suffered for a lifetime; in this life she no longer believes, but lives very well. However, Yu-Xi knew that Lu-Er was seeking peace of mind and did not stop her from going.
       Lu-Er finished the incense at Daxing Temple and rested in the yard. I heard that Tong-shi also came to the incense, Lu-Er was busy sending people to ask them to come to the yard.
       Seeing a lot of Tong-ShiLu-Er asked with concern:
       "How is Cui Madam so bad? Is it uncomfortable?"
       Tong-shi heart bitter water, but can not tell Lu-Er:
       “Thank you, County Owner, I’ve been concerned about it for a while, and it’s a lot better now.”
       Speaking of a conversation, Tong-shi just left. Returning to the room where I temporarily rested, Tong-shi said:
       "If it weren't for Archie fascination, I wouldn't use such a heart." 2nd County Owner How good Miss, my son really has no vision.
       Money Mama said with a busy look:
       “Madam, Tang Jia Er Miss is also very good.” After that, added another sentence:
       "2nd County Owner is very good, but Wangfei can't hold the sand in his eyes." Fortunately, it is not the 2nd County Owner who is dating the grandfather. Otherwise, Wangfei will definitely let the uncle take off his skin.
       Tong-shi said to the chest:
       "I don't know what I made in my life, I have such a servant." Think of Chang-shi remarks with her, Tong-shi eyes are red:
       "He is going to suffocate me to stop."
       Money Mama advised:
       "The uncle is just lost in a moment, waiting for him to see the true face of the cow-Shi."
       "I am afraid that he knows that Niu-Shi will fall into the womb and will hate me." Xin, as long as he wants to raise his son, he may hate her for a woman, and the heart of Shi-Shi is like a fire roast, for a while. The position hurts.
       Money Mama said:
       "Let the uncle believe that the cow-Shi is an accident." She did not expect that Cui Weiqi would have a idea of ​​separation for the cow-Shi. Therefore, this matter must be handled well, otherwise it will fall behind.
       Tong-shi nodded.
       When I was eating at night, Lu-Er and Yu-Xi talked about this:
       "Mother, I met Feng Madam and Cui Madam at Daxing Temple. Cui Madam looks a lot more."
       Yu-Xi is not unexpected:
       "There is such an unhappy minded son, how can you be a mother?" After that, Yu-Xi said:
       "Xuan Ji Er has a lot of problems, but he is not the eldest son. He does not need to inherit his family business. Unlike Cui Weiqi, if he is not good, Cui is likely to be rich for three generations." Even if Cui Mo got the title, later generations did not live up to expectations. Mixed days.
       Speaking of Xuan Ji Er, Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, A Rui, they haven't gone home since the New Year's going to the Qianwei Camp. Mother, I think they are Aru, you let them go home and rest for two days!"
       Yu-Xi looked at Lu-Er with a smile and asked:
       “Is Xuan Ji Er writing a letter to complain to you?”
       Lu-Er is shaking his head:
       "Mother, I just want them. Mother, you let A Rui go home and go home! The house is cold and clear, and they come back to be busy."
       Not to mention Lu-Er, I haven't seen it for so long, and Yu-Xi also wants triplets. Yu-Xi mouth is smiling and says:
       "Let's let them go home for two days."
       On the evening of the night, Xuan Ji Er asked You Ji-Er in bed:
       "Adi, is your method useful? The second sister can really say that the mother, let us go home?"
       Lu-Er wants triplets, but if she doesn't receive a letter from Xuan Ji Er, she won't speak.
       You Ji-Er said helplessly:
       "You have asked no more than ten times, are you bothered?"
       Finished, blindfolded the head with a quilt.
       I have never felt so anxious about Xuan Ji Er as I am now.
       Xuan Ji Er pulled down the quilt of You Ji-Er and said:
       "Do you say that the second sister can say Tong Niang?"
       You Ji-Er reluctantly did it:
       "These two days will know the result. Third brother, very late, and I have to start practicing c early tomorrow. If you can't get up, you have to punish."
       Xuan Ji Er was so eager to sleep in bed.
       After two days, in the anxious waiting of Xuan Ji Er, Lu-Er's reply finally came.
       "Just let it go back for a few days?"
       With such a result, Xuan Ji Er could not tell the disappointment.
       "I told you earlier that it is impossible for us to leave the military camp without agreeing with the mother." You Ji-Er is still very happy when he can take six days off:
       "Go back this time, you must eat and have fun." In the military camp, in addition to training or training, it is too boring.
       The 2nd Brother went to call Rui Ji Er to go home together. I heard that nothing happened. Rui Ji Er would not go back:
       "Wait for the return of triumph, I will go back with you!"
       The original age is small, and it is at a disadvantage on this. It’s hard to keep up, and I have to go home a few days later.
       You Ji-Er was defeated:
       "With you."
       Although Rui Ji Er does not want to go back, he also Miss the food at home:
       "A-You, come back and bring me delicious food."
       Xuan Ji Er said unhappy:
       "You don't go back, you won't bring it to you." He dreamed of leaving this ghost place, but Rui Ji Er didn't want to stay here. Let know that he definitely feels poor performance.
       Rui Ji Er is a rough temper, and I don’t think much when I hear this:
       "I will eat and drink when I go home. It doesn't mean anything."
       You Ji-Er asked with a smile:
       "You don't want a mother?"
       "Think. But the mother is so busy, we can't see her several times when we go home." After finishing, Rui Ji Er smiled:
       "If you don't bring it, just wait until you go back and eat enough."
       "The second brother can rest assured that I will bring a lot of delicious food. When you want to eat, come over." Rui Ji Er lived with other soldiers, and those who eat deliciously can't keep it. Unlike him and Xuan Ji Er, two people live in a house.
       Rui Ji Er took You Ji-Er and said:
       "This is a good brother."
       You Ji-Er deliberately said to his chest:
       "Second brother, you will start to lightly, don't let me vomit blood." Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is true that Rui Ji is very strong.

       Chapter 1342   Dashui (1)  

       At night, there is silence in the fields.
       Yun-Qing stood in front of a weedy field:
       "If it is in the northwest, now the wheat in the field is turning yellow." Even if someone grows, the seeds will be dug up and eaten. Nothing to eat, the people all fled.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Oh, next year, it is full of birds and frogs." The night of April should be filled with birds, frogs, and baboons. Not like now, nothing is gone.
       Ah, Yun-Qing said:
       "I don't know what your mother is doing?"
       I think that before he started his army, there were no differences in many places in the northwest. The vast land is ridiculous, and the people can't live and flee. But now, with his efforts with Yu-Xi, the people in the northwest live and work in peace.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "Mother is definitely still busy now." Now, at the end of the day, his mother will be 100% in the study.
       "Your mother has been very hard these years. You should be filial to her in the future. Don't let her worry." Although she knows that Qi Hao is sensible, Yun-Qing can't help but say more.
       Qi Hao nodded:
       "I don't worry, I won't let my mother worry."
       The reason why Yu-Xi let Qi Hao be with Yun-Qing is that he is skeptical. Being an emperor requires a skeptical heart, but if the suspicion is too heavy, it will be feared by everyone and will eventually become a loner. The best example is Yan Wu-shuang. Let Qi Hao be with Yun-Qing hope that he can be relaxed by the influence of Yun-Qing . The pain of Yu-Xi has not been in vain. In the past two years, Qi Hao has indeed improved a lot.
       Yun-Qing said in the direction of the capital:
       "Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er, I don't bother with your mother, they can cook themselves. Only Xuan Ji is courageous, you have to take care of him later."
       "Hey, Xuan Ji is timid, as long as he is afraid of him, he will be embarrassed." This is really rude, but it is a fact.
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "You have a few in your heart." Xuan Ji Er really needs a person who can control him. Otherwise, there will be trouble in the future.
       The next day, Guantai led the troops to attack Dongluo County. Originally thought that this -servant was very good, but I did not know that I had not taken the county down for a day.
       Yun-Qing frowned:
       "Li Heshun, I have never heard of such a person." If the name is no problem, but this person has never heard of it, it must be a nameless person.
       -Lu Yongnan said:
       "This person is the county magistrate of Dongluo County. It is reported that this person loves the people like a child, Dongluo County is well governed by him." In preparation for attacking Hebei, he secretly sent people to understand the terrain of Hebei. Li Heshun is quite famous, so he has heard of it.
       Yun-Qing is very surprised:
       "The county magistrate? That is really wrong." If you follow the army, it must be a famous.
       Qi Hao did not care about this Li Heshun:
       "Maybe he is just a name, and there are others in the city." If this person is so powerful, Yan Wu-shuang will not let him be a county magistrate.
       After that, Kai Hao asked Guan Tai:
       "Do you say that the officers and men who guard the Dongluo County are not afraid of death?"
       All the way, the soldiers and horses of the court basically fled. Suddenly met a group of people who were not afraid of death and desperately resisted, Qi Hao instinctively felt wrong.
       Guantai nodded:
       "Not only that, these people weapons and equipment are good one-on-one, obviously different from the previous officers and men."
       Qi Hao feels that this is not a big deal.
       Yun-Qing didn't think much, said:
       "Continue to attack." He did not believe that he could not get a Dongluo County.
       Guan Tai took the lead.
       -Lu Yongnan frowned and said:
       "Wangye, this is a bit abnormal." There is a demon in the abnormal situation.
       Yun-Qing also felt that this thing was very strange. When he thought of Yu-Xi, he reminded him that his face sank and he didn't know what plot Wu Wu-shuang was brewing.
       Spread the map, Yun-Qing studied the map carefully. However, after studying for one night, I did not see the problem. Qi Hao accompanied him to the middle of the night, remembering every corner of the map, and found no clues.
       After a strong day and night, I still couldn’t take down Dongluo. Yun-Qing is a little annoyed, and I don't know what Yin Wu-shuang is doing.
       "Booming..." The thunder of the landslide in the sky shook the Yun-Qing body and shrank. Then, a dazzling lightning flashed through the sky.
       After a while, the pouring rain slammed down. Under such a big rain, there is no way to attack the city, only to suspend the siege.
       Li Heshun was bloody from the wall.
       The heart-bellied sand passed up and supported him and said:
       "Old Master, how do you get on the battlefield yourself?"
       There is no eye in the sword, and a careless life is dangerous.
       Li Heshun did not even have the strength to speak at this time:
       "Prepare water, I want to take a shower." The blood on his body has others, and he has his own.
       After taking a shower, Li Heshun’s face was much better:
       "I hope this rain will last longer." This will also allow their people more time to prepare.
       Shatong said with some concerns:
       "Old Master, the emperor said that as long as we keep the law for five days, there is a way to retreat. Old Master, is this reliable?"
       Li Heshun, while eating red dates porridge, said:
       "The emperor can say this with certainty. I just fight this life and stick to the county for five days."
       Shatong said:
       "I'm afraid I can't keep it. Old Master, only one day and one night, our people are dead more than half." In this case, you can only keep up to one day.
       The rain outside is getting bigger and bigger.
       Li Heshun looked out and said:
       "I hope this rain will last a little longer." Under heavy rain, the enemy can't attack the city.
       It rained all day. Qi-You right eyelid has been jumping. He didn't say anything to Yun-Qing , just standing outside and looking at the heavy rain that had been going down outside.
       Yi Yi came in from the outside and took off his underwear. He complained:
       "It’s really not the time for this rain. If not, Dongluo County will be taken today." When Dongluo County wins, he must cut Li Heshun’s head and kick the ball.
       Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "Whenever it rains, no one can stop it." Then, the eyes fell to the ground.
       The rain is too big, the water on the eaves falls down into a small otter, and then flows down.
       Yi Yi said something, but what is the reaction of Qi-You:
       "The Wang Heir, what are you thinking?"
       Qi-You returned to God and did not answer the question of Yi Yi, but sneaked into the house.
       Yun-Qing is talking with several generals of Guantai, and was interrupted by Qi Hao who suddenly came in. Looking at Kaihao look, Yun-Qing asked:
       "What happened?"
       Qi Hao did not care about the presence of many people and quickly took out the map from under the table. Spread it over the table and then ordered a place:
       "Hey, this reservoir is located in the upper reaches of Dongluo County. Hey, if the reservoir is large, our army will be folded here when the dam breaks." He didn't think it was right. I didn't expect Yan Wu-shuang to be here.
       When the words fell, the people in the room were shocked. Still Yun-Qing calmed down first and said:
       "If he wants to do this, don't wait until now."
       Qi Hao said calmly:
       "There was no rain in the past few days. I guess the water in the reservoir should not be so much. Now it is rainstorm. Once the reservoir has enough water, they will open the dam."
       Guan Tai and Lu Fae and -Lu Yongnan and others looked at each other, and then Qi-Qi looked at Yun-Qing and waited for Yun-Qing to decide.
       Thinking of Yu-Xi concerns, Yun-Qing 's face is a bit dignified.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Hey, I remember that Shangtong is a Dongluo County person." Shangtong was a member of the imperial court. He surrendered after the death of Zhou, so Kaihao was more impressed. This is also an unforgettable advantage.
       After a quarter of an hour, Shang Tong was called into the camp. Yun-Qing asked:
       “There is a large reservoir in the upper reaches of Dongluo. How big is the reservoir?”
       Qi Hao feels that this is not vivid enough, adding one sentence:
       "If the reservoir is full of water, and then all of it is released, can you drown Dongluo?"
       Shang Tong did not think much when he heard this, saying:
       "The terrain here is relatively low. If the reservoir is full of water, it will be released. We will be drowned here."
       After that, Shang Tong’s face changed. The generals who were present also changed their faces. If Heir speculation is true, then this move is too embarrassing, and this is to directly put them in a pot.
       Kai Hao asked:
       "The big water is coming, what about Dongluo County? Will it be beaten?"
       Shang Tong said:
       “The county town is higher, but if the water is too big, it will definitely be flooded.”
       Yun-Qing immediately ordered:
       "The army retreated to twenty miles away." There was a mountain twenty miles away, even if the flood came, it was not afraid.
       Ning believes that it is not credible. If there is such a thing, the 300 thousand horses that do not retreat may be folded here. If there is no such thing, it will be more tossing, and it will cost more money. There is nothing to lose.
       -Lu Yongnan said:
       "Wangye, we are leaving some people here. One can confuse the enemy, and the second is to see if Yan Wu-shuang is really so devastating." Yan Wu-shuang really wants to flood them, big water can be divided People, when the soldiers of Dongluo are as dead as the people.
       Yun-Qing thought about it and called Lu Baijin:
       "You go to Dongluo County and tell the county magistrate in Dongluo County that Yan Wu-shuang may have to flood Dongluo County." Li Heshun knew this and should evacuate the people in the county.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Hey, in case Dongluo County thinks that we are disturbing their military heart to kill Lu Bai, Lu Baizhen is not dying." He still likes Lu Bai very much, but he does not want to die in vain.
       -Lu Yongnan also does not want the soldiers below to die in vain:
       "Wangye, we told them by letter. As for Li Heshun, I will not believe it, that is not what we can get."
       Kaihao Said:
       "Hey, heavy rain has been going on for a day, and we have to retreat quickly."
       Yun-Qing did not hesitate, and immediately with Kai Hao and -Lu Yongnan and others quickly withdrew.
       The generals who received the order began to be a bit embarrassed, but the Yun-Qing army was rigorous. These generals did not dare to delay even if they had some doubts in their hearts. They immediately took the soldiers and horses back according to the above order.
       Eight letters were shot with oil paper and shot at the wall. Seven letters fell into the hands of the generals of the army, Ji Cunxin, and only one was hidden and sent to Shatong.
       As Kaihao predicted, the people who defended the city were actually Ji Cunxin, not Li Heshun.
       Shatong walked into the house with a letter and looked at Li Heshun, who had just blinked. He still hesitated when he hesitated.
       Li Heshun slept for a half hour, until he woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Shatong sitting on the edge of the bed. When I got up, I accidentally used the force, and as a result, the cold sweat came out.
       Shatong was busy and helped him. This anxious, the letter hidden in the sleeve fell to the ground.
       Li Heshun looked at the big Li and the four big characters on the top and asked:
       "Who wrote this letter?"
       Shatong said:
       "It was sent by the rebels." Because it was written to Li Heshun, he has not opened it.
       Li Heshun has a cold voice:
       "Take it to burn." I don't have to look at it and know that this is a letter of persuasion. He is dead, and he decides not to surrender.
       Shatong said:
       "Old Master, let's take a look!" Northwestern governor Qing Ming, Ming Wang and Ming Wangfei reuse talent. According to Satan, if the old Master is relying on Ming Wang, the future will be great.
       Li Heshun said with a cold face:
       "Take it to burn." Such things, looked at the dirty eyes.
       Shatong has no way, and is preparing to take the fire. Just ready to ignite, I heard the followers say:
       "Old Master, General Ji wants to see." Ji Cunxin is the real person who led the troops. As for Li Heshun, he is only a defender on the face.
       When Ji Cunxin walked into the house, he saw the letter in the hands of Shatong:
       “What do you think of Li Xianling’s reading this letter?”
       Because of the rush of time, the letter was only stuffed in the envelope and was not sealed. Therefore, Ji Cunxin thought that Li Heshun had read the letter.
       Although Li Heshun is determined to be in the city, the city is dead, but he does not like Ji Cunxin.
       Asking this, it is obviously suspected that he wants to surrender to Ming Wang. Li Heshun is a very proud person, he simply dismissed:
       "Nothing to think about." Things are not said, they are made.
       Ji Cunxin said with a bad look:
       "The emperor praised Li Xianling as a good minister of loyalty and patriotism. I hope that you can win the praise of the emperor." If Li Heshun has a disagreement, he will always have his life.
       Li Heshun is also a temper, and he heard this and said coldly:
       "This does not require you to remind me."
       "I hope so." After that, he glanced at the letter in the hands of Shatong before he went out.
       Li Heshun’s face is hard to see, but he has not been in conflict with Ji Cunxin until now.
       Shatong said:
       "Old Master, do you want to see?"
       I was all stunned and I am sorry for myself. Of course, this is just the idea of ​​Shatong.
       Li Heshun didn't look at it and let Shatong get burned.
       Out of the house, Shatong took out the fire. Thinking about it, he took out the letter and read it, and then burned it. After reading the results, Shatong changed his face.
       Li Heshun saw Shatong rushing in from the outside, and his heart was awkward and asked:
       "The rebels are attacking the city again?"
       Shatong shook his head and said:
       "No, Old Master, letter, look at this letter."
       Li Heshun is very dissatisfied with Shatong’s self-proclaimed letter of advice:
       "Not letting you burn? Why are you still watching?"
       Shatong is scared:
       "Old Master, this letter is not persuaded, this letter said that the emperor is likely to explode the old peach dam." They stayed in Dongluo County for three years, I can not know the situation here. If all the water in the Laotao Dam is released, the entire Dongluo County will be submerged.
       Upon hearing this, Li Heshun said:
       "The nonsense, the emperor will do such a thing. If you want to shake the heart, you should find a better reason."
       Shatong said with some concerns:
       "What if it is true?"
       If it is true, they will all be buried in the belly.
       Li Heshun immediately interrupted his words and said:
       "Impossible." He believes that the emperor will not do such a thing.

