Han Yuxi 1160

Han Yuxi 

       Chapter 1160 - Hao Ji Er Out of Smallpox (3)

       Xu Wei took 30 thousand soldiers into the city, because there were Yu-Xi hand-cranked hand, and 30 thousand soldiers went into the city smoothly. At this time, the people of Yucheng are still asleep!
        When I arrived at the palace, Xu Wei wanted to see Yu-Xi and didn't see it. Under normal circumstances, only the rebellion will transfer troops into the city. Therefore, when he received the handcuffs of Yu-Xi, he thought that there was a rebellion in the city. After listening to Yu Zhi words, he realized that it was the Wang Heir who had a smallpox. Wangfei was prepared to take the opportunity to make trouble.
        Xu Wu saw Xu Wei and immediately said the meaning of Yu-Xi:
       "The Wang Heir was the one who was counted. Wangfei now has all his thoughts on the Wang Heir, and she can't take care of anything else. She is worried that someone will take the opportunity to make trouble, and the following tricks will tune you into the city."
        Xu Wei is full of anger:
       "What do you say? The Wang Heir is calculated by the people? Is it a sinister thing that makes such a vicious thing?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "It's not clear yet, I'm checking. But the left and right are just a few people." The biggest suspicion is naturally Yan Wu-shuang, but other enemies hidden in the dark are not excluded.
        Xu Wei can't wait to unload the eight masters behind this scene:
       "Wang Ba Lazi, I am not afraid of retribution for a child under such a poisonous hand." Although Hao Ji Er is young, but because of his intelligence, he is recognized by everyone.
        Xu Wu also hates it, but now there is something to do:
       “Wangfei has already sent a letter to Wangye, so that he can get back as soon as possible. Wangye will be able to come back from Yunnan for up to ten days. In ten days, Yucheng can’t go wrong.”
        Xu Wei was surprised to hear this:
       "Wangfei actually called Wangye back? As far as I know, the front is now attacking the Spring City." When the war broke out, the coach left, and the war was unfavorable.
        Xu Wu voice is very low, saying:
       "When the smallpox died, Wangfei estimated that he was afraid that the Wang Heir had a long and two short, and Wangye could come back to see the last one." If he knew the true idea of ​​Yu-Xi, he would not say this.
        Xu Wei wants to say something, but when he says it, he will swallow it back. Xu Wei looked at the sword in his hand and said:
       "In this time, I will guarantee that the city is safe and sound."
        Xu Wu said:
       “Wangfei said that it is very special in the very period, and there are people who dare to change, no matter who they are, killing innocent people.”
        Xu Wei nodded.
        When the common people woke up, suddenly there were officers and men everywhere in the city, and the whole city began to be martial. The stupid person will also know that something has happened when he is carrying this posture. Unless he has to go out, he will shrink at home and not go out.
        When Lu Xiu used the early breakfast, he heard the martial law in the whole city and was shocked. He immediately asked the butler to find out what happened.
        The housekeeper soon returned, saying:
       "Madam, the order of martial law is under Wangfei. As for what happened, the small did not find out." Hao Ji gave out the smallpox, everyone in Wangfu knows. However, the people of the Wangfu are not allowed to go out now, so the matter of Haoge smallpox will not be transmitted.
        Lu Xiu put down the chopsticks and said with anxiety:
       "This is a big deal."
        Knowing that Lu Xiu is going to go to the palace, Shun Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "Mother, if the palace is really a big event, we can't help it in the past." Not only can't help, but the past will add chaos.
        Lu Xiu asked:
       "What should I do? Can't you wait?"
       Always know what happened.
        Han Jiashun said:
       "Is the 5th Brother not in the palace? He should know what happened. We sent people to ask the younger Brother in the past." In fact, Jiashun envied the family, but unfortunately he couldn't keep up with the Wang Heir.
        Lu Xiu thought about it:
       "You go to see it yourself." It is not a trivial matter to transfer troops into the city. It is not safe to inquire about the news.
        Han Jiashun did not see Hua Ji Er, because the four companions of Hao Ji Er were all isolated, which is also to prevent some of the four people from being infected. However, Han Jiashun got what he wanted to know from Han Ji.
        Hearing that Hao Ji had a smallpox, Lu Xiu was scared and did not stand still:
       “How come? How can the Wang Heir get a smallpox?”
        Jia Shun is calmer and says:
       "I am afraid that someone wants the life of the Wang Heir. Mother, we have to close the door." Don't say other people, that is, he has no small ceiling!
        Lu Xiu quickly calmed down and said:
       “Wangfei? What is Wangfei doing now?”
        Jiashun said:
       “The aunt gave the government affairs to Tan Tuo and other chefs. She took care of the Wang Heir herself.” For the aunt Yu-Xi, Jiashun is very revered.
        Lu Xiu has some accidents:
       “Wangfei personally cared for the Wang Heir?”
       For the son to leave everything behind, it is a bit irresponsible as the ruler of the Northwest. But being a mother is justifiable.
        Jia Shun said a word:
       "Yes. But I heard that my aunt had a smallpox before, and it wouldn't be a problem to take care of the Wang Heir."
        Lu Xiu nodded and said:
       “Wangfei had a smallpox at the age of four.” As for the specific, she is not clear.
        Jiashun told Lu Xiu a good news:
       "Mother, Han Da Guanjia told me that he has healed."
        If it is yesterday, she will be very happy to hear this news. But now, Lu Xiu can't smile:
       “I hope that the Wang Heir will get better soon.”
        Hao Ji Er burned all night, and Yu-Xi kept pace, feeding him water every two quarters.
        Looking at the look of Yu-Xi, Yan Fang said:
       "Wangfei, let's go and have something to rest!" See Yu-Xi, and Fang Fang advised:
       "Wangfei, Dr. Jian said that this high fever usually lasts for four or five days. If you don't eat or rest for a few days, how can you survive? If you fall down, how can you personally take care of the Wang Heir?"
        Yu-Xi is not the kind of person who can't listen to the advice, and immediately nodded:
       "A Hao lips are a little dry. You wipe the lips with a drenched water."
        Yan Fang said:
       “Wangfei rest assured, I know.”
        The breakfast is very rich, with red dates, porridge, dumplings, rolls, omelettes, and four side dishes. These are all made by Bai Mama.
        Yu-Xi has no appetite, but it can also be stuffed into the mouth for the body. She ate most of the things she had sent, and she only let people remove things.
        After eating, I entered the house again. Seeing that Fang Fang is holding a silver spoon to feed the water to Hao Ji, Yu-Xi said:
       "If A Hao wakes up, you call me." This is a protracted war. She must raise her spirits and cannot be paralyzed first.
        Fang Fang nodded:
       “Wangfei rest assured, the Wang Heir will wake you up and call you.”
        Yu-Xi did not go to the next room to rest, lying directly on the soft couch in the room.
        In the confusion, Yu-Xi seems to hear that Hao Ji is calling her mother, and wakes up when the next one is excited. In fact, Yu-Xi just didn't fall asleep, that is, he took a nap.
        Yan Fang said with some helplessness:
       "Wangfei, the Wang Heir, he..."
        At this time, Hao Ji Er did not wake up, but his expression was very painful, crying and calling her mother. What Yu-Xi just heard was not an illusion. It was indeed that Hao Ji was calling him.
        Yu-Xi can bear it when he sees it. He rushes forward and holds Haogeer in his arms. He repeatedly says this when he shed tears:
       "A Hao don't be afraid, my mother is here. Ah Hao don't be afraid, mother is here..."
        After a long time, Hao Ji Er gradually stopped crying and calmed down. Yu-Xi waited for a while, see Hao Ji children no longer
        Cried immediately called Jian to see.
        Dr. Jian said:
       "The rash will appear in the first two days of general fever."
        With the consent of Yu-Xi, Dr. Jian untied the clothes of Hao Ji Er, and he saw that the abdomen and thighs of Hao Ji children were full of red dots, which looked very scary.
        Yu-Xi wiped her tears and asked:
       "Jian doctor, what should I do now?"
        Dr. Jian had long expected a rash, and handed a box of ointments that had been smashed overnight last night to Yu-Xi:
       “ Applying this cream to the rash can make the rash quickly recede.”
        Yu-Xi is busy nodding. The effect of this medicine is very good. After less than half an hour, the red rash will slowly dissipate.
        In the afternoon, I just poured food for Hao Ji Er. I didn’t wait for Yu-Xi to take a breath, and Hao Ji Er spit again.
        The bed and clothes were all dirty, and Fang Fang immediately took a new replacement. Yu-Xi took a glass of water and a small spoonful of teaspoon to feed Haoge. Yu-Xi said while feeding the water:
       "A Hao, this place puts the meat ganoderma powder in the water, it can make you get better soon. Ah Hao, you will drink it all!"
        After a while, Yan Fang said with surprise:
       "Wangfei, the Wang Heir didn't spit..."
        When the words were not finished, Hao Ji Er began to vomit. But this time it is better than just now, only half of it.
        When Dr. Jian heard the words of Yu-Xi, he was a little surprised:
       “Wangfei is saying that the meat ganoderma powder was put in the water just now?”
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Only put the powder that is as big as a small fingernail." Seeing Jian bow and sinking, Yu-Xi asked with some concern:
       "Made, doctor, shouldn't this thing be ruined?"
       Yu-Xi doesn't know if it's useful to eat this thing, but it's better to eat it at this time than to eat it.
        Dr. Jian said:
       "This is a good thing, but don't use it again for the Wang Heir. This thing is a big complement, the Wang Heir is not necessarily able to withstand this."
        Yu-Xi is busy nodding:
       "I don't want to use it for him."
        For Yu-Xi, Jian is quite satisfied. He has been practicing medicine for so many years, and he is most afraid of -calling and killing those who have the power and strength. He is a doctor. If he can save, he will sit back and ignore it. If you can't save it, it would be useless to kill him.
        Dr. Jian said:
       "Wangfei, just now you talked to the Wang Heir, the Wang Heir drank some water. I used this recipe to be useful to the Wang Heir, and Wangfei didn't talk much in front of the Wang Heir."
        Before this, Jian said that Yu-Xi did what he said:
       "it is good."
        I fed the food again in the afternoon, and this time, Hao Ji did not spit again. Dr. Jian said the end of the vein:
       “The Wang Heir can eat and not vomit, which is a good sign.”
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "Jian doctor, when can Ah Hao get back?"
        This problem Jian could not answer:
       "This depends on the situation. Some people will have a fever in two days, and some will take five days to retreat." Personal physique is different, and the results are naturally different.
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "I remember the special itching when I was out of the ceiling." At that time, in order to guard him to catch, Fang Mama tied her hand.
        Jian looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "That is the crusting period. In the crusting period, there is no danger of life." Some people did not hold their itch and grabbed the results and fell, but this did not have a life-threatening risk. At most, the appearance was detrimental.
        And sunny, walked in and said:
       "Wangfei, Xu Daren and General Xu want to see Wangfei, and now they are waiting outside."
        Yu-Xi stood up and said to Yan Fang:
       "You take care of the Wang Heir." Then he went out.
        The smallpox is very contagious, so from the last night, the gate of Jingyuantang, the courtyard of Haogeer, was closed. The people inside can't go out, and the people outside can't come in.
        Yu-Xi is Xu Wu and Xu Wei who met at the gate, but the door did not open. The smallpox is so contagious that Yu-Xi can't take risks.
        Even if the door didn't open, Xu Wei heard the voice of Yu-Xi and asked if he had done the same thing as usual:
       “Wangfei, the Wang Heir, how is it? Can it be better?”
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "There is still a high fever. The doctor said that this high fever will last for a few days, and it has only just begun."
        Xu Wei and Xu Wu have a heavy face.
        Yu-Xi came to see Xu Wu this time, and he also asked him:
       "How about Lu-Er and Rui Ji Er? Are they infected?"
       This is why she will come out to see Xu Wu and Xu Wei. If Lu-Er and Rui Ji Er also have a smallpox, Yu-Xi is afraid that they can't hold it.
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       “Wangfei rest assured that the 2nd County Owners are not the same as the 2nd Young Masters.”
        Yu-Xi can rest assured, shaking his head and saying:
       "It has to be observed for a few more days to determine." If it is three or four days, a few people are still not the same, it means that it has not been infected.
        Xu Wei said:
       "Wangfei, I believe that 2nd County Owners and 2nd Young Masters will not have anything to do."
        Yu-Xi naturally hopes that Lu-Er will be fine:
       "What did you check, how was it?"
        Xu Wu said:
       “Quan Mama says that in addition to eating, it is what you wear and what you use everyday.”
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       “Only when you have been exposed to smallpox patients or the things they use, they will be infected. They have not heard of food transmission.” And Hao Ji three meals a day are made by Bai Mama, and there is no problem.
        Xu Wu, a voice:
       “Quan Mama said the same thing, so it should be that the things that the Wang Heir’s clothes or things to wear are put on dirty things, and the Wang Heir is infected.”
        Yu-Xi said after a moment of indulging:
       "Hao Ji Er did not go out during this time, and the things used in daily life have not changed. But some time ago, I asked the sewing room to give autumn clothes to their five younger Brother." Everyone in Jingyuantang is Yu- -Xi carefully selected, the background is very clean, and people who are not related can not enter and exit Jingyuan Hall. The probability of doing things in the daily life of Haogeer is very small. It is quite convenient for people in the sewing room to come and go, and to make hands and feet on the autumn clothes that Hao Ji children do.
        All silently is also suspected that the new work of the autumn clothes was done, so Xu Wu came to pick up the clothes.
        Yu-Xi turned back and immediately took the clothes that Hao Ji Er wore for half a month to Xu Wu.

       Chapter 1161 - Hao Ji Er Out of Smallpox (4)