       Chapter 1343   Dashui (2)  

       Yun-Qing took Kai Hao and Jao-Jao to run twenty miles away and chose the highest mountain. The mountain road is not easy to ride, and the horse is put down the mountain.
       When I reached the mountainside, I didn't go any further. Jao-Jao asked this:
       "Hey, what the hell is going on? How did the good end withdraw?"
       At this time, the rain has begun to be small.
       Kai Hao said:
       "I suspect that Yan Wu-shuang wants to flood Dong Luo, so he ordered the retreat."
       Jao-Jao was shocked and said after calming down:
       "A-Hoa, this is just your guess, and there is no real evidence." Just because of his guess, the army is back, and Jao-Jao feels too playful.
       Qi Hao is the color said:
       "Big sister, have you ever thought that once the big water hits, we will all have no life." The withdrawal of the troops is nothing more than tossing more, and it takes more time. If nothing is done, then nothing is gone. In addition, this top pillar is gone, and the mother and Lu-Er will definitely be in trouble.
       Jao-Jao didn't say anything.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Jao-Jao, you should learn from A-Hoa at this point. No matter when, you can't be in danger." If he was young, he would not retreat because of Qi Hao guess. But now it is different. If he has something, the whole family will be dead. When the burden on the body is heavy, it begins to cherish life.
       Jao-Jao nodded.
       As he spoke, Yi Xiao called out outside the tent:
       "Wangye, Heir, the rain stopped."
       The two opened the curtain of the tent and saw the rain stopped. Jao-Jao didn’t blame Qi Hao, just said:
       "A false alarm." After that, Jao-Jao turned to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, let the army behind you not to retreat."
       Not waiting for the Yun-Qing opening, Kai Hao looked up at the sky and said:
       "No, once the reservoir is flooded, the army will not be withdrew and will be buried in the belly of the fish." At this time, the sky is still gray. Looking at it, it is estimated that it will rain.
       Yun-Qing thinks the same way:
       "The hidden dangers are not ruled out, and the soldiers can't be put in danger." Anyway, the winner is in the grip, there is no need to take risks.
       Shatong saw the rain stopped and he was relieved. He had been nervous after reading the letter, but the rain stopped.
       Li Heshun saw him like this and asked:
       "You don't believe in the nonsense of the rebels?"
       Shatong hesitated and said:
       "Old Master, although Ming Wang is cruel, but it is not an untargeted person. You said that he wants this move to shake the military heart, and the prestige of Ming Wang does not need such a bad means."
       To put it bluntly, Shatong still believes in what he wrote on the letter. Li Heshun said:
       "I have sent people to the Laotao Dam. We will know soon if we make it." Li Heshun did not believe that Yan Wu-shuang would do such a lower limit, but he still sent people to the insurance.
       Shatong said:
       "I also hope to be fake."
       Li Heshun could not have imagined that the person he sent out had not been out of the city gate and was killed by Ji Cunxin.
       After half an hour, it rained again. And the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the places two meters away are blurred and can't be seen clearly.
       Yun-Qing stood in the camp and looked at the heavy rain outside, whispered:
       "A-Hoa, I hope your guess is wrong." If Qi Hao guessed it, then thousands of people would die.
       Qi Hao knows the meaning of Yun-Qing and is very relieved:
       "Hey, we have already notified Li Heshun. Since this person loves the people like a child, it will definitely prevent this from happening."
       Yun-Qing did not speak. That's what he said, but he is almost certain that if his guess is correct, Li Heshun can't stop this happening. I only hope that he can evacuate the people and not let those people die.
       When it was dark, the 300 thousand troops in the northwest all retreated. Such a big thing, I can’t help but think about it.
       Shatong's face changed greatly:
       "Old Master, the scouts inquired, the Northwest Army retreated to twenty miles away. Old Master, Ming Wang really believed that the emperor would flood the East Luo." If not, it would not let the army withdraw twenty miles away.
       Li Heshun’s heart sinks and asks:
       "How have we sent people back?"
       It is enough for the Laotao Dam to ride back and forth from the county for half a day. But now half a day has passed and people have not returned.
       Shatong thought of Ji Cunxin’s business and said:
       "Old Master, will it be stopped by Ji Cunxin."
       When Li Heshun heard this, he immediately went to find Ji Cunxin. The person who knew that he was sent was killed by Ji Cunxin.
       Ji Cunxin sneered:
       "It’s just a letter from the anti-king, and I suspect that the emperor is coming." What is loyal to the patriots, these scholars are things without bones, and the king surrendered immediately upon arrival.
       Li and Shun had to kill Ji Cunxin, but at this time he could only bear with anger:
       "The rebel army of 300 thousand troops have retreated. You don't feel very abnormal? We sent individuals to look at it." Seeing Ji Cunxin is unmoved, Li Heshun said:
       "You don't care about the lives and deaths of the people in the city. Don't you care about the lives of the tens of thousands of soldiers under your hand?"
       Ji Cunxin sneaked a sigh:
       "Say, go, you are doubting the emperor. I tell you, the emperor decided not to do such a thing."
       Li Heshun was a stagnation. He originally believed that Yan Wu-shuang would not do such a terrible thing. But now the Northwest Army has retreated, and he is not allowed to think more:
       "Just send someone to confirm."
       Ji Cunxin is not willing. He feels that sending people to confirm is not to believe in the emperor, but to betray.
       Yan Wu-shuang will send Ji Cunxin to lead the elite troops to defend Dongluo County, which is to see a rib in his mind. Ji Cunxin is his death loyalty, and he does not believe what others say.
       Now the entire county is controlled by Ji Cunxin, and Li Heshun can't do anything.
       Returning to the temporary residence, Li Heshun said:
       "I hope that all this is the dying of the King." If it is true, the consequences are that he cannot afford it.
       Shatong is worried about death:
       "Old Master, let's go to the heights!" Yan Wu-shuang That's the heart of the heart. If a big water can drown the anti-king and the 300 thousand-strong army, he believes that Yan Wu-shuang absolutely has to say such a thing.
       Li Heshun is ready to go out. Instead of going to the heights, I want to go to the Laotao Reservoir. Unfortunately, he can't get out of the door. Ji Cunxin sent his confession to put him under house arrest.
       Yun-Qing is in the camp with Qi Hao and Jao-Jao. At this time, no one can sleep, waiting for news.
       Yi Yi brought in the dinner and saw that the three people did not move the chopsticks:
       "Wangye, Heir, 1st County Owner, have to worry about eating again!"
       Qi Hao nodded and said:
       "Hey, let's eat first! If Yan Wu-shuang is really ready to flood us, I am afraid that we will need our aftermath." Of course, if his guess is wrong, it is better, and the false alarm is always better than that. People are innocent and tragic.
       Jao-Jao also thinks this is true:
       "Hey, eat it! When you are full, you have the strength to do things." Yan Wu-shuang mourned the bad things done by Tianliang, but asked them to wipe the p shares, it would be uncomfortable to think about it.
       When I ate half of the meal, I saw Lu Bai ran in and said to Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, Dashui, really made a big splash..." When he said this, Lu Bai face was blue and was scared. Almost, almost 300 thousand of them were buried in the belly.
       After saying this, Lu Bai looked at Kai Hao eyes full of admiration. Heir is so powerful that he can understand Yan Wu-shuang's ym. Well, Heir is as powerful as Wangfei.
       The chopsticks in the hand fell on the table, and Yun-Qing stood up and asked:
       "What are you talking about? Really big water?"
       He let the army retreat, just in case. Anyway, Dongluo County will take it sooner or later, there is no need to take risks.
       Lu Bai nodded:
       "It is true, the city outside Dongluo has been flooded by water at this time. The Brother who sent the letter are all scared of cold sweat." Whoever is going to be scared to death. It’s just a matter of death, they are ready. Can be drowned by water, but the corpse capital can't find it!
       Yun-Qing slaps heavily on the table and -calls:
       "It’s really ruined." Before he lost, he said that Yan Wu-shuang is a Yan family, and he will not do anything that hurts the world. As a result, the reality smacked him a mouth.
       Jao-Jao also exploded, roaring:
       "It’s too shameless to beat the y damage method." If the court’s troops are so powerful, they will kill them without leaving a piece of film. It is shameless to use the method of doing this.
       Qi Hao is very calm, saying to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, after the flood, it is easy to get plague, and when the water retreats, I will stay behind!" He did not play any role, but he left to do a lot of things.
       Yun-Qing is hesitant.
       Jao-Jao is not happy:
       "A-Hoa, you also said that there will be a plague after the flood. If you stay, it is not very dangerous. A-Hoa, let this work for others!"
       Qi Hao shook his head and said:
       "Big sister, as long as it is handled properly, there will be no plague." After that, move toward Yun-Qing :
       "If we handle this properly, it is good for stabilizing people hearts." Yan Wu-shuang waterproofed Dongluo County, but they rescued the people here, and those with normal brains know who is reliable.
       Yun-Qing hesitated to stay, or promised:
       "A-Hoa, you are willing to leave help to the victims here, but you can't put yourself in danger, you know?"
       Qi Hao focused on the key:
       "Hey, don't worry, I won't let myself fall into danger."
       Kai Hao has a measure of doing things, which is why Yun-Qing will agree. If it is Jao-Jao, he will definitely refuse.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "I will leave some food and medicine. I will write a letter to your mother to let her find a way." The victims are important, but the soldiers are more important.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Oh, now it's late and the water hasn't receded yet, we can't do anything. Hey, let's finish the meal!" It's not that Kaihao is big, but things have happened, and they can't change if they are in a hurry.
       Yun-Qing is not in the mood to eat at this time:
       "You eat, I go out." He wants to find other generals to discuss this matter.
       Jao-Jao didn't leave, but followed Kaiqi to continue eating. At this time, he didn't pay attention to food.
       "A-Hoa, you are so powerful. If you didn't see Yan Wu-shuang's y, we might have died." With such a powerful brother, Jao-Jao is proud of it.
       Kai Hao rarely sighed and said:
       "I am just precautionary, who can think of Yan Wu-shuang really so mad."
       Jao-Jao can't understand either:
       "A-Hoa, you said that he did this, isn't he afraid of stigma?"
       Qi Hao thinks that Jao-Jao is very naive and says:
       "If his plan is successful, then there will be 300 thousand troops with us all drowned. In this way, he can continue to be his emperor instead of fleeing to Liaodong like a funeral dog."
       Jao-Jao hates and says:
       "When I grab him in the future, I will break him down and throw it away to feed the dog." After that, Jao-Jao said:
       "This kind of black-hearted person, the dog is too."
       Qi Hao smiled and did not attach the words of Jao-Jao. In the future, no one can say.
       The arrival of the big water made Li Heshun fall into despair. He didn't think that Ming Wang said it was true. The emperor actually drowned Dong Luo.
       "It's all my fault. If I believe it, there will be no such thing happening." If you know that Ming Wang is true, he will definitely stop it.
       Shatong is not right, and he persuaded:
       "Old Master, this is not your fault, it is Yan Wu-shuang to do such a horrible evil." The emperor is not called, directly named with a surname.
       Li Heshun slammed the table and -called:
       "The faint king is wrong, the faint king is wrong!" The people of Dongluo County and the soldiers have become victims of y.
       After a big pass, Li Heshun stood up and said:
       "I can't wait here, I have to do something." Otherwise, he is not at peace.
       Shatong hugged him:
       "Old Master, you can't go to die!" Now outside the black cloth, there is water everywhere, and going out of the Old Master is a dead end.
       In the middle of the night, the water retreated. At this time, Shatong did not stop Li Heshun from going out.
       When I just walked out of the house, I saw Ji Cunxin. Li Heshun looked at him and his body was on fire:
       "If it weren't for you, the people in the city would not die innocently."
       Ji Cunxin is loyal to Yan Wu-shuang, but he is also a person with a conscience. Upon hearing this, Ji Cunxin said:
       "I don't know that the emperor will do this." When he said this, Ji Cunxin did not dare to look at Li Heshun.
       When Dashui went to Dongluo County, the turmoil in Ji Cun’s confidence could not be known.
       Li Heshun heard this and smiled bitterly:
       "Yes! Who knows? If you know, I would rather surrender with Ming Wang." When surrendered, the Emperor's y will not be realized.
       If Ji Cunxin listened to this before Dashui, he might immediately kill Li Heshun. But now Ji Cunxin is not moving, just saying:
       "I am going to leave Dongluo County with the rest of the troops. Do you want to follow me?"
       Apparently the emperor asked him to stay in Dongluo County, and he was also regarded as cannon fodder.
       Li Heshun shook his head and said:
       "The people in the city still need me, I can't go with you." Such a faint prince, he would rather die than play. There are only a few words, everyone knows it, there is no need to say it.
       Ji Cunxin did not force, said:
       "Li Daren, treasure." After that, he turned and left.
       If there is a choice, Ji Cunxin is not willing to go back. He was willing to die for Yan Wu-shuang, but Yan Wu-shuang used his brother under the hand as a cannon fodder to let him cool. Only his ‘Madam’ and children are in Liaodong, he can't let go.
       Li Heshun nodded, but did not speak.

       Chapter 1344   Hao Ji Palm  

       The road was covered with a layer of silt, and the trees on the side of the road were covered with weeds and messy things, and the flowers and plants fell to one side. Everything looks like that, it’s so bleak and dead.
       Because the people were cleared in advance, Yun-Qing did not see any bodies when he and his father and son went to Dongluo County.
       Yun-Qing took Qihao and Jao-Jao into Dongluo County. The streets were all messy things, with baths, tables, chairs, cabinets and so on.
       Going to the side of the road, ", Niang..." and so on, all kinds of miserable calls are endless.
       Jao-Jao, who never cried, couldn’t help but hear the crying of these heartbreaking lungs. These people are really pitiful.
       "I am not afraid of the next eighteen layers of hell after death." To make such a bad thing, the next eighteen layers of hell are light.
       Qi Hao also could not bear it, but he did not speak. It is useless to slap Yan Wu-shuang at this time. It is better to do something practical to help these people survive the disaster.
       Yun-Qing took the 2nd Brother and sisters to the county. The county has a high position and has not been affected. It looks particularly neat.
       Yi Yi said:
       "Wangye, Li Heshun was not in the county last night. I have sent someone to look for him." This flood in Donglu County, this person must have a share. Grabbing, I must let him die.
       Kai Hao said:
       "Catch it, hand me over to me." Like Yu-Xi, Qi Hao is also very pampered. If this Li Heshun is a talented person, he does not mind the previous things. Of course, this idea is also Kaihao feel that Li Heshun did not participate in the last night. Otherwise, Li Heshun will be talented and he will only solve it.
       Yun-Qing only said that when he stayed in Tuen Mun for an engraved clock, he said to Qi Hao:
       "When you are leaving, I will hand it over to you." He will take the troops to attack Baoding and then take the capital.
       Qi Hao nodded.
       Yun-Qing thought about it and called -Lu Yongnan to come over:
       "You stayed to help the world to cook things here, wait for the things here to be handled well, and then return to the team." Let -Lu Yongnan stay because he knows about the plague.
       -Lu Yongnan did not shirk, and there were priorities. It is important to fight for meritorious service, but if you do not deal with the epidemic, it will cause huge casualties.
       “Wangye rest assured, I will help the child to handle it here.” -Lu Yongnan was not slow because of Qi Hao age. This time, after the floods, he was not able to admire Qi Hao.
       Jao-Jao also wants to stay.
       Qi Hao shook his head and refused:
       "Big sister, it is a good thing to help the victims, but you can't do anything with it. With this, you shouldn't go to war." Follow Yun-Qing to fight, the military power is proper.
       Yun-Qing also thinks that Kai Hao makes sense:
       "You follow me." With the flood, the next battle should be smoother. Jao-Jao took the opportunity to stand up to the military.
       Jao-Jao just wants to do everything, and everyone is against it and she doesn't insist.
       Left 3 thousand people and some herbs, Yun-Qing left with the army.
       Leaving Dongluo County, Jao-Jao returned to the team.
       Qi Hao and -Lu Yongnan said:
       "General -Lu, these bodies must be burned, or else it is easy to cause plague."
       I heard the words of the plague, no one is not afraid. General -Lu nodded and said:
       "The world is relieved, I have already explained it, and the corpse will burn."
       Kai Hao nodded and said:
       "Tell the soldiers, the water in the place where the flood has passed can not be drunk. It is really thirsty, but it must be boiled before it can be drunk, otherwise it will be sick." The stomach is a small matter, the most fear is to die.
       After that, Qi Hao said a lot of ideas, -Lu Yongnan nodded.
       After Qi Hao finished speaking, he was shocked to hear too many words:
       "These generals -Lu should know that this is my class."
       "The world is too modest. I also know some common sense, I have not dealt with such things before." Generally, civil servants handle these things, and they help to maintain law and order at most.
       As I spoke, I heard that Hua Ji came in from the outside. Did not avoid -Lu Yongnan, Hua Ji Er said:
       "Heir, Li Heshun brought it." After that, Hua Ji Er added another sentence:
       "When we found him, he was working on disaster relief."
       -Lu Yongnan is also a personal artist. After listening to this question, he asked Qi Hao:
       "Heir, are you going to keep this person?"
       If you want Li Heshun's life, you don't have to bother to bring him here.
       Kai Hao nodded:
       "He is the parents of Dongluo County. There is no more familiarity with him than here. He is willing to help the disaster and can save us a lot of things."
       "Heir, this flood is not allowed to have him." What disaster to save, to whom to see it!
       Qi Hao shook his head and said:
       "No. If he has a share of the flood, he will not stay to deal with the disaster, but will follow other people." After the election, Kai Hao said:
       "If I later check that he is involved in this matter, I will not spare it."
       Although -Lu Yongnan did not agree with Qi Hao decision, he did not open his mouth. Don't look at Kaihao young age, but it can be completely like Wangfei, and it is thoughtful and sophisticated.
       Li Heshun was soon brought up.
       Looking at the tall and mighty -Lu Yongnan, Li Heshun said:
       "I am not guilty of death, I only hope that Wangye can give me a chance to redeem."
       "Cough..." -Lu Yongnan almost scared to death, busy saying:
       "This is the world, and Wangye has taken the troops to attack Baoding."
       Li Heshun had never seen Ming Wang before, only knowing that he was tall and burly, and his spirit was fierce. Otherwise, I will not admit the wrong person.
       Kai Hao does not mind that Li Heshun admits the wrong person. After all, he has never seen his father before. Qi Hao asked with no expression:
       "Atonement? Are you involved in yesterday?"
       Li Heshun grieves and anger:
       "Although I didn't participate in it, I couldn't stop it. If it is stopped, the people in Dongluo County will not suffer from this disaster."
       -Lu Yongnan listened to this statement and felt a little more comfortable. At least this person has a heart, not as devastating as Yan Wu-shuang.
       Kai Hao look has also eased a lot:
       "I have not participated in it, I will give you a chance to make a sin. You are familiar with Dongluo County and say what you are going to do."
       Li Heshun thought that this time he would die. Unexpectedly, Kai Hao not only did not kill him, but let him deal with the disaster.
       If Yun-Qing takes over Dongluo County, he will definitely not rely on Ming Wang. But now the situation is different, the integrity is important, but the people are more important.
       Li Heshun didn't think that Kai Hao was so good to talk. When he met, Li Heshun said:
       "After the flood, all the food used is gone. Without food, the people will escape everywhere. At that time, there may be major events." I would like to say this, and I hope that Qi Hao can get food.
       Qi Hao heard the meaning of Li Heshun:
       "You can rest assured that I left some food and medicine when I was on the verge. These materials are enough to support a period of time."
       With the words of Qi Hao, Li Heshun has slackened the whole person. With food and medicine, the victims will not panic. The work of disaster relief can also be carried out smoothly.
       It was also the evening of the day, and the things in Dongluo County were passed back to the capital.
       Meng-nian stood at the bottom, and some of the body was cold:
       "The emperor, the water of the old peach dam was released, and Dongluo County was flooded with a big one."
       Yan Wu-shuang asked eagerly:
       “Is Yun-Qing drowned?”
       If Yun-Qing is dead, then he does not have to retreat to Liaodong. In the future, it is still possible to kill Han Yu-Xi.
       Meng-nian will be very complicated:
       "The emperor, Yun-Qing seems to have got the news, and he has withdrew more than 20 miles in the journey of Dashui, and he just avoided the big water."
       Yan Wu-shuang's face was a bit blue, and it was obvious that the news was leaked. He spent so much energy and energy, but did not expect the news leaked at the crucial time.
       Meng-nian looked at his look and knew what he was thinking:
       "Emperor, Dongluo County will check it later. Now the urgent task is to evacuate to Liaodong." Dongluo County is a few hundred miles away from the capital. It is too late to withdraw.
       Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "After we have arranged things, we will withdraw to Liaodong." The plan failed and it has been weak.
       Meng-nian nodded, but it didn't look a little easier. Once the East Luo affairs are spread, the emperor will refer to the thousands. Unfortunately, regret is useless. He advised him for a long time, but Yan Wu-shuang did not listen to him.
       After talking to Meng-nian, Yan Wu-shuang went to Zhang Huagong. At this time, the harem of the harem, except for Li Xiuyuan, who had not gone to Liaodong due to illness, had gone for another half a month.
       Yu-Chen looked at Yan Wu-shuang's look, and he was very worried:
       "The emperor, what happened?"
       Yan Wu-shuang naturally does not say that he is flooded with Dong Luo:
       "You pack up and immediately set off for Liaodong." He rode, and the speed will be faster. Yu-Chen can't keep up with him in the carriage, so he wants Yu-Chen to leave now.
       Yu-Chen scared a big jump:
       "How so urgent?"
       After that, my face changed a lot:
       “Is Yun-Qing coming to Capital City?”
       Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "Yun-Qing has already won Dongluo County, and the next target is Baoding." Baoding lost, then the next is the capital.
       Yu-Chen took the hand of Yan Wu-shuang and asked:
       "The emperor, the courtier wants to go with you." Yan Wu-shuang is her day with a pair of children. If Yan Wu-shuang has three long and two short, their mother and son can't live.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I still have some things to arrange. When things are arranged properly, I will go to Liaodong." After that, I held the hand of Yu-Chen:
       "You don't have to be afraid, I won't have anything to do."
       There are a lot of things, and Yan Wu-shuang doesn't have much time to talk to Yu-Chen:
       "I let Chang Chengyi escort you to Liaodong, beware of the road." It is enough to take this trip in the busy schedule, enough to see the difference in the status of Yu-Chen in Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yu-Chen also knows that it is a special period, and I can't help myself:
       "The emperor, you have to take care."
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded.
       Gui Mama walked into the house and saw Yu-Chen with a blank face:
       "Imperial Consort, what's wrong?"
       Yu-Chen held the hand of Gui Mama and said:
       "Mama, Yun-Qing is going to Baoding, and the emperor let us go now."
       Gui Mama is amazed:
       "just now?"
       Suddenly, Gui Mama said:
       "Isn't I still hit Baoding? How can I be so anxious?" If you hit the capital, you will be in a hurry. Baoding is still a few hundred miles away from here!
       Yu-Chen knows that there must be something wrong with this, but Yan Wu-shuang did not say, she did not ask:
       "Mama, let's pack up and leave." The things to bring are all ready, and now it's what she used to clean up.
       Gui Mama nodded.
       After half an hour, Chang Chengyi came over. Looking at the three large boxes of six parcels, immediately frowned:
       “Imperial Consort, too many things, must be streamlined.”
       Gui Mama said:
       "It has been streamlined a lot."
       Chang Chengyi is not angry, just said:
       "Imperial Consort, too many things are not running fast." So many things, the speed is slower than half.
       Yu-Chen was very painful. Finally, she abandoned two boxes, only one box, and several clothes.
       Chang Chengyi knows that this is Yu-Chen's last concession, so he will not say anything, let the two guards behind him carry things out and put them on the carriage.
       The group soon went out of the palace.
       Looking at the Qing bu small oil truck in front of him, Yu-Chen also knew that the escape was unconditional, climbed into the car without a word, and then pulled Gui Mama into the car.
       Chang Chengyi browed a bit, but did not say anything. If you want to change him, you must bring a strong and strong palace girl. After all, it is not an escape. With such an old Mama, not only can't serve, but in the end it is likely to become cumbersome. But he also knows that Gui Mama is different for Yu-Chen, so there is no buzz.
       Yu-Chen is also a bitter person, so even if the tanker is very small, she has not let any complaints. The conditions are almost the same, but they are always stronger than the fear.
       Gui Mama held the hand of Yu-Chen and said:
       "Imperial Consort, don't be afraid, just go to Liaodong."
       Yu-Chen nodded.
       I don't know how long I have gone, I heard the outside saying:
       "Get off the bus, check." Now in an extraordinary period, I have to check out the city.
       Chang Chengyi showed a golden sign, and the people at the gate of the city saw the words of the inner guards immediately released.
       Yan Wu-shuang summoned the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs and said that Yun-Qing is about to hit Baoding.
       The ministers were too nervous.
       Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "I don't know who the Ai Qing thinks is staying in Capital City."
       He already has a candidate for himself. At this time, he is looking at the reaction of everyone.
       Gui Sanliang stood up first:
       "The emperor, the minister is willing to stay in the capital." He made a big mistake before, and now is the opportunity to sin.
       Gao Southeast also stood up and expressed his willingness to stay in Capital City.
       With the initiative of Gui Sanliang and Gaodongnan, most of the other generals also stood up. There are still a few who are afraid of death, not standing out, and Tie-Kui is in it.
       Yan Wu-shuang did not answer, but looked at the next person. Finally, the eyes fell on Tie-Kui.
       See Tie-Kui, hanging his head and not taking the initiative to stand up and fight, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Is the Iron General wishing to stay in Capital City?"
       The other generals were relieved in the dark. Yun-Qing hits, staying is equal to killing! Because of the situation, take the initiative to fight, but no one wants to die!
       Tie-Kui heard this, the whole person froze. After a while, Tie-Kui stood up and said on the ground:
       "The emperor, the minister must keep the capital. If you can't keep it, the court will die and die." This is also a military order.
       Yan Wu-shuang is very satisfied with the nod. Yun-Qing can't hold the sand, and Tie-Kui kills so many people, so he just wants to rely on Yun-Qing . Furthermore, the two sons of Tie-Kui are still in his hands. Tie-Kui is a smart person, knowing that this will definitely kill the capital. Of course, Yan Wu-shuang did not expect Tie-Kui to hold the capital, but it was only one day.