       Xu Wu handed over more than ten sets of clothing obtained from Jingyuan Hall to the three doctors invited. Yu-Xi has already said that if these clothes are ok, then check out the things that Haogeer uses every day, such as books and inks.
        The three doctors examined it very carefully, checking it one inch and one inch, and even the inlaid lace did not give up.
        In the middle of the night, a doctor brought a piece of sapphire blue silver-lined clothes to Xu Wu and said:
       "There is a problem with this clothes."
        Quan Mama heard that the sleeves of the clothes were sewed with dirty things and the face was very ugly.
        Hao Ji Er’s personal Servant also looked at the clothes and said immediately:
       “Mama, Xu Daren, this clothes was delivered from the sewing room half a month ago. The weather was getting cold in the last few days, and the Wang Heir was put on the autumn clothes.”
        Xu Wu immediately said this after listening to this:
       "I will grab all the people in the sewing room now."
        Hao Ji Er got the Pozi and the servants of the palace after the smallpox, and all of them left no one to go out. The people in the sewing room are also staying in the house.
        Quan Mama nodded and said:
       "The matter of the trial is given to Xu Daren."
        After Xu Wu took people out, Quan Mama asked Qu Mama:
       "What do you think about this?"
        Qu Mama hesitated and said:
       "Mama, this method I used to hear in the palace."
        Quan Mama has been in the palace for so many years and naturally heard of:
       "Not only in the palace, but also in the back house of the big family. But those women are either for the sake of men or for the benefit of their children." The problem now is that Wangfu is now only Wangfei and no other woman. This kind of means used by the women in the back house actually appeared in the palace, and Quan Mama felt that this was a very wrong thing.
        Qu Mama can't say why it came out:
       "Mama, when I grabbed the person who is doing the tricks on the clothes, we can pull out the people behind the scenes." Guess can't guess.
        Quan Mama nodded and said:
       "I hope that Xu Daren can get this person out as soon as possible." In this way, she also knows who wants to harm the Wang Heir.
        Xu Wu threw the blue leather clothes in question in front of the seven embroidered mothers and asked:
       "Who did this dress do?"
        Without a few embroidered mothers, the Li Niangzi looked at the clothes and said:
       "This dress is made by Mu embroidery mother." Finished pointing to a beautiful woman in the seven embroidered mothers.
        The woman was so scared that her hands and feet were soft:
       "Daren, this dress is what I do. Daren, what is the problem with this dress?"
        Xu Wu said coldly:
       "What is the problem, are you not the most clear? Take it down..."
        Li Niangzi heard that the clothes were mixed with dirty things, that is, the dirty things got the Wang Heir got the smallpox, and immediately the face was gray. She is in charge of the embroidered house, and it is not that her supervision is not good.
        After half an hour, the pillar said:
       "Daren, the woman has been yelling at herself, saying that she didn't have anything in her clothes that was not clean."
        Not waiting for Xu Wu to ask, the pillar went on to say:
       "But this woman's confession says that she is half-baked in her clothes. Because she was afraid of delaying the time of dressing, she invited a emperor named Dong to help."
        Xu Wu looked at Li Niangzi and said:
       "Who is Dong embroidery mother?"
       One by one, you can always find out what is behind the scenes.
        Li Niangzi face changed and said:
       "Dong Xiu Niang is not here, go home." See Xu Wu eyes are full of coldness, Li Niangzi said:
       "Dong Xiu Niang is married to the Changgui of the government. Their family lives in the government, so Dong embroidery mother will go back every day."
        The pillar personally took people to catch Dong embroidery mother. After a quarter of an hour, the pillar brought back a man:
       "Daren, that Dong embroidery mother is estimated to be a guilty conscience, she did not wait for us to enter the house, she wiped her neck. Daren, this is his man long Gui."
        Chang Guiyan asked on the floor with horror:
       "Xu Daren, what happened to my mother?"
       When his ‘Madam’ heard the change outside, she took the dagger hidden under the pillow and cut her throat. At that time, he was awkward. However, if you see the posture of the yard, how can you not know that his ‘Madam’ has a problem.
        Chang Gui is not an ordinary family. He is the one who has played with Yun-Qing . Only later, I was injured and could not be withdrew on the battlefield. Because he played well in the abacus, he stayed in the account of Yunfu, and later followed the city.
        Xu Wu was very clear about the bottom of Changgui, and immediately said coldly:
       "The Wang Heir will get the smallpox that she is harming. Chang Gui, don't tell me you don't know anything about it."
        This is like a blue sky, and the whole person is stupid:
       "How can a woman who is so honest with my mother-in-law, will harm the Wang Heir?"
        Xu Wu also does not believe that Chang Gui will harm the Wang Heir, and he said:
       “What is wrong with this woman recently?”
        Chang Gui still does not believe that his ‘Madam’ will harm the Wang Heir:
       "Xu Daren, must have made a mistake, how can my mother hurt the Wang Heir? Darens, you must check it out."
        The pillar said impatiently:
       "If it weren't for her, why didn't she wait for us to enter the house and she wiped her neck?"
       It is clear that I know that things are going down, so I will commit suicide.
        Chang Gui immediately softened to the ground.
        Xu Wu repeated the question just now, seeing Chang Gui still not answering to go forward and kicked him a kick:
       "There must be someone who has instructed her to do this. We must seize the people behind the scenes and cannot let him continue to harm people."
        Chang Gui shook his head and muttered to himself:
       "I don't know, I don't know anything." After saying this, Changgui eyes stagnate and whispered:
       "For more than half a month, every time she came back from the embroidered house, she always liked to hold a tying. She always had a nightmare at night. There is nothing unusual about it." A shack is the child adopted by their husband and ‘Madam’. It is seven years old this year.
        Such an abnormal behavior, it is said that nothing is different. However, Xu Wu also knows that Changgui is a big old man:
       "So who did she meet recently?"
       See Chang Gui shaking his head, Xu Wu asked:
       "When did she start this abnormally?"
        Chang Gui thought about it:
       "One month ago."
        Lu Xiu was woken up in her sleep. Spring Mama face is somewhat whitish:
       "Madam, Wang Fulai, said to take Yao Mama."
        When I heard this, Lu Xiu sleeplessness was gone:
       "Wang Fulai people catch Yao Mama?"
       Usually it is, but now the Wang Heir has a smallpox, this time the palace to the Han government can not help her think.
        Spring Mama nodded busy.
        Lu Xiu immediately dressed and rushed to the front yard, also because the Han family is the mother of Yu-Xi, so Xu Daniu is quite polite. If it is replaced by other people, he has long entered the inner court to get people.
        Xu Dan Niu looked at Lu Xiu and said:
       "2nd Madam, this Yao Pozi is the court's masterpiece, this time the Wang Heir's smallpox is from their hands." Dong is Yao Pozi shi-nu, and she also found Han Ji, recommending Dong to go to the palace. Now that Su Dong has murdered the Wang Heir, they have enough reason to believe that this person is also an accomplice.
        Lu Xiu face was white, and there was no more words. Immediately, he tied Yao Pozi to Xu Daniu.
        Yao Pozi has been crying all the time, but unfortunately Lu Xiu did not dare to speak for her at this time.
        Until noon, Xu Wu told Quan Mama what he had found:
       "This Dong is
        A shi-nu of Yao Pozi, a manager of the Hanfu House, came to Yucheng eight years ago to go to her. Because of the excellent embroidery, Yao Pozi recommended it to the palace. In the second year, Li Pozi, the manager of the embroidered house, saw her hand and foot diligently, and she told her to Changgui. Because Changgui could not be raised, the two also adopted a child from the Kindergarten. In recent years, this woman has been very good with Changgui and the child, and her popularity in Wangfu is also very good. Yao Pozi husband and Han Hao are Brother. Han Hao is also Han Jianming's confidant, and their family has been re-used in Yucheng.
        Quan Mama said:
       “Yao Pozi is an accomplice?”
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "No. We found that Dong had seen Pozi from the capital a month ago, and then Dong’s behavior was abnormal."
        Quan Mama face immediately cooled down:
       "Is that Pozi caught it?"
       With such a big deal, Pozi will definitely not stay in Yucheng.
        Xu Wu said with a cold face:
       "According to the innkeeper of the inn, that Pozi left Yucheng yesterday morning. I have sent someone to chase. Unless she dies, she will never escape the northwest." Grabbing this person, it must be ruthless. she was.
        Quan Mama said a little bit:
       "Then the details of Dong’s bottom have been found?"
        Xu Wu said:
       "Yao Pozi said that this Dong had married a man before he came to Yucheng and gave birth to a son and a woman. However, Dong’s husband was gambling, although she had done a good job of embroidering her life but it was difficult. Dong’s went to the northwest to go to Yao. Pozi said that her daughter was sold by her gambling husband. The son was ill, and the man lost her. She could not escape without a word."
        Quan Mama thought about it:
       "The people used by the palace are all carefully inspected. What can Han Ji say?"
        Xu frowned and said:
       "The big housekeeper said that he also sent people to Capital City to inquire about it. The situation is indeed as Dong said. After Dong’s escape, the man lost the gambling gambling debt because of the lack of money. The gamblers not only took the house away, but also The leg was also interrupted by the gambler. Not long after, the man died." Han Ji is also very cautious, although Dong's embroidery is very good, but at the beginning did not let her into the embroidered room just let her Do some chores. Later, she found out what she said was true, and married Changgui in Wangfu home, which assured her that she would enter the embroidered room.
        Quan Mama frowned and asked:
       "What do you think is the master behind the scenes?"
        Xu Wu didn’t want to say it:
       "The behind-the-scenes ambassador is definitely Yan Wu-shuang." Dong was from the capital, and some time ago he saw a Pozi from the capital, so Xu Wu thought that it was Yan Wu-shuang.
        Quan Mama shook his head and said:
       "Wangye has never had a smallpox. If it is Yan Wu-shuang's handwriting, it would be better for Wangye to get a smallpox." Hao Ji Er is more intelligent, and now he is only a child, and he can't influence the overall situation. If it is not changed to Yun-Qing , once Yun-Qing is dead, the Jiangshan that is hit may fall apart.
        Xu Wu thinks that Quan Mama also makes sense and asks:
       “Mama thinks who will be behind the scenes?”
        Quan Mama shook her head and said:
       "I can't guess this. It's just the thing of the Wang Heir. I am looking at something like a woman in the back house."
        Xu Wu doesn't quite understand what this means:
       "The means of the house woman?"
        Quan Mama also can't explain:
       "This is just my personal feeling. But as long as the Pozi is caught, the person behind the scenes will come out of the water."
        Xu Wu clicked and said:
       "I am going to see Wangfei in the afternoon. Can Mama bring something to Wangfei?"
       Yu-Xi is now missing from other people except Xu Wu.
        Quan Mama said:
       "Let her take care of herself. Don't wait for the Wang Heir, but she is embarrassed."
        After Xu Wu left, Quan Mama leaned back in the chair and looked tired. She has not rested well since yesterday.
        Lan Mama came in and saw Quan Mama look tired and said:
       "Mama, you have to take care of your body." Lan Mama has withdrew and is safe.
        Quan Mama smiled bitterly:
       "I thought that Wangye and Wangfei would be able to live a few days after a good day. I didn't expect it..." I didn't expect to come again.
        Lan Mama said:
       "Mama, the Wang Heir, the Gian people, will definitely be able to survive this difficult time."
        Quan Mama has been with Lan Mama for ten years, and there is nothing to say:
       "I'm afraid of it! If the Wang Heir has a long and two short, Wangfei will definitely fall." Don't look at the Yu-Xi. It's a very good look on a most day, but once it involves the children, it is weak.
        Lan Mama is busy:
       "No, Mama, God will not let the Wang Heir have something to do."
        Quan Mama smiled bitterly:
        In the evening, Xu Wu went to see Yu-Xi. When I heard the sound of Yu-Xi, Xu Wu said with some concern:
       "Wangfei, you must take care of your body!"
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "I'm fine. How is the matter checked?"
        Xu Wu said the details of the investigation with Yu-Xi in detail:
       "The Pozi came from the capital and spoke with the accent of the capital. I suspect that the behind-the-scenes ambassador is Yan Wu-shuang, but Mama said that the Wang Heir is more like a post-house woman."
        Yu-Xi This is all the brains of Hao Ji, and there is no way to calm down and deal with these things:
       "First grab the Pozi and say it again. Right, Lu-Er and Rui Ji Er, how are they? Is it okay?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Guo Xun sent a letter back half an hour, saying that the 2nd County Owners and the 2nd Young Masters were safe on Zhuangzi." Two days have passed, and several children are not uncomfortable. It should be fine.
        Yu-Xi nodded:
       "What about Du Fu? Is it okay?"
       These are the people who have been in direct contact with Hao Ji Er.
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "They are all fine." They are also Du Fu, they all have martial arts, their body is very good, and they have no physical contact with Hao Ji, otherwise they will not be infected.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Let them stay in the house for another three days. If there is no abnormality, let them go home." If it is infected, five days is enough for them to become ill. It was not the same within five days, indicating that it was not infected.
        Xu Wu asked:
       “Wangfei, what about the Wang Heir? Is it better?”
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The high fever has not been withdrew, but it is no longer spit." The medicine that was poured down and the food did not spit again. Jian said it was a good phenomenon.

       Chapter 1162 - Hao Ji Er Out of Smallpox (5)