       Chapter 1345   Faint  

       When Tie-Kui walked out of the palace, his face sank. Others saw it and didn't dare to talk to him.
       -Lu Xiajiang is very close to Tie-Kui and went forward and said:
       "Iron brother, let's go out and have two drinks." Perhaps this is the last time I have been drinking.
       Tie-Kui, a voice:
       "Okay." Just as he has something to do with -Lu Xiajiang.
       The two went to the largest restaurant to get the moon. Into the box, on the dish with wine, let people go down.
       When there were two people left in the house, Tie-Kui was angry:
       "So many people automatically asked to stay in Capital City, but they ordered me. Before I let the people kill, now let me go to death, I don't understand where I am obstructing his eyes?"
       The two are close to each other, and Tie-Kui often complains in front of -Lu Xiajiang. Of course, -Lu Xiajiang also has a lot of complaints.
       -Lu Xiajiang also thinks that Tie-Kui is quite unlucky:
       "It's useless to say this now. I have to think of a good way to get out." The two men came out of Tongcheng. For so many years of friendship, he didn't want to watch Tie-Kui go to death.
       Drinking the wine from the cup, Tie-Kui said bitterly:
       "Can there be any way to get out? The emperor obviously let me go to death, I can still have a living way." Finished, the cup was heavily buckled on the table:
       "It’s strange to blame me for not being a confidant of the emperor, so that the emperor has always been wary. Now, it’s only a cannon fodder."
       -Lu Xiajiang has a heart. He is not a confidant of Yan Wu-shuang. These years have not only been suppressed, but the military squad has not been released on time. It is not easy until now.
       Tie-Kui raised the glass and said to -Lu Xiajiang:
       "-Lu brother, the younger brother has something to ask you, I hope you can promise."
       -Lu Xiajiang should have one:
       "You said, as long as I can do it, I will not deny it."
       "Lu-Shi took Fang Hui and Fang Jia to go to Liaodong. I can't escape this time. I want to be Brother and you will follow the 2nd Brother in the future." The whole set of drama, Yan Wu-shuang definitely sent People are watching him.
       -Lu Xiajiang should have one:
       "You can rest assured that I will treat Fang Hui as my own son."
       After that, Tie-Kui raised the glass of his hand:
       "-Lu brother, if you have this, the younger brother can feel at ease under Jiuquan."
       There are errands in the body and can't drink too long. The two men drank a few glasses of wine and went home.
       Back home, Zhong-Shan looked at Tie-Kui and looked a little different, asked:
       "Old Master, what's wrong?"
       Tie-Kui Said:
       "The emperor has already ordered, and he is a high-ranking south-eastern defender. I am with Gui Sanliang as a deputy." He originally thought that Yan Wu-shuang would point him to the defending lord, but he did not expect anything unexpected.
       Zhong-Shan with the same:
       "Old Master, Gao Southeast is not a confidant of Yan Wu-shuang? How to keep him in the capital."
       Tie-Kui shakes his head:
       "I suspect that there has been a change in the war ahead, or will Yan Wu-shuang not be a high-ranking southeast?"
       Just don't know what it is.
       Zhong-Shan is very confused:
       "At most, it will be defeated. What else can be changed?"
       Tie-Kui shook his head, he just thought that this was not normal:
       "In addition to the people who bought this time, other people try not to leave the house." After Lu Shi-shi incident came out last year, Tie-Kui took the opportunity to clean up a large number of people, and now the servants in the office only have the original Less than half.
       Zhong-Shan understood this and said:
       “Old Master is worried about the chaos in the capital?”
       "Not worried, it will be chaotic. When the news of the emperor's withdrawal to Liaodong came out, the capital would fall into chaos." After that, Zhong-Shan said:
       "After two days, I will pick fifty soldiers into the house." These people are to protect Xiao-Shi mother and daughter.
       Zhong-Shan said:
       "I hope that Ming Wang can come in as soon as possible." In this way, the situation will soon stabilize.
       At noon the next day, the Falcon knew that the things in Dongluo County had changed in a scary face. Almost, it would be a little worse, and Yan Wu-shuang’s plot would be awkward.
       Red Eagle asked:
       "What? Flooded Dongluo County?"
       Falcon has a voice:
       "Wangfei suspected that Yan Wu-shuang had any conspiracy, but unfortunately we did not find anything. Fortunately, the world is vigilant, or it is unreasonable." If Wangye and the world have a long and short, not to mention attacking the capital, the northwest is not stable.
       The red eagle is cold and humming:
       "A good poisonous mind. Yan Wu-shuang this time is also the cost, we have not got a message at such a big hand." It is not the Falcons, they are incompetent, but Yan Wu-shuang This plan is very secret, There are very few people who know.
       After that, the red eagle said:
       "Boss, he actually flooded Dongluo County, this is not to put the lives and deaths of the people in the eyes. Boss, we must publicize this, let the people all over the world know the true face of Yan Wu-shuang."
       The Falcon nodded:
       "Yeah." The facts speak louder than words, and Yan Wu-shuang can't argue.
       The red eagle immediately went out.
       Master Gao came out with his son Gao Qiang to buy food. Although they hid a lot of food in the secret, they could only go out and buy food every day in order not to attract attention. When I first came out, I heard the news of flooding Dongluo County.
       Master Gao face changed slightly, and he took the high-powered road that he still wanted to run over and listened:
       "Hurry and go."
       When the father and son did not go far, they saw a team of officers and men coming over and arrested the two men who flooded Dongluo. The two men immediately ran, and one of them ran slow and was caught. The officers and men also had no nonsense, and his head was cut down directly, and blood was splashed on the ground.
       Master Gao saw his son's face changed, holding his hand and said:
       "Hurry and go."
       The two did not go home, but went to the grain shop. At this time, the grain has risen twenty times, so it is so good that there is no shortage of people in front of the grain shop.
       The two bought twenty pounds of coarse grains. Gao Qiang has a lot of strength, carrying 20 pounds of grain is not a problem.
       It’s a mess now, no one wants to come out, so there no one on the street. Suddenly two people came out from an alley. Although these two men were tall, they were very thin.
       Master Gao and Gao Qiang are both right, just want to call. A knife on the opposite side is a high knife:
       "You see that the officers and men are coming fast, or my knife is fast."
       Master Gao grabbed the son of the blue-bellied violent, and said to the four people:
       "As long as you don't hurt people, food can be given to you."
       The taller Master Gao is so interested and said:
       "We only ask for food and wealth, not for your life." It means that Master Gao and Gao Qiang will hand over all their money.
       Master Gao escaped from the sleeves with a dry purse and said:
       "Our money is all about buying food." Now the world is so chaotic, Master Gao is wearing a coarse cloth. In order not to be suspicious, one of their Darens deliberately did not eat enough every day. So this will, both father and son look not only thin, but also sallow.
       Thin humanity:
       "The second child, quickly took the food to go." If the officers and men came, they would be dead. It’s a surprise to get a bag of food.
       Gao Qiang is not willing to give food:
       "Hey, food for them, what does the mother eat with the children?"
       This is good before I come out. If someone grabs food, let Gao Qiang behave reluctantly.
       The tall one put the knife in the high waist and said:
       "Are you going to die or want food?"
       Master Gao immediately said:
       “Is food important or important?
       If you have three long and two short, let me live with your mother? Give them food quickly. ”
       At this point, there was a loud footstep not far away. The man couldn’t care for the high strength, and he ran away after grabbing the grain.
       When the officers and men arrived, the two had disappeared. Gao Qiang and his son returned home as if they had been examined and approved.
       Two of the neighbors came back empty, and Master Gao was also supported by Gao Qiang, asking:
       "High old man, aren't you going to buy food?"
       There is a bad place in the civilian area, and that is to know what to do. Everyone knows.
       Master Gao said with a bitter face:
       "Don't mention it, the food was taken away by the monks. Fortunately, the officers and men came quickly, or they might not even have a life."
       After two sentences, the father and son returned home. After entering the house, the door was closed, and Master Gao immediately straightened his waist and was judged as if he had just been.
       Yu-Rong sees both of them empty and says:
       "What happened?"
       When the food was robbed, Yu-Rong was busy:
       "Sir, it's too dangerous outside, you don't want to go out anymore." She didn't want Master Gao to go out, it was too dangerous. Although Master Gao is old, he is the backbone of a group of people.
       Don't look at the gangsters when Master Gao is very calm, but he is also afraid of his heart:
       "I will not go out anymore."
       Yu-Rong nodded when he heard this:
       "There will be things for Aqiang and Adong to do in the future." Adong was the guard she asked, because she was left alone. Others have a family, and all have been dismissed.
       After sitting down, Master Gao told the people what he had just heard.
       Master Gao daughter-in-law heard this and asked without trust:
       "Children, hey, is this true?"
       Master Gao said with a dignified look:
       "The so-called hole does not come, this is afraid of being true."
       "How can we make such a heart-wrenching thing?" Master Gao daughter-in-law is a civilian, and most knows the suffering of the Pingtou people.
       Yu-Rong also said:
       "Stunned." Only when you are faint, you can do something like this.
       Master Gao point of attention is not here, he said:
       "Dongluo County is under the jurisdiction of Baoding, Dongluo County has fallen, and Ming Wang will soon hit the capital."
       Yu-Rong immediately said:
       "Would we like to avoid Duke House?"
       The things in Dongluo County made her angry, but it was not important to have her own life.
       Master Gao said:
       "The court's soldiers and horses fled, I think for up to a month, Ming Wang will hit the capital. At that time, we will avoid Duke." Before Ming Wang came in, the capital would be chaotic.
       Yu-Rong, a voice:
       "Listen to your husband."
       After hesitating, Yu-Rong said:
       "Sir, I want to let Yu Dong go to my brother Jiancheng and take a trip." Yan Wu-shuang is self-sufficient, and he still manages the lives of others. From the capital to the Liaodong road, there is a mess, who knows whether it can reach Liaodong safely.
       Master Gao impression of Han Jiancheng is not bad, so there is no objection:
       "Let the Hadron go with it!" There are officers and soldiers patrolling from time to time. This area is also a flat-headed person. There is no danger for the time being.
       In the evening, Yu Dong returned with Gao Qiang. Han Jiancheng also came along. However, Han Jiancheng did not come to rely on Yu-Rong, but to say goodbye to her:
       "Sister, I am going to Liaodong tomorrow."
       Yu-Rong’s face is not very good-looking and says:
       "Building a city, Yan Wu-shuang is flooded in Dongluo County, you have to follow him to Liaodong?"
       This is no different from finding a dead end.
       Han Jiancheng also heard about this news and immediately said:
       "Sister, this must be a rumor spread by the rebels." Anyway, he decided not to believe that the emperor would do such a thing.
       Yu-Rong said:
       "A Cheng, don't say the truth of this news. Just say the current situation, do you think Yan Wu-shuang can keep Liaodong? Once Liaodong falls, what do you do then?"
       At that time, even the retreat was gone.
       Han Jiancheng smiled bitterly:
       "Sister, Ayao, they went to Liaodong, I can't leave them alone." If Luyao did not go to Liaodong with his children, he would stay. But now, he has no choice.
       Yu-Rong opened his mouth and blocked it, and eventually swallowed it back to his mouth:
       "Isn't enough money on your body? If there is not enough, I have something here."
       Han Jiancheng has a face to Yu-Rong's money:
       "I have money on my body." Now the situation has made him regret a little, regretting that he should not have listened to Lu Yao words as an official. Can go to this step, regret is useless.
       Han Jiancheng was sent away, and Yu-Rong was all embarrassed.
       Yucheng is far from Dongluo County, and Yu-Xi got news two days later than Yan Wu-shuang.
       Yu-Xi frowned and heard after hearing this:
       "Don't blame me for the right eyelids have been jumping for the past two days." She had been uneasy for the past two days, and did not expect that something really happened. Fortunately, Kai Hao was very alert and found Yan Wu-shuang's conspiracy in time, otherwise she could not imagine what happened afterwards.
       Spanian said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is too shameless, and such things can be done."
       Yu-Xi did not say the bad words of Yan Wu-shuang, just said:
       "If his conspiracy succeeds, then the benefits he gets will be great." By that time, Yan Wu-shuang not only did not have to retreat to Liaodong, but also forced her into desperation. However, this method is also very troublesome, that is, it will make many conscience officials and generals chill. In addition, once this matter is successful, Yan Wu-shuang will be stinking for a thousand years. Now that he has failed, he does not have to squander the millennium because he will definitely evade it.
       Span is still very resentful:
       "Wangfei, this must be announced to the world, so that everyone in the world knows how cold and bloodless Yan Wu-shuang is." As a king, even personally killing his own people, it is no wonder that they will retreat to Liaodong.
       In fact, there is no need to announce the world, everyone knows that Yan Wu-shuang is a ruthless, cold-blooded person.
       After that, Yu-Xi commanded:
       "I immediately called Tan Tuo and An Zike and Shen Chunting them." Dongluo County had a flood, and they must fight the disaster.
       Span was busy with the sound.
       Yu-Xi put down the fold in his hand and went to the window and looked up at the sky and said:
       "This is the last time." This is the last time that Yun-Qing has been sent out, and he will not be allowed to take troops to fight in the future.

       Chapter 1346   After fear  

       The night is deep and the moon is out.
       Looking at the shadow projected on the ground, Yu-Xi said to Mei-Lan:
       "Turn off the light." With such a large light, you can see the ground without the light.
       Mei-Lan blew out the lanterns.
       The surroundings are very quiet, there are no insects, and several people can clearly hear their footsteps.
       Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, let the lanterns light up!" She was not afraid, but this strange silence made her feel a little cold.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Let's order it!" These days have been busy, and some have gotten angry. In addition, there is always a discussion with the minister, and there are more words spoken, which causes the sound to be mute.
       Quan Mama heard the footsteps and came out of the house. When she saw the fatigue of Yu-Xi, she couldn’t help but complain:
       "I said that let you come back to rest soon, how can you not listen?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "There was an unexpected situation, so I came back late." She also wanted to come back to rest earlier, but if these things are not handled well, the victims may be killed, so Yu-Xi would rather be tired.
       Quan Mama didn’t even talk about it, but went to the kitchen and took a soup:
       "This is what I specifically want to give you, go to the fire." Others do not know, Quan Mama is clear. The cloud on the Yu-Xi surface is light and windy. In fact, it is both nervous and worried, otherwise it will not get angry.
       Yu-Xi would have no appetite, but she still picked up the warm soup and ate it.
       Quan Mama looked at her and said:
       "Let you get a massage for you." She is old, and if she gives a full body massage to Yu-Xi, she can't help herself.
       Yu-Xi did not refuse.
       Take a bath and massage. When taking a bath, Yu-Xi said something about Dongluo County. In front of the group of ministers, Yu-Xi has nothing to do with people. In fact, she almost had a soft leg.
       After entering Dongluo County, Yu-Xi whispered after saying:
       "Almost, it's almost a little." When he said this, Yu-Xi hand couldn't help but shake. This shows that this event is really scaring Yu-Xi.
       Quan Mama also had a white face, but looked at the Yu-Xi and hugged her hand and said:
       "Don't be afraid, Wangye and the world are all right. Don't be afraid, just a false alarm." If Wangye and the world have a long and short time, Quan Mama can't imagine what it looks like in the future.
       The blue veins on the hands of Yu-Xi are all up:
       "How can you not be afraid? Just a little and Rui and A-Hoa, they are gone." If Yun-Qing and Kaihao are gone, Yu-Xi is not sure if they can hold.
       Quan Mama knew that Yu-Xi was scared and busy:
       "Wangfei, you forgot, the world is the reincarnation of the emperor. He can be blessed by God, it will not be so easy to accident. It is the 1st County Owner, that is also a blessing. How can the aging of Yan Wu-shuang be harmful? They." Not so much as Jao-Jao hits a blessing, it is better to say that she hits money.
       After stopping, Quan Mama said:
       "Look, he hurts you and Wangye again and again, but he didn't succeed."
       Yu-Xi didn't speak, but the look eased a lot.
       Knowing that Yu-Xi heard her words, Quan Mama said:
       "Just say this time, if the rain is heavy in advance, the water in the reservoir will be filled up. When Wangye takes the soldiers to release the water, the gods are difficult to save. But there is no rain in the sky, and it is discovered by the world in time. It is obvious that God is Help us."
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "This time it is indeed God bless." If the rain is ahead of the day, I am afraid that something has already happened.
       Quan Mama gently took the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "God is standing on our side, what is terrible." Yan Wu-shuang That is the end of the road, or else it is impossible to use such a means.
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "You are right, God is standing on our side, what else is afraid." Although the capital did not hit, but the overall situation has been fixed.
       "Wangfei, wait for the capital, what time are you going to move?"
       Quan Mama is to divert her attention and let her stop thinking about Dongluo County.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       “It takes a lot of money to move the capital. There was no money for the last fight. This time it was directly emptying the treasury. If you want to move to the capital, you have to wait for the treasury to have money.” Hebei and Shandong have been in trouble for a few years. Hardship. Let them settle down as soon as possible to resume production, not only to provide food and grain, but also to reduce taxes.
       Thinking of the Yu-Xi wear and tear, Quan Mama said:
       “Although you are now Wangfei, you can live at a lower level than you are in Duke.” Yu-Xi In Duke, one person has two soups. Now if it is eaten by one person, only one soup and one soup.
       “Guangsha sleepless nights only need six feet, and the family’s wealth is not enough for three meals.” It’s also a day when I haven’t eaten and slept, and Yu-Xi feels that the days are already very good.
       "If everyone thinks like you, then it will be harmonious." There will not be so many disputes, and there will be no war.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "As long as I save money with Rui Qin, the following people don't dare to waste extravagance."
       Qi-You think that the Han family is extravagant because the days of their palace are relatively simple, and Yu-Xi also limits their expenses. If they live a day of glory, Qi-You will not react so much to Han.
       "This is true. You are so frugal with Wangye, the following officials will naturally follow." The people above set an example, and the people below did not dare to pass.
       When I massaged, Quan Mama told Yu-Xi one thing:
       "I heard that Tong-Shi sent Niu-Shi to the Cui family's Zhuangzi." Tell Yu-Xi about the gossip, let her relax, don't stretch myself too tightly.
       This is what Tong-Shi told Quan Mama, so this time her look is normal.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I don't know who is pointing at the Tong-Shi." It really makes the cow-Shi marry, fearing that Cui Weiqi can't put her in her life. Putting it around and finding a chance to expose the true face of Niu-Shi, Cui Weiqi will really die.
       Quan Mama looked at Fang Fang.
       This is what Fang Fang said:
       "Feng general wrote a letter, let him know that Niu-Shi was born with my sister, I am afraid that I will hate my sister for a lifetime. In addition, if Niu-Shi is married, Archie may miss her life. "Lu-Er almost decided to kiss Cui Weiqi. This outsider didn't know, but some of them knew it." Now Feng Zhixi and Lu-Er are dear, and Feng Dajun does not want outsiders to know that this is Feng Zhixi idea. Well, it’s fine. If it’s not good, it’s not allowed to retaliate with the suspicion of Tong-Shi, and its not as good as he taking it.
       "Well, Feng Dajun said these words, and said that the point is on." The handling of the Tong-Shi is a bit too crude. If the husband is looking for a woman outside, it doesn't matter if she handles it like this. Anyway, the children grow up, even if the loss of her husband's heart does not affect her status. The woman that her son likes, the consequences of her doing this will cause the mother and child to centrifuge.
       Yu Fang hesitated and asked:
       "Wangfei, Archie, he also taught the strict teacher as he was a brother, how can it be so different?"
       Yu-Xi chuckled and said:
       "This is what Cui Madam asks you, or do you ask yourself?"
       Yan Fang was shocked and said:
       "I can't figure it out. Archie has been good all the time. How did he meet a cow-Shi and change it?"
       Before I took Cui Weiqi, it was no worse than Feng Zhi. When the cow-Shi thing came out, the disparity between the two came out.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The problem is with your sister." Seeing Fang Fang’s face confused, Yu-Xi said:
       "Cui Madam is too strong at home, so Cui Weiqi has a shadow in his heart."
       This is what makes Fang Fang not understand.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Before Cui Weiqi told A-Hoa that he didn't want to find a fierce ‘Madam’ like his mother, looking for a ‘Madam’ who was obedient to him and doing things according to him. Lu-Er is my daughter, but I am a fierce name. Outside, he is worried that Lu-Er is like me, so he is not willing to lick Lu-Er."
       Yan Fang's face changes slightly:
       "What? He turned out to be so big?"
       When the son actually disliked his mother. Speaking of it, Cui Weiqi is not filial.
       Cui Weiqi first said that his mother was not, and then privately gave it to him. Qi Hao felt that his character had problems, so he was cold to him.
       "The big rebellion is a bit serious, but it is a big shadow on your sister's fierceness, so I want to listen to his ‘Madam’." Tong-shi is too embarrassed at home, causing Cui Weiqi to be afraid of The ‘Madam’ of the same temperament of Tong-Shi will repeat the mistakes of Cui Mo.
       Fang Fang stayed.
       Since talking about this, Yu-Xi couldn't help but say more:
       "When the mother is weak, the child is strong, and the mother is strong."
       After the massage, Yu-Xi went to sleep.
       Yan Fang sleeps in a house with Quan Mama. Quan Mama is old enough, and there are people around him who are with Yu-Xi.
       "Mama, Wangfei said that if the mother is weak, then the child is strong, and if the mother is strong, then the child is weak. Is this not true?"
       To be strong, there is another woman who is stronger than Wangfei. Therefore, Yan Fang has some doubts about this.
       Quan Mama listened to this, smiling:
       “Have you seen Wangfei when you had a big fight with Wangye in front of your child?”
       Seeing Fang Fang shaking his head, Quan Mama said:
       "In front of the children, Wangfei didn't even speak loudly with Wangye."
       In the eyes of outsiders, Yu-Xi is a very powerful woman. In the eyes of Yun-Qing , she is a considerate and gentle ‘Madam’; in the eyes of the child, Yu-Xi is a strict and loving mother.
       Yan Fang understands:
       "Mama means that my sister is too aggressive at home with my brother-in-law?"
       Yan Fang also lived in Cui family for a while and saw how Cui Mo and his ‘Madam’ got along. Cui Mo is a big man to do whatever he wants, and Tong-shi is a person who has a temperament and a temper. Sometimes Cui Mo does not do what she wants, she will -call loudly. At that time, Yan Fang also felt that she had some time, but she was not good at it.
       Quan Mama nodded:
       "It’s -Lu Yi business. Wangfei didn’t say that Wangye was half a word in front of a few children. On the contrary, Yu-Xi has always said that Yun-Qing is not easy with six children, and pays a lot for this family, even if If you do something wrong, let the child understand him a lot. Otherwise, Yun-Qing rudely teaches the triplets, and the father and son can get along with each other.
       Yan Fang could not help but say:
       "This teaches the child is also a matter of learning! If you don't teach well, your troubles will continue." Just like her sister, she broke her heart for Cui Weiqi.
       "This is natural. To raise a swindler or a playboy, you can't kill him." The child didn't raise it, and he spent his whole life.
       Yan Fang asked Quan Mama:
       "Master, what do you think my sister should do now?"
       If she didn't ask Yu-Xi, she didn't dare, but Yu-Xi was so busy, she didn't want her to worry about her family.
       Quan Mama impression of Tong-Shi is still very good, I thought about it:
       "Show him weakness, and then agree to let her Na Ni-Shi as a servant, I believe Cui Weiqi will not hate your sister for this matter again."
       Yan Fang smiled bitterly:
       "My sister's temper MaMamay not know, she has been strong for a lifetime, how to be willing to bow."
       Quan Mama Said:
       "Unless she wants to centrifuge with her son, the thing of Niu-Shi can only show weakness." Seeing Fang Fang is embarrassed, Quan Mama said:
       "Then let your sister pretend to be sick, and then let other people tell Cui Weiqi your sister's embarrassment and regret. Right, this matter can not be implicated in Tang Jiaji Miss, otherwise Cui Jia and Tang family can not do, will become an enemy. ”
       "Master, I will go to Cui house tomorrow." This will make her somewhat reluctant to marry again. Otherwise, she will have a son like Cui Weiqi who will lose half of her life.
       Looking at the sly Fang, Quan Mama said:
       "Cui Weiqi is a young and junior, and he doesn't know how to be sinister. As long as he can see the true face of Niu-Shi."
       Tong-shi does not expect this.
       Quan Mama did not go to sleep, but married Mei-Lan and Jing Bai. Yu-Xi was irritated today, and she was worried that Yu-Xi would have a nightmare. However, obviously, Wan Mama was too worried, and Yu-Xi did not have nightmares this night.
       Open your eyes, Yu-Xi sees the sun shining on the ground:
       "So late, I don't even wake me up?"
       When you finish, you get up and get dressed.
       Mei-Lan smiled and said:
       "I didn't wake up in front of you, I didn't wake you up." It was rare to sleep so scented, and it happened to be fine. She would rather be beaten than to wake up Yu-Xi.
       After eating breakfast, Yu-Xi went to the front yard. When I saw Span, Yu-Xi said:
       "You sent someone to say something to Xu Wei, saying that I want them to be Aru, let them come back for dinner."
       Si Bonian sneaked and nodded and said:
       "Well, I will send people here."
       Thinking about it, Span called Xu Da Nu.
       Xu Da Nu asked without confidence:
       "How could Wangfei say this? You must have heard it wrong." In Xu Da Nu heart, Yu-Xi is not a freewheel.
       Speren whispered:
       "I am afraid that Donglu County is scaring Wangfei, so I want to see 2nd Young Masters." It is also that Wangye is fighting in the disaster, and they will not be able to leave, otherwise Wangfei will definitely let them back.
       For this, Xu Da Nu sneered:
       "Nonsense, how can Wangfei be scared." Dongluo County's business is nothing but a shock, what is scary.
       Si Bonian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and said directly:
       "You are going to bring back the 3rd Young Masters."
       If the capital is a generation, Xu Wu is gone, and the guardian leader of the palace should be Xu Da Nu. However, because he wants to be simple, Yu-Xi is not at ease, this is the use of Si Bo Nian.