       ? The dim candlelight is left and right, and it seems to be extinguished at any time. Yu-Xi sat by the bed and wiped the lips of Hao Ji from time to time with a wet patter.
        Yan Fang whispered:
       "Wangfei, you go to the side for a while, I will take care of the Wang Heir."
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I can't sleep." This is the third day, but Ahao burning has not retreated. At this time, she still can sleep.
        Yan Fang knows that it is useless and he will no longer persuade. After half an hour, Yan Fang took a bowl of ginseng chicken soup and came over:
       “Wangfei, this is the soup Mama has personally cooked for you.” In addition to the normal three meals in the past two days, Mama will give Yu-Xi soup once a day, three times a day.
        After taking care of Yu-Xi for more than 20 years, Quan Mama can not know the Yu-Xi temperament. Hao Ji Er is now so Yu-Xi will certainly stay at the bedside without sleep. She couldn't persuade Yu-Xi to rest, and she could only do more tonic to eat for Yu-Xi.
        Yu-Xi has no appetite at all, but she still ate a bowl of ginseng chicken soup and returned to Haogeer after eating.
        After half an hour, Yu-Xi touched the forehead of Hao Ji Er according to the usual practice. After the touch, the face reveals a joy:
       "A Hao burning seems to have retreated. Go and ask Dr. Jian to come and see." Now Dr. Jian is the attending doctor, and He Da Fu is a slap in the face. In this regard, He Da Fu did not complain.
        The doctor of the year came soon, and he checked him and gave him the pulse. Then I said to Yu-Xi:
       “Wangfei, the Wang Heir is starting to fall back.”
        Yu-Xi also learned more about the disease in the next two days:
       "Then is the rash period next?"
       The rash period is the most dangerous and the most difficult one. Many people go to the ceiling to die.
        Dr. Jan told the Yu-Xi about the symptoms of the outpatient visit and told her a lot of precautions. Jian does not want to be personally involved, but he is too old to keep up with his energy. It doesn't matter if the ceiling is half a month old, it just makes him unable to stand up all night.
        After saying these words, Jian opened a new prescription. The symptoms are different, and the medicine naturally has to be changed. It’s all that Dr. He is doing to catch medicine and torment.
        In the middle of the night, Hao Ji Er woke up once. However, at this time, Hao Ji mind is not very clear, and the face of Yu-Xi is blurred:
        Yu-Xi should touch his face and say:
       "A Hao, is it still very difficult?"
        Hao Ji Er um a voice:
       "Uncomfortable." Only this time, Hao Ji Er is the same as an ordinary child.
        Yu-Xi tears can no longer be tolerated, brushing the ground:
       "A Hao, Niang knows that you are uncomfortable, but it will be fine if you take another trip." The rash period lasts for six or seven days. She is really worried that Ah Hao can't stop.
        Hao Ji Er said in a mosquito-like voice:
       "Mother, don't cry, I won't have anything." He couldn't see Yu-Xi crying.
        Yu-Xi said with a busy tear:
       "Well, I know that my Ahao is the best, and it will be good."
        After eating a bowl of millet red jujube bird's nest porridge, Hao Ji Er went to sleep.
        Looking at the look of Yu-Xi, I can’t help it:
       "Wangfei, let's take a break! Even if you can't sleep, it's good to take a nap."
        Under the strong persuasion of Yu Fang, Yu-Xi was lying on the soft couch in the house. However, as Yu-Xi himself said that she couldn't sleep at all, she was afraid that she would have lost her sleep. So when there was a noise, she couldn't help but get up, making sure that Hao Ji was okay and continued to lie down.
        Yan Fang worried that it wouldn't work. It wasn't a day and a half. Jian said that the Wang Heir had a month from the beginning to the recovery. When the Wang Heir was ready, Wangfei was afraid to fall. But she couldn't persuade Yu-Xi, but she could only worry.
        It was dawning, and Yu-Xi finally fell asleep. But I don't know who was exclaimed and awakened Yu-Xi.
        Yu Fang said that Yu-Xi, who was busy rushing over, said:
       "Wangfei Don't worry, the Wang Heir. This is a visit."
        Hao Ji Er's face and neck and body are covered with red rash, which looks very infiltrating. Even if the people who served in the house had a smallpox, many people were scared.
        Yu-Xi is terrible, but she also knows that this is inevitable.
        It was also in the early morning of this day that Yun-Qing took the Spring City. The laying of the provincial capital of Yunnan has greatly encouraged morale and has taken a big step towards conquering Yunnan.
        Yun-Qing is listening to the following generals to report the casualties of the attack on the Spring City, and I heard someone outside -calling for the delivery of the 800-year-old rush.
        Yun-Qing ’s new escort leader opened the curtain and walked into the camp to turn to Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, Yucheng sent 800 miles to express the letter." The general 800-mile expedited letter was sent to the military newspaper. Now Wangfei sent a letter in this way, and Yucheng was afraid that something went wrong.
        When I heard this, Yun-Qing 's face sank. After reading the letter, the angry look made people look shocked.
        Han Jianye was wrong and asked:
       "What happened to Yucheng? Is there a rebellion?"
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "It’s Ah Hao accident.” He hoped that it was a rebellion, and the rebellion was better than Ah Hao accident.
        Han Jianye was busy asking:
       "What happened to Ah Hao?"
       Hao Ji Er is the heir to the future, and he is also the heir to the public. If Hao Ji Er is gone, although they can not shake their roots, they have fallen into endless troubles.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "A Hao got the smallpox, Yu-Xi said that it was calculated by people." Without waiting for Han Jianye to open again, Yun-Qing said:
       "I have to rush back to Yucheng, and everything will be handed over to you here." He now wants to fly back to Yucheng immediately, and he doesn't want to delay any more.
        Han Jianye wanted to stop, but he did not dare to say anything. Once Ah Hao had an accident, Yun-Qing couldn't see his son and he was afraid that he would anger him. Yun-Qing was originally rude to him because of the events of the year. If it is added, it will not be worse. Then he will never be able to see Yun-Qing in his life.
        Han Jianye has long ceased to be a reckless person who was more than a decade old. For the family, for his ‘Madam’ and children, he did not dare to be rejected by Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing summoned several high-level generals to explain the next few things, and then went with a guard.
        Guan Tai and other generals asked Han Jianye:
       "Han General, what happened to Yucheng?"
       Guan Tai followed Yun-Qing for another 20 years. If it is not a big deal, it is impossible for Wangye to leave the war here and return to the city.
        Han Jianye said with a worried look:
       “The Wang Heir got a smallpox, and Wangye knew that she couldn’t worry about it, so she rushed back.”
        The people present were very different when they heard this. This smallpox is also very contagious. Their wives and children are all in the city, and if they are infected, they will be life and death. At this moment, everyone was worried about the extreme. However, Yun-Qing can leave the war and return to the city, they can't leave without order.
        Yun-Qing was eager to go back, time was tight, and the group only took clothes and a small amount of dry food. When I arrived at a county, Yi said:
       “Wangye, go to the inn to rest, and we will prepare the dry food by the way.”
        In a hurry, Yun-Qing also knows that to maintain sufficient physical strength, it is impossible to let everyone hungry. Even if everyone has no opinion, the body can't eat it.
        A group of people entered the largest restaurant in the county. Looking at the anxious Yong-Qing , Yi Wei comforted:
       "Wangye don't worry, the Wang Heir will be safe." In fact, he is also worried that the child's infection with smallpox is extremely low, and he does not know whether the Wang Heir can kneel down.
        Yun-Qing didn't relax a bit.
        Lu Bai hesitated, but still said the question of the bottom of his heart:
       “Wangye, the Wang Heir has always been in the palace. How can a good end get a smallpox? Wangye, do you think someone is going to harm Wangfei and the Wang Heir?”
        I really didn't think about this problem.
        Yun-Qing heard this and couldn’t hide his anger:
       "One day, I want to kill him so much that he can't live like death." Only then did you know that Yun-Qing was considered a poisonous hand under Yan Wu-shuang.
        Before Yan Wu-shuang tried to put him to death several times, Yun-Qing was angry but not as angry as he is now. As Yu-Xi said, since it has become an endless enemy, what Wu Wu-shuang can't do with him. However, it should not be impossible for him to start with his children. His Hao Ji was only eight years old, and Yan Wu-shuang, the cold-blooded and ruthless thing, actually got such a poisonous hand.
        Thinking that Hao Ji Er is suffering and not knowing what to do, Yun-Qing 's heart is like a roast on the fire, and it is extremely hard to suffer. This is the child he loves most and is always proud of. If he has a long and short period, he can't think about it.
        Yi Yi looked at Yun-Qing , which scared the face of the dead, and was relieved:
       “Wangye, there are many famous doctors in the city, they will be able to cure the Wang Heir.”
        Lu Bai look at Yun-Qing was wrong, and he quickly said; “Wangye, the Wang Heir has been strong and strong since childhood, and he will be able to pass this level.”
        The relief of everyone can not alleviate the anxiety of Yun-Qing :
       "Let them hurry to serve, and they will go on the road after eating." Only by seeing Hao Ji with nothing, he can rest assured.
        On the sixth day of the onset of Haogeer, he began to have a fever. At this time, Yu-Xi did not dare to wipe his face and body with a scorpion. Because at this time, Hao Ji Er's face was covered with pea-sized herpes.
        Dr. Jian said:
       “Wangfei, now it’s getting acne, this is the most dangerous time. As long as the Wang Heir can get a fever, this level is over.”
        Yu-Xi also had a smallpox, but there was no mirror at the time and the person was comatose. I didn’t know it would be so scary.
        Dr. Jian saw Yu-Xi complexion, his eyes were red and swollen, and he thought about it:
       “Wangfei, the Wang Heir has a good body, and with careful care, it will be fine.”
        Others say this Yu-Xi not only to go, but the doctor is different, he is the chief doctor of Hao Ji Er. Yu-Xi does not believe to say:
        Jian nodded and said:
       "As long as the Wang Heir can eat and take medicine as before, it will be fine." Many children die out of smallpox, one is lack of medical care, and the other is because the body is weak, and the third is not carefully cared for.
        Smallpox is very infectious, and everyone smells the color. Knowing who is infected with smallpox will be sent to a remote place to let him fend for himself. In this case, unless it is a fateful person, the probability of being able to survive is low. But the Wang Heir is not the same, not only has he carefully treated with He Da Fu and is physically strong, but also gets close care of his mother.
        Of course, the main reason why Jian will say this is that he sees that the survival of Hao Ji Er is very strong*. Speaking of even Dr. Jian himself is incredible, the Wang Heir is just an eight-year-old child, but his survival* is even stronger than many Darens.
        After listening to the words of Dr. Jian, Yu-Xi seems to have eaten a reassurance, let her put half of her heart:
       "Good..." Good, didn't say anything.
        Dr. Jian said that this is purposeful:
       "Wangfei, you have to pay attention to your body. If you wait so quietly to take care of the Wang Heir, wait for the Wang Heir. You must be seriously ill." Even if Wangfei has a good body, he can't afford to toss.
        Yu-Xi holds the hand of Hao Ji Er and whispers:
       "I will go to rest after waiting."
        Yan Fang gave a thank you to the Jian doctor:
       "Thanks to Dr. Jian." No matter how persuaded, these days, Yu-Xi is not good to rest. She couldn't help but could only ask for a doctor, ask him to say something good to comfort Yu-Xi.
        Dr. Jian said with a long beard:
       "Don't thank, this is my part." Like they practice medicine, they generally don't say too much, fearing that an accident will happen. It was only this time that the situation was special, so he broke the case.
        He had no other people in the room, such as He Da Fu, and he asked:
       “Predecessors, the Wang Heir will really be fine?”
       In the face of smallpox, no doctor dared to say that he could be cured, so he was dubious about Jian words.
        Dr. Jian said:
       "Wangfei can't take care of the Wang Heir if it is ill, which is not good for the condition of the Wang Heir."
        He Da Fu understood it. The original Jian was not as confident as he said:
       "If there is a case..."
        Dr. Jian shook his head and said:
       "Even if there is a case, it is the most important thing for me." Anyway, he has lived more than 70 years, and he has lived for a few years.
        He Da Fu face is:
       "It is the younger generation who are tired of the predecessors." He is not sure, this is the recommended doctor.
        Dr. Jan did not blame the doctor, said:
       "The condition of the Wang Heir is very good, and the probability of 70% is good." The probability of 70% is already very high.
        Yu-Xi woke up after a little sleep, although the time was not long, but it was much better than before.
        Not long after, Xu Wu came over. Yu-Xi went out and stood at the door and asked:
       "Lu-Er, how are they?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Wangfei rest assured, the 2nd County Owners and the 2nd Young Masters are all fine. Guo Xuan has already released them." Du Fu, they also put home.
        Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief, Lu-Er and Rui Ji Er, they were not infected:
       "Is that Pozi holding it?"
        Xu Wu said a little embarrassed:
       "That Pozi is dead. It was strangled by someone who was struck this morning. According to the judgment of the work, this person has been dead for four or five days." This is why they have not found each other for so long. It is.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "This is handed over to Yuan Bilin, who is better at you than this." It is natural that the prisoners are better at investigating such things.
        Xu Wu nodded:

       Chapter 1163 - Cold

       In the royal study room, there is a sweet scent in the incense burner of the three-legged gilt carving of the mountains and rivers.
        Yan Wu-shuang is listening to the situation of Lin Fengyuan who returned from Tongcheng, and he heard that Gong Gonggong returned to the said:
       "The emperor, Meng Daren asked for it."
        Waving his hand, Yan Wu-shuang let Lin Feng go down.
        Meng-nian entered the royal study room and said with a smile:
       "The emperor, just got the news from the northwest, Yun Qihao got the smallpox. Han Yu-Xi took care of Yun Qihao and even left the government." This is good news for them.
        Yan Wu-shuang asked with little confidence:
       "Is the message true?"
        Meng-nian nodded and said:
       "That is true. Han Yu-Xi handed over the government to Tan Tuo and Yuan Ying and other officials, and also transferred the Qianwei camp into the city. Now the city is martial law."
        Yan Wu-shuang slowly said:
       "It seems that this is true."
        Meng-nian said with a smile:
       "The emperor, Han Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing four sons, Yun Qihao is excellent, but the other three have their own shortcomings." Cloud Qi Rui x- is reckless, not a big deal; cloud Qi- Xuan is weak and easy to be influenced by people; as for Qi-Qi-You are arrogant. Triplets have their own shortcomings, and such people have great aftermath as heirs.
        Yan Wu-shuang swept Meng-nian and said:
       "Yun Qihao is still not dead, saying that this is too early." The child's smallpox mortality rate is very high, but it also healed.
        Meng-nian feels that Yun Qihao will definitely die this time:
       "The people who have the smallpox are not saved." He did not believe that Yunqihao would be so lucky and able to pass.
        Yan Wu-shuang doesn't have any happiness:
       "Even if Yun Qihao is dead, the following three are not qualified candidates, but this does not affect the overall situation." Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi are fine, their situation is still very dangerous.
        Upon hearing this, Meng-nian said with regret:
       "Unfortunately, I didn't catch the sky last time."
        In the past, Yan Wu-shuang never thought:
       "Yun Qihao can't have a smallpox in the end, there must be someone who has done it. What can our people find?"
        Meng-nian looks a little weird and says:
       "Yunqi Hao has a smallpox, and it is indeed a calculation. The person who is doing the hand and foot is named Dong, who is an embroidered mother of the Ming Family." After that, Meng-nian said that Dong’s bottom is related to Yan Wu-shuang. under.
        That Dong is a family member of Han, and there is another Pozi in the past of the capital. Yan Wu-shuang has a guess in his heart:
       "What about the Pozi in the past?"
        Meng-nian said:
       "Dead. As for the murderer, it is still unclear. That Dong has been in the Ming Family for eight years, and it is hidden. It has been inserted into the Ming Family for so many years, and I don’t know who is behind the scenes." ”
       They also inserted people into these years. It’s just that the Ming Family’s employers are extremely strict. Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi and the children who served with several children’s ancestors have to check them out, so their people have not yet held a major position, near Yun- The body of -Qing and others is even more impossible.
        Yan Wu-shuang remembered Zhou-Yan, who died more than two months ago, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.
        Yu-Chen is very particular about eating and drinking, so I usually do it in my own kitchen. In the evening, the kitchenette delivered the dinner.
        Just after I had not moved the chopsticks, I heard that Yan Wu-shuang came over. Yu-Chen got up and told the servant:
       "Let the kitchen do two kinds of dishes that the emperor loves."
        Yan Wu-shuang just heard this when he came in. He glanced at the eight dishes and one soup on the table and said:
       "No, these are enough to eat." Yan Wu-shuang Although the temper is cloudy, he is particularly generous to his own woman. The woman in the harem, the cost of eating and wearing is superior, not to mention Yu-Chen.
        Yu-Chen personally placed the tableware for Yan Wu-shuang before he sat down again. Yu-Chen accepted the most orthodox education, and he did not speak well, so the meal was very quiet.
        After dinner, Yan Wu-shuang said to Yu-Chen:
       "I have something to tell you." Finished, walked toward the bedroom.
        Looking at Yan Wu-shuang, I knew something was there. Yu-Chen glanced at Gui Mama and followed.
        Standing next to the wisteria flowers in the house, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Get the news in the morning, Yunqihao got the smallpox." When he said this, Yan Wu-shuang stared at Yu-Chen.
        This thing was done by Yu-Chen, but it was a thing that she couldn’t tell in her heart.
        Yan Wu-shuang Sees Yu-Chen, he is not as alarmed or surprised as he imagined:
       "What's wrong? Is it sad?"
        Yu-Chen came back to God and couldn't help but think of the words that Gui Mama had said, and immediately slammed on the floor and said:
       "The emperor, Yun Qihao smallpox is made by the courtiers." Since Yunqihao has already got the smallpox, it should be reported with Yan Wu-shuang.
        Yan Wu-shuang has actually guessed that this was done by Han Yu-Chen, but she did not expect that she would be honest with herself:
       "Oh? Why do you want to do this?"
        Yu-Chen bowed his head and said:
       "My child was killed by Yu-Xi, I have to avenge my shi-zi." Yu-Xi killed her shi-zi and let her suffer the pain of losing her child. Then she also wants Yu-Xi to suffer the same pain.
        For this reason, Yan Wu-shuang is not unexpected:
       "In addition to Dong, can you still have other people in Mingwang?"
        Yu-Chen said:
       "Only Dong has a firm foothold in Mingwangfu, but there are a few of my people in Han." In fact, Yu-Chen also placed two people in Mingwangfu, but they were not reused. If Dong is not married to Changgui and has performed well on most days, it is impossible to get reused.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head. After the Dong’s affairs, Han’s people could not enter the Ming Family:
       "This, why don't you tell me earlier?"
       See Yu-Chen, no sound, Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "Is it afraid that you will stop you from taking revenge?"
        Yu-Chen hangs down and says:
       "The courtiers don't dare."
        Yan Wu-shuang’s mouth smirked:
       "What are you afraid of? I have been too indulgent to you these years."
        This said that Yu-Chen was shocked.
        Yan Wu-shuang turned her head and walked to the window, looking out the window and being reflected by the sunset.
       "Han Yu-Xi is not so irritating, she thinks that -Lu is a beauty plan that I set up with Chun Yu, not only killed in the spring, but also assassinated several of the country's ministers, that is Meng- -nian also folded an arm for this. You said that if she knew that Yunqihao smallpox was from your hand, what would happen?"
        Yu-Chen heard this and made a nap:
       "The emperor, the death of the court is not enough, just ask A-Chi and A-Bao to be safe."
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "A-Chi and A-Bao are my children, I will definitely try to protect them. But Han Yu-Xi will use what means to deal with you and A-Bao, I don't know." Many people can guess what he thinks. Yes, he can't guess the heart of Han Yu-Xi. Just like this time, Yunqihao has a smallpox, and his guess is that Yu-Xi will focus on the overall situation. But she left her political affairs and took care of her children with one heart and one mind.
        After entering the house, Gui Mama saw Yu-Chen kneeling on the floor, his face white with a piece of paper. Gui Mama was busy calling Shi Xiang with her to help Yu-Chen into the bed.
        Yu-Chen grabbed Gui Mama arm and said:
       "Mama, Yunqihao got the smallpox, Yunqihao really got the smallpox." She did not expect things to go so smoothly.
        Gui Mama had just loved the house, but it was not far away. He also heard the dialogue between the two. Gui Yan
        å¬·Hold and hold the arms of Yu-Chen:
       "Imperial Consort, don't panic."
        After that, Gui Mama said to Shi Xiang:
       "You are guarding at the door, no one is allowed to come in." Fortunately, she just sent other palace eunuchs out, and there were not many people who heard this.
        Waiting for the scent to go out, Gui Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort, don't worry, Han Yu-Xi doesn't know that Yunqihao smallpox is related to us."
        Before Yu-Chen had been eager to take revenge, people had entered the dead end, but now they are awake. Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "Wangye is not her opponent. How can I get past her? Mama, she will definitely retaliate after she knows that she will be poisoned by A-Bao and A-Chi."
        Gui Mama is bitter and difficult, of course, she can't persuade, now things are done, knowing that it is too late. Quan Mama said:
       "Imperial Consort Don't worry, the emperor will protect the 3rd Prince and the big princess."
        Seeing Yu-Chen is still a panic, Gui Mama said seriously:
       "Imperial Consort, if you don't want San Prince to have an accident with the big princess, you should get up. Han Yu-Xi can, she is far in the northwest, she wants to harm 3rd Prince and the big princess is nothing more than that means As long as we take precautions, they will not be able to."
        After stopping, Gui Mama continued:
       "Since the Emperor knows this, he will definitely give San Prince and the Grand Princess a manpower to protect them. Now we must guard them to do their hands and feet on food and clothing..."
        Yu-Chen listening to Gui Mama, her heart is gradually calming down. Just now she was scared by Yan Wu-shuang, so she lost her body for a while, and things have already been done. It is useless to fear and regret. What can be done now is that there is no omission, so that there is no hole in A-Chi and A-Bao. In this way, Yu-Xi is the ability to have a day, and it is not harmful to A-Bao and A-Chi.
        Meng-nian knows that the person behind the scenes of Yunqihao smallpox is Yu-Chen, and the eyeballs almost fell:
       "How, how could it be Honorable Noble?"
       In the impression of Meng-nian, Yu-Chen is the weaker beauty who bursts into tears in the face of weakness.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I didn't think of it." He guessed that Yu-Chen would deal with Yun Qihao, which should have been caused by what he said before. He never denied the matter of doing it, only considering that A-Bao and A-Chi didn't want Yu-Chen to hate him. This said that Zhou-Yan was killed by Yu-Xi. I did not expect that Han Yu-Chen would be lucky to start.
        Meng-nian has some regrets:
       "If it is Yun-Qing , it will be fine." Yun Qihao is dead, although it will cause Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi to be hit, but as Yan Wu-shuang said, this does not affect the overall situation. . If Yun-Qing is dead, it will be different. Han Yu-Xi alone is hard to support them.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "Yun-Qing is strong and strong, not so easy to get smallpox." The child's body is weaker than the Daren, so it is more likely to be infected.
        Meng-nian nodded and then asked with some doubts:
       "The emperor, you said that Honorable Noble is going to be in the Ming Family?"
       This makes Meng-nian unable to understand.
        Yan Wu-shuang answered the question:
       "Since letting her manage the backyard, can you see another incident in the backyard?"
       Since Yu-Chen took charge of the work, the backyard was calm.
        Meng-nian shook his head.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The woman cultivated by the family is not as delicate and good as it is. Unfortunately..." Unfortunately, Han Yu-Chen is a means of not going back to the house, unlike Yu-Xi from elementary school. Strategy. If not, it’s really unreasonable for the two to be weak and weak.
        Meng-nian thought about it:
       "The Emperor, Honorable Noble has a lot of loopholes. Should we help the aftermath?"
       If you don't help the aftermath, you will soon find the truth.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "Do not intervene for the time being."
        Meng-nian said with some concern:
       "I am worried that after Han-shi knows the truth, he will kill the Honorable Noble and the 3rd Prince and the big princess."
        Yan Wu-shuang did not care to say:
       "How can they grow up without experiencing hurricanes?" As a child, if he can't stand the wind and rain, he will die sooner or later.
        Meng-nian knows that Yan Wu-shuang is right, but he still persuaded:
       "The emperor, 3rd Prince and the big princess are still small, is it not appropriate to face such a bloody scene?"
       If you do not resist the psychological shadow, you can harm the two children.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head:
       "They are not as delicate as you think, and they are eight years old, not too small. When the cloud is eight years old, the killing can not change the color." Although Yunqihao did not kill people, but this Heart, I am afraid that it is even worse than Yun Xiao. Compared with these two people, A-Chi is too weak.
        Speaking of the clouds, Meng-nian has some sighs:
       "I heard that Yun Xiao has a good record in Guangxi, and has been promoted to a hundred households of six products." Jao-Jao took people in the middle of August to kill a hundred people. The rules in the army's own army, even if Yu-Xi let Du-Zheng press a pressure on Jao-Jao, it can be so great that Du-Zheng can't blatantly press it.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The cloud has completely inherited the military talent of Yun-Qing , but she is a woman."
        Meng-nian said:
       "The emperor, Yu-Qing and Han Yu-Xi escort, even if she is a woman, she can have something in the army."
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "If Yun Xiao is a man, she and Yunqihao will definitely have a battle for storage." Yun Xiao is very powerful, but the temper is also very similar to Yun-Qing . But Yun Qihao is very good at acting like Han Yu-Xi, and his childhood is very deep. When the two are right, it will be wonderful at that time.
        It is a pity that there is no such thing in the world. Yun Xiao is a woman. This is an unchangeable reality. Therefore, even if she sets up more military strength, it will not pose a threat to Yunqihao.
        Meng-nian does not feel sorry, said:
       "The emperor, you don't have to feel sorry. Yun Qihao life is not good, he is smart and useless." Within a few days, they will get the news that Yunqihao died in the smallpox.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You are too early to say this. Maybe, Yunqihao can get through this."
        Meng-nian said with a heartbeat:
       "Impossible, the smallpox is dead for a lifetime. Yun Qihao can't be so lucky."
        Yan Wu-shuang looked at the direction of the northwest and said softly:
       "Han Yu-Xi was in poor health, not even the doctor, but she collapsed. Yun Qihao situation is now better than that of Han Yu-Xi. But how do you know that he is not? past."
        In the depths of Meng-nian, I don’t want Yun Qihao past:
       “Han Yu-Xi is lucky, but Yun Qihao may not be.”
        Yan Wu-shuang does not argue this question:
       "Yun Qihao is dead or alive, and will soon be conclusive."

       Chapter 1164 - Lin Fengyuan's far-sightedness (1)

       ? Ten days in the military camp, Tie-Kui is back. I got a fake and returned home this day. He first went to see Shaw and four children and Concubine, and then returned to the front yard.
        Zhong-Shan told him the news he had discovered in the recent period:
       "Two million stone grain grasses shipped back from Yingzhou, half of which were left in Capital City, and half were transported to Tongcheng." The two million stone foods had a little wave in the northwest, but the capital was calm and calm. Start.
        Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "With the phoenix eagle for two million stone food, this sale Yan Wu-shuang made a big profit."
        Zhong-Shan couldn’t help but say:
       "Before I was wondering why Wangfei would take so many food to redeem people. I didn't expect this woman to be the daughter of Huo Changqing." Huo Changqing has great grace for Yun-Qing , he wants to take food to redeem his daughter, Ming Wang Ming Wangfei will be redeemed even if he is not happy.
        Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "The phoenix is ​​not the daughter of Huo Changqing, it is just a blind eye." The real reason, he knows.
        Zhong-Shan asked with a sigh:
       "Old Master, how do you know that Fengying is not the daughter of Huo Changqing?"
        Things have passed, and it’s okay to tell this to Zhong-Shan:
       "Fengying knows my identity. The two million stone food redemption eagle eagle is the reason on the surface. In fact, Wangfei is using them to buy my peace."
        Zhong-Shan was scared to death when he heard this, and the voice of his voice shook a little:
       “Old Master is not nearly...” Old Master and he both turned around in the Wangye Temple.
        Tie-Kui looks calm and says:
       "It’s all gone. Can these days be northwest in the northwest?"
        Zhong-Shan calmed down and said the rumors heard in the morning:
       "I heard that the tyrannical typhoon in Yucheng, the Wang Heir is also infected with a smallpox."
        Tie-Kui looked cold and cold:
       "Is the message true?"
       There is a bad disease in the northwest.
        Zhong-Shan shook his head and said:
       "The gossip has not been confirmed." The gossip is really fake, and they have to be carefully considered.
        Tie-Kui turned the jade finger on the thumb and said for a long time:
       "This kind of thing will not be rumored. I am afraid that there will be smallpox in the northwest. The Wang Heir may also be infected. However, the smallpox is ugly." The smallpox is strong, but as long as it is properly controlled, it will not spread widely. of.
        Zhong-Shan said with some anxiety:
       "If so, isn't the Wang Heir dangerous?"
        Tie-Kui didn't talk, and the people who got the smallpox couldn't get it.
        Zhong-Shan said with a sigh:
       "I heard that the Wang Heir is very intelligent, and he inherits the advantages of Ming Wang and Ming Wangfei. It is a pity that such a child is gone." Such a perfect heir is gone, and it is a great loss for the world.
        Tie-Kui heard this and turned to the hand of the jade finger and then whispered:
       "Maybe because he is too perfect, he will get a smallpox."
        Zhong-Shan, with some disbelief, said:
       “Old Master means that the Wang Heir is infected if it is infected with smallpox?”
        Even if Qi Hao is really a smallpox, he can't help. Tie-Kui said:
       "It's just a guess. In the past time, Capital City has captured a lot of intelligence personnel lurking in the northwest of the city. Can the Falcon contact you these days?"
       Yan Wu-shuang has a lot of action, so you don't have to bother to find out.
        Zhong-Shan shook his head and said:
       "No." After that, Zhong-Shan said with the same face:
       "Old Master, do you say the Falcon will be caught?"
        Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
       "The Falcon can be safe and sound under the eyes of Yan Wu-shuang for ten years and has developed such a large force. He has his own ability. Yan Wu-shuang wants to catch him, it is not so easy. But this time their organization is afraid It has been hit hard."
        Zhong-Shan has the same point:
       "They have traitors inside, and the ‘Minister’'s position is still very high." Here, Zhong-Shan said with one heart and soul:
       "Old Master, in addition to the Falcon and the Phoenix Eagle, who else knows your identity?"
       Don't be cautious, there is a leak in the falcon.
        Tie-Kui shook his head and said:
        After talking about the Falcon, Zhong-Shan told Tie-Kui one thing:
       “Yan Wu-shuang adjusted Lin Fengyuan back and did not make arrangements yet.”
        Tie-Kui is not only not feeling bad about Lin Fengyuan, but feels that this young man is worthy of friendship. It’s just that Yan Wu-shuang is suspicious, so he has this heart but has not acted. Tie-Kui said:
       "The old hole was dismissed by Yan Wu-shuang, and Lin Feng was afraid to replace his vacancy." Tie-Kui said that the old hole was the commander of the infantry battalion, because the greed had delayed the business. When Yan Wu-shuang was angry, he was removed from office and investigated.
        In the evening, Zhong-Shan handed a note to Tie-Kui with a strange face:
       "Old Master, Lin Fengyuan handed over the post and said that he wants to talk to the Old Master tomorrow." The old Master and Lin Fengyuan have nothing to do with each other. I don't know why I will send a note.
        Tie-Kui took the post and said:
       "The people in Linfu said, I will wait for the general to wait for Lin." Lin Fengyuan said what to do, Tie-Kui did not count.
        At the end of the second day, Lin Fengyuan visited the door.
        Seeing Lin Fengyuan, Tie-Kui said cheerfully:
       "Long time no see, General Lin is still the style!"
        Lin Fengyuan wore a stone blue brocade round neck robes, embroidered with dark lines on his robes and dark silver inlaid jade belts around his waist. A green silk is bundled with root jasper scorpion, which coincides with the brocade. Such a dress is not like a general who leads the army to kill the enemy. It is like a scholar.
        Raising his hand, Lin Feng said with a smile:
       "The general has won the prize. If it is about style, Lin is not a quarter of the iron general!" In fact, Tie-Kui has not shaved since he grew his beard. Today, he is full of beards, his real looks, Few people have made it clear.
        After a few words of Tie-Kui, Lin Fengyuan entered the house, and did not go to other places, directly to the study.
        Into the study, Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "Iron is a rough person, speaking directly, General Lin has something to say." Tie-Kui is a good man, a savage savage, and there is no difference with other generals who climbed from the bottom. Of course, role-playing for a long time Tie-Kui can't tell what it is like.
        Lin Fengyuan chuckled and put his hands behind him and said:
       "The generals of the Irons are fighting hard and doing business even more. Lin is very impressed, and he has to take the generals with the Iron General."
        Tie-Kui said with a sad face:
       "I don't know what is the meaning of General Lin?"
        Lin Fengyuan said with a smile:
       “Tong-Ji caravan and his shop in Capital City are profiting nearly a million dollars a year. Don’t tell me that it’s irrelevant to you?”
        Tie-Kui let Tong-Ji form a caravan to open the store. One is to make money for themselves to help the family, and the second is also convenient to inquire about the news. A lot of news like Zhong-Shan and now is from Dasheng shops. I just didn't expect Tong-Ji to pull on a dartsman to do a good job, and the business grew bigger and bigger, becoming one of the best caravans.
        When the stall is large, the risk will be great. Tie-Kui is a very worried person. With this piece of fat alone, he can't swallow it. He invited three hands-on generals to buy shares. No one in this world would be too much money, not to mention that this is still a legitimate business share and no trouble, all three invited to the stock. There are so many generals who hold the real power as a backing, even if someone is jealous, they dare not make any means of running.
        Tie-Kui laughed and said:
       "I have a shareholding in the Dasheng business team and the Dasheng store. This is not a secret in the capital. Even the emperor knows."
        This matter Yan Wu-shuang really knows, but Tie-Kui is doing a legitimate business and there is no place to go beyond it. In addition, he also brought a lot of people to make money, so Yan Wu-shuang is also blind to this.
        Lin Fengyuan smiled lightly:
       "I said, General Iron has a good fortune, and Lin has purposely taken the experience. I hope that General Iron will educate him."
        Tie-Kui feels that Lin Feng is not good, but the face is not obvious:
       "Where can I do business, I just met a good opportunity, and with the help of my colleagues in the military, I found a reliable leader and the Shopkeeper. I am doing business myself, I am afraid that I will lose even my pants pocket." When the caravan was formed, Liaodong was still quite chaotic at that time. The caravans brought by Tong-Ji could be mixed up, not only because they were the masters of the darts, but also by the help of Tie-Kui colleagues. Of course, this is not a white help, and all have benefits. In this regard, Tie-Kui is based on the idea of ​​making money together.
        Lin Fengyuan said with a smile:
       "The Iron General is too modest."
        Tie-Kui started complaining:
       "Don't look at the caravans and the shops to make money, but it can cost a lot of money to build a paving road. I haven't even paid much money over the years." This is half-truth. In these years, the caravan and several shops have made money and earned a lot of money for him. However, Tie-Kui has been eating meat with soup and drinking, and several of the generals who participated in the share have gone a part. In addition, he has been taking care of those unsatisfactory subordinates. He has not saved any money in these years. However, he did not only draw a group of generals, but also got a group of subordinates who painted his liver.
        Lin Fengyuan smiled, and did not circle with Tie-Kui, saying:
       "I want to make a deal with the Iron General."
        Tie-Kui is more vigilant in his heart, but he is laughing at the surface:
       "It turns out that General Lin is coming to find a company to do business. Let me talk about it! I have no other hobbies, I like money. The money is the thing, the more it is, the better."
        Lin Fengyuan smiled and said:
       "This time I went to Shengjing, passing through the home of General Iron..." When it came to this, Lin Fengyuan deliberately paused.
        Tie-Kui didn’t seem to hear anything in Lin Feng’s words, and said with a look:
       "I didn't go back in ten years, it's really fast!" Tie-Kui parents are gone, and there are two sisters left. However, under the intention of Tie-Kui, both of them have become well-known rich households.
        Lin Fengyuan felt that Tie-Kui was really calm and still said with a smile:
       "I didn't expect it, but I was there to hear an incredible news that the Iron General was adopted, not the old Master of Iron."
        Tie-Kui said with a sad face:
       "General Lin will not believe this nonsense?"
       He knew that Lin Fengyuan would not come to the door without any problems, and he did not know what he was trying to do.
        Lin Fengyuan still has a smile on his face and said:
       "I don't believe it doesn't matter. What matters is that the emperor knows what it will be like?"
        Tie-Kui flashed in the eyes and said:
       "General Lin, you can do this to the emperor. See if the emperor will believe this kind of nothing."
        Lin Fengyuan laughed out loud:
       "What kind of temper is the emperor, the iron general is more clear than me."
        Tie-Kui can be mixed under Yan Wu-shuang for so many years, and will be scared by Lin Fengyuan in three words:
       "I do not know what you're talking about."
        Lin Fengyuan is not annoyed, just saying:
       "If you don't know if you don't know what to do. Iron General, if the Emperor knows that this only needs to arrest your two sisters, you will know the true and false. At that time, the real life of the Iron General will not be concealed."
        Although Ninghai had a bit of a look like the real Tie-Kui, and the Iron House lived in the mountains at the time, it rarely went down the mountain. However, the iron family is not hiding in the world, or dealing with people, especially between relatives. Ning Hai behaviors that are different from ordinary children are naturally noticed by the minded ones. Of course, even if people who saw it had doubts, they would not ask more. After all, things don't hang high, and no one wants to sin.
        Only Tie-Kui two sisters got the convenience of Tie-Kui, and those relatives wanted to take advantage of it. Didn't take advantage of it, there was some acidity that came out.
        If other people hear these unfounded rumors, they will not be at all concerned. Lin Fengyuan had dealt with Tie-Kui, and he always felt that he was not a child from the Hunter family, so he sent a confidant to the secret. As a result, he really brought him valuable things from Tie-Kui uncle.
        Tie-Kui sees being threatened, not angry, just sneer:
       "Lin Fengyuan, Tie Mou is not scared."
        Lin Fengyuan said with a smile:
       "The real Tie-Kui didn't read a big character before he was eight years old. Tie-Kui parents are also mountain people who don't know half of them. But Li Wangcai went up the mountain and found you writing on the ground, and the word The writing is correct and beautiful." This Li Wangcai is the uncle of Tie-Kui, who is famous and lazy in the local area.
        Tie-Kui flashed in the eyes:
       "Lin Fengyuan, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, then you can't talk nonsense." Lin Fengyuan's incident did happen, and he was fooled by his sister-in-law. It was also the time that Tie-Kui didn't dare to let people know that he was literate before he learned from him. Because this thing has been too long, and Li Wangcai never mentioned it, he also forgot.
        Lin Fengyuan was not afraid of Tie-Kui warning, but said with a smile:
       "Now the Family has changed. It is not difficult for General Iron to restore his true identity. I am very curious, why is the Iron General still holding the identity of Tie-Kui? Is it something unspeakable?"
        Tie-Kui said with a blank expression:
       "Lin Fengyuan, there is a saying that you have not heard of it? People who are curious, often die fast."
        Lin Fengyuan smiled lightly and lightly:
       "There are a lot of people who want me to die in these years. As a result, they are all dead, but I am still alive." The people in Duke house did not have any black hands on him, but those people were all made by him.
        Tie-Kui looked at Lin Fengyuan and did not speak.