       Chapter 1347   Retreating to Liaodong  

       After the training is over, everyone is like a string of arrows rushing to the canteen. Soon, there was a burst of exclamation:
       "Yeah, there is actually braised pork."
       The discipline of the Qianwei Camp is very strict, even if it is eaten. Into the cafeteria, everyone consciously lined up, and did not swarm to the window.
       This lunch is very rich, braised pork with stir-fried melon, and a bowl of kelp egg soup.
       Xuan Ji Er took a bite of braised pork and said with a depressed look:
       "There is no half cooked by Bai Mama." The food here is no different from the pig food. However, he did not dare to say in the cafeteria that he would like to say up to You Ji-Er.
       You Ji-Er swallowed a bit of braised pork and said:
       "If you don't like it, give it to me!" Big pot rice, where can I compare with Bai Mama. However, it is rare to eat back braised pork in the military camp all the year round, otherwise everyone will not be so excited.
       Xuan Ji Er is very brotherly, and he will pinch the meat to You Ji-Er:
       "You will give me the melon." Xuan Ji Er has many shortcomings, but there are many advantages. For example, the brother is very generous, whether it is Jao-Jao or Qi-You, if you look at his things, even if it is a beloved thing, he will send it out.
       You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Cute you! Training in the afternoon, do not eat some fleshy light to eat melon. How to eat. Hurry to eat, eat us back." There is an hour of rest at noon. Of course, this is a special care for Xuan Ji Er and You Ji-Er. The two children are young, and if they do not sleep enough, they will affect their growth.
       Back to the house, Xuan Ji Er took a book to see. This is the last time I went back to vacation, and now it is the spiritual food of Xuan Ji Er.
       You Ji-Er is not idle, and he is ready to practice. After two quarters of an hour, the 2nd Brother will go to bed.
       Just going to bed, I heard the voice of Rui Ji Er outside:
       "A Xuan, A-You, open the door."
       You Ji-Er said:
       "This big noon, what did the second brother come over?"
       Xuan Ji Er opened the quilt and quickly went out to open the door.
       Seeing that they are wearing singles, Rui Ji Er said:
       "Change clothes, let's go home."
       The news in the military was not as fast as outside, so I heard Xu Da Nu say that Yun-Qing is going to Baoding, and Rui Ji is not happy.
       Xuan Ji Er is happy not to:
       "Second brother, mother let us go back?"
       See You Ji-Er nod, Xuan Ji Er busy called You Ji-Er:
       "Adi, hurry up and pack up, we are going home."
       "A Xuan, Niang just let us go home for a meal, did not say that you should not go back to the military camp." He knows that Xuan Ji Er thinks about going home.
       You Ji-Er asked with some doubts:
       "Dining? What food to eat? What important guests are there at home?"
       Rui Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "Xu Dan Niu said that she wanted us, so let him pick us up and go back to dinner."
       You Ji-Er, get up from the bed and then -call out:
       "Xu Da Nu, come in."
       Xu Da Nu heard the cry and hurried into the house.
       "What happened at home?"
       His mother is very principled, and it is a big deal to let them go home for dinner.
       Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er have always been convinced of You Ji-Er, because his brain turned fast enough, most of the guessing things have come true.
       Xu Da Nu shook his head:
       "Nothing happened in the house, but Wangye almost went wrong with Heir?"
       The triplets were scared and asked in unison:
       "What happened to my brother?"
       Xu Da Nu was stared at by the triplets, feeling a lot of pressure, and daringly said the matter in Dongluo County.
       After that, Xu Da Nu said:
       "Wangfei is estimated to be scared, so I want to see you." This is a complete retelling of Spencer's words.
       You Ji-Er is busy wearing clothes, seeing Xuan Ji Er not moving, -calling:
       "3rd Brother, hurry to wear clothes."
       Xuan Ji Er was scared and was returned to God by You Ji-Er:
       "Let's go back quickly."
       On the road, You Ji-Er asked Xu Da Nu many questions. Unfortunately, Xu Da Nu did not understand this matter and could not answer these questions one by one.
       The triplets returned home after the evening. At this time, Yu-Xi was still in the study with Shen Chunting.
       Si Bo Nian is facing the triple-fetal road that wants to see Yu-Xi:
       “Wangfei is now dealing with government affairs, and the 3rd Young Masters will go back first. When Wangfei finishes the matter at hand, I will tell him.” It’s not a matter of matter, and Spencer will not pass it.
       You Ji-Er asks:
       "Dong Luo business, how much do you know? Tell us what you know." You Ji-Er spoke with a command tone.
       Spanian said everything he knew.
       Xuan Ji Er exclaimed:
       "Big brother is really amazing." I can see through Yan Wu-shuang's plot.
       You Ji-Er hate channel:
       "Yan Wu-shuang, a sinister villain, I will definitely draw his muscles and drink his skin to drink his blood." If you have the ability to fight with him on the battlefield, you will know how to use it. The trick.
       Xuan Ji Er hit a chill.
       After half an hour, Yu-Xi returned to the backyard. Seeing the triplets, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "They are all a lot taller." The triplets are thin and black, but Yu-Xi is used to it.
       You Ji-Er holds the hand of Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, is it something that scares you?"
       If not, it is not possible to let them come back.
       Yu-Xi did not deny, um, one channel:
       "It was scared, but it was good."
       You Ji-Er cold channel:
       "Mother, you can rest assured that I will definitely take Yan Wu-shuang in the future and avenge you."
       Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Don't you just say that you want to smear him?"
       If you drink blood so disgusting, Xuan Ji Er can't say it.
       You Ji-Er Said:
       "In any case, I want him to die. Otherwise, it is hard to eliminate my hatred." This despicable villain, who killed his most loved ones several times, how can he spare it!
       Lu-Er looked at Yu-Xi and said softly:
       "Mother, why don't you tell me such a big thing?"
       She heard the triplets come back to the main Courtyard, and she heard the news that shocked her.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "This is not afraid of your worry!" Lu-Er's courage, if she knew that she had to have a nightmare last night, she would not tell Lu-Er of these things.
       You Ji-Er interrupted the words of the two:
       "Mother, what about the big brother, where are they now?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You took the troops to attack Baoding, and Qi Hao stayed in Donglu for disaster relief." It was very gratifying for Qi Hao behavior Yu-Xi, and Kai Hao left the disaster relief to spread, which would make him win well in Shilin. Word of mouth.
       Although Yun-Qing has laid down most of the world, but because of the malicious propaganda of Yan Wu-shuang, Yun-Qing bears the reputation of stifling. This also leads to few talented people who are willing to go out.
       Rui Ji Er is ready to move:
       "Mother, let us go too!" He also wanted to kill the enemy on the battlefield.
       Yu-Xi will definitely not agree.
       You Ji-Er also joined this time:
       "Mother, I want to help my eldest brother." Mainly worried about Hao Ji Er, so he wants to go to Dongluo County to see.
       Yu-Xi refused:
       "You can't go anywhere, stay in the Qianwei camp." This incident in Dongluo County scared Yu-Xi enough. Before Yun-Qing came back, Lu-Er and the triplets were Can't go.
       The triplets are very disappointing.
       The dinner is very rich, including the braised pork that the triplets love. Xuan Ji Er put a piece in his mouth, chewed it slowly, swallowed it:
       "Fat is not greasy, or the braised pork made by Bai Mama is delicious."
       You Ji-Er only eats and has no time to talk.
       Mei-Lan came in from the outside and said to Yu-Xi:
       “Wangfei, Shandong sent a good news.”
       Rui Ji Er is very sorry to say:
       "Unfortunately I can't follow, or I can make a meritorious deed."
       Yu-Xi picked up the chopsticks and said to Rui Ji Er:
       "Learn how to do it first. If you want to make a meritorious deed, there is an opportunity."
       Ming Wangfu is a happy and harmonious place, but Yan Wu-shuang, who is in the palace, is very sad.
       Meng-nian said with a low head:
       "The emperor, Baoding lost." Yun-Qing took only two days, he won Baoding.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "If you lose it, you will lose it. What is expected, what is so sad." If the plan fails, he will know that there is such a day.
       Meng-nian is empty.
       Yan Wu-shuang is facing justice:
       "Send someone to call Gaodong." He let Gaodong stay in Capital City, and he has his intentions.
       After the departure of the father-in-law, Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, the group of ministers have left, we should also go." Baoding is not far from the capital, although it has already sent out 100 thousand soldiers and horses, but I do not want to use it.
       Yan Wu-shuang nodded:
       "Arrange the things on hand, let's go." He certainly will not stay in Capital City and wait for death.
       Gao went to the palace in the southeast, and Yan Wu-shuang talked with him for a long time, then saw him staring out in a dignified manner.
       The news quickly spread to the Falcons.
       The Red Eagle said:
       "Boss, Wangye has already reached Baoding, and soon went to the capital. I want to come, Yan Wu-shuang is ready to run." Most of the ministers were evacuated to Liaodong, and Yan Wu-shuang could not stay in Capital City.
       Falcon has a voice:
       "I hope this time will be successful." They ambushed people on the road and wanted to stab Yan Wu-shuang.
       The night was getting darker, and Yan Wu-shuang walked out of the palace and stood outside and looked up at the sky.
       Meng-nian knows that he is in a bad mood and says:
       "The emperor, we will make a comeback." Two years ago, I knew that once Yun-Qing came, the capital could not be saved. It’s true that at this moment, my heart is unbearable, and I don’t even want to leave.
       Yan Wu-shuang chuckled a bit:
       "Re-emergence? Unless Yun-Qing is dead now, we still have a chance to make a comeback." He never deceives himself. Losing, is losing.
       Meng-nian's stomach, immediately swallowed back.
       The stars of the sky are like a ruby ​​one by one, flashing and flashing, and poke the human eye.
       Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I haven't had time to watch the night scene. When the emperor missed a lot of things." If he regrets, he only regrets that Zhou-Yan should not be replaced. When the emperor is too tired, being a regent is much more comfortable.
       Meng-nian heard the regret of Yan Wu-shuang's words:
       "The emperor, no one expected the Han Yu-Xi to have such a big ambition." At the beginning, I knew that Han Yu-Xi had the ambition to win the world.
       Upon hearing this, Yan Wu-shuang suddenly asked:
       "You said that if I didn't hide in the dark for more than a decade, like Yun-Qing , wouldn't many things be different?"
       Although Yun-Qing is a -widower who only knows how to fight, he is not a bit. But one thing Yan Wu-shuang knows very well,
       Meng-nian said straightforwardly:
       "The emperor, you are not the same as Yun-Qing . The Yun Old Master only offended the Song family, and the Song family sent people to assassinate Yun-Qing three times and four times. The emperor, the Yan family and the Song family have the vengeance. "This means that if Yan Wu-shuang is not hidden in the dark, he will have died."
       "Yes! I am different from him." So, there is no comparability.
       Meng-nian is the confidant of Yan Wu-shuang, who can't know what he thinks:
       "The emperor, Han Yu-Xi is not famous in the shack, and the hit is declining. If not, the sorcerer will not give her to Yun-Qing ."
       "Hit and decline..." Yan Wu-shuang couldn't help but laugh. If Han Yu-Xi hits the belt, there is no good luck in this world.
       Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, before the Han Yu-Xi married Yu-Qing , luck is really not good." The mother did not like to die, the Grandmother did not like it, this luck is not enough.
       Yan Wu-shuang Said:
       "I just think that the so-called fate is just a lie."
       Meng-nian shook his head:
       "Not quite. Yun-Qing is the life of a lonely star, but now the husband and ‘Madam’ love their children. Perhaps, their husband and ‘Madam’ can complement each other." Simply put, it means positive.
       Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Don't say this. Go back and get something, let's go!"
       Meng-nian stunned:
       "Nature is now." It is also Yan Wu-shuang who is used to traveling at night, feeling at night and safe.
       Meng-nian felt too sudden, but he knew that Yan Wu-shuang must have thought about it early, not suddenly left:
       "Good." Liaodong is their site, better than in Capital City.
       Taking good things, Yan Wu-shuang went out after looking around the royal study.
       Meng-nian turned back and looked up at the three golden glittering characters hanging over the top of the head:
       "It's cheaper Yun-Qing ." These big pieces can't be taken away, but Yun-Qing is not cheap.
       "Reassure, he can't take advantage of this." His things can't be kept, and they won't be given to others.
       The four gates of the capital will be closed at night. Now that the situation is tense, the door will not be opened easily. However, there are always emergency situations that need to open the city gate. On this evening, another team went out.
       Yan Wu-shuang Although he left the capital, the outside world did not know the news. Rao is a Falcon, and it is also news that he got two days later.
       The Red Eagle does not believe to say:
       “Yan Wu-shuang left Capital City, is this impossible? We got the news in the morning, saying that Yan Wu-shuang summoned the ministers of Gaonan and Chen Ran!” Most of the officials were evacuated to Liaodong, and a small part Staying in Capital City to deal with the follow-up, and Chen Ran is one of them.
       The Falcon said faintly:
       "It's just a substitute." Yan Wu-shuang's substitute is very good, as far as he knows, there are four, and there are only a few secrets, only he knows.
       Red Eagle Ramp:
       "It’s too embarrassing, and our people haven’t found it at all.” They didn’t even know what Yan Wu-shuang left.
       The Falcon is not depressed:
       "If it is so easy to leak, Yan Wu-shuang can live to the present?"
       When Yan Wu-shuang was in that difficult situation, he survived, and now he is dominant and will not put himself in danger.