       Chapter 1165 - Lin Fengyuan's far-sightedness (2)

       ? Zhong-Shan was waiting outside, and began to listen to the voice, but after a while there was no sound at all. Waiting for a while, the inside is still silent, Zhong-Shan is somewhat uneasy, and -calls:
       "Old Master."
        Tie-Kui should be a channel:
        Lin Fengyuan had to admit that Tie-Kui is really not what the average person can have:
       "A few days ago, I secretly checked the dossier 30 years ago. I found that 30 years ago, there were a total of nine households in Liaodong. Three of them arrived in Tongcheng, and the other six were all dead on the road. Interesting. The mother of Ningjia of Mingfei Feifei is also among them."
        Tie-Kui looks the same, saying:
       "You don't want to say that I have a very close relationship with Ming Feifei, so I dare not restore my true life experience?"
        Lin Feng looked at his robes and said:
       "Is not it?"
       If there are five other, Tie-Kui does not have to hide his life until now. Unless he is a Ning family, because Yan Wu-shuang is a very suspicious person. If you know that he is a Ning family, he will not use him any more, he will also get rid of him.
        Tie-Kui sneered and said:
       "In this case, why don't you tell the emperor that I am a Ning family and let the emperor come to arrest me?"
        Lin Fengyuan said:
       "Tell these things to the emperor and let the emperor kill you. Then one day, Ming Wangfei took my head to your grave to worship, how can I do such a stupid thing."
        Although there is no definitive evidence, Lin Fengyuan has already determined that Tie-Kui has a relationship with Yu-Xi and is still very close. Otherwise, he will not be so costly.
        Tie-Kui asked in a deep voice:
       "Say so much, what are you going to do?"
       If Lin Fengyuan tells Yan Wu-shuang these words, he is 100% dead.
        Lin Fengyuan said calmly:
       "Without five years, Ming Wang will bring troops into the capital. And I don't want to be a cannon fodder." Mainly Lin Fengyuan was originally forced to rely on Yan Wu-shuang, and he was not really willing to sell his life.
        Tie-Kui does not believe Lin Fengyuan:
       "I heard that your master and your younger Brother and sisters are all people who are trusted by Wangfei. If you want to rely on Mingfei, you must be filthy."
        Lin Fengyuan smiled bitterly:
       "Yan Wu-shuang temperament, you should be clearer than me. Don't say that I contact them, even if I show a little bit of this meaning, I am afraid I will not see the sun the next day." Yan Wu-shuang is by his side A lot of people were placed, so that he would not dare to act rashly.
        When Gu Ji advised him to go to Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi, he was not optimistic that the two men did not go, but did not expect that these two people accounted for more than half of the country in a few short years. Unfortunately, the opportunity has been missed, and regrets are too late.
        Tie-Kui looked at Lin Fengyuan intricately, but he didn't pick him up. He knew it was one thing, and it was another thing to say it.
        Lin Fengyuan’s attitude towards Tie-Kui is not unexpected:
       "Li Wangcai has been killed by me, and it is counted as a bad thing for you."
        Tie-Kui knows that it doesn't make sense to deny it, but it is impossible for him to admit:
       "This kind of scourge, there is a lingering death." Even if Lin Fengyuan does not kill Li Wangcai, he will send someone to solve this person.
        Lin Fengyuan knows that it is impossible to say a word from Tie-Kui. If he is such a reckless person, he will not be able to pass Yan Wu-shuang for more than ten years. Lin Fengyuan handed over his own bottom:
       "I came here this time, just want to ask General Iron to bring a word to Mingfei, I hope she can give me a chance." He not only wants to live on his own, but also wants to follow the Brother who were born and died.
        Tie-Kui looked at Lin Fengyuan and asked a question that was irrelevant:
       "I don't know why General Lin is not married yet."
       Lin Fengyuan has been thirty-three this year, and he has to be a grandfather at this age, but Lin Fengyuan has not been married.
        Lin Fengyuan said:
       "I don't want my ‘Madam’ and children to become Yan Wu-shuang to restrain my jealousy." Duke house has long since decayed. They are still too late to come to Lin Feng, and they dare to take care of him. Lin Fengyuan’s idea of ​​continuing the incense is not strong and he has concerns in his heart, so he has not been married until now.
        Tie-Kui took a deep look at Lin Fengyuan and asked a question:
       "I don't know what kind of food Lin General likes to eat? I let the kitchen prepare. Let's have a drink at noon today." Lin Fengyuan is also a talent. Now he has the heart to rely on launching.
        Although I did not get an exact answer, Lin Fengyuan knew that Tie-Kui was promised. At this point, Lin Fengyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Tie-Kui died, he did not admit that he really did not withdraw:
       "I don't pick the mouth, eat everything."
        At noon, the two men drank a small jar of wine, and the two talked happily at the wine table. Of course, the wine table talks about Lin Fengyuan's partnership to do business together.
        After sending away Lin Fengyuan, Tie-Kui returned to the inner room of the study room to rest. At this meeting, Zhong-Shan asked:
       “Old Master, is Lin Fengyuan really talking about business?”
       I always feel that the atmosphere in the study room is not like talking about business.
        Although Zhong-Shan is also a confidant, there are some things Tie-Kui does not want him to know too much:
       "Looking at the money I made so much, I was so jealous that I wanted to mix my feet. Fortunately, I knew that the generals had a retreat and wanted to do other business with me." Tie-Kui Both the team and the shop Chou Dashan accounted for 10% of the shares, but he only took dividends and did not serve.
        Zhong-Shan said:
       "Old Master, I always feel that things are not that simple, Old Master still has to be careful." Where not to mention him, but it is dangerous.
        Tie-Kui smiled and said:
       "Reassured, can't eat a loss."
        Gu Jiu is in a hurry and wants to know the result. However, he also knows that people outside are mixed, not talking. Until the two returned to the government, he helped a little drunk Lin Feng into the bedroom, which was asked in a voice that only two people could hear:
       “Tie-Kui admitted?”
       Lin Fengyuan has a large amount of alcohol. He can drink half a jar of wine and he is not drunk. He was just drunk, but it was put out.
        Lin Fengyuan opened his eyes and shook his head and said:
       "This kind of thing can't be recognized by anyone. But I asked him to give a message to Wangfei. He didn't refuse." No rejection, it is the default.
        Gu Jiu couldn’t help but swear:
       "It’s true that her mother’s grievances.” It’s better when I’m outside the capital, but I’m in the capital and I’m watching it all the time. This feeling is really terrible.
        Lin Fengyuan smiled bitterly:
       "It’s strange to blame me for not listening to your advice on the day." If you went to Yun-Qing that year, you shouldn’t be so careful. Unfortunately, he wanted revenge at the time, and he did not like Yun-Qing . He missed the opportunity in vain.
        Because of Yan Wu-shuang's suspiciousness, not only Lin Fengyuan, but also many other generals took three points of caution, fearing that Yan Wu-shuang's eyes were provoked to kill him. When the world was too peaceful, the emperor’s suspicion was a little bit better, but now the doubts of Yan Wu-shuang have buried a lot of hidden dangers.
        Gu Ji shook his head. At the time, he said that going to Yun-Qing was not well thought out. Instead, he felt that Master Yang had to go to Yun-Qing in the northwest to get the care:
       "It's not too late."
        Lin Fengyuan shook his head and said:
       "If I went to the past more than ten years ago, then I can make a good future with my brethren." Now that he has gone to the past, he can only save his temperament with his brethren. This difference can be made bigger.
        Gu Ji said:
       "No one is a god operator, can count." Missed and missed, regret is useless.
        Lin Fengyuan sighed:
       "Yes! This is not something that anyone can count."
        Tie-Kui and Lin Fengyuan quickly passed the words of Yan Xu-shuang to Yan Wu-shuang. Yan Wu-shuang frowned and said:
       “When is Lin Fengyuan so good with Tie-Kui?”
       As far as he knows, the two basically do not move around on most days.
        Meng-nian said:
       “Tie-Kui Dasheng business and the shop are in the fight, and Lin Fengyuan wants to make money, so he wants to do business. This time I’m looking for Tie-Kui, I want to do business with Tie-Kui.” Lin Fengyuan The reason why he is tight is because he put his money in Tongcheng to the injured soldiers.
        Yun-Qing climbed from the bottom, knowing that ordinary soldiers are not easy, and often with Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi also felt that these people should be arranged, which would also make the soldiers have no worries. After deliberating with Tan Tuo and others, they have formulated some preferential policies. After that, the government not only gave pensions to those wounded soldiers, but also arranged for some people to be in the wrong position in Tuen Mun, and could not arrange for the errands to go home to farm to avoid a six-year tax. It is precisely because of these preferential policies that the cohesiveness of the officers and men in the northwest is very strong. The court did not say that the errands were exempted from taxation, that is, the pensions were not paid.
        Yan Wu-shuang said in silence:
       “Tie-Kui is rich in money.” There is only one caravan and several shops, and nearly one million yuan of money is recorded every year. This is not something that ordinary people can do.
        Meng-nian said:
       "That's the case. But Tie-Kui is very good, but he is very bold. Everyone who works with him has earned a lot of money." Not only the few generals who bought shares, but also the large amount of money each year, is given Conveniently, the generals in those places have also benefited a lot. So even if many people are jealous, no one dares to move Tie-Kui. Moving him will damage the interests of too many people.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The Black Hawk doesn't know the identity of the cheetah. This person is really deep enough."
        The topic is too big, but Meng-nian is also used to:
       "I am afraid that only the Falcon knows his identity." The existence of the cheetah has always been the heart and soul of both the master and the servant. Unfortunately, after more than ten years of tracing, I have not been able to identify the identity of this person.
        See Yan Wu-shuang frowning, Meng-nian said with some self-blame:
       "All the places where the Falcons can hide have been searched, and no traces have been found." The Black Hawk provided a few places where the Falcons lived, but their people were all empty.
        Yan Wu-shuang did not blame the Falcon:
       "This person is a scout who is born, extremely alert, and stealth when there is a wind and grass. It is not so easy to catch him." If it is easy, don't wait until now.
        The next day, Yan Wu-shuang summoned Lin Fengyuan and talked with him about Liaodong. After talking about the business, Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "If I remember correctly, Lin Aiqing has three in this year."
        Lin Fengyuan’s heart sinks, but the face is respectful:
       "There is no mistake in the emperor. At the end of the year, there will be three or three."
        Yan Wu-shuang touched the head of the sapphire on the royal case and said:
       "If you start a career, Lin Aiqing is now a successful career, and it is time to consider a family. If Lin Aiqing does not like it, let Honorable Noble pick a good Miss for Ai Qing ." This means preparing for marriage.
        Lin Fengyuan has always been a person who knows the time, and immediately kneels on the ground to thank:
       "The end will thank the emperor for grace."
        Yan Wu-shuang is very satisfied with Lin Fengyuan's attitude:
       "Then you are well prepared, and when you have chosen it, you will let Si Tianjian choose Huang Daoji."
        When I was out of the palace, Lin Feng was full of joy. I could wait to go home and enter the house, and my face sank immediately.
        Gu Ji carefully asked:
       "General, what's wrong? Is the emperor giving us all the moths?"
       Because Lin Fengyuan is not the confidant of Yan Wu-shuang, the supply of supplies is worse than that of Chou Dashan and others. In this regard, Gu Jiuzao has complaints.
        Lin Fengyuan shook his head and said:
       "The emperor made me a family. When I heard that I didn't like the people, I locked Honorable Noble from the show in the capital." Yan Wu-shuang The person is suspicious. If he says that there is a favorite person, it will definitely be there. Ask the roots. In order to avoid trouble, he also told the truth.
        Gu Ji thinks that Yan Wu-shuang is really wide:
       "So this can't be avoided?"
        Lin Feng has nowhere to go:
       "Oh, let me know! If you can follow me, I will treat him well; if I don't care with me, I will go home and be a display."
        Gu Ji thought about it:
       "Since the emperor made you a relative, does it mean that you want to stay in the capital?"
        Lin Fengyuan shook his head and said:
       "Listen to that tone is not very big. And really want to stay in Capital City, it is impossible to have no movement until now, afraid to be transferred outside." Outside the job, than in the capital.
        Yu-Chen got the command of Yan Wu-shuang and immediately gave a decree, inviting the capital to enter the palace from Madam, an official of the Sanpin and above. Of course, the purpose of viewing flowers is also revealed. If there is a natural intention to bring Master 's own age to attend the banquet, the self without this intention will find a reason not to come.
        Lu Yao also took the implied purpose of entering the palace to see flowers. Han Jiancheng’s two daughters did not reach the age of marriage, but Yu-Chen wanted them to go to the palace to move more and more, and to increase their knowledge and broaden their communication. Since the beginning of Honorable Noble, Yu-Chen has been quite acquainted with her family.
        The safflower got the news and said to Yu-Rong:
       "The master, Madam Yu and find someone to cut clothes!"
        Yu-Rong smiled and said:
       "The three sisters have rewarded them with a lot of good things. Lu-Shi doesn't have the good clothes to make clothes." Every time Lu-Shi takes two daughters into the palace, he comes back with jewelry and satin. These are all Yu-Chen rewards. Of course, there is no shortage of Yu-Rong, but Yu-Rong did not use these satin to make clothes.
        Safflower said:
       "Master, in fact, you should also go out and move around." Even if you don't attend the banquet of Imperial Consort, you can't stay in the yard all day long, go out to socialize, and your mind will open up a lot.
        Yu-Rong shook his head and said:
       "No interest."
        As the red voice came in from the outside, he said to Yu-Rong:
       "Master, Lu family Old Lady is coming again." Every time Lu Old Lady came over at home to break the money, but after Han Jiancheng let go, Lu-Shi would not dare to blatantly fill her family.
        Yu-Rong does not care to say:
       "Come on." Since the last incident, the relationship between Yu-Rong and Lu-Shi has become very poor. Yu-Rong wanted to move out several times and was blocked by Han Jiancheng.

       Chapter 1166 - Xuan Ji Er, afraid of death

       The 3rd Brother who were detained for seven days, after the doctor confirmed that the three were not infected, Guo Xuan released them. You Ji-Er felt that his body was long, so the first thing he came out of was taking a bath and washing his hair from the head to the feet.
        After the shower, the 3rd Brother went to find Guo Xuan:
       "Uncle Guo, what happened to my older brother?"
        Guo Xuan said:
       "Master Jian said that the condition of the Wang Heir has stabilized, and it will be fine in three or four days." These are naturally words to comfort the triplets. In fact, this will be still unconscious and still in danger.
        The triplets believed that they were right, and they immediately felt relieved. You Ji-Er also said:
       "I said that they are scary." At that time, they said that the disease would die, and they were all scared.
        Guo Xuan said:
       "Early meal is ready, 2nd Young Master, you are going to use it!"
        After the triplets have had enough to eat, You Ji-Er proposes:
       "Big brother, second brother, we haven’t been to Zhuangzi for so many days. I don’t know what this mountain village is like. Let’s go out and go?”
        Rui Ji Er has no opinion with Xuan Ji Er.
        This Zhuangzi is divided into two parts, the outer village and the inner village. Outside the village is the poor person, and the inner village is the place to cultivate the dark guard. Rui Ji Er 3rd Brother and Lu-Er, now live in a foreign village. There are a lot of pear trees planted in the outer village, which will be the season of pear ripening.
        You Ji-Er stood under a pear tree and said:
       "Second brother, third brother, let's pick pears on the tree!" The whole Zhuangzi is his family, so You Ji-Er has no concept that pears can't be picked.
        Xuan Ji Er looked up and said:
       "This tree is so tall, it is dangerous to climb up."
        You Ji-Er doesn't care to say:
       "What can be dangerous?" The third brother is timid, and does not know when the courage can grow bigger.
        The guards on Zhuangzi told You Ji-Er to climb the tree and pick the pears.
       "Daren, do you want to stop?"
       It would be incredible if you fell off the tree.
        Guo Xun shook his head and said:
       "No, as they please." The triplets made Guo Xuan look at each other. During the past few days, the 3rd Brother only complained about a few words without crying or making trouble. What is even more incredible is that Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er insist on practicing martial arts every day to write big characters. It is really rare for a seven-year-old child to be so self-disciplined.
        This pear has just been picked, and You Ji-Er tasted one, fresh and juicy, and sweet.
        Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er picked up a scorpion and sent a few to Lu-Er to find Guo Xun:
       "Uncle Guo, we have picked up a lot of pears. You sent people to the palace to give my mother and my brother to eat."
        Guo Xun was very pleased and nodded and said:
       “Good.” I have to say that Wangfei taught several Young Masters very well.
        You Ji-Er Said:
       "Tell me by the way, I said that we are all fine. Ask my mother, when will I send someone to pick us up." They want to go home now, I want to see my mother and brother soon.
        Guo Xun shook his head and said:
       "The smallpox is highly contagious. You can't go back until the Wang Heir has not healed." It takes a month or so for the smallpox to recover from onset to illness, which means that the triplets have to stay at least for a month.
        You Ji-Er knows that there is no room for bargaining, and although he is not happy, he has not said anything.
        Xuan Ji Er hesitated and said:
       "Uncle Guo, you told my mother that Master Du and Master Pang came to Zhuangzi!" You can't go back to the palace in a month, and you have to drop a lot of homework.
        Rui Ji Er looked at Xuan Ji Er and called:
       "A Xuan..." It’s hard to go to Zhuangzi, and let the two gentlemen not come to the same as the palace. Although the two gentlemen's classes are very good, but Rui Ji Er still does not like to go to school.
        Xuan Ji Er, can you not know what Rui Ji Er wants to say:
       "Second brother, the homework that has been dropped must be replenished at the time. When it is time to make up the class, it is not as good as letting the Master come now!" Now it is easy, and sometimes it is too tired.
        Rui Ji Er heard this and didn't say anything.
        Guo Xun’s face showed a hint of smile, but soon it was gone:
       "I must bring this to you."
        In the afternoon, Xuan Ji Er was a little uncomfortable, but he refused to say it. In the evening, Xuan Ji Er felt a little faint.
        You Ji-Er and Rui Ji Er are both wrong and ask:
       "A Xuan, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?"
        Xuan Ji Er said:
       "Second brother, A-You, I definitely have a smallpox." He now has this symptom, which is similar to the smallpox that I heard before. It was because of this worry that he refused to say it.
        You Ji-Er doesn't believe much:
       "Should it not be? It’s been so many days."
        Rui Ji Er is also a little panicked:
       "This is also a matter of uncertainty. We quickly told Uncle Guo to let him call the doctor."
        Xuan Ji Er grabbed the hand of Rui Ji Er and said:
       "Second brother, Uncle Guo knows that I must be locked up. Second brother, I don't want to be locked up."
        Rui Ji Er said something difficult:
       "Don't ask the doctor, what if the situation worsens?"
        You Ji-Er thought about it:
       "3rd Brother, don't be afraid. If Uncle Guo shuts you up, I will accompany you when I get there."
        Xuan Ji Er couldn’t help it anymore, red eyes:
       "Second brother, A-You, I don't want to die."
        You Ji-Er said:
       "That's all scary, you also believe it! But if you are sick, you have to look at the doctor. You can't be ill, or you will become seriously ill."
        Xuan Ji Er said with a stern look:
       "Second brother, then you let Uncle Guo go to me to ask the doctor!"
        Guo Xuan heard that Xuan Ji Er was uncomfortable and thought that he might have a smallpox, and his face changed. It happened that I had come back from the city before today, and Guo Xuan could only call the doctor who was stationed in Zhuangzi.
        This doctor surnamed Qiao, he gave Xuan Ji Er the end of the pulse:
       “3rd Young Master This is a cold weather.”
        Guo Xun heard this and asked:
       "Not a smallpox?"
        Dr. Qiao shook his head and said:
       "No. But if you don't pay attention to it, you can kill it."
        Guo Xun has relaxed all the people, as long as it is not a smallpox:
       "Then you have to open the party!" Zhuangzi also prepared medicine, do not have to go to the city to catch.
        The medicine is very difficult to drink, but Xuan Ji Er still finished drinking, and then fell asleep. Originally thought that drinking medicine would be fine, but did not want to start a high fever in the middle of the night Xuan Ji Er.
        The perilla was still very diligent, and soon found the strangeness of Xuan Ji Er, and immediately asked the small Servant to call Guo Xunlai. The basil said anxiously:
       “3rd Young Master has a red face and I have to send the 3rd Young Master to the city as soon as possible.”
        Guo Xun was hesitant and said:
       "Do you say that 3rd Young Master will get the smallpox?"
       If it is just cold, it is reasonable to say that taking the medicine should be better. The 3rd Young Master not only did not get better, but instead launched a high fever. He knows that the initial symptoms of a smallpox child are a high fever.
        The perilla has not had a smallpox and has never seen a patient with smallpox. When I heard this, I was so scared that my face was white:
       "Doctor Qiao is not saying that 3rd Young Master is cold, not a smallpox?"
        Guo Xuan said:
       "It is said that the symptoms of the early days of the smallpox are very similar to the cold." After the election, Guo Xun said:
       "I will send someone to ask the doctor to go to Zhuangzi now. You should take good care of 3rd Young Master." Dr. Qiao medical skills are not bad.
        Xu Wu got the news and immediately sent the three doctors who stayed in the palace to Zhuangzi.
        r /> Xu Daniu whispered:
       "Boss, do you want to tell Wangfei about this?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Can't say. Now the Wang Heir is still alive and dead. If Wangfei knows that 3rd Young Master has a smallpox, he can't die!" Even when Wangfei blamed, he recognized it.
        Xu Daniu touched his head and said, "The Wang Heir is still not good, and the 3rd Young Master has got a smallpox. This is really a disaster." This unfortunate thing has all hit a piece.
        Xu Wu whispered:
       "I hope that Wangye can come back soon." Wangye came back, and Wangfei didn't have to work so hard. They also had the backbone.
        Rui Ji Er and You Ji-Er are anxious to die. From time to time, they urged the followers to see the doctor. It’s getting brighter, the doctor hasn’t come yet. At this time, Xuan Ji Er has already burned people and people are not saved.
        You Ji-Er is very angry and has no face to Guo Xun:
       "If there is anything in my third brother, I can't spare you." Knowing that Xuan Ji Er had a fever, You Ji-Er said that he would send Xuan Ji Er to the city to see a doctor, but Guo Xun did not agree.
        This thing can't really blame Guo Xun, if it is cold, it will be fine to send people back to the city. What if it is a smallpox?
        Guo Xuan said with a calm face:
       “4th Young Master is assured that if there is an accident in the 3rd Young Master, Guo Xun will die of death.”
        You Ji-Er slammed a channel:
       "Remember your words." After that, You Ji-Er hated to find Rui Ji.
        Because Guo Xuan suspected that Xuan Ji Er had the smallpox that had sealed the yard, You Ji-Er objection was useless.
        Rui Ji Er said on the shoulder of You Ji-Er:
       "Don't blame Guo Shushu, he did it for everyone." This kind of class can't be done by x-.
        You Ji-Er is waiting for the opening, and he hears Xiao Yan’s aunt yelling:
       "2nd Young Master, 3rd Young Master, the doctor is coming."
        The three doctors gave Xuan Ji Er a diagnosis in turn, and the conclusion was the same:
       "Daren, 3rd Young Master This is hot, not a smallpox." When they came, they had made the worst plan, but did not expect 3rd Young Master not to have the ceiling, but got the wind.
        Guo Xunyi said:
       "Wind hot?"
       I heard that the wind is cold and I rarely hear about the wind.
        The oldest doctor explained:
       "This disease is caused by the anger of the wind and the evil, and it is more common in the summer and autumn."
        Guo Xun heard this terminology and said:
       "Are you sure you are not a smallpox?"
       Seeing the three doctors nod together, Guo Xun took a deep breath.
        After calming down, Guo Xuan said:
       "Then you have to open the party!" 3rd Young Master's illness has been delayed for one night, and can not be delayed.
        Xuan Ji Er woke up with a headache that was about to explode, and it was very uncomfortable to cry. Xuan Ji Er said while crying:
       "Second brother, A-You, am I dying? Second brother, A-You, I want to marry my mother."
        You Ji-Er interrupted his words:
       "What is dead? The doctor has already seen it for you. He said that you just blew the wind yesterday, and you didn't get the smallpox. The doctor said, just take medicine for three or five days."
        Xuan Ji Er does not believe that he is so uncomfortable how it may not be a smallpox:
       "A-You, don't comfort me. I am not afraid of death, I just want to see my mother before I die."
        You Ji-Er is powerless to vomit, and it’s so kind to say that he is not afraid of death:
       "You think, they all say that smallpox is very contagious. If it is a smallpox, where can Uncle Guo let me guard you?"
       In fact, the wind and heat will also be contagious, but You Ji-Er insisted on Guo Xunyi but promised. However, it is hot, even if You Ji-Er is infected, it will be sinned for a few days, and there will be no danger to life.
        Xuan Ji Er will have a terrible headache, but I can still think about it:
       "What about the second brother? Why don't you see your second brother?"
        You Ji-Er explained:
       "I didn't sleep with my second brother last night. He is going to bed now. Now I am with you, and I will be with you when I go to sleep."
        Xuan Ji Er asked indefinitely:
       "Really not a smallpox? You didn't lie to me?"
        You Ji-Er said impatiently:
       "When the big brother gets the smallpox, the mother will not let us see one side. If you have the smallpox, I can talk to you here, don't think about it anymore."
        The basil leaves a bowl of porridge into the house, and sits softly and says:
       “3rd Young Master, come and have some porridge.”
        Looking at a bowl of green things, You Ji-Er frowned and said:
       "what is this?"
       He remembered that when he was sick, he ate Xiaomi jujube porridge or bird's nest porridge.
        Perilla smiled and said:
       "This is mint glutinous rice porridge, the doctor said 3rd Young Master's illness is the most suitable for drinking this porridge." Mint glutinous rice porridge can promote the patient to sweat, but also stomach.
        This porridge effect is not known to Xuan Ji Er, but this color is really not flattering. However, in order to heal earlier, Xuan Ji Er still drank a bowl of porridge.
        After drinking the porridge for two quarters of an hour, the perilla came in again. Although Xuan Ji Er is afraid of suffering, she also knows that the good medicine is good for the disease, and she bitters her face and drinks it.
        After drinking the medicine, Xuan Ji Er fell asleep. Perilla is facing You Ji-Er:
       "4th Young Master, here is the servant, you go to eat something!"
        You Ji-Er knows that Perilla has been Yu-Xi personal Servant before, and she is relieved:
       "What are you calling me!" This kiss is like an Daren.
        Xu Wu got the news at noon, knowing that Xuan Ji Er was infected with wind and heat and did not get a smallpox, and immediately came up with a sentence:
       "Amitabha, God bless."
        After hearing this, Xu Daniu yelled:
       "What did the doctor named Qiao eat? The wind and the small flowers could not be separated? We scared us to death."
        Dr. Qiao medical skills are not very good, otherwise the wind and cold will not be confused with the wind.
        Xu Wu is not in the mood to pursue the responsibility of Dr. Qiao:
       "Fortunately, there is no danger." Fortunately, I didn't tell Wangfei, otherwise I was afraid that Wangfei would definitely get sick.
        Xu Danniu asked:
       "Boss, what is the Wang Heir doing now? Can it be better?"
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "I don't know." Wangfei hasn't seen him for three days. He is not very clear about the situation in Jingyuantang, but I hope everything goes well! ”
        Xu Da Niu said:
       "Boss, don't worry, I believe the Wang Heir will be fine."
        Xu Wu said a word:
       "This is the eighth day, and Wangye is almost there." The horse rushed back, and *day should arrive.
        Xu Da Niu said:
       "It must be two days."