       Chapter 1348   The chaos in Capital City  

       Yan Wu-shuang didn't know when he left, and it was impossible to talk about it.
       The Red Eagle said:
       "Boss, we have to spread this news as soon as possible." Once the news of Yan Wu-shuang’s departure, the capital will fall into chaos. And they just happened to fish in troubled waters.
       The Falcon nodded and agreed.
       The red eagle remembered what Yu-Chen had hidden:
       "I went to see what Han Yu-Chen hid at night?"
       The Falcon did not object, but reminded him:
       “These things are placed separately and will be handed over to Wangfei for disposal.”
       The red eagle looks puzzled:
       In the past, they also made a lot of foreign wealth, and those money were directly used as activity funds, and they never handed in one.
       Falcon thinks farther:
       "These things may have been originally from the Duke House of Korea. Otherwise, Han Yu-Chen will not bury them back into the Duke House." Since it is something from Duke House, it must be handed over to Wangfei. As for whether it is confiscated or rewarded to the Han family, that is the thing of Wangfei.
       The red eagle nodded:
       "it is good."
       Yan Wu-shuang The news of the escape came out, and the capital was even more chaotic.
       Yu-Rong is doing needlework in the house, and Jiang Yi-zheng is doing his homework next to him. Suddenly there was a -calling outside:
       "Killing, killing."
       "Yeah..." Yu-Rong trembled with a hand, acupuncture on his finger, and quickly oozing out.
       Jiang Yi-zheng shocked a big jump, busy putting down his books, and asked in the concern of Yu-Chen:
       "Mother, it hurts."
       Yu-Rong smiled and said:
       "Nothing." Finished, -calling outside:
       "Jiangxian, Jiangyan, are you going to see what happened outside?"
       Gao Qiang went out with the winter, and the family left Jiang Zhe and Jiang Yan to be able to top things. It is also the servant of the Jiang family and their loyalty, and the turbulence of the situation requires a young man in the body. Otherwise, Yu-Rong also sent them away.
       Jiang Yi-zheng shook his head and said:
       "Mother, let Jiang string out, Jiang Yan stay at home." If both of them go out, leaving a room old, weak and sick, not safe.
       Yu-Rong, a voice:
       "Listen to you."
       Jiang Xian came back soon after a while, and said with Yu-Rong:
       "Someone grabs the grain, and the other party does not give it. He will smash the person." After a pause, he looked at Jiang Yi-zheng:
       "The sluts were also killed by the officers and men who arrived later."
       Yu-Rong is worried, killing people are killing the door. In this way, they are not safe to live here.
       Master Gao daughter-in-law worried and said:
       "The child hasn't come back yet." It's so messy outside, it's dangerous to go out.
       Master Gao walked into the house and just heard this:
       "Don't worry, there is Kung Fu in the winter, those people will not provoke them." The most important thing is that Gao Qiang and Yu Dong went to inquire about the news this time, not to buy food.
       Yu-Rong is still scared:
       "Sir, should we avoid Duke House?"
       She hates not going to Duke House tonight, or she will not be able to sleep.
       Master Gao shook his head:
       "We don't have much food hidden in Duke." It only hides ten people and half a month of food. It is also afraid of getting people eyes and not going in and out too often.
       Jiang Yi-zheng looked at Yu-Rong and held her hand and said:
       "Mother, don't worry, wait for Gao Shu to come back with winter."
       Yu-Rong has a slight heart and gently taps his head. She is so nervous that Jiang Yi-zheng is around, or else she will not be so worried.
       Half an hour, Gao Qiang came back with winter. Gao Qiang's face is very difficult to see, with Master Gao:
       "Hey, it’s all outside, saying that the emperor went to Liaodong day and night a few days ago."
       Master Gao is ashamed:
       "It’s no wonder that this is a mess outside. It turned out that Yan Wu-shuang escaped." Because he was afraid of being caught by a man, now that people are running, they are not afraid of jealousy. They are directly called with their names.
       Yu-Rong involuntarily held Jiang Yijun's hand tightly. Yan Wu-shuang ran, and the capital is definitely more chaotic.
       Jiang Yi-zheng asked Master Gao:
       "Grandfather Master, what do we do now? Is it at home? If you keep guarding not to buy food, it will definitely cause people doubts."
       Master Gao said:
       "From tonight, Yu Dong and Gao Qiang, you four people take turns watching the night. Others, when you sleep, you must also carry a dagger." Whether it is a woman or a child, everyone is equipped with a knife.
       It turns out that Master Gao concerns are unreasonable. Three people touched their home that night, except for the winter, Jiang string and Jiang Yan will work hard, so the three have come back.
       Yu-Rong looked at the three bodies lying on the ground, and his face was white. If no one is vigil, it is probably that she is lying on the ground now.
       Master Gao said with a deep voice:
       "It seems that we have been eyeing people for a long time." Yesterday, the news spread. Someone touched their home last night and didn't stare at the action so fast.
       In fact, it is not surprising that they will be stared at. Although Master Gao ‘Madam’ and son-in-law’s daughter-in-law are wearing coarse cloth clothes, they look at the same as ordinary people, but Master Gao feels that he is an official. As long as the government shows up, unless you have a blind eye, you will know at a glance that he is a guilty person of the bureaucratic family. This way, how can you not be targeted?
       It’s also ugly in the winter face:
       "If this is the case, then there may be more people coming tonight." They can deal with them in May and June, but if they come to more than a dozen, then it may be them.
       Although it is very dangerous, Yu Dong did not retreat. Since you promised to follow their family, you can't fall back if you don't have a risk. Of course, Master Gao is also arguing that he is a loyalty and friendship, will let him stay.
       Gao Qiang said nothing:
       "Hey, what do we do now?"
       Can't sit still.
       Master Gao is hesitant.
       Since it is being stared, today is only a way to find out. Today's people have come and gone, and the accomplices of these people are not sure that they will come again soon.
       Jiang Yi-zheng said:
       "Sir, when we go to Duke, we have to bear some food, and we should be able to support it for a month." After the election, Jiang Yi-zheng said:
       "One month, Ming Wang must have scored in the capital." The Northwest Army entered the capital, it will not be as chaotic as it is now.
       Master Gao thought about nodding and said:
       "Okay, let's move in at night."
       Jiang Yi-zheng shook his head and said:
       "Sir, I mean, let's go now." Wait until dawn, I don't know what will happen, so I just have to go.
       Master Gao sighed a bit:
       "Well, you took the donkey, loaded the food and took two pieces of clothing and left." It was only a quarter of an hour away from Duke House.
       After two quarters of an hour, in addition to a few children, Darens are carrying a basket. As for a few children, they are not idle, carrying clothes and dried vegetables.
       On the way to Duke House, I met two groups of people, and I was sent in the winter with Jiang Xian and Jiang Yan.
       In the Duke House, Yu-Rong took everyone to the house where the 3rd House lived. In addition to Tingyun Pavilion in Duke, other places have been dug by Yan Wu-shuang. Therefore, the five rooms will be ruined. Fortunately, Master Gao brought Gao Qiang and Jiang Xian and Jiang Yan three people to clean it two months ago, but he can live.
       Four beds were prepared before the quilt. Tossing up in the middle of the night, I divided the quilt and let Yu Dong continue to watch the night, and everyone else fell asleep.
       Sitting in the yard in the winter, listening to the sound of the insects, but also some sleepy.
       Duke House came naturally, and naturally avoided the eyes of the Falcon and the Red Eagle. Knowing that Yu-Rong brought people in, the Red Eagle is speechless:
       "How come one by one, do you remember Duke House?"
       A hidden thing is nothing, and one even directly used Duke as a refuge.
       The falcon said with no expression:
       "We have known this thing not long ago." Master Gao hid rice and other things into the government, and they knew that Yu-Rong might have to avoid it.
       I know that I know, but after people come in, it still feels incredible. The red eagle couldn’t help but laugh:
       “Duke House is really a land of feng shui.”
       "You are right, Duke is indeed a land of feng shui." Wangye is the founding emperor, and Wangfei is the founding queen. At that time, who dares to say that the Han Duke House is not a feng shui treasure. Therefore, this place will be given back to the Han family in the future.
       The red eagle laughed:
       "I just don't know if Wangfei will recognize this Mei Mei in the future?"
       Han Jianming and Wangfei are out of the family, and they can't recognize it from the law.
       The Falcon is speechless:
       "This is Wangfei business. You don't have to eat salty radish. You don't want to make water in the well water, don't worry about them."
       The red eagle nodded and said nothing.
       Yan Wu-shuang is gone, and it is relatively safe for the Falcon and the Red Eagle. For Tie-Kui, the test has just begun.
       I heard Tie-Kui let me close the door, don't go out at will, Zhong-Shan is very confused:
       "Old Master, what's wrong?"
       Yan Wu-shuang left, and all of Meng-nian and others were taken away. In addition to the high southeast, Tie-Kui and Gui Sanliang are the biggest.
       Tie-Kui cold face:
       "It must be what Yan Wu-shuang said with Gao Dongnan. Gao Nandong is now particularly wary of me." Yan Wu-shuang is disdainful to disguise his suspicions. The high southeast is not enough for the city to be detected by Tie-Kui.
       Zhong-Shan with the face changes slightly:
       "What now?"
       Tie-Kui said:
       "Self-insurance is no problem, but you can't come forward to fight against other generals." He originally wanted to wait for Yan Wu-shuang to go, and the other generals to join him in Yun-Qing . It seems impossible now.
       Zhong-Shan also feels that it is not appropriate to act rashly. When I was about to win, I lost my life.
       Tie-Kui is cold-faced, and the high southeast wants to block the road and sees that he can't agree. Even if he promises, the Falcon will not agree.
       On the day of winning Baoding, Qi Hao happened to arrive. Without Yun-Qing , Kai Hao said:
       "Hey, there is Li Heshun in Dongluo County, and there is no use for his son to stay there."
       Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "A-Hoa, what do you want to see in Capital City?"
       She admire A-Hoa, as long as he wants to do it, he will always get what he wants.
       "You think A-Hoa is like you, acting by x-."
       Listening to this, Kai Hao looked at Jao-Jao Said:
       "Big sister, are you injured again?"
       If it is not that Jao-Jao is injured, Yun-Qing will not be in this tone.
       Jao-Jao said with a busy hand:
       “No, no.” Seeing Kai Hao staring at himself, Jao-Jao explained:
       "No injury, when I attacked the city, I rushed to the front." This time, Jao-Jao set up a lot of military strength, and now it is already from Sanpin. There is no water in the military, but if you switch to someone else, it is impossible to rise so fast. Jao-Jao is still a convenience for identity.
       Kai Hao is speechless.
       Yun-Qing looked at Jao-Jao and said:
       "This time, I will let your mother tell Jin Yu." Also Yu-Xi said that Jin Jinyu can control Jao-Jao. Otherwise, he won't say this.
       Yun-Qing started to be very dissatisfied with this affair, but Yu-Xi often said good things about Jin Yu in front of him. Now Yun-Qing also accepted Jin Yu, the son-in-law.
       Jao-Jao said ugly:
       "Hey, if you are angry, reward me with ten sticks, don't tell Jin Yu." If Jin Yu knows, don't know how much to worry about!
       What makes Yun-Qing so angry is that this attack on Baoding is not the pioneer of Jao-Jao.
       See Yun-Qing is not moving, and Qi Hao is standing there, no sound, Jao-Jao hurried:
       "A-Hoa, you can help me talk!" It is also Yun-Qing who thinks she is young, so she has been pressing and not letting her play the striker. As a result, this Yatou carried him and attacked the city with the forward camp.
       After knowing the cause, Qi Hao looked at Jao-Jao and said:
       "Big sister, defy the order, and act on the law."
       Jao-Jao was stunned, after a while,
       "What are you talking about? Will you want my life?"
       Qi Hao shook his head and said:
       "If I am the coach, I won't want your life, but I will withdraw your position so that you can no longer step into the barracks."
       Playing the snake and playing seven inches, Qi Hao pinched the seven inches of Jao-Jao.
       Qi Hao said in the face of Yun-Qing :
       "Big sister, whether you are a slut or a mother, I am used to you too much. I am used to doing whatever you want. But you haven’t thought about it. Every time you make trouble, you have to let your mother and I help you wipe your butt. This time, it’s worse. Regardless of the military order, he advocated pioneering. Do you know how bad this is in the military."
       This is actually a bit heavy. However, Qi Hao knows that it is necessary to take heavy medicine for Jao-Jao.
       Jao-Jao immediately retorted:
       "It was the turn of me to take the lead in the army, but I am afraid that I am in danger. A-Hoa, do you say this is fair to me?"
       Hearing this, Kai Hao smiled:
       "Do you even say that you are not fair to you? If you are not a mother, do you think you can rely on yourself to be the leader of the three products?"
       Jao-Jao said:
       "I don't need you to say that I know, but I can't let me be a pioneer because of this."
       Qi Hao face sank immediately, but he did not argue with Jao-Jao:
       "Hey, if the older sister has another time, she will be dismissed directly and let her go home to teach her."
       Yun-Qing hasn't seen Kaihao as harsh as this, but he nodded:
       "Okay, I will listen to you." In fact, Yun-Qing also realized that he was too indulgent to Jao-Jao, but he couldn't help himself.
       Jao-Jao squats:
       "Hey, can't A-Hoa say what it is. ‘Laughs’ ..." In the cold eyes of Qi Hao, Jao-Jao went back to the throat.
       Kai Hao said:
       "You have to say that I will let you go home and embroider the dowry. I believe that the mother will not object."
       Jao-Jao immediately shuts up.
       Qi Hao said to Yun-Qing :
       "Hey, this time the big sister didn't listen to the order and arbitrarily played, she must be punished." As for how to punish, he listened to Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Lower three, what do you think?"
       See Qihao nod, Yun-Qing , this is the opposite of Jao-Jao:
       "Hear it, no more next time, or else it will not be a three-level event."
       Jao-Jao, I really want to cry.