       Chapter 1167 - Main Heart

       On the eighth day of the onset of Haogeer, the herpes on her body turned from red to yellow, and the surrounding blush was more pronounced. The skin on her body also became red and began to be swollen.
        On the evening of the same day, Hao Ji Er woke up. Looking at Yu-Xi, Hao Ji Er’s tears could not help but fall:
        Yu-Xi was surprised and happy, but soon he calmed down and said with a smile:
       "A Hao, hungry, don't you want to eat something?"
       Hao Ji Er had a fever from the day before yesterday until now, and finally woke up.
        Seeing Hao Ji Er nodded, Yan Fang was busy going out to eat.
        Hao Ji Er looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, your face is very bad." Yu-Xi eyes are swollen like walnuts, eyes are also full of bloodshot, no blood on the face, white and white, like the two .
        Yu-Xi touched the hair of Hao Ji Er and said with a smile:
       "Nothing, when you are sick, your mother will take a rest and will be able to raise it soon."
        The voice of Hao Ji Er’s voice has become hoarse:
       "Mother, can I be alright?"
       He has been groggy these days, and he has begun to lose some confidence.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I just asked Dr. Jian just now. He said that as long as you have a fever, this disease will be better than half. If you raise it for half a month, you will be as lively as you used to." The word lively and hopping is used in Ah Hao is really inappropriate.
        Ah Hao asked with some hesitation:
        Yu-Xi holds the hand of Hao Ji Er in the palm of his hand and said softly:
       "When did you kidnap you from a young age? You can rest assured that it will be good soon." Suddenly, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "A Hao, you told my mother that when you grow up, you must learn from the mother to learn the country, follow you to school, and later become the master of the world. Ah Hao, have you forgotten?"
       These are the words of the mother and the child.
        Ah Hao shook his head gently and said:
       "No, mother, I have always kept these words in my heart."
        Yu-Xi said with kindness:
       "If today is divided, I want to be a Mingzhu, I have to unify the world first, and this is a long and arduous thing. If you can't beat a small ceiling, how can you become a unified world for the benefit of the people?" What about the Lord?"
        A Hao looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, do you think I can be the Lord?"
       At this time, Ahao is extremely unconfident.
        Yu-Xi laughed and said softly:
       "My Aho is the smartest child at the end of the day. It will be the master of the world in time." Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "A Hao, you have performed very well on most days, and everyone around you praises you. I am afraid that you are proud and complacent, so I have been pressing and saying that you are not good. In fact, like you, my mother is so smart and caring. Proud of the son."
        Hao Ji Er heard this and his eyes sparkled.
        At this time, Yan Fang took a bowl of chicken porridge and came in. Yu-Xi took it, tried the temperature, and then took a spoonful and fed it to Hao Ji.
        Hao Ji Er has some pain in his throat, and it is very painful when swallowing things. But even if it was uncomfortable, he still finished drinking a bowl of chicken porridge.
        Having said this conversation, and eating a bowl of porridge, Hao Ji children can not help but:
       "Mother, do you say you will come back?"
        Yu-Xi nodded and said with a smile:
       "You are on the road and you will be home in these two days. Maybe when you wake up, you will be back."
        Hao Ji Er couldn’t hold it anymore and whispered:
       "When you come back, mother, you have to tell me." After that, I slept again.
        That night, Yu-Xi touched the forehead of Hao Ji Er. It was found that Hao Ji forehead was very hot, and Yu-Xi hurriedly called Jian to come over and asked:
       "How can this burn not only fail, but the more it burns?"
       Yu-Xi is worried that the condition of Hao Ji Er has deteriorated.
        After reading the doctor, Dr. Yu explained to Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei, a lot of people go out of the sky without going through this level. But as long as this burns out, there is no danger of life."
        The whole person of Yu-Xi froze, but her mind is strong and she calms down very quickly:
       "As long as the fire is gone, the dangerous period has passed?"
        Dr. Jian nodded.
        Yu-Xi will sit at the bedside and hold the hand of Hao Ji Er and say softly:
       "A Hao, my mother believes that you will be able to pass this hurdle. You have always been the pride of the mother, never let the mother down, this time is definitely the same."
        In this way, Yu-Xi spoke at the bed of Hao Ji Er, saying that his throat was dry and his voice was hoarse.
        Yan Fang was uncomfortable and advised:
       "Wangfei, let's rest!"
        Yu-Xi, where would I go away at this time, said:
       "I have been talking to Ah Hao like this, she knows that I am by his side, so he will not be afraid."
        Yan Fang's lips squirmed, but eventually did not persuade. Now that I am at a critical moment, I can't even persuade Wangfei to listen.
        When the sky is bright, I have a bowl of boiled green bean soup.
       "Wangfei, drink some green beans! Mama said that this mung bean soup is good for the throat."
        Quan Mama is outside, but the people in the yard will pass the Yu-Xi to her through the outside of the yard.
        Yan Fang said:
       "Wangfei, you should drink it, don't let down Mama painstaking efforts." During this time, Quan Mama is also not free to take the time to give Yu-Xi and Hao Ji Er a nutritious and good food.
        Yu-Xi took the green bean soup and sipped it. After three, five, and two, the big bowl of mung bean soup is finished.
        At noon this day, the guards at the door saw the immediate people think that they were blind, and how Wangye fight in Yunnan would appear at his doorstep. The guard couldn't help but rub his eyes and look at it, and then he determined that the person immediately was really Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing asked:
       “Where is Wangfei and the Wang Heir?”
       When I heard that Yu-Xi and Hao Ji Er were in Jingyuan Hall, Yun-Qing rode directly across the gate and headed for Jingyuantang.
        Yi Yi and Lu Bai and other bodyguards did not dare to ride into the government, busy running down the horse to keep up.
        When he arrived at Jingyuan Hall, Yun-Qing got off the horse. Go to the door and see the door closed and -called:
       "Open the door."
        The Jingyuan Hall was very quiet, and the sound of Yun-Qing naturally spread to the house. Yu-Xi hand, said to Yan Fang:
       "I seem to hear the voice of Wangye. Go and see if Wangye is back?"
        Seeing that the door is not moving, Yun-Qing is a little angry:
       "If you hear no, open the door to the king."
        When Fang Fang heard the call from the yard, it was confirmed that Yun-Qing was no doubt. Yan Fang was busy walking to the gate and said to Yun-Qing outside the door:
       “Wangye, Wangfei ordered that the door could not be opened before the Wang Heir was fine.”
        At this time Xu Wu came over. Seeing Yun-Qing going in, it scared a big jump:
       "Wangye, you haven't had a smallpox, how can you get in?"
        Yun-Qing can not know this, but knowing does not mean accepting:
       "A Hao is still alive and dead, I have to go in and see him." After that, he sang aloud:
       "If you don't open the door again, the king will smash one of you."
        The people in the yard, you look at me, I look at you. When Fang Fang was wrong, she immediately entered the house and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei, Wangye wants us to open the door and let him in."
        Yu-Xi said to Yan Fang:
       "You look after A Hao." Hao Ji Er can not leave people around, so there is a change that can be known for the first time.
        Fang Fang nodded.
        Yu-Xi heard the sound of Yun-Qing , and his heart was a little bit safe. Yun-Qing is his main heart, as long as Yun-Qing is at her peace of mind:
       "He Rui..."
        The sound of Yun-Qing came to an abrupt end, and some incredulously looked at the door and asked:
       "Yu-Xi, how did your voice become like this? What happened to you?"
       This will be Yun-Qing , I really want to push this door down.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "I said a night with Ah Hao, and now my throat is hurting." This explains why her voice is small and hoarse.
        Yun-Qing Said:
       "Yu-Xi, you open the door, let me go in and see you and Ahao." On the way back, Yun-Qing is most afraid of hearing the news of Hao Ji absence. Fortunately, God bless, did not let him face such a tragedy.
        Yu-Xi said quietly:
       "How come you can't come out with smallpox? If you are infected, there are three long and two short, what should I do with the children?"
       This is also Yu-Xi dare to say that other people can not have this courage.
        Yun-Qing wants to say that he will not be infected, but it seems that someone is holding his throat, so that he can't say this. If he is in danger, it means that the whole family is in danger.
        Thinking of this, Yun-Qing did not insist on going to see Yu-Xi and Hao Ji. Yun-Qing asked:
       "Yu-Xi, how is Ah Hao now? Is there any improvement?"
        Yu-Xi did not take Yun-Qing and said:
       "A Hao is still having a fever. But Dr. Jian said that as long as A Hao burnout, there is no danger to his life." As for the consequences of not having a fever, this was ignored by Yu-Xi.
        Yun-Qing heard this and asked:
       "How long will it take to get back?"
        Yu-Xi said:
       "I don't know, it depends on A Hao, but the sooner you get back, the better." The longer you drag, the more serious the situation.
        Yun-Qing clenched his fist and waited for a while before asking:
       "Yu-Xi, what can I do for Ah Hao?"
        Yu-Xi has a sore throat and does not speak loudly:
       "A Hao has taken care of me, you don't have to worry. During this time, I took care of Ahao outside affairs, and I don't know what is going on outside now? Since you are back, everything outside is given to you."
        Yun-Qing Shen Sheng:
       "You can rest assured that I will take care of the outside."
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "You have been driving for so long, hurry to wash and rest, and raise your body to handle the outside."
        Yun-Qing is very uncomfortable in my heart:
       "But you have to pay attention to your body, you can't be tired." In fact, you don't have to look at it and know that Yu-Xi is definitely not good now. Unfortunately, he wants to share but can't. The only thing he can do is to cook things outside, and don't worry about Yu-Xi anymore.
        Going back to the house, Yu-Xi held the small hand of Hao Ji Er in a mosquito-like voice:
       "A Hao, you are coming back. Ah Hao, you are very worried about you, for you to come back from the battlefield in Yunnan. Ah Hao, you have to wake up soon!"
        Yun-Qing asked Xu Wu while walking:
       "Is there a grasp of the people who started the Ahao?"
       He has already identified the poisonous hand under Yan Wu-shuang, so he did not ask the master behind the scenes.
        Xu Wu said what he knew:
       "Nobody thought that Dong’s work was a fine work by others." Han Ji employer was also careful, but Baimi was a sparse person.
        Yun-Qing said coldly:
       “Yao Pozi was executed and her family was sent to the West Sea. Except for Wangfei dowry, all other people who came in through the Han family were cleared out.” Although Yao Pozi is innocent, she introduced this malicious woman to The palace is that sin. As for the rest of the people, it is safe to say that they are all released.
        Xu Wu hesitated and said:
       "Wangye, Yao Pozi husband is Han Hao brother, is it not appropriate to issue their family to the West Sea?"
       Han Hao is Han Jianming’s confidant, and it is not good to have his parents also issued the West Sea.
        Yun-Qing really doesn't know what this bend is:
       "Just put their room in the West Sea." This is also a face given to Han Jianming.
        It is also Yun-Qing that does not like to be implicated. Otherwise, what Yao Pozi did, even if she is innocent, she and her family will not be able to live.
        Xu Wu nodded.
        Yun-Qing asked:
       "Lu-Er and Rui Ji Er, are they? Can you be fine?"
       Not only the heart of the child, but also the other children.
        Xu Wu said:
       "2nd County Owners and 2nd Young Masters are in Liyuan. But the 3rd Young Master blew the wind the day before, causing the wind." As for the Wulong incident in the middle, he did not say this, saving Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing stopped and turned to look at Xu Wu.
       "Wind and heat? Do you want to be tight?"
       The child is sick, even if it is a small illness, if you don't pay attention, you will have a life.
        Xu Wu said busy:
       "Nothing, the doctor said that it is a crime, there is no big hindrance, it will be good in four or five days. These days, 3rd Young Master is personally taken care of by Guo Xun."
        Yun-Qing heard nothing to stop, and went on:
       "A Hao was not good before, Rui Ji Er, they can't go back to the government." Waiting for him to cook the things of Yucheng first, then go to Zhuangzi to see Rui Ji Er.
        Back in the backyard, after the Yun-Qing bath, Bai Mama made the meal.
        Quan Mama sees Yun-Qing and goes out after dinner. He quickly stopped him:
       "Wangye, you should rest first. Sharpen the knife and cut the woodworker. If you rest well, you can have the mentality to deal with the outside." It is also watching Yun-Qing that the bloodshot spirit is not good, and Quan Mama will stop. his.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I can not sleep."
        Quan Mama does not give in, said:
       "Wangye, you are the backbone of this family. If you fall down, Wangfei can't support it. For Wangfei and the Wang Heir, you must take care of your body."
        Yun-Qing , but Quan Mama, had to go back to the house to rest. These five days only rest two hours a day, and other times are on the road. Even if the heart is full of things, Yun-Qing will sleep on the bed without much.
        Quan Mama gently covered the quilt for Yun-Qing and then walked out lightly. Going to the door, Quan Mama said in a voice she could hear:
       "I hope this thing can be done soon." Her old life has gone halfway, and I can't afford any blows and toss.

       Chapter 1168 - Hao Ji Er burns back

       Lu-Er holds the ‘zither’ in her hand, and her two Servant carry two boxes in their hands, and three people walk into the house of Xuan Ji Er.
        You Ji-Er asks:
       "Second sister, what are you doing?"
       Lu-Er is not in good health, Guo Xuan is afraid that she will be sick when she is close to Xuan Ji Er, so she is not allowed to enter the ward. When Xuan Ji Er had a fever, Lu-Er was allowed to enter the house to see Xuan Ji Er.
        Lu-Er said:
       "A Xuan said very boring last night, I promised to play the ‘zither’ to him." This is why she is holding the ‘zither’.
        Xuan Ji Er lay in bed and whispered:
       "Second sister, I want to listen to "Yangchun Baixue"." The melody of this song is fresh and smooth, and the rhythm is lively and brisk. It shows the scene of the resurgence of everything in the winter and spring. This song is very suitable for people who are sick.
        Lu-Er nodded and smiled:
       "Good. I will give you a bullet when I order it."
        When you finish speaking, you will open the box in the lotus hand and take out a three-legged beauty smoker from the inside. Then open the box in the new hand, take a thin piece of things from the inside and put it in the furnace. Not much will, the house will emit a faint scent.
        You Ji-Er smelled the fragrance and asked:
       "Second sister, the third brother is sick now, what if the smell of the rose makes the condition worse?"
       Lu-Er likes roses very much, not only making rose tea and bathing with rose petals, but also using rose spices.
        Lu-Er is not angry, said softly:
       "I asked the doctor. The doctor said that the rose fragrance has the effect of relaxing and soothe the nerves. A Xuan smells that it is not bad for him." He also listened to Xuan Ji Er complaining that the taste in the room was too bad, she only With Guo Xuan, the people of Wangfu were sent to the aromatherapy furnace and spices.
        After listening to this, You Ji-Er is no longer opposed.
        Lu-Er played three songs that Xuangeer liked. When the three songs were finished, Xuan Ji Er’s look was much better.
        You Ji-Er sees the opening:
       "Second sister, before the third brother is sick, you come to play the ‘zither’ every day to listen to him!" In a good mood, the third brother's illness can be better.
        Lu-Er nodded lightly:
       "it is good."
        In the evening, Guo Xuan told the 4th Brother and sisters a good news:
       "Wangye is back."
        Rui Ji Er asked without trust:
       "Is it wrong, how can I come back when he is fighting in Yunnan?"
       The war is not a play, how can he leave the war and go home.
        Guo Xun said:
       “Wangye is a home that came back from Yunnan and arrived at noon.” He was surprised by the news.
        You Ji-Er has a slight change in color and asks:
       "Is it a big brother?"
       If it was not for this reason, he would not be able to come back from Yunnan.
        The more I think it makes sense, You Ji-Er immediately clamored to return to the city:
       "You used to lie to us before, the big brother must have an accident, otherwise you will not come back."
        Lu-Er and Rui Ji Er heard this and they also changed their faces. Lu-Er tears in the eyelids:
       "Uncle Guo, you tell us the truth, is Ah Hao really going wrong?"
        Guo Xun has some headaches and said:
       "Don't guess, the Wang Heir is fine. Wangfei wants to take care of the Wang Heir and can't take care of the government, so I write to let Wangye come back to preside over the big picture."
        You Ji-Er didn’t believe what he said:
       "You tell us the truth, is Big Brother really okay?"
        Guo Xun sank and decided to tell the truth:
       “The Wang Heir is not a high fever and is still in a coma.”
        You Ji-Er is completely sluggish:
       "How could this be? This is the ninth day, how is the big brother still having a fever?"
       It’s so hot for so many days, it’s more dangerous!
        Guo Xuan said:
       "The people who get the smallpox will be dead." Let a few ancestors know it, and save them that they think that smallpox is a small problem and don't take it seriously.
        You Ji-Er's face is instantly white:
       "Then my big brother is not life-threatening?"
       He always thought that smallpox was a minor illness, and Darens were so scared that they were so scary. Now I know how wrong he was before.
        Guo Xun shook his head and said:
       "I asked the doctor, they said that the Wang Heir had been through the nine days, as long as the fever is gone, it will be fine, if it can not be a fever..." He did not say it afterwards, I believe that several ancestors can understand.
        Lu-Er tears and whispers, whispered:
       "How could this be?"
       She thought that Hao Ji condition had stabilized and there would be no problem. I did not expect that Hao Ji Er is still struggling on the edge of life and death.
        Xuan Ji Er was the worst, crying and yelling:
       "Big brother, you must not have anything!"
        You Ji-Er said with a small fist:
       "Big brother is so powerful, it will be fine, we must believe him."
        Rui Ji Er focuses on the following:
       "I also believe that Big Brother will not have something to do." Although Hao Ji Er is only one year older than the triplets, his position in the eyes of the triplets is second only to Yun-Qing .
        You Ji-Er thought about it:
       "Second brother, third brother, we can't go back to see big brother, but we can write to him." The disease is so dangerous, he knows that even Guo Xuan will not let him go back. But writing a letter should be fine.
        This statement was approved by Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er. Although Xuan Ji Er is in the middle of illness, he is not willing to make a ghostwriter and insists on writing letters.
        Lu-Er would like to say that A Hao is now unconscious and can't see him by writing a letter. Can look at the 3rd Brother solemn appearance, this sentence finally did not say.
        After the 3rd Brother wrote the letter, they gave it to Guo Xun. You Ji-Er said:
       "Uncle Guo, you have to send this letter back to the palace as soon as possible, let the big brother know that we are all worried about him, I hope he will wake up soon."
        Guo Xun nodded:
       "I will send you your letter back to the palace now." Although it is useless, this letter is a favorite of the triplets.
        Also on this evening, Huo Changqing got the news that Hao Ji had a smallpox. Huo Changqing is anxious:
       "A Hao got the smallpox? What time?"
        Han Jianming’s face is also very ugly:
       "Nine days ago." He also received the letter from the family to know about it. The same is true, the time of knowing is a bit late.
        Huo Changqing immediately ordered Ade:
       "Go to prepare the horses, let's go back to the city." Nothing is important to Ah Hao.
        Han Jianming said:
       "Lao Taiye, even if you are back to Yucheng now, it is already late..."
        When the words are not finished, Huo Changqing -calls like a thunder:
       "What is it that I am late for the city? A Hao is also your relatives, how can you curse him?"
       A few children, Huo Changqing's favorite is Hao Ji Er, and he also has high hopes for him. How can he hear the bad news of A Hao?
        Han Jianming smiled bitterly:
       "Lao Taiye, you also said that Ahao is my shi-zi. How can I curse him? I mean that Ah Hao has been in the crisis for nine days, and he will be able to pass the dangerous period in two days. You can't help you when you go back now." He just heard the news and was anxious to get out of the fire.
        This is also like a human voice, Huo Changqing looks a little slower:
       "If I can't help, I have to go back. I didn't see Ah Hao, I don't trust."
        Han Jianming said:
       "Lao Taiye, you are old, this Jinling is a thousand miles away from the city. Nothing is ready to go on the road, what if there is any accident on the road? Wangye not only has to worry about Ahao, but also worry. is you."
        Huo Changqing knows that Han Jianming is right.
        Li, his current age can not catch up with the night, no rest for one night, no spirit the next day. However, he does not want to stay more:
       "You go to arrange, I will go back tomorrow morning." One night, enough to prepare.
        Han Jianming knows that Huo Changqing has made a concession and nodded and agreed:
       "it is good."
        Huo Changqing thinks of Yu Xin and says:
       "After a few days, Huo Hao will return to the city. When you send Yu Xin to go with her." Huo Wei was not good enough to go, and Yu Xin followed her back.
        Han Jianming naturally will not refuse.
        The letters of the 3rd Brother of Rui Ji Er were sent to the hands of Yu-Xi after the second day of breakfast. Yu-Xi first broke the letter of Rui Ji Er, and then read it to Hao Ji Er.
        After reading the letters of the 3rd Brother, Yu-Xi whispered:
       "A Hao, Yan Niang and Rui Ji Er, they are all worried about you. Ah Hao, you must wake up quickly, you know?"
        Yan Fang took the food into the house and placed it next to Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei, you have something to eat!"
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "First put aside, I have no appetite." Hao Ji was at the end of life and death, she could not eat anything.
        Yan Fang complained:
       "Wangfei, the Wang Heir will definitely be very sad if you wake up to see you. Wangfei, even for the Wang Heir, you have to eat something!" See Yu-Xi does not move, Fang Fang said:
       "Wangfei, the Wang Heir will take some time to recover after the fever. Dr. Jian said that if it is not taken care of, it will still sequel. Wangfei, if you fall down, you can no longer take care of the Wang Heir." In order to persuade Yu-Xi to rest and eat, Yan Fang really used what was used. And what I said these days is much more than she said in the previous year.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Give me a bowl of soup!" The rice can't be eaten. Drink some soup.
        Yun-Qing is equally worried, and he has not dealt with government affairs. Yun-Qing and Xu Wu said:
       "This is the tenth day, why is A Hao still unconscious?"
       Yesterday, Yun-Qing only slept for two hours. After that, he has been dealing with government affairs and has been busy until now.
        Xu Wu can't answer this question.
        Before Xu Da Niu approached, he whispered:
       "Wangye, Tan Daren asked for it." Tan Tuo followed Yun-Qing until the middle of the night before going to rest. For the return of Yun-Qing , Tan Tuo is most happy. God knows how he is afraid of these days. Now that Yun-Qing is back, he can finally save the burden.
        Xu Wu See Yun-Qing , don't want to see Tan Tuo, said:
       "Wangye, I know that you are in a hurry, but these things can't be delayed! Otherwise, Wangfei knows that he can't take care of the Wang Heir in the future." In fact, this will be more important in the heart of Yu-Xi than the son. Outside is the sky will fall and she will not manage it. However, this is very effective for Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing summoned the anxiety in his heart, summoned Tan Tuo, and then discussed the political affairs with several other ministers.
        Near noon, Yu-Xi touched the forehead of Hao Ji Er. This action does not know how many times to do it every day. But this time, it is the happiest one for Yu-Xi:
       "Jian doctor, call Jian."
        Dr. Jian was dispensing medicine in the next room, even if the Wang Heir woke up, it would take some time to recover. During this time, it is also not sloppy.
        Hearing the cry, Jian was busy putting the medicine in his hand into the bedroom.
        Yu-Xi This will be amazement and joy with a hint of embarrassment, this complex is extremely complex:
       "Master Jian, look at it, Ah Hao has a fever."
        After Jian saw it, he nodded slightly:
       "Yes, the Wang Heir has gone down." During this time, Yu-Xi looked at the care of Hao Ji Er, but he looked at it. Outside the rumor, Yu-Xi was hot and cold-blooded. After contact, I realized that the rumors were outrageous. A mother who can be so kind to her son, how could it be a hot and cold person!
        Yan Fang folded her hands and recited:
       "Amitabha, God bless." Wangfei is not sleepy these days, and then the Wang Heir is fine. Wangfei has to fall down first.
        Yu-Xi looked at Hao Ji Er and said:
       "Now wait for Ah Hao to wake up." Wake up, the danger is really over.
        Dr. Jian reminded Yu-Xi:
       "Wangfei, the next is the crusting period, this time will be longer, usually about ten days. Wangfei, although there is no life risk during the crusting period, but because of the cruelness of crusting, many people can not help Grab, it will fall behind. So this time must be careful not to let the Wang Heir use it." If the body is better, if you scratch the herpes on the face, it will be disfigured.
        Yu-Xi nods:
       "I will take care of Ah Hao and will not let him catch the wound."
        Sitting for too long, my legs were numb, and the legs of Yu-Xi were shaking when I got up. Yan Fang helped her to say:
       "Wangfei, let's take a break!"
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I am hungry, you go get some food to eat." Hao Ji Er's burning back, she also has appetite.
        When Yu Fang turned around, Yu-Xi said:
       "Tell Wangye about the news of the fever of Wang Heir, let him not worry." Burned back, I believe that Hao Ji Er will wake up soon.
        Yan Fang nodded and said:
       "it is good."
        Yun-Qing Hearing that Haogeer had a fever, there was no danger of life, and the whole person relaxed.
        Xu Wu finally showed a smile:
       "I said that the Wang Heir is a natural person, and there will be nothing."
        Xu Da Niu is beside him, this is clearly what I said is good.
        Yun-Qing asked Xu Da Niu said:
       "Can the doctor say that the Wang Heir can heal?"
       Although Hao Ji Er was not life-threatening, he still could not see his son before he recovered.
        Xu Da Niu said:
       "My aunt said that it will take about ten days for the Wang Heir to heal." As long as there is no danger to life, ten days will soon pass, but he can't tell Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing frowned, but he also knew that the disease was urgent:
       "How about Wangfei, can you be fine?"
        Xu Da Niu message is quite reliable:
       “When the Wang Heir had a fever, Wangfei told her aunt to eat it. Wangye didn’t have to worry, he would take care of himself for the Wang Heir Wangfei.”
        Yun-Qing didn't talk after a bang, and bowed down to continue to review the memorial.