       Chapter 1349   Confluence of the two armies  

       The morning sun slowly opened the curtain, and it was a clear and refreshing morning.
       Seeing Yu-Xi stretched out, Quan Mama smiled:
       “Also, let the 1st County Owner learn the etiquette. Let the 1st County Owner see you like this. There is something to say.” The action of Yu-Xi is unsightly.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Let Jao-Jao honestly learn the rules and manners at home, do you think it is realistic?"
       She gave up many years ago.
       Quan Mama laughed.
       When Yu-Xi punched, two birds flew in the tree and -called.
       Quan Mama walked out of the house and watched the birds on the tree happy:
       "Wangfei, this is a magpie. I want to come, there is a good thing today." Magpie is a happy bird, and today is definitely a happy event.
       Mei-Lan saw Yu-Xi did not speak, inserted a sentence:
       "I can't say that I can get a good news from Wangye to win the capital today." I have often received a good news recently, and the atmosphere of the palace has always been very good. Now, it is a good news for the capital.
       "The Baoding's good news has not been transmitted, and there may be a good news from the capital." But if you want to come, there should be good news in these two days.
       As expected by Yu-Xi, she received a report from Baoding in the morning and also received a message from the Falcon.
       Yu Zhi looked at the face of Yu-Xi who suddenly fell down and asked:
       “Wangfei, what happened in Capital City?”
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "The capital is very chaotic now." When the palace changed, she almost died in the hands of the thugs, so Yu-Xi knew that many people would be confused and evil.
       Yu Zhi didn't say anything. Since chaos, there must be someone who wants to take advantage of the fish.
       At noon this day, Yu-Xi received a good news from Shandong Luzhou. Along with the news, there is also a list of people who have made meritorious deeds. Looking at the 18th place is Feng Zhixi, Yu-Xi smiled on his face.
       Before dinner, Yu-Xi told Lu-Er about this good news:
       "Zhi Xi has made a merit, and now he has been promoted to the total of six products." Feng Zhixi went to kneel, but white. This is only a short period of more than two months, it has risen to the total of six products from the six products, very good. Therefore, when the soldiers like to fight. Fighting can be promoted.
       Lu-Er doesn't like to fight and kill, but in this family, he knows a lot about the war. Lu-Er asked with some concern:
       "Mother, is he playing the striker?"
       There are many opportunities to play the striker, but it is also very dangerous.
       Yu-Xi did not shy away from this topic, and said:
       "This is the arrangement of the army. He can let Axi go to the striker camp, and certainly has a backhand."
       Lu-Er nodded and said:
       "Mother, after two days is fifteen, I want to go to Daxing Temple." Before Yun-Qing and Jao-Jao, Lu-Er was also the first fifteenth to go to the incense.
       Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "You don't have to report it to me in the future. You are the master." See Lu-Er, Yu-Xi:
       "When you get married, you have to be your own master. Now I want you to adapt."
       Upon hearing this, Lu-Er asked:
       "Mom, do you mean that I will not live in the house afterwards?"
       Yu-Xi is a little surprised:
       "Do you want to live in a family after marriage?"
       The family is simple, and Chang-shi is generous. Seventy-seven is close to Lu-Er. If Lu-Er wants to live in a house after marriage, she does not object.
       Lu-Er is hesitant:
       "Mother, the so-called far-fragile and stinky, I am afraid that there will be contradictions when I get along for a long time. Instead of moving out of the house in the future, it is better not to live in the same place at the beginning." Often socializing, plus having a house, the house Lu-Er is still very familiar.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I don't want to live, I live in the County Owner's house. It's just a holiday, and it's good to go back to the house to have a reunion dinner."
       Lu-Er has concerns:
       "I am afraid that Zhixi does not agree." Feng Zhixi is so filial, ten is * I hope she lives in Fengjia, and filial piety with him.
       "How difficult is this, you only said that I did not agree. Feng Dajun and Chang-shi know that it will not embarrass you, but will only persuade Zhixi." Anyway, her fierce reputation is well known, she does not Promise, Xiang Qizhi did not dare to disagree.
       After dinner, Yu-Xi took Lu-Er for a walk in the garden. At this time, the garden is colorful and the scenery is pleasant.
       "Mother, I have a new song, you are not busy, I will play it for you!" The new music songs are not appreciated, so Lu-Er is somewhat lost.
       Yu-Xi smiled and nodded.
       Lu-Er hesitated and asked:
       "Mother, Axuan, when are they going home?"
       At home, only Xuan Ji Er has the same interests as her. Every time a new song is scored, Xuan Ji Er will listen carefully and will ask various questions later. She can find out the deficiencies and then improve.
       "This depends on the performance of Xuan Ji Er? Only you are satisfied, he can go home." Recently, Xuan Ji Er performed well, no longer complained, but did not dare to find reasons to not train.
       Lu-Er saw the words, did not say pleading.
       When Yu Fang and Yu-Xi massaged in the evening, Yu-Xi said:
       "Cui Weiqi has made a credit for this attack on the state of Shuozhou. Now he has been promoted to the garrison of the five products." Whether it is Cui Weiqi or Feng Zhixi, their military skills are actually not falsified. Everyone looked at it, and no one would do such a stupid thing.
       Yan Fang is very happy, but thinking about what she said to her a few days ago, the joy is a lot less:
       "This child is brave and fierce, but the housework is confusing." In Fu-Cheng City, she was grateful to her for her follow-up to Weidong. In these years, she has been very close to Tong-Shi. When you are not busy, you will also go to the house to string the door.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Others say that I will teach children. You should know the situation at home in the government for so many years. Jao-Jao, they have six people, each with its own advantages, and each has its own shortcomings."
       "There are shortcomings in the world." In the eyes of Yan Fang, Qi Hao is perfect, not a little bad.
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head:
       "There is no perfect person." The shortcomings of Qi Hao, the average person can't find it, and can't understand it.
       Put your eyes on it, Yu-Xi Said:
       "The raising of a child is one hundred years old and the long-term worry is ninety-nine. This old saying is quite right." Only when she was a mother, did she know that it was not easy for her mother.
       Yan Fang could not help but think of the child who could not be born. Every time I think about it, she is like a knife. But this time, but I don't know what happened, it is extraordinarily calm.
       Yun-Qing took Baoding, and there was no fire and fire to attack the capital.
       Jao-Jao was scared by Kai Hao on that day, and he did not dare to come to the small courtyard where Yun-Qing lived for two days. Father and son, getting along is that it is exceptionally harmonious.
       After two days of rest, see Yun-Qing still did not bring soldiers to attack the capital, Jao-Jao could not sit still. A gust of wind entered the house, and Jao-Jao -called:
       "Oh, it’s been two days. How can we not attack the capital with the soldiers?"
       Yun-Qing This will look down at the map.
       Qi Hao saw his brows:
       "Big sister, have you not seen you busy?"
       Qi Hao does not need to pass through, but he will look at the situation. If there are many people or Yun-Qing is busy, he will stand by and wait, not like Hao-Jao.
       Jao-Jao Said:
       "I didn't see it!" When I said this, the voice was unconsciously weakened. Since the last incident, Jao-Jao has had a good time when facing Kaihao.
       Waiting for Yun-Qing to look up is already a quarter of an hour later. Look up
       Jao-Jao, Yun-Qing asked:
       "When did you come?"
       I was too fascinated and did not hear the call of Jao-Jao.
       Jao-Jao smiled and said:
       "I haven’t been here for a while. Hey, the army has been resting for so long, why not attack the capital?"
       Many people below, some of them are not moving.
       Looking at Qihao, Yun-Qing asked:
       "You didn't tell Jao-Jao why?"
       These things are known to Qi Hao.
       Jao-Jao looked at Qi Hao, and the eyes were clearly asking why she didn't tell her, and it took her so long.
       Qi Hao said leisurely:
       "The big sister didn't ask me again." It was also aware that Jao-Jao bad habits were gone again, and it was him who had a headache in the future.
       Jao-Jao almost died.
       "At noon, I received a letter from Falcon, saying that Yan Wu-shuang has fled the capital." He was prepared to take a two-day break and continue to attack the capital. But with this news, he changed his mind.
       Jao-Jao does not understand:
       “Yan Wu-shuang fled the capital, shouldn't we take the opportunity to attack the capital?”
       Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Zhangzhou has already won. At the latest, the Japanese army should be able to go to Changdu County. At that time, we will meet with him there."
       Jao-Jao understands:
       "Hey, do you want the two armies to join together to attack the capital?"
       Yun-Qing clicked on the head:
       "More than half a million soldiers and horses are enough to make the court's soldiers and horses happy." This is only a superficial reason. The real reason is that he is not convenient to tell Jao-Jao.
       "So that's the case."
       For this reason, I can only deceive Jao-Jao, but it is not Kaiqi. The capital is now in a mess, with 300 thousand troops and more than 500 thousand soldiers and horses attacking the capital. In fact, the difference is not great.
       When I was sleeping at night, Kai Hao asked:
       "Hey, it’s a fake combination between the two armies to attack the capital. Is it true that I want to give him time to control the capital?"
       When the public is in control of the capital, they will be able to occupy the capital without a soldier.
       Qi Hao is still too young to think about it. Tie-Kui has been suspicion by Yan Wu-shuang and cannot control all the soldiers and horses in the capital. The high southeast is also a member of the team. He took the soldiers to guard the capital, which was not so good.
       Yun-Qing did not answer this question, but asked:
       "Your mother told you about Tie-Kui?"
       See Qihao nod, Yun-Qing smiled:
       "Your mother is really nothing to you!"
       Qi Hao chasing the roots:
       "Hey, why don't you answer my words? Is this difficult?"
       Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "Unless the high southeast is dead, you can't control the soldiers and horses of the capital." Since you can't control the troops and horses, it's impossible to talk about the troops and the soldiers.
       Originally thought to be two days, I did not expect that the next day the next day, Feng Dajun and -Lu Yongnan met in Changdu County.
       Feng Dajun soon came to see Yun-Qing , the two of them were in the house, and everyone else was waiting outside.
       Jao-Jao got the news and met Feng Zhiwei and asked:
       "Fang Xiao Er?"
       Feng Zhi mouth was pumped, and there is such a name as the future brother-in-law. Xiao Er, I don’t know, I thought it was a small squat. With no words in my heart, Feng Zhisheng said:
       "Zhi Xi is in the army and can see him in the evening."
       Jao-Jao asked with great interest:
       "What is the official title of Feng Xiao Er now?"
       Knowing the official title, I also know how much credit Feng Zhi has made.
       "From the total of six products." After that, Feng Zhiyu deliberately asked:
       “I don’t know what rank is the 1st County Owner now?”
       He knows that Jao-Jao has dropped three levels.
       Jao-Jao squatted and said:
       "I made a mistake and I was defeated by three levels." When I defy the command and started the pioneer, there were very few people who knew this. Later, even if Jao-Jao fell to the third level, there was no more knowledge.
       "What kind of mistake, let Wangye drop you three levels?"
       He is really curious.
       Putting his hand, Jao-Jao said:
       "Don't mention it, it would be bad if it is mentioned." When she mentioned this, she couldn't help but think of the threat of Qi Hao. There is nothing to fall to the third level, and it will be able to rise up. But if she is afraid of Kaihao, it would be too shameful.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing used dinner with Feng Dajun, and the children naturally followed.
       It didn't take long for Cui Mo to come. Yun-Qing is very concerned with the life and death Brother of the past, so the opportunity to make meritorious deeds will fall.
       Looking at Cui Mo face, it seems like everyone owes him tens of thousands of Silver Taels. Jao-Jao has a lot of questions in his heart, and he lowered his voice and asked Qi Hao:
       "What happened to Cui Shushu? This time, I have been squinting." For Jao-Jao, Qi Hao is a know-how and asked him to be right.
       Kai Hao smiled, and the smile was full of sarcasm:
       "Cui Weiqi likes a civilian woman. The woman is pregnant, and Cui Madam is mad."
       "What? Is Cui Weiqi not dating the Tang family?"
       For the case of Niu-Shi, Jao-Jao did not know.
       Feng Zhiyi will insert a sentence:
       "Achi wants to quit, and then yak-Shi is his ‘Madam’."
       Jao-Jao has wide eyes and has a long time to come up with a sentence:
       "Have his brain got into the water?"
       Not to mention that the Tang family is not easy to provoke, it is said that this woman has no children, and she knows that this character is not very good. She and Jin Yu are set to kiss, and the two meet, it is also a matter of love.
       Feng Zhiwei disdains:
       "Tang Jia Er Miss is a famous man. For such a woman who is not inspected, she has withdrew from the Tang family, but she does not have a brain."
       "It's no wonder that Uncle Cui was so ugly in this time." The son's brain was in the water, and it was strange when he was happy.
       Kaihao Said:
       "If you know this, you don't want to go out." It is also in the face of Cui Mo, otherwise he will not care about Cui Weiqi.
       Jao-Jao is hard to understand:
       "Before I was stunned, how can I get a woman and my mind is not awake." Fortunately, the mother did not look at Cui Weiqi, or Lu-Er would be pitted.
       No one can answer this question.
       Yun-Qing looked at Cui Mo and asked:
       "what happened?"
       On most days, Cui Mo voice is loud, but today is an uncharacteristic. There is no such thing.
       Feng Dajun said the thing about Niu-Shi.
       The thing about Niu-Shi, Yu-Xi did not tell Yun-Qing . As for Cui Mo, he also had no face to speak with Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing frowned and said to Cui Mo:
       "Niu-Shi pre-release, wait until the fight is finished." Cui Weiqi mind is not clear, but they can't be confused.
       You can't be distracted when you fight, and Cui Mo knows this. Cui Mo nodded:
       "I won't see him during this time." He was afraid that he would see him, and he couldn't help but smash the obstacle.
       Yun-Qing said:
       "Children are debts. My family is not a weapon, timid and weak, and I don't take care of it. I watched it. It was fired at the end of last year. I didn't know how it is now?"
       Thinking of Xuan Ji Er, he has a headache.
       This is not a comfort to Cui Mo. Because Yun-Qing , in addition to Xuan Ji Er, Kai Hao three are very good. In addition, Xuan Ji Er is not the eldest son, it is timid and weak. Unlike Cui Weiqi, it is the eldest son who wants to hold up the portal.


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Han Yuxi
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