       Chapter 1169 - Beginning to talk about feminism

       On this night, there are no moons and no stars, and the outside is dark. The six red lanterns in Jingyuan Hall are particularly warm on this quiet and dark night.
        Hao Ji Er's eyelids moved a few times, then slowly opened his eyes, and the eye was Yu-Xi lying on his bed. Hao Ji Er -called softly:
        The voice was so small that it could hardly be heard. At least the Fang Fang, who was waiting next to him, did not hear it, but Yu-Xi immediately opened his eyes. Seeing Hao Ji Er wake up Yu-Xi is happy:
       "A Hao, you are awake."
        Hao Ji Er um a voice:
       "Mother, I want to drink water." He is now dry in his throat, and he is very uncomfortable.
        Yu-Xi stood up and poured a glass of water, a small spoonful of a spoonful of feed. After feeding a small cup of water, Yu-Xi asked:
       "A Hao, do you feel better now?"
        After drinking the water, the throat is much more comfortable. Hao Ji Er said:
       "Mother, I am much better now." Now the brain is sober, not as faint as before.
        I heard Hao Ji belly -calling, and Yu-Xi face showed a big smile:
       "Hungry? Mother to eat for you."
        Without Yu-Xi going out, Yan Fang has already eaten the end. Because Hao Ji Er is still not good enough to eat some liquid food. Yu-Xi said with some distress:
       "When you are healed, my mother lets Bai Mama give you a table of dishes you like."
        Hao Ji Er looked up at Yu-Xi and asked:
       "Mother, am I getting better?"
       He now feels a lot easier than before and should be getting better.
        Yu-Xi points to the next line:
       "There is no danger to life, but if you want it all, it will take about ten days. You should eat first, and then I will tell you slowly after eating." Ah Hao is different from ordinary children, so Yu-Xi Not ready to stare at him.
        It’s hard to hear the next jagged period that Yu-Xi said, Hao Ji said:
       "Mother, if I can't help but scratch it when I get there, you will tie me up!"
        Yu-Xi also has this plan:
       "Well, Mother just makes you mentally prepared."
        Hao Ji Er showed a weak smile.
        Yun-Qing heard that Hao Ji Er woke up and left the matter at hand to come to the door of Jingyuan Hall. Standing at the door, Yun-Qing -called:
       "Yu-Xi, Ahao..."
        Hao Ji Er heard the voice of Yun-Qing and looked at Yu-Xi with some stunned:
       "Mom, I seem to hear you calling me? Mother, I am not mistaken."
        Yu-Xi smiled:
       "I didn't get it wrong, you came back, come back at noon. He must have heard you wake up, so I couldn't help but see you."
        Hao Ji Er is busy shaking his head:
       "No, I haven't had a smallpox to let him in." Those who have never had a smallpox don't know the horrible disease. If it wasn't for his mother who had been encouraging him at the bedside, he couldn't really go on, it was too painful.
        Yu-Xi nods:
       "Mother won't let you in, but if you have anything, you can transfer it to him."
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "I am very happy to be able to come back." Although he was so irresponsible when he left the war ahead, he was sweet in his heart.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Mother went out to talk to you, let your aunt kiss you." The potion that wiped the body of Hao Ji was personally prepared by Jian. The effect is still very good.
        The husband and ‘Madam’, as usual, speak through the door. Yun-Qing asked:
       "Yu-Xi, I heard Ah Hao woke up?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Yeah, Ah Hao just woke up. He knows that you are happy to come back for him." Hao Ji Er felt that he was valued, so he was so happy.
        Yun-Qing sounds a bit low:
       "Unfortunately I can't go see him now." He was a little depressed, why didn't he have a smallpox when he was a child! If not, don't be locked out.
        If Yu-Xi knows his thoughts, it will be very speechless. Only those who have had smallpox know how painful they are when they are sick.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "A Hao has no life danger, you don't have to worry, you can see him in another half a month."
        Yun-Qing knows that there is no shortcut to this, and I can only wait patiently:
       "You don't have to worry about things outside, I will take care of them."
        With Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi doesn't worry about anything outside:
       "What can you find out at Yuan Bulin?"
       Now Yu-Xi is finally in a mood to ask about this.
        Yun-Qing said with some regrets:
       "After a step, the man went out of the northwest and didn't know where to go. But although he didn't hold the man who was ruined, the behind-the-scenes ambassador must be Yan Wu-shuang." After that, Yun-Qing said with a sullen look. :
       "Yu-Xi, this hatred, I will definitely report for Hao Ji Er."
        Yu-Xi frowned, and she felt that Hao Ji work was not like Yan Wu-shuang's handwriting. If Hao Ji Er has no influence on the overall situation, it is impossible to do such a thing with Yan Wu-shuang temperament. He wants to start, it is also the right to Yun-Qing or to start with her.
        Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said:
       "This is not anxious beforehand, wait until Haoge is sick and say it again." Now she has not much thought to think about this matter, and wait for Haoge to get sick after he is sick. If it is really a poisonous hand under Yan Wu-shuang, she will not be willing to give up.
        Yun-Qing did not refuse:
       "it is good."
        Say a few more words, Yu-Xi said:
       "Hao Ji Er is still waiting for me, I have to go in and take care of him." After that, Yu-Xi added another sentence:
       "You have to take care of your body."
        Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "You are the same. Be sure to take good care of your body. Don't wait for Hao Ji, you are sick again."
        Yu-Xi entered the house and said to Hao Ji Er:
       "You said that you can get better soon, so that he can see you."
        Hao Ji Er also wants to go early! In the past, it was the most infected place, and it didn't take two days. This time it was really a big crime.
        Speaking of a small conversation, Yu-Xi -called at the incomprehensible spirit of Hao Ji Er, softly said:
        Looking at the Yu-Xi unbearable look, Hao Ji was a little distressed. His mother looks like this, and she looks a lot older than before. Hao Ji Er whispered:
       "Mom, I am fine, go to sleep too!"
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "When you sleep, my mother will go to rest." Hao Ji has no life and she can safely go to sleep. It is enough to take care of Hao Ji Er.
        Yu-Xi has also had a smallpox, and the things in front have been forgotten, but the time of the knot has not been forgotten. During that time, it’s no exaggeration to describe the truth in years.
        After Hao Ji Er slept, Yu-Xi confessed to Fang Fang and rested on the soft couch.
        The situation of Hao Ji Er is slowly improving. The most obvious manifestation is that the pustules on the body of Hao Ji began to shrink and dry, the surrounding redness disappeared, and the herpes gradually dried up, forming a yellow-green thick sputum.
        Twisting the body, Hao Ji and Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother, itchy." But still within the range that can be tolerated, so Hao Ji did not catch.
        Yu-Xi holds the hand of Hao Ji Er and says:
       "Forbearance and forbearance." This is only the beginning, the most difficult time from the knot to the fall off.
        Hao Ji Er nodded:
       "Mother, tell me about your childhood!" The child is very curious, and Hao Ji has always wanted to know what Yu-Xi used to be.
        If it is normal, Yu-Xi will definitely not tell Hao Ji. It is only now that Hao Ji Er is a patient, big and big, and the patient is the biggest. Yu-Xi did not refuse, and talking to Hao Ji Er could divert his attention:
       "The mother started talking about the smallpox."
        When Yu-Xi talked about Han Jingyan giving a gift to Han Yu-Chen but not her share, Hao Ji said:
       "Mother is so good, why doesn't that person like you?"
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "This mother does not know, it may be that the mother has no parents!" In fact, Yu-Xi knows why Han Jingyan doesn't like her, nothing more than hate the house and the black.
        Speaking for a little half an hour, Yu-Xi touched the head of Hao Ji Er and said:
       "Sleep! Wait until the mother wakes up and tells you."
        Hao Ji Er listened uncomfortably, plus did not sleep, shook his head and said:
       "Mother, are the three aunts really beautiful as you said?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "If you look like a fairy or a god, you can use these words to describe your three mothers. And since the three mothers have been open, there is no such thing as a man who sees her." The appearance is given by God. Envy is also envious.
        Hao Ji Er did not agree, saying:
       "I think that Niang is the most beautiful person in the world. And I believe, I am sure that I am thinking the same way."
        Yu-Xi can't smile:
       "My family, Hao Ji Er, also learned to talk sweetly, really good."
        Happily being teased by Yu-Xi, there is nothing to be embarrassed about:
       "Mother, in fact, I think the appearance is second. The most important thing is to look at the character and ability of the character. In this respect, the three mothers can't match the hair of the mother."
        Yu-Xi slammed a channel:
       "How do you say that?"
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "She is the biological mother of the Emperor, how can she remarriage to Yan Wu-shuang? Where does she leave the Emperor?"
       The waste emperor that Hao Ji Er said refers to Zhou-Yan.
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "So what do you think she should do?"
        Hao Ji Er said very coldly:
       "She should follow the Emperor Sizon." This is the idea of ​​the world. Hao Ji Er is also deeply affected by it.
        Yu-Xi did not blame Hao Ji Er, but asked:
       "A Hao, if, I mean if. If you change your mother to mother, do you want me to remarriage as a son, or do you want me to die?"
        This is really unlucky. Hao Ji Er said busy:
       "Mother, what we are talking about now is the three mothers."
        Yu-Xi is definitely watching Hao Ji children:
       "I just made a hypothesis. If you don't remarriage, you have to die. Ah Hao, if it is you, what choice would you make?"
        Hao Ji Er looked at the seriousness of Yu-Xi eyes and knew that it was not a joke. He fell into deep thought. After a while, Hao Ji said with a sigh:
       "I hope that the mother can live." Let Yu-Xi remarriage this, Hao Ji can not say.
        For this answer, Yu-Xi is still quite satisfied:
       "When your three aunts were arrested on the same day, they committed suicide. Unfortunately, she did not die. As for why she would remarriage to Yan Wu-shuang, I think it should be coerced." Suddenly, Yu-Xi said:
       "A Hao, death is very easy, but sometimes it is tormented to live."
        Hao Ji Er knows more about the outside world:
       "Even if she said that she was forced to remarriage, she gave birth to Yan Wu-shuang, and Yan Wu-shuang couldn’t force her. Mother, if you change to be you, you will give your life. Child?"
       Without the answer of Yu-Xi, he knew that it was impossible.
        Yu-Xi did not answer this question, but said:
       "A Hao, do you think this woman should die if her husband is dead?"
        This question Ahao could not answer at the moment. After all, it is an eight-year-old child. This problem is too far away from him.
        Yu-Xi sneered and said:
       "A man who has died can turn a blind eye, but a woman can not be remarried if she dies. Some children are not allowed to remarriage, so there is still a hope. Some women have no children, and her husband is dead and she is not allowed to remarriage. So, what is the difference between living a living with a walking dead." The northwest folk customs are open, and widows remarriage is normal. However, in the capital and many places widows are not allowed to remarriage, and the days are extremely difficult.
        Hao Ji Er listened to this and asked:
       "Mother, do you think that if a husband dies, why should she remarriage?"
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "When a woman dies, her husband's decision not to remarriage should be decided by herself, not by others. But this world is unfair to women, and the fate of women is determined by the clan and the husband."
        Hao Ji Er feels that this question is too esoteric, and I don't know how to answer it. After a long time, Hao Ji Er asked:
       "Mother, what do you want to do?"
       With her mother temperament, since she is not used to this phenomenon, she will definitely do something.
        Yu-Xi did not take advantage of Hao Ji Er and said:
       "Mother wants to change this situation." She does not want to let the woman sit on the same level as the man. She only hopes that her efforts will improve the status of women and make their days better. They are no longer oppressed by random bullying. Object.
        Having said that, Yu-Xi deliberately paused and looked at Hao Ji children:
       “But it’s hard to change the status quo, it takes a long process, and it may not even be possible in the lifetime of the mother.”
        Hao Ji Er said:
       "Mother, ten years will not work for twenty years. I believe that if you have the heart, you can definitely change this situation."
        Yu-Xi said very seriously:
       "If the mother did not do it, she hopes that A Hao can help her mother realize this wish." This is the purpose of Yu-Xi and Hao Ji Er.
        Hao Ji Er understood, and his mother specially told him that he hoped to get his support. Hao Ji Er immediately stated:
       "Mother assured, Ahao will definitely help her mother to fulfill this wish." No one knows that the mother and son had a very normal conversation and changed the fate of many people.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "it is good."
        After talking for such a long time, Hao Ji was a little tired:
       "Mother, wait for me to wake up, you will continue to talk to me about your affairs in Han." I was just entangled in my own problems.
        Yu-Xi did not refuse, and gave him a side to cover the quilt and said:
       "Reassured, the girl promised that you will not regret it." The child's curiosity is too heavy. What is good about this sesame rot and glutinous rice!
        After Hao Ji Er fell asleep, Yan Fang said:
       "Wangfei, the medicinal bath is good, you can soak." From the onset of Haogeer to the present, Yu-Xi did not take a bath. Before, because she was worried that she couldn’t care for her, she couldn’t take it anymore.
        Soaked in a small half-time medicinal bath, changed the water with three water rinses, and the washed skin was somewhat white.

Continue ....

Han Yuxi

